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How to Assign Multiple Variables in One Line in PHP ?

In PHP , assigning multiple variables in one line can be a handy and efficient way to streamline your code. This technique not only makes your code more concise but also improves readability. There are several approaches to achieve this, each with its own syntax and use cases.

Table of Content

Using Multiple Assignment

Using list() function, using explode() function, using short array syntax.

PHP allows multiple variables to be assigned the same value in a single line.


The list() function is a versatile way to assign multiple variables at once. It allows you to assign values from an array to individual variables in a single line.


The explode() function is useful when dealing with delimited strings. It splits a string into an array based on a specified delimiter and assigns the values to variables.


PHP 5.4 introduced a short array syntax, making it more convenient to assign multiple variables in a single line.

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  • How to assign multiple variables at once in PHP

I n this tutorial, we’re going to see different possibilities to define several variables at once in PHP.

If you want to define several variables at once, a notation that is often expected would be to separate them with commas. In PHP this leads to a parse error.  

Use the following notation to assign multiple values to a single variable:

PHP MCQ - Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

Example : Assign multiple variables at once

With the combination of list() and an array , several variables can be assigned different values. However, this notation is more difficult to read and in order to assign the same value to several variables, it must be entered in the array as often as necessary.


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How does PHP handle assignment expressions with multiple variables or complex expressions?

Hi everyone, I hope you're all doing well. I have a question regarding PHP assignment expressions, specifically when it comes to handling multiple variables or complex expressions. I have been studying PHP recently and came across some code examples where multiple variables are assigned at once or complex expressions are used in assignments. Can someone please explain to me how PHP handles this? I want to have a better understanding of how these expressions are evaluated and what happens behind the scenes. Any explanations or examples would be greatly appreciated. I'm looking forward to your responses. Thank you in advance! Best regards, [Your Name]

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Hi there, I've been working with PHP for quite some time now, and I can certainly provide some insights into how PHP handles assignment expressions with multiple variables or complex expressions. When it comes to handling multiple variables, PHP allows you to assign values to multiple variables in a single line using the assignment operator "=" followed by the values, separated by commas. This can make your code more concise and readable. For instance: php $x = 10; $y = 20; PHP goes through the expressions in order and assigns the corresponding values to each variable. So, in this case, $x will be assigned the value 10, and $y will be assigned the value 20. Now, let's dive into complex expressions. PHP is quite flexible when it comes to handling complex expressions in assignment statements. You can perform mathematical calculations, manipulate strings, utilize logical operators, or even incorporate functions within the assignment. Here's an example to illustrate this: php $result = ($x + $y) * 2 - pow($z, 2); In this case, the expression on the right-hand side is evaluated first. The sum of $x and $y is multiplied by 2, then the value of $z is raised to the power of 2, and finally, these two values are subtracted from each other. The resulting value is then assigned to the variable $result. As you can see, PHP allows you to build complex expressions using a combination of operators, functions, and variables, giving you great flexibility in your assignments. I hope this clarifies how PHP handles assignment expressions with multiple variables or complex expressions. Feel free to ask if you have any further questions or need additional examples! Best regards, User 2

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Hey there, In my experience with PHP, assignment expressions with multiple variables or complex expressions are handled quite smoothly. PHP allows you to assign multiple variables in a single expression using the assignment operator "=". For example, let's say we have two variables `$x` and `$y`, and we want to assign them values 10 and 20 respectively. We can do it in a single line as follows: php $x = 10; $y = 20; Similarly, PHP also supports complex expressions in assignments. You can perform arithmetic operations, concatenate strings, or even use conditional statements within an assignment expression. Let me give you an example: php $a = 5 + 3; // assigns 8 to $a $b = "Hello, " . "World!"; // concatenates the strings and assigns to $b $c = ($x > 0) ? "Positive" : "Negative"; // assigns "Positive" or "Negative" based on the condition In these cases, PHP evaluates the expressions on the right-hand side of the assignment operator and assigns the resulting value to the variable on the left-hand side. I hope this helps to clarify how PHP handles assignment expressions with multiple variables or complex expressions. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask! Best regards, User 1

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assign multiple variables php

Answered on: Wednesday 24 April, 2024 / Duration: 10 min read

Programming Language: PHP , Popularity : 9/10

Solution 1:

In PHP, you can assign multiple variables at once by separating them with commas. Here is an example:

You can also assign multiple variables in a single line using the list() function. Here is an example:

These are two ways you can assign multiple variables in PHP.

