February 4, 2024

How I got fully-funded Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship to study at the University of Toronto

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Arnencha from Thailand 🇹🇭

Campus Image of University of Toronto

My Background

Why i wanted to go abroad, why i chose canada, why university of toronto, application process, essays and recommendations, my stats and extracurriculars, how to stand out in your application, scholarship acceptance rate, scholarship benefits, academics at uoft, choice of campus, final piece of advice, to stay in touch.

Hi! I’m Arnencha and I’m from Bangkok, Thailand! I come from a high school that is located right in the center of Bangkok and follows a conventional Thai curriculum. My school is considered the best high school in the Thai system, it's the place where students who aim for Thai universities go. The students there are the smartest kids in Thailand, but not because they attend classes; almost everyone takes tutoring and extra classes outside of school time and that’s where people spend the most time. I was in the science and mathematics cohort. Everyone in my class took the central entrance exam and got into the top medicine/dental/engineering school. And here I am in Business Management! There’s actually a name we use to call students like me in our school, it’s ‘wit-ka-bot’ which means ‘rebel science’!

A very real and personal reason for wanting to study abroad is that I'm actually not good at writing Thai. I struggle with writing using a pen or pencil in Thai, and even though I can retype, I generally prefer English for these kinds of tasks. A less specific reason is that I feel more aligned with the international community. This is because I've travelled a lot and have been in various environments. For instance, I lived in Australia for a month when I was very young, went on an exchange year in France, and spent a week exploring a university town in Germany alone. I've had a lot of experiences like this and feel a stronger connection with the more individualistic and Western world. I also believe there's so much more potential for my growth studying abroad.

I speak three languages, and though France was an option for me, I'm not yet comfortable enough with French to study there. So, I decided to look for an English-speaking country or something similar. I'm not the biggest fan of the US, the UK, or Australia for various reasons, leaving Canada as an appealing choice. Also, many of my friends are heading to the US or UK, and I wanted to do something different, to step into the unfamiliar and diversify my experiences.

There's also this notion that in the US and UK, it's hard to get into universities but easy to graduate, whereas in Canada, it's easier to get admitted but harder to graduate. This aspect I love, as being constantly challenged is what makes it fun and rewarding for me.

lester b pearson scholarship essay

I remember I didn't know much about post-high school education at all, I didn’t feel like doing intensive research on the overwhelming number of options either. So, when I decided to go to Canada, I thought, why not just aim for the top one, which is U of T? I also mistakenly thought Toronto was Canada's capital for a while, so it felt like a good idea overall. Another big reason for choosing U of T was the availability of a scholarship. I wouldn't have been able to study abroad without financial assistance, and my school was nominating students for scholarships at U of T and UBC. I had to choose between the two because the school wouldn't nominate the same person for both. I’m the kind of person who thinks you should either go big or go home, so I aimed for the more risky, more rewarding option.


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The special thing about the Lester B. Pearson scholarship is that to be eligible, you must first be nominated by your high school . Each school can nominate only one student, who then becomes the sole applicant for the scholarship from that school. After being nominated, you receive an email instructing you to apply through the OUAC portal, which is the central application system for Canadian universities, similar to the Common App or UCAS. You go through the standard application process first, and after registering in the OUAC portal and submitting your university application, you receive the scholarship application. You have about a month to complete it, with the essays totalling around 1800 words combined. Typically, the university application deadline is mid-December, and the scholarship application is due by mid-January. After submitting everything, you wait for about four months. The results are announced around mid-April, and that's it.

I’ve talked more in-depth on details and advice on the application process here!

The application for the Lester B. Pearson scholarship only required a nomination letter, no actual recommendation letters from others. For the applicant, there's a central essay of about 800 words, which is the main storytelling part where you discuss a significant aspect of your life.

I won't give away the specific question, but it's focused on what you've accomplished, your contributions, and how these experiences have shaped you.

The second largest essay is quite unique – you essentially write a self-recommendation letter following specific guidelines. This raises questions like how much to praise oneself, whether to remain modest and what highlights to include. Additionally, there are shorter essays, around 100 words each, answering brief questions. The real challenge is in striking the right balance in this self-recommendation – not too modest, not too boastful, but just right. It's a tricky but interesting part of the process.

When I applied, my GPA was 3.89/4. However, I don't believe the scholarship placed much emphasis on GPA. My SAT score was 1500, achieved in a single attempt. As for language proficiency, my IELTS score was 8.5 and my TOEFL was 115.

My extracurricular activities fall into three main topics. Firstly, debate. I've been involved in debating since I was 12 and am now 20. My journey in debate has evolved from being a national debater and winning competitions to coaching school teams and becoming a national tournament adjudicator. Like debate, you’ll notice a pattern in all my journeys that I progress from being a competitor/participant to being on the other side, organizing, working on providing the same opportunity to others, and giving back to the community.

My second area is case competition. I went through a phase of intense competing in 11th grade, which I wouldn't recommend as it was quite exhausting. After some successes, I shifted from competing to organizing competitions, eventually becoming the president of a national-level history competition and founding my own.

Lastly, there's AIESEC, an international youth organization working on international exchanges. I joined AIESEC in Thailand back in 2021. This involvement led me to organize case competitions and work on various social projects, sadly I didn’t get to work on exchanges due to COVID-19. I'm now a part of AIESEC in Canada and Toronto, maintaining the connection and community from Thailand to Canada, and hoping to continue to contribute back to the community and join Thailand and Canada’s national team in the future.

I have my high school portfolio shared to the public which you can access here! It has all the information on what I’ve worked on and what I learned from them! I didn’t use this in my scholarship application but it sums up my content pretty well!

High School Portfolio

lester b pearson scholarship essay

Often, when I mention my scholarship, people assume I must have excellent grades, but I believe not much attention was given to transcripts. What they're really interested in is the extent of your contributions and the significance of the impact you’ve made as an individual. I receive messages from people detailing their achievements, like competing in various events, winning awards, or excelling in academic Olympiads. While these accomplishments demonstrate performance, they don’t necessarily reflect a contribution to meaningful change or impactful initiative tendencies.

The scholarship, as its name suggests, seeks individuals who have genuinely made a difference – those whose presence has brought about change or created something valuable in their community or school. It’s about the scale of impact you’ve had. That's why I always advise people to focus on and emphasize the impact they’ve initiated and created. Someone talking about a passion project they started that went on to help others definitely shines in a pool of academically strong and solely competitive applicants.

The Lester B. Pearson scholarship is extremely competitive, considering that high schools from all over the world can nominate one applicant each. I think in 2019, the acceptance rate was about 1.68%. This is a global scholarship, attracting applicants from numerous countries, but they only accept 37 people per year. From what I've observed and the increasing number of inquiries I receive about the scholarship, it seems the number of applicants will continue to grow significantly.

Want to get a full scholarship to your dream university? Maximize your chances with Admissions Guidance

The Lester B. Pearson scholarship covers four years of tuition for undergraduate studies and residence during study terms. I mention study terms because I’m doing a co-op program, which includes work terms. During these work terms, I’m expected to cover my residence costs, but the earnings from the co-op are sufficient for that. Additionally, for those staying on campus, meal plans are included. At UTSC, for instance, we have an all-you-can-eat meal plan, which is pretty great.

The scholarship also covers books and incidental fees. You receive 1,000 dollars per term for books and other necessary expenses like lab coats and equipment. However, it doesn't cover plane tickets or visa fees.

In terms of living expenses, the scholarship pretty much covers the basics – rent and food. For instance, in Scarborough, where I am, we don't need to commute from residence to school. In St. George, some buildings are far apart, but I know friends who choose to walk since it's a small city. So, you can save on commuting costs. If you're just looking to survive, you don’t need extra money, except for plane tickets if you plan to travel back and forth.

lester b pearson scholarship essay

I'm studying for a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) at U of T Scarborough, hoping to specialize in management and IT or do a minor in statistics. The difficulty level, I would say, is that business studies are generally manageable compared to other programs. On top of that, compared to the academic rigour in Asia, I find the coursework here a bit less challenging. For instance, the calculus course I took last term was relatively easy compared to what I had learned back in Asia. We probably bring a more advanced foundation from our high schools in Asia than domestic students do.

The challenge for Asian students might lie more in adapting to a new educational style that emphasizes engagement, participation points, essays, and more interactive exams, as opposed to the multiple-choice focus common in some Asian schools. However, I've really enjoyed my first term. The professors are supportive, especially when you show interest in specific topics. There are also many clubs and organizations that provide great support for career and academic advancement.

When selecting a campus at the University of Toronto for the scholarship, it really depends on your academic interests and preferred environment. Each campus offers different programs and has its own unique atmosphere. My campus, UTSC, doesn't offer engineering, while others lack co-op programs. The campuses are also geographically distant from each other, almost two hours apart.

Your choice should align with what you want to study and the type of community you wish to be part of. I've grown to love UTSC for its close-knit community vibe. Unlike St. George, which is bustling and in the heart of downtown, UTSC offers a more peaceful environment, conducive to studying and saving money.

lester b pearson scholarship essay

When I applied, I didn't fully understand co-ops, but now I find them incredibly valuable. Essentially, co-ops are like mandatory internships but with added support. Students in co-op programs need to complete three work terms in addition to their eight study terms. They can arrange these terms flexibly, often studying for a full year without a summer break, followed by a co-op term, and then alternating between study and work terms. Unlike some internships, these co-op jobs are always paid. The minimum payment for co-op positions ensures that students can afford their living expenses.

In addition to job placements, there are networking events and a specialized co-op class that prepares students for the job market. Graduates from co-op programs often start with higher salaries due to their extensive hands-on experience.

To stay in the co-op program, students must maintain a GPA of 2.5 or higher. Co-op positions are competitive, similar to the job market, but there's flexibility in where you can work, including opportunities abroad or in your home country.

My key piece of advice, which might sound a bit pretentious, is not to force things, especially for applications. Cramming in more activities when application time comes is not effective. Don't push yourself to be someone you're not. It's not about refraining from striving to be an exceptional candidate, but more about pursuing activities that genuinely interest you. This approach is not only more enjoyable but also reflects who you truly are.

My own journey was never focused solely on getting into top universities. I only decided which university to apply to a couple of months before the application deadline. My goal was to use my free time to add value to myself, exploring what I liked and disliked throughout high school. This made my application authentic and focused on self-growth rather than just securing a university spot.

Avoid falling into the trap of doing things just to check boxes, like joining every possible club or volunteering without genuine interest. Admissions committees can see through that. Be true to your interests and desires. Also, don't shy away from taking risks. While my high school portfolio showcases many successful projects, there were also numerous unsuccessful attempts. Embrace these experiences as learning opportunities. Remember, sometimes when you fail, that's when you learn the most important lessons!

lester b pearson scholarship essay

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/arnencha/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/arnencha/

Linktree: https://linktr.ee/arnencha

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Duration of Study

Jun 2023 — Dec 2028

Business Administration (BBA)

University of Toronto

University of Toronto

Toronto, canada 🇨🇦.

7 months ago

I will be grateful if i am selected as one the international scholarship student in the university of Toronto which is my dream.


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Lester B. Pearson Scholarship

The Lester B. Pearson International Scholarships at the University of Toronto provide an unparalleled opportunity for outstanding international students to study at one of the world’s best universities in one of the world’s most multicultural cities.

Awarded annually, this is U of T’s most prestigious and competitive scholarship for international students from around the world, including international students studying at Canadian high schools. The scholarship program is intended to recognize students who demonstrate exceptional academic achievement and creativity, and who are recognized as leaders within their school, emphasizing their future potential to contribute positively to the global community.

The Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship applications are managed by Enrollment Services and all questions should be directed to [email protected] . For details of how to apply to this scholarship, please visit: future.utoronto.ca/pearson/about/

  • Program Description
  • Scholars and Alumni
  • Event Highlights

The Program

The Pearson Program Office housed within the Centre for International Experience (CIE) offers different enrichment and support programs for Pearson Scholars currently studying at U of T.  

lester b pearson scholarship essay

Pearson Welcome Events

In September every year, a series of events are organized to welcome incoming Year 1 Pearson Scholars to U of T.

These events include:

  • a Pearson Orientation,
  • a team building activity, as well as
  • a Pearson Welcome Reception attended by the U of T President.

lester b pearson scholarship essay

One-on-One Check-in Meetings

The Pearson Program Office advises all Pearson Scholars at U of T throughout their enrolment. Each Pearson Scholar is also assigned to an advisor on their campus of study for their four years at U of T.

The Pearson Advisors conduct one-on-one check-in meetings with all Pearson Scholars each semester to support their plans at U of T and to help them navigate different resources on campus.

lester b pearson scholarship essay

Pearson Peer Mentorship Program

Year 1 Pearson Scholars are assigned upper-year Pearson Scholars as their mentors.  

Peer Mentors meet regularly with their Peer Mentees during the scholars’ first year at U of T and share their own experiences of the first year transition with their Mentees.

lester b pearson scholarship essay

Pearson Faculty Mentorship Program

In their second year of study at U of T, each Pearson Scholar is matched with a U of T Faculty Mentor.  

Faculty Mentors are able to advise Pearson Scholars on their academic plan as well as other opportunities on and off campus.

lester b pearson scholarship essay

Pearson Enrichment Activities

The Pearson Program Office organizes Enrichment Activities on different themes such as Leadership, Career Exploration, Alumni Networking, Graduate School Applications, Entrepreneurship etc. to support the development of the Pearson Scholars. 

The Pearson Social Committee, consisting of 9 Pearson Scholars, also plan monthly social events for the Pearson Community.

lester b pearson scholarship essay

Pearson Leadership and Enrichment Certificate

The Pearson Leadership and Enrichment Certificate Program is created to record all extracurricular activities that each Pearson Scholar has participated in during their four years at U of T.   

Pearson Scholars who have completed all requirements of the program will be awarded the Enrichment Certificate at the end of their four years at U of T.

