
Essay on My Hobby Football

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Hobby Football in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Hobby Football


Football is not just a game for me; it’s a part of my life that brings joy and excitement. I love playing football and it is my favorite hobby.

The Thrill of Football

Playing football offers an adrenaline rush. The thrill of chasing the ball, strategizing with teammates, and scoring goals is unmatched.

Learning from Football

Football teaches me teamwork, discipline, and perseverance. It helps me understand the importance of working together and not giving up.

In conclusion, my hobby, football, is more than a game. It’s a learning experience that I cherish and enjoy.

250 Words Essay on My Hobby Football

The appeal of football.

Football’s appeal lies in its simplicity and inclusivity. It transcends cultural, geographical, and social barriers, creating a universal language understood by all. Its tactical depth and unpredictability keep me hooked. The game’s unpredictability, where fortunes can change in the blink of an eye, mirrors life’s uncertainties.

Lessons from the Pitch

Playing football has taught me essential life skills. It has instilled in me the value of teamwork, the importance of hard work, and the necessity of perseverance. It has shown me that success is a result of consistent effort, and failures are stepping stones to improvement.

Football as a Hobby

As a hobby, football offers an escape from the rigours of academic life. It provides a platform for physical fitness, mental well-being, and social interaction. The adrenaline rush, the sense of achievement after a well-played game, and the friendships forged on the field are the rewards that keep me coming back to the pitch.

In conclusion, my hobby, football, is more than just a pastime. It is a microcosm of life, offering lessons, challenges, and rewards. It is a passion that fuels my spirit, a hobby that enriches my life.

500 Words Essay on My Hobby Football

Football, often referred to as the “beautiful game,” is more than a sport for many; it’s a way of life. For me, it’s my hobby, my passion, and my escape. It’s an activity that brings me joy and a sense of fulfillment. Football has significantly shaped my personality, instilling in me values such as teamwork, discipline, and perseverance.

The Allure of Football

Playing the game.

Every time I step onto the football field, I feel an adrenaline rush. The anticipation of the game, the camaraderie with my teammates, and the challenge of the opposition all combine to create an exhilarating experience. Football is a game that tests your physical strength, stamina, and agility, but it also challenges your mind. It requires strategic thinking, quick decision-making, and a deep understanding of the game. Every pass, every tackle, and every shot at the goal involves a rapid calculation of risks and rewards.

Lessons from Football

Football is not just a hobby; it’s a teacher. It has taught me the importance of teamwork and collaboration. On the football field, individual talent is important, but it’s teamwork that wins games. The game has also taught me about resilience and perseverance. There are times when you’re down, when the odds are against you, but you have to keep going. You have to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and keep playing. These are lessons that are applicable not just on the football field, but in life as well.

Football and Personal Development

In conclusion, football is more than just a hobby for me. It’s a passion, a teacher, and a tool for personal development. It’s a game that brings joy and fulfillment, and it’s an activity that I look forward to every day. Football is not just about scoring goals; it’s about teamwork, perseverance, and personal growth. It’s a beautiful game, and I’m grateful to be a part of it.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

Happy studying!

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Basketball Is My Favorite Sport

