162 Best Animal Research Topics To Nail Your Paper In 2023

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The world is filled with living things. There are some animals that we know about, some that we will discover, and there are many that we might never know about. All our knowledge about animals is mostly dependant on researchers.

Well, we are rooting for you to be the next great researcher. Be it zoology, veterinary, or live wild stock, your study needs a research topic. If you’re looking for the best animal research topics to nail this year, we’re here with your help.

Table of Contents

Best Animal Research Topics

We have 162 Animal Research Topics that will help you get the best grades this year.

Physiology of Animals Research Topics

physiology of animals research topics

  • Description of the knowledge required to work in animal physiology
  • Study of animal species with different specialties in the sciences of nature and life
  • Life sciences and socioeconomic impacts
  • Neurulation appendages birds
  • Exercises on gastrulation and neurulation
  • Gastrulation amphibians birds
  • Fertilization segmentation in the sea species
  • Gametogenesis: A Detailed Introduction
  • Study of Delimitation: bird appendages
  • Particularities of the developmental biology of certain species
  • Technical-commercial animal physiology
  • Terrestrial and marine ecosystems
  • Animal biology and forensic science: Is there a connection?
  • Animal Biology Biotechnology and molecules of interest regarding food and industry
  • The interest in biology in the diagnosis of animal and plant diseases
  • Toxicology and environmental health concerns in animal physiology
  • Animal and plant production
  • Fundamentals of animal physiology research and analysis
  • Behavior and evolution Genetics of behavior in animals
  • Adaptation and evolution of behavior
  • Comparative studies of general ecology, zoology, and animal physiology
  • Study of animals about the conditions prevailing in their immediate environment
  • Endocrine and neuroendocrine systems in animals
  • Studying the nervous systems in birds
  • Genitals and reproductive physiology of birds
  • Understanding of the anatomical and functional particularities of invertebrates
  • Biology and physiology of invertebrates
  • Reconstruction of phylogenetic trees
  • Morpho-anatomical arguments and the importance of fossils
  • Argued classification of animals
  • Study of the evolution of living organisms by making updates on recent advances in Animalia
  • Phylogeny and Animal Evolution
  • Principles of echolocation in the bats
  • Possible evolution of the increase in complexity of the primitive nervous system
  • The nervous system of the insect
  • Circulation in animal physiology
  • Animals without a differentiated circulatory system
  • Water and mineral balance in animals
  • Thermoregulation in animals
  • Musculoskeletal system in animals
  • Study of animal blood
  • Biological rhythms of animals
  • Skin and teguments of mammals
  • Animal nutrition and metabolism
  • Hormones and endocrine system of animals
  • Emerging organic pollutants
  • Mechanisms of toxicity in animals
  • Animal physiology in animals from temperate regions
  • Genetic correlations between animal species
  • Animal communities, forest ecology, and forest birds
  • Wildlife-habitat modeling

Looking for research topics in general? Read 402  General Research Paper Topics

Animal Research Topics For Student

animal research topics for student

  • Impact of the agricultural raw materials crisis on the marketing of livestock feed
  • Analysis of the competitiveness of poultry produced in the USA
  • Animal cruelty in USA and European countries
  • Seroprevalence of neosporosis in cattle herds
  • The peri-urban dairy sector
  • Effect of the liberalization of the veterinary profession on the vaccination coverage of livestock
  • Why do people kill animals? The psyche behind animal cruelty
  • Evaluation of the growth performance of three sheep breeds
  • Study on the protection of terrestrial ecosystems
  • Ecology of African dung beetles
  • Effects of road infrastructure on wildlife in developing countries
  • Analysis of the consequences of climate change related to pastoral livestock
  • Strategies for management in the animal feed sector
  • The feeding behavior of mosquitoes
  • Bee learning and memory
  • Immediate response to the animal cruelty
  • Study of mass migration of land birds over the ocean
  • A study of crocodile evolution
  • The cockroach escape system
  • The resistance of cockroaches against radiation: Myth or fact?
  • Temperature regulation in the honey bee swarm
  • Irresponsible dog breeding can often lead to an excess of stray dogs and animal cruelty
  • Reliable communication signals in birds

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Animal Research Topics For University

anima research topics for university

  • Color patterns of moths and moths
  • Mimicry in the sexual signals of fireflies
  • Ecophysiology of the garter snake
  • Memory, dreams regarding cat neurology
  • Spatiotemporal variation in the composition of animal communities
  • Detection of prey in the sand scorpion
  • Internal rhythms in bird migration
  • Genealogy: Giant Panda
  • Animal dissection: Severe type of animal cruelty and a huge blow to animal rights
  • Cuckoo coevolution and patterns
  • Use of plant extracts from Amazonian plants for the design of integrated pest management
  • Research on flying field bug
  • The usefulness of mosquitoes in biological control serves to isolate viruses
  • Habitat use by the Mediterranean Ant
  • Genetic structure of the  African golden wolf  based on its habitat
  • Birds body odor on their interaction with mosquitoes and parasites
  • The role of ecology in the evolution of coloration in owls
  • The invasion of the red swamp crayfish
  • Molecular taxonomy and biogeography of caprellids
  • Bats of Mexico and the United States
  • What can animal rights NGOs do in case of animal cruelty during animal testing initiatives?

Or you can try 297 High School Research Paper Topics to Top The Class

Controversial Animal Research Topics

controversial animal research topics

  • Is it okay to adopt an animal for experimentation?
  • The authorization procedures on animals for scientific experiments
  • The objective of total elimination of animal testing
  • Are there concrete examples of successful scientific advances resulting from animal experimentation?
  • Animal rights for exotic animals: Protection of forests and wildlife
  • How can animal rights help endangered animals
  • Animal experimentation are a type of animal cruelty: A detailed analysis
  • Animal testing: encouraging the use of alternative methods
  • Use of animals for the evaluation of chemical substances
  • Holding seminars on the protection of animals
  • Measures to take against animal cruelty
  • Scientific research on marine life
  • Scientific experiments on animals for medical research
  • Experimentation on great apes
  • Toxicological tests and other safety studies on chemical substances
  • Why isn’t research done directly on humans rather than animals?
  • Are animals necessary to approve new drugs and new medical technologies?
  • Are the results of animal experiments transferable to humans?
  • Humans are not animals, which is why animal research is not effective
  • What medical advances have been made possible by animal testing?
  • Animals never leave laboratories alive
  • Scientific interest does not motivate the use of animal research
  • Animal research is torture 
  • How can a layperson work against animal testing?

Every crime is a controversy too, right? Here are some juicy  Criminal Justice Research Paper Topics  as well.

Animal Research Topics: Animal Rights

animal research topics animal rights

  • Growing awareness of the animal suffering generated by these experiments
  • What are the alternatives to animal testing?
  • Who takes care of animal welfare?
  • Major global organizations working for animal rights
  • Animal rights in developing countries
  • International animal rights standards to work against animal cruelty
  • Animal cruelty in developing countries
  • What can a layperson do when seeing animal cruelty
  • Role of society in the prevention of animal cruelty
  • Animal welfare and animal rights: measures taken against animal cruelty in developing countries
  • Animal cruelty in the name of science
  • How can we raise a better, empathetic and warm-hearted children to put a stop to animal cruelty
  • Ethical animal testing methods with safety
  • Are efforts being made to reduce the number of animals used?
  • The welfare of donkeys and their socioeconomic roles in the subcontinent
  • Animal cruelty and superstitious conceptions of dogs, cats, and donkeys in subcontinent
  • Efforts made by international organizations against the tragedy of animal cruelty
  • International organizations working for animal welfare
  • Animal abuse: What are the immediate measures to take when we see animal cruelty
  • Efforts to stop animal abuse in South Asian Countries
  • Animal abuse in the name of biomedical research

Talking about social causes, let’s have a look at social work topics too: 206  Social Work Research Topics

Interesting Animal Research Topics

interesting animal research topics

  • The urbanization process and its effect on the dispersal of birds:
  • Patterns of diversification in Neotropical amphibians
  • Interactions between non-native parrot species
  • Impact of landscape anthropization dynamics and wild birds’ health
  • Habitat-driven diversification in small mammals
  • Seasonal fluctuations and life cycles of amphipods
  • Animal cruelty in African countries
  • Evolution of the environmental niche of amphibians
  • Biological studies on Louisiana crawfish
  • Biological studies on Pink bollworm
  • Biological studies on snails
  • Biological Studies on Bush Crickets
  • Biological Studies on Mountain Gorillas
  • Biological studies on piranha
  • Consequences of mosquito feeding
  • Birds as bioindicators of environmental health
  • Biological studies on victoria crowned pigeon
  • Biological studies on black rhinoceros
  • Biological studies on European spider
  • Biological studies on dumbo octopus
  • Biological studies on Markhor
  • Study of genetic and demographic variation in amphibian populations
  • Ecology and population dynamics of the blackberry turtle
  • Small-scale population differentiation in ecological and evolutionary mechanisms
  • Challenges in vulture conservation

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Submarine Animals Research Topics

submarine animals research topics

  • The physiology behind the luminous fish
  • A study of Fish population dynamics
  • Study of insects on the surface of the water
  • Structure and function of schools of fish
  • Physiological ecology of whales and dolphins
  • Form and function in fish locomotion
  • Why do whales and dolphins jump?
  • Impact of Noise on Early Development and Hearing in Zebrafish
  • Animal cruelty against marine life on the hand of fishermen

Read More:  Accounting Research Topics

Animal Biology Research Topics

animal biology research topics

  • Systematic and zoogeographical study of the ocellated lizards
  • Morphological study of neurohistogenesis in the diencephalon of the chick embryo
  • Anatomical study of three species of Nudibranch
  • The adaptive strategy of two species of lagomorphs
  • The Black vulture: population, general biology, and interactions with other birds
  • Ocellated lizards: their phylogeny and taxonomy
  • Studies on the behavior of ocellated lizards in captivity
  • Comparative studies of the egg-laying and egg-hatching methods of ocellated lizards
  • Studies on the ecology and behavior of ocellated lizards
  • The taxonomic and phylogenetic implications of ocellated lizards
  • Research on the egg-laying and egg-hatching methods of ocellated lizards
  • Studies on the ecology and behavior of ocellated lizards in their natural environment
  • Comparative studies of the egg-laying and egg-hatching methods of ocellated lizards in different countries
  • Studies on the ecology and behavior of ocellated lizards in their natural environment in the light of evolutionary and ecological insights

Animal research topics are not hard to find for you anymore. As you have already read a load of them. You can use any of them and ace your research paper, and you don’t even need to ask permission. If you are looking for a  paper writing service , be it animal research, medical research, or any sort of research, you can contact us 24/7.

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Animal Research Topics Unleashed: Fauna Frontiers


Table of contents

  • 1 How to Choose Animals Research Topics?
  • 2.1 Animal Physiology Research Topics
  • 2.2 Controversial Animal Topics
  • 2.3 Animal Rights Topics For Research Paper
  • 2.4 Interesting Animal Research Topics
  • 2.5 Veterinary Topics For Research Paper
  • 2.6 Animal Testing Research Topics
  • 2.7 Animal Cruelty Topics
  • 2.8 Research Questions about Animals
  • 3 Get Professional Help for Your Animal Research Paper

Contrary to popular belief, animal research topics are not only used by veterinarians. They are also pursued by students majoring in Healthcare, Sound Engineering, and even subjects like Fashion Studies and Chemistry. Of course, it may require writing an excellent custom research paper because the trick here is to tailor things to what you need. The most challenging, however, is to choose your topic correctly and avoid being vague about what you must explore. Even if you would like to explore environmental issues, using animal research topics will be essential. You need to provide an explanation of your reasoning and the negative effects of human interaction with flora and fauna.

How to Choose Animals Research Topics?

While there may be no universal topic that will reflect all sides of animal-related research, consider those subjects that you know well. It must inspire you and be an area where you feel comfortable. If you love marine life and can provide personal research examples, it would be good to choose something that will suit a reflection journal. Alternatively, consider animal topics for research papers that can be supported by reliable sources and statistical information.

Start with an outline or a list of arguments that you would like to explore. Once done, continue with the wording for your topic that introduces the problem and offers a solution. You may also pose a research question about a problem or make a claim that will be supported by what you include in your paper. Always refer to your grading rubric and choose your research paper type accordingly. For example, your nursing research paper may talk about the use of animals for rehabilitation purposes, while a legal student may talk about animal rights in various countries. It all should be approached through the lens of what you learn as a primary subject!

50+ Most Interesting & Easy Animal Research Topics

Animal physiology research topics.

As you might already know, animal physiology studies anything related to the physical processes, changes in behaviors, breeding patterns, and more. As you think about choosing the animal physiology branch, always narrow things down if possible.

  • Life-supporting properties of trained dogs in the wilderness.
  • Homeostatic processes in migrating birds and the global warming challenges.
  • The changes in circadian pacemakers and the processes of aging.
  • The changes in flora and related metabolomic-based processes.
  • Self-healing practices and digestive enzyme aspects.
  • Food intake and glucose stimulation methods.
  • Insensitivity to insulin: causes and consequences among domestic animals.
  • Muscle cells development and fat management.
  • Fish and Shellfish immunology processes in relation to Covid-19 studies.
  • The role of mammals in the prevention of aquatic toxicology.

Controversial Animal Topics

This aspect of animal research essay writing may not be everyone’s cup of tea, which is why it is necessary to explore the facts and provide information that represents both sides of the debate. Stay sensitive and avoid being too graphic unless it is necessary. Below are some ideas to consider:

  • The cultural practices of whaling in the Faroe Islands and Iceland.
  • Animal testing and vaccination practices in Asian countries.
  • The use of horses, camels, and donkeys to entertain tourists in the Middle East.
  • The consequences of irresponsible dog breeding practices.
  • Climate change and the subsequent loss of the natural habitat.
  • The dark truth about the ivory trade.
  • The use of pets for advertisement and promotional purposes.
  • Animal rights protection and restrictions of breeding.
  • SPA for the pets: a natural development or immoral practice?
  • Animal trading and certification issues.

Animal Rights Topics For Research Paper

The subject of animal rights is popular among students coming from all academic disciplines. Since you can approach it via the philosophical, legal, or medical lens, think about how to reflect your primary skills. It will make your research of animal right topics sound more confident.

  • The regulation of puppy mills and breeding in the United States.
  • The legal aspect of animal sports and related regulation.
  • How should one treat pets that have been abandoned by the owners?
  • Clothing industry and legal regulations: from trading to advertisement.
  • The use of innovative methods in medical research and experimentation.
  • Animal ethics and the theological aspect of animal rights.
  • Training your dog well: what are the basic behavior rules to consider?
  • The breeding limitations and the farming practices in the United Kingdom.
  • Animal rights in the United States vs regulations in Canada.
  • Animal trading: what country should be held responsible for animal mistreatment?

Interesting Animal Research Topics

  • Why do elephants remember everything and how does their brain work?
  • Perception of love and affection among dogs vs cats.
  • The communication methods used by the dolphins.
  • Do horses feel the spirit of the competition during the ride?
  • Perception of children and the elderly by mammals.
  • Survival in the wilderness and the hunt for water.
  • The navigation system of the working bee.
  • How has technology changed domestic animals and their habits?
  • The use of dogs in the world’s rescue operations: unusual case studies.
  • Establishment of emotional bonds with dogs vs cats.

Veterinary Topics For Research Paper

In the majority of cases, you may refer to your veterinary branch first and proceed from there or take a look at the variety of veterinary research topics that we have presented below. Remember to quote every citation and idea that has been taken from other sources to avoid plagiarism.

  • How to establish immune responses in chickens by using disease vaccine prevention methods?
  • How do low doses of ketamine affect healthy dogs during epidural anesthesia?
  • The use of biomarkers for therapeutic purposes and the role of pet owners.
  • RNA genetic analysis and the use of AI-based endometria research to establish common sequences.
  • What do we know about canine coronavirus research: pros and cons of artificial modeling.
  • Egg production changes related to air pollution and chemical vapors.
  • Wildlife surveillance ethics in the United States: pros and cons of modern remote monitoring.
  • What are the causes and consequences of selenium deficiency and how can this aspect be addressed by the tissue analysis.
  • Veterinary cardiology principles and the use of knowledge sourced from human cardio-vascular research.
  • Canine immunopathologies and the high levels of stress caused by Covid-19 restrictions and social distancing.

Animal Testing Research Topics

Even though this subject seems to be discussed everywhere these days, finding good animals topics to write about that deal with animal testing is not easy. Think about what are the underlying reasons for testing and what forces scientists to use it as a method. It will help you come up with ideas and better exploration strategies.

  • Does finding a cure without the use of animals represent only an economical challenge?
  • Genetic research in the United States and the use of animals for research purposes.
  • Should animal cloning and illegal breeding practices be banned?
  • Beauty products industry and animal testing controversies.
  • Stell Cell Research: the role of animals in the current advancement.
  • Cell modulation and modeling as the replacement of animal testing.
  • Animal experimentation and the history of the world’s vaccination methods.
  • Does animal testing lead to safety in relation to emerging diseases?
  • Animal lifespan and the research objectives for medical testing.
  • Current human testing practices: do they represent an alternative to animal testing?

Animal Cruelty Topics

Warning: writing about animal cruelty subject is not for everyone, which is why you must be aware that the facts and statistics you may find will be shocking. It should be explored only if you are ready to embrace this disturbing subject. At the same time, you can explore milder animal cruelty cases like using pets as influencers on social media or the use of donkeys at the beaches to entertain tourists. There is always something to think about!

  • The practice of cockfighting.
  • The cultural heritage of bull-fighting in Spain.
  • The use of monkeys for entertaining purposes.
  • How are animal rights obeyed during filming practices?
  • The use of pets as animal beauty promoters and social media influencers.
  • Illegal farming practices in Asian countries and the Middle East.
  • How can dog hunters be identified and punished?
  • Why does whaling still continue in the Faroe Islands?
  • The use of natural fur during beauty commercials.
  • Vegetarian foods production: how justified it is for natural animal habitat?

Research Questions about Animals

When you would like to take a general approach to animals research, it is good to come up with a research question as a part of your thesis statement or main argumentation. See these animals research paper examples:

  • The use of canines in cancer research methods: what breeds fit the most?.
  • Pig kidney transplantation methods: what are the core genetic aspects.
  • The use of rats in the decrease of immune diseases: why do they represent the most fitting species?
  • Blood transfusions and the use of animal cardio-vascular system principles: what are the points to consider?
  • Can animal behavior patterns be helpful for use in human mental diseases?
  • Animal Welfare Regulations: are there mechanisms to have an impact on animal care?
  • The use of dangerous dog breeds in the world: should such breeding be regulated like gun control?
  • Improvement of cognitive functions among children who are dog owners: what is the role of the animals in question?.
  • PTSD among military veterans: how can we use the animals to help the healing processes?
  • The study of myocardial infarction in primates vs canine studies: why dogs represent better research models?

Get Professional Help for Your Animal Research Paper

Without a doubt, it is easy to get stuck with a multitude of topics and ideas. If you are planning to write about animal rights but do not know how to include certain animal physiology principles, it is safer to consider timely help with research paper. Our skilled team of specialists in this field will provide you with relevant sources and will help you polish things to perfection when you need assistance or do not know how to continue.

The same relates to checking your existing draft and citations in terms of plagiarism and originality. Writing about animals is never easy, which is why we know how you feel and also realize what your college professors expect to see. Take a look at our research topics about animals, trust us with your concerns and we shall help you achieve success!

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200 Informative Speech Topics About Animals

200 Informative Speech Topics About Animals

Explore 200 engaging animal-themed speech topics in our specially curated list. Covering a wide range of species and themes, these topics are perfect for educational talks, engaging presentations, and deepening your understanding of our planet’s diverse wildlife.

