11 Modern & Professional Cover Letter Fonts You Should Use

cover letter font

By Henry Garrison

10 min read

Selecting an optimal cover letter font makes your document professional, legible, and visually appealing . Since the majority of your letter is written—with little to no graphical elements—the choice of font is one of the most important ones. A good typeface leaves a strong first impression on hiring managers and helps them experience your letter optimally.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the best fonts to use for your cover letter. We’re going to find out what makes them good, in which situations, and for which professions. We’ll even mention some of the fonts you should avoid. 

Without further ado, let’s jump right in!

Key Takeaways

A good cover letter font makes the document professional, visually pleasing, and easy to read .

Some of the best fonts for a cover letter include Arial, Calibri, Garamond, Helvetica, and Cambria.

Fonts to avoid include Comic Sans, Courier, Papyrus, and any other script with an overly ornate typeface.

Serif fonts are typically better for traditional roles , while sans-serif variants are tailored toward modern professions.

Appropriate use of bolding, italicizing, capitalization, and color enhances the legibility and visual appeal.

The Importance of Using the Right Cover Letter Font

resume buzzwords

Choosing the right cover letter font is imperative, as it impacts both the aesthetics and functionality of your cover letter .

For starters, a good font significantly enhances the readability of your cover letter . It helps the document convey information quickly and efficiently. This allows hiring managers to find relevant details effortlessly, even when quickly skimming through your document.

Another benefit of a well-chosen font is that it demonstrates your attention to detail and professionalism . Choosing a clean, elegant, present-day typeface emphasizes expertise and respect for industry standards, while an inappropriate font can make you appear unprofessional and careless.

In addition to choosing the right typeface, you should also consider your cover letter font size. The optimal size is between 10 and 12 pt , and going above or below these conventional values significantly reduces the readability of your letter and makes it less aesthetically pleasing.

Finally, you can use a good font to enhance the overall message of your cover letter. For instance, serif fonts should be your choice to convey elegance and sophistication. Alternatively, sleek sans-serif variants are great when applying for contemporary or tech-oriented roles.

11 Best Cover Letter Fonts

communication skills

For starters, here are some of the best fonts for a cover letter. We’ll examine each one's strengths and weaknesses and give you suggestions for which industries it is best suited for.

Arial is one of the most widely used fonts and a default for Google Docs. It’s a great all-around cover letter font due to its clean and simple sans-serif design, making it easy to read on-screen and when printed.

This typeface's contemporary and straightforward look makes it perfect for cover letters in the technology field and when applying to modern companies in business or finance. Arial’s adaptability makes it perfect for the majority of business documents.

Ultimately, Arial is one of the safest choices for your cover letter font, regardless of the job you’re applying for. However, it can make your document appear too generic when applying for roles that require a touch of creativity.

Arial font

#2. Calibri

Calibri is another highly popular font and a default typeface for Microsoft Office. It was designed to be modern and professional, ensuring compatibility across systems, devices, and documents .

When you set the same cover letter font size and spacing, Calibri allows you to fit more text in the same amount of space compared to Arial. This makes it perfect if your writing is lengthy but you want to maintain an elegant and minimalist look.

This is another sans-serif font tailored to modern jobs and professions . For instance, Calibri is a great pick for a marketing or consulting cover letter .

Calibre font

#3. Garamond

Garamond can add a touch of elegance and style to your cover letter. This timeless serif font has a lengthy history and widespread application.

While Garamond might be outdated for some modern industries, it’s perfect for those roles where you want to convey a sense of tradition, reliability, and sophistication .

For instance, if you’re into the arts or publishing , you can use Garamond as your cover letter font to demonstrate finesse while subtly hinting at an in-depth knowledge of the craft.

Garamond font

#4. Helvetica

Helvetica is one of the most famous fonts in the world . It’s popular due to its exceptionally crisp and clear look, which makes it highly versatile and usable in both traditional business documents and contemporary graphic design.

The neutral and flexible nature of Helvetica makes it a solid pick for your cover letter, regardless of the industry you’re in. Still, it’s a sans-serif font with an artistic pedigree . That’s why you should consider it when writing a cover letter for architecture , social media, graphic design , advertising, and similar roles.

Helvetica font

#5. Cambria

Cambria is a serif font that sports a traditional look with a modern appeal . This combination makes it perfect for classic fields that require a contemporary approach, such as law, business , or education.

One of this font’s key strengths is its flexibility, since it was designed for both printing and reading on screens . This versatility extends to this typeface’s usability, making Cambria easy to scan and interpret.

Ultimately, it’s a balanced font and a solid pick for most traditional fields . A minor downside of its classic appearance with a modern twist is its neutrality, so it might not be as distinctive as some other typefaces.

Your paragraph text (4)

#6. Trebuchet MS

Trebuchet MS is a humanist typeface designed to have a warm and friendly appearance . One of the main characteristics of this cover letter font is that it’s approachable while still being clean and professional. That’s why it’s great for non-profit cover letters or job seekers in the education and communication industries.

On the other hand, keep in mind that this sans-serif font is less formal than other similar options, so you should avoid using it for highly traditional fields.

Your paragraph text (5)

#7. Georgia

Georgia is, in a way, similar to Cambria in that it’s another classic font designed with modern use cases in mind . It’s a traditional serif typeface with a background in historic typography. The contemporary twist is that it was developed to be easily readable on screens.

This cover letter font’s strengths are also its weaknesses. Georgia’s classic and readable style makes it perfect for digital marketing or publishing cover letters. On the other hand, this font might be too casual for formal applications.

Your paragraph text (6)

#8. Verdana

Verdana is another humanist font designed with a focus on legibility. Its excellent readability on screens makes it perfect when you’re submitting a soft copy of your cover letter, though these benefits extend to printed copies as well.

The main factors contributing to Verdana’s readability are its larger x-height and wider spacing compared to similar fonts. These attributes make this sans-serif typeface look clean and spacious and make it a solid pick for tech, media, customer service , and similar fields .

Verdana font

Tahoma is a straightforward sans-serif typeface and a great cover letter font when you just want to make your writing legible and professional. It’s a reliable choice when you’re applying for a practical role in business, customer service, or similar fields .

The simplicity of Tahoma’s design makes it utilitarian to the point where it can be seen as too plain. It’s a solid font that might not grab attention like other typefaces on this list, but it also won’t be a poor pick, regardless of the role that you’re applying for.

Tahoma font

#10. Times New Roman

Times New Roman is one of the most famous serif fonts, renowned for its highly traditional appearance . While this font conveys extreme seriousness and traditional reliability, it can be seen as old-fashioned when used inappropriately as a cover letter font.

That’s why you want to use Times New Roman in specific instances when applying for certain positions in law, academia, or government . When used properly, this font’s history in print and professional documents can emphasize your intent, thoughtfulness, and dedication.

Times New Roman font

#11. Baskerville

Baskerville combines elements of elegance and formality to create a sophisticated look far greater than most serif fonts convey. This is another cover letter font to use sparingly, as it can appear too ornate and decorative for many modern professional environments.

As such, Baskerville is another typeface to consider when applying for positions in academia, publishing, or law . However, you should keep in mind that you’ll give your cover letter a stately and refined look that’s best used for highly formal and classic roles.

Baskervville font

5 Cover Letter Fonts You Should Not Use

cv mistakes

Now that you know which cover letter fonts to use, let’s go through some options you shouldn’t use under any circumstances .

#1. Comic Sans

Comic Sans is widely regarded as a highly informal and playful font . However, this sans-serif typeface is unprofessional to the point of being considered childish.

What makes this font unique and famous is its whimsical style , making it perfect for comics and cartoon speech bubbles. Using it for your cover letter can seriously undermine your chances, as it’s seen as unprofessional.

Comic Sans font

#2. Courier

Courier is a monospaced font designed to replicate the look of a typewriter . While this can evoke a sense of nostalgia in certain instances, the font is considered outdated for cover letters and other business documents.

Due to its monospaced nature, the Courier has legibility issues . Plus, typewriter-style documents are better suited for drafts and similar writing than professional business correspondence.

Courier font

#3. Papyrus

Papyrus is a highly stylized font famous for its artistic representation of ancient scripts . While it’s a distinctive typeface, it is entirely inappropriate in business settings. The textured and overly graphic nature of the letters makes them difficult to read, detracting from the quality, seriousness, and professionalism of your cover letter.

Papyrus font

Impact is a strong and bold font designed to grab attention . As such, it’s much better suited for posters and headings than cover letters. The heaviness of this typeface will make your writing appear aggressive. This makes it not only difficult to read but also overwhelming when used for large bodies of text.

impact font

#5. Bradley Hands

Bradley Hands is another informal font that mimics the style of handwriting . It’s an entirely unprofessional typeface that—like all the other script fonts—should never be used for a cover letter.

bradley hands font

Choosing Between Serif vs. Sans-Serif Fonts

Choosing between serif and sans-serif fonts depends on your field and the impression you want to convey .

Serifs are small strokes attached to the ends of larger strokes of characters associated with classic and sophisticated fonts . Notable examples include Times New Roman, Garamond, and Georgia. These fonts are typically found in print, whether it’s books, newspapers, magazines, etc.

As a result, serif cover letter fonts are usually recommended when applying for traditional professions like law, banking, academia, etc .

On the other hand, sans-serif fonts don’t have these decorative small strokes, making them clean and modern variants . Some of the examples of these fonts include Arial, Calibri, and Helvetica. The big perks of these fonts are their readability and versatility.

All of this makes sans-serif fonts great picks for contemporary industries and modern jobs , such as digital marketing, graphic design , software engineering , and so on.

Furthermore, sans-serif fonts are typically better viewed on screens , which is something to consider when sending a digital copy of your cover letter.

Cover Letter Font Size & Spacing

Cover letter font size and spacing are just as important as the font itself . Optimal values enhance the visual appeal of your document and ensure its readability, while inadequate size and spacing have the opposite effect.

The ideal font size is between 10 and 12 pt . For instance, both Google Docs and Microsoft Word have 11 pt as their default font size. That makes 11 pt the best starting point for your cover letter.

If your cover letter has a lot of text and crosses the one-page length limit , you can reduce the font size to 10. That way, you can keep your cover letter concise without cutting any content. However, you shouldn’t reduce the font size below 10 pt. Instead, you should trim and modify your writing.

Conversely, if you have a short cover letter and want to enhance its readability further, you can increase the font size to 12 pt. This also helps individuals with visual impairments, but you shouldn’t go overboard and increase the font size beyond 12 pt, as that will make it seem unprofessional.

Line spacing should be 1.0 (single spacing) or 1.15 within paragraphs. This is the optimal spacing for professional documents that ensures the best legibility. Just like with font sizes, you can use smaller or bigger line spacing depending on how much writing your letter has.

Additionally, you should use double spacing between sections and paragraphs to make them more distinct.

If you want to ensure optimal size and spacing effortlessly, you can use our cover letter builder . It features ready-made templates where everything is set up. You can just add your text and download a finished product.

Let’s see what good font size and spacing should look like on an example of a cover letter designed using our builder :

Cover Letter Example

Cover Letter Example

Cover letter templates

Cover letter font styling and formatting refer to specific techniques you can use to enhance the visual appeal and legibility of your cover letter . Here are some of the key ones:

Cover Letter Font Styling & Formatting

Bolding . Bolding specific parts of your cover letter is great for drawing attention to them. You can use it to emphasize your key skills or most notable achievements. This is also a great technique for structuring your cover letter, so you can bold section headings in addition to making their font size 2–4 pt larger.

