Biblioteca Beato Pellegrino di Studi Letterari, Linguistici, Pedagogici e dello Spettacolo

The University of Padua supports the principles of open access to theses and dissertations.

Open access to the thesis means that anyone anywhere can see, read and cite the work within a short time of confirmation of the award, while the research is still fresh and new.

A copy of the thesis is deposited (mandatory in the case of PhD thesis, at the author's choice for other types of dissertation) into Padua Thesis & Dissertation Archive or into Padua Research Archive (IRIS), University of Padua's institutional repositories ,  with a procedure integrated into the academic degree application.

The thesis' copyright belongs to the author, and it is also retained by the author. Open Access  publication and dissemination of University of Padua's theses takes place through an open, non-exclusive publishing licence (ITA) , and for doctoral theses through a similar publication agreement.

Anyone can search and browse the theses archived in the institutional repositories and, when not otherwise indicated, view and download contents.

Bachelor's and Master's thesis

Bachelor's thesis at Padua, made publicly available by choice of the author, are searchable and openly available in Padua Thesis and Dissertation Archive .

The repository also contains other types of theses deposited at the authors' choice. It also includes information (metadata) relating to theses not published online in full text (restricted access).

Search for theses on Padua Thesis and Dissertation Archive

Explore and search theses by type of academic degree or by sorting at Padua Thesis and Dissertation Archive – Communities and Collections .

If you would like more information about thesis depositing, see also the info page on Padua Thesis and Dissertation Archive (ITA)

PhD thesis and dissertation

Padua Research Archive (IRIS)  is the institutional repository of the University of Padua and as such carries the assurance that the work has been awarded the degree claimed and the document represents the Version of Record (VoR). It also allows the legal deposit of the PhD thesis at the national central libraries, as required by current legislation in Italy.

All PhD theses at Padua are deposited in the institutional repository to ensure that are recorded, indexed, disseminated and preserved alongside the research publications of the University of Padua's staff and PhD students.

Search for PhD theses on Padua Research Archive (IRIS)

Bibliographic assistance

Do you need help with bibliographic research for your thesis or dissertation?

Who should you contact to know more about third-party copyright, thesis copyright, and the inclusion of preprints or unpublished/published works or images in a Bachelor, Master or PhD thesis?

Ask your library for bibliographic assistance

You can also ask for online support via the library help desk. If you need any further information, please contact the  Library Helpline . Select:

  • "Supporto alla pubblicazione accademica" (Scholarly publishing assistance)
  • "Consulenza tematiche diritto d’autore" (Copyright issues)

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Thesis submission

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The thesis should be uploaded to Uniweb.

The file must meet these requirements:

  • it must be the final version
  • it must be a PDF/A file
  • its maximum size can be 40MB
  • it must be named according to this format: lastname_firstname.pdf (ex. Rossi_Mario.pdf)

While the upload function is available since registering for graduation, the file can be uploaded at a later time, as long as it is done by the deadline (the graduation calendar can be found here ).

As to the format of the front page of the thesis, please refer to the following templates : Title page Master Physics docx Title page Master Physics tex Title page Double department Master Physics docx Title page Double department Master Physics tex


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Start and conclusion of Master’s thesis activities

Selecting a supervisor.

During the second year of his/her Master’s degree, and at least 6 months before the start of the graduation session in which he/she intends to participate, each student must:

  • personally contact individual lecturers to identify possible topics for their thesis;
  • identify the topic of greatest interest for him/her among the available options and express his/her interest to the lecturer who proposed it; the lecturer then becomes a student’s thesis supervisor ;
  • fill in the Form to begin Master's Thesis activities, have it signed by the supervisor and e-mail it to the Co-ordinator of the Degree Programme, who will reply to confirm acknowledgement and keep the form.

The date of submission specified on the form must be the same (neither earlier nor later) as the date of beginning of the activities. The form must be completed even if the activities are carried out at a company . The thesis activities cannot begin until the President has signed the form.

