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Thesis Formalities

The length of your thesis should be around 80 pages. Please clarify the exact length with your supervisor. Please make sure to include two title pages, the first one with the logo of the University of Vienna, the second one with the logo of the University of Vienna and the logo of your first year's university. Birgit Kaiserlehner will provide you with templates of the title pages. The format of the thesis has to be DIN A4, high size. Margins have to be chosen in such a way that the binding of the hard copies is not affected. You should use an "established" standard font, e.g. Arial or Times New Roman. In the thesis, you have to include an English and a German abstract with at least 100 words each. The two hard copies which you have to submit must be hard cover with double-sided printing.

IMPORTANT: For EMGS students, there is no final oral examination (defence)! You only have to submit yor thesis.

To complete your thesis you, personally, will need to take several steps.

1. Feb-June of study year

At the latest in February, you should have found a supervisor and registered the topic of your thesis with the Study Service Center (SSC) of the Historical and Cultural Studies Faculty at the University of Vienna. Two forms and a proposal that you had elaborated during third semester mandatory course Proposal Workshop (a proposal of your planned thesis) need to be handed in at the SSC on Campus.

a. form „ Registration of MA-Thesis topic and supervision “ (form needs to be signed threefold by your supervisor and you).

b. form „ Rules of good scientific practice “

2. March to August 31st of study Year

You will take the course Graduate College and write your thesis that once finished needs to be approved by your supervisor (he/ she tells you, that you can upload it on  HOPLA ).

You should inform Birgit Kaiserlehner when you are done with uploading your thesis.

Your Personal Duties at the Faculty’s Study Administration

1. After submitting your thesis to HoPla, please send the Hopla Upload Confirmation to the SSC from your unet email address.

2. Once the plagiarism check has been completed, the e-version of your thesis will be sent to your supervisor for assessment.

3. You will be notified of the assessment from the SSC by email.

4. Please only order the printing of your thesis once the plagiarism check has been successful. You have to submit the two print versions of your thesis within 10 days after your electronic submission at the SSC. You can either submit them during the opening hours of the SSC: https://ssc-histkultur.univie.ac.at/wir-ueber-uns/oeffnungszeiten/ ) or at the porter's lodge on Campus (Mon - Fri 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.). Alternatively you can send the hard copies to the SSC by registered mail. Please be aware that you are obliged to submit print versions of your thesis (§ 86 UG).

5. You will receive your final certificates from the SSC by email. If you need or want to have the documents as hard copies, please write a mail to the SSC from your unet email address and inform the colleagues about your residential address.

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Master Thesis

Doing a master thesis in the chair of international business, guidelines for a master thesis.

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Master’s thesis

On this page you will find information about the master's thesis, from finding suitable supervisors and topics, to writing and submitting your thesis, to the assessment and the public defence. Forms are also available here in the Downloads section. 

Master's Thesis

  • Finding a topic and supervisor
  • Writing your master's thesis
  • Submitting your master’s thesis
  • Formal requirements for the master's thesis
  • Restricting access to master’s theses (embargo)
  • Assessment of the master’s thesis
  • Public defence

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Recommendations & Guidelines: Bachelor Thesis

In order to support you in the preparation, structure and conduction of a thesis, we have compiled a list with guidelines and tips on finding a thesis topic, on the administrative procedure and on the thesis format.

Please keep in mind that these guidelines are not binding. They are recommendations only and provide assistance in planning and conducting your bachelor thesis. In order to ensure a smooth process, we recommend to observe these guidelines.


Guidelines: planning and conducting a bachelor thesis.

Here you can find recommendations for a thesis topic and information on the procedure, deadlines and assessment. » Download: Advice for Bachelor students for PR with Bachelor Thesis – Administrative Details [PDF | English]

Structure and Design

Guidelines: structure of a bachelor thesis and research paper.

Here you can find information on the structure of a bachelor thesis and recommendations on how to conduct and record your research.

» Download Advice for Bachelor students for PR with Bachelor Thesis – Structural Details [PDF | English]

Factsheet: Structure of a Bachelor Thesis

Here is a quick overview of a recommended structure for a bachelor thesis. » Download Factsheet: Structure for the Bachelor Thesis [PDF | English]

Templates at your disposal. » Download: BSc-Thesis_LATEX_Template [ZIP | English] » Download: BSc-Thesis_WORD_Template [DOCX| English] » Download: Overleaf

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The Database service contains all databases as well as electronic reference works and full text editions available at Vienna University Library.