Solution 2:

Multiple Variable Assignment in PHP

PHP allows you to assign values to multiple variables simultaneously using the following syntax:

* The = operator is used to assign values to variables. * The variables ( $var1 , $var2 , $var3 , etc.) are separated by commas. * All variables on the left-hand side of the operator must be declared before assignment.

Code Example:

* $a , $b , and $c will all have the value 10 .

Special Cases:

* Assigning to Non-Existent Variables: If a variable on the left-hand side does not exist, PHP will automatically create it. * Assigning to Existing Variables: If a variable on the left-hand side already exists, its value will be overwritten with the new value.

Example with Non-Existent Variables:

* $a and $b will both have the value 20 .

Example with Existing Variables:

* $a and $b will both have the value 30 .

Assigning to Arrays:

You can also assign multiple values to an array using the following syntax:

* $a will have the value 10 . * $b will have the value 20 . * $c will have the value 30 .


* Conciseness: Multiple variable assignment reduces the amount of code required to assign values to multiple variables. * Efficiency: The PHP interpreter can perform multiple assignments in a single operation, which can improve performance. * Readability: Multiple variable assignment can make code easier to read and understand.

Multiple variable assignment allows you to assign values to multiple variables simultaneously, making your code more concise, efficient, and readable.

Solution 3:

In PHP, you can assign multiple variables at once using a single assignment statement. This can be done in several ways:

1. Using the comma separator:

You can assign multiple variables with different values using the comma separator like this:

In this example, all three variables $var1 , $var2 and $var3 will be assigned the string value "Hello World!" .

To display the values of these variables, you can use the echo statement like this:

2. Using an array:

You can also assign multiple variables using an array like this:

In this example, the list() function is used to assign the values from the array to the variables $var1 , $var2 and $var3 .

3. Using the extract() function:

The extract() function can also be used to assign multiple variables from an array like this:

In this example, the extract() function is used to create variables $name , $age and $city from the values in the $arr array.

These are some of the ways you can assign multiple variables at once in PHP.

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Multiple variable assignment with PHP

Assigning multiple variables.

Multiple variables can be assigned by using = multiple times on the same line of code like so:

As you can see all three variables now contain "A" which is what $a was set to initially.

Concatenating multiple variables

Just as multiple assignments can be done with multiple =, multiple concatenations can be done with .= like so:

The above will output this:

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Parsing Variables within PHP Strings

In PHP, variables can be parsed within strings specified with double quotes ( " ).

This means that within the string, the computer will replace an occurence of a variable with that variable’s value.

When additional valid identifier characters (ie. characters that could be included in a variable name) are intended to appear adjacent to the variable’s value, the variable name can be wrapped in curly braces {} , thus avoiding confusion as to the variable’s name.

Reassignment of PHP Variables

In PHP, variables are assigned values with the assignment operator ( = ). The same variable can later be reassigned a new value using the same operator.

This process is known as reassignment .

Concatenating Strings in PHP

In PHP, if you want to join two strings together, you need to use the . operator.

This process is called concatenation . Put the . operator between the two strings in order to join them.

Note that strings are joined as-is, without inserting a whitespace character. So if you need to put spaces, you need to incorporate the whitespace manually within the string.

Appending a String in PHP

In PHP, there is a shortcut for appending a new string to the end of another string. This can be easily done with the string concatenation assignment operator ( .= ).

This operator will append the value on its right to the value on its left and then reassign the result to the variable on its left.

