PhD in Management

A group of four PhD in Management graduates, two of them in caps and gowns.

Explore and expand the frontiers of human knowledge in a diverse and supportive environment.

Join an intellectual community where leading researchers and award-winning teachers encourage a rich mixture of thoughts, ideas, camaraderie and discipline. 

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Phd in management disciplines.

PhD student at a poster presentation.

Employers of Recent Graduates

Baruch College logo.

Engage in research that drives change.

UB’s passion for rigorous research is matched only by a deep commitment to positive change. We bring together unconventional thinkers—researchers, scholars and artists—who collaborate across disciplines to push the boundaries of knowledge and creative expression, and consistently endeavor to lead a new way forward. Learn more about our research and economic development .

UB’s ​PhD in Management qualifies as a STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) program, which provides an additional 24 months Optional Practical Training (OPT) for F-1 visa holders. For more information, visit the Department of Homeland Security's Study in the States website or UB's International Student Services Office.

The PhD Project

The PhD Project logo.

The UB School of Management is an active participant in  The PhD Project , a national organization whose mission is to expand workplace diversity by increasing the diversity of business school faculty. Today, The PhD Project's expansive network of supporters, sponsors and universities helps Black/African Americans, Latinx/Hispanic Americans and Native Americans attain their business PhD and become the business professors who will mentor the next generation of leaders.

Four PhD students.

UB’s PhD Excellence Initiative

Four PhD students.

UB’s PhD Excellence Initiative seeks to ensure that our programs remain among the strongest in the world by recruiting the best PhD students, providing exceptional educational and research training, improving retention of students, reducing time-to-degree and more.

E. Han Kim.

E. Han Kim, PhD ’75

  • Everett E. Berg Professor in Business Administration, University of Michigan in Ann Arbor

Sara Melendy.

Sara Melendy, PhD ’05

  • Professor of Accounting, Gonzaga University School of Business Administration; Founder, Justice for Fraud Victims Project

Niam Yaraghi.

Niam Yaraghi, PhD ’14

  • Associate Professor of Business Technology at Miami Herbert Business School; Nonresident Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution's Center for Technology Innovation

Marty Spitzer.

Marty Spitzer, PhD ’92

  • Senior Director of Climate and Renewable Energy, World Wildlife Fund

Elevate Her.

Jasmina Tacheva, PhD ’19

  • Assistant Professor, Syracuse University School of Information Studies

Hamed Ghahremani.

Hamed Ghahremani, PhD '19

  • Assistant Professor, Department of Management and Marketing, University of New Orleans

Lemma Senbet.

Lemma Senbet, PhD ’76

  • William E. Mayer Chair Professor of Finance, University of Maryland

The School of Management uses a test-optional admissions process for our PhD program. You have the option to submit GMAT or GRE scores in support of your application, but are not required to do so.

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Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Office of Student Success and Engagement 270 Pharmacy Building Buffalo, NY 14214 716-645-2825 [email protected]

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Pharmaceutical Sciences students viewing lab sample in Pharmacy Building.

The UB Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences is the foremost destination for PhD student scholars interested in challenging the boundaries of drug discovery, development and evaluation.

We invite you to study with our group of internationally renowned faculty as they advance the biotherapies and technologies of the future to improve human health and society. 

Sponsored through the university, this multi-year program provides enhanced nationally competitive funding packages to ensure the support and continuation of the next generation of scholars and researchers.

Support initiatives include: cost of broad-based fees for doctoral students who are full time and fully funded. Covered fees include the comprehensive fee, academic excellence and success fee, student activity fee, and the international student fee, where applicable.

Find out more: UB PhD Excellence Initiative.

Learn more about the many ways UB can support your career aspirations through innovative assistantships, fellowships, scholarships and other benefits.

Find out more: PhD Level Funding.

Doctoral students receive a full tuition scholarship and stipend. Additional amounts may be received through individual scholarships.

Admission Requirements

  • Bachelor's degree or higher in pharmacy, biochemistry, chemistry, biology, engineering or other science
  • Minimum GPA of 3.0/4.0
  • Two letters of recommendation from faculty knowledgeable of the student's ability and capability. Evaluators should comment on laboratory research, communication skills, creativity, and intangibles in the student's academic performance. An email request will be sent directly to your recommenders when you submit your application for formal review.
  • Personal statement: the personal statement is a general statement of purpose describing academic, professional, and research interests and should be no more than 500 words.
  • Demonstrated proficiency in organic and physical chemistry, biochemistry, biology and mathematics
  • Prior research experience and co-authorship in scientific publications are considered favorably.

SPPS receives approximately 300 applications for the PhD program and around 7% are accepted. 

Learn more about our PhD program metrics

Application Steps

Applying to graduate, professional and research programs can be overwhelming. Let us help with these tips!

