Research Jobs

Two Postdoctoral Positions: Surface Phenomena on Nano Glasses

  • Liaoning Academy of Materials | Herbert Gleiter International Institute
  • China, Shenyang

Group Lead (POC team)

  • Sinovac Biotech Ltd.
  • China, Beijing

Principal Investigator

  • China, Dalian

大连理工大学期货研究院诚聘四海英才(Dalian University of Technology Futures Research Institute is recruiting talents from all over the world)

  • Shandong University
  • China, Jinan

山东大学公共卫生学院2024年诚聘海内外优秀人才(Shandong University School of Public Health is recruiting outstanding talents from home and abroad in 2024)

  • Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics
  • China, Nanjing

Part-time Visiting Scholar

  • Southwest Jiaotong University
  • China, Chengdu

Full-time teaching-focused positions in Electronic and Electrical Engineering in Glasgow College/Glasgow College Hainan UESTC

  • University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

四川大学原子与分子物理研究所诚聘英才 Recruiting talents in Institute of Atomic and Molecular Physics, Sichuan University

  • Sichuan University

华东师范大学空间人工智能学院诚邀全球英才加盟(教授/博士后)The School of Space Artificial Intelligence at East China Normal University cordially invites global talents to join (professors/postdoctoral fellows)

  • East China Normal University
  • China, Shanghai

浙江大学药学院博士后全球招聘(Zhejiang University School of Pharmacy Postdoctoral Global Recruitment)

  • Zhejiang University
  • China, Hangzhou

Ph.D. Student Positions in Physical Science of two-dimensional systems

  • National Institute for Materials Science
  • Japan, Tsukuba

ICYS Research Fellow, NIMS, Japan

  • University of Nottingham Ningbo China
  • China, Ningbo

Professor in Mathematics/Applied Mathematics

  • University of Oulu
  • Finland, Oulu
  • Consent preferences
  • CES Centre for Educational Support (CES)
  • CFM Campus & Facility Management (CFM)
  • FIN Finance (FIN)
  • GA General Affairs (GA)
  • HR Human Resources (HR)
  • LISA Library, ICT Services & Archive (LISA)
  • MC Marketing & Communication (MC)
  • SBD Strategic Business Development (SBD)
  • SP Strategy & Policy (SP)
  • Employment & personal development
  • Terms of employment

Salary and remuneration

About your salary and related matters

Your salary is determined based on the UFO system (see below). In addition, on this page you will find information and links about all payments.

* This information is meant for UT employees

In 2024 your salary will be paid on:


24 January 


23 February  


22 March 


24 April 


24 May  


24 June 


24 July


23 August


24 September  


24 October  


22 November  


20 December

Generally, the salary will be credited to your bank account one day after the above dates.

The UT uses the salary scales which were previously nationally adopted in the Collective Labour Agreement of Dutch Universities (CAO-NU) . There are eighteen general salary scales. In addition, salary scales for youths and separate scales for specific jobs have been developed. Each scale has a minimum and a maximum, with a number of gradually increasing salaries (steps or increments) in between.

  • Salary scales from 1 August 2023
  • Salary scales from 1 July 2022
  • Salary scales from 1 January 2022
  • Salary scales youth and MVU from 1 January 2022
  • Salary scales youth and MVU from 1 July 2021
  • Salary scales youth and MVU from 1 February 2019

Holiday bonus: You are entitled to a holiday bonus of 8% of your salary. Some of the allowances you may receive will be taken into account when calculating your holiday bonus. If your employment is terminated, the bonus will be settled with your last salary payment or in the month following the termination. Every year, the holiday bonus is granted in May.

End-of-year bonus: You are entitled to an end-of-year bonus of 8.3% of your salary. Staff with full-time employment always receive a bonus amounting minimally to €2,250 on an annual basis. If your employment is terminated, the bonus will be settled with your last salary payment or in the month following the termination.

Every month, you receive a digital salary specification. At the end of each calendar year, you also receive an income statement stating your total wages and the contributions and tax paid for that year. These documents can be found at  under 'my files' > 'my payslips'.

  • Opting in expense form for freelancers

Home working allowances

The Collective Labour Agreement of Dutch Universities (cao-NU) offers two allowances for university staff working from home: an internet allowance and a homeworking allowance.

Internet allowance

All employees receive an internet allowance of €25 net per month, regardless of the scope of their employment contract.

