
Career Essay

Career essay generator.

my job in the future essay

How do you see yourself 5 or 10 years from now? That question kicks start your imagination and make you visualize yourself in your future career. Maybe you are thinking about it now, but you are likely confused about expressing it in words. Unlike other essay writing , writing your career essay is exciting because you are writing about yourself, your plans, passion, and aspiration. Learn how to make your career essay impressive by reading this article.

10+ Career Essay Examples

1. career pursuing essay.

Career Pursuing Essay

Size: 324 KB

2. Career Interest Essay

Career Interests Essay

Size: 642 KB

3. Career Goals Essay

Career Goals Essay

Size: 429 KB

4. Career Research Essay

Career Research Essay

Size: 186 KB

5. Career Scholarship Essay

Career Scholarship Essay

Size: 96 KB

6. Career Personal Essay

Career Personal Essay

Size: 95 KB

7. Career Needs Essay

Career Needs Essays

Size: 73 KB

8. Career Teaching Essay

Career Teaching Essay

Size: 59 KB

9. Formal Career Essay

Formal Career Essay

Size: 42 KB

10. Career Project Essay

Career Project Essay

Size: 29 KB

11. Career Plan Essay

Career Plan Essay

Size: 230 KB

What Is a Career Essay?

A career essay is a text people write to detail their goals or plans for the future. In this essay, people talk about the career they want in the future and the things they have achieved so far. People often ask you to write a career essay when you send an application letter for a scholarship or submit your resume for a job.

How To Write a Rousing Career Essay

You should write your career essay seriously because it might be a deciding factor for your future. That said, in writing your essay, there are a lot of things to consider and a process you need to follow. Your end goal in writing your essay is to convince people that you are determined to walk the talk and make the things you wrote in your descriptive essay to reality.

1. Devise an Engrossing Title

The first thing to think about when writing an essay is coming up with an attention-grabbing title. When people read your essay, they pay the most attention to your title. Also, another benefit of coming up with your title first is that it will serve as a guide for you for the whole essay. 

2. Introduce With a Hook

After devising a title, deliver the next blow with an introduction that piques their curiosity. To do that, begin your essay with a hook. Your hook can be a quote, a question, or you can even provide a statistic. If your introduction is good enough, it will secure the engagement of your readers.

3. Organize Your Ideas

Writing an essay is like taking your readers for a ride. You need to set the vibe and organize the flow of your thoughts. Don’t start too strong it might make the rest of your essay bland. You need to properly build up the development of excitement and make sure the order of your ideas makes sense. 

4. Polish Your Essay

Finalize your essay by proofreading it. When people talk about their passion, they tend to talk too much and include several unnecessary things. Make sure not to do that. Omit all the details that don’t contribute to the overall impact of your reflective essay. Also, don’t forget to review your text for grammatical errors. 

Why is career planning important?

People hustle every day to reach their dream careers. Having a target career gives you a direction and sets your path. Planning your career is essential because being indecisive about it might negatively impact your life. Not having a fixed goal is like not having an end destination. Preparing for it would also make your career action plan achievable.

What is a career genogram?

A career genogram traces back an individual’s family tree and examines the career timeline they pursued. The scope of this genogram reaches the grandparents, extended family, and even the person’s close friends. This graphic representation is helpful when a person has a hard time deciding about his or her career development plan .

What is career assessment?

Career assessment is the process of identifying what career would work best for you. Most assessments are in the form of a questionnaire . It includes questions about your interests, your skills, your hobbies, and your strengths. These are some examples of questions that would help assess your future career. The result of your career assessment might give you ideas on what path to take.

The moment people read your career essay, they often rate how likely you are to succeed. Show them a piece of your mind that would erase all their doubts about your success. They say manifesting works wonders, so manifest the future that you want best by composing a rousing career essay. 


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How to Write an Essay About My Future Career

Essay writing is one of the main pillars in a student’s academic life. It does not matter if you are in grade 4 or doing your undergrad degrees; you will come across a scenario where you have to write an essay. Due to the significance associated with it, students often find it challenging to compose a high-quality essay. Consequently, writing a top-notch my future career essay from scratch is no easy feat either.

  • What Is An Essay About A Future Career
  • Importance Of An Essay About A Future Career

How To Get The Best Essay About My Future Career

Catchy titles for an essay about future career.

  • How To Start An Essay About My Future Career

How To Write Body Paragraphs

  • How To Write Conclusion For An Essay About My Future Career

Finalizing Essay

Short example of a college essay about my future career, what is an essay about a future career.

A career is one of the most critical aspects of a person’s life. It helps dictate the direction of their life, to a large extent. As a student, you will have to write an essay about which career path you want to pursue. An essay about a future career entails the following attributes;

  • What type of career do you want?
  • Why are you suited for it?
  • Different elements of the career/job.

Importance of an essay about a future career

When you have to write a future career essay, it will get your mind thinking. You will end up asking yourself, “what should my future career be?”. In schools, you are studying for your future, and this one assignment will enable you to determine what kind of future you want. The possibilities are endless, and writing them down in an essay form provides clarity. It may even help you find your passion and pursue it as your future career.

my job in the future essay

A teacher will analyze your essay from the very start, and that includes the topic or title. A few options for catchy titles you can use for your essay are;

  • What will be my future career?
  • A career about my two passion: food and technology;
  • Becoming the future in journalism;
  • I am aiming for the stars (a career in space technology);
  • Learning how to save lives (by becoming a doctor);
  • Why do I want to be a dentist?
  • Who says I cannot be a superhero (Becoming a firefighter);
  • Educating our youth as a youth (pursuing a career in education);
  • Doctors need help too! (becoming a nurse);
  • Doing my part in our legal system (Lawyer).





How To Start An Essay About My Future Career?

You can write an excellent future career essay; all you need is a few tips and tricks to guide you along the way. After having decided on the title, you need to determine how to start the essay. All professional writers employ two tactics for starting an essay. These are;

Outline writing

Before you begin the writing process, you can create a career essay outline. The purpose of the outline to structure the essay. It enables you to create a smooth flow within your paper and prevent any unnecessary repetition of information. The following career essay outline example will help you when you are making one yourself.

  • Title: Customize it to your career.
  • Introduction.
  • First paragraph.
  • Second paragraph.
  • Third paragraph.
  • The conclusion.

Tips concerning writing future career essay introduction

The introduction is the first part of any essay. A career introduction essay needs to be enthralling and capture the attention of the reader. When writing the introduction;

  • Do not summarize the entire essay in this paragraph.
  • Only touch upon the starting part of the body and leave it on a cliffhanger to keep the reader interested.
  • Provide any background information if relevant to your career.

A What’s my future career essay’s body can be divided into three paragraphs. Each paragraph will focus on a different theme but revolve around your chosen career. The body themes can be customized depending on what you want to write about in the essay; the most common themes used are;

  • First paragraph: Why I chose this career and associated goals
  • Second paragraph: Why I would be suited for this career
  • Third paragraph: How I plan to make a difference in this career

Despite the similarity in themes, each paragraph still focuses on a different theme and allows for easy transitions between the paragraphs. You can use words like consequently, according to, and to create coherence in the paragraphs.


The conclusion is the last part of your career essay and has to be written at the end. The conclusion’s purpose is to summarize the entire essay into a few sentences. You can reiterate your purpose in conclusion along with one of your primary goals. Always end the career essay with some interesting information for the reader to think about.

Students often think that after writing the conclusion, the essay writing process is complete. They overlook three crucial parts that can set their essay apart from their peers’ papers. These are;

Essay Revision:

Essay proofreading:, make citations:.

You can find career essay examples to get a better understanding of how to write them. An example for a career in the police department is as follows:

my future career free essay example

My future career essay

“Ever since I was a child, I have been fascinated with superheroes. The idea that with some power, I can fight crime and help the people around me never failed to amaze me. As I grew older, the passion to be a superhero grew more assertive as well. It was not long after that I realized that superheroes did exist, just not in the same way I thought. They could not fly or become invisible but instead worked hard and helped people. They are known as police officers. As a teenager, my superheroes now wore blue uniforms and a badge.

Most of us live our lives without having hardly made an impact in this world. I do not want that to the case with me; I want to help people whenever I can. I have realized that the best route for doing so is to become a law enforcement member. A police officer is a person that puts other safety and well-being above their own. They will rush into a dangerous situation to help the innocent and are the living embodiment of my childhood dreams. From my perspective, it is a noble profession and would allow me to do my part in making this world safer by serving my community.

I have grown up with the ideals of helping my community and becoming a police officer. It allowed me to understand the intricacies of the job as best as I could. I have a strong sense of justice and do not waiver on morals ever. Even when it has gotten me grounded, I have told the truth. I also work at many shelters to understand the issues people face and try to do my part even now. I also try to keep updated with the most common and relevant laws and any changes in them. In addition to this, I have been taking self-defense classes for two years now. These classes have enabled me to be skillful enough to protect myself and others in case of any altercations.

Like any career in the world, being a police officer has its ups and downs too. It is not an easy career but requires a significant amount of time, effort, and sacrifice. I am willing to put in the work so I can help keep my community safe. I plan to climb the career ladder from patrol officer to detective to even the chief of a district or state. Law enforcement is not without its flaws, and I hope to transform these cons into pros one day. I want my influence to better not only the community but also the police department as well.

After I graduate high school, I want to enroll in a police academy to start my training right away. The sooner I join, the sooner I can start making a positive impact. I am eager to wear the blue uniform and be the superhero I looked up to as a child.”

Choosing one’s career is a daunting task, and for some students, the importance of an essay on career adds to the stress of writing it. For all these students, there is a simple solution: same day essay writing service . Two of the most popularly used services are mentioned below.

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my job in the future essay

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Dream Job Essay | Essay Writing on My Dream Job Essay 300 and 500 Words in English

September 1, 2021 by Prasanna

Dream Job Essay: Every one of us wants to be something when we grow up. We dream to achieve something big right from our childhood. There are millions of job professions to choose from. And a specific profession we choose is called a Dream Job.

We all have one or the other kind of a dream job that we would like to do one day. You might get this inspiration from either someone in your family, a role model or someone whom you really admire, or even from some situations you have faced.

Having a dream job would definitely help you to be on track to achieve your goal in life and aim to be there.

We all have dreams that we want to fulfill at one point in our lives. However, this is not easily achieved, but we always have to work hard for it.

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My Dream Job – Doctor

Right from my childhood, I dream of being a doctor. The reason for this is I have seen the plight of poor people who die because they cannot afford the costly medical treatments. Poor people suffered a lot without advanced healthcare facilities and this incident inspired me to choose the medical profession as there is no greater service than providing healthcare to the sick. I decided to pursue my career in medicine.

