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IELTS Topics: Weather

Posted by David S. Wills | Oct 10, 2019 | IELTS Tips | 0

IELTS Topics: Weather

There are certain topics in the IELTS exam which can be considered quite common. They are not guaranteed to appear in your next exam, but they are common enough that you really should spend some time studying them. One of these super common IELTS topics is weather .

I’m sure that when you first began learning English, you learned to talk about the weather. In my first teaching job, I taught this topic to kindergarten students. Even those cute little 3-year-olds could say, “It’s a sunny day!” or “It is raining.” Of course, for IELTS you need to be able to produce more advanced language than that!

Today, I want to tell you all about weather as a topic for your IELTS test. I’ll explain a little about how it might appear in the exam, and also give you some useful language for describing it.

IELTS Speaking Questions about Weather

weather forecast for ielts

The IELTS speaking test is by far the most likely part of the exam to contain questions about weather. This topic could appear in any of the three parts of the speaking test, but it is most likely to occur in part one as the topic is rather shallow. In part one, you aren’t expected to say very much, and so this is the best place for simple questions about things like weather. Here are ten example questions about weather from IELTS speaking part 1:

  • What’s the weather like where you live?
  • Does the weather affect your mood?
  • Do you like sunny days?
  • What type of weather do you like best?
  • Does the weather ever affect what you do?
  • Does it bother you much when it rains?
  • What do you like to do on sunny days?
  • Does it rain a lot in your hometown?
  • Which months have the best weather in your country?
  • Does rain ever affect transportation in your hometown?

All of those questions are quite simple, factual matters. There is no real complexity to them because they would be asked in part one and you will only be expected to give a basic answer. For example, let’s look at two of the questions from above:

  • It rains a lot in my hometown, even in the summer. Sometimes it’s sunny but it’s never really very warm.
  • I really like warm, sunny days the best. When the weather is like that, you can go out and do interesting things rather than being stuck indoors.

You can see that in those answers, I have given only two sentences as a reply. You might think that this is not enough, but actually it is perfectly fine. Notice that I also didn’t use any complex vocabulary. This is also acceptable because for part one the questions really will be simple. You might have a chance to show off more in part three, but don’t worry about it. Sometimes it’s best to use simple language with a high degree of accuracy.

Part two is a little harder to predict, and it’s less likely that you will get a weather question here, but it could still happen. Two cue cards that you might possibly encounter will ask you to do the following:

  • Describe your favourite kind of weather. 
  • Describe a time when you experienced extreme weather conditions. 

In each case, you would need to follow the cue card and give an appropriate response. Here is a video about describing a season, which has some overlap with the topic of weather.

Part three might have questions about weather as well, but remember that here they will be more complex and abstract. In this section, questions often get into morality, gender, age, and other difficult issues. There isn’t really too much that could be said about weather here, but you might find something like the following:

  • Do you think that weather affects people’s behaviour?

Notice that this is similar to a question from part one, but now we are talking about people in general , rather than your personal opinion. This is much harder to do, and of course here you are expected to speak for longer. You might give an answer like this:

  • I think that weather definitely affects people’s behaviour. You just have to go outside on a sunny day to see how friendly people are compared to when it’s raining. Also, when the weather is really bad you see people looking depressed and often acting with impatience towards others. People do things like fight over taxis or push rudely past each other when it’s rainy and cold. So, yeah, it definitely has an impact.

This answer is much longer than my first ones, and you can see how each sentence sort of adds a little more to the idea. There is also a basic introduction and conclusion as I tell my listener what I think and then summarize what I said. But is there much difficult weather vocabulary? Not really. There isn’t too much that you can really say in a question like this, as it relates more to a person’s mood than actual weather.

Weather for IELTS Writing

It is less common that you will encounter the topic of weather for IELTS writing, but it could still happen. For one example, you may see weather appear in task 1 as you have to describe patterns of rainfall or hours of sunshine. However, this really wouldn’t require much knowledge of the weather, as you are just expected to describe what you see.

For task 2, there is definitely more scope but the topic of weather is a bit limited. Instead, you would probably see it arise within the greater topic of environment . For example, look at the following question and sample answer. I will highlight some useful vocabulary that may be helpful for you in giving more complex descriptions of weather and the related issue of global warming.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Question: Weather

Global warming is one of the biggest threats to our environment. What causes global warming? What solutions are there to this problem?

Sample Answer

It is clear that the earth’s climate is changing due to human activity. The weather is growing increasingly erratic , and temperatures are soaring in many places. This essay will explore the reasons for this, as well as some possible solutions.

Our modern style of living is causing huge damage to the planet in a number of ways. For one thing, people want constant comfort in their homes, and this means huge amounts of energy must be generated to provide them with electricity, not to mention the production of goods that make them feel happy. As such, power stations and factories around the world ch urn out huge volumes of emissions that go straight into the atmosphere and cause terrible damage. This is compounded by emissions from cars and airplanes, which are also continually rising as the population grows and people become more mobile. Altogether, these cause global warming by changing the earth’s atmosphere and trapping heat .

The problem needs to be dealt with immediately or else there will be no chance of saving the planet later. Governments around the world need to work together to stamp out toxic emissions from factories, power stations, and transportation. Once lowered, these should also be offset by planting more trees to replace carbon dioxide with oxygen. Doing all this will take a massive effort, but it is important that the world is in agreement. Primarily, the responsibility falls on the shoulders of governments, who will need to impose regulations to stop corporations and individuals from perpetrating more destruction upon the environment .

In conclusion, the earth is dying because of human actions, and the whole world will need to act immediately to reverse the damage.

IELTS Reading and Listening Topic: Weather

I don’t really recommend preparing for IELTS reading and listening in terms of topic because actually the topics here are much wider, particularly for reading. In the reading test, you could be given a passage about almost anything, and for listening the final lecture is pretty much the same. Theoretically, any of those could well relate to weather, but you wouldn’t really be expected to know that much about it. Instead, you’d just be expected to have the basic English skills required to pick apart the grammar and main ideas.

Of course, knowing about the weather is useful and you should definitely study it. Reading and listening to English sources like news articles is always helpful and if these are about weather, it may give you a slightly better chance at IELTS listening and reading. (Pro tip: Try watching the weather forecast in English.)

Important Language for Discussing the Weather

As we have seen, most of the questions that are likely to arise in IELTS relating to the topic of weather are actually quite simple, and you wouldn’t need to know complex terminology for the topic. It would be enough to know words like hot, cold, rain, sun, etc. Of course, you also need to know the noun and adjective forms:

Heat Hot
Cold Cold
Sun Sunny
Rain Rainy
Wind Windy
Fog Foggy

Most that is pretty simple, but if you want to impress the examiner a little more, you can try using slightly more specific language. By this, I mean that you don’t just have to say “rain” or “rainy.” It rains a lot in the UK, so we have many words for this type of weather. 😄

We can use other nouns to describe particular kinds of rain:

We can also use an adjective to modify the word “rain”:

  • Driving rain
  • Pouring rain
  • Torrential rain
  • Freezing rain

weather essay in ielts

We could also use some verbs to talk about how it was raining:

  • The rain battered down around us.
  • It was pouring rain all night.
  • The rain seemed to go right through us.
  • It just sprinkled down for an hour and then stopped.

You see, it is possible to extend your vocabulary a little from “rain” to using a wider range of language. None of those words or phrases is particularly “advanced” but they all offer a chance to go beyond the most basic and obvious term.

When talking about weather, there are different types of word that we can use. I showed you above that we can vary how we talk about rain by using verbs, adjectives, and nouns. Well, that is possible for some types of weather.

We can say “it is + adjective”:

  • It is sunny.
  • It is rainy.

Or “it is a(n) adjective + day”:

  • It is a sunny day.
  • It is a rainy day.

We can also say “it is verb+ing”:

  • It is raining.
  • It is snowing.

Or we can even use “there +noun”:

  • There is snow outside.
  • There will be thunder later.

Some words can be adapted to all forms:

  • It’s raining! (verb)
  • It’s rainy! (adjective)
  • There’s been a lot of rain recently. (noun)

However, others can’t:

  • It’s sunning!
  • It’s sunny!
  • There’s been a lot of sunshine recently.

Here is a PPT I made for my former students. It contains some interesting language about weather. I recommend that you download it and play it on your computer so that you can challenge yourself without seeing the answers first.

I would like to mention here that I have missed out some apparently obvious questions from above. The questions I might have also included were things like, “What’s your favourite season?” Actually, I feel that there is a slight distinction between seasons and weather , and so I will keep this particular article devoted to the latter. If you want to learn how to talk about seasons for IELTS, you can check this link .

It could also be argued that there is some crossover into the topic of climate change and environment because obviously the current phenomenon of global warming is related to the weather. However, I will also leave this aside for now and just focus on more basic weather questions.

About The Author

David S. Wills

David S. Wills

David S. Wills is the author of Scientologist! William S. Burroughs and the 'Weird Cult' and the founder/editor of Beatdom literary journal. He lives and works in rural Cambodia and loves to travel. He has worked as an IELTS tutor since 2010, has completed both TEFL and CELTA courses, and has a certificate from Cambridge for Teaching Writing. David has worked in many different countries, and for several years designed a writing course for the University of Worcester. In 2018, he wrote the popular IELTS handbook, Grammar for IELTS Writing and he has since written two other books about IELTS. His other IELTS website is called IELTS Teaching.

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Climate change IELTS essay model answer

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How can you get a high band score in lexical resource in IELTS writing task 2?

If you need a high band score in IELTS writing, then you first need to understand how IELTS examiners grade this part of the IELTS test .

IELTS examiners do not give you one grade, they give you four grades that you do not see and these are added together to create an overall band score in IELTS Writing.

The four areas that they grade you on are:

  • Task achievement
  • Cohesion and coherence
  • Lexical resource
  • Grammatical range and accuracy

In this article I will look at :

  • What is lexical resource?
  • What can you do to improve your band score in this area?

As lexical resource is 25% of the overall score, it is very important that you choose your vocabulary carefully. Many IELTS candidates focus on answering the question and do not pay enough attention to the vocabulary and then get 5.0 for Lexical Resource and this lowers their overall band score.

To get a 6.0 or above in Lexical Resource, IELTS examiners are looking for use of a range of less common words and phrases.

Let’s see how you can do this with an IELTS essay about global warming – a popular IELTS Writing topic!

First of all, before focusing on the vocabulary, you must read and understand the question…

It is the job of governments and companies to deal with the huge environmental problems which we face. Individuals on their own can do little or nothing’. What is your opinion about this statement?

In this question, you need to focus on governments, companies and individuals so the best way to write your answer would be using separate paragraphs for each group. The essay below is divided into three main topic paragraphs; however, you will see that I bring ‘individuals’ into each paragraph to say how they can help the situation.

Ok, so now you understand the question, before writing the essay, it is ESSENTIAL that you note down some complex words/phrases that you could use in your answer. If you do not do this, you will probably not think of using them in the answer and then you get a low Lexical Resource score.

What vocabulary could you use to improve your lexical resource band score in this task?

Take a look through the climate change essay below and you can see that all the words underlined are connected to climate change.

They are words/phrases that would show the IELTS examiner that you can use a range of less common words and complex language.

In addition, there are examples of collocations – these are words that go together and are used naturally by native speakers, but are often not widely known by non-native speakers. These can impress the examiner.

Here are some examples of collocations I have used in this essay:

  • To tackle climate change = to deal with climate change
  • A pressing problem = a problem that needs dealing with urgently
  • A moral responsibility = a duty to behave in a way that is right
  • The key players = the most important people

It cannot be disputed that the world is experiencing an environmental crisis . According to recent research, if nothing is done to tackle climate change in the near future, our planet will face the devastating consequences of global warming . Undoubtedly, it is the role of governments and corporate organisations to take action, however I strongly feel that individuals need to make a contribution to deal with this pressing problem as well.

