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Join the community, add a new evaluation result row, object detection.

4079 papers with code • 101 benchmarks • 275 datasets

Object Detection is a computer vision task in which the goal is to detect and locate objects of interest in an image or video. The task involves identifying the position and boundaries of objects in an image, and classifying the objects into different categories. It forms a crucial part of vision recognition, alongside image classification and retrieval .

The state-of-the-art methods can be categorized into two main types: one-stage methods and two stage-methods:

One-stage methods prioritize inference speed, and example models include YOLO, SSD and RetinaNet.

Two-stage methods prioritize detection accuracy, and example models include Faster R-CNN, Mask R-CNN and Cascade R-CNN.

The most popular benchmark is the MSCOCO dataset. Models are typically evaluated according to a Mean Average Precision metric.

( Image credit: Detectron )

research papers on object detection

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Trend Dataset Best ModelPaper Code Compare
Cascade Eff-B7 NAS-FPN (Copy Paste pre-training, single-scale)
Relation-DETR (Swin-L 2x)
Co-DETR (single-scale)
Synth Pretrained Faster R-CNN ResNeXt-101-FPN
Mask RCNN R50
Swin-T (ImageNet-1k pretrain)
Grounding DINO 1.5 Pro
PVT (Pyramid Vision Transformer; trained on PeopleArt and PopArt)
Cascade R-CNN (R50-FPN)
Co-DETR (single-scale)
IterDet (Faster RCNN, ResNet50, 2 iterations)
AP (%)
OBSS YOLOv5+Track Boosting (Including Synthetic Data)
Grounding DINO 1.5 Pro
DASS-Detector (YOLOX XL)
Attention-based Joint Detection of Object and Semantic Part
PNe within NGC1380 & NGC1404
RepPoints + Self-adaptation
RL [10] Lpixel
SSOD + Crop (L + U)
SSOD + Crop (L + U)
SSOD + Crop (L + U)

research papers on object detection

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research papers on object detection

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research papers on object detection

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  • Published: 29 August 2024

Adaptive condition-aware high-dimensional decoupling remote sensing image object detection algorithm

  • Chenshuai Bai 1 ,
  • Xiaofeng Bai 1 ,
  • Kaijun Wu 1 &
  • Yuanjie Ye 2  

Scientific Reports volume  14 , Article number:  20090 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

Metrics details

  • Classification and taxonomy
  • Computational biology and bioinformatics
  • Computational models
  • Image processing

Remote Sensing Image Object Detection (RSIOD) faces the challenges of multi-scale objects, dense overlap of objects and uneven data distribution in practical applications. In order to solve these problems, this paper proposes a YOLO-ACPHD RSIOD algorithm. The algorithm adopts Adaptive Condition Awareness Technology (ACAT), which can dynamically adjust the parameters of the convolution kernel, so as to adapt to the objects of different scales and positions. Compared with the traditional fixed convolution kernel, this dynamic adjustment can better adapt to the diversity of scale, direction and shape of the object, thus improving the accuracy and robustness of Object Detection (OD). In addition, a High-Dimensional Decoupling Technology (HDDT) is used to reduce the amount of calculation to 1/N by performing deep convolution on the input data and then performing spatial convolution on each channel. When dealing with large-scale Remote Sensing Image (RSI) data, this reduction in computation can significantly improve the efficiency of the algorithm and accelerate the speed of OD, so as to better adapt to the needs of practical application scenarios. Through the experimental verification of the RSOD RSI data set, the YOLO-ACPHD model in this paper shows very satisfactory performance. The F1 value reaches 0.99, the Precision value reaches 1, the Precision-Recall value reaches 0.994, the Recall value reaches 1, and the mAP value reaches 99.36 \(\%\) , which indicates that the model shows the highest level in the accuracy and comprehensiveness of OD.

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OD in RSI is an essential yet complex endeavor, confronted with numerous obstacles in real-world applications. Over the past years, significant advancements have been witnessed in the study of RSI, leading to data that exhibit extensive multi-scale attributes, substantial object overlays, and non-uniform data dispersion, which brings many difficulties to OD 1 , 2 .

figure 1

OD algorithm flow chart.

Figure  1 depicts the schematic of an OD model. RSIOD is one of the important research directions in the field of computer vision. In RSI, due to the diversity of the scale, direction and shape of the object, as well as the complex background interference, the OD task faces many challenges 3 , 4 , 5 . With the development of remote sensing technology and deep learning, methods for RSIOD have emerged in an endless stream, and remarkable results have been achieved 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 . These methods effectively improve the OD performance in RSI by introducing different network structures, feature fusion strategies and optimization techniques. Zhang et al. 18 can effectively detect directional objects in RSI through covariant network and equivariant contrast learning. Aiming at the problem of directional OD in RSI, this method adopts the strategy of covariant network and equivariant contrast learning, so as to improve the accuracy and accuracy of detection. Wang et al. 19 introduced the improved YOLOv5n lightweight remote sensing aircraft OD network, which achieves efficient OD in RSI with low computational complexity and is suitable for resource-constrained scenarios. This method effectively improves the detection accuracy and performance of aircraft objects in RSI through the improved YOLOv5 n network. Huang et al. 20 used cross-image context information to improve the accuracy and robustness of salient OD in RSI, and provided new ideas and methods for further research in the field of salient OD in RSI. Huo et al. 21 improved the accuracy and performance of salient OD in RSI through global and multi-scale aggregation networks, which is suitable for RSI analysis in various complex scenes. Aiming at the problems of background interference and small OD difficulty in OD in RSI, Dong et al. 22 adopted the strategy of background separation and small object compensation, which improved the accuracy and robustness of detection. By introducing explicit semantic guidance, Liu et al. 23 can effectively detect small objects in RSI, improve the accuracy and efficiency of detection, and provide a new and effective method for the detection of small objects in RSI. Guo et al. 24 proposed a fully deformable convolution network for ship detection in RSI. This network can better adapt to the irregular shape of the ship in the RSI, thereby improving the accuracy and robustness of the detection. By introducing deformable convolution, significant improvements have been made in the detection of objects such as ships, which provides new ideas and methods for the field of OD in RSI. Liu et al. 25 used a translation window mechanism to process image information, and Swin Transformer introduced a hierarchical structure and a translation window mechanism, which effectively captured the global and local information in the image and achieved better visual representation. Ni et al. 26 combined multiple feature fusion and learning methods to improve the classification accuracy of scenes in synthetic aperture radar images. It can not only improve the accuracy of image classification, but also enhance the ability to understand and characterize complex scenes in synthetic aperture radar images. It has important application value. Luo et al. 27 introduced the channel attention mechanism to enhance the channel information in the Feature Pyramid Network (FPN). This mechanism can effectively improve the performance of OD, so that the model can better adapt to the OD tasks in different scales and complex scenes in RSI. Gao et al. 28 proposed a method of global perception and local refinement to achieve accurate detection of objects in RSI at different scales. This method can effectively capture the global and local information in the image, and improve the detection accuracy and robustness of the object in the RSI. Ming et al. 29 improved the accuracy of OD in any direction by learning dynamic anchors to adapt to objects with different angles and shapes. This strategy effectively solves the problem that the traditional fixed anchor point is difficult to adapt to various object shape and direction changes, and provides new ideas and methods for OD tasks in RSI. Qian et al. 30 proposed a bounding box regression method, which aims to build a bridge between the two, to achieve information sharing and conversion between object-oriented detection and horizontal OD, and then improve the detection accuracy. Yu et al. 31 introduced an algorithm of Attention-Based FPN and its application in ship detection in RSI. The A-FPN algorithm improves the performance and accuracy of ship OD in RSI through the design of feature pyramid network. These methods effectively improve the OD performance in RSI by introducing different network structures, feature fusion strategies and optimization techniques. Among them, including rotation perception and multi-scale convolution neural network 32 , hierarchical region generation 33 and multi-scale feature fusion 34 , network structure with rotation perception 35 and loss function, anchor-free OD method, etc. 36 , 37 , 38 . These methods have achieved remarkable results in different aspects, and provide effective solutions for RSIOD tasks. However, there are still some challenges, such as object scale change and complex background interference, which need to be further studied and improved.

