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Rolfe's Reflective Cycle


The Rolfe reflective cycle has the virtue of simplicity and straightforwardness. The model of reflection is based on three key questions, as the diagram below indicates:

rolfe reflective model

The model was developed initially for nursing and care education, but has become more broad in its subsequent applications, not least because of the clarity of the model and its ease of use.

The three stages of the model ask you to consider, in turn, what happened, the implications of the occurrence, and the consequences for future conduct. The model is cyclic, indicating a continuity. The changes in behaviour or approach which is generated from the reflective thought can then be analysed, and either a further revision made, or else the changes made can be found to have been appropriate.

The Three Steps of the Rolfe Model of Reflection

Rolfe et al. (2010) suggest a series of questions which may spring from the initial three; these may be used to refine reflective thinking and isolate the key elements of the situation or occurrence so that they can be understood in more detail:

This element of the cycle is concerned with describing the event or occurrence being reflected upon, and defining one's self-awareness in relation to it. All questions in this section begin with 'what?':.

  • Is the issue / problem / reason for being stuck / reason for feeling ill at ease / reason there is a clash of personalities?
  • Was my role in the developing situation being reflected upon?
  • Was I trying to achieve?
  • Actions were being done towards the achievement?
  • Were the responses of other people?
  • Were the consequences for the learner/s?
  • Were the consequences for me?
  • Were the consequences for other people?
  • Feelings were provoked in the student/s?
  • Feelings were provoked in me?
  • Feelings were provoked in other people?
  • Was positive about the experience?
  • Was negative about the experience?
  • Could be improved?

2. So what?

This aspect of the Rolfe cycle analyses the situation being reflected upon and begins to make evaluations of the circumstances being addressed. All questions in this section begin with 'so what?':

  • Does this tell me about myself and my relationships with learner/s?
  • Was my thought process as I acted?
  • Did I base my course of action on?
  • Other approaches might I have brought to the situation?
  • Might I have done differently to have produced a more positive outcome?
  • Have I learned because of this situation?
  • Contextual issues have been brought to light by this situation?

3. Now what?

This is the element of Rolfe's cycle which is concerned with synthesising information and insight, as we move from the previous elements to think in more detail about what to do differently in the future (or perhaps, if it is more appropriate to maintain the previous course of action) and so be prepared for what might be done if similar situations present themselves again. All questions in this element start with 'now what?':

  • Do I need to do make things better?
  • Should I ask of others to support me?
  • Do I need to avoid in future?
  • Have I learned?
  • Will I recognise in advance?
  • Have others learned from this?
  • Broader issues need to be considered if the new set of actions are to be enacted?
  • Wider considerations need to be addressed?

These questions are only suggestions. Not all may be appropriate for all contexts, and thinking of new ones may be part of the processes of reflection being entered into. One tactic which may be of use if to use the questions above as a cheat sheet; remembering the three core questions might be easy, but the follow-up questions can be stored for use as required. Using them as a template for a form on which to compile written reflection can be a useful strategy, as the writing process helps to formalise ideas, and the outcomes may be stored away for later reference, or else as evidence that reflection has been entered into.

Evaluation of Rolfe's Cycle

The core advantages of the Rolfe model relate to its simplicity and clarity. Reflective tools need to be accessible and useful to the user, and to produce meaningful results. A simple model such as this can support that. Issues related with the model include the idea that if applied only at the level of the three core questions, then a full inventory of the situation being reflected upon may not take place, and the insight produced as a consequence might tend to the simplistic or descriptive.

Rolfe's own writing indicates that is important not only to consider reflection after the event, but reflection in the moment - as an event is taking place - so that immediate corrective action may be considered. For Rolfe, though, this model does not fully articulate the position due to its simplicity, reflection is not only a summary practice, but to be engaged with proactively (Rolfe, 2002).

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  • Rolfe et al’s Framework for Reflective Learning
  • Exploring Different Types of Reflection Models with Examples

Jessica Robinson - Image

Professor Gary Rolfe and colleagues gave a self-reflective model in the book ‘Framework for Reflective Practice’ in 2001. It is one of the simplest reflection models that helps to answer three simple questions i.e. What? So what? Now what? Now, you must be thinking that Rolfe et al’s framework is quite similar to Driscoll’s model of reflection. Then, what is the difference? The difference lies in questions considered in reflecting on using each model. Rolfe et al’s framework encompasses three phases which include descriptive, knowledge-building, and action-oriented.

Table of Contents

  • Stages of Rolfe framework for reflection
  • Example of Rolfe framework for reflection

Three stages of Rolfe framework for reflection

Stage 1: what.

The first stage of Rolfe et al’s Framework is a descriptive phase that focuses on analyzing a situation. This stage of the model helps readers in explaining the context of the situation to the readers. This stage can be explained by determining the following

  • What happened? At this stage, you will explain the context of the situation to the reader by giving them factual information about the incident you reflect upon.
  • What did you feel? In this, you are supposed to highlight the overall feelings you felt throughout the situation.
  • What did you and the others do? While answering this question, you will highlight your and others’ contribution to the situation.
  • What were the expected outcomes? In this, you will focus on the outcomes that you are expecting from the incident you are reflecting upon.
  • What were the results? After explaining your expectations from the outcome, you will present the actual results of the actions you took in the situation.
  • What were the good and bad aspects related to the experience? While answering this question, you will highlight both the positive and the negative impacts or sides of the experience you are reflecting on.

Rolfe et al’s framework 3 stages

Stage 2: So what?

The second stage includes an analysis phase that focuses on determining the impacts or learnings of the actions. This section can be defined by the following questions.

  • What did you learn? In this, you will highlight your learnings throughout the situation you are reflecting on.
  • What was going through your mind? While answering this, you will highlight the thoughts that were going through your mind during the occurrence of an event.
  • On what basis did you take your actions? On what basis did you take your actions?
  • What is your new understanding? In this, you will highlight the new learnings you gained from the situation and ways in which you perceived these learnings.

Stage 3: Now what?

This is the last stage of this reflective model which determines actions that can be taken to improve future outcomes. This stage includes consideration of skills that need to be developed to improve future actions. Also, in this stage, the individual can answer

  • What techniques can you use to deal with similar situations in the future? In this, you will highlight the ways in which you deal with situations like these in the future.

This model is specifically developed for reflective writing in nursing and health care as this model helps learners and practitioners in nursing and healthcare settings to improve the quality of care (Rolfe et al's, 2001). Now, let us take a situation of medication error to report and reflect on the learnings gained from this situation using Rolfe et al’s Framework.

Rolfe reflective model real example

Case assessment - This reflective example will highlight the experience of a medical practitioner giving medication to a patient suffering from depression and migraine . This reflective example will focus on the challenges faced by the nurse during diagnosing a patient in the hospital.

On 01-11-2021, one patient with depression and migraine pain visited a hospital. When the patient came to me, I prescribed fluoxetine medicine for relieving depression and sumatriptan to relieve a migraine. However, after 3-4 hours of it, my senior doctor came round and asked me which medicine I had prescribed. Then, a doctor guided me that prescribing both medications altogether can affect serotonin which then can lead to various life-threatening situations such as confusion, increased body temperature, and rapid heart rate. I actually expected that giving him the fluoxetine medicine would help me in relieving the pain of migraine. In horror, we filled up an incident form but the patient didn’t suffer any ill effects from fluoxetine and sumatriptan. I was very threatened when I realized the life-threatening effects of giving both medications altogether. While we filled out the incident form, we also informed family members about this incident which resulted in some disputes as well (Gibbon, 2002). I became very nervous but my senior doctor handled the situation very effectively by reassuring family members about the whole situation. Also, my senior doctor undertook various actions to avoid further complications. I was actually relieved that my senior did not file an official complaint regarding this and helped me a lot in handling the situation very well.

The whole situation helped me to identify the importance of the right drugs for the right patients. I learned the importance of remaining careful with drugs and their dosage. Moreover, I identified that proper communication with senior doctors in advance could have helped to prevent this event from taking place. Further, I also recalled various legislations such as the Health and Social Care Act 2008, Human Medicines Regulations 2012, and NMC Standards for medicines management (2010), to determine the importance of patient safety and prevention of medication errors. I felt the best way to solve this problem would be contacting my senior and I knew that he would definitely be able to solve my problem. That was the reason I felt relieved when I found that a patient survived an overdose due to the strong knowledge and health management skills of my senior doctor. Through this whole situation, I got to know the right suitable drugs for depression and migraine which will definitely help me in the later years of life.

After engaging in a medication error, I decided that I will be very careful with drug prescriptions to ensure that the right drugs are prescribed. Also, I found that I could have reviewed drugs in reference books while prescribing to prevent medication errors. In addition to this, I will also engage in proper communication with my supervisors or senior nursing staff to further ensure the delivery of high-quality health care services.

How does Rolfe et al's framework differ from other models of reflective learning?

Rolfe et al's framework is distinct in its simplicity and focus on action. While many other models exist, this framework centers on three key questions that facilitate a straightforward and actionable reflective process, making it easy to apply in various contexts.

Can Rolfe et al's framework be combined with other reflective models or theories?

Yes, Rolfe et al's framework can be effectively combined with other reflective models or theories to enrich the reflective process. The simplicity and adaptability of the three-question approach make it compatible with various theoretical perspectives, enabling a more comprehensive and multi-dimensional reflection.

Previous Model

Rolfe et al's (2001) Reflective writing: Rolfe, LibGuides. Available at: (Accessed: November 23, 2022).

Gibbon, B. (2002) “Critical reflection for nursing and the helping professions. A user’s guide critical reflection for Nursing and the helping professions. A user’s guide,” Nursing Standard, 16(20), pp. 29–29. Available at:


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Model of reflection: The Rolfe et al. model

The Rolfe et al. (2001) model of critical reflection is a framework developed by Professors Gary Rolfe, Dawn Freshwater and Melanie Jasper. The model aims to support practitioners to reflect on their experiences, feelings, and actions, and developing practice accordingly. The model was developed as a ‘how to reflect’ guide for nursing and other health care practitioners, however, its simplicity has seen applications to a range of disciplines and stages of career.

The Rolfe et al. model attempts to demystify the reflection process by offering a simple, practical model consisting of three key questions:

These questions aim to surface learning through the stages of describing an event, analysing the implications and considering future possibilities as a result of these new insights.

The Rolfe et al. (2001) model was inspired by the foundational work of Terry Borton (1970), who used the ‘What-So What-Now What?’ reflective prompts for developing educational materials. These prompts can also be seen through the work of John Driscoll (2007) who adopted the model for healthcare professionals and endorsed using the three questions for individual and collective reflection in clinical practice.

In the video below, Suzi Villeneuve-Smith speaks to implementing the Rolfe et al. model. 

