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Class 4 :: English Literature :: I Tried to Do My Homework by Kenn Nesbitt (Cambridge Connection English)


I Tried to Do My Homework by Kenn Nesbitt (Cambridge Connection English)

"I tried to do my homework

  but a show was on TV.

  A song was on the radio.

  A friend was texting me.

  My email chimed, and so, of course.

  I had to look at that.

  It linked me to a video

  of someone's silly cat.

  I watched a dozen videos,

  and then I played a game.

  I almost didn't hear her

  when my mother called my name.

  I looked up at the clock

  and it was time to go to bed.

  I didn't get my homework done;

  Just other stuff in stead.

  I hope my teacher listens

  to the cause of my inaction.

  It's not my fault the world

  is just one big distraction."

Summary of the Poem :

In the poem, a little kid is telling about all the distractions it faces while it supposed to do its homework. It is a kid of this modern age, surrounded by all the scientific gadgets.

At the beginning, the kid is about to do homework and distracted by a TV show and a song on the radio. Then the kid gets attracted to the chime of the email and checks it. It is a video link of someone's silly cat. The kid watches it and continues watching a dozen videos and ends up playing a game. The mother of the kid is calling, but it does not hear it as it is so engaged in the videos and the game.

The kid looks at the clock and it is time to go to bed. The homework is not done due to other things he is engaged with. The kid is scared of tomorrow at school. It hopes that the teacher would listen to the cause of not doing homework. It is not its fault as the world it lives is full of distraction.


A. Answer the questions.

1. Who is the speaker in the poem?

= The speaker in the poem is a kid, most probably a little boy.

2. How old do you think the speaker is?

= I think the speaker is around ten years old.

3. What task did the speaker have from school?

= The speaker had homework from school.

4. Did the speaker complete the task?

= No, the speaker did not complete the task.

B. Fill in the blanks.

The speaker did not complete homework  because he had many distractions. He spent the time watching TV, listening to song on radio, checking email, watching videos and playing game . Finally, when his mother called him he realised it was time to go to bed . He thinks his teacher ought to understand that it was not his fault, rather his world was full of distractions .

C. Read the lines and answer the questions.

1. "My email chimed, and so, of course

      I had to look at that."

a. What is meant by email chimed?

= It meant that the speaker got an email. The chime was the notification sound of the email.

b. Why does the speaker say that he had to look at that?

= The speaker had to look at that to check the email.

c. Do you think he could have checked it later?

= Yes, I think he could have checked it later. As he is a little child, so he would never have an urgent email. So he could definitely checked it later. 

2. "It linked me to a video

      of someone's silly cat."

a. What is it?

= It is the email the kid has got.

b. Do you think the speaker liked the video? How do you know?

= Yes, I think the speaker liked the video.

He liked the video and that is why continued watching a dozen more videos.

3. "I watched a dozen videos,

      and then I played a game."

a. With whom did the speaker play a game?

= The speaker played a game in the computer.

b. Is it possible to play a game without friends?

= Yes, it is possible to play a game without friends if it is played in the computer or in a mobile phone.

c. Would you like to play games on your own or with friends? Why?

= I would like to play games, either outdoor games or indoor games or video games, with my friends only. As it is more fun to play games with friends.

D. Think and answer.

1. Do you think the teacher will understand and excuse the speaker for not doing homework?

= I think the teacher will definitely understand the mischief the kid has done and scold him for his deeds. It is clear that the kid is careless about his studies and have all his attention towards the stupid things around him.

2. If the teacher scolds the speaker, do you think she is right? Give reasons for your answer.

= If the teacher scolds the speaker, I think she is right. As the kid is very inattentive to his studies. He is engaged in many a thing and wastes his time except doing his homework. He should have the minimum knowledge that he should do all the other things only after doing his homework complete. 

3. Do you have similar distractions? If so, then share your experience.

If not, state the reasons.

