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How to Write a Summer Vacation Essay

Summer break is a great time to kick back, relax and enjoy yourself and, if you’re lucky, to go on an awesome trip! But how can you translate your amazing vacation into a narrative essay for English class or work it to fit a common application prompt? Here’s some tips to help you out:

Save Mementos From Your Summer

Even if you’re not the sentimental type, make sure to document your summer travels. Take pictures, write diary entries, save train stubs. This is the best way to ensure that you’ll remember your summer well enough to look back and write about it later.

Write an Outline Before Writing Your Essay

Regardless of whether you spent your summer break in Madison, Wisconsin or Madrid, Spain, you should plan out what you’re going to write before diving in. Make a list of what you’ve done over the summer so that you can later narrow down a focus for the essay itself. Keep in mind that the best essay topics aren’t always on the most exciting activities an essay about getting stuck in traffic on the way to the airport on the way to Denver could work better than an essay on hiking the Grand Canyon and looking out at the incredible view.

Be Specific

Since you’re going to keep a record of your trip and come up with an outline before writing your essay, you should be able to put some detail into your essay. Be as specific as possible when it comes to your word choice. If you’re talking about some gelato that you ate in Italy, don’t say that it was “delicious.” Instead, say that it was “creamy and chocolatey, with a note of vanilla.”

Focus on Feelings About Your Trip, Not What You Did

If you spent the summer on the beach in Cape Cod, you shouldn’t write about what you did. You should write instead about how you felt while there. An essay that reads “I went to beach, then had lobster for dinner” is not quite as exciting as one that goes, “As I went for a walk on the beach, I thought about how lucky I was to be able to enjoy nature.” Feelings translate better into text than events, and you should try to place those feelings into context.

Stick to Writing About a Small Moment

With any essay you write especially a short one it’s important to focus a narrow moment in time. Don’t write about your entire week in Paris. Instead, write about the moment you got lost in the city at midnight and fumbled your way home in the dark. You don’t have to pick a particularly glamorous moment from your trip, but you should pick one that meant something to you.

Edit Your Essay Carefully

The shorter the essay, the more important precision is. Regardless of length, make sure to carefully read over what you’ve written to make sure every sentence conveys the message you most want displayed. The editing process matters just as much as the writing process, even if it seems less so.

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Paragraph on My Plans for Summer Vacation

The long-awaited summer vacation is the source of joy for kids; they love to be at home, watching TV, and other favorite activities. Everyone has a special plan to spend the entire summer. We have created some of the paragraphs on the Plans one could make in summer break. Kindly go through it as per your needs.

Short and Long Paragraphs on My Plans for Summer Vacation

Paragraph 1 – 100 words.

Every student eagerly waits for summer vacation. My summer vacation will be started next week. The joy of not attending school for the next couple of days is filling a thrill inside me. I have planned a productive summer vacation for me this year. I have planned to wake up late in the morning. The happiness of finding every day like Sunday is the best part of this long vacation.

I have planned to join the Music class on summer vacation. I have also planned to make a routine of regular cycling during the entire summer break. One of my favorite cousins’ elder brother promised me to visit me. I am literally so excited about my summer break.

Paragraph 2 – 120 Words

I have amazing plans for my summer vacation. I have promised my parents to join them in the morning or evening walk on a regular basis. The special part of my summer vacation plan is the swimming Classes. My father has enrolled me in swimming classes. For a long time, I want to learn swimming. This summer I will fulfill my wish of swimming.

In the evening, I will play badminton and other games with my dear friends. I have got projects and craftwork in homework. I will utilize some time for my summer vacation homework. My mother has promised me to subscribe to two additional television channels. I love watching TV. My uncles’ family will come to visit us on this vacation, I am happy to hear this. I love spending time with my cousins.

Paragraph 3 – 150 Words

Summer Vacation is the longest break in an academic year. For me, Summer Vacation is like bliss. It is the best time for meeting friends and spending a good time with them. In my building, there is a total of fifteen kids like me. Our parents happily allow us to participate in outdoor activities.

This summer I have planned to play regularly with my friends. I love Football, there is a garden near my building, and we happily play over there. It will sound childish but I still love games like Hide and Seek. It is a very simple game, which includes no equipment.

This summer probably I will not go for a trip due to my parent’s busy schedule, but they have promised me to take me to my grandparents’ place. The best part about my grandparent’s place is the greenery and it’s like I am in nature’s lap. I will definitely go there and carry my homework and some comics with me.

Paragraph 4 – 200 Words

Summer Vacation is really very refreshing time for me. This summer vacation is going to be special for me, as my parents have planned a trip to Manali. It will be seven days trip. I am really excited to watch the scenic beauty of the hills.

We have booked our tickets to Manali. The plan is divided into three small destinations of Chandigarh and Delhi, we will spend one day in Chandigarh and in Delhi, there we will go for sightseeing and after the Chandigarh site visit; we will take a car for Manali. For the next six days, we will be in Manali and we have planned to visit Rohtang Pass, Manikaran, Hidimba Devi Temple and markets.

Last year we went to visit Mumbai and Lonavala. So for a change, my father planned a trip to the mountains. I have planned to click lots of pictures. I love photography, capturing the snowcapped mountains is my all-time wish.

For the rest of the summer, I will join the skateboarding classes. My mother has hired a mathematics teacher for me, as I have a little fear of mathematics. He will help me with my Maths homework too. I have purchased a bunch of Comics, I will spend lazy noon of summer with my comics. Before my next academic session, I want to collect all the good memories with my family and friends.

Paragraph 5 – 250 Words

The best part of vacations is not getting up early in the morning. Summer Vacation is a happy phase for every kid. I am Nisha and I am 11 years old, this year I have planned a fun vacation.

I have planned to join the summer camp organized by my school. I have enrolled one week before my classes are going to be suspended. My parents permitted to join me in camp because of the learning activities. They trust my school committee so they allowed me joins. It’s a fifteen days camp at my school premises and the best part is that they will provide us four trips to a nearby zoo, water park, museum, and amusement park. I am so excited to visit such fun places with my school friends.

After the summer camp, I have decided to complete my homework. I will spend a lot of time with my parents. For a long time, my parents want me to join yoga classes. I will attend the yoga classes in the evening with my mother.

We are going to plan a short trip to my aunt’s place. The best part about visiting my aunt’s place is fun activities with cousins. They are very humble and jovial kids, they also eagerly waist for us to join their vacation. All these fun activities will make my summer vacation fruitful. I want to explore more and more recreational moments with my friends and family.

The super exciting part of this summer is one of my favorite movies is going to be released in May. I have already told to my mom; she has promised me to allow me to watch this movie with my friends.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Ans. In Summer vacations we can go to hill stations, parks and on trips.

Ans. Students love summer vacation because they play and enjoy their whole time.

Ans. In summer vacations, activities like playing, studying and learning new things can be done.

Ans. Schools organize summer camps for entertainment of students.

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Tips for Writing a "What I Did on Vacation" Essay

  • Writing Essays
  • Writing Research Papers
  • English Grammar
  • M.Ed., Education Administration, University of Georgia
  • B.A., History, Armstrong State University

Are you required to write an essay about your summer vacation or your holiday break? This can be a tough assignment to tackle at first glance. But if you think about it, there are lots of interesting things that happen on your vacation that others might enjoy reading about. The key to success is to zero in on the experiences, people, or situations that made your vacation unique.

Summer vacation can be busy or lazy, funny or serious. You may have traveled with your family, worked every day, fallen in love, or coped with a difficult situation. To start your essay, you'll need to choose a topic and tone.

Family Vacation Essay Topic Ideas

If you traveled with your family, you may have some great stories to tell. After all, every family is crazy in its own way. Want some proof? How many Hollywood films have themes about family holidays or trips? Those films are popular because they enable us to glimpse inside the crazy family lives of others. Alternatively, you may have a more serious story to tell.

Consider these funny topics:

  • Why I'll Never Go Back to (insert place name)
  • How (insert name) Drove Me Crazy in Five Days
  • Traveling to (insert city) Then and Now
  • The Hazards of Traveling With a (person or thing)
  • Why You Shouldn't Take a Dog to (insert place)
  • I Left (insert city) But My (lost item) Stayed
  • Why I Couldn't Sleep in (place name)

If your family vacation involved something more serious, think about one of these topics:

  • The Love I Left Behind in (insert place)
  • Saying Good-Bye to (insert person or place)
  • Exploring (place's) Secrets
  • An Emotional Trip

Summer Job Essay Topic Ideas

Not everyone gets to spend the summer having fun; some of us have to work for a living. If you spent your summer at a job, chances are you met a lot of interesting characters, dealt with complicated situations, or even saved the day once or twice. Here are some ideas for summer job topics:

  • The Boss's Day Off
  • The Customer From Hell
  • What I Learned from My Customers
  • Why I'll Never Go Into the ___ Business
  • Six Things I Learned on the Job

How to Write the Essay

Once you've chosen your topic and your tone, think about the story you want to tell. In most cases, your essay will follow a typical story arc:

  • The hook (the funny, sad, or scary sentence that grabs the reader's attention)
  • The rising action (the beginning of your story)
  • The climax (the most exciting moment in your story)
  • The denouement (the aftermath or ending to your story)

Start by writing out the basic outline of your story. For example, "I started cleaning a guest's room and found that they'd left behind a wallet with $100 in cash. When I turned it in without taking a single dollar for myself, my boss rewarded me with a $100 gift certificate and a special award for honesty."

Next, start fleshing out the details. What was the room like? What was the guest like? What did the wallet look like and where was it left? Were you tempted to just take the money and turn in the wallet empty? How did your boss look when you handed her the wallet? How did you feel when you got your reward? How did others around you react to your honesty?