Therefore, this paper proposes an OD algorithm called YOLO-ACPHD(YOLOv8-Adaptive Condition Awareness Technology High-Dimensional Decoupling Technology, YOLO-ACPHD). The algorithm uses ACAT to adapt to objects of different scales and locations by dynamically adjusting the parameters of the convolution kernel, solving the challenges of multi-scale objects and dense overlap of objects. Instead of using fixed convolution kernels, ACAT adaptive generates convolution kernels of different shapes and sizes by analyzing the characteristics of the input data. Using the HDDT, the calculation is performed by means of separate convolution, that is, the input data is first deeply convoluted, and then each channel is spatially convoluted. HDDT can reduce the amount of calculation to 1/N, where N is the number of convolution kernels. Through these improvements, the YOLO-ACPHD algorithm has better applicability, accuracy, and robustness in dealing with RSIOD tasks.

Data and methods

Data set introduction.

Figure  2 depicts the RSOD data set, an open resource tailored for the detection of minute objects within RSI. The sample image of the RSOD RSI data set includes: aircraft, including 4993 aircraft in 446 images; oiltank, including 1586 oil tanks in 165 images; overpass, including 180 overpasses in 176 images; playground, containing 191 playgrounds in 189 images.

figure 2

RSOD RSI data sample diagram.


The YOLO-ACPHD model proposed in this paper mainly expands the following techniques to improve the detection effect and robustness.

The ACAT module can dynamically adjust the parameters of the convolution kernel to adapt to objects of different scales and positions. In RSI, the scale, direction and shape of objects are different, so it is difficult to adjust them effectively based on fixed convolution function. Employing a convolution neural network that leverages the attributes of training instances, this approach facilitates the automated learning of convolution neural networks rooted in these characteristics. Furthermore, it gives rise to multi-level and multi-aspect convolution neural networks, all grounded in the nuances of the training data. it enhances the adaptability and accuracy to complex scenes.

Through the deep convolution of each channel, the HDDT model carries on the convolution operation between each channel. Compared with the conventional convolution algorithm, the computing time of HDDT algorithm is reduced to 1/N, where N is the number of convolution kernels. Optimizing computational efficacy in the handling of extensive RSI significantly accelerates object identification by minimizing computational requirements.

By using ACAT and HDDT modules, the YOLO-ACPHD RSIOD algorithm can be more flexible to adapt to objects of different scales and locations and at the same time improve the computational efficiency of the algorithm, Consequently, the accuracy of identification and the resilience are significantly improved in the context of complex and dynamic RSI.

Research on RSIOD methods based on YOLO-ACPHD variety of advanced OD techniques are used to improve the performance and robustness of the algorithm. As shown in Fig.  3 .

figure 3

YOLO-ACPHD overall network architecture.

ACAT and HDDT modules are used to improve the adaptability and computational efficiency of the algorithm. By adaptively adjusting the characteristics of each region and each region, the ACAT model enhances the adaptive ability and accuracy of various features. HDDT algorithm uses segmented convolution operation, which not only keeps the spatial information, but also improves the robustness to objects. The research results of this project will lay a foundation for the research of RSI data analysis and analysis methods for complex scenes.

Adaptive Condition Awareness Technology

As depicted in Fig.  4 , within the standard Convolution layer, a uniform convolution kernel, referred to also as a weight, is applied across all input instances. This means that the convolution operation is the same regardless of the content of the input example. In the ACAT layer, the Convolution kernel assumes an adaptive role, transforming dynamically based on the input sample at hand. This means that each input example can have its own unique convolution kernel. The ACAT layer is designed to adaptively learn and adjust the convolution kernel according to the features and context information of the input examples, aiming to enhance the model’s capacity for expression and its generalization capabilities. This is achieved by conceptualizing the convolution kernel in relation to the input instance, the ACAT layer can share and learn different convolution kernel parameters between different examples so that the model can better adapt to the diverse input data.

figure 4

Conditional parameter convolution diagram.

In ACAT, the convolution kernel is parameterized as a function of the input example. Particularly, the parameters for the convolution kernel can be derived utilizing the subsequent equation.

Here x denotes the output of the previous layer, n denotes that the ACAT layer has n convolution kernels \((W_{i} )\) , \(\sigma\) denotes the activation function, \(\alpha _{i}= r_{i}(x)\) represents a sample-dependent weighted parameter 39 .

Traditional convolution layers typically enhance their capacity through augmenting the kernel’s height/width or the quantity of Icano channels. Nevertheless, during convolution, every extra parameter necessitates more multiplication-addition operations, a computation burden that scales linearly with the image’s pixel count. In the ACAT layer, before applying convolution, a convolution kernel is calculated for each example as a linear combination. Each convolution kernel only needs to be calculated once, but it is applied to many different positions of the input image. The integration of n enhances the overall capability of the network, and this augmentation demands a mere insignificant computational expense. Each additional parameter requires an additional multiplication operation. As you can see from Fig.  5 , the ACAT layer is mathematically equivalent to a high-cost expert linear mixed equation in which each expert has a static convolution:

figure 5

Expert linear mixed diagram.

Therefore, ACAT has the same capacity as the linear mixed expert formula of n experts, but it is computationally efficient because it only needs to calculate one expensive convolution. This formula delves into the nature of ACAT and links it to previous work on conditional calculations and expert mixing. In ACAT, the path selection function of each instance is very critical.

A routing function is designed that has high computational efficiency, can effectively distinguish input examples, and is easy to explain. The algorithm uses three steps to solve the problem, namely: global average common, fully connected layer, Sigmoid activation. The route weighting is calculated as follows:

For the input x , the global average pooling is first performed, and then the right is multiplied by a matrix R (the purpose of the matrix is to map the dimensions to n experts to achieve the subsequent linear combination). Finally, the weights on each dimension are reduced to the [0, 1] interval by sigmoid. Therefore, different routing weight vectors are obtained according to the different input x .

  • High-dimensional decoupling technology

Based on the HDDT, the standard \(3 \times 3\) convolution operation is decomposed into two steps: deep convolution and point convolution, as shown in Fig.  6 . The traditional \(3 \times 3\) convolution performs both channel and spatial direction calculations in one step. The high-dimensional decoupling technique decomposes the calculation into two steps: deep convolution and point convolution.

Each input channel undergoes an individual convolution process with its exclusive convolution filter. Consequently, every channel is equipped with its own convolution kernel for distinct data processing, thereby conducting the convolution operation across the channel dimension. Point convolution is used to create a linear combination of deep convolution outputs. Point convolution uses \(1 \times 1\) convolution kernels to linearly combine the output channels of deep convolution. This process can be seen as the dimension reduction and fusion of channel dimensions.

Standard convolution. Assuming that the convolution kernel size is \(D_{k}\times D_{k}\) , the input channel is M , the output channel is N , and the output feature map size is \(D_{F}\times D_{F}\) , then after the standard convolution, it can be calculated, the number of parameters is \(D_{k}\times D_{k} \times M \times N\) , the amount of calculation is \(D_{k}\times D_{k} \times M \times N \times D_{F}\times D_{F}\) .

Deep convolution. The convolution kernel of deep convolution is a single channel mode, and each channel of the input needs to be convoluted, so that the output feature map with the same number of channels as the input feature map will be obtained. That is, the number of input feature map channels = the number of convolution kernels = the number of output feature maps. The convolution size of deep convolution is \(D_{k}\times D_{k} \times 1\) , the number of convolution kernels is M , and each must do \(D_{F}\times D_{F}\) multiplication operations. Parameter is \(D_{F}\times D_{F} \times M\) , calculation amount is \(D_{k}\times D_{k} \times M \times D_{F}\times D_{F}\) .

