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Why Marketers Are Returning to Traditional Advertising

  • Christine Moorman,
  • Megan Ryan,
  • Nader Tavassoli

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Seven reasons companies are reinvesting in TV, radio, and print ads.

Pundits have long predicted the demise of traditional advertising. However, it is alive and well and headed for growth for the first time in a decade. The authors explain seven factors driving this trend, including the ability of traditional ads to break through digital clutter, the decline in third-party cookies, and more.

Digital marketing technologies and their ecosystems have dominated growth in marketing budgets for over a decade. As consumers have shifted their attention from stationary media to perpetual media on the go, traditional advertising lost some of its appeal. In turn, marketers pivoted investments from television, radio, newspaper, events, and outdoor advertising to digital channels, from TikTok to TechTarget.

research newspaper advertising

  • Christine Moorman is the T. Austin Finch, Sr. Professor of Business Administration, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University. She is founder and director of The CMO Survey .
  • Megan Ryan is an MBA candidate at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business (Class of 2022). She is a research fellow for The CMO Survey   and also represents Fuqua as a McGowan and Forté Fellow.
  • Nader Tavassoli is a professor of marketing at London Business School and academic director of the Leadership Institute at London Business School. He is the UK director of The CMO Survey .

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research newspaper advertising

Special Research Report: State of Local Newspaper Advertising

The America's Newspapers white paper covers a wide range of topics critical to local newspapers.

58%  of local newspaper advertisers rate newspaper content as  trustworthy 86%  of local newspaper advertisers plan on  maintaining their newspaper   spending 44%  of local newspaper advertisers plan on increasing their  social media  spending 80%  of newspaper sales managers are  extremely confident  in their digital products

In the coming weeks, you'll see other resources to support this project, including:

  • An executive webinar focused on how to put the research into action for your newspaper. Register for the members-only webinar here.
  • A 5-part training series for sales managers and teams on identifying and converting digital opportunities. 
  • Sales and marketing materials to use with your teams and in your product.

Stay connected to for more details.

"This research is part of the commitment from America’s Newspapers to bring our members information and training to drive strategic and revenue efforts. This research provides a wealth of data including a comprehensive overview on what local advertisers feel about newspapers' sales effectiveness and how their budgets will be spent in the coming year. In the coming weeks, you’ll see other resources to support this project."

Dean Ridings, CEO, America’s Newspapers

For information about membership, click here .

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The local advertising environment is changing rapidly, and local newspapers remain a critical element of advertiser marketing plans.

America’s Newspapers has partnered with Borrell Associates on a comprehensive research study to provide newspaper publishers with critical information on the future of local advertising.

This 36-page local newspaper-focused white paper takes an in-depth look at advertisers' perceptions of newspaper print and digital solutions and what their budget plans are for the future. Plus, the study provides insights on sales managers and front-line sales executives' thoughts on training, compensation and strategy.

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Newspaper Ads: A Guide to Effective Advertising in Print Media

  • June 28, 2024
  • Advertising Software

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Table of Contents

What are newspaper ads? Newspaper ads are paid promotions featured in print publications to reach a wide audience with targeted marketing messages.

Newspaper ads have been a staple of advertising for decades. Despite the rise of digital marketing, print advertising in newspapers still remains relevant and effective. In fact, many businesses continue to use newspaper ads to reach their target audience and achieve their marketing objectives.

Newspaper Ads: A Guide to Effective Advertising in Print Media

The Evolution of Newspaper Ads Newspaper ads have come a long way since their inception. In the early days, newspaper ads were simple and text-heavy, with little to no imagery. However, as technology advanced, so did the design and layout of newspaper ads. Today, newspaper ads are often visually appealing and eye-catching, with attention-grabbing headlines and high-quality images.

Understanding Newspaper Advertising Newspaper advertising offers a unique set of advantages that other forms of advertising cannot match. For instance, newspaper advertising allows businesses to reach a local audience, which can be particularly useful for small businesses looking to target customers in their area. Additionally, newspaper ads have a longer lifespan than other forms of advertising, as they can be read and re-read multiple times by readers.

Key Takeaways

  • Newspaper advertising has evolved significantly over the years, with modern ads being visually appealing and eye-catching.
  • Newspaper advertising offers unique advantages, such as the ability to reach a local audience and a longer lifespan compared to other forms of advertising.
  • Effective newspaper ads require strategic design and placement, as well as a clear understanding of the target audience and their needs.

Link to external resource.

The Evolution of Newspaper Ads

From Print to Digital

Newspaper ads have come a long way since their inception in the early 17th century. Initially, these ads were simple classifieds that were printed in newspapers. Over time, as newspapers gained popularity, ads became more sophisticated and started to include graphics and images.

With the advent of digital technology, newspaper ads have evolved even further. Online newspapers now offer digital ads that are interactive and engaging. These ads can be customized to target specific demographics, making them more effective than traditional print ads.

According to a report by the Pew Research Center, digital advertising revenue for newspapers has been steadily increasing over the past few years. In 2023, digital advertising revenue for newspapers is projected to reach $16 billion, up from $12.5 billion in 2019.

The Role of Newspaper Ads in Modern Marketing

Despite the rise of digital advertising, print ads still have a place in modern marketing. Print ads can be more memorable and have a longer lifespan than digital ads. They also offer a tactile experience that digital ads cannot replicate.

However, with the decline of print newspapers, digital publication has become the primary platform for newspaper ads. Online newspapers offer a wider reach and can target specific demographics more effectively.

In conclusion, the evolution of newspaper ads has seen a shift from print to digital. While print ads still have a place in modern marketing, digital publication has become the primary platform for newspaper ads. As technology continues to advance, it will be interesting to see how newspaper ads continue to evolve.

(Source: Pew Research Center )

Understanding Newspaper Advertising

Newspaper advertising is a powerful marketing tool that can help businesses reach a wide audience. In this section, we will discuss the different types of newspaper advertising, the advantages of using this medium, and the costs associated with it.

Types of Newspaper Advertising

There are two main types of newspaper advertising: classified ads and display ads. Classified ads are typically text-based and appear in a specific section of the newspaper, such as the classifieds or the employment section. These ads are usually cheaper than display ads and are a good option for businesses on a tight budget.

Display ads, on the other hand, are more visually appealing and can include images, logos, and other graphics. These ads can appear anywhere in the newspaper and are usually more expensive than classified ads. Display ads are a good option for businesses that want to grab the attention of readers and promote their brand.

Advantages of Newspaper Advertising

Newspaper advertising has several advantages over other forms of advertising. First, newspapers have a wide readership, which means that businesses can reach a large audience with their ads. Second, newspapers are a trusted source of information, which can help build credibility for businesses that advertise in them. Finally, newspapers are a tangible medium, which means that readers can hold onto them and refer back to them later.

Newspaper Advertising Costs

The cost of newspaper advertising varies depending on several factors, such as the size of the ad, the placement of the ad, and the circulation of the newspaper. Generally, display ads are more expensive than classified ads, and ads that appear on the front page or in a prominent section of the newspaper are more expensive than ads that appear in the back.

According to a report by the Newspaper Association of America, the average cost of a full-page black and white display ad in a daily newspaper with a circulation of 100,000 is around $22,000. However, costs can vary widely depending on the newspaper and the specific ad.

