• C Data Types
  • C Operators
  • C Input and Output
  • C Control Flow
  • C Functions
  • C Preprocessors
  • C File Handling
  • C Cheatsheet
  • C Interview Questions

Top 25 C Projects with Source Codes for 2024

If you’re looking for project ideas to boost your C Programming skills, you’re in the right spot. Programming is about problem-solving and adapting to ever-changing technology. Start with C, the foundation of many modern languages, to refine your programming abilities. Despite being introduced 50 years ago, C remains a top choice for beginners due to its widespread use and adaptability.


C , a general-purpose language created by Dennis Ritchie in 1972, is the cornerstone of programming education. Versatile, simple, and portable, it’s machine-independent and widely used across applications. Evolving from ‘ALGOL,’ ‘BCPL,’ and ‘B’ languages, C has stood the test of time, growing with standardized features. Dive into C programming projects to elevate your programming skills in 2024 and beyond.

We’ve designed this article in way to cater to all skill levels, C projects for beginners , intermediate learners, and those looking to challenge themselves with advanced C language projects . Engaging in these projects can significantly enhance your programming skills. Below are some noteworthy C projects, along with their source code, categorized based on skill levels.

Table of Content

C Projects For Beginners with Source Code

  • Rock Paper Scissors
  • Hangman Game
  • Simple Calculator
  • Snakes and Ladder Game
  • Bank Management System
  • School Management System
  • Library Management System
  • Employee Management System
  • Hospital Management System
  • Bus Reservation System
  • Cricket Score Board
  • Online Voting System
  • Number System Conversion

Intermediate C Projects with Source Code

  • Telecom Billing System
  • Tic-tac-toe Game
  • Pacman Game

Advanced C Projects With Source Code

  • Virtual Piano
  • Syntax Checker
  • Lexical Analyser
  • Typing Tutor
  • 2048 Game in C Programming

1. Rock Paper Scissors

Rock Paper Scissor in C Projects


Rock Paper Scissor is one of the most common games played by everyone once in his childhood, where two persons use their hands and chooses random objects between rock, paper, or scissor, and their choice decides the winner between them. What if a single person can play this game? With a computer, just by using a single C application, we can design the game Rock Paper Scissor application just using basic C knowledge like if-else statements, random value generation, and input-output of values. Created application has a feature where we can play the game, and maintain the score of Person 1 and Person 2.

Source Code :: Rock Paper Scissors in C

2. Hangman Game

Hangman Game in C


The hangman game is one of the most famous games played on computers. The Rules of the game are as follows: There is given a word with omitted characters and you need to guess the characters to win the game. Only 3 chances are available and if you win the Man survives or Man gets hanged. So, It is the game can be easily designed in C language with the basic knowledge of if-else statements, loops, and some other basic statements. The code of the game is easy, short, and user-friendly.

Source Code :: Hangman Game

3. Simple Calculator

Simple Calculator in C

Simple Calculator is a C language-based application used for performing all the simple arithmetic operations like addition, multiplication, division, and subtraction. The application can be made using basic knowledge of C like if-else statements, loops, etc. The functionalities of the application are mentioned below: Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Logarithmic values Square roots

Source Code :: Simple Calculator in C

4. Snakes and Ladder Game

Snake and Ladder in C

Snakes and Ladder is the most common board game played. The rules of the game are as follows: The first person to reach 100 wins. Each player gets only one chance in a single traversing. Snakes decrease your points while the ladder increases them. So, as the rules are quite easy to understand we can easily code them using C language to create a Snake and Ladder Application. The functionality of the code will be as follows: Two players can enter a single game. Random values can be attained using dice to increase or decrease the value. Points will be maintained using variables. The game will end after any player attains 100 points.

Source Code:: Snakes and Ladder Game

5. Bank Management System

Bank Management System in C

The banking sector occupies a large part of the tertiary sector because which data maintained is too much by a single application. Using C language we can create an application that can manage the data of the Bank,  we use basic knowledge of C like string, array, structures, etc. The functionality of the Bank Management System Application is mentioned below: Transfer Money to the Account Creation of Account Check Amount Login Functionality

Source Code :: Bank Management System in C

6. School Management System

School Management System in C

School Management maintained by the school is the way they are able to find data about every single student. Using a basic C application we can manage the data of the school. The functionality of the School Management System Application is mentioned below: Add Student Details Find the student by the given roll number Find the student by the given first name Find the students registered in a course Count of Students Delete a student Update Student

Source Code :: Student Management System in C

7. Library Management System

Library Management System in C

The library is the place where we find a collection of books organized in a particular order. In the library,  we can collect book read them, and then return it. But, Managing a particular library is not an easy task. So, we can create a C language-based application using if-else statements, arrays, strings, switch cases, etc. Using this application we can easily manage the books in the library, we can get information about books, etc. The functionality of the Library Management System is mentioned below: Add book information. Display book information. To list all books of a given author. To list the count of books in the library

Source Code :: Library Management System in C

8. Employee Management System

Employee Management System in C

Employee data need to be maintained in any company. Each company has an employee with a unique employee id, employee role, etc. All of this data is maintained in a system employee management system, where all the data about each employee is stored we can fetch, update and add data to this system. Using C we can create an employee management system that can perform all these tasks, using basic C knowledge like string, array, etc. The functionality of the Employee Management System is mentioned below: Built The Employee Table. Insert New Entries. Delete The Entries. Search A Record.

Source Code :: Employee Management System in C

9. Hospital Management System

Hospital Management System in C

Hospital Management System is an application where the hospital maintains all the data about the patients, available beds, prices, etc, Using C language we can design an application to maintain all data needed in the hospital, using certain  C concepts like string, struct, etc. The functionality of the Employee Management System is mentioned below: Printing Hospital data Print Patients data Sort by beds price Sort by available beds Sort by name Sort by rating and reviews Print hospital of any specific city

Source Code :: Hospital Management System

10. Bus Reservation System

Bus Reservation System in C

Bus Reservation is a real-time job any person relatable getting the tension to book tickets offline is just resolved using this. Using C language we can create a Bus reservation system to help people to book tickets for their journey. It uses basic C Knowledge to create this type of system. Such as conditional statements, arrays, strings, etc. The functionality of the Bus reservation system is mentioned below: Login System Booking of tickets Cancel tickets Checking bus status

Source Code :: Bus Reservation System

11. Cricket Score Board

Cricket Score Board in C

Cricket second most popular game in the world. Most Indians are just crazy about this sport there is multiple application to check cricket scores, it is quite a tough job to maintain a live score of cricket, but we can create a simple C application to display Cricket score, we can create using basic C knowledge . The functionality of the Cricket score display is mentioned below: Print Match Statistics Print runs scored Update score Show results

Source Code :: Cricket Score Board

12. Online Voting System

Online Voting System in C

Voting is one of the biggest events that can happen in a state, a large population involves in voting, and a good Voting system is necessary for an impartial election. Using C we can develop an Online voting system, it requires basic knowledge of C like string, struct, array, etc. The functionality of the Online voting system is mentioned below: Taking input from the user Storing vote  Calculating votes Declaring  results 

Source Code :: Online Voting System

13. Number System Conversion

Number Base Conversion in C

Converting numbers from one base to another is a common question asked in the field of computers and electronics. Subjects like digital electronics, discrete mathematics, etc. Using C we can create an application to convert numbers from one base to another. It requires basic knowledge of C like string, arithmetic operations, etc. The functionality of the Number System Conversion is mentioned below: Decimal to Binary Binary to Decimal Decimal to Octal Octal to Decimal Hexadecimal to Binary Binary to Hexadecimal

Source Code :: Number System Conversion

14. Quiz Game

Quiz in C

A quiz game is the most efficient way to check knowledge. The Functionality of the Quiz Game is mentioned below: Insert questions Check answer Get Score

Source Code :: Quiz Game

15. Telecom Billing System

Telecom Billing System in C

Telecom is a quite busy department going today right now big companies of the world. Data managed by these companies are quite large so, we can manage these data using certain applications and huge databases. With C language we can create an application using basic knowledge of C like struct , array ,string ,etc. The Functionality of the Telecom billing system are mentioned below: Add new records  View list of records  Modify records  View payment  Search Records  Delete records

Source Code :: Telecom Billing System

16. Snake Game

Snake Game in C

Snake Game is the oldest game played on keypad phones, rules of the game are as follows: Size of the snake during the start of the game The size of the snake increases by taking points If the snake touches its own body game is over So, we can create a snake game using c language, using knowledge of C like a switch case, if-else, etc. Let us check the Functionality of the Snake Game is mentioned below: Draw the game Play the game Get score

Source Code :: Snake Game in C

17. Calendar

Calender in C

Calendar is a thing a requirement in everyone’s life, it can be stored as a paper hardcopy or as a software application. We can create an application to check date, day, etc using an application that can be created with C using basic knowledge like arithmetic operations, strings, etc. The Functionality of the Calendar are mentioned below: Find Out the Day Print all the days of the month Add Note

Source Code :: Calender in C

18. Tic-tac-toe Game

Tic Tac Toe in C

The Functionality of the Tic-Tac-Toe game are mentioned below: The game is to be played between two people. One of the players chooses ‘O’ and the other ‘X’ to mark their respective cells. The game starts with one of the players and the game ends when one of the players has one whole row/ column/ diagonal filled with his/her respective character (‘O’ or ‘X’). If no one wins, then the game is said to be drawn.

Source Code :: Tic-tac-toe Game

19. Pacman Game

Pacman in C

Pacman is the most famous 2D game played. Pacman is a single-player game. The rules of the game are mentioned below: This a single-player game need to collect dots to complete the level If all dots are collected level is completed Using C language game can be designed using certain knowledge of concepts like …………….. The Functionality of the game is : Play the game Calculate the score Maintain the top score

Source Code :: Pacman Game

20. Dino Game

Dino Game in C

Dino Game is the current most played game as it is available on most personal computers, as it is available in the Chrome browser. Dino game is a simple 2D game in which a dino player runs passing on all the hurdles. Dino games can be created in C language. The functionality of the game is : Play the game Calculate the score Maintain the top score

Source Code :: Dino Game

21. Virtual Piano

Virtual Piano in C

A piano is a musical instrument that has a number of keys that produce different sounds when pressed. In this project, we will create a program that will be able to produce sounds similar to the piano when a key is pressed on the keyboard. The functionality of the virtual piano is mentioned below: Play major sound tunes of the piano when the associated key is pressed.

Source Code :: Virtual Piano

22. Syntax Checker

Syntax Checker in C

Syntax Checker is an application we use to check the syntax that is written an language. A language is a collection of all strings possibly having a certain meaning. Using C we can create a syntax checker which can check the syntax if it is correct in C or not. The Functionality of the Syntax checker are mentioned below: Take input syntax Check if the syntax is correct or not.

Source Code :: Syntax Checker

23. Lexical Analyser

Lexical Analyzer in C

Lexical Analyser is the concept of compiler design. Lexical Analyser is where a compiler converts the statements of the program into LEX tokens which further checks if the statements are correct or not. To know more about the concept of a lexical analyzer refer to Lexical Analysis . The functionality of the lexical analyzer is mentioned below: Inputs a program or statements Convert the statements into LEX tokens

Source Code : Lexical Analyser in C

24. Typing Tutor

Typing Tutor in C

Typing is a basic skill everyone should know there are multiple applications available to improve this skill. We can create a C-based application as a typing tutor. Using concepts of C like file handling, string stream, strings, variables, etc. The functionality of a typical tutor is mentioned below: Checks the speed of writing words Checks the accuracy of typing Maintains a score that tells your ability

Source Code : Typing Tutor

25. 2048 Game in C Programming

2048 Game in C

The 2048 game is a well-known mobile game. The rules of the game are mentioned below: We can put any number over another number If numbers over each other are equal then they convert into single digits which is double the number. If there is no place to put another number in a particular vertical line that is game is over Although is quite popular as an android application but using C language we can create the game with the functionality of the 2048 game in C mentioned below: Insert new elements into the game Add two same-value elements to the game Maintain the score of the game Maintain the top score

Source Code : 2048 Game in C Programming

Applications of C Language

C was used in programs that were used in making operating systems. C was known as a system development language because the code written in C runs as faster as the code written in assembly language.

The uses of C is given below:

  • Operating Systems
  • Language Compilers
  • Text Editors
  • Print Spoolers
  • Network Drivers
  • Modern Programs
  • Language Interpreters

In Conclusion, in this article, we have compiled a selection of C language projects and concepts for your consideration. As we know, GitHub, renowned as the world’s largest software development community, houses an extensive array of projects contributed by programmers who actively review and assess each other’s code. With its broad language support, GitHub offers a wealth of C project ideas, serving as an inspirational resource for developers seeking innovative avenues. As a developer, it’s up to you to think outside the box, come up with inventive solutions using available resources, and contribute to the future of software. For the benefit of clarity, the projects/software are grouped into distinct headings. So, if you’re new to project development, start by understanding and analyzing a tiny project before going on to a project with a broader scope and application.

C Programming Projects – FAQs

1. what are some essential steps to start a c programming project .

Define project requirements, create a project plan, set up a development environment, and design the program’s architecture.

2. How do I manage dependencies in a C project? 

Use a package manager like CMake or manually include necessary libraries and headers.

3. What should I do if I encounter memory leaks in my C program? 

Identify the source of the leak using debugging tools like Valgrind and free allocated memory properly.

4. How do I improve the performance of my C project? 

Optimize algorithms, use efficient data structures, and employ profiling tools to identify bottlenecks.

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Top 20 C Programming Projects for Beginners with Source Code

Top 20 C Programming Projects for Beginners with Source Code [2024]

C, being a fundamental programming language, is highly suitable for beginners, serving as the most popular procedure-oriented language for freshers in the field of computer science. It is essential for every student in computer science-related disciplines to grasp the fundamental applications of the C language.

Initiate your learning journey with hands-on experience in C. Skyfi Labs offers a curated list of the Top 20 C Programming Projects for Beginners. These c projects not only enhance your problem-solving skills but also contribute significant value to your resume, making your learning experience both practical and impactful.

What is C programming used for?

C is a versatile language used for computations, exploring embedded systems, creating new languages, building operating systems, and developing games. It's a foundational language driving innovation in diverse applications.

Let's delve into the major uses of C programming language:

  • Computation Platform: C programming plays a pivotal role in mathematics, facilitating faster calculations and finding applications in data structures. It serves as the backbone for scientific and numerical computing, providing efficiency in complex mathematical operations.
  • Embedded System: The language is extensively employed for machine-level and hardware programming, with Embedded C being a prevalent choice for numerous IoT devices. Its efficiency and low-level control make it ideal for the development of embedded systems, powering various smart devices in our daily lives.
  • Developing New Languages: The foundation of languages like PHP and C++ lies in the C language, showcasing its significance in the evolution of programming languages. C's syntax and principles have influenced the design of many modern languages, making it a fundamental language for language development.
  • Operating System: C is a cornerstone in the development of various operating systems, with a substantial contribution to the creation of Android operating systems. Its efficiency, portability, and direct hardware manipulation capabilities make it a preferred choice for the core components of operating systems, ensuring seamless and optimized system functionality.
  • Games and Entertainment: C serves an entertaining purpose, being instrumental in the development of games such as chess and other recreational applications. Its speed and control over system resources make it a preferred language for game development, providing a solid foundation for creating immersive and responsive gaming experiences.

20 Best C Programming Projects for Beginners

Here are a few C programming projects along with links to their source code that you can work on as a beginner to enhance your C programming skills:

Bank Management System

In this C programming project, you will create and manage your account using simple C language codes. File handling is employed to store data and user information, with functions enhancing comprehension. Source code: Bank Management System in C

Diary Management System

A basic C project allowing users to save personal information using file handling. Password protection is included, and the project utilizes pointers and functions for better understanding. Source code: Diary Management System

Calendar using C

A straightforward mini project in C programming, creating a monthly calendar with days and dates. Turbo C compiler is recommended for efficient code handling. Source code: Calendar Using C

Contact Management System

This C project enables users to save, edit, and delete contacts, functioning like a phone book application. File handling and data structures are employed to store contact information. Source code: Contact Management System

Library Management System

A fundamental C project for managing library records, storing student names, issue dates, book authors, and allocating the number of books students can issue. Source code: Library Management System

This simple snake game uses the GOTO function for snake movements. Arrow keys control the snake, and gaming scores can be saved using file handling concepts. Source code: Snake Game

Bus Reservation System

Learn to create a system for seat reservations, checking seat availability, and retrieving booking information. This popular C project utilizes file handling for data storage. Source code: Bus Reservation System

Customer Billing System

Ideal for cafes, stores, and malls, this C project records customer names, amounts due, amounts paid, mobile numbers, and purchased items. Source code: Customer Billing System

Hospital Management System

Similar to a customer management system, this C project records patient information, disease-related details, and appointment times using file handling. Source code: Hospital Management System

Cyber Management

Tailored for cyber cafes and computer centers, this C project includes client and server components for user access and management of client requests. Source code: Cyber Management System

Cricket Score Display

Displays runs, wickets, and the number of balls played, along with the names of the batsman and bowler, date, and time of the game. Source code: Cricket Score Display

Employee Management System

Designed for small and large-scale industries, this C project allows admins to add, update, and delete employee details, utilizing file handling for data storage. Source code: Employee Management System

Pacman Game

Similar to the snake game, this simple game without graphics serves entertainment purposes. The source code is easy to understand. Source code: Pacman Game

Featuring simple MCQs on sports, general knowledge, and technical content, players select answers to progress through levels. Error-free source code is provided. Source code: Quiz Game

Phone-book Application

Similar to the contact management system, this project allows additional information like gender, email, and address to be added. Source code: Phone-Book Application

Election System

Users can enter choices, calculate total votes, and identify leading candidates. This simple C project is easy to understand and useful for small-scale election projects. Source code: Election System

Flight Ticket Booking

Similar to the bus ticket booking system, this project includes available seats and flight schedules. Source code: Flight Ticket Booking

Tourism Management System

After signing in, users can view tourist packages with descriptions. This project covers functions and file handling concepts. Source code: Tourism Management System

Simple Result System

A straightforward result system where users can view updated marks, academic information, and roll numbers. Data is stored in a text file using file handling. Source code: Simple Result System

Stock Management System

A beginner-friendly project for checking store stock and searching items by quantity. While it lacks graphics, it is practical for inventory purposes. Source code: Stock Management System

How Can I Learn C & C++ Language Online?

