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5 routes to getting a Doctorate

While most of those studying for a PhD take the PhD by thesis pathway, there are five viable routes to achieving a Doctorate, with both full-time and part-time options available

PhD by thesis

This is the most common means of getting a Doctorate. Over the three or four years of research at university, your PhD supervisor will support you as you aim to produce a thesis based on your research proposal .

A thesis is typically 60,000-90,000 words in length - although this can vary between institutions. For instance, the University of Glasgow's College of Social Sciences expects a thesis to be 70,000 to 100,000 words including references, bibliography and appendices, while the University of Cambridge has set an upper limit of 80,000 words.

Once completed, you'll need to defend your PhD thesis in front of a panel of examiners during your viva voce .

Doctorate by publication

This route involves submitting previously published work - such as books, book chapters and journal articles, which together form a coherent body of work and show evidence of an original contribution to a particular field of study.

The PhD by publication route is often taken by mid-career academics that haven't had the opportunity to undertake a standard Doctorate degree.

Generally, a minimum of five to eight published pieces are required, but this varies between institutions and depends on their length. The published work will be assessed to the same rigorous standards as a traditional PhD by thesis.

You must also provide a written supporting statement, which typically ranges from 5,000 to 15,000 words.

For instance, the University of Westminster asks for a commentary of 5,000 words (science and technology subjects) or 10,000 words (arts, social sciences and humanities). On the other hand, Queen Margaret University Edinburgh requires 12,000 to 15,000 words on the rationale and theoretical context for the portfolio of published work.

The work will then be presented to an academic committee. A supervisor will assist you with selecting which publications to submit, as well as guidance on the supporting statement.

Some universities accept only their own graduates for a PhD by publication, while others restrict this route to their academic staff. In general, you should have graduated from your first degree at least seven years ago to be eligible.

For example, The University of Manchester has published its own Guidance for the PhD By Published Work , with eligibility only extending to current members of staff.

Professional Doctorate

This type of Doctorate includes a significant taught component and a smaller research project, and is geared primarily towards current professionals in vocational sectors such as:

  • engineering and manufacturing
  • teaching and education .

Professional Doctorates are often taken on a part-time basis and can last between two and eight years. Like their standard PhD counterparts, they usually begin in October or January.

While you won't typically be looking to get an academic job , your research is expected to contribute to theory as well as professional practice. Projects often revolve around a real-life issue that affects your employer.

Several professional Doctorates, such as the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology (DClinPsy), are accredited by a professional body - for instance, the Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC) and The British Psychological Society (BPS) - and may also lead to a professional qualification .

Common titles for graduates of professional Doctorate degrees include:

  • Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)
  • Doctor of Education (EdD)
  • Doctor of Engineering (EngD)
  • Doctor of Medicine (MD).

Unlike many professional Doctorates, the EngD is typically offered as a full-time course and is aimed at young engineering graduates with little or no professional experience.

Integrated PhD

This four-year qualification, also known as the New Route PhD, involves studying a one-year research Masters degree (MRes) before progressing onto a three-year PhD.

Offered by a select number of universities across the UK, integrated PhDs are supported by the government and the British Council through UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) .

Visit Research Council funding for further information on research and funding for different types of PhD.

The integrated PhD involves a combination of taught materials, practical experience and advanced research. This allows you to learn subject-specific methodologies, while building the transferable skills that will enable you to become a leader in your chosen profession.

Institutions can also develop personalised integrated PhD programmes to meet each student's needs. For example, universities may offer you the opportunity to gain a postgraduate certificate (PGCert) in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education - perfect if you're considering a career as a higher education lecturer .

Online/distance learning PhD

As PhDs are based primarily on independent research rather than time spent in lectures and seminars, distance learning has always been a viable route for many Doctoral students.

PhDs by distance learning offered by course providers such as The Open University are therefore a good option to consider if you've got family or work commitments or are an international student - as this gives you the chance to undertake Doctoral research without having to live close to your chosen institution. It's also a suitable mode of study if your subject requires you to be based in a specific location away from the university.

For the most part, you'll be in touch with your supervisor by phone, email or Skype/Zoom. You'll need to bear in mind that even if you opt for this form of research, you'll generally still need to attend university for one or two weeks of each academic year for meetings and to receive research skills training. Your final exam may be undertaken either face-to-face or virtually.

With online PhDs, you can usually register as a full or part-time student. The level of fees you pay varies between institutions - some charge the same as for a standard PhD while others offer a reduced rate.

Check that any funding you plan to apply for is available to distance learning students, as this isn't always the case.

Search for online/distance learning PhDs .

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  • Discover what is a PhD?
  • Sort out funding for postgraduate study .
  • Consider what to do after completing your PhD .

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Could you get a doctorate based solely on a thesis written in your free time?

I am a very enthusiastic person academically and I love to gather new (sometimes irrelevant but useful) knowledge about my field in my free time. I am now at the point where I would like to start writing a paper on something in my field of interest and based on my own research.

If my paper is credible, contributes to my field and fulfills the standards that apply to any PhD thesis, would I be awarded a doctorate if I applied for the degree and publish the paper?

As an undergraduate, I don't know much about a PhD program. From what I know, it's simply you and your research that counts. I understand that, in the last analysis, it is the contribution to your field that counts. Am I missing anything?

  • research-process
  • research-undergraduate

henning no longer feeds AI's user avatar

  • 21 A doctoral program requires more than just a thesis. Take a look at the graduation requirements for various programs in your field to get a sense of what is required. –  Zach H Commented May 31, 2015 at 22:35
  • 6 I voted to leave this question open because the question linked did not specify a written thesis while this one does. But, I must admit I dislike this question because there is some ego in it. –  Nobody Commented Jun 1, 2015 at 6:51
  • 3 In the second paragraph you call your intended work both a paper and a thesis. In many fields, those two types of documents differ considerably in size (although that's not generally true). Have you considered publishing your findings in a journal or at a conference instead of submitting it as a thesis? –  Thomas Commented Jun 1, 2015 at 7:18
  • 12 Maybe, but why would you do that? Doing research that can lead to a PhD is usually a paid work; its (comparatively) not that hard to get funding for it. What would be the benefits of doing basically the same work, but without salary, supervision, access to a groups of academic peers, and other benefits a PhD program typically offers? –  kfx Commented Jun 1, 2015 at 10:05
  • 7 Doing research that can lead to a PhD is usually a paid work — That really depends on your discipline, and your country. –  JeffE Commented Jun 1, 2015 at 20:27

7 Answers 7

Just write your paper , as long as the writing does not distract you from your undergrad studies. If the paper has merit, you may be able to present it at a colloquium of your university, at a workshop, or even at a conference. If you put some more work into it and are lucky, you might eventually be able to publish it in a journal. Certainly, your paper will open up more questions than it answers. Now you have a research trajectory that you can follow up and that may lead to a PhD thesis, based on but surely not limited to your first paper.

In other words: There is no reason why you should not start to work on your PhD topic already as an undergraduate, but it seems to me that you underestimate the time and work it takes to finish the PhD . And since PhDs require a lot of work, there are PhD programs, which facilitate the process and in which most PhDs are actually produced. In that sense, writing your PhD outside of the designated framework is a bit like digging a well with a spoon. It can be done, but it is not too efficient. On top of that (as others have said already), at many institutions, the written thesis is only one requirement among others to be awarded a title.

  • 2 PhD seen as digging a well - so true. –  marsei Commented Jun 1, 2015 at 23:12
  • 2 @macduf, actually, even in a PhD program, it is all digging with a spoon and no water. –  henning no longer feeds AI Commented Jun 1, 2015 at 23:17
If my paper is credible, fruitful to my field and otherwise fulfilling the standards that any PhD thesis should

A research paper is not a thesis. Theses are usually expositions upon some field that the author has contributed to, and frequently contain extensive background that is typically omitted in academic literature. Indeed, many of my colleagues in industry have published research papers without having PhDs.

... would I be awarded a doctorate if I'd publish and wish for it?

In addition, you would need to find a university to endorse your work, which often requires collaborating with faculty.

Although, if your work is truly groundbreaking and you spend a lot of time hanging out at a particular campus, you might qualify for an honorary degree!

nhahtdh's user avatar

  • 7 The latter is of course so exceptional that it is not a reasonable strategy to pursue. –  henning no longer feeds AI Commented Jun 1, 2015 at 9:12
  • 4 @henning hence the exclamation mark! –  Mikhail Commented Jun 1, 2015 at 9:34
  • 3 To say nothing of the fact that an honorary doctorate is effectively worthless in academia. That's why the ads say, "earned doctorate." That honorary degree might carry some prestige outside academia, but not among those who know. –  Bob Brown Commented Jan 7, 2017 at 18:16

All this depends on the field, the country, etc. but in theory, if you already have a master's degree, it is possible to get a PhD based on previous (published) research. But typically not on a single paper . (Over)generalizing and assuming your research is genuinely interesting and meets all the (sometimes arbitrary) requirements of your field, a rough guideline is that you need material corresponding to at least three papers.

You would also need to write some intro/conclusion putting the research in context, make revisions based on your advisors' comments, find a jury and satisfy them. You cannot just show up with a paper and “wish” for a PhD, at least not from a real, reputable university. That's assuming you really manage to make your research publication-worthy (which means not only rigorous but also connected to recent literature and current problems in your field) and find a faculty willing to accommodate you as it's not the “normal” way to get a PhD.

Don't overlook the bit about finding an advisor: It's incredibly important. The PhD is really an apprenticeship under the supervision of a full professor. You don't ask a university or department for a doctorate, there is no process to submit a thesis and have it evaluated on your own, it's all driven by faculty members and you won't even be allowed to defend a thesis if it's not endorsed by one (he or she would also typically help you recruit a jury).

Realistically, a mediocre thesis can be validated if a professor puts his or her mind to it, asks friends to sit in the jury, etc. but even brilliant work is nothing if you don't find an interested academic to move the process along.

Beyond that, others have mentioned extra requirements but the thesis is really the most important thing. In my experience, in Europe (I got my PhD in the Netherlands but I know a little bit about France, Germany, or the UK), it's increasingly common to organise some mandatory courses for PhD candidates but the load is very light, a few short courses about soft skills or methodology with no exam, only pass/fail based on attendance. And there are ways around that if you have a good reason.

But to be perfectly honest, your question suggests you are not very familiar with academia so it seems highly unlikely you would succeed in getting a PhD without proper support. I am not sure why you want one but if it's important to you, it might be a better idea to simply enroll in a PhD program.

Relaxed's user avatar

  • This is the right information! You are missing something, an advisor! –  Fábio Dias Commented Sep 27, 2015 at 3:47

An example of someone who did just this was Ludwig Wittgenstein. So yes you could, especially if you are a genius.

Wittgenstein wrote the Tractatus during his free time and it was used as his thesis for his Cambridge PhD.

Wittgenstein came to feel that he could not get to the heart of his most fundamental questions while surrounded by other academics, and so in 1913 he retreated to the village of Skjolden in Norway, where he rented the second floor of a house for the winter. He later saw this as one of the most productive periods of his life, writing Logik (Notes on Logic), the predecessor of much of the Tractatus . ... In the summer of 1918 Wittgenstein took military leave and went to stay in one of his family's Vienna summer houses, Neuwaldegg. It was there in August 1918 that he completed the Tractatus ... he could not initially work at Cambridge as he did not have a degree, so he applied as an advanced undergraduate. Russell noted that his previous residency was sufficient for a PhD, and urged him to offer the Tractatus as his thesis. It was examined in 1929 by Russell and Moore; at the end of the thesis defence, Wittgenstein clapped the two examiners on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, I know you'll never understand it." Moore wrote in the examiner's report: "I myself consider that this is a work of genius; but, even if I am completely mistaken and it is nothing of the sort, it is well above the standard required for the Ph.D. degree." Wittgenstein was appointed as a lecturer and was made a fellow of Trinity College. ( Wikipedia )

Community's user avatar

  • 3 It was also convenient that Wittgenstein came from a very wealthy family. –  paul garrett Commented Jun 1, 2015 at 20:26
  • 2 @TobiasKildetoft: If you spent your free time in a Norwegian winter house and an Austrian summer house and produced a work similar in quality to Wittgenstein's Tractatus , I am pretty sure you'd be awarded a PhD too, even in 2015. –  user10885 Commented Jun 2, 2015 at 14:39
  • 1 It did also take him 16 years from the start of that to getting the PhD so it's not efficient –  Stephanie Commented Jun 4, 2015 at 23:27
  • 1 @Stephanie: I think it safe to say that in writing the Tractatus , Wittgenstein was not motivated by the possibility of getting a PhD degree. And also, he didn't spend all of those 16 years working on his "dissertation". –  user10885 Commented Jun 7, 2015 at 15:34
  • 1 Wittgenstein's example is indeed the one that comes to mind but it's interesting to note that he didn't get a PhD upon writing the book or submit it to be evaluated as an unknown genius ( that is what the OP seems to have in mind). He got a PhD a decade after writing the book, with the help of Bertrand Russell, for administrative reasons. In other words, even for someone universally acknowledged as a genius, you need an advisor. –  Relaxed Commented Apr 29, 2019 at 20:12

No, as commenter Zach H points out, doctoral programs also have other requirements, such as courses and sometimes exams.

UPDATE: As commenters have shown, my answer was US-centric and thus incorrect. I'd delete it, but that would delete the helpful comments below.

Ellen Spertus's user avatar

  • 13 It depends on discipline, country and university. Some asian universities have no course requirements for a PhD in literature for instance. –  Ketan Commented May 31, 2015 at 22:40
  • 16 It's normal in the UK for the thesis to be the only mandatory requirement for a PhD (but this is not to say that anyone with a thesis-esque document could walk in and be awarded a degree). –  dbmag9 Commented May 31, 2015 at 22:52
  • 6 How unfortunate you'd be if you had to do coursework during your PhD. That's what undergrad is for! –  curiousdannii Commented Jun 1, 2015 at 5:49
  • 11 The classical German doctorate as well requires you just to write, defend, and publish a book-length PhD thesis. There are no course requirements. –  henning no longer feeds AI Commented Jun 1, 2015 at 9:11
  • 4 @Mikhail The coursework years of US PhD programs are more or less what the two Master studies years are for in the EU (post-Bologna reforms). You can't go straight from BA to PhD grad school in most EU countries. –  henning no longer feeds AI Commented Jun 1, 2015 at 9:38

PhD programs provide funding for, typically, no more than four years. Given that the average time to completion is well in excess of that (it was ten years in the UC Berkeley English department last time I checked), the reality is that the majority of PhD theses are completed during time not spent doing remunerated work, which is another name for "free time". So yes, not only can you do a PhD thesis in your free time, in most cases that's what you'll end up doing even if you enroll in a formal PhD program. Hope that helps...

Theodore Sternberg's user avatar

  • 1 Could you provide a reference for this? 4 years is definitely lower than average for the programs I am familiar with. –  Tobias Kildetoft Commented Jun 2, 2015 at 11:15

The front page of every PhD thesis states "Submit as Partial Fulfillment of the Degree". So, a thesis is a must but not all for a PhD degree. The degree requires years of academic training, not as simple as just one thesis, or several published research papers.

JM_BJ's user avatar

  • 4 "The front page of every PhD thesis states "Submit as Partial Fulfillment of the Degree"." No, they don't (mine didn't for example). –  Tobias Kildetoft Commented Jun 2, 2015 at 11:15

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Philosophy Doctor (Ph.D) Degree by Research via distance learning

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Create value for your life and career

A PhD by Research via Distance Learning perfectly adjusts to adult students’ needs, that is to people having work and family commitments yet willing to go through alternative academic path. Selinus University is an independent private international university that helps adult international students achieving their academic goals. Over the years, several surveys have shown that via Distance Learning PhDs by research can be as useful as those earned by traditional academic systems. Clearly, it has to be granted that the private institution is highly reputable. In this regard, Selinus University has acquired a respectable and trustworthy reputation, always giving personal skills and professionalism the deserved emphasis. Nowadays, Selinus University represents an important alternative to traditional studies, above all if we consider the digital era and the global village we live in. Our study system is geared towards busy people pacing today world rhythms. As a matter of fact, it is efficiently transmitted among computer devices anywhere in the world. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), in Latin: Philosophiae Doctor or Doctor Philosophiae, is the highest academic degree awarded. It usually covers all academic programs. As graduate researchers, PhD students are usually required to show competence, master their topic research but also carry out an original thesis so as to foster new academic contributions in their knowledge field. A PhD via distance learning is an original academic research in a specific branch of human knowledge. The candidate works autonomously and his/her project culminates in a final doctoral thesis. Unlike any other traditional campus based PhD, Selinus PhD by Research does not have semesters splitting; it rather consists in an independent and autonomous theoretical research on a specific academic area. This research is implemented in a final thesis that students shall complete within 24 months. Stress is given on independence during study and research; reason why students’ supervisors will not actually be tutor as in common understanding, but rather specialised consultants for students’ assistance. The student can use both textbooks and the Internet for research purpose besides having access to the online library. Working freely and independently on their research, students will grow highly specialized knowledge and specific expertise to display in their doctoral thesis defense. The Distance Learning PhD is earned after successfully completing and defending the final doctoral thesis in the academic major that has been chosen. The "Doctor of Philosophy" is the only PhD that can be obtained via Distance Learning. It should be quite clear that any laboratory method or professional practice cannot occur online or through any distance learning system. The main requirement for a distance learning PhD by Research is to submit and defend the final thesis whose minimum length have to be 90/100 pages. That will be reviewed and evaluated by an academic committee of the Selinus Unversity. In some cases, previous candidates’ publications may be relevant for PhD purposes. In case the thesis credits are not sufficient, in order to have all the required doctoral credits, additional in-depth reports (about 15-20 pages each) based on textbooks may also be requested. A PhD is often a very popular job requirement in many work areas. Especially in developing countries, with lack of basic job training, the Doctor of Philosophy gets more and more required not only for highly qualified professions, but also for multinationals, non-governmental organizations and private companies’ employments. Employees are asked for an academic "certification" higher than a Bachelor's or a Master's degree. A Master's degree is usually sufficient for most professions. The Ph.D., however, is the highest educational qualification. Only the best-qualified professionals have a Ph.D. To access the program, students need to possess a Master's degree or equivalent and be at least 30 years old. The Ph.D. program requires a minimum of 65 academic credits (about 1000 hours of study) that will be achieved through the final thesis. Distance learning Selinus PhD admission requirements are: Master Degree possession and suitable CV. There is no race, colour, sex, beliefs and/or religion discrimination. APEL (Accreditation Prior Experiential Learning) professional credits validation may contribute to the final evaluation of the thesis.

