18 UCLA Essays That Worked (and Why) for 2024

UCLA Essay Examples

Do you want to write strong essays that'll help get you into UCLA?

In this article, you'll read and learn from 18 essays written by students who got recently accepted into UCLA and see how they did it.

If you're trying to get into the University of California, Los Angeles, these essays are a valuable resource and give you a peek into UCLA admissions.

Whether you're a student or parent of an applicant, you'll see what to do—and what not to do—when writing your UC essays.

How important are the UCLA essays?

And as of 2022, the UC system no longer uses your SAT and ACT scores to decide whether or not to admit students.

With no more test scores, that means your UC essays are even more important for your application. Besides your grades (GPA) and coursework, your essays are the most influential factor for your UC admissions.

Plus, UCLA is the most applied to school in the world, with well over 100,000 applicants each year. The University of California-Los Angeles acceptance rate is lower each year, which makes your essays even more important.

Since your UC essays matter so much, it's important to get them right.

What are the UC Personal Insight Question Prompts for 2022-23?

It's a mistake to think of the UC Personal Insight Questions (PIQs) as typical essays you'd write for a class.

Rather, the PIQs are a set of eight open-ended questions asked by the UC app. You must choose exactly four questions to respond to, and each response should be no more than 350 words.

Let's go over the UC Personal Insight Question prompts:

  • Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes or contributed to group efforts over time.
  • Every person has a creative side, and it can be expressed in many ways: problem solving, original and innovative thinking, and artistically, to name a few. Describe how you express your creative side.
  • What would you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed and demonstrated that talent over time?
  • Describe how you have taken advantage of a significant educational opportunity or worked to overcome an educational barrier you have faced.
  • Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement?
  • Think about an academic subject that inspires you. Describe how you have furthered this interest inside and/or outside of the classroom.
  • What have you done to make your school or your community a better place?
  • Beyond what has already been shared in your application, what do you believe makes you stand out as a strong candidate for admissions to the University of California?

It can be helpful to see how other students responded to the UC Personal Insight Questions.

And since UCLA is one of the hardest UC's to get into, along with UC Berkeley , students that get accepted tend to write outstanding essay responses to the PIQs.

18 UCLA Personal Insight Question Examples

Here are the 18 best UCLA accepted essays that worked written by accepted students for each Personal Insight Question prompt #1-8.

  • UCLA Example Essay #1
  • UCLA Example Essay #2
  • UCLA Example Essay #3: Violin
  • UCLA Example Essay #4

UCLA Example Essay #5: Team Player

  • UCLA Example Essay #6: Flute
  • UCLA Example Essay #7: Optimism
  • UCLA Example Essay #8
  • UCLA Example Essay #9
  • UCLA Example Essay #10
  • UCLA Example Essay #11
  • UCLA Example Essay #12

UCLA Example Essay #13: Computer Science

Ucla example essay #14: korean big toes.

  • UCLA Example Essay #15

UCLA Example Essay #16: LGBT

  • UCLA Example Essay #17

UCLA Example Essay #18: Being Short

Ucla example essay #1: orchestra leadership.

UC PIQ #1: Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes or contributed to group efforts over time. (350 words max)

In my freshman year of high school, I had enrolled in the String Orchestra Advanced Class which was mixed in with the Beginning class. I was the only person with experience, seven years in the Violin at the time, while most of the students in the class were beginners. I got class elected, then re-elected as President my Freshman and Sophomore years, and was First Violin, then First Viola Chair.

My first year consisted of myself and the instructor teaching the basics of each instrument. Learning a new instrument is frustrating, and there were times where older students in the class would get frustrated and unhappy that a Freshman knew more than they did.

As a leader I had to make sure I did not keep a separation between myself and my classmates. Therefore, my Sophomore year, I changed my instrument to the Viola.

By showing my classmates that I too was a beginner, and that I too had to learn because I had a new instrument -inspired the class to learn as well. My classmates no longer saw me as someone who told people to practice and not give up, yet did not have to practice or struggle themselves, but instead, as someone who was there practicing, and struggling along with them.

The Orchestra program at my school started my Freshman year as an experimental class, but the school ended the class after my Sophomore year. Though unfortunate, in the two years of its existence, my classmates went from being novices, to performers, where in the last year of the program, we performed many times for school events and finally in an orchestra conference in my Sophomore year, where judges praised our Orchestra's technique and cohesiveness.

After the class got cut, many of my classmates continued to pursue music independently, or in the District Orchestra. It is a wonderful feeling for me to see my former classmates -to this day- performing, and even teaching others, knowing that I was there when their journeys in music first began, and I look forward to seeing their musical pursuits in the future.

Why This Essay Works:

  • Tells a Story: Gives context and explains how you got this leadership position. By explaining a backstory, it reveals your motivations and what drives you.
  • Shows Takeaways and Lessons Learned: It's not enough to just talk about your achievements. Admissions officers are more interested in why they matter to you, and how you had an impact on others.

What They Might Improve:

  • Fix Capitalization: It's not necessary to capitalize improper nouns like "violin", "viola", and "orchestra".
  • Sentence Flow: Make sure your sentences aren't too long and don't have unnecessary breaks, which can interrupt the flow.

UCLA Example Essay #2: Volunteer Leadership

My group and I spent a total of seven hours preparing five hundred bagged lunches for the extensive homeless community at Oakland. Out of all the obstacles that could have halted our progress, rain was the last thing on our minds. We were lucky enough to distribute three hundred lunches before the rain began to relentlessly pour down on us. There were a few hours left of daylight before we would be able to eat Iftar for Ramadan, so, an overwhelming majority of our group wanted to call it a day. However, there was still a large number of unsheltered and hungry homeless people throughout the city, and I could not bear to let all that food go to waste. So, I raced to one of our nearest vans, grabbed a bullhorn, and yelled to gather the attention of as many people as possible. I instructed them to form lines in front of our eleven vans in order to take everybody to the nearest homeless shelters with the promise of food and entertainment. We went to six other heavily concentrated areas to do the same thing, and within just five hours, nearly five hundred homeless individuals were transported.

This event is one of the dozens of community service projects I’ve performed in my role as vice-president of the youth faction of the Sudanese Association of Northern California (SANC). This Oakland food drive has left me with a sense of clarity of what it takes to get a project, event, or any other endeavor accomplished. The food drive was obviously a success, but what made this particularly memorable is the email the president of SANC sent me the following day: “You have a keen ability to synthesize and communicate anything quickly and effectively.” I realized the explicit connection between my forensics (speech and debate) career and my community service: the power that I carry in my voice can motivate others to do good. I have tried to apply this insight into each new endeavor since.

  • Specific with Numbers: Use exact numbers whenever you can to create authenticity and make it realistic. In this essay, saying "three hundred" lunches makes things concrete.
  • Connects to Academic Interests: Show how your past leadership achievements relate to what you want to do in college.
  • Stronger Conclusion: Make sure your conclusion isn't vague and has a concrete takeaway. Don't just use words like "this insight". Rather, rephrase that insight or draw a new idea from it.
  • Sentence Structure: Having too long of sentences is a common mistake students make. Instead, splitting up complex sentences can make it easier to read.

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UCLA Example Essay #3: Violin Creative Side

UC PIQ #2: Every person has a creative side, and it can be expressed in many ways: problem solving, original and innovative thinking, and artistically, to name a few. Describe how you express your creative side. (350 words max)

I express my creative side by playing the violin and other musical instruments. Ever since I was a younger child, music had always been a part of my life. The first instrument I remember playing is the piano when I was four years old. My school had a music program, so I went and learned how to read music and play the Recorder. Though it was a simple instrument, it was to prepare us students for the more complex instruments that we could choose to play after completing the Recorder lessons.

I took this class all of first grade, and in second grade I was ready to choose the instrument I wanted to specialize in. I chose the Violin, and now -ten years later- I am still playing it. Throughout the years I have learned to play other instruments as well, such as the Piano, Trumpet, Viola, and more. During that time I have also been able to play those instruments in different styles of music.

From second to seventh grade, I played the Violin and sung in my elementary school district's Mariachi and my middle school's Mariachi even when I did not know how to speak Spanish. I have been playing the Violin at my church's choir almost every Sunday since Seventh grade. I played the Violin and Viola in my high school's Orchestra class in Freshman and Sophomore year, and since my Junior year I have played the trumpet in my school's Jazz Band and Trumpet Choir.

My siblings have also been inspired to be creative musically, and together we perform at our church and other places, and music has become an important part in their lives as well.

Throughout my life I have been able to express my love for music in many different ways. Whether through playing with a group, doing a solo in front of an audience, composing my own music, or teaching my younger siblings how to read and play music the way I was taught many years ago, music has always been a large way that I could express my creative side.

  • Clearly Answers Prompt: For UC essays, being straightforward is not a bad thing. This essay starts off by clearly answering the prompt, before elaborating further.
  • Fix Capitalization: It's not necessary to capitalize improper nouns like "freshman" and "sophomore". An easy fix is to only capitalize proper nouns, like names of people and places.
  • Explain What's Meaningful: Admissions officers want to know more than just "what you did," but also why it was meaningful to you. Try to focus on the impact of your achievements more than just what you did.

UCLA Example Essay #4: Improvised Comedy Creative Side

I was brought into this world with an overactive imagination and an absence of siblings. My abundance of boredom and lack of playmates was solved by creating multiple characters, drawing them, and pretending to be them. When I joined theater my freshman year, I quickly fell in love because it brought me back to that childhood innocence of carelessly being someone else It was an opportunity to evaluate how I could incorporate my personality, experiences, and charisma into a character and to turn my visual concepts into a reality through doing makeup.

I was also introduced to improvised comedy. where I presented my witty and quirky side. On the other hand, working with a cast and crew was something I was unaccustomed to. but I soon saw myself becoming inspired by the surrounding creativity of others. Whether we were doing a dramatic or comedic play, we worked together to evoke an emotional response from the audience. It’s an honor to see people laugh and cry during our performances because I've connected with hundreds of people by putting my heart on a stage. In contrast, painting has been a private indulgence. Every feeling and thought trapped inside becomes free on that canvas into a beautiful visual creation. Like my mood, my paintings aren't uniform and consistent; they range from iridescent beaches to scattered splotches, yet every stroke, color. and mistake had a reason.

As my only patron, my mom couldn't always afford painting supplies, so occasionally I had to improvise with tools like spoons, paper towels, and erasers. Regardless of the tools I was using, my paintings were reflection of myself. The progression of my work is an exhibit of my struggles, success, and how I became who I am today. Painting is not about the finished product; it's about the journey and the lessons I've learned to get there. My creativity is not limited to the arts, but is embedded my appearance, mindset, and career path in solving mental health issues. Creativity, to me, is putting bits and pieces of myself into doing what I love.

  • Strong First Sentence: Starting off with interesting ideas is the best way to get the reader hooked. It doesn't need to be complicated, but find your most interesting idea and start there.
  • Connects Multiple Extracurriculars: Finding multiple examples in your life to explain your answer can make your essay stronger. Rather than focusing on just one activity, how do your activites relate with a common theme?
  • Great Conclusion: A strong conclusion is often one that expands on your ideas or connects to something more universal. Try restating your main idea and add a twist or expand on it.
  • Make Each Paragraph Distinct: Each paragraph should have one central idea or topic. It's better to split up your essay into many paragraphs because it makes it easier for the reader and better organized.

UC PIQ #3: What would you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed and demonstrated that talent over time? (350 words max)

My greatest talent would be relating to and inspiring others. Throughout my time in school I have demonstrated that talent by becoming a leader where I was trusted by my teachers and peers. It began in 5th grade when I was voted to become Student Council for my class, where my peers knew that I related well with them and that I would do my best to use my position to fix their issues.

In middle school, I became the Knowledge Bowl team Captain. There was a new coach, so the program was small, about five students. There were many students who wanted to join the team but felt that they were not "smart enough" to join. I recognized this and encouraged those students to join and they succeeded. By the end of the year, our team was 3rd in the district overall statistically standing, our highest ranking in a while.

In high school I joined JROTC as a Freshman, and I became a Platoon Sergeant my Junior year. My job for the semester was to teach and motivate cadets in the program. Some cadets did not do well with authority, and felt attacked when other class leaders would be assertive. As a leader I took a different approach, and related to my cadets. My platoon was constantly noted as being a well-rounded platoon by our instructors, and I received the Non-Commisioned Officer Leadership Award.

In Academic League, motivation was key to our team's success. Sometimes personal problems would affect a member of the team, so I showed them I could relate to their struggles and still believe in their ability to help the team. In times when we would be losing in a match, I would inspire the team to keep pushing on, and to remain positive. That year our team placed 5th in the district -again a highest ranking in a while- and I was voted as "Most Inspirational" by the team.

Throughout the years, relating to and inspiring others has been a skill that has allowed me to make great connections with so many people.

  • Uses Multiple Examples: Backing up your answer with various examples from your life makes your case stronger.
  • Unique Take: Rather than thinking of a skill in the literal sense, this author uses a more abstract skill. Sharing your unique perspective is key to having interesting ideas.
  • Show Why It Matters: In addition to explaining your greatest skill or talent, you should tell why it is meaningful. What are the takeaways and how will you use this skill going forward in college?

UCLA Example Essay #6: Flute Greatest Talent

Just when we think we figured things out, the universe throws us a curveball. So, we have to improvise. The universe is funny like that. Sometimes it just has a way of making sure we wind up exactly where we belong.

When I first started playing flute, I probably looked like a pufferfish choking on a clump of wasabi, but that didn't matter. Blasting deep breaths into my flute, I blew voraciously as I tried to produce a B-flat; but all I could muster was a raspy whistle.

6 years later, I was filled with pride knowing that I had worked hard enough to be selected as the concert soloist for the Youth Orchestra of Bucks County. My moment had arrived; I stand center-stage and begin Chaminade's Concertino Op. 107. Recognizing the minor scales and arpeggios, my fingers glide through the measures with absolute certainty; and with each successive measure, my breathing, tone, and articulation seemed to increasingly synchronize. Before long, the piece came to an end. Holding the D-natural farmada as long I could, I let the note fade into submission and lowered my flute. Taking a bow, I reveled in the magnitude of my hard work.

As I grew older, it became evident that I would need orthodontics and jaw reduction surgeries. With my face full of rubber and metal, I couldn't form a tight enough valve to sustain notes. I was officially back to square one. The following months were brutal, I had to put away Tchaikovsky and go back to the basics; but my effort was genuine and I gradually regained my ability to play.

Today, I consider playing flute my greatest skill. Not because I can play complex scales or win competitions, but, instead, because through the horrors of braces, learning how to double-tongue, and impossibly fast measures, I never gave up. Playing flute had crafted in me the relentless determination which I've exhibited over the past 8 years. I may not know what curveballs life will pitch to me next, but I have confidence knowing I will persevere regardless of the circumstances.

  • Strong Hook: Use your best idea at the start to immediately make the reader interested. First impressions matter, and by having a compelling first paragraph, the tone of your essay is immediately better.
  • Specific in Naming Things: Say the names of groups, places, and other things whenever you can. Being specific whenever possible makes you seem more relatable and makes your essay more interesting.

UCLA Example Essay #7: Optimism Greatest Skill

Life can be an overwhelming obstacle course, but my ability to get over any bump with a smile on my face has been my greatest strength. Maintaining an optimistic outlook has introduced me to new opportunities, made me a better leader, and helped me get through everyday life. Although my determination to get back up was built by a couple scrapes and falls. I learned about the impact of a positive attitude on others through my experience on the tennis team.

The motivation and bond my team had because of the encouragement and support from our captains has influenced my approach to interacting with others. For instance, while working with my peers, I always praise them for the effort that they put in and patiently help them. When applying this to class projects and theater productions, I saw an improvement on our performance and our accomplishments felt more satisfying and meaningful. My positive attitude is also influential during my job at a convalescent home. As an activities assistant, my objective is to get residents to participate in activities and to make them fun.

At times, it’s difficult to convince residents that a macaroni necklace is worth getting out of bed for, but I am always that friendly face that cheers them on and picks them up. Knowing that my happiness is brightening someone else's day is extremely valuable and is the fuel to my enthusiasm.

Preserving my optimism is not always easy; however, my excitement for the future retains my drive to overcome any challenge. Every opportunity given to me is taken advantage of, and if something doesn't go as planned. I am confident another door will open. Even though I enjoy focusing on the bright side of life, I'm aware that some people feel like they cant overcome their challenges alone. I recognized that I can be a hand to help people up, someone to believe in them, and a friend to conquer obstacles with. Using this positive influence is the very reason why I am looking forward to a career in psychology.

  • Shows Impact of Your Skill: Whenever possible, try to show how your skill/talent has impacted others. Why is your skill important? And how will you use it going forward in life?
  • Uses Humor: Having small moments of natural humor, when appropriate, makes for a more enjoyable essay. Even a small remark like "it’s difficult to convince residents that a macaroni necklace is worth getting out of bed for" is powerful.
  • Recognizes Challenges: Nobody is perfect, and even with your greatest skill or talent there are likely still shortcomings. Recognizing your challenges is important to humanize yourself and shows self-awareness.

UCLA Example Essay #8: Significant Educational Opportunity

UC PIQ #4: Describe how you have taken advantage of a significant educational opportunity or worked to overcome an educational barrier you have faced. (350 words max)

I was going to University of Southern California for three weeks, and that was all I could think about as the school year came to a close. After finding out that I had been accepted into the Bovard Scholars program, along with one of my best friends, I could not wait for the upcoming summer. As July 16th neared, I became more and more anxious,as I did not know what to expect, but I was looking forward to this new opportunity.

The program had just been launched this year and 49 of around 500 applicants were accepted. Over the course of three weeks, the 48 other people from all over the country would be my new friends. During my time there, I would be assigned a coach who would help with the college process, whether it be working on the college application as a group or having one-on-one sessions to work on personal statements. Outside of working on college applications and essays, we had guest speakers from admissions offices, student panels where we could ask questions, career panels, and workplace visits. We also had many presentations on financial aid, fields of major, jobs, and interviews which, most of it, I did not know beforehand.

Along with all this help, we also dormed at one of the residence halls, which allowed us to experience what college life might be like. I was amazed by the diversity of people that were attending the program, and I was shocked to find out that my roommate from New York was Egyptian. We even had Resident Assistants who planned evening activities for us to further stimulate college life. However, they were not just our Resident Assistants; as we grew closer we were able to gather information from them about college.

As the program came to its end, I did not want it to stop. I had such an incredible experience and learned so much about college. I knew that the program will never truly end, though, as our coaches will continue to work with us until Spring when we are accepted into colleges.

