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Negative Numbers Worksheet Hub Page

Welcome to our Negative Numbers Worksheets hub page.

On this page, you will find links to all of our worksheets and resources about negative numbers.

Need help practicing adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing negative numbers?

You've come to the right place!

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Negative Numbers Worksheet

We have a wide range of negative number resources to help you understand and use negative numbers.

Here are the following resources we currently have on our site:

  • What are Negative Numbers

Negative Number Lines

  • Comparing Negative Numbers

Adding Negative Numbers

Subtracting negative numbers.

  • Mutiplying Negative Numbers

Dividing Negative Numbers

  • Negative Number Games
  • Absolute Value Worksheets

What are Negative Numbers?

Negative numbers are numbers with a value of less than zero.

They can be fractions, decimals, rational and irrational numbers.

-13, -½ , -√2, -6.4 and -123 are all negative numbers.

We have a page dedicated to learning about negative numbers below.

what are negative numbers image

We have a selection of number lines, both filled and blank that have been designed to support learning and understanding with negative numbers.

One of our pages contains just negative number lines, the other page contains both positive and negative numbers.

  • Number Lines with Negative and Positive Numbers
  • Number Line Negative Numbers only

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Comparing negative numbers

How to compare negative numbers

When you are comparing with negative numbers, everything swaps around and becomes a little more complicated!

With negative numbers, the more negative the number is, the lower its value.

As you go right along the number line, the values are increasing.

As you go left along the number line, the values are decreasing.

This means that any positive number (or even zero) will always be greater than any negative number.

  • 0 > -3 this means 0 is greater than -3
  • -8 < -5 this means -8 is less than -5
  • -27 > -30 this means -27 is greater than -30
  • -26 < 2 this means -26 is less than 2
  • Ordering Negative Numbers -10 to 10

Randomly Generated Negative Number Worksheets

Our random worksheet generator will create a range of worksheets with values of your choice.

You can create your own unique worksheets complete with answers in seconds!

You can then choose to print or save your sheets for another time.

  • Adding Positive and Negative Numbers (randomly generated)
  • Subtracting Positive and Negative Numbers (randomly generated)

Adding & Subtracting Negative Numbers

  • Adding and Subtracting Negative Numbers (randomly generated)

Multiplying Negative Numbers

  • Negative Number Multiplication (randomly generated)
  • Dividing Negative Numbers (randomly generated)

Multiplying & Dividing Negative Numbers

  • Multiply and Divide Negative Numbers (randomly generated)
  • Negative Numbers Games

Take a look at our collection of negative numbers games.

We have a range of games of varying levels of difficulty.

Our games include:

  • counting backwards along a number line (easiest)
  • comparing and sequencing negative numbers
  • subtracting with negative answers
  • using all 4 operations to get a negative target number (hardest)

We have a selection of worksheets designed to help students learn about asbolute value.

Topics covered include:

  • absolute value and opposite numbers
  • comparing absolute values
  • absolute value arithmetic
  • solving absolute value equations

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Negative numbers worksheet – KS2 resources and advice for teaching negative numbers


Two sets of PDF worksheets

Use our negative numbers worksheets and the advice below to tackle this particular area of mathematics with your KS2 pupils…

Negative numbers worksheet

What are negative numbers, where are negative numbers taught in the primary curriculum , initial things to think about, introducing negative numbers using a number line, common early misconceptions, examples of negative number sats questions.

Negative numbers worksheets for KS2

Our negative numbers worksheet will give your KS2 pupils plenty of negative number practice. Pupils will practise:

  • Counting backwards through zero including negative numbers
  • Solving number and practical problems that involve negative numbers
  • Interpreting negative numbers in context
  • Counting forwards and backwards with positive and negative whole numbers including through zero

Download this negative numbers worksheet from the top of this page.

This download also contains three sets of negative number worksheets from White Rose Maths, covering counting backwards and forwards in negative numbers to problem-solving with negative numbers.

Negative numbers worksheets for KS2

Negative numbers are a type of numerical value that represent quantities less than zero. They are essentially the opposite or inverse of positive numbers. 

Teaching negative numbers is crucial as it enables understanding of real-world situations like temperatures below zero and financial transactions. It also develops mathematical skills for operations, algebraic reasoning, and problem-solving. 

The primary national curriculum introduces the concept of negative numbers in Year 4 where the children learn to count backwards through zero and into negative numbers.   

