Student Essays

Essay on tourism

9 Essays on Tourism [ Benefits & Importance of Tourism for a Country ]

Tourism is one of the major sectors in the economy of countries. The number of tourists that visit different countries is much more than those who do business or take up jobs there. Tourism has become a great source for generating revenue and also provides the opportunity to people to make friends with other nations.

It not only gives the people of different countries a chance to move around and explore their own world, but also enables people who come from different regions to know more about each other. Tourism provides even more importance when they gather in such places for international events like Olympics, Football World Cup and cultural festivals like Deepawali, Ganeshotsav etc.

Essay on Tourism | Meaning, Purpose, Benefits & Importance of Tourism

Tourism is traveling on holiday, or on a day trip, with the primary purpose of visiting one or more specific places. It includes activities such as sightseeing, exploring historic areas, visiting museums and other attractions. Tourism can be domestic or international travel.

Essay on tourism

The World Tourism Organization defines tourism more generally, in terms which go “beyond the common perception of tourism as being limited to holiday activity only”, as people “traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes”.

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Tourism typically brings large numbers of travelers into a given place, but can lead to substantial economic impacts locally. Visitors may also go to places (such as national parks) not mainly for recreation, but primarily to see the place. Tourism is often linked to other sectors such as employment, housing, and commerce.

Importance of Tourism for a Country

The tourism is important for economic development of a country because it bring large number of tourists in a country and also holds an instrument in promoting international relations. It contribute majorly to the economy and employment opportunities of a nation. Tourism has many benefits such as increase in per capita income, foreign reserves etc., Increase in education status, trade and commerce, employment opportunities, revenue for govt., Investment in various other sectors etc. Tourism can help to run the economy of a country by replacing the loss due to decrease in other source. It brings large number of visitor and investors which provide a positive impact on a country in terms of employment opportunities, import and export etc.

Benefits of Tourism

There are many benefits of tourism such as employment opportunities, increase in per capita income, foreign reserves, increase in education status, trade and commerce, investment in other sectors etc.

Tourism is a source of income because it help to improve the economy by increasing investors and tourists also help us to grow our economy by creating more jobs for unemployed people. When foreign companies expand business in our country it helps to create more jobs for unemployed people.

It creates awareness among peoples due to their intense interest, which result in more knowledge and learning about the culture of other countries. Tourism bring large number of visitors in a country which provide a positive impact on a country in terms of employment opportunities, import and export etc.

Tourism is important for economic development of a country because it brings large number of tourists in a country and also holds an instrument in promoting international relations.

Tourism has many benefits such as increase in per capita income, foreign reserves etc., Increase in education status, trade and commerce, employment opportunities, revenue for govt., Investment in various other sectors etc.

Tourism affect the lives of individuals because those who are below poverty line due to expensive traveling they can easily afford by availing tourism service which provides affordable opportunities to all people with different income level. Tourism also improves interpersonal relationship among countries because we got to know each other culture and traditions

Tourism affects life on individual level firstly it help an individual to boost their knowledge by visiting various places, attracting different cultures etc. Tourism has got various benefits on health issues like less stress, more relaxation and healthy life. Hence it helps to make a better future for themselves and others as well.

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In a nutshell, Tourism is needed by all countries to boost their economy and make themselves heard in the world. It brings large number of visitors in a country which provide a positive impact on a country in terms of employment opportunities, import and export etc.

Essay about Tourism Industry:

The tourism industry plays a significant role in the global economy, accounting for 10.4% of the world’s GDP and employing over 319 million people worldwide. It involves the movement of people from their place of residence to another destination for leisure, business, or other purposes.

One major factor driving the growth of the tourism industry is technological advancements, which have made travel more accessible and affordable. The rise of the sharing economy, with platforms such as Airbnb and Uber, has also contributed to the growth by providing travelers with alternative accommodation and transportation options.

Moreover, governments around the world have recognized the potential of tourism and have invested in developing their countries’ infrastructure to attract visitors. This includes building new hotels, improving transportation networks, and preserving cultural landmarks .

Tourism not only contributes to the economy but also promotes cultural exchange and understanding between different countries and cultures. It allows people to experience new cultures, taste exotic cuisine, and learn about different customs and traditions. This can lead to a better understanding and appreciation of diversity.

However, the tourism industry also has its downsides. Over-tourism in popular destinations can cause strain on the environment and local communities. This can lead to issues such as overcrowding, pollution, and displacement of locals.

In conclusion, the tourism industry has both positive and negative impacts on society and the economy. It is important for governments and stakeholders to work together to ensure sustainable growth in the industry while preserving the cultural and environmental integrity of popular destinations. Responsible travel practices should also be promoted to minimize the negative effects of tourism.

Short Essay on Tourism:

Tourism is the activity of visiting places for pleasure or business reasons. It plays a major role in the economy of many countries and provides employment opportunities to millions of people. Tourism includes activities such as sightseeing, hiking, camping, and cultural experiences.

One of the main benefits of tourism is that it promotes cultural exchange between different countries. Tourists get to learn about new cultures, traditions, and customs while locals get to interact with people from different parts of the world.

Moreover, tourism also contributes to the preservation of historical and cultural sites. Tourists bring in revenue which can be used for the maintenance and restoration of these sites, ensuring they are preserved for future generations.

On the downside, mass tourism can have negative impacts on the environment and local communities. Overcrowding, pollution, and destruction of natural habitats are some of the consequences of irresponsible tourism.

Therefore, it is important for both tourists and governments to practice sustainable tourism in order to minimize these negative impacts. This involves being mindful of the environment, respecting local cultures and traditions, and supporting the local economy.

In conclusion, while tourism has its pros and cons, it is an important industry that has the potential to bring people from different backgrounds together and boost economic growth. It is crucial for all stakeholders to work towards responsible and sustainable tourism in order to ensure its long-term benefits for both the local communities and the environment.

Importance of Tourism Essay:

Tourism is an industry that involves traveling to different places for leisure, pleasure or business purposes. It has become a major source of income and employment in many countries around the world. In fact, tourism is one of the fastest-growing industries globally, with millions of people traveling and exploring new destinations every year.

One of the main reasons why tourism is important is because it contributes greatly to the economy of a country. Tourists bring in revenue through spending on accommodation, food, transportation and other activities. This money then goes towards supporting local businesses and communities, creating job opportunities and improving infrastructure.

Moreover, tourism also helps preserve cultural heritage and promotes cultural exchange between different countries. When people travel to new places, they learn about different cultures, traditions and ways of life. This not only broadens their perspective but also creates understanding and appreciation for different cultures.

Another significant benefit of tourism is that it can alleviate poverty in developing countries. By providing employment opportunities, particularly in rural areas, tourism can help lift people out of poverty and improve their standard of living. It also encourages the preservation of natural resources, as tourists are more likely to support sustainable and responsible tourism practices.

Furthermore, tourism plays a crucial role in boosting international trade and investment. By attracting visitors from other countries, tourism can increase the demand for local products and services, leading to an increase in exports and foreign investment. This also helps improve the balance of payments of a country.

In conclusion, tourism is an essential industry that has numerous benefits for both the travelers and the destinations they visit. It not only contributes to economic growth but also promotes cultural exchange, preserves natural resources, and supports local communities. Hence, it is crucial for governments to invest in promoting and developing sustainable tourism practices to ensure its continued success and benefits for all involved.

Tourism Essay Advantages & Disadvantages:

Tourism is the act of traveling to a different location for leisure, recreation or business purposes. It is an important part of our economy and has become increasingly popular over the years. In this essay, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of tourism.


  • Boosts Economy: Tourism brings in revenue and creates job opportunities for local communities. The money spent by tourists on accommodation, food, and activities goes into the local economy and helps in its development.
  • Cultural Exchange: Tourism allows people from different cultures to interact with each other, promoting understanding and acceptance. It also gives locals an opportunity to showcase their customs, traditions, and way of life to visitors.
  • Preservation of Heritage Sites: Tourists often visit historical or cultural sites, which helps in their preservation and maintenance. This not only benefits the local community but also contributes to the country’s cultural identity.
  • Infrastructure Development: To cater to tourists’ needs, governments often invest in improving infrastructure such as roads, transportation, and public facilities. This infrastructure can benefit locals even after the tourist season ends.
  • Employment Opportunities: The tourism industry generates a variety of job opportunities, ranging from hotel staff to tour guides. This provides employment for locals and reduces the unemployment rate in a country.