The theses repository of the University of Vienna contains metadata and full texts of diploma and master theses as well as doctoral dissertations approved at the University of Vienna since 1965.

Phaidra  , is the digital repository of the University of Vienna, containing digitized books, research reports, publications, collections, and more.

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The Vienna University Library digitises works from its holdings as part of digitisation projects and as part of the E-Books on Demand (EOD) Service and makes public domain works accessible online to science, research and the interested public worldwide.

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At selected library locations you can access the digital archive of tha Austrian Broadcasting Corporation (ORF) .

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Master's Thesis

The Master's thesis serves as proof of the student's ability to work on academic topics independently and in a way that is justifiable in terms of content and methodology. The topic of the Master's thesis must be chosen in such a way that it is possible and reasonable for the student to complete it within six months.

The topic must be taken from one of the compulsory modules. If a different topic is to be chosen or if there are uncertainties regarding the assignment of the chosen topic, the decision on admissibility lies with the Director of Studies. (see also Master's curriculum 2017)

As soon as you have completed the Master-Seminar (MA-SE), you can submit the topic of your Master's thesis. The topic must be registered at the latest when you want to submit the finished thesis.

Please find some of the most important points concerning the writing and submission of your Master's thesis below. There are: 

  • Registration of your Master's Thesis Subject & Supervision
  • Submission of your Master's Thesis

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Master - Academic paper - during writing your thesis

General formal requirements of the university of vienna.

  • Collaboration with your supervisor
  • Format of the Master's Thesis

Jointly written theses

  • Master Conversatorium

All formal requirements: Formvorschriften für wissenschaftliche Arbeiten  

Please also note that, due to pseudonymisation of data during plagiarism control, no personal data (matriculation number, name, CV, etc.) may be included in your thesis from page 7 onwards. Please DO NOT include a CURRICULUM VITAE in neither the electronic nor the print version.

Further Information for Publication in your Thesis: Website "Büros Studienpräses" .

Collaboration with the supervisor

There should be at least one meeting between the supervisor and the student during the work on the Master's thesis, at least before the first version of the thesis is completed.  Supervision does not take place during the master conservatory.

Students may expect to receive written or oral feedback on questions and preliminary written statements within 4 weeks during the lecture period. Supervisors may also expect to receive written feedback on questions and comments within 4 weeks during the lecture period.

The supervisor may, in agreement with the SPL, withdraw the confirmation of supervision if, over a longer period of time and in spite of repeated reminders, there is obviously no progress in the completion of the Master's thesis.

The format of the Master’s thesis

The Master's thesis should - taking into account the respective discipline - be structured along the lines of articles in leading scientific journals. Please discuss the specific contents and structure with your supervisor. The general formal requirements of the University of Vienna are binding. According to scientific models, the thesis should be of a scope appropriate to the topic.

The current formal requirements can be found in the corresponding  regulations of the University of Vienna .

There are specific requirements for the layout and the data listed for the title page of the academic paper. To ensure that your title page is correct in terms of form and content, the system in  u:space will automatically create it from your data. Please do not use a title page that you have created yourself in advance, as this will not be accepted during the formal check.

If two students would like to co-author their thesis, they should keep the following in mind:

  • Both students must apply individually for approval of the topic with the director of studies (SPL) and submit the required form at the SSC.
  • Both authors must submit three bound version of the completed thesis to the SSC.
  • The students must adhere to the title page template for co-authored theses when creating the title page of their thesis.
  • The table of contents must convey which author wrote which chapter. This is the only way to ensure individual and separate assessment of each student (UG § 81 (3)).
  • The electronic version of the thesis must be uploaded to u:space by each author.

After successfully uploading the thesis, students will each receive an upload confirmation (3-page PDF). The students must sign and submit this confirmation as well as the bound printed versions of the thesis to the SSC.

The Master Conversatorium

The conversatorium is an obligatory course for all Master students in (International) Business Administration, Economics as well as Banking and Finance, in which academic writing is practiced and the current status or progress of the Master thesis is presented. The topics and contents that (should) be included in the own master's thesis are presented during the course and commented and discussed by other students. Special emphasis is to be placed on the introduction and implementation of acquired skills from studies in general and especially from the subject in which the conversation course is attended. If the master's thesis is not written in the subject of the conversatorium attended, those aspects of the thesis that relate to the subject of the course attended may play a special role in the assessment.