  • The Social Behavior of Ants and Their Colony Structure.
  • Understanding the Migratory Patterns of Whales.
  • The Role of Bees in Our Ecosystem.
  • The Plight of the Rhinoceros: Poaching and Conservation Efforts.
  • The Various Species of Tigers and Their Habitats.
  • How Do Dolphins Communicate With Each Other?
  • The Mysterious Lives of Deep-Sea Creatures.
  • Birdsong: Communication or Just a Melody?
  • The Impact of Deforestation on Orangutans.
  • Unusual Animal Defenses: The Mechanisms and Tactics.
  • The Hunting Strategies of Big Cats.
  • The Intelligence of Octopuses and Their Behavior.
  • Canine Communication: Understanding Dog Behavior.
  • The Fascinating World of Spiders.
  • How Elephants Support Their Ecosystems.
  • Understanding the Lifecycle of the Monarch Butterfly.
  • The Importance of Wetlands in Supporting Bird Populations.
  • Camouflage Techniques in the Animal Kingdom.
  • Domestication of Animals: History and Process.
  • The Effects of Climate Change on Polar Bears.
  • The Unique Features of Marsupials.
  • The African Savannah: Wildlife and Coexistence.
  • The Biological Significance of Animal Mating Rituals.
  • The Science Behind Animal Pack Hierarchies.
  • Sloths and Their Slow-Paced Life.
  • The Evolutionary Biology of the Galápagos Finches.
  • Animal Rescue Missions and Their Importance.
  • The Intricate World of Coral Reefs and Their Inhabitants.
  • Why Are Amphibians Important Bioindicators?
  • The Vanishing Species: Causes and Solutions for Animal Extinction.
  • The Beauty and Diversity of Tropical Fish.
  • Understanding Animal Navigation During Migration.
  • The Complex Societies of Prairie Dogs.
  • How Animals Adapt to Urban Environments.
  • The Use of Animals in Therapy.
  • The Communication Systems of Whales.
  • Bird Migration: Perils and Preservation.
  • Rehabilitation of Wildlife: Challenges and Successes.
  • The Life Cycle of Sea Turtles.
  • The Ecological Significance of Apex Predators.
  • The World of Insects: Diversity and Importance.
  • The Mysterious Nighttime Behavior of Bats.
  • Animal Welfare: Laws and Ethics Around the Globe.
  • The Life-Sustaining Role of Plankton.
  • The Impact of Invasive Species on Native Wildlife.
  • The Incredible Journey of Salmon Upstream.
  • Conservation Successes: Species Brought Back From the Brink.
  • How Animals Cope During Natural Disasters.
  • The Role of Animals in Indigenous Cultures.
  • The Psychology of Primates and Their Similarities to Humans.
  • The Biodiversity of the Amazon Rainforest.
  • The Behavior of Wolves and Their Influence on Ecosystems.
  • Understanding Animal Emotions and Consciousness.
  • Animal Agriculture and Its Impact on the Environment.
  • The Unique Adaptations of Desert Animals.
  • The Mysterious Migrations of Eels.
  • Avian Intelligence: The Cognitive Abilities of Birds.
  • The Process and Importance of Pollination.
  • The Conservation Status of the World’s Amphibians.
  • The Debate Over Keeping Animals in Zoos.
  • The Significance of Animal Conservation Areas.
  • Hibernation: The Secrets of Surviving the Cold.
  • The Challenges Faced by Endangered Marine Species.
  • The Role of Scavengers in the Ecosystem.
  • Sea Otters and Their Importance in Kelp Forest Ecosystems.
  • Animal Folklore and Mythology Around the World.
  • The Protection of Animal Habitats: Strategies and Efforts.
  • Animal Cognition: How Smart Are Animals?
  • The World of Aquatic Mammals.
  • The Enigma of Animal Migration: Theories and Discoveries.
  • The Use of Animals in Scientific Research.
  • Animal Heroes: Stories of Bravery and Companionship.
  • Estivation: How Animals Survive Extreme Heat.
  • How Animals Contribute to Soil Fertilization.
  • The Unique Physiology of the Camel.
  • Insights Into Nocturnal Animals and Their Lifestyles.
  • The Domestication and History of the Horse.
  • The Vital Role of Insects in Human Life.
  • The Factors Influencing Animal Population Growth.
  • The Impact of Human Encroachment on Wildlife Territories.
  • The Variety of Life in Freshwater Ecosystems.
  • The Significance of Animal Courtship Behaviors.
  • Strategies Animals Use to Survive Winter.
  • The Mystery of Animal Instincts.
  • Elephants: The Gentle Giants and Their Threatened Habitats.
  • Explaining the Phenomenon of Animal Swarming.
  • The Culture of Cetaceans: Whales and Dolphins.
  • The Intricate Communication of Honeybees.
  • The Decline of Pollinators and Its Global Effects.
  • The Rise of Urban Foxes: Adaptation and Coexistence.
  • The Effect of Light Pollution on Nocturnal Wildlife.
  • Exploring the Diversity of Reptile Species.
  • Can Wildlife Adapt to Climate Change?
  • The Bond Between Humans and Their Pets.
  • The Return of the Wolf: Reintroduction Into Former Habitats.
  • Animal Ethics: Our Moral Obligations to Animal Welfare.
  • The Phenomenon of Animal Albinism.
  • The Survival Tactics of Prey Animals.
  • The Complexity of Animal Nests and Construction.
  • Exploring the Concept of Animal Territories and Boundaries.
  • Understanding the Vital Role of Animal Decomposers.
  • The Underwater Acrobatics of Marine Mammals.
  • Plant-Eating Predators: When Carnivores Turn to Vegetation.
  • The Social Structures of Elephant Herds.
  • Animals at the North Pole: Survival in Extreme Conditions.
  • The Wildlife of Australia and Their Adaptive Behaviors.
  • How Animals Form Symbiotic Relationships.
  • The Evolution and Variety of Bird Beaks.
  • Interactions Between Predators and Prey.
  • The Assertion of Dominance: Battles Within the Animal Kingdom.
  • The Truth About Animal Hoarding.
  • Sharks: Misunderstood Predators of the Deep.
  • The Global Importance of Protecting Migratory Bird Routes.
  • How Animals Sense and React to Earthquakes.
  • The Intelligence and Ingenuity of Crows.
  • The Role of Animals in Ancient Warfare.
  • Animal Cloning: The Science, Ethics, and Future.
  • The Influence of Lunar Cycles on Animal Behavior.
  • The Multi-Faceted Communication of Squids and Octopuses.
  • The Peculiarities of Parthenogenesis in Animals.
  • How Animals Distribute Seeds and Support Plant Growth.
  • The Altruistic Behaviors Observed in the Animal Kingdom.
  • The Role of Animals in Historical Exploration.
  • The Environmental Benefits of Bat Populations.
  • The Cultural Significance of Animals in National Symbols.
  • The Perils Facing Sea Birds Due to Pollution.
  • The Intricate Food Webs of Aquatic Ecosystems.
  • The Biology of Aging in Different Animal Species.
  • The Economic Impact of Wildlife Tourism.
  • The Phenomenon of Animal Grieving and Mourning.
  • The Psychological Impact of Animal-Assisted Therapy.
  • How Animals Maintain Ecological Balance.
  • The Importance of Genetic Diversity Among Animal Populations.
  • Animal Myths Debunked: Separating Fact From Fiction.
  • The Physical Adaptations of Arctic Animals.
  • Understanding Animal Hierarchies Within Different Species.
  • The Implications of the Ivory Trade on Elephant Populations.
  • Cooperative Behavior in Animal Society.
  • The Various Methods Animals Use for Camouflage.
  • Exotic Pets: The Ethical Considerations.
  • The Evolution of Flight in the Animal Kingdom.
  • The Complexities of Cross-Species Friendships.
  • Understanding the Lifecycle of Frogs.
  • The Function of Bioluminescence in Marine Life.
  • The History of Animal Domestication.
  • Animal Training: Techniques and Ethical Concerns.
  • The Migratory Behavior of Hummingbirds.
  • The Science of Animal Locomotion.
  • How Biodiversity Impacts Human Health.
  • The Competition for Resources in the Animal Kingdom.
  • The Evolution of Fish: From Ancient to Modern Species.
  • How Animals Deal with Climate Extremes.
  • The Unique Digestive Systems of Ruminants.
  • The Role of Animals in Creating Natural Medicines.
  • Animal Folklore: How Animals Have Inspired Stories Through the Ages.
  • The Secret Lives of Underground-Dwelling Animals.
  • The Remarkable Recovery of Endangered Species.
  • The Symbiotic Relationships Between Animals and Plants.
  • The Struggle for Survival: Life in the Intertidal Zone.
  • The Adaptation of Animals to Life in the Canopy.
  • The Significance of Coloration in the Animal World.
  • Understanding the Dynamics of Animal Populations.
  • Animal Transportation: The Science Behind Natural Dispersal Methods.
  • The Challenges Facing Animals in the Arctic and Antarctic.
  • Animals as Bioindicators of Environmental Health.
  • The Environmental Impact of Animal Extinctions.
  • The Extraordinary Abilities of Migratory Birds.
  • The Unique Ecosystems Supported by Beavers.
  • The Ethical Considerations of Wildlife Photography.
  • Tracing the Evolution of Animal Behavior.
  • The Importance of Shellfish in Marine Ecosystems.
  • The Growing Issue of Wildlife Trafficking.
  • Animal Adaptations in Response to Urban Barriers.
  • The Behavioral Ecology of Solitary Animals.
  • How Animals Contribute to the Control of Pests.
  • The Animal Kingdom’s Role in Myth and Legend.
  • The Coevolution of Predators and Their Prey.
  • The Challenges of Marine Conservation.
  • The Lives of Animals in the Deep Ocean.
  • The Role of Animals in Pollination Networks.
  • Understanding Animal Tracks and Signs.
  • The Regenerative Abilities of Certain Animal Species.
  • Animal Sanctuaries: Mission and Controversies.
  • The Survival Strategies of Island Species.
  • The Significance of Crossbreeding in Animal Conservation.
  • The Therapeutic Effect of Animals on Human Mental Health.
  • The Importance of Protecting Keystone Species.
  • The Role of Animals in Ecological Restoration Efforts.
  • The Various Ways Animals Communicate Danger.
  • The Natural Phenomenon of Animal Mass Die-Offs.
  • The Cultural Significance of Animal Conservation in Different Societies.
  • The Life in the Extreme Habitat of Hydrothermal Vents.
  • The Anatomy of Bird Flight.
  • The Phenomenon of Tool Use Among Animals.
  • The Dynamics of Predator-Prey Interactions in the Ocean.
  • The History of Animal Rights Activism.
  • The Key Role of Animals in Seed Dispersal.
  • The Conservation Challenges of Migratory Species.
  • The Foraging Strategies of Animals in the Wild.
  • The Ethical Debate Surrounding Animal Experimentation.

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Animal Science Fair Project Ideas

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Animals are great subjects for science fair projects, particularly if you have a pet or an interest in zoology. Do you want to do a science fair project with your pet or another type of animal? Here is a collection of ideas that you can use for your project.

  • Are insects attracted to/repelled by a magnet? Does the presence of a magnetic field affect egg hatching rates of insect or other animal eggs?
  • Do pet fish have a color preference for their food? (This assumes you can separate out the colors of a food.) Do pet birds have a color preference for their toys?
  • What type of soil do earthworms prefer?
  • What natural substances repel insect pests? Examples of insects to test include mosquitoes, ants or flies.
  • On a related note, what substances might be used to attract and trap flies, beetles or other pests?
  • Do animals display handedness (right-handed, left-handed) like humans? You can test this with a cat and a toy, for example.
  • Are cockroaches (or other insects or creatures) attracted to or repelled by light? You probably already suspect cockroaches prefer dark. What other stimuli could you test? Does it matter if it is white light or would you get the same response from specific colors of light? You could test other types of stimuli, such as music, noise, vibration, heat, cold. You get the idea.
  • An advanced version of the cockroach project is to select insects that don't run from light (for example). If you allow these insects to mate and keep selecting progeny that doesn't evade light, can you obtain a culture of cockroaches that don't mind light?
  • Test household insect repellents . Are there any species against which they are ineffective?
  • Can dogs or cats or birds hear ultrasonic insect and rodent repellent devices?
  • Can cats hear a dog whistle?
  • Are cats equally interested in different laser colors besides the "red dot"?
  • What methods serve to disrupt the chemical trail that ants follow?
  • How many nematodes (roundworms) are there in a soil sample from your backyard? What are the pros and cons of having these organisms in the soil?
  • Do hummingbirds have a color preference for their food?
  • What type of light attracts the most moths?
  • Does catnip repel insects? If so, which types?
  • Which types of animal fossils are present in your area? What does this tell you about the climate and ecology in the past?

Know the Rules

Before you start any science fair project involving animals, make sure it is okay with your school or whoever is in charge of the science fair. Projects with animals may be prohibited or they may require special approval or permission. It's better to make sure your project is acceptable before you get to work! Some animals may be allowed on school grounds, but most either won't be allowed or shouldn't be brought in because they may pose a risk to students or the facility. Even organisms that aren't dangerous may causes allergies in some students.

A Note on Ethics

Science fairs that allow projects with animals will expect you to treat the animals in an ethical manner . The safest type of project is one which involves observing natural behavior of animals or, in the case of pets, interacting with animals in a usual manner. Don't do science fair project that involves harming or killing an animal or puts an animal at risk for injury. As an example, it may be fine to examine data on how much of an earthworm can be cut before the worm becomes unable to regenerate and dies. Actually performing such an experiment probably won't be allowed for most science fairs. In any case, there are lots of projects you can do that don't involve ethical concerns.

Take Pictures and Video

You may be unable to bring your animal science fair project to the school or otherwise put it on display, yet you'll want visual aids for your presentation. Take lots of pictures of your project . Video is another great way to document animal behavior. For some projects, you may be able to bring in preserved specimens or examples of fur or feathers , etc.

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Wildlife Wonders: 50 Captivating Presentation Ideas

Wildlife Wonders: 50 Captivating Presentation Ideas

Explore our collection of 50 captivating presentation ideas, all tailored to showcase the wonders of the wild. Powered by PoweredTemplate, our selection offers an extensive range of templates designed to elevate your presentations on wildlife and the natural world.

Whether you’re an educator, a researcher, or simply someone passionate about wildlife, you’ll find everything you need right here. Our diverse selection of styles and designs ensures that your message will resonate, leaving your audience in awe of your visually stunning wildlife presentations. You’ll find the perfect template for every occasion, making your next wildlife-themed presentation a true success.

Table of Contents

Introduction, 1. leopard on the rock, 2. ocean wildlife, 4. birdfeeder, 5. wildlife of australia, 8. fur seal, 9. chipmunk, 10. blackbird, 11. penguin couple, 13. zebra on a green savanna, 14. zebra in sunset, 15. butterfly on the leaf, 17. north american eagle, 18. white rhinoceros, 19. machaon butterfly, 20. butterflies on a wood, 22. seagull, 23. white owl, 24. zebra in yellow savannah, 25. elephants, 26. saddle-billed stork, 27. fish in water, 28. leopard, 30. peacock, 31. kangaroo, 32. flamingo, 33. polar bear, 34. hippopotamus, 36. cape sugarbird, 37. fishing life underwater, 39. sitting fly, 40. albatross, 41. butterfly and caterpillar, 42. star fish, 44. shark hanting, 45. grasshopper, 47. scorpion, 49. panther.

Welcome to “Wildlife Wonders: 50 Captivating Presentation Ideas.” In this curated collection, we invite you to embark on a captivating journey into the world of wildlife and the remarkable creatures that inhabit it.

These 50 carefully crafted presentation ideas cover a wide spectrum of topics, making them suitable for various domains of knowledge and business sectors. From the realms of education and ecology to the fields of tourism, zoology, and scientific research, we’ve designed each template to be both informative and visually striking. Whether you’re aiming

  • to engage your students,
  • raise awareness about wildlife conservation,
  • promote eco-tourism,
  • or deliver compelling scientific findings,

you’ll find the perfect template to suit your needs.

If wildlife is the central theme of your business management presentation , the ideas presented here will also help you breathe life into complex topics such as goal setting , business models , or innovation within the context of a wildlife-focused enterprise. Furthermore, these ideas will serve as a valuable resource for creating corporate documentation, including company profiles ,  FAQ Word templates , and much more.

Each presentation template within this collection has been thoughtfully created to help you effectively convey your message, connect with your audience, and leave a lasting impression. So, let’s embark on this journey together, as we explore the “Wildlife Wonders” that await you within this library of presentation ideas.

Explore the captivating world of African wildlife with our Leopard on the Rock presentation template .

This visually stunning PowerPoint and Google Slides theme features a majestic leopard as its centerpiece, set against the backdrop of the arid savanna, where herds of wild animals roam freely. The color palette of warm yellows and rich browns enhances the natural beauty of the setting, creating an engaging atmosphere for your audience.

animal science topics for presentation

Whether you’re delivering a presentation on wildlife conservation, African fauna, or environmental protection, this template is your ideal companion. It seamlessly captures the essence of Africa’s unique wildlife and the importance of preserving it for future generations. The attentive leopard, the vast horizon, and the horned antelope are just a few of the captivating elements that make this presentation template truly stand out.

With keywords like “african savanna,” “conservation,” “wildlife,” and “safari,” your presentation will be optimized for online searches, ensuring that your message reaches a wider audience. Take your audience on a journey into the heart of Africa’s wilderness, where nature’s wonders and the need for its protection become vividly clear. Download the “Leopard on the Rock” presentation template today and embark on a wildlife-filled adventure with your audience.

Download the template

Immerse yourself in the depths of the ocean with our Ocean Wildlife presentation template .

This stunning PowerPoint and Google Slides theme offers a mesmerizing glimpse into the world beneath the waves, featuring a shark and a shoal of fish against a backdrop of marvelous midnight blue. It’s the perfect choice for presentations on marine and oceanic life, environmental conservation, water purification, sea voyages, travel, tourism, seaside vacations, fishery resources, and fishing.

animal science topics for presentation

This presentation template captures the adventure and beauty of the ocean’s mysteries. The formidable shark, the schools of fish, and the vibrant marine scenery are beautifully showcased in a color palette that reflects the deep sea. Whether you’re discussing the fragility of oceanic ecosystems or the allure of underwater photography, this template provides a compelling visual narrative.

With keywords such as “ocean,” “sharks,” “marine,” and “underwater,” your presentation will have enhanced search visibility, ensuring that your message resonates with a broader audience. Dive into the ocean’s wonders, explore its exotic fauna, and advocate for environmental protection with the “Ocean Wildlife” presentation template. It’s your ticket to a deep-sea adventure that will captivate and educate your audience. Download now and set sail on a journey of discovery.

Embark on an educational journey with our Red Fox presentation template . This captivating PowerPoint and Google Slides theme features the enchanting red fox as its focal point, making it a perfect choice for presentations on forest wildlife, winter landscapes, fur-bearing animals, and the intricate world of furs.

animal science topics for presentation

The alert and cunning red fox comes to life against the backdrop of a snowy, cold landscape, showcasing its furry coat and vivid orange hues. This template is designed to provide a close-up view of this remarkable carnivore, allowing you to explore its habits, habitat, and significance in nature.

Whether you’re discussing the role of the red fox in the ecosystem, its hunting behaviors, or the beauty of winter landscapes, this template offers a visually captivating experience for your audience.

With keywords like “wildlife,” “nature,” “winter,” and “predator,” your presentation will gain enhanced visibility in online searches, ensuring that your message reaches a wide range of enthusiasts and learners. Dive into the world of the red fox, study its features, and appreciate its place in the natural world with the “Red Fox” presentation template. Begin your journey of discovery now by downloading this captivating template.

Step into the enchanting world of bird feeding with our Birdfeeder presentation template . This delightful PowerPoint and Google Slides theme showcases a charming birdfeeder brimming with acorns, making it an ideal choice for presentations on autumn and winter, the colder seasons, caring for birds, and the survival of wintering animals.

animal science topics for presentation

This template brings the coziness of a backyard scene to your presentation, featuring a bird perched at the feeder, surrounded by the greenery of nature. The close-up view of the feathered friend and the abundance of acorns create a warm and inviting atmosphere.

