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Animal Nutrition

  • Wageningen University
  • Department of Animal Sciences
  • Website ,
  • 76 Finished

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Maxfield, M., Hendriks, W. & van Baal, J.

1/07/24 → …

Project : PhD

Health-promoting effects of insect products in poultry feed

Rezaei Far, A. , Gerrits, W. , Jansen, C. , Veldkamp, T. & de Vries, S.

Improving digestibility of low quality ingredients (co-products) by feed processing

Puthiyottil, M. , Gerrits, W. , Bosch, G. & Schrama, J.

12/05/24 → …

The effect of fresh grass and grazing on enteric methane emission of dairy cattle

Koning, L. , Dijkstra, J. , Bannink, A. & van Gastelen, S.

1/05/24 → …

Protein nutrition and damaging behaviour in pigs

Glinubon, J., Gerrits, W. , Bolhuis, L. & Jansman, A.

1/11/23 → …

Key Indicators for Non-Invasive Monitoring of Health and Performance in Pigs

Lazarakou, A., Gerrits, W. , Jansman, A. & de Vries, S.

15/10/23 → …

Modelling impact of feed supplements on methane emissions in dairy cattle

Vivares Martinez, G., Dijkstra, J. & Bannink, A.

15/03/23 → …

Plasma proteins to enhance gut health in dogs

Stellingwerf, I. N. , Hendriks, W. , van Neerven, J. , Bosch, G. & Govers, C.

1/02/23 → …

  • Canine 100%
  • Gut Health 100%

The effect of dietary protein on health in dairy cows

van Ruitenbeek, A. , Dijkstra, J. , Bannink, A. & van Knegsel, A.

1/12/22 → …

  • Dairy Cows 100%
  • Dietary Protein 100%
  • Protein Intake 100%

Ingestible sensor for protein fermentation.

Minderhoud, R. , Capuano, E. , Hooiveld, G. & de Vries, S.

15/11/22 → …

Sustainable dairy production: the role of multi-functional grasslands

Cui, Z., Dijkstra, J. & Pellikaan, W.

23/10/22 → …

  • Cattle Production 100%
  • Grassland 100%
  • Dairy Cattle 100%
  • Rumen Fermentation 50%

Uitgekookt: investeren in procestechnologieën voor betere benutting van grondstoffen?

Rijpert, J., Gerrits, W. , Bosch, G. & Rodriguez Illera, M.

1/05/22 → …

  • Nutritive Value 100%
  • Environmental Impact 66%
  • Feed Processing 33%
  • Food Chain 33%

Differences in feed digestibility of dairy cows

Edens, M. , Bovenhuis, H. , Dijkstra, J. & Gilbert, M.

1/02/22 → …

  • Feed Digestibility 100%
  • Feed Efficiency 50%
  • Feed Intake 50%

Genetic differences in feed digestibility of dairy cows

Guennoc, E. , Bovenhuis, H. & Dijkstra, J.

  • Digestibility 60%
  • Feed Efficiency 40%
  • Dry Matter Intake 20%

Improving grazing efficiency to support high productivity per cow in intensive mixed dairy systems

Menegazzi da Conceição, G. , Dijkstra, J. & Gerrits, W.

4/01/22 → …

  • Dry Matter Intake 66%
  • Methane 66%
  • Grazing Management 66%


Jansseune, S. , Hendriks, W. & van Baal, J.

1/09/21 → …

  • Broiler 100%
  • Lactobacillus 100%
  • Probiotic 100%
  • Microflora 11%
  • Transcriptome 5%

The impact of dietary amino acids and energy on the develompment of laying hen body composition to support long-term egg production.

van Eck-Kalkman, L. & Kwakkel, R.

  • Laying Hens 100%
  • Egg Production 100%
  • Body Composition 100%
  • Amino Acid 100%
  • Adipose Tissue 33%

Quantifying differences in bioavailability of different dietary proteins in older adults

Hinssen, F. , Huppertz, T. , Mensink, M. & van der Wielen, N.

1/06/21 → …

Alternative protein sources in feed; healthy broilers with a decreased ecological footprint

Vingerhoets, T., Kwakkel, R. , Pellikaan, W. & van den Borne, J.

