Why travel should be considered an essential human activity

Travel is not rational, but it’s in our genes. Here’s why you should start planning a trip now.

Two women gaze at heavy surf while lying on boulders on the coast.

In 1961, legendary National Geographic photographer Volkmar Wentzel captured two women gazing at the surf off Peggy’s Cove, Nova Scotia. This and all the other images in this story come from the National Geographic image collection.

I’ve been putting my passport to good use lately. I use it as a coaster and to level wobbly table legs. It makes an excellent cat toy.

Welcome to the pandemic of disappointments. Canceled trips, or ones never planned lest they be canceled. Family reunions, study-abroad years, lazy beach vacations. Poof. Gone. Obliterated by a tiny virus, and the long list of countries where United States passports are not welcome.

Only a third of Americans say they have traveled overnight for leisure since March, and only slightly more, 38 percent, say they are likely to do so by the end of the year, according to one report. Only a quarter of us plan on leaving home for Thanksgiving, typically the busiest travel time. The numbers paint a grim picture of our stilled lives.

It is not natural for us to be this sedentary. Travel is in our genes. For most of the time our species has existed, “we’ve lived as nomadic hunter-gatherers moving about in small bands of 150 or fewer people,” writes Christopher Ryan in Civilized to Death . This nomadic life was no accident. It was useful. “Moving to a neighboring band is always an option to avoid brewing conflict or just for a change in social scenery,” says Ryan. Robert Louis Stevenson put it more succinctly: “The great affair is to move.”

What if we can’t move, though? What if we’re unable to hunt or gather? What’s a traveler to do? There are many ways to answer that question. “Despair,” though, is not one of them.

wall-to-wall seaside sunbathers in Ocean City, Maryland

In this aerial view from 1967, wall-to-wall seaside sunbathers relax under umbrellas or on beach towels in Ocean City, Maryland .

During a fall festival, each state shows off its costumes and dances.

A 1967 fall festival in Guadalajara, Mexico , starred traditionally costumed musicians and dancers.

We are an adaptive species. We can tolerate brief periods of forced sedentariness. A dash of self-delusion helps. We’re not grounded, we tell ourselves. We’re merely between trips, like the unemployed salesman in between opportunities. We pass the days thumbing though old travel journals and Instagram feeds. We gaze at souvenirs. All this helps. For a while.

We put on brave faces. “Staycation Nation,” the cover of the current issue of Canadian Traveller magazine declares cheerfully, as if it were a choice, not a consolation.

Today, the U.S. Travel Association, the industry trade organization, is launching a national recovery campaign called “ Let’s Go There .” Backed by a coalition of businesses related to tourism—hotels, convention and visitor bureaus, airlines—the initiative’s goal is to encourage Americans to turn idle wanderlust into actual itineraries.

The travel industry is hurting. So are travelers. “I dwelled so much on my disappointment that it almost physically hurt,” Paris -based journalist Joelle Diderich told me recently, after canceling five trips last spring.

(Related: How hard has the coronavirus hit the travel industry? These charts tell us.)

My friend James Hopkins is a Buddhist living in Kathmandu . You’d think he’d thrive during the lockdown, a sort-of mandatory meditation retreat. For a while he did.

But during a recent Skype call, James looked haggard and dejected. He was growing restless, he confessed, and longed “for the old 10-countries-a-year schedule.” Nothing seemed to help, he told me. “No matter how many candles I lit, or how much incense I burned, and in spite of living in one of the most sacred places in South Asia, I just couldn’t change my habits.”

When we ended our call, I felt relieved, my grumpiness validated. It’s not me; it’s the pandemic. But I also worried. If a Buddhist in Kathmandu is going nuts, what hope do the rest of us stilled souls have?

I think hope lies in the very nature of travel. Travel entails wishful thinking. It demands a leap of faith, and of imagination, to board a plane for some faraway land, hoping, wishing, for a taste of the ineffable. Travel is one of the few activities we engage in not knowing the outcome and reveling in that uncertainty. Nothing is more forgettable than the trip that goes exactly as planned.

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traveling essay benefits

Travel is not a rational activity. It makes no sense to squeeze yourself into an alleged seat only to be hurled at frightening speed to a distant place where you don’t speak the language or know the customs. All at great expense. If we stopped to do the cost-benefit analysis, we’d never go anywhere. Yet we do.

That’s one reason why I’m bullish on travel’s future. In fact, I’d argue travel is an essential industry, an essential activity. It’s not essential the way hospitals and grocery stores are essential. Travel is essential the way books and hugs are essential. Food for the soul. Right now, we’re between courses, savoring where we’ve been, anticipating where we’ll go. Maybe it’s Zanzibar and maybe it’s the campground down the road that you’ve always wanted to visit.

(Related: Going camping this fall? Here’s how to get started.)

James Oglethorpe, a seasoned traveler, is happy to sit still for a while, and gaze at “the slow change of light and clouds on the Blue Ridge Mountains” in Virginia, where he lives. “My mind can take me the rest of the way around this world and beyond it.”

It’s not the place that is special but what we bring to it and, crucially, how we interact with it. Travel is not about the destination, or the journey. It is about stumbling across “a new way of looking at things,” as writer Henry Miller observed. We need not travel far to gain a fresh perspective.

No one knew this better than Henry David Thoreau , who lived nearly all of his too-short life in Concord, Massachusetts. There he observed Walden Pond from every conceivable vantage point: from a hilltop, on its shores, underwater. Sometimes he’d even bend over and peer through his legs, marveling at the inverted world. “From the right point of view, every storm and every drop in it is a rainbow,” he wrote.

Thoreau never tired of gazing at his beloved pond, nor have we outgrown the quiet beauty of our frumpy, analog world. If anything, the pandemic has rekindled our affection for it. We’ve seen what an atomized, digital existence looks like, and we (most of us anyway) don’t care for it. The bleachers at Chicago ’s Wrigley Field; the orchestra section at New York City ’s Lincoln Center; the alleyways of Tokyo . We miss these places. We are creatures of place, and always will be.

After the attacks of September 11, many predicted the end of air travel, or at least a dramatic reduction. Yet the airlines rebounded steadily and by 2017 flew a record four billion passengers. Briefly deprived of the miracle of flight, we appreciated it more and today tolerate the inconvenience of body scans and pat-downs for the privilege of transporting our flesh-and-bone selves to far-flung locations, where we break bread with other incarnate beings.

Colorful designs surrounding landscape architect at work in his studio in Rio de Jainero, Brazil

Landscape architects work in their Rio de Janeiro, Brazil , studio in 1955.

A tourist photographs a tall century plant, a member of the agaves.

A tourist photographs a towering century plant in St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, in 1956.

In our rush to return to the world, we should be mindful of the impact of mass tourism on the planet. Now is the time to embrace the fundamental values of sustainable tourism and let them guide your future journeys. Go off the beaten path. Linger longer in destinations. Travel in the off-season. Connect with communities and spend your money in ways that support locals. Consider purchasing carbon offsets. And remember that the whole point of getting out there is to embrace the differences that make the world so colorful.

“One of the great benefits of travel is meeting new people and coming into contact with different points of view,” says Pauline Frommer, travel expert and radio host.

So go ahead and plan that trip. It’s good for you, scientists say . Plotting a trip is nearly as enjoyable as actually taking one. Merely thinking about a pleasurable experience is itself pleasurable. Anticipation is its own reward.

I’ve witnessed first-hand the frisson of anticipatory travel. My wife, not usually a fan of travel photography, now spends hours on Instagram, gazing longingly at photos of Alpine lodges and Balinese rice fields. “What’s going on?” I asked one day. “They’re just absolutely captivating,” she replied. “They make me remember that there is a big, beautiful world out there.”

Many of us, myself included, have taken travel for granted. We grew lazy and entitled, and that is never good. Tom Swick, a friend and travel writer, tells me he used to view travel as a given. Now, he says, “I look forward to experiencing it as a gift.”

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Why It Might Be a Good Idea to Start Writing Travelling Essay

Embarking on a journey abroad is not just about exploring new landscapes and cultures; it’s also an opportunity to enhance your writing and critical thinking skills. Writing a travel essay can seem daunting at first, but with the right approach, it becomes an engaging endeavour that offers profound insights into the world and yourself.

traveling essay benefits

How to Start Writing a Traveling Abroad Essay

To begin, select a destination that intrigues you—not just for its scenic beauty but for its cultural complexity and the stories it holds. Once you’ve chosen a location, start by jotting down your expectations and initial thoughts about the place. This pre-travel log will serve as a valuable reference point when you compare it with your actual experiences. When you arrive, immerse yourself in the environment. Engage with locals, try traditional dishes, participate in local customs, and, most importantly, observe. These observations are the golden nuggets that will enrich your essay.

The next step is crucial—reflection. Reflect on your experiences with depth and sincerity. How have your initial perceptions changed? What surprised you or challenged your beliefs? This reflective process not only deepens your understanding but also enriches your narrative, providing a personal angle that resonates with readers.

Now, begin drafting your essay. Start with a compelling introduction that gives a glimpse of the place and what drew you there. As you develop your narrative, ensure that each paragraph transitions smoothly into the next, maintaining a logical flow that keeps the reader engaged. If you find yourself struggling with structure or needing fresh eyes on your work, remember, it’s okay to seek help. You might even find yourself saying, “I need someone to write me a paper ,” especially when looking for guidance to polish your work or clarify your thoughts.

Incorporating vivid descriptions and personal anecdotes will make your essay come alive. Describe the sights, sounds, and smells that were unique to your experience. Use these sensory details to transport your readers to the destination alongside you. Conclude your essay by summarising your journey and its impact on you. What lessons did you learn, and how have they shaped your perspective?

