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30 essential human resources (HR) survey questions

How to Create a Survey

30 essential human resources (HR) survey questions

Jotform Editorial Team

Table of Contents

Increased employee satisfaction

Improved employee engagement, greater productivity, boost employee retention, improve customer service, 1. recruitment questions, 2. employee engagement and satisfaction questions, 3. employee performance questions, 4. work culture questions, 5. exit interview questions, 6. change management questions, best practices for hr surveys, hr survey questions with jotform, top human resources survey questions.

  • Why do you want to work for this company?
  • Is there any reason you wouldn’t consider taking this role?
  • Do you have the right work-life balance at this organization?
  • What motivates you at work each day?
  • Where do you see yourself in the next three years?
  • How can we support your career goals in the next 12 months?
  • Do you feel like you can be yourself at work?
  • Do you feel respected by your manager and colleagues?
  • In what areas do you feel that the company could improve?
  • What prompted you to leave the company?
  • How do you feel about the change overall?
  • Do you fully understand how this change will impact your role at the company?

Recruiting and hiring, onboarding and training, engaging and retaining — these are some of the crucial aspects of employee management that human resources departments oversee. As the connection between the employee experience and business outcomes becomes clearer, companies are seeing effective HR departments as essential for business success.

To create an environment that promotes success, HR teams need to understand what employees think and feel. Surveys are an essential component of the HR toolbox — they give employees a voice and identify issues that might be otherwise invisible to management.

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In this article, we’ll dive into the benefits of conducting HR surveys, provide examples of useful HR survey questions, and introduce you to Jotform — an easy-to-use tool that makes creating HR surveys a cinch.

Customize your company’s recruitment and review practices with Jotform’s free, easy-to-use surveys .

The value of HR surveys

HR surveys gather valuable insights that can guide business decisions. 

“Surveys are used by HR and the management team for genuine and candid staff feedback,” says Sara Graves, founder of USTitleLoans , a company that helps car owners get peer-to-peer loans. “The surveys can drastically improve how a company evaluates talent, trains employees, and improves employee satisfaction.” 

And that’s not all — below are even more possible outcomes from HR surveys, all of which benefit your business. But remember, the real value comes not just in asking questions, but in following up. After analyzing the survey results, HR needs to implement changes to address employee feedback. 

The process of surveying employees and making adjustments based on their feedback shows a genuine level of care.

Numerous factors affect employees’ job satisfaction: the level of support they get, company leadership’s communication style, compensation and benefits, the physical and psychological work environment, and more. Unsurprisingly, employees who are highly satisfied have a better attitude about work, which translates into greater productivity.

Asking the right HR survey questions can help you understand what people expect from their jobs and whether you’re meeting those expectations. By addressing the gaps, you may be able to head off future resignations and even attract strong job candidates — a positive and enthusiastic work environment can help with recruitment.

Employee satisfaction is also related to employee engagement — employees are more likely to care more and give more to their work if they feel like their work also gives back to them.

Employee engagement has been linked to a number of performance outcomes. For instance, highly engaged employees are more productive, have fewer safety-related incidents, and are absent from work less often. They also are more likely to stay with a company longer.

HR surveys can be useful in gauging employees’ emotional connection to the company, their work, and their teams. Surveys can also help identify obstacles to engagement.

Helping employees feel more satisfied and engaged isn’t just good for them — it’s also good for employers. In fact, one study found that employees who are happy and satisfied with their jobs are 13 percent more productive than unhappy employees. People who are happy with their circumstances are more motivated, which can contribute to their output.

HR surveys can help you identify obstacles to employee happiness, allowing you to make a plan to address those problems. They can also pinpoint process inefficiencies and other workflow problems that can contribute to employee frustration.

Asking the people actively engaged in those processes about any issues and their ideas for fixing them is a great way to spot oversights and areas for improvement. When you address issues employees raise, it can help them feel respected and taken care of.

Whether or not you’re struggling with employee retention, it’s useful to conduct HR surveys to gauge how the workforce is feeling, find out what you’re doing well, and learn how you can do better.

Even if the turnover rate is fairly low, it’s helpful to know what you’re doing right so you can continue doing those things. What aspects of your company and culture make people want to stay? Conversely, if your turnover rate is high, you can find out about the key problems and work to address them.

It’s difficult to create a good customer experience without creating a good employee experience, as the two are inextricably linked. Customer service reps who are knowledgeable, empathetic, responsive, and enthusiastic are more likely to serve customers well — which is much more difficult if workers are disgruntled or dissatisfied.

It’s a great idea to survey your customer service team periodically to learn more about their experiences as employees. You can also check in to see if they feel they have all the tools they need to do their jobs successfully.

Types of HR survey questions

As a major function of human resources, recruitment is essential to ensuring the organization has the right people on its team. Surveys can provide insight into the recruitment process , including what’s attractive about the organization and what could potentially be turning people off.

Here are a few questions to consider for a recruitment survey:

  • On a scale of 1–10, how would you rate the recruitment process?
  • Would you recommend this company to a friend looking for a job?
  • Do you have any feedback on the application process?

Organizations need to have their finger on the pulse of employee sentiment. If people aren’t pleased with certain aspects of the workplace, they may start looking for other opportunities.

“Unfortunately, most surveys only look at satisfaction, so an accurate picture of the workplace is never obtained,” says Graves. “Managers or supervisors can easily manipulate results to make themselves feel better.”

Here are a few questions to help you get a deeper understanding of employee engagement and satisfaction:

  • Do you feel a sense of camaraderie with your team members?
  • What do you like least about coming to work each day?
  • Do you understand how your role contributes to the company?

Check out our employment engagement survey question guide .

Self-evaluations are key parts of the performance evaluation process , as they can help organizations understand how employees feel about their own work — and how that compares to a manager’s assessment.

“It’s good practice to conduct HR surveys frequently or quarterly, depending on your study focus,” says Graves. “Also, don’t opt for long surveys, but keep them short and precise for a faster completion rate.”

Consider these HR survey questions for self-evaluations:

  • Do you have the resources to complete all the tasks in your role?
  • What are you most proud of about your performance this quarter?
  • Which challenges did you face this year? How did you overcome them?

An organization’s culture can be hard to define, but employees usually have clear opinions on it. It’s valuable for HR to understand how employees feel about company culture, as it plays a vital role in employee retention and turnover. Graves notes that culture-related questions also provide insight into a company’s perceived values and where management can make improvements.

Here are a few questions for a survey on company culture:

  • Do you know how this organization defines success?
  • If you’re in an uncomfortable situation, do you know who to turn to at work?
  • In what ways can the company improve the work culture?

Employees who are on their way out are valuable sources of information. Understanding why someone is leaving may shine a light on areas that are problematic for other employees as well, such as a lack of perceived career development options, compensation issues, or poor leadership. 

It’s a good idea to send a survey in advance of the exit interview so you have some data on which to base your in-person interview questions. 

Exit interview survey questions could include

  • Were you given the tools you felt were necessary to succeed in your role here?
  • Do you feel your contributions were adequately recognized and appreciated?
  • Would you consider returning to the company should the right opportunity arise?

Times of change — whether related to processes, team organization, systems, or other job aspects — can be stressful for employees. But a good survey tool can help you learn about employees’ concerns in real time and allow you to respond to their worries, making transitions smoother. 

It’s also a good idea to survey employees both before and after changes to get a full picture of concerns going into a transition, how the change impacted the organization, and whether it’s having its intended effect. The information you collect will be useful in managing future transitions. 

Here are some questions to ask as part of a change management survey:

  • Do you feel the communication surrounding this change was clear and adequate?
  • Do you feel you have the resources you need to accommodate this change and continue to perform your job successfully? Do you need additional support?
  • What is your perception of how smoothly the change is being implemented in your department?

Here are some best practices for conducting HR surveys that can help your efforts pay off: 

  • Avoid over-surveying. Too many surveys (and too many questions on a survey) can be a turnoff. Ensure your surveys don’t go out too frequently, and limit the number of questions on them. Employees might see long surveys that come out too often as tedious and be more skeptical of their feedback being considered. You’ll also give yourself more time to analyze and act on the responses.
  • Don’t send surveys when employees are particularly busy. Avoid sending your survey during parts of the year that tend to be more hectic and stressful, or when more employees are on vacation, like summers and holidays. Employees will be more likely to complete the survey if they have greater bandwidth and don’t feel overwhelmed.
  • Create an intentional survey strategy. Surveying will be more effective if you’re strategic about your questioning. For example, rather than surveying randomly, you could do more frequent, short surveys to check in with employees about specific issues. Or you could make a plan to conduct longer, annual surveys to learn about the employee experience more broadly.
  • Create anonymous surveys. Many employees worry that submitting negative survey responses might cause retaliation. You can grant them a measure of security by making your surveys anonymous. People will be more likely to participate and feel free to speak their minds, which will give you better data.
  • Send completion reminders. Most people won’t act on your initial survey message right away; they’ll likely put it aside until they have enough time to complete the survey thoughtfully. The pitfall here is that people might forget about it. You can increase your response rate by sending occasional reminders to participants. (Some survey platforms, like Jotform , can do this for you automatically.) 
  • Don’t survey unless you’re willing to follow through. Acting on survey responses is critical — people will eventually stop responding if they feel you aren’t actually listening. For example, you probably shouldn’t ask employees how they feel about their work hours if you aren’t willing to consider creating alternative arrangements.

If you’re ready to get valuable feedback from your employees, it’s important to create HR surveys that are both powerful and easy to use. With Jotform, human resources teams can use ready-to-go survey templates covering employee engagement, self-assessments, exit interviews, and more. You can also create apps to house multiple surveys , allowing you to track multiple surveys in a centralized location.

Each survey template is fully customizable — add or remove question fields, change the fonts and colors, adjust the layout, and more. Your human resources team can create a survey that meets their exact needs. You can also easily create an HR survey from scratch with our intuitive drag-and-drop Form Builder. Choose from multiple question types, including scale ratings, multiple-choice questions, and open-ended questions.

Once your survey is complete, view automatically generated reports analyzing the responses with Jotform’s Report Builder , helping you quickly identify key themes and metrics.

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hr research job satisfaction survey

Employee satisfaction surveys: What are they, best practices and sample questions

Updated November 7, 2023

When it comes to measuring job, work-life balance , or employee satisfaction, surveys are a powerful solution. All the resources you need to succeed are here in our guide — use them strategically to unlock deep insights into the experience of your staff that will help employee retention , boost performance, and nurture the company’s culture.

Let's look at the best practices and sample employee survey questions below.

Get started with our free employee satisfaction survey template

What is an employee satisfaction survey?

An employee satisfaction survey, also called a job satisfaction survey, is an employee feedback tool that allows employers to find out about the employee experience , directly from employees themselves.

Until recently, an employee opinion survey was typically a major annual event. But employers now recognize that to capture and improve the full employee experience — which goes beyond employee satisfaction and engagement — requires gathering data in various forms and at various points in the employee lifecycle .

For much of this measurement, ESAT survey questionnaires are the perfect tool. Employee satisfaction survey questionnaires can be long, short, in-depth, or in the moment, and they provide a standardized framework that employers can use to measure and track how engaged at work employees are over time.

From employee satisfaction to engagement

Reducing turnover and improving employee satisfaction has been a goal of organizations since at least the 1930s, when psychologists began earnestly studying employee attitudes and productivity, and how they were affected by the employer-employee relationship. At this time, a “job satisfaction” employee survey came about, which then became the norm for the next 50 years and evolved over time to be more complex and sophisticated.

By the early 1990s, HR professionals learned that just being “satisfied” isn't enough to motivate employees to really unlock their full value within the organization. Employers needed a new way to get to the heart of how people were feeling about their company, and how much effort they were prepared to put in as a result. This measure of connection and effort was named “ employee engagement ,” and has since become the industry best practice for an employee survey.

“The way your employees feel is the way your customers will feel. And if your employees don’t feel valued, neither will your customers.” - Sybil F. Stershic , Taking Care of the People Who Matter Most: A Guide to Employee-Customer Care

Benefits of an employee satisfaction survey

  • Employee satisfaction increases business productivity : When your employees are engaged, employees feel valued. They believe in the work they do and want to go above and beyond to be successful. Employees feel that’s when work doesn’t really feel like work. Imagine a company full of employees who feel like that — how many employees would be satisfied employees? With the right direction and guidance, a workforce full of engaged employees can be unstoppable. It’s no surprise that this has become such a crucial measure for organizations.
  • Reduce employee turnover: When you retain your employees, you’re retaining the knowledge, investment, and value that these employees bring to the business. One key factor that employees want is a good culture, good working conditions, and satisfaction in their job. The results of the survey would give management vital information about how to direct HR resources, and give employees the message that management is listening to their feedback.
  • Transform the company into a happier place : Having a good environment to work in will give employees the right circumstances to thrive in. If you’re getting continuous feedback from your employees, you can help create a great employee experience within your organization.
“To win in the marketplace you must first win in the workplace.” - Doug Conant , CEO of Campbell’s Soup

Measuring engagement with employee satisfaction surveys

How do you measure employee satisfaction? To capture and improve the full employee experience requires gathering data in various forms and at various points in the employee lifecycle.

Employee lifecycle journey

For much of this measurement, employee engagement surveys are the perfect tool.

Below, we’ve outlined a more traditional approach to engagement surveys — suitable for one-off, annual, or semi-annual surveys. While there is not a one-size-fits-all solution to running an engagement survey, this type of comprehensive approach serves as the foundation from which any employee satisfaction survey can be built.

Employee engagement survey questions & best practices

Want to build your own bespoke employee satisfaction survey? Here are the major principles for designing employee surveys.

Employee surveys: Tips for getting started

Before you begin building your employee satisfaction survey, consider these five guidelines:

  • Decide which stakeholders need to provide input.
  • Set clear deadlines and turnaround times before starting.
  • Give one person final sign-off authority and clearly communicate that person as the decision maker.
  • Scrutinize every new employee feedback survey and be sure to distinguish ‘nice to have’ questions from ‘must have’ questions.
  • Try to avoid designing your survey by committee.

Employee satisfaction survey structure

An employee satisfaction survey isn’t just a questionnaire, it’s a diagnostic tool that will drive employee experience analysis and action. A great survey brings principles of organizational psychology and applies them to your company and company culture . For that reason, it’s important to have a strong survey structure. To that end, we recommend dividing your employee satisfaction survey into three types of “item banks,” all with a clear purpose:

  • Item Bank 1 : measuring engagement. Your engagement items combine into one metric that tells you how you’re doing and allows you to track progress over time. These items measure pride, enthusiasm for work, discretionary effort, advocacy, intent to stay, and overall job satisfaction.
  • Item Bank 2 : measuring what drives engagement . These items ask about the conditions that might cause or detract from engagement. In essence, they can tell you what you’re doing well and what you can do to improve. Companies may measure how well employees share knowledge, cooperate on work within and across team members, and the extent to which collaboration is encouraged and rewarded.
  • Item Bank 3 : open-ended comments measuring what’s on your employees' minds. Open-ended items provide richer employee data, allowing you to dive deeper and understand employee feedback that you may not have known to look for. These can both be asked as a follow-on to driver items, or as general open-ended input at the end of the employee survey.

Here is an example of what employee satisfaction survey questions can look like using a response scale:

How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your ability to do interesting work in your role?

Employee satisfaction survey length

There is no ideal length for an employee satisfaction survey; the individual needs of your organization should determine the length of your survey. In fact, the key is to find a balance between asking enough questions to be robust, and not asking so many questions that your employee satisfaction surveys become too long (with data too complicated to digest in reports). This way employees spend less time filling one in.

As a general rule, assuming you’re running an annual engagement diagnostic plan and not a pulse survey, we advise limiting your survey to around 40 questions.

In order to cull questions in your employee satisfaction survey, ask yourself the following:

  • Are we really prepared to act and make changes based on this question?
  • Is this question repeating something we already asked in another question on the survey?
  • Does this question actually tell us something useful that benefits the company, as opposed to just something interesting?
  • Is this question relevant to all parts of the business?
  • Is this a topic more suited for a pulse, ad hoc, or lifecycle study?