The conversatorium is a separate course and the assessment of the work done there must be clearly separated from an assessment of the master's thesis. The assessment criteria for the course will be announced on u:find before the start of the registration phase and should not relate to the actual master's thesis.

Students may only remain registered for the conversatorium if they present a confirmation of supervision in the first unit or if they have already registered the topic and have been approved by SPL. Then they may not be deregistered after the official deregistration deadline. The conversatorium should be assigned to the curriculum, exceptions must be approved by the program director. There are no further specifications as to which of the offered conversatorium courses can or must be attended, but it may only be taken once.

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Master's Thesis

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List of Master theses topics at the Strategy Subject Area

Master theses at the Strategic Management subject area are supervised by Professor Reitzig or Professor Keck, depending on the topic.

However, most Master thesis candidates closely co-ordinate with other members of the subject area as well.

Find the updated list of topics here. You can apply for topics listed under 'Available Topics', although topics marked as "allocated" are currently under consideration for a specific supervision applicant. (They may become freely available again, if applicants decide on different topics.) Those listed separately as previous topics/completed theses are no longer available.

As it often happens that many students apply for the same topic, you may, however, be offered a topic different from the one you applied for, if necessary.

Please note: We generally update the list once a semester.

More topics to come!

Available Topics

Topic Track Contact partners at Dept. Brief Description Supplementary Information &
Costly information inefficiencies due to dissatisfied employees Science Markus Reitzig & Robert Janjic, M.Sc. It’s a well-known fact that when people are unhappy in their workplace, productivity can suffer. Apart from this obvious decrease in work-related effort, however, dissatisfied employees can also create other costs for the organization, such as overlooked business opportunities due to a lack of communication between members. Compared to effort-related reductions in productivity, these information-based inefficiencies have received less scholarly attention so far. This master thesis is therefore devoted to examining the underlying psychological mechanisms of such phenomena and providing further insights through the use of computational simulations. All relevant literature will be synthesized and a change diffusion model, written in Python, will be used as a basis for further analysis. *Successful completion of at least one class on experimental methods and classes on statistical analysis at Master level at the Strategy Subject Area (or passing of equivalent classes elsewhere leading to familiarity with the design of experimental studies and handling of statistical analysis pertaining to experimental results using software - e.g., Stata, SPSS, R etc.).
* Excellency in all required prerequisites.
* Willingness and ability to complete the Master thesis in due course
Effects of sticky reputation in organizational learning Science Markus Reitzig & Robert Janjic, M.Sc. Having a reputation of being an expert in a certain field can lead to individuals’ opinions being valued and considered even in areas that lie outside of their expertise or after their knowledge becomes outdated. Examining how such “sticky” reputations can affect organizational learning processes is the aim of this master thesis. Building on and extending March’s (1991) model on exploration and exploitation, the thesis will attempt to answer the question of how organizational learning can suffer when alleged experts can preserve their reputation even after the basis for it, namely, their superior knowledge, becomes obsolete. All relevant literature will be synthesized and the extension to March’s (1991) original model will be written in Python. *Successful completion of at least one class on experimental methods and classes on statistical analysis at Master level at the Strategy Subject Area (or passing of equivalent classes elsewhere leading to familiarity with the design of experimental studies and handling of statistical analysis pertaining to experimental results using software - e.g., Stata, SPSS, R etc.).
* Excellency in all required prerequisites.
* Willingness and ability to complete the Master thesis in due course
NEW. Long-shot bias in betting odds Science Prof. Steffen Keck Betting markets provide a natural laboratory for studying decision making under uncertainty. A commonly observed anomaly in this context is that bets that offer the largest potential payoffs (the “longest” odds) tend to have the lowest expected values. This is referred to as the long-shot bias. The goal of the thesis will be to compile and analyze a large dataset of betting odds and analyze the strength of the longshot bias across different contexts. Based on these results the thesis will then discuss the validity of different explanations for the long-shot bias that have been suggested in the literature. *The thesis requires very good knowledge of statistics and probability as well as high proficiency in a statistic software such as Stata, R or Pandas.
* Willingness and ability to complete the Master thesis in due course (at most 9 month). This involves regular work progress and meeting of milestones throughout the work on the thesis. Please note that this will be strictly enforced.
NEW. Voting vs. averaging in crowd judgments Science Prof. Steffen Keck Crowd wisdom relies on the aggregation of independent judgments. The accuracy of a group’s aggregate prediction generally rises with the number, ability, and diversity of its members. However, prior work based on simulation studies has repeatedly discussed differences in the importance of these dimension for continuous estimation tasks (averaging) compared to discrete choice tasks (voting). The goal of this thesis is to replicate some of the prior simulation results and test their robustness when the details of the aggregation schemes are changed (e.g. mean vs. median-based aggregation in continuous estimation tasks). * The thesis requires very good knowledge of statistics and probability as well as high proficiency in a simulation software such as R or Python.
* Willingness and ability to complete the Master thesis in due course (at most 9 month). This involves regular work progress and meeting of milestones throughout the work on the thesis. Please note that this will be strictly enforced.
NEW. Making probability judgments more extreme Science Prof. Steffen Keck When aggregating the probability estimates of many individuals to form a consensus probability estimate of an uncertain future event, it is common to combine them using a simple weighted average. Prior research further suggests, that such aggregated probabilities correspond more closely to the real world if they are transformed by pushing them closer to 0 or 1. This is somewhat puzzling given the well-known results on individual overconfidence. The goal of the thesis is to design an experimental probabilistic forecasting task and explore when and why making aggregated probability judgments is beneficial. * The thesis requires very good knowledge of experimental design, statistics and probability as well as proficiency in a statistics software such as R, Stata or Python.
* Willingness and ability to complete the Master thesis in due course (at most 9 month). This involves regular work progress and meeting of milestones throughout the work on the thesis. Please note that this will be strictly enforced.