  • Specific in Achievements: Being specific and saying "49 of around 500 applicants were accepted" creates credibility. It also helps admissions officers have context about your achievements and be able to infer how significant they really were.
  • Stronger First Sentence: Try starting your essay with ideas, rather than retelling events. Starting off with interesting ideas helps hook your reader, and you can later support those ideas with your experiences and achievements.
  • Focus on Meaning: Emphasize what your takeaways were from this educational opportunity or barrier. Admissions officers are looking for what you learned, how it affected others, and how you'll use those lessons moving forward.

UCLA Example Essay #9: Working at Health Clinic

I worked in a health clinic in the impoverished village of Amara in Sudan this summer, expecting to be assigned general administrative duties during my internship. However, those expectations were tossed out the window within the first week. I consider myself a pretty squeamish person, so the thought of blood oozing from any injury disgusts me in ways that I cannot describe in words. So naturally, I was shocked when I didn’t flinch or faint as I held the retractors of a ravaged knee during surgery. I can’t say that I confronted the daunting tasks I was given with complete confidence, but I learned from the experiences nonetheless. At times, I would question the challenging orders given to me by the faculty, but I later realized that it was due to the lack of qualified doctors and nurses at the village.

I observed eleven surgeries, ranging from liver disease to a gruesome foot infection. The clinic worked under severe pressure, as basic resources and equipment were scarce, which ended badly for some patients. There was one particular patient who did not survive a disastrous bus crash due to the unavailability of ambulances. He was laying on the floor in agonizing pain for a lingering six hours. As the viscous blood stained the white cloth that covered him when he was brought to the clinic, I felt a surge of sorrow, anger, and helplessness. It was difficult for me to come to grips with the reality that some things cannot be undone. The emotions I felt that day slowly faded, but never completely receded. I left this internship satisfied with the invaluable knowledge I obtained, but I still feel like I needed to do more. I live a relatively privileged life, and don’t have to spend each day worrying about a measly injury that could end my life. At the time, even though I thought I was worked too hard for a high school student, I now know I didn't do enough. I’m eager to return to the clinic soon, and have hopes of gaining more experience and knowledge.

  • Emphasizes the Impact: After talking about what opportunity you had or what barrier you overcame, focusing on the impact of that experience is what matters. Describing your emotions and lessons learned makes the significance of those events more clear.
  • Strong Hook: Focus on finding your best idea and using that as your first sentence. Often, starting off with a story or retelling what you did can come later and isn't as important.

UCLA Example Essay #10: Most Significant Challenge

UC PIQ #5: Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement? (350 words max)

Education has always been important in my household, but never paramount. We were always taught to put familial needs first—even before our own. My parents always emphasized the lesson that selfishness leads to bitterness and loneliness. That value is why six new members were added to my family when my father’s brother died two years ago. I did what was expected and shifted my focus from school to helping my kin.

I remember feeling a mosaic of emotions—apprehension, prudence, and displacement—as I greeted them at the airport. The five-hour-long ride back home was awkward and somber, and the complete silence said so much more than words could. We were all just afraid of what the future had in store for us. My step aunt, my two older cousins and the three younger ones were all compassionate, loving people. Yet, I couldn't seem to shed this foreboding feeling the first time we all entered our house. Every passing week made our financial situation more tenuous. So, my brother and I volunteered to help our dad at his small pharmaceutical wholesale business after he laid off two employees. We worked after school three days a week and would return home around 8:30.

That year of juggling school with my new obligations at home and my father’s business was emotionally and physically wrenching. However, I don't pity myself and I wouldn't go back to change anything because I learned so much about my character in that year. I realized that my parent’s belief in selflessness had shaped me into a more capable person because I was able to sacrifice time from socializing and classes to contribute, in some way, to my family. And even though I was concerned that I would hurt my academic performance, I stuck to my promises. That inexplicable sense of uneasiness I felt at the airport was caused by anxiety in anticipating the new demands that could potentially exhaust me. Thankfully, the challenges prepared me for the academic rigor for my junior year, my senior year, and hopefully, for university.

  • Vulnerable and Authentic: Talking about personal stories can be difficult, but often your vulnerable experiences have a lot of meaning. Being vulnerable also makes you more personable and relatable.
  • Explains Realizations: Rather than focusing on what happened, focus on the impact of it and why it's meaningful. How will these past experiences and academic challenges affect you going forward?
  • Stronger Conclusion: Try to connect your ending back to the beginning while expanding on it or connecting it to a universal idea. Alternatively, leave your conclusion more open ended.

UCLA Example Essay #11: Educational Challenge

Growing up, I tackled the challenge of school without much guidance from anyone other than my older sister, who is one grade higher. When I was at the young age of just five, my parents divorced and my sister and I were left with our dad, who we did not see often. Because our time with him was limited to driving us to school and home and dinner, we could not ask him for much help with homework or projects. Most of the time, we did the work ourselves or asked our uncle and aunt for help when they came on Saturdays. By the time we reached middle school, I was in more advanced classes, and although my dad had received an Associate’s Degree, he did not take advanced classes like I did, so he was unable to provide much help. My dad only took math up to geometry, and his English was not as fluent as mine, preventing him from providing much help.

Once I enrolled in high school, I was able to get help from teachers, programs, and even my sister. With this newfound help, I overcame the struggle of not knowing what to do in school and life, and I learned that help is always there, but I just needed to ask. Throughout my time in high school, I became more motivated than I was before to do the best I can and overcome anything that comes my way. I was able to do this with help from others, and I will continue to strive for greatness, overcoming any obstacles. Without the help of others, I would not have had the success that I have had in school. My good grades are a testament to the help that I have received in order for me to be where I am now. Although I can say that I have overcome this challenge, there is still one last hurdle, which is to graduate from high school, attend college, and apply everything I have learned to the real world.

  • Honesty: Authenticity is most important for your essays. By revealing personal details such as your family life and struggles, you can bring admissions officers into your world.
  • Sense of Gratitude: Showing a sense of appreciation and self-awareness makes you immediately more likeable. Nobody succeeds alone, so how did others in your life help you overcome difficulties?
  • Provide Clarification: Some parts could be given more context, such as "why is your dad not as fluent in English?". You could use this as an opportunity to talk about your cultural background and create a more clear picture of yourself for the reader.

UCLA Example Essay #12: Self-Improvement Challenge

The saying "you can be your own worst enemy" was the embodiment of the time I hit lowest point. Finishing my 22-hour days, I expected to lay down in bed close my eyes, and smile: thinking about all my accomplishments. Instead, I was sleep deprived, rapidly losing and gaining weight, and unhappy.

As a result, I stopped being able to focus and my grades began to fall. I lost motivation and the only reason I did anything was because of my obsession with completion. In this vulnerable state, I would tell myself I was useless and shy away from taking opportunities. I started to question if could get out of the hole I dug. Ironically, I have always been an optimist. I thought about the many things I wanted to do and I wouldn't be able to do any of them from a hospital bed.

Seeing the bright light ahead of me, I moved forward to a journey of self-improvement. First, I isolated myself from things that were affecting my happiness through finding a place where I could peacefully think about why I was enduring so much pain, regularly eat, and get some sleep. When I came back from my retreat, I continued my routine which improved my health and performance in school. The greatest outcome was my realization that I was compensating for my lack of self-esteem, I've been trying to get validation from my parents and peers by trying to be perfect, but when my friends left me and my parents didn't notice my efforts I overworked myself.

It was hard to stop searching for approval, yet the support of close friends and acknowledging that I'm doing everything I'm capable of, revealed to me what its like to love yourself. From then on, I determined my self worth, no one else. Now that I found my own drive and am confident, I don't have to beg for friends. struggle to maintain grades, skip meals, or lose sleep. Presently, I can say I am no longer my worst enemy: we're like friends that get closer every day.

  • Vulnerability: Showing your shortcomings and difficulties is important to reveal how you've grown and changed. Revealing your perspective and emotions also shows that you have self-awareness.
  • Provide More Explanation: Don't assume that the reader will remember everything about you. For essays like this, give more context. Answer questions that will come up in the reader's mind, like "Why did you have 22-hour days?".

UC PIQ #6: Think about an academic subject that inspires you. Describe how you have furthered this interest inside and/or outside of the classroom. (350 words max)

An academic subject that inspires me is Computer Science. Computers have fascinated me ever since a young age. I used my first computer when I was 4 years old- the Apple Macintosh Performa. I began learning about how computers worked in first grade, where I had my own Windows XP computer. I did not know what I was doing when I clicked through the thousands of files that made the computer run, but it was fascinating, and almost seemed like magic. I knew that a career with computers had to be in my future.

My fascination with computers took a new meaning in freshman year, when I decided to learn how to program. I did not know where to start, so I just typed in the search browser, "how to start programming". That day, I started with the Processing Language. It was a simple language to learn, but it built the foundation for my furthered interest in the computer programming aspect of Computer Science. After a couple months of using Processing, I learned HTML/CSS and JavaScript. These languages would allow me to program a wider range of applications. Soon enough, I became bilingual in the languages of computers. As time went on throughout my freshman and sophomore years I exposed myself to more languages like SQL, Batch Scripting, and in junior year, Java.

In my junior year I took AP Computer Science A, and finally after all the years of loving computers, I was able to take Computer Science as a class where I learned the Java language. I also furthered my interest in Computer Science by integrating it with the Engineering club on campus, using the Arduino and Raspberry Pi.

This year I am in Computer Integrated Manufacturing, where I can implement my knowledge of Computer Programming into Engineering, through the use of Corel Draw with the Laser Cutter Printer and AutoDesk Inventor and OpenGL C++ Code with the CAD 3-D Printing machine.

Computer Science has always been a part of my life inside and outside of the classroom, and I seek to continue pursuing it as my major.

  • Connects Interests to Extracurriculars: Showing how your activities relate to your passions reveals your motivations and what drives you. By connecting to extracurriculars, it also creates a more complete picture of your application.
  • Specific In Naming Things: Whenever you are able to, being specific is better than being vague. By naming programming languages and classes, the story becomes more compelling.
  • Explain Why These Things Interest You: What is the root aspect of your interests that intrigue you? Try explaining how you feel when doing these activities and what motivates you. Admissions officers want to know how these interests developed, and more importantly, why they developed.

UC PIQ #7: What have you done to make your school or your community a better place? (350 words max)

I am "Korean big toes", "a water panda in disguise", and "Mr. Sweatface" - these are the nicknames I happily accepted over the years. My life was a buoyant bubble, full of gratification, funny nicknames, and simple pleasures; but that changed when I was confronted with the inhumane conditions of the LGBT centers around my town.

Stepping into the stone-house building, a few things immediately caught my attention. The rooms were small, full of broken furniture, smelled of mold, and had poor lighting; moreover, there was no privacy and extremely limited resources. It was obvious that the facility didn't have the funds to sustain itself, let alone help anyone trying to assimilate back into society. My heart ached as I realized the advantages I had been taking for granted; the idealistic mirage of reality I previously held, was now replaced by an overwhelming truth: Life isn't fair. Everyone in that facility had been criminalized for their sexuality, and I was going to do something about it!

Over the next few weeks, I brainstormed ideas and eventually decided on creating a blog where I would share the stories of anyone who was willing to speak up for change. The clickety-clack of my keyboard filled the common rooms of LGBT centers around my city. I slowly-but-surely interviewed the residents of these homes, recording stories of inequality and discrimination. As I uploaded each story to my blog, I felt a sense of accomplishment knowing that I was breaking down barriers and fulfilling my passions. Furthermore, reading the comments flooding my inbox, I realized that although the LGBT centers in my area still remain underfunded, I had made an impact on individuals through my blog and did something for a community I genuinely cared about. It was more than I could have ever hoped for.

In my quest to create change, I forged a new nickname for myself -- "advocate"; except, unlike the titles I was bestowed as a kid, this nickname represented my creativity, ingenuity, and passion, and for those reasons, it is more precious than anyone will ever know.

  • Vivid Descriptions: Painting a picture can make your stories immediately more interesting. By using descriptive language and word choice, your stories have more life to them.
  • Conclusion That Connects to Beginning: Try connecting your ending back to the beginning, but with a new perspective or take. By bringing your essay full circle, it creates a sense of cohesiveness.
  • Name Things Specifically: Rather than being general and saying "LGBT centers", the author could name one specifically. Since not everyone may be faimilar with the concept of "LGBT centers", it helps make your essay more concrete and easier to interpret.

UCLA Example Essay #15: Empowering Others Through Peer Tutoring

I never thought that I would tutor other people after school, but that was what I did my junior year and now in my senior year. During my freshman and sophomore years, I was the one being tutored by upperclassmen who had taken my classes before. Receiving help from others inspired me to become a tutor my junior year so I could give back and share the opportunity that I had. At first, I was not sure if I would be up to the task, as I did not feel confident in my teaching abilities in various subjects. As time went on, however, I became at ease and comfortable tutoring anyone the more I tutored along with my peers.

Every day from Monday through Thursday, I went to library as much as I could to help tutor with others from 3 to 4 o’clock, and it slowly became a part of my daily schedule. To begin with, I was not the greatest teacher, but as I helped more and more, I gradually became better at it due to teaching the same concepts repeatedly. Not only was I helping the person I was tutoring understand the subject, but I also was becoming better at the subject by teaching it. Teaching a subject allowed me to relearn concepts and ideas that I had forgotten, as well as studying for a subject if I was tutoring a classmate.

Motivated by wanting to help other students, I was able to be at tutoring most days, and this led to me receiving a tutoring award at my school’s California Scholarship Federation banquet at the end of the year. It was a surprise to me as I was not expecting to be honored. To me, the best award was the satisfaction of helping others understand how to do homework questions and them being grateful for the help. Although this year tutoring is not being held in the library yet, I joined another club that tutors after school for the time being so I can continue helping others and spread my knowledge.

  • Shows Their Realizations: Realizations and new understanding are how people change. That's why its important to look for what lessons you learned, and what you took away from your activities.
  • Explain Why: Try to predict what questions will arise in the reader's mind, and answer those questions. For this essay, one question that is unanswered is "Why did you never think you would tutor other people?".

UC PIQ #8: Beyond what has already been shared in your application, what do you believe makes you stand out as a strong candidate for admissions to the University of California? (350 words max)

This was the night. Clenching my fists, I called my dad over. Maybe it was the adrenaline coursing through my veins or maybe just suspense, but time seemed to freeze as anxiety washed over my consciousness. A million doubts flooded my mind as I dreaded what would come next. The pitter-patter of his feet hitting the tile floor brought me back to reality. My dad had always loved and supported me, I just had to trust that things would be alright.

In a quivering voice, my hands shaking, I explained to my dad that I was gay. After a brief moment of silence, my dad said ten words that completely changed my life: "I raised you completely wrong, get out of my house". I was devastated, but I wasn't surprised. This was the same person physically forced pork down my throat when I told him I wanted to become a vegetarian; who would hit me and my mom if either of us voiced dissenting opinions; and the same person who would come home drunk and threaten to kill us. With tears running down my cheeks, I packed my belongings and drove my 98' Nissan Pathfinder away from my home. From that night on I learned to be brave, to follow my dreams, and to fight for what I believe in.

The next few years were tough. In my community, being gay was unacceptable and embracing my identity meant enduring the consequences. I will never forget being dragged into a storage room and choked or hiding the bruises I got from being pelted by textbooks. But looking back, I realize that the lessons I learned drove me towards success. They inspired me to be relentless and graduate early, to surpass expectations by doing college-credit classes, and remain strong in the face of oppression and adversity. Moving forward, as I look to broaden my education horizons, I know that I have the emotional vitality to success wherever I go. So I want to dedicate this essay to my dad and to everyone who made me strong, thank you.

  • Honest and Vulnerable: Talking about personal stories can be impactful. Often the most difficult stories are the ones that need to be shared.
  • Explains Your Perspective and Emotions: Sharing how you felt in a certain moment can allow the reader to "be in your shoes." By telling your perspective, you allow admissions officers to better understand your experience.
  • Focus On Takeaways: Although stories are important, what matters more is the lessons and takeaways from those stories. The majority of your essay should be focused on those ideas, with a smaller portion where you talk about what actually happened.

UCLA Example Essay #17: Fostering Inclusive Leadership

All around us, the world is dominated by big voices, people who can present themselves positively and effectively elaborate on their opinions. Many of our most successful politicians carve their paths to the top through their charisma and articulate language. Unfortunately, while many of them possess a strong voice, many of them don’t possess that same strength in listening. While their job is to represent the people, there is a large disconnect between their perspective and the perspectives of their citizens. Even in Congress, civilized debate has transformed into a shouting battle, where both parties attempt to push their ideas, but neither side is willing to listen.

In contrast, a leader with an open ear, an open mind, and an open heart is exactly what I bring to the table. I believe that everyone has a unique story to share. From the most flamboyant billionaires to the people living on the streets, every single person possesses their own unique set of skills, perspective, and knowledge that can be useful to learn from. Because of this, I make it my priority to listen to and understand the human behind each team member I work with. In recognizing each person’s strengths and weaknesses, I’m able to build a positive environment in which every person is able to reach their maximum potential.

For example, when it comes to group projects, I always make sure to know the personalities of those I’m working with and create a transparent and inclusive environment that is conducive to productivity. Rather than dishing out assignments and deadlines, I make sure everyone is able to contribute in a way that matches their strengths and skills. Furthermore, by creating such a transparent atmosphere, group members are able to understand each other’s situations and help each other out like an actual team, allowing everyone to be both productive and pleased.

With all the divisiveness that is taking place in the country today, it is more necessary than ever to have open-minded leaders such as myself to help bring this campus and this nation together.

  • Strong Hook Sentence: Using a thought-provoking idea to start your sentence immediately draws the reader in. By having a unique take on the world, people want to read more and are interested by your thoughts.
  • Using Examples to Explain: For abstract ideas and concepts, try using a real life example to make things more clear. Capture the essence of your ideas and find what is at the core of them.

Stepping foot in public has been like opening a floodgate to questions and comments about the one thing that I've been looked down upon my entire life for - my height. Standing out because I was 4'9" wasn't something I was proud of; I was picked last for sports, not taken seriously, and often used as a human arm rest. My mom warned me life was going to be hard if I didn't drink my milk. However, people aren't aware that my appearance is a deception and what makes me extraordinary is that I've outgrown myself. People should be asking me how a person so "big" can fit into a girl so tiny. I have a huge personality, dreams, goals, and a plethora of talent. My achievements earned me such a high standing that I do know what the weather is like up there, yet, my head is never in the clouds because my distance from the ground makes me down to earth.

My only oddity is that my anatomy has grown out of proportion. It's hard to believe that with such short arms, I can extend them long enough to touch hearts with my art and performances. I have been devoted to helping people and educating myself ever since I was young, but who knew that my brain and heart would become so gigantic? Despite my how big my brain is, I keep my head as small as my body because I value letting others know that I'll never overlook them.

Although I haven't hit as many significant growth spurts as the average person. I grow with ambition every day, considering every moment a step closer to success. Being able to pursue my passions at a university will allow me to continue maturing into a person who will one day be looked up to by many. The reader of my response cannot see the facade that has been the subject of many peoples first impressions of me. instead, they will observe that even though I can't reach the top shelf, I can still reach my goals in life.