To me – and most probably to anyone who plays it – basketball is much more than just a hobby, more than a sport, more than a way to stay healthy. Children and adults alike love the game because of the sheer joy and adrenaline rush felt when playing, as well as the feeling of belonging, of sharing a common goal. The intense emotions and the philosophy associated with the game make basketball my favorite sport. The qualities, values and lessons learned, as well as the hardships encountered on the court have helped me grow as a person. First of all, basketball helped me believe in myself. I used to be a very shy and even cowardly teen, always afraid of failure. When I first laid my hands on the ball, I thought I would never be able to dribble properly, let alone score a field goal. But it was just a game, it was fun, and it didn’t scare me. And guess who’s scoring field goals now? As I practiced and my skills improved, I found myself much more confident – I understood that I was able to reach my goals if I worked hard enough, and this reflected in other areas of my life as well. I now had the courage to try new things, I was much less intimidated by people or unexpected situations, I felt stronger – I believed in myself. Secondly, basketball is about teamwork and good communication. The game taught me to play for the team, not for myself – to know when to pass the ball to someone with better chances of scoring, or when to come help a teammate get out of a stingy situation. No matter how good the players are individually, if they don’t communicate and can’t work together properly, if they play for themselves, the team will most certainly lose. Thirdly, I believe this sport can teach you a lot about who someone really is. Just one quick game can tell you more about a person’s life than anyone can imagine. Within the first few minutes on the court, you can learn about one’s willingness, eagerness, individuality, perception of self, optimism, confidence level, altruism, trust in others, and much, much more. All this without words – or not many, at least. Another reason why I absolutely love this sport is because it encourages bonding. Whether we won or we lost, each game, each training session made me feel closer and closer to my teammates. Fighting for the same goal brings people together, whether the goal is achieved or not. Winning a game connected us in joy, just as much as the sadness of losing linked us together. Even the inevitable quarrels, once resolved, made me feel closer to the other players. Finally, basketball is a cozy refuge when life gets difficult. Though I have grown a lot, I still am scared of many things, I sometimes lack confidence still – I am still human. Whenever I feel the need to run away, I just turn to basketball. While I’m playing, I can take my mind off whatever difficulties I’m encountering and I can believe in myself again. On the court, all I need is myself and my team, nothing else; for a few hours, all I’m focusing on is enjoying the game and having fun.

Basketball is my favorite sport, but it’s definitely not just a sport. It teaches you a lot about yourself and others, it boosts your confidence in yourself and others, it teaches you the importance of teamwork and communication, it helps you deal with difficult situations – it helps you grow as a person, and that is why I love it.

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Hobbies Essay: 80 Topics, 2 Examples, & My Hobby Essay Outline

The picture provides introductory information about a hobby essay.

Do you need to write a perfect leisure time essay?

It is an exciting topic – you can write about the things you are genuinely interested in! Try to think about what makes you feel inspired and share it with your readers. We will show you how to prepare a worthy paper in this article. You will find a hobbies essay writing guide, some topics on hobbies, and essay samples in the end.

  • 🗂️ Hobby Essay Writing Guide

🧙 80 Hobby Essay Topics

✅ my hobby essay outline, 📔 hobby essay examples, 🗂️ hobby essay: 3 writing rules.

Here we will give some advice and discuss common mistakes in a “My hobbies” essay.

Follow these rules to prepare your paper wisely.

Essay on Hobbies Rule#1 Choose the Topic

First of all, you need to ensure that the hobby essay title you chose is appropriate to your paper’s length. If it is a short 100-word or 150-word essay, you can pick a simple topic. The longer the paper, the more complex issue you need. It also depends on your level of studies: high school and college paper topics have different requirements.

Your paper might also require some scientific research. In this case, look for a topic on which you can find enough information. Don’t be afraid to change or adjust the focus if you can’t find sufficient materials.

Use our amazing free essay topic generator to get the best topic!

If your instructor gave a list of topics, choose the one that interests you the most. You can also make a shortlist before you pick the most suitable title.

Essay on Hobbies Rule#2 Plan before Writing

Create a list of the essential points of your hobbies essay. Planning is vital as every paper needs a structure. Otherwise, you just might end up worshiping your hobby. This is the number one mistake.

Your outline should consist of three main parts:

  • Introduction. You need to state your topic and describe what the paper is about.
  • Body. Develop your arguments or narrative and provide evidence if necessary.
  • Conclusion. Summarize the information you provided in the previous paragraphs.

Find rare aspects of your hobby. They can include equipment, locations, your achievements, and inspiration, etc.

If your hobby is rather popular, share a unique story connected with it.

Essay on Hobbies Rule#3 Filter What You Say

The first thing you should remember: be as objective as possible. No matter how much you love your hobbies, you better stick to the facts. All the information you provide should be unbiased and reliable.