Pointwise convolution. Pointwise convolution W / H dimension unchanged, change the channel. According to deep convolution, the number of input feature map channels = the number of convolution kernels = the number of output feature maps, which will lead to too few output feature maps (too few channels of output feature maps, which can be regarded as the number of output feature maps is 1 and the number of channels is 3), which may affect the effectiveness of information. At this time, point-by-point convolution is needed. Point wise Convolution (PWConv) is essentially a \(1\times 1\) convolution kernel for dimension elevation. The convolution size of point-by-point convolution is \(1\times 1 \times M\) the number of convolution kernels is N , and each must do \(D_{F}\times D_{F}\) multiplication operations. Parameter is \(M\times N\) , calculation amount is \(M \times N \times D_{F}\times D_{F}\) .

HDDT consists of deep convolution and point-by-point convolution. Deep convolution is used to extract spatial features, and point-by-point convolution is used to extract channel features. HDDT groups convolutions on the feature dimension, performs independent deep convolutions on each channel, and aggregates all channels using a \(1\times 1\) convolution before output. Parameter is \(D_{k}\times D_{k} \times M + M \times N\) , calculation amount is \(D_{k}\times D_{k} \times M \times D_{F}\times D_{F} + M \times N \times D_{F}\times D_{F}\) .

Comparison between standard convolution and HDDT.

In general, N is larger, \(\frac{1}{N}\) is negligible, \(D_{k}\) represents the size of the convolution kernel, if \(D_{k}\) , \(\frac{1}{{D_{k}^{2}}}=\frac{1}{9}\) , if we use the convolution kernel of the commonly used \(3\times 3\) , then the number of parameters and calculations using HDDT is reduced to about one-ninth of the original.

In summary, the deep separable convolution based on high-dimensional decoupling technology decomposes the standard \(3\times 3\) convolution into two steps: deep convolution and point convolution. This decomposition can improve computational efficiency and make better use of model parameters and computing resources 40 .

figure 6

When the standard convolution filter K of size \(W^{\prime }\times H^{\prime } \times M\times N\) is applied to the input feature mapping F of size \(W\times H \times M\) , an output feature mapping O of size \(D_{f}\times D_{f}\times M\) can be obtained. In standard convolution, each filter K is a tensor of size \(W^{\prime }\times H^{\prime } \times M\) . The filter is convoluted with the input feature mapping F to obtain an output feature mapping O with a size of \(D_{f}\times D_{f}\times M\) , where N is the number of filters. Each slice of the filter K with a size of \(D_{f}\times D_{f}\times N\) is multiplied by the input feature map F element by element, and the results are added to obtain a feature map with a size of \(D_{f}\times D_{f}\times M\) .

In summary, a standard convolution filter of size \(W^{\prime }\times H^{\prime } \times M\times N\) is applied to the input feature mapping of size \(W\times H \times M\) , and an output feature mapping of size W can be generated. In the context of Convolution technique, individual units multiply the input feature map, cumulatively aggregating the values across each section to derive the resulting output.

In the high-dimensional decoupling technology, the above calculation is decomposed into two steps. The first step is to apply \(3\times 3\) deep convolution K to each input channel. Specifically, for the input feature mapping F with a size of \(W\times H \times M\) , \(3\times 3\) deep convolution kernels are used to perform convolution operations with each channel of the input feature mapping. In this way, M output feature maps of size \(W\times H\) will be obtained.

The second step is point convolution, which is used to create a linear combination of deep convolution outputs. Using the convolution kernel of \(1\times 1\) , the M output feature maps are linearly combined by point-by-point convolution \(\hat{K}\) to obtain an output feature map of \(W\times H\) size. This process is equivalent to dimensionality reduction and fusion of channel dimensions.

Deep convolution and point convolution play different roles in generating new features. In this context, deep convolution serves to discern the spatial relationships inherent within an image, essentially extracting details such as edges, textures, and other pertinent information. By employing profound convolution across channels, the algorithm enhances its capacity to discern the image’s spatial architecture and distill a wealth of information from it. Conversely, point convolution is typically employed to seize the interdependencies that exist among distinct channels. By using the convolution kernel function of \(1\times 1\) and the point convolution method, the channel dimensions of each characteristic graph are linearly synthesized to achieve the interaction and fusion between channels. This operation can help the network learn the correlation and importance between different channels, thereby generating new features with more representational capabilities.

Index curve analysis

Analysis of f1 value curve.

As shown in Fig.  7 , the F1 value curve comparison of YOLOv8 series algorithms in RSIOD task is shown. F1 value is the comprehensive evaluation index of Precision and Recall, which is the harmonic mean of the two. The F1 value comprehensively considers the accuracy and recall of the classifier, and gives the same weight to Precision and Recall. The computational expression for the F1 value is as follows.

The value of F1 is between 0 and 1, and the closer the value is to 1, the better the performance of the model is. The F1 value is suitable for the case of an unbalanced class distribution. When the performance of the classifier is quite different in positive and negative examples, the F1 value can better evaluate the performance of the model.

figure 7

F1 value curve.

Among them, Fig.  7 a YOLOv8 algorithm has the best F1 value of 0.93 when the Confidence value is 0.502; Fig.  7 b YOLOv8MobileOne algorithm has the best F1 value of 0.99 when the Confidence value is 0.518; Fig.  7 c YOLOv8SWinTransformer algorithm has the best F1 value of 0.92 when the Confidence value is 0.471; Fig.  7 d YOLOv8-GCE algorithm has the best F1 value of 0.99 when the Confidence value is 0.523; Fig.  7 e YOLOv8-GCOD algorithm has the best F1 value of 0.98 when the Confidence value is 0.627; Fig. 7 f YOLO-ACPHD algorithm has the best F1 value of 0.99 when the Confidence value is 0.531.

Precision value curve analysis

As shown in Fig.  8 , the Precision value curve comparison of the YOLOv8 series algorithms in the RSIOD task is shown. Precision: Precision refers to the proportion of positive samples predicted by the classifier to the actual positive samples. It measures the accuracy of the model in samples that are predicted to be positive. The calculation formula is as follows.

figure 8

Precision value curve.

Among them, Fig.  8 a YOLOv8 algorithm has the best Precision value of 0.99 when the Confidence value is 1; Fig.  8 b YOLOv8MobileOne algorithm has the best Precision value of 1 when the Confidence value is 0.917; Fig.  8 c YOLOv8SWinTransformer algorithm has the best Precision value of 0.98 when the Confidence value is 1; Fig. 8 d YOLOv8-GCE algorithm has the best Precision value of 1 when the Confidence value is 0.911; Fig.  8 e YOLOv8-GCOD algorithm has the best Precision value of 1 when the Confidence value is 0.924; Fig. 8 f. The YOLO-ACPHD algorithm has the best Precision value of 1 when the Confidence value is 0.947.

Precision-Recall value curve analysis

As shown in Fig.  9 , the Precision-Recall value curve comparison of the YOLOv8 series algorithms in the RSIOD task is demonstrated. Precision-Recall curve. Precision-Recall curve is an evaluation index that comprehensively considers Precision and Recall. It draws a curve with Recall as the abscissa and Precision as the ordinate. The coordinates of each point on the curve represent the accuracy under different recall rates. The purpose of plotting such a curve is to visualize how the model’s effectiveness fluctuates across varying classification thresholds. Ideally, an optimal model performance is indicated when the curve hugs the top-right corner, implying high Precision and Recall values.

figure 9

Precision-Recall value curve.