Flex workers (both students and non-students), student assistants, freelancers, opt-in employees and PhD students without an employment contract (for instance scholarship PhD students) are not entitled to this allowance.

Homeworking allowance

In addition to the internet allowance, all employees receive a fixed homeworking allowance for each day they work from home. Flex workers (both students and non-students), student assistants, freelancers, opt-in employees and PhD students without an employment contract (for instance scholarship PhD students) are not entitled to this allowance.

To receive the correct homeworking allowance, employees must register their homeworking schedule in MyHR under “commuting expenses/working from home”. The homeworking allowance is calculated based on the number of homeworking days. The commuting allowance is applied to all working days that are not registered as homeworking days.

The homeworking allowance is a fixed allowance of €2 per homeworking day, with a maximum of 214 days per year. This maximum includes a correction for unplanned office days, holidays, public holidays and illness. This means that you do not need to adjust your homeworking schedule in the event of occasional changes. If there is a structural change to your home working schedule, please make the necessary adjustments in MyHR. If you fall ill or go on holiday, there is no need to adjust your homeworking schedule. If you are ill for more than six weeks, the allowance will stop automatically.

The example below shows how the homeworking allowance is calculated:

Working days: 5 days a week

·         2 homeworking days

·         3 days at the UT

2/5 times 214 days = 86 days (86 days x €2)/12 = €14.33 p/m net

Allowances for commuting, temporary accommodation and relocation expenses

The information on allowances for commuting, temporary accommodation and relocation expenses can be found in the service portal under terms of employment.

Grant allowance and bonus

An allowance is a supplementary financial reward which is normally granted  once a month . The UT applies the following allowances:

You may be eligible for a performance bonus if your faculty or unit is of the opinion that your performance in your position is 'very good' or 'excellent'. You do, however, need to have reached the maximum of your salary scale. A very good or excellent performance means that across the board your performance extends far beyond the set requirements, and that you achieve demonstrably excellent results.

The performance bonus amounts to a maximum of 15% of your salary.

In principle, the performance bonus can be granted for a maximum of one year, but may be extended if the faculty or unit is of the opinion that you still fulfil your position in a 'excellent' or 'very good' manner. By contrast, the faculty or unit may also decide to terminate the performance bonus on the interim if your performance is no longer 'excellent' or 'very good'.

If you are granted a higher salary scale during the time that you receive a performance bonus, the performance bonus expires automatically effective from the date on which that higher salary scale becomes applicable.

Article 4 Bonus and Allowance Scheme University of Twente

The UT has an emergency assistance organization (BHV). Every building has its own BHV team. In case of emergency (fire, accidents, the release of dangerous substances, explosions), these teams try to limit the negative consequences for those in the building as much as possible. Helping out in life-saving, yet not threatening, situations is also one of the responsibilities of BHV staff. The BHV teams act as a first response unit: they act from the moment the emergency arises up to the moment the professional emergency assistance arrives to take over. Being a member of a BHV team is not without obligation. Staff who are a BHV member have to follow courses, attend refresher classes, complete the corresponding assignments and have to maintain good physical condition. They also need to take on duties once or twice a year during UT-wide evening or weekend activities. These obligations are rewarded with an allowance.

Article 8 Bonus and Allowance Scheme University of Twente

If applicable to your position due to mobility requirements, labour market scarcity or bottlenecks, or indispensable expertise, your faculty or unit may decide that you are eligible for a labour market-related bonus.

This monthly bonus granted for reasons of mobility, recruitment and/or retention is temporary and amounts to a gross maximum of 15% of your salary. It is granted for a maximum of three years, but may be extended for a maximum duration of two years (five years in total), if the reasons of mobility, recruitment or retention are still in effect.

After five years, this bonus will expire automatically.

The allowance is not granted to doctoral candidates.

Article 5 Bonus and Allowance Scheme University of Twente

You are entitled to an on-call allowance when your job duties fairly regularly require you to be accessible and available on an on-call basis, as agreed upon in writing. It is up to the faculty or unit to decide whether or not you are eligible. You are not allowed an on-call duty allowance if your job is classified under a job profile which is part of the Education and Research job family or if you are granted salary scale 11 or higher.

The on-call allowance amounts to 10% of the maximum salary of salary scale 3 per full hour.

In the event that urgent work needs to be carried out (to be determined by the faculty or unit concerned) an overtime allowance may be granted instead of the on-call duty allowance.