Italicizing . Italicizing is a more subtle form of emphasizing text compared to bolding. It’s often used for specific parts of a cover letter, such as job titles, publications, foreign words, and other noteworthy parts of the document.

Capitalization . Capital letters are commonly used for names, headings, and acronyms. When used sparingly and appropriately, they significantly increase the appeal of your document and demonstrate your attention to detail.

Color . The established way of writing cover letters is in black font on a white background. You can choose a dark shade of gray for your font color as well, but you should avoid anything else, as it can be distracting. Exceptionally, a touch of color (e.g., a dark shade of blue) can be used for your name in the header.

However, you shouldn’t go overboard with styling and formatting . Here’s what you should avoid:


Overusing bold text . By bolding too much of your writing, you’ll reduce clarity and significantly reduce the impact of bolding. 

Underlining . Underlining is no longer a common styling technique, as it can be mixed up with online links, so you should avoid it.

Being inconsistent . You should stick to one cover letter font size, uniform margins, and consistent line spacing, or you’ll get a disorderly look.

4 Final Tips For Choosing the Right Cover Letter Font & Size

cover letter template google docs

Now that you know all the ground rules regarding cover letter fonts and format, here are some final tips to help you make the perfect choice.

#1. Avoid Using More than One Font

Having more than one font in your cover letter creates a confusing and unprofessional experience . Multiple fonts in a single letter can be distracting, increasing the time needed to read it. That’s why it’s best to choose one versatile font that you can use for both writing and section headings.

That way, you’ll create a consistent visual language that looks clean and professional. As a bonus tip, you should also use the same font for your resume . That’s how you'll end up with a uniform application package demonstrating attention to detail.

#2. Play With the Design

You should experiment with different design elements until you create the perfect combination. Most apps you can use to create a cover letter (including our builder) allow you to effortlessly modify everything from your cover letter font to size and color, your document’s line spacing and margins, and more.

By playing with these values, you’ll get a clean and visually appealing layout. You should aim for a balanced look where all the design elements exist in harmony, creating a positive impression on hiring managers and potential employers.

#3. Keep it Simple

Simplicity is key when choosing the right cover letter font and format. That’s why it’s typically best to go with a simple typeface that isn’t overly stylized, stick to one font, keep its size uniform, avoid excessive colors, and so on.

Less is more in business correspondence, and a simple cover letter leaves room for the reader to focus on your skills and qualifications. Plus, it can be a strong indicator of good writing skills .

#4. Keep The Job You’re Applying For in Mind

Your cover letter should be tailored to the job you’re applying for . This goes not only for the contents of your letter but for its font, too. That’s why it’s important to consider different aspects when choosing a cover letter font, such as the type of industry that you’re in and the company’s culture.

Final Thoughts

Choosing a cover letter font is much more than an aesthetic decision. It directly impacts the influence your document has on the reader and the first impression it leaves. A good font demonstrates your professionalism and attention to detail, helping you best convey information about your competence.

Now that you know what font is best for your cover letter, all that’s left is to write and submit it. Remember to keep the industry, company, and role in mind when choosing the font; you’ll be one step closer to the interview. Before you get there, you might want to brush up on the most common interview questions and answers . Best of luck!

Henry Garrison

Create your cover letter once, use it everywhere

font untuk cover letter

A Guide To The Best Fonts For a Cover Letter (With Examples)

font untuk cover letter

Written by Mark DeGrasso

May 3, 2023.

When it comes to your job search, every detail counts, including the font you choose for your cover letter. While you may think that the content of your letter is the most important thing, the font you use can make a significant impact on the reader’s perception of you. In this article, we will guide you through the process of selecting the best font for your cover letter, giving you the edge you need to stand out from the crowd.

Tips On Choosing the Perfect Font For Your Cover Letter

Choosing the right font for your cover letter is an important step in creating a professional and polished impression on potential employers. While it may seem overwhelming to choose from the vast array of options available, there are some key considerations to keep in mind that can help make the decision easier.

First and foremost, it is important to stick to professional fonts that are widely recognized and easy to read. Arial, Helvetica, and Times New Roman are all excellent choices that are commonly used in business settings. These fonts are straightforward and legible, making them a safe bet for any cover letter.

Another important factor to consider is the legibility of your chosen font in small sizes. While you may be tempted to choose a more decorative or unique font to stand out, it is important to remember that your cover letter may be viewed on a variety of devices and printouts. Choosing a font that is easily readable in small sizes can help ensure that your letter is accessible to all potential employers.

It is also important to avoid fonts that may be difficult to read or give off an unprofessional impression. Decorative or cursive fonts, while visually interesting, can be challenging to decipher and may not be appropriate for a professional cover letter.

When considering your font choice, it can also be helpful to think about the company you are applying to and their brand. Do they have a particular font that they use in their materials? If so, using that font in your cover letter can help demonstrate that you are a good fit for the company and its values.

Finally, it is always a good idea to test your font choice by printing a copy of your letter and reviewing it for legibility and readability. This can help ensure that your cover letter is polished and professional, and that you are presenting yourself in the best possible light to potential employers.

The Top Ten Fonts For Your Cover Letter and Why

When it comes to creating a cover letter, choosing the right font can make all the difference. While there are countless fonts to choose from, some are more conducive to a professional cover letter than others. Here are the top ten fonts to consider:

  • Arial   – This clean, sans-serif font is a standard in the business world. It is easy to read, widely recognized, and can be used in various sizes. Arial is a safe choice that can work well for any industry.
  • Helvetica   – Similar to Arial, this versatile font has a classic look and is easy to read in small and large sizes. It is a popular choice in the design industry and can work well for creative roles.
  • Times New Roman   – This serif font is an excellent choice for a traditional industry, such as law or academia. It is easy to read and adds a touch of professionalism. Times New Roman has been a popular choice for many years and is a safe bet for any conservative industry.
  • Calibri   – Another sans-serif font that is easy to read, Calibri has been widely used since its debut in Microsoft Office in 2007. It has a modern look and is a good choice for industries that value innovation and creativity.
  • Garamond   – This serif font has been around for centuries and is known for its timeless elegance. It is an excellent choice for creative fields or those where a classic touch is desired. Garamond is a great choice for industries such as art, fashion, or luxury goods.
  • Georgia   – Similar to Garamond, Georgia is a classic serif font that is easy to read and has a timeless feel. It is particularly suited to fields such as journalism or publishing, where a traditional look is valued.
  • Verdana   – This simple sans-serif font is an excellent choice for electronic communication as it is easy to read on-screen. It has a modern look and is a good choice for industries that value simplicity and ease of use.
  • Baskerville   – This elegant serif font is another excellent choice for traditional industries. It is classy and easy to read in small sizes. Baskerville is a great choice for industries such as finance , law, or government.
  • Trebuchet MS   – A sans-serif font that is easy on the eyes, Trebuchet MS is a good choice for a sleek look. It has a modern feel and can work well for industries such as marketing or advertising.
  • Century Gothic   – This elegant sans-serif font is an excellent choice for those looking for a modern, sophisticated look. It has a unique look that can make your cover letter stand out. Century Gothic is a great choice for industries such as technology or design.

Remember, the font you choose for your cover letter should reflect your personality and the industry you are applying to. While these top ten fonts are a great starting point, be sure to choose a font that is easy to read and professional.

Additionally, it’s important to keep in mind that the font is just one aspect of your cover letter. The content and formatting are equally important in making a strong impression on potential employers. Be sure to proofread your cover letter carefully and tailor it to the specific job you are applying for.

Using the Right Font Can Make or Break Your Cover Letter

Your cover letter is your chance to make a great first impression with a potential employer. It’s important to remember that the font you choose can have a big impact on how your letter is perceived. While the content of your letter is essential, the font you use can make a difference in how you are perceived.

When it comes to choosing a font for your cover letter, it’s important to consider the industry and company culture. For example, if you’re applying for a job in a creative field, you may want to consider using a more playful or unique font. However, if you’re applying for a job in a more traditional industry, such as finance or law, you may want to stick with a more classic and professional font.

Another thing to consider when choosing a font for your cover letter is readability. You want to make sure that your letter is easy to read and that the font you choose is not too small or too difficult to read. A font that is difficult to read or unprofessional can make a negative impression on the reader.

One popular font choice for cover letters is Times New Roman. This font is classic and professional, making it a great choice for traditional industries. Other popular font choices include Arial, Calibri, and Helvetica.

Ultimately, the font you choose for your cover letter should be based on what is appropriate for your field, the company culture, and the application process. Take the time to choose the best font for your cover letter, and you will increase your chances of making a great first impression.

Table of Contents

Top Cover Letter Fonts to Make a Big Impression

The font you select for your cover letter can make a big difference to the overall tone of your job applications. It’s important to choose a font that’s suitable for the industry you’re applying to work in, as well as one that reflects your personal style. In this article, we discuss the top fonts to pick from for your cover letter, and provide cover letter formatting tips that can help you make a strong impression on recruiters and hiring managers.

Understanding Font Options for Your Cover Letter

The list of fonts you can use for your cover letter and CV is so extensive, it could easily become overwhelming. But there are several simple things to consider that will help make your decision easier. Take a look at these basic guidelines to understand how to choose the right font for your resume and job applications:

Serif vs. Sans Serif Fonts

The first decision to make when selecting your font for your cover letter and other elements of your job applications, is whether to use serif or sans serif fonts. These two font types cover the majority of the most popular fonts for job applications and other professional uses.

But how can you tell a serif font from a sans serif? Serif fonts tend to have decorative flourishes on each letter, such as small lines or strokes at the end of longer lines. These lines are called ‘serifs’ and they give the lettering a formal, traditional look and feel. As such, these types of fonts are usually ideal for traditional professions and industries, such as law, business or finance.

Sans serif fonts, on the other hand, don’t include these lines or strokes (serifs) on their characters. They’re generally a little more simple in their design, and many people consider them to be more modern than serif fonts. This means sans serif fonts are often more suitable for creative industries or any sector that adopts a less formal tone and approach.

Choosing the Right Sans Serif or Serif Font for Your Cover Letter

The best typefaces for cover letter templates , resumes and any other professional purpose tend to be either serif or sans serif fonts. There are plenty of other styles, such as script, display or handwritten fonts. However, these are all more suited to other purposes, including signage and branding. When you want a clear, readable font for a professional document, it’s best to opt for either a serif or sans serif typeface.

Serif fonts tend to be more suitable for conservative, traditional and formal sectors. Roles in law, finance, science, business and medicine, as well as professions such as surveying and engineering tend to favour serif fonts. The most popular fonts in this family include Times New Roman, Garamond, Georgia and Cambria.

Sans serif fonts are generally preferable for any modern, creative sectors where professional standards are less formal. Employers in sales, marketing, IT, media, publishing or design are all more likely to favour CVs and cover letters that use sans serif fonts. The most popular fonts in the sans serif family include Arial, Calibri, Helvetica and Verdana.

Each font within both the serif and sans serif families has its own style, tone and personality. One may be more suitable than another for a specific company, role or level of seniority. You might also want to consider your own personality in your decision, and choose a font that reflects your personal style.

"When you want a clear, readable font for a professional document, it’s best to opt for either a serif or sans serif typeface."