Whether you’re discussing animal care, the importance of wildlife protection, or the joy of birdwatching, this template offers a visual narrative that connects with your audience.

With keywords like “wildlife protection,” “bird feeder,” and “seasons,” your presentation will have an enhanced online presence, making it easier for enthusiasts and nature lovers to discover your content. Embrace the beauty of nature’s seasons, appreciate the care for animals, and celebrate the wonder of bird feeding with the “Birdfeeder” presentation template. Start sharing your passion and insights today—download now!

Delve into the captivating world of Australian wildlife with our Wildlife of Australia presentation template . This vibrant PowerPoint and Google Slides theme showcases a hand holding the diverse and unique wildlife of Australia. It’s the perfect choice for presentations on Australia as a destination, Australian vacations, the incredible wildlife that calls this continent home, and topics related to environmental conservation in Australia.

animal science topics for presentation

This template bursts with color, featuring iconic Australian animals such as kangaroos and koalas. The outstretched hand symbolizes a welcoming embrace of Australia’s rich biodiversity. Whether you’re discussing environmental conservation, endangered species, or the allure of Australian vacations, this template provides a visually engaging experience for your audience.

With keywords like “Australia,” “wildlife,” and “environment,” your presentation will enjoy enhanced online visibility, making it easier for travelers, nature enthusiasts, and environmental advocates to discover your content.

Explore the beauty and ecological significance of the Australian continent, raise awareness about environmental issues, and invite your audience to embark on a journey Down Under with the “Wildlife of Australia” presentation template. Begin your adventure—download now!

Embark on a captivating journey into the heart of the African savannah with our Giraffe presentation template .

This remarkable PowerPoint and Google Slides theme transports your audience to the vast, breathtaking landscapes of Africa, where a group of graceful giraffes wanders near a tranquil lake. It’s an ideal choice for presentations on Africa, African nature, the continent’s diverse wildlife, and the captivating beauty of the savanna.

animal science topics for presentation

This template captures the essence of Africa’s unique ecosystem, with its blue skies, lush grasslands, and iconic giraffes. The majestic animals stand tall in the wild, symbolizing the elegance and resilience of the African wilderness.

Whether you’re discussing the conservation of African wildlife, the allure of a safari adventure, or the importance of preserving the natural beauty of the savannah, this template offers a visually stunning narrative.

With keywords like “African savanna,” “wildlife,” and “nature,” your presentation will have an enhanced online presence, ensuring that your message resonates with a broad audience. Begin your journey into the heart of Africa’s wilderness, celebrate its captivating wildlife, and inspire your audience with the “Giraffe” presentation template. Set off on this adventure today—download now!

Embark on a journey into the serene woods with our Deer presentation template .

This captivating PowerPoint and Google Slides theme offers a picturesque view of deer in their natural habitat, surrounded by lush greenery. It’s an ideal choice for presentations on wildlife, forest reserves, environmental conservation, and the delicate balance between humans and nature.

animal science topics for presentation

This template beautifully captures the grace and beauty of deer, showcasing them in their element. Whether they’re resting in the grass or standing tall in the meadow, these magnificent creatures symbolize the harmony of the forest ecosystem.

Whether you’re discussing the importance of conservation, the role of national parks, or the need to protect our forests, this template provides a visually compelling narrative.

With keywords like “wildlife,” “conservation,” and “nature,” your presentation will have an enhanced online presence, making it easier for nature enthusiasts and advocates to discover your content. Immerse your audience in the beauty of nature, celebrate the majesty of deer, and inspire action with the “Deer” presentation template. Set off on this journey today—download now!

Dive into the captivating world of marine mammals with our Fur Seal presentation template .

This delightful PowerPoint and Google Slides theme showcase the endearing fur-seal pup, offering a heartwarming perspective on these remarkable creatures. It’s the perfect choice for presentations on marine life, animal conservation, environmental protection, and the delicate balance of nature in the face of global warming.

animal science topics for presentation

This template beautifully captures the innocence and charm of a fur-seal pup, with its fluffy fur, inquisitive eyes, and playful spirit. Whether you’re discussing the fragility of Arctic habitats, the importance of ecotourism, or the need to protect marine ecosystems, this template provides a visually compelling narrative.

With keywords like “wildlife,” “environment,” and “vulnerable,” your presentation will have an enhanced online presence, making it easier for nature enthusiasts, conservationists, and eco-tourists to discover your content.

Immerse your audience in the enchanting world of fur seals, celebrate the beauty of marine life, and advocate for their protection with the “Fur Seal” presentation template. Begin your journey into the heart of nature’s wonders—download now!

Embark on an adventure into the enchanting world of chipmunks with our Chipmunk presentation template .

This charming PowerPoint and Google Slides theme provides a delightful glimpse into the lives of these adorable rodents, making it an ideal choice for presentations on chipmunks, wildlife and nature, forest ecosystems, and the wonders of the natural world.

animal science topics for presentation

This template captures the essence of autumn, with a chipmunk cheekily storing away its treasures amidst the fall foliage. Whether you’re discussing the importance of forest ecosystems, the beauty of the changing seasons, or the role of chipmunks in nature’s tapestry, this template offers a visually engaging narrative.

With keywords like “wildlife,” “environment,” and “adorable,” your presentation will enjoy enhanced online visibility, making it easier for nature enthusiasts and educators to discover your content. Immerse your audience in the fascinating world of chipmunks, celebrate their place in the forest, and inspire a deeper appreciation for the wonders of nature with the “Chipmunk” presentation template. Embark on this journey of discovery today—download now!

Embark on a journey into the fascinating world of blackbirds with our Blackbird presentation template . This elegant PowerPoint and Google Slides theme provides a captivating view of these feathered wonders, making it an ideal choice for presentations on blackbirds, birdwatching, bird migration, ornithology, and the beauty of wildlife.

animal science topics for presentation

This template celebrates the graceful presence of blackbirds, showcasing their striking plumage and distinctive features. Whether they’re perched on a branch, in flight, or singing their melodious songs, blackbirds represent the harmony of nature in urban and rural landscapes.

With keywords like “birdwatching,” “ornithology,” and “wildlife,” your presentation will enjoy enhanced online visibility, making it easier for bird enthusiasts, ornithologists, and nature lovers to discover your content.

Immerse your audience in the elegance of blackbirds, celebrate their role in the natural world, and inspire a deeper appreciation for the beauty of avian life with the “Blackbird” presentation template. Begin your journey of discovery today—download now!

Embark on a captivating journey to the South Pole with our Penguin Couple presentation template .

This delightful PowerPoint and Google Slides theme showcases a charming pair of penguins against the backdrop of Antarctica’s icy landscape. It’s the perfect choice for presentations on penguins, the South Pole, climate change, the shrinking of glaciers, ecology, and the global impact of the greenhouse effect.

animal science topics for presentation

This template captures the heartwarming spirit of a penguin family, navigating the challenges of their icy world. Whether they’re swimming together, perched on the rocks, or waddling across the frozen landscape, penguins symbolize the resilience of wildlife in extreme environments.

With keywords like “Antarctica,” “ecology,” and “wildlife,” your presentation will enjoy enhanced online visibility, making it easier for researchers, travelers, and environmentalists to discover your content.

Immerse your audience in the breathtaking beauty of the Antarctic ecosystem, highlight the urgency of ecological conservation, and celebrate the endearing penguin couple with the “Penguin Couple” presentation template. Begin your journey into the frozen world of the South Pole—download now!

Embark on a journey through the African wilderness with our Gepard presentation template .

This captivating PowerPoint and Google Slides theme invites you to discover the elegance of a leopard as it rests on a rocky outcrop. It’s the perfect choice for presentations on Africa, safari adventures, travel and tourism, environmental protection, and the conservation of wild animals.

Gepard - Free Google Slides theme and PowerPoint template

This template captures the essence of Africa’s serene landscapes, with a powerful cheetah set against a backdrop of blue skies and lush greenery. Whether you’re discussing the importance of wildlife protection, the thrill of a safari expedition, or the beauty of the natural world, this template provides a visually compelling narrative.

With keywords like “African wildlife,” “environmental protection,” and “safari,” your presentation will enjoy enhanced online visibility, making it easier for travelers, nature enthusiasts, and conservationists to discover your content.

Immerse your audience in the breathtaking scenery of the savannah, celebrate the magnificence of Africa’s wildlife, and inspire action with the “Gepard” presentation template. Begin your journey of discovery today—download now!

Embark on a captivating journey into the heart of the African savannah with our Zebra On A Green Savanna presentation template .

This remarkable PowerPoint and Google Slides theme transports your audience to the vast, breathtaking landscapes of Africa, where a zebra foal grazes on the lush green grass. It’s an ideal choice for presentations on African wildlife, safari adventures, African national parks, and the magnificent beauty of the savanna.

animal science topics for presentation

This template captures the essence of Africa’s unique ecosystem, with its blue skies, vibrant green grasslands, and the elegant zebra foal that symbolizes the circle of life in the wild.

With keywords like “African savanna,” “wildlife,” and “safari,” your presentation will have an enhanced online presence, ensuring that your message resonates with a broad audience. Begin your journey into the heart of Africa’s wilderness, celebrate its captivating wildlife, and inspire your audience with the “Zebra On A Green Savanna” presentation template. Set off on this adventure today—download now!

Experience the enchantment of an African sunset with our Zebra In Sunset presentation template .

This captivating PowerPoint and Google Slides theme invites you to witness the beauty of the savannah as the sun sets, casting a warm orange glow on a graceful zebra. It’s the perfect choice for presentations on African wildlife, safari adventures, African national parks, and the breathtaking landscapes of the savanna.

animal science topics for presentation

This template captures the essence of Africa’s unique ecosystem, with its vibrant sunsets, striking zebra patterns, and the tranquility of the savannah at dusk.

With keywords like “African savanna,” “safari,” and “sunset,” your presentation will have an enhanced online presence, ensuring that your message resonates with a broad audience. Begin your journey into the heart of Africa’s wilderness, celebrate its captivating wildlife, and inspire your audience with the “Zebra In Sunset” presentation template. Set off on this adventure today—download now!

Step into the enchanting world of nature with our Butterfly On The Leaf presentation template .

This vibrant PowerPoint and Google Slides theme showcases the delicate beauty of a butterfly resting on a bright green leaf, making it a wonderful choice for presentations on sunny summer days, forest walks, and the joy of immersing oneself in nature.

animal science topics for presentation

This template captures the essence of a sunny day in the forest, with vibrant colors and the tranquility of a butterfly at rest. Whether you’re discussing the diversity of insects, the importance of ecological balance, or the simple pleasure of a leisurely forest promenade, this template provides a visually engaging narrative.

With keywords like “nature,” “insects,” and “summer,” your presentation will enjoy enhanced online visibility, making it easier for nature enthusiasts, educators, and outdoor enthusiasts to discover your content.

Immerse your audience in the beauty of the natural world, celebrate the allure of butterflies, and inspire a deeper appreciation for the wonders of the forest with the “Butterfly On The Leaf” presentation template. Begin your journey of discovery today—download now!

Embark on a journey into the skies with our Eagles presentation template .

This captivating PowerPoint and Google Slides theme offers a glimpse into the lives of these magnificent birds of prey, making it a valuable resource for presentations on ornithology, birdwatching, and the wonders of the natural world.

animal science topics for presentation

This template beautifully captures the essence of the eagle’s world, with its wide-spanning wings, keen eyes, and breathtaking landscapes. Whether they’re soaring through the blue skies or perched on a rocky peak, eagles symbolize freedom and the power of nature.

With keywords like “ornithology,” “predatory bird,” and “wildlife,” your presentation will have an enhanced online presence, making it easier for bird enthusiasts, researchers, and nature lovers to discover your content.

Immerse your audience in the majesty of eagles, celebrate their role in the ecosystem, and inspire a deeper appreciation for the beauty of the natural world with the “Eagles” presentation template. Soar to new heights with your presentations—download now!

Embark on a captivating journey through the skies of North America with our North American Eagle presentation template .

This striking PowerPoint and Google Slides theme offers a unique perspective on the lives of these magnificent birds of prey, making it an ideal choice for presentations on the wildlife of Northern America, ornithology, and the study of raptors.

animal science topics for presentation

This template beautifully captures the essence of North American landscapes, with a majestic eagle poised to take flight against a backdrop of blue skies and rugged terrain. Whether they’re surveying their hunting grounds from great heights or soaring gracefully through the air, eagles symbolize power, agility, and the beauty of nature.

With keywords like “ornithology,” “birds of prey,” and “wildlife,” your presentation will have an enhanced online presence, making it easier for researchers, birdwatchers, and nature enthusiasts to discover your content.

Immerse your audience in the majesty of North American eagles, celebrate their vital role in the ecosystem, and inspire a deeper appreciation for the wonders of ornithology with the “North American Eagle” presentation template. Begin your journey of discovery today—download now!

Embark on a journey into the heart of Africa’s savanna with our White Rhinoceros presentation template .

This remarkable PowerPoint and Google Slides theme offers a rare glimpse of the majestic white rhinoceros in its natural habitat, making it a valuable resource for presentations on wildlife conservation, exotic travel, and the wonders of the African continent.

animal science topics for presentation

This template beautifully captures the essence of the African savanna, with its vast grasslands, endless skies, and the sheer presence of a rhino that embodies strength and ecological significance. Whether discussing the need for rhinoceros conservation, the allure of wildlife photography, or the beauty of Africa’s natural landscapes, this template provides a visually engaging narrative.

With keywords like “wildlife,” “safari,” and “African savanna,” your presentation will have an enhanced online presence, making it easier for conservationists, travelers, and nature lovers to discover your content.

Immerse your audience in the majesty of the white rhinoceros, celebrate the importance of wildlife preservation, and inspire action with the “White Rhinoceros” presentation template. Join the journey to protect these incredible creatures—download now!

Embark on a journey into the world of entomology and the intricate beauty of butterflies with our Machaon Butterfly presentation template .

This captivating PowerPoint and Google Slides theme showcases the graceful Machaon butterfly resting delicately on a leaf, making it an ideal choice for presentations on entomology, the butterfly effect, the wonders of summer, and the intricate web of cause and consequence in nature.

animal science topics for presentation

This template beautifully captures the essence of a sunny summer day, with vibrant colors, lush greenery, and the delicate presence of a butterfly that symbolizes the interconnectedness of all living things.

With keywords like “entomology,” “butterfly effect,” and “nature,” your presentation will have an enhanced online presence, making it easier for researchers, educators, and nature enthusiasts to discover your content.

Immerse your audience in the enchanting world of butterflies, celebrate the delicate balance of nature, and inspire a deeper appreciation for the wonders of the natural world with the “Machaon Butterfly” presentation template. Begin your journey of discovery today—download now!

Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of butterflies with our Butterflies On A Wood presentation template .

This vibrant PowerPoint and Google Slides theme captures the beauty of butterflies in a lush forest setting, making it the perfect choice for presentations on lepidopterology, the wonders of rainforests, and the intricate lives of insects in tropical ecosystems.

animal science topics for presentation

This template beautifully encapsulates the essence of a vibrant, rainforest ecosystem, with its colorful butterflies, lush green foliage, and the intricate patterns of nature. Whether you’re discussing the migration of butterflies, the delicate balance of forest life, or the elegance of these winged creatures, this template provides a visually engaging narrative.

With keywords like “lepidopterology,” “tropical forests,” and “wildlife,” your presentation will enjoy enhanced online visibility, making it easier for researchers, students, and nature enthusiasts to discover your content.

Immerse your audience in the vibrant world of butterflies, celebrate their role in ecosystems, and inspire a deeper connection to the beauty of the natural world with the “Butterflies On A Wood” presentation template. Begin your journey of discovery today—download now!

Step into the mystical realm of night birds with our Owl presentation template .

This exceptional PowerPoint and Google Slides theme invites you to explore the enigmatic world of owls, making it an excellent choice for presentations on nocturnal creatures, birds of prey, and the captivating intelligence of these creatures.

animal science topics for presentation

This template beautifully captures the essence of dusk and the presence of an owl, symbolizing wisdom and the secrets of the night. Whether you’re discussing the hunting prowess of owls, the beauty of their plumage, or their role in the ecosystem, this template provides a visually engaging narrative.

With keywords like “night birds,” “predator,” and “wisdom,” your presentation will have an enhanced online presence, making it easier for ornithologists, wildlife enthusiasts, and nature lovers to discover your content.

Immerse your audience in the mysteries of the night, celebrate the intelligence of owls, and inspire a deeper appreciation for the wonders of the natural world with the “Owl” presentation template. Begin your journey into the nocturnal world today—download now!

Take flight with our Seagull presentation template and experience the freedom of the skies.

This captivating PowerPoint and Google Slides theme showcases the grace and beauty of seagulls, making it an ideal choice for presentations on sea birds, marine waterfowl, and the wonders of coastal ecosystems.

animal science topics for presentation

This template beautifully captures the essence of a coastal horizon, with seagulls soaring through the open skies and the gentle sound of ocean waves in the background. Whether you’re discussing the diversity of sea animals, the elegance of seagulls in flight, or the serenity of coastal life, this template provides a visually engaging narrative.

With keywords like “sea birds,” “marine waterfowl,” and “coastline,” your presentation will have an enhanced online presence, making it easier for marine enthusiasts, travelers, and nature lovers to discover your content.

Immerse your audience in the freedom of the skies, celebrate the beauty of seagulls, and inspire a deeper connection to the wonders of coastal ecosystems with the “Seagull” presentation template. Begin your journey of discovery today—download now!

Embark on an expedition to the polar regions with our White Owl presentation template .

This captivating PowerPoint and Google Slides theme showcases the elegance of the polar owl against a backdrop of the pristine Arctic landscape, making it an ideal choice for presentations on polar birds of prey, ornithology, and the captivating beauty of polar nature.

animal science topics for presentation

This template beautifully captures the essence of the Arctic, with its snow-covered landscapes, vast horizons, and the pure white plumage of the owl, symbolizing the resilience of life in extreme environments. Whether you’re discussing the hunting prowess of polar owls, the adaptations of polar birds, or the wonders of the north pole, this template provides a visually engaging narrative.

With keywords like “polar owl,” “polar nature,” and “ornithology,” your presentation will have an enhanced online presence, making it easier for researchers, explorers, and nature enthusiasts to discover your content.

Immerse your audience in the majesty of the Arctic, celebrate the resilience of polar owls, and inspire a deeper connection to the wonders of the polar regions with the “White Owl” presentation template. Begin your polar adventure today—download now!

Embark on a captivating safari through the African savanna with our Zebra In Yellow Savannah presentation template .

This remarkable PowerPoint and Google Slides theme transports your audience to the heart of the African wilderness, making it an ideal choice for presentations on African wildlife, animals in the savannah, and the beauty of African national parks.

animal science topics for presentation

This template beautifully encapsulates the essence of the African savanna, with its vast grasslands, radiant yellow hues, and the iconic presence of zebras that epitomize the untamed beauty of the region. Whether you’re discussing the diverse fauna of Africa, the art of wildlife photography, or the importance of preserving these natural habitats, this template provides a visually engaging narrative.

With keywords like “safari,” “African national parks,” and “wildlife,” your presentation will have an enhanced online presence, making it easier for travelers, conservationists, and nature lovers to discover your content.

Immerse your audience in the vibrant world of African wildlife, celebrate the uniqueness of the savannah, and inspire a deeper appreciation for the wonders of Africa with the “Zebra In Yellow Savannah” presentation template. Embark on this journey of discovery today—download now!

Journey into the heart of Africa’s wild savannas with our Elephants presentation template .