Among them, Fig.  9 a YOLOv8 algorithm has the best Precision-Recall value of 0.994 at [email protected]; Fig.  9 b YOLOv8MobileOne algorithm has the best Precision-Recall value of 0.992 at [email protected]; Fig.  9 c YOLOv8SWinTransformer algorithm has the best Precision-Recall value of 0.945 at [email protected]; Fig.  9 d YOLOv8-GCE algorithm has the best Precision-Recall value of 0.993 at [email protected]; Fig.  9 e YOLOv8-GCOD algorithm has the best Precision-Recall value of 0.994 at [email protected]; Fig.  9 f YOLO-ACPHD algorithm has the best Precision-Recall value of 0.994 at [email protected].

Recall value curve analysis

As shown in Fig.  10 , the Recall value curve comparison of the YOLOv8 series algorithms in the RSIOD task is shown. Recall: Recall refers to the proportion of samples that are correctly predicted as positive by the classifier. It measures the recall rate of the model for positive samples. The mathematical expression for its computation is as follows.

figure 10

Recall value curve.

Among them, Fig.  10 a YOLOv8 algorithm has the best Recall value of 0.98 when the Confidence value is 0.0; Fig.  10 b YOLOv8MobileOne algorithm has the best Recall value of 1 when Confidence value is 0.0; Fig.  10 c YOLOv8SWinTransformer algorithm has the best Recall value of 0.98 when the Confidence value is 0.0; Fig.  10 d YOLOv8-GCE algorithm has the best Recall value of 1 when the Confidence value is 0.0; Fig.  10 e YOLOv8-GCOD algorithm has the best Recall value of 1 when the Confidence value is 0.0; Fig.  10 f YOLO-ACPHD algorithm has the best Recall value of 1 when the Confidence value is 0.0.

Comparative experiments

As shown in Fig.  11 , the comparison results of the mean Average Precision (mAP) indicators of different OD models on the RSOD RSI data set. This dot plot clearly reflects the performance differences of various models on the RSOD data set. The YOLO series models (YOLOv3, YOLOv4, YOLOv5s, YOLOv7 and YOLOv8) performed well in the RSOD task. In particular, two modules (ACAT and HDDT) are added to the YOLOv5s and YOLOv7 models respectively, which significantly improves the performance of the original model and achieves a higher mAP value. Among them, the mAP of YOLOv7-HDDT model is 98.56 \(\%\) , which shows its strong ability in the field of RSIOD. In addition, YOLO-ACPHD(ours) performed particularly well in the RSOD task, with a mAP value of 99.36 \(\%\) . This shows that our model has achieved significant advantages. In addition to the YOLO series models, other models (CBD-E, CornerNet, MFC and RetinaNet) also show certain performance. However, compared with the YOLO series models, their mAP values are generally low, indicating that the YOLO series models have better generalization ability and robustness in RSIOD tasks.

figure 11

Contrast experimental point-line diagram of RSOD RSI.

Table  1 shows in detail the comparative experimental results of different YOLO series and other OD algorithms on the RSOD RSI data set. These algorithms are evaluated on four key metrics. mAP/ \(\%\) , Parameters/M, FLOPs/G and FPS. It can be seen from the table that different algorithms show significant differences in performance. In terms of mAP, YOLOv5s, various improvements of YOLOv5s (ACAT, HDDT, SA, CSSGD), YOLOv7 and its improvements (ACAT, HDDT), and YOLO-ACPHD(ours) all showed high accuracy, exceeding 95 \(\%\) , of which YOLO-ACPHD(ours) reached the highest 99.36 \(\%\) . This shows that the proposed algorithm has good recognition ability in the OD task of RSI. In terms of Parameters/M and FLOPs/G, although high precision is usually accompanied by high computational costs, some algorithms such as YOLOv8, YOLOv5s, YOLOv7 and YOLO-ACPHD(ours) also control the increase in the number of parameters and floating-point operations while maintaining high precision, showing better computational efficiency. In particular, YOLO-ACPHD(ours) has a relatively low number of parameters and floating-point operations while maintaining the highest accuracy. In terms of FPS, this is an important indicator to measure the real-time performance of the algorithm. It can be seen from the table that YOLOv8, YOLOv5s, YOLOv7 and YOLO-ACPHD(ours) all have high FPS values, exceeding 100 frames/second, which indicates that these algorithms have good real-time performance in OD tasks of RSI. In particular, YOLO-ACPHD(ours) achieves the highest FPS value of 141.38 frames/s while maintaining high accuracy and low computational cost. It provides an efficient and accurate solution for the OD task of RSI.

Ablation experiment

As shown in Fig.  12 , we conducted detailed ablation experiments to evaluate the impact of different modules on the performance of the YOLOv8 model on the RSOD RSI dataset. The experimental results show that the performance of the YOLOv8 model has been significantly improved after the introduction of HDDT, from the original 95.06 \(\%\) mAP to 99.20 \(\%\) . This improved version is named YOLOv8-HDDT. Further, we incorporated ACAT into YOLOv8-HDDT to obtain YOLO-ACPHD(ours). As shown in the dot-line diagram in Fig.  12 , YOLO-ACPHD(ours) reaches 99.36 \(\%\) on the mAP performance index, which once again proves the effectiveness of the ACAT module in improving the detection accuracy of the model. Figure  12 intuitively shows the change trend of YOLOv8 ’s mAP performance index on the RSOD RSI data set when gradually adding different modules. Through this series of experiments, we have fully verified the significant role of HDDT and ACAT in improving the accuracy of remote sensing OD.

figure 12

Ablation experimental point-line diagram of RSOD RSI.

Table  2 shows in detail the performance comparison results of different modules based on the YOLOv8 basic model on the RSOD RSI data set. It can be seen from the table that with the gradual optimization of the YOLOv8 model, the performance of the model has been improved on multiple key indicators. In terms of mAP/ \(\%\) , YOLOv8-HDDT has a significant improvement compared with the original YOLOv8 model, from 95.06 to 99.20 \(\%\) , showing the positive impact of HDDT module on the accuracy of model detection. The final YOLO-ACPHD(ours) further improved the mAP to 99.36 \(\%\) , indicating that the introduction of the ACAT module brought more accurate detection results to the model. In terms of Parameters/M, although the performance of the model has been improved, both YOLOv8-HDDT and YOLO-ACPHD(ours) have successfully maintained relatively low parameters, which are 5.40 M and 5.42 M, respectively, compared with the original YOLOv8 (5.92M). This shows that the model maintains good computational efficiency while improving performance, which is conducive to deployment in practical applications. In terms of FLOPs/G, YOLOv8-HDDT and YOLO-ACPHD(ours) also showed optimization effects, and FLOPs decreased from the original 13.77 G to 12.69 G and 12.47 G, respectively. This means that the amount of calculation required for the model to perform forward propagation is reduced, and the running speed of the model is further improved. In terms of FPS, YOLOv8-HDDT and YOLO-ACPHD(ours) have achieved great improvement. YOLOv8-HDDT improves FPS from 126.50 to 137.21, and YOLO-ACPHD(ours) reaches 141.38, indicating that the model achieves faster detection speed while maintaining high accuracy and low computational cost, and meets the needs of real-time detection of RSI.

Experimental results

figure 13

RSOD RSI detection effect diagram.

As shown in Fig.  13 , the prediction results of the YOLO-ACPHD algorithm model designed in this paper on the RSOD data set show remarkable results. In this image, the (a) section clearly shows the label sketch map of each object in the data set, providing us with a benchmark to compare and evaluate the performance of the algorithm. The (b) part intuitively shows the actual detection effect of the algorithm after running on the verification set. In order to fully demonstrate the accuracy and reliability of the algorithm, we specially selected the most challenging object-the aircraft object which is the most difficult to detect completely as an example. By showing the comparison of 12 sets of labels and detection effects, we can clearly see that the YOLO-ACPHD algorithm proposed in this paper shows extremely high accuracy in both the location of the object and the shape recognition of the object. Almost every aircraft object is accurately detected by the algorithm without deviation. This achievement not only proves the powerful performance of the algorithm on known data sets, but more importantly, it shows the excellent generalization ability of the algorithm on unseen data. Whether in the training set or in new and unknown images, the algorithm can detect and locate the object object stably and accurately, thus playing a huge role in practical applications.

