Economics Essay Topics: 162 Practical Ideas & Useful Tips

argumentative essay on economics

Essay writing is an inherent part of the economics studying process. Nevertheless, it is quite a challenging task. Are you a high school or college student who is struggling with an economic essay topic choice? Or maybe you are unsure about your writing skills?

We know how to help you .

The following article will guide you in choosing the best topic for your essay on economics. Here, you can find a variety of ideas for high school or college. The economic essay topics are divided into several categories that will help you with your research. And a pleasant bonus from our team! We have created a great guide on how to write an economics essay.

So, don’t miss your chance to write an outstanding economic paper! Check out our essay ideas, read our tips carefully, and be ready to receive your grade A!

  • ⭐ Best Economic Topics
  • 🤝 Socio-Economic
  • 🗺️ International Economics
  • 🛠️ Labor Economics
  • 🌆 Urban Economics
  • ⚽ Sports Economics
  • 💉 Health Economics
  • 💼 Business Economics
  • 🏤 Globalization
  • 🧮 Economic History
  • 💫 How to Write?

⭐ 15 Best Economic Essay Topics

  • 2008 Economic Crisis.
  • Socio-economic policy.
  • Economic systems – Singapore.
  • Racial pay gap.
  • Economic globalization.
  • History of online trading.
  • Child labor policies.
  • The Economic Naturalist.
  • Foundations of economic theory.
  • Impact of unemployment.
  • Universal Basic Income.
  • The role of consumerism.
  • Healthcare economics – Canada’s Medicare.
  • Reasons for recession.
  • Cryptocurrency & environmental issues.

✨ Excellent Economic Essay Topics

Has economics always been a subject of meticulous research? The question is quite controversial, right? There is no specific time when economics started its rapid progress. Generally, economics remains the topic of interest since the establishment of capitalism in the Western world.

Nowadays, the economy is the main engine that moves our world forward. The way we do business determines the geopolitical situation in the world. Moreover, it influences many other parts of our lives.

The skills developed through studying economics are incredibly versatile.

Economics studying is of utmost importance nowadays. It helps to gain a better understanding of processes that put everything in motion.

Economics is quite broad, so it has a great variety of subfields. And this is a fantastic opportunity for us to generate as many essay ideas as possible. Here, you will find great economic topics for your paper. As mentioned before, we have divided them into several sections to ease your selection process. There’s a wide selection of free college essays samples on economics in our database, too. So be sure to check that out.

🤝 Socio-Economic Essay Topics

  • The economic impact of racial segregation in America in the 1950s.
  • Designing a just socio-economic system.
  • Socio-economic status of Hong Kong in modern-day China. Explain how the city of Hong Kong gained a special status in China. Why did it emerge as one of the most important cities in its economy? Comment on the significance of Hong Kong in the international economic arena.
  • Economic growth in the United States in the post-World War 2 period.
  • Mobile banking in Saudi Arabia: towards understanding the factors that affect the sector.
  • The importance of Dior’s bar suit to the women’s fashion industry.
  • Economic problems in the 1980’s Soviet Union. Talk about the significant problems with the economy the USSR had in the 1980s. What role did they play in its collapse?
  • What socio-economic problems did segregation in South Africa cause?
  • History of economic development in the UAE. Discuss the economic miracle in the UAE and Dubai. Explain how the government could turn the city of Dubai into one of the most famous tourist destinations. What strategies were applied?
  • Gender inequality and socio-economic development .
  • The problem of poverty in Venezuela.
  • How the socio-economic and political position of women changed between 1880 and 1940.
  • The economic impact of COVID-19 on global trade.

World trade is expected to fall due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

  • How do the three main economic groups interact with each other? There are three critical economic groups: – Consumers – Producers – Government Analyze the interaction of these groups with each other.
  • Extended essay: how the study of economic data helped our society to advance?
  • Western industrialization socio-economic impacts.
  • Inequality at the top: not all billionaires have the same powers. Analyze billionaires’ net worth, liquidity, political power, and wealth security. Explain why they have unequal social status. What factors determine the influence of billionaires?
  • An analysis of systems that help us measure agricultural development in a country.
  • Is social media a useful tool for brand promotion?
  • The phenomenon of dualism in economic development.

🗺️ International Economics Essay Topics

  • Globalization and its impact on international economic relations. Define the term globalization. What role does globalization play in international economic relations? Provide specific examples of globalization’s impact on the global political economy.
  • The lack of justice for the cheap international labor market. Discuss the issue of cheap labor in various countries. Why do some workers often lack fundamental human rights while others abuse moral norms? Analyze the causes and effects of inequality in the workplace.
  • Japan macroeconomics: problems and possible solutions.
  • The issue of mercantilism in the history of Great Britain. Analyze the rise and development of mercantilism in the history of Great Britain. To solidify your ideas, provide persuasive arguments, and appropriate examples of mercantilism.
  • Why does the problem of environmental protection remain unresolved among global economies?
  • Nissan Motor company’s international business.
  • International environmental concerns in economics: the case of China .
  • The issue of international criminal justice in industry. Explain why international businesses often avoid criminal justice after wrongdoings. Select one case of unethical behavior of a company’s CEO or regular employee. Briefly introduce the problem. What were the causes and effects? How was the issue resolved? Express your own opinion regarding the lack of criminal justice in business.
  • The economy of Singapore and its role in international trade.
  • International microeconomics trade dispute case study: US-China dispute on the exportation of raw materials.
  • The phenomenon of the “gig economy” and its impact on the global economy.
  • The effect of population growth in the international economy.
  • International economics in the context of globalization.

Technological and political changes have chipped away at the barriers separating nations.

  • How does Brexit affect the economy of the European Union? Analyze the immediate impact of Brexit on the EU’s economy. Predict future advantages and disadvantages of Brexit for both: Great Britain and the EU.
  • South Africa: international agribusiness, trade, and financing.
  • Historical essay: the economy of the Dutch East India company.
  • The issue of Mozambique’s economy and possible solutions. Investigate the issue of extreme poverty in Mozambique. What are some possible solutions to the problem of poverty? Base your suggestions on the country’s cultural, historical, and geographical aspects.
  • Imbalances in the global economy. Discuss the imbalances between trading countries on the scale of the global economy. What solutions would you suggest to deal with this issue?
  • How will global economies adapt to China’s growing power?
  • Etihad Airways company managerial economics.

🛠️ Labor Economics Essay Topics

  • Ford Motor company’s labor economics.
  • Labor economics: child labor.
  • The UPS firm perspective: the labor market.
  • Gender inequality of wage rate in modern business. Research how and why gender inequality is still an issue in the modern world of economics. What are some ways to deal with the problem? Present your ideas accurately and effectively. Provide solid arguments and appropriate examples to prove your position.
  • What are the best ways to increase labor productivity in business?
  • Labor unions adverse effects on economics.
  • The decrease of the labor force in modern industries. Talk about the rising rates of robotization in the majority of industries. How will it affect the traditional labor force? Comment on the problem of unemployment caused by labor automatization.
  • Violations of labor rights of workers.
  • Modern labor essay: how can an entrepreneur guarantee the minimum wage to their workers?
  • How can labor geography help develop a special economic zone? Talk about labor geography and its effects on developing an exclusive economic zone. How does the geopolitical location of a particular country influence its level of economic development?
  • Entrepreneurship in the organic cosmetics sphere.
  • Gender-oriented labor trade unions. A case study. Discuss the gender-oriented trade unions and analyze their impact on our society.
  • Child labor in the Turkish cotton industry.

The Syrian refugee crisis increased the risks of child labor in Turkey.

  • The connection between economic growth and demography. Analyze the connection between economic growth and its demographic context. Investigate both sides: – The issue of overpopulation – The problem of low birth rate. From an economic perspective, what problem is more dangerous?
  • The issue of sex discrimination in the workplace.
  • The effects of Landrum-Griffin Labor Act. Explore the labor Act of Landrum-Griffin that was passed in the US Congress in 1959. Discuss its implications and consequences. Discuss its implications and consequences.

🌆 Urban Economics Essay Topics

  • Cities and their role in aggregate economics.
  • Urbanization in Hong Kong and its effects on citizens.
  • The urban planning of the city of New York: a critical analysis. Analyze the urban history of NY. How has the city been developing? Discuss revolutionary solutions to the past and problems of modern times.
  • The impact of a city’s design on the local traffic.
  • Dubai’s spatial planning: creative solutions for building a city in the desert.
  • Globalization, urban political economy, and economic restructuring.
  • How do urban areas affect local wildlife? Comment on how modern production technologies in urban areas impact the natural diversity of wildlife. What impact does the rapid economic progress have on the environment? Suggest possible solutions.
  • Urban sociology: does the city make us better people?
  • Why should people be more careful about investing in real estate? Discuss the issues of overinvestment into real estate. Consider the economic crisis of 2008 as an example.
  • How can regional authorities help improve a city?
  • Urban life and its effects on education.
  • The economic development of a city’s metropolitan area: challenges and solutions.
  • Main factors for the emergence of cities in the Middle Ages.
  • The ethics of relocation: is it justified? Talk about the case of relocating locals when building projects of great magnitude. To what extent can it be justified? Mention its economic and ethical side.
  • The difficulties behind the construction of “green” buildings. Discuss the relatively new phenomenon of environmentally friendly buildings. Analyze both sides: the pros and cons. What obstacles lie behind the “green” building? What opportunities do the “green” buildings offer? Elaborate on your ideas by providing clear arguments or counterarguments.
  • What factors play a critical role in the success of retail productivity in cities?

⚽ Sports Economics Essay Topics

  • Do teams with higher budgets perform better on the field?
  • Corruption in European football leagues: a critical analysis. Investigate the corruption issue in the European football leagues. State reasons and solutions for the problem.
  • The managerial catastrophe of Arsenal F.C.

Discuss the football club of Arsenal.

  • The NextG sports company’s communication planning.
  • Roger D. Blair’s Sports Economics literary review. Write a literary analysis of Sports Economics by Roger D. Blair. Discuss his opinion on the economy of sports. Do you agree or disagree with his position? Provide compelling supportive arguments or strong counterarguments.
  • How significant is the impact factor of a local team on a city’s economy?
  • Kinsmen Sports Centre: marketing metrics innovation.
  • What role does statistical data play in sports? Analyze the part of economic statistical data in different sports organizations. How can statistics help to develop an effective financing plan? Comment on the impact of financing on the performance of a sports club.
  • Sports and energy drinks marketing analysis.
  • Is there a connection between the lack of money and any contemporary issues in a sports team?
  • Performance-enhancing drugs in sports.
  • The business of FIFA: a financial analysis. Investigate the finances of FIFA. What economic factors make them so influential in the modern world of football?
  • The global sports retail industry.
  • The Olympics: logistics and economy. Discuss the logistics behind the Olympics Games event. How the Olympic Games impact the economy of the host country?

💉 Health Economics Essay Topics

  • Is bioprinting the new future of medicine? Analyze the new market of organ printing and discuss its challenges. Investigate bioprinting from an economic perspective. Will the outputs cover the inputs? How will bioprinting impact the financial aspect of the health care sector?
  • Cost-effectiveness of pharmaceutical products in the United States. Comment on the immense cost-effectiveness of pharmaceuticals. What do you think is the price of pharmaceutical products reasonable? Is it ethical to set extremely high prices on the medicals?
  • An economic evaluation of the antibiotics market.
  • Health economics-SIC and NAICS.
  • The financial side of cancer treatment: is it too expensive? Analyze the market for cancer treatment programs in various countries. Explore its costs and complications. What are some possible ways to reduce the price of cancer treatment and make it more affordable?
  • The issue of fast food consumption: a multibillion-dollar market . Fast food has always been one of the notable causes of obesity, diabetes, and other illnesses. Investigate the economic aspect of the issue. Are high profits from fast food production worth peoples’ health conditions?
  • History and evolution of healthcare economics.

Health has become a dominant economic and political issue over the past years.

  • The financial management of a hospital: a case study.
  • The issue of public healthcare in the USA. Write about the long-standing issue of medical sector operation in the USA. Analyze its history, financial, and social aspects.
  • Demand in healthcare economics.
  • What are the economic outcomes of a global pandemic? Taking the COVID-19 outbreak as an example, conduct research on the effects of a pandemic on the economy. How does it affect local economies? What impact does the quarantine have on the international economy? Provide appropriate examples to support your ideas.

💼 Business Economics Essay Topics

  • When does an advertising campaign become unnecessary?
  • Sustainable development of a nation’s economic stability. Discuss how a country can create a sustainable economy. Provide bright examples to solidify your position.
  • How can a small business compete with monopolies?
  • What are the limitations of the Lewis Model?
  • The phenomenon of inflation: inevitable liability or a land of opportunity for our economies? Explore the process of inflation in modern economies. Does it only have adverse effects on the countries’ economies? Are there any advantages of inflation? Analyze it from a positive perspective.
  • Economics, business, and sugar in the UK.
  • The shadow economy of the finance sector. Dive into the backstage of the finance sector and research various “grey” areas where business can be done.
  • Chinese and Japanese business systems comparison.
  • Oil demand and its changes in the XXI century: a critical analysis. Analyze the oil sector and write about its fluctuation in the XXI century. How did the changes in oil demand affect the global economy?
  • The social and economic impact of mass emigration.

🌠 40 More Good Economic Essay Topics

Scrolled through our ideas, but can’t find a suitable topic for yourself? No worries! We have more issues to share with you.

So, don’t stress out. Take a look at our list of economical essay topics. Here are 40 more ideas focusing on globalization and the history of economics.

🏤 Economic Globalization Essay Topics

  • The impact of globalization on the tourist industry in the Caribbean . Analyze both: the positive and negative effects of globalization on the Caribbean. To make your paper well-structured, explore two advantages and two disadvantages. Don’t forget to improve your essay with strong evidence and appropriate examples!
  • Toyota Motor Corporation: impacts of globalization.
  • What are the effects of globalization on developing countries? To what extent do developing countries profit from globalization? Research the subject by comparing various examples.
  • Defining globalization and its effects on current trade.
  • Economic growth as a result of globalization: proper financial strategies. How can a country successfully achieve prosperity with globalization? Discuss proper economic strategies.
  • The socio-political significance of the IT industry’s globalization.
  • Human trafficking in developing nations as a result of globalization.

Modern-day trafficking of humans has become more rewarding for traffickers due to globalization.

  • Globalization and criminal justice policy.
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of globalization?
  • Globalization challenges and countermeasures.
  • The effect of globalization on worldwide trade and employment rates.
  • Economic integration within the European Union: a critical analysis. Talk about the history of economic integration within the EU. What are the negative and positive outcomes of economic integration?
  • Globalization and food in Japan.
  • Does globalization bring negative effects to cultural heritage and identity?
  • The Industrial Revolution as the first step towards globalization. Focus on the Industrial Revolution in Europe. Discuss its precursors and consequences. Why is the revolution considered to be a starting point of globalization? Provide specific examples of globalization processes that occurred in the economic sector after the Industrial revolution.
  • Globalization 2.0 an analysis of a book by David Rieff.
  • Globalization effects on fundamentalism growth.
  • Does direct investment by foreign businesses come with strings attached? Dive into the shady area of globalization and discuss how to direct foreign investment can bring problems of geopolitical scale.
  • Effects of globalization on sexuality.
  • Alibaba’s globalization strategy: an economic analysis.

🧮 Economic History Essay Topics

  • The rapid economic growth of Europe during the Age of Discovery. Analyze the factors that brought economic growth to Europe during the Age of Discovery. What factors contributed to the dynamic economic progress of that time?
  • Brazil’s economic history.
  • History of capitalism: from the Renaissance to the United States of America. Discuss the origins of capitalism and its centuries-long path towards XXth century America. How the establishment of capitalism impacted the economy of the USA?
  • Max Weber: economic history, the theory of bureaucracy, and politics as a vocation.
  • 2008 Economic Crisis: origins and fallout. Talk about the 2008 Financial Crisis. Discuss its causes and outcomes. What should have been done differently to avoid the global crisis? Comment on the economic strategies countries used to recover from it.
  • The economic marvel of Communist China: from rags to riches.
  • What made world economic growth of the Renaissance possible?

Renaissance Europe had a very diverse economy.

  • The economic history of Canada: how did the settlers facilitate economic growth?
  • What did the major powers of the XIXth century base their economies on?
  • The Rothschilds: political and financial role in the Industrial Revolution. Research the dynasty of Rothschilds and how they came to power. What was their role in Europe’s Industrial Revolution?
  • The link between the “oil curse” and the economic history of Latin America.
  • Roman Empire’s monetary policy: a socio-economic analysis.
  • How did the demand for different goods change their value in the 2000s years? Analyze the demand for goods in the 2000s years and their change in value. Why do these fluctuations in demand for products and services occur?
  • The history of economic thought.
  • Soviet Union’s economic timeline: from the new Economic Policy to Reformation. Discuss the economic issues of the Soviet Union from the historical perspective. Why did the Soviet Union collapse? What improvements in the financial sector should have been done?
  • History of France economics over the past 20 years.
  • The history of economic analysis.
  • The concept of serfdom and slavery as the main economic engine of the past. Dive into the idea of feudalism and serfdom. Discuss its social and economic aspects.
  • The World Bank’s structure, history, activities.
  • The history of Islamic banking: concepts and ideas.

💫 How to Write an Economics Essay?

Generally, essay writing on economics has the same structure as any other essay. However, there are some distinctive features of economic papers. Thus, it is essential to figure them out from the very beginning of your work.

You might be wondering what those aspects of the economic paper are. Well, we have an answer.

An economic essay usually relies on the common essay structure.

Below, you will find a detailed plan that explains the fundamental concepts of the essay writing process. So, don’t hesitate to use our tips! They are indeed helpful.

Pick a topic and dissect it. Picking the right topic is the very basis of writing a successful essay. Think of something that you will be interested in and make sure you understand the issue clearly. Also, don’t forget to check our ultimate economics essay topics and samples list!

Research it. After selecting the right idea from our economical essay topics, research your subject thoroughly. Try to find every fascinating and intriguing detail about it. Remember that you can always ask your fellow students, friends, or a teacher for help.

Come up with a thesis statement. A thesis statement is an essential element of your essay. It will determine your focus and guide the readers throughout your paper. Make your thesis secure and try to catch the reader’s attention using context and word choice.

Outline your essay. Never underestimate the power of a well-structured outline! Creating an essay outline can significantly help you to determine your general plan. Evaluate which economic framework you will be using to address the issue. State the main points of your thesis and antithesis. Make sure that they answer the central question of your work.

Write your introduction. First and foremost, a practical introduction should capture the readers’ attention and state the essay’s key topic. So, put enough effort to develop an outstanding introduction. It will create the first impression of your paper.

Moreover, an introduction should include a thesis statement. As we have mentioned above, a thesis plays a crucial role. Thus, make sure it is clearly stated.

Another significant feature of the introduction is its coherence with the body of your essay. Consequently, the introductory paragraph’s last statement has to present the subject of the next section, generically. Also, keep in mind that no more than three key points can be discussed in a paper, even if it is an extended essay.

Thoroughly work on the body paragraphs. Usually, the body of the essay contains several paragraphs. The number of these paragraphs will depend on the nature of your question. Be sure to create one section for every critical point that you make. This will make your paper properly-structured, and the reader will quickly get your ideas. For your convenience, we created a plan to develop your ideas in each paragraph, So, use it and make your writing process easier!

  • Argument. Present your argument in the topic sentence of the paragraph in a way that directly answers the question. A hint: the most effective way to introduce the critical point is to place the topic sentence at the beginning of the paragraph. This will help the readers to concentrate their attention on a specific idea.
  • Comment and discussion. Explain the meaning of your argument and provide an economic analysis. Present clear evidence and persuasive arguments to solidify your position.
  • Connection. Link your comments with the vital point of the paragraph. Demonstrate the coherence of your evidence with the point.
  • Diagrams, tables, charts. If necessary, provide the reader with visual aids. Sometimes, an appropriate diagram or a suitable chart can say more than words. Besides, your paper will look more professional if you use any kind of visual aids.

Conclude your essay. In your conclusion, summarize and synthesize your work by restating your thesis. Also, it is crucial to strengthen it by mentioning the practical value of your findings. Remember to make your essay readable by choosing appropriate wording and avoiding too complex grammar constructions.

Create a reference list at the bottom of your economic essay if you referred to sources.

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🔗 References

  • High School Economics Topics: Econlib, The Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Guide to Writing an Economics Essay: The Economics Tutor
  • How to Write the Introduction of Your Development Economics Paper: David Evans, Center For Global Development
  • Senior Essay: Department of Economics, Yale University
  • Developing A Thesis: Maxine Rodburg and The Tutors of the Writing Center at Harvard University
  • Academic Essay Writing, Some Guidelines: Department of Economics, Carleton University
  • The Writing Process: Writing Centre Resource Guide, LibGuides at Dalhousie University
  • Research Papers: KU Writing Center, the University of Kansas
  • Unpacking the Topic: University of Southern Queensland
  • Economic Issues: PIIE, Peterson Institute for International Economics
  • Areas of Research: EPI, Economic Policy Institute
  • Top 100 Economics Blogs Of 2023: Prateek Agarwal, Intelligent Economist
  • Current Environmental Economic Topics, Environmental Economics: US EPA, United States Environmental Protection Agency
  • Hot Topics in the U.S. Economy: The Balance
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Home — Blog — Topic Ideas — 120 Essay Topic in Economics: Useful Ideas and Tips

120 Essay Topic in Economics: Useful Ideas and Tips

Economic Essay Topics

An essay on the study of economics offers a fascinating exploration of how societies allocate scarce resources to meet their unlimited wants and needs. Economics, often referred to as the "dismal science," provides valuable insights into the workings of markets, businesses, governments, and individual decision-making processes. As a social science, it analyzes human behavior in relation to the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.

By studying economics papers topics , students delve into a wide range of topics, ranging from microeconomics, which focuses on individual economic agents such as households and firms, to macroeconomics, which examines broader aspects of the economy, including inflation, unemployment, and economic growth.

The essay typically begins with an introduction that sets the context and provides a clear thesis statement outlining the main argument. It is essential to showcase a solid understanding of economic principles and theories while employing real-world examples and data to support arguments.

One of the critical aspects of an economics essay is the analysis of economic models and concepts. Students may explore theories like supply and demand, elasticity, market structures, cost-benefit analysis, fiscal and monetary policy, and more. Using empirical evidence and case studies, they can apply these concepts to real-world situations to demonstrate their understanding and analytical skills.

Moreover, an essay on economics often involves discussing current economic issues and policies. Analyzing economic challenges faced by countries, the impact of globalization, income inequality , environmental sustainability, or the role of government intervention are just a few examples of pertinent topics. Not surprisingly, many students have difficulty writing them. Perhaps we can help you if you study some economics essay examples and improve your knowledge.

To craft a compelling economics essay, students should conduct thorough research, draw from reputable sources, and critically evaluate various viewpoints. The essay should present a coherent and logical flow of ideas, supported by evidence and data, leading to well-reasoned conclusions. And in any case, it’s worth starting with an analysis of suitable topics, and in this article, we will try to help you by providing various ideas for reflection.

✨ Most Popular Economic Essay Topics

  • The Role of Government in Shaping Economic Policies: A Comparative Analysis
  • Globalization and its Impact on Emerging Economies
  • Income Inequality: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions
  • The Economics of Climate Change: Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies
  • The Pros and Cons of Free Trade Agreements on National Economies
  • Monetary Policy and its Effects on Inflation and Unemployment
  • The Economics of Healthcare: Examining Costs, Access, and Quality
  • The Impact of Technological Advancements on Economic Growth
  • Behavioral Economics: Understanding Irrational Decision-Making
  • The Economics of Education: Investing in Human Capital
  • The Housing Market Bubble: Lessons from the 2008 Financial Crisis
  • The Role of Entrepreneurship in Economic Development
  • The Economics of Artificial Intelligence and Automation
  • Government Debt and Fiscal Policy: Evaluating Sustainable Practices
  • Economic Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Challenges and Recovery Strategies

💡 Important Economic Essay Topics

Studying economics is essential for several reasons, as it provides valuable insights into the functioning of societies, markets, and individual decision-making processes. Here are some key reasons why studying finances and economics is important:

  • Understanding Human Behavior: Economics analyzes how individuals, households, and firms make choices in the face of limited resources and unlimited wants. It provides a framework to understand human behavior and decision-making , which is crucial for businesses, policymakers, and individuals alike.
  • Allocation of Resources: Economics helps societies allocate scarce resources efficiently. By studying concepts like supply and demand , production, and distribution, economists can identify optimal resource allocation to maximize overall welfare and economic growth.
  • Impact of Policies: Economic analysis informs policymakers about the potential consequences of their decisions. It helps in formulating effective policies related to taxation, trade, monetary, and fiscal matters, aiming to improve economic conditions and societal well-being.
  • Business Decision-Making: For businesses, understanding economic principles is crucial for strategic planning, pricing strategies, market analysis, and assessing risks and opportunities. Economic insights enable businesses to adapt to changing market conditions and make informed decisions.
  • Global Perspective: Economics provides a global perspective, allowing nations to engage in international trade and understand the implications of globalization . It fosters cooperation and collaboration between countries to address economic challenges on a global scale.
  • Addressing Inequality: Economic studies shed light on income and wealth distribution, allowing societies to address issues of inequality and poverty. Understanding the root causes of economic disparities can help design policies to promote inclusive growth and social justice.
  • Personal Finance Management: Understanding economic principles can benefit individuals in managing personal finances, making informed investments, and planning for the future.