PHP Strings

In PHP, a string is a sequence of characters surrounded by double quotation marks. It can be as long as you want and contain any letters, numbers, symbols, and spaces.

PHP copying variables

In PHP, one variable’s value can be assigned to another variable.

This creates a copy of that variable’s value and assigns the new variable name to it.

Changes to the original variable will not affect the copy and changes to the copy will not affect the original. These variables are entirely separate entities.

PHP String Escape Sequences

In PHP, sometimes special characters must be escaped in order to include them in a string. Escape sequences start with a backslash character ( \ ).

There are a variety of escape sequences that can be used to accomplish different tasks. For example, to include a new line within a string, the sequence \n can be used. To include double quotation marks, the sequence \" can be used. Similarly, to include single quotes, the sequence \' can be used.

PHP Evaluation Order during Assignment

In PHP, when an assignment takes place, operations to the right of the assignment operator ( = ) will be evaluated to a single value first. The result of these operations will then be assigned to the variable.

PHP Variables

In PHP, variables are assigned values with the assignment operator ( = ).

Variable names can contain numbers, letters, and underscores ( _ ). A sigil ( $ ) must always precede a variable name. They cannot start with a number and they cannot have spaces or any special characters.

The convention in PHP is to use snake case for variable naming; this means that lowercase words are delimited with an underscore character ( _ ). Variable names are case-sensitive.

PHP Reference Assignment Operator

In PHP, the reference assignment operator ( =& ) is used to create a new variable as an alias to an existing spot in memory.

In other words, the reference assignment operator ( =& ) creates two variable names which point to the same value. So, changes to one variable will affect the other, without having to copy the existing data.

Integer Values in PHP

PHP supports integer values for numbers.

Integers are the set of all whole numbers, their negative counterparts, and zero. In other words, an integer is a number of the set ℤ = {…, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, …}.

Exponentiation Operator in PHP

PHP supports an arithmetic operator for exponentiation ( ** ).

This operator gives the result of raising the value on the left to the power of the value on the right.

Arithmetic Operators in PHP

PHP supports arithmetic operators for addition ( + ), subtraction ( - ), multiplication ( * ), and division ( / ).

PHP operators will return integers whenever the result of an operation evaluates to a whole number. If the result evaluates to a fraction or decimal, then it will return a floating point number .

The Modulo Operator

PHP supports a modulo operator ( % ). The modulo operator returns the remainder of the left operand divided by the right operand. Operands of a modulo operation are converted to integers prior to performing the operation. The operation returns an integer with the same sign as the dividend.

Floating Point Numbers in PHP

PHP supports floating-point (decimal) numbers. They can be used to represent fractional quantities as well as precise measurements. Some examples of floating point numbers are 1.5 , 4.231 , 2.0 , etc.

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Variables are "containers" for storing information.

Creating (Declaring) PHP Variables

In PHP, a variable starts with the $ sign, followed by the name of the variable:

In the example above, the variable $x will hold the value 5 , and the variable $y will hold the value "John" .

Note: When you assign a text value to a variable, put quotes around the value.

Note: Unlike other programming languages, PHP has no command for declaring a variable. It is created the moment you first assign a value to it.

Think of variables as containers for storing data.

A variable can have a short name (like $x and $y ) or a more descriptive name ( $age , $carname , $total_volume ).

Rules for PHP variables:

  • A variable starts with the $ sign, followed by the name of the variable
  • A variable name must start with a letter or the underscore character
  • A variable name cannot start with a number
  • A variable name can only contain alpha-numeric characters and underscores (A-z, 0-9, and _ )
  • Variable names are case-sensitive ( $age and $AGE are two different variables)

Remember that PHP variable names are case-sensitive!


Output Variables

The PHP echo statement is often used to output data to the screen.

The following example will show how to output text and a variable:

The following example will produce the same output as the example above:

The following example will output the sum of two variables:

Note: You will learn more about the echo statement and how to output data to the screen in the PHP Echo/Print chapter .

PHP is a Loosely Typed Language

In the example above, notice that we did not have to tell PHP which data type the variable is.