Every College Student’s Party Is a Reason to Write More

College life is rich with experiences that extend beyond the classroom, and every social event or student party offers fertile ground for creative writing. Travel essays don’t have to be about far-flung destinations; they can also capture the essence of local adventures and campus life. Each gathering or event is a microcosm of cultural exchanges and personal revelations that are worth exploring in writing.

When attending a college party, observe the interactions around you. Notice how students from diverse backgrounds come together, share stories, and create memories. These events are often a blend of various cultures, making them an excellent subject for your essays. Consider the themes of identity, belonging, and transformation that you can explore. How do these gatherings help students unwind and bond? What unique traditions or humorous incidents occur?

To write about these experiences, approach them with the same rigour as you would on a journey abroad. Start by setting the scene. Describe the atmosphere, the setting, and the people. What is the occasion? How is the mood influenced by the music, decorations, and overall energy of the place? Dive into the details—perhaps the way laughter spreads through the crowd or the spontaneous dance battles that erupt.

As with any good narrative, your essay should have a clear structure: an introduction that draws the reader in, a body that builds upon your observations and reflections, and a conclusion that ties everything together. Reflect on what these experiences teach you about the college community and yourself. How do they reflect the collective ethos of your institution?

By documenting these moments, not only do you preserve memories, but you also gain a deeper appreciation of the nuanced interactions that define your college experience. Each essay becomes a chapter in your larger story of growth and discovery during these formative years.

traveling essay benefits

Most Important Principles of Essays About Travelling

When crafting an essay about traveling, it’s crucial to adhere to certain principles to ensure that your piece is both engaging and insightful. These principles serve as the foundation for powerful travel writing.

  • Engage with Cultural Insights

One of the benefits of traveling essay is the ability to delve deep into the cultural nuances of the destinations visited. Engaging with cultural insights involves more than just describing what you see. It’s about understanding and conveying the significance of those cultural elements to your readers. Whether it’s discussing the impact of historical architecture in Rome or the rituals of a traditional festival in India, your essay should offer a thoughtful analysis that connects broader cultural themes with personal experience. This approach not only enriches your narrative but also enhances the reader’s understanding and appreciation of diverse cultures.

  • Reflect Personal Growth

Traveling invariably influences personal growth, and reflecting on this transformation within your essay adds a compelling layer to your narrative. Discuss how the journey changed you: Did it challenge your existing beliefs or inspire new ones? Perhaps it strengthened your independence or broadened your worldview. By integrating personal growth into your travel essay, you provide a personal angle that makes your story relatable and profound. This principle helps transform a simple travel log into a reflective, meaningful story that resonates with others.

  • Emphasise Narrative Flow

Maintaining a cohesive narrative flow is essential in any essay, but it’s particularly vital in travel writing, where the diversity of experiences and observations can easily become disjointed. To achieve a smooth narrative, structure your essay with a clear beginning, middle, and end. Start with an intriguing introduction that sets the stage, continue with a middle that builds on your experiences and insights, and conclude with a reflective summary of your journey’s impact. Use transitions effectively to weave different parts of your travel story into a coherent whole. Keeping the reader engaged from start to finish is the goal, and a well-organised narrative is key to achieving this.

The Benefits of Traveling Essay

Writing essays about traveling offers numerous benefits that extend beyond the classroom and can influence personal and academic development profoundly. First and foremost, travel essays encourage critical thinking and creativity. As you translate your experiences into written form, you must analyse what you’ve encountered, reflect on its meaning, and find a creative way to express these thoughts. This process not only sharpens your analytical skills but also enhances your ability to communicate complex ideas clearly and creatively.

Furthermore, travel writing fosters empathy and global awareness. By engaging deeply with different cultures and communities, writers develop a better understanding of and appreciation for the diversity of human experience. This expanded perspective can lead to greater empathy for others’ situations and viewpoints, an invaluable trait in our increasingly globalised world.

Academically, travel essays can be a distinctive addition to a student’s portfolio, showcasing their ability to synthesise and articulate their experiences and insights. This can be particularly advantageous for students pursuing careers in fields such as journalism, international relations, or cultural studies, where such skills are essential.

Lastly, the personal satisfaction and sense of accomplishment that comes from creating a well-crafted travel essay should not be underestimated. It is a tangible record of one’s adventures and insights—a lasting memento that can provide pleasure and pride long after the journey has ended. Through travel essays, students not only document their journeys but also their growth as thinkers and writers, making each essay a milestone in their academic and personal development.



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✍️Essay on Travelling: Samples in 100, 200, 300 Words

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  • May 10, 2024

Essay on travelling

Did you know the tourism industry accounted for $2 Trillion in 2022? Every year, people travel around the world to take a break from their busy routines. This in turn helps them to come back more rejuvenated and more focused. But do you know the importance of travelling and how it helps one mentally and physically? Well, don’t worry as we have got you covered. Here we will give you details on an essay on travelling, which you can use at school, college and other academic levels. 

Table of Contents

  • 1 Importance of Travelling 
  • 2 Essay on Travelling in 100 words
  • 3 Essay on Travelling in 200 words
  • 4 Essay on Travelling in 300 words
  • 5 Short Essay on Travelling

Importance of Travelling 

Travelling is a vital facet of personal development and cultural enrichment. Travelling broadens one’s horizons, and fosters tolerance and understanding of diverse cultures. On the positive side of travelling is that it allows one to break free from their routine, and travel and stimulates creativity and problem-solving skills. 

One should make sure they travel at least once a year. By doing so, it will act as a motivation for self-discovery, building confidence and allowing one to navigate several unfamiliar territories.  Moreover, it creates long-lasting memories as well as bonds with friends or other people.

Travelling to new places and exploring nature’s wonders, historical landmarks, or vibrant cities imbues us with valuable experiences. It also promotes lifelong learning as well as appreciation for the beauty and diversity of our world. All in all, travelling to new places acts as an investment in both personal development and in terms of creating connections with new people.

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Essay on Travelling in 100 words

People love to travel around the world for leisure while there are people who travel for educational purposes. At the same time, some people travel for work-related reasons. All those people who love to travel for educational purposes get the opportunity to their classroom learning into practical use as well. 

On the other hand, some people travel only for pleasure and to get a break from their busy schedules. We can extend our horizons by experiencing the location’s food, culture, architecture, and other characteristics. Experiences from real life are always more valuable. We can learn about a different culture, language, way of life, and population by visiting a city in a foreign country. It is occasionally the best teacher for learning about the outside world.

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Essay on Travelling in 200 words

Travelling is a captivating and enriching experience that broadens horizons, fosters personal growth, and connects individuals with diverse cultures and landscapes. It is a journey of discovery, both of the world and oneself.

One of the most profound aspects of travelling is the opportunity to explore new cultures. Immersing oneself in different traditions, cuisines, and languages opens one’s mind to the rich tapestry of humanity. It fosters tolerance, empathy, and a deeper understanding of global interconnectedness.

Moreover, travel provides a break from daily routine and offers a chance to escape the demands of daily life. It allows individuals to recharge, relax, and rejuvenate. Whether it’s lounging on a pristine beach, hiking in majestic mountains, or exploring bustling urban centres, travel offers diverse experiences for every taste and preference.

Furthermore, travelling encourages personal growth. It challenges individuals to step out of their comfort zones, adapt to unfamiliar environments, and solve problems on the go. It promotes self-confidence, independence, and resilience.

At last, travelling is not just a leisure activity; it is a transformative journey that enriches the mind, nourishes the soul, and leaves lasting memories. It is an essential part of the human experience, reminding us that the world is vast, diverse, and waiting to be explored. So, pack your bags and embark on the adventure of a lifetime. Your next great discovery may be just around the corner.

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Essay on Travelling in 300 words

Travelling is a transformative experience that opens up a world of possibilities and enriches our lives in countless ways. Whether it’s a weekend getaway to a nearby town or an adventure across continents, the act of travelling transcends mere movement; it’s a journey of self-discovery and exploration.

One of the best aspects of travelling is the exposure to diverse cultures. When we venture beyond our familiar surroundings, we encounter people with different traditions, languages, and perspectives. This exposure fosters empathy and a deeper understanding of the global community. It allows us to break down stereotypes and prejudices, promoting a more interconnected and peaceful world.

Travelling also provides an opportunity for personal growth. It challenges us to step out of our comfort zones and adapt to new situations. Whether it’s navigating through a bustling market in Marrakech or communicating with locals in Tokyo, these experiences build resilience and self-confidence. We also learn problem-solving skills, become more adaptable, and develop a greater sense of independence.

Furthermore, travel offers a chance to connect with nature. Travelling is a gateway to history and art. Visiting ancient ruins, museums, and historical sites immerses us in the rich tapestry of human civilization. It deepens our appreciation for the accomplishments and struggles of those who came before us, fostering a sense of heritage and a connection to our shared past.

In conclusion, travelling is not just about going from one place to another; it’s a journey of self-discovery, cultural immersion, personal growth, and appreciation for the world we inhabit. It broadens our horizons, challenges our assumptions, and enriches our lives in ways that few other experiences can. So, whether you’re exploring a distant land or simply taking a road trip to a neighbouring town, embrace the opportunity to travel and let it transform you.

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Short Essay on Travelling

Here is a sample of a short essay on travelling:

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Travelling Gives You a Whole New Perspective on the World. Exploring new cultures and ideas while abroad can fundamentally alter how you perceive and engage with the rest of the world.

When you travel, you encounter new people, cultures, experiences, and adventures (both good and terrible), and you may even come to a new understanding of what life is all about.

