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BMAT Essay Marking

Receive detailed and constructive feedback on your BMAT Essay with a full score and mark scheme

Receive detailed feedback within 48 hours for your BMAT Essay

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  • BMAT Marking within 48h
  • Full Mark Scheme & Score
  • Reviewed by BMAT Experts
  • Line-By-Line Feedback
  • Suggestions for Improvements
  • Matched to Your Needs

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Your time is valuable. So we’ve summarised it for you!

Quality feedback from BMAT Experts

Your BMAT Essay will be marked by one of our BMAT expert team, who have all scored in the top 10% of the UK. You will receive line by line feedback, a full mark scheme, an individual score, and specific comments and suggestions for improvement. All within 48 hours!

How we can help

Response in 48 hours.

Send us your BMAT essay with the accompanying title. You can specify whether it is an actual past BMAT title or a custom title, and also add in some notes for the marker.

Our BMAT experts will check your BMAT essay, section by section, and provide line-by-line comments. The feedback will focus on constructive tips and suggestions for improvement.

Your examiner will provide two scores - one for quality of content (on a scale of 0–5), and one for quality of written English (on the scale A-E).

Use the feedback in your future essays, and take on board the tips and suggestions from the markers- they know what they are talking about! Really want to succeed? Submit future essays to see how you are doing and watch that BMAT score improve!

Line-by-line feedback

Here at Medic Mind, we're extremely meticulous and our team of markers will review every line of your BMAT Essay and ensure it meets our high standards.


Complete with an analysis summary

As well as line-by-line feedback for your BMAT Essay, we'll give you overall feedback on your essay structure, word count, essay content and language. This is in addition to your BMAT Score (1-5 and A-E).

Write, revise and repeat

After reading our feedback, keep up with the practice and use the suggestions and tips to improve your BMAT Essays. You can submit future essays to see how you are improving, or contact one of our experts for more detailed feedback through a live tuition session.

Asset 2

1-1 sessions with BMAT Tutoring

You can book 1-1 tutoring sessions to further improve your technique for BMAT Section 1, 2 or 3. You can request to have the same essay marker if you wish to discuss your essay in more detail.

Let’s work through an example together...

Defining the statement.

Good start by defining the statement, but be careful not to presume that knowing nothing is “better”!

Good Analysis

Good consideration of other factors - e.g. how someone uses knowledge at an individual level determines whether little knowledge is useful.

Broaden Examples

You could link in a more diverse set of case studies.

Asset 4

Paragraph Structure

As you start the 'for' arguments, you should begin a new paragraph.

Good Use of an Example

Good practical example used here. You could also counter it - e.g. poor quality compressions could do more harm than good.

Narrow Interpretation

Be careful not to be too narrow in your interpretation – that a little learning is problematic when it makes one overconfident.

How can we improve your BMAT Essay?

Personal analysis.

Rather than giving you some generic advice, we'll work through what you've written and give bespoke feedback.

Use of Case Studies

We will provide feedback to optimise your use of case studies and examples to support points.

Improving Language

All our tutors are experienced teachers who have excelled in the exam and implement our proven strategies.

Grammar Checking

We will provide feedback on any patterns of grammatical errors or spelling mistakes.

Reviewed by Experts

Our BMAT team have taught hundreds of students and themselves scored in the top 10% of the UK.

1-to-1 Feedback Lessons

You have the option to book a 1-1 tutoring session with your marker via Zoom.

Why our students love us (and you will too!)...

The BMAT marking was detailed and to the point. The marker noticed trends in my writing which I hadn't myself, and this feedback was beyond the obvious generic tips you may find online.

I used 4 essay checks, and each one helped me improve in a different way. I am much more confident now in approaching Section 3, which was always my weak section.

I was really happy with my essay check, and ended up booking 7 in total. I also had a 1-1 lesson with my marker which was really useful as she knew my weaknesses from my past essays

Our packages

Don’t waste time or money on generic essay feedback. With Medic Mind, your BMAT essay will be reviewed by a BMAT Expert and current doctor, who will review your BMAT Essay and return it fully marked within 48 hours! All our packages come with full feedback on grammar, structure and content in our easy to understand, mark scheme format. Tight on time? Rest assured, whichever number of BMAT essays you purchase, you are guaranteed your BMAT Essay back within 48 hours or your money back.

x2 BMAT Essays

  • 2x Essay Checks
  • Expert Feedback in 48h
  • Marking from Expert BMAT Tutors

x4 BMAT Essays

  • 4x Essay Checks

x5 BMAT Essays

  • 5x Essay Checks

Our proven 4-Step Method

Step 1

Send us your BMAT Essay

Step 2

We’ll analyse and mark

Step 3

Receive Your BMAT Score

Your examiner will provide two scores – one for quality of content (on a scale of 0–5), and one for quality of written English (on the scale A-E).

Step 4

Improve and Progress

Take on board the feedback for future essays, and you should improve your technique and quality of essays. You can submit further essays in future to see how you improve over time.

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Got a Q about our BMAT Essay Marking? Speak to our team today!

Still got questions? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

→what is the bmat.

The BioMedical Admissions Test is an aptitude test which is used in the selection for universities for Medicine, Biomedical Sciences and Dentistry in different countries.

→How is BMAT Section 3 marked in the actual exam?

Your real BMAT essay will be marked by 2 different examiners. Each examiner gives you two scores each - one for quality of content (on a scale of 0–5), and one for quality of written English (on the scale A, C, E).

→What are the criteria used to mark BMAT essays?

The criteria used to mark BMAT essays include content and relevance, quality of argument, organization and structure, use of language, and critical thinking skills. Each of these criteria is assigned a specific score, and the total score is used to determine a candidate's essay mark.

→How many BMAT Section 3 essays should I write during the exam?

In the actual BMAT exam, you need to pick one BMAT essay from the question options. It can be tricky to choose, especially when you are under time pressure and exam stress, but it is important to be efficient and selective when deciding which BMAT essay to write. Our BMAT essay marking service will allow you to understand which essay suits you best.

→How many BMAT Section 3 essays should I write during revision?