If thesis activities are carried out abroad in the framework of an official student mobility programme (e.g. Erasmus+), the student must follow a specific procedure in order to start his/her thesis, without prejudice to the validity of all the other information on this page.

Possible thesis activities

Master’s thesis activities must be “ experimental ”, including not only instrumental laboratory activities, but also design, modelling and computer simulation activities. The content must be original and not related, in whole or in part, to that of one’s Bachelor’s thesis. Only “compilation” activities are excluded.

Organising, filing and archiving the thesis

Before taking the final examination, the “Master’s Degree Thesis” must be completed. The thesis must be written in English, according to the following criteria in terms of content organisation and layout :

  • Guidelines for the thesis preparation

The Master's thesis must be submitted exclusively in digital format , by uploading it in UNIWEB within 3 days before its defense

Final discussion of the thesis

The final defense of the thesis will be carried out by using a PowerPoint or PDF presentation , which must be uploaded to the STEM-DII e-learning platform by 12:00 noon on the day prior to the defense . Unless otherwise specified, the duration of the presentation will be 10/12 minutes and the presentation will be followed by some questions from the Graduation Committee.

Before commencing his/her presentation, each candidate must make a few bound hard copies of their thesis available for inspection by the Committee. The copies will then be collected by the candidate at the end of the proclamation ceremony.

A final graduation grade is awarded in accordance with the procedures approved by the Faculty of Engineering Council on 25 March 2010 .

A proclamation ceremony will take place approximately every 4 candidates.

It is recommended that you strictly observe the procedures and deadlines for the submission of your thesis and final presentation. Failure to follow the procedure and respect the deadlines will create issues and cause delays in the Graduation Committee’s work , potentially even resulting in the candidate being unable to graduate .

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IMPORTANT : Submitting the graduation application makes further changes to the study plan impossible. It is therefore necessary to ensure that the plan is correct before submitting it. Requests for changes to the plan after the graduation application has been submitted cannot be taken into consideration!

To graduate I must:

  • apply for graduation on Uniweb by the deadline (there are several steps to apply for graduation, you will find the instructions below).
  • the upload of the thesis + supervisor's approval will be 25 days before the day of graduation. Please, upload the final version of your thesis in PDF A (maximum 40 MB) named Name_Surnameon Uniweb after the supervisor’s approval.  Guidelines for uploading the thesis to Uniweb.  
  • have paid the tuition fees.
  • have sat and recorded all the exams/activities of your study plan at least 15 days before the graduation date.
  • have submitted the dissertation/thesis at least 15 days before the graduation date. Please, upload the final version of your thesis in PDF A (maximum 40 MB) named Name_Surnameon Uniweb after the supervisor’s approval. Guidelines for uploading the thesis to Uniweb.  
  • have uploaded the confidential undertaking (Impegno di riservatezza) completed and signed in the dedicated Moodle page  fifteen days before the day of proclamation.

Click the link to download the Confidential undertaking (Impegno di riservatezza .

The printing is not necessary.

  Graduation , deadlines sessions and graduation calendars

Graduation sessions: First period First Session – February Second Session – March Second period First Session – June Second Session – July Third period A First session – October Third period B Second session – November

  • Schedule of graduation dates A.Y. 2023/2024 Schedule of graduation dates A.Y. 2023/2024 Download
  • Schedule of graduation dates A.Y. 2024/2025 Schedule of graduation dates A.Y. 2024/2025 Download
  • Deadlines October and november 2024 Deadlines October and november 2024 Download

  Graduaton application

Registering for graduation  In order to graduate you must register for graduation on Uniweb by the deadline set for each graduation period. The registration procedure is broken down into several steps and requires your supervisor to approve your dissertation title. The application procedure and the guideline are available in the link below. .

  Choice of Supervisor, Thesis and Plagiarism

Choice of Supervisor

The supervisor must be a professor of a teaching course present in the student's study plan. 