Previous Topics

Please find some of our previous topics (i.e. completed and current theses) here (available in the library either now or upon completion of the thesis):

  • When High Earners Earn Less: Effects of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning on the U.S. Labor Market. A Quantitative Study
  • An Experiment-Based Research on Creative Performance, Best Membership and Self-Perception
  • The influence of overconfidence on advice taking
  • Characteristics of Success for Research Projects
  • Experiments on flat collaboration architectures
  • Experiments on smart team architectures
  • Multiplex network formation in peer production communities – an empirical study within GitHub and StackOverflow
  • Skill-Based sorting in GitHub – a complementary survey study
  • Individual skills in group-based innovation
  • Knowledge transfers in groups
  • Functional Diversity in Teams
  • The Impact of CEO Cultural Intelligence on Beer Producers' Export Propensity
  • Shareholder Activism and Generalist CEOs: An Empirical Analysis
  • Effects of authority structures in small groups, solving exploration and exploitation tasks
  • Rational enough to know better, confident enough to ignore anyway
  • Striving for status: The influence of tenure on productivity within the Top 20 Business Schools in the U.S.
  • The Influence of the the Top Management on New Product Innovation
  • The Challenges of a Small Slovak Company within the confines of the European Union
  • When does functional diversity affect team performance?
  • Performance feedback and risk taking - the role of CEO loss aversion and confirmation bias
  • Managerial Representation and Decision-Making in Systemic Industries
  • Performance assessment in groups: Comparison of the expression of overplacement in groups and individuals
  • CEO Attention Before and During the Financial Crisis
  • A General Theory of Systemic Industries
  • The emergence of organisational design in new ventures: n ethnographic study in the online booking industry
  • Empirical evidence of the connection between the CEO's charisma and a firm performance in the context of the U.S. commercial banking sector
  • Viennese CEOs make great international business: cornerstones of their success
  • Generalist CEO vs. Specialist CEO: Risk-taking behavior in response to performance feedback
  • The Renaissance of Electromobility - The Case of Tesla
  • Effect of universities research groups' sizes and hierarchy on their performance: evidence from Austria and Germany
  • The influence of CEO social class background on risk taking, individualism and collectivism
  • Mutual Influences on the Exchange of Information during Group Decision-Making Processes
  • Narcissistic CEO's Impact on NPI Rates
  • What determines market reactions to CEO announcements?
  • The staging of start-up and its interference with motivational issues and the skill-task match of non-founding employees
  • Cooperation Patterns: A study in the area of management, strategy and organization in the top 40 business schools in the US
  • The emergence of organizational design in new ventures: an ethnographic study in the foodservice industry
  • Intuitive and Analytical Judgements in Management: The Effect of Expertise in Decision Making
  • The Effects of Geographic Dispersion on Startup Founding Teams
  • Shareholder Activism: Analysis of Implemented Shareholder Proposals
  • Group Decision-Making in Organisations
  • A Sequential Model of Strategic Information Exchange for Group Decisions in Organizations
  • Performance consequences of the top executive turnover in the wake of new CEO appointments