We recommend planning and writing lots of essays. Many students prefer to mainly plan BMAT essays, as it gives you the opportunity to tackle more essay titles. Then for a few of these plans, you may wish to write them out in full. Practice writing the BMAT essay in the official BMAT writing sheet, so you get used to working to the limited space you have.

→Who are Medic Mind's BMAT Tutors?

Across our BMAT team, we have over 10,000 hours of BMAT teaching experience. Our BMAT tutors have scored in the top 10% and have a wealth of BMAT experience and will provide the best BMAT essay marking possible

→Can I submit multiple BMAT essays?

Definitely! You may find it useful to book further BMAT essay marking in future.

→Can I use a computer to write my BMAT essay?

No, BMAT essays must be written by hand in black ink. However, you are allowed to use a pencil to draft your essay before writing it in ink. It is important to write legibly and clearly to ensure that your essay can be read and marked accurately.

→How important is the BMAT essay in the overall BMAT score?

The BMAT essay is one of three components that make up the BMAT score, along with the multiple-choice sections. While the essay is only worth one-third of the overall score, it is an important component and can have a significant impact on a candidate's final BMAT score.

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bmat essay marking criteria

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How to write a bmat essay (section 3) [bmat series], what is bmat section 3 how to prepare for it and some of our top tips.

bmat essay marking criteria

The third section of the BMAT exam is the “essay” writing section. I say “essay” (in quotations) as it is really nothing to be afraid of. This section of the BMAT assesses your essay writing skills by asking you to write a short piece of text that answers a question selected from several options provided to you. These skills include your ability to form clear and concise arguments, provide examples to support these and tie these together to form a logical conclusion in which your opinion is outlined.  Read on to find out more…

What is BMAT Section 3 composed of?

In this section you will be given the choice of three essay titles and you will have 30 minutes to answer the associated question. You are only given 1 A4 piece of paper, with some of the top being used to input candidate details (so it’s not even a whole page!).Therefore, it is not your typical essay – you will only have room to write around 3 paragraphs in total and therefore it will end up being a relatively short piece of writing.

The nature of each question varies. It will take the form of an opinionated statement that gives one point of view or sometimes as a quote, with three accompanying prompts. These prompts will be quite similar for each question: they often ask you to expand on the statement, provide arguments against it, and end with a conclusion. Whilst there is no specific content you need to learn for the essay, the questions are typically divided into the following themes (there is sometimes some variation): one healthcare related, one covering science more generally, and one that is unrelated to science or medicine – sometimes about politics, sociology, philosophy etc.

You may not be studying essay-based subjects, but please do not worry about this. With practice and adequate preparation, you will score well in this section! When choosing an essay question, it is always good to choose a topic you fully understand and have sufficient related knowledge of. Having an opinion on the matter might also be useful when forming a conclusion (although this is not required). In terms of the conclusion though, the examiner is less interested in what your opinion is (ie. whether it is considered right or wrong) but is more concerned with your ability to form logical ideas/arguments and provide evidence and examples to support these.

How is BMAT Section 3 scored?

Two examiners mark your essay. Their scores are then averaged and an overall score is given. If the scores given are very different, a third examiner might mark your essay. There are two parts to the score you are given. The first is a number between 1 and 5. Scores increase in increments of 0.5 and relate to the quality of the content of your essay. This considers how well you have explained your ideas, answered the questions and used the prompts, the structure of your answer and the quality of examples used to support your case. The other score goes from A-E and assesses the quality of English used. This includes grammar and spelling, fluency, and sentence structure.

How to prepare for BMAT Section 3?

As with the other sections of BMAT, hands-down, the best way to prepare for this section is practice. Use past questions and specimen questions to perfect your essay-writing skills. As you only have access to that one page for this section, you have to try and make your case in that space. It may be worth writing essay plans instead if you are running out of time, in order to try as many questions as possible. It is often recommended to spend 1/3 of your time during the exam (so 10 minutes) writing a plan so this will definitely be valuable revision (see below for reasoning why). However, saying this, it is still important to try to get as many proper timed practices in as possible when preparing.

What are some tips for BMAT Section 3?

1. answer all parts of the question..

‍ Make sure to answer all parts of a question, addressing all the prompts given. If you do not do this, you cannot get a high score – the criteria for a 3 is to address all the prompts so please make sure you take care to do this and make it clear you are doing so.

Regarding the questions, always plan your answers before starting. By generating a framework, you are much more able to form a strong structure for your response to the question you select. This will help you remain on the correct path and to ensure you don’t forget any points you make. Planning should take around 5-10 minutes and should include your points for each of your 3 or 4 paragraphs. You should also try to list your selected examples in your plan.

3. Useful knowledge.

It is a good idea to go over medical ethics as this is often relevant to the questions in Section 3. Make sure you know the four pillars of medical ethics and can explain them well enough to illustrate a point.

Also, ensuring you can explore politics and philosophy to answer questions is a great way to tackle Section 3 questions. To do this, it might be useful to read journals and blogs, particularly BBC health articles for examples and points to use. Staying on top of medical news can play to your advantage. Consider debating issues with friends to practise formulating opinions and arguments to answer a question/prompt.

How should you structure your BMAT essay?

You should organise your essay into 3 main parts: an introduction, main body (which can be subdivided further) and a conclusion.

Your introduction should always state what your essay is about and should briefly outline the points you are going to make ie. those for and against the statement. This is a reason why you need to plan - so you have these points ready from the get-go.

After this, you have the main body of the essay. Most will write a paragraph to address each prompt given. What is crucial here is presenting a balanced argument. The marking criteria states you cannot get higher than a 3 if you don’t do this. Use examples to support your points and make sure to start a new paragraph for every major point you make. I would personally recommend a PEEL structure – make your point, then explain it. Back up your explanation with examples, and finally link back to your point and the question to explain why your explanation is relevant.

Your conclusion should summarise the rest of the essay. You shouldn’t make any new points or give any new examples here, instead you should try to form a judgement on the question (if appropriate) and round off the essay.

Make sure to leave a few minutes to check your work after finishing your essay. Remember, you are marked on the quality of English used so ensure this is at a high standard. Being concise, clear and avoiding repetition are all crucial to scoring well in section 3.

How long should you spend preparing for BMAT Section 3?