Writing employee satisfaction survey questions

When writing a survey question , here are just a few examples of the goals to keep in mind:

  • Ensure clarity by only mentioning a single subject or construct — failure to do this can result in “double-barreled” questions. For example, “How satisfied or dissatisfied were you with our product selection and quality?” is a problematic question because it mentions two subjects: the selection, and the quality of products. A respondent may feel extremely satisfied with the quality of the products but extremely dissatisfied with the selection. For that respondent, it’s unclear how to respond to the question. A better approach would be to create separate questions to address each construct.
  • Have the question mean the same thing to all respondents — each respondent should interpret the meaning of the question identically. If respondents have different interpretations of the meaning of the question, the resulting data will be invalid because it will be impossible to determine what question each respondent thought they were answering. For example, people may have a different idea of what a ‘good work-life balance’ is.
  • Use words economically. It’s important to use as many words as are needed to convey the idea of the question clearly, but additional words introduce more elements that could potentially confuse respondents. Keeping questions short also means that respondents can read them more quickly, which should help keep the staff satisfaction survey duration short.

For word choice specifically, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, words used in the employee satisfaction survey questions should have only one meaning (this is easy to verify with a dictionary). Additionally, words and sentences should be simple, to maximize ease of reading and comprehension. A useful rule of thumb is that words with fewer syllables, and sentences with fewer words, are typically simpler. Readability scores calculated with online tools are often useful for assessing the complexity of the words and sentences that form a question.

The conventional wisdom — which has been supported by most empirical research on the topic over the years — suggests that, in general, questions should be worded to:

  • Be simple, direct, comprehensible
  • Be actionable (Meaning: if you read the statement, based on the results, it should be clear who and how can make change against it.)
  • Be specific and concrete (rather than general and abstract)
  • Avoid jargon
  • Avoid double-barreled questions
  • Avoid negations
  • Avoid leading questions
  • Avoid emotionally charged words
  • Be read smoothly out loud
  • Allow for all possible responses

If you follow these recommendations, it is much less likely that your survey questions will confuse or frustrate your respondents, and your data are more likely to be valid and reliable.

Sample top questions for employee satisfaction survey questions

Here are some examples from Qualtrics Employee Experience items, organized by category. These categories of items have been shown to be core drivers of engagement:

Employees' ability to easily work together, share knowledge, and cooperate within and across teams and team members. My manager encourages collaboration on my team

The people I work with cooperate to get the job done

Does your manager promote teamwork as a value?
Do you get opportunities to collaborate at work?
Who are the people you collaborate with the most?
Employees' access to enough information from the company and issues that affect them. I receive the information I need to do my job effectively
There is open and honest communication at this company
Is there clear access to the information you need for your job role?
Is there transparency with information across the company?
Employees' confidence and trust in senior leaders' actions. I have confidence in the senior leadership team to make the right decisions for this company
The behavior of our senior leadership team is consistent with this company's values
How confident are you in your manager’s ability to represent your needs?
Do you think your leaders demonstrate the company values?
Employees' involvement in a customer-centric company and empowerment to do what's needed. Customer problems and concerns are dealt with quickly
I am empowered to make decisions to best serve my customers
How empowered do you feel to engage with customers in your role?
Do you feel able to provide support to customers with your current level of training?
Are you able to respond quickly to customer concerns?
Employees' feelings of a connection to their work and the company.
Note: engagement is an outcome measure.
I am proud to work for this company
My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment
How likely are you to recommend this company to others?
Do you enjoy your role?
Do you feel a sense of personal accomplishment from your job?
Employees' feel supported in their development and building a career at the company. Overall, I feel that my career goals can be met at this company
This company provides me with the opportunity for learning, development and personal growth
Do you have a career development plan?
What support from management is available to help you develop your skills?
Do you get encouragement from management to train?
Employees' feelings that they are a part of the team and company, are valued, and that their opinions matter. Diverse perspectives are valued and encouraged in my team
I am comfortable voicing my ideas and opinions, even if they are different from others
Do you feel your manager listens to your ideas and takes them on?
Do you feel encouraged to suggest your ideas and opinions?
Employees' feelings that they have the resources and support to be effective in their role.
Note: Job Enablement is an outcome measure.
My job is challenging and interesting
I have the authority I need to do my job
How challenging is your work?
Do you feel your work is interesting?
Do you believe you have enough authority to complete your job?
Employees' understanding of their goals and expectations, empowerment to accomplish their work, recognition for their contributions and demonstration of accountability. At this company, people are held accountable for their performance
I receive feedback that helps me improve my performance
Do you have regular meetings with your manager where they share feedback?
Is the feedback presented in a constructive way?
Do you have a clear understanding of your goals and targets?
Employees' understanding of the company's direction and connection between their work, the work of other teams, and to what is important to the company. I can see a clear link between my work and this company's strategic objectives
Senior leadership gives employees a clear picture of the direction our company is headed
● Is there a clear understanding of how your work reflects on the company’s strategic goals?
● Do you get information from management about the direction of the company?
Employees' belief in and experience of actions taken based on prior survey results. I am confident that action will be taken as a result of this survey.
I believe that positive change will happen as a result of this survey
How confident are you that action will be taken based on the results of this survey?
Do you think the company is able to make positive changes?
Employees' focus on quality, and encouragement to continuously improve and try new things in their work. I am encouraged to come up with better ways of doing things
Work is well-coordinated on my team
Does your manager promote high quality as a value?
Do you get opportunities to improve processes or policies?
How coordinated is your work from your manager?

How to get started

If you're looking to get started impacting employee morale and promoting work-life balance immediately, download our free employee engagement survey template below. For advanced strategic help or a more in-depth walk-through, book a free demo today with our employee experience product experts.

Get started with our free employee engagement survey template

Sarah Fisher

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Best Employee Satisfaction Survey Questions: A Comprehensive Guide

hr research job satisfaction survey

As a wise employer once said, "Happy employees make for a happy workplace." It's true! The satisfaction and engagement of your employees can greatly impact the success and productivity of your company. So, how can you ensure that your employees are truly satisfied? Well, that's where employee satisfaction surveys come into play! In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the best employee satisfaction survey questions and dive into the various aspects of crafting and analyzing these surveys. Let's get started!

Understanding the Importance of Employee Satisfaction Surveys

Employee satisfaction surveys play a crucial role in measuring and improving employee engagement. When employees feel valued, motivated, and satisfied, they are more likely to be productive and loyal to their organization. These surveys help employers gauge the level of satisfaction among their workforce and identify areas that need improvement.

But it's not just about making employees happy. These surveys also provide insights into the overall company culture and its impact on employee satisfaction. By understanding the factors that drive satisfaction, employers can make strategic decisions to create a positive work environment where employees thrive.

One of the key benefits of employee satisfaction surveys is their role in fostering open communication within an organization. These surveys allow employees to express their opinions, concerns, and suggestions anonymously, creating a safe space for open and honest feedback. This fosters a sense of trust and empowers employees to contribute to the growth and success of the company.

The Role of Surveys in Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is the emotional commitment an employee has to their organization. A high level of engagement leads to increased productivity, improved customer satisfaction, and reduced turnover. Employee satisfaction surveys help measure the level of engagement and identify actionable strategies to enhance it.

Surveys not only provide a snapshot of the current level of engagement but also serve as a tool for ongoing improvement. By regularly conducting these surveys, employers can track changes in employee satisfaction over time and assess the effectiveness of their engagement initiatives. This allows for continuous refinement and adaptation of strategies to ensure a highly engaged workforce.

How Satisfaction Surveys Impact Company Culture

Company culture plays a vital role in attracting and retaining top talent. Employee satisfaction surveys provide valuable insights into the culture of an organization. By assessing the satisfaction levels of employees, it becomes possible to identify areas where the culture may be lacking.

When employees feel valued, supported, and aligned with the company's mission and values, it cultivates a positive and inclusive culture . By addressing areas of improvement highlighted through employee satisfaction surveys, companies can nurture a culture that fosters innovation, collaboration, and overall job satisfaction.

Moreover, these surveys also serve as a powerful tool for benchmarking against industry standards . By comparing their results with industry averages, employers can gain a better understanding of how their company culture stacks up against competitors. This knowledge can inform strategic decisions and help organizations stay ahead in the race for top talent.

Crafting the Perfect Employee Satisfaction Survey

Now that we understand the importance of employee satisfaction surveys, let's dive into crafting the perfect survey. Here are some key elements to consider:

Key Elements of an Effective Survey

An effective employee satisfaction survey consists of well-thought-out questions that cover a wide range of topics. These questions should be clear, specific, and relevant to the employees' experiences and expectations. By carefully considering these key elements, you can ensure that your survey provides valuable insights into your employees' satisfaction levels.

1. Focus on both quantitative and qualitative questions to capture meaningful data.

Quantitative questions allow you to gather numerical data, which can be useful for tracking trends and identifying patterns. On the other hand, qualitative questions provide employees with the opportunity to share their thoughts and opinions in more detail. By combining both types of questions, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of your employees' satisfaction levels.

2. Use a variety of question types, such as multiple-choice, rating scales, and open-ended questions, to gather diverse insights.

By using different question types, you can gather a wide range of insights from your employees. Multiple-choice questions provide predefined options, making it easier to analyze and compare responses. Rating scales allow employees to rate their satisfaction on a scale, providing a more nuanced understanding of their experiences. Open-ended questions, on the other hand, give employees the freedom to express their thoughts and ideas in their own words.

3. Ensure the survey is anonymous to encourage honest responses.

Anonymity is crucial when it comes to employee satisfaction surveys. By assuring employees that their responses will remain confidential, you create a safe space for them to express their true feelings. This encourages honest and open feedback, which is essential for identifying areas of improvement and implementing effective changes.

4. Keep the survey concise and avoid overwhelming employees with too many questions.

While it's important to gather comprehensive data, it's equally important to respect your employees' time and avoid overwhelming them with an excessively long survey. By keeping the survey concise and focused, you increase the likelihood of higher response rates and more thoughtful answers. Remember, quality over quantity is key.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Survey Design

While crafting an employee satisfaction survey, it's important to be aware of the common mistakes that can hinder the effectiveness of the survey. Here are a few things to avoid:

  • Avoid leading questions that steer respondents towards a particular answer.

Leading questions can bias the responses and compromise the integrity of the survey. Instead, strive for neutrality and ask questions in a way that allows employees to provide their genuine opinions and experiences without any external influence.

  • Avoid industry jargon or technical terms that may confuse employees.

Remember that not all employees may be familiar with industry-specific jargon or technical terms. To ensure that your survey is accessible to everyone, use clear and simple language that can be easily understood by all employees. This will help prevent any confusion and ensure accurate responses.

  • Do not assume employees' experiences or preferences. Instead, allow them to express their thoughts openly.

Assumptions can lead to biased survey results. Instead of making assumptions about your employees' experiences or preferences, give them the opportunity to express their thoughts openly. This will provide you with a more accurate understanding of their satisfaction levels and help you address any issues or concerns they may have.

  • Avoid asking repetitive or irrelevant questions that may decrease engagement.

Repetitive or irrelevant questions can lead to survey fatigue and decrease employee engagement. To keep your employees interested and engaged throughout the survey, ensure that each question serves a specific purpose and contributes to the overall goal of the survey. This will help maintain their attention and ensure more meaningful responses.

Categories of Employee Satisfaction Survey Questions

Now, let's delve into the specific categories of questions that you should include in your employee satisfaction survey:

Questions about Job Satisfaction

Job satisfaction is vital for employee well-being and productivity. Include questions that assess employees' satisfaction with their roles, responsibilities, and career development opportunities. This could involve rating scales to measure satisfaction levels and open-ended questions to gather specific feedback.

Questions about Management and Leadership

Good leadership is fundamental to employee satisfaction. Ask questions to evaluate employees' perceptions of their managers and supervisors. This can include questions about support, communication, and the effectiveness of leadership in providing guidance and growth opportunities.

Questions about Work Environment

The work environment has a significant impact on overall employee satisfaction. Inquire about factors such as work-life balance, teamwork, inclusivity, and organizational policies. This will give you insights into the areas where improvements can be made to enhance employee satisfaction and well-being.

Tips for Analyzing Survey Results

Collecting survey data is only the first step. To truly benefit from employee satisfaction surveys, you need to analyze the results effectively. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your survey data:

Interpreting Employee Feedback

When analyzing survey results, pay attention to patterns and trends in the feedback. Identify the key areas where employees are most satisfied and where improvements are needed. Look for common themes to gain a deeper understanding of the underlying issues or strengths within your organization.

Turning Survey Data into Actionable Insights

Once you have analyzed the survey results, it's essential to take action and implement changes based on the insights you've gained. Share the findings with the management team, and collaborate to develop strategies and action plans to address the highlighted areas of improvement. Remember, taking action demonstrates that you value your employees' feedback and are committed to creating a better workplace.

Ensuring Anonymity and Encouraging Participation in Surveys

Asking for honest feedback requires ensuring anonymity and creating an environment where employees feel comfortable sharing their thoughts. Let's explore some ways to achieve this:

Importance of Anonymity in Employee Surveys

Anonymity is crucial when conducting employee satisfaction surveys. It allows employees to provide honest feedback without fear of repercussions. Assure employees that their responses will be confidential, enabling them to express their thoughts openly and contribute to the improvement of the organization.

Strategies to Increase Survey Participation

Increasing survey participation will enrich your data and ensure a more accurate representation of your workforce. Consider the following strategies:

  • Communicate the importance of the survey and its impact on decision-making.
  • Keep the survey short and concise to encourage participation.
  • Offer incentives, such as small rewards or recognition , to motivate employees to participate.
  • Follow up with reminders and express gratitude for their time and input.

By implementing these strategies, you can enhance employee participation and gather valuable insights to drive positive changes within your organization.

So, there you have it — a comprehensive guide to the best employee satisfaction survey questions. Remember, these surveys are not only a way to measure satisfaction but also a powerful tool for creating a positive work environment where employees feel valued and motivated. Take action based on the feedback you receive, and watch as your organization flourishes with the support and loyalty of your satisfied workforce!

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20 Key Employee Satisfaction Survey Questions: 2024 Guide

Mia Kintrup

Struggling with disengaged employees and high turnover?

Employee satisfaction surveys might just be the game-changer you’re looking for.

They offer a direct line into your team’s thoughts and feelings, cultivating a high-performing work environment.

This guide will explore the ins and outs of employee satisfaction, how to effectively measure it with surveys, and the steps to take afterward.

We’ll also share the top 20 employee engagement survey questions to ask in 2024.

Use our free template to follow along .

What Is Employee Satisfaction

Employee satisfaction measures how happy and supported your employees feel in their jobs and workplace.

It includes their feelings about their role, work environment, the appreciation they receive, and growth opportunities.

This metric directly impacts retention rates, team morale, and overall productivity—all vital for the long-term success of your business.

Employee Satisfaction vs. Employee Engagement

Employee satisfaction and engagement are related, yet they focus on different aspects of the workplace experience.

Satisfaction covers how content employees are with their jobs, including pay, environment, and work-life balance.

Engagement, on the other hand, measures how emotionally invested employees are in their work and the company’s goals.

It’s best to measure both metrics to keep your teams happy and motivated.

Why Do You Need Employee Satisfaction Surveys?

Measuring employee satisfaction helps you build motivated and high-performing teams.

Because satisfied employees are 31% more productive and are much more likely to care about their company.

Employee satisfaction surveys can truly make a difference. They:

  • Pinpoint what boosts job satisfaction, triggering efficient improvements.
  • Open a safe channel for employee feedback, making sure every voice is heard.
  • Offer valuable data on the company’s well-being, aiding strategic planning.
  • Enhance transparency around the company’s future plans, reducing anxiety and stress among your workers.

So, it’s a straightforward, data-driven approach to maximizing your employees’ potential.

The Top 20 Employee Satisfaction Survey Questions

employee satisfaction survey questions

Crafting the perfect employee satisfaction survey requires a tailored approach to reflect your company’s current needs.

Yet, adding a few of the best, proven questions will give you a head start. For example, PARI GmbH achieved an impressive 80% survey participation rate by combining Honestly’s templates with custom questions.

We’ve put a selection of must-have employee survey questions you can use right away.

Survey Questions About Overall Employee Satisfaction

Kick off your survey with questions about the overall work environment to understand how your team feels on a larger scale.

1. How satisfied are you with your current job position?

This question uncovers how individuals feel about their daily work and responsibilities.

It can highlight roles or areas within the company where satisfaction is low, guiding you to implement necessary changes.

For example, you might see that people in certain positions or departments have lower satisfaction levels than their peers.

