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Groovy Variable Scope

Last updated: February 13, 2024

value assignment in groovy

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1. Introduction

In this tutorial, we’ll talk about how to work with the different Groovy scopes and see how we can take advantage of its variable scope

2. Dependencies

Throughout, we’ll use the  groovy-all and spock-core  dependencies

3. All Scopes

Scopes in Groovy follow, above all, the rule that all variables are created public by default . This means that, unless specified, we’ll be able to access any variable we created from any other scope in the code.

We will see what these scopes mean and to tests this we will run Groovy scripts . To run a script we only need to run:

3.1. Global Variables

The easiest way to create a global variable in a Groovy script is to assign it anywhere in the script without any special keywords. We don’t even need to define the type:

Then, if we run the following groovy script:

we’ll see that we can reach our variable from the global scope.

3.2. Accessing Global Variables from Function Scope

Another way of accessing a global variable is by using the function scope:

This function is defined within the scope script. We add 1 to our global x variable.

If we run the following script:

We will get 201 as a result. This proves that we can access our global variable from the local scope of a function.

3.3. Creating Global Variables from a Function Scope

We can also create global variables from inside a function scope. In this local scope, if we don’t use any keyword in creating the variable, we’ll create it in the global scope. Let’s, then, create a global variable  z in a new function:

and try and access it by running the following script:

We will see that we can access z from the global scope. So this finally proves that our variable has been created in the global scope.

3.4. Non-Global Variables

In the case of non-global variables, we’ll have a quick look at variables created for the local scope only.

Specifically, we’ll be looking at keyword def . This way, we define this variable to be part of the scope where the thread is running.

So, let’s try and define a global variable y and a function-local variable:

If we run this script, it will fail. The reason why it’s failing is that q is a local variable, which belongs to the scope of function  fLocal . Since we create  q with the def keyword, we won’t be able to access it via the global scope.

Evidently, we can access q using the fLocal  function:

So now we can see that even though we have created one  q  variable, that variable isn’t available anymore in other scopes. If we call  fLocal again, we’ll just create a new variable.

4. Conclusion

In this article, we have seen how Groovy scopes are created and how they can be accessed from different areas in the code.

As always, the full source code for the examples is available  over on GitHub .

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Variables are like containers which holds the data values. A variable specifies the name of the memory location.

How to declare variables

There are three ways to declare variables in Groovy.

  • Native syntax similar to Java
  • Using def keyword
  • Variables in groovy do not require a type definition.

In the above syntax, assigning value is optional as you can just declare the variable and then assign value at later point in the program. Also, the value of a variable can be changed at any time.

Naming convention of variables

  • Variable's name should consists of only letters (both uppercase and lowercase letters), digits and underscore( _ ).
  • Variable's name cannot contain white spaces like first name which is a invalid variable name.
  • First letter of a variable should be either a letter or an underscore( _ ).
  • Variable names are case sensitive and hence Name and name both are different.
  • It is always advisable to give some meaningful names to variables.

The above can also be written like below

Sample program:

Check result here.

Logo haki

September 1, 2009

Groovy goodness: multiple assignments.

Since Groovy 1.6 we can define and assign values to several variables at once. This is especially useful when a method returns multiple values and we want to assign them to separate variables.

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Field Value Assignment Methods

Values from fields are pulled into variables or even other fields by 2 possible methods:

1) Direct Assignment

The simplest and most direct way of getting the value of a field is by using the assignment operator to put the value from the field into a variable by utilizing the field API name.

On opportunities, the name of the opportunity has its API name as Name. We just do:

If we have a custom field, the API name of a custom field is FieldName_c (custom fields always have a _c )

The variable will take the data type of the field we assign to it. So if the field is a numeric field, the variable will also be a numeric variable.

2) Using a Get Method

Groovy in Sales Cloud provides several get methods to pull values from fields:

  • getAttribute()
  • getSelectedListDisplayValue()
  • getSelectedListDisplayValues()
  • getOriginalAttributeValue()

These methods belong to the Row class, which is part of the ADF framework on which Fusion is built.