Ease your worries about programming languages with Skyfi Labs, offering the best C programming course for beginners . This course is designed to elevate your career in C/C++. Given the foundational nature of this programming language, it is imperative for every student to grasp its structure and concepts. Guided by technical experts, the course ensures a helpful learning experience with flexible hours. Upon successful completion, you will receive a course completion certificate.

Learn More about the course: Skyfi Labs C++ Course

Where Can I Get the Source Code for C Projects?

Uncover C project source code on platforms like GitHub, CodePen, YouTube Live Tutorials, and Code-Projects.org. These sources offer a diverse range of projects, catering to different learning preferences and skill levels. Explore, learn, and elevate your C programming skills with this extensive collection of code.

  • GitHub : Dive into Github , a platform hosting numerous open-source repositories. It's an excellent resource to find, learn, and collaborate on a variety of C programming projects shared by the community.
  • CodePen : Experiment with C code snippets directly in your browser on CodePen . This interactive platform provides a user-friendly environment for hands-on learning and exploring different aspects of C programming.
  • YouTube Live Tutorials : Access real-time guidance for C projects through live tutorials on Youtube . Experienced developers host live project sessions, offering practical insights and tips to help you understand and excel in C programming. They also share a link to their code.
  • Code-Projects.org Visit Code-Projects.org for curated step-by-step guides on C projects. This resource is particularly helpful for beginners, providing structured tutorials to enhance your understanding and skills in C programming.

How to Select the Right C Language Project

When choosing a C programming project, three main factors should guide your decision:

  • Analyze Your Skill Level: Before plunging into a C project, assess your current skill level. Opt for projects that match your proficiency, providing a balance between challenge and manageability. This approach facilitates gradual skill development, boosting your confidence as you progress.
  • Analyze Project Requirements: Scrutinize the requirements of the C project under consideration. Understanding its scope and challenges is crucial for selecting projects that align with your learning goals. This knowledge enables you to tailor your efforts efficiently for maximum learning outcomes.
  • Project Interests: Choose a project that aligns with your interests to keep yourself motivated and engaged throughout the development process.

Best Practices for C Programming Projects

When undertaking C programming projects, adhere to these best practices for optimal efficiency and effectiveness:

  • Use Comments in Code: Enhance code readability by incorporating clear and concise comments. Documentation ensures that others (or even your future self) can understand the logic and functionality of your code.
  • Naming Convention: Use Meaningful Variables & Functional Names: Adopt a consistent naming convention for variables and functions. Meaningful names improve code clarity, making it easier to comprehend and maintain.
  • Check Memory Management: Prioritize efficient memory management in your C projects. Be vigilant about memory allocation and deallocation to prevent issues such as memory leaks and optimize overall performance.
  • Avoid Blindly Copying Code from Google: Resist the temptation to copy code blindly from online sources. Instead, understand the code logic, tailor it to fit your project's needs, and gain a deeper understanding of C programming concepts.
  • Get Help From a Mentor: Seek guidance from a mentor or experienced developer when facing challenges. Mentors provide valuable insights, share best practices, and offer personalized advice to enhance your C programming skills.
  • Iteration Over Perfection: Embrace an iterative approach over the pursuit of perfection. Focus on continuous improvement throughout the development process, allowing flexibility and adaptation to changing project requirements. This mindset accelerates learning and skill development in C programming.

Stuck on Your C Project? Where Can You Find Help?

Encountering challenges in your C project is natural, and here are valuable resources to guide you through:

  • Stack Overflow: Dive into the extensive knowledge pool of StackOverflow . This community-driven platform allows you to post specific questions, getting responses and insights from experienced developers worldwide. It's an ideal space for troubleshooting, learning, and engaging with a diverse range of coding challenges.
  • ChatGPT: For personalized assistance, turn to Chatgpt . This AI-powered chat interface is a versatile tool for getting quick answers to your C programming queries. It provides dynamic interactions, offering insights and solutions tailored to your specific project needs.
  • YouTube: Explore C project problem-solving through YouTube tutorials. Many creators share their expertise in video format, providing step-by-step guidance and practical tips. Visual and auditory learners can benefit from this engaging medium, making it easier to understand and implement solutions to common issues.
  • Forums: Engage in discussions on dedicated C programming forums. Platforms like Reddit or specialized coding forums offer a communal space where you can seek advice, share experiences, and learn from the challenges faced by fellow programmers. Participating in forums creates a supportive network for navigating hurdles in your C projects.

FAQ About C Programming Projects

Navigating through common questions about C programming projects? Let's address some key inquiries:

Starting a C Programming Project - What Essential Steps Should I Follow?

C programming projects require careful planning. What are the key steps? Begin by clearly defining project objectives and requirements. Set up a project plan, outline tasks, and establish version control using tools like Git. Create a structured development environment, adhere to coding standards, and organize a systematic directory structure. Consistent documentation and periodic code reviews enhance project clarity and collaboration.

How to Find a Mentor for a C Programming Project?

Seeking guidance for C project? Explore online communities, coding forums, or mentorship programs to connect with experienced developers. Platforms like LinkedIn and coding mentorship initiatives can help you find a mentor for personalized advice and insights.

How to Optimize C Programming Project Code?

Optimizing code is essential. Focus on algorithmic improvements, maintain clear coding practices, and utilize profiling tools. Regularly review and refactor your code to enhance efficiency and readability.

Where Can I Buy C Programming Projects?

While hands-on learning is crucial, platforms like GitHub Marketplace or freelancing websites may offer pre-built C projects. Ensure you understand the code to derive meaningful learning from purchased projects.

After Project Completion, Where Can I Host C Project?

You can showcase it on platforms like GitHub or gitlab . These not only provide version control but also offer a professional space to exhibit your work to potential collaborators or employers.

Should I Build a C Project or Should I Buy?

The decision between building and buying depends on your learning goals and resources. Building enhances skills, while buying can offer insights. Strike a balance based on your objectives and depth of understanding you aim to achieve.

What Are Some Best C Mini Projects for Beginners?

If you're just starting with C programming, these beginner-friendly projects are perfect for hands-on learning. Dive into the basics with a Bank Management System or get acquainted with data handling using a Student Database Management System. Explore simple calculations with a Basic Calculator or understand file management through a Library Management System. For a touch of fun, try your hand at creating a Tic-Tac-Toe Game or a straightforward Chat Application. These projects provide practical experience for beginners to build their C programming skills.

Improving Performance in My C Project - How Can I Enhance It?

Enhancing performance in a C project involves strategic measures. Optimize algorithms and data structures, use profiling tools to pinpoint bottlenecks, and focus on efficient memory management. Minimize I/O operations, explore parallel processing where applicable, and consider compiler optimizations. Consistently review and refactor your code to elevate overall performance and maintainability.

What Are Some Best C Game-Based Projects for Beginners?

You can easily create fun C programming projects with games! Make classics like Snake and Tetris, or venture into space with Space Invaders. Solve mazes, play Hangman, or test memory with exciting games. And for a bit of randomness, try your hand at Guess the Number. These projects are your key to mastering C programming concepts while having a blast!

How Can I Managing Dependencies in C Programming Project ?

Effectively handling dependencies is crucial in C projects. How do I manage them? Leverage package managers like cmake or Conan to seamlessly handle external libraries. Document dependencies in a configuration file, ensuring it stays up-to-date. Keep an eye on updates and ensure compatibility. This streamlined approach facilitates the integration of external resources, fostering an organized and efficient C project.

How can i avoid memory leaks in c programming project

Encountering memory leaks can be challenging. What should I do? Utilize tools like Valgrind during development to pinpoint memory leaks. Prioritize proper memory allocation and deallocation. Implement a robust error-checking mechanism, conduct thorough testing, and regularly debug and monitor your code to promptly identify and rectify any memory leaks.

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Popular examples, reference materials, learn c interactively.

The best way to learn C programming is by practicing examples. The page contains examples on basic concepts of C programming. You are advised to take the references from these examples and try them on your own.

All the programs on this page are tested and should work on all platforms.

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  • C Program to Create Pyramids and Patterns
  • C Program to Check Prime Number
  • C Program to Check Palindrome Number
  • C Program to Print Hello World
  • C "Hello, World!" Program
  • C Program to Print an Integer (Entered by the User)
  • C Program to Add Two Integers
  • C Program to Multiply Two Floating-Point Numbers
  • C Program to Find ASCII Value of a Character
  • C Program to Compute Quotient and Remainder
  • C Program to Find the Size of int, float, double and char
  • C Program to Demonstrate the Working of Keyword long
  • C Program to Swap Two Numbers
  • C Program to Check Whether a Number is Even or Odd
  • C Program to Check Whether a Character is a Vowel or Consonant
  • C Program to Find the Largest Number Among Three Numbers
  • C Program to Find the Roots of a Quadratic Equation
  • C Program to Check Leap Year
  • C Program to Check Whether a Number is Positive or Negative
  • C Program to Check Whether a Character is an Alphabet or not
  • C Program to Calculate the Sum of Natural Numbers
  • C Program to Find Factorial of a Number
  • C Program to Generate Multiplication Table
  • C Program to Display Fibonacci Sequence
  • C Program to Find GCD of two Numbers
  • C Program to Find LCM of two Numbers
  • C Program to Display Characters from A to Z Using Loop
  • C Program to Count Number of Digits in an Integer
  • C Program to Reverse a Number
  • C Program to Calculate the Power of a Number
  • C Program to Check Whether a Number is Palindrome or Not
  • C Program to Check Whether a Number is Prime or Not
  • C Program to Display Prime Numbers Between Two Intervals
  • C Program to Check Armstrong Number
  • C Program to Display Armstrong Number Between Two Intervals
  • C Program to Display Factors of a Number
  • C Program to Make a Simple Calculator Using switch...case
  • C Program to Display Prime Numbers Between Intervals Using Function
  • C Program to Check Prime or Armstrong Number Using User-defined Function
  • C Program to Check Whether a Number can be Expressed as Sum of Two Prime Numbers
  • C Program to Find the Sum of Natural Numbers using Recursion
  • C Program to Find Factorial of a Number Using Recursion
  • C Program to Find G.C.D Using Recursion
  • C Program to Convert Binary Number to Decimal and vice-versa
  • C Program to Convert Octal Number to Decimal and vice-versa
  • C Program to Convert Binary Number to Octal and vice-versa
  • C Program to Reverse a Sentence Using Recursion
  • C program to calculate the power using recursion
  • C Program to Calculate Average Using Arrays
  • C Program to Find Largest Element in an Array
  • C Program to Calculate Standard Deviation
  • C Program to Add Two Matrices Using Multi-dimensional Arrays
  • C Program to Multiply Two Matrices Using Multi-dimensional Arrays
  • C Program to Find Transpose of a Matrix
  • C Program to Multiply two Matrices by Passing Matrix to a Function
  • C Program to Access Array Elements Using Pointer
  • C Program Swap Numbers in Cyclic Order Using Call by Reference
  • C Program to Find Largest Number Using Dynamic Memory Allocation
  • C Program to Find the Frequency of Characters in a String
  • C Program to Count the Number of Vowels, Consonants and so on
  • C Program to Remove all Characters in a String Except Alphabets
  • C Program to Find the Length of a String
  • C Program to Concatenate Two Strings
  • C Program to Copy String Without Using strcpy()
  • C Program to Sort Elements in Lexicographical Order (Dictionary Order)
  • C Program to Store Information of a Student Using Structure
  • C Program to Add Two Distances (in inch-feet system) using Structures
  • C Program to Add Two Complex Numbers by Passing Structure to a Function
  • C Program to Calculate Difference Between Two Time Periods
  • C Program to Store Information of Students Using Structure
  • C Program to Store Data in Structures Dynamically
  • C Program to Write a Sentence to a File
  • C Program to Read the First Line From a File
  • C Program to Display its own Source Code as Output
  • C Program to Print Pyramids and Patterns

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Course info, instructors.

  • Daniel Weller
  • Sharat Chikkerur


  • Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

As Taught In

  • Programming Languages
  • Software Design and Engineering

Learning Resource Types

Practical programming in c, lecture notes.

The actual size of these slides is 12.8 cm by 9.6 cm. Use Adobe Reader’s print options to scale the slide to fit the page before printing.

1 Introduction. Writing, compiling, and debugging C programs. Hello world. ( )
2 Variables and datatypes, operators. ( )
3 Control flow. Functions and modular programming. Variable scope. Static and global variables. ( )
4 More control flow. Input and output. ( )
5 Pointers and memory addressing. Arrays and pointer arithmetic. Strings. Searching and sorting algorithms. ( )
6 User-defined datatypes, structs, unions, bitfields. Memory allocation. Linked lists, binary trees. ( )
7 Pointers to pointers, pointer and string arrays, multidimensional arrays. Stacks and queues. ( )
8 Void and function pointers. Hash tables. ( )
9 External libraries. B-trees, priority queues. ( )
10 C standard library: stdio.h, ctype.h, stdlib.h, assert.h, stdarg.h, time.h ( )
11 Dynamic memory allocation, malloc and valgrind, garbage collection. ( )
12 Multithreading and concurrency. ( )
13 Multithreaded programming. Sockets and asynchronous I/O. ( )
14 Linux inter process communication. ( )


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17 Best C Projects to Master the Language and Boost Your Skills

Posted in PROJECTS

17 Best C Projects to Master the Language and Boost Your Skills

Anamika Kalwan Last updated on August 15, 2024

Table of Content

If you are looking for C project ideas, you have landed at the right place. C is simply the foundation of multiple modern languages. Many programmers use this language for its problem-solving features, versatility, and adaptability. It was created by Dennis Ritchie in 1972 at Bell Laboratories. In the initial stages, it was derived from other programming languages, such as ALGOL, B, BCPL, etc.

Since its inception, C has been widely adopted worldwide by programmers. In this blog post, you will learn about some interesting C projects you can work on.

Let’s get started!

Benefits of C Programming Language

There are multiple benefits of the C programming language . All these benefits make C an excellent choice for building projects. Let’s explore them one by one:

  • One of the core reasons that C is so famous is its flexibility in memory management. It helps programmers to increase their efficiency and better optimize the programs. Further, you can allocate memory dynamically or even statically. In the case of dynamic memory allocation, you can distribute memory at runtime. However, in the case of static allocation, we reserve a fixed memory before we execute the application.
  • C is highly portable. It implies you can use it on different operating systems such as Windows, Android, Linux, iOS, macOS, etc.
  • C helps programmers easily debug their programs as there are no requirements for complicated statements such as arrays, pointers, etc.
  • This programming language is easy to write.
  • Multiple built-in functions in C help develop a program easily.
  • C programs execute quickly. There are fewer instructions, so they execute faster than other programming languages such as Ruby, Java, etc.

Significance of Practical Projects in Learning C Programming

Practical projects are an awesome way to learn the basic and advanced concepts of the C programming language! It benefits beginners, intermediates, and experts immensely.

  • You get hands-on experience in implementing theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios. This boosts your understanding and programming concepts tremendously.
  • It helps you understand the many functions and concepts of C. For instance, building a digital clock project will increase your knowledge of data manipulation and functions in C.
  • Fosters creativity amongst the learners. You learn not only about coding but also about designing as you build multiple user interfaces.
  • Working on practical projects increases the retention of knowledge. You retain the concepts for a longer period of time.
  • Working on such projects helps you create an impressive portfolio to boost your career growth.

17 Interesting C Projects with Source Code For Beginners and Professionals

From the comprehensive list of C projects below, you can choose a few based on your knowledge and experience with the language.

Understanding the Basics: C Projects for Beginners

Let us start the list of projects with low complexity, making them ideal for novice C learners.

1. Phonebook App

Creating a phonebook application using the C language provides practical skills and adds educational value. It’s a great option for beginners to work on.

Functionalities of the project

  • Add, view, search, modify, and delete a contact.
  • Sort the contacts according to the criteria chosen (for instance, by name).
  • Categorise contacts into different groups.
  • Phone number formatting.
  • Additional details include fields for social media channels, saving birthdays, etc.

Key benefits for learners

  • Building a phonebook means working with the data structures and algorithms to implement searching and sorting. Hence, it will strengthen your programming concepts.
  • Memory management for keeping contact details will help learn about memory allocation and deallocation.
  • Conducting error checks in case of duplicate entries or invalid inputs teaches error handling.
  • Teaches sequential and random access to data to perform operations in the app efficiently.

Source code: Phonebook App

2. Calendar App

Building a calendar app is an excellent C project for beginners. It involves managing dates, events, handling user interactions, etc.

  • Showing different formats (current month and days of the week).
  • Highlight the current day to indicate the present date.
  • Navigating months where it’s easy to move back and forth.
  • Highlight public/gazetted holidays on the calendar.
  • Reminder for upcoming events on specific dates.
  • Delete events whenever needed.
  • Understanding of basic programming concepts such as data types, loops, etc.
  • Hands-on experience with file input/output operations.
  • Grasping concepts about logical thinking and problem-solving.
  • Learning to implement algorithms helps to know about leap years, the first day of the month, etc.

Source code: Calendar App

3. Unit Converter

In our daily lives, there are many instances where we need to use a tool like a unit converter. This C project converts different units seamlessly.

  • Conversion between units under different categories, such as length, area, weight, temperature, volume, etc.
  • Conversions of units in every category, like feet, inches, meters, centimeters, and more.
  • Navigating and selecting unit converting options easily.
  • Handles decimal and fractional values.
  • Ensures bi-directional temperature conversions.
  • Helps in understanding data conversion principles (formulas and conversion methods).
  • The project assists in polishing file-handling skills.
  • Error handling and validation routines.

Source code: Unit Converter App

4. Student Record Management System

Building a student record management system can be very beneficial and an interesting real-world C project.

  • Add, view, search, edit, and delete student records.
  • Calculate grades based on certain user inputs or default criteria.
  • Authentication system to provide access to only authorized users.
  • Data sorting is based on various criteria, such as name, grades, and roll numbers.
  • Storing student records into files.
  • Implementing data structures like arrays or linked lists to manage records of students.
  • Learners can understand data management intricately.
  • They can learn about code usability from this project.
  • Learners understand user access control concepts by implementing an authentication system in the project.

