ielts essay public transport

  • February 25, 2021
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IELTS Writing task 2 band 6.5 | Public transportation

ielts essay public transport

Today, we will be looking at two writing task 2 essays about public transport. They would both score 6.5 in the test for different reasons. Read on to find out more about why these essay would score 6.5, and what would make them better!

Many people believe that free public transportation should be available in most major cities.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of this idea?

You should write at least 250 words.

According to many, public transport which can be used without paying charges should be available in most metropolitan cities. The major benefit of this belief is traffic congestion will be reduced noticeably. Whereas , a drawback is the more burdens will occur on the government.

An increasing number of private vehicles on the roads are creating an enormous amount of traffic, which is closely tied to produce a massive amount of sound pollution . It is, eventually, harmful to the human lungs and ears. Applying free public transportation can result in encouraging people to switch from their personal car to public vehicles in daily activities. In this way, the government can draw a line on excessively increasing traffic amount in urban settings as well as sound pollution would be cut back . Free public transportation can also help individually because people can move around without paying a fare, and they do not have to think of parking or maintenance costs, which they have to spend if they use a private car. Consequently, It can be said that free public transportation has many advantages for both individuals and states.

Despite a number of benefits, there are also some drawbacks of free public transportation. One of the major difficulties is the government have to be undergone a burden because they have to allot a huge amount of tax-payers money to invest for launching public vehicles and continuously pay the maintenance cost of free public transportation and in return, the government will be got no amount of money. This massive amount of money the government could use for the neediest sector, such as the infrastructural improvement of the healthcare system which is the most important part of the people who actually pay the taxes. With the huge disadvantage of free public transportation, it cannot be considered a wise decision to make public transportation free of charge.

In conclusion, free public transportation can come up with the blessings of less traffic congestion in most mejor cities. Besides , it also creates a huge problem for the government can not give their focal point on other neediest sectors.

Task Achievement

The task achievement is good here.

One issue that prevents this essay from scoring higher for task achievement is that the conclusion does not properly cover the main points in the body of the essay. This means that it addresses all parts of the task (band 7), but the band 8 criterion (sufficiently addresses all parts of the task) is not met.

Note that the conclusion does not say whether the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. This is fine because the question does not ask which are greater!

The body paragraphs have nice, logical concluding remarks, meaning that ideas develop well.

  • addresses all parts of the task
  • presents a clear position throughout the response
  • presents, extends and supports main ideas , but there may be a tendency to overgeneralise and/or supporting ideas may lack focus

Paragraphing is logical and there is clear progression throughout.

The use of cohesive devices (transition signals, referencing and substitution) is usually good in this essay, with lots of variety. The use of coherence markers is not mechanical.

The reason that this essay does not score band 7 is that several cohesive devices are incorrectly used: whereas (in the introduction) and besides in the conclusion are wrong. The meaning of besides is inappropriate, and whereas has been used with only one clause, whereas correct use would require two clauses (see what I did there? 😉). Another error with transitions is the use of as well as – it is being used to substitute and, but the usage is incorrect.

There is an idea that doesn’t properly match up here: sound pollution and harm to the lungs. This would prevent the essay from scoring higher once issues with transition signals are fixed.

  • arranges information and ideas coherently and there is a clear overall progression
  • uses cohesive devices effectively, but cohesion within and/or between sentences may be faulty or mechanical
  • may not always use referencing clearly or appropriately
  • uses paragraphing, but not always logically

Lexical resource

There is some good vocabulary with an awareness of style and location.

There are some collocation errors, but there is enough good vocabulary here to justify the higher score.

Wording in the conclusion is quite clumsy (can come up with the blessings of less traffic congestion) and needs to be tidied up.

Some other word choice and word for errors include ‘belief’ vs ‘concept / idea’, ‘burdens will occur’ vs ‘burdens will be placed on’, ‘draw a line on’ vs ‘draw a line under’, ‘think of’ vs ‘think about’, ‘costs are spent’ vs ‘costs are incurred’. However, the meaning is clear throughout.

  • uses a sufficient range of vocabulary to allow some flexibility and precision
  •  uses less common lexical items with some awareness of style and collocation 
  • may produce occasional errors in word choice, spelling and/or word formation

Grammatical range and accuracy

The grammar is also good here, but the seriousness of errors prevents a higher score.

There are a few errors where the writer has not used the passive, and it makes the meaning a little confusing: ‘this massive amount of money the government could use’ vs ‘this massive amount of money could be used by the government’, ‘One of the major difficulties is the government have to be undergone a burden’ vs ‘The government has to undergo a burden’ (or better still, ‘a burden is placed on the government’, ‘the government will be got’ vs ‘the government will get’

There are a few grammatical issues around the transition signals ‘whereas’ and ‘as well as’.