How can you do it?

  • Make references. Statistics, facts, and all other data will support your statements.
  • Pay attention to vocabulary. You can use jargon and specific terminology as long as it has explanations. Avoid emotional words such as “very,” “terrible,” “awesome.”
  • Don’t use reductions. As for academic writing, it is better to choose full forms.
  • Show opposing points of view. To stay objective, indicate that your ideas have counterarguments.
  • Check English grammar and spelling . Literacy is a must-have for any academic paper.

The picture contains 5 key rules of writing an essay about hobbies.

You can discuss one of these essay topics in your paper:

  • What is the hobby you dream of taking up?
  • Are active or passive hobbies better for children to develop properly?
  • Woodstock: An important event for those who have music as their hobby.
  • How much time do you devote to your hobbies and interests?
  • Reading as a family hobby.
  • Should a hobby be affordable or require extra spending?
  • Hobbies in ancient Rome: The importance of games and baths.
  • Who or what inspired you to take up a new hobby?
  • What equipment do you need for your hobby?
  • Art as a hobby in the UK: Why it is worth supporting.
  • Is it essential for a person to have a hobby?
  • Is there a childhood hobby that you gave up?
  • Sociology of music: What music means in our life.
  • How many hobbies can a person have?
  • What is your favorite hobby that you genuinely enjoy?
  • Did your parents force you to choose your leisure time activities?
  • What hobbies should you include in your resume?
  • Folk music as a hobby.
  • What is the right age to take up drawing?
  • Gambling as a controversial hobby.
  • Is it possible for a person not to have any hobbies?
  • Sports as a hobby: Fan habits and behaviors on a game day.
  • What is the most important lesson your hobby has taught you?
  • Japanese manga and anime: A popular hobby worldwide.
  • Which hobbies can you take up with a low budget?
  • Rock music as a hobby.
  • What hobby is the most popular in the United States?
  • How can you define the word “hobby”?
  • Game of Thrones: A proof of why watching TV can be a legitimate hobby.
  • Can singing be your hobby if you are not talented?
  • When can you say that activity became your hobby?
  • Music as a hobby: Its influence on the mind.
  • Who has the most exciting hobby in your family?
  • Why do people choose extreme or dangerous hobbies?
  • What are the benefits of reading books?
  • How to help a kid to pick their hobby?
  • Yoga as a stress-reducing hobby.
  • What should you do if you are no longer interested in your hobby?
  • Is it essential to achieve something in your hobby?
  • Music technology: Effects on professional and amateur musicians.
  • Can your hobby become a profession?
  • How can you define that a hobby is not suitable for you?
  • Graffiti as a hobby and an art form.
  • How to choose your hobby if you are interested in too many things?
  • Is gardening a hobby or a duty?
  • Teenage gaming: Balancing between an innocent hobby and addiction.
  • What free time activities are the most common among high school students?
  • What is your favorite family free time activity?
  • Video games: Are they an appropriate hobby for children?
  • Why do people lose interest in their hobbies over time?
  • What are the differences between sports as a profession and as a hobby?
  • What are the benefits of team sports such as basketball?
  • What hobbies have you already tried?
  • Do you prefer participating in your hobbies alone or with other people?
  • Is gaming an appropriate hobby for the elderly?
  • What hobbies, in your opinion, are the most expensive?
  • Violent video games: A hobby causing behavior problems.
  • Did you enjoy your hobby when you first tried it?
  • Music, media, and culture: Influence on behavior.
  • How can a hobby be helpful in your career?
  • Video games as a hobby producing cognitive benefits.
  • Is volunteering an unpaid job or a hobby?
  • Music as a hobby: Personality traits and music preferences.
  • Have your hobbies ever interfered with your studies?
  • Toys and games as important activities for children’s gender socialization.
  • What hobbies are harmful to human health?
  • Online games: Are they a suitable hobby for children or adults?
  • Is taking up a new hobby stressful for you?
  • The importance of music as a hobby.
  • How much money do you spend on your hobby?
  • Video games: A hobby with controversial effects.
  • Do you want to devote more time to your hobby?
  • Hip hop music as a hobby.
  • Have you ever inspired anyone to take up your hobby?
  • Music as a popular hoppy among Americans.
  • How do your hobbies help you in life?
  • Heavy metal music as a hobby: Gender differences.
  • Who is your role model in your hobby?
  • Leisure satisfaction in school teachers in Taiwan.
  • Does sharing a hobby make people better friends?

