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Essays on To Kill a Mockingbird

To kill a mockingbird essay topic examples.

You can analyze its themes in argumentative essays, compare and contrast characters or themes, describe the book's settings, persuade readers about certain points, or narrate personal experiences related to the novel's themes. These essay ideas allow you to dive into the world of "To Kill a Mockingbird" from various angles, making it easier to understand and engage with the story.

Argumentative Essays

Argumentative essays require you to analyze and present arguments related to the novel. Here are some topic examples:

  • 1. Analyze the portrayal of racial injustice in To Kill a Mockingbird and its relevance in today's society.
  • 2. Argue whether Atticus Finch is an ideal role model for modern fathers.

Example Introduction Paragraph for an Argumentative Essay: Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird shines a spotlight on the persistent issue of racial injustice in the American South. This essay delves into the novel's portrayal of this injustice and its enduring relevance in the contemporary world, examining the lessons it offers for addressing social inequality.

Example Conclusion Paragraph for an Argumentative Essay: In conclusion, the analysis of racial injustice in To Kill a Mockingbird underscores the novel's power to inspire meaningful conversations about equity and justice. As we grapple with these issues today, we are reminded of the importance of empathy and compassion in fostering positive change.

Compare and Contrast Essays

Compare and contrast essays enable you to examine similarities and differences within the novel or between it and other literary works. Consider these topics:

  • 1. Compare and contrast the characters of Scout and Jem Finch, exploring their individual growth and experiences.
  • 2. Analyze the similarities and differences between the themes of racial injustice in To Kill a Mockingbird and The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas.

Example Introduction Paragraph for a Compare and Contrast Essay: Siblings often share profound bonds, yet their experiences can be remarkably distinct. This essay embarks on a journey to compare and contrast Scout and Jem Finch, the young siblings in Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird , exploring the unique paths they navigate and the growth they experience throughout the novel.

Example Conclusion Paragraph for a Compare and Contrast Essay: In conclusion, the comparison and contrast of Scout and Jem Finch offer insights into the complexity of individual growth and sibling dynamics in To Kill a Mockingbird . As we consider their journeys, we are reminded of the transformative power of empathy and understanding in family relationships.

Descriptive Essays

Descriptive essays allow you to vividly depict settings, characters, or events within the novel. Here are some topic ideas:

  • 1. Describe the atmospheric details of Maycomb, the fictional town in To Kill a Mockingbird , and its impact on the story.
  • 2. Paint a detailed portrait of Boo Radley, focusing on his mysterious nature and significance in the narrative.

Example Introduction Paragraph for a Descriptive Essay: Maycomb, the setting of Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird , is not just a backdrop but a character in its own right. This essay embarks on a descriptive journey to capture the atmospheric details of Maycomb, immersing the reader in the town's unique ambiance and its profound influence on the story.

Example Conclusion Paragraph for a Descriptive Essay: In conclusion, the descriptive portrayal of Maycomb in To Kill a Mockingbird not only sets the stage but also evokes a sense of nostalgia and reflection. Through this exploration, we are reminded of the power of place in shaping our narratives and perceptions.

Persuasive Essays

Persuasive essays involve arguing a point of view related to the novel. Consider these persuasive topics:

  • 1. Persuade your readers that Atticus Finch's defense of Tom Robinson is an act of moral courage.
  • 2. Argue for or against the idea that To Kill a Mockingbird should be a mandatory part of high school curricula.

Example Introduction Paragraph for a Persuasive Essay: Atticus Finch's unwavering defense of Tom Robinson in Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird resonates as a symbol of moral courage. This persuasive essay asserts that Atticus's actions embody the essence of moral heroism, inviting readers to reflect on the qualities that define true bravery.

Example Conclusion Paragraph for a Persuasive Essay: In conclusion, the persuasive argument regarding Atticus Finch's moral courage underscores the enduring significance of his character in To Kill a Mockingbird . As we contemplate his actions, we are compelled to consider the qualities that inspire us to stand up for justice and equality.