In this case, you can use the “Likert scale” survey question type with a series of emoticons.

Likert scale employee survey question

2. How satisfied are you with the organization as a whole?

This question helps you understand how your employees view the company culture and if they feel aligned with its values and objectives.

You can then use follow-up questions to clarify specific problems that impact their commitment and retention.

Questions About Employee Empowerment

Your employees need to know they make a real impact in their organization.

The next set of questions lets you uncover how they perceive their roles and influence in your company.

3. My skills and abilities find use in my job position.

Asking this question helps you align employee roles to their skills and assess the effectiveness of the current team structure.

Here, opt for a more traditional Likert scale using percentages to quantify the levels of agreement with a statement.

Employee satisfaction survey

4. I always feel recognized for my contributions and achievements.

Celebrating success leads to more success.

Make sure your workers feel motivated to perform well and get the recognition they deserve.

5. I have enough authority to make the decisions I need to make.

This question reveals areas where increasing decision-making authority could boost employee satisfaction.

For instance, you might spot frustration related to micro-management and set up training for the company’s leadership.

Add open-ended questions for participants selecting negative responses such as “Disagree” or “Strongly Disagree” on standard survey items. This approach helps you figure out the specific issues your employees are going through.

Do you feel like analyzing so much text is a hassle?

Not if you use survey tools like Honestly! It analyzes all open-ended questions in your survey and generates comprehensive AI summaries.

Questions About Work-Life Balance

Getting work-life balance right helps you keep burnout at bay and reduce employee churn.

Use these questions to see if work demands are tipping the scales, guiding you towards a more balanced approach.

6. I am satisfied with my current working hours.

Insights from this question help you create a more flexible and satisfying workplace—for example, by introducing hybrid work or reducing the number of meetings.

7. My workload is manageable.

Asking this allows you to adjust assignments and expectations, making sure your employees don’t feel overwhelmed and burned out.

8. I regularly have to do job-related work in my free time.

It’s essential that your team members have enough time to unwind away from work.

Identifying cases of work impacting personal time helps you create a healthier work environment and reduce stress levels.

9. Do you feel you can take time off when you need to?

This question evaluates whether you have flexible paid leave policies and their impact on employee stress levels.

Questions About Team Dynamics and Management

Understanding team dynamics and leadership perceptions is key to boosting morale and creating a more collaborative culture.

10. Interactions with my co-workers are honest, friendly, and respectful.

Assessing the nature of coworker interactions shows you how to improve collaboration in your teams.

For example, a fully remote company might realize the need for in-person company retreats to get people together.

11. How realistic are your supervisor’s expectations?

This question shows whether your employees feel supported and secure.

Continuously dealing with unrealistic demands can undermine team morale and lead to burnout.

12. My direct supervisor gives me a lot of freedom in deciding how my work should be done.

Analyzing if there’s enough autonomy helps you enhance trust and innovation in task management.

13. Do you feel your input is valued in team decisions?

Valuing employee opinions ensures everyone contributes their best ideas. Make sure they feel motivated and secure enough to speak up.

Questions About Compensation and Benefits

Compensation and benefits are both essential for employee satisfaction. As simple as that—workers with higher income report greater job satisfaction.

And, it’s essential to keep your remuneration packages competitive (and not just say so in the job description).

14. Compared to employees of other organizations in the industry, I feel I am paid fairly.

Whether your employees are content with their salaries can have a direct impact on workplace churn and motivation levels.

15. How satisfied are you with the employee benefits your organization offers?

Asking this question helps tailor your benefit packages to better suit employee preferences.

For example, you might discover that your workers value access to a gym membership way more than, say, having a new foosball table in the break room.

Questions About Career Development

Are there clear paths for advancement within your company?

Employees who see opportunities for promotion and career growth are much more likely to stay and perform better.

16. Are there clear paths for career growth within your team and position?

Make sure your workers have a solid vision of their future career development in your company.

If you spot potential problems, consider reviewing the current hierarchy and introducing internal leadership programs.

17. Are you satisfied with our current policies for salary and performance reviews?

Asking this question can shed light on potential bottlenecks in your current appraisal system.

For example, some companies go on for years without performance reviews and salary increases, leading to low employee satisfaction.

Questions About Future Commitment and Advocacy

The last set of questions analyzes the long-term intentions and external perceptions of your employees.

Understanding and improving these aspects can boost employee loyalty and grow your company’s reputation as a great place to work.

18. How likely are you to be working for this organization a year from now?

This question evaluates long-term commitment, serving as an early indicator of potential employee retention issues.

19. How likely are you to recommend your organization as a place to work?

Think of this as a net promoter score (NPS) for your workplace. eNPS measures whether your team members are happy and engaged enough to vouch for the company.

20. If you could change one thing in our company, what would it be?

This question is a straightforward way to gather actionable insights and fresh perspectives on enhancing the workplace.

Who knows? Maybe it’ll reveal some truly innovative suggestions.

How to Plan and Build an Employee Satisfaction Survey

The key to success? Creating a solid strategy and an action plan behind your employee satisfaction survey. Let’s see how you can do it.

Step 1: Define The Survey Objectives and Scope

Start by deciding what you’re aiming to discover with your research.

It might be tempting to cover every inch of workplace satisfaction in one go.

But, sometimes, it’s best to focus on specific areas like work-life balance or compensation to make your survey more meaningful.

For example, if recent events suggest deteriorating team dynamics, use your survey to dig deeper into this area. Questions about management, leadership, and the overall atmosphere in the workplace could be useful.

This way you make the feedback you receive directly actionable and add improvements where they’re needed most.

Step 2: Design Your Survey Questions

Next, write down questions that will help you achieve your survey goals.

Make sure they are easy to understand and complete .

It’s also best to avoid adding questions that make your employees uncomfortable and create ambiguity. For example:

effective employee satisfaction survey questions

It’s also a good idea to mix different types of questions, such as:

  • Open-ended questions for detailed feedback:

Open-ended employee satisfaction survey question

  • Likert scales, or multiple-choice for quick insights:
  • The employee net promoter (eNPS) - type questions:

employee net promoter score

Make sure to provide clear instructions for each question type—especially for scales.

Finally, keep your employee survey questions direct and free from bias so that the feedback you receive is genuine and useful. For example:

biased employee satisfaction survey questions

Not sure where to start?

You can use pre-created employee survey templates like those offered by Honestly . Science-based (and two of them developed together with Freie Universität in Berlin), they help you ask the right questions the right way.

To use it, simply choose the survey type and get your questionnaire ready in an instant.

Honestly employee survey template

You can then add any changes and customize it the way you want.

Step 3: Choose the Survey Platform

The next crucial step is selecting the right survey platform and setting up your questionnaire.

Look for a survey tool that’s intuitive for both the creator and the respondents. Key features to assess include:

  • Anonymity options: To ensure honest feedback, choose a platform that can guarantee the anonymity of responses (e.g., even if you download the responses)
  • User-friendly design : Your survey tool should be easy to navigate for you and your employees.You should also be able to use it without extra IT support.
  • Robust analytics tools : It should also have powerful built-in analytics—because the success of your survey ultimately depends on whether you can spot useful insights.

It’s best to look for a tool tailored to the specific needs of HR specialists and business executives.

Many generic survey tools lack templates and analytics you need to execute a successful employee survey .

For example, Honestly’s unlimited dashboards let you analyze, compare, and benchmark your survey results with ease.

You can also show different reports to different users—for example, providing team-specific statistics to team leaders and sharing broader insights with the HR team.

And, if you want to download the survey results, all responses will remain anonymous.

Honestly survey results dashboard

The tool’s powerful AI will also analyze all open-ended questions in your survey and generate in-depth summaries.

Honestly open ended questions

Step 4: Plan Your Survey Distribution

At this stage, your main goal is to generate maximum participation and gather meaningful data.

First, select the right time to share the survey. Avoid busy periods such as the end of the financial year or major project deadlines.

Next, explain why you’re conducting the survey—and why it’s important . Emphasize how this feedback will help you make tangible improvements in the workplace.

For example, if you’re researching work-life balance, explain that these insights could lead to adjustments in flexible working policies or the introduction of new wellness programs.

It’s also important to create an optimal distribution process . Here’s how:

1. Conduct a pilot test: Before rolling out the survey to the entire organization, select a diverse group of employees to participate in a pilot test.

It’s also a good idea to collect feedback from these people. This helps identify any confusing questions or technical issues with the survey platform.

2. Use various platforms : Share the survey across different channels (e.g., email, Slack, mentions during company syncs) and personalize your communications. For example:

employee survey distribution email

3. Set a response deadline : Define a specific deadline to encourage timely participation—while giving your workers enough time to respond.

4. Incentivize participation : While not always necessary, offering incentives (e.g., entry into a raffle for completed surveys) can boost participation rates.

Step 4: Analyze the Survey Results and Act on Them

Finally, the real work begins: turning insights into impactful changes.

Sift through the survey responses and look for patterns and important trends.

Go beyond the surface : Segment and compare your data.

Are there any outliers across departments, teams, locations, and positions? Finding such patterns can be extremely useful.

For example, you could discover that one team experimented with changes that positively impact employee satisfaction—and introduce this change in other departments.

Or, you might see that some locations need better office premises.

Use Honestly’s heatmaps to automate this step. The tool will quickly spot and present all important insights you might overlook otherwise.

Honestly survey results heatmaps

Finally, make sure to close the loop with your employees.

Share what you’ve learned from the survey and, more importantly, what you plan to do about it .

This step is crucial for building trust and showing your team that their voices lead to real change.

As you roll out these changes, keep the communication lines open and plan a follow-up survey.

Were the changes you introduced successful? Do you need to add further fixes? The survey will show.

Tips for Conducting Employee Satisfaction Surveys

Here are a few tips to make your employee satisfaction surveys effective and actionable.

Align Survey Questions with Actionable Goals

Before launching your survey, clarify your objectives and only focus on areas where you can (and will) drive change.

It’s crucial to ask about issues where feedback can lead to real improvements.

This approach streamlines your efforts and demonstrates to your employees that they can impact bigger things in their company.

Secure Management Support

Getting buy-in from management is essential to achieve high survey participation.

When leaders actively underscore the survey’s importance, it signals to employees that their feedback will be taken seriously.

For example, encourage managers to highlight the survey’s importance in team meetings, emphasizing how feedback will shape workplace improvements.

Integrate Survey Insights with Performance Data

For a deeper dive, mix the feedback from your surveys with actual performance numbers.

Seeing how satisfaction and work results line up shows you what really matters for your team’s happiness and success.

For example, you might discover that departments with high scores in “recognition for work” also show quicker project turnaround times.

This suggests that acknowledging employees’ efforts could be a key driver in speeding up project completion.

Conduct Regular Satisfaction Surveys

Consistency is key.

Make sure to launch employee satisfaction surveys regularly—be it annually, bi-annually, or quarterly.

It’ll help you track progress over time and keep a pulse on employee sentiment.

Free Employee Satisfaction Survey Template

Grab our free Employee Satisfaction Survey Template to save time and dive straight into collecting valuable insights.

Download a free template!

It offers a solid starting point for understanding your team’s needs and creating a fulfilling work environment.

How do you structure an employee satisfaction survey?

Structuring an employee satisfaction survey starts with a clear, easy-to-follow layout .

Begin with broad questions about overall job satisfaction, then move into specific areas like work environment, team dynamics, and personal growth.

You can mix question types (e.g., multiple-choice, scale ratings, open-ended) to keep your survey engaging and gather varied insights. But, it’s still important to maintain consistency in the question types.

Finally, finish your survey with an open-ended question to let your employees share their thoughts. For example:

open ended employee satisfaction survey questions

How many questions should an employee satisfaction survey have?

The number of questions in an employee satisfaction survey depends on several factors— including the survey’s scope, the topics covered, and the level of detail you’re looking for.

Try to strike a balance, keeping the survey both comprehensive and concise .

Ideally, your survey should not require longer than 10-15 minutes to complete.

What’s a good employee satisfaction score?

A good employee satisfaction score generally sits above the industry average.

But, aiming for the 70-80% range is a solid target for most organizations. This score demonstrates a healthy level of happiness in your team.

Remember, though, the goal isn’t just to hit a number—but to understand the story behind the scores.

How to present employee satisfaction survey results?

Organize a team meeting or a video call to share the results of your employee satisfaction survey.

Talk about what you discovered, what needs improvement, and what steps you’ll take next. Creating simple slides or charts will help you clarify the message.

Finish with a Q&A to answer any questions. You can also share a summary via email and messengers for those who didn’t make it to the meeting.

What initiatives to launch after conducting an employee satisfaction survey?

Your next steps will depend on your initial goals and the insights you gathered.

For example, if the survey highlights a need for better communication, consider planning team-building activities.

Facing issues with work-life balance? Then, flex-time or remote work options might be the answer.

Aligning your actions with specific insights helps you address issues that truly matter to your team.

Boost Productivity with Higher Employee Satisfaction

Let’s keep it simple: Employee satisfaction surveys are your secret to building a happier team.

Use the feedback you collect to make real changes where they’re needed when they’re needed.

Honestly has got your back with powerful tools that make this easy.

So, dive in, listen closely, and watch your workplace transform.

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75+ Human Resources Survey Questions To Ask Your Employees

hr research job satisfaction survey

Market Research Specialist

Emma David, a seasoned market research professional, specializes in employee engagement, survey administration, and data management. Her expertise in leveraging data for informed decisions has positively impacted several brands, enhancing their market position.

75+ Human Resources Survey Questions To Ask Your Employees

Soliciting feedback from employees can be a mundane activity, but it doesn’t have to be!  With the right human resource survey questions , you can actively seek actionable employee feedback without putting them through the harrowing process of filling out long-drawn forms.

HR professionals are deputed to foster an inclusive and positive environment in the workplace. An essential component of their job is to ensure employee satisfaction, and conducting regular surveys can be a forceful tool in their arsenal to accomplish this. 

However, traditional HR surveys you send out at the end of the year won’t cut it anymore. It’s time to move on from the boring surveys your employees dread filling out!

You need a powerful set of questions and use an effective survey maker tool to create routine HR surveys that help you get objective feedback from employees.

To help you get started, we have put together 75+ best HR survey question examples for various business aspects. Find them below and begin crafting the most effective and engaging HR surveys for your organization.

What Are Human Resources Surveys?

Human resources surveys are integral to any organization’s internal feedback process. They help gather feedback in the workplace, ensure employee well-being and satisfaction, foster trustful relationships, and optimize organizational procedures. 

HR surveys can be an opportunity to drive meaningful conversations within the organization. They can help survey everything from how the initiatives by the HR department are faring to the quality of the culture in the workplace. Furthermore, they can aid employee evaluation, as well as increase overall organizational efficiency.

75+ HR Survey Questions For Employees

There is a wide variety of business aspects that can be improved with the help of HR surveys. 

These surveys gauge employee satisfaction and their likelihood of staying with your company. Moreover, they help track the effectiveness of HR policies, improve engagement, and reduce employee turnover.

Here are the most powerful HR survey questions for different use cases. These include a mix of open-ended , yes/no, star ratings, and other question types.

HR Effectiveness Survey Questions

Examine the efficacy of your HR, policies, events, and operations. Know how well your HR team is serving the employees by seeking feedback and identifying areas of improvement in your procedures and practices using these questions. 

  • How responsive has the HR department been to your concerns?
  • Do you feel like you have easy access to the HR staff?
  • Are changes in company policies intimated to you in a timely manner?
  • Based on your experience with the HR team, would you recommend this company to a friend?
  • Do you think HR policies are updated and enforced properly? [Y/N]
  • What could we improve about the [HR event]?

Employee Engagement Survey Questions

Would you believe that only 32% of employees in the US are engaged in their jobs, while 17% of employees are actively disengaged?

To keep your employees from falling into this category, you must regularly track and make strides to improve employee engagement. Here are some questions to get started. 

  • Do you feel valued by the organization?
  • Does the company maintain proper communication with all employees? 
  • Rate the following factors based on their importance to you as an employee.

human resource surveys

  • To what extent do you think that the company values your individual contributions?
  • Do you have access to adequate learning opportunities at this company?
  • What are your expectations for the company’s growth in the near future? Do you have any suggestions for the same?

Work Culture Survey Questions

A key responsibility of the HR department is to ensure that the company’s values are reflected in the work culture. Here are some survey questions to identify how your workplace’s culture is perceived by the employees.