  • Using Metaphors: Explaining something ordinary (like being short) in an unusual or not-so-common way can show your unique take on it. By using metaphors, you can connect seemingly unrelated ideas together.

What can you learn from these UCLA essays?

These UC essays are not perfect—nor should they be—but each has interesting ideas and a unique perspective.

Compared to some private university essays , UC essays are relatively straightforward.

So focus on making each UC essay express one interesting idea as your answer.

Here's my top 4 lessons for UCLA essays:

  • Avoid too much storytelling and descriptions. You only have 350 words, so focus on ideas.
  • Answer every part of the prompt, clearly. Avoid implying your answer. Make sure your idea is crystal clear and relevant.
  • Showcase a different aspect of yourself with each essay. Avoid re-using topics, unless you're taking a very different angle.
  • Show your thinking. As with all successful essays, your thinking is most important.

Also applying to UC Berkeley?

I've collected additional essays from admitted Cal students that are completely unique from these UCLA essays.

If you're interested, check out these our essays that worked for UC Berkeley .

Which UCLA essay that worked was your favorite? Let me know!

Ryan Chiang , Founder of EssaysThatWorked.com

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Ryan Chiang

I'm Ryan Chiang and I created EssaysThatWorked.com - a website dedicated to helping students and their families apply to college with confident. We publish the best college admissions essays from successful applicants every year to inspire and teach future students.

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How to Write the UCLA Supplemental Essays + 4 Examples

How to Write the UCLA Supplemental Essays + 4 Examples

The UCLA supplemental essays (which are just the UC PIQs) are some of the most commonly requested essays we get. And, there’s a good reason for that: UCLA is a coveted school all across the world.

Surprisingly, it seems to even have more demand than UC Berkeley.

Well, who wouldn’t want to live in Los Angeles and enjoy a beautifully diverse community? Who doesn’t want a world-renown education that can push them to a great career?

Oh, and who can forget the food?

ucla supplemental essay example

Almost every client we’ve worked with said their #1 reason for applying to UCLA is for the food.

…which is probably not a good reason.

Nonetheless, most of our clients got their wish! So, win-win right?

For the sake of this article, though, we’ll be covering one particular client and the successful application essays we helped them craft and brainstorm. When we worked with them on their UCLA application, they were applying knowing that they had a rather slim chance of acceptance.

It’s important to note that practically EVERYONE has a slim chance of getting accepted into UCLA. After all, the class of 2025 had an acceptance rate of 10.77% . The class of 2026 had an acceptance rate of 8.57%.

So, our client wasn’t exactly an outlier here.

Nonetheless, we’re quite impressed and proud of them for the quality of their essay. Working with them throughout the brainstorming, editing, and writing process was a pleasure; we’re hoping to provide everyone with the same quality of help!

In this article, we’ll be covering how to write the UCLA Supplemental Essays by showing you 4 example essays that worked. We’ll also cover what made these example essays get our client accepted.

Table of Contents

About Our Client’s Stats

Ucla essay 1: the labor of baking, ucla essay 2: adhd, ucla essay 3: life of a pretty girl, ucla essay 4: asking for help, flow and readability, honesty and transparency, growth over time.

UC Berkeley

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During the application process, our client was quite pessimistic about their acceptance chances.

They had a lower GPA than the average applying year. In addition, they had a few incongruencies during their academic years that made applying a bit difficult.

This was partly due to a late diagnosis of ADHD, compensating for this learning condition as a neuroatypical student, and a conglomeration of other unusual circumstances such as business operations and other externalities.

Though, they did have some level of work experience, startup small business experience, and experience at an internship.

Long story short, due to unusual circumstances and an abnormal background, our client didn’t have as competitive of a GPA and extracurriculars/work experience as other highly qualified candidates to be competitive.

That’s why it took quite a lot of time, effort, and elbow grease for our team to collaborate with them and make a solid set of UCLA essays that worked.

And, hey! They got in!

*cue streamers*

ucla supplemental essay example

Now, what does this mean?

It does NOT mean that you can get accepted into UCLA just by writing a solid essay.

UCLA weighs the GPA heavily into its admissions decision process. So, just having a great essay alone is not going to guarantee your foot in the door.

However, if you do have a lower-than-average GPA, it’s important that you use the UCLA essays as a way to subtly explain the reason for your low performance. You can even use the additional information section to elaborate on strange or unusual parts of your application!

Alright, with that said, let’s go over 4 of our UCLA supplemental essay examples that worked.

UCLA Supplemental Essay Examples

ucla supplemental essay example

0. Please describe how you have prepared for your intended major, including your readiness to succeed in your upper-division courses once you enroll at the university. UC Essay Prompt –Required Question
“As a Labor Studies major, I believe every experience we have in the workforce is one that can prepare us for the future.  When I was a child I spent my summers in Zürich, Switzerland surrounded by the smell of fresh pastries and chocolates in my grandma’s house. As a young adult, I chased after that nostalgia by recreating it in a career that would bring me closer to feeling that same amount of contentment. So in the beginning of 2020 I started my own business right out of culinary school. I didn’t have the textbook knowledge that most entrepreneurs would’ve liked to begin with; but, I had a network of people supporting my endeavor. Being a business owner was a dream of mine, and it demanded quick learning. My experiences as an employee in my adolescent years greatly shaped the way that I held myself as an employer in my own company.  Through trial and error, I successfully scaled it for nearly a full year before the effects of the global pandemic hit. I wasn’t willing to give up so quickly and persevered through a second year, which gave me the opportunity to connect with other business owners like myself. Through all of the tribulations, I found a community of people I felt I could identify with and learn from. This first-hand experience lets me understand the dynamics of labor in our modern world on a personal level.  Those years I spent staying up late, working weekends, and missing friends and family gave me so much more than I could imagine. I learned how to pace myself, connect with others, and it gave me a determination to succeed that I didn’t know I had in me. At the end I discovered that I had so much more than one singular dream and I began to accept that making new memories is better than chasing old ones. The entirety of it all, made me someone who’ll always be a student ready to learn new concepts even if they aren’t the ones I was expecting.” Successful UC Essay for Required Question

ucla supplemental essay example

Note: If you’re looking to write your UCLA essay on ADHD, we understand how it could potentially be troubling and difficult to write. If you’re NOT certain you can write a UCLA essay on ADHD, we STRONGLY recommend checking out our sister article here .

5. Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement? UC Essay Propmt 5 –Challenge Question
“There’s no more shockingly profound moment before they come back from the room and give you an official title of, “So, you happen to have attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)” because, like trumpets roaring in unison, the mind finally goes… “Aha! So that’s what it was this whole time!” Though, personally, I don’t think it’s entirely accurate. It’s more than just the stereotypes, and the scatterbrained-ness. It’s literally being incongruent from others. It’s masking said difference as “oh, silly me; how quirky, teehee!” and hoping, hoping, that I won’t somehow get “discovered” as if hiding were so necessary. It’s that… and, like, a million more.  Here’s an example.  My diverted attention in action during class: A discussion on Poe’s “Raven”. I’d think, “there-was-a-guy-from-a-show-I-watched-who-was-surrounded-by-ravens-and-wow-he-was-attractive-I-wish-I-could-move-like-a-ninja-like-him-I-wonder-how-ninjas-even…” before having my stream of consciousness interrupted by “[client name], what did Poe really mean?” to which I’d scan the board for context clues at mach 5 speed to answer.  And, what else would a teacher feel other than sassed? Here’s some girl, who looks like she’s not paying attention, and then answers questions anyway. So: punishment.  When my best friend suggested I see a professional, I initially thought she was joking. But, I went anyway. Hearing a professional deconstruct every element of my life in perfect surgical detail was stunning.  It’s hard to navigate the world once you realize you’ve been disadvantaged in certain ways that you never knew were possible. It felt like I was running a marathon, only to discover half way through that I started five miles behind everyone else. It shattered my world… for a moment.  But, I adapted using my newfound knowledge to catch up on academic goals otherwise unreachable. This adaptation required Herculean mental strength to overcome old habits and condition my divergent mind to modern sensibilities. Don’t give in to instant gratification; stare intently at a single object without breaking attention; pace the workload and transition when needed; listen and rewatch lectures when the mind is tame. Most importantly: forgiveness. It’s biting my shameful pride and accepting at teams my imperfection. I forgive myself for not meeting other people’s standards. It’s definitely not perfect, but it’s progress and I’m better for it.” Successful UC Essay Prompt 5 Example Essay

ucla supplemental essay example

3. What would you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed and demonstrated that talent over time? UC Essay Prompt 3 –Talent or Skill Prompt
“She looks over the edge of the cliff, or at least what she can make of it being just inches away from the precipice of falling from a horrible height. She doesn’t want to look, and her imagination runs wild into just how steep the fall is; yet, there’s a brutalizing crawling atop the cliff that she can’t stop. She keeps walking, and it gets closer. She doesn’t want to see. She gets closer. It’s coming.   This is the life of a “pretty girl” –metaphorically, of course.  I don’t really like the label of being called a “pretty girl”… wait. I can’t even continue that thought without also saying I don’t fully believe I’m that pretty. I would feel vain and arrogant if I didn’t at least acknowledge that I don’t see myself that way. The topic of Aestheticism is just like that: a minefield where you can’t talk about one thing without triggering another topic.  So, if my prose is still bearable, I’d like to share what my life being labeled as “aesthetically gifted” is like. It’s hard. Hard in what way?  Well, it’s dreadful. Dread for the future. Those with our label can’t think in the future; or, at least, we shouldn’t. How does that work?  When I was in elementary and middle school, I was always told by strangers and family members that I was pretty. It taught me something subtle: that there’s quite a lot of value to be pretty. I am nothing without beauty, as beauty is everything to young women in society. But, what happens as I age and the collagen runs dry? Life no longer holds meaning because I don’t mean anything to society once my beauty fades. It’s a nihilism bomb. Tick, tick, tick.  I do not develop my talent in beauty; I overcome it.  How? It means looking past that cliff. It means seeing what’s beyond and accepting that, at some point, that beauty fades. But, I’ll no longer have my value as a human be determined by the whims of others’ standards. And, with that ego death, I started to live.”  Successful UC Essay Prompt 3 Example Essay

ucla supplemental essay example

7. Beyond what has already been shared in your application, what do you believe makes you a strong candidate for admissions to the University of California? UC Essay Prompt 7 –Strong Candidacy Prompt
“After closing my business in March, I didn’t have high expectations for this summer. In June, I was given an opportunity to work with my half-sister in a company she’s been at for a while. When I accepted, I couldn’t anticipate that I would grow so quickly into a managerial position or that I would come to meet and love the people I do now. The team that I’m working with at the moment has given me the faith to lean on my teammates and really come together to exceed our own expectations. I’m aware that the area we’re in, San Gabriel Valley, is a very close-knit area so the sense of cultural community that it provides is astounding. I’m grateful to have been given the chance to manage this team over the summer and into next year as they’ve really branched out my world view. Having been born and raised here in southern California, I previously felt that I already had a broad cultural experience given the diversity of Los Angeles.  Working with this team has shown me that we can always broaden our horizons and that there is so much more this world has to offer. Even against our own volition, we’d hear, “It’s ‘okay’ to ask for help” and we’d brush that off with a “yeah, yeah…” knowing full well we won’t. But, now we don’t.  That’s because it’s not just ‘okay’ to ask for help. It’s necessary.  I have more pride in the richness of my own cultural background after participating in this project and I believe I can bring a new perspective to any table that I may have the opportunity to sit at. My time with this group has extended my patience, and deepened my empathy and compassion. I choose to see this and all of my previous experiences as adventures that have strengthened my integrity and I am beyond appreciative for that. I’m eagerly awaiting the opportunity to use the knowledge I’ve accumulated to enrich any future experiences I’ll have, whether it be in an academic or social setting.” Successful UC Essay Prompt 7 Example Essay

Why They Worked

ucla supplemental essay example

There are a lot of elements that make up a strong college essay. For our example UCLA supplemental essays, we’ve needed to take a lot of time editing, writing, rewriting, and brainstorming before coming to the final product.

Here are the 4 elements that made these essays strong.

Creativity, flow and readability, honesty and transparency, and growth over time.

Note that you do NOT need to have ALL of these elements to write a winning set of UCLA supplemental essays. However, it certainly helps to have all of these elements in your writing if you want to maximize your chances of getting accepted.

ucla supplemental essay example

One of the best elements you can implement into your UCLA supplemental essays —and all college essays for that matter— is creativity.

Having creative prose can help your essay stand out from the rest of the admissions pool.

But, there are many ways you can be creative in your UCLA supplemental essays. You can be creative by using analogies to explain your situation. You can be creative through your imagery and prose. You can be creative by answering the UC PIQs in an unconventional manner.

Here’s an example of our implementing creativity into our client’s essay.

“She looks over the edge of the cliff, or at least what she can make of it being just inches away from the precipice of falling from a horrible height. She doesn’t want to look, and her imagination runs wild into just how steep the fall is; yet, there’s a brutalizing crawling atop the cliff that she can’t stop. She keeps walking, and it gets closer. She doesn’t want to see. She gets closer. It’s coming. This is the life of a “pretty girl” –metaphorically, of course.” Example of Creatvity in the UCLA Essays –PenningPapers

Note that our client could have just written about how hard life was as a pretty girl. However, she knew that many people suffer the same problems that pretty women endure. Thus, they can have a more powerful essay by implementing creative prose into the essay.

We advised our client to start the essay with an analogy of what being a pretty girl was like. Then, we suggested using an unconventional sentence structure and length that would diversify the feel of the writing.

This was especially effective, and gave her story a much more rich experience for the admissions officers compared to just stating, “Being pretty is hard.”

Interestingly enough, it’s this creativity that actually allows students to write about college essay topics that they feel they’re not too comfortable discussing. Topics like death, ADHD, money, and other controversial topics may seem too risky. It’s why few people write about it, which makes them uncommon and unique topics.

But, creative prose allows students to approach such topics beautifully to captivate admissions officers.

ucla supplemental essay example

Flow and readability constitute the backbone of your college essays.

If you want to write a successful UCLA supplemental essay that gets you accepted (and perhaps even is usable for other college essay questions) you will need to have a strong flow and readability that admissions officers can understand.

If you don’t have flow in your writing, you risk having a choppy sentence structure that makes following your words difficult.

Here’s a good example of flow in our example UCLA supplemental essays.

“My diverted attention in action during class: A discussion on Poe’s “Raven”. I’d think, “there-was-a-guy-from-a-show-I-watched-who-was-surrounded-by-ravens-and-wow-he-was-attractive-I-wish-I-could-move-like-a-ninja-like-him-I-wonder-how-ninjas-even…” before having my stream of consciousness interrupted by “[client name], what did Poe really mean?” to which I’d scan the board for context clues at Mach 5 speed to answer.  And, what else would a teacher feel other than sassed? Here’s some girl, who looks like she’s not paying attention, and then answers questions anyway. So: punishment.  Example of Flow and Readability in the UCLA Supplemental Essays –PenningPapers

Pat attention to the way the writing here reads. The first sentence is quite long and verbose. However, the way the subjects and predicates are strung together is consistent and easy enough to read for an admissions officer to skim through in one sitting without having to read twice.

You can make the flow and readability of your writing easier to understand by writing all events in the order of when they occur. In this case, there are no jumps in the timeline. It’s just our client detailing what their experience with boredom in class is like. Then, they move to the teacher testing their attention. Then, the client scans the board. Then, the teacher feels sassed. Then, punishment.

The order of events follows a timeline and does not jump between events. So, it’s easy for admissions officers to follow the events occurring in the essay.

In addition, you’ll notice we helped our client bring variety in sentence structure, punctuation, and sentence length. By diversifying these elements of writing, the text appears more interesting and appealing to the eye.

Make sure to use different punctuation like semicolons, em dashes, and colons. Vary the length of sentences. And, vary the order of predicates and subjects.

By doing this, you prevent your writing from sounding choppy and boring. This also keeps admissions officers interested and makes the overall flow easier to understand.

ucla supplemental essay example

We give this point to practically every college essay example and guide, and for good reason.

To write a successful UCLA supplemental essay that gets you accepted, you must speak honestly and transparently. This is perhaps one of the most understated pieces of advice given to UC applicants.

If you write with honesty and transparency, the best parts of your personality are going to shine through your writing. You won’t sound fake. You won’t sound ostentatious. You’ll sound like a candidate that the admissions office can trust.

And, in the modern age of college admissions scandals , fake extracurriculars , and lazy students looking to game the system at every corner, trust is worth more than gold.

We’ll repeat that.

If you can gain the admissions officer’s trust in the essay section, that trust is worth more than gold. Period.

Here’s a super cool example of what being honest and transparent can do.

“ I don’t really like the label of being called a “pretty girl”… wait. I can’t even continue that thought without also saying I don’t fully believe I’m that pretty. I would feel vain and arrogant if I didn’t at least acknowledge that I don’t see myself that way. The topic of Aestheticism is just like that: a minefield where you can’t talk about one thing without triggering another topic. “ Example Honesty and Trasnparency in the UCLA supplemental essay –PenningPapers

The interesting thing about this passage of our UCLA example PIQ is that it interrupts the flow of dialogue to introduce meta ideas that our client was feeling. They don’t like being called a “pretty girl”. But, before they can even continue talking about that, they recognize that the potential to be called “vain” and “arrogant” hangs over their head like a Sword of Damocles.

This is therefore a loaded conversation that is impossible to discuss without stepping over eggshells. And, the client’s recognition of said conversational trickiness opens her up to the admissions officers.

Opening up to the admissions officers and recognizing when some things are hard is a great way to get close to your readers. It, of course, needs to be approached with tact and delicate writing skill.

If you wish to cover an unconventional or difficult topic in your UCLA supplemental essays, but don’t know how to do so correctly, consider speaking with us for a free consultation . Our college admissions essay editors and advisors can help you craft a strong supplemental essay that stands out without raising any red flags.

ucla supplemental essay example

We’re going to be upfront about this.

You don’t technically have to write about growth over time in your essay explicitly. That is, you don’t need to dedicate any lines or paragraphs explaining how you grew or developed in character over the years. There doesn’t need to be a dedicated section to it.

But, it is still useful to demonstrate such growth over time subtly through inference.

Here’s an example of showing growth over time.

“But, I adapted using my newfound knowledge to catch up on academic goals otherwise unreachable. This adaptation required Herculean mental strength to overcome old habits and condition my divergent mind to modern sensibilities. Don’t give in to instant gratification; stare intently at a single object without breaking attention; pace the workload and transition when needed; listen and rewatch lectures when the mind is tame. Most importantly: forgiveness. It’s biting my shameful pride and accepting at teams my imperfection. I forgive myself for not meeting other people’s standards. It’s definitely not perfect, but it’s progress and I’m better for it. “ Example of Growth Over Time in the UCLA Supplemental Essay –PenningPapers

You don’t need to directly state that you’re growing and developing in your essay. But, it’s helpful to demonstrate it subtly through the language in your writing.