  • Our master’s programs typically take 1 to 2 years to complete, with the end goal being either gaining employment or continuing on to a doctoral or professional program. Note that master’s programs are typically self-funded.
  • Our doctoral program typically takes 5 years to complete, where students take coursework early on, followed by independent research culminating in a dissertation. 
  • When to start planning for graduate school
  • How to apply (includes information on letters of recommendation, personal statement and resume/CV)
  • Writing a personal statement
  • Learn about options for funding your graduate education .

Information for Current BS/MS or MS Students

Current students in our BS/MS or MS programs who are interested in the PhD program are required to submit a new application with new recommendations. MS students may apply either during their first or second year of the program. BS/MS students must complete their entire BS/MS program before joining the PhD program (some exceptions considered).

MS students who are accepted to the PhD program during their first year in the MS program are transferred directly to the PhD program and do not receive their MS degree. MS students who are accepted to the PhD program during their second year in the MS program are encouraged to complete their MS project and confer their MS degree before joining the PhD program.

It is recommended that students interested in the PhD program consider taking the required courses for the PhD program that are offered during their MS studies. If admitted to PhD program, students who have completed all of the required PhD courses will be allowed to take the Preliminary Exams.

Students accepted to the PhD program from our MS program who have elected not to receive their MS degree can apply all of their required PhD courses and graduate course credits towards the 72 credits needed for the PhD. These students should develop an academic plan carefully so that the remaining credit requirements needed for the PhD degree are met without exceeding the 72 credits by a large margin.

Students formerly in our BS/MS or MS programs who are accepted to the PhD and have received their BS/MS or MS degree can apply part or all of their prior graduate credits from the University at Buffalo towards the PhD. The Director of Graduate Studies will waive the required PhD courses taken during the BS/MS and MS program for these students. These students should work closely with the Director of Graduate Studies so that remaining credit requirements needed for the PhD degree are met without exceeding the 72 credits by a large margin.

Review our Frequently Asked Questions

Email us at  [email protected] .

  • Department of Physics >
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  • Graduate Overview >

PhD in Physics

Recent graduate student.

Every PhD in Physics recipient is expected to acquire:

  • Comprehensive understanding of core physics principles in the subjects of classical mechanics; electrodynamics; statistical mechanics; and quantum mechanics; and in-depth knowledge in the area of doctoral research
  • Broad knowledge of contemporary physics developments
  • Independent research skills in formulating and solving original physics problems
  • Strong oral and written communication skills

Students must earn a minimum of 30 credit hours in formal graduate courses approved by the Department of Physics. Courses in PHY 598, PHY 599, and all PHY 600 level courses do not count toward this requirement. Students must maintain an overall GPA minimum of 3.0 (equivalent to a grade of "B") for all courses leading to the degree.

The UB College of Arts and Sciences is committed to recruiting the very best PhD students and preparing doctoral students for career success. 

Minimum Course Requirements

All PhD candidates must take and pass the following graduate courses with an average grade equivalent to "B" or higher:

  • Classical Dynamics (PHY 509)
  • Electrodynamics (PHY 513)
  • Quantum Mechanics I and II (PHY 507, 508)
  • Statistical Mechanics (PHY 519)
  • Graduate Lab (PHY 551 or 552)

Of the remaining 12 required credits, student may take only graduate level courses. The following two courses are required:

  • Colloquium (PHY 601 1st year and PHY 602 2nd year)
  • Research Ethics

PHY 503 and 504, as well as any undergraduate courses taken for graduate credits, are excluded.  Students who must take remedial or undergraduate courses during the first two semesters will require more than two years to complete their course work.  

Comprehensive Exam

Within 24 months (four semesters) of enrollment as a full-time graduate student, every student in the PhD track is required to pass the Comprehensive Examination. Students are permitted a maximum of two attempts.

The Comprehensive Examination consists of a written reseach proposal, a research presentation and an oral examination on research and course preparation (Sample questions on High Energy Physics ,  Condensed Matter Physics ) . For further details please see the  Graduate Physics Handbook.

Thesis Committee Composition

Students must choose their Major Professor and PhD committee members by filling out the  Thesis Advisor Form  no later than 24 months after enrollment in the graduate program. The Major Professor (or one of the co-Major Professors) must be a regular faculty member in the Department of Physics. The Major Professor must also be a member of the Graduate School Faculty who holds the rank of Assistant Professor or higher. Failure to choose an advisor may result in losing Departmental financial support.

The PhD Committee should consist of two or more faculty members (in addition to the Major Professor) chosen by the student with approval from the Graduate Studies Committee. All committee members should demonstrate active engagement in research during the last five years. When possible, at least one committee member should work in a field or research similar or relevant to the student's thesis topic. Faculty from other UB departments may also serve on the committee. The same criteria regarding research apply for the selection of committee members outside the Department of Physics.