Politicians could certainly invest public finances in order to research the issues connected with climate change and, furthermore, could pass laws in relation to industrial pollution , which is making a major contribution to the greenhouse effect . Nevertheless, it requires constant pressure from citizens, either alone or in environmental pressure groups, on our leaders to make this happen. The general public can protest, lobby their politicians or vote for a political party who proposes introducing green policies if elected.

Similarly, corporate businesses should be adopting more sustainable working practices , for instance, by switching to more environmentally-friendly ways of manufacturing using renewable energy such as solar panels . Likewise, the individual as consumer can play a role here too, by refusing to purchase products which have been manufactured in a way that damages the environment.

It must also be acknowledged that individuals have a moral responsibility to care for our planet . For example, reducing consumption of fossil fuels whenever possible, becoming self-sufficient by growing their own vegetables and switching off lights when they are not needed. Although some of these actions may seem minor, the cumulative effect of everyone taking such actions would be enormous.

It is probably certainly the case that governments and international companies are the key players with responsibility for protecting our planet . Nonetheless, I am still convinced that ordinary people, either individually or cooperatively, can help to make the changes necessary to have a significant impact on our future.

As previously mentioned, the environment is a frequently used topic in both IELTS Speaking and Writing so if you need a high band score in IELTS, write a practice essay on this topic now.

Re-orientate the topic to climate change / industrial pollution 600

Global warming essay

This global warming IELTS essay lesson is mostly about the need to vary your vocabulary when you write. This means thinking about the topic of the question of course but also thinking about what the question asks you to do – i.e. talk about causes etc.

Read and understand the question – structuring the essay

Research shows that global warming is caused by human activity. What are the possible effects of climate change and what can governments and individuals do to reduce these?

This is a two part question. To answer it, you must write about both

the causes of climate change

what can be done about it by both governments and individuals

The sensible approach is to use separate paragraphs for each point. My essay below is divided into two main topic paragraphs. You could use three if you wanted to write a separate paragraph for government and individual actions.

Choosing the language

You should see that you need this language for the essay:

  • climate change vocabulary

cause and effect vocabulary

suggestion vocabulary

My suggestion is that you do not start writing too quickly but plan and think about what words you need to use.

Cause and effect vocabulary .

This is key area of language and you want to vary the word “effects” in the question. Look at the red words below to see how I do this. You will find a lot more words on my lesson cause and effect vocabulary.

  • cause and effect

Climate change vocabulary.

This is the topic vocabulary of the essay. If you need more, take a look at my vocabulary lesson on this:

Suggestion language .

Don’t forget this. You have options here too. The mistake is to go “must” “must” “must”. English had lots of words for this. Think of

There is now little doubt that global warming and climate change are the result of human activity. This has happened because of a failure in environmental policy by governments and a lack of concern for wasted energy by individuals.

It is almost universally accepted that climate change is the consequence of a number of environmental failings. Perhaps the most important of these is how fossil fuels such as gas and coal are still the main source of power. This is a problem because their use means that a large amount of CO2 is released into the atmosphere causing the greenhouse effect. Another serious issue is how illegal logging continues in rainforests and the Amazon Basin in particular. It should also not be forgotten that there is a connection between global warming and the inefficient use of energy by consumers in the home.

While governments must take prime responsibility for reducing climate change, individuals too can play a part. Political leaders across the globe need to cooperate so that research into renewable forms of energy such as wind and solar power is properly funded and the use of coal and gas in power stations is phased out.

They must also of course ensure that regulations against logging are properly enforced. Consumers of energy can help by insulating their homes properly and using solar panels where possible so that less energy is required and wasted. These actions should limit the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere and so reduce the greenhouse effect.

In conclusion, while global warming is a serious threat to humanity, there are a number of steps that can be taken to reduce its effects.

(274 words)

Audio tutorial

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The Impact of Climate Change on Weather: An IELTS Writing Guide

Climate change and its influence on weather patterns is a hot topic in current affairs and a frequent subject in IELTS Writing Task 2. Understanding the science behind this phenomenon and its global implications is essential for crafting a well-informed and compelling essay. This article provides a sample IELTS essay question on this topic, a band-8 model answer, and key vocabulary to help you ace this essay type.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Sample IELTS Essay Question
  • 2.1 Model Essay
  • 2.2 Writing Tips
  • 2.3 Vocabulary
  • 3 Conclusion

Sample IELTS Essay Question

Many people believe that climate change is primarily responsible for the increasingly unpredictable and extreme weather events we are witnessing globally. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Essay Analysis

This essay question requires you to discuss the link between climate change and extreme weather events. It falls under the “opinion” category, requiring you to present a clear stance while acknowledging both sides of the argument.

Model Essay

Climate change has emerged as a pressing global concern, with its far-reaching consequences increasingly evident in our daily lives. One of the most alarming manifestations of this phenomenon is the surge in unpredictable and extreme weather events worldwide. While some argue that these events are simply natural variations in weather patterns, I firmly believe that climate change plays a significant role in their increasing frequency and intensity.

The scientific consensus on climate change is clear: human activities, primarily the burning of fossil fuels, are releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, trapping heat and causing the planet to warm. This warming effect has profound implications for weather patterns. For instance, warmer temperatures lead to increased evaporation, which in turn fuels more powerful storms and hurricanes. Furthermore, the disruption of the jet stream, a band of strong winds in the upper atmosphere, due to a warming Arctic can lead to prolonged periods of extreme heat, droughts, and even intense cold spells in certain regions.

Climate Change Effects

Examples of climate change-induced extreme weather events abound. The devastating wildfires that have ravaged Australia and California in recent years are exacerbated by prolonged droughts and hotter temperatures, both consequences of climate change. Similarly, the increased frequency and intensity of hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean can be attributed to warmer ocean temperatures, a direct result of global warming. These events not only cause widespread destruction and economic loss but also pose serious threats to human lives and ecosystems.

In conclusion, while it is true that weather patterns have always exhibited some degree of variability, the scientific evidence overwhelmingly points to climate change as a major driver of the unprecedented and extreme weather events we are witnessing today. Urgent action to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the changing climate is crucial to avert the worst consequences of this global crisis. (Word count: 295)

Writing Tips

  • Structure: Follow a clear structure – Introduction, Body Paragraph 1 (Agree), Body Paragraph 2 (Disagree), Conclusion.
  • Topic Sentences: Begin each body paragraph with a clear topic sentence that outlines the main point of the paragraph.
  • Supporting Evidence: Use specific examples and factual information to support your claims.
  • Vocabulary: Use a range of vocabulary related to climate change and weather patterns.
  • Grammar and Accuracy: Pay attention to grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
  • Climate Change (n.) /ˈklaɪmət ˌtʃeɪndʒ/: a change in global or regional climate patterns, attributed largely to the increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide.
  • Extreme Weather (n.) /ɪkˈstrim ˈweðər/: weather conditions that are significantly different from the average or usual weather pattern.
  • Greenhouse Gases (n.) /ˈɡrinhaʊs ˌɡæsɪz/: gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect by absorbing infrared radiation.
  • Fossil Fuels (n.) /ˈfɒsɪl ˌfjuːəlz/: fuels formed by natural processes, such as anaerobic decomposition of buried dead organisms.
  • Jet Stream (n.) /ˈdʒɛt ˌstrim/: a narrow band of strong wind in the upper atmosphere.
  • Drought (n.) /draʊt/: a prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall, leading to a shortage of water.
  • Exacerbate (v.) /ɪɡˈzæsə(r)beɪt/: to make a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling worse.

Discussing The Effects Of Climate Change On Weather Patterns is a complex task, but by using the provided structure, vocabulary, and tips, you can craft a well-structured and informative IELTS essay. Remember to practice regularly, familiarize yourself with relevant vocabulary, and stay updated on current events related to this crucial global issue.

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Do you prefer cold or hot weather?  

(Answer 1)  

I absolutely prefer cold weather to hot weather because it’s more comfortable. I hate hot weather because I sweat a lot and I feel discomfort that I can’t work well. Besides, I easily get irritated and get headaches due to heat intensity. And because of that, I don’t like summer days, at all.   

(Answer 2)  

That’s a very easy question – I prefer hot weather to cold weather. I love hot weather because I enjoy sunny days. It actually brightens my day and it makes me so inspired to do some water activities such as swimming or snorkeling. Well, I tried living in a country where cold weather is extreme and I just loathed it because I felt depressed.     

What’s the weather like in the place where you live?  

Well, I’m lucky that our state doesn’t have extreme weather conditions compared to other states where people can experience extreme cold and hot weather. The weather condition in our place is just mild. We have bearable (tolerable) cold and hot days and because of that, a lot of local tourists visit our place when they feel the discomfort of the weather that they have in their own states.   

Since I’m living in a  tropical country, most of the time our weather is hot but it’s actually hotter during summertime. We sometimes reach 41-42 degrees Celsius and honestly, that is extremely hot in my opinion. Well, I love summertime but I’m not a fan of (not liking something much) 42 degrees Celsius. That for me is unbearable and I normally just stay at home when the weather is that hot.   

Do you check the weather forecast before going out?/Are you in the habit of checking the weather forecast?

Yes, always! That’s simply because I want to wear something that suits best the weather condition of the day and I need to be aware if there’s a storm coming so I can be prepared. You know, it’s better to prepare than to feel sorry and it doesn’t cost anything to check the weather before leaving the house, anyway.   

Yes, I do but not regularly since I’m living in a tropical country. Well, most of the time, the weather condition here doesn’t change a lot. We have dry and rainy seasons so we can expect what the weather is like almost every single day. It doesn’t change that much.   

Would you like to visit other cities that have different climates from where you live?

Of course! Who wouldn’t want to? (rhetorical question – to add dramatic effect) It’s exciting to experience freezing temperatures in winter and play in the snow in a different city. Also, enjoying the cool breeze that autumn brings while being surrounded (be all around) by the beauty of maple trees with red, yellow, or orange leaves is a great experience. So, who wouldn’t want to experience any of these?

Well, this country is tropical (hot and humid) so the temperature of almost all cities is just the same. But if we talk about visiting another country to experience the four seasons, yes, I would love to. In fact, I make sure to visit another country every year to experience either winter or autumn. Doing so helps me forget about my work as I get to relax. 

What do you think are the effects of climate change in recent years?  

I believe extreme weather conditions are the effects of climate change. I notice that during winter time, the weather is extremely cold that some countries experience a negative 20 degrees Celsius or even more than that, and when it’s summertime, a heat wave is inevitable in some parts of the world. Well, this is the price that we have to pay (the unpleasant or difficult aspect that one must face) for not taking care of our planet.   

I really think the natural disasters that happen from time to time in different parts of the world are the common effects of climate change in recent years. Different countries experience different calamities such as hurricanes, typhoons, forest fires, drought, floods, and the like (and similar things) . Although the world experiences any of these, world leaders don’t make any serious effort to address the issue of climate change. All of them are just paying lip service (to express support for something without taking any significant action) to the world.    

Which do you like better, dry or wet weather?  

I prefer the former ( refers to the first mentioned) since I can be very productive ( fruitful) . When the sun’s up, I’m usually loaded ( filled) with so much energy. Also, I’m a person whose mood is greatly influenced by the weather, so if it’s dry and sunny I can work more efficiently and happily, however, if it’s rainy I can be as lazy as a sloth ( a sloth refers to a mammal that moves very slowly) .    

What kind of weather do you like the most?    

Well as I’ve just said, I like dry or sunny weather. There are no other types of weather that can suffice ( be sufficient; be enough; do; serve) the happiness that I feel on sunny days, as I can do various things such as running errands ( doing a lot of things at a time: going out to buy something, going to the bank, etc.) , doing the laundry, taking a walk in the park, and swimming.    