The cost of a PhD by research via Distance Learning is obviously much lower than a campus based doctorate.

(View Accreditation Certificates)

  • Distance Learning
  • Program outline
  • Tuition fees
  • Thesis defence

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Study from anywhere in the world, any time during the year

Selinus University offers several distance learning degree programs. These programs are highly affordable and cover more than 200 disciplines including management, communications, humanities, arts, psychology, natural health, therapies, computers, sciences, engineering, and others.

See the PhD study programs via Distance Learning that we offer for each faculty: Faculty of Arts & Humanities - Faculty of Business & Media - Faculty of Computer Science -  Faculty of Engineering & Technology - Faculty of Life & Earth Sciences - Faculty of Psychology -  Faculty of Natural Health Science

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  • 65 academic credits besides a Master's program.
  • Max Average Duration: 18 months + six months further on demand.
  • Admission is open for adults over 30 years of age. Master's degree or international equivalent is required for admission.
  • All-inclusive price: supervisor’s support, evaluation and assessment, diploma certificate  and transcript.

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The cost of a PhD by research via Distance Learning is obviously much lower than a campus based doctorate. Cost for 1 Uniselinus PhD credit: 40 euros. Transferred credit from previous education and/or professional experience not allowed. 

Final Cost: 2600 Eur

Payment plans are available upon request up to:

1)    Single payment at enrolment: 10% of discount 2)    2   monthly instalments 3)    4   monthly instalments 4)    6   monthly installments

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Considering that Selinus students come from all over the world, often miles away from the university headquarters, the Doctor PhD degree via distance learning thesis can be defended in three different ways:

1) Written defense: the student develops his/her defense in a 5 pages report;

2) Oral Defense: (recommended) the student sends an audio or video file (at least 30 minutes duration) containing his/her defense;

Send registration application

Download and fill in the application ( file: Application ) by attaching the required documents specified in the application and send by email to: [email protected]

If your application is successful you will receive confirmation of your registration, the Certificate of Enrollment, the Payment Plan according to the choice made in the application and the necessary information to start your PhD program. We would like to remind you that the admission requirement for a PhD is a Master's Degree or international equivalent title.

Files to download and read before sending the enrollment request:

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Majors can be found on the home page www.uniselinus.education by clicking on the single faculty you can access the available disciplines.

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  • Selinus University Graduate School LLC 8 The Green, Suite A Dover 19901 – Delaware (USA)

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Academia Insider

PhD student vs PhD researcher – Are they the same thing?

There is often some confusion amongst PhD students and members of the public about what a PhD student versus PhD research really is. This is mainly because there is no standard definition for what either of these terms really means.

Having spent 15 years in academia I can tell you that there is generally a rule that can be followed.

There is some overlap between the roles of a PhD student and a PhD researcher, but they are not exactly the same thing. A PhD student is a student pursuing a doctoral degree, while a PhD researcher can be anyone who is conducting research at the doctoral level, including PhD students, postdocs, and faculty members. However, in practice, the terms PhD student and PhD researcher are often used interchangeably.

The confusion comes from the fact that a PhD research is the broadest term that can describe:

  • PhD students
  • postdoctoral researchers
  • PhD qualified research assistance
  • in any other PhD qualified researcher

PhD student is a much narrower descriptor and can be described as a PhD researcher.

PhD student can meanPhD researcher can mean
PhD studentPhD student
PostDoctoral researcher
Research Associate
Research Assistant
Research Fellow
Not all PhD researchers PhD students, but all PhD students on PhD researchers.

What is a PhD student researcher?

Although there is no strict definition for what a PhD student researcher is, here is what I believe most academics will understand it to be.

A PhD student researcher is a PhD student who is pursuing a PhD qualification through research, typically at a university. They have a masters degree and are pursuing higher education. 

The primary role of a PhD student researcher is to conduct independent research that leads to the advancement of knowledge and understanding within their subject area.

The research will be conducted will be under the guidance of a PhD supervisor.

This may involve:

  • studying existing literature,
  • developing new theories,
  •  conducting experiments or surveys,
  • analyzing data, and
  • writing papers for publication.

A PhD student researcher is expected to be an independent thinker who can work collaboratively with other researchers and use evidence-based approaches to problem-solving.

A successful PhD student researcher must be able to think critically, creatively, and analytically about problems and have excellent communication skills.

These skills will be built up with the support of your PhD supervisor throughout the course of your degree.

However, is it right for PhD should students to call themselves academic researchers?

Can PhD students call themselves academic researchers?

In my experience, people who call themselves academic researchers typically already hold a PhD.

If you feel comfortable calling yourself an academic researcher while you are pursuing PhD – by all means you should be able to do it.

Just be aware that some people will find this description of your current academic situation in accurate.

But this is not a hard and fast rule and I think that once you have a peer-reviewed publication under your belt it is reasonable to call yourself an academic researcher.

After all, your research has been reviewed and assessed by your peers and deemed good enough to appear in the peer-reviewed literature.

That is probably one of the most important signals which shows that you are capable of independent academic research and therefore you are an academic researcher.

What is the difference between PhD student and PhD researcher?

A PhD student and a PhD researcher are ALMOST the same things.

To some, they are the same.

For most people in academia, however, there would be a slight but important difference between PhD students and PhD researchers.

A PhD student is typically a person who is undertaking their doctoral studies and is actively working towards completing their degree. They may be taking courses, writing papers, or conducting research in order to fulfil the requirements of their program.

On the other hand, a PhD researcher can also be someone who has already completed their degree and is now engaging in further research activities in order to advance knowledge in a specific field or topic.

While both roles involve engaging in research activities, a PhD researcher often has more autonomy over what they are researching as well as the resources available to them for conducting said research.

A person with a PhD and called a PhD researcher often engages in more high-level analysis than what would be required of a PhD student.

You may also call these types of researchers ‘associates’.

Can you call a PhD student a researcher?

Yes, you can call a PhD student a researcher.

The goal of a PhD student during their thesis is to contribute to the knowledge base in the particular field that they are studying.

As such, they are actively engaging in research and should be considered researchers.

They can also do a range of other activities including:

  • academic writing
  • mentoring (senior PhD students)
  • grant writing
  • attending conference and symposia and much more.

However, conducting and reporting on research is the most important activity if they are to graduate with a PhD via the submission of a thesis or peer-reviewed papers.

PhD students often collaborate with other researchers and mentor junior faculty members and graduate students in their department or organization.

It is completely appropriate to refer to PhD students as researchers due to their activities advancing knowledge in their chosen field.

Wrapping up

This article has been through everything you need to know that PhD students are usually researchers.

All PhD students are PhD research is not all PhD research is our PhD students.

PhD students are free to call themselves academic researchers if they feel comfortable however some people find that this is a little bit misleading because academic researchers tend to have already completed their PhD.

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Dr Andrew Stapleton has a Masters and PhD in Chemistry from the UK and Australia. He has many years of research experience and has worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow and Associate at a number of Universities. Although having secured funding for his own research, he left academia to help others with his YouTube channel all about the inner workings of academia and how to make it work for you.

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Study with the world leaders in development studies and realise your potential to transform the world with our PhD by Research.

The PhD in Development Studies by Research is IDS’s advanced research degree. It is awarded to candidates after a minimum of three years study, based on completion of original and significant research in the field of Development Studies – which is assessed through a written thesis.

*Please note: It is not possible for international students to take a part-time PhD due to UK Home Office visa restrictions, and IDS does not have a distance learning mode of its PhD Programme.

World leaders in development studies

Ranked first in the world  for Development Studies  (QS World University Rankings by Subject 2023) for the eighth year in a row – the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) transforms the knowledge, action and leadership needed for more equitable and sustainable development globally, through our world-class research, learning and teaching.

As a PhD researcher, you will join a thriving research community comprising more than 70 research staff and 50 postgraduate researchers. You will have access to research and teaching opportunities, as well as a substantial series of seminars presented by leading development professionals and practitioners.

Areas of study

We welcome submissions from researchers who share our commitment to:

  • upholding climate and environmental justice
  • reducing extreme inequities
  • fostering healthy and fulfilling lives
  • nurturing inclusive, democratic and accountable societies.

We are particularly interested in work that shows originality in addressing topics related to the work of our research fellows based across our ten  research clusters : business; cities; digital; governance; health and nutrition; impact and policy; participation; power; resource politics; and rural futures.

Find out more about our current PhD Researchers Find out more about our Research Fellows and their interests

Studying at IDS can potentially transform your view of the world – you grow a lot learning from this very rich and diverse community.

Each PhD researcher has a minimum of two supervisors. The number of hours of formal supervision will vary over the course of the PhD depending on the student, supervisor and type of research. IDS publishes a detailed PhD handbook which sets out expectations and responsibilities regarding supervision.

During the course of your PhD, you are required to give two seminars to the IDS community. The first, at the end of year one is called the Research Outline Seminar and this provides an overview of your PhD plans prior to beginning fieldwork. The second occurs halfway through year three. This is called the Work in Progress Seminar and it focuses on the research findings and overall arguments made in the dissertation.

Your PhD work is examined by dissertation and viva. Your thesis must be no longer than 80,000 words. These limits includes footnotes and bibliography but excludes any appendices.

You’re normally expected to have a Merit (an average of 60% overall) in a Master’s degree. Your qualification should be in a relevant social sciences subject. In exceptional circumstances, you may be considered for the degree if you have a qualification in a different subject area.  You must also show evidence of substantial professional work experience in development-related work.

English language requirements

Students must be proficient in English. The minimum requirement is, for example, an  IELTS  grade of 7.0 overall and no less than 6.5 in each section of the IELTS test. For  detailed information on English language requirements for international students please see the University of Sussex website .

IDS requires that students register for a minimum of three years. Most students spend time on fieldwork that may take place in a development context – either overseas or in the UK. During fieldwork, students are charged a fee which is normally 65% of the full-time fee but may be subject to change.

Almost all IDS PhD researchers choose to do empirical research and fieldwork for their PhDs. The broad parameters of this research (topic and country) are usually decided by the student and included in the proposal submitted as part of the application to the PhD programme. More detailed assessments of the scope and scale of this research are usually developed in conjunction with supervisors during the first year of the PhD. Fieldwork usually lasts between 8 and 12 months and costs depend on the scope and scale of the activities. For example, participant observation and qualitative interviews undertaken in your home country and in a language with which you are familiar, may not be very expensive, but working in a country where you need visas, in-country ethical approval, and have to employ translators, transcribers, or a team of enumerators for a quantitative survey can mean that costs rapidly escalate. Where you stay, how you travel to your fieldsite, what technology you use to collect and analyse data and how long you stay will all influence the costs. IDS does not have the resources to fund any fieldwork or travel costs. There is a small conference fund and PhD students can apply for up to £450 during their PhDs if they are presenting a paper at a conference.

After having made substantial progress and completed three years of registration, students may be permitted to transfer to pre-submission status for a maximum of 12 months. IDS considers substantial progress to be the completion of three empirical chapters, supervisors’ approval and a successful work-in-progress seminar. If pre-submission status is not granted, then full-time fees are still applicable. The pre-submission fee is approximately £500 for each year or part thereof.

Unfortunately, neither IDS nor the University of Sussex can offer financial support. Applicants requiring financial assistance should contact their local Ministry of Education or Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the British Council representative (c/o British Embassy). For the latest information on fees, funding and scholarships, visit the  University of Sussex website .

Living costs

Find out typical living costs for studying at Sussex

Find out about our terms and conditions

Your time at IDS will equip you with the training needed to launch your career in academia, government, civil society or the private sector, and make a real difference in bringing about transformative change.

Our PhD graduates are defining and solving some of the world’s most pressing global challenges in their work as:

  • ministers in national governments and civil servants
  • high-level officials in development organisations such as UNDP and the World Bank
  • leaders and thinkers of civil-society and international development organisations such as ActionAid and Christian Aid
  • high-profile academics at universities across the world.

Apply via the  University of Sussex online application . When completing the application form, please identify IDS on the application; the code for this is L1604R – Development Studies (IDS) (PHD).

Finding a supervisor

While you are not responsible for finding a supervisor, it is good practice to express your preferred supervisors on your application form. Applicants are assessed both on their academic credentials and on the relevance of their works to the research of one or more  IDS Research Fellows .

Distance learning

IDS is unable to accept applications for distance learning. We believe it is in the best interests of both PhD students and the Institute that the majority of the study period is spent at IDS. This offers the opportunity for ongoing interaction with other IDS members and students.

Your research proposal

When you apply, you must submit a detailed research proposal of 2000-3500 words indicating the primary research questions of your research project, a short review of the literature that you are planning to engage with, and your methodology. Find out how to write a research proposal.

Before applying, please read carefully our  guidelines on how to write your research proposal on the Sussex website . Here is a good example of a recent research proposal from a successful applicant:  Susana Araujo’s PhD research proposal to IDS, 2020 .

Application deadline

We prefer our PhD by Research students to start in September to coincide with the start of the University of Sussex autumn term. This timing will maximise your opportunities to take part in induction sessions, training and module enrolment (optional), both at IDS and the University of Sussex.

For September entry, the application deadlines are:

  • 21 June for international students
  • 21 July for UK/EU students.

In exceptional circumstances IDS may permit students to start the PhD by Research in January (for example, if visa issues prevent a September entry). The application deadline is 31 October for all January starters. We may also be able to offer some flexibility in start dates for students transferring from another organisation.

How we assess your application

When assessing your application we take into account many factors including: the quality of your research proposal, your academic qualifications, fit with IDS research priorities, previous development experience, language skills and availability of suitable supervisors.

All applications are assessed by the IDS Director of Doctoral Studies, with input from two potential supervisors. You will also be interviewed on your PhD research plans by these potential supervisors. If your application is successful, you will be contacted by the University of Sussex Admissions Office with a formal offer letter.

Presence at IDS

Your presence at IDS is vital at the early stage of your PhD when the research proposal is prepared (the first year) and then, after fieldwork, at the stage of writing up the research findings (the third year). The maximum period of registration is four years, but a PhD can be completed in three years.

Key information

Full time duration, part time duration, home fees (uk, republic of ireland, channel islands & isle of man), overseas (including eu), open days and events.

Find our more about our PhD Open Evenings, information sessions, virtual PhD events and campus tours

Key contacts

Stephanie Watson

Teaching Coordinator


+44 (0)1273 915662

Related links

  • PhD researcher, Jorge Ortiz-Moreno, explains what it’s like to study at IDS
  • Why study at IDS
  • First in the world for development studies
  • Development Studies Scholarships and Funding

We’ll make all reasonable efforts to provide you with the courses, services and facilities described in this prospectus. However, we may need to make changes due to significant disruption, for example in response to Covid-19.

3 years ago @IDS_UK

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New podcast episode of ‘South Asia Chat’ with IDS fellow Sohela Nazneen talks with Mr Saeeduddin Faridi about the ‘Student-led protests against the quota system’ in Bangladesh and the ‘new interim government, led by Muhammad Yunus.’ Listen now here 👇

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Episode 257: Political Developments in Post-Hasina Bangladesh

Episode · South Asia Chat · Bangladesh has seen major political developments in the last few months. Student-led ...


New event! 🚨 Join @future_natures for this seminar at IDS on 18 September, to hear Tobias Haller discuss 'mega-infrastructure projects and the drama of the grabbed commons' 👇

Just five days left to apply to our upcoming "Empowering Community Engagement and Involvement in Global Health Research" course! 🗓️ Extended Deadline for applications: 27 August 2024 Check out our Discounts section for more details! Apply here 👉 https://bit.pulse.ly/7mxkckirv3

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📣Book launch! 📘 IDS Research Fellow @IanScoones will introduce his new book: Navigating Uncertainty: Radical Rethinking for a Turbulent World. Chaired by @Lylamehta Thursday 3 October at 16:00. In person and online. Register now: 👉https://ac.pulse.ly/mwa6omvnsp @politybooks

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📣 New IDS Working Paper! China’s Engagement with DRC’s Critical Minerals Sector: Extractivism, Developmentalism, and the Quest for a Just Transition Read at: 👉 https://ac.pulse.ly/drfi7pk1bu #China #JustTransitions #DRC

phd research only

IDS researchers @Mig_L_oureiro & Niranjan J. Nampoothiri discuss how the recent events in Bangladesh show the power of civil society and collective action & what lessons on citizen-state relations can be applied by the next #Bangladesh government. 👇

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Changing citizen-state relations in Bangladesh - Institute of Development Studies

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Don’t miss out! Just a few days left to apply to our upcoming "Empowering Community Engagement and Involvement in Global Health Research" course 🗓️ Extended Deadline for applications: 27 August 2024 Apply here 👉 https://bit.pulse.ly/ao9zkkylkm

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Realising safely managed urban sanitation: the potential of 'brown gold'

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Young people were among some of the first convictions for recent #UKRiots and played a major role in counter protests. Read the analysis of the role of young people in protests 🌎 from @MarjokeO, Alex Shankland & Niranjan J. Nampoothiri 👇 https://ac.pulse.ly/56v4pdmvxx

Image for the Tweet beginning: Young people were among some

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Smart. Open. Grounded. Inventive. Read our Ideas Made to Matter.

