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Romeo and Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet: Introduction

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Romeo and Juliet PDF

Historical Context of Romeo and Juliet

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  • Full Title: Romeo and Juliet
  • When Written: Likely 1591-1595
  • Where Written: London, England
  • When Published: “Bad quarto” (incomplete manuscript) printed in 1597; Second, more complete quarto printed in 1599; First folio, with clarifications and corrections, printed in 1623
  • Literary Period: Renaissance
  • Genre: Tragic play
  • Setting: Verona, Italy
  • Climax: Mistakenly believing that Juliet is dead, Romeo kills himself on her funeral bier by drinking poison. Juliet wakes up, finds Romeo dead, and fatally stabs herself with his dagger.
  • Antagonist: Capulet, Lady Capulet, Montague, Lady Montague, Tybalt

Extra Credit for Romeo and Juliet

Tourist Trap. Casa di Giulietta, a 12-century villa in Verona, is located just off the Via Capello (the possible origin of the anglicized surname “Capulet”) and has become a major tourist attraction over the years because of its distinctive balcony. The house, purchased by the city of Verona in 1905 from private holdings, has been transformed into a kind of museum dedicated to the history of Romeo and Juliet , where tourists can view set pieces from some of the major film adaptations of the play and even leave letters to their loved ones. Never mind that “the balcony scene,” one of the most famous scenes in English literature, may never have existed—the word “balcony” never appears in the play, and balconies were not an architectural feature of Shakespeare’s England—tourists flock from all over to glimpse Juliet’s famous veranda.

Love Language. While much of Shakespeare’s later work is written in a combination of verse and prose (used mostly to offer distinction between social classes, with nobility speaking in verse and commoners speaking in prose), Romeo and Juliet is notable for its heady blend of poetic forms. The play’s prologue is written in the form of a sonnet, while most of the dialogue adheres strictly to the rhythm of iambic pentameter. Romeo and Juliet alter their cadences when speaking to each another, using more casual, naturalistic speech. When they talk about other potential lovers, such as Rosaline and Paris, their speech is much more formal (to reflect the emotional falsity of those dalliances.) Friar Laurence speaks largely in sermons and aphorisms, while the nurse speaks in blank verse.

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The Folger Shakespeare

A Modern Perspective: Romeo and Juliet

By Gail Kern Paster

Does Romeo and Juliet need an introduction? Of all Shakespeare’s plays, it has been the most continuously popular since its first performance in the mid-1590s. It would seem, then, the most direct of Shakespeare’s plays in its emotional impact. What could be easier to understand and what could be more moving than the story of two adolescents finding in their sudden love for each other a reason to defy their families’ mutual hatred by marrying secretly? The tragic outcome of their blameless love (their “misadventured piteous overthrows”) seems equally easy to understand: it results first from Tybalt’s hotheaded refusal to obey the Prince’s command and second from accidents of timing beyond any human ability to foresee or control. Simple in its story line, clear in its affirmation of the power of love over hate, Romeo and Juliet seems to provide both a timeless theme and universal appeal. Its immediacy stands in welcome contrast to the distance, even estrangement, evoked by other Shakespeare plays. No wonder it is often the first Shakespeare play taught in schools—on the grounds of its obvious relevance to the emotional and social concerns of young people.

Recent work by social historians on the history of private life in western European culture, however, offers a complicating perspective on the timelessness of Romeo and Juliet. At the core of the play’s evident accessibility is the importance and privilege modern Western culture grants to desire, regarding it as deeply expressive of individual identity and central to the personal fulfillment of women no less than men. But, as these historians have argued, such conceptions of desire reflect cultural changes in human consciousness—in ways of imagining and articulating the nature of desire. 1 In England until the late sixteenth century, individual identity had been imagined not so much as the result of autonomous, personal growth in consciousness but rather as a function of social station, an individual’s place in a network of social and kinship structures. Furthermore, traditional culture distinguished sharply between the nature of identity for men and women. A woman’s identity was conceived almost exclusively in relation to male authority and marital status. She was less an autonomous, desiring self than any male was; she was a daughter, wife, or widow expected to be chaste, silent, and, above all, obedient. It is a profound and necessary act of historical imagination, then, to recognize innovation in the moment when Juliet impatiently invokes the coming of night and the husband she has disobediently married: “Come, gentle night; come, loving black-browed night, / Give me my Romeo” ( 3.2.21 –23).

Recognizing that the nature of desire and identity is subject to historical change and cultural innovation can provide the basis for rereading Romeo and Juliet. Instead of an uncomplicated, if lyrically beautiful, contest between young love and “ancient grudge,” the play becomes a narrative that expresses an historical conflict between old forms of identity and new modes of desire, between authority and freedom, between parental will and romantic individualism. Furthermore, though the Chorus initially sets the lovers as a pair against the background of familial hatred, the reader attentive to social detail will be struck instead by Shakespeare’s care in distinguishing between the circumstances of male and female lovers: “she as much in love, her means much less / To meet her new belovèd anywhere” ( 2. Chorus. 11 –12, italics added). The story of “Juliet and her Romeo” may be a single narrative, but its clear internal division is drawn along the traditionally unequal lines of gender.

Because of such traditional notions of identity and gender, Elizabethan theatergoers might have recognized a paradox in the play’s lyrical celebration of the beauty of awakened sexual desire in the adolescent boy and girl. By causing us to identify with Romeo and Juliet’s desire for one another, the play affirms their love even while presenting it as a problem in social management. This is true not because Romeo and Juliet fall in love with forbidden or otherwise unavailable sexual partners; such is the usual state of affairs at the beginning of Shakespearean comedy, but those comedies end happily. Rather Romeo and Juliet’s love is a social problem, unresolvable except by their deaths, because they dare to marry secretly in an age when legal, consummated marriage was irreversible. Secret marriage is the narrative device by which Shakespeare brings into conflict the new privilege claimed by individual desire and the traditional authority granted fathers to arrange their daughters’ marriages. Secret marriage is the testing ground, in other words, of the new kind of importance being claimed by individual desire. Shakespeare’s representation of the narrative outcome of this desire as tragic—here, as later in the secret marriage that opens Othello —may suggest something of Elizabethan society’s anxiety about the social cost of romantic individualism.