In this UCLA supplemental essay example, we used techniques for overcoming a scattered mind to demonstrate the client’s willingness to change for the better. We show HOW our client is improving in their condition rather than SAYING it directly. It’s this “show don’t tell” mindset that actually makes the writing much more convincing to admissions officers.

By showing growth over time subtly through the efforts you do rather than just stating it as fact, you can gain your reader’s trust. And, as we mentioned previously: trust is worth more than gold.

If you’re still unsure of how to approach the UCLA supplemental essay or are still looking to write strong essays that stand out from the rest of the admissions pool, don’t hesitate to ask for help. Schedule a free UC admissions essay consultation with us. Our expert college admissions consultants and essay editors will provide you with the best practices needed to write a winning set of PIQ essays that get you accepted into UCLA.

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  • Medical School Application

UCLA Secondary Essay Prompts and Examples

UCLA secondary essay examples

Looking for UCLA secondary essay information? You've come to the right spot. In this blog, we will go over several UCLA secondary essay examples and give you tips for how to make your secondaries stand out!

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The David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA) receives thousands of applicants each year competing for approximately 160 places into its MD program. Upon receiving the supplemental application request letter, students will have just fifteen days to complete and submit their secondary application, which requires addressing 10 different prompts. This is a tight timeline for most, so preparing your UCLA secondary essays in advance will allow for well-thought, well-crafted responses. This post will provide you with the UCLA secondary essay prompts along with sample essay examples.

Secondary applications are sent by medical schools between August - October to further assess a candidate's suitability for the profession. The secondaries are comprised of questions or prompts that are designed to help the admissions committee learn more about a candidate's passions, interests, and experiences. Applicants are required to answer these prompts while adhering to strict word or character counts. The length of each essay is school dependent, some prompts will require a response in 150 words, while others will allow for 1500 words. While some schools send out secondary applications to all applicants, others only send out secondaries to applicants they are interested in learning more about. While there are many medical school secondary essay examples , " why do you want to be a doctor ", " tell me about yourself " and  diversity essay medical school  prompts are common.

Every institution will have its own medical school application timelines . UCLA accepts applicants on a rolling admissions schedule. Once an applicant has received the secondary application request letter, applicants are given a maximum of 15 days to submit their application, or it's due by UCLA's mid-October deadline, whichever is earlier. Due to this, it's recommended that applicants submit their primary application to AMCAS early, well before the UCLA AMCAS application deadline. Here is UCLA's typical timeline:

Rolling offers of admission starting in October of the year of application "}]">

Each school has its own list of medical school secondary essays  comprised of between one to ten prompts on average. The UCLA medical school requirements call for 10 different secondary essay prompts, probing students to explore their interests, volunteer experience, significant achievements, and hardships. Use the examples below as a guideline to help you create your own unique responses.

1. Describe your involvement in the one most important non-academic activity in your life. (800 char)

In high school, I developed a hobby that quickly turned into a daily habit: exercising. Exercise has had a formidable impact on many areas of my life. Regular exercise creates discipline and amplifies my work ethic. When I was insecure, working out increased my confidence. Exercise gave me a sense of control by displaying the direct correlation between my hard work and the results that are attained. This revelation was first noticed through this habit, but it swiftly carried over to many other areas of my life as well. I strongly believe that this habit played a major role in my character development, and I would not be the same person I am today if I never began exercising.

Click here to see another response to this prompt.

2. What has been the one most unique leadership, entrepreneurial or creative activity in which you participated? (800 char)

While volunteering at the Arts Academy, a society serving those with disabilities, I noticed the boys participated in activities not otherwise available to girls. Many girls had issues making friends, while the boys seemed comfortable with each other. To improve the girl's situation, I started the first girls’ basketball team. Many families were against the girl's participation as they believed sports were for boys. By explaining the mental and physical health benefits of participating, I successfully convinced half of the families. The girls became more confident and self-sufficient. I felt accomplished, not just because I taught them basketball, but because they'd become friends. This experience taught me compassion, commitment, and how to work with people from different backgrounds.

1. Streamline your responses.

The UCLA secondary essay prompts are quite challenging for students. At first glance at the low character counts, you may feel relieved to discover you won't be writing ten different chapters. However, many of the prompts require a response between 300-500 characters, equating to roughly 3-5 sentences. To convey maturity, passion, and lessons learned in only a few sentences is extremely difficult. Students must be able to craft a concise, direct response to the question while adhering strictly to the character count. To create a streamlined response, focus on the main takeaway point that you want to convey, and structure your response around it.

2. Demonstrate self-reflection.

It isn't enough to simply state an experience that you've had when answering the UCLA secondary prompts, you need to be able to demonstrate your ability to self-reflect by conveying to the admissions committee what you learned, how an experience has helped your growth, and how it can benefit you as a physician. If you notice in the examples provided above, each entry includes a takeaway message which not only shows reflection, but also maturity and growth.

3. Perfect your spelling and grammar.

Your UCLA secondary essays have to be perfect as they are a direct reflection of who you are as a candidate. Mistakes indicate a lack of professionalism, a lack of interest, and therefore, a lack of suitability for the profession. It's essential to proofread your essays multiple times to ensure there are no spelling or grammatical errors. 

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ucla supplemental essay example

Top Tier Admissions

UCLA’s Supplemental Essay Prompts

  • Post author By Siena Swift
  • Post date October 12, 2023
  • No Comments on UCLA’s Supplemental Essay Prompts


The University of California — Los Angeles receives the most applications of any college in the nation. As one of the most prestigious universities in California, with an acceptance rate of 8.8% in 2023, it is frequently referred to as a “public Ivy.” As part of the sprawling UC system , students interested in UCLA must fill out the standardized UC application . Included in this application are eight short “personal insight questions” in lieu of one longer personal statement. Out of these eight questions, students must answer four.

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Common App 911/UC App 911

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While these eight questions are the same for every UC school, understanding the unique characteristics of UCLA will help you effectively answer these prompts. UCLA is looking specifically for “intellectual curiosity” and “personal development” in your responses to these essay prompts. Remember, the school aims to foster the shared values of “a creative, ambitious and diverse student body.”

When responding to these prompts, consider how to frame your growth and your commitment to creativity, ambition, and diversity through specific examples. Personal development is a continuous process—make it clear that you intend to contribute to the UCLA community and take advantage of its opportunities while you pursue your own unique path.

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Choose four of the eight “personal insight questions” to answer (350 words each):

  • Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes or contributed to group efforts over time.
  • Every person has a creative side, and it can be expressed in many ways: problem solving, original and innovative thinking, and artistically, to name a few. Describe how you express your creative side.
  • What would you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed and demonstrated that talent over time?
  • Describe how you have taken advantage of a significant educational opportunity or worked to overcome an educational barrier you have faced.
  • Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement?
  • Think about an academic subject that inspires you. Describe how you have furthered this interest inside and/or outside of the classroom.
  • What have you done to make your school or your community a better place?
  • Beyond what has already been shared in your application, what do you believe makes you stand out as a strong candidate for admissions to the University of California?


Like the Common Application, the UC application gives you space to showcase your talents, passions and potential. If you’re aiming for UCLA and want more support filling out the UC application, we’ve got you covered in our Common App/UC App 911 Program .

Seeking expert essay guidance as well? Consider our Essay Guidance Program or bundle them for a complete, maximized UC application!

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Personal Insight Questions

The following are tips to help applicants find appropriate topics, styles and tones for their answers to the personal insight questions. Please also see the University of California’s instructions for first-years  and for transfers .

As we read your application, including your answers to the personal insight questions, we’re looking for evidence of your intellectual curiosity and your interest in personal development. UCLA has such a creative, ambitious and diverse student body. We’re always on the lookout for applicants who will contribute to the intellectual vitality, cultural life and diversity of UCLA.

  • These questions are about getting to know you better, so be open, reflective, find your individual voice and express it.
  • First-Year Applicants: You will have eight questions to choose from, you must respond to any four of the eight questions. The questions you choose to answer are entirely up to you.
  • Transfer Applicants: There is one required question you must answer; then you answer three out of seven additional questions. Which three of the seven you choose to answer are entirely up to you.
  • All applicants: We recommend you select questions that are most relevant to your experience and best reflect your individual circumstances.
  • All questions will be given equal consideration in the application review process, which means there is no advantage or disadvantage to choosing certain questions over others.
  • Each response is limited to a maximum of 350 words.

Tips for Success

We hope these tips will help you get organized and will inspire you. Your accomplishments, your opinions — you are important! Your answers to these questions are the best tool you have to show us the individual gifts you have to offer to the UCLA community.

Start early.

Give yourself time to think about your topics and carefully consider the rationale behind each question.

Be clear. Be focused. Be organized.

Make sure your answers to the questions follow a logical structure. Try to think about how it may seem to an audience who doesn’t know you. Input from people you trust — teachers, friends, relatives — can help you get perspective on how your answers affect those who are reading them.

Be careful with humor and clichés.

What might seem funny or bitingly ironic to you may not seem that way to someone who doesn’t know you. Remember that these questions are an opportunity for you to give us a complete picture of yourself. Don’t allow clichés to speak for you.

Don’t manufacture hardship.

Your answer to a personal insight question isn’t effective simply because it chronicles difficult circumstances. An effective answer to any question gives us a clear sense of your personal qualities and how you’ve used and developed them in response to your opportunities and challenges.

Use specific examples to illustrate your ideas.

Prove to us with written examples that you have a sense of who you are, where you’re going and how you will use your education and experiences to accomplish your goals. Although some events have long-term or even lifetime ramifications, it’s usually better to focus on recent events because they shed more light on who you are right now.

Finally, give yourself plenty of time for revisions.

Read your writing to others, and revise for clarity in content and in style. Pay attention to rules of correct grammar and punctuation, and don’t forget to spell check.

Please visit the University of California site for more help with your personal insight questions, including the text of the questions you will be asked to answer.

How to Answer UC’s Personal Insight Questions

Special Instructions for Veterans

We’re interested in knowing about your military service. Therefore, you may wish to use the personal insight questions to communicate the following:

  • Describe how your military service has been instrumental in developing your educational plans.
  • Indicate if you’re entitled to educational benefits as a result of your own military service or the service-connected death or disability of a parent or spouse.
  • Indicate if you’re affiliated with the military such as, but not limited to, the spouse or dependent of someone who is on active duty or a current participant in an ROTC-type program.

Spanish-Language Versions

The UC Personal Insight Guides are also available in Spanish.

  • Tips in Spanish for first-years (PDF)
  • Tips in Spanish for transfers (PDF)  
  • Writing tips in Spanish (PDF)
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  • (650) 338-8226

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UCLA Essay Prompts 2023-2024

ucla supplemental essay example

By Eric Eng

Annual tuition for UCLA 2024-2025

Welcome to UCLA, one of the world’s top universities. As you start your college application journey, pay attention to a crucial part that can make you stand out: the essays for the 2023-2024 admissions cycle at UCLA. These essays go beyond being a formality; they’re a platform for telling your personal story and showcasing what makes you special in UCLA’s lively community.

This guide is all about UCLA essays 2023-2024. We’ll walk you through everything from understanding how important these essays are in your application to sharing the best strategies to approach them. We want to give you all the tools you need.

Whether you’re great at writing or just getting started, we’re here to help you write essays that connect with the admissions committee and get you closer to joining UCLA . Let’s start this chapter of your academic journey with confidence and excitement.

Does UCLA Accept the Common App?

To apply to UCLA, you need to use the UC Apply system. UCLA doesn’t use the Common App . Instead, they have their own system. You have to fill out your application on the UC Admissions website .

All the University of California (UC) schools use this same system. Make sure you finish your application by the deadline. You can start applying on UC Admissions from August 1st and you have until November 30th to submit everything.

UCLA at night

How Many Essays Does UCLA Have?

For the 2023-2024 admission cycles, UCLA, like other universities in the University of California (UC) system, requires applicants to respond to Personal Insight Questions (PIQs) . These are not traditional essays in the sense that many other universities require, but they are critical components of the application process. Here’s a detailed breakdown:

Number of Personal Insight Questions (PIQs): UCLA asks applicants to answer four out of eight available PIQs. Each response is limited to a maximum of 350 words. These questions are designed to provide the admissions committee with a more holistic view of the applicant beyond academic metrics. The topics range from asking about leadership experience, creativity, overcoming challenges, to educational opportunities or barriers faced.

Nature of the PIQs: Unlike traditional essays that might ask for a comprehensive narrative, UCLA’s PIQs are more focused and specific. Each question targets a particular aspect of the applicant’s personality, experiences, or ambitions. This format allows applicants to showcase different facets of their character and life experiences, providing a rounded picture of who they are.

Flexibility and Choice: The choice of which four questions to answer gives applicants the flexibility to highlight the areas where they feel strongest or most passionate. This choice is strategic for applicants, as it allows them to tailor their application to showcase their strengths, experiences, and qualities that align with UCLA’s values and the program they are applying to.

Overall, for the UCLA Essays 2023-2024 admissions cycles, applicants are required to answer four PIQs from a set of eight. These questions are designed to elicit responses that reveal the applicant’s character, experiences, and potential fit with UCLA. The format and nature of these PIQs differ from traditional essays, providing a unique opportunity for applicants to present a multifaceted view of themselves to the admissions committee.

What are the UCLA Essay Prompts 2023-2024?

If you’re applying to UCLA or any University of California school, you’ll have to write answers to four personal insight questions. Each one should be 350 words long, and you can pick which ones you want to answer from a list of eight options.

Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes, or contributed to group efforts over time.

Every person has a creative side, and it can be expressed in many ways: problem-solving, original and innovative thinking, and artistically, to name a few. Describe how you express your creative side.

What would you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed and demonstrated that talent over time?

Describe how you have taken advantage of a significant educational opportunity or worked to overcome an educational barrier you have faced.

Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement?

Think about an academic subject that inspires you. Describe how you have furthered this interest inside and/or outside of the classroom.

What have you done to make your school or your community a better place?

Beyond what has already been shared in your application, what do you believe makes you stand out as a strong candidate for admission to the University of California?

Student writing college or university application.

How to Write the UCLA Essays 2023-2024

Ucla essay prompt #1.

When tackling the first prompt about leadership, your essay should be a narrative that not only describes a specific instance where you were a leader but also delves into the nuances of what leadership means to you. Begin by setting the scene: Where and when did this leadership experience occur? Who was involved? What was at stake? Then, move into the heart of the story: your actions, decisions, and leadership style. Did you lead by example, or by motivating others? How did you navigate any conflicts or challenges? It’s essential to provide specific examples and details to paint a vivid picture.

Reflect on the outcomes. How were others influenced or impacted by your leadership? What was the end result of your involvement? Leadership often involves learning from both successes and failures, so don’t shy away from discussing what you might have done differently. Finally, connect this experience to your personal growth. How has it shaped you as a person and a leader? How will these skills and insights be applied in your future endeavors, particularly at a university like UCLA?

1. Identify a Specific Leadership Experience: Encourage students to think of a specific instance where they showcased leadership. This could be a formal role like a team captain or student body president, or an informal situation where they stepped up to lead in a group project, community service, or a challenging family circumstance. The focus should be on a situation that demonstrates their ability to lead and make a positive impact. It’s important to describe the setting, the challenges faced, and the roles they and others played.

2. Highlight Positive Influence and Conflict Resolution: The prompt specifically asks how the student has influenced others positively and resolved disputes. They should reflect on how their actions and decisions led to positive outcomes. Did they mentor someone, foster teamwork, or encourage collaboration? How did they handle disagreements or differing opinions within the group? They should provide examples of specific actions they took to resolve conflicts and the outcomes of those actions.

3. Emphasize Personal Growth and Learning: UCLA is interested in how these experiences have shaped the student. They should discuss what they learned about themselves as a leader and a team player. How did the experience enhance their communication, problem-solving, or decision-making skills? What insights did they gain about working with diverse groups or handling responsibility? This reflection demonstrates maturity and self-awareness, qualities that are highly valued in a university setting.

4. Illustrate Contribution Over Time: The prompt mentions “over time,” indicating an interest in sustained effort and commitment. Students should illustrate how their leadership wasn’t a one-off event but a continuous journey. How did they grow and evolve in their role? Did they initiate any long-term changes or leave a lasting impact? This could include ongoing mentorship, lasting improvements to a club or organization, or a significant project that continued even after their direct involvement ended.

UCLA Essay Prompt #2

This prompt seeks to explore the breadth and depth of your creativity. Your response should offer a window into how you see and interact with the world creatively. Begin by defining what creativity means to you. Is it finding innovative solutions to problems, expressing yourself artistically, or thinking outside the box? Provide specific examples of how you’ve demonstrated your creativity. This could be through artwork, a unique approach to a school project, a hobby, or even day-to-day problem-solving.

Delve into the impact of your creative endeavors. How have they affected you and others around you? Perhaps your creativity has led to a community project, a personal achievement, or has simply been a means for self-expression and stress relief. Reflect on the role creativity plays in your life. How does it shape your perspective on the world? How do you envision applying your creativity in a university setting?

1. Identifying Personal Expressions of Creativity: Students should start by reflecting on moments where they felt most creative. This could involve instances of problem-solving, innovative thinking, or artistic endeavors. They should think broadly – creativity isn’t limited to traditional arts. It could be an innovative solution in a science project, a unique approach in a debate, or even creativity in everyday life, like cooking or organizing events. The idea is to pinpoint experiences that genuinely reflect their creative thinking and actions.

2. Contextualizing Creative Moments: Once a creative instance is identified, students should delve into the context. What was the situation or challenge? What motivated them to think or act creatively? This context is crucial as it demonstrates the student’s ability to recognize opportunities for creativity and their willingness to engage with them. This background story helps to paint a picture of the student’s creative mindset in action.

3. Reflecting on the Impact and Learning: The next step is to reflect on the outcome. How did their creative approach make a difference? What was the impact, whether on themselves, others, or a broader context? Students should also explore what they learned from this experience. Did it change how they approach problems or think about the world? This reflection shows self-awareness and the ability to grow from experiences.

4. Connecting Creativity to Future Goals and UCLA: Finally, students should connect their creative side to their future aspirations and how it aligns with what UCLA offers. How does their creativity play into their academic interests or career goals? How do they see themselves continuing to develop this creativity at UCLA? This connection demonstrates forward-thinking and an understanding of how their unique traits would fit into and benefit from the UCLA community.

applying in schools

UCLA Essay Prompt #3

In responding to this prompt, select a talent or skill that you feel genuinely passionate about and that has played a significant role in your personal development. Begin by explaining what this talent or skill is, and why it is important to you. Is it something you’ve always had a natural affinity for, or did you develop it over time? Describe the journey of developing this talent or skill. This could include formal training, self-teaching, challenges you’ve faced, and milestones you’ve achieved.