Which program is right for you?

MIT Sloan Campus life

Through intellectual rigor and experiential learning, this full-time, two-year MBA program develops leaders who make a difference in the world.

Earn your MBA and SM in engineering with this transformative two-year program.

A rigorous, hands-on program that prepares adaptive problem solvers for premier finance careers.

A 12-month program focused on applying the tools of modern data science, optimization and machine learning to solve real-world business problems.

Combine an international MBA with a deep dive into management science. A special opportunity for partner and affiliate schools only.

A doctoral program that produces outstanding scholars who are leading in their fields of research.

Bring a business perspective to your technical and quantitative expertise with a bachelor’s degree in management, business analytics, or finance.

Apply now and work for two to five years. We'll save you a seat in our MBA class when you're ready to come back to campus for your degree.

Executive Programs

The 20-month program teaches the science of management to mid-career leaders who want to move from success to significance.

A full-time MBA program for mid-career leaders eager to dedicate one year of discovery for a lifetime of impact.

A joint program for mid-career professionals that integrates engineering and systems thinking. Earn your master’s degree in engineering and management.

Non-degree programs for senior executives and high-potential managers.

A non-degree, customizable program for mid-career professionals.

PhD Program

Program overview.

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Rigorous, discipline-based research is the hallmark of the MIT Sloan PhD Program. The program is committed to educating scholars who will lead in their fields of research—those with outstanding intellectual skills who will carry forward productive research on the complex organizational, financial, and technological issues that characterize an increasingly competitive and challenging business world.

Start here.

Learn more about the program, how to apply, and find answers to common questions.

Admissions Events

Check out our event schedule, and learn when you can chat with us in person or online.

Start Your Application

Visit this section to find important admissions deadlines, along with a link to our application.

Click here for answers to many of the most frequently asked questions.

PhD studies at MIT Sloan are intense and individual in nature, demanding a great deal of time, initiative, and discipline from every candidate. But the rewards of such rigor are tremendous:  MIT Sloan PhD graduates go on to teach and conduct research at the world's most prestigious universities.

PhD Program curriculum at MIT Sloan is organized under the following three academic areas: Behavior & Policy Sciences; Economics, Finance & Accounting; and Management Science. Our nine research groups correspond with one of the academic areas, as noted below.

MIT Sloan PhD Research Groups

Behavioral & policy sciences.

Economic Sociology

Institute for Work & Employment Research

Organization Studies

Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Strategic Management

Economics, Finance & Accounting


Management Science

Information Technology

System Dynamics  

Those interested in a PhD in Operations Research should visit the Operations Research Center .  

PhD Students_Work and Organization Studies

PhD Program Structure

Additional information including coursework and thesis requirements.

MIT Sloan E2 building campus at night

MIT Sloan Predoctoral Opportunities

MIT Sloan is eager to provide a diverse group of talented students with early-career exposure to research techniques as well as support in considering research career paths.

A group of three women looking at a laptop in a classroom and a group of three students in the background

Rising Scholars Conference

The fourth annual Rising Scholars Conference on October 25 and 26 gathers diverse PhD students from across the country to present their research.

Now Reading 2 of 4

The goal of the MIT Sloan PhD Program's admissions process is to select a small number of people who are most likely to successfully complete our rigorous and demanding program and then thrive in academic research careers. The admission selection process is highly competitive; we aim for a class size of nineteen students, admitted from a pool of hundreds of applicants.

What We Seek

  • Outstanding intellectual ability
  • Excellent academic records
  • Previous work in disciplines related to the intended area of concentration
  • Strong commitment to a career in research

MIT Sloan PhD Program Admissions Requirements Common Questions

Dates and Deadlines

Admissions for 2024 is closed. The next opportunity to apply will be for 2025 admission. The 2025 application will open in September 2024. 

More information on program requirements and application components

Students in good academic standing in our program receive a funding package that includes tuition, medical insurance, and a fellowship stipend and/or TA/RA salary. We also provide a new laptop computer and a conference travel/research budget.

Funding Information

Throughout the year, we organize events that give you a chance to learn more about the program and determine if a PhD in Management is right for you.

PhD Program Events

Discover your doctoral path.

An in-person event for prospective students with Boston-area management programs

September 12 PhD Program Overview

During this webinar, you will hear from the PhD Program team and have the chance to ask questions about the application and admissions process.

DocNet Recruiting Forum at University of Minnesota

We will be joining the DocNet consortium for an overview of business academia and a recruitment fair at University of Minnesota, Carlson School of Management.

September 25 PhD Program Overview

Complete PhD Admissions Event Calendar

Unlike formulaic approaches to training scholars, the PhD Program at MIT Sloan allows students to choose their own adventure and develop a unique scholarly identity. This can be daunting, but students are given a wide range of support along the way - most notably having access to world class faculty and coursework both at MIT and in the broader academic community around Boston.

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Students Outside of E62

Profiles of our current students

MIT Sloan produces top-notch PhDs in management. Immersed in MIT Sloan's distinctive culture, upcoming graduates are poised to innovate in management research and education.

Academic Job Market

Doctoral candidates on the current academic market

Academic Placements

Graduates of the MIT Sloan PhD Program are researching and teaching at top schools around the world.

view recent placements 

MIT Sloan Experience

Now Reading 4 of 4

The PhD Program is integral to the research of MIT Sloan's world-class faculty. With a reputation as risk-takers who are unafraid to embrace the unconventional, they are engaged in exciting disciplinary and interdisciplinary research that often includes PhD students as key team members.

Research centers across MIT Sloan and MIT provide a rich setting for collaboration and exploration. In addition to exposure to the faculty, PhD students also learn from one another in a creative, supportive research community.

Throughout MIT Sloan's history, our professors have devised theories and fields of study that have had a profound impact on management theory and practice.

From Douglas McGregor's Theory X/Theory Y distinction to Nobel-recognized breakthroughs in finance by Franco Modigliani and in option pricing by Robert Merton and Myron Scholes, MIT Sloan's faculty have been unmatched innovators.

This legacy of innovative thinking and dedication to research impacts every faculty member and filters down to the students who work beside them.

Faculty Links

  • Accounting Faculty
  • Economic Sociology Faculty
  • Finance Faculty
  • Information Technology Faculty
  • Institute for Work and Employment Research (IWER) Faculty
  • Marketing Faculty
  • Organization Studies Faculty
  • System Dynamics Faculty
  • Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management (TIES) Faculty

Student Research

“MIT Sloan PhD training is a transformative experience. The heart of the process is the student’s transition from being a consumer of knowledge to being a producer of knowledge. This involves learning to ask precise, tractable questions and addressing them with creativity and rigor. Hard work is required, but the reward is the incomparable exhilaration one feels from having solved a puzzle that had bedeviled the sharpest minds in the world!” -Ezra Zuckerman Sivan Alvin J. Siteman (1948) Professor of Entrepreneurship

Sample Dissertation Abstracts - These sample Dissertation Abstracts provide examples of the work that our students have chosen to study while in the MIT Sloan PhD Program.

We believe that our doctoral program is the heart of MIT Sloan's research community and that it develops some of the best management researchers in the world. At our annual Doctoral Research Forum, we celebrate the great research that our doctoral students do, and the research community that supports that development process.

The videos of their presentations below showcase the work of our students and will give you insight into the topics they choose to research in the program.

Attention To Retention: The Informativeness of Insiders’ Decision to Retain Shares

2024 PhD Doctoral Research Forum Winner - Gabriel Voelcker

Watch more MIT Sloan PhD Program  Doctoral Forum Videos

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  • What is a PhD?

Written by Mark Bennett

A PhD is a doctoral research degree and the highest level of academic qualification you can achieve. The degree normally takes between three and four years of full-time work towards a thesis offering an original contribution to your subject.

This page explains what a PhD is, what it involves and what you need to know if you’re considering applying for a PhD research project , or enrolling on a doctoral programme .

On this page

The meaning of a phd.

The PhD can take on something of a mythic status. Are they only for geniuses? Do you have to discover something incredible? Does the qualification make you an academic? And are higher research degrees just for people who want to be academics?

Even the full title, ‘Doctor of Philosophy’, has a somewhat mysterious ring to it. Do you become a doctor? Yes, but not that kind of doctor. Do you have to study Philosophy? No (not unless you want to) .

So, before going any further, let's explain what the term 'PhD' actually means and what defines a doctorate.

What does PhD stand for?

PhD stands for Doctor of Philosophy. This is one of the highest level academic degrees that can be awarded. PhD is an abbreviation of the Latin term (Ph)ilosophiae (D)octor. Traditionally the term ‘philosophy’ does not refer to the subject but its original Greek meaning which roughly translates to ‘lover of wisdom’.

What is a doctorate?

A doctorate is any qualification that awards a doctoral degree. In order to qualify for one you need to produce advanced work that makes a significant new contribution to knowledge in your field. Doing so earns you the title 'Doctor' – hence the name.

So, is a PhD different to a doctorate? No. A PhD is a type of doctorate .

The PhD is the most common type of doctorate and is awarded in almost all subjects at universities around the world. Other doctorates tend to be more specialised or for more practical and professional projects.

Essentially, all PhDs are doctorates, but not all doctorates are PhDs.

Do you need a Masters to get a PhD?

Not necessarily. It's common for students in Arts and the Humanities to complete an MA (Master of Arts) before starting a PhD in order to acquire research experience and techniques. Students in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) don't always need an MS/MSc (Master of Science) to do a PhD as you'll gain training in lab techniques and other skills during your undergraduate degree.

Whether a Masters is a requirement for a PhD also varies by country. Australian PhDs may require a Masters as the equivalent of their own 'honours year' (where students work on research). US PhD programmes often include a Masters.

We have a whole guide dedicated to helping you decide whether a PhD without a Masters is the right route for you.

The origin of the PhD

Despite its name, the PhD isn't actually an Ancient Greek degree. Instead it's a much more recent development. The PhD as we know it was developed in nineteenth-century Germany, alongside the modern research university.

Higher education had traditionally focussed on mastery of an existing body of scholarship and the highest academic rank available was, appropriately enough, a Masters degree.

As the focus shifted more onto the production of new knowledge and ideas, the PhD degree was brought in to recognise those who demonstrated the necessary skills and expertise.

The PhD process – what's required to get a PhD?

The typical length of a PhD is three to four years full-time, or five to six years part-time.

Unlike most Masters courses (or all undergraduate programmes), a PhD is a pure research degree. But that doesn’t mean you’ll just spend years locked away in a library or laboratory. In fact, the modern PhD is a diverse and varied qualification with many different components.

Whereas the second or third year of a taught degree look quite a lot like the first (with more modules and coursework at a higher level) a PhD moves through a series of stages.

A typical PhD normally involves:

  • Carrying out a literature review (a survey of current scholarship in your field).
  • Conducting original research and collecting your results .
  • Producing a thesis that presents your conclusions.
  • Writing up your thesis and submitting it as a dissertation .
  • Defending your thesis in an oral viva voce exam.

These stages vary a little between subjects and universities, but they tend to fall into the same sequence over the three years of a typical full-time PhD.

The first year of a PhD

The beginning of a PhD is all about finding your feet as a researcher and getting a solid grounding in the current scholarship that relates to your topic.

You’ll have initial meetings with your supervisor and discuss a plan of action based on your research proposal.

The first step in this will almost certainly be carrying out your literature review . With the guidance of your supervisor you’ll begin surveying and evaluating existing scholarship. This will help situate your research and ensure your work is original.

Your literature review will provide a logical jumping off point for the beginning of your own research and the gathering of results . This could involve designing and implementing experiments, or getting stuck into a pile of primary sources.

The year may end with an MPhil upgrade . This occurs when PhD students are initially registered for an MPhil degree and then ‘upgraded’ to PhD candidates upon making sufficient progress. You’ll submit material from your literature review, or a draft of your research findings and discuss these with members of your department in an upgrade exam . All being well, you’ll then continue with your research as a PhD student.

PhDs in other countries

The information on the page is based on the UK. Most countries follow a similar format, but there are some differences. In the USA , for example, PhD students complete reading assignments and examinations before beginning their research. You can find out more in our guides to PhD study around the world .

The second year of a PhD

Your second year will probably be when you do most of your core research. The process for this will vary depending on your field, but your main focus will be on gathering results from experiments, archival research, surveys or other means.

As your research develops, so will the thesis (or argument) you base upon it. You may even begin writing up chapters or other pieces that will eventually form part of your dissertation .

You’ll still be having regular meetings with your supervisor. They’ll check your progress, provide feedback on your ideas and probably read any drafts your produce.

The second year is also an important stage for your development as a scholar. You’ll be well versed in current research and have begun to collect some important data or develop insights of your own. But you won’t yet be faced with the demanding and time-intensive task of finalising your dissertation.

So, this part of your PhD is a perfect time to think about presenting your work at academic conferences , gaining teaching experience or perhaps even selecting some material for publication in an academic journal. You can read more about these kinds of activities below.

The third year of a PhD

The third year of a PhD is sometimes referred to as the writing up phase.

Traditionally, this is the final part of your doctorate, during which your main task will be pulling together your results and honing your thesis into a dissertation .

In reality, it’s not always as simple as that.

It’s not uncommon for final year PhD students to still be fine-tuning experiments, collecting results or chasing up a few extra sources. This is particularly likely if you spend part of your second year focussing on professional development.

In fact, some students actually take all or part of a fourth year to finalise their dissertation. Whether you are able to do this will depend on the terms of your enrolment – and perhaps your PhD funding .

Eventually though, you are going to be faced with writing up your thesis and submitting your dissertation.

Your supervisor will be very involved in this process. They’ll read through your final draft and let you know when they think your PhD is ready for submission.

All that’s left then is your final viva voce oral exam. This is a formal discussion and defence of your thesis involving at least one internal and external examiner. It’s normally the only assessment procedure for a PhD. Once you’ve passed, you’ve done it!

Looking for more information about the stages of a PhD?

How do you go about completing a literature review? What's it like to do PhD research? And what actually happens at an MPhil upgrade? You can find out more in our detailed guide to the PhD journey .

Doing a PhD – what's it actually like?

You can think of the ‘stages’ outlined above as the basic ‘roadmap’ for a PhD, but the actual ‘journey’ you’ll take as a research student involves a lot of other sights, a few optional destinations and at least one very important fellow passenger.

Carrying out research

Unsurprisingly, you’ll spend most of your time as a PhD researcher… researching your PhD. But this can involve a surprisingly wide range of activities.

The classic image of a student working away in the lab, or sitting with a pile of books in the library is true some of the time – particularly when you’re monitoring experiments or conducting your literature review.

Your PhD can take you much further afield though. You may find yourself visiting archives or facilities to examine their data or look at rare source materials. You could even have the opportunity to spend an extended period ‘in residence’ at a research centre or other institution beyond your university.

Research is also far from being a solitary activity. You’ll have regular discussions with your supervisor (see below) but you may also work with other students from time to time.

This is particularly likely if you’re part of a larger laboratory or workshop group studying the same broad area. But it’s also common to collaborate with students whose projects are more individual. You might work on shorter projects of joint interest, or be part of teams organising events and presentations.

Many universities also run regular internal presentation and discussion groups – a perfect way to get to know other PhD students in your department and offer feedback on each other’s work in progress.

Working with your supervisor

All PhD projects are completed with the guidance of at least one academic supervisor . They will be your main point of contact and support throughout the PhD.

Your supervisor will be an expert in your general area of research, but they won’t have researched on your exact topic before (if they had, your project wouldn’t be original enough for a PhD).

As such, it’s better to think of your supervisor as a mentor, rather than a teacher.

As a PhD student you’re now an independent and original scholar, pushing the boundaries of your field beyond what is currently known (and taught) about it. You’re doing all of this for the first time, of course. But your supervisor isn’t.

They’ll know what’s involved in managing an advanced research project over three years (or more). They’ll know how best to succeed, but they’ll also know what can go wrong and how to spot the warning signs before it does.

Perhaps most importantly, they’ll be someone with the time and expertise to listen to your ideas and help provide feedback and encouragement as you develop your thesis.

Exact supervision arrangements vary between universities and between projects:

  • In Science and Technology projects it’s common for a supervisor to be the lead investigator on a wider research project, with responsibility for a laboratory or workshop that includes several PhD students and other researchers.
  • In Arts and Humanities subjects, a supervisor’s research is more separate from their students’. They may supervise more than one PhD at a time, but each project is essentially separate.

It’s also becoming increasingly common for PhD students to have two (or more) supervisors. The first is usually responsible for guiding your academic research whilst the second is more concerned with the administration of your PhD – ensuring you complete any necessary training and stay on track with your project’s timetable.

However you’re supervised, you’ll have regular meetings to discuss work and check your progress. Your supervisor will also provide feedback on work during your PhD and will play an important role as you near completion: reading your final dissertation draft, helping you select an external examiner and (hopefully) taking you out for a celebratory drink afterwards!

Professional development, networking and communication

Traditionally, the PhD has been viewed as a training process, preparing students for careers in academic research.

As such, it often includes opportunities to pick up additional skills and experiences that are an important part of a scholarly CV. Academics don’t just do research after all. They also teach students, administrate departments – and supervise PhDs.

The modern PhD is also viewed as a more flexible qualification. Not all doctoral graduates end up working in higher education. Many follow alternative careers that are either related to their subject of specialism or draw upon the advanced research skills their PhD has developed.

PhD programmes have begun to reflect this. Many now emphasise transferrable skills or include specific training units designed to help students communicate and apply their research beyond the university.

What all of this means is that very few PhD experiences are just about researching and writing up a thesis.