So my name is Suzi Villeneuve-Smith, and I teach in the undergraduate nursing space. This year we have 640 students in our cohort, and I've been teaching for approximately ten years. So the reason we embed reflection into our nursing curriculum is twofold. Professionally and personally. Professionally, we're invited by our NMBA standards for practice to include reflection in the seven standards that we have. This enables us to become critical thinkers, and it also enables us to provide safe, patient care. The second benefit is personally, we're able to reflect on our own personal values and morals and how we can link those in to on nursing practice. This allows us to provide holistic, safe, patient care with good outcomes so everybody is happy. The structured model of reflection that I embed into my first year nursing subjects is the Rolfe model of reflection. We've chosen this model because it's simple. It's easy to access and it doesn't overwhelm our students. It comes with three distinct headings, What? So what? And now what? The what aspect of the model is a descriptive model. This allows the students to write their thoughts and their feelings about a situation or experience that they've had. The so what section of the model allows them to really bring across some theory into it?

So what was going on in my mind during this situation? Allows them to give a little bit of depth to where they're at and how they feel they were within the experience. The last aspect of the model is the now what we like to call a reflexive way of thinking, and it's forward-thinking. Now, what have I learned from that situation? Now what do I need to do to do better next time? Now what do I need to look at to research to expand my clinical knowledge? The way we embed this into our subjects is really quite exciting. So during our other three subjects, they learn a little bit about this model. But right at the end of the semester, our students take up 80 hours of workplace experience in the clinical environment and they take an assessment book with them. Yes, they have to do clinical skills along with their clinical placement, but they also need to reflect on why they're doing what they're doing. And again, this is twofold, professional and personal.

Professionally, we align these sections of the models, the what, so what and now what and align them with the Orenstein is of practice. Our students select a challenge and an achievement, and they write about those in alignment with our seven standards. The personal aspect of reflection comes right at the end of their clinical placement, where they're invited to write a short reflection.

They can use the headings to guide their work to describe their overall experience of their placement. I read Reflections on clinical aspects about how exciting it was to do an accurate manual blood pressure on a real person for the very first time, or how they felt they were learning how to develop therapeutic relationships. As I sat with family members while their patients were in theatre. So it's been a really valuable experience for them. I also use a model in my workshops, so prior to placement I will always lead activities with three questions that align with the model.

So by the time they get to really digging into what reflection looks like for them, we've already been doing it, but they haven't necessarily known they've been doing it. What I've learned through teaching reflection is that every single one of our students does it. They know how to do it, but it's not necessarily done in a structured way. And they often allow emotions to overtake what actually happened and seeing them grow and learn personally and professionally is a real joy and a delight. And I've had the pleasure and privilege of working with some fantastic clinicians who are able to reflect on their practice on the ward and reflect personally in the tea room. It's a very rewarding experience.

The advice that I would like to offer to any educator who would really be interested in embedding reflection into their subjects is to meet the students where they are, not where you think they ought to be. There are some incredible models of reflection out there, and we may personally resonate with one or more of them. I know that I do, but these models may also overwhelm, confuse and put students off reflection. We want them to engage with reflection. We want them to love it. So pick the model that resonates with them, meet them where they are.

Reflective prompts adapted from Rolfe et al.’s (2001) model of critical reflection.

  • … happened today?
  • … was my initial reaction?
  • … were the reactions of others?
  • … was the problem or issue?
  • … was good or challenging about the experience?
  • … feelings did it bring up for me?
  • … was I expecting?
  • … does this teach me about myself?
  • … does this teach me about my knowledge or skills to respond to the situation and to others?
  • … literature/ scholarship/ theories/ standards align to or explain this experience?
  • … should I have done differently to make it better?
  • … do I know about myself that will inform my career?
  • … do I know about myself that shapes my perceptions of my strengths and interests?
  • … do I need to do to improve my behaviour/ knowledge/ skills for the future?
  • … steps shall I take to advance my career?
  • … steps shall I take to source others who can help me?

Borton, T. (1970).  Reach, touch, and teach; student concerns and process education.  New York, Mcgraw-Hill

Driscoll, J. (2007).  Practising Clinical Supervision: a Reflective Approach for Healthcare Professionals (2nd ed). Edinburgh, Baillière Tindall Elsevier

Rolfe., G et al. (2001) Critical reflection in nursing and the helping professions: a user’s guide. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan

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Reflective writing: Rolfe

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  • What does reflection involve?
  • Reflective questioning
  • Reflective writing for academic assessment
  • Types of reflective assignments
  • Differences between discursive and reflective writing
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“A framework ... can help you draw out the learning points from an experience by using a systematic approach” Williams et al., Reflective Writing

Rolfe et al.'s Reflective Model

Rolfe et al's (2001) framework focuses on three questions:

By responding to each of these questions you are able to outline an experience, relate the experience to wider knowledge and identify implications for your practice. This is a popular framework for nurses. These questions can help you structure your writing:

What... did I learn? was I trying to achieve? actions did I take? was good/bad about the experience? feelings did it evoke in others? So what ...does it tell me/teach me/imply about my learning/attitudes/methods? could I have done to improve it? is my new understanding of the situation? Now what... do I need to do to make things better/improve in the future? might be the consequences of changing something?

Rolfe et al: This model focuses on three questions: What? So what? Now what? and works very well for reflecting on a specific event. 

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An in-depth guide on Rolfe reflective model

by ella | Feb 11, 2024 | Health

The Rolfe reflective model is a reflection framework developed by John Rolfe, Andrew Freshwater, and Susan Jasper in 2001. The Rolfe reflective cycle has the advantage of being simple and uncomplicated. It comprises three questions; What? So What? and Now What? This blog will help you understand what it is, its advantages, and the steps.

This model can be applied to reflective practice and self-reflection in the disciplines of medicine and other professions.

What is the Rolfe reflective model?

Rolfe’s reflective model was primarily created for nursing and care teaching, but it has since expanded in its range of uses, partly due to how simple and understandable it is. Three stages of the model encourage you to consider what occurred, the consequences of the event, and the consequences of your future behavior in order. The model’s cyclical nature suggests continuity.

The behavior or approach modifications that result from the reflective thought can then be examined, and either a subsequent revision is made, or it is determined that the changes were appropriate.

What are the steps of the Rolfe Model of Reflection?

There are key questions that serve as good representations of the various stages of a particular situation. The three primary inquiries include; What? So What? and Now What? They also provide a few follow-up questions that help elaborate on the situation.

Here are the three steps of the Rolfe model of reflection

The purpose of this cycle element is to describe one’s self-awareness in connection to the event or experience being reflected upon. The first word in each question in this section begins with ‘What?’

  • What is the major problem or reason you’re having trouble?
  • What were the repercussions for other people?
  • What aspects of the experience could be improved?
  • What about the whole experience struck you as negative?
  • What were the procedures followed?
  • What was it that I wanted to accomplish?
  • What was my main contribution to the circumstances at play?
  • What best describes the circumstance that is being presented to you?
  • What aspect of the overall experience was optimistic?
  • What emotions were triggered?
  • What emotions were aroused within me?
  • What emotions did the other person experience?
  • What notable comments did the others make?
  • What are the repercussions for me?

This element of Rolfe’s cycle is involved with generating information and insights. We proceed from the prior parts to consider in greater detail changes in the future shortly and be equipped for what could be done if such circumstances present themselves again. All the question in this section starts with ‘now what?’

  • Now, what actions should I take to avoid them in the future?
  • Now, what additional dialogues need to be factored in carefully?
  • Now, what help would have been needed to remedy the situation?
  • Now what areas must be addressed for unexpected actions?
  • Now, what should be done to make things better?
  • Now, what have other people taken away from this?
  • Now, what have I realized as a result of this experience?

This part of the Rolfe reflective model cycle examines the circumstance being thought about and starts to assess the situations being addressed. This section’s questions all begin with ‘so what?’

  • So, what unique issues are being raised in this situation?
  • So, what extraordinary things could be done in that particular situation?
  • So, what key strategies have I used to address the problem?
  • So, what formed the foundation of my approach to that circumstance?
  • So, what do you mean by communicating about the other people I interact with?
  • So, what illustrates the incident’s most important lesson?
  • So, what went through my mind when I responded to the circumstance?

Remember, these are suggestion questions only. These are merely hypothetical queries. Some may not be applicable in all situations, and reflection processes may include creating new ones. Using the questions above as a cheat sheet is one strategy that might be helpful; while it may be simple to recall the three basic questions, it may be more challenging to identify the follow-up questions.

Referencing a Rolfe et al. reflective model

So, how do you reference Rolfe et al. reflective model? You would need to incorporate the following details in your reference list or bibliography to cite Rolfe et al. reflective model:

  • The last names of the author followed by their initials. In this case, it would be “Rolfe, G., Freshwater, D., and Jasper, M.”
  • The year of publication is in parentheses. For example, “(2001)”
  • The title of the book or article in which the model is presented. It should be underlined or italicized. For example, “Critical reflection in healthcare professional education: A theoretical framework.”
  • The journal’s name in which the article was published or the book’s publisher took it. For example, “Medical Education.”
  • The issue number and volume of the journal in which the article was published. For example, “35(3)”
  • The numbers of the pages of the article. For example, “234-240.”

The evaluation of Rolfe’s cycle

Evaluation of Rolfe’s cycle, sometimes referred to as the “Critical reflection in nursing” or the “Rolfe’s reflective cycle,” usually entails determining how well the model encourages in-depth, significant contemplation among healthcare professionals. The following aspects could be the evaluation’s primary focus:

  • Adaptability

The model should be able to be applied in a range of healthcare settings and be sufficiently flexible to adapt to various contexts and scenarios.

  • Effectiveness in encouraging reflection

Rather than only promoting surface-level thinking, the model should be able to encourage deep and meaningful reflection.

  • Simplicity and clarity

The model should be simple to use and comprehend and offer clear instructions on the reflective process.

  • Influence on practice

The methodology should improve both practice and patient outcomes.

  • Significance to practice

The model has to be appropriate and applicable to the daily work of a healthcare professional.

The model should be simple to use and include in the routine of the healthcare provider.

  • Ability to stimulate critical thinking

The model should encourage them to do so rather than just accepting decisions and actions made by healthcare professionals.

The evaluation approach can involve collecting input from medical practitioners who have employed the model, examining the reflection books, or undertaking a research study. When implementing Rolfe’s reflective cycle in practice can have an impact on patient outcomes.

In general, Rolfe’s reflective cycle is seen as a potent instrument for fostering in-depth, meaningful contemplation among healthcare workers, and assessments have typically indicated that it is effective at achieving this goal.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Rolfe model

Everything has two sides, just like a coin which has two sides. So, there is no longer a difference when discussing Rolfe’s reflective practice paradigm. It incorporates several advantages with some disadvantages. These advantages and disadvantages differentiate the role’s reflective model from other reflective practices or modes like the ERA cycle or the Driscoll Reflective model.