For further information, please consult the  Graduate Student Handbook  or contact Dr. Priya Banerjee , Director of Graduate Studies. 

PhD Program Metrics

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Doctoral Program (PhD)

Graduate studies manuals.

The hands of a scientist in a lab carefully handling equipment, surrounded by various tools and containers, showcasing a virus tracking process.

The Department offers two doctor of philosophy (PhD) Programs: one in Civil Engineering and one in Environmental and Water Resources Engineering. Each program requires students to develop a dissertation that communicates the results of original research at a high level of scholarship.

On this page:

  • Civil Engineering PhD Metrics

Civil Engineering

Technical concentrations.

PhD in Civil Engineering students may choose one of the following technical concentrations:

UB earthquake shaketable.

Choose one of the following in Mechanics:

  • CIE 511 Advanced Mechanics of Solids
  • CIE 546 Environmental Fluid Mechanics

Choose one of the following in Mathematics:

  • CIE 516 Advanced Mathematics for Civil Engineers
  • CIE 532 Statistical Methods in Civil Engineering

Environmental and Water Resources Engineering

Students in the EWRE programs develop a deep understanding of the physical, chemical and biological processes that influence human health and the environment. PhD students apply this knowledge to develop innovative engineering solutions for pollution prevention and treatment, environmental restoration, and sustainable resource management. In addition, PhD students conduct original research to expand the scientific knowledge base and support innovation in engineering practice. Students from both programs acquire a comprehensive understanding of contemporary issues in EWRE, eventually pursuing research and consulting careers in academia, government and industry.

Photo of environmental and water resources engineering specimen or sample.

Degree Requirements

Both PhD programs consist of three elements:

  • a program of graduate coursework
  • written and oral qualifying examinations
  • successful defense of an approved doctoral dissertation

The PhD program consists of 72 credit hours beyond a bachelor’s degree, including up to 36 credit hours from the previous  MS degree, 12 to 30 credit hours of dissertation, and at least  12 hours of coursework (most students complete substantially more courses) . Regardless of the number of assigned credit hours, approval the  dissertation is based on rigor, originality, and a substantial contribution to the field of study.

Each program of coursework is formulated by the student and his/her advisor at the beginning of the doctoral program. Core course requirements, as specified below, can be satisfied through doctoral classes or MS classes completed previously.  Elective courses are selected from an approved list that is particular to each degree and program concentration, including CSEE classes and courses from other Departments.

Additional detail concerning the PhD program requirements can be found in the  Graduate Studies Manual  (PDF).

Doctoral Research and Coursework

PhD programs are tailored for the needs of each student. Research topics are dependent upon the research insterests of the faculty advisor. Please visit  CSEE Research  for more information on our research sections.

See the  CSEE Graduate Courses  page for descriptions of individual courses available within the Department. Doctoral students are encouraged to enroll in courses offered outside  of CSEE, as well. 

Core Curriculum

CSEE maintains a basic core requirement for civil engineering MS and PhD degree candidates consisting of one of two courses in mathematics and one of two courses in mechanics, either fluids or solids.

The courses comprising the core are selected to ensure that advanced degree recipients from the department have knowledge in the basic mechanics and mathematics that are the "fundamental language" of civil engineering.

The only exception to this rule is when a student can demonstrate that he/she has already taken an equivalent course before coming to UB. In this case the student should take an alternative course, as specified by the Graduate Studies Committee.

While high performance in all graduate work is important, excellent grades in core courses are particularly significant in the faculty's assessment of a student's potential to pursue a PhD.

The current core program is as follows

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PhD Program

Essi Tchalla.

Doctoral student Essi Tchalla says our graduate training is vigorous and prepares trainees to be great scientists. “You can always count on faculty and staff in the department to guide you to the right path,” she notes.

Our doctoral program offers you a holistic package for success. You will explore multiple organisms — viruses, eukaryotes and bacteria — plus immunology. You will contribute to research that paves the way for novel infectious disease therapies. You will prepare for a career in academia, government or industry.

Explore Microbiology and Immunology at UB

Perhaps an influential undergraduate professor inspired your passion for microbiology and immunology.

Maybe you were intrigued by a fascinating lab rotation during your first year in our PhD Program in Biomedical Sciences .

Or were you pulled in by the action — “the wicked little arms race between a pathogen and its host” — as one of our parasitologists describes it?

If you want to study microorganisms while paving the way for much-needed new therapies against infectious diseases, our PhD program gives you the skill set and professional acumen you need — wherever your career path may lead.

The Breadth to Build Your Future

Unlike some programs that let you track in one area, we give you a background in all four major components of the field : bacterial pathogenesis , eukaryotic pathogenesis , virology and immunology . We believe it’s essential for you to have a foundation and some level of expertise in each area.

This will help you become a broad-based scientist who can contribute your knowledge in multiple roles.