= Yes, I have similar distractions. In my home, when I sit to do my homework, all the other things attract me. My grandparents watches TV, my elder sister sings, my elder brother plays video games in his laptop, around me. Then only I think of the teacher taking my homework on the next day. I move on to a quiet place far away from all this and do my homework.

About the Poet :

Kenn Nesbitt (born 20 February 1962) is an American poet. He is a writer of humorous poetry for children. His Poems often include outrageous happenings, before ending on a realistic note. Many of his poems make fun of school life. Children all over the world love his poems because he seems to be expressing their thoughts.

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I Need to Do My Homework Poem

I need to do my homework poem for kids.

The poem "I need to do my homework" is a short english poem written by Kenn Nesbitt is a relatable and humorous take on the struggles of procrastination. It follows the story of a student who wants to do their homework but is easily distracted by other things, such as messages, videos, and games. The poem uses repetition and a light-hearted tone to convey the theme of procrastination and its consequences. It is a reminder of how we can all get sidetracked from our responsibilities and how important it is to stay focused and manage our time effectively. The poem is a great way to introduce the topic of procrastination and its negative effects to students and it can also be a good way to make them reflect on their own behavior.

The Poet, Kenn Nesbitt

The Poet, Kenn Nesbitt

I Need To Do My Homework Poem

I need to do my homework.

I really shouldn’t wait.

If I don’t do it right away,

my homework will be late.

But first, I’ll check my messages.

Oh, look, I got a text.

I probably should answer it,

then do my homework next.

My friend says there’s a video.

I simply have to see.

I’ll watch it first,

and do my homework momentarily.

But now I’m feeling hungry, so

I need a snack.

I’ll get myself a bite to eat

and then I’ll come right back.

Hey, I just remembered

there’s a game I want to play.

Just twenty minutes won’t make

that much difference anyway.

I’d better do my homework now

and not procrastinate.

Except, oh no! It’s time for bed…

My homework will be late.

 — Kenn Nesbitt

Theme of the I Need to Do My Homework Poem with Picture

The theme of the poem "I need to do my homework" by Kenn Nesbitt is procrastination and the consequences of putting things off. The poem describes the struggles of a student who wants to do their homework but is easily distracted by other things, such as messages, videos, and games. The poem uses humour and repetition to convey the theme of procrastination and how it leads to the student's late homework. The poem also touches on the theme of distractions and how they can prevent one from completing their responsibilities. The poem is a reminder of the importance of time management and focusing on the task at hand rather than getting sidetracked by other things.

Reading poem

Reading poem

The Literary Meaning of the Poem

The poem describes the inner thoughts of a student who wants to do their homework but is easily distracted by other things, such as messages, videos, and games. The poem conveys the theme of procrastination and its consequences through repetition and a light-hearted tone. The poem highlights the common distractions that can prevent one from completing their responsibilities and how they can lead to late homework.

The poem also touches on the theme of time management and how it is essential to focus on the task at hand rather than getting sidetracked by other things. The student's inner thoughts, such as "I’ll watch it first, and do my homework momentarily" and "I’ll get myself a bite to eat, and then I’ll come right back", reflect on how we often convince ourselves to put things off and how it becomes a cycle of procrastination.

Overall, the poem is a relatable and humorous take on the struggles of procrastination and its consequences. It serves as a reminder of the importance of time management and staying focused on our responsibilities. The poem is a good way to introduce the topic of procrastination and its negative effects on students and to make them reflect on their behaviour.

For more information, students can refer to the I Need To Do My Homework Poem Pdf available on the website.

I Need To Do My Homework Poem Summary

The poem highlights the common distractions that can prevent one from completing their responsibilities and how they can lead to late homework. It also touches on the theme of time management and how it is important to focus on the task at hand rather than getting sidetracked by other things. The poem also shows that procrastination is a common human tendency, and it is important to be aware of it and take action to overcome it.