The conflict between traditional authority and individual desire also provides the framework for Shakespeare’s presentation of the Capulet-Montague feud. The feud, like the lovers’ secret marriage, is another problem in social management, another form of socially problematic desire. We are never told what the families are fighting about or fighting for; in this sense the feud is both causeless and goal-less. The Chorus’s first words insist not on the differences between the two families but on their similarity: they are two households “both alike in dignity.” Later, after Prince Escalus has broken up the street brawl, they are “In penalty alike” ( 1.2.2 ). Ironically, then, they are not fighting over differences. Rather it is Shakespeare’s careful insistence on the lack of difference between Montague and Capulet that provides a key to understanding the underlying social dynamic of the feud. Just as desire brings Romeo and Juliet together as lovers, desire in another form brings the Montague and Capulet males out on the street as fighters. The feud perpetuates a close bond of rivalry between these men that even the Prince’s threat of punishment cannot sever: “Montague is bound as well as I,” Capulet tells Paris ( 1.2.1 ). Indeed, the feud seems necessary to the structure of male-male relations in Verona. Feuding reinforces male identity—loyalty to one’s male ancestors—at the same time that it clarifies the social structure: servants fight with servants, young noblemen with young noblemen, old men with old men. 2

That the feud constitutes a relation of desire between Montague and Capulet is clear from the opening, when the servants Gregory and Sampson use bawdy innuendo to draw a causal link between their virility and their eagerness to fight Montagues: “A dog of that house shall move me to stand,” i.e., to be sexually erect ( 1.1.12 ). The Montagues seem essential to Sampson’s masculinity since, by besting Montague men, he can lay claim to Montague women as symbols of conquest. (This, of course, would be a reductive way of describing what Romeo does in secretly marrying a Capulet daughter.) The feud not only establishes a structure of relations between men based on competition and sexual aggression, but it seems to involve a particularly debased attitude toward women. No matter how comic the wordplay of the Capulet servants may be, we should not forget that the sexual triangle they imagine is based on fantasized rape: “I will push Montague’s men from the wall and thrust his maids to the wall” ( 1.1.18 –19). Gregory and Sampson are not interested in the “heads” of the Montague maidens, which might imply awareness of them as individuals. They are interested only in their “maidenheads.” Their coarse view of woman as generic sexual object is reiterated in a wittier vein by Mercutio, who understands Romeo’s experience of awakened desire only as a question of the sexual availability of his mistress: “O Romeo, that she were, O, that she were / An open-arse, thou a pop’rin pear” ( 2.1.40 –41).

Feuding, then, is the form that male bonding takes in Verona, a bonding which seems linked to the derogation of woman. But Romeo, from the very opening of the play, is distanced both physically and emotionally from the feud, not appearing until the combatants and his parents are leaving the stage. His reaction to Benvolio’s news of the fight seems to indicate that he is aware of the mechanisms of desire that are present in the feud: “Here’s much to do with hate, but more with love” ( 1.1.180 ). But it also underscores his sense of alienation: “This love feel I, that feel no love in this” ( 187 ). He is alienated not only from the feud itself, one feels, but more importantly from the idea of sexuality that underlies it. Romeo subscribes to a different, indeed a competing view of woman—the idealizing view of the Petrarchan lover. In his melancholy, his desire for solitude, and his paradox-strewn language, Romeo identifies himself with the style of feeling and address that Renaissance culture named after the fourteenth-century Italian poet Francesco Petrarca or Petrarch, most famous for his sonnets to Laura. By identifying his beloved as perfect and perfectly chaste, the Petrarchan lover opposes the indiscriminate erotic appetite of a Gregory or Sampson. He uses the frustrating experience of intense, unfulfilled, and usually unrequited passion to refine his modes of feeling and to enlarge his experience of self.

It is not coincidental, then, that Shakespeare uses the language and self-involved behaviors of the Petrarchan lover to dramatize Romeo’s experience of love. For Romeo as for Petrarch, love is the formation of an individualistic identity at odds with other kinds of identity: “I have lost myself. I am not here. / This is not Romeo. He’s some other where” ( 1.1.205 –6). Petrarchan desire for solitude explains Romeo’s absence from the opening clash and his lack of interest in the activities of his gang of friends, whom he accompanies only reluctantly to the Capulet feast: “I’ll be a candle holder and look on” ( 1.4.38 ). His physical isolation from his parents—with whom he exchanges no words in the course of the play—further suggests his shift from traditional, clan identity to the romantic individualism prefigured by Petrarch.

Shakespeare’s comic irony is that such enlargement of self is itself a mark of conventionality, since Petrarchism in European literature was by the late sixteenth century very widespread. A more cutting irony is that the Petrarchan lover and his sensual opponent (Sampson or Gregory) have more in common than is first apparent. The Petrarchan lover, in emphasizing the often paralyzing intensity of his passion, is less interested in praising the remote mistress who inspires such devotion than he is in displaying his own poetic virtuosity and his capacity for self-denial. Such a love—like Romeo’s for Rosaline—is founded upon frustration and requires rejection. The lover is interested in affirming the uniqueness of his beloved only in theory. On closer look, she too becomes a generic object and he more interested in self-display. Thus the play’s two languages of heterosexual desire—Petrarchan praise and anti-Petrarchan debasement—appear as opposite ends of a single continuum, as complementary discourses of woman, high and low. Even when Paris and old Capulet, discussing Juliet as prospective bride, vary the discourse to include a conception of woman as wife and mother, she remains an object of verbal and actual exchange.

In lyric poetry, the Petrarchan mistress remains a function of language alone, unheard, seen only as a collection of ideal parts, a center whose very absence promotes desire. Drama is a material medium, however. In drama, the Petrarchan mistress takes on embodiment and finds an answering voice, like Juliet’s gently noting her sonneteer-pilgrim’s conventionality: “You kiss by th’ book” ( 1.5.122 ). In drama, the mistress may come surrounded by relatives and an inconveniently insistent social milieu. As was noted above, Shakespeare distinguishes sharply between the social circumstances of adolescent males and females. Thus one consequence of setting the play’s domestic action solely within the Capulet household is to set Juliet, the “hopeful lady” of Capulet’s “earth” ( 1.2.15 ), firmly into a familial context which, thanks to the Nurse’s fondness for recollection and anecdote, is rich in domestic detail. Juliet’s intense focus upon Romeo’s surname—“What’s Montague? . . . O, be some other name” ( 2.2.43 , 44 )—is a projection onto her lover of her own conflicted sense of tribal loyalty. Unlike Romeo, whose deepest emotional ties are to his gang of friends, and unlike the more mobile daughters of Shakespearean comedy who often come in pairs, Juliet lives isolated and confined, emotionally as well as physically, by her status as daughter. Her own passage into sexual maturity comes first by way of parental invitation to “think of marriage now” ( 1.3.75 ). Her father invites Paris, the man who wishes to marry Juliet, to attend a banquet and feast his eyes on female beauty: “Hear all, all see, / And like her most whose merit most shall be” ( 1.2.30 –31). Juliet, in contrast, is invited to look only where her parents tell her:

I’ll look to like, if looking liking move.