Here are the advantages of the Rolfe model;

  • It assists nurses in identifying areas that need work and in creating plans of attack to solve them, which can enhance patient outcomes
  • It helps nurses to think about the moral and ethical ramifications of their choices, which may enable them to make better judgments in the future
  • It offers a structured method of reflection that can assist nurses in objectively identifying and analyzing their experiences
  • It can help healthcare team members communicate and work together
  • It can be applied in various clinical contexts
  • Instead of making the same errors over, it enables nurses to learn from their mistakes
  • It is a tool for continuing professional development and advancement
  • It motivates nurses to accept accountability for their choices and actions
  • It is a widely known and acknowledged reflection model in the medical field
  • It is simple to comprehend and use

Disadvantages of the Rolfe model

After understanding the approach’s benefits, it is time to learn about its drawbacks. First, because it is so specific about several elements, this model is one of the more confining. The disadvantages are;

  • Rolfe’s reflective cycle calls for you to start at the beginning, which may not be essential if you already have prior knowledge of the topic
  • Reflection is a continuous process. The fact that it never ends means that if you did, the benefits of continuing would likewise end
  • Rolfe’s reflecting model cannot be applied in all circumstances since not all cases allow for analysis before action
  • Making a decision requires a lot of thought. This makes it a time-consuming process

Do you need specialized help understanding Rolfe’s model of reflection?

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Final thoughts

Healthcare practitioners can assess their practice and develop their abilities using the Rolfe reflective model. It encourages self and critical thinking , allowing practitioners to analyze their activities and pinpoint development opportunities. The approach is user-friendly and flexible for a variety of treatment situations. Are you ready to explore more on this and other models more? Visit .

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WS1006 Self in Professional Helping Guide: Reflective Writing Exemplar

  • 1. Getting Started
  • 2. Finding Information
  • 3. Effective Reading
  • 4. Reflective Writing
  • 5. Referencing
  • Reflective Writing Exemplar
  • Case Study Response

Warning: This is a past WS1006 critically reflective writing task essay. Assignment task requirements may have changed since this was written, but it continues to provide a good example of what a critically reflective writing task response could look like.

Instructions: Mouse over the text below to see annotations giving explanations and information on the writing process, parts of a blog post, in-text citations and referencing.

An exercise of critial reflection in informal helping


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References Some good information sources have been used in this essay. The author is clearly trying hard with his/her APA references and in-text citations – still some work to do to get them right.

Grade: High Distinction

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What? So What? Now What? Model of Reflection

This article will look at the ‘What? So What? Now What ?’ reflective practice model . It will examine the history of the model, who developed it and those who expanded on it. The article will also look at the advantages and disadvantages of the model, as well as give examples of some alternatives. 

Table of Contents

Terry Borton, an American school teacher, wrote a book in 1970 called Reach, Touch and Teach . In it, he offered a framework for reflective practice based on three simple questions, What?, So what?, and Now what? These questions can be used to reflect on past experiences or events. Borton described the model as a ‘continuous integrated flow’ with no beginning or end, a fluid process where no part of it can exclude another.

Borton’s work was expanded by Driscoll to be used in clinical practice, although it can be applied to a variety of disciplines. Recognizing that nurses work with patients whose individual character will cause them to adjust their care and approach to tasks, he retained the simplicity of the model while developing it for use within clinical settings. Driscoll’s simplified model of reflective practice is one that is easy to recall and apply in multiple situations. 

Rolfe et al. also took Borton’s reflective practice model and further developed it for use in clinical settings as well as in pastoral work. It is also used for reflective writing. The same structure of Borton’s model was used, but each question is expanded to include additional queries to encourage deeper reflection and understanding. This is designed to increase self awareness, analysis and problem-solving skills. 

The ‘What? So What? Now What?’ Model of Reflection

The What? So What? Now What? model of reflective practice is a method of reflecting on our experience without much of the complexity that is present in other models. It asks three key or stem questions:

  • What happened?
  • So, what does this mean?
  • Now, what shall I do/change going forward?

Several academics have contributed to this model of reflection and we will explore some of them below.

Borton (1970)

The origins of the ‘What? So What? Now What?’ model of reflection can be traced back to Borton’s book Reach, Touch & Teach (1970). In it, Borton describes how the process was used in the development of new educational curriculum:

“What?” for Sensing out the differences between response, actual effect, and intended effect; “So What?” for Transforming that information into immediately relevant patterns of meaning; “Now What?” for deciding on how to Act on the best alternative and reapply it in other situations. This What, So What, Now What sequence became the model on which we built a curriculum designed to make students more explicitly aware of how they function as human beings.

Driscoll (1994, 2007)

In 1994, Driscoll used the same terminology in his What? model, however, he was unaware of Borton’s previous work at the time. He addresses this in his book Practicing Clinical Supervision , where he mentions his “fascination” and “embarrassment” upon discovering Borton’s work.

Driscoll’s model was designed to help students gain the most from experiential learning and also for use in the supervision process. It is made up of three distinct phases, with a set of trigger questions in each phase.

  • What is the purpose of returning to this situation?
  • What did I see or do?
  • What was my reaction to it?
  • What did the other people who were involved do?
  • How did I feel at the time?
  • Were the feelings I had any different from other people who were also involved?
  • Are my feelings after the event, any different from those I experienced at the time?
  • Do I feel troubled, if so, in what way?
  • What were the effects of what I did (or did not do)?
  • What positive aspects have emerged from the event?
  • What have I noticed about my behaviour in practice by taking a more measured look at it?
  • What observations on the way I acted have been made by anyone helping me to reflect on my practice?
  • What are the implications for others and my own practice based on what have described and analysed?
  • What difference does it make if I choose to do nothing?
  • Where can I get more information to face a similar situation again?
  • How can I modify my practice if a similar situation was to happen again?
  • What help do I need to ‘action’ the results of my reflections?
  • Which aspect should be tackled first?
  • How will I notice that I am any different in practice?
  • What is the main learning that I gain from reflecting on my practice in this way?

Driscoll associates each of these phases within the following model of experiential learning (taken from Driscoll’s Practicing Clinical Supervision: A Reflective Approach , 2007):

rolfe reflective model essay

Rolfe, Jasper & Freshwater (2001)

Like Driscoll, Rolfe et al. built on Borton’s work to produce a structured model of reflection. Similarly, a set of cue questions is used at each stage to prompt the practitioner to consider different areas of their practice and learning.  

Jasper (2013)

Following her work with Rolfe, Jasper went on to develop the ERA cycle, which she published in her book Beginning Reflective Practice (2013).

ERA stands for Experience, Reflect and Action which can be transposed to the questions in the What? model.

Advantages & Disadvantages

In this section, we will explore the pros and cons of using the What? model of reflection.

Perhaps the principal strength of the What? model of reflective practice over other model s is its sheer simplicity.

This model reduces the reflective process down to three component parts that are neatly summed up with the headings of; What?, So What? and Now What?

This makes the model accessible to several different groups and can support comprehension and understanding of the reflective practice process. Therefore, it is a useful introduction to self-reflection and provides the foundations for individuals to build upon as they learn about other, more complex models.


The simplicity of this model can also be a weakness because it lacks much of the depth of other models and theories. This can result in reflections being relatively superficial without regard to areas such as ethics and professional codes, as well as inhibiting the deeper thinking that can challenge assumptions and develop new perspectives.

Both Driscoll and Rolfe et al. developed their models for use in a clinical setting and so the terminology used may not be appropriate for use in other environments, such as teaching or early years education.


There are some alternatives to the What? So What? And Now What? model of reflective practice , which will be considered below:

Gibb’s Reflective Cycle

A more structured cycle to reflective practice can be found in Gibbs’ model.

Gibbs developed a six-stage process for reflecting on experiences to gain insights and knowledge. Gibbs also used a cyclical model that framed experiential learning as a continuous process whereby reflection leads to learning that can then be used in future practice and reflected upon again and again.

The steps in Gibbs reflective cycle in relation to the What? model are:

Gibbs ModelWhat? Model
1. DescriptionWhat?
2. FeelingsWhat?
3. EvaluationSo what?
4. AnalysisSo what?
5. ConclusionsWhat now?
6. Action PlanWhat now?

Johns’ Model of Reflection

Johns developed a questioning model that, like the work of Driscoll and Rolfe et al. uses cue questions to guide the practitioner through the reflective practice process.

However, Johns’ model prompts the practitioner to examine the experience in more detail, taking into consideration their own values, professional ethics and the uniqueness of the situation.

Johns’ model was also developed for use in a clinical environment, primarily for nursing staff .

Atkins & Murphy’s Framework for Structured Reflection

Similarly, Atkins and Murphy’s framework was developed for use in the nursing profession and has a more comprehensive approach that can lead to a deeper level of learning.

This model helps practitioners to develop self-awareness and challenge their underlying assumptions and prejudices that may influence their work.

An Example of the What? So What? Now What? Model

Below is an example of how this model could be used by a care worker.

Consider the following scenario.

An inexperienced care worker supports a gentleman with a learning disability as part of a small team. On his birthday, the team all sign a card on his behalf, however, the care worker takes it upon themselves to also buy the client a birthday cake and a new game for his Xbox.

The gentleman is obviously delighted but this affects the care worker’s relationship with the rest of the team as they appear to be colder and more distant following the situation. In addition, the team leader arranges a meeting for them to discuss the situation.

The care worker cannot understand what all the fuss is about. They believed they were doing a nice thing and no harm came to anyone as a result of their actions.

The care worker reflects on the situation and considers how their actions may have been interpreted by others. By doing this, they realise that the cake and gift she gave to the gentleman could be seen as a bribe to improve their relationship. In addition, this could have resulted in the gentleman seeing the other care workers in a negative light because they did not give him a present.

The care worker also thinks that there is something in their employer’s policy related to gifts and when they check, they discover that this is something that is not allowed. Further research reveals that providing gifts to clients is against their professional code of conduct.

The care worker now feels disappointed and embarrassed about their conduct and wishes to resolve it. They plan to discuss their mistake with their team leader and apologise to the rest of the team. In addition, they will ensure that they do not do anything similar in the future and set aside to fully read through their employer’s policies and procedures and professional codes of practice to reduce the likelihood of future mistakes.

  • Borton: Reach, Touch and Teach
  • Driscoll: Reflective practice for practise (1994)
  • Driscoll: Practicing Clinical Supervision (2007)
  • Jasper: Beginning Reflective Practice (2013)
  • Rolfe et al: Critical reflection in nursing & the helping professions (2001)

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Rolfe’s reflective model – the rolfe’s reflective cycle, dr. wilson mn.

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This article discusses Rolfe Reflective Model and elaborately explains Rolfe’s Reflective Cycle.

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The Rolfe reflective cycle has the virtue of simplicity and straightforwardness. The model is based on three key questions, as the diagram below indicates:

The model was developed initially for nursing and care education, but has become more broad in its subsequent applications, not least because of the clarity of the model and its ease of use.

The three stages of the model ask you to consider, in turn, what happened, the implications of the occurrence, and the consequences for future conduct. The model is cyclic, indicating a continuity. The changes in behavior or approach which is generated from the reflective thought can then be analyzed, and either a further revision made, or else the changes made can be found to have been appropriate.