This stunning PowerPoint and Google Slides theme transports your audience to the expansive landscapes of the African continent, making it the perfect choice for presentations on the majestic African elephants and the study of life in the wild.

animal science topics for presentation

This template captures the essence of Africa’s beauty, with its vast savannas, endless horizons, and the iconic presence of elephants that symbolize the grandeur of this continent. Whether you’re discussing the life of elephants in their natural habitat, the importance of conservation efforts, or the allure of African safaris, this template provides a visually engaging narrative.

With keywords like “African savanna,” “wildlife,” and “safari,” your presentation will have an enhanced online presence, making it easier for researchers, travelers, and wildlife enthusiasts to discover your content.

Immerse your audience in the captivating world of African elephants, celebrate their vital role in ecosystems, and inspire a deeper connection to the wonders of the African savannas with the “Elephants” presentation template. Embark on this safari of knowledge today—download now!

Embark on a virtual safari through the breathtaking landscapes of Africa with our Saddle-billed Stork presentation template .

This captivating PowerPoint and Google Slides theme invites you to discover the wild beauty of Africa, making it an ideal choice for presentations on the rich wildlife of the continent, including Botswana, the Okavango Delta, Kruger National Park, and South Africa.

animal science topics for presentation

This template beautifully captures the essence of African landscapes, with its stormy skies, lush reeds, and the elegant presence of the Saddle-billed Stork—an iconic bird that symbolizes the wilderness of Africa. Whether you’re discussing the diversity of African fauna, the beauty of wetlands, or the thrill of safari adventures, this template provides a visually engaging narrative.

With keywords like “Kruger National Park,” “wildlife,” and “wild nature,” your presentation will have an enhanced online presence, making it easier for wildlife enthusiasts, travelers, and nature lovers to discover your content.

Immerse your audience in the awe-inspiring world of African wildlife, celebrate the unique beauty of the continent, and inspire a deeper appreciation for the wonders of Africa with the “Saddle-billed Stork” presentation template. Begin your journey of discovery today—download now!

Plunge into the tranquil depths of underwater life with our Fish in Water presentation template .

This enchanting PowerPoint and Google Slides theme invites you to explore the world beneath the surface, making it an ideal choice for presentations on fish, aquaculture, fishing, and the importance of environmental protection for aquatic ecosystems.

animal science topics for presentation

This template beautifully captures the serene beauty of underwater environments, with two carps gracefully swimming in clear waters surrounded by aquatic plants. Whether you’re discussing fish farming, marine life, or the critical role of aquaculture in feeding the world, this template provides a visually engaging narrative.

With keywords like “aquaculture,” “aquarian,” and “environmental protection,” your presentation will have an enhanced online presence, making it easier for fish enthusiasts, environmentalists, and aquaculture professionals to discover your content.

Dive into the enchanting world of aquatic life, celebrate the beauty of underwater ecosystems, and inspire a deeper commitment to the protection of our waters with the “Fish in Water” presentation template. Take the plunge into knowledge today—download now!

Take a thrilling journey through the untamed savannahs of Africa with our Leopard presentation template .

This captivating PowerPoint and Google Slides theme invites you to explore the wilderness, making it an ideal choice for presentations on Africa, safari adventures, wildlife conservation, and the need for environmental protection.

animal science topics for presentation

This template beautifully captures the essence of the African landscape, with a majestic leopard resting in the heart of the savannah. Its light yellow and khaki color palette evokes the warmth of the African sun and the wild beauty of the region. Whether you’re discussing the diversity of African wildlife, the importance of preserving natural habitats, or the allure of safari tourism, this template provides a visually engaging narrative.

With keywords like “safari,” “wild animals protection,” and “environment protection,” your presentation will have an enhanced online presence, making it easier for travelers, conservationists, and nature enthusiasts to discover your content.

Embark on a thrilling safari adventure, celebrate the majesty of Africa’s wildlife, and inspire a deeper commitment to the preservation of our natural wonders with the “Leopard” presentation template. Begin your safari of knowledge today—download now!

Embark on a vibrant journey into the tropical rainforests of Madagascar with our Frog presentation template .

This captivating PowerPoint and Google Slides theme invites you to explore the lush, exotic world of frogs, making it an ideal choice for presentations on reptiles, biology, zoology, and the conservation of our planet’s diverse ecosystems.

animal science topics for presentation

This template is a visual delight, adorned in lush green hues and featuring a charming tropical frog as its centerpiece. Whether you’re discussing the extraordinary biodiversity of rainforests, the vital role of frogs in their ecosystems, or the need for conservation efforts, this template provides a visually engaging narrative.

With keywords like “conservation,” “exotic frog,” and “wildlife,” your presentation will have an enhanced online presence, making it easier for nature enthusiasts, educators, and environmentalists to discover your content.

Leap into the captivating world of tropical frogs, celebrate the beauty of our planet’s rainforests, and inspire a deeper commitment to the preservation of our fragile ecosystems with the “Frog” presentation template. Start your journey of discovery today—download now!

Step into a world of vibrant colors and mesmerizing beauty with our Peacock presentation template .

This stunning PowerPoint and Google Slides theme invites you to explore the elegance of exotic birds, making it an ideal choice for presentations on ornithology, zoos, and the enchanting wonders of wild nature.

animal science topics for presentation

This template captures the essence of nature’s artistry, featuring the resplendent peacock in magnificent shades of green and bright blue. Whether you’re discussing the unique courtship rituals of peafowls, the symbolism of their vibrant plumage, or the importance of preserving these majestic creatures, this template provides a visually captivating narrative.

With keywords like “exotic birds,” “wildlife,” and “zoos,” your presentation will have an enhanced online presence, making it easier for bird enthusiasts, conservationists, and nature lovers to discover your content.

Unveil the splendor of exotic birds, celebrate the natural world’s incredible beauty, and inspire a deeper commitment to wildlife preservation with the “Peacock” presentation template. Embark on a journey of discovery today—download now!

Embark on an extraordinary journey to the wide plains of Australia with our Kangaroo presentation template .

This captivating PowerPoint and Google Slides theme invites you to discover the unique fauna of the land down under, making it an ideal choice for presentations on Australian wildlife, tourism, and the wonders of this remarkable continent.

animal science topics for presentation

This template transports you to the heart of Australia, featuring the iconic kangaroo against a backdrop of vast plains and blue skies. Whether you’re discussing the marsupial’s fascinating characteristics, the diversity of Australian fauna, or the allure of an Australian vacation, this template provides a visually captivating narrative.

With keywords like “Australia,” “Australian fauna,” and “wildlife,” your presentation will have an enhanced online presence, making it easier for travelers, educators, and nature enthusiasts to discover your content.

Set out on a captivating journey to explore the iconic wildlife of Australia, celebrate the natural wonders of this continent, and inspire a deeper appreciation for the unique creatures that call it home with the “Kangaroo” presentation template. Begin your Australian adventure today—download now!

Immerse yourself in the captivating beauty of wild birds with our Flamingo presentation template .

This stunning PowerPoint and Google Slides theme invites you to explore the elegance of these graceful creatures, making it an ideal choice for presentations on ornithology, environmental protection, wildlife conservation, and the wonders of the natural world.

animal science topics for presentation

This template transports you to the picturesque landscapes of highlands and lagoons, where you’ll find these magnificent pink flamingos in their natural habitat. Whether you’re discussing their unique characteristics, the importance of wildlife preservation, or the allure of birdwatching, this template provides a visually captivating narrative.

With keywords like “wild birds,” “wildlife,” and “environmental protection,” your presentation will have an enhanced online presence, making it easier for bird enthusiasts, conservationists, and nature lovers to discover your content.

Take a deep dive into the world of exotic birds, celebrate the splendor of the natural world, and inspire a deeper commitment to wildlife conservation with the “Flamingo” presentation template. Embark on a journey of discovery today—download now!

Step into the pristine and enchanting world of the Arctic with our Polar Bear presentation template .

This exceptional PowerPoint and Google Slides theme invites you to explore the remote and breathtaking landscapes of the North Pole, where polar bears roam freely. It’s a perfect choice for presentations on Arctic exploration, environmental protection, and the unique beauty of the far North.

animal science topics for presentation

This template captures the essence of the Arctic, showcasing two playful polar bears frolicking in the snow-covered wilderness. It provides a visually compelling backdrop for discussions about the fragile Arctic ecosystem, the importance of environmental conservation, and the breathtaking beauty of this remote region.

With keywords like “Arctic exploration,” “environmental protection,” and “wildlife,” your presentation will reach a broader online audience, connecting with those who are passionate about preserving our planet’s most extraordinary places.

Immerse yourself in the world of the Arctic, highlight the importance of preserving this fragile environment, and inspire others to join the cause with the “Polar Bear” presentation template. Download it now and embark on an Arctic adventure in your next presentation!

Take a plunge into the heart of the African savannas with our captivating Hippopotamus presentation template .

This visually striking PowerPoint and Google Slides theme introduces you to the magnificent world of the hippopotamus, a symbol of Africa’s stunning wildlife. It’s an ideal choice for presentations on African fauna, national parks, wildlife conservation, and tourism to Africa.

animal science topics for presentation

This template beautifully portrays the African landscape, with a majestic hippopotamus standing proudly in its natural habitat. It serves as a powerful backdrop for discussions about the diverse wildlife of Southern Africa, including countries like Uganda, Kenya, Botswana, and Tanzania. Furthermore, it highlights the critical need for conservation efforts to protect these incredible creatures and their ecosystems.

With keywords like “African savanna,” “wildlife conservation,” and “tourism to Africa,” your presentation is sure to resonate with a broad online audience, connecting with nature enthusiasts, conservationists, and travelers alike.

Immerse your audience in the wonders of the African savannas, shed light on the importance of wildlife preservation, and inspire action with the “Hippopotamus” presentation template. Download it now and embark on a journey to the heart of Africa in your next presentation!

Embark on a journey through the untamed beauty of Argentina’s wild landscapes with our Pampa presentation template .

This visually captivating PowerPoint and Google Slides theme is the perfect choice for presentations related to Argentina’s wildlife, the vast Pampas, the unique animal kingdom of Patagonia, zoological studies, and even zoo-related topics.

animal science topics for presentation

This template brings the serene beauty of the Argentine countryside to life, showcasing the enchanting scenery and its majestic inhabitants. From the adorable alpacas to the graceful guanacos, it presents a comprehensive view of the country’s diverse wildlife. Whether you’re discussing nature conservation or planning a trip to Argentina, this template provides a compelling backdrop for your message.

With keywords such as “Pampas,” “Patagonia,” and “wildlife,” your presentation is sure to resonate with audiences interested in zoology, nature enthusiasts, and those with a passion for Argentina’s unique landscapes.

Take your audience on a virtual expedition into the heart of Argentina’s wilderness, highlighting its stunning wildlife and captivating landscapes. Download the “Pampa” presentation template now and let the whispering winds of the Pampas inspire your next presentation!

Take a journey into the enchanting world of nature with our Cape Sugarbird presentation template .

This visually captivating PowerPoint and Google Slides theme is the perfect choice for presentations that celebrate the wonders of wild nature, birds and flowers, exploration of the natural world, botany, and ornithology.

animal science topics for presentation

This template brings to life the vibrant and exotic landscapes of Africa, showcasing the mesmerizing Cape Sugarbird perched gracefully on a stunning flower. Whether you’re discussing the intricate relationship between birds and flora, exploring the rich biodiversity of South Africa, or simply sharing your passion for ornithology, this template provides a compelling backdrop for your message.

With keywords such as “birdwatching,” “nectar,” and “flora,” your presentation will resonate with nature enthusiasts, bird lovers, and those with a keen interest in the wonders of the natural world.

Invite your audience to join you on a virtual expedition into the heart of South Africa’s rich ecosystems. Highlight the beauty of Cape Sugarbirds and their unique habitats with this captivating presentation template. Download the “Cape Sugarbird” template now and let the colors and melodies of nature inspire your next presentation!

Dive into the tranquil world beneath the waves with our Fishing Life Underwater presentation template .

This captivating PowerPoint and Google Slides theme offers a mesmerizing glimpse into the vibrant underwater life, making it the perfect choice for presentations on underwater exploration, leisure, travel to exotic locales, tropical islands, underwater photography, swimming, and the art of fishing.

animal science topics for presentation

Immerse your audience in the pristine beauty of coral reefs and schools of fish, inviting them to discover the secrets of the deep blue. Whether you’re sharing your passion for scuba diving, narrating your underwater adventures, or discussing the incredible biodiversity of marine ecosystems, this template will bring your story to life.

With keywords like “scuba,” “reef,” and “tropical,” your presentation will resonate with water enthusiasts, adventure seekers, and nature lovers alike.

Take your audience on a journey to the Andaman Islands, the Bahamas, the Maldives, or any other exotic underwater paradise. Let them experience the magic of underwater life, where colorful fish and vibrant coral reefs abound.

Download the “Fishing Life Underwater” template now and create a presentation that will transport your audience to the serene depths of our planet’s oceans. Dive in and let your story make a splash!

Step into the captivating realm of feathered friends with our Bird presentation template .

This charming PowerPoint and Google Slides theme, featuring the delightful Cape White Eye from South Africa, is a perfect choice for presentations on exotic birds, wildlife, ornithology, and the enchanting world of avian creatures.

animal science topics for presentation

Transport your audience to the lush green landscapes where these beautiful creatures dwell, allowing them to experience the magic of nature up close. Whether you’re sharing insights on birdwatching, discussing the importance of conservation, or simply celebrating the diversity of avian life, this template will bring your message to life.

With keywords like “ornithology,” “feather,” and “wildlife of South Africa,” your presentation will resonate with bird enthusiasts, nature lovers, and anyone eager to explore the avian wonders of our planet.

Let your audience soar through the azure skies alongside these charming creatures. Share their songs, habitats, and the vital role they play in our ecosystem. Showcase their vibrant plumage and intricate details up close.

Download the “Bird” template now and create a presentation that celebrates the captivating world of birds. Watch your audience take flight on a journey of wonder and discovery!

Delve into the miniature wonders of the natural world with our Sitting Fly presentation template .

This captivating PowerPoint and Google Slides theme, featuring a close-up view of a fly on a vibrant green leaf, is the ideal choice for presentations centered around insects, flies, arthropods, and the fascinating realm of entomology.

animal science topics for presentation

Take your audience on a journey into the microcosm of these tiny creatures, showcasing their intricate details and highlighting their vital role in our ecosystem. Whether you’re an insect enthusiast, an entomologist, or simply want to explore the remarkable world of bugs, this template will bring your presentation to life.

With keywords like “insect,” “fly,” “arthropods,” and “wildlife,” your presentation will resonate with those interested in the diverse world of insects and their contributions to our planet.

Let your audience marvel at the delicate wings, the mesmerizing patterns, and the vibrant colors of these remarkable creatures. Share insights into their behavior, habitats, and ecological significance.

Download the “Sitting Fly” template now to create a presentation that celebrates the intriguing world of insects. Watch as your audience becomes captivated by the extraordinary beauty and complexity of these small yet extraordinary beings.

Set sail on a journey through the vast, open oceans with our Albatross presentation template .

This marine-themed PowerPoint and Google Slides theme, featuring a magnificent albatross soaring through the deep blue sky, is the perfect choice for presentations on sea travel, voyages, cruises, seaside resorts, and the captivating world of sea fauna and birds.

animal science topics for presentation

With the albatross as your guide, your audience will embark on an adventure that explores the beauty and wonder of the seas. This template’s keywords, such as “marine,” “seaside,” “ocean,” and “wildlife,” ensure that your presentation captures the essence of life along the coastline.

Invite your viewers to witness the grace and majesty of these remarkable birds as they traverse the boundless skies and make their homes on the high seas. Share insights about their unique characteristics, behaviors, and their vital role in marine ecosystems.

Whether you’re presenting on marine conservation, seaside getaways, or the allure of the open sea, this template will immerse your audience in the world of oceanic wonder.

Download the “Albatross” template now and embark on a voyage of knowledge and discovery. Allow your audience to soar with these magnificent creatures and gain a deeper appreciation for the beauty of our planet’s oceans.

Delve into the captivating world of entomology, the study of insects, with our Butterfly and Caterpillar presentation template .

This visually stunning PowerPoint and Google Slides theme, designed in rich green tones, highlights the remarkable transition from caterpillar to butterfly, making it a perfect fit for presentations on entomology, biology, and the wonders of metamorphosis.

animal science topics for presentation

As you guide your audience through the stages of this transformation, from the leaf-chomping caterpillar to the delicate and vibrant butterfly, you’ll unlock the mysteries of nature’s incredible process. Keywords like “larva,” “chrysalis,” “evolution,” and “metamorphism” ensure that your presentation captures the essence of this miraculous journey.

Share the intricate details of insect life cycles, the significance of holometabolism, and the beauty of butterfly species. Educate your viewers about the vital role insects play in our ecosystems and their remarkable ability to adapt and transform.

Whether you’re teaching budding entomologists, exploring the wonders of nature, or showcasing the marvels of evolution, this template is your gateway to a world of discovery.

Download the “Butterfly and Caterpillar” template now and take your audience on a transformative journey through the hidden world of insects. Witness the magic of metamorphosis and inspire a deeper appreciation for the intricate web of life on our planet.

Immerse yourself in the vibrant world beneath the waves with our Starfish presentation template .

This captivating PowerPoint and Google Slides theme, featuring stunning starfish in shades of yellow, is the perfect choice for presentations on ocean life, marine fauna, seaside vacations, and cherished summer memories.

animal science topics for presentation

Transport your audience to the serene depths of the ocean, where these remarkable creatures dwell. With keywords like “aquatic,” “exotic,” “marine,” and “tropical,” your presentation will echo the colorful diversity of the underwater world.

Share the allure of sandy shores, where starfish bask in the sun, and the crystal-clear waters of the sea create an idyllic setting for a memorable vacation. Whether you’re discussing marine biology, beach conservation, or simply reliving the joys of a seaside getaway, this template provides the perfect backdrop.

Take your viewers on a journey through the mysteries of the deep sea, explore the symbiotic relationships of ocean life, and emphasize the importance of preserving our oceans. Use this template to inspire a sense of wonder and a deeper connection to the natural world.

Download the “Starfish” template now and bring the enchanting beauty of the ocean to your audience. Dive into a world of sunlit beaches, azure waters, and the graceful elegance of starfish, and make your presentation an unforgettable voyage.

Roam the wild plains of Africa and discover the mesmerizing beauty of zebras with our Zebra presentation template .

This captivating PowerPoint and Google Slides theme, featuring these majestic animals, is a fantastic choice for presentations on wildlife, zoos, nature parks, and the wonders of the animal kingdom.

animal science topics for presentation

Let the striking patterns and captivating presence of zebras take center stage in your presentation. With keywords like “africa,” “camouflage,” “safari,” and “stripes,” your slides will echo the untamed beauty of the African savannah.

Transport your audience to the heart of Africa, where these magnificent creatures roam freely. Whether you’re discussing wildlife conservation, biodiversity, or the unique features of zebras, this template provides the perfect backdrop.

Highlight the importance of preserving natural habitats, protecting endangered species, and fostering a deeper connection with the animal kingdom. Use this template to inspire a sense of wonder and reverence for the wonders of the natural world.

Download the “Zebra” template now and bring the untamed spirit of Africa to your audience. Explore the awe-inspiring patterns, graceful movements, and natural splendor of zebras, and make your presentation a captivating journey into the wild.

Experience the thrill of the deep sea as you explore the world of apex predators with our Shark Hunting presentation template .

This dynamic PowerPoint and Google Slides theme, featuring a shark chasing its prey, is the perfect choice for presentations on sharks, marine ecosystems, food chains, and the delicate balance of life in the ocean.

animal science topics for presentation

Plunge into the azure waters of the Caribbean and the Atlantic Ocean, where these magnificent creatures roam freely. With keywords like “adventure,” “marine,” “predator,” and “scuba,” your slides will evoke the excitement and wonder of underwater exploration.