The likelihood is that you’ll also do some (or all) of the following during your PhD:

The work is usually paid and is increasingly accompanied by formal training and evaluation.

Conference presentation

As a PhD student you’ll be at the cutting edge of your field, doing original research and producing new results. This means that your work will be interest to other scholars and that your results could be worth presenting at academic conferences .

Doing this is very worthwhile, whatever your career plans. You’ll develop transferrable skills in public speaking and presenting, gain feedback on your results and begin to be recognised as an expert in your area.

Conferences are also great places to network with other students and academics.


As well as presenting your research, you may also have the opportunity to publish work in academic journals, books, or other media. This can be a challenging process.

Your work will be judged according to the same high standards as any other scholar’s and will normally go through extensive peer review processes. But it’s also highly rewarding. Seeing your work ‘in print’ is an incredible validation of your PhD research and a definite boost to your academic CV.

Public engagement and communication

Academic work may be associated with the myth of the ‘ivory tower’ – an insular community of experts focussing on obscure topics of little interest outside the university. But this is far from the case. More and more emphasis is being placed on the ‘impact’ of research and its wider benefits to the public – with funding decisions being made accordingly.

Thankfully, there are plenty of opportunities to try your hand at public engagement as a PhD student. Universities are often involved in local events and initiatives to communicate the benefits of their research, ranging from workshops in local schools to public lectures and presentations.

Some PhD programmes include structured training in order to help students with activities such as the above. Your supervisor may also be able to help by identifying suitable conferences and public engagement opportunities, or by involving you in appropriate university events and public engagement initiatives.

These experiences will be an important part of your development as a researchers - and will enhance the value of your PhD regardless of your career plans.

What is a PhD for – and who should study one?

So, you know what a PhD actually is, what’s involved in completing one and what you might get up to whilst you do. That just leaves one final question: should you do a PhD?

Unfortunately, it’s not a question we can answer for you.

A PhD is difficult and uniquely challenging. It requires at least three years of hard work and dedication after you’ve already completed an undergraduate degree (and probably a Masters degree too).

You’ll need to support yourself during those years and, whilst you will be building up an impressive set of skills, you won’t be directly progressing in a career.

But a PhD is also immensely rewarding. It’s your chance to make a genuine contribution to the sum of human knowledge and produce work that other researchers can (and will) build on in future. However obscure your topic feels, there’s really no such thing as a useless PhD.

A PhD is also something to be incredibly proud of. A proportionately tiny number of people go on to do academic work at this level. Whatever you end up doing after your doctorate you’ll have an impressive qualification – and a title to match. What’s more, non-academic careers and professions are increasingly recognising the unique skills and experience a PhD brings.

Other PhDs - do degree titles matter?

The PhD is the oldest and most common form of higher research degree, but a few alternatives are available. Some, such as the DPhil are essentially identical to a PhD. Others, such as the Professional Doctorate or DBA are slightly different. You can find out more in our guide to types of PhD .

Is a PhD for me?

There’s more advice on the value of a PhD – and good reasons for studying one – elsewhere in this section. But the following are some quick tips if you’re just beginning to consider a PhD.

Speak to your lecturers / tutors

The best people to ask about PhD study are people who’ve earned one. Ask staff at your current or previous university about their experience of doctoral research – what they enjoyed, what they didn’t and what their tips might be.

If you’re considering a PhD for an academic career, ask about that too. Are job prospects good in your field? And what’s it really like to work at a university?

Speak to current PhD students

Want to know what it’s like studying a PhD right now? Or what it’s like doing research at a particular university? Ask someone who knows.

Current PhD students were just like you a year or two ago and most will be happy to answer questions.

If you can’t get in touch with any students ‘face to face’, pop over to the Postgraduate Forum – you’ll find plenty of students there who are happy to chat about postgraduate research.

Take a look at advertised projects and programmes

This may seem like a strange suggestion. After all, you’re only going to study one PhD, so what’s the point of reading about lots of others?

Well, looking at the details of different PhD projects is a great way to get a general sense of what PhD research is like. You’ll see what different PhDs tend to have in common and what kinds of unique opportunity might be available to you.

And, with thousands of PhDs in our database , you’re already in a great place to start.

Read our other advice articles

Finally, you can also check out some of the other advice on the FindAPhD website. We’ve looked at some good (and bad) reasons for studying a PhD as well as the value of a doctorate to different career paths.

More generally, you can read our in-depth look at a typical PhD journey , or find out more about specific aspects of doctoral study such as working with a supervisor or writing your dissertation .

We add new articles all the time – the best way to stay up to date is by signing up for our free PhD opportunity newsletter .

Ready to find your PhD?

Head on over to our PhD search listings to learn what opportunities are on offer within your discipline.

Our postgrad newsletter shares courses, funding news, stories and advice

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This page will give you an idea of what to expect from your routine as a PhD student, explaining how your daily life will look at you progress through a doctoral degree.

PhD fees can vary based on subject, university and location. Use our guide to find out the PhD fees in the UK and other destinations, as well as doctoral living costs.

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  • Harvard Business School →
  • Doctoral Programs →

PhD Programs

  • Accounting & Management
  • Business Economics
  • Health Policy (Management)
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Technology & Operations Management

Students in our PhD programs are encouraged from day one to think of this experience as their first job in business academia—a training ground for a challenging and rewarding career generating rigorous, relevant research that influences practice.

Our doctoral students work with faculty and access resources throughout HBS and Harvard University. The PhD program curriculum requires coursework at HBS and other Harvard discipline departments, and with HBS and Harvard faculty on advisory committees. Faculty throughout Harvard guide the programs through their participation on advisory committees.

How do I know which program is right for me?

There are many paths, but we are one HBS. Our PhD students draw on diverse personal and professional backgrounds to pursue an ever-expanding range of research topics. Explore more here about each program’s requirements & curriculum, read student profiles for each discipline as well as student research , and placement information.

The PhD in Business Administration grounds students in the disciplinary theories and research methods that form the foundation of an academic career. Jointly administered by HBS and GSAS, the program has four areas of study: Accounting and Management , Marketing , Strategy , and Technology and Operations Management . All areas of study involve roughly two years of coursework culminating in a field exam. The remaining years of the program are spent conducting independent research, working on co-authored publications, and writing the dissertation. Students join these programs from a wide range of backgrounds, from consulting to engineering. Many applicants possess liberal arts degrees, as there is not a requirement to possess a business degree before joining the program

The PhD in Business Economics provides students the opportunity to study in both Harvard’s world-class Economics Department and Harvard Business School. Throughout the program, coursework includes exploration of microeconomic theory, macroeconomic theory, probability and statistics, and econometrics. While some students join the Business Economics program directly from undergraduate or masters programs, others have worked in economic consulting firms or as research assistants at universities or intergovernmental organizations.

The PhD program in Health Policy (Management) is rooted in data-driven research on the managerial, operational, and strategic issues facing a wide range of organizations. Coursework includes the study of microeconomic theory, management, research methods, and statistics. The backgrounds of students in this program are quite varied, with some coming from public health or the healthcare industry, while others arrive at the program with a background in disciplinary research

The PhD program in Organizational Behavior offers two tracks: either a micro or macro approach. In the micro track, students focus on the study of interpersonal relationships within organizations and the effects that groups have on individuals. Students in the macro track use sociological methods to examine organizations, groups, and markets as a whole, including topics such as the influence of individuals on organizational change, or the relationship between social missions and financial objectives. Jointly administered by HBS and GSAS, the program includes core disciplinary training in sociology or psychology, as well as additional coursework in organizational behavior.

Accounting & Management  

Business economics  , health policy (management)  , marketing  , organizational behavior  , strategy  , technology & operations management  .

Best Research Universities with Online Doctorates (PhDs) 2024

phd research only

Earning a PhD can boost your career potential. We rank the best research universities that offer online doctorate programs.

Key Takeaways

  • Online doctoral degree programs are growing in availability at top-ranked research universities.
  • Doctoral students seeking accredited online degree programs from top research universities have a number of excellent options to choose from.
  • Many online programs at the doctoral level are geared toward working professionals seeking to advance in their career.

Featured Programs

Prospective students considering online doctoral programs can choose from a wide range of excellent programs at an array of top research universities. Research universities are schools that invest heavily in research. These universities are therefore able to provide meaningful opportunities for students and faculty to participate in research.

This high level of research activity makes research universities a particularly strong draw for doctoral students and Phd candidates. Doctoral and PhD candidates are typically already working at a high level in their field.

This means that students seeking their doctorate through online doctoral programs must balance existing work and personal responsibilities with a challenging course of education. This is why a growing number of research universities offer online doctoral programs.

For a look at how these online doctoral programs stack up against traditional on campus programs, check out our look at the 50 Best Graduate Schools in the U.S.

Otherwise, read on and learn more about how you can earn an online PhD from a top research university.

Man smiling and holding a cup of coffee

The Carnegie Classification System at Research Universities

The best research universities for online doctoral degrees are classified into different tiers based on their quantifiable commitment to research activities. This tiered ranking is commonly called the Carnegie Classification.

The Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education is a framework for categorizing all accredited, degree-granting institutions in the United States.

Originally formulated in 1970 by The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, and administered through the University of Indiana’s Center for Postsecondary Research since 2014, the Carnegie Classification is “the leading framework for recognizing and describing institutional diversity in U.S. higher education.”

Under this classification, top research universities for doctoral degrees and PhD candidates are identified as either R2: Doctoral Universities for “high research activity” or R1: Doctoral Universities for “very high research activity.” Look for these classifications when considering options for your online PhD programs.

Accreditation for Your Online Doctoral Program at a Research University

Online doctoral degree programs are growing in both availability and diversity. Online doctoral programs are offered in an increasingly wide range of subjects including areas like:

  • Educational leadership
  • Educational administration
  • Community college leadership
  • Health sciences
  • Physical therapy
  • Nursing practice program options
  • Occupational therapy
  • Systems engineering
  • Computer engineering

...and much more.

An online doctoral programs becoming increasingly diverse in their offerings, proper accreditation becomes more important than ever when determining the quality and credibility of your online PhD:

  • Institutional Accreditation : Accreditation is vital for online doctoral programs. It signifies that the online Ph.D programs offered by the graduate school are in compliance with the standards of a Department of Education-approved accrediting body.

A school must also be accredited in order to offer federal financial aid to its online doctorate candidates. When looking for an online doctoral program, seek out options with accreditation from a colleges and schools commission in your region. This stamp of approval is critical for ensuring the quality and credibility of your online program.

  • Programmatic Accreditation : In addition to institutional accreditation, be sure that you are only considering online doctorate degree programs with programmatic accreditation.

For instance, if you seek a doctor of nursing practice, be sure that your online doctoral degree program has accreditation from the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE). If you seek a PhD in business administration, be sure you only consider online degrees with programmatic accreditation from the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP).

Programmatic accreditation ensures you only select from online PhD programs respected in your field.

Key Point: The best online doctoral programs will have both institutional and programmatic accreditation.

Woman smiling at a laptop with headphones

What to Expect from an Online Doctorate Program at a Research University

Admission requirements.

Each research university offering online doctorate programs will have its own admission requirements. However, most online doctoral programs will carry the same basic threshold for admission:

  • A completed online application
  • Official undergraduate college transcripts
  • A cumulative GPA of at least 3.0
  • GRE scores, MAT scores, or GMAT scores
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Personal interviews
  • Personal statement or essay
  • Plan of study

Key Point: In most cases, you’ll be eligible to enter a doctoral degree online after earning a bachelor’s degree. However, some specialized online PhD programs may require you to have earned a master’s degree as well.

Curriculum and Courses

As with other advanced degree and graduate programs, research is the central component of your online PhD program. This is true for fully online doctorate degrees as well as hybrid degrees combining online education with traditional on-campus courses.

Regardless of whether you complete a traditional, hybrid or online doctoral program, the typical time to completion is three to six years.

The typical components of your online PhD program may include:

Foundational Courses

While some foundational online doctorate courses may be focused on your specific discipline or area of study, most courses will focus on research methods and experimental design. You may be able to complete many of these requirements through online classes.

Examinations for PhD Candidacy

Many online doctoral students are required to complete certain examinations to enter into online PhD candidacy. This will typically occur after you’ve completed one to two years of foundational courses.

Dissertation Requirements in Online PhD Programs at Research Universities


In most cases, the central component of your online PhD program will be the completion of your dissertation. After gaining status as an online PhD candidate, you will typically work closely with a professorial advisor or mentor to develop an original research question.

This research question will form the basis of your dissertation—an ongoing project designed to address this research question through applied research. While you will work closely with your advisor or mentor, much of your dissertation will be rooted in independent research. This is especially true for students pursuing an online PhD.

Oral Defense

Upon completion of the written portion of your dissertation—which will typically present the findings from your original research project—you will be expected to defend your findings. This “oral defense” will typically be conducted by a commission of professors and experts in your field. PhD candidates in some online degree programs may be able to conduct this defense via teleconferencing.

Teaching Requirements

Some online Ph.D programs will also include a teaching component, which will require you to work as an adjunct professor or teacher’s assistant in an undergraduate or graduate school. It may be possible for students in the online doctoral degree program to also serve teaching requirements by instructing online students.

Key Point: The online PhD is a research-focused degree. Your dissertation will be a central part of your online doctoral degree program.

Man smiling at a laptop

Careers for Students Who Complete Online Doctoral Degree Programs

The PhD is generally considered a terminal degree at most research universities and in most fields. This means that students who complete credible online doctoral programs in their field are generally eligible for top positions and opportunities in their field. These opportunities, and the pay scale, may differ from one field to the next.

That said, the Bureau of Labor Statistics notes that, in 2021, working professionals with a PhD earned more per week than other Americans in every educational demographic. According to the BLS, the median weekly earning for graduate students with a doctoral degree was $1909. By contrast, those with a master’s degree earned a weekly median of $1574, while bachelor’s degree holders earned a median of $1334.

These higher earnings are reflective of the rarified professional opportunities that await those with a PhD in their field. Working professionals who earn an accredited online doctorate may be eligible to work in the following areas.

  • Theoretical Research
  • Scientific Research
  • Post-Secondary Education
  • Public Policy Consultation
  • Clinical Practice
  • Organizational Leadership

Key Point: According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, students with a doctorate will earn more than graduates with a bachelor’s or master’s degree.

What’s the difference between online doctoral programs and online Ph.D programs?

Technically, a PhD is a type of doctorate degree. This means that all online PhD candidates are doctoral students. By contrast, not all doctoral students are PhD candidates.

The primary distinction is that doctoral students are primarily focused on putting existing theories into practice. Depending on your chosen field, your online doctoral degree may require participation in an educational leadership program, engagement in clinical practice, work as a resident in a nursing program, and much more.

By contrast, online PhD students are focused on creating new knowledge in their area of study. This usually means that online PhD candidates are focused on introducing new theories, creating research projects around these theories, and presenting new findings that demonstrate a mastery of existing knowledge and the insight to introduce new ideas into the field.

Today, more working professionals than ever before are pursuing both online doctoral degrees and online Phd programs.

The 20 Best Research Universities with Online Doctorates

University of southern california.

  • #19 Best Universities in the US Ranked for Prospective Students in 2024
  • #2 Best Private Colleges in California 2024
  • #4 Best Research Universities in California 2024
  • #4 Best Grad Schools California 2024
  • #5 Best Colleges in California 2024
  • #5 The Most Influential Universities and Colleges Ranked by State 2024
  • #5 Best Research Universities for Education Degrees
  • #9 Best Research Universities for Communications Degrees
  • #13 Best Research Universities for Engineering Degrees
  • #15 Best Research Universities for Computer Science Degrees
  • #16 Best Research Universities for Psychology Degrees
  • #16 Best Research Universities for English Degrees
  • #17 Best Research Universities for Religious Studies Degrees
  • #17 Best Research Universities for Political Science Degrees
  • #17 Best Research Universities for Sociology Degrees
  • #17 Best Research Universities for Earth Sciences Degrees
  • #19 Best Research Universities for Anthropology Degrees
  • #19 Best Research Universities for Biology Degrees
  • #20 Best Research Universities for History Degrees
  • #20 Best Research Universities for Physics Degrees
  • #20 Best Research Universities for Chemistry Degrees
  • #20 Best Research Universities for Economics Degrees
  • #21 Best Research Universities for Philosophy Degrees
  • #22 Best Research Universities for Math Degrees
  • #1 Top 7 Best Online Social Work PhDs (DSW Programs) 2024
  • #1 The Best Online MBA Degree Programs in 2024 Ranked for Students
  • #1 Best Online Master’s in Communications
  • #1 Best Online Doctorate in Education Degree Programs Ranked for Students
  • #1 Top 8 Best Online Applied Behavioral Analysis PhDs (Doctorates)
  • #1 Best Online Doctorate of Physical Therapy Programs (PhDs)
  • #1 Best Online Master's in Hospitality and Tourism Degree Programs
  • #1 Top 20 Best Online Accredited Doctorate Degree Programs (PhDs) 2024
  • #1 Best Online Doctorate in Organizational Leadership Degree Programs
  • #1 Best Data Science Online Master’s Programs
  • #1 Best Online Master's in Project Management
  • #1 Best Online Master's in Social Work MSW
  • #1 Best Online Master’s in Human Resources
  • #1 Best Online Master's in Computer Science Degree Programs
  • #1 Best Online Master's in Cybersecurity
  • #1 Top 10 Best Online Master's of Public Relations Ranked 2024
  • #1 Best Online MBA Degree Programs for 2024 with No GMAT Required
  • #1 Best Online Master’s in Finance
  • #2 Best Online Master’s in Health Informatics
  • #2 Best Online Master’s in Sustainability and Green Technologies
  • #2 Best Online Master's Programs in California 2024
  • #2 Best Online MBA Programs in California
  • #2 Best Online Master’s in Engineering Management
  • #2 Best Online Master's in Public Administration Degree Programs
  • #2 Top 18 Most Affordable No GRE Online PhD Degree Programs
  • #2 Best Online Master's in Criminal Justice
  • #2 Fastest Online Doctoral Degree Programs Ranked for Students in 2024
  • #2 Best Online Master’s in Engineering
  • #3 Best Online Master's in Nursing MSN
  • #4 Best Online PhD of Computer Science Degree Programs (Doctorates) 2024
  • #4 Best Online Master's Programs 2024
  • #5 Fastest Accelerated Online Computer Science Doctorates (PhDs)
  • #5 Top 10 Best Online Communications PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates)
  • #5 Top 15 Most Affordable Online Social Work PhDs (Doctorates)
  • #5 Best Online Master's in Management
  • #5 Fastest Online Master's Degrees Ranked for Students in 2024
  • #6 Top 50 Best No GRE Online PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates)
  • #2 Fastest Accelerated Online Master's of Counseling Degree Programs 2024
  • #17 The Best Traditional MBA Programs Ranked for Students in 2024

Tuition + fees

Student body

Median SAT/ACT

Career Outlook for degree at University of Southern California

University of Southern California’s faculty and alumni have been influential in:

  • Social Work
  • Engineering
  • Criminal Justice
  • Communications
  • Computer Science
  • Political Science

Most Influential Alumni

  • Frank Gehry
  • Neil Armstrong
  • Jack L. Warner
  • John Mearsheimer
  • Boris Podolsky
  • Michael D. Griffin
  • Maulana Karenga
  • O. J. Simpson
  • Robert Ballard

Plan to pursue career opportunities in the Los Angeles area. Some estimates identify USC as the largest employer in the region as well as a top contributor to the labor market.