How long you should spend preparing for this section will depend on the individual (as it does for the other sections). Consider your current ability to write clear and (importantly) concise essays. I would recommend spending 1-2 weeks writing essay plans and scattering a few times practices in the mix too – this will help you work on time management and structuring your essays well. It will also help you get used to the nature of the titles that tend to appear, helping you feel more prepared for the final exam. Try to go through every past paper and practice question you can find and write at least a plan for it. For the ones you struggle with most, challenge yourself to write a full essay - this will help you get used to answering difficult questions.

To Summarise…

This section is nothing to be afraid of. Using your current knowledge and reasoning skills to draw valid conclusions will serve you well in the exam. Make sure to practice, and if you have access to anyone who can mark your essays please make the most of this. Feedback is a goldmine in this instance. Focus on having a clear structure and please, please, please get into the habit of planning everything – you will thank me later! Best of luck to you all - you can do it!

Author: Chandan Sekhon

Editor: Allegra Wisking

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We often have students asking us to take a look at their BMAT Section 3 essays since they’re tough to mark yourself. With our BMAT essay marking you will receive useful, actionable feedback to improve your Section 3 score rapidly.

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What’s The Feedback Like?


BMAT Essay Marking Overview

Here’s the low-down of what you’ll get with all of our BMAT essay marking options.

  • Your BMAT Section 3 will be reviewed and marked by an expert tutor who took the BMAT and scored in the top 10% nationally .
  • You'll get detailed feedback with every essay you submit to us, along with an overall score exactly the same as what you would receive after sitting the real BMAT e.g. a score of quality of english and a score for your content. If you're keen to see what the feedback will look like, click here and take a look at a report.
  • We aim to return (with the juicy feedback, of course) every essay submitted to us within 5 days . If you're in a bit of a pinch and need it sooner, we do offer a quicker turnaround with our Express 24-hour turnaround service .
  • We've got a number of BMAT essay marking packages you can choose from. We know one size doesn't fit all, so pick the best option for you !
  • You can submit a BMAT essay as soon as you've bought the package you're interested in. You'll get instructions on how to submit your essay sent direct to your email. We won't ever keep you waiting around.
  • We appreciate that by creating a BMAT essay marking service, we're contributing to the overall problem of money being a factor when it comes to becoming a doctor. Because of that, we run a really generous bursary scheme . If money is an issue for you, please check it out here.

We’ve been running our in-person courses for the last 6 years, and have taught over 10,000 students. Check out our Reviews to see what some of them had to say. We also run offer preparation support for the BMAT , Interviews , and Personal Statement if any of those tickle your fancy.

Who Will Your Essay Be Marked By?

All of the BMAT Essays submitted to us are marked by our Super Sensei BMAT tutors. They have all scored in the top 10% nationally for the BMAT, so they’re a brainy bunch.

They’ll give you detailed constructive feedback, as well as an accurate BMAT score (e.g. 3.5A).


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What Will My Feedback Look Like?

6med BMAT Essay Feedback

You’ll get detailed feedback sent straight back to your email address so you can begin working on it right away.

The feedback will cover all the areas of your essay such as the Introduction , Main Body , Conclusion , Final Comments and an Overall Score .

All of our tutors know exactly what makes the BMAT essay markers tick, so you can trust in their feedback.

BMAT Essay Marking Pricing

You’ve got a few options when it comes to your BMAT essay marking. If you only need a few, then check out the 4x marking option. If you need a little (or a lot more) support, look at 10x or even unlimited!

If you’re in a pinch and need some rapid feedback, you can get your essay returned in 24 hours with the Express option.

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How to prepare for BMAT Section 3

UPDATE: Please note that CAAT have announced they will no longer be administering the BMAT in 2024, for 2025 entry. Cambridge University has announced that they will be using the UCAT as an admissions indicator. Oxford University are to announce admissions test changes in Spring 2024.

BMAT Section 3: What is It?

In BMAT Section 3, you will be provided with three essay titles. You will then have to choose one out of the three titles to write an essay that is not longer than the length of more than one side of an A4 paper. 

Each essay title takes the following format: 

  • A provocative sentence or opinion
  • Three prompts (included in the question) to guide your writing

Here is a question from Section 3 of the 2020 BMAT paper as an example: 

‘Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.’

To what extent is it possible for someone to hold power without using it for their own personal gain? 

Explain the reasoning behind this statement. Argue that power does not necessarily degrade or weaken the morals of those who hold it.

As per the prompts in the question, you should explain the statement first and then offer an oppositional argument in your answer. After this, you will need to weigh both sides of the argument and come to your own conclusion. This is the most typical structure, and it serves as a general guide for answering the question, but there can be different variations. Hence, do not be startled if a question does not fit this structure exactly!

As you only have one side of an A4 piece of paper to work with, you would not be required to write a lot. Furthermore, you also have a time restriction of 30 minutes. Hence, when writing your essay, keep the time and space restriction in mind in case you run out of time or space.

bmat essay marking criteria

What kinds of titles might I anticipate for BMAT Section 3 essays?

As stated on the BMAT website, Section 3 of the BMAT “measures the competence to create ideas and to present them effectively in writing”. This means that Section 3 of the BMAT is not a knowledge-based exam, and therefore there is no specific content that you will need  to revise or memorise. They could test anything under the sun, so do not make the mistake of trying to revise every topic that you come across in past papers as this would be a waste of valuable revision time! Instead, you can focus on revising general essay writing techniques such as how to structure your essay well or how to form a strong argument. 

With such varied possibilities, how can you anticipate what essay titles will come up in the exam? While there is no set syllabus for BMAT Section 3, you can get an idea of the style of questions by looking at past papers available online. You will notice that in each past paper, there is often one question related specifically to healthcare, one on science in general, and one that focuses on a topic completely unrelated to medicine, such as human nature, society, or politics.

In terms of choosing which topic to answer, your natural inclination may be to choose the question on medicine or science, since this topic would be more familiar to you. However, these questions could contain terminology that you might not be familiar with, or have aspects of the question that you do not understand. On the other hand, the non-medicine or scientific essay titles could be a lot broader. This could make these questions easier to answer, as you will have a wider range of examples to choose from. Hence, the tip is to not go into the exam expecting to answer a specific topic. Instead, you should try to be open-minded. This means to carefully read through all the questions, and choose your question based on what you think you can answer best. A good way of judging which question you can answer best is by quickly brainstorming points and examples for each question title. The question that you are able to come up with the most points and examples for will likely be your best choice. 