Writing an essay about your hobby is so exciting! If you don’t know where to start or how to organize your ideas, consider the following outline we’ve prepared to guide you.

Start your essay with an intriguing hook in the form of an anecdote or a question related to your hobby. Then, briefly introduce your hobby and include a thesis statement indicating its significance in your life.
. Describe how you got into this activity, what drew you to it, and how you progressed in this hobby. . Dwell on how this hobby benefits you physically, mentally, emotionally, or socially. . Focus on the difficulties you have faced in your hobby and the actions you have taken to overcome them. . Explain how your hobby has influenced your personality, worldview, and relationships with people.
In the end, restate the thesis about the significance of the hobby and add a closing statement to make a good final impression.

And here are some short hobby essay examples for you. Read them to find inspiration. Pay attention to the structure and use them as a reference to your paper.

Let’s start!

Free Time Activities Essay

Each person needs to change their activities. If you have a sedentary job or study a lot, it is great to do some sports. If you move too much, you can enjoy reading a book in a quiet place. People need free time activities to make their lifestyle more enjoyable, healthy and get to know themselves better. First of all, having a hobby creates new experiences for you. Any kind of free time activity develops new skills and teaches you something new. It is excellent to know that you do something for yourself just for pleasure and new emotions. You can also find new friends, visit new places, and participate in events just because you have a hobby. For example, you like running. You can do it alone or join a local community. There are also plenty of amateur competitions that take place in different locations. Hobbies are beneficial for both your mental and physical health. They help you to keep your life in balance. Lacking movement in your daily life means you can compensate for it with sports. If you work from home and don’t communicate with people, you can sign up for group classes. Also, hobbies that require effort make your character more vigorous and more resistant to difficulties. When you spend your free time the way you like it, you become more self-aware. Knowing yourself means that you discover your strengths and weaknesses and understand your preferences better. You know what you are capable of now and what you need to learn to do. It is great to have a hobby to participate in different activities and enrich your life experience with new skills, places, and people. Hobbies also keep you healthy. Free-time activities are crucial for understanding your self-worth, motivations, and strong and weak spots.

My Favorite Hobby Essay

As for a high school student, my hobby might seem untypical. I design custom clothes for my family and peers. I am a seventeen-year-old boy who knows how to sew an evening dress for my mother or to create a tailored suit for any event. I chose this hobby as I was always interested in fashion, I am good at drawing and sketching, and my progress motivates me. It was always curious looking at people on the street when I was a kid. I noticed patterns, silhouettes, and various combinations. I knew some were good, some didn’t suit people, and some were just outdated. That was the moment when I started to notice the difference between fashion and style. Later, I watched fashion shows and educational YouTube videos. It is my dream to own a fashion brand, so I also paid attention to the business part of the process. Sketching clothes is the first step to their creation. I am a good drawer, so there is no problem showing all of my design ideas on paper. You just need a lot of practice. I needed to hone my skills to make proportions and colors seem as natural as possible. I also try to memorize how people look and draw them when I have an opportunity. I own more than twenty sketchbooks full of ideas and inspiration. The more ideas I generate, the easier it becomes. When I see my old sketches or pieces of clothing that I created, I can notice how much I’ve improved. Hard work and knowledge can make your goals achievable. If I don’t know something, I just search for it on the Internet and try it. Maybe you will need to try more than once, but eventually, I can see the result I want. Fashion is one of my greatest passions. That is why I never hesitate to spend some extra money or effort to create something new. I never regretted choosing fashion over any other hobbies because I always knew I was doing what was suitable for me. I know I developed my taste, drawing skills, and persistence because of this hobby. I hope one day it becomes a profession. My dream is to use all my skills and knowledge to create something people will like to wear.