Thus, the study of economics is critical to understanding the complex dynamics of modern societies and economies. It is economics papers topics that provide individuals, businesses, and policymakers with valuable tools to make informed decisions, promote sustainable growth, and address pressing social and economic challenges locally, nationally, and globally.

Socio-Economic Essay Topics

  • The Ever-Evolving American Dream.
  • Is the American Dream Still Alive?
  • The American Dream: Success, Mobility, Critiques.
  • Socialism and Capitalism.
  • Addressing Disparities of Health Equity.
  • Relationship Between Income Inequality and Crime Rates.
  • Abolishing Federal Minimum Wage: A Proposal.
  • Impact of Minimum Wage Policies.
  • Universal Basic Income: A Viable Solution or a Dangerous Experiment
  • Poverty Alleviation Strategies: Lessons from Successful Programs.
  • Unemployment and its Socio-Economic Effects.
  • The Influence of Social Media on Consumer Behavior and Society.
  • Socio-Economic Factors in Urbanization and Rural Migration.
  • Socio-Economic Implications of Aging Populations.
  • Immigration and its Effects on Socio-Economic Dynamics.
  • Socio-Economic Effects of Access to Quality Healthcare and Education.
  • Social Mobility and its Correlation with Economic Prosperity.
  • The Intersection of Socio-Economic Status and Health Outcomes.
  • The Role of Culture in Shaping Socio-Economic Patterns.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility: Balancing Profitability and Social Welfare

International Economics Essay Topics

  • The Impacts of Global Trade Agreements on Developing Economies
  • Exchange Rate Policies and Their Effects on International Trade
  • Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Development
  • The Role of Multinational Corporations in the Global Economy
  • Economic Integration in Regional Blocs: Pros and Cons
  • The Balance of Payments: Trends and Challenges
  • International Capital Flows and Financial Crises
  • The Effectiveness of International Aid in Promoting Economic Growth
  • The Economics of Globalization: Prospects and Challenges
  • International Economic Sanctions: Rationale and Consequences
  • The Role of International Organizations in Global Economic Governance
  • The Impact of International Migration on Sending and Receiving Countries' Economies
  • Trade Liberalization and Income Inequality in Developing Countries
  • The Economics of Foreign Aid: Achievements and Limitations
  • International Economic Policies and Income Distribution.
  • The Significance of the Stock Market: History, Function, and Future
  • Understanding Supply and Demand Dynamics
  • The Role of Digital Currency in Shaping International Trade
  • Environmental Policies and Their Impact on Global Economic Relations
  • Technological Innovations and Their Influence on Global Supply Chains

Labor Economics Essay Topic Ideas

  • The Evolution of Work and Employment
  • FNP Employment Contract
  • The Gig Economy: Challenges and Opportunities for Workers
  • Labor Unions and Collective Bargaining in Modern Economies
  • Technological Advancements and the Future of Work
  • Labor Mobility and its Effects on Economic Growth
  • Youth Unemployment: Addressing the Challenges of Entry into the Labor Market
  • Labor Market Segmentation: Understanding Dual Labor Markets
  • The Economics of Immigration and its Impact on Local Labor Markets
  • Gender Wage Gap: Analyzing Causes and Closing the Divide
  • Automation and Job Displacement: Policy Responses for the Workforce
  • Human Capital Investment: Education and Training in the Labor Market
  • Labor Market Policies for Aging Populations and Retirement Transitions
  • Labor Market Flexibility and Employment Protection Legislation
  • Income Inequality and its Connection to Labor Market Outcomes
  • The Economics of Occupational Safety and Health
  • Discrimination in the Workplace: Examining Persistent Disparities
  • The Economics of Unemployment Insurance: Incentives and Impact
  • Informal Labor Markets: Challenges and Policy Approaches
  • Labor Economics of Developing Countries: Unique Issues and Solutions

Essay Topics in the Economics of Sports

  • The Economics of Professional Sports Leagues: Revenue Sharing and Competitive Balance
  • Stadium Financing and Economic Impact on Local Communities
  • The Role of Salary Caps in Professional Sports: Fairness and Competitiveness
  • Sports Sponsorship and its Influence on Branding and Revenue Generation
  • Economic Analysis of Mega Sporting Events: Costs and Benefits
  • Ticket Pricing Strategies in Sports: Maximizing Revenue and Fan Engagement
  • Sports Betting and its Economic Implications
  • The Economics of Player Transfers and Player Valuation in Sports
  • Sports Broadcast Rights and Media Economics
  • Youth Sports Participation and its Long-term Socio-Economic Effects
  • The Economic Impact of Sports Facilities on Tourism and Local Economies
  • Sports Analytics: The Role of Data in Player Performance and Team Strategies
  • The Economics of Sports Franchise Relocation and Expansion
  • Economic Incentives for Athletes: Performance-Based Contracts and Bonuses
  • Sports Merchandising and Consumer Behavior: Factors Influencing Sales
  • Esports Economics: The Rise of Competitive Video Gaming
  • Sports Development Programs and Economic Growth in Developing Countries
  • Economic Challenges of Doping and Anti-Doping Policies in Sports
  • Sports Economics and Fan Loyalty: Factors Affecting Fan Spending and Attendance
  • The Economic Impact of Sports Injuries on Players and Teams.

Essay Topics on City Economics

  • Urbanization and Economic Growth: Trends and Implications
  • The Economics of Gentrification: Effects on Housing and Communities
  • Urban Transport Economics: Evaluating Public Transit and Mobility Solutions
  • Urban Planning and Land Use: Balancing Economic Development and Sustainability
  • The Impact of Urban Renewal Projects on Local Economies
  • Housing Affordability in Urban Areas: Challenges and Policy Interventions
  • Economic Incentives for Urban Development: Tax Incentives and Subsidies
  • The Economics of Urban Sprawl: Costs and Benefits
  • Urban Informal Economies: Informal Sector Dynamics and Contributions
  • Urban Poverty and Social Exclusion: Analyzing Economic Disparities
  • The Economics of Urban Crime: Strategies for Crime Reduction
  • Urban Environmental Economics: Managing Pollution and Sustainability
  • Smart Cities and the Economics of Technological Urban Innovations
  • Urban Economic Resilience: Coping with Shocks and Disruptions
  • The Economics of Urban Education: Addressing Inequality in Schools
  • Urban Infrastructure Investment and Economic Productivity
  • The Role of Cultural and Creative Industries in Urban Economies
  • Urban Tourism Economics: Balancing Tourist Impact and Local Needs
  • Urban Agriculture and Food Security: Economic and Social Benefits
  • Urban Governance and Economic Development: The Role of Local Government.

Business Economics Essay Topics

  • Cost-Benefit Analysis in Business Decision Making
  • Customer Reviews and Sales Figures in E-commerce
  • Market Structure and Business Performance: A Comparative Analysis
  • Business Cycles and Their Impact on Economic Stability
  • The Role of Entrepreneurship in Economic Growth and Innovation
  • The Economics of Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Business Ethics and their Influence on Economic Outcomes
  • The Economics of Risk Management in Business Operations
  • International Trade and its Effects on Business Competitiveness
  • Environmental Sustainability in Business: Balancing Profit and Social Responsibility
  • Business Strategy and its Relationship with Economic Performance
  • The E-Commerce Impact on Traditional Businesses
  • The Economics of Advertising and Consumer Behavior
  • Business Innovation and its Influence on Industry Dynamics
  • Small Business Economics: Challenges and Opportunities for Growth
  • Economic Analysis of Market Entry and Exit Strategies
  • Technology Adoption and its Impact on Business Efficiency
  • The Role of Financial Markets in Business Operations and Investment
  • The Economics of Supply Chain Management: Efficiency and Resilience
  • Business Taxation and its Effects on Investment and Profits.

💫 Tips on How to Write Your Essay in Economics

Writing an economics essay can be intellectually stimulating but rewarding as it allows you to explore complex economic concepts, express your understanding effectively, and learn from various economics paper topics. To create a compelling economics paper topic, follow these basic steps:

  • Understand the Essay Prompt: Carefully read and comprehend the essay prompt to grasp the specific question or topic you are required to address. Identify key terms and concepts to guide your research and analysis.
  • Research and Gather Evidence: Conduct in-depth research using reputable sources such as academic journals, books, and economic databases. Collect relevant data and evidence to support your arguments and strengthen the essay's credibility.
  • Create a Clear Thesis Statement: Formulate a concise and clear thesis statement that outlines the main argument or position you will be defending in the essay. The thesis should be specific, focused, and reflect the main point of your paper.
  • Plan and Organize: Outline your essay structure before you begin writing. A well-structured essay should have an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Each body paragraph should discuss a single main idea or argument, supported by evidence.
  • Introduction: Start with an engaging introduction that provides context for your essay and introduces your thesis statement. Hook the reader's attention and provide a brief overview of the key points you will be discussing.
  • Body Paragraphs: Each body paragraph should begin with a topic sentence that presents the main idea of the paragraph. Use evidence and examples to support your arguments and relate them back to your thesis. Analyze the data and discuss its implications in relation to the topic.
  • Use Economic Terminology: Incorporate relevant economic terminology and concepts to demonstrate your understanding of the subject matter. However, avoid jargon that might confuse the reader.
  • Critical Analysis: Provide a critical analysis of the economic theories and evidence presented. Evaluate strengths and weaknesses, and consider alternative viewpoints to present a balanced perspective.
  • Counterarguments and Rebuttals: Address potential counterarguments to your thesis and provide well-reasoned rebuttals. Acknowledging opposing views enhances the credibility of your essay.
  • Conclusion: Summarize the main points discussed in the essay and restate your thesis in a conclusive manner. Avoid introducing new information in the conclusion.
  • Proofread and Edit: After completing your essay, review it carefully for clarity, coherence, and grammar. Ensure that your arguments flow logically, and make any necessary revisions to strengthen the overall quality.
  • Cite Your Sources: Properly cite all the sources used in your research following the citation style specified by your instructor (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.).

By following these steps, you can write a well-structured and persuasive economics essay that demonstrates your grasp of economic concepts and analytical skills, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

economic research topics

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argumentative essay on economics

Great Economics Essay Topics for Deeper Insight and Understanding


Table of contents

  • 1 Economic History Topics
  • 2 Macro and Microeconomics Essay Topics
  • 3 Healthcare Economics Essay Topics
  • 4 Socio-Economic Analysis Essay Topics
  • 5 Consumerism-Related Topics for Research Papers
  • 6 Public Economic Development Essay Topics
  • 7 Topics for Finance Economic Paper
  • 8 Essay Topics about Taxes
  • 9 Economic Analysis on Human Development Paper Topic Ideas
  • 10 Labor and Economic Growth Essay Topics
  • 11 Essay Topics on the Economic Theory of Employment
  • 12 Conclusion

If you have difficulties coming up with a topic for your writing – paper writing service is here for you. In the process of studying, you will often encounter the need to write an economics essay in various fields. Among the variety of economics research directions and a wide range of problems to study, it is sometimes difficult to formulate the research topic when writing essays. In this article, we will consider the most relevant and interesting essay topics for study.

topics for economics essay

Economic History Topics

The study of economic history implies a detailed consideration of the very phenomenon of science. With the help of historical and statistical methods, you have to study the links between modern economies and historical events, the economic marvel that affected the course of global economic development.

  • The Industrial Revolution: Analyzing the Economic and Social Transformations of the 19th Century.
  • The Great Depression: Understanding the Causes and Consequences of the Economic Crisis of the 1930s.
  • Examining the Costs and Benefits of Military Conflict on National Economies.
  • The Rise and Fall of Communism: Analyzing the Economic and Political Implications of Socialist Systems.
  • Understanding the Economic Impacts of Increasing International Trade and Investment.
  • Examining the Impacts of Imperialism on Economic Development.
  • Evolution of Currency and Monetary Systems.
  • The Origins of Capitalism: Understanding the Economic and Social Forces that Shaped Modern Markets.
  • Economic and Agricultural Impacts of Technological Innovations in Farming.

Macro and Microeconomics Essay Topics

Let’s look at the broadest scientific field for economics research. The subject of studies of Macroeconomics is the global economy. It examines the economic data of entire countries and unions, studying international economics. While Microeconomics explores the individual level in the context of an enterprise, small and medium businesses. It also discovers such components of the market as international trade, stock market, microeconomics of migration industrial organization microeconomics.

  • Fiscal and Monetary Policy: The Role of Government in Influencing the Economy through Tax Policies and Monetary Policy.
  • International Trade: The Impact of Globalization on the Economy, Including the Effects of Tariffs, Trade Agreements, and Currency Exchange Rates.
  • Business Cycles: The Natural Fluctuations of the Economy and the Causes and Consequences of Booms and Busts.
  • Inflation and Deflation: The Impact of Changes in the Price Level of Goods and Services on the Economy and Its Consumers.
  • The Factors That Contribute to the Long-Term Growth of an Economy and the Importance of Investment, Innovation, and Productivity.
  • The Distribution of Wealth and Income in an Economy and the Impact of Policies Aimed At Reducing Income Inequality.
  • The Role of Banks, Stock Markets, and Other Financial Institutions in the Economy and the Impact of Financial Crises.
  • The Impact of Government Debt on Economic Growth.
  • Exploring the Functions and Policies of Central Banks and Their Impact on the Economy.
  • Primary Economic Endeavors of the Geographic Area Colonies Lumber
  • Macroeconomic Effects of International Capital Flows.
  • Theories of Economic Growth: Analyzing Different Theories of Economic Growth, Including Endogenous Growth Theory and Neoclassical Growth Theory.
  • Exploring Methods and Techniques for Forecasting Key Economic Variables Such as GDP, Inflation, and Employment.
  • Examining the Different Types of Market Failures, Including Externalities, Public Goods, and Monopolies, and Exploring Different Policy Approaches for Addressing Market Failures.
  • Investigating How Firms Produce Goods and Services and Exploring How Production Costs Impact Market Outcomes.
  • Analyzing the Conditions Necessary for Perfect Competition and Exploring the Implications for Market Outcomes.
  • The Economics of Oligopoly: Examining the Behavior of Firms in Oligopoly Markets and Exploring the Impact on Market Outcomes.
  • The Future of Work: Microeconomic Impacts of Automation and Artificial Intelligence.
  • The Economics of Education: Analyzing the Costs and Benefits of Higher Learning.
  • The Effects of Macroeconomics on the Housing Market.

Healthcare Economics Essay Topics

Healthcare economics is based on the study of factors affecting the cost of the industry as well as pricing policy depending on the current spending. This implies the economic research of complicated healthcare systems with the aim of financial analysis. You can choose to analyze patient satisfaction economics, international criminal justice, sports economics, and talent economics as important healthcare issues.

  • The Rising Cost of Healthcare: Analyzing the Impact of Inflation and Technology.
  • Examining the Economic Benefits and Challenges of Single-Payer Systems.
  • Understanding the Economics Behind the Cost of Prescription Drugs.
  • Health Insurance Markets: Analyzing the Role of Competition and Regulation.
  • Healthcare Workforce: Examining the Economics of Physician Shortages and Nurse Staffing.
  • The Economics of Medical Innovation: Balancing Costs and Benefits.
  • The Role of Prevention in Healthcare Economics: Cost Savings and Quality of Life.
  • Examining the Costs and Benefits of Investing in Behavioral Health Services.
  • The Economics of Happiness: Measuring the Relationship Between Income and Well-Being.

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Socio-Economic Analysis Essay Topics

Socio economic essay topics revolve around the analysis of key economic features, the causes and consequences of financial decisions, and their significance for society. The ultimate goal of economics research is to evaluate the social and economic impact and to detect malicious features that can undermine a nation’s economic stability.

  • Social and Economic Impacts of Unequal Distribution of Wealth.
  • Socio-Economic Implications of Independent Work and Flexible Labor Arrangements.
  • Analyzing the Impacts of Migration on Social and Economic Outcomes.
  • The Sociology of Poverty: Understanding the Causes and Consequences of Economic Deprivation.
  • Social Entrepreneurship: Examining the Role of Business in Addressing Societal Challenges and Inequalities.
  • Understanding the Social and Economic Implications of an Aging Population.
  • Examining the Socio-Economic Differences Between Rural and Urban Areas.
  • The Impact of Migrant Remittance on Economic Development .

Consumerism-Related Topics for Research Papers

This branch of economics research studies consumer behavior trends, namely the impact of personal economics on the common good. For example, some scientists believe that increased consumption has a positive effect on production trends. While other experts believe that such inequalities are unacceptable and adhere to the economic policy of sustainable development. A sustainable economy has recently become the center of scientific concern and a vast amount of economic essay topics.

  • The Psychology of Consumerism: Understanding the Emotional Drivers Behind Shopping Habits.
  • Sustainable Consumerism: Examining the Economic and Environmental Impacts of Ethical Consumption.
  • Analyzing the Influence of Marketing on Purchasing Decisions.
  • Examining the Economic Costs and Social Consequences of Overconsumption.
  • The Economics of Branding: Understanding the Value of Brand Names and Logos.
  • The Sharing Economy: Analyzing the Economic Impacts of Collaborative Consumption.
  • The Rise of E-commerce: Examining the Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Shopping.
  • The Consumer Society: Analyzing the Role of Materialism in Modern Culture.
  • The Future of Consumerism: Exploring Emerging Trends and Their Economic Implications.

Public Economic Development Essay Topics

If you’re choosing public development as your economics essay subject, you should include an economic evaluation of basic concepts that are related to social welfare. This area may include the city’s economy comparative analysis as a part of urban economics, law enforcement studies, and many other social domains.

  • Fiscal Policy and Economic Growth: Analyzing the Role of Government Spending and Taxation.
  • Public Debt and Deficits: Examining the Economic Impacts of Government Borrowing.
  • Taxation and Social Welfare: Balancing Economic Efficiency and Equity.
  • The Economics of Government Procurement: Analyzing the Costs and Benefits of Public Contracting.
  • The Economics of Healthcare Financing: Understanding the Costs and Benefits of Different Payment Systems.
  • Municipal Finance: Analyzing the Economics of Local Government Budgeting and Expenditure.
  • Sovereign Debt Crises: Analyzing the Economic Implications of Debt Defaults and Restructurings.


Topics for Finance Economic Paper

Your economics essay in financial management is going to revolve around the system of planning and apportionment of funds in markets. You can choose anything from urban finance and aggregate economics to critical analysis of foreign direct investment in inter international economy.

  • The Future of Fintech: Exploring Emerging Trends and their Financial Implications.
  • Examining the Economic Impacts of Government Oversight and Policy.
  • Investment Banking: Analyzing the Economics of Securities Underwriting and Capital Raising.
  • The Economics of Real Estate Investment: Understanding Property Markets and Valuations.
  • Risk Management: Examining the Economics of Hedging Strategies and Portfolio Diversification.
  • Financial Markets and Globalization: Analyzing the Economic Implications of International Capital Flows.
  • The Economics of Venture Capital: Understanding the Role of Risk Capital in Entrepreneurship and Innovation.

Essay Topics about Taxes

Economic essay topics about taxes imply a comparative analysis of different taxation systems. Research on this topic will concern not only the tax system itself but also the study of bypass schemes, offshore zones, and other tricks. One example of intriguing economics topics is the study of the detrimental effects of taxes on ecology, as the problems of environmental protection remain unresolved.

  • Examining the Relationship between Government Revenue and Entrepreneurship.
  • The Costs and Benefits of Different Tax Systems.
  • The Ethics of Taxation: Analyzing the Social and Economic Implications of Taxation on Income Distribution.
  • Understanding the Economics of Offshore Tax Evasion and Avoidance.
  • The History of Taxation: Examining the Evolution of Taxation Systems from Ancient Times to the Present.
  • The Economic Impacts of Taxes on Carbon Emissions and Pollution.
  • Impacts of Sales Tax and Value-Added Tax on Consumer Behavior.

Economic Analysis on Human Development Paper Topic Ideas

Human development centers on the role of the public in economic convergence. You are supposed to concentrate on critical analysis of the progress of humanity, the level of life in developed and developing countries, track of economic behavior that leads to rapid economic growth, as well as the correct usage of scarce resources for general well-being.

  • The Role of Gender Equality in Economic and Social Progress.
  • Analyzing the Measurement and Evolution of Global Human Development.
  • Understanding the Cognitive and Emotional Factors that Shape Human Growth.
  • Analyzing the Role of Government Policies in Promoting Human Well-being.
  • Supporting Women’s Economic Empowerment in Fragile States .
  • The Relationship between Health Outcomes and Economic and Social Progress.
  • Positive and Negative Impacts of Technological Advances on Human Progress.
  • Exploring Emerging Trends and Challenges in Promoting Sustainable Human Development.

Labor and Economic Growth Essay Topics

Labor economics essay topics involve analysis of the labor force as an integral part of production. Among the topic ideas, you can study such economic problems as the correlation between population growth and surplus labor force in developing nations.

  • Economic Impacts of Freelance Work and Contingent Labor.
  • Impacts of Immigration on Labor Markets and Economic Growth.
  • Understanding the Factors that Contribute to Pay Disparities between Men and Women.
  • The Role of Unions in the Labor Market.
  • Examining the Economic Impacts of Minimum Wage Laws on Employment and Wages.
  • Labor Mobility: Understanding the Impacts of Labor Migration on Regional and National Labor Markets.
  • The Economics of Discrimination: Impacts of Race, Ethnicity, and Gender on Labor Market Outcomes.
  • Technological and Demographic Change on the Labor Market.

Essay Topics on the Economic Theory of Employment

Economics topics that consider the theory of employment study the decisions in the field of the labor force. In the coursework of research, you may study the services that individuals provide, the benefits of a cashless economy and its payment methods, and which role statistical data play in fulfilling the labor market needs.

  • Analyzing the Impacts of Technological and Demographic Changes on Employment.
  • Factors that Contribute to Employment Growth.
  • Economic Benefits in Attracting and Retaining Employees.
  • Examining the Economic Impacts of Employment Policies and Programs.
  • Understanding the Impacts of Workplace Environment and Culture on Employee Performance.
  • Impacts of Aging Populations and Retirement Trends on the Labor Market.
  • Capitalism and the Use of Disaster to Increase Economic Power .

Whatever topic you choose for your economics research, make sure it is within your field of interest. Scientific work always goes smoothly when you are motivated to bring newness to the underlying concepts. We wish you good luck with this difficult choice, as all economics essay topics are fascinating, and your task as a research paper writer is to bring your individual perspective to science.

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How to Write a Good Economics Essay

Last Updated: July 16, 2024 References

This article was co-authored by Emily Listmann, MA . Emily Listmann is a Private Tutor and Life Coach in Santa Cruz, California. In 2018, she founded Mindful & Well, a natural healing and wellness coaching service. She has worked as a Social Studies Teacher, Curriculum Coordinator, and an SAT Prep Teacher. She received her MA in Education from the Stanford Graduate School of Education in 2014. Emily also received her Wellness Coach Certificate from Cornell University and completed the Mindfulness Training by Mindful Schools. This article has been viewed 129,369 times.

A good economics essay requires a clear argument that is well-supported by appropriately referenced evidence. Research your topic thoroughly and then carefully plan out your essay. A good structure is essential, as is sticking closely to the main essay question. Be sure to proofread your essay and try to write in formal and precise prose.

Preparing to Write Your Essay

Step 1 Read the question carefully.

  • For example a question such as “Discuss the macroeconomic consequences of rising house prices, alongside falling interest rates” could be divided into 2 parts: 1 part could be on the effects of rising prices, and 1 on the effects of falling interest rates.
  • In this example you could begin by discussing each separately and then bringing the 2 together and analysing how they influence each other.
  • Be sure to keep the question at the forefront of your mind and don’t veer off topic. [1] X Research source

Step 2 Research the topic thoroughly

  • Be sure that you understand all the key terms that you are being asked about.
  • Try to keep your reading focussed closely to the essay question.
  • Don’t forget to look at any lecture or class notes you have made.
  • 3 Come up with a thesis statement . A thesis statement is the main argument you will make in your essay. It should be 1-2 sentences long and respond to the essential question that’s being asked. The thesis will help you structure the body of your essay, and each point you make should relate back to the thesis.

Step 4 Plan out your content.

  • Once you have put together a list of key points, then try to add in some more detail that brings in elements from your research.
  • When you come to write out your essay, you can develop a paragraph based on each point.

Step 5 Think about your...