How is Section 3 of the BMAT scored?

Two examiners will grade your essay, and each will assign two scores. One score, from 0 to 5, is given for content, which includes your display of logic, how effectively you responded to the prompts, the way your argument is structured, and how you utilise examples to support your claims. The other grade, from A to E, is for your quality of English, including vocabulary, sentence structure, syntax, and spelling.

The marks from the examiners are then averaged. For an extreme example, 4A from one and 3C from the other would result in a 3.5B (Most examiners usually would give each essay a similar grade). The highest possible grade is a 5A. 

Less than 10% of applicants scored 4 or higher in 2020, with the average content score being 3. More than 70% of applicants received an A for English proficiency. A good score is generally a score of 3A or higher.

How can I get ready for the BMAT Section 3?

One of the best methods to get ready is to try previous examination papers or sample essay questions. You may wish to start your preparation without a time constraint, in order to familiarise yourself with your answering style and how you approach the question, but you should definitely practise writing under timed conditions closer to the exam date. You should also practise answering these questions in the sample response sheet, in order to get a sense of how much space you have available. This is because in the actual examination, you must fit whatever you wish to write onto the available one-sided A4 page of the test sheet as no extra pages would be given. After writing your essays, you should seek feedback by asking someone to read your essays, as they may point out any areas that need improvement that you might not have otherwise noticed on your own.

If you would like to learn case studies that you can use as examples in your essays, it would be useful for you to read more broadly about ethics, science, and current events. Using examples in your essay will improve your responses and consequently the grade that you would receive, but be careful to not use them excessively. Do not include every example that you can think of in your answer. A good general rule of thumb is to support every point that you have with only 1-2 examples and to cite these examples in a clear and succinct way such that it supports your point, instead of being your point.

A tip for memorising is to choose case studies that you are already aware of or would be memorable to you, for example case studies that are related to a personal interest or something you have studied at school. You can then summarise your chosen case studies on flash cards in a concise way, such as in bullet points, and memorise using these flashcards. Avoid trying to memorise too many case studies – quality is definitely better than quantity. If you can memorise a smaller number of case studies that you can apply to lots of different types of questions, such as a medical ethics case study that was in the news, this would be a more effective use of your revision time.

How will universities utilise my Section 3 score?

Each university that requires the BMAT uses BMAT scores differently. This is the case for Cambridge – they weigh your application as a whole, considering aspects of your interview, predicted or achieved grades, as well as your BMAT. That being said, having too low of a BMAT score could jeopardise an offer from Cambridge, but there is no specific cut-off that they use. 

On the other hand, Oxford is more straightforward with its usage of BMAT scores. They would calculate a composite BMAT score, with Section 3 making up a certain percentage of that score. After that, they set a cutoff below which candidates are not invited for an interview. Specifically, Section 3 makes up 20% of this composite BMAT Score, with quality of content being weighted twice as heavily as quality of english. Keep in mind that they also weigh GCSEs equally with your overall BMAT score when determining interview readiness!

It’s crucial to verify the website or prospectus of each BMAT medical school you’re thinking about applying to since these methods might also alter from year to year. The BMAT portion of our guide to medical schools includes information on how each score is used to choose applicants.

Essays from Section 3 may potentially be utilised as talking points during yout interview. Candidates at UCL, for instance, are frequently requested to examine and elaborate on their writings. On the BMAT examination day, you should take notes regarding the questions you answered and the things you wrote. Otherwise, you may not remember much by the time interview offers are sent out! 

bmat essay marking criteria

BMAT Section 3: Top Tips

BMAT Section 3 essay writing represents an intimidating final hurdle for many BMAT takers. Given the time and space limitations (30 minutes, one side of A4), savvy exam techniques are essential to maximising your score.

bmat essay marking criteria

1. Answer the question – all of it!

Do not, whatever you do, fail to answer the question in its entirety. This means more than just sticking to the title – it includes addressing all three prompts and giving proper attention to each. This is due to the marking criteria, which makes it challenging for an examiner to give a response of a score higher than 2 if it does not fully address the topic – even if it is an amazing essay! This is because it could be a good essay, but it is not an essay that answers the question. Hence, this means that even if you write a perfect essay but you do not cover all the prompts that they have asked, you would still get a low score.

2. Select the question that you can best answer

Although it may seem like a piece of obvious advice, applicants frequently remark that they struggle to select which title to choose. You should base your choice of question on your ability to answer the question – that is, choose the one for which you can offer the strongest justifications and arguments. Do not choose a title just because you have heard the statement before or because you can immediately think of one particular case. Furthermore, do not feel inclined to choose the science or medicine-related question. Examiners do not favour answers that are scientifically related, as they are marking based on your argumentation skills!

The most important thing to remember is to exercise caution if you are able to answer two of a question’s prompts but lack the ability to answer the final and third prompt, because you are unable to entirely grasp what it means or because you simply do not have anything to say about it. In such a case, be wary of this and do not choose that particular question, no matter how compelling your arguments for the first two prompts would be. This is because in order to thoroughly answer the question, it is crucial that you address all three prompts in your response.

3. Develop your planning skills

You have undoubtedly heard the advice to wait until you have a clear strategy before beginning to write before. This advice is crucial for Section 3, as if you do not plan well, you would find yourself struggling to think of examples mid-way through the examination, and may run out of time.

When planning, use the question sheet instead of the lined answer sheet for this – you need all the space available for your response! Your planning should take around 5-15 minutes. Some candidates prefer a longer planning time because they believe that with a solid framework in place, writing will be done more quickly. However, ultimately how much time you take should depend on you. Your decision on how much time you should allocate can be fine-tuned by doing past year papers and figuring out what works for you. However, take note to not exceed 15 minutes in planning, otherwise, you would run out of time to write your actual essay.

In your planning, you should plan for the structure of your essay. Divide it into the three or four paragraphs you will write, each of which will respond to one of the three questions. Each paragraph you have planned should represent a different part of your argument and be linked to the examples you intend to use.