Without a doubt ( indisputably) , it’s summer! The ambiance ( atmosphere) of summertime is just so different – people’s faces are painted with happiness. That’s because they can enjoy staying outside and doing some outdoor activities with family and friends. Actually, I dream of living in tropical ( having warm or humid weather) countries since those types of countries have the happiest people. I imagine how beautiful their life is.    

Can you tell me the typical weather in your hometown?  

Well, my hometown is no different from any other place in my country. We do have four seasons. When it’s winter, we experience below-zero degrees ( a temperature that is negative) . When it’s autumn or spring, we have chilly and rainy days, and when it’s summer, our temperature reaches 38 degrees Celsius. The temperature in summer is just manageable ( doable) but not in winter.        

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Weather IELTS Speaking Part 1 Sample Answer

Raajdeep Saha

Updated On Jul 25, 2024


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In this blog on Weather IELTS Speaking Part 1, you’ll face questions related to weather/climate. On this steady note, to let you know about IELTS Speaking Part 1 the examiner will begin by introducing themselves and asking you to introduce yourself. This is typically a brief warm-up to get you comfortable with the speaking test. You’ll be asked about your name, where you’re from, and other basic personal information.

You will be asked a series of questions on  common topics . You have to state your opinion or experiences. Given below are real  IELTS Speaking Part 1 questions  with sample answers on the subject of ‘Weather.’

Aiming for a high Speaking IELTS Band Score ? Take a look at the expert tips and tricks below!

Now that you’ve got a clear idea of how the test works let’s get right into the main area of focus. For the topic ‘Weather IELTS Speaking Part 1,’ you’ll be asked questions like:

1. What’s the weather like in your country?

In my country, the weather is quite diverse due to the varying topography and climatic zones. Generally, the northern regions experience a continental climate with hot summers and freezing winters, while the coastal areas have a more moderate maritime climate. However, climate change has led to increasingly unpredictable weather patterns in recent years.

2. Do you prefer hot or cold weather?

Personally, I prefer milder weather conditions over extreme heat or cold. While I enjoy the warmth of summer, excessive heat can be quite draining. On the other hand, I find cold weather invigorating, but only to a certain extent. Extreme cold can be challenging to deal with.

3. How does the weather affect your daily life? 

The weather plays a significant role in my daily routine. For instance, during hot summer days, I tend to stay indoors more and rely on air conditioning. In contrast, during the cooler months, I enjoy spending time outdoors and engaging in outdoor activities like hiking or picnicking.

4. Do you think the weather has an impact on people’s moods?

Absolutely! I believe the weather can profoundly influence our emotions and overall mood. Sunny, pleasant weather tends to uplift our spirits and make us feel more energetic and positive. Conversely, gloomy, rainy days can dampen our mood and make us feel lethargic or melancholic.

5. What’s your favorite type of weather? 

My favorite type of weather is a warm, sunny day with a gentle breeze and a few fluffy clouds in the sky. This kind of weather is perfect for outdoor activities, picnics, or simply relaxing in the park or backyard.

6. How do you typically dress for different weather conditions? 

For hot weather, I typically wear lightweight, breathable fabrics like cotton or linen to stay cool and comfortable. In cold weather, I layer up with warm sweaters, coats, and scarves to insulate against the chill. And for rainy days, I make sure to have a waterproof jacket or umbrella on hand.

7. Have you ever experienced extreme weather conditions?

Yes, I have experienced some extreme weather conditions. A few years ago, my region was hit by a severe heatwave, with temperatures soaring above 40°C (104°F) for several consecutive days. It was incredibly challenging to cope with the intense heat, and we had to take precautions to stay hydrated and avoid heat exhaustion.

Here are the types of questions that are asked during IELTS Speaking Part 1

8. Do you think climate change is affecting the weather patterns in your area?

Definitely. Climate change has had a noticeable impact on the weather patterns in my area. We’ve been experiencing more frequent and intense heat waves, as well as unpredictable rainfall patterns. Extreme weather events, such as severe storms and flooding, have also become more common in recent years.

9. How do you stay informed about the weather forecast? 

I typically check the weather forecast daily using various online sources or mobile apps. These resources provide detailed information on temperature, precipitation, wind conditions, and any severe weather alerts or warnings. Staying informed about the weather helps me plan my activities and be prepared for any potential disruptions.

10. Do you enjoy outdoor activities that are weather-dependent? 

Yes, I love engaging in outdoor activities, many of which are heavily influenced by the weather conditions. For example, I enjoy hiking and camping, but these activities are best done during mild, dry weather. Similarly, water sports like swimming or boating are more enjoyable on warm, sunny days. Adapting to the weather is crucial for making the most of outdoor pursuits.

When speaking, your tone will clarify and convey meaning. To learn how to effectively utilize a good tone and gain a high Speaking band, check out  IELTS Speaking Test –Tone 

Eager to brush up on your speaking skills with the ‘Weather’ IELTS Speaking topic? Book a FREE trial to practice!

Weather IELTS Speaking Part 1 Vocabulary 

IELTS Vocabulary is crucial for IELTS Speaking Part 1 because it allows you to express yourself clearly and precisely, making your responses more engaging and accurate. Using varied and appropriate vocabulary also helps demonstrate your language proficiency and can significantly impact your overall score.

  • Climate:  The weather conditions prevailing in an area over a long period of time.

Example : The tropical climate of the island is characterized by warm temperatures and high humidity throughout the year.

  • Unpredictable:  Not able to be predicted or foreseen with certainty.

Example:  The unpredictable nature of the stock market makes it a risky investment for many.

  • Invigorating:  Giving new life and energy.

Example:  The invigorating mountain air rejuvenated the hikers after their long trek.

  • Melancholic:  Feeling or expressing sadness or depression.

Example:  The melancholic tone of the poem reflected the author’s grief over the loss of a loved one.

  • Breeze:  A gentle wind.

Example:  The refreshing breeze from the ocean provided relief from the summer heat.

  • Insulate : To protect from the effects of weather, heat, or cold.

Example:  Proper insulation in the walls and attic can help insulate a home from extreme temperatures.

  • Precautions:  Measures taken in advance to prevent something undesirable from happening.

Example:  Taking precautions such as wearing a helmet and protective gear is essential for safe cycling.

  • Disruptions:  Interruptions or disturbances that disrupt the normal flow or course of something.

Example:  The flight delays caused significant disruptions to travelers’ schedules.

  • Pursuits:  Activities or interests that someone engages in or follows.

Example:  Hiking and photography are two of her favorite outdoor pursuits.

  • Topography:  The study of the physical features of an area, including its relief and elevation.

Example:  The rugged topography of the mountain range made it challenging for the explorers to navigate.

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Raajdeep Saha

Raajdeep Saha, an MBA graduate in Marketing from IMT Ghaziabad and holder of a BCA degree from The Heritage Academy, boasts three years of experience as a Senior Content Marketing Specialist. His focus lies in crafting persuasive content for IELTS, CELPIP, and TOEFL. Simultaneously, he's an accomplished author and poet, with his published work, "OUSHQ," showcasing his literary prowess. He seamlessly marries his marketing acumen with creative storytelling, making him a versatile professional of both corporate and artistic distinction.

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Talk About Your Favorite Weather IELTS Exam

Talk about your favorite weather

What kind of whether it is  

When this weather usually occurs

What you usually do during this weather

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Explain how this weather affects you.  

Sample 1:- Talk About Your Favorite Weather

Well, the weather is an important part of nature as well as, everyone likes and dislikes the weather according to their choice and needs but, I always prefer hot weather because that time I enjoy it a lot as well, I also go outside with friends and family. It normally occurs from June to September but, now due to pollution, it may occur differently in different sorts of parts of the nation.

Interestingly, I always like hot summer days and, I also love green grass, hot air, and more other things. In summer, I usually do a different type of activities such as, I go outside with friends and eat ice cream as well as, also enjoy cold coffee, soft drink, and shakes with it, I spend a lot of time with family.

Moreover, I and my family visit the poolside and waterpark. One waterpark near to my house its name is the fun island and, there are a lot of water activities. When I go there I usually enjoy waterslides, rain dance, swimming, and delicious Chinese food also.

With it, I love hot weather because I like to wear dresses, swimsuits, shorts and more other summer clothes. as well as, in the afternoon I sit in the room and listen to pop music and eat some light snacks.

Furthermore, in summer that time days are too long and, easily visit other places and I normally visit Chandigarh Sukhna lake and enjoy a lot with friends. these are the main reasons I most prefer hot weather.

Sample 2:-Talk About Your Favorite Weather

India is a diverse country. We enjoyed So many whether there such as not summer, cold in winter, wet and dry weather as well. Here, I would like to talk about “Rainy weather” which I like most rather than other weather. It generally occurs from July to September but now due to pollutions, it may occur differently in different parts of the country. Rainy weather also called “Monsoon”.

It is the time of year when most of the region’s annual rainfall occurs. I enjoyed myself a lot in this weather. In my country, most people enjoyed some spicy snacks and on rainy days. Apart from it, this weather affects one’s life like children do not play outdoor games on rainy days, everyone bond to visit outside. But I love it because at that time I relaxed at home and see rainy weather sit on my balcony. Moreover, I enjoyed listening to music and love to eat new snacks.

On the other hand, in the summer there is too hot weather which I do not like but rainy weather relieves me from this hotness. In winter, there is too cold weather in India and we are not able to enjoy it fully. Overall, rainy weather is the best time when we visited other places such as hill stations. On those places in Monsoon weather snowfall and we enjoyed snowfall there.

Sample 3:- Talk About Your Favorite Weather

Weather is an important part of nature. Every country has different kinds of seasons according to their global position on the earth. It plays a crucial role in the nations of a particular place. India has four seasons Summer, Winter, Autumn, and spring. Different people like different according to their choice.

But my favorite season is spring. It is a time when trees grow new leaves and flowers of nature. There is greenery all around. Due to global warming summers are very hot in India and it is very difficult for people to bear the second heat of the Sun . on the other hand in winter, there is fog all around and sometimes temp. goes very down and people feel very cold, But in spring season temp is normal not too low not too high. people go to gardens and enjoy the beauty of nature.

I live in Punjab whose capital is Chandigarh. There is a rose garden where the rose fair is arranged every year and people can see near about 1000 varieties of flowers I also visit that place with my family. Everybody dressed up to the nine in the rose garden. People wear colorful clothes that’s why spring is my favorite season.

Q-1 How does the weather (or, the weather forecast) affect the activities people do?

Q-2 why do some people dislike some kind of weather.

Ans: it depends upon the mood and choice of people. some people like one kind of weather and others are not. some people like winters while others hate the scorching heat of the sun. some like the spring season while others like the rainy season.

Q-3 Do you think the weather has an influence on people’s mood?

Ans: yes, of course, the weather has a great influence on people’s mood. people’s mood becomes spoiled in the summer season when the air is very hot and dusty winds become blowing.

Q-4 How do you feel about the climate in recent years?

Ans: I feel a great disturbance like the global warning which changed the climate of the region. in recent years, summers become dustier and hot and winters become cooler .unexpected rainfall spoiled the crops. due to global warming, the glaciers could be melted and there would be a situation like floods in India.

Describe a time when the weather caused you to change your plans IELTS exam

Describe your favorite weather IELTS EXAM


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Weather for Speaking Part 2

Your Favourite Kind of Weather

Describe your favourite kind of weather. You should say: what kind of weather it is how often this weather occurs what you do in this weather and why you like this kind of weather.

Bad Weather

Describe some bad weather you have experienced. You should say: what type of weather it was when it happened what happened at that time and explain why you didn’t like it.