  • All of the evidence and explanation will be in the main body of the essay.
  • Order the key points in the body of your essay in such a way that they flow logically.
  • If you are writing a longer essay, you can break the main body into different sections. [2] X Research source
  • If you have a word limit, be sure to take this into account when you are planning.
  • Allocate yourself a rough number of words per section.
  • The introduction and conclusion can be just a paragraph each.

Writing the Essay

Step 1 Write the introduction...

  • What your essay is about.
  • What material you will cover in the essay.
  • What your argument is. [3] X Research source

Step 2 Outline your argument.

  • Having this stated clearly at the start can help you to stay focussed on the question as you work your way through the essay.
  • Try writing out this one or two sentence statement and sticking it up in front of you as you write, so it’s stays at the forefront of your mind.

Step 3 Write the body of the essay.

  • Try to begin each paragraph with a sentence that outlines what the paragraph will cover.
  • Look at the opening sentence of each paragraph and ask yourself if it is addressing the essay question. [5] X Research source

Step 4 Provide evidence for your argument.

  • Try to engage with arguments that run counter to yours, and use the evidence you have found to show the flaws.
  • It might help to imagine someone reading the essay, and anticipating the objections that he might raise.
  • Showing that you have thought about potential problems, and you can make an argument that overcomes them, is a hallmark of an excellent essay. [6] X Research source
  • If there is conflicting evidence, discuss it openly and try to show where the weight of the evidence lies.
  • Don’t just ignore the evidence that runs counter to your argument.

Step 5 Write the conclusion...

  • In the conclusion you can add a few sentences that show how your essay could be developed and taken further.
  • Here you can assert why the question is important and make some tentative suggestions for further analysis.

Proofreading and Making Revisions

Step 1 Check for divergences away from the question.

  • As you read through it, think about how closely you stick to main overarching question.
  • If you notice paragraphs that drift off into other areas, you need to be tough and cut them out.
  • You have a limited number of words so it’s essential to make every one count by keeping tightly focussed on the main question.

Step 2 Assess the quality and depth of your argument.

  • Think about how you use the evidence too. Do you critically engage with it, or do you merely quote it to support your point?
  • A good analytical essay such discuss evidence critically at all times.
  • Even if the evidence supports your argument, you need to show that you have thought about the value of this particular piece of data.
  • Try to avoid making any assumptions, or writing as if something were beyond dispute.

Step 3 Check spelling, grammar and style.

  • Remember an academic essay should be written in a formal style, so avoid colloquialisms.
  • Avoid contractions, such as “don’t”, or “won’t”.
  • Try to avoid paragraphs that are more than ten or fifteen lines long.
  • Think about how it looks on the page. [8] X Research source

Step 4 Check your referencing and bibliography.

  • Always include a bibliography, but don’t include references to things you haven’t read or didn’t inform your argument. [9] X Research source
  • Your teacher will know if you just add a load of titles into your bibliography that are not evidenced in the body of your essay.
  • Always follow the bibliography format used by your department or class.

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About This Article

Emily Listmann, MA

Before you begin writing your economics essay, make sure to carefully read the prompt so that you have a clear sense of the paper's purpose and scope. Once you have read the prompt, conduct research using your textbook and relevant articles. If you cannot find research materials, ask your instructor for recommendations. After your research is done, construct a 1-2 sentence thesis statement and begin outlining your main ideas so that your essay will have a clear structure. Make sure to leave time to write a draft and revise your work before it is due. If you want to learn more, like how to cite the sources you used for your essay, keep reading the article! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Immigration, good argumentative essay about why unpaid internships impact young individuals and society in general negatively.

Internships are commonly seen as a crucial stepping stone for college students or recent graduates seeking to enter the professional world. Interns can gain professional skills and experience that can be difficult to access otherwise, hence preparing for future work challenges. However, unpaid internships that become increasingly common in many industries can have adverse effects on both individuals and society at large. Although unpaid internships may initially appear attractive, research shows that unpaid internships don’t adequately prepare participants for long-term employment. Therefore, their potential drawbacks should not be taken lightly by students and young adults who consider taking this path.

An analysis of survey data from spring 2019 revealed the value of internship opportunities for students transitioning to the job market. Significantly more individuals who completed a paid internship landed a job before graduation compared with those who had unpaid experience (63% vs. 37%). In fact, over one-third more people without any internships got jobs than their peers in similarly situated scenarios. Unfortunately, many organizations use unpaid interns as cheap labor, and this practice can have harmful effects on the labor market by setting low expectations or standards. Despite feeling like it is essential at times to secure internship experiences during college years, there should be no expectation that compensation must be forfeited in order to gain some skills and knowledge that might (or might not) be essential for future success.

Unpaid internships are an unfortunate reality for many, limiting the earning potential of interns down the line. It is particularly pervasive in fields such as education, arts, humanities, and health sciences. In these fields, students are especially exposed to the pressure to obtain the first necessary experience whatever it takes (National Association of Colleges and Employers, 2011). However, this means that when they later get employed, their starting salaries tend to be lower than those who had paid internship experiences or even no prior internships at all (Perlin, 2012). As a result, those who accept unpaid or low-paid internships face long-term disadvantages when attempting to attain a better salary at their next job. This happens partially due to a lack of negotiation power from students undervaluing themselves during unpaid placements initially. Ultimately, it is paramount that individuals recognize they do not need to settle for a depreciated experience in order to secure valuable work knowledge within their respective fields.

Unpaid Internships May Have a Long-Term Negative Impact on the Economy

Unfavorable economic conditions may have some organizations turning to unpaid internships as a source of inexpensive labor. However, this contributes significantly to the negative trend of unpaid workers in our economy. Furthermore, research reveals that while paid internships often lead to full-time employment opportunities, only 1% of interns working without pay ever attain secure jobs with their experiences. Therefore, it is important for people considering an unpaid internship opportunity to take into account the likelihood of not merely being retained after completion but also getting reasonably paid employment thereafter. Also, within a larger economic context, such a practice may provoke wage stagnation.

Furthermore, unpaid internships create an unfair dynamic between employees and employers, potentially leading to the exploitation of young workers. By denying wages and job security to interns, organizations benefit from maximizing their profits at the expense of those attempting to build skillsets for future employment opportunities (Shellenbarger, 2009). Such unethical practices result in job insecurity among vulnerable segments of the population and demonstrate how unpaid internships disproportionately benefit employers at the expense of people receiving no monetary compensation.

Unpaid Internships Promote Discrimination

Unpaid internships can contribute to a cycle of discrimination against people from economically underprivileged segments of the population. The thing is, individuals without the means or opportunity to work in big cities and towns are largely unable to take advantage of the opportunities unpaid internship do offer (Intern Aware, 2013). This perpetuates inequality within certain businesses and organizations due to unequal access across socioeconomic backgrounds. It is important for companies that their interns receive equal treatment regardless of financial circumstances.

In turn, employers who favor providing unpaid internship opportunities put forward a variety of compelling arguments. First of all, they view such arrangements as a type of educational environment that gives interns the same learning experiences found in academic settings but with more hands-on tasks. This might be highly beneficial to interns while not replacing nor impeding existing employees or work operations. Secondly, employers claim that although training may provide useful knowledge and skillsets for individuals, it doesn’t necessarily lead directly to organizational improvements. Finally, employers contend that employee training does not support organizational activities and can sometimes obstruct companies’ operations (U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division, 2010). These arguments hold weight but, unfortunately, highlight the potential for unpaid internships to further widen the socioeconomic divide, proving adverse effects on the entire society.

Other Arguments Against Unpaid Internships

Unpaid internships can be a cause of financial distress for students. Since they are not receiving any form of compensation, they would have to rely on their parents or other external sources to finance their expenses. This financial burden may cause them to take on additional part-time jobs that can negatively affect their academic performance due to a lack of time and energy.

Unpaid internships can create an unfair advantage in the job market by allowing interns with more money to gain access to certain positions unavailable for lower-income candidates. For example, wealthier students can pay for expenses related to unpaid internships, which creates an unequal playing field.

Companies offering unpaid internships often exploit employees by taking away their rights as workers. Interns are typically expected to perform tasks similar in scope and complexity to those performed by full-time staff. Yet, they mostly don’t have any formal contract or protection from labor laws, such as minimum wage and overtime pay requirements.

Unpaid internships can be detrimental for both parties involved since they will give students little motivation or reward for their hard work and dedication while providing companies with free labor that could be used productively elsewhere. In turn, demotivated interns may perform their duties inadequately and harm the company’s productivity overall.

Offering unpaid internships may hinder companies’ ability to attract talent over time due to their negative perception among potential applicants. Best-qualified candidates may be discouraged from pursuing these opportunities out of concern that they won’t receive adequate compensation for their skillset, thus hurting a company’s competitiveness over time since there is a limited pool of talented candidates available for recruitment.

Organizations have increasingly adopted unpaid internships as a cost-saving measure, which has become the ‘new normal’ since the last economic recession – something which shows no signs of slowing down any time soon. This trend is likely to continue in the future, and employers are legally entitled not to pay interns if they don’t see value added by them. Nevertheless, companies should not rely on such a simplistic approach when it comes to compensating interns. Rather, they should exercise discretion on an individual basis when considering whether to remunerate their interns or not. On the one hand, this may help draw more potential job seekers. On the other hand, this might encourage greater engagement among existing interns in terms of increased interest and enthusiasm for their roles.

It is fully understandable for employees to deem interns as not adding any value and consequently decide against remuneration. However, employers must observe the respective merits of individual interns in order to properly identify those who make positive contributions. These productive workers ought to be given appropriate recognition through some form of gratuity or compensation. After all, it’s important to remember that while unpaid internships may have become socially acceptable in some circles, “work without pay” basically equals slavery.

Intern Aware. Why unpaid internships are bad for society. March 2013. Web. 13 March 2014.

National Association of Colleges and Employers. Unpaid Internships: A Clarification of NACE


Perlin, Ross. Intern nation: how to earn nothing and learn little in the brave new economy, 1st ed. Brooklyn, NY: Verso Books, 2012.

Shellenbarger, Sue. “Do You Want An Internship? It’ll Cost You”. The Wall Street Journal. 28, Jan. 2009. Web. 13 March 2014.

U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division. Internship Programs Under The Fair Labor Standards Act. April 2010. Web. 13 March 2014.

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Economics Essay Topics: Valuable Tips

argumentative essay on economics

Economics is a subject that has gained immense popularity in recent times. It deals with interesting economics topics like the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Moreover, it is a social science that provides insights into how individuals, businesses, and governments make decisions that affect the overall economy. Given its importance, economics essays have become a crucial part of the curriculum for students pursuing various degrees.

Short Description

In this article, our essay writer will take you on a journey through various exciting topics in economics. We'll cover everything from big-picture concepts like macroeconomics to more focused ideas like microeconomics, international trade, and economic policy. Our goal is to help you find the perfect topic for your economics essay—one that matches your interests and demonstrates your understanding of how economics affects the real world.

🎓 What is Economics: Understanding the Importance

Before we dive into the different economics essay topics, it is crucial to understand what economics is and its importance. Economics is a social science that deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. It is concerned with how individuals, businesses, and governments make decisions about allocating resources to satisfy their unlimited wants and needs.

Economics as a science provides a framework for analyzing society's production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. It helps us understand how markets work and how they can be improved to increase efficiency and welfare. Moreover, economic principles have significant implications for various social issues, including poverty, inequality, environmental sustainability, and public policy. By studying economics essay topics, we can gain insights into these issues and develop policies that promote rapid economic growth and social welfare.

what is economics

When it comes to economics, the range of essay topics is vast and covers various aspects of human interactions on different levels. With so many possibilities to explore, we understand the difficulty of narrowing down your options. That's why our ' write me an essay ' experts are here to offer their guidance and support. We're ready to help you select the ideal topic if you wish to learn how to write informative essay on economics.

economics paper

🧩 Tips for Choosing Your Ideal Topic

Choosing a topic is the first and most crucial step in writing an economics essay. Your topic will determine the direction and scope of your essay. Here are some tips for choosing the ideal topic from our finance essay writing service :

Tip 1: Understand the relevance of economics to daily life and choose a topic with practical applications.

Recognize that economics plays a significant role in our everyday lives, as it encompasses the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Therefore, when selecting a topic, ensure its societal relevance. For instance, you might consider exploring 'The Impact of Automation on Employment Rates' or 'The Role of Government Regulations in Controlling Inflation.'

Tip 2: Opt for narrow economics research topics to make them more manageable and allow for in-depth exploration.

Instead of tackling broad subjects like 'International Trade,' narrow down your focus to something like 'The Effects of Tariffs on Small Businesses in the Agriculture Sector' or 'The Relationship Between Exchange Rates and Export Performance in Developing Countries.' By delving deeper into a specific aspect, you can provide more detailed financial analysis and insights.

Tip 3: Conduct preliminary research to identify current topics, debates, and research gaps.

Before finalizing your topic, engage in preliminary research to gain an understanding of recent trends and issues in economics. Explore academic journals, news articles, and books to discover areas that warrant further exploration. For example, you might come across intriguing research gaps such as 'The Impact of Cryptocurrencies on Financial Markets' or 'The Role of Behavioral Economics in Shaping Consumer Decision-Making.'

Tip 4: Seek input from peers or professors to enhance your topic selection process.

Collaborate with your peers during brainstorming sessions to generate fresh ideas and gain different perspectives on potential topics. Additionally, seek guidance from your professor, who can offer valuable insights and feedback to refine your chosen topic. For instance, you can discuss your ideas with classmates and receive suggestions like 'The Influence of Economic Policies on Income Inequality' or receive expert advice from your professor on 'The Implications of Globalization on Developing Economies.'

And if you want expert assistance in applying theoretical concepts to practice and creating an exceptional paper, then address your request to our custom essay writing services .

topic ideas

🗒 Economics Essay Topics: A Comprehensive List

If you are looking for a comprehensive list of interesting economics essay topics, you have come to the right place. Here are some ideas that you can consider:

economic essay topics

  • Central Banks in Fiscal Policy : Examine central banks' roles in setting interest rates, regulating money supply, and managing inflation.
  • Automation and Labor Market : Analyze the impact of automation on jobs, including worker displacement and new job creation.
  • Immigration and Labor Market : Explore immigration's effects on wages, job opportunities, and economic growth.
  • Economics of Climate Change : Discuss the costs and economic impact of climate change mitigation and adaptation.
  • Economics of Healthcare : Investigate healthcare costs, the role of insurance, and the impact of healthcare policies on the economy.
  • Government's Economic Role : Examine how government policies, both fiscal and monetary, affect the economy.
  • Globalization's Economic Impact : Analyze how globalization affects industries, trade, and employment.
  • Poverty and Inequality : Explore the causes and effects of poverty and inequality and the role of government interventions.
  • Economics of Education : Investigate education costs, its impact on economic growth, and the government's role in education.
  • Marketplace Competition : Discuss how competition promotes economic growth, innovation, and consumer welfare.
  • Economics of Entrepreneurshi p: Examine factors promoting entrepreneurship and its impact on the economy.
  • Quantitative Easing and Recovery : Analyze how large-scale asset purchases influence inflation, employment, and economic stability.
  • Renewable Energy Economics : Assess the costs, benefits, and challenges of transitioning to renewable energy.
  • Technological Innovation : Explore how R&D and digitalization impact productivity, job creation, and economic competitiveness.
  • Behavioral Economics and Decision-Making : Investigate how cognitive biases and heuristics influence consumer behavior and market outcomes.

Ready to Advance Yourself in the Economics Field?

Get the essay that will have even experts in awe!

🧮 Macroeconomics Essay Topics

Macroeconomics is a fascinating and complex field of study that aims to understand the overall performance of an economy. It takes into account various factors such as economic growth, inflation, unemployment, and trade policies. If you are looking for some thought-provoking macroeconomics essay topics, here are a few that you might find interesting:

  • The Impact of Fiscal Policy on Economic Growth
  • Monetary Policy and Inflation Control: Case Studies from Different Countries
  • The Role of Central Banks in Modern Economies
  • The Effects of Globalization on National Economies
  • Unemployment Rates and Economic Stability
  • The Influence of Political Stability on Economic Development
  • The Economics of Recession and Recovery
  • Debt Crisis: Causes and Solutions
  • The Relationship Between Exchange Rates and International Trade
  • The Future of Cryptocurrencies in the Global Economy

📉 Microeconomics Essay Topics

Microeconomics focuses on the behavior of individual consumers and businesses in the market. The principles of microeconomics are used to analyze how these entities make decisions, interact with each other, and influence the overall economy. If you're interested in exploring this field further, here are some microeconomics essay topics that you might find interesting:

  • The Theory of Consumer Choice and Its Applications
  • Market Structures: Comparing Perfect Competition, Monopolies, and Oligopolies
  • Price Elasticity of Demand: Importance and Calculation
  • The Role of Government in Market Failures
  • The Economics of Labor Markets and Wage Determination
  • The Impact of Minimum Wage Laws on Small Businesses
  • Behavioral Economics: How Human Psychology Affects Economic Decisions
  • Game Theory and Its Applications in Business
  • The Economics of Information and Market Efficiency
  • The Impact of Technology on Production and Costs

🎏 International Economics Essay Topics

International economics deals with the economic interactions between countries, including trade, investment, and migration. Here are some international economic relations topics:

  • The Pros and Cons of Free Trade Agreements
  • The Impact of Tariffs and Trade Wars on Global Economies
  • Exchange Rate Dynamics and International Trade
  • The Role of International Organizations in Global Trade
  • Economic Integration: Case Studies of the EU and NAFTA
  • The Economics of Developing Countries: Challenges and Opportunities
  • Foreign Direct Investment: Benefits and Risks
  • Global Supply Chains and Their Economic Implications
  • The Role of Multinational Corporations in Globalization
  • The Impact of Currency Crises on Emerging Markets

📉 Behavioral Economics Essay Topics

Behavioral economics combines psychology and economics to analyze how people make decisions. Here are some behavioral economics essay topics:

  • The Role of Cognitive Biases in Economic Decision-Making
  • How Social Preferences Influence Market Outcomes
  • Behavioral Insights into Consumer Credit Usage
  • The Impact of Behavioral Economics on Public Policy
  • Nudging and Its Effectiveness in Changing Economic Behavior
  • The Psychology of Saving and Investment Decisions
  • The Influence of Emotions on Economic Decisions
  • Behavioral Economics and Health-Related Decision-Making
  • The Economics of Happiness: Measuring Well-Being
  • The Role of Heuristics in Financial Decision-Making

🚑 Healthcare Economics Essay Topics

Healthcare economics analyzes how the healthcare system operates, including the costs and benefits of healthcare interventions. Here are some healthcare economics essay topics:

  • The Economics of Universal Healthcare Systems
  • The Impact of Health Insurance on Medical Costs
  • The Role of Government Regulation in the Pharmaceutical Industry
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis of Preventive Healthcare
  • The Economics of Aging Populations and Healthcare Demand
  • The Effectiveness of Public Health Interventions
  • The Impact of Technological Advancements on Healthcare Costs
  • Healthcare Disparities: Economic Causes and Solutions
  • The Economics of Mental Health Services
  • The Role of Economic Incentives in Health Behavior Change

🌎 Consumerism Essay Topics

Consumerism refers to the cultural and economic mindset that encourages the acquisition of goods and services. Here are some consumerism essay topics:

  • The Impact of Advertising on Consumer Behavior
  • Consumerism and Its Effects on the Environment
  • The Role of Credit in Modern Consumerism
  • The Psychology Behind Impulse Buying
  • The Economic Implications of the Sharing Economy
  • The Relationship Between Consumerism and Economic Growth
  • Ethical Consumerism: Trends and Economic Impact
  • The Influence of Social Media on Consumer Spending
  • The Role of Consumer Protection Laws in Market Economies
  • The Impact of Globalization on Consumer Choices

📚 Economic History Topics

Economic history is a field of study that examines the historical development of economic systems, policies, and institutions, as well as the social, political, and cultural factors that have influenced economic outcomes over time. Here are the 10 interesting topics:

  • The Great Depression: Causes, Consequences, and Recovery
  • The Economic Impact of World War II
  • The Industrial Revolution and Economic Development
  • The Evolution of Trade and Commerce in Ancient Civilizations
  • The Economic Effects of Colonialism
  • The Rise and Fall of the Gold Standard
  • The History of Banking and Financial Institutions
  • Economic Reforms in Post-Soviet States
  • The Role of Agriculture in Early Economic Systems
  • The Economic History of the Silk Road

📊 Public Finance Research Topics

Public finance research focuses on the study of the government's role in the allocation, distribution, and management of resources within an economy. It encompasses the analysis of public revenues, expenditures, taxation policies, and the impact of government interventions on economic outcomes and social welfare. Here are 10 relevant economics papers topics:

  • The Role of Government in Economic Stabilization
  • The Impact of Taxation on Economic Growth
  • Public Debt and Its Implications for Future Generations
  • The Economics of Social Security Systems
  • Fiscal Policy and Income Inequality
  • The Effectiveness of Government Spending on Education and Healthcare
  • The Role of Public-Private Partnerships in Infrastructure Development
  • The Economic Impact of Environmental Taxes
  • The Challenges of Pension Fund Management
  • The Role of Fiscal Rules in Economic Governance

Closing Remarks 

To wrap up, economics is a subject that offers insights into how the world works. It provides a framework for analyzing complex social issues, including poverty, inequality, and public policy. Therefore, exploring economics essays topics is an excellent way of understanding the subject's relevance in the real world.

By following the tips for choosing your ideal topic and exploring the comprehensive list of economics topics for an essay, you can write an insightful and inspiring paper that contributes to the ongoing dialogue on economics.

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Annie Lambert

Annie Lambert

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is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

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Economics Essay Topics: Writing Ideas for Students

economics essay topics

Writing an economics essay is all about analyzing how money, markets, and policies shape our everyday lives. Whether you're breaking down the effects of a recession or looking at how trade deals impact jobs, these essays give you a chance to explore real-world economic issues. 

Let’s face it, understanding economics isn’t just for class — it’s for life. After all, the global economy is worth over $100 trillion , and what happens in one corner of the world can ripple across the globe.

This article is here to make your life easier by offering a variety of economics essay topics to choose from. From microeconomics to broader global trends, there’s something here for everyone. 

And if, after going through the list, you still feel unsure about your topic or how to start your essay, DoMyEssay is here to help. Our economics essay writing service can assist you with everything from picking your topic to creating a well-researched essay.

So, take a look, find a topic that interests you, and start writing with confidence!

How to Choose an Economics Essay Topic?

When it comes to choosing an economics essay topic, the right choice can make your essay more engaging and focused. Here are some practical tips to help you out:

Step What to Consider
💡 Your Interests Think about what parts of economics interest you the most. Are you curious about how global economies and markets work, or are you more interested in the economics of everyday life? Picking something you care about will make the research and essay writing process smoother.
📈 Current Trends Look at what’s happening in the world right now. Economic trends like inflation, the rise of digital currencies, or global trade agreements are hot topics that offer plenty of material for discussion. Choosing a topic that’s timely can add relevance to your essay.
🔍 Scope Your topic should be neither too broad nor narrow. For example, "Global Trade" might be too wide, but "The Impact of Recent Trade Agreements on Emerging Markets" could be just right. You want a topic that you can cover thoroughly within your essay’s length.
🌍 Relevance and Impact Choose a topic that’s not only interesting to you but also relevant to the current economic climate. Think about the implications of your topic — will it help people understand a significant issue or challenge?
💬 Brainstorm and Discuss Don’t be afraid to brainstorm ideas and talk them over with classmates or professors. Sometimes, a fresh perspective can help you turn your topic into something solid.

Economics Essay Topics For Students

When it comes to writing economics essays, choosing the right topic can set the stage for a great paper. Below, you’ll find a list of economics essay topics tailored specifically for students at different academic levels, starting with those suitable for high school.