But no more deep will I endart mine eye

Than your consent gives strength to make it fly.

( 1.3.103 –5)

The logic of Juliet’s almost instant disobedience in looking at, and liking, Romeo (rather than Paris) can be understood as the ironic fulfillment of the fears in traditional patriarchal culture about the uncontrollability of female desire, the alleged tendency of the female gaze to wander. Petrarchism managed the vexed question of female desire largely by wishing it out of existence, describing the mistress as one who, like the invisible Rosaline of this play, “will not stay the siege of loving terms, / Nor bide th’ encounter of assailing eyes” ( 1.1.220 –21). Once Romeo, in the Capulet garden, overhears Juliet’s expression of desire, however, Juliet abandons the conventional denial of desire—“Fain would I dwell on form; fain, fain deny / What I have spoke. But farewell compliment” ( 2.2.93 –94). She rejects the “strength” implied by parental sanction and the protection afforded by the Petrarchan celebration of chastity for a risk-taking experiment in desire that Shakespeare affirms by the beauty of the lovers’ language in their four scenes together. Juliet herself asks Romeo the serious questions that Elizabethan society wanted only fathers to ask. She challenges social prescriptions, designed to contain erotic desire in marriage, by taking responsibility for her own marriage:

If that thy bent of love be honorable,

Thy purpose marriage, send me word tomorrow,

By one that I’ll procure to come to thee,

Where and what time thou wilt perform the rite,

And all my fortunes at thy foot I’ll lay

And follow thee my lord throughout the world.

( 2.2.150 –55)

The irony in her pledge—an irony perhaps most obvious to a modern, sexually egalitarian audience—is that Romeo here is following Juliet on an uncharted narrative path to sexual fulfillment in unsanctioned marriage. Allowing her husband access to a bedchamber in her father’s house, Juliet leads him into a sexual territory beyond the reach of dramatic representation. Breaking through the narrow oppositions of the play’s two discourses of woman—as either anonymous sexual object (for Sampson and Gregory) or beloved woman exalted beyond knowing or possessing (for Petrarch)—she affirms her imaginative commitment to the cultural significance of desire as an individualizing force:

                          Come, civil night,

Thou sober-suited matron all in black,

And learn me how to lose a winning match

Played for a pair of stainless maidenhoods.

Hood my unmanned blood, bating in my cheeks,

With thy black mantle till strange love grow bold,

Think true love acted simple modesty.

( 3.2.10 –16)

Romeo, when he is not drawn by desire deeper and deeper into Capulet territory, wanders into the open square where the destinies of the play’s other young men—and in part his own too—are enacted. Because the young man’s deepest loyalty is to his friends, Romeo is not really asked to choose between Juliet and his family but between Juliet and Mercutio, who are opposed in the play’s thematic structure. Thus one function of Mercutio’s anti-Petrarchan skepticism about the idealization of woman is to offer resistance to the adult heterosexuality heralded by Romeo’s union with Juliet, resistance on behalf of the regressive pull of adolescent male bonding—being “one of the guys.” This distinction, as we have seen, is in part a question of speaking different discourses. Romeo easily picks up Mercutio’s banter, even its sly innuendo against women. Mercutio himself regards Romeo’s quickness at repartee as the hopeful sign of a return to a “normal” manly identity incompatible with his ridiculous role as lover:

Why, is not this better now than groaning for love? Now art thou sociable, now art thou Romeo, now art thou what thou art, by art as well as by nature. For this driveling love is like a great natural that runs lolling up and down to hide his bauble in a hole.

( 2.4.90 –95)

Implicit here is a central tenet of traditional misogyny that excessive desire for a woman is effeminizing. For Mercutio it is the effeminate lover in Romeo who refuses shamefully to answer Tybalt’s challenge: “O calm, dishonorable, vile submission!” he exclaims furiously ( 3.1.74 ). Mercutio’s death at Tybalt’s hands causes Romeo temporarily to agree, obeying the regressive emotional pull of grief and guilt over his own part in Mercutio’s defeat. “Why the devil came you between us?” Mercutio asks. “I was hurt under your arm” ( 3.1.106 –8). Why, we might ask instead, should Mercutio have insisted on answering a challenge addressed only to Romeo? Romeo, however, displaces blame onto Juliet: “Thy beauty hath made me effeminate / And in my temper softened valor’s steel” ( 3.1.119 –20).

In terms of narrative structure, the death of Mercutio and Romeo’s slaying of Tybalt interrupt the lovers’ progress from secret marriage to its consummation, suggesting the incompatibility between romantic individualism and adolescent male bonding. The audience experiences this incompatibility as a sudden movement from comedy to tragedy. Suddenly Friar Lawrence must abandon hopes of using the love of Capulet and Montague as a force for social reintegration. Instead, he must desperately stave off Juliet’s marriage to Paris, upon which her father insists, by making her counterfeit death and by subjecting her to entombment. The legal finality of consummated marriage—which was the basis for Friar Lawrence’s hopes “to turn your households’ rancor to pure love” ( 2.3.99 )—becomes the instrument of tragic design. It is only the Nurse who would allow Juliet to accept Paris as husband; we are asked to judge such a prospect so unthinkable that we then agree imaginatively to Friar Lawrence’s ghoulish device.

In terms of the play’s symbolic vocabulary, Juliet’s preparations to imitate death on the very bed where her sexual maturation from girl- to womanhood occurred confirms ironically her earlier premonition about Romeo: “If he be marrièd, / My grave is like to be my wedding bed” ( 1.5.148 –49). Her brief journey contrasts sharply with those of Shakespeare’s comic heroines who move out from the social confinement of daughterhood into a freer, less socially defined space (the woods outside Athens in A Midsummer Night’s Dream , the Forest of Arden in As You Like It ). There they can exercise a sanctioned, limited freedom in the romantic experimentation of courtship. Juliet is punished for such experimentation in part because hers is more radical; secret marriage symbolically is as irreversible as “real” death. Her journey thus becomes an internal journey in which her commitment to union with Romeo must face the imaginative challenge of complete, claustrophobic isolation and finally death in the Capulet tomb.