Previous and Current Pearson Scholars

The profiles of the Pearson Scholars studying at the University of Toronto can be found here: 

2017 Pearson Scholars

2018 Pearson Scholars

2019 Pearson Scholars

2020 Pearson Scholars

2021 Pearson Scholars

2022 Pearson Scholars

2023 Pearson Scholars

2024 Pearson Schola rs

Scholar Stories

Niharika Burugapalli


2020 Pearson Scholar

UTSG campus

Niharika came up with the idea of teaching guided painting sessions to deepen the impact she could make by just spreading her passion for visual art. By teaching art to seniors who may not have painted since their school days, she hopes to demonstrate that it’s never too late to learn something new, challenging ageism and combating society’s negative perception of the elderly. Seeing the healing and joy that she was able to spread in nursing homes and hospitals by simply sharing her love for art, Niharika realized that this was a very novel and fulfilling approach to volunteering that she strongly felt other students should experience. She believes that anyone can positively impact the community around them by integrating their personal talents and hobbies into helping others.  

This is the link for the TEDx talk .

lester b pearson scholarship essay


2021 Pearson Scholar

Unfolding Impact: AJ’s Summer from Cape Town to Barcelona

After a riveting experience as a research assistant and an enlightening internship at RBC, AJ’s quest for global impact unfurled. He started his summer in the dynamic townships of Cape Town under the Rotman summer abroad program. Collaborating with micro-entrepreneur Mama Glenrose, he delved into bookkeeping strategies, supplier negotiations, card machine configurations, and branding refinements for a chicken burger takeout business. Transitioning to the Laidlaw Scholars Program, AJ embarked on a journey to Barcelona, Spain, partnering with APSOCECAT and FESCOE—organizations dedicated to the deafblindness community—to fortify their initiatives through creative technologies. Guided by Dr. Kristen Duke and funded by the Laidlaw Foundation, AJ produced a research paper exploring the intricate links between environmental corporate social responsibility initiatives and consumer behavior. Throughout the process, AJ embraced newfound humility, gratitude, and a harmonious symphony of diverse experiences, recognizing that seeking true impact often eludes mere metrics.

lester b pearson scholarship essay


2022 Pearson Scholar

Venezuelan Diaspora Explained – DTS200 Final Project 2023

Sarah Oberto is a 2022 Pearson Scholar specializing in Finance and Economics with a minor in Diaspora and Transnational Studies. Her experience as a Venezuelan immigrant sparked her desire to learn more about diasporic populations and the various reasons people are forced to leave their homeland and families behind in search of a more prosperous future for themselves and their loved ones. As an immigrant herself, Sarah has had first-hand experience fleeing her home country as a result of the political, social, and economic turmoil in Venezuela. After several years living abroad she came to the realization that many people don’t understand the situation her country has been going through for so many years, and she wanted to find a way to spread awareness of it. In her final project for DTS200 she decided to create a video that captures the essence of the Venezuelan Diaspora and its cause.

Watch Sarah’s final project here

lester b pearson scholarship essay

Maansi Suri

Maansi is one of the 20 student winners of this year’s Cansbridge Fellowship, which provides its fellows with a holistic experience, consisting of 3 parts: a one-week bootcamp in Silicon Valley (British Columbia this year), a $10,000 stipend to pursue an internship in Asia, and a life-long network of Cansbridge fellows.

lester b pearson scholarship essay


UTSC campus

On receiving the 2023-2024 Budding Scholars Award

Mehakpreet is very grateful to have been selected as a recipient of the Budding Scholar Award at UofT Scarborough. The Budding Scholars is a competitive program that offers mentorship and research opportunities for promising students who aspire to become professionals in the field of psychology and neuroscience. The program’s commitment to fostering a dynamic community of aspiring professionals is truly inspiring, and she is excited to embark on this transformative experience. This award represents more than just an accolade; it symbolizes the beginning of an exciting chapter in Mehakpreet’s pursuit of knowledge and innovation. Mehakpreet is thankful for the chance to engage with esteemed scholars, connect with fellow students, and delve into mentored research projects that will shape her path as a budding scientist. With heartfelt gratitude, she looks forward to embracing the challenges that this program heralds, as she strives to contribute meaningfully to the scientific realm and beyond.

See Mehakpreet’s award here

SCholar Testimonials

More than the financial benefits, I am ever so grateful for the network of support system that has been established for me through the Pearson program. This has made my journey in Fall semester and transition to Canada ever so smooth. I look forward to receiving a similar level of support throughout the Winter semester and beyond. Ahnaf Rahman (2021 Pearson Scholar)
The Pearson International Scholarship has not only given me opportunity, but a sense of purpose. I have been able to access higher education in a truly unique way, within a community that has supported me in cultivating feelings of both belonging and passion. I found fulfilment in my academic pursuits while also feeling truly cared for and valued as an individual within the program. I ultimately have been able to occupy space on a deeply metaphoric level that fills me with a lust for life and has garnered the energy necessary for me to move forward – academically, professionally, and personally. Kengu Latoya Black (2018 Scholar)
From exciting networking and social events to personal meetings with professor-advisor in my field, from mentorship opportunities to supporting conversations with program coordinators, I benefited a lot from being part of Pearson Scholars community.  I believe I could fully realize myself academically with the immense support from Pearson Scholarship, which took away all the worries in terms of finding a place to live and cooking, providing me with a comfortable residence space which became my second home for four years and which significantly enhanced my student life experience. I always felt cared for through bi-annual meetings with Tara, Flo and Shraddha. Ksenia Meteleva, 2017 Scholar
The Pearson scholarship program has dramatically changed my life for the better, opening up a myriad of opportunities; Be it paving a way for me to study at a University I dreamt of for many years, or to cultivate friendships that will last a lifetime, or the vivid experiences and hands-on knowledge gained over the years. For all this and more, I will be forever grateful, seeking to give back to the community and those around me in a meaningful way, that I may, now and always, live up to the name, expectations and motto of such a life-changing scholarship. Emilia Solomon, 2017 Scholar
The Pearson Scholarship provided me with the unique opportunity to grow and flourish at UofT. I was introduced to scholars from all over the world whose worldviews I had never encountered before. The program created a support network made of scholars and staff who took care of my wellbeing throughout my journey in university. I was given the flexibility to choose my own academic path and encouraged to excel in accordance with my own needs. Leonardo Pinna Cosenza, 2017 Scholar
The Pearson Scholarship really changed my university experience for me. It’s often tough to navigate through new courses and an unfamiliar environment, but the support I received from my advisors was incredible. At every step of the way, I was encouraged to step out of my comfort zone and find new avenues for self-development. Whenever I needed help, someone was there to guide me in every way I needed. There’s also lots of fun events to get to meet new people and socialise! Maheen Khan, 2017 Scholar

Upcoming event: Annual Pearson Conference 2023

Sign up here .


U of T honours the second cohort of Lester B. Pearson International Scholars to complete their studies.

The second cohort of Lester B. Pearson International Scholars to graduate from the University of Toronto was celebrated at a June 14 reception at the Faculty Club. Pearson Scholars hold the University’s most prestigious and competitive international scholarships, awarded each year to outstanding students from around the world.

To read about the event, please click here .

Welcoming the 2021 Lester B. Pearson Scholars to the University (Fall 2021)

The Pearson Program Office recently held a recent virtual reception that welcomed the 36 scholarship recipients to the university.

U of T President Meric Gertler said the event has become a highlight since the “Pearson scholars embody so clearly the distinctive strengths and values” of the university.

The scholarships are considered U of T’s most prestigious and competitive scholarship for international students – awarded to those who demonstrate exceptional academic achievement and who are recognized as leaders within their high school. This year’s recipients were chosen from a total of 1,761 applicants.

Celebrating the First ANnual Pearson Conference (Fall 2021)

lester b pearson scholarship essay

Uoft's lester b pearson scholarship

Is anyone applying for the scholarship yet?

I am, but I’m still trying to figure out what I’m going to write my essay about!

Hi, I am also currently writing my essays. I was wondering if you wanted to chat. Might be nice to have someone to talk to throughout the process!

Hey guys, I just submitted my scholarship application. Even though maybe we won’t get the scholarship, we have worked really hard and at least tried it . Good luck !


i sent mine too on 15th like after 42326572 hours of work

i hope it works out thankfully i finished in time phewww

ive applied for ethics law and society in UTSG wbyall???

I sent my essays in mid of Dec and I’ve applied for Computer Science at UTSG. Where have y’all applied for living?

ahh I’m so nervous to find out in a week or two. when people receive a notification can they let people on here know? thank you!!

you got your admission decision?

A couple of months ago, I sent an email to Lester B Pearson Scholarship office about the time that the decisions will come out, and they stated that they will announce all decisions by early to mid-April. However, according to last year’s thread, they started to notify recipients around this time ( Late March) until the first or maybe the second week of April. After that, they sent rejections.

How were the decisions for admission sent? Mine still says application under review, so I guess I’m rejected…?

Normally, all international students are supposed to respond to their offer by May 1. I thought there wasn’t an April round, but for UofT to notify you with their decision it seems like there should be. Maybe you can email them?

Yeah, that’s what I’ve done. Let’s see what they respond.

Hey @delocalisedpi , it could just be that due to the current global scenario concerning the coronavirus, the admission office at the UofT could , in all probablility, be facing a huge struggle. Keep your spirits up. There’s still hope.

Hey, did your teachers write a letter of recommendation? I read it in one of the reddit posts, but I didn’t know that there was something like that! Do you guys know anything about it?

I got my decision yesterday it seems.On my Ouac page it shows that I got an alternate offer for engineering science and track one but in my UofT portal it’s says your admission decision is pending. So I think it means that I was accepted. Now I wait for the Lester B Pearson news. Has anyone received a scholarship offer ?

Lester B Pearson scholarship recipients can not tell that they got the scholarship until UofT send all the emails to the applicants. According to former recipients, UofT asks for confidentiality.

Whoever gets it, please notify us here

I applied too! where are you all from?

Mine didn’t! I think you just get nominated by your school and then you write your own application, no letter of recommendation required! Maybe they meant the letter of self-reference?

Zohair Ansari

How To Get Full Scholarship at University of Toronto as an International Student

lester b pearson scholarship at university of toronto

Today, I’ll be sharing with you everything you need to know to get a 100% scholarship at University of Toronto for your undergraduate studies. Not only this, I’ll be telling you the exact steps you need to take to apply and become a recipient of this scholarship.

Are you ready? okay, let’s get started.

Firstly, I want to warn you that if are a Canadian student, I’m sorry, but this post is not for you as I’ll be covering the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship Program which only International students can apply for, but don’t worry University of Toronto has a slightly better scholarship program for Canadian Students and with a similar application process to Lester B. Pearson scholarship called the National Scholarship Program which fully funds the studies of fifteen Canadian students to U of T every year. You can find out more about it’s application, eligibility criteria, and deadlines on U of T’s National Scholarship Page .

Ok, my international friends, let’s talk about the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship. But before that, if you are like me, who prefers watching videos over reading posts 😅, you can watch my video on the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship down below 👇 and get back to the post for essential links.

Lester B. Pearson Scholarship

In simple terms, the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship is an annual, fully funded scholarship awarded by University of Toronto to incoming international students for their undergrad studies at U of T.

When I got to know about the Lester B. Pearson scholarship, I wondered why it was called Lester B. Pearson Scholarship and why not just U of T International Scholarship?

This is because, the scholarship is named to honour Canada’s 14th Prime Minister Lester Bowles Pearson who was also a U of T graduate. He won a Noble Peace Prize in 1957 for organizing UN peacekeeping force to resolve the Suez Canal Crisis.

Maybe after you become a recipient of this award and you’ll be expected to know who he was 😅

What’s interesting about this scholarship is that it is open for all majors at U of T. It’s not just for CS students, or law students it’s open for all the areas of studies. So from the 700 undergraduate programs U of T has, you can chose any program you’re planning to pursue and apply for this scholarship.

Now that U of T made it so open, you can guess how competitive it’ll be. It is U of T’s most competitive scholarship for international students because every year only 37 students from all over the world receive this scholarship.

Let me put the competitiveness of this scholarship in perspective, this scholarship is given to at least one student from every faculty at U of T, so every faculty will have at least one Pearson scholar in their department which means that for each and every major, students are competing against top students from all over the world who are interested in that major for the few spots available.

For instance, you are interested in pursuing Business studies at U of T and you apply for the Lester B. Pearson scholarship. Now, your profile is competing against all the students who are interested in Business studies at U of T for the few spots for business students.

Yea, this scholarship is extremely competitive but it is worth giving a shot because the benefits you get from this scholarship are honestly life-changing.

Benefits of the Scholarship

This scholarship covers almost everything a student pays to study abroad.

Lester B. Pearson scholarship package includes your tuition fee, living expenses, book allowance, meals, transportation and any other incidental cost for all four years of your undergrad studies. Basically, you just need money to Apply to U of T and if you receive the scholarship, it’s done deal, next 4 years, you study at U of T for FREE.

✅ Tuition Fee ✅ Living Expenses ✅ Book Allowance ✅ Meals ✅ Transportation ✅ Any Incidental Cost

Eligibility Criteria

Ok, now let’s see who is eligible to apply for this scholarship and who isn’t? But before that let me caution you that the eligibility criteria I am about to share are for students who will be starting their undergrad studies in the fall of 2022. So if you are starting your studies in the fall of 2023, 2024 or later, I recommend you to check the up-to-date eligibility criteria on U of T’s Lester B. Pearson International Scholarships Page .

  • The applicant needs to be an International Student and not a Canadian national. International students studying at Canadian high schools are also eligible to apply.
  • The applicant needs to be in their final year of secondary school i.e., which is Grade 12th. And if a student has graduated, they can only apply if they didn’t graduate before June 2021—should’ve graduated after May 2021.
  • The applicant must to be a first-entry graduate and shouldn’t have started studying at any other post-secondary institution.

Yea, so these are eligibility criteria and if you are meeting all three of them, you can and you should apply for the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship 😉

but now the question is, How do you apply?

Application Process (Step-by-Step) and Deadlines

1. get yourself nominated by your school.

The Scholarship application process is quite simple but unique, in the sense that you do not apply for this scholarship directly, but rather your school has to nominate you for the scholarship and the school can only nominate one person for one academic year based on a few factors (which I’ll discuss in a while).