Building on your first-year experiences in biochemistry, molecular biology and genomics, you will at first explore each area through our core courses. You will likely complete these four graduate-level introductory courses by the middle of your second year.

You will then further explore each topic through our constantly changing advanced specialty courses. These interactive courses go beyond didactics. You will explore and discuss current literature and engage in journal clubs and presentations.

Becoming an Independent Scientist

Once you officially join one of our labs in your second year, our internationally recognized faculty will train you — one-on-one — in the details of your chosen focus area.

The most important thing we teach you, however, is how to think independently as a scientist.

Yes, you will learn a wide variety of the latest molecular techniques. But you also will learn what techniques are available and how to formulate a plan to attack your own questions or hypothesis. 

With our guidance and individualized mentor-teaching, you will progress from an inquiring student (“What do I do next?”) to a scientific colleague (“This is what I think I should do next.”). Will all your ideas be viable? Maybe not. But we’ll help you sort through that and develop a strategy for investigation.

You will grow as a scientist by closely collaborating with your faculty mentor. You will have opportunities to train with specialists in all four major research focuses . 

Because our research is relevant to public health, our faculty secure major grants from the NIH as well as private foundations, such as the American Heart Association and the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America. 

We’re just as committed to training our students as we are to research. Several of our faculty have been recognized for excellence in mentoring or teaching.

While you train with our dedicated scientists, you’ll be able to focus on your research, not your living expenses. We fully fund your entire course of study.

Learn From Global Collaborators

Your mentor will likely collaborate with scientists from across the university, the region and the world — and you will benefit from their expertise.

For example, we have worked with colleagues from Columbia University, Stanford University, the Universidad de la Républica in Uruguay and the University of Montreal. 

Locally, we collaborate with researchers at the Witebsky Center for Microbial Pathogenesis and Immunology , UB’s New York State Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics and Life Sciences ,  Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center  and the Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute .

As part of our collaborative team, you will be exposed to a variety of techniques and perspectives about science. While engaging in this cross-pollination of ideas, you will learn how to be a citizen of the global scientific community.

Prepare for Your Next Step ... and Beyond

By the time you finish our program, you’ll be ready to take on a wide variety of career options.

You will have the training you need to pursue your specific area of interest. You also will have the background to work in virtually any area of microbiology and immunology. You will have the breadth to change direction. As life takes you to different places, you will be fully prepared. 

The proof is in our alumni’s success. Take a look at where our alumni have landed. There’s a lot of breadth in their career outcomes.

Our alumni are teaching and conducting research at prominent universities and teaching in undergraduate institutions. They’re making their marks in biotechnology research and development as well as management and leadership. 

With your PhD  from our department, these career paths and more will open to you.

Consider the Possibilities at UB

How do your interests align with  opportunities in our department ?

Learn  what our faculty are accomplishing . Consider being a part of it.

  • 6/23/21 Curriculum and Requirements
  • 6/17/21 Research Opportunities
  • 5/10/15 Course Descriptions
  • 5/9/19 Admissions
  • 5/9/19 International Student Admissions
  • 2/4/22 Financial Support
  • 5/10/15 Alumni Careers

Director of Graduate Studies

Elizabeth Wohlfert, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Room 5256 955 Main Street Buffalo, NY 14203

Phone: 7168293969

Email: [email protected]

Associate Director of Graduate Studies

Chelsie Armbruster, PhD

Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Room 5218 955 Main Street Buffalo, NY 14203

Phone: (716) 829-6059

Email: [email protected]

Graduate Program Administrator

Caroline Golach.

Caroline Golach

Senior Staff Assistant

Microbiology and Immunology

955 Main St. Room 5102B Buffalo, NY 14203-1121

Phone: (716) 829-2993

Email: [email protected]

PhD At a Glance

PhD students :  20 

Various mentored research opportunities , including collaborative projects through the  Witebsky Center for Microbial Pathogenesis and Immunology

Focus Areas

  • Bacterial Pathogenesis
  • Eukaryotic Pathogenesis

Financial support

  • $31,000 stipend, paid tuition and health insurance
  • School of Public Health and Health Professions
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Nutrition Science PhD

Fill out our  academic information form  to request information about programs.

The Nutrition Science PhD provides a combination of didactic learning and research experience in the field of nutrition science. This program emphasizes foundational courses in biochemistry, physiology and nutrition as well as a variety of opportunities for conducting high-quality research in both laboratory and clinical settings.

Program faculty study a wide range of topics, using a combination of animal and human models to answer both applied and mechanistic questions. This program will prepare students to excel in research and to become leaders in academia, industry and government.