Source code : Student Record Management System

5. Calculator

Creating a simple calculator based on the C language is an easy and fun project for beginners. It will help you to understand the basic arithmetic operations and user input handling. Some of the functions that it can perform are:

  • Subtraction
  • Multiplication
  • Basic arithmetic operations, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
  • Accepts both integer and decimal calculations.
  • It provides a button to clear the input.
  • Handles invalid inputs, such as raising a warning message in case of mathematical errors.
  • Offers keyboard input along with mouse usage for better user experience.
  • Building will help you implement arithmetic operations using algorithms, and it further enhances your problem-solving skills.
  • This project teaches you to create a command-line user interface. Although it’s not high-level designing, it's the start of interacting with user interfaces that will help you in the future.
  • Beginners learn how to manage intermediate results in memory. This polishes their skills regarding memory allocation and deallocation.
  • Learning error handling to ensure the robustness of the program.

Source code: Calculator

Check out: C Program to Design Love Calculator

Elevating Skills: C Projects for Intermediates

6. library management system.

Working on a library management system using C is a great option for intermediate learners.

  • User management to manage user accounts, update information, and deactivate them whenever required.
  • Add, edit, view, and read book records with titles like author, genre, title, etc.
  • Calculation of fines.
  • A book reservation system where users can reserve books online.
  • Real-time availability of books.
  • Generation of reports regarding borrowed books, overdue books, etc.
  • Practical experience in managing the database system using the C language.
  • Working on user authentication systems and learning about data security.
  • Problem-solving skills, for instance, updating about book availability and overall management.
  • Learn about creating a real-world application that can be used in libraries.

Source code: Library Management System

7. Tic-Tac-Toe game

The Tic-tac-toe game is a fun and interactive C project that you can work on.

  • Consists of a grid display of 3x3 measurements. For X and O, use ASCII characters .
  • The turn-based system with alternate moves to the players.
  • Detects a tie.
  • A game reset option where a new round starts once the previous game has ended.
  • Preset winning conditions.
  • It helps learners focus on logical thinking and problem-solving, including player moves and win detection.
  • Boosts learners to know the use of conditional statements and groups such as if-else, for, or while loops.
  • Handling invalid input results in better error-handling skills.
  • Enhances the overall user experience design skills.

Source code: Tic-Tac-Toe Game

8. Bank Management System

Building a bank management system using the same language can sound pretty challenging. However, with the help of the below-mentioned functionalities, you will find it easy to build it.

  • Creating customer accounts with their important details such as name, account number, address, account type, balance, etc.
  • Handling transactions, including withdrawals, deposits, transfers, etc.
  • Calculation of interest for multiple purposes, like fixed deposit accounts or savings.
  • Provision of closing accounts for the customer.
  • Error handling mechanisms in case of showing error messages such as wrong inputs, insufficient funds, etc.
  • Excellent grasp of data structures and data management concepts like handling customer accounts, transactions, etc.
  • Learning about security protocols, such as encryption, secure communication channels, and hashing.
  • Build seamless project management skills, as this project has different fields like task allocation, account management, etc.
  • Boosts your problem-solving skills in case of error handling and facing banking operation challenges.
  • Enhances team collaboration experience.

Source code: Bank Management System

9. Flight Reservation System

Building the flight reservation system project using the C language helps develop interactive skills with practical knowledge.

  • Performing user authentication (implementing login system).
  • Search available flights based on different criteria, such as date, time, departure city, and destination.
  • Shows availability of seats on each flight.
  • Send a confirmation message of the booking.
  • Provides a digital ticket to consumers for confirmed bookings.
  • Contains a cancellation feature with refund policies.
  • Enhances data management skills while managing flight details, booking records, etc.
  • Helps in learning real-time processing by implementing features such as booking confirmation and seat availability.
  • Learners understand online transaction handling with the knowledge of payment gateways and security measures.

Source code: Flight Reservation System

10. Simple HTTPS server

Creating a simple HTTPS server using C language boosts your command over building secure communication over HTTPS.

  • SSL/TLS certification for secure communication.
  • Request handling of incoming HTTPS requests from various clients.
  • File serving over HTTPS like images, HTML pages, JavaScript files, etc.
  • Dynamic content generation (for instance, processing form submissions).
  • User authorization and authentication mechanisms.
  • Gaining hands-on experience in setting secure communication channels.
  • Managing SSL/TLS certificates.
  • Building a HTTPS server that boosts the knowledge of request handling, web server architecture, etc.
  • Learning security best practices like security key exchange algorithms.
  • Error handling and troubleshooting SSL/TLS-related issues.
  • Learning concepts of network protocols such as TCP/IP .

Source code: Simple HTTPS Server

Mastering C Concepts: C Projects for Experts

11. database management system.

Creating a database management system is quite challenging and tedious. There is much to cover, such as data storage, retrieval, modification, etc.

  • Mechanisms to store and manage data.
  • Methods to search and retrieve records.
  • Users can add, update, or delete records.
  • Includes indexing techniques such as B-trees and hash tables to execute data retrieval seamlessly.
  • Implementing concurrency control mechanisms in cases where multiple users access the database.
  • Deep understanding of database concepts, including transaction management, data management, searching, indexing, etc.
  • Learning multiple algorithms like searching, sorting, indexing, etc.
  • Practicing file handling techniques.
  • Learning how to handle data storage, retrieval, and mismanagement challenges, to name a few.

Source code: Data Management System

12. Compiler

Building a compiler is an advanced project that requires a deep understanding of the C language.

  • Tokenizer (Lexical analysis) which implies breaking down the source code into tokens (keywords, operators, etc.) using a lexer.
  • Semantic analysis to know about the semantic errors.
  • Optimization techniques include loop optimization, dead code elimination, etc.
  • Robust error handling mechanisms.
  • Learning advanced programming concepts, such as symbol tables, compiler optimization strategies, abstract syntax trees, etc.
  • Helps understand methods to optimize code for seamless performance.
  • Getting a grasp of language design principles, language syntax, and semantics.
  • Gaining real-world knowledge by working with software development strategies and industry standard practices.

Source code: Compiler

13. Game Engine Development

Building a game engine with C language requires a comprehensive knowledge of advanced programming, software architecture, computer graphics, and optimization techniques.

  • Rendering techniques like lighting and shading. Renders 2-D and 3-D objects.
  • Handles input devices like touchpads, gamepads, keyboards, etc.
  • Detects collisions between objects.
  • Multiplayer functionality, data synchronization, and latency compensation.
  • Managing game components, such as audio files, visuals, textures, and more.
  • Grasping excellent understanding of complex data structures and algorithms due to working on resource management, spatial partitioning, etc.
  • Learning optimization techniques.
  • Debugging and improving the performance of the system.
  • Multi-platform development that allows the game engine to run on multiple platforms, such as Windows, Linux, macOS, etc.

Source code: Game Engine Development

14. Sudoku Solver App

Sudoku is a popular game, and this app will help you decode its solutions.

  • An input grid, where users can either add a picture or manually enter the numbers.
  • Clear button in case the user wants to clear any entries.
  • A timer to record the time of the game.
  • Hint mechanism to provide help to the user as and when asked.
  • Option to save the current game and load it later.
  • Various difficulty levels (easy, average, hard).
  • Detects errors in the user input.
  • Some ‘winning message’ at the end. For instance, ‘You Won! Congratulations’, or ‘Voila! What a win’.
  • A deeper understanding of algorithms such as backtracking algorithms.
  • It helps polish problem-solving skills and crack logic while solving the game.
  • Good knowledge of various data structures like arrays, matrices, etc.
  • It helps learn about dynamic memory allocation and deallocation.
  • Provides in-depth knowledge of modular programming and functions such as code reusability.
  • Understand testing methods such as unit testing while checking for potential bugs (if any).

Source code: Sudoku Solver App

15. Simple Web Server

Building a web server using C helps you understand the basic fundamentals of web technologies.

  • Handles HTTP requests.
  • Multi-threading or asynchronous I/O operations for handling client connections.
  • Response handling, including multiple HTTP response codes (200 OK, 404 Not Found, 500 Internal Server Error, etc.)
  • SSL/TLS encryption.
  • Basic authentication (username and passwords).
  • Support for IPv6 addresses.
  • It helps you learn basic and advanced networking concepts like TCP/IP.
  • Understanding web technologies.
  • Learning about security features, such as adding security measures against DDoS attacks, handling input validation, etc.
  • Helps you manage this C project with version control systems like Git.
  • It gives an excellent hands-on experience while working with this simple web server.

Source code: Simple Web Server

Additional C Projects

16. astronomy app.

If you’re fascinated by the world of astronomy, this C project will serve you well.

  • Easy calculations to determine the positions of space objects and know about planetary alignments.
  • Know about the position of stars, planets, and constellations in the sky.
  • Alerts the user about upcoming astronomical events (stargazing experience, eclipses, meteor showers, etc.).
  • Users can easily interact with the app by setting their preferences and receiving astronomical information.
  • Off-line functionality allows users to access information without network connectivity.
  • It helps you understand the advanced concepts of the C programming language.
  • Teaches optimization of code for better performance while working with complicated astronomical calculations.
  • Understanding the workings of computer memory shapes programming skills better.
  • Enhances problem-solving skills while writing the astronomy app.

Source code: Astronomy App

17. Digital clock

Creating a digital clock using the C programming language is interactive, simple, and a great learning experience.

  • Displays the time using the time functions in C.
  • Formatting features like showing hours, minutes, and seconds.
  • Features like font styles and background colors.
  • Alarm function.
  • Countdown and stopwatch functionalities.
  • Both 12-hour and 24-hour formats (user can choose any).
  • It enhances algorithmic thinking, which is helpful in programming.
  • Improves the debugging skills of the programmer while identifying and fixing errors.
  • Provides real-world knowledge from this project.
  • Fundamental understanding of basic C programming concepts like conditional statements, variables, and loops.
  • Helps learn time handling related to tasks, such as convergence between different units, and manages time zones.

Source code: Digital Clock

Future Trends

Although C is quite an old programming language, its usage has not become obsolete. It is still widely used by multiple organizations across the globe and remains relatable in various fields. Here are some future trends for you to know!

  • Various open-source projects are written in C language. Hence, maintaining such projects requires expertise in the open-source development community.
  • C is used in embedded systems and IoT devices. It has low-level memory manipulation capabilities and hence is widely used, and the need will continue to rise.
  • It is also being used to develop blockchain technologies, cryptocurrency applications, smart contracts, etc.
  • C is often used in security research due to its low-level capabilities. Ethical hackers are using C to know about the vulnerabilities in the system and develop solutions for the same.
  • Although quantum computing requires a highly proficient programming language, C plays an active role in developing the algorithms related to quantum computing.
  • It is comprehensively used in firmware development for embedded systems in microcontrollers.

Due to the portability and efficiency of C language, it continues to be relevant in the latest technologies and innovative solutions. It’s safe to say that C is here to stay for a long time!

Final Words

Multiple project ideas are based on the C programming language. We have mentioned some of them based on different categories: beginners, intermediate, and experts. As you can see, multiple benefits are associated with building C projects; you learn a lot about data structures, error handling, project management, user authentication, and basic concepts of C language.

Most examples mentioned above are real-world projects that will help you gain hands-on experience!

We hope that the information mentioned in this article helps you get an idea to kickstart your project as soon as possible! Which project is your favorite from the list? Do let us know in the comment section below.

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Anamika Kalwan I am a logophile who loves to write. <br> With an experience of 3+ years, I have contributed my expertise and knowledge in the field of Technical Content Writing. I create content on trending technologies and languages, such as Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, DevOps, Java, Linux, Ubuntu, Windows, and more.

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Basics of “C” Programming

Published by Leon Stevens Modified over 9 years ago

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15+ Exciting C Projects Ideas With Source Code

Introduction, c projects for beginners, simple calculator, student record management system, mini project for phone book, unit converter project, intermediate c projects with source code, mini voting system, tic-tac-toe game, matrix calculator, library management system, electricity bill calculator, movie ticket booking system, advanced c projects with source code, snakes and ladders game, lexical analyzer, bus reservation system, pac-man game, other project ideas, frequently asked questions, additional resources.

If you are looking for project ideas to enhance your C Programming skills, you are at the right place. Programming is more about what you can figure out than what you know. With the technology landscape continually changing, problem-solving is the one skill that allows you to navigate through innovations while also evolving. Start with C, the language using which most of the current programming languages are derived, to sharpen your essential programming skills and develop problem-solving abilities. C is widely used in practically every field and is regarded as the best language for novices, despite the fact that it was first introduced 50 years ago. This raises the question of what C is and why it is still so popular. 

The C programming language is a procedural programming language. Dennis Ritchie created it as a system programming language for writing operating systems. Low-level memory access, a small collection of keywords, and a clean style are all qualities that make C language excellent for system programmings, such as operating system or compiler development. C quickly established itself as a powerful and reliable language in the software development area, with some of the most well-known names still linked with it today. C is used to create Microsoft Windows, Apple’s OS X, and Symbian. The C programming language is also used by Google’s Chromium, MySQL, Oracle, and the majority of Adobe’s apps. It also plays an important role in our daily lives, as most of the smart devices we use today are powered by C-programmed technology. 

Let’s see what are the features that make C a popular and demanded language.

Confused about your next job?

  • Flexibility – The seamless flexibility it offers in terms of  memory management and allocation is one of the key reasons why C is so extensively used. Programmers have complete control over how they allocate and reallocate memory, resulting in increased efficiency and improved optimization. The C programming language provides several functions for memory allocation and management like calloc(), malloc() etc.
  • Portability – C continues to be a very portable assembly language. It comes with numerous libraries that improve its functionality and allow it to work with practically any processor architecture. Compilers, libraries, and interpreters for a variety of other programming languages are typically written in C. This enables more efficient computation and accessibility.
  • Simplicity – C is classified as a mid-level language, which implies it has characteristics of both high-level and low-level languages. It’s straightforward to understand and use as a result of this. It also helps users to break down code into smaller, more legible parts because it is a structured programming language.
  • Structured Language – C is a structured programming language in the sense that functions can be used to break down a program into smaller chunks (functions). These functions also allow you to reuse code. As a result, it is simple to comprehend and work on. 
  • Memory management – C supports dynamic memory allocation (that is, allocation of memory at runtime). We can free the allocated memory at any time in the C language by using pre-defined functions.
  • Speed – There is no denying the fact that the compilation and execution time of the C language is fast since there are lesser inbuilt functions and hence the lesser overhead.

Compiled language – A Compiler is used in the C language to compile the code into object code, which is nothing more than machine code that the computer understands. You can split your code into many source code files in the C programming language. The files will be compiled individually and then linked together for execution.

We’ll look at some intriguing C projects that you may find on GitHub in this article. We believe that these project ideas will assist you in improving your problem-solving abilities, broadening your knowledge base, and enriching your learning experience. Mini projects, mini-games, and little apps are among the C projects described here. The majority of these programs make good use of functions, file handling, and data structure. Analyze and comprehend the source code of these projects, and you’ll be able to develop a similar project by learning how to add, modify, view, search, and delete data using files.

You can build a simple calculator with C using switch cases or if-else statements. This calculator takes two operands and an arithmetic operator (+, -, *, /) from the user, however, you can expand the program to accept more than two operands and one operator by adding logic. Then, based on the operator entered by the user, it conducts the computation on the two operands. The input, however, must be in the format “number1 operator1 number2” (i.e. 2+4).

Source Code – Calculator

Using C language, you can also create a student management system. To handle students’ records (like Student’s roll number, Name, Subject, etc.) it employs files as a database to conduct file handling activities such as add, search, change, and remove entries. It appears a simple project but can be handy for schools or colleges that have to store records of thousands of students.

Source Code – Student Management

If you have ever lost track of which day of the week is today or the number of days in that particular month, you should build a calendar yourself. The Calendar is written in the C programming language, and this Calendar assists you in determining the date and day you require. We can implement it using simple if-else logic and switch-case statements. The display() function is used to display the calendar and it can be modified accordingly. It also has some additional functions. The GitHub link of the calendar has been provided below.

Source Code – Calendar

This Phone book Project generates an external file to permanently store the user’s data (Name and phone number). The phone book is a very simple C project that will help you understand the core concepts of capacity, record keeping, and data structure. This program will show you how to add, list, edit or alter, look at, and delete data from a record.

Source Code – Phone Book

Forgot how to convert degree Fahrenheit to Celsius? Don’t worry. We have a solution for you. This unit converter converts basic units such as temperature, currency, and mass.

Source Code – Unit Converter

An online voting system is a software platform that enables organizations to conduct votes and elections securely. A high-quality online voting system strikes a balance between ballot security, convenience, and the overall needs of a voting event. By collecting the input of your group in a systematic and verifiable manner, online voting tools and online election voting systems assist you in making crucial decisions. These decisions are frequently taken on a yearly basis – either during an event (such as your organization’s AGM) or at a specific time of the year. Alternatively, you may conduct regular polls among your colleagues (e.g. anonymous employee feedback surveys).

With this voting system, users can enter their preferences and the total votes and leading candidate can be calculated. It’s a straightforward C project that’s simple to grasp. Small-scale election efforts can benefit from this.

Source Code – Voting System

Tic-tac-toe, also known as noughts and crosses or Xs and Os, is a two-person paper and pencil game in which each player alternates marking squares in a three-by-three grid with an X or an O. The winner is the player who successfully places three of their markers in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row. You can implement this fun game using 2D arrays in the C programming language. It is important to use arrays while creating a Tic Tac Toe game in the C programming language. The Xs and Os are stored in separate arrays and passed across various functions in the code to maintain track of the game’s progress. You can play the game against the computer by entering the code here and selecting either X or O. The source code for the project is given below.

Source Code – Tic Tac Toe

Mathematical operations are an everyday part of our life. Every day, we will connect with many forms of calculations in our environment. Matrices are mathematical structures in which integers are arranged in columns and rows. In actual life, matrices are used in many applications. The most common application is in the software sector, where pathfinder algorithms, image processing algorithms, and other algorithms are developed. Some fundamental matrix operations are performed in this project, with the user selecting the operation to be performed on the matrix. The matrices and their sizes are then entered. It’s worth noting that the project only considers square matrices.