In this paper, the YOLO-ACPHD algorithm model is proposed. By using adaptive conditional sensing technology and HDDT, the challenges of multi-scale objects, dense overlap of objects and uneven data distribution in RSIOD are significantly improved. The experimental results on the RSOD data set show that the YOLO-ACPHD model has an F1 value of 0.99, a Precision value of 1, a Precision-Recall value of 0.994, a Recall value of 1, and a mAP value of 99.36 \(\%\) , showing the highest performance. It is considered to be an effective method and can achieve better performance on the RSOD RSI data set. However, future research can further optimize the adaptive conditional sensing technology to improve the detection effect of small objects, and improve the operation of HDDT to reduce the amount of calculation and improve the speed. At the same time, network pruning, quantization and other methods can be introduced to reduce the complexity of the model, and other OD techniques and model structures can be explored to improve the accuracy and robustness of the algorithm.

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The author thanks Professor Wu for his experimental guidance and help.

This work has been supported by the Natural Science Foundation Key Project of Gansu Province under Grant No. 23JRRA860, the Inner Mongolia Key R and D and Achievement Transformation Project under Grant 2023YFSH0043 and 2023YFDZ0043, the Key Research and Development Project of Lanzhou Jiaotong University ( ZDYF2304 ) and the Key Talent Project of Gansu Province.

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School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou, 730070, China

Chenshuai Bai, Xiaofeng Bai & Kaijun Wu

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Bai, C., Bai, X., Wu, K. et al. Adaptive condition-aware high-dimensional decoupling remote sensing image object detection algorithm. Sci Rep 14 , 20090 (2024).

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Received : 20 March 2024

Accepted : 23 August 2024

Published : 29 August 2024


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Dense small object detection based on an improved yolov7 model, 1. introduction, 2. related work, 3. proposed method, 3.1. more focus on small object detection head, 3.2. multi-scale feature extraction module, 3.3. spd conv downsampling, 3.4. elan model optimization, 4. experiments and analysis of results, 4.1. data set, 4.2. experimental settings, 4.3. evaluation metrics, 4.4. experimental analysis of different improvement points, 4.4.1. improved detection head for yolov7, 4.4.2. c3r2n multi-scale feature extraction module, 4.4.3. introduce spd conv downsampling module, 4.4.4. adjusting the number of channels of the feature fusion module, 4.5. ablation experiments, 4.6. comparative experiments, 4.7. visual analysis, 5. conclusions, author contributions, data availability statement, acknowledgments, conflicts of interest.

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image size640 × 640
batch size16
learning rate0.01
weight decay0.0005
ExperimentmAP(s)%mAP(m)%mAP(l)% %Parameters/M
Experiment % :0.95%Parameters/M
ExperimentmAP(s)%mAP(m)%mAP(l)% %Parameters/M
ExperimentmAP(s)%mAP(m)%mAP(l)% %Parameters/M
Method % :0.95%Parameters/M
ED+SPD Conv53.831.810.10
Method % :0.95%Parameters/M
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Chen, X.; Deng, L.; Hu, C.; Xie, T.; Wang, C. Dense Small Object Detection Based on an Improved YOLOv7 Model. Appl. Sci. 2024 , 14 , 7665.

Chen X, Deng L, Hu C, Xie T, Wang C. Dense Small Object Detection Based on an Improved YOLOv7 Model. Applied Sciences . 2024; 14(17):7665.

Chen, Xun, Linyi Deng, Chao Hu, Tianyi Xie, and Chengqi Wang. 2024. "Dense Small Object Detection Based on an Improved YOLOv7 Model" Applied Sciences 14, no. 17: 7665.

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  • Zuopeng Justin Zhang 2 &
  • Hongbo Lyu 3  

EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking volume  2020 , Article number:  204 ( 2020 ) Cite this article

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In today’s scenario, the fastest algorithm which uses a single layer of convolutional network to detect the objects from the image is single shot multi-box detector (SSD) algorithm. This paper studies object detection techniques to detect objects in real time on any device running the proposed model in any environment. In this paper, we have increased the classification accuracy of detecting objects by improving the SSD algorithm while keeping the speed constant. These improvements have been done in their convolutional layers, by using depth-wise separable convolution along with spatial separable convolutions generally called multilayer convolutional neural networks. The proposed method uses these multilayer convolutional neural networks to develop a system model which consists of multilayers to classify the given objects into any of the defined classes. The schemes then use multiple images and detect the objects from these images, labeling them with their respective class label. To speed up the computational performance, the proposed algorithm is applied along with the multilayer convolutional neural network which uses a larger number of default boxes and results in more accurate detection. The accuracy in detecting the objects is checked by different parameters such as loss function, frames per second (FPS), mean average precision (mAP), and aspect ratio. Experimental results confirm that our proposed improved SSD algorithm has high accuracy.

1 Introduction

The information age has witnessed the rapid development of wireless network technology, which has attracted the attention of researchers and practitioners due to its unique characteristics such as flexible structure and efficiency. As wireless network technology continues to evolve, it has brought great convenience to people’s life and work with its powerful technical capabilities. Wireless networks have gradually facilitated the main stream of people’s online life. At the same time, the advent of 5G network will further enable the greater development and more advanced applications of wireless network technology. The future generations of wireless networks will provide strong support for related applications such as Internet of Things (IoT) and virtual reality (VR). Many of these applications connect to each other and transmit information within networks based on the detection of specific target objects. In order to achieve a comprehensive network connection between people and people, things and people, and things and things, one of the key tasks of future applications is to identify the target in a real-time manner in the wireless networks [ 1 ].

Identifying each object in a picture or scene with the help of computer/software is called object detection. Object detection is one of the most important problems in the area of wireless network computer vision. It is the basis of complex vision tasks such as target tracking and scene understanding and is widely used in wireless networks. The task of object detection is to determine whether there are objects belonging to the specified category in the image. If it exists, then the subsequent task is to identify its category and location information. Traditional object detection algorithms are mainly devoted to the detection of a few types of targets, such as pedestrian detection [ 2 ] and infrared target detection [ 3 ]. Due to the recent advance of deep learning technology [ 4 ], especially after the appearance of the deep convolution neural network (CNN) technology, object detection algorithms have made a breakthrough development. Within these algorithms, three major methods widely adopted in this field are You Only Look Once (YOLO), single shot multi-box detector (SSD), and faster region CNN (F-RCNN) [ 5 ].

However, with the upcoming of 5G, the characteristics of wireless network, such as massive data, service evolution, data diversification, and uneven spatial-temporal distribution of data, have posed severe challenges to object detection under a real-time environment. Besides, real-time object detection also needs to be completed on any device and in any environment. To address the challenges, this paper proposes object detection technique to detect objects in real time with a model that can be executed on any device in any environment. Specifically, our proposed method applies convolutional neural networks to develop a model that consists of multiple layers to classify the given objects into several defined classes. Based on the recent advancement in deep learning with image processing, the proposed schemes then use multiple images and detect the objects from these images, labeling them with their respective class label. These images can be from videos which are fed into the model we prepared, and the training of the model takes place until the error rate is reduced to an acceptable level. To speed up the computational performance of the object detection technique, we have used improved single shot multi-box detector (SSD) algorithm along with the faster region convolutional neural network. We also conduct experiments to check the accuracy of our proposed method in detecting the objects with different parameters including loss function, mean average precision (mAP), and frames per second. The experiment results demonstrate that the proposed model has a high performance in detect accurate objects for real-time applications.