FAQs on I Need to Do My Homework Poem

1. What common distractions are mentioned in the poem "I need to do my homework"?

Examples of common distractions mentioned in the poem "I need to do my homework" include checking messages, watching videos, playing games, and getting a snack. These distractions are relatable and show how easily we can get sidetracked from our responsibilities.

2. How does the poem "I need to do my homework" relate to students and their experience with procrastination?

The poem "I need to do my homework" is relatable to students as it describes their common procrastination struggles. The poem's relatable and humorous tone makes it an enjoyable way for students to reflect on their own behavior and learn about the negative effects of procrastination.

3. How does the poem "I need to do my homework" convey the theme of time management?

The poem "I need to do my homework" conveys the theme of time management through its emphasis on staying focused on our responsibilities and not getting sidetracked by distractions. The poem serves as a reminder of the importance of managing our time effectively and not wasting it on procrastination.

Poems & Poets

July/August 2024

I Love to Do My Homework

I love to do my homework, It makes me feel so good. I love to do exactly As my teacher says I should. I love to do my homework, I never miss a day. I even love the men in white Who are taking me away. Source: Kids Pick the Funniest Poems (1991)

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i tried to do my homework poem

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i tried to do my homework poem

Richard Le Gallienne


Richard Le Gallienne (1866 -  1947) was born in Liverpool, England. A contemporary of Oscar Wilde and W. B. Yeats, he was widely published but tended to be more of a romantic than his counterparts. He moved to the U.S. in 1903, hoping to breathe new life into his writing career, but his continued preference for sentimental styling kept him out of sync with American tastes of that time. He moved to Paris in 1927 and began writing a weekly column for the New York Sun, which was a perfect venue for his romantic style of writing . A compilation of some of those columns won Le Gallienne an award for "best book about France by a foreigner."  In the course of his life, Le Gallienne wrote nearly ninety books and innumerable articles.

A slightly modified version of this poem is in the Friends 1971 movie. The last paragraph words were altered to conform with the movie plot. Very nicely done. You can also download the Elton John's Rare Masters recording on iTunes. song 17. Though I recommend downloading the entire soundtrack songs #10-#19. The music captures the feel of LeGallennes poem.

This poem was so well adapted with lovely music to the French teen romance movie "Friends"(1971). The soundtrack is an amazing way to escape for a moment in time.

This is my favourite poem of all time and my life's mantra

this poem reminds me of my sister Carole - in Cape Breton - she lived this!

I memorized this poem almost 50 years ago, in 7th grade. It still calls me, in spite of or because of being an overly busy physician!

I can easily step into this reflection. Sorry to hear that the USA was not ready for him at the time. Gentleness is so badly needed.

Great find. The title made me cringe as my mind rushed to my own work . . . but the poem's lightness brightened my day.

Astute observation and great outlook, Kay. Cool little poem.

Ah, yes! I can identify with this!

This poem is my motto! Wonderful similarities between childhood and retirement.
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i tried to do my homework poem

Published by Family Friend Poems May 2014 with permission of the Author.

I've told you once, mom's told you twice. Forgetting homework just isn't nice. Homework is like getting dressed; got to do it to be your best. You say it isn't fair, but people do it everywhere. Do it now, get it done. I know, I know it isn't fun. Homework is like cleaning your room, except you don't have to use a broom. Do it now; we'll give you a treat, something tasty good to eat. We're like parrots repeating stuff, like our brains have turned to fluff. JUST DO YOUR HOMEWORK NOW!


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i tried to do my homework poem

All My Great Excuses

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From the book Revenge of the Lunch Ladies

All My Great Excuses

I started on my homework but my pen ran out of ink. My hamster ate my homework. My computer’s on the blink.

I accidentally dropped it in the soup my mom was cooking. My brother flushed it down the toilet when I wasn’t looking.

My mother ran my homework through the washer and the dryer. An airplane crashed into our house. My homework caught on fire.

Tornadoes blew my notes away. Volcanoes struck our town. My notes were taken hostage by an evil killer clown.