It is possible to see the lovers’ story, as some critics have done, as Shakespeare’s dramatic realization of the ruling metaphors of Petrarchan love poetry—particularly its fascination with “death-marked love” ( Prologue. 9 ). 3 But, in pondering the implications of Shakespeare’s moving his audience to identify with this narrative of initiative, desire, and power, we also do well to remember the psychosocial dynamics of drama. By heightening their powers of identification, drama gives the members of an audience an embodied image of the possible scope and form of their fears and desires. Here we have seen how tragic form operates to contain the complex play of desire/identification. The metaphors of Petrarchan idealization work as part of a complex, ambivalent discourse of woman whose ultimate social function is to encode the felt differences between men and women on which a dominant male power structure is based. Romeo and Juliet find a new discourse of romantic individualism in which Petrarchan idealization conjoins with the mutual avowal of sexual desire. But their union, as we have seen, imperils the traditional relations between males that is founded upon the exchange of women, whether the violent exchange Gregory and Sampson crudely imagine or the normative exchange planned by Capulet and Paris. Juliet, as the daughter whose erotic willfulness activates her father’s transformation from concerned to tyrannical parent, is the greater rebel. Thus the secret marriage in which this new language of feeling is contained cannot here be granted the sanction of a comic outcome. When Romeo and Juliet reunite, it is only to see each other, dead, in the dim confines of the Capulet crypt. In this play the autonomy of romantic individualism remains “star-crossed.”

  • The story of these massive shifts in European sensibility is told in a five-volume study titled A History of Private Life , gen. eds. Philippe Ariès and Georges Duby (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1987–91). The study covers over three millennia in the history of western Europe. For the period most relevant to Romeo and Juliet, see vol. 3, Passions of the Renaissance (1989), ed. Roger Chartier, trans. Arthur Goldhammer, pp. 399–607.
  • The best extended discussion of the dynamic of the feud is Coppélia Kahn, Man’s Estate: Masculine Identity in Shakespeare (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1981), pp. 83ff.
  • Nicholas Brooke, Shakespeare’s Early Tragedies (London: Methuen, 1968), pp. 82ff.

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GCSE English Literature - 'Romeo & Juliet' Essays

GCSE English Literature - 'Romeo & Juliet' Essays

Subject: English

Age range: 14-16

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14 August 2024

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Finding it challenging to grasp ‘Romeo & Juliet’? Or looking for an additional study aid? We’ve got you covered! We’ve put together a set of 5 sample essays from the legendary Literary Heritage text by William Shakespeare! These essays align with the official Pearson Edexcel IGCSE specification, featuring questions akin to those asked in real examinations. Each essay has been evaluated at a grade 9 standard by teachers. Get this set now to boost your vocabulary, refine your grammar, and improve your overall English. Engage with this resource and uplift your English Literature grade to a 9. Share your feedback and let us know how it helped in your exams!

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  • Each document is 2/3 sides ranging from 1000-1500 words making them appropriate length for real examinations
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The Compiled Sample Essays & Essay Questions: Juliet: Sample Essay Question: ‘How does Shakespeare present Juliet in the play?’

Mercutio: Sample Essay Question: ‘How does Shakespeare present Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet?’

Romeo: Sample Essay Question: ‘How does Shakespeare present the character of Romeo?’

The Nurse: Sample Essay Question: ‘How is the Nurse presented as an important character in Romeo and Juliet?’

Tybalt: Sample Essay Question: ‘Explore the idea that Tybalt as an aggressive and violent character?’

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Romeo And Juliet Essay Questions

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Essays on Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and juliet essay topics: a guide for college students.

Explore essay topics on Shakespeare's timeless tragedy, "Romeo and Juliet." Selecting the right essay topic is the first step towards crafting a compelling and insightful analysis. This page aims to spark your creativity and personal interest in diving deep into the play's themes, characters, and societal implications.

Essay Types and Topics

Essays can vary greatly in type and focus. Below, we categorize potential "Romeo and Juliet" essay topics by type, providing a diverse range of subjects suitable for college-level analysis. Each topic suggestion comes with an introductory paragraph example, including a clear thesis statement, and a concluding paragraph that summarizes the essay and reiterates the thesis with a final reflection or call to action.

Argumentative Essays

  • Topic: The Role of Fate vs. Free Will in Romeo and Juliet

Introduction Example: "Romeo and Juliet" is often interpreted as a narrative dominated by fate, yet a closer examination reveals a complex interplay between destiny and the choices of its characters. This essay argues that while fate sets the stage, the personal decisions of Romeo, Juliet, and others significantly influence the tragic outcome. Thesis Statement: Despite the heavy hand of fate, the tragic ending of "Romeo and Juliet" is the result of the characters' own choices, highlighting Shakespeare's commentary on free will.

Conclusion Example: In conclusion, "Romeo and Juliet" serves not only as a tale of doomed love but also as a profound exploration of the tension between fate and free will. The characters' decisions, as much as fate, weave the fabric of their tragedy, suggesting that our destinies are not solely at the mercy of the stars but also of our actions.

Compare and Contrast Essays

  • Topic: Love and Hate in "Romeo and Juliet": A Comparative Analysis

Introduction Example: "Romeo and Juliet" masterfully juxtaposes the themes of love and hate, revealing how closely intertwined and yet vastly different they are. This essay will compare and contrast these central themes, examining how they coexist and influence the narrative's progression. Thesis Statement: Shakespeare demonstrates through "Romeo and Juliet" that love and hate are two sides of the same coin, each driving the story to its inevitable tragic conclusion.

Conclusion Example: Ultimately, the examination of love and hate in "Romeo and Juliet" reveals the complexity of human emotions and the tragic outcomes when these powerful feelings collide. Shakespeare's play serves as a timeless reminder of the destructive power of hate and the transcendent nature of love.

Descriptive Essays

  • Topic: The Symbolism of Light and Darkness in "Romeo and Juliet"

Introduction Example: Throughout "Romeo and Juliet," Shakespeare employs the motifs of light and darkness to symbolize the dual nature of love and the societal constraints surrounding the protagonists. This essay aims to describe the significance of these symbols and their impact on the narrative. Thesis Statement: Light and darkness in "Romeo and Juliet" serve as powerful symbols that highlight the intensity of Romeo and Juliet's love and the darkness of the world that ultimately leads to their demise.

Conclusion Example: The symbolism of light and darkness in "Romeo and Juliet" enriches the narrative, offering deeper insights into the protagonists' love and the challenges they face. Through these motifs, Shakespeare communicates the enduring power and peril of love within a divided society.

Persuasive Essays

  • Topic: The Importance of the Friar Lawrence Character in "Romeo and Juliet"

Introduction Example: Friar Lawrence is often viewed as a secondary character in "Romeo and Juliet," yet his role is pivotal to the unfolding of the play's events. This essay will persuade readers of the critical importance of Friar Lawrence, arguing that his decisions and actions are central to the narrative and themes of the play. Thesis Statement: Friar Lawrence is a crucial character in "Romeo and Juliet," whose actions and wisdom deeply influence the course and outcome of the story.