Thesis The thesis is the result of research carried out under the supervision of the thesis supervisor on a topic connected to the main subject area of the graduating student's curriculum. The topic of the thesis does not necessarily need to be associated with a course in the student's study plan. It can be based on work experience (internship) or a period of study abroad. The thesis is formally assigned by the thesis supervisor, who will oversee the progress of the work. Students must write the thesis in English. The defense language is the same as the language in which the thesis is written. The thesis also has an abstract, which summarizes the main topic in short.

For the format of your thesis, please contact your supervisor. 

  • For  HRG students , please see the link  for the   thesis cover page .
  • For  EGOS students , please see the link  for the   thesis cover page .

The Supervisor will guide the students on any additional information from time to time.

Plagiarism The University pays particular attention to the originality of the student’s thesis. It must be the result of a personal contribution, without the aid of an outside consulting firm. Special attention must be paid to citations and it must not contain texts taken from other sources. To this end, the University has adopted a plagiarism checker software.

  Thesis defence, Diploma collection and Photography

The thesis defense

The thesis defense is   in the presence.  The student must defend the thesis in the presence of Commission Degree of at least five members, among whom the supervisor. The student can use PowerPoint slides. The defense lasts approximately 15 minutes and is followed by the speech of President of the Commission that communicates the final grade of the master’s degree and declares its completion.

Diploma collecion The Diploma is delivered on the day of thesis defence.


Filming of Degree, Doctoral, and Master's Degree Sessions 1. Photography and videography during degree, doctoral, and master's degree sessions are permitted for professionals, non-professionals, or individuals chosen by the student. Premises access for filming is restricted to the photographer selected by the student. 2. The University is not involved in the contractual relationship between the student and the filming personnel and assumes no responsibility for the qualitative or commercial aspects of the service. 3. The photographer cannot depict other individuals without their prior consent. The service must not disrupt the smooth progress of the graduation session, nor become a source of disturbance and distraction for the student and the committee. Non-compliance with these conduct rules may result in the committee expelling the offender.


Release of certifications

You can request a degree certificate following the instructions available here:

Diploma supplement The Diploma Supplement is available, free-of-charge in your Uniweb personal area as a digitally signed electronic document, around thirty days following the graduation date. If you cannot display the Diploma Supplement in your personal area, please fill in the  Diploma supplement form  , attach a copy of your valid ID card, back and front, and send it to:  [email protected] .

Each graduate will automatically receive an email sent by the Bestr platform to collect the Open Badge. for further information: What is and how to collect an Open badge

1) I decide to postpone the graduation date within the same graduation session. What should I do? You must write to both:  [email protected]   and  [email protected]  and request the shift by the last day of the previous graduation date. At this point you should inform your thesis supervisor.  2) I cannot graduate in this graduation session and I want to postpone to the next session. What should I do? You must cancel the previous application in uniweb and submit a new one notifying it to:  [email protected]  and  [email protected] . At this point you should inform your thesis supervisor.  3) The title of the thesis inserted in the pdf/A file does not match the title indicated during the registration for graduation in uniweb. What should I do? You must write to your thesis supervisor before the graduation date, who should communicate the new title (in Italian and English) to  [email protected] 4 )  Should powerpoint slides be sent in advance? No, the student must bring the powerpoint slides in a USB memory stick on the day of thesis defence.

5) Should I print my thesis?  No, printing is not necessary.

6)  Is it possible to include the co-supervisor in the degree application?  No, only the supervisor and not the co-supervisor must be included in the degree application.

For future information:

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New procedure: Thesis upload to Uniweb

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Please pay attention to the following:

  • The thesis uploaded to MOODLE (only if you are a Bachelor's graduating student) and UNIWEB must be the same and it must be the FINAL VERSION;
  • The uploaded file must be in PDF/A format (please reade more about this below);
  • The file must be named SURNAME_NAME;
  • The field "Name of the file" must also be named SURNAME_NAME;
  • DEADLINES are mandatory (see the guidelines published here );
  • Make sure your supervisor has approved the thesis. The deadline for approval is the same day for upload;
  • If the supervisor REFUSES or DOES NOT APPROVE the thesis and the deadline for approval has expired, the candidate is automatically EXCLUDED from the graduation session.

