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Third Grade Essay Writing Worksheets and Printables

example interactive worksheet

Engaging Writing Prompts for 3rd Graders

essay examples 3rd grade

Students in 3rd grade should be writing regularly in a variety of styles and for a variety of audiences. Useful writing projects for 3rd graders include  opinion , informative, and narrative essays, as well as short research projects.

For many students, the most difficult part of writing is facing the blank page. The following grade-level appropriate writing prompts provide plenty of inspiration to help your students get started on a number of different writing assignments.

Narrative Essay Writing Prompts

Narrative essays tell a story based on real or imagined events. Students should use descriptive writing and dialogue to tell their tale.

  • Scary Stuff. Think of something that scares you and explain what makes it so frightening.
  • Grouchy Pants. Describe a day when you were grouchy. What made you so grumpy and how did you get in a better mood?
  • School Rules. If you could make a new school rule, what would it be? How would your rule change an average day at school?
  • Snappy Travel. Imagine you could snap your fingers and be anywhere else in the world. Write about where you’d go.
  • Family Tales. What is the most interesting story that a family member has ever told you about their life?
  • Food Forever. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
  • Book Bound. If you could be the main character from your favorite book, who would you be? Write about an adventure you might have.
  • Seeing Double. Imagine that you have an identical twin who is a different class than you. What pranks would you play on your teachers and classmates?
  • Nessy's Life. Have you heard of the Loch Ness Monster ? Imagine you’re the monster. Describe your life under the sea.
  • Lost. Have you ever been lost? Write about your experience.
  • Perfect Party. Describe what the ultimate birthday party would look like if you could do anything you wanted.
  • Kindness Counts. You’re given $100 to do random acts of kindness for others. What do you do?
  • Memory Eraser . Describe something that happened to you that you wish you could forget. Explain why.

Opinion Essay Writing Prompts

When writing an opinion essay , students should clearly state their opinion, then back it up with sound reasons and facts. Opinion essays should close the essay with a concluding paragraph and a summary of the argument. 

  • Be a Friend. What does it mean to be a good friend?
  • Growing Up or Down. Would you rather be older than you are right now or younger? Why?
  • Hello? Some kids in 3rd grade have cell phones. Do you? Do you think that’s good or bad?
  • Best Pets. Which animal makes the best pet? Give at least three reasons for your opinion.
  • Tattletale. If you saw one of your friends doing something that you knew was wrong, should you tell on them? Why or why not?
  • School Favorites . What do you think is the best subject in school? What makes it the best?
  • Off Limits . Is there a TV show that you’re not allowed to watch or a video game that you’re not allowed to play? Explain why your parents should allow it.
  • Summer School. Should your school be in session year ‘round with more breaks throughout the year or continue to give students the summer off? Why?
  • Junk Food Fans. Should candy and soda machines be available to students on school property? Why or why not?
  • School Supplies. What is the most important tool in your classroom? What makes it so useful?
  • School Pride . What is the best thing about being a student at your school?
  • What’s in a Name? If you could change your name, what would you choose and why?

Informative Essay Writing Prompts

Informative essays introduce a topic, explain a process, or describe an idea, then provide facts, definitions, and details. Students should organize related information into paragraphs in order to write the most logical essay possible. Remember that they should also include introductory and concluding paragraphs.

  • Real Superheroes. Superheroes in movies and comics can do some pretty amazing things, but think of someone you consider to be a real-life hero. What do (or did) they do that makes them a hero? 
  • Liar, Liar. Someone told your best friend a lie about you and your friend believed them. Explain how you’d handle the situation.
  • Student Teacher. Think of something that you found difficult to do at first (such as multiplication or tying your shoes), but that you now understand. Explain the process so that someone else could learn to do it.
  • Holidays . What is your favorite holiday? Explain how you celebrate it.
  • Pet Sitter. Your family is going on vacation and a pet-sitter is coming to care for your pets. Write a note explaining how to care for them.
  • PB&J. Write out the step-by-step process for making the perfect peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
  • Chores. What is a household chore for which you are responsible? Explain how to do it.
  • Emergency Drills. Think of one emergency drill that your school practices. Write a paper describing exactly how to do it as if you were explaining it to a brand-new student.
  • Allergies. Do you have a serious allergy to something like peanuts or milk? Write an essay explaining why it’s so important for you not to come into contact with the allergen.
  • Color Wheel. What is your favorite color? Choose an animal or object that is that color and describe it.
  • State Fun Facts . Describe some interesting facts about your state to someone who has never visited.
  • Family Traditions. Describe a unique family tradition that your family has.
  • Game On.  What's your favorite game? Explain the rules to someone who has never played it before.