Library management is a project that manages and preserves electronic book data based on the demands of students. Both students and library administrators can use the system to keep track of all the books available in the library. It allows both the administrator and the student to look for the desired book. The C files used to implement the system are: main.c, searchbook.c, issuebook.c, viewbook.c, and more.

Source Code – Library Management

The Electricity Cost Calculator project is an application-based micro project that predicts the following month’s electricity bill based on the appliances or loads used. Visual studio code was used to write the code for this project. This project employs a multi-file and multi-platform strategy ( Linux and Windows ). People who do not have a technical understanding of calculating power bills can use this program to forecast their electricity bills for the coming months; however, an electricity bill calculator must have the following features:

  • All loads’ power rating
  • Unit consumed per day
  • Units consumed per month, and
  • Total load calculation

Source Code – Electricity Billing

The project’s goal is to inform a consumer about the MOVIE TICKET BOOKING SYSTEM so that they can order tickets. The project was created with the goal of making the process as simple and quick as possible. The user can book tickets, cancel tickets, and view all booking records using the system. Our project’s major purpose is to supply various forms of client facilities as well as excellent customer service. It should meet nearly all the conditions for reserving a ticket.

Source Code – Movie Ticket Booking

Snakes and ladders, also known as Moksha Patam, is an ancient Indian board game for two or more players that is still considered a worldwide classic today. It’s played on a gridded game board with numbered squares. On the board, there are several “ladders” and “snakes,” each linking two distinct board squares. The dice value can either be provided by the user or it can be generated randomly. If after moving, the pointer points to the block where the ladder is, the pointer is directed to the top of the ladder. If unfortunately, the pointer points to the mouth of a snake after moving, the pointer is redirected to the tail of the snake. The objectives and rules of the game can be summarized as-

Objective – Given a snake and ladder game, write a function that returns the minimum number of jumps to take the top or destination position.

You can assume the dice you throw results in always favor of you, which means you can control the dice.

Source Code – Snakes and Ladders

The Lexical Analyzer program translates a stream of individual letters, which are generally grouped as lines, into a stream of lexical tokens. Tokenization, for example, of source code words and punctuation symbols. The project’s main goal/purpose is to take a C file and generate a sequence of tokens that can be utilized in the next stage of compilation. This should also account for any error handling requirements that may arise during tokenization.

Source Code – Lexical Analyzer

This system is built on the concept of booking bus tickets in advance. The user can check the bus schedule, book tickets, cancel reservations, and check the bus status board using this system. When purchasing tickets, the user must first enter the bus number, after which the system will display the entire number of bus seats along with the passengers’ names, and the user must then enter the number of tickets, seat number, and person’s name. We will be using arrays, if-else logic, loop statements, and various functions like login(), cancel(), etc. to implement the project.

Source Code – Bus Reservation System

This little project is a modest recreation of the Offline Google Chrome game Dinosaur Jump. The game can be played at any moment by the user. The entire project is written in the C programming language. The X key is used to exit the game, and the Space bar is used to leap. play and score as many points as you can; this is a fun, simple game designed specifically for novices, and it’s simple to use and understand.

Source Code – Dino Game

Pacman, like other classic games, is simple to play. In this game, you must consume as many small dots as possible to earn as many points as possible. The entire game was created using the C programming language. Graphics were employed in the creation of this game. To create the game, you have to first define the grid function to manage the grid structure. To control the movement, you can define functions such as move_right(), move_left(), move_up() and move_down(). C files to add ghosts and their functionalities, positions check, etc. can be added to make the game more fun. The customers will find this C Programming game to be simple to comprehend and manage.

Source Code – Pac Man

Some project ideas are given below. These are just ideas, source code links for these have not been provided.

  • Bank management system
  • Airlines reservation system
  • Vaccine registration portal
  • A calculator
  • Tic toe game
  • Password management system
  • Phone book management system
  • Snake and ladders game
  • Rock paper scissor game
  • Unit conversion system
  • Tip calculator
  • Employee information management system
  • Library management system
  • Mini voting system
  • Vaccine registration system
  • Cricket Scorecard management system
  • Hangman game
  • Pac-Man game
  • Grocery list
  • Medical store management system
  • School billing system
  • Student record system
  • Typing tutor
  • Traffic control management system
  • Telephone billing system
  • Hotel accommodation system

We collected some C language projects and ideas for you in this article. GitHub has established a huge collection of projects from programmers who routinely examine and critique each other’s codes as the world’s largest software development community. Furthermore, because the platform supports many programming languages, there are a plethora of C project ideas on GitHub for anyone to get ideas from. As the developer, it’s up to you to think outside the box, come up with inventive solutions using available resources, and contribute to the future of software. For the benefit of clarity, the projects/software are grouped into distinct headings. So, if you’re new to project development, start by understanding and analyzing a tiny project before going on to a project with a broader scope and application.

Q. Is C good for big projects? A. C is indeed suitable for large projects. Programming in C requires a great deal of discipline than most modern programming languages. C aids in the learning of programming fundamentals, and because it is a procedural language, it necessitates a large amount of hard code in comparison to its competitors.

Q. Can you program games with C? A. The C programming language can be used to create games, however, most people choose to choose other languages.

Q. Is C still used today? A. Yes, C is still one of the most popular programming languages today.

Q. What should I build in C? A. Start with a little project to understand and analyze before moving on to a project with a larger scope and applicability if you’re new to project development. Some project ideas along with their source code are given in this article.

  • C Interview Questions
  • Online C Compiler
  • Features of C Language
  • Difference Between C and Python
  • Difference Between C and Java
  • Difference between C and C++
  • C Programming

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Cognitive-ninja / mini-voting-system.

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Privanom / algorithms

A open source repository of different kinds of algorithms in c. Newbies are encouraged to contribute! Note: I made this code when i didn't have as much experience in programming

  • Updated Dec 15, 2023

ssoad / Employee-Management-System

Employee Management System in C By Sohanuzzaman Soad

  • Updated Dec 13, 2022

ebraj / Phonebook-C-Project

Phonebook is a simple project built in C where you can save the Infos of a person and can modify and delete it too.

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jithin-renji / Nuke

A program to 'nuke' storage devices.

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grim-firefly / C-CPP-Project

Here You will find some easy C and C++ project.

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akhtar02 / Scientific-Calculator-in-C

This Reopositories is a Scientific Calculator 💗 using C-Graphics 😍

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singhofen / c-programming

These are small C language programs meant for learning and understanding the fundamentals of programming.

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me-badsha / C-Graphics-Project

  • Updated Sep 6, 2022

webwithaman / c-programming-questions

This repository contains a collection of programming questions and solutions in the C programming language. The questions cover various fundamental concepts such as Input/Output, Operators, Decision Control, Loops, Functions, Arrays, Strings, Pointers and more.

  • Updated Feb 13, 2024

UG-SEP / Tic-Tac-Toe-AI-Intergrated

this is a repo of where you will get to see tic tac toe AI intregrated project

  • Updated Aug 28, 2021

UG-SEP / Paint-with-UG-The-SEP

This is a Project created in c named Paint With UG. this is like paint application . You can draw shapes , freehand , fill color, change color, add image , open image , save image ,change background , clear pad , write text etc..

  • Updated Aug 23, 2021

naemazam / Hotel-Management-System

Password Protected Hotel Management System in C language.

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ganeshkavhar / Calender-app-in-C-by-ganesh-kavhar

ganesh kavhar projects

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Rohan-Shakya / c-programs

This repository contains the C Programs with the source code as well as output so that you can learn the better way of programming.

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shibam120302 / IP_Address_Finder

With the help of splay tree data structure, we would create a tree whose nodes are embedded with the Ip address of the device that are connect to a specific network router.

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praveennegi420 / secure_notepad

A project with basic C implementation. It is a password-protected editor, with which you can access your files safely. It provides various functionalities like adding timestamp, displaying file content, adding or overwriting to previous file data. It also provides a Demo interface.

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Mohammad-Asif-Web / Cpp-and-projects

C and C++ language practice, problem solving, data structures and algorithms with more exercise. completed four projects in C

  • Updated Jul 27, 2022

subhankar18r / The_C_Programming_Language

Welcome to The C Programming Language. This repository is a collection of my journey through the world of C programming. Here, you'll find a variety of projects, exercises, and experiments that showcase my exploration and mastery of the C programming language.

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mozancetin / c-projects

Some C Projects

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Introduction to C Programming Language PPT and Google Slides

Introduction To C Programming Language Presentation Slide 

C is a high-level programming language that was originally developed in the early 1970s for system programming and has since become widely used for a variety of applications. It is a procedural language that allows for structured programming and modular design, making it highly flexible and efficient. C has a rich set of built-in functions and operators, and allows for low-level memory manipulation, making it ideal for applications that require high performance and speed. It has also been widely adopted in the field of embedded systems and microcontrollers. C continues to be an important language for software development today. By using our template, you can convey your message in a clear and concise manner.

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Brunswick County commissioners to hear presentation on N.C. 133 Bridge Project

c programming project presentation

BRUNSWICK COUNTY, N.C. (WECT) - At the Brunswick County Board of Commissioners meeting set for Aug. 19, the board will hear a presentation on the upcoming bridge construction at N.C. 133 (River Road) over Sand Hill Creek.

The bridge is near Funston Road and also includes replacing hundreds of feet of pipe and replacing the existing culverts carrying the creek under River Road with a bridge.

River Road and Funston Road will both be closed during construction, the latter closed at its intersection with River Road. The detour will be via N.C. 87 and U.S. 17.

The tentative schedule includes construction starting potentially as early as Oct. 28 and being completed by Aug. 1, 2025, excluding permanent vegetation establishment.

To incentivize the contractor to finish work early since N.C. 133 is an evacuation route, incentive payment is $5,000 per day completed early, up to $375,000 for completion on or before May 18, 2025. A disincentive will be $5,000 daily beyond the completion date of Aug. 1, 2025.

You can find the full meeting agenda on the county’s website.

N.C. 133 (River Road) closure detour map.

Copyright 2024 WECT. All rights reserved.

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Students Impress in 2024 UREP Project Presentations

Libby Sullivan | May 14, 2024

Undergraduate student research continues to thrive at New York Tech, with the 30 College of Engineering and Computing Sciences students showcasing their projects on May 9 as part of the  Undergraduate Research and Entrepreneurship Program  (UREP) providing the most recent evidence.

Presenting their projects on topics ranging from developing green roofing systems for urban agriculture and using AI in dentistry to building robots to mitigate unsolved home invasions, studying the impact of flash floods on electric vehicles in New York City, and much more, the eight teams comprising students from both New York campuses highlighted the findings of their group research or entrepreneurship projects conducted under the guidance of faculty mentors. UREP provides each team with $500 to cover the cost of supplies and materials; the projects can run for a single semester or extend to multiple semesters for teams pursuing further development. 

Since the spring of 2018, more than 300 students have participated in this program established by Associate Professor   Ziqian (Cecilia) Dong, Ph.D. , who welcomed faculty, staff, students, and other attendees to the seventh annual event.   

Addressing the student participants, Dean  Babak D. Beheshti, Ph.D. , said, “All of you have had a chance to work closely with the College of Engineering and Computing Sciences faculty in an undergraduate research project, which is a really valuable experience for you personally and professionally, and an amazing thing to put on your résumé for whatever pursuit that you have in mind after graduation.”  

Teams featured undergraduate students, ranging from first through fourth year, and from programs including computer science, electrical and computer engineering, and mechanical engineering. Most teams were co-ed. Presented projects included:

2024 UREP Projects and Teams

  • Comparative Study of Hydroponic Plant-Disease Detection Systems Team members: Joseann Boneo, Best Justus, Alysar Tabet Faculty mentor:  Houwei Cao, Ph.D.
  • Identifying Dental Cavities from X-Ray Images Using Cnn Team members: Sarah Allrozamo, Tanuza Abdin, Hannah Ocampo Faculty mentor:  Huanying (Helen) Gu, Ph.D.
  • Thermoacoustic Refrigeration Team members: Sheikh Ahmar, Jericho Lee, Ernesto Rosas Romero Faculty mentor:  James Scire, Ph.D.
  • Home Invasion Detection and Prevention Team members: Shan Caballes, Dani Gulino, D’ron Strapp, T’ron Strapp Faculty mentor: Kirti Mishra, Ph.D.
  • Level Crossing Analog to Digital Converter Representation Using Chebyshev Polynomials Team members: Pavan Kanakkassery, Emilio Santana-Ferro, Damian Sarjudas Faculty mentor:  N. Sertac Artan, Ph.D.
  • AI Detection in Creative Writing Team members: Elijah Ewers, Vighanesh Gaund, Cheuk Tung Ho, Wedad Mortada, Tanat Sahta   Faculty mentor:  Wenjia Li, Ph.D.
  • Interactive Visualization Tool for NYC Open Data Team members: Ali Elshehawi, Ali Khachab, Guang Wei Too, Alan Yuan Faculty mentor:  Ziqian (Cecilia) Dong, Ph.D.
  • A Study on the Current Effects of Flash Floods in NYC on Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Team members: Mekan Agahanov, Angily Ally, Isha Kaur, Ishaan Singh Faculty mentor: Ziqian (Cecilia) Dong, Ph.D.

Beheshti noted that the variety and depth of the projects speak to the hard work that the teams have put in. He recognized and thanked the faculty mentors and reiterated to the students the importance of this experience gained by “handling an open-ended problem, outside of your classroom, that you owned, and you managed to take from an idea to a concept” and beyond.

New York Tech alumnus Jasdeep Gulati

An Alumnus’ Commitment to the Environment

Energy management graduate Jasdeep Gulati (M.S. ’22) is highly invested in educating people about environmental and climate sustainability.

Pictured from left: Arman Bonakdarpour, Amin Milani Fard, Eric Mazzi, and Sara Khanchi

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Studying Climate Change One Degree at a Time

Junhua Qu (M.S. ’24) began her collegiate journey in Beijing. But, her interest in climate change took her to New York Tech’s Vancouver campus to study energy management.

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An Alumnus Takes Down Barriers to Eye Care

Optometrist Dean Hart, OD (B.S. ’82), dedicates his time to service and humanitarianism, donating his resources to provide eye care for those in need.

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Growing Long Island’s Tech Workforce

Alongside major partner Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York Tech is educating leaders for this booming technology corridor.

Group shot of NYITCOM students in blue New York Tech shirts.

D.O.s and scientists from around the world traveled joined NYITCOM for the inaugural Conference on Osteopathic Research and Knowledge (CORK).

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Project 2025 shakes up leadership after criticism from Democrats and Trump, but says work goes on


FILE - Paul Dans, director of Project 2025 at the Heritage Foundation, speaks at the National Religious Broadcasters convention, Feb. 22, 2024. (AP Photo/George Walker IV, File)

FILE - An American flag is seen upside down at the Heritage Foundation in Washington, May 31, 2024. The conservative think tank that is planning for a complete overhaul of the federal government in the event of a Republican presidential win is suggesting that President Joe Biden might try to hold the White House “by force” if he loses the November election. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana, File)

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NEW YORK (AP) — The director of the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 vision for a complete overhaul of the federal government stepped down Tuesday after blowback from Donald Trump’s campaign, which has tried to disavow the program created by many of the former president’s allies and former aides.

Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts said Paul Dans’ exit comes after the project “completed exactly what it set out to do.” Roberts, who has emerged as a chief spokesman for the effort, plans to lead Project 2025 going forward.

“Our collective efforts to build a personnel apparatus for policymakers of all levels — federal, state, and local — will continue,” Roberts said.

What started as an obscure far-right wish list is now a focal point in the 2024 campaign. Democrats for the past several months have made Project 2025 a key election-year cudgel, pointing to the ultraconservative policy blueprint as a glimpse into how extreme another Trump administration could be.

The nearly 1,000-page handbook lays out sweeping changes in the federal government, including altering personnel rules to ensure government workers are more loyal to the president. Heritage is building a database of potential new hires to staff a second Trump White House.


Yet Trump has repeatedly disavowed the document, saying on social media he hasn’t read it and doesn’t know anything about it. At a rally in Michigan earlier this month, he said Project 2025 was written by people on the “severe right” and some of the things in it are “seriously extreme.”

“President Trump’s campaign has been very clear for over a year that Project 2025 had nothing to do with the campaign, did not speak for the campaign, and should not be associated with the campaign or the President in any way,” Trump campaign advisers Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita said in a statement.

They said, “Reports of Project 2025’s demise would be greatly welcomed and should serve as notice to anyone or any group trying to misrepresent their influence with President Trump and his campaign — it will not end well for you.”

But Ohio Sen. JD Vance , Trump’s running mate, wrote a foreword to a forthcoming book by Roberts in which he lauds the Heritage Foundation’s work. A copy of the foreword was obtained by The Associated Press.

“The Heritage Foundation isn’t some random outpost on Capitol Hill; it is and has been the most influential engine of ideas for Republicans from Ronald Reagan to Donald Trump,” wrote Vance.

Quoting Roberts elsewhere in the book, Vance writes: ″We are now all realizing that it’s time to circle the wagons and load the muskets. In the fights that lay ahead, these ideas are an essential weapon.”

Trump campaign representatives did not respond to messages inquiring about whether the campaign asked or pushed for Dans to step down from the project. The Heritage Foundation said Dans left voluntarily and it was not under pressure from the Trump campaign. Dans didn’t immediately respond to an emailed request for comment.

Project 2025 has many ties to Trump’s orbit

In many ways, Project 2025 served as a potential far-right White House in waiting, a constellation of outside groups that would be ready for action if Trump wins a second term.

The project included not only the detailed policy proposals that Trump could put into place on day one at the White House. Project 2025 was also building a personnel database of resumes for potential hires, drawing Americans to Washington to staff a new Trump administration.

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Many Trump allies and former top aides contributed to the project. Dans formerly worked as a personnel official for the Trump administration. And Trump regularly campaigns on many of the same proposals in the Project 2025 book — from mass deportations to upending the Justice Department — though some of its other proposals, including further taxes on tips , conflict with some of what Trump has pledged on the campaign trail.

It was clear that Project 2025 was becoming a liability for Trump and the Republican Party.

Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign and top Democrats have repeatedly tied Trump to Project 2025 as they argue against a second term for the former president.

The Harris campaign said Project 2025 remains linked to Trump’s agenda, written by his allies for him to “inflict” on the country.

“Hiding the 920-page blueprint from the American people doesn’t make it less real — in fact, it should make voters more concerned about what else Trump and his allies are hiding,” said Harris for President Campaign Manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez.

For months Trump’s campaign had warned outside groups, and Heritage in particular, that they did not speak for the former president.

In an interview from the Republican convention first published by Politico, LaCivita said Project 2025 was a problem because “the issues that are going to win us this campaign are not the issues that they want to talk about.”

It was almost certain than Trump’s campaign forced the shakeup, said one former Heritage aide.

Trump’s team was well aware it couldn’t risk any missteps from Heritage in this final stretch ahead of the election.

By announcing the departure, Roberts appeared to be sending a signal to the Trump campaign that changes were being made at Heritage to tamp down any concerns over Project 2025, said another conservative familiar with the situation.

If Trump wins the White House, he almost certainly will need to rely on Heritage and other outside entities to help quickly staff a new administration, the person said.

That person and the former aide would only talk on condition of anonymity to discuss private conversations.

Heritage says Project 2025 is not going away

Project 2025’s website will remain live and the group will continue vetting resumes for its nearly 20,000-person database of potential officials eager to execute its vision for government, the Heritage Foundation said Tuesday.

The group said Dans, who had started the project from scratch more than two years ago, will leave the Heritage Foundation in August. Roberts will now run Project 2025 operations.

Roberts has faced criticism in recent weeks after he said on an episode of former Trump aide Steve Bannon’s “War Room” podcast that the country is in the midst of a “second American Revolution” that will be bloodless “if the left allows it to be.”

Earlier this month, in an interview before beginning a prison sentence for defying a congressional subpoena, Bannon mentioned Roberts as the type of leader who could land a top job in a Trump White House.

Mascaro reported from Washington. Associated Press writer Michelle L. Price contributed to this report.

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Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Application Period Extension

A Rule by the Federal Emergency Management Agency on 08/15/2024

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  • Document Details Published Content - Document Details Agencies Department of Homeland Security Federal Emergency Management Agency Agency/Docket Number Docket ID FEMA-2024-0024 CFR 44 CFR 206 Document Citation 89 FR 66241 Document Number 2024-17909 Document Type Rule Pages 66241-66254 (14 pages) Publication Date 08/15/2024 RIN 1660-AB15 Published Content - Document Details
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  • Document Dates Published Content - Document Dates Effective Date 08/15/2024 Dates Text This rule is effective August 15, 2024. Published Content - Document Dates

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Supplementary information:, 1. legal and factual background, fema's hazard mitigation grant program, hazard mitigation grant program application procedures, 2. public support & need for rule change, 3. discussion of rule change, 4. regulatory analysis, a. administrative procedure act, b. executive orders 12866, “regulatory planning and review” and 13563, “improving regulation and regulatory review”, need for updated regulation, affected population, transfer payments, alternatives considered, c. regulatory flexibility act, d. unfunded mandates reform act of 1995, e. paperwork reduction act of 1995, f. privacy act/e-government act, g. executive order 13175 , “consultation and coordination with indian tribal governments”, h. executive order 13132 , “federalism”, i. executive order 11988 , “floodplain management”, j. executive order 11990 , “protection of wetlands”, k. national environmental policy act of 1969 (nepa), l. endangered species act, m. national historic preservation act of 1966, n. congressional review of agency rulemaking, list of subjects in 44 cfr part 206, part 206—federal disaster assistance.

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Department of Homeland Security

Federal emergency management agency.

  • 44 CFR Part 206
  • [Docket ID FEMA-2024-0024]
  • RIN 1660-AB15

Federal Emergency Management Agency, DHS.

Final rule.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is revising its regulations to extend the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program's application period. This revision will allow FEMA to approve additional projects and offer applicants additional time for project approvals meant to address the effects of climate change and other unmet community mitigation needs.

This rule is effective August 15, 2024.

The docket for this rulemaking is available for inspection using the Federal eRulemaking Portal at http://www.regulations.gov and can be viewed by following that website's instructions.

Howard Stronach, Mitigation Directorate, Hazard Mitigation Assistance Division, FEMA, 400 C St. SW, Washington, DC 20472, (202) 646-3683, [email protected] .

FEMA is responsible for administering and coordinating the Federal Government's response to disasters pursuant to the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (“Stafford Act”). [ 1 ] There are two types of disaster declarations provided for in the Stafford Act: emergency declarations  [ 2 ] and major disaster declarations. [ 3 ] Following a major disaster declaration, FEMA may provide several different types of discretionary assistance to applicants such as funding under its Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) which is authorized under Section 404 of the Stafford Act. 42 U.S.C. 5170c ; 44 CFR 206.40 .

HMGP “ensures that State, local, Tribal and territorial governments have the financial opportunity to plan for and implement mitigation measures that reduce the risk of loss of life and property from future natural disasters during the reconstruction process following a disaster.”  [ 4 ] HMGP funding is time-limited; “the award period of performance for HMGP begins with the opening of the application period and ends no later than 48 months from the close of the application period.” Id.

Under HMGP, FEMA “may contribute up to 75% of the cost of hazard mitigation measures which the President has determined are cost-effective and which substantially reduce the risk of future damage, hardship, loss, or suffering in any area affected by a major disaster.”  [ 5 ] States (which includes Territories)  [ 6 ] and Indian Tribal Governments are eligible applicants for HMGP funding, and upon award, will become recipients. [ 7 ] State agencies, local governments, private nonprofit organizations, and Indian Tribal Governments  [ 8 ] are eligible subapplicants for HMGP who, and, upon subaward, will become subrecipients. [ 9 ]

The HMGP lists all relevant program definitions at 44 CFR 206.431 . In HMGP, a “grant application” is a request to FEMA for HMGP funding by a State or Tribal Government that will act as a recipient. 44 CFR 206.431 . The “subaward application” is the request to the recipient for HMGP funding by the eligible subrecipient. 44 CFR 206.431 ; 44 CFR 206.436(a) . The “grant award” is the total Federal and non-federal contributions to complete the approved scope of work. [ 10 ] The “subaward” means an award provided by a pass-through entity to a subrecipient for the subrecipient to carry out as part of the Federal award. 44 CFR 206.431 ; 44 CFR 206.436(a) . The “recipient” is the State or Indian Tribal Government that receives a Federal award directly from FEMA. [ 11 ]

HMGP applicants follow the procedures set forth at § 206.436. Upon identification of mitigation measures, the applicant submits an HMGP application to the FEMA Regional Administrator. The HMGP application includes a comprehensive narrative identifying intended mitigation projects, State or local contacts, project locations, description and cost estimates, an analysis of the cost-effectiveness of the mitigation measures, work schedules, justification for selection, relevant project management information and subrecipients. See 44 CFR 206.436(c) . Applications for HMGP serve to identify the specific mitigation measures for which HMGP funding is requested. Applicants must submit all local HMGP applications (also known as subaward applications or subapplications) and funding requests to the FEMA Regional Administrator within 12 months of the date of the disaster declaration. [ 12 ] Under § 206.436(e), however, applicants/recipients may request that the Regional Administrator extend the application time limit by additional 30-to-90-day ( print page 66242) increments, not to exceed a total of 180 days.

The amount of HMGP funding available to the applicant is based on the estimated total Federal assistance for the major disaster declaration, subject to the sliding scale formula that FEMA provides for disaster recovery. 44 CFR 206.432(b) . FEMA establishes the amount of funding available for HMGP for each disaster  [ 13 ] (called the HMGP “ceiling”) at 12 months after the date of the disaster declaration (called the HMGP “lock-in”). [ 14 ] FEMA provides two point-in-time estimates prior to the 12-month lock-in (at 35 days and 6 months) so that the applicant has some approximation of funding availability for each disaster in order to solicit and select among subapplications for mitigation projects. Id. When major fluctuations of projected disaster costs occur, FEMA, at the request of the applicant, may conduct an additional review after the 12-month lock-in. If the resulting review shows that the amount of funds available for HMGP is different than previously calculated, the final lock-in amount will be adjusted accordingly. Id.

FEMA stakeholders have identified the length of the application period and the inability to re-open the application period once it has closed as barriers to applying for assistance under HMGP. [ 15 ] Specifically, State, local, Tribal, and territorial (SLTT) stakeholders have indicated they would benefit from additional time to develop quality applications and identified lack of resources, staff, and technical expertise necessary to prepare quality applications in a timely manner, resource challenges in trying to apply for assistance while also managing the response and recovery from a major disaster, failing to have a set HMGP ceiling established until the 12-month mark when the applications are due, and cumulative disasters as circumstances that further exacerbate the challenges to applying for assistance. Id.

Among the feedback received, SLTT entities indicated a need for allowing FEMA to extend or reopen the application period after it closes when disaster assistance recalculations potentially result in increased lock-in ceilings. [ 16 ] Between October 1, 2019, and January 1, 2023, applicants submitted 75 requests, out of a total of 171 applications, for extensions beyond the 180 days Regional Administrators are permitted to authorize. Based on analysis of historical data from FEMA's NEMIS database, [ 17 ] from 2013-2022, 26.0 percent of applicants submit their applications within 12 months or less, 16.0 percent of applicants request extensions and submit their applications between 12-15 months, 31.3 percent of applicants request extensions and submit their applications between 15-18 months, and 26.7 percent of applicants are unable to complete their applications within the 18 months allowable under the regulations.

FEMA has statutory authority to waive administrative conditions that would prevent applicants from receiving assistance if the inability to meet such conditions is the result of the major disaster. See 42 U.S.C. 5141 . FEMA has used this authority to grant extensions beyond 18 months to those applicants who can demonstrate they are unable to meet the deadline as a result of the major disaster. From 2013-2022, for disasters that required extensions beyond the regulatorily-provided 18 months, the average amount of additional time approved by FEMA is approximately 11.6 months; however, this amount includes several major disasters with extraordinary circumstances that require significantly more time to address than typical disasters. The median amount of additional time, which provides a more realistic snapshot, is approximately 6.1 months.

FEMA establishes the amount of funding available for HMGP for each disaster at 12 months after the date of the disaster declaration. 42 U.S.C. 5170c(a) . The 12-month application deadline currently in regulation does not provide sufficient time for applicants to submit their applications. In light of the public participation referenced throughout  [ 18 ] and resultant ( print page 66243) data analytics research discussed in Regulatory Analysis “B. Executive Orders 12866, `Regulatory Planning and Review' and 13563, `Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review,' ” FEMA now moves to address these identified challenges.

FEMA is amending § 206.436 to extend the HMGP's application period and reopen the registration period under limited circumstances. FEMA is revising § 206.436(d), “Application submission time limit,” to extend the initial deadline for applicants to submit local HMGP applications and funding requests from 12 months to 15 months from the date of disaster declaration. FEMA's historical data shows that 42 percent of applicants are able to submit applications within 15 months (26.0 percent who are able to meet the current 12-month deadline + 16 percent who are able to request an extension and submit by the 15-month extended deadline). FEMA's historical data also shows that setting the initial deadline at 18 months will increase this number by 31.3 percent. FEMA is extending the initial deadline to 15 months instead of 18 months (or longer) to ensure that it is setting an achievable deadline while still maintaining its commitment to timely and effective grants management. The additional 3 months also provides applicants time to receive the 12-month lock in amount and make educated adjustments to the amount of funding they are applying for. This would lessen the administrative burden placed on HMGP recipients and FEMA as it would require fewer application extension requests and responses.

FEMA is making several revisions to § 206.436(e), “Extensions.” Currently, § 206.436(e) provides that an applicant may, with justification, request that the Regional Administrator extend the application time limit by 30 to 90 day increments, not to exceed a total of 180 days. FEMA is revising § 206.436(e) by adding introductory text to state that upon receiving a written request from the applicant, FEMA may extend the application submission timeline as described in new paragraphs (e)(1) and (2). New paragraph (e)(1) retains the language currently in paragraph (e), except that FEMA is increasing 90 days to 120 days and increasing 180 days to 240 days. FEMA is also changing the word “recipient” to “applicant” in the last sentence for accuracy, as “applicant” is an entity applying to FEMA for funding; it is only upon award that the applicant becomes the recipient.

New paragraph (e)(2) provides that FEMA will only consider requests for extensions beyond 240 days for extenuating circumstances outside of the applicant's control. Such requests must be submitted to the Regional Administrator and must include justification. FEMA is adding new paragraph (e)(2) because it understands that extenuating circumstances outside of the applicant's control might prevent the applicant from submitting its application within the 240-day timeframe. FEMA is therefore allowing requests for extensions as a matter of fairness but is requiring such extensions to be coordinated between the FEMA region and FEMA Headquarters and requiring justification to ensure that no application period is extended indefinitely. As described in FEMA's Hazard Mitigation Assistance Program and Policy Guide, a recipient's extension request must (1) describe the extenuating circumstances that prevent the recipient from meeting that application period deadline, (2) document how the recipient implemented HMGP consistent with its Administrative Plan, (3) provide an implementation strategy and goals to use any remaining assistance (including an assessment of the additional time requested and an updated Administrative Plan), and (4) identify any technical assistance that can assist in addressing resource gaps and/or is needed to successfully implement the program. [ 19 ]

As noted throughout, FEMA stakeholders have identified the length of the application period and the inability to reopen the application period once it has closed as barriers to applying for assistance under HMGP. They have indicated that additional time to develop applications would allow them to not only submit more applications, but better, more complete applications as well. [ 20 ] In response, FEMA is adding a new paragraph (f) to allow FEMA to reopen application periods on a limited basis. This paragraph, entitled “Reopening of application period,” provides that FEMA's Assistant Administrator for the Mitigation Directorate may reopen a closed application period for up to 180 days under two circumstances. (FEMA is limiting its ability to reopen a closed application period to 180 days to ensure this remains a limited authority). The first circumstance, addressed in paragraph (f)(1), “Recalculation of assistance,” will allow FEMA to reopen a closed application period if FEMA approves a recalculation of assistance under § 206.432 and an applicant requests to reopen the application period within 60 days of FEMA's recalculation approval.

As stated above, the amount of available HMGP funding is based on a percentage of the estimated total Federal assistance for each disaster declaration. 42 U.S.C. 5170c ; 44 CFR 206.432(b) . FEMA establishes the HMGP lock-in 12 months after the disaster declaration. Id. In circumstances when a major disaster results in significant fluctuations of projected or actual costs, FEMA, at the recipient's request, may change the “lock-in” amount if the projections or actuals used to determine it were inaccurate enough that the change would be material. Id. However, FEMA currently cannot reopen the application period after it has closed even if there has been an increase to the ceiling amount of assistance. Id. This causes issues for applicants because “lock-in” recalculations can greatly increase the amount of additional HMGP funding but often occur close to the end of, or even outside of, the application period, leaving applicants without additional time to apply for that extra funding.

FEMA is adding new paragraph (f)(1) to allow FEMA to reopen a closed application period to address this issue. ( print page 66244) FEMA is requiring applicants to submit such requests within 60 days of FEMA's recalculation to ensure that submissions are timely and to prevent an applicant from requesting a reopening after an extended period of time has passed. The second circumstance, addressed in paragraph (f)(2), “Appeal,” will allow FEMA to reopen a closed application period if FEMA grants an appeal under § 206.440 for an application extension denial after an application period is closed. Currently, if FEMA grants an appeal for an application extension denial, FEMA lacks the authority to reopen the application period for that applicant. This results in an inequitable scenario where the applicant wins its appeal but is deprived of a “remedy,” which effectively renders the appeal meaningless. Allowing FEMA to reopen the application period for an applicant whose appeal it has granted would enable FEMA to provide all applicants a more effective and equitable appeals process.

FEMA will redesignate current paragraph (f), “FEMA approval,” as paragraph (g). In new paragraph (g), FEMA will make nonsubstantive revisions such as changing the word “State” to “applicant” for greater accuracy, as well as minor grammatical edits to incorporate the active voice. Lastly, FEMA will redesignate current paragraph (g), “Indian Tribal recipients,” as paragraph (h).

The Administrative Procedure Act (APA) generally requires agencies to publish a notice of proposed rulemaking in the Federal Register and provide interested persons the opportunity to submit comments. See 5 U.S.C. 553(b) and (c) . The APA provides an exception to this prior notice and comment requirement for matters relating to public property, loans, grants, benefits, or contracts. 5 U.S.C. 553(a)(2) .

FEMA's HMGP program is a grant program through which FEMA obligates funding to State, local, Tribal, and territorial governments, as well as eligible private nonprofit organizations, for post-disaster hazard mitigation measures that reduce the risk of, or increase resilience to, future damage, hardship, loss or suffering in any area affected by a major disaster, or any area affected by a fire for which assistance was provided under section 420 of the Stafford Act. Because this rule relates to FEMA's obligation of grant funding under the HMGP program, it is exempt from notice and comment rulemaking under the APA. In addition to the grants exemption previously noted, this rulemaking serves to increase flexibility in the administration of this mitigation grant program.

While FEMA asserts this rule is exempt from notice and comment procedures, the agency acknowledges its general policy to provide for public participation in rulemaking. [ 21 ] FEMA has retained its discretion to depart from this policy as circumstances warrant. 44 CFR 1.3(c) . Extending the HMGP application period warrants such a departure from notice and comment rulemaking, because the effort is a result of public comment. FEMA has already received comments from numerous stakeholders in response to a publication of the Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) Program and Policy Guide for public comment  [ 22 ] expressing concern regarding the challenges they encounter in meeting the current HMGP deadlines  [ 23 ] and supporting the regulatory changes in this rulemaking. This rule does not impose any additional requirements on applicants; rather, in response to public comment requesting additional flexibilities in the HMGP, [ 24 ] it increases flexibility for applicants by allowing more opportunities for them to develop and improve their grant applications to address the effects of climate change and other unmet mitigation needs.