Even if a school feels that there are 10 brilliant students in their school who can win the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship, there will be only one student nominee from one school for one year .

Now you might be thinking of changing your school because there are students more accomplished than you, No no !! you need to work hard and show your school that you are an ideal student for this scholarship, but how? will discuss it in a while.

Now, if you are an aspiring Lester B. Pearson scholar, you’ll be in one of the two conditions I am about to mention.

Your school has no idea about the Lester B. Pearson scholarship or they know about the scholarship but have never nominated any student for this scholarship.

In this case, you need to approach your school counselor and if you don’t have one, approach your school’s headmaster or principal, inform them everything about this scholarship, tell them that you’d like to be nominated and in order for you to get nominated, the school needs to submit an application to U of T which is available on the U of T’s Lester B. Pearson Scholarship Page, so that University of Toronto can verify the school’s identity and give them the access to nominate a student.

When I was applying for the Lester B Pearson scholarship my school had no counselor and no idea about the scholarship, so I informed my school principal about this and on September 17, 2020, I sent him an email and asked him to submit the school participation form to U of T.

Here is the email I wrote:

I am planning to apply to the University of Toronto and to be considered for their 100% scholarship programme the school has to nominate a student first.  Only after  nomination, the university will send a scholarship application form to be filled. Before nominating the student, the school (counselor or headmaster) needs to fill a form to be verified by the University of Toronto. Sir, I request you to please fill this form, so our school can get verified at the earliest and we can then proceed to the nomination process. “In order to nominate an outstanding student for the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship at U of T, we require additional information about your school. Please complete the form below and submit your school for verification. Once submitted, you will be sent a confirmation email at the address you provide. You will then be sent instructions for nominating your student directly” Form Link: https://www3.adm.utoronto.ca/Pearson/schoolApplication.php?ref=644a95b1 Sir, if you have any questions please let me know.

In my case, it took University of Toronto more than a month to verify the school, so I would encourage you to ask your school authority to fill this application form as soon as possible, ideally in early September, so the school gets verified and can then proceed with the nomination.

Now, if you are in the second category of students that is

Your School knows about the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship program and has previously nominated a student from the school .

In this case, you don’t need to worry about asking your school to fill the school participation form because they are already verified by U of T. You just need to ask your school counselor or headmaster about getting nominated because once they decide who to nominate, they will nominate the person without you having to worry about explaining anything to them.

But don’t just tell them and rely on them, you need to follow up with them so they don’t miss the nomination deadline because they would already know the nomination process but they can miss the nomination deadline.

The School Nomination Deadline is November 30, 2021, so ensure that your school is verified and has completed the student nomination before this deadline.

After your school has nominated you, you will receive an email from Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship acknowledging your nomination and giving you all the necessary information and instructions to complete the rest of the scholarship application.

Now, the next steps for the scholarship application process will be the same for both category of students because your school has completed the first step, to nominate you for the scholarship.

2. Apply to University of Toronto

The second step is to Apply to University of Toronto by creating an OUAC Account and submitting your OUAC Application before the Deadlines.

If you want to know how to apply to university of Toronto for your undergrad studies without missing out on anything, I have already created a detailed step-by-step post on this, in which I also share my best tips to maximize your chances of admission.

Check Here 👉 How to Apply to University of Toronto (Step-by-Step Guide) for Canadian and International Students

Here I want to reiterate one thing that I have already said in that video, which is that even though Student OUAC Application Deadline is December 15 every year , make sure you are submitting your OUAC Application as soon as possible, ideally by November 7, to increase your chances of admission and also because spaces of popular programs may fill out before the application deadlines.

Another thing to keep in mind while filling the OUAC Application is to carefully choose your programs and rank them properly because you will be considered for the Pearson Scholarship for your first choice program ONLY.

In the program choices section of your OUAC Application, you can choose and rank 3 U of T programs you want to apply for, and if you receive the Lester B. Pearson scholarship it will be valid only for your first choice program, you’ll not be able to change it afterwards.

Program Choices Section (OUAC Application to University of Toronto)

For instance, you apply for CS an all the 3 campuses of U of T. Your first choice is St. George Campus, second is Scarborough and third is Mississauga. If you become a Lester b. Pearson scholar, you can’t say “no!! no!! now, I want to go to Scarborough for CS.” In this case, you’ll have to study at St. George, if you want to be a Lester B. Pearson scholar because you chose it as you first choice. Therefore, chose your first choice program carefully and double-check it before submitting.

After you’ve submitted your OUAC Application, U of T will sent you an email acknowledging the submission of your OUAC Application and providing you with the login details to activate your Join U of T portal’s account.

Once your U of T account gets activated, you need to go back to the email you received after your school nominated you for the scholarship. In that email you will find a personalized link to the Student Scholarship Application , which you can now access through your activated login details.

3. Complete the Student Scholarship Application

Now that you are able to access the Student Scholarship Application, the third step is to complete the Student Scholarship Application and submit it before January 17 , 2022. Last year this deadline was January 18, 2021, so if you are watching this video in 2022 or later, I’d recommend you to again check the up-to-date deadlines on U of T’s Lester B. Pearson Scholarship Page .

If you have completed all the steps, you have successfully applied for Lester B. Pearson scholarship at University of Toronto 🙌

Student Scholarship Application Questions

Now a lot of you might be wondering what exactly is asked in the Student Scholarship Application ?

Honestly, I don’t know the questions you’ll be asked for the year 2022, 2023 or 2024. I will tell you all the questions I had to answer to complete the scholarship application for the fall of 2021 and there is a high probability that you’ll be asked the same or similar questions for your scholarship application.

There were 4 sections in the application:

1. Academic Objectives Section

First, Ac ademic Objectives Section, which had 1 question.

Describe your academic objectives and indicate how these are appropriate to your long-range goals. Please include specifically how a Bachelors degree from the University of Toronto will contribute to your achieving your longer-range goals. (100 word maximum)

2. Self-Letter of Reference Section

Second, Self-Letter of Reference Section, which had one question:

The students who are nominated for the Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship are students who have demonstrated exceptional academic achievement and creativity, who are accepted as leaders within their school, and who have the potential to contribute to the global community in the future. They can be distinguished from other students who may have equally high academic results by virtue of their breadth of interest, intellectual energy and impact on the life of their school and community. Write a letter of reference for yourself in the third person describing how the applicant (you) meets these criteria. The letter should refer to the specific achievements and experiences. It may also comment on any weaknesses. (300 word maximum).

3. Essay Section

Third, Essay Section, which required a one long-answer question:

Describe a personal life experience that has had particular significance for you and highlight the reason(s) it was significant, whether it had an impact on others, and any insights or understandings you gained from it. (800 word maximum)

4. Additional Questions Section

Fourth, Additional Question Section, which had two questions:

If you are not awarded a Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship, what are your plans for the next four years? (100 word maximum)

S econd question was related to the family income where I was not required to write anything but answer it in numerical values.

Criteria for the Scholarship

Ok, so I know what U of T will ask me, but how should I answer these questions and how should I make them stand out? There are certain attributes and achievements that U of T looks in your answers and in the second question of the student scholarship application, U of T actually laid it all out.

Unlike the U of T International Scholar Award which almost covered 60% of my total cost of attendance to U of T, the deciding factor for the Lester B. Pearson scholarship is not your Academic Performance because there is no one determiner for this scholarship, there are several factors that should be considered alongside high academic performance for you to become a recipient of this scholarship.

These factors include your background, financial need, leadership skills, community involvement, future potential, intellectual rigor, passion, impact you had in school and in your community.

These factors or criteria help the school decide who to nominate for this scholarship and the scholarship committee to decide who to grant the scholarship and the only way you can demonstrate them is through extra-curricular involvements.

U of T mentions that what distinguishes Lester B. Pearson scholars from other top scoring students is their breadth of interest, intellectual energy and impact on they had on the life of their school and community.

So U of T doesn’t just wanna see extracurricular involvement. First, they want to see extracurriculars in the areas you are interested in and are passionate about, which means that your extracurricular activities should be related to the programs you are applying to. For example, if I am interested in pursuing law, some great extracurriculars to show this can be engaging in debate competitions, MUNs, public speaking events, leadership positions in student council etc.

Second, they wanna see your commitment for the things you are interested in and you care about, your commitment to your extracurriculars shows in time you have spend doing these activities and how far have you gone in your extracurriculars? It’s not enough to participate in MUNs or other public speaking events once in a while. You should’ve engaged in these competitions for a long time ideally for a number of years or even throughout high school. Moreover, they expect you to show your growth, for example maybe you first participated in in-school MUN, then you made your way up to state, national or even international conferences.

Third, they wanna see how you have made an impact on your school or any community through your extracurriculars. From your past contributions to people around you, they will see your future potential to become a leader in the modern world. So, it’s not enough to be the president of the student council, what did you do? did you bring major positive change in school? what policies you implemented and how they impacted your community?

Now, this might seem a lot and it is !! but big things never come easy. Imagine doing your whole undergrad education in one of the best universities in the world without paying a cent. You need to start putting in the work, no matter whichever position you are in right now.

If you are in middle school, don’t think you’ve got time, identify your interest and start working towards them and if you are in high school, utilize your time and take up every opportunity to engage in your interests and contribute to your community.

To get a better idea of who gets accepted, I recommend you to see the profiles of previous Lester B. Pearson scholars, which you can check out on Lester B. International Scholarships page on U of T’s website.

If you’d like to know my experience of applying for the Lester B. Pearson scholarship, my advice and the mistakes which got me waitlisted for the scholarship (seriously, you must avoid them if you’re planning to apply!). I highly recommend you check out my post on it down below 👇

Why I Got Waitlisted For The Lester B. Pearson Scholarship at University of Toronto

Thank you so much for reading this post. In case you’ve missed my previous posts, I recommend you read them as well so you don’t miss out on anything.

I hope you liked this post and if you did, let me know in the comment section.

If you have any questions, do comment them down below.

See you in the next one. Good Bye and Take Care 🙂

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How do i apply?

How do I apply

I’ve already shared U of T’s application process in this post. https://zohairansari.com/how-to-apply-to-university-of-toronto/

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Hello I am innocent chukwubuikem favour from Nigeria

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It is great honor for me to see this opportunity studying international University in aboard really I am highly want to this opportunity as to Benefit well.

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I’m very delighted to have found this opportunity. I’m looking forward to be given the opportunity to study abroad.

I am Gerard Terewahin From Papua New Guinea 🇵🇬 and am really interested to be part of that scholarship program and am looking forward to hearing from you guys.. Thanks much

Meghan Nalwanga I am a citizen of Uganda who would like to acquire studies abroad with your support. I completed senior six and I would prefer studying abroad in Canada

Your positive attitude and reply will be my priority Thanks

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Lester B. Pearson International Scholarships at University of Toronto 2024 - 2025

Do you want a scholarship in Canada? Consider studying at University of Toronto, a public institution founded in 1827 and located in Toronto, Canada. University of Toronto offers Lester B. Pearson International Scholarships, one of the fully funded scholarships for Bachelor's students.

Scholarship Summary

  • Level of Study: Bachelor's
  • Host Institution: University of Toronto
  • Scholarship Type: Full Funding
  • Eligible Nationalities:
  • Eligible Subjects:
  • Number of Recipients: 37
  • Additional Scholarships Materials Required? Yes
  • Admission Deadline: January 15, 2025

lester b pearson scholarship essay

University of Toronto

lester b pearson scholarship essay

Separate Application

Lester B. Pearson International Scholarships Overview

The Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship is the most prestigious and competitive award offered by the University of Toronto. Yearly, they award  37 exceptional international students, and this full-ride scholarship is dedicated to recognizing students who demonstrate academic excellence, leadership qualities, and a great potential to contribute a positive change to the global community. It covers full tuition fees, books, incidental fees, and full residential support for four-year undergraduate programs exclusively at the university.

Lester B. Pearson International Scholarships Coverage

This fully funded scholarship for international students covers the following:

  • 100% of tuition fees
  • Book and materials fees
  • Accommodation fees

Lester B. Pearson International Scholarships Eligibility Criteria

  • incoming international students currently in their last year or have recently graduated

Make sure to check out the University of Toronto admissions pages and the Lester B. Pearson International Scholarships pages for more information!

Lester B. Pearson International Scholarships Application Procedure

If you meet the eligibility criteria for University of Toronto and Lester B. Pearson International Scholarships, you can move forward with the application process!

Remember to apply for admission to University of Toronto first before applying for Lester B. Pearson International Scholarships. You can visit the official website found in University of Toronto Admissions Section to see the admissions application process.

Lester B. Pearson International Scholarships Application Process

A separate scholarship application – in addition to the university admission – is needed for Lester B. Pearson International Scholarships. You’ll have to collect these requirements:

  • Application form
  • Nomination letter
  • Academic certificates or transcipts

Once you have those ready, follow these steps to submit your scholarship application and requirements:

  • Receive a nomination from your high school.
  • Apply for admission through OUAC by the required deadlines.
  • Fill out the scholarship application form once you receive a private link after being successfully nominated by your school.
  • Submit the form along with all necessary documentation.

For more information, please see the Lester B. Pearson International Scholarships Scholarship Application Procedure Page .

When to Apply for Lester B. Pearson International Scholarships (Deadlines)

For Lester B. Pearson International Scholarships, you may apply on these dates:

  • Bachelor's Scholarship Application Deadline : November 8, 2024

We also recommend visiting the University of Toronto Admissions Section for other university deadlines and requirements.

For more information about the admission details of University of Toronto, you can visit the following pages:

Institution Admissions

Lester B. Pearson International Scholarships Page

Want to learn more about University of Toronto, Lester B. Pearson International Scholarships, scholarship requirements, deadlines, application process, and other related information? Check the Lester B. Pearson International Scholarships page!

About the Author: Hyun Lee

lester b pearson scholarship essay


lester b pearson scholarship essay

Can a 2013 high school graduate apply for a scholarship to further her studies?

lester b pearson scholarship essay

I do believe that Lester B. Pearson International Scholarships have no age restrictions

lester b pearson scholarship essay

How can i apply? Please help me out.