Some aliens abducted me. I had a shark attack. A pirate swiped my homework and refused to give it back.

I worked on these excuses so darned long my teacher said, “I think you’ll find it’s easier to do the work instead.”

 — Kenn Nesbitt

Copyright © 2007. All Rights Reserved.

Reading Level: Grade 3 Topics: Imaginary Poems , School Poems Poetic Techniques: Hyperbole , Irony , List Poems , Narrative Poems Word Count: 131

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Oh, Did You Need That Homework? [poetry friday]

  • May 7, 2015

i tried to do my homework poem

One of the highlights of my month was this email I got from Mrs. Angie Rider, a fifth-grade teacher in Minnesota. She said, in part:

Around the March Madness that was taking place in March, my class decided to do a poetry tournament where they would listen to many different forms of poetry as they were learning about each one and decide which poems to move forward on our LARGE classroom brackets. As you can see on the photo that is attached, there were many great poems and poets shared with the students to illustrate couplets, quatrains, cinquains, concrete, acrostic, etc. A couple of your poems from Do Buses Eat Kids and BookSpeak! moved forward several brackets. The final winner was ?Oh, Did You Need That Homework?? The students felt that poetry was one of their favorite writing units this year as they could express themselves in many different ways and use a voice of their choice to share something with other readers. My class wanted to extend a big thank you to you and other poets for inspiring them to enjoy the art of poetry writing and say congratulations for winning our final brackets in our poetry tournament.

How. Awesome. Is. That? And they sent this picture, which I’m sharing with permission.

Mrs. Rider's awesome fifth-grade class!

Really, there’s not much a writer likes to hear more than, “I liked your writing.” Getting an email from a teacher and her kids–that is totally amazing. When you as a teacher share something like this with a writer, you inspire and cheer that person. Thank you so much!

And, here’s the poem, which is from Do Buses Eat Kids? Poems About School (Capstone, 2008).

Homework Pup

Here I am reading it, too. I did a short Skype with Mrs. Rider’s class, and I got to read them this poem, which was fun. I haven’t read it in years! And I got to hear a fun poem by one of the students and answer a few writing questions. What a nice connection for me to make. [soundcloud url=“https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/204215607” params=“color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=“100%” height=“166” iframe=“true” /]

Thank you, Mrs. Rider and 5th-graders, for celebrating poetry and for your lovely email, poem, and Skype chat!

And don’t forget to visit Michelle at Today’s Little Ditty for the Poetry Roundup . Enjoy!

  • Categories: Poems for Teachers
  • Tags: audiopoems , Capstone , Laura's books , Laura's poems , nifty news , poetry books , Poetry Friday , rhyming poems

36 Responses

Wow Laura — what a wonderful (and well-deserved) way to finish Poetry month. I adore the poem and I love that there are schools doing such amazing work with poetry.

Exactly, Sally! I get so excited when I hear about/from teachers who really celebrate poetry in the classroom–especially since reading and writing poetry strengthens so many non-poetry literacy skills, too. Thanks:>)

Laura, it is wonderful that the 5th grade class celebrated poetry and brought your poem to the top of the class. After reading it, I can see why they loved your poem so much. It is clever, fresh, and filled with fun.

Thanks, Carol–the school poems for that book were tough for me to write. Out of a set of 10 Capstone poetry books, the school and food ones just about killed me! But the dog poem was fun to write:>)

Laura, One of the best awards of all–a class award by students who love poetry! Congratulations!

Thanks, Linda! That really did make me feel so good:>)

Fabulous, Laura! I’d take a teacher note over a Thinkier trophy any day. 🙂 And I thought “my dog ate my homework” was just an excuse. Silly me.

Me, too! Thanks, Michelle. It was very exciting. And all cliches have to start with the truth, right;>)

Ha! (…or should I say, “WOOF!”)