The Three Steps of the Rolfe Model of Reflection

Rolfe et al. (2010) suggest a series of questions which may spring from the initial three; these may be used to refine reflective thinking and isolate the key elements of the situation or occurrence so that they can be understood in more detail:

1. What? – Rolfe Model of Reflection

This element of the cycle is concerned with describing the event or occurrence being reflected upon, and defining one’s self-awareness in relation to it. All questions in this section begin with ‘what?’:.

  • Is the issue / problem / reason for being stuck / reason for feeling ill at ease / reason there is a clash of personalities?
  • Was my role in the developing situation being reflected upon?
  • Was I trying to achieve?
  • Actions were being done towards the achievement?
  • Were the responses of other people?
  • Were the consequences for the learner/s?
  • Were the consequences for me?
  • Were the consequences for other people?
  • Feelings were provoked in the student/s?
  • Feelings were provoked in me?
  • Feelings were provoked in other people?
  • Was positive about the experience?
  • Was negative about the experience?
  • Could be improved?

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2. So what? – Rolfe Model of Reflection

This aspect of the Rolfe cycle analyses the situation being reflected upon and begins to make evaluations of the circumstances being addressed. All questions in this section begin with ‘so what?’:

  • Does this tell me about myself and my relationships with learner/s?
  • Was my thought process as I acted?
  • Did I base my course of action on?
  • Other approaches might I have brought to the situation?
  • Might I have done differently to have produced a more positive outcome?
  • Have I learned because of this situation?
  • Contextual issues have been brought to light by this situation?

3. Now what? – Rolfe Model of Reflection

This is the element of Rolfe’s cycle which is concerned with synthesising information and insight, as we move from the previous elements to think in more detail about what to do differently in the future (or perhaps, if it is more appropriate to maintain the previous course of action) and so be prepared for what might be done if similar situations present themselves again. All questions in this element start with ‘now what?’:

  • Do I need to do make things better?
  • Should I ask of others to support me?
  • Do I need to avoid in future?
  • Have I learned?
  • Will I recognise in advance?
  • Have others learned from this?
  • Broader issues need to be considered if the new set of actions are to be enacted?
  • Wider considerations need to be addressed?

These questions are only suggestions. Not all may be appropriate for all contexts, and thinking of new ones may be part of the processes of reflection being entered into. One tactic which may be of use if to use the questions above as a cheat sheet; remembering the three core questions might be easy, but the follow-up questions can be stored for use as required. Using them as a template for a form on which to compile written reflection can be a useful strategy, as the writing process helps to formalize ideas, and the outcomes may be stored away for later reference, or else as evidence that reflection has been entered into.

Evaluation of Rolfe Cycle

Rolfe model of reflection

The core advantages of the Rolfe model relate to its simplicity and clarity. Reflective tools need to be accessible and useful to the user, and to produce meaningful results. A simple model such as this can support that. Issues related with the model include the idea that if applied only at the level of the three core questions, then a full inventory of the situation being reflected upon may not take place, and the insight produced as a consequence might tend to the simplistic or descriptive.

Rolfe’s own writing indicates that is important not only to consider reflection after the event, but reflection in the moment – as an event is taking place – so that immediate corrective action may be considered. For Rolfe, though, this model does not fully articulate the position due to its simplicity, reflection is not only a summary practice, but to be engaged with proactively (Rolfe, 2002).

Related FAQs

1. What are the 3 models of reflection?

  • “Difficult, but important”
  • Gibbs reflective cycle (1988)
  • Kolb reflective cycle (1984)
  • Schön model (1991)
  • Driscoll model (1994)
  • Rolfe et al’s Framework for Reflexive Learning (2001)
  • Johns’ Model for Structured Reflection (2006)

2. What are the reflective models?

One of the most famous cyclical models of reflection leading you through six stages exploring an experience:  description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion and action plan .

3. What are the 5 R’s of reflection?

The 5R framework for reflection will guide you through  Reporting, Responding, Relating, Reasoning, and Reconstructing  to make sense of a learning experience.

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An in-depth guide on Rolfe reflective model

The Rolfe reflective model is a reflection framework developed by John Rolfe, Andrew Freshwater, and Susan Jasper in 2001. The Rolfe reflective cycle has the advantage of being simple and uncomplicated. It comprises three questions; What? So What? and Now What? This blog will help you understand what it is, its advantages, and the steps.

This model can be applied to reflective practice and self-reflection in the disciplines of medicine and other professions.

What is the Rolfe reflective model?

Rolfe’s reflective model was primarily created for nursing and care teaching, but it has since expanded in its range of uses, partly due to how simple and understandable it is. Three stages of the model encourage you to consider what occurred, the consequences of the event, and the consequences of your future behavior in order. The model’s cyclical nature suggests continuity.

The behavior or approach modifications that result from the reflective thought can then be examined, and either a subsequent revision is made, or it is determined that the changes were appropriate.

What are the steps of the Rolfe Model of Reflection?

There are key questions that serve as good representations of the various stages of a particular situation. The three primary inquiries include; What? So What? and Now What? They also provide a few follow-up questions that help elaborate on the situation.

Here are the three steps of the Rolfe model of reflection

The purpose of this cycle element is to describe one’s self-awareness in connection to the event or experience being reflected upon. The first word in each question in this section begins with ‘What?’

  • What is the major problem or reason you’re having trouble?
  • What were the repercussions for other people?
  • What aspects of the experience could be improved?
  • What about the whole experience struck you as negative?
  • What were the procedures followed?
  • What was it that I wanted to accomplish?
  • What was my main contribution to the circumstances at play?
  • What best describes the circumstance that is being presented to you?
  • What aspect of the overall experience was optimistic?
  • What emotions were triggered?
  • What emotions were aroused within me?
  • What emotions did the other person experience?
  • What notable comments did the others make?
  • What are the repercussions for me?

This element of Rolfe’s cycle is involved with generating information and insights. We proceed from the prior parts to consider in greater detail changes in the future shortly and be equipped for what could be done if such circumstances present themselves again. All the question in this section starts with ‘now what?’

  • Now, what actions should I take to avoid them in the future?
  • Now, what additional dialogues need to be factored in carefully?
  • Now, what help would have been needed to remedy the situation?
  • Now what areas must be addressed for unexpected actions?
  • Now, what should be done to make things better?
  • Now, what have other people taken away from this?
  • Now, what have I realized as a result of this experience?

This part of the Rolfe reflective model cycle examines the circumstance being thought about and starts to assess the situations being addressed. This section’s questions all begin with ‘so what?’

  • So, what unique issues are being raised in this situation?
  • So, what extraordinary things could be done in that particular situation?
  • So, what key strategies have I used to address the problem?
  • So, what formed the foundation of my approach to that circumstance?
  • So, what do you mean by communicating about the other people I interact with?
  • So, what illustrates the incident’s most important lesson?
  • So, what went through my mind when I responded to the circumstance?

Remember, these are suggestion questions only. These are merely hypothetical queries. Some may not be applicable in all situations, and reflection processes may include creating new ones. Using the questions above as a cheat sheet is one strategy that might be helpful; while it may be simple to recall the three basic questions, it may be more challenging to identify the follow-up questions.

Referencing a Rolfe et al. reflective model

So, how do you reference Rolfe et al. reflective model? You would need to incorporate the following details in your reference list or bibliography to cite Rolfe et al. reflective model:

  • The last names of the author followed by their initials. In this case, it would be “Rolfe, G., Freshwater, D., and Jasper, M.”
  • The year of publication is in parentheses. For example, “(2001)”
  • The title of the book or article in which the model is presented. It should be underlined or italicized. For example, “Critical reflection in healthcare professional education: A theoretical framework.”
  • The journal’s name in which the article was published or the book’s publisher took it. For example, “Medical Education.”
  • The issue number and volume of the journal in which the article was published. For example, “35(3)”
  • The numbers of the pages of the article. For example, “234-240.”

The evaluation of Rolfe’s cycle

Evaluation of Rolfe’s cycle, sometimes referred to as the “Critical reflection in nursing” or the “Rolfe’s reflective cycle,” usually entails determining how well the model encourages in-depth, significant contemplation among healthcare professionals. The following aspects could be the evaluation’s primary focus:

  • Adaptability

The model should be able to be applied in a range of healthcare settings and be sufficiently flexible to adapt to various contexts and scenarios.

  • Effectiveness in encouraging reflection

Rather than only promoting surface-level thinking, the model should be able to encourage deep and meaningful reflection.

  • Simplicity and clarity

The model should be simple to use and comprehend and offer clear instructions on the reflective process.

  • Influence on practice

The methodology should improve both practice and patient outcomes.

  • Significance to practice

The model has to be appropriate and applicable to the daily work of a healthcare professional.

The model should be simple to use and include in the routine of the healthcare provider.

  • Ability to stimulate critical thinking

The model should encourage them to do so rather than just accepting decisions and actions made by healthcare professionals.

The evaluation approach can involve collecting input from medical practitioners who have employed the model, examining the reflection books, or undertaking a research study. When implementing Rolfe’s reflective cycle in practice can have an impact on patient outcomes.

In general, Rolfe’s reflective cycle is seen as a potent instrument for fostering in-depth, meaningful contemplation among healthcare workers, and assessments have typically indicated that it is effective at achieving this goal.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Rolfe model

Everything has two sides, just like a coin which has two sides. So, there is no longer a difference when discussing Rolfe’s reflective practice paradigm. It incorporates several advantages with some disadvantages. These advantages and disadvantages differentiate the role’s reflective model from other reflective practices or modes like the ERA cycle or the Driscoll Reflective model.

Here are the advantages of the Rolfe model;

  • It assists nurses in identifying areas that need work and in creating plans of attack to solve them, which can enhance patient outcomes
  • It helps nurses to think about the moral and ethical ramifications of their choices, which may enable them to make better judgments in the future
  • It offers a structured method of reflection that can assist nurses in objectively identifying and analyzing their experiences
  • It can help healthcare team members communicate and work together
  • It can be applied in various clinical contexts
  • Instead of making the same errors over, it enables nurses to learn from their mistakes
  • It is a tool for continuing professional development and advancement
  • It motivates nurses to accept accountability for their choices and actions
  • It is a widely known and acknowledged reflection model in the medical field
  • It is simple to comprehend and use

Disadvantages of the Rolfe model

After understanding the approach’s benefits, it is time to learn about its drawbacks. First, because it is so specific about several elements, this model is one of the more confining. The disadvantages are;

  • Rolfe’s reflective cycle calls for you to start at the beginning, which may not be essential if you already have prior knowledge of the topic
  • Reflection is a continuous process. The fact that it never ends means that if you did, the benefits of continuing would likewise end
  • Rolfe’s reflecting model cannot be applied in all circumstances since not all cases allow for analysis before action
  • Making a decision requires a lot of thought. This makes it a time-consuming process

Do you need specialized help understanding Rolfe’s model of reflection?

