• Color Blindness Topics Topics: 49
  • Animal Rights Research Topics Topics: 55
  • Gender Inequality Topics Topics: 75
  • Homelessness Topics Topics: 151
  • Gender Equality Research Topics Topics: 77
  • Drugs Essay Topics Topics: 429
  • Social Inequality Research Topics Topics: 77
  • Domestic Violence Topics Topics: 160
  • Gender Stereotypes Paper Topics Topics: 94
  • Black Lives Matter Research Topics Topics: 112
  • Animal Testing Topics Topics: 111
  • Animal Cruelty Essay Topics Topics: 107
  • Animal Abuse Topics Topics: 97
  • Alcohol Research Topics Topics: 257
  • Drug Abuse Research Topics Topics: 141

253 Addiction Essay Topics

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  • Drug Addiction: Advantages and Disadvantages
  • How and Why TikTok Addiction Affects Academic Performance
  • Analysis of Gwen’s Addiction in the Film “28 Days”
  • Social Media Addiction Causes and Solutions
  • Social Media Addiction: Causes and Effects
  • Social Media Addiction: How to Overcome the Problem
  • Causes and Effects of Fast-Food Addiction
  • Addiction to Online Gaming The paper is an overview of scholarly sources on online gaming addiction and the analysis of narrative inquiry as to the most suitable qualitative research method.
  • Addiction Among Adolescents and Christianity View This research paper explained three widespread addictions among young people from a Christian perspective, relying on statistical data about each one.
  • Causes and Effects of Drug Addiction Drug abuse entails constant and excessive usage of drugs to create feelings of happiness and blot out reality despite its well-known harmful effects.
  • TikTok Addiction Among Teenagers Teenagers who are addicted to TikTok are more likely to experience severe depression, anxiety, and limited working memory.
  • Substance Abuse and Addiction Treatment: The Humanistic Theory The Humanistic theory was first formulated by Carly Rogers who suggests that therapists and counselors need to help clients achieve the best outcomes during therapy and counseling.
  • Teenage Drug Addiction Problem The modern world is full of diverse activities and hobbies that can have both positive and negative effects. This essay aims at discussing the phenomenon of teenage drug addiction.
  • Drug Use and Heroin Addiction: Informative Speech The illegality of drugs makes it impossible to research the actual numbers of people using drugs and situations making these persons initiate drug abuse and harm their health.
  • Case Study of Drug Addiction The case study provides a platform for evaluating treatment priorities and agencies crucial for the full recovery of substance abuse patients.
  • Whip Whitaker’s Alcoholic Addiction and Its Influence on His Life In this case study, the author dwells on the alcoholic addiction of Whip Whitaker, a fictional character, alongside the impact of this addiction on his way of doing things.
  • Addiction and Its Impact on John and His Family System The purpose of this paper is to examine John’s family system and history in order to identify the most beneficial recovery strategies for him.
  • Addiction in “Dragged High on Alcohol” Documentary The “Dragged High on Alcohol” documentary is about an alcohol addict Ryan, and the film crew follows him and his family, showing how Ryan experiences his addiction.
  • The Effects Of Addictions On The Family System Alcohol addicts are unable to properly discharge family responsibilities, their family members become codependent and are frequently assaulted of having abnormal children is high.
  • Overcoming the Stigma of Addiction Addiction is a disease that is recognized as a major public health concern but is generally regarded by society as the result of an individual’s personal choice or a moral failure.
  • Addiction Theories and Counseling Techniques Addiction to substances can develop as a result of several factors, and researchers have tried to explain this occurrence via different approaches.
  • The Impact of Ageism on Mental Health and Addiction Ageism refers to prejudice towards persons because of their age. This form of discrimination is exhibited in the unfair treatment of older people.
  • The Problem of Technology Addiction Among College Students The rapid development of technologies has impacted every aspect of modern people’s lives, from work and education to leisure and recreation.
  • Video Game Addiction: History and Future Implications This study will describe the history of video games and video game addiction, including the current state, the future of the problem, and the best ways to handle the issue.