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Submission and review of the doctoral thesis

Formal requirements

  • Doctoral candidates have to submit the final doctoral thesis to the StudiesServiceCenter for the doctoral programme in Social Sciences, both in printed and electronic form (via u:space ).
  • The thesis has to fulfil certain formal requirements. Please note the relevant regulations (in German) and the information regarding copyright and the use of images and data protection in the social sciences .
  • The title page needs to be generated on u:space . Before submission, doctoral candidates need to open u:space and verify the data that will be printed on the title page. The data is automatically loaded from the University’s database and includes the candidate’s name, their academic degrees and the names of the supervisors of the doctoral thesis. After generating the title page, doctoral candidates need to download and include it in the doctoral thesis. Then the complete document needs to be uploaded to u:space in PDF format.
  • At the University of Vienna, a doctoral thesis is reviewed by two experts from the relevant discipline who are not supervisors of the doctoral thesis. Together with their supervisors, doctoral candidates can propose three experts to act as reviewers by submitting the forms SL/D3 and SL/D4 (abstract) to the StudiesServiceCentre Social Sciences/Doctoral Studies ( doktorat.sozialwissenschaften @ univie.ac.at ). The supervisor/s ask the suggested persons whether they are willing and able to assess the doctoral thesis within the given time frame. Supervisor/s should also serve as contact persons during the review process, if questions arise. The Studienpräses, the officer responsible for the implementation of the study law, selects and appoints two reviewers in consultation with the Social Sciences Directorate of Doctoral Studies.
  • One reviewer should be an external person (external = not employed with the University of Vienna). The second reviewer may be a member of the University of Vienna. Both internal as well as external reviewers have to be professors, or have an equivalent qualification, or be habilitated (see section 15, para. 2 of the Statutes of the University of Vienna). The candidate and the external reviewer may not have regular research-related contact (e. g. joint publications or research projects). A supervisor can act as a reviewer only in special cases. In this case, the second reviewer has to be from outside the University of Vienna. The doctoral candidate has to submit a curriculum vitae and a list of publications of external reviewers along with the forms SL/D3 and SL/D4.

Duration and outcome

  • Both reviewers receive an electronic copy of the academic thesis at the same time. A hardcover copy can be supplied on request but needs to be returned after the assessment.
  • In accordance with the Statutes of the University of Vienna, reviewers have a maximum of four months to assess the thesis and write their review. In the interest of the candidate, the reviewers are kindly requested to complete the assessment as quickly as possible.
  • Reviews have to be submitted to the StudiesServiceCentre Social Sciences/Doctoral Studies ( doktorat.sozialwissenschaften @ univie.ac.at ). As soon as both reviews have been submitted, the StudiesServiceCentre forwards them to the candidate, both reviewers and the supervisor/s.
  • Only if both reviewers submit a positive review of the doctoral thesis, the doctoral candidate may register for the public defence . The reviewers of a doctoral thesis usually serve as members of the examination committee during the public defence.
  • If a reviewer assesses the thesis negatively , the thesis is given to an additional reviewer. If the third reviewer assesses the thesis negatively as well, the overall result is negative. In this case, doctoral candidates have to revise their doctoral thesis before they can resubmit it.

For the submission of your doctoral thesis you need

  • Three copies of the doctoral thesis, hardbound Format: DIN A4 (210 x 297 mm) portrait format, printed on both sides. The page margins should be set in a way that allows binding. Please include a German and an English summary (abstract, 1–2 pages) in the annex.
  • The form “Doctoral thesis submission“ ( SL/D6 )
  • The form “Assignment of a thesis to reviewers” ( SL/D3 )
  • The form “Assignment of a thesis to reviewers – Abstract” ( SL/D4 ) Please note: We recommend handing in the forms “Assignment of a thesis to reviewers” and “Assignment of a thesis to reviewers – Abstract” already four weeks before you upload the doctoral thesis. If you suggest one or more external reviewer, you have to add a CV and a list of publications for each one of them.
  • Signed confirmation that you have successfully uploaded your doctoral thesis to uspace (“Erfassungsbestätigung”)

Please note: When you submit your doctoral thesis, you must have completed all necessary ECTS credits.