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Final thoughts

Healthcare practitioners can assess their practice and develop their abilities using the Rolfe reflective model. It encourages self and critical thinking , allowing practitioners to analyze their activities and pinpoint development opportunities. The approach is user-friendly and flexible for a variety of treatment situations. Are you ready to explore more on this and other models more? Visit .

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Writing a Research Using Rolfe Reflective Model Research Paper

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Reflection on the literature review, choosing an appropriate research topic and research question, identifying an appropriate scientific methodology, data collection techniques, data analysis.

The process of creating the research proposal will be evaluated using the Rolfe reflective model, which has three major steps; that is, what, so what and now what. First, one must determine what the problem, difficulty, situation, or achievement is in a project; this is a descriptive reflective level. Thereafter, one must establish what the issue teaches implies or means. In other words, it is necessary to analyze what one has learned from the process on a theoretical level. Step two may entail deducing the attitudes, actions, relationships, and knowledge that apply to the situation. Finally, one ought to focus on action orientation. Here, one should carve out a strategy for improving outcomes in the future.

The Rolfe model in the literature review is as follows:

When carrying out a literature review, I started with the general topic of cloud computing and then narrowed it down to the research topic. I selected references based on their relatedness to the topic. To eliminate unnecessary work, I settled on authors who had a clear research problem. Furthermore, their research theories needed to resonate with approaches in my field of study. I also wanted to use documents that considered both aspects of the debate. Authors who were too convinced that cloud computing was synonymous with security threats or those who downplayed the importance of security threats were discarded. For journal articles, they needed to have logical arguments that could be well understood. They are also related to the research topic.

The main challenge of using such a rigorous approach was getting consistent themes from all the authors. The literature review needed to flow, so it took a lot of time to read through the documents before picking out the common themes. In addition to the above, plenty of information existed about cloud computing, so it was difficult to weed out the irrelevant pieces and stick to the ones that corresponded to the research question. Furthermore, the broad nature of the topic caused me to place disjointed ideas together in one paragraph. Additionally, the documents I selected for the study all supported my research thesis. No articles offered contrary opinions. My documents were merely collected based on the research topic. I did not make a concept map or diagrammatic illustration of what needed to be done.

In the future, it will be useful to have a concept map that would narrow down the research topic appropriately and conveniently. Additionally, this approach will assist in making the literature review coherent and connected. In line with the latter idea, I should probably place one idea in one paragraph. This can be achieved by identifying the overall direction of the literature and then relating it to what different sources are saying about it. I also need to mind the connection between ideas in my literature review by having an overall story, which I should be elaborating on. I could also enrich future literature reviews by adding sources that do not support the research thesis. In my work, I assumed that security threats are a menace in cloud computing; however, other writers believe that security threats created by the platform are too insignificant to neutralize the benefits created by cloud computing. Consequently, I should include divergent views on the topic. In the future, it will also be wise to focus exclusively on relevant literature. Some of the documents in the piece were too descriptive and they merely mentioned aspects of the research. I need to evaluate, criticize, and even compare different writings on the topic to come up with a comprehensive literature review. I should also have a strong thesis statement in my writing that will guide me throughout the literature review. Nonetheless, I need to keep up with the approach I used to analyze the credibility of peer-reviewed journals as well as other pieces of literature on the research topic.

The three steps of the Rolfe model on the research question is as follows:

I gathered information in the subject area and then set out to establish a research topic. I realized that my topic needed to be relatively narrow. As a result, I had to focus on a geographical area that was reasonable for the time limit of the research. First, I had the general idea of cloud computing. Background research and preliminary reports revealed that lots of researchers are currently working on the subject matter. Some of them are discussing the impact of cloud computing on organizations while others are focusing on architecture and other prerequisites to making cloud computing work for organizations. Others prefer to evaluate the returns of using cloud computing. After examining most research on the topic, it came to my attention that most of the pieces rarely focused on security threats. Furthermore, those that did often mentioned them in passing. However, because the research topic needed to cover a reasonable geographical area, then I had to narrow it down to the US. This was the process by which I came up with the research topic “security threats associated with cloud computing in US firms.”

On the flip side, I spent a lot of time coming up with this research topic. Furthermore, it took too long to narrow it sufficiently, as I had several alternatives to select. Some of the options I had included “Can cloud computing impede organizational functioning?” or “What are the negative consequences of cloud computing?” I did not manipulate keywords to reveal different kinds of information, and this may have undermined the depth of my paper.

The nature of the approach I used was a compromise between a broad topic and a specific one. If I had selected a very narrow topic, then it would have been difficult to find supporting information for my area of interest. On the other hand, if it has been too broad, then chances are that I would not give it the coverage it deserves in a small research project. I may not have paid attention to the way I phrased my research question, but I now realize that using words such as how, why, what, and when can determine the outcome of one’s research. Many theorists believe that research questions starting with why and how are often broad and yield substantial research material than those that start with when, where, what and who. However, ‘what’ can either yield a broad research area or a narrow one depending on how one phrases the question. If the answer will lead to the identification of only one entity, then the researcher should use another word. Conversely, the research question ought to be phrased in a manner that would not provide a simple answer, and this is what I tried to do when choosing my research topic.

In the future, it will be useful to have a concept map that will assist me in making the research topic narrow. Just like the literature review, the concept map will assist in the generation of ideas for the research topic as well as the connection of the various research ideas together. It will also be useful to work hand in hand with members of staff in the school library as well as my classmates as they may have good ideas on how to phrase my research questions appropriately. I should also work with keywords and utilize Google function more efficiently as this will assist in saving time. For instance, paraphrasing keywords will assist in getting new research materials and establishing gaps in current literature. The dictionary would be a good place to start when paraphrasing these words. While security threats in cloud computing may be an interesting topic, I feel that more engaging topics exist in the field. In the future, it will be wise to come up with research topics that interest me. This will probably keep me motivated to complete the assignment. It will also help if I develop a tolerance for uncertainty at the preliminary stage of the research. Instead of looking for answers at the onset, it will be helpful to keep an open mind and embrace changes as I move along. A good idea would be to ask me what kind of information I need and then use this as a guide to developing the research question.

It will also be crucial to consider the wording of my research topic. Words like ‘what’ tend to yield overly descriptive work. I should consider the wording of my research topic in a manner that forms relationships between certain phenomena or variables. Productive researches often encompass balanced perspectives after reading a lot of material in related items. It will be necessary to obtain sufficient information before the development of any topic phrases in the future.

The Rolfe reflective model for scientific methodology is as follows:

The scientific methodologies I could select were either qualitative or quantitative research. I considered the fact that quantitative research yields numerical data and vice versa for qualitative research. The latter focuses on verbal, interpretive, and diagnostic work. My research question required a detailed description of security threats, so it was imperative to adopt such an approach. I could not select experimental methods because of ethical considerations and logistical challenges. I also eliminated observational research because this was not a precursor to another experiment that related to the same. Therefore, I had to contend with opinion-based research as it was the only avenue that was feasible for my research. The major problem was I did not clearly define which scientific approach I was using in the proposal.

My focus on the research collection methods prevented me from talking about the research design in-depth and clarifying the point of view that I was assuming in the research. Additionally, I was too descriptive in the analysis, and this neutralized the analytical nature of my scientific viewpoint. Most of the sections in the paper did not talk about the flaws in the research design, so this made the paper appear as though it did not have a balanced perspective.

In the future, it will be essential to identify the research paradigm and the scientific backing for my choices. Besides this, I need to be less descriptive in the section and talk about the scientific concepts of falsifiability or generalization.

The Rolfe reflective model for data collection is as follows:

When selecting the data collection techniques, I had a choice of several research methods. To come up with the most appropriate responses, I stuck to the ones that were compatible with my research question. It was also essential for me to consider methods that had relatively few shortcomings. My first choice was the survey, which is suitable for my research method as it was partly quantitative. However, it required a lot of logistical input and could not determine the complex security issues that some organizations encounter when using cloud computing. Observational methods were also a possible alternative as they entail getting the first-hand experience of the phenomenon. However, I abandoned the idea because it is not possible to observe the phenomenon of security threats in person. I could have used literature reviews as a method of data collection as it entails a broad array of perspectives. On the other hand, it would not have yielded original material. I was, therefore, left with the interviews as my last alternative. I found out that it would provide me with rich and insightful information. Furthermore, it could be applied to relatively small sample size. The shortfalls that were associated with interviews could be easily overcome using rigorous data analysis techniques and accurate data sampling.

The approach used for the analysis was probably an appropriate one in the selection of the data collection methods. However, I did not mention the reason why all the research methods were not included. Aspects of budget, time, and disciplinary issues were not covered. Furthermore, I did not give an in-depth explanation of how these data collection techniques applied to the research. I should also have chosen the most predominant form of data collection in the discipline. It would make sense to mirror this approach as previous researchers have tangible explanations for selecting such methods.

In the future, it will be necessary to focus on how each data collection technique applies to the research topic. The data collection section should not be overly descriptive, yet mine was. I need to ensure that my choices also relate to the preferred method of data collection in the discipline of cloud computing.

The Rolfe reflective model for data analysis is as follows:

In this section, I selected the method of coding as it corresponded to the interview techniques that I was going to use. I centered largely on the focus groups. However, no mention was made about the quantitative data that would be collected using structured interviews. This was a serious flaw in my research proposal. Additionally, I did not dwell on how the method of coding would be directly applied to my research question. There was no mention of some sample questions or any other approach that would lead to the development of a thorough research design. Furthermore, I did not follow a rigorous procedure for selecting my data analysis techniques. No mention was made of the nature of statistical software I would use, even if it was excel.

Likely, I did not talk about the quantitative aspect of data analysis because I did not go back to the research question as well as the data collection techniques. I may have been overwhelmed by the analytical techniques and rigorous methods used in coding data and this may have caused me to downplay the usefulness of statistical methods in the quantitative section. I was limited by the lack of specific data that would have determined the overall direction of the research. I may have ignored aspects of statistical analysis because I assumed that excel would be sufficient to do everything. However, even if this is true, for my case, I should have given some samples of the approach I would use in the study.

In the future, it will be insightful to always focus on the research question as well as the selected data analysis techniques. One must take the time to elaborate on how the data obtained through all methods will be analyzed. In the future, it would also be more insightful to create some sample data that would give me a rough idea about the nature of data that applies to my analysis. It would probably be effective to look at researches that used my kind of approach to get a typical sample. I should also differentiate between categorical, interval, or ordinal data as each would require a different analytical technique. Therefore, the research proposal should contain a sample of the structured interviews as this would give a tangible direction on how to analyze the data. It would be quite useful to be open to the possibility of analytical limitations in excel. Further, these techniques all relate to the nature of data as well as the design to be used in the research.