Once you've told your story in all its detail, it's time to write the hook and conclusion. What question or thought can you use to grab your reader's attention? For example: "What would you do if you found a wallet loaded with cash? That was my dilemma this summer."

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Essay on my plans for summer vacation for Children and Students

iit-jee, neet, foundation

Table of Contents

There is something really exhilarating about the idea of summer vacations. It is the long vacation and the relief from school and studies. It is the best time to relax, enjoy play games and practice some fun and creative activities.

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Target Exam ---

Summer vacation brings along with it ample of opportunities to enjoy, relax and have fun. We do not have a boring routine during this time period and can plan and enjoy the way we want. The days are full of energy for adventures and activities. Here are essays of varying lengths on My Plans for Summer Vacation to help you with the topic in your exam.

Long and Short Essay on My Plans for Summer Vacation in English

We have provided below short and long essay on my plans for summer vacation in English.

The essays have been written in simple yet effective English for your information and knowledge.

You will find it easy to remember the essays and present them at appropriate time. After going through these my plans for summer vacation essay you will know about my plans for summer holiday, tips to plan summer vacation, what trip have I planned on vacation etc.

The essays will be helpful in your school assignments when you have to write an essay or give an speech on your plans for summer vacation.

Essay on How I Plan to Spend My Summer Vacation – 1 (200 words)

Summer vacation is the most interesting period of the year since there is no school, no need to wake up early and no studies. After working hard for the whole year we eagerly await summer vacations. It is a sigh of relief when we are done with our final exams. This summer I plan to engage myself in activities that will relax my mind and body. I am really planning to wake up late every morning first of all.

I am going to engage myself in Yoga as I am a fitness freak and Yoga strengthens your mind and body and sets you up for wellness. I love the whole concept of Yoga. It’s more than just physical exercise, it has spiritual and meditative core. Another activity that I am planning to engage in is ballet dance. I would love to practice classical ballet this summer.

It requires a special training and summer vacation is the best period for engaging in something I love. This year I won’t be going for any trip. I and my siblings are only planning to get more creative and fit for a more productive and fun year ahead. We are all quite excited about the summer vacations and have chosen our activities as per our choice.

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Essay on My Plan for Summer Holidays – 2 (300 words)

Summer holidays are always special and super fun. Summer vacations mean no school, no studies and a break from the boring routine. I really love village life and miss my grandparents so I always make sure to visit my grandparents in village during my summer holidays.

I am super excited as I will visit my grandparents in the village Dharagiri, 5 km away from Navsari, with my family this summer vacation. I feel very eager and happy to visit my native place since I get a chance to meet my grandparents, other relatives and cousins. My grandparent’s house in the village is surrounded with the trees of mango, coconut, chikoo, guava, pomegranate and several other fruits and vegetables. I love plucking fresh fruits and enjoy eating them. I am especially fond of mangoes. My maternal aunt cooks delicious traditional recipes for us. The taste and aroma of the food is amazing and we enjoy it with delight.

The greenery, scenic beauty and the fresh air of village gives such a soothing effect. During my stay at village, I love exploring different places with my siblings. We play several games, swing on the roots of the banyan trees and walk by the riverside to get wet and play in the water. We also go for field trip with my maternal uncle and ride horses. The life in village is full of fun and activities. It never gets boring and I realize that I never watch TV or play games on the cell phones when in village. The days I spend in the village are always the most memorable days of my life.

Even this year, I plan to visit my grandparents in village and meet my relatives there. It is a great pleasure to enjoy the scenic beauty of the village and breathe some fresh air. It is relaxing and rejuvenating to be away from the city pollution.

Essay on My Plans for Summer Vacation – 3 (400 words)


My plans for summer vacations include a long list of fun activities. Summer vacations mean no school, no waking up early from bed, no homework and no boring routine. All I plan is fun and adventure.

Here are some plans that I have for this summer vacation. I will not miss these at any cost:

  • I love driving with my mom to the Holiday Club we are members of and have a pool party there with my friends that come along. I and my friends enjoy swimming and playing pool games. My mom orders cup cakes and milk shake for us. We have been doing this since the last few years and this is our fixed plan for Saturdays and Sundays during this summer vacation.
  • My dad has just got a new DSLR camera last month so I am planning to try my hands on it. It is going to be super fun to learn photography from my dad during the summer vacation. I love taking pictures of the local people and beautiful landscapes I explore.
  • We are also planning a short family trip to Goa to chill at the beach side this summer vacation. I am a huge fan of Goa and love exploring the local markets for shopping. I love going to the beach early in the morning to get wet and later taking sunbath since mom says sunlight is the best source of vitamin D.
  • I love reading and writing. So, I have some of my favorite books to be read during the summer vacations. I mostly enjoy reading love stories. I also love writing short stories and poems so I plan to write a few this vacation in my free time.
  • I will also enroll myself at music classes this summer vacation as I wish to learn to play piano. I love listening and playing music in my free time and am planning to practice more in this summer vacation.
  • I also plan to learn cooking some delicious recipes from my mom during vacations. This time I am planning to learn some cup cake recipes. I love experimenting in the kitchen and cooking some easy recipes.

So, I am all set and super excited for my summer vacations and have so many plans. I will stick to all these plans to make the most of my summer vacations. It is surely going to be fun, interesting and full of energy.

Essay on How to Plan for Summer Vacation – 4 (500 words)

We are already getting the summer vacation itch and dreaming of the beach days and adventure trips. It’s important that the summer vacations pass by in a fun and productive manner. With a bit of planning we can ensure a creative and memorable vacation. There are many activities we can engage in during summer vacations.

Tips to Plan Summer Vacations

Here are some simple yet useful tips to plan summer vacations:

  • Plan your summer vacations wisely by using it for various activities, camps and trips.
  • Make sure you don’t waste your time and don’t delay your plans.
  • Make a list of your plans and schedule them properly.
  • Mark in the calendar for the days you want to go for a trip or camp.
  • Plan a schedule for activities such as swimming and hiking.
  • Join hobby classes immediately to learn something new by the end of your vacations.
  • Think about the activities you want to engage in and try to indulge in them during summer vacations.

Summer Vacation Ideas

Here are some ideas to plan summer vacations:

  • Planning a Trip: Plan a short trip to your favorite location to relax and rejuvenate yourself after the yearlong labor. Choose any new or your favorite location to travel and have fun with family.
  • Summer Camp: Summer vacation is the best time to stay active and enjoy with friends. Do a bit of research in the local news papers and magazines to find out about various summer camps and choose the one that best suits your interests.
  • Go Swimming: It feels great to go swimming in the cool pool water for relaxing and rejuvenating during hot summer days. I enjoy going for swimming with friends and playing pool games.
  • Hobby Classes: Try learning something new and fun. Join hobby classes like singing, dancing, painting, photography or whatever activity interests you. This will be the most fun way to spend your vacation doing what you actually love.
  • Enjoy Nature: During school days we don’t get enough time to enjoy the scenic beauty of nature. Summer vacation is the best time to take a long walk in nature and smell some roses or plan a camp in the local park with siblings and friends.
  • Classic Film and Shows: If you are spending the vacations at home the best way is to rediscover classic films and TV shows. Organize a pajama party and enjoy your favourite movies and shows.
  • Explore the Options in the City: Get out and get going, explore your city clubs, art and science museums and parks etc. If you love shopping visit malls and your favorite shopping stores with your friends and check out for the new collections.
  • Go Biking: It is super fun to go biking in nature to enjoy the weather. It is also the best exercise for your body. You can also visit your friends riding a bike.

Pump up yourself for fun and adventure during summer vacations. Make it more active and interesting so that you don’t regret when your friends share their super cool vacation activities with you. Have a great summer!

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Essay on Planning for a Summer Vacation – 5 (600 words)

Summer vacations are great to go for trips or learn something new and exciting instead of mindlessly sitting in front of the idiot box and doing nothing at all. It’s very important to plan ahead for a more fun and creative vacation.

Mark out the days in the calendar that you plan to go for a trip. If you have some plans lined up within the town or some relatives visiting during the vacation then make a note of those days in the calendar. This will give you a clear idea of the busy days so you can plan your vacation accordingly.

Planning for Summer Vacation

Plan a Trip: The best part about summer vacations is that you can plan a long or short trip to relax. Plan a trip to your favorite location. Do a bit of online research to choose from the various beautiful locations. Plan a budget for transport, hotels, food and drink costs, shopping, rides and whatever else you are going to need for your trip. Here are some tips to plan your trip efficiently. Choose the trip and location that best suits your interest and budget.

  • Book your tickets in advance as nothing is more frustrating than a delayed trip. The best part is that you get great discounts while booking tickets online in advance. It is easy to search and book flight tickets online. You can compare the flight fares on several sites available online.
  • Not only flights but you can also book hotels online in advance. You can choose from a range of hotels and services as per your choice and comfort. Also, you can compare prices and get great discounts when you book hotels online in advance. Do your research and always check the services and the pictures of the hotel rooms and ambiance before booking.
  • You should pack your bags at least one day earlier than you travel. Pack the clothing, shoes and accessories that are appropriate for the location and climate. Don’t forget to carry your cameras, selfie sticks, hats, sunglasses, binoculars, iPods etc. for a fun vacation. Also, make sure you pack the medications that you might need on trip. And you are all set to go for a fun vacation.

Summer Camp: Summer camp is a great way to play and enjoy with friends and at the same time stay active. It feels great to spend time outdoors in the summers and make new friends.

