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Classification of Television Programs

Classification of television programs: introduction, classification of tv shows: types, classification of television programs: conclusion, works cited.

In the United States, television shows are extremely common. Many people spend a lot of time watching television to keep them informed about the situation in the world, for entertainment purposes, or for children to watch educational programs.

On the other hand, not everyone is using television to watch the program. With the appearance of the Internet, this has now become another source of entertainment where people can watch their favorite shows they missed on the television.

Through the television shows, people can gather news about the economy, the weather, the war, or even news about their favorite celebrities. They can also watch programs about cooking if they wish to learn new cuisines. Via television, new products are shown in the advertisements. This keeps people aware of the latest innovations. Advertisers use television to promote their products or their company.

Entertainment has also been very inviting to viewers. It is one of the many things that keep people occupied whenever they are alone. There are various interesting shows for kids. Not to forget, there are television shows that require parental guidance.

There are varied ways to classify television shows. Television shows include advertisements, events, kids, lifestyle, movies, music, series, and sports (CTAM Advanced Cable Solutions Consortium 3). Advertisements are programs that promote products. These include product showcases, classified ads, infomercials, movie trailers, and personal ads.

Events are programs that promote special activities or occasions, such as parades, political events, and concerts. Kids’ shows are programs that are designed for children. These include art, mathematics, science experiments, and cartoons.

Lifestyle shows are those that provide a background or story behind personal preferences. These consist of ethnic programming, human interests, hobbies, culture, holiday, and DIY (CTAM Advanced Cable Solutions Consortium 3).

Nowadays, performances are not shown only in theatres; there are television shows that feature plays that have already been performed in theatres. Movie shows range from featured films, documentary films, independent films, animated movies, and made-for-TV.

Music channeled on television via different shows and video clips that feature the latest songs. These music television shows are sometimes used by artists to promote their new album or CDs. Songs played on television shows vary as well. They can be mellow music, rock, hip hop, etc. depending on the schedule set by the show.

There are also television shows that are intended to be ongoing. This is called the ‘series.’ Series air regularly. Some series shows are shown on certain days of the week. However, because they are ongoing or have a continuation, they are known as series.

There are also shows about sports. These shows feature sporting events. They can be taped, delayed, or live. They can also be edited; nonetheless, the content remains the same. Sporting events shown on television include football, basketball, swimming, soccer, or even Olympic events.

Television shows are rated accordingly to ensure that young viewers will be properly guided (RTÉ Television – On-Screen Classification par. 1). Ratings can be another way of classifying television shows. Through ratings, the people, particularly the parents, are being made aware of the kind of television shows that would be good for their children.

Through ratings, shows that contain violence, sex scenes, and other scenes not suited for young audiences can be avoided (RTÉ Television – On-Screen Classification par. 2). Thus, according to the above-mentioned, television shows can also be classified according to their target audience. Television shows’ classification varies depending on what the people want to watch.

CTAM Advanced Cable Solutions Consortium. “Genre and Show Type Classification.” CableLabs 2010.

“RTÉ Television – On Screen Classification.” RTÉ Ireland’s National Television and Radio Broadcaster . n.d.

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Master the art of crafting a well-structured and engaging classification essay to captivate your readers effortlessly.

How to write a classification essay

Mastering the art of organizing and presenting information is an essential skill in academic writing. And what better way to demonstrate this proficiency than by crafting a well-crafted categorization composition?

In this comprehensive exposé, we will dive deep into the art and science of creating a classification essay that is both informative and captivating. By harnessing the power of categorization, you will learn how to draw connections, identify patterns, and present your ideas in a structured, logical manner.

Throughout this enlightening journey, we will explore various techniques, guidelines, and practical tips that will enable you to transform a jumble of concepts into a cohesive and meaningful piece of writing. So, whether you are a seasoned writer or just starting your academic journey, join us on this quest to master the art of crafting a remarkable classification essay.

The Importance of Understanding Classification Essays

The Importance of Understanding Classification Essays

Comprehending the significance of classification essays is crucial for students seeking to enhance their writing abilities and develop a comprehensive understanding of various topics. These types of essays enable individuals to categorize different objects, ideas, or concepts based on specific criteria, facilitating a deeper analysis and organization of information.

By delving into the realm of classification essays, students can sharpen their critical thinking skills and learn to identify distinct similarities and differences between various elements. This form of writing requires individuals to break down complex subjects into manageable groups, facilitating the readers’ comprehension and providing a structured framework for organizing information.

  • Enhances analytical thinking
  • Promotes effective organization
  • Facilitates understanding of complex subjects
  • Enables clear and concise communication

Furthermore, by mastering the art of classification essays, students can communicate their thoughts and arguments more clearly and concisely. This form of writing encourages individuals to present their ideas in a logical and systematic manner, ensuring that readers can follow their reasoning effortlessly.

Having a strong grasp of classification essays also enables individuals to navigate through a vast amount of information more effectively. Whether conducting research or analyzing various topics, the ability to classify information into distinct groups allows individuals to process and retain the information more efficiently, improving overall comprehension.

In conclusion, understanding the significance of classification essays is paramount for students striving to enhance their writing skills and develop a structured approach to organizing information. Mastering this form of writing not only promotes critical thinking and effective communication but also empowers individuals to navigate complex subjects with ease.

What is a Classification Essay?

A Classification Essay is a type of academic writing that organizes and categorizes different items or subjects into specific groups or classes. It aims to classify the given objects based on common characteristics, features, or qualities they possess. By using classification, the essay writer can effectively analyze and categorize a vast array of objects, ideas, or concepts, helping to better understand and explain their relationships and differences. The main goal of a classification essay is to provide a comprehensive and structured overview of a particular topic or subject by dividing it into smaller subcategories and presenting them in a logical and organized manner.

Why is it Important to Learn How to Write a Classification Essay?

Understanding the art of crafting a classification essay is an essential skill to have in the world of academic writing. This type of essay allows you to categorize and organize various subjects or ideas into distinct groups based on their shared characteristics. By learning how to write a classification essay, you can develop your critical thinking, analytical, and writing skills.

One of the main reasons why learning how to write a classification essay is important is because it encourages you to think critically and analyze information in a systematic manner. Through this process, you are required to examine different objects or concepts and identify their common traits. This analytical thinking helps you to develop a deeper understanding of the subjects you are studying and enhances your overall cognitive abilities.

Furthermore, mastering the art of classification essay writing enables you to effectively organize information. This skill is particularly valuable in academic and professional settings where clear and logical organization is highly regarded. Being able to categorize subjects or ideas into specific groups allows you to present information in a structured and coherent manner, making it easier for your readers or audience to comprehend and follow your arguments.

In addition, learning how to write a classification essay can improve your writing skills. This essay requires you to clearly define categories and provide thorough descriptions for each group. By practicing this type of writing, you can enhance your ability to express your thoughts and ideas in a concise and well-structured manner. It also encourages you to use evidence and examples to support your claims, thereby strengthening your overall persuasive writing skills.

Lastly, being proficient in writing a classification essay can open doors to various academic and professional opportunities. Many disciplines, such as literature, history, psychology, and marketing, frequently utilize classification essays as a means of organizing and analyzing information. By mastering this skill, you can excel in your academic pursuits and demonstrate your expertise in your chosen field.

In conclusion, learning how to write a classification essay is an important skill that can greatly benefit your academic and professional development. It enhances your critical thinking, analytical, and writing abilities, while also allowing you to effectively organize information and present your ideas in a structured manner. By mastering this art, you can open doors to various opportunities and establish yourself as a knowledgeable and capable individual.

Steps to Writing a Successful Classification Essay

Classification essays are a form of academic writing that require you to categorize and group different objects, ideas, or topics based on specific criteria. To write a successful classification essay, you need to follow a series of steps that will help you effectively organize your thoughts and present your ideas to the reader in a clear and logical manner.

The first step in writing a successful classification essay is to carefully choose a topic that is broad enough to provide you with ample material to classify, but also narrow enough that you can explore it in depth. Consider selecting a topic that you are passionate about or have prior knowledge of, as this will make the writing process more enjoyable and informed.

Once you have selected your topic, the next step is to develop a clear thesis statement that encapsulates the main focus of your essay. Your thesis statement should highlight the categories you will use to classify your subject matter and provide a brief overview of how you will categorize them. This will serve as a roadmap for your essay and guide your readers through your classification process.

After establishing your thesis statement, you can proceed to creating an outline for your essay. Your outline should include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Each body paragraph should focus on a different category and provide supporting evidence and examples to justify the classification. Ensure that your body paragraphs are well-organized and flow logically from one category to another.

Once you have completed your outline, you can start writing your essay. Begin with a captivating introduction that hooks the reader’s attention and provides background information on your topic. In the body paragraphs, present each category separately and explain its significance, providing relevant examples and evidence to support your claims.

In the conclusion, summarize the main points discussed in the essay and restate your thesis statement in a concise manner. Avoid introducing new information in the conclusion and strive to leave your readers with a lasting impression of your classification process.

Finally, revise and edit your essay to ensure that it is free from grammatical errors, typos, and inconsistencies. Pay attention to the clarity and coherence of your writing, and make any necessary revisions to improve the overall structure and flow of your essay. Additionally, proofread your essay to check for any spelling or punctuation mistakes that may distract the reader.

By following these steps, you can easily write a successful classification essay that effectively categorizes and organizes your subject matter, providing a clear and insightful analysis to your readers.

Choosing a Topic for your Classification Essay

When embarking on the journey of writing a classification essay, the first and most crucial step is selecting a topic. A well-chosen topic can make the writing process more enjoyable and ensure that your essay is engaging and informative. In this section, we will explore some strategies for finding the perfect topic for your classification essay.

One approach to choosing a topic is to think about your personal interests and hobbies. What are the things that you are passionate about? Whether it’s sports, books, movies, or fashion, selecting a topic that aligns with your interests will not only make the research process more enjoyable but also allow you to bring a personal perspective to your writing.

Another strategy is to consider current trends and popular topics. What are the buzzworthy subjects in your field of study or society? By focusing on popular topics, you can ensure that your essay will be relevant and appealing to readers. Additionally, researching and discussing current trends can demonstrate your ability to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in your chosen field.

Furthermore, it can be beneficial to choose a topic that has a clear and logical structure. Classification essays organize information into distinct categories based on shared characteristics. Therefore, selecting a topic that naturally lends itself to classification can help ensure a well-structured and coherent essay. For example, if you are writing about different types of pets, you can categorize them based on size, temperament, or maintenance requirements.

In conclusion, selecting the right topic is a crucial step in writing a successful classification essay. By considering your personal interests, popular trends, and the potential for logical categorization, you can find a topic that will captivate your audience and allow you to showcase your knowledge and expertise.

Organizing your Classification Essay

Organizing your Classification Essay

Arranging the contents of your classification essay is like sorting a collection of items into different groups based on their similarities or differences. This process requires careful planning and organization to ensure that your essay flows smoothly and effectively communicates your main points.