  • Environmental Impact: The influx of tourists can have a negative impact on the environment, such as pollution and damage to natural habitats.
  • Exploitation of Local Communities: In some cases, tourism can lead to exploitation of local communities, especially in underdeveloped areas. This includes unfair wages and displacement of locals from their homes.
  • Overcrowding: Popular tourist destinations often become overcrowded, causing inconvenience for both tourists and locals. It also puts a strain on resources and can result in increased prices for essential goods and services.
  • Cultural Appropriation: Sometimes, tourists may not respect the local culture and engage in activities that are offensive or disrespectful. This can lead to a loss of cultural identity for the locals.
  • Dependence on Tourism: Some countries heavily rely on tourism as their main source of income, which makes them vulnerable to economic downturns and natural disasters.

In conclusion, while tourism brings many benefits, it also has its drawbacks. It is important for governments and locals to strike a balance between development and preservation, ensuring that tourism is sustainable and beneficial for all parties involved. As individuals, we should also be responsible tourists and respect the culture, environment, and people of the places we visit.

Essay on Tourism in Manipur:

Tourism is a major industry in Manipur, a state located in Northeast India. It is known for its scenic beauty, rich culture and traditions, and warm hospitality. Tourism has been growing steadily in Manipur over the years, thanks to the efforts of the state government and private organizations.

One of the main attractions of Manipur is its natural beauty. The state is home to many picturesque valleys, hills, lakes, and waterfalls. The Loktak Lake, which is the largest freshwater lake in Northeast India, is a popular tourist spot. Tourists can also enjoy trekking in the lush green forests of Manipur or go on a wildlife safari in one of its national parks.

Apart from its natural beauty, Manipur is also known for its rich cultural heritage. The state is home to various ethnic groups, each with their own unique customs and traditions. Tourists can witness these vibrant cultures through the numerous festivals celebrated in the state, such as the Manipur Sangai Festival, which showcases the rich tradition and culture of the state.

Moreover, tourism has also played a crucial role in boosting the economy of Manipur. It has created job opportunities for the locals and generated revenue for the state. The government has taken several initiatives to promote tourism in Manipur by improving infrastructure, promoting eco-tourism, and collaborating with private organizations.

However, the tourism industry in Manipur still faces challenges such as inadequate infrastructure, lack of promotion at the national level, and political instability. But despite these challenges, the state continues to attract tourists from all over the world.

In conclusion, tourism in Manipur has tremendous potential for growth and development. It not only showcases the natural beauty and rich culture of the state but also contributes to its economic growth. With proper planning and support from the government and private sector, Manipur can become a top tourist destination in Northeast India

Essay on Tourism in Pakistan:

Tourism is an important industry in Pakistan. It plays a significant role in the country’s economy and has great potential for growth. Pakistan offers diverse landscapes, rich culture, and historical sites that attract tourists from all over the world.

One of the most popular tourist destinations in Pakistan is the northern areas, known for its breathtaking mountain ranges, lush green valleys, and crystal clear lakes. It is also home to the world’s second-highest peak, K2.

In addition to natural beauty, Pakistan also has a rich cultural heritage that fascinates tourists. The ancient ruins of Mohenjo-Daro and Taxila are major attractions for history lovers. The country is also home to various religious sites such as the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and the Faisal Mosque in Islamabad.

However, tourism in Pakistan has faced challenges due to security concerns and negative media portrayal. The government has taken several initiatives to promote tourism and improve security measures for tourists. These efforts have shown positive results, with an increase in the number of international visitors in recent years.

In conclusion, Pakistan has a lot to offer for tourists, from scenic landscapes to cultural and historical experiences. With proper promotion and security measures, tourism in Pakistan has the potential to become a major contributor to the country’s economy. Therefore, it is important for all stakeholders to work together to showcase the beauty of Pakistan and make it a must-visit destination for travelers.

Global Tourism Essay:

Tourism is a rapidly growing industry that has a significant impact on economies around the world. It involves the movement of people from one place to another for leisure, business, or other purposes. With increased transportation options and improved connectivity, travel has become easier and more affordable, leading to an increase in global tourism.

The growth of global tourism has brought numerous benefits to countries, including job creation, infrastructure development, and cultural exchange. Many developing countries rely heavily on tourism as a major source of income. In 2019, travel and tourism directly contributed 3.4% to the global GDP and provided employment to over 330 million people worldwide.

However, the rapid growth of global tourism also presents challenges that need to be addressed. One of the major concerns is the negative impact on the environment. The high demand for travel has led to an increase in carbon emissions, pollution, and overconsumption of resources.

Another challenge is the issue of overtourism, which occurs when there are too many tourists in a destination, leading to overcrowding, damage to local ecosystems, and strain on resources. The COVID-19 pandemic, which resulted in travel restrictions and border closures, highlighted the vulnerability of the tourism industry to external factors.

To ensure sustainable growth of global tourism, it is important for countries to implement responsible tourism practices. This involves promoting cultural sensitivity, preserving natural resources, and minimizing the negative impact on local communities. Governments must also work together to develop policies that balance economic benefits with environmental protection.

Essay on Tourism in India:

India is a country known for its rich cultural heritage, diverse landscapes, and warm hospitality. It has been one of the most sought-after tourist destinations in the world due to its vibrant colors, breathtaking natural beauty, and fascinating history.

Tourism in India has played a significant role in contributing to the country’s economy and providing employment opportunities. According to a report by the World Travel and Tourism Council, India’s travel and tourism industry generated 9.2% of the country’s total GDP in 2018, creating around 42 million jobs.

The diverse landscapes of India make it a perfect destination for all kinds of travelers. From the snow-capped mountains in the North to the tranquil backwaters in South, from the bustling cities to the serene beaches, India has something to offer for every type of tourist. The country is also home to many UNESCO World Heritage Sites such as the Taj Mahal, Qutub Minar, and Hampi. These historical monuments not only attract tourists but also serve as a window into India’s rich cultural past.

Apart from its natural and cultural beauty, India is also known for its spiritual tourism. With a vast array of temples, mosques, and churches, India has been a destination for people seeking spiritual enlightenment for centuries. The ancient cities of Varanasi and Rishikesh are famous pilgrimage sites for Hindus, while the Golden Temple in Amritsar attracts thousands of Sikh devotees every year.

Another unique aspect of tourism in India is its rich cuisine. Each region in India has its distinctive flavors, aromas, and cooking techniques that will leave any food lover craving for more. From the mouth-watering chaats of Delhi to the spicy curries of South India, from the delicious seafood dishes of Goa to the exotic biryanis of Lucknow, Indian cuisine offers an explosion of taste and a gastronomic delight.

India has also emerged as a popular destination for medical tourism due to its cost-effective and advanced medical treatments. People from all over the world come to India seeking affordable medical care, making it one of the fastest-growing segments in the country’s tourism industry.

In conclusion, tourism in India is a vast and ever-growing industry that offers diverse experiences for travelers. With its rich culture, natural beauty, spiritual destinations, and delicious cuisine, India has something for everyone. It is no wonder that the country continues to attract millions of tourists each year and will continue to do so in the future. So, if you are planning your next vacation, India should definitely be on your list! Happy travels!

Essay on Tourism in Nepal:

Nepal is a country situated in South Asia and one of the most visited tourist destinations in the world. It is known for its breathtaking natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, and spiritual atmosphere. The tourism industry plays a significant role in Nepal’s economy, contributing to around 8% of the country’s GDP.

One of the main attractions of Nepal is its majestic Himalayan mountain range, including Mount Everest, the highest peak in the world. This has made Nepal a popular destination for trekking and mountaineering enthusiasts from all over the globe. The country is also home to numerous national parks and conservation areas, making it a perfect location for wildlife lovers.

Apart from its natural beauty, Nepal is famous for its diverse cultural heritage and traditions. The country has a vibrant culture, and its people are known for their warm hospitality. Nepal is home to numerous ancient temples, monasteries, and historical sites that showcase the rich history of the country. It is also a melting pot of different religions, with Hinduism and Buddhism being the major ones.