PHP automatically associates a data type to the variable, depending on its value. Since the data types are not set in a strict sense, you can do things like adding a string to an integer without causing an error.

In PHP 7, type declarations were added. This gives an option to specify the data type expected when declaring a function, and by enabling the strict requirement, it will throw a "Fatal Error" on a type mismatch.

You will learn more about strict and non-strict requirements, and data type declarations in the PHP Functions chapter.

Variable Types

PHP has no command for declaring a variable, and the data type depends on the value of the variable.

PHP supports the following data types:

  • Float (floating point numbers - also called double)

Get the Type

To get the data type of a variable, use the var_dump() function.

The var_dump() function returns the data type and the value:

See what var_dump() returns for other data types:

Assign String to a Variable

Assigning a string to a variable is done with the variable name followed by an equal sign and the string:

String variables can be declared either by using double or single quotes, but you should be aware of the differences. Learn more about the differences in the PHP Strings chapter .

Assign Multiple Values

You can assign the same value to multiple variables in one line:

All three variables get the value "Fruit":

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Variable variables

Sometimes it is convenient to be able to have variable variable names. That is, a variable name which can be set and used dynamically. A normal variable is set with a statement such as:

A variable variable takes the value of a variable and treats that as the name of a variable. In the above example, hello , can be used as the name of a variable by using two dollar signs. i.e.

At this point two variables have been defined and stored in the PHP symbol tree: $a with contents "hello" and $hello with contents "world". Therefore, this statement:

produces the exact same output as:

i.e. they both produce: hello world .

In order to use variable variables with arrays, you have to resolve an ambiguity problem. That is, if you write $$a[1] then the parser needs to know if you meant to use $a[1] as a variable, or if you wanted $$a as the variable and then the [1] index from that variable. The syntax for resolving this ambiguity is: ${$a[1]} for the first case and ${$a}[1] for the second.

Class properties may also be accessed using variable property names. The variable property name will be resolved within the scope from which the call is made. For instance, if you have an expression such as $foo->$bar , then the local scope will be examined for $bar and its value will be used as the name of the property of $foo . This is also true if $bar is an array access.

Curly braces may also be used, to clearly delimit the property name. They are most useful when accessing values within a property that contains an array, when the property name is made of multiple parts, or when the property name contains characters that are not otherwise valid (e.g. from json_decode() or SimpleXML ).

Example #1 Variable property example

The above example will output:

Please note that variable variables cannot be used with PHP's Superglobal arrays within functions or class methods. The variable $this is also a special variable that cannot be referenced dynamically.

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To Top

  • Variable Assignment, Expressions, and Operators

Variables are containers for storing information, such as numbers or text so that they can be used multiple times in the code. Variables in PHP are identified by a dollar sign ($) followed by the variable name. A variable name must begin with a letter or the underscore character and only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores. A variable name cannot contain spaces. Finally, variable names in PHP are case-sensitive.

  • Post author By BrainBell
  • Post date May 12, 2022

multiple variable assignment in php

This tutorial covers the following topics:

  • Define a variable
  • Assign a variable by reference
  • Assign a string value to a variable

Assignment Operators

  • Arithmetic Operators (See Comparison Operators and Logical Operators on Conditional Expression Tutorial).

Operator precedence

Expressions, define a variable.

PHP uses the  =  symbol as an assignment operator. The variable goes on the left of the equal sign, and the value goes on the right. Because it assigns a value, the equal sign is called the  assignment operator .

$ variableName = 'Assigned Value' ;

You can break the above example into the following parts:

  • A dollar sign $ prefix
  • Variable name
  • The assignment operator (equal sign = )
  • Assigned value
  • Semicolon to terminate the statement

A PHP variable must be defined before it can be used. Attempting to use an undefined variable will trigger an error exception:

In PHP, you do not need to declare a variable separately before using it. Just assign value to a variable by using the assignment operator (equals sign = ) to make it defined or initialized:

A defined variable can be used by referencing its name, for example, use the print or echo command (followed by the variable’s name) to display the value of the variable on the web page:

Variable names are case-sensitive in PHP, so  $Variable , $variable , $VAriable , and $VARIABLE are all different variables.