71 Hobby Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Need to write a hobby essay? Looking for a catchy topic? Hobby essay titles of all kinds are collected in this article!

✍️ Thesis Statement about Hobbies

🏆 best hobby topic ideas & essay examples, 📌 most interesting hobby essay topics, 👍 hobby topic ideas for research papers, ❓ hobby related questions.

In this article, we’ve collected 45 hobby topic ideas for essays and research papers. They are suitable for college as well as high school students. You will also find here plenty of samples to help kickstart your writing.

When writing a hobby essay, you need to pay particular attention to your thesis statement. A good thesis should include all the main points of your essay. To make this task easier for you, we’ve prepared some examples of thesis statements about hobbies. Have a look:

  • Dancing is an excellent hobby for college students because it helps to relieve stress and has numerous health benefits.
  • Drawing is beneficial for children because it helps them develop their creativity and fine motor skills.
  • Traveling as a hobby allows people to broaden their horizons and learn about other cultures.
  • Singing as a Hobby and Way of Self-Expression I need to have a source of relaxation and nonchalance during my studies, and singing is great for letting me do my things without any tension.
  • Writings About Hobby – Home Brewing Beer Commercially available beer is expensive to purchase as a result of various taxes and the need of profits by the beer makers.
  • Power of Hobby vs. Necessity of Commitment in Nick Hornby’s High Fidelity The ideas of “top ten” and the “top five” are not usual for describing the relations between a man and a woman, still, they prove that the character has not traditional approaches, and his standpoints […]
  • Skateboarding Not Just A Hobby A Lifestyle
  • Young Lady Battle Of Boxing As An Awesome American Hobby
  • Is Your Hobby Helping Or Hindering Your Family Life
  • Video Games : A Becoming A Lifelong Hobby
  • An Analysis of Sports Memorabilia as a True Hobby
  • Turning Your Hobby Into An eBay Business
  • Woodworking For Fun And Profit Is A Great Hobby
  • How Selecting a Best Hobby For You Is Going To Change Your Life
  • Travelling Is a Good Hobby That Everyone Should Cultivate
  • Exploring The Hobby Of Photography
  • Violent Video Games: Children’s Dangerous Hobby
  • The Importance Of The Collectible Hobby Industry
  • Hobby Farms and British Columbia’s Agricultural Land Reserve
  • An Analysis of the Baseball Sport as a Hobby
  • Is Your eBay Activity A Business Or A Hobby
  • William Golding ‘s Thinking As A Hobby
  • Is Your Online Business A Hobby Or A Real Business
  • Walking Sticks A Money Making Hobby
  • The Political Background Of Hobby
  • My Hobby of Volunteering at Care Centers
  • Making Candles A Fun Hobby Or Craft
  • Radio Controlled Cars A Fun Hobby For All Ages
  • Hobby: Nutrition and Black Bean Curd
  • The Importance Of Dancing As A Hobby
  • Turn Your Scrapbooking Hobby Into A Profitable Business
  • Benefits of Pursuing a Hobby
  • An Analysis of the Words Knowledge and Intelligence in William Golding’s Article Thinking as a Hobby
  • An Analysis of Important Steps in Order to Be Successful in the World of RCA Hobby
  • Why You Should Take Up A Physical Hobby
  • Thinking as a Hobby Written by William Golding
  • The Coin Collecting Hobby Industry
  • Coin Collecting When Hobby Turns Business
  • Photography Is Just A Hobby Or A Business
  • Distinguishing a Business from a Hobby
  • Starting A Hobby In Art Collectibles
  • World Building: A Fun and Creative Hobby
  • Squash From Hobby To Performance
  • Identifying Talented People – Mental and Physical Proof of Talent, Predisposition to a Hobby
  • The Reimbursement Limitation Of Hobby Lobby
  • Travelling As A Common Hobby
  • The Importance of Pursuing a Hobby in Your Life
  • The Hobby Of Stamp Collecting
  • An Analysis of the Hobby of Fish Keeping and the Methods for the Fish Preservation
  • How Does Hobby Help Kids Avoid Dangerous Situations?
  • What Is the Oldest Hobby in the World?
  • Do Hobbies Change With Age?
  • What Hobbies Do Royalty Have?
  • What Are the Best Hobbies for Cognitive Function and Stress Release?
  • Is Coin Collecting a Profitable Hobby?
  • What Hobbies Are Good for Depression?
  • Do Hobbies Help You Live Longer?
  • What Is the Hardest Hobby in the World?
  • Is Watching TV a Hobby?
  • What Is the Most Valuable Hobby?
  • Why Is Coin Collecting a Good Hobby?
  • How Can Hobbies Change Your Life?
  • Why Are Hobbies and Interests Important for Development?
  • What Is the Best Hobby to Develop?
  • How Do Hobbies Benefit Family?
  • What Hobbies Do People Spend the Most On?
  • How Can Hobbies Improve Self-Confidence?
  • Is Coin Collecting a Dying Hobby?
  • What Hobby Is Good for Mental Health?
  • How Can Hobbies Reduce Stress?
  • What Was the Hobby of the First King?
  • What Hobbies Are Good for Socializing?
  • Can Hobbies Improve Your Personal Skills?
  • What Is the Importance of Hobbies in Education?
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IvyPanda. (2024, February 29). 71 Hobby Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/hobby-essay-examples/