Tourism in Nepal has significantly contributed to the country’s development, providing employment opportunities to thousands of people. It has also helped in preserving and promoting the country’s culture and heritage, as tourists are drawn towards these aspects of Nepal. Tourists also contribute to the local economy by purchasing souvenirs and traditional handicrafts.

However, like any other tourist destination, Nepal also faces challenges in managing tourism sustainably. The government has taken several measures to minimize the negative impacts of tourism on the environment and local communities.

It has implemented strict regulations for trekking and mountaineering activities to preserve its fragile mountain ecosystem. The government is also promoting eco-tourism, which focuses on preserving and protecting natural areas while providing economic benefits to the local communities.

In conclusion, Nepal is a country that offers something for everyone. From its spectacular mountain ranges to its vibrant culture, there is no shortage of things to explore in this beautiful country. However, it is essential to remember the responsibility that comes with being a tourist and to travel sustainably so that future generations can also enjoy the wonders of Nepal.

Q: How do you start a tourism essay?

A: Start a tourism essay with an engaging introduction that presents the topic and its relevance, often with a hook or a brief overview of what the essay will cover.

Q: How do you write a tourist essay?

A: To write a tourist essay, choose a specific aspect of tourism to focus on, such as its economic impact, cultural significance, or environmental consequences. Research your topic and present a clear argument or analysis.

Q: What is tourism in 100 words?

A: Tourism is a global industry encompassing the travel of people to destinations away from their usual place of residence. It involves various activities, such as sightseeing, recreation, and cultural experiences. Tourism plays a crucial role in many economies, promoting cultural exchange, creating jobs, and generating revenue. However, it can also have negative environmental and social impacts, making sustainable tourism practices important.

Q: What is the meaning of tourism in an essay?

A: In an essay, the meaning of tourism refers to the comprehensive understanding and analysis of the tourism industry, encompassing its various aspects, impacts, and significance, often with a specific focus or argument related to tourism.

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Social Cultural Impacts of Tourism Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment


Positive social cultural impacts of tourism, negative social cultural impacts of tourism, factors that influence the social cultural impact of tourism, reference list.

The social cultural impact of tourism refers to the positive and negative effect or impact of tourism on the cultural heritage, traditions, customs, and social life style of host communities. This paper will look at the positive and negative socio-cultural impacts of tourism on host communities and tourists, as well as the different factors that influence these impacts.

It is, however, important to keep in mind that all society’s problems can not be blamed on tourism, nor can all positive social developments be attributed to tourism (Liu 2003, p. 25). There are other factors that contribute to society’s problems and development, such as globalization and the influence of the mass media.

The positive socio-cultural impacts of tourism include employment, improvement of infrastructure, transfer of knowledge into a country, and improvement to the economy. These are discussed in the following subsections.

In most countries, the tourism sector provides employment opportunities to a huge percentage of the population. To facilitate tourism operations, people get employed to work in the hotel industry, the transport sector, and national parks as tour guides (Green 2005, p. 13). The economic benefits that are derived from tourism in terms of employment of a nation’s population ultimately impact people’s standard of living.

Provision of Shared Infrastructure

The development of tourist infrastructure, such as airports and leisure facilities, can also benefit local communities, as long as the infrastructure is not developed for the exclusive use of tourists (Allen et al. 1993). This tourist infrastructure affects the social and cultural lives of local communities because their way of living would have been different had the infrastructure not been established and shared.

For example, Maun, which is a rural area in Botswana, is a famous fast stop destination for tourists visiting the Okavango Delta and Moremi Game Reserve. Existing leisure facilities such as modern international airport, restaurants and shopping malls were originally intended for tourists, but are also shared by the local community (Long et al. 1990). Therefore, the social lives and contemporary culture of local residents are remarkably different from those in other major villages in Botswana.

Transfer of Knowledge into a Country

Tourism promotes the transfer of knowledge to the host country. When experienced people from a developed country visit a developing country, opportunities are created for knowledge to be transferred from one community to another. Ultimately, developing countries are able to benefit.

Economic Improvement

Most tourist destinations across the world are able to improve their economies as a result of tourism activities. Among others, tourism enables countries to earn foreign currency which enables them to effectively trade with foreign states. In Kenya, the tourism sector employs a large number of people who work in world class hotels and the transport sector, among others. Tourism also contributes greatly to national income.

Some of the negative socio-cultural impacts of tourism on the host community include decline in morality, interruption of family and gender relationships, interference with value systems and religions, reduction of culture to a commodity, and staged authenticity. These are discussed as follows.

Decline in Morality in Society

Exposure to the different values of tourists and, in some cases, irresponsible tourist behavior, may give rise to various moral and societal problems, such as crime, prostitution, gambling, unhealthy eating and drinking, and drug abuse.

Interruption of Family and Gender Relationships

In many traditional societies, the father, who is the head of the family, has the responsibility to provide for his family. By providing employment, wages, and a disposable income to other members of the traditional family unit, which can be seen as a positive development, tourism can interrupt traditional family and gender relationships, and create discord in the family.

The end result may be communities that do not function properly because the traditional division of work has been overruled and undermined (McGehee & Andereck 2004).

An example of this disruption can be observed in the families of the employees of safari companies that operate in the Okavango Delta and are separated from their families for months on end. However, it must be noted that interruption of family and gender relationships, as is the case with the other impacts, can not be attributed to tourism alone, as there are other industries, such as the mining industry, that also tend to have the same effect.

Interference with Value Systems and Religion

Tourism may introduce different and sometimes opposing values to established value systems and religion. On the one hand, host communities in developing countries sometimes perceive tourists from developed countries as too liberal and lacking in morals, and find them insensitive to local norms and taboos. On the other hand, local populations often reject old ways and adopt the ways of visitors too quickly. This most often happens if the practices are from rich, developed countries and the local population is in a less wealthy developing country (Murphy 1981, p. 56). While adopting foreign practices may not always be bad, it may cause culture shock, lack of social cohesion, and loss of cultural identity if it happens too quickly. No human culture should ever be sacrificed at the expense of another.

Reducing Culture to a Commodity

This involves reducing culture to another product with a price tag. In the context of the cultural impact of tourism, this wears the worth, dignity, value, and sanctity of particular cultures. Cultural practices, although often preserved by tourist interest, may lose their real value and meaning.

An example includes the practice of performing sacred dances and rituals for the tourists for money. Similarly, watching the divination by a traditional healer, sangoma, or inyanga, can reduce it from being a spiritual exercise to a financial transaction or theatrical performance.

Staged Authenticity

This is experienced when the host community stages or enacts certain authentic elements of its culture for the benefits of tourists, even though those cultural elements may no longer be part of their normal modern daily living. This means that authentic elements of culture become rehearsed and non-authentic as they are performed out of context.

Examples of authentic cultural elements that may be staged out of context for tourists include traditional dances, certain rituals or practices, the wearing of traditional dresses purely for the benefit of tourists, and the re-enactment of long gone or ancient lifestyles.

In all the above, while these elements may be an authentic representation of how the hosts used to live, they may not be a true reflection of how they live today, and hence the representation is reduced to a mere staging of something.

As an example, think of an authentic traditional dance performance by singers in animal skins at the Market Theatre in Johannesburg. The problem with this performance is that it may not be a true reflection of the contemporary and living culture of the place, and might even reinforce tourist’s perception that, in this particular case, Africans are still primitive.

In general, the social cultural impact of tourism is not the same across the world, and a number of factors affect the impact of tourism on any community.

Ordinarily, most tourist-host interactions occur at the tourist destination region, when tourists purchase goods and services from local people, when tourists and local residents use the same facilities such as beaches, shops, restaurants, and other amenities and infrastructure, or when they purposefully meet to exchange ideas and information.

The type of interaction between tourists and hosts influence the relationship and the attitudes they have towards each other, and this in turn influences the social cultural impact of tourism (Wang & Pfister 2008).

The tourist-host relationship and thus the social cultural impact of tourism is affected by the differences between tourists and hosts, the type of contact between tourists and hosts, the importance of tourism in a community, and community tolerance threshold which refers to how willing a community is to bear the inflow of tourists and their influences. These are discussed as follows.