Economics Essay Topics for High School

Economics might seem a bit complex, but it’s all around us, even in things we deal with every day. The topics below are all about connecting big ideas to stuff we’re all familiar with, making it easier (and maybe even a little fun) to explore the subject:

  • The Impact of Rising Minimum Wage on Teenage Employment Rates
  • How Inflation in 2024 is Affecting the Cost of School Supplies
  • The Role of Supply and Demand in the Popularity of Streaming Services
  • Analyzing the Economic Effects of Fast Fashion on Local Clothing Stores
  • The Influence of Social Media Advertising on Teen Spending Habits
  • How Online Shopping Discounts Affect Consumer Spending Behavior Among Teens
  • The Economics Behind the Increasing Cost of College Tuition
  • The Effect of Government Subsidies on Electric Vehicle Adoption Among Teens
  • How the 2024 Inflation Surge is Impacting Family Grocery Budgets
  • The Economic Benefits of Recycling Programs in High Schools

Economics Essay Topics for College Students

As a college student, you’re ready to deal with more complex economic issues with real-world implications. The topics below are designed to push your understanding and analysis to the next level:

  • The Impact of the European Union Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism on Global Trade
  • How Remote Work Trends Are Reshaping Urban Economic Landscapes in Major U.S. Cities
  • Central Bank Digital Currencies and Their Role in Reducing Transaction Costs in International Trade
  • Analyzing the Effects of the U.S. Student Loan Forgiveness Policy on Consumer Spending and Savings Behavior
  • The Economic Consequences of Supply Chain Disruptions in the Semiconductor Industry on Technology Markets
  • The Influence of Environmental, Social, and Governance Criteria on Investment Strategies in Emerging Markets
  • How China's Belt and Road Initiative Affects Economic Growth and Debt Sustainability in Participating Countries
  • The Economic Effect of Minimum Wage Increases on Small Businesses in Rural vs. Urban Areas in the U.S.
  • Evaluating the Effectiveness of Carbon Taxation Policies in Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the EU
  • The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Labor Market Displacement and Economic Inequality in the Tech Industry

Economics Essay Topics for University Students

When you’re at the university level, economics essays push you to think critically about complex issues. The topics below are meant to challenge your understanding and give you a chance to explore specific, real-world economic situations that matter today:

  • The Impact of Bitcoin Adoption on Financial Stability and Monetary Policy in Developing Nations
  • How U.S.-China Trade Tariffs Are Reshaping Global Supply Chains and Emerging Markets in 2024
  • The Role of Federal Reserve Rate Hikes in Managing 2024’s Inflation and Their Effect on Consumer Spending
  • Brexit’s Long-Term Economic Impact on the UK Financial Sector and Global Competitiveness
  • The Influence of Automation and AI on Wage Gaps and Employment in the Global Manufacturing Industry
  • Mitigating Supply Chain Risks: Lessons from the 2020-2024 Semiconductor Shortages
  • The Effectiveness of Carbon Credits in Reducing Global Emissions and Their Economic Impact in 2024
  • Japan’s Aging Population: Economic Implications for Public Healthcare and Workforce Productivity
  • The Impact of Finland’s Universal Basic Income Trials on Poverty Reduction and Economic Sustainability
  • Post-2008 Financial Reforms: Are Global Banking Systems More Resilient to Future Economic Crises?

Struggling with Your Economics Essay?

Whether it's choosing the perfect topic or writing a compelling analysis, our experts are here to help.

argumentative essay on economics

Economics Essay Topics by Categories

Economics covers a broad range of topics, from individual consumer behavior to global financial systems. To help you focus on what interests you most, we’ve broken down economics essay topics into specific categories.

Microeconomics Essay Topics

Microeconomics looks at the small-scale economic activities that affect individual consumers and businesses. Here are some specific topics to explore:

  • The Long-Term Effects of Government Price Controls on Consumer Demand for Essential Goods
  • How Minimum Wage Increases Influence Small Business Hiring Practices and Wage Structures
  • Global Supply Chain Disruptions and Local Grocery Prices
  • Market Competition as a Driver of Technological Innovation in the Tech Industry
  • The Rise of Eco-Friendly Products: How Consumer Preferences Are Shaping the Market
  • Gig Economy Platforms and Their Impact on Traditional Employment Models
  • Price Elasticity of Demand: Consumer Response to Pricing in the 2024 Smartphone Market
  • The Role of Behavioral Economics in Crafting Targeted Marketing Strategies for E-Commerce
  • How Housing Market Fluctuations Affect Rent Prices and Availability in Urban Areas
  • The Influence of Government Subsidies on Small Business Adoption of Renewable Energy

Macroeconomics Essay Topics

Macroeconomics looks at the big picture, focusing on how entire economies work and the forces that shape them. If you're interested in how things like government policies, global trends, or economic cycles impact our lives on a large scale, these topics are for you:

  • The Effect of Central Bank Policies on Inflation Rates During Economic Recovery Phases
  • Analyzing the Effects of Fiscal Stimulus Packages on Economic Growth Post-Pandemic
  • The Influence of International Trade Agreements on Global Economic Stability
  • How National Debt Levels Influence Long-Term Economic Growth in Developed Countries
  • The Economic Implications of Population Aging on National Healthcare Systems
  • Exchange Rate Fluctuations and Export Competitiveness in Emerging Markets
  • How Technological Advancements Are Reshaping Productivity Growth in Developed Economies
  • The Effects of Global Oil Price Volatility on National Economies Dependent on Energy Exports
  • The Impact of Income Inequality on Social Mobility and Economic Development
  • The Role of Government Spending in Stimulating Economic Growth During Recessionary Periods

Managerial Economics Essay Topics

Managerial economics is all about applying economic theories and methods to make better business decisions. It’s where economics meets the real world of running a company, helping managers solve problems and plan for the future:

  • The Role of Demand Forecasting in Strategic Business Planning and Inventory Management
  • How Cost-Benefit Analysis Influences Decision-Making in Large-Scale Corporate Investments
  • Pricing Strategies in Competitive Markets: Balancing Profit Margins and Market Share
  • The Impact of Outsourcing on Cost Efficiency and Operational Effectiveness in Global Corporations
  • The Economic Implications of Mergers and Acquisitions in the Technology Sector
  • The Role of Game Theory in Shaping Competitive Strategies Among Rival Firms
  • How Managerial Economics Guides the Allocation of Resources in Multinational Companies
  • The Economic Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Brand Reputation and Consumer Loyalty
  • The Influence of Economic Forecasting on Long-Term Business Strategy Development
  • Evaluating the Cost-Effectiveness of Employee Training Programs in Increasing Productivity

Consumerism Economics Topics to Write About

If you're curious about the economic side of shopping, marketing, and consumer behavior, these topics will give you plenty to think about.

  • The Economic Impact of Fast Fashion on Global Supply Chains and Consumer Spending
  • How Social Media Influences Consumer Purchasing Decisions and Brand Loyalty
  • The Role of Consumer Credit in Driving Economic Growth and Household Debt Levels
  • Analyzing the Rise of Sustainable Consumerism and Its Effects on Traditional Retail Markets
  • The Economics of Subscription Services: Why Consumers Prefer Renting Over Owning
  • How Consumer Boycotts Affect Corporate Policies and Market Performance
  • The Influence of Online Reviews on Consumer Behavior and Sales
  • The Economic Implications of Consumer Data Privacy Regulations on Digital Marketing Strategies
  • The Role of Consumer Confidence in Shaping Economic Cycles and Business Performance
  • How the Shift to Online Shopping Is Reshaping Brick-and-Mortar Retail Economics

Economics History Essay Topics

Economic history explores how economies have evolved over time, looking at the factors that have shaped economic systems, policies, and outcomes:

  • The Economic Causes and Consequences of the Great Depression in the 1930s
  • How the Industrial Revolution Transformed Economic Structures and Labor Markets in Europe
  • The Role of Economic Policies in the Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • The Impact of Colonialism on the Economic Development of Africa and Asia
  • Analyzing the Economic Effects of World War II on the Global Economy and Trade
  • The Evolution of Banking Systems and Their Role in Economic Growth During the 19th Century
  • How the Gold Standard Influenced Global Trade and Economic Stability in the Early 20th Century
  • The Economic Legacy of the New Deal Programs in the United States
  • The Role of Economic Factors in the Collapse of the Soviet Union
  • The Economic Impact of the 2008 Financial Crisis on Global Markets and Policy Reforms

Socio-Economics Essay Topics

Socio-economics looks at how society and economics interact — how our social environment affects economic behavior and vice versa. It’s all about understanding the human side of economics, from income inequality to the impact of culture on spending habits:

  • The Impact of Income Inequality on Access to Education and Economic Mobility in Developed Nations
  • How Social Class Influences Consumer Spending Patterns, Brand Loyalty, and Lifestyle Choices
  • The Economic Effects of Immigration on Local Labor Markets and Wage Levels in Host Countries
  • Analyzing Gender’s Role in Economic Opportunities and Wage Disparities Across Sectors
  • How Cultural Norms Shape Economic Behavior and Business Practices in Different Regions
  • The Socio-Economic Impact of Gentrification on Housing Affordability and Community Dynamics
  • The Role of Social Media in Shaping Economic Trends and Consumer Behavior
  • How Economic Policies Affect Poverty Levels and Social Mobility in Urban Areas
  • The Role of Education in Reducing Socio-Economic Inequality and Promoting Economic Opportunities
  • The Economic and Social Implications of Universal Basic Income: Insights from Pilot Programs

International Economics Essay Topics

If you’re interested in understanding how economies around the world are connected and how these connections impact everything from local jobs to global financial stability, these topics are right up your alley:

  • The Impact of Trade Tariffs on Global Supply Chains and International Trade Relations
  • How Exchange Rate Fluctuations Influence Export Competitiveness and Trade Balances
  • The Role of International Trade Agreements in Promoting Economic Growth Among Member Countries
  • Analyzing the Effects of Globalization on Income Inequality Within Developing and Developed Nations
  • The Economic Implications of Brexit on the European Union’s Trade and Financial Markets
  • How International Sanctions Affect the Economies of Targeted Countries and Their Trading Partners
  • The Role of Multinational Corporations in Shaping Global Economic Policies and Trade Dynamics
  • The Impact of International Aid on Economic Development and Poverty Reduction in Low-Income Countries
  • How Global Financial Crises Influence International Monetary Policies and Economic Cooperation
  • The Effects of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Growth and Industrial Development in Emerging Markets

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argumentative essay on economics

Behavioral Economic Topics to Write About

Behavioral economics is where psychology meets economics, exploring how people actually make decisions rather than how we think they should:

  • How Cognitive Biases Influence Consumer Spending Habits in Everyday Life
  • The Role of Social Norms in Shaping Financial Decision-Making and Saving Behavior
  • Analyzing the Impact of Behavioral Nudges on Retirement Savings Rates Among Different Age Groups
  • How Emotional Factors Affect Investment Decisions and Stock Market Behavior
  • The Economics of Impulse Buying: Understanding the Psychological Triggers Behind Consumer Purchases
  • How Loss Aversion Drives Decision-Making in High-Stakes Financial Situations
  • The Influence of Peer Pressure on Economic Choices Among Teenagers and Young Adults
  • How Framing Effects Shape Perceptions of Value and Influence Consumer Choices
  • The Role of Behavioral Economics in Designing Effective Public Policy and Social Programs
  • How Mental Accounting Affects Financial Planning and Budgeting Decisions

Environmental Economics Essay Topics

Environmental economics is about understanding the economic impacts of environmental policies and how economic activities affect our planet:

  • The Economic Benefits and Challenges of Implementing Carbon Tax Policies Globally
  • How Renewable Energy Investments Influence Economic Growth and Job Creation in Developing Countries
  • Analyzing the Impact of Deforestation on Local Economies and Global Carbon Emissions
  • The Role of Economic Incentives in Promoting Sustainable Agricultural Practices
  • How Environmental Regulations Affect the Competitiveness of Manufacturing Industries
  • The Economics of Water Conservation: Balancing Demand and Resource Management in Water-Stressed Regions
  • The Impact of Climate Change on Global Food Security and Agricultural Economics
  • How Circular Economy Models Can Drive Economic Growth While Reducing Environmental Impact
  • The Role of Environmental Economics in Shaping International Climate Agreements and Policies
  • The Economic Costs of Air Pollution on Public Health and Productivity

Agricultural Economics Essay Topics

Agricultural economics looks at how the business of farming works and how economic factors affect food production and rural life. If you're curious about how farmers make decisions, how food prices are set, or how agriculture shapes economies, these topics are just for you:

  • The Impact of Agricultural Subsidies on Farm Income and Production Efficiency in Developed Countries
  • How Climate Change Is Affecting Agricultural Economics in Different Regions
  • The Role of Technological Innovations in Increasing Sustainability in Agriculture
  • Analyzing the Economic Effects of Trade Policies on Global Agricultural Markets
  • The Economics of Organic Farming: Profitability and Market Trends in the 21st Century
  • How Rural Development Programs Influence Agricultural Productivity and Economic Growth in Developing Nations
  • The Economic Implications of Genetically Modified Crops on Global Food Security and Trade
  • The Role of Agricultural Cooperatives in Enhancing Farmers’ Market Access and Bargaining Power
  • How Water Scarcity and Resource Management Affect Agricultural Production and Food Prices
  • The Economics of Farm-to-Table Movements and Their Impact on Local Food Systems and Rural Economies

Financial Economic Topics to Write About

Financial economics explores how money flows through the economy, how markets behave, and how financial decisions get made:

  • The Influence of Central Bank Interest Rate Hikes on Stock Market Volatility and Investor Behavior
  • Understanding How Cognitive Biases in Behavioral Finance Affect Individual and Institutional Investment Choices
  • The Role of Financial Regulations in Preventing Economic Crises: A Case Study of the 2008 Financial Meltdown
  • The Long-Term Effects of Inflation on Investment Portfolios
  • How the Rise of Cryptocurrencies Is Disrupting Traditional Banking Systems and Financial Markets
  • The Economic Impact of High-Frequency Trading on Market Liquidity and Price Stability
  • How Venture Capital Investment Drives Innovation in the Tech Industry and Influences Economic Growth
  • The Impact of Global Financial Crises on National Monetary Policies and Economic Recovery Strategies
  • How Exchange Rate Volatility Affects International Investment Portfolios and Global Trade
  • The Importance of Credit Ratings in Shaping Corporate Financing Decisions and Access to Capital

Today’s key trends in economics include everything from digital currencies and sustainability to shifts in global trade and the impact of technology. Choosing the right economics essay topic can help you dive into these important issues and understand them better. 

If you’re still unsure about your topic or need help with your essay writing, DoMyEssay is here to support you at any stage!

International Monetary Fund. (n.d.). DataMapper . Retrieved August 20, 2024, from

argumentative essay on economics

Debate Topics

Need to write an argumentative essay? Preparing for an upcoming debate? has over 100 topics complete with pro and con arguments, quotes and statistics from experts, historical information, and other pertinent research.

Abortion – Should abortion be legal?

Alternative Energy – Can alternative energy effectively replace fossil fuels?

American Socialism – Should the U.S. become socialist?

Animal Dissection – Should K-12 students dissect animals in science classrooms?

Animal Testing – Should animals be used for scientific or commercial testing?

Artificial Intelligence – Is artificial intelligence good for society?

Banned Books – Should parents or other adults be able to ban books from schools and libraries?

Binge-Watching – Is binge-watching good for you?

Cancel Culture – Is cancel culture (or callout culture) good for society?

CBD for Pets – Is CBD good for pets?

Cell Phone Radiation – Is cell phone radiation safe?

Cheerleading – Is cheerleading a sport?

Churches & Taxes – Should churches (including mosques, synagogues, etc.) remain tax-exempt?

College Education – Is a college education worth it?

Congressional Term Limits  – Should term limits be imposed on U.S. Senators and Representatives?

Constitutional Carry of Handguns – Should permitless, “constitutional carry” of guns be legal?

Corporal Punishment – Should corporal punishment be used in K-12 schools?

Corporate Tax Rate – Should the federal corporate income tax rate be raised?

Cuba Embargo – Should the United States maintain its embargo against Cuba?

DACA & Dreamers – Are DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) and the DREAM Act good for America?

Daylight Saving Time – Should the United States keep daylight saving time?

DC AND Puerto Rico Statehood – Should Washington, DC, and Puerto Rico be granted U.S. statehood?

Death Penalty – Should the death penalty be legal?

Defund the Police – Should police departments be defunded, if not abolished?

Dress Codes – Should dress codes be implemented and enforced?

Drinking Age – Should the drinking age be lowered from 21 to a younger age?

Drone Strikes – Should the United States continue its use of drone strikes abroad?

Drug Use in Sports – Should performance-enhancing drugs be accepted in sports?

Election Day National Holiday – Should the election day be made a national holiday?

Electoral College – Should the United States use the electoral college in presidential elections?

Employer Vaccine Mandates – Should employers be able to mandate vaccinations?

Felon Voting – Should people who have completed felony sentences be allowed to vote?

Fighting in Hockey – Should fighting be allowed in hockey?

Filibuster – Should the U.S. Senate keep the filibuster?

Fracking – Should the United States continue fracking

Free College – Should public college be tuition-free?

Fur Clothing Bans – Should fur clothing be banned?

GMOS – Should genetically modified organisms (GMOs) be grown?

Gold Standard – Should the United States return to a gold standard?

Golf – Is golf a sport and are golfers athletes?

Gun Control – Should more gun control laws be enacted?

Historic Statue Removal – Should historic statues be taken down?

Homework – Is homework beneficial?

Illegal Immigration – Should the U.S. government provide a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants?

Internet – Is the internet “making us stupid?”

Kneeling during the National Anthem – Is kneeling during the national anthem an appropriate form of protest?

Mandatory National Service – Should the United States have mandatory national service?

Medical Aid in Dying (MAID) – Should medical aid in dying be legal?

Medical Marijuana – Should medical marijuana be legal?

Milk – Should humans consume dairy milk?

Minimum Wage – Should the federal minimum wage be increased?

Net Neutrality – Should the U.S. have net neutrality laws?

Obesity – Is obesity a disease?

Olympics – Are the Olympic games an overall benefit for their host countries and cities?

OTC Birth Control Pills – Should birth control pills be available over-the-counter (OTC)?

Penny – Should the penny stay in circulation?

Pit Bull Bans – Should breed-specific legislation (“pit bull bans”) be enacted?

Pokémon – Is Pokémon Go good for our society?

Police Body Cameras – Should police officers wear body cameras?

Prescription Drug Costs – Should the U.S. federal government regulate prescription drug prices?

Presidential Election, 2024 – 2024 Presidential Election Site

Private Prisons – Should prisons be privatized?

Recreational Marijuana – Should recreational marijuana be legal?

Reparations for Slavery – Should the federal government pay reparations to the descendants of slaves?

Right to Healthcare – Should all Americans have the right (be entitled) to health care?

Sanctuary Cities – Should sanctuary cities receive federal funding?

Santa Claus – Is there really a Santa Claus?

Saturday Halloween – Should Halloween be moved permanently to Saturday?

School Uniforms – Should students have to wear school uniforms?

Single-use Plastics Ban – Should single-use plastics be banned?

Social Media & Digital Addiction – Does social media spur digital addiction and other social ills?

Social Security Privatization – Should social security be privatized?

Space Colonization – Should humans colonize space?

Standardized Tests – Do standardized tests improve education in America?

Student Loan Debt – Should student loan debt be eliminated via forgiveness or bankruptcy?

TikTok Bans – Should TikTok be banned?

Uber & Lyft – Are ride-sharing companies a benefit to society?

Universal Basic Income (UBI) – Should the United States implement a universal basic income?

U.S. Supreme Court Packing – Should packing the U.S. Supreme Court ever be considered?

Vaccines for Kids – Should states be allowed to mandate vaccines for school attendance??

Vaping E-Cigarettes – Is vaping e-cigarettes safe?

Vegetarianism – Should people become vegetarian?

Video Games & Violence – Do violent video games contribute to youth violence?

Voting Age – Should the voting age be lowered to 16?

Voting Machines – Are electronic voting machines the best method for voting?

Zoos – Should zoos exist?

Archived Topics

Please note that ProCon no longer updates these debates.

ACLU – Is the ACLU good for America?

Big Three Bailout – Should the big three car manufacturers be bailed out by the U.S. government?

Born Gay – Is sexual orientation determined at birth?

Climate Change – Is human activity primarily responsible for global climate change?

College Football Playoffs – Should college football replace the Bowl Championship Series (BCS) with a playoff system?

Dakota Access Pipeline – Should the Dakota Access Pipeline be completed?

D.A.R.E. – Is the D.A.R.E. program good for America’s kids (K-12)?

Gay Marriage – Should gay marriage be legal?

Congressional Insider Trading – Should insider trading by Congress be allowed?

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict – What are the solutions to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?

Obamacare – Is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) good for America?

Paying College Athletes – Should colleges and universities pay college athletes?

President Bill Clinton – Was Bill Clinton a good president?

President Ronald Reagan – Was Ronald Reagan a good president?

Presidential Election, 2008 – Which candidate would make the best U.S. president?

Presidential Election, 2012 – Which candidate should be U.S. president in 2012?

Presidential Election, 2016 – The candidates and where they stand on the issues

Presidential Election, 2020 – 2020 Presidential Election Site

Prostitution – Should prostitution be legal?

School Vouchers – Should states have school voucher programs?

Tablets v. Textbooks -Should tablets replace textbooks in K-12 schools?

Teacher Tenure – Should teachers get tenure?

Under God in the Pledge – Should the words “under god” be in the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance?

U.S. Drone Shot down by Iran – Was the U.S. drone shot down by Iran over international waters?

U.S.-Iraq War – Should the U.S. have attacked Iraq?

WTC Muslim Center – Is it appropriate to build a muslim community center (aka the ”ground zero mosque”) near the World Trade Center site?

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Economics Essay Topics

Barbara P

180 + Easy Economics Essay Topics To Get You Inspired

13 min read

Published on: May 16, 2023

Last updated on: Jan 30, 2024

economics essay topics

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Many students struggle to find interesting essay topics in the field of economics that can captivate their readers.

Without engaging essay topics, students may lose motivation and fail to develop a deep understanding of the subject matter. They may also struggle to communicate the significance of economics in our everyday lives.

Fret not! We have compiled a list of compelling economics essay topics that will provide you with a starting point for your essay.

Let's dive into our list of thought-provoking essay topics that will inspire your writing.

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Economics Essay Topics For Students

Explore a diverse range of economics essay topics that will provide students with a deeper understanding of key economic concepts.

Economics Essay Topics High School

  • The role of consumer choice in shaping market demand and supply.
  • Analyzing the impact of international trade on the domestic economy.
  • The relationship between economic growth and standard of living.
  • Exploring the causes and consequences of inflation on the economy.
  • The impact of government spending and taxation on the overall economy.
  • Evaluating the benefits and costs of different types of economic systems.
  • The role of monetary policy in controlling inflation and promoting economic stability.
  • Analyzing the impact of income inequality on social and economic well-being.
  • The economic implications of technological advancements, such as automation and artificial intelligence.
  • Understanding the role of the Federal Reserve and its influence on the economy in the United States.

Economics Essay Topics Grade 10

  • Understanding the concept of scarcity and its impact on economic decision-making.
  • Exploring the role of supply and demand in determining market prices and quantities.
  • The benefits and drawbacks of globalization on local economies and workers.
  • Analyzing the economic impact of natural disasters and strategies for disaster recovery.
  • The role of entrepreneurship in driving economic growth and innovation.
  • Examining the influence of advertising and marketing on consumer behavior.
  • The economic consequences of unemployment and strategies for reducing it.
  • The impact of government regulations on businesses and market competition.
  • Analyzing the relationship between economic development and environmental sustainability.
  • Understanding the basics of personal finance, including budgeting, saving, and investing.

Economics Essay Topics Grade 11

  • Understanding the concept of supply and demand and its influence on market prices.
  • Exploring the role of entrepreneurship in economic development and job creation.
  • Analyzing the impact of government taxation on consumer behavior and business decisions.
  • The relationship between economic indicators (GDP, inflation, unemployment) and overall economic health.
  • The pros and cons of different economic systems (capitalism, socialism, mixed economy).
  • Evaluating the role of banks and financial institutions in promoting economic growth.
  • Examining the causes and consequences of income inequality in society.
  • The role of education and human capital in fostering economic development.
  • Analyzing the economic implications of population growth and migration.
  • The impact of technological advancements on the labor market and job opportunities.

Economics Essay Topics Grade 12

  • The impact of globalization on national economies and local industries.
  • Analyzing the role of government intervention in addressing market failures.
  • The economic implications of climate change and sustainable development.
  • Exploring the relationship between economic growth and income inequality.
  • The effectiveness of monetary policy in managing inflation and unemployment.
  • Examining the causes and consequences of financial crises in different economies.
  • The role of technology and innovation in shaping economic growth and productivity.
  • Analyzing the economic challenges and opportunities in an aging population.
  • The impact of international trade agreements on domestic industries and employment.
  • Evaluating the role of fiscal policy in stimulating economic recovery and growth.

Economics Essay Topics for College Students

  • The impact of globalization on income inequality.
  • Analyzing the economic consequences of automation and artificial intelligence.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of fiscal policy in stabilizing the economy.
  • The economics of healthcare systems and the challenges of healthcare financing.
  • Understanding the economics of climate change and the costs of mitigation strategies.
  • Exploring the economic implications of income inequality and its effects on social well-being.
  • The economics of international trade and its impact on domestic industries and employment.

Economics Essay Topics for University Students

  • Analyzing the economic impact of government debt and fiscal deficits.
  • The role of central banks in monetary policy and financial stability.
  • Understanding the economics of poverty and strategies for poverty alleviation.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of economic sanctions as a foreign policy tool.
  • The economics of natural resource depletion and sustainable resource management.
  • Analyzing the economic implications of demographic changes, such as population aging.
  • Exploring the economics of housing markets and the challenges of affordable housing.
  • The role of behavioral economics in understanding consumer behavior and decision-making.
  • Understanding the economic consequences of income mobility and intergenerational economic disparities.
  • Analyzing the economic impact of technological advancements, such as blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

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Economics Essay Topics for Different Categories 

Explore a wide range of economics essay topics tailored for various categories! 