  • On call allowance
  • Article 12 Bonus and Allowance Scheme University of Twente

You are entitled to an allowance for work performed outside of standard working hours (allowance for work at unsociable hours) if you are ordered to do work during the times listed below and this does not count as overtime. It is up to the faculty or unit to decide whether or not you are eligible.  You are not allowed allowance for work at unsociable hours if your job is classified under a job profile which is part of the Education and Research job family or if you are granted salary scale 11 or higher.

The extra allowance per hour worked equals a percentage of your hourly wage. The percentage depends on the day and the exact time worked:

  • Monday through Friday between 00:00 hrs and 07:00 hrs and between 20:00 hrs and 00:00 hrs = 40%
  • Saturday = 40%
  • Sunday and public holidays = 75%

If you entered into employment with the UT after 1 April 1997, a decision may be made to renounce the allowance, but only if the working hours are fixed and fall within company hours.

Article 10 - 11 Bonus and Allowance Scheme University of Twente

A one-off bonus is a supplementary financial reward which is normally only granted once. The UT applies the following one-off bonuses:


When awarding a jubilee bonus, your length of your term of service is taken into account. A distinction is made between UT term of service (for your UT jubilee) and ABP term of service (for your jubilee for employment with employers in the government and education sector).

UT term of service

UT term of service is calculated on the basis of the total duration of your employment contract(s) with the University of Twente. This excludes employment contract(s) as student assistant and/or student on-call worker and periods of leave lasting longer than one year. Special leave for the common good of more than one year is included in the calculation of the term of service. In the calculations continuous service is not a requirement. The terms of employment will be added up.

ABP term of service

For the calculation of ABP service time, the time as stated on the "service time overview" of the ABP applies. For this jubilee, you may be asked to request this overview from ABP (via MyABP/MijnABP) and submit it to UT.


  • For UT service of 12.5 years, you will receive a bonus of €230.
  • For an ABP term of service of 25 years, you will receive a bonus of 70% of your monthly salary in the month of the jubilee, including holiday allowance.
  • For an ABP term of service jubilee of 40 years, you will receive a bonus of 100% of your monthly salary in the month of the jubilee, including holiday allowance.

The bonus is paid out net in the calendar month in which the jubilee takes place.

More about the different jubilee bonuses and the possibilities for a reception or special leave for certain jubilees are described in the University of Twente Jubilee Regulations (see download below) and can be found in the staff manual .

  • Jubilee regulations University of Twente


You may be granted a one-off bonus on the grounds of extraordinary commitment, extraordinary service, special achievements or any other state of excellence. The faculty or unit concerned is free to decide on the sum of money to be awarded.

You may be eligible for an overtime allowance if you are a member of the administrative and support staff and if your job is classified under salary scale 10 or lower. Your manager may occasionally authorize you to work overtime in connection with specific assignments. Overtime is considered any pre-authorized work performed during a given work period that exceeds your contractually agreed working hours with the UT. A working period is generally understood to mean one week. For staff of the Security Service and Catering departments, a working period equals four weeks. No overtime allowance is granted if you work overtime for less than half an hour directly after your daily shift.

The overtime allowance consists of extra leave equal to the duration of the overtime worked, with a surcharge of:

  • 25% for overtime hours worked on Mondays to Fridays between 07:00 and 18:00;
  • 50% for overtime hours worked on Mondays to Fridays before 07:00 or after 18:00 and for the hours worked on Saturdays between 00:00 and 16:00;
  • 100% for overtime hours worked on Saturdays after 16:00 and overtime hours worked on Sundays or public holidays.

If you need to register your overtime work, please do so in AFAS/myHR .

University job ranking & salary grading

The UT has determined the salary scale for your job using the  University Job Classification system (UFO) . After taking into consideration, among other things, your education and experience, we have arrived at an appropriate salary within this scale. Should you not yet be able to fully perform all of your duties, a salary in a preliminary salary scale can be agreed on for a maximum period of two years.


Your  job level  is determined by means of the University Job Classification system (UFO). In this system, your job is classified on the basis of the structural duties you need to perform and is linked with the job level of a UFO profile and the corresponding salary scale.

Your  individual salary scaling  – the salary scale you have been grouped in – normally corresponds with the salary scale for the job you are doing. However, there may be situations where your individual salary scale is different to the one normally deemed appropriate for the job, for example, when you have just started the job and cannot yet perform all the duties asked of you. Furthermore, the salary step within the salary scale depends on your experience and background, which will both be compared with your current and future colleagues' experience and background.