A new language, cuisine, culture, and even new ways of thinking and living are introduced to the people. Travel also helps one realise that you need to pay attention to the various viewpoints, ideologies, and values that are all around you.

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Malvika Chawla

Malvika is a content writer cum news freak who comes with a strong background in Journalism and has worked with renowned news websites such as News 9 and The Financial Express to name a few. When not writing, she can be found bringing life to the canvasses by painting on them.

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  • Travelling Essay

500 Words Essay On Travelling

Many people travel for different purposes. Whether it is for a business trip or a holiday trip, we see people travelling often. Some people prefer a hilly area for travelling while the others like travelling to places with beaches. In this travelling essay, we will look at the importance of travelling and how it has changed ever since the old times.

travelling essay

Importance of Travelling Essay

While the reasons for travelling are many, we must not forget that it can be a refreshing experience. Travelling is an experience that can teach us so many things that you cannot possibly learn while living at home.

Firstly, it teaches you how to make new friends . The world is full of people who love interacting. You get to make friends when you travel to new places and spend quality time with them.

Moreover, it also helps you enhance your social skills. After that, travelling is great for learning new skills. For instance, going to mountain regions teaches you how to trek. Similarly, going to beaches helps you learn scuba diving or surfing.

You can also enjoy the beauty of nature when you travel. Similarly, you get to explore nature like never before and find discover the earth’s beauty. Travelling also helps us understand people.

After you spend time at a new place, you interact with the local people of the place. You learn so much about them and their culture. It makes you more open-minded and be mindful of the culture and beliefs of different people.

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Travelling: Then vs. Now

Travelling has changed significantly thanks to technology. In the earlier days, it was not easy to travel. Travelling on foot or on animals was the only option back then. Ships were also an option but they were too risky.

Further, people use bullocks and horse carts and even camels to travel. Sled was an option for people travelling to snow-covered regions. Moreover, it was a hassle to travel even to a short distance as it consumed too much time.

However, with the changing times and revolutionary technology , travelling has become one of the easiest things to do. There are so many new ways and means to travel that the travel game has changed drastically.

We can board a variety of vehicles now to travel such as bus, train, truck, aeroplane, submarine, hovercraft, and more. You can reach a place far away within no time thanks to all these transport options.

Further, there are no barriers now. You can use online maps and translators when travelling to a different city or country to help you. Cab service and food service is readily available too. Thus, travelling is very easy now thanks to technology.

Conclusion of Travelling Essay

All in all, travelling can be a fun and learning experience for everyone now. Moreover, with technology, you can travel to any corner of the world without having to worry about barriers of language, distance, and more. Everyone must travel at least once in their life to enjoy an unforgettable experience.

FAQ of Travelling Essay

Question 1: Why is travelling important?

Answer 1: Travelling is important as it teaches us a lot of things. You can learn new skills, new languages, new cultures. Moreover, you get to make new friends and try out new foods when you travel to a new place. It can be a real learning experience for all.

Question 2: How is travelling different now?

Answer 2: Travelling has changed drastically thanks to technology. Earlier, people had to take animals to travel to a new place and it would be time-consuming. Now, there are many transport options available that help you reach within no time. Further, the internet has made travelling easier by offering maps, translation apps, food services, cab services, etc. available at our fingertips.

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How To Write a Good Travel Essay

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How To Write a Good Travel Essay - Guide with Examples


“Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.”

-Gustav Flaubert

Packing the duffel with the bare essentials and hopping into the car, getting behind the steering wheel and driving with no perfect destination in mind – we all dream to live such a life, don't we? Travelling to unseen places and exploring what it has to offer can be an enriching experience. However beautiful can travel be as an experience, writing a travelling essay can be quite a challenge. It may seem easy to come up with the ideas that you want to include in the essay but putting them into coherent sentences can be difficult. Your words should be impactful enough to be able to sweep the readers off their feet and take them on the cliff or make them feel the saline breeze on a beach.  

A perfect travel essay must reflect the journey and highlight the little-known facts about the region. It should be infused with the character and culture of the place. If you are feeling stymied while writing a travel essay, then we have some brilliant tips for you that can make the task considerably easy for you.

8 tips for an outstanding essay on travelling

Here are 8 tips that you can cash on to produce a winning travelling essay:

  • Be specific with the destination

Before you choose a topic for your travel essay, keep the time spent in the location in mind. If your trip is just for a couple of days, then do not make the mistake of writing about an entire city. Think it out practically – is it possible to travel through a city in just a few days? Take for instance your essay is about London. It is quite an insurmountable task to be able to cover all the distance even in a week. So stick to a particular destination so that you can include the nuances and minutest details of the place to paint a picture in the reader’s mind with your words. 

  • Less guide, more exploring

Also, the destination need not be about an exotic locale. It can be a story about an idyllic rustic location in the suburb of the teeming city. It can be about a cottage up on the hills with just the view of snowy valleys and iced peaks. Your words should give the sense of exploring and not touring. The essay should not be like a guide. It should be a view of the location through your lens.

  • Know the location like the back of your hand

Before starting to write a travel essay, do your research. A travel essay isn’t a made-up story so there should not be any fake information. Readers will be looking for more than just the necessary information about the must-visit tourist attractions. So you need to go beyond the surface and include more about the history of the place. Just do not write about the restaurants – talk about the cuisine of the place and the story behind it, if any. To get into the innermost recesses of the location, you can speak to the residents of the area. To bring richness in your travel essay, you must reveal another side of the destination.

  • Include the nitty-gritty

The key to an impressive travel essay is to be able to break down the location into kernels and write the core details about them. As mentioned earlier, so not just write about the tourist attractions and restaurants in the destination. Write about the lesser talked streets and unknown landmarks and the history behind them. If the place is known for its delicacies, write about how the cuisine has evolved and who had started it. From quaint bookstores to ice cream parlours to run-down shabby pubs – shed light to such nuances to bring your essay to life. You can even mention the negative things that you have faced in the place – like irregular transport modes or impolite locals. These little details will help you make your essay more impactful.

  • Be creative with the writing style

Since a travel essay is more like an anecdote, there is no specific format to write it. Therefore, a travel essay gives you the scope of setting your foot into the unchartered areas of creativity. You have got the creative freedom to write what you want. You can study how the natives of the locale speak and learn some of the basic words and phrases they use. To put them into writing you can read the local newspaper to get the pulse of the city you are in. Using the colloquial lingo can help the reader get a closer peek into the lives of the people living in the place. It will reflect a slice of how they live their way of life. Your words should be simple and yet impactful to portray and not just merely narrate. Touch every bit of the rust in the roof to make the reader feel like they are on the same journey with you.

  • Make it personal

The travel essay is your story. So add some personal experience in the story and at the same time do not make it self-indulgent. Include stories that can resonate with all your readers. Your experiences should be able to bring the reader back to the travel destination and connect him with the place. It should be the perfect blend of narration of the experiences you had while on the trip along with a vivid description of the place. To achieve the balance, write your essay in first person perspective to give a real touch to the story. Include the most interesting bits that will help the reader connect with you. You can even include the quotes of natives living in the area you had visited.

  • Start with a captivating catch

Like every essay, the introduction is the key to make it an impressive read. The opening should be capturing enough to attract the reader’s attention. It should leave an impact and should make them want to go on reading the piece. Start with an unknown fact about the place and leave it hanging from the cliff. Use a tone of suspense to excite the readers to keep them guessing about the contents of the essay.

  • Make it vivid with images

For certain places, words may fall short in being able to explain the exact description of a place. You cannot describe how the sky looked with the mountains seemingly touching the clouds or the horizon fading beyond the sea. Certain things cannot be explained in words – like the color of the sky or the water! This is where pictures come in! Providing real images of the place in between can help the readers stay connected. Vivid photos can also make the readers understand the story better by bringing them closer to it. So make sure you take breathtaking pictures of the place you are writing about. The images will help your essay stay in the readers’ mind longer.

With the above tips, we are sure you will be able to write an excellent travelling essay  that will impress your professor and fetch you a good grade.

And if you are still unsure about putting these to use, then below is a winning sample to show you how it is done!

Travelling essay sample

I have visited London several times, and yet it is amazing how I find something new to explore every time I visit the capital city. My visit last autumn too did not fail to surprise me. With the hustle and bustle and the rich royal history, London city has a lot to offer. Since I just had a few days to spare, I wanted to make the best out of this trip.

Although vast and sprawling, I decided to visit most of the city on foot this time. Now since in my previous visits I had seen most of the tourist-y attractions already, I wanted to take the path less travelled this time to discover the hidden gems of the city. The last time I had been to London, I had missed out on the chance to visit the chock full of literature and history that awaited me in the Shakespeare Globe Theatre. Being a student of literature, visiting the place where the Bard of Avon once enacted the plays he wrote was a spellbinding moment. And guess what? I also caught a staging of the Macbeth before I left the place. Before heading towards the Hyde Park tube station, I grabbed some of London’s famous Fish ‘n’ Chips from the oldest food market of the city, the Borough Market. From Hyde Park to Tower Hill in under fifteen minutes by Tube, I began exploring the Tower of London. It was there that I heard a guard speaking about where he hailed from. A quick conversation with Peter, I had gotten intrigued to know more about his village – Suffolk in Lavenham. I asked him how to get there and Peter, being the quintessential helping guide that Londoners are known to be, told me that I could either take a car from central London. Or I could wait for the next day and take the train from Liverpool to Sudbury and then take the bus route 753 and reach in around two hours. Having nothing to do, I spent that day in the British Museum and walking on Oxford Street.