Research Writing Prompts

Students in 3rd grade can conduct simple research projects that build on their knowledge about a topic. They should use digital and print media to explore the topic , take simple notes, and create a basic outline before beginning the writing process.

  • State History. What is the history of your state? Research the history and write an essay about one key event in your state's past.
  • Marsupials. Marsupials are animals who carry their babies in pouches. With the exception of the opossum, all marsupials live in Australia. Choose one of them to learn more about.
  • Insects. They may be small, but insects play an important role in our environment. Choose an insect to research and write an essay about its characteristics.
  • Jaws! Are Great White sharks really man-eaters? Research this question and write an essay about your answer. 
  • Bat Signal. How do bats use echolocation?
  • Explorers. Choose a famous (or not-so-famous) explorer to research.
  • Comic Book Heroes. When was the first comic book published and what was it about?
  • Extreme Weather. Choose an extreme weather event such as a tornado, hurricane, or tsunami, and explain its cause.
  • International Space Station. Learn more about the International Space Station: how it's used, who visits it, and why it's important. Write an essay about your findings.
  • Ben Franklin, Inventor . Many people know Benjamin Franklin as a Founding Father and statesman, but he was also an inventor. Learn about some of the things he invented.
  • Legends.  Research a popular legend such as the Lost City of Atlantis, Big Foot, or Paul Bunyan . Write an essay describing the evidence for or against the legend.
  • Presidential History. Research the childhood of one American president and write an essay about what you learn.
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3rd grade writing

by: Jessica Kelmon | Updated: August 4, 2022

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Your 3rd grader's writing under Common Core Standards

This year, your child’s stories will amaze you, showing character development and dialogue. Your child’s opinion pieces and informational writing will be more organized. With this new writing prowess, your child will be using more sophisticated language and better grammar.

Building 3rd grade study skills

Third graders are expected to use books, websites, and other digital sources to do research projects and to build knowledge about different topics — both on their own and as part of group work with their peers. But there’s a new skill to learn this year: taking notes. Third graders need to start writing down what they learn from each source they use, keeping track of the source name and page so they are able to find it again, and then practice sorting any evidence they find into relevant categories.

3rd grade opinion pieces

Of course your child has an opinion — and here’s how they learn to share it in writing! Opinion pieces will likely start with your child reading a couple of books and responding to what they’ve learned. Your child should start their opinion piece by clearly introducing the topic, stating their opinion, and then giving multiple reasons to support their opinion. Kids should practice using linking words (e.g. because, therefore, since, for example ) to connect their reasons to their opinion, and then end their writing with a conclusion.

3rd grade informative writing

The purpose of informative writing is to convey facts and ideas clearly. After introducing their topic, kids should group related information into a few clear, well thought-out points. They should develop these points using facts, definitions, and details and using linking words (e.g. also, another, and, more, but ) to connect their ideas within each point. Your child can also include illustrations when they may help make or clarify a point. Finally, kids should end their work with a concluding sentence or two.

Can your 3rd grader write an informational essay?

YouTube video

3rd grade narrative writing

Narrative is just a fancy word for story — and this year your child’s stories will be much more complex. Using a narrator, characters, dialogue, and descriptive details, your third grader’s writing should show a story unfolding — including how the characters feel and respond to what happens. The sequence of events should be clear. Be sure not to let your child’s story simply stop by writing “The End”. Instead, the story should read like it’s coming to a close.

Check out this related worksheet: •  How to write a story

bttr, better, best!

Expect to see your child spending more time writing this year, whether it’s in the planning, writing, revising, or editing phase. While planning , your child may read or reread books on the topic, discuss their ideas aloud, brainstorm ideas, gather and organize information visually, jot down notes about the points they’ll make, and start to think about the structure of the piece. Once a first draft is in, the teacher or other students will go over it with your child. They’ll ask questions and suggest details or facts that could be added, clarified, or improved. Do the word choices convey what your child really meant? Is there an introduction and a conclusion? Are the story’s events in order? Using all these questions and suggestions as guidance, your child will do a revision , adding to, reordering, and improving the content. After one or more revisions, the teacher might help your child with the final edit — focusing on spelling and grammar, capitalizing proper nouns, ensuring nouns and verbs are in agreement, and checking that periods, commas, and quotation marks are used correctly. Following these steps — planning, writing a first draft, revising their work, and editing the final piece — teaches third graders that gathering information, organizing their thoughts, strengthening and clarifying their ideas, and improving grammar and presentation are all key to quality writing.