  • 12/10/19 Requirements and Curriculum
  • 5/1/19 Competencies
  • 5/1/19 Course Descriptions
  • 5/13/24 Admissions
  • 1/19/24 International Admissions
  • 5/1/19 Tuition and Financial Aid
  • School of Nursing >
  • Admissions >
  • Graduate Admissions

Graduate Programs - Admissions

The UB School of Nursing offers a comprehensive range of graduate-level programs, including a PhD in Nursing, a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) and advanced certificates. Our programs are designed to prepare nursing leaders for high-impact careers in academia, clinical practice and research.

About Our Admissions Process

  • The School of Nursing reserves the right to change admission and program criteria to meet prevailing accreditation and registration requirements.
  • Students who have been dismissed from other nursing programs are not eligible for admission. 
  • An interview is required for all graduate programs as part of the review process. Qualified applicants will be notified of interview via email.

Admissions Requirements by Program

Doctor of nursing practice (dnp), doctor of philosophy (phd) in nursing, advanced certificates, application deadlines.

Application Dates by Program
Program Term Open Close
PMH Advanced Certificate
Spring 2025 07/15/2024
Post-MS DNP (all)
Spring 2025
Summer 2025
Summer 2025
PhD (Traditional and Early Assurance)
Fall 2025
DNP Early Assurance
Fall 2025
Fall 2025
Post-MS DNP (all)
Fall 2025

All documents must be received by the deadline.  

Additional Information

Application tips series.

Application Thursdays: Letters of Recommendation presentation title screen.

Letters of recommendation are a vital piece of your application. Here are some important tips for identifying recommenders. 

Application Thursdays: How the UB Application Works presentation title screen.

Learn about filling out an application for the UB School of Nursing graduate programs.

Application Thursdays: Resumes presentation title screen.

Your resume is a vital piece of your application. Here are some important tips to remember when creating your resume.

Application Thursdays: Personal statement presentation title screen.

Learn tips for writing a quality personal statement.

Application Thursdays: Transcripts presentation title screen.

Learn tips for providing clear and high-quality transcripts will set you up for success during the application process. 

Graduate Programs Information Sessions

Tanner Gelatt.

Tanner Gelatt Assistant Director of Graduate Recruitment 202 Beck Hall 716-829-3765 [email protected] Schedule a meeting with Tanner.

The University at Buffalo is committed to ensuring equal access to its programs and activities. View UB's Notice of Discrimination here.

Graduate Programs

Related Links

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Graduate Divisions & Professional Schools

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Chicago Booth
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Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice Programs
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Divinity School Programs
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Graham School of Continuing Liberal and Professional Studies Programs
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Harris School of Public Policy Programs
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Humanities Division Programs
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Law School Programs
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Physical Sciences Division Programs
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  • Ralph C. Wilson Jr. Foundation backs UB’s Cultivator startup program

campus news

Ralph C. Wilson Jr. Foundation backs UB’s Cultivator startup program

Four people standing around talking to one another in Cultivator's office.

Western New York based startup founders make connections with other startups in UB’s Cultivator program. Credit: Nancy J. Parisi.


Published August 20, 2024

UB has received a $750,000 grant from the Ralph C. Wilson Jr. Foundation to help sustain three more years of operations for Cultivator, its early-stage startup support program.

The two organizations share a dedicated mission of strengthening the Western New York region, in part through fostering innovation and entrepreneurship.

The namesake legacy foundation of the Buffalo Bills’ founder and former owner, the Ralph C. Wilson Jr. Foundation has a focus on connecting entrepreneurs in Southeast Michigan and Western New York to critical resources to start and grow businesses.

Managed by UB’s Office of Business and Entrepreneur Partnerships (BEP), Cultivator nurtures Western New York-based startup founders by providing mentorship, investments and other resources to transform their innovative ideas into viable, scalable businesses.

Since its inception three years ago, 66 companies have participated in Cultivator, with more than 70% founded by women or founders of color. UB has invested in 28 companies through Cultivator, with a total of $2.7 million in pre-seed investments made.

The nine-month program, organizers say, democratizes access to startup funding opportunities at the earliest stages of business, welcoming aspiring entrepreneurs from the five counties of Western New York — no prior UB affiliation required.

“We are incredibly grateful to the Ralph C. Wilson Jr. Foundation for its generous support and partnership to grow the Cultivator program,” says Venu Govindaraju, vice president for research and economic development. “This award builds upon the program’s successes and infuses Buffalo’s startup ecosystem with early-stage funding, supporting entrepreneurs in turning their visions into reality and contributing to our region’s economic growth.”

Paul Riser, senior program officer, entrepreneurship and economic development at the Ralph C. Wilson Jr. Foundation says UB’s Cultivator program is making a significant impact on innovation and entrepreneurship in Western New York. “By supporting the momentum of this program, we are investing in early-stage startups, empowering local entrepreneurs and driving long-term economic growth and sustainability in our region,” Riser says. “Access to resources and mentorship is integral to transforming innovative ideas into thriving businesses that truly benefit our communities.”