To learn more about newspaper advertising costs and how to create effective newspaper ads, check out this comprehensive guide by HubSpot.

Overall, newspaper advertising can be a highly effective way for businesses to reach a wide audience and promote their brand. By understanding the different types of newspaper advertising, the advantages of using this medium, and the costs associated with it, businesses can make informed decisions about their advertising strategies.

Designing Effective Ads

Key Elements of a Compelling Newspaper Ad

Designing an effective newspaper ad requires careful consideration of several key elements. These elements include the ad’s design, copy, imagery, headlines, and slogans. Each of these elements plays a critical role in determining the overall effectiveness of the ad.

First, the design of the ad should be visually appealing and easy to read. It should be eye-catching and draw the reader’s attention. The ad should also be well-organized and easy to navigate, with a clear hierarchy of information.

Next, the copy of the ad should be concise and persuasive. It should clearly communicate the benefits of the product or service being advertised, and should include a strong call-to-action. The copy should be written in a way that resonates with the target audience and speaks to their needs and desires.

Imagery is also an important element of a compelling newspaper ad. The images used should be high-quality and relevant to the product or service being advertised. They should also be used strategically to draw the reader’s attention and reinforce the message of the ad.

Headlines and slogans are perhaps the most important elements of a newspaper ad. They are the first thing that the reader sees, and can make or break the effectiveness of the ad. The headline should be attention-grabbing and clearly communicate the main benefit of the product or service. The slogan should be memorable and reinforce the message of the ad.

The Impact of Design on Ad Performance

The design of a newspaper ad can have a significant impact on its performance. A well-designed ad is more likely to grab the reader’s attention and hold their interest. It can also make the ad more memorable and increase the likelihood that the reader will take action.

One study found that ads with high-quality visual design were perceived as more trustworthy and credible by readers. Another study found that ads with a clear visual hierarchy were more effective at communicating their message.

To design an effective newspaper ad, it is important to consider the principles of good design. These principles include things like balance, contrast, and alignment. It is also important to consider the target audience and design an ad that speaks to their needs and desires.

For more information on designing effective newspaper ads, check out this resource from HubSpot: How to Design Newspaper Ads That Get Results

Strategic Ad Placement

Strategic Ad Placement

Newspaper ads can be an effective way to reach a wide audience and promote a product or service. However, to make the most of this advertising medium, it is important to strategically place your ads in the right section and location, and determine the appropriate size and format.

Choosing the Right Section and Location

When it comes to ad placement, the section and location of your ad can greatly impact its effectiveness. It is important to consider the target audience and the purpose of the ad when choosing the section and location.

For example, if the ad is promoting a local event, it may be more effective to place the ad in the local section of the newspaper rather than the main section. On the other hand, if the ad is promoting a new product or service, it may be more effective to place the ad in the main section where it will reach a wider audience.

It is also important to consider the position of the ad within the section. Ads placed near the top or bottom of a page tend to get more attention than those in the middle.

Determining the Size and Format of Your Ad

The size and format of your ad can also impact its effectiveness. A larger ad may grab more attention, but it may also be more expensive. It is important to consider the budget when determining the size of the ad.

The format of the ad can also impact its effectiveness. Ads with bold headlines or eye-catching images tend to grab more attention than those with plain text. It is important to carefully consider the design and layout of the ad to ensure that it is visually appealing and easy to read.

When creating newspaper ads, it is important to keep in mind the strategic placement of the ad to ensure that it reaches the intended audience effectively. For more information on ad placement, check out this guide .

Targeting and Reach

Targeting and Reach

Identifying Your Target Audience

When it comes to newspaper advertising, identifying your target audience is crucial. Knowing who your audience is will help you create effective ads that resonate with them. Demographics such as age, gender, income, education level, and occupation are all important factors to consider when identifying your target audience.

It’s also important to consider whether your audience is local or global. If you’re advertising a local business or event, you’ll want to target a local audience. On the other hand, if you’re advertising a product or service that can be used anywhere, you may want to target a global audience.

Maximizing Reach and Frequency

Once you’ve identified your target audience, it’s important to maximize your reach and frequency. Reach refers to the number of people who see your ad, while frequency refers to the number of times they see it.

One way to maximize reach is to advertise in a newspaper that has a large circulation. However, it’s important to note that a larger circulation doesn’t always mean a better reach. If your target audience is more likely to read a smaller, niche publication, it may be more effective to advertise there.

To maximize frequency, consider running your ad multiple times over a period of weeks or months. This will help ensure that your audience sees your ad multiple times, which can increase the likelihood of them taking action.

Focused targeting and precise targeting are also important strategies to consider. Focused targeting involves targeting a specific group of people based on their interests, behaviors, or other factors. Precise targeting involves using data and technology to target individuals based on their online behavior or other data points.

Overall, identifying your target audience and maximizing your reach and frequency are key to creating effective newspaper ads. By using a combination of strategies, you can create ads that resonate with your audience and drive results.

For more information on targeting and reach in newspaper advertising, check out this article from Forbes.

Measuring Success

Measuring Success

Tracking Engagement and Effectiveness

Measuring the effectiveness of newspaper ads is crucial for advertisers to determine how well their ads are performing. One way to track engagement is by monitoring the number of clicks or views an ad receives. This data can be easily obtained through online newspaper ads. However, tracking engagement for print newspaper ads can be challenging. Advertisers can use unique URLs or phone numbers to track the response rate of the ad.

Another way to measure effectiveness is by analyzing the conversion rate . This refers to the percentage of people who take action after seeing the ad, such as making a purchase or visiting a website. Advertisers can use tools like Google Analytics to track the conversion rate and gain insights into the effectiveness of their ad.

Analyzing Competitors and Market Trends

Analyzing the performance of competitors’ newspaper ads and market trends can provide valuable insights for advertisers. Advertisers can use tools like Adbeat to analyze their competitors’ ad performance and gain insights into their strategies. Adbeat provides data on ad spend, ad copy, and targeting strategies used by competitors.

Market research can also help advertisers understand the effectiveness of newspaper advertising in their industry. Advertisers can use data from sources like Pew Research Center to gain insights into the effectiveness of newspaper advertising in their target market.

In conclusion, measuring the effectiveness of newspaper ads is crucial for advertisers to determine the success of their campaigns. By tracking engagement and analyzing competitors and market trends, advertisers can gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of their ads and make informed decisions for future campaigns .

Here is a link to Pew Research Center, a highly authoritative source for market research data.

The Business Perspective

The Business Perspective

Small Businesses and Local Papers

For small businesses, advertising in local newspapers can be an effective marketing strategy. Local newspapers have a loyal readership base and can help small businesses increase their brand visibility within the community. Additionally, local newspapers often offer affordable advertising rates, making it easier for small businesses to get their message out to potential customers.

However, it is important for small business owners to carefully consider the target audience of the local newspaper before placing an ad. For example, if a small business is targeting a younger demographic, advertising in a newspaper that primarily caters to an older audience may not be the most effective use of marketing dollars.

Large Scale Campaigns and National Newspapers

For large scale campaigns, national newspapers can offer a wider reach and greater brand visibility. National newspapers have a larger readership base and can help businesses reach a national audience. Additionally, national newspapers often have more resources and can offer more advanced advertising options, such as digital advertising and targeted marketing.