Narrative Essays

Narrative essays offer you the opportunity to tell a story or share personal experiences related to the themes of the novel. Explore these narrative essay topics:

  • 1. Narrate a personal experience where you encountered prejudice and discrimination similar to the themes in To Kill a Mockingbird .
  • 2. Imagine yourself as a character in Maycomb and recount your interactions with the Finch family and Boo Radley.

Example Introduction Paragraph for a Narrative Essay: Prejudice and discrimination are unfortunately common experiences in our world. This narrative essay delves into a personal encounter with these themes, drawing parallels to the themes explored in Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird .

Example Conclusion Paragraph for a Narrative Essay: In conclusion, the narrative of my personal encounter with prejudice and discrimination underscores the enduring relevance of the themes in To Kill a Mockingbird . As we reflect on the challenges of our own lives, we are encouraged to confront injustice and champion the values of empathy and equality.

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July 11, 1960, Harper Lee

Novel; Thriller, Southern Gothic, Domestic Fiction, Legal Story, Bildungsroman

Atticus Finch, Scout Finch, Jem Finch, Dill Harris, Calpurnia, Aunt Alexandria, John Finch, Arthur Radley

It is partially based on Lee Harper's childhood, which is why the story is told by the child protagonist.

The loss of innocence, prejudice, racial challenges, honor, childhood, friendship, loss of innocence. The most powerful aspect is the very meaning behind "to kill a mockingbird", which means to destroy the innocence. It is made clear by Scout when he asks to "remember [that] it's a sin to kill a mockingbird". The flowers also symbolize patience and understanding, which are reflected by the white camellia flower.

To Kill a Mockingbird is not an easy book to read, yet it quickly became a symbol for the Civil Rights Movement all over the world. It teaches us about being brave, about injustice that must not be ignored, inequality around us, poverty, racism, corruption, anger control, innocence, oppression, hatred, and judging others. Reading this book reminds us of hope, patience, being equal to each other, and fighting for being brave and true.

The story starts when Tom Robinson, an African American male is accused of raping Mayella Ewell, a white woman, the local lawyer called Atticus agrees to defend Tom even though he receives threats from the community. Even when things are quickly getting dangerous, Atticus refuses to leave his client. His young son Scout unwittingly helps to settle down the challenge.

The book has almost been called "Atticus" instead of the famous title that we know so well. Harper Lee was writing only one manuscript page per day even though she worked for about 12 hours a day. The character of Atticus Finch has been inspired by Lee's father who also worked as the lawyer and defended African American clients. The book has helped to create a cottage industry in the author's hometown, which has started with a museum. Lee Harper decided to choose her middle name instead of "Nelle", which she was afraid could be mispronounced. To Kill a Mockingbird became one of the most beloved books in the American literary history. The character of Dill has been based on author's childhood friend Truman Capote who has also used her personality's character in his "Other Voices, Other Rooms" novel that has been published in 1948.

"The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience." "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view. Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it." "Mockingbirds don't do one thing except make music for us to enjoy. They don't eat up people's gardens, don't nest in corn cribs, they don't do one thing but sing their hearts out for us. That's why it's a sin to kill a mockingbird." "It's never an insult to be called what somebody thinks is a bad name. It just shows you how poor that person is, it doesn't hurt you." "I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It's when you know you're licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what."

The main factor in To Kill a Mockingbird is teaching one's children and reminding each other about the dangers of prejudice and judging others. Providing an example of defending a black male in the American South shows that one must always keep the faith and seek the truth regardless of the conditions.

It is one of the most influential civil rights movement works in English literature and a symbolism of social challenge, culture, courage, defense of truth, and justice. It is also an essay topic where a person learns about prejudice and understanding that one has to be in another person's shoes to see and understand what it is like. Choosing this book as an essay topic, middle school, high school, and college students learn about justice, honor, and courage.