Specifically, this research makes contributions to the existing literature by improving the accuracy of SSD algorithm for detecting smaller objects. SSD algorithm works well in detecting large objects but is less accurate in detecting smaller objects. Hence, we modify the SSD algorithm to achieve acceptable accuracy for detecting smaller objects. The images or scenes are taken from web cameras and we have used Pascal visual object class (VOC) and common objects in context (COCO) datasets to carry out experiments. We capture object detection (OD) datasets from our center for image processing lab. We make use of different libraries to form a network and use tensorflow-GPU 1.5. For experimental setup, tensorflow directory, SSD MobilenetV1 FPN Feature Extractor, tensorflow object detection API, and anaconda virtual environment are used. This entire setup enables us to produce real-time object detection in a better way.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. The next section summarizes related work with a focus on the existing techniques of object detection. The third section discusses about the improved SSD algorithm. The fourth section represents the experimental results. The fifth section describes discussion and analysis, limitations, and future research directions. The final section concludes the paper.

2 Related work

2.1 computer vision detection.

In 2012, Alex [ 6 ] used the deep CNN Alex Net to win the championship in the task of ILSVRC 2012 image classification, which was superior to the traditional algorithms. Then scholars began to study the application of deep CNN in object detection. They used Alex Netto construct algorithms, such as R-CNN [ 7 , 8 , 9 ], YOLO [ 5 ], SSD [ 10 ], and others, which resulted in a surging research stream of computer vision detection.

Girshick et al. [ 8 ] proposed a method R-CNN by successfully combining region proposals with CNNs, which improves mean average precision (mAP) by more than 30%. The next year Girshick [ 11 ] named a new algorithm faster R-CNN, which employs spatial pyramid pooling networks. But it had a bottleneck in region proposal computation. In order to overcome this disadvantage, Ren et al. [ 12 ] successfully introduced a Region Proposal Network (RPN) that shares full-image convolutional features with the detection network. Cao et al. [ 13 ] proposed a rotation invariant faster R-CNN target detection algorithm. By adding regularization constraints to the target function of the model, the invariance of the target CNN feature rotation is enhanced. The model improved the accuracy by an average of 2.4%. Dai et al. [ 14 ] proposed position-sensitive score maps to address a dilemma between translation-invariance in image classification and translation variance in object detection and successfully executed them 2.5–20 times faster than the F-RCNN counterpart. Lin et al. [ 15 ] developed a top-down architecture with lateral connections, called Feature Pyramid Network (FPN), by building high-level semantic feature maps at all scales. All these algorithms successfully solved the problem in object detection. However, there are still defects in accuracy and speed for wireless network object detection applications.

In order to get a better computing speed, Redmon et al. [ 5 ] proposed a new YOLO algorithm to object detection. It achieved double mAP in real-time detectors. Then Redmon et al. [ 16 ] put forward an improved algorithm YOLO V2. On the basis of YOLO, batch normalization [ 17 ] was added in the algorithm to speed up the training and the algorithm adds anchor boxes and high resolution classifier to improve accuracy. Result shows that it runs significantly faster than F-RCNN with ResNet [ 18 ] and SSD [ 19 ]. To achieve high speed and accuracy rate, scholars further optimized the YOLO V2. For instance, Wei et al. [ 20 ] used the dimension clustering of object box, classified network pre-training, conducted multi-scale detection training, changed the candidate box filtering rules and other methods, and made the algorithm better adaptive to the location task and object detection. It increased the average accuracy rate of the detection network to 79.5%. Redmon et al. [ 21 ] proposed the third version of the YOLO series, YOLO V3, which improved the algorithm at the accuracy of detection.

For SSD algorithm, researchers also made many other improvements, such as DSSD [ 22 ], F-SSD [ 23 ], and R-SSD [ 24 ]. They all improved the fusion method of different features. However, it has some difficulties at expressing the shallow features of the prediction layer. To address some of the concerns, Fu et al. [ 22 ] offered a Deconvolutional Single Shot Detector (DSSD) by combining a classifier (Residual-101 [ 25 ]) with an SSD [ 26 ]. Wang et al. [ 27 ] proposed an improved SSD algorithm based on target proposal and one-stage target detection to improve the target detection performance. It improved the mAP in the small target detection by 14.46% and 13.92% compared to F-RCNN [ 13 ] and R-FCN [ 14 ] algorithms. Lin et al. [ 28 ] designed a detector RetinaNet to address extreme foreground-background class imbalance by reshaping the standard cross-entropy loss.

2.2 Relevant systems

A deep neural network is basically consisted of two different models: the first is convoluted and the other is non-linear relationships. In both models, an object is considered as a layered configuration of primitives. Numerous architectures and algorithms have implemented the concept of deep learning neural networks including belief network, stacked network, and gated recurrent unit. The first CNN was constructed by LeCun et al. [ 29 ]. The different application domains of CNN now include image-processing, handwriting character recognition, etc. Object detection is performed by estimating the coordinates and class of particular objects in the picture. The presence of these objects in a picture may be in random positions. We next summarize the details of faster RCNN and YOLO v3 architecture as they are directly relevant to our proposed method.

2.2.1 Faster RCNN

Region Proposal Network for generating regions and detecting objects uses two methods of fast RCNN. The first method proposes regions and uses the proposed regions respectively. In fast RCNN, Ren et al. [ 12 ] has used 16 architectures in convolution layers to achieve detection and classification accuracy on datasets. Kumar et al. [ 30 , 31 , 32 ] proposed a method to detect the objects with audio device in real time for blind people using deep neural network. Figure 1 demonstrates the architecture of Faster RCNN. There is a limitation in Faster R-CNN that it has a complex training process and slow processing speed.

figure 1

Architecture of F-RCNN [ 12 ]. Demonstrates the architecture of Faster RCNN. There is a limitation in faster R-CNN that it has a complex training process and slow processing speed

2.2.2 YOLO V3

YOLO V3 is a detector of objects which makes use of features learned by a deep convolutional neural network for detecting object in real time [ 21 ]. It consists of 75 convolutional layers with up-sampling layers and skips connections for the complete image one neural network being applied. Regions of the image are made. Later bounding boxes are displayed along with probabilities. The most noticeable feature of YOLO V3 is that the detections at three different scales can be done with the help of it. But the speed has been traded off for boosts in accuracy in YOLO v3, and it does not perform well with small objects that appear in groups. Figure 2 represents the working mechanism of the YOLO model.

figure 2

A YOLO model [ 21 ]. Represents the working of YOLO model for detecting the objects from the image. But the speed has been traded off for boosts in accuracy in YOLO v3 and it does not perform well with small objects that appear in groups. The fast YOLO model has lower scores but good real-time performances

2.2.3 Our contribution

To highlight our contribution to the existing literature, we next summarize some of the key points of our proposed object detection technique based on the improved SSD algorithm.

The improved SSD algorithm uses depth-wise separable convolution and spatial separable convolutions in their convolutional layers. The depth-wise separable convolution performs operations such that it maps each number of input channel with its corresponding number of output channel separately. Spatial separable convolution is the same as depth-wise convolution along the x - and y -axis.

This architecture reduces the number of operations to execute the algorithm in fast speed through ways used by depth-wise separable convolution to reduce the number of channels with the help of width multiplier and those used by spatial separable convolution to reduce the feature maps of spatial dimensions by applying resolution multiplier.

We use mAP and FPS as standard parameters for object detection. The major objective during the training is to get a high-class confidence score.

The proposed approach enables us to produce real-time object detection by using optimal values of aspect ratio.

Our improved SSD algorithm uses many default boxes, which results in more accurate detection of objects.