Note: These get methods always return a String. This is important because, as we will learn in later tutorials, when assigning values to fields or variables, we must respect their data types.

From all the methods listed above, the most used are getAttribute() and getSelectedListDisplayValue() .

We use getAttribute() to pull values from all fields. For example, if we have a text field like the Name field of opportunities and we want to get its value, we would do:

If we want to assign this value to a variable, we would first define a variable and then use the assignment operator to put the value of the Name field into it:

Let's see another example:

If we are in, let's say, a trigger on the opportunity object and we want to get the value of a field called Comments, we type the following code:

When we want to save our work, we get this warning: Some fields whose value may be null are not protected by the nvl() function: Comments.

  • Hello World in Groovy
  • Groovy: read from console (STDIN, keyboard)

Groovy value types

  • Groovy: Undeclared variable - runtime exception - groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException
  • Groovy: Number guessing game
  • Groovy: Determine type of an object
  • Groovy: Lists
  • Groovy: sum of numbers
  • Groovy: color selector
  • Groovy: read CSV file
  • Count digits in Groovy
  • Groovy: reading and writing files - appending content
  • Groovy: listing the content of a directory, traversing a directory tree
  • Groovy - Regular Expressions - regexes
  • Groovy map (dictionary, hash, associative array)
  • Groovy: JSON - reading and writing
  • Groovy: Date, Time, Timezone
  • Groovy: import and use functions from another file
  • Groovy: Random numbers, random selection from list of values
  • Groovy: Closures
  • Groovy: remove spaces from a string
  • Groovy: temporary file with autodelete
  • Groovy: relative path
  • Return multiple values from a function
  • Groovy string length
  • Groovy: substring
  • Groovy: for loop - break - continue
  • Groovy code reuse
  • Groovy functions
  • Groovy: evaluate code in another file
  • Groovy classes
  • Groovy function overloading
  • Groovy variable scope
  • Groovy recursive functions
  • Groovy command line arguments (args)
  • Groovy exit - System.exit - early exit from Groovy script
  • Groovy file and directory attributes
  • Groovy: join elements of an array
  • Groovy pop push
  • Groovy: Formatted printing with printf and sprintf
  • Groovy System properties
  • Groovy path to current executable script
  • Groovy Exception handling (try, catch, Exception)
  • Groovy throw (raise) exception
  • Groovy casting
  • Printing Unicode characters from Groovy
  • Groovy: import standard libraries
  • Groovy iterate over map keys
  • Groovy get the list of keys of a map as an ArrayList

Declare variables with def

Declare variable as integer.

Gabor Szabo

Published on 2018-05-27

Author: Gabor Szabo

value assignment in groovy

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Variable Assignment and Groovy : Or how i learned to hate code and start drinking.

First and foremost i want to list that i am not a developer.

I am an automation engineer and i spend 99% of my day writing code in PowerShell and Python.

I would consider myself an expert in PowerShell and competent in Python. I have had to start learning Groovy to put together some pipelines in Jenkins and i am running into some issues where variables are scoped in ways i don't seem to understand.

Below are some examples :

The output is :

When i extend this code two a second stage weird things start happening.

I get the following output :

Now, i am aware this might not be Groovy related and it may have something to with how jenkins implements Pipelines but why on earth does a variable i declare like value2 work in the next stage and the value i declare with 'def' not work in the next stage?

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1.1. Normal arithmetic operators

1.2. unary operators, 1.3. assignment arithmetic operators, 2. relational operators, 3.1. precedence, 3.2. short-circuiting, 4. bitwise operators, 5.1. not operator, 5.2. ternary operator, 5.3. elvis operator, 6.1. safe navigation operator, 6.2. direct field access operator, 6.3. method pointer operator, 7.1. pattern operator, 7.2. find operator, 7.3. match operator, 8.1.1. spreading method arguments, 8.1.2. spread list elements, 8.1.3. spread map elements, 8.2. range operator, 8.3. spaceship operator, 8.4. subscript operator, 8.5. membership operator, 8.6. identity operator, 8.7. coercion operator, 8.8. diamond operator, 8.9. call operator, 9. operator precedence, 10. operator overloading.