However, advertising in national newspapers can also be more expensive. It is important for businesses to carefully consider their advertising budget and the potential return on investment before committing to a national newspaper campaign.

Overall, businesses should carefully consider their target audience and advertising budget when deciding whether to advertise in local or national newspapers. By doing so, they can make the most effective use of their marketing dollars and increase their brand visibility.

Here is a helpful resource for small businesses looking to advertise in local newspapers.

Pricing Structures and Budgeting

Pricing Structures and Budgeting

Understanding Modular Pricing

Newspaper ads are commonly priced based on the size of the ad and the circulation of the newspaper. Modular pricing is a common pricing structure used by newspapers, where ads are priced based on standardized sizes. This allows for easier budgeting and planning for advertisers.

For example, a newspaper may offer a quarter-page ad size, which is a standard size that is priced accordingly. Advertisers can then choose to purchase multiple quarter-page ads to create a larger ad or choose a smaller ad size to fit their budget.

Modular pricing can be cost-effective for advertisers, as they can plan their ad campaigns more efficiently and avoid unexpected costs . It also allows newspapers to offer affordable advertising options to businesses of all sizes.

Budgeting for Newspaper Ad Campaigns

When budgeting for a newspaper ad campaign, it is important to consider the circulation of the newspaper and the pricing structure being used. Advertisers should also consider the target audience of the newspaper and whether it aligns with their target market.

To create an effective budget, advertisers should determine their advertising goals and the frequency of their ads. They should also consider the cost of ad creation and any additional fees, such as color printing or placement fees.

It is important to track the success of the ad campaign to ensure that it is cost-effective and reaching the desired audience. Advertisers can use metrics such as the number of leads generated or the increase in website traffic to evaluate the success of their campaign.

Overall, understanding ad pricing structures and creating a comprehensive budget are crucial for a successful newspaper ad campaign. Advertisers should carefully consider their options and track their results to ensure that they are getting the most out of their advertising investment.

For more information on newspaper ad pricing structures and budgeting, check out this resource .

Comparative Analysis

Comparative Analysis

Newspaper Ads vs. Other Advertising Mediums

When it comes to advertising, businesses have a plethora of options to choose from. While digital advertising, social media, and television are popular choices, newspaper ads still hold a significant place in the advertising industry.

One of the main advantages of newspaper ads is their credibility and trustworthiness. According to a study conducted by Nielsen, newspaper ads are the most trusted form of advertising, with 63% of respondents stating that they trust newspaper ads. This trust is important for businesses that want to establish a strong reputation and build a loyal customer base.

Newspaper ads are also effective in reaching a specific target audience. With the ability to target specific geographic regions and demographics, businesses can tailor their ads to reach their desired audience. This targeted approach can lead to a higher conversion rate and better return on investment.

However, newspaper ads do have some limitations. One of the biggest drawbacks is the declining readership of print newspapers. With the rise of digital media, many people are turning to online sources for their news and information. This shift in consumer behavior has led to a decline in the effectiveness of newspaper ads.

The Synergy of Print and Online Advertising

Despite the decline in print readership, newspaper ads can still be a valuable tool for businesses when combined with online advertising. By using a combination of print and online advertising, businesses can create a cohesive and integrated marketing campaign that reaches a wider audience.

According to a study by the Newspaper Association of America, consumers who read print newspapers are more likely to engage with digital advertising. This means that businesses can use print ads to drive traffic to their website or social media pages, where they can further engage with their audience.

Furthermore, online advertising can help businesses overcome the limitations of print newspaper ads. With the ability to target specific audiences and track the effectiveness of their ads, businesses can optimize their online advertising to get the best results.

In conclusion, while newspaper ads may not be as effective as they once were, they still hold a place in the advertising industry. By combining print and online advertising, businesses can create a powerful marketing campaign that reaches a wider audience and delivers better results.

To learn more about the effectiveness of newspaper ads, check out this article from Forbes: The Power Of Newspaper Advertising: Why It Still Works

Additional Considerations

Additional Considerations

Legal and Ethical Aspects of Newspaper Ads

Newspaper ads are subject to legal and ethical considerations that advertisers should be aware of. Advertisers must ensure that their ads comply with the laws and regulations of the country, state, and city where the newspaper is distributed. Advertisers must also ensure that their ads are truthful and not misleading. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) provides guidelines for advertising that can help advertisers avoid legal and ethical issues.

One important consideration is the use of endorsements or testimonials in ads. Advertisers must ensure that any endorsements or testimonials are truthful and not misleading. They must also disclose any material connections between the endorser and the advertiser.

Another important consideration is the use of copyrighted material in ads. Advertisers must ensure that they have the necessary permissions to use any copyrighted material in their ads.

Future Trends and Early Adopters

As newspapers continue to evolve, advertisers should consider future trends and early adopters when planning their ad campaigns. One trend is the shift towards digital versions of newspapers. Advertisers should consider advertising in digital versions of newspapers to reach a wider audience.

Another trend is the rise of community newspapers and weekly newspapers. Advertisers should consider advertising in these newspapers to reach a more targeted audience.

Early adopters of new advertising techniques can also be an important consideration. Advertisers should consider working with early adopters to test new advertising techniques and reach a more tech-savvy audience.

To learn more about the latest trends and early adopters in newspaper advertising, advertisers can visit Cision . Cision is a trusted source of news and information for the public relations and marketing industries.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I find examples of effective newspaper advertisements?

To find examples of effective newspaper advertisements, one can search online for award-winning ads or browse industry publications such as Adweek or AdAge. Additionally, examining successful ads from competitors in the same industry can provide inspiration and insight into what works.

What are the options for free newspaper advertising?

While many newspapers charge for advertising, some offer free or low-cost options such as classified ads or community event listings. It is important to research the specific newspaper’s advertising policies and guidelines to determine what options are available.

What are the different types of newspaper advertising available?

Newspaper advertising options include display ads, classified ads, inserts, and advertorials. Display ads are typically larger and more visually appealing, while classified ads are smaller and more text-based. Inserts are separate pieces of paper inserted into the newspaper, and advertorials are advertisements designed to look like editorial content.

How do I determine the cost of advertising in a local newspaper?

The cost of advertising in a local newspaper varies based on factors such as the size and placement of the ad, the frequency of publication, and the circulation of the newspaper. It is best to contact the newspaper’s advertising department for specific pricing information.

What strategies make a newspaper advertisement successful?

Successful newspaper advertisements often have a clear and attention-grabbing headline, a compelling message, and a call to action. Additionally, using eye-catching visuals and targeting the advertisement to the appropriate audience can improve its effectiveness.

Are newspaper advertisements still an effective marketing tool?

Despite the rise of digital advertising, newspaper advertisements can still be an effective marketing tool. According to a study by Nielsen, newspaper advertising has a high level of trust and credibility among consumers. Additionally, targeting a specific local audience can be more effective through newspaper advertising than through digital means.

To learn more about the effectiveness of newspaper advertising, check out this article from the American Press Institute: The effectiveness of newspaper advertising .

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  • Your Comprehensive Guide to Newspaper Advertising

Marketing is a constantly changing landscape, making it hard to keep up. With so many marketing channels available, it can be tough for businesses to know which ones to invest their budget into.