  • Do you feel respected by your coworkers and the management?
  • How would you rate the company’s culture?
  • Do the company’s values and work environment align with your expectations?
  • What motivates you to stay at the company?
  • What can we improve about the company to make it a better place for you?
  • Are your ideas heard and implemented in the workplace?
  • Does the company promote a culture for an open exchange of ideas and beliefs? 

Employee Experience Survey Questions

Insights into the overall experience of employees can be valuable for the HR department. Including questions such as these in your HR surveys can improve employee experience and keep them motivated. 

  • Does the organization provide you with adequate resources to do your job?
  • What challenges do you routinely face at the office, and how do you overcome them?
  • What is your least favorite part about this position?
  • Did you receive the necessary training for all the tools that you are required to use? If not, please mention the name. 
  • Have you been able to strike the right balance between your professional and personal life since joining our company?

hr survey questions

Employee Satisfaction Survey Questions

Low employee satisfaction can be a nightmare for the organization. It not affects employee retention levels but also puts the effectiveness of your operations at risk. Here are some examples of employee satisfaction questions to include in your HR surveys.

  • How likely are you to recommend this company to a friend or colleague?

hr questionnaire for employees

  • Do you feel like you have a path to advance your career here?
  • Do you feel your roles and responsibilities are helping you grow professionally?
  • Are the company’s goals and objectives regularly communicated to you?
  • How often do you feel stressed at work?

Employee Benefits Survey Questions

Managing employee remuneration is a fundamental responsibility of the HR division. This requires tracking employee needs and knowing how satisfied they are with their current pay and allowances.

  • Are you satisfied with the compensation that you are currently offered?
  • How satisfactory are the benefits and pay for this position?

hr questionnaire

  • Do you find the coverage offered by our company’s healthcare plan satisfactory? [Y/N]
  • Which employee benefits do you value the most?
  • Do you have a clear understanding of our compensation policy and benefits programs?
  • Please rate the following separation and retirement benefits offered by our company. 

human resources questionnaire

Recruitment Survey Questions

Track how satisfied the employees were with their recruitment experience. This knowledge can help you bring more high-value candidates to the company by optimizing the application and recruitment process. 

  • Overall, how satisfied were you with our recruitment process?

hr survey for employees

  • Have you acquired a clear understanding of all the company policies? 
  • On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate the recruitment process?
  • How did you learn about the job opening at our company?
  • What would you like us to improve about our recruitment process?

Employee Morale & Safety Survey Questions

Obtain feedback from employees on workplace safety as well as their overall state of mind when coming to work by using the following employee morale and safety survey questions. 

  • How would you rate your day at work?

hr survey questions to employees

  • Are you well-informed about the possible safety hazards in the workplace? [Y/N]
  • Do you feel like your work here is meaningful?
  • How committed do you feel the company is to ensuring the safety of employees? 
  • How often did you feel unsafe at work?

hr research job satisfaction survey

  • Do you think your physical and psychological well-being are valued at [company]?

Employee Performance Survey Questions

Reviewing the performance of employees is essential for the HR department to recognize and promote them effectively. These surveys can be used to track performance by contacting peers and supervisors or providing opportunities for self-evaluation.

  • What accomplishments at work are you most proud of this past year?
  • Do you feel that your skills are on par with your peers?

human resource questions to ask

  • Have you taken up any additional responsibilities in this quarter? Please mention them.
  • How often does [employee] meet deadlines?
  • Does the employee volunteer to take up additional tasks? 
  • How do coworkers feel about working with [employee]?

hr research job satisfaction survey

360-Degree Feedback Survey Questions

360 feedback surveys can help HR get a well-rounded understanding of the employees by gaining feedback from all the people that they work with.

  • Do you think that the employee has the ability to work well under pressure?
  • Are you likely to trust [employee] in case of an emergency?
  • Does the employee feel comfortable asking for help from others?
  • Does [employee] demonstrate the company’s values?
  • Have you witnessed the employee coming up with quick and effective solutions? Give some examples. 

Employee Onboarding Survey Questions

Collect feedback from new employees on the effectiveness of your onboarding process through these survey questions. This will help you ensure high performance for new employees and reduce attrition by identifying areas for improvement in your current onboarding strategy. 

  • Have your job responsibilities been made clear to you?
  • How satisfied were you with the job-related training?

hr survey questions

  • What aspects of this position do you think would be the most challenging?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how welcome do you feel at the workplace? 
  • If you could change one thing about the onboarding experience, what would it be?
  • How would you describe the training personnel’s grasp of the subject matter?

Workplace Diversity & Inclusion Survey Questions

Diversity and inclusion are critical in the workplace. Here are some questions to ask your employees to judge how they feel about your organization’s practices to promote an inclusive work environment.

  • Have you experienced any form of discrimination in the workplace?
  • Do you feel that the company makes adequate efforts to promote diversity and inclusion?
  • Do you find the internal promotion process to be free of any bias or prejudice?
  • Are you aware of the company’s measures to report instances of discrimination against employees?
  • Do you agree that the management treats all employees fairly, regardless of their sexual orientation, age, race, and disability status?

Manager Evaluation Survey Questions

Manager evaluation helps enhance your organization’s leadership competencies as well as provide employees an outlet for providing feedback. Here are some questions to include in your manager surveys. 

  • Is there any way your manager could have provided you with better support and assistance?
  • Do you feel that the feedback you receive from your supervisor is adequate?
  • Does your manager own up to their mistakes?
  • How would you rate your manager in their ability to plan and coordinate tasks?
  • Has your supervisor given you any positive feedback in the past two weeks?

human resources survey questions

Employee Exit Survey Questions

In case employees decide to move on, the following exit survey questions will help you learn their reasons for leaving, enabling you to turn an unfortunate situation into an opportunity to improve your organization.  

  • How would you describe the work environment of our organization?
  • What factors influenced your decision to take up a new position?
  • What could have been done to keep you from leaving the organization?
  • Would you consider returning to our company in the future? 
  • What major challenges did you face while working with us?

Advantages of Human Resources Surveys

Human resources executives are tasked with keeping the integrity and culture of the organization intact. They are also responsible for recruiting and retaining employees. Since these are such high-stake operations, HR teams need to stay informed about the performance of their initiatives and policies at all times. 

This brings us to the importance of creating an effective HR questionnaire. Let’s take a closer look at some of the benefits.

Measure Employee Satisfaction

Surveys that help track employee satisfaction and gain insights into their opinions can help you stay updated with the overall health of your company. They can enable you to ensure that your employees are happy and that they feel valued in the workplace. 

Improve Productivity 

HR surveys are highly functional in reducing absenteeism and improving employee productivity. They can provide insights into high-stake business processes, allowing every employee to work more effectively.

Reduce Employee Turnover 

HR surveys can help demonstrate that your organization sees value in the candid feedback of employees. This will build a trusting relationship that translates into improved employee satisfaction and reduced turnover. 

Identify Gaps & Areas of Improvement

Along with helping build trust, a human resources questionnaire can also serve as an excellent opportunity to discover areas of improvement in your organization’s proceedings and culture. They help discover bottlenecks in your organization and come up with ways to overcome them. 

Enhance Business Decisions

With more visibility into employees’ likes, HR executives can make better decisions. Implementing the feedback gathered from employees can allow organizations to improve the effectiveness of their day-to-day operations while paving the way for business growth. 

Creating the Most Effective HR Surveys 

Now that we have established how profitable an HR survey for employees can be for your business, there are some crucial points to keep in mind when creating these surveys. 

Firstly, identify the most suitable time for delivering these surveys to get unbiased and usable feedback. The one-off HR surveys that companies share annually are not enough anymore. You must conduct routine surveys in order to gain valuable insights from your team members.

The next step is avoiding any form of survey bias to improve the quality of the responses that you get. Keep your surveys anonymous and short. Know the best HR survey questions to ask by selecting the most appropriate questions from the list mentioned.  

Lastly, just as important as it is to administer the survey is to promote it among your employees. Encourage them to participate fully in the exercise and give you honest feedback to collectively work toward the organization’s growth. A powerful online survey software such as ProProfs Survey Maker can help accomplish all of this by enabling you to create the most objective HR surveys. You can get started immediately using pre-built survey templates and share your surveys with the respondents in a jiffy.

Emma David

About the author

Emma David is a seasoned market research professional with 8+ years of experience. Having kick-started her journey in research, she has developed rich expertise in employee engagement, survey creation and administration, and data management. Emma believes in the power of data to shape business performance positively. She continues to help brands and businesses make strategic decisions and improve their market standing through her understanding of research methodologies.

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HR Surveys: 10 Amazing Human Resource Survey Questions


HR surveys are ways for companies to find out how their employees feel about things like job satisfaction , engagement, and the culture of the company .

HR teams are in charge of important business tasks like hiring and firing, onboarding and employee training , and engaging and keeping employees. As more and more companies see the link between how employees feel and how well the business does, the importance of good HR departments becomes clearer. 

HR teams need to know what employees think and feel to do their jobs well and make the workplace a good place to work.

Surveys are one of the best HR tools because they give employees a chance to say what they think. In this blog, we’ll talk about the benefits of it, give you some examples of key HR survey questions, and show you how to set up HR surveys with QuestionPro.

LEARN ABOUT: Workplace Employee Experience Examples

Human Resource Surveys or HR Surveys

A human resource survey is a questionnaire sent out to employees to obtain their continuous feedback and reviews to gauge employee morale,  staff engagement, etc.

Generally, human resource surveys or HR surveys are used by HR Managers and the Management team and are kept anonymous for genuine and candid staff event feedback . This motivates the employees to be forthcoming, especially if they know their comments will be acted upon. Employee surveys are integral to employee feedback and a great way to communicate with employees.

It is not always feasible to meet each and every employee in an organization, especially with big enterprises. Online surveys act as an efficient proxy in such scenarios. Many organizations conduct such surveys annually or semi-annually. 

However, it is a good practice to do it frequently or quarterly, depending on your study focus. Many organizations go after long surveys when they do it once or twice a year, but those surveys get lesser responses. You need to keep them short for a better completion rate.

LEARN ABOUT: Employee Experience Strategy

A recent study suggests that surveys with less than 12 questions record an average response rate of 83%!

Importance of HR surveys

HR surveys are an important way for companies to find out what their employees think, and there are several reasons why they are important:

  • It can help companies figure out what their employees want and how they feel.
  • They can give you useful information that can help you make decisions about HR policies and practices.
  • It can help companies figure out what needs to be changed to improve employee engagement , happiness, and retention.
  • They can help talent management processes determine what works and doesn’t.
  • This can help make sure that employment practices follow the law.
  • They can help find places where discrimination or harassment might happen.
  • It can help companies determine how to improve their company culture by making changes based on their learning.
  • They make it possible to measure progress over time and keep track of how well HR initiatives work.
  • It can help make communication with employees more open and honest.
  • They can help build a culture where employees’ feedback and ideas are valued.

Types of HR survey questions

There are many different kinds of such employee survey questions that can be used to get employee feedback. These 4 are the most important and basic types:


1. Recruitment questions

Recruitment is an important part of human resources that helps ensure the right people are on the team. Surveys can help with employee recruitment by showing what people like about an organization and what might be putting them off.

Here are some questions to think about for a survey on hiring:

  • Why are you interested in working for this company?
  • How would you rate the recruitment process on a scale from 1 to 10?
  • Is there a reason you wouldn’t want to play this part?
  • Would you tell a friend who is looking for a job to work for this company?
  • Do you have any thoughts about how to apply?

2. Employee engagement and employee satisfaction questions

Organizations need to know how their employees feel at all times. People may start looking for other jobs if they don’t like certain parts of their current jobs.

Unfortunately, most surveys only look at satisfaction, so we never get a true picture of the workplace. It is easy for managers or supervisors to change results to make themselves feel better.

Here are a few questions that will help you learn more about employee engagement and happiness:

  • Do you have a good balance between work and life at this company?
  • Do you get along with the other people on your team?
  • What’s the worst thing about going to work every day?
  • Do you know what your job means for the company as a whole?
  • What gets are you going each day at work?

3. Employee performance questions

Self-evaluations are an important part of the performance review process because they show how employees feel about their own work and how that compares to what their manager thinks.

It’s a good idea to do surveys often or every three months, depending on what you want to learn. Also, don’t use long surveys. Instead, keep them short and to the point so that more people will fill them out.

Take a look at these questions from an HR survey for self-evaluations:

  • Do you have the tools you need to do all the tasks that come with your job?
  • What about your work this quarter are you most proud of?
  • What hard things did you have to deal with this year? How did you make it through?
  • In three years, where do you see yourself?
  • How can we help you achieve your career goals over the next year?

4. Work culture questions

Describing an organization’s culture can be hard, but employees usually have clear ideas about it. It’s important for HR to know how employees feel about the company culture since that’s a big part of whether or not people stay or leave.

Culture-related questions also show how people see a company’s values and where management can make changes.

Here are some questions for a survey about the culture of the company:

  • Do you know what success means to this group?
  • Are you able to be yourself at work?
  • Do you know who you can talk to at work if you’re in a tough spot?
  • Do you feel like your boss and coworkers value you?
  • How can the company change the way people work?

10 amazing HR surveys questions

There are a whole lot of questions that you can ask when you conduct an employee survey. Knowing what to ask and designing the right flow of questions is crucial to succeeding in getting employee responses. 

We have highlighted some important questions that you should ask in your workplace surveys divided by various HR aspects. Let’s look at these hr survey questions below.

1. Company communications evaluation surveys questions

Transparent and frequent communication plays a significant role in the smooth functioning of an organization, be it external or internal communication . Both are equally important; external could be with your customers, vendors, etc., whereas internal would be with peers, supervisors, management, etc. 

When preparing and conducting such a survey, you need to keep in mind all of the above elements. Below are some important questions you should include in your Company communications evaluation survey.

  • When it comes to communications in your company, how satisfied would you say you are with it?
  • How would you describe your impression of communications within your company?
  • How do you feel about the information you receive?
  • Compared to last year, how would you rate your knowledge of the company, its strategies, and its ongoing accomplishments?


2. Employee engagement HR survey questions

These kinds of surveys are conducted to measure how valued your employees feel in the organization. Tracking is essential to determine whether your employees are happy or not and how long they intend to stay with the organization.

The questions in a staff engagement survey are designed to understand the levels of engagement in the organization. Engaged employees play a key role in keeping your employees happy and acquiring new ones. 

LEARN MORE: E mployee Engagement Survey Examples

Below are some of the most important questions that you should include in your employee engagement survey .

  • Do you feel the staff evaluation process is fair?
  • Do you feel your team members are receptive to your suggestions?
  • Are you able to strike a work-life balance with the organization?
  • Do you feel your colleagues and seniors communicate information with the utmost clarity?

employee engagement hr survey template-nsc

3. Employee experience surveys questions

Employee experience is the sum of experience that an employee goes through in an organization from the time of hiring to their exit. Employee experience surveys are important to understand what areas of your people processes need looking into. 

A typical employee experience survey should contain the below questions.

  • Were you satisfied with the information provided to you during your recruitment questions ?
  • How satisfied were you with the onboarding process?
  • Do you believe employees have equal growth opportunities in this organization?
  • Do you get along well with your teammates and colleagues?

4. Employee exit surveys questions

Conducting staff exit surveys are a good way to dig deeper into why your employees are leaving the organization. What is most crucial here is that you need to ask the right questions to get the right data. Without the right questions, your survey will get you nowhere. 

Let’s look at some of the essential exit interview survey questions.

  • My manager held regular team and one-on-one employee meetings to catch-up
  • My organization provided me with ample employee benefits
  • I got to voice my opinions and concerns in the organization
  • I was frequently offered new learning opportunities


5. Work Culture HR surveys questions

Work culture is the set of words, actions, values, and beliefs that make an organization what it is. It influences employee experience and their journey from being hired to when they retire or exit the organization. 

A workplace culture survey is conducted to gather insights from the staff on how the organization’s culture is and how it can be made better. It evaluates how well-aligned an organization’s culture is with the values it propagates. 

A workplace culture survey should contain the below questions.

  • Do you feel respected by your colleagues, managers, and management in the organization?
  • Does your supervisor provide you with timely feedback about your assignments?
  • How does this organization define “success,” according to you?
  • How dedicated is your organization to diversity and inclusivity (D&I)?