Optimising Cover Letter Font Size and Spacing

Alongside decisions about the font for your cover letter, it’s also important to consider other elements of your document design and layout, such as font size and spacing. Take a look at the tips below to understand how to present your cover letter in the most professional way possible:

Cover Letter Font Size Guidelines

Choosing a suitable font size can seem like a wrestle between making your document readable and optimising the amount of content you can get onto a single page. While it’s essential to keep your cover letter and CV concise, the most important thing is to make it as readable as possible. There’s little point reducing font size so you can fit more onto a page if it means the reader has to strain their eyes to read it.

As a general rule, the most suitable font sizes tend to lie between 10 and 12. Each font appears slightly different at different sizes, but size 12 is generally accepted to be the most accessible font size, which is easy for most people to read without being too large and unwieldy. It might be best to start with a size 12 font for your cover letter, and make adjustments as necessary to enhance the page layout and match the font you’re using.

Effective Use of Spacing and White Space

The use of appropriate line spacing and white space throughout your cover letter and CV can make your application much more attractive and easy to read. However, as with font size, there can be trade-offs when you give your document space to breathe. It might mean scaling back the content so you can keep your cover letter to a single side of A4, or your CV to two pages.

When it comes to line spacing, it’s worth experimenting with different spacing to see what looks best, while still allowing you to include all the necessary information. Single or 1.15 line spacing is usually sufficient for the body text of your cover letter, but try different spacings, in tandem with different font sizes, to see what works best. You can also add spaces before or after paragraphs (typically 6 or 12 points), to give each section of your cover letter more space.

White space includes the space between sections and paragraphs in your cover letter, as well as the margins at the sides, top and bottom of the document. A one-inch margin on all sides of the letter is preferable, but experiment with different margin sizes and see what works best for your layout. It’s also usually best to left align all the text in your letter, rather than using justified paragraphs that align all the text to the margins. Left aligned text is considered easier to read.

For help with the layout and spacing of your CV, see our CV examples .

Avoiding Common Font Mistakes in Your Cover Letter

Take note of these common font mistakes and failures, to ensure your cover letter avoids any pitfalls that could reduce your chances of success:

  • Reducing font size to fit more in: while it’s tempting to reduce your font size to fit more into your cover letter, this is almost always counter-productive. Your cover letter should be concise and to-the-point, and if you have to reduce your font size below 10 to fit everything in, you’ve written too much. Below size 10, fonts become much more difficult to read, so make sure you can say everything you need to say on one side of A4, with a font size between 10 and 12.
  • Selecting an overly flashy font: you might think about selecting a flashy font that really makes your cover letter stand out, but it’s best to avoid the urge and stick to a simple, professional font. The classic fonts are popular for a reason: because they’re the most pleasant to read. You could consider a modern font such as Open Sans, Roboto or Ubuntu, but anything more elaborate is likely to detract from the content of your application.
  • Using text colours that make your letter harder to read: while it might be acceptable for headings, it’s almost always best to stick to black text for the body of your cover letter. This offers the clearest contrast for your text, making it as readable as possible. As soon as you start experimenting with greys or other colours, you risk making your cover letter more difficult to read. If you’re using different colour text for headings in your cover letter, try to pick examples that provide the greatest colour contrast with the background.

One of the best ways to avoid the common pitfalls in selecting your cover letter font is to use a resume builder like that offered by Jobseeker. You’ll find resume templates that offer you the most suitable fonts and layouts for a clean, professional-looking job application. You can also access cover letter examples that you can use as a guide when writing your cover letter.

Expert tip:

Simplicity and readability are the most important factors when it comes to choosing your cover letter font. Select a font that’s clear and easy on the eye, and let other design features do the work of making your cover letter stand out.

Key Takeaways for the Perfect Cover Letter Font

When it comes to selecting the perfect font for your cover letter, simple is best. For formal, traditional professions, consider using a serif font, while if you’ve applying to work in a less formal industry, a sans serif font tends to work best. Use size 10 to 12 and make sure your line spacing gives your text space to breathe. Sign up with Jobseeker to access a wealth of tools, including CV templates . You can also find resume articles with even more tips for creating a winning job application.

Get ahead of the competition

Make your job applications stand-out from other candidates.

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How to Write a Standout LinkedIn Cover Letter

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A Guide to The Perfect Cover Letter Heading

A Guide to The Perfect Cover Letter Heading

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  • How to Write a Resume
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  • Cover Letter Examples
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  • How To Write a Cover Letter
  • CV Templates
  • CV Examples
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6 Best Fonts for a Cover Letter (And How to Choose One)

Elena Prokopets

When it comes to job search, every small detail can play for or against you. Spelling, layout, stylistic highlights, fonts — the tiny design tweaks can amplify or muddle the first impression you are to make. 

All of the above is true for cover letters too. The easiest way to make the wrong first impression is by using a terrible cover letter font. OK, but which ones are good ones and which ones are bad? 

I’ve talked to our graphic design team (the one behind all our resume templates !) to get their scoop on the best fonts for cover letters. 

What is the Best Font for a Cover Letter?

The best font for a cover letter is Times New Roman . It’s a classic serif typeface that’s been in use for over 85 years. Times New Roman uses space economically which makes it easier to fit your cover letter into one page. This font looks equally great in print and in digital documents, plus it is supported by all major word processors and email apps. So your cover letter will be 100% readable! 

What is the Best Font Size for a Cover Letter?

The best font size for a cover letter is 12 points . This is a standard font size for most business documents — not too big, not too small for different screen sizes. You can also opt for 10 or 11 points cover letter font size if you need to fit more information into one page, but this can affect the readability of your letter. 

Best Fonts for a Professional Cover Letter: Overview

Times New Roman is a clear leader, recommended for use by career advisors from MIT , Purdue University , and Boston University among others for both resumes and cover letters. 

But because Times New Roman is a serif font, it might be hard to read for people with dyslexia or other types of reading disorders . So if you want to be extra mindful, you can look for another professional cover letter font. 

Just make sure it is: 

  • Serif or sans serif (avoid calligraphic typefaces) 
  • Readable (i.e. don’t have too many fancy elements) 
  • Widely supported by word processing apps 
  • Not Comic Sans (which is universally deemed unprofessional) 

To help you narrow down your choice, here are several more best fonts for a professional cover letter we recommend using. 

1. Arial 

Arial font has been around since the 1980s. You are probably well-familiar with it if you are a Windows user. Arial has been the default font for this operating system since the 1990s. It’s a web-friendly sans serif typeface. However, many graphic designers suggest avoiding Arial in print as it ends up looking somewhat plain, especially in bigger sizes. 

But since most of us dispatch email cover letters these days, it shouldn’t be much of a concern. 

2. Helvetica 

Helvetica is a Swiss-born typeface as its name indicates (Helvetia is the Latin word for Switzerland). Originally created by a freelance designer for a Haus foundry, it became hugely popular thanks to Apple. While Microsoft chose Arial as the main font for its OS, Apple picked Helvetica for the same purpose. 

Helvetica is also a sans serif font and it’s very readable. That’s because it has even kerning in any variation — bold, italic, or skinny — which gives the reader a sense of clean spacing. 

3. Calibri 

Calibri is a digital-native sans serif post. It was created specifically for online documents in the early 2000s — and presented to the general public with Microsoft Office 2007 and Windows Vista releases. Up till today, it remains the default font in MS Office. 

It has a pleasant rounded feel to it, paired with a tight layout. Thanks to it, you can flexibly change text size without losing resolution. So if you need to fit a longer cover letter into one page , try using Calibri in size 11. 

4. Georgia 

Don’t let this name trick you — the Georgia typeface was designed in the US in the 1990s for Microsoft corporation (again). But it was introduced only in 2006 as one of the standard fonts.

Georgia was originally envisioned as an alternative serif font to Times New Roman, which would look better on smaller screen sizes. Times New Roman becomes hard to read in small sizes. 

Overall, Georgia is a great cover letter font option for those who want to add some extra “personality” to your cover letter, while still maintaining professionalism. 

5. Garamond

Garamond is another fine example of a time-tested font. It was modeled after an old-styled Latin typeface, used by a 16th-century engraver Claude Garamond. But don’t let its age deter you, Garamond looks fresher compared to other popular serif fonts like Times New Roman and Georgia.  So if you want to give your cover letter a subtle creative flair, go for this option. 

Verdana typeface family is another ‘brainchild’ of Microsoft Corporation, released in the late 1990s.  It was modeled after humanist sans serif fonts such as the ones still used by the London Underground.

Yet Verdana has a more modern feel to it and touts generous width and spacing between letters. It also has a prominent distinction between frequently confused letters just as  lowercase i j l, the uppercase I J L, and the number 1.

Making Cover Letter Font Selection Easier 

If you feel that typography isn’t your forte, go with a “safe” choice of Times New Roman. Yes, it’s somewhat overused, but this fact doesn’t make it less professional. Alternatively, opt for popular sans serif fonts such as Ariel, Helvetica, or Verdana. There you go — you now have no more excuses for not working on your cover letter !

Elena Prokopets

Elena runs content operations at Freesumes since 2017. She works closely with copywriters, designers, and invited career experts to ensure that all content meets our highest editorial standards. Up to date, she wrote over 200 career-related pieces around resume writing, career advice... more

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10 Font untuk CV, Lebih Profesional dan Tingkatkan Peluang Lolos

font untuk cover letter

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Layaknya sebuah kartu nama, CV adalah identitas yang akan kamu gunakan saat melamar pekerjaan. Semua bagian harus kamu perhatikan, termasuk memilih font  untuk membuat CV tersebut.

Melalui CV, kamu perlu membuat kesan pertama yang baik di mata perekrut agar bisa dipanggil mengikuti tahap wawancara kerja. Caranya yaitu dengan membuat CV yang rapi dan profesional.

Menurut riset yang dilakukan oleh situs pencarian kerja The Ladders , perekrut rata-rata hanya menghabiskan 6 detik untuk menyaring CV.

Makanya nih, kamu perlu membuat CV yang ciamik agar bisa menarik perhatian perekrut dalam waktu singkat.

Tidak harus pandai membuat desain CV yang kreatif, minimal kamu perlu membuat CV terlihat lebih rapi dengan pilihan jenis font yang tepat agar mudah dibaca.

Ini dia beberapa tips memilih dan menyiasati jenis font CV agar perekrut tidak sakit mata ketika membaca CV-mu!

Panduan Ukuran, Format, dan Jenis Font

1. ketahui jenis font yang pas: serif vs sans serif.

Terdapat dua jenis kelompok font yang umum digunakan, yaitu Serif dan Sans Serif.

Serif merupakan jenis font dengan detail ekor di bagian ujungnya, sedangkan Sans Serif adalah font yang terlihat lebih kaku serta modern.

Kombinasi dua jenis font ini bisa kamu gunakan di dalam CV, namun pastikan kombinasi font -nya tepat dan saling melengkapi satu sama lain, ya!

2. Perjelas judul dengan huruf kapital, bold, italic, dan underline

Awali setiap bagian CV dengan menuliskan judul terkait, misalnya bagian kontak, pengalaman kerja, kualifikasi, dan riwayat pendidikan.

Pastikan judul ini bisa terbaca dengan jelas untuk menandai tiap bagian CV. Caranya bisa dengan menggunakan huruf kapital, bold , underline , atau italic .

Pastikan juga ukuran font lebih besar, bisa di kisaran 14 hingga 16pt.

10 Font Terbaik untuk CV

Dirangkum dari Canva Design Blog , berikut ini merupakan beberapa pilihan font yang keren dan terlihat profesional untuk digunakan di CV!

Salah satu font untuk CV yang bisa kamu gunakan adalah Calibri.

