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homework charts

July 27, 2018 By Katie 3 Comments

Back to school brings mixed emotions in my home. For the kids, of course, it’s mostly sadness that the hazy lazy days of a hot summer have come and gone. It’s back to school and “too much homework” as they always say. For myself, as a Mom of a growing brood, there are the pros: first day of school signs and pictures, cute back to school clothes, quieter and more productive days, etc. But with the start of school, there is also the realization that I only get so many fun summers with my little ones before they want to hang out with their friends more than Mom. 😪 I also know that those clothes and supplies can cost a small fortune and with school comes endless homework, extracurricular activities, and the endless stream of paperwork and dates and times to remember for  each  child. Yep, definitely a mixed bag!

Of all the mixed emotions there is a constant that always seems to be a source of frustration in our home: homework. When it comes to homework I’m very, very comfortably between the  tiger moms and the free-rangers, who respectively are strict disciplinarians who want sky-high academic results at all times and parents content to let their kids learn by doing and being independent as possible.

I’m not saying any of the either of the above approaches are more correct than the other, to each their own and every child needs to be parented in the way that suits them best. But I’m definitely not going to lose it if my kids miss a day of homework. Neither am I going to let them just play every day. Balance in all things is my philosophy. I’d assume most Moms rest in this cozy middle area with me. 🙂

In order to find the balance between too much and too little homework, I’ve spent some time creating homework charts, checklists, and planners for a variety of situations. ( I’ll be adding more and more over time so check back if you don’t see the one you want. Or leave a comment and I might  be able to squeeze in some time to create new ones based off reader feedback.). You may also like these printable first day of school signs and bedtime routine charts too. #justsayin.

I hope one of the ones below, whether you use rewards or eschew them, works for your family and each specific child no matter what parenting style you use in your home! Just click on the text links below each preview image to download your PDF and then print your preferred hw chart for your home.


Below are a variety of weekly homework charts and planners. While they vary a little bit most of them allow some combination of assignments or class, days of the week, dates, due dates, daily reading tracking, and some form of completion in the form of a checkbox or otherwise. I hope these weekly homework planners make life easier this year!

homework class chart


free printable weekly homework chart


homework checklist chart


weekly/daily homework chart


weekly 8-subject homework chart


weekly homework chart for kids



The charts below are set up for monthly tracking BUT just because they are monthly homework charts doesn’t mean you can’t set rewards at the daily or weekly level. I’ve always found it to be more effective when I tailor the rewards to each child and subject. Sometimes they need a reward on a daily basis (really struggling to form a good habit), sometimes on a weekly basis and sometimes the reward is such that they better do their homework for an entire month if I’m holding up my end of the bargain! So, whether you use these as a homework sticker chart or simply use checkmarks or something else entirely, hopefully, you’ll find a method that will work for your child! Even better if we can inspire them to  love learning and the reward chart becomes a temporary aid to unlock a lifetime of learning!

homework sticker reward chart


kids monthly homework rewards chart with printable gold stars!


monthly homework reward chart


printable kids monthly homework log


kids homework and rewards chart


If you’re feeling generous, I’d love a re-pin  (or a pin of the image below) or facebook share if you have a second. But, as always, no obligation.

free printable homework charts for kids

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[…] since you’re here, don’t miss out on these free printable bedtime routine charts and homework charts/planners as things settle back into the normal day to day school routine. You also won’t want to miss […]

[…] use some of that coveted nightly free time to take requests. 🙂 Make sure you check out these printable homework charts and first day of school printables while you’re getting ready for the school […]

[…] with it so many things to keep track of – the papers! The schedules! The shopping lists! The homework and assignments! All of the meal planning for the crazy busy […]

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Boy Mama Teacher Mama

homework class chart

Teacher Mama: FREE Easy Homework Chart

homework class chart

Easy Homework Chart

Updated new design.

Boy Mama Teacher Mama  FREE Easy Homework Chart

As a teacher who assigns homework that has to be turned in, the chances of the whole class actually completing it and turning it on time is pretty slim.  I was always frustrated that I spent the time coming up with meaningful homework for the class and that some parents did not value it enough to sit down with their child and do it. I understand that there are always extenuating circumstances that prevent homework from being done at times, but I am talking about continual offenders.  I also felt that the children who did their homework consistently and on time should get some sort of kudos and recognition. While at a teacher’s workshop somewhere a long the way, the presenter shared this idea (or something similar) and it worked wonders! It motivated the kids who did not turn their homework in to do so and it rewarded those that did it each week.