  • Internet Addiction as a Teenage Issue This paper evaluates Internet addiction as an issue affecting teenagers today and assesses the causes, assessment tools, and support options.
  • Sugar Addiction and Its Negative Effects The researchers have estimated that sugar has a significant impact on the human brain, with uncontrolled consumption leading to addiction and cognitive impairments.
  • Drug Addiction in America: Effects and Solutions The problem of illegal drug use is a major health issue in the United States, it affects thousands of people, the specified concern must be handled on the level of state policies.
  • Renton’s Addiction in the “Trainspotting” Movie This paper reviews the character of Renton in the “Trainspotting” movie and looks at ways and steps through which can be helped him to overcome his addiction.
  • The Crisis of Drug Addiction This essay will focus on the crisis of drug addiction in general. It will also include some factors that lead to drug abuse. The paper will cover the dynamics of drug addiction in the USA.
  • Behavioral Addictions: Gambling, Eating Disorders, Shopping Gambling, shopping, and internet addiction are complicated issues that can be difficult to handle owing to a variety of economic and political variables.
  • Fighting Addictions: A Personal Reflection Thinking of addiction, I realize that it comes at a high cost, and we must be aware of its consequences to not let ourselves or anyone become an addict.
  • The Issue of Rising Levels of Opioid Addiction in the Military The proposed research will seek to establish the correlation between veterans’ injuries and opioid addictions among this population.
  • The Problem of the “Technological Bondage”: The Internet Addiction Psychologists compare Internet addiction, which appeared with the development of the Internet, with alco- and drug dependency.
  • Social Media Addiction and How It Affects People Every year people spend more and more time on their smartphones or computers. The present essay discusses the topic of addiction to social media and smartphones.
  • Addiction to Cellphone Limits Engagement in an Active Social Life The paper proposes and describes a Comprehensive Integrated Approach Program that combines methods of research and solution to the root.
  • Person With an Addiction: Mr. Smith Case Study In this case, this paper will examine on the issues involved and possible interventions for a person with an addiction.
  • Comparing a Behavioral and Chemical Addiction on the Example of Alcohol and Pornography This research examines two alcoholic treatments therapies of both inpatient and out patient addicts with an intention to assess the abuse consequences and monitor their effectiveness.
  • Addiction Among Nurses: Professional and Personal Experience of Nurses The gravity of the problem is exacerbated by the fact that affected nurses not only impair their own health but also increase patient risks.
  • The History of Drug Addiction and Control The paper states that drug initiation can be considered a system of relations between the adolescent, family, drug culture, and society.
  • Meth Addiction Among Low-Income Americans The problem of methamphetamine addiction is a global health problem. Social and economic factors are of particular importance for this aspect.
  • Drug Addiction and Best Treatment Practices This paper will determine the role of treatment in the recovery process and analyze the best evidence-based practices.
  • Assessment and Therapeutic Approaches for Drug Addiction Clients The paper uses various drug addiction assessment methods to examine the severity, give clinicians insight into the problem and assist in psychotherapy.
  • Cell Phone Addiction in Canadian Teens As a consequence of excessive mobile phone use, teens in Canada face social, behavioral, and emotional difficulties.
  • Addiction Counseling Competency of Assessment The addiction counseling competency is selecting and using a “comprehensive assessment process that is sensitive to age, gender, racial and ethnic culture, and disabilities”.
  • Transcending Addiction and Redefining Recovery To treat addiction, the underlying mental health issue must be resolved. This is connected to the third factor, hope for the future.
  • How Ageism Affects Mental Health and Addiction? Essay demonstrates how negative prejudices towards the elderly influence their mental health in the long run, and how it affects their relationship with addiction.
  • How Opioid Addiction Impact Young Kids An annotated bibliography helps identify reputable sources which can be used to understand how opioid addiction affects young kids.