Introduction: Begin your classification essay with a captivating introduction that grabs the reader’s attention and provides a brief overview of what will be discussed in the essay. You can start with a relevant anecdote, a thought-provoking question, or a statistical fact to engage your readers and set the tone for the rest of the essay.

Thesis statement: After introducing the topic, present a clear thesis statement that states the categories you will be using to classify the items. Your thesis statement should give the reader a preview of the main categories and how they will be organized in the essay.

Body paragraphs: The body of your essay should consist of several paragraphs, each addressing a specific category. Start each paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces the category and provides a transition from the previous paragraph. Within each paragraph, use relevant examples and evidence to support your classification. Be consistent in your classification criteria and provide clear explanations for each category.

Transitions: To ensure a smooth flow between paragraphs and categories, use transition words and phrases. These words and phrases help the reader understand the relationship between different categories and how they contribute to the overall classification. Examples of transition words and phrases include “firstly,” “in addition,” “on the other hand,” “another category,” etc.

Conclusion: Conclude your essay by summarizing the main points discussed in the body paragraphs and restating the significance of your classification. Reinforce the thesis statement and leave the reader with a final thought or reflection related to the topic.

Proofreading and editing: After organizing your essay, take the time to proofread and edit your work. Check for grammatical errors, punctuation mistakes, and other areas of improvement. It is also a good idea to read your essay aloud to ensure that the flow and coherence are maintained.

In summary, organizing your classification essay involves carefully arranging the contents in a logical and coherent manner. By following the steps outlined above, you can create an essay that effectively classifies the items and engages the reader.

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Classification Essay Guide

Classification Essay Guide

A classification essay is a powerful tool in academic writing, enabling writers to break down broad topics into organized categories for better understanding. This guide will show you how to write a classification essay, from designing a perfect outline to selecting compelling topics. Continue reading to learn how to create a clear, insightful, and engaging classification essay.

What is a Classification Essay? A Brief Overview

A classification essay is a type of academic writing that involves organizing and categorizing subjects, ideas, or objects into distinct groups or categories based on shared characteristics. The primary objective of a classification essay is to break down a broad topic into smaller, more manageable parts, making it easier for readers to understand and analyze the subject matter. This type of essay helps demonstrate a writer's ability to organize information logically and enhances critical thinking by requiring the writer to identify and explain the basis for each category.

Designing the Perfect Outline For Your Classification Essay

An effective classification essay requires a well-structured outline that guides the writing process. A clear outline ensures that the essay remains focused, logical, and cohesive. Here is a guide on how to design the perfect classification essay outline:


The introduction of a classification essay should serve as a roadmap for the reader. It should provide a brief overview of the topic, explain the essay's purpose, and present the classification criteria. An engaging introduction sets the tone for the entire essay and captures the reader's interest.

Key elements to include in the introduction:

  • Hook: A compelling opening sentence to grab the reader's attention.
  • Background Information: A brief context or background of the topic to help the reader understand its relevance.
  • Thesis Statement: A clear statement that outlines the main categories and the criteria for classification.

The main text, or the body of the essay, is where the detailed classification takes place. Each paragraph should focus on a specific category, providing a thorough explanation and relevant examples.

Here are some points to include in the main text:

  • Topic Sentence: Introduces the category being discussed in the classification paragraph.
  • Explanation: A detailed explanation of the category, including its defining characteristics.
  • Examples: Relevant examples to illustrate the category and enhance understanding.
  • Transition: Smooth transitions between paragraphs to maintain the flow of the essay.

The conclusion of a classification essay should summarize the main points and restate the thesis in light of the information presented. It should provide a sense of closure and leave a lasting impression on the reader.

Your conclusion should be composed of the following:

  • Summary of main points: Briefly summarize the categories and their significance.
  • Restated thesis: Restate the thesis in a new light based on the discussion in the body paragraphs.
  • Final thought: Write a closing statement that provides a final insight or reflection on the topic.

How to Write a Classification Essay: Detailed Plan

Writing a classification essay involves several steps, from choosing a topic to organizing the information and drafting the final text. Here's a detailed plan to guide you through the process:

Choosing a Topic for Classification Writing

Selecting the right topic is crucial for the success of a classification essay. The topic should be broad enough for multiple categories but specific enough to be manageable.

Tips for choosing a topic:

  • Interest and knowledge: Choose a topic that you are interested in and have some knowledge about.
  • Relevance: Ensure the topic and the essay's purpose are relevant to the audience.
  • Availability of information: Consider sufficient information and examples to support your classifications.

Subjects to Write On

When selecting a subject, think about areas that can be easily divided into categories. Here are some examples of potential subjects for a classification essay:

  • Types of books: Fiction, non-fiction, biographies, self-help, etc.
  • Learning styles: Visual, auditory, kinesthetic, etc.
  • Sports: Team sports, individual sports, extreme sports, etc.
  • Hobbies: Indoor hobbies, outdoor hobbies, creative hobbies, etc.
  • Movies: Genres such as action, comedy, drama, horror, etc.

Building Up the Main Body of the Text: Things to Remember

The main body is where the detailed classification occurs. Each paragraph should focus on one category and provide a clear and thorough explanation.

Things to remember when building up the main body:

  • Consistency: Ensure each category is defined using the same criteria.
  • Clarity: Be clear and precise in your descriptions and explanations.
  • Examples: Use relevant and diverse examples to illustrate each category.
  • Balance: Allocate a similar amount of detail and space to each category to maintain balance.
  • Transitions: Use transitional phrases to ensure smooth flow between paragraphs.

Classification Essay Topics

Choosing a topic can be challenging, but here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Types of Social Media Platforms: Social networking, microblogging, video sharing, etc.
  • Genres of Music: Classical, rock, jazz, hip-hop, etc.
  • Forms of Government: Democracy, monarchy, authoritarian, etc.
  • Types of Cuisine: Italian, Chinese, Mexican, Indian, etc.
  • Methods of Transportation: Public transport, private vehicles, cycling, walking, etc.

Summarize What is Written in Your Classification Paper

Summarizing your classification essay involves revisiting the main points and the categories discussed. In your conclusion, highlight the significance of each category and restate the thesis to reinforce the purpose of your classification.

Steps to summarize your classification paper:

  • Review Main Points: Review each category briefly, emphasizing the key characteristics and examples.
  • Restate Thesis: Rephrase your thesis statement to reflect the discussion in the body paragraphs.
  • Provide Closure: End with a final thought or reflection that ties everything together and provides a sense of completeness.

A well-written classification essay organizes information effectively and provides insight and clarity on the subject matter. By following this guide, you can create a coherent and engaging classification essay that is informative and enjoyable to read.

Are you trying to write a classification essay but need some help? Why not give Aithor a try? Whether you're a student or an aspiring writer, this tool can help you know how to write a classification essay, improve the logical organization of your essay, and effectively convey complex information. 

Visit Aithor and see how this amazing tool can change your essay-writing experience.

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6. Classification

2. writing the classification essay.

Your next essay assignment is the  classification . In this essay, you will categorize information into groups. For instance, you could categorize different types of television programs (comedies, dramas, reality shows), types of popular autos (sports cars, compact cars, station wagons) or any topic you could break down into groups.

Remember how in the comparison/contrast essay you looked at the similarities between two items: Coca Cola vs. Pepsi, let’s say. You then developed that essay by looking at basic concepts: color, taste, cost, for instance. In  classification  you will have one major topic (Soda pop) and will break that topic into three or four categories: colas, fruit sodas, sparkling sodas.

It is important to have some kind of connection between the categories- they have to have a relationship. Here are some important points to consider when choosing a topic and its categories:

  • Pick a topic that is workable. Don’t try to classify all the types of music, for instance. There are dozens, really. Narrow your topic down- types of modern popular music, or types of classical music. You can write an essay about types of students at Clinton Community College, but in reality there are many, many different types. What you might want to say is “the most common types of students” and then focus on three or four categories (a good number).
  • Make sure your categories are balanced. If your talking about types of students and you categorize them into three categories: shy students, outgoing students and rich students, what kind of problem have you created? A rich student might be shy or he/she might be outgoing. Two categories deal with personality, the third with financial status. They all have to have a connection- all personality or all financial status.
  • Categories should be generalizations- support should be specific. Popular music categories: country; alternative; the Rolling Stones. The first two are general categories in which you can find many examples. The third is a specific that doesn’t really have examples. The Rolling Stones are one example of classic rock, let’s say.
  • Try not to classify a topic with two categories. That can lead to a comparison/contrast essay. Sure, there are some that work: two main types of trees in the Adirondack forest: deciduous and coniferous. But for the most part, look for ways to break into at least three categories (but no more than four): leafy trees, needle trees, shrubby trees, perhaps.
  • Have a solid introduction that establishes  classification  (and may include the categories) and a brief conclusion that expresses what the reader should think about now that he/she recognizes these groups.

In the comparison/contrast essay, you wrote about the similarities and difference between lake trout and Atlantic landlocked salmon, let’s say. You could write a related  classification  essay by putting Lake Champlain fish into types: predator fish, prey fish, scavengers (based on food consumption), or sports fish, pan fish, nuisance fish (based on angler preferences). Trout and salmon, then would be good examples for the predator or the sports fish categories, as would bass, pike and walleyes. Yellow perch, rock bass, sun fish might all be fit into the prey category while suckers and bullhead would be considered scavengers.

Pick a topic you’re comfortable with, something you have an interest and background in. If you can’t come up with examples for each category, then you probably haven’t created good categories. Turn to the Assignment area for instructions on what I am looking for with the  classification . I have also provided you with some examples below.

  • Authored by : Jeff Meyers. Provided by : Clinton Community College. License : CC BY: Attribution

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Classification Essay

Caleb S.

A Beginner’s Guide to Classification Essay + Examples, Topics, & Tips

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A List of 270+ Classification Essay Topics for Your Next Assignment

Have you ever tried organizing your wardrobe, and separating clothes by color or style to make your mornings smoother? Well, imagine doing the same with your thoughts and ideas.

This is what a classification essay does. It offers a way to understand a topic or idea by categorizing and classifying it.

This type of essay is assigned to evaluate students’ critical thinking skills and their ability to define and categorize things on a specific basis. 

In this guide, we will learn how to write a classification essay step by step. Plus, you will also get to read some good essay examples and interesting topics to write about. 

Let’s read on!

Arrow Down

  • 1. What is a Classification Essay?
  • 2. How to Write a Classification Essay?
  • 3. Classification Essay Examples 
  • 4. Classification Essay Topics
  • 5. Tips for Writing an Effective Classification Essay

What is a Classification Essay?

A classification essay can be defined as an essay that aims to arrange its subjects in categories based on their characteristics. In other words, it's about grouping things together that share common traits.

For example, imagine you're at a library, and each book is a unique idea. The classification essay is your way of creating distinct shelves and arranging those books in an orderly fashion. It is a mixture of expository and analytical essays, as it seeks to establish, discuss, and analyze a subject’s properties and characteristics. 