Differences between Tourists and Hosts

The differences between tourists and hosts that can affect the social cultural impact of tourism are their basic value and logic systems, religious beliefs, traditions, customs, lifestyles, behavioral patterns, dress codes, sense of time budgeting, and attitudes towards strangers.

Basic Value and Logic Systems

The values and the logic systems of a host community and tourists will determine what they value and how they value it. If the hosts and tourists have different values and logic systems, it could cause attraction or resentment whenever there is an interaction.

Religion, Traditions, and Customs

When tourists and hosts belonging to different religions come into contact with one another, there are likely to be shocks and new discoveries. For example, the public display of affection between males and female Christian tourists may be shocking to many Muslims in the Middle East.

Contact between tourists and hosts whose traditions differ might cause greater impact. For example, the scantily dressed tourist may, in the long run, impact on the dress code of many rural communities in Africa. The reaction might be to copy them or loathe them for not adhering to local norms and social codes. Variations in traditional practices can be found even among people of the same race and language.

The similarity of customs between the guest and the hosts lessen the possibility of misunderstanding each other. For example, tourists from Cape Town visiting Durban will find many customary similarities to their hosts and may not have any impact on their host community. Differences in customs, however, do not always mean that there will be a negative social cultural impact.

Lifestyle differences can be caused by income differences. The rich tend to lead similar lifestyles even though their cultures may not be identical, as the way they spend their money on property, travel, and entertainment, for example, is usually similar. Such lifestyle differences might have an impact if the hosts copy, envy, or morally judge the tourists, or vice versa (Pizam 1978, p. 98).

When the dress code of tourists is different from that of hosts, the hosts tend to be either attracted to or offended by the dress of the visitors. In most cases, the hosts tend to envy and copy the dress style of tourists, which may not always be acceptable.

Sense of Time Budgeting

People from developed countries generally value time and think that it is polite to be on time for appointments. On the other hand, people from developing countries generally have a more relaxed attitude towards time, and are not as strict in keeping appointments. Such differences can be a source of misunderstanding or even conflict between tourists and the host community.

Attitude towards Strangers

Some cultures and societies view strangers with suspicion while other cultures are more open towards outsiders. The more open the host communities are towards strangers, the greater the social cultural impact of tourism is likely to be on them.

Type of Contact between Tourists and Hosts

The type of activities tourists engage in, such as passive or active activities, can determine the type of contact and level of interaction with a community. The more active the activity, the greater the interaction with the host community, and the more likely tourism is to have an impact on them (Lankford 1994, p. 35).

For example, formal contact, as in the case where tourists receive services from their hosts, makes it necessary for tourists and the local community to interact with each other and is a platform where cultures, norms, and values are exchanged. Thus, it is an opportunity for both parties to copy the behavior and mannerisms of the other.

In a similar way, informal contact that takes place where tourists and hosts share the same facilities such as stadiums, streets, or beaches may have either a good or bad influence on tourists or hosts or both.

The Importance of Tourism in the Community

The way tourism is perceived by the local people in communities, especially their perceptions about its importance to their livelihood, will impact on tourist-host relationship. In cases where there is an excitement about tourists and the benefits that their presence will bring, the tourist-host relationship is usually good due to mutual admiration between tourists and their hosts (Hafeznia et al. 2007).

In contrast, when the novelty of meeting new cultures wears off and tourists begin to irritate the locals, probably due to their large numbers, their competing for the limited resources with locals, or the real or perceived ills that tourists bring, tourism might be seen as having less importance and a more antagonistic relationship will begin to develop (Huang & Stewart 1996).

Community Tolerance Threshold

As stated earlier community tolerance threshold refers to how willing a community is to bear the inflow of tourists and their influences. Where the members of a community are less irritable and able to accept tourists regardless of their mannerisms, then tourism will have an impact on them (Aref & Redzuan 2010). On the other hand, when members of the host community are irritable, it becomes very difficult for tourists to penetrate their society and the tourism will have little or no impact at all on the local community.

As explained in this paper, the social cultural impact of tourism is not the same across the world. Various factors that differ from location to location influence not only the type of impact, but also whether those impacts will be negative or positive.

The type of interaction between tourists and hosts influences their relationship and the attitudes they have towards one another, and this in turn influences the social cultural impact of tourism. Typically, the tourist-host relationship and thus the social cultural impact of tourism are affected by differences between tourists and the host communities. Other factors are the type of contacts created and how tourism is regarded by the local community.

The location of tourism, such as a rural or urban location or in a developed or developing country, determines whether the social cultural impact on the location will be positive or negative. To a great extent, the number of tourists visiting a location affects the level of impact on the host community. For example, a large number of tourists will have a greater influence on the host community, because there are many chances of a local person meeting a tourist.

The origin of tourists also affects the social cultural impact of tourism because there might be notable differences between them and the hosts due to their origin, which might intensify the impact. The stage of tourism development in a destination affects the host community’s knowledge of tourism and attitude towards tourists, and its reaction to tourism.

Reactions of host communities in the development stage can include hostility, lack of charity, and imitation. These in turn affect the nature of social cultural impacts that result from tourism. To some degree, the length of the tourist season influences the intensity of the social cultural impact. The longer the interaction, the greater the impact of tourism on the host community will be.

Allen, LR, Hafer, HR, Long, PT & Perdue, RR, 1993, ‘Rural Residents’ Attitudes toward Recreation and Tourism Development’, Journal of Travel Research , Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 27 – 33.

Aref, F & Redzuan, M 2010, ‘Community Leaders’ Perceptions towards Socio-cultural Impacts of Tourism on Local Communities’, Journal of Human Ecology , 29 (2): 87 – 91.

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"Social Cultural Impacts of Tourism." IvyPanda , 14 Apr. 2019,

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Social Cultural Impacts of Tourism'. 14 April.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Social Cultural Impacts of Tourism." April 14, 2019.

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IvyPanda . "Social Cultural Impacts of Tourism." April 14, 2019.

Tourism Essay for Students and Children

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500+ Words Essay on Tourism

Tourism Essay – Tourism is a major economic activity that has developed significantly over the years. It’s an activity that can be recognized in both developed and developing nations. In general terms, tourism is the movement of a person from one place to another to visit and mesmerize the beauty of that place or to have fun. Moreover, the concept of traveling is considered a luxury and only people with higher income can afford this luxury.

Tourism Essay

The Growth of Tourism

Earlier our ancestors used to travel by sea routes as it was a convenient and most affordable medium but it was time taking. Due to, technological advancement we can now easily travel to any place without wasting time we can travel thousands of miles within a few hours. Technological advancement has shrunk the earth into a global village. Besides, the modern modes are much safer than the modes that our predecessors used.

Effect of Tourism on a Country

For any country, tourism generates a lot of money especially a country like India. Due to the Taj Mahal (one of the seven wonders of the world) every year the government raise a huge sum of revenue. Also, because of tourism other industries also bloom. Such industries include transportation, wildlife, arts and entertainment, accommodation, etc.

Moreover, this ultimately leads to the creation of job and other opportunities in the area. But there are some drawbacks too which can affect the lifestyle and cultural value of the country.

Importance of Tourism

Traveling is a tiring and difficult thing and not everyone is able to travel. But at the same time, it’s a fun activity that takes your tiredness away. Travelling adds flavor to life as you travel to different places that have a different culture and lifestyle. Also, it’s an easy way to learn about the culture and tradition of a place. Besides, for many areas, tourism is their main source of income.

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India- A Tourist Attraction

The Taj Mahal is not the only destination in India that attract tourist. Likewise, there are hundreds of tourist destination that is spread over the Indian plateau. India has a large variety of Flora and Fauna. Besides, the equator divides the geographical land of India into almost two equal halves that make India a country where six seasons occurs.

Moreover, in almost every city of India, there is a historical monument made by the rulers in their time period.

Benefits of Tourism

Tourism not only benefits the government but also the people that live in the local area. It also creates a business as well as employment opportunities for the local people which ultimately help the government to earn income.

Benefits Due to Tourism

As we know that tourism contributes a lot to the revenue of the country. Also, the government uses this income for the growth and development of the country. Likewise, they construct dams, wildlife sanctuaries, national parks, Dharamshala and many more.