For more information see the page about the  UFO system  (linked below)

  • University Job Classification (UFO) View information about your own profile (myUFO application) or browse the national UFO tool

Featured pages

  • Scope of employment, working hours and days. Are you looking for information about length of a work week (38 vs 40 hours), workdays, etc? There is a separate page about this.
  • Optional Model for Employment Conditions There is also a separate page with information about the Optional Model for Employment Conditions and 30% Arrangement.
  • Anonymous External Helpdesk Financial Questions There is a Helpdesk available for you that you can call anonymously with questions. UT has a partnership with DiFfit. DiFfit is a by us selected partner that focuses on financial fit employees.

Please contact  HR Services  for any further questions. Tel 053 489 8011.

For ideas, comments or changes to this page, please email  [email protected]

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4 phd types at fhml/mumc+ (1), 1. employed as promovendus (ufo profile), via vacancy academic transfer.

A PhD candidate who is Employed as Promovendus is a standard 4 years full-time internal PhD student. This person is employed as ‘PhD candidate’ by Maastricht University according to the University job classification for Dutch Universities ( UFO-code ) with the agreement to obtain a PhD degree, receives a progressive PhD student salary and is based at one of the Departments of FHML during the PhD trajectory. Every employed PhD candidate should draw up a Personal Research Plan and Training & Supervision Plan within three months after the start, in which agreements are laid down with their supervision team about their project, the planning and their individual development. In order to become an employed PhD candidate one should reflect on a vacancy for a PhD position in open competition at one of the FHML Schools or Institutes. These are published on

UFO - University job ranking

Last updated on 11 March 2024 All employees of universities in the Netherlands have a job profile (a brief description of their position) and an associated job level and salary level. This is based on the university job ranking system (UFO).

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Stress in Action Logo

PhD-student position at RuG

The Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences at the University of Groningen is looking for a PhD student to work with us on the ambitious Stress in Action project.

ufo profile phd student rug

PhD-student position: ‘Stress in Action. Stress and cardiometabolic health’. 1 fte

Stress in Action project In this project, 25 multidisciplinary scientists from six Dutch Universities collaborate around the theme ‘stress in daily life’. Divided over three Research Themes and three Support Cores, the Stress in Action consortium, we will validate daily-life stress assessments, examine which contextual factors contribute to the experience of daily-life stress, and examine how daily-life stress leads to the development of both mental and cardiometabolic diseases. The project is funded through the Dutch Research Council under the Gravitation program. More details can be found here.

Job description In the context of the Stress in Action gravitation project ( we are looking for a PhD student to strengthen our team. The new PhD student will focus on the association of (daily) stressors and physical health, cardiometabolic health in particular. There are numerous recent systematic reviews focusing on the question whether stress leads to cardiometabolic disease such as heart disease and diabetes. These studies in general find evidence for an association between stressors and physical disease, although there are remaining questions on the strength of the association, mediating and moderating factors, and causality, e.g. (residual) confounding by disease severity. Therefore, we plan to not just merely review the current literature but move the research further by focusing on various innovative aspects using different methods and data (systematic review, time series analyses, and cohort and registry data), focusing on research questions and topics such as:

  • how much of the disability (e.g. DALYs) that is currently attributed to cardiometabolic diseases is actually accounted for by preceding stress/mental disorders?
  • conduct an integrative review on (bi)directional associations between stress and cardiometabolic diseases, its underlying physiological and behavioral mechanisms, and issues of (residual) confounding by disease severity.
  • how do (different) stressors in daily life affect physical symptoms, e.g. glycemic control in persons with diabetes?
  • systematic review/meta-analysis of time series analyses on the topic of stressors and physical symptoms.
  • using a data-driven approach to identify groups of individuals who follow specific trajectories indicative of disease development patterns, leading to somatic conditions associated with preceding psychopathology.

The tasks of the PhD candidate are:

  • conduct research that results in a dissertation and is in line with the objectives and requirements of the project;
  • organize and execute the data collection for the different studies;
  • publish the results of the research in international scientific journals;
  • present the research findings to fellow scientists and developers in the larger project, and collaborate with them;
  • provide a limited number of educational activities at the Psychology department, such as small-scale tutorials and guest lectures, in collaboration with the supervisors.