Moreover, it is also related to definition essays. Things are defined by their characteristics and categories to which they belong, and so the boundaries between a classification and definition essays are often blurred.

How to Write a Classification Essay?

Here are the steps you need to follow to write an excellent classification essay.

Following are the steps that should be taken to start an impressive classification essay:

Step 1: Choose a Topic

The first crucial step is selecting a topic that provides an opportunity for useful classification. Whether it's types of movies, learning styles, or modes of transportation, your topic sets the stage for a well-organized exploration.

Here's how to navigate this crucial first step:

  • Breadth and Relevance: Select for a topic that is broad enough to offer multiple categories but specific enough to maintain focus. For instance, instead of "sports," consider "types of outdoor recreational activities."
  • Consider Your Audience: Think about who will be reading your essay. Tailor your topic to their interests and knowledge level. A topic that resonates with your audience ensures that your classifications have a meaningful impact.
  • Room for Exploration: Look for a topic with room for exploration. A good classification essay not only categorizes but also highlights nuances within each category. This adds depth to your writing and keeps your readers engaged.

Step 2: Conduct Research 

Now that you've chosen a compelling topic, it's time to delve into the world of research. Gather information to ensure you have a comprehensive understanding of the categories you plan to explore. With good research, you will have solid foundations for your classifications.

Here's how to gather the necessary information to enrich your classification essay:

  • Consult Reliable Sources: Start by consulting reputable sources such as books, academic journals, and credible websites. The information you gather should be accurate and up-to-date.
  • Diversify Your Sources: Get a well-rounded understanding by exploring a variety of sources. The more perspectives you study, the more comprehensive your classifications will be.
  • Take Detailed Notes: As you conduct your research, take detailed notes on relevant information, examples, and any noteworthy details. This will help in outlining and drafting your essay later.
  • Stay Organized: Keep your research organized. A systematic approach will save you time when you start outlining your essay.

Step 3: Brainstorm Ideas About Your Subject

To start writing a classification essay, it is important to first decide on a clear and specific criteria for classification. With credible information in hand, let your creativity flow. 

Jot down all the possible categories related to your chosen topic. This brainstorming phase is about exploring various angles and finding the most meaningful ways to categorize your subject matter.

This essay’s purpose is to define and discriminate between subjects, so make sure that the categories are well-defined and clear. 

Step 4: Develop a Thesis Statement

A thesis statement establishes the writer’s stance on the topic and their central argument. It is important to draft a strong thesis statement for an effective and persuasive classification essay. 

Once you’ve researched and established your categories, it's time to distill your focus into a concise thesis statement. Here’s what to keep in mind:

  • Your thesis should clearly state the main categories you will explore in your essay. Avoid vague or overly broad statements. The reader should have a precise understanding of what to expect.
  • The thesis statement is the central idea around which your entire essay revolves. It should convey the main point or purpose of your classification. 
  • It should also provide a roadmap, indicating the organization of your upcoming arguments.

Step 5: Draft an Outline

Now that you have a well-crafted thesis statement, it's time to organize your thoughts and create a roadmap for your classification essay. A classification essay outline should include these points:

- Paragraph 1 (Category 1):

- Paragraph 2 (Category 2):

- Paragraph 3 (Continue with Category Arguments):

Step 6: Write Your First Draft

Once you have the necessary information and an organized plan, it is time to start writing your classification essay. To draft an effective and flawless essay, follow the writing steps given below:

  • Write an Essay Introduction

The introduction is the first part of the essay. In this part, you need to catch the reader’s attention and introduce them to your topic. To make your introduction appealing,

  • Start with a catchy hook statement. A hook statement is the opening line of the introductory paragraph that attempts to draw the reader’s attention. 
  • Provide sufficient background and context for your topic.
  • Close your introduction with a strong thesis statement that highlights your central point. 
  • Draft the Body Paragraphs

The body section will contain three or more paragraphs depending on your arguments. The body paragraphs follow and justify the thesis statement made earlier in the introduction. Here’s how to write your body paragraphs:

  • Start each body paragraph with a topic sentence that presents the main point of that paragraph.
  • Provide examples, arguments, and relevant information in each paragraph to establish your argument. 
  • Provide a detailed analysis of your subject to justify your categorizations.
  • Connect body paragraphs to each other through transition words and phrases. This is important for maintaining a logical flow.
  • Write a Strong Conclusion

The conclusion is the last paragraph, where you put together all the arguments made in the body paragraphs. Follow these tips to write a good conclusion:

  • Summarize the main categories without introducing new information.
  • Reiterate the significance of your classifications and their impact on understanding the topic.
  • End with a memorable closing statement that leaves a lasting impression.

Step 7: Revise, Edit, & Improve Your Draft

Congratulations on completing your first draft! However, your work is not done just yet. Your first draft could be full of mistakes and weaknesses, so you need to elevate it through the revision, editing, and improvement process. Here’s what you should do to ensure that your final draft is perfect:

  • Review the Overall Structure: Ensure that your introduction sets the stage effectively, each body paragraph is coherent, and the conclusion ties everything together without introducing new information.
  • Check for Clarity and Consistency: See that your language is clear and your ideas are presented logically. Check for consistency in tone and style throughout.
  • Refine Thesis Statement: Revisit your thesis statement. Does it accurately reflect the content of your essay? Make adjustments if needed to ensure it aligns with the final draft.
  • Trim Unnecessary Details: Trim any redundant or unnecessary details. Keep your writing concise and focused on the defining characteristics of each category.
  • Proofread for Errors: Thoroughly proofread your essay for grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors. A polished essay enhances your credibility as a writer.
  • Get Feedback: Consider seeking feedback from peers, professors, or writing professionals. Fresh perspectives can identify areas for improvement that you might have overlooked.
  • Final Polish: Give your essay a final polish. Ensure that it aligns with your original vision and effectively communicates your ideas.

Classification Essay Examples 

Before starting the writing process, it is better to look at some of the classification essay examples. This way, you will get a better understanding of how these essays are written. 

Here are some classification essay examples to help you get started.

Classification Essay Sample

Division and Classification Essay Example

Exemplification and Classification Essay Example

Types of Friends Classification Essay

Classification Essay on Relationships

Classification Essay Topics

Choosing the right topic is the cornerstone of creating a captivating classification essay. Here's a short but diverse list of classification essay ideas to spark your imagination.

  • Types of Social Media Users
  • Genres of Music
  • Learning Styles
  • Forms of Government
  • Types of Movie Endings
  • Modes of Transportation
  • Gaming Genres
  • Personality Types in a Workplace
  • Human Responses to Stress
  • Various Kinds of Study Habits

Need more ideas? Head to our classification essay topics blog and get a list of interesting ideas to choose from!

Tips for Writing an Effective Classification Essay

Mastering the art of classification essays requires more than just following a set of steps. Consider these tips to enhance the quality and impact of your classification essays:

  • Choose a Niche Topic: Opt for a topic that allows for meaningful categorization. A focused and specific subject ensures a more in-depth exploration of categories.
  • Provide Clear Criteria: Clearly define the criteria used to categorize items. Whether it's characteristics, functions, or behaviors, explicit criteria add depth and clarity to your classifications.
  • Ensure Balanced Categories: Strive for balance in the depth and coverage of each category. Avoid spending disproportionate time on one category, as it can disrupt the overall equilibrium of your essay.
  • Use Consistent Characteristics: Maintain consistency in the characteristics you use to define each category. This ensures a coherent and logical progression throughout your essay.
  • Think About Your Audience: Consider your audience's interests and knowledge level. Tailor your classifications to resonate with your readers, making the essay more engaging and relevant to them.
  • Include Vivid Examples: Illustrate each category with vivid and relevant examples. Concrete examples provide a clearer understanding and make your classifications more compelling.
  • Stay Objective: Maintain objectivity in your classifications. Avoid biases and ensure that your categories are based on observable and verifiable characteristics.
  • Read Widely: Expose yourself to a variety of classification essays. Knowing other points of views can provide inspiration, insights, and a deeper understanding of effective categorization.

In conclusion,

A classification essay is a unique and interesting kind of writing with a few special requirements. Having read its definition and writing steps above, you now know what they are: It requires you to categorize your subject based on its features and argue for its validity. 

Following the steps and tips above will allow you to craft an A-worthy classification essay. The key to success comes down to pre-writing preparation and meticulous editing and revisions. Start early, plan your essay, figure out the categories, write, and rewrite until you’re satisfied.

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Classification Essay Outline


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A classification essay is a type of academic essay that categorizes a topic into distinct groups based on shared characteristics or criteria. The writer's purpose is to create a clear organization of information. Classification should be logical, making it easier for readers to remember the information being presented.

Let us guess: your professor asked you to write a classification essay. But they didn't explain how to even write one, did they? They often drop students like that as a part of self-learning. That's exactly why you're here! Writing a classification essay requires research. And making sure you've got enough information, you must double check what you've already gathered. Besides, classifying may sound simple, but it takes discipline and logical thinking. Putting thoughts into words and all that… What a task! But we heard a little rumor that those who continue reading would master classification papers. It's time for you to see if this rumor is true!  

What Is a Classification Essay: Definition

Classification essay doesn’t want to hide its essence, considering its name. But the primary goal of this type of article is to classify. Now, what you want to rank is up to you or your professor. Your main goal is to select topics and later put them into categories. The primary purpose of this type of essay is to show your skills in categorisation and generalization. We can take food as a good and tasty example. For instance, apples and oranges belong to the fruit category, while cucumbers will definitely be vegetables. As for avocado, you have to do the research and classify this type of food. Nevertheless, you’ll definitely need to write one of those essays during your college. So to master academic and classification writing, keep reading!  

How to Write a Classification Essay

We will start by teaching you how to write a classification essay. In this case, preparation is our little saving grace. So before you begin the actual writing, typing, or scribbling, it’s a good idea to think about the overall essence of your article. For starters, here are several valuable tips worth remembering:

  • Select a type of organization (you can use tables, documents, or anything that will help you in organizing your work).
  • Choose your categories for classification.
  • Make sure that each category is distinct and clear.
  • Include different examples for visualization.

These several steps will be handy for writing a thesis and starting your introduction. Buy essay papers online once you want good results with as little time spent as possible.

Developing an Effective Classification Essay Thesis Statement

Like with other articles, the classification essay thesis is one of the most vital parts of your work. A good thing worth keeping in mind is that your thesis is the last statement of your introduction. It also determines whether your audience will continue reading your article. Here are several things you should follow to write a good thesis:

  • Summarize your work.
  • Identify your main topic, objective, or goal of your essay.
  • Above all, make readers understand what point you’re making and what your paper is gonna be about.
  • Mention the categories you have chosen.

If you can nail our list given above, congratulations, you’ve got yourself an outstanding thesis.