Three more startups recently completed — or “graduated” — from Cultivator, increasing the total number of graduate companies to 26. Several graduate companies have secured additional funding from UB and outside investors following the completion of the program.

“Startups leave Cultivator on a greater path to sustainability and success. In turn, the program produces a risk-reduced supply of companies for other regional support organizations and investors that work with later-stage startups,” says Richard Kim, director of startup ventures at UB.

“Thanks to this support from the Ralph C. Wilson Jr. Foundation, Cultivator is poised to continue helping to strengthen the startup ecosystem and economic vitality here in Western New York.”

Prospective Graduate Students

Quick links.

Find information on admissions, programs and frequently asked questions.

  • Program Overview

Funding Resources

As with most universities, there are three broad classes of funding for graduate students at The University of Texas at Austin: Teaching, Research and Fellowships.

The Physics Department has over 100 Teaching Assistant (TA) positions each long semester (fewer in the Summer) for support of incoming and continuing doctoral students. New students typically receive a commitment for five years of funding as a TA (Teaching Assistant), GRA (Graduate Research Assistant), or Fellow, all are contingent upon adequate progress toward completing the degree.

First-year TA positions can be augmented with one of the department's endowed fellowships at the discretion of the Graduate Advisor. Dean’s Strategic Fellowships and Provost’s Graduate Excellence Fellowships are available for some students.

A selection of The Department’s endowed fellowships (available for recruitment purposes) includes:

  • Lawrence C. Biedenharn, Jr. Endowment for Excellence,
  • Cécile DeWitt-Morette and Bryce DeWitt Endowed Graduate Fellowship in Physics,
  • A. Wilson Nolle Endowed Graduate Fellowship,
  • The John A. Wheeler Fellowship in Physics, and
  • The Robert N. Little Graduate Fellowship in Physics

All applicants are considered for a wide range of recruitment fellowships from the Department, the College of Natural Sciences, and The Graduate School—there is no separate application for funding and all doctoral students are funded as described above.

The Department actively encourages all of its students to take advantage of funding opportunities from  sources outside of the University , including those that are  wholly extramural . 

Fall 2020 48.86% 48.86% 2.27%
Spring 2021 51.16% 45.93% 2.91%
Summer 2021 13.94% 68.48% 17.58%
  • Office of the Provost >
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  • Advancing Top 25: UB Faculty Hiring >

Human Health

biomedical engineering faculty demonstrating robotic surgical equipment.

Home to five health sciences schools, including medical and dental schools among the oldest in the nation, UB is nationally and internationally recognized for its groundbreaking research and innovation, its impactful clinical programs, and its excellent educational programs that prepare students to become the next generation of skilled, compassionate doctors, dentists, nurses, pharmacists, scientists, health care professionals and teachers. As a comprehensive public research university, UB is home to five health sciences schools: the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, which is housed in a state-of-the-art building located on the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus , and the School of Dental Medicine, the School of Nursing, the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, and the School of Public Health and Health Professions.

Health Sciences faculty are supported by the university’s Academic Health Center (AHC), which provides a superb research and educational environment to foster basic discovery in the biosciences, promote health-sciences translational research, perform preventive and interventional clinical trials, offer excellent clinical care, and train of the next generation of health care practitioners across the health disciplines. In addition, health sciences researchers are supported by the Clinical and Translational Science Institute , an integrated academic home for UB’s outstanding clinical research and translational science; the Clinical Research Office , a centralized office charged with administrative oversight for all clinical research activities of the university's faculty members; as well as a wide variety of research centers and institutes.

As part of the Advancing Top 25 initiative, UB will recruit faculty focused on critical areas related to human health across our health sciences schools as well as the College of Arts and Sciences, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, and School of Social Work. Areas of interest include the brain; addiction; aging; AI, big data, and machine learning for personalized medicine; cell/molecular/neuro biological sciences; drug discovery and design; genetic, cell and tissue engineering; human factors in personalized healthcare; molecular discovery for pharmaceutics and pharmaceutical engineering, personalized biosensors and implants; neuromodulation, neurostimulation and biosensors; quantum imaging for biological applications; and translational therapeutics. In all of these areas, a focus on health disparities, particularly those related to inequities in health outcomes and access for minorities and women will be a primary focus of research investment and clinical care initiatives.

Top 25 Ambition

hayes hall bell tower at sunset.

UB has set a course for excellence across the university's academic endeavors, research and scholarship, and in the education of students to rise even further in the ranks of the AAU, situating itself among the Top 25 public research universities in the nation in the next decade.

UB's Schools and Colleges

the jacobs school in downtown buffalo.

Featured Centers and Institutes

hands writing on clear digital wall with ai buzzwords.

Beautiful Buffalo Niagara

The Buffalo Niagara region is a major metropolitan area with a diverse blend of communities. We’re known for our welcoming nature, our spirited loyalty and our penchant for fully embracing each of our four brilliant seasons. Get past the snowy stereotype and you’ll be captivated. You might never leave.