Overall, the research proposal was an amalgamation of all the research conducted throughout the course. Because of competing interests between my research area and the recommended approaches to research proposal writing, I had to leave out certain parts. These choices may have compromised the quality of my research proposal because I misfired in critical aspects of the paper. For instance, my literature review and research questions were not as comprehensive as they ought to be because I did not do concept-mapping or proper keyword-searching. Additionally, my methodology and data collection sections were too descriptive because I did not stick to my research question. Those sections contained general information rather than specific descriptions of how the research design applies to my topic. Furthermore, the data collection section had no mention of the quantitative aspect of the research. This also stemmed from the lack of a systematic examination of my research objectives.

In the future, I will benefit greatly from having a strong research thesis that will guide me throughout the research. It will also be necessary to make my literature review coherent and thematic. Furthermore, I should work on balancing perspectives in the literature review. It will be imperative to consider the wording of the research topic and the paraphrasing of keywords. I would write better researches if I use a research paradigm and talk about scientific concepts like a generalization. I should also refrain from being too descriptive in different sections of the research proposal, especially the data collection and data analysis sections.

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IvyPanda. (2021, January 4). Writing a Research Using Rolfe Reflective Model.

"Writing a Research Using Rolfe Reflective Model." IvyPanda , 4 Jan. 2021,

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Writing a Research Using Rolfe Reflective Model'. 4 January.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Writing a Research Using Rolfe Reflective Model." January 4, 2021.

1. IvyPanda . "Writing a Research Using Rolfe Reflective Model." January 4, 2021.


IvyPanda . "Writing a Research Using Rolfe Reflective Model." January 4, 2021.

You are likely to be asked to produce a piece of reflective writing at some point during your course and, depending on your subject area, reflection may be something that you are expected to do regularly.

This type of writing differs from more general academic writing in a number of ways. Have a look at the following resource that highlights the differences and similarities between reflective and academic writing .

Reflective Practice Tutorial

Click on the image below to launch our short tutorial on Reflective Practice / Reflective Writing:


  • Gibbs’ reflective cycle  
  • Rolfe et al .

Alternatively, have a look at this more general list of questions and reflective phrases that can help with your reflective writing .

For more on Reflection take a look at the resources on the  Reflection Reading list.

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Rolfe’s Reflective Model Sample

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A Reflective Essay using Rolfe’s Reflective Model to Reflect on your Role as a Student Nurse in Medicine Management


The current reflective essay is based on my experience as a student nurse in the application of evidence-based risk assessment tool for quality care to patients of different critical intensities. Evidence based risk assessment tool is a technique used in the provision of quality care and healthcare support which comprises preventive measures taken for patients, or diagnostics and prognostic routes chosen and sometimes even in precision insurance medical decisions (James, 2013).

As per my understanding and my experiences from the evidence-based risk assessment tools, it helps reduce the associated risks to patients by minimising health impact, costs and issues related to legal and ethical concerns. Evidence based risk assessment tools as I have experienced help greatly in exploring the risk magnitude (RM) of different types of patients and assess the mortality prediction and predictable survival of the patient.

This aspect of the risk assessment was important for insurance approval for patients by the hospital. Again, in another aspect, these risk assessment tools also help in assessing the safety settings of the healthcare centre like risk assessment from patient fall evidence (Renfro and Fehrer, 2011; Waxman, 2010).

However, in nursing, I now believe that it is a very important tool for nurses to understand the patients’ conditions and help the specialists understand the patient’s condition or situation. In the following section, I have used Rolfe’s Reflective Model to present my experiences using evidence-based risk assessment tools while interning as a student nurse.

Rolfe’s reflective model

During my experience as a student nurse, out of most tasks I was involved in during the short period, using the evidence-based risk assessment tool was the most critical medicine management process I had encountered. The medicine management system as we know in nursing is the critical process of assessing, controlling and monitoring the medication system for improved performance and quality care (Zipkin et al. 2014).

Evidence based risk assessment tool is an important part of medicine management because it involves assessing the risks of the patients based on evidence of the history of the patient or similar conditions in the past from another patient. The evidence based risk assessment tool also helps in the assessment of the condition of the patient like allergies to certain medications, the criticalness of the patients, the survival chances of the patient, and predicting the treatment efficacy for those critical patients only.

Another technical aspect of these tools is that the hospital setting has also used them for determining the insurance eligibility of patients, these tools have certain measures for each of the medical condition of the patient and using this knowledge and assessment the eligibility of the patient to avail insurance to reduce costs of treatment are used (Nelson et al. 2021).

The, (2020) or NHS has developed multiple evidence-based tools for risk assessment of the patients using sound methodological and procedural basis and investigative methods to assess the patients’ conditions and improve the provision of quality medical care. Since the NHS has made it mandatory for all healthcare settings to apply risk assessment tools for all types of conditions and settings thus it has become an important activity.

During my experience, I learned how to use and develop a risk assessment tool with the help of a head nurse and another midwife with whom I had to partner during my internship as a student nurse. They taught me how to use different types of tools and their applications. The nurses in the healthcare setting had a format for using the tools that allowed them to rate the patient’s conditions and gather information on the patient’s history.

It further helps the emergency doctors and other specialised doctors better understand the patients to have the correct route for prognosis and diagnosis. I believe with the help of this personal and in-depth association I gained some knowledge on how to investigate patient histories and conditions to effectively use the evidence-based risk assessment tools. This I can further relate to one of the cases that I handled. The case was the patient had a previous history of allergies from certain medications. This was put into the risk assessment tool that helped the doctor approach a different route for medication and treatment of the patient (Westbrook et al. 2011).

My involvement as a student nurse in applying evidence-based risk assessment tools helped me gain knowledge on different aspects like how to investigate the patients and gain information on the patient conditions and history. In one of the areas of risk assessment i.e. to mitigate the fall risk of critical patients, I learnt to use the Morse Fall Scale and the Hendrich II Fall Risk Model that is generally used by the nurses in the hospital setting to reduce the cases of patient falls from trips and involuntary patient actions (Higaonna, Enobi, and Nakamura, 2017).

While using the Morse Fall Scale and the Hendrich II Fall Risk Model, I learnt that these risk scoring tools have different categories that can be used to understand the condition of the patient and based on the risk score the patients are given more care and assistance to ensure that there is low risk to fall. For instance, I understood that these tools use and gather information on the patient’s conditions like confusion or disorientation and depressive state and dizziness of the patient and types of drugs like consumption of benzodiazepines and others.

Patients taking benzodiazepines need special care and support because they risk falling when they move without the assistance of a nurse or other family member. Other information gathered from these assessment tools is the patient’s condition like the use of cane or sticks to move, medical condition of the patient, mental condition of the patient and others (Han et al. 2017).

I also discovered that these scoring tools have various classifications that can be utilised to comprehend the state of the patient and dependent on the danger score the patients are given more consideration and help to guarantee that there is generally safe to fall. I also discovered that these instruments use and assemble data on the patient conditions.

By considering these situations and patient scores, better care and support can be provided. Therefore, this process also helped me acquire information on various viewpoints like exploring the patients and gaining data on the patient conditions and history. Furthermore, considering the tools used in risk assessment are not limited to fall assessments but also enable ethical generation for patient treatment (Ondrusek et al. 2015).

In this regard, I can link my skill development experiences whereby I learnt that ethical provision of care is very important and this includes informing the outcomes of the risk assessment and the possible treatment and effectively communicating all the outcomes from the risk assessment of the patient to other specialists as well for effective treatment routes.

Linking my learning to that of Kaya, Ward, and Clarkson, (2019) current risk assessment practice in hospitals there is still a major gap in the risk assessment guidance for using tools to mitigate the risks of wrongful medication or wrongful diagnosis of the patients rising for poor assessment of patient conditions and risks.

Even though the National Health Service in England (NHS England) has developed multiple systems that allow the risk assessment for patients concerning patient compliances, ethical medical practices, treatment processes and patient care and improvement of the patient’s quality care.  There is a significant gap in the effectiveness of applying these tools.

It may be because there are different tools that each of the hospitals uses. Like in my case, as I mentioned, the hospital used two different tools for fall risk assessment of the patients like the Morse Fall Scale and the Hendrich II Fall Risk Model. This resulted in different risk scores by different nurses or the authorised personnel.

Based on these aspects I can say that there is a significant gap in effective evidence based risk assessment tools as hospitals develop or adapt to existing ones based on feasibility and the risk assessment guidelines by the NHS England. Therefore, I believe that the Nursing and Midwifery Council must develop and upgrade its existing risk assessment tools meant for the nurses to use so that a single method of the risk assessment tool is used for different conditions of the patients and improve the patient care.

Applying singular methods or multidimensional risk assessment tools may improve the medical care and medical care support which involves preventive measures taken for patients, or diagnostics and prognostic courses picked, and now and then even inaccuracy protection clinical choices. Furthermore, using a multidimensional and unified use of the risk assessment instruments will help decrease the related dangers to patients by limiting wellbeing effects, expenses, and issues identified with legitimate and moral concerns.

These evaluation tools as I have encountered help extraordinarily in investigating the risk assessments of various kinds of patients and survey the mortality forecast and unsurprising patient endurance. This significant part of the medication the board since it implies surveying the dangers of the patients dependent on proof of the previous history of the patient or comparable conditions in the past from another patient.

The risk appraisal device likewise helps in the evaluation of the state of the patient like sensitivities to specific drugs, the criticalness of the patients, the endurance odds of the patient, and anticipating the treatment adequacy for those basic patients as it were. Applying unified, flexible and multidimensional risk assessment tools will help the nurses moderate the tools as needed for the different conditions of patients and mitigation of risks (Ondrusek et al. 2015).

I believe I was limited to using only fall-related risk assessment tools like Morse Fall Scale and the Hendrich II Fall Risk Model. There are many other risk assessment tools developed for patients suffering from different conditions like patients with severe diabetic conditions and cardiac issues. There are different evidence-based risk assessment tools for these patients.

Therefore, I believe one of the most important skills and knowledge I need to gain is investigating and using them in other conditions. I also have to learn about the application of these tools using technical tools that help in the evaluation of the state of the patient like hypersensitivities to specific drugs, the criticalness of the patients, the endurance odds of the patient, and anticipating the treatment viability for those basic patients as it were.

Another specialised part of these apparatuses is that the emergency clinic setting has likewise utilised them for deciding the protection qualification of the patients, these devices have certain actions for every one of the ailments of the patient and utilising this information and appraisal the qualification of the patient to profit protection to diminish expenses of treatment are utilised.

For instance, the NHS has developed different risk assessment tools for patients suffering from psychiatric and other healthcare issues. I will learn and read these risk assessment tools and understand how they are used or the importance of these tools using literature studies. By interning more in the area of risk assessment for medicine management, it will help me to learn about different numerous other danger evaluation instruments produced for patients experiencing various conditions like patients with extreme diabetic conditions and cardiovascular issues and for these patients, there are diverse risk appraisal tools or measuring systems.

Consequently, I believe engaging more in learning these risk tools will improve my abilities and the information I need to acquire is how to examine and utilise them in different conditions. I need to find out about the utilisation of these instruments that assist in the assessment of the patient’s condition like hypersensitivities to explicit medications, the criticalness of the patients, the perseverance chances of the patient and expecting the treatment suitability for those fundamental patients figuratively speaking.