This chapter covers the operators of the Groovy programming language.

1. Arithmetic operators

Groovy supports the usual familiar arithmetic operators you find in mathematics and in other programming languages like Java. All the Java arithmetic operators are supported. Let’s go through them in the following examples.

The following binary arithmetic operators are available in Groovy:

Operator Purpose Remarks





Use for integer division, and see the section about for more information on the return type of the division.



See the section about for more information on the return type of the operation.

Here are a few examples of usage of those operators:

The + and - operators are also available as unary operators:

Note the usage of parentheses to surround an expression to apply the unary minus to that surrounded expression.

In terms of unary arithmetics operators, the ++ (increment) and -- (decrement) operators are available, both in prefix and postfix notation:

The postfix increment will increment after the expression has been evaluated and assigned into
The postfix decrement will decrement after the expression has been evaluated and assigned into
The prefix increment will increment before the expression is evaluated and assigned into
The prefix decrement will decrement before the expression is evaluated and assigned into

From the binary arithmetic operators we have seen above, certain of them are also available in an assignment form:

Let’s see them in action:

Relational operators allow comparisons between objects, to know if two objects are the same or different, or if one is greater than, less than, or equal to the other.

The following operators are available:

Operator Purpose



less than

less than or equal

greater than

greater than or equal

Here are some examples of simple number comparisons using these operators:

3. Logical operators

Groovy offers three logical operators for boolean expressions:

&& : logical "and"

|| : logical "or"

! : logical "not"

Let’s illustrate them with the following examples:

"not" false is true
true "and" true is true
true "or" false is true

The logical "not" has a higher priority than the logical "and".

Here, the assertion is true (as the expression in parentheses is false), because "not" has a higher precedence than "and", so it only applies to the first "false" term; otherwise, it would have applied to the result of the "and", turned it into true, and the assertion would have failed

The logical "and" has a higher priority than the logical "or".

Here, the assertion is true, because "and" has a higher precedence than "or", therefore the "or" is executed last and returns true, having one true argument; otherwise, the "and" would have executed last and returned false, having one false argument, and the assertion would have failed

The logical || operator supports short-circuiting: if the left operand is true, it knows that the result will be true in any case, so it won’t evaluate the right operand. The right operand will be evaluated only if the left operand is false.

Likewise for the logical && operator: if the left operand is false, it knows that the result will be false in any case, so it won’t evaluate the right operand. The right operand will be evaluated only if the left operand is true.

We create a function that sets the flag to true whenever it’s called
In the first case, after resetting the called flag, we confirm that if the left operand to is true, the function is not called, as short-circuits the evaluation of the right operand
In the second case, the left operand is false and so the function is called, as indicated by the fact our flag is now true
Likewise for , we confirm that the function is not called with a false left operand
But the function is called with a true left operand

Groovy offers 4 bitwise operators:

& : bitwise "and"

| : bitwise "or"

^ : bitwise "xor" (exclusive "or")

~ : bitwise negation

Bitwise operators can be applied on a byte or an int and return an int :

bitwise and
bitwise and returns common bits
bitwise or
bitwise or returns all '1' bits
setting a mask to check only the last 8 bits
bitwise exclusive or on self returns 0
bitwise exclusive or
bitwise negation

It’s worth noting that the internal representation of primitive types follow the Java Language Specification . In particular, primitive types are signed, meaning that for a bitwise negation, it is always good to use a mask to retrieve only the necessary bits.

In Groovy, bitwise operators have the particularity of being overloadable , meaning that you can define the behavior of those operators for any kind of object.