Share specific instances where you have demonstrated this talent or skill, particularly those that had significant outcomes or impacts. How have you used this talent or skill in a way that’s meaningful to you or to others? Reflect on how this talent or skill has shaped your character, your outlook on life, and your future aspirations. How do you see this talent or skill playing a role in your life at UCLA and beyond?

1. Identifying the Talent or Skill: Encourage students to reflect deeply on what they genuinely feel is their greatest talent or skill. This doesn’t necessarily have to be an academic or conventional skill like mathematics or playing a musical instrument. It could be something unique to them, such as resilience, empathy, leadership, or creative problem-solving. The key is authenticity—choosing a talent that resonates personally and is a significant part of their identity.

2. Narrative of Development: Once the talent or skill is identified, students should recount how they discovered and developed it. This narrative can include early signs of the talent, key moments of realization, and the journey of honing it. For example, if a student identifies empathy as their greatest skill, they could describe instances in their life that helped them realize and cultivate this quality, such as volunteering experiences, personal relationships, or challenges they’ve overcome.

3. Demonstrating the Talent or Skill: The next step is to illustrate how this talent or skill has been put into practice. This demonstration can be through specific examples, like leadership roles, projects, competitions, community service, or personal initiatives. It’s important to show not just participation in activities, but how their unique skill made a tangible difference or contributed to their growth or the growth of others.

4. Reflection and Impact: Finally, students should reflect on the impact of this talent or skill on their life and potentially on the lives of others. They should consider how it has shaped their perspective, contributed to their goals, and how it aligns with their future aspirations, including their potential contribution to the UCLA community. This reflection should also include how they plan to further develop this talent in college and beyond.

UCLA Essay Prompt #4

This prompt is about showcasing your ability to handle challenges in your educational journey or how you’ve leveraged opportunities. Start by clearly identifying the opportunity or barrier. Was it an advanced course, a unique educational program, or a personal or financial obstacle that impacted your education? Describe your initial reactions and how you approached the situation. What steps did you take to make the most of the opportunity or to overcome the barrier? This could include seeking help, self-study, perseverance, or creative problem-solving.

Discuss the outcome of your efforts. What did you achieve or learn from the experience? How did it change your perspective on education and your own abilities? Reflect on the skills you developed, such as resilience, time management, or a deeper understanding of a subject. Finally, connect this experience to your future at UCLA. How has it prepared you for college-level work and the challenges of higher education?

1. Identify the Opportunity or Barrier: Begin by specifically identifying either the educational opportunity you took advantage of or the barrier you faced. This could be a special program, a challenging course, lack of resources, personal circumstances, etc. Elaborate on the context and significance of this situation in your life. For example, if you took a challenging AP course, explain why it was important for you, perhaps it was your first exposure to a subject you’re now passionate about, or it was a subject you initially struggled with but wanted to conquer.

2. Personal Growth and Development: Discuss how engaging with this opportunity or barrier contributed to your personal growth. Did it change your perspective on learning, influence your academic interests, or develop specific skills like resilience, problem-solving, or time management? Illustrate this with specific examples, such as how mastering a difficult concept in a course led you to a deeper understanding and appreciation of the subject or how overcoming limited access to resources taught you resourcefulness and creativity.

3. Action and Initiative: Highlight the actions you took in relation to this opportunity or barrier. If it’s an opportunity, explain how you went above and beyond to maximize it. Did you seek additional resources, collaborate with peers, or take on extra projects? If it’s a barrier, describe the steps you took to overcome it. This might include seeking help, developing a strategic study plan, or balancing schoolwork with other responsibilities. The focus should be on demonstrating your proactive approach and determination.

4. Impact and Reflection: Reflect on the impact of this experience on your academic journey and future goals. How has this experience shaped your outlook toward education or influenced your career aspirations? Perhaps it led to a newfound interest in a field of study, a desire to help others facing similar barriers, or a commitment to lifelong learning. This part of the essay should tie your experiences back to your aspirations and the kind of student you will be at UCLA.

Apply college.

UCLA Essay Prompt #5

In addressing this prompt, choose a challenge that had a profound impact on your life, particularly on your academic journey. Start by describing the challenge in detail. Was it a personal, social, financial, or academic challenge? Explain how this challenge affected you, especially in your academic pursuits. It’s important to be open and honest, as this adds authenticity to your narrative.

Detail the steps you took to overcome this challenge. This can include seeking support, developing new strategies, or pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone. Discuss the results of your efforts. Did you overcome the challenge entirely, or did you learn to manage it effectively? Reflect on what this challenge taught you about yourself and your approach to obstacles. How has it influenced your academic performance and perspective on learning? Conclude by explaining how this experience has prepared you for future challenges, particularly in a university setting like UCLA.

1. Identify a Meaningful Challenge: The student should choose a challenge that has genuinely impacted their life. This could be a personal hurdle (like a family issue or health challenge), an academic obstacle (such as struggling with a specific subject or project), or a social difficulty (like dealing with bullying or cultural adaptation). It’s important that the challenge is significant enough to have a real impact on their life and learning experience. The key here is authenticity; the challenge should be real and personal, not something chosen just because it sounds impressive.

2. Describe the Steps to Overcome the Challenge: This part requires detailing the specific actions taken to address the challenge. Did the student seek help from teachers, counselors, or mentors? Did they develop new study habits, engage in self-reflection, or take practical steps to improve their situation? This section should demonstrate problem-solving skills, resilience, and the ability to seek and utilize resources effectively. It’s crucial to show a proactive approach rather than a passive one.

3. Reflect on Personal Growth: The student should explain how overcoming the challenge contributed to their personal development. This could include gaining new perspectives, developing empathy, improving time management, or becoming more resilient. The focus should be on how the experience shaped them rather than just the achievement of overcoming the challenge. It’s about the journey and the lessons learned, not just the destination.

4. Link to Academic Achievement: Finally, the student needs to connect this experience to their academic life. How has overcoming this challenge affected their approach to learning? Did it lead to better study habits, a greater appreciation for education, or a specific academic interest? This part should tie the personal experience back to the academic context, showing how personal growth has translated into academic success or motivation.

UCLA Essay Prompt #6

Prompt #6 asks you to delve into an academic subject that excites you and how you have engaged with it. Begin by identifying the subject and explaining why it inspires you. Is it the complexity of the subject, its relevance to real-world issues, or the way it challenges you intellectually? Describe how you have pursued this interest both in and out of the classroom. This can include classes you’ve taken, books you’ve read, projects you’ve undertaken, or extracurricular activities related to the subject.

Provide specific examples of your engagement with the subject. Perhaps you conducted a research project, participated in a related competition, or started a club at school. Reflect on what these experiences have taught you and how they have deepened your understanding of the subject. Finally, discuss how this passion for the subject aligns with your future academic and career goals. How do you plan to continue exploring this interest at UCLA and beyond?

1. Identify Your Passionate Subject and Explain Why It Inspires You: Begin by pinpointing the specific academic subject that truly excites you. This could be anything from Mathematics to Literature, from Environmental Science to Political Science. Once identified, delve deeply into why this subject inspires you. Is it the challenges it presents, the real-world applications, or the way it shapes your thinking? Explain how this subject aligns with your personal values, interests, or long-term goals. This part of the essay should establish a personal connection between you and the subject, making it clear why it stands out among others.

2. Detail Your Academic Endeavors in This Subject: After establishing your passion for the subject, focus on how you have pursued this interest academically. This could include specific courses you’ve excelled in, projects or research you’ve undertaken, or exceptional achievements in this field. Highlight any unique learning experiences or challenges you’ve overcome. It’s essential to show not just your involvement but also your growth and development in this area. This demonstrates your commitment and ability to thrive in academic settings.

3. Explain Extracurricular Pursuits Related to the Subject: Expanding beyond the classroom, discuss how you have furthered this interest through extracurricular activities. This might include clubs, competitions, volunteering, internships, or personal projects related to the subject. For instance, if you’re inspired by Environmental Science, you might talk about your participation in a local environmental cleanup initiative or a sustainable gardening project you started. These activities should highlight your proactive approach and dedication to exploring your subject in diverse contexts.

4. Reflect on the Impact and Future Implications: Lastly, reflect on the impact this subject has had on your personal and intellectual growth. How has it shaped your worldview or influenced your future aspirations? Discuss how you plan to continue pursuing this interest at UCLA and beyond. This could involve specific programs at UCLA you wish to join, career paths you aim to explore, or societal contributions you hope to make through your chosen field. This reflection not only demonstrates self-awareness but also aligns your personal journey with the opportunities available at UCLA, showing a clear vision for your future.

male college student with a backpack and headphones ready for school

UCLA Essay Prompt #7

This prompt is an opportunity to demonstrate your sense of social responsibility and community involvement. Start by describing what you did to improve your school or community. Was it a specific project, a long-term commitment, or a leadership role? Explain your motivation behind this effort. What inspired you to take action, and what were your goals?

Detail the steps you took and any challenges you faced. How did you plan and execute your ideas? What obstacles did you encounter, and how did you overcome them? Discuss the impact of your contribution. How did it benefit your school or community? Reflect on what this experience taught you about community, leadership, and collaboration. Conclude by discussing how this experience has shaped your perspective on community involvement and how you plan to continue contributing at UCLA.

1. Identify a Specific Initiative or Contribution: Encourage students to think about a specific project, activity, or effort where they played a significant role in making a positive change in their school or community. This could be anything from organizing a community clean-up, leading a fundraising event, starting a new club at school, to tutoring underprivileged students. The key is to focus on an activity where their direct involvement brought about a noticeable change or improvement.

2. Demonstrate Leadership and Initiative: Admissions officers are often impressed by students who show leadership qualities and the ability to take initiative. Students should detail how they identified a need or opportunity, took the lead in addressing it, and motivated others to join in. This might involve planning, organizing, decision-making, and problem-solving skills. For instance, if they started a recycling program at their school, they should describe how they developed the idea, organized a team, and implemented the program.

3. Reflect on Personal Growth: A compelling response to this prompt will also include a reflection on how this experience contributed to the student’s personal development. Did they learn new skills, overcome challenges, or gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their community? For example, a student who tutored others might discuss how this experience improved their communication skills and deepened their empathy and understanding of diverse learning needs.

4. Assess the Impact: Finally, students should assess and articulate the impact of their actions. This doesn’t necessarily have to be a large-scale impact; even small, meaningful changes can be significant. They should consider how their actions affected their school or community, what was different because of their efforts, and any feedback or results they observed. For example, if they organized a charity event, they could mention the amount of funds raised and how these funds were used to benefit a cause.

UCLA Essay Prompt #8

Prompt #8 is your chance to showcase aspects of your personality or experiences that make you stand out. Think about what unique qualities you possess that haven’t been highlighted in other parts of your application. Start by identifying these qualities. Are they related to your background, experiences, perspectives, or achievements?

Provide examples or anecdotes that illustrate these qualities in action. Perhaps you have a unique hobby, have overcome unusual challenges, or have a distinctive perspective on the world. Reflect on why these qualities are important to you and how they have shaped your identity. Discuss how these qualities will contribute to the UCLA community. How will they enable you to engage with and enrich the university environment? Conclude by tying these unique aspects of your identity to your potential as a UCLA student.

1. Unique Personal Qualities or Experiences: Students should reflect on what unique qualities or experiences they possess that haven’t been covered elsewhere in their application. This could be a unique perspective shaped by their background, a distinctive hobby or talent, or an unusual life experience. It’s crucial to explain how these qualities or experiences contribute to who they are. For instance, if a student grew up in a multicultural environment, they could discuss how this has given them a more inclusive worldview and an ability to adapt to diverse settings, which is valuable in a university environment.

2. Overcoming Challenges: This part should focus on any significant challenges or obstacles the student has overcome. The emphasis should be on resilience and personal growth. Students should illustrate how facing these challenges has prepared them for the rigors of college life and how it has shaped their character. For example, overcoming a learning disability, dealing with a family crisis, or succeeding in spite of financial hardships can be powerful narratives that demonstrate determination and strength.

3. Contributions to the University Community: Here, students should consider how they can contribute to the UCLA community. This could be through leadership roles, community service, cultural engagement, or other extracurricular activities. They should describe specific ways they plan to be involved on campus and how their past experiences have prepared them for these roles. For instance, if a student has been actively involved in environmental initiatives in high school, they could talk about how they plan to bring this passion to UCLA and contribute to sustainability efforts on campus.

4. Alignment with UCLA’s Values and Goals: Finally, students should research and understand UCLA’s mission and values and reflect on how these align with their own goals and aspirations. This is where they can demonstrate their knowledge about UCLA and show why they are a good fit for the university. For example, if a student is passionate about research and innovation, they could discuss how UCLA’s cutting-edge research opportunities align with their career aspirations.

UCLA bear statue

How to Structure Your UCLA Essays

The importance of structure in essays, particularly for UCLA Essays 2023-2024, cannot be overstated. A well-structured essay serves as a roadmap for the reader, guiding them through your ideas and arguments in a coherent and logical manner. It ensures that your essay is not just a collection of random thoughts, but a cohesive narrative that effectively communicates your message. Structure helps to maintain the reader’s interest and makes your essay more persuasive and impactful. Now, let’s delve into three key points on how applicants can structure their UCLA essays:

Introduction: Setting the Stage

1. Contextual Opening: Begin your essay by setting the context. This could be a brief overview of the topic or a compelling anecdote that relates to the prompt. For UCLA Essays 2023-2024, the introduction should not only hook the reader but also provide a glimpse into what the essay will cover. For instance, if the prompt is about a leadership experience, start with a moment that epitomizes your leadership or the challenge you faced.

2. The Statement: Conclude the introduction with a clear statement. This is your opportunity to succinctly state what the essay will demonstrate or argue. For UCLA applicants, the thesis should reflect how their experiences or perspectives align with the values and expectations of the university.

3. Connection to UCLA Values: In the introduction, subtly weave in how your story or perspective aligns with UCLA’s ethos. This could be through demonstrating commitment to diversity, excellence, or innovation.

Body: Developing Your Story

1. Structured Paragraphs: Each paragraph in the body should focus on a single idea or aspect of your story. Begin with a topic sentence that clearly states the paragraph’s focus. This is particularly important in UCLA Essays 2023-2024, where clarity and depth of thought are valued.

2. Evidence and Examples: Use specific examples and experiences to support your points. In UCLA essays, these examples should not only illustrate your experiences but also reflect your self-awareness and growth. For example, when discussing a challenge, detail not just the situation, but also your response and learning from it.

3. Reflective Insights: Each body paragraph should include reflective insights. For UCLA applicants, this means going beyond describing what happened, to analyzing why it was significant. Reflect on how your experiences have shaped your worldview, values, and aspirations.

Conclusion: Tying It All Together

1. Future Orientation: Conclude with a forward-looking statement. How do your experiences and learnings prepare you for your future at UCLA? How do they align with your academic and career aspirations? This is your chance to show UCLA how your past experiences make you an ideal candidate for their future community.

2. Personal and Engaging Closing: End on a personal and engaging note. This could be a reflective statement or a rhetorical question that leaves the reader with something to ponder. It should resonate with the core theme of your essay and subtly reiterate your suitability for UCLA.

In essence, the structure of your UCLA Essays 2023-2024 should not just narrate a story but also convey a journey of personal development, aligning your experiences and aspirations with the values and opportunities at UCLA. A well-structured essay will ensure that your application stands out, showcasing not just your achievements, but also your potential as a future member of the UCLA community.

How Can Applicants Effectively Revise and Proofread Their Essays?

Effectively revising and proofreading essays is a critical step in the writing process, especially for UCLA Essays 2023-2024. This phase ensures that your essay not only meets the prompt’s requirements but also communicates your message clearly and effectively. Here are four key points to guide applicants in this process:

Layered Approach to Revision

1. Structural Review: Start with a high-level review of your essay’s structure. Does the essay flow logically from the introduction through the body to the conclusion? For UCLA Essays 2023-2024, it’s crucial to ensure that each paragraph contributes to the overall narrative and aligns with your thesis statement. Consider whether each section effectively supports your main argument or narrative.

2. Content Depth: Next, scrutinize the depth and relevance of your content. Are your arguments or narratives well-supported with concrete examples and personal reflections? In the context of UCLA applications, this means ensuring your essay not only recounts experiences but also delves into how these experiences have shaped you and prepared you for the challenges and opportunities at UCLA.

3. Voice and Tone Consistency: Ensure that your essay maintains a consistent voice and tone that reflects your personality. UCLA essays should sound authentic and personal, not overly formal or detached. The tone should match the message – a serious topic demands a serious tone, while a more light-hearted narrative can be more casual.

Detailed Proofreading

1. Grammar and Syntax: Check for grammatical errors, awkward sentence structures, and punctuation mistakes. For the essays destined for UCLA, the expectation is high regarding language proficiency. Use tools like grammar checkers, but also trust your judgment and understanding of the language.

2. Word Choice and Clarity: Ensure your word choice is precise and clear. Avoid jargon, unless it is relevant to your topic and you can explain it effectively. In UCLA Essays 2023-2024, the clarity of your expression can make a significant difference in how well your message is received.

3. Consistency in Formatting: Check for formatting consistency – this includes font size, style, and paragraph spacing. Although it might seem minor, consistent formatting contributes to the professionalism of your application.

Feedback Integration

1. Seeking External Opinions: After self-revision, it’s beneficial to get feedback from others. Teachers, mentors, or peers can provide valuable insights. For applicants to UCLA, this step is crucial as it offers a fresh perspective and can help identify areas that might need clarification or further development.

2. Balancing Feedback: While it’s important to consider external feedback, also balance it with your own voice and intentions for the essay. The final submission should still reflect your own thoughts and style, not just what others think you should write.

Final Review and Mindset

1. Rest and Revisit: After making substantial revisions, take a break from your essay. Approaching it with fresh eyes after some time can help you catch errors or inconsistencies you might have previously overlooked.

2. Read Aloud: Reading your essay aloud is a powerful technique to catch awkward phrasing and errors that your eyes might skip over. For UCLA essays, where the flow and coherence of the narrative are important, this can be particularly beneficial.

3. Mental Preparation: Recognize that revision is part of the journey towards crafting a compelling and effective essay. Approach it with a positive mindset, understanding that each revision brings you closer to presenting your best self to UCLA.

In summary, revising and proofreading UCLA Essays 2023-2024 is not just about fixing errors but refining and enhancing your message. It’s about ensuring that your essay accurately and compellingly represents your experiences, achievements, and aspirations, aligning them with what UCLA seeks in its prospective students.

Writing an essay on a notebook.