Unearth the mysteries of shark behavior, intelligence, and their vital role in marine ecosystems. Share insights on shark fisheries, the importance of conservation, and the delicate balance of life in the ocean.

Bring the underwater world to life with vivid imagery and compelling visuals. Whether you’re discussing shark species, their hunting techniques, or their impact on marine flora and fauna, this template provides a powerful backdrop.

Download the “Shark Hunting” template now and take your audience on a thrilling journey into the depths of the ocean. Explore the majesty of these apex predators, their unique adaptations, and the awe-inspiring world beneath the waves.

Introducing the Grasshopper Presentation Template – your gateway to exploring the fascinating world of insects and the vital role they play in our ecosystem.

This vibrant and visually stunning PowerPoint template is perfect for a wide range of presentations, from entomology and biology to discussions about pest control and even the consumption of grasshoppers as food.

animal science topics for presentation

Step into the world of these remarkable creatures as you delve into the details of their anatomy, behavior, and ecological significance. With striking visuals and a focus on the intricate features of grasshoppers, this template is sure to captivate your audience.

Whether you’re an entomologist, a biologist, or simply someone intrigued by the world of insects, this presentation template offers you a captivating platform to share your knowledge and insights. Explore their vibrant colors, intricate patterns, and fascinating life cycles as you navigate through your presentation.

Don’t miss the chance to download the “Grasshopper Presentation Template” today and uncover the wonders of these remarkable creatures. Share your passion for insects, biology, and wildlife with your audience and inspire them to appreciate the incredible diversity of life on our planet. Download now and let your ideas take flight!

Introducing the Spider Presentation Template , a captivating and informative tool to explore the intriguing world of arachnids. This PowerPoint template is ideal for presentations on predatory invertebrate animals, arthropods, and even the common fear known as arachnophobia.

animal science topics for presentation

Step into the web of knowledge as you dive into the lives of spiders, these magnificent and often misunderstood creatures. With vivid visuals and a focus on their intricate webs and colorful variations, this template is designed to engage your audience’s curiosity.

Whether you’re an arachnologist or simply someone with an interest in the natural world, this presentation template offers you a compelling platform to share your insights. Discover the beauty and complexity of these arachnids, their fascinating hunting techniques, and their essential role in our ecosystems.

Don’t miss the opportunity to download the “Spider Presentation Template” today and unravel the mysteries of these remarkable creatures. Share your knowledge of arachnids, biology, and wildlife with your audience, and inspire a greater appreciation for the diversity of life on Earth. Download now and let your ideas spin their web of fascination!

Introducing the Scorpion Presentation Template , a spine-tingling and informative tool that delves into the world of arachnids.

This PowerPoint template is designed for presentations on arthropods, particularly the class Arachnida, and explores various facets of these creatures, including their cultural symbolism, venoms, and their role in popular culture.

animal science topics for presentation

Get ready to embark on a journey into the realm of the scorpion, one of nature’s most intriguing and feared creatures. With captivating visuals and detailed descriptions, this template provides a comprehensive understanding of scorpions, their adaptations, and their significance in human culture.

Whether you’re an arachnophile or just curious about the natural world, this presentation template is your gateway to unraveling the mysteries of these arachnids. Learn about their deadly stings, their unique anatomy, and their vital place in ecosystems.

Don’t miss the opportunity to download the “Scorpion Presentation Template” and share your knowledge about these ancient creatures. Use this template to shed light on the myths, realities, and scientific discoveries surrounding scorpions. Download now and let your audience feel the fascination and fear that scorpions evoke in our world!

Introducing the Toad Presentation Template , a captivating and informative tool for exploring the world of amphibians.

This PowerPoint template is perfect for presentations on taxonomy, frogs, toads, and various aspects of wild nature and wildlife photography.

animal science topics for presentation

Dive into the enchanting world of amphibians with this visually stunning template. Featuring a vibrant red-eyed toad as its centerpiece, this presentation offers a unique opportunity to learn about these remarkable creatures and their role in the natural world.

Whether you’re passionate about amphibians or simply intrigued by the diversity of life on Earth, this template provides valuable insights into the common and endangered species of toads. Discover their habitats, behaviors, and the importance of conservation efforts to protect them.

Unleash your inner naturalist and use the “Toad Presentation Template” to share your knowledge about these fascinating creatures with your audience. With its vivid imagery and engaging content, this template will captivate the hearts and minds of all who view it.

Don’t miss the chance to download this template and embark on a journey through the tropical rainforests and vibrant habitats where these toads thrive. Encourage your audience to appreciate the beauty and importance of these unique amphibians. Download now and let your presentation leap into the world of toads!

Introducing the Panther Presentation Template , an exceptional tool for exploring the world of wild cats and their role in the natural ecosystem. This PowerPoint template is ideal for presentations on geography, wild nature, Felidae (the cat family), predators, and conservation efforts.

animal science topics for presentation

Step into the heart of the African wilderness with this captivating template. Featuring a striking silhouette of a magnificent panther against the backdrop of a stunning sunset, it invites viewers to immerse themselves in the beauty and mystery of the animal kingdom.

The “Panther Presentation Template” not only showcases the beauty of these enigmatic creatures but also emphasizes the importance of their conservation. Learn about the vital role panthers play in maintaining the balance of nature and the challenges they face in a changing world.

Geography enthusiasts and wildlife advocates alike will appreciate the visual appeal and informative content of this template. It’s an opportunity to delve into the world of these elusive big cats, understand their habitats, and discover the efforts being made to protect them.

Whether you’re passionate about the conservation of endangered species or simply intrigued by the wonders of the natural world, this presentation template is the perfect tool to share your knowledge and inspire others.

Embark on a journey through the untamed landscapes where panthers roam by downloading the “Panther Presentation Template” today. Encourage your audience to appreciate the majesty of these wild animals and join the mission to preserve their habitats. Download now and let your presentation roar with the spirit of the panther!

Discover the charm of the East with our Panda Presentation Template . This delightful PowerPoint template features two adorable pandas and is perfect for presentations on wild nature, animals, zoos, and wildlife reserves.

animal science topics for presentation

Step into the enchanting world of these magnificent creatures, native to the lush bamboo forests of Asia. The two pandas, a mother and her cub, showcase the beauty of wildlife in their natural habitat. The heartwarming image of the mother and child panda evokes feelings of compassion and awe, making it an ideal choice for presentations focused on conservation and endangered species.

China, known for its rich cultural heritage and diverse wildlife, serves as the backdrop for this captivating template. The pandas’ peaceful demeanor as they enjoy their bamboo meal is a testament to the importance of preserving their natural environment.

Whether you’re discussing the significance of wildlife reserves, the unique role pandas play in their ecosystem, or the efforts made to protect these endangered creatures, this presentation template offers a visually stunning platform to convey your message effectively.

Invite your audience to explore the wonders of the animal kingdom and raise awareness about the importance of conserving these iconic creatures. Download the “Panda Presentation Template” and embark on a journey to appreciate the beauty of the East and the importance of protecting our planet’s precious wildlife.

Don’t think that these 50 wildlife ideas are all we have to offer. The PoweredTemplate library contains hundreds of free presentation templates dedicated to the realm of wild animals.

Use High-Quality Images for Creating Effective Wildlife Presentations Visuals

Moreover, for a nominal monthly fee , you can gain access to a plethora of premium resources related to wildlife wonders, conveniently organized in sections such as Presentation Templates , Images , Graphic Templates , and Graphics .

Join us at PoweredTemplate to unlock the world of animal-related resources and enhance your presentations on wildlife! Open the door to endless possibilities and take your wildlife wonders presentations to the next level!

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Submission categories for topics include panel discussions, seminars, special topic lectures, technical trade presentations, and workshops, and are described in full below.

Topic Preparation & Submission

Before submitting your session, be sure to contact the suggested panelists/faculty to ensure their participation. If your session is accepted, all panelists/faculty should be informed of the day and time assigned and confirm their participation. The deadline to submit a topic is March 15, 2024.

All topic submissions should include:

  • a brief summary of the topic,
  • the target audience, and
  • what attendees will learn.

Abstract Central

Topics are submitted through the Abstract Central portal. Please click  here  to access Abstract Central. Returning users to the site will use the same log in information as in previous years.

Panel Discussions. Panel discussions provide a convenient forum for dialogue and are most effective when panelist/audience interaction is maximized. Panelists are encouraged to present opinions in brief statements, using minimal audio-visual aids. A leader, moderator, and no more than four panelists comprise a discussion. Leaders are encouraged to briefly introduce topics, guide discussions, and facilitate dialogue among all in attendance. Leaders choose panelists based on their knowledge of, experience in, or expertise on the subject matter. The moderator, who can be the same person as the leader, introduces the panelists and directs floor discussions and question/answers from the audience. Leaders are to identify their own facilitator. The facilitator's responsibilities will vary with each session, working with the moderator to ensure that the speaker can be heard at the back of the room, and helping attendees find seats after the session has started. (Facilitators do not introduce speakers). An hour and a half is allotted for each discussion. There will be two to four panel discussions daily from 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. This time limit should not be exceeded unless approved by the Program Committee. The audience may range from 50 to a couple hundred people. Discussion among panelists and the audience is the key to a successful discussion. This includes making certain that questions and comments from the audience are heard by all; the leader should interact with the panel facilitator to assure that the panelists can be heard at the back of the room. It is requested that all audience participants be required to identify themselves. The panelists should preplan several questions among themselves in case a stimulus to initiate discussion is required. Panel discussion submissions should include the following: title; description; what participants will learn; sponsor (if any); target audience; and contact information for topic leader(s), moderator, and panelists. Seminars. Seminars are coordinated presentations on a specific topic that allow for discussion among the seminar speakers and the audience. Seminars are presented by a leader (who chairs the session), a moderator (who introduces speakers and directions audience discussion), and no more than four panelists. The speaker and leader can be the same person. The facilitator's responsibilities will vary with each session, working with the moderator to ensure that the speaker can be heard at the back of the room, and helping attendees find seats after the session has started. (Facilitators do not introduce speakers). Speakers should prepare their presentations as carefully and thoroughly as they would any scientific paper. Each speaker should be aware of what other seminar speakers intend to present, and the seminar leader should guide the speakers in preparation of their presentations so that a coordinated set of information is presented in the seminar topic area. The leader should also inform each speaker of the amount of time allowed for his/her participation well in advance of the seminar. Two hours is allotted for each seminar, and this limit should not be exceeded unless approved by the Program Committee in advance. There are two to four seminars scheduled each morning and afternoon, with attendance being anywhere from 50 to several hundred. Because the seminar should allow for discussion among the speakers and the audience, one-third to one-half of the seminar time should be reserved for this purpose. The leader should interact with the seminar facilitator to assure that the speakers can be heard at the back of the room. It is requested that all audience participants be required to identify themselves. And, in order to stimulate discussion, speakers should preplan several questions to initiate a discussion. Seminar submissions should include the following: title; description; what participants will learn; sponsor (if any); target audience; contact information for topic leader(s), moderator, and suggested speakers; and suggested titles and durations for the speakers' presentations. Special Topic Lectures. Special Topic Lectures (STLs) are formal presentations given by a single speaker on a specific topic, pre-planned topic. These lectures typically stand alone, however they may be topically linked to a panel discussion or a seminar. There are four named special topic lectures that are held each year—Charles River Ethics and Animal Welfare Lecture, Charles C. Hunter Lecture, Wallace P. Rowe Lecture, and the Nathan R. Brewer Award Recipient Lecture. These presentations typically have a main speaker, in addition to a moderator and a facilitator. The moderator introduces the speaker, keeps the speaker within the time permitted, and addresses any question/answers from the audience. Audiences range in size from 50 to several hundred people. The time allotted for each presentation is one hour and there are typically two to four special topic lectures daily from 11 a.m. to noon. STL submissions should include the following: title, description, what participants will learn, sponsor (if any), target audience, and contact information for the speaker. Technical Trade Presentations. Technical trade presentations are 20-minute, informal talks given by representatives of exhibiting companies. These are not sales pitches; the goal is to share tips and information about new technology and products in the industry. Only one presentation per company will be accepted. All topics are reviewed and approved by the Exhibitor Advisory Council. Click here for examples of technical trade presentations. Technical trade presentation submissions should include the following: title; description; what participants will learn; sponsor; target audience; contact information for the speaker. Workshops. Workshops offer participants an opportunity for hands-on experience in a variety of laboratory techniques. Time allotments may vary, but most workshops are scheduled for a morning or afternoon session lasting three to four hours. Individual workshop leaders work closely with the workshop program chair in planning and coordinating the acquisition of laboratory equipment and animals, audiovisual equipment, and workshop facilitators well in advance of the presentation. The workshop leader may recruit additional faculty to lead parts of the presentation. Workshop audiences are small, with registration generally limited to a range of 20 to 50 participants in order to assure adequate opportunity for hands-on experience and viewing of demonstrations. Leaders should arrive at least 30 minutes before the start of the workshop to greet facilitators and guest speakers and assure that everyone is familiar with their responsibilities. It is the responsibility of the workshop leader and workshop facilitator to check the room for the required equipment and to distribute handouts. Workshop submissions should include the following: title, description, what participants will learn, sponsor (if any), target audience, contact information for topic leader(s) and faculty, and any equipment/supplies needed.

Notification of Acceptance

Session leaders will be notified of the committee’s decisions no later than May 1.

The NMPC reserves the right to request changes or edits to the abstracts prior to acceptance. Abstracts and titles will be copyedited to conform with ASM style prior to publishing in AALAS publications without notification to the author.

Once a topic has been submitted through the submission website, the only means of communication and notification of status will be by email. Therefore, it is very important that a valid and current email address be on record. It is incumbent on the presenting author to update the online submission system with email address or other contact information changes. Please note that the abstract submission site is not connected to the AALAS membership database. Therefore, changing your address in the membership database does not cause a corresponding change in the abstract submission site.

Publication Rights

Accepted abstracts are published in the AALAS National Meeting Preliminary and Final Programs.

AALAS may request permission to incorporate a recording of all or part of your presentation in future professional development products, which could include AALAS Learning Library courses or educational DVDs. Your session PowerPoint® and an audio recording of your presentation may also be presented as a webinar on the AALAS web site.

The editor in chief of Comparative Medicine and the Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science welcomes submission of manuscripts related to the subject material presented at the National Meeting. Acceptance for publication is solely within the jurisdiction of the editors. A statement of credit should be included, stating “Presented at the National Meeting of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science, (place and date).”

Sponsors will be listed in the Preliminary Program and Final Program as the sponsor for one of our seminars or other sessions.

The sponsor must be an affiliate member organization, commercial member company, or professional development organization officially affiliated with AALAS (e.g., AAALAC International, ACLAM, AMP, ASLAP, APV, LAMA, Charles River, Lab Products, Allentown, CTAD, CRB, ILAM, etc.). Exceptions may be made in special circumstances considered on a case-by-case ad hoc basis by the National Meeting Program Committee.

To be a full sponsor of a session, the sponsor must intellectually develop the presentation topic and have it accepted on the program as a seminar, special topics lecture, panel discussion, or workshop. Abstracts do not qualify for sponsorship. Sponsoring organizations must assume responsibility for all associated speaker and other reasonable expenses (if any) for the program event with the possible exception of requesting AALAS may waive registration for speakers that are not AALAS members or commercial exhibitors. The sponsor will be recognized in the preliminary and final programs and on the signage outside the meeting room.

To be a partial sponsor of a session, the sponsor must either contribute specific items, such as facility space, equipment or animals; a set sponsor fee (paid to AALAS) toward the session with the knowledge that the session expenses would be more and the session leader would recommend to the program committee how the funds would be distributed; or a speaker on just a portion of a session where they provide all the funding for that person. Organizations providing some modicum of financial support or some intellectual contributions will be acknowledged in the preliminary and final programs as partial sponsors of the session.

Speakers and session moderators can elaborate upon the intellectual or financial support of organizations or individuals more specifically at appropriate times during applicable sessions.

Policies & Procedures for Presenter Travel Budget Request

Section 4-20, II. E. Presenters (policy revised 6-28-19)

1. Presenters at AALAS NM may be eligible for fees and honoraria under the following conditions:

a. The topic presented is outside the normal scope of AALAS Member expertise, is pertinent to the total NM program, and/or the presenter cannot participate without financial support. b. Expenses and honoraria are specified and requested on the program proposal. c. The amounts are within the program speaker budget and approved by the NMPC.

2. Presenters at AALAS NM may be eligible for reimbursement of the following expenses under the following conditions:

a. For the following expenses may be reimbursable:       i. The most economical round-trip travel (coach airfare, rental car or mileage, at current reimbursement rate)*.      ii. Full or partial National Meeting registration fee     iii. One day's per diem (hotel and food)*.     iv. The NMPC may elect to grant a set amount to subsidize and reimburse expenses. *(Note: Exceptions to iii. above may be made by the NMPC, in instances in which airfare expense may be substantially reduced by traveling on a different day that may result in more than one day's per diem.) b. Budgeted and submitted expenses are reimbursed following the NM according to the Travel & Expense Reimbursement Policy (T&ERP). (Section 4-1) c. Commercial Member exhibitors at the NM (AALAS Member or non-Member) who are coordinating a Seminar, Workshop, Special Topic Lecture, or Panel Discussion normally are not provided reimbursement of their NM expenses.

American Association for Laboratory Animal Science

  • 9190 Crestwyn Hills Dr.
  • Memphis, TN 38125-8538
  • T: (901) 754-8620
  • F: (901) 753-0046
  • [email protected]
  • community.aalas.org

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AALAS is an association of professionals that advances responsible laboratory animal care and use to benefit people and animals.

A collection of TED Talks (and more) on the topic of Animals.

Video playlists about Animals

animal science topics for presentation

TED Talks for bird enthusiasts

animal science topics for presentation

Unexpected lessons from the animal world

animal science topics for presentation

Sounds of the wild

animal science topics for presentation

Talks about Animals

animal science topics for presentation

Is this the most valuable thing in the ocean?

animal science topics for presentation

The weirdest (and coolest) tongues in the animal kingdom

animal science topics for presentation

A scientific breakthrough that could transform how we produce food

animal science topics for presentation

Is cultivated meat the future of food?

animal science topics for presentation

These animals can hear everything

animal science topics for presentation

Can you transplant a head to another body?

animal science topics for presentation

The luminous mystery of fireflies

animal science topics for presentation

Let your garden grow wild

animal science topics for presentation

How poop turns into forests

animal science topics for presentation

The real reason dodo birds went extinct

animal science topics for presentation

The beauty of wildlife — and an artistic call to protect it

animal science topics for presentation

Are pandas the most misunderstood animal?

animal science topics for presentation

How advanced is whale talk?

animal science topics for presentation

Surviving the coldest place on Earth

animal science topics for presentation

Lessons from the African elephant

animal science topics for presentation

What would happen if everyone stopped eating meat tomorrow?

Exclusive articles about animals, leather is bad for animals and the planet — but what if we made it in a lab, do insects have personalities yes they do, says this researcher, in search of the rare and ridiculously cute pygmy sloth.

.a{fill:#396;}.b{fill:#fff;} 4-H clover 4-H Stock Talks

  • Courses and events
  • 4-H Stock Talks

Share your learning with a virtual animal science presentation

4-H: Stock Talks-girl standing by cow

4-H Stock Talks are virtual animal science presentation experiences for Minnesota 4-H youth. A stock talk is a short video presentation about an animal science topic of your choice (beef, dairy, dog, goat, horse, lama, poultry, rabbit, sheep and swine).

Giving a stock talk is an opportunity for you to share your learning with others, practice for livestock demonstrations and for horseless horse or horse related projects. 

Creating a good 4-H livestock presentation starts with identifying a topic. The best demonstrations are focused, timely, to the point and leave a lasting impression. 

4-H: stock talks-girl with rabbit

As you begin brainstorming on potential topics, take a moment to ask yourself these questions:

  • Is my idea focused on one topic?
  • Will my topic teach something?
  • Will my audience be interested in the topic?
  • Am I able to find accurate and reliable information? 
  • Can I provide adequate information in a short amount of time?