In conclusion, we can say that tourism is a very productive activity both for the tourist and the government. As they support each other simultaneously. Also, the government should consider improving the conditions of the country as more and more number of tourist visit their country.

Above all, tourism is one of the fastest-growing industry in the world that has changed the scenario of the world.

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The Interrelationship of Tourism and Society

Sociology is the study of social structures and human connections. Sociology aims to explain how human activity and awareness are influenced by surrounding cultural and social systems by unifying the study of these disparate fields. Sharma (2021) claims that one of sociology’s specializations and subfields is tourism, which uses sociological ideas, methodologies, and frameworks. Models and theories may be explanatory, descriptive, or predictive. Tourist activity, social aspects of tourism, its effects, traveler motivation and role, and social, economic, and cultural repercussions in both the host and destination countries are a few topics covered in sociological studies of tourism.

Because it is “the phenomenon and interactions emerging from the engagement of tourists’ businesses suppliers, host governments, and host communities in recruiting and hosting these tourists and other visitors,” tourism may be referred to as “the whole of these phenomena and connections.” Sharma (2002). Domestic, foreign, and international tourism are the three sorts. A collection of individuals with a shared industrial, social, and economic infrastructure is referred to as a society (Andrew & Leopold,2013). Furthermore, they contend that civilisation creates social groupings and molds cultures. It permits control of how public facilities are distributed and fosters interpersonal harmony. According to the UN, sustainable tourism “addresses the demands of travelers, the industry, the environment, and host communities, taking full account of its present and future economic, social, and environmental implications.”

According to Apostolopoulos et al. (2013), tourism involves cross-cultural interaction between people from different nations and fosters peace and harmony. Tourism enhances communication between communities and adjacent countries by promoting cultural understanding, mutual respect, and peace. Tourists are aware of and appreciate the art, architecture, and other aspects that greatly influence them. This essay aims to show how tourism and society are interconnected by highlighting tourism’s many effects on society. The effects on culture, socioeconomics, environment, and economy include both sound and negative, direct and indirect effects. The essay also predicts how tourism and society will function in the future:

Economic Impacts of Tourism

Tourism’s direct and indirect economic consequences on society are both beneficial and destructive. The direct effects category represents the GDP produced by enterprises directly associated with the tourism sector. This includes travel agencies, hotels, tour operators, airlines, restaurants, and other businesses that serve tourists (WTTC 2019). The term “indirect effects” describes the results of the sector’s activities. Three factors affect them: Spending by companies in unrelated sectors on tourism-related assets like transportation and hotels is considered part of the tourism industry’s total capital investment. “Government spending on tourism” refers to federal, state, and municipal dollars spent boosting the travel and hospitality industries. Other tasks include management and guest services, as well as the promotion of tourism. Implications for the Supply Chain: This refers to the money companies spend in the tourism sector on domestic goods and services that will be utilised as raw materials to produce finished goods.

According to Sharma (2021), there are six key ways that tourism directly affects the more extensive economy: Employment Creation: When tourism-related activities result in jobs being created via a variety of channels, such as hotel personnel, tour guides, and chefs. Food and furnishings are examples of the services and goods that national or local firms may provide to the tourist industry (WTTC 2019). When domestic production falls short of meeting consumer demand in terms of price, quality, or quantity, imports may be necessary. Retailers in popular tourist destinations may reap the economic advantages of the influx of tourists right away via direct sales of products and services. Construction of Tourism Businesses: High levels of tourist activity encourage the development of new businesses and the creation of new jobs. Tax and Levy Generation: The local, federal, and state governments get more revenue from tourism-related enterprises paying taxes directly to the government and tourists paying taxes.Investment in Infrastructure – As the tourist industry grows, so will its demands on the local infrastructure, which drives infrastructure investment from the public or private sector.

However, the adverse economic effects include the following: In many cases, residents have to pay extra for transportation, meals, and other needs because of a sudden increase in demand caused by an influx of visitors. Owners of second homes in popular tourist areas sometimes only spend a fraction of the year there. Disputes between residents and tourists are common because of the rising cost of living brought on by the demand for vacation homes, which makes it harder for locals, especially young people, to buy their first homes (Apostolopoulos et al., 2013).

According to research, the sector globally supports (WTTC, 2019): 5 times the employment of the automobile industry; 5 times the number of employees in the worldwide chemical industry; four times the number of jobs in the mining sector; twice as the number of jobs in the communications sector; and fifteen more jobs than in the financial service sector. The main economic benefit of tourism-related activities is their contribution to the three top priorities of developing nations: employment, revenue creation, and foreign currency earnings. In this regard, tourism may significantly contribute to economic growth (Sparrowly Group, 2022).

Environmental Impacts

There are cases in which environmental change is sparked in part because of the positive impact tourism has on the local ecosystem. Several once-derelict factories and other locations in the United Kingdom have been renovated into tourist destinations (Fletcher, 2018). The tourist industry has also benefited from the revitalization of once-abandoned waterways. Historic buildings such as churches, castles, and cathedrals may be preserved for future generations with the help of tourism, which can help generate funding for restoration work on these sites.

However, several travel and tourist activities hurt the environment. Natural resources deplete when visitors use a lot of water and other resources in areas where such items are in short supply. Water Waste: Excessive Use of Water Caused by Tourist Attractions Like Swimming Pools, Garden Maintenance, and Individual Use. Local Resources: Increased tourism may increase the need for energy, food, and raw materials. According to the WTTC (2020), tourism may harm biodiversity by overfishing and trekking. Pollution: tourism may cause pollution by releasing air pollutants, solid waste, and wastewater. Noise & Air Pollution: As the number of tourists grows, the tourism industry’s role as a significant producer of pollutants increases. Based on data from 2005, the WTTC (2019) studied the effect of tourism on carbon emissions, and it was realized that the sector contributed almost 5% of all carbon emissions.

Social Impacts

People travel for many reasons, but one of the most common is to broaden their horizons by meeting new people and experiencing different cultures. “(Fletcher, 2018)” Improvements done with tourists in mind frequently result in a positive return on investment. No rule prevents locals from enjoying tourist spots that cater exclusively to visitors (Philipp, 2022). Travelers typically have a deeper appreciation for the culture of the places they visit. It has been shown that an increase in tourism has a positive effect on a region’s economic prosperity and educational level.

Negative social repercussions have been seen. Most of them involve problems between guests and the locals. These could develop due to the activities of residents who are upset about tourists intruding on their area. Local crimes increase, including robbery, prostitution, illicit gambling, and drug trafficking. Locals, in particular places, have been forced to leave their traditional homes to create room for tourist development. Seasonal work, or more accurately, unemployment, is another frequent problem (Philipp, 2022).

Cultural Impacts

Due to tourism, there may be a greater demand for regionally produced food and drink and an increased interest in preserving traditional arts like music. As a result of increased demand from tourists, several indigenous communities have begun producing and selling arts and crafts. To keep a place’s unique culture alive, tourist marketing is essential, says WTTC (2020). In recent years, concern has grown that rapid growth in mass tourism might damage local cultures. Instead of urging visitors to consume local dishes, giving them ethnic cuisine and beverages that they are used to is simpler. Staging of performances, such as Spanish dancing, in which the local culture is insulted or made fun of to attract visitors (WTTC 2020).

According to WTTC (2021), the tourism sector has to acknowledge that it produces a significant amount of carbon emissions and look into strategies to do so while preserving the mobility required for travel. Local tourist stakeholders must be aware of the threat they pose to protecting their original local surroundings and take action to ensure their activities are sustainable.

Future of Tourism and Society

According to Vintean (2019), international tourism is expected to expand rapidly by 2023. As of that year, there will have been 1.6 billion tourists from all around the world. With better transportation links, more people will visit the UK. According to the UN (2016), many factors will determine the future tourism business’s course. The increasing number of people on Earth, the expansion of international trade and travel, the emergence of affluent middle classes in emerging markets, the advent of low-cost airlines and their effect on consumer behaviour, and the development of new technologies that influence costs, travel times, and information dissemination are all factors to consider.