"71 Hobby Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 29 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/hobby-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '71 Hobby Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 29 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "71 Hobby Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 29, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/hobby-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "71 Hobby Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 29, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/hobby-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "71 Hobby Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 29, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/hobby-essay-examples/.

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Home / Essay Samples / Life / Hobby

Hobby Essay Examples

Essays about hobbies hold significant importance as they provide insights into the personal interests, passions, and creative outlets that enrich individuals’ lives. The purpose of such essays is to celebrate the diversity of human pursuits, highlight the benefits of engaging in hobbies, and explore the connections between hobbies and personal growth. By sharing stories of hobbies, these essays contribute to a deeper understanding of individuality, the pursuit of happiness, and the role of leisure activities in fostering well-rounded and fulfilled lives.

Comprehensive Hobby Essay Examples

Our repository features a variety of essays about hobby that provide comprehensive explorations of different leisure pursuits. From the significance of hobbies in personal development to their role in relieving stress, these essays offer in-depth insights into the importance of engaging in activities you love.

Explore the depths of what makes a hobby meaningful, how to choose a hobby that aligns with your interests, and the positive impacts hobbies can have on mental well-being. Whether you’re writing an essay on hobby or looking to better understand your own passions, our collection covers a wide range of topics. Dive into essays that discuss the psychology behind hobbies, the benefits of pursuing creative endeavors, and the ways hobbies connect individuals in a shared pursuit of enjoyment.

Explore essays that capture the essence of hobbies, whether it’s through the lens of art, sports, music, or any other pursuit that ignites your enthusiasm.

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My Greatest Talent: Playing the Violin

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What is Your Favorite Book: Exploring the Power of Literature

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The Art of Hobby Drawing: Nurturing Creativity

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The Enriching Journey of the Book Reading Hobby

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Reading is a Good Habit for Lifelong Learning

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Exploring the Advantages of Reality Tv Shows

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Helping a disabled person involves a combination of empathy, understanding, and practical assistance. One of the fundamental ways to offer support is through education and awareness. By educating ourselves and others about different types of disabilities and their unique challenges, we can foster a more...

Unveiling My Skills and Passions

Exploring my skills and passions is an exciting journey that guides me towards a life of purpose and fulfillment. This essay embarks on a quest of self-discovery, delving into my unique abilities, passions, and the boundless potential they hold. The journey commences with uncovering my...

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