21/02/21 → …

Feed evaluation in poultry

Habibi, F. , Kwakkel, R. & de Vries, S.

1/02/21 → …

Improving low protein diets to prevent behavioural problems in pigs

Minussi, I. , Gerrits, W. , Bolhuis, L. & Jansman, A.

1/10/20 → …

Lignin as intrinsic Tracer for gastrointestinal transit behavior and Feed digestion (LiFeTracer)

Veersma, R. , Kabel, M. , de Vries, S. & van Erven, G.

14/09/20 → …

Pelleting feed in the circular agriculture

Bastiaansen, T. , Hendriks, W. , Bosch, G. & de Vries, S.

1/04/20 → …

  • Farm Animal 75%
  • Agricultural Science 56%
  • Pelletizing 50%
  • Coproducts 50%

Optimizing the utilization of non-conventional feed ingredients in pigs by targetting hindgut fermentation of protein components for improved animal health and environment

Zhang, H. , Hendriks, W. , Cone, J. & van der Wielen, N.

6/01/20 → …

In vitro models to evaluate fermentability of fibrous feedstuffs in pigs

Zhang, S. , Gerrits, W. , de Jonge, L. & de Vries, S.

1/09/19 → …

More Meat and Milk from Straw

Zheng, C. , Hendriks, W. , Baars, J. , Cone, J. & van Peer, A.

19/08/19 → …

Inclusion of seaweeds in dairy cattle diets: effects on enteric methane production and ruminal microbiome

Muizelaar, W. , Dijkstra, J. & van Duinkerken, G.

1/07/19 → …

Endogenous nitrogen losses in pigs

Steendam, C. , Hendriks, W. & Verstegen, M.

Fungal treatment of lignocellulosic biomass is the key to efficient ruminant production in Vietnam

Tran, H. , Hendriks, W. , Cone, J. , van Peer, A. & Baars, J.

The response of supply organs of young broilers fed different nutritional levels

Diehl, E. & Kwakkel, R.

1/05/19 → …

NWO- Circular Economy project on developing houseflies for feed

Pisa, L. , Hendriks, W. , Bosch, G. & Oonincx, D.

15/11/18 → …

Early nutrition and Feather Pecking

Mens, A. , Kwakkel, R. & de Jong, I.

1/04/18 → …

Evaluation of the nutritional value of local feedstuffs for dairy cattle in Vietnam

Nguyen Thi Duong Huyen, H. , Hendriks, W. & Pellikaan, W.

12/03/18 → …

A liquid based early feeding concept for broiler chickens: effects on performance and intestinal health

van Calmthout, E., Kwakkel, R. & Jansen, C.

1/03/18 → …

EFRO Faag op Maat

Krzysica, P. , Savelkoul, H. , Tijhaar, E. & de Vries, S.

1/09/17 → …

Feed intake stimulation of dairy cows

Binti Abd Rahim, S. , Dijkstra, J. & van Laar, H.

15/12/15 → …

Ensilling of fungal treated biomass and its effects on dairy cattle performance

Ratni, E., Hendriks, W. , Cone, J. & Sonnenberg, A.

15/09/14 → …

van den Borne, J. & Hendriks, W.

1/04/06 → …

Project : PostDoc

Response to different dietary nutrient composition on young dairy calves

Amado Barrantes, L., Gerrits, W. & Neto Leal, L.

1/06/20 → 15/12/23

Lignin as intrinsic tracer for gastrointestinal transit behavior and feed digestion (LiFeTracer)

Lannuzel, C. , Gerrits, W. , Kabel, M. & de Vries, S.

1/04/20 → 5/07/24

The role of fibres and proteins in the regulation of digesta transit behaviour in pigs and poultry

Dorado Montenegro, S., Gerrits, W. & de Vries, S.

1/11/19 → 10/04/24

Development of in-house test protocols for evaluation of pet foods

Bos, E. , Hendriks, W. , Beerda, B. & Bosch, G.

1/05/19 → 30/11/23

Utilizing the growth potential of piglets in a novel, integrated multi-litter housing system for sows and piglets

Tang, T., Gerrits, W. , Reimert, I. & Soede, N.