Longer flights are now possible with new aircraft technology while simultaneously reducing emissions, fuel consumption, and noise. According to Vintean (2019), Clouds in the sky include the availability and cost of energy, terrorist attacks, and political unrest worldwide. Buyers are starting to pay attention to carbon dioxide levels and environmental consequences. Companies of all sizes are beginning to understand the importance of environmental protection. This is often a result of public demand. The aviation industry, a significant contributor to carbon emissions, is under intense scrutiny.

According to United Nations, Some preventative measures that can be put in place for future development include using newer planes and greener technologies and allowing consumers to offset their emissions by donating to environmental causes. Because of the damage it does to the planet, flying can lose its appeal. Better fuel efficiency, carbon dioxide collection and storage, and alternative fuel mixes might benefit the aviation industry. As a means of mitigating their impact on the planet and becoming ready for a future with fewer resources, several industries advocate for eco-friendly and sustainable technologies.

Countless variables have an impact on the tourist industry. United Nations (2016) predicts cultural and social disruptions brought by the global crisis and mindful consumerism. The emphasis is no longer on the individual but on the group. In the wake of the Great Recession, prudent consumption has taken the place of frivolous spending. Consumers’ perceptions of brands and the values they represent are shifting. Plans include promoting mindful travel, i.e., keeping in mind the true purpose of travel, which is to familiarise oneself with the locals, form meaningful relationships with the landscape, and absorb as much of the history and culture of the place visited as one’s own pace allows (Legislation 2016).

In conclusion, there are four connected ways that tourism affects economies: positively and negatively, directly and indirectly. Direct effects come directly from tourism-related activities, such as tourist spending, employment in the industry, and taxes generated by these activities. The influence of tourism on other economic sectors, such as hotels buying products from shops or procuring food from growers, results in indirect effects. The economic impact of the tourist industry on a nation is determined by these effects and the sector’s organisational structure. The statistics on the direct and overall impacts of the tourist industry reveal considerable positive economic consequences, and the section demonstrates an apparent beneficial influence on growth by the sector. The favourable effects of tourism on employment are similar to those of growth.

Overall, the tourist industry supports a sizeable number of employees and performs well compared to other important industries like the extractive, financial, and car manufacturing sectors. Depending on the nation and how prevalent tourism is, its effects vary, but generally, it is a net contributor to employment. Compared to growth and employment, the impact of tourism on incomes is more challenging to measure, primarily because of the sparse data and the global scale. The data on how tourism affects growth and employment is sufficient to understand the “raw” effects of the industry. However, more information is needed on how the industry affects incomes, livelihoods, and poverty, making it more challenging to measure and track how it affects equality. Due to the scarcity of impact data, it is more challenging to accurately estimate tourism’s environmental effects. However, there needs to be more information on the industry’s other environmental effects, such as waste, deforestation, and land degradation. However, data indicates that tourism may have a negative environmental effect since GHG emissions rise when travel demand rises along with the sector’s demand.

Apostolopoulos, Y., Leivadi, S. and Yiannakis, A., 2013.  The sociology of tourism: Theoretical and empirical investigations . Routledge.

Fletcher, J., Fyall, A., Gilbert, D. and Wanhill, S., 2018. Tourism: Principles and Practice (6th Editio).  Harlow, England: Pearson . 2016. Equality Act 2010.

Miles, S. (2021). Consumer Culture. Oxford Bibliographies Online

Philipp, J., 2022. World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC). In  Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing  (pp. 806-808). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Sharma, S. (2021). Introduction to tourism. New Delhi: SAGE Publications

Sparrowly Group. (2022). Tourism for all – Why accessible tourism matters.

United Nations. World Tourism Council. (2016)

United Nations. World Tourism Organisation. (n.d.b). Tourism in the 2030 agenda.

United Nations. World Tourism Organisation. (n.d.c). Sustainable development

Vintean, A. (2019). Tourism of the Future – An ongoing challenge. Studies in Business and Economics. 14. 258- 272. 10.2478/sbe-2019-0058

World Travel and Tourism Council (2021). Trending in Travel: Emerging consumer trends in travel and tourism in 2021 and beyond.

World Travel and Tourism Council, 2019. Travel and tourism economic impact.

World Travel and Tourism Council, 2020. Economic impact reports.

WTTC, 2020. Travel & Tourism: Global Economic Impact & Trends 2020.  World Travel & Tourism Council , pp.1-20.

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Impacts of Tourism

Tourism has always been one of the most attractive and interesting kinds of time spending for millions of people. Tourism, as an industry, is very profitable and is considered an economical savior for the countries, especially for those, which are not so strong from the point of view of industry and economic development, but are very attractive by their historical places and rich architecture. The tourism, especially the nature tourism, brings not only economic value; it is also rather dangerous ecologically, because tourism influence ecology of the countries in the negative way. The present paper is devoted to the discussion of the environmental impacts of tourism and contains discussion of economic benefits of tourism compared to its ecological impacts.

From an environmental point of view, tourism is one of the forms of nature usage. Tourism development requires an involvement of human activity in the natural resources. This produces a special kind of landscape - recreational. In many developed countries, areas used for recreation and tourism, are on the third place after the area of agricultural and forest lands. Rapid growth of the global tourism industry and its large economic benefits makes recreational use of land and promising ability to successfully compete and displace other uses.

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Nature and territories of attention of tourists are vulnerable and fragile, and recreational resources are finite, they are irreplaceable and have limited opportunities. Their spontaneous and irrational usage creates a number of environmental problems in areas of intensive tourism development, both in industrialized countries and in developing countries.

For example, Mykonos Island in Greece is a famous tourist resort, during the last 30 years, that has rapidly developed. Together with the development of the tourism industry (accommodation, bars, etc.), the island's population has also increased, in contrast to other Greek islands, where the population has recently decreased. The main reason for the increase of the island population was the development of infrastructure (construction of ports, expansion of the network of roads, dykes, etc.). It also allowed more tourists and visitors to visit the island, leading to the gaps in such problems as traffic jams, lack of parking, increased crime, and pollution of water and land resources, especially in high season. At the same time, intensive construction, tourism and infrastructure development " absorbed " most of the island, and led to the loss of farmland. Uncontrolled and rapid development of tourism has led to a complete change of two traditional villages of the island, which were merged with the newly constructed villages, and turned into a large-scale residential areas, leading to degradation of the environment, local culture and changes in the socioeconomic structure (Mathieson and Wall, 2002)

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The size of the negative impacts of tourism, which the economy of many countries is currently experiencing today, is huge and many countries do not have sufficient technical and financial capacity to replenish the resources used by tourists and for the disposal of their waste. Negative impacts of tourism on the environment, which has recently been underestimated, are now becoming an object of close attention of the international community. Such effects are varied and numerous : pollution of natural objects; consumption of natural resources; development of land; degradation of natural landscapes , threats to wildlife and habitats, with consequent loss of biodiversity , finally, the breakdown of local customs and social structures.

For example, Adriatic coast of Italy was devastated due to the rapid growth of brown algae. Because of the rising level of pollution due to excessive amount of tourists, the attractiveness of such a huge national park, as the Grand Canyon in the United States has significantly decreased. Some of the famous East African game parks have turned into a pile of dust by the tourists. Greece's national treasury, which used to be white marble Parthenon in Athens , is now a symbol of  the neglect of the environment, suffered from the severe pollution. The government has taken the action to restrict the number of visitors to avoid the environmental catastrophe in the future.

Along with the burning problem of pollution and changing environmental components that are the most urgent in such recreational areas as national parks, nature reserves and suburban green areas, where attendance of tourists destroy leaves, twigs, pine needles, in other words , components containing essential nutrients. Disturbing the natural cycle and natural regeneration processes, and destroying underbrush undergrowth reduces biological activity of the soil and stands density. It leads to unbearable environmental problems and negative ecological impacts. Expansion of hospitality and the construction of a tourist destination (huge hotels; ports, making changes in the beach resort, but in the sea itself; specially setting the equipped stations for mountain tourism, etc.) have also a detrimental effect on the environment (Mathieson and Wall, 2002).