3 Methodology

This section presents our proposed approach for detecting the objects in real-time from images by using convolutional neural network deep learning process. The previous algorithms such as CNN, faster CNN, faster RCNN, YOLO, and SSD are only suitable for highly powerful computing machines and they require a large amount of time to train. In this paper, we have tried to overcome the limitations of the SSD algorithm by introducing an improved SSD algorithm with some improvement. The proposed scheme uses improved SSD algorithm for higher detection precision with real-time speed. However, SSD algorithm is not appropriate to detect tiny objects, since it overlooks the context from the outside of the boxes. To address this issue, the proposed algorithm uses depth-wise separable convolution and spatial separable convolutions in their convolutional layers. Specifically, our proposed approach uses a new architecture as a combination of multilayer of convolutional neural network. The algorithm comprises of two phases. First, it reduces the feature maps extraction of spatial dimensions by using resolution multiplier. Second, it is designed with the application of small convolutional filters for detecting objects by using the best aspect ratio values. The major objective during the training is to get a high-class confidence score by matching the default boxes with the ground truth boxes. The advantage of having multi-box on multiple layers leads to significant results in detection. Single shot multi-box detector was discharged at the tip of Gregorian calendar month 2016 and thus arrived at a new set of records on customary knowledge sets like Pascal VOC and COCO. The major problem with the previous methods was how to recover the fall in precision, for which SSD applies some improvements that include multi-scale feature map and default boxes. For detecting a small object with higher resolutions, feature maps are used. The training set of improved SSD algorithm depends upon three main sections, i.e., selecting the size of box, matching of boxes, and loss function. The proposed scheme can be understood by the system model given in Fig. 3 .

figure 3

The proposed system model. The training set of improved SSD algorithm depends upon three main sections, i.e., selecting the size of box, matching of boxes, and loss function. The proposed scheme can be understood by the system model given in Fig. 3

3.1 SSMBD algorithm

In order to interpret the role of SSD algorithm, we first formally denote the following concepts.

Single shot: This means that the tasks of the thing localization and classification are exhausted one passing play of the network.

Multi-box: Ground truth box and predicted box are the boxes in multi-box. This is introduced by Szegedy [ 33 ].

Detector: The network is an associate degree object detector that conjointly classifies those detected objects.

Default the size of the boxes: The selection of boxes is based on the minimum value of convolution layer and maximum values of change in intensity [ 34 ]. The first algorithm represents the procedure of producing specified feature maps F(m).

Truth boxes: After finding the size of boxes, the next phase is matching of the boxes with the corresponding truth boxes. A specific given picture to identify the truth boxes is explained in the second algorithm.

Loss function: The loss function is unbelievably simple, and it is a methodology of evaluating how well your role models your dataset. If your predictions are entirely of your loss function, it can operate next range. If the output range is less, it means that the model is good. The main objective is to minimize loss function. The loss function is also depending upon the sum of weighted localization and classification loss functions [ 35 ].

When a color image is fed into the input layer, SSD does the following.

Step 1: Image is passed through large number of convolutional layers extracting feature maps at different points.

Step 2: Every location in each of those feature maps uses a 4x4 filter to judge a tiny low default box.

Step 3: Predict the bounding box offset for each box.

Step 4: Predict the class probabilities for each box.

Step 5: Based on IOU, the truth boxes are matched with the predicted boxes.

Step6: Instead of exploiting all the negative examples, the result exploits the best-assured loss for every default box.

Steps in SSMBD Algorithm:

figure a

Steps in identifying box size:

figure b

Figure 4 shows the process of identifying total number of default boxes, and Fig. 5 demonstrates the process of detecting objects with different color boxes.

figure 4

Process of identifying total number of default boxes. Shows the process of identifying total number of default boxes

figure 5

Process of detecting objects with different color boxes. Demonstrates the process of detecting objects with different color boxes

4 Experimental results

This study proposes object detection technique to detect objects in real time on any device running the proposed model in any environment. We use python programming language and OpenCV 2.4 library to execute the proposed system. Python libraries are the open source framework for the construction, training, and identification of object detection. The chosen datasets taken into consideration for this research were bound to a group of people. Multi-scale feature extraction may improve the accuracy for detecting big object but does not exhibit a good precision of speed to detect small objects. Therefore, we have used depth-wise separable convolution along with spatial separable convolutions to achieve this. For conducting the experiments and producing the results, we use Pascal VOC Footnote 1 and COCO Footnote 2 object detection (OD) datasets from our center for image processing lab.

4.1 Experimental setup

We make use of different libraries to form a network and also use tensorflow-GPU 1.5. Once the training is done our next objective is to test the model for accuracy. The next objective is to optimize the model as a tensorflow serving and deploy that to the environment which we want to use. For experimental setup tensorflow directory, SSD MobilenetV1 FPN feature extractor, tensorflow object detection API, and anaconda virtual environment are used. This entire setup enables us to produce real-time object detection in a better way. To achieve great precision, we have increased the number of default boxes with less confidence and focus on the boxes having high confidence.

4.2 Performance etrics

The performance metrics which are used to evaluate the performance of improved SSD algorithm to predict the boundary boxes and truth boxes for classification of object are discussed here. These metrics include mAP, FPS, aspect ratio, logistic regression, and Intersection over Union (IoU). The box regression technique of SSD is used to identify the bounding box coordinate.

The accuracy is calculated using Equation ( 1 ) below, which could be improved over the original dataset.

In the equation, O correct represents the number of correctly detected object and T obj the total number of images.

IoU is calculated by the Jaccard index to find out the overlap between two bounding boxes [ 35 ]. Equation (2) shows the formula for IoU.

Logistic regression is a model which identifies the probability of a result being obtained. We have to segregate our problem dataset into different class labels. Logistic regression model usually gives one of the highest accuracies of all classification models [ 36 ]. Equation (3) indicates the logistic regression function.

Aspect ratio is used to find out the relationship between the width and height of the image. Basically, it represents a shape of an image. We have used A R to represent the aspect ratio.

Figure 6 demonstrates the different sample images taken from object detection (OD) datasets from our center for image processing lab used in the experimental setup.

figure 6

Some sample images and object detection using improved SSD model. Demonstrates the different sample images taken from object detection (OD) dataset from our Centre for Image processing Lab used in the experimental setup

Figure 7 represents the various objects detected by the proposed algorithm. In this research work, we have used different colors of boxes to show different class labels. Our scheme correctly detects and recognizes bottle, laptop, mouse, cup, teddy bear, umbrella, person, keyboard, TV, zebra, toy car, bowl, chair, bird, vassal, and suitcase.

figure 7

Detection of objects with different boxes using proposed approach. Represents the various objects detected by the proposed algorithm. We have used different colors of boxes to show different class labels. Our scheme correctly detects and recognizes bottle, laptop, mouse, cup, teddy bear, umbrella, person, keyboard, TV, zebra, toy car, bowl, chair, bird, vassal, and suitcase

5 Discussion and analysis

We have analyzed the correctness of our improved SSD algorithm which uses depth-wise separable convolution along with spatial separable convolutions generally called multilayer to increase the classification accuracy of detecting small objects without affecting the speed. These multilayer convolutional neural networks use the confidence value for improving the process of detecting accurate boxes. For experimental setup, tensorflow directory, SSD MobilenetV1 FPN feature extractor, tensorflow object detection API, and anaconda virtual environment are used. The algorithm includes width multiplier and resolution multiplier to minimize the channels, and feature maps as well. The proposed approach produces real-time object detection by using aspect ratio. Our improved SSD algorithm consists of large amounts of data, easy trained model, and faster GPUs, which allows to detect and classify multiple objects within an image with high accuracy. The key functions of the proposed algorithm are object detection, object localization, loss function, default boundary box, truth box, feature map, and localization. In the object detection techniques, the selection convolutional layer plays a vital role to improve from 65.5 to 74.3% with respect to mAP. In the case of default box shapes, it improves from 71.6 to 74.3% with respect to mAP. Our improved SSD algorithm uses the 4 × 4 feature maps along with a greater number of default boxes, resulting in a more accurate detection. While comparing with the other previous models, the testing speed of our proposed model is still faster because our approach gives 79.8% of mAP and 89 FPS. We also compare with other feature extraction model such as YOLO, SSD512, SSD300, and F-CNN to obtain the results. Table 1 demonstrates the comparison between F-CNN, YOLO, SSD512, SSD300, and our proposed model. We have combined faster R-CNN with SSD together to achieve high accuracy and FPS with good speed to detect objects in real time as well. Table 1 represents the different parameter of the improved SSD algorithm by using VOC and COCO test datasets.