The medical profession is such a noble profession in which you can serve humanity and also live a luxurious life too.

Also, I’m always curious to study topics related to the human body. How doctors understand the illness and how they treat people successfully has always fascinated me. My all-time favourite subject is biology.

Though making a career in the medical field is not an easy task. I will study day and night to achieve the desired position.

What Will I Do After Being a Doctor?

After completing the medical degree I have planned to serve the poor people of my village. Poor people face lots of fatal diseases and can’t afford better treatment. Honestly speaking I would plan some special days on which I will treat all the poor people either free of cost or at minimum cost. So that at least they don’t die without any treatment.

Conclusion on Dream Job Essay

The doctor is the most respected profession of all. My dream is to be a Doctor and serve the people who cannot afford the costly treatments. I want to be recognized for my generosity.

Becoming a doctor, I would save several lives and their families. The satisfaction and inner peace of saving lives go far beyond the feeling of anything.

People say that doctors are next to God who can perform miracles. Being a doctor is an honor of a lifetime. During times of health crisis, people rely only on two: God and doctors.

A Doctor takes away the pain and sufferings of others by giving them medical treatment and healthcare. As a doctor, you are a source of happiness for many people and their families. When you give happiness to others, you too will receive the same.

Becoming a doctor is not just a great career but a reason for happiness too.

Dream Job Essay

Short Essay on Dream Job

What is a Dream job?

A dream job is a career that is a combination of activity, skill or passion with a money-making opportunity. Dream jobs include any profession like acting or playing music, or any high-paying and prestigious jobs as a doctor or lawyer.

Why should we have a Dream job?

Dream Job gives us the energy to do things that can make us reach your dreams. A dream can help to give motivation, having no motivation is similar to having no desire or inspiration to achieve a goal.

The first requirement that can help to achieve your dreams is to set the right goals. One can definitely achieve their dream if the right goals are set. Setting a goal is like planning every step and taking one right step at a time.

Having a specific aim is the most important thing to achieve success in life. All of your dreams won’t come true, but still, you shouldn’t stop dreaming.

My Dream to Become a Teacher

Different people have different types of dreams and my dream is to become a teacher. I always wanted to do something productive in my life. I loved to teach the kids and impart my knowledge to others.  And finally, I realised that it is my passion. People might dream of becoming a college professor or university teacher, but I prefer to become a very normal school teacher.

I want to spend the rest of my life teaching lots of kids and students. And I am working hard to make my dream come true.

Why I Want to Become a Teacher

There are so many reasons behind why I chose to teach as my dream job. The first reason that I have mentioned is I love teaching. I want to live a very simple life and I know the job of a teacher will provide me with that.

Another major reason is that I want to make a difference in our education system. Our education system has many flaws and I want to fix that. It will not be easy, but that’s my ultimate goal in my life. I want to bring changes to the system of teaching style so that children find education as interesting, not a burden.

This profession also has pretty good job security and a good income too.

As I want to become a teacher I need to focus on my education first. But in my leisure time, I love to teach.

And finally, after being a teacher I will serve the unprivileged kids and start my own school too for street kids.

Overall I am very serious and focused on my dream job. I want to make my dream true. Teaching is a noble profession and they are the person who leads the nation from the front. Teachers are responsible for the future of the country.

FAQ’s on Dream Job Essay

Question 1. Why do you choose Teacher as Your Dream Job?

Answer: My dream job is to become a teacher, as I feel that it is a very noble job. A job that can change society and also mould the youth of the country. Teaching always keeps you around the young children. A teacher can really change the world as these children become successful grown-up men or women tomorrow. They are responsible for the better future of the country.

Question 2. Why is a Dream Job important?

Answer: Dream Job gives you a sense of completion. You know the job you are doing is having an impact and you are truly serving your purpose. You enjoy doing youtube work with full enthusiasm, not with a burden. You feel energized by your job.

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Essay on Career for Students and Children

500+ words essay on career.

Career is a very important thing in one’s life. Whatever career path you choose to follow, it will impact your life greatly. Your career will define your status in a society in addition to your lifestyle. In other words, your career will determine your social circle and relationships.

Essay on Career

Therefore, it is extremely important to choose the correct career path . From a very young age, we aspire to be something or the other. While someone aims to be a doctor, some wish to become a painter. Our career choices depend on a lot of things. Thus, it is important to consider all factors before choosing a career path.

How to Choose your Career?

You must consider a number of factors before deciding on your career. Each factor plays a significant role in your choice. Firstly, always assess yourself thoroughly. You must understand your area of interest to choose a career. For instance, someone who dances well can surely become a doctor, but his interest will always be in dance. Thus, ensure that you have the caliber to perform well in the field you choose. This will come from your area of interest itself.

After that, you look for the opportunities available as per your area of interest. Now that you are aware of what you like and dislike, you can easily look for occupations matching your passion. Make a list of the occupations you can get into following your interests. Furthermore, shorten the list you have prepared. You must do so as per what suits you best. Consult with your seniors and parents to make informed decisions.

Most importantly, acquire the skills for the career option you are interested in. Ensure you earn the qualifications and degrees for it. Try taking training programs to enhance your skills. This will give you an upper hand in knowing whether you are correct in choosing the specific career plan. Furthermore, create an impressive resume which can help you get the right opportunities.

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How to Achieve your Career Goal?

There are steps you need to take before achieving your career goal. As they say, success doesn’t come overnight. You must work along the way to accomplish your goals. There is always hope if you have the will. Firstly, create profiles on different job portals to attract the employer’s attention. When you maintain your profile well, you will be able to get good career opportunities.

Moreover, always maintain your network. Build a solid network and create sources in the field. This way you can update yourself with the latest happenings in the industry. In addition, try to attend the related seminars and workshops that happen related to your career choice. You will meet influential people of the same field who can broaden your thinking.

In short, always remember to stay determined. You can easily achieve your career goal if you set your mind to it. In other words, people usually distract themselves easily. You must not do so and focus on your career path to achieve your goals efficiently.

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Why I Want to Become a Lawyer: My Future Career

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Updated: 9 November, 2023

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Works Cited:

  • Hobbes, T. (2018). Leviathan. Penguin UK.
  • Rousseau, J.-J. (2019). A discourse on inequality. Oxford University Press.
  • Avineri, S. (2018). The social and political thought of Karl Marx. Cambridge University Press.
  • Baumeister, R. F. (1997). Evil: Inside human violence and cruelty. Holt Paperbacks.
  • Brennan, G., & Pettit, P. (2019). The economy of esteem: An essay on civil and political society. Oxford University Press.
  • Gauthier, D. (2016). Hobbes's social contract: An introduction. Cambridge University Press.
  • Locke, J. (2019). Two Treatises of Government. Oxford University Press.
  • Manent, P. (2018). Natural law and human rights: Toward a recovery of practical reason. University of Notre Dame Press.
  • Sandel, M. J. (2012). Justice: What’s the right thing to do?. Macmillan.
  • Skinner, Q. (2019). Hobbes and Republican Liberty. Cambridge University Press.

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my job in the future essay

  •   Monday, August 19, 2024

Future Educators

Future Educators

Helping America's Future Teachers

I Want to Become a Teacher Because | My Dream Job Essay

My dream is to become a teacher . If you have this dream, you’re not alone. Here’s a collection of short essays by aspiring teachers. Current and future education students were asked to describe their motivation; what inspires them to succeed at their teacher training studies.

In these 31 student essays, future educators answer the question “I want to become a teacher because …” or “I want to become a teacher to …”. The short student essays are grouped thematically, forming the top reasons to become a teacher.

1. Giving Brings Its Own Rewards

Early childhood teacher

Helping people is the unifying theme as to why students are inspired and motivated to become teachers. Education is a field where you can help young people directly in a personal way; potentially changing their lives for the better. Teaching is more than just a job.

For a significant percentage of education students, the opportunity to be of service provides plenty of motivation to pursue a teaching career. In each Why I Want to Become a Teacher essay here, a future educator explains why teaching is an opportunity to do something meaningful and beneficial.

by Hanna Halliar

If I can make an impact in just one child’s life, I will be able to consider myself successful. That is my motivation. As a future educator, what else would it be?

Every day that is spent in class, the late nights at the library, the endless hours of studying are all just steps getting me closer to the goal. When I am still up at 1 a.m. struggling to keep my eyes open, but only half way through my 6 page paper I remember how excited I am to work with my own students one day.

To me, being a teacher is so much more than the typical response most people have towards education majors. “Oh, you’re going to be a teacher. You know how much you will make?” Yes, I’m aware that I will be making an average of $50,000 a year in Indiana.

To me being a teacher means that I get the opportunity to not only teach my students math, English, and science but to teach life lessons that will stick with them as well.  It means walking into school every day being the reason my students look forward to coming to school. It means being surrounded by crafts, books, and music and not being stuck in an office. It means educating our future generation. And if somebody has to do it, it should be somebody who is passionate about it.

So what motivates me to study? It is so simple, it is the kids.

by Savannah Stamates

I lay awake at night and practice my first morning message to my first round of students whom I will not meet for more than a year.

I wonder if I will have hungry children, happy children, or broken children. I wonder if I will be good enough or strong enough to reach those most in need.  I wonder if my students will trust me enough to tell me that they are hungry, happy, or scared.

I worry that I will not be strong enough to share their burden or provide a place for peace and learning. I worry that I will misread their actions or their words or miss them reaching out.

So I study, even when I am tired from working two jobs or sick of not being where I want to be. When my time comes to walk into that classroom, my worries and doubts will be silenced by the knowledge I have mastered and the dream I have finally achieved.

by Charity Latchman

Dreams for the future are subjective. They can be based on what we desire. But visionary dreams are not only for us. Imagine asking some of the greatest revolutionaries and pioneers about their dreams. They generally had others in mind. In the famous “I have a Dream” speech, Civil Rights leader Martin Luther King Jr said “we” more than thirty times. Dreams are not for our benefit alone, but to encourage, inspire and benefit others.

Recently I graduated from California Baptist University with a degree in English literature. During my studies, I was cared for my disabled mother. She was a religious studies professor who inculcated me with a diligent and steadfast approach to schoolwork. Managing the role of caregiver with university studies was challenging. But the goal to become a teacher kept me going. Approaching graduation, my mother was diagnosed with throat cancer. She didn’t worry about herself as much as you might expect but kept pushing me to finish the final paper in the program.