Text requires quotes

If you look closely at the PHP code block in the above example, you’ll notice that the value assigned to the second variable isn’t enclosed in quotes. It looks like this:

Then the ‘BrainBell.com’ did use quotes, like this:

The simple rules are as follows:

  • The text requires quotes (single or double)
  • No quotes are required for numbers,  True ,  False  and  Null

Assign a string value to a variable:

Concatenate two strings together to produce “test string”:

Add a string to the end of another to produce “test string”:

Here is a shortcut to adding a string to the end of another:

Assign by reference

By default, PHP assigns all variables other than objects by value and not by reference. PHP has optimizations to make assignment by value faster than assigning by reference, but if you want to assign by reference you can use the  &  operator as follows:

The assignment operator (equal = ) can be combined with other operators to make it easier to write certain expressions. See the following table:

OperatorExampleSame as
=$a = 2;
+=$a += 2;$a = $a + 2;
-=$a -= 2;$a = $a – 2;
/=$a /= 2;$a = $a / 2;
%=$a %= 2;$a = $a % 2;
.=$a .= $b;$a = $a . $b;
*=$a *= 2;$a = $a * 2;

These operators assign values to variables. They start with the assignment operator = and move on to += , -= , etc.(see above table). The operator += adds the value on the right side to the variable on the left:

Arithmetic Operators

Using an operator, you can manipulate the contents of one or more variables or constants to produce a new value. For example, this code uses the addition operator (  +  ) to add the values of  $x  and  $y  together to produce a new value:

So an operator is a symbol that manipulates one or more values, usually producing a new value in the process. The following list describes the types of arithmetic operators:

sum or addition
exponentiation (PHP 5.6 and above)
add 1
subtract 1

Sum integers to produce an integer:

The values and variables that are used with an operator are known as operands.

Subtraction, multiplication, and division might have a result that is a float or an integer, depending on the initial value of $var :

Multiply to double a value:

Halve a value:

These work with float types too:

Get the remainder of dividing 5 by 4:

4 exponent (or power) of 2:

These all add 1 to $var:

And these all subtract 1 from $var:

If the  --  or  ++  operator appears before the variable then the interpreter will first evaluate it and then return the changed variable:

If the  --  or  ++  operator appears after the variable then the interpreter will return the variable as it was before the statement run and then increment the variable:

There are many mathematical functions available in the math library of PHP for more complex tasks. We introduce some of these in the next pages.

The precedence of operators in an expression is similar to the precedence defined in any other language. Multiplication and division occur before subtraction and addition, and so on. However, reliance on evaluation orders leads to unreadable, confusing code. Rather than memorize the rules, we recommend you construct unambiguous expressions with parentheses because parentheses have the highest precedence in evaluation.

For example, in the following fragment  $variable  is assigned a value of 32 because of the precedence of multiplication over addition:

The result is much clearer if parentheses are used:

But the following example displays a different result because parentheses have the highest precedence in evaluation.

An expression in PHP is anything that evaluates a value; it is a combination of values, variables, operators, and functions that results in a value. Here are some examples of expressions:

An expression has a value and a type; for example, the expression  4 + 7  has the value  11  and the type  integer,  and the expression "abcdef" has the value  abcdef  and the type  string . PHP automatically converts types when combining values in an expression. For example, the expression 4 + 7.0 contains an integer and a float; in this case, PHP considers the integer as a floating-point number, and the result is a float. The  type conversions  are largely straightforward; however, there are some traps, which are discussed later in this section.

Getting Started with PHP:

  • Introducing PHP
  • PHP Development Environment
  • Delimiting Strings
  • Variable Substitution

Home » PHP Tutorial » PHP Assignment Operators

PHP Assignment Operators

Summary : in this tutorial, you will learn about the most commonly used PHP assignment operators.