See what 3rd grade writing looks like

YouTube video

A red-letter year for grammar!

This year your child will learn the functions of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs — and what role they play in a sentence. By year’s end, your child should be using regular and irregular verbs in simple past, present, and future tense (e.g. stopped/stop/will stop and knew/know/will know ) — all while ensuring subject-verb agreement (e.g. I know/he knows ). Your child should also use comparative adjectives and adverbs (e.g. big/bigger/biggest and quickly/quicker/quickest ) and choose between them based on whether they’re modifying nouns (adjectives) or verbs (adverbs). In writing compound and complex sentences, your child will use conjunctions that show connection (e.g. and, or, but ) and dependence (e.g. if, when, because ).

Check out these related worksheets: • Big, bigger, biggest • Verb machine! • 3rd grade spelling list #15: irregular plural nouns

Third graders should use increasingly precise words. This means understanding root words (e.g. knowing that add is the root of addition and additional ), choosing the right word from synonyms (e.g. knew, believed, suspected, heard, wondered ), and using words to signal timing (e.g. after, then, later ). With all this focus on word nuance, your child may need a thesaurus handy.

Related: Print this list of 3rd grade academic vocabulary words .

Check out these related worksheets: •  3rd grade weekly spelling lists • Prefix practice • Writing practice: alternatives to “said”

And it’s live!

When the research is done — and the planning, writing, revisions, and edits are complete — the final step for some of your third grader’s writing is to publish the work. Your third grader should have some keyboarding skills by the end of the year. It’s a new level of independence and tech savvy. And while adults should be there to help out, your child should become comfortable taking the lead.

What about cursive?

Penmanship matters. Traditionally, third grade is when students learn cursive, so it’s a great idea to ask the teacher whether or not they’ll be learning cursive in class. If not, you may want to work on this skill with your child at home.

Updated August 2022

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50 Creative 3rd Grade Writing Prompts (Free Printable!)

Taking the leap from the primary level to the intermediate grades.

Four printed note boards for third grade writing prompts.

Third grade is a huge transitional year in elementary school. Third grade writers have learned foundational concepts and skills and have had time to practice. Now they are developing more complex skills as they dig deeper, learn to make connections, and analyze the topics they write about. Here are 50 third grade writing prompts to help your students master and refine their writing skills.

If you’d like even more upper elementary writing prompts, we publish new ones twice a week on our kid-friendly site: the Daily Classroom Hub . Make sure to bookmark the link!

(Want this entire set in one easy document? Get your free PowerPoint bundle by submitting your email here, so you’ll always have the prompts available!)

1. Tell about a special event in your life.

essay examples 3rd grade

2. What are you best at?

essay examples 3rd grade

3. What do you want to learn more about?

essay examples 3rd grade

4. I could never live without______.

essay examples 3rd grade

5. If you could go anyplace in the world, where would you go and why?

essay examples 3rd grade

6. Interview one of your parents or grandparents and ask them to tell you a story from their childhood. Share their story here.

essay examples 3rd grade

7. Describe one of your favorite book characters. Tell three things about their personality.

essay examples 3rd grade

8. Do you think third graders should have to do chores at home? Why or why not?

essay examples 3rd grade

9. What is something you would change about school if you could?

essay examples 3rd grade

10. Tell about a time you helped somebody.

essay examples 3rd grade

11. Tell about a time somebody helped you.

essay examples 3rd grade

12. Tell about a memorable “first” in your life. For example, the first time you ate a particular kind of food, the first time you met your teacher, etc.

essay examples 3rd grade

13. Describe step by step how to make a pizza.

essay examples 3rd grade

14. What does it mean to be a hero?

essay examples 3rd grade

15. I am afraid of _______ because_______.

essay examples 3rd grade

16. What is the difference between being polite and rude? Give three examples.

essay examples 3rd grade

17. What is the most important rule in the classroom?

essay examples 3rd grade

18. What are the three most important qualities you look for in a friend?

essay examples 3rd grade

19. Do you think kids should be assigned homework? Why or why not?

essay examples 3rd grade

20. Nature gives us many beautiful things—plants, animals, water, weather, stars and planets, etc. What is one of your favorite things in nature and why?