The next morning, I started my journey to the quaint village of Suffolk. I had picked up a book about the village where I learned that the village had once housed Henry III in 1257. And a bonus for all the Harry Potter fans – the village also starred in ‘Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows’ as Godric’s Hollow where Hermoine and Harry are seen to be visiting Bathilda Bagshot. On reaching the village, the first thing that grabbed my attention was the picture-perfect silhouette of prosperous medieval England with all the half-timbered houses. The lime-washed and brightly coloured buildings added an idyllic element to the village with the De Vere House standing out from the rest. Adding to the rustic touch was the fifteenth-century St Peter Church with its soaring height of a 141ft tower. The autumn breeze welcomed me as I walked on the leaf-covered high streets. I saw some young guns cycling around in a park and called out to them for directions. My stay for the trip was an Air BnB home-stay where I had to put up with an elderly couple – the Havishams. I still remember how on reaching the gate of the house, I had caught a waft of crumpets and hot scones. After an exchange of banalities followed by me gorging on the scones, I had found out about the hidden gems from Mr Havisham who happened to be quite a cheerful talker. He told me what a must-visit Hadley’s was when in Suffolk. I had then set out with a local map to find the hidden gem. On reaching I had found that Hadley’s was a cutesy ice cream shop, almost run down, run by an old lady. Here Rebecca told me how the ice cream parlour was opened back in the 1850s and was still known for their hand-made sorbets.

Like the sorbet, my stay in Suffolk had been a sweet experience – a trip of revelation. The tour – with all the lonely walks – had in an inexplicable way helped me to get my perspectives right. It isn’t the exotic locales and the flight above the clouds that make travelling my drug. Rather, it is little but beautiful discoveries like Suffolk that feed my wanderlust. Thank you, London. Thank you for being a wonderful experience, once again.   

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Writing a great essay about traveling is a common academic assignment. It’s a simple task if you know useful tricks to tell readers an interesting story. Find enough information and use vivid observations. Know relevant facts to convince the audience. Follow helpful guidelines to submit a perfect essay about traveling experience.

Your College Essay About Traveling: Research a Certain Place

An essay about traveling is all about a specific place you visited. Look at relevant sources and try to write something unique or different. Recreate this place in your readers’ imagination. Be specific and creative in its descriptions. Before you start writing your essay about traveling with family, conduct your research. You should read more about a given place. Learn more about its backgrounds, religion, culture, and so on. This simple strategy will boost your curiosity and reveal other sides of your destination. If you struggle with remembering all the details, it is great to create a blog while traveling where you would put all the interesting stories, remember them and use them when needed.

Writing the Best College Essay About Traveling Experience

If you’re interested in the art of travel essay writing, make sure your paper fits these basic criteria:

  • Has a coherent structure and proper sections.
  • Gives the audience a good grasp of relevant data.
  • Meets the highest academic standards and contains clarity of expression.
  • Includes counter-examples and counter-arguments if appropriate.
  • Uses smooth transitions and signposting to help readers navigate your thoughts.
  • Contains proper references in the required citation style.
  • Offers strong claims with evidence.
  • Has a catchy essay introduction with a thesis and a clear conclusion.

Writing an Essay on Traveling Experiences: Useful Tips

There are certain tips that can help you submit the best essay about your last trip. What are they?

  • Use a capturing introductory section.
  • Use the 1st person perspective.
  • Include smooth essay transitions .
  • Conclude it correctly.

The introduction plays an important role in writing a great paper. Use excellent essay hook examples to grab readers’ attention. Introduce your major argument and use a specific tone to excite the audience. Your essay on traveling is a certain narration of personal experiences. That’s why you need to use the 1st person perspective to make this story real. Including all the experiences is a mistake because some of them are boring. Use only the most interesting ideas. Include people living in the chosen area and quotes or short stories of their lives. Why use transitions? Your story must flow from its beginning to the end. Add smooth transitions to achieve this goal. Use a few interesting details to connect all the parts of your story. How to conclude an essay about traveling expenses ? You need not only to start your paper strongly but also conclude it effectively. Sum up key ideas and include a call to action. Feel free to restate a thesis to do that.

What Else You Can Do: Improve Your Essay About Traveling

To enhance your traveling essay, use these tried and tested tricks:

  • Use images.
  • Avoid clichés and formal language.
  • Avoid assumptions.
  • Specify your story.

Avoid clichés or formal language to make your piece of writing sound more natural. Be sure to use only original and meaningful descriptions and let readers understand everything with ease. Use images in your thematic essay about traveling experience because visual descriptions are an effective way to make the audience understand your story. They bring the audience closer to it. Use breathtaking pictures because they’ll stick in people’s mind for a long time. There are certain errors that many students do when completing this academic assignment. Failing to specify a story about traveling is one of them. Cover minor details to make your paper interesting. Making assumptions is another common error that students make. You need to get facts about a specific place. Assumptions only tell readers a false story. Don’t assume if you aren’t sure about details.

Key Points When Writing a College Essay About Traveling

Keep these basic points in mind when writing your essay about why traveling is important:

  • Take a prompt question into account when reading relevant sources of information.
  • Before you start writing a rough draft, outline what you will say, what evidence you want to use, and how you’ll structure all paragraphs.
  • Use the essay introduction to state your thesis and outline major ideas.
  • Include only the facts relevant to your topic because using irrelevant information won’t bring you high grades.
  • Ensure that every point is clear because readers shouldn’t be puzzled over your words.
  • Use plain and simple language to make strong points and avoid writing confusing or complex sentences. Verbosity will only frustrate teachers. Use a readability tool to make your writing easy-to-comprehend.
  • Demonstrate your awareness of relevant materials.
  • Make sure all paragraphs are in their coherent order with smooth transitions.

The above-stated secrets will help you write a brilliant essay about traveling. If you still find this task challenging, pay for an essay at StudyCrumb and get proficient help from academic writers. They will solve all of your problems easily.


Daniel Howard is an Essay Writing guru. He helps students create essays that will strike a chord with the readers.


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The Importance of Travel Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment


An important trip.

According to Bourdain, “traveling” can be a compulsion. Traveling can be a privilege because it helps a person see the world’s colors and flavors. Trips can help many people examine the unique differences and similarities existing among human beings. Bourdain’s discussions can help a person remember all his or her important trips in life. This explains why I have remembered my first trip to a foreign country. I will always remember this “important” event because it gave me a new opportunity to explore the world. The trip was a rare experience because it gave me the chance to examine the world from a different perspective. The trip took place after completing high school. I had gone to a foreign country for my studies.

To begin with, the trip was a turning point in my life. The trip helped me rediscover new skills and ideas. It became one of my “memorable” experiences because I had the opportunity to interact with people from different backgrounds. I also acquainted myself with various cultural practices and behaviors. The trip was a wonderful experience because it helped me explore the world from a new dimension. I will always remember everything about this trip because of certain “occurrences”. To begin with, it was my first time to stay alone. The other memorable thing about my “trip” to a foreign country was the opportunity to see new landscapes and sceneries. It was my pleasure to enjoy the country’s “wonderful” climate. I also had the opportunity to see new plant species, animals, modern infrastructures, traditional costumes, and architectural designs.

During my stay in a foreign country, I interacted with many people from different cultural backgrounds. These people had various religious beliefs and traditional practices. Humans will always communicate amongst themselves because they are “social beings”. The trip allowed me to interact and exchange views with different people. This experience also widened my communication skills and problem-solving abilities. I also had the privilege to acquire new competencies and ideas from my friends and classmates.

The experience was also hard for me especially after arriving in a foreign country. I had always lived with my parents before visiting this new country. However, this time, I had to live alone. As Bourdain argues, “trips” will usually keep people away from their friends, relatives, and parents. I had to take care of everything without getting any help from my parents or relatives. Everything was extremely hard for me, especially at the beginning. This explains why it took me a few weeks before I got used to the situation. However, the trip was an important “experience” because it allowed me to interact with new people.

Finally, Bourdain’s writing is a masterpiece because it reminds me of this “wonderful” trip. This is the case because the author explains how trips can help people “rediscover” themselves whenever they travel to new locations. According to Bourdain, “Travel Writers” will always get the opportunity to admire new landscapes. As mentioned earlier, “traveling” can become a form of compulsion. Trips can be the best way to see the world with “inner” eyes and understand it much better. Bourdain’s work offers useful insights that can help travelers keep the best memories from their trips. In conclusion, I will always be willing to visit new places to view human life from a different angle.

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IvyPanda. (2021, March 18). The Importance of Travel. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-importance-of-travel/

"The Importance of Travel." IvyPanda , 18 Mar. 2021, ivypanda.com/essays/the-importance-of-travel/.

IvyPanda . (2021) 'The Importance of Travel'. 18 March.

IvyPanda . 2021. "The Importance of Travel." March 18, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-importance-of-travel/.

1. IvyPanda . "The Importance of Travel." March 18, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-importance-of-travel/.


IvyPanda . "The Importance of Travel." March 18, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-importance-of-travel/.

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Student Essay: 4 Reasons Why Traveling Is So Important

traveling essay benefits

This article was written by Connor Edward McGrane upon his return from Greece and Italy this spring. He writes about how his trip abroad changed his perspective and helped him gain a global perspective.

Last week I was incredibly fortunate to have the opportunity to travel to Greece and Italy. While traveling through these two beautiful countries, I learned many things. I learned the ancient city of Pompeii had a brothel, that the word “gymnasium” comes from the Greek word “gymnós” which means nude, and that the Romans used to fill up the coliseum with water in order to have naval battles. However, what I will take with me for the rest of my life from this trip did not come from a guided tour.