Where will you be working? The University of Groningen is a research university with a global outlook, deeply rooted in Groningen, City of Talent. Quality has had top priority for four hundred years, and with success: the University is currently in or around the top 100 on several influential ranking lists.

The Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences excels in teaching and research in the fields of human behaviour, thinking, learning, and how people live together. We work on societal issues and problems that people experience in daily life. Central to this is individual and societal resilience and how to increase this. To this end, we focus on the topics of migration, the environment and climate, health, upbringing and education, the protection of vulnerable minorities, and sustainable partnerships. The Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences employs over 800 staff members. For more information about the Faculty please check the link .

The project will be conducted in the framework of the Gravitation project Stress in Action (, in which four universities and three university medical centers in the Netherlands collaborate.

Requested profile For this position you are expected to:

  • have a (research) master’s degree in clinical or health psychology (or a related discipline);
  • expertise with reviews and/or time series analysis;
  • have a good academic track record;
  • be enthusiastic about writing international publications and a dissertation;
  • have good academic English writing skills;
  • have good social and communication skills and are willing to work with other team members;
  • be enthusiastic about translating scientific insights into practical guidelines and advice;
  • have good organizational skills and the motivation to organize and realize data collection;
  • have demonstrable competences as conceptual capacity, presenting, planning and organizing and monitoring.

What do we offer? We offer you in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities:

  • a salary of € 2,770 gross per month in the first year of the appointment, rising to € 3,539 (salary scale P) gross per month in the fourth year for a full-time position;
  • a holiday allowance of 8% gross annual income an 8.3% end-of-the-year allowance;
  • attractive secondary terms of employment;
  • the position is classified in accordance with the University Job Classification (UFO) system; the UFO profile is PhD candidate;
  • a temporary employment of 1.0 FTE for a period of four years. You will first be employed for a period of one year. After a positive result and development interview, the contract will be extended for the remaining period of three years.

Intended starting date: February, 2024.

Interested? For more information about this vacancy, you can contact: Prof. dr. Peter de Jonge, [email protected] *

*Please do not use the email address above for applications

Application You can apply by submitting a letter of application and curriculum vitae before November 16, 2023. Only submissions via the application form will be considered. See the applicaiton link below

The selection interviews will take place at December 1, 2023.

The University of Groningen strives to be a university in which students and staff are respected and feel at home, regardless of differences in background, experiences, perspectives, and identities. We believe that working on our core values of inclusion and equality are a joint responsibility and we are constructively working on creating a socially safe environment. Diversity among students and staff members enriches academic debate and contributes to the quality of our teaching and research. We therefore invite applicants from underrepresented groups in particular to apply. For more information, see also our diversity policy webpage:…)rsity-and-inclusion/

Our selection procedure follows the guidelines of the Recruitment code (NVP):  and European Commission’s European Code of Conduct for recruitment of researchers:

We provide career services for partners of new faculty members moving to Groningen.

Unsolicited marketing is not appreciated.

Application link

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  • Netherlands
  • Maastricht University via AcademicTransfer
  • Posted on: 22 February 2024

PhD candidate: synthesis and evaluation of biobased covalent adaptable networks (project SusInkCoat)

The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers

Job Information

Offer description.

You are a highly motivated researcher with a master degree in chemistry, holding skills in polymer synthesis. You are willing to collaborate closely with both public and private partners on the development of biobased recyclable thermosets for ink and coating applications. Job Description This project is part of the SusInkCoat consortium with partners both the public and the private sector. The goal of the SusInkCoat project is to develop switchable and adaptive functional polymers and additives for low environmental footprint. Plastics have their drawbacks: their production consumes energy and leads to greenhouse gas emissions; they are made from non-sustainable materials; they do not decompose; and less than 10% are recycled. Much progress has been made in making plastics more sustainable for larger applications. However, thin films, such as those used in coatings and inks, are lagging behind. The SusInkCoat project is changing that. Researchers are developing new materials, processes and applications to improve the durability, functionality and recyclability of coatings, thin films and inks. In addition, the consortium is training a new generation of chemical developers for whom sustainability and circularity are core values. The task of Maastricht University is to develop biobased monomers and recyclable thermosets thereof, as well as the chemical and physical polymer characterization. Recyclability of the thermosets will be obtained by the introduction of dynamic bonds and their dynamic behavior will be studied. Properties of the resulting inks and coatings will also be investigated. The PhD student will work closely together with academic and industrial project partners in the consortium. Samples will be upscaled for the testing by the industrial partners. Based on their feedback, the synthesis work will be tuned. The PhD student will be appointed at the Aachen-Maastricht Institute for Biobased Materials of Maastricht University, which is part of the Faculty of Science and Engineering. You will work in the Sustainable Polymer Synthesis group of Associate Professor Katrien Bernaerts, which focusses on the synthesis and design of polymer materials with tunable properties and recyclability exploiting the functionality of biobased building blocks. You will operate from the Brightlands-Chemelot Campus in Geleen (Nl), where the labs are located. Requirements The candidate