Microeconomics Essay Topics

  • The concept of elasticity and its significance in understanding consumer behavior.
  • Analyzing the role of competition in shaping market outcomes and efficiency.
  • The economic implications of government intervention in regulating monopolies.
  • Exploring the factors influencing the pricing decisions of firms in different industries.
  • The impact of income distribution on consumer demand and welfare.
  • Examining the economic effects of minimum wage policies on employment and income.
  • The role of behavioral economics in explaining irrational consumer choices.
  • Analyzing the efficiency of market structures, such as perfect competition and monopolistic competition.
  • The economic implications of information asymmetry in markets.
  • Understanding the concept of opportunity cost and its significance in decision-making.

Macroeconomics Essay Topics

  • Analyzing the determinants of economic growth in a country or region.
  • The role of fiscal policy in managing aggregate demand and stabilizing the economy.
  • Examining the impact of international trade on the balance of payments and exchange rates.
  • The economic consequences of government budget deficits and public debt.
  • Analyzing the relationship between inflation and unemployment (Phillips curve).
  • Understanding the role of central banks in controlling money supply and interest rates.
  • Exploring the causes and consequences of business cycles in the economy.
  • The impact of demographic changes on long-term economic growth and sustainability.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of monetary policy in managing inflation and promoting economic stability.
  • The role of international financial institutions (IMF, World Bank) in global economic governance.

Managerial Economics Essay Topics

  • Evaluating the cost-benefit analysis of business decisions in different industries.
  • The role of pricing strategies in maximizing firm profits and market competitiveness.
  • Analyzing the economic implications of mergers and acquisitions in the business world.
  • Understanding the concept of economies of scale and its impact on production costs.
  • Exploring the role of market research in informing business decision-making.
  • The economic consequences of outsourcing and offshoring in multinational corporations.
  • Examining the relationship between advertising and consumer behavior.
  • Analyzing the effects of government regulations on business operations and profitability.
  • The impact of technological advancements on production efficiency and innovation.
  • Understanding the concept of risk management and its application in business decision-making.

Consumerism Essay Topics

  • The economics of consumer behavior and decision-making, including factors that influence choices.
  • Analyzing the impact of advertising and marketing on consumer behavior and preferences.
  • Understanding the economics of consumer credit and the consequences of debt.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of consumer protection laws and their impact on market outcomes.
  • The role of e-commerce and technology in changing consumer behavior and market competition.
  • Analyzing the impact of product differentiation on consumer choice and market competition.
  • Understanding the economics of brand loyalty and its impact on market outcomes.
  • Examining the relationship between income and consumption patterns in different socioeconomic groups.
  • Evaluating the role of social media in influencing consumer behavior and preferences.
  • The impact of globalization on consumerism and consumer culture in different parts of the world.

Economic History Essay Topics

  • The impact of the Industrial Revolution on economic and social changes in the 18th and 19th centuries.
  • Analyzing the causes and consequences of the Great Depression and its impact on global economies.
  • Understanding the economic consequences of World War I and World War II.
  • Examining the economic policies and reforms during the post-war era and their impact on economic growth.
  • The role of Colonization and Imperialism in shaping global economic systems.
  • Analyzing the economic impact of the Renaissance and the emergence of mercantilism.
  • Understanding the economic transformations during the Agricultural Revolution.
  • Evaluating the economic consequences of the Gold Standard and its eventual abandonment.
  • The impact of globalization on economic systems throughout history.
  • Analyzing the economic implications of major technological advancements throughout history.

Socio-Economics Essay Topics

  • Understanding the relationship between socioeconomic status and access to education.
  • Analyzing the impact of income inequality on social mobility and intergenerational economic disparities.
  • The Role of Gender and racial inequalities in shaping socioeconomic outcomes.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of social welfare programs in reducing poverty and inequality.
  • Understanding the economics of discrimination and its consequences on labor market outcomes.
  • Analyzing the socioeconomic implications of urbanization and rural-urban migration.
  • The role of social capital in promoting economic development and community well-being.
  • Examining the impact of globalization on social and cultural dynamics.
  • Understanding the relationship between healthcare access, socioeconomic factors, and health outcomes.
  • Analyzing the economics of crime and its impact on socioeconomic conditions.

Health Economics Essay Topics

  • The role of healthcare financing systems in ensuring access to quality healthcare.
  • Analyzing the impact of health insurance coverage on healthcare utilization and outcomes.
  • Understanding the economics of healthcare delivery systems, such as public vs. private healthcare.
  • Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of healthcare interventions and technologies.
  • Analyzing the economic implications of population aging on healthcare systems.
  • The role of pharmaceutical pricing and its impact on affordability and access to medications.
  • Examining the economics of healthcare disparities and the factors contributing to inequities.
  • Understanding the economics of preventive healthcare and its impact on long-term costs.
  • The role of health economics in health policy decision-making and resource allocation.
  • Analyzing the impact of healthcare reforms on healthcare access, quality, and costs.

International Economics Essay Topics

  • Analyzing the impact of trade liberalization on developing economies.
  • Understanding the economics of multinational corporations and their role in global trade.
  • Examining the economic implications of regional economic integration, such as the European Union.
  • The role of foreign direct investment in promoting economic growth and development.
  • Evaluating the impact of protectionist trade policies on domestic industries and global trade.
  • Analyzing the economic consequences of currency exchange rate fluctuations.
  • Understanding the economics of international aid and its impact on recipient countries.
  • The role of international financial institutions, such as the World Bank and IMF, in global economic governance.
  • Analyzing the economic impact of global supply chains and outsourcing.
  • Understanding the economic challenges and opportunities of economic sanctions on countries.

Behavioral Economics Essay Topics

  • Exploring the role of cognitive biases in decision-making and their impact on economic outcomes.
  • Understanding the economics of consumer behavior and the influence of psychological factors.
  • Analyzing the impact of nudges and behavioral interventions on individual choices and societal outcomes.
  • The role of social norms and social preferences in shaping economic behavior.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of behavioral interventions in promoting sustainable behaviors.
  • Examining the economics of addiction and the impact of behavioral factors on substance abuse.
  • Understanding the role of emotions and affective factors in economic decision-making.
  • Analyzing the impact of framing and context effects on economic choices.
  • The role of overconfidence and self-control in financial decision-making.
  • Understanding the economics of charitable giving and pro-social behavior.

Environmental Economics Essay Topics

  • Analyzing the economic implications of climate change and the costs of mitigation strategies.
  • Understanding the economics of renewable energy adoption and its impact on economic growth.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of economic instruments, such as carbon pricing, in reducing emissions.
  • The role of ecosystem services in economic decision-making and sustainable development.
  • Analyzing the economics of natural resource depletion and strategies for resource management.
  • Examining the economic consequences of pollution and the costs of environmental degradation.
  • Understanding the economics of biodiversity conservation and the value of ecosystem preservation.
  • The role of market-based mechanisms in promoting environmental sustainability.
  • Analyzing the economic impact of environmental regulations on industries and employment.
  • Understanding the economics of sustainable agriculture and the costs and benefits of organic farming.

Agricultural Economics Essay Topics

  • Analyzing the impact of government agricultural subsidies on farm profitability and food prices.
  • Understanding the economics of food security and the challenges of feeding a growing global population.
  • Evaluating the role of agricultural trade policies in promoting or hindering international agricultural markets.
  • The impact of climate change on agricultural productivity and adaptive strategies for farmers.
  • Analyzing the economics of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and their implications for agriculture.
  • Understanding the economic consequences of land tenure systems and their impact on agricultural development.
  • Examining the role of agricultural cooperatives in improving market access for small-scale farmers.
  • The economics of agricultural risk management and the role of insurance in mitigating crop losses.
  • Analyzing the economics of sustainable agriculture and the transition to more environmentally friendly practices.
  • Understanding the economics of agricultural value chains and the role of intermediaries in market transactions.

Financial Economics Essay Topics

  • Exploring the impact of financial innovations, such as cryptocurrencies, on traditional financial systems.
  • Understanding the role of central banks in regulating monetary policy and ensuring financial stability.
  • Analyzing the economics of stock market bubbles and their implications for investors and the economy.
  • Evaluating the impact of financial globalization on emerging markets and their vulnerability to financial crises.
  • The role of behavioral factors in financial decision-making and their impact on asset prices.
  • Examining the economics of banking regulation and its effectiveness in preventing financial crises.
  • Understanding the economic consequences of income inequality on financial markets and economic growth.
  • Analyzing the role of financial institutions in financing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
  • The impact of technological advancements, such as fintech and blockchain, on the financial sector.
  • Understanding the economics of financial derivatives and their role in managing risk in financial markets.

Tips to Select an Economics Essay Topic

When it comes to selecting an essay topic, the right choice can make a significant difference in the quality of your essay.

To help you navigate the process, here are some useful tips to consider when choosing an economics essay topic.

  • Identify your interests: Choose a topic that aligns with your personal interests within the field of economics. It will make the research and writing process more enjoyable and engaging.
  • Consider current events: Look for economic issues or trends that are currently relevant and have an impact on society. This will add relevance and significance to your essay.
  • Narrow down your focus: Narrow down your topic to a specific aspect or subfield that you find intriguing. It will allow you to delve deeper and provide a more focused analysis.
  • Brainstorm unique angles: Try to approach your topic from a unique angle or perspective. Look for gaps in the existing literature or unconventional viewpoints that can make your essay stand out.
  • Consider the scope and feasibility: Consider the length and requirements of your essay. Choose a topic that is manageable within the given constraints and time frame.

In conclusion, selecting a compelling economics essay topic is the first step towards crafting an outstanding piece of academic writing. 

However, if you're feeling overwhelmed or pressed for time, is here to help. Our economics essay writing service offers expert assistance from experienced writers who have a deep understanding of the subject matter. 

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Barbara P (Literature)

Barbara is a highly educated and qualified author with a Ph.D. in public health from an Ivy League university. She has spent a significant amount of time working in the medical field, conducting a thorough study on a variety of health issues. Her work has been published in several major publications.

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argumentative essay on economics

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Essay writing

The idea of setting essays is to offer you the chance to make a longer, more complex argument. Nonetheless, in the model we recommend, the fundamentals remain the same. In each paragraph, a flow of main idea (thesis) — explanation / reasoning (justification) — evidence / example (support) is an excellent structure to use. If you read through academic writing, you will find this structure over and over. The same is true for professional writing. There are of course other structures, however this one always works and makes you sound concise and clear.

An essay has conventional sections that it is wise to follow. These are an introduction, main body and a conclusion. The 'LSE' essay structure can be described as 'say what you're going to say (intro), say it in detail (main body), say what you've said (conclusion)'. Although this may appear repetitive, it offers the reader great clarity. Also, if you think about the executive summary, background, analysis and conclusions / recommendations sections of a business report, you can see that a similar structure holds.

In your essay, try to follow this structure for your essay sections.

        Statement about the context of the question — explain why the question in important (either in the 'real' world or for the discipline of economics)

        Give your answer to the question

        Summarise your argument in support of this answer — this summary should match the order of your paragraphs

        Decide on the most logical order of your paragraphs — this might be importance, chronology or causation, but the basic flow should be simple and clear

Start each paragraph with a sentence that clearly addresses the question itself — this will be your thesis for the paragraph and if a reader only read these opening sentences, they should make sense one after the other and provide a summary of your argument Follow the opening 'topic' sentence with your reasoning and evidence for why this opening statement is valid. Be specific, not general. The more detail you can bring in, the more expert you will sound and the more persuasive your argument will be

Conclusion Summarise your argument again — as you did in the intro (different words though!)

        Restate your answer to the essay question

        So what? — say what the significance of your answer is either in the 'real' world or to the discipline of economics


        List the books / articles you read while researching your answer

Below you'll find two essays written by students last year. Bearing the above in mind, decide which one makes the clearer argument and which, therefore, got the higher mark.

In the year 2000, there were auctions of spectrum rights for third generation mobile telephones in several European countries. These auctions generated very different amount of revenue in different countries. How can this be explained?

Auction theory as a very useful brunch of game theory is of the great interest of modern economists. Among other reasons of its popularity stands direct importance of its ideas to modern businesses and governments. Nowadays any business sector is more or less competitive, which requires all it's participants to be dynamic and creative. Modernization and expansion is a vital part of modern business world. Governments, as owners of resources that allow businesses to expand and modernize, are always ready to sell those resources as it will eventually help businesses and certainly bring revenues.

The best way for government to sell available resources is to declare an auction. That's where auction theory comes into play. Modern auction theory is a very powerful tool for designing auctions of very profitable kind. Proper auction design will rise maximum amount of money for the government and provide companies with resources they need. However actions that maximize profits for the government have a direct influence also on the life of the citizens, as Dixit puts it: "...because of significant contributions the budget, auctions affect important macroeconomic magnitudes, such as interest rates".

So, auctions held by government, and to be more specific properly designed actions directly influence the life of modern country. In this essay I would like to make a kind of short review of auctions of spectrum rights for third generation mobile phones held in Europe in year 2000. The peculiarity of these auctions lies in the fact that revenues that were generated by European governments are different as a result of differently designed actions they held. This fact allows as to trace features of the auctions that were successful and resulted in relatively high revenues for the government.

There were 6 European countries to held spectrum right auctions in 2000. They were: United Kingdom, Austria, Germany, Italy, Netherlands and Switzerland. Let's start with United Kingdom as it was the first country to hold such kind of auctions.

Strategy that United Kingdom had chosen was selling 5 licenses during classical ascending auction. Auction resulted in huge revenues: 650 euros per capita. Firstly it should be said that auctions as any normal business activity should be competitive in order to be effective. UK spectrum auction was relatively competitive attracting 13 participants. There are several reasons why this action attracted so many participants. Firstly, UK was the first country in the world to hold spectrum rights auction. Participants were not completely aware of the usefulness of 3G cell phones, but were eager to get competitive advantage in the new generation mobile communication technology. Secondly, UK sold 5 licenses to the market with 4 major phone operators. This fact attracted new entrants, since at least one of the licenses can be potentially won by new entrants to the market. Both this facts generated highly competitive auction environment and limited possible collusions. Result of the auction was a huge success for UK government.

The next country to run spectrum rights auction in 2000 was Netherlands. This auction raised 170 euros per capita. Reason of such flop, comparing to the British result was lack of competition. When auction were run there were 5 major phone operators for 5 licenses to be sold. Few entrants decided to participate in the auction, since everybody was sure that 5 licenses will be distributed among market leaders. Another factor that made things even worse was the fact that that was an ascending auction. In this case with few participants there is a risk of collusion among market leaders. Netherlands would have generated much more money if they would some how encourage competition and change the action design in such a way that it would be possible for participants other than market leaders to place bids independently of each other to reduce collusion (sealed bid).

Italy generated 240 euros per capita and attracted 6 participants. Italy intentionally reduced amount of participants by imposing a requirements that participant of the auction must satisfy. Such situation combined with the fact that Italian auction was ascending could result in possible collusions among competitors. As a result wrong auction design resulted in low revenues.

Swiss auction was a real flop. They generated only 20 euros per capita. Here amount of participants was also artificially limited by allowing participants to join into the groups. And the price that government accepts was also reduced for some reason. Number of participants was sufficient to run profitable auction, but combination of officially permitted collusions and low reserve price resulted in absolutely insufficient revenues.

German and Austrian auctions were similar. Number of participants in both countries' auctions was low, which means that there were risks of collusion. Both countries sold licenses in blocks, allowing "number of winners be determined by bidders". Additionally Austrian government set a very low reserve price. Germany and Austria generated 615 and 100 euros per capita in revenue respectively. Germany designed auction in such a way that bids of two main market players were rationalized in a way that it resulted in high revenues.

Generally, the main difference in revenues generated from spectrum rights auctions can be explained by the difference in chosen auction design. Different auction design results in different amounts of money in revenues. Countries that tried to facilitate competitive bidding and limited the possibilities of collusion enjoyed high revenues.

Klemperer say that what really matters in auction design is "robustness against collusion and attractiveness to entry". Exactly the combination or lack of one of this factors resulted in the difference in the revenues generated by European countries. Any country that wants to increase revenues from auction must try to facilitate the competition among bidders by trying to make participation in auction as attractive as possible and eliminating any barriers for participation. There should be no cooperation between participants, as it will result in lower bids and as a consequence in low revenues. Countries should not choose auction design that facilitates collusion, as ascending auction in our case.

Of course there are several other reasons for difference in revenues, among them there is a fact that UK as a country that run the first spectrum rights auction in the world, might have enjoyed high revenues simply because participants were new to the licenses and had no idea of their true value. Overall economic situations in the counties as well as political might also result in differences in revenues. But the main reason for difference in profitability of the spectrum licenses auctions is difference in auction designs which were effective in some countries and not in the others.


A.K. Dixit and S. Skeath, Games of Strategy , 2nd edition, Norton, 2004

Paul Klemperer, Auctions: Theory and Practice Electronic version of book on

In the year 2000, European auctions of 3G mobile telecommunication licenses raised over 100 billion euros in government revenues. The countries that participated were United Kingdom, Netherlands, Italy, Switzerland, Germany and Austria. There was a big differential between revenues raised in each country with United Kingdom leading at 650 euros per capita and Switzerland coming in last at 20 euros per capita. The reasons for this big discrepancy in revenues is likely due to poor auction designs and the sequence in which the auctions took place.

When it comes to auction design, the two crucial components are attracting entry and preventing collusion. Ascending auctions encourage bidders to act collusively and deter weaker potential bidders as they know that the stronger bidder will always out bid him. On the other hand, (first-price) sealed-bid auctions act in the opposite direction from ascending auctions. It does not give bidders a chance to collude and encourages weaker bidders to participate. However, the disadvantage of using a sealed-bid auction is that it is more likely to lead to inefficient results than an ascending auction. The reason for this is that sometimes bidders with a lower value may beat opponents with a higher value. Hence, there is no perfect auction design and they must be customized to suit different environments and targets.

United Kingdom was the first to hold the auctions and they are a good example of how a well-planned auction design and good marketing strategies can lead to a favourable outcome. As there were five licenses and 4 incumbents, they had an ascending auction. To prevent collusion, each license could not be shared and each bidder was allowed no more than one license. Also, the fact that at least one license was available to new entrants lead to fierce competition from nine new entrants. To top it all off, UK had a solid marketing strategy which was planned over three years (1997 - 2000). All this helped contribute to UK raising 39 billion euros and being the most successful out of all the countries that took part in the 3G auctions.

Netherlands, Italy and Switzerland made the mistake of following UK and carrying out an ascending auction when a sealed-bid auction would have served them better. This resulted in revenues less than that achieved by UK.

In the case of Netherlands, they had five licenses and five incumbents. This deterred new entrants as well as facilitated collusion. For example, Deutsche Telekom colluded with local incumbents to bid for a 3G license. A sealed-bid would have worked better as this would have discouraged joint bidding, raise higher revenues as well as give new entrants a glimmer of hope.

Italy had their auction next but failed to learn from Netherlands and UK. Their auction design was not robust and failed to adapt to the environment in Italy. They adopted the UK design but had the additional rule that if bidders did not exceed licenses, the number of licenses would be reduced. They did not realize that having one more bidder than license does not assure that the outcome will be competitive. Also, Italy had failed to anticipate that firms would react differently to those in Netherlands and UK as they now had more information. Hence, weaker bidders were discouraged by previous auctions and did not bother to participate and since the participation rate was low, it made it easier for the strong bidders to collude. A bad auction design that was not tailored to the Italian environment and a low reserve price resulted in Italy only earning less than 25 billion euros.

Switzerland was the most unsuccessful amongst all the countries that held the auctions. It raised only 20 euros per capita in its ascending auction and this can be attributed to an unfeasible auction design, badly formulated rules and an absurdly low reserve price. Since the beginning, weaker bidders were deterred by the auction form. They felt that they did not stand a chance against the strong bidders and hence did not bother participating. This resulted in little competition. Furthermore, The Swiss government committed auction suicide when they permitted last-minute joint-bidding! This resulted in nine bidders colluding to become just four. The last mistake that the Swiss government made was to set a reserve price that was way too low. Since there were four licenses and four bidders, bidders ended up paying only the reserve price.

Germany and Austria chose a more complicated auction design.

Germany's auction design was an ascending auction of twelve blocks of spectrum from which bidders could create four three-block licenses or six two-block licenses. Germany's auction design was very susceptible to collusion and deterring new entrants but they were lucky and managed to earn high revenues.

Austria, on the other hand, adopted Germany's auction design but was not so lucky and only earned 100 euros per capita. The reason for this was that there were 6 bidders competing for 12 blocks of spectrum and a very low reserve price (one-eight of the reserve price in Germany). So instead of trying to get three blocks of spectrum, the bidders divided the 12 blocks of spectrum equally and paid the reserve price. This reason lead to Austria earning less per capita revenue than UK and Germany.

The other factor that affected the amount of revenue earned by each country was the sequence in which the auctions took place. Looking at the results of the 3G auctions held in 2000, it can be seen that the most successful auctions were the first of their type (United Kingdom and Germany). The reason for this is that between auctions, bidders learnt from previous auctions, came up with new strategies and learnt more about their rivals. However, the auction designs remained almost the same and were unable to keep up with the new ideas the bidders had come up with. This resulted in the later auctions not being as successful as the first.

In conclusion, the reason for the different revenues earned amongst the countries that took part in the 3G auctions is due to the auction designs and the sequence in which they took place. Revenues depend on how well the auction design is able to attract entry and prevent collusion. Also, it has to be able to adapt to new environments. For example, a good auction design takes into account the information bidders have and the knowledge they have gained from previous auctions. A sensible reserve price is of high importance as well and should not be overlooked like in the case of Switzerland and Germany. Lastly, auction design is not "one size fits all" and the failure of the government to design an auction that suited the country's environment lead to different revenues being earned.


A.K. Dixit and S.Skeath, Games of Strategy, 2 nd edition, Norton, 2004

Professor Kenneth Binmore, "Economic Theory Sometimes Works"

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160 Good Argumentative Essay Topics for Students in 2024

April 3, 2024

The skill of writing an excellent argumentative essay is a crucial one for every high school or college student to master. In sum, argumentative essays teach students how to organize their thoughts logically and present them in a convincing way. This skill is helpful not only for those pursuing degrees in law , international relations , or public policy , but for any student who wishes to develop their critical thinking faculties. In this article, we’ll cover what makes a good argument essay and offer several argumentative essay topics for high school and college students. Let’s begin!

What is an Argumentative Essay?

An argumentative essay is an essay that uses research to present a reasoned argument on a particular subject . As with the persuasive essay , the purpose of an argumentative essay is to sway the reader to the writer’s position. However, a strong persuasive essay makes its point through diligent research and emotion while a strong argumentative essay should be based solely on facts, not feelings.

Moreover, each fact should be supported by clear evidence from credible sources . Furthermore, a good argumentative essay will have an easy-to-follow structure. When organizing your argumentative essay, use this format as a guide:

  • Introduction
  • Supporting body paragraphs
  • Paragraph(s) addressing common counterarguments

Argumentative Essay Format

In the introduction , the writer presents their position and thesis statement —a sentence that summarizes the paper’s main points. The body paragraphs then draw upon supporting evidence to back up this initial statement, with each paragraph focusing on its own point. The length of your paper will determine the amount of examples you need. In general, you’ll likely need at least two to three. Additionally, your examples should be as detailed as possible, citing specific research, case studies, statistics, or anecdotes.

In the counterargument paragraph , the writer acknowledges and refutes opposing viewpoints. Finally, in the conclusion , the writer restates the main argument made in the thesis statement and summarizes the points of the essay. Additionally, the conclusion may offer a final proposal to persuade the reader of the essay’s position.

How to Write an Effective Argumentative Essay, Step by Step

  • Choose your topic. Use the list below to help you pick a topic. Ideally, a good argumentative essay topic will be meaningful to you—writing is always stronger when you are interested in the subject matter. In addition, the topic should be complex with plenty of “pro” and “con” arguments. Avoid choosing a topic that is either widely accepted as fact or too narrow. For example, “Is the earth round?” would not be a solid choice.
  • Research. Use the library, the web, and any other resources to gather information about your argumentative essay topic. Research widely but smartly. As you go, take organized notes, marking the source of every quote and where it may fit in the scheme of your larger essay. Moreover, remember to look for (and research) possible counterarguments.
  • Outline . Using the argument essay format above, create an outline for your essay. Then, brainstorm a thesis statement covering your argument’s main points, and begin to put your examples in order, focusing on logical flow. It’s often best to place your strongest example last.
  • Write . Draw on your research and outline to create a first draft. Remember, your first draft doesn’t need to be perfect. (As Voltaire says, “Perfect is the enemy of good.”) Accordingly, just focus on getting the words down on paper.
  • Does my thesis statement need to be adjusted?
  • Which examples feel strongest? Weakest?
  • Do the transitions flow smoothly?
  • Do I have a strong opening paragraph?
  • Does the conclusion reinforce my argument?