The most important consideration when choosing a topic is whether you are interested and excited about the idea. Your audience will be able to see your facial expressions, your hand gestures, and hear the excitement in your voice. If you are excited, your audience will be too!

Here are some topic ideas:

  • How to build and design enrichment activities
  • Designing a llama costume
  • How to train a service dog
  • Showcasing dairy products and how they are made
  • Giving a barn tour
  • How to cull a flock laying hens
  • Building playground equipment for a goat
  • How to catch your heifer for the first time
  • Checking your horse’s hooves for soundness

Interested in sharing about a topic related to zoonotic diseases and/or biosecurity? Submissions focusing on either of these topics will receive a $30 cash award!

When planning your presentation, keep your video to a reasonable length. Research has shown that audiences tend to drop off significantly when videos exceed 4-5 minutes in length. Keeping your video focused and moving will greatly help to keep your audience engaged.

Submissions will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Passion/energy about topic
  • Communication

How to submit your stock talk

Please follow these guidelines when preparing your stock talk:

  • Videos must be 5 minutes or less.
  • Presentations can be filmed as one continuous shot or can be edited to include slides, music, titles, etc.
  • 4-H members may team up in a presentation. The presentation should be entered under the oldest member's age division. 
  • 4-H members should introduce themselves only by first name and county in the video.
  • Videos should use only original material and obey copyright laws.
  • A responsible person must be with the Cloverbud to guide and monitor their involvement at all times. 
  • If a horse is used in a riding setting, the Cloverbud may sit on the back of the horse with a responsible person in control of the horse at all times. Helmets are required for the Cloverbud in any riding setting.

For help creating, filming and submitting your stock talk, consult this 4-H Stock Talks resource .

Submit your 4-H Stock Talks presentation.

4-H Stock Talk submissions are due by June 30 .

The top 10% of entries in each division will receive a special award and may be featured on Minnesota 4-H social media. You can get inspired from last year’s top 10% on Minnesota 4-H’s YouTube Channel . 

4-H Stock Talks are open to all Minnesota 4-H members. Entries are limited to one submission per youth. Submitted entries will be divided into the following judging categories:

Judging categories

Virtual presentations including a live animal.

  • Cloverbud (K-2)
  • Junior (3-5)
  • Intermediate (6-8)
  • Senior (9+)

Virtual presentations without a live animal

Submit your presentation

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Jen Kimbrell

Educator & Teacher Seller

in Teaching · October 20, 2023

Step-by-Step Animal Science Lesson Plans and Resources

If you are a 3rd-grade teacher teaching the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), I have some excellent animal science lesson plans for you! I want to share a new resource about animal groups in today’s blog post. In this unit, students learn the basic principles of social interactions and group behavior of animals using the 5E’s of Instruction. These animal activities are sure to get your students’ attention.

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How do you Plan a Science Lesson Plan?

As always, start planning using the 5E’s of Instruction. These instruction outlines will help you stay on track and cover what is expected from the standards. However, before you begin planning this new lesson plan, determine the performance expectations from the NGSS. You need to know what students are expected to do by the end of the unit. 

For this ecosystem unit, students: “Construct an argument that some animals form groups that help members survive.” Therefore, this is a lesson in which students learn to develop claims and support their claims with evidence from various sources. These animal science education resources will be excellent for your teaching toolbox.

Engage Your Students with Phenomenon

To engage students and activate their prior knowledge, start the lesson by displaying a video of ants working together to create a bridge from leaf to leaf. Ask students questions to promote curiosity and assess their prior knowledge. 

Introduce the phenomenon: “Ants work together to make things happen. Ask students what they notice about the ants’ behavior from the video.

Allow your young scientists to work in groups to create a model of how the ants are showing cooperation. Have students write what they are noticing and wondering about ants. Key points might include: 

  • Ants work together to find and carry their food.
  • The ants use their bodies to build a bridge so the two ants can move their food from one leaf to another.
  • There are a lot of ants, so the bridge must be stable.

phenomenon example for animal science lesson plans

Tell students over the next few weeks, they will be studying animal groups and ask them some of the following questions:

  • Can you name animals that live in groups?
  • Have you ever observed animals living together in groups?

Explore through STREAM Stations

Students explore animal behavior with hands-on stations to investigate animal groups. 

As usual, I set up STREAM stations to help students understand the concepts based on their grade level. Here is what students will explore:

Science – Types of Animal Groups

Students read sentences and match the name of each group with its animal. From zoo animals, forest animals, insects, and animals on the farm, students will understand that there are a lot of companion animals. This station also has an exit ticket and answer key for easy assessment.

science station example for animal science lesson plans

Technology – Sort Advantages and Disadvantages

Now that students understand that animals live in groups, they must know that for some animals, living in groups is best for animal welfare. Still, for some, animal health can be affected. Students sort cards to show the advantages and disadvantages of animals living in groups. 

Another option for the technology station is to show videos of animals living in groups. I have some fantastic videos you could use to show students. These videos will help students understand this subject matter at a higher level—one of my favorite videos is below. I recommend watching the videos first because some subject matter might upset students.

  • Battle at Kruger
  • Kicked Out of the Pride
  • Stay in Groups Animal Style

Read to Find Evidence

This is an essential station because part of the performance expectation is to make a claim based on evidence. To gain evidence, students must find resources such as books and online websites to help them. They need to learn how to use these resources to help them to make their claim. A great time to teach students how to do this is when integrating science into your literacy block.

Here are several resources you can use to help your students with this research for educational purposes:

  • Penguin World
  • Animal Agriculture – Specific Species
  • Livestock Production
  • Wonderopolis
  • Get Epic Collection
  • Book Creator Book

Engineering a Nest for an Animal Group

In this station, students will use their critical thinking skills and the design process to build a nest. This experiential learning model allows students to design and build a nest holding at least three toy birds without breaking. 

engineering example for animal science lesson plans

Art – Where Do Animal Groups Live?

Students will choose an animal and draw it and their habitat on an exit ticket.

graphic organizer example for animal science lesson plans

Math – Rounding Numbers

This particular activity relates to the unit loosely. I wanted students to practice rounding numbers and word problems, so I created animal group word problem clip cards to practice their math skills. This activity is perfect for 4th grade, too!

clip card math station examples

Explain: The 3-Dimensional Lessons

Science and Engineering Practice (SEP)

Engaging in Argument from Evidence 

Construct an argument with evidence, data, and/or a model.

The Disciplinary Core Idea (DCI)

LS2.D: Social Interactions and Group Behavior

Being part of a group helps animals obtain food, defend themselves, and cope with changes. Groups may serve different functions and vary dramatically in size.

The Cross-Cutting Concepts (CCC)

Cause and Effect

Cause and effect relationships are routinely identified and used to explain the change.

During this part of the lesson, Model for students how to engage in arguments from evidence. Choose an animal group to study for these research-based lesson plans. I chose to study the water buffalo using the Battle of Kruger video above, but any animal group will work.

Grab my free lesson plan to help students elaborate on what they’ve learned about animals living in groups to try researching and choice board projects with your students. Just enter your information below to grab the resource.

Elaborate: Make a Claim with Evidence Projects

In the elaborate phase, students apply their understanding of animal groups to choose to research an animal group. Students use what they learned from the three-dimensional lessons to help them construct an argument that some animals form groups that help members survive. Students choose three resources to help them develop their argument. I want students to write a paper showing what they’ve learned. Once complete, allow students to create a project from the choice board.

choice board example for animal science lesson plans

Evaluate: Interactive Rubrics

To evaluate students, share the interactive rubric to show students the expectations for the project; plus, it makes it easy for you to grade.

If you want to teach part or the complete bundle, click on the resources below. Available as digital downloads.

animal science topics for presentation

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ASAS Webinar:  National Animal Nutrition Program: Science Based – Data Driven – Future Focused  with Dr. Phil Miller.

ASAS Webinar:  Nutritional Biochemistry of Bioactive Fatty Acids in the Neonatal Pig with Dr. Jack Odle, North Carolina State University

ASAS Webinar: Use of dietary carbohydrates to improve gut health in pigs with Dr. Ruurd Zijlstra, University of Alberta

ASAS Webinar: The Role of Maternal Nutrition in Developmental Programming Using a Sheep Model with 2022 Randel Lectureship Presenter, Dr. Kristen Govoni, University of Connecticut

ASAS Webinar: Genetic improvement of disease resilience in pigs with Dr. Jack Dekkers, Iowa State University

ASAS Webinar: Practical Applications for Developmental Programming of the Bovine Ovary with 2022 Randel Lectureship Presenter, Dr. Robert Cushman, USDA, ARS, USMARC

ASAS Webinar: Scientific Publishing 101 - How to be successful in an ever-changing landscape, Dr. Elisabeth Huff-Lonergan, Iowa State University and incoming Journal of Animal Science Editor-in-Chief

Animal Science Council of Accreditation Q&A Webinar

ASAS Webinar: Nitrate toxicity and management considerations for forage and livestock production - Dr. Janna Block

ASAS Webinar: How is marbling different from other fat deposits? - Dr. Stephen B. Smith, Texas A&M University Department of Animal Science

ASAS Webinar: Sow Longevity: It's Importance to Commercial Sow Herds - Dr. Kenneth Stalder, Iowa State University

ASAS Webinar: Advances in reproductive technologies and future reproductive technologies to enhance beef cattle production efficiency - Dr. G. Cliff Lamb, Texas A&M University

ASAS Webinar: Porcine Somatropin (pST): What did we learn and what happened to it as a product? - Dr. Michael Azain, University of Georgia

ASAS Webinar: How new technology has changed swine nutrition over the last 30 years - Dr. Robert Goodband, Kansas State University

ASAS Webinar: Lions in the path of livestock genetic improvement - Dr. James Reecy, Iowa State University

ASAS Webinar: A student's perspective on i nterviewing in today's world - Panel discussion

Panelists:  Siena Mowrer, New Mexico State University;  Sara Gurulé, New Mexico State University;  Chali Simpson, New Mexico State University;  Sade Ford, North Carolina Agriculture and Technical State University;  Ajenee Wineglass, North Carolina Agriculture and Technical State University;  Lisa Kirsten Senn, Purdue University;  Brandon Alley, Purdue University;  Denise Guevara Riiz, Texas Tech University

Hosts: Emily Melchior, New Mexico State University; Jerica Hall, Texas Tech University

ASAS Webinar:  Interviewing in Today's World Panel Discussion

Panelists:Dr. Marnie Mellencamp, Zoetis, Inc; Dr. Mike (Mose) Moseley, Positively Mose, LLC; Mr. John Zbikowski, Zinpro Corporation; Dr. Kimberly Vonnahme, Zoetis, Inc; Dr. Pedro Fontes, University of Georgia; Mr. Justin Chesnut, Elanco

ASAS Webinar:  How to navigate the National Science Foundation (NSF) grant process

Panelists:Dr. Steven Ellis, National Science Foundation; Dr. Theodore Morgan, National Science Foundation

ASAS Webinar:  Precision Management of Animals: Image Precessing and Computer Vision Applications - Dr. Isabella Condotta, University of Illinois

ASAS Webinar: Helping new investigators navigate the USDA NIFA grant process: a panel discussion

Panelists:Dr. Mark Mirando, USDA NIFA; Dr. Deb Hamernik, USDA NIFA; Dr. Vitor R.G. Mercadante, Virginia Tech; Dr. Jennifer Van Os, University of Wisconsin-Madison and Dr. Joshua Selsby, Iowa State University

ASAS Webinar:  Increasing the genetic potential of commercial beef production: a historical and future look at genetic programs at the US Meat Animal Research Center ,  Dr. Larry Kuehn

ASAS Webinar: Early Career Transition Panel Discussion

Panelists: Dr. Andrew Foote, Oklahoma State University; Dr. Connie Larson, Zinpro Corporation; Dr. Kimberly Vonnahme, Zoetis, Inc. and Dr. Darrh Bullock, University of Kentucky

ASAS Follow-up Webinar: Challenges and Opportunities of Moving Your Courses Online, What We've Learned - Panel Discussion

Panelists: Dr. Jodi Sterle, Iowa State University; Dr. Debra Aaron, University of Kentucky; Dr. Scott Radcliffe, Purdue University and Dr. Cassandra Jones, Kansas State University

ASAS Webinar:  Beef Production from the Dairy Herd,  Dr. Daniel Schaefer

ASAS Webinar:  Nutritional Regulation of Muscle Growth, Dr. Teresa Davis

ASAS Webinar: Surviving the review process: An editor's perspective, Dr. James Sartin

ASAS Webinar:  Elements of an effective oral scientific presentation , Dr. N. Andy Cole

ASAS Webinar: Sustainable food animal production: Providing a good life for farm animals , Dr. Marina (Nina) von Keyserlingk

ASAS Webinar: Cell-based meat: the need to assess holistically, Drs. Cameron Faustman, Deborah Hamernik, Michael Looper , Steven Zinn

ASAS Webinar: Elements of an effective scientific poster presentation , Dr. Cassie Jones

 ASAS Webinar: The impacts of COVID-19 on cattle and beef markets and what comes next , Dr. Darrell Peel

ASAS Webinar: Ensuring the USA has a leading role in providing animal protein for the world's food future, Dr. Jack Britt

ASAS Webinar:  Genetic control of thermotolerance in cattle at the whole-animal and cellular level  - Dr. Peter Hansen, University Florida

ASAS Webinar: Challenges and Opportunities of Courses Moving Online - a Student's Perspective

Panelists Joslyn Beard, University of Nebraska; Russell Carrell, Auburn University; Emily Melchior, New Mexico State University; Pedro Carvalho, Penn State University and Brooke Clemmons, University of Tennessee

ASAS Webinar: Challenges and Opportunities of Moving Your Courses Online - Panel Discussion

ASAS Webinar: Reproductive Behavior - the basis of reproductive success - Dr. Brenda Alexander, University of Wyoming

ASAS Webinar: A decade of continuous improvement - how far has U.S. dairy production come since 2007? - Dr. Jude Capper, Livestock Sustainability Consultant

ASAS Webinar Series_Jude Capper from ASAS on Vimeo .

Recording of Western Section ASAS teaching webinar on May 11, 2017  WSASAS Teaching Webinar: The value of internships for undergraduate students from ASAS on Vimeo .

Presenter: loren baranko, lecturer and internship coordinator in the department of animal sciences at north dakota state university., beef roundtable.

BRT_Sept_2017: National Beef Quality Audit from Scott Radcliffe on Vimeo .

To view Other webinars in this series visit the Beef RoundTable  channel on Vimeo.

Past webinars:.

Genomics Snack & Fact 

Microbiome Snack & Fact

Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle - Protein, vitamins and minerals

Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle

Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle Communicating animal science to policymakers

My Experience as an ASAS Intern in Washington, DC (Lilly Rogers) My Experience as an ASAS Intern in Washington, DC (Jordan Hieber) Importance of Animal Protein in Our Diet Contributions of Non-Traditional Meat Animals to Global Food Security and Agricultural Economy Advocating for Animal Agriculture in Washington, D.C., a Student Perspective

Writing Workshop  

Poster Presentation Workshop  

The Future of Beef Production in North America

The Future of Animal Facilities at Land Grant Universities

Animal Frontiers- Carbon Footprint

Next Generation of Genetic Prediction Tools Grain prices and effects on animal agriculture (featuring Jerry Weigel) The Ethics and Politics of Current Debates on Farm Animal Behavior and Well-Being

Animal Frontiers- Animal Selection: the Genomic Revolution

Effects of Corn Pricing on Animal Agriculture: Where have we been, Where are we now, and What about the future?

Animal Welfare: The Dynamics of Change

Navigating the submission process for applications to the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) competitive grants...

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Public Speaking Tips & Speech Topics

136 Speech Topics About Animals [Persuasive, Informative]

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Jim Peterson has over 20 years experience on speech writing. He wrote over 300 free speech topic ideas and how-to guides for any kind of public speaking and speech writing assignments at My Speech Class.

Our list of persuasive and informative topics about animals.

In this article:


List of speech topics about animals.

speech topics animals

  • The life of deep sea fish.
  • How to train your dog .
  • Why are monkeys so good at climbing trees?
  • The breeding of elephants and hippopotamuses.
  • Do penguins have long legs?
  • Why gods shiver.
  • What alligators eat.
  • How elephants swim.
  • Dangerous exotic pets you should not keep at home.
  • Ancient and Asiatic horse breeds.
  • The different types of whales.
  • How animals survive the extreme cold of Antartica.
  • The difference between dolphins and porpoises.
  • Why all kids should have pets.
  • Why snakes are good pets.
  • Have your pet spayed or neutered.
  • Why you should own a horse.
  • Why should you own a dog?
  • We need to protect dolphins better.
  • Wild animals should stay wild.
  • Why save endangered animals?
  • People should be allowed to own exotic animals like tigers and monkeys.
  • In order to save the orangutans, we should say “no” to palm oil.
  • A vegetarian diet is unhealthy for cats and dogs
  • Should people have pet monkeys?
  • Children should be taught to take care of pets
  • Animal health is useless and expensive
  • Performance animals have a risk of death
  • We should be aware of pros and cons of a pet before adopting it
  • Animal testing – vicious or beneficial
  • Are circus animals respected and appreciated?
  • Venomous and poisonous looking spiders are often harmless.
  • The use of animals in medical research is a necessary evil.
  • Not all species belong in marine aquariums.
  • Sharks don’t attack tourists all the time.
  • Pets deserve a Bill of Rights.
  • Forbid the wearing of fur coats.
  • Purchasing animal tested cosmetics is wrong.
  • Ban animal fight games.
  • Animals do not belong in zoo’s.
  • Animals don’t belong in circuses or folklore events.
  • Animal sports banning campaigns are not effective enough.
  • Cats should get annual vaccinations.
  • A pet is not a child’s birthday present.
  • Effective animal conservation laws and other legal regulations are improving.
  • Food production livestock should be welfare protected till the end.
  • Is rooster fighting fun?
  • Monkeys are more intelligent than other mammals
  • Giving drugs to cows to increase their milk is advantageous – right or wrong?
  • Should dogs be outdoor pets?
  • Is it right or wrong to use pig’s skin for making cosmetics?
  • Should pet birds have a right to fly?
  • Fishes are great for relaxation, everyone should have an aquarium
  • Should animal breeding be banned?
  • Should cats be treated humanely?
  • Painting cattle for a trademark should be banned
  • We should not be kind to snakes
  • Why poisonous insects should be killed
  • Animal extinction caused by humans should be stopped
  • Hybrid animals – natural or not?
  • Reforesting the world is the most effective way to save the animals from becoming extinct
  • Extinction of rhinos for selling their horns is inevitable
  • Should the hunting of wild animals be banned?
  • Trading animals-made products is a good way to earn money – right or wrong?
  • Should the hunting of seals for fur be banned to avoid their extinction?
  • Euthanasia is ethical for animals – right or wrong?
  • Should lonely people have companion animals?
  • Should fish be kept in goldfish bowls without filters or temperature control?
  • Conserving some endangered animals is more important than conserving other animals – right or wrong?
  • We should not be afraid of spiders since most of them are harmless
  • Factory farm treatment of animals is inhumane
  • Chaining or tethering dogs outside is unethical, inhumane, and a form of animal neglect
  • Zoos should be big enough for wild animals
  • Strays should be eliminated to make the environment healthy
  • Should foxes be bred into companion animals?
  • Primates and other sophisticated vertebrates should not be used in laboratory research?
  • Should pets be spayed and neutered to prevent overpopulation?
  • Genetic modification of livestock is unethical and potentially dangerous for humans – right or wrong?
  • Why female lions are more dangerous than male lions?
  • Is animal dissection justified as a learning tool for students?
  • Should we adopt new pets from a shelter instead of buying them from a shop?
  • Should we get our pet microchipped?
  • Should we use animals to test beauty products?
  • Is it right or wrong for circuses to use animals in their shows?
  • Is deforestation leading to loss of diversity in wildlife?
  • Should we make use of reward and appreciation to train our pet?
  • Is “dogs breeding” ethical to create mixed hybrids?
  • Should a dog be euthanized if it bites someone?
  • Poaching affects the economy and should be banned
  • Why you should avoid eating pork?
  • A natural disaster caused dinosaurs to become extinct – right or wrong?
  • Is smog dangerous for animals’ health?
  • Why you should get your pet insurance?
  • Should we be more tolerant of spiders, ants, and flies?
  • Should animal rights be limited – right or wrong?
  • Should we eat healthy snakes?
  • Why is it unethical to keep birds in cages?
  • Should we use animals to make future predictions?
  • Rats and mice affect us badly and should be killed
  • Building bonds between children and pets is important – right or wrong?
  • Why are flies important to the ecosystem?
  • A dog is the best service animal – right or wrong?
  • Why should you own an eagle as pet?
  • People should not be allowed to keep exotic animals like chimpanzees or tigers?
  • Why a wagging tail should not be considered as a sign of happiness in dogs
  • A nose is a dog’s “fingerprint” – right or wrong?
  • Why zoos are important and necessary sources of conservation and research on exotic animals?
  • Dogs are better pets than cats – right or wrong?
  • Should we use animals for entertainment purposes?
  • Why you should stop your kids to ride elephants?
  • Does petting and talking to animals lower stress in people?
  • Why pet’s hair should be brushed each evening?
  • The main cause of animal abuse is irresponsible and uneducated owner – right or wrong?
  • “The Animal Welfare Act of 1966 (AWA)” is outdated and should be revised
  • Why you should own a parrot as a bird pet?
  • Should we build awareness to animal abuse in Puppy Mills?
  • Why hamsters are best pets for kids?
  • Committing an immoral act against animals is justified – right or wrong?
  • Does your pet dog help you make new friends?
  • Why we should know about animals’ thinking and feeling?
  • Should we make use of TISSUE ENGINEERING to get leather and meat without killing animals?
  • Should we revive extinct species by recovering their ancient DNA?
  • Why you should be thankful for your cat, dog, or other pets?
  • Why you should own a cat?
  • Why we should feed wildlife?
  • Is it right or wrong to test antibiotics and cures on animals?
  • Why animals should not be kept in captivity?
  • Why domestic pigeons and doves make great pets?
  • Why you should not own exotic pets?
  • Should there be harsher laws for animal cruelty?
  • Why you should prefer keeping more goldfishes in an aquarium than other fishes?
  • Humans are affecting wildlife – right or wrong?
  • Why polar bears should not be kept in zoos?
  • Why you should prefer goat milk to cow milk?
  • Dogs have better eyesight than human – right or wrong?
  • Why wearing fur or leather is unethical and is a sign of animal neglect?
  • Why you should own a horse for riding?
  • Why busy people should not adopt fishes as pets?
  • Why you should own a raven as a pet?
  • Owning pets reduces your risk of various diseases – right or wrong?
  • We should adopt friendly attitude to train our pet dogs quickly
  • Why you should own pigeons?
  • Should marine mammals be kept in captivity?
  • Animal abuse should be stopped in zoos.