Font satu ini resmi menggantikan Times New Roman sebagai font default pada Microsoft Word sejak tahun 2007. Meskipun menjadi default , Calibri belum digunakan sesering font Arial sehingga tidak terlalu “pasaran”.

Jika dilihat-lihat, font ini memang nyaman untuk dibaca karena bentuknya yang pas. Kamu bisa lho menulis isi CV dengan font Calibri berukuran 12pt!

© Wikimedia Commons/Pachutp via Canva

Font ini bisa dengan mudah ditemukan di berbagai program Microsoft Office.

Cambria didesain khusus untuk dokumen digital lho, sehingga boleh kamu pertimbangkan ketika ingin mengirim CV dalam bentuk digital.

Meskipun demikian, font ini juga cocok untuk dokumen cetak, karena hurufnya mudah dibaca dan tidak akan membuat mata pusing.

© Wikimedia Commons/Hans Hoogglans via Canva

Ternyata, font Lato awalnya diciptakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan korporat. Style formal yang dipertahankan hingga sekarang inilah yang membuat Lato cocok menjadi  font  untuk CV kamu.

Font dalam kategori Sans Serif ini terlihat netral dan “serius” ketika digunakan di bagian isi, tetapi memiliki tampilan yang juga keren saat digunakan dengan ukuran lebih besar.

Font ini bisa diunduh secara gratis di sini .

font untuk cover letter

© Wikimedia Commons

Sekilas, jenis font satu ini terlihat sangat berkelas dan elegan.

Didot cocok digunakan untuk kamu yang ingin menembus industri fashion atau fotografi, karena tampilannya yang keren dan memberikan efek artsy .

Akan tetapi, font ini lebih cocok digunakan dalam ukuran besar di bagian headings karena detail ekor tipisnya.

© Wikimedia Commons/Pierre Rudloff via Canva

5. Helvetica

Para graphic designer dan pekerja di industri kreatif pasti sudah kenal betul dengan font satu ini.

Helvetica merupakan salah satu font paling populer, dan bahkan sering dianggap sebagai font terbaik!

Bentuknya yang simpel dengan ketebalan yang pas membuat Helvetica digemari dan banyak digunakan oleh merek-merek terkenal. Misalnya saja BMW, American Airlines, hingga Microsoft!

© Wikimedia Commons/GearedBull via Canva

CV-mu seketika akan terlihat lebih simpel dan modern dengan menggunakan font Avenir.

Bentuknya yang minimalis dan terkesan formal, membuat Avenir bisa jadi salah satu pilihan font untuk CV kamu.

Jika ingin menggunakan Avenir, pastikan kamu menggunakan versi normal, bold , dan italic saja, ya!

font untuk cover letter

Bagian ekor yang cukup tebal pada font serif ini menjadikannya nyaman dibaca, bahkan pada ukuran yang kecil sekalipun.

Sebagai alternatif dari Times New Roman, Georgia ternyata dibuat khusus untuk penggunaan digital, sehingga cocok untuk CV berbentuk pdf.

8. Trebuchet MS

Font untuk CV selanjutnya yang bisa kamu coba pakai ialah Trebuchet MS.

Meskipun bentuknya sedikit agak tebal, bagian sudut yang membulat ini tetap memberikan kesan profesional sehingga masih bisa dipakai untuk keperluan melamar kerja.

gambar contoh font untuk CV (Trebuchet MS)

© Wikipedia

Kamu harus menghemat  space  di CV? Tenang, font V erdana ini cocok untuk kamu karena tidak terlalu renggang antarhurufnya.

Verdana memang dirancang untuk tulisan di layar-layar yang lebih kecil.

Namun, kamu tetap perlu perhatikan apakah ukuran  font  yang kamu pilih sulit untuk dibaca atau tidak.

contoh font untuk CV (Verdana)

Nah, mirip seperti Verdana, Tahoma juga cenderung lebih rapat jarak antarhurufnya dibandingkan dengan jenis  font  lainnya.

Tahoma bisa jadi pilihan font  untuk CV yang minimalis. Bahkan, CNBC menyebutkan bahwa jenis font ini cocok digunakan terutama untuk para profesional di bidang software engineer.

contoh font untuk CV (Tahoma)

Jenis Font yang Perlu Dihindari

Bentuknya yang tidak universal dan terlalu “unik” membuat beberapa font ini bukan pilihan terbaik untuk keperluan profesional. Berikut contoh-contohnya.

font untuk cover letter

Font ini dibuat untuk mengimitasi bentuk tulisan mesin ketik.

Courier kurang cocok digunakan untuk CV karena bisa membuat CV terlihat jadul dan kurang nyaman dibaca, apalagi untuk menulis 1 halaman penuh.

2. Times New Roman

Sebenarnya tidak ada yang salah dengan font yang dulunya digunakan sebagai default Microsoft Word. Hanya saja, font ini sudah terlalu sering digunakan dan membuat CV-mu kurang menonjol!

3. Brush Script

Font  ini jelas bukan pilihan terbaik karena justru malah membuat CV-mu sangat sulit dibaca. Tetap usahakan memilih font yang formal, ya. Sebaiknya hindari font bergaya tulisan tangan seperti ini.

4. Comic Sans

Font satu ini sepertinya hanya pantas digunakan untuk anak sekolah dasar.

Didesain menyerupai tulisan komik yang membulat, Comic Sans kurang cocok digunakan untuk membuat CV karena tidak terlihat profesional sama sekali.

Itulah tips terkait panduan memilih serta jenis  font untuk CV profesionalmu. Selain  font,  ada banyak komponen lainnya yang perlu kamu perhatikan supaya peluang lolos CV-mu bisa lebih meningkat lagi.

Saat ini, banyak perusahaan yang menggunakan applicant tracking system atau ATS untuk menyeleksi CV menggunakan software secara otomatis.

Supaya lamaran kamu lolos, ada beberapa panduan ATS yang perlu kamu ikuti. Kalau tidak, nanti sistem akan membaca bahwa kualifikasimu kurang cocok dengan kebutuhan perusahaan.

Jangan khawatir, Glints Blog punya panduan membuat dan  template gratisnya untukmu. Di panduan gratis ini, kamu bisa menemukan beragam tips untuk membuat CV yang ATS-friendly.

Panduan membuat CV-nya akan membuatmu punya peluang lebih dipanggil  interview , lho!

Yuk, baca panduan lengkap dari Glints tentang cara membuat CV ATS- friendly di sini .

  • What are the best resume fonts? A CEO who has read thousands of resumes this year shares his 7 favorite picks

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What is the Best Font for a Cover Letter in 2024?

by Artöm Obenko

  • Cover letter
  • · August 20 2024
  • · 10 min read

Best font for a cover letter + formatting tips

Table of contents

Whether you are a school leaver , student , or changing career , selecting the appropriate font for your cover letter might seem trivial, yet it is essential in shaping how employers perceive your application. In a good cover letter , your font choice demonstrates professionalism, attention to detail, and understanding of key requirements. Although the font can create a strong first impression, the content of your cover letter is what truly matters when submitting your application.

In this guide, we cover:

Top-notch cover letter fonts and templates (check out CVMaker for more!).

Pro tips when choosing a cover letter font.

Common mistakes to avoid.

Pros and cons of most popular fonts and font sizes.

How to pick a professional font when you're new to the game.

Explore our diverse collection of cover letter templates to help you find the perfect match for your career needs.

Design your cover letter in a few clicks

Top 10 cover letter fonts to use.

Here's a list of safe and reliable fonts you can use for your cover letter:

Arial: Classic, clear, versatile.

Calibri: Modern twist on a classic, good readability.

Cambria: Elegant, sophisticated, professional.

Garamond: Timeless, charming, classic feel.

Georgia: Similar to Garamond, a blend of classic and modern, easy on the eye.

Helvetica: Clean, minimalist, contemporary (sans-serif)

Open Sans: Open-source, clear, readable.

Avenir: Modern, stylish, suitable for creative fields.

Times New Roman: Traditional, widely recognised, possibly overused.

Verdana: Similar to Arial, a clear, spacious, and good for on-screen reading.

Avoid overly decorative and hard-to-read fonts as they can distract from your main content. These fonts may also pose issues with applicant tracking systems (ATS) used by many industries. Opt instead for clean, professional fonts like Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman to ensure clarity and enhance your chances of leaving a positive impression.

What are the main types of cover letter fonts?

There are two main types of cover letter fonts: serif and sans-serif . The former has a more traditional and formal look, characterised by tiny strokes at the end of each character. On the other hand, the latter is more recognised for its sleek and modern look, making them ideal choices for creative positions or career documents.

Times New Roman



CV typography - best fonts

As shown in the image above, there are three other fonts, specifically monospaced , script , and display. We suggest avoiding them as they are hard to read and can look unprofessional.

Arial is a contemporary sans-serif font known for its simplicity and clarity. Its clean lines and straightforward design make it an excellent choice for professional documents, ensuring readability both on screen and in print. It's ideal for corporate settings, such as finance , IT , and law . It's a strong choice for industries cherishing efficiency and accuracy.

 Arial font for cover letter

Calibri is a modern sans-serif font that has become the default typeface for Microsoft Office. With its rounded letters and soft appearance, it brings a friendly yet professional tone to any document, making it ideal for cover letters. Calibri is often used in HR , customer service , and teaching . Its soft lines are suitable for roles requiring interpersonal skills.

 Calibri font for cover letter

Garamond is a timeless serif font that exudes classical beauty and charm. Often used in high-quality publications and literary works, it lends an air of prestige and sophistication to cover letters and other formal writings. Cambria is suited for industries requiring credibility, making it an excellent choice for roles in academic or legal jobs like paralegal .

 Cambria font for cover letter

4. Garamond

Garamond is a timeless serif font that exudes classical beauty and charm. Often used in high-quality publications and literary works, it lends an air of prestige and sophistication to cover letters and other formal writings. It is suitable for creative roles like fashion designer , writer , journalist or for professionals working inluxury brands.

 Garamond font for cover letter

Georgia is a serif font celebrated for its excellent readability, especially in smaller sizes. Its blend of traditional and modern elements makes it a versatile choice, suitable for both creative and professional documents. It is ideal for publishing, marketing, and developers .

 Georgia font for cover letter

6. Helvetica

Helvetica is an iconic Swiss sans serif font renowned for its clean, neutral design. Its widespread use in corporate branding and signage highlights its professional appeal, making it a reliable choice for business-related documents. It is a also great fit for corporate branding, banking , and technology.

 Helvetica font for cover letter

7. Open Sans

Open Sans is a humanist sans serif font developed by Google, prized for its approachable and friendly appearance. Its clear and versatile design ensures it looks good on both screens and paper, making it a great option for cover letters.It's a great match for tech, e-commerce, and non-profit sectors.

 Open Sans font for cover letter

Avenir is a geometric sans serif font that combines modern aesthetics with classic principles. Its sleek and elegant lines make it a popular choice for branding, design projects, and professional documents aiming for a contemporary look. This font is great for fashion, architecture , and technology brands.

Avenir font for cover letter

9. Times New Roman

Times New Roman remains a stalwart in the world of fonts, known for its classic serif style. It is particularly favoured in traditional sectors such as law, academia, and government, providing a sense of formality and reliability.This font is appropriate for law, academia, and civil service roles.

Times New Roman font for cover letter

10. Verdana

Verdana is a sans serif font created for optimal readability on screens, featuring wide spacing and a large x-height. Its relaxed yet professional appearance makes it suitable for digital documents and presentations. Verdana is a great choice for IT, e-commerce, education, and sofware development .