These days, digital marketing has become quite dominant, but this doesn’t mean that more traditional mediums aren’t still effective as well. In fact, newspaper advertising is still an incredibly worthwhile investment in many cases.

This is one of the oldest forms of advertising, with the first newspaper ad appearing in 1704. And over 300 years later, it is still a regularly used and effective form of advertising.

Let’s take a look at newspaper advertising and why it may be an excellent addition to many businesses’ marketing strategies.

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The Reach of a Newspaper Advertisement

One of the major benefits of a newspaper advertisement is the extensive reach it can have. The prominence of the digital space may make it seem like not many people read the newspaper anymore, but this is far from the truth.

Studies actually show that more than 169 million American adults still read the newspaper, which is nearly 70% of the country’s population. This is a significant audience that could be missed when not investing in a newspaper advertisement.

Newspaper Advertiser Benefits

With this massive level of reach, there are several newspaper advertiser benefits, including the following.


Newspaper advertisements tend to be quite affordable when compared to many other marketing methods. They will typically have an advertising rate based on the size and placement of the ad in the paper. Of course, larger ads and more popular sections will typically cost more.

The size and circulation of the paper will play a role as well. For instance, local newspaper advertising will be less expensive than an ad in a nationally circulated paper. These smaller neighborhood or local papers typically don’t have a contract either. You can test out certain areas or placements for a single issue or multiple, depending on your budget.

Since newspapers have regular daily or weekly editions, it is easy to place a timely ad. Companies can promote a new product or service, a sale, and more in the days or weeks leading up to it to gain interest. Newspaper advertising departments can also assist in creating an ad quickly to get it out in time for the next release.


Newspapers offer many options for advertising. Some newspaper advertising examples include half or full pages, inserts, spreads, and more. This offers a high level of flexibility for the type of ad and reach a business is trying to achieve. An ad can also be run once or for several days or weeks, depending on the goal.

Reader trust

The longevity and consistency of newspaper publications make them a publicly trusted medium. This adds a significant level of credibility to any advertisements seen within the paper. Newspapers have already done the footwork to build a trusting relationship with their readers, and ads in the paper benefit from that trust.

Loyal and engaged readers

Most people who pay for newspaper subscriptions are dedicated readers. They look forward to the paper each week and read through all of their favorite sections. This means that you know your ad will get exposure to at least some portion of readers. Some people even search through the paper for the specific deals or coupons going on at the time. This also means they will be more likely to take action on those deals or ads.

Targeted reach

Many areas have their own local or regional newspaper that circulates and offers targeted reach. If a business is trying to bring in foot traffic from a particular area, that area’s newspaper can help reach that audience.

How Effective is Newspaper Advertising?

Of course, before jumping right to newspaper advertising, it helps to know the numbers.

According to MarketingSherpa research, 82% of consumers trust print ads over any other type of ad, compared to 62% for search engine ads and 25% for online pop-up ads. The frequent bombardment of ads online can make it difficult to know which ones to trust or click on.

Meanwhile, with print, many publications have been running for decades, and this establishment can bring a level of trust and reliability. Furthermore, consumers cannot choose which ads they are exposed to online. Any website they visit could have various products and services thrown at them.

Tips for Newspaper Advertising Success

Before jumping right into taking out a newspaper ad, here are some tips to improve effectiveness.

  • Keep it brief : People only have so much time when they are reading through the newspaper. They are there for the stories and news, not the ads. This means the  ad needs to convey its message quickly and effectively . Smaller ads should keep the copy to a few sentences and use active verbs to catch attention. Larger ads should be divided into subheadings or bullet points to make for an easy read. This allows consumers to see and understand the key points quickly. The advertising department of the paper can likely help with effective ad formatting as well.
  • Use print and digital : Newspapers these days typically have a print and digital version. According to research, 51% of newspaper audiences read the print version, and the other half read it on a mobile device or a combination of the two. Businesses should advertise in both places and  format the ad for each side to catch the attention of the whole user base.
  • Consider starting small : If a large audience newspaper is too much for the budget, you can always start with weekly neighborhood publications . You could even place an ad in a few smaller publications rather than jumping to a regional or national paper. These smaller newspapers often have reasonable advertising rates, allowing you to test the waters before going bigger.
  • Choose a specific time of year : You don’t have to advertise in the newspaper at random times or throughout the year. Many papers have special sections that are only included during certain times of the year, such as home improvement in the warmer months or holiday promotions. These could be a great place to start and bring in some customers during your busy seasons .
  • Call to action : One of the most important parts of an ad is a call to action . This is a brief bit of copy, often at the end of an ad, that communicates what the reader should do after seeing the ad. This could include saying to head to the store for a discount, use a coupon by a certain date, etc.
  • Contact details : Every newspaper ad should include contact details so that customers know how to reach the business. This can include a phone number, website, email, or even a physical address. This makes it easier for the reader to take action after reading the ad. If they have to do the research or footwork themselves to figure out how to reach the business, they will be less likely to respond.
  • Include a promotion : To help inspire a response to the ad, you can include a promotion. At the bottom, include a discount code for online or tell them to mention the ad in the store. This incentivizes the customer to take action rather than reading and forgetting about it. You could put a deadline on the discount, but make it long enough for customers to have the time and budget for it. 2-3  weeks is often a good rule of thumb, but it could be longer if you plan on running the ad multiple times.
  • Measure performance : A disadvantage of newspaper advertising is that it is harder to track than purely digital campaigns. Ensure to identify and set up  key performance indicator (KPI) metrics to measure the ad’s success, such as leads generated from the ad. This can be done by asking new customers how they learned about the business, tracking link clicks from digital ads, and more. The point above about including a promotion can help here, as anyone who comes in with the coupon or mentions the ad can be noted.

Newspaper Advertising is Another Tool in the Arsenal

Digital campaigns will continue to be effective in today’s market, but this does not mean that offline platforms should be cast aside. Newspaper advertising is not a replacement for online marketing, but it can be an excellent addition to any  multi-pronged approach.

This method can be especially beneficial during your peak seasons, as they can get the word out about special promotions or deals that you have going.

Launch Your Ecommerce Store Today

If you’re going to advertise in a newspaper you will need a special place to send readers to. It should be safe, accessible and comprehensive about your offers. Your website or an online store is the best option.

If you are looking to  launch an ecommerce store , Ecwid can help. Our selling platform is easily integrated with various online platforms, such as  Instagram, Google, Pinterest, your own website, and more . This makes it easy to see all of your stores from a single dashboard.

Head over to our website to  get started for free today. We look forward to helping you start or expand your e-commerce business.

Ecwid has everything you need to sell online and in person Learn more

  • Traditional Marketing: The Benefits of Offline Marketing
  • Creative Offline Marketing Ideas to Boost Your Business
  • What Is Effective Telemarketing
  • Your Guide to Print Advertising
  • How to Market Your Brand on Trade Shows
  • TV Advertising: A Comprehensive Guide
  • How to Advertise Your Brand on Radio
  • Magazine Advertising: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners
  • How To Run An Effective Flyer Campaign

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About the author

Max has been working in the ecommerce industry for the last six years helping brands to establish and level-up content marketing and SEO. Despite that, he has experience with entrepreneurship. He is a fiction writer in his free time.

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Newspaper Advertising: Types, Tips, and Examples

Thinking about advertising your business in a newspaper? Discover the benefits and costs of newspaper advertising, including examples of successful ads! 