With her encouragement, my faith, and a burning desire to teach English literature, I graduated. My motivation comes from wanting to help, to encourage, and to inspire others.  Teaching is an act of giving that has its own rewards.  Life’s trials bring ups and downs. But we must always strive to attain our dreams, especially when others are central to them.

by Katheryn England

As a high school senior, many people assume I’m prepared for college and know what I want to study after graduation. These assumptions cause me to experience moments of self-doubt. Then I re-evaluate what I want for myself, and what it is that keeps me working towards my dreams. Through the goals I’ve set for myself, I can maintain focus, move past my self-doubt and succeed. By focusing on my goals, I can make a difference in the world directly around me.

A goal I have in my life is to be an elementary teacher, also known as an early childhood teacher. As a teacher,  I can share the knowledge I’ve gained to leave behind a better future for our world .

Last year, I had the opportunity to work alongside a previous elementary teacher and mentor of mine. I’d visit her classroom daily, and taught lessons alongside her or independently. Uniquely, they were the opening act in my high school’s original winter play. They read first-hand from our scripts and learned what happens behind the scenes. Showing a new part of the world to the youth of my community has motivated me to pursue my dreams.

Remembering this experience and the positive influence I had on those students helps me overcome self-doubt and stay focused on my goals. Thanks to the goals I’ve set for my life, I not only can find purpose for my efforts, but find the will to be confident in whatever choices I make.

by Emma Lillard-Geiser

I have always known that I would become two things: a mother and a teacher. What I didn’t know is that I would become the mother before the teacher. Having a child that depends on me is what fuels my desire to succeed in life. When I get frustrated with my studies I take a deep breath, look at my daughter, and know that I have reason to persevere. I know that one hour of studying will give me hours with my daughter as soon as I am done.

My mother is a teacher and growing up I cherished learning from her. She had knowledge that I admired and I quickly realized that I had to spend my whole life learning. I love to learn, to have that light go off in my head when it all just clicks.

I cannot wait to see that light in the eyes of my daughter and my future students.  For every thing that I learn, is another thing I can teach someone else.  It isn’t easy to study when you have a small child to take care of but I know that my education will provide me with the ability to take care of her for the rest of our lives.

2. Help Disadvantaged Students

Teacher helping disadvantaged student

Students are disadvantaged for many reasons, whether it’s because of a handicap, where they live, economic disadvantage or a language barrier.

Future educators may want to become teachers so they can make a difference in the lives of students who face extra learning challenges. This special interest often comes from the future teacher’s own experience, either personally or involving people they’ve known.

by Ian T Thomason

While attending the University of Minnesota-Mankato, I have aspirations of becoming a Special Education Teacher. Becoming a Special Education Teacher and helping students who have a need for extra help and students who are having troubles with everyday life are things that I dream of doing.  I was in their shoes once and know how difficult it is to deal with everyday life and how nice it was have a teacher to talk to.

Becoming a Special Education Teacher is my ultimate goal and, when difficult times arise, I have to remind myself of the children out there who have it potentially worse than I. When I remember this, I also think back to all of the support that I had from my parents, family members, and teachers. I also know that there are lots of children who don’t have this type of support and, if I can be there for them, that would make my career choice all the more worth it.

My Special Education degree is something more than just a degree for me. It is a degree that allows me to help children improve their education. I realize that children are our future and that their minds are terrible things to waste. So, instead of wasting their minds, why not put our best foot forward to educate them? My dream is to help kids realize their full potential, promote education and a brighter future for every child.

by Katherine

Motivation allows you to persist through difficult circumstances. Mine comes from a desire to grow into an instructor who is able to make a difference to many children’s lives.

In elementary school, I actually was a special education student. I’ve had to work hard most days of my life to achieve anything. I could not have succeeded without the support of some absolutely amazing teachers. Now I desire to take on that supporting role for as many students as I can reach.

When a class or an assignment I don’t want to do come up, I think of what motivates me. And the motivation is children. Many students feel powerless about their education, just like I did.  I could be a teacher who turns their education around, providing vital support and motivation to succeed at their studies.  Ultimately, everyone motivates themselves by one way or another. My motivation comes from the pure desire to help future students.

by Robbie Watson

My road to graduate school has been a long one. I studied religion and culture in undergrad, interested in the material, yet not sure how I would apply it later. Yet I found places, got involved in community and international development, engaged with different cultures, and now feel I use my degree every day.

For over two years I worked alongside Congolese refugees in Rwanda, developing educational opportunities for youths who could not finish secondary school in the underfunded camps. It is these refugees, young and old, the students, the teachers, their passion and vision for a better future that has driven me to seek out more education for myself. I remember how they would pay from their families’ meager funds to attend classes led by volunteer teachers. When finances were against them, or time, or family obligations, or the dire depression of the camp life itself, or even government officials were against them, still those students attended, still those teachers taught.

It is their example of perseverance towards a goal against all odds that inspires me now. I think of them often, think of the friends they were, are still. And I think of how that passion is in me now, to better understand education so that I might better educate, and thus equip such downtrodden communities to work for transformation themselves. I work not only for myself, and am motivated by the potential in those students and educators, which is also in me, and in others like them.

by Natalie Pelayo

I’m a young Latino woman working towards the goal of earning a bachelor degree in bilingual education. On occasions, I feel a slowing in my motivation. But, every time it happens, I think about the goal and that pushes me to move forward.

Looking back to a middle school class I attended, there was a boy who never really participated. He sat in his hoodie, looking down to his desk. Only after trying to talk with him, I discovered he spoke with broken English and a thick Spanish accent. It seemed as if no-one in our class actually knew that he struggled to understand what was being taught because it was presented in English.

By his manner, it was apparent that he had already accepted a dismal fate. Past teachers may have been unable to communicate with him. Eventually, he’d become demoralized.  Thinking about the disadvantages he had to endure provides ongoing motivation to study hard.

I aim to become a bilingual elementary school teacher to support young Spanish-speaking children. As a teacher, I’ll be able to show them that they can succeed. Children need not grow up thinking they’re incapable of learning due to a language barrier. I’ll keep working towards my goal to help ensure teaching is inclusive of all children, no matter their first language.

by Abigail Young

I am an American citizen, but my whole life I have lived in Cameroon, Africa. I have been blessed with an enormous amount of opportunities and a great education at a private international school.

Every day I have seen children and teenagers around me who do not get the same education or have the same possibilities of a “bright” future. I see schools that are forced to have three children share a small table, paper, and pens. I have seen a badly lit room with poor roofs and walls made from bricks. Even in my school there are numerous Cameroonians, my friends, and classmates that do not have the same chances at a higher level education, although they work just as hard.

When I study, I study hard because I do not want to let this chance and opportunity go to waste. I study because I have been undeservedly blessed to be able to go the United States for a high education with better chances at getting scholarship money. I study my hardest because  it is my dream that I may come back and make a difference in countries like Africa with poor education systems . It should be a right for children to be able to learn like I have. Therefore, because of this mindset, I am driven to study not just out of thankfulness for my circumstances, but also in hope that I may be able to give other children a better chance, and a greater reason to study.

3. Helping Many People Is Achievable in Teaching

Crowded classroom with many hands up

A powerful source of motivation for some education students is the potential to touch and positively impact the lives of many people. Education is a field of consequence and that’s a good reason for wanting to join the teaching profession.

Over the course of a long career, a classroom teacher may help shape the learning experience of hundreds or even thousands of students. In policy roles, educators can affect millions of people.

by Rachel Bayly

Through high school I worked as a teacher at a daycare. When I left for college I said goodbye to a lot of people, including my students. All summer I had woken up at five in the morning to go to work and wait for them to arrive and put a smile on my face. Those kids motivated me to keep waking up and working hard, and leaving them was not easy.

The thing that made that goodbye worth it, the reason that I keep pushing through this tying chapter of my life is that  I am determined to improve early childhood education in the United States .

I want to be a positive force in the lives of as many children as I possibly can, and I plan on doing that by improving standards and policies for early childhood education and making it more affordable.

Every week I write in my planner, “I will make a difference” and one way that I will change the lives of children and families. On days that I find myself asking, “why am I here?” “why am I going into debt, paying to be stressed out all the time?” I think of my students. I read my “I will make a difference” statements.

I remember that some children out there are stuck in low quality child care centers, they will never reach their full potential, and they need help. I keep working hard everyday so that I can help those children.

by Megan Burns

My ultimate goal is to change the lives of people. Studying to be a teacher is hard. All of the classes that are required, all of the practicums, and all of the time spent just to become a teacher is stressful, but the thought of being able to help just one person changes everything.

It takes one person to be a light in someone’s life. It take one person to be a helping hand. It takes one person to change an unmotivated, broken life, and make it brand new. Qualified teachers are those people.  We motivate students to do their best, we guide students to success when no one else will, and we are always available to listen.  One teacher can change the lives of thousands of students. That is my motivation.

I know that after college, I will be a teacher, a guider, a counselor, and a friend to so many students. No matter how many bad days I have or how many times I want to quit, I just think of what is to come in the future. I can be that change this world needs, even if its in a small high school classroom. It just takes one person.

by Victoria Shoemkaer

My dream is to make a difference in the life of children.

  • To make them excited about learning.
  • To make it fun the way it used to be when they were younger.
  • To show them that someone cares about them and wants to see them succeed.
  • To show that they are much more that a test score or a number.
  • To believe in them so much, that I do not let them get discouraged from chasing their dreams.
  • To showing them that everyone fails and it’s your recovery that determines what happens next.
  • To sacrifice myself to gives them more opportunities for success.
  • To encourage students to succeed in and out of the classroom for the betterment of themselves and the community.
  • To inspire them to change the world, because they can.
  • To help them transform into caring and compassionate adults who are ready to conquer the word, but remember where they came from.
  • To teach them to do good in the world because anyone can accomplish doing well.

Most importantly, my dream is to make children feel like their voice is important and valued and that they are loved more than they know.

4. Lives Can Be Improved by Dedicated Instructors

African boy showing a computer tablet

Teaching a subject such as Math or English is the everyday task of a teacher. But our prospective teachers see a greater purpose in their training and career path.

The daily motivation to teach doesn’t come from the superficial advantages of a teaching career, such as great job security or extra vacation time. Here are stories by future educators who want to go beyond the curriculum and improve people’s lives all round.

by Savannah Luree Weverka

Teachers are the ones who ignited my love for learning and there is not a day that goes by when I do not challenge myself to a personal goal of lifelong learning.

My mother is a teacher, so I was a student educated in an institution filled with support and a home that also supported education. I recall many teacher “get-togethers” and Husker parties where an informal invitation led to my presence.

Due to all of this support and interaction received throughout my elementary and high school career, Elementary Education continues to be at the top of my career choices. And now, as a senior looking forward to graduating from high school,  teachers remain my role models .