Verdana font for cover letter

What is the best font and size for your cover letter?

Pick an easy-to-read, attractive, and clean font, such as Times New Roman, Garamond, or Georgia. Opt for a font size between 10 and 12 points, ensuring your message is clear and not overwhelming for the hiring manager. By choosing the right font your cover letter will speak for itself and would leave a positive impression on the overall look and legibility.

Classic choice: Play it safe and opt for ATS-friendly fonts like Arial, Calibri, or Verdana, ensuring you follow the industry requirements and write your message clearly to recruiters.

Right size: if you have a detailed cover letter or CV, we recommend going for a font size 10, whereas a font size 12 could be a better fit for a more simple and standard feel.

Consistency is key: Before submitting your application, ensure it matches your CV and looks professional across your entire application.

Take a look at our related blog article on the best font for a CV to learn more.

What fonts to avoid on a cover letter?

Although fonts can help you maintain a professional look, some fonts could harm your chances of landing a job interview. At first, it may seem like a minor change, but fonts can make your text hard to read and appear unprofessional.

Avoid the following types of fonts to ensure high readability!

Ornate fonts: Elaborate swirls and intricate designs can be difficult to read, making your information look cluttered.

Cursive fonts: They typically mimic handwriting and can be challenging to read, making your application look informal.

Uppercase fonts: Recruiters can view it as shouting, making it harder to scan your cover letter quickly. Rather leave caps for headings or official titles.

Remember, the key is to match your cover letter with the job description and career goals . Doing so can boost your chances of getting noticed and possibly landing your first job interview .

What mistakes to avoid when adding font on a cover letter?

Whether you're applying for an internship or need a short cover letter , choosing the right font and formatting it correctly is essential. See below how to avoid common mistakes:

Font soup: Avoid mixing fonts; rather, stick to one professional font for the entire document to create a clean look.

Inconsistent sizing: Maintain consistency for high readability and optimisation for applicant tracking systems (ATS).

Unreadable colours: Black or dark grey text on a white background is safest.

Bold & Italic overload: Use bold only to highlight key points and italics for titles, achievements, or quotes

Mobile mishap: Ensure your font is readable on a smaller screen, such as tablets or phones.

If you’re still early in your career, refer to our related blog article on how to write a cover letter with no experience .

Top tips for choosing the best cover letter

1. align your font choice with the company culture.

Taking the time to research the company you're applying to demonstrates your genuine interest and attention to detail. If their website and branding have a minimalist aesthetic, consider a more modern font for your cover letter. For a company with a more traditional culture, a classic font is a safe and reliable choice.

Research the company brand: Consult the company's website and social media to get a sense of how they present themselves

Modern company, modern font: For companies with a modern look, think about fonts like Proxima Nova or Helvetica.

Traditional company, classic font: Go for classic fonts like Times New Roman or Garamond for companies with a more traditional culture.

A well-chosen font can subtly reflect your suitability for the position you're applying for. For instance, in creative fields like marketing or design, a slightly bolder font can showcase a touch of personality. However, in traditional industries such as law, finance, or accounting, classic fonts convey a sense of trust and reliability.

For more insights on aligning your cover letter with company culture, see how to write a CV for the first job .

2. Prioritise readability

It is crucial to ensure your cover letter is easy to read. Avoid decorative fonts that may be visually appealing but struggle with on-screen clarity. Remember, a clear and concise message is more likely to capture a recruiter's attention.

Choose clear and crisp fonts: Go for fonts like Arial, Calibri, or Verdana, which are known to be easy to read and reliable choices.

Avoid decorative or script fonts: Avoid over-decorative or cursive fonts, as they can be difficult to read on a computer or mobile screen.

Maintain proper font size: Aim for a font size between 10 and 12 points. A 10-point font works well with extensive cover letters, while a 12-point font gives a more spacious look.

For additional guidance, refer to our related blog article on the best colour for a CV .

3. Keep it simple

Maintaining a consistent and professional tone throughout your cover letter is essential. Using multiple fonts or styles can create a cluttered and confusing visual experience for the reader. Stick to a single, professional font to ensure a clean and polished look.

Clean and simple: Use one professional font throughout your entire cover letter to create a neat and polished look.

Avoid mixing styles: Do not combine fonts like bold, italic, or underline, within the body text. Utilise them strategically for emphasis (e.g., headings, job titles).

Match your CV font: Ensure consistency between your cover letter and CV font for a unified application package.

For more expert tips, refer to our related blog article on how to improve your CV .

4. Proofread carefully

A flawless application shows professionalism and attention to detail. Take the time to proofread your cover letter carefully and ensure there are no typos or errors. Additionally, double-check that your chosen font size and style are consistent throughout the entire document.

Double-check for typos and errors: Proofread your cover letter thoroughly for any typos or grammatical errors that could detract from your professionalism.

Coherent overall look: Ensure your chosen font size and style are consistent throughout your career documents.

To ensure your cover letter is error-free and tailored to the job, check out our CV Writing Service for further guidance.

5. Consider font size and style

Consider using italics or bold text to highlight key information or achievements without overwhelming the hiring manager with too many highlights. Understanding the job's demands is key to formatting your cover letter effectively.

For more tips, see our additional article on how to place and highlight action verbs on a CV .

Use italics for emphasis: Use italics to emphasise specific words or phrases.

Use bold for headings: Apply bold for headings, subheadings, or important points.

Keep a consistent look : Ensure bold and italics enhance the design without distracting.

For more tips on the best format and layout, explore our CV examples for inspiration.

Cover letter templates with the best fonts

See below the best cover letter templates with a professional font.

Designer cover letter example 


Download this designer CV example in PDF

This cover letter sample features Abigalil, highlighting her relevant design expertise and showcasing her ability to maintain high standards as a Product Designer. This cover letter follows a simple layout, matching the chosen CV template. For more details, check out one of our articles below:

Designer CV and designer cover letter

Graphic designer CV and graphic designer cover letter.

Marketing cover letter example


Download this marketing cover letter sample in PDF

In this example, Nina strategically presents her skills and achievements, positioning herself for a high-impact Marketing Manager role. This cover letter is modern, aligning seamlessly with her marketing CV example. It follows a clear layout with concise language and a professional Source Sans Pro font. By strategically incorporating hard skills and career accomplishments, she positions herself as a qualified candidate with an impressive track record of leading and inspiring teams.  

For more inspiration, refer to the related articles below:

Marketing CV and marketing cover letter

Digital marketing CV.

Student cover letter example

Student cover letter

Download this student cover letter in PDF

This cover letter sample features Penelope, a diligent Business Psychology student. It showcases her academic achievements and extracurricular involvement, aligning them with the position's requirements. The cover letter follows a modern style, keeping it concise and tailored to the specific job.  

For more inspiration, refer to our related step-by-step guides below:

Student CV and student cover letter

Best jobs for students.

IFor more support, check out our related articles on how to explain unemployment on a CV and seasonal work opportunities in the UK .

Key takeaways

Although the well-chosen font can make a strong initial impression, remember that content should be your real focus. See our key takeaways from the article below:

While a great font can make a good first impression, remember your content is the key !

Play it safe with classic fonts like Arial, Times New Roman, or Verdana.

Your font choice shows attention to detail and professionalism .

Make sure your font matches the job requirements and company brand.

By using our guidelines and picking the right font, you can write a strong cover letter that eludes professionalism and high readability.

Next steps?

When your mind is at peace with your cover letter colour, it’s time to update the content of your cover letter ensuring all the information is up to date and meets your recruiter’s needs. Whether you’re not sure how best to describe your experience or what information to include in your cover letter, consider checking out one of our related blog articles below:

How to start a cover letter

How to structure a cover letter

How to end a cover letter

How long should a cover letter be?

How to send a CV via email.

What is a go-to font for CVs and cover letters?

Common choices like Calibri, Arial, and Times New Roman are preferred for their readability and professional appearance. For a touch of sophistication, consider Garamond or Georgia.

Is Sans-serif or Serif more professional?

Serif fonts are generally seen as traditional and formal, whereas sans-serif fonts offer a clean, modern look. Ensure that your choice reflects industry standards and personal preference.

Are there fonts I should avoid on my cover letter?

Avoid using small fonts like size 6 or 8, as well as overly large fonts such as size 14 or 16. Opt instead for a font size between 10 and 12 points, striking a balance that ensures readability without sacrificing space. Remember, your font choice should not detract from your recruiter’s ability to focus on your main content.

Can I use different fonts for my cover letter and CV?

It’s best to use consistent fonts across your cover letter and CV to maintain a cohesive look. This approach helps create a strong first impression.

How do I format my cover letter?

Use a clean and simple format with clear headings and sufficient white space. Stick to one font, use consistent spacing, and avoid excessive formatting. Ensure your cover letter is tailored to the job and company you're applying to.

For more tips, check out the best format for a simple CV and modern CV .

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Updated August 20 2024

Artöm is your go-to Content Specialist committed to assisting job seekers globally. Through his engaging blog articles and in-depth guides, he's on a mission to make your career journey a breeze. Artöm is passionate about SEO, design, and all aspects of marketing, delivering expert advice that resonates with diverse audiences. Beyond work, you can find him practicising Kung Fu, travelling, reading a book, or enjoying the company of his beloved black cat. Try it now

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Best Font for Cover Letter

The best font for cover letter purposes is one that is clear and easy to read. Hiring managers will quickly pass over a cover letter that isn't instantly legible. Keep your cover letter font professional, simple and consistent with your resume font.

font untuk cover letter

An important consideration is the fact that your cover letter may be viewed on a desktop, laptop or mobile device so stick to a universal font that renders well on all screens.

5 Best Font for Cover Letter Styles

Hiring managers and recruiters largely agree on these being the 5 best font for cover letter styles.

Helvetica is a modern favorite that works well for all cover letters. It only comes preloaded on Apple computers so Arial is an excellent alternative if you don't have a Mac.

Arial is the standard font for Google Docs and Microsoft Word, meaning that it will display accurately on all computers. It renders well on all screen sizes and its crisp lines make it clear and simple to read.

It is sometimes considered too familiar and bland for jobs in creative and trendy companies and a more contemporary font may be better suited for these type of cover letters

2. Times New Roman

Times New Roman is a popular and traditional font that presents as classic and professional. It is a good cover letter font to use when you want to convey a serious and formal approach. An appropriate choice for jobs in traditional and conservative industries.

3. Trebuchet MS

A less used, modern and clean cover letter font with an energetic feel. Very easy to read and renders well on all screen sizes, particularly smaller devices.

Its thicker lines and wider body makes it useful when you are trying to fill up space such as for entry level cover letters. A good choice for jobs in marketing, media, publishing and start-ups.

This font has taken the place of Times New Roman as the MS Office default font so it is familiar and easy to access on all devices. Its tighter layout is useful when you have to fit a large amount of text on one page for your cover letter.

A modern and clean font that has been described as warm and gentle by its designer, this cover letter font works well for jobs in nursing, social work, teaching and care-related professions

A classic font with a contemporary feel that was designed specifically for easy reading on computer and mobile screens.

An ideal font for a professional cover letter look with elements of elegance and trendiness.

All of these 5 cover letter fonts are legible, clean-looking,  professional and render accurately on most devices. They are unlikely to cause problems with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and will ensure your cover letter can be easily read.  They are suitable for both on-screen and print versions of your cover letter.