A Season You Like

Describe a season you like. You should say: what season it is what the weather is like in that season what you enjoy doing then and explain why you like it.


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IELTS Speaking Part 1: The Weather

09/06/2022 11:17 AM

General Rules:

weather essay in ielts

Here are some general rules about Part 1 that you may find useful. The point of Task 1 is for you to answer shortly to many questions. Think of it like an interview where you need to answer questions about yourself. You should:

Keep it short. When you practice, in general try to answer in 15 to 20 seconds per question. 

Give at least 1 reason and 1 real-life example. again very general but try to have at least 1 real example in your answer., talk about yourself. this part is all related to you (if the question doesn't say another person)..

So, lets take a look at some questions:

Vocabulary related to the topic

Sentence starters and linking words, idioms or special phrases, what's the weather like where you live.

This is where I live right now. (China, Zhuhai)

I live in a small seaside city called Zhuhai, and as a southern Chinese city , the weather is mainly hot and humid . The summer lasts for quite a while , and some people joke about it being over six months long . The temperatures can go up to 35 in the summer but do get down to 10 in the short winter .

My Personal Answer:

Do you prefer cold weather or hot weather?

I prefer the warm and sunny weather of the summer. This is my favorite time of the year when I can enjoy a nice walk in the park , absorb some sunshine and feel warm and comfortable . I don't like cold, at all .

Do you prefer dry weather or wet weather?

Are you in the habit of checking the weather forecast when how often.

Well, as we all have smartphones these days, I receive it directly on my screen . Every time I turn my phone on , I see a notification and an icon of the weather forecast . Now If I want to learn more information , I could click on it and get a detailed forecast . I don't do that so often though. I think the icon is more than enough for me to know the temperature and the type of weather I have to expect .

Is the weather important for your daily life?

Is the weather important for your mood.

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Weather IELTS Speaking Part 1

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weather ielts speaking part 1

Weather is a topic that often comes up in the IELTS speaking part 1. Below you will find a list of some example questions and answers that you could encounter during part 1 of the IELTS Speaking test.

The questions below are based on the real IELTS speaking exam. They serve as a great IELTS Speaking Part 1 prediction questions to help you prepare better before your test.

Weather Speaking Part 1 – Set 1

  • What kind of weather does your home country have? Hmm, it depends on where you live actually. The country is huge and so the northern states of Jammu & Kashmir, and Himachal Pradesh are quite chilly and the air is fresh and crisp, whereas the southern states are terribly humid. Rajasthan meanwhile is the desert state with an extreme climate.
  • Do you like this type of weather? Hmm, I personally prefer cool and rainy weather and can’t stand summer heat and humidity so I head to the mountains whenever I get a chance. Delhi is well-connected to several hill-stations by overnight bus so it’s easy for me to plan a short escape over the weekend.
  • Do you prefer a warm or a cold weather? Like I said, I prefer cool weather and overcast gray skies. It just helps me stay refreshed and focused on creative hobbies like writing or playing an instrument. Warm weather drains me of all my life energy and I prefer to avoid it at all costs!
  • What is the weather like in your country? Well, India is a huge country and there is no single kind of climate as such. In fact, my country has one of the most diverse climates in the world. Southern India has a tropical climate while the northwest is an arid, desert region. There’s glaciers and snow in the north, and the islands have hot and humid weather almost all year around.
  • Do you prefer cold or hot weather? I actually don’t like both. I find that summers deplete me of my energy and I get tired doing absolutely nothing. I lack motivation to hit the outdoors or even play sports. Biting cold winters are equally annoying because I really dislike warm, woolen clothing, and central heating. I’d say I am more of a monsoon person!
  • Do you think people should be able to choose the weather they like? This is a strange question. I don’t think it is within the power of the people to alter weather patterns. Of course, they can migrate to regions where the weather matches their preference. But they can do nothing about the weather in general.

Weather Vocabulary Speaking Part 1 – Set 1

  • Arid – (of land or a climate) having little or no rain; too dry or barren to support vegetation

Other IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topics

Here are other common topics that you could come across during the IELTS Speaking Part 1 test.

  • What is the weather like there? The climate is comfortable most of the time. However, we have warm summers and very cold winters. It can be freezing between December and March. Sometimes we have a cold snap in the spring and it can rain a lot.
  • What type of weather do you prefer? I am going to sit on the fence and say I like both hot and cold weather. My favourite type of weather is when it is warm, with mild temperatures and a light breeze. I can’t stand rainy, grey days. If I can see the sun, I feel happier.
  • Do you think the weather affects how people feel? Absolutely! If the weather is miserable, I feel really gloomy. I think a lot of people do. After a spell of bad weather, the sun appears and everybody cheers up. In Northern Europe a lot of people suffer from depression in winter.
  • a cold snap – a period of cold weather
  • sit on the fence – don’t make a decision
  • gloomy – miserable
  • a spell of – a period of time
  • What is the weather like in your hometown? The seasons are quite extreme. In the summer, it can get very hot and humid, and in the winter, we sometimes get snow. Unfortunately, the snow does not stay for very long!
  • Do you have a preference for hot or cold weathers? Why? I think that each type of weather has its advantages. When it’s hot, it’s a good excuse to go swimming, which I thoroughly enjoy. During cold weather, however, I like to wrap myself with a blanket and drink hot chocolate.
  • Would you be able to work in a foreign country that has a completely different climate? Good question. I think if it’s constantly hot or cold, I may not be able to handle it as well as I would like to. If the weather changes regularly, however, I might find it more manageable to work there.

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Describe your favourite weather IELTS cue card

Describe your favourite weather IELTS cue card

IELTS Speaking Part 2: IELTS Cue Card

Describe your favourite weather You should say What kind of weather it is? When this weather usually occurs? What you usually do during this weather? Explain how this weather affects you? And explain why you like this type of weather.

Note:  You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

Model Answers and follow up questions to describe your favourite weather IELTS cue card:

Model Answer 1:

Introduction: Well, I feel lucky to be living in this part of the country where I enjoy all the five different seasons in a year: summer, winter, autumn, spring, and the monsoon.

What kind of weather it is? First of all, generally, the weather remains scorching, and I anxiously wait for this season because the weather gets delightful and cold, and I could enjoy wearing the woolen clothes that are my favorite. Besides, it is also the festival season in my country. Perhaps most of the important festivals like Diwali, Christmas, New Year all come during this period. 

Explain how this weather affects you? Because I get the Christmas holidays and this is the best time to visit the Shimla, which is hardly 200kms from my home town, and there I could enjoy the snowfall as well. Another reason I like winter is that I enjoy outdoor activities, especially sports, and enjoy my favorite food items that are only available at this time of the year.

However, people Face few troubles at this time of the year; for example, there is always a very dense fog that often becomes the reason for road accidents. Moreover, the days are a little dull and gloomy, and people lethargic and find it difficult to get out of their beds.

In India, there are five primary types of weather: Winter, Spring, Summer. Monsoon and Autumn. These all have their significance. Just because of these climate conditions, India can produce different crops and is one of the world’s leading agriculture producers.

However, if I talk about my choice of weather, then it is winter. This season starts in December in my region and lasts till January. At this time, the climatic conditions become cool, ranging from about 2*- 20’celsius.

What you usually do during this weather? and explain why you like this type of weather ?

Secondly, I can wear my favorite clothes comfortably and eat my favorite dishes, which is not possible in summers due to scorching weather.

Explain how this weather affects you?

Most importantly, this is a season which is also preferred by Indian’s for weddings, and this gives me a chance to meet my relatives and have fun with them.

What kind of weather it is? and When this weather usually occurs?

Here some examples of follow up questions that you may asked during your speaking part 3 by examiner related to cue card “Describe your favourite weather”.

3. (Similar to above) How does the weather affect people’s daily lives?

4. Why do some people dislike some kinds of weather? I think it’s because the weather can limit people’s activities. If the weather restricts people from enjoying their favorite activity, it can make them dislike that weather. My friend hates rainy days because he likes to play cricket and he can’t do that because of the rain.

5. Do people wear different clothes in different types of weather (or, different seasons)? ( Same as 2)

6. Does the weather have an effect on the economy? Yes, weather affects the economy. For example, in some countries, people cannot do work because of snow, which affects the company and economy of that country. Moreover, some fruits and crops do not require much rain, but due to much rain, crops spoil in the rainy season. OR Yes, the weather affects our economy. For example, due to milder winters, a lot of people from cold northern countries visit us during that time. Thus it promotes tourism. Also, certain weather like hot sunny days boosts the earning of local ice cream vendors. Similarly, winters boost the jackets and sweaters industry.

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1. What kind of weather is typical in your hometown?

It’s a jungle climate, so it’s quite hot all year long. During wet season, it is extremely humid and sticky.  For many, the climate is hard to take. For me, I’m used to it. I don’t even  sweat profusely (sweat a lot) .

2. How many seasons are there in your place?

Two seasons- wet and dry. They each last about half the year. In wet season, there are  downpours (extreme, heavy rain)  and it’s generally humid and sticky. In dry season, it is a dry heat. I find dry season to be a lot more comfortable although the flora in wet season is more impressive.

3. What is your favorite season?

I would say dry season. It’s difficult to get around during wet season during a downpour since our culture is to go around by motorbike,  not to mention that the streets flood easily. All in all, it’s a  hassle (annoying or difficult) . So, I much prefer the dry season since it’s a dry, more bearable heat.

4. What kind of weather do you like most?

If I could choose, I would say about 28 degrees, dry, with a cool breeze. This would be ideal whether to go for a motorbike ride around the countryside or lie out on the beach. Since I don’t like  extremes , this would be perfect for me.

5. Do you prefer dry or wet weather?

Dry! As I said before, heavy rain becomes a hassle in my city. Moreover, the dry heat feels a lot more comfortable, as the humidity is nearly unbearable in this part of the world at times.

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Cue Card Sample

Describe a day when you thought the weather was perfect - cue card # 469, describe a day when you thought the weather was perfect..

  • where you were on this day
  • what the weather was like on this day
  • what you did during the day

More Ideas to talk about this Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card topic:

Topic: describe a day when you thought the weather was perfect., part 3: details discussion.

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IELTS Speaking practice: Weather

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Here you can find full IELTS Speaking sample for Weather topic .

See IELTS Speaking vocabulary for Weather topic >

This is a full IELTS speaking test that contains parts 1-3 with appropriate questions. It is very useful to learn speaking vocabulary not as individual words, but as they come in natural speech. To help you in exam preparation, we gathered a variety of IELTS Speaking questions + answers + advanced vocabulary for weather topic .

Our special formatting styles:

Useful linking phrases are in blue IELTS speaking vocabulary is in bold (put your mouse over such text to see explanations).

What's the weather in your country?

The weather in my country is pretty nice. We have a mild climate A climate without extreme weather conditions. , so it's never boiling hot An expression to describe a very hot weather. in the summer or freezing cold Very cold. in the winter.

Does the weather affect your mood?

Yes... Cold, gloomy days Days with dark clouds and dull light. put me in a bad mood. I love summertime, when it's warm and sunny.

Do you like rainy days?

Yes, absolutely ! I like when it rains... I love all the freshness around, the cool breeze A nice gentle wind. after a heavy rain Rain with a lot of water. . It's wonderful!

What is your favourite season?

Do you like winters?

No, not really ... For me winter is the most depressing season, because where I live it's freezing cold Very cold. in the winter. Moreover , the days are short and you can't do a lot of outdoor activities.

Now, have a look at the card and prepare a monologue.

  • What the weather is like
  • Why do you like it
  • Where you can exprerience such weather conditions.