The Importance of Supplemental Essays

Essays play a pivotal role in the college admissions process, particularly for prestigious institutions like UCLA. Here are some key points highlighting their importance:

1. Showcasing Personal Attributes: UCLA essays offer a unique platform for students to showcase their personal attributes, beyond academic achievements and extracurricular activities. This is crucial because UCLA, like many top universities, seeks well-rounded individuals. Essays allow students to demonstrate qualities like resilience, leadership, creativity, or a commitment to service. By effectively communicating these traits, students can distinguish themselves from other applicants with similar academic profiles.

2. Illustrating Fit with UCLA’s Values: Through essays, applicants can align themselves with UCLA’s core values and mission. This is particularly important as UCLA looks for students who not only excel academically but also resonate with the university’s ethos, such as a commitment to diversity, innovation, and public service. By articulating how their personal goals and experiences align with these values, students can make a compelling case for why they are a perfect fit for UCLA.

3. Demonstrating Writing Skills and Intellectual Maturity: The ability to express thoughts clearly, coherently, and persuasively is a skill that UCLA highly values. Essays provide a window into a student’s writing ability and intellectual maturity. A well-crafted essay that demonstrates critical thinking, analytical skills, and an ability to reflect on personal experiences can significantly boost a student’s chances of admission .

4. Providing Context to the Application: Essays allow students to provide context to their application, particularly in areas that grades and test scores cannot cover. For instance, students can explain unique circumstances that affected their academic performance, or discuss personal challenges they’ve overcome. This context can be vital for admissions officers when making decisions, especially in a highly competitive pool of applicants.

In summary, for students aiming to get admitted to UCLA during the 2023-2024 period, crafting compelling, thoughtful, and well-written essays is as important as their academic achievements. These essays are a critical tool for communicating their unique story, alignment with UCLA’s values, and readiness for the academic and social environment at UCLA.

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How Do the UCLA Essays Compare to Other Top Universities?

UCLA’s Supplemental Essays for 2023-2024 present a unique set of challenges and opportunities for applicants, distinct in several ways from the essays required by other top universities. A notable feature of UCLA’s prompts is their focus on personal growth, community involvement, and the demonstration of practical skills and talents.

Unlike some other top schools, such as Harvard or Stanford , which often ask for essays reflecting intellectual vitality or deep academic interests, UCLA places significant emphasis on understanding applicants’ personal journeys and real-world experiences. For instance, UCLA’s prompts about overcoming challenges or contributing to the community mirror its commitment to social awareness and diversity, inviting students to share stories of personal resilience or community engagement.

Another distinguishing aspect of UCLA’s Supplemental Essays is the breadth of topics they cover. While schools like Yale or Princeton might offer a range of prompts that allow students to delve deeply into a particular intellectual interest or creative endeavor, UCLA’s prompts are more comprehensive, touching on various aspects of a student’s life and experiences.

This comprehensive approach seeks a holistic understanding of the applicant, from leadership and creativity to academic passions and personal challenges. It allows students more flexibility to showcase different facets of their personality and experiences, making their application stand out in a diverse applicant pool. This approach reflects UCLA’s desire to understand applicants as multifaceted individuals with a range of interests and experiences.

In comparison with other top universities like MIT or Columbia, which may have prompts geared more towards academic and intellectual prowess, UCLA’s essays seem to prioritize real-world applications of knowledge and skills. They encourage students to reflect on how their experiences, whether in a classroom, in a community, or through personal challenges, have prepared them for the future. This emphasis aligns with UCLA’s ethos as an institution committed to practical impact and societal contribution.

UCLA’s prompts also allow for a more narrative and storytelling approach, which can be particularly advantageous for students who have strong personal stories and experiences that don’t necessarily fit into the traditional academic excellence mold. This makes UCLA’s essays not just a test of writing ability, but a platform for students to truly express who they are and what they value.

Why Choose UCLA?

Choosing the right university is a decision that sets the stage for your future, and UCLA is a choice that offers endless possibilities. This prestigious institution is not just a place to earn a degree; it’s a diverse community where innovation, inclusion, and opportunity converge to provide a dynamic learning environment.

At UCLA, you’ll find yourself in the company of some of the most talented students and educators in the world. The university prides itself on a tradition of academic excellence. With a wide range of programs and resources, UCLA ensures that every student has the tools they need to succeed in their field. Whether you’re drawn to the arts, sciences, or humanities, you’ll be supported by cutting-edge research and a culture that encourages intellectual curiosity.

Beyond academics, UCLA is known for its vibrant campus life. With over 1,000 student organizations, you can connect with peers who share your interests and passions. The university’s location in Los Angeles, a global hub for culture, technology, and business, provides countless internships and job opportunities that can give you a head start in your career.

Choosing UCLA means joining a legacy of leaders, thinkers, and change-makers who have left their mark on the world. It’s a place where you can not only dream about the future but also take the first steps toward making those dreams a reality.

Final Thoughts

essays are not just a formality; they are a critical element of your UCLA application. They offer a unique opportunity to present yourself as a three-dimensional individual, not just an applicant on paper.

These essays can bridge the gap between your academic achievements and the person you are outside the classroom. They provide context, showcase your writing skills, and, most importantly, share your story. In the admissions process, where every detail counts, well-crafted essays can be the deciding factor that helps you stand out in a pool of highly qualified candidates.

AdmissionSight , a college consulting firm, offers personalized assistance to students in their college admissions journey. We help you create a strategic plan for your application process, identify suitable schools aligned with your academic and personal goals, and prioritize your application strategy.

Our experts review your application, providing constructive feedback to enhance its quality and uniqueness. We also assist in crafting compelling essays that reflect your personality and achievements, guide you through the writing process, and offer feedback on drafts. In addition, we provide interview coaching to boost your confidence and readiness for college interviews, offering tips on professional presentation and answering common questions.

We aid in optimizing your extracurricular activities to align with your interests and goals, emphasizing leadership and initiative. Overall, AdmissionSight offers valuable guidance and support to increase your chances of college acceptance. With a strong network and a success rate exceeding 75% in the past decade, book a free initial consultation today!


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ucla supplemental essay example

How to Write the University of California Essays 2024-2025

The University of California (UC) school system is the most prestigious state university system in the United States and includes nine undergraduate universities: UC Berkeley, UC San Diego, UCLA, UC Santa Barbara, UC Santa Cruz, UC Davis, UC Riverside, UC Merced, and UC Irvine.

The University of California system has its own application portal, as well as its own deadline of November 30th—a full month before the Common Application is due. All nine universities use one application, so it is easy to apply to multiple UCs at the same time. 

The application requires you to answer four of eight personal insight questions, with a 350-word limit on each prompt. This may seem daunting at first, but we provide this guide to make the prompts more approachable and to help you effectively tackle them! 

ucla supplemental essay example

University of California Application Essay Prompts

Note: There is only one application for all the UC schools, so your responses will be sent to every University of California school that you apply to. You should avoid making essays school-specific (unless you are applying to only one school).

You might want to start by deciding which four of the eight prompts you plan on answering. The eight prompts are:

1. Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes, or contributed to group efforts over time.

2. every person has a creative side, and it can be expressed in many ways: problem-solving, original and innovative thinking, and artistically, to name a few. describe how you express your creative side., 3. what would you say is your greatest talent or skill how have you developed and demonstrated that talent over time, 4. describe how you have taken advantage of a significant educational opportunity or worked to overcome an educational barrier you have faced., 5. describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. how has this challenge affected your academic achievement, 6. think about an academic subject that inspires you. describe how you have furthered this interest inside and/or outside of the classroom., 7. what have you done to make your school or your community a better place, 8. beyond what has already been shared in your application, what do you believe makes you stand out as a strong candidate for admissions to the university of california.

As you begin selecting prompts, keep the purpose of college essays at the forefront of your mind. College essays are the place to humanize yourself and transform your test scores, GPA, and extracurriculars into a living, breathing human with values, ambitions, and a backstory. If a specific prompt will allow you to show a part of who you are that is not showcased in the rest of your application, start there. 

If nothing immediately jumps out at you, try dividing the prompts into three categories: “definites,” “possibilities,” and “avoids at all costs.” “Definites” will be prompts that quickly spark up a specific idea in you. “Possibilities” might elicit a few loose concepts, anecdotes, or structures. And “avoids” are prompts where you honestly cannot see yourself writing a convincing essay. Next, take your “definites” and “possibilities” and jot down your initial thoughts about them. Finally, look at all of your ideas together and decide which combination would produce the most well-rounded essay profile that shows who you are as an individual.

Of course, this is just one way to approach choosing prompts if you are stuck. Some students might prefer writing out a list of their values, identifying the most important ones in their life, then figuring out how to showcase those through the prompts. Other students select prompts based on what they are excited by or through freewriting on every prompt first. Do not feel constrained by any one method. Just remember:

  • Do not rush into prompts at first glance (though trial writing can be very valuable!).
  • Make sure that you consider potential ideas for many prompts before making final decisions, and ultimately write about the one with the most substance.
  • The prompts you select should allow you to highlight what is most important to you.

Check out our video to learn more about how to write the UC essays!

The 8 UC Personal Insight Questions

“Leadership Experience” is often a subheading on student resumes, but that is not what admissions officers are asking about here. They are asking for you to tell them a specific story of a time when your leadership truly mattered. This could include discussing the policies you enacted as president of a school club or the social ties you helped establish as captain of a sports team, but this prompt also gives you the freedom to go past that.

Leaders are individuals with strong values, who mentor, inspire, correct, and assist those around them. If you don’t feel like you’ve ever been a leader, consider the following questions:

  • Have you ever mentored anyone? Is there anyone younger than you who would not be the person they are today without you?
  • Have you ever taken the initiative? When and why did it matter?
  • Have you ever been fundamental to positive change in the world—whether it be on the small scale of positively impacting a family member’s life or on the large scale of trying to change the status of specific communities/identities in this world?
  • Have you ever stood up for what’s right or what you believe in?

Leadership is a concept that can be stretched, bent, and played with, but at the end of the day, the central theme of your essay must be leadership. Keeping this in mind, after your first draft, it can be helpful to identify the definition of leadership that you are working with, to keep your essay cohesive. This definition doesn’t need to appear within the essay (though, if you take on a more reflective structure, it might). Some examples of this include “being a positive role model as leadership,” “encouraging others to take risks as leadership,” and “embracing my identities as leadership.”

Here are some examples of how a leadership essay might look:

  • You’ve always loved learning and challenging yourself, but when you got to high school it was clear that only a certain type of student was recommended to take AP classes and you didn’t fit into that type. You presented a strong case to the school counselors that you were just as prepared for AP classes as anyone else, enrolled in your desired classes, and excelled. Since then, AP classes have become more diversified at your school and there has even been a new inclusion training introduced for your district’s school counselors. 
  • When you were working as a camp counselor, the art teacher brought you two of your campers who were refusing to get along. To mediate the conflict, you spent long hours before bed talking to them individually, learning about their personal lives and family situation. By understanding where each camper came from, you were better equipped to help them reach a compromise and became a role model for both campers.
  • As a member of your school’s Chinese organization, you were driven by your ethnic heritage to devote your lunch breaks to ensuring the smooth presentation of the Chinese culture show. You coordinated the performers, prepared refreshments, and collected tickets. You got through a great performance, even though a performer didn’t show and some of the food was delivered late. You weren’t on the leadership board or anything, but exhibited serious leadership, as both nights of the culture show sold out and hundreds of both Chinese and non-Chinese people were able to come together and celebrate your culture.

Like the last prompt, this prompt asks about a specific topic—creativity—but gives you wiggle room to expand your definition of that topic. By defining creativity as problem-solving, novel thinking, and artistic expression, this prompt basically says “get creative in how you define creativity!” 

Additionally, this broad conception of creativity lets you choose if you want to write about your personal life or your academic life. A robotics student could write about their love of baking on the weekends or their quick thinking during a technical interview. A dance student could write about their love of adapting choreography from famous ballets or their innovative solution to their dance team’s lack of funds for their showcase. You have space to do what you want!

That said, because this prompt is so open, it is important to establish a focus early on. Try thinking about what is missing from your application. If you are worried that your application makes you seem hyper-academic, use this prompt to show how you have fun. If you are worried that you might be appearing like one of those students who just gets good grades because they have a good memory, use this prompt to show off your problem-solving skills.

Also, keep in mind that you don’t have to describe any skill in creative pursuits as you answer this prompt. The prompt asks you how you express your “creative side,” alluding to creative instinct, not creative talent. You could write about how you use painting to let out your emotions—but your paintings aren’t very good. You could write about dancing in the shower to get excited for your day—but one time you slipped and fell and hurt your elbow. Experiences like these could make for a great reflective essay, where you explore the human drive towards creative expression and your acceptance that you personally don’t have to be creatively inclined to let out creative energy.

Some examples:

  • A math student writing about a time they devised a non-textbook method to proving theorems 
  • A creative writer describing how they close-read the ups-and-downs of classical music as an attempt to combat writers’ block and think of emotional trajectories for new stories
  • An engineering student writing about cooking as a creative release where numbers don’t matter and intuition supersedes reason
  • A psychology student writing about the limitations of quantitative data and describing a future approach to psychology that merges humanism and empiricism.

This is the kind of prompt where an answer either pops into your head or it doesn’t. The good news is that you can write a convincing essay either way. We all have great talents and skills—you just might have to dig a bit to identify the name of the talent/skill and figure out how to best describe it.

Some students have more obvious talents and skills than others. For example, if you are intending to be a college athlete, it makes sense to see your skill at your sport as your greatest talent or skill. Similarly, if you are being accepted into a highly-selective fine arts program, painting might feel like your greatest talent. These are completely reasonable to write about because, while obvious, they are also authentic! 

The key to writing a convincing essay about an obvious skill is to use that skill to explore your personality, values, motivations, and ambitions. Start by considering what first drew you to your specialization. Was there a specific person? Something your life was missing that painting, hockey, or film satisfied? Were you brought up playing your sport or doing your craft because your parents wanted you to and you had to learn to love it? Or choose to love it? What was that process like? What do these experiences say about you? Next, consider how your relationship with your talent has evolved. Have you doubted your devotion at times? Have you wondered if you are good enough? Why do you keep going? On the other hand, is your talent your solace? The stable element in your life? Why do you need that?

The key is to elucidate why this activity is worth putting all your time into, and how your personality strengths are exhibited through your relationship to the activity. 

Do not be put off by this prompt if you have not won any big awards or shown immense talent in something specific. All the prompt asks for is what you think is your greatest talent or skill. Some avenues of consideration for other students include:

  • Think about aspects of your personality that might be considered a talent or skill. This might include being a peacemaker, being able to make people laugh during hard times, or having organization skills.
  • Think about unique skills that you have developed through unique situations. These would be things like being really good at reading out loud because you spend summers with your grandfather who can no longer read, knowing traffic patterns because you volunteer as a crossing guard at the elementary school across the street that starts 45 minutes before the high school, or making really good pierogi because your babysitter as a child was Polish.
  • Think about lessons you have learned through life experiences. A military baby might have a great skill for making new friends at new schools, a child of divorce might reflect on their ability to establish boundaries in what they are willing to communicate about with different people, and a student who has had to have multiple jobs in high school might be talented at multitasking and scheduling. 

Make sure to also address how you have developed and demonstrated your selected talent. Do you put in small amounts of practice every day, or strenuous hours for a couple of short periods each year? Did a specific period of your life lead to the development of your talent or are you still developing it daily? 

The purpose of college essays is to show your values and personality to admissions officers, which often includes exploring your past and how it informs your present and future. With a bit of creativity in how you define a “talent or skill,” this prompt can provide a great avenue for that exploration. 

This prompt offers you two potential paths—discussing an educational opportunity or barrier. It is important that you limit yourself to one of these paths of exploration to keep your essay focused and cohesive. 

Starting with the first option, you should think of an educational opportunity as anything that has added value to your educational experience and better prepared you for life and your career. Some examples could include:

  • participation in an honors program
  • enrollment in an academy geared toward your future profession
  • a particularly enlightening conversation with a professional or teacher
  • joining a cultural- or interest-based student coalition
  • plenty of other opportunities

The phrasing “taken advantage of” implies the admissions committee’s desire for students who take the initiative. Admissions officers are more interested in students who sought out opportunities and who fought to engage with opportunities than students who were handed things. For example, a student who joined a career-advancement afterschool program in middle school could write about why they were initially interested in the program—perhaps they were struggling in a specific subject and didn’t want to fall behind because they had their sights set on getting into National Junior Honor Society, or their friend mentioned that the program facilitated internship opportunities and they thought they wanted to explore therapy as a potential career path.

On the other hand, if an opportunity was handed to you through family connections or a fortuitous introduction, explore what you did with that opportunity. For example, if a family member introduced you to an important producer because they knew you were interested in film, you could write about the notes you took during that meeting and how you have revisited the producer’s advice and used it since the meeting to find cheap equipment rentals and practice your craft.

If you choose to write about educational barriers you have faced, consider the personal characteristics and skills you called upon to overcome the challenge. How did the process of overcoming your educational barrier shape you as a person? What did you learn about yourself or the world? An added plus would be talking about passing it forward and helping those in your purview obtain the knowledge you did from your experiences.

Some examples of educational barriers could include:

  • limited access to resources, materials, technology, or classes
  • lacking educational role models
  • struggles with deciding on a passion or career path
  • financial struggles

One example of an interesting essay about educational barriers:

As a student at a school that did not offer any honors classes, you enrolled in online lectures to learn the subject you were passionate about — Human Geography. Afterward, you spoke to your school administrators about high-achieving students needing higher-level courses, and they agreed to talk to the local community college to start a pipeline for students like you.

Either way that you take this prompt, it can be used to position yourself as motivated and driven—exactly the type of student admissions officers are looking for!

This prompt is three-pronged. You must 1) identify a challenge 2) describe the steps you have taken to overcome the challenge and 3) connect the challenge to your academic achievement.

When approaching this prompt, it is best to consider these first and third aspects together so that you identify a challenge that connects to your academic life. If you simply pick any challenge you have experienced, when you get to the third part of the prompt, you may have to stretch your essay in ways that are unconvincing or feel inauthentic.

That said, remember that “academic achievement” reaches far beyond grades and exams. It can include things like:

  • Deciding your career goals
  • Balancing homework, jobs, and social/familial relationships
  • Having enough time to devote to self-care
  • Figuring out how you study/learn best
  • Feeling comfortable asking for help when you need it

You should begin brainstorming challenges and hardships that you have experienced and overcome. These could include financial hardships, familial circumstances, personal illness, or learning disabilities. Challenges could also be less structural—things like feeling like you are living in a sibling’s shadow, struggles with body image, or insecurity. While it is important that your challenge was significant, it matters much more that you discuss your challenge with thoughtful reflection and maturity.