essay examples 3rd grade

21. If I were a spider, I’d _______.

essay examples 3rd grade

22. Three things that make me happy are ______.

essay examples 3rd grade

23. What is your favorite holiday and why?

essay examples 3rd grade

24. Tell about one of your family’s unique traditions.

essay examples 3rd grade

25. If you could have a pet, what would you choose? How would you take care of it?

essay examples 3rd grade

26. Write about a dream you recently had.

essay examples 3rd grade

27. Tell about a person that inspires you and why.

essay examples 3rd grade

28. Name five things you are thankful for and why you are thankful for them.

essay examples 3rd grade

29. What are ways you can be a good citizen?

essay examples 3rd grade

30. When you and a friend disagree, how do you work it out?

essay examples 3rd grade

31. What do you think the world will be like in one hundred years?

essay examples 3rd grade

32. What is your favorite type of weather? Why?

essay examples 3rd grade

33. What superpower do you wish you had? Why?

essay examples 3rd grade

34. What famous person would you like to meet? Why?

essay examples 3rd grade

35. In your opinion, which animal makes the best pet? Give three reasons for your answer.

essay examples 3rd grade

36. If someone gave you $100, how would you spend it?

essay examples 3rd grade

37. Should third graders have cell phones? Why or why not?

essay examples 3rd grade

38. If you could be an Olympic athlete, what sport would you participate in?

essay examples 3rd grade

39. Write about your “getting ready for school” routine.

essay examples 3rd grade

40. Write about your “getting ready for bed” routine.

essay examples 3rd grade

41. If you could travel through time like Jack and Annie in the Magic Tree House, where would you go?

essay examples 3rd grade

42. In your opinion, what does a perfect weekend look like?

essay examples 3rd grade

43. Write about the last time you felt really angry. What happened and how did it all work out?

essay examples 3rd grade

44. Pretend there was a special zoo where animals could talk. Which animal would you talk to and what are three questions you would ask?

essay examples 3rd grade

45. What is your favorite thing with wheels? Why?

essay examples 3rd grade

46. Tell the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears from the point of view of Baby Bear.

essay examples 3rd grade

47. What do you think would grow if you planted a magic bean?

essay examples 3rd grade

48. Which would you rather be able to do—fly or read people’s minds? Why?

essay examples 3rd grade

49. Tell about an adult in your life that you admire.

essay examples 3rd grade

50. If you were traveling for a week and could only bring a backpack, what would you pack?

essay examples 3rd grade

Get My Third Grade Writing Prompts

Love these third grade writing prompts? Make sure to check out our third grade jokes to start the day !

50 Creative Third Grade Writing Prompts (Free Printable!)

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Student Writing Samples

Annotated student writing samples illustrating the integration of content understanding and writing in the three types of writing expected by college- and career-ready standards, including the CCSS. The resources presented are from  In Common: Effective Writing for All Students , authored by the Vermont Writing Collaborative with Student Achievement Partners and CCSSO. There are two types of resources available:

  • On-Demand Writing   provides a progression of writing  across grades  (K–5 and 6–12); students have written independently to the same text-based prompt across grades.
  • Range of Writing   provides multiple examples of student writing  within a grade  across a wide variety of content areas, curriculum units, conditions for writing, and purposes.

Learn more about In Common.

Resources specifically designed to support understanding and development of CCR-aligned writing

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  • Argument/Opinion Writing
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To find out how mini-assessment questions align to particular standards, use the Literacy Mini-Assessment Sorter Microsoft Excel file Learn More

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Narrative: Range of Writing

These pieces represent a wide variety of content areas, curriculum units, conditions for writing, and purposes.  They reflect Comm…

Argument/Opinion: Range of Writing

Informative/explanatory: range of writing.

Grades 11–12

Grades 9–10

Informative/Explanatory Writing: On-Demand ©

The pieces in this On-Demand section represent one of the three types of writing named in the Common Core State Standards for Writing: …

Grades K–5

Informative/Explanatory Writing: On-Demand

Grades 6–12

Narrative Writing: On-Demand

Argument/opinion writing: on-demand, narrative writing: on-demand ©.


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Third Grade Writing – Personal Narratives

Are you struggling to teach writing to your 3rd graders? Perhaps you just don’t know where to start. You’re constantly googling, ‘how do you teach writing to 3rd graders?’ or ‘how can I help my 3rd graders with writing?’ You’re tearing your hair out with frustration.