Learn more about how our marketing and advertising services can help you get in front of your ideal audiences, in the Bay Area and beyond.

Whether you are just launching a new business or you're a veteran entrepreneur, the challenges of how to best reach your customers are an all too familiar pain.

With constant changes in marketing and advertising, it may be hard to keep up with all the mediums and avenues to choose from.

But despite all the options available, one channel that continues to be a worthwhile investment is newspapers.  

51% of the newspaper audience read print only , and 6% read the paper on their mobile device .

Over 169 million U.S. adults read the newspaper monthly - either digital or print.

So, despite technological advances, many people still prefer the traditional print format for news. 

(Click the links below to navigate to specific sections of this article)

What is Newspaper Advertising?

  • Advantages of Newspaper Advertising?

Newspaper Advertising Costs

Types of newspaper advertising, 3 secrets for effective newspaper advertising.

3 Examples of Effective Newspaper Ads

Glossary of Key Terms

Advantages of Newspaper Advertising

Newspaper advertising has been the longest-running form of advertising available for businesses to market their products and services.

There are a lot of variables that go into a newspaper ad, depending on your goals. But, mostly, newspaper advertising is running an ad for your business in a print or digital publication.

While it may seem like a straightforward and intuitive process, there are things every business owner needs to be aware of to effectively market and advertise in a news publication.

From the different types of newspaper ads you can run to the design and best-kept newspaper advertising secrets, we'll cover everything you need to know in this article.

Let's jump in!

1. Better Reach

We're all familiar with the short attention span most of us have.

On the internet, that's a mere 8 seconds.

But fortunately, for printed media like newspapers and magazines, readers are much more inclined to pay attention for more extended periods of time.

Newspaper readers consume news in this medium because they either do so leisurely (and are therefore not rushed like their digital counterparts) or they value the news and content.

Almost 70% of U.S. adults read newspapers each month . This shows that print advertising has massive potential to get your message to your readers and encourage them to act.

2. More Focused Targeting

Depending on the types of publications you are working with, many newspapers offer ways in which businesses can target particular audience demographics through zip codes or postal codes.

You can get even more focused by using a niche publication to target a specific demographic or ethnic group.

Or, as is true of The Chronicle, there is a list of special advertising opportunities that run throughout the year, which appeal to a specific interest that a group of people may have - for instance, The Academy Awards or San Francisco Pride.

Advertisers looking to reach a specific group of individuals may place an ad in the newspaper editions that coincide with these "special sections," thus achieving higher brand awareness among these niche audiences.

And when you combine your print strategy with digital initiatives , you can leverage behavior targeting through a newspaper's digital property by utilizing their first-party data .

In this way, you can ensure your message will get in front of your target audience across many different platforms at a higher frequency than choosing print or digital alone .


3. Affordability

Newspaper advertising costs vary and can get expensive if you don't do it right. Still, when done well, newspaper advertising typically costs less per thousand readers than many other forms of marketing.

4. Flexibility

You can choose from many kinds of newspaper ads - classified , inserts, boxes, etc.

Inserts offer more variety from - catalogs, cards, single sheets, and more.

Each can be further customized to come in large or small formats with specific extras not offered through other publications. You can choose your ad's exact size, location, and design.

Moreover, many newspapers have a team of designers that can work with you to create your ad if you're a smaller business owner and don't have design resources.

5. Better Engagement

Similarly to better reach, most newspaper readers are much more engaged with newspapers because they value the news more than they do when scrolling through social media or casually watching television.

Whether print or digital, newspaper readers are highly engaged and attentive.

6. Early Adopters

This may come as a surprise, but many newspaper readers are actually early adopters of new products and brands. And for a new business, appealing to early adopters is critical to building momentum.

Not only are they early adopters, but they also have significant purchasing power. Almost 3/4 of U.S. adults with an income of $100k or higher read newspapers weekly.

Newspapers offer the best channel to directly get in front of an affluent, educated audience ready to spend some money.

7. Inspires Action

Many people take action after seeing a newspaper ad, especially an insert - 30% of users in one study went online or to the store to get more information.

Inserts and other ads can help drive consumers online or to the physical store.

8. Bridges the Gap Between Online and Offline

Even though it’s print, newspaper ads are highly effective in this digital age - 34% of consumers trust print advertisements more than search engine ads.

9. Serves as Another Touchpoint Which Offers Trust

As the adage goes, it takes seven times for a prospect to "hear or see" a brand message before taking action. Newspaper ads serve as another opportunity to deliver your message.

Not only can you build your reputation, but you can also begin building trust - according to some research, printed news magazines are the most credible sources of news.

Newspaper advertising rates vary, as is the case for all forms of marketing, depending on a few factors. Some of these factors include:

  • Size of the ad itself - newspaper ads are sold by column inch, so larger ones that take up more print or digital real estate will cost more than smaller ones.
  • Ad placement - putting an ad near the front of the newspaper will cost more than placing an ad near the back. Where you choose to place the ad on the page is another factor.
  • Frequency of ad running - daily newspapers will usually cost more than monthly or weekly, but the more you run an ad, the less it will cost over time. In the world of newspaper advertising, the more you are willing to buy, the more discounts you will be able to get, so make sure to inquire about any potential deals, as any open newspaper advertising space is like a vacancy at a hotel. The newspaper would rather have the space filled for less money than not at all, so keep that in mind.
  • Ad types - different types of ads may have different rates. For instance, a service directory classified ad may cost less than a box ad on an editorial page.
  • Circulation - the higher the circulation of a newspaper, the more you will likely spend on advertising . For instance, a national newspaper ad will cost far more than an ad in a local newspaper . You pay for the reach and potential impressions, just as you would running many forms of Google or Facebook ads.

As mentioned, almost all newspapers offer discounts depending on the volume of space you commit to and for how long.

An annual or even monthly contract with a newspaper can greatly reduce the price. Make sure you research different newspaper costs and always negotiate rates.

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There are three main buckets - or categories - in which businesses can run their newspaper ad as.

Display Ads

Also known as box ads, display ads are probably the more common type of newspaper ads.

They are dedicated chunks, or boxes, of a newspaper page running from one-eighth of a page to a full page.

Every-day products like cosmetics, electronics, and home goods are often found in these slots.

If you've ever contemplated direct mail as a marketing tactic but were too wary of the cost to pull the trigger, insert ads are a great alternative.

An insert ad is a full-page ad that is added to a newspaper issue - allowing readers to remove the insert from the paper as a stand-alone page.

Classified Ads

These are specific listings , charged by word count, that are organized by various categories such as Pets for Sale, Employment Wanted, Local Activities, Announcements, and more.

They can appear both in print and digital versions.

Below are some of the best newspaper advertising tips and tricks you need to know if you are going to pursue newspaper advertising as a channel.

Secret #1 - Choose Your Newspapers Carefully

Not every newspaper is the same.

Every business owner can advertise on Facebook (as long as they narrow their audience), but not every business can (or should) advertise in a local Charleston, SC, newspaper.

Not only will advertising in local or community newspapers be cheaper, but it will also be a more focused approach. Think about the type of audience you want to reach to determine the best plan of action.

Secret #2 - Do Your Research

Research your newspaper options and negotiating rates, but also research your competitors.