In considering a focus in Elementary Education, I now realize that many teachers not only teach children eight hours of the day, but become doctors for scraped knees, dictionaries for challenging words, mediators between students, and parents away from home.

Now, as I am taking the steps to make my dream come true I hope to make school an escape to free their minds and expand their knowledge. I want to share my love of learning with my students.

by Aaron Banta

Since I was younger, I have had the dream of becoming a history teacher at the high school level. The reason I am striving for this career is thanks to a teacher I had.  They held such a passion for history and taught it so well that it made me want to keep learning everything I could about it.

In college, I have had to work multiple jobs and attend school full-time. I would wake up early in the morning and not get home until late at night. The one thing that kept me on top of my studying and work was the dream I have; to be able to teach history and express my love for it by teaching the next generation. I strive to impact their lives for the better just like mine was.

Being able to pass my courses and get a degree and teaching credentials is the first main goal I am striving for. But being able to have a positive impact on students I have will be an even greater goal that I want to accomplish. I am hoping to guide them through their study of my favorite subject so I can teach them about the world and help them just like my teacher had helped me.

by Chelsea Rogers

At USC Upstate, I am studying to be a Secondary Education Mathematics teacher. The math courses are not easy and the education courses pushes you to challenge yourself. The thought of being a future teacher is what motivates me to keep pushing.

Although I do not know any of my students, they are precious to me and I believe it is my job to change their lives for the better.  Teaching math is my job, but looking beyond my content and into the wellbeing of my students is my passion.

The question I always ask myself is how can I teach students who may not trust me? I have to establish a connection with each student so that they will see I care about them academically, physically, and emotionally. Once students see that you care about them in these areas, it becomes easier to teach them and they are willing to perform to the best of their ability because they know their teacher supports them 100 percent. Being a great teacher is what motivates me to continue striving for my degree.

by Micayla Watroba

One plus one is two. Phone is pronounced with an F sound. 60 divided by 15 is 4. An essay typically has five paragraphs. I know all these things because I went to school. I also had teachers that helped me understand it even when I didn’t get the same opportunities as everyone else.

See, when I was in first grade I was diagnosed with ALL Leukemia. This made school very hard. I was either out of school so often that I missed entire chapters or I was bullied so badly that I couldn’t focus because I was so scared. Having cancer also made it hard for my mom and dad to pay for food and rent much less after school activities and tutoring. I grew up knowing that there were some things that were just not in reach for us. 

For as bad as I had it, I can’t imagine having to live on the streets, going hungry, or even being taught in a language I don’t know.

My dream is to be the teacher that makes sure that every student gets an education that helps them succeed.  I want to make sure that my students not only enjoy being at school but feel safe while there.  My students will know that it doesn’t matter where they came from or what background they came from. I am going to be there and I will not leave them behind. This is my dream.

5. Promote Lifelong Learning in Young People

Curriculum delivery in the classroom

What inspires some people to become teachers is the power to set young people on the right education path. Helping children to have good early experiences and embrace the learning process can profoundly enhance someone’s life. The potential for transformative early development applies to handicapped and disadvantaged kids as much as anyone.

by Lesley Martinez-Silva

I aspire to make a difference in others’ lives through education. I’m studying to be an elementary school teacher because I believe that children can achieve so much more if they learn early of their potential.

Education has always been my priority. My parents always stressed the importance of obtaining an education, having missed that opportunity themselves. My parents taught me as a child that schooling was vital to success in life. Truly, that lesson has been the most important in my path to college. I don’t think I would’ve made it this far had I not taken my education seriously.

I want to teach others about the importance of education so they too can prosper.  Everything I’m learning at university is important for my future career and, if I don’t study it, I’m failing my future students. Every child deserves the best education available and I should strive to be the best educator possible to provide that for them. When balancing academics, work, and my social life, it can get challenging to keep going. But, with the future of children’s education in my hands, I always get back on track.

by Brianna Rivers

One of my goals is to become a teacher and work in an public elementary school within the greater Boston area (possibly my own elementary school). I want to be a teacher because I enjoy working with children and I know how important teachers are in children’s lives. I plan on receiving my Bachelor’s degree for Early Childhood Education and my Master’s degree in Special Education.

I want to major in Early Childhood Education because  early education is significant for children and is a building block for their future in learning . I also want to major in Special Education because I believe all children should receive equal learning opportunities as well as equal treatment (meaning an inclusive environment, etc).

I think all of my experiences have a positive impact on myself because I am learning more about what it takes to be a teacher and what it takes to be a good teacher. My experiences also have a positive impact on the children and adults I work with. I offer a helping hand to the teachers and a friendly face to the children.

I plan to continue to work hard and take advantage of learning opportunities to achieve both of my goals. Being a teacher is my desire and I will stop at nothing to be a great teacher one day.

by Jennamarie Moody

When I close my eyes, I picture myself in a school located in an urban setting, teaching a classroom of diverse yet alike students. These students are in the second grade, meaning that they are impressionable yet vulnerable to their environment whether this means at home, at school, or in their greater community.

Some of these students don’t speak English as their first language, and some come from low-income households that can limit their educational experiences outside of the classroom. And yet, no matter what differences these students bring to the table, their uniqueness flows throughout the classroom in such a positive energy that embraces, respects, and promotes learning. This is the goal I am working towards; the goal  to inspire our youth to become self-advocates for their learning .

Opportunities for equal educational experiences may not exist, however the beauty lies in the growth of love young students can develop as they are challenged in the classroom to question their surroundings. I plan to make a difference in the lives of the children I meet along the way, and to create a safe learning environment.

Although the tests for certification and studies can be difficult, my passion for education and dedication to shaping the lives of my students is what keeps me going. The end goal is to nurture the development of my students to become active and engaged participants in society, and that is what I intend to do completely.

by Julie Anderson

My long-time goal has been to become a teacher, and this year I’m in a class called Teachers for Tomorrow, where I get to shadow a kindergarten teacher. Working with her and the students has increased my interest in children with special needs.

From here on out, I want to support my students in academics and other parts of their lives so I can help them learn, grow, and succeed. I know that children need a strong start to their school career because the first few years of school are crucial; this is when students begin to love or hate learning itself. Whether or not children enjoy school, they deserve to appreciate learning. Students who love learning will always want to improve themselves.

I will make an effort to provide a loving environment where each child can prosper. However, for students with special needs, this task becomes even harder to accomplish because traditional classrooms are usually set up for non-disabled students.  While I know I can’t “save” every student I teach, and some of them will still hate learning, at least I can start them off right.

When I’m swamped with schoolwork, I will imagine my future students and how I could influence their lives. Even though not all of my college classes will relate to my major, forming a habit of working hard in college will help me to succeed as a future teacher.

6. Teachers Are Excellent Role Models

Enthralled student in classroom

The experience of being helped and transformed by a good teacher leaves a lasting impression. Teaching is considered a noble profession for good reasons.

Some education students are motivated to become a teacher to emulate their own role models. They want to provide the same kind of service they once received. An added reason for pursuing a teaching career is to be a role model to younger people outside the classroom, including one’s own children.

by Teresa Pillifant

My first day – well, more like first semester- of my freshman year in high school was the hardest semester of my whole school career. Usually the kind of student who loves school, I found myself getting stomach aches in the morning and dreading school with my whole being. I was new to the school, and the number of students was overwhelming.

It seemed like there was no relief, except for my first hour Spanish class. Having no friends, I would always arrive at my first hour class early. As this pattern continued, my Spanish teacher and I developed a relationship. My teacher started giving me books to read, asking my opinion on what we should do in class and just talked to me in general about life. Through my teacher’s support, I grew to find my place in the school and became more confident.

Her kind words and actions inspired me to become a teacher myself.  Now, whenever school or life gets difficult, I think of my freshmen year Spanish teacher and how she inspired me. I want to do what she did for me for my future students. Whether it be a difficult test or a challenging class, my goal of making a difference in a student’s life keeps me going.

by Mo Cabiles

The world we live in is hard, unsteady and ruthless. We see this everyday in the harshness of homelessness, to social media screaming for justice. What motivates me to continue on is that I have felt the bitter cold bite of homelessness. I know what it’s like to not have enough to eat and to be scared of what will happen next.

I am fortunate to no longer be in those situations but that, by no means, is an indicator that it will all now come easy. As an adult learner and your “non-traditional” student, there are other obstacles I must overcome. From transportation to childcare or education application mastery to APA formatting, the many roadblocks I tackle both large and small are what I consider to be my victories.

I’ve seen what having a higher education can do for someone and I want that for myself and that of my daughters.  I strive to be a good example for them , to show them that, regardless of social standing and unforeseeable circumstances, if they work hard and put their best effort forward, they can achieve their dreams.

My dream is to obtain my Masters in Education with an emphasis in counseling. I want to be an academic advisor or guidance counselor. I’ve seen so many youths attempt community college and fail because they fell through the cracks. These students need to realize their potential and I want to help them achieve that and to be their cheerleader.

by Gia Sophia Sarris

In every school I’ve ever attended, experienced teachers were there to support and inspire me. I have looked up to these people ever since I was in elementary school, and they have had an immense and positive impact on my life and my view of the world.  My fondness for these people [educators] has led me to aspire to become a teacher.

I want to “pay it forward” and improve the lives of children and teenagers who grow up struggling as I did, or in any way for that matter. I want to make a difference in their lives and let them know that they are not alone with their problems.

This is what motivates me to study hard. Becoming a teacher, I believe, will help me fulfill my purpose in life, which I think is to create happiness and ease the burdens of others. I feel that children and teenagers need this especially, because they are struggling to understand the world and their place in it. I study hard for their sake.

by Jennifer Wolfert

From elementary school to my first year at college, I struggled to establish a dream for myself. Trying to figure out what career I wanted to pursue as successful adult always filled me with anxiety. I had spent multiple years in special education and left with a low academic self-esteem. So, after high school I attended Bucks County Community College in search for more time. Still I made no progress. Then I decided to change my outlook. I stopped asking “what do I want to do?” and started asking “who do I want to be?”. That’s when my dream took shape.

The educators that I met during my time at community college were my inspiration.  They are brilliant, hardworking people with a passion for their specialty that I had never seen before. Their belief in hard work was infectious. School began to fill me with excited anticipation and my grades improved. I started to believe that if I worked hard enough then I could be like them and inspire others like they had inspired me.