  • You can choose the camp as per your choice from the several available camps such as sport focused camps, day camps, artistic camps, sleep away camps, etc.
  • Search in the local magazines or newspapers for the upcoming summer camps. Sign up early for the camps so that you don’t miss the spot.

Go Hiking: Summer is the best time to engage in outdoor and adventurous activities as the days are longer. You can go hiking at the local trail and stay active. It is a great way to stay fit and have fun.

  • Dress appropriately for such activities in comfortable and sporty clothes, caps and sports shoes.
  • Pack your bags with healthy food and water bottles.
  • Find local trails by visiting local nature centers, contacting local parks or doing a bit of online search.

Make a Reading List: If you have some of your favorite books pending to be read since quite a long time then summer vacation is the best time you can start reading.

  • You can order some new books online or download e-books on your PC to read them.
  • Try visiting local libraries to explore the range of books.

So, there are many ways we can enjoy the summer vacations instead of wasting it by sitting at home and doing nothing at all we can make it more interesting and productive.

Related Information:

  • Essay on Summer Vacation
  • Paragraph on Summer Vacation
  • Essay on Holiday
  • Essay on how i spent my summer vacation

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My Plans for Summer Vacation Essay

Essay on my plans for summer vacation for children and students.

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There is something really exhilarating about the idea of summer vacations. It is the long vacation and the relief from school and studies. It is the best time to relax, enjoy play games and practice some fun and creative activities.

Summer vacation brings along with it ample of opportunities to enjoy, relax and have fun. We do not have a boring routine during this time period and can plan and enjoy the way we want. The days are full of energy for adventures and activities. Here are essays of varying lengths on My Plans for Summer Vacation to help you with the topic in your exam.

Long and Short Essay on My Plans for Summer Vacation in English

Essay on how i plan to spend my summer vacation – 1 (200 words).

Summer vacation is the most interesting period of the year since there is no school, no need to wake up early and no studies. After working hard for the whole year we eagerly await summer vacations. It is a sigh of relief when we are done with our final exams. This summer I plan to engage myself in activities that will relax my mind and body. I am really planning to wake up late every morning first of all.

I am going to engage myself in Yoga as I am a fitness freak and Yoga strengthens your mind and body and sets you up for wellness. I love the whole concept of Yoga. It’s more than just physical exercise, it has spiritual and meditative core. Another activity that I am planning to engage in is ballet dance. I would love to practice classical ballet this summer.

It requires a special training and summer vacation is the best period for engaging in something I love. This year I won’t be going for any trip. I and my siblings are only planning to get more creative and fit for a more productive and fun year ahead. We are all quite excited about the summer vacations and have chosen our activities as per our choice.

Essay on My Plan for Summer Holidays – 2 (300 words)

Summer holidays are always special and super fun. Summer vacations mean no school, no studies and a break from the boring routine. I really love village life and miss my grandparents so I always make sure to visit my grandparents in village during my summer holidays.

I am super excited as I will visit my grandparents in the village Dharagiri, 5 km away from Navsari, with my family this summer vacation. I feel very eager and happy to visit my native place since I get a chance to meet my grandparents, other relatives and cousins. My grandparent’s house in the village is surrounded with the trees of mango, coconut, chikoo, guava, pomegranate and several other fruits and vegetables. I love plucking fresh fruits and enjoy eating them. I am especially fond of mangoes. My maternal aunt cooks delicious traditional recipes for us. The taste and aroma of the food is amazing and we enjoy it with delight.

The greenery, scenic beauty and the fresh air of village gives such a soothing effect. During my stay at village, I love exploring different places with my siblings. We play several games, swing on the roots of the banyan trees and walk by the riverside to get wet and play in the water. We also go for field trip with my maternal uncle and ride horses. The life in village is full of fun and activities. It never gets boring and I realize that I never watch TV or play games on the cell phones when in village. The days I spend in the village are always the most memorable days of my life.

Even this year, I plan to visit my grandparents in village and meet my relatives there. It is a great pleasure to enjoy the scenic beauty of the village and breathe some fresh air. It is relaxing and rejuvenating to be away from the city pollution.

Essay on My Plans for Summer Vacation – 3 (400 words)


My plans for summer vacations include a long list of fun activities. Summer vacations mean no school, no waking up early from bed, no homework and no boring routine. All I plan is fun and adventure.

Here are some plans that I have for this summer vacation. I will not miss these at any cost:

  • I love driving with my mom to the Holiday Club we are members of and have a pool party there with my friends that come along. I and my friends enjoy swimming and playing pool games. My mom orders cup cakes and milk shake for us. We have been doing this since the last few years and this is our fixed plan for Saturdays and Sundays during this summer vacation.
  • My dad has just got a new DSLR camera last month so I am planning to try my hands on it. It is going to be super fun to learn photography from my dad during the summer vacation. I love taking pictures of the local people and beautiful landscapes I explore.
  • We are also planning a short family trip to Goa to chill at the beach side this summer vacation. I am a huge fan of Goa and love exploring the local markets for shopping. I love going to the beach early in the morning to get wet and later taking sunbath since mom says sunlight is the best source of vitamin D.
  • I love reading and writing. So, I have some of my favorite books to be read during the summer vacations. I mostly enjoy reading love stories. I also love writing short stories and poems so I plan to write a few this vacation in my free time.
  • I will also enroll myself at music classes this summer vacation as I wish to learn to play piano. I love listening and playing music in my free time and am planning to practice more in this summer vacation.
  • I also plan to learn cooking some delicious recipes from my mom during vacations. This time I am planning to learn some cup cake recipes. I love experimenting in the kitchen and cooking some easy recipes.

So, I am all set and super excited for my summer vacations and have so many plans. I will stick to all these plans to make the most of my summer vacations. It is surely going to be fun, interesting and full of energy.

Essay on How to Plan for Summer Vacation – 4 (500 words)

We are already getting the summer vacation itch and dreaming of the beach days and adventure trips. It’s important that the summer vacations pass by in a fun and productive manner. With a bit of planning we can ensure a creative and memorable vacation. There are many activities we can engage in during summer vacations.

Tips to Plan Summer Vacations

Here are some simple yet useful tips to plan summer vacations:

  • Plan your summer vacations wisely by using it for various activities, camps and trips.
  • Make sure you don’t waste your time and don’t delay your plans.
  • Make a list of your plans and schedule them properly.
  • Mark in the calendar for the days you want to go for a trip or camp.
  • Plan a schedule for activities such as swimming and hiking.
  • Join hobby classes immediately to learn something new by the end of your vacations.
  • Think about the activities you want to engage in and try to indulge in them during summer vacations.

Summer Vacation Ideas

Here are some ideas to plan summer vacations:

  • Planning a Trip:  Plan a short trip to your favorite location to relax and rejuvenate yourself after the yearlong labor. Choose any new or your favorite location to travel and have fun with family.
  • Summer Camp:  Summer vacation is the best time to stay active and enjoy with friends. Do a bit of research in the local news papers and magazines to find out about various summer camps and choose the one that best suits your interests.
  • Go Swimming:  It feels great to go swimming in the cool pool water for relaxing and rejuvenating during hot summer days. I enjoy going for swimming with friends and playing pool games.
  • Hobby Classes:  Try learning something new and fun. Join hobby classes like singing, dancing, painting, photography or whatever activity interests you. This will be the most fun way to spend your vacation doing what you actually love.
  • Enjoy Nature:  During school days we don’t get enough time to enjoy the scenic beauty of nature. Summer vacation is the best time to take a long walk in nature and smell some roses or plan a camp in the local park with siblings and friends.
  • Classic Film and Shows:  If you are spending the vacations at home the best way is to rediscover classic films and TV shows. Organize a pajama party and enjoy your favourite movies and shows.
  • Explore the Options in the City:  Get out and get going, explore your city clubs, art and science museums and parks etc. If you love shopping visit malls and your favorite shopping stores with your friends and check out for the new collections.
  • Go Biking:  It is super fun to go biking in nature to enjoy the weather. It is also the best exercise for your body. You can also visit your friends riding a bike.

Pump up yourself for fun and adventure during summer vacations. Make it more active and interesting so that you don’t regret when your friends share their super cool vacation activities with you. Have a great summer!

Essay on Planning for a Summer Vacation – 5 (600 words)

Summer vacations are great to go for trips or learn something new and exciting instead of mindlessly sitting in front of the idiot box and doing nothing at all. It’s very important to plan ahead for a more fun and creative vacation.

Mark out the days in the calendar that you plan to go for a trip. If you have some plans lined up within the town or some relatives visiting during the vacation then make a note of those days in the calendar. This will give you a clear idea of the busy days so you can plan your vacation accordingly.

Planning for Summer Vacation

Plan a Trip:  The best part about summer vacations is that you can plan a long or short trip to relax. Plan a trip to your favorite location. Do a bit of online research to choose from the various beautiful locations. Plan a budget for transport, hotels, food and drink costs, shopping, rides and whatever else you are going to need for your trip. Here are some tips to plan your trip efficiently. Choose the trip and location that best suits your interest and budget.

  • Book your tickets in advance as nothing is more frustrating than a delayed trip. The best part is that you get great discounts while booking tickets online in advance. It is easy to search and book flight tickets online. You can compare the flight fares on several sites available online.
  • Not only flights but you can also book hotels online in advance. You can choose from a range of hotels and services as per your choice and comfort. Also, you can compare prices and get great discounts when you book hotels online in advance. Do your research and always check the services and the pictures of the hotel rooms and ambiance before booking.
  • You should pack your bags at least one day earlier than you travel. Pack the clothing, shoes and accessories that are appropriate for the location and climate. Don’t forget to carry your cameras, selfie sticks, hats, sunglasses, binoculars, iPods etc. for a fun vacation. Also, make sure you pack the medications that you might need on trip. And you are all set to go for a fun vacation.