Are seeking a more intimate academic experience. USC is a massive school in an urban environment.

University of Arizona

  • #1 Best Grad Schools in Arizona 2024
  • #1 Most Affordable Colleges in Arizona 2024
  • #1 The Most Influential Universities and Colleges Ranked by State 2024
  • #1 Best Public Colleges in Arizona 2024
  • #1 Best Research Universities in Arizona 2024
  • #23 Best Research Universities for Criminal Justice Degrees
  • #1 Best Online Bachelor’s in Business Administration Degree Programs
  • #1 Best Online Master's in Behavior Analysis Degree Programs
  • #1 Best Online Master's in Agriculture and Agribusiness Degree Programs
  • #1 Best Online Bachelor's in Cybersecurity
  • #1 Best Online Bachelor’s of History Degree Programs Ranked for 2024
  • #1 The Best Online Colleges Ranked for Students in 2024
  • #1 Best Online Bachelor's in Organizational Leadership Degree Programs
  • #1 Best Online Colleges in Arizona 2024
  • #1 Best Online Bachelor's in Law and Legal Studies Degree Programs for 2024
  • #1 Best Online Bachelor's of Economics Degree Programs for 2024
  • #1 Best Online Bachelor's in Accounting
  • #1 Best Online Bachelor's in Philosophy Degree Programs Ranked for 2024
  • #1 Best Online Master's Programs in Arizona 2024
  • #1 Best Online Bachelor's in Cybersecurity in Arizona
  • #1 Best Online Bachelor’s of Electrical and Computer Engineering Degree Programs for 2024
  • #1 Best Online Bachelor's in Psychology Degree Programs for Students
  • #1 Best Online Bachelor’s in Child Development Degree Programs for 2024
  • #1 Top 10 Best Online Bachelor's of Web Design Degree Programs 2024
  • #2 Best Online Bachelor’s of Early Childhood Education Degree Programs for 2024
  • #2 Best Online MBA in Entrepreneurship Ranked for Students in 2024
  • #2 Best Online MBA in Business Analytics Ranked for Students in 2024
  • #2 Top 20 Best Online Accredited Doctorate Degree Programs (PhDs) 2024
  • #2 Top 20 Most Affordable Online Master's of Nursing Programs
  • #2 Best Online Bachelor's in Biology
  • #2 Best Online MBAs in Finance
  • #2 Best Online MBA in Marketing Degree Programs Ranked for Students in 2024
  • #2 Best Online MBA Programs in Arizona
  • #3 Top 20 Most Affordable Online Bachelor's of Cybersecurity
  • #3 Best Online Doctorate in Education Degree Programs Ranked for Students
  • #3 Best Online Bachelor’s of Communications Degree Programs for 2024
  • #3 Best Online Bachelor’s of Digital Media for 2024
  • #3 Best Online Master's in Cybersecurity
  • #4 Best Online Master's in Marketing and Advertising
  • #4 Best Online Master’s in Sustainability and Green Technologies
  • #4 Best Online Master's Degrees in Accounting
  • #4 Best Online Master’s in Engineering Management
  • #4 Best Online Master's in Special Education
  • #4 Top 15 Most Affordable Online Economics PhD Programs (Doctorates) 2024
  • #4 Top 18 Most Affordable No GRE Online PhD Degree Programs
  • #4 Best Online Master's in Economics
  • #5 Best Online Bachelor’s of Human Services Degree Programs Ranked for 2024
  • #5 Best Online Bachelor's in Public Health Degree Programs for Students
  • #6 Best Online Master's in Criminal Justice
  • #7 The Best Online MBA Degree Programs in 2024 Ranked for Students
  • #7 Best Online Master’s in Engineering
  • #8 Top 50 Best No GRE Online PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates)
  • #8 Most Affordable Online Criminology Doctorate Programs (PhDs)
  • #9 Best Online Master's in Management
  • #10 Best Online Master's Programs 2024
  • #11 Most Affordable Online Sociology Doctorate Programs (PhDs)
  • #12 Fastest Online Bachelor's Degrees Ranked for 2024
  • #13 Most Affordable Online Criminal Justice PhDs (Doctorates)
  • #20 Most Affordable Online Bachelor's Degree Programs Ranked for 2024
  • #3 Fastest Accelerated Online Master's of Nursing Degree Programs 2024
  • #6 Best Online PhD of Nursing (DNP) Degree Programs Ranked for 2024

Career Outlook for degree at University of Arizona

University of Arizona’s faculty and alumni have been influential in:

  • Anthropology
  • Earth Sciences
  • Geraldo Rivera
  • Clifford Stoll
  • Temple Grandin
  • Garry Shandling
  • Brian Schmidt
  • Henry Eyring
  • Michael McClure
  • Barbara Kingsolver
  • George H. Smith
  • Allen Buchanan
  • Frank Press

Enjoy college athletics. The Arizona Wildcats have won numerous championships across various Pac-12 Conference sports.

Prefer an intimate college experience.

George Washington University

  • #2 Best Colleges in DC 2024
  • #6 Best Research Universities for Criminal Justice Degrees
  • #9 Best Research Universities for Social Work Degrees
  • #16 Best Research Universities for Communications Degrees
  • #20 Best Research Universities for Nursing Degrees
  • #21 Best Research Universities for Business Degrees
  • #1 Best Online MBA Programs in DC
  • #2 Best Online Master's Programs in DC 2024
  • #3 Top 10 Best Online Master's of Public Relations Ranked 2024
  • #5 Top 18 Most Affordable No GRE Online PhD Degree Programs
  • #6 Most Unusual Doctoral Degrees You Can Earn Online (PhDs)
  • #6 Best Online MBA Degree Programs for 2024 with No GMAT Required
  • #7 Top 8 Fastest Accelerated Online Psychology Doctorates (PhDs)
  • #10 Top 50 Best No GRE Online PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates)
  • #7 Best Online PhD of Nursing (DNP) Degree Programs Ranked for 2024

Career Outlook for degree at George Washington University

George Washington University’s faculty and alumni have been influential in:

  • J. Edgar Hoover
  • L. Ron Hubbard
  • Glenn Greenwald
  • Bob Woodward
  • Allen Dulles
  • George Armitage Miller
  • Juan Guaidó
  • Roger Stone
  • James E. Webb
  • Lester Frank Ward
  • Brian Williams

Are interested in fields like political science, law, and civics. Its location in the U.S. capital makes GW a prime destination for these areas of study.

Don’t wish to attend college in an urban environment. GW is immersed directly in the city of Washington D.C.

George Washington University’s Online Degrees

  • PhD in Systems Engineering
  • DEng in Cybersecurity Analytics
  • DEng in Engineering Management

Woman in purple reading on a computer

Florida State University

  • #3 The Most Influential Universities and Colleges Ranked by State 2024
  • #3 Best Grad Schools in Florida 2024
  • #3 Best Colleges in Florida 2024
  • #3 Best Research Universities in Florida 2024
  • #4 Best Research Universities for Criminal Justice Degrees
  • #14 Best Research Universities for Social Work Degrees
  • #1 Best Online Bachelor's in Criminal Justice
  • #1 Best Online Master’s in Counseling
  • #1 Best Online Master's in Criminal Justice
  • #2 Fastest Accelerated Online Master's of Information Technology
  • #2 Best Online Master’s in Information Technology
  • #2 Best Online Bachelor's in Computer Science Degree Programs
  • #2 Best Online Colleges in Florida 2024
  • #3 Best Online MBA Programs in Florida
  • #3 Best Online Master's in Art Education and Art Administration
  • #3 Top 20 Best Online Accredited Doctorate Degree Programs (PhDs) 2024
  • #3 Best Online Master's Programs in Florida 2024
  • #4 20 Best Online Master's of Speech Pathology Degree Programs
  • #4 Best Online Doctorate in Education Degree Programs Ranked for Students
  • #4 Best Online Master's in Social Work MSW
  • #5 Most Unusual Doctoral Degrees You Can Earn Online (PhDs)
  • #6 Best Online Master’s in Communications
  • #6 Most Affordable Online Criminology Doctorate Programs (PhDs)
  • #7 Fastest Online Bachelor's Degrees Ranked for 2024
  • #12 Top 50 Best No GRE Online PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates)
  • #13 The Best Online MBA Degree Programs in 2024 Ranked for Students
  • #16 Best Online Master's in Management
  • #16 Fastest Online Doctoral Degree Programs Ranked for Students in 2024
  • #20 Best Online Master's Programs 2024
  • #20 Best Online Master’s in Engineering
  • #16 Most Affordable Master's in Counseling Degree Programs Ranked for 2024

Career Outlook for degree at Florida State University

Florida State University’s faculty and alumni have been influential in:

  • Hunter S. Thompson
  • Robert Costanza
  • Ronald Numbers
  • Mark S. Wrighton
  • Sylvia Earle
  • Michael Berenbaum
  • Jim A. Kuypers
  • Neil Druckmann
  • Norman Thagard
  • Barry Jenkins
  • Deion Sanders
  • Richard W. Rahn

Are looking to participate in campus activities, Greek life, and sporting event attendance.

Prefer a more intimate college experience.

University of Missouri

  • #2 Best Research Universities in Missouri 2024
  • #2 Best Colleges in Missouri 2024
  • #1 Best Online Bachelor's of English Degree Programs for 2024
  • #1 Best Online Bachelor’s of Early Childhood Education Degree Programs for 2024
  • #1 Best Online Bachelor's in Sociology Degree Programs Ranked for 2024
  • #1 Top 20 Most Affordable Online Business Administration Doctorates
  • #1 Best Online Bachelor’s of Communications Degree Programs for 2024
  • #1 Best Online Master's Programs in Missouri 2024
  • #1 Best Online Bachelor's in Interdisciplinary Studies Degree Programs for 2024
  • #1 Most Affordable Online Bachelor's of Business Degree Programs
  • #1 Top 15 Most Affordable Online Information Technology PhD Programs
  • #1 Best Online Master's in Biology
  • #2 5 Inexpensive Online Master's Programs in Library Science
  • #2 Best Online Bachelor’s in Business Administration Degree Programs
  • #2 Best Online Master's in Agriculture and Agribusiness Degree Programs
  • #2 Best Online Bachelor’s of Education Degree Programs for 2024
  • #2 Best Online Bachelor’s of Health Science Degree Programs Ranked for 2024
  • #2 Best Online Master's in Special Education
  • #2 Best Online Bachelor's in Psychology Degree Programs for Students
  • #2 Best Online Colleges in Missouri 2024
  • #3 Top 20 Most Affordable Online Master's of Nursing Programs
  • #3 Best Online Bachelor's in Public Health Degree Programs for Students
  • #3 Best Online Master's in Economics
  • #3 Best Online Bachelor’s in Information Technology Degree Programs for 2024
  • #3 Best Online Degree Completion Programs for Returning Students
  • #4 The Best Online Colleges Ranked for Students in 2024
  • #5 Top 20 Best Online Accredited Doctorate Degree Programs (PhDs) 2024
  • #5 Best Online Master's Degrees in Accounting
  • #6 Top 20 Most Affordable Online Doctorate of Education (PhDs)
  • #6 Best RN to BSN Online
  • #6 Top 18 Most Affordable No GRE Online PhD Degree Programs
  • #6 Best Online Master’s in Finance
  • #9 Best Online MBA Degree Programs for 2024 with No GMAT Required
  • #10 The Best Online MBA Degree Programs in 2024 Ranked for Students
  • #10 Best Data Science Online Master’s Programs
  • #12 Top 20 Easiest Online Degrees from Accredited Schools in 2024
  • #12 Most Affordable Online Sociology Doctorate Programs (PhDs)
  • #14 Top 50 Best No GRE Online PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates)
  • #14 Best Online Master's in Management
  • #16 Fastest Online Bachelor's Degrees Ranked for 2024
  • #16 Best Online Master's Programs 2024
  • #16 Best Online Master’s in Engineering
  • #18 Best Online Master's in Social Work MSW
  • #1 10 Best Accelerated Online PhD Programs Ranked for Students in 2024
  • #9 Best Online PhD of Nursing (DNP) Degree Programs Ranked for 2024

Career Outlook for degree at University of Missouri

University of Missouri’s faculty and alumni have been influential in:

  • Mathematics
  • Tennessee Williams
  • Barbara McClintock
  • Harlow Shapley
  • David McClelland
  • Richard Matheson
  • Eugenie Scott
  • Suisheng Zhao
  • Robert W. McChesney
  • Charles Stark Draper
  • William Manchester
  • Margaret Weis

Are looking for lots of options. With more than 300 degree programs, University of Missouri is excellent for students with an undeclared major.

Don’t wish to live on a large campus. Students at University of Missouri note that many classes take place in large lecture halls.

University of Alabama

  • #1 Best Research Universities in Alabama 2024
  • #1 Best Public Colleges in Alabama 2024
  • #10 Best Research Universities for Social Work Degrees
  • #11 Best Research Universities for Criminal Justice Degrees
  • #25 Best Research Universities for Nursing Degrees
  • #1 Best Online Bachelor's in Human Development Degree Programs for 2024
  • #1 Best Online Bachelor’s in Marketing and Advertising Degree Programs for 2024
  • #1 Top 10 Best Online Communications PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates)
  • #1 Best Online MBA Programs in Alabama
  • #1 Best Online Colleges in Alabama 2024
  • #1 Best Online Master’s in Educational Administration
  • #1 Best Online Master's Programs in Alabama 2024
  • #2 Best Online Master's in Kinesiology Degree Programs
  • #2 Best Online Master's in Hospitality and Tourism Degree Programs
  • #2 Best Online Master’s in Health Science
  • #2 Best Online Master’s in Counseling
  • #2 Best Online Bachelor's in Hospitality and Tourism Degree Programs for 2024
  • #2 Best Online Bachelor’s in Child Development Degree Programs for 2024
  • #3 Best Online Bachelor's in Accounting
  • #3 Best Online Bachelor's in Interdisciplinary Studies Degree Programs for 2024
  • #3 Best Online Master's in Organizational Leadership
  • #4 Best Online Bachelor’s of Early Childhood Education Degree Programs for 2024
  • #4 Best Online Bachelor's in Public Health Degree Programs for Students
  • #6 Best Online Bachelor’s in Business Administration Degree Programs
  • #6 The Best Online Colleges Ranked for Students in 2024
  • #6 Best Online Doctorate in Education Degree Programs Ranked for Students
  • #6 Best Online Master's in Marketing and Advertising
  • #6 Top 20 Best Online Accredited Doctorate Degree Programs (PhDs) 2024
  • #6 Best Online Master's in Special Education
  • #8 Best Online Master’s in Communications
  • #8 Best Online Bachelor's in Criminal Justice
  • #8 Best Online Master's in Nursing MSN
  • #11 Best Online Master's in Social Work MSW
  • #14 Top 20 Best Online MBA Programs that Can Be Completed in One Year 2024
  • #15 Top 50 Best No GRE Online PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates)
  • #17 Best Online Master’s in Engineering
  • #21 Best Online Master's in Management
  • #21 Best Online Master's Programs 2024
  • #11 Best Online PhD of Nursing (DNP) Degree Programs Ranked for 2024

Career Outlook for degree at University of Alabama

University of Alabama’s faculty and alumni have been influential in:

  • Edward O. Wilson
  • Timothy Leary
  • Bernie Madoff
  • Nathan Jacobson
  • John Ridley Stroop
  • George W. Snedecor
  • Mohammad Ataul Karim

Enjoy a strong athletics program. The University of Alabama Crimson Tide enjoy a heated cross-state rivalry with the Tigers of Auburn University.

Prefer a more intimate learning environment. University of Alabama is noted for the size of its student body, the scope of its academic offerings, and the expansiveness of its campus facilities.