1. It Opens Your Mind

Traveling opens your mind because you begin to see how people do things differently than you and still get by. We become so accustomed to how we do things that we believe it is the only way, and that anyone who acts differently is inferior. Traveling changes this. From big things such as religious practices to small things such as how you order your food, traveling opens you up to all types of changes.

These changes can get frustrating at times. For example, if you ask for water in Italy you will most likely still get bottled water and be charged for it. When ordering gelato, you have to pay first before telling them what you want. You take these changes and apply them to everyday life. You realize that if someone does things differently than you, it’s ok. Maybe that kid acts differently than you, talks differently than you. Traveling makes you realize that’s alright because there are other people in the world that would think your way of doing things is “weird.”

2. You Get to Experience Different Cultures

The most fun part of traveling is experiencing different cultures. New food, new music, new language, it’s so amazing how different it can be from ours. One feature of Roman culture I found interesting was that they air dry their clothes. In the United States, we would find this as a hassle since we like to get things done fast. However, the Italians value tradition. Neither is right, neither is wrong. Another interesting thing was how superstitious the Italians are.

Our tour guide provided us with a lesson on hand gestures not to make, as the Italians will take it as if you are casting the “evil eye” on them. Anti-evil spirit jewelry and decorations were sold throughout Greece. In the United States, we aren’t that superstitious, so it was amazing to see this. Trying different food was amazing as well. In the United States, we seem to think we are accustomed to all different types of food since it’s very easy to find a Mexican, Italian, Chinese, or Greek restaurant. However, these foods are quite different when made in their home countries. The true Greek Gyro had a much different sauce than the yogurt sauce used here and Gelato made in the states tastes like ice milk.

3. You Are Able to See New Scenery

One of the most amazing aspects of traveling to Europe is how different everything looks. Cobblestone streets, narrow roads, and tiny apartment buildings are all so different from what we have here in the U.S. Especially in New York City where the roads are long and wide, it was amazing to see streets where barely one car can pass through. The cars themselves were so much smaller. In the U.S., it’s quite common to see big SUV’s or minivans…not in Europe. Even the cities themselves were so much different. In the U.S. when we think of a city we think of something like New York City, huge skyscrapers, and buildings made out of glass.

This is what I expected to see when I traveled to Europe for the first time. Rome and Athens were nothing like that. There wasn’t a skyscraper in sight, and most of the buildings were extremely old. Here in the United States, everything seems so new compared to Europe. There was a piazza in Rome literally sitting on top of an ancient stadium. Our tour guide took us into one home in Athens where a man redid his basement to find a huge pot which was over 2,000 years old. The mountain ranges were also beautiful. Coming from Long Island, I have only seen a few mountains in my lifetime. Being in Delphi, a city in the mountains of Greece, was breathtaking. The mountains and valleys looked like they went on forever. They made the 4-hour bus journeys more enjoyable.

4. How Fortunate You Are to Live in the United States

If there is one thing I will never forget from this trip, it’s something the tour guide said to us. On our last day in Rome when saying goodbye to us, she began to talk about how important traveling is and how she hopes this trip has given us an urge to want to explore the world more. At the end of her farewell, she said “Even if you decide that you never want to travel again…Remember what you saw, and that you are all so lucky to have been born in the United States of America. America truly is the land of opportunity, a meritocracy. If you work hard, you will succeed. Never forget that.” This truly stuck with me and made me realize how lucky I am. How fortunate I am to live in an economic system that rewards hard work and innovation and encourages people to succeed.

A country which believes in individual rights and fights to defend them. A country where even our poor people can afford their own apartments, unlike the Romans, where the average person can only afford to rent a room in an apartment. I loved the look on people’s faces after I told them I was American. One woman asked me to take a picture for her, and upon hearing my accent asked if I was American. I said yes, and her response was “Wow!! You’re beautiful!” Afterward, I heard her say to her daughter, “He’s from the United States!!” It made realize how fortunate I am to come from such a great country.

Traveling is truly an amazing experience. I have learned a lot from the four European countries I have traveled to, and will continue to learn more as I further explore the world. Traveling doesn’t have to mean going all over the world, however. You can learn so much just from traveling to another part of the United States. The way people live in the south can be very different and interesting compared to here in the North. Even exploring the different boroughs in New York City will open your eyes to different cultures. As Ibn Battuta once said, “Traveling—It leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.”

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Benefits Of Traveling essay

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The Benefits of Traveling: How Travel Makes You a Better Person

Travel will broaden your perspective and reshape the way you see the world.

traveling essay benefits

Maybe you’ve seen all the feel-good aphorisms about how why travel is important and how it improves your life for the better. Maybe your own experiences confirm it.

And maybe you’ve come home from a trip ranting and raving, feeling like this trip of a lifetime changed you—like something inside of you shifted…but nobody else seems to be able to see it. Nobody understands what you’ve been through. Nobody sees those benefits of traveling or the changes that have taken place deep within.

And maybe you’ve sat down and tried to explain it all to someone. Maybe you’ve tried to tell them how much that trip changed you—how much you learned about yourself, and how your whole entire perspective on the world has changed.

I bet they didn’t understand .

(Unless they’re a traveler themselves, of course, in which case they’ll just nod their head and say, “I got you, bro. I know.”)

The fact is, travel changes you —that’s one of its very many unavoidable merits. It may even be its most valued merit of all. Travel sparks growth and growth leads to a happier, healthier life.

This is the actual science of how travel makes your world, and our world, a much better place.

Travel Makes You More Creative

The more of the world you see, the more you encounter new ideas and ways of thinking. But what effect do they have on you?

A professor at Columbia Business School  decided to investigate , using the fashion industry as his case study. Examining the creative work of the world’s top fashion houses across 11 years, he found a strong correlation between the foreign experience of fashion designers and their level of creative innovation.

Summing up his findings in  The Atlantic , he said:

Foreign experiences increase both cognitive flexibility and depth and integrativeness of thought, the ability to make deep connections between disparate forms… The key, critical process is multicultural engagement, immersion, and adaptation. Someone who lives abroad and doesn’t engage with the local culture will likely get less of a creative boost than someone who travels abroad and really engages in the local environment.

Factor in all that free thinking time you have on planes, trains, and automobiles, and it seems like  all  creative people should be spending time on the move.

Travel Makes You More Open-Minded

Manhattan Sunset

Researchers have found that students living abroad performed better on a classic brain-stretching puzzle—and the reason behind it might just fix the internet!

As the last few years have shown, the online world is a great place for arguing. Politics, equal rights, climate science, Mac vs. PC, unicorn frappuccinos—everyone has a firm opinion on these things and they’re not afraid to share it.

But how many of us stop before we type, and fully consider all the options—including points of view we hugely disagree with but know too little about?

The problem is that we have come to believe, concretely, in what we know. But only by opening our boundaries, and pushing our limits and seeing more of the world, can you begin to know how much you  don’t  know.

In  his most recent New York Times Bestseller , Mark Manson writes, “Our values are imperfect and incomplete, and to assume that they are perfect and complete is to put us in a dangerously dogmatic mindset that breeds entitlement and avoids responsibility.”

Do well-traveled people argue online as much as people who never leave home? Someone really should run a study on that.

Travel Reaffirms that People are Generally Good

Schmoozing in the park

In his  guest post for Tim Ferriss’s blog , world-traveling photographer Gary Arndt started with the following “controversial” statement:

People are generally good.

A lot of people would argue otherwise. Every country has its antisocial elements and alarmist media sources that are quick to portray strangers and foreigners as bad hombres. “The world is dangerous—stay home, stay safe!”

It’s easy to feel discouraged by all this, even when it appears to be nonsense. What are the facts? Yes, there are good people in the world—but how many?

Enter science.

After scanning dozens of active human brains, researchers at University College London seem to have discovered that we’re hardwired to be good—if you define good as “honest.” Honesty seems to trigger  feelings of deep-seated satisfaction , as parts of the brain become active that are used to assess the long-term value of our actions.

And if we cheat? These areas are less active. At a neurological level, it seems we all know that crime doesn’t pay.

Any experienced world traveler will tell you the same thing: one of the benefits of traveling is that the more people you meet, the more hospitality, generosity, and honesty you encounter. In Gary’s words:

They are people just like you and me who are trying to get by, to help their families and go about living their lives. There is no race, religion or nationality that is exempt from this rule.

Travel Protects You from the Disastrous Effects of Stress

At first glance, travel looks way more stressful than life at home. What about packing  anxiety , all those lines at the airport? What about takeoff, or rushing to meet your next connection?

Too often, this is our overtaxed brain playing tricks on us. In fact, life at home is filled with mental and physical pressures that compromise our health.

Family life  has never been so stressful . Many people are stressed about their  work-life balance , and young women’s sense of well-being is  on the slide . Worse still, all these things are what most of us call “normal”—so we’re  gaining weight ,  burning out our immune systems  and  sickening with all sorts of chronic ailments  at an alarming rate.

Compared with these horrors, the momentary stresses of travel don’t look so bad.

But there’s more, says science. The simple act of being outdoors, especially if it’s  in the wilds of nature , does remarkable things to your body. A 15-minute walk in the woods has a beneficial effect on your health that can actually be measured (lowered stress hormones, lowered heart rate, lowered blood pressure). Hiking through nature has been called “the ultimate stress antidote that costs nothing”—and there’s this, from National Geographic:

In 2009 a team of Dutch researchers found a lower incidence of 15 diseases—including depression, anxiety, heart disease, diabetes, asthma, and migraines—in people who lived within about a half mile of green space.

Crazier still, even looking at pictures of green spaces can give your brain a  positive boost . In a way, you don’t even need to travel to reap the benefits of traveling!