Classification Essay Outline

Creating a classification essay outline is one of the easiest ways to approach an excellent classification paper. It’s true that it requires a lot of research and remembering. You will not only have to write about a single subject but group topics into categories. In order to do it correctly and understandably for the reader, it’s best if you use an outline. First and foremost, your essay should follow a traditional five paragraph essay format structure. It should have a minimum of three paragraphs. But typically, professors prefer around five. So your introduction must initially include an introduction, several body paragraphs depending on the length of your article, and a conclusion. In your body paragraphs outline, it’s a good idea to describe the groups you will include in your article. So your first paragraph will group fruits according to their color, while the second one can use nutrition for a classification. This will help you to remember your points before writing.  

How to Start a Classification Essay: Introduction

Classification essay introduction is very similar to any other introduction you have probably written. You should never forget that you are writing for an audience. Doesn’t really matter if your reader is your professor or some person online. The rules of good writing apply to any kind of paper. The first thing worth doing is introducing your overall concept. There is no need to give all the information at once. Just start with something more general and narrow it down later to a thesis we’ve talked about. Make sure that you also include the relevant information. Using our previous metaphor, if you’re talking about fruits, maybe mentioning vegetables will not be a good idea. Besides, staying on one topic will help you to write more clearly. And that’s our final requirement for your introduction.  

Body Paragraphs of a Classification Essay

Classification essay's main body commonly has around 1-3 paragraphs. But don't forget to ask your professor about the length. The important thing to remember is that you are classifying items in your work. In order to achieve precise and successful organization, your body paragraphs must be concise. Each body paragraph should focus on a certain group. You're not making mashed potatoes. So stacking all of your ideas in one section would create a mess. Keep it simple in terms of structure:  

  • Paragraph 1 — fruits organized by their color
  • Paragraph 2 — fruits arranged by expert location
  • Paragraph 3 — fruits ordered by size or shape

A simple and understandable organization will make your writing sharp. And your readers will definitely say thank you!

Classification Essay Conclusion

A classification essay conclusion is, just like always, crème de la crème of any article. At this point, your reader knows everything you were telling them. They know all your data, issues, and ideas. Thus, quickly summarizing what they’ve read in your body paragraphs will help a lot. But the last thing to do is organize your conclusion while leaving an impression. Now, their impressions can be different. However, your readers must think about your work for at least some time. So your conclusion must end with something intriguing like the possible future of your topic or piece of mind for the readers. Just don’t include any new information, and you’ll do fantastically!  

Classification Essay Writing: Useful Tips

Even with our help, classification essay writing is challenging. So we prepared for you several good tips that will help you improve and ease your academic life. Check them out:  

  • Define the purpose of the article before you start writing.
  • Avoid popular and often used topics.
  • Write down a number of topics before picking one. (We have a list of classification essay topics at your disposal.)
  • Choose a subject that will be personally interesting for you.
  • Remember that you are also writing for someone else who might not know everything about your topic.
  • Edit and proofread your work.
  • Take a break from writing once in a while and come back with a fresh mind and new look.
  • Don’t try writing about everything simultaneously. Instead, focus on one category and lead with it.

With these steps, we can definitely say that you’re ready.

Classification Essay Examples

How could we leave you without classification essay samples? You’re right; we couldn’t. Check out this example. Keep in mind that our examples always have characteristics that we talked about. So you can read the sample and return back for this article or do some revision. It will help you a lot. What are you waiting for? You can find the example right here. Or simply buy essay for college to avoid any hard work this evening. 


Classification Essay: Bottom Line

Who knew that  writing a classification essay  wasn’t that hard? We did, and now you know that, too. You have everything it takes to create an excellent paper. You know that:  

  • Your thesis is the most essential part of the essay.
  • The introduction must contain general information on the subject.
  • Body paragraphs must be carefully organized.
  • A conclusion should leave an impression without including new information.


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FAQ about Classification Essays

1. what is the purpose of a classification essay.

The purpose of a classification essay is to organize and classify. In the beginning, you have several unique items. They indeed have some things in common. So your job is to identify in what categories they fit best. After doing the research and careful learning, you must put everything you have gathered into words. But still, keep in mind that the second purpose is to make your essay and classification clear to the reader.

2. How long is a classification essay?

There’s no right or wrong answer when it comes to classification essay length. Everything will depend on the guidelines. Usually, such articles are 3 to 5 paragraphs long. Their minimum is always an introduction, one body paragraph, and conclusion. However, professors definitely enjoy 5 paragraphs as a standard length. But you always need to remember that the essay should be long enough to provide necessary information for the reader. Or it must be short enough not to drag it out.

3. What is the difference between a division and classification essay?

Division and classification essays are only slightly different. The items you choose for classification essays must belong to strict and certain categories. They cannot overlap or belong to two different groups. On the other hand, division essays allow the subjects to move from one group to another. They might be divided into different groups or categories and thus overlap.

4. What are different types of classification?

There are several types of classification. Depending on the particular topic, you can choose a specific type that fits the best. Here’s what you can choose from:

  • Spatial classification (location, place and so on).
  • Chronological (you must take time and dates into consideration).
  • Classification by attributes (qualitative).
  • Classification by size (quantitative with numbers and statistics).


Daniel Howard is an Essay Writing guru. He helps students create essays that will strike a chord with the readers.


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Classification Writing: How to Group Ideas Effectively

Discover the power of classification writing. Learn how to organize and categorize information, enhancing the impact of your content.

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Classification writing is a type of writing that organizes information into categories. This can be a helpful way to make sense of complex information and to communicate it effectively to others. It can be used in many fields, including academia, business, and government . In this article, we will explore the basics of classification writing. Whether we’re sorting animals into groups or arranging books by genre, classification gives us a clear way to understand things. We’ll take a closer look at classification writing, learning its basic principles, practical methods, and how it can be used in situations like academic essays and scientific research. 

What is Classification Writing?

Classification writing is a form of expository writing that organizes and categorizes information into groups based on common characteristics, traits, or criteria. The primary goal of classification writing is to provide clarity and structure to complex or diverse subjects by sorting them into distinct categories. This allows readers to better understand the relationships between different elements and identify similarities and differences within the groups.

In classification writing, the writer typically presents a clear thesis statement that outlines the basis of the classification and then provides supporting details and examples for each category. The content is organized logically, with each category having its paragraph or section. Transitions are used to guide the reader smoothly from one category to the next. It is commonly used in academic writing, textbooks, research papers, and explanatory essays to provide structure and organization to a wide range of topics.

What Is A Classification Essay?

A classification essay is a form of expository writing that categorizes subjects based on specific criteria, aiming to provide clarity and organization. The essay begins with an introduction presenting the thesis and the categories to be discussed, followed by body paragraphs that elaborate on each category with examples and evidence. The conclusion summarizes the main points and emphasizes the significance of the classification. This type of essay is commonly used in academia to explain complex subjects by grouping them into distinct categories and offering readers a structured and comprehensible understanding of the topic.

Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is a concise and clear statement that appears at the end of the introduction of an essay or research paper. It serves as the main idea or central argument of the writing, guiding the focus and direction of the entire piece. A strong thesis is specific, argumentative, and supportable, giving readers a preview of the paper’s content and inviting them to engage with the author’s perspective. It ensures clarity and coherence, helping to maintain focus and structure throughout the academic work.

Read more here: What is a Thesis Statement and How to Write It?

Classification Essay Introduction

The introduction is the gateway to the essay, providing essential context and setting the tone for the reader. In a classification essay, the introduction is designed to capture the reader’s attention and introduce the broad topic that will be classified. Its primary purpose is to present the thesis statement, which outlines the basis for classification and the specific categories that will be discussed in the subsequent body paragraphs.

Engaging Techniques

To create an effective introduction in classification writing, writers often use various techniques to engage the reader from the outset. These techniques may include starting with a thought-provoking question, sharing an intriguing fact or statistic, presenting a relevant anecdote, or providing a vivid description of the subject matter. The aim is to generate interest and curiosity, encouraging the reader to delve further into the essay.

Significance Of The Thesis Statement

After grabbing the reader’s attention, the introduction should smoothly transition to the central focus of the essay. It clearly states the broad topic to be classified and establishes the context for the classification. The most critical element of the introduction is the thesis statement. This concise and clear statement appears at the end of the introduction and presents the central argument of the classification essay. The thesis statement outlines the specific criteria or basis for grouping items or ideas into categories. 

Classification Essay Body Paragraphs

Body paragraphs are responsible for organizing and presenting the categories or groups that have been classified based on specific criteria. Here’s an explanation of each component of body paragraphs in classification writing:

Topic Sentences

The topic sentence is a critical element of each body paragraph in a classification essay. It acts as a clear and concise preview of the main category or group being discussed in that paragraph. It should directly relate to the thesis statement and the basis of classification established in the introduction. The topic sentence sets the tone and direction for the paragraph, guiding the reader’s understanding of what will be covered and how it contributes to the overall classification.

Supporting Evidence And Details

To justify the inclusion of items or ideas within a specific category, the writer must provide supporting evidence and relevant details. This evidence can take the form of specific examples, characteristics, traits, or any distinguishing features that define the items in the group. The goal is to demonstrate why the items in the category belong together based on the established criteria for classification. The writer should offer sufficient evidence to substantiate the classification and make it convincing to the reader.

Range Of Activities And Subject Matter

Each body paragraph in classification writing should encompass a broad range of activities or subject matter that fits within the assigned category. This variety helps readers understand the diversity of the group being discussed and gain a comprehensive understanding of the classification. Including multiple examples broadens the scope of the category and ensures that the classification is comprehensive and representative.

Basis For Classification

The basis for classification is the underlying principle or concept upon which items or ideas are grouped together. It is crucial to clearly explain the basis for classification in each body paragraph to maintain consistency and logic throughout the essay. The basis can be a specific characteristic, feature, or quality that the items share, allowing them to be categorized together.

Criteria For Classification

Criteria for classification are the specific standards or characteristics used to sort items or ideas into a particular category. These criteria should align with the established basis for classification and provide a clear rationale for grouping the items together. For example, when classifying cars, the criteria might be based on factors such as size, fuel efficiency, or price range. Defining the criteria precisely ensures that the classification remains coherent and well-organized.

Typical Representation Of The Broad Topic

In classification writing, each body paragraph presents a typical or common representation of the broad topic. The examples provided should be representative of the category being discussed, demonstrating the essential characteristics and features shared by the items or ideas within that group. This helps readers grasp the central elements of the category and understand its significance in the overall classification.

Classification Essay Conclusion

In a classification essay, the conclusion is the final part of the paper where the writer provides a summary of the sub-topics discussed in the body paragraphs and reiterates the thesis statement. The conclusion serves to bring closure to the essay by reinforcing the main points and restating the central argument.

Summary Of Subtopics

In the conclusion of a classification essay, the writer should briefly summarize the main categories or subtopics that were presented in the body paragraphs. This summary helps reinforce the organization and structure of the essay, reminding the reader of the different groups and how they contribute to the overall classification. The summary should be concise and to the point, providing a quick overview of what has been discussed.