What is the best font for cover letter style?

font untuk cover letter

Top tips for best font for cover letter

  • stick to one font style and size throughout your cover letter
  • your cover letter and resume font should be the same style and size to present a consistent and professional look
  • italics, bold and highlighting should be used sparingly, if at all, as they detract from the clean and easy-to-read look of your cover letter
  • ensure your cover letter fits on one page
  • Print your cover letter, even if you are going to upload it online, to make sure that it looks the way you want

What is the best cover letter font size?

Your cover letter font should be sufficient size to be easy to read but not so big that your cover letter does not fit on one page.  You may need to try a couple of different sizes to make sure that your cover letter is legible and fits on a single page.

For most font styles 12-point is the standard size and is easy to scan and read in different formats. Some fonts may look better at 10.5- or 11-point. To find the best size for your cover letter, try each of the standard sizes to find the most legible version.

If your cover letter includes a heading with your name and contact details you may choose to make this slightly bigger than the body text. If this creates problems with keeping your cover letter to a single page, rather bold those details. 

How to format your font and cover letter

Include sufficient white space for a clean, easy-to-scan and legible look. There needs to be space at the top of the letter and between each paragraph of your cover letter. Using bullet points is a useful way to increase legibility and to make an impact with your cover letter.

Use the right spacing for your cover letter for readability. Single, double and 1.5 spacing are the most common selections. 

The cover letter must be clearly formatted and easy to read. Long sentences and insufficient line spacing are to be avoided because they clutter the letter and make it  hard to scan and read quickly. 

How to create a cover letter that works

How to save and send your cover letter

Save your cover letter correctly. The best way to do this is to save it as a PDF file to preserve its original appearance and style.

Send it as a PDF attachment to an email message. Copying-and-pasting a cover letter into the body of your email message may corrupt the formatting and make it hard to read for the hiring manager who may well have a different computer system. When you email your cover letter in word processing format, such as a Microsoft Word file, the formatting may not transfer properly.

A good way to check if your cover letter renders correctly is to send the email with  the attachment to yourself first so you can review it before sending it to the hiring manager.

Font styles to avoid in your cover letter

Just as there are best font for cover letter styles there are some fonts you should never use for your cover letter. 

  • avoid unprofessional and novelty-type fonts such as Comic Sans which come across as childish
  • avoid heavy and bold cover letter fonts such as Impact which are hard to read and look messy
  • Fonts that try to look like type (Lucida Console) or handwriting (Script) are considered insufficiently professional or serious

What is the best font for resumes?

You can find a great article on the best resume fonts for 2023   plus loads of tips on writing a job-winning resume.

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Over 50 Sample Cover Letters

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How to Start a Cover Letter

Entry Level Cover Letters

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Top 10 ATS-Friendly and Readable Resume Fonts in 2024

There are thousands fonts you can choose from, but how do you know which are the most suitable for your resume?

Fonts cheatsheet (free infographic)

Top 10 ATS Friendly Resume Fonts

These 10 fonts will always be a good safe choice for any resume:

  • Times New Roman

Continue reading below to see why these fonts will help potential employers and Applicant Tracking Systems be able to find and correctly parse the text in your resume.

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IT Specialist

The importance of legible fonts on your resume

The font you select for your resume can impact your employers perception of you. Employers will look for something beyond your words, and having a well-selected font is one way you can express your professional presence. If it's unreadable, it could be the first thing someone may notice and the reason why your resume gets skipped. Choosing a font that is clean, crisp, and well-defined can show the reader that you have style, are professional, and have a personal touch. If your resume is using a hard-to-read font, it tells the reader that you don’t care about presentation or looking unprofessional.

A font that is too cluttered, too big, or too small makes it difficult for the hiring manager to read your resume—and sends a message to them that you are disorganized, sloppy, or do not sweat the details.

While there is no perfect resume font, there are fonts that are better than others. It is important that you select a font that works for you and presents the best possible image for the type of resume you are creating. ‍

What is an ATS-friendly font?

The ATS-friendliness of a resume is based on whether the ATS can correctly parse out the text on your resume. Of course your resume’s content counts for much more than your font choice, but choosing a font that’s easy to read on any screen is a great way to make your resume more accessible to recruiters, hiring managers and ATS systems. If you’re wondering what the difference is, it’s important to know that an ATS (Applicant Tracking System) is the primary application that’s developed to track hiring processes for new candidates. When you apply for a job online, chances are that the employer is using an ATS of some kind to accept and process all job applications. To make an ATS-friendly resume, you need to make it easy for the computer to read .

This means making it easy for the computer to parse your text and pull out the information it needs from your resume without having to ask you for help. Computer programs like an ATS can handle simple formatting like tabs and spaces, but they can be confused by larger and more complex changes to your text, like decorative texts. See the example below:

Incorrect and Correct Example of Using Resume Fonts

In the incorrect example above —when the computer wants to parse your text, it can miss the letters in a decorative font, making your content difficult to parse and possibly missed. ‍

Choosing a font and size for your resume

It’s important to make sure that your font is clear and easy to read, both in print and on the screen. What happens if you choose a resume font that’s not very clear? Well, you’re going to run into problems when the hiring manager or recruiter can’t read your resume. If your resume looks like a jumbled mess, they won’t bother with it. At best, you’ll get passed over for a more readable resume. At worst, you’ll get a rejection letter because the hiring manager or ATS won’t be able to make sense of your resume.

One of the most important aspects when choosing a font is how it looks. Your potential employer won’t be impressed by a resume that looks like it was typed by a teenager.

TIP: We also recommend trying to mix and match Heading & Body fonts like in the example below to help your resume stand out even more.

Blog Writer

You can use our template editor to quickly change fonts for any resume template that we offer. We have a mix of professional fonts, commonly used ATS-friendly fonts, and even a selection of decorative Google Fonts for more creative industries and professions. To change fonts, just open up any template in our resume builder and select fonts from the Heading Font and Body Font dropdown menu as seen in the example below:

Using Easy Resume Builder to Edit Fonts

When choosing a font size, make sure to keep it large enough to read. At minimum, it should be 12pt. A font size no smaller than 10pt should be used on the name of the company and your contact information at the top of your resume. This will help ensure it is easily readable and that the reader will be able to understand your content. ‍

Deciding on spacing and margins

As far as spacing goes, the easiest way to decide how much spacing you should have is by following the 1-inch rule.

You should have to at least 1-inch of whitespace and margins across all sides of your resume.

If your resume has a lot of content, then you can try to decrease your margins by a quarter-of-an-inch at a time. Ideally never less than 0.5 inch margins. We also suggest a good range of line spacing, this is the spacing in-between each of line of text in a paragraph. Somewhere between 7-8pt of line-spacing should be good. If your font size is bigger, you can increase the line-spacing between text relative to your font size. That being said, you should also be aware of what is known as a generous line spacing. When we say generous, we mean to create a more readable resume that utilizes whitespace. The exception to this is if you have experience, education, or awards that can’t be combined. In this case, the spacing needs to be generous so it doesn’t overlap and mess up the formatting. ‍

Here are the Top 10 ATS-Friendly fonts

Times New Roman Resume Font

Times New Roman (serif) ‍

Perhaps one of the most popular and classic fonts that gets used on resumes— and college essays . It's a default choice as a serif font in many applications and has been a solid go-to for many types of documents including resumes. We'd recommend using Times New Roman when choosing a more professional style resume like our Wakefield template.

Times New Roman should be available as a font on most Windows & Mac computers. ‍

Tahoma Resume Font

Tahoma (sans-serif)

‍ Tahoma was created by the team at Microsoft and initially shipped with early releases of Windows 95. It has a similar feel to the font Verdana (below) and can often be a suitable substitute given it's more tighter character spacing. Tahoma should be available as a font on most Windows & Mac computers. ‍

Verdana Resume Font

Verdana (sans-serif) ‍

Verdana, has similarities to Tahoma, and is another clean and crisp font designed by Microsoft. The main difference is Verdana's more generous character spacing (whereas Tahoma is more tighter). It feels professional, works great on screens and is very legible at smaller sizes, making it ideal for resumes that may contain a lot of body copy. Verdana should be available as a font on most Windows & Mac computers. ‍

Arial Resume Font

Arial (sans-serif) ‍

Arial is everywhere. It has similarities to both Helvetica (below) and Verdana (above). You'll likely have seen or used Arial at some point in your career or even just browsing the web. Arial was also the default font for Microsoft Office applications, before being replaced by the introduction of Calibri in 2007. Arial should be available as a font on most Windows & Mac computers. ‍

Helvetica Resume Font

Helvetica (sans-serif) ‍

Helvetica is one of the most enviable fonts of the modern era. The grotesque and Swiss style typeface is widely used and beloved amongst many designers. Using Helvetica will instantly make your resume feel more modern, easier to read and feel sophisticated all at the same time. Helvetica is available as a font on most Mac computers. For Windows users, we'd recommend using Arial as a fallback or downloading Roboto from Google Fonts which can also be a suitable replacement. ‍

Calibri Resume Font

Calibri (sans-serif) ‍

As mentioned earlier, Calibri was introduced with Microsoft Office in 2007. It's commonly used amongst many as a replacement for more classic sans-serif typefaces such as Arial, Tahoma, and Verdana. It works for a variety of use-cases, and offers familiarity and flexibility to your resume. You can use Calibri as both heading and body copy. Calibri is available as a font on most Windows computers. For Mac users, we'd recommend using Helvetica or Verdana as an alternative. ‍

Georgia Resume Font

Georgia (serif) ‍

Georgia is a great classic serif font for resumes. Created by the same inventor as Verdana, Tahoma and Arial—Matthew Carter of Microsoft. It is a serif font, which means that the characters are more fluid and the letters have little tails that serif fonts often have. This works well for resume fonts because it is easier to read in small sizes, which you want in a resume. It is a good font for longer job descriptions because it can be easily read in the small space. It is still easy to read, but is not as distracting as other fonts. This font is perfect for resumes and will help your resume stand out without being too flashy. Georgia should be available as a font on most Windows & Mac computers. ‍

Cambria Resume Font

Cambria (serif) ‍

Cambria is a beautiful serif font that is a bit more blockier than what we normally see. This makes the font ideal for body text and is readable at smaller sizes. The font itself is very sturdy and can stand on it's own very well. We'd recommend using Cambria as an alternative to Times New Roman if you're looking to emphasize more parts of your work experience or resume in general. Cambria should be available as a font on most Windows computers. If you don't have access, we'd recommend using Source Serif Pro from Google Fonts as a free alternative. It possesses similar characteristics, most prominently its blocky serif style. ‍

Gill Sans Resume Font

Gill Sans (sans-serif) ‍

Gill Sans has a rich history, mainly being introduced as one of the first prominent sans-serif fonts that gained wide popularity across parts of Europe in the early 20th century. Gill Sans still remains one of the most popular and widely distributed typefaces as of today. It has a large x-height, a wide range of weights, and a classical appearance. It is often used to convey a sense of trustworthiness and prestige, and has been found in  corporate branding, logos and signage. Gills Sans should be available as a font on most Windows and Mac computers. ‍

Garamond Resume Font

Garamond (serif)

‍ Garamond is a beautiful and classic font that represents old-style fonts extremely well. Use Garamond if you're applying to a more professional industry, and you want to stand out as someone who cares about the details which is what Garamond is primarily known for. Garamond should be available as a font on most Windows and Mac computers.

Blog Writer

Video Summary

Here's a video summary of all the best resume fonts we've recommended above, in under 30 seconds.