  • Uses a mix of simple and complex sentence forms
  • Makes some errors in grammar and punctuation but they rarely reduce communication

A lot of people are of the opinion that public transport should be cost free and accessible in large cities however this idea has its merits and demerits .

Firstly we will discuss one of the merits which is easy travels.

A large number of individuals need to move from place to place via public transport such as buses, trains and ferries or using commercial motorcycles and taxi services. Making these services free and available improves for use improves the living conditions of the people as they can visit places without having to worry about the cost and this helps to save money as the money spent on transport fare can be unbearable . For example, people who work far from home spend almost all their earnings on transportation. If this is excluded, more money can be saved and used for other pressing issued such as feeding and care of the family thereby giving the low income workers live a comfortable life.

One of the disadvantages include increase in tax payment by locals. In most countries, tax paid by the people is used for its development. Revenue from transportation is quite significant as it is used on a daily basis but if this were to be made free, it will cause a fall in revenue generation and thereby causing an increase in tax on other sectors such as water, electricity and health.

Another disadvantage is overcrowding. Making public transport free will encourage its use by many as I is for a fact that most people love free services. This in turn increases the number of people in a particular place thereby increase the risk of spreading communicable disease such as the deadly Coronavirus, tuberculosis and exacerbation of asthma as a result of congestion .

In conclusion, the benefits of making public transport free of charge and available include easy movement from place to place, a more convenient life and reduce expenses however , it could cause increase in tax payment for other services and increase the risk in the transmission of diseases.

Task achievement is good overall with good idea development and logical conclusions.

There is some overgeneralisation in the example about people spending almost all their earnings on transportation. A bit more specificity and focus would be good (Some/many workers in developing countries who commute long distances spend…)

The paragraph about overcrowding could also be a bit more focused (a particular place = packed into confined spaces on buses and trains, thereby increasing…)

It would be nice if the introduction either gave a bit more background on the topic or more fully introduced some of the main arguments.

The writer would benefit from covering another advantage, or directly stating multiple advantages (e.g. There are clear advantages of free public transport: not only do citizens save transport fares, but it can also reduce levels of poverty by giving the poorest families more disposable income).

  • presents, extends and supports main ideas, but there may be a tendency to overgeneralise and/or supporting ideas may lack focus

The paragraphing is usually good, but there is a very noticeable issue with the paragraph ‘Firstly we will discuss one of the merits which is easy travels’.

This could be added into the introduction (although it isn’t a great purpose statement because it hasn’t really dealt with the overall purpose of the essay, rather it is only introducing the following paragraph). It could also be added to the paragraph about saving money, but it wouldn’t make a very strong topic sentence because it is far too general.

There is good use of cohesive devices, and the structure is neither repetitive nor mechanical.

  • uses cohesive devices effectively , but cohesion within and/or between sentences may be faulty or mechanical

The use of demerits is very common amongst non-native speakers preparing for their IELTS tests. We don’t know where it has come from, but we don’t like it. In all my years of reading articles across a very wide range of disciplines, I have only seen this word used once or twice to mean disadvantage as opposed to penalty (and it wasn’t by a native speaker). It is hardly ever used by native speakers and it sounds unnatural. Avoid!!!

There is a good range of vocabulary, including some nice collocations. Some good examples of vocabulary here are: living conditions; earnings; tax payment; development; revenue from transportation; significant; revenue generation; sectors; overcrowding; services the risk of spreading communicable disease; coronavirus/tuberculosis/exacerbation of asthma (showing a range of health vocab in a relevant context).

There are some unfortunate word choices and word form errors that prevent this from scoring more highly: unbearable vs unmanageable; pressing issued vs pressing issues; the use of congestion is confusing for a number of reasons: traffic congestion? Nasal congestion? It is likely the writer meant ‘crowded’.

  • may produce occasional errors in word choice , spelling and/or word formation

There is some great grammar here, but unfortunately there are fairly frequent punctuation errors which lead to quite a high error density, preventing this from receiving a better score.

The writer needs to work on the grammar used around the word ‘thereby’ – it is an excellent cohesive device, and the use is appropriate. The grammar is quite complicated, though:

‘Thereby’ on its own is following by a noun phrase and should not include a verb (thereby giving the low-income workers live a comfortable life; thereby increase the risk of spreading communicable disease)

‘and thereby’ – the rules for and take over: it needs to follow the grammar of the idea being linked by the ‘and’ (‘it will cause a fall in revenue generation and thereby causing an increase in tax on’ should be ‘ it will cause a fall in revenue generation and will thereby cause an increase in tax on’).