  • holds a master degree in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering or related fields;
  • has skills in organic synthesis (monomers) and chemical characterization;
  • has skills in polymer synthesis and characterization. Experience with polycondensation is a pro;
  • has interest in the material characterization of covalent adaptable networks (rheology, DMA, tensile test, …);
  • has a strong interest to investigate structure-property relationships of the synthesized thermosets both from fundamental point of view and for ink and coating applications;
  • is open to scale up polymers for application tests by industrial project partners;
  • the candidate is expected to stay abreast of the recent literature (publications and patents) in the field of recyclable thermosets, develop research ideas and valorised the research in the form of patents and research papers;
  • likes to interact with academic and industrial partners;
  • is result driven, inventive, creative, counts with potential impact, works ‘accountable’ and works with ownership;
  • Masters scientific English for speaking, reading, and writing. Knowledge of Dutch is not required.

What we offer As PhD candidate: synthesis and evaluation of biobased covalent adaptable networks (project SusInkCoat) at Faculty of Science & Engineering , you will be employed by the most international university in the Netherlands, located in the beautiful city of Maastricht. In addition, we offer you:

  • Good employment conditions. The position is graded in scale P according to UFO profile PhD, with corresponding salary based on experience ranging from €2770,00 and €3539,00 gross per month (based on a full-time employment of 38 hours per week). In addition to the monthly salary, an 8.0% holiday allowance and an 8.3% year-end bonus apply.
  • An employment contract for a period of 12 months with a scope of 1,0 FTE. Upon a positive evaluation, an extension of 3 years will follow.
  • At Maastricht University, the well-being of our employees is of utmost importance, we offer flexible working hours and the possibility to work partly from home if the nature of your position allows it. You will receive a monthly commuting and internet allowance for this. If you work full-time, you will be entitled to 29 vacation days and 4 additional public holidays per year, namely carnival Monday, carnival Tuesday, Good Friday, and Liberation Day. If you choose to accumulate compensation hours, an additional 12 days will be added. Furthermore, you can personalize your employment conditions through a collective labor agreement (CAO) choice model.
  • As Maastricht University, we offer various other excellent secondary employment conditions. These include a good pension scheme with the ABP and the opportunity for UM employees to participate in company fitness and make use of the extensive sports facilities that we also offer to our students.
  • Last but certainly not least, we provide the space and facilities for your personal and professional development. We facilitate this by offering a wide range of training programs and supporting various well-established initiatives such as 'acknowledge and appreciate'. The terms of employment at Maastricht University are largely set out in the collective labor agreement of Dutch Universities. In addition, local provisions specific to UM apply. For more information, click here .