Conclusion Example: In persuading the reader of Friar Lawrence's significance, it becomes clear that his character is not only central to the narrative but also embodies the themes of wisdom, folly, and the unintended consequences of well-meaning actions. His involvement is essential to understanding the play's deeper messages.

Narrative Essays

  • Topic: A Modern Retelling of "Romeo and Juliet"

Introduction Example: Imagining "Romeo and Juliet" set in the modern era offers a unique opportunity to explore how the themes of love, conflict, and tragedy translate across time. This narrative essay will recount the classic story through a contemporary lens, examining how the central themes endure in today's society. Thesis Statement: The timeless themes of "Romeo and Juliet" continue to resonate, even when set against the backdrop of the modern world, illustrating the universality of Shakespeare's masterpiece.

Conclusion Example: Through a modern retelling of "Romeo and Juliet," it becomes evident that the themes of love, hate, and fate are not confined to any one era but are enduring aspects of the human condition. Shakespeare's work remains relevant, reflecting the persistent nature of these experiences across generations.

Engagement and Creativity

As you embark on your essay-writing journey, choose a topic that not only aligns with your assignment requirements but also sparks your interest and curiosity. Let your exploration of "Romeo and Juliet" be guided by creativity and a desire to uncover new insights into Shakespeare's work. Engage deeply with the text, and allow your critical thinking to bring fresh perspectives to well-trodden paths.

Educational Value

Writing essays on "Romeo and Juliet" offers valuable opportunities to develop analytical thinking, persuasive writing skills, and a deeper appreciation for literature. Each essay type encourages a different approach to the text, whether it be through argumentative analysis, comparative exploration, descriptive detail, persuasive advocacy, or narrative creativity. Embrace these challenges as chances to enhance your academic skills and personal growth.

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Romeo and Juliet: Choice Or Fate

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Maturity and Immaturity in The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet

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1597, William Shakespeare

Play; Shakespearean Tragedy

Romeo, Juliet, Count Paris, Mercutio, Tybalt, The Nurse, Rosaline, Benvolio, Friar Laurence

Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is based on a narrative poem by Arthur Brooke called "The Tragical History of Romeus and Juliet," which was published in 1562. However, Shakespeare's play transformed the original story into a timeless masterpiece of love and tragedy. The historical context of the play is rooted in the Italian Renaissance, a period characterized by a renewed interest in classical literature, arts, and humanism. This cultural milieu influenced Shakespeare's portrayal of the conflict between love and societal norms, as well as the exploration of passion, honor, and fate.

In the city of Verona, two prominent families, the Montagues and the Capulets, are engaged in a bitter feud. Amidst this hostility, Romeo, a Montague, attends a masquerade ball hosted by the Capulets and instantly falls in love with Juliet, a Capulet. They share a passionate encounter and realize they are from rival families. Determined to be together, Romeo and Juliet secretly marry with the help of Friar Laurence. However, their blissful union is short-lived when a series of unfortunate events unfolds. Tybalt, Juliet's hot-tempered cousin, challenges Romeo to a duel, resulting in Tybalt's death. As punishment, Romeo is banished from Verona. Desperate to avoid her arranged marriage to Count Paris, Juliet seeks assistance from Friar Laurence, who devises a plan to reunite the lovers. But the plan goes awry, and miscommunication leads Romeo to believe that Juliet is dead. Overwhelmed by grief, Romeo drinks a poison and dies next to Juliet's lifeless body. Upon awakening and discovering Romeo's fate, Juliet takes her own life with a dagger. The tragic deaths of Romeo and Juliet finally bring their feuding families together in sorrow, realizing the consequences of their longstanding enmity.

Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is set in the Italian city of Verona during the 14th century. Verona serves as the backdrop for the tragic love story of the young protagonists, Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet. The city of Verona is depicted as a place of deep-seated rivalry and violence between the two influential families, the Montagues and the Capulets. The streets of Verona are filled with tension and hostility, as the feuding families constantly clash and disrupt the peace. Within Verona, significant locations play a vital role in the story. The streets and public squares serve as meeting places for the characters, where conflicts and confrontations often occur. The Capulet household, including the iconic balcony where Romeo and Juliet exchange their famous declarations of love, symbolizes the forbidden nature of their relationship. Additionally, the tomb of the Capulets becomes the tragic final setting where Romeo and Juliet meet their fateful ends.

Love: Romeo and Juliet's love is portrayed as passionate and all-consuming, transcending the boundaries of their warring families. The theme of love is further explored through the contrast between romantic love and familial love, as the couple grapples with loyalty to their families and their own desires. Fate: The play suggests that the lovers' tragic end is predetermined by forces beyond their control, emphasizing the role of destiny in their lives. This theme is captured in the famous line, "star-crossed lovers," which highlights the notion that their love is doomed from the start. Feuds and conflict: The bitter rivalry between the Montagues and the Capulets fuels the tension and violence that ultimately leads to the tragic events. Shakespeare explores the destructive consequences of long-standing enmity and the price that is paid when hatred triumphs over peace.

One prevalent literary device in the play is metaphor. Shakespeare employs metaphor to convey complex ideas and emotions. For example, in Romeo's famous line, "But soft, what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun," he compares Juliet to the sun, emphasizing her radiant beauty and his adoration for her. Another device used extensively in Romeo and Juliet is dramatic irony. This occurs when the audience knows more about the events or the true intentions of the characters than they do themselves. A notable example is when Juliet takes a sleeping potion to feign her death, while Romeo, unaware of her plan, believes she is truly dead. This creates tension and heightens the emotional impact of the subsequent tragic events. Additionally, Shakespeare employs soliloquies and asides to reveal the characters' inner thoughts and feelings directly to the audience. These monologues provide insight into their motivations, dilemmas, and conflicts, fostering a deeper understanding of their complexities. Other literary devices employed in Romeo and Juliet include imagery, allusion, foreshadowing, and wordplay.

"But soft, what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun." - Romeo (Act II, Scene II) "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." - Juliet (Act II, Scene II) "O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" - Juliet (Act II, Scene II) "Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow." - Juliet (Act II, Scene II) "These violent delights have violent ends." - Friar Laurence (Act II, Scene VI)

In film, there have been numerous cinematic adaptations of Romeo and Juliet, each offering its unique take on the timeless story. Franco Zeffirelli's 1968 film and Baz Luhrmann's 1996 modernized version are among the most well-known adaptations, capturing the tragic romance and passion of the original play. Television has also embraced Romeo and Juliet, with adaptations ranging from traditional period dramas to contemporary reinterpretations. These adaptations often explore different settings and time periods while staying true to the core themes of love, feuds, and destiny. The play has influenced music as well, with artists drawing inspiration from the story and its characters. Popular songs, such as "Love Story" by Taylor Swift and "Check Yes Juliet" by We the Kings, reference Romeo and Juliet, showcasing the enduring impact of the play on popular culture. Additionally, Romeo and Juliet has been referenced in literature, visual arts, and even advertising campaigns, highlighting its cultural significance and widespread recognition.