Entertaining Speech Topics [195 Ideas To Keep Audience Engaged]

143 Family Speech Topics [Persuasive, Informative]

15 thoughts on “136 Speech Topics About Animals [Persuasive, Informative]”

history of tomato

Why you should never leave your goldfish alone for more than 1 day.

History of christmas

History and develeopments of book publishments

How to help shelters

Why Canada is the best country in the world (cuz it is)

Canada is not the best in the world ( cause its true )

the history of yarn

I want an speech of animals struggle

pros and cons of organic farming

Cats should have the same laws that dogs have.

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Home » Animal Science Project Topics

Animal Science Project Topics

List of animal science project topics, ideas, and research papers PDF download. Get National Diploma (ND), Higher National Diploma (HND), Undergraduate, Masters & Ph.D. sample works for your final year research project.

As final year research projects are a crucial part of a student’s life, choose the right research, project, thesis, dissertation topics & ideas with our samples.

The full articles listed here mostly cover the five chapters starting from the abstract, introduction, the background of the study, statement of the problems, purpose of study, research questions, scope and limitation of the study, literature review which takes about various approaches to the defined terms. As well as the presentation and analysis of data hypothesis and decision findings. Also the summary of findings recommendations and conclusion.

Animal Science Project Topics and Final Year Research Materials PDF Download

Performance of Weaner Rabbits Fed Maize Husk Based Diets With and Without Enzyme Supplementation

Performance of Weaner Rabbits Fed Maize Husk Based Diets With and Without Enzyme Supplementation

Quality Characteristics and Microbial Status of Beef Smoked With Different Plant Materials and Suya Produced From Round Muscles

Quality Characteristics and Microbial Status of Beef Smoked With Different Plant Materials and Suya Produced From Round Muscles

Effect of Sequence and Interval of Feeding Concentrate Supplement and Roughage on Performance of Yankasa Weaner Rams

Effect of Sequence and Interval of Feeding Concentrate Supplement and Roughage on Performance of Yankasa Weaner Rams

Effect of Breed, Age and Sex on Growth, Haematological, Serum Biochemical and Carcass Characteristics of Turkeys (Meleagris Gallopavo)

Effect of Breed, Age and Sex on Growth, Haematological, Serum Biochemical and Carcass Characteristics of Turkeys (Meleagris Gallopavo)

Performance of Weaner and Grower Pigs Fed Diets Containing Graded Levels of Soybean Hull

Performance of Weaner and Grower Pigs Fed Diets Containing Graded Levels of Soybean Hull

Quality, Acceptability and Microbial Composition of Ensiled Breweries Spent Grains With Yam Peels

Quality, Acceptability and Microbial Composition of Ensiled Breweries Spent Grains With Yam Peels

Transmission of Ebola Virus on Animal and Humans

Transmission of Ebola Virus on Animal and Humans

The Effect of Storage Methods on Egg Quality and Organoleptic Properties of Brown Egg Type of Domestic Fowl

The Effect of Storage Methods on Egg Quality and Organoleptic Properties of Brown Egg Type of Domestic Fowl

Assessment of Weight Gain Between Indigenous and Exotic Breed of Broiler

Assessment of Weight Gain Between Indigenous and Exotic Breed of Broiler

Effects of Soil Erosion in Emerging Urban Centre of Afuze

Effects of Soil Erosion in Emerging Urban Centre of Afuze

The Identification and Isolation of Nematode Affecting Tomatoes Growth

The Identification and Isolation of Nematode Affecting Tomatoes Growth

Managerial Competence and Training Needs of Poultry Farmers in Nigeria

Managerial Competence and Training Needs of Poultry Farmers in Nigeria

The Behavioral Teratogenic Effect of Cimetidine on the Offsprings of Albino Rats

The Behavioral Teratogenic Effect of Cimetidine on the Offsprings of Albino Rats

Effects of Soil Erosion

Effects of Soil Erosion

Arthropod Predators and Insect Pest Control

Arthropod Predators and Insect Pest Control

The Identification and Isolation of Nematode Affecting Tomatoes Growth

Rabbit Farming as a Veritable Tool for Economic Empowerment

animal science

Animal Science

Jul 10, 2014

460 likes | 1.08k Views

Animal Science. Animal Science. What is Animal Science?. DEF: the study of the  biology of animals that are under the control of mankind (usually domestic animals). Behavior Welfare Nutrition Genetics Biotechnology Reproduction Agribusiness. Breeding Care Feeding Management

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  • ancient dog skull
  • commercially captive
  • animal science
  • greatest abundance


Presentation Transcript

Animal Science Animal Science

What is Animal Science? • DEF: the study of the biology of animals that are under the control of mankind (usually domestic animals) • Behavior • Welfare • Nutrition • Genetics • Biotechnology • Reproduction • Agribusiness • Breeding • Care • Feeding • Management • Products • Processing • Marketing

A Brief History of Animals 4.5

A Brief History of Animals What was the first form of life? (as far as we can tell at the moment)

A Brief History of Animals • The oldest traces of life date back: • 3.4 to 3.5 billion years. • Blue-green algae and bacteria.

Flash forward a few Billion years…

Vertebrates • DEF: Animals that have a back bone. (vertebrae) • Can you name any animals that don’t have backbones?


Triassic and Jurassic periods 180-135 million years ago • 1st there were only dinosaurs, mammal-like reptiles, and sea creatures. • When dinosaurs were most abundant, the first birds and very small mammals were seen. Archaeopteryx = ancestors of modern birds

Triassic and Jurassic periods 180-135 million years ago • Why were there birds and very small mammals when dinosaurs were the most large and numerous? Wouldn’t the dinos take up all the space and food?

Cretaceous period 135 to 70 million years ago • Dinosaurs and marine reptiles reached their period of greatest abundance then…Disappeared. • The reason for their demise is still debated by scientists.

Ancient fish Coelacanth: (cee-lo-can’t) “A living fossil” • Were here more than 400 million years ago! • Still around now, but critically endangered

Ceelo… Can’t.

Paleocene and Eocene epoch 70 to 40 MILLION YEARS AGO • Dinosaurs are gone!! But, the small animals survived. • Mammals evolved, dispersed, and adapted to new environments. Why?

Summary • What is the definition of Animal Science? • What are some fields within AnSci? • What was the first life on earth? • What is a vertebrate? • How did mammals survive when dinos didn’t?

Why aren’t mammals giant like Dinosaurs? • Why no giant cows?

Placental mammals

Placental mammals have a placenta (fluid filled sack inside the uterus of the animal) through which the embryo and fetus are nourished while in utero. Placental mammals • Most of the animals we will discuss are placental mammals and evolved during this period. • How many non-placental animals can you name?

When did Animal Science Start? • With the beginning of the Domestication of animals. • Domestication = to tame for the use of humans. It takes thousands of years.

Domestication What was the first domesticated animal? • The Dog/Wolf was the first domesticated companion animal. • A dogs jawbone was found in a cave in Siberia that dates back about 33,000 years ago. “Ancient dog skull unearthed in Siberia” (BBC News 2011) (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-14390679)

Domestication • Hunters and gathers: A nomadic lifestyle, no permanent settlements • Domestication allowed them to settle down-they didn’t have to go look for animals and plants.

Domestication Why was the wolf the first animal to be domesticated? -Warning/Guarding, Protection, Work

Requirements to be considered domesticated • Breeding is controlled by humans for many generations. • Appearance and/or behavior is substantially different from wild ancestor. • Animals could not survive on their own. • “Taming” is a step of domestication, but a tamed animal is not completely domesticated.

Domestication • Probably wouldn’t last long in the wild…

Domestication • A tame animal is an animal which tolerates the presence of humans.  • Tameness is a degree to which an animal accepts humans.

Degrees of Domestication • Wild- Full life without human intervention • Raised in captivity/Captured from wild-Nurtured by humans but indistinguishable from wild relatives • Ex. Cobras used for show, Asia elephants, Zoo animals • Raised Commercially/Captive or Semidomesticated-Ranched or farmed for profit but indistinguishable from wild relatives • Ex. Ostrich, deer, buffalo, oysters

Degrees of Domestication • Raised in captivity/Captured from wild

Degrees of Domestication • Raised Commercially/Captive or Semidomesticated

Domestication degrees • Feral-once were under human control but returned to the wild • Ex. Mustangs, cats & dogs • Hybrid- a combination of two animals, can be wild, domesticated, or both.

Key Questions • What were some reasons that dogs were domesticated? • What are the requirements to be considered domesticated? • What the difference between tame and domesticated? • What does wild, raised in captivity, captive/farmed, feral, and hybrid mean? • What are some examples from each category?

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ANIMAL SCIENCE. Group Project. Beef cattle Dairy cattle Equine Goat Honeybees Sheep Swine Broilers Layers Turkeys Ducks Rabbits Llamas Aquaculture. Role, importance, scope # in US 5 most common breeds Breed groups Location of industry in US Value of industry in US

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Animal Science 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

animal science topics for presentation

Animal Science 1

Zoology is the study of the structure, physiology, development and classification of animals. ... history of animal agriculture in the u.s. ... – powerpoint ppt presentation.

  • Introduction to Animal Science
  • Animal science is the scientific study of farm animals. There are various sciences which are included in this
  • Genetics is the branch of study that deals with genes and heredity, including the transmissions of inherited characteristics among related organisms.
  • Embryology is the branch of study that deals with the formation, early growth and development of an organism.
  • Zoology is the study of the structure, physiology, development and classification of animals.
  • Botany is the science that deals with the study of plants.
  • Agronomy is the scientific study of agriculture including plant sciences and soil sciences
  • Anatomy is the science of the shape and structure of organisms and their parts.
  • Physiology is the study of the functions of living organisms and their parts.
  • Chemistry is the science of the composition, structure, properties and reactions of matter.
  • Nutrition is the amounts and types of nutrients that are required for a well-balanced, proper diet for a healthy body.
  • Nutrition is also the science dealing with food and nourishment of people or animals.
  • Pathology is the scientific study of the nature of a disease and its causes.
  • Parasitology
  • Parasitology is the scientific study of the characteristic behavior or mode of existence of a parasite or group of parasites.
  • Entomology is the scientific study of insects.
  • Bacteriology
  • Bacteriology is the study of bacteria (one-celled microorganisms), especially in relation to medicine and agriculture.
  • Economics is the social science that deals with the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services.
  • Computer Science
  • Computer Science is the science that deals with computer technology and its applications.
  • Ethology is the scientific study of animal behavior.
  • Ecology is the science of the relationships between organisms and their environments.
  • Communications
  • Communications is the transfer of information through various technologies including written, audio, video and the network that transmits this information.
  • Finance is the management of money, assets, banking, investments and credit.
  • Political Science
  • Political science is the study of the processes, principles, and structure of government and political institutions.
  • Law is the science and study of the legal system.
  • Engineering
  • Engineering is the application of science to practical ends such as the design, manufacture and operation of structures.
  • Microbiology
  • Microbiology deals with microorganisms (such as bacteria and protozoa) and their effects on other living things.
  • Animal Contributions
  • Mutton and chevon are eaten by more people than any other meat
  • Beef is eaten in larger quantities than any other meat.
  • Most of the world's meat supply comes from cattle and buffalo
  • Certain religions restrict beef and pork consumption
  • Hindus do not eat beef.
  • Muslim, Hindu, and Orthodox Jews do not eat pork
  • Many people eat horsemeat
  • Goats, ewes, cattle, mares, sows, llamas, camels, reindeer, and yaks provide milk and milk products.
  • Mutton is the general term describing the meat derived from sheep.
  • Chevon is the term describing the meat derived from goats.
  • Beef is the general term describing the meat derived from cattle.
  • Also is an adjective to describe cattle raised primarily for meat production as opposed to milk production. (ie. beef cattle vs. dairy cattle)
  • Wool, hair, hides (leather), and pelts have commonly been used for clothing.
  • Even today, in more than 100 countries, ruminant fibers such as hair and wool are used in the manufacture of clothing, bedding, housing and carpets.
  • Hair and hides provide material for shelter. For example, hides are used in teepees while hair is used in plaster (horsehair plaster). In addition, other animal products are used in building materials.
  • Early man relied on bones and hides for tools.
  • Bladders, horns, catgut and dynamite are animal products that are commonly used.
  • Personal Items
  • Humans use animal products or by-products for jewelry and perfume.
  • Animals have always been important throughout history for draft work, packing and transporting humans. In the 1920s, over 25 million horses were used primarily for draft purposes.
  • Even today, in parts of developing countries, animals provide as much as 99 of the power used in agriculture while 20 of the world's populations depend on animals for moving goods. In half of all of the countries in the world, cattle, buffalo, horses, mules, camels and llamas are kept primarily for work and draft purposes. For example, India has more than 200 million cattle and buffalo, but because cattle are sacred in India, they are not slaughtered for meat. These animals are used to provide power for field work.
  • Animals were used in war for transportation and power as well as providing food and clothing.
  • Some societies worship animals. Hindus, for example, consider cattle to be sacred. Therefore, cattle are not slaughtered for meat in India.
  • Some recreational uses for animals include companionship, hobbies such as horseback riding or any activity where humans derive pleasure from animals. Recreational uses also include sports such as rodeo or horseracing. Some people simply invest in livestock as a tax write-off or hobby.
  • In some cases, simply owning animals may be considered prestigious. The prestige associated with any one animal may vary from area to area. For example
  • In the United States, the most prestigious animals are beef cattle.
  • In Kentucky, the most prestigious animal is the horse.
  • In the World, the most prestigious animals are cattle.
  • In societies that depend highly on horses, horses are considered the most prestigious.
  • Animals make significant contributions to human health in many ways.
  • Laboratory animals are commonly used for research.
  • Large farm animals are sometimes used in the research of human disease although not frequently because of high maintenance costs involved.
  • Miniature pigs have been used in laboratory research because they closely resemble humans in their pulmonary, cardiac, dental and even pre-natal brain development.
  • Cattle and sheep have been used to test artificial organs before use in humans.
  • Humans also use animal products and by-products in pharmaceuticals.
  • Other Contributions
  • Animal Waste
  • Animals produce millions of tons of waste each year that contains nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The estimated annual value of this product when used as fertilizer is 1 billion.
  • Tallow and Grease
  • Tallow and grease that are derived from animals are used in soaps, cosmetics, animal feeds, lubricants, candles and synthetic rubber.
  • Gelatin is obtained from hides, skins and bones and is used in foods, films and glues.
  • Collagen is obtained primarily from hides and is used in sausage casings.
  • Non-Arable Land
  • Non-Edible Plants and Plant Parts
  • Arable Non-Arable Land
  • Arable land is land that is fit for cultivation or growing crops. Non-arable land is land that cannot be used for growing crops.
  • What we eat from a corn plant
  • Animal foods provide Plants provide
  • high quality protein
  • Zinc, Iron, Calcium
  • Vitamins A, D, E, K and B12
  • fats and lipids
  • carbohydrates (energy)
  • Beef and Veal
  • Mutton and Lamb
  • United States
  • Climate can affect types and quantities of plants grown, insects and disease risks, comfort and animals. Some climate factors are
  • temperature
  • amount of rainfall
  • distribution of rain
  • Dairy Goats
  • Fur-Bearing Animals
  • Miscellaneous products. Examples Shoe polish, photographic film, soap, glue, lubricants
  • 3. Fur Bearing animals
  • 1. Companion animal
  • 4. Hunting/Fishing
  • 2. Transportation
  • 3. Field Work
  • Related Industries
  • 1. Laboratory animals
  • 2. Medicine
  • 3. Products ( make-up, etc.)
  • Food Processing
  • By-product processing
  • Feed manufacturing and sales
  • Equipment manufacturing, sales, and service
  • Transportation
  • Health products and sales
  • Veterinary services
  • Marketing services
  • Clothing and apparel
  • Fur-bearing animals
  • Companion animals
  • Soils can affect if and what crops and raised. If the soil is good, crops can be raised but if soil quality is poor, then livestock are more efficient.
  • Area population in relation to productivity
  • If an area is overpopulated land can not be used for production but it can be used for subsistence agriculture. In this case, more efficient species are used.
  • If an area is under populated in relation to productive ability, then commercial agriculture may develop, exports will increase and all species can be used.
  • Progressiveness of the people
  • Lack of knowledge, capital or initiative may prevent development of agricultural production
  • Religion may limit the use of more efficient species or practices
  • Nomadic Herding
  • Nomadic herding is a subsistence practice type of grazing. People raise animals for their own food and move them from place to place to areas of available pasture.
  • Nomadic herding still exists in the world today in the areas of Northwest Asia, the Middle East, North Africa and the Arctic Tundra.
  • Characteristics of nomadic herding are
  • Subsistence
  • Sparse forage
  • Covers a large area of the world
  • Few products enter world trade
  • Poor quality livestock
  • Inadequate diets for livestock and people
  • Commercial Grazing
  • Commercial grazing is the practice or business of grazing livestock for a profit.
  • Major areas of commercial grazing include
  • Temperate Grasslands
  • moderate climates
  • good soil quality
  • Tropical Savannas
  • treeless, flat plains
  • heavy seasonal rains (25 inches or more)
  • variable quality forage
  • Some characteristics of commercial grazing
  • Developed in the last 100 - 130 years
  • Improved forages
  • Improved livestock
  • Skilled management
  • Organized marketing of products
  • Grain-Mixed Farming
  • Grain-mixed farming is the practice of combining grain crop production wirth commercial livestock in one farming operation.
  • Grain-mixed farming is practiced in the middle latitudes of every continent except for Asia. The U.S. Corn Belt, North Western Europe boast the most productive farming systems. These countries include
  • U.S. Corn Belt
  • Central Australia
  • Central South America
  • Central Africa
  • Characteristics of grain-mixed farming are
  • advanced tillage practices
  • use of fertilizer
  • soil conservation methods
  • advanced mechanization
  • use of improved breeds of livestock
  • use a variety of plants
  • advanced marketing systems
  • Grain-mixed farmers are among the wealthiest in the world.
  • All species of animals are used in this type of operation but swine are favorable because they are more efficient than cattle or sheep at converting grain to meat.
  • Commercial Grain
  • Commercial grain farming consists of large, highly mechanized operations and exists only in temperate zones. Some countries include
  • the Great Plains in the U.S
  • Russian Federation
  • Some characteristics of commercial grain farming are
  • it is fairly recent (it did not exist before mechanization)
  • wheat, sorghum and small grains are the primary crops that are grown
  • some operations have no livestock but others can be highly diversified
  • Dairy farming is practiced all over the world and is the process of raising dairy cattle for milk production. Dairying is practiced primarily in cool climates where lush, high quality forages are grown.
  • Some areas of dairy production include
  • U.S. Dairy Belt(from Minnesota to New England)
  • U.S. Pacific Coast
  • Switzerland
  • New Zealand
  • Vertical integration occurs when the same firm controls all aspects of production, processing, and marketing of a product. Control may be through direct ownership, leasing of resources, or legal contracts with others who provide necessary resources.
  • Vertical integration allows a company to control the quantity, quality, and price of its inputs and allows a firm to extract profits at every stage of the production process.
  • In order to have a livestock industry, there must be certain factors present
  • demand for animal products
  • marketing/transportation system
  • enough space for livestock
  • 1493Columbus made 2nd voyage and brought livestock to the West Indies1519Cattle and sheep were brought to Mexico by Cortez1539 De Soto brought horses and hogs into Florida1641William Pynchon, Springfield, Massachusetts was first meat packer exporting salt pork1500s - 1600sSpanish/Portugese missionaries brought stock to the West1600s - 1700sEuropean Settler brought stock to the East1760 - 1795Robert Bakewell, England, father of animal breeding, bred animals for a purpose, creating different types1800 - 1861Breeds were imported for improving stock (Henry Clay brought Herefords and Durocs)1861 - 1865Changes that occured during the Civil War 
  • A. Decreased need for horses and mules
  • B. Decreased need for stock to be raised where they are consumed
  • Refrigeration
  • A. Box Cars
  • B. Allowed shipping of carcasses to population centers
  • (Now animals could be raised in one place, sold at another and consumed at yet another.)
  • Change in tastes.
  • Before the war, pork was the most popular meat (mainly due to ease of storage), but beef became the most popular meat after the war because of refrigeration.
  • 1960s to todayExplosion of knowledge about feeding, growth, management of livestock (especially animal health), supplements, facilities, and even processing and packing. There were huge improvements in efficiency (lbs of product/animal).
  • Animal husbandry is the art of working with farm animals.
  • Marketing is knowing when to buy and sell and how to buy and sell.
  • Feeding is knowing which combinations of feed to feed to animals with different needs and, being able to look at an animal and determine if they are nutritionally sound.
  • Breeding is ability to look at a female animal at determine weaknesses and determining which male will produce the most ideal offspring.
  • Health is being able to recognize a healthy or ill animal
  • Management is the ability to manage a herd or flock to make a profit.
  • Products left after the main products have been extracted