5. Conditional operators

The "not" operator is represented with an exclamation mark ( ! ) and inverts the result of the underlying boolean expression. In particular, it is possible to combine the not operator with the Groovy truth :

the negation of is
'foo' is a non empty string, evaluating to , so negation returns
'' is an empty string, evaluating to , so negation returns

The ternary operator is a shortcut expression that is equivalent to an if/else branch assigning some value to a variable.

Instead of:

You can write:

The ternary operator is also compatible with the Groovy truth , so you can make it even simpler:

The "Elvis operator" is a shortening of the ternary operator. One instance of where this is handy is for returning a 'sensible default' value if an expression resolves to false or null . A simple example might look like this:

with the ternary operator, you have to repeat the value you want to assign
with the Elvis operator, the value which is tested is used if it is not or

Usage of the Elvis operator reduces the verbosity of your code and reduces the risks of errors in case of refactorings, by removing the need to duplicate the expression which is tested in both the condition and the positive return value.

6. Object operators

The Safe Navigation operator is used to avoid a NullPointerException . Typically when you have a reference to an object you might need to verify that it is not null before accessing methods or properties of the object. To avoid this, the safe navigation operator will simply return null instead of throwing an exception, like so:

will return a instance
use of the null-safe operator prevents from a
result is

Normally in Groovy, when you write code like this:

public field
a getter for that returns a custom string
calls the getter

The call triggers a call to the property of the same name, that is to say, here, to the getter for name . If you want to retrieve the field instead of calling the getter, you can use the direct field access operator:

use of forces usage of the field instead of the getter

The method pointer operator ( .& ) call be used to store a reference to a method in a variable, in order to call it later:

the variable contains a
we store a reference to the method on the instance inside a variable named
can be called like a regular method
we can check that the result is the same as if we had called it directly on

There are multiple advantages in using method pointers. First of all, the type of such a method pointer is a groovy.lang.Closure , so it can be used in any place a closure would be used. In particular, it is suitable to convert an existing method for the needs of the strategy pattern:

the method takes each element of the list and calls the closure on them, returning a new list
we define a function that takes a a returns a
we create a method pointer on that function
we create the list of elements we want to collect the descriptors
the method pointer can be used where a was expected

Method pointers are bound by the receiver and a method name. Arguments are resolved at runtime, meaning that if you have multiple methods with the same name, the syntax is not different, only resolution of the appropriate method to be called will be done at runtime:

define an overloaded method accepting a as an argument
define an overloaded method accepting an as an argument
create a single method pointer on , without specifying argument types
using the method pointer with a calls the version of
using the method pointer with an calls the version of

7. Regular expression operators

The pattern operator ( ~ ) provides a simple way to create a java.util.regex.Pattern instance:

while in general, you find the pattern operator with an expression in a slashy-string, it can be used with any kind of String in Groovy:

using single quote strings
using double quotes strings
the dollar-slashy string lets you use slashes and the dollar sign without having to escape them
you can also use a GString!

Alternatively to building a pattern, you can directly use the find operator =~ to build a java.util.regex.Matcher instance:

creates a matcher against the variable, using the pattern on the right hand side
the return type of is a
equivalent to calling

Since a Matcher coerces to a boolean by calling its find method, the =~ operator is consistent with the simple use of Perl’s =~ operator, when it appears as a predicate (in if , while , etc.).

The match operator ( ==~ ) is a slight variation of the find operator, that does not return a Matcher but a boolean and requires a strict match of the input string:

matches the subject with the regular expression, but match must be strict
the return type of is therefore a
equivalent to calling

8. Other operators

8.1. spread operator.