Maastricht University Why work at Maastricht University? At Maastricht University (UM), everything revolves around the future. The future of our students, as we work to equip them with a solid, broad-based foundation for the rest of their lives. And the future of society, as we seek solutions through our research to issues from all around the world. Our six faculties combined provide a comprehensive package of study programmes and research. In our teaching, we use the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) method. Students work in small groups, looking for solutions to problems themselves. By discussing issues and working together to draw conclusions, formulate answers and present them to their peers, students develop essential skills for their future careers. With over 22,300 students and more than 5,000 employees from all over the world, UM is home to a vibrant and inspiring international community. Are you drawn to an international setting focused on education, science and scholarship? Are you keen to contribute however your skills and qualities allow? Our door is open to you! As a young European university, we value your talent and look forward to creating the future together. Click here for more information about UM. Faculty of Science and Engineering At the Faculty of Science and Engineering (FSE), we focus on themes such as circularity and sustainability, future farming, digitisation and (scientific) instrument development. FSE's leading projects, like the Einstein Telescope Pathfinder, are sure to grab anyone's attention. The faculty is a vibrant hub of education and research in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) and Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS). At FSE, over 450 staff members and 3700 students gather to explore e exciting interdisciplinary research and educational programmes. Feel welcome, be part of our team and put your brilliant mind to work! FSE at the Brightlands Campuses Maastricht, Sittard-Geleen, Heerlen, and Venlo, the home of four creative Brightlands campuses, are bustling with 30,000 entrepreneurs, researchers, and students working diligently to solve global challenges. The Faculty of Science and Engineering is active on all four Brightlands campuses, and this is where our impact reaches its peak. To give you an idea of what is happening at each campus: Sittard-Geleen is home to the largest chemical site in the Euregion, while Venlo is a large hub for agri-food innovation. Maastricht is the site of the Health Campus, and Heerlen is the place to be for Smart Services. FSE at the Brightlands Campuses Maastricht, Sittard-Geleen, Heerlen and Venlo, the homes of four creative Brightlands campuses, are bustling with 30,000 entrepreneurs, researchers and students working diligently to solve global challenges. The Faculty of Science and Engineering is active on all four Brightlands campuses and this is where our impact reaches its peak. To give you an idea of what is happening on each campus: Sittard-Geleen is home to the largest chemical site in the Euregion, while Venlo is a large hub for agri-food innovation. Maastricht is the site of the Health Campus, and Heerlen is the place to be for Smart Services. Department AMIBM The Aachen-Maastricht Institute for Biobased Materials (AMIBM) is a department of the Faculty of Science and Engineering (FSE) at Maastricht University. AMIBM is a European cross-border research institute established by Maastricht University and RWTH Aachen University focusing on the development of advanced biobased materials. The mission of AMIBM is to replace traditional polymer building blocks with innovative and sustainable alternatives for …

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  1. PhD candidate employed by the UG

    All Dutch universities use the UFO system (Dutch: Universitair FunctieOrdenen, English: Organisation of University positions). All position profiles within the universities are included in this system, including the profile of a PhD fellow position. This position profile describes the objective, the main activities and the intended results of ...

  2. Job classification system (UFO)

    Home. On 1 April 2003, a new job classification system (UFO) came into force for Dutch universities. Under the UFO, all Dutch university employees are assigned a job profile (a brief description of their job) and a corresponding job level. The handbook available to download provides an explanation to the automated UFO classification instrument ...

  3. University Job Classification (UFO)

    Your Profile. Your job profile, the level of your position and your salary scale are determined in observance of the rules of the 'University Job Classification' (UFO) system. This system contains job profiles of academic support positions. The differentiating factors coupled with the profiles illustrate the difference in job grade between ...

  4. Functie-ordeningsysteem (UFO)

    Op 1 april 2003 is een nieuw functie-ordeningssysteem (UFO) in werking getreden voor de Nederlandse universiteiten. Op basis van UFO krijgt iedere werknemer van een Nederlandse universiteit een compacte beschrijving van zijn of haar functie, ook wel een functieprofiel genoemd, met een bijhorend functieniveau. Bij de downloads vindt u een handleiding als toelichting bij het geautomatiseerde ...

  5. PDF University Job Classification (UFO)

    a description of the objective of the job; a short characterisation of the context in which the job is performed; on of the result areas of the job;classification. eria that lead to the job level. These comp. brief below.Objective of the job The objective of the job characterises the posi.

  6. PDF The Tenure Track System

    5.1.2 Supervising PhD students 10 5.1.3 Acquisition of indirect government funding and contract research 11 5.1.4 Publications 11 ... (UFO profiles) can be found at the RuG-website. Explicit Tenure Track criteria have been defined for the positions UD, UHD2 and H2 (see Chapter 4,5,6),

  7. PDF Van UFO-functieprofielen naar universitaire competentieprofielen

    Supported by the Hay Group, these universities - UM, UvA, VU and TU/e - set about creating a series of generic competences (basic material) and generic1 competence profiles linked to the UFO job profiles. These competence profiles could then be used for various purposes within the universities' HRM policy.

  8. Vacancy: PHD Realistic Computational Models Of Behavior In Cascading

    the position is classified in accordance with the University Job Classification (UFO) system; the UFO profile is PhD candidate a temporary employment of 1.0 FTE for a period of four years. You will first be employed for a period of one year.