Summer Camp:  Summer camp is a great way to play and enjoy with friends and at the same time stay active. It feels great to spend time outdoors in the summers and make new friends.

  • You can choose the camp as per your choice from the several available camps such as sport focused camps, day camps, artistic camps, sleep away camps, etc.
  • Search in the local magazines or newspapers for the upcoming summer camps. Sign up early for the camps so that you don’t miss the spot.

Go Hiking:  Summer is the best time to engage in outdoor and adventurous activities as the days are longer. You can go hiking at the local trail and stay active. It is a great way to stay fit and have fun.

  • Dress appropriately for such activities in comfortable and sporty clothes, caps and sports shoes.
  • Pack your bags with healthy food and water bottles.
  • Find local trails by visiting local nature centers, contacting local parks or doing a bit of online search.

Make a Reading List:  If you have some of your favorite books pending to be read since quite a long time then summer vacation is the best time you can start reading.

  • You can order some new books online or download e-books on your PC to read them.
  • Try visiting local libraries to explore the range of books.

So, there are many ways we can enjoy the summer vacations instead of wasting it by sitting at home and doing nothing at all we can make it more interesting and productive.

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Paragraph on My Plans for Summer Vacation 100, 150, 200, 250 to 300 Words for Kids, Students And Children

February 7, 2024 by Prasanna

Paragraph on My Plans for Summer Vacation: Summer vacation is the most awaited time of the year by the kids. They wait for summer vacation, spend that time with their family, go on vacations in different places, join their favourite sports or other activities, have fun watching TV, and stay at home.  

You can read more  Paragraph Writing  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Paragraph On My Plans for Summer Vacation – 100 Words for Classes 1, 2, 3 Kids

Each child excitedly waits for summer vacation. My summer vacation will begin one week from now. The delight of not going to class for the following couple of days is happiness inside me. I have arranged a beneficial summer vacation for me this year. I have wanted to get up late in the morning. The bliss of finding each day like Sunday is the best part of this long excursion.

I have intended to join the Music class on summer vacation. I have also wanted to make a daily schedule of regular cycling during the whole summer break. One of my favourite cousins’ elder sibling guaranteed me to visit me. I am truly so pumped up for my summer vacation.

Paragraph On My Plans for Summer Vacation - 100 Words for Classes 1, 2, 3 Kids

Paragraph On My Plans for Summer Vacation – 150 Words for Classes 4, 5 Children

Summer Vacation is the longest vacation in an academic year. For me, Summer Vacation resembles happiness. It is the best opportunity for meeting companions and having a good time with them. In my building, there is a sum of fifteen children like me. Our parents cheerfully allow us to take part in outdoor exercises.

This mid-year, I have wanted to play regularly with my companions. I love Football, there is a ground close to my building, and we joyfully play over there. It will sound childish, yet I, despite everything, love games like Hide and Seek. It is a basic game, which includes no such equipment.

This summer, most likely, I won’t go for an excursion because of my parent’s busy timetable; however, they have guaranteed me to take me to my grandparents’ place. There is a lot greener in my grandparent’s place, and it is like I am in nature’s lap. I will go there and carry my schoolwork and a few books and comics with me.

Read More: My Aim In Life Essay 150 Words

Paragraph On My Plans for Summer Vacation – 200 Words for Classes 6, 7, 8 Students

Summer Vacation is quite a refreshing time for me. This summer get-away will be unique for me, as my parents have arranged an outing to Manali. It will be seven days trip. I am truly eager to watch the scenic beauty of the mountains.

We have booked our tickets to Manali. The arrangement is separated into three little journeys of Chandigarh and Delhi. We will go through one day in Chandigarh and Delhi, there we will go for touring, and after the side tour of Chandigarh, we will take a vehicle for Manali. For the following six days, we will be in Manali, and we have wanted to visit Rohtang Pass, Manikaran, Hidimba Devi Temple, and Manali markets.

A year ago, we went to visit Mumbai and Lonavala. So for a change, my dad arranged an outing to the mountains. I have planned to capture lots of pictures. I love photography; catching the snowcapped mountains is my ultimate wish.

For the remaining summer vacation, I will join the skateboarding classes. My mom has recruited a Maths teacher for me, as I have a little fear of arithmetic. I will spend a lazy afternoon in the summer with my comics. Before my next academic session, I need to gather all the great memories with my loved ones.

Paragraph On My Plans For Summer Vacation – 250 to 300 Words for Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 And Competitive Exams Students

The best part of the holidays isn’t rising early in the morning. Summer Vacation is a happy time for each child. I am Rishi, and I am 10 years of age, this year I have a ton of fun vacation planned.

I have wanted to join the summer camp organized by my school. I have enlisted one week before my classes will be suspended. My parents allowed me to join in camp due to the learning exercises. They trust my school board committee, so they permitted me joins. It’s a fifteen days long camp at my school premises, and best of all, they will give us four trips to a nearby zoo, water park, exhibition hall, and amusement park. I am so eager to visit such fun spots with my school companions.

After the summer camp, I have chosen to finish my homework. I will invest a great deal of energy with my parents. For quite a while, my parents wanted me to join yoga classes. I will go to the yoga classes at night with my mom.

We are going to plan a short outing for my auntie’s place. The best part about visiting my auntie’s place is fun activities with cousins. They are modest and funny kids; they likewise eagerly wait for us to join their vacation. All these pleasant activities will make my summer vacation productive. I want to spend a huge time on recreational moments with my loved ones.

This summer’s super energizing part is one of my preferred films that will be released in May. I have just told my mother; she has promised me that she will allow me to watch this film with my friends.

Paragraph On My Plans For Summer Vacation - 250 to 300 Words for Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 And Competitive Exams Students

FAQ’s on Paragraph on My Plans for Summer Vacation

Question 1. Why do we get a summer vacation?

Answer: Summer Vacation is the time of the year when people, especially kids going to schools and colleges, receive a huge vacation during summer for relaxation purposes. This vacation, they utilize in many ways, which is a form of excitement, happiness, and relaxation. They spend their time with their family, friends, and relatives.

Question 2. Which months are considered as the month of summer vacation?

Answer: Generally, the month of May is considered to be as the month of summer vacation.

Question 3. Describe What You Plan To Do During Your Next Vacation?

Answer: During the summer vacation, we can spend our time with our family and loved ones, going on trips with them, and involving in fun activities for relaxation and happiness.

Question 4. Which country provides the longest summer break?

Answer: Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, and Russia provide with three-month-long summer vacation.

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Planning A Holiday: A Foolproof Guide To Easy Vacation Planning (2024)

Last Updated on March 11, 2024 by Nicole

Some people absolutely love thinking, dreaming and planning a holiday. Other people are either overwhelmed by the thought or terrified by the amount of work that normally lies ahead of them. However, everyone wants to make sure that they are getting good value for their money, regardless of their budget. Nobody wants to take a trip and then, later learn that they paid double what someone else paid for the exact same experience; or had a better hotel for the same cost; or found better flights, buses or trains that would have saved you hours of travel. So, how do you do this? How do you plan a holiday, all the while keeping your sanity, maybe even enjoying the process, and also find the best possible experiences and deals?

In this article, I am going to lay out how I plan and book a trip. It is very detailed. Sometimes, going into that type of detail won’t be necessary, especially if you are going to an all inclusive resort, on a cruise, or other multi-day group tour where a lot of the details are already worked out for you.

However, if you are organizing and planning a vacation on your own, then you will see below what you need to think about, and what you need to book and when, so as to make your holiday vacation planning easy and manageable.

This post may contain affiliate links. That means that I may earn a small commission, at no extra cost to you, if you buy something through my site. This helps me run my website and produce the articles that I hope you find helpful.

holiday itinerary

Research Is Key To Great Vacation Planning

Unfortunately, bottom line, for the best vacation, you need to get on your computer and research.

Sometimes, it doesn’t take much – perhaps, you know you want to go to Mexico to an all inclusive in February. Accordingly, many variables are known and you can narrow your search to one set of flights, one resort, and one set of transfers to and from the airport.

Other times, planning a trip could be a huge task. One of my multi-day multi-destination holidays, like the one we took to Indonesia for example, could take days of planning over weeks or even months.

We went to 7 different destinations in Indonesia over 17 days, took 8 domestic flights, and stayed in 6 different sets of accommodation. We took tours, guided hikes, or had natural animal encounters almost everyday and saw and experienced sights that still leave me daydreaming.

However, either way, it doesn’t really matter. The steps in planning your holiday are the same.

All inclusive holidays tend to be overpriced and rarely a good deal. I discuss this in a separate article called All Inclusive Resorts: Why They Are A Rip Off!

Here is a link to my Indonesia itinerary if you are interested in seeing what our unbelievable trip looked like – A Mind Blowing 17 Day Indonesia Adventure Itinerary With Teens .

planning a holiday

Should You Use A Travel Agent When Planning A Holiday?

The short answer is “rarely”. Sometimes it is better to use a travel agent when planning a holiday. However, most times, it definitely is not. Here are a few arguments for both sides.

Reasons To Use A Travel Agent To Plan Your Trip

There is nothing wrong with using a travel agent in planning and booking your trip. In fact, there are a lot of good reasons for relying on them.