Though it may seem strategic to mirror your competitors' growth tactics, it becomes counterintuitive if you are both competing for the same customers' attention.

Sometimes it's best to go where your competition isn't, so take note of where they are advertising, what their ads look like, and what message they are distributing, and devise your strategy taking this information into account.

Secret #3 - Don’t Skimp on Design

Even though the audience may be naturally more engaged in the content, you still want to grab their attention.

Think creatively and focus on attractive headlines, beautiful imagery, and catchy slogans they can remember. Your message should be short but still informative enough to empower the audience to take your desired action.

When businesses run ads with mediocre copy and inferior visual design, newspaper ads fail.

3 Examples of Effective Newspaper Ads and Why They Worked

Below are three examples of effective newspaper ads to spark your creativity.

Shikun & Binui Solaria

Print Ad Example 1

Sometimes thinking in black and white adds just the right amount of color.

That's what this Israeli energy company did with its print ad to promote green energy. Though this ad seems like a dull and straightforward black-and-white drawing, it's filled with color when you hold it up to sunlight.

This unexpected element is a great interactive and fun way to get the user involved with your product and also leaves a memorable and lasting impression.

Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (SSCS)

Print Ad Example 2

The amount of plastic dumped into the ocean is a sobering reality and to many, an opportunity to remain ignorant.

Sea Shepherd Conservation Society , an international non-profit dedicated to marine wildlife conservation, ran this print ad to catapult a collective movement to clean up our oceans.

Seeing something so jarring is enough to grab the reader's attention in a memorable way, inspiring emotion and then action.

This ad insert acts as a two-in-one. A pregnancy test and a coupon for half-off a crib.

This ad is another excellent example of getting the user involved, albeit somewhat strange. But more than that, it is a useful and practical tool for moms-to-be.

Products and Services from Hearst Bay Area

Newspaper Advertising: Putting it All Together

In our digital-focused, forward-thinking society, choosing to go the more traditional advertising route is not for every business. But for the right company, it can be a game-changer.

  • Though newspaper ads may seem like an old-fashioned advertising channel, they are still relevant and effective for business growth.
  • Like all marketing and advertising campaigns, you’ll want to ensure you’ve thoroughly researched your target audience , your market in general, your competitors, and the best newspapers for your business.
  • Invest in creativity and design; don’t be afraid to think outside the box!

Interested in reaching our Bay Area audience through print?

Have questions or want to reserve your spot? Get in touch:

Glossary of Newspaper Advertising Terms


Advertorial refers to a type of ad content that is paid for by an advertiser that takes the shape of an editorial story in a newspaper or magazine. 

Advertorials are a form of native advertising which is meant to blend in with the surrounding content in order to provide readers with a less disruptive advertising experience. 

A broadsheet is a full-sized newspaper, measuring about 14 x 23 inches.


A centerspread is the two facing pages inside a newspaper or magazine. A centerspread ad is printed on a single sheet in the middle of a publication.


Circulation refers to the total average number of copies of a publication that are distributed during a specific time period (day, week, or month).

Newspapers typically break down their circulation by day, with the vast majority of daily papers having their largest circulation day on Sunday.

Classified Ad

A classified ad is generally a small print ad that is placed in a specific section of the paper typically featuring items offered for sale at a set price for a set period of time or are aimed at announcing something like an engagement, graduation, or death in the family.

An insert is a one-page or multi-page advertisement that is inserted into a publication.

A preprint is an insert that is printed in advance of the regular press run and then added to the final publication right before distribution.

The Rate Card is a document that outlines specific items like advertising costs, program names, issue dates, reservation deadlines, ad size requirements, cancellation dates, and more, for a specific publication.

Each publication will have a different Rate Card, and the items on the Rate Card may change based on things like the publication's circulation numbers and demand for advertising space.

Reservation Deadline

The reservation deadline is the deadline for when an advertiser has to commit to buying ad space, usually in a special section.

Run of Paper

Run of Paper (also called "ROP" for short) is advertising that is not designated to one specific section of the paper and appears at the discretion of the publication.

This type of advertising is positioned to run anywhere in the paper and is the most common option for newspaper advertising.

A tabloid is a newspaper format that is about half the size of a broadsheet. 

A tearsheet is a page of the publication that contains the advertiser's message.

These pages are sent to the advertiser as proof that the ad appeared in the paper in the desired placement.

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The food-to-go brand increased sales by 7.4% year on year in the first half, while also investing to enhance engagement and loyalty.

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Advertising in Russian periodicals at the turn of the communist era

  • Journal of Historical Research in Marketing 7(2):165-183
  • 7(2):165-183

Marina Sheresheva at Lomonosov Moscow State University

  • Lomonosov Moscow State University

Anton Antonovitch Antonov-Ovseenko at Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow Polytechnic University"

  • Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow Polytechnic University"

Abstract and Figures

An example of press advertising in Imperial Russia, Niva 1894, 28

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Why Use Newspapers?

Finding a specific newspaper, finding articles if you have a citation, finding articles on a topic, finding article full text.

  • Newspapers in the Library Collection
  • Newspaper Websites

Newspaper articles can provide a useful source of information, serving as a primary source of information about historical and current events. Some of the benefits of using newspaper articles as primary sources include:

  • seeing how people viewed an event when it happened;
  • providing multiple points of view about an issue, including a comparison of the United States and international views;
  • permitting researchers to trace the historical development of subjects over time;
  • examining issues in the context of their time (by seeing how stories about an issue relate to other stories, or by examining the type of coverage provided);
  • giving a snapshot of a time period detailing how people lived, and what they purchased, etc. which is helpful for writers, playwrights, historians, etc.

Because newspapers also contain commentaries or retrospective articles about events, they can also serve as a secondary source. (Modified from Why Use Newspapers? - OhioState University)

To find a specific newspaper, try the following:

1. On the library home page in the search box click the Journals tab. Type the newspaper title.

journals search box

The search will return results for titles starting with the words you typed. If you want to search for the exact tile or are not sure of the the complete title, use the E-Journals Search (link below the box). From the drop-down menu you can select "Title contains all words" if you are not sure in what order the words appear in the title or "Title equals" (the latter would be useful for short titles like "Time" or "Times").

research newspaper advertising

2. For titles not available online, click "Print Journals" under the search box for journal searches. This will take you to the library catalog. Click on the "Title" tab. Do a catalog TITLE search for the newspaper title. It is useful to limit your search to Periodicals/Serials.

catalog title search filteres to periodicals

Results list may include several entries for different versions of the title and various formats (print, microfilm, and electronic). If you are confused, ask a librarian for help. For your convenience, information about popular newspapers in our collection is provided in this guide.

Library records may include information about current print holdings and microforms, as well as links to online content. Please note that the catalog does NOT have links to ALL newspapers available online, use the e-journals search for this.

recrod screen for a newspaper title

First, determine if the issue of the newspaper is available online.

Method 1 . Search for the article title in quotation marks (and author's name, if the title is common) in the red search box on the home page (under the "Articles" tab).

search box with the Articles tab selected

A successful search will include a link to the article full text.