Some ways to take this prompt include:

  • Writing about how overcoming a challenge taught you a skill that led to academic success — for example, a high-achieving student who struggles with anxiety was forced to take time off from school after an anxiety attack and learned the importance of giving oneself a break
  • Writing about a challenge that temporarily hindered your academic success and reflecting on it — for example, a student who experienced a death in the family could have had a semester where they almost failed English because reading led to negative thought spirals instead of plot retention
  • Writing about how a challenge humbled you and gave you a new perspective on your academics — for example, a student with a part-time job who helps support her family missed a shift because she was studying for a test and realized that she needed to ask her teachers for help and explain her home situation

As you describe the steps you have taken to overcome your selected challenge, you will want to include both tangible and intangible steps. This means that you will need to discuss your emotions, growth, and development, as well as what you learned through overcoming the challenge. Was your challenge easy to overcome or did it take a few tries? Do you feel you have fully overcome your challenge or is it a work in progress? If you have fully overcome the challenge, what do you do differently now? Or do you just see things differently now? If you were to experience the same challenge again, what would you have learned from before?

Here are some detailed examples:

  • Your parents underwent a bitter, drawn-out divorce that deeply scarred you and your siblings, especially your little brother who was attending elementary school at the time. He was constantly distraught and melancholy and seemed to be falling further and further behind in his schoolwork. You took care of him, but at the cost of your grades plummeting. However, through this trial, you committed yourself to protecting your family at all costs. You focused on computer science in high school, hoping to major in it and save up enough money for his college tuition by the time he applies. Through this mission, your resolve strengthened and reflected in your more efficient and excellent performance in class later on.
  • Your race was the most significant challenge you faced growing up. In school, teachers did not value your opinion nor did they believe in you, as evidenced by their preferential treatment of students of other races. To fight back against this discrimination, you talked to other students of the same race and established an association, pooling together resources and providing a supportive network of people to others in need of counseling regarding this issue.

The first step for approaching this prompt is fun and easy—think about an academic subject that inspires you. This part of the essay is about emotional resonance, so go with your gut and don’t overthink it. What is your favorite subject? What subject do you engage with in the media in your free time? What subject seeps into your conversations with friends and family on the weekends?

Keep in mind that high school subjects are often rather limited. The span of “academic subjects” at the university level is much less limited. Some examples of academic subjects include eighteenth-century literature, political diplomacy, astronomy, Italian film and television, botany, Jewish culture and history, mobile robotics, musical theater, race and class in urban environments, gender and sexuality, and much more.

Once you’ve decided what subject you are most interested in and inspired by, think about a tangible example of how you have furthered your interest in the subject. Some common ways students further their interests include:

  • Reading about your interest
  • Engaging with media (television, film, social media) about your interest
  • Volunteering with organizations related to your interest
  • Founding organizations related to your interest
  • Reaching out to professionals with your academic interest
  • Using your interest in interdisciplinary ways
  • Research in your field of interest
  • Internships in your field of interest

While you should include these kinds of tangible examples, do not forget to explain how your love for the subject drives the work you do, because, with an essay like this, the why can easily get lost in describing the what . Admissions officers need both.

A few examples:

  • You found your US government class fascinatingly complex, so you decided to campaign for a Congressional candidate who was challenging the incumbent in your district. You canvassed in your local community, worked at the campaign headquarters, and gathered voter data whilst performing various administrative duties. Though the work was difficult, you enjoyed a sense of fulfillment that came from being part of history.
  • Last year you fell in love with the play Suddenly Last Summer and decided to see what career paths were available for dramatic writing. You reached out to the contact on your local theater’s website, were invited to start attending their guest lecturer series, and introduced yourself to a lecturer one week who ended up helping you score a spot in a Young Dramatic Writers group downtown.
  • The regenerative power of cells amazed you, so you decided to take AP Biology to learn more. Eventually, you mustered up the courage to email a cohort of biology professors at your local university. One professor responded, and agreed to let you assist his research for the next few months on the microorganism C. Elegans.
  • You continued to develop apps and games even after AP Computer Science concluded for the year. Eventually, you became good enough to land an internship at a local startup due to your self-taught knowledge of various programming languages.

With regards to structure, you might try thinking about this essay in a past/present/future manner where you consider your past engagement with your interest and how it will affect your future at a UC school or as an adult in society. This essay could also become an anecdotal/narrative essay that centers around the story of you discovering your academic interest, or a reflective essay that dives deep into the details of why you are drawn to your particular academic subject.

Whatever way you take it, try to make your essay unique—either through your subject matter, your structure, or your writing style!

College essay prompts often engage with the word “community.” As an essay writer, it is important to recognize that your community can be as large, small, formal, or informal as you want it to be. Your school is obviously a community you belong to, but your local grocery store, the nearby pet adoption center you volunteer at, your apartment building, or an internet group can also be communities. Even larger social groups that you are a part of, like your country or your ethnicity, can be a community. 

The important part of your response here is not the community you identify with but rather the way you describe your role in that community. What do you bring to your community that is special? What would be missing without you?

Some responses could include describing how you serve as a role model in your community, how you advocate for change in your community, how you are a support system for other community members, or how you correct the community when it is veering away from its values and principles.

Here are some fleshed-out examples of how this essay could take shape, using the earlier referenced communities:

  • A student writes about the local grocery store in his neighborhood. Each Sunday, he picks up his family’s groceries and then goes to the pharmacy in the back to get his grandmother’s medication. The pharmacist was a close friend of his grandmother’s when she was young, so the student routinely gives the pharmacist a detailed update about his grandmother’s life. The student recognizes the value in his serving as a link to connect these two individuals who, due to aging, cannot be together physically.
  • An animal-loving student volunteers one Saturday each month at the pet adoption center in their city’s downtown district. They have always been an extremely compassionate person and view the young kittens as a community that deserves to be cared for. This caring instinct also contributes to their interactions with their peers and their desire to make large-scale positive social change in the world.

Your response to this prompt will be convincing if you discuss your underlying motives for the service you have done, and in turn, demonstrate the positive influence you have made. That said, do not be afraid to talk about your actions even if they did not produce a sweeping change; as long as the effort was genuine, change is change, no matter the scale. This essay is more about values and reflection than it is about the effects of your efforts.

Lastly, if you are discussing a specific service you did for your community, you might want to touch on what you learned through your service action or initiative, and how you will continue to learn in the future. Here are a few examples:

  • Passionate about classical music, you created a club that taught classical and instrumental music at local elementary schools. You knew that the kids did not have access to such resources, so you wanted to broaden their exposure as a high school senior had done for you when you were in middle school. You encouraged these elementary schoolers to fiddle with the instruments and lobbied for a music program to be implemented at the school. Whether the proposal gets approved or not, the kids have now known something they might never have known otherwise.
  • Working at your local library was mundane at times, but in the long run, you realized that you were facilitating the exchange of knowledge and protecting the intellectual property of eminent scholars. Over time, you found ways to liven up the spirit of the library by leading arts and crafts time and booking puppet shows for little kids whose parents were still at work. The deep relationships you forged with the kids eventually blossomed into a bond of mentorship and mutual respect.

Be authentic and humble in your response to this essay! Make sure it feels like you made your community a better place because community is a value of yours, not just so that you could write about it in a college essay.

This is the most open-ended any question can get. You have the freedom to write about anything you want! That said, make sure that, no matter what you do with this prompt, your focus can be summarized into two sentences that describe the uniqueness of your candidacy.

The process we recommend for responding to open-ended prompts with clarity involves the following steps:

1. On a blank piece of paper, jot down any and every idea — feelings, phrases, and keywords — that pop into your head after reading this prompt. Why are you unique?

2. Narrow your ideas down to one topic. The two examples we will use are a student writing about how her habit of pausing at least five seconds before she responds to someone else’s opinion is emblematic of her thoughtfulness and a student whose interest in researching the history of colonialism in the Caribbean is emblematic of their commitment to justice.

3. Outline the structure of your essay, and plan out content for an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

4. Before you start writing your essay, write one or two sentences that summarize how you would like the admissions officers to perceive you based on this essay. These sentences will not be in your final product, but will help you to maintain a focus. For our examples, this would be something like “Natalie’s habit of gathering her thoughts before responding to other people’s opinions allows her to avoid undesired complications and miscommunications in her social interactions. This has not only helped her maintain strong relationships with all the staff members of the clubs she leads, but will also help her navigate the social environments that she will face in the professional world.” A summary for the student writing about their interest in the history of colonialism could be “Jonathan has always been highly compassionate and sympathetic by nature. When they found out about the historical injustices of colonialism in the Caribbean through the book The Black Jacobins , they realized that compassion is what is missing from politics. Now, they are inspired to pursue a political science degree to ultimately have a political career guided by compassion.”

5. Finally, write an essay dedicated to constructing the image you devised in step 4. This can be achieved through a number of different structures! For example, Natalie could use an anecdote of a time when she spoke too soon and caused someone else pain, then could reflect on how she learned the lesson to take at least five seconds before responding and how that decision has affected her life. Jonathan could create an image of the future where they are enacting local policies based on compassion. It is important to keep in mind that you do not want to be repetitive, but you must stay on topic so that admissions officers do not get distracted and forget the image that you are attempting to convey.

As exemplified by the examples we provided, a good way to approach this prompt is to think of a quality, value, or personality trait of yours that is fundamental to who you are and appealing to admissions officers, then connect it to a specific activity, habit, pet peeve, anecdote, or another tangible example that you can use to ground your essay in reality. Use the tangible to describe the abstract, and convince admissions officers that you would be a valuable asset to their UC school!

Where to Get Your UC Essays Edited

With hundreds of thousands of applicants each year, many receiving top scores and grades, getting into top UC schools is no small feat. This is why excelling in the personal-insight questions is key to presenting yourself as a worthwhile candidate. Answering these prompts can be difficult, but ultimately very rewarding, and CollegeVine is committed to helping you along that journey. Check out these UC essay examples for more writing inspiration.

If you want to get your essays edited, we also have free peer essay review , where you can get feedback from another student. You can also improve your own writing skills by editing other students’ essays.

You can also receive expert essay review by advisors who have helped students get into their dream schools. You can book a review with an expert to receive notes on your topic, grammar, and essay structure to make your essay stand out to admissions officers. Haven’t started writing your essay yet? Advisors on CollegeVine also offer  expert college counseling packages . You can purchase a package to get one-on-one guidance on any aspect of the college application process, including brainstorming and writing essays.

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ucla supplemental essay example


University of California 2024-25 Essay Prompt Guide

Regular Decision: 

Regular Decision Deadline: Nov 30

University of California  2024-25 Application Essay Question Explanations

The Requirements: 4 out of 8 essays, 350 words each.

Supplemental Essay Type(s): Oddball , Community , Activity

The UC application sounds like a riddle. Every student must write four essays, but choose from eight prompts. The rules may be unfamiliar, but the game is the same: tell admissions something they don’t know – and then do it three more times! The instructions counsel you to “select questions that are most relevant to your experience and that best reflect your individual circumstances,” and frankly, we couldn’t agree more. A strategic applicant will choose a constellation of the UC essay prompts that highlight vastly different aspects of their lives and personalities, leaving an admissions officer with a deep and complete picture of who they are. Don’t get hung up on trying to divine the questions admissions wants you to answer. In the end, they just want to get to know the real you, plus the application swears that “there is no advantage or disadvantage to choosing certain questions over others.” So follow your heart (!) and don’t let the fatigue get to you. Avoid robotically starting every answer by restating the question and be as anecdotal as possible. With each essay, your goal isn’t just to answer the question, but to tell a very short story about yourself. So, keep reading to get expert tips on how to write your UC essays!

1. Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes or contributed to group efforts over time.  

Things to consider: a leadership role can mean more than just a title. it can mean being a mentor to others, acting as the person in charge of a specific task, or taking the lead role in organizing an event or project. think about what you accomplished and what you learned from the experience. what were your responsibilities, did you lead a team how did your experience change your perspective on leading others did you help to resolve an important dispute at your school, church, in your community or an organization and your leadership role doesn’t necessarily have to be limited to school activities. for example, do you help out or take care of your family.

When answering this UC personal insight question, avoid the siren song of your resume. This question isn’t asking you for a list! Remember: it’s your job, as an applicant, to use every essay as an opportunity to reveal something new about yourself. Think of a moment when you were in a position where you worked really hard to help a group of people. Maybe you are always the one helping your younger siblings with their homework, and you struggled to find ways to engage your dyslexic younger brother with math. Maybe, as a camp counselor or church volunteer, you were in charge of choreographing and instructing a number for a group of seven-year-old hip hop dancers to perform. Perhaps, on a Habitat for Humanity school trip, you became the head cook, whipping up everything from pancakes to chicken fajitas while galvanizing a team of sous chefs to pitch in.  

The point is, try to isolate a single leadership moment, and bring it to life with vivid details. Describe where you were, what was happening around you, and what you were feeling. Discuss what challenges you faced, and what you ultimately learned from the experience. Don’t shy away from challenges or even failures, since these are exactly the sorts of character-building experiences that can demonstrate resilience and quick thinking.

2. Every person has a creative side, and it can be expressed in many ways: problem solving, original and innovative thinking, and artistically, to name a few. Describe how you express your creative side.

Things to consider: what does creativity mean to you do you have a creative skill that is important to you what have you been able to do with that skill if you used creativity to solve a problem, what was your solution what are the steps you took to solve the problem, how does your creativity influence your decisions inside or outside the classroom does your creativity relate to your major or a future career.

You may think that this UC personal insight question was geared towards the artistically inclined, but take a closer look. The wording offers many potential definitions that veer away from traditional conceptions of creativity (and actually, it asks you for your personal definition!). Creativity lies in your outlook: seeing the opportunity to use one of your skills in a novel situation; looking at a problem from a new angle to find the solution that no one else could see. This question is, in reality, ideal for the more scientifically oriented to create a more well-rounded profile. Creative types, on the other hand, might want to proceed with caution since, really, every question is an opportunity to show off your talents and describe your artistic endeavors.

No matter who you are, though, remember this classic writing advice: show don’t tell. So, you claim that gardening, or Calculus, or painting is how you show your creative side. Okay. So, then immerse the reader in this activity with you . If you enjoy gardening, describe the plants, their qualities, and how you make your horticultural choices; are you drawn to the aesthetics or are you botanically inquisitive? Similarly, if your subject is Calculus, show the reader how you sat in your dad’s office for six hours straight trying to calculate Pi on a three dozen sheets of paper using red crayon.  If you love to paint, show the reader where you paint, what you paint, and why you paint, describing the colors, textures, materials—the essential process behind your art. Write descriptively so that the reader can feel as if he or she were experiencing your creative passion with you.

3. What would you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed and demonstrated that talent over time?  

Things to consider: if there’s a talent or skill that you’re proud of, this is the time to share it. you don’t necessarily have to be recognized or have received awards for your talent (although if you did and you want to talk about it, feel free to do so). why is this talent or skill meaningful to you, does the talent come naturally or have you worked hard to develop this skill or talent does your talent or skill allow you opportunities in or outside the classroom if so, what are they and how do they fit into your schedule.

If question 3 reminds you of question 2, you’re not alone. Often, when we talk about a talent or skill that we have honed over the course of a lifetime, we’re inclined to describe it as an art — a creative extension of who we are. So if you choose to respond to both of these UC personal insight questions, make sure to highlight distinct skills in each. 

The good news is: finding your subject should be easy! You just need to answer this question: what makes you proud? Think about the stories that your friends and family like to share about you. Think about moments when your hard work paid off. When you can zero in on an experience that makes your heart swell, you’ll be able to pinpoint your essential subject. If the memory of your first swim meet victory still makes you smile, draw us into your rigorous training schedule; describe the aspects of the sport that motivate you to wake up early and push yourself. What were your challenges? What has this experience taught you? This narrative should have a clear timeline that traces your growth from the past to the present and into the future. How do you plan to further develop your talent in college and/or after college? Show not only that you have grown, but that you will continue to grow as you take your first steps into adulthood.

4. Describe how you have taken advantage of a significant educational opportunity or worked to overcome an educational barrier you have faced.

Things to consider: an educational opportunity can be anything that has added value to your educational experience and better prepared you for college. for example, participation in an honors or academic enrichment program, or enrollment in an academy that’s geared toward an occupation or a major, or taking advanced courses that interest you — just to name a few. , if you choose to write about educational barriers you’ve faced, how did you overcome or strive to overcome them what personal characteristics or skills did you call on to overcome this challenge how did overcoming this barrier help shape who are you today.

This question is tricky because it has two parts. So first break the question down: You can write about either A.) How you have taken advantage of a significant educational opportunity OR B.) How you have worked to overcome an educational barrier. The “or” is key. You are not being asked to write about both parts of this question. Just write about one.

If you have participated in an afterschool program, internship, honors program, or a special class that was meaningful or inspiring to you, you will want to think about choosing option A.  Maybe it was an afterschool program for young, aspiring lawyers, or an advanced history class that you took at your local community college. This is an opportunity for you to showcase your ambition and highlight the kinds of challenges that engage and excite you. Beyond underscoring an academic interest, reflect on the personal qualities required for you to succeed. And remember to show, not tell! It will save you from accidentally humble-bragging your way through this assignment. 

Now, for option B. If you have worked to overcome a disability, struggled in school because you have a different background than your peers, suffered financial hardship, or something along those lines, you can choose to write about option B. To nail this tricky task, you will need to highlight not only the ways you struggled, but also the qualities that helped you succeed. How would you define yourself? Resilient? Hardworking? Brave? Zero in on a quality that resonates with you, and write targeted descriptions that bring it to life. (No one is going to believe you if you just write, “I am resilient,” and leave it at that.) Lastly, reflect on how this barrier shaped who you are today, and what skills you gained through facing this educational barrier.

5. Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement?

Things to consider: a challenge could be personal, or something you have faced in your community or school. why was the challenge significant to you this is a good opportunity to talk about any obstacles you’ve faced and what you’ve learned from the experience. did you have support from someone else or did you handle it alone, if you’re currently working your way through a challenge, what are you doing now, and does that affect different aspects of your life for example, ask yourself, “how has my life changed at home, at my school, with my friends or with my family”.

If you skipped question 4 or chose to write about option A, this question is a gift: a second chance to showcase your resilience in the face of obstacles. On the other hand, if you chose to write about option B in question 4, this might feel redundant. You are free to write about both, but again, proceed with caution and be sure to select a totally different challenge.

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: questions that ask you to describe a struggle or failure are really probing for stories about success. What pro-active steps did you take to address the problem at hand? Even if your solution didn’t work out perfectly, what did you learn? In facing this challenge, did you discover a courageous, creative, or hard-working side of yourself? Did you learn something valuable about yourself or others? Highlight the upside. How did this challenge shape who you are today? And how will the skills that you gained dealing with this challenge will help you in college and beyond?

6. Think about an academic subject that inspires you. Describe how you have furthered this interest inside and/or outside of the classroom. 