  • You are really busy and you do not feel that you can properly plan a holiday.
  • You are going somewhere that makes you a little uncomfortable. A travel agent may have been before or an expert in travel to that area so that they can make the right recommendations for you.
  • You are not fussy. You will be happy with any holiday itinerary and hotel choices. It might not be the perfect trip, but hopefully, it will be close enough.

holiday itinerary

Reasons Not To Use A Travel Agent When Booking Your Trip

However, most of the time, I think it is a mistake to exclusively use a travel agent to plan your holiday itinerary. Why?

A travel agent does not really “know” you .

Nobody knows you and your family like you. This might sound a little corny, but the reality is only you really know what you want, like, or hope to have. You might be able to communicate some of this to a travel agent, but I guarantee that you won’t be able to communicate every detail or nuance of who you are or what you want.

Accordingly, when you use a travel agent, you are always at risk for there being something that would have been better for you had you spent the time looking yourself.

Don’t kid yourself. Sometimes the difference between a good holiday and a GREAT holiday is found in the little details.

For example, you love the hotel, but wish your hotel room was on the ground floor with a patio so your kids could have easily gone out to play.

You are happy you went to Paris, but you wish you had more time to shop and less time touring churches.

You are happy you went to Bali, but wish that you had stayed in smaller boutique hotels off the beaten path rather than the large western-type hotels in the tourist areas.

As you can see, these small details could add up to make a huge impact on how you enjoy your vacation.

planning a holiday

A travel agent may not be always thinking of you when planning and booking your vacation.

A travel agent may not be interested in getting you exactly what you want.

Let me explain.

Most travel agents are paid a commission from hotels, airlines or tour operators after they book a client with them. Some hotels or tour operators pay more commission than others.

This does not necessarily cost you more. In certain circumstances, commissions are deducted from the total cost to you, not added. However, a travel agent may book you in a particular hotel or with a certain tour company that earns them more commission than another, even when another hotel or tour operator may have been better suited to you.

Of course, there are way more arguments for both sides. However, for me, these arguments are the most important and relevant.

holiday itinerary

How I Use A Travel Agent or Tour Operator When Planning A Trip

I never ever hand over my travel plans to a travel agent for the two reasons described above. However, I may collaborate with a travel agent or a tour operator.

I love adventure travel and travel to countries that are off the beaten path. Maybe they are perceived as a little dangerous or without the comforts of home. For me, I see those same countries as having a culture untouched by tourism and most likely, with natural beauty hardly explored by others.

The Challenges Of Travelling To Remote Locations With Trip Planning.

Interestingly, what inspires me to want to visit these countries also makes them more difficult destinations around which to plan a trip. Most likely, relevant information about important cultural sites or exciting adventure experiences are not fully set out online. Even if they are, it isn’t always easy to figure out logistics, like the safest or quickest way to to see or experience them.

Accordingly, I will try and find a LOCAL travel agent or travel operator who I can COLLABORATE with in creating my vacation itinerary. While I work with them, I continue to research as much as I can to keep me informed about whether the recommendation is something that is really a good idea for us, and more importantly, whether I am getting a reasonable price for booking with them.

holiday itinerary

Why I Do All My Holiday Planning

When I travel anywhere, I want it to be “perfect”. That means that I want to:

  • Decide on the number of days that I want stay in one place;
  • Choose my own accommodation;
  • Decide on what I want to do each day; and fundamentally
  • Determine how best to spend my hard earned money.

This is how I accomplish all that.

holiday itinerary

Questions That I Ask Myself When Planning

The following are the most important questions that I research and try to answer when I first start to plan a holiday.

  • What are the dates that I can or must travel?
  • Are there any government advisories warning travellers against travel to the country or in any region within the country? The Canadian government sets out its’ warnings at , but most western countries have their own.
  • What is the weather during my proposed dates? If I plan to travel around a country, what is the weather in different regions? Am I happy with these conditions?
  • Which international flights should I book? This topic is further broken down into two further questions:
  • What is the cost of the international flights? Flights are a significant cost for any trip. As early as possible, I start to track the cost of the  flight  to understand what might be a good price or a bad price. I buy as soon as I am satisfied that I am getting a good price. If flights remain expensive, I may choose another destination or try and adjust my travel dates.
  • What is the best flight? For long haul destinations, a direct flight might not be possible; or I may wish to try and have a stop over on my way to explore another destination without incurring the cost of another flight. These are issues to research here.

planning a holiday

Building your Travel Itinerary

After I research and answer those questions, I then start to get into more detail. Here are the next set of questions that I ask myself and research when planning my holiday.

  • How should I divide up my time? If I am planning on exploring a country, I ideally try and stay in one place for 3 nights before I move. Based upon the total number of days I have, how many locations could I visit?
  • Within the country, where do I want to go?
  • In each location, what accommodation interests me?
  • Within the country, how should I travel from location to location? What is the cost?
  • What should I do each day? I always outline a rough plan before I finalize anything. This is very important for a couple of reasons. It helps me determine whether I have allotted enough (or too much or too little) time in a location or whether I need to book tickets or a tour far in advance if it is popular.
  • Do I need a visa to enter the country? If so, do I have to apply before I arrive or can I purchase one on arrival? If I have to apply beforehand, do I have enough time to do this?
  • Do I need any special vaccines or medication for my trip?

holiday itinerary

Other Important Resources

If you are looking for more information on other considerations when planning a trip with kids, please check out these other articles:

  • How To Pick The Right Destination For Your Family Vacation ;
  • How To Choose The Right Accommodation For A Family Holiday ;
  • How To Plan Your Days For A Successful Family Holiday ;
  • 5 Unconventional Tips For Surviving Long Flights With Your Kids ; and
  • 7 Ways To Keep Kids Off Their Devices on Family Holidays .

Booking The Trip

Once I research and create a holiday plan, I then move to booking my holiday. What and when I book depends on importance and cost. The following is the order in which I book, the importance of each, and issues that I consider along the way.

The Two Most Important Parts Of A Holiday To Book First

The two most important items that I book as early as possible are international flights and accommodation. I try to do this a minimum of 6 months in advance or as soon as possible if the date of the trip is less than 6 months away.

Every item that you have researched and planned is in jeopardy if you can’t get to your destination for the price that you think is reasonable or can afford, or on the flight path that you would like.

For many trips, this could be the most expensive part of your vacation. I like to find the best deal early and get that expense out of the way.

For simple travel tips to save you money, please take a look at 10 Best Money Saving Travel Tips .


Having the “right” accommodation is super important. I don’t want to settle on a place because that is what is left. Rather, I want to choose a place because it is in an excellent location and has the amenities that are important to me.

Booking early usually means the rooms cost less. As hotel rooms fill up, the cost of rooms normally increases.

Related to this, if possible, I avoid advance payment on accommodation. I try to only book accommodation that I can cancel for two reasons:

  • If my plans change, I can cancel the room without penalty. Since I try to book accommodation early, it is possible that I might change my holiday itinerary or find something better.
  • If for some reason the cost of the hotel room decreases (which may happen if the hotel is trying to attract new bookings), I want to be able to modify my reservation and take advantage of the lower cost (or even cancel if I have found an equally good hotel for a better price). I regularly check the cost of the hotel leading up to my trip to see if the cost has decreased.

planning a holiday

When I am ready to book my accommodation, I turn to to help me search for the best accommodation for prices that I can afford.

What To Book After Flights And Accommodation

Transportation within the country.

If I need to book flights or a rental car, I also try to book these items early.

Domestic Flights

How early I book domestic flights depends on two factors:

1. How many daily flights are offered, the size of the planes, and the number of seats available.

2. How important that location is for my holiday.

If there is only one flight per week on a small plane and the destination is the main reason that I am going to the country, then I will likely book soon after I book my international flights.

However, if there are multiple flights on large planes at reasonable costs, and I am ambivalent as to whether I go to that location, I might wait until a couple months before I book.

Again, you do not want to wait too long as the cost of the flights will eventually go up as the planes fill up.

Planning a holiday

Rental Cars

The cost of rental cars is also a product of demand. If you book early, you will likely get a better rate than booking last minute. However, rates can decrease if there is less demand at the car rental agency than anticipated.

Accordingly, like hotel rooms, if your rental car reservation is cancellable, you can modify or cancel your reservation if you find a better deal later on. I like to book a rental car early and then, continue to check back on the cost leading up to my trip.

Private Car and Driver

Usually you are required to pay in advance for a private car and driver. Accordingly, I am cautious about booking this too early unless I am absolutely certain of my travel plans.

However, if my research shows that there is limited number of services offering this or there is a risk of the cost increasing if I wait too long (because the less expensive services will usually be booked first), then I will book this soon after I book my International flights, accommodation and domestic flights.

planning a holiday

Daily Activities

I like to have a loose plan for each day of our trip. Even if it is a “sleep in, hang by pool, and shop”, I like to take a look at the overall plan for the trip to see if we will be doing too much, too little, or too much of the same thing.

I also want to give us time to rest if we had a long travel day the day before, or a late night. Once I have international flights, accommodation and internal transportation settled for our holiday itinerary, then I start booking half or full day tours or purchasing tickets to shows, if this what we want to do.

When I book Tours or Tickets

When I book a tour or purchase a ticket varies depending on the circumstances. Most if not all, tours and activities require immediate payment without a refund. Accordingly, I may wait a month before I start to book or even a couple of weeks, it really depends on how important one particular experience is and whether I think that the tour or activity could sell out.

However, there might be something so important to me to see or do that I book right after I buy my international and domestic flights. However, that is unusual. Normally, daily tours and activities fall into two categories –

A. I really want to do “that”. So I book a month or more before we arrive; or

B. “I’d really love to do that, but if we can’t, I’d be happy to do something else”. So I may book that a couple of weeks to a couple of days before we arrive.