Reiteration Of Thesis Statement

The conclusion is an appropriate place to restate the thesis statement that was introduced in the essay’s introduction. By reiterating the thesis, the writer reminds the reader of the main argument and the basis for classification. However, it is essential to rephrase the thesis statement rather than simply copying it word-for-word. This reiteration should reflect the main idea and core message of the thesis in a slightly different way to maintain interest and avoid redundancy.

The conclusion should not introduce any new information or present new categories. Instead, it should focus on summarizing the essay’s content and reinforcing the significance of the classification. The goal is to leave the reader with a strong impression of the essay’s central argument and a clear understanding of the categories discussed. A well-crafted conclusion contributes to the overall cohesiveness of the classification essay and leaves the reader with a sense of closure and satisfaction.

Organizational Structure

In classification writing, the organizational structure is how the different categories or groups are presented. In classification writing, the organizational structure is crucial for effectively categorizing and grouping items or ideas based on specific criteria. A well-organized classification essay allows readers to understand the relationships between different categories and easily follow the writer’s logic. There are two main types of organizational structure in classification writing:


In a hierarchical organizational structure, the categories are arranged in a tree-like hierarchy. This means that each category has one or more subcategories, and each subcategory has one or more sub-subcategories, and so on. This type of organizational structure is often used for topics that have a natural hierarchy, such as plants, animals, or governments.

Functional Structure

The functional structure is one of the most common types of organizational structures. It groups employees based on their specialized functions and skills. In this arrangement, departments are created for each specific function, such as marketing, finance, human resources, operations, and so on. Each department is headed by a functional manager who oversees the activities and employees within that department.

Classification Writing: How to Group Ideas Effectively

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Ultimate Guide to Writing a Classification Essay

Carla johnson.

  • June 14, 2023
  • How to Guides

When it comes to writing an essay, you can choose from many different kinds. A classification essay is one type of essay you might be asked to write. This article will tell you everything you need to know about how to write a classification essay.

A classification essay is a type of academic writing in which things, people, or ideas are put into groups based on the things they have in common. The goal of a classification essay is to help readers understand a complicated topic better by breaking it down into smaller, easier-to-understand pieces.

It’s important to write a classification essay for more than one reason. First, it lets you show how well you can analyze and organize information in a way that makes sense. Second, it helps you learn how to think critically because you have to judge and compare different things or ideas. Lastly, it can help readers who are trying to understand a complicated topic by breaking it up into smaller pieces.

In the sections that follow, we’ll give you a step-by-step plan for how to write a good classification essay. By following these rules, you’ll be able to write a well-organized, interesting essay that puts your topic into clear categories and gives your readers useful information.

What You'll Learn

Understanding the Elements of a Classification Essay

To write a successful classification essay, it is important to understand the elements that make up this type of academic writing. These include:

– Definition of classification: Classification is the process of organizing items, people, or ideas into categories based on shared characteristics. In a classification essay, you will use this process to group your topic into different categories that you will then explore in detail.

– Types of classification: There are several different ways to classify items or ideas, including by physical characteristics , function, importance, and chronological order. The type of classification you choose will depend on the specific topic you are exploring and the purpose of your essay .

– The importance of classification in writing a classification essay: Classification is a crucial element of a classification essay, as it allows you to effectively organize your ideas and present them in a way that is logical and easy to understand. By categorizing your topic, you will be able to provide valuable insights for your readers and help them better understand a complex topic.

Choosing a Topic for Your Classification Essay

Once you understand the elements of a classification essay, the next step is to choose a topic that is appropriate for this type of academic writing. Here are some tips to help you choose a topic for your classification essay:

– Identifying your audience: Before you choose a topic, it is important to consider your audience. Think about who will be reading your essay and what their interests and needs are. This will help you tochoose a topic that is relevant and engaging for your readers.

– Brainstorming ideas: Once you have identified your audience, start brainstorming ideas for your classification essay. Think about topics that you are knowledgeable about and that are interesting to you. Consider different categories that you could use to classify your topic.

– Narrowing down your topic: After you have generated a list of potential topics, it is important to narrow down your options. Choose a topic that is specific enough to be manageable, but broad enough to provide you with enough material to write about.

– Finalizing your topic: Choose a final topic for your classification essay once you have narrowed down your list. Make sure your topic is clear and to the point, and that it is relevant to the people you are writing for.

By following these steps, you’ll be able to choose a topic for your classification essay that is appropriate, interesting, and relevant to your readers. Make sure to pick a topic that is narrow enough to be manageable but wide enough to give you enough to write about. Once you have a good topic for your classification essay, you can move on to the next steps.

Pre-Writing Strategies for Your Classification Essay

Before you start writing your classification essay, it’s important to take some time to prepare and plan your approach. Here are some pre-writing strategies to help you get started:

– Conducting research: Depending on your topic, you may need to conduct research to gather information and examples to support your categories . This research can come from a variety of sources, including books, academic articles, and online sources.

– Creating an outline: Once you have gathered your research, create an outline for your essay . This will help you to organize your ideas and ensure that your essay flows logically and cohesively. Your outline should include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

– Developing a thesis statement: Your thesis statement is the main idea or argument that you will be exploring in your essay . It should be clear, concise, and focused on the categories that you will be exploring in your essay .

– Organizing your ideas: Once you have created your outline and developed your thesis statement , organize your ideas into categories. Think about the different ways that you can group your topic and create categories based on shared characteristics.

Writing Your Classification Essay

Now that you have completed your pre-writing strategies, it’s time to start writing your classification essay. Here is a breakdown of the different sections of your essay:

– Introduction: Your introduction should provide an overview of your topic and a clear thesis statement that outlines the categories you will be exploring in your essay.You should also provide some context for your topic and engage the reader’s interest.

– Body paragraphs: The main part of your essay should be broken up into paragraphs that each talk about a different topic . Start each paragraph with a clear topic sentence that says what category you will be talking about, and then back up your classification with examples and evidence. Use transitional phrases to link your paragraphs and help your reader see how your categories are related.

– Conclusion: Your conclusion should summarize the main points of your essay and restate your thesis statement in a memorable way. You can also provide some final thoughts or recommendations based on your classification.

Remember to use clear and concise language throughout your essay, and to provide examples and evidence to support your categories. By following these guidelines, you can create a well-organized and compelling classification essay that effectively categorizes your topic and provides valuable insights for your readers.

Tips for Writing a Successful Classification Essay

To write a successful classification essay, it’s important to keep the following tips in mind:

– Use appropriate language and tone: Your language and tone should be appropriate for your audience and the purpose of your essay . Use clear and concise language, and avoid using jargon or technical terms that may be unfamiliar to your readers.

– Make use of examples: Examples can help to illustrate your categories and provide evidence to support your claims . Use specific and relevant examples to help the reader understand the characteristics of each category.

– Use transitional words and phrases: Transitional words and phrases can help to connect your categories and create a smooth and cohesive flow in your essay . Examples include “firstly”, “secondly”, “in addition”, and “furthermore”.

– Use evidence to support your claims: It’s important to use evidence to support your claims and to make your argument more convincing. This evidence can come from a variety of sources, including research, personal experience, and expert opinion.

– Revise and edit your essay: Finally, it’s important to take the time to revise and edit your essay . Read through your essay carefully , checking for spelling and grammar errors, and making sure that your ideas are clear and well-organized.

 Classification Essay Examples

Examples of classification essays:.

1. “The Three Types of Friends Everyone Needs” by John Smith:

In this essay, the author categorizes friends into three types: the listener, the adventurer, and the loyalist. The author provides specific examples and personal experiences to illustrate each category, and uses transitional phrases to connect each paragraph. The thesis statement is clear and focused, and the language and tone are appropriate for the audience. Overall, this essay is well-organized and effectively categorizes the different types of friends.

2. “The Four Main Types of Exercise” by Jane Doe:

In this essay, the author categorizes exercise into four types: aerobic, strength, flexibility, and balance. The author provides examples and evidence to support each category, and uses transitional words and phrases to connect each paragraph. The thesis statement is clear and focused, and the language and tone are appropriate for the audience. Overall, this essay is well-organized and effectively categorizes the different types of exercise.

3. “The Five Types of Online Shoppers” by Sarah Johnson:

In this essay, the author categorizes online shoppers into five types: the bargain hunter, the researcher, the impulse buyer, the loyal customer, and the window shopper. The author provides examples and evidence to support each category, and uses transitional phrases to connect each paragraph. The thesis statement is clear and focused, and the language and tone are appropriate for the audience. Overall, this essay is well-organized and effectively categorizes the different types of online shoppers.

Analysis of the examples:

The structure and approach of all three examples of classification essays are the same. The authors give a clear thesis statement , group their ideas into categories, and back up their claims with examples and evidence. They also use transitional words and phrases to link their categories together and give their essays a smooth flow.

One of the things that makes these essays good is that they use examples and proof to back up their categories. By giving real-world examples, the authors are able to show what each category is like and make their case stronger. Another strength is that the language is clear and to the point, which is good for the audience and purpose of the essay.

One thing that could be better about these essays is that each category should be looked at in more depth. Even though the authors give examples to back up their claims, they could have gone into more detail about what each category is and how it fits into the bigger picture.

Classification Essay Topics

Here are some ideas to get you started:

– Types of social media users

– Different types of diets

– Types of students in a classroom

– Types of pet owners

– Different types of music genres

– Types of vacation destinations

– Different types of book genres

– Types of movie genres

– Different types of coffee drinks

– Types of personality traits

Frequently Asked Questions about Classification Essays

1. what is a classification essay.

A classification essay is a type of academic writing that involves organizing items, people, or ideas into categories based on shared characteristics.

2. What are the elements of a classification essay?

The elements of a classification essay include a clear thesis statement, organized categories, examples and evidence to support each category, and transitional words and phrases to connect each paragraph.

3. How do I choose a topic for a classification essay?

To choose a topic for your classification essay, consider your audience, brainstorm ideas, narrow down your topic, and finalize your topic.

4. How do I structure my classification essay?

Your classification essay should include an introduction with a clear thesis statement, body paragraphs that explore each category, and a conclusion that summarizes your main points and restates your thesis statement.

5. What is a classification essay thesis?

A classification essay thesis is the main idea or argument that you will be exploring in your essay. It should be clear,concise, and focused on the categories you will be exploring in your essay.

In this article , we’ve told you everything you need to know about how to write a classification essay. First, we talked about what a classification essay is and why you should write one. Then, we talked about the parts of a classification essay, such as the different kinds of classification and how important it is to organize your ideas.

We also gave you advice on how to choose a topic, do research, make an outline, and come up with a thesis statement. We talked about how a classification essay is put together, including the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.

Then, to help you get started, we gave you some examples of classification essay topics and answered some of the most common questions about classification essays.