It may sound strange, but my favourite weather is when it is cloudy, windy and drizzling When a light rain falls in very small drops. as it makes me feel calm and relaxed... I like such weather especially at night because I can hear the little raindrops falling and see the dew on the window, and it helps me to sleep... It is very pleasant...  Also , I love foggy weather Weather with fog. ... It's very romantic and gives me a sort of feeling like I'm in an old black and white movie. However , I don't like heavy rains Rain with a lot of water. and downpours Very heavy rains. . And I hate when temperature goes below zero To become negative. , it's too cold for me. Probably , the type of weather I like is common for the United Kingdom... But in my hometown such type of weather is very rare. Usually, we have dry With no rain. and sunny days with occasional spells of rainy weather Periods of rainy weather. .

Does air pollution affect the weather?

Yes, it does... It affects the overall temperature of the world, making the weather warmer. Also , it often causes smog A cloud of pollution. and gloomy weather Weather with dark clouds and dull light. .

Do you think that weather affects people's behaviour?

Yes, I think that people respond to bad weather... In my opinion , during cold and dull days people are more depressed and irritated than usual... While bright sunshine The heat and light of the sun. and warmth makes us feel good.


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Describe Your Favourite Weather

Describe Your Favourite Weather: A Guide to Answer Cue Card Topics for the IELTS Speaking Exam

The speaking examination is the second component of the IELTS exams that will test you for your linguistic abilities and capacity to articulate yourself. It’s a speaking test for IELTS. These are conducted face-to-face to assess you by video conference agreements with a specially trained expert in speech and linguistics. A cue card with a topic or subject you’re going to talk about on the spot is given to you.

You need to go through 4 sections of IELTS training to perform well in IELTS: writing, listening, coherent communication, and reading. To complete the entire IELTS test, you are given 2 hours and 45 minutes. Your English speaking abilities are measured in the speech component. Not only does it examine the way you express yourself, but it also depends on some minor points when you answer the contextual issue.

‘Describe Your Favourite Weather’ is one of the few subjects discussed in the cue card themes. Go through it to get better at the IELTS test.

IELTS Cue Card Topics Explained – Describe Your Favourite Weather

These points you can cover-

What’s the weather like?

How does this weather normally happen?

What do you normally do during these environmental conditions?

Explain how you are affected by this weather?

And how can you describe why you like this kind of weather?

Sample Answer – Introduction

Well, the weather is an important aspect of nature as well as, according to their preference and desires, everybody likes and dislikes the weather, however, I always prefer hot weather because I like it a lot that time, I go out with friends and family as well. It usually happens from June to September, but it can occur differently in various types of areas of the nation now due to emissions.

Interestingly, I enjoy hot summer days all the time, and I also like green grass, hot air, and more. I typically do a different style of things in summer, such as hanging out with friends and eating ice cream, as well as consuming cold coffee, soft drinks, and shakes with it. I spend a lot of time with relatives.

In addition, I keep visiting the poolside and waterpark with my dad. The pleasant island is a water park next to my home, where there are a lot of water sports. I typically love water slides, rain dancing, diving, and delicious Chinese food when I go there as well.

Lead to Body and Conclusion of IELTS Cue Card Topic – Describe Your Favourite Weather

Along with that, because I like to wear skirts, swimsuits, shorts and more other summer clothing, I enjoy hot weather. In the summer since there is a holiday week I often stay in the room in the afternoon and listen to rock music and have some healthy snacks.

I don’t like winter temperatures, on the other hand, since I can’t go outside in modern dresses at the time, I can’t eat cold food as well, I don’t like having a thick coat on the clothes as well.

In addition, the time days are too long in summer and I visit other places quickly and I usually visit Chandigarh Sukhna lake and have a lot of fun with friends. These are the key reasons why I prefer hot weather the most.

Also Read : Demand for Oil and Gas is Increasing: A Popular IELTS Essay Topic

Describe Your Favorite Weather Cue Card Topic Sample Answer 2

India is a nation that is complex. Whether there is no summer, freezing in winter, rainy and dry conditions, we experience so many things.

I’d like to speak about the “rainy weather” that I like best, rather than other weather. It normally happens from July to September, but it can now occur differently in various areas of the world due to emissions. The rainy season, also known as the “Monsoon.”

Get into Detail of the Cue Card Topic Sample Answer

It is the time of year when much of the annual rainfall in the area occurs. In this climate, I enjoy myself a lot. Most people have enjoyed some spicy snacks and rainy days in my region. This temperature, apart from it, affects one’s life as kids do not play outdoor games on rainy days, everyone is obliged to visit outdoors. But I love it because I relaxed at home at that point and saw the rainy weather lying on my balcony. In addition, I loved listening to music and loving eating fresh snacks.

On the other hand, I don’t like very hot weather in the summer, but rainy weather relieves me of this hotness. In winter, the temperature in India is too cold and we can’t completely enjoy it. Overall, the perfect time to visit other areas, such as hill stations, is the rainy season. Snowfall weather at some locations in Monsoon and we enjoyed snowfall there.

Also Read : Describe an Interesting Animal Dog: A Cue Card Topic for the IELTS Exam

IELTS Speaking Follow Up Questions for IELTS Preparation

How does the atmosphere (or the weather forecast) impact people’s activities?

Answer: In many respects, the weather impacts people’s activities. The weather has changed quite dramatically day by day in recent years. And that is because, like global warming, the destruction produced by human beings on earth. When there is a prediction of poor weather, people can not go to their jobs.

Why do certain people hate climates of some kind?

Ans: It depends on people’s attitude and decisions. Some individuals want one kind of temperature, and others don’t. Some people enjoy the snow, while others dislike the sun’s scorching heat. Some prefer the season of spring, and others like the season of storms.

Do you think that the weather affects the mood of people?

Ans: Yeah, of course, the weather has a huge effect on the attitude of people. In the summer season, when the air is very hot and dusty winds are blowing, the atmosphere of people gets ruined.

In recent years, how do you feel about the climate?

Ans: I sense a major revolution, like the global alert that changed the region’s atmosphere.

Summers have been dustier in recent years and warmer and colder in winters. The fields have been spoiled by unexpected rainfall. The glaciers could melt due to global warming, and there will be a scenario like floods in India.

Also Read : Describe Your Favourite Clothes Cue Card Topic: IELTS Exam Speaking Test

Tips to Successfully Answer Cue Card Topics

  • Practice Note Making in a Minute.
  • Critical is the one minute you get before you start chatting. You ought to understand how this time can be used. To train, you can use the following method:

Emphasize relevant words in each cue in the 2020 IELTS cue card

To build up the argument, write 2-3 keywords against the subject of the cue cards and every cue.

Reading Practice

Practice speaking for a minimum of 3-4 minutes. If you think it’s going to be easy, then your mind tricks you into thinking you’re better than you actually are. For 4 minutes with a stopwatch, try speaking out loud about a subject and you will know how tough it really is.

To listen to your pronunciation and cohesiveness later, capture what you say. Your rhythm would be interrupted if your emotions are dispersed.

Additional Tips for IELTS Exam Preparation

  • Chat in front of the Mirror

In order to see what the body language conveys, try communicating in front of the mirror.

There is a good justification why the IELTS test is not yet virtual and the reasoning is that the interviewer not only listens to the words you speak, but also tests your comforts.

When anxious, everybody gets a nervous twitch or sweaty hands or makes noisy gulping noises. None of these will happen if you are secure in your ability. You don’t need to know anything, but whatever you do know, you have to be sure. So, smile, relax, and as you mean it, talk.

Stuff You can Stop doing During the IELTS Test

While pause is seen among intellects as a desired virtue, here it is not much preferred. Make them in a chronological manner while you are given time to make notes. You only have to return to the sheet of paper after you’re finished writing to assist you with the rhythm of your voice. Pausing for a long time has led to band score being minimized.

You will have a good understanding of how to treat and answer questions about the IELTS talking cue card in a logical way by now. The more you try to answer these sample questions in the main IELTS test, the more you can do. You can practise a comparable technique for IELTS cue card subjects by keeping an eye on this article. To make it sound more accessible, you can try to create a context for the response to

Check out IELTS ninja for more examples of this nature.

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  • Weather Vocabulary

You are almost guaranteed to need weather vocabulary at some point in your IELTS exam. Weather plays such an important part in our lives and is something every single one of us is affected by.

You will very likely use weather vocabulary when talking about yourself in Part 1 of the Speaking test and it may even be the topic of your Part 2 talk and follow-up questions in Part 3. Weather is a common subject for both Writing tasks and could also come up in either your Reading or your Listening tests.

weather essay in ielts

You’ll also need weather vocabulary for answering questions about other common topics, especially the environment.

It’s a broad subject. Here are some common areas you could be asked about:

  • What the weather is like in your country
  • Your favourite weather or season
  • How the weather affects how you or other people feel
  • How the weather affects what you or other people do
  • The effect of the weather on jobs or local transportation
  • Bad, problematic or extreme weather
  • Climate change
  • Weather forecasting

To ensure that you are well prepared to answer any weather-related question, I've included four things on this page:

  • IELTS-style questions on the topic of weather
  • Sample answers
  • A list of common weather vocabulary  with definitions & sample sentences 
  • Links to online reading and listening resources

You’ll find PDF downloads of both the questions and sample answers and the weather vocabulary list at the bottom of the respective sections.

The questions relate to the Speaking test because this part of the exam offers the broadest range of possible questions on the topic of weather. They give the best opportunity for me to demonstrate the vocabulary and for you to practise using it.

I’ve included IELTS-style questions and answers for all three parts of the Speaking test. I've highlighted key words and phrases in  bold .

You'll find these words and phrases, and many others, in the vocabulary list beneath. The list also includes explanations and sample sentences and there’s an audio to listen to the pronunciation.

The weather vocabulary list contains words and phrases relevant to all parts of the IELTS exam.

Finally, at the bottom of the page I've added links to topical articles, short videos and podcasts that will help you to improve both your weather vocabulary and your reading and listening skills.

Here’s something to think about as you work through this page:

It’s important to learn new vocabulary in context so that you understand how it’s used by native speakers.

weather essay in ielts

IELTS-Style Speaking Test Questions and Answers

Common weather vocabulary is highlighted in  bold .

1) What is the weather like in your country?

Our weather  is very unpredictable . One minute it can be lovely sunshine , the next we’re experiencing a downpour . The UK is well-known for this.

2) Do you like the weather in your country?

Yes and no. I get frustrated that we have so many rainy days but we do have some glorious weather  as well. When the sun comes out  and there’s not a cloud in the sky , I couldn't be happier.

3) Is the weather the same in all parts of your country?

There are some quite marked regional differences. I live in the south-west where it's mild but we get high precipitation . It’s drier in the east and they actually had a drought this summer . Further north, it’s very cold in winter and they get heavy snow .

4) Are there any problems with the climate in your country?

We certainly seem to have experienced more violent storms  and  torrential rain in recent years. This has caused serious flooding  in some places. A village near where I live had a flash flood this summer which washed away cars and a few buildings. People say global warming is to blame.

5) Does the weather ever affect the way you feel?

Most definitely. I feel so much more cheerful and full of energy when it’s sunny , whatever season it is. Even a break in the weather on an overcast day lifts my spirits.

weather essay in ielts

Describe your favourite season.

You should say:

  • what the season is and when it occurs
  • what the weather is like during this season
  • what your typical activities are during this season

and explain why it is your favourite season.

That’s really difficult as I like things about every season but if I had to choose one, I guess I’d go for spring . It covers the months of March, April and May in my country and is actually the time of year I was born.

I spend the cold winter months looking forward to the first signs of spring as nature comes back to life with the change of the season  – things like the snowdrops poking through the soil, colourful daffodils and crocuses, blossom on the trees, shiny new leaves and the birds singing their hearts out as they build their nests. It’s such a lovely time of year.