Statutory national curriculum objectives

  • Count backwards through zero including negative numbers (Year 4)
  • Interpret negative numbers in context, count forwards and backwards with positive and negative whole numbers including through zero (Year 5)
  • Use negative numbers in context, and count intervals across zero (Year 6)  
  • Solving number and practical problems that involve negative numbers (Year 6)  

Non-statutory guidelines (Year 6) 

  • Using the number line, pupils use, add and subtract positive and negative integers for measures such as temperature. 
  • Pupils draw and label a pair of axes in all four quadrants with equal scaling. This extends their knowledge of one quadrant to all four quadrants, including the use of negative numbers. 

Introducing children to numbers below zero opens up a new world to them. The idea that numbers can be less than zero introduces a totally new way of thinking about maths.   

One of the challenging things to get children to remember is that when we use negative numbers, the larger the digit the smaller the number.

Naturally, because they’ve had seven or eight years of experience of learning about numbers gaining value as the digits get bigger, children often initially see larger digits as being a bigger number even when the negative context is introduced. 

“The idea that numbers can be less than zero introduces a totally new way of thinking about maths”

This is where using ‘zero’ and a number line is very helpful. Teaching children on a number line and recognising that when numbers get further away from the zero (on the negative side) the smaller the number is, should be one of the first things to think about when we address the Year 4 objective to ‘count back through zero including negative numbers’. 

Another new concept for the children is recognising the negative symbol (-) to represent negative numbers and not just when used for subtraction.

This is where mathematical language is especially important, as the children should begin to use the word ‘negative’ when using the – symbol in this context. It is therefore important that you continue to model that language in class (-5 is ‘negative 5’ for example).   

Using a number line when teaching negative numbers is a helpful visual tool that aids in understanding and conceptualizing the concept. It helps with: 

  • Visual representation : A number line provides a clear visual representation of numerical order, including positive and negative numbers. It allows students to see the relationship between numbers. 
  • Sequential order : It helps students understand that numbers are arranged in a specific order. They can see that as they move from left to right, the numbers increase, and as they move from right to left, the numbers decrease. 
  • Relating numbers : The number line helps students understand the relationship between different numbers. They can easily see that numbers to the right of zero (positive numbers) are greater than zero, while numbers to the left of zero (negative numbers) are less than zero. 
  • Adding and subtracting : The number line is useful for teaching addition and subtraction of negative numbers. Students can physically move along the number line to understand the effect of adding or subtracting a specific value. 
  • Real-world examples : By using a number line, teachers can provide real-world examples that students can relate to, such as temperatures, bank balances, and elevations. This helps students connect the abstract concept of negative numbers to practical scenarios. 

Adding a negative number makes the value smaller 

Children may struggle to understand the concept of adding negative numbers. Some pupils may mistakenly believe that any calculation involving a negative number always results in a smaller value.

However, it’s crucial to clarify that it depends which way round we do it.

For example, if we start with a negative number and add a positive number, the answer is larger than the original negative value: -4 + 3 = -1. (Negative one is larger than negative four.)  But, if we start with a positive number, and add a negative number, the answer is smaller than the original positive value: 4 + -3 = 1. (One is smaller than four.) 

Activity example

To begin with, start on the ‘right’ side of the number line (on the positive side) and carry out a number of calculations where you start with a positive number and add a negative number. Don’t cross through zero yet as this can be done once the children are more confident.

The children will spot a pattern that each time a negative number is added to a positive number, the answer gets smaller. They will assume that when adding a positive number and negative number together you will always get a smaller answer.

You can then ‘test’ this by starting on the ‘left’ side of zero (the negative side) and take a negative number and add a positive number to it. They will quickly notice that this way round the answer actually gets bigger. 

Once the children are confident in recognising negative numbers and using number lines to cross through zero, etc, they can move on to adding and subtracting negative numbers with whole numbers.

Again, this is where it is important to think about the number line and explain how when negative numbers have a whole number added to them, the answer moves closer to (and through if required) the zero.

Do not underestimate how important the number line element of negative numbers is! Spend plenty of time getting the children confident this way first. 

“Do not underestimate how important the number line element of negative numbers is”

Negative numbers don’t exist in real life  

Pupils may find it difficult to relate negative numbers to real-life situations. They might think that negative quantities or temperatures, for example, are impossible or have no practical significance.