3rd grade personal narratives writing unit - third grade writing curriculum

Maybe it’s because your school doesn’t provide you with a writing curriculum. So, you’re spending your precious evenings and weekends looking on Pinterest for lesson ideas. Or worse, a curriculum is provided…but it’s just downright terrible. You can’t make sense of it and your students hate it.

Perhaps your students just hate writing in general and roll their eyes at the thought of it.

Well, here’s the thing. Teaching writing ‘aint easy. In fact, it can be straight up tricky, I get it!

But don’t worry friend, I’ve got you covered.


Introducing Terrific Writing

Terrific Writing is a comprehensive writing curriculum for Third Grade. This curriculum is standards based (to the common core) and genre based. But best of all, it’s actually easy to teach and engaging for students!

In this curriculum, your students will develop a love of writing. The graphic organizers, interactive notebooks, and final craft will engage students much more than a blank piece of paper. The final writing piece asks students to write about a special day that they have chosen! After all, students love to write about things that they are interested in.

Writing doesn’t have to be dull and students definitely shouldn’t hate writing!

In Unit 1 ‘Personal Narratives’, students learn how to write engaging personal narratives about their lives.

Are you short on time?

This  5 week  unit has EVERYTHING you need, because let’s be honest, teachers are time poor.

So, let’s get your evenings and weekends back, my friend! Take a break from lesson planning and searching for engaging materials. It’s all right here.

Are you ready? I’m going to share some of the awesome things about it!

What’s included in this third grade writing – personal narratives unit?

First up, there are a bunch of teacher docs. Unit contents, common core standards, and teacher directions? Check.

To begin, there’s some suggested mentor texts (with links to Amazon and YouTube). Also, a scope is included which shows the 25 lessons that feature in this unit and the third grade common core standards that are relevant.

mentor text unit scope for third grade writing unit

Also, there is a unit at-a-glance calendar, as well as a table which tells you what materials you will need for each lesson. Basically, I’ve tried to make this unit super easy to implement. It has everything you need!

unit at a glance calendar, lesson materials for 3rd grade writing unit

Next, there’s some suggested lesson times. To clarify, it doesn’t matter how long your writing block is, this unit can be adapted to suit it!

A lot of teachers struggle with finding the time to teach writing. If this is you, you’re not alone!

lesson plans for 3rd grade writing curriculum

Then, there’s the 25 scripted (and step-by-step) lesson plans. The lessons follow a simple format of mini lesson, think and share, and independent writing time. There’s a lesson focus to guide you and all of the required materials are listed with numbers. For example, you’ll know exactly which posters and printables you need.

lesson plans for third grade writing curriculum

Subsequently, there’s a video that comes with this unit. This will help you organize and implement everything.

Wondering how to assess your student’s writing? Don’t sweat it!

There’s an assessment document for this unit too. It includes a rubric to help you grade your student’s writing.

However, I’m not just throwing you to the sharks here! Rubrics can sometimes be generic or difficult to decipher. That’s why I’ve made a comprehensive document with teacher directions, as well as elaborations and examples. Moreover, there’s a video to help you understand the rubric.

assessment rubric for 3rd grade writing curriculum

Personal narrative mentor texts

I do give a list of suggested mentor texts that you can source, but in addition, I provide two original mentor texts for this unit! These come in PDF and PowerPoint versions (as well as color and black and white). You can print them in any size or just display them on an interactive whiteboard.

The great thing about these original mentor texts is that they include all of the features of a personal narrative that are taught in the unit. For example, students will see examples of dialogue, paragraphing, and hooks.

mentor texts for 3rd grade writing curriculum

Personal Narrative Posters

This unit comes with 25 posters that you can reference to! Each lesson corresponds to them. Most importantly, they are great for giving writing ideas and reinforcing the narrative structure.

personal narrative writing posters anchor charts

You can print them in color and laminate them. They are great for displaying in the classroom. However, you can also display these posters digitally (if you have limited printing options).

personal narrative writing curriculum

Already interested in this third grade writing personal narratives unit? Grab it here !

Personal narrative printables

There are student workbook covers that you can print. There are three options, ‘My Writing Folder’, ‘My Writing Notebook’, and ‘My Writing Journal’. Your students can glue these covers onto their folders or books. The covers come in color and black and white (there are also boy and girl versions).

3rd grade writing folder

Let’s now take a look at the writing prompts, worksheets, interactive notebooks and graphic organizers!

Small Moments

In the first few lessons, students complete a pre-assessment and then an interactive notebook where they brainstorm narrative ideas based off things they love.