Guidelines concerning the assessment of doctoral theses and the public defence (in English and German)

Guidelines concerning the assessment of doctoral theses and the public defence , Social Sciences Directorate of Doctoral Studies (Directorate of Studies 40), as of 23 January 2024

Richtlinien zur Beurteilung von Dissertationen und der Durchführung von Defensiones , Studienprogrammleitung Doktoratsstudium Sozialwissenschaften (SPL 40), Stand: 23. Jänner 2024

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For more details, please choose the potentially supervising professor:

Prof. dörner, prof. ehmke, prof. fabel, prof. hartl, prof. rauner, ass.-prof. tilk, prof. vetschera, prof. windsperger, special focus: european dimension of international business.

  • Guidelines of the School of Business and Economics

When considering a research question for your thesis topic

The research proposal.

Find more details on topics, application and supervision here.

For a fair and transparent allocation of thesis supervision spots Prof. Fabel has the following rules for deciding which theses to supervise: There are exactly 10 thesis supervision spots available at any point in time. These spots will be allocated on 1 fixed date (deadline for handing in the proposals: 04.11.2024 in the winter semester; allocation follows a couple of days after the deadlines).

It is strongly recommended that students discuss their topic project idea in an office hour before entering into the final registration procedure! You are asked, to register not last minute for the office hour! Please also indicate your taken courses and your grades.

To apply for a free spot students have to submit a 3-5 page thesis proposal. The number of available supervision slots determines the maximum number of students that can be accepted for supervision from within the submitted thesis proposals.

The thesis proposal needs to elaborate on the following points

  •  the precise research question addressed by the thesis
  •  methods
  •  applicants prior knowledge regarding the research question
  •  a preliminary list of references
  •  (if applicable) information about possible access to data, business contacts, etc…
  •  risks that could lead to the failure of the project, and how those will be dealt with
  •  list of successfully completed courses in the Major/Minor
  •  what draws you to writing your thesis in our area of research

Proposals (.pdf or doc files) should be submitted by the dates indicated above :

Apply for thesis supervision here

Accepted proposals will be registered at the SSC with an acceptance of supervision form (Anmeldung der Masterarbeit  - Thema und Betreuung).

In preparation for a successful proposal submission and thesis writing process we highly encourage candidates to take at least one of the following two courses before applying for thesis supervision:

  • KU Data Analysis on Organization and Personnel (MA) (if thesis necessitates work with large data sets)
  • KU Empirical Methods in Decision Sciences (MA) (if thesis is to include experimental methodology)

Please be aware that Prof. Fabel is already supervising a considerable number of theses and will thus only be able to take on very few new supervisions. Therefore we recommend sending your proposal to all possible supervisors interested in the research area of your proposal. For a list please visit the SSC homepage .

For information on how to apply for supervision with Prof. Rauner please visit the Public and Non-profit Management page here . Please be aware that for supervision of topics on Public & Non-profit Management students are expected to attend the corresponding lectures!

Due to his imminent retirement Prof. Vetschera is not taking on new supervisions.

Please note

That prof. vetschera will retire on sept. 30, 2024, and supervision of master theses cannot be guaranteed beyond that date., students starting their thesis work during the summer term 2024 should therefore plan to complete their work by end of 2024 at the latest..

GENERAL REQUIREMENT Before you apply for a topic, you have to complete at least one of the following courses:

  • Theory of the international Firm
  • Global Strategy
  • International Market Entry

Rules for Scientific Writing Since you are in the process of submitting the final version of the master thesis, please remember to  submit a final version that consistently applies the formal rules of writing a research paper. Very often we receive a final study that has not consistently applied the rules of writing a research paper. Here are two references for preparing the thesis:

  • Karmasin, M., R. Rainer, Die Gestaltung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten, , 2015, UTB Facultas
  • Skern, T., Writing Scientific English, 2015, UTB Facultas

FURTHER INFORMATION on Prof. Windsperger's personal homepage .