The weather gradually improves week by week, although we can still get frost right up to the end of April and even snow , but it’s usually just sleet and turns to slush as soon as it touches the ground. Hail storms are quite common and bright rainbows , which we see as a promise of fine weather to come.

Whilst there’s plenty of warm sunshine in spring , a shower of rain is never far away and the wind tends to be quite chilly  so you need to dress up warm to go out. I keep a close eye on the weather forecast before making plans as to what to do.

To sum up the weather , you’d have to say that it’s changeable – a mixture of sunny spells and cloudbursts is how I’d describe it.

As the temperature rises, I definitely get more active. I start to take longer walks and go out on my bike more often. Weather permitting , we often have a barbecue on my birthday.

I also get stuck into some gardening. There’s always lots of cutting down and clearing up to do, plus the grass begins to grow again and needs cutting. At weekends, I go to the garden centre to buy bedding plants ready for a colourful summer display.

One of the best things of all about spring is the lighter evenings, such a relief after the dark winter months. You can now spend evenings outdoors if you want to rather than being stuck in watching TV.

So you see, there are lots of reasons why spring is my favourite month. I love the hotter weather of the summer , of course, but there’s something about the freshness of spring that makes it special.

weather essay in ielts

1) How do the different seasons affect the lifestyle of people in your country?

As we have a fairly mild climate , people are able to enjoy the outdoors all times of the year. Of course, summer is the most popular time for going to the beach and such like but even on blustery winter’s days, you’ll see people out walking along the shore enjoying the fresh air. With our unpredictable weather , we’re used to getting caught in the rain whatever the season so we just put on our waterproofs and off we go.

When it’s warm , people tend to take a picnic when they go out walking or cycling but in chilly weather , they’re more likely to stop off at a cosy pub or café for something to eat.

One of the biggest differences in our lifestyle through the seasons is down to the variation in daylight hours. In summer , it’s light until around 10.30pm whilst in the middle of winter it’s dark by 3.30pm. No-one feels much like going out when it’s cold and dark so we stay at home more.

2) Do you think people who live in cold places have different personalities to people who live in warm or hot places?

That’s something I’ve never considered but now I come to think of it, I’m sure they do. From my experience, people living in cold countries are fairly reserved and quite serious. Those living in hot climates , on the other hand, are more outgoing and full of life. That’s apart from the most humid regions where it’s so hot and sticky that you just want to sit around and do nothing all day.

Although I’d have to agree overall, I think there are many other factors than temperature and the weather that affect people’s personalities.

3) Do you think there are any problems with the world's climate now?

I believe that we’re facing many serious issues with our climate at the moment and they're only going to get worse unless we do something about global warming soon.

In my country, the winters are getting milder and wetter and serious flooding is becoming common. It’s a real problem in many areas. However, that’s nothing compared to the devastating tropical storms that some parts of the world are experiencing, more violent ever before. Meteorologists predict that they will get even stronger in the future which is a great concern.

One of the most serious problems of climate change is the melting of the icecaps as it’s causing rising sea levels. It’s possible that many coastal areas could be under water by the end of the century. Now that really is a worry.

weather essay in ielts

Click this link to get a PDF download of these practise questions & sample answers.

Download PDF Now

* Important

  • Do  not  try and learn this list of weather vocabulary.
  • Identify the vocabulary you find useful for answering practise questions about the weather.
  • Record these in your vocabulary notebook and practise using them regularly.

I recommend that you create your own answers to the Speaking questions on this page. You will find many other IELTS-style practise questions by searching online. 

For help on how to learn vocabulary, what to learn and how to record it, visit these pages:

How to Learn Vocabulary for IELTS

Top 6 Types of IELTS Vocabulary & Topic Word Lists

Weather Vocabulary – Common Words & Phrases

Weather Vocabulary Set 1: Key definitions

weather – the temperature or conditions outside with regard to heat, cloudiness, dryness, sunshine, wind, rain, etc.

- The weather can change very quickly up on the moor, so make sure you take your waterproofs when you go walking.

climate – the general weather conditions usually found in a particular area.

- The climate in the Andean mountains of Peru is very different to that found on the coast.

climate change  – a change in global or regional temperature patterns.

- Scientists believe that climate change  will lead to more extreme weather in the future.

global warming  – a gradual increase in world temperatures caused by polluting gases, such as carbon dioxide, which are collecting in the air around the Earth and preventing heat from escaping into space.

- It’s not too late to reverse the effects of  global warming  but we must act right now.

Weather Vocabulary Pronunciation

Weather Vocabulary Set 2: Seasons

season – time of year characterized by certain weather.

- In Europe, we have four seasons but in some parts of the world, they have only two, such as the Philippines which has a wet season and a dry season.

winter – the coldest season of the year, December to February north of the equator and from and June to August in the southern hemisphere.

- I don’t like the winter as it’s very cold and there isn’t much daylight.

spring – the season between winter and summer when the weather becomes warmer and vegetation starts to grow again.

- In spring I love to watch nature come to life again; to see leaves sprouting on the trees and lambs in the fields.

summer – the warmest season of the year, June to August north of the equator and from and December to February in the southern hemisphere.

- We can’t wait for summer and are already planning the outdoor activities we’re going to enjoy in the nice weather.

autumn – the season between summer and winter when the leaves change colour and fall from the trees and it becomes cooler.

- Autumn is a great time for hiking as the weather is often pleasant and the trees look stunning as their leaves change to red, yellow and orange.

fall – Term for autumn in American English.

- In the US, fall is the time for celebrating Halloween and Thanksgiving.

Weather Vocabulary Set 3: Snowy weather

snow – water vapour frozen into ice crystals and falling to the ground as white flakes.

- I live in a hot climate so we don’t get snow but I’ve seen it in photos and it looks so beautiful.

snowflake – a single particle of snow.

- Did you know that every single snowflake is different which is quite amazing?

snowing – when snow is falling to the ground.

- It was so exciting to wake up this morning to find that it was snowing .

snowy – when it’s snowing or things are covered with snow.

- Children love snowy weather as it often means that the schools are closed.

fresh snow – snow that has recently fallen.

- The fresh snow glistened in the moonlight, the pristine carpet of white not marked by a single footprint.

heavy snow – when a lot of snow falls.

- The weather forecast predicted heavy snow so we got out our sledge ready to have some fun.

a blanket of snow – a complete covering of snow.

- It snowed heavily all afternoon and the countryside was soon covered in a blanket of snow .

snowstorm – when a large amount of snow falls, often mixed with wind.

- I was still at work when the snowstorm hit and had to sleep in my office as the buses were cancelled and I couldn’t get home.

blizzard – a storm with very heavy snow and strong winds.

- It’s dangerous driving on the roads in a blizzard .

whiteout – snowfall that is so heavy that it’s almost impossible to see anything.

- I was so glad I decided not to drive to the shops as the light snowfall soon turned into whiteout conditions.

flurry – very light snowfall.

- The children were hoping for heavy snow so they could make a snowman but all we got were light flurries .

avalanche – a large mass of snow and ice sliding rapidly down a mountainside.

- It was reported that five skiers were caught in the avalanche and rescuers are trying to dig them out.

snowdrift – a bank of deep snow formed by the wind.

- The road was blocked by snowdrifts blown by the strong winds.

sleet – a mixture of rain and snow.

- The sleet made the pavements slippery and it was difficult not to fall over.

slush – partly melted snow

- As the temperature rose slightly, the glistening white snow turned to mucky slush .

Weather Vocabulary Set 4: Cold weather

below freezing – below zero degrees Celsius or 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

- I put on a thick coat, gloves, hat and a scarf before going outside as it was well below freezing .

ice – very cold water in a solid state; you only see it when the temperature is below freezing.

- I had to clear ice from my car windscreen before I could drive to meet my friend.

icy – covered in ice; slippery because of ice.

- It’s better for elderly people to stay indoors when it’s icy as they can easily fall over and break a bone.

frozen – when the temperature is so cold that water has turned to ice or expression to mean feeling very cold.

- It was so cold that the surface of the pond was frozen .

- Ingrid got absolutely frozen watching her son’s team playing football.

freezing cold – very cold.

- Bruno was reluctant to take the dog for a walk as it was freezing cold outside.

bitterly cold – extremely cold.

- The sun was shining but there was a bitterly cold wind blowing.

hail – pieces of ice falling from the sky; frozen rain.

- I hate being out in hail because it really hurt when it strikes your face.

frost – ice crystals on a frozen surface.

- I could tell from the frost on the ground that the temperature overnight had fallen below freezing.

hard frost – when it gets very cold overnight and everything is covered with thick frost.

- The hard frost turned everything white and made the garden look like a magical frozen wonderland.

Jack Frost – mythical character who comes out at night and lays out frost.

- We woke in the morning to see that Jack Frost had been in the night.

frostbite – injury to any part of the body caused by overexposure to extreme cold.

- Frostbite is one of the greatest dangers faced by Arctic explorers.

to dress up warm – to wear warm clothes to protect yourself against wintry conditions.

- If you go out to play in the snow, be sure to dress up warm .

to melt – the process by which snow or ice changes to water as the temperature rises above freezing.

- After a week of freezing conditions, the temperature rose and the snow finally began to melt .

a cold spell / cold snap – a short period of cold weather.

- The weather is usually mild at this time of year but the forecasters say we’re in for a cold spell next week.

- The sudden cold snap had us searching for our hats, gloves and scarves.

chilly – uncomfortably cold.

- Fuyuko was feeling a bit chilly so she turned the heating up.

Weather Vocabulary Set 5: Rainy weather

precipitation – water that falls to the earth in the form of rain, hail, mist, sleet, or snow.

- The average annual precipitation in London is 23 inches (58 cm) which makes it drier than New York which has an average of 50 inches (127cm) of rain per year.

heavy rain – intense rainfall.

- The heavy rain kept the children indoors all day despite it being the weekend.

torrential rain – very heavy rain.

- The torrential rain was making driving conditions hazardous.

driving rain – heavy rain mixed with strong wind.

- We walked on through the driving rain , wanting to get home as quickly as possible.

to pour – to rain heavily.

- It was pouring with rain when I set off for the bus stop.

downpour – heavy shower of rain.

- Christian got caught in a downpour on his way to the party but fortunately had an umbrella with him.

cloudburst – sudden rainfall that it over quickly.

- The sudden cloudburst took them by surprise and they had to run for shelter.

raining cats and dogs – raining heavily.

- What miserable weather. It’s been raining cats and dogs all day.

to get drenched / soaked – to get very wet.

- Ekrem left her coat at home and got drenched in the cloudburst.

- The children had great fun playing in the rain but got soaked to the skin.

rainy day – a day when it rains a lot.

- I quite like a rainy day as I can be lazy and cuddle up by the fire with a good book.

a drop of rain – a small amount of rain.

- There was a drop of rain in the afternoon but it didn’t spoil our day out.

drizzle – very light rain.

- There was a bit of drizzle in the air as we set off on our walk but it didn’t come to anything.

gentle rain – light rain.

- The gentle rain was quite welcome at the end of a long, hot day as it really cooled the air.

shower (of rain) – a quick, light rainstorm.

- It was only a shower of rain so we didn’t get too wet.

- It was only a quick  shower  so we didn’t get too wet.

to get caught in the rain – to be outside when it rains unexpectedly.

- Meena was soaked through having got caught in the rain without a coat on.

to be rained off – to be cancelled or postponed because it’s raining or expected to rain.

- The pupils were looking forward to the school sports day but sadly it got rained off .

let up – to stop raining.

- We’ll go out for a walk if there’s a let up in the rain.

to clear up – when clouds or rain disappear.

- The forecast says that it will clear up by this afternoon.

puddle – a small pool of water usually formed by rainfall.

- When I was young, I loved splashing in puddles .

to flood – when a large amount of water flows over an area of land that is normally dry.