1/10/18 → 21/02/23

  • Piglet 100%

Shifts in timing, location, and source of nitrogen supply in dairy cows: Impacts on digestion, metabolism and nitrogen efficiency

Rauch, R. & Dijkstra, J.

1/07/18 → 4/11/22

  • Metabolic Pathway 100%

Assessing the potential of insects to reduce the environmental impact of livestock production and improve livestock health and welfare in concert

Ipema, A. , Bolhuis, L. , Bokkers, E. A. M. & Gerrits, W.

1/05/18 → 13/01/23

  • Farm Animal 100%
  • Livestock Production 100%
  • Environmental Impact 100%
  • Livestock Farming 100%

Trace minerals with Chelator and the effect on oxidative status

Boerboom, G. & Hendriks, W.

1/03/18 → 15/10/21

  • Animal Nutrition 100%
  • Animal Feeding 100%
  • Glutamic Acid 100%

Effect of broiler breeder nutrition on egg characteristics and chick quality

Heijmans, J., Gerrits, W. , Kemp, B. , Kwakkel, R. & van den Brand, H.

28/02/18 → 26/04/23

  • Broiler Breeders 100%
  • Protein Intake 27%
  • Energy Intake 27%

Application of meta-omics techniques to the rumen microbiome of dairy cows

Hua, D., Hendriks, W. & Pellikaan, W.

1/02/18 → 25/10/22

  • Microbiome 100%
  • Metagenomics 75%
  • Metabolic Pathway 75%
  • Rumen Microorganism 50%

Investigation of Sodium and Protein Supplementation on Performance of Lactating Cows in Tropical Climate

Thiangtum, W., Hendriks, W. & Verstegen, M.

1/12/17 → 7/05/18

  • Milk Yield 58%
  • Dairy Cows 50%

Methods of determining,expressing and predicting particle size and its relation to the performance of animal

Lyu, F., Hendriks, W. & van der Poel, T.

23/11/17 → 15/11/21

  • Soybean Meal 100%
  • Digestibility 100%
  • In Vitro Digestibility 33%

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Football cooperative, a community based physical activity social intervention for men: translational formative evaluation of a replication study to inform national and international dissemination(ref: setu_2024_213)., phd research project.

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Experimental and numerical investigation of dissimilar material refill friction stir spot welding

Funded phd project (uk students only).

This research project has funding attached. It is only available to UK citizens or those who have been resident in the UK for a period of 3 years or more. Some projects, which are funded by charities or by the universities themselves may have more stringent restrictions.

Football Cooperative, a community based physical activity social intervention for men: An assessment of effectiveness when replicated at scale using a social return on investment (SROI) framework(SETU_2024_236)

Exploring friction stir welded steel joints on giga-cycle running machines, frailties in multiple sclerosis, competition funded phd project (students worldwide).

This project is in competition for funding with other projects. Usually the project which receives the best applicant will be successful. Unsuccessful projects may still go ahead as self-funded opportunities. Applications for the project are welcome from all suitably qualified candidates, but potential funding may be restricted to a limited set of nationalities. You should check the project and department details for more information.

Genetics of interstitial lung disease

Astrophysical sciences and technology ph.d., physics ph.d., mathematical modeling ph.d., business administration ph.d., cognitive science phd, color science ph.d., mechanical and industrial engineering ph.d., sustainability ph.d., microsystems engineering ph.d..

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animal nutrition research projects

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animal nutrition research projects

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  1. Nutrition Experiments in Pigs and Poultry PDF: A Practical Guide

    animal nutrition research projects

  2. Research Needs in Animal Nutrition

    animal nutrition research projects

  3. Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition 2006

    animal nutrition research projects

  4. National Research Support Project Proposal National Animal Nutrition

    animal nutrition research projects

  5. (PDF) Animal nutrition: beyond boundaries of feed and feeding

    animal nutrition research projects

  6. Research and Development, key in animal nutrition

    animal nutrition research projects


  1. Animal Nutrition

    WEBInclusion of seaweeds in dairy cattle diets: effects on enteric methane production and ruminal microbiome. Muizelaar, W., Dijkstra, J. & van Duinkerken, G. 1/07/19 → …. Project: PhD.