Hello, please see the “Lester B. Pearson International Scholarships Page” Section of this page to see the application procedure!

lester b pearson scholarship essay

Hi, thank you for giving me the opportunity. I hope my application will be accepted. Wishing you all the best

Hello, we are not University of Toronto, and we are just merely offering information on Lester B. Pearson International Scholarships. So, we have zero control on your application. However, I wish you the best on your application!

lester b pearson scholarship essay

Ouac application form is very expensive. Can we get a waiver on it .

Hello, no, I don’t know of a way to get a waiver on OUAC application. I’m not sure if University of Toronto will offer it if you ask for an admission fee waiver.

lester b pearson scholarship essay

How can I apply for this scholarship? I am from Nigeria.

Same with all other applicants. Your citizenship doesn’t change the application procedure.

lester b pearson scholarship essay

Hello, please Kindly provide us how to get fully funded or free tuition fees scholarships for undergraduate at the college in the USA.

Hello, please see our best scholarships in USA article to start.

lester b pearson scholarship essay

I had a low GPA in high school ( not study A-level or IB just traditional high school) so I take 4 A-level classes all A*, can I apply A-level scores instead of GPA in high school? Thank u

I think so? I’m not sure though. You should ask them directly. A levels are equivalent to high school, so you should be able to only submit them, but you should ask them

lester b pearson scholarship essay

Hey, what does it mean “so I take 4 A-level classes all A*”?

lester b pearson scholarship essay

Is strong academic record required for this scholarship?? And what type of ECA is allowed there??

Hello, yes, you need a strong academic record and also a recommendation from your school. I believe you can submit any extracurriculars

lester b pearson scholarship essay

Hi Hyun. Please what do they mean by nomination letter from high school. Is it like a reference letter from my high school administrator? Thank you

No, high schools need to submit nomination through University of Toronto portal. If your school is not registered, they can do so at the official scholarship page. They have a form where high school administrators can submit

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The Lester B. Pearson Scholarship 2022: Overview, Eligibility & Process

  • Last Updated On December 20, 2022
  • Published In Scholarships 💰

lester b pearson scholarship

While Canada is home to some of the best universities globally, studying in the country isn’t exactly economical. This is especially the case for an international student. Luckily, universities like the University of Toronto consistently try to level the playing field. They offer numerous scholarships and grants to international students to reduce the load on their shoulders. One such scholarship they offer is the Lester B Pearson Scholarship. Students looking for financial aid to pursue higher education in Canada will find the Lester B Pearson Scholarship exceedingly beneficial. In this blog, we will cover the eligibility, process, and tips for this scholarship. Keep reading to know all this and more.

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Lester B Pearson Scholarship Overview

The Lester B Pearson Scholarship is a merit-based scholarship offered by the University of Toronto. The institute offers this scholarship to its international students based on their academic performance, creative pursuits, and achievements. It is provided to prospective undergraduate students of the university. The scholarship is intended to recognise individuals who demonstrate exceptional academic achievement and innovation capabilities. Moreover, special emphasis is on the impact the applicant has had on the life of their community and future potential to contribute to society. Awarded every year, the Lester B Pearson International Scholarship is one of the University of Toronto’s most prestigious scholarships. That said, it is one of the most competitive ones. Here are the things that this scholarship covers:

  • Tuition fee
  • Incidental fees
  • Full residence support for four years
  • Cost of books and study material

The Lester B Pearson Scholarship program gets awarded to approximately 37 outstanding students. This scholarship is a golden opportunity for undergraduate students to pursue academic careers in a closely-knit learning community. Moreover, it is an opportunity for international students to spend the vital years of their lives in a multicultural and diverse city without worrying about the expenditure. The Lester B Pearson Scholarship recipients can be from diverse fields like social sciences, mathematical sciences, life sciences, commerce, architecture, physical education, and music.

Eligibility Criteria for Lester B Pearson Scholarship

  • Applicants must be non-Canadian, international students. No Canadian national can apply for this scholarship. However, international students who study in Canadian high schools may apply.
  • Applicant must be in the final year of high school.
  • Applicants must demonstrate a certain level of originality and critical thinking skills.
  • Applicants should be beginning their studies at the University of Toronto in September 2022.
  • Applicants must be nominated by their respective high schools.

Application Process for Lester B Pearson Scholarship

Students who meet the eligibility criterion mentioned above can proceed with the application process. Wondering what are the steps to apply for the Lester B Pearson Scholarship? Read on to know.

  • Applicants should receive nominations from their high schools. The schools not verified by the university need to submit an application for participating in the scholarship programme.
  • After that, the applicants can start their application to study at the University of Toronto. It is vital to complete the application within the appropriate deadlines on this institute’s official website.
  • Once applicants have completed these two steps, they can fill out the form for the Lester B Pearson Scholarship. Each applicant receives a personalised and secure link to fill out the scholarship. Selected students receive an email from the institute.

Here are the documents that applicants need to submit with the Lester B Pearson Scholarship form —

  • Academic transcripts
  • Letter of Recommendation 
  • Statement of purpose
  • Update CV/resume
  • A sample of written work
  • A copy of the passport that is valid for at least one year
  • English proficiency certificate

Also Read: Toronto University Scholarship For Indian Students

Tips for Lester B Pearson Scholarship

Every year, several students globally apply to the University of Toronto for their bachelor’s degrees. A significant number of them also apply for the Lester B Pearson Scholarship. As a result, the competition gets excessively high. Here are a few beneficial tips for students that can allow them to stand out from the crowd —

  • Working on one’s writing skills is vital. This scholarship requires applicants to submit a written piece of work or essay. So, one must enhance their writing skills while they can and submit the best possible document for consideration.
  • It is essential to display enthusiasm for the acquisition of new skills and learning.
  • As possessing leadership qualities is considered a pro, one must work extensively on them in high school.
  • Having a solid record of extracurricular achievement can be a big advantage.
  • If an applicant applies for various courses at the university, making the choices wisely is essential. That is because only the first choice of programme gets considered for the scholarship.

Explore all countries

Named after the father of modern peacekeeping, The Lester B Pearson Scholarship is an opportunity for bright minds globally to study at the University of Toronto, one of the most prestigious universities in Canada. A leading institute in research and teaching, the university offers this scholarship to all international students. Tuition fees, incidental fees, cost of study material, and accommodation expenditure are covered under the Lester B Scholarship. One of the most sought-after international scholarships, the Lester B Pearson Scholarship is provided for undergraduate studies to approximately 37 students each academic year. However, high school students cannot apply for this scholarship single-handedly. That is, it’s essential for the school to nominate them. Students looking to study at the University of Toronto with reduced financial pressure must apply for this scholarship. The scholarship application will be opening very soon. So, students must keep the necessary documents ready and follow the tips mentioned above to land this scholarship award. For further information on the Lester B Pearson Scholarship and the University of Toronto, book a free counselling session with LeapScholar today.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the application deadline for the Lester B Pearson Scholarship? 

The student scholarship application deadline for this competitive scholarship is 17th January 2023. However, before filling out this form, students need to earn a nomination and apply to study at the University of Toronto. The deadlines for these are 30th November 2022 and December 2022, respectively.

When are the winners of the scholarship announced? 

Winners of the Lester B Pearson Scholarship get announced at the end of April.

What qualities should applicants for the Lester B Scholarship possess to succeed?

Students applying for this scholarship must possess impeccable academic achievements, strong leadership skills, and the potential to be change-makers. Moreover, they should display creative skills and a knack for innovation.

Can one submit their application for Lester B Pearson in person? 

No. Students need to fill out the application online. After successfully applying to the University of Toronto, students can apply for this scholarship through a link provided by the institute.

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  • Study in Canada /

Lester B Pearson Scholarship

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  • Updated on  
  • Jul 3, 2023

lester b pearson scholarship essay

Are you looking for financial aid to pursue your higher education in Canada ? Then, let us introduce you to the Lester B Pearson International Scholarship. This scholarship program at the University of Toronto is designed to recognize international students who excel academically and creatively, as well as those who have been in leadership roles at school or college. A special emphasis is placed on the student’s impact on the life of their school and community, as well as their future potential to positively contribute to the global community. Let’s know more about Lester B Pearson Scholarship in this blog.

Type of ScholarshipMerit-Based / College-Specific
Offered by
Application Deadline (2024)December 15, 2023
No. of Scholarships each year37 candidates
Amount offeredVariable
International Students EligibleYes
Eligible CandidatesInternational students
Study-Length4 years
Scholarship AwardTuition fees
Award DistributedAnnually

This Blog Includes:

What is the lester b pearson scholarship, scholarship deadlines, eligibility criteria for lester b pearson scholarship, application process , document checklist , selection process, grant details.

The University of Toronto provides the Lester B Pearson International Scholarship Program to international students in honour of their academic excellence, accomplishments, and innovation. So the scholarship is given to prospective University of Toronto undergraduate students.

  • The institution chooses 37 Lester B Pearson International Scholars each year
  • The prize recipients are notified by the end of April every year
  • Only the University of Toronto UG programmes students are eligible for the scholarship program.
  • Only schools can nominate students for scholarships. Each school is only allowed to propose one kid each year.
  • Academic scores, references, and a statement of purpose (SOP) are evaluated by all the nominated students.
  • Applicants who demonstrate leadership skills at their school are given preference.

Note: Lester B Pearson International Scholarship Program is one of the most renowned and competitive scholarships offered by the University of Toronto to international students. It will cover the cost of studying and living in Canada , as well as additional costs such as books, incidental fees, and other charges.

The table below lists the essential deadlines by which each stage of the application process must be completed:

Nomination by SchoolNovember 30, 2023
Admission applicationDecember 15, 2023
Submission of scholarship applicationJanuary 15, 2024

The Lester B Pearson Scholarship Program is only available to students who are applying to UG programmes at the University of Toronto. In order to apply for this scholarship, the candidate:

  • Must be an international student (i.e., a non-Canadian) who’s studying in Canada on a student visa ;
  • Must demonstrate a certain amount of originality of thinking and creativity;
  • Must have academic success and involvement in creative endeavours;
  • Must demonstrate a desire to learn new things and acquire new talents;
  • Must possess leadership characteristics;
  • Must be in your last year of high school OR you must be in your senior year of high school at the time of application;
  • Must have completed their education before June 2023.

Note: If a student is already enrolled in post-secondary studies or will begin studies at another post-secondary school in January before the start of studies at U of T, they will not be eligible for the scholarship.

Students who meet the criteria for the Lester B Pearson Scholarship Program must undertake the application process. If you are willing to apply for this scholarship then you must complete the processes outlined below:

  • Nomination: Have your school nominate you for the Lester B Pearson International Scholarship Program at the University of Toronto.
  • Admission Application Form: Similarly, to begin studying at UToronto in the year 2024, submit an application for admission. Only applications that are submitted by the deadline will be considered.
  • Completion of the Admission Process: So after completing an application for admission to the University of Toronto and obtaining a scholarship nomination, you must complete the scholarship application.

Below is a list of the essential document required to apply to the Lester B Pearson Scholarship:

  • All official education transcripts of the past
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Updated Resume
  • Statement of Purpose
  • A sample of written work

This scholarship is granted to 37 new students in the University of Toronto UG programmes. The following requirements are used to select beneficiaries:

  • Application for a scholarship
  • Nomination for high school
  • Criteria for qualifying must be met.

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Note: If students apply to more than one programme and are accepted to all of them, the scholarship will only apply to the first programme chosen, not the others.

Eligible CandidatesInternational students across the world
Number of Scholarships37
Study-Length4 years
Scholarship AwardTuition fees
Award DistributedAnnually

Hence, this scholarship is named after Lester B. Pearson, the father of contemporary peacekeeping. He was one of Canada’s finest prime ministers and the only Canadian to receive the Nobel Peace Prize.

By the end of April 2023, the scholarship award beneficiaries will be announced.

Students who have shown exceptional academic success and creativity, who are acknowledged as leaders in their schools, and who have the potential to make a future contribution to the global society.

The scholarship will cover four years of tuition, books, incidental fees, and full living costs.

So this is everything you need to know about the Lester B Pearson Scholarship for international students that could help you finance your dream of studying at the University of Toronto. Do contact our Leverage Edu experts at 1800572000 to know about upcoming intakes in Canada and save your spot at the best-fit university abroad. 

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Nikita Puri

Nikita is a creative writer and editor, who is always ready to learn new skills. She has great knowledge about study abroad universities, researching and writing blogs about them. Being a perfectionist, she has a habit of keeping her tasks complete on time before the OCD hits her. When Nikita is not busy working, you can find her eating while binge-watching The office. Also, she breathes music. She has done her bachelor's from Delhi University and her master's from Jamia Millia Islamia.

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Lester B Pearson Scholarship in Canada 2025 (Fully Funded)

An opportunity to study in Canada’s largest University. With more than 500,000+ alumni around the globe. This is a Fully Funded scholarship in Canada to start your studies in September 2025. Applications are open for the Lester B Pearson Scholarship in Canada 2025  at the University of Toronto . Students from all around the world can apply. The scholarship covers all the expenses such as tuition, books, incidental fees, and full residence support for four years. The University of Toronto is highly prestigious and one of the oldest Public Universities in Canada.

Each year approximately 37 students receive the  Lester B Pearson scholarship.  This is a fully funded undergraduate scholarship program. With more than 700 degree programs in Humanities and Social Sciences, Life Sciences, Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Commerce and Management, Computer Science, Engineering, Kinesiology and Physical Education, Music, and Architecture. More details about the Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship 2025 are given below.

Details About Lester B Pearson Scholarship in Canada 2025 (Fully Funded)

  • Host Country : Canada
  • University Name : University of Toronto
  • Degree Level : Undergraduate
  • No of Scholarships : 37
  • Student Application Deadline: November 8, 2024

Is Lester B. Pearson a fully funded scholarship?

Yes, it is a Fully funded scholarship at the U of T. It will cover:

  • Full tuition fees for four years will be covered.
  • Book allowance will be given.
  • Incidental costs will be fully covered.
  • Accommodation is fully covered by the host organization.