4. Practice using realistic test circumstances

This is a wonderfully practical method for preventing terrible timing errors on the big day. Create a specific 30-minute timetable that suits you as much as possible, and make sure that this includes time for question selection, planning, writing, and editing. 

Afterwards, set up examination-like conditions where you would attempt the BMAT Section 3 questions in only 30 minutes. You can download past year papers from the official Cambridge Admissions Assessment Testing website, and it would be ideal for you to not look at the papers before your stimulated examination practice. You could also go one step further and try the BMAT examination as a whole, where you not only practise Section 3 on its own but with Sections 1 and 2 as well. This will simulate the nature of the actual exam.

It is recommended to print off blank sample answer sheets from the BMAT website because they give less space than an average side of A4.

5. Definitely include examples in your essay

The importance of using examples to support your claims in BMAT Section 3 essays is frequently stressed. This is because the use of examples is included in the marking scheme, hence this would directly improve your grade. However, simply including examples in your answer would not help you improve your score – you have to use them appropriately as well.

Your examples should only be used to support your arguments, and they should also be sufficiently detailed. Do not fall into the common pitfall of overly describing your example – this would cause your paragraph to detract from the main point, as well as take up valuable space and time. On the other extreme, you should also avoid using examples that do not add weight to your point or are not relevant. A good guide is that your example should only take up 1-2 lines, and only describe them in a way that is relevant to the point that you are explaining.

6. Dig deeper if you find yourself having too little or too much space

If you frequently run out of space to complete your essay, either your handwriting is too big or you are attempting to cram too much information into your essay. 

On the other hand, if you find it difficult to write a page’s worth of text and your handwriting is not too small, attempt to phrase your essay using an appropriate structure. For example, you can have an introduction and conclusion paragraph, along with 3 middle body paragraphs. Each body paragraph could answer each of the prompts in the question, and be of around 6-7 lines. You could even have a structure for your individual body paragraphs, such as starting it off with a point, followed by an example, before elaborating on that example and finally linking it back to your original point. Having a good structure helps you to avoid missing out on key details, and it also helps you to communicate your ideas in a succinct and readable manner. 

7. Have an opinion or conclusion in your essay.

A solid BMAT essay will always weigh the arguments in favour of and against the thesis and have an opinion in the conclusion. This is because the grading requirements for a score of 5 state that a good essay will “lead to a convincing synthesis or conclusion.”

This will require more depth than just declaring complete support for either side of the argument. Having a conclusion also does not mean simply restating your ideas from our earlier body paragraphs. Instead, you should try and give your opinion on which side of the argument you favour, and briefly explain why. Afterwards, it would be good to include exceptions or situations where you might not necessarily agree on that side. 

8. Always check your work

You should try and set aside 5-10 minutes at the end of your allocated time for Section 3 for final grammar and spelling checks. This is to avoid any simple grammatical or punctuation errors that would otherwise compromise the readability of your essay. Furthermore, you can also take this time to embellish your essay with any adverbs that can help strengthen your argument.

When attempting practice papers for BMAT, use this approach instead of only checking your essay on the actual examination itself. This is because practising it beforehand would allow you to identify and resolve any common grammatical or spelling mistakes. You will then need to check less on the day of the BMAT exam as you will hopefully make fewer errors and be quicker at checking for spelling and grammar mistakes. 

9. Ask for feedback on your practice essays

You should always ask someone to review your practice essays in order for them to point out any areas of suggestions that you would not otherwise be aware of. They could mark your Section 3 BMAT essays using the mark scheme that is available online, as well as comment on how well your ideas flow or how well they answer the question. If you do not have anyone that you are able to ask, look no further than Medic Mind for knowledgeable BMAT tutors who can provide you with precise score estimates! Otherwise, anybody who is familiar with the Section 3 marking standards would be a good place to start, and these could be your friends, family, instructors, and neighbours.

10. Understand the mark scheme

You should study the mark scheme for BMAT Section 3, which is available on the official Cambridge Admissions Assessment Testing website. This is to allow you to understand what is the best way to score. 

Furthermore, it would allow you to understand the expectations of the marker, which could allow you to relax as the standards might not be as high as you think! For example, the expectations for the English language are rather modest, and you would have more freedom to use simple language. Instead, you might realise that it would be more advantageous to focus on argumentation strategy rather than memorising vocabulary!

11. Be more flexible in taking into account other viewpoints

Your capacity to weigh numerous points of view and present them in a clear and cogent manner is what is being tested on the BMAT Section 3 exam. Hence, you should be able to consider how the subject could affect many groups of people, such as that of patients, physicians, and the general public. You can also further analyse the consequences to stakeholders in your essay by relating how a certain situation might benefit one group but harm another. This would allow you to have a wide range of information and perspectives to draw on.

12. Keep up to date with social and medical concerns

Generally speaking, the writing assignments in Section 3 have a broad scientific or medical focus. Hence, try to stay up to date on the news, paying special attention to stories on science and medicine. You can even incorporate this into your everyday life by talking about these articles with your loved ones so that you can learn other viewpoints and practice expressing yourself. Doing this will make it simpler for you to write down your views in an essay format, and pick up examples or perspectives you might not originally have thought of.

BMAT Section 3 is a written essay component of the BioMedical Admissions Test (BMAT) used by some universities as part of the admissions process for medical and veterinary schools. It assesses a candidate’s ability to articulate their thoughts and opinions on a given topic within a specified time limit.

To prepare for BMAT Section 3, it is important to practice writing essays within the time limit provided. You should also familiarize yourself with the structure and content of the test by reviewing past papers and sample questions. Additionally, you can improve your critical thinking and argumentation skills by reading widely and engaging in discussions or debates.

To write a successful BMAT Section 3 essay, it is important to read the question carefully and plan your response before beginning to write. You should also structure your essay in a clear and logical manner, using evidence and examples to support your arguments. It is also important to demonstrate a depth of understanding of the topic and to consider different perspectives and potential counterarguments.

The topics presented in BMAT Section 3 can vary widely, but generally relate to current events, scientific or ethical issues, or broader social or political issues. Candidates should be prepared to analyze and provide thoughtful opinions on these topics within the allotted time.