The Spread Operator ( *. ) is used to invoke an action on all items of an aggregate object. It is equivalent to calling the action on each item and collecting the result into a list:

build a list of items. The list is an aggregate of objects.
call the spread operator on the list, accessing the property of each item
returns a list of strings corresponding to the collection of items

The spread operator is null-safe, meaning that if an element of the collection is null, it will return null instead of throwing a NullPointerException :

build a list for which of of the elements is
using the spread operator will throw a
the receiver might also be null, in which case the return value is

The spread operator can be used on any class which implements the Iterable interface:

There may be situations when the arguments of a method call can be found in a list that you need to adapt to the method arguments. In such situations, you can use the spread operator to call the method. For example, imagine you have the following method signature:

then if you have the following list:

you can call the method without having to define intermediate variables:

It is even possible to mix normal arguments with spread ones:

When used inside a list literal, the spread operator acts as if the spread element contents were inlined into the list:

is a list
we want to insert the contents of the list directly into without having to call
the contents of has been inlined into

The spread map operator works in a similar manner as the spread list operator, but for maps. It allows you to inline the contents of a map into another map literal, like in the following example:

is the map that we want to inline
we use the notation to spread the contents of into
contains all the elements of

The position of the spread map operator is relevant, like illustrated in the following example:

is the map that we want to inline
we use the notation to spread the contents of into , but redefine the key *after spreading
contains all the expected keys, but was redefined

Groovy supports the concept of ranges and provides a notation ( .. ) to create ranges of objects:

a simple range of integers, stored into a local variable
an , with inclusive bounds
an , with exclusive upper bound
a implements the interface
meaning that you can call the method on it

Ranges implementation is lightweight, meaning that only the lower and upper bounds are stored. You can create a range from any Comparable object. For example, you can create a range of characters this way:

The spaceship operator ( ) delegates to the compareTo method:

The subscript operator is a short hand notation for getAt or putAt , depending on whether you find it on the left hand side or the right hand side of an assignment:

can be used instead of
if on left hand side of an assignment, will call
also supports ranges
so does
the list is mutated

The subscript operator, in combination with a custom implementation of getAt / putAt is a convenient way for destructuring objects:

the class defines a custom implementation
the class defines a custom implementation
create a sample user
using the subscript operator with index 0 allows retrieving the user id
using the subscript operator with index 1 allows retrieving the user name
we can use the subscript operator to write to a property thanks to the delegation to
and check that it’s really the property which was changed

The membership operator ( in ) is equivalent to calling the isCase method. In the context of a List , it is equivalent to calling contains , like in the following example:

equivalent to calling or

In Groovy, using == to test equality is different from using the same operator in Java. In Groovy, it is calling equals . If you want to compare reference equality, you should use is like in the following example:

Create a list of strings
Create another list of strings containing the same elements
using , we test object equality
but using , we can check that references are distinct

The coercion operator ( as ) is a variant of casting. Coercion converts object from one type to another without them being compatible for assignment. Let’s take an example:

is not assignable to a , so it will produce a at runtime

This can be fixed by using coercion instead:

is not assignable to a , but use of will it to a

When an object is coerced into another, unless the target type is the same as the source type, coercion will return a new object. The rules of coercion differ depending on the source and target types, and coercion may fail if no conversion rules are found. Custom conversion rules may be implemented thanks to the asType method:

the class defines a custom conversion rule from to
we create an instance of
we coerce the instance into an
the target is an instance of
the target is not an instance of anymore

The diamond operator ( <> ) is a syntactic sugar only operator added to support compatibility with the operator of the same name in Java 7. It is used to indicate that generic types should be inferred from the declaration:

In dynamic Groovy, this is totally unused. In statically type checked Groovy, it is also optional since the Groovy type checker performs type inference whether this operator is present or not.

The call operator () is used to call a method named call implicitly. For any object which defines a call method, you can omit the .call part and use the call operator instead:

defines a method named . Note that it doesn’t need to implement
we can call the method using the classic method call syntax
or we can omit thanks to the call operator

The table below lists all groovy operators in order of precedence.