- There had been so much rain that the road was flooded .

a flash flood – a sudden and severe flood.

- The flash flood brought mud and debris gushing down the road bringing traffic to a standstill.

burst its banks – when a river overflows onto the land due to heavy rainfall and causes flooding.

- After nearly three days of continuous rain, the river burst its banks flooding the town.

rainbow – an arch of colours seen in the sky during or after rainfall when it is also sunny.

- As the storm passed, a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky.

monsoon – the season of heavy rain in tropical climates.

- Nearly all of the country’s annual rainfall falls during the monsoon .

rainy season – another term for the time of the monsoon.

- The rainy season in my country is normally July to October.

horrid weather – unpleasant weather.

- I’m fed up of this horrid weather and can’t remember when I last saw any sunshine.

foul weather – bad weather.

- The foul weather kept the fishing boats in the harbour as it was too dangerous for them to go to sea.

Weather Vocabulary Set 6: Sunny weather

sunshine – direct sunlight unbroken by cloud.

- Isabella usually had lunch in the canteen but today she bought a sandwich and ate it in the sunshine .

sunny – bright with sunshine.

- Looking out at the pouring rain, Svetlana longed for a sunny day.

sunny spells – short periods of sunny weather.

- It was mostly cloudy for our trip to the zoo but there were some sunny spells in the afternoon.

heatwave – a period of very hot weather.

- Summer weather in the UK can be very unpredictable but this year we had a real heatwave .

to come out (the sun) – when the sun appears out of a cloudy sky.

- We were so pleased that the sun came out for our wedding photos as it had been a bit of a dull day up to then.

baking hot / boiling hot – very hot.

- Sunday was baking hot so Duong and his friends headed to the river for a swim.

scorcher – a very hot day.

- The day was a real scorcher , far too hot to be out in the sun for very long.

drought – a long period with no rainfall.

arid – having had little or no rain for a long time; too dry to support vegetation.

- Large areas of Australia are suffering from drought . The land has become arid and cattle and sheep on the ranches are dying from a lack of food and water.

humid / humidity – hot and damp conditions

- Celeste found the climate in Florida too humid and moved to California where it was still hot but with less humidity .

stifling – uncomfortable hot; can make you feel breathless.

- The heat of the day was stifling so the expedition travelled only at night when it was cooler.

sweltering – extremely hot.

- My classroom is sweltering in the summer so I take the children outside and we have lessons in the shade of a large tree.

close – warm and uncomfortable.

- We don’t have a humid climate in the UK but in summer it is often close which leaves you feeling sweaty and lethargic.

warm – a temperature in between hot and cold.

- Feeling the warm spring sunshine on your face is such a treat after the long, cold months of winter.

sunburn – painful red skin caused by being in the sun too long.

exposed to sunlight – allowing strong sunshine to fall on the skin.

- It’s important to limit our exposure to sunlight as sunburn can lead to skin cancer.

suntan / tanned – brown skin caused by long periods of exposure to sunlight.

- Jay got a great suntan on his sailing holiday in Greece and arrived home looking tanned and healthy.

sunscreen / suntan lotion – a cream or lotion that protects the skin from the damaging UV (ultraviolet) rays of the sun.

- As children, we were never allowed out to play in the sun without sunscreen on.

glorious weather – wonderful weather.

- We had glorious weather on our holiday in France.

fine weather – lots of sunshine and no rain.

- The fine weather we’re having at the moments has lifted everyone’s spirits.

pleasant weather – warm temperatures and mainly clear skies.

- Jerry made the most of the pleasant weather to get some gardening done.

a break in the weather – when the rain stops for a while.

- I waited for a break in the weather before taking the dog for a walk.

a spell of fine weather – a short period of good weather.

- It’s been a pretty awful summer but we’re finally enjoying a spell of fine weather .

clear blue skies – a sky without clouds.

- The clear blue skies drew hordes of tourists to the beach.

not a cloud in the sky – when no clouds are visible.

- There wasn’t a cloud in the sky and it promised to be a glorious day.

Weather Vocabulary Set 7: Cloudy weather

cloud – a grey or white mass, made up of very small drops of water, floating in the sky.

- As the dark clouds drifted overhead, Yana rushed to the garden to bring in her dry washing before it rained.

cloudy – when there are lots of clouds in the sky.

- Although it was a cloudy day, they still had a good time on the beach.

overcast – very cloudy with no sun is visible.

- Thahn was disappointed that it was overcast for the barbecue but at least it wasn’t raining.

partly cloudy – when it is sunny and cloudy at the same time.

- The TV weather forecast has said partly cloudy but it ended up being overcast for most of the day.

dull – not clear, bright or sunny.

-  Dull days can be rather depressing, especially at this time of year when it’s cold outside and daylight hours are short.

Weather Vocabulary Set 8: Windy weather

wind – a natural current of air.

- There wasn’t enough wind to go sailing so they kayaked instead.

windy – when there is a lot of wind.

- It was a windy day and Dan spend the afternoon flying his kite.

breeze – light wind

- The flag was hoisted to the top of the mast where it flapped gently in the breeze .

high wind –  strong wind.

- The forecast warned of high winds and a risk of fallen trees.

gale – a very strong wind.

- The gale blew all night and caused damage to several buildings.

gust – a sudden, strong blast of wind.

- It was a fierce storm with gusts of up to 80 miles an hour.

blustery – blowing in strong gusts.

- Kali’s umbrella turned inside out in the blustery weather.

wind chill (factor) – when the wind makes the air feel colder than the actual temperature.

- It was just above freezing but the wind chill factor made it feel more like minus 5.

picking up – becoming stronger

- The wind started picking up at about 3.00 pm and an hour later had reached gale force.

Weather Vocabulary Set 9: Foggy weather

fog – a thick cloud of tiny water droplets close to the ground or sea that makes it difficult to see.

- I hate driving in fog as it’s hard to see other cars on the road.

foggy – when there is a lot of fog.

- It’s so foggy today that I can hardly see the houses across the street.

smog – fog-like cloud caused by pollution.

- The smog hung over the city and many people wore masks when they went out to stop them breathing in the polluted air.

Weather Vocabulary Set 10: Stormy weather

storm – severe rainy and windy weather.

- The storm brought a tree down in our garden which only just missed our house.

thunder – a loud rumbling or crashing noise heard in the sky, especially during a storm.

- We heard the thunder in the distance and knew that a storm was on its way.

lightning – electric flash of light in the sky.

- The lightning lit up the whole sky and was quite spectacular.

thunderstorm – a storm that includes thunder and lightning.

- My pets hate thunderstorms . The dog barks at the thunder and the cat hides under the bed.

tropical storm – a storm with very high winds typical of tropical regions.

- The first time I was in a tropical storm I was very frightened as I’d never experienced such high winds before.

Hurricane / cyclone / typhoon – a tropical storm with extremely strong, damaging wind. The difference between them is where the storm originates in the world. Hurricanes come in from the Atlantic Ocean, cyclones from the Indian Ocean and typhoons from the Pacific Ocean.

- In 2017, a hurricane devastated the Caribbean island of Anguilla.

Weather Vocabulary Set 11: General weather terms

changeable – weather that often changes.

- The weather is very changeable at the moment and it’s difficult to decide what to wear to go out.

unpredictable – likely to change suddenly and therefore not easy to predict.

- The weather in the Scottish islands is notoriously unpredictable so it’s best to carry a raincoat at all times.

weather permitting – if the weather allows it.

- We’ll be having a family picnic in the park at the weekend, weather permitting .

the weather holds – fine weather continues.

- I hope the weather holds as I have a few days off next week.

freak weather conditions – weather conditions, often extreme and destructive, that are not normal for that place.

- Freak weather conditions are becoming more common due to global warming and climate change.

Weather Vocabulary Set 12: Weather forecasting

weather forecast – a prediction of what the weather is likely to be, broadcast on TV/radio programmes and printed in newspapers.

- I’ve just seen the weather forecast and we’re in for a nice day.

long-range forecast – the weather forecast for several days or weeks ahead.

- The long-range forecast is a bit disappointing as it predicts rain by the weekend.

mild – gentle, not harsh or extreme.

  •       mild weather

            - We’re having really mild weather for the time of year.

  •      mild climate – a climate without extreme weather conditions.

             - We have a mild climate in the UK with no extremes of heat or cold and few violent storms.

  •      mild winter – a winter that isn't particularly cold.

             -  It’s been a mild winter with only one real cold snap.

temperature – how hot or cold it is

- It’s cold in the shade but the temperature rises significantly when you step into the sun.

thermometer – instrument for measuring temperature.

- The thermometer on the wall showed that it was almost 100 degreesº.

degrees – measurement for temperature. Denoted by the symbol º.

- Temperature can be measured in degrees Celcius or Fahrenheit.

Celsius – measurement of temperature where freezing point is 0º and boiling point is 100º.

Fahrenheit – measurement of temperature where freezing point is 32º degrees and boiling point is 212º.

meteorology – the scientific study of weather.

- Nandor had always been fascinated by what caused different weather conditions and wanted to be study meteorology at university.

meteorologist – a person who studies weather patterns.

- Meteorologists are far better at predicting the weather than they were a decade ago.

Click this link to get a PDF download of this list of weather vocabulary.

Weather Idioms

There are a large number of weather idioms in the English language.  Most of them use the weather as a metaphor for something else so there are very few that you’d use to answer questions about the weather itself.

For this reason, I haven’t included them on this w eather vocabulary  page but have given them a whole page of their own. You’ll find them here: Weather Idioms .

Ways to Improve Your Weather Vocabulary

One of the best ways to improve your vocabulary is through reading. Watching topic related YouTube videos and listening to podcasts is also hugely beneficial.

Here are some online resources I recommend.

Weather Forecasts & Weather Videos

BBC Weather

Fox News Weather

Weather Articles

Friends of the Earth

The Weather Channel

Live Science  

TED Talks are short videos with a powerful message and are generally very interesting. They’re ideal for improving your vocabulary and give valuable listening skills practise.

Search YouTube TED Talks Weather to help you improve your weather vocabulary.

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Describe Your Favourite Weather IELTS Cue Card

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Updated on 31 July, 2024

Sunita Kadian

Sunita Kadian

Ielts expert.

Sunita Kadian

The cue card task in the IELTS Speaking Test is an important component that evaluates a candidate's ability to express their ideas fluently and coherently. A strong performance on the cue card task can significantly impact the overall Speaking Test score, which is necessary for achieving a desirable IELTS score.

In the IELTS Speaking Test, a popular IELTS cue card topic is "Describe your favourite weather" When a candidate receives this cue card, they have one to two minutes to discuss the topic, and they may take notes to help structure their response. 

Table of Contents

Download e-books for ielts preparation, describe your favourite weather ielts cue card sample answer., important ielts exam resources, describe your favourite weather ielts cue card follow up questions..

 The sequence of responses for this cue card is shown below.

What kind of weather do you have? What do you normally do in this weather? How does the weather affect you? Why do you enjoy this type of weather?

Introduction: The sun is delicious, while the rain is refreshing, the wind keeps us warm, and the snow is invigorating; there is so much to weather. The Asian weather is divided into four seasons: Summer, Monsoon, Autumn, and Winter.

What kind of weather do you have: But today, I'd like to talk about the Winter, my favourite season. Though the entire year provides us with many fun opportunities, Winter has something special, something whimsical that places it on my list of favorites.

What do you normally do in this weather: The winter season is jam-packed with events. I usually spend the wonderful evenings of this season with my family. Every weekend, while my mother bakes delicious cakes for us, I light a bonfire in my backyard. On Christmas and New Year's Eve, I distribute sweets to the public and donate warm clothing to those in need.