Screen shot 2015-10-15 at 7.10.11 PM

I created a chart that looks like the one above on poster board and laminated it.  Each week when it was time to turn in homework, the children handed me their work, I checked to be sure it was complete (not all correct) and they were able to put their initials in one square on the chart.  As the weeks went on, the chart began to fill up with the initials of the students in the class.

Screen shot 2015-10-15 at 7.28.53 PM

When the chart was full, we gathered together and I had two piles face down on the floor in front of me.  In one pile was a set of cards with the letters h-o-m-e-w-o-r-k and in the second pile was a set of cards numbered 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8.  I asked one student to pick a card from each pile and share them with the class.  The letter and number chosen became coordinates on the chart and whoever’s initials were in that box, was able to pick a prize from the prize box (pencils, stickers, erasers etc). I usually chose three sets of coordinates so three students “won.”

For example, using the chart above, if the coordinates w4 were chose, the winner would be C.E.

Boy Mama Teacher Mama: Easy Homework Chart

So, the more often homework was returned, the more times each student could add his name to the chart and had more chances he had to “win.” Even a student who only turned in one assignment in a three week period still had a chance, though less, to get a prize.  After we were done, we erased the board and started over.

Not only was this a helpful motivator for students to complete their homework, but there were quite a few skills being taught as well such as coordinates, writing initials properly and probability.

This idea can easily be adapted to the home too for chores or other household responsibilities.

Boy Mama Teacher Mama: Easy Homework Chart

Click image to download the NEW UPDATED templates!

Boy Mama Teacher Mama FREE HomeworkChore Chart

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5 thoughts on “ Teacher Mama: FREE Easy Homework Chart ”

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This is a great idea! I have two boys ages 3 and 5 too!

Thank you! Glad you like it!

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homework class chart

[FREE PRINTABLE] Homework Chart

By Chelsea Foy

It’s back to school time, and for lots of us that means it’s time to get kids excited about homework! Okay, if not  excited then at least…organized. And if that’s your goal, I’ve got just the thing for you. This quick printable homework chart is the perfect tool to help kids keep track of all of their schoolwork and whether or not it’s been done. It’s customizable, so you can add different classes or subjects, and even has plenty of space for extracurriculars . If you need a little boost to get the school year started, print out a few of these and help your kiddo get to work!


  • printer and printer paper or card stock
  • printable homework chart


Step 1 : Download and print the homework chart on card stock or plain paper.


Step 2 : Help your child fill out the chart. Begin with the week’s dates at the top, and fill in all school subjects along the left hand side. As the week progresses, have your child write each assignment in the corresponding box. Once the assignment has been done, there’s a check box to mark off so they know it’s completed at a glance. If there’s no homework in a certain subject, write “None.” 


Step 3 : Fill in any extra boxes as you see fit—those are a great place for extracurriculars like music, sports, and so on.

Step 4 : If you child has required reading, fill in that column with minutes or materials read.

Step 5 : Enjoy the organization and have a great school year!


More DIY Homework Aids:

  • 12 Inspiring Homework Area Ideas to Steal
  • Get Your Child Organized for Getting Homework Done
  • 3 Tips for Making Homework Time Hassle Free

Chelsea Foy

Chelsea Foy is a blogger by day and a musical theatre performer by night. Her blog, Lovely Indeed , focuses on a DIY lifestyle and all of the happiness that comes along with it. Chelsea recently co-authored Make Your Day , a digital crafting book, and is proud to have had her projects featured on HGTV, Buzzfeed, Babble, Apartment Therapy, Huffington Post, and more. Chelsea resides in Los Angeles with her most adorable husband Ryan, where they spend their time diligently becoming familiar with every shop, restaurant, beach, and flea market within a 50-mile radius.

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Home / Behavior Charts / Advanced Homework Chart

  • Advanced Homework Chart

homework class chart

How to Use an Advanced Homework Progress Tracker

The homework progress tracker allows you and your child to keep track of several homework related activities. It is important that you help your child with this for the first few weeks to ensure that your child understands ho to use it. You could also involve your child’s teacher with certain portions of this chart. For example, you could ask your child’s teacher to initial the chart when an entire homework assignment has been turned in. This might be more appropriate for some children, particularly those who have a history of being dishonest about school work.