University of Kentucky

  • #1 Best Colleges in Kentucky 2024
  • #1 Best Public Colleges in Kentucky 2024
  • #1 Best Research Universities in Kentucky 2024
  • #1 Best Online Master's in Kinesiology Degree Programs
  • #1 Best Online MBA Programs in Kentucky
  • #1 Best Online Master's Programs in Kentucky 2024
  • #1 Best Online Colleges in Kentucky 2024
  • #2 Best Online Master's in Art Education and Art Administration
  • #3 Top 7 Best Online Social Work PhDs (DSW Programs) 2024
  • #4 Best Online Bachelor’s in Liberal Arts and Humanities Degree Programs for 2024
  • #5 Best Online Master’s in Sustainability and Green Technologies
  • #5 Best Online Master’s in Counseling
  • #5 Best Online Master’s in Education
  • #6 Best Online Bachelor's in Social Work Degree Programs Ranked for 2024
  • #6 Best Online Bachelor’s of Communications Degree Programs for 2024
  • #7 Best Online Bachelor’s in Business Administration Degree Programs
  • #7 The Best Online Colleges Ranked for Students in 2024
  • #7 Top 20 Most Affordable Online Doctorate of Education (PhDs)
  • #8 Best Online Doctorate in Education Degree Programs Ranked for Students
  • #8 Best Online Master's in Special Education
  • #8 Best Online Master’s in Finance
  • #9 Top 20 Best Online Accredited Doctorate Degree Programs (PhDs) 2024
  • #11 Best Online Master’s in Communications
  • #13 Best Online Master's in Social Work MSW
  • #15 The Best Online MBA Degree Programs in 2024 Ranked for Students
  • #15 Top 15 Most Affordable Online Social Work PhDs (Doctorates)
  • #15 Best Online Master’s in Engineering
  • #16 Top 50 Best No GRE Online PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates)
  • #23 Best Online Master's in Management

Career Outlook for degree at University of Kentucky

University of Kentucky’s faculty and alumni have been influential in:

  • Thomas Hunt Morgan
  • Joe Nickell
  • Wendell Berry
  • William M. Bass
  • Scott Pruitt
  • Story Musgrave
  • William Lipscomb
  • James C. Klotter
  • Walter Hooper
  • David Schweickart
  • Mitch McConnell

Are looking to get involved. Students who attend the University of Kentucky praise the extremely wide variety of clubs, activities, and on-campus events.

Are looking for a quiet, intimate campus. Students note that Greek life and sporting events are a major part of the culture at this large institution.

Baylor University

  • #2 Best Christian Colleges in Texas 2024
  • #3 Best Private Colleges in Texas 2024
  • #4 The Most Influential Universities and Colleges Ranked by State 2024
  • #6 Best Grad Schools In Texas 2024
  • #6 Best Research Universities in Texas 2024
  • #6 Best Colleges in Texas 2024
  • #11 Best Research Universities for Social Work Degrees
  • #1 Best Online MBA Programs in Texas
  • #2 11 Fastest Accelerated Online Master's of Speech Pathology
  • #2 Best Online Doctorate in Organizational Leadership Degree Programs
  • #3 Best Online Christian Colleges and Universities for Master's Degrees
  • #5 Top 7 Best Online Social Work PhDs (DSW Programs) 2024
  • #5 Best Online MBA in Marketing Degree Programs Ranked for Students in 2024
  • #5 Best Online Master's in Cybersecurity
  • #6 Best Online Master's Programs in Texas 2024
  • #7 20 Best Online Master's of Speech Pathology Degree Programs
  • #8 Best Online Master's in Marketing and Advertising
  • #8 Top 20 Best Online Accredited Doctorate Degree Programs (PhDs) 2024
  • #8 Top 20 Most Affordable Online Doctorate of Education (PhDs)
  • #13 Best Online Master’s in Communications
  • #16 Best Online Master's in Social Work MSW
  • #16 Best Online MBA Degree Programs for 2024 with No GMAT Required
  • #17 The Best Online MBA Degree Programs in 2024 Ranked for Students
  • #17 Top 20 Best Online MBA Programs that Can Be Completed in One Year 2024
  • #18 Top 50 Best No GRE Online PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates)
  • #19 Fastest Online Doctoral Degree Programs Ranked for Students in 2024
  • #5 Fastest Accelerated Online Bachelor's of Nursing Degree Programs 2024
  • #12 Best Online PhD of Nursing (DNP) Degree Programs Ranked for 2024

Career Outlook for degree at Baylor University

Baylor University’s faculty and alumni have been influential in:

  • Religious Studies
  • Dallas Willard
  • Miguel A. De La Torre
  • Norman Shumway
  • Gary W. Keller
  • Jeff Dunham
  • Benjamin Ladner
  • Peter A. McCullough
  • James R. Heath
  • Steven C. Currall
  • H. Bentley Glass

Are seeking a beautiful campus with thoughtful architecture. Students describe Baylor’s main campus as warm and welcoming.

Have financial constraints. Baylor University is a comparatively costly private institution.

Clemson University

  • #2 Best Research Universities in South Carolina 2024
  • #2 Best Public Colleges in South Carolina 2024
  • #1 Best Online MBA Programs in South Carolina
  • #2 Best Online Master's Programs in South Carolina 2024
  • #2 Best Online Colleges in South Carolina 2024
  • #2 Most Unusual Doctoral Degrees You Can Earn Online (PhDs)
  • #4 Best Online Master’s in Emergency Management
  • #4 Top 10 Best Online Communications PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates)
  • #4 Best Online Master's in Biology
  • #8 Best Online Master’s in Human Resources
  • #9 Best Online Master’s in Sustainability and Green Technologies
  • #11 Top 20 Best Online Accredited Doctorate Degree Programs (PhDs) 2024
  • #18 Best Data Science Online Master’s Programs
  • #18 Best Online Master's in Special Education
  • #20 Fastest Online Bachelor's Degrees Ranked for 2024
  • #20 Fastest Online Doctoral Degree Programs Ranked for Students in 2024
  • #24 Best Online Master’s in Engineering

Career Outlook for degree at Clemson University

Clemson University’s faculty and alumni have been influential in:

  • James Dickey
  • Strom Thurmond
  • John Edwards
  • Jo Jorgensen
  • Anthony Bradley
  • James F. Byrnes
  • Warren E. Dixon
  • Dolph Lundgren
  • Thomas Naylor
  • Horace Grant
  • Dwight Clark
  • Deshaun Watson

Enjoy college athletics. Clemson’s Tigers enjoy an enormous cultural presence both on campus and in the surrounding region.

Are looking for a college in a lively area. Clemson is located in the foothills of the picturesque Blue Ridge Mountains, but this also means that the university is a two hour drive from the nearest city.

Loyola University Chicago

  • #4 Best Private Colleges in Illinois 2024
  • #6 Best Colleges in Illinois 2024
  • #6 Best Research Universities in Illinois 2024
  • #6 Best Grad Schools Illinois 2024
  • #16 Best Research Universities for Social Work Degrees
  • #1 The Best Online Christian Colleges and Universities for Bachelor's Degrees
  • #1 Best Online Master's Programs in Illinois 2024
  • #2 Best Online Master's in Healthcare Administration
  • #2 Best Online Colleges in Illinois 2024
  • #3 Best Online Bachelor's in Law and Legal Studies Degree Programs for 2024
  • #3 Best Accredited Online Juris Doctorate (JD) Law Programs
  • #4 Best Online Christian Colleges and Universities for Master's Degrees
  • #4 Best Online Bachelor's in Psychology Degree Programs for Students
  • #5 Fastest Accelerated Online Master's of Information Technology
  • #5 Best Online Master's in Nursing MSN
  • #7 Best Online Bachelor’s in Information Technology Degree Programs for 2024
  • #8 Best Online Master's in Social Work MSW
  • #9 Fastest Online Associate Degrees Ranked for 2024
  • #10 Top 20 Best Online Accredited Doctorate Degree Programs (PhDs) 2024
  • #12 Best Online Master’s in Information Technology
  • #13 Best Online Bachelor’s of Communications Degree Programs for 2024
  • #14 The Best Online Colleges Ranked for Students in 2024

Career Outlook for degree at Loyola University Chicago

Loyola University Chicago’s faculty and alumni have been influential in:

  • Marsha M. Linehan
  • Norman Geisler
  • Sandra Cisneros
  • Levi Bryant
  • Stuart Dybek
  • Alphonso Lingis
  • Shalanda Young
  • Joseph Fitzmyer
  • Wilton Daniel Gregory
  • Fabian Udekwu
  • Bob Newhart
  • John Hardon

Wish to attend a college immersed in the bustling metropolitan city of Chicago.

Have financial constraints. Students at Loyola note that even with the school’s often generous financial aid packages and scholarships, the high cost of tuition and the high cost of living can be challenging.

University of Arkansas

  • #1 Best Public Colleges in Arkansas 2024
  • #1 Best Research Universities in Arkansas 2024
  • #1 Best Online Colleges in Arkansas 2024
  • #1 Best Online MBA Programs in Arkansas
  • #1 Best Online Master's Programs in Arkansas 2024
  • #1 Best Online Associate Degrees in Arkansas 2024
  • #1 Best Online Six Sigma Certification
  • #2 Best Online Bachelor's in Accounting
  • #2 Best Online Master’s in Human Resources
  • #2 Fastest Accelerated Online Doctorate of Information Technology
  • #3 Top 20 Most Affordable Online Bachelor's of Nursing Degree Programs
  • #3 Best Online Master's in Agriculture and Agribusiness Degree Programs
  • #4 Best Online Bachelor's in Human Development Degree Programs for 2024
  • #4 Best Online Bachelor's in Interdisciplinary Studies Degree Programs for 2024
  • #5 Best Online Bachelor’s in Business Administration Degree Programs
  • #5 Best Online Bachelor’s of Education Degree Programs for 2024
  • #8 Best Online Master’s in Engineering Management
  • #9 The Best Online Colleges Ranked for Students in 2024
  • #9 Top 20 Most Affordable Online Doctorate of Education (PhDs)
  • #10 Best Online Master's in Nursing MSN
  • #10 Best Online Master's in Special Education
  • #10 Best RN to BSN Online
  • #11 Best Online Doctorate in Education Degree Programs Ranked for Students
  • #11 Best Online Master’s in Education
  • #13 Top 20 Best Online Accredited Doctorate Degree Programs (PhDs) 2024
  • #19 Top 50 Best No GRE Online PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates)
  • #22 Best Online Master’s in Engineering
  • #24 Best Online Master's in Management

Career Outlook for degree at University of Arkansas

University of Arkansas’s faculty and alumni have been influential in:

  • Joycelyn Elders
  • Edward Durell Stone
  • Nic Pizzolatto
  • Michael Dertouzos
  • Lucinda Roy
  • Vince Foster
  • Rodney E. Slater
  • Samuel Totten
  • W. T. Martin
  • Barry Hannah
  • Barry Switzer
  • Sarah Caldwell

Are interested in a highly social campus with affordable in-state tuition. Students note that the university offers a welcoming campus culture with a wide range of clubs and activities to choose from.

Don’t enjoy a good walk. Students at University of Arkansas point out that the campus is actually quite hilly, which can make getting around a bit more challenging at times.

University of Nebraska–Lincoln

  • #1 Most Affordable Colleges in Nebraska 2024
  • #1 Best Research Universities in Nebraska 2024
  • #1 Best Online MBA Programs in Nebraska
  • #1 Best Online Colleges in Nebraska 2024
  • #1 Best Online Master's Programs in Nebraska 2024
  • #1 Best Online Bachelor's of Cybersecurity Degree Programs in Nebraska
  • #2 Best Online Bachelor's in Organizational Leadership Degree Programs
  • #2 Best Online MBA Programs in Wyoming
  • #3 Best Online Bachelor's in Cybersecurity in Wyoming
  • #3 Best Online MBAs in Finance
  • #3 Best Online Master's in English
  • #4 Best Online Bachelor’s of History Degree Programs Ranked for 2024
  • #4 Best Online Master's in Art Education and Art Administration
  • #4 Best Online Master's in Organizational Leadership
  • #5 Best Online Master's in Behavior Analysis Degree Programs
  • #5 Best Online Bachelor's in Sociology Degree Programs Ranked for 2024
  • #5 Best Online MBA in Supply Chain Management Ranked for Students in 2024
  • #6 Best Online Master's in Agriculture and Agribusiness Degree Programs
  • #6 Best Online MBA in Business Analytics Ranked for Students in 2024
  • #8 Best Online Bachelor’s of Early Childhood Education Degree Programs for 2024
  • #8 Best Online Master’s in Educational Administration
  • #9 Best Online Master's in Marketing and Advertising
  • #9 Best Online MBA in Marketing Degree Programs Ranked for Students in 2024
  • #10 Best Online Master’s in Finance
  • #13 Best Online Master’s in Emergency Management
  • #15 Best Online Master’s in Communications
  • #15 Best Online Master’s in Engineering Management
  • #16 Top 20 Best Online Accredited Doctorate Degree Programs (PhDs) 2024
  • #20 The Best Online MBA Degree Programs in 2024 Ranked for Students
  • #22 Best Online MBA Degree Programs for 2024 with No GMAT Required
  • #24 Best Online Doctorate in Education Degree Programs Ranked for Students

Career Outlook for degree at University of Nebraska–Lincoln

University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s faculty and alumni have been influential in:

  • John J. Pershing
  • Johnny Carson
  • Richard Hamming
  • Norman Malcolm
  • Jay Wright Forrester
  • Roscoe Pound
  • George Beadle
  • Donald J. Cram
  • Willa Cather
  • Alan J. Heeger
  • Gene Okerlund
  • J. P. Guilford

Enjoy an excellent college sports tradition. The school’s Cornhuskers compete in the Big Ten Conference and the men’s football team claims five national titles.

Are seeking an intimate campus experience. With more than 19,000 undergraduates, and roughly 5000 graduate students, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln is organized into nine separate colleges across three campuses.

Man reading on a computer with glasses

Florida International University

  • #6 Best Grad Schools in Florida 2024
  • #6 Best Research Universities in Florida 2024
  • #16 Best Research Universities for Criminal Justice Degrees
  • #23 Best Research Universities for Social Work Degrees
  • #1 Best Online Bachelor’s in Public Administration Degree Programs for 2024
  • #1 Most Affordable Early Childhood Education Bachelor's (Online, On-Campus)
  • #1 Top 20 Most Affordable Online PhD of Nursing (DNP) Programs
  • #1 Best Online Bachelor's of Finance Degree Programs for 2024
  • #2 Best Online Bachelor’s of Gender Studies Degree Programs for 2024
  • #2 Best Online Bachelor's in Religious Studies Degree Programs for 2024
  • #2 Best Online Bachelor’s in Marketing and Advertising Degree Programs for 2024
  • #2 Top 5 Best Online Criminal Justice Doctorates (PhDs) 2024
  • #2 Best Online Master’s in Forensics Degree Programs
  • #3 Best Online Bachelor's in Sports Management Degree Programs for 2024
  • #3 Best Online Bachelor's in Sociology Degree Programs Ranked for 2024
  • #3 Most Affordable Online Master's of Music Education Programs
  • #3 Top 15 Most Affordable Online Information Technology PhD Programs
  • #3 Best Online Bachelor’s of Electrical and Computer Engineering Degree Programs for 2024
  • #4 Best Online Degrees for a Career in Teaching Ranked 2024
  • #4 Best Online MBA Programs in Florida
  • #4 Most Affordable Online Criminology Doctorate Programs (PhDs)
  • #4 Best Online Colleges in Florida 2024
  • #4 Most Affordable Online PhDs in Psychology Ranked for 2024
  • #4 Best Online Bachelor’s in Information Technology Degree Programs for 2024
  • #5 Top 20 Most Affordable Online Business Administration Doctorates
  • #5 Best Online Master's Programs in Florida 2024
  • #5 Best Online Master’s in Health Science
  • #5 Best Online Bachelor's in Hospitality and Tourism Degree Programs for 2024
  • #6 Best Online Bachelor’s of History Degree Programs Ranked for 2024
  • #6 Best Online Bachelor's in Organizational Leadership Degree Programs
  • #6 Best Online Master's in Art Education and Art Administration
  • #6 Best Online Bachelor's in Computer Science Degree Programs
  • #7 Best Online Bachelor’s of Early Childhood Education Degree Programs for 2024
  • #7 The Most Affordable Online Clinical Nutrition Doctorate Degree Programs (PhDs) 2024
  • #7 Best Online Master's in Hospitality and Tourism Degree Programs
  • #7 Best Online Master's in Public Administration Degree Programs
  • #8 Best Online Bachelor's in Interdisciplinary Studies Degree Programs for 2024
  • #8 Best Online Master's in Cybersecurity
  • #9 10 Best Online Master's of Music Education Degree Programs
  • #9 Best Online Bachelor's in Criminal Justice
  • #9 Best Online Master’s in Human Resources
  • #11 Best Online Master’s in Health Informatics
  • #12 Top 20 Best Online Accredited Doctorate Degree Programs (PhDs) 2024
  • #12 Best Online Bachelor’s of Communications Degree Programs for 2024
  • #12 Best Online Master’s in Engineering Management
  • #13 Best Online Bachelor’s in Business Administration Degree Programs
  • #14 Best Online Master's in Marketing and Advertising
  • #14 Best Online Bachelor's in Psychology Degree Programs for Students
  • #14 Best Online Master's in Criminal Justice
  • #15 Most Affordable Online Criminal Justice PhDs (Doctorates)
  • #16 Best Online Master's in Special Education
  • #17 Best Online Master’s in Communications
  • #23 The Best Online Colleges Ranked for Students in 2024
  • #25 Top 50 Best No GRE Online PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates)
  • #13 Best Online PhD of Nursing (DNP) Degree Programs Ranked for 2024

Career Outlook for degree at Florida International University

Florida International University’s faculty and alumni have been influential in:

  • Carmen Reinhart
  • Andy García
  • Mike Lowell
  • Richard Blanco
  • Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
  • James F. O'Brien
  • Christopher Ferguson
  • Carlos Arroyo
  • Norma M. Riccucci
  • Irma Becerra Fernandez
  • Dale Schilly

Like to get the best bang for their buck. FIU ranks tops in the state for “performance funding.”