Exactly–I was wagging my tail in excitement:>)

Congratulations! What a great surprise, and I love the March Madness poetry brackets! I can see why that “homework chomping pup” won the hearts of Mrs. Rider’s fifth graders.

Thanks, Catherine:>)

I love this version of “the dog ate my homework”…which I’ve heard SO many times!

Thanks, Tara! It’s amazing that kids are still trying to use that.

Wonderful poem and great kudos, what fun!

Thanks, Brenda–it was really kind of the teacher to contact me and let me know!

I tried to do my homework Miss really Miss I did I bought myself a brand new pen but struggled with the lid.

I tried to do my homework Miss I wouldn’t tell a lie sadly it was stolen by a pig as he flew by.

I tried to do my homework Miss you know I love to write A goblin came and took my thumb as I slept late last night.

I tried to do my homework Miss but had to take a break I used the time constructively and baked a wedding cake.

I didn’t do my homework Miss I didn’t even try would it help my cause Miss if I started to cry?!

I really liked your homework poem. I hope you don’t mind me sending you this one I wrote.

Heehee, Maria–there’s always an excuse, isn’t there?

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i tried to do my homework poem

I Tried To Do My Homework

i tried to do my homework poem

Sushma Kanojia

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i tried to do my homework poem

I tried to do my homework,

But a show was on the TV,

A song was in the radio,

And a friend was texting me.

My E-mail chimed,

And so of course I had to look at that,

It linked me to a video of someone silly cat,

I watched a dozen videos,

And then I played a game,

I almost didn't hear her,

When my mother called my name.

And when I looked at the clock,

It was time to go to bed,

I didn't get my homework done ,

Just other stuff instead.

I hope My teacher listens,

To the sort of my interaction,

It's really not my fault,

This early is just a big distraction.

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I Tried To Do My Homework

I Tried To Do...

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i tried to do my homework poem


  1. My Teacher Ate My Homework

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  3. Pin on Funny Poetry

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  4. Homework Oh Homework`

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  5. Homework Poems

    i tried to do my homework poem

  6. I tried to do my homework poem by jack prelutsky. Homework oh homework

    i tried to do my homework poem



  2. I need to do my Homework… 📚 FUNNY POEM @kyrakkaur

  3. Homework oh Homework!English Poem #englishpoem

  4. ReadtoChildren-I Didn't Do My Homework Because by Davide Cali #Kid'sStoryBook.#FunnyRead.#ReadAloud

  5. Homework I love you



  1. I Tried to Do My Homework

    A humorous poem about the many distractions that prevent a kid from doing his homework. The poem lists the various activities and devices that interfere with his study, from TV and radio to email and videos.

  2. I Tried to Do My Homework

    Listen to the poem and fill out the Poem Analysis sheet. Put a picture of your work in the discussion area or send me a text or email.

  3. I Need to Do My Homework

    I need to do my homework. I really shouldn't wait. If I don't do it right away, my homework will be late. But first I'll check my messages. Oh, look, I got a text. I probably should answer it, then do my homework next. My friend says there's a video I simply have to see. I'll watch it first, and do my homework momentarily.

  4. Class 4 :: English Literature :: I Tried to Do My Homework by Kenn

    I Tried to Do My Homework by Kenn Nesbitt (Cambridge Connection English) The Poem : "I tried to do my homework. but a show was on TV. A song was on the radio. A friend was texting me. My email chimed, and so, of course. I had to look at that. It linked me to a video. of someone's silly cat. I watched a dozen videos, and then I played a game.

  5. Class 4 English Literature I Tried To Do My Home Work by Kenn ...

    This video is an audio visual version of the page of the same of our website. It includes the text and summary and solutions of the questions from the poem I...

  6. I need to do my homework (Humourous poem)

    I Need to Do My Homework" by Kenn Nesbitt is a humorous poem that playfully explores the various comical excuses children often come up with to avoid doing t...