Before you begin, you should decide where you will keep the chart. For this chart, it might be best to slide it into the front outside of a binder with a clear plastic cover, or slide the chart into a clear sheet protector inside the binder. It is important that the chart is in a place that is readily accessible and visible. Kids who have ADHD can benefit if the chart is in a spot where they will easily see it. This will help them remember to use it.

Step 1: Establish The Baseline

To begin, enter your child’s class subjects in the left hand column. For the first week you simply sit with your child and go through the worksheet together each day. Working one subject at a time, have him either check “None” if there is no homework, or have him do his homework before checking the “Done” box. The “Packed” box should be checked after the assignment is put in the child’s folder and/or backpack. Your child is responsible for checking the “Turned In” box when he hands in each assignment the next day. Once his homework is done, enter checkmarks for the appropriate boxes on the lower Task section of the worksheet. You may add other tasks if desired. If something is not complete, simply leave the box blank. It is not recommended to put any negative words or symbols such as “No” or a frowning face.

At the end of the week, count up the number of checkmarks your child earned each day or for the entire week. This is the baseline. Now that you know the baseline, you can set a goal for the following week.

Step 2: Establish a Goal

You can set daily goals, weekly goals, or both. Here are some examples:

Daily goal and reward system: The maximum number of checkmarks your child can earn each day with the chart unmodified is 22. Suppose your child currently gets about 10 check marks each day. It is not reasonable to ask your child to immediately begin getting 22 check marks each day. Rather you want to start where he is and slowly work forward. You might make it a goal for your child to get 15 checkmarks per day next week. Each day your child reaches 15 checkmarks next week, he would earn a reward such as an extra half hour on the computer.

Weekly goal and reward system: You could also offer weekly rewards. You count up the baseline total of checkmarks during the first week- let’s say 50 for the week as an example. For the next week you might set a goal for your child to earn 65 checkmarks. If he gets 65 or more checkmarks next week, this would earn him a larger reward on the weekend such as going to the movies.

Step 3: Continue to Evaluate Progress

As your child achieves each goal, you can slightly increase the goal for the following week. Don’t hesitate to mix up the rewards if your child is getting bored, or offer two choices for your child to choose from.

  • Behavior Chart for Preschool Kids
  • Chore Chart for Children
  • Multiple Behavior Chart for Kids
  • Simple Homework Chart
  • Single Behavior Chart for Kids
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Printable Homework Charts

Susie is an experienced writer and educator with a master's degree in education and another in education/library media. She has written on various health topics.

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Free printable homework charts help kids at any grade level in a public, private, or homeschool setting get organized and stay on task. Kids with any organizational style can find a homework chart that will work for them without a lot of extra effort.

LoveToKnow Printable Homework Charts

Start the school year off right by printing enough homework charts to get your child through the entire year. Teachers can also use them to organize and plan their homework assignments in advance. Click on the image of the chart that works best for you to download and print. If you need help downloading the charts, check out these helpful tips .

Simple Weekly Homework Checklist

Children in preschool and kindergarten can use this simple weekly homework chart to write in their one assignment for each day of the week. A check box after each day can be used by kids to check when the assignment is complete or for parents to initial that the work is done.

Fun and Easy Homework Chart

Little kids will love the fun graphics on this list-style homework chart. This printable is great for kids who don't get assignments on a daily basis because it only features sections for the subject or task and completion. One page might last you a day, week, or month depending on when homework is assigned.

Homework Chart List

Keep track of homework assignments based on the date they were assigned with this list-style homework chart. Kids can write in the date, subject, and assignment then indicate when a project or task is complete.

Homework Assignment List

Kids in a self-directed learning environment can use the printable homework assignment list to keep track of assignments. There is a space to write the subject, assignment, and completion date so kids can stay organized even when they don't have deadlines.

Homework Chart by Subject

A weekly homework chart separated out by subject helps keep older kids in upper elementary and middle school organized. Simply write in your assignments for each subject with the date they are due. As you complete each homework task, you can check off the box to indicate it's finished.

Homework Chart for Teachers

Teachers at any grade level who want to involve parents in homework time can use this homework chart for teachers and parents. Parents and teachers can keep tabs on long-term projects from week to week by having kids check the "in progress" box to show they've started it.