We offer 1-2 supervision spots each semester for the students who want to write a thesis within the framework of the Jean Monnet Project “ International Business – Strategies for Integrated Europe ”. To apply please state in your proposal that you want to write your thesis within the Jean Monnet Project and send it (.pdf or .doc file) to [email protected]. If your proposal is accepted, the main supervisor will be assigned depending on the capacity and specific focus within the Organization, Personnel and International Management group. Dr. Oksana Galak would act as a co-supervisor on the theses. Successful completion of the course “ European Dimension of International Business ” prior to application is strongly recommended.

 Guidelines of the School of Business and Economics

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Thesis topics

All finished and accepted diploma and MA theses as well as PhD-Theses can be found in our u : theses database . You can use it to check whether your thesis is (too) similar to others that have already been registered. Also note that you can find all theses from our faculty here (Philological and Cultural Studies), not just the ones from our department. You can filter for a particular supervisor under "Erweiterte Suche". The u:theses database lists all theses from 2008 onwards.

Below you can also find a list of all thesis topics that have been registered and/or written at our department since roughly 1990. This list has been updated until 2021, but will not be updated any longer. For theses after 2021, please consult the u:thesis database.

If you are looking for a specific thesis, you can find it via  u:search  or the online catalogue of the University library. All theses are also available in print at the English and American Studies Library.

Administration of thesis topics

Please note that the registration of thesis topics and all related administrative matters (such as changing your topic or supervisor) are handled by the SSC Philological and Cultural Studies.

To look for specific words or phrases, use the CTRL+F function of your browser.


  1. u:theses

    u:theses. Das Hochschulschriften-Repositorium der Universität Wien. u:theses verzeichnet alle seit 2008 an der Universität Wien positiv beurteilten wissenschaftlichen Abschlussarbeiten sowie auf freiwilliger Basis hochgeladene Arbeiten aus den Jahren davor. Ein Großteil der Schriften ist online frei verfügbar.

  2. u:theses

    This repository contains metadata and full text versions of diploma theses, master's theses and doctoral theses that have been approved at the University of Vienna since 1965. Since 2008, all graduates have been obliged to archive their academic theses electronically in this repository. The full texts are archived royalty-free (i.e. with ...

  3. u:theses

    Universität Wien, Universitätsbibliothek, 1010 Wien, Universitätsring 1. Kontakt | Impressum | Barrierefreiheit | Datenschutzerklärung | Impressum ...

  4. u:theses

    Hier finden Sie Metadaten und Volltexte von seit 1965 an der Universität Wien approbierten Diplomarbeiten, Masterarbeiten und Dissertationen. Die Veröffentlichung ist der beste Schutz vor Plagiierung durch andere!

  5. Master Thesis and Completion of the Programme

    4. Submission of the Master Thesis - NEW: on u:space! Steps 2 & 3 are a prerequisite! Then, two weeks AFTER having sent the complete record of exams to [email protected] (contact: Karin Neumann): . A) submit the thesis via the StudiesServiceCenter (follow the 3 steps: upload thesis to u:space, send the signed upload confirmation by e-mail, then bring/send two hardbound copies),

  6. Before starting your thesis

    The correct procedure for writing Master's/Master's theses involves the following steps: Researching a topic. Write a Research Proposal. Contacting a suitable supervisor. Registration of the topic/supervision. Attendance of the Master conservatory (can also be done while or after writing the thesis) Writing the thesis.

  7. Thesis

    Thesis Formalities. The length of your thesis should be around 80 pages. Please clarify the exact length with your supervisor. Please make sure to include two title pages, the first one with the logo of the University of Vienna, the second one with the logo of the University of Vienna and the logo of your first year's university.

  8. Master Thesis

    Learn how to do a Master Thesis in the Chair of International Business at the University of Vienna. Find out the requirements, application procedure, supervision, registration, attendance and writing guidelines.

  9. Master's thesis

    7. Public defence. According to section 9 of the part of the Statutes of the University of Vienna governing university studies, the public defence is the last examination prior to graduating from a master's program or doctoral program and consists of a public defence of the master's thesis and an examination by an examination committee in the form of a single examination.

  10. Recommendations & Guidelines: Bachelor Thesis

    In order to support you in the preparation, structure and conduction of a thesis, we have compiled a list with guidelines and tips on finding a thesis topic, on the administrative procedure and on the thesis format. ... University of Vienna | Universitätsring 1 | 1010 Vienna | T +43-1-4277-0.