6. Employee motivation HR surveys questions

There are numerous ways to improve staff motivation and engagement , and conducting employee motivation surveys is a good way to do that. You can track and measure staff motivation through online employee surveys and get pointers to improve it further. 

An employee motivation survey should consist of the below important questions to get a good amount of responses.

  • My team and others recognize and value what I contribute
  • When I’m at work, I often don’t realize how quickly the day went by
  • I am always excited on Mondays to go to work
  • I feel confident I contribute to organizational goals

7. Employee performance review HR surveys questions

An employee, over their tenure, works with numerous employees and colleagues. It is only fair their feedback is considered in the performance evaluation process. It is a holistic approach to evaluating an employee, and more and more organizations are embracing 360 degree feedback evaluations. 

Here we will look at some important questions that should be asked in a performance review survey.

  • Does the employee always finish their work on time?
  • Is the employee a team player?
  • The employee keeps the customer updated about all developments
  • I would be glad to have the employee as my team member


8. Employee 360-degree review HR surveys questions

A 360-degree employee performance review survey questionnaire consists of questions that aid in gathering data from several stakeholders within an organization. This type of survey will help you collect data from peers, colleagues, superiors, etc., to build a wholesome picture of an employee’s performance. 

This survey must have the below questions.

  • The employee has the requisite skills to work in their function
  • Does the employee own their mistakes?
  • The employee always communicates respectfully and professionally with everybody
  • The employee always consults with their team members before arriving at a decision

9. Employee satisfaction HR surveys questions

A staff satisfaction survey is a powerful 360 feedback tool that HR managers use to understand employees’ satisfaction with HR analytics . This survey helps management know the reasons for satisfaction dissatisfaction and probable measures that can be taken to improve workforce satisfaction. 

Remember to include the below questions in your employee satisfaction survey .

  • Do you have a clear understanding of the organization’s strategic objectives?
  • Does your team inspire you to do your best?
  • Do you think you are valued by your team and your manager?
  • Do you see yourself working with the same organization after 2 years?

bamboohr-employee engagement hr survey templates

10. Management Evaluation HR Surveys Questions

Management evaluation surveys are conducted to understand the employees’ perception of the executive or management team. The management team decides the organization’s direction, workforce strategies , policies, etc., and hence plays a key role in employee experience, productivity, morale, and their intent to stay. 

Make sure to include these questions in your management evaluation survey.

  • How satisfied are you with your immediate supervisor and their work?
  • How satisfied are you with the strategic direction of the organization?
  • How willing is the senior management team to invest in employee learning and development programs?
  • How willing is the senior management team to accept their mistakes?

Why conduct HR surveys?

A human resource survey or HR survey’s purpose must be well-defined to ensure maximum responses or success. That is why we saw above the various types of questions and surveys that go into these templates. Let us now understand why we should conduct HR surveys.

  • Collect data: Collect staff responses through targeted employee experience and workplace culture surveys.
  • Analyze: Recognize the most and least striking behaviors in your organizational culture.
  • Take action: Recognize and work towards your top preferences for the coming operating cycle.
  • Define frequency: Define milestones and conduct staff surveys. Use your custom-branded portal to make your stakeholders are handling sure priorities.

Benefits of conducting HR surveys

  • It allows organizations to focus on important employee aspects such as work culture, talent acquisition, employee retention strategies , employee experience, staff satisfaction, productivity, etc.
  • Identify and address employee concerns as and when they arise.
  • Streamline communication with employees; effective organizational communication must be two-way.
  • Employee performance review and feedback collection get way via HR surveys.
  • Get feedback on what can be done differently to improve business processes and improve the employee experience .
LEARN ABOUT: Performance Appraisal Survey

How can QuestionPro workforce help in HR surveys?

QuestionPro workforce is a powerful survey tool that can be used to create, distribute, and analyze surveys for many different purposes, including HR surveys. You can use employee opinion survey questions . Those questions provide valuable insights into employee morale, enabling organizations to make informed improvements and foster an engaged workforce.

Here are some ways QuestionPro workforce can help:

  • Creating custom surveys: With QuestionPro workforce, you can make custom surveys to fit the needs of your HR survey. You can choose from a variety of question types, like multiple-choice, rating scale, and open-ended questions.
  • Distributing surveys: Once you’ve done your survey, you can send it to your employees via email, social media, or your company’s intranet. You can also set up reminders to encourage employees to finish the survey.
  • Collecting and analyzing data: QuestionPro workforce offers a variety of tools to help you collect and analyze survey data. You can see results in real-time and create reports to help you make decisions based on data. You can also use the software to find trends and repeating patterns in your data.
  • Benchmarking: QuestionPro workforce lets you compare the results of your HR surveys to industry benchmarks, which can help you figure out where you need to make improvements.
  • Ensuring anonymity: HR surveys often need anonymity to encourage honest feedback. QuestionPro lets you set up anonymous surveys so that employees feel comfortable sharing their thoughts.

QuestionPro workforce can help HR professionals get important information about engagement, satisfaction, and other important HR metrics. Using this powerful survey tool, the HR department can make decisions based on data that improve the employee experience and help the business succeed.



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40+ hr effectiveness survey questions to collect valuable feedback.

Uncover the impact of your HR policies with our HR effectiveness survey questions. Probe deeper into employee perceptions and drive meaningful HR improvement.

In the ever-evolving landscape of Human Resources, understanding the effectiveness of your HR practices is crucial. This is where an HR effectiveness survey comes into play, serving as a vital tool to gauge the impact of your HR strategies and policies. 

The best way to assess the effectiveness of HR services is by using effectiveness surveys to gauge how your employees feel about them.

But not any survey will do. You need the right set of targeted questions to help you accurately tune into employee sentiment. 

This post will:

  • List some powerful HR effectiveness survey questions to help you gather insightful responses and discover any unaddressed issues holding employees back.
  • Share ways to increase the success of your HR effectiveness survey .
  • Explore other approaches you can use to measure HR satisfaction.
Our goal is to help you craft a questionnaire that delves beyond surface-level inquiries, probing into the heart of your HR operations.

These questions are designed to elicit responses that reveal how employees truly perceive HR's role in their professional journey. From recruitment to training, development, and procedures and policies, each question is a step toward understanding your HR department's strengths and areas for improvement.

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🧩 What is an HR effectiveness survey ?

An HR effectiveness survey is a tool used to evaluate and measure the performance and impact of an organization's Human Resources department. 

This type of employee feedback survey aims to assess how well the HR function meets the organization's and its employees' needs.

It typically covers various aspects of HR activities, including talent management, recruitment, training and development, benefits administration, and compliance with labor laws.

HR effectiveness survey on Zavvy - questions and instructions for reviewers

"The HR department is responsible for bridging the gap between employees and the organization. Successful HR teams strive to provide a positive experience for employees and make sure that their performance aligns with the company's objectives. They foster a culture that encourages growth and development and motivates employees to take responsibility for their roles." Matthew Ramirez, Founder of Rephrase Media.

This survey is usually conducted anonymously and can be distributed to all employees or a representative sample, including management and staff , to comprehensively understand the HR department's effectiveness. The results are then used to make data-driven decisions for improving HR strategies and operations.

A good HR effectiveness survey mixes Likert scale, open-ended, multiple-choice, long-answer, short-answer, and rating-based questions. This allows you to gather comprehensive insights, not just surface-level data on the state of your HR functions.

Collecting direct feedback from employees can help you understand how your HR team is performing in managing talent, implementing initiatives, communicating with employees, and creating a positive and healthy work environment.

6 Benefits of HR Effectiveness Surveys

HR effectiveness surveys also enable you to:

  • Uncover gaps in HR services that may cause employee disengagement.
  • Identify potential or existing friction areas that are ripe for improvement.
  • Generate new ideas on increasing employee satisfaction and morale straight from their mouths.
  • Measure HR performance over time and track which strategies yield the most results .
  • Learn how employees feel about your current HR activities and their desired changes.
  • Discover trends and make data-driven decisions about HR practices and policies.

❓ 43 HR effectiveness survey questions 

Here are some questions you can include in your HR satisfaction survey to measure performance across different HR service areas and identify opportunities to revamp your HR strategy.

🗣️ Communication practices

1. When did you last interact with the HR team professionally?

2. Is the HR team polite, considerate, and respectful in their interactions?

3. Do you know who to reach out to with HR-specific questions?

4. Are policy changes in the company communicated to you on time?

5. Does HR respond to your inquiries and questions on time?

6. Are you confident that any conversations with HR are confidential?

7. How well does the company promote and enable open, honest, and transparent communication?

👀 Reasoning behind this line of questions: The methods, frequency, and quality of HR communications can increase or diminish employees' trust in the service and hinder their ability to do their jobs well. 

HR Accessibility Survey Questions Examples

👀 HR accessibility

8. How approachable is the HR team?

9. Is getting information from HR more difficult than it should be?

10. Are you comfortable going to HR with questions, complaints, or concerns?

11. Do the HR procedures required to do your job include unnecessary steps?

👀 Reasoning behind this line of questions: Since HR is the driver behind the wheel of many organizational operations such as compensation, policy implementation, performance reviews, and more, the service needs to be readily available to everyone when needed.

💸 Payroll and benefits administration

12. In the last [X] months, have you contacted HR for help with the following benefits services: payroll information, health insurance, annual/sick leave, dental insurance, training reimbursement, and/or retirement benefits?

13. Did you easily understand the information you received about perks and benefits?

14. Do you know how to access your employee benefits?

15. Are current HR policies effective in motivating and rewarding employees?

16. Does HR promote employee wellness and work-life balance?

👀 Reasoning behind this line of questions: The process for accessing rewards offered by the company needs to be accessible. Otherwise, employees will end up feeling frustrated or cheated.

📝 Procedures and policies

17. What's your opinion on the quality and effectiveness of HR policies?

18. Does the HR department promote and maintain the company's culture and performance standards well?

19. Does the company do a great job of promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace?

20. Do you think HR actions or decisions are biased in favor of any person or group?

21. Does the HR team continuously improve the work culture and environment?

22. Are HR procedures and policies appropriately communicated?

👀 Reasoning behind this line of questions: If the guidelines HR is creating are not fair or enforced consistently, it can harm employee relations and job performance. 

Recruitment and Hiring Survey Questions

🧲 Recruitment and hiring

23. Have you collaborated with HR in recruitment activities, and in what capacity (e.g., you interviewed for a role, served as a hiring manager, was part of the selection committee)?

24. Are current processes for recruiting new employees effective?

25. Are you satisfied with how long it takes to fill vacant positions?

26. Rate how well the HR team attracts and hires qualified talent. 1 - Very bad - 5 - Very well.  

27. Are you happy with the quality and competence of new hires that HR provides?

28. What suggestion would you give to HR to improve their hiring processes?

👀 Reasoning behind this line of questions: If HR is not doing its best to source, recruit, and select talent for open positions, it can result in a longer time to hire, poor talent fit, and a low retention rate.

🌱 Training and development 

29. In the last [X] months, have you contacted HR for any of the following talent management services: training requests, personnel files, performance evaluations, and/or new hire onboarding?

30. Was the time it took to get HR's response to your request appropriate?

31. Is the way role responsibilities and expectations are defined in the company clear and satisfactory to you?

32. How effective is our performance evaluation system in acknowledging and rewarding your contributions?

33. Are you provided adequate learning and development opportunities to support your professional growth?

34. HR should provide employees with more training for/about?

👀 Reasoning behind this line of questions: When employees aren't given the resources and support to succeed at their jobs, they can't reach their potential and search for development opportunities elsewhere.

excel template development plan Zavvy

🤝 General services

35. In the last [X] months, have you enlisted HR assistance for the following services: grievances, company policies, disciplinary actions, performance management, or interpersonal conflict?

36. Did the HR personnel you interacted with have the relevant knowledge to address your concerns or supply the needed information?

37. Does HR have a clear understanding of employee needs?

38. Would you agree that the HR team provides good and consistent service?

39. Do you feel confident that the HR department can help you resolve problems?

40. What is one thing HR should be doing that is currently not being done?

41. What is one thing HR is doing that you would like to put an end to?

42. How would you rate your overall satisfaction with the HR department?

43. Based on your experience with the HR staff, would you recommend this company to a friend?

👀 Reasoning behind this line of questions: It'll allow you to efficiently diagnose underlying issues and improve the quality of HR support to employee expectations.

💡 6 Best practices for crafting your HR effectiveness surveys

Use these strategies to develop impactful questions and enhance the potency of your HR surveys:

6 Best Practices for HR effectiveness Surveys

1. Outline the goal of your survey

Are you trying to identify ways to improve your HR operations? 

Or do you want to measure employee satisfaction levels about specific HR activities or policies?

Knowing what you're trying to achieve, learn, or ascertain will help you focus on the survey question categories most essential to your needs. So, you'll develop targeted questions that delve into the heart of the matter and generate actionable insights. 

2. Ask relevant questions

The type of questions you ask will influence the responses you get and how insightful they will be. 

Focus on crafting questions that align with your survey objectives and can bring you closer to the information you seek.

Use a combination of close-ended and open-ended questions to gather quantitative and qualitative data that considers different employee perspectives and experiences.

3. Keep your surveys brief

The fact that you're trying to gather important information to help you serve employees better doesn't mean you should cram your HR effectiveness surveys with as many questions as you can think of.

Be respectful of your employee's time and aim for a survey length that takes between 5-7 minutes to complete . 

Any longer, you risk boring participants before they even get started or losing their attention midway through completing the survey.

4. Allow for anonymous responses

Your employees are more likely to give their candid opinions when assured that it won't somehow come back to bite them. 

Use anonymous surveys to gather feedback if you want accurate data that honestly represents what your workers think of your HR services. The promise of confidentiality can also result in increased survey participation rates.

Employee surveys - anonymity setting on Zavvy's questionnaire builder

5. Maintain a friendly tone

You don't want employees to feel like they're in the line of fire. Using overly formal language and tone when drafting HR effectiveness survey questions can prompt participants to raise their guard and offer defensive responses instead of responding truthfully.

Keeping things light and framing your survey questions conversational will engage employees and make them feel at ease.

6. Select the right survey tool

The platform you use to run your HR effectiveness surveys is almost as important as the questions you ask. 

You want a quick and easy tool to use that supports anonymous employee feedback , offers ready-made survey templates, and allows you to analyze your survey data properly.

⚖️ 4 Alternative methods for measuring HR effectiveness

If you don't want to rely exclusively on surveys for evaluating the effectiveness of your HR practices, here are other measurement techniques you can implement:

4 Alternatives for Measuring HR Effectiveness

A good way to evaluate and understand how your HR department impacts your organization positively or negatively is by tracking relevant HR metrics and key performance indicators. 

For instance, if you want to assess your HR team's effectiveness when planning your workforce, metrics like cost per hire, time to fill, new hire turnover rate , eNPS scores , or engagement survey completion rate will come in handy.

Survey analytics on Zavvy

➡️ Discover other key HR metrics for measuring the success of your HR team. 

360 Reviews

With 360° reviews , you can measure HR performance and shed light on the HR processes needing improvement by capturing feedback from all the different angles of the company structure. 

This ensures a more comprehensive and nuanced appraisal of the department's overall achievements, HR skills and competencies , and role expectations.

Skill and competency assessments on Zavvy - employee self-appraisal survey

Using the 360° feedback framework , the entire HR team or specific team members will receive and conduct downward feedback, upward review, peer feedback, and self-assessments to determine where they excelled and what they could have done better. 

➡️ Use these 31 HR competencies to guide you in evaluating how your HR professionals are driving employee engagement and organizational growth.

Zavvy's complete competency framework template

Creating objectives and key results for your team's different HR functions is another way to monitor progress and assess effectiveness. 

This agile approach involves setting clear and realistic goals for your HR staff and outlining the results or outcomes you'll use in tracking how they're progressing towards those goals.

HR OKRs on Zavvy

Some may argue that OKRs are a superior tool for measuring performance to surveys because they deal with hard facts rather than subjective feedback. Remember that you may fail to prioritize the right HR OKRs without knowing what matters to your employees or their needs.

➡️ Check our guide for using the OKR methodology and concrete examples of HR OKRs you can set. 


By comparing the results from your HR metrics and OKRs with your company's historical data or external standards for your industry, you can correctly determine the gaps in your HR operations. 

You'll know the level of service employees expect to get from their HR representatives and where your team is falling short. 