With all this evidence, it’s hard to argue that travel isn’t good for your health. (That said, yes, flying can suck. I hear you loud and clear.)

Travel Changes Your View and Helps you Enjoy it Forever

Taking a long journey gives you one hell of a change of perspective on your life.

Just ask an astronaut.

Something happens to you out there… You develop an instant global consciousness, a people orientation, an intense dissatisfaction with the state of the world, and a compulsion to do something about it. — Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell

It’s been nicknamed “ the overview effect ”—and you’re never the same after it hits.

If you’re looking for a radical, life-affirming chance in perspective and you don’t have the resources of NASA to call upon, take heart. Psychologists believe it’s attainable for anyone with the right change of mindset.

If astronauts’ feelings of awe are simply an expression of cultural attitudes, then the physical effects of space travel wouldn’t be necessary to provoke the “overview effect.”

In my book, at least, world travel definitely qualifies.

Former prejudices melt away. Old home-grown ways of thinking about the world prove insufficient for the complexity and variety of what’s really out there. With your new open-mindedness comes an eagerness to fill it.

As your stress levels unwind, you get a new appreciation of your body, what it’s capable of and what you should be doing to look after it. And as your creativity spikes, anything seems possible.

Travel is often accused of giving people a rose-tinted view of the world, but I profoundly disagree. Travel is seeing the world correctly for the first time, through your own eyes and with your senses ablaze— and the view is overwhelming.

  • How Traveling the World Will Change You
  • Want to Travel? It’s About Taking Control of Your Life
  • The Best Travel Tips I’ve Learned After 10 Years of Traveling
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Jeremy Scott Foster

Jeremy Scott Foster

Totally agree on the part where nature is the best free antidote for stress. In this informational age, people seem to be satisfied by just the internet but never go out and explore the unknown out there. And yes flying is stressful, but can never be more stressful than studying for exam and meeting deadlines back home!

Aaron | www.AaronGoneTravelling.com

It’s true! We all need to just look up and get away once in a while.

So true! Travel opens up so many horizons and makes you realize how much there is to learn about people, food, culture… I believe there’s no better teacher than a travel experience.

These points are so spot on! This is why I love traveling. I had a similar experience when I visited Ireland this Spring.

Lovely article, Jeremy.

I lived in a small town until I was 22. After that, I traveled to a way bigger city. Man, that’s was DEFINITELY one of the best decisions of my life.

It’s so important to get out there and see more of the world! I’m glad you finally did ?

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6 Reasons Why Traveling Abroad is Important for Young People


In high school and college it is likely that you will receive some kind of encouragement to travel, study or work abroad. It may seem like you have a lot going on so you don’t seriously consider these opportunities or maybe you write them off since you plan on traveling later in life. I would encourage traveling at any age, but the earlier you can learn the lessons travel teaches the better.

When you are young, you are still finding yourself and preparing for your school and career. The skills and experience you gain from traveling abroad can give you life-long personal benefits as well as a leg up in the professional world.

In high school and college you have the luxury of having flexibility since you can study anywhere in the world and have relatively long study breaks. It is a prime time to take advantage of your freedom and youth.

Top 6 reasons to travel abroad while you are young:

1. You’ll Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

As young people most of us have a pretty established comfort zone. At home with mom and dad, in a community that has known you for probably a good part of your life. You have your established, friends, activities, hangouts and possibly jobs. We become comfortable in these daily roles and the idea of breaking out them can be scary and uncomfortable.

The problem is, you learn the most in uncomfortable, unfamiliar situations. In our daily routines, you know how to act and respond to people and your surroundings. Being in a new place, with different people, who hold different values and go about life differently (or not so differently you may find) strips all that familiarity away.

It can be scary, but once you figure out that you can connect with people despite differences, and you can navigate foreign environments, you become a smarter, more competent individual. Embrace the discomfort. Search for it, because it is helping you grow.

Greenheart Travel participant, Danny Scott, with host family in Costa Rica .

2. Traveling Builds Confidence

As you conquer the obstacles of figuring out how to use public transit in a foreign country, or asking for simple things in a grocery store, you are building a confidence and ability to adapt in foreign situations. I remember moving to a country where I spoke little to none of the language.

When I returned home, I moved across the country to a state where I had no family, friends or connections. The prospect of that move may have intimidated me before living abroad, but then I thought to myself, ‘Well, if I can do it abroad in a completely foreign system, I will be just fine in a place where I at least share the language.’

You realize that you CAN do things, despite the obstacles and suddenly the obstacles seem less obstructive and more like welcomed challenges.

Greenheart Travel TEFL student taking in the city of Leon, Nicaragua.

3. You Will Develop Cultural Sensitivity

Being culturally sensitive is key in our globalizing world. It is not enough to say “people from X country are like this.” It is important to look for underlying values that may explain a certain behavior in order to practice cultural sensitivity. A good example is when I was in Spain (especially in the south), where they take a 2-3 hour siesta and lunch in the middle of their work day.

Many people view this cultural norm as the people just being lazy when it really has a lot more to do with the fact that historically Spaniards value family face time. Eating together as a family is more important to them than maximizing work time by scarfing a sandwich down at their desks.

Being aware of cultural values and norms is not only fascinating, but can help us understand international issues and conflicts, or even relate to the cultural norms of a foreign business partner. It is an important skill to be able to shift perspectives and see where someone else is coming from.

Cultural sensitivity will help you with your communication on both business and personal levels.

Greenheart Travel high school student in Spain.

4. You Can Adapt to Globalization

Whether you like it or not, with the internet and social media, we are globalizing quickly. It is not unlikely that you would end up with a job that has you travel for business or take part in conference calls with international business partners. In our globalizing world it is important to be culturally sensitive and it can’t hurt to know a foreign language.

In the business world, having lived abroad can give you a competitive edge. Use the confidence and cultural sensitivity that traveling helps you develop and help it make you successful.

Get work experience teaching English or completing an internship in Thailand .

5. Be Immersed in a Second (or Third) Language

Before I lived abroad I never truly understood the beauty of becoming fluent or even proficient in another language. In the United States we don’t need to know another language, or many would argue that. Once you travel abroad you realize that especially in Europe, almost everyone you meet speaks at least two languages somewhat proficiently.

We in the States have a bit of a disadvantage since geographically we cannot country-hop as easily as Europeans can. This is why traveling, especially for us, is even more important.  I would argue that in the globalizing world it really can only benefit you to speak another language. Not to mention, it opens up a whole new world of people you can now connect with and understand that you would never have gotten the chance to get to know had you never learned their language.

Living abroad is really the best way to learn a new language since you are forced to challenge and practice your skills on a daily basis.

Greenheart Travel students perfect their French language schools at our language camp in France .

6. Infinite Opportunities to Network

I have studied and worked abroad and made some incredibly valuable connections. If you are interested in working internationally or even just having a couch to stay on in a country that you love, never underestimate the value of networking wherever you go.

One thing I have learned in my time abroad is that people are generally very friendly and love to talk about their home and culture. This is not always the case, but more than often it is. Making friendships abroad can make this big world seem a little smaller and help you feel more connected wherever you go.

The best advice I can give is to meet as many people on your travels as you can. It will definitely make your time abroad more enjoyable since the locals know best! Plus you never know when these connections will come in handy in the future whether visiting each other for fun or otherwise.

Do you agree or have you traveled abroad as a young person? Share your experience in the comments below!

Want to travel abroad check our our programs, 141 thoughts on " 6 reasons why traveling abroad is important for young people ".

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Great reasons.

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Great blogpost! Travelling is so important, not only for young people but for everyone

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Amazing guide

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Great Post. Thanks for sharing.

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Very good blog!

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I do agree with the article mentioned above and I learn something after reading it. For me, traveling is tied in with looking for new experiences. Furthermore, these experiences become considerably more fun when you can share them with an old buddy.

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True tips for new travelers. Thanks for the help.

Helpful Tips for First Time Travelers. Can’t Agree More.

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Wow! I agree with all the things you have said. Loved this article, well-written.

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Traveling has plenty of benefits indeed. Different people have different reasons why they travel. Others travel because they want to learn more about themselves or discover new things that can expand their understanding of life. Whatever reason you have, one thing is for sure, traveling can teach you so many lessons and give you plenty of good memories that you can bring with you for the rest of your life – this is why traveling is a must! Traveling has plenty of benefits indeed. Different people have different reasons why they travel. Others travel because they want to learn more about themselves or discover new things that can expand their understanding of life. Whatever reason you have, one thing is for sure, traveling can teach you so many lessons and give you plenty of good memories that you can bring with you for the rest of your life – this is why traveling is a must!

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I agreed with it❤️ and have learned a lot being a Travel blogger

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Wonderful Article.

I feel like the only way i could put my life together is by traveling but i honestly dont have the money or help. I really need an Angel to help me make this a possibility……

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We all have our different stories and backgrounds. Someone might have been raised in money whereas someone’s parents had to struggle hard to make ends meet. Regardless, when young people begin a journey in a foreign land with limited funds, they soon meet their nemesis – financial crunch. Traveling can be an expensive venture and if you’re not good with the management of your finances, you’ll eventually exhaust all the money you originally had with you.

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That is right. I agree with you. Travelling is a pleasent activity and all the comments that I have read here, they are totaly awesome. That is cool if you have ability to travel and of course opportunity for it, I mean money.

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Really helpful tips. Can’t wait to use these tips. Read my travel blogs and know about my experience with Nokscoot Airlines Booking here.

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Young people need to get their minds open and see what is out there, what they are missing, and what experiences you can get just by travelling and meeting new people. I am completely agreed on your pointers. Cool writing (y).