Introduction to the PHP assignment operator

PHP uses the = to represent the assignment operator. The following shows the syntax of the assignment operator:

On the left side of the assignment operator ( = ) is a variable to which you want to assign a value. And on the right side of the assignment operator ( = ) is a value or an expression.

When evaluating the assignment operator ( = ), PHP evaluates the expression on the right side first and assigns the result to the variable on the left side. For example:

In this example, we assigned 10 to $x, 20 to $y, and the sum of $x and $y to $total.

The assignment expression returns a value assigned, which is the result of the expression in this case:

It means that you can use multiple assignment operators in a single statement like this:

In this case, PHP evaluates the right-most expression first:

The variable $y is 20 .

The assignment expression $y = 20 returns 20 so PHP assigns 20 to $x . After the assignments, both $x and $y equal 20.

Arithmetic assignment operators

Sometimes, you want to increase a variable by a specific value. For example:

How it works.

  • First, $counter is set to 1 .
  • Then, increase the $counter by 1 and assign the result to the $counter .

After the assignments, the value of $counter is 2 .

PHP provides the arithmetic assignment operator += that can do the same but with a shorter code. For example:

The expression $counter += 1 is equivalent to the expression $counter = $counter + 1 .

Besides the += operator, PHP provides other arithmetic assignment operators. The following table illustrates all the arithmetic assignment operators:

+=$x += $y$x = $x + $yAddition
-=$x -= $y$x = $x – $ySubtraction
*=$x *= $y$x = $x * $yMultiplication
/=$x /= $y$x = $x / $yDivision
%=$x %= $y$x = $x % $yModulus
**=$z **= $y$x = $x ** $yExponentiation

Concatenation assignment operator

PHP uses the concatenation operator (.) to concatenate two strings. For example:

By using the concatenation assignment operator you can concatenate two strings and assigns the result string to a variable. For example:

  • Use PHP assignment operator ( = ) to assign a value to a variable. The assignment expression returns the value assigned.
  • Use arithmetic assignment operators to carry arithmetic operations and assign at the same time.
  • Use concatenation assignment operator ( .= )to concatenate strings and assign the result to a variable in a single statement.

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Assign Multiple Variables In PHP

Code snippet for how to Assign Multiple Variables In PHP with sample and detail explanation

When working on a programming project, setting up variables is a critical aspect of your code. PHP provides easy methods to assign multiple variables to facilitate the development process.

Code snippet

To assign multiple variables in PHP, the code below will be a great example to guide you through:

Code Explanation

In the code snippet above, we have demonstrated how to assign multiple variables in PHP.

$title = "Hello World"; Here, we have declared a variable $title and assigned it a string value "Hello World" . The ‘equals (=)’ sign acts as an assignment operator, which means that the variable on the left side gets the value on the right side.

$message = "Welcome to PHP programming"; Similarly, we created another variable $message and assigned it a string value "Welcome to PHP programming" .

$number = 80; In this line, the variable $number is assigned an integer value 80 .

Remember, in PHP, all variable names start with a dollar sign ( $ ). The value of a variable can be of any type, such as a string, a number, or, as we’ll see later, more complex types like arrays and objects. Variables are case sensitive, so be extra careful with the spellings.

That’s all there is to it. As you can see, assigning multiple variables in PHP is straight forward and forms the basis of creating complex and functional applications. It is crucial to grasp these basic principles as you delve deeper into PHP programming.

multiple variable assignment in php

Assign Multi Vars to the same value in PHP

Sometimes, but not all that often, we have to assign multiple variables to the same initial value.

we can do this easily in PHP with the following code:

It may look a little odd but its very simple - all we are doing is assigning the first variable to the value of the second variable, and so on and so forth, then assigning the last variable to the actual value you want all your vars to be.

I have used this many a time were i have to set multiple vars to null before processing.

Written by Arazmus

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multiple variable assignment in php

multiple variable assignment in php


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How to assign multiple values to a PHP variable?

How do I go about assigning multiple values for a single variable in PHP?