  7. I Need to do My Homework An Easy and Short Poems for Kids

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  8. I Finished My Homework

    My book When the Teacher Isn't Looking contains about 50 poems about all the silly things that happen at school, including Homework, I Love You, My Dog Does My Homework, My Computer Ate My Homework, and this one. Of course, it's not likely you have so much homework that you have to stay up all night to do it. So, this poem is a bit of an ...

  9. I Love to Do My Homework

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  10. Homework! Oh, Homework! by Jack Prelutsky

    Oh, Homework!" by Jack Prelutsky is a humorous and exaggerated expression of a child's frustration with homework. The speaker uses strong language and hyperbolic imagery to convey their intense dislike for the task. They would rather face dangerous animals or eat unpleasant foods than complete their homework, suggesting they find it both boring ...

  11. I Tried To Do My Homework

    Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.

  12. I Meant to Do My Work Today

    Richard Le Gallienne. Next. I meant to do my work today—. But a brown bird sang in the apple tree, And a butterfly flitted across the field, And all the leaves were calling me. And the wind went sighing over the land, Tossing the grasses to and fro, And a rainbow held out its shining hand—.


    Welcome to my channel RTEnglish CoursePoem I Tried to Do My Homeworkexplained for school children.

  14. Poem About Getting Homework Done, Do Your Homework Now

    but people do it everywhere. Do it now, get it done. I know, I know it isn't fun. Homework is like cleaning your room, except you don't have to use a broom. Do it now; we'll give you a treat, something tasty good to eat. We're like parrots repeating stuff, like our brains have turned to fluff.

  15. Kenn Nesbitt's Poetry for Kids

    I Tried to Do My Homework. I tried to do my homework but a show was on TV. A song was on the radio. A friend was texting me. My email chimed, and so, of course, I had to look at that. It linked me to a video of someone's silly cat. I watched a dozen videos, and then I played... Read more ».

  16. I TRIED TO DO MY HOMEWORK (a poem + questions) worksheet

    A worksheet for elementary students that contains a funny poem about different excuses of not doing homework and questions to discuss them. Download the worksheet and see more resources on homework by korova-daisy.

  17. Homework Poems

    Love Shel Silverstein. Ricky was 'L' but he's home with the flu, Lizzie, our 'O,' had some homework to do, Mitchell, 'E' prob'ly got lost on the way, ... Read Poem. Grounded anais vionet. You "adults", you exasperate me. with your evasions and delays.

  18. I tried to do my homework- poem.

    My student reciting this poem by Kenn Nesbitt

  19. All My Great Excuses

    All My Great Excuses. From the book Revenge of the Lunch Ladies. but my pen ran out of ink. My hamster ate my homework. My computer's on the blink. in the soup my mom was cooking. when I wasn't looking. through the washer and the dryer. An airplane crashed into our house.

  20. Oh, Did You Need That Homework? [poetry friday]

    I tried to do my homework Miss really Miss I did I bought myself a brand new pen but struggled with the lid. I tried to do my homework Miss I wouldn't tell a lie sadly it was stolen by a pig as he flew by. I tried to do my homework Miss you know I love to write A goblin came and took my thumb as I slept late last night. I tried to do my ...

  21. I Tried To Do My Homework

    I tried to do my homework, But a show was on the TV, A song was in the radio, And a friend was texting me. My E-mail chimed, And so of course I had to look at that, It linked me to a video of someone silly cat, I watched a dozen videos, And then I played a game,

  22. I Need to Do My Homework || Poet: Kenn Nesbitt

    Poem: I Need to Do My Homework Poet: Kenn Nesbitt #recitation #homeworkpoem My School Book- Youtube channel link:-👇👇👇https://youtube.com...

  23. Write a summary of the poem I tried to do my homework by kenn ...

    I tried to do my homework poem kenn nesbitt. Personally, this poem tried me laugh and put a smile on my face because the context and the words are truly funny. Essay my best friend dog and animal adoption. When they say these commands, I truly feel they are making me crazy and consequently make my head hurt from all the demands.