Cultural Significance: The play has become a symbol of romantic tragedy and forbidden love. It has inspired countless adaptations, films, and musicals, further cementing its status as an iconic love story. Language and Expressions: Shakespeare's unique language and poetic expressions in "Romeo and Juliet" have greatly influenced the English language. Phrases like "What's in a name?" and "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet" have become widely quoted and integrated into everyday speech. Archetypal Characters: The characters of Romeo and Juliet have become archetypes of passionate, young lovers. Their plight and the themes of love, fate, and family conflict resonate with audiences across cultures and generations. Impact on Drama and Theater: The play's tragic structure, complex characters, and dramatic tension have had a lasting impact on the field of drama. It has served as a model for storytelling and character development, inspiring playwrights and directors for centuries.

Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" is a timeless masterpiece that remains relevant and captivating across centuries. Exploring the reasons why it is worth writing an essay about involves delving into its enduring significance. Firstly, the play explores universal themes such as love, fate, and family conflict, which resonate with audiences of all ages and cultures. Its exploration of the intensity and consequences of young love provides valuable insights into human emotions and relationships. Secondly, the play showcases Shakespeare's unparalleled mastery of language and poetic expression. Studying the rich and evocative dialogue, intricate wordplay, and use of literary devices in "Romeo and Juliet" allows for a deeper appreciation of Shakespeare's artistic genius and contributes to the understanding of his broader body of work. Furthermore, the play's exploration of societal expectations, gender roles, and the power of passion challenges conventional norms and raises thought-provoking questions about the constraints of society. Lastly, the enduring popularity and numerous adaptations of "Romeo and Juliet" in various art forms demonstrate its cultural significance and ability to inspire creative interpretations.

1. Shakespeare, W. (2019). Romeo and juliet. In One-Hour Shakespeare (pp. 304-368). Routledge. ( 2. Driscoll, R., Davis, K. E., & Lipetz, M. E. (1972). Parental interference and romantic love: The Romeo and Juliet effect. Journal of personality and social psychology, 24(1), 1. ( 3. Whittier, G. (1989). The Sonnet's Body and the Body Sonnetized in" Romeo and Juliet". Shakespeare Quarterly, 40(1), 27-41. ( 4. Kottman, P. A. (2012). Defying the stars: tragic love as the struggle for freedom in Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare Quarterly, 63(1), 1-38. ( 5. Sánchez, A. B. (1995). Metaphorical models of romantic love in Romeo and Juliet. Journal of Pragmatics, 24(6), 667-688. ( 6. Clark, G. (2011). The civil mutinies of Romeo and Juliet. English Literary Renaissance, 41(2), 280-300. ( 7. Snyder, S. (1970). Romeo and juliet: Comedy into tragedy. Essays in Criticism, 20(4), 391-402. ( 8. Brown, S., Cockett, P., & Yuan, Y. (2019). The neuroscience of Romeo and Juliet: An fMRI study of acting. Royal Society Open Science, 6(3), 181908. (

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photo essay of romeo and juliet

Romeo And Juliet Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on romeo and juliet.

Romeo and Juliet is the most famous love tragedy written by William Shakespeare. This is a story of love and fate. Furthermore, the basis of this tragic love story is the Old Italian tale translated into English in the sixteenth century. The story is about two young star-crossed lovers whose death results in reconcile between their feuding families. Moreover, Romeo and Juliet is among the most frequently performed plays by Shakespeare .

Romeo and Juliet Essay

Lessons of Love from Romeo and Juliet

First of all, Romeo and Juliet teach us that love is blind. Romeo and Juliet belonged to two influential families. Furthermore, these two families were engaged in a big feud among themselves. However, against all odds, Romeo and Juliet find each other and fall in love. Most noteworthy, they are blind to the fact that they are from rival families. They strive to be together in spite of the threat of hate between their families.

Another important lesson is that love brings out the best in us. Most noteworthy, Romeo and Juliet were very different characters by the end of the story than in the beginning. Romeo was suffering from depression before he met Juliet. Furthermore, Juliet was an innocent timid girl. Juliet was forced into marriage against her will by her parents. After falling in love, the personalities of these characters changed in positive ways. Romeo becomes a deeply passionate lover and Juliet becomes a confident woman.

Life without love is certainly not worth living. Later in the story, Romeo learns that his beloved Juliet is dead. At this moment Romeo felt a heart-shattering moment. Romeo then gets extremely sad and drinks poison. However, Juliet was alive and wakes up to see Romeo dead. Juliet then immediately decides to kill herself due to this massive heartbreak. Hence, both lovers believed that life without love is not worth living.

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Legacy of Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet is one of Shakespeare’s most popular plays. Furthermore, the play was very popular even in Shakespeare’s lifetime. Scholar Gary Taylor believes it as the sixth most popular of Shakespeare’s plays. Moreover, Sir William Davenant of the Duke’s Company staged Romeo and Juliet in 1662. The earliest production of Romeo and Juliet was in North America on 23 March 1730.

There were professional performances of Romeo and Juliet in the mid-19th century. In 19th century America, probably the most elaborate productions of Romeo and Juliet took place. The first professional performance of the play in Japan seems to be George Crichton Miln’s company’s production in 1890. In the 20th century, Romeo and Juliet became the second most popular play behind Hamlet.

There have been at least 24 operas based on Romeo and Juliet. The best-known ballet version of this play is Prokofiev’s Romeo and Juliet. Most noteworthy, Romeo and Juliet have a huge impact on literature. Romeo and Juliet made romance as a worthy topic for tragedy. Before Romeo and Juliet, romantic tragedy was certainly unthinkable.

Romeo and Juliet are probably the most popular romantic fictional characters. They have been an inspiration for lovers around the world for centuries. Most noteworthy, the story depicts the struggle of the couple against a patriarchal society. People will always consider Romeo and Juliet as archetypal young lovers.

Q1 State any one lesson of love from Romeo and Juliet?

A1 One lesson of love from Romeo and Juliet is that love brings out the best in us.

Q2 What makes Romeo and Juliet unique in literature?

A2 Romeo and Juliet made romance as a worthy topic for tragedy. This is what makes it unique.