Level Operator(s) Name(s)


scope escape

new, explicit parentheses

method call, closure, list/map

dot, safe dereferencing, spread-dot

bitwise negate, not, typecast




pre/post increment/decrement, unary plus, unary minus


multiply, div, modulo


binary plus, binary minus


left/right (unsigned) shift, inclusive/exclusive range


less/greater than/or equal, instanceof, type coercion


equal, not equal, compare to


binary and


binary xor


binary or


logical and


logical or


ternary conditional


various assignments

Groovy allows you to overload the various operators so that they can be used with your own classes. Consider this simple class:

implements a special method called

Just by implementing the plus() method, the Bucket class can now be used with the + operator like so:

The two objects can be added together with the operator

All (non-comparator) Groovy operators have a corresponding method that you can implement in your own classes. The only requirements are that your method is public, has the correct name, and has the correct number of arguments. The argument types depend on what types you want to support on the right hand side of the operator. For example, you could support the statement

by implementing the plus() method with this signature:

Here is a complete list of the operators and their corresponding methods:

Operator Method Operator Method



a.putAt(b, c)














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How to assign values to array using groovy?

I want to extract the all name from response and assign it to array/list?

It is retrieving the first row, name (i.e) vicky only.. i wanted to extract name of all rows and assign it to list.. How to do this?

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value assignment in groovy


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    27. You just need parenthesis instead of brackets: def str = "xyz=abc". def (name, value) = str.split("=") Note that you'll need to know how many elements you're expecting or you'll have unexpected results. answered Mar 28, 2012 at 20:36. Eric Wendelin. 44k 9 71 94.

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  7. The Apache Groovy programming language

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  8. Variables

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  9. Groovy Goodness: Multiple Assignments

    Groovy Goodness: Multiple Assignments. Since Groovy 1.6 we can define and assign values to several variables at once. This is especially useful when a method returns multiple values and we want to assign them to separate variables. // Assign and declare variables.

  10. Groovy Language Documentation

    Use an assignment to set a new value for the third element of the list: 4: ... Groovy has always supported literal list/array definitions using square brackets and has avoided Java-style curly braces so as not to conflict with closure definitions. In the case where the curly braces come immediately after an array type declaration however, there ...

  11. Operators

    Groovy supports the usual familiar arithmetic operators you find in mathematics and in other programming languages like Java. ... The binary arithmetic operators we have seen above are also available in an assignment form: ... The ternary operator is a shortcut expression that is equivalent to an if/else branch assigning some value to a ...

  12. The Apache Groovy programming language

    Constructor usage, using coercion in assignment: 3.1.2. Named parameters ... Methods in Groovy always return some value. If no return statement is provided, the value evaluated in the last line executed will be returned. For instance, note that none of the following methods uses the return keyword.

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    Field Value Assignment Methods. Values from fields are pulled into variables or even other fields by 2 possible methods: 1) Direct Assignment. The simplest and most direct way of getting the value of a field is by using the assignment operator to put the value from the field into a variable by utilizing the field API name.

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  16. What is the "?:" operator used for in Groovy?

    3. "Yes, the "?:" operator will return the value to the left, if it is not null." - That is incorrect. There are non-null values for which the operator will return the value to the right (empty list, empty String, number zero, false, etc.). The operator returns the value on the left if the value on the left evaluates to "true" per Groovy truth ...

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    Test on 1st node 1st stage [Pipeline] echo Value 1 should be test value 1 [Pipeline] echo Value 2 should be test value 2 [Pipeline] echo Value 3 should be test value 3 [Pipeline] echo Value 4 should be test value 4

  18. Operators

    1: We create a function that sets the called flag to true whenever it's called: 2: In the first case, after resetting the called flag, we confirm that if the left operand to || is true, the function is not called, as || short-circuits the evaluation of the right operand: 3: In the second case, the left operand is false and so the function is called, as indicated by the fact our flag is now true

  19. How to assign values to array using groovy?

    I want to extract the all name from response and assign it to array/list? Code: responseContentParsed = new JsonSlurper().parseText( context.responseContent ) context.mptuValidAlias =[0] It is retrieving the first row, name (i.e) vicky only.. i wanted to extract name of all rows and ...