Experience Yellowstone National Park in the United States, one of the first "cradles" of tourism, illustrates the contradictory tendencies that the development of such tourism may lead to. On the one hand, the mass of visitors coming with the main purpose to visit Yellowstone provides a very substantial income for the entire state of Montana, where the park is situated: during their visit, they use other services, such as restaurants, gas stations and hotels (Gartner, 2006). However, the rapid growth of tourism seriously changed the way of life of the local citizens; they are ready to come up with it, because it will bring additional economic values to their region. Although the level of life of local residents, as well as those of the whole state, has slightly increased, they have to put up with the construction of new roads, road congestion and flow of tourists, noise pollution, gassy and rapid growth of prices for lands and properties. The concentration of visitors in the park reached a critical level, so communion with nature (the main purpose of their visit) has become almost impossible.

Negative aspects of tourism development in protected areas are more widely noticed than its positive aspects, as they are more obvious. Increase in the number of tourists, unsustainable use of natural resources, construction of hotels and other activities related to tourism, impact the environment in considerably.

It is necessary to admit that unsustainable intensive tourism development often leads to some local environmental catastrophes. Simultaneously, the development of tourism depends mainly on the quality of the environment and natural diversity. Water and air quality, aesthetics of landscape and biological diversity are the natural components of the tourism, reproducible result in the functioning of the natural ecosystems. There is hardly any kind of business, which is more interested in the preservation of all components of the environment than tourism is. While destroying the environment, tourism reduces the possibility of its development. There is a contradiction: how to resolve the problem? Are modern hospitality industry professionals look for the ways of solution?

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Reasons for environmental concern

Transportation of international tourists is now carried out by planes, which annually consume a huge amount of kerosene. Thus, in 1990, 176 million tons of kerosene was used, while 550 million tons of CO2 and more than 3 million tons of NO2 has been extracted (this is a huge contribution to the "greenhouse effect" and acid rain, in its turn) (Andereck, 2003). Secondly, the usage of vehicles, which use gasoline and produce the same effect.

Construction and creation of infrastructure for the hospitality industry has led to an almost complete loss of tourist and recreational attraction in a number of places, such as Malaysia, the Caribbean, etc. Tourists and their behavior are also a powerful factor, having the negative impact on the environment. It can also lead to local environmental disasters: the catastrophic degradation of vegetation, erosion, landslides, loss of beaches, etc.

Positive economic impacts of tourism

Examples of negative impact of tourism on the environment are numerous, but at the same time, tourism can have a positive impact and contribute to the sustainable development, providing welfare and social progress. If the tourism is properly organized, it can make a significant contribution to the preservation of environment and culture. For example, together with the development of tourism over the past 50 years, a huge amount of parks and natural protected areas appeared (today there are nearly 10 000 national parks) (Johnson and Barry, 2002). Tourism is a powerful incentive for the creation of water treatment facilities, garbage disposal mechanisms, and favorable environmental conditions are the basic requirement for tourism.

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Economic advantages of tourism

The most obvious advantage of tourism is creation of jobs in hotels, restaurants, retail shops and transport service organizations. Types of employment in the tourism sector are varied, ranging from work in hotels, ending the tour guides and taxi drivers. In developing countries, tourism is the driving force in almost all sectors of the economy: agriculture, construction, industry, infrastructure development, as well as in education, culture, sports and entertainment industries. Tourism growth leads to increased local demand for commodity products and the development of local markets in each sector (Frechtling, 2004). Secondly, although being less beneficial, but still having the right for existence, the support of the industry and its professions (such as consultants of effective management, tourism and university teachers, etc.), many of which bring much more revenue.

A third advantage of tourism is a multiplier effect, as the cost of tourism is processed by local economy. Governments use the model of economic impact to evaluate how tourism has increased the number of jobs in the areas of goods and services consumption. The fourth advantage of tourism is federal and local income, received from the tax revenues from tourism (Frechtling, 2004). With the help of tourism, the tax burden is transferred to non-residents. For example, more than half of income from currency exchange and tax revenues in Bermuda is at the expense of tourism. Fee for ship loading in Bermuda is $ 20 per person, this is one of the highest in the world, the same concerns the taxes on imports of durable goods, starting from cars to refrigerators. This is one of the few developed countries where there is no income tax (Johnson and Barry, 2002). Critics of this tax argue that scheme of tax system organization is not representative and leads to reckless money spending and has little to do with tourism development and improvement of the hospitality industry. Hospitality management companies and managers on tourism should make sure that the taxes related to tourism, and their return will be invested in tourism promotion and development of infrastructure with the aim to support tourism.

Despite all mentioned above, the tourism has its fifth advantage: it stimulates the export of local products. Based on estimated costs for tourist gifts, products and souvenirs made of tissue and other raw materials are ranged from 15 to 20 % of their costs (Walsh, 2006). The extent, to which these products are manufactures or assembled in this particular area, provides an economic impact on the local economy.

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Worldwide, tourism has become one of the most important sectors of the national economy. Revenues from tourism are growing, adding to the national budget. Being one of the highest and the most dynamic sectors of the economy, tourism takes only the second place after oil production and refining. For example, in South Africa, tourism takes the second place for adding to the budget revenues after diamond extraction. In Alaska, tourism ranks the second place among the sectors of the economy after oil extraction and refinery. On the tourism industry accounts for about 6 % of global gross national product is taken from tourism sector, it comprises7 % of global investment as well, 5% of all tax revenues.

Some places of tourism destination, however, do not equally welcome tourists. Some places are not rich in the opportunities for economic activity, because of the inconvenient location, bad climate, limited or poor resources and the size of their cultural heritage. For certain places of tourism interest, their involvement in the tourism business evokes mixed, and sometimes ambivalent feelings (Walsh, 2006). For example, Bali is concerned that tourism destroys its culture, as the countryside becomes a resort, and new professions destroy family values ​​. "Bali and tourism is a marriage without love ," - said one of the officials from the sphere of tourism, clearly pointing and underlying the dilemma of Bali: the destruction of culture and rapid economic growth on income from more than 500,000 tourists per year (Walsh, 2006). Londoners, in their turn, are in need of the Arabic tourists’ interest to their city, although they do not feel much enthusiasm about it. Many European capitals witness mass departure of local citizens, who are trying to escape from summer flow of tourists. Some participants of the hospitality industry benefit from tourism, while others do not. Although economy can considerably benefit from, people believe that lowering of the standards of living, inconvenience and loss of cultural and social values do not worth these benefits.

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Conclusion from all the mentioned above is clear: there is a direct and very precise link between tourism and environment. Organizations, working in the hospitality industry should meet all the requirements to preserve proper environment. At the same time, no branch of the global economy, except, depends so greatly on the purity of the water, beaches, air and the ideal state of nature, such as tourism. For some people wilderness provides an appropriate quality of life, while for others, this is an incentive to travel around the world to see natural attractions (Johnson and Barry, 2002). Therefore, the tourism industry should be associated only with a rational and sustainable use of natural resources. Environmental degradation poses a threat on the viability of tourism and this threat stems from the activities of other sectors of the economy, as well as from the activities related to tourism itself. It is necessary to use natural resources considerably, paying special attention to the most vulnerable parts and territories. Moreover, tourism must be reasonable and do not cause harm to nature and its resources and preserve them. The role of the government in this process is to provide the laws and regulations for sustainable tourism development in order to prevent the major environmental threats, such as global warming, loss of biodiversity and destruction of landscapes, pollution of coastal waters and freshwater shortages and air pollution.

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Reference List

Andereck, K. L. (2003). The Impacts of Tourism on Natural Resources. Parks and Recreation, 28 (6), 26- 32.

Frechtling, D. C. (2004). Assessing the economic impacts of travel and tourism Measuring economic costs. In Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Research, second edition. J.R. Brent Ritchie and Charles R. Goeldner (eds). New York: John Wiley and Sons Inc.

Gartner, W. C. (2006). Tourism Development: Principles, Processes, and Policies. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.

Johnson, P. and Barry, T. (2002). Choice and demand in tourism. London: Mansell

Mathieson, A. and Wall, G. (2002). Tourism: Economic, Physical and Social Impacts. New York: Longman House.