Purpose of Printable Homework Charts

Why should you use printable charts ? Structure, organization, and immediate feedback are just a few reasons why weekly homework charts may be the answer to your prayers regarding your child's academic performance. You can take away privileges, ground them, and use other forms of punishment, but until you help your child solve his or her organizational issues, you're really not solving the problem. Some ways a homework chart can help your child include:

  • Keep assignments organized long-term
  • Stay motivated to complete homework
  • Feel a sense of accomplishment when checking off assignments
  • Reinforce positive child behavior and promote responsibility
  • Commit assignments to memory through the act of writing them down

Homework Chart Ideas

Homework charts are easy to find and print, but they aren't always easy to use. Keep in mind that if you focus too much on the chart, however, your child may begin to resent it. You want this to be a positive experience, not a negative one! Help your child create a new habit and make the most of these organizational tools using creative means>

  • Create a notebook filled with homework charts that serve as an instant checklist for kids, parents, and teachers to access and review.
  • Assign one color for each subject by printing each chart in a different color or using a colored pencil to color in the subjects.
  • Attach a file folder or magnetic clip to your refrigerator and place each week's homework chart in the folder or on the clip so it's seen daily.
  • Add a reward system like putting star stickers next to work completed then offer a reward like going to dinner or a movie for a certain number of stars.
  • Address any consequences for failing to use the homework chart adequately such as limiting TV time.
  • Review the charts at the end of each week with your child to emphasize the importance of organization and reinforce topics.

Success Through Organization

Kids' lives are busy and it's easy to forget about things like small homework assignments. Give your kids the tools they need to succeed in school such as homework charts and other organizational tools.

101 Planners

Homework Planner

Our free homework planner printable will keep you organized and on top of your homework assignments. We also offer a digital version if you prefer. Both are free.

Homework planner

Homework Planner Template

Our free homework planner printable will keep you organized and on top of your homework assignments. If you prefer a digital version, you can open the PDF homework trackers on an iPad and write on them with a note-taking app and stylus (see digital planner ).

Select any homework planner template from the selection below. Select a format that you think will work best for you.

Homework Calendar

When I was a student, I personally loved using a homework calendar. It helped me see the bigger picture and take all of my obligations into account. You can use the homework calendar template as is or you can edit it to suit your needs. Add your list of assignments below. Add each assignment to the calendar on the due date. This is a blank calendar that you can use for any month.

Homework Calendar

Word | Editable PDF | Image

The following homework schedule is similar to the one above but it doesn’t have a list of assignments.

Homework Calendar Template

Add your list of assignments or homework on the due date. Mark each one once you have completed it.

Daily Homework Planner

This daily homework planner will help you keep track of assignments received and due.

Homework Planner

Word | Editable PDF | Image | Excel

Homeword Planner

Editable PDF | Image

Weekly Homework Planner

This weekly school planner will keep track of the assignments and homework you received all week and when each one is due. There is also a checkbox to mark it when it is complete.

Homeword tracker

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday

Homework Tracker

Thursday and Friday

Homework Planner Template

Homework Checklist

Homework Checklist

If you select the Excel version, then there is a dropdown list to select the subject, priority, and status. You can edit the list of subjects under the “subjects” tab. Each subject is automatically assigned a color code . All assignments that are due the next day are colored red. Assignments due that week are orange and those that are due that month are yellow.

Word | Editable PDF | Excel | PNG

This homework tracker can track your homework assignments, the subjects, due dates, and the status of each assignment. There is a dropdown list to select the subject and each subject will be marked with a different color. To change the list of subjects, go to the subject tab and list each subject. The priority can be either urgent, high, normal, or low. The status is either “to do” or “done”. You can change the priority or the status in the tabs.

Assignment Tracker

This Excel spreadsheet keeps track of assignments, who is responsible for each, and when each assignment is due. The color of each assignment changes according to the due date. When the assignment is due it will turn yellow. You can also open this spreadsheet on Google Sheets.

Assignment tracker

What is a homework planner?

This is a planner to track your homework and assignments to ensure that you prepare and submit everything on time. An assignment planner can keep track of all your assignments and is a great tool for priority management. However, if you have other obligations such as tests, social and family gatherings, etc, it might be better to prepare a planner that takes all your obligations into account. If you have a family gathering the day before a test, then you will know you will need to start studying one day earlier than you would have. If you don’t keep track of deadlines and everything you need to do, you might find yourself stressed or too late to get everything done. Planning will take the stress out of school and help you be more productive and organized.