That brings an end to this essay rating. If you are preparing for your IELTS test and want to find out a bit more about task 2, check out our post giving five tips to improve your IELTS writing task 2 ! In both essays, the writers would get the same scores in all 4 criteria, but for different reasons. Was there anything here that surprised you? Have your say, and comment in the section below!  Click here for the full public IELTS task 2 writing descriptors .

If you need your writing corrected and rated, make sure that you check out our writing corrections and feedback service!

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Task 2: Public Transport and Cars

Ielts sample writing analysis:.

I agree with the way to solve this problem by encourage people to use public transportation
I agree that the way to solve this problem is by encouraging people to use public transportation

May 21, 2014

it`s ok
Jun 10, 2014

It's really nice thanks a lot
Sep 16, 2014

Dec 03, 2014

OK nice
Jul 15, 2015

It is nice but you can do more better
Sep 08, 2015

Feb 26, 2016

Hi. My name is Anne. I was just wondering, could you please tell me what could be the possible band score for this essay? Thank you :)
Apr 25, 2016

Nice but try to do more hard for good bands
Jul 07, 2016

Jul 13, 2016

Very good essay and thanks a lot.also it helps me in letter writing in this same topic. And thanks a lot again.
Sep 04, 2016

Thanks about task 2
Nov 03, 2016

It's good but I would make a couple of adjustments, for example, the intro is quite similar to the first paragraph of the body.
Dec 01, 2016

this is somewhat ok
Dec 30, 2016

It's easy answer that every person can understand very well.
Jan 20, 2017

Oct 25, 2017

Air Pollution is becoming one of the major issue in many cities around the globe. The carbon dioxide released from vehicles are one of the contributor for this. However , this does not indicate private cars play major part of this.

Different countries trying to tackle this issue by making different approaches. One concept is improve public transportation and reduce use of private cars, which failed to produce result in many countries.

As we all aware , usually private cars are well maintained and reduce to release polluted air as much as possible. Further , nowadays electrical cars and proven 0% air pollution . On the other hand , public transportation still failed provide the same comfort that you get from your personal car. Also we should not forgot that private vehicle transportation is door to door.

Therefore , if we are trying find out solution for air pollution , we should encourage use private cars though private cars cause some other concerns such as traffic congestion's.

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Model Answer: Many people believe that free public transportation should be available in most major cities. Advantages and disadvantages?

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IELTS Writing Task 2 essay with model answer

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic

Many people believe that free public transportation should be available in most major cities. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this idea?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer:

Is is believed by a number of people  that in metropolitan cities, public transportation must be provided without any charges. However, despite the positive aspects of this amenity there are some drawbacks. Both of the rides will be discussed in the forthcoming paragraphs.

On the one hand, free travel in public vehicles can certainly bring benefits for the people especially in financial terms. For individuals, as a monetary assistance by authorities as the daily commute fare will be saved. Additionally, on a boarder scale, a considerable impact of this phenomenon is on environment. To illustrate this approach,  because public transport will be free, people will give priority to it rather than using their own conveyances. Ultimately, this trend will assist in tiding over population problems as automobiles are a major source of air pollution due to the emission of hazardous fumes into the atmosphere. Eventually, a decrease in traffic congestion will automatically occur due to diminished use of private vehicles. Hence, there are immense advantages of free public transportation.

ielts essay public transport

However, on the other hand, it is also possible that free travel in public vehicles can put detrimental effects on the smooth functioning of governmental policies. For instance, in a recent publication, it stated that in developed countries, income from public transportation accounts for 6:1 to 12:1 of the GDP. Therefore, it is obvious that this considerable proportion of revenue will not be available and further expenditures such as maintenance, investment and salaries will put an additional financial burden on authorities which could have been used in alternative needy sectors. So, it cannot be considered as a wise decision to make public transportation free of charge.

In conclusion, even though many people suggest to make urban transportation to facilitate the journeys for city dwellers, it will not help the bodies economically which is the major drawback against several benefits of this suggestion.

Total Words: 315

Task Achievement: 8

Coherence & cohesion: 7, lexical resources: 7, overall score: band 7.

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Transport & Traffic Essay Questions for Writing Task 2

The essay questions below have been written based on common topics in IELTS. Some questions have been reported in the IELTS test by students.