For Graduate scholarships in Canada please check  M cCall MacBain Scholarship 2025 in Canada (Fully Funded)

Study Fields

The Toronto University has more than 700 Undergraduate degree programs in the areas:

  • Life Sciences
  • Engineering
  • Computer Science
  • Music, and Architecture
  • Commerce & Management
  • Humanities & Social Sciences
  • Kinesiology & Physical Education
  • Physical & Mathematical Sciences

International Student Statistics at the Toronto University

A total of 76,061 international students enrolled in undergraduate degree programs at the University of Toronto.

The top five countries/regions of origin are China, India, the United States, South Korea, and Hong Kong.

lester b pearson scholarship essay

Eligibility Criteria

  • International students from all countries can apply.
  • Canadian citizens are not eligible for the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship.
  • An applicant must be nominated by the school or college.
  • The student must apply for admission at the University of Toronto.
  • Applicant must be a current student in the final year of secondary school.
  • In case the applicant has graduated from high school, the graduation should not be earlier than June 2024.
  • The applicants must not have started their post-secondary studies at any institute.
  • The classes will begin in September 2025.

Deadline for Students and Nominated School

  • The deadline for the nominating student is  11th October 2024
  • The deadline for the OUAC (Ontario Universities Application Centre) application is 18th October 2024.
  • Student application and Documents Deadline: November 8, 2024

How to Apply for the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship 2025?

Follow the steps:

  • Your high school must nominate you.
  • If your school isn’t already participating, they need to apply.
  • You’ll receive a personalized scholarship application link after your school nominates you and you apply to U of T.
  • Only your first choice of undergraduate program will be considered.
  • Complete the online application through the provided link.

It is always best to visit the official website for the application process. Below I have given the Link to the Lester B. Pearson International student scholarship.


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The Lester B. Pearson International Student Scholarships

Meet the 2022 pearson scholars.

The Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship was created to bring exceptional students from around the world to study at the University of Toronto. We are pleased to announce and welcome these outstanding students as members of the 2022 cohort of award recipients.

If you have any questions you would like to ask about the Pearson Program or of the Pearson Scholars, please send all your questions and enquiries to [email protected]  

Reesha Ahmed

The New School Dhaka Bangladesh

University of Toronto Scarborough, Social Sciences and Humanities

“From an early age, I wanted to follow in my parents’ footsteps by becoming a teacher so I could be just as loved and respected. In high school, I joined the Peer Tutoring Program to assist students struggling with mathematics, physics, and chemistry. While volunteering to teach underprivileged children in Korail, one of the largest slums in my country, I discovered a sense of purpose and community; however, I also witnessed first-hand the inhumane living conditions of the extremely poor. This experience was the life-altering wake-up call that led me to apply my passion for social justice and create my own nonprofit, ‘Share Your Closet’. As the founder and executive member, I now run an organization of 120 volunteers who work all year round to bridge divides and empower marginalized groups by conducting awareness seminars and donating clothes, food, and health supplies.

“It was an honor to serve as Student Council President and win accolades for my alma mater at national Olympiads and debate competitions. My fascination with different cultures and languages comes from coexisting in my colorful intercultural family. I have addressed social issues such as gender inequality in my articles published in major national dailies, starting difficult but necessary conversations among my readers.

“I am deeply honored to have received a Lester B. Pearson Scholarship. Through my academic and co-curricular endeavors at the University of Toronto, I aim to equip myself with the knowledge and skillset to give grassroots women a voice and pave a path toward equality.”

Frederich Galen Matibag Angeles

De La Salle Lipa Philippines

University of Toronto Scarborough, Co-op Life Sciences

“Hi! My name is Frederich Galen Angeles, an 18-year old Filipino student aspiring to be a cardiologist or neurologist. I enjoy engaging in community activities, playing sports, watching Netflix, and listening to various types of music.

“Reaching out to people through online conversations and volunteer work has been important to me because helping others gives me a sense of purpose in life and allows me to push through my personal challenges. Knowing that others need me inspires me to improve myself further by attending masterclasses, joining national and international organizations such as ‘OECD Education 2030’, collaborating with other students around the world on UN SDG-related activities that will benefit the community, and participating in podcasts on mental health.  By improving myself, I have been able to help more people in need and contribute in my own way to make the world a better place to live in.

“Being chosen as a Lester B Pearson Scholar is one of God’s greatest gifts to me and my family.  It is proof that the University of Toronto is deeply committed to offer deserving students, regardless of status in life, an equal chance to experience a transformative education that will prepare them to become creators of positive impact in the global community.  I am thankful to be part of this year’s cohort of Pearson Scholars. I personally believe that this opportunity will help me further develop my skills and talents, and grow holistically towards my passion in the field of health sciences.

“I have learned knowledge, skills, values, and attitude through my active participation in co-curricular and extracurricular activities throughout my basic education journey, and in various local and international engagements, giving me the chance to represent and bring honor and pride to my school. I will bring this with me as I temporarily leave my family and my country to complete an undergraduate pre-medical life science program at my dream university.”

Tyler Dela Cruz Carriaga

British International School Ho Chi Minh City U.S. student in Vietnam

Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design; Architectural Studies

“Hello! My name is Tyler Carriaga. I am an IB Diploma student at the British International School Ho Chi Minh City, where I have had the privilege to serve amongst a team of head students.

“Through my experiences working with international students in my school and in global, youth-led, non-profit organizations, I have come to appreciate the importance of having diverse perspectives in tackling global issues. In particular, I believe that achieving sustainable urban development will require the collaboration of innovators from around the world and across disciplines to create paradigm shifts in the field. Thus, I am very excited to live and study in a city as multicultural as Toronto. There, I will continue to learn how to implement design solutions that will build, quite literally, a better future for our cities, ones that are healthier, more sustainable, and just.

“I am immensely grateful to be awarded the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship and I would like to thank the University of Toronto for providing me with the opportunity to continue to grow, both in my character and in my understanding of these global challenges.”

Mayra Alicia Castilla Cobo

Cooperativa Educacional Franco-Boliviano Santa Cruz Bolivia

Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering, Engineering Science

“Hello! I am Mayra Alicia Castilla Cobo, and I was born and raised in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. A big part of my identity has always been my fascination for STEM subjects, especially math and engineering. Ever since I started secondary school, I have participated in math and physics Olympiads, representing my school and winning several of them. Simultaneously, by letting my curiosity lead the way, I found through different camps and seminars a passion for the biological side of STEM. As a result, at U of T I will study engineering science with a major in biomedical systems engineering.

“In addition, I am always looking to have an impact on my surroundings. That is why at school I participated in the creation and leadership of three community dedicated clubs: ‘Youth Up’, ‘EcoFranco’, and ‘Braiding Smiles’. This experience led me to building a strong bond with my community, and it has inspired me to keep developing my leadership skills at university.

“In my free time, I love to play volleyball, bake desserts for my loved ones, make new friends, and read, especially romance novels. More importantly, I love spending quality time with my friends and family.

“I am more than honored to be a Lester B. Pearson Scholar this year, and I am genuinely grateful for having the chance to accomplish my dream of studying abroad at a university that will let me develop my full potential as a student and as a person.”

Candace Sara Ciju

GEMS United Indian School, Abu Dhabi Indian student in the United Arab Emirates

Faculty of Arts & Science, Trinity College, Humanities

“ Namaste! My name is Candace Sara Ciju, and I am an Indian national living in the United Arab Emirates. I am ecstatic and incredibly grateful to have been chosen as a Pearson Scholar this year!

“Having grown up in a culturally & heritage-rich environment, my interests have always been inclined to the subject of history. Despite being an Indian national, I have lived in Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates, for all my life. Through prestigious awards such as the ‘Sheikh Hamdan Award’, ‘Sharjah Award’, and ‘Sheikha Fathima Award’, the U.A.E has provided me with numerous opportunities, nurturing me into the person that I am today.

“Leadership is a value I hold in high regard, and I have honed my own by serving as my school’s Deputy Head Girl (2019), Head Girl (2020 & 2021), and, finally, President (2022). I’ve started several programs for students at my school with the help of my team, including ‘UIS Masterclasses’, ‘G Month: Month of Generosity’, ‘UIS Blog’, ‘Anti-Bullying Squad’, clubs, fun fairs, and many others. As an avid writer and debater, I served as the editor-in-chief of my school’s newsletter from 2020 to 2022, as well as the Crisis Director of the UIS Model United Nations. Apart from writing and debating, I enjoy reading, theatre, playing the ukulele, chess, painting, badminton, and baking!

“As an environmentalist, I am deeply committed to sustainability, which led me to function as one of the UAE’s Sustainability Ambassadors with ‘MASDAR’, a global leader in renewable energy and sustainable urban development. In 2012, I also founded the ‘Re-Use of Books Campaign’, which collects used books in good condition so that they can be re-used by others. To date, we have collected over 11,000 books, and I genuinely hope that I can continue this initiative at the University of Toronto. Volunteering has also proven to be a rewarding experience for me. Some of my volunteering experiences include my time as a Media & Communications volunteer at the 2019 Special Olympics Games in Abu Dhabi, as well as a student ambassador with ‘NAHTAM Social Responsibility’.

“I hope to apply my learnings from the University of Toronto to attain my goals, such as using my communications and writing training to work as a journalist, or utilize my diplomatic and people skills at the United Nations. I am incredibly honoured, thrilled, and thankful to be a part of the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship Program of 2022, and I am deeply grateful to this esteemed university’s Admissions & Awards team for bestowing this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity on me. And the journey begins!”

Khaled Samir Mohamed El Telbany

Ah Dhafra Private Schools Al Ain Egyptian student in the United Arab Emirates

Faculty of Arts & Science, Victoria College, Rotman Commerce 

“Hi! My name is Khaled El Telbany and I’m an Egyptian citizen from Alain, U.A.E. I am particularly passionate about exploring new business ideas and innovating. It all started with my 12-year-old self buying and reselling marbles at school which set my path for entrepreneurship. My long-term goal is to become one of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs and help revolutionize the world.

“Beyond academics, I enjoy trading cryptocurrencies and NFTs, developing games, exploring new business ideas, and playing soccer. I am a massive Liverpool supporter and I am always ready to have a soccer conversation. With the driven and diverse student body at U of T, I look forward to joining many student clubs, making new connections, and contributing to the vibrant community.

“I am incredibly humbled and honored to be selected as a Lester B. Pearson Scholar, and cannot wait to start my journey at the University of Toronto.”

Altair Mizar Mallorca Emboltura

Philippine Science High School – Western Visayas Campus Philippines

Faculty of Arts & Science, Victoria College, Life Sciences

“Who would have thought that I, the eldest child of a low-income single mother from the outskirts of a rural Philippine town, would get the chance to share my story with you? Hi! My name is Altair Mizar Mallorca Emboltura, and I am more than thrilled to join this year’s amazing cohort of Pearson Scholars.

“Early on, I learned to be resilient and persevering in the face of countless adversities. With nobody but my mother and God to rely on, I learned to actively seek, embrace, and excel in opportunities that allow me to nurture and dedicate my gifts to my family, community, and country. My passion in so many things, along with my mother’s guidance and support, have allowed me to develop holistically: as a young biologist and scholar advocating for STEM education and awareness, a journalist promoting the use of local languages, and a servant leader dedicated to nation-building and youth empowerment. Championing these causes through community involvement gave me a deeper sense of what it means to be more for others. With my Lester B. Pearson Scholarship, I aim to be a physician and health care leader for the Filipino people, especially for our farmers and the underprivileged. Now and later, I aim to provide more opportunities for people like me to be more, learn more, and excel more in life.”

Ambareen Fatima

Al Forsan International School Indian student in Saudi Arabia

“Greetings! My name is Ambareen Fatima, with the second “A” being silent (“ Amb-reen” ), which completely contradicts my personality as one would rarely find me silent.

“Firstly, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship program for providing me with the opportunity to join the community at U of T.  

“Over my school years, I have found myself deeply involved in fulfilling my duties as the student council president, discussing global issues in MUNs, innovating projects for STEM competitions, and participating in community service activities. In addition, I worked with local art studios where I conducted art workshops for international delegates at the United Nations office, Riyadh.

“I believe real development resides in growing as a community together, so I founded ‘IISHRAQ’, an initiative that works for quality education and the overall development of underprivileged children.  This initiative made its impact globally by carrying out more than 32 projects in five different countries, including Egypt, the Philippines, India, Saudi Arabia, and Australia. ‘IISHRAQ’ received the collaboration award at the ‘Global Social Leaders’ competition 2021, where 500 initiatives from 105 different countries participated.

“Through my degree course in architecture, I wish to design structures that stand as a backbone for those who have craved strong foundations for generations. I aim to conduct research that would combine art and technology to develop enhanced mechanisms to cope with global issues.

“I am immensely humbled to be a Lester B Pearson Scholar. I look forward to growing and sharing space with diverse talents and I am incredibly excited to experience the opportunities that come along the way at U of T.”

Karen Gil Sánchez

Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Ciudad de México Campus México

University of Toronto Scarborough, Co-op Management and International Business

“¡Hola! My name is Karen Gil, and I am delighted to be a Pearson Scholar for the class of 2026! As a brief description of myself, I love traveling, I take pleasure in reading, I am passionate about dancing to Latin-American rhythms, and I consider myself an inspiring leader.

“I was born and raised in Mexico City, which is home to multicultural gastronomy, culture, art, music, and of course, it was my home for 18 years. As it is one of the biggest cities in the world, and due to its wide diversity of people, I decided to study at a multicultural high school, which allowed me to immerse myself fully in what I do best: leadership.

“In high school, I had the opportunity to join the robotics team in which I had the honor to be nominated to the First Robotics Competition Dean’s List Award in 2020. I was the team’s Public Image and Communications Coordinator that allowed me to lead social projects, social media campaigns with sponsors, and ‘FIRST’ championships, among other activities. In addition, for two years I was able to build my first biotechnological company at my high school’s entrepreneurship incubator. Each semester in high school, I practiced a different passion, from CrossFit to artistic make-up.  I was also a ‘Tec Ambassador’, which is an outstanding student who is chosen to represent their high school nationally and internationally through conferences, projects, and as a social media creator.  Furthermore, I took international commerce, economy, finances and business classes which helped me realize that I find my purpose in inspiring others, and in changing lives through socially and environmentally responsible entrepreneurship.