Tips for Revising an Argument Essay

Evaluating your own work can be difficult, so you might consider the following strategies:

  • Read your work aloud to yourself.
  • Record yourself reading your paper, and listen to the recording.
  • Reverse outline your paper. Firstly, next to each paragraph, write a short summary of that paragraph’s main points/idea. Then, read through your reverse outline. Does it have a logical flow? If not, where should you adjust?
  • Print out your paper and cut it into paragraphs. What happens when you rearrange the paragraphs?

Good Argumentative Essay Topics for Middle School, High School, and College Students

Family argumentative essay topics.

  • Should the government provide financial incentives for families to have children to address the declining birth rate?
  • Should we require parents to provide their children with a certain level of nutrition and physical activity to prevent childhood obesity?
  • Should parents implement limits on how much time their children spend playing video games?
  • Should cell phones be banned from family/holiday gatherings?
  • Should we hold parents legally responsible for their children’s actions?
  • Should children have the right to sue their parents for neglect?
  • Should parents have the right to choose their child’s religion?
  • Are spanking and other forms of physical punishment an effective method of discipline?
  • Should courts allow children to choose where they live in cases of divorce?
  • Should parents have the right to monitor teens’ activity on social media?
  • Should parents control their child’s medical treatment, even if it goes against the child’s wishes?
  • Should parents be allowed to post pictures of their children on social media without their consent?
  • Should fathers have a legal say in whether their partners do or do not receive an abortion?
  • Can television have positive developmental benefits on children?
  • Should the driving age be raised to prevent teen car accidents?
  • Should adult children be legally required to care for their aging parents?

Education Argument Essay Topics

  • Should schools ban the use of technology like ChatGPT?
  • Are zoos unethical, or necessary for conservation and education?
  • To what degree should we hold parents responsible in the event of a school shooting?
  • Should schools offer students a set number of mental health days?
  • Should school science curriculums offer a course on combating climate change?
  • Should public libraries be allowed to ban certain books? If so, what types?
  • What role, if any, should prayer play in public schools?
  • Should schools push to abolish homework?
  • Are gifted and talented programs in schools more harmful than beneficial due to their exclusionary nature?
  • Should universities do away with Greek life?
  • Should schools remove artwork, such as murals, that some perceive as offensive?
  • Should the government grant parents the right to choose alternative education options for their children and use taxpayer funds to support these options?
  • Is homeschooling better than traditional schooling for children’s academic and social development?
  • Should we require schools to teach sex education to reduce teen pregnancy rates?
  • Should we require schools to provide sex education that includes information about both homosexual and heterosexual relationships?
  • Should colleges use affirmative action and other race-conscious policies to address diversity on campus?
  • Should public schools remove the line “under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance?
  • Should college admissions officers be allowed to look at students’ social media accounts?
  • Should schools abolish their dress codes, many of which unfairly target girls, LGBTQ students, and students of color?
  • Should schools be required to stock free period products in bathrooms?
  • Should legacy students receive preferential treatment during the college admissions process?
  • Are school “voluntourism” trips ethical?

Government Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Should the U.S. decriminalize prostitution?
  • Should the U.S. issue migration visas to all eligible applicants?
  • Should the federal government cancel all student loan debt?
  • Should we lower the minimum voting age? If so, to what?
  • Should the federal government abolish all laws penalizing drug production and use?
  • Should the U.S. use its military power to deter a Chinese invasion of Taiwan?
  • Should the U.S. supply Ukraine with further military intelligence and supplies?
  • Should the North and South of the U.S. split up into two regions?
  • Should Americans hold up nationalism as a critical value?
  • Should we permit Supreme Court justices to hold their positions indefinitely?
  • Should Supreme Court justices be democratically elected?
  • Is the Electoral College still a productive approach to electing the U.S. president?
  • Should the U.S. implement a national firearm registry?
  • Is it ethical for countries like China and Israel to mandate compulsory military service for all citizens?
  • Should the U.S. government implement a ranked-choice voting system?
  • Should institutions that benefited from slavery be required to provide reparations?
  • Based on the 1619 project, should history classes change how they teach about the founding of the U.S.?
  • Should term limits be imposed on Senators and Representatives? If so, how long?
  • Should women be allowed into special forces units?
  • Should the federal government implement stronger, universal firearm licensing laws?
  • Do public sex offender registries help prevent future sex crimes?
  • Should the government be allowed to regulate family size?
  • Should all adults legally be considered mandated reporters?
  • Should the government fund public universities to make higher education more accessible to low-income students?
  • Should the government fund universal preschool to improve children’s readiness for kindergarten?

Health/Bioethics Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Should the U.S. government offer its own healthcare plan?
  • In the case of highly infectious pandemics, should we focus on individual freedoms or public safety when implementing policies to control the spread?
  • Should we legally require parents to vaccinate their children to protect public health?
  • Is it ethical for parents to use genetic engineering to create “designer babies” with specific physical and intellectual traits?
  • Should the government fund research on embryonic stem cells for medical treatments?
  • Should the government legalize assisted suicide for terminally ill patients?
  • Should organ donation be mandatory?
  • Is cloning animals ethical?
  • Should cancer screenings start earlier? If so, what age?
  • Is surrogacy ethical?
  • Should birth control require a prescription?
  • Should minors have access to emergency contraception?
  • Should hospitals be for-profit or nonprofit institutions?

Good Argumentative Essay Topics — Continued

Social media argumentative essay topics.

  • Should the federal government increase its efforts to minimize the negative impact of social media?
  • Do social media and smartphones strengthen one’s relationships?
  • Should antitrust regulators take action to limit the size of big tech companies?
  • Should social media platforms ban political advertisements?
  • Should the federal government hold social media companies accountable for instances of hate speech discovered on their platforms?
  • Do apps such as TikTok and Instagram ultimately worsen the mental well-being of teenagers?
  • Should governments oversee how social media platforms manage their users’ data?
  • Should social media platforms like Facebook enforce a minimum age requirement for users?
  • Should social media companies be held responsible for cases of cyberbullying?
  • Should the United States ban TikTok?
  • Is social media harmful to children?
  • Should employers screen applicants’ social media accounts during the hiring process?

Religion Argument Essay Topics

  • Should religious institutions be tax-exempt?
  • Should religious symbols such as the hijab or crucifix be allowed in public spaces?
  • Should religious freedoms be protected, even when they conflict with secular laws?
  • Should the government regulate religious practices?
  • Should we allow churches to engage in political activities?
  • Religion: a force for good or evil in the world?
  • Should the government provide funding for religious schools?
  • Is it ethical for healthcare providers to deny abortions based on religious beliefs?
  • Should religious organizations be allowed to discriminate in their hiring practices?
  • Should we allow people to opt out of medical treatments based on their religious beliefs?
  • Should the U.S. government hold religious organizations accountable for cases of sexual abuse within their community?
  • Should religious beliefs be exempt from anti-discrimination laws?
  • Should religious individuals be allowed to refuse services to others based on their beliefs or lifestyles? (As in this famous case .)
  • Should the US ban religion-based federal holidays?
  • Should public schools be allowed to teach children about religious holidays?

Science Argument Essay Topics

  • Would the world be safer if we eliminated nuclear weapons?
  • Should scientists bring back extinct animals? If so, which ones?
  • Should we hold companies fiscally responsible for their carbon footprint?
  • Should we ban pesticides in favor of organic farming methods?
  • Should the federal government ban all fossil fuels, despite the potential economic impact on specific industries and communities?
  • What renewable energy source should the U.S. invest more money in?
  • Should the FDA outlaw GMOs?
  • Should we worry about artificial intelligence surpassing human intelligence?
  • Should the alternative medicine industry be more stringently regulated?
  • Is colonizing Mars a viable option?
  • Is the animal testing worth the potential to save human lives?

Sports Argument Essay Topics

  • Should colleges compensate student-athletes?
  • How should sports teams and leagues address the gender pay gap?
  • Should youth sports teams do away with scorekeeping?
  • Should we ban aggressive contact sports like boxing and MMA?
  • Should professional sports associations mandate that athletes stand during the national anthem?
  • Should high schools require their student-athletes to maintain a certain GPA?
  • Should transgender athletes compete in sports according to their gender identity?
  • Should schools ban football due to the inherent danger it poses to players?
  • Should performance-enhancing drugs be allowed in sports?
  • Do participation trophies foster entitlement and unrealistic expectations?
  • Should sports teams be divided by gender?
  • Should professional athletes be allowed to compete in the Olympics?
  • Should women be allowed on NFL teams?

Technology Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Should sites like DALL-E compensate the artists whose work it was trained on?
  • Should the federal government make human exploration of space a more significant priority?
  • Is it ethical for the government to use surveillance technology to monitor citizens?
  • Should websites require proof of age from their users? If so, what age?
  • Should we consider A.I.-generated images and text pieces of art?
  • Does the use of facial recognition technology violate individuals’ privacy?
  • Is online learning as effective as in-person learning?
  • Does computing harm the environment?
  • Should buying, sharing, and selling collected personal data be illegal?
  • Are electric cars really better for the environment?
  • Should car companies be held responsible for self-driving car accidents?
  • Should private jets be banned?
  • Do violent video games contribute to real-life violence?

Business Argument Essay Topics

  • Should the U.S. government phase out the use of paper money in favor of a fully digital currency system?
  • Should the federal government abolish its patent and copyright laws?
  • Should we replace the Federal Reserve with free-market institutions?
  • Is free-market ideology responsible for the U.S. economy’s poor performance over the past decade?
  • Will cryptocurrencies overtake natural resources like gold and silver?
  • Is capitalism the best economic system? What system would be better?
  • Should the U.S. government enact a universal basic income?
  • Should we require companies to provide paid parental leave to their employees?
  • Should the government raise the minimum wage? If so, to what?
  • Should antitrust regulators break up large companies to promote competition?
  • Is it ethical for companies to prioritize profits over social responsibility?
  • Should gig-economy workers like Uber and Lyft drivers be considered employees or independent contractors?
  • Should the federal government regulate the gig economy to ensure fair treatment of workers?
  • Should the government require companies to disclose the environmental impact of their products?
  • Should companies be allowed to fire employees based on political views or activities?
  • Should tipping practices be phased out?
  • Should employees who choose not to have children be given the same amount of paid leave as parents?
  • Should MLMs (multi-level marketing companies) be illegal?
  • Should employers be allowed to factor tattoos and personal appearance into hiring decisions?

In Conclusion – Argument Essay Topics

Using the tips above, you can effectively structure and pen a compelling argumentative essay that will wow your instructor and classmates. Remember to craft a thesis statement that offers readers a roadmap through your essay, draw on your sources wisely to back up any claims, and read through your paper several times before it’s due to catch any last-minute proofreading errors. With time, diligence, and patience, your essay will be the most outstanding assignment you’ve ever turned in…until the next one rolls around.

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  • High School Success

Lauren Green

With a Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing from Columbia University and an MFA in Fiction from the Michener Center for Writers at the University of Texas at Austin, Lauren has been a professional writer for over a decade. She is the author of the chapbook  A Great Dark House  (Poetry Society of America, 2023) and a forthcoming novel (Viking/Penguin).

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Research Paper Topics

Research Paper Topics for 2024: Explore Ideas Across Various Fields

argumentative essay on economics

When you start writing a research paper, it’s like diving into a big pool of exploration and analysis. A good research paper goes beyond just gathering facts. It’s more about exploring a topic, asking the right questions, and coming up with thoughtful answers. Whether you're looking at historical events, scientific discoveries, or cultural trends, the trick is to find interesting research topics that catch your interest and keep you motivated throughout the process.

This article is here to help with that sometimes tricky job of picking a topic. We’ll cover a variety of interesting research topics from different areas, making it easier for you to find one that not only fits your assignment but also grabs your attention.

But let’s be honest, picking the right topic isn’t always easy. If you’re still unsure after reading this article, EssayService is a great place to turn for help, whether you need assistance choosing a topic or writing the entire paper.

How to Pick a Topic for a Research Paper

Choosing the right topic can make or break your research paper. Here's how to make it easier:

  • Start with your interests: Pick a few areas or subjects that genuinely interest you. Narrow it down to the one that excites you the most. If you’re interested, it’ll show in your writing.
  • Check for resources: Before committing, do a quick search to ensure there are enough references available. You’ll want a topic that’s well-discussed so you have plenty of material to work with.
  • Stick to guidelines: Make sure your topic fits within any guidelines your teacher has set. Whether it's avoiding certain subjects or meeting specific requirements, this step is crucial for getting your paper off to a good start.

If you’re looking for easy research paper topics, keep these tips in mind to ensure you choose one that’s both manageable and engaging.

What Are Good Research Topics?

Choosing a successful research topic isn’t just about what sounds interesting — it’s about finding a topic that will help you produce a strong, insightful paper. Good research topic ideas should tick a few key boxes to ensure they’re both impactful and manageable.

Feature Description
🔍 Specific and Focused Narrow down broad areas like “climate change” to something more specific, like “the impact of urban development on local microclimates.” This gives your research a clear direction.
✨ Unique Angle Instead of rehashing well-covered topics like “social media and mental health,” explore a niche, such as “the effects of social media detox on productivity in college students.”
🌍 Significant Impact Choose topics that matter, like “renewable energy adoption in developing countries,” which could contribute to important discussions in your field or society.
📚 Accessible Sources Make sure there’s enough material available by checking databases for studies on topics like “the history of vaccine development” to ensure you have the resources you need.
🔥 Current and Relevant Focus on emerging issues, such as “the role of AI in cybersecurity,” which are timely and likely to interest both readers and reviewers.

Best Research Paper Topics for 2024

In 2024, new challenges and innovations are shaping the world around us, making it an exciting time to dive into research. Here are 15 detailed and highly relevant topics that will keep your paper ahead of the curve:

  • The impact of remote work on urban development in major U.S. cities.
  • Ethical implications of AI-driven decision-making in healthcare.
  • The role of social media algorithms in shaping public opinion during elections.
  • Effects of climate change on global food security and crop yields.
  • The influence of blockchain technology on supply chain transparency.
  • Mental health outcomes related to long-term social media use among teenagers.
  • Renewable energy adoption in emerging economies and its impact on local communities.
  • The rise of electric vehicles and its effect on traditional automotive industries.
  • Privacy concerns surrounding the use of biometric data in consumer devices.
  • The evolution of cybersecurity threats in the age of quantum computing.
  • Gender disparities in STEM education and their long-term effects on the workforce.
  • The economic impact of climate migration on coastal regions.
  • Implications of CRISPR technology in human genetic modification.
  • The effectiveness of universal basic income trials in reducing poverty.
  • The role of telemedicine in improving access to healthcare in rural areas.

College Research Paper Topics

These topics explore some of the most relevant and intriguing issues facing college students today, offering plenty of angles to explore in your research:

  • How student loan debt shapes career paths and financial stability after graduation.
  • Comparing online learning to traditional classrooms: What works best for today’s college students?
  • Social media’s influence on mental health and academic success among college students.
  • Diversity and inclusion: How initiatives are changing campus life and student experiences.
  • University sustainability efforts: How climate change is driving new campus policies.
  • The rise of esports: Transforming college athletics and student engagement.
  • Campus housing: How living arrangements affect academic success and student retention.
  • Balancing part-time jobs with academics: The impact on college students’ grades and well-being.
  • Navigating controversial topics: The importance of academic freedom in college debates.
  • Digital vs. traditional libraries: How technology is reshaping student research habits.
  • Study abroad programs: Enhancing global awareness and boosting future career opportunities.
  • Evaluating campus mental health services: Are they meeting students’ needs?
  • Fraternities and sororities: Examining their influence on college culture and student life.
  • Free college tuition: Exploring the economic and social outcomes in different countries.
  • Standardized testing: How it’s affecting college admissions and the diversity of student bodies.

argumentative essay on economics

Research Paper Topics By Subject

Choosing a good research topic that aligns with your academic focus can make your work more relevant and engaging. Below, you’ll find topics organized by subject to help you get started.

Research Paper Topics on Health

Health is a dynamic field with ongoing developments and challenges, making it a rich area for research. These topics cover a range of health-related issues, from public health policies to advancements in medical technology:

  • How COVID-19 has changed the approach to mental health care.
  • Adoption rates of telemedicine among different age groups.
  • Antibiotic-resistant bacteria: Exploring new treatment options.
  • Barriers to healthcare access in low-income neighborhoods.
  • Ethical dilemmas in using genetic testing for personalized treatments.
  • Success rates of mental health programs in high schools.
  • Comparing dietary patterns in managing type 2 diabetes across cultures.
  • Teen vaping trends and their connection to lung health issues.
  • Strategies for supporting healthcare needs in rapidly aging populations.
  • Tracking climate-related health issues in coastal communities.
  • Innovations in vaccine development for emerging diseases.
  • Social isolation during pandemics and its link to anxiety disorders.
  • Recent changes in U.S. healthcare laws and their influence on patient choices.
  • Exploring how traditional beliefs shape approaches to medical treatment.
  • Evaluating progress in global vaccination campaigns against childhood diseases.

Research Paper Topics on Medicine

Medicine is a vast field with plenty of areas to explore. Here are some specific topics that focus on medical advancements, practices, and challenges:

  • New techniques in minimally invasive surgery for heart conditions.
  • Developments in gene therapy for treating inherited diseases.
  • Challenges in diagnosing and treating rare diseases.
  • The role of AI in improving diagnostic accuracy in radiology.
  • Progress in personalized cancer treatments based on genetic profiling.
  • The rise of antibiotic alternatives in treating infections.
  • Stem cell research advancements for spinal cord injuries.
  • Managing chronic pain: Exploring non-opioid treatment options.
  • Trends in telemedicine for rural healthcare delivery.
  • Breakthroughs in vaccine technology for emerging viruses.
  • Long-term outcomes of organ transplants in pediatric patients.
  • Advances in robotic surgery and their impact on patient recovery.
  • New approaches to treating drug-resistant tuberculosis.
  • Innovations in prenatal care and fetal surgery techniques.
  • The future of regenerative medicine and tissue engineering.

Research Paper Topics on Media

Explore the ever-changing world of media with these fresh and relevant topics. Each one dives into the trends and challenges shaping how we consume and create content today.

  • Analyze the impact of TikTok on modern marketing strategies.
  • Investigate the role of influencers in shaping public opinion during elections.
  • Explore the effects of streaming services on traditional cable TV viewership.
  • Examine how social media platforms handle misinformation and its consequences.
  • Study the rise of podcasts and their influence on news consumption.
  • Compare the portrayal of mental health in TV shows across different cultures.
  • Track the evolution of digital journalism and its impact on print media.
  • Look into the ethics of deepfake technology in video production.
  • Research the effects of binge-watching on viewer behavior and mental health.
  • Explore the relationship between video game streaming and the gaming industry.
  • Analyze the shift from traditional news outlets to social media for breaking news.
  • Investigate how algorithms curate personalized content and influence user behavior.
  • Study the changing landscape of advertising in the age of ad-blockers.
  • Examine the role of memes in political discourse and cultural commentary.
  • Explore the use of virtual reality in media and entertainment.

Research Paper Topics on Politics

Politics is a field that’s constantly evolving, with new issues and debates emerging all the time. Whether you're interested in global dynamics, domestic policies, or the role of technology in politics, there’s no shortage of interesting topics to explore:

  • How social media is influencing voter behavior in recent elections.
  • The rise and impact of grassroots movements on political change.
  • Fake news and its role in shaping public perception of political events.
  • The effects of immigration policies on relationships between countries.
  • Populism’s growth in global politics and what it means for the future.
  • How economic inequality contributes to political instability.
  • The power of political lobbying in creating and shaping laws.
  • Challenges faced by democracies under authoritarian regimes.
  • Youth activism and its growing influence in modern politics.
  • How climate change policies are impacting national security.
  • The role of technology in improving election security and voter turnout.
  • Government approval ratings and their connection to pandemic responses.
  • Influence of international organizations on a country’s domestic policies.
  • Shifts in global trade agreements and their effects on international relations.
  • The impact of gerrymandering on election results and fairness.

Research Paper Ideas on Technology

Technology is rapidly transforming our world, offering endless opportunities for research. Here are some intriguing ideas to explore:

  • The ethics of artificial intelligence in decision-making processes.
  • How blockchain technology is revolutionizing financial transactions.
  • The role of 5G networks in shaping the future of communication.
  • Cybersecurity challenges in the era of smart homes and IoT devices.
  • The environmental impact of cryptocurrency mining.
  • Virtual reality’s influence on education and training programs.
  • How autonomous vehicles are changing urban planning and infrastructure.
  • The potential of quantum computing in solving complex global problems.
  • Social media algorithms and their impact on public discourse.
  • The digital divide: Access to technology in rural versus urban areas.
  • How wearable tech is transforming personal health management.
  • The implications of deepfake technology in media and politics.
  • The future of remote work and its long-term effects on productivity.
  • Advancements in drone technology for disaster management and rescue operations.
  • The role of big data in personalizing online shopping experiences.

Research Topic Ideas on Culture

Whether you’re interested in examining specific cultural practices or looking at how modern trends reshape traditional customs, these research topics will provide you with a focused and detailed starting point:

  • Adoption of traditional Japanese tea ceremonies in contemporary urban settings.
  • Practices of food preservation among Inuit communities in the Arctic.
  • The revival of Celtic languages in Wales and Ireland through education programs.
  • Depiction of queer relationships in Netflix original series from 2015 to 2024.
  • Evolution of traditional African hairstyles in Black communities across the U.S.
  • Transformation of street art in Berlin post-German reunification.
  • Cultural significance of Día de los Muertos celebrations in Mexican-American neighborhoods.
  • Popularity of Korean skincare routines among Western beauty bloggers.
  • Modern interpretations of Norse mythology in Scandinavian literature.
  • Changes in wedding rituals among Indian diaspora in the UK.
  • Resurgence of indigenous Australian painting techniques in contemporary art.
  • Representation of disability in children’s books published in the last decade.
  • Use of traditional Māori patterns in New Zealand’s fashion industry.
  • Changes in burial customs in urbanized areas of Southeast Asia.
  • Incorporation of First Nations symbols in Canadian public architecture.

Research Paper Topics on Math

If you're looking to explore the depth and applications of math, these research topics are both specific and engaging:

  • Applications of fractal geometry in modeling natural phenomena.
  • Mathematical approaches to solving complex optimization problems in logistics.
  • Development of new algorithms for large-scale data encryption.
  • Mathematical modeling of population dynamics in ecology.
  • The use of game theory in economic decision-making processes.
  • Exploring the mathematics behind machine learning algorithms.
  • Advancements in numerical methods for solving partial differential equations.
  • Topological data analysis and its applications in computational biology.
  • Mathematical analysis of voting systems and fairness.
  • The role of number theory in modern cryptography.
  • Predictive models for financial markets using stochastic calculus.
  • Mathematical foundations of quantum computing and quantum algorithms.
  • Applications of chaos theory in weather prediction.
  • Geometry of space-time in the context of general relativity.
  • Mathematical techniques for analyzing big data in social networks.

Research Paper Topics on Art

Art is full of fascinating details and stories waiting to be explored. If you’re into art research, here are some research topics that might catch your interest:

  • How Caravaggio used light and shadow in his religious paintings.
  • The way Cubism shaped Picasso’s "Les Demoiselles d’Avignon."
  • Gustav Klimt’s "The Kiss" and its ties to Viennese culture.
  • Hokusai’s woodblock techniques in "The Great Wave off Kanagawa."
  • Bauhaus principles that still influence graphic design today.
  • Emotions and color in Mark Rothko’s abstract paintings.
  • Leonora Carrington’s role in the Surrealist movement.
  • Gaudí’s architectural genius in designing La Sagrada Familia.
  • Industrial scenes captured in Charles Sheeler’s Precisionist art.
  • Jean-Michel Basquiat’s take on graffiti and cultural identity.
  • Frida Kahlo’s evolving self-portraits through her life.
  • Claude Monet’s unique use of light in his Impressionist works.
  • Diego Rivera’s murals as powerful political statements.
  • The simplicity and impact of Donald Judd’s minimalist sculptures.
  • How African art influenced Henri Matisse during his Fauvist period.

Research Topics on Sports

Sports offer a wide range of topics that are both intriguing and highly relevant. Here are some specific research ideas to consider if you're looking to explore the world of sports:

  • The biomechanics behind sprinting techniques in elite athletes.
  • The psychological effects of team sports on adolescent development.
  • Injury prevention strategies in professional football (soccer).
  • The impact of altitude training on endurance performance in marathon runners.
  • Gender equity in sports: The evolution of women’s participation in the Olympics.
  • The role of nutrition in recovery and performance for endurance athletes.
  • How advanced analytics are changing strategies in basketball.
  • The effects of early specialization in youth sports on long-term athletic development.
  • The influence of sports media coverage on public perceptions of athletes.
  • Technology in sports: The use of wearable devices to monitor athlete performance.
  • Doping scandals and their long-term impact on athletes' careers.
  • Mental health challenges faced by retired professional athletes.
  • The economics of hosting major sporting events like the World Cup or Olympics.
  • How climate change is affecting outdoor sports events and training schedules.
  • The evolution of sports science in enhancing athlete training programs.