Walsh, R. G. (2006). Recreation economic decisions--Comparing benefits and costs. State College, PA: Venture Publishing Co

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The Positive Impact Of Tourism In Dubai Tourism

The Positive Impact Of Tourism In Dubai Tourism

There are more than 200 national economic systems involved in the competition of finish market and as of 2006 universes authoritiess have exceeded its outgos US $ 1,480 billion to do their provinces as finish trade name ( Balakrishnan, 2008 ) . This literature reappraisal aims to place and analyze the positive impact of the touristry in Dubai with exceptional position of cordial reception industry. Historically Dubai is important touristry finishs for universe category comfort to tourers ( Steiner, 2010 ) and touristry in Dubai has farther impacted the cordial reception industry in Dubai. It is reported that touristry is an built-in portion for economic growing of Dubai ( Lee & A ; Jain, 2009 ) as this industry accounts for 1.2 per cent of entire GDP and the combined impact is expected to number 11.6 per cent in 2005 ( Ryan & A ; Stewart, 2009 ) and the development made in Dubai is assisting the authorities to pull more tourer to go to Dubai ( Henderson, 2006 ) . This survey has aim to place touristry as turning industry in Dubai while besides discoursing the increasing importance of the sector and its positive impact on the cordial reception industry caused by increasing publicity of touristry.

The Importance of Turning Tourism Industry in Dubai

Tourism as an industry.

Tourism is comprised of persons ‘ activities to go and remain outside their usual lasting topographic points for one consecutives twelvemonth ( Steiner, 2010 ) . In the broader term the industry of touristry means all socio-economic activities that are straight or indirectly involves the proviso of services to tourers ( Henderson, 2006 ) . Harmonizing to the World Tourism Organization ‘s Standard Classification of Tourism Activities, different other sectors are besides associated with the development of touristry industry including Lodges, transit agencies, nutrient and drink, civilization and amusement and finance ( Ryan & A ; Stewart, 2009 ) .

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Tourism Industry in Dubai

The latest study of World Travel and Tourism Council has highlighted Dubai as the most first finish for touristry and besides reveals that the industry of touristry in Dubai has grown to 14 per cent yearly ( Stephenson & A ; Knight, 2010 ) . Over 100 touristry and leisure undertakings are afoot and now the touristry sector histories for about a one-fourth of the Emirate ‘s one-year GDP. To analyze this figure there is demand to measure the touristry industry in Dubai. Dubai is the capital metropolis of the UAE and one of the fastest developing metropoliss ( Walker, 2009 ) . With figure of singular and outstanding tourers ‘ musca volitanss, Dubai has been the most popular finish for tourers. In add-on, Dubai is besides considered as hub of all touristry activities in Gulf while economic system of Dubai majorly depends on touristry ( Henderson, 2006 ) . Since big figure of tourers and travellers from different portion of the universe through Dubai for leisure intents, this inclination of tourers has of course led to increase the demand for the services of cordial reception industry and supplying different occupation chances in Dubai ( Richard, 2008 ) . However, the industry of touristry and cordial reception is already good developed as a consequence of big figure of travellers sing the metropolis the authorities is strategizing to more develop these industries ( O’Connor, 2010 ) . Furthermore, the strategic execution made by the authorities for the development of touristry has unusually impacted the cordial reception industry and this impact has been observed as positive ( Weiermair & A ; Mathies, 2004 ) .

Development in the Tourism Industry in Dubai

The industry of touristry is an of import portion of Dubai ‘s economic growing as consequence of addition flow of foreign hard currency into the state ( Boniface & A ; Cooper, 2009 ) . Dubai possesses a important place in the universe touristry and to keep this place the authorities of Dubai has strategized to more develop and hike other bureaus and industries related to tourism such as cordial reception, banking and finance system and transit ( Marcus, 2010 ) . The authorities realized that in order to reshape the industry the authorities has to mean the wholesome attack for development of Dubai ( Henderson, 2006 ) . To Walker ( 2009 ) , the development of Dubai as tourer finish and concern centre has attracted the cordial reception operators. Furthermore, Dubai besides allures the tourers for its shopping promenades, architectural edifices and Islamic architecture, the authorities besides focuses on the above sectors of the metropolis so that it could keep the sustainable involvement and attending of the tourers for going. In the development of cordial reception industry the hotels and resorts are developed as major portion that helps to advance the touristry in Dubai ( Eisen, 2008 ) . The program of Burj Dubai in Dubai has globalized its cordial reception services by spread outing its housing trade name globally to identify finishs in the Middle East ( Dunbar, 2009 ) .

Impacts of Tourism in Hospitability Sector of Dubai

Social and cultural impacts.

It may be possible that touristry influences the societal and cultural facets of life in specific country depending on the strengths of cultural and faith. The relationship between the cordial reception sector and the tourers can be considered as the chief factor impacting a community as tourers may non be sensitive to domestic clients, traditions and criterions. The positive impacts on the country include the benefits which include:

Domestic community can mix with persons from the different backgrounds with distinguishable life styles which might take through the presentation consequence towards the development of enhanced life styles and executions.

Wide scope of cultural and societal events available for domestic people which include exhibitions, amusement etc.

Enhanced installations for athleticss and leisure developed for the tourers which might be in usage by domestic people

Promoting the young person exchange plans, voluntary work overseas, etc.

Under the visible radiation of above cardinal points, it can be said that Dubai is one of the best tourer finish ( Stephenson, 2010 ) where the constitution of touristry has positive effects on societal and cultural life of the part ( Balakrishnan, 2008 ) .

Economic Impacts

The chief beginning to the success of Dubai is the ability and anticipation of good chances, along with the avoided impregnation of touristry industry by making more beaches, tourer activities etc. The touristry in cordial reception sector within Dubai is increasing at a faster gait without demoing any mark of diminution. The cordial reception industry is assisting in fulfilling the demand of touristry in order to vie across the universe efficaciously. The majority of tourers are accounted for about 20 per centum of hotel invitees and during 2007, cordial reception industry of Dubai received 92,328 tourers from China which was about a 30 five per centum addition per twelvemonth. The economic consequence on the cordial reception sector in touristry of Dubai includes the increased employment degree ( Sharpley, 2008 ) with the increasing development of hotels, increased gross in footings of tourers ‘ reachings in Dubai.

Environmental Impact

In most general footings, the environment has the important and outstanding consequence on the touristry in cordial reception industry within Dubai. There have been major hotel developments in Dubai which widely include the Palm, Dubai Tower, Burj al Arab hotel etc. Furthermore, Dubai has evolved into the major shopping finish along with the Arab traditional civilization which is intended to be expanded ( Sharpley, 2008 ) . The touristry within cordial reception sector means to supply a comforting and comforting environment to the tourers while remaining in hotels of Dubai. The planning construction of Dubai has been working on this position and brought assorted betterments in cordial reception industry which attracts tourers on broad graduated table every twelvemonth ( Lee & A ; Jain, 2009 ) . The positive impacts on environment in Dubai within cordial reception industry may include increased income for saving of assorted installations, promoting the preservation of characteristics etc. Furthermore Dubai land is considered to be the largest subject park across the Earth which is twice the size of Disney land existed in Florida.

This literature reappraisal examined the touristry industry in Dubai and found that with increasing rate of tourers the authorities of Dubai has taken inductions to more develop the sectors and industry associated with the touristry industry ( O’Connor, 2010 ) . Furthermore, in the reappraisal it is found that cordial reception industry is the most wedged sector and this impact has been observed as positive. Dubai offers tourers a absorbing escapade along with five-star leisure installations, attractive beaches, Arabian cordial reception and cultural blend of old and new civilizations ( Dubai, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES. 2005 ) .

However, there are other sectors that provide growing to tourism but cordial reception has become anchor of the touristry as largely tourers are attracted going to Dubai due to its well developed and appealing cordial reception. It is found that touristry has greatly affected societal, cultural, economic and environment facets of cordial reception. However, the alterations caused by changeless development in the touristry has given new chance to different Fieldss of life, development of hotels, shopping promenades and others have expanded the Arab traditional civilization. As a consequence of such development societal and cultural life of Dubai is besides impacted and due to increasing touristry domestic community gets an chance to mix with people from different backgrounds. Since broad scope of cultural and societal events is arranged in Dubai it leaves a positive impact on the local people of Dubai. Furthermore, increasing growing of touristry has besides impacted the enhanced installations for athleticss and leisure musca volitanss developed for tourers.

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