At the end of my second year attending community college, I accomplished a task that had previously racked me with fear. I applied to Temple University as a Secondary English Education major. I have now completed my second semester at Temple and earned my first 4.0 GPA. In time, I am confident that I will be able to accomplish my dream. I will become the passionate and inspiring educator that my younger self never had.

by Jenyfer Pegg

My entire life has been filled with discouragement. I grew up in a household where I was constantly told “No”. I was told my ideas were stupid and would not work. In my junior year of high school, my teachers and counselors started talking about college and sending in applications to different places. At that point, I knew I was not going. I came from a poor family and I knew we could never have money for something like college.

But I went on college visits, I listened to people speak about their college, and I was set. I had a lot of things pushing me, except the one thing I really wanted, my family. No one in my family has gone to college, and when I told my mother, she was shocked. She told me she just wanted me out of the house.

When I came to school, I realized I wanted to teach high school. I want to make an actual difference in someone else’s life. My family has taken the same road for years, and I’m not going down that road. I won’t live paycheck to paycheck like my mom, I will be a person that others will look up to.

I’m going to do something worthwhile, and I will work harder than anyone else if it gets me there.  I’ve seen what my life will be like without school and motivation and there is absolutely no way I’m going down that road. I’ve got bigger plans.

7. Unlock the Success Potential of Students

College student holding books

Educators want to help students in every way they can but, for some future teachers, the focus is on helping students soar. That child in front of you in the classroom might grow up to do great things for society, raise a strong family, or just be happy and fulfilled.

Whatever the potential of a pupil, a teacher’s job is to help unlock talents and remove any barriers to future success.

by Tamara Vega

The thing that motivates me the most is the thought of having my own classroom someday. I want to be the teacher that changes a child’s life, inspires them to set high goals for themselves and encourages them to reach it.

College can be so hard at times and I get really anxious and scared. I worry about not passing my classes and exams, I worry about not getting my degree. Despite that I do not give up because I have to do this and I want to do this.

I cannot see myself doing anything else besides teaching, I have never been this passionate about something. I want to graduate and get my degree. I’d love to look at it and say, “I worked hard for this and I earned it”.

The idea that the students in my classroom could grow up to cure cancer, or become president, pretty much anything they want, brings me so much excitement.   I want to be the teacher that they remember, the one who helped them realize their dream and who gave them the knowledge needed to reach it.

Be the teacher that I needed as a child but unfortunately never had. That is what gets me through all the stress and anxiety, I know in my heart that all the studying I’m doing right now will be worth it in the end.

by Nicole Gongora

The dream of success motivates me to study – not my success, my future students’ success. I push myself through the rough spots for them.

I was a lost child in high school; I didn’t know how to apply to college, let alone afford it. No child should have to experience that. As a future educator, I am committed to helping my students succeed, achieve more, and continue onto higher education.  Every child should be given the opportunity to showcase their strengths and follow their dreams.

College was never a dream for me; it was a far off, unattainable fantasy. I met some inspiring teachers in high school who encouraged me to change my life and who helped me to thrive. Without them, I wouldn’t be where I am today.

I plan to work at a low-income school similar to the one I attended. These types of schools are the ones who lack resources. I will serve as a resource to my students and I hope to be an inspiration to them. In turn, I hope they become kind, respectful adults. I want them to see the virtue in helping others and I hope they will serve others in their future careers. I want to be the teacher they remember. I want to be the teacher that helped them succeed.

I’ll feel successful as a teacher if my students are successful in attaining their goals. If one student decides to achieve more then I will have lived out my dream.

by Madison Sherrill

I’ve decided to become a teacher because I want to show the value of compassion and diversity.

As I begin college this upcoming fall, my main motivation is the students. While I haven’t even met them yet, they inspire me to persist in my classes and stay optimistic.  My classroom will support innovative thinking and celebrate each student’s individuality.

As a classroom teacher, I want to encourage and positively influence the next generation. They should know that they can be successful and achieve what they aspire to become while making the world better. By teaching the value of inclusiveness and the power of kindness, my students may turn out to be visionary thinkers and leading members of society.

by Alicia Costin

I am returning to school after taking a few years off. After graduating from California Lutheran University with my BS in Mathematics, I wanted to land a job with benefits and begin my “adult life”.

While it took me a few months to find my current job, is it just that; a job. I have benefits, a full-time schedule, weekends and holidays off, but am I happy? Is this what I want to do as a career for the rest of my life? I have asked myself this question a few times and the answer is always the same; no.

My dream is to become a teacher and help motivate and encourage students to do their best in their studies and in life.  It is my dream to do what I was meant to do; shape young minds and help future generations.

When things become difficult during my graduate program, I know to keep pushing, thriving, and studying hard so that, when I do become a teacher, I can use this as a positive story to shape their way of life. I landed a job outside of college, however now it is time for me to land my career.

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The professional landscape is always changing, answering to global trends and developments within the economic, political, and social spheres. Some professions come into prominence as their relevance increases, while others fall into obscurity. Naturally, both the development of tech and the increased influence of globalization become central forces to shaping the job market in the 21 st century. Assuming the position of a soon-to-be graduate, it can be difficult to realize which career opportunities are advantageous or preferable in the future. However, it is possible to answer this question with more confidence by referring to the past. During the industrial revolution period, many jobs fell out of fashion, and many similarly gained in prominence. In particular, many types of low-skill or monotone labor were replaced by automation, allowing factories to overtake farming, textile production, and other types of manufacturing. The use of machinery was more efficient and cost-effective than paying workers for the same amount of work, leading to the reduction of jobs in those sphere. However, more individuals found an opportunity to learn skills related to operating machinery, or completing more complicated tasks that the tech is unable to handle. As a result, the industrial revolution created a new layer of workers.

Similarly, advancements in tech and computer science are slowly phasing out many traditional jobs in the modern age. Mass producing furniture, food items, beauty products and all kinds of other items has become common, and even the more difficult tasks are becoming replaced with learning algorithms and smart technology. As a result, it is necessary to look at jobs that are impossible to be currently replaced by automation, and predict how their influence benefits the current market trends. Programming, engineering and industrial design are all fields with promising prospects for the future. Individuals who can create better programs or maintain existing ones are always needed, especially in a climate that relies on the use of computers and the worldwide web. Therefore, any occupation that requires knowledge of programming languages will stay in demand in the near future. Engineering, similarly, is widely used to conceptualize and assemble systems capable of producing value. In order to help organizations fulfill their stakeholder responsibilities, those who can create efficient mechanisms are invaluable.

Another field that will not be displaced by automation in the near future is ethics. Computers and A.I. algorithms have been used to make better moral decisions for quite some time now, but they cannot always be relied upon. In addition, professionals need to set certain standards of ethical practice into computers before they can perform duties related to ethical decision-making. As a result, both ethics committee members and professionals in fields like medicine will retain their valuable positions.

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IvyPanda. (2024, March 3). The Job Market in the 21st Century. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-job-market-in-the-21st-century/

"The Job Market in the 21st Century." IvyPanda , 3 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/the-job-market-in-the-21st-century/.

IvyPanda . (2024) 'The Job Market in the 21st Century'. 3 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "The Job Market in the 21st Century." March 3, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-job-market-in-the-21st-century/.

1. IvyPanda . "The Job Market in the 21st Century." March 3, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-job-market-in-the-21st-century/.


IvyPanda . "The Job Market in the 21st Century." March 3, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-job-market-in-the-21st-century/.

Study Paragraphs

My Future Plans Essay 250 Words

My future! It’s like a treasure map with dreams as the destination. So, hop aboard, and let’s sail into the world of my future plans!

My Future Plans: Dreaming Big and Reaching for the Stars

I believe in dreaming big. It’s like having a canvas as vast as the sky to paint my dreams. I dream of becoming an astronaut, exploring outer space, and maybe even walking on the moon! The universe is like an endless adventure waiting for me.

The Path to Success – Education

To achieve my dreams, I know I need a solid education. It’s like the key that unlocks the doors to the future. I plan to study hard, learn about science and technology, and be the best student I can be. Education is my launchpad to the stars.

Exploring the Cosmos – Space Adventures

My future plans involve a lot of space adventures. It’s like riding a rocket to the stars! I want to study the planets, discover new galaxies, and learn more about the mysteries of the universe. It’s an exciting journey that’s out of this world.

Helping Others – Making a Difference

I also dream of using my knowledge to help others. It’s like being a superhero of science. Whether it’s finding ways to protect our Earth or developing technology to improve people’s lives, I want to make a positive impact on the world.

Never Giving Up – Perseverance

I know that reaching for the stars can be challenging. It’s like climbing a mountain with no end in sight. But I’m determined to never give up. I’ll face obstacles with courage, learn from failures, and keep moving forward, one small step at a time.

The Importance of Teamwork – Collaboration

In the world of space exploration, teamwork is like the fuel that propels us forward. I’ll work with scientists, engineers, and astronauts from all over the world. Together, we’ll achieve incredible things and push the boundaries of human knowledge.

Lifelong Learning – Curiosity

I believe that learning never ends. It’s like a never-ending book with chapters waiting to be explored. Even as I pursue my dreams, I’ll continue to learn, ask questions, and stay curious about the world around me.

Balancing Work and Play – Well-Being

While chasing my dreams, I’ll remember the importance of balance. It’s like finding harmony in a symphony. I’ll take care of my physical and mental well-being, enjoy time with friends and family, and savor the simple joys of life.

Giving Back – Inspiration

I want to inspire others to follow their dreams too. It’s like passing the torch of ambition. I’ll share my experiences, visit schools to talk about space exploration, and encourage young dreamers to believe in themselves.

The Future Is Bright – Conclusion

As I look ahead, I see a future filled with possibilities. It’s like a sunrise painting the sky with vibrant colors. I’ll keep dreaming big, working hard, and reaching for the stars. My future plans are a roadmap to an exciting adventure, and I can’t wait to see where it leads.

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10 Sample Answers to “Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?”

my job in the future essay

Ever wondered how to ace the ‘Where do you see yourself in 5 years?’ question in job interviews?

At MatchBuilt, we’ve seen over 70% of employers ask this, making it a crucial pivot point for your career narrative. It’s not just about ambition; it’s a litmus test for your alignment with the company’s vision.

In this post, we’ll unlock the secrets behind this question, drawing on insights from top industry recruiters. Expect to find expertly crafted sample answers tailored to various career paths, equipping you with the right tools to articulate your future goals in sync with potential employers. Let’s dive in and transform your interview responses into compelling career stories.

how to answer where do you see yourself in 5 years

Why Employers Ask This Question and What They Are Looking For

Unraveling the intent behind the classic interview question, ‘Where do you see yourself in 5 years?’, reveals much about an employer’s priorities. It’s not just a query; it’s a strategic probe into your career ambitions and fit with the company’s future.

Here, employers are gauging your long-term vision, seeking signs of ambition, motivation, and dedication to career growth.