If it is high season, you need to be more alert. Some things could sell out months in advance.

holiday itinerary

Where I book Tours and Tickets

One of the first sources that I review when I am trying to determine what tours or activities we might want to do in each destination is  Get Your Guide . This site offers thousands of tours from all over the world. I normally book my group tours through them, but even if I ultimately decide to take a private tour with another tour operator, this site gives me an excellent overview of what each destination offers.

Everything Else Related To Booking A Trip

By the time I get to this part of planning my holiday, I know that most of the work is done. Now, it is about focusing on the really small details.

This part of creating your holiday itinerary is a lot more personal. Some people do not want everything sorted out or organized before they arrive. Other people want to figure everything out beforehand so very little of their holiday time is spent organizing anything.

I am a part of the second group. I want to organize as much as I can before I arrive at our holiday  destination  so I do not have to think or stress about the details while there.

This is likely borne from travelling with 4 kids and absolutely needing to be organized. I don’t really know. However, what I do know is that I like to get as many details of my trip itinerary planned and booked before leaving.

planning a holiday

Questions Left To Be Answered To Finalize Your Trip Planning

How do I get from the airport to my accommodation?

How should I travel once I am settled in my accommodation?

Where should I eat, have a drink, or people watch?

Where are the closest grocery stores if I plan to cook?

Am I interested in any nightlife?

Travel from airport to accommodation

If your research indicates that the best way to get from the airport to your accommodation is with Uber or Lyft, then you book once you arrive.

However, if you are a family of 6 and you want to book a private van and driver, then you should likely do that a couple of weeks to a month before you arrive. If you are relying on a rental car, then you should book as early as possible for the reasons stated earlier.

Travel within the location

The same goes for travel within the location. If you are relying on public transportation or ride sharing, then nothing more needs to be done. However, if you need to book something more formal, like a private driver and car, then I would do this at least a month in advance. If you are relying on a rental car, then you should book as early as possible for the reasons that I stated earlier.


If you are keen to try certain restaurants, then you may want to make a reservation a couple of weeks (or earlier if it is a popular restaurant) in advance of arriving.


If you want to see a show or something else that requires tickets, when you will need to book depends on the popularity of that show and how important it is for you to see it. Accordingly, that could mean as soon as you book your international flights, or only a few days before.

I know that planning a holiday may seem overwhelming but if you set aside some time, research and follow my steps, you can create your own “perfect” itinerary for you and your family.

Good luck and let me know how it goes!

If you would like to save this article for future use, please click on the photo below. 

After 45 years of travel to over 60 countries, I know a thing or two about planning and booking a trip so that I get exactly what I want for the price that I believe is reasonable. Find out how! #travel, #familytravel #traveltips, #planningaholiday, creating a holiday itinerary, holiday planning guide, holiday planning checklist, family travel tips, how to save time and money, mistakes to avoid, stress-free trip planning, perfect itinerary #gofargrowclose, easy vacation planning, foolproof guide

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Inspiring post

Reading this makes me realise how much planning I don’t do before booking a trip! You’ve given me some great tips, and plenty to think about before booking my next travels. I never use a travel agent but I’d think about trying it out.

Well by the looks of things, you do quite fine without doing a lot of planning. However, I like to have most things figured out before I travel. It makes me stress a little less.

These are some really important key points while planning a vacation. Research is really really important. Also, realising how important the vacation destination is depending on the flights and travel expenses. I also agree that you rarely need a travel agent, however you can collaborate with few.

Yes, unfortunately, in order to have a fantastic trip, you need to put in the time and do research. There really isn’t any other way to create that perfect itinerary.

A very handy guide to planning a vacation. Some very important points to. Because I travel so much and I am used to the flow of putting together an itinerary, when someone writes a post like this, you then realise just how much goes into planning a trip. Great that you are also offering a planning guide for download. Very handy for new travellers.

Very useful tips for travel planning. For me, the joy of an upcoming vacation starts the moment I start researching and planning for the trip. Planning our trips well does help make the most of the time and money during the vacation. I hadn’t known about Get Your Guide till I read your post – will check their site when we plan our next getaway.

I agree with you. I love the planning and research stage. It makes me dream and feel so excited about the future trip.

Sounds like your a seasoned travelled who has put a lot of thought into planning the perfect trip. You realise how much effort it takes to construct the perfect trip and how many steps are involved when you put it all together like this. Great tip to plan for your nightlife and book tickets in advance based on how popular the activity is likely to be.

Thank you Paul. For me, a lot of this is so second nature. But of course, for someone who has never done it before, it could be an overwhelming task. Hopefully this helps and inspires people!

Research indeed is the key but some instant travel plans are super fun. And finding the right travel agency is a little headache but i feel it is needed. especially when you wish to travel in a different country where you almost know nothing. Blogs do help but again sometimes the blogs that are on top are just there because of great SEO and doesnt actually give you important insights. But i did love your piece. Thanks for sharing

Those are all very very good points. Every now and then, I’d love to find the perfect travel plans without any effort and finding a good local travel agency in a country can be challenging. Your note about SEO is also good, however, I do think that if a blog remains at the top for a long time, it is also about quality and less about SEO. Thanks for taking the time and writing such a thoughtful comment.

Planning is really important if you want to make your holidays even better experience. You can enjoy your each and every moment without any tension and even you can feel more relaxed and comfortable. Great sharing!!

I completely agree. I like being this organized because then I just enjoy our holiday. Otherwise, I would be stressing about details on a day to day basis that would impact how relaxed I could feel.

“One of my wife’s and I’s favorite thing to do each year is to go to Western Europe either over President’s Day weekend or MLK Day weekend. It’s not a holiday over there. The weather is not as nice as it is in America, but everything is half price and you can walk straight in.”

That’s very smart! We always travel late March to Asia and same thing – there are practically no crowds, and there are lots of deals. The weather is usually quite nice too during that time.

What do you suggest for how far you should “book ahead” in terms of flights. For example, I know I’ll be in Italy and Greece the end of June- end of July. What is the timeline for booking trains, flights, and inter-country travels (including boats for greece)?

I would take a look at the routes that you would like to take and see what the cost would be right now. It is high season and you want to be prepared. If you are looking at flights, and there is only one airline a few times a week, then you might want to book that sooner rather than later. If there is more, you might be able to wait a couple months. However, trains, buses and ferries are different. For the Greek Islands in summer, there tends to be more options and more scheduled departures depending on where you are heading. I’d look at that too. If there is a lot, then you could likely wait until a couple months before leaving. However, again, if there is limited supply, I’d book sooner rather than later. As for cost, usually earlier booking for high demand products is better than waiting until the last minute. Have a great trip.

Picking a destination is immensely important, as it gives you a definite goal. It’s a lot easier to mentally get behind “I am going to Paris” than “I’m going to Europe” or “I’m going somewhere.” Not only will your trip become more concrete for you and easier to commit to, but it will make planning easier as well…because you know what to work towards.

That is a very good point. When I know where I am going, then I put all my energy into finding the best accommodation for us, and the most exciting tours and excursions. When it is vague, it is hard to really motivate myself to get organized.

Thanks for sharing this, I believe who so ever is planning a holiday need to keep in the above points in mind and with my experience in a tour with Malaysia. I will suggest you give a bit more time on choosing car rental services but in my case thanks to Goso Car Rental (Kuala Lumpur) .

Thank you. I think that you are right. If you are going to drive, you need to pay close attention to the terms and conditions of your car rental.

Great tips for travel planning. The happiest part of our vacation actually happens way before we ever step out in our destination. Planning our trips well does help us make the most of the time and money during the vacation.

I like how you mentioned that some people either feel overwhelmed at the thought of how much work they have to do planning vacation while others love and dream about the planning process. My wife and I are thinking of booking a room on a waterfront inn because we’re considering going on a honeymoon since we never went on one when we got married. It seems like a good idea for us to think about booking lodging at a reputable place so that we can enjoy our honeymoon as best as possible.

I love any place on the water, so it sounds lovely. Have a wonderful time.

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How I Spent My Summer Vacation Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on how i spent my summer vacation.

Summertime is the most awaited time of any student’s life . It gives them a break from the scorching sun and blazing heat. The summer months are quite hot, however, students love them because they bring a sense of calmness due to the vacations. It frees them from the monotonous and dull routine of school and studies.

How I Spent My Summer Vacation

Most importantly, summer vacations give us a chance to explore new things. We can adopt new hobbies like painting, dancing, singing and more during this time. Furthermore, it gives us a chance to visit our grandparents or to someplace abroad. Summer vacations bring all types of fun, however, these particular summer vacations were the most memorable for me. My parents made me join a summer camp which was too much fun and then we visited our grandparents’ place.

Summer Camp

As the first day of my summer vacations started, I started getting bored easily. Mostly so because all my friends had gone to someplace or the other. My parents noticed this and decided to send me to a summer camp. Our school itself was organizing one in which my parents got me enrolled.

At first, I thought it would be of no use and would be equally boring. However, to my surprise, I was wrong. The summer camp was one of the best experiences of my life. I got the chance to indulge in so many activities and in fact, it was the first time where I discovered my talent for painting.

We got up early in the morning at 7 o’clock, despite no school. We had trainers who would teach us different things each day. On the first day, I got to learn karate, which was very amusing and helpful. Further, I learned how to play sports like basketball , table tennis, and volleyball.

Finally, came my most awaited part. We were taught painting and unique tips to master this art. I learned it quickly and started enjoying painting. My passion for painting began from this summer camp , and I will forever be indebted to it.