Prefer a small campus and an intimate learning experience.

Texas Christian University

  • #22 Best Research Universities for Criminal Justice Degrees
  • #4 Best Online Colleges in Texas 2024
  • #8 Best Online Christian Colleges and Universities for Master's Degrees
  • #11 Best Online Master's Programs in Texas 2024
  • #15 Top 20 Best Online Accredited Doctorate Degree Programs (PhDs) 2024
  • #18 Fastest Online Bachelor's Degrees Ranked for 2024
  • #21 Best Online Master's in Nursing MSN
  • #25 Best Online Master's in Criminal Justice
  • #15 Best Online PhD of Nursing (DNP) Degree Programs Ranked for 2024

Career Outlook for degree at Texas Christian University

Texas Christian University’s faculty and alumni have been influential in:

  • Cleanth Brooks
  • John Walvoord
  • Joe B. Wyatt
  • JoAnne Yates
  • LaDainian Tomlinson
  • Dave Hickey
  • Paul W. Schroeder
  • Bill Curtis
  • Swanee Hunt
  • Dale Martin
  • Luke Wilson

Are hoping to get involved with Greek Life. Students note that sororities and fraternities play a big role in shaping campus culture at TCU.

Have financial constraints. Students at the private institution note that tuition is high and rising at TCU. This can place an education at TCU out of reach for some candidates.

Duquesne University

  • #9 Best Private Colleges in Pennsylvania 2024
  • #9 Best Grad Schools in Pennsylvania 2024
  • #4 Best Online MBA Programs in Pennsylvania
  • #4 Best Online Colleges in Pennsylvania 2024
  • #5 Best Online Master's Programs in Pennsylvania 2024
  • #6 Best Online Master’s in Educational Administration
  • #8 Best Online Bachelor's in Organizational Leadership Degree Programs
  • #10 Top 18 Most Affordable No GRE Online PhD Degree Programs
  • #12 Best Online Christian Colleges and Universities for Master's Degrees
  • #13 Best Online Master’s in Health Informatics
  • #17 Top 20 Best Online Accredited Doctorate Degree Programs (PhDs) 2024
  • #20 Best Online Doctorate in Education Degree Programs Ranked for Students

Career Outlook for degree at Duquesne University

Duquesne University’s faculty and alumni have been influential in:

  • Michael Hayden
  • Derrick Bell
  • Richard E. Nisbett
  • Thomas L. Thompson
  • George Yancy
  • Daniel A. Helminiak
  • Thomas Hopko
  • Samuel John Hazo
  • Jerome Loving
  • George Delahunty
  • John Clayton

Enjoy small classes and one-on-one engagement from professors. Students note that Duquesne offers the balance of an intimate campus in an urban environment.

Do not align with the Catholic tradition of faith. Some students note that the culture, rules, and academics reflect a Catholic affiliation.

Texas Tech University

  • #7 Best Colleges in Texas 2024
  • #1 Best Online Colleges in Texas 2024
  • #1 Best Online Master's in English
  • #2 Best Online Bachelor's of English Degree Programs for 2024
  • #2 Best Online Certificate in Liberal Arts and Humanities Ranked for Students
  • #2 Best Online MBA Programs in Texas
  • #2 Top 8 Best Online Public Health PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates)
  • #3 Top 5 Best Online English PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates)
  • #3 Fastest Accelerated Online Doctorate of Information Technology
  • #4 10 Fastest Accelerated Online Master's of English Programs
  • #4 Top 10 Best Online Master's of Public Relations Ranked 2024
  • #5 Best Online Bachelor’s of Communications Degree Programs for 2024
  • #5 Best Online Bachelor’s of Digital Media for 2024
  • #6 Best Online Bachelor’s of Early Childhood Education Degree Programs for 2024
  • #6 Best Online Master’s in Engineering Management
  • #7 Best Online Master's Programs in Texas 2024
  • #7 Best Online Master's in Agriculture and Agribusiness Degree Programs
  • #7 Best Online Bachelor's in Sociology Degree Programs Ranked for 2024
  • #8 20 Fastest Accelerated Online English Doctorates (PhDs) 2024
  • #8 10 Best Online Master's of Music Education Degree Programs
  • #8 The Most Affordable Online Clinical Nutrition Doctorate Degree Programs (PhDs) 2024
  • #9 Best Online Doctorate of Educational Psychology (PhDs) 2024
  • #10 Best Online Master’s in Communications
  • #11 Best Online Master's in Marketing and Advertising
  • #12 The Best Online Colleges Ranked for Students in 2024
  • #12 Top 20 Most Affordable Online Doctorate of Education (PhDs)
  • #14 Best Online Master's in Computer Science Degree Programs
  • #14 Best Online Master's in Special Education
  • #14 Best Online Master’s in Engineering
  • #15 Best Online Doctorate in Education Degree Programs Ranked for Students
  • #15 Best Online Master’s in Education
  • #20 Top 20 Best Online Accredited Doctorate Degree Programs (PhDs) 2024
  • #20 Best Data Science Online Master’s Programs
  • #23 The Best Online MBA Degree Programs in 2024 Ranked for Students
  • #23 Top 50 Best No GRE Online PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates)

Career Outlook for degree at Texas Tech University

Texas Tech University’s faculty and alumni have been influential in:

  • John Hinckley Jr.
  • Arati Prabhakar
  • James T. Richardson
  • Mica Endsley
  • Carolyn Eisele
  • Paul E. Gray
  • Guy McPherson
  • John Denver
  • Manuel H. Johnson
  • M. David Rudd

Like a college with strong school spirit. Students repeatedly note that the school spirit is a major feature of campus life, which can make Texas Tech feel like one big community.

Are looking for a small campus. Like a lot of other things in Texas, Texas Tech is a sprawling campus. Students note that the sheer distance of walking between classes can sometimes be exhausting.

Virginia Commonwealth University

  • #5 Best Colleges in Virginia 2024
  • #1 Best RN to BSN Online
  • #2 Best Online MBA Programs in Virginia
  • #3 Best Online Master’s in Emergency Management
  • #3 Best Online Master's Programs in Virginia 2024
  • #5 Best Online Master's in Social Work MSW
  • #7 Best Online Master’s in Counseling
  • #13 Best Online Master's in Special Education
  • #14 Best Online Master’s in Education

Career Outlook for degree at Virginia Commonwealth University

Virginia Commonwealth University’s faculty and alumni have been influential in:

  • Tom Robbins
  • Charles Vess
  • David Baldacci
  • Marcus Rediker
  • Emmet Gowin
  • Sheri Reynolds
  • Marilyn Tavenner
  • Philip B. Meggs
  • Robert Q. Marston
  • Sudhir Srivastava
  • Jack Trammell

Are seeking a culturally enriching campus experience. Students describe VCU as a community that embraces the arts, activism, and diversity.

Are seeking a more enveloping campus. VCU is situated in the city of Richmond, which can make the campus feel less immersive.

University of Alabama at Birmingham

  • #4 Best Grad Schools in Alabama 2024
  • #4 Alabama's Best Colleges and Universities Ranked for Undergrads in 2024
  • #1 Best Online Bachelor's in Cybersecurity in Alabama
  • #1 Best Online Bachelor’s of Data Science and Analytics Degree Programs for 2024
  • #2 Top 5 Best Online English PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates)
  • #3 Best Online Master's in Kinesiology Degree Programs
  • #3 Best Online Bachelor’s of Human Services Degree Programs Ranked for 2024
  • #3 Best Online MBA Programs in Alabama
  • #3 Best Online Colleges in Alabama 2024
  • #3 Best Online Master's Programs in Alabama 2024
  • #5 Best Online MBA in Entrepreneurship Ranked for Students in 2024
  • #7 Best Online Master’s in Sustainability and Green Technologies
  • #7 Best Online Master's in Nursing MSN
  • #7 Best Online Bachelor's of Finance Degree Programs for 2024
  • #8 15 Most Affordable Online Public Health Doctorates (PhDs)
  • #8 Best Online Master’s in Health Informatics
  • #8 Best Online MBA in Marketing Degree Programs Ranked for Students in 2024
  • #9 20 Fastest Accelerated Online English Doctorates (PhDs) 2024
  • #9 Fastest Accelerated Online Public Health Doctorates (PhDs)
  • #9 Best Online Master’s in Educational Administration
  • #12 Best Online Bachelor’s in Marketing and Advertising Degree Programs for 2024
  • #13 Best Online Bachelor's in Cybersecurity
  • #15 Best Online Bachelor's in Accounting
  • #15 Best Online MBAs in Finance
  • #15 Best Online Bachelor's in Psychology Degree Programs for Students
  • #19 The Best Online Colleges Ranked for Students in 2024
  • #4 Best College Majors that Offer Accelerated Degree Programs

Career Outlook for degree at University of Alabama at Birmingham

University of Alabama at Birmingham’s faculty and alumni have been influential in:

  • Rebecca Bace
  • Ray L. Watts
  • Eli Capilouto
  • Lawrence J. DeLucas
  • Hadiyah-Nicole Green
  • Graeme McDowell
  • David B. Allison
  • Clancy Blair
  • Bruce R. Korf
  • Selwyn M. Vickers
  • Ricardo Azziz
  • Jason Aaron

Want balance between big city life and a small town feel. Students describe the campus and surrounding Birmingham as offering a safe community in a vibrant urban setting.

Are seeking a broad selection of on-campus activities. Some students describe options as limited in this area.

University of Massachusetts Lowell

  • #2 Best Online Associate in Information Technology
  • #2 Fastest Accelerated Online Bachelor's of Psychology Programs
  • #3 Best Online Associate in Business Administration
  • #4 10 Fastest Accelerated Online Bachelor's of English
  • #5 Best Online Colleges in Massachusetts 2024
  • #5 Best Online Bachelor’s in Information Technology Degree Programs for 2024
  • #7 Best Online Master’s in Health Informatics
  • #7 Best Online Master's Programs in Massachusetts 2024
  • #7 Best Online Bachelor's of English Degree Programs for 2024
  • #8 Best Online Master’s in Information Technology
  • #8 Best Online MBA Programs in Massachusetts
  • #10 Best Online Master's in Cybersecurity
  • #11 Best Online Master’s in Educational Administration
  • #12 Best Online Bachelor's in Criminal Justice
  • #14 Best Online Master’s in Finance
  • #16 Best Online Master's in Economics
  • #16 Best Online Master's in Criminal Justice
  • #17 Best Online Master’s in Engineering Management
  • #19 Top 20 Best Online Accredited Doctorate Degree Programs (PhDs) 2024
  • #23 Best Online Master's in Marketing and Advertising
  • #23 Best Data Science Online Master’s Programs
  • #24 Best Online Master's Degrees in Accounting
  • #1 Fastest Online Associate's of Business Degree Programs Ranked 2024
  • #4 Fastest Accelerated Online Master's of Finance Degree Programs 2024

Career Outlook for degree at University of Massachusetts Lowell

University of Massachusetts Lowell’s faculty and alumni have been influential in:

  • Corey Lewandowski
  • Eric Chaisson
  • Roger Cressey
  • Arthur G. Hunt
  • Craig MacTavish
  • Holly Yanco
  • Raymond J. McNulty
  • Dwayne Roloson
  • George Chigas
  • Marty Meehan
  • John Traphagan

Are looking to get involved in campus life. Students note that there are many clubs and activities to choose from and that the campus is both welcoming and social.

Plan to commute to campus by car. Students routinely voice concerns over the lack of convenient parking and the limitations of on-campus transportation.

Nova Southeastern University

  • #2 Top 3 Best Online MBA in Real Estate Degree Programs Ranked for 2024
  • #2 Fastest Accelerated Online Doctorate of Cybersecurity
  • #3 Top 10 Fastest Accelerated Online PhD in Criminal Justice (Doctorates)
  • #3 Top 10 Best Online PhD of Information Technology Programs (Doctorates)
  • #3 Top 10 Best Online Master's of Psychology Degree Programs 2024
  • #3 Best Online Doctorate in Organizational Leadership Degree Programs
  • #3 Best Online Master’s in Forensics Degree Programs
  • #3 Best Online Master's in Artificial Intelligence Degree Programs
  • #4 Top 5 Best Online Criminal Justice Doctorates (PhDs) 2024
  • #4 Best Online Master’s in Human Services
  • #5 Best Online Master's in Kinesiology Degree Programs
  • #5 Best Online Doctorate of Physical Therapy Programs (PhDs)
  • #5 Best Online Master's in Biology
  • #6 Best Online Master's in Behavior Analysis Degree Programs
  • #6 Best Online Master’s in Emergency Management
  • #6 Best Online MBA in Entrepreneurship Ranked for Students in 2024
  • #6 Best Online MBA in Supply Chain Management Ranked for Students in 2024
  • #6 Best Online Bachelor’s of Elementary Education Degree Programs for 2024
  • #7 11 Fastest Accelerated Online Master’s of Computer Science
  • #7 Best Online Bachelor’s of Health Science Degree Programs Ranked for 2024
  • #7 Best Online Master’s in Health Science
  • #7 Best Online Colleges in Florida 2024
  • #8 Best Online MBA Programs in Florida
  • #9 Best Online PhD of Computer Science Degree Programs (Doctorates) 2024
  • #9 Best Online Master's Programs in Florida 2024
  • #9 Fastest Accelerated Online Doctorate of Information Technology
  • #9 Best Online Bachelor's in Psychology Degree Programs for Students
  • #9 Most Affordable Online Criminal Justice PhDs (Doctorates)
  • #10 Best Online Bachelor’s of Human Services Degree Programs Ranked for 2024
  • #11 Best Online Bachelor’s of Education Degree Programs for 2024
  • #14 Best Online Master's in Healthcare Administration
  • #15 Best Online Master’s in Counseling
  • #15 Most Affordable Online Computer Science PhDs (Doctorates) 2024
  • #16 Best Online Master's in Cybersecurity
  • #17 Best Online Master’s in Information Technology
  • #17 Top 18 Most Affordable No GRE Online PhD Degree Programs
  • #18 Best Online MBAs in Finance
  • #18 Best Online Master's in Organizational Leadership
  • #20 Best Online Bachelor's in Criminal Justice
  • #21 Best Online Master’s in Human Resources
  • #22 Best Online Master’s in Health Informatics
  • #22 Best Online Master's in Computer Science Degree Programs
  • #24 Best Online Master's in Criminal Justice
  • #7 10 Best Accelerated Online PhD Programs Ranked for Students in 2024
  • #16 Fastest Accelerated Online Master's of Nursing Degree Programs 2024

Career Outlook for degree at Nova Southeastern University

Nova Southeastern University’s faculty and alumni have been influential in:

  • John E. Douglas
  • Megan Squire
  • Tyler Cymet
  • Charles Morin
  • Andia Chaves Fonnegra
  • Laurie J. Patterson

Are still deciding on their discipline. Nova Southeastern offers more than 150 graduate and undergraduate degrees across 14 colleges.

Have financial constraints. Some students note that even with financial aid, the cost of attendance remains comparatively high.

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School of Education

Qualitative and quantitative research methodology, ph.d. in qualitative and quantitative research methodology, (formerly ph.d. in inquiry methodology).

This unique program enables students to focus on quantitative research, qualitative research, or an integrated program of study.

The flexible curriculum enables you to delve deeply into your chosen area of interest, from statistical modeling to ethnography, from discourse and narrative analysis to psychometrics and assessment.

Yet our program is rigorous enough to ensure that all graduates are able to meaningfully contribute to the study of social and behavioral research.

Application Deadlines

Fall Dec 1
is the priority funding deadline for the Dean’s Fellowship and University Graduate School diversity fellowships. Eligible applicants will automatically be considered for fellowships – no separate application is necessary.

Admission Requirements

The Graduate Studies Office will accept unofficial transcripts and self-reported test scores for admission reviews. Any admission made with these documents would be conditioned on receipt of official documents, which should be provided as soon as possible.

If you are currently enrolled or have applied in the past year, you are eligible for a reduced application fee of $35. Learn more »

  • Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution
  • Minimum undergraduate GPA of 2.75 out of 4.00
  • Personal statement
  • Resume (required from international students only)
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Minimum 79 TOEFL score or minimum 6.5 IELTS score or minimum 115 Duolingo score (international students only)

Learn more about how to apply

Program Requirements

  • Ph.D. in Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methodology – (formerly Ph.D. in Inquiry Methodology) Requirements

Costs listed are per credit hour.

2023-2024 Academic Year

Indiana resident$460.00

2024-2025 Academic Year

Indiana resident$469.20

*Does not include all fees, which will vary depending on the number of credits enrolled. Find more information and calculate your expected costs at Student Central .

  • Learn about the variety of fellowships and assistantships available to graduate students.
  • Visit Student Central for information about financial assistance.
  • Consult your employer about the availability of tuition reimbursement or tuition assistance programs.
  • Active duty military, veterans, and military families should visit the Center for Veteran and Military Students to take full advantage of available financial assistance and educational benefits.

Qualifying Examination

At the completion of course work and before the dissertation, doctoral students specializing in Inquiry Methodology will need to pass a qualifying exam in the form of portfolio of work and an oral examination. This examination is tailored to the student's program of study. All students with a minor in education must also take a minor qualifying examination. Some departments outside of the School of Education waive the minor qualifying examination, under certain conditions.

  • Request info
  • Graduate Student Portal

Diversity Champion badge

As a student you will have the opportunity to focus on methodology through theory and practice that cuts across a divide in qualitative and quantitative methods.

We are dedicated to advancing the understanding of social inquiry, especially with respect to the field of education, and we imagine these possibilities to be necessarily inclusive of methods typically disenfranchised from one another.