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Yes I agree. Its very important for young people. Im happy to see young people on worldee how they travel…

Waiting to use these tips on my next trip. 🙂

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I’m very happy to read this article.

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I had the opportunity to travel to South Korea while in the Army (5yrs). Coming back to the states and experiencing where I came from with a different perspective made me more aware that the US is more 3rd world than what other nations are in many ways. Freedom? More like being sheltered, misled, and poisoned with backwards marketing, architecture, and laws. And we put that on other cultures. Now I’m just trying to create a life of travel for my child so we can both experience the beauty of our planet and its friendly inhabitants with so many skills to heal everything . Also children dont judge or percieve the inconveniences like adults, so I learn from them more alot of the time. Problem solvers the next gen is.

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I have studied abroad multiple times. It definitely helped me personally (I became more open etc) and allowed me to have connections all over the world.

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Embarking on traveling in the world. It will help you to broaden the minds and give you some feedback. And getting out off comfort zone you will become independent of your live and pick your brain. It is very worth taking a trip . Get off your butt and hit the road , will you ? 🔥🔥🔥💫💫💫💫

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Wow. I am definitely going share this with a few of my friends. Very cool information.

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Great blogpost! Travelling is so important, not only for young people but for everyone! Learning about new cultures and meeting people from around the world really puts yourself and your own culture in perspective!

Read more about this on my blog!


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Wao amazingly helpful Thanks such taught

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It was interesting when you said that traveling abroad helps people not be overwhelmed by obstacles and view them more like welcome challenges. My daughter will be graduating high school next year, and I want to do whatever I can to help her prepare for life as an adult. She’s always enjoyed animals, so maybe I’ll look into booking a wildlife photo tour for her so she can have the experience of traveling abroad! https://www.nickigeigert.com/about/index

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It’s great that you mentioned that living abroad can boost your confidence because you have to learn to do everything by yourself. My son wants to get Australia for a year and my husband and I are debating whether we should let him go. I’m glad I found your blog because reading about your experience and seeing how great it was for you, makes me feel more at ease about letting my son go to Australia. https://gointernational.ca/work-travel/australia-silver-and-gold-package/

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Most what i read online is trash and copy paste but i think you offer something different. Keep it like this.

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Travel is fun. Your blog is great. I am very interested. Thanks

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You have provided so many useful reasons to travel. From my point of view, traveling is an essential way to get out of your comfort zone. My nephews have been planning a cross-country trip. I will help them with their getaway by convincing my brother of this opportunity. http://brownintransport.com/trips-tours/

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My husband and I have been wanting to travel abroad for the past few years. It makes a lot of sense that you say traveling will help us to learn more about different cultures and get out of our comfort zone. Plus, this way we can meet new people, try new foods, and gain more confidence in ourselves. https://travgates.com/cheap-flights/

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This is absolutely amazing article …

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Hi, this is an amazing article,all points are so true.

It’s great eassy I like it

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Hi, your article is absolutely amazing, and true! I was writing an essay on this, and these points helped me a lot.

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Yee i love to do travels… Because it refresh the mood… And also we have a break in our life….

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Hi.I have traveled 5 times to Turkey And found it fascinating Every time you meet new people from different backgrounds an views. Hence I regret not communicating as much with locals

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Travelling solo Hi i went through your article you writing skills wonderful. Thanks for wonderful peace of information

Thank you for the valuable information.. It was really resourceful… 🛫

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wow! This was amazingly helpful, i already travel around the world a lot; but i never knew how different it was for other people who don’t get the chance to travel! thank you for this website. 🙂

Kylie Jenner :3

very helpful 😉

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Helpfully zone

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As young people most of us have a pretty established comfort zone. Travelling to abroad be really unforgettable time. Because you visit and meet many new place and people, which you haven’t ever visited or meet in your country.

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Travelling to abroad is really unforgettable time. Because you will be familiar with many new things which you haven’t ever seen in your country. Actually, i was in “Turkey” since 2014. that was my first trip for abroad,So i could know some new people and new culture,also delicious food, too. Although, I stayed a week from there, actually I thought that was just a moment..

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Travelling Abroad is a unique experience. You can get Broad attitude and your thinking can gone advance.

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Wow, the content of this article is so rich. I have learnt a lot from this, I will use this opportunity to learn Arabic as I am presently living in an Arabic country speaking (Qatar). Though English is also widely spoken, I am glad I came across this article because it has really opened my eyes to a lot.

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Great! Really like your article.. 🙂

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I am a 27 year old U.S. citizen and have been to Europe twice. Both times on my own, first Paris when I was 25, and then London the following year. I am going to Madrid next in the upcoming weeks, also solo. I must say it has been such an enriching experience being able to travel abroad. It has made me a more open-minded, well rounded individual. I believe doing just simple thinks like exploring the streets of Paris was just an eye opening task and being able to do it alone was the cherry on top. I have a taste for travel and want to continue to explore outside of my home country to different lands.

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You said that the US has only neighbors that only speak English and Spanish ? As far as I remember, there is an entire region in Canada that only speaks French. If you search a bit further, French and English are both official languages of Canada. Does not seem you know a lot about the world…

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that is so good to hear. and i pray you guys help me too thanks

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I live on the Columbia river on the oregon side aboard a sail boat. I traveled for the first time ever ending up in mexico. I loved the culture and people. We are planning to sail across the world soon and never look back. I am so excited to live life😀

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That awsome I love my country so much I prefer to travel and comeback to my country (-.-). Ily UAE

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hiya! I’m 13 years old and I’m currently travelling the world for a year, I’ve left school and I’m being homeschooled instead by lots of amazing tutors and a great syllabus, my friends say I’m going to come back dumb, and as much as I try not to believe them it really hurts when they say that. I just want to have a nice time but it’s hard when people say ‘you’re going to come back so stupid’ and ‘you’re going to fail in life’

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Freya, please don’t listen to those negative people who say anything like that to you EVER. I believe part of them are most likely very jealous. The opportunity to travel for a year is beyond most people and it is such an awesome opportunity for you. It will enrich you for your whole life. I believe you will come back much further advanced then any of your peers, because you are learning and experiencing cultures at a very young age. It will make you independent and very strong and will create a mind that will not fail and will be sensitive to other cultures around you. You will be a leader among your peers. You will have experience that is extremely valuable that others will never possess. Don’t be dragged down by these people’s opinion when they have never been there or done that nor are they speaking from any kind of experience otherwise they would never tell you that. Make new friends because these friends here are no friends to you. Everyone knows that traveling abroad enriches your life forever and being home schooled is much better then going to any public or private schools. Kids that are homeschooled have much higher scores then kids who go to public or private schools. Kids who are homeschooled Become much more successful then kids who graduated from public or private schools. These so called friends would rather see you fail then encourage you to succeed. Don’t listen to them. Drop them. Make better friends. I’ve traveled the world and I know from experience you will be a success.

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Great post! I have really felt identified with your words because I have been living aboad for 6 months to improve my english. I am from Spain and I am aware of the thought about spanish people and the laziness, but I want to add that only a group of population decide to sleep after having the lunch, especially in summer timme when they are on holidays and they dont have to work. During the rest of the year it is impossible to sleep in the afternoon if you are working. But I respect that tourists think so, it is our norm like you have said. The next month I am gonna do my C1 exam by Trinity and I am gonna use the ideas of this post to give arguments. regards

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Hi, regarding your cultural sentitivity comment about Spain, I must say that the point was completely missed. There is no such thing as a 2-3 hour siesta nowadays as this modern wolrd does not allow that privilege except for little kids. In addition, a siesta is definitely not because the Spanish people value family time. It’s due to the fact that the long days of activity and work do not finish before ten in the evening which I assume you haven’t considered in your speculations. Next time you mention cultural sentivity, please make sure you have your facts straight. Thank you.

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Please read to update yourself onthe most current facts: https://www.tripsavvy.com/why-do-you-sleep-during-siesta-1644327

I don’t think the writer of this article was completely wrong. There are other reasons important to note, too!

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Well as yet young person I’d lived out of my home country for 3 years at that time I had have interesting experiences, challenges and amazing opportunities. Now I’m back in my country I pretend visit other countries and get more and more culture and learning. It’s very important to me and believe me it enriches life.

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Yes of course due to the advance technology and modernisation , youngster should travel another land and they will become more intelligent and friendly nature. Moreover they will get more responsible regarding their future and they will enhance their knowledge

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Thanks for such thoughts

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As someone who has lived abroad for over half her life, I completely agree with this list! I moved to China from my home country of Brazil when I was just seven years old. It was beyond frightening leaving your family, your friends, everything you have ever known behind. It took some time to adapt to a whole new culture, but I always tell my parents that it was the best decision they have ever made. I would have never been this open-minded, tolerant, competent etc if they had never taken that very scary step.

There were students from 43 different countries at my school, so I grew up with people from all walks of life; people from different backgrounds, cultures, races, and religions. I know how to speak English, Portuguese, Mandarin, and French and am used to having to communicate with people that speak other languages too. I didn’t recognize that normal people didn’t experience that until I moved back to Brazil.

Even as diverse as Brazil is, I found that most people there lived in a bubble, too accustomed to their surroundings and very close-minded. The thought of moving to another state, much less another country, made them shake in their boots. It is never good to feel that comfortable, to think the way you live life is the only and right way. I’m only 18 but I travel by myself all the time, always chasing adventures, longing to encounter new people, and experience new cultures. If you are thinking about travelling or living abroad, do it. It is scary being ripped away from everything you know, but I’ve come to believe it is essential for personal growth.