In the end, writing a classification essay can be hard, but it can also be fun. By following the tips in this article, you can write a well-organized, interesting essay that puts your topic into categories and gives your readers useful information. Make sure to choose a specific and manageable topic, use the right language and tone, and back up your categories with examples and evidence. If you have these tools, you should be able to write a good classification essay.

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10.4 Classification

Learning objectives.

  • Determine the purpose and structure of the classification essay.
  • Understand how to write a classification essay.

The Purpose of Classification in Writing

The purpose of classification is to break down broad subjects into smaller, more manageable, more specific parts. We classify things in our daily lives all the time, often without even thinking about it. Cell phones, for example, have now become part of a broad category. They can be classified as feature phones, media phones, and smartphones.

Smaller categories, and the way in which these categories are created, help us make sense of the world. Keep both of these elements in mind when writing a classification essay.

Choose topics that you know well when writing classification essays. The more you know about a topic, the more you can break it into smaller, more interesting parts. Adding interest and insight will enhance your classification essays.

On a separate sheet of paper, break the following categories into smaller classifications.

  • The United States
  • Colleges and universities

The Structure of a Classification Essay

The classification essay opens with an introductory paragraph that introduces the broader topic. The thesis should then explain how that topic is divided into subgroups and why. Take the following introductory paragraph, for example:

When people think of New York, they often think of only New York City. But New York is actually a diverse state with a full range of activities to do, sights to see, and cultures to explore. In order to better understand the diversity of New York state, it is helpful to break it into these five separate regions: Long Island, New York City, Western New York, Central New York, and Northern New York.

The underlined thesis explains not only the category and subcategory but also the rationale for breaking it into those categories. Through this classification essay, the writer hopes to show his or her readers a different way of considering the state.

Each body paragraph of a classification essay is dedicated to fully illustrating each of the subcategories. In the previous example, then, each region of New York would have its own paragraph.

The conclusion should bring all the categories and subcategories back together again to show the reader the big picture. In the previous example, the conclusion might explain how the various sights and activities of each region of New York add to its diversity and complexity.

To avoid settling for an overly simplistic classification, make sure you break down any given topic at least three different ways. This will help you think outside the box and perhaps even learn something entirely new about a subject.

Using your classifications from Note 10.43 “Exercise 1” , write a brief paragraph explaining why you chose to organize each main category in the way that you did.

Writing a Classification Essay

Start with an engaging opening that will adequately introduce the general topic that you will be dividing into smaller subcategories. Your thesis should come at the end of your introduction. It should include the topic, your subtopics, and the reason you are choosing to break down the topic in the way that you are. Use the following classification thesis equation:

topic + subtopics + rationale for the subtopics = thesis.

The organizing strategy of a classification essay is dictated by the initial topic and the subsequent subtopics. Each body paragraph is dedicated to fully illustrating each of the subtopics. In a way, coming up with a strong topic pays double rewards in a classification essay. Not only do you have a good topic, but you also have a solid organizational structure within which to write.

Be sure you use strong details and explanations for each subcategory paragraph that help explain and support your thesis. Also, be sure to give examples to illustrate your points. Finally, write a conclusion that links all the subgroups together again. The conclusion should successfully wrap up your essay by connecting it to your topic initially discussed in the introduction. See Chapter 15 “Readings: Examples of Essays” to read a sample classification essay.

Building on Note 10.43 “Exercise 1” and Note 10.46 “Exercise 2” , write a five-paragraph classification essay about one of the four original topics. In your thesis, make sure to include the topic, subtopics, and rationale for your breakdown. And make sure that your essay is organized into paragraphs that each describes a subtopic.

Key Takeaways

  • The purpose of classification is to break a subject into smaller, more manageable, more specific parts.
  • Smaller subcategories help us make sense of the world, and the way in which these subcategories are created also helps us make sense of the world.
  • A classification essay is organized by its subcategories.

Writing for Success Copyright © 2015 by University of Minnesota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.


Writing a Classification Essay

  • Books & Ebooks
  • What is an Classification Essay?
  • Choosing a Topic
  • How to Navigate Galileo
  • The Writing Process
  • Copyright & Fair Use/Plagiarism

Classification Essay

classification essay types of tv shows

A Classification Essay  or Division Essay takes a complex subject area and breaks it down into smaller parts so it is easily understood. What this means is you take a broad subject area and break it down into separate categories based on a single principle. A classification essay relies on a single principle of organization. The principle of organization is the method by which the writer analyzes or breaks down the information in the essay. 

Types of Classifications

When classifying topics into subcategories the most common classification types are:

  • Degree: Breaks the subject area from lower to higher or value
  • Types: Breaks the subject in the type or kind.
  • Parts: Breaks topic down into component parts that make up the subject as a whole
  • Characteristics: Breaks topic down based on features or characteristics of the subject
  • Chronology: breaks subject down into time periods

Amy Tan describes relationship with her heritage, her mother, and her languages in "  Mother Tongue  ". The essay is located at  https://tinyurl.com/y7gbr9hs .

Types of Higher Education Programs essay example: https://open.lib.umn.edu/writingforsuccess/chapter/15-5-classification-essay/

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Eng 101 oer: classification.

  • Reading to Write
  • Why We Write
  • Rhetorical Context
  • Brainstorming
  • Proofreading & Editing
  • Paragraph Development
  • Thesis Statements
  • Introductions
  • Conclusions
  • Transitions & Phrases
  • Peer Reviews
  • Exemplification
  • Classification
  • Cause/Effect
  • Grammar Resources

Learning Objectives

  • Determine the purpose and structure of the classification essay.
  • Understand how to write a classification essay.

The Purpose of Dividing & Classifying

The purpose of  classification  is to break down broad subjects into smaller, more manageable, more specific parts. We classify things in our daily lives all the time, often without even thinking about it. Cell phones, for example, have now become part of a broad category. They can be classified as feature phones, media phones, and smartphones.

Smaller categories, and the way in which these categories are created, help us make sense of the world. Keep both of these elements in mind when writing a classification essay.

The Structure of a Division/Classification Essay

The classification essay opens with an introductory paragraph that introduces the broader topic. The thesis should then explain how that topic is divided into subgroups and why. Take the following introductory paragraph, for example:

When people think of New York, they often think of only New York City. But New York is

actually a diverse state with a full range of activities to do, sights to see, and cultures to

explore.  In order to better understand the diversity of New York state, it is helpful to

break it into these five separate regions: Long Island, New York City, Western New York,

Central New York, and Northern New York.

The thesis explains not only the category and subcategory but also the rationale for breaking it into those categories. Through this classification essay, the writer hopes to show his or her readers a different way of considering the state.

Each body paragraph of a classification essay is dedicated to fully illustrating each of the subcategories. In the previous example, then, each region of New York would have its own paragraph.

The conclusion should bring all the categories and subcategories back together again to show the reader the big picture. In the previous example, the conclusion might explain how the various sights and activities of each region of New York add to its diversity and complexity.

Writing a Division/Classification Essay

Start with an engaging opening that will adequately introduce the general topic that you will be dividing into smaller subcategories. Your thesis should come at the end of your introduction. It should include the topic, your subtopics, and the reason you are choosing to break down the topic in the way that you are. Use the following classification thesis equation:

topic + subtopics + rationale for the subtopics = thesis.

The organizing strategy of a classification essay is dictated by the initial topic and the subsequent subtopics. Each body paragraph is dedicated to fully illustrating each of the subtopics. In a way, coming up with a strong topic pays double rewards in a classification essay. Not only do you have a good topic, but you also have a solid organizational structure within which to write.

Be sure you use strong details and explanations for each subcategory paragraph that help explain and support your thesis. Also, be sure to give examples to illustrate your points. Finally, write a conclusion that links all the subgroups together again. The conclusion should successfully wrap up your essay by connecting it to your topic initially discussed in the introduction. 

Classification Essays

Amy Tan describes relationship with her heritage, her mother, and her languages in  Mother Tongue :

  • http://www.scribd.com/doc/13297165/Mother-Tongue-By-Amy-Tan-I-Am-Not-A
  • http://learning.swc.hccs.edu/members/donna.gordon/sum-2010-engl-1301-5-wk-crn-33454/1301-reading-block-crn-33454/Tan_Mother%20Tongue.pdf
  • http://teachers.sduhsd.k12.ca.us/mcunningham/grapes/mother%20tounge.pdf

Jonathan Koppell discusses anonymity, your name, and how the Internet has changed in  On the Internet, There’s No Place to Hide :

  • http://www.newamerica.net/publications/articles/2000/on_the_internet_theres_no_place_to_hide

Student Sample Essay

Types of Higher Education Programs

Today’s students have many choices when it comes to pursuing a degree: four-year programs, two-year programs, large or small classroom settings, and even daytime or evening classes. With all the different options to consider, potential students should learn about the different types of colleges so they can find a school that best fits their personality, budget, and educational goals.

One type of higher education program for students to consider is a liberal arts college. These schools tend to be small in size and offer a range of undergraduate degrees in subjects like English, history, psychology, and education. Students may choose a liberal arts college if they want a more intimate classroom setting rather than large lecture-style classes. Students may also consider a liberal arts college if they want to gain knowledge from a variety of disciplines, rather than focus on a single area of study. Many liberal arts schools are privately owned, and some have religious affiliations. Liberal arts schools can come with a hefty price tag, and their high cost presents an obstacle for students on a tight budget; moreover, while some students might appreciate a liberal arts school’s intimate atmosphere, others might encounter a lack of diversity in the student body. Still, students seeking a well-rounded education in the humanities will find liberal arts colleges to be one option.

Universities, another type of higher education program, offer both undergraduate and graduate degrees. Usually universities are larger than colleges and can accommodate tens of thousands of students in many different majors and areas of study. A large student body means that class sizes are often larger, and some classes may be taught by graduate students rather than professors. Students will feel at home at a university if they want a focused academic program and state-of-the-art research facilities. While some universities are private, many are public, which means they receive funding from the government, so tuition is more affordable and some even offer discounted in-state tuition for state residents. Also, universities attract many international students, so those looking for a variety of campus cultural groups and clubs will appreciate a greater sense of diversity among the student body. Universities can be overwhelming for some, but they are the right fit for students who seek research opportunities and academic studies, especially in the fields of mathematics and science.

Community college is a type of higher education program popular with students on a limited budget who want to take college courses but may not know what they want to major in. Most schools offer degrees after two years of study, usually an associate’s degree that prepares students to enter the work force; many students choose to study at a community college for two years and then transfer to a four-year college to complete their undergraduate degree. Like liberal arts schools, classes are small and allow instructors to pay more attention to their students. Community college allows students to live at home rather than in a dormitory, which also keeps costs down. While some young people might not like the idea of living at home for school, many adults choose to attend community college so they can advance their education while working and living with their families.