A well-crafted answer showcasing your alignment with the company’s values and objectives isn’t just informative—it’s a testament to your commitment and potential growth within the organization. Let’s dive into how a strategic response can significantly impact your career trajectory.

How To Answer ‘Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?’

Now that we grasp the reasons behind the question, “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” and what employers are seeking in your response, let’s delve into crafting a compelling answer. Follow these clear and direct steps to excel in your response:

  • Be Honest and Realistic: When answering this question, be honest and realistic about your career goals and aspirations . Avoid being vague or unrealistic, as this can give the impression that you haven’t thought much about your future plans.
  • Show Your Ambition: Employers seek ambitious and motivated candidates to grow within the company. Show your ambition by sharing your long-term career goals and how they align with the company’s mission and values.
  • Highlight Your Skills: Take the opportunity to showcase your skills and how you plan to develop them further. This demonstrates your commitment to your career growth and potential value to the company.
  • Be Flexible: While having a clear vision for your future is important, being flexible and adaptable is also essential. Show that you are open to new opportunities and challenges within the company and are willing to adjust your plans if necessary.

When answering this question, avoiding being vague or unrealistic is essential. For example, saying that you see yourself as the company’s CEO within five years may be unrealistic and may not align with the company’s needs. Instead, focus on realistic and achievable goals that demonstrate your ambition and commitment to your career growth within the company.

By following these simple steps, you can provide a thoughtful and strategic answer that impresses your interviewer and showcases your potential as a candidate.

best answer to where you see yourself in five years

Avoid Common Mistakes When Discussing Your 5-Year Vision

When answering the question, “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” it’s important to avoid common mistakes that could send red flags to the hiring manager and hinder your chances of landing your dream job. Here are some tips on how to avoid these mistakes:

  • Don’t be too vague: Avoid giving generic or unclear answers that don’t align with your career aspirations. For example, saying that you see yourself “growing with the company” may not demonstrate enough ambition or a clear plan for your long-term career goals.
  • Don’t be too unrealistic: While showcasing your ambition and career growth aspirations is important, keeping them realistic is equally important. Saying that you want to be the company’s CEO within five years while starting at an entry-level position may come across as unrealistic.
  • Don’t be too short-sighted: Employers are looking for candidates with a long-term vision for their career growth, not just short-term goals. Ensure your answer includes how you plan to develop your skills and progress in your career beyond the five-year mark.
  • Don’t be too focused on the specific position: While showing enthusiasm for the role you’re interviewing for is excellent, showcasing your broader career goals and aspirations is vital. Don’t limit yourself to just one specific position within the company.
  • Don’t give the same example answer as everyone else: Employers have repeatedly heard the same “example answers” to this common job interview question. It’s important to stand out by providing a unique and personalized response that showcases your strengths and aspirations.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can correctly answer the question “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” and increase your chances of receiving a job offer. It’s a great way to show your ambition and commitment to long-term career growth while demonstrating that you are a good fit for the company.

Now that you’ve learned what to avoid when answering ‘Where do you see yourself in 5 years?’, let’s take it a step further. Below is a special video to visually guide you through the nuances of crafting an impactful answer. This video will illustrate, with real examples, how to articulate your 5-year vision effectively, ensuring you stand out in your interview. Get ready to transform your answer from good to exceptional, and confidently express your career aspirations.

10 Example Answers to “Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?”

Dive into the heart of your next interview with our curated selection of ten sample answers to the pivotal question, ‘Where do you see yourself in 5 years?’ This section is crafted to arm you with strategies that not only answer the question but also align your ambitions with the company’s vision.

From aspiring leaders to technical experts, each example is tailored to showcase different career paths and goals. Let’s enhance your interview preparation and ensure you leave a memorable impression, well-equipped to articulate your future plans with confidence.

Sample Answer 1: Career Growth

In five years, I see myself as an integral part of the company’s vision, contributing to its growth and success. As the company expands into new markets and adopts new technologies, I would love to take on more responsibilities and advance within my role . To achieve this, I plan to proactively seek out professional development opportunities and mentorship from senior team members. I also aim to leverage my skills and experience to support the company’s goals and work collaboratively with my colleagues towards achieving shared objectives.

The response reflects the candidate’s eagerness to advance their company career and unwavering dedication to growth. It exhibits a thorough understanding of the company’s objectives and reveals the candidate’s determination to succeed through proactivity. By prioritizing their professional progression and seeking opportunities to hone their skills, the candidate aligns with the qualities that employers look for in a driven and committed candidate.

Sample Answer 2: Leadership Development

In the next five years, I envision myself growing within the company by taking on new challenges and expanding my skill set. As I understand from my research, the company is expanding its market share and introducing new products to its portfolio. I would like to be a part of this growth and contribute to the success of the company by taking on leadership roles in these new projects. To achieve this, I plan to actively seek out opportunities to learn and develop my skills, take on new responsibilities, and work closely with senior leaders to gain mentorship and guidance. I believe that by growing my leadership skills and contributing to the company’s vision, I can make a meaningful impact and help drive the company’s success in the future.

This answer demonstrates the candidate’s ambition and commitment to developing their leadership skills, a highly valued trait by employers. It also shows that the candidate has a clear plan for achieving their goals and is willing to take proactive steps to develop their skills.

Sample Answer 3: Cross-Functional Experience

In the next five years, I see myself growing within the company by taking on new challenges and expanding my skillset. I am impressed with the company’s vision for innovation and growth, and I would love to be a part of that journey. Specifically, I am interested in learning more about [specific department or project] and how I can contribute to its success. I plan to seek out opportunities to collaborate with those teams and gain a deeper understanding of their operations. By doing so, I believe I can bring added value to the company and achieve my own professional goals.

This response highlights the candidate’s eagerness to enhance their knowledge and expertise beyond their current position, showcasing a valuable attribute for any employee. Moreover, it indicates that the candidate is proactive in their approach and actively seeks out avenues for progress and advancement within the organization.

Sample Answer 4: Contribution to Company Goals

I see myself growing with the company and taking on new challenges over the next five years. I am excited about the company’s focus on expanding into new markets and developing innovative products, and I would love to be a part of that vision. Specifically, I hope to take on leadership roles within my department and contribute to the company’s success through my skills and expertise. I plan to continually improve myself by seeking out opportunities for training and development and staying up-to-date with industry trends. Ultimately, my goal is to make a significant impact on the company’s growth and success while also advancing my own career.

This answer demonstrates the candidate’s commitment to the company’s goals and values, a highly valued trait by employers. It also shows that the candidate has a clear plan for achieving their goals and is willing to seek feedback and mentorship to ensure their success.

Sample Answer 5: Technical Expertise

In the next five years, I see myself growing within the company and becoming an integral part of its future. I am excited about the company’s vision to expand its digital offerings, and I would love to be a part of that growth. Specifically, I am passionate about developing my technical expertise and becoming a subject matter expert within my field. To achieve this goal, I plan to attend technical training or workshops, seek mentorship or guidance from technical experts within the company, and actively seek out challenging technical projects. My objective is to become a valuable resource for the company and a go-to person for technical questions or projects that contribute to the company’s growth and success.

The candidate’s response indicates a strong drive to improve their technical abilities , reflecting a desirable quality sought by employers. Additionally, the candidate’s clear and well-thought-out plan for skill development showcases their dedication to achieving their objectives and their proactive approach toward seeking opportunities for growth and advancement.

candidate talking about professional development plan

Sample Answer 6: Leadership and Management

I see myself taking on a leadership role within the company over the next five years and managing a team. I have been actively developing my leadership skills, and I believe that I will be ready to take on this responsibility in five years. I plan to continue to grow my skills by taking leadership courses and working closely with my current manager to learn as much as possible.

This answer demonstrates that the candidate has ambition and is committed to growing their skills within the company. It also shows that they have a specific career path in mind and are actively working towards achieving their goals.

Sample Answer 7: Industry Expertise

In five years, I see myself as a vital member of the team, contributing to the company’s growth and success. As I understand the company’s vision, it aims to expand into new markets and develop innovative products to stay ahead of the competition. I am excited about the opportunity to grow alongside the company and be part of this vision. I plan to take on challenging projects, seek out learning opportunities, and continuously improve my skills to contribute to the company’s progress. Additionally, I look forward to mentoring new team members and sharing my knowledge and expertise to contribute to the team’s overall success.

The candidate’s response shows a strong commitment to staying current with the latest industry trends and a drive to enhance their expertise. Moreover, it highlights their proactive attitude and willingness to take on new challenges to advance their objectives.

Sample Answer 8: Making an Impact

In five years, I envision myself as a key player in the company’s growth and success. As the company expands into new markets and takes on more complex projects, I would like to take on a leadership role in these endeavors. I am excited about the company’s focus on innovation and sustainability, and I hope to contribute to these initiatives by developing new strategies and implementing best practices. By seeking out mentorship opportunities and continuously improving my skills, I am confident that I can help the company achieve its long-term goals.

This answer shows that the candidate is focused on making a meaningful impact within the company and is committed to finding ways to contribute to the team’s success. It also demonstrates that they are eager to develop their skills and become a more valuable team member.

Sample Answer 9: Entrepreneurship

In five years, I see myself starting my own business within the industry. I plan to continue learning as much as possible while working at this company and develop a network of industry professionals who can support me when the time comes. I believe that my experience working here will be invaluable when starting my own business.

This answer demonstrates that the candidate is ambitious and has a long-term career plan in mind. It also shows they are committed to developing their skills and network while working at the company. They see their experience there as an asset to their future entrepreneurial endeavors.

Sample Answer 10: Company Loyalty

In five years, I see myself still working at this company and contributing to its growth and success. I plan to continue developing my skills and taking on new challenges as they arise. I believe that this company is the best place for me to achieve my career goals, and I am committed to its success.

The candidate’s response exemplifies their loyalty to the company and their intention to stay for the long haul. It also highlights their unwavering commitment to improving their skills and tackling fresh challenges to propel the company’s growth and prosperity further.

Actionable Tips for the 5-Year Vision Interview Question

When responding to the question, “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” in an interview, it’s beneficial to focus on one or two key areas that align closely with your career aspirations and the company’s objectives. This section offers actionable tips derived from various focus areas to help you articulate a clear and strategic vision. Tailoring your response by combining aspects of these tips can make your answer more impactful and aligned with your individual goals.