1. Macaluso, M. (2017). Teaching To kill a mockingbird today: Coming to terms with race, racism, and America's novel. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 61(3), 279-287. (https://ila.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/jaal.678) 2. Tanış, A., & Cengizhan, L. (2010). Analyzing the novel “to kill a Mockingbird” in literature class. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2(2), 4387-4391. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S187704281000738X) 3. Al-Mamoory, S., & Witwit, M. A. (2021). Critical Discourse Analysis of Opression in''To Kill a Mockingbird''. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research, 9(02), 11-24. (http://journals.researchub.org/index.php/jsshr/article/view/1243) 4. Stiltner, M. A. (2002). Don't put your shoes on the bed: A moral analysis of “To Kill a Mockingbird”. East Tennessee State University.(https://www.proquest.com/openview/fa19ac9b0047942ce79bc14a55116582/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750&diss=y) 5. Khokhar, M. I., & Mashori, G. M. (2018). Marxist Analysis of to Kill A Mockingbird According To Peter Barry. Journal of Grassroot, 52(2). (https://www.prdb.pk/article/marxist-analysis-of-to-kill-a-mockingbird-according-to-peter-2526) 6. Shackelford, D. (1996). The Female Voice in" To Kill a Mockingbird": Narrative Strategies in Film and Novel. The Mississippi Quarterly, 50(1), 101-113. (https://www.jstor.org/stable/26475781) 7. Sastrawijaya, M. D. (2021). The Character and Moral Values in “to Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee. INFERENCE: Journal of English Language Teaching, 3(1), 81-87. (https://journal.lppmunindra.ac.id/index.php/inference/article/view/6070) 8. Winarni, B., Nugroho, A., & Fatimah, S. (2013). Affection And Prejudice In To Kill A Mockingbird Novel By Harper Lee (1960): A Psychoanalytic Approach (Doctoral dissertation, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta). (http://eprints.ums.ac.id/26577/)

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social class in to kill a mockingbird essay

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Social Classes in To Kill a Mockingbird

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The foundation upon which a persons character is built is first and foremost their family line and upbringing. In the 1930’s during the depression the size and quality of a family tree was the main determining factor for one’s placement on the social ladder. Family is destiny in Maycomb County. While on the one hand this may be limiting, because there’s no way for a person to be different from their parents, on the other, it allows people to indulge themselves without being judged because general opinion is that they can’t help themselves. Scout narrates

…no Crawford Minds His Own Business, Every Third Merriweather Is Morbid, The Truth Is Not in the Delafields, All the Bufords Walk Like That, were simply guides to daily living: never take a check from a Delafield without a discreet call to the bank; Miss Maudie Atkinson's shoulder stoops because she was a Buford; if Mrs. Grace Merriweather sips gin out of Lydia E. Pinkham bottles it's nothing unusual – her mother did the same. (Lee 31).

Generation after generation the families of Maycomb had gained reputations for themselves that future offspring would not be able to shake. The dictum had been imprinted into the genetically code of the different families becoming part of the upbringing of future generations. Every person in Maycomb had been classified and judged based on the actions of the past generations. In Maycomb County there aren’t a lot of well educated people. Scout for example is penalized on her first day of the first grade for being able to read and write. When Scout and Jem , after having been taught by Alexandra that the background of a family member should be the sole point on which he or she is judged, they decide to try and decipher the meaning of background that is when Jem says. “’ Background doesn't mean Old Family,’ said Jem. ‘I think it's how long your family's been readin' and writin'. Scout, I've studied this real hard and that's the only reason I can think of’” (Lee 226-227). Jem’s focus on literacy here may have some truth to it. Literacy means education, which means having a certain class and wealth status. There is also a pride that comes to a family who have assets that make them better than the others. Throughout the years families pass down those assets and once again it becomes part of the upbringing of the generations and gives the opportunity to be judged in a positive light.  Maycomb has a very family- based social system. Therefore when the family learns about Atticus’s defending of a Negro they all become very concerned with how the public may view the whole family. Francis one of Scout’s many cousins quotes Aunt Alexandra in saying “’Just what I said. Grandma says it's bad enough he lets you all run wild, but now he's turned out a nigger-lover we'll never be able to walk the streets of Maycomb agin. He's ruinin' the family, that's what he's doin’” (Lee 83). Here family becomes an excuse for telling others what to do. In all fairness there is no real reason as to why Atticus’s behaviour should reflect on the rest of his family, but once again they are in Maycomb a town that bases its social classes mainly on heritage and family line so in this setting Aunt Alexandra’s concern for the plummet of the Finches’ popularity is well founded. Family in the 1930’s was shown to be solely based on the public opinion of the individual. Your family members actions no matter from what time period became your own and you were judged accordingly. If the judgement and classifying of people based on heritage is any indication of the twisted ways of the social class system classifying by race will only further prove the way this system has negatively corrupted the people of this earth.