  1. UB program for underrepresented minority students in biomedical PhD

    phd programs university of buffalo

  2. PhD in Management

    phd programs university of buffalo

  3. PhD Program

    phd programs university of buffalo

  4. Future Students

    phd programs university of buffalo

  5. Program Overview

    phd programs university of buffalo

  6. Funding Your PhD

    phd programs university of buffalo


  1. The Graduate School

    12:00 PM - 1:00 PM. Student Union - Rm 222. See all events. See all news. The University at Buffalo is New York's leading public center for graduate and professional education. With over 300 programs, UB has more academic degree opportunities than any other institution in the state.

  2. Academic Programs

    University at Buffalo (UB) University at Buffalo (UB) The Graduate School . Find Your Program Link to graduate academic programs page. ... Choose from over 300 graduate and professional programs that offer opportunities to learn across disciplines, in the classroom, online, hands-on here, or anywhere around the world. ...

  3. PhD in Management

    Built on a foundation of excellence, the Management PhD program will provide the training, education and skills you need to launch a successful academic career. Choose from six majors: accounting, finance, management science and systems, marketing, operations management and strategy, or organization and human resources.

  4. Philosophy PhD

    Catherine Gaston. 832 Clemens Hall. Buffalo, NY 14260. Email: [email protected]. Phone: 716-645-9042. Learn more about the program. Learn more about the Ontology concentration. Instruction Method. In Person (100 percent of courses offered in person)

  5. Information Science, PhD

    Department of Information Science University at Buffalo 549 Baldy Hall (North Campus) Buffalo, NY 14260-1000 Buffalo, NY 14260. Phone: 716-645-1481 ... Finding the right doctoral program requires that doctoral candidates specify and describe their research interests so they can evaluate whether there is a good fit between what they want to ...

  6. Higher Education PhD

    The PhD program in Higher Education will prepare you for multiple roles, including: leadership positions in post-secondary education administration, higher education scholars, and positions in policy or advocacy organizations. Our program focuses on issues of concern to scholars and leaders in all types of higher education institutions.

  7. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

    Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) The UB Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences is the foremost destination for PhD student scholars interested in challenging the boundaries of drug discovery, development and evaluation. We invite you to study with our group of internationally renowned faculty as they advance the biotherapies and technologies of the ...

  8. Doctoral (PhD) Programs

    University at Buffalo (UB) College of Arts and Sciences. Department of Psychology . Contact . PSC . Toggle Navigation Menu. 6/18/18 About. 4/15/24 Undergraduate. 5/6/24 Graduate. 6/9/22 Faculty. 6/18/18 Research. 5/17/24 News & Events. ... The Cognitive Psychology Doctoral Program offers an exceptional, research-intensive training environment ...

  9. Counseling Psychology and School Psychology, PhD

    Our combined doctoral program in counseling psychology and school psychology, accredited by the American Psychological Association (750 First St., NE, Washington, D.C. 20002-4242, 202-336-5979), focuses on preparing psychologists who can evaluate, provide and enhance human services through scientific inquiry and practice. Our program adheres to the scientist-practitioner model of training ...

  10. Doctoral Degrees

    UB Alumni Association. Support GSE. Graduate School of Education. 367 Baldy Hall. Buffalo, NY 14260-1000. 716-645-6640. [email protected].

  11. PhD Program in Biomedical Sciences

    How It Works. The PhD Program in Biomedical Sciences (PPBS) allows you to experience different fields of research and laboratories before selecting a specialty area. This fully-funded program provides an entry portal and a common first-year curriculum, equipping you with core knowledge and concepts to support your pursuit of a doctoral degree ...

  12. PhD in Economics

    The PhD in Economics program trains students in the core areas of economics (macroeconomics, microeconomics and econometrics) and in quantitative methods, improving their mathematical and econometric skills in the first year. ... 415 Fronczak Hall University at Buffalo, North Campus Buffalo, NY 14260-1520 (716) 645-8670 University at Buffalo ...

  13. PhD Program

    PhD Program. D. Fernando Estrada, PhD, left, provides mentorship to doctoral students such as Christopher S. Campomizzi. As a PhD candidate, you will research in our highly collaborative environment, present your findings on multiple occasions and acquire the skills of a well-rounded, independent research scientist.

  14. PhD in Computer Science and Engineering

    One PhD alum (so far) has risen to the office of university president. The PhD in Computer Science and Engineering degree provides an opportunity for students to pursue a program of research in a specialized area and to develop a dissertation that embodies the results of original research and gives evidence of high scholarship.

  15. Clinical Psychology Program

    The Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program follows a "clinical-science" training model. Clinical science is a psychological science focused on using scientific methods and evidence to inform the assessment, understanding, treatment and prevention of human problems in behavior, affect, cognition or health. Consistent with this model, students are involved in clinical research continuously ...