Practical tips:

  • DO NOT WAIT until the last day to upload the thesis. Any replacement of the attachment is only possible within the deadline
  • Upload the thesis to MOODLE (only for Bachelor) and UNIWEB on the same day to avoid uploading different versions
  • Click here for instructions on how to save a document in PDF/A (an Italian version is available here ) 

Instructions are available in italian here .

Click here to go back to the "Graduation" section.

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Thesis Projects


SEE the end of the page for a lisT OF PAST THESIS STUDENTS. MANY OF THEM PUBLISHED PART OF THEIR THESIS WORK IN INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS OR CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS. The Thesis on quantum control and information theory will include a period of guided introduction to the field and the subtopic of interest. INTRODUCTION TO QUANTUM INFORMATION AND CONTROL - Slides for students: QInfo&Control.pdf

For information contact: [email protected] See also the AUTOMATICA GROUP page for a presentation of the other research areas in control & estimation.  

master thesis unipd

1. Controllability of networks: Influence of Structure and Memory

2. Switching Positive Systems and Optimal Switching Stabilization

3. Stabilization in for probability distributions vs stabilization for expectations, moment problems and applications

4. Optimal Coherent Engineering of Open Dynamics

5. Optimal control design a la Krotov and application to Open Quantum Systems

6. New Methods for Quantum Consensus and Synchronization

7. What is a fair comparison between measurement-based feedback and coherent feedback. And, by the way, what is feedback?

Time, equilibria and control

8. Adiabatic-Type Theorems and Control Timescales

9. Quantum Master Equation Models: Markov, Non-Markov, and what else?

10. Time-reversal and Detailed Balance for Quantum Evolutions

11. Understanding Speed Limits in control, and Lieb-Robinson’s Bounds

12. Time-scales and Meta-Stable Sets

13. Behavioral systems and non-commutative signals

  Quantum information and THERMODYNAMICS

14. Simulating Grover’s search algorithm with a lifted Markov chain

15. Simulating quantum hitting time algorithms

16. Quantum machine learning

17. Classical vs. Quantum Thermodynamics, and Control

18. Metropolis and Gibbs Sampling, theory, applications and extensions

19. Classical and quantum compressive sensing

20. Classical and quantum simulated annealing

21. Robustness in dissipative QIP

22. Np hard  problems in control: could a Quantum Computer help? FORMER THESIS STUDENTS, PROJECTS AND THEIR PUBLICATIONS: Angela Fontan , 2016. Master Thesis on non-trivial equilibria of cooperative nonlinear dynamics. Co-advised with Prof. Altafini, Linkoping University, Sweden, where now Angela is doing her Ph.D. . Publication in preparation.   

Luca Zuccato , 2015. Master Thesis on von Neumann’s alternating projection theorem, extensions and applications. Related publication: Alternating Projections Methods for Discrete-time Stabilization of Quantum States. F. Ticozzi, L. Zuccato, P. D. Johnson, L. Viola  Submitted, 2016. []

Antonio Orvieto , 2015. Bachelor Thesis on quantum probability approaches to quantum mechanics and its fundamental issues.

Luca Tosetto , 2014. Master Thesis on Model-predictive control: from theory to applications in driving simulators.

Ilaria Panardo , 2014. Master Thesis on Periodic system in control theory and applications.

Precious Ugo Abara , 2014. Master Thesis on Stability of nonlinear network dynamics. Co-advised with Prof. Altafini, Linkoping University, Sweden. Related publications: Spectral conditions for existence, uniqueness and stability of positive equilibria for a class of nonlinear cooperative systems. P. Ugo Abara, F. Ticozzi, C. Altafini. Submitted,  2015. Existence and stability properties of positive equilibria for a class of nonlinear cooperative systems. P. Ugo Abara, F. Ticozzi, C. Altafini. 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control proceedings, 2015.