Summon result screen for a newspaper article

Method 2. Use the E-Journals search to see if the issue you need is available online. This method is more comprehensive, because it will find ALL of library electronic subscriptions. It also helps when a link in Method 1 does not work.

e-journal serch box with a newspaper title entered

In the results list find a database that covers the period when the article of interest was published.

search results for a newspaper title with links to databases

You can click "Look up Article" or go to the database. Most databases will allow you to browse to the volume and issue or search for the article.

If the article is not available online or you need to see the article as it was published with original graphics, do a catalog search for the newspaper title in the library catalog as described above . Important note: search for the newspaper title, NOT the article title.

  • Start with searching Summon . After you enter your search terms and get results, you will be able to refine you search by Content - Newspapers . You may also select a date range for the articles.

Summon search results filtered to newspapers and limited by date

  • Search one of the general newspaper databases . You should also be able to filter your results to newspaper content and specify dates.
  • Many subject guides provide information on newspapers in the discipline.
  • Ask your subject librarian for assistance.

Please note that newspaper databases come in different formats.

Digital archive databases provide scanned reproductions of original newspaper pages (the full-text and any accompanying graphics).

Full-text databases provide the complete text of newspaper articles (but not accompanying graphics).

Index only databases provide citations (references) to newspaper articles. You can use these to identify the publication date and page number details for specific articles.

Therefore you may still need to use digital or traditional microfilms to view the articles you found using an online database.

If you working with newspapers not available online, you may need to use an index, which may be available in print or on a microfilm. Ask for help at the desk or via an online form .

Remember that if we don't have access to an article you can request it through interlibrary loan (ILLiad) .

(Modified from Newspapers & news services: Finding newspaper articles on a topic - University of Wollongong)

  • Next: Newspapers in the Library Collection >>
  • Last Updated: Mar 11, 2024 11:25 AM
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Russian Newspapers in the Library of Congress

Russian newspapers in english.

  • Introduction
  • Russian Online Newspapers
  • Moscow Newspapers (Titles A-L)
  • Moscow Newspapers (Titles M-R)
  • Moscow Newspapers (Titles S-Z)
  • St. Petersburg (Leningrad) Newspapers
  • Urals, Siberia and the Far East Newspapers
  • Other Russian Regional Newspapers (Cities A-M)
  • Other Russian Regional Newspapers (Cities N-Z)
  • Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine Newspapers in Russian
  • Central Asian and Caucasus Newspapers in Russian
  • Baltic Newspapers in Russian
  • Non-Soviet Diaspora Newspapers
  • Online Catalogs and Russian Newspaper Bibliographies
  • Title Index
  • European Reading Room

research newspaper advertising

American newspaper editors often call newspapers the first rough draft of history. Newspapers are primary sources for research because of eye-witness accounts, photojournalism, original maps and graphics, advertising, and so many other aspects. These riches from Russian newspapers are available for those who can read Russian, but for those who cannot, this page presents resources and work arounds to tap into some of that information.

One of the most frequent questions about Russian newspapers is whether there exists an English translation of Pravda and Izvestiia . Except for 1985-1988 of Pravda , there is no English translation of these titles. However, some English language access is available via the Current Digest of the Soviet Press and its successors Current Digest of the Post-Soviet Press and Current Digest of the Russian Press. Beginning in 1949 and continuing to this day, these digests translated selectively important articles from major Russian news sources including Pravda and Izvestiia . Most content from the digests is from the central Russian press, with less from regional news sources. The Library of Congress has the complete run of the three digests in print and/or electronic formats. See the section below on the digests for more details.

Very few newspapers from Russia were published in English. Often these titles were propaganda aimed at non-Russian audiences. Below in the section English-Language Newspapers from Russia are entries and holdings for all of these titles held in the Library of Congress collections.

The final section on this page is a list of several subscription databases with English-language news content from Russia. The databases are available only onsite within one of the Library of Congress buildings. Keep in mind that most Russian newspapers have not been translated into English, but for titles in digital format an online translation software can be used to get the gist of an article or to help ascertain if it is worth the time to make a proper translation. For English-language information about Russia, but not published in Russia, try using websites of major newspapers outside of the country such as the New York Times , the Times of London , or the Washington Post . The Library of Congress has these three and many other English-language newspapers in its subscription database collection.

Current Digest of the Soviet, Post-Soviet, and Russian Press

Even after more than 70 years the Current Digest is still a useful tool for English-language researchers who want an overview of current news stories from Russia, that is, articles written for Russian readers. The digest selects tops stories from major Russian news sources and translates them into English, also providing citations to the original articles. The translation process takes times, so each digest issue contains content published in previous weeks in Russia, so when looking for coverage of a particular event, look at issues that appear at least one week to one month later than the actual event. Started in 1949 by the Joint Committee on Slavic Studies, appointed by the American Council of Learned Societies and the Social Science Research Council, the publication has changed titles several times, but it continues the same work. In the very first issue the editors write: "The translations will be presented as documentary materials, without elaboration or comment." As they are documentary materials, the editors strive to "preserve the sense and spirit of the Russian text." Some titles may be summarized or condensed, but that is indicated in the entries. Because this source has been so valuable to researchers over the decades it has been digitized in its entirety. The Library of Congress holds not only the print edition, but also the database of the digital version.

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English-Language Newspapers from Russia

Although the vast majority of newspapers from Russia have been published in Russian or one of the languages of the peoples of Russia or the Soviet Union, selected newspapers have appeared in English. The Library of Congress does not hold every issue or even every title that appeared in English, but others can be identified using the various bibliographies described on the page devoted to Online Catalogs and Russian Newspaper Bibliographies. Many of these bibliographies have indexes by language of publication, so the English titles are easy to locate within the bibliographies. Below are entries for English-language newspapers from Russia which are held in the Library of Congress collections. All of these entries appear within the main body of this guide, but are repeated here for convenience. They are arranged by city of publication.

The following abbreviations have been used for the various locations within the Library of Congress:

  • Eur - European Reading Room (LJ-249)
  • GenColl - General Collections
  • MERC - Microform and Electronic Resources Center (LJ-139)
  • N&CPR - Newspaper and Current Periodical Reading Room (LM-133)
  • AMED - African and Middle Eastern Reading Room (LJ-229)
  • RBSCD - Rare Book and Special Collections Reading Room (LJ-239)
  • Stacks - the onsite only database for rights restricted digital content at the Library of Congress

Cover Art

Onsite Only Databases for English Resources

The Library of Congress subscribes to several databases containing some English-language news content from Russia. The most important source for the Soviet period is Moscow News , with coverage from 1930-2014. From the Putin era is the Moscow Times , available inside the Universal Database of Central Russian Newspapers beginning with 2017 until the present day. In addition, some English content from news agencies such as ITAR-TASS Daily is available in the Universal Database of Russian/CIS Newswires from approximately the late 1990s to 2013. Sources of translated materials include the Current Digest described above and World News Connection.

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  • Next: Online Catalogs and Russian Newspaper Bibliographies >>
  • Last Updated: Jul 3, 2024 3:12 PM
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  • Alzheimer's disease & dementia
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August 13, 2024

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Australian study reveals the 'wild west' of baby and toddler food marketing

by George Institute for Global Health

child eating

A study of baby and toddler foods on supermarket shelves across Australia has revealed a staggering number of unregulated claims that mislead parents into thinking these often sugar-loaded products are healthy.