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August 28, 2024

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Engineered probiotic successfully ameliorates ulcerative colitis in animal models

by Liu Jia, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Researchers develop probiotic to ameliorate ulcerative colitis

Researchers from the Institute of Process Engineering (IPE) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have developed a probiotic-based therapeutic that synergistically restores intestinal redox and microbiota homeostasis. This therapeutic effectively relieved inflammation and reduced colonic damage in mouse and non-human primate (NHP) models of colitis. The study is published in Cell Host & Microbe .

Probiotics are potential treatments for ulcerative colitis (UC), but their efficacy is frequently compromised by gastrointestinal conditions that limit adhesion and activity. Moreover, the complicated pathological environment of inflamed tissue also implies the presence of other pathogenic factors.

To address these issues, researchers, employing machine learning and bioinformatics analyses, identified the Lactobacillus genus as a suitable candidate for modulating the gut microbiota , and pinpointed oxidative stress as a pivotal pathogenic factor for targeted intervention.

For verification, researchers collected and analyzed fecal samples from a cohort of healthy donors and UC patients. The results showed a decreased prevalence of Lactobacillus and increased oxidative stress in UC patients.

"Further considering inflammation severity, we discovered correlations between any two aspects of Lactobacillus abundance, 8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine levels, and C-reactive protein values in UC patients, which revealed the close association of these two aspects in UC exacerbation," said Prof. Cui Yimin from Peking University First Hospital, one of the corresponding authors.

These findings indicated that, beyond delivering adequate viable Lactobacillus, endowing Lactobacillus with the function of scavenging reactive oxygen species (ROS) could further improve UC treatment.

Considering that selenium is a nutritional trace element conferring antioxidant effects, researchers proposed that the codelivery of selenium and Lactobacillus could fulfill the synergistic restoration of intestinal redox-microbiota homeostasis.

"We developed a new method to in situ grow selenium dots which are embedded in the pericellular film surrounding the Lactobacillus casei (Lac) cell wall . The resulting Se-fLac not only endowed Lac cells with ultrahigh ROS scavenging activity, but also enhanced gastric acid resistance and intestinal mucoadhesion of Lac cells after oral administration," said Prof. Ma Guanghui from IPE.

At the lesion site, Se-fLac prominently scavenged ROS and had the tendency to modulate gut microbiota, and these two aspects were further observed with a potentially mutual benefit.

"To validate the therapeutic efficacy of Se-fLac, we compared it with 5-aminosalicylic acid treatment, VSL#3 supplements, and their combination. Se-fLac significantly outperformed these three counterparts in all therapeutic indices," said Prof. Wei Wei from IPE.

Although the UC mouse models have been widely utilized to examine therapeutic efficacies, these mouse models might fail to accurately simulate the anatomic structures and physiological functions of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as pathological features of UC in humans.

"This motivated us to establish an NHP model to bridge mouse- and human-based investigations of Se-fLac, and the potent therapeutic efficacies highlighted the strong translational potential of Se-fLac to develop clinically relevant UC treatments," said Prof. Wei.

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How to Craft a Memorable Message, According to Science

  • Charan Ranganath

animal science topics for presentation

Four ways to make your point in a way that sticks.

Numerous researches have shown that we forget much of what we experience in a day. Knowing this, how do you create messages so there is a better chance of people remembering them? The author uses concepts from memory science to help you craft messages — whether it’s a presentation, an email, or a speech — that will be likely to stick. One way to craft a memorable message is to chunk it up. Explicitly tie together the points that you want to convey under the umbrella of a central idea. With this approach, your listener can stitch the pieces together in a meaningful way and build a rich memory for that material. Or, when communicating about a complex topic, you can make your message memorable with a concrete example instead of something vague. Remember to provide callbacks as recalling something that we previously learned can make it stronger and easier to access when we will need it. Lastly, spark their curiosity. The key to memorable communication lies not in conveying the answer, but in establishing a compelling question.

Imagine sitting in a meeting where someone is giving a presentation. You’re somewhat interested in the topic, and the speaker seems to be doing a good job. The meeting ends, and 30 minutes later, you try to recall what was discussed. You can remember that the coffee was weak, the room was too cold, and the speaker was wearing a pink tie … but you can’t remember what he was talking about.

  • Dr. Charan Ranganath is a professor at the Center for Neuroscience and Department of Psychology and the director of the Dynamic Memory Lab at the University of California, Davis, and the author of the book Why We Remember: Unlocking Memory’s Power to Hold On to What Matters (Penguin Random House).

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August 28, 2024

This article has been reviewed according to Science X's editorial process and policies . Editors have highlighted the following attributes while ensuring the content's credibility:


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Keeping up with the dolphins: Drones give snapshot of pod health

by University of Hawaii at Manoa

Keeping up with the dolphins: Drones give snapshot of pod health

Using drones to successfully assess the age of critically endangered, free-ranging dolphins in Greece is the focus of new research at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Hawaiʻi Institute of Marine Biology (HIMB). This work, done in partnership with the Tethys Research Institute, informs researchers' understanding of population abundance and demographics, which can improve management practices and help ensure their survival. The study is published in Animal Conservation .

Marine Mammal Research Program (MMRP) researchers are comparing the drone imagery results with long-term data and data from stable, non-endangered bottlenose dolphin populations in Shark Bay, Australia, and Sarasota Bay, Florida.

"In [our new] study, we highlight the speed and accuracy of UAS-photogrammetry ( drone imagery) in assessing the age structure of free-ranging dolphin populations, and the implications towards management and conservation," said Fabien Vivier, MMRP researcher and lead author of the study.

"Our hope is that by using this method, we can quickly monitor the age-structure of free-ranging dolphin populations. This information can facilitate the detection of early signs of population changes, such as a decrease in the number of calves, and provide important insights for timely management decisions."

Healthy dolphin populations have a consistent proportion of calves, juveniles and adults; a deviation from this can suggest the population is unstable. Using drones, researchers were able to quickly quantify the age-structure of the critically endangered dolphin population in Greece in a few days.

Previous study classifies dolphin age

In a previous study, the MMRP team used specialized calibrated drones to successfully measure the length of free-swimming dolphins and classify them by age.

"When dolphins come to the surface to breathe, they expose their blowhole and dorsal fin ," said Vivier. "By measuring the distance between the two, we can estimate their total body length. Since total length is related to age, we can estimate the age-group of a single dolphin."

Aquatic mammals known as cetaceans, which include whales, dolphins and porpoises, face a slough of threats from habitat degradation , climate change , fisheries, and chemical and noise pollution. One quarter of the 92 known cetacean species are at risk of extinction, and there is a clear and urgent need to implement effective conservation strategies.

The project was done in collaboration with the Shark Bay Dolphin Research Project and the Sarasota Dolphin Research Program.

Provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa

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'Silent' mutations found to have repercussions beyond their own gene

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  6. Animal World Powerpoint Templates

    animal science topics for presentation


  1. 162 Best Animal Research Topics To Nail Your Paper In 2023

    Animal Research Topics For University. Color patterns of moths and moths. Mimicry in the sexual signals of fireflies. Ecophysiology of the garter snake. Memory, dreams regarding cat neurology. Spatiotemporal variation in the composition of animal communities. Detection of prey in the sand scorpion.

  2. 19 Animal Science Lessons and Experiments

    1. Animal Habitats. In the Animal Habitats lesson, students play a game in which different parts of the classroom represent different habitats. Students will need to figure out what the right habitat is for the animal card they are given as they think about the relationship between habitat and animal survival. 2.

  3. Discover Inspiring Animal Research Topics

    2 50+ Most Interesting & Easy Animal Research Topics. 2.1 Animal Physiology Research Topics. 2.2 Controversial Animal Topics. 2.3 Animal Rights Topics For Research Paper. 2.4 Interesting Animal Research Topics. 2.5 Veterinary Topics For Research Paper. 2.6 Animal Testing Research Topics. 2.7 Animal Cruelty Topics.

  4. Animal Studies and School Project Ideas

    Performing science experiments and constructing models are fun and exciting ways to learn about science and supplement studies. Try making a model of the lungs or a DNA model using candy for these animal experiments. Animal projects and studies are important for students to understand various biological processes in animals and even humans.

  5. 200 Informative Speech Topics About Animals

    200 Informative Speech Topics About Animals. Explore 200 engaging animal-themed speech topics in our specially curated list. Covering a wide range of species and themes, these topics are perfect for educational talks, engaging presentations, and deepening your understanding of our planet's diverse wildlife. The Social Behavior of Ants and ...

  6. Ideas for Science Fair Projects Using Animals

    You may be unable to bring your animal science fair project to the school or otherwise put it on display, yet you'll want visual aids for your presentation. Take lots of pictures of your project. Video is another great way to document animal behavior. For some projects, you may be able to bring in preserved specimens or examples of fur or ...

  7. Wildlife Wonders: 50 Captivating Presentation Ideas

    1. Leopard on the Rock. Explore the captivating world of African wildlife with our Leopard on the Rock presentation template. This visually stunning PowerPoint and Google Slides theme features a majestic leopard as its centerpiece, set against the backdrop of the arid savanna, where herds of wild animals roam freely.

  8. American Association for Laboratory Animal Science

    There are four named special topic lectures that are held each year—Charles River Ethics and Animal Welfare Lecture, Charles C. Hunter Lecture, Wallace P. Rowe Lecture, and the Nathan R. Brewer Award Recipient Lecture. These presentations typically have a main speaker, in addition to a moderator and a facilitator.

  9. Ideas about Animals

    Video playlists about Animals. 6 talks. TED Talks for bird enthusiasts. Bird's the word on this collection of TED Talks that spotlights our fascinating feathered friends. 7 talks. Unexpected lessons from the animal world. These TED speakers gained remarkable knowledge by closely studying animal behavior. What do their insights mean for you?

  10. Free Animals PowerPoint Templates & Google Slides Themes

    Free Animal Slide Templates for an Engaging Slideshow. Introduce your audience to the amazing world of animals with this animals PowerPoint template. Perfect for teachers, students, and nature enthusiasts, these templates will help you bring your presentations to life. With a range of customizable slides, you can easily manage your lessons and ...

  11. 4-H Stock Talks

    4-H Stock Talks are virtual animal science presentation experiences for Minnesota 4-H youth. A stock talk is a short video presentation about an animal science topic of your choice (beef, dairy, dog, goat, horse, lama, poultry, rabbit, sheep and swine). Giving a stock talk is an opportunity for you to share your learning with others, practice ...

  12. Frontiers in Animal Science

    Quantifying and Mitigating Pollution from Livestock Production Systems. Long Cheng. Innocent Rugoho. Majid Shakeri. Omar Al-Marashdeh. Mabrouk ELSABAGH. 3,849 views. 2 articles. A multidisciplinary journal that advances our understanding of food and livestock production, while safeguarding animal welfare and environmental sustainability.

  13. Step-by-Step Animal Science Lesson Plans and Resources

    For this ecosystem unit, students: "Construct an argument that some animals form groups that help members survive.". Therefore, this is a lesson in which students learn to develop claims and support their claims with evidence from various sources. These animal science education resources will be excellent for your teaching toolbox.

  14. Animal Science in 4-H Public Presentations: Start Planning Now!

    Demonstration: This is already common practice in many counties. If you own an animal, you might practice your showmanship during your Public Presentation. Your topic might be grooming for your animal, checking for signs of illness or preparing for trips to the vet. Illustrated Talk: If you have a passion for an aspect of animal science, why ...

  15. Free Animal Google Slides themes and PowerPoint templates

    Download the "Cute Spring Animals" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and start impressing your audience with a creative and original design. Slidesgo templates like this one here offer the possibility to convey a concept, idea or topic in a clear, concise and visual way, by using different graphic resources.... Multi-purpose.

  16. Webinars

    ASAS Webinar: Challenges and Opportunities of Moving Your Courses Online - Panel Discussion. Panelists: Dr. Jodi Sterle, Iowa State University; Dr. Debra Aaron, University of Kentucky; Dr. Scott Radcliffe, Purdue University and Dr. Cassandra Jones, Kansas State University.

  17. 136 Speech Topics About Animals [Persuasive, Informative]

    The use of animals in medical research is a necessary evil. Not all species belong in marine aquariums. Sharks don't attack tourists all the time. Pets deserve a Bill of Rights. Forbid the wearing of fur coats. Purchasing animal tested cosmetics is wrong. Ban animal fight games. Animals do not belong in zoo's.

  18. PDF ANIMAL SCIENCE Theses and Projects

    Sanna Steenfeldt, Senior Researcher E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +45 87158074. one: + 45 87157904Project start The project is running in 2020, so start can be decide. in agreement with the supervisor. Project. ation of project and students workDepartment of Animal Science, AU Fou.

  19. Illustrated Science Subject Animals Slides

    Click to remove image backgrounds, perfect for product photos, headshots, or transparent PNGs. Canva allows you to export to a perfect PPT or Google Slide when you are done. 4. Your template is now ready for use on Powerpoint! Ignite curiosity in kids with this green, illustrated animal-themed presentation. Ideal for biology lessons & projects.

  20. Animal Science Project Topics and Final Year Research PDF

    Animal Science Project Topics. List of animal science project topics, ideas, and research papers PDF download. Get National Diploma (ND), Higher National Diploma (HND), Undergraduate, Masters & Ph.D. sample works for your final year research project. ... As well as the presentation and analysis of data hypothesis and decision findings. Also the ...

  21. PPT

    Domestication • A tame animal is an animal which tolerates the presence of humans. • Tameness is a degree to which an animal accepts humans. Domestication degrees • Feral-once were under human control but returned to the wild • Ex. Mustangs, cats & dogs • Hybrid- a combination of two animals, can be wild, domesticated, or both.

  22. Animal Science 1

    Title: Animal Science 1 1 Animal Science 1. Unit 1 ; Introduction to Animal Science; 2 Animal Science Defined. Animal science is the scientific study of farm animals. There are various sciences which are included in this ; 3 Discipline areas that are involved in Animal Science 4. Genetics ; Genetics is the branch of study that deals with

  23. Special Topics in Animal Science

    Special Topics in Animal Science - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. The document discusses a study on the effects of bismuth subsalicylate (BSS) and calcium-ammonium nitrate (CAN) on ruminal fermentation and feedlot cattle production. In experiment 1, BSS and CAN were added to batch cultures to assess ...

  24. Love is blind for male fruit flies who will choose sex over safety

    Dr Rezaval concludes: 'Our study shows that as courtship progresses, dopamine increases, acting as a sensory filter that blocks distractions and helps the animal focus on the task at hand when ...

  25. Dogs understand words from soundboard buttons

    Rossano added, "We're just scratching the surface in this study. Future studies explore how dogs actively use these buttons, including the meaning and systematicity behind sequences of button presses.

  26. Prioritizing the unexpected: New brain mechanism uncovered

    Researchers have discovered how two brain areas, neocortex and thalamus, work together to detect discrepancies between what animals expect from their environment and actual events. These ...

  27. Engineered probiotic successfully ameliorates ulcerative colitis in

    Researchers from the Institute of Process Engineering (IPE) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have developed a probiotic-based therapeutic that synergistically restores intestinal redox and ...

  28. Do cats grieve? Research suggests they do

    This study builds on earlier research by animal welfare researcher Jessica Walker and her team in 2016, which examined how cats and dogs react to the loss of a companion. Walker's study, conducted ...

  29. How to Craft a Memorable Message, According to Science

    Imagine sitting in a meeting where someone is giving a presentation. You're somewhat interested in the topic, and the speaker seems to be doing a good job. The meeting ends, and 30 minutes later ...

  30. Keeping up with the dolphins: Drones give snapshot of pod health

    Using drones to successfully assess the age of critically endangered, free-ranging dolphins in Greece is the focus of new research at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Hawaiʻi Institute of ...