Online universities are another type of higher education program that are gaining popularity as technology improves. These schools offer many of the same degree programs as traditional liberal arts colleges and universities. Unlike traditional programs, which require students to attend classes and lectures, online universities offer greater academic flexibility and are a great option for students wishing to pursue a degree while still working full time. At online universities, students access course materials, such as video lectures and assessments, remotely using a personal computer and are able to speed up or slow down their progress to complete their degree at their own pace. Students may attend classes in the comfort of their own home or a local library, but students hoping for the social community of higher education might not enjoy this aspect of higher education.

With so many colleges and universities to choose from, it may be difficult for a student to narrow down his or her selection, but once a student knows what he or she is looking for, the process may become much easier. It is very important for students to learn about the different types of higher education programs available before making their selections.

classification essay types of tv shows

Key Takeaways

  • The purpose of classification is to break a subject into smaller, more manageable, more specific parts.
  • Smaller subcategories help us make sense of the world, and the way in which these subcategories are created also helps us make sense of the world.
  • A classification essay is organized by its subcategories.

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Classification Essay Guide

Classification Essay

Last updated on: Feb 9, 2023

Writing a Classification Essay: Guide with Examples

By: Cordon J.

Reviewed By: Chris H.

Published on: Jun 22, 2021

Classification Essay

Did you get assigned another essay for class?

Well, it is something pretty normal for high school and college students. They encounter different types of essays every other day for multiple subjects.

Classification essays are one of them. It sure seems like a daunting task when you have no clue about the writing process, but you can easily complete it with the proper understanding and practice.

Such essays allow the teacher to evaluate your writing skills and your ability to classify different objects into appropriate categories.

To learn more about this type of essay, carefully go through this detailed guide and find the different steps and essay topics.

Classification Essay

On this Page

What is a Classification Essay?

The classification essay is a type of academic writing that requires students to demonstrate their ability to organize things into different categories. It can be anything from objects, events, or groups of people; this includes everything!

The defining factor for categorizing an object is how one decides the basis or characteristics of that particular thing. For instance, dividing animals into different categories such as reptiles because they are vertebrates and have backbones such as turtles, lizards, crocodiles, etc.,

The major aim of a classification paper is to:

  • Divide things into an important category
  • Ensure that a uniform classification principle is being followed
  • Come up with an equal number of examples that fall under each category

By now, you must have understood the classification essay definition. Let’s move on and learn how to write it.

Classification Essay Outline

The following points will help you structure your classification essay. Plan ahead! Make sure to follow these guidelines when creating outlines.

  • Introduction

The introductory paragraph is an integral part of the essay since it is the first thing that your reader goes through.

Use it to grab the reader’s attention and build their interest in the paper. You can hook them by presenting some unusual or intriguing information relevant to the topic.

Next, get them familiar with the topic at hand with the help of some background information. Leave out details regarding the categories at this stage. Just give them an overview of your concept.

Finally, state the thesis statement that you defined earlier to give the reader an idea about what to expect from your paper.

  • Body Paragraphs

A classification essay differs from a typical five-paragraph essay. The number of paragraphs here depends on the number of categories that you have.

Start each body paragraph with a topic sentence. In other words, open with a brief summary of the content presented in that particular paragraph.

Make sure that your topic sentences are interesting and make the reader want to read further. If you don’t have a clear idea about them, check out this detailed guide on writing a  topic sentence  .

When writing the body paragraphs, make sure that you follow a logical approach and use appropriate transitions.

A classification essay conclusion restates the thesis statement and highlights the importance of classifying people or objects in groups.

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How to Write a Classification Essay?

Classifications are different from your typical essays. You need to do research and plan before you start writing. Your essay needs to be planned out. You need to think about what categories it would fall under, the traits of those categories, and more!

Following are some useful steps to craft an interesting and informative classification essay:

1. Brainstorm Ideas

The first step is figuring out a topic, in case you haven’t been assigned one already. Writing a topic of your choice is both a challenge and an opportunity.

You get to brainstorm and explore different ideas and choose the one that interests you the most. But at the same time, looking for objects that can be logically organized into different groups can be a bit challenging.

The trick is to look for objects that have an apparent basis for comparison. However, don’t go with something that has more than five categories.

We have mentioned some interesting classification essay topics in the coming sections to give you a better idea.

2. Determine the Categories

The next after deciding on a topic is to choose the categories to divide them. There can be different angles in some cases, so determine the approach you want to stick with. For instance, if you’re analyzing a group of people, then you can filter them by demographics, age, gender, etc.

However, make sure that you aren’t skipping an important category. And every category follows unique criteria for grouping.

3. Develop a Thesis Statement

Although the thesis statement is part of your introductory paragraph, it’s better to define it at this stage. A thesis statement defines the purpose of your paper, along with its main points. Think of it as the foundation of your essay that highlights the subject under analysis and the criteria being used to classify it into different categories.

This will help you give a sense of direction and help keep the essay on the right track. However, if you want, you can refine the thesis as you go.

4. Develop a Strategy

It can be hard to come up with an essay when you have no idea where the paper is going. However, this doesn't mean that there aren’t any steps in achieving success - just stick with it! A good way of doing so would be by dividing your time between different tasks and always keeping one step at hand.

5. Carry Out Extensive Research

Before you start writing the essay, have a clear idea of what type and how many sources your teacher is looking for. Use different research and writing methods to make it easier on yourself when reading over all that work later!

6. Writing the Essay

Finally, coming to the most important part – the write-up itself. In order to make your write-up organized and concise, it’s always a good idea to start with an outline. This will help you maintain a logical flow of information throughout the entire piece so that there are no confusing tangents or dead-ends in sight!

7. Revise and Update

When you are done with the first draft, give yourself a break. Go back to your essay and make sure there aren't any inconsistencies or errors in what was written before coming up for air!

Classification Essay Example

Before starting the wiring process, it is better to look at our expert writer’s example. This way, you will better understand how professional essays are written and for that, go ahead and take a peek at this one from their division example library!

Classification Essay Example PDF




Good Classification Essay Topics

As promised earlier, here are some interesting ideas that you can use to craft your classification paper.

  • Types of the movie ending
  • Dance styles
  • Different types of diet
  • Extracurricular activities in college
  • Child and parent relationship
  • Types of friends
  • Ways to spend a summer break
  • Stress-coping mechanisms
  • Different types of religions
  • Categories of atheists
  • Male pop artists
  • Animals in Africa
  • Water sports in Hawaii
  • Tips in restaurants
  • Films on historical events

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Classification Essay Tips

To make your classification essay stand out, pay attention to the content's small yet important things. Taking care of a few things can make your essay writing exceptional and help you win that scholarship!

Follow these professional tips below while writing:

  • Avoid choosing topics that are too broad.
  • You need to research and find good information when you write. People might only read the headline, but they will want to read more if you have information about it.
  • Provide strong evidence and examples for each classification.
  • Use sources that give you the most accurate information.
  • To make sure you don't miss any important information, draft a perfect classification essay outline.
  • Proofread your work for errors or mistakes before finalizing it.

This was everything you needed to write classification essays. However, if you're still confused, don't worry; there’s a way out.  5StarEssays.com  has a team of exceptionally professional writers who craft interesting and unique content from scratch.

We can help you with ‘ do my essay paper  ’ query - including research papers, term papers, or even dissertations, so reach out now and get professional assistance at affordable rates.

Cordon J.

Speech, Law

Cordon. is a published author and writing specialist. He has worked in the publishing industry for many years, providing writing services and digital content. His own writing career began with a focus on literature and linguistics, which he continues to pursue. Cordon is an engaging and professional individual, always looking to help others achieve their goals.

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How to Write a Classification Essay?

17 July, 2020

8 minutes read

Author:  Elizabeth Brown

Classification essay is comparable to painting creation - an artist works on a specific structure that holds the picture’s elements together and glues different layers to create a powerful visual effect. The same principle applies to a writing piece, in which the central role is devoted to getting things in order. In this article, we’ll discuss the main features and components of a great classification essay and share some tips and tricks on how to take your piece of writing to the next level.

Classification Essay

Classification essay definition

We bet the first thing you want to know concerning the topic is what is a classification essay? This is the task which you’ll most likely deal with at some point in your student life. The essence of this assignment is related to categorization and generalization. Remember these two words because they form the true meaning of classification essay. Also, division and classification are those elements of this essay type which highly correlate and have equal importance for essay creation. Therefore, the main task here is to organize or sort things into categories.

Classification Essay Writing

How to write a classification essay 

Careful attention to planning marks the indication of quality in terms of classification essay. At this point, the main task is to learn how to structure the paper. The length of an article may vary, but the most frequently used “five paragraphs” method is typically applied for classification writing. What does this structure suggest? It has to do with a logical division of your essay into blocks and categories, every one of which should clarify a particular issue.

The first and one of the essential paragraphs is the introductory one. It’s an opening which illuminates the matter you’re going to discuss and the subject you’ll categorize. Besides, you can outline the purpose of your classification essay to readers to bring more clarity into the discussion. Answer the question of why you are categorizing the chosen items and what criteria you use for each of them. Then, you’ll need to close the introduction paragraph with a thesis. It will briefly sum up the objective of your classification and division essay, and identify the categories which you’ll be using for a paper.

The second part is the essay body. Here, a couple of paragraphs are applicable, preferably 3 and more. The most critical nuance you should remember while composing a body is that each paragraph will deal with a separate category. The best way to organize the central part of your division essay is to explain the criteria for each category and desirably, discuss strengths and weaknesses. More importantly, you should include examples that’ll back up your statements with a piece of evidence. Notably, there should be an equal amount of examples for every category to spread the evidence evenly. If your paragraphs in the main body are lengthy, you can also divide them into shorter ones to create a smooth transition between the blocks of text and improve readability.

The final paragraph of your classification essay is a conclusion. The closing statements will sum up the different categories highlighted in the body. Also, it’s advisable to restate each category and advise readers on the subject matter. However, if you choose to recommend this or that topic over the others, don’t forget to state the reason for your stance. This way, readers will take into account your well-grounded explanation, which is deprived of subjectivity, and make relevant conclusions for themselves.

Classification Essay Structure

Apart from the basic understanding of classification essay structure , you should also get prepared for the writing process. For many, implementing theory on practice is even more challenging than the stage of composing an essay. Nonetheless, with enough patience and endurance, this process is really not so bad after all. So, what steps do you need to make in order to prepare well for classification paper writing?

First things first, planning is everything when it comes to the assignment that implies classification. Without a clear and coherent plan, there’s no way you can write a good paper. Therefore, make sure that you have a robust scheme before writing your essay. For this, proceed with the following planning steps:

  • Generate Ideas. Evidently, your essay won’t write itself. If your professor has not assigned you a specific topic, it’s time to do some brainstorming. Remember – you need to choose a group of people, things, or ideas that can be easily divided into categories and then compared.
  • Choose Your Classification Method. Aim at one principle for classification for each category you describe. For example, if you write about people, you can categorize them by age, gender, appearance, or other factors. This will help you better structure your essay and make it look more organized in the eyes of readers.
  • Create a Thesis Statement. As previously mentioned, the thesis statement is the element which closes the introduction of your classification essay. It should include such information as the subject matter, the categories, and the criteria used to classify each category. Besides, you can note down the purpose of your division into these categories.