How to use an assignment tracker?

Learning how to manage your time is an essential skill that will be needed later on in life as well. Time management is something that sets efficient people apart from those who do not manage their time well and get little done or even fall apart when stressed. Our job as parents is to give our children the skills and tools to manage their time well and get things done, even when they have a lot on their plate.

Start helping your kids to get organized when they are young. Help them write their assignments in their planner. Help them organize their time and schedule. The younger they are, the less they have on their plate. This is the time to help them acquire the skills they will need when they are older and obligations start to become more overwhelming. Remind your kids to review their planner regularly until it becomes a habit. By the time they are older, in high school or college, they will be able to manage their time efficiently.

It isn’t enough to write assignments and homework in a planner when you receive them. In order for a planner to be efficient, you will need to review it regularly. Start a daily habit where you check your homework calendar daily to see what needs to be done. This should be part of your child’s daily routine. If it isn’t feasible to check daily, then it should happen at least once or twice a week. If that doesn’t work, then try setting reminders on your phone.

How to make a homework planner?

Choose whether you want a weekly assignment planner or a daily or monthly planner. Whatever works for you. Scan the templates on this page and see which one you think will be the most helpful. If you like it as-is then download the PDF version. If you prefer to edit it to meet your specific needs then select the Microsoft Word version and edit as you please. Make it work for you.

If you feel comfortable using a spreadsheet then try the assignment deadline spreadsheet template above.

If you are a college student, then you might want a comprehensive student planner that includes a homework tracker:

  • College Student Planner (our free student planner includes a class schedule and all other tools you will need during the school year)
  • Best Planners for College Students
  • School Calendar Template

Photo of Nicole

2 thoughts on “Homework Planner”

amazing resources for students- thank you.

Thank you for your wonderful collaboration with these material 🙂

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printables and planners

Printable Homework Planners to Help Students Get Organized

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free printable homework planner

If you’re a parent, you know how incredibly overwhelming it can be for students to stay on top of studying and all other homework assignments.

Especially when they’re juggling multiple classes.

Due dates can pile up quickly if they aren’t staying organized and managing their time wisely.

However, there is a tool that can be quite helpful – A printable homework planner! You’ll find a few different styles below.

Weekly homework planners

These free printables will help students plan and track all their assignments for each day of the week.

They can write down the class, a description of the homework assignment, and when it’s due. Once it’s completed it, check “done” and move on to the next!

I recommend printing a few copies at a time. Encourage your middle schooler or high schooler to keep one in their binder.

free printable assignment tracker

Monthly homework calendars

In addition to weekly planners , older students may benefit from a blank homework calendar as well.

It’s nice to have a bird’s-eye view of each month.

Some of these templates have extra lines below the calendar for writing down reminders and other misc. notes.

homework calendar printable

Monthly assignment and exam trackers

Some students may prefer a simple running list of what’s due each month.

With these trackers, they can write down the class, jot down a quick description of what’s due (whether it’s a basic assignment, project, or exam), and the due date.

And, of course, once the assignment is finished, they can mark done.

monthly assignment and test tracker

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ACN Latitudes

Printable Homework Charts for Kids

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Homework Charts Introduction

Ah-h-h-h, the evergreen challenge of making sure the kids’ homework is done. You can make life easier by using one of our versatile Homework Charts to take the guesswork out of expectations. Some kids, especially those with attention difficulties, do better with a chart to help keep them focused. Others like checking off items when completed, much as  adults enjoy clearing a to-do list. Of course, then there are those who try to avoid homework as much as possible. The chart reminds them of your expectations.

Aim High Midde High School Homework Chart (Fillable)

Chore charts, behavior charts, potty charts, and much more

Behavior charts, award certificates, feelings charts, and much more

Selecting a Homework Chart

We’ve developed Homework Charts for primary ages to teens. You’ll know as a parent when you need to start the process to provide structure and an incentive with homework. You don’t need to start a chart until it is needed. (In fact if you have a youngster who handles all the homework without intervention, give yourself a star!)

Using Our Printable Homework Charts

You may want to include details, like by what time homework should be started. Or you may want to simply focus on academic subjects. You can include different aspects of homework: Bringing assignments and books home, packing up completed work properly for taking to school, and a spot for turning in work. Be sure to sit down and have a discussion with your child. For older students, come to an agreement on how the homework should be approached. Nail down expectations, and determine a reasonable incentive. It feels great to get work out of the way without you having to keep reminding them; let our Homework Charts help.