Students then learn about zooming in on a small moment. They are introduced to the concept of ‘big idea, smaller topic, and small moment’.

Next, they think about happy and sad moments in their lives.

essay examples 3rd grade

The Elements of a narrative

They then learn about the importance of characters, setting, problems, and solutions in narrative writing.

essay examples 3rd grade

The Structure of a narrative

Later, students learn about how narratives have a beginning, middle and end. After that, they start planning their final narrative.

interactive notebook beginning middle end narrative

Writing a strong lead

Students learn about the importance of writing a hook and a strong introduction. This aligns well with the common core standard –

W.3.3.A – Establish a situation and introduce characters.

introduction and writing a hook narrative worksheets

Features of a good narrative

There are a few lessons about concepts such as dialogue and paragraphing. Likewise, students learn about making their writing more descriptive by stretching their sentences and doing ‘show, don’t tell’.

This aligns well with the common core standard –

W.3.3.B – Use dialogue and descriptions of actions, thoughts, and feelings to develop experiences and events or show the response of characters to situations.

essay examples 3rd grade

The conclusion to a narrative

Later, there’s a lesson about adding transition words. Students also learn about how to write a strong ending to their narrative. These lessons align well with the following common core standards –

W.3.3.C – Use temporal words and phrases to signal event order.

W.3.3.D – Provide a sense of closure.

conclusion and transition words worksheets

narrative Checklists

After students have written their first draft, they use two checklists to proofread their work. One checklist grades narrative structure and the other is a more generic checklist for grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

The students do a self check, peer check, and adult check.

essay examples 3rd grade

narrative Writing craft

Finally, students create a cute flipbook craft for their final writing piece. They write about their special day. For instance, a birthday, holiday, celebration, or fun day out.

It’s a flipbook, so they can add as many pages underneath as they need! This craft is great for a bulletin baord display.

writing craft flipbook craftivity for bulletin board

Personal narrative Task Cards

I think it’s super imortant to have purposeful early finisher tasks and extension activities during writing lessons. Above all, we should be challenging our advanced writers. That’s why this unit also includes task cards for writing personal narratives.

essay examples 3rd grade

Here’s an overview, with some more information about the unit –

What’s included in this unit?

  • 25 step-by-step scripted lesson plans
  • 20 graphic organizers / worksheets
  • 2 interactive notebooks and 1 writing craft
  • 2 original mentor texts (PowerPoint versions and PDF in color and b&w)
  • 24 tasks cards extension activities (2 versions – b&w, color)
  • 1 assessment rubric

Here’s everything else that’s included in this unit –

  • Video overview to help organize and implement the unit
  • List of common core standards that align with this unit
  • Teacher directions for the lesson plans
  • Suggestions for differentiation and lesson times
  • List of recommended mentor texts (with links)
  • Unit scope and at-a-glance calendar
  • Lesson materials list
  • Student book/folder cover (3 versions – journal, notebook, or folder)
  • 1 writing prompt pre-assessment
  • 4 lined pages (for first drafts and crafts)
  • 2 checklists
  • 1 set of compliment notes (2 versions – b&w, color)
  • 1 certificate (2 versions – b&w, color)
  • Teacher directions, examples, and elaborations for the rubric
  • Video with tips for using the rubric

third grade personal narratives writing curriculum

Here’s a breakdown of the lessons –

In the first 11 lessons, students develop an understanding of what a personal narrative is. They also learn about small moments and choosing a writing topic. Then, they start learning about the structure of a narrative.

  • Lesson 1 – What is a personal narrative?
  • What can I write about?
  • What is a small moment?
  • My small moment
  • Positive memorable moments
  • Negative memorable moments
  • What is the structure of a narrative?
  • Personal narratives need characters
  • Personal narratives need a setting
  • Narratives have problems
  • Narratives have solutions

For the next part of the unit, students begin planning and writing their final writing piece.

  • What will my narrative be about?
  • Let’s plan a narrative
  • Start with a hook
  • Writing an introduction
  • Show, don’t tell
  • Stretching sentences
  • Using dialogue
  • Powerful paragraphs
  • Transition words
  • Writing an ending
  • Putting it all together
  • Revise and edit
  • Final draft and illustrations
  • Publishing party

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free personal narratives writing lesson plan, graphic organizer, and poster

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How to Write an Expository Essay for Grade Three

Christi O'Donnell

How to Make an Outline for a Fourth Grade Research Paper

Third grade is often the year when students first begin to experiment with structured writing, such as the expository essay. Writing an expository essay in third grade is a lot like making a sandwich. Just as a good sandwich has three parts -- the top bun, fillings and bottom bun -- a good expository essay also has three parts: the introduction, details and conclusion.