In some cities and towns all over the world, the high volume of traffic is a problem. What are the causes of this and what actions can be taken to solve this problem? (Reported 2017, Academic Test)
Some people think that in order to solve traffic and transportation problems people should be encouraged to live in cities rather than in suburbs or in the countryside. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (Reported 2017, Academic Test)
The impact that the growing demand for more flights has had on the environment is a major concern for many countries.  Some people believe that one way to limit the number of people travelling by air is to increase  tax on flights. To what extent do you think this could solve the problem?
Some people think that it should be compulsory for people to retake their driving test every 5 years. What are the advantages and disadvantages of doing this?
Some people think an international car-free day is an effective way to reduce air pollution. Others think there are more effective ways do to this. Discuss both sides and give your opinion. (Reported 2017, Academic Test)
One way to solve the problem of congestion on the roads is to increase the tax on private vehicles. How could this alleviate congestion? What other measures can you suggest to deal with congestion in cities?
Some people think that in order to deal with the problem of congestion in cities, privately owned vehicles should be banned in city centers, while others consider this to be an unrealistic solution. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
A poor infrastructure hinders under-developed countries from progressing and modernising. Some people think that this should be the first problem tackled by foreign aid. To what extent do you agree with this opinion?
One way to solve the problem of congestion in cities is to build sky trains which run overhead rather than on or under the ground. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using this solution to solve congestion?

Reported essay questions are from students who have taken their IELTS test. These questions may vary slightly in wording from the original question. 

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IELTS essay Transportation


This blog teaches you how to write essays on the topic of transportation.

It includes the following:

𝐊𝐞𝐲 𝐕𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐛𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐲:

𝐎𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞:

𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐧 𝐀𝐫𝐠𝐮𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐃𝐞𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬:

𝐄𝐱𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬:

𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐥 𝐄𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐲:

  • Commuter: a person who travels some distance to work on a regular basis.
  • Congestion: the state of being crowded with traffic, which can lead to increased travel times and pollution.
  • Infrastructure: the basic physical and organizational structures and facilities needed for the operation of a society or enterprise, such as roads and bridges for transportation.
  • Mass Transit: public transportation systems that move large numbers of passengers at once, including buses, trains, subways, and trams.
  • Mobility: the ability to move freely and easily.
  • Sustainability: the ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level; often used in transportation to refer to methods that do not use or deplete natural resources in a harmful way.
  • Tariff: a tax or duty to be paid on a particular class of imports or exports, but in the context of transportation, it can refer to the fares charged for using a transport network.
  • Traffic Management: the coordination of the use of a road system to achieve safer and more efficient travel.
  • Urban Planning: the planning and regulation of the construction, growth, and development of a city or area, including transportation networks.
  • Vehicle Emissions: gases emitted from vehicles that contribute to air pollution and are considered harmful to the environment.

Transportation is a fundamental aspect of urban planning and development, facilitating the movement of people and goods across various distances. Effective transportation systems are crucial for economic growth, access to services, environmental sustainability, and the overall quality of life in urban environments. As cities expand and populations increase, the challenges and opportunities in transportation evolve, highlighting the need for innovative and sustainable solutions.

Key debates in transportation revolve around the balance between expanding road infrastructure and enhancing mass transit systems to alleviate congestion and reduce environmental impact. Supporters of road expansion argue it eases vehicle flow and accommodates growing populations. Conversely, advocates for mass transit stress its efficiency and lower environmental footprint as critical for sustainable urban development. Discussions also focus on the role of new technologies, such as autonomous vehicles, in shaping future transportation systems.

Recent initiatives like the expansion of bike lanes in major cities across the globe and the testing of autonomous buses represent efforts to address urban congestion and promote sustainability. The rise in electric vehicle usage and the construction of smart roads equipped with sensors are also shaping the dialogue on reducing vehicle emissions and improving traffic management.

Some people believe that private car ownership should be restricted in urban areas and citizens should be encouraged to use public transportation.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

There is a viewpoint that limitations on people owning their own automobiles in cities should be imposed, and the use of mass transit should be promoted among residents. I totally agree with this proposition because it can reduce traffic jams and improve the environment.

The main reason I support the idea of restricting individuals from driving their own vehicles and incentivising them to take public transport is that it can significantly alleviate traffic congestion. Cities often face gridlock during peak hours, leading to wasted time and decreased productivity. By reducing the number of private cars on the road, congestion can be mitigated, enhancing the efficiency of urban transportation systems. For instance, my city implemented car-free zones in the downtown area, resulting in smoother traffic flow and shorter commute times for both drivers and public transit users.

Additionally, restricting personal car ownership can lead to a reduction in pollution levels, benefiting public health and the environment. Cars are a significant contributor to air pollution, emitting harmful pollutants that degrade air quality and pose health risks. By promoting the use of public transportation, cities can lower emissions and create cleaner, healthier urban environments. For example, cities like London have implemented congestion pricing schemes, leading to a decrease in traffic-related pollution levels over time.

In conclusion, I completely believe in the necessity of restricting private car ownership in urban areas and promoting the use of public transportation. This approach offers solutions to pressing urban transportation challenges, including traffic congestion and pollution. By investing in public transit infrastructure and implementing measures to incentivise its use, cities can create more sustainable and liveable urban environments for their residents.