The findings, published in Maternal and Child Nutrition , showed that none of the products for children aged 6–36 months met international guidelines for promotion and more than three quarters failed on overall nutritional requirements, mainly due to excess energy and sugar.

Lead author Dr. Elizabeth Dunford, Research Fellow at The George Institute for Global Health, said that consuming excess calories in early years sets children up for obesity in later life and the early introduction of highly sweetened foods drives lifelong taste preferences.

"Time-poor parents are looking for convenience, but most would be shocked by industry's deceptive marketing tactics suggesting products are healthier than they are, that are rife across this category," she said. "They would probably also be surprised to know that regulatory safeguards to protect children from exposure to unhealthy food marketing are currently very limited."

Information on 309 infant and toddler food products held in The George Institute's FoodSwitch database was assessed against the WHO Regional Office for Europe's Nutrient and Promotion Profile Model (NPPM), published in 2022 and considered a gold standard benchmark.

George Institute researchers found that only just over a fifth of the products (22%) met all WHO criteria for nutrient composition—most failing on sugar and calorie content—and none met the 'no prohibited claims' requirement. Prohibited claims include statements like, "free from colors and flavors," "organic" and "no added sugar."

"We found the average number of prohibited claims in this category was 5.6—in one case, we saw 21 different prohibited claims on a single product," added Dr. Dunford. "Pouches, which account for half of commercial infant food sales and are growing exponentially, had the greatest number of prohibited claims at an average of 5.8 per package."

An estimated one in four children are overweight or obese. Australian Infant Feeding Guidelines state that 'consumption of nutrient-poor foods with high levels of fat/ saturated fat, sugar, and/or salt should be avoided or limited' and that no sugars should be added to food for children under 12 months of age.

Dr. Daisy Coyle, dietitian and Research Fellow at The George Institute said that the use of health and nutrition content claims and wellness messaging on infant and toddler foods that are probably, in fact, unhealthy was concerning.

"These claims are commonly used on unhealthy products and can contribute to a 'health halo' effect, leading consumers to believe they are healthy," she said.

"And all too often we see products highlight what they don't have, such as 'no gluten,' or 'no additives,' rather than what they do contain such as high levels of added sugars."

Responding to concerns about the steep rise in chronic disease related to overweight and obesity, Food Ministers launched a public consultation into improving commercial foods for infants and children in Australia and New Zealand in August, with submissions closing September 13th, 2024.

Potential regulatory actions are being considered, including reviewing appropriate claims use and restricting the number of claims permitted on the pack, priorities that are supported by this study.

"We know these claims and messages influence what parents buy for infants and toddlers in the critical early years. The food industry is essentially setting the foundations for unhealthy eating later in life and this situation urgently requires regulation," Dr. Coyle added.

"We'd want to see a more comprehensive approach to addressing key drivers of chronic disease from infancy. The long-term health of future generations depends on it."

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Estimated advertising and circulation revenue of the newspaper industry

YearAdvertising ($)Circulation ($)Advertising ($)(estimated)Circulation ($)(estimated)
2013  23,587,097,43510,641,662,892
2014  22,077,809,95110,744,324,061
2015  20,362,238,29310,870,292,720
2016  18,274,943,56710,910,460,499
2017  16,476,453,08411,211,011,020
2018  14,346,024,18210,995,341,920
2019  12,864,064,24111,016,643,128
2020  9,601,389,15511,053,729,516

Source: News Media Alliance, formerly Newspaper Association of America (through 2012); Pew Research Center analysis of year-end SEC filings of publicly traded newspaper companies (2013-2020).

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What’s Behind All the Stock Market Drama?

Analysts and investors have many explanations, including worries about the health of the U.S. economy and shifts in the value of the Japanese yen.

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People standing at computer screens inside a stock exchange.

By Joe Rennison and Danielle Kaye

Reporting from New York

The wild swings in markets recently are a case study in how seemingly distinct pillars around the globe are connected through the financial system — and the domino effect that can follow if one of them falls.

Some of the turmoil in stocks reflected rising fear that the American labor market may be cracking , and that the U.S. Federal Reserve may have waited too long to cut interest rates .

But it’s more complicated than that. This time around, there are also more technical reasons for the sell-off, analysts and investors say. Stocks staged a modest recovery on Tuesday , but it fizzled by Wednesday afternoon, showing that the volatility has rattled investors.

Factors like a slow buildup of risky bets, the sudden undoing of a popular way to fund such trades and diverging decisions by global policymakers are each playing a role. Some of these forces can be traced back years, while others emerged only recently.

Here are some of the key reasons for the swings.

A long stretch of low interest rates led investors to take more risks.

The buildup of risks in the financial system can partly be traced back to 2008, when the housing crisis prompted the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates aggressively and keep them low for years. That encouraged investors to seek returns from riskier bets, since borrowing was cheap and cash parked in safe assets like money market funds earned next to nothing.

Rates were also cut back to near zero in the early stages of the coronavirus pandemic, reviving these sorts of trades.

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  20. Classifieds

    Lapwai, ID (83501) Today. Clear skies. Low 62F. Winds light and variable.. Tonight

  21. Gautam Adani's empire hit by fresh allegations against India ...

    Adani Group companies shed as much as $19 billion in market value on Monday after Hindenburg Research accused the Indian market regulator probing the group of having links to offshore funds also ...

  22. Australian study reveals the 'wild west' of baby and toddler food marketing

    Lead author Dr. Elizabeth Dunford, Research Fellow at The George Institute for Global Health, said that consuming excess calories in early years sets children up for obesity in later life and the ...

  23. Video on Ukrainian Media Shows Soldiers in Control of Gas Facility in

    US News is a recognized leader in college, grad school, hospital, mutual fund, and car rankings. Track elected officials, research health conditions, and find news you can use in politics ...

  24. This Clinical Skin-Care Regimen Is the Product of 38 Years of Research

    Devotees of the Swiss cosmetics line Valmont know that fighting visible signs of aging is the almost four-decade-long obsession of its co-founder and chief executive officer, Sophie Vann-Guillon ...

  25. Helicopter pilot in fatal Australia hotel crash was ground crew who'd

    The pilot killed when a helicopter crashed into the roof of a luxury hotel in Cairns, Australia, Monday was an employee of the charter company that owned the aircraft, but wasn't authorized to ...

  26. Ukraine's Zelenskiy Suggests Moves Towards Banning Orthodox Church With

    US News is a recognized leader in college, grad school, hospital, mutual fund, and car rankings. Track elected officials, research health conditions, and find news you can use in politics ...

  27. Estimated advertising and circulation revenue of the newspaper industry

    Follow Us. ABOUT PEW RESEARCH CENTER Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research. Pew Research Center does not take policy positions.

  28. WNBA player Dearica Hamby files lawsuit against league and former team

    Three-time WNBA all-star Dearica Hamby filed an discrimination and unlawful retaliation lawsuit Monday against the league and her former team, the Las Vegas Aces, accusing the team of treating her ...

  29. What's Behind All the Stock Market Drama?

    Analysts and investors have many explanations, including worries about the health of the U.S. economy and shifts in the value of the Japanese yen. By Joe Rennison and Danielle Kaye Reporting from ...

  30. Google fully disables monetisation in Russia

    The Google AdSense context advertising service will cease its operations in the Russian Internet and disable accounts of Russian users. Source: The Moscow Times Details: "We will deactivate all ...