  16. PhD in Biological Sciences

    Our PhD program is a comprehensive, research-oriented program involving foundational coursework and an original dissertation research project mentored by one of our faculty. ... 109 Cooke Hall University at Buffalo, North Campus Buffalo, NY 14260-4610 Phone: (716) 645-2363 Email: [email protected]. The health and safety of the UB community ...

  17. PhD in Physics

    University at Buffalo (UB) College of Arts and Sciences. Department of Physics . Contact . Toggle Navigation Menu. 6/12/17 About. 6/12/17 Undergraduate. 8/7/23 Graduate. ... PhD Program Metrics . Program Metrics External link to Tableau Dashboard. Department of Physics . 239 Fronczak Hall Buffalo, NY 14260 (716) ...

  18. PhD Programs

    Interdisciplinary Program. The PhD Program in Biomedical Sciences (PPBS) allows you to experience different fields of research and laboratories before selecting a specialty area. This program provides an entry portal and a common first-year curriculum, equipping you with core knowledge and concepts to support your pursuit of a doctoral degree ...

  19. Electrical Engineering PhD

    The PhD program requires a minimum of 72 credit hours of work. The School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) and the Department of Electrical Engineering impose limits on dissertation credits which are applicable toward graduate degree requirements. Additionally, a maximum of 30 credit hours from a Master's degree may be applied toward ...

  20. Doctoral Program (PhD)

    The PhD program consists of 72 credit hours beyond a bachelor's degree, including up to 36 credit hours from the previous MS degree, 12 to 30 credit hours of dissertation, and at least 12 hours of coursework (most students complete substantially more courses) .

  21. PhD Program

    PhD Program. Doctoral student Essi Tchalla says our graduate training is vigorous and prepares trainees to be great scientists. "You can always count on faculty and staff in the department to guide you to the right path," she notes. Our doctoral program offers you a holistic package for success. You will explore multiple organisms ...

  22. Nutrition Science PhD

    The Nutrition Science PhD provides a combination of didactic learning and research experience in the field of nutrition science. This program emphasizes foundational courses in biochemistry, physiology and nutrition as well as a variety of opportunities for conducting high-quality research in both laboratory and clinical settings. Program ...

  23. Higher Education, PhD

    Our doctoral program in higher education will prepare you for a variety of professional paths, including leadership positions in college and university administration, higher education faculty and policy research. Our program focuses on issues of concern to scholars and leaders in all types of higher education institutions. Given the variety of positions that you can pursue post-graduation ...

  24. Graduate Admissions

    Tanner Gelatt Assistant Director of Graduate Recruitment 202 Beck Hall 716-829-3765 [email protected] Schedule a meeting with Tanner. Notice of Non-Discrimination The University at Buffalo is committed to ensuring equal access to its programs and activities.

  25. Graduate Programs

    Graduate Program in Health Administration and Policy (GPHAP) Other: Public Policy: PhD: Master of Arts in Public Policy: MA: ... The University of Chicago. Edward H. Levi Hall 5801 S. Ellis Ave. Chicago, IL 60637. Title IX; Non-Discrimination Statement; Accreditation/IBHE Resolution; Emergency Info;

  26. Ralph C. Wilson Jr. Foundation backs UB's Cultivator startup program

    Three more startups recently completed — or "graduated" — from Cultivator, increasing the total number of graduate companies to 26. Several graduate companies have secured additional funding from UB and outside investors following the completion of the program. "Startups leave Cultivator on a greater path to sustainability and success.

  27. Prospective Graduate Students

    As with most universities, there are three broad classes of funding for graduate students at The University of Texas at Austin: Teaching, Research and Fellowships. The Physics Department has over 100 Teaching Assistant (TA) positions each long semester (fewer in the Summer) for support of incoming and continuing doctoral students.

  28. Horticultural Therapy Program Home

    Information about the history of the program can be found at Rutgers Horticultural Therapy Timeline and Significant Moments. Program Director. Gary L. Altman, MS, LAC, CRC, CVE, HTR Foran Hall, Room 184 Phone: 848-932-6321 Email: [email protected]

  29. Human Health

    Home to five health sciences schools, UB is nationally and internationally recognized for its groundbreaking research and innovation, its impactful clinical programs, and its excellent educational programs. Through Advancing Top 25, UB will hire faculty focused on critical areas related to human health including aging, personalized healthcare, biomedical technology, and addressing health ...

  30. Assistant Director of Admissions in Glen Cove, NY for Webb Institute

    The unique program provides 100% placement for graduates supported by direct industry contact through annual internships in shipyards, on ships and in design, engineering, or maritime companies. Graduates also choose to pursue graduate education or transition to numerous non-maritime fields.