Yes, there are many resources available to help candidates prepare for BMAT Section 3, including past papers and sample questions, online courses or tutoring services, and study guides or textbooks. It is important to choose resources that are reputable and aligned with the content and format of the BMAT.

BMAT Section 3 is scored based on the quality of the written essay. The essay is marked by two independent examiners who are trained to assess the quality of writing and content. The examiners assess the essay on four criteria: quality of content, quality of written English, the ability to organize and present ideas in a clear and logical manner, and the ability to show insight and critical thinking skills. Each criterion is given a score from 0.5 to 5.0, with a total score ranging from 2.0 to 10.0. The two scores are then combined to provide an overall score for the essay. The score for BMAT Section 3 is not directly comparable to scores in other sections of the BMAT or to scores on other admission tests. The score is used by universities as one of the factors in their admission decisions.

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Medical School Expert

BMAT Complete Beginner’s Guide

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Every article is fact-checked by a medical professional. However, inaccuracies may still persist.

This BMAT Complete Beginner’s Guide is going to give you all the basic facts you need to know before taking on the BMAT.

The world of applying to medicine is a confusing place, full of acronyms, entrance exams and hoops to jump through.

After this guide however you’ll be one step closer to getting in as you’ll have a solid foundation in one of the key entrance exams used by medical schools.


What Is The BMAT?

The BMAT (or BioMedical Admissions Test) is an entrance exam used by some UK medical schools.

It’s used instead of the UCAT, and serves a very similar purpose.

That is, it’s an aptitude test that helps differentiate applicants to help medical schools decide who to interview.

You don’t have to take the BMAT to get into medical school.

You’ll only need to take it if you specifically apply to medical schools that require it.

Which Medical Schools Use The BMAT?

There are currently nine UK medical schools that require the BMAT.

This is an increasing number each year so I’d recommend double checking on each medical school’s website before applying.

The UK medical schools that currently need it are:

A100 Medicine
A100 Medicine
A100 Medicine & Surgery
A104 Medicine & Surgery with a Gateway Year
A100 Medicine
A100 Medicine

( )
A106 MBChB Medicine and A104 MBChB Medicine (with foundation year)
A100 Medicine
A101 Gateway Year to Medicine
A100 Medicine
A101 Graduate Medicine

( )
A100 Medicine

You can find the  latest  list of BMAT Universities on the BMAT website here.

What’s In The BMAT?

The BMAT is a two hour  pen-and-paper  test consisting of  three sections.

The first two are  multiple choice  but you have to write an  essay  for the third.

There’s no negative marking and no calculators or dictionaries are allowed in the test.

Let’s look at the three sections in turn:

Section 1: Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Section 1 is all about testing your thinking skills.

It tests your ability to solve problems and think critically.

You have 1 hour to answer 32 multiple-choice questions.

You don’t need any prior knowledge to answer any of the questions and each one contains all the information you need to answer it.

They split the 32 questions exactly down the middle, with 16 critical thinking questions and 16 problem solving questions.

Interestingly, the questions are presented roughly in order of difficulty. So the easiest ones come first then it gets harder as you go along.

Section 2: Scientific Knowledge

Section 2 is all about scientific knowledge and its applications.

It tests your ability to use scientific knowledge to solve problems.

The science you need to know isn’t rocket science.

You’ll only be tested up to a GCSE (or iGCSE) level for your basic sciences (biology, chemistry, physics) and maths.

In section 2 you’ve got 30 minutes to answer 27 multiple-choice questions.

The questions are divided equally among the different subjects tested. So you should get:

  • 7 biology questions
  • 7 chemistry questions
  • 7 physics questions
  • 6 maths questions

Helpfully, the BMAT has an exact syllabus for what can go into the scientific knowledge section. You can find it here.

Section 3: Writing Task

The third and final section is the writing task.

Here you’ve got 30 minutes to write an essay from a choice of three questions.

The three questions are on a general, scientific or medical theme.

The essay can only be one side of A4 long. No longer.

You’re marked on both on the quality of your reasoning and arguments, as well as the quality of your written English.

The universities you apply to will actually also get a copy of your essay along with your BMAT score.

How Do You Take The BMAT?

To take the BMAT you need to be registered as a candidate by a test centre.

That means you can’t just register yourself.

A test centre is usually just your school or college, providing that they’re a registered centre.

If this isn’t possible for you or your school isn’t a registered centre, you can ask an authorised test centre to register you instead.

You can find a list of the registered test centres on the BMAT website here.

Once you’re registered, you should receive a candidate entry number as proof that your registration is complete.

The BMAT costs £49 to register for within the UK, with an additional £35 late fee if you register after the deadline.

You may be able to get this fee reimbursed if you meet the qualifying criteria.

You can only take the BMAT once per year and your score is also only valid for one application cycle.

How Is The BMAT Scored?

What is it about medical school entrance exams’ scoring systems?

Along the same lines as the UCAT, the BMAT scoring system is not a simple mark out of something.

Instead, they use two systems.

One for Sections 1 & 2 and one for Section 3.

Scoring Sections 1 & 2

Questions in Sections 1 & 2 are all worth one mark each.

So you’ll get a total raw mark out of 32 for Section 1 and a total raw mark out of 27 for Section 2.

These raw marks are then converted to the BMAT’s scale of 1-9. 1 is low and 9 is high.

Your scaled score is reported to one decimal place.

So for example, you might get a 4.3 for Section 1 and a 4.7 for Section 2 .

Scoring For Section 3

Your essay for Section 3 is marked by two separate examiners.

You then essentially get the average score from the two examiner’s marks.

Each examiner marks your essay for both its content and quality of written English.

The content is scored on a scale of 0 – 5.

Your English is scored on a scale of A – E.

So a total mark might look something like 4C.

For each part of your mark (the score from 0-5 and the one from A-E) you get the average from both the examiners.

So say one examiner gave you a 5B and one gave you a 4D, your actual mark would be 4.5C.

If there’s a large difference in the two examiner’s marks, your essay is marked again for a third time.

This final mark is then checked by the Senior Assessment Manager.

You can find the exact Section 3 marking criteria here.