Suppose there are any policies or processes that your HR team is having remarkable success with compared to other organizations. In that case, benchmarking will reveal that, too.

➡️ Uncover, understand, unleash: Enhance HR potential with Zavvy

Routinely conducting HR surveys is the key to unlocking valuable insights, streamlining processes, and developing personalized initiatives that boost employee happiness, job satisfaction, and productivity. 

Zavvy's powerful employee survey platform can help you create and distribute engaging questionnaires to see what your workers have to say about your HR performance. 

You can get an accurate picture of your HR's effectiveness with Zavvy's 360° feedback software and anonymous feedback tool that guarantees confidentiality, regardless of how many stakeholders you include in your review process.

Plus, Zavvy offers tons of ready-to-use survey templates , so you don't have to spend days designing your surveys from scratch.

📅 Ready to transform your HR unit into a high-achieving team beloved by all? Schedule your free demo to get started.

Zavvy 360 degree growtth system

Berfu is an Employee Experience Specialist at Zavvy. She has a background in learning psychology and helps our customers get the most out of their people enablement programs.

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hr research job satisfaction survey

[email protected]



Human Resource Surveys

Surveys are associated primarily with market research and trying to understand the needs of the customer. But businesses that also engage employees and try to find insight into the company itself are also giving themselves an advantage over the competition.

Surveys provide you with an unbiased way to collect data on the entirety of your business, and at a significantly affordable cost. The ROI on any of these surveys is significant, and your business will see a near-immediate benefit. That’s why your company may want to consider human resource surveys. HR surveys are becoming more and more commonplace, and an important part of any business. If you’re committed to making sure you have the best run company available, you should strongly consider HR surveys.

What are HR Surveys Used For?

Human resource surveys are designed to look at the employee on both a macro and micro level. As with all survey types, the only limitation is your own imagination. But traditionally HR surveys are used for:

  • Giving a voice to your employees.
  • Learning about morale, loyalty, and productivity.
  • Discovering new ways to improve employee proficiency.

You can use HR surveys when you hire new employees, in the recruitment process, when an employee is leaving the company, or you can use them to understand other businesses and what they offer that your company may not.

HR research is immensely valuable. Successful businesses find that these surveys allow them to improve nearly every part of the human resource process and provide a way to hire, motivate, and retain employees that few companies can do without them.

Human Resource Survey Templates

There are so many  different ways to use HR surveys  that your entire human resources department will improve its outcome dramatically. Here are a few examples of HR survey templates and questions:

Employee 360 Degree Evaluation Survey

Employee 360 Degree Evaluation Survey

Gather anonymous feedback about employees from people working most closely with them: managers, subordinates, co-workers, and customers.

Employee Job Satisfaction Survey

Employee Job Satisfaction Survey

Measure employee satisfaction with their job, work environment, salary, and the leadership style.  

Employee Benefits Satisfaction Survey

Employee Benefits Satisfaction Survey

Find out how your company’s perks and benefits are perceived by your employees.

HR Training and Development Survey

HR Training and Development Feedback

Get feedback from employees about the quality of your organization’s training and development programs.

Workplace Evaluation Survey

Workplace Evaluation Survey

Conduct periodic evaluation surveys to measure employees’ satisfaction and productivity at the workplace.

Employee Exit Survey

Employee Exit Survey

Why are your employees leaving? What factors influenced their decision? Get some real feedback.

Recruitment Satisfaction Survey

Recruitment Satisfaction Survey

Ask your recent hires about their experience with your recruitment team. Get the feedback you need to help you create a world class recruiting team.

New Employee Orientation Survey

New Employee Orientation Survey

Use this survey to evaluate your new employee orientation program.

Human resource surveys are a great way to get candid feedback from your employees that’ll help you create a healthier, happier, and productive workplace. At SurveyMethods, we provide  affordable survey software tools  to ensure that you are able to run your HR surveys correctly and analyze the data accordingly. Our pre-designed human resource survey templates can be used right away or can be customized to fit your specific needs. Looking for more survey examples and templates? Log in to your SurveyMethods account or  sign up for a Free account  today.


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This Privacy Policy sets out how we,  Methods Group LLC ("SurveyMethods") , collect, store and use information about you when you use or interact with our website,  surveymethods.com (our website) and where we otherwise obtain or collect information about you. This Privacy Policy is effective from 2 nd April 2020 .

Our details

When you visit our website, when you use our website, marketing communications, information obtained from third parties, disclosure and additional uses of your information, how long we retain your information, how we secure your information, transfers of your information outside the european economic area, your rights in relation to your information, changes to our privacy policy, children’s privacy.

This section summarises how we obtain, store and use information about you.  It is intended to provide a very general overview only. It is not complete in and of itself and it must be read in conjunction with the corresponding full sections of this Privacy Policy.

  • Data controller: SurveyMethods
  • How we collect or obtain information about you: When you provide it to us, e.g. by contacting us, placing an order on our website, completing registration forms, signing up for free trials, submitting and completing surveys, posting blogs, or signing up for content such as newsletters. From your use of our website, using cookies and occasionally, from third parties such as mailing list providers.
  • Information we collect: Email address, password, first name, last name, job function, demographic information such as age, date of birth, gender, education, company name, phone, billing address, country, state/province/region, city, zip/postal code, and very limited credit card details (the cardholder’s name, only the last 4 digits of the credit card number, and the expiration date) for authentication (we do not store the CVV number), IP address, information from cookies, information about your computer or device (e.g. device and browser type), information about how you use our website (e.g. which pages you have viewed, the time when you view them and what you clicked on, the geographical location from which you accessed our website (based on your IP address), VAT number (if applicable), engagement history and transaction history).
  • How we use your information: For administrative and business purposes (particularly to contact you and process orders you place on our website, to post and respond to surveys, to improve our business and website, to fulfill our contractual obligations, to advertise our and other’s goods and services, to analyse your use of our website, and in connection with our legal rights and obligations).
  • Disclosure of your information to third parties: User information can be shared with partners for specific types of content and events where a user has registered their information. Other disclosures are only to the extent necessary to run our business, to our service providers, to fulfill any contracts we enter into with you and where required by law or to enforce our legal rights.
  • Do we sell your information to third parties (other than in the course of a business sale or purchase or similar event): No,  SurveyMethods does not sell data. However, when you register or sign up for certain types of content, your registration data can be shared with sponsors and partners. Examples of where we do this include event registrations, webinar signups or whitepaper downloads. We will always make it clear where any information provided will be shared with other parties.
  • How long we retain your information: For no longer than necessary, taking into account any legal obligations we have (e.g. to maintain records for tax purposes), any other legal basis we have for using your information (e.g. your consent, performance of a contract with you or our legitimate interests as a business) and certain additional factors described in the main section below entitled 'How long we retain your information'. For specific retention periods in relation to certain information which we collect from you, please see the main section below entitled 'How long we retain your information'.
  • How we secure your information: Using appropriate technical and organisational measures such as storing your information on secure servers, encrypting transfers of data to or from our servers using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology, encrypting payments you make on or via our website using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology and only granting access to your information where necessary.
  • Use of cookies and similar technologies: We use cookies and similar information-gathering technologies such as marketing automation tracking on our website including essential, functional, analytical and targeting cookies. For more information, please view our cookie policy .
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  • Use of profiling: We use profiling to understand our users better through web and marketing analytics, provide targeted advertising and deliver a personalised user experience.
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  • to complain to a supervisory authority
  • Sensitive personal information:  We do collect what is commonly referred to as ‘sensitive personal information’, however we will only capture essential minimum data where it is strictly necessary.  Any sensitive data will be held on our secure servers and will be transferred securely using SSL 256-bit encryption.

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact the data controller.

The data controller in respect of our website is SurveyMethods and can be contacted at 800-601-2462 or 214-257-8909 .

You can also contact the data controller by emailing our data protection officer at [email protected] .

We collect and use information from website visitors in accordance with this section and the section entitled 'Disclosure and additional uses of your information'.

Web server log information

We use a third party server to host our website called  Google Cloud the privacy policy of which is available here: https://policies.google.com/

Our website server automatically logs the IP address you use to access our website as well as other information about your visit such as the pages accessed, information requested, the date and time of the request, the source of your access to our website (e.g. the website or URL (link) which referred you to our website), and your browser version and operating system.

Use of website server log information for IT security purposes

We collect and store server logs to ensure network and IT security and so that the server and website remain uncompromised. This includes analysing log files to help identify and prevent unauthorised access to our network, the distribution of malicious code, denial of services attacks and other cyber-attacks, by detecting unusual or suspicious activity.

Unless we are investigating suspicious or potential criminal activity, we do not make, nor do we allow our hosting provider to make, any attempt to identify you from the information collected via server logs.

Legal basis for processing:  Compliance with a legal obligation to which we are subject (Article 6(1)(c) of the General Data Protection Regulation).

Legal obligation:  We have a legal obligation to implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk of our processing of information about individuals. Recording access to our website using server log files is such a measure.

Legal basis for processing:  Our legitimate interests (Article 6(1)(f) of the General Data Protection Regulation).

Legitimate interests:  We have a legitimate interest in using your information for the purposes of ensuring network and information security.

Use of website server log information to analyse website use and improve our website

We use the information collected by our website server logs to analyse how our website users interact with our website and its features. For example, we analyse the number of visits and unique visitors we receive, the time and date of the visit, the location of the visit and the operating system and browser use.

We use the information gathered from the analysis of this information to improve our website. For example, we use the information gathered to change the information, content and structure of our website and individual pages based according to what users are engaging most with and the duration of time spent on particular pages on our website.

Legal basis for processing:  our legitimate interests (Article 6(1)(f) of the General Data Protection Regulation).

Legitimate interest:  improving our website for our website users and getting to know our website users’ preferences so our website can better meet their needs and desires.

Cookies are data files which are sent from a website to a browser to record information about users for various purposes.

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You can reject some or all of the cookies we use on or via our website by changing your browser settings or non-essential cookies by using a cookie control tool, but doing so can impair your ability to use our website or some or all of its features. For further information about cookies, including how to change your browser settings, please visit  www.allaboutcookies.org  or see our cookie policy .

When you contact us

We collect and use information from individuals who contact us in accordance with this section and the section entitled 'Disclosure and additional uses of your information'.

When you send an email to the email address displayed on our website we collect your email address and any other information you provide in that email (such as your name, telephone number and the information contained in any signature block in your email).

Legitimate interest(s):  Responding to enquiries and messages we receive and keeping records of correspondence.

Legal basis for processing:  Necessary to perform a contract or to take steps at your request to enter into a contract (Article 6(1)(b) of the General Data Protection Regulation).

Reason why necessary to perform a contract:  Where your message relates to us providing you with goods or services or taking steps at your request prior to providing you with our goods and services (for example, providing you with information about such goods and services), we will process your information in order to do so).

Enquiry forms

When you contact us using an enquiry form, we collect your personal details and match this to any information we hold about you on record. Typical personal information collected will include your name and contact details. We will also record the time, date and the specific form you completed.

If you do not provide the mandatory information required by our contact form, you will not be able to submit the contact form and we will not receive your enquiry.

We will also use this information to tailor any follow up sales and marketing communications with you. For further information, see the section of this privacy policy titled 'Marketing communications'.

Messages you send to us via our contact form may be stored outside the European Economic Area on our contact form provider’s servers.

When you contact us by phone, we collect your phone number and any information provide to us during your conversation with us.

We may record phone calls with customers for training and customer service purposes.

Legal basis for processing:  Our legitimate interests (Article 6(1)(f) of the General Data Protection Regulation)

Reason why necessary to perform a contract:  Where your message relates to us providing you with goods or services or taking steps at your request prior to providing you with our goods and services (for example, providing you with information about such goods and services), we will process your information in order to do so.

If you contact us by post, we will collect any information you provide to us in any postal communications you send us.

Legal basis for processing:  Necessary to perform a contract or to take steps at your request to enter into a contract (Article 6(1)(b) of the General Data Protection Regulation).

We collect and use information from individuals who interact with particular features of our website in accordance with this section and the section entitled 'Disclosure and additional uses of your information'.

Social Media Tools

We have a wide range of social media tools to be able to use on our website.  These tools include (but are not limited to); Sharing, Likes, comments and submitting content both on and off our website. By using these tools, you are providing your consent to store and use the submitted data, whether personal information or general information, both on and off our website.

Legal basis for processing:  Your consent (Article 6(1)(a) of the General Data Protection Regulation). Consent: You give your consent to us storing and using submitted content using the steps described above.

We may also use this information to tailor any follow up sales and marketing communications with you. For further information, see the section of this privacy policy titled 'Marketing Communications'.

Information you submit may be stored both inside and outside the European Economic Area on our servers as well as third-party servers such as Facebook.

Registered Users

When you register as a user on our website:

  • We collect and store one or more of the following: Your email address, password, first name, last name, job function, company name, phone, billing address, country, state/province/region, city, zip/postal code, and very limited credit card details (the cardholder’s name, only the last 4 digits of the credit card number, and the expiration date) for authentication. We do not store the CVV number.
  • We use this data to provide you with customer support and other services, bill you for our services, collect feedback, send you account-related notifications, and keep you informed about our key features, important feature updates, and latest releases.
  • We store data related to your surveys, polls, and newsletters in your account that you access using your login-id and password. This includes questions, responses, images, email lists, data you enter while configuring or customizing any settings, etc. This data is processed by SurveyMethods to enable you to perform functions like design and distribution of surveys, polls, newsletters, and analysis & reporting.
  • We do not share any personally identifiable and account-related data with a third party without your explicit consent. However, if you use the SurveyMethods API or 3rd Party Integrations, you will need to share your SurveyMethods login-id and the “API Key” with the 3rd party for authentication. For more on our API Terms of Use, click here .
  • We may display your organization’s name and/or logo on our customer listing (unless agreed upon otherwise by both parties herein).
  • Your data will be visible to those with whom you share your published reports or extracted data/reports.
  • If you collaborate your surveys with other Registered Users, all collaborated data and your login-id will be visible to them.
  • If you are a Child User on an Enterprise account, the Enterprise Master User (Administrator) will be able to see the SurveyMethods login-id, first name, last name, phone number, account type, and expiration date of the Enterprise Child Accounts (Member Accounts). The Enterprise Child Accounts can view the SurveyMethods login-id, first name, last name, phone number, job title, job function, country, state/province/region, and city of the Enterprise Master User.
  • Troubleshoot problems and fix bugs (issues).
  • Ensure website compatibility across different devices and browsers.
  • Identify trends and patterns in the usage of our Services.
  • Gain insights for adding or improving the functionality and usability of our website.
  • Monitor and prevent abuse.
  • To prevent any undesirable, abusive, or illegal activities, we have automated processes in place that check your data for malicious activities, spam, and fraud.
  • We may use your data if required by law, court orders, subpoenas, or to enforce our agreements.
  • We collect information using cookies. Cookies are digital files that allow websites to recognize returning users. While most browsers allow users to refuse cookies or request permission on a case-by-case basis, our site will not function properly without them. SurveyMethods uses cookies primarily to enable the smooth functioning of its Services.
  • While accessing SurveyMethods, you may be able to access links that take you to websites external to SurveyMethods. SurveyMethods is not responsible for the content, policies, or terms of these websites.

GDPR Legal Classification for registered users

Legitimate interest:  Registering and administering accounts on our website to provide access to content, allows you to buy goods and services and facilitates the running and operation of our business.

Transfer and storage of your information 

Information you submit to us via the registration form on our website may be stored outside the European Economic Area on our third-party hosting provider’s servers.

When you register as an end user;

  • SurveyMethods’ Surveys and Polls sent by Registered Users
  • Newsletters from SurveyMethods Newsletter module and sent by Registered Users
  • When responding to a survey or a poll, End Users may provide personal data such as first name, last name, phone number, email address, demographic data like age, date of birth, gender, education, income, marital status, and any other sensitive data that directly or indirectly identifies them. SurveyMethods does not use or share any data of End Users in any way. The Registered User is solely responsible for ensuring that collection and sharing of any End User data, personal or otherwise, is done with the End User’s consent and in accordance with applicable data protection laws.
  • Since the Registered User controls and manages all data of their surveys, polls, and newsletters, End Users may contact the Registered User for any concerns regarding consent, privacy and protection of their data, or if they wish to access, modify, or delete their data.