Browse more resume templates that fit your role

Ed Moss is an author for Easy Resume

Ed is a co-founder of Easy Resume. His background in scaling teams at tech startups over the last decade has given him extensive experience and knowledge around how to hire top talent and build successful teams. He enjoys mentoring, coaching, and helping others reach their career goals. When he's not writing about career-related advice, he's playing with his dog, Lilo, or going on long hikes in upstate New York.

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Font Dan Saiz Yang Sesuai Digunakan Untuk Cover Letter

Font Dan Saiz Yang Sesuai Digunakan Untuk Cover Letter

Menulis cover letter bukanlah boleh dibuat dengan sambil lewa dan ikut suka anda sahaja. Anda perlu menulis dengan mengikut format yang sesuai dan pastikan majikan boleh membacanya dengan jelas.

Jadi, penggunaan font dan saiz yang sesuai sangat penting ketika anda menyiapkan cover letter anda.

Isi Kandungan

Apakah font dan saiz yang sesuai untuk menulis cover letter?

Ringkas Dan Profesional

Walaupun anda seorang yang kreatif, elakkan menggunakan font yang tidak profesional seperti Comic Sans, Hand Writing dan sebagainya yang sukar dibaca oleh orang lain.

Tujuan utama anda menghantar cover letter adalah kerana untuk menyampaikan mesej yang jelas iaitu memohon pekerjaan dan sekaligus menonjolkan kemahiran serta pengalaman kerjaya anda.

Gunakan font dan saiz yang sama anda gunakan ketika menulis resume anda.

Font Dan Saiz Yang Sesuai Digunakan Untuk Cover Letter

Pilih Font Yang Ringkas

Anda boleh menggunakan font yang ringkas seperti Arial, Courier New, Calibri, Verdana, dan Times New Roman dan font jenis ini adalah yang terbaik untuk anda menulis resume anda. Ini kerana font ini mesra emel dan menjadi pilihan para profesional untuk menyiapkan cover letter mereka.

Pastikan juga anda menggunakan satu jenis font sahaja di dalam cover letter anda. Tidak perlu campur adukkan font. Anda juga dinasihatkan untuk tidak garis dan Italic perkataan sebaliknya gunakan Bold sekiranya anda ingin menonjolkan keywords tertentu.

Pilih Saiz Yang Betul

Anda boleh gunakan saiz font berukuran 10 hingga 12. Format cover letter anda dengan margin tidak lebih 1″ dan tidak kurang daripada 7″.

Saiz font juga bergantung pada jenis font yang anda gunakan. Sekiranya anda menggunakan font Arial, saiz 11 nampak sesuai kerana tidak terlalu besar dan tidak terlalu kecil serta mudah untuk dibaca.

Font Dan Saiz Yang Sesuai Digunakan Untuk Cover Letter

Cara Memilih Font Dan Saiz

Pilih font dari senarai di bahagian atas dokumen anda sebelum anda mula menulis cover letter anda, atau:

  • Taipkan surat lamaran anda.
  • Highlight kandungan surat anda.
  • Pilih saiz font yang anda mahu gunakan dengan cara yang sama.
  • Proofread atau baca semula cover letter anda.
  • Print cover letter, walaupun anda akan upload melalui emel. Ini adalah untuk memastikan bahawa surat itu diformat dengan font dan saiz yang betul.

Pastikan anda telah memilih template yang sesuai sebelum menyiapkan cover letter. Kemudian cuba saiz dan font yang berbeza semasa menyiapkan cover letter. Selepas itu anda akan tahu font dan size yang mana sesuai untuk cover letter anda.

Font Dan Saiz Yang Sesuai Digunakan Untuk Cover Letter

Anda perlu mencuba setiap font dan saiz yang sesuai untuk menyiapkan cover letter. Jangan lupa untuk memasukkan keywords yang sepadan dengan jawatan yang dipohon.

Baca ini : Tips Penggunaan Keywords Dalam Resume, CV dan Cover Letter.

Semoga perkongsian ini membantu anda menyiapkan cover letter dengan font dan size yang ideal.

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font untuk cover letter

7 Contoh Cover Letter Bahasa Inggris Singkat dan Tips Cara Membuatnya

Ilustrasi orang sedang mengetik sesuatu

Tips Cara Membuat Cover Letter Bahasa Inggris

Contoh cover letter bahasa inggris singkat.

Surat lamaran atau cover letter merupakan dokumen yang wajib dilampirkan pada saat melamar kerja. Oleh karena itu, sangat penting untuk memahami contoh cover letter bahasa Inggris serta cara membuatnya.

Membuat cover letter dan curriculum vitae (CV) dalam bahasa Inggris akan menjadi nilai plus tersendiri bagi kandidat pelamar kerja. Ini akan menunjukkan bahwa kamu memiliki kemampuan bahasa Inggris yang baik.

Dalam kesempatan ini, detikJateng akan membagikan beberapa tips membuat cover letter berbahasa Inggris yang singkat, lengkap dengan contohnya.



Dikutip dari buku Ultimate Cover Letters oleh Martin John Yate, berikut adalah beberapa tips yang bisa dipraktikkan dalam membuat cover letter.

1. Sapa Penerima dengan Nama

Personalisasi cover letter dengan menyapa manajer perekrutan atau perekrut dengan nama. Hal ini menunjukkan inisiatif dan perhatian kita terhadap detail.

2. Pastikan Mudah Dibaca

Pastikan cover letter fokus, jelas, dan ringkas. Gunakan ukuran font minimal 11 atau 12 pt dengan jenis huruf yang mudah dibaca. Kesamaan antara font dan format CV memberikan tampilan yang terkoordinasi dan profesional.

3. Tekankan Branding Pribadi

Soroti keterampilan dan perilaku unik yang membedakan diri kamu dari yang lain. Tunjukkan gambaran diri yang jelas dan profesional sepanjang surat. Hal ini dapat berkontribusi pada pembentukan branding profesional kamu.

4. Tampilkan Kualitas Khususmu

Tampilkan apa yang membuat kamu istimewa. Misalnya mengirimkan CV langsung ke seorang manajer, menunjukkan kreativitas dalam aplikasimu, dan menulis cover letter yang kuat untuk menjalin hubungan antara kamu dan manajer.

5. Jaga Kesinambungan dalam Komunikasi Tertulis

Pastikan konsistensi dalam font, format, dan pilihan kertas pada CV, cover letter, dan amplop. Keselarasan elemen ini menciptakan gambaran yang serasi dan profesional.

6. Singkat dan Fokus pada Pesan

Pertahankan cover letter agar fokus pada poin-poin kunci dan informasi yang relevan. Rujuk persyaratan pekerjaan tertentu dan buat pembaca tertarik untuk menjelajahi CV kamu lebih lanjut.

7. Akhiri dengan Ajakan Bertindak

Selesaikan cover letter dengan penutup yang kuat yang mengarahkan pembaca melakukan tindakan. Jelaskan bagaimana dan kapan kamu dapat dihubungi. Bisa juga dengan mengungkapkan niat untuk melakukan tindak lanjut dalam jangka waktu tertentu.

Selanjutnya, mari simak beberapa contoh cover letter yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris berikut ini.

Contoh Cover Letter Bahasa Inggris #1

2 October 2023 Jackson Bethell, Director of Operations Datalink Products 111 Any Avenue Anytown, AA1 1AA

Dear Jackson Bethell I have recently been researching the leading local companies in data communications. My search has been for companies that are respected in the field and that provide ongoing training programmes. The name of DataLink Products keeps coming up as a top company.

I am an experienced voice and data communications specialist with a substantial background in IBM environments. If you have an opening for someone in this area, you will see that my CV demonstrates a person of unusual dedication, efficiency and drive. My experience and achievements include:

  • the complete redesign of a data communications network, projected to increase efficiency company-wide by 12 per cent;
  • the installation and troubleshooting of a Defender IV call-back security system for a dial-up network.

I enclose a copy of my CV, and look forward to exploring any of the ways you feel my background and skills would benefit DataLink Products. While I prefer not to use my employer's time taking personal calls at work, with discretion I can be reached on 10987 654321 to initiate contact. However, I would rather you call me in the evening. Let's talk!

Yours sincerely, James Sharpe

Contoh Cover Letter Bahasa Inggris #2

14 January 2023

David Doors, Director of Marketing Martin Financial Group 111 Any Avenue Anytown, AA1 1AA

Dear David Doors, I have always followed the performance of your company in the Mutual Funds Newsletter.

Recently your notice regarding a Market Analyst in Investor's Business Daily caught my eye and your company name caught my attention. Your record over the last three years shows exceptional portfolio management. Because of my experience with one of your competitors, I know I could make significant contributions.

I would like to talk to you about your personnel needs and how I am able to contribute to your department's goals.

An experienced market analyst. I have an economics background (IMA London) and a strong quantitative analysis approach to market fluctuations. This combination has enabled me to consistently pick the new technology flotations that are the backbone of the growth-oriented mutual fund. For example:

I first recommended XYZ Fund six years ago. More recently my clients have been strongly invested in ABC Growth (in the high-risk category), and DEF Growth and Income (for the cautious investor). Those following my advice over the last six years have consistently outperformed the market.

I know that CVs help you sort out the probabilities from the possibles, but there is no way to judge the personal caliber of an individual. I would like to meet you and demonstrate that along with the credentials. I have the professional commitment that makes for a successful team player.

Yours sincerely, Jane Swift

Contoh Cover Letter Bahasa Inggris #3

Dear Recipient's Name.

I have nine years' accounting experience and am responding to your recent posting for an Accounting Manager on Careerbuilder. Please allow me to highlight my skills as they relate to your stated requirements.

Your Requirements

  • Accounting degree, four years' experience
  • Excellent people skills and leadership
  • Strong administrative skills
  • Good communication skills

My Experience

  • Obtained a degree in 2000 and have over four years' experience as an Accounting Manager.
  • Effectively managed a staff of 24; ability to motivate staff, including supervisors.
  • Assisted in the development of a base reference skills-library with Microsoft Excel for 400 clients.
  • Trained new supervisors and staff via daily coaching sessions, communication meetings and technical skill sessions.

My CV, pasted below and attached in MSWord, will flesh out my general background. I hope this executive briefing helps you use your time effectively today. I am ready to make a move. I hope we can talk soon

Yours sincerely, Joe Black 01234567890

Contoh Cover Letter Bahasa Inggris #4

Mr. Ronald Reynolds Manufacturing Supervisor Plastics Manufacturing, LLC 1234 Industrial Park Rochester, NY 14699

Dear Mr. Reynolds: Capitalizing on my 20 plus years of experience, I am most interested in Injection Molding/Set-Up positions that will advance your production objectives. I have enclosed my resume, which outlines my employment history, skills, and training.

Some of the key qualifications I can bring to your organization include:

  • Extensive experience with an ISO-9000 company, including seven years as an Injection Molding Technician in charge of setting up, maintaining, monitoring, and ensuring continuous production of 12 automated injection molding machines.
  • Consistent contributor recognized with many Suggestion Awards. I am diligent in identifying ways to make processes run more efficiently, quickly resolving process problems and taking corrective action to minimize down times.
  • Highly recommended by Senior Manufacturing Engineer, Harvey Townes: "His quality of work is exceptional and he always completes his in-process checks on time. Without question, Gary is the fastest and most thorough set-up person in our molding areas."
  • Training that includes Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Blueprint Reading, Hazardous Materials, Confined Space Entry, Set-Up, Preventive Maintenance, Lift Truck Certification, Lockout/ Tagout, and ISO-9000 Principles.