  9. PHD IN SOCIOLOGY (1.0 FTE) at University of Groningen in Groningen

    - the position is classified in accordance with the University Job Classification (UFO) system; the UFO profile is PhD candidate - a temporary employment of 1.0 FTE for a period of four years.

  10. PhD-student position at RuG

    The position is classified in accordance with the University Job Classification (UFO) system; the UFO profile is PhD candidate: a temporary position of 1.0 FTE for a period of 4 years. You will first be appointed for a period of 12 months. After a positive evaluation, the contract will be extended for the remaining period.

  11. Salary (scales), bonusses and remuneration (Salaris/schalen, bonussen

    Internet allowance. All employees receive an internet allowance of €25 net per month, regardless of the scope of their employment contract. Flex workers (both students and non-students), student assistants, freelancers, opt-in employees and PhD students without an employment contract (for instance scholarship PhD students) are not entitled to this allowance.

  12. University Job Classification (UFO)

    Every employee of a Dutch university receives a job profile (a compact description of the job) based on UFO. Each profile has a job level. The manual contains further information regarding the job profiles. It also contains an aid to help you find out which combination of knowledge, personality and skills best fits a specific job. Job profiles

  13. 4 PhD types at FHML/MUMC+ (1)

    1. Employed as Promovendus (UFO profile), via vacancy Academic Transfer. A PhD candidate who is Employed as Promovendus is a standard 4 years full-time internal PhD student. This person is employed as 'PhD candidate' by Maastricht University according to the University job classification for Dutch Universities ( UFO-code) with the agreement ...

  14. PhD programmes

    PhD Studies - Bridging Education and Research. The Groningen Graduate Schools offers an excellent program for post-graduate study at the University of Groningen. In addition to performing original academic research within one of the ten Faculty Graduate Schools, PhD candidates are offered a broad PhD Training programme including the Career ...

  15. UFO

    Employee. Start employment contract. UFO - University job ranking. UFO - University job ranking. Last updated on 11 March 2024. All employees of universities in the Netherlands have a job profile (a brief description of their position) and an associated job level and salary level. This is based on the university job ranking system (UFO).

  16. PhD-student position at RuG

    the position is classified in accordance with the University Job Classification (UFO) system; the UFO profile is PhD candidate; a temporary position of 1.0 FTE for four years. You will first be appointed for 12 months. After a positive evaluation, the contract will be extended for the remaining period. Intended starting date: 1st of September ...

  17. UFO (job profile)

    University Job Classification (UFO) Jobs at Radboud University are classified into job profiles. These profiles are set out in the University Job Classification System (UFO). The description of your job and job level according to the University Job Classification System.

  18. PhD Accumulation of Daily Work Stressors & Consequences

    • a salary of € 2,770 gross per month in the first year of the appointment, rising to € 3,539 gross per month in the fourth year for a full-time position. The position is classified in accordance with the University Job Classification (UFO) system; the UFO profile is PhD candidate

  19. PhD-student position at RuG

    the position is classified in accordance with the University Job Classification (UFO) system; the UFO profile is PhD candidate; a temporary employment of 1.0 FTE for a period of four years. You will first be employed for a period of one year.

  20. Terms of employment

    A full-time employment consists of 38 hours. The number of holiday hours per calendar year is 232 hours in case of a full-time employment. Flexible working hours means that the employee comes to an arrangement with his manager about weekly working hours that deviate from the customary 38 hours a week. You can opt to work 2 hours more or less ...

  21. PhD Realistic computational models of behavior in cascading disasters

    To improve preparedness for, and management of, cascading disasters it is necessary to adopt a systemic risk approach, because human decisions are embedded and shaped by the physical and the social context. This project's full title "Realistic computational models of human behavior in cascading disasters: Agent-based models and citizen science ...

  22. PhD candidate: synthesis and evaluation of biobased covalent adaptable

    The PhD student will be appointed at the Aachen-Maastricht Institute for Biobased Materials of Maastricht University, which is part of the Faculty of Science and Engineering. ... The position is graded in scale P according to UFO profile PhD, with corresponding salary based on experience ranging from €2770,00 and €3539,00 gross per month ...

  23. External PhDs

    The GGSL regularly organises meetings specifically for external PhD students, both in Dutch and 'on site' and in English and 'online'. At these meetings, issues related to conducting research as an external PhD student are discussed. This can be methodological, planning or data management related. The GGSL provides a varied programme with the ...