GDPR Legal Classification for End Users

Visitors to our website

When you visit our website:

  • SurveyMethods may record your personal data (such as your name, email address, phone, company, and the reason you are contacting us) when you visit the SurveyMethods website and contact us using our online form. Any consent for the collection and use of your data in this case is entirely voluntary.
  • We may use your contact information to respond to you. We do not share any personally identifiable information with a third party without your explicit consent.

GDPR Legal Classification for Visitors

When you place an order

We collect and use information from individuals who place an order on our website in accordance with this section and the section entitled 'Disclosure and additional uses of your information'.

Information collected when you place an order

Mandatory information

When you place an order for goods or services on our website, we collect your name, email address, billing address.

If you do not provide this information, you will not be able to purchase goods or services from us on our website or enter into a contract with us.

Legal basis for processing:  Compliance with a legal obligation (Article 6(1)(c) of the General Data Protection Regulation).

Legal obligation:  We have a legal obligation to issue you with an invoice for the goods and services you purchase from us where you are VAT registered and we require the mandatory information collected by our checkout form for this purpose. We also have a legal obligation to keep accounting records, including records of transactions.

Additional information 

We can also collect additional information from you, such as your phone number, full name, address etc.

We use this information to manage and improve your customer experience with us.

If you do not supply the additional information requested at checkout, you will not be able to complete your order as we will not have the correct level of information to adequately manage your account.

Legitimate interests: The ability to provide adequate customer service and management of your customer account.

Our content, goods and services

When signing up for content, registering on our website or making a payment, we will use the information you provide in order to contact you regarding related content, products and services.

We will continue to send you marketing communications in relation to similar goods and services if you do not opt out from receiving them.

You can opt-out from receiving marketing communications at any time by emailing [email protected] .

Legitimate interests:  Sharing relevant, timely and industry-specific information on related business services, in order to help your organisation achieve its goals.

Third party goods and services

In addition to receiving information about our products and services, you can opt in to receiving marketing communications from us in relation third party goods and services by email by ticking a box indicating that you would like to receive such communications.

Legal basis for processing:  Consent (Article 6(1)(a) of the General Data Protection Regulation).

Consent:  You give your consent to us sending you information about third party goods and services by signing up to receive such information in accordance with the steps described above.

Information for marketing campaigns will be stored outside the European Economic Area on our third-party mailing list provider’s servers in the United States.

For further information about the safeguards used when your information is transferred outside the European Economic Area, see the section of this privacy policy below entitled 'Transfers of your information outside the European Economic Area'.

Use of tracking in emails

We use technologies such as tracking pixels (small graphic files) and tracked links in the emails we send to allow us to assess the level of engagement our emails receive by measuring information such as the delivery rates, open rates, click through rates and content engagement that our emails achieve.

This section sets out how we obtain or collect information about you from third parties.

Information received from third parties

We can often receive information about you from third parties. The third parties from which we receive information about you can include partner events within the marketing industry and other organisations that we have a professional affiliation with.

It is also possible that third parties with whom we have had no prior contact may provide us with information about you.

Information we obtain from third parties will generally be your name and contact details but will include any additional information about you which they provide to us.

Reason why necessary to perform a contract:  Where a third party has passed on information about you to us (such as your name and email address) in order for us to provide services to you, we will process your information in order to take steps at your request to enter into a contract with you and perform a contract with you (as the case may be).

Consent:  Where you have asked a third party to share information about you with us and the purpose of sharing that information is not related to the performance of a contract or services by us to you, we will process your information on the basis of your consent, which you give by asking the third party in question to pass on your information to us.

Legitimate interests:  Where a third party has shared information about you with us and you have not consented to the sharing of that information, we will have a legitimate interest in processing that information in certain circumstances.

For example, we would have a legitimate interest in processing your information to perform our obligations under a sub-contract with the third party, where the third party has the main contract with you. Our legitimate interest is the performance of our obligations under our sub-contract.

Similarly, third parties may pass on information about you to us if you have infringed or potentially infringed any of our legal rights. In this case, we will have a legitimate interest in processing that information to investigate and pursue any such potential infringement.

Information obtained by us from third parties

In certain circumstances (for example, to verify the information we hold about you or obtain missing information we require to provide you with a service) we will obtain information about you from certain publicly accessible sources, both EU and non-EU, such as Companies House, online customer databases, business directories, media publications, social media, and websites (including your own website if you have one).

In certain circumstances will also obtain information about you from private sources, both EU and non-EU, such as marketing data services.

Legitimate interests:  Sharing relevant, timely and industry-specific information on related business services.

Where we receive information about you in error

If we receive information about you from a third party in error and/or we do not have a legal basis for processing that information, we will delete your information.

This section sets out the circumstances in which will disclose information about you to third parties and any additional purposes for which we use your information.

Disclosure of your information to service providers

We use a number of third parties to provide us with services which are necessary to run our business or to assist us with running our business.

These include the following: Internet services, IT service providers and web developers.

Our third-party service providers are located both inside and outside of the European Economic Area.

Your information will be shared with these service providers where necessary to provide you with the service you have requested, whether that is accessing our website or ordering goods and services from us.

We do not display the identities of our service providers publicly by name for security and competitive reasons. If you would like further information about the identities of our service providers, however, please contact us directly by email and we will provide you with such information where you have a legitimate reason for requesting it (where we have shared your information with such service providers, for example).

Legal basis for processing:  Legitimate interests (Article 6(1)(f) of the General Data Protection Regulation).

Legitimate interest relied on:  Where we share your information with these third parties in a context other than where is necessary to perform a contract (or take steps at your request to do so), we will share your information with such third parties in order to allow us to run and manage our business efficiently.

Legal basis for processing:  Necessary to perform a contract and/or to take steps at your request prior to entering into a contract (Article 6(1)(b) of the General Data Protection Regulation).

Reason why necessary to perform a contract:  We may need to share information with our service providers to enable us to perform our obligations under that contract or to take the steps you have requested before we enter into a contract with you.

Disclosure and use of your information for legal reasons

Indicating possible criminal acts or threats to public security to a competent authority.

If we suspect that criminal or potential criminal conduct has occurred, we will in certain circumstances need to contact an appropriate authority, such as the police. This could be the case, for instance, if we suspect that fraud or a cyber-crime has been committed or if we receive threats or malicious communications towards us or third parties.

We will generally only need to process your information for this purpose if you were involved or affected by such an incident in some way.

Legitimate interests:  Preventing crime or suspected criminal activity (such as fraud).

In connection with the enforcement or potential enforcement our legal rights

We will use your information in connection with the enforcement or potential enforcement of our legal rights including, for example, sharing information with debt collection agencies if you do not pay amounts owed to us when you are contractually obliged to do so. Our legal rights may be contractual (where we have entered into a contract with you) or non-contractual (such as legal rights that we have under copyright law or tort law).

Legitimate interest:  Enforcing our legal rights and taking steps to enforce our legal rights.

In connection with a legal or potential legal dispute or proceedings

We may need to use your information if we are involved in a dispute with you or a third party for example, either to resolve the dispute or as part of any mediation, arbitration or court resolution or similar process.

Legitimate interest(s):  Resolving disputes and potential disputes.

This section sets out how long we retain your information. We have set out specific retention periods where possible. Where that has not been possible, we have set out the criteria we use to determine the retention period.

Retention periods

Server log information: We retain information on our server logs for 3 months.

Order information: When you place an order for goods and services, we retain that information for seven years following the end of the financial year in which you placed your order, in accordance with our legal obligation to keep records for tax purposes.

Correspondence and enquiries: When you make an enquiry or correspond with us for any reason, whether by email or via our contact form or by phone, we will retain your information for as long as it takes to respond to and resolve your enquiry, and for 36 further months, after which we will archive your information.

Newsletter: We retain the information you used to sign up for our newsletter for as long as you remain subscribed (i.e. you do not unsubscribe).

Registration: We retain the information you used to register for as long as you remain subscribed (i.e. you do not unsubscribe).

Criteria for determining retention periods

In any other circumstances, we will retain your information for no longer than necessary, taking into account the following:

  • the purpose(s) and use of your information both now and in the future (such as whether it is necessary to continue to store that information in order to continue to perform our obligations under a contract with you or to contact you in the future);
  • whether we have any legal obligation to continue to process your information (such as any record-keeping obligations imposed by relevant law or regulation);
  • whether we have any legal basis to continue to process your information (such as your consent);
  • how valuable your information is (both now and in the future);
  • any relevant agreed industry practices on how long information should be retained;
  • the levels of risk, cost and liability involved with us continuing to hold the information;
  • how hard it is to ensure that the information can be kept up to date and accurate; and
  • any relevant surrounding circumstances (such as the nature and status of our relationship with you).

We take appropriate technical and organisational measures to secure your information and to protect it against unauthorised or unlawful use and accidental loss or destruction, including:

  • only sharing and providing access to your information to the minimum extent necessary, subject to confidentiality restrictions where appropriate, and on an anonymised basis wherever possible;
  • using secure servers to store your information;
  • verifying the identity of any individual who requests access to information prior to granting them access to information;
  • using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software to encrypt any payment transactions you make on or via our website;
  • only transferring your information via closed system or encrypted data transfers;

Transmission of information to us by email

Transmission of information over the internet is not entirely secure, and if you submit any information to us over the internet (whether by email, via our website or any other means), you do so entirely at your own risk.

We cannot be responsible for any costs, expenses, loss of profits, harm to reputation, damages, liabilities or any other form of loss or damage suffered by you as a result of your decision to transmit information to us by such means.

Your information may be transferred and stored outside the European Economic Area (EEA) in the circumstances set out earlier in this policy.

We will also transfer your information outside the EEA or to an international organisation in order to comply with legal obligations to which we are subject (compliance with a court order, for example). Where we are required to do so, we will ensure appropriate safeguards and protections are in place.

Subject to certain limitations on certain rights, you have the following rights in relation to your information, which you can exercise by writing to the data controller using the details provided at the top of this policy.

  • to request access to your information and information related to our use and processing of your information;
  • to request the correction or deletion of your information;
  • to request that we restrict our use of your information;
  • to receive information which you have provided to us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format (e.g. a CSV file) and the right to have that information transferred to another data controller (including a third-party data controller);
  • to object to the processing of your information for certain purposes (for further information, see the section below entitled 'Your right to object to the processing of your information for certain purposes'); and
  • to withdraw your consent to our use of your information at any time where we rely on your consent to use or process that information. Please note that if you withdraw your consent, this will not affect the lawfulness of our use and processing of your information on the basis of your consent before the point in time when you withdraw your consent.

In accordance with Article 77 of the General Data Protection Regulation, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the Member State of your habitual residence, place of work or of an alleged infringement of the General Data Protection Regulation.

Further information on your rights in relation to your personal data as an individual

You can find out further information about your rights, as well as information on any limitations which apply to those rights, by reading the underlying legislation contained in Articles 12 to 22 and 34 of the General Data Protection Regulation, which is available here: http://ec.europa.eu/justice/data-protection/reform/files/regulation_oj_en.pdf

Verifying your identity where you request access to your information

Where you request access to your information, we are required by law to use all reasonable measures to verify your identity before doing so.

These measures are designed to protect your information and to reduce the risk of identity fraud, identity theft or general unauthorised access to your information.

How we verify your identity

Where we possess appropriate information about you on file, we will attempt to verify your identity using that information.

If it is not possible to identity you from such information, or if we have insufficient information about you, we may require original or certified copies of certain documentation in order to be able to verify your identity before we are able to provide you with access to your information.

We will be able to confirm the precise information we require to verify your identity in your specific circumstances if and when you make such a request.

Your right to object

You have the following rights in relation to your information, which you may exercise in the same way as you may exercise by writing to the data controller using the details provided at the top of this policy.

  • to object to us using or processing your information where we use or process it in order to  carry out a task in the public interest or for our legitimate interests , including ‘profiling’ (i.e. analysing or predicting your behaviour based on your information) based on any of these purposes; and
  • to object to us using or processing your information for  direct marketing purposes (including any profiling we engage in that is related to such direct marketing).

You may also exercise your right to object to us using or processing your information for direct marketing purposes by:

  • clicking the unsubscribe link contained at the bottom of any marketing email we send to you and following the instructions which appear in your browser following your clicking on that link;
  • sending an email to [email protected] , asking that we stop sending you marketing communications or by including the words “OPT OUT”.

Sensitive Personal Information

‘Sensitive personal information’ is information about an individual that reveals their racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, genetic information, biometric information for the purpose of uniquely identifying an individual, information concerning health or information concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation.

Our website may allow you to register ‘Sensitive Information’, however when we ask for this, you will be considered to have explicitly consented to us processing that sensitive personal information under Article 9(2)(a) of the General Data Protection Regulation.

We update and amend our Privacy Policy from time to time.

Minor changes to our Privacy Policy 

Where we make minor changes to our Privacy Policy, we will update our Privacy Policy with a new effective date stated at the beginning of it. Our processing of your information will be governed by the practices set out in that new version of the Privacy Policy from its effective date onwards.

Major changes to our Privacy Policy or the purposes for which we process your information 

Where we make major changes to our Privacy Policy or intend to use your information for a new purpose or a different purpose than the purposes for which we originally collected it, we will notify you by email (where possible) or by posting a notice on our website.

We will provide you with the information about the change in question and the purpose and any other relevant information before we use your information for that new purpose.

Wherever required, we will obtain your prior consent before using your information for a purpose that is different from the purposes for which we originally collected it.

Because we care about the safety and privacy of children online, we comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA). COPPA and its accompanying regulations protect the privacy of children using the internet. We do not knowingly contact or collect information from persons under the age of 18. The website is not intended to solicit information of any kind from persons under the age of 18.

It is possible that we could receive information pertaining to persons under the age of 18 by the fraud or deception of a third party. If we are notified of this, as soon as we verify the information, we will, where required by law to do so, immediately obtain the appropriate parental consent to use that information or, if we are unable to obtain such parental consent, we will delete the information from our servers. If you would like to notify us of our receipt of information about persons under the age of 18, please do so by contacting us by using the details at the top of this policy.

Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings.

If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again.


Hello! If you are reading this, then you care about privacy – and your privacy is very important to us. Cookies are an important part of almost all online companies these days, and this page describes what they are, how we use them, what data they collect, and most importantly, how you can change your browser settings to turn them off.


A cookie is a file containing an identifier (a string of letters and numbers) that is sent by a web server to a web browser and is stored by the browser. The identifier is then sent back to the server each time the browser requests a page from the server.

Cookies may be either “persistent” cookies or “session” cookies: a persistent cookie will be stored by a web browser and will remain valid until its set expiry date, unless deleted by the user before the expiry date; a session cookie, on the other hand, will expire at the end of the user session, when the web browser is closed.

Cookies do not typically contain any information that personally identifies a user, but personal information that we store about you may be linked to the information stored in and obtained from cookies.


We use cookies for a number of different purposes. Some cookies are necessary for technical reasons; some enable a personalized experience for both visitors and registered users; and some allow the display of advertising from selected third party networks. Some of these cookies may be set when a page is loaded, or when a visitor takes a particular action (clicking the “like” or “follow” button on a post, for example).


We use cookies for the following purposes:

_ga Persistent (2 years) Performance Used by Google Analytics to distinguish users


Persistent (1 Minute) Performance Used by Google Analytics to throttle request rate.
_gid Persistent (2 days) Performance Used by Google Analytics to distinguish users
__fbp Persistent

(3 Months)

Marketing Used by Facebook to track our advertising campaigns.
hssc,hssrc, hstc, hubspotutk Persistent Strictly Necessary Used by Hubspot to help us to manage our relationship with our customers.
PHPSESSID Session Strictly Necessary Used to store a generic value to identify your session on our website


Our service providers use cookies and those cookies may be stored on your computer when you visit our website.

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to analyse the use of our website. Google Analytics gathers information about website use by means of cookies. The information gathered relating to our website is used to create reports about the use of our website. Google’s privacy policy is available at https://www.google.com/policies/privacy/

DoubleClick/Google Adwords

We use Google Adwords which also owns DoubleClick for marketing and remarketing purposes.  Cookies are placed on your PC to help us track our adverts performance, as well as to help tailor our marketing to your needs.  You can view Googles Privacy policy here https://policies.google.com/privacy

Facebook and Facebook Pixel

We use Facebook and Facebook Pixel to track our campaigns and to provide social media abilities on our website such as visiting our Facebook page, liking content and more. To view Facebooks Privacy Policy click here https://www.facebook.com/policy.php .

