cancer survivor college essay

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College Scholarship Opportunities for Cancer Survivors and Family Members

4 Scholarship Opportunities for Cancer Survivors and Family Members

Many people who have experienced cancer, either as survivors or as close family members of those affected, understand that the battle extends far beyond the medical realm. The repercussions often touch every facet of life, including education. As the costs of treatment can be overwhelming, it may be challenging for survivors or their family members to pursue higher education and fulfill their academic goals. However, it is heartening to know that there are numerous scholarships specifically designed to aid individuals who have been directly or indirectly affected by cancer. We hope that this information will serve as a practical aid for anyone striving to pursue their academic dreams after dealing with this terrible disease. ❤️

Four Scholarship Programs Available Now

Education should never be out of reach, and there are numerous educational discount programs designed specifically for those diagnosed with cancer. Tuition waivers, scholarships, and grants can make higher education more accessible. Vocational training programs and certifications are available too, which can open up new career opportunities for you. We encourage you to take advantage of these opportunities to enhance your skills and broaden your horizons.

1. Patient Advocate Foundation (PAF) Scholarships for Survivors

PAF’s scholarship program specifically aids students who have been diagnosed with or treated for a critical or life-threatening disease, including cancer. The scholarship helps students pursuing their undergraduate degree. Visit the PAF website for more information.

The Patient Advocate Foundation (PAF) Scholarships for Survivors program provides financial support to individuals who have been diagnosed with or treated for a critical or life-threatening disease, to aid in the pursuit of their undergraduate degree. Acknowledging the immense financial burden that healthcare costs can place on a family, this scholarship aims to alleviate some of the stress associated with higher education expenses.

The scholarship is open to students under the age of 25 and awards up to $3,000 per year, for a maximum of four years, to the selected applicants. The recipients of this scholarship are selected based on their academic achievement, leadership skills, and commitment to community service. In addition to the financial aid, the program also provides valuable resources and support to help students navigate their educational journey amidst health challenges.

Applying for the PAF Scholarships for Survivors program involves a comprehensive application process wherein students are required to submit their academic records, letters of recommendation, a personal essay, and a detailed account of their medical history. For more information on the eligibility criteria, application process, and deadlines, interested individuals are encouraged to visit the official website of the Patient Advocate Foundation.

2. The Ulman Foundation Scholarships

The Ulman Foundation offers multiple scholarships for young adults who have been affected by cancer, whether through their own diagnosis or the diagnosis of a loved one. Each scholarship aims to provide funds to support the education of these individuals. More information can be found on the Ulman Foundation website.

The Ulman Foundation offers an array of scholarships aimed at supporting young adults who have been impacted by cancer. Whether they themselves have been diagnosed, or a loved one, these scholarships aim to lessen the financial burden of education during a challenging time.

Among these is the “Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults Scholarship”, which targets young adults who have been diagnosed with cancer and are under the age of 40. There’s also the “Marilyn Yetso Memorial Scholarship”, specifically for those who have lost a parent to cancer, and the “Sib’s Journey Scholarship” that offers financial support to siblings of cancer patients.

Each scholarship has distinct eligibility criteria and application processes that prospective applicants should familiarize themselves with. Generally, the application process involves submitting academic transcripts, a personal essay detailing the applicant’s experience with cancer, and letters of recommendation.

These scholarships present an opportunity for personal growth and academic development aimed at those affected by cancer, enabling them to pursue their education despite the associated challenges. For additional details on eligibility, the application process, and the range of scholarships available, individuals are encouraged to visit the official Ulman Foundation website.

3. The John Foy & Associates Strong Arm Leukemia Scholarship

This $1,000 scholarship is open to college students who have battled leukemia or whose life has been affected by it. It is designed to help them achieve their academic goals despite the financial burden of their disease. Visit the John Foy & Associates website for further details.

The John Foy & Associates Strong Arm Leukemia Scholarship is a significant financial assistance program designed to support college students impacted by leukemia. Whether they themselves have battled the disease or have been affected by a loved one’s struggle, this scholarship aims to empower these individuals to pursue their academic ambitions.

The scholarship awards $1,000 to one student annually, directly contributing to their education-related expenses such as tuition, books, and housing. This financial aid aims to alleviate the financial strain often associated with managing both higher education and the expenses of a critical illness.

The application process for the Strong Arm Leukemia Scholarship is comprehensive, requiring candidates to submit a detailed application, academic transcripts, and an original essay. The essay should reflect the applicant’s personal experience with leukemia, and how it has influenced their life and education journey.