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Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare


Romeo and Juliet  by William Shakespeare

photo essay of romeo and juliet

Published:  1590s

Country:  United Kingdom

Publisher:  Thomas Creede

Romeo and Juliet is probably the most famous literary love story in the world. Even people who’ve never read or seen the play know the names of the two main characters. When Shakespeare wrote the play more than 400 years ago, arranged marriages were far more common than romantic love and would continue to be so for a long time. 

The play takes a radical, and modern, approach to male/female relationships, without being sentimental. It is after all a tragedy. What destroys the two lovers is not the hasty, impulsive nature of their love, but the fact that, because of the loathing their two families have for one another, they are never allowed to love freely or openly. 

The play continues to resonate in the 21st century, because human beings still create seemingly unbreakable barriers of class, creed, race, or sexuality between their children, and Juliet’s words still echo: “‘Tis but thy name that is my enemy.” 

More on Romeo and Juliet

  • ACTS - Read our detailed act by act breakdown to get an understanding of the plot, and then look at some exemplar essays to help you generate your own ideas.
  • CHARACTERS - Find out all about the characters that Shakespeare created by reading our character analysis and essays on each characters.
  • THEMES - Fate, love and hate- get to know the key themes in Romeo and Juliet to give you ideas for your own essays.

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114 Romeo and Juliet Essay Titles & Examples

Looking for Romeo and Juliet essay titles? The world’s most tragic story is worth writing about!

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📌 Interesting Romeo and Juliet Essay Topics

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Romeo and Juliet is probably the most famous tragedy by William Shakespeare. It is a story of two young lovers whose deaths reconcile their feuding families. Whether you are assigned an argumentative, persuasive, or analytical essay on this piece of literature, this article will answer all your questions. Below you’ll find Romeo and Juliet essay examples, thesis ideas, and paper topics.

  • “Romeo and Juliet”: character analysis
  • What role does the setting play in “Romeo and Juliet”?
  • “Romeo and Juliet” and antique tradition of tragic love stories
  • Theme of love in “Romeo and Juliet”
  • What role does the theme of fate play in “Romeo and Juliet”?
  • “Romeo and Juliet”: dramatic structure analysis
  • Analyze the balcony scene in “Romeo and Juliet”
  • “Romeo and Juliet”: feminist criticism
  • The most famous adaptations of “Romeo and Juliet”
  • “Romeo and Juliet” in the world culture

Keep reading to learn the key points you can use to write a successful paper.

  • Original Italian Tale vs. Shakespeare’s Tragedy

The story described in Shakespeare’s tragedy is based on the Italian tale that was translated into English in the sixteenth century. Original version represents situations and lines from Romeo and Juliet lives.

Shakespeare added a few more main characters: Mercutio, Paris, and Tybalt. Numerous researches state that Shakespeare used three sources to write his tragedy: a novella Giulietta e Romeo by Matteo Bandello, written in 1554; a story Il Novellio, by Masuccio Salernitano; and the Historia Novellamente Ritrovata di Due Nobili Amanti, written by Luigi Da Porto.

You can learn more about these novels to find out similarities and differences between primary sources and Shakespeare’s work

  • Love and Fate in Romeo and Juliet

If you’re going to write Romeo and Juliet essay on fate, read this paragraph. Fate is the fundamental concept of the plot. It makes us look at Romeo and Juliet affair as a single tragedy.

At the same time, another core element of the story is love. From the very beginning of the drama, you will clearly understand that the story will end in tragedy.

Shakespeare shows us the value of fate events.

However, love remains a crucial thematic element. The roles of Nurse, Paris, and Romeo show us a physical attraction, sympathy, and romantic affection while being the embodiment of love. Analyze what type of love is represented by each character in your essay. Explain, what do you think real love is.

  • Value and Duality in Romeo and Juliet

Among the central idea to consider for your Romeo and Juliet essay titles is an issue of value and duality. Shakespeare actively uses duality in his tragedy by representing the deaths of Romeo and Juliet as reasons of tragedy in Verona, which brought new order to the city.

Friar Laurence also reveals ambiguity when he helped Romeo and thus forced young lovers to suffer in the end. The decision to marry couple had a reason to end the conflict between Montague and Capulets.

Romeo and Juliet’s example discloses happiness and blame brought by key episodes and change in society. In your writing, you may analyze how the effect of adoration had influenced Romeo, Juliet, and other people lives.

  • Masculinity in Romeo and Juliet

A lot of Romeo and Juliet essay examples analyze the role of gender and masculinity in the tragedy. Mercutio is shown as a classic example of a real man: active, brave citizen.

He is a person of action. On the other hand, Romeo is described as a boy who seeks for love. Romeo and Juliet love thrown into quarreling world.

You can analyze the reasons why Romeo fights and kills Paris when finding him near Juliet body.

Covering all of the points mentioned above will help you to produce an outstanding Romeo and Juliet essay. Check the samples below to get inspiration and more ideas that you can use in your own paper.

🏆 Best Romeo and Juliet Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

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  • The Portrayal of Fate in “Romeo and Juliet” Thus, the play Romeo and Juliet demonstrates that fate is the invisible, unavoidable force behind the entirety of the human experience.
  • William Shakespeare “Romeo and Juliet” and “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” This paper examines romantic love as the source of joy and fulfillment in “Romeo and Juliet” and “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”. Love is the source of pain and suffering in “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”.
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IvyPanda. (2023, December 7). 114 Romeo and Juliet Essay Titles & Examples.

"114 Romeo and Juliet Essay Titles & Examples." IvyPanda , 7 Dec. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) '114 Romeo and Juliet Essay Titles & Examples'. 7 December.

IvyPanda . 2023. "114 Romeo and Juliet Essay Titles & Examples." December 7, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "114 Romeo and Juliet Essay Titles & Examples." December 7, 2023.


IvyPanda . "114 Romeo and Juliet Essay Titles & Examples." December 7, 2023.

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Photo essay-romeo & juliet.