Focus Area Actionable Tip
Career Growth Demonstrate commitment to long-term career goals
Leadership Skills Articulate aspirations for leadership roles
Skill Development Express eagerness to acquire specific skills
Company Alignment Align personal goals with the company’s vision
Professional Growth Discuss steps for career progression
Team Contribution Highlight the importance of contributing to a team
Personal Development Emphasize ongoing personal improvement
Innovation Showcase a desire to bring innovative ideas
Industry Knowledge Display a deep understanding of the industry
Work-Life Balance Balance professional ambitions with personal life

Enhance your understanding of ‘Where do you see yourself in 5 years?’ another video guide. This visual complements the actionable tips provided, offering a dynamic way to understand how to effectively incorporate these strategies into your answer. The video will bring these tips to life, demonstrating how to blend your career aspirations with the company’s goals in a compelling and personalized way. Get ready to refine your response and make a memorable impact in your next interview.

More Frequently Asked Interview Questions

Preparing for an interview can be nerve-wracking, especially when unsure of what to expect. While every interview differs, hiring managers tend to ask several common questions. Knowing how to answer these questions can help you feel more confident and prepared for your interview. This section will review some of the most common interview questions, tips, and example answers to help you nail your next interview.

The best answer to "What is your long-term goal?" will vary depending on the individual and the specific job opportunity. However, a good answer should demonstrate ambition, a clear vision for the future, and alignment with the company's values and goals. Here is an example of a strong answer: "My long-term goal is to continue to grow and develop in my career while making meaningful contributions to the company. Specifically, I aim to take on increasingly challenging roles and responsibilities that allow me to leverage my skills and experience while also expanding my knowledge and expertise. I see myself as a valuable member of the team, working collaboratively with my colleagues to drive the company's success and achieve our shared goals."

One example answer to the question "Where do you see yourself in 10 years?" could be: "In 10 years, I see myself in a leadership role within the company, working closely with the executive team to drive business strategy and innovation. I hope to have developed a strong team of professionals who share my vision and commitment to excellence. Additionally, I plan to have pursued further education and training to expand my skills and knowledge, ultimately positioning myself as an expert in my field." This answer demonstrates ambition, strategic thinking, and a long-term commitment to the company's success. It also shows a willingness to invest in personal and professional growth, which is highly valued by employers. It's important to note that this answer should be tailored to the specific position and company you are interviewing for, showcasing how your long-term goals align with their needs and objectives.

One example answer to the question "What can you bring to the company?" could be: "One of my strengths is my ability to problem-solve and think creatively. In my previous job, I identified a bottleneck in the production process and developed a new strategy that increased efficiency by 30%. I believe this kind of innovative thinking can be applied to any company, and I am excited to bring it to your team." The answer provided showcases a clear understanding of the company's needs and a strong alignment with them. The candidate has also demonstrated how their skills and experience can benefit the company by providing a specific example.

A great example answer to "How do you handle stress and pressure?" would be: "I handle stress and pressure by prioritizing my tasks and breaking them down into smaller, more manageable tasks. I also make sure to take breaks and step away from my work when necessary to clear my mind and refocus. In my previous job, I had a deadline for a project, and there was a lot of pressure to finish it on time. I took the initiative to organize a meeting with my team to discuss our progress and delegate tasks effectively, which helped us meet our deadline without compromising the quality of our work." This answer demonstrates a proactive approach to stress and pressure, emphasizing problem-solving skills, time management, and teamwork. The candidate shows the ability to take charge of the situation and manage their workload effectively while maintaining high quality in their work. Providing a specific example also adds credibility to the candidate's answer, showing their ability to handle stressful situations in the past.

A great way to answer the question, "What can you contribute to the team?" is to provide specific examples of your skills, experiences, and accomplishments related to the job and the team's needs. "I believe my strong communication and collaboration skills, as well as my ability to think creatively and solve problems, would make a valuable contribution to the team. In my previous job, I collaborated with a team of designers and developers to create a new website for our client. My ability to communicate effectively and work well with others helped us meet our deadlines and deliver a high-quality product. I also came up with a creative solution to a technical problem that saved the project time and money. I am confident that I can bring these skills and experiences to this team and contribute to its success." This answer shows that the candidate has specific skills and experiences that are relevant to the job and the team's needs. The example also demonstrates the candidate's ability to work well with others, think creatively, and solve problems, all of which are valuable traits in a team environment. By providing a concrete example, the candidate shows that they have a track record of contributing to a team's success, which can give the hiring manager confidence in their ability to do the same in the new job.

Moving Up the Ladder: Using the “Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?” Question to Your Advantage

Answering the question about where you see yourself in 5 years requires a certain amount of crystal ball-gazing. However, by considering your long-term personal goals and creating a five-year plan, you can position yourself for success over the long haul. Whether you’re aiming for a specific management position or simply looking to build your skills and experience as an entry-level employee, having a clear sense of your ultimate goal is a good idea.

At MatchBuilt executive search, we understand that the coming years may hold many opportunities and challenges for job seekers like you. That’s why we’ve provided ten sample answers to one of the most common interview questions, along with advice on how to craft the best response for your potential employers. By following our tips and tailoring your answer to the specific position you’re seeking, you’ll make a great first impression on new employees and increase your chances of landing the job.

my job in the future essay

About Mark Matyanowski

As the founder of MatchBuilt, with over 18 years of recruiting and coaching experience and 8+ years in executive roles at a leading Fortune 100 company, I am deeply committed to guiding professionals in their career paths.

Our team at MatchBuilt offers expert support in enhancing resumes, optimizing LinkedIn profiles, and preparing for interviews. Our blog, drawing on our rich experience and industry insights, is a valuable resource for job seekers.

We take pride in successfully guiding job candidates to top-tier company roles while empowering individuals to achieve their career ambitions, irrespective of their background or educational level.

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10 High-Paying, In-Demand Jobs of the Future That I Would Consider If I Were Planning My Career Now The career market is set for significant changes in the coming years.

By Georgi Todorov Edited by Chelsea Brown Aug 9, 2024

Key Takeaways

  • As the job market evolves, there will be a demand for roles designed to handle the immense growth of data and the increasing complexity of financial technologies.
  • If you're entering the workforce in the near future or contemplating a career change, consider these roles that are expected to be lucrative and highly sought after in the coming years.

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

By 2027, 23% of jobs will transform, leading to the creation of 69 million new positions but the loss of 83 million existing ones. This will open an opportunity for innovative and emerging professions to take center stage, catering to the evolving needs of the digital age.

Among these future-focused careers are roles specifically designed to handle the immense growth of data and the increasing complexity of financial technologies. If you're entering the workforce in the next few years or seeking a career change, you should consider these 10 lucrative jobs that will be in demand in the future.

Related: The 30 Best High-Paying Jobs of the Future

1. User-Generated Content Creator

User-generated content (UGC) is considered one of the most authentic forms of advertising, influencing purchasing decisions for 70% of Gen Z and 78% of millennials . With the growing importance and application of UGC in marketing, there's also an increasing demand for UGC creators. Because UGC creators are peers rather than celebrities, they allow brands to build trust with their audience and humanize marketing. At the same time, their content production process can be much more cost-effective than other types of promotional content.

2. Dental Robotics Engineer

The medical field is set to create 45% of new jobs in the U.S. , reflecting a growing demand for skilled professionals. As both medical robotics and AI technologies advance, there will be increased growth in AI-related positions in healthcare. Employment for dentists is projected to rise by 4% from 2020 to 2030 . A dental robotics engineer, focusing on enhancing precision and efficiency in dental procedures, designs and programs diagnostic and surgical tools, tests and optimizes systems and ensures regulatory compliance while collaborating with dental professionals and staying updated on technology advancements.

3. NFT Curator

NFTs are expected to generate $2.378 billion in revenue in 2024 and expand into new and diverse sectors. An NFT curator selects and manages digital artworks tokenized as NFTs, working with artists to create and promote virtual exhibitions. They research market trends, ensure asset authenticity and educate the public about NFTs. Key skills include artistic knowledge, blockchain proficiency, analytical abilities and marketing expertise. With experience in art curation or digital marketing, NFT curators will bridge traditional and digital art as the NFT market expands.

4. Self-Driving Software Developer

The global self-driving car market was valued at $121.82 billion in 2023 and is expected to reach $2,354.12 billion by 2030 . A self-driving software developer creates and optimizes software for autonomous vehicles, focusing on real-time decision-making and sensor data integration. Key skills include programming in C++ and Python, machine learning and robotics. The role involves extensive testing, collaboration with hardware engineers and ensuring compliance with safety standards.

Related: Jobs 3.0: How You Can Prepare For The Future Of Work

5. Smartphone Eco-Designer

Ecodesign requirements will come into effect for smartphones, feature phones, cordless phones and slate tablets entering the EU market from June 20, 2025 . As this shift takes place, a smartphone eco-designer will play a crucial role in creating environmentally sustainable smartphones, focusing on biodegradable materials and eco-friendly manufacturing processes. They collaborate with engineers and manufacturers to ensure recyclability, reduce electronic waste and promote energy-efficient production, thereby setting new industry standards for sustainability in consumer electronics.

6. Data Extraction Specialist

The role of a Data Extraction Specialist is already established, but as the volume of data worldwide continues to grow dramatically, the demand for this profession will also increase significantly. In 2024, the amount of data created is 402.74 million terabytes each day . Soon, the focus will shift from creating new information to finding and properly structuring existing data. Instead of generating new information, data extraction specialists focus on identifying and extracting the exact information needed and properly structuring it. This profession is poised to become one of the most crucial roles in the future, given the ever-increasing importance of efficiently managing and utilizing vast amounts of data.

7. Blockchain and Crypto Accountant

As the blockchain and cryptocurrency sectors continue to expand, the need for specialized accounting professionals in these fields is growing rapidly. The blockchain and crypto market is projected to reach $4.94 billion by 2030 , more than three times its estimated size of $1.49 billion in 2020. Blockchain and crypto accountants will play a critical role in managing and auditing transactions, ensuring compliance with evolving regulations and providing financial insights specific to digital assets. Their expertise will be essential for businesses and individuals navigating the complexities of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency markets, which will make this profession highly sought after in the future.

8. Data-Driven Digital PR Specialist

Another profession that will be in demand in the future is the Data-Driven Digital PR Specialist, who uses data to enhance public relations efforts. A recent study found that 17.5% of respondents noted that quantifiable data improved their digital PR results. These specialists leverage data to craft effective campaigns, target audiences precisely and measure success, making them essential for navigating the evolving digital landscape .

9. Commercial Window Tinting Technician

Commercial window tinting, which applies a protective film to building windows, is increasingly important for improving energy efficiency and reducing UV radiation. By cutting sunlight, it reduces heat build-up and glare, leading to lower air conditioning needs and cost savings. With stricter energy efficiency regulations, the global window tint film market is expected to grow to $15.67 billion by 2030, a 37% increase from 2023. The demand for commercial window tinting technicians is set to rise, solidifying it as a future profession.