Behavior Chart Guide:  Get helpful tips on using charts (plus 10 bonus charts and a free poster)

Keep it Interesting

We suggest rotating the chart from time to time to help keep young children involved with the chart. Don’t forget that Premium and Pro Members at Latitudes.org can type directly onto these charts. We recommend printing a few at a time, then complete another chart in a similar manner, and keep them in a file folder ready for use.

Enjoy and Have Fun!

If you like using our Homework Charts, then please use our social share buttons to tell your friends and family about them.

Be sure to check out all of the other charts and printables we offer on our site by navigating our menu. We also suggest for you to follow us on Pinterest  for more helpful goodies! We regularly post behavior charts and other useful behavioral tools to our followers.

If you have any ideas on new charts that you would like to see us offer, then please send us a note . We would love to hear from you!

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  • Knowledgebase

How to set up homework file submissions

There may be times where it is necessary to collect documents from pupils when they have completed their homework. Class Charts provides you with the option to set up homework tasks where pupils and / or parents can upload file submissions.

By default, a pupil or a parent can upload a maximum of five files for each homework task. To change this upload limit for your school , please contact us .

To enable homework file submissions at your school, click on the three lines menu  in the top right hand corner of the page and select  School settings  from the list of available options.

homework class chart

Next, select  Pupils & Parents from the menu on the left hand side.

homework class chart

You will be presented with a list of settings that control what is displayed through pupil and parent accounts.

To allow submissions from pupils, set Allow pupils to upload homework via pupil account  to  Enabled .

homework class chart

To allow submissions from parents, set Allow parents/carers to upload homework and mark as done via parent account  to  Enabled .

homework class chart

Setting up a homework task to allow homework file submissions

To set up a homework task to allow homework file submissions from pupils and / or parents, start by entering the class you wish to set homework for.

homework class chart

Next, click on the Homework tab along the top of the page.

homework class chart

The homework sidebar will appear on the Set homework tab, where homework tasks are published and assigned to pupils. To allow homework file submissions, tick the checkbox labelled Allow files to be uploaded as homework submissions .

Once you have set up your homework task, click on the  Publish homework task button to make it available to pupils.

homework class chart

Pupils and / or parents will now see an option to upload homework files when they view a homework tasks in more detail .


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    Quickly and easily set homework from in the class or at home within Class Charts. To ensure your pupils are keeping on top of homework you can use the Class Charts Homework module to manage the homework process remotely. Our Homework Module will make it easy for schools to effectively track and set homework and send out any other necessary ...

  2. Printable Homework Charts for Teachers & Students

    Using Our Printable Homework Charts. Using a Homework Chart can help take the stress out of the parental role of making sure homework is completed. When a child or teen understands what is expected and can see the chart posted as a reminder, it can provide a needed nudge. Others need more than a nudge (!) and will need expectations clearly ...

  3. School Seating Planner & Behavior Management Software: Class Charts

    Join over 180,000 other teachers already using Class Charts. Request your demo. Tes Global Ltd, registered in England (Company No 02017289) with its registered office at 26 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4HQ. VAT No: 867 898 631 email: tel: , fax: Class Charts is super fast behavior management software, creating school seating plans in seconds.

  4. How to create a homework template

    To create a new homework template from scratch outside of a class, click on the Homework calendar tab along the top of the page. Next, click on the Templates tab. You will be presented with a list of homework templates that have been created in your school. Click on the Create new template button. The Templates tab will now display a similar ...

  5. Homework (Reward) Charts

    WEEKLY HOMEWORK CHARTS. Below are a variety of weekly homework charts and planners. While they vary a little bit most of them allow some combination of assignments or class, days of the week, dates, due dates, daily reading tracking, and some form of completion in the form of a checkbox or otherwise. I hope these weekly homework planners make ...

  6. Teacher Mama: FREE Easy Homework Chart

    As the weeks went on, the chart began to fill up with the initials of the students in the class. When the chart was full, we gathered together and I had two piles face down on the floor in front of me. In one pile was a set of cards with the letters h-o-m-e-w-o-r-k and in the second pile was a set of cards numbered 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8.