Finally, FEMA asserts this rule provides necessary relief for the public that should not be delayed. Delayed effective dates are provided to give the public a reasonable time to prepare to comply with a rule. The APA generally requires that substantive rules incorporate a 30-day delayed effective date. 5 U.S.C. 553(d) . However, the APA simultaneously provides an exception to the 30-day delayed effective date for rules which grant or recognize an exemption or relieve a restriction. [ 25 ] 5 U.S.C. 553(d)(1) . This rule relieves a restriction on the amount of time HMGP applicants have to develop and submit mitigation project applications and is a result of public comment.

In response to a March 2023 update to and publication of the Hazard Mitigation Policy and Program Guide, [ 26 ] FEMA received comments from Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management, [ 27 ] the Texas Division of Emergency Management, [ 28 ] New York State Hazard Mitigation, [ 29 ] the Louisiana Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness, [ 30 ] and the City of New Orleans, [ 31 ] all calling for additional time and flexibilities in the HMGP application process. In response to this feedback, FEMA ran a query of HMGP disaster application duration periods and found a need to extend the HMGP application period. This discussion is found in the regulatory analysis section below. This final rule will allow applicants and subapplicants more time to develop and submit additional mitigation project applications to address climate change and other unmet mitigation needs, relieving the restriction from which public commenters requested relief.

Executive Orders 12866 (“Regulatory Planning and Review”) as amended by Executive Order 14094 (Modernizing Regulatory Analysis), and 13563 (Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review) direct agencies to assess the costs and benefits of available regulatory alternatives and, if regulation is necessary, to select regulatory approaches that maximize net benefits (including potential economic, environmental, public health and safety effects, distributive impacts, and equity). Executive Order 13563 emphasizes the importance of quantifying both costs and benefits, reducing costs, harmonizing rules, and promoting flexibility.

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has not designated this rule a significant regulatory action under section 3(f) of Executive Order 12866 , as amended by Executive Order 14094 . Accordingly, OMB has not reviewed this regulatory action.

The following paragraphs explain the need for the updated regulation, the affected population, and the benefits.

Through HMGP, FEMA provides financial assistance to States, Territorial, and Tribal governments and thereafter funds may be distributed to local authorities or certain private nonprofit organizations for post disaster hazard mitigation measures that reduce the risk of, or increase resilience to, future damage, hardship, loss or suffering in any area affected by a major disaster. FEMA's current 12-month HMGP application deadline in regulation does not provide sufficient time for applicants to submit their applications resulting in frequent requests for application period extensions. Additionally, FEMA currently lacks the ability to re-open closed HMGP application periods when additional funding becomes available after the period closes or when an applicant's extension appeal is granted by FEMA. In these cases, FEMA's inability to re-open application periods prevents HMGP funds from helping communities rebuild in a way that mitigates future disaster losses.

To assess the need for changes to the existing application period authorities, FEMA ran a query of application period durations for the 689 disasters declared during the 10-year period from 2013 to 2022. It found that:

  • Only 26 percent of applicants (179 of 689) were able to submit all subapplications within the base 12-month application period;
  • 16 percent of applicants (111 of 689) were able to submit their applications after 12 months and within 15 months;
  • 31.3 percent of applicants (215 of 689) were able to submit their applications after 15 months and within 18 months, only requiring an extension from the Regional Administrator; and,
  • 26.7 percent (184 of 689 applicants) needed extensions beyond 18 months from FEMA Headquarters to be able to submit all subapplications. Currently, the only existing extension authority from Headquarters to issue application extensions is Section 301 of the Stafford Act.

During this 10-year period, the average amount of additional time approved by FEMA beyond the regulatorily provided 18 months is approximately 11.6 months, which was heavily influenced by several major disasters with extraordinary circumstances, including major disaster Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria in 2017. The median amount of additional time was 6.1 months. This data shows that the current application period extension allowances are not enough for many applicants.

The Figure 1 graph shows application period extension length by disaster over the 10-year period analyzed. The dark portion of the x-axis labeled “Regional Extension” shows disasters where the recipient requested an extension from the Regional Administrator and the light portion of the x-axis labeled “Headquarters Extension” shows extension requests from Headquarters. FEMA excluded approximately 70 major disasters with extensions cumulatively greater than 460 days from the graph below because including these outliers would affect the scale and make it difficult to display the plateaus at 90 days (representing a total application period of 15 months) and 180 days (representing a total application period of 18 months). [ 32 ] There are also smaller plateaus at 270 and 365 days (representing application periods of 21 and 24 months, respectively) due to Headquarters extensions. These plateaus show the amount of time frequently requested by HMGP recipients and granted by FEMA. FEMA is using this information to update § 206.436(d)-(e) by:

  • Increasing the base application period by 3 months: from 12 to 15 months. This would decrease the percentage of recipients that require a Regional or Headquarters extension by 16 percent (111 of 689).
  • Lengthening the Regional Administrator extension authority from 180 days (6 months) to 240 days (8 months). This would decrease the percentage of recipients that require Headquarters extensions by 10.7 percent ( print page 66246) (from 26.7 percent to 16 percent of disaster application periods). Only 16 percent would require an extension beyond what the Regional Administrator could grant.

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The additional 3 months gained from changing the application period from 12 to 15 months will give HMGP recipients time to receive the 12-month lock-in from FEMA and make educated adjustments to the amount of funding they have applied for. This would lessen the administrative burden placed on HMGP recipients and FEMA as it would require fewer application extension requests and responses.

The 15-month application period allows FEMA to balance the need to provide assistance quickly with ensuring appropriate oversight of application periods that exceed this period. FEMA Headquarters will retain the ability to issue consistent determinations on additional application period requests for major disasters with extraordinary circumstances. It ensures that recipients have adequate time to submit applications while simultaneously obligating funds at an acceptable rate.

HMGP funding is available, when authorized under a Presidential major disaster declaration, in the areas identified by the requesting State Governor or Chief Executive of an eligible Tribe. The level of HMGP funding available for a given disaster is based on a percentage of the estimated total Federal assistance available under the Stafford Act, excluding administrative costs, for each Presidential major disaster declaration. This rule will extend the HMGP application deadline for States, Territories, and the District of Columbia as well as 565 Federally-recognized Tribes. HMGP applications are made by States or Tribes on behalf of subapplicants that include local government agencies and eligible private nonprofit organizations.

From 2013 to 2022, FEMA's HMGP approved an average of 69 applications per year and approved an average of $859,779 in Federal funding per applicant. [ 33 34 ] Of these projects, FEMA found 43 Tribal projects, or an average of 4 per year. However, FEMA's database does not indicate whether these were submitted directly by an eligible Tribe, or through a State with the Tribe as a subrecipient.

Following Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-4 guidance, FEMA assessed impacts of this rule against a no-action baseline. The no-action baseline is what the world would look like without this rule. Accordingly, measuring the rule against a no-action baseline shows the effects of the rule as compared to current FEMA practice ( i.e., compared to § 206.436 and the HMA Program and Policy Guide, [ 35 ] which reflect FEMA's current practice).

FEMA conducted a 10-year retrospective analysis of available HMGP data from 2013 to 2022, the most recent representative disaster period with complete data at the time of this analysis, to estimate how the rule will impact major disaster declaration costs, benefits, and transfers over a 10-year period. FEMA recognizes a future 10- ( print page 66247) year period could vary from the 2013 to 2022 period. However, this is the best estimate given the data available and the unpredictability of the number, size, and cost of future HMGP awards.

FEMA is making the following changes in this rule: (1) Extending the initial deadline for States to submit local HMGP applications and funding requests from 12 months to 15 months from the date of disaster declaration; (2) increasing application period extensions from increments of an additional 90 days to 120-day increments and increasing the total limit from 180 days to 240 days; (3) allowing FEMA to consider application period extension requests beyond 240 days for extenuating circumstances outside of the applicant's control; (4) enabling the reopening of a closed application period if FEMA approves a recalculation of HMGP assistance funding and the applicant requests to reopen the application period within 60 days of FEMA's recalculation approval; and (5) enabling the reopening of a closed application period if FEMA grants an appeal for an application period extension denial after an application period is closed.

For this analysis, FEMA looked at approved HMGP applications and the timelines in which they were submitted. FEMA looked at application deadlines that were extended by FEMA Regional Administrators as well as extensions approved by FEMA Headquarters. For all disasters declared between January 1, 2013, and December 31, 2022 the average application period was 19.3 months. [ 36 ]

Currently, the Regional Administrator can issue an extension of 6 months to each disaster's application period. Disasters that require application submission time in excess of 18 months (12-month application period + 6-month regional extension) can be extended by FEMA Headquarters. The average Headquarters extension required is 11.6 months. FEMA found that 510 out of the 689 disasters declared in the 10-year period, or 74 percent, needed an extension from a FEMA Regional Administrator (over 12 months), and 184 out of the 510 disasters requiring an extension from FEMA, or 36 percent, also needed an extension from FEMA Headquarters (over 18 months). Changing the standard length of the application period from 12 months to 15 months and changing the Regional Administrator's extension authority from 6 months to 8 months will allow the regions to completely handle disasters with application periods under 23 months. This represents 579 out of 689 disasters declared in the 10-year period, or 84 percent. FEMA estimates that with this rule, an average of 110 disasters per year, or 16 percent of disasters annually, will require an extension from FEMA Headquarters.

FEMA does not have historical data for reopening the application period. FEMA does not currently have the regulatory authority to reopen application periods. However, FEMA does know of two requests over the past 5 years to reopen the application period, both of which were denied.

The primary costs associated with this rule are familiarization costs for States, Territories, the District of Columbia, and Tribes after this rule is finalized. FEMA assumes that Tribal Governments will only need to understand this process when a disaster is declared in their territory, so rather than estimating familiarization costs for all 565 Tribes, FEMA assumes only 4 per year—the average number of Tribal projects per year from 2013 to 2022—will need to read and understand this rule. FEMA estimates that in the first year, 60 applicants will read this rule, followed by an average of 4 applicants in subsequent years.

Based on a benchmark reading level of 250 words per minute for most adults, [ 37 ] FEMA estimates that for each applicant two Emergency Management Directors per State, with a fully-loaded wage rate of $55.78  [ 38 ] ($34.86 × 1.6)  [ 39 ] will spend 0.7 hours (approximately 9,000 words ÷ 250 words per minute ÷ 60 minutes) to read and understand this rule. This will lead to familiarization costs of $4,686 for the first year ($55.78 per hour × 0.7 hours × 120 employees). Subsequent years will have familiarization costs of $312 ($55.78 per hour  [ 40 ] × 0.7 hours × 8 employees).

FEMA estimates the 10-year annualized familiarization costs for this rule to be $810 at 7 percent and $894 at 3 percent. See Table 1.

Table 1—10-Year Familiarization Costs, Discounted and Annualized


Year Undiscounted 3 Percent 7 Percent 1 $4,686 $4,550 $4,379 2 312 294 273 3 312 286 255 4 312 277 238 5 312 269 222 6 312 261 208 7 312 254 194 8 312 246 182 9 312 239 170 ( print page 66248) 10 312 232 159 Total 7,494 6,908 6,280 Annualized 810 894

FEMA cannot predict whether applicants will spend additional time on their grant applications as a result of the extension. However, FEMA expects extending the application period by 3 months for HMGP assistance will not increase costs to HMGP applicants or to FEMA. Applicants will have more knowledge about the amount of money they will have to spend at 15 months because the “lock-in” generally occurs at 12 months; the extension allows for 3 months of additional time, post-disaster, to recover and identify areas for improved resiliency in their communities. FEMA expects the additional time will help applicants ensure application information is accurate and includes necessary mitigation projects. The ability to reopen the application period is not allowed under current regulations, so this will add additional costs to FEMA and applicants. An applicant will have to dedicate time to request the reopening, and FEMA will have to review and approve or deny the reopening based on statutory authority to do so. However, since this has not been done before, FEMA does not have historical data to estimate the time and staffing requirements to reopen an application period.

This rule will reduce the application burden for applicants and FEMA by extending application deadlines to a more reasonable timeframe. These timeframes will allow applicants to collect information and submit the application to the FEMA Region and receive approval without the additional steps involved in requesting extensions from FEMA Regional Administrators and FEMA Headquarters. Additionally, this rule will decrease the burden on FEMA of processing application extension requests.

FEMA estimated cost savings to the Federal Government by multiplying the reduction of work hours for FEMA staff to review and process the extension request by the hourly-loaded wage rates. HMGP regional staff estimate a time burden between 3-5 hours per extension request, which includes multiple levels of review. FEMA used an average estimate of 3.5 hours for a Regional Office review and 4 hours for a Headquarters review. FEMA used Step 5 of the General Schedule to account for the average experience level of Federal employees, and added a 23.25 percent average locality multiplier to account for average locality pay across the United States  [ 41 ] to the 2023 General Schedule (Base)  [ 42 ] pay, as well as a 1.45 percent benefits multiplier. [ 43 ] For example, a GS-12 Step 5 working in a Regional Office would have an estimated hourly compensation of $69.00 (base wage of $38.61 × 1.2325 average locality adjustment × 1.45 wage multiplier). Table 2 shows the breakdown of time and wages for FEMA staff to review and approve extension requests.

Table 2—Review of HMGP Extension Requests (2023$)

Type Grade level Hours Fully-loaded wage rate  Total opportunity cost savings
Regional Extension * 12 2.5 $69.00 $172.50
14 0.5 96.95 48.48
15 0.25 114.05 28.51
† SES 0.25 123.09 30.77
Total per Request 280.26
HQ Extension ^ 12 2.5 74.17 185.42
14 0.5 104.23 52.11
15 0.25 122.60 30.65
13 (Legal Review) 0.5 88.20 44.10
SES 0.25 123.09 30.77
Total per Request 343.05
* Office of Personnel Management 2023 Pay and Leave Table (Base Schedule with 23.25% increase for average locality differential). . (Wage rates multiplied by 1.2325) (last accessed on August 1, 2024). ( print page 66249)
† Senior Executive Service January 2023 Pay and Leave. . (last accessed on August 1, 2024). FEMA used the midpoint of the salary rage ($141,022 to $212,100) of $176,561 and applied a multiplier of 1.45 to obtain yearly compensation of $256,013. Yearly salary was divided by 2,080 to estimate hourly compensation of $123.09.
^ Office of Personnel Management 2023 Pay and Leave Tables for the Washington-Baltimore-Arlington, DC-MD-VA-WV-PA locality. (last accessed on August 1, 2024).

FEMA estimates that this rule will reduce the number of extension requests by 6.9 per year for the Regional Administrators and 7.4 per year for FEMA Headquarters. This will lead to a cost reduction of $1,934 (6.9 requests × $280.26) per year for Regional extensions and $2,539 (7.4 requests × $343.05) per year for Headquarters extensions.

FEMA estimated the cost savings to applicants of this rule by multiplying the reduction of work hours for an applicant to compile information and submit the extension request by the annual number of extension requests and by the appropriate wage rate. HMGP regional staff estimate the time burden for applicants to be 3-5 hours for each extension request; FEMA used the average estimate of 4 hours. FEMA estimates the average number of extension requests to be 14.3 (6.9 Regional + 7.4 Headquarters) per year, and the fully-loaded  [ 45 ] hourly wage rate for a State Government Emergency Management Director to be $55.78. [ 46 ] FEMA estimates applicant cost savings of $223.12 ($55.78 × 4) per extension request and a total cost savings to applicants of $3,191 ($223.12 × 14.3 requests).

The total quantified cost savings from this rule are $4,473 ($1,934 + 2,539) in cost savings to FEMA and $3,191 in cost savings to HMGP applicants totaling $7,664 in cost savings per year. FEMA was unable to estimate the benefits from reopening the application period due to a lack of historical data. FEMA expects that additional cost savings will exist by diminishing the need to reopen the application period for numerous applications but cannot quantify those cost savings.

FEMA is not able to estimate the impacts on transfer payments of this rule. FEMA expects no changes in the number of HMGP grants approved, or the amount of funding obligated as total HMGP funding is limited by a “lock-in,” which acts as a ceiling for assistance available to a recipient, including its subrecipients. The level of HMGP assistance available for a given disaster is based on a percentage of the estimated total Federal assistance under the Stafford Act, excluding administrative costs for each major disaster declaration. [ 47 ] However, FEMA is unable to estimate if the changes will affect the amount of funding that is obligated but unused by applicants. Between 2013 and 2022 approximately 18.22 percent of HMGP funds were returned to the Disaster Relief fund due to a number of factors, including insufficient time for recipients to submit applications. This amount also includes withdrawn applications, ineligible applications, or applications found to not be cost-effective by FEMA. Because application time constraints were only one factor in the amount of HMGP funds not expended, FEMA is unable to estimate the amount of transfers that can be expected from this rule.

FEMA considered extending the application period to 18 months instead of 15 months, with no changes to the Regional Administrator's ability to extend. While the average application period duration including extensions is approximately 19 months. Major disasters with extraordinary circumstances, which are far less common than typical disasters, raised the average significantly. FEMA chose to increase the application period to 15 months to balance the need to provide assistance quickly while ensuring appropriate oversight for more complex disasters. In addition, requesting additional time for Regional Administrators to authorize ( i.e., two 120-day extensions instead of two 90-day extensions) will address most outliers that need to extend beyond 15 months.

FEMA believes this rule is necessary due to historical timeframes for HMGP applications exceeding what is currently allowed by regulation. Under current practice, the majority of HMGP applications must be extended by FEMA regions and FEMA Headquarters. This creates an unnecessary burden to both FEMA and HMGP applicants that increases the costs of submitting these applications as well as project delays under the current process for requesting extension. The extensions provided by this rule will result in cost savings to both FEMA and HMGP applicants, as well as streamline the process for a substantial number of applicants who will no longer be required to navigate a cumbersome process of requesting extensions through the Regional Administrator and FEMA Headquarters. The cost savings associated with this final rule show why extending the HMGP application period will be beneficial. Additionally, this rule will allow FEMA more flexibility to reopen HMGP application periods when needed and to reopen application periods if an applicant successfully appeals a denial. This rule will ensure HMGP funds are more efficiently allocated. ( print page 66250)

Table 3—OMB Circular A-4 Accounting Statement (2023$)

Category 3 Percent discount rate 7 Percent discount rate Annualized Monetized $7,664 $7,664 Qualitative (unquantified) benefits • More likely to use available HMGP funds due to greater likelihood of grant approvals Annualized Monetized $810 $894 Qualitative (unquantified) costs N/A Annualized Monetized $0 $0 Qualitative (unquantified) Transfers • Increased number of approved HMGP grants up to the maximum available funding per declared disaster From/To FEMA to HMGP recipients and subrecipients Effects on State, local, and/or Tribal governments • Extends the HMGP application deadline for States, Territories, and the District of Columbia as well as 565 Federally recognized Tribes Effects on small businesses • Not estimated Effects on wages None Effects on growth None

The Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) ( 5 U.S.C. 601-612 ), and section 213(a) of the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996, Pub. L. 104-121 , 110 Stat. 847, 858-9 (Mar. 29, 1996) ( 5 U.S.C. 601 note ) require that special consideration be given to the effects of regulations on small entities. The RFA applies only when an agency is “required by section 553 . . . to publish general notice of proposed rulemaking for any proposed rule.”  [ 48 ] An RFA analysis is not required for this rulemaking because FEMA is not required to publish a notice of proposed rulemaking.

The Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995, 2 U.S.C. 658 , 1501-1504 , 1531-1536 , 1571 , pertains to any rulemaking which is likely to result in the promulgation of any rule that includes a Federal mandate that may result in the expenditure by State, local, and Tribal governments, in the aggregate, or by the private sector, of $100 million (adjusted annually for inflation) or more in any one year. If the rulemaking includes a Federal mandate, the Act requires an agency to prepare an assessment of the anticipated costs and benefits of the Federal mandate. The Act also pertains to any regulatory requirements that might significantly or uniquely affect small governments. Before establishing any such requirements, an agency must develop a plan allowing for input from the affected governments regarding the requirements.

FEMA has determined that this rulemaking will not result in the expenditure by State, local, and Tribal governments, in the aggregate, nor by the private sector, of $100,000,000 or more in any one year as a result of a Federal mandate, and it will not significantly or uniquely affect small governments. Therefore, no actions are deemed necessary under the provisions of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995.

Additionally, regulations are only reviewable under UMRA when an agency has published a notice of proposed rulemaking as defined by 5 U.S.C. 553(b) . See 2 U.S.C. 658(10) ; 5 U.S.C. 601(2) . FEMA is not required to publish a notice of proposed rulemaking; thus, this rule is exempt from UMRA's requirements pertaining to the preparation of a written statement.

As required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA), Public Law 104-13 , 109 Stat. 163, (May 22, 1995) ( 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq. ), FEMA may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless FEMA obtains approval from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for the collection and the collection displays a valid OMB control number. This rule contains collections of information that are subject to review by OMB. The information collections included in this rule are approved by OMB under control number 1660-0076 (Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Application and Reporting).

This rulemaking calls for no new collections of information under the PRA. This rule includes information currently collected by FEMA and approved in OMB information collection 1660-0076. The changes in this rulemaking do not change the forms, the substance of the forms, or the number of applicants who would submit the forms to FEMA. No additional documentation will be required as State, local and Tribal governments already submit extension requests. However, FEMA estimates additional flexibilities of this rule will result in a minor cost savings for SLTT applicants of $3,191 ($223.12 × 14.3 extension requests) per year.

Under the Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. 552a , an agency must determine whether implementation of a proposed regulation will result in a system of records. A “record” is any item, collection, or grouping of information ( print page 66251) about an individual that is maintained by an agency, including, but not limited to, their education, financial transactions, medical history, and criminal or employment history and that contains their name, or the identifying number, symbol, or other identifying particular assigned to the individual, such as a finger or voice print or a photograph. See 5 U.S.C. 552a(a)(4) . A “system of records” is a group of records under the control of an agency from which information is retrieved by the name of the individual or by some identifying number, symbol, or other identifying particular assigned to the individual. An agency cannot disclose any record which is contained in a system of records except by following specific procedures.

The E-Government Act of 2002, 44 U.S.C. 3501 note , also requires specific procedures when an agency takes action to develop or procure information technology that collects, maintains, or disseminates information that is in an identifiable form. This Act also applies when an agency initiates a new collection of information that will be collected, maintained, or disseminated using information technology if it includes any information in an identifiable form permitting the physical or online contacting of a specific individual.

A Privacy Threshold Analysis was completed August 3, 2023. FEMA's OMB information collection 1660-0076 is a privacy-sensitive collection, requiring PIA coverage and coverage is provided under DHS/FEMA/PIA-006 National Emergency Management Information System Mitigation (MT) Electronic Grants (eGrants) System, which covers PII that may be included in grant applications made by states or local communities. [ 49 ] The rule, once enacted, will not change the forms, the substance of the forms, or the number of applicants who would submit to FEMA's OMB information collection 1660-0076. The rule will not change the PII data elements or the amount of PII collected by FEMA. The rule will not require additional collection of information beyond what is already documented within the 1660-0076 Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Application and Reporting Collection PTA. SORN coverage is provided under DHS/FEMA-009 Hazard Mitigation, which covers PII collected from individual property owners and/or occupants whose properties are identified in applications for public assistance, hazard mitigation assistance, and other disaster-related assistance or who have been identified by FEMA as candidates for such assistance. [ 50 ]

Executive Order 13175 , “Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribal Governments,” 65 FR 67249 (Nov. 9, 2000), applies to agency regulations that have Tribal implications, that is, regulations that have substantial direct effects on one or more Indian Tribes, on the relationship between the Federal Government and Indian Tribes, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities between the Federal Government and Indian Tribes. Under this Executive Order, to the extent practicable and permitted by law, no agency shall promulgate any regulation that has Tribal implications, that imposes substantial direct compliance costs on Indian Tribal Governments, and that is not required by statute, unless funds necessary to pay the direct costs incurred by the Indian Tribal Government in complying with the regulation are provided by the Federal Government or the agency consults with Tribal officials. Nor, to the extent practicable by law, may an agency promulgate a regulation that has Tribal implications and preempts Tribal law, unless the agency consults with Tribal officials. This rule involves no policies that have Tribal implications under Executive Order 13175 . Although Indian Tribal Governments are potentially eligible applicants under HMGP, FEMA has determined this rulemaking would not have substantial negative direct effects on citizens of Tribal Nations, on the relationship between the Federal Government and Indian Tribes, or the distribution of power and responsibilities between the Federal Government and Indian Tribes. There is no substantial direct compliance cost associated with this rule. The HMGP program is a voluntary program that provides funding to applicants, including Tribal governments, for eligible mitigation planning and projects that reduce disaster losses and protect life and property from future disaster damages. An Indian Tribal Government may participate as either an applicant/recipient or a subapplicant/subrecipient. FEMA does not expect the regulatory changes in this rule to disproportionately affect Indian Tribal Governments acting as applicants.

Executive Order 13132 , “Federalism,” 64 FR 43255 (Aug. 10, 1999), sets forth principles and criteria that agencies must adhere to in formulating and implementing policies that have federalism implications, that is, regulations that have substantial direct effects on the States, on the relationship between the national government and the States, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels of government. Federal agencies must closely examine the statutory authority supporting any action that would limit the policymaking discretion of the States, and to the extent practicable, must consult with State and local officials before implementing any such action.

FEMA has determined that this rulemaking does not have a substantial direct effect on the States, on the relationship between the national government and the States, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels of government, and therefore does not have federalism implications as defined by the Executive Order. FEMA has determined that this rule does not significantly affect the rights, roles, and responsibilities of States, and involves no preemption of State law nor does it limit State policymaking discretion. This rulemaking amends regulations governing voluntary grant programs that may be used by State, local and Tribal governments to fund eligible mitigation activities that reduce disaster losses and protect life and property from future disaster damages. States are not required to seek grant funding, and this rulemaking does not limit their policymaking discretion.

Executive Order 11988 , 42 FR 26951 (May 25, 1977), as amended by Executive Order 13690 , “Establishing a Federal Flood Risk Management Standard (FFRMS) and a Process for Further Soliciting and Considering Stakeholder Input,” ( 80 FR 6425 , Feb. 4, 2015) and Executive Order 14030 , “Climate-Related Financial Risk,” ( 86 FR 27967 , May 25, 2021), requires each Federal agency to provide leadership and take action to reduce the risk of flood loss, to minimize the impact of floods on human safety, health and ( print page 66252) welfare, and to restore and preserve the natural and beneficial values served by floodplains in carrying out its responsibilities for (1) acquiring, managing, and disposing of Federal lands and facilities; (2) providing Federally undertaken, financed, or assisted construction and improvements; and (3) conducting Federal activities and programs affecting land use, including but not limited to water and related land resources planning, regulating, and licensing activities. In carrying out these responsibilities, each agency must evaluate the potential effects of any actions it may take in a floodplain; ensure that its planning programs and budget requests reflect consideration of flood hazards and floodplain management; and prescribe procedures to implement the policies and requirements of the Executive Order.

Before promulgating any regulation, an agency must determine whether the proposed regulations will affect a floodplain(s), and if so, the agency must consider alternatives to avoid adverse effects and incompatible development in the floodplain(s). If the head of the agency finds that the only practicable alternative consistent with the law and with the policy set forth in Executive Order 11988 is to promulgate a regulation that affects a floodplain(s), the agency must, prior to promulgating the regulation, design or modify the regulation to minimize potential harm to or within the floodplain, consistent with the agency's floodplain management regulations. It must also prepare and circulate a notice containing an explanation of why the action is proposed to be located in the floodplain.

The purpose of this rule is to extend the HMGP application period to allow applicants additional time to submit projects to address the effects of climate change and other unmet mitigation needs in communities. In accordance with 44 CFR part 9 , “Floodplain Management and Protection of Wetlands,” FEMA determines that the changes in this rule do not meet the definition of an action that would require analysis under the 8-step decision-making process.

Executive Order 11990 , “Protection of Wetlands,” 42 FR 26961 (May 24, 1977) sets forth that each agency must provide leadership and take action to minimize the destruction, loss, or degradation of wetlands, and to preserve and enhance the natural and beneficial values of wetlands in carrying out the agency's responsibilities. These responsibilities include (1) acquiring, managing, and disposing of Federal lands and facilities; and (2) providing Federally undertaken, financed, or assisted construction and improvements; and (3) conducting Federal activities and programs affecting land use, including but not limited to water and related land resources planning, regulating, and licensing activities. Each agency, to the extent permitted by law, must avoid undertaking or providing assistance for new construction located in wetlands unless the head of the agency finds (1) that there is no practicable alternative to such construction, and (2) that the proposed action includes all practicable measures to minimize harm to wetlands which may result from such use. In making this finding, the head of the agency may take into account economic, environmental and other pertinent factors.

In carrying out the activities described in Executive Order 11990 , each agency must consider factors relevant to a proposal's effect on the survival and quality of the wetlands. These include public health, safety, and welfare, including water supply, quality, recharge and discharge; pollution; flood and storm hazards; sediment and erosion; maintenance of natural systems, including conservation and long-term productivity of existing flora and fauna, species and habitat diversity and stability, hydrologic utility, fish, wildlife, timber, and food and fiber resources. They also include other uses of wetlands in the public interest, including recreational, scientific, and cultural uses. The purpose of this rule is to extend the HMGP application period to allow applicants additional time to submit projects to address the effects of climate change and other unmet mitigation needs in communities. In accordance with 44 CFR part 9 , “Floodplain Management and Protection of Wetlands,” FEMA determines that the changes in this rule do not meet the definition of an action that would require analysis under the 8-step decision-making process.

Section 102 of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), Public Law 91-190, 83 Stat. 852 (Jan. 1, 1970) ( 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq. ), as amended, requires Federal agencies to evaluate the impacts of a proposed major Federal action that may significantly affect the quality of the human environment, consider alternatives to the proposed action, provide public notice and opportunity to comment, and properly document its analysis. DHS and its component agencies analyze proposed actions to determine whether NEPA applies to them and, if so, what level of documentation and analysis is required. 40 CFR 1501.3 .

DHS Directive 023-01, Rev. 01 and DHS Instruction Manual 023-01-001-01, Rev. 01 (Instruction Manual) establish the policies and procedures DHS and its component agencies use to comply with NEPA and the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations for implementing the procedural requirements of NEPA codified at 40 CFR parts 1500 through 1508 . The CEQ regulations allow Federal agencies to establish, in their NEPA implementing procedures, with CEQ review and concurrence, categories of actions (“categorical exclusions”) that experience has shown normally do not, individually or in the aggregate, have a significant effect on the human environment and, therefore, do not require preparation of an environmental assessment or environmental impact statement. 40 CFR 1501.4 , 1507.3(c)(8) , 1508.1(e) . The Instruction Manual, Appendix A, lists the DHS categorical exclusions. Under DHS NEPA implementing procedures, for an action to be categorically excluded it must satisfy each of the following conditions: (1) the entire action clearly fits within one or more of the categorical exclusions; (2) the action is not a piece of a larger action; and (3) no extraordinary circumstances exist that create the potential for a significant environmental effect. Instruction Manual, section V.B.(2)(a-c).

This rule revises regulations at 44 CFR 206.436 to allow FEMA to extend the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program's application time period and reopen it in limited circumstances. The revised regulations will remove barriers to allow additional applications by State, local, Tribal and territorial governments to be considered. These changes are strictly administrative and will not result in any change in environmental effect in the current regulations. Therefore, it clearly fits within categorical exclusion A3 in Appendix A of the Instruction Manual.

The rule meets the second condition that it is not a piece of a larger action. The regulatory application period that is being altered in this rulemaking only applies to HMGP and will not affect any other FEMA programs. The rule also meets the third condition because no extraordinary circumstances exist. Accordingly, this rule is categorically excluded and no further NEPA analysis or documentation is required. ( print page 66253)

Section (7)(a)(2) of the Endangered Species Act mandates that each Federal agency shall, in consultation with and with the assistance of the National Marine Fisheries (NMFS) or United States Fish and Wildlife (USFWS), collectively known as the “Services,” insure that any action authorized, funded, or carried out by such agency is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of any endangered species or threatened species or result in the destruction or adverse modification of habitat of such species which is determined by the Services after consultation to be critical.

To comply with Section 7(a)(2) of the ESA, for any action that FEMA proposes to carry out, fund, or authorize, FEMA must determine if its action may affect a listed species or its critical habitat. If the action may affect species or its critical habitat, then FEMA must make one of the following determinations with respect to the effect of the proposed action on listed species and critical habitat: (1) no effect (NE); (2) may affect but is not likely to adversely affect (NLAA); or (3) may affect and is likely to adversely affect (LAA).

This rule has been evaluated by FEMA and due to the administrative nature, FEMA has determined the rule does not have the potential to affect federally-listed species or designated critical habitat. As such, a “No Effect” determination has been made for these activities. Per the ESA regulations, notification to, and consultation with, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and/or the National Marine Fisheries Service are not required for activities with a “No Effect” determination. 50 CFR 402 .

The National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) ( 54 U.S.C. 300101 , formerly 16 U.S.C. 470 ) was enacted in 1966, with various amendments throughout the years. Section 106 of the NHPA ( 54 U.S.C. 306108 ) requires Federal agencies to take into account the effect of their undertakings on any historic property. It mandates a consultation process in the early stages of project planning and must be completed prior to the approval of expenditure of any Federal funds for the undertaking. Subpart B of 36 CFR part 800 lays out a four-step Section 106 process to fulfill this obligation: (1) initiate the process (800.3); (2) identify historic properties (800.4); (3) assess adverse effects (800.5); and (4) resolve adverse effects (800.6).

Pursuant to section 106 of the NHPA and its implementing regulations at 36 CFR part 800 , FEMA has determined that this rule does not have the potential to cause effects to historic properties and in accordance with 36 CFR 800.3(a)(1) , and FEMA has no further obligations under section 106.

Under the Congressional Review of Agency Rulemaking Act (CRA), 5 U.S.C. 801-808 , before a rule can take effect, the Federal agency promulgating the rule must submit to Congress and to the Government Accountability Office (GAO) a copy of the rule; a concise general statement relating to the rule, including whether it is a major rule; the proposed effective date of the rule; a copy of any cost-benefit analysis; descriptions of the agency's actions under the Regulatory Flexibility Act and the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act; and any other information or statements required by relevant executive orders.

FEMA has sent this final rule to the Congress and to GAO pursuant to the CRA. The rule is not a “major rule” within the meaning of the CRA. It will not have an annual effect on the economy of $100,000,000 or more; it will not result in a major increase in costs or prices for consumers, individual industries, Federal, State, or local government agencies, or geographic regions; and it will not have significant adverse effects on competition, employment, investment, productivity, innovation, or on the ability of United States-based enterprises to compete with foreign-based enterprises in domestic and export markets.

  • Administrative practice and procedure
  • Coastal zone
  • Community facilities
  • Disaster assistance
  • Fire prevention
  • Grant programs-housing and community development
  • Intergovernmental relations
  • Loan programs-housing and community development
  • Natural resources
  • Reporting and recordkeeping requirements

For the reasons set forth in the preamble, the Federal Emergency Management Agency amends part 206 as follows:

1. The authority citation for part 206 continues to read as follows:

Authority: Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C. 5121 through 5207 ; Homeland Security Act of 2002, 6 U.S.C. 101 et seq.; Department of Homeland Security Delegation 9001.1; sec. 1105, Pub. L. 113-2 , 127 Stat. 43 ( 42 U.S.C. 5189a note ).

2. Amend § 206.436 by:

a. In paragraph (d), removing the number “12” and adding in its place the number “15”;

b. Revising paragraph (e);

c. Redesignating paragraphs (f) and (g) as paragraphs (g) and (h);

d. Adding new paragraph (f); and

e. Revising newly redesignated paragraph (g).

The revisions and addition read as follows:

(e) Extensions. Upon written request from the applicant, FEMA may extend the application submission timeline as follows:

(1) The State may request the Regional Administrator to extend the application time limit by 30 to 120 day increments, not to exceed a total of 240 days. The applicant must include a justification in its request.

(2) FEMA will only consider requests for extensions beyond 240 days for extenuating circumstances outside of the applicant's control. Such requests must be submitted to the Regional Administrator and must include justification. The Regional Administrator, in coordination with FEMA's Assistant Administrator for the Mitigation Directorate, may extend the application time limit for a reasonable amount of time based upon the extenuating circumstances.