“Due to my interests, I am pursuing my professional career at U of T in co-operative management and international business in order to build new opportunities for people who are passionate about changing the world through positive and collaborative leadership.”

Mariya Grynevych

Scarborough College Ukrainian student in the United Kingdom

Faculty of Arts & Science, Trinity College, Social Sciences

“Hi! My name is Mariya Grynevych and I am from Lviv, Ukraine. Two years ago, I was awarded with the ‘HMC Projects Scholarship’, which gave me the chance to receive the IB Diploma at Scarborough College in the United Kingdom.  It is an incredible honour for me to be a Lester B. Pearson Scholar, as it presents me with endless opportunities at the University of Toronto.

“I was always captivated by the unknown, so I took part in a range of cultural exchanges. I travelled all across Europe as a volunteer with a delegation from ‘Children For Peace All Over the World’ which mainly consisted of children affected by the war in the east of Ukraine which started in 2014. We fundraised humanitarian aid at a personal audience with the Pope and the Sovereign Order of Malta.  Diversity and cross-cultural communication motivated me to learn foreign languages.  Challenged by the various academic Olympiads, I thrived in a competitive environment, consequently receiving several national awards. To bring change to the community of my hometown, I founded a volunteer organization called ‘Strum’ with the purpose of providing accessible education to the students in the small villages of my country.  In my free time, I enjoy choir, drama production, hiking through the hills of North Yorkshire Moors, cooking, swimming, playing tennis, video making, and peer mentoring as a Senior Prefect.

“Studying economics at the University of Toronto will give me the knowledge that I can use to help rebuild Ukraine, bringing security and prosperity to the regions that were destroyed by missiles. The existing world order since the Second World War has shattered to pieces, so the economists and politicians of the 21st century have a chance to direct changes in society into gains for everyone, to which I want to contribute.

“I look forward to joining the class of 2026 and to bringing diversity to the college community. I am very grateful for the opportunity to study alongside the brightest minds.”

Korea International School, Jeju Campus South Korea

Faculty of Arts & Science, Woodsworth College, Rotman Commerce 

“Hello! My name is Jaemin Jun and I’m from Jeju Island, South Korea. I graduated from Korea International School Jeju. I am truly honoured to be selected as a Lester B. Pearson Scholar.

“In 2019, I launched a business called ‘Rethred Apparel LLC’ with the friends I met during a two-week visit to California. The company aimed to reduce microplastic pollution by replacing polyester clothes with eco-friendly bamboo-based apparel. Since then, I started to believe that businesses must play an active role in resolving socio-economic problems. I believe education is the next step to bringing my ideas and passions to the next level. Outside the academic classroom, I am an avid musician, golfer, and debater.  I enjoy leading the school choir, rock band, the varsity golf team, MUN club, and the student council. I look forward to obtaining professional finance, management, communication, and critical thinking skills at Rotman Commerce with other ambitious scholars. Yet again, thank you to the University of Toronto for giving me the opportunity to realize my dreams and construct a better future.”

Giorgi Kaikatsishvili

Glacier Peak High School Georgian student in Washington, U.S.A.

University of Toronto Mississauga, Social Sciences

‘The only thing we have to fear is fear itself’

“This phrase, coined by Franklin D. Roosevelt in his first inaugural speech, would become a powerful driving force in the exploration of my affection for international affairs. My interest sparked after my family and I survived a bombing by Russian fighter jets in the Russo-Georgian war of 2008. Since this experience and subsequent events, international affairs and politics have piqued my interest the most. By engaging in different debate tournaments, model UN conferences, and programs such as ‘FLEX’, my curiosity in exploring the world of international affairs has only grown.

“Hi, I am Gio, a Future Leaders Exchange (FLEX) student in the U.S., originally hailing from Georgia. Yup, you read it right. I am from Georgia – the country in eastern Europe, not a U.S. state!

“Aside from academics, I take pleasure in cooking and tasting dishes from varying cuisines, with a special focus on Sicilian. I am also very fond of exploring the vast boundaries of space. Articles on string theory, black matter, and white holes never fail to garner my attention.

“I am immensely grateful to the University of Toronto and the Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship for making it possible to expand the scope of my knowledge and experience. At one of the most diverse, all-encompassing international communities that the University of Toronto represents, I hope to build on my insight and expertise as to how our world functions, what its imperfections are, and how to do better as humans to solve those imperfections for a brighter world.”

Hasleen Kaur

Shishu Niketan Model Senior Secondary School India

University of Toronto Scarborough, Co-op Business Administration 

‘ Share your privileges wherever you can ’

“Along with a smiling face and confidence, what I always carry with myself is this teaching of my father.

“Vaheguru ji ka khalsa vaheguru ji ki fateh– I am Hasleen Kaur, daughter of a farmer from Punjab and one of the youngest Hindi language authors in India.

“My hobbies are playing the harmonium and tabla. Singing hymns, I feel empowered and determined to follow the Sikh motto of working for ‘ sarbat da bhala ’ (wellbeing of all).

“In the past, I have spent my time teaching primary school students from marginalized communities, participated in multiple public speaking events to raise my voice against social evils prevailing in my society, and founded a youth-club to preserve the Gurumukhi script and the Punjabi language. I am also a Sikh history teacher at the local gurudwara and am constantly exploring the business and accounting world through an international accounting internship.

“I derive a lot of inspiration from my father’s life story and hence have always found ways to give back to society. Through my business undergraduate degree at U of T, I aim to improve agricultural marketing in India to benefit the farmers and other stakeholders through my innovative business ideas and work towards ending global hunger.

“I am highly honoured and exhilarated to be a part of the Lester B Pearson Scholars community and am ready to take in its benefits and responsibilities with equal enthusiasm.”

Raffles Christian School, Pondok Indah Campus South Korean student in Indonesia

Faculty of Arts & Science, New College, Mathematical and Physical Sciences

“Hi! My name is Raon and I’m Korean. Living in Indonesia, Bangladesh and Korea, I’ve always loved to learn and experience new things: a country’s food, language, nature, education, and much more! The experience of living in various countries allowed me to develop curiosity and the courage to adapt to new environments quickly, which then allowed me to treat the world with an open mind.  I aspire to use my knowledge to solve the mysteries of science and mathematics for the benefit of communities around the world, especially in developing countries, and to build a place where people are not disadvantaged due to an absence of opportunities. I’m very excited to explore the new world at the University of Toronto as a Pearson Scholar!”

Aiden Elias Kong

Miami Palmetto Senior High School Florida, U.S.A.

Faculty of Arts & Science, Victoria College, Life Sciences

“Hi everyone! My name is Aiden and I am honored to join the 2022 Pearson Scholars. I was born and raised in Miami, Florida, an incredibly diverse city with strong Hispanic and Caribbean influences. Hearing other perspectives has shaped my worldview, so I’m excited to listen to the interesting stories that make up U of T’s student body.

“Throughout high school, I immersed myself in science and math competitions, student tutoring, and badminton. I’ve also been involved in Scouts BSA for six years, becoming the Senior Patrol Leader of my troop and reaching the rank of Eagle Scout.

“I have always been interested in STEM, from mixing concoctions in a science kit to building bridges out of basswood. In high school, I became especially interested in biology and chemistry, leading me to apply to U of T for studies in life sciences. In the future, I wish to combine my interests in STEM and service to conduct research on Alzheimer’s disease.

“I am excited to join the University of Toronto community and make the most of the endless opportunities that this school has to offer.”

Andre Lupembe

United World College East Africa, Moshi Campus Tanzania

University of Toronto Scarborough, Co-op International Development Studies 

“Hello! My name is Andre Lupembe, I was born and raised in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. I attended boarding school in Kenya at the Aga Khan Academy and then joined the UWC movement thereafter.

“My proudest achievement has been initiating and leading the inaugural TEDx event at UWC East Africa in September 2021 which brought the entire community together for one night to engage in meaningful discourse and be exposed to unfamiliar topics of discussion. I worked with the school, fellow students, and the Moshi community to plan, finance, and execute the event. It is my hope that students and members of the Moshi community will continue to have a sustainable platform to articulate their ideas and experiences across many disciplines. Furthermore, I have been involved in East Africa Model United Nations since the seventh grade where we debate current affairs, draft resolutions, and practice public speaking and diplomacy. I was grateful to be named the Best Speaker and Best Delegate at the annual conferences.

“Aside from my extra-curricular endeavors, I am also passionate about health and fitness. I have been a part of the senior basketball team for 5 years and was honored to serve as the co-captain in the last 18 months. Moreover, I also play badminton, exercise in the gym, and practice yoga. One of the most challenging things I have done was climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro and Mt. Meru. Nonetheless, this experience was breathtaking to say the least. I will never forget the fact that while everyone was happy and taking pictures, I fell asleep on the summit! In my free time, I enjoy playing chess, binge-watching TV shows and movies, and reading articles that range from topics like Pan-Africanism and the plight of post-colonial Africa to the Marvel Cinematic Universe and its future phases.

“All of this, I believe, sets the foundation for my passion in igniting change and revolutionizing the way in which the world works, one step at a time. The first step being receiving a world class education at U of T as a Pearson Scholar — to which I am eternally grateful and honored.”

Muhammad Masood

Future World School, DHA Lahore Pakistan

University of Toronto Mississauga, Commerce

“Hello everyone! I am Muhammad Masood from Lahore, Pakistan. Studying at the University of Toronto has been my dream for years and I am extremely humbled and honored to have received the Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship.

“Taking up commerce at Ordinary and Advanced level, and helping out my father in his side business by recording the entries of sales and purchases, I developed a deep interest in the field of accounting & finance and that is what I intend to major in. Helping the underprivileged and playing my part in the betterment of society is an integral part of my life. I have been active in community service for the past 2 years, have organized various projects, and am currently serving as the General Manager of the Accounts department of ‘OED Pakistan’. Apart from this, I am passionate about chess, cricket, theater, and photography. You can discuss politics, startup opportunities, cryptocurrencies, and NFTs with me, but don’t judge me by the fact that I won’t be tired even after several hours of debate.

“I can’t wait to begin a new chapter of my life this fall and meet people from around the world to engage in healthy debates and listen to their experiences. I look forward to making everyone’s time worthwhile at the university and taking initiatives that would bring a positive change to the community.”

Anuka Matei

International School of Bucharest Romania

Faculty of Arts & Science, New College, Life Sciences

“Hi! My name is Ana and I’m a Romanian student finishing my IB studies at the International School of Bucharest. I am extremely grateful and humbled to be one of the recipients of the Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship and am committed to living up to the values that it upholds.

“Ever since enrolling in an international school in second grade, my academic path towards psychology and towards the person I am today has been moulded by my experiences growing up surrounded by people from dozens of cultures. It could therefore be this instinctual practice of translating myself, of wanting to go beyond the awareness of my own cultural prototypes or beyond my personal interpretation of others’ values and beliefs, which has led me to psychology. I deeply believe we have the ability to tackle any issue we face as humanity through a holistic understanding of mind and behaviour, and am eager to work towards bringing my contribution.

“The University of Toronto answers my aim of applying myself to the study of the human experience in a unique way, allowing me to combine my interests for psychology, linguistics, philosophy, anthropology, neuroscience, and biology, all while exercising my learning in a work environment. Being a citizen of the world at heart, there could be no better place for me to find the meaning I am looking for in my studies than through this amazing opportunity at U of T, among exceptional people who celebrate diversity in the most multicultural city in the world.”

Lizramona Lugano Mwakitwange

Naisula School – Kajiado Tanzanian student in Kenya

Faculty of Arts & Science, Trinity College, Life Sciences

“Hi! I’m Lizramona, a ‘STEMinist’ and self-proclaimed poet. At only 12 years old, I decided that my life’s pursuits would be geared toward empowering women across all socioeconomic and cultural spheres.

“By organizing a school exhibition highlighting the challenges and triumphs of women across the world, I quickly recognized that a major obstacle to women’s equal contribution toward a more sustainable future remains to be inadequate healthcare services. From then onwards, I decided that my activism would be channeled through scientific endeavors. It is through platforms including the New York Academy of Sciences and ‘Girls in Science 4 SDGs’, that I was able to build the leadership and scientific skills which will help me improve access to safe and reliable healthcare for women across the world, so they can be active contributors toward the global community’s sustainability, and not just benefactors.

“I am beyond honored to be able to pursue an undergraduate education at the University of Toronto as a Lester B. Pearson Scholar. This prestigious scholarship provides me with the unparalleled opportunities to engage in exceptional biomedical research and connect with an incredible community who are ready, just as I, to work toward peace and equality. This scholarship will also allow me to show the millions of Tanzanian girls that their dreams are attainable and valid, so long as they have a passion to see their dreams realized and to see the world thrive.”

Dayoung Nam

International Community School, Bangkok South Korean student in Thailand 

“Hello! My name is Dayoung Nam, and I am a Korean student living and studying in Bangkok, Thailand. I spent a third of my life in Korea, a third in a small town in Indonesia, and the other third in the beautiful city of Bangkok, Thailand.

“I am a social person who is filled with hobbies and interests. I love playing sports and staying active, traveling to beautiful places with people I love, taking photos, or playing a few songs on my guitar when I am stressed-out.

“Living abroad in countries with wide wealth gaps, the painfully unequal opportunities in our society struck me from a young age. Pursuing diverse classes of broad interests as a teen learner, I realized that interdisciplinary approaches are needed to make a visible impact in our society. Since then, the driving force of my academic pursuits has been the desire to use science and technology to create efficient working solutions for a more equal world.

“I solemnly believe that in order to help other people, I should first be an individual who can stretch-out a reliable hand to hold. My efforts have provided me an opportunity to lead both of my high school’s student governments simultaneously in my senior year. I took this opportunity to make changes outside the borders of my school, such as organizing an unprecedented whole-school service project, and running a year-long vocation training project for the pandemic-impacted jobless community. In my sophomore year of high school, I created the ‘Molecular Science Club’. By senior year, I expanded the small club to arrange a national chemistry competition which provided over 100 individuals from all over the country an opportunity to compete fairly, regardless of their financial or social status. The impact of my experiences has led me to believe that sometimes it is only a small spark that is needed to start the fire.