  11. Electronic Resources

    The theses repository of the University of Vienna contains metadata and full texts of diploma and master theses as well as doctoral dissertations approved at the University of Vienna since 1965. Phaidra Phaidra , is the digital repository of the University of Vienna, containing digitized books, ...

  12. Master's Thesis

    The Master's thesis serves as proof of the student's ability to work on academic topics independently and in a way that is justifiable in terms of content and methodology. The topic of the Master's thesis must be chosen in such a way that it is possible and reasonable for the student to complete it within six months. ... University of Vienna ...

  13. Papers/Theses

    University of Vienna Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1 1090 Vienna StudiesServiceCenter +43-1-4277 Ext. 37000, Ext. 37101 [email protected] Website Dean's Office +43-1-4277 Ext. 37001 [email protected] Press, Media and Public Relations [email protected]. Icon facebook ...

  14. Dissertation

    Dissertation. The doctoral thesis is the central element in all doctoral programmes. The doctoral thesis proves the ability of the doctoral candidate to conduct independent scientific work on a high academic level. It shows his/her capability to comprehend and reflect the latest state of art in his/her field of research and extend this field ...

  15. Master Thesis

    Master Theses Supervision. If you want to write your Master thesis with us, we will happily consider your application. In order for you to make an informed choice whether to apply or not, please do note the following: ... University of Vienna | Universitätsring 1 | 1010 Vienna | T +43-1-4277-0. Sitemap | Imprint | Accessibility | Data ...

  16. Master

    The format of the Master's thesis. The Master's thesis should - taking into account the respective discipline - be structured along the lines of articles in leading scientific journals. Please discuss the specific contents and structure with your supervisor. The general formal requirements of the University of Vienna are binding.

  17. Master's Thesis, Master's Examination

    Master's Thesis. You should successfully pass all the core courses before you start writing your master thesis. ... University of Vienna Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1 1090 Vienna T: +43-1-4277-38262 F: +43-1-4277-838262 finance.office @ univie.ac.at. Icon facebook; Icon twitter; Icon youtube;

  18. Dissertationen/PhD-Arbeiten

    Cserer, Amélie (2002): Wunsch wie Werkzeug: Deutungsmusteranalyse utopischer Maschinen aus soziotechnischen Problemlagen. Ratzer, Brigitte (2002): Quantenphysik und Öffentlichkeit: Interpretationen & Popularisierung 1925 - 1938.

  19. Formal requirements

    Master theses must not (!) exceed 75 pages (double-spaced, Times New Roman font) including Abstract, References, Tables, and Figures, excluding Appendices. Appendices may contain supplementary material only, so that the thesis can be read and judged without perusing them. ... University of Vienna | Universitätsring 1 | 1010 Vienna | T +43-1 ...

  20. Potential Topics

    Previous Topics. Please find some of our previous topics (i.e. completed and current theses) here (available in the library either now or upon completion of the thesis): When High Earners Earn Less: Effects of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning on the U.S. Labor Market. A Quantitative Study.

  21. Submission and review of the doctoral thesis

    The doctoral candidate has to submit a curriculum vitae and a list of publications of external reviewers along with the forms SL/D3 and SL/D4. Duration and outcome. Both reviewers receive an electronic copy of the academic thesis at the same time. A hardcover copy can be supplied on request but needs to be returned after the assessment.

  22. PDF Guidelines for Writing a Master T hesis Exposé

    uidelines for Writing a Master Thesis Exposé An exposé for a master thesis should comprise bet. een 10-12 pages plus a cover page and abstract. The ma. text should be structured as described below. Please use a common typeface lik. Arial (sans serif) or Times New Roman (serif). The.

  23. Supervision of Master Theses

    There are exactly 10 thesis supervision spots available at any point in time. These spots will be allocated on 1 fixed date (deadline for handing in the proposals: 04.11.2024 in the winter semester; allocation follows a couple of days after the deadlines). It is strongly recommended that students discuss their topic project idea in an office ...

  24. Thesis topics

    For theses after 2021, please consult the u:thesis database. If you are looking for a specific thesis, you can find it via u:search or the online catalogue of the University library. All theses are also available in print at the English and American Studies Library. ... Campus of the University of Vienna Spitalgasse 2, Hof 8.3, 1090 Vienna T ...