𝐒𝐞𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞:

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IELTS writing task 2

Public Transport Should Be Funded By Government: Let’s Ace the IELTS Writing Task 2!

IELTS Writing task 2 is very important for IELTS candidates because you can fetch high scores in this section by preparing well. The examiners check your proficiency in the language and give you marks accordingly. This section is for 40 minutes and you need to be fluent enough to plan, write, and check your answer.

You must have good writing skills along with creative thinking and good speed. If you know the correct approach to a particular topic, you can impress the examiners. You should remember that your language fluency will fetch scores, not your noble thoughts. So, you should make your sentences grammatically correct and readable.

In this article, you will get IELTS writing task 2 sample answers on public transport should be funded by the government. So, let’s go-ahead to understand the ways of writing in the IELTS essay section.

Also Read: IELTS Essay Questions for 2022: Top IELTS Writing Topics for Preparation

Public Transport Should Be Funded By Government: IELTS Essay Sample Answer One

In today’s world, the number of private car users increases unceasingly. Many folks have shifted to using their private cars and ignore general public transportation. However, some individuals assert that to attract the number of people to use general public transportation, the govt ought to provide free service charges to any or all voters. On the opposite hand, some individuals discharge with this policy. each side is mentioned, carefully.

To begin with, the free transport service indeed holds several benefits. Firstly, this policy positively appeals to all citizens to use general public transportation. the number of individuals can change to use more buses and subways instead of driving their non-public vehicles. Poor individuals can become additional willing to require buses and subways without concern regarding the worth.

With the accessibility to the present service, the number of personal automobile drivers can considerably decrease. Consequently, it additionally contains a nice impact on the traffic and therefore the surroundings. while not the massive variety of automobile drivers, traffic can become empty and don’t crowd any longer. the whole gas emission that unleashes from every kind of vehicle is reduced, as a result, the pollution issues may alleviate, eventually.

On the other hand, exempting transport fares even have several drawbacks. First and foremost, it’s an impractical policy. the govt has got to cover an enormous expenditure if the govt provides free public transportation to any or all voters. Several expensive prices for maintaining the general public transportation service like worker payment, electricity, and a spread of vehicles need an outsized budget. If the govt all supports the general public transport system, alternative areas like infrastructures or medical services can not be developed.

Moreover, with the tones of passengers on buses and subways, the carriages would become dirty, crowded, and uncomfortable. the standard of public transportation is downgraded, eventually.

In conclusion, the benefits of public bus/ subway fares contribute to steering several passengers and defending the surroundings, whereas the downsides of this live square measure a fashionable expenditure and damage the standard of the service. I don’t accept the fact that free public transportation as a result of buses and subways can become inconvenient for all passengers.

Also Read: Music has Been and Will Continue to be Universal: Two IELTS Writing 2 Sample Answers

Public Transport Should Be Funded By Government: IELTS Essay Sample Answer Two

It is argued that public transport services ought to be exclusively subsidized by the governmental budget. whereas this observation would be applied to inbound cases, I think that each the govt and inhabitants ought to invest within the system.

That the general public transport system is entitled to funding by the authority might not be a final observation. Firstly, though the nation’s inhabitants might expertise the service for complimentary, the business enterprise budget might not guarantee ample capital for maintaining the system operation, significantly taking into account maintenance and sanitation.

What is more, besides the general public transport service, there are alternative fields that require money investment from the authority to altogether ameliorate the residents’ living customary like transport infrastructure and medical service.


Therefore, the whole grant for the general public transport service might not solely place the govt under unnecessary monetary pressure, particularly in developing countries, however, it will consequently need the next tax payment from the residents.

As against the government funding fully for transport, residents ought to be charged a tiny low fare. In most countries, like Korea, this observation would still encourage inhabitants to create use of the service, and therefore the revenue would be generated for labour value and alternative minor services.

What is more, because the public transport operation is of prime necessity to a rustic, inhabitants ought to responsibly contribute to its development. Otherwise, the general public transport system is funded by the govt, particularly in developed nations, if the country has enough budget to speculate in not solely the general public transport, but alternative aspects in addition.

In conclusion, I believe that the general public transport service mustn’t be solely funded by the government, but the residents in addition.

IELTS Essay Section

The IELTS essay section is extremely crucial for IELTS candidates because you can show your English proficiency in this part by being honest. You can make your points in the writing section and fetch marks from the examiners. Well, have a look at the given topics related to this section.

The topics given below are the updated topics of the current year. You should practice on these topics to prepare well for your IELTS exam. Let’s have a look at these IELTS writing tasks 2 topics.