This 90-credit hour degree program requires students to spend at least two consecutive semesters on campus. Up to 30 credit hours may be transferred from another institution.

A 12-credit hour minor is also available to doctoral students majoring in other disciplines.

Dubravka Svetina Valdivia Associate Professor dsvetina@iu.edu (812) 856-3750

Start your life-changing journey

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Indiana University Bloomington School of Education

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Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

What is a phd.

A PhD is a Doctorate of Philosophy, a prestigious qualification which is the highest level of degree that a student can achieve, demonstrating talent, academic excellence and a thirst for knowledge. In a modern knowledge-based economy, highly educated and skilled people such as doctoral graduates, are in great demand. They form the most highly educated and skilled group in the UK and internationally. Many will go on to use their skills within academia or in research-intensive occupations in industry. However, there will be others who will draw on their research background and the skills gained through a doctoral degree in a wide variety of other occupations. Examples of the type of employment opportunities taken up by PhD holders can be found at Vitae: researcher careers .

What will I get from a PhD?

You will get a huge sense of personal achievement. Our doctoral training programme will help you develop transferable skills that will be invaluable in your subsequent career. The research techniques and methodologies you master will enable you to make a direct contribution to the advancement of knowledge in your particular subject area.

Successful candidates are awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and are permitted to use the title ‘Dr’.

How does it work?

The maximum registration for a PhD programme is four years with full-time study, or eight years with part-time study.

All PhD students are initially registered for a Master of Philosophy (MPhil), and the PhD registration is confirmed after the successful completion of an upgrade assessment (at the end of year 1 for full-time students and year 2 for part-time study). You will be registered for a PhD when you pass this upgrade. Your academic progress will be monitored throughout your degree studies, via formal progress reports and regular meetings with your supervisors.

You complete a body of primary, novel research and submit a doctoral thesis of up to 100,000 words, which you then defend via an oral examination (the viva) to the satisfaction of the examiners. Your thesis must meet the expectations specified in the Quality Code .

Entry requirements

Entry requirements vary according to the research topic and/or specific studentships. The normal minimum entrance requirement is an upper second class honours degree or masters degree, relevant to the proposed area of study, from a recognised higher education institution in the UK or other recognised degree-awarding body. The comparability of qualifications from outside the UK with The Open University requirements will be determined through reference to UK ENIC .

The research topic pages (within research areas ) give details of specific entry requirements, and provide contact details to discuss your suitability for the PhD.

English language proficiency

To study with us, you will need to have a good command of English. If your first language is not English, you will need to demonstrate your competence in the English Language in all four elements (reading, writing, listening and speaking). The University requires a minimum IELTS score of 6.5 with no less than 6.0 in any of the four categories (or approved equivalent). If you are an overseas student, you must have your level of proficiency certified through a provider approved by UK Visas and Immigration and provide your certificate and grade with your application.

Application closing dates

Entry may be permitted for direct registration with The Open University at the following points of year: October and February. This ensures that students benefit from development and training in peer groups. For further information on how to apply, see our Application process section. Application deadlines may differ between research topics and studentships; full details of topic application period is detailed in the topic page (within research areas ).

OU PhD student, Hannah Sargeant.

PhD student, Hannah Sargeant. Her research is focussed on water production from Moon rocks as part of the ProSPA instrument that will be flown to the Moon in 2025.

My PhD journey so far has been a wonderful learning experience that made me reflect upon my beliefs and stretch my thinking.

phd research only

The sweetest thing about the PhD is that you’ve worked hard for it. It is an opportunity to make an original contribution to an academic area I have always found fascinating.

phd research only

Your questions

For advice about applying for a research degree, or sponsoring a research student, email the Graduate School or call +44 (0)1908 653806.

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What to expect from a PhD/ MA by Research

A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is the highest level of qualification awarded by universities in the UK, typically aimed at students who have successfully completed a Masters programme.

A  PhD  is awarded for the outcomes of intensive, independent study that demonstrates an original and significant contribution to knowledge in your chosen subject. You will be assessed at the end of the programme by a thesis of 80,000 words which will need to be deemed suitable for publication, in whole or in part in a learned journal or equivalent by your examiners. You will need to defend your thesis and demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of your subject at a  viva voce  (oral examination) before a panel of expert examiners.

By comparison, an  MA by Research  is a research-based Masters programme assessed by a thesis of 40,000 words. An oral examination may be held at the discretion of the examiners.

Unlike our postgraduate taught programmes, there are no formal lectures or seminars in a PhD or MA by Research, and your work is not formally examined until after your thesis has been submitted. Instead, our postgraduate research programmes provide you with the opportunity to undertake research under the expert guidance of a primary supervisor, co-supervisor and mentor, supported by complementary research training.

PhD and MA by Research programmes may start at any time of the year, though we strongly encourage students to begin their studies at the start of the UK academic year (September). We also offer flexibility in our programmes so that you can choose the mode of study that works for you - full-time, part-time, or distance learning . It usually takes three years (full-time) or six years (part-time) to complete a PhD, while the standard duration for an MA by Research is either one year (full-time) or two years (part-time).

Distance learning students will receive the same level of support and supervision as on-campus students, the only difference being that supervisory sessions will take place via audio and visual communication services such as Microsoft Teams or Zoom, rather than in person. You will be funded to make one compulsory visit to the University per year of study (or every other year for part-time students), enabling you to meet your supervisory team, undertake intensive research skills training and make a start on your doctoral studies. You may also be invited to attend the University for annual meetings which give you the opportunity to interact with other research students both socially and academically, undertake important progress-review meetings and carry out any necessary training. For those studying a PhD, you will also generally be required to be present on campus for your viva voce (funded for travel and accommodation).

What is involved in a PhD/MA by Research?

Before you start.

One of your main sources of support, inspiration and encouragement throughout your PhD/MA by Research programme will be your supervisory team. Establishing an effective working relationship is important for staying on top of your work and making the most of your research.

If you are planning to apply for a PhD/MA by Research programme, you should first make sure that the relevant department within the College of Arts and Law offers the necessary expertise. We ask that you identify an appropriate supervisor before you submit your application and contact them in the first instance to discuss your research proposal. If you experience any difficulties with the application process and contacting potential supervisors, please email: [email protected]

Your research proposal should be a short written document (approximately 1,000-1,500 words) which sets out the central issues or questions that you intend to address. It should outline the general area of study within which your research falls, referring to the current state of knowledge and any recent debates on the topic, as well as demonstrate the originality of your proposed research. For further advice, please refer to our research proposal guidance pages .

During your studies

Your supervisory team will meet with you at regular intervals throughout your PhD/MA by Research programme in order to offer guidance on how best to approach, implement and report on your research. Supervisory sessions for distance learning students will take place via audio and visual communication services such as Skype or Facetime, rather than on campus.

Although your supervisory team are there to help you to complete your research, postgraduate research students are expected to take full responsibility for their work. Therefore, you will need to develop your own timetable for academic study, planning and managing your research so that you can successfully complete your thesis on time.

The first year (or part-time equivalent) of a PhD usually consists of a literature review specific to your thesis and topic, along with any other relevant work or training that will prepare you for undertaking the bulk of your research in the second year, which is normally then written up in the third year. For an MA by Research, these timescales are condensed into one year (or two years if studying part time).

During the course of your studies your supervisory team may also encourage you to present your research to the wider academic community and to the general public at seminars and conferences, or even submit work for publication in specialist journals. You will also have opportunities for teaching, networking, and playing an active role in the College's vibrant  postgraduate research community .

If you wish to proceed and submit an application, please refer to our six-step process for applying for PhD and MA by Research opportunities in Arts subject areas.

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  • What Is a PhD Thesis?
  • Doing a PhD

This page will explain what a PhD thesis is and offer advice on how to write a good thesis, from outlining the typical structure to guiding you through the referencing. A summary of this page is as follows:

  • A PhD thesis is a concentrated piece of original research which must be carried out by all PhD students in order to successfully earn their doctoral degree.
  • The fundamental purpose of a thesis is to explain the conclusion that has been reached as a result of undertaking the research project.
  • The typical PhD thesis structure will contain four chapters of original work sandwiched between a literature review chapter and a concluding chapter.
  • There is no universal rule for the length of a thesis, but general guidelines set the word count between 70,000 to 100,000 words .

What Is a Thesis?

A thesis is the main output of a PhD as it explains your workflow in reaching the conclusions you have come to in undertaking the research project. As a result, much of the content of your thesis will be based around your chapters of original work.

For your thesis to be successful, it needs to adequately defend your argument and provide a unique or increased insight into your field that was not previously available. As such, you can’t rely on other ideas or results to produce your thesis; it needs to be an original piece of text that belongs to you and you alone.

What Should a Thesis Include?

Although each thesis will be unique, they will all follow the same general format. To demonstrate this, we’ve put together an example structure of a PhD thesis and explained what you should include in each section below.


This is a personal section which you may or may not choose to include. The vast majority of students include it, giving both gratitude and recognition to their supervisor, university, sponsor/funder and anyone else who has supported them along the way.

1. Introduction

Provide a brief overview of your reason for carrying out your research project and what you hope to achieve by undertaking it. Following this, explain the structure of your thesis to give the reader context for what he or she is about to read.

2. Literature Review

Set the context of your research by explaining the foundation of what is currently known within your field of research, what recent developments have occurred, and where the gaps in knowledge are. You should conclude the literature review by outlining the overarching aims and objectives of the research project.

3. Main Body

This section focuses on explaining all aspects of your original research and so will form the bulk of your thesis. Typically, this section will contain four chapters covering the below:

  • your research/data collection methodologies,
  • your results,
  • a comprehensive analysis of your results,
  • a detailed discussion of your findings.

Depending on your project, each of your chapters may independently contain the structure listed above or in some projects, each chapter could be focussed entirely on one aspect (e.g. a standalone results chapter). Ideally, each of these chapters should be formatted such that they could be translated into papers for submission to peer-reviewed journals. Therefore, following your PhD, you should be able to submit papers for peer-review by reusing content you have already produced.

4. Conclusion

The conclusion will be a summary of your key findings with emphasis placed on the new contributions you have made to your field.

When producing your conclusion, it’s imperative that you relate it back to your original research aims, objectives and hypotheses. Make sure you have answered your original question.

Finding a PhD has never been this easy – search for a PhD by keyword, location or academic area of interest.

How Many Words Is a PhD Thesis?

A common question we receive from students is – “how long should my thesis be?“.

Every university has different guidelines on this matter, therefore, consult with your university to get an understanding of their full requirements. Generally speaking, most supervisors will suggest somewhere between 70,000 and 100,000 words . This usually corresponds to somewhere between 250 – 350 pages .

We must stress that this is flexible, and it is important not to focus solely on the length of your thesis, but rather the quality.

How Do I Format My Thesis?

Although the exact formatting requirements will vary depending on the university, the typical formatting policies adopted by most universities are:

Font Any serif font e.g. Times New Roman, Arial or Cambria
Font Size 12pt
Vertical Line Spacing 1.5 Lines
Page Size A4
Page Layout Portrait
Page Margins Variable, however, must allow space for binding
Referencing Variable, however, typically Harvard or Vancouver

What Happens When I Finish My Thesis?

After you have submitted your thesis, you will attend a viva . A viva is an interview-style examination during which you are required to defend your thesis and answer questions on it. The aim of the viva is to convince your examiners that your work is of the level required for a doctoral degree. It is one of the last steps in the PhD process and arguably one of the most daunting!

For more information on the viva process and for tips on how to confidently pass it, please refer to our in-depth PhD Viva Guide .

How Do I Publish My Thesis?

Unfortunately, you can’t publish your thesis in its entirety in a journal. However, universities can make it available for others to read through their library system.

If you want to submit your work in a journal, you will need to develop it into one or more peer-reviewed papers. This will largely involve reformatting, condensing and tailoring it to meet the standards of the journal you are targeting.

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Research: Why Inclusive Hiring Must Include Refugees

  • Betina Szkudlarek

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Six ways companies of any size can engage this overlooked talent pool.

When companies seek to engage in more inclusive recruitment, they often overlook recruitment initiatives focused on refugees. The number of global refugees, asylum seekers, and others in need of international protection surpassed 50.3 million people at the end of 2023, per the U.N. Refugee Agency. The authors cite their findings from two of their studies: first, that managers who have never recruited from this group tend to not only undervalue the benefits of this talent pool, but also hold various misconceptions and biases around recruiting and hiring refugees; and second, that traditional recruitment processes prevent managers from tapping into non-traditional talent pools. From their studies based on conversations with managers, talent leaders, and job seekers from refugee backgrounds, the authors offer 6 ways companies can better recruit from this talent pool: scrutinize your hiring criteria, be proactive and creative with recruitment, reevaluate your selection processes, consider utilizing external support, reach out to industry peers, and think of inclusive recruitment beyond direct recruitment.

As organizations seek to be more inclusive in their recruitment and hiring practices, one area they can improve upon is expanding their talent acquisition playbook to include refugees.

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  • BS Betina Szkudlarek , PhD, is Professor of International Management at the University of Sydney Business School, Australia. Betina is a world-renowned expert on refugee workforce integration and cross-cultural management and a Strategic Sustainability and Growth Consultant with the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations. She has a strong corporate presence and wide experience in researching, consulting and training in various areas linked to diversity management and global leadership. Her research has been featured by the Wall Street Journal, BBC, and ABC, among others. Her work in the domain of refugee workforce integration and SDG impact has been recognised with multiple prizes, including the United Nations Award for Excellence in SDG Integration (UN PRME Global Forum, New York 2023).
  • EL Eun Su Lee , PhD, is Assistant Professor in Management at the University of Newcastle, Australia. Her research focuses on migrants’ integration journeys in foreign countries and the role of stakeholders in facilitating such integrative efforts. Her work has been published in top-tier international journals such as Human Resource Management Journal and International Journal of Management Reviews. Eun Su has also won a number of international awards with Prof Szkudlarek; these prestigious awards include AIB Insights Award for Actionable Insights (Miami, 2022), NBS Research Impact on Practice Award and International HRM Scholarly Award (Seattle, 2022).

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Start-up company with BME ties earns ATMRD poster award

Fasikl’s Felix NeuroAI wristband

August 27, 2024 — A research team from Fasikl — a start-up co-founded by Department of Biomedical Engineering Associate Professor Zhi Yang — recently received an Advanced Therapeutics in Movement & Related Disorders (ATMRD) Poster Award.

The team presented the findings of their initial pilot study of Fasikl’s noninvasive, non-pharmaceutical AI stimulation device for the treatment of essential tremor at the third annual ATMRD Congress held in Washington, D.C. Their poster was titled, “Pilot Study of the Felix NeuroAI Wristband in Patients with Essential Tremor.” 

Pilot study offers hope for those with essential tremor

The pilot study was designed to assess the overall safety, tolerability, and general effectiveness of Fasikl’s Felix NeuroAI wristband. This new stimulation therapy is autonomously managed by AI to provide all-day tremor relief in both hands.

The research team found that the wristband was well-tolerated by study participants, and importantly, treatment with the wristband resulted in tremor improvement for 81.2 percent of assessed patients, including those with mild and moderate tremors.

Video: Pilot study results

The device could one day help those with essential tremor, a common neurological disorder that can significantly affect quality of life and cause disability. Pharmaceutical therapies are ineffective or only partially effective in a considerable number of patients, and surgical interventions are expensive and carry safety risks.

The AI wristband was developed to function independently or concurrently with other therapies.

Translating research to real-world innovations

Fasikl was founded in 2019 and was largely based on research conducted at Prof. Yang's Neuroelectronics Lab . The department has played a key role in creating strong infrastructure for translating discoveries, he explains:

“The Department of Biomedical Engineering fosters a supportive culture that drives lab research into real-world medical device technologies, with a strong commitment to inventing new healthcare solutions. As Fasikl continues to grow, we remain committed to collaborating with the department and the broader University, and strengthening its collaboration with the medical device industry.”

Fasikl has licensed patents invented by Prof. Yang’s lab through the UMN Office of Technology Commercialization. In addition to being Fasikl’s co-founder, Prof. Yang serves as its CEO and director of the board.

Fasikl has sponsored multiple UMN projects, including two projects with Prof. Yang’s lab at BME. Jules Anh Tuan Nguyen, a graduate of UMN’s Biomedical Engineering PhD program, was an author of the poster.

Additional poster authors include Richard Dewey III, MD; Stuart Isaacson, MD; Richard Dewey Jr., MD; Kelly Lyons, PhD; Qi Zhao, PhD; Zhen Zhang, PhD; and Rajesh Pahwa, MD. 

Zhi Yang

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    The University requires a minimum IELTS score of 6.5 with no less than 6.0 in any of the four categories (or approved equivalent). If you are an overseas student, you must have your level of proficiency certified through a provider approved by UK Visas and Immigration and provide your certificate and grade with your application.

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  23. What Is a PhD Thesis?

    A PhD thesis is a concentrated piece of original research which must be carried out by all PhD students in order to successfully earn their doctoral degree. The fundamental purpose of a thesis is to explain the conclusion that has been reached as a result of undertaking the research project. The typical PhD thesis structure will contain four ...

  24. Research: Why Inclusive Hiring Must Include Refugees

    When companies seek to engage in more inclusive recruitment, they often overlook recruitment initiatives focused on refugees. The number of global refugees, asylum seekers, and others in need of ...

  25. Start-up company with BME ties earns ATMRD poster award

    August 27, 2024 — A research team from Fasikl — a start-up co-founded by Department of Biomedical Engineering Associate Professor Zhi Yang — recently received an Advanced Therapeutics in Movement & Related Disorders (ATMRD) Poster Award.The team presented the findings of their initial pilot study of Fasikl's noninvasive, non-pharmaceutical AI stimulation device for the treatment of ...