Pierre Scaramuzza , 2014. Master Thesis on Switching methods for controlled quantum dynamics. Related publications: Switching Quantum Dynamics for Fast Stabilization. P. Scaramuzza, F. Ticozzi. Physical Review A, 91, 062314,  2015. [preprint] [online] Switching quantum dynamics for fast preparation of pure states. P. Scaramuzza, F. Ticozzi. 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control proceedings, 2015.

Giuseppe Ilario Cirillo , 2014. Master Thesis on Invariance and Convergence for Discrete-Time Quantum Dynamical Semigroups. Related publication: Decompositions of Hilbert Spaces, Stability Analysis and Convergence Probabilities for Discrete-Time Quantum Dynamical Semigroups. G. I. Cirillo, F. Ticozzi. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 48(8):085302, 2015. [] [online]

Alberto Dalla Libera , 2012. Bachelor Thesis on quantum walks.

Marco Gazzola , 2012. Bachelor Thesis on dissipative systems and feedback interconnections.  

Giacomo Baggio , 2011. Bachelor Thesis, research project on discrete-time feedback for state stabilization. Related publication : Quantum State Preparation by Controlled Dissipation in Finite Time: From Classical to Quantum Controllers G. Baggio, F. Ticozzi and L. Viola, 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control proceedings, 2012.[preprint]  

Stefano Patron , 2011. Bachelor Thesis, research project on conditions for convergence in consensus: an analysis of limit cases.

Riccardo Lucchese , 2010. Bachelor Thesis, research project on speed of convergence of quantum dynamical semigroups. Related publications: Hamiltonian Control of Quantum Dynamical Semigroups: Stabilization and Convergence Speed. F. Ticozzi, R. Lucchese, P. Cappellaro, and L. Viola, IEEE Transactions of Automatic Control, 57(8): 1931-1944, 2012.  [online]   [preprint] Computing and controlling the convergence speed of a quantum dynamical semigroup. R. Lucchese and F. Ticozzi, IEEE CDC 2010 conference proceedings, 3022-3027, Dec. 2010. [online]

Francesco Guarato , 2008 Master Thesis, research project on Lyapunov analysis of discrete-time feedback control of quantum systems, co-advised with Prof. M. Pavon.

Enrico Avvent i, 2005 Master Thesis, research project on Hamiltonian compensation of quantum jumps, co-advised with Prof. M. Pavon and Prof. A. Ferrante.

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Calendari discussioni di Laurea, CdL Magistrali, 25 settembre 2024 - Master's degrees Graduation calendar, 25 september 2024

via Ugo Bassi 1

Dal 14.10.2024 al 19.10.2024

English version below

Scarica i  calendari di discussione di laurea per i Corsi di Laurea Magistrale :  CLICCA QUI  (.pdf) - aggiornamento 6 settembre 2024

I laureandi dovranno contattare il Controrelatore (o i controrelatori) assegnato ed inviare copia .pdf della propria tesi di laurea successivamente all'upload della stessa sulle piattaforme Intranet e Uniweb, con congruo anticipo rispetto alla discussione.

La discussione, che avverrà esclusivamente in presenza, sarà seguita dalla proclamazione con consegna del diploma di laurea.

Download the  Master's degrees Graduation calendar :  CLICK HERE  (.pdf) - updated September 6th, 2024

All students have to contact their assigned co-supervisor(s) and send him/her a .pdf copy of their thesis, as soon as possible, after the official thesis upload in Uniweb and Intranet dSEA.

The discussion, which takes place exclusively in presence, will be followed by the proclamation with delivery of the degree diploma.