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Thank you for your comment Anna, I envy you… all the best in your future endeavors 🙂

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I’m Adesina Adebayo. Having read this article and comments. I feel excited about my just concluded decision to travel to Dubai. W

  • Pingback: 6 Gründe, warum Reisen im Ausland ist wichtig für junge Menschen – Artamiquat
  • Pingback: TRAVEL ABROAD? – Site Title

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Travelling is such a beautiful thing to do. Travel allows us to shape our own world, see it and understand it first hand. Totally agree with the points shared. thanks for giving me the inspiration i was trying to develop by reading such blogs. http://himalayadestination.com/blog/why-you-should-travel/ even this blog has given me the extra wings. Thought to share with you too. lots of things can be build up in young age.

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  • Pingback: Why Traveling Is Crucial For Students

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Morning, I have never travelled

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I beg your pardon Bethlehem, but I just returned from a month long study abroad all across Spain, and I quickly noticed that the majority of the country does indeed take a 2-3 of even 4 hour nap (Siesta) after lunch. There are definitely certain people, places, and businesses that only take a short time off; however, the vast majority of the country does essentially “shut down” for 2-3 hours during the afternoon.

Thank you for providing this great information! I really enjoyed reading it.

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All of these statements are reasonable, thanks for sharing that! I agree that studying abroad teaches you to be more global-minded, more open and confident in the things you do. Once a student is away from family and friends she shouldn’t miss them much, but try to explore an entirely new social and cultural environment and get every single benefit from such experience.

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Thanks for post .It’s a nice post. My dream to travel outdoors. For more on advantage of travelling after graduation, visit travel

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i agree with all you said i am 15 and travel a lot even with my school which is fn

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Its my dream to travel abroad.i would like to travel abroad but i don’t now proper channel about that,hope you will hep me to fill up dream

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You get more open minded and independent. Very nice article and quite motivational. Thanks for sharing such great points. For more on benefits of travelling after graduation, visit- http://www.tripexperienceblog.com/tag/benefits-of-travelling/

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In Spain, they don´t take 2-3 hour of siesta plus the lunch. That´s a lie. Just some of us take a nap after lunch but it’s not more than 30 minutes. But you’re are right in one thing, we value famile more than time.

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So many good points here! I agree with them all and found that traveling abroad when I was 20 changed my life!

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Home — Essay Samples — Geography & Travel — Tourism — Review of Benefits of Travelling and Its Impact on Life


Tourism and Travel: Review of The Benefits

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Words: 618 |

Published: Feb 8, 2022

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Benefits of travelling (essay)

Works cited.

  • Bieger, T., Wittmer, A., & Wittmer, D. (2015). The economics of tourism destinations. Springer.
  • Chen, X., & Petrick, J. F. (2013). Health and wellness tourism: A state-of-the-art review. Tourism Review, 68(1), 3-18.
  • Cohen, E. (2013). Authenticity, authenticity, authenticity!’’: Tourism and the quest for authenticity. Current Issues in Tourism, 16(3), 195-202.
  • Hall, C. M. (2013). Tourism and regional development: New pathways. Routledge.
  • Hall, C. M., & Williams, A. M. (2019). Tourism and innovation. Routledge.
  • Holden, A. (2017). Tourism studies and the social sciences. Routledge.
  • Lawton, L. J., Weaver, D. B., & McCleary, K. W. (2014). Sustainable tourism: A global perspective. Routledge.
  • Medlik, S. (2013). Dictionary of travel, tourism, and hospitality. Routledge.
  • Mowforth, M., & Munt, I. (2015). Tourism and sustainability: Development, globalisation and new tourism in the third world. Routledge.
  • Pforr, C., & Hosie, P. (2015). Tourism and water: Interactions, impacts and challenges. Channel View Publications.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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traveling essay benefits

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7 credit card perks, airport lounges and benefit changes coming soon.

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Credit card, excited and Indian woman on yellow background for bank, investment and payment in ... [+] studio. Banking mockup, finance and happy girl with plastic for budget, commerce and promotion purchase

The credit card landscape is always evolving as banks and card issuers seek to encourage new business and please existing customers. New bonus spending categories , signup offers and card benefits are a constant, and that’s good news for travelers who like being rewarded for their regular spending habits. These are some of the latest changes, benefits and card upgrades worth exploring for back-to-school shopping and end-of-summer travel.

Chase offers special lounges at U.S. Open

The Chase Lounge at the U.S. Open

The Chase Lounge at the U.S. Open is available to cardholders attending the famous sporting event through Sept. 8. The lounge will not be available during session 18 and 20 through 25. The air conditioned space features free snacks and nonalcoholic drinks, a cash bar, free gifts, a live ESPN broadcast and a happy hour once per day. Reservations are required , but there is also a waitlist for it if there is none available. Another option is the outdoor Chase Terrace in the grand stand, which does not require reservation to visit and enjoy free snacks or the cash bar.

World of Hyatt Business Credit Card makes quarterly bonus categories permanent

Grand Hyatt Baha Mar in the Bahamas

The adaptive accelerator benefit that is part of the World of Hyatt Business Credit Card is now a permanent perk giving cardholders bonus points each quarter. On the top three of eight eligible spending categories each quarter, cardholders earn double points. The categories include dining, flights purchased directly with the airline, car rentals, local transit and commuting, gas stations, internet, cable and phone services, shipping, and social media and search engine advertising. There is no limit on the number of World of Hyatt points someone can earn.

Frontier Airlines credit cards adds free checked bags

Cleveland, OH, USA - July 13, 2015: In the morning, Frontier Airlines A320 (Peachy, the FOX) landing ... [+] at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport.

The FRONTIER Airlines World Mastercard from Barclays now comes with two free checked bags for the cardholder on Frontier flights. This was a perk that seemed missing when compared to other airline credit card. New cardholders also receive gold elite status in its loyalty program for 90 days plus the option to keep it for a full year by spending $3,000 within that same timeframe.

Bilt Rewards card cuts ties Hawaiian Airlines

Queens, NY - January 18, 2021: Photo of a Hawaiian Airlines passenger plane (Airbus A330-243 | ... [+] N391HA) departing New York John F. Kennedy International Airport | JFK | A332

The Bilt Rewards card no longer offers points transfers to Hawaiian Airlines although its merger partner Alaska Airlines is still a partner. When their tie-up is finalized , the miles earned in either program are expected to be pooled together so it is not much of a loss unless someone wants to make an immediate redemption.

Microsoft Update Leak—Good News Revealed For 30% Of Windows Users

Today’s nyt mini crossword clues and answers for wednesday, august 28th, trump staffers reportedly had physical altercation with arlington national cemetery official, american express plans new centurion lounges.

A rendering of the new SLC lounge

Salt Lake City is now on the list of airports to get a Centurion Lounge . It will open the 16,000 lounge in the expanded concourse B next year and feature an outdoor terrace (similar to the one at Delta’s Sky Club in the airport) with great views of the airfield and Wasatch Mountains. It will also serve locally roasted coffee at the "Blue Roast by American Express" coffee bar with options to include cold brew and rotating seasonal drinks.

Capital One to open new lounge at New York JFK

JFK will feature Capital One's largest lounge

The largest Capital One lounge in its small, but growing network of premium airport spaces will open in Terminal Four although there is no specific opening date yet. It will measure 13,000 sq ft and showcase local artwork and glass sculptures. The food menu will lean into New York flavors and rely on local bakeries, mixologists, coffee roasters and cheese selected by a local cheesemonger. Capital One’s “perfect airport beer” program will also feature craft beer from an area brewery.

Credit One Bank Wander American Express adds travel perks

This new card does not require top-tier credit to apply.

This card is designed for people with average credit, which makes it easier to acquire, while not skimping on perks. It offers 10x points on hotels and car rentals booked through the card’s travel portal, 5x points on flights, gas and dining purchases, and one point on everything else. The standard American Express benefits of car rental discounts, extended warranty coverage and worldwide travel accent insurance also come with the card. Points are redeemable (in increments of 1,000) for cash back rewards, gift cards, and other consumer goods and services.

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How to Choose a Volunteer Trip

Hoping to leave a place better than you found it? Here’s what to look for when signing up for a program that combines purpose with travel.

In a grassy landscape with scattered trees, an illustration depicts a group of people, presumably participants in a volunteer program, in baseball caps and casual Western clothing, helping other people dressed in head scarves and more traditional clothing plant young trees.

By Elaine Glusac

Elaine Glusac is the Frugal Traveler columnist, focusing on budget-friendly tips and journeys.

For travelers interested in packing purpose into their trips, volunteer vacations offer opportunities to leave a place better than they found it. But time commitments, costs and the work required varies. The following tips explore the variables that distinguish volunteer travel experiences.

Understand the spectrum of work

Volunteer trips with the most impact require a significant work contribution. They tend to be run groups like Global Volunteers , a nonprofit based in St. Paul, Minn., that has operated in 37 countries for 40 years. Volunteers usually have evenings and weekends free while living in communities where they are working.

For those seeking a balance of work and travel, a category of trips known as “voluntourism” combines lighter service and more time for tourism activities.

The website Workaway , for example, lists global opportunities to volunteer, including landscaping in the Gulf Islands of Canada and harvesting tea in Vietnam. Workaway volunteers are expected to work five hours a day in exchange for shelter and some meals, and the website allows users to browse opportunities by country and by service subject.

Commit to at least one week

Organizations that offer travel programs that last a week or two say short-term work can be powerful if well organized.

“With a group, you can get a lot of project work done,” said Chris Braunlich, the board chair and chief executive of the California-based nonprofit Conservation VIP , which runs outdoor trips from the Scottish Highlands to Patagonia, Chile, that might involve building or maintaining hiking trails with a crew of six to 18 volunteers working roughly seven to eight hours most days.

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