Preparation for Classification Essay

Classification essay outline

The outline is a general description or plan that schematically displays the main points of your essay. The main point of an outline is to help you see the structure of your essay and use it as a useful guide for writing. Usually, a typical outline describes the essence of each point in one sentence. Also, bullet points are not uncommon, so you can use them to arrange a plan the way you feel is the most appropriate.

Classification essay topics

There is a plethora of themes and subjects for division classification essays to choose from, but most of them are hard to think of straight away. That’s why we’ve collected the list of the top used classification topics for you to facilitate the process of generating ideas or searching for ones elsewhere.

  • The most popular devices students use nowadays
  • Colors and their meaning in the paintings of Frida Kahlo
  • The evolution of rock-music types
  • Standard methods students use to prepare for exams
  • Public speakers that have moved the world  
  • Unique factors to determine a successful relationship  
  • How to improve child-parent relationships
  • Main motives to start a political career
  • Learning techniques for college students
  • Types of TV comedy shows
  • Traveling destinations
  • The main types of mobile applications
  • Communication possibilities online
  • Strategies for making decisions in business
  • Leadership and leader types
  • Conflicts at the job and ways to cope with them
  • The motivation for doing sports
  • Methods to reduce stress

No matter which theme you choose for your classification essay and what techniques you implement to make them elaborated, remember always to keep the structure in mind. The first step to writing this type of assignment is not just sitting and jotting down detached ideas, but planning out clear statements which can later be transmitted on paper. Hopefully, our advice will help you on the way to writing an excellent classification essay which your professor will mark with an A+ grade.

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When confronted with a complicated subject, we are often overwhelmed with information. A classification essay is designed to take a complex topic and break it down into more manageable and understandable categories, digestible pieces that a reader can easily break down.

This method of organization can be seen in how we structure and categorize our everyday lives. Take the Jefferson Learning Commons, as an example. The library houses thousands of books, which would be hard to browse if they were thrown haphazardly on shelves. Instead, all the fiction is organized alphabetically by author on the first floor, while the second floor houses all the non-fiction organized by subject. This allows a student to find the book they are looking for without searching every shelf.

Topics: When choosing a topic make sure the topic is complex enough to be divided into categories, while not being so broad that the reader is overwhelmed with categories.

Categories: Since a classification essay breaks a topic or subject into categories, it is important for each category to be distinct from one another. Categories that overlap will be nebulous and difficult for a reader to understand. Topics can be broken down many ways. If one way isn’t working, try brainstorming a new way to divide the topic.

Good Topic: Transportation


  • Taxi (Uber or Lyft)
  • Personal Automobile

Each category is distinct from one another, with a single defining feature.

Bad Topic: Video game genres

  • Roleplay (RPG)
  • Japanese RPG (JRPG)

The differences of some categories are very murky. A RPG is defined by things like character creation and level progression. However, these two elements are found in many soulslike games. This makes the topic of video game genres difficult to breakdown into easily definable categories.

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  • Last Updated: Jan 23, 2024 2:52 PM
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Classification of TV programs

Zeinab1383 5 / 43   May 26, 2010   #2 anubis Hi! do you think News is boring? I don't! you can also add TV series.

Keng 39 / 134   May 26, 2010   #3 I am not sure about your writing style but in my opinon, you forget writing about the full introduction sentences. I do not see a clear thesis sentence, According to my experience, essay writing must have three sections: introduction, body and conclusion. one problem i find out You do not state your introduction sentence clearly.

babyevy 3 / 27   May 26, 2010   #4 yeah...I gree with keng, the introduction is not very clear ,but the rest of the paragraphs have a good structure. : )

classification essay types of tv shows

OP anubis 1 / 2   May 28, 2010   #6 thank u all for your advices. They are really helpful for me :)

/ /

classification essay types of tv shows

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Television Shows Taxonomy'. 17 January.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Television Shows Taxonomy." January 17, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/advertising-techniques/.

1. IvyPanda . "Television Shows Taxonomy." January 17, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/advertising-techniques/.


IvyPanda . "Television Shows Taxonomy." January 17, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/advertising-techniques/.


  1. Television Classification Free Essay Example

    classification essay types of tv shows

  2. TV Show Classification

    classification essay types of tv shows

  3. TV Show Classification

    classification essay types of tv shows

  4. Classification essay tv shows

    classification essay types of tv shows

  5. Classification essay tv shows

    classification essay types of tv shows

  6. TV Show Classification

    classification essay types of tv shows


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  1. TV Show Classification

    TV shows can be divided into different categories depending on the predominant theme depicted. A close observation of the series suggests that theme of conflict of interests is most predominant. Under this theme, House can be categorized into three types. These types include conflict of moral values, gender conflicts and intellectual conflicts.

  2. Classification of Television Programs

    Classification of TV Shows: Types. There are varied ways to classify television shows. Television shows include advertisements, events, kids, lifestyle, movies, music, series, and sports (CTAM Advanced Cable Solutions Consortium 3). Advertisements are programs that promote products. These include product showcases, classified ads, infomercials ...

  3. Ultimate Guide on Writing a Classification Essay

    This essay requires you to clearly define categories and provide thorough descriptions for each group. By practicing this type of writing, you can enhance your ability to express your thoughts and ideas in a concise and well-structured manner. It also encourages you to use evidence and examples to support your claims, thereby strengthening your ...

  4. 270+ Classification Essay Topics for Students

    Types of TV show formats and their popularity; Various cinematic storytelling techniques; Different approaches to film editing styles; ... A division and classification essay is a type of essay where you categorize and organize different items into distinct groups. This essay type allows you to showcase your analytical skills by sorting things ...

  5. Classification Essay Guide

    A classification essay is a powerful tool in academic writing, enabling writers to break down broad topics into organized categories for better understanding. This guide will show you how to write a classification essay, from designing a perfect outline to selecting compelling topics. Continue reading to learn how to create a clear, insightful ...

  6. Classification Essay Examples Free

    Classification essay examples are more research-intensive than standard five-paragraph essays. They resemble a theoretical part of a research paper (though a much shorter one). College students are welcome to browse our classification essay examples for free. This activity will enhance your brainstorming and show how you are expected to write ...

  7. 2. Writing the Classification Essay

    Your next essay assignment is the classification.In this essay, you will categorize information into groups. For instance, you could categorize different types of television programs (comedies, dramas, reality shows), types of popular autos (sports cars, compact cars, station wagons) or any topic you could break down into groups.

  8. How To Write A Classification Essay in 7 Steps + Examples

    Step 1: Choose a Topic. The first crucial step is selecting a topic that provides an opportunity for useful classification. Whether it's types of movies, learning styles, or modes of transportation, your topic sets the stage for a well-organized exploration. Here's how to navigate this crucial first step:

  9. How to Write a Classification Essay: Guide & Examples

    A classification essay is a type of academic essay that categorizes a topic into distinct groups based on shared characteristics or criteria. The writer's purpose is to create a clear organization of information. Classification should be logical, making it easier for readers to remember the information being presented.

  10. Classification Writing: How to Group Ideas Effectively

    Classification writing is a form of expository writing that organizes and categorizes information into groups based on common characteristics, traits, or criteria. The primary goal of classification writing is to provide clarity and structure to complex or diverse subjects by sorting them into distinct categories.

  11. LibGuides: Writing a Classification Essay: The Writing Process

    A classification essays follow a typical essay organization with an introduction paragraph, body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph. I. Introduction Paragraph: 1. Introduces the subject area. The Hook: Catch the attention of your audience (quote, question, interesting statement) 2. Breaks the subject area into categories and explains why ...

  12. Ultimate Guide To Writing A Classification Essay

    A classification essay is a type of academic writing in which things, people, or ideas are put into groups based on the things they have in common. The goal of a classification essay is to help readers understand a complicated topic better by breaking it down into smaller, easier-to-understand pieces. It's important to write a classification ...

  13. 10.4 Classification

    Building on Note 10.43 "Exercise 1" and Note 10.46 "Exercise 2", write a five-paragraph classification essay about one of the four original topics. In your thesis, make sure to include the topic, subtopics, and rationale for your breakdown. And make sure that your essay is organized into paragraphs that each describes a subtopic.

  14. What is an Classification Essay?

    A Classification Essay or Division Essay takes a complex subject area and breaks it down into smaller parts so it is easily understood. What this means is you take a broad subject area and break it down into separate categories based on a single principle. ... Types of Higher Education Programs essay example: https://open.lib.umn.edu ...

  15. Classification

    The thesis explains not only the category and subcategory but also the rationale for breaking it into those categories. Through this classification essay, the writer hopes to show his or her readers a different way of considering the state. Each body paragraph of a classification essay is dedicated to fully illustrating each of the subcategories.

  16. 4.5: Classification

    Through this classification essay, the writer hopes to show the readers a different way of considering the state of New York. Each body paragraph of a classification essay is dedicated to fully illustrating each of the subcategories. In the previous example, then, each region of New York would have its own paragraph.

  17. Easy Steps to Craft a Winning Classification Essay

    Following are some useful steps to craft an interesting and informative classification essay: 1. Brainstorm Ideas. The first step is figuring out a topic, in case you haven't been assigned one already. Writing a topic of your choice is both a challenge and an opportunity.

  18. How to write a classification essay quickly, easily and ...

    Provide the criteria and begin with analyzing different examples. Check whether you created smooth transitions between categories going to a new paragraph; Conclusion. In the final part of your classification essay, you bring all the categories together from the main part and give a brief rundown on each of them.

  19. Classification Essay: Topics, Outline and Writing Tips

    Classification essay outline. The outline is a general description or plan that schematically displays the main points of your essay. The main point of an outline is to help you see the structure of your essay and use it as a useful guide for writing. Usually, a typical outline describes the essence of each point in one sentence.

  20. Classification Essay

    A guide to writing five types of essays: argumentative, cause and effect, classification, process, and compare and contrast. Introduction; Classification Essay. ... A classification essay is designed to take a complex topic and break it down into more manageable and understandable categories, digestible pieces that a reader can easily break ...

  21. Classification of TV programs

    They have various shows in which are demonstrated all countries around the world. In fact, TV programs can be classified into 3 categories according to their content. The least intriguing for most people are those whose content are all about news. This kind of TV programs is ones in which people do not reveal any appeal.

  22. Television Shows Taxonomy

    One of the most popular Dark Comedy television shows that have attracted a lot of attention in this country is True Blood. This television show has been categorized as a Horror or Dark Comedy using conventional classification methods. However, in this new classification approach, this show would be classified as ' Mystery'.

  23. 10.5: Classification Essay

    Online Classification Essay Alternatives. Amy Tan describes relationship with her heritage, her mother, and her languages in Mother Tongue: Jonathan Koppell discusses anonymity, your name, and how the Internet has changed in On the Internet, There's No Place to Hide: 10.5: Classification Essay.