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Presentation outline, untitled slide, the theme i chose is revenge. my thematic statement is "sometimes revenge can backfire.", first quotation: "if ever you disturb our streets again your lives shall pay the forfeit of the peace,"(act 1 scene 1 page 34) -a way of showing backfired revenge; you can put your life in danger because of someone else., second quotation: "...of tybalt, deaf to peace, but, that he tilts with piercing steel at bold mercutio's breast..."(act 3 scene 1 page 158) - this part portrays that the rage of revenge can blind a person and they can end up killing someone, they did not want to., last quotation: "thy husband in thy bosom there lies deed, and paris too,"(act 5 scene 3 page 276). - at this part paris kills romeo thinking romeo is the reason why juliet is dead, whereas she isn't. - this shows that you can get yourself killed as well as kill someone else because of revenge., this is a picture of a heart monitor showing the beating of a heart that stops to beat. this is also a way to display that revenge can get the ones you love killed., this picture of a breaking rope is a way of showing a breaking or broken relationship. therefore, while getting revenge you can break one or more relationships without even knowing, resulting in putting the people not having anything to do with your revenge in pain., this picture shows someone spying or stalking someone. therefore, you could also start to lose your sanity during getting revenge, and end up actually losing all of it., sometimes, friends and family can leave you because they think that this revenge is getting way out of hand and they cannot keep up with your dark thoughts. resulting in abandonment like shown in this picture., getting revenge can backfire because you could end up getting killed in the process, instead of actually getting revenge., works cited block, ph.d. alison p. “fear of abandonment: the lasting effects of trauma.” little silver-oceanport, nj patch, patch, 21 oct. 2015,, thank you for listening.

photo essay of romeo and juliet

Sumeet Khakh

photo essay of romeo and juliet

Matt Wotton, MBA and Graham Johnston, MBA

  • Relationships

Romeo and Juliet: Love’s Worst Case Study

They're held up as paragons of romance. but their story is a tragedy..

Posted August 23, 2024 | Reviewed by Margaret Foley

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  • There's lots to learn from Romeo and Juliet. Their love is intense, passionate, and energetic.
  • But they don't really know each other. They're hormonal, lustful, and naïve teenagers.
  • Violent desire leads to violent ends. Listen instead to the Friar for relationship advice: Love moderately.
  • Do the small things, every day, to keep love's flame burning.

Romeo and Juliet are teenagers who decide to marry on the day they meet and whose relationship lasts, at best, five days before they end up dead. Romeo is getting over a previous love moments before he sees Juliet. That's why his friends dragged him to the Capulet’s party. Are we really supposed to put their angsty crush on a pedestal?

But we do. We celebrate their story as the most romantic ever told.

The star-cross’d lovers have an intense, young love. Juliet is only 13; Romeo only a few years her elder. Their love is so all-consuming that they are willing to forsake everything—their families, their futures, even their own lives—for each other. Forbidden love tastes even sweeter. They’re surrounded by a world of death and war and try to fill it instead with passion and love. They are young, they are vital, they are alive.

We can all remember those days when our bodies and minds would yearn in similar ways. Our partners could do no wrong. It would literally hurt to be apart; parting was “such sweet sorrow.” We would be jealous of any glance at a stranger, jealous of past loves. We would need to know everything about them. We’d sacrifice friendships, families, hobbies—all to spend as much time as possible with them. We felt apart from the world, rather than existing within it.

We can also relate to the discomfort of trying to make two difficult families get along. Our in-laws might not be the Capulets or the Montagues, but we can find strength in navigating those extended family relationships together.

Violent delights, violent ends

Ultimately, though, Romeo and Juliet is not a romance; it’s a tragedy. Their lives and love are cut short before they can blossom into maturity. These are hormonal , naïve teenagers, unable to do the hard work of real relationships. We don’t get to see them in their early 30s, doubting their decisions, changing nappies, returning to work after maternity leave, squabbling over domestic chores.

The tragedy is that they never had the chance to figure out mature relationships for themselves. Infatuation got them killed. As Friar Lawrence knew, “these violent delights have violent ends.”

We’re sold a version of this lie as the pinnacle of romance in different forms in modern culture. Pop songs are full of it. Beyoncé is "Crazy in Love." Taylor Swift’s “Love Story” is basically Romeo and Juliet in the Hamptons. Lots of people worry when a new relationship doesn’t begin in a blaze of passion and angst. Others panic when the early intensity fades or evolves into something potentially more long-lasting.

Romeo and Juliet don’t really know each other and the depths of what makes each of them unique. They don’t have to deal with the reality of each other’s imperfections and what it takes to be in a long-term relationship with someone who will never be able to meet all their physical and emotional needs.

Love should develop a depth that counters any early intensity. For those of us in middle age, how many of us would really welcome that intensity in our lives right now? It would be exciting for about 24 hours. Twenty years into a marriage , we don’t want to feel like we’re being punched in the gut every time we leave our lover. Again, the ever-sage Friar notes that even the taste of honey gets sickly.

Even the celebration of early intensity in a relationship should be debunked. The best relationships often start from the foundation of good friendship and the trust, safety, and depth that offers. Some amazing relationships are late bloomers.

You (don’t) complete me

And it’s not just Romeo and Juliet. Jerry Maguire’s famous “you complete me” line was presented as swoon-inducing rather than vomit-worthy. It has led to the pervasive lie that you need to find someone who is your soulmate rather than finding someone you like a lot and find attractive enough to build a home with. There are many people in the world who could fit that bill. Find one. Commit to them. Work on it.

It’s better to love your in-laws than be at war with them. Marriage as a ceremony is based on standing in front of our friends and family and committing to love and support our partners: to want the best for them, to champion them, to fight for the relationship even when it gets hard. We bring our communities into that covenant and ask them to share that burden: to be there as shoulders to cry on, to tell us not to be so stupid as to walk away just because times are tough, to remind us that we made a commitment that shouldn’t easily be broken.

photo essay of romeo and juliet

Moderation in all things

Love moderately, advises the Friar. What does this mean? Show your partner you still find them attractive (after all, they want to feel attractive as well as liked), but don’t expect to want to tear each other’s clothes off every day after a few years or decades. Tell your partner what you love about them and how they make you feel, but be sure to remain an independent person with your own interests and desires. Take care of the relationships with the friends and families who were at your wedding. Make being in love as easy as you can: Go to bed at the same time as your partner; show interest in their life whilst allowing them some privacy; say thank you when they do nice things. Do the small things, every day, to keep love’s flame burning.

This doesn’t have to be boring . You can still have moments of passion and periods of intensity. But be sure to notice and cherish the love that persists through the calmer moments, and amidst the challenges.

Let’s finish with the Friar: “Wisely and slow; they stumble that run fast.”

Matt Wotton, MBA and Graham Johnston, MBA

Matt Wotton, MBA, and Graham Johnston, MBA, are psychotherapists and co-Directors of The London Centre for Applied Psychology.

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  1. Romeo and Juliet Essay

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  5. Romeo and Juliet Essay

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    photo essay of romeo and juliet


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    Photo Essay-Romeo & Juliet. Share. Copy. Download. 0. 440. No Description. View Outline. MORE DECKS TO EXPLORE. PRESENTATION OUTLINE. 1. Untitled Slide. 2. The theme I chose is revenge. My thematic statement is "Sometimes revenge can backfire." ... - at this part Paris kills Romeo thinking Romeo is the reason why Juliet is dead, whereas she isn't.

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