Things to consider: many students have a passion for one specific academic subject area, something that they just can’t get enough of. if that applies to you, what have you done to further that interest discuss how your interest in the subject developed and describe any experience you have had inside and outside the classroom — such as volunteer work, internships, employment, summer programs, participation in student organizations and/or clubs — and what you have gained from your involvement., has your interest in the subject influenced you in choosing a major and/or future career have you been able to pursue coursework at a higher level in this subject (honors, ap, ib, college or university work) are you inspired to pursue this subject further at uc, and how might you do that.

If you’ve ever referred to yourself as a “nerd” or “geek”, this question is probably for you. To nail down a topic for this bad boy, you can work in two directions: (1) think about how your favorite academic subject has impacted your extracurricular pursuits, or (2) trace one of your favorite hobbies back to its origins in the classroom. Maybe your love of languages led you to take a job at a coffee shop frequented by multilingual tourists. Or perhaps your now-extensive coin collection was resurrected when you did a research project on ancient Roman currency. Whichever way you go about it, building a bridge between the scholarly and the personal lies at the heart of answering this prompt.

7. What have you done to make your school or your community a better place? 

Things to consider: think of community as a term that can encompass a group, team or a place —like your high school, hometown or home. you can define community as you see fit, just make sure you talk about your role in that community. was there a problem that you wanted to fix in your community, why were you inspired to act what did you learn from your effort how did your actions benefit others, the wider community or both did you work alone or with others to initiate change in your community.

Some backwards advice: When writing about community service, you should always start with yourself. Community service essays are cliché minefields. To avoid drifting into platitudes, you need to ground your writing in the specificity of your life. Don’t start with the action and end with what you learned. Instead, dig into your motivations. If you spent weeks petitioning your school community to raise the hourly wage for custodial staff, what prompted you to act? What assumptions did you have about income inequality and what did you learn about your community in the process? Or, maybe you weren’t too enthused about your community service. Maybe you participated in a soccer-team-mandated day of coaching a pee-wee team. What caused your skepticism? How did you turn the experience around?

Also, don’t just choose a topic that sounds impressive. “This year I acted as the co-chair of the Honors Society, presiding over twenty different cases.” If you didn’t, in fact, really enjoy Honors Society, write about a topic that means something to you instead. Think of a moment where you felt like you made a change in your local community. It can be something small; it does not have to be monumental, but it should mean a great deal to you. Describe the moment, using detail to bring it to life, and then reflect on what that experience taught you, and how you hope to continue these activities in the future.

8. Beyond what has already been shared in your application, what do you believe makes you a strong candidate for admissions to the University of California?

Things to consider: if there’s anything you want us to know about you, but didn’t find a question or place in the application to tell us, now’s your change. what have you not shared with us that will highlight a skill, talent, challenge or opportunity that you think will help us know you better, from your point of view, what do you feel makes you an excellent choice for uc don’t be afraid to brag a little..

This question is really just what it says it is—an open-ended, choose-your-own-adventure question.  Is there something that you really, really want to tell the UC admissions team that you feel makes you a strong and unique candidate that is not showcased in the other three personal insight questions? As with the other questions, whatever topic you choose, please use detail and description to bring this topic to life for the reader, and include thoughtful reflection on why this topic matters to you. Also, be sure to explain why your chosen topic makes you stand out as a strong candidate for the UC schools, since the question specifically asks you to do that!

We hope you enjoyed our UC application essay tips! Don’t hesitate to submit a contact form below if you’d like to work with an experienced College Essay Advisor on your drafts!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Applicants must respond to four (4) out of the eight (8) Personal Insight Questions.

Each UC Personal Insight Question asks for a response of 350 words.

We recommend reading each prompt and jotting down a few ideas that come to mind. Next, review your notes and elaborate on each story. You’ll be able to tell rather quickly which of your stories have the most potential to transform into 350-word essays and reveal new, interesting information to admissions regarding your candidacy!

As with all application essays, admissions is hoping to read essays that help them to get to know the person behind the application data. They even say on their website , “There is no right or wrong way to answer these questions. It’s about getting to know your personality, background, interests and achievements in your own unique voice.”

No! You need to write a total of four (4) essays. These essays should have very little (if any) overlap.

The UC essays are quite important! They’re your only opportunity to speak to admissions in your own voice. The admissions committee will be reviewing dozens of applications each day, which means they are assessing a lot of data. These essays present an opportunity for you to humanize your application and stand out from the crowd.

Applicants will want to avoid silly grammar mistakes , repeating the prompt in their response, and telling rather than showing (e.g., saying you are determined without giving an example of a time you displayed determination).

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UCLA Successful Essay Examples

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UCLA is one of the most popular universities in California. In recent years, it has received a record number of applications. If the West Coast  calls to you and you like the idea of finding your niche in a large top tier university, UCLA may be the school for you. If you’re still working on your responses to the UC essay prompts, these examples may help. 

ucla supplemental essay example

One of the most sought-after UC schools, UCLA is a dream school for many Californians. More than 100,000 students applied to UCLA last fall, and the numbers are expected to remain the same for this upcoming application season. For those of you applying this Fall, the regular application filing period is November 1-30. If you’re still working on your UC essays, here are 5 successful examples that might inspire you to write yours: 

UC Los Angeles ‘20

ucla supplemental essay example

Prompt: Describe the world you come from - for example, your family, community, or school - and tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations.

It was my fault. I had chosen this topic for my math exploration, armed with only the feeblest grasp of actual concept. Music, math, and the harmonic series…I sighed. In the time-honored tradition of all students, I had turned to Google for succor. The words on the screen blurred together hazily. “Pythagoras discovered that a string exactly 1/nth its length produces a frequency n times the original frequency…” It just didn’t make sense: what did a bunch of numbers have to do with musical consonance? Read her full UCLA application essay.

ucla supplemental essay example

A bright orange glow reflecting on the water, I love watching the sunrise at the beach. I grew up less than ten minutes away from the Atlantic and my early childhood memories include frequent trips to the beach. Although the beach is a stunning sight, the beach is not always pristine. My family and I regularly remove trash from the beach, including commercial fishing and industrial debris, particularly after storms, sometimes in quantities almost too heavy to carry. Unlock his full UCLA profile read his application!

ucla supplemental essay example

Prompt: Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution or experience that is important to you. What about this quality or accomplishment makes you proud and how does it relate to the person you are?

Starting in 6th grade, I spent every summer at Jon Lee’s East Beach volleyball camp. Most kids came and went on a weekly basis, but I just stayed. There was nowhere else I would rather have been, than at East Beach playing volleyball with my friends. I loved it so much that I sought out faster improvement, committing to more formal training with an AVP professional player. View his full successful UCLA profile.

ucla supplemental essay example

T-shirt. I had never heard of DECA before. Curious, I asked him more about it, and learned that it was “a club for, like marketing and business”, as he called it. Her persuaded me to join and we planned to compete together in the Sports and Entertainment Marketing Team even. Unlock his full UCLA profile read his application!

ucla supplemental essay example

Prompt: What would you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed and demonstrated that talent over time?  

I can read koalas with turtles and I can eat ice cream with friends in North Korea. This is all possible due to the power of Photoshop. Photoshop is like a straw that allows people’s eyes to drink from my imagination. I can make anything and put it anywhere; from sea monsters in the ocean to winged toasters at my birth. For nearly four years, I have used Photoshop to express myself in an adventurous way, one that offers me wider avenues than music or writing do. I am constantly improving my photoshopping abilities and therefore expanding the limits of my expression. Unlock his full UCLA profile read his application!

Are you looking to apply to UC Schools? or just starting to build out  your college list ? Make sure to search through profiles of students accepted to see essays, stats, and advice. See how they got in, and how you can too!

About The Author

Frances Wong

Frances was born in Hong Kong and received her bachelor’s degree from Georgetown University. She loves super sad drama television, cooking, and reading. Her favorite person on Earth isn’t actually a member of the AdmitSee team - it’s her dog Cooper.

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  • 5. COVID-19 and Your College Essay: Should You Write About It?
  • 6. College Search: How to Find Your Best College Fit
  • 7. College Tours 101: Everything You Need to Know
  • 8. Waitlisted? 5 Ways to Move from the College Waitlist to Acceptance
  • 9. When (and why) should you send additional materials to colleges you’re interested in?
  • 10. How to Make Your College Essay Stand Out
  • 1. How to Write College Essays to Boost your Chances Part 2: Focusing the Priority
  • 2. How to Write College Essays to Boost your Chances Part 1: Biggest Essay Mistakes
  • 3. College Application Lessons from 2020-2021: Strategizing through Covid Changes (Part 2)
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Your chance of acceptance, your chancing factors, extracurriculars, examples of successful supplemental essays.

I'm in the process of writing my supplemental essays for college apps and I'm struggling a bit. Can anyone share some examples of successful supplemental essays to help me get a better idea of what these colleges are looking for?

Sure! It's important to remember that a successful supplemental essay addresses the specific prompt while also providing insight into your personality, values, and perspectives. You can find many example essays—submitted to specific colleges and universities by real students—on CollegeVine's blog: https://www.collegevine.com/category/essays/essay-examples

Remember to personalize your response and relate it to your own experiences and interests. While these examples provide solid structure and content, it's crucial to tailor your own essay to the specific prompt and college, showcasing who you are as an individual. Good luck!

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Supplemental Application Essays

  • Thread starter Chigga
  • Start date Aug 2, 2009

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  • Aug 2, 2009

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  • Aug 3, 2009

Call me old fashion, but I think posting these essay questions on SDN is wrong. There is reason some schools don't make the questions available to everyone: they want to see if you can think about, write, and send in the questions in a timely manner. I know UCSF gives you 21 days to send in your responses. If you can't answer the 6-8 questions in 3 weeks, I think that may say something to them about you as an applicant. Afterall, the point of the essays are to evaluate your written communication skills. It's unfair if some people are given a head start or extra time. -My 2 cents.  


I am looking at Penns supplemental and it seems extremely redundant to me I answered two of the questions in my AADSAS app. annoying  

Chigga said: giving applicants plenty of time to prepare their thoughts. Click to expand...
kitejunky27 said: I am looking at Penns supplemental and it seems extremely redundant to me I answered two of the questions in my AADSAS app. annoying Click to expand...

I don't know about that. You still want to make it clear and concise.  

preOMFS said: I don't know about that. You still want to make it clear and concise. Click to expand...

I suppose. I tried to do that with my ps also though. I know UCSF's supp app asks you to only use the space provided for each question (a bit less than a page).  

preOMFS said: I suppose. I tried to do that with my ps also though. I know UCSF's supp app asks you to only use the space provided for each question (a bit less than a page). Click to expand...
  • Aug 4, 2009
preOMFS said: 3 weeks isn't enough time to prepare your thoughts? Click to expand...
kitejunky27 said: I am looking at Penns supplemental and it seems extremely redundant to me Click to expand...

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Ucla supplemental questionnaire?

Has anyone received a UCLA supplemental questionnaire? I know they give it to only around 6% of applicants who are borderline. I’m asking because I was wondering if I still have to check my email for it if I possibly get it or if I don’t have to worry since people already got it.

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How To Tackle The Weirdest Supplemental Essay Prompts For This Application Cycle

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Writing the college essay

How do you write a letter to a friend that shows you’re a good candidate for the University of Pennsylvania? What reading list will help the Columbia University admissions committee understand your interdisciplinary interests? How can you convey your desire to attend Yale by inventing a course description for a topic you’re interested in studying?

These are the challenges students must overcome when writing their supplemental essays . Supplemental essays are a critical component of college applications—like the personal statement, they provide students with the opportunity to showcase their authentic voice and perspective beyond the quantitative elements of their applications. However, unlike the personal essay, supplemental essays allow colleges to read students’ responses to targeted prompts and evaluate their candidacy for their specific institution. For this reason, supplemental essay prompts are often abstract, requiring students to get creative, read between the lines, and ditch the traditional essay-writing format when crafting their responses.

While many schools simply want to know “why do you want to attend our school?” others break the mold, inviting students to think outside of the box and answer prompts that are original, head-scratching, or downright weird. This year, the following five colleges pushed students to get creative—if you’re struggling to rise to the challenge, here are some tips for tackling their unique prompts:

University of Chicago

Prompt: We’re all familiar with green-eyed envy or feeling blue, but what about being “caught purple-handed”? Or “tickled orange”? Give an old color-infused expression a new hue and tell us what it represents. – Inspired by Ramsey Bottorff, Class of 2026

What Makes it Unique: No discussion of unique supplemental essay prompts would be complete without mentioning the University of Chicago, a school notorious for its puzzling and original prompts (perhaps the most well-known of these has been the recurring prompt “Find x”). This prompt challenges you to invent a new color-based expression, encouraging both linguistic creativity and a deep dive into the emotional or cultural connotations of color. It’s a prompt that allows you to play with language, think abstractly, and show off your ability to forge connections between concepts that aren’t typically linked—all qualities that likewise demonstrate your preparedness for UChicago’s unique academic environment.

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How to Answer it: While it may be easy to get distracted by the open-ended nature of the prompt, remember that both the substance and structure of your response should give some insight into your personality, perspective, and characteristics. With this in mind, begin by considering the emotions, experiences, or ideas that most resonate with you. Then, use your imagination to consider how a specific color could represent that feeling or concept. Remember that the prompt is ultimately an opportunity to showcase your creativity and original way of looking at the world, so your explanation does not need to be unnecessarily deep or complex—if you have a playful personality, convey your playfulness in your response; if you are known for your sarcasm, consider how you can weave in your biting wit; if you are an amateur poet, consider how you might take inspiration from poetry as you write, or offer a response in the form of a poem.

The goal is to take a familiar concept and turn it into something new and meaningful through a creative lens. Use this essay to showcase your ability to think inventively and to draw surprising connections between language and life.

Harvard University

Prompt: Top 3 things your roommates might like to know about you.

What Makes it Unique: This prompt is unique in both form and substance—first, you only have 150 words to write about all 3 things. Consider using a form other than a traditional essay or short answer response, such as a bullet list or short letter. Additionally, note that the things your roommate might like to learn about you do not necessarily overlap with the things you would traditionally share with an admissions committee. The aim of the prompt is to get to know your quirks and foibles—who are you as a person and a friend? What distinguishes you outside of academics and accolades?

How to Answer it: First and foremost, feel free to get creative with your response to this prompt. While you are producing a supplemental essay and thus a professional piece of writing, the prompt invites you to share more personal qualities, and you should aim to demonstrate your unique characteristics in your own voice. Consider things such as: How would your friends describe you? What funny stories do your parents and siblings share that encapsulate your personality? Or, consider what someone might want to know about living with you: do you snore? Do you have a collection of vintage posters? Are you particularly fastidious? While these may seem like trivial things to mention, the true creativity is in how you connect these qualities to deeper truths about yourself—perhaps your sleepwalking is consistent with your reputation for being the first to raise your hand in class or speak up about a cause you’re passionate about. Perhaps your living conditions are a metaphor for how your brain works—though it looks like a mess to everyone else, you have a place for everything and know exactly where to find it. Whatever qualities you choose, embrace the opportunity to think outside of the box and showcase something that admissions officers won’t learn about anywhere else on your application.

University of Pennsylvania

Prompt: Write a short thank-you note to someone you have not yet thanked and would like to acknowledge.

What Makes it Unique: Breaking from the traditional essay format, this supplement invites you to write directly to a third party in the form of a 150-200 word long letter. The challenge in answering this distinct prompt is to remember that your letter should say as much about you, your unique qualities and what you value as it does about the recipient—all while not seeming overly boastful or contrived.

How to Answer it: As you select a recipient, consider the relationships that have been most formative in your high school experience—writing to someone who has played a large part in your story will allow the admissions committee some insight into your development and the meaningful relationships that guided you on your journey. Once you’ve identified the person, craft a thank-you note that is specific and heartfelt—unlike other essays, this prompt invites you to be sentimental and emotional, as long as doing so would authentically convey your feelings of gratitude. Describe the impact they’ve had on you, what you’ve learned from them, and how their influence has shaped your path. For example, if you’re thanking a teacher, don’t just say they helped you become a better student—explain how their encouragement gave you the confidence to pursue your passions. Keep the tone sincere and personal, avoid clichés and focus on the unique role this person has played in your life.

University of Notre Dame

Prompt: What compliment are you most proud of receiving, and why does it mean so much to you?

What Makes it Unique: This prompt is unique in that it invites students to share something about themselves by reflecting on someone else’s words in 50-100 words.

How to Answer it: The key to answering this prompt is to avoid focusing too much on the complement itself and instead focus on your response to receiving it and why it was so important to you. Note that this prompt is not an opportunity to brag about your achievements, but instead to showcase what truly matters to you. Select a compliment that truly speaks to who you are and what you value. It could be related to your character, work ethic, kindness, creativity, or any other quality that you hold in high regard. The compliment doesn’t have to be grand or come from someone with authority—it could be something small but significant that left a lasting impression on you, or it could have particular meaning for you because it came from someone you didn’t expect it to come from. Be brief in setting the stage and explaining the context of the compliment—what is most important is your reflection on its significance and how it shaped your understanding of yourself.

Stanford University

Prompt: List five things that are important to you.

What Makes it Unique: This prompt’s simplicity is what makes it so challenging. Stanford asks for a list, not an essay, which means you have very limited space (50 words) to convey something meaningful about yourself. Additionally, the prompt does not specify what these “things” must be—they could be a physical item, an idea, a concept, or even a pastime. Whatever you choose, these five items should add depth to your identity, values, and priorities.

How to Answer it: Start by brainstorming what matters most to you—these could be values, activities, people, places, or even abstract concepts. The key is to choose items or concepts that, when considered together, provide a comprehensive snapshot of who you are. For example, you might select something tangible and specific such as “an antique telescope gifted by my grandfather” alongside something conceptual such as “the willingness to admit when you’re wrong.” The beauty of this prompt is that it doesn’t require complex sentences or elaborate explanations—just a clear and honest reflection of what you hold dear. Be thoughtful in your selections, and use this prompt to showcase your creativity and core values.

While the supplemental essays should convey something meaningful about you, your values, and your unique qualifications for the university to which you are applying, the best essays are those that are playful, original, and unexpected. By starting early and taking the time to draft and revise their ideas, students can showcase their authentic personalities and distinguish themselves from other applicants through their supplemental essays.

Christopher Rim

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  23. Ucla supplemental questionnaire? : r/ApplyingToCollege

    It sounds like your post is related to essays — please check the A2C Wiki Page on Essays for a list of resources related to essay topics, tips & tricks, and editing advice. You can also go to the r/CollegeEssays subreddit for a sub focused exclusively on essays. tl;dr: A2C Essay Wiki. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.

  24. How To Tackle The Weirdest Supplemental Essay Prompts For This ...

    Supplemental essays are a critical component of college applications—like the personal statement, they provide students with the opportunity to showcase their authentic voice and perspective ...