In 2024, some of the most popular research topics include the impact of technology on sports, the psychological aspects of team dynamics, and the evolution of gender equity in athletics. 

If you’re still unsure about which topic to choose or need help with your essay, EssayService is a great option. Our research paper writing service can assist with everything from selecting the perfect topic to crafting a well-written paper, making the whole process a lot easier.

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20 Best Argumentative Essay Topics In Economics To Write About

No matter how many papers you have to write for your college career, economics and argumentative essays will probably give you the hardest time. Sometimes the topics are just not very easy to come up with. Here you can see 20 topics to grab your reader’s attention.

  • Patent wars: Do they help or hurt the market? How do they affect prices and sales?
  • How does the drive of a market affect the economy?
  • Will the prospect of a recession be affected by the decreased use of paper money versus using credit cards?
  • How important are small businesses to the economy? Will the decline of small business create a recession?
  • Will feminist economics be a way of the past?
  • Should pay be based on performance rather than an hourly wage?
  • How does e-commerce affect the economy as a whole?
  • Should credit card companies require young adults to take an economics class to teach them not to abuse the credit?
  • Should credit card companies add a warning page as part of their contracts?
  • Does outsourcing reduce costs?
  • Does outsourcing benefit the country receiving the work?
  • Would a European economic crisis affect other countries?
  • Do big names in business affect sales and profits? Does it encourage young people to work harder?
  • What impact does social media really have on business?
  • Would a transaction tax on buying/selling company shares diminish growth? 
  • How does government mortgage bailout impact the ability for the housing market recover?
  • Will social security be around for the next generation?
  • Are student loans actually hurting the economy’s growth?
  • How do athlete’s salaries affect the growth of the business?
  • Does illegal immigration make an effect on commerce?

Remember when you are choosing your topic to pick one that you really like. The more you enjoy your topic the easiest it will be to write about. Your enthusiasm will shine through your paper and make it more enjoyable and interesting to read. Do not wait to start putting together your project because the longer that you wait the harder it will be to remember exactly what you want to do. You want to keep notes on ideas that you have as you are writing. Your outline will help you to keep everything together in an easy way. You will love how your paper turns out if you put the right amount of work into it.

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How to write a character analysis essay, economic growth and environmental damage essay sample, example.


Though nowadays it is more often claimed that humanity can develop without causing damage to nature, there still are strong opposing arguments to this hypothesis. Development assumes economic growth, and economic growth is impossible without industry, which needs energy resources. Currently, the range of goods required by common people has expanded significantly compared to the times before modern industrial technology was employed on a mass scale. People feel the need, not only for primary essentials, such as a slice of bread and a roof over their heads, but also for various facilities and luxuries. Providing humanity with these objects involves the exploitation of natural resources. In turn, the conventional sources of energy we use today cause pollution, so economic growth is almost inevitably associated with environmental damage.

One of the aspects of economic growth that affects the environment most of all is that in order to produce more goods and products at a faster rate, the construction of large industrial plants is required. These enterprises generate mass amounts of pollution in the form of liquid waste and gaseous fumes. Liquid waste is frequently dumped in fresh water bodies, while gaseous fumes are released into the atmosphere. Liquid waste leads to the pollution of water and the damaging of aquatic ecosystems (Jion 365). Gaseous fumes pollute the atmosphere, which may cause negative, long-term health effects to nearby populations of animals or people. They also lead to the degradation of the ozone layer, which is one of the main reasons for the acceleration of global warming.

The conventional energy sources that are commonly used nowadays are considered to be the greatest polluters of the environment, and intensive rates of industrial manufacturing lead to constantly increasing energy consumption. One might say the solution lies in the usage of non-conventional sources of energy , such as tidal, geothermal, or wind energy. They are preferred due to their environmentally-friendly means of energy generation, but at the same time, they possess several critical drawbacks. The high installation cost is one of them. Besides, they are yet less effective than conventional ones, and need the accompanying political will to initiate. Transiting from one energy source to another also requires time, during which people have to make some sacrifices to support these undertakings. In a democratic country, making people accept this would pose a challenge (Robert 209).

Simultaneously, even if implemented, non-conventional sources of energy still do not resolve the problem of inflicting damage to the environment. In order to produce economically viable energy—utilizing tidal and geothermal sources—a sometimes significant distortion of the natural site is often inevitable (Robert 201). This is expensive and has substantial harmful effects on the environment. The application of wind energy would necessitate blocking the airflows’ natural velocity, which is the reason for their decrease in strength after crossing the windmill. Consequently, the pressure balance that is brought about by this current will be affected, and it is important to remember that the environment and weather conditions are directly affected by atmospheric pressure.

As one can see, economic growth is connected to environmental damage, and at the current level of development, humanity can hardly avoid harming nature. This is caused by a number of factors, such as the inaccessibility and costliness of alternative sources of energy. But the most significant reason is that constant economic growth leads to the increase in the rate of industrial production. With the expansion of industry, more conventional resources are needed, and since their usage causes severe pollution, it can be concluded that economic growth is inseparable from the damage inflicted on the environment.

Jion, Mary. Ripping the Word Apart by Our Hands . New York: Lion’s Covet Press, 2008. Print.

Robert, Gerald. The Claws of Industry . Seattle: Rain City Press, 2011. Print.

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200+ Argumentative Essay Topics That Will Blow Your Mind

Updated 04 Sep 2024

Argumentative essays are very popular projects in universities, especially in classes such as English composition, history, and political science, etc. Professors like to assign them because they want to see how well you can reason and support an argument. This article will not only show you how to choose argumentative essay topics, but it will also teach you how to write the project, as well!

List of Controversial Argumentative Essay Topics

Argumentative Essay Topics

What are the most controversial topics?

Controversial topics are often the result of such issues as conflicting ethical principles (e.g., euthanasia), going against traditional values (e.g., LGBT rights, gender roles), addressing societal taboos, focusing on delicate or painful issues/collective memories, or the existence of polarized groups in society having different beliefs/stances (e.g., religious groups, atheists, gun ownership supporters). Here are some possible topics for hardworking students who want to achieve the best grades:

Argumentative Essay Topics for College

Argumentative essay writing is a crucial skill for every student. As a college student, you need to find a “controversial” or “gray-area” topic to argue against or for. Your argumentative essay should include deeply researched facts that will support your claims.

  • What is the ideal age for obtaining the right to vote?
  • Are mobile phones really making people anti-social?
  • Why technology-aided learning should be a standard.
  • Is socialism bad or have we never implemented it right?
  • Equal opportunity or equity: Which one and why?
  • Reasons why the modern political structure is ready for a change.
  • Money won’t give you happiness in life.
  • We are living in the best era so far.
  • The ruling elite should be held accountable in greater measure.
  • Should college education be free for everyone?
  • The impact of technology on the traditional college education system.
  • Is the pressure to choose a major at a young age too high?
  • The effectiveness of online classes compared to traditional in-person classes.
  • Should universities implement mandatory courses on financial literacy?

Argumentative Essay Topics for High School

  • Are digital technologies a good thing for children?
  • Is celebrity culture good or bad & why?
  • Is there really a wage gap between men and women?
  • Should countries get involved in military conflicts around the world?
  • Is global warming really an issue & how?
  • What are the effects of sexual education on students?
  • Is migration good for the US and in what way?
  • Should citizens have the right to own guns?
  • Should sexual minorities have their own public bathrooms?
  • Is traditional public education outdated and ready for an overhaul?
  • Should high schools enforce a dress code or uniform?
  • The effects of homework on high school students' stress levels and academic performance.
  • Should high schools offer more vocational and career-oriented courses?
  • The impact of school start times on student performance and well-being.
  • Should high school students be allowed to choose their own curriculum?

Argumentative Essay Topics about Family

The family is the fundamental unit of society, with direct links to the individual. It influences/dictates many other higher level social processes/structures/hierarchies. Hence, its role for the individual and collective existence of humans is simply monumental. This makes it a topic worth researching and exploring from a sociological, cultural, and psychological perspective.

Moreover, given the current cultural transitions characterizing liberal societies, traditional values on the nature of the family unit have seen a dramatic shift due to a change in gender roles and the recognition of LGBT rights. Thus, families nowadays are facing existential questions; many of the aspects we grew accustomed to are being redefined (e.g., same-sex marriages and parents). Here is a short list of argumentative essay topics related to family:

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  • Should homosexual partners be allowed to adopt children?
  • It is ok for a parent to physically discipline his child?
  • Should mothers stay at home and look after children, or should they work like their husbands?
  • Are children better off in two-parent households?
  • Should someone who has been convicted of a sex crime be allowed to visit his own children?
  • Should children be forcibly taken from their parents if the state feels that the parents are incompetent?
  • What are the advantages and benefits of reading to children?
  • Do you believe that same-sex couples make better or worse parents?
  • What positive and negative long-term effects can corporal punishment have on children?
  • Should families have a television in the house or not?
  • Should parents monitor their children's internet use?
  • The effects of divorce on children's psychological well-being.
  • Should families adopt a more sustainable lifestyle to combat climate change?
  • The impact of single parenting vs. dual parenting on child development.
  • Should parents be held accountable for their children's actions and behavior?

Argumentative Essay Topics about Society

We are all defined by the society we live in. Whether we are aware of this or not, our culture slowly carves our personalities as we grow up, mature, and age. This influence is exerted through the families who raise us, our friends or romantic partners, our teachers/professors and academic colleagues, our professional contacts, the churches we attend, and any other person we interact with on the street, on the phone, online, etc. One of the fundamental principles by which society functions states, “My liberty ends where your liberty begins.”

While this depicts the general spirit, every individual situation/social relationship is characterized by peculiar circumstances that all need to be considered in order to reach a mutually satisfying solution (or at least a compromise). Societies worldwide are undergoing serious changes nowadays, changes which also need to be addressed. Below is a selection of argumentative essay topics related to society:

  • Should abortion be legal or illegal?
  • Do you believe that a person who is terminally ill has a right to assisted suicide?
  • Should private businesses be allowed to discriminate against their clients based on race, gender, or sexual orientation?
  • What should countries do to address the problem of illegal immigration?
  • Should the Church play a more active role in government and society?
  • Is the death penalty an effective deterrent to criminals?
  • Should countries have a social safety net that protects the needy and the disadvantaged?
  • Do you think that those receiving welfare payments should be required to actively seek work?
  • What positive and negative effects does globalization have on societies?
  • Does diversity in the workplace increase or decrease tension?
  • The impact of social media on body image and self-esteem.
  • Should the government regulate fake news on the internet?
  • The effects of urbanization on community life and environment.
  • Is the death penalty an effective deterrent to crime?
  • The role of censorship in art and media.

Argumentative Essay Topics on Immigration

Immigration is a controversial topic that has been discussed often over the past decade, which makes it perfect for an argumentative essay. It allows you to give strong reasons behind supporting, rejecting, or changing how immigration is handled.

  • How opening all the borders in the world will cause chaos.
  • Situations in which illegal immigration should be justified.
  • How do countries benefit from immigration?
  • Why stopping wars is the best way to prevent immigration.
  • Reasons why people want to emigrate to another country.
  • Will building walls stop illegal immigration?
  • Should refugees running away from conflict be seen as illegals?
  • Why are there so many people against immigration?
  • What are the effects of immigration on the economy?
  • Should governments increase the screening of immigrants from the Middle East?
  • Should countries have open borders?
  • The impact of immigration on the job market and economy.
  • Should immigrants have access to government-subsidized healthcare?
  • The role of immigrants in cultural diversity and innovation.
  • Should children of illegal immigrants be granted citizenship?

Argumentative Essay Topics about Law

To manage the complexity of interactions that occur daily within society (involving individuals or groups of people, ranging from property owners to employers and employees to commercial entities to criminals to foreigners, etc.), a clear and transparent set of rules must be implemented. This is a fundamental prerequisite of every society, even from ancient times.

Writing legislation, however, is an ongoing process; and given the speed with which new technologies appear nowadays and the shifts in mentality we undergo on a regular basis, adopting laws to help manage any problem that may emerge is quite a challenge. In fact, adopting a law might solve one problem but create others, so oftentimes, it is a cycle of trial and error.

  • Should federal bureaucracies be allowed to pass regulations that have the same weight as laws passed by legislative bodies?
  • Would Great Britain be better off if the House of Lords had veto power over the House of Commons?
  • Should judges make their rulings based on the wording of the law, or should they make rulings that benefit society?
  • Do you believe that states should be able to nullify federal law and rulings made by the Supreme Court if they believe such laws and rulings violate their rights as sovereign republics in the Union?
  • Does the Second Amendment allow for ordinary citizens to own firearms, or does it only relegate these rights to militias?
  • Does the Supreme Court of the United States have too much power over the other branches of government?
  • Should birthright citizenship be abolished by Congress?
  • Is it a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment for states to deny the franchise to criminals?
  • Is it a violation of the Fourth Amendment for the NSA to collect metadata?
  • Should prosecuting a child as an adult be considered by the Supreme Court to be a violation of the Eighth Amendment?
  • Should the death penalty be abolished worldwide?
  • The impact of gun control laws on crime rates.
  • Is the current copyright law adequate in the digital age?
  • Should hate speech be protected under freedom of speech laws?
  • The effectiveness of the juvenile justice system.

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Ethics Argumentative Essay Topics

Ethics deals with the challenge of making the right decisions from the standpoint of moral values. Oftentimes, it is involved when discussing conflicting subjects – those in which, at first sight, both conflicting positions seem to have valid reasoning and appear to be driven by high moral principles.

By delving deeper into these problems, it is often possible to see additional layers, to learn about specific circumstances, and typical case scenarios and also to dissect problems and reflect both on their causes and potential solutions. Here are a few argumentative essay topics on some ethically controversial issues:

  • Do you believe that a priest or psychologist ought to be required by law to share the contents of their conversations with parishioners and patients with the police?
  • Is it ethical for a doctor to deny treatment to a patient who cannot afford an operation?
  • Is it right for a college to have racial quotas that benefit minorities while denying entrance to academically gifted white and Asian students?
  • Should someone be allowed to use a gun to defend his home from an intruder?
  • Should the First Amendment protect speech that might be considered offensive by some?
  • Is it ethical to require sex offenders to have their names listed on registries visible to the public?
  • Is it morally acceptable to offer a white lie to someone when the truth might hurt their feelings?
  • Should prostitution be a legal career?
  • Do you think that drug use should be legalized?
  • Should hunting be considered cruelty to animals?
  • Is it ethical to use animals for scientific research?
  • The morality of capital punishment.
  • Should genetic engineering on humans be allowed?
  • The ethical implications of artificial intelligence.
  • Is it ethical to implement tracking devices on employees?

History Argumentative Essay Topics

History can be viewed as the collective memory of humankind. It typically records significant or remarkable events affecting many people or signifying important societal, cultural, or economic changes or transitions. The chief practical motivation for learning history is to avoid repeating past human errors. History also has great intrinsic value since it describes our evolution from hunter-gatherers to individuals living in extremely sophisticated societies.

Some major events on this road include the creation of laws and the rise of capitalism, money, state institutions, constitutions, and the idea of separation of powers in a state. Many recent historical events help us understand current relationships and processes occurring between countries and within societies. Check out the following topics:

  • Was colonialism beneficial to the Third World, or was it harmful?
  • Was Adolf Hitler right to demand that territory formerly belonging to Germany be returned to it?
  • Should President Abraham Lincoln have allowed the Southern states to leave the Union peacefully?
  • Do you believe that the United States was justified in expelling the Native Americans from regions inhabited by white settlers?
  • Was the Soviet Union justified in occupying Eastern Europe at the end of the Second World War?
  • What were the causes of the US-Mexican War, and what effects does it have on the world today?
  • What were the primary causes of the Indo-Pak Wars following the dissolution of British India?
  • Was Reconstruction of the American South following the American Civil War a success or a failure?
  • Why was Prussia successful in unifying Germany into a single nation?
  • What effect did the invention of the cotton gin have on American agriculture?
  • Was the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki justified?
  • The impact of colonialism on indigenous populations.
  • Should historical figures be judged by today's moral standards?
  • The effectiveness of the Treaty of Versailles in preventing World War II.
  • The role of women in World War II.

Conflict Essay Topics

The majority of conflict essay topics are dealing with challenging subjects like armed conflicts, crises, workplace issues, student debts, bullying, and more. The purpose is to identify a conflict, turn to an existing case study, and provide sources that will support an argument. Here are some conflict essay ideas that you should consider:

  • The religious constituent of conflict between Israel and Palestine.
  • The role of mediation in multicultural conflicts.
  • Parents and teens conflict: psychology vs physiology.
  • How do NGOs impact the human rights of females in India?
  • Covid-19 and Alitalia workplace conflict.
  • Konrad Lorenz and his theory of violence and conflict.
  • Peaceful conflict resolution: Gandhi vs Tolstoy.
  • Johan Galtung and Norwegian approach to world conflicts.
  • Social media conflicts: where do we cross the line?
  • An ethical side of religious conflicts and politics.
  • The role of international intervention in civil wars.
  • Can peace be achieved in the Middle East?
  • The impact of economic sanctions on conflict resolution.
  • The effectiveness of the United Nations in preventing global conflicts.
  • Cyber warfare: The new frontier of international conflict.

Argumentative Essay Topics on Health

Health topics can be very broad in their scope, ranging from a discussion of various medical conditions to arguing in favor of new treatment approaches; revealing new evidence regarding the causes of certain diseases (e.g., allergies); problems faced by the healthcare system and ways to best address them; various medical practices; the influence of modern lifestyle on our health; myths about a healthy lifestyle (and their debunking); and problems with untrustworthy medically related information on the web and how to address said problem.

  • Do you believe that healthcare should be free for all?
  • Should prisoners in the United States have the same access to healthcare as do free persons?
  • Is it ethical to perform medical experiments on animals?
  • Should medical knowledge gained from experiments performed on people in Nazi concentration camps be used today?
  • Is it better to have a private or public healthcare system?
  • How should the United States cope with an increasingly aging population?
  • Should people with sexually transmitted diseases, such as HIV/AIDs, be forcibly quarantined?
  • Is drug and alcohol addiction a disease?
  • Should military service members be allowed to sue military doctors for medical malpractice?
  • How are 21st century social conditions affecting people’s health?
  • Reasons why child vaccination is mandatory in some countries.
  • Objective facts that show how cosmetic surgery is dangerous.
  • Medical drugs should be cheaper and available to everyone.
  • How to recognize unfactual medical advice that can be encountered online?
  • Should vaccination be mandatory for all?
  • The impact of diet fads on long-term health.
  • Should healthcare be considered a right or a privilege?
  • The effectiveness of alternative medicine.
  • The impact of mental health on overall well-being.

Psychology Argumentative Topics Ideas

As a psychology student, you need to find interesting topics that are relevant to the field of psychology. Students need to use their knowledge, research, and analytic skills to write essays with reliable information that supports their claims.

  • Why is love often the topic of music lyrics?
  • How marketing subconsciously affects our minds.
  • Main reasons why kids learn to play instruments faster.
  • How emotions affect our actions and behaviour.
  • How is cyberbullying harmful to personal development?
  • How music rewires our brains and affects our development.
  • Why modern people need to prepare themselves for parenthood.
  • Why is a sense of humour different depending on the culture?
  • How bad experiences can lead to nightmares.
  • How social media creates bad values with children.
  • Is nature or nurture more influential in shaping personality?
  • The effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy versus medication in treating depression.
  • Should psychological testing be mandatory for gun ownership?
  • The impact of social media on adolescent mental health.
  • Does violent video game play contribute to aggressive behavior in children?

Argumentative Essay Topics on Education

Education is vital in the shaping of our future. The current generation of students will one day be in positions of power and manage the future of our society. Accordingly, we should attend to the needs of the current generation and ensure their harmonious and qualitative intellectual, moral, and physical development. We should also help them not only to adapt to the requirements of these times but also to have the skills, wisdom, and determination necessary to progress in the right direction (addressing current global problems).

Here is a list of topics:

  • Should children with special needs be taught separately from normal children?
  • Should standardized test scores be used to determine whether or not a student graduates?
  • Do you believe that Common Core will benefit the American education system?
  • Should the curriculum in public schools be determined by local communities or by the state?
  • Which system is better: teacher-centered or student-centered education?
  • Should schools include athletics as part of school life, or should school be solely for academic purposes?
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of a classical education?
  • Compare and contrast learning methodologies of the 19th and 20th centuries.
  • How can parents facilitate learning in the classroom?
  • Should teachers be friends with their students?
  • Should middle-school students choose their subjects?
  • How to balance free speech and regulations on campus.
  • How the COVID-19 pandemic made distance learning mainstream.
  • Why are younger generations ready to switch to online learning?
  • Should standardized testing be abolished in schools?
  • The impact of technology in the classroom: distraction or learning enhancement?
  • Is homeschooling a better alternative to traditional schooling?
  • Should college education be made free for everyone?
  • The effectiveness of sex education in schools.

Topics on Foreign Policy

The topics below address international diplomacy, discussing such issues as armed conflicts, frozen conflicts, commercial treaties and commercial wars, military alliances or cooperation, weapons commerce, peace-keeping operations, and traditional and emerging ties between countries.

The foreign policy of a country is often determined by politics, national interests, economic circumstances, social issues (e.g., low tolerance against immigrants), values, and traditions as well as any history of diplomatic ties. Feel free to check the options below for inspiration:

  • Should the United States engage in rapprochement with Russia?
  • Do you believe that the European Union is beneficial to Europe?
  • Is it a good policy for the EU and NATO to expand in Eastern Europe?
  • Should the United States guarantee the security of South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan against China, Russia, and North Korea?
  • Is Great Britain justified in leaving the European Union?
  • What should Ukraine’s foreign policy be as a result of American and Russian interference in her domestic affairs?
  • Should South and North Korea unify, or should they remain separate countries?
  • What foreign policy objectives should the Biden administration pursue?
  • How can Russia and the United States achieve a lasting peace in Syria that is beneficial to both nations and Syria?
  • How has terrorism affected the foreign policies of the United States and Russia?
  • Should the international community intervene in human rights abuses in sovereign countries?
  • The effectiveness of economic sanctions as a foreign policy tool.
  • The role of the United Nations in maintaining global peace.
  • Should countries prioritize national security over international cooperation?
  • The impact of foreign aid on developing countries.

Economics Argumentative Essay Topics

A strong economy is essential for the well-being of a nation since it serves as the engine for individual prosperity, infrastructure projects benefiting millions, well-financed medicine, education, and the military—which, in turn, is the guarantor of national safety.

Argumentative essay topics related to the economy may deal with policies regarding economic development (tax cuts versus increased taxation for big corporations/small and medium enterprises; protectionism versus joining free-trade treaties), socio-economic doctrine (socialism/communism/capitalism), the investigation of reasons behind economic crises, indices of a strong economy, and how to solve economic problems in developing countries.

  • Should developed nations adopt socialism?
  • Which economic system is better for society: capitalism or socialism?
  • What are some of the reasons why communism failed in the Soviet Union?
  • Is buying shares speculation or is it investing?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of an economy oriented towards exporting commodities?
  • What were the causes of the recession of 2008, and how might such an economic downturn be avoided in the future?
  • Did President Roosevelt’s New Deal policies help to end the Great Depression, or did they protract America’s economic woes?
  • What economic policies should Third World countries adopt to improve their global status?
  • Should countries adopt protectionist or free-trade policies?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages to being in a customs union?
  • Is capitalism the best economic system for wealth distribution?
  • The impact of minimum wage laws on employment rates.
  • Should governments bail out failing industries?
  • The role of cryptocurrency in the future of the global economy.
  • Is universal basic income a viable solution to poverty?

Military Science Topic Ideas

According to a popular saying, “if you don’t want to feed your own army, be prepared to feed the enemy’s army” – this summarizes the role played by the military for any given nation. While, according to the statistics of the last decades, we seem to be moving away from wars, these still occur and given the weaponry of today, they can be very destructive.

Nowadays, military science is not only concentrated on the use of strategies and tactical maneuvers but also on the mastery of a number of advanced technologies (nuclear weapons, drones, AI-powered devices, lasers, satellites).