Also Read: Whether or Not Someone Achieves their Aims: IELTS Writing Task Preparation and Sample for Practice

Latest Writing Task 2 Topics

#. Weddings are getting bigger and more expensive. What is the reason for this? Is it a positive or negative development? #. Some people claim that too much focus and resources have been spent to protect wild animals and birds. To what extent do you agree or disagree? #. In some places, old age is valued, while in other cultures youth is considered more important. Discuss both views and give your opinion. #. Some people think that the best way to succeed in life is to get a university education, while others disagree and say that it is no longer true nowadays. Discuss both views and give your own opinions. #. In many countries, plastic shopping bags are the main source of rubbish. They cause water and land pollution, and so they should be banned. To what extent do you agree with this statement? #. Information technology is changing many aspects of our lives and now dominates our home, leisure, and work activities. To what extent do the benefits of information technology outweigh the disadvantages? #. Some people think that schools are no longer necessary because people can acquire information on the Internet. To what extent do you agree or disagree? #  Some people believe that university students should pay all the costs of studies because university education only benefits students themselves, not society as a whole. To what extent do you agree or disagree? #. Some think increasing business and cultural contact between nations is positive. Others think it leads to the disappearance of the national identity. #. Discuss both views and state your own opinion. #. Some people think that schools should select students according to their academic abilities, while others believe that it is better to have students with different abilities studying together. Discuss both views and state your own opinion.

Also Read: Parents Should Encourage Physical Activity: Let’s Understand the IELTS Writing Task 2 Answers!

IELTS Preparation Tips

If you will acknowledge and understand the tips and tricks required to solve the IELTS essay section, you will score well. You should understand the scoring pattern perfectly to crack the paper. You should remember that the examiners are not interested in your thoughts or perceptions but give you the scores based on the language perfection and the following points:

#. Task achievement

#. Coherence and cohesion

#. Lexical resource

#. Grammar range and accuracy

Furthermore, you must spend your time wisely on each question. You should utilize 40 minutes for planning, reading, writing, revising, recognizing, making outlines, and structuring the paragraphs. You should recheck the complete answer at the end to correct your mistakes. You can use your strategies to score well in this section.

Also Read: IELTS Writing Task 2 Topics with Answers: Here’re the Previous Year Question Paper at Your Rescue

Therefore, we hope that this article has proved to be enormously great for your IELTS preparation because it contains all the prominent information and knowledge related to the IELTS writing section.

Well, you must agree that the IELTS exam is not easy to crack but if you practice well for all the sections before the paper, you can attain good scores to get admission to your favourite University or college. The biggest challenge in the IELTS exam is the lack of guidance and mentorship. If the candidates get accurate tips and guidance from professionals, they can perform extremely well in the IELTS exam.

So, if you are looking for resolutions to your doubts, information about different IELTS sections and questions, or searching for experts guidance, visit the IELTS Ninja website which is the best and one-stop destination for all the IELTS aspirants.

You can fetch maximum description and information related to all the universities and colleges of the English-speaking countries so that you can choose the best one for yourself by going through the details. You can take the classes organized by the experts to benefit your IELTS preparation. Comment in the given section to ask your queries or share your preparation journey!


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Shruti is a creative and enthusiastic content writer along with being a budding journalist. She is a genuine-hearted and exploring girl with a dash of millennial approach. Her love for speaking and writing has made her pursue her bachelor's in journalism and mass communication. She believes in the quote, "if you will never fail in life, you will never rise like a phoenix from its ashes''. She gives strengthening and positive paths to the students by her content. Her interest lies in reading, traveling, and singing. Innovations and realism let you discover your identity. She has faith in wisdom and determination to touch the skies.

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IELTS Essay: Public Transport Letter

by Dave | Sample Answers | 0 Comment

IELTS Essay: Public Transport Letter

This is an IELTS writing task 1 letter from the real general training exam on the topic of writing a letter to complain a problem with the public transport.

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IELTS Essay: New Job/City

You use public transport and have been facing issues. Write a letter to the public transport authorities. In your letter include:

  • Why public transport is important to you
  • What problem you face
  • Suggest what can be done to improve public transport

To whom it may concern,

I am writing because there is a problem with the local city bus near my home. I live on Mulberry Avenue near to the train station and must take the bus each morning to get to the downtown where I work as a paralegal at the courthouse. I also take the bus back in the evening if my work is finished early.

The issue in question concerns the deteriorating sanitary conditions of the bus. Public buses have a reputation for uncleanliness but in recent months I have noticed several of the seats emit a foul odor and the windows are building up a thin layer of grime. The smell is noticeable and it is becoming difficult to even see out of the windows.

I suggest that you do an overhaul of the buses on this route. You could begin by removing the seats that are obviously no longer suitable for paying commuters. It would also make sense to regularly clean the windows. These changes should be implemented immediately or I will be forced to lodge an official complaint.