Related: Here Are the Best High-Paying and Fast-Growing Jobs for the Next Decade

10. Virtual Real Estate Agent

As the metaverse grows, virtual real estate agents are becoming essential. They handle buying, selling and managing properties in virtual worlds. In 2023, North America held 35% of the metaverse real estate market , underscoring the region's significant role. These agents will guide clients in acquiring digital assets and navigating virtual landscapes, proving crucial for success in the expanding metaverse real estate market .

The future holds exciting and unpredictable possibilities, and as we navigate this ever-evolving landscape, we're living in an extraordinary time of transformation and opportunity.

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Embracing Gen AI at Work

  • H. James Wilson
  • Paul R. Daugherty

my job in the future essay

The skills you need to succeed in the era of large language models

Today artificial intelligence can be harnessed by nearly anyone, using commands in everyday language instead of code. Soon it will transform more than 40% of all work activity, according to the authors’ research. In this new era of collaboration between humans and machines, the ability to leverage AI effectively will be critical to your professional success.

This article describes the three kinds of “fusion skills” you need to get the best results from gen AI. Intelligent interrogation involves instructing large language models to perform in ways that generate better outcomes—by, say, breaking processes down into steps or visualizing multiple potential paths to a solution. Judgment integration is about incorporating expert and ethical human discernment to make AI’s output more trustworthy, reliable, and accurate. It entails augmenting a model’s training sources with authoritative knowledge bases when necessary, keeping biases out of prompts, ensuring the privacy of any data used by the models, and scrutinizing suspect output. With reciprocal apprenticing, you tailor gen AI to your company’s specific business context by including rich organizational data and know-how into the commands you give it. As you become better at doing that, you yourself learn how to train the AI to tackle more-sophisticated challenges.

The AI revolution is already here. Learning these three skills will prepare you to thrive in it.

Generative artificial intelligence is expected to radically transform all kinds of jobs over the next few years. No longer the exclusive purview of technologists, AI can now be put to work by nearly anyone, using commands in everyday language instead of code. According to our research, most business functions and more than 40% of all U.S. work activity can be augmented, automated, or reinvented with gen AI. The changes are expected to have the largest impact on the legal, banking, insurance, and capital-market sectors—followed by retail, travel, health, and energy.

  • H. James Wilson is the global managing director of technology research and thought leadership at Accenture Research. He is the coauthor, with Paul R. Daugherty, of Human + Machine: Reimagining Work in the Age of AI, New and Expanded Edition (HBR Press, 2024). hjameswilson
  • Paul R. Daugherty is Accenture’s chief technology and innovation officer. He is the coauthor, with H. James Wilson, of Human + Machine: Reimagining Work in the Age of AI, New and Expanded Edition (HBR Press, 2024). pauldaugh

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Essay on My Future Plan

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Future Plan in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Future Plan

My dream job.

I want to be a teacher. I love sharing knowledge and helping others learn new things. Teaching young minds sounds exciting and rewarding. I plan to study hard to understand the subjects I wish to teach.

Education Goals

To become a teacher, I need to finish school with good grades. Then, I’ll go to college to study education. I’ll also read lots of books to gain more knowledge.

Helping My Community

As a teacher, I will not only teach in a classroom but also help my community. I want to start free classes for kids who can’t afford school.

Staying Healthy

I understand that to do all this, I must stay healthy. So, I will eat well, play sports, and get enough sleep. This will keep my mind sharp for my future plans.

250 Words Essay on My Future Plan

To be a good teacher, I need to study a lot. My plan is to finish high school with good grades and then go to college. In college, I will learn how to teach and understand different subjects. I will also learn how to make classes fun so that students will love coming to school.

I also want to help my community. As a teacher, I can start clubs for students after school. These clubs can be about sports, music, or even helping animals. I think this is a great way to make my town a better place.

Staying Healthy and Happy

My future plan also includes staying healthy. I want to eat good food, play sports, and get enough sleep. A healthy body means I can be a happy and energetic teacher.

In the end, my future plan is all about becoming a teacher, learning a lot, helping my community, and staying healthy. I am excited to work hard and make my dreams come true.

500 Words Essay on My Future Plan

Introduction to my future plan.

Thinking about the future can be exciting and a little bit scary. But making plans for what I want to do helps me feel ready for what’s coming. My future plan is like a map that guides me to reach my dreams. I want to share my plan with you, so you can see how I’m preparing for the years ahead.

My Dream Career

As I mentioned, I dream of becoming an engineer. I love building things and figuring out how stuff works. As an engineer, I will be able to create new things that can help people in their everyday lives. I also want to make sure that the things I build are safe for the environment. To reach this dream, I need to learn a lot and get experience by maybe working on small projects with friends or family.

Staying Healthy and Active

I know that to do well in school and work, I need to be healthy. So, part of my future plan is to stay active by playing sports and eating healthy foods. I enjoy playing soccer, and it’s a great way for me to exercise and have fun with my friends. Keeping my body and mind healthy will help me focus on my goals.

Learning New Skills

Helping others.

I believe it’s important to help people and make a difference in the community. In the future, I want to volunteer and help others who might need it. Whether it’s teaching younger kids to read or helping clean up a park, I want to do my part to make the world a better place.

My future plan is all about reaching my dreams while staying healthy and helping others. I know that if I work hard and stay focused on my goals, I can make all these things happen. It’s like a journey that I’m getting ready for, and I’m excited to see where it will take me. By sharing my plan, I hope to inspire others to think about their future and make plans that will lead them to success and happiness.

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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I had a remote tech job at Amazon, but then RTO kicked in. I quit after they asked me to move to another city.

  • Gazi Jarin joined Amazon as a software engineer in July 2022, working remotely.
  • By August 2023, she was asked to RTO. In December, the company asked her to move cities.
  • Jarin left Amazon to work at Pinterest, saying she didn't want a company to decide where she lived.

Insider Today

This as-told-to essay is based on a transcribed conversation with Gazi Jarin, a 24-year-old software engineer, about working at Amazon when it introduced a "return to hub" policy. Business Insider verified her employment at Amazon with documentation. The following has been edited for length and clarity.

I studied computer science at college and wanted to aim high and work at a FAANG .

In July 2022, three months after graduating, I started a full-time software engineering job at Amazon after applying and interviewing for the role.

I was on the Route 53 team, which handles domain management, and I felt I was doing meaningful work.

I stayed at Amazon for nearly two years but chose to leave in May after they introduced a " return to hub " policy. This policy required me to move to a different city to be in the office with more teammates.

I think employees should be able to choose where they work from, and I didn't want a company to decide where I lived.

I enjoyed working remotely at Amazon

When I started working at Amazon, the job was fully remote. My teammates were mostly in Vancouver, but I was based in Toronto. I went into the Toronto office a couple of times, but it was super empty.

I visited the Vancouver office twice when the company flew me out for social events. My accommodation and flights were covered.

My time at Amazon was great. I had good mentors and felt like I was learning something new every day. I started as an entry-level software engineer and was promoted after the first year.

One downside was that every eight weeks or so, I had to be on-call for a week. If a service went down and customers couldn't access it, I'd have to fix or mitigate the issue no matter the time.

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I had to wake up at 3 a.m. a couple of times, but I understood this was part of the job.

I was initially concerned about Amazon's reputation for employees overworking, but on my team, there was respect for work-life balance.

Toronto and Vancouver are in different time zones, but I never worried that someone was going to ask me to do something after I'd finished for the day. If I logged on early, my teammates would tell me not to.

Amazon asked employees to RTO and, in some cases, relocate to a new city

I liked remote work and not having to waste time commuting.

When I started doing internships at college, COVID-19 had already hit. I didn't know what it was like to work in an office before joining Amazon.

Around August 2023, my manager told our team that the company was implementing a return-to-office policy . It wasn't strict at first, and I didn't go into the office regularly for the first two months.

Then, we were notified that the company would start monitoring how many times we came in and that we had to go in three times a week. I remember some leniency around not coming in if you were sick or on vacation that week, but my manager told me that consistently refusing to cooperate with the policy could lead to termination.

I went into the Toronto office, but all of my meetings were still virtual because my team was in Vancouver, so it wasn't really fulfilling the collaborative aspect of RTO .

Around December 2023, my manager informed us that the company was now implementing a " return to hub " policy, where employees would need to be in the same location as other members of their team. He mentioned that it would help embody the collaborative values that Amazon has.

There were rumors floating around that this might happen because they'd already done it in the US.

For me, the primary option was moving to Vancouver, but members of our backend team were also in Seattle, so that was another "hub" for our team.

If I moved to Seattle, I'd get a pay bump because I'd be paid in USD. The company would also sort out my visa, and there would be a pathway to getting a green card.

I decided that Seattle would be a better option than Vancouver. I told them I'd move, and they expected me to relocate before the end of 2024.

I decided to stay in Toronto and left my job

I knew that Seattle would provide me with opportunities, but my whole life was in Toronto. I wanted to keep my options in Toronto open, so in early 2024 I started applying for other jobs here.

I didn't want to have to downgrade my career to stay, so it took me a while to find a job that offered a comparable salary and perks.

In May, I was offered a software engineer II role at Pinterest, which I accepted, leaving Amazon that same month. The salary was higher than my Amazon salary , and I wouldn't have to go through a major shift by leaving Toronto.

I'm happy with my choice. Interviewing with other companies made me realize that US companies are quite open to Canadian candidates. I could choose to go to the US again if I wanted.

I'd rather go to the US on my own time than be forced to go there in a rush. I'd also want the autonomy to choose where I'd move. I didn't want Amazon to tell me the city or how often to be in the office.

I don't think the work I did at Amazon required me to come into the office or move. I was mainly coding features on my computer. Even if I had moved to Seattle, many of my team members would still have been in Vancouver.

I think in-person work is valuable if your whole team is in the office together, but it shouldn't be a requirement.

Employees should be able to choose where they work themselves, instead of companies deciding for us.

Do you have an experience with RTO policies that you'd like to share with Business Insider? Email [email protected] Editor's note: When approached with the claims in this article for comment, an Amazon spokesperson said it could not verify the author's account and did not have sufficient information to "separate the truth from fiction." However, the spokesperson said, "Over a year ago, we asked employees to start coming into the office three or more days per week because we believe it would yield the best long-term results for our customers, business, and culture." They added, "The vast majority of employees are in the office more frequently" and claimed employees and businesses around the offices had said, "There's more energy, connection, and collaboration."

Watch: Meet the Amazon warehouse workers paying the price for fast, free shipping

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