  • Can wars be won solely by strategic bombing, or are ground forces necessary to achieve victory?
  • Can mechanized units be used to take urban areas, or is light infantry, supported by artillery and aircraft, better suited for this role?
  • When waging a counterinsurgency in another country, should reprisals be taken against civilians in order to deter them from aiding the opposition force?
  • Is it morally acceptable to use chemical and biological munitions as area denial weapons?
  • What role did sea power play in the emergence of Great Britain as the premier superpower of the 19th century?
  • Why, despite arguably having the best army in the world, did Germany still lose the Second World War?
  • In a total war, where the objective is to replace the enemy’s government and completely occupy his country, do the means justify the ends?
  • Are aircraft carriers still useful on the modern battlefield, or have they been rendered obsolete by recent developments in air and submarine warfare?
  • Should the United States military seek to weaponize space?
  • Can artificial intelligence and machines replace soldiers on the battlefield?
  • The future of unmanned combat vehicles in warfare.
  • Should cyber warfare be considered a legitimate military strategy?
  • The ethics of using artificial intelligence in military operations.
  • The role of space exploration in national security.
  • Should nuclear weapons be globally abolished?

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Sports Argumentative Essay Topics

Are you a sports fan? Even if you are not, you can still pick relevant and interesting subjects to discuss and explore in your upcoming assignment. First, you will have to choose your position and make sure you have a clear idea of your thesis statement. Then, you will have to come up with relevant evidence to support both sides of the argument. Check this list of controversial essay topics in relation to sports:

  • Stereotyping for college athletes: Is playing sports going to affect your academic level?
  • Cheerleading is a real sport: Are cheerleaders shamed for what they like to do the most?
  • Colleges spend too much money on sports programs.
  • Animal sports should be banned and criminalized.
  • The types of ads broadcast during sports events watched by children and teenagers should be controlled.
  • Betting on all kinds of sports contradicts with the main purpose of practicing them.
  • Male and female athletes should be given the same salaries and chances.
  • Chess is a real sport that trains the most important organ in the body: the brain.
  • Is American football too dangerous for players?
  • Do elite athletes really deserve their enormous income?
  • Should college athletes receive salaries?
  • Is the use of technology in sports (e.g., VAR in soccer) beneficial or detrimental?
  • Do sports stars deserve their high salaries?
  • Should performance-enhancing drugs be legalized under medical supervision?
  • Is cheerleading a sport?

6th-Grade Argumentative Essay Topic Ideas

For a middle-school student, picking the right topic for your upcoming essay can be a real challenge. Although you might think that you are better off when your teacher assigns the topic, it can be fun to make the choice on your own. Here are some topics that are appropriate for hardworking students who want to achieve the best grades.

  • Should education be free for everyone?
  • Why are children becoming more obese?
  • Current academic grading system: Is it fair?
  • What are the negative effects of following a nutritional diet?
  • Getting enough sleep: Is it receiving enough attention?
  • Should children and teens be playing dangerous sports?
  • Should violent video games be prohibited by law?
  • What is the effect of mobile phones on children and teens?
  • Parents should have no control over the lives of their children once they turn 16.
  • Are children and teens doing what they have to do to overcome globalization?
  • Should school cafeterias only offer healthy food options?
  • Are pets better companions than siblings?
  • Should homework be banned in schools?
  • Can video games be educational?
  • Should schools start later in the morning?

8th-Grade Argumentative Essay Topic Ideas

  • Smokers should avoid smoking when non-smokers are nearby.
  • Why taking care of your diet is important.
  • What makes pop culture so appealing to the younger population?
  • How is reality tv actually different from reality?
  • Why people in important positions make more money.
  • Why teachers shouldn’t add students on social media.
  • Why everyone should have access to the internet.
  • How the environment affects our growth as a person.
  • Differences in social pressure girls and boys face.
  • Should students have a say in their curriculum?
  • Is climate change the biggest threat to our future?
  • Should plastic bags be banned in all stores?
  • Are smartphones harmful to middle school students?
  • Should the voting age be lowered to 16?

Argumentative Essay Topics on Technology

Technology plays a crucial part in our lives, and this role keeps on growing every single day. Our technological breakthrough is currently improving the quality of life for millions of people, but it is also changing life as we know it. Here are some controversial topics to write about:

  • Is technology turning us into present-day zombies?
  • Is technology making people feel lonely?
  • Online dating: Is it replacing the real thing?
  • Is technology limiting creativity in young people?
  • Do you think that humanity will reach a point where there is no chance for any technological advancement?
  • Spending money on exploring space: the cost and the benefits.
  • The effect of technology on education.
  • Is technology making people smarter or dumber?
  • Can technology be used to treat human problems related to feelings?
  • Should cloning be allowed or banned?
  • Will artificial intelligence surpass human intelligence?
  • Is technology making us more alone?
  • Should self-driving cars be legal?
  • Is the digital age lowering people's attention spans?
  • Are smartphones harmful to our personal relationships?

Social Media Argumentative Topics

The rise in popularity of different social media platforms has caused a lot of changes across the globe. For starters, memes and trends spread too fast that one single meme can be viewed and shared by millions of people in one hour. Privacy, safety, and social responsibility are becoming extremely important as more people are relying on social media to communicate, study, work, and affect the lives of others.

  • What is the right age to allow children to have their own private social media accounts?
  • Does spending too much time on social media ruin family and personal relationships?
  • Social media pranks and challenges: Are they really dangerous?
  • Social media platforms can change someone’s point of view and bias.
  • Should social media platforms be monitored and controlled?
  • Are funny memes ethical?
  • Reporting offensive social media content: Is it really worth it?
  • International trends and how they affect the way we behave.
  • Are YouTubers responsible for comments their fans publish on their posts?
  • Making money off social media.
  • Does social media promote unrealistic expectations about life?
  • Should there be age restrictions on social media platforms?
  • Does social media enhance or hinder interpersonal relationships?
  • Is social media responsible for the spread of fake news?
  • Should employers look at potential employees' social media during the hiring process?

Funny Argumentative Essay Topics

Who said that education shouldn’t be fun? Picking the right funny topics will spice up the atmosphere in class and stir up a few laughs. Here are some ideas to think about before you decide on the topic of your next paper.

  • Why do people like to watch funny cat videos?
  • The reason why more people are interested in watching funny pranks.
  • Our world would be different if dogs ruled it.
  • Why are clowns frightening?
  • Pretending that you are actually working: Is it good or bad?
  • Teenagers have the worst pay for the worst jobs.
  • Reasons to love and hate your last name.
  • How to get rejected on a date.
  • Annoying your parents: Is it worth it?
  • Telling lies and getting away with them.
  • Should cats or dogs rule the world?
  • Is pineapple an acceptable pizza topping?
  • Are aliens avoiding Earth because it's too boring?
  • Should schools teach students how to become famous YouTubers?
  • Is watching cartoons acceptable for adults?

Rogerian Argument Essay Topics

When a college professor asks you to come up with a Rogerian argument essay, it means that you should provide an essay with argumentation where both sides win. It may seem quite complex as it takes a great share of analysis, persuasion, debates, and study of the counter-arguments that are often contradictory or go against the most common logic. The solution is to choose a Rogerian argument where your audience should see at least two examples of an issue or the same idea like it has been done below:

  • Should Bitcoin be made a fully legal currency as a way to maintain the world's economy?
  • Should more skilled people be provided with better job positions?
  • Are current school examination systems fair to determine a child's success?
  • Should college athletes be paid more because they represent an educational institution?
  • Is Internet censorship an advantage since it provides control?
  • Marketing on children's television: is it a correct or a totally wrong approach?
  • Should school uniforms be permitted as a way to achieve equality?
  • Does automation help us as we become fully dependent on technology?
  • Is punishment of children a way to bring up well-behaved personalities?
  • Should boarding schools still exist as a way to let students communicate and live in a restricted learning environment?
  • The balance between freedom of speech and hate speech.
  • Finding common ground in gun control debates.
  • Addressing climate change: economic growth vs. environmental protection.
  • The middle path for abortion rights discussions.
  • Balancing national security and individual privacy.

Environmental and Climate Change Topics

In a world where the environment is at the forefront of global discussions, debates, and policies, choosing a topic that resonates with current realities and future aspirations is crucial. The following list of environmental and climate change topics is curated to spark thoughtful discussions and arguments that echo the urgent need for sustainable practices, conservation efforts, and transformative policies. These topics are designed to provoke critical thinking, encourage research, and inspire a collective commitment to addressing our planet's pressing environmental challenges. Dive into these discussions with a sense of purpose and exploration, and you'll find a wealth of knowledge and perspectives that illuminate the path to a sustainable future.

  • The Role of Renewable Energy: Should governments globally prioritize renewable energy sources over fossil fuels to combat climate change?
  • Plastic Pollution: How effective are bans on single-use plastics in reducing plastic pollution, and should more countries adopt such bans?
  • Deforestation and Climate Change: Should there be stricter international laws to prevent deforestation and promote forest conservation?
  • Sustainable Agriculture: How can sustainable agriculture practices be promoted to combat environmental degradation and ensure food security?
  • Urban Planning and Environment: Should cities adopt green urban planning techniques to reduce environmental pollution and promote sustainability?
  • Ocean Acidification: What measures should be taken to prevent ocean acidification and protect marine biodiversity?
  • Climate Change and Natural Disasters: Is climate change directly responsible for the increase in frequency and severity of natural disasters?
  • Waste Management: How can waste management practices be improved to promote recycling and reduce landfill waste?
  • Water Conservation: What role do water conservation practices play in preventing water scarcity and promoting environmental sustainability?
  • Biodiversity and Conservation: Should more protected areas be established to conserve biodiversity and protect endangered species?
  • Air Pollution and Public Health: How does air pollution impact public health, and what measures should cities take to improve air quality?
  • Global Warming Mitigation: What global actions are necessary to mitigate the impacts of global warming and prevent catastrophic climate change?
  • Should governments invest more in renewable energies?
  • Is climate change the biggest threat facing humanity?
  • Can individual actions significantly impact climate change?
  • Should plastic products be banned to reduce pollution?
  • Are electric vehicles the solution to global pollution?

Arts and Culture Topics

Arts and culture are the mirrors of society, reflecting our history, values, and diverse identities. The following topics invite you to explore the multifaceted world of arts and culture, encouraging a deeper understanding of its transformative impact on individuals and communities. These subjects aim to ignite discussions on the significance of artistic expression, cultural preservation, and creative innovation in shaping societal narratives and human experiences. Engaging with these topics will allow for a rich exploration of the dynamic interplay between arts, culture, and contemporary societal issues, fostering a nuanced appreciation of the arts' role in enriching our lives and societies.

  • Impact of Digital Art: How has digital art transformed artistic expression and appreciation in the modern era?
  • Cultural Appropriation in Art: Where is the line between cultural appreciation and cultural appropriation in various forms of art?
  • Music and Mental Health: Can music be effectively used as a therapeutic tool for mental health improvement?
  • Historical Accuracy in Movies: How important is historical accuracy in films, and what impact does it have on societal perceptions of historical events?
  • Social Media and Art Exposure: Has social media positively or negatively affected artists' ability to showcase their work and gain exposure?
  • The Role of Museums: How do museums contribute to education and the preservation of culture and history?
  • Censorship in the Arts: Should there be limitations on artistic expression to prevent offensive or harmful content?
  • The Influence of Art on Society: How does art influence societal norms, values, and attitudes?
  • Cultural Impact of Literature: How does literature contribute to the preservation and transmission of culture and historical narratives?
  • Diversity in the Film Industry: What steps should be taken to promote diversity and inclusion in the film industry?
  • The Evolution of Dance: How has dance evolved as a form of cultural expression, and what influences have shaped its development?
  • Art Education: What is the importance of art education in schools, and how does it contribute to students' overall development and creativity?
  • The impact of digital media on traditional art forms.
  • Cultural appropriation in fashion and art: Where is the line?
  • The role of street art in urban culture and politics.
  • The evolution of music genres and their cultural significance.
  • How do museums shape our understanding of history and culture?

Science and Research Topics

Science and research are the cornerstones of innovation and progress in society. The following topics delve into the realms of scientific discovery and exploration, encouraging a thoughtful examination of the advancements, ethical considerations, and impacts of research in various fields. These subjects aim to foster discussions on the role of science in addressing contemporary challenges, advancing technology, and enhancing our understanding of the natural world and human existence. Engaging with these topics will facilitate a deeper appreciation of the transformative power of scientific research and its capacity to shape a better and more informed future.

  • Ethics in Scientific Research: How should ethical considerations shape scientific research, especially in sensitive areas like genetics and biotechnology?
  • Space Exploration and Colonization: What are the potential benefits and risks of human colonization of other planets, such as Mars?
  • Artificial Intelligence: How will the advancement of artificial intelligence impact various sectors such as healthcare, education, and employment?
  • Vaccine Development: What lessons have been learned from the rapid development of COVID-19 vaccines that can be applied to future vaccine research?
  • Climate Change Research: How can scientific research contribute to a better understanding and mitigation of the impacts of climate change?
  • Nanotechnology: What are the potential applications and ethical implications of advancements in nanotechnology?
  • Renewable Energy Technologies: How can research and innovation in renewable energy technologies contribute to a sustainable future?
  • Biodiversity and Conservation: What role does scientific research play in the conservation of biodiversity and natural ecosystems?
  • Mental Health Research: How can research in psychology and neuroscience contribute to improved mental health treatments and interventions?
  • Genetic Engineering: What are the potential benefits and ethical considerations of genetic engineering technologies such as CRISPR?
  • Cybersecurity: How can research in cybersecurity help protect against emerging threats and ensure data privacy?
  • Sustainable Agriculture: How can scientific research contribute to the development of sustainable agriculture practices and food security?
  • The ethics of genetic editing: The CRISPR technology debate.
  • The potential of renewable energy sources to replace fossil fuels.
  • The role of artificial intelligence in healthcare.
  • The impact of microplastics on marine ecosystems and human health.
  • The future of space exploration: Mars colonization.

These lists provide amazing ideas that you can use in your upcoming assignment. Browse them and make sure you choose a relevant topic to discuss in your writing.

What are good topics for college essays?

Good college essays may explore problems or challenges faced by students or youth, career choices, educational opportunities, and inspiring people; they may also address global or local challenges faced by the current generation of students, the dangers and potential they will be exposed to, and the change they need to bring to this world.

These topics can also serve as very good argumentative speech topics, too!

The Principles of Formatting Academic Papers

Academic papers are normally required to abide by a specific formatting style that is characteristic to the field (APA, MLA, Chicago, Harvard, etc.). This preference for a given formatting style is primarily dictated by the nature of the content, the type of in-text citations, bibliography, and formatting of the page header and/or footer that works best with such content. Additionally, supporting claims with deeply researched facts is crucial in academic writing to ensure credibility and thoroughness.

MLA uses the author-page number format for in-text citations and lists the first names of the authors in the bibliography section. This is better suited for precisely referencing information in humanitarian subjects, characterized by long works written by one or few authors.

In contrast, APA uses an author-year format and is thus better suited for sciences. Mentioning the year as part of in-text citations makes it easy to visualize the chronology of the research cited in the paper. At the same time, APA collapses first names in the bibliography section to initials, which is very handy when the number of authors involved is large, a frequent scenario in scientific publications. Finally, providing page numbers, in this case, makes less sense given that scientific publications are typically short and often published in online documents without explicit numbering.

You could download and use templates for the appropriate formatting styles to take a shortcut and save lots of time. The most basic elements required by a given format would be accounted for in these templates: margins, font size, page headers, indentation, first-level, and second-level headings, the format of bibliography sources, page numbering, footnotes and endnotes, title pages, etc. It’s often a good idea to check an essay format example before you start working on your own.

How to Prepare Your Essay

There are multiple steps you should take in order to learn how to write an argumentative essay of excellent quality:

Research your argumentative essay ideas

Whatever topic you choose, you are going to have to do some reading up on it because chances are that you don’t know as much about the subject as you think you do. Ensure that your claims are supported by deeply researched facts to make your essay more credible.

The best research strategy is to find five reputable sources that support your argumentative essay ideas and read each while taking notes on the relevant sections. For each source you use, write down the book’s title, the author’s name, the publishing information, and the page numbers where you took the information. This will come in handy when you put together your bibliography.


To organize your thoughts, you should engage in a brainstorming exercise called pre-writing. Get out a piece of paper and a pen and start scribbling down every thought related to your project. Go through this list you’ve created and eliminate any idea that you believe won’t help you while keeping those you can use. Eventually, you will have a list of words and sentences that you can use to formulate the text of your essay.

Outlining is the process where you organize your text before you begin writing. Write your thesis statement down on a blank piece of paper; underneath it, write short sentences that summarize what you want to say for each paragraph in your main body. For your conclusion, write a short sentence in plain language that restates your argument, demands a call-to-action, or leaves a warning. When you have a completed argumentative essay outline , you will have a step-by-step guide that you can follow.

Once you begin writing your argumentative research paper topic or social issues essay topic , follow the structure you wrote down as best as you can—but at the same time, don’t be a slave to it. You are the master of your work, and if you believe that you should try something different in your paper than what you have written in your outline, by all means, do it.

Do not do all of your writing on the same day. Work on your project a little bit at a time so you don’t have to cram to get everything done at the last minute. If you have to write your entire essay in one day, do your best to give yourself breaks so you don’t burn out.


When you are done with your essay, check it not only for grammatical errors but also for logical fallacies as well. Useful note: aside from opting to buy college essay , you can also contact an editing service. Alternatively, consider showing the final version of the essay to a family member or friend.

To sum up, when writing your argumentative essay, you should follow these guidelines: identify reliable sources addressing the topic and write down all relevant bibliographic details to identify the sources later; research your question, search for evidence supporting your arguments and refuting or supporting your counterarguments; take notes throughout the process; brainstorm ideas to be included in the paper; outline the structure of the essay; do the writing, and proofread the final product.

Every professor pays attention to the structure of the submitted essay, especially the argumentative one. This is why you should master it and be confident while writing. Here is a basic argumentative essay structure for you to follow, emphasizing the importance of deeply researched facts to support your claims:


The introduction is where you introduce your topic to the reader. Here you should write your thesis statement, a one- to two-sentence statement that summarizes the position you will take in your essay. Be logical. Narrow down your thoughts and be straightforward. Your thesis statement is the most important part of your essay as it shows your position regarding the topic. Demonstrate your attitude towards the topic and support it with arguments in the body paragraphs.

Here you must present valid evidence to support whatever claim you made in your thesis statement. Place this information in the body of your composition in a manner that seems logical to you. Make sure you present your supporting facts in a way your audience can understand. Start every paragraph with a topic sentence that supports the thesis. Continue with the evidence you found in outside sources. You can provide a direct quotation or paraphrase. Remember to cite it properly in order to avoid any plagiarism accusations. Later on, interpret this piece of evidence; show how you understand it and how it relates to the topic. Finish the paragraph with a concluding sentence, providing a short summary of the paragraph along with a transition to the next passage of the essay.

After presenting the evidence for your argumentative essay topic and backing up your claims, you must then refute opposing arguments. Use evidence such as statistics and expert opinion that contradicts and disproves the position of your opponent. Do not be afraid that it will worsen your own position regarding the chosen topic. On the contrary, it will help you demonstrate your ability to contradict your opponents’ arguments and stick to your opinion.

Once you have presented your evidence and refuted your opponents’ positions, it is time to write your conclusion. You can do several things with your conclusion. You can restate your argument, which is a very common practice amongst essayists. You might also consider calling on your audience to engage in a specific action or behavior—a call to action. Also, you can leave your audience with a warning, telling them that there might be dire consequences if they do not take your arguments seriously.

What are the five parts of an argumentative essay?

A standard argumentative essay consists of five paragraphs: one paragraph containing the thesis (the claim); two paragraphs with supporting arguments/evidence; a paragraph listing potential counterarguments along with their rebuttal; and a paragraph with a persuasive conclusion.

Tips for Choosing Good Argumentative Essay Topics

Which idea should you go for? Theoretically speaking, we could say that the sky's the limit; however, you should follow certain guidelines when deciding your next brilliant writing idea for your upcoming essay or paper.

It should be interesting:

The idea of your next piece of writing should be subject to debate. In other words, you should be able to do the necessary research to find differing opinions regarding the idea you have chosen. It also should be interesting to you, your professor, and the audience who will most likely read or listen to your essay. It is difficult to write about a topic that you personally find boring or dull. Since you have the opportunity to choose your topic, choose wisely. The more interesting your idea is, the better you will be able to write about it. You should also make sure you have the knowledge needed to work on your writing. Being able to choose your own idea gives you an excellent chance to excel.

Avoid using pure facts:

An interesting argumentative essay should be controversial. You shouldn’t depend purely on facts because the purpose of your assignment is to express an opinion. Students might be tempted to rely on facts only; but to make a good argument, you should also be able to state what you think. Researching to find appropriate argumentative essay ideas will take some time, but it is totally worth it. You should also do some brainstorming to come up with relevant evidence to include in your paper.

Your topic shouldn’t be too wide:

When you look for controversial topics, you might be tempted to choose subjects that are way too broad to discuss. This can be a real problem when you are writing because you will get lost or overwhelmed. The more specific your essay or paper is, the better the quality of your writing will be. A very wide topic is going to be confusing for you as well as for your audience.

You shouldn’t be biased:

There are many issues that may interest you. But when you pick one, make sure you don’t have extremely strong feelings about it. When you are working on the proposal of your writing, try to choose a subject that is not too sensitive and touches you on a personal level. The purpose of your writing is to provide your audience with a persuasive piece of writing. By picking the right subject and working on your thesis statement, your essay will have relevant evidence that makes it worth reading.

Work on your evidence:

Just because you believe in something doesn’t necessarily mean that it is good enough to be included in your writing. It is crucial to back yourself up with sufficient supportive pieces of evidence to validate your viewpoint. Spend time to do adequate research to provide enough evidence for your opinion and the opposing opinion at the same time. This proves that you have worked hard to support your argument by using reliable information.

You can take the risk:

Topics for argumentative essays should be special and unique. This is your chance to stand out and pick something that others might have tried to avoid. Don’t be scared to take the risk if it is properly calculated. Common themes are way too boring and will not deliver the message you mean to send to your audience. But if you are going to choose a unique and controversial topic, you should make sure you can provide enough information. Include enough data to argue for both sides of the argument.

Read also: 60 Narrative Essay Topics for Students

Use Our Argumentative Essay Ideas and Tips to Get Higher Grades

With the help of our topic generator for essay and our interesting list of topics, you are guaranteed to get a high grade! To achieve this, it is crucial to support your claims with deeply researched facts. But if time is running out and you have better things to do than write boring essays, the professional writers of EduBirdie can provide you with high quality essay writing help , or they can do your paper for you! Contact our customer service representatives today and get prompt answers to your questions.

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Written by David Kidwell

David is one of those experienced content creators from the United Kingdom who has a high interest in social issues, culture, and entrepreneurship. He always says that reading, blogging, and staying aware of what happens in the world is what makes a person responsible. He likes to learn and share what he knows by making things inspiring and creative enough even for those students who dislike reading.

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Guest Essay

Kamala Harris and Donald Trump Are Shredding Basic Economic Good Sense

The faces of Kamala Harris and Donald Trump superimposed on graph paper.

By Roger Lowenstein

Mr. Lowenstein is the author of “Ways and Means: Lincoln and His Cabinet and the Financing of the Civil War.”

In a speech on economic policy in Raleigh, N.C., this month, Kamala Harris uncorked a beautiful riff that slammed a certain policy proposal as nothing more than a “national sales tax” on the American public, one that would raise the price of “everyday products and basic necessities” and cost the typical family $3,900 a year.

For once, a presidential candidate was speaking like an economist — or at least, a practical policymaker with a realist’s grasp of supply and demand.

The proposal she knocked was that of her opponent Donald Trump — namely, a tariff of as much as 20 percent (and considerably higher on Chinese imports). Ms. Harris got it right: Tariffs are a tax, paid by American consumers. They make the country poorer. When Mr. Trump tried them, that resulted in no new net jobs, and American consumers, including employers that depend on foreign steel, were stuck with higher prices, hurting homegrown industry.

Moreover, other nations retaliated against U.S. exports. In retrospect, America produced a little bit more in areas where it is less competitive, such as washing machines, and sold less of what it does best, such as soybeans. That nonsensical result is why Mr. Trump’s proposed tariff expansion remains one of the two worst ideas to surface in the campaign.

Unfortunately, the other one was unfurled in the same speech and with equal violence to free-market principles. Ms. Harris promised to seek federal authority to control food prices. Whereas she was hard-hitting and specific in describing Mr. Trump’s failed tariff policy, she was censorious and vague in pitching price controls. She wouldn’t go after all companies, only “bad actors” that “exploit crises” by “price gouging.”

Forget that her proposal addresses a problem that no longer exists (over the past year, food prices rose a mere 1 percent ) and that supermarkets operate on notoriously thin margins. More dismaying was her seeming ignorance that price controls, almost without exception, have led to shortages, supply chain disruptions and eventually higher prices. When Ms. Harris pledged to crack down on “opportunistic” offenders and restrict “excessive corporate profits ,” she seemed unaware that exploiting opportunities for profit is exactly what private enterprise is intended to foster (Henry Ford, Steve Jobs, Warren Buffett — opportunists all).

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