Recipients are chosen based on their academic achievements, personal essay, and their demonstrated determination to overcome the adversities associated with leukemia. This scholarship ultimately serves as a testament to the resilience and strength of students battling leukemia, embodying the firm’s motto – “The strong arm of the law”. To find out more about the John Foy & Associates Strong Arm Leukemia Scholarship, including detailed eligibility criteria and application deadlines, interested individuals are encouraged to visit the official John Foy & Associates website.

4. The Northwestern Mutual Scholarship for Siblings Program

Northwestern Mutual, in collaboration with Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation, offers a unique scholarship program specifically for siblings of children diagnosed with cancer. The program acknowledges the emotional and financial strain a family experiences when a child is diagnosed with cancer and aims to support the educational aspirations of the siblings.

This scholarship offers up to $5,000 to the selected applicants, supporting them in their pursuit of an undergraduate degree. Eligible candidates must be between the ages of 18 to 35 and have a brother or sister who is a current or past patient of cancer.

The application process for the Northwestern Mutual Scholarship for Siblings Program is comprehensive, requiring the submission of academic transcripts, a personal essay articulating the impact of their sibling’s cancer journey on their lives, and letters of recommendation.

Recipients are chosen based on their demonstrated resilience in the face of adversity, academic achievements, and the compelling nature of their personal essay. The scholarship serves as a testament to the resilience and strength of these individuals, honoring their unique journey and supporting their academic pursuits. For more detailed information on eligibility, the application process, and deadlines, individuals are encouraged to visit the official Northwestern Mutual website.

Dealing with a disability or a life-threatening disease should not hinder one’s pursuit of education and personal growth. A myriad of resources, including scholarships, grants, and vocational training programs, are available to support individuals in their academic journey. From the Patient Advocate Foundation’s Scholarships for Survivors to the Ulman Foundation Scholarships, and the John Foy & Associates Strong Arm Leukemia Scholarship; these programs strive to alleviate the financial burden of education and empower individuals to reach their full potential. Explore these resources today and take a step closer to achieving your educational and career aspirations.

As you navigate life’s challenges, remember that your pursuit of education is a powerful testament to your resilience. Whether you are a cancer survivor, the sibling of a patient, or someone who has lost a loved one to this disease, know that there are resources designed specifically to support you. Scholarships like those offered by the Ulman Foundation, John Foy & Associates, and Northwestern Mutual, recognize your courage and are committed to helping you achieve your academic aspirations. Remember, these scholarships are more than just financial aid – they are a stepping stone to your future. So, explore these opportunities, step forward with determination, and let nothing stand in the way of your educational journey. You have already shown immense strength in the face of adversity, and this is yet another challenge you are more than capable of overcoming.

Even More Scholarship Programs

For additional scholarship programs specifically designed for cancer patients and their families, please visit the Cancer Care News nation’s directory. This resource offers a comprehensive list of scholarships and programs dedicated to supporting individuals and families affected by cancer in their pursuit of education. Access the directory at here . Explore these opportunities and find the support you need to continue your educational journey. ❤️

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cancer survivor college essay

Cancer Unwrapped, our national teen writing contest is an opportunity for teens to share their experience with cancer – whether it’s a personal diagnosis or that of a loved one.

We’ve announced our 2024 winners! Click below to read the winning essays. 

About our teen writing contest.

Learning about a cancer diagnosis – your own or that of a loved one – can cause a storm of emotions, and everyone experiences it differently. We want to know what this experience was like for you.

Did you feel angry, sad, lonely, or maybe something you didn’t expect? What happened in your life, and did it change you or your perspectives?

We invite you to submit a short essay about your experience with cancer for the opportunity to win cash prizes. Since the contest began in 2006, we have received over 8,100 submissions and handed out over $300,000 in prize money to teens.

Over the years we have received stories of triumph and stories of great loss, stories written in times of turbulence, and stories written in times of quiet reflection. Each one has been honest, heartfelt, and unique.

Winning Essays

  • Quotes from Contest Winners
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Listen to a teen read her winning essay on our podcast:

Contest eligibility & guidelines.

  • Open to teens in the United States in grades 9-12
  • Essay length should not exceed 1,500 words.
  • Not eligible: poems, essays about a pet, or fiction
  • Essays must be original content of the author and in their own voice
  • Cash prizes of $1,000 will be awarded to the winners (winners will be asked to fill out a IRS W-9 form).
  • Winners will be invited to a virtual reception and asked to read their essays

Judging Process

Tips for writing.