Thank you for your time,

1. To whom it may concern,

2. I am writing because there is a problem with the local city bus near my home. 3. I live on Mulberry Avenue near to the train station and must take the bus each morning to get to the downtown where I work as a paralegal at the courthouse. 4. I also take the bus back in the evening if my work is finished early.

  • Address the letter to someone.
  • Include your purpose for writing.
  • Add in some more detail if you want.
  • Keep adding detail for a higher task achievement score.

1. The issue in question concerns the deteriorating sanitary conditions of the bus. 2. Public buses have a reputation for uncleanliness but in recent months I have noticed several of the seats emit a foul odor and the windows are building up a thin layer of grime. 3. The smell is noticeable and it is becoming difficult to even see out of the windows.

  • Begin to develop the second point.
  • Add more detail to it.
  • Keep developing it.

1. I suggest that you do an overhaul of the buses on this route. 2. You could begin by removing the seats that are obviously no longer suitable for paying commuters. 3. It would also make sense to regularly clean the windows. 4. These changes should be implemented immediately or I will be forced to lodge an official complaint.

5. Thank you for your time,

  • Develop the last point.
  • Finish developing it.
  • Add a final thought at the end of the letter.
  • Use a phrase like regards or sincerely.
  • Write your name (or a fake one) at the end.

What do the words in bold below mean?

To whom it may concern ,

I am writing because there is a problem with the local city bus near my home. I live on Mulberry Avenue near to the train station and must take the bus each morning to get to the downtown where I work as a paralegal at the courthouse . I also take the bus back in the evening if my work is finished early.

The issue in question concerns the deteriorating sanitary conditions of the bus. Public buses have a reputation for uncleanliness but in recent months I have noticed several of the seats emit a foul odor and the windows are building up a thin layer of grime . The smell is noticeable and it is becoming difficult to even see out of the windows .

I suggest that you do an overhaul of the buses on this route . You could begin by removing the seats that are obviously no longer suitable for paying commuters . It would also make sense to regularly clean the windows. These changes should be implemented immediately or I will be forced to lodge an official complaint .

Thank you for your time ,

to whom it may concern dear someone

local city bus bus that is near your home

take the bus get on a bus

get to the downtown go to the city centre

paralegal assistant to a lawyer

courthouse where judges and lawyers work

evening night time

issue in question problem relevant here

concerns has to do with

deteriorating getting worse

sanitary conditions how clean it is

reputation how something is regarded

uncleanliness dirty

in recent months last several months

noticed happened to see/smell

emit sent out

foul odor bad smell

building up getting stronger/dirtier

thin layer of grime small amount of dirt

noticeable can be seen

see out of the windows look out the windows

suggest advise

overhaul check over and fix

route way the bus goes

removing taking away

obviously clearly

no longer suitable not usable anymore

paying commuters people who pay to ride

make sense logical

regularly normally

implemented immediately put in place now

forced made to do it

lodge an official complaint make a formal complaint

thank you for your time thanks for listening


tuː huːm ɪt meɪ kənˈsɜːn ˈləʊkəl ˈsɪti bʌs   teɪk ðə bʌs   gɛt tuː ðə ˈdaʊntaʊn   pəˈræˈliːgəl   ˈkɔːtˈhaʊs ˈiːvnɪŋ   ˈɪʃuː ɪn ˈkwɛsʧən   kənˈsɜːnz   dɪˈtɪərɪəreɪtɪŋ   ˈsænɪtəri kənˈdɪʃənz   ˌrɛpju(ː)ˈteɪʃən   ˌʌnˈklɛnlɪnɪs   ɪn ˈriːsnt mʌnθs   ˈnəʊtɪst   ɪˈmɪt   faʊl ˈəʊdə   ˈbɪldɪŋ ʌp   θɪn ˈleɪər ɒv graɪm ˈnəʊtɪsəbl   siː aʊt ɒv ðə ˈwɪndəʊz səˈʤɛst   ˈəʊvəhɔːl   ruːt rɪˈmuːvɪŋ   ˈɒbvɪəsli   nəʊ ˈlɒŋgə ˈsjuːtəbl   ˈpeɪɪŋ kəˈmjuːtəz meɪk sɛns   ˈrɛgjʊləli   ˈɪmplɪmɛntɪd ɪˈmiːdiətli   fɔːst   lɒʤ ən əˈfɪʃəl kəmˈpleɪnt θæŋk juː fɔː jɔː taɪm

Vocabulary Practice

Remember and fill in the blanks:

T______________________n ,

I am writing because there is a problem with the l_______________s near my home. I live on Mulberry Avenue near to the train station and must t_____________s each morning to g__________________n where I work as a p___________l at the c____________e . I also take the bus back in the e________g if my work is finished early.