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  1. Masters Degree Thesis

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  3. Master Thesis

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  4. Master thesis

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  5. Master Thesis

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  6. 3 inspiring master’s thesis acknowledgement examples

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  1. Janell Shah

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  3. master thesis on agriculture

  4. Master Thesis by Mohammad Sakka

  5. Master Your Thesis Defeat Stress Now!

  6. Master Thesis Topic Selection Guide Step 1a


  1. Home page []

    Thesis Unipd è il portale delle tesi di laurea e di dottorato dell'Università di Padova. Puoi esplorare le tesi per anno, settore, soggetto, accesso al fulltext e prodotti recenti.

  2. Theses

    Find and access bachelor's, master's and PhD theses and dissertations from the University of Padua's institutional repositories. Learn about open access, copyright and bibliographic assistance for your thesis or dissertation.

  3. Final dissertation and thesis submission

    Learn how to apply for a thesis supervisor, choose a topic, and submit your final paper or dissertation at the University of Padua. Find the deadlines, guidelines, and cover page templates for different degree courses in psychology.

  4. Thesis: Requirements, Layout and Submission

    Learn how to write, format and submit your thesis for graduation from the Department of Economics and Management "Marco Fanno" at Università di Padova. Find the cover page templates, the deadlines, the platforms and the confidentiality form.

  5. PDF Master's thesis Guidelines and procedure

    The volume of the thesis is roughly 80 pages. It should be presented in lightweight cardboard cover and consist of A4 sheets. Both sides of the sheets should be used. The thesis should be typewritten. Line spacing is 1.5, 2 centimeters of upper and lower margins, 2 centimeters of right margin, and 3 centimeters of left margin.

  6. PDF Final Paper and Master's dissertation guidelines

    eview, internship summary, or research project). It is recommended to read at least one final paper or master's dissertation to understand the appro. riate structure, length, and sequence of elements.LENGTH: The final paper for bachelor's degrees should be between 15 and 25 pages, and the master's dissertation should not e.

  7. PDF FINAL DISSERTATION a.y. 2024/2025 School of Psychology

    Master's degrees D.M. 270/04 (cohort 2022 and earlier, non qualifying system) III TERM B - send the final thesis to the supervisor: the student, after agreeing with the supervisor a final version of the thesis work, must prepare a PDF/A of 40MB at most. The file must be uploaded on Uniweb, in the section dedicated to graduation, within the

  8. PDF Master's Thesis guidelines and procedure February 17th 2023

    1 to 3 points: if the thesis is assessed sufficient (one discussant) 4 to 6 points: if the thesis is assessed good (one discussant) 7 to 9 points: if the thesis is assessed very good (two discussants) 10 points: if the thesis is assessed Excellent (two discussants) Warning: two discussants don't trigger automatically a score of 7 points or more.

  9. Master's Degree in Physics: Thesis submission

    As to the format of the front page of the thesis, please refer to the following templates: Title page Master Physics docx Title page Master Physics tex Title page Double department Master Physics docx Title page Double department Master Physics tex

  10. Start and conclusion of Master's thesis activities

    The Master's thesis must be submitted exclusively in digital format, by uploading it in UNIWEB within 3 days before its defense Final discussion of the thesis The final defense of the thesis will be carried out by using a PowerPoint or PDF presentation , which must be uploaded to the STEM-DII e-learning platform by 12:00 noon on the day prior ...

  11. PDF Guide for thesis application procedure

    3 - write twice the Titolo tesi - thesis title in English - for Attività didattica - please figure out the course to which the thesis/ the supervisor belongs: - Parole chiave - insert key words - then Avanti _ - forward - next step is to insert the name of the supervisor - then click ^Avanti - forward - for the last confirmation click on "Completa tesi" - complete thesis

  12. PDF Università Degli Studi Di Padova

    In this context, the aim of this thesis is to analyse the potential of VR technologies in strengthening and improving human rights education and advocacy. By taking into examination literature from a variety of sciences, such as psychology, education, sociology, law and others, this thesis strives to explore the different facets and application