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My Grandparents’ Place

After my summer camp ended, my whole family decided to visit my grandparent’s village . It is situated away from the city and is full of lush and greenery. I love spending time with my grandparents so I was very excited to visit their village.

We stayed there for over two weeks, and that throughout that time, I was at my best behavior. I used to get up at 7 o’clock in the morning to take a stroll with my grandfather. Then all the family members would get together to have breakfast full of healthy things and fresh fruits from the farm nearby.

In the evening, we would sit by our grandmother’s bed and listen to stories. Then, my siblings and I used to go to the terrace and play games. We would also gaze at their stars all night, as we did not get that in the city.

In short, this is how I spent my summer vacation. It was definitely one of the best times of my lives. I got to learn new things and spend valuable time with my grandparents. I feel blessed to have a loving family with whom I can enjoy my summer vacation.

Q.1 Why are summer vacations important?

A.1 Summer vacations are the most important and awaited time of a student’s life. It gives them a break from their monotonous routine. Furthermore, summer vacations protect students from the scorching heat and give them a chance to visit hilly stations.

Q.2 How can one utilize their summer vacation?

A.2 There a lot of ways to utilize a summer vacation. It can be done through indulging in many activities. One can join summer camps which teach new skills to students. One can also pay a visit to their grandparents or to some chilly place or abroad to enjoy it to the fullest.

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Essay on Holiday


Essay on Holiday for Students

‘Holiday’ is such a fascinating word that catches the fancy of each one, be it she or he, everybody finds it bliss to go for a holiday. We may be from any walk of life but we quite relate to this term ‘holiday’ equally. Professional people love holidays and children pray for the same. When it comes to holidays every grown-up and the working person acts like a child, desperate to relish the days of holidays. With the odds, if the holiday is cancelled, they will be sad and grumble as a child.  

Holidays are rightly known as pressure busters for the people. The normal routine of life requires a few days to relax. The holidays are always welcomed and awaited by all. Holidays give us immense peace and we cherish the memories of these well-spent days for the rest of our lives. Holidays help us in the following ways:

Mental Peace:  

We can derive mental harmony and mental calmness by staying at home and also by spending the holiday time with friends and family. 

Social Activities:  

The students in their holidays can also include the social activities that they do with their loved ones. 

Family Trip:  

We enjoy a family trip or a family excursion during these holidays.  

It is to be understood that gaining money is significant for livelihood, but relaxing the mind to make it function better is also as important. Hence, for the smooth working of life, a break is certainly required. 

Essay 1: Essay about Holiday with My Family

This time, in the winters, our small family planned for a holiday in the hills of Darjeeling. This was a much-needed break for the members of this family to remain quite busy in their daily scheduled life. They remain occupied in the strictly disciplined life of either work or study. My little sister and I study in grades 8 and 4, respectively, my father is a deputy manager in his reputed company, and my mother is a working lady and also a housewife. So, you can guess how our life will be in the strict realms of schedule. Thus, this time, my father and I decided on a short trip to the hills. 

We started our journey on the 1st of December, 2019. On the way, we played a variety of games. The view over the hills was quite pleasant to watch. When we were on the top of the summits, we looked down at our town, which seemed like a toy town; how small that was from the top! 

We clicked pretty snaps of the places, clicked pictures of us, of the local residents there, after which we went to a famous restaurant to eat our afternoon meal. We had the most delightful dumplings and noodles, which were cooked and served to us when still on steam. 

As dusk dawned on us, the jungles over the hills seemed to tell us another story of spirits and supernaturals. My sister and I were quite fantasized about this view. We preferred to keep our eyes shut till we reached our destination. It was half-past 8 when we reached the hotel where we would spend the night. The hotel staff was kind people who welcomed us with great warmth. We freshened up and went downstairs to watch their cultural program. The tribes danced to the music of one of their traditional songs, which was quite amazing for us to watch. After this, dinner was served. The dinner was quite rich and they served us in a sophisticated manner. After the tiring day, we decided to call it off and went to sleep.

The next day, we went hiking in the mountains. When we reached the peak of the mountains, it was a very delightful view. We decided to camp for the rest of the day there in the hills. The scenario and being on the lap of nature were quite peaceful and serene.   

After the trip, we came down to our town and normalized our lives. 

This trip had ushered a sense of great peace and calmness in my mind, which was to be instilled. The memories of the trip were to remain fresh in my mind like the fresh droplets on the leaves. 

Essay 2: Essay on Holiday 

Holidays have joyous feelings related to them. My favorite holiday is Christmas. I love this holiday because it comes in December, which is also my birth month. There are a lot of exciting things we do during Christmas. We start making preparations for Christmas early before the month starts. 

This year, my friends and I made snowmen with snow outside our houses. My dad put up all the lights in the interior and exterior of the house. It was looking really bright and pretty. My mom made a lot of food, cakes, and snacks, and ate with our family. My cousins from the US came over to spend time with us. 

Our whole group of family and friends ate and talked and laughed with each other, sitting cozily near the fireplace, with the Christmas tree towering over us. I had a lot of fun. It is one of my best experiences and I hope to feel it again. 

Essay on Importance of Holidays for Students 

Holidays are very important for students. The importance of the same can be listed as follows:

Students can join courses, like in extra activities like arts, crafts, pottery, candle making, and more. 

Students get to visit new places in the holidays. 

They can go out with their families and friends and can make abundant memories, which will leave an imprint on their life. 

Holidays give them time to relax with their close ones.

Students also get a lot of time to complete their homework and revise their syllabus.

How to Spend School Holidays Essay 

To spend the school holidays, students must include this list:

Educating self

De-stressing and relaxing 

Improving physical health 

Getting a new hobby

Visiting interesting and fun workshops

Learning skills, like martial arts

Being a part of a book club or a public library

My Best Holiday Experience Essay 

In writing about the ‘Best Holiday Experience’ Essay, I would say the best holiday I spent was on the sea beach; the sunny weather on the beach of goa was no less than a divine holiday. The best experience of this holiday came from sharing nature’s beauty and also staying at the best resort in Goa. 

The holiday is a day off or a few days off from the monotonous routine of the everyday schedule. Holidays are equally loved by students as well as by the working people. Holidays prove to be beneficial to us in many ways when they are spent with memories and good activities.


FAQs on Essay on Holiday

1. How important are Holidays for Working People?

 Vacation or holidays improves the blood pressure levels and also the mental health of the working people. Vacationing ensures that these people have a healthy body and also a happy heart. The working people crave to spend their days with their family and loved ones; what better can it be than going on vacations with them. Honestly, holidays keep working people from becoming monotonous robots who only work to get paid. The holidays help them feel recharged and relaxed, after which they are more receptive and active towards work.

2. What kind of Social Activities are to be done on a Holiday?

Social activities such as getting a new hobby, starting to read a new book, organizing a get-together party, playing games, talking about an interesting and informative topic, visiting a peaceful place, paying a visit to the parents or grandparents can make wonderful holidays.  

3. How would you Define a Holiday?

A holiday is such a day that is given a day off by a custom or by law on which all the normal activities, especially the business or work including the school cease to operate. Holidays are stress-busters, which act the same for all the people. 


Essay on Holidays For Students

Students are often asked to write an essay on Holidays For Students in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Holidays For Students

What are holidays.

Holidays are days when we don’t have to go to school. They are special days when we can relax and have fun. We get holidays during festivals, summer, and winter. These breaks give us time to enjoy without worrying about school work.

Importance of Holidays

Holidays are important for students. They help us to relax after many days of studying. We can spend time doing what we love. We can play, read, or learn new things. Holidays help us to be happy and fresh when school starts again.

Activities During Holidays

During holidays, we can do many things. We can spend time with family and friends. We can visit new places or learn new skills. We can also help our parents at home. Holidays are a great time to enjoy and learn.

Planning for Holidays

We should plan our holidays well. We can make a list of things we want to do. This will help us to use our time well. We can also set some time for studying. This will help us to keep up with our school work.

250 Words Essay on Holidays For Students

Holidays are days when you don’t have to go to school or do any homework. They are days of fun and relaxation. They give you a break from your daily routine and allow you to enjoy your time in your own way.

Types of Holidays for Students

There are different types of holidays for students. Some holidays are short, like weekends, when you get two days off. Then there are longer holidays, like summer or winter breaks, which can last for a few weeks or even a couple of months.

Why are Holidays Important?

Holidays are important because they give you time to rest and recharge. They allow you to spend time with your family and friends, and to pursue hobbies and interests that you may not have time for during school days. They also help you to learn new things outside of school, like cooking, painting or playing a musical instrument.

How to Make the Most of Holidays?

To make the most of your holidays, plan your time wisely. You can mix fun activities with learning ones. For example, you can read books, visit museums, or learn a new sport. You can also help your parents with household chores or volunteer for a local charity. This way, you not only enjoy your holidays, but also learn new skills and gain valuable experiences.

In conclusion, holidays are a special time for students. They provide a much-needed break from school and offer a chance to do things that you enjoy. So, make the most of your holidays and create beautiful memories that will last a lifetime.

500 Words Essay on Holidays For Students

Holidays are very important for students. They give us time to rest and recharge our brains after working hard at school. It’s just like when you run a lot and need to take a break to catch your breath. Our brains also need breaks to stay healthy and work well.

Without holidays, we might get too stressed or tired, and then we wouldn’t be able to learn as well. So, holidays help us to keep our minds fresh and ready to learn new things.

Fun Activities During Holidays

These activities are not just fun, but they also help us learn new things. For example, going to a museum can teach us about history or science, and exploring nature can teach us about plants and animals.