Another specific piece of these devices are that they have in like manner been used by the crisis facility setting for choosing the insurance capability of the patients, these gadgets have certain activities for all of the diseases of the patient and using this data and its evaluation, the capability of the patient to benefit security to lessen costs of treatment are used. As a student nurse, I plan to achieve these skills and improve through external engagement and internships at different clinical centres.

Evidence based risk assessment tool is the process of assessing the possible risks to patients and developing a route for the patients. There are different ways of providing care to patients and the main activity of the nurses in this case of using evidence based risk assessment tool is to gather first-hand information of the patients’ conditions, medical history like allergies and previous medications and health issues, as well as mental heal of the patients.

There are different types of risk assessment tools for different conditions of patients like psychological or cardiac patient risk assessment tools. In addition, these tools are also used to develop a predictive assessment of the patient’s survivability or death. Based on such outcomes, the route of medication and healthcare is decided. The nurses’ role in this aspect is to include these tools while investigating the patients’ conditions. This helps in effective medicine management by providing effective care and rightful medications and reducing risks of wrongful medications and others., 2020. Risk Assessment Guidelines . Available at .

Han, J., Xu, L., Zhou, C., Wang, J., Li, J., Hao, X., Cui, J., Shao, S. and Yang, N., 2017. Stratify, Hendrich II fall risk model and Morse fall scale were used to predict the risk of falling for elderly in-patients. Biomedical Research .

Higaonna, M., Enobi, M. and Nakamura, S., 2017. Development of an evidence‐based fall risk assessment tool and evaluation of interrater reliability and nurses’ perceptions of the tool’s clarity and usability.  Japan journal of nursing science ,  14 (2), pp.146-160.

James, J.T., 2013. A new, evidence-based estimate of patient harms associated with hospital care.  Journal of patient safety ,  9 (3), pp.122-128.

Kaya, G.K., Ward, J.R. and Clarkson, P.J., 2019. A framework to support risk assessment in hospitals.  International Journal for Quality in Health Care ,  31 (5), p.393.

Nelson, A.J., Ardissino, M., Haynes, K., Shambhu, S., Eapen, Z.J., McGuire, D.K., Carnicelli, A., Lopes, R.D., Green, J.B., O’Brien, E.C. and Pagidipati, N.J., 2021. Gaps in Evidence‐Based Therapy Use in Insured Patients in the United States With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease.  Journal of the American Heart Association ,  10 (2), p.e016835.

Ondrusek, N.K., Willison, D.J., Haroun, V., Bell, J.A. and Bornbaum, C.C., 2015. A risk screening tool for ethical appraisal of evidence-generating initiatives.  BMC medical ethics ,  16 (1), pp.1-8.

Renfro, M.O. and Fehrer, S., 2011. Multifactorial screening for fall risk in community-dwelling older adults in the primary care office: development of the fall risk assessment & screening tool.  Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy ,  34 (4), pp.174-183.

Waxman, K.T., 2010. The development of evidence-based clinical simulation scenarios: Guidelines for nurse educators.  Journal of nursing education ,  49 (1), pp.29-35.

Westbrook, J.I., Rob, M.I., Woods, A. and Parry, D., 2011. Errors in administering intravenous medications in hospital and the role of correct procedures and nurse experience. BMJ quality & safety ,  20 (12), pp.1027-1034.

Zipkin, D.A., Umscheid, C.A., Keating, N.L., Allen, E., Aung, K., Beyth, R., Kaatz, S., Mann, D.M., Sussman, J.B., Korenstein, D. and Schardt, C., 2014. Evidence-based risk communication: a systematic review.  Annals of internal medicine ,  161 (4), pp.270-280.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to use rolfe’s reflective model in reflective essay writing.

Rolfe’s reflective model can be used in reflective essay writing by following these steps:

  • Describe an experience
  • Analyze feelings and thoughts
  • Evaluate the experience
  • Identify future actions.

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What is the Johns’ Model of Reflection?

August 24, 2024

Table of Contents

Johns’ Model of Reflection is a framework used to aid structured critical reflection. Developed by Dr Christopher Johns in the 1990s, this model provides a guide to understanding and improving professional practice, especially in health and social care. Reflection in this context is not merely about looking back on actions; it’s about learning from experiences to enhance both personal and professional growth.

Purpose of Reflection in Health and Social Care

Reflection is crucial in health and social care for several reasons:

  • Improvement : It enhances care quality by learning from past experiences.
  • Insight : Provides deeper understanding of one’s actions and feelings.
  • Control : Helps manage emotions in stressful situations.
  • Professional Development : Encourages continual learning and professional growth.

Through structured reflection, professionals can analyse their practice, understand emotions, and improve patient care.

Structure of Johns’ Model

Johns’ Model is structured into several key stages. These stages help guide the reflective process. Each stage is a prompt that encourages deeper thinking about experiences.

1. Description of the Experience

At this initial stage, describe the event without any interpretation or judgment. Focus on the facts:

  • What happened?
  • Who was involved?
  • What was the context?

This stage sets the scene for deeper analysis, allowing you to recall the event accurately.

2. Reflection

Here, think about the personal aspects of the experience:

  • What was I trying to achieve?
  • How did I feel?
  • What were the thoughts at the time?

This stage helps understand personal reactions and emotions, shedding light on why certain actions were taken.

3. Influencing Factors

Consider what influenced your actions and decisions:

  • Internal Factors : Personal beliefs, values , and feelings.
  • External Factors : Environment, team dynamics, and available resources.

Understanding these factors promotes self-awareness and helps identify areas for change.

4. Evaluation of the Experience

In this stage, assess the effectiveness of your actions:

  • What was good or bad about the experience?
  • What worked well, and what could have been improved?

Evaluation encourages constructive criticism, allowing for learning and growth.

5. Learning

Finally, synthesise what you have learned:

  • What insights have you gained?
  • How can this learning be applied in future situations?

This final stage is crucial for transforming reflection into action, applying insights to future practice.

Importance of Johns’ Model in Professional Practice

Johns’ Model of Reflection is particularly valuable in health and social care due to its structured format. It helps practitioners:

  • Develop critical thinking skills.
  • Enhance their professional behaviour.
  • Create an action plan for future situations.
  • Improve patient interaction and care quality.

By engaging with this model, professionals can continuously improve their practice, contributing to both individual and organisational excellence.

Comparison with Other Reflective Models

Johns’ Model is not the only framework used in reflection. Comparing it with other models can provide insights:

  • Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle : Focuses on feelings and emotions, providing a more emotional perspective.
  • Kolb’s Experiential Learning Cycle : Concentrates on experience and learning, often used in educational settings.

While each model has its merits, Johns’ Model is particularly suited to the emotional and ethical complexities of health and social care.

Practical Application in Health and Social Care

Johns’ Model can be applied in various scenarios within health and social care settings:

  • Patient Interactions : Reflect on how you handled specific patient cases, focusing on communication and empathy.
  • Team Collaboration : Evaluate how you work with colleagues, looking at both strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Training and Development : Use reflection to identify training needs and professional development goals.

By applying this model, practitioners can ensure high standards of care and continuous improvement across all aspects of their work.

Examples of Johns’ Model in Practice

  • Case Study Reflections : After a challenging case, a nurse reflects on the outcome using Johns’ Model, identifying communication breakdowns and considering ways to prevent similar issues.
  • Reviewing Practice Changes : A social worker reviews new practice changes and uses the model to assess their impact on client outcomes.

These practical examples show the model’s versatility and impact on everyday practice.

Challenges and Limitations

While Johns’ Model of Reflection is highly beneficial, practitioners may face challenges:

  • Time Constraints : Health and social care environments are often busy, making it difficult to find time for reflection.
  • Emotional Difficulty : Reflecting on certain experiences can be emotionally challenging, requiring support.
  • Skill Development : Effective reflection requires practice and skill, which may take time to develop.

Despite these challenges, the benefits of reflection make it a valuable practice for improving care quality.

Johns’ Model of Reflection provides a structured approach to reflective practice. It encourages health and social care professionals to critically analyse their experiences, understand the influence of emotions and beliefs, and apply learned insights to future practice. Through its systematic approach, Johns’ Model not only enhances individual practice but also contributes to the overall improvement of health and social care services.

Engaging in regular reflection using this model supports professional growth, better patient care, and a more compassionate healthcare environment. It’s a tool that empowers professionals to transform their practice, ultimately leading to improved outcomes for all stakeholders .

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Rebel's Guide to Project Management

Reflective practice on projects: 7 models to try

Reflective practice is something that project managers do regularly, although you might not label it as that.

We often take a reflective approach to project performance through the processes of lessons learned or retros. And you might do personal reflections as part of the performance review process, or 360-degree feedback.

What does the Body of Knowledge say about reflective practice?

The APM Body of Knowledge 7 th Edition does not refer to any one particular model of reflection or theory. Instead, it discusses the need for practitioners to be reflective (section 3.3.6) through a range of techniques that support continuing professional development.

In particular, the BoK points out that reflective practitioners do not wait for knowledge to be presented to them; they seek it out from learning opportunities that arise during daily experiences and work. 

There are some great theories and techniques for that support personal growth and evaluating experience that are relevant to the workplace and in this article I’m going to share a few of my favorites.

Project manager reflecting

The next model of reflection, and the one I use most, is Kolb. Kolb’s cycle of reflective practice is based on four stages, aimed at helping you deconstruct an experience to learn from it.

Kolb's reflective cycle in 4 stages

The stages are:

1. Concrete experience: You experience something, for example an issue at work. I believe it helps to write the experience down or describe it to someone so that you have a clear recollection of what happened.

2. Reflective observation: Consider the feelings this experience brought up. This can be related to skills and past experiences you have (or don’t have).

3. Abstract conceptualism: In this step you do the learning. It’s the lightbulb moment; the opportunity to form takeaways that come from the analysis of the situation. This could involve thinking through different paths not taken that might be worth doing next time this situation arises.

4. Active experimentation: The learning is put into practice when the situation arises again. The theoretical and thinking stages are turned into experiential learning, practice and action.

Step 4 creates a new experience as different actions are taken (or the same actions are taken if they were successful). It’s a cyclical model and the cycle begins again as reflection on the new experience continues.

You can use the reflective process to consider your own contribution as a project manager and make changes to your future actions.

2. Peer-to-peer

Peer reflection is talking to other people who have similar experiences and roles to you (peers) about a situation. It’s quite a wide-sweeping description of the conversations we have in the workplace every day for example, chats with my manager or other project managers.

The reflection aspect is using the time with a colleagues to specifically discuss a particular event and think through what came from that. for example, it could be sharing good practice and providing tips to someone else, or it could be asking for an opinion of what could have been done differently.

Peer reflection could happen one-to-one (like mentoring, or a meeting with your manager) or it could happen as a group (a facilitated conversation or a team meeting).