“Last but not least, I am beyond honored and grateful to receive the Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship. My joy in surrounding myself with motivated, intellectually stimulating individuals is met by my passionate desire to make the best out of this opportunity: I would love to become a part of University of Toronto and continue giving back to our society!”

Omina Nematova

Arizona College Preparatory High School Arizona, U.S.A.

Faculty of Arts & Science, Innis College, Life Sciences

“Hello! My name is Omina Nematova, and I am originally from Uzbekistan but currently finishing high school in the United States. I am a member of Student Government, founder and president of the ‘Future Medical Professionals Club’, and am a thrower on the Varsity Track and Field team.

“Outside of school, I do academic research at Arizona State University and participate in science fairs. This year, I placed first at my city science fair and third at the state science fair.

“I am incredibly grateful and honored to be a recipient of the Lester B. Pearson scholarship. I plan to combine my biology and computer science interests by pursuing computational biology. I hope to use my education to aid in eliminating the ethnic and racial disparities within healthcare. I am excited to continue my academic journey at the University of Toronto and explore the many opportunities a large and diverse city like Toronto has to offer.”

Sarah Oberto Monasterios 

Sant’Anna International School Venezuelan student in Brazil 

Faculty of Arts & Science, Victoria College, Rotman Commerce

“Hello! My name is Sarah Oberto and I am a Venezuelan immigrant currently living in Brazil. I am beyond thrilled and humbled to be a recipient of the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship this year along with such a well-versed group of students.

“Using my voice and my leadership skills to have an impact in my community has been a passion I have developed over the past several years. I believe this interest came from growing up in Venezuela, a country with leaders of questionable morality that drove millions of people out of their homes. I am the founder and current President of the first DECA chapter in all of South America and this past year I was also elected Student Council and MUN President at my school as well as NHS Vice President. A few years ago, I founded the Astronomy Club at my school and worked with my peers to prepare for the Brazilian Astronomy and Astrophysics Olympiad, becoming a silver (2020) and gold medalist (2021) in the following editions. Last year I received two full scholarships for programs that foster the growth of exceptional leaders across Latin America. Aside from my academic life, I enjoy playing sports, especially soccer and volleyball, as well as attempting to cook with my friends, reading all sorts of books, cuddling with my dog, and going on adventures with my family.

“At U of T, I hope to continue finding new opportunities to cultivate my passion and to continue expanding my cultural awareness, which will be facilitated by the university’s vibrant community of students from diverse backgrounds. I am extremely excited and honored to have the opportunity of pursuing my academic objectives while being part of the incredible community of Pearson Scholars.”

Bahçeşehir High School for Science and Technology Türkiye

Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering, Industrial Engineering 

“Hello! My name is Boran. I was born and raised in a small town in the north of Türkiye called Giresun which is known for energetic people, and I am no exception. With my never-ending energy, I always strive to be the reason for someone’s smile with my projects or unique sense of humor. I took my energy and projects to the next level when I moved to Istanbul to enroll at Bahcesehir High School For Science and Technology.

“Throughout high school, I had the chance to contribute to millions of people’s lives, especially those in underprivileged areas, through technology and engineering.  My main activities were: being a part of a robotics team that internalized the motto ‘ What does technology cater for unless it contributes to lives? ’ for 4 years; co-founding the biggest entrepreneurship club in our school; becoming the lead researcher with a patented project on micro plastic filtration systems that won national and international awards; and becoming the leader of the first group of students who wrote and had two curricula legislated by the Turkish Ministry of Education, reaching more than 5.6 million middle-school students and accrediting these curricula into Next Generation Science Standards.

“I am beyond thrilled to become a part of this community and look forward to shining in my own way to be the starlight that shone brighter than the darkest night.”

Nehemiah Amedu Odagboyi

Calvary Arrows College Nigeria

University of Toronto Scarborough, Co-op Physical & Environmental Sciences 

“I am Nehemiah Amedu Odagboyi, born and raised in Nigeria and an alumnus of Calvary Arrows College, Gboko, Nigeria. I love to meet and interact with people and have served my school in various capacities, including being the president of the ‘JETS’ (Junior Engineers Technicians and Scientists). I attribute my many feats in life to God’s guidance and the wonderful people he brought my way. I can also say I owe much to the society that made me and to Africa at large. To whom much is given, much is expected. The desire to give back to society spurred my return to my alma mater and my joining a STEMi team, where I tutored students in the physical sciences and programming.

“Biochemistry at the prestigious University of Toronto, aided by the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship, is another great privilege coming my way. I hope to make the most of it. I see myself as being trained among the best, so I can help improve the health standards in Africa and ameliorate the myriad of life-threatening problems on the global scene through intensive research. You will have a formidable team with Nehhy in your midfield on the soccer pitch and a good melody with him either on the piano or guitar in the orchestra. I also enjoy playing tennis a lot. These are the other sides of me beyond the classroom.

“I am excited to write the next chapter of my story at the University of Toronto and extremely grateful to the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship program for this great opportunity.”

Verona Awino Odhiambo

Association International School Kenyan student in Ghana

“Hello! My name is Verona Odhiambo from Kenya and I am beyond humbled and honored to be named a Lester B Pearson Scholar.

“As an IB student, I have grown to develop academic interests in various fields ranging from the visual arts and journalism to chemical and biological sciences. I also play a range of sports from soccer to hockey. Additionally, living in Mombasa, Accra, and Mumbai, and experiencing both Tanzania and Uganda, have enabled me to gain an interest in exploring different cultures and traditions–something I plan to do more of in Toronto given its multiculturalism.

“At the University of Toronto, I plan on pursuing the chemical sciences with the intention of specializing in pharmaceutical chemistry. All with the hopes of utilizing the amazing research facilities and resources at U of T to eventually contribute positively to the pharmaceutical research field.

“I am extremely excited for this journey and hope that the incredible opportunities provided to me by the University of Toronto will not only be of benefit to me but to my community as well.”

Kamsiyochi Davy Onyekere

Trinity College School Nigerian student in Ontario, Canada

University of Toronto Mississauga, Life Sciences 

‘I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change, I am changing the things that I cannot accept.’

“These words, spoken by the late civil rights activist and leader Angela Davis, describe the life I have led and hope to continue to lead.

“As one of the cofounders and leader of the ‘Black Student Alliance’ in my school, the word ‘change’ has come to mean something different to me than it meant years ago. While there is the literal definition of ‘change’ which is to make something different, I have always mentally reserved that job for people who I deemed to be older, wiser, smarter. It was not until I came to Trinity College School, that I realized that I had the power to change the things that I could not accept. This newfound meaning of the word ‘change’ gave me courage.

“Besides my love for social activism, I enjoy everything that can be considered a science, from political science and social science to biology and chemistry.  I will be studying life sciences at the University of Toronto Mississauga. I hope to one day become a psychiatrist. Mental health and illnesses remain heavily stigmatized in many ethnic communities and I believe that the first step in de-stigmatization is representation.

“I want to thank my Trinity College School community for their immense support and my family and friends for their unwavering love. I am extremely grateful and honored to be selected as a Lester B Pearson Scholarship recipient.”

Lara Devotto Pimenta

EAC-Escola Americana de Campinas  Brazil

Faculty of Arts & Science, University of College, Social Sciences 

“Hello! My name is Lara and I’m currently an IB student in Campinas, Brazil. Having had the opportunity to live in five different countries, my multicultural upbringing has reaffirmed my earnest desire to devote my professional future to conflict resolution and peace.

“At the age of 11, I joined ‘Children’s International Summer Village’ (CISV), a global peace education organization. I have had the privilege of participating in four international CISV programs as a delegate of Brazil. This has enriched my perspective of the world and shown me firsthand the value of cultivating friendships and understanding people of different backgrounds. My academic passion for political science and history has also driven me to participate in Model United Nations. There I started my journey as an enthusiastic delegate and progressed to win awards and become a member of the 2022 Brazil Leadership Team as head chair of the Historical Security Council. Alongside my academic and extracurricular interests that have constantly challenged me to think globally, I have continued to act locally within my reach. This has prompted me to volunteer for and devise a number of community service projects. These have varied from partnering with a local NGO to establish a library for the children it assists, to fundraising to provide food parcels for low-income families, as well as other initiatives aimed at helping the homeless population of my local city and vulnerable youth athletes.

“I am honored and extremely grateful to the University of Toronto for trusting me with this amazing opportunity. Moreover, I am thrilled by the prospect of joining this diverse and innovative community!”

lester b pearson scholarship essay

Mahmoud Omary Rashid

The Aga Khan Mzizima Secondary School Tanzania 

Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering, Materials Engineering 

“Habari zenu! (Swahili for ‘Greetings!’)

“My name is Mahmoud and I come from Tanzania. Determined, optimistic, and caring are just a few words that describe my personality. As Nelson Mandela once said, ‘In order to have a global impact, one must first be the change and have an impact on oneself.’ I live by this rule and it has profoundly affected the person I am today in a positive way. As president of my school’s student council, I became a voice for the students and assisted them in overcoming challenges. Participating in multiple Model United Nations (MUN) conferences, I became a delegate and collaborated to find appropriate solutions to major problems within a specific country. Furthermore, this life-changing experience has made me more globally conscious, and most importantly, I have realized that our world requires immediate attention in a variety of sectors, particularly those related to the environment. I am extremely motivated to contribute to the development of effective strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere and, as a result, global warming. This is why I intend to pursue a degree in chemical engineering at the University of Toronto.

“Singing, bodybuilding, and sports, particularly basketball, are all hobbies of mine. I competed in the 2018 Tanzanian Jr. NBA championship and captained the under 16 team to victory. One of my proudest achievements is the establishment of ‘Rediscover Euphoria’, a student organization dedicated to raising awareness of and assisting in the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). ‘Rediscover Euphoria’ was inspired by my participation in multiple Model United Nations (MUN) conferences during high school.  In our society, we have impacted over 500 orphans and 600 students.

“I am honored and grateful to have been awarded the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship and to be a member of the Pearson Scholars community at the University of Toronto. I want to leave this world a better place than I found it, and I am confident that the University of Toronto will guide and equip me with all of the tools I need to achieve my goal. I’m thrilled to be a member of the University of Toronto’s Class of 2026!”

Sandra Risco Brioso

Colegio Menor San Francisco de Quito Peruvian student in Ecuador 

University of Toronto Mississauga, Life Sciences

“Hi! My name is Sandra and I couldn’t be more honored to join the community of Pearson Scholars this year. I am from Lima, Peru, but moved to Ecuador when I was two years old. These are the two countries I call home, and I look forward to adding Canada to the list soon!

“I’ve always had a deep love for learning, and I am a very curious individual. I never leave a question unanswered or am satisfied with knowing that something “is what it is”. I always look for more and truly like to get to the root of the problem or explanation. I’ve spent countless hours after classes discussing with my teachers topics ranging from the symbolism behind Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby ” to the anatomy of a pea flower. No matter what the topic is or how unimportant it may be for my daily life and future plans, I always want to know more. Science, however, was a subject I could not get enough of, and I look forward to diving in deeper and using it to make my impact on the world.

“One of the driving forces in my life is helping others, and it gives me the greatest joy. This past year I completed one of my favorite projects to date: I had the honor of participating in the construction of three houses and the painting of several schools in Mulalillo, a marginal community in Ecuador. Seeing the smiles and joy of the people we helped gave me the certainty that finding ways to keep that light alive and growing was what I wanted to do with my life. I have had the opportunity to positively impact my country these past few years, and now, the Lester B. Pearson scholarship is allowing me to dream on a global scale, and I couldn’t be more excited!”

Mehakpreet Kaur Saggu

GHG Khalsa Collegiate Public Senior Secondary School India

“Greetings! I am Mehakpreet Kaur Saggu from Raikot, Punjab. Besides cherishing colossal cups of my mother’s signature tea, I adore adding new literary conquests to my stack of books. This sweet spot is where I discovered my love for the delicate intricacies of the mammalian brain. Through the beautiful blend of neuroscience, literature, and philosophy, I plan to plunge into the emotional learning circuits of the mammalian brain, consequently moving closer to my long-term pursuit of not only developing cost-effective and scalable interventions for neuropsychiatric disorders but also discovering how first-hand emotional experiences arise.

“I feel extremely ecstatic, gleefully glad, and highly humbled to be the recipient of the Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship this year. I am forever grateful for the unwavering support of my father, mother, brother, relatives, and school teachers who have played an incredibly instrumental role in shaping the individual I am. I look forward to meeting new people, perspectives, passions, and possibilities. Above it all, I can’t wait to have the opportunity to call the lovely University of Toronto my home!”

Eleonora Scognamiglio

United World College – UWC USA Italian student in New Mexico, U.S.A.

Faculty of Arts & Science, Victoria College, Computer Science

“Hi! My name is Eleonora Scognamiglio. I was born and raised in Sardinia, an Italian island in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea. During the past two years, I studied at UWC-USA, in New Mexico. There, my identity was enriched by the friendships I built with students from all over the world and where I could grow and learn new values in an international environment. Now, I am looking forward to joining the international community at the University of Toronto as a member of the class of 2026!

“I am intrigued by the world of computer science, particularly by artificial intelligence and human-computer interaction. The brain-teasers and puzzles of my childhood translated into my love for mathematics and creative problem-solving. Other than being passionate about science, I am interested in its accessibility, that’s why I co-founded ‘Lista’, a student organization at my school that aims to bridge the gender gap in STEM. In my free time, I love reading, playing soccer, and connecting with nature through recreational activities, such as rock climbing and backpacking.

“I am immensely grateful, honored, and excited to join the community of Pearson Scholars at the University of Toronto. I can’t wait to start this new adventure!”

Paramvir Singh

St. Theresa’s Convent School, Karnal India

University of Toronto Mississauga, Management 

“Hello! My name is Paramvir Singh, and I am a student from India with a deep interest in business studies, economics, and unfolding the complications that lie in the subject of management.