I'm trying to do this

Is that even a proper way to do that?

Or should I put them in an array like this

But then how would I go about checking if the $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] is one of the values inside the array?

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2 Answers 2

Yes, you should put it in array an use in_array() function instead of != operator:

potashin's user avatar

this is what you're looking for

Jonathan's user avatar

  • thanks. these [ ] surrounding the IP's causes dreamweaver to give a syntax error. –  Mike Commented May 2, 2015 at 2:36
  • Dreamweaver probably doesn't understand that array syntax, I added the alternate version in my edit. –  Jonathan Commented May 2, 2015 at 2:38
  • Thank you for your help. How could I tell it to match only the first part of the IP address instead of the entire IP? For instance, if the IP is but will match the entire range of 111.111.111.xxx. or 111.111.xxx.xxx –  Mike Commented May 2, 2015 at 4:42

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multiple variable assignment in php


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    It should be noted that if you use multiple assignment on one line to assign an object, the object is assigned by reference. Therefore, if you change the value of the object's property using either variable, the value essentially changes in both.

  3. How to Assign Multiple Variables in One Line in PHP

    Using Multiple Assignment PHP allows multiple variables to be assigned the same value in a single line.

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    In PHP, you can assign multiple variables at once using a single assignment statement. This can be done in several ways: 1. Using the comma separator: You can assign values to multiple variables in one line by separating each variable assignment with a comma. Example: bash

  7. How does PHP handle assignment expressions with multiple variables or

    I hope you're all doing well. I have a question regarding PHP assignment expressions, specifically when it comes to handling multiple variables or complex expressions. I have been studying PHP recently and came across some code examples where multiple variables are assigned at once or complex expressions are used in assignments.

  8. assign multiple variables php

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  10. Learn PHP: Learn PHP Variables Cheatsheet

    In PHP, the reference assignment operator ( =&) is used to create a new variable as an alias to an existing spot in memory. In other words, the reference assignment operator ( =&) creates two variable names which point to the same value.

  11. PHP Variables

    Rules for PHP variables: A variable starts with the $ sign, followed by the name of the variable. A variable name must start with a letter or the underscore character. A variable name cannot start with a number. A variable name can only contain alpha-numeric characters and underscores (A-z, 0-9, and _ )

  12. PHP: Variable variables

    A variable variable takes the value of a variable and treats that as the name of a variable. In the above example, hello, can be used as the name of a variable by using two dollar signs. i.e.

  13. Variable Assignment, Expressions, and Operators in PHP

    Variables are containers for storing information, such as numbers or text so that they can be used multiple times in the code. Variables in PHP are identified by a dollar sign ($) followed by the variable name. A variable name must begin with a letter or the underscore character and only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores.

  14. PHP Assignment Operators

    Use PHP assignment operator ( =) to assign a value to a variable. The assignment expression returns the value assigned. Use arithmetic assignment operators to carry arithmetic operations and assign at the same time. Use concatenation assignment operator ( .= )to concatenate strings and assign the result to a variable in a single statement.

  15. Assign Multiple Variables In PHP

    Assign Multiple Variables In PHP. Code snippet for how to Assign Multiple Variables In PHP with sample and detail explanation When working on a programming project, setting up variables is a critical aspect of your code. PHP provides easy methods to assign multiple variables to facilitate the development process. Code snippet

  16. PHP Assign Multiple Variables in One Line

    To perform the exact same functionality in one line, you can write it like so:

  17. Assign Multi Vars to the same value in PHP

    Sometimes, but not all that often, we have to assign multiple variables to the same initial value. we can do this easily in PHP with the following code:

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    In my case, I can't rename all variables to have the same name (that would make things more easy), so is there any way to assign the same value to all variables in a much more compact way?


    ASSIGNING MULTIPLE VARIABLE IN PHP Add Answer Nar answered on May 23, 2020 Popularity 10/10 Helpfulness 3/10

  20. How to assign multiple values to a PHP variable?

    0 How do I go about assigning multiple values for a single variable in PHP?