The experience of talking and sharing about a situation is how the learning happens. Even if the person says nothing much of value back and really acts in the capacity of listener, the act of thinking through the situation in a way that allows you to describe it and consider it fully is where the learning can happen.

3. Kirkpatrick

Kirkpatrick is a 4-level evaluation model, created by Dr Donald L. Kirkpatrick in the 1950’s. It was based on work by Dr Raymond Katzell and applied to a workplace environment. It is a way of evaluating the effectiveness of training classes, using reflective learning to uncover what behaviour change and results are seen after a delegate has attended training.

Level 1: How relevant, favourable and engaging delegates find a training course.

Level 2: How much learning is taken away from the training course in terms of knowledge and skills but also confidence and commitment to what they have learned.

Level 3: Back at base, how much of the learning is applied to their day job.

Level 4: What results are achieved as a direct follow through from the delegate attending the training and applying it at work.

Kirkpatrick seems to me that it would be best in situations where there is formal training taking place so you could use it to inform how you support a colleague who is doing project management certification or an apprenticeship. Ask them about how they will translate what they learned in the classroom or on their course into action at work.

Boud is the simplest of the models I have looked at so far. It covers experience, reflection and learning so only has three steps in the cycle, with the expectation that at each step you can move forwards or backwards depending on what is required.

It’s not very didactic in that there is little detail on what to do at each step, but I like that – what to do at each step might look very different for each experience and each individual may prefer to reflect and learn in different ways.

There is little point in me requiring a mentee to create a written description of an experience, for example, if they are a visual thinker who would prefer to draw out a timeline.

At the reflection step we should be reflecting on what happened with the knowledge of hindsight or more up-to-date information, and that’s a useful step to specifically call out.

When I facilitate a lessons learned meeting, this cycle is the closest to the experience I try to facilitate in those sessions for people.

Other reflective cycles

I found a resource from the University of Hull that described other reflective models:

Schon (1991) is different from the other models as it prompts you to think about reflection during the event and reflection after the event and how these are different. In a project setting, and in mentoring, we would often have time to reflect during the event by taking a pause to consider what to say next.

Rolfe et al (2001)’s model was one I liked because the language is simple:

  • What? (descriptive step, similar to Kolb step 1)
  • So what? (theoretical step, similar to Kolb step 3)
  • Now what? (action step, not similar to Kolb because it is about creating an action plan, not necessarily carrying out the action)

The ERA cycle (Jasper, 2013) seems like a modern, simple take on other models and cycles. It stands for Experience, Reflection, Action. It is very simplistic and doesn’t, in my opinion, add much to any of the others. It’s very similar to Boud with only a small change of the word from ‘Learning’ to ‘Action’. I’m quite an action-led person, but I could interpret Learning as also ‘putting learning into practice’.

The ERA cycle

All of these require personal experience on which to look back, and none require any reflective writing, although I know a lot of people do choose to do that. Recording your thoughts can turn the exercise into more of a deliberate reflection instead of something that is hurried, and can be useful as part of your professional development log and continuous learning.

Do you use any of these in your professional practice as a project manager?

Elizabeth Harrin wearing a pink scarf

Project manager, author, mentor

Elizabeth Harrin is a Fellow of the Association for Project Management in the UK. She holds degrees from the University of York and Roehampton University, and several project management certifications including APM PMQ. She first took her PRINCE2 Practitioner exam in 2004 and has worked extensively in project delivery for over 20 years. Elizabeth is also the founder of the Project Management Rebels community, a mentoring group for professionals. She's written several books for project managers including Managing Multiple Projects .


  1. 💐 Rolfe et al 2001 framework for reflexive practice. Example Reflective

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  3. a table with the words role's reflective model

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  4. Rolfe's Reflective Model

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  5. A brief elaboration of Rolfe et al’s framework reflection

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  1. now what?! #reflect #Shorts #2 #confidence

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  4. Wavelength, Time, and James Rolfe


  6. Evidence/Reflective Essay 2: Video-essay. EH1012


  1. Example Reflective Essay using Rolfe Reflective Model

    This reflective essay will adopt Rolfe's model of reflection, (Rolfe, G et al. 2001) which was derived from Borton's developmental model.(Boyd E et al. 1983) The scenario is presented as Appendix 1 and the patient has been anonymised as 'Lee' in accordance with the NMC guidelines (NMC 2008)

  2. Rolfe's Reflective Model

    The Rolfe reflective cycle has the virtue of simplicity and straightforwardness. The model of reflection is based on three key questions, as the diagram below indicates: The model was developed initially for nursing and care education, but has become more broad in its subsequent applications, not least because of the clarity of the model and ...

  3. PDF Rolfe et al.'s (2001) reflective model

    Adapted from: Rolfe, G., Freshwater, D., Jasper, M. (2001) Critical reflection in nursing and the helping professions: a user's guide. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Reflective writing extract using Rolfe et al.'s (2001) model The short text below shows you how you can use Rolfe et al.'s (2001) reflective model to write reflectively.

  4. A brief elaboration of Rolfe et al's framework reflection

    Yes, Rolfe et al's framework can be effectively combined with other reflective models or theories to enrich the reflective process. The simplicity and adaptability of the three-question approach make it compatible with various theoretical perspectives, enabling a more comprehensive and multi-dimensional reflection.

  5. Model of reflection: The Rolfe et al. model

    Note: This article is part of the Teaching reflective practice collection. The Rolfe et al. (2001) model of critical reflection is a framework developed by Professors Gary Rolfe, Dawn Freshwater and Melanie Jasper. The model aims to support practitioners to reflect on their experiences, feelings, and actions, and developing practice accordingly.

  6. Rolfe

    Rolfe et al.'s Reflective Model. Rolfe et al's (2001) framework focuses on three questions: What? So what? Now what? By responding to each of these questions you are able to outline an experience, relate the experience to wider knowledge and identify implications for your practice. This is a popular framework for nurses.

  7. An in-depth guide on Rolfe reflective model

    Rolfe's reflective model was primarily created for nursing and care teaching, but it has since expanded in its range of uses, partly due to how simple and understandable it is. Three stages of the model encourage you to consider what occurred, the consequences of the event, and the consequences of your future behavior in order.

  8. PDF Rolfe et al Reflective Model

    Rolfe et al Reflective Model. Author: Samuel Jackson Created Date: 2/9/2018 3:32:59 PM ...

  9. PDF Reflection based of Rolfe et al (Example 1)

    Reflection based of Rolfe et al (Example 1) What? (a description of the event) Excessive request to cover 'on call' shifts What happened? What did I do? What did others do? What did I feel? What was I trying to achieve? What were the results? What was good or bad about the experience?

  10. Reflecting on Group Presentation with Rolfe's Reflective Cycle Essay

    The following reflective essay uses this model to guide my thinking about teamwork, leadership, and time management in relation to creating a group Powerpoint presentation. The aims of this essay are to evaluate the experience of such a type of work and to describe how the things I have learned can be applied to my future nursing practice. Get ...

  11. Reflective Writing Exemplar

    The creation on many various models of critical reflection aided in the disassembling and understanding of many core elements of reflection; particularly Gibbs' cyclical framework (Rolfe et al., 2001). Gibbs' model focuses on dismantling the experience into small parts: the description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion, and action ...

  12. Rolfe Reflective Cycle

    The Rolfe reflective model was developed initially for nursing and care education, but has become more broad in its subsequent applications, not least becaus...

  13. Example Reflective Essay using Rolfe Reflective Model

    This reflective essay will adopt Rolfe's model of reflection, (Rolfe, G et al. 2001) which was derived from Borton's developmental model. (Boyd E et al. 1983) The scenario is presented as Appendix 1 and the patient has been anonymised as 'Lee' in accordance with the NMC guidelines (NMC 2008)

  14. What? So What? Now What? Model of Reflection

    Rolfe et al. also took Borton's reflective practice model and further developed it for use in clinical settings as well as in pastoral work. It is also used for reflective writing. The same structure of Borton's model was used, but each question is expanded to include additional queries to encourage deeper reflection and understanding.

  15. Rolfe's Reflective Model

    Rolfe's Reflective Model - The Rolfe's Reflective Cycle. Dr. Wilson MN March 11, 2022

  16. Group Dynamics Reflection with Rolfe et al.'s Model Essay

    Group dynamics are different behaviors, reactions, and relationships within a group of individuals. It influences how people work together, make decisions and solve problems. The latter can be rather effective in helping the target audience understand how small changes in a group's processes—such as leadership or conflict resolution—can ...

  17. Reflective Practice Rolfe Example 1 v2

    Dr. Gar Yein reflection based of rolfe et al (example what? description of the event) excessive request to cover shifts what happened? what did do? what did. Skip to document. University; ... Evidence essay. Law of Evidence None. More from: Law of Evidence LUFLEVD20T3. University of Buckingham. 5 Documents. Go to course. 3.

  18. ROLF Model Assignment

    This reflective essay critically examines medication management in relation to the safe administration of oral medicine by highlighting policies and procedures; my role as a student nurse and the role of a registered nurse as indicated by the Midwifery Council (NMC) will also be examined, incorporating Rolf's Reflective Model (2001).

  19. An in-depth guide on Rolfe reflective model: Best Guide

    The Rolfe reflective model is a reflection framework developed by John Rolfe, Andrew Freshwater, and Susan Jasper in 2001. The Rolfe reflective cycle has the advantage of being simple and uncomplicated. ... 100% non-plagiarized Papers; Dedicated nursing and healthcare writers; 24/7 /365 Service Available; Affordable Prices; Money-back and ...

  20. Writing a Research Using Rolfe Reflective Model Research Paper

    The process of creating the research proposal will be evaluated using the Rolfe reflective model, which has three major steps; that is, what, so what and now what. First, one must determine what the problem, difficulty, situation, or achievement is in a project; this is a descriptive reflective level. Thereafter, one must establish what the ...

  21. Reflection

    Try filling in this Reflective model comparison. Some of the most commonly used models are: Gibbs' reflective cycle ; Rolfe et al. Kolb; Alternatively, have a look at this more general list of questions and reflective phrases that can help with your reflective writing. For more on Reflection take a look at the resources on the Reflection ...

  22. Rolfe's Reflective Model Sample

    A Reflective Essay using Rolfe's Reflective Model to Reflect on your Role as a Student Nurse in Medicine Management Introduction. The current reflective essay is based on my experience as a student nurse in the application of evidence-based risk assessment tool for quality care to patients of different critical intensities.

  23. What Is The Johns' Model Of Reflection?

    Johns' Model of Reflection provides a structured approach to reflective practice. It encourages health and social care professionals to critically analyse their experiences, understand the influence of emotions and beliefs, and apply learned insights to future practice. Through its systematic approach, Johns' Model not only enhances ...

  24. Reflective practice on projects: 7 models to try

    What does the Body of Knowledge say about reflective practice? The APM Body of Knowledge 7 th Edition does not refer to any one particular model of reflection or theory. Instead, it discusses the need for practitioners to be reflective (section 3.3.6) through a range of techniques that support continuing professional development.