Table 2 shows the performance of different machine learning algorithm as image classifiers namely convolution neural network, faster R-CNN, R-CNN, and faster R-CNN VGG, ZF.

Table 3 represents the different values of mAP on Pascal VOC and COCO datasets. It is obvious that improved SSD with multi-scale contexts meets our demand as the best solution.

Although we have improved the SSD algorithm, there are certain limitations in our research, such as blockage, deformable objects, corrupt objects, and interlaced objects. One more limitation of our object detection algorithm is its inability to deal with new object classes. Although we have trained our model for every possible object class, this problem can occur when an anonymous object is present in the image.

For detecting the object, we have used different deep learning algorithms as object classifiers namely convolution neural network and logistic regression. We have applied four different object detection algorithms like SSD512, SSD300, YOLO, and F-CNN to obtain the various small objects from the images with respect to Intersection over Union (IoU). The IoU curves and results demonstrate that our proposed approach gives the highest accuracy of 96.7%. Figure 8 a, b, and c show the different curves implemented on SSD512, SSD300, amd YOLO V3-based detector.

figure 8

a IOU Curve of SSD512. b IOU Curve of SSD300. c IOU Curve of Yolo V3. Our proposed approach gives us the highest accuracy of 96.7%. a – c Shows the different curves implemented on SSD312, SSD300, and YOLO

The proposed improved SSD approach has a higher recall value, i.e., 0.9, compared with that from YOLO, faster RCNN, NASNet, and R-FCN. Figure 9 demonstrates the graph of recall percentage versus threshold IoU compared with other object detection techniques such as YOLO, Faster-RCNN, NASNet, and R-FCN on object detection (OD) datasets from our center for image processing lab. The recall value of improved SSD algorithm is 79.8% when the different value of IoU is applied.

figure 9

Represent the different recall curves by using object detection algorithm on a particular threshold value of IoU. The proposed improved SSD approach has higher recall value, i.e., 0.9 compare with YOLO, faster R-CNN, NASNet, R-FCN as shown in a . b Demonstrates the graph of recall % vs threshold IoU compared with other object detection technique such YOLO, faster R-CNN, NASNet, and R-FCN on object detection (OD) dataset from our Centre for Image processing Lab. The recall value of improved SSD algorithm is 79.8% when the different value of IoU is applied

6 Conclusion

This study develops an object detector algorithm using deep learning neural networks for detecting the objects from the images. The research uses am improved SSD algorithm along with multilayer convolutional network to achieve high accuracy in real time for the detection of the objects. The performance of our algorithm is good in still images and videos. The accuracy of the proposed model is more than 79.8%. The training time for this model is about 5–6 h. These convolutional neural networks extract feature information from the image and then perform feature mapping to classify the class label. The prime objective of our algorithm is to use the best aspect ratios values for selecting the default boxes so that we can improve SSD algorithm for detecting objects.

For checking the effectiveness of the scheme, we have used Pascal VOC and COCO datasets. We have compared the values of different metrics such as mAP, loss function, aspect ratio, and FPS with other previous models, which indicates that the proposed algorithm achieves a higher mAP, uses more frames to gain good speed, and obtains acceptable accuracy for detecting objects from color images. This paper points out that the algorithm uses truth box to extract feature maps. Future research can extend our proposed algorithm by training the datasets for micro-objects.

Availability of data and materials

The research uses the Pascal VOC and COCO object detection (OD) datasets from the center for image processing lab at Vardhaman College of Engineering. Datasets are available upon request.


Convolution neural network

Faster convolutional neural networks

Faster region convolutional neural networks

Single shot multi-box detector

Mean average precision

Frames per second

Internet of Things

Virtual reality

You Only Look Once

Fifth generation

Object detection

Visual object classes

Common objects in context

Graphics processing unit

Feature Pyramid Network

Application program interface

ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge

Region Proposal Network

Deconvolutional Single Shot Detector

Open source computer vision

Feature maps

Intersection over Union

Visual Geometry Group

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Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Vardhaman College of Engineering, Hyderabad, India

Ashwani Kumar

Coggin College of Business, University of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL, 32224, USA

Zuopeng Justin Zhang

Logistics and E-Commerce School, Zhejiang Wanli University, Ningbo, Zhejiang, 315100, China

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Kumar, A., Zhang, Z.J. & Lyu, H. Object detection in real time based on improved single shot multi-box detector algorithm. J Wireless Com Network 2020 , 204 (2020).

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Received : 23 December 2019

Accepted : 01 October 2020

Published : 17 October 2020


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Object Recognition Consistency in Regression for Active Detection

  • Published: 29 August 2024
  • Volume 35 , article number  121 , ( 2024 )

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research papers on object detection

  • Ming Jing 2   na1 ,
  • Zhilong Ou 2   na1 ,
  • Hongxing Wang 1 , 2 ,
  • Jiaxin Li 2 &
  • Ziyi Zhao 2  

Active learning has achieved great success in image classification because of selecting the most informative samples for data labeling and model training. However, the potential of active learning has been far from being realised in object detection due to its unique challenge in utilizing localization information. A popular compromise is to simply take active classification learning over detected object candidates. To consider the localization information of object detection, current effort usually falls into the model-dependent fashion, which either works on specific detection frameworks or relies on additionally designed modules. In this paper, we propose model-agnostic Object Recognition Consistency in Regression (ORCR), which can holistically measure the uncertainty information of classification and localization of each detected candidate from object detection. The philosophy behind ORCR is to obtain the detection uncertainty by calculating the classification consistency through localization regression at two successive detection scales. In the light of the proposed ORCR, we devise an active learning framework that enables an effortless deployment to any object detection architecture. Experimental results on the PASCAL VOC and MS-COCO benchmarks show that our method achieves better performance while simplifying the active detection process.

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The data that support the findings of this study are openly available in [Pascal VOC] at [ ], reference number [ 22 ], and in [COCO] at [ ], reference number [ 23 ].

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This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61976029.

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Ming Jing and Zhilong Ou contributed equally to this work.

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Key Laboratory of Dependable Service Computing in Cyber Physical Society (Chongqing University), Ministry of Education, Chongqing, China

Hongxing Wang

School of Big Data and Software Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China

Ming Jing, Zhilong Ou, Hongxing Wang, Jiaxin Li & Ziyi Zhao

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Jing, M., Ou, Z., Wang, H. et al. Object Recognition Consistency in Regression for Active Detection. Machine Vision and Applications 35 , 121 (2024).

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Received : 28 August 2023

Revised : 01 May 2024

Accepted : 12 August 2024

Published : 29 August 2024


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Title: a comprehensive review of 3d object detection in autonomous driving: technological advances and future directions.

Abstract: In recent years, 3D object perception has become a crucial component in the development of autonomous driving systems, providing essential environmental awareness. However, as perception tasks in autonomous driving evolve, their variants have increased, leading to diverse insights from industry and academia. Currently, there is a lack of comprehensive surveys that collect and summarize these perception tasks and their developments from a broader perspective. This review extensively summarizes traditional 3D object detection methods, focusing on camera-based, LiDAR-based, and fusion detection techniques. We provide a comprehensive analysis of the strengths and limitations of each approach, highlighting advancements in accuracy and robustness. Furthermore, we discuss future directions, including methods to improve accuracy such as temporal perception, occupancy grids, and end-to-end learning frameworks. We also explore cooperative perception methods that extend the perception range through collaborative communication. By providing a holistic view of the current state and future developments in 3D object perception, we aim to offer a more comprehensive understanding of perception tasks for autonomous driving. Additionally, we have established an active repository to provide continuous updates on the latest advancements in this field, accessible at: this https URL .
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