“Outside the classroom, I love to play soccer, socialize, read novels, and engage in community service. My most recent and highest achievement is organizing a world record for the longest webinar, part of my campaign against drug and child abuse. Through the vast opportunities available at the University of Toronto, I aim to continue exploring my interests while trying to create a positive impact on society.

“I’m highly honoured to be a recipient of the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship, and I look forward to starting my journey at the University of Toronto.”

Karolina Slominska

Liceum Ogólnokształcące nr V Poland

“My name is Karolina and I am from a small town in Poland. I am an avid moviegoer and a food lover. I am interested in many areas of science, but I intend to study chemistry at the University of Toronto. It will allow me to do my research in later years, and my findings could hopefully impact the plastics industry or polymers in biomedicine.

“The world of science has always sparked my interest, and that is why I participated in a ‘STEMinist Sisterhood’ project, which aimed to combat the stereotypes about women in STEM areas, advocate for girls in science, and encourage them to pursue careers in those fields. Due to the conducted interviews with women working in various areas of science and highly-educated female professors, our project has been valued and appreciated by many associations and newspapers, and it has been included in the list of 100 Polish Women of the Year 2021 according to ‘Forbes Women’.  Moreover, the discussions with women working where I dream of working in the future roused me to become a chemist and seek my science profession. I also participated in other social initiatives such as ‘Not to waste is in good taste’, aiming to reduce water overuse and minimize waste, and in ‘Everybody different, everybody equal’ where I publicized discrimination issues in Poland and realizable ways to reduce and combat them. 

“The community of Pearson Scholars is comprised of splendid and unique characters who are eager about enhancing the world for it to be more equal and sustainable. I will be dedicated to honorably representing the Pearson Scholarship program and I will doubtlessly continue my devotion to science and the continuous endeavor to raise awareness about global issues.”

Cynthia Umuringa

Gashora Girls Academy of Science and Technology Rwanda

University of Toronto Mississauga, Psychology 

“Lotus flowers bloom from the mud but still manage to keep their beauty and attractive smell that lures insects.  Just like lotus flowers, my ultimate goal is to use my challenges to flourish.

“Hi there! My name is Cynthia Umuringa and I’m from Rwanda, a country of a thousand hills.

“Growing up I have been told of the devastating history that my country had been through, the genocide against the Tutsi in 1994. The psychological toll of the genocide against the Tutsi still encumbers Rwanda. Though an irreversible situation, it can be improved, and I want to be part of that evolution. With costly psychiatry services and a shortage of psychiatrists, I saw an opening to offer my assistance. I believe the University of Toronto’s challenging yet engaging environment will provide me with the ideal home in which to nurture my dreams. I can’t wait to see my future aspirations turn into reality all thanks to the Lester B Pearson Scholarship. I’m incredibly grateful to have received it.”

Alankrit Verma

Satya Mohan Senior Secondary School India

University of Toronto Scarborough, Co-op Computer Science

“ Namaste , World!  I am Alankrit Verma, a native of the small Himalayan town of Kullu, India.

“Computers have always been close to my heart, from the time I used to just stare at them at age 3 to now when I actually work on them the whole day long. Computer Science is a field that has long fascinated me, and I now want to explore it further at the University of Toronto. In my free time, I use my computer skills to create purpose-driven projects. One of my recent creations was a web-based application called ‘Covido-Saviour’ at the ‘HackOn’ hackathon, which connected people in need, based on their location during the COVID-19 pandemic. My second passion in life is mathematics. Along with teaching mathematics to students in a local orphanage, I was one of the global rankers of the ‘CEMC Euclid Mathematics Contest’ and the ‘Canadian Senior Mathematics Contest’. I have also been a leader throughout my school life where my most notable work was improving and rebuilding the entire school website from scratch. I also love playing e-sports and have won various laurels.

“Being from a relatively isolated community, I understand that even to this day, it can be difficult to fully connect with people globally. Thus, my main aim is to better connect people by researching and implementing emerging technologies, including the metaverse, extended reality, and AI, from even the most remote parts of the world, keeping in mind their cost-effectiveness.

“I am honoured to be chosen as a recipient of the Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship, and I am extremely grateful to the University of Toronto for considering me a worthy recipient. I am determined to make the most of this opportunity and create a positive change in the world.”

Muhammad Qasim Virk

Kaizen High School Pakistan

University of Toronto Mississauga, Humanities

“Hi, I’m Qasim! I’m both proud and honoured to be selected for the Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship this year.

“I’m from Lahore, Pakistan, a city and country that have a splendid amount of culture and history packed into them. Oh, and the food definitely turns everyone there into a foodie, thus my extended love for food that transcends the barriers of specific cuisines.

“I’ve personally had a great interest in policy making and its workings in the social sphere, having worked closely with the Attorney General’s office to enact policy implementation and collaborated with private firms to write academic papers on the legal loopholes within child protection policies in South Asian regions.  I’ve also been an advocate of accessible and quality education. Recognizing it as the catalyst for greater change, I’ve worked in underprivileged regions to help develop holistic curriculums that focus on social sciences while setting up and promoting vocational training centers for the economic elevation of these areas.

“As an avid ‘MUNner’, I’ve come to prize the global perspective; I’m excited for the opportunity to learn extensively through discourse and use the diversity of both the experiences and the people at the University of Toronto to broaden my academic and personal horizons.“

Ginnie Ai Lee Wee

Hwa Chong Institution  Singapore 

“Hi! My name is Ginnie and I am from Singapore. As an aspiring clinical psychologist, learning about our mind and behavior absolutely fascinates me. While the brain solves problems, the brain itself has many unsolved mysteries that fuel my desire to research, understand, and solve.

“This past year, I was a part of Hong Kong University’s Junior Neuroscience Academy, where I learned about topics like brain anatomy and mental conditions. I was also a mentee in the ‘1000 Girls, 1000 Futures Program’ with the New York Academy of Sciences, where I was matched with women in STEM globally who mentored me on skills like communication and ethics in STEM. After higher education, I hope to use my knowledge in areas of research and psychological support. Beyond mental health, I am also passionate about advocating for gender equality and encouraging girls to pursue their interests in STEM. As founder and president of ‘Girl Up Singapore’, I interviewed over 70 women in STEM from all around the world, to share their experiences and advice. I also started ‘Project Kidzread’, where I wrote and illustrated a series of 10 e-books for children in hospitals during the pandemic.

“My goals at U of T are to grow as a leader and to contribute to an inclusive, accepting, and supportive community. I am honored to be a Lester B. Pearson International Scholar and grateful to everyone who has supported me. I can’t wait to be a part of U of T’s diverse intellectual community!”


  1. Guideline Bachelor's Degree Essay of The Lester B. Pearson Scholarship

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  2. Reading My Lester B. Pearson Scholarship Essays

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  3. My Lester B. Pearson Scholarship Essays + Tips For Yours.

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  5. Lester B Pearson Scholarship for international students to study at the

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  6. The Lester B. Pearson International Student Scholarships

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  4. Lester B Pearson scholar Kabeer Lakhani. Why UofT ? Why not Princeton ?



  1. My Lester B. Pearson Scholarship Essays + Tips For Yours

    3 BIG Tips that can make you the next Pearson Scholar. Plan your answer according the demands of the question. Be Specific and avoid generic, vague stuff. Show first and tell later. This was the complete scholarship application for the Lester B. Pearson scholarship and my answers to all the questions.

  2. Reading My Lester B. Pearson Scholarship Essays

    Hey Friends, Today, I'll be reading the essays I submitted for the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship application for the fall of 2021. I applied to University of...

  3. The Lester B. Pearson International Student Scholarships

    The Lester B. Pearson International Scholarships will cover tuition, books, incidental fees, and full residence support for four years. The scholarship is tenable only at the University of Toronto for first-entry, undergraduate programs. Each year approximately 37 students will be named Lester B. Pearson Scholars.

  4. I got U of T's Lester B. Pearson scholarship: my journey and advices

    Let's talk about the University of Toronto's Lester B. Pearson scholarship! In this video I discuss all you need to know before and during your application ...

  5. How I got fully-funded Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship to

    Scholarship Benefits. The Lester B. Pearson scholarship covers four years of tuition for undergraduate studies and residence during study terms. I mention study terms because I'm doing a co-op program, which includes work terms. During these work terms, I'm expected to cover my residence costs, but the earnings from the co-op are sufficient for that.

  6. Why I Got Waitlisted For The Lester B. Pearson Scholarship At

    Today I will be sharing my experience of applying for the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship at University of Toronto.I applied to U of T Scarborough and U of T Mississauga for the fall of 2021. Luckily, I received acceptance letters from both of the campuses with some good scholarships, but when I applied for the Lester B. Pearson scholarship program, I was waitlisted first then rejected a month ...

  7. The Lester B. Pearson International Student Scholarships

    About the Scholarship . Apply to U of T . Meet the 2019 Pearson Scholars . Meet the 2020 Pearson Scholars ... Lester B. Pearson was one of Canada's greatest prime ministers and the only Canadian ever to win the Nobel Prize for Peace. As a statesman, politician and public servant, Pearson helped shape and define Canadian identity both at home ...

  8. Guideline Bachelor's Degree Essay of The Lester B. Pearson Scholarship

    The document provides guidelines for applying to the Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship at the University of Toronto. It includes prompts for four essay questions: 1) Describe your academic objectives and how a degree from the University of Toronto will help achieve long-term goals. 2) Write a letter of reference describing how you meet the scholarship criteria of academic achievement ...

  9. lester b pearson scholarship application

    lester b pearson scholarship application | how to write essays | detailed explanation | 2024About:In this video, I have covered the complete lester b pearso...

  10. Lester B. Pearson Scholarship

    The Lester B. Pearson International Scholarships at the University of Toronto provide an unparalleled opportunity for outstanding international students to study at one of the world's best universities in one of the world's most multicultural cities. Awarded annually, this is U of T's most prestigious and competitive scholarship for ...

  11. The Lester B. Pearson International Student Scholarships

    Meet the 2023 Pearson Scholars. The Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship was created to bring exceptional students from around the world to study at the University of Toronto. We are pleased to announce and welcome these outstanding students as members of the 2023 cohort of award recipients. If you have any questions you would like to ...

  12. Uoft's lester b pearson scholarship

    I am, but I'm still trying to figure out what I'm going to write my essay about! tararanganatha January 11, 2020, 1:43am 3. Hi, I am also currently writing my essays. ... I sent an email to Lester B Pearson Scholarship office about the time that the decisions will come out, and they stated that they will announce all decisions by early to ...

  13. How To Get Full Scholarship at University of Toronto as an

    Your school has no idea about the Lester B. Pearson scholarship or they know about the scholarship but have never nominated any student for this scholarship. Your School knows about the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship program and has previously nominated a student from the school. 2. Apply to University of Toronto. 3.

  14. Lester B. Pearson International Scholarships at University of Toronto

    Eligible Nationalities: Eligible Subjects: Number of Recipients: 37. Additional Scholarships Materials Required? Yes. Admission Deadline: January 15, 2025. Scholarship Deadline: November 8, 2024 (Currently Open) University of Toronto. Full Funding.

  15. The Lester B Pearson Scholarship 2022: Overview, Eligibility & Process

    The Lester B Pearson Scholarship is a merit-based scholarship offered by the University of Toronto. The institute offers this scholarship to its international students based on their academic performance, creative pursuits, and achievements. ... This scholarship requires applicants to submit a written piece of work or essay. So, one must ...

  16. Anyone doing the University of Toronto Pearson Scholarship?

    So my school nominated me for the Lester.B.Pearson International Scholarship at the University of Toronto. I submitted my applixation today and will be waiting for my JOINid. Anyone doing the University of Toronto Pearson Scholarship? Just wanted to know: What they ask you to do for the Scholarship (write an essay? what is the topic?)

  17. Winning the Lester B Pearson Scholarship

    A couple days ago I had the chance to talk with a Pearson Scholar at the University of Toronto about what it takes to win the scholarship. Lester B Pearson S...

  18. Lester B Pearson Scholarship

    The scholarship will cover four years of tuition, books, incidental fees, and full living costs. So this is everything you need to know about the Lester B Pearson Scholarship for international students that could help you finance your dream of studying at the University of Toronto. Do contact our Leverage Edu experts at 1800572000 to know about ...

  19. r/LesterBPScholarship

    Applicants 2021. Hey guys...we can share any questions about the scholarship or even update each other here. r/LesterBPScholarship: Lester B Pearson International Application. All communication amongst prospective applicants,current applicants,winners and….

  20. Lester B Pearson Scholarship in Canada 2025 (Fully Funded)

    An opportunity to study in Canada's largest University. With more than 500,000+ alumni around the globe. This is a Fully Funded scholarship in Canada to start your studies in September 2025. Applications are open for the Lester B Pearson Scholarship in Canada 2025 at the University of Toronto.Students from all around the world can apply.

  21. My Lester B. Pearson Scholarship Experience, Mistakes, Advice and Tips

    Hey friends,Today, I'll be sharing my experience & mistakes I made when applying of the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship at University of Toronto for the fall o...

  22. The Lester B. Pearson International Student Scholarships

    Meet the 2022 Pearson Scholars. The Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship was created to bring exceptional students from around the world to study at the University of Toronto. We are pleased to announce and welcome these outstanding students as members of the 2022 cohort of award recipients. If you have any questions you would like to ...

  23. Urgent!! Anyone applying for the Lester B Pearson Scholarship ...

    r/ApplyingToCollege is the premier forum for college admissions questions, advice, and discussions, from college essays and scholarships to SAT/ACT test prep, career guidance, and more. ... The students who are nominated for the Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship are students who have demonstrated exceptional academic achievement and ...

  24. Lester B. Pearson, the 14th Prime Minister of Canada Essay ...

    Lester Pearson. Lester Bowles Pearson a diplomat and political leader was born in the year 1897 in Ontario. His father was a devoted Christian who ministered in a Methodist church. Pearson together with his brothers received their early education from the towns of Ontario such as Peterborough and Aurora among others.