The i____________________n c__________s the d______________g s_________________________s of the bus. Public buses have a r____________n for u______________s but i_________________s I have n_________d several of the seats e_____t a f_________r and the windows are b_____________p a t__________________e . The smell is n____________e and it is becoming difficult to even s___________________s .

I s___________t that you do an o__________l of the buses on this r_______e . You could begin by r_____________g the seats that are o__________y n____________________e for p__________________s . It would also m_____________e to r____________y clean the windows. These changes should be i_____________________y or I will be f_________d to l________________________t .

T_____________________e ,

Listening Practice

Learn more about this topic in the video below and practice with these activities :

Reading Practice

Read more about this topic and use these ideas to practice :

Speaking Practice

Practice with the following speaking questions from the real IELTS speaking exam :

Public Transport  (Model answer available on my  Patreon )

  • Does your city use a lot of public transport?
  • When was the last time you used public transport?
  • Will you still use public transport in the future?
  • What would you like to change about the public transport in your city?

Writing Practice

Practice with the related topic below and then check with my sample answer:

Write a letter to the editor to give your opinion about a magazine that you purchased. Include

Why you bought it

What you liked and disliked about it

Suggestions for improvement

IELTS Writing Task 1 General Training Letter: Letter to an Editor (Real Past IELTS Tests/Exams)

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Public transport advantages and disadvantages.

This is funny writing

IELTS essay Public transport advantages and disadvantages.

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Getting around St Petersburg

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Cue Card Sample

Common transportation or vehicle that you often use - cue card # 340, describe a common transportation or vehicle in your city that you often use..

  • What is it like
  • When do you use it

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  2. Public Transport

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    50 Latest Transportation IELTS Topics. Get a band score and detailed report instantly. Check your IELTS essays right now! More and more people are relying on their private cars as their major means of transportation. Describe some of the problems over reliance on cars can cause and suggest at least one solution.

  15. IELTS Essay: Public Transport Letter

    4. I also take the bus back in the evening if my work is finished early. Address the letter to someone. Include your purpose for writing. Add in some more detail if you want. Keep adding detail for a higher task achievement score. 1. The issue in question concerns the deteriorating sanitary conditions of the bus. 2.

  16. IELTS essay Transportation: advantages and disadvantages of public

    The two main merits of urban transportation are possibility to avoid traffic jams and lessen the smoke. Firstly, using public transits lead to lower down of road congestion especially in the metropolis. For example, instead of utilizing private car, human should use various aspects of commuting such like bus line, light rail and subways.

  17. IELTS essay Public transport advantages and disadvantages

    The most prominent one is that public transport such as bus and train are cheaper and convenient to travel. According to the research conducted by Western Sydney University, more than 70 per cent of users were in favour of the benefits provided by public transport. Secondly, public transport reduces harmful gas emissions and is safer to travel.

  18. IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample 299

    IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay: You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Encouraging people to use public transport is the best way to solve traffic problems in cities. ... The public transportation might solve the problem for a while, but in the long run, the congestion will become unbearable once again. ...

  19. 50 Latest Transport IELTS Topics

    In the letter, • tell the student about some places in your town or city that he/she should visit. • give instructions about transportation in your city. • give contact details for the student so he/she can get in touch with you. Write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write any addresses.

  20. Public Transport In Saint Petersburg

    At the moment of payment, you can see a card balance on a screen of a validator. The cost of a ride when paying by Podorozhnik travel card in 2021: • Public bus — 36. • Trolleybus — 36. • Tram — 36. • Metro (subway) — 41. There are no discounts for Podorozhnik holders on suburban trains and commercial busses.

  21. Getting around St Petersburg

    St Petersburg's public transport network is efficient, comfortable and economical. Discover the city's modes of transport, their timetables and prices. Saint Petersburg Metro. Efficient and beautiful: the St Petersburg Metro is not only a great way to get around the city, it's also a living museum of Soviet art and architecture.

  22. Common transportation or vehicle that you often use

    Buses come past every 15 minutes, if you want the bus to stop, you have to put out your hand to signal the driver or the bus will go straight pass! When I get on, there is a fixed fare as I have a special travel pass. It costs me £1.20 for every journey, however far it is. That is about 39,000 VD. There are bus stops every 500 metres or so, if ...

  23. Useful Information for International Students

    Public transport is available from 5.30 a.m. to midnight. It is very convenient to use the underground railway system (metro) which has five major lines. There are also suburban trains operating from 5.45 a.m. to 0.40 a.m. The metro closes for entrance at 0.30 a.m. Please note that junction stations have two names—one for each line. The ...