We use hubspot to manage our relationship with our customers and to track conversions on our website.  You can view HubSpots Privacy Policy here https://legal.hubspot.com/privacy-policy


Most browsers allow you to refuse to accept cookies and to delete cookies. The methods for doing so vary from browser to browser, and from version to version. You can, however, obtain up-to-date information about blocking and deleting cookies via these links:







Blocking all cookies will have a negative impact upon the usability of many websites. If you block cookies, you will not be able to use all the features on our website.

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Job Satisfaction Surveys

identifying areas for improvement, and taking action to create a more fulfilling workplace. With our powerful questionnaire and form generator, you can create custom surveys that capture employee feedback, giving you the data you need to boost employee retention, productivity, and happiness.

Unlimited answers

80+ languages, 28+ question types, job satisfaction survey templates.

Job Stress Level Survey Template

Job Stress Level Survey Template

Career Satisfaction Form Template

Career Satisfaction Form Template

Autonomy Level Survey Template

Autonomy Level Survey Template

Employee Retention Drivers Survey Template

Employee Retention Drivers Survey Template

Job Resources Satisfaction Survey Template

Job Resources Satisfaction Survey Template

Work Achievement Satisfaction Survey Template

Work Achievement Satisfaction Survey Template

Role Efficacy Questionnaire Template

Role Efficacy Questionnaire Template

How to create effective job satisfaction surveys, 1. define your goals.

Begin by defining your goals and objectives for the survey, such as identifying areas for improvement or measuring overall job satisfaction levels.

2. Mix closed-ended and open-ended questions

Use a mix of closed-ended and open-ended questions to gather quantitative and qualitative data on job satisfaction factors like work-life balance, compensation, and career growth opportunities.

3. Closed and open-ended questions

Keep the survey short and focused to maintain participant engagement and minimize drop-out rates.

4. Demographic questions

Make sure to include demographic questions to better understand how job satisfaction varies across different employee groups.

5. Clear and concise language

Use clear and concise language in your survey questions to minimize confusion and ensure accurate responses.

6. Offer incentives

Consider offering incentives or rewards for survey completion to increase participation rates.

7. Survey distribution methods

Use a variety of survey distribution methods, such as email invitations and social media, to reach a wider audience.

8. Conduct follow-up surveys

Consider conducting follow-up surveys or focus groups to dive deeper into specific job satisfaction issues that arise from the initial survey.

9. Clear and actionable feedback

Provide clear and actionable feedback to employees based on survey results to demonstrate that their feedback has been heard and valued.

10. Continuously evaluate and adjust survey

Continuously evaluate and adjust your job satisfaction survey process to ensure it remains effective and relevant to the needs of your organization and employees.

Job Satisfaction Survey Builder

With LimeSurvey’s powerful online Job Satisfaction Survey Builder, you can create customized questionnaires and forms that accurately measure employee engagement, motivation, and overall job satisfaction. Our user-friendly survey creator will help you gather reliable data, analyze feedback, and take the necessary steps to improve your workplace culture and retain your best talent.

  • Custom number of responses/year
  • Custom upload storage
  • Corporate support
  • Custom number of alias domains
  • Dedicated server
  • So much more…

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Human resource surveys: HR survey questions and templates

How to build the perfect human resource survey and questionnaire.

Although surveys are generally associated with gaining customer feedback or curating market research , they're also quite handy for human resource departments. By garnering the opinions of employees, HR surveys give companies insight into how they are functioning, which can help managers learn more about loyalty and productivity issues while also making employees feel heard. Human resource surveys are also a great tool to improve employee efficiency.

Keep reading to discover how you can use HR surveys for your business and how to build the perfect human resource survey and questionnaire, including using SurveyPlanet’s handy HR survey template and questions.

Which human resource survey software is best?

You don't need fancy HR survey software to design human resource surveys. Whether carrying out an employee onboarding survey or a human resource management questionnaire, SurveyPlanet is the perfect option for any survey . We provide an unrestricted number of surveys, the collating of as many responses as needed, and an unlimited number of questions. All this with our free account.

Which HR questionnaire tools do I need?

It's important to find HR questionnaire software that includes all the features needed to create and analyze surveys. SurveyPlanet has a variety of aesthetic themes, pre-made survey questions, and SSL-protected survey responses (which guarantees that only you can view the results). Responses can be gathered anonymously and easily embedded into a website if that is the best course.

By upgrading to a Pro account , you gain access to amazing features, including white-labeling the survey with your brand and giving employees a survey-length estimate . The Pro account also features question branching , which enables further examination of an issue based on how an employee answered a previous question. This furnishes the ability to create a unique survey experience for each employee based on the course of their answers. The Pro account also supplies different export options , the ability to add images to questions or answers, and many other exclusive features.

Best practices for creating HR surveys

When it comes to a company's success, the motivation of employees is incredibly important. Gain needed insight about how to better motivate employees—and thus bring greater success to the business—with a well-executed human resource questionnaire.

Begin by finding ways to encourage employees to participate. Without a high participation rate, the information needed will not be forthcoming. Increase participation rates with incentives like raffles or a small prize for submitting answers.

How to write good human resource survey questions

Writing effective human resource (HR) survey questions is crucial for gathering valuable insights from employees and improving various aspects of an organization's HR practices. Read our blog to find some guidelines that will aid in writing effective HR survey questions (and other types of survey questions as well) .

In the meantime, here are 17 steps to follow to keep human resource survey questions on track:

  • Define objectives
  • Keep questions clear and concise
  • Ask only one question at a time
  • Use neutral and unbiased language
  • Avoid double negatives
  • Provide a balanced response scale
  • Use Likert scale questions
  • Ask open-ended questions sparingly
  • Start with general questions
  • Progress to specific questions
  • Include demographic questions
  • Use benchmarking questions
  • Pilot test questions
  • Consider the frequency of the survey
  • Address sensitive topics thoughtfully
  • Use survey introductions and instructions
  • Review and revise

Good human resource survey questions to ask

Effective human resource (HR) survey questions help gather valuable feedback from employees and identify areas for improvement within an organization. Here are some good HR survey questions to consider:

General employee satisfaction

  • On a scale of 0 to 10, how satisfied are you with your overall experience working at [Company Name]?
  • What aspects of your job do you find most satisfying?
  • What aspects of your job do you find least satisfying?
  • Do you feel that your skills and abilities are utilized effectively in your current role?
  • How would you rate the communication between employees and management at [Company Name]?

Employee engagement

  • How likely are you to recommend [Company Name] as a great place to work to others?
  • Do you feel valued and recognized for your contributions at [Company Name]?
  • Are you provided with opportunities for professional development and growth within the organization?
  • Do you feel that your opinions and ideas are heard and considered by management?
  • How satisfied are you with the work-life balance at [Company Name]?

Team and leadership

  • How would you rate your relationship with your immediate supervisor/manager?
  • Do you feel that you receive constructive feedback and support from your supervisor/manager?
  • How well do your team members collaborate and communicate with each other?
  • Are there any specific leadership or management skills you believe could be improved within the organization?
  • How would you rate the level of trust between employees and management?

Company culture

  • How well do the company's values align with your personal values and beliefs?
  • Are there any changes or improvements you'd like to see in the workplace culture?
  • Do you feel that diversity and inclusion are actively promoted and practiced within the organization?

Job satisfaction and development

  • Do you feel that you have opportunities for skill development and career growth within [Company Name]?
  • Are you satisfied with your current compensation and benefits package?
  • Are there any specific training or resources you believe would help you perform your job more effectively?

Communication and feedback

  • How do you prefer to receive feedback on your performance (e.g., regular one-on-one meetings, formal evaluations, informal feedback)?
  • Do you have access to the information and resources you need to excel in your role?
  • Are there any additional communication channels or tools you believe would improve internal communication?

Employee well-being

  • How would you rate the support and resources available for your physical and mental well-being within the organization?
  • Are you aware of the company's policies and programs related to health and wellness?
  • Do you feel that your workload is manageable, or do you often experience excessive stress or burnout?

Exit interview questions (for departing employees):

  • What factors influenced your decision to leave the company?
  • Were there any specific concerns or issues that were not addressed during your time at [Company Name]?
  • Do you have any suggestions for how [Company Name] could improve its employee experience in the future?

Remember to analyze the survey results carefully and take action based on the feedback received to enhance the work environment, employee satisfaction, and overall organizational performance.

Best practices for creating HR survey for employees

When creating an employee HR survey, it is beneficial to reassure respondents that the survey is completely confidential. If employees feel like they will get into trouble due to their responses, it is vital to stress to them that their answers are incognito and that the survey is strictly for organization-wide feedback. To establish trust and lay the groundwork for future surveys, once the survey is completed report the results throughout the company.

When creating a questionnaire for employees, be mindful of the phrasing of questions. Make sure each is relevant to specific participants. To create different survey questions for different departments, split the survey into different paths using question branching. Every employee should be able to actually answer any question asked of them.

Don't worry if you are not a seasoned survey writer—we've got you covered. Dig into our treasure trove of survey knowledge , where you will find detailed guides for everything from writing a great survey introduction to well-written examples of good survey questions !

Don't forget about the feedback

As a final best practice suggestion, make sure to use the feedback received from a survey. Employees won't want to fill out surveys if they don't feel like doing so helps promote change.

By following these best practices, expect a higher response rate and better-quality answers from human resource surveys moving forward, which will prove to be very helpful tools to add to the corporate toolbox.

Topics and templates for HR surveys

It might seem challenging to develop the correct questions to ask employees. For example, there's a difference between HR effectiveness survey questions, exit survey questions, and work-life balance questions. Luckily, SurveyPlanet has the HR survey templates you need to get started.

Employee benefit surveys

The correct employee benefits can greatly improve staff performance—which will only benefit a business. To find out which benefits are most important to employees, give them an annual employee benefits survey. The responses will make clear which benefits they care about most, even the possibility that most employees would prefer expanded benefits over a pay raise.

The information gained from this kind of survey is crucial for employee retention and overall performance. Questions can relate to paid time off (PTO), health insurance, the benefits compared to other companies, parental leave, free meals, flexible hours, remote work, etc.

HR survey questions can come in the form of multiple-choice answers, ratings, scales, ranges, scores, short answers, or even essay responses. Use our wide variety of HR survey question options to find the answers you need.

Learn more about employee benefits surveys

Exit surveys

Another common type of HR survey is an employee exit survey. Whether they retire, quit, are fired, or finish their contract, such surveys supply insight into an employee's experiences while working at a company. This provides valuable data into exactly why they're leaving or didn’t work out as employees. Such feedback can highlight aspects of your business culture that need improvement, which will help improve the employee experience and overall work environment. Such actions will increase employee retention rates moving forward.

Learn more about exit survey surveys

HR assessment questionnaire

Want to find out if the human resources department is doing a good job? Send employees an HR feedback survey and ask questions about how the HR department could improve the lives of employees. Such surveys can provide feedback about the department's hiring practices, communication quality, ability to solve problems, and much more.

Learn more about HR feedback surveys

Work-life balance surveys

Do your employees have a healthy work-life balance? Is their workload sustainable?

A work-life balance survey provides information about whether employees are working overtime off the clock, feeling overloaded, or don't have enough work during certain parts of their schedule. Questions can also be asked about the projects employees are working on to better understand what they enjoy and what's giving them trouble.

A healthy work-life balance improves employee performance by improving the work experience. Send a survey out several times a year to better understand the peak periods that employees experience and when hiring more permanent or temporary staff might be required. Additionally, ask about projects or employee roles that might also be of interest.

Learn more about work-life balance surveys

Employee engagement survey

An employee engagement survey measures the motivation and engagement that employees are experiencing. It is a form of a satisfaction survey. An employee engagement survey will provide feedback about satisfaction levels regarding the management team, the daily tasks of employees, and how they feel in general about working at your company.

Such feedback helps improve employees' experiences, which results in better workforce performance and greater overall satisfaction with management and team functions.

Learn more about employee engagement surveys

Job and employee satisfaction survey

Human resources can use feedback surveys to gain more insight into job and employee satisfaction in the workplace. Comprehensive surveys that seek employee input about what they most and least enjoy about their jobs enable HR to make adjustments that increase employee morale and job satisfaction. Surveys can also help the human resources department direct employees on the correct career path.

Learn more about job and employee satisfaction surveys

Company culture surveys

Does your business have a good company culture? Human resource surveys help to improve company culture simply by supplying information about what could be better. Use a company culture survey to find out what the company vibe is like and what can be done to make it better, which will enhance the work environment and have a positive effect on employee performance.

Learn more about company culture surveys

Manager survey

A company's leadership and management teams set the tone for the rest of the operation. A leadership and management effectiveness survey is a great way to discover whether or not employees are getting the supervision they deserve. Use insights from such surveys to pinpoint the strengths and weaknesses of the leadership team.

Learn more about manager surveys

Ready to start gaining valuable insights from your employees? Sign up for an account with SurveyPlanet to create your first HR survey questionnaire. Or browse through our templates to find the right survey for you.

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Free unlimited surveys, questions and responses.


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Employee Surveys Are Still One of the Best Ways to Measure Engagement

  • Scott Judd,
  • Eric O'Rourke,

hr research job satisfaction survey

And they give employees the chance to feel heard.

Companies are using cool new machine learning algorithms that crunch big data to measure engagement and forecast turnover risk. So who needs clunky, time-consuming employee surveys? You do. For decades, having regular employee opinion surveys has been on evidence-based lists of high-performance HR practices. And internal research at Facebook suggests that it would be a big mistake to abandon them, for three reasons: They’re still great predictors of behavior, they give employees the chance to feel heard, and they’re actually a vehicle for changing behavior.

Once upon a time, surveys were a staple for every leader to solicit feedback and every company to assess engagement. But now, surveys are starting to look like diesel trucks collecting dust in the age of electric cars. Companies are using cool new machine-learning algorithms that crunch big data to measure employee engagement through email response times and network connections outside one’s core team , and forecast turnover risk by tracking signals like how often employees update their resumes. Who needs a clunky, time-consuming survey where some employees only tell you what you want to hear, and others don’t bother to respond at all?

hr research job satisfaction survey

  • SJ Scott Judd is the head of People Analytics at Facebook.
  • EO Eric O’Rourke is the People Growth & Survey Analytics lead at Facebook.
  • Adam Grant is an organizational psychologist at Wharton, the author of Think Again , and the host of the podcast WorkLife .

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Employee Survey: Satisfaction with HR Department

The HR department wants to know how well we are serving our employees/internal customers. We would appreciate it if you would take the time to complete this survey. Please feel free to suggest improvements in any area.

Some notes about the survey:

  • Because we have a variety of internal customers, not all items may apply to all employees. Respond to those areas that affect you and select N/A for those that do not apply to you.
  • Responses will be kept confidential; however, providing your name or department will help us better analyze the results and target areas for improvement.

Using a scale of 1-5, with 5 being strongly agree and 1 being strongly disagree, please select one response for each statement.

I have good access to HR staff for advice and assistance.

When I contact the HR department, I usually receive help in a timely manner.

HR is available on the days and hours I need.

The HR department makes sincere attempts to answer my questions or assist with problems.

​Getting HR information is more difficult than it should be. 

Comments or suggestions for improvement:

HR exhibits a solid understanding of HR issues.

HR provides accurate, helpful information.

​Information or assistance from HR staff is not always provided promptly.

​Information is provided in a clear manner and is easy to understand.

​HR provides service in a courteous manner with a good attitude.

Comments or suggestions for improvement:

HR adequately communicates changes in benefits and company policies.

Changes to policies and procedures affecting my work are not always communicated timely.

HR provides information that is accurate and requires no rework.

​The frequency of communication from HR staff is sufficient.

Comments or suggestions for improvement:

This section deals with a variety of programs and services offered through the HR department. Please rate your satisfaction level with the way they are handled. Using a scale of 1-5, with 5 being very satisfied and 1 being very dissatisfied, please select one response for each statement.

​Programs and Services

Job applicant screening

Job posting process

Pre-employment testing

New employee orientation

Employee handbook

Advice on employee/personnel issues

Benefits information

Benefits open enrollment process

Retirement planning information

Employee recognition events

Manager and supervisory training

Other programs and services:

Comments or suggestions for improvement:

Use this space to indicate any suggestions for improved productivity or customer service.

____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

Name: ______________________________________________

Department: _________________________________________

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