I would appreciate the opportunity to speak with you in person about my background and skills, and am eager to secure a permanent position with a dynamic, growing company. Please telephone me at (585) 544-9999 to arrange a mutually convenient date and time for an interview. Thank you for your consideration.

Sincerely, Archibald Garrison

Contoh Cover Letter Bahasa Inggris #6

October 2, 2023

Jackson Bethell, VP Operations Datalink Products 621 Miller Drive Anytown, CA 91234

Dear Jackson Bethell, Recently I have been researching the leading local companies in data communications. My search has been for companies that are respected in the field and that provide ongoing training programs. The name of DataLink Products keeps coming up as a top company.

I am an experienced voice and data communications specialist with a substantial back ground in IBM environments. If you have an operation for someone in this area, you will see that my resume demonstrates a person of unusual dedication, efficiency, and drive. My experience and achievements include:

  • The complete redesign of a data communications network, projected to increase efficiency company wide by some 12 percent
  • The installation and troubleshooting of a Defender IV callback security system for a dial-up network.

I enclose a copy of my resume, and look forward to examining any of the ways you feel my background and skills would benefit Datalink Products. While I prefer not to use my employer's time taking personal calls at work, with discretion. I can be reached at (516) 555- 1212 to initiate contact. However, I would rather you call me at ___ in the evening. Let's talk!

Yours truly, James Sharpe

Contoh Cover Letter Bahasa Inggris #7

Ms. Sally Close Vice President for Sales & Marketing Sunshine Industries, Inc. 1234 Seminole Boulevard Orlando, Florida 33333

Dear Ms. Close, Capitalizing on close to six years of experience in sales and management roles with customer- oriented organizations, I am seeking an opportunity in a corporate setting where my capabilities can further your business objectives, while offering career development opportunities. With this goal in mind, I have enclosed for your consideration a résumé outlining my experience.

Some key points you may find relevant to a sales, marketing, and/or management trainee role with your firm include:

  • Selling capital equipment to business and government accounts, including developing long-term, consultative relationships with customers.
  • Supporting sales operations by developing specifications, responding to competitive bid requests, and managing a variety of vendor relations functions.
  • Managing capital projects, including $500K and S750K renovations of restaurant facilities, as well as the assembly/fabrication of custom equipment for municipal highway departments.
  • Providing leadership to groups of up to 24 customer service employees in retail and hospitality business environments, including recruiting and training team members.

I am convinced that my skills can contribute to your ongoing business success, and that my professional development can significantly benefit from joining a leading organization such as yours. I would enjoy speaking with you in person about potential opportunities and ways that I can address your needs. I will be visiting Orlando the week of May 21st and would be pleased to meet with you during that time. Please contact me to arrange an initial interview.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to talking with you soon.

Sincerely, Conrad James

Demikian beberapa contoh cover letter bahasa Inggris singkat, lengkap dengan tips untuk membuatnya. Semoga bermanfaat!


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font untuk cover letter


  1. How to Choose a Cover Letter Font? The 2022 Edition

    font untuk cover letter

  2. Resume Template for Marketing and Social Media Modern Resume

    font untuk cover letter

  3. Best Fonts to Use On Your Cover Letter

    font untuk cover letter

  4. How to Choose a Cover Letter Font? The 2022 Edition

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  5. Cover Letter Template Osu

    font untuk cover letter

  6. 26+ Cover Letter Font

    font untuk cover letter


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  5. Membuat Font Tulisan Tangan Sendiri

  6. Rekomendasi Font untuk Poster yang Bikin Desainmu Makin Menarik! #desaingrafis #adobephotoshop #


  1. Cover Letter Font: 10+ Best Fonts For Your Cover Letter

    8. Trebuchet MS. Boasting thick lines and simple curves, Trebuchet MS is a great choice if you need to fill space or make your cover letter extra easy to read. Designed for Microsoft Word, this font can now be found on most word processing software, including Google Docs.

  2. Best Cover Letter Font You Should Use (Size & Typeface)

    The best font for a cover letter should be simple, clear, and match the font you use in your resume. The most popular choices include Times New Roman, Arial, Calibri, and Verdana. The font size should be set to 12pt and it's best to limit yourself to just one typeface. But that's not the full answer on what font is suitable for a cover letter.

  3. How To Choose Cover Letter Font and Font Size

    Pick the optimal cover letter font size. When selecting a font size, you have three options: size 10, 11 or 12. It is essential that your cover letter fits on one page, so opt for a size 10 or 11 font if it's spilling onto a second page. If you have a lot of room to spare, choose a size 12 font. As tempting as it may be, never go below a size ...

  4. 11 Modern & Professional Cover Letter Fonts You Should Use

    A good cover letter font makes the document professional, visually pleasing, and easy to read.. Some of the best fonts for a cover letter include Arial, Calibri, Garamond, Helvetica, and Cambria.. Fonts to avoid include Comic Sans, Courier, Papyrus, and any other script with an overly ornate typeface.. Serif fonts are typically better for traditional roles, while sans-serif variants are ...

  5. Best Fonts for Cover Letters

    The best size font for cover letters is between 10 point and 14 point. It's important that your cover letter fits on one page. If it runs over a page, drop down a point size or two. Never, however go below 10 point - even if your letter doesn't fit on one page. Sometimes adjusting the margins can also keep the cover letter to one page.

  6. How To Choose the Best Cover Letter Font

    Helvetica: This font is a sans serif font with a concise design. When utilized for a cover letter, it does not distract a reader from the content. If you're applying to a contemporary workplace, Helvetica is a suitable choice. Times New Roman: A classic serif font, Times New Roman is widely used in job applications.

  7. What font to use for a cover letter: top choices ·

    Here are some of the top font choices to consider for your cover letter: 1. Times New Roman. This font is a classic serif font used in many professional documents. It is a more formal font, so it works best for conservative industries, such as finance, law, or education.

  8. A Guide To The Best Fonts For a Cover Letter (With Examples)

    Verdana - This simple sans-serif font is an excellent choice for electronic communication as it is easy to read on-screen. It has a modern look and is a good choice for industries that value simplicity and ease of use. Baskerville - This elegant serif font is another excellent choice for traditional industries.

  9. Top Cover Letter Fonts to Make a Big Impression

    Employers in sales, marketing, IT, media, publishing or design are all more likely to favour CVs and cover letters that use sans serif fonts. The most popular fonts in the sans serif family include Arial, Calibri, Helvetica and Verdana. Each font within both the serif and sans serif families has its own style, tone and personality.

  10. What are the best cover letter fonts?

    Arial: Sort of like a Helvetica for the 21st century, Arial is a modern sans serif font popular for its legibility and clean lines. This one always makes the list of best fonts for cover letters. Calibri: Another good sans serif option, Calibri is the current default font for Microsoft Word.

  11. How to Choose a Cover Letter Font in 5 Steps (With Tips)

    4. Type your cover letter. After you choose a font style and size, start typing out your cover letter. You can also change the font size and style after completing your cover letter to enhance its effectiveness. Simply highlight all the text on the page and try out different font options in your program. Experimenting with different font styles ...

  12. 6 Best Fonts for a Cover Letter (And How to Choose One)

    Times New Roman becomes hard to read in small sizes. Overall, Georgia is a great cover letter font option for those who want to add some extra "personality" to your cover letter, while still maintaining professionalism. 5. Garamond. Garamond is another fine example of a time-tested font.

  13. 6 Tips for Formatting a Cover Letter, With Examples

    The cover letter font size should be 10 to 12 point for the body text. Use a slightly larger font size, like 14 or 16 point, for the header. 2 Margins. One inch on all sides is standard for cover letter margins. This provides a clear and consistent border around the content. If you do need to alter this standard, do not use a margin narrower ...

  14. How to choose the best font size for cover letters

    Here are some steps you can use to decide on the best font size for your cover letter: 1. Consider your audience. One way to choose an effective font size is to think about the preferences of your potential readers. For example, if you're interested in working for a company with more traditional values in a highly technical industry, you might ...

  15. Best Font for CVs and Cover Letters: 15 Options

    6. Helvetica. Helvetica is one of the most widely used typefaces in the UK and features in many international logos and branding campaigns (including BMW and NASA). A good CV font to use because of its minimalistic design, Helvetica's straight lines, and rounded shapes make your CV and cover letter appear neat.

  16. How to Choose a Font for a Cover Letter (With Examples)

    3. Use an appropriate font size. Use an appropriate font size for your cover letter, as it can affect both the format and readability of the document. Depending on the cover letter format you use, choose a font size between 10-point and 12-point. The best size is one that can make your cover letter readable and fit on one page.

  17. 10 Font untuk CV, Lebih Profesional dan Tingkatkan Peluang Lolos

    1. Calibri. Salah satu font untuk CV yang bisa kamu gunakan adalah Calibri. Font satu ini resmi menggantikan Times New Roman sebagai font default pada Microsoft Word sejak tahun 2007. Meskipun menjadi default, Calibri belum digunakan sesering font Arial sehingga tidak terlalu "pasaran".

  18. What is the Best Font for a Cover Letter in 2024?

    Open Sans is a humanist sans serif font developed by Google, prized for its approachable and friendly appearance. Its clear and versatile design ensures it looks good on both screens and paper, making it a great option for cover letters.It's a great match for tech, e-commerce, and non-profit sectors. 8. Avenir.

  19. Best Font For Cover Letter

    Hiring managers and recruiters largely agree on these being the 5 best font for cover letter styles. 1. Arial. Helvetica is a modern favorite that works well for all cover letters. It only comes preloaded on Apple computers so Arial is an excellent alternative if you don't have a Mac. Arial is the standard font for Google Docs and Microsoft ...

  20. Choose the best font for cover letter writing

    The font of your cover letter is more than just a stylistic choice; it has a significant impact on readability and influences the first impression you make on potential employers. Recommended fonts for your cover letter include Arial, Calibri, Times New Roman and Garamond, each of which offers a unique combination of legibility, professionalism ...

  21. Top 10 ATS-Friendly and Readable Resume Fonts in 2024

    Helvetica (sans-serif) ‍. Helvetica is one of the most enviable fonts of the modern era. The grotesque and Swiss style typeface is widely used and beloved amongst many designers. Using Helvetica will instantly make your resume feel more modern, easier to read and feel sophisticated all at the same time.

  22. Font Dan Saiz Yang Sesuai Digunakan Untuk Cover Letter

    Pilih Saiz Yang Betul. Anda boleh gunakan saiz font berukuran 10 hingga 12. Format cover letter anda dengan margin tidak lebih 1″ dan tidak kurang daripada 7″. Saiz font juga bergantung pada jenis font yang anda gunakan. Sekiranya anda menggunakan font Arial, saiz 11 nampak sesuai kerana tidak terlalu besar dan tidak terlalu kecil serta ...

  23. Free Cover Letter Generator: Build a Cover Letter Online

    Here's what you get with our free cover letter generator: 1. Cover letter templates perfect for all kinds of jobs. You'll get a chance to pick the layout from a wide selection of cover letter templates free to customize whichever way you want. Go for what stands out instead of saying yes to the mediocre. 2.

  24. 7 Contoh Cover Letter Bahasa Inggris Singkat dan Tips Cara ...

    Misalnya mengirimkan CV langsung ke seorang manajer, menunjukkan kreativitas dalam aplikasimu, dan menulis cover letter yang kuat untuk menjalin hubungan antara kamu dan manajer. 5. Jaga Kesinambungan dalam Komunikasi Tertulis. Pastikan konsistensi dalam font, format, dan pilihan kertas pada CV, cover letter, dan amplop. Keselarasan elemen ini ...