Spending Time with Family and Friends

Holidays are also a great time to spend with our family and friends. During school days, we might be too busy with homework and classes to spend a lot of time with them. But during holidays, we can have meals together, play games, or just talk and share stories.

To make the most of our holidays, it’s a good idea to make a plan. We can think about what we want to do, like which books we want to read or which places we want to visit. Then, we can make a schedule or a list to help us remember.

Planning can also help us balance our time between resting, having fun, and learning new things. It can make sure that we don’t spend too much time on just one thing, and that we get to do all the things we want to do.

In conclusion, holidays are a special time for students. They give us a break from school, let us do fun activities, spend time with our loved ones, and learn new things. With a little planning, we can make our holidays both fun and meaningful.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

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My plan for summer holidays, my plan for summer holidays :.

  • This summer holiday is going to be a special one for me
  • I am planning to meet my grandmother during this summer holiday
  • It’s been 2 years since I met her
  • I miss her and she is waiting for me with a special gift
  • I am very eager to spend my holiday with my grandmother

My Plan for Summer Holidays : (Short Essay)

Holidays are very exciting and it is quite normal that everyone is excited about summer holidays. This year, we have planned a long trip to Kodaikanal. Kodaikanal is a very nice place and one of the most beautiful hill stations in the world. Since it is already hot this year, I think our plan to Kodaikanal during the Summer Holidays is going to be an enjoyable one. We have planned to stay in a cottage and visit all the most famous tourist destinations in Kodaikanal. I hope the weather in Kodaikanal while we reach there is going to be favorable for us.

My Plan for Summer Holidays : (Brief Essay)

All these years, I have spent my summer holiday going out to trips. This year I have planned to make it a productive holiday time.

I am going to focus on 2 things during my summer holidays this year. One is yoga and another is my favorite hobby gardening. My father always used to tell me that Yoga is a great art; one who practices Yoga will be able to increase his/her concentration power. In order to improve my focus on studies, I have decided to go to Yoga Classes this year during holidays. The Local “Yoga for Youth” Organization conducts free sessions for school students every year, especially during summer holidays. I have enrolled my name for this program and 2 of my friends are joining me for the same.

The next thing that I am planning to do is gardening. Gardening has been an interest for me; but since I have dance classes every evening after school I couldn’t involve myself in gardening. So I have planned to design a garden myself and give all my time during Summer Holidays. Within a month or 2 I am sure that the garden will be all set so that I can spend little time to preserve all the plants and trees once the school reopens. I am looking for rare plants that are herbal in value and good for the environment. Once my garden works are done, I am planning to build a fence around.

Both these tasks have been my plan ever since last summer holidays were about to end without any big achievement. So no matter what, I have planned to prioritize these 2 things and be a better person when I move to the next class.

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Essay on My Plans for Summer Vacation

Every student loves summer vacation. I am sure that most of them have plans for the vacation in advance. How I spend my summer vacation is something that I have also planned in advance. The essays below narrate all my fascination with spending my summer vacation.

Short and Long Essay on My Plans for Summer Vacation in English

Essay on My Plans for Summer Vacation for students of class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and class 12 in English in 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 500 words. Also find short My Plans for Summer Vacation essay 10 lines.

My Plans for Summer Vacation Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) I started planning for summer vacation at the beginning of the new session.

2) This vacation, we will go to Goa.

3) I always wanted to visit the capital of India.

4) There I will meet my aunt and cousins.

5) I’m very excited to visit the famous places in Delhi.

6) I have planned to travel in metros as I have never traveled in them before.

7) I’m eagerly waiting to see Red Fort with my cousins.

8) Qutub Minar and Jama Masjid are the other destinations in my list.

9) My father has promised to take me to the National Zoological Park.

10) I have also decided to shop many things there.

Essay 1 (250 Words) – This Summer I decided to Learn Dance


I have been waiting for the summer vacation to begin ever since the new session started. I have plans to learn a particular skill of my choice, this vacation. Skill improvement is something that will help me in my future and also improve my personality.

Learning Dance

I love dancing. I also love to watch dance performances, either by professional or an immature dancer. I don’t lose an opportunity to dance; though I lack professionalism and my dance is immature. Therefore, I have decided to join a dance class during my vacation. I will join a class that has a good dance instructor and offers a convenient time.

Dance unwinds and refreshes your mind and it is also a skill that you will never forget. Once you have learned to turn your emotions into steps, you would never be depressed and unhappy; at least that is what I feel.

Learning Musical Instrument

My other infatuation after the dance is music. I have decided that I will learn a musical instrument too this summer vacation. I have still to choose between the guitar and keyboard, but I think I will go with the guitar. The sound of a guitar is enthralling and distressing if played professionally. I will learn guitar and consequently improve my skills thereon.

In my opinion, the time of summer vacation must not be wasted. One should always utilize the time for learning new things and improving skills. Skills thus learned will be there with you for the lifetime.

Essay 2 (400 Words) – This Summer I Would be Visiting my Grandparents

I have been longing for summer vacation to start. Once the exams get over and I am free from academic obligations, for a few months at least; I have already planned how I will spend my vacations. I am really excited about it and more than glad to share my plans with you.

Visiting my Grandparents

The first thing on the list in this summer vacation is visiting my grandparents. My grandparents stay in my ancestral village, where my grandfather looks after the cultivation and selling of the products. On a personal note, I am very close to my grandparents and long for their company and advice.

This vacation, on day one, I will start for my ancestral village to spend a couple of weeks with my grandparents. I had been able to visit them only during the summer vacations before and never get bored with the idea to visit again.

There is something fascinating about a village stay, that too in the company of lovely grandparents, showering you with love. The weather, the food, everything seems to improve in comparison to a city.

Meeting Old Friends

Another thing that I am excited about this summer vacation is that I would be meeting some old friends in my native village. I have plans for reviving a friendship that has been developed over years of companionship. Moreover, my friends in the village are very truthful and loyal. I will meet them, spend time with them, visit the fields, go to their home and meet their parents and whatnot.

Playing Traditional Games

Another plan that I have for this summer vacation is to play traditional village games with my village friends. Outdoor village games are more fun than pale or rather costly board games. Games like kho-kho, gilli-danda, and hide and seek have been entertaining the village children of India for centuries. I am more than excited to play these games with my friends in the village. I almost loose sense of time and could play these simple traditional games for hours. They not only make you happier but are also good for health.

My plan for this summer vacation is centered on my ancestral village, my grandparents and my village friends. I have decided that I would be spending the vacation reviving bonds of love, relationship, and friendship in my village. There is no other way to spend the summer vacation that will have me happy and more content in the end.

Essay on My Plans for Summer Vacation

Essay 3 (600 Words) – Visiting a Wildlife Reserve is My Aim This Summer

Summer vacations are the most awaited time of the year in a student’s life. After a long and laborious year, we get a couple of months of free time, when we can do whatever we want. The essay below discusses my plans for summer vacation and how I long to achieve those.

Visiting a Wildlife Reserve

As a kid, I have always been fascinated by animals and not to mention the forests. There is something so elusive about a forest that has always caught my attention. Whether it is the silence or the sound of jungle lore, I have always found that the forest enthralls me to massive proportions.

Therefore, I have decided that this summer vacation, I will visit a wildlife reserve in India. There are hundreds of wildlife reserves in India and I will discuss the options with my parents. I think we will choose a reserve that is well connected with rail and road transport. Distance doesn’t actually matter, as I love journeys.

I have so many plans in mind, once we reach the reserve. Firstly, we will choose a cottage in a resort that gives us a full view of the forest around. Sitting comfortably on a porch and staring at the open forest is a feeling that can’t be expressed in words. Next, I have plans to go on a jungle safari with my parents and click pictures of the animals we encounter. This is something that I have been longing for years.

Learning En Route the Train Journey

I love train journeys. The reasons are many; however, I will try to list the important ones. For me journey on a train is more than a journey – it is an exploration, an expedition of the kid which teaches you as well as surprises you. The longer the journey is, the more you get to learn. Let me explain – Our country is immensely diverse in terms of culture, religion, clothing habits, irrigation, etc. It is said that in India, water changes every 2 miles and on every 8 miles, the language changes as well.

Therefore, for me, train journeys are an opportunity to learn about new places, people and their life. Train passes through different villages giving you an insight into how people live, how their houses look, what they wear and what crops they cultivate in summer. There is always so much to learn, even on a train journey, if you only have the zeal and enthusiasm. I have decided that this summer vacation I will transform my train journey into a learning expedition.

Savouring Delicacies

I also love food; we all do it! It is also an important part of my summer vacation plans. Wherever I go, whether on a train or in the resort, I have decided to try something different that’s offered on the platter. I love to savor delicacies that are local to a place and reflect its food culture.

I have also planned to try new snacks on the train journey. I don’t know how many of you know that the train’s pantry serves the food that is exquisite to the destination. For example, if you are traveling to southern India, you would be served idli and dosa. Let’s see what luck holds for me this summer vacation.

Summer vacation is a long time that is my own. I have the liberty of spending it, the way I want. I have planned to spend it, in a way to make myself closer to nature, observe its beauty in landscapes and creatures. I have also decided that I will learn a new thing at every opportunity that arises.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Ans . Summer vacations are the holidays provided to students by schools and colleges for students to relax and enjoy.

Ans . Students plan to go on trips with their families or friends during the summer vacations.

Ans . Many of us plan to visit hill stations during summer vacation to get relief from the scorching heat of summer.

Ans . Summer vacations provide us a break from a monotonous schedule of studies and that refreshes our minds.

Ans . The best part of summer vacations is that we can spend a lot of time with our family and grandparents.

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