It can be helpful to provide examples such as temperatures below zero , or the concept of debt, to demonstrate real-life applications of negative numbers. Contextualising negative numbers is important to add more meaning and use to learning. 

Activity example 

To address these misconceptions, we should be using concrete examples, visual representations and real-world applications to help students develop a solid understanding of negative numbers.

By providing multiple opportunities for hands-on practice and meaningful discussions, we can help students overcome these misconceptions and build a strong foundation in mathematics. 

You can do this via simple examples such as showing your class: 

  • Temperature charts (of different places during winter, for example) and comparing real-life negative numbers.   
  • How money can actually go below zero when talking about ‘debt’.
  • Examples of thermometers reading less than zero. 

Real-world applications are what really allow children to move forward with their understanding of negative numbers and shows them how ‘real’ these numbers are.

It allows us to bring negative numbers into real life rather than just seeing them as patterns on a number line, or figures we add or subtract.    

“Real-world applications are what really allow children to move forward with their understanding of negative numbers”

These eight questions have all been taken from previous papers. 

Negative numbers SATs question

James Grocott is a Year 4 teacher, maths lead, and deputy head in Suffolk.  

Negative numbers worksheets for KS2

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Identify and place negative numbers on a number line

I can identify and place negative numbers on a number line.

Lesson details

Key learning points.

  • Counting backwards can continue past zero and include negative numbers.
  • Positioning negative numbers on marked and partially marked number lines.
  • Understanding that fractions and decimals can be positive or negative.

Common misconception

Fractions and decimals less than one are positioned to the left of zero or are negative in value.

Using a number line 0 to 1, label different fractions and decimals and show pupils that, though small in size, they are greater than zero.

Interval - An interval is what is between two values. On a scale, intervals are shown using a small mark or line to show the space between.

This content is © Oak National Academy Limited ( 2024 ), licensed on Open Government Licence version 3.0 except where otherwise stated. See Oak's terms & conditions (Collection 2).

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Real life Negatives Practice Questions

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Negative Numbers (Year 6)


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Negative Numbers (Year 6)

In KS2 Maths, you'll learn about negative or minus numbers. In Year Six, it's important to feel comfortable counting up and down in negative numbers and filling in missing numbers in a sequence. You'll also tackle addition and subtraction problems with 2 and 3 figure negative numbers.

Negative numbers are whole numbers below zero. Think about temperatures – if it's colder than 0 o C, we say it's a minus temperature. Adding and subtracting with negatives can be tricky, but one trick is to rearrange the problem. For example:

14 - 8 = 6, so 6 - 14 = -8. It gets easier with practice!

Now, have some fun and test your skills with addition and subtraction of negative numbers in this quiz.


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KS2 Problem Solving Activities

KS2 Problem Solving Activities

Subject: Mathematics

Age range: 7-11

Resource type: Lesson (complete)


Last updated

28 August 2024

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pptx, 608.98 KB

Created as an emergency supply teaching maths lesson. Activities taken from https://nrich.maths.org/trial-and-improvement-ks2 and made into a PowerPoint format. There are various different activities that require no or very little prep and resources.

Creative Commons "Sharealike"

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    Resource type: Worksheet/Activity. File previews. docx, 73.98 KB. A negative numbers worksheet covering adding, subtraction, multiplying, dividing and worded problems. The worded problems are differentiated, I print out either the Level 1, 2 or 3 questions depending on the class. They are roughly the same questions, but with different numbers in.

  6. Negative numbers worksheet for KS2

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    adding, subtracting, arithmetic, negative numbers, addition, subtraction, add, subtract, multiplying, multiplication, dividing, division

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  20. UKS2 Negative Numbers Differentiated Problem Solving Activity

    PSHE, RSE, & Wellbeing. >This activity supports pupils in UKS2 to apply their knowledge of negative numbers. Differentiated to 3 abilities, this resource helps pupils practise dealing with money in an everyday situation.Tags in this resource: ice-cream-sundae-food.pngfood-sausages.pngbowl-of-soup.pngschool-cook.pngwhole-pizza.pnglightbulb.png.

  21. KS2 Problem Solving Activities

    This website and its content is subject to our Terms and Conditions. Tes Global Ltd is registered in England (Company No 02017289) with its registered office at Building 3, St Paul's Place, Norfolk Street, Sheffield, S1 2JE