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Although there is an abundant diversity throughout the races of the world people of different ethnic backgrounds have always been able to socially classify one another based on race. Specifically in the 1930’s , but even long before that time period the races have been in a struggle for equality and it has caused nothing but destruction to the people of this world. Lula a character found in the book To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is an excellent example of the awareness that people have of the segregation that takes place between the social classes.  At this time the ‘negroes’ are used to being treated like docile lambs, humbly grateful whenever the white characters bother to treat them like the human beings they are. Lula is the one exception, the single angry voice suggesting that the Finch children’s appearance at the First Purchase Church is an invasion rather than a blessing. When she says, “You ain't got no business bringin' white chillun here, they got their church, we got our'n. It is our church, ain't it, Miss Cal?" (Lee 119) she is quickly quieted by Calpurnia. Lula has never met these children but immediately becomes defensive at the site of them classifying them into the “threatening whites” category. Although blacks are a race who has gone through its fair share of prejudging, and stereotyping that doesn’t stop them from retaliating and doing the same to their oppressors. Throughout the social classes there is not only partition between the ethnic groups, but also within them. Calpurnia the Finch family cook, maid, and nanny has been living with the Finch family for many years. Due to this she has been able to gain their impressive level of eduation. When she brings Scout and Jem to her First Purchase Church an all black church the kids begin to notice and difference in her attitude. Scout and em do not understand why Calpurnia is speaking to the other church goers in a less refined manner. Calpurnia the explains, “Suppose you and Scout talked colored-folks' talk at home it'd be out of place, wouldn't it? Now what if I talked white-folks' talk at church, and with my neighbors? They'd think I was puttin' on airs to beat Moses” ( Lee 126). Her explanation of her "double life" is that sometimes conformity to what everyone else is doing makes more sense. Calpurnia is in a way better than some of the other parishioners classifying her on a higher scale than those who were not able to get the education she did. Now even though Calpurnia can act just like the “white folk” that doesn’t mean she is classified like one because of her skin colour her social classification is lower. During the 1930’s no matter how much evidence proved their innocence Negros were always seen as guilty. Atticus Finch a lawyer renowned through the streets of Maycomb for his incredible lust for justice is now defending a negro (Tom Robinson) who has been unrightfully accused of raping a Mayella Ewell. Even though Mayella is part of the poorest lowest, untrustworthy, trash of a family it is common knowledge that she will most likely win the trial simply because Maycomb will do anything to protect the imae of their white southern women. At the end of the trial, while Atticus is appealing  to a common humanity over conflict-ridden racial stereotypes, he calls out the prosecution for arguing that Tom’s blackness is itself evidence of his guilt saying

The witnesses for the state, with the exception of the sheriff of Maycomb County, have presented themselves to you gentlemen, to this court, in the cynical confidence that their testimony would not be doubted, confident that you gentlemen would go along with them on the assumption – the evil assumption – that  all Negroes lie, that  all  Negroes are basically immoral beings, that  all  Negro men are not to be trusted around our women, an assumption one associates with minds of their caliber. (Lee 204).

He (Atticus) understands that Tom has already been categorized into the typical satin like image of a black man, but still tried to adhere to his one chance of proving tom’s innocence and saving his life. Albeit the jury knows in their hearts that Tom is innocent since all the evidence proves it, once again skin color gets mixed into the equation and ruins all his chances. Race will most likely always be a huge factor when it comes to judging people in society, but one day the struggle for social equality throughout the races might become less of a burden on society. If there is any social outcast that can somewhat relate to those being classified by race it is women.