Choose a Topic

Many children choose to write expository essays about animals.

You write an expository essay to tell or teach the reader about a topic. Start by choosing a topic that you think is interesting and that you already know a lot about. You might choose to write about an animal you like, a place you have visited or a person whom you have read about. If you have too many ideas, make a list and then close your eyes and pick.

Do Some Research

Use good research to bolster your topic.

Research is when you look for more information on a topic. Start your research by choosing and reading a book about your topic. Pick a book that is nonfiction, as it will have factual information that you can use in your essay. As you read, take notes. Use a notebook to copy down the facts that you think are most important and to write down questions that you have. You will refer to these notes as you write your essay.

Write the Introduction

The beginning of your expository essay is your introduction -- where you capture the reader's attention and tell her what the main idea of the essay is going to be. Make the introduction as interesting as possible so that the reader wants to keep reading. A good way to start an introduction is with a question or with an amazing fact. For example: "Did you know that great white sharks can eat up to 11 tons of food a year? Sharks are amazing and important fish."

Add Some Details

Once you have hooked the reader's attention, tell him more about your topic. Details are individual facts that provide more information about a topic. The best details give sensory information. That means that they give more information that helps your reader imagine how things feel, smell, sound, taste or look. Try to include at least three details in your expository essay. For example: "Sharks might look smooth when they are in the water, but their skin is actually very rough. Sharks are often called silent hunters, because the only sounds they make are crunching sounds -- after they've caught their prey."

Write a Conclusion

The final part of your expository essay is the conclusion where you return to the main idea of your essay and restate it in different words. The conclusion helps tie the whole essay together and reminds the reader of the most important points. Conclusions often start with phrases like "in conclusion," "as you can see," "finally" or "in the end."

Proofread Your Work

Turn in work that you're proud to put your name on.

If you wrote your essay on paper, reread it and look for spelling, punctuation and capital letter mistakes. If you find any, fix them. If you wrote your essay on the computer, print out a copy and read it on paper, looking for the same kinds of mistakes. Before you hand in your work, check that your name is on the paper. You want to get credit for the hard work you did.

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A lifetime resident of New York, Christi O'Donnell has been writing about education since 2003. O'Donnell is a dual-certified educator with experience writing curriculum and teaching grades preK through 12. She holds a Bachelors Degree from Sarah Lawrence College and a Masters Degree in education from Mercy College.

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Explanatory writing.

  • How Much I Know About Space Explanatory Paragraph
  • My Favorite Pet Explanatory Paragraph
  • Sweet Spring Explanatory Paragraph

Narrative Writing

  • A Happy Day Narrative Paragraph
  • My Trip to Mexico Narrative Paragraph

Creative Writing

  • Happy Easter Story Paragraph
  • Leaf Person Story

Research Writing

  • Parrots Report
  • If I Were President Explanatory Paragraph
  • My Dad Personal Narrative
  • The Horrible Day Personal Narrative

Response to Literature

  • One Great Book Book Review
  • A Fable Story
  • Ant Poem Poem
  • The Missing Coin Story
  • Winter Words Poem
  • Horses Report
  • Ladybugs Report
  • How to Make Boiled Eggs How-To

Persuasive Writing

  • Plastic, Paper, or Cloth? Persuasive Paragraph
  • The Funny Dance Personal Narrative
  • The Sled Run Personal Narrative
  • Hello, Spring! Poem
  • Cheetahs Report

Business Writing

  • Dear Ms. Nathan Email
  • My Favorite Place to Go Description
  • My Mother Personal Essay
  • Rules Personal Essay
  • Shadow Fort Description
  • Adopting a Pet from the Pound Editorial
  • Letter to the Editor Letter to the Editor
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  • Grandpa, Chaz, and Me Personal Narrative
  • Indy’s Life Story Personal Narrative
  • Jet Bikes Personal Narrative
  • The Day I Took the Spotlight Personal Narrative
  • A Story of Survival Book Review
  • Chloe’s Day Story
  • Did You Ever Look At . . . Poem
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  • Hang Up and Drive Editorial
  • Musical Arts Editorial
  • Summer: 15 Days or 2 1/2 Months? Editorial
  • A Cowboy's Journal Fictionalized Journal Entry
  • Giving Life Personal Narrative
  • The Great Paw Paw Personal Narrative
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  • Snapshots Personal Narrative
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  • The Climb Personal Narrative
  • The House on Medford Avenue Personal Narrative
  • Adam’s Train of Ghosts Music Review
  • Diary of Gaspard Fictionalized Journal Entry
  • My Interpretation of The Joy Luck Club Literary Analysis
  • Mama’s Stitches Poem
  • The KHS Press Play
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  • The Killer Bean Research Report
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  • Vegetarian Lunch Options at Bay High Email