  13. PDF University of Padua

    Master Thesis in Data Science Prescriptive Process Analytics using Counterfacts Supervisor Prof. Massimiliano de Leoni University of Padua Co-supervisor Master Candidate Mohammad Ismail Tirmizi Academic Year 2020-2021. ii. In deep appreciation of God and for all the mentors I have encountered dur-

  14. Topic and Supervisor Choice

    "Master's Thesis Guidelines" - Feb 23, 2024 ... Email: [email protected]. Department of Economics and Management "Marco Fanno" Services; CONTACTS. Via del Santo 33, 35123 Padova Via del Santo 22, 35123 Padova Via Ugo Bassi 1, 35131 Padova Contacts. Certified mail: [email protected]


    The thesis is the result of research carried out under the supervision of the thesis supervisor on a topic connected to the main subject area of the graduating student's curriculum. The topic of the thesis does not necessarily need to be associated with a course in the student's study plan.

  16. New procedure: Thesis upload to Uniweb

    The new thesis upload to Uniweb procedure was first introduced for the Bachelor's Degree Programmes, starting from the July 2020 graduation session. From the September 2020 graduation session, the procedure is also available for the Master's Degree Programmes. UniPD.

  17. Master's degrees

    Master's degrees - Thesis guidelines. The Orientation and Tutoring Service of the Department of Economics and Management has organised a meeting dedicated to all our Master's degree students to provide them with some tips and advice on the final thesis, e.g. how to write your thesis, submission deadlines, evaluation criteria...

  18. PDF Universita' Degli Studi Di Padova

    and the completion of this thesis. In addition, I extend my deepest thanks to my Head Supervisor, Professor Turri, for providing me with the invaluable opportunity to pursue this research endeavor. His guidance and leadership have been a source of inspiration throughout this academic pursuit.

  19. Thesis Projects

    For information contact: [email protected] See also the AUTOMATICA GROUP page for a presentation of the other research areas in control & estimation. SOME themes: ... Master Thesis on Model-predictive control: from theory to applications in driving simulators. Ilaria Panardo, 2014. Master Thesis on Periodic system in control theory and ...

  20. PDF FINAL DISSERTATION a.y. 2024/2025 School of Psychology

    Master's degrees D.M. 270/04 (from cohort 2023, qualifying system) - send the final thesis to the supervisor: the student, after agreeing with the supervisor a final version of the thesis work, must prepare a PDF/A of 40MB at most. The file must be uploaded on Uniweb, in the section dedicated to graduation, within the above mentioned deadline.


    FINAL DISSERTATION MASTER DEGREE a.y. 2023/2024. by 18/11/2024 to 11/12/2024Please remember. to upload the thesis in Uniweb within the term. should be a Pdf-A agreed with yo. r supervisorto contact the second supervisor. You can fi.

  22. PDF Master's Thesis guidelines and procedure

    1 to 3 points: if the thesis is assessed sufficient (one discussant) 4 to 6 points: if the thesis is assessed good (one discussant) 7 to 9 points: if the thesis is assessed very good (two discussants) 10 points: if the thesis is assessed Excellent (two discussants) Warning: two discussants don't trigger automatically a score of 7 points or more.

  23. Thesis Defence and Diplomas

    The student must defend her/his thesis in the presence of committee of at least five members, among whom the supervisor (Italian keyword: "relatore") and the member assigned to this thesis (Italian keyword: "controrelatore"). The student can use Powerpoint slides, bringing an USB pendrive. The defence lasts approximately 25 minutes and is followed by the President of the commision ...

  24. Calendari discussioni di Laurea, CdL Magistrali, 25 settembre 2024

    UniPD. Calendari di discussione di laurea per i Corsi di Laurea Magistrale. Vai al contenuto.; ... Calendari discussioni di Laurea, CdL Magistrali, 25 settembre 2024 - Master's degrees Graduation calendar, 25 september 2024 ... and send him/her a .pdf copy of their thesis, as soon as possible, after the official thesis upload in Uniweb ...