Women have been fighting for as long as history can recall, to prove their equality in society. During the 1930’s women had not yet gained acceptance as real individuals in society. To Scout Finch who grew up without much of a female influence boys have always been easier to deal with. At this time in history women were known to be prissy, to stay home and, watch after the kids, gossip, and keep the home in order. Scout Finch having mostly just jem as her main source of entertainment has built up a status quo. That she in the eyes of Jem is pretty much a man. That’s why it is no surprise when Jem referring to the insults Miss Dubose a bitter dying old neighbors ad just thrown at Scout says, “ Don’t pay any attention to her, just hold your head high and be a gentleman” (Lee 104). This is the flip side of Jem’s putting down of girls. Being a gentleman seems to signify honor in a way being a lady doesn’t. Men have always been considered to be alpha to the women. No matter what they do women are classed as fragile helpless creatures that need to lean on a man for every single little thing. Until now, being a girl has been what happens when Scout fails to live up to Jem’s standards of what a person should be, but when she watches Calpurnia at work on her many tasks she starts to realize that there is more to being a women than what society says. Slowly Scout starts to develop an understanding and respect for the women in her life. For a long time scout has thought that Calpurnia was only out to get her but along with her understanding for women she has a new understanding for her main female influence. One day while strolling through the kitchen she narrates, “ (Calpurnia) seemed glad to see me when I appeared in the kitchen, and by watching her I began to think there was some skill involved in being a girl” (Lee 117). Watching Calpurnia, Scout realizes she might actually have to learn some things if she does want to be a girl, and that being a girl might even have some value. Once again Scout is being introduced to a whole knew view of women, a view that lacks the influence of society. Something that is apparent in this time period is the protectiveness that Maycomb has for their public appearance. This first becomes obvious during the Tom Robinson’s trial because society cannot yet accept that a white southern women would be attracted to a black man Maycomb defends the wrong person to preserve the image of their women. Aticuss Finch is a respectful man to all, but when it comes to adhering to the thought that all women need to be protected no matter what he does not find that right. He has grown up with a group of very strong women and it is for that reason that he would rather them be treated fairly than put ahead human rights and letting a man die. In saying “…in favor of South womanhood as much as anybody, but not for preserving polite fiction at the expense of human life," a pronouncement that made me suspect they had been fussing again “ ( 15.39) he implies that Southern Womenhood is not real that it is a “polite fiction” assigned to making the women of the south feel special. He penalizes the social class system for giving woment the impression that because society pins them as helpless creatures they are exactly that and should always no matter the situation be protected. In keeping with tradition there will always be diverse forms of discriminations but at some point someone must win the fight and history must go on after having catalogued the classes of the past.

Social Classes in To Kill a Mockingbird

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  • Word Count 2126
  • Page Count 5
  • Level AS and A Level
  • Subject English

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    Following each question is a sample outline to help get you started. Topic #1. The theme of the mockingbird is an important one in To Kill a Mockingbird. Write a paper on the mockingbird theme in ...

  19. To Kill A Mockingbird Social Class Essay

    Social class in To Kill A Mockingbird is determined by heredity, economic status, and race, these are factors that change the viewpoint others have of characters in Maycomb's society. The Cunninghams and Ewells are examples of lower class white people that are still looked at differently because of their economic status.

  20. To Kill A Mockingbird Social Class Essay

    Many people associate the social class with blacks and whites, but that is not social class. In Harper Lee's bildungsroman To Kill a Mockingbird Scout, the protagonist, discovers the real social classes as she and Jem grow over a four-year timeline. During the novel, Scout learns that social class does not define someone's personality.

  21. Social Class In To Kill A Mockingbird

    In To Kill a Mockingbird, Mayella is powerful based on class, gender, and race. The book shows us how she does have power, and gives supporting evidence. In this time period, in a small racist Southern community during the 1930's, all of the categories listed are very important and contributes a lot to a person.

  22. Essay On Social Class In To Kill A Mockingbird

    In Harper Lee 's novel To Kill a Mockingbird, readers are introduced to a class system that often seems arbitrary and unfair, yet forms the basis for how the entire story plays out. Tom Robinson, the Ewells, and the Cunninghams represent three distinctly different social classes and their affects on others' treatment.

  23. What the children learn about people and social class in To Kill a

    Summary: In To Kill a Mockingbird, the children learn that social class and prejudice deeply affect people's lives. They observe the injustices faced by the black community and the poor, and ...