Check out some online communities, resources, tips, and tools to help you tell your story.

Every year, we read incredible stories written by teens from all over the country about their experiences with cancer. We have compiled them here to share with you. 

Our $1000 cash awards are made possible through the generosity of several major donors: The Lucky Seven Foundation, Sally Nordstrom

Connect with us!

Paige Hansen-Shankar Program Manager, Teen Writing Contest [email protected]

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Children's Cancer Research Fund

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Holes – A Survivor’s College Essay

cancer survivor college essay

One year ago, Matthew Buff, a leukemia survivor, was fine-tuning his college applications. Today, he is a busy freshman at Emory University majoring in biology on a pre-med track. Matthew's personal goal is to become a pediatric oncologist focused on genetic research. The following is his college admissions essay. 

A round piece of silicone wrapped in a metal ring about the size of a quarter. If you tip it slightly, at just the right angle, where it catches the light, you would see hundreds of tiny holes covering the entirety of its surface. A miniature vacated battlefield of a war once won. It may not look like much to most people, but this tiny piece of plastic riddled with needle holes called a port or port-a-cath, helped to save my life and is now my visual inspiration to help others.

In the beginning, each hole could have easily represented another round of chemotherapy, spinal tap, blood transfusion, hospitalization, surgery or enrollment into a new study to treat my leukemia. They could also represent another day unable to attend school, each time being isolated from friends, and too many middle-of-the-night trips to the emergency room that would ultimately lead to another round of pokes, tests and abruptly waking to the beeping alarm of my IV pole early the next morning.

However, as my body has recuperated over the past five years since completing cancer treatment, the meaning of each hole has also transformed. Each hole now represents a lesson learned, a person met through my experience and the opportunity to make impactful change or people affected by catastrophic illness.

My parents and doctors have always encouraged me to not let my experience with cancer define me. I believe I have done a good job of incorporating that into my daily life, relationships and pursued interests. However, as I have matured and started to gain new experiences in life, I have chosen to reconnect with my past and allow it to acutely influence my perspective. I can’t help but to see the world from a slightly different angle than my peers after experiencing the delicateness and resiliency of life by age 12. I no longer view those years in and out of the hospital as negative, but a gift to help shape my abilities and sharpen my purpose.

From a very young age, I’ve learned to be an advocate for myself, to be an effective communicator, how to endure and thrive through challenges, become a capable and independent learner and find joy in contributing back to the community that surrounded me during my time of need. I want to now expand on those experiences and create new and meaningful relationships within the college environment that will continue to mold how I see the world and my future contributions within it.

I want to bravely explore other “holes” people have endured within their own lives, sit with them, and begin to find ways to alleviate their struggles through the commonalities of the human experience. If we can appreciate our differences, yet focus on what connects us, I believe there would be more peace in the world and fewer opportunities for any kind of pain and suffering. Empathy and compassion, in combination with technology and research, has the potential to redefine health and care. I intend for my experience and knowledge to be part of this progress.

My current objective is to build my college education with a concentration in biology and life sciences with the goal to become a research oncologist. Beyond my academic interest in those areas, I believe shifting my experiences from patient or receiver of care, to student of science with the intent to deliver care, will provide me the knowledge and holistic perspective to begin to develop the passion and endurance necessary to make a life-long commitment to healing through medicine.

We can’t always choose the experiences that shape us into who we are meant to be, but we can utilize them to empower ourselves, inspire each other and help others. Holes don’t have to be permanent; they can be the necessary foundation to begin to build something important and meaningful. We must be willing to excavate our own comfort, take risk, overcome challenges, plant new footings and create solutions to fill the gaps that are exposed in both our own lives, and in the lives of the people around us. Sometimes, if we look at things from a slightly different angle, like when the light reflects off my port, we can find new solutions to effectively and completely fill each new hole.

Written by Matthew Buff   Matthew was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in March 2009. Now six years beyond treatment, he is a college student working towards his goal of becoming a pediatric oncologist focused on genetic research. 

Support Research for Survivors like Matthew

Many childhood cancer survivors rely on survivorship clinics in order to make sure their cancer stays away and address the late-effects of their cancer treatment. Your donation supports the researchers who make these clinics possible for survivors like Matthew.

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