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Essay for Class 3 Students and Children | Creative Writing Topics For Grade 3

While Writing Essays most of you will feel difficult to express your ideas. In this article, you will find Essays for Class 3 belonging to different categories. We have listed the Short and Long Essay Topics for Grade 3 in an organised manner. Access the Essay Writing Topics for 3rd Standard all in one place through the quick links available and know how to write different essays.

List of Ideas & Essay Topics for Class 3

To help students of Class 3 we have listed the most common Essay Writing Topics. All of them are given in simple and easy to understand language. Just click on the concerned Essay Topic and learn how to write on the particular topic in a matter of seconds. You will find Short & Long Essays for 3rd Std provided here extremely helpful to inculcate creative writing ideas among your kid.

  • My School Essay for Class 3
  • My Family Essay for Class 3
  • My Best Friend Essay for Class 3
  • My Country Essay for Class 3
  • Essay on My School Garden for Class 3
  • My Favourite Game Essay for Class 3 Kids
  • My Dream Essay for Class 3
  • English Is My Favourite Subject Essay For Class 3
  • Essay on Rainy Day for Class 3
  • My Mother Essay For Class 3
  • Myself Essay in English for Class 3
  • My Pet Essay for Class 3
  • My Neighbour Essay for Class 3
  • My Favourite Season Essay for Class 3
  • 10 Lines Essay on Save Trees
  • My Hobby Essay for Class 3
  • My Brother Essay In English For Class 3
  • My Favourite Fruit Essay For Class 3
  • My Grandparents Essay for Class 3
  • Essay on Train for Class 3
  • Essay on Diwali for Class 3
  • Essay on Holi for Class 3
  • Dussehra Essay for Class 3
  • Essay on Television for Class 3
  • Essay on National Flag for Class 3
  • Essay on Good Habits for Class 3
  • Republic Day Essay for Class 3
  • Essay on My Father for Class 3
  • Essay on Winter Season for Class 3
  • Essay on Earth Day for Class 3
  • My PET Dog Essay for Class 3
  • Independence Day Essay for Class 3
  • Summer Vacation Essay for Class 3
  • My Classroom Essay for Class 3
  • Discipline Essay for Class 3
  • Essay on Christmas for Class 3
  • My Favourite Food Essay for Class 3
  • Importance of Trees Essay for Class 3
  • Essay on Moon for Class 3
  • My House Essay for Class 3
  • A Visit to a ZOO Essay for Class 3
  • Essay on Pollution for Class 3
  • Essay on Birds for Class 3
  • Essay on Computer for Class 3
  • Essay on Butterfly for Class 3
  • Essay on Doctor for Class 3
  • Essay on Journey by Train for Class 3
  • Essay on Football for Class 3

FAQs on Essay for Class 3

1. How to get better at writing essays?

Make an outline and acquire a solid understanding of grammar, punctuation. Use the Right Vocabulary and write an introduction, body and conclusion supporting your ideas.

2. Where do I get different Essay Topics for Class 3?

You can get different Essay Topics for Class 3 on our page.

3. Where do I get Free Resources for improving my Writing Skills?

You can get Free Resources for improving Writing Skills on a trusted portal.

Hope the information shared gave you several ideas on Essay Writing Topics for Class 3. If you want us to add a few more topics do leave us your suggestions and our team will look into them and add them at the earliest. Bookmark our site for Essays of Different Classes and Topics.

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Grammar and Writing Workbook for Grade 3

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Opinion writing for grade 3

Opinions, reasons and examples.

These worksheets and writing prompts help students express their opinions in writing in a structured manner.

Supporting details : adding details to support the main idea

Writing opinion paragraphs : stating and supporting your opinion

Opinion paragraphs with examples : using examples to support your reasons

Opinion writing prompts : write opinion pieces from prompts

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Grade 3 opinion writing worksheet

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  8. 3rd grade writing Writing

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  12. :: ELA / Literacy

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