  7. Class Charts

    Class Charts is super fast behaviour management software, creating school seating plans in seconds. Link our behaviour & seating plan software with SIMS, Powerschool & more +44 (0)1348 800 100 English (UK) English (UK) English (US) Cymraeg; Español; Français; Italiano; Nederlands ...

  8. [FREE PRINTABLE] Homework Chart

    Step 1: Download and print the homework chart on card stock or plain paper. Step 2: Help your child fill out the chart. Begin with the week's dates at the top, and fill in all school subjects ...

  9. How to set a homework task

    Class Chart's homework module allows staff members at your school to set homework tasks and keep track of homework submissions. To set a homework task, start by entering the class you wish to set homework for. Next, click on the Homework tab along the top of the page. The homework sidebar will appear on the Set […]

  10. Free Printable Homework Chart from Empowering Parents

    Step 1: Establish The Baseline. To begin, enter your child's class subjects in the left hand column. For the first week you simply sit with your child and go through the worksheet together each day. Working one subject at a time, have him either check "None" if there is no homework, or have him do his homework before checking the "Done ...

  11. Printable Homework Charts

    Start the school year off right by printing enough homework charts to get your child through the entire year. Teachers can also use them to organize and plan their homework assignments in advance. Click on the image of the chart that works best for you to download and print. If you need help downloading the charts, check out these helpful tips.

  12. How to upload your homework to ClassCharts

    How to upload your homework on ClassCharts

  13. FREE Printable Homework Planner Template

    Homework Planner Template. Our free homework planner printable will keep you organized and on top of your homework assignments. If you prefer a digital version, you can open the PDF homework trackers on an iPad and write on them with a note-taking app and stylus (see digital planner ). Select any homework planner template from the selection below.

  14. Log into your account

    Class Charts is super fast behaviour management software, creating school seating plans in seconds. Link our behaviour & seating plan software with SIMS, Powerschool & more +44 (0)1348 800 100 English (UK) English (UK) English (US) Cymraeg; Español; Français; Italiano; Nederlands; Português ...

  15. Printable Homework Planners to Help Students Get Organized

    Weekly homework planners. These free printables will help students plan and track all their assignments for each day of the week. They can write down the class, a description of the homework assignment, and when it's due. Once it's completed it, check "done" and move on to the next! I recommend printing a few copies at a time.

  16. PDF Getting started with Pupil accounts

    Class Charts allows you to keep track of your achievements and behaviour, buy rewards from the Reward store, stay on top of your homework, keep track of scheduled detentions, view your timetable, check your attendance, create wellbeing submissions and view announcements from your school. Class Charts for students can be accessed via our website ...

  17. Printable Homework Charts for Kids

    Using Our Printable Homework Charts. You may want to include details, like by what time homework should be started. Or you may want to simply focus on academic subjects. You can include different aspects of homework: Bringing assignments and books home, packing up completed work properly for taking to school, and a spot for turning in work.

  18. ClassCharts Students

    Class Charts is behaviour management software used by teachers to record and track student achievement and behaviour. This is the Class Charts App for Students which allows students to view their progress in real time and even cash in their points for rewards if enabled by the school. ... It only shows homework tasks, but it doesn't even notify ...

  19. Art Class

    Welcome to Art Class. i. Join our Discord Launch in about:blank GitHub Discord. Settings About About

  20. ClassCharts Student App

    Please enter the access code supplied by your teacher. Remember me. Log In

  21. Quick Start Homework Guide

    7 West St Fishguard SA65 9AE UK. Tel: 01348 800 100 Email: [email protected]

  22. Editable Class Jobs, Classroom Management Job Application, Chart ...

    This editable classroom jobs chart & system teaches students roles and responsibility and complements your classroom management routine. These class jobs help your students build leadership skills as they fill out applications and complete classroom helper jobs.. ⭐️This classroom job resource includes a variety of posters, activities, tools, and ways to set up your classroom job display to ...

  23. How to set up a homework task for a year group

    Setting up year group classes. If you are a school admin and would like to enable year group classes in your school's Class Charts account, please contact us. Once we have set up year group classes on your behalf, they will appear on the Classes tab to all users with the Admin permission. If you are not a school admin user, you can still ...

  24. How to set up homework file submissions

    To set up a homework task to allow homework file submissions from pupils and / or parents, start by entering the class you wish to set homework for. Next, click on the Homework tab along the top of the page. The homework sidebar will appear on the Set homework tab, where homework tasks are published and assigned to pupils.