How does the weather affect you: You can feel the magic in the air when the first winter breeze blows through the trees. In my country, the season begins in early November and lasts until late February. The coldest yet most active season occurs in December and early January.

Why do you enjoy this type of weather: I adore cold weather because it brings people together; we all long for warmth, love, and connection. The holidays bring big family meals and never-ending gratitude, and the wheel of time seems to turn a little slower than usual. Also, I adore hot cocoa, hot cider, and peppermint-spiced lattes, and there is no better time to enjoy all of these than during the Winter.

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Introduction: Although I enjoy activities such as swimming in scorching heat and sipping coffee in freezing temperatures, my favourite weather is rainy.

What kind of weather do you have: Rain usually falls in my city during July, August, and September. However, it can also occur in February and March.

What do you normally do in this weather: Most people consider the current weather to be a blessing. Some call it romantic weather, while others consider it a divine blessing. My city's summers are brutal. So whenever it rains, we get some relief from the oppressive heat.

How does the weather affect you: On rainy days, I usually go for a long drive. As a foodie, I enjoy eating my favorite snacks like cutlets and spring rolls with espresso coffee to make the most of the weather. Aside from that, I attend rain dance parties.

Why do you enjoy this type of weather: Because I dislike the hot and humid climate, it serves as a stress reliever for me. This weather brings me closer to my mother nature. Furthermore, I have a great deal of respect for farmers because they satisfy our hunger by producing food. I'm happy because farmers are revitalized by rain. Aside from that, my city streets are spotless after the rain, and the air we breathe is pure. I can enjoy my walk more now.


The examiner will pose a series of additional questions related to the topic introduced in Part 2, which in this case is the "Describe your favourite weather" IELTS cue card in Part 3 of the IELTS Speaking Test.

Q1. Why do some people dislike certain types of weather?

A1. I believe this is because the weather can limit people's activities. People may dislike the weather if it prevents them from participating in their favourite activity. For example, my friend despises rainy days because he enjoys playing cricket and is unable to do so due to the rain.

Q2. Is the weather a factor in the economy?

A2. Yes, the weather has an impact on our economy. For example, because our winters are milder, many people from cold northern countries visit us during that time. As a result, it promotes tourism. Furthermore, certain weather conditions, such as hot, sunny days, increase the earnings of local ice cream vendors. Similarly, colder weather boosts the jacket and jumper industry.

Q3. Do you frequently check the weather forecast? 

A3. Yes, I monitor the weather forecast regularly. This is because I travel frequently, and knowing the weather allows me to plan ahead of time. Furthermore, climate change has made weather unpredictable. For example, it can rain even during the dry season, so knowing the weather daily has become essential.

IELTS Exam Overview

IELTS is required to be taken by international students and workers who wish to study or work in a country where English is the primary language of communication. Know the complete details.

IELTS Exam Syllabus

With the right knowledge of the IELTS exam syllabus and pattern, cracking the popular English test won’t be difficult.

  • IELTS Exam Pattern

The IELTS exam pattern encompasses four major sections, i.e. listening, speaking, writing, and reading.

Register For IELTS

IELTS is the most popular and crucial test for evaluating English language proficiency throughout the world. Learn how to register for the IELTS exam.

IELTS Exam Eligibility Criteria

It becomes necessary for candidates to meet the eligibility for IELTS exam and demonstrate their language proficiency while being assessed on four parameters, namely, Writing, Reading, Speaking and Listening.

IELTS Exam Fees

The IELTS exam fee in India varies based on the types of IELTS tests. The link below shows detailed information on the IELTS exam fees.

IELTS Exam Dates 2022

The IELTS exam dates are allotted on a first-come and first-serve basis. Choose your date and timings beforehand to avoid the delay. You can register for the test both in online and offline mode.

IELTS Test Centres in India

Fully aware of the growing popularity of the language test, we bring to you a list of IELTS exam centers in India. The list will enable aspirants in better planning before registering for the test.

Band Score for Reading

IELTS reading band score decides the knowledge and proficiency of the English language of the applicants.

IELTS Listening Band Score

The listening section evaluates the comprehension level of candidates. The scores also depend on the understanding of different accents and dialects.

IELTS Score Validity

The IELTS score validity for General and Academic is two years across the globe. The IELTS result validity for Canada is two years.

  • Types of IELTS Exam

There are two types of IELTS tests – i) Academic IELTS and ii) General Training IELTS. Candidates are often confused about making the right choice of IELTS test that can meet their requirements regarding their education or job.

Books for IELTS Preparation

Picking the best IELTS books for preparation is essential for scoring well. It may seem tough at first but cracking the examination successfully is not impossible.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Topics

Writing task 2 in IELTS is descriptive essay writing. The applicants are supposed to write an essay in response to the statement or situation given in the essay.

Tips for IELTS Writing

Before appearing for the test, let’s take a look at the below-mentioned IELTS writing tips and tricks to score well in the writing section.

Reading Section IELTS

Reading is the second part of the IELTS test and takes 60 minutes. It consists of three or sometimes four reading passages to increase difficulty, and there are a total of 40 questions to answer.

IELTS Speaking Preparation

Please note that your performance on the speaking test is assessed based on the following criteria- fluency and coherence, grammatical range and accuracy, lexical resource, and pronunciation.

Phrases for IELTS Speaking

There are many phrases for IELTS speaking that a candidate should practice beforehand. If you aim for band 9, you should know these phrases.

  • IELTS Band Score Chart

IELTS is one of the most used English Language Proficiency Tests. The exam is scored in bands. Your IELTS band score determines the performance level of your test.

  • IELTS Band Score

Understanding the IELTS band score is not difficult. The results of the examination are reported on a scale of 9 bands.

  • IELTS Slot Booking

To book the IELTS exam, the candidates can either visit their nearest test center or book the slot online by visiting the official website of IDP. If they choose to go with the second option, they should follow the steps given below.

IELTS Academic Writing Task 1

IELTS Academic writing is meant for students who are applying for top-ranked universities and colleges in English-speaking countries. The writing task one is an academic summary writing based on diagrammatic and graphical representation.

  • IELTS Writing Task 2

Writing Task 2 is the second part of the writing section of IELTS, where aspirants are presented with a point of view, argument, or problem and asked to write an essay in response to the question.

Writing Task 1 IELTS

In IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 starts with a diagram, a visual representation of information. It can be a table, map, graph, process, diagram, or picture.

IELTS Essay Samples

The essay for IELTS is part of Writing Task 2. It is the same for the General Training and Academic of the IELTS. You will get a topic and have to write an essay on the same.

IELTS Cue Cards

The IELTS speaking cue cards come into play for the second part when the candidate will be choosing cue cards and then speaking on a topic for two minutes at least.

Sunita Kadian, co-founder and Academic Head at Yuno Learning is an expert in IELTS and English communication. With a background in competitive exam preparation (IELTS, GMAT, CAT, TOEFL), interview prep, and corporate soft skills training, she has adapted these programs for the Yuno platform. Her dedication and commitment earned high praise from students, especially for her public speaking and advanced speaking English courses. Sunita's mastery of language nuances and articulation makes her a favorite among IELTS students. She holds a Postgraduate degree in English Literature, a B.Ed., and a Post Graduate Diploma in Public Relations.

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  • When a Country Develops its Technology
  • Easiest Way Of Communication
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  • Describe A Street Market In Your City
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  • Describe A Time When Your Computer Broke Down
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  • Talk About A Time When You Gave Advice to Someone
  • Describe an Event You Attended in Which You Didn?t Like the Music Played
  • Describe A Time When You Helped A Friend
  • Describe a Difficult Decision that You Once Made
  • Describe an Expensive Activity that You Enjoy Doing Occasionally
  • Describe A Dinner You Really Enjoyed
  • Describe A Live Sports Match That You Watched
  • Reducing The Effects Of Climate Change
  • Crop Growing Skyscrapers
  • The Psychology Of Innovation
  • Biological Control Of Pests
  • The Story Of Silk
  • Mental Gymnastics
  • The Benefits Of Being Bilingual
  • The Meaning And Power Of Smell
  • This Marvelous Invention
  • The History Of Glass
  • The Development Of Museums
  • Eco Tourism
  • Green Wave Washes Over Mainstream Shopping
  • An Introduction To Film Sound
  • The Birth Of Scientific English
  • Moles Happy As Homes Go Underground
  • Collecting As A Hobby
  • IELTS Preparation Books
  • IELTS Certificate
  • CEFR level IELTS
  • IELTS score chart
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  • IELTS Speaking Topics
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    When it's winter, we experience below-zero degrees (a temperature that is negative). When it's autumn or spring, we have chilly and rainy days, and when it's summer, our temperature reaches 38 degrees Celsius. The temperature in summer is just manageable (doable) but not in winter. DON'T MISS studying the recent IELTS Speaking Part 1 ...

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  12. Weather IELTS Speaking Part 1 Sample Answer

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  15. IELTS Speaking Part 1: The Weather

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  16. IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

    Sample Answer 2: Global warming is a serious worldwide problem that arises as an effect of gases like Carbon Dioxide traps the heat from the sun causing the rise in the global temperature, this process is known as greenhouse effects which have many causes believed to be a human effect. There are many different measures that could be taken to ...

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  18. Describe your favourite weather IELTS cue card

    Conclusion: So spring is my favorite season, and its weather is my favourite weather. Favourite Season. Introduction: India is a diverse country. We namely enjoy four seasons i.e. summer, winter, autumn, and spring. Because of global warming summer season is extended and we have summer for almost six months a year.

  19. Describe a type of weather you like

    scorching hot - very hot. raining cats and dogs (idiom) - raining heavily. ideal - perfect. pure blue sky - a very blue sky without a cloud. a change of scenery - to go somewhere different after being in one place for a long time. torturously hot - extremely hot. a gentle breeze - a light wind.

  20. IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topic: Weather -Answers With Audio

    IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topic: u001d Weather -Answers With Audio. 4365. By IELTS Practice Online. 1. What kind of weather is typical in your hometown? It's a jungle climate, so it's quite hot all year long. During wet season, it is extremely humid and sticky. For many, the climate is hard to take. For me, I'm used to it.

  21. Describe a day when you thought the weather was perfect

    It was sunny weather and the day began with a rising sun. Since it was a holiday as well, I spent the entire day with my little nice and niece. The day was a perfect one for an outing and we played round the day in the garden in front of the house. It was perfect because the winter was gone almost. 2.

  22. IELTS Speaking sample: Weather Topic

    This is a full IELTS speaking test that contains parts 1-3 with appropriate questions. It is very useful to learn speaking vocabulary not as individual words, but as they come in natural speech. To help you in exam preparation, we gathered a variety of IELTS Speaking questions + answers + advanced vocabulary for weather topic.

  23. Describe Your Favourite Weather: A Guide to Answer Cue ...

    Lead to Body and Conclusion of IELTS Cue Card Topic - Describe Your Favourite Weather. Along with that, because I like to wear skirts, swimsuits, shorts and more other summer clothing, I enjoy hot weather. In the summer since there is a holiday week I often stay in the room in the afternoon and listen to rock music and have some healthy snacks.

  24. IELTS Weather Vocabulary

    Weather Vocabulary - Common Words & Phrases. Weather Vocabulary Set 1: Key definitions. weather - the temperature or conditions outside with regard to heat, cloudiness, dryness, sunshine, wind, rain, etc. - The weather can change very quickly up on the moor, so make sure you take your waterproofs when you go walking.

  25. Describe Your Favourite Weather

    Click now & save ₹15,000. Get 8+ Bands in IELTS. Sample 2. Introduction: Although I enjoy activities such as swimming in scorching heat and sipping coffee in freezing temperatures, my favourite weather is rainy. What kind of weather do you have: Rain usually falls in my city during July, August, and September.