What’s A Good BMAT Score?

The BMAT is designed to test even the most able applicants.

So don’t be surprised if you’re score isn’t as high as you’re used to at school. It’s meant to be hard.

As for typical scores for Sections 1 & 2, the BMAT website says this:

Typical BMAT candidates will score around 5.0, roughly half marks. The best candidates will score around 6.0, and a few exceptional candidates will score higher than 7.0.

Looking at the tests statistics for 2020, candidates scored slightly better on Section 1 than Section 2.

However, as it’s designed to be, the average mark for both sections sat at about 5.0, if slightly below it.

The mark distributions for Section 3 were a lot tighter than for 1 & 2.

Over 70% of candidates received an A for their quality of written English in 2020.

Over 40% received a 3.0 for their quality of content, with the vast majority of candidates falling within the range of 2.0 – 4.0.

How To Prepare For The BMAT

If you’re going to prepare for the BMAT you need to start at Cambridge Assessment’s preparation page.

Here they’ve got links to all their BMAT preparation resources:

  • The BMAT test specification- this is essentially your syllabus for what you need to know for the BMAT
  • Practice and past papers- to get a feel for the question styles
  • Guides for each of the sections- to explore the different question types as well as tips on tackling them
  • Their YouTube channel- here you can find advice from top scorers and examiners alike

Once you’ve exhausted the free resources, there are some excellent paid revision aids.

This might be buying a BMAT book or even going on a BMAT study course.

Cambridge Assessment stress that they provide all the material you need to achieve a top score.

However, for such an important exam it’s crucial to be aware of your options.

When Do You Get Your BMAT Results?

Sadly, you’ve got to be a bit patient when it comes to getting your BMAT score.

On test day you’ll be given a Confidential Results Information sheet.

This has your login details for Cambridge Assessment’s Metritests website. This is where you can log in to get your results.

But, they’re not normally released till the end of November if you did the early November sitting.

Your BMAT results are then automatically forwarded on to any universities you’ve applied to that need it.

Sadly, I’m afraid there’s no pretending to medical schools that your results got lost in the post if things didn’t go to plan on test day…

How Do Universities Use Your BMAT Result?

The short and incredibly unsatisfying answer is: it depends.

It’s essentially up to each medical school how they want to use an applicant’s BMAT score.

In this table I’ve run through briefly how each university uses it.

However, for medical schools that you’re actually going to apply to I’d recommend reading their admission policy in detail so you know exactly how it’s going to be used.

UniversityHow They Use Your BMAT Result
Applicants are ranked by their BMAT score with a top portion being invited to interview
BMAT cut-off scores are calculated each year depending on the number and quality of applicants
Applicants are ranked by their BMAT score with a top portion being invited to interview
Test scores are used in conjunction with your UCAS application to select candidates for interview
Test scores are used in conjunction with your UCAS application to select candidates for interview

( )
Used in combination with the rest of your application (international applicants only)
Test scores are used in conjunction with your UCAS application to select candidates for interview
An equal weighting given to both your BMAT score and GCSE results is used to select candidates for interview

( )
Applicants meeting the academic criteria will be ranked on their BMAT score for interview (international applicants only)

BMAT Access Arrangements

Access arrangements are available in the BMAT if you have a disability or special requirement and you get extra support in other exams.

Access arrangements can include:

  • Using a laptop to write your essay in Section 3
  • An exam paper with enlarged text
  • Being allowed extra time to complete the exam

Access arrangements for the BMAT are made through your individual test centre.

So if you think you’d be entitled to any of the above it’s best to contact your centre as soon as possible.

An exam officer at your centre will:

  • Ask you for details of your disability or special requirements
  • Ask for some medical evidence of these needs
  • Submit the request for Access Arrangements to Cambridge Assessment

You can find more information on the process and evidence requirements here.

Final Thoughts

Congratulations,  you made it! You should now have a  solid understanding  of the basic facts surrounding the BMAT.

Put the work into your preparation and I’m confident you’ll smash it come exam day.

Best of luck!

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UCAT Vs BMAT: What’s The Difference?

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Important Update

The BMAT exam is being withdrawn at the end of 2023. Consequently, you’ll no longer be able to purchase our BMAT Online Course. If you are interested in studying medicine or dentistry in the UK, please check our UCAT Online Course or GAMSAT Online Course .

Guides & Info

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The BMAT has changed over the years. Medify's BMAT Online Course reflects on-going format changes and has the most up-to-date BMAT content available. Each section below is covered in detail (click on the arrow to expand each section).

  • Critical Thinking (10 tutorials)
  • Problem Solving (8 tutorials)
  • Biology (61 tutorials)
  • Chemistry (64 tutorials)
  • Physics (68 tutorials)
  • Maths (57 tutorials)
  • Marking criteria

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  • Example essay plans from the last 15 years

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Due to this fantastic experience I got 4/4 offers from Cambridge University (Downing College), UCL, Kings College London and Queen Mary. I would thoroughly recommend anyone wishing to apply to medical school to use MedicHut!”

Live BMAT Course

8 hours of teaching, proven strategies, created by the best, why medichut’s bmat course, during this one-day crash course, our experienced tutors will go through all of the most efficient and proven strategies to succeed in the bmat..

Whether it’s time-saving strategies to beat the clock in this notoriously time-pressured exam, or background knowledge for the sciences that are tested, we cover it all. We can’t magically teach you how to write essays in a single day, but we can certainly prepare you to succeed in the BMAT essay . It’s all strategy, and we provide you with tried and tested methods of success in each section of the BMAT.

Created by top-scoring candidates and Oxbridge students, this BMAT Course is designed for students aiming to excel.

09:00 – 09:15  – Introduction 09:15 – 11:00  – Section 1 11:00 – 11:10  – Snack Break 11:10 – 13:00  – Section 1 continued 13:00 – 14:00  – Lunch 14:00 – 15:00  – Section 2 15:00 – 15:10  – Snack Break 15:10 – 15:45  – Section 2 continued 15:45 – 17:00  – Section 3

Many students feel that section 1 cannot be prepared for. However, during our live course, we’ll help you tackle the most common and the most difficult questions from both domains: problem solving and critical thinking. You’ll feel much more confident going into your BMAT preparation given the skills, techniques, and resources from this course.