(f) Reopening of application period. FEMA's Assistant Administrator for the Mitigation Directorate may reopen a closed application period for up to 180 days in the following circumstances:

(1) Recalculation of assistance. If FEMA approves a recalculation of assistance under § 206.432 and an applicant requests to reopen the application period within 60 days of FEMA's recalculation approval.

(2) Appeal. If FEMA grants an appeal under § 206.440 for an application extension denial after an application period is closed.

(g) FEMA approval. The applicant must submit its application and supplement(s) to the FEMA Regional Administrator for approval. FEMA has ( print page 66254) final approval authority for funding of all projects.

Deanne Criswell,

Administrator, Federal Emergency Management Agency.

1.  Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, Public Law 93-288 (1974) (codified as amended at 42 U.S.C. 5121 et. seq. ) (“Stafford Act”).

2.  Stafford Act, supra note 1, section 501 (codified as amended at 42 U.S.C. 5191(a) ); see also Stafford Act, supra note 1, section 102 (codified as amended at 42 U.S.C. 5122 ) which defines “emergency” as “any occasion or instance for which, in the determination of the President, Federal assistance is needed to supplement State and local efforts and capabilities to save lives and to protect property and public health and safety, or to lessen or avert the threat of a catastrophe in any part of the United States.”

3.   42 U.S.C. 5170 ; 5122 (defining “major disaster” as “any natural catastrophe (including any hurricane, tornado, storm, high water, wind-driven water, tidal wave, tsunami, earthquake, volcanic eruption, landslide, mudslide, snowstorm, or drought), or, regardless of cause, any fire, flood, or explosion, in any part of the United States, which in the determination of the President causes damage of sufficient severity and magnitude to warrant major disaster assistance under this Act to supplement the efforts and available resources of States, local governments, and disaster relief organizations in alleviating the damage, loss, hardship, or suffering caused thereby.”).

4.  Federal Emergency Management Agency, Hazard Mitigation Assistance Program and Policy Guide (“HMAPPG”), Part 10.A.4, p. 28, March 20, 2023, available at https://www.fema.gov/​sites/​default/​files/​documents/​fema_​hma-program-policy-guide_​032023.pdf (last accessed on August 1, 2024).

5.  Stafford Act, supra note 1, section 404 (codified as amended at 42 U.S.C. 5170c(a) ); the statute caps the maximum amount of financial assistance that FEMA may provide for hazard mitigation, providing that the total of contributions “shall not exceed 15 percent for amounts not more than $2,000,000,000, 10 percent for amounts of more than $2,000,000,000 and not more than $10,000,000,000, and 7.5 percent on amounts of more than $10,000,000,000 and not more than $35,000,000,000” of the estimated aggregate amount of grants to be made under the disaster declaration.

6.  “State” means any State of the United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. 42 U.S.C. 5122(4) .

7.   44 CFR 206.431 at definitions of “Applicant” and “Recipient”

8.  Indian Tribal Governments have the option to apply as an applicant or a subapplicant. 44 CFR 206.431 at definition of “Indian Tribal Government.” An Indian Tribal Government acting as recipient will assume the responsibilities of a State, as described in 44 CFR part 206, subpart N , f or the purposes of administering the grant. 44 CFR 206.431 at definition of “Recipient.”

9.   44 CFR 206.431 at definition of “Subrecipient.”

10.   Id. at definition of “Grant award.”

11.   44 CFR 206.431 at definition of “Recipient.”

12.   See 44 CFR 206.436 .

13.  The maximum amount of financial assistance that FEMA may provide for HMGP is based on the amount of the grants FEMA projects it will provide under the major disaster declaration. Specifically, the amount of contributions “shall not exceed 15 percent for amounts not more than $2,000,000,000, 10 percent for amounts of more than $2,000,000,000 and not more than $10,000,000,000, and 7.5 percent on amounts of more than $10,000,000,000 and not more than $35,333,000,000” of the estimated aggregate amount of grants to be made under the disaster declaration. 42 U.S.C. 5170c(a) .

14.  Federal Emergency Management Agency, Hazard Mitigation Assistance Program and Policy Guide (“HMAPPG”), Part 10.A.4, pp. 199-200, March 20, 2023, available at https://www.fema.gov/​sites/​default/​files/​documents/​fema_​hma-program-policy-guide_​032023.pdf (last accessed on August 1, 2024).

15.   See, e.g., www.regulations.gov , Docket ID FEMA-2022-0023 at FEMA-2022-0023-0014 (comment from Texas Division of Emergency Management suggesting that FEMA remove the statutory requirement that FEMA will only consider an extension to the application deadline if the applicant's inability to meet the deadline must have resulted from the event leading to the major disaster declaration. TDEM notes “[t]here are many legitimate extenuating circumstances that could lead a state to miss an application deadline that aren't directly caused by the declared disaster.”); at FEMA-2022-0023-0032 (comment from Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management noting more time might be necessary for projects if a State experiences back to back disaster declarations); at FEMA-2022-0023-0034 (comment from the City of New Orleans argues that not allowing applicants to submit projects after the application period closes creates a strain on applicants to have ready to go project ideas in the near-term recovery period); at FEMA-2022-0023-0038 (comment from New York State Hazard Mitigation arguing that FEMA should be incorporating flexibility into the application process, particularly when FEMA and/or other disasters are the sole reasons for not being able to meet the 12 month deadline, noting that “[i]n a perfect world, a 12 month application period seems more than sufficient, but taking into account impacts from one disaster occurring while dealing with another disaster and adding 2 more disasters within the 12 month period plus annual FEMA competitive programs that all impact the same groups makes this an impossibility.”); at FEMA-2022-0023-0053) (comment from Louisiana Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness arguing that a State/jurisdiction can face significant challenges when back to back events occur, stating it is it is “unrealistic to assume that the impacts from one event are not compounded by each subsequent event, affecting overlapping regions of the State, and further stressing State and local capacity” and further stating that “FEMA should provide flexibility to extend and in some cases re-open an application period when a lock-in recalculation is made, especially when that recalculation comes at the end of the application period, and especially when the increase is substantial” because applicants need sufficient time to develop and submit quality applications.)

16.   See Docket ID FEMA-2022-0025 (containing comments from the Ohio Emergency Management Mitigation Branch, “. . . [w]hat is the purpose of re-calculating the ceiling amount after the application period has closed if FEMA cannot extend the application period and make the funds available to states and communities?”; see also, FEMA-2022-0023-0038 (containing comments from the New York State Hazard Mitigation that FEMA should incorporate flexibility in its lock in ceiling process).

17.  The National Emergency Management Information System (NEMIS) is a FEMA-wide system that allows FEMA and its partners to carry out emergency management missions for the United States, its Territories, and its Tribal Agencies.

18.   See, e.g., www.regulations.gov , Docket ID FEMA-2022-0023 at FEMA-2022-0023-0014 (comment from Texas Division of Emergency Management suggesting that FEMA remove the statutory requirement that FEMA will only consider an extension to the application deadline if the applicant's inability to meet the deadline must have resulted from the event leading to the major disaster declaration. TDEM notes “[t]here are many legitimate extenuating circumstances that could lead a state to miss an application deadline that aren't directly caused by the declared disaster.”); at FEMA-2022-0023-0032 (comment from Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management noting more time might be necessary for projects if a State experiences back to back disaster declarations); at FEMA-2022-0023-0034 (comment from the City of New Orleans argues that not allowing applicants to submit projects after the application period closes creates a strain on applicants to have ready to go project ideas in the near-term recovery period); at FEMA-2022-0023-0038 (comment from New York State Hazard Mitigation arguing that FEMA should be incorporating flexibility into the application process, particularly when FEMA and/or other disasters are the sole reasons for not being able to meet the 12 month deadline, noting that “[i]n a perfect world, a 12 month application period seems more than sufficient, but taking into account impacts from one disaster occurring while dealing with another disaster and adding 2 more disasters within the 12 month period plus annual FEMA competitive programs that all impact the same groups makes this an impossibility.”); at FEMA-2022-0023-0053) (comment from Louisiana Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness arguing that a State/jurisdiction can face significant challenges when back to back events occur, stating it is it is “unrealistic to assume that the impacts from one event are not compounded by each subsequent event, affecting overlapping regions of the State, and further stressing State and local capacity” and further stating that “FEMA should provide flexibility to extend and in some cases re-open an application period when a lock-in recalculation is made, especially when that recalculation comes at the end of the application period, and especially when the increase is substantial” because applicants need sufficient time to develop and submit quality applications.)

19.  HMAPPG, Part 10.A.10, p. 208-209, Mar. 20, 2023, available at https://www.fema.gov/​sites/​default/​files/​documents/​fema_​hma-program-policy-guide_​032023.pdf (last accessed on August 1, 2024).

20.   See Docket ID: FEMA-2022-0023-0034 (comment from the City of New Orleans argues that not allowing applicants to submit projects after the application period closes creates a strain on applicants to have ready to go project ideas in the near-term recovery period).

21.   44 CFR 1.3(a) . Until recently, FEMA waived the exemption afforded to grant programs under the APA and treated its programs as if they were subject to traditional notice and comment requirements. On March 3, 2022, FEMA published a final rule clarifying its position regarding notice and comment rulemaking for its grant programs. See 87 FR 11971 , Mar. 3, 2022. FEMA determined that removal of the waiver of the exemption streamlined the regulations and ensured that the agency retained the flexibility to utilize a range of public engagement options in advance of rulemaking where appropriate. FEMA noted that it would retain its general policy in favor of public participation in rulemaking but would retain discretion to depart from this policy as circumstances warrant.

22.   87 FR 52016 ; HMAPPG, available at https://www.fema.gov/​sites/​default/​files/​documents/​fema_​hma-program-policy-guide_​032023.pdf (last accessed on August 1,2024).

23.   See, e.g., www.regulations.gov , Docket ID FEMA-2022-0023 at FEMA-2022-0023-0014 (comment from Texas Division of Emergency Management suggesting that FEMA remove the statutory requirement that FEMA will only consider an extension to the application deadline if the applicant's inability to meet the deadline must have resulted from the event leading to the major disaster declaration. TDEM notes “[t]here are many legitimate extenuating circumstances that could lead a state to miss an application deadline that aren't directly caused by the declared disaster.”); at FEMA-2022-0023-0032 (comment from Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management noting more time might be necessary for projects if a State experiences back to back disaster declarations); at FEMA-2022-0023-0034 (comment from the City of New Orleans argues that not allowing applicants to submit projects after the application period closes creates a strain on applicants to have ready to go project ideas in the near-term recovery period); at FEMA-2022-0023-0038 (comment from New York State Hazard Mitigation arguing that FEMA should be incorporating flexibility into the application process, particularly when FEMA and/or other disasters are the sole reasons for not being able to meet the 12 month deadline, noting that “[i]n a perfect world, a 12 month application period seems more than sufficient, but taking into account impacts from one disaster occurring while dealing with another disaster and adding 2 more disasters within the 12 month period plus annual FEMA competitive programs that all impact the same groups makes this an impossibility.”); at FEMA-2022-0023-0053) (comment from Louisiana Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness arguing that a State/jurisdiction can face significant challenges when back to back events occur, stating it is it is “unrealistic to assume that the impacts from one event are not compounded by each subsequent event, affecting overlapping regions of the State, and further stressing State and local capacity” and further stating that “FEMA should provide flexibility to extend and in some cases re-open an application period when a lock-in recalculation is made, especially when that recalculation comes at the end of the application period, and especially when the increase is substantial” because applicants need sufficient time to develop and submit quality applications.)

24.   Id.

25.   See Indep. U.S. Tanker Owners Comm. v. Skinner, 884 F.2d 587, 591 (D.C. Cir. 1989) (holding where rule relieves restriction, agency need not make explicit claim in published rule of its right to waive 30-day waiting period).

26.   87 FR 52016 ; HMAPPG, available at https://www.fema.gov/​sites/​default/​files/​documents/​fema_​hma-program-policy-guide_​032023.pdf (last accessed on August 1, 2024).

27.  FEMA-2022-0023-0032.

28.  FEMA-2022-0023-0014.

29.  FEMA-2022-0023-0038.

30.  FEMA-2022-0023-0053.

31.  FEMA-2022-0023-0034.

32.  FEMA excluded 70 major disasters with extensions cumulatively greater than 460 days. These data outliers had extraordinary circumstances that required significantly more time to address and therefore do not represent typical disasters.

33.  FEMA adjusted approved funding amounts by the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers to 2022 dollars. Available at https://data.bls.gov/​timeseries/​CUUR0000SA0&​years_​option=​specific_​years&​from_​year=​2013&​to_​year=​2022&​periods_​option=​specific_​periods&​periods=​M13&​annualAveragesRequested=​true (Last accessed on August 1, 2024).

34.  Data for projects that, as of the date of this analysis, are still pending or under review where the Federal Share Obligated is not listed, as well as denied applications, were exclded from the average.

35.  HMAPPG, Part 6.C.1., p. 131, available at https://www.fema.gov/​sites/​default/​files/​documents/​fema_​hma-program-policy-guide_​032023.pdf (last accessed on August 1, 2024).

36.  Data was pulled from FEMA's NEMIS database. Data is entered manually by FEMA employees processing these applications and is subject to data entry and incomplete or missing data fields. FEMA excluded Disaster numbers 4241, 4140, 4214, and 4163 from this average as that data is unreliable. Including these disasters will have increased the average to 19.64 months.

37.   HealthGuidance.org , What Is the Average Reading Speed and the Best Rate of Reading? (April 22, 2024), available at https://www.healthguidance.org/​entry/​13263/​1/​what-is-the-average-reading-speed-and-the-best-rate-of-reading.html ExecuRead, Speed Reading Facts, https://secure.execuread.com/​facts/​ (last accessed on August 1, 2024).

38.  Bureau of Labor Statistics, May 2022 National Industry-Specific Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates, NAICS 999200 State Government excluding schools and hospitals, SOC 11-9161 Emergency Management Directors mean hourly wage $34.86. Available at https://www.bls.gov/​oes/​2022/​may/​naics4_​999200.htm#11-0000 . (last accessed on August 1, 2024).

39.  FEMA uses a benefits multiplier of 1.61 to calculate fully loaded wage rates. The benefits multiplier accounts for costs to the employer beyond wages, such as paid leave, health insurance, retirement, and other benefits. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Employer Costs for Employee Compensation, Table 1. “Employer costs For Employee Compensation by ownership,” March 2023. Available at http://www.bls.gov/​news.release/​archives/​ecec_​06162023.pdf . (last accessed on August 1, 2024). The benefits multiplier is calculated by dividing total compensation for State and local government workers of $58.08 by Wages and salaries for State and local government workers of $35.89 per hour yielding a benefits multiplier of approximately 1.6 ($58.08 ÷ $35.89).

40.  Occupational Employment Statistics do not include Tribal Governments in their estimates, so FEMA used the wage rate for State Government employees.

41.  FEMA averaged the locality adjustment for all localities across the U.S. Available at https://www.federalpay.org/​gs/​locality (last accessed on August 1, 2024).

42.  2023 General Schedule Pay Table (Base), available at https://www.opm.gov/​policy-data-oversight/​pay-leave/​salaries-wages/​salary-tables/​23Tables/​pdf/​GS_​h.pdf . (last accessed on August 1, 2024).

43.  FEMA uses a benefits multiplier of 1.45 to calculate fully loaded wage rates. The benefits multiplier accounts for costs to the employer for benefits, such as paid leave, health insurance, retirement, and other benefits. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Employer Costs for Employee Compensation, Table 1.“Employer costs For Employee Compensation by ownership,” March 2023. Available at http://www.bls.gov/​news.release/​archives/​ecec_​06162023.pdf (last accessed on August 1, 2024).

The benefits multiplier is calculated by dividing total compensation for civilian workers of $43.07 by Wages and salaries for civilian workers of $29.70 per hour yielding a benefits multiplier of approximately 1.45 ($43.07 ÷ $29.70).

44.  FEMA uses a benefits multiplier of 1.45 to calculate fully-loaded wage rates. The benefits multiplier accounts for costs to the employer for benefits, such as paid leave, health insurance, retirement, and other benefits. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Employer Costs for Employee Compensation, Table 1.“Employer costs For Employee Compensation by ownership,” March 2023. Available at http://www.bls.gov/​news.release/​archives/​ecec_​06162023.pdf (last accessed on August 1, 2024).

45.  Fully-loaded wage rates include other benefits, we are using a factor of 1.61 to calculate fully loaded wage rates. The unloaded wage rate does not account for costs to the employer for benefits, such as paid leave, health insurance, retirement, and other benefits. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Employer Costs for Employee Compensation, Table 1. “Employer costs For Employee Compensation by ownership,” March 2023. Retrieved from http://www.bls.gov/​news.release/​archives/​ecec_​06162023.pdf (last accessed on August 1, 2024).

The wage multiplier is calculated by dividing total compensation for State and local government workers of $58.08 by Wages and salaries for State and local government workers of $35.89 per hour yielding a benefits multiplier of approximately 1.61 ($58.08 ÷ $35.89).

46.  Bureau of Labor Statistics. Occupational Employment Survey May 2022, SOC 11-9161 Emergency Management Directors: State Government mean hourly wage $34.86. Available at https://www.bls.gov/​oes/​2022/​may/​naics4_​999200.htm#11-0000 (last accessed on August 1, 2024).

47.  HMAPPG, Part 10.A.4.p.199, available at https://www.fema.gov/​sites/​default/​files/​documents/​fema_​hma-program-policy-guide_​032023.pdf (last accessed on August 1, 2024).

48.   5 U.S.C. 603(a) .

49.  Additional PIA coverage is provided under DHS/FEMA/PIA-031 Authentication and Provisioning Services, which covers PII that APS collects, uses, maintains, and retrieves about employees, contractors, members of the public; and Federal, State, local, and Tribal government officials; and under DHS/FEMA/PIA-026 Operational Data Store and Enterprise Data Warehouse, which covers PII related to the production of agency reports for internal use as well as for external stakeholders via those systems.

50.  Additional SORN coverage is provided under DHS/ALL-004 GITAARS SORN, which covers user information collected to grant access to IT systems.

[ FR Doc. 2024-17909 Filed 8-14-24; 8:45 am]


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