In this section, we’ll cover the most relevant topics in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics that you must understand in order to score well in the BMAT. We’ll also cover essential strategies and time-saving techniques for common question types. Our tutors will provide practise questions and build your confidence by helping you work through them.

Is it really possible to get better at essay writing in such a short period of time? The short answer is, yes! For this task, we’ll help you understand how to best select a question suitable for you, the importance of planning and structuring your essay, and how to write a compelling essay. We’ll cover examples and you’ll be given the opportunity to write your own essay using the methods taught.

The BMAT requires a lot of preparation, and having a tutor for ongoing support is not only necessary when getting stuck on difficult concepts and questions.

Our experienced tutors have scored in the top 10% on the BMAT and are able to provide you with all of the support and guidance that you may not even know you need! Having a BMAT personal tutor can make all of the difference, helping you to truly unlock your potential. Your tutor can:

  • Teach you all of the key strategies in a learning style that suits you
  • Run through difficult topics and questions
  • Cover time-saving techniques to help you maximise your score
  • Help you plan and write stellar essays, providing feedback on ones you’ve written
  • Guide you on how to best improve your weaknesses
  • Provide practise questions, homework, and ongoing support

Essay Marking

Get expert feedback on your essays to help you get that 5a. our bmat essay markers will provide you with:.

  • Detailed and specific feedback
  • Examples of how you improve individual points
  • How to improve your overall essay structure and writing
  • A highlight of your weaknesses and practical advice for improving these
  • Added insight, demonstrating how to make your essay writing more compelling
  • Insight on how to strengthen your arguments and counter-arguments
  • An overall score based on the official BMAT marking criteria

Our feedback will never be generic or unhelpful. If, for any reason, you’re unsatisfied with the quality of the feedback given, we’ll go through it again for you – no questions asked.

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    put your essay to one side for a few days and then look at it again yourself, alongside the marking criteria. Hear advice from the experts: • Watch our Section 3 videos. where BMAT markers provide . an overview of Section 3. and tips on. preparing for Section 3 and writing your essay.

  10. How to prepare for BMAT Section 3

    This is due to the marking criteria, which makes it challenging for an examiner to give a response of a score higher than 2 if it does not fully address the topic - even if it is an amazing essay! ... A solid BMAT essay will always weigh the arguments in favour of and against the thesis and have an opinion in the conclusion. This is because ...

  11. BMAT Complete Beginner's Guide

    The BMAT is a two hour pen-and-paper test consisting of three sections. The first two are multiple choice but you have to write an essay for the third. There's no negative marking and no calculators or dictionaries are allowed in the test. Let's look at the three sections in turn: Section 1: Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

  12. The Ultimate BMAT Guide

    BMAT Essay Tutorial. To ace the third section, the only way to be good at writing is to practice. What the examiners expect to see is a good argument delivered in a structured essay using good English. ... The following table is the marking criteria for the essay. Your essay is marked by two examiners who will each give your essay a score which ...

  13. BMAT Course

    Marking criteria. Four-step essay plan. Timing strategy. Example essay plans from the last 15 years ... "I was able to practise BMAT Past Papers on the go on my phone. The feedback and scores were instant which saved sifting through years of conversion charts and mark schemes. Also saved lots of printing!"

  14. MCAT vs BMAT: What's the Difference?

    As for the BMAT - the exam uses a score scale between 9.0 to 1.0 for the two test sections, while the essay test section is scored differently. Test section 3, which is the essay part, uses its essay marking criteria. It has three bands which are Band A, Band C, and Band E, that describes the criteria for scoring the essay.

  15. PDF BMAT preparation guide

    Download the BMAT test specification and practice papers Reading through the specification and practice papers will give you a good understanding of the skills BMAT ... • Download past papers and the marking criteria , and practise writing some responses under timed conditions. This will give you a good idea of how to approach the question.

  16. PDF BMAT explanation of results 2023

    BMAT Essay Marking Criteria - quality of English In arriving at the score for quality of English, markers are instructed to consider: • Have they expressed themselves clearly using concise, compelling and correct English? Scores are awarded on a scale from A to E. Band A - Good use of English. • fluent • good sentence structure

  17. BMAT

    Live Online BMAT Course | BMAT Tuition | BMAT Essay Marking | BMAT Video Course | MedicHut's BMAT Resources are carefully curated by top scorers worldwide! Skip to content. 02034 888644 +447851862356 ... An overall score based on the official BMAT marking criteria; Our feedback will never be generic or unhelpful. If, for any reason, you're ...

  18. Bmat Essay Marking Thread 2.0

    Bmat Essay Marking Thread 2.0. I noticed that the original BMAT essay marking thread is now closed so I thought I'd make a new one. I hope this is useful as marking and knowing how you're doing in section three is difficult because it isn't as simple as ticking the right box. So I've set this thread up so people can get feedback, learn more ...

  19. PDF Explanation of BMAT Results

    BMAT Essay Marking Criteria - quality of English In arriving at the score for quality of English, markers are instructed to consider: Have they expressed themselves clearly using concise, compelling and correct English? Scores are awarded on a scale from A to E. Band A - Good use of English. fluent good sentence structure

  20. BMAT Section 3 marking criteria

    BMAT Section 3 marking criteria. BMAT Essay Marking Criteria ñ quality of content. In arriving at the score, you should consider: - Has the candidate addressed the question in the way demanded? - Have they organised their thoughts clearly? - Have they used their general knowledge and opinions appropriately? Scores are awarded on a scale from 1 ...

  21. BMAT Essay Marking Thread

    The marking criteria isn't available at this moment in time so I will wing it. My main criticism with this essay is that I don't feel you really presented an argument. It felt like you we're informing the reader on the topics. I also think you need a conclusion. On the grammar front I think I only spotted one mistake and that looked like a typo. So I would probably give you a score of: 3.5B ...

  22. PDF BMAT preparation guide

    put your essay to one side for a few days and then look at it again yourself, alongside the marking criteria. Hear advice from the experts: • Watch our Section 3 videos where BMAT markers provide an overview of Section 3 and tips on preparing for Section 3 and writing your essay.