  • The Relationship Between Drugs and Addiction to Crime Systemic crime emerges from the arrangement of drug circulation. It includes conflicts over the region in rival drug traders, attacks, and executions committed in involved groups.
  • Methamphetamine Addiction and Interventions Today, methamphetamine, also known as crank, speed, meth, and glass is one of the most widespread drugs worldwide because of its ease of manufacture.
  • Prescription Opioid Addiction in the United States Prescription Opioid Addiction (POA) is now viewed by many as a severe epidemic in the United States. Approximately 2.5 million Americans over 12 years old abused opioids in 2012.
  • Overcoming the Drug Abuse Addiction The use of narcotic drugs brings irreparable harm to health and diminishes the quality of life. Opioid abuse is a predominant problem that continues to be a concern.
  • Drug Addiction: A Choice or a Medical Disease? This article examines two opposing points of view on the problem of drug addiction – does a person have a choice to be a drug addict or is drug addiction a medical disease?
  • Internet Addiction Affect on Person Normal Functioning Internet addiction refers to unusual internet-related behavior where one spends most of his or her time on the Internet affecting his normal functioning.
  • The Effects of Addiction on Cognition The effect of drugs to impair cognition has been researched extensively and all major substances of abuse have been found to affect cognition.
  • Drug Addiction: The Problem of Xanax Abuse and Its Consequences Xanax as a drug can be very addictive and difficult to stop and it is very important for anyone using the drug to be cautious and follow the instructions that are provided.
  • Cognitive Psychology and Addiction The work describes the cognitive processes that explain addictive behavior and dependence as a body’s reaction to the objective external world through its internal attitudes.
  • The Addictions That Have Effects on Marriage The addictions that have effects on marriage can be classified into two groups: substance addiction and process addiction.
  • Smartphone Addiction Among American Youth While the smartphone is a valuable tool that has benefited civilization, the ensuing mental addiction has a profound, lasting impact on individuals’ health.
  • Drug Addiction among Nurses The United States of America has one of the best healthcare systems in the world. Drug abuse among nurses is a serious problem that threatens the quality care that is offered.
  • Youth Addiction Prevention and Rehabilitation This paper looks at the prevention for youths who are yet to begin using drugs and those who are addicted and establish an advocacy for rehabilitation for youths.
  • Addictions Within Society: Applying a Critical Lens Substance abuse disorders or addictions represent significant problems for the healthcare system and society in the United States.
  • Confronting Homophobia in Addiction Treatment for Sexual Minorities This discussion delves into the pervasive impact of homophobia on the effective treatment of addiction among sexual minorities.
  • Parental Addiction’s Impact on Children In a family where one or both of the parents suffer from addictions, the child develops in a psychologically traumatic environment.
  • Addiction: Genetic, Environmental, and Psychological Factors Addiction: the role of dopamine and its impact on the brain’s reward system exacerbates addiction and highlights the need for a comprehensive approach.
  • Nicotine Addiction and Tobacco Control The article discusses the significance of a tobacco ban and how this connects to current efforts by the tobacco industry to profit from nicotine addiction.
  • What Are the Costs of Drug Addiction to Society? The essay will explore the overwhelming economic and social costs of drug addiction to society and outline how can confront and reduce the costs of drug addiction.
  • Optimal Addiction Counselling and Its Impact The importance of addiction counseling professions grows every day as humanity grapples with the modern world’s challenges.
  • Theoretical Approaches to Addictions This paper illustrates four approaches to addictions, including the personality theory, the neurobiological, the family disease, and the genetic models of addiction.
  • Annual Burnout and Turnover Rates of Addiction Treatment Counselor in Chicago The problematic situation of burnout among narcologists in Chicago was exacerbated by the aftermath of the pandemic.
  • Gambling Addiction in “The Power of Habit” The paper analyses reasons of gambling addiction at the heart of the chapter in Charles Duhigg’s book, “The Power of Habit”.
  • How Would You Define Addiction? The attachment process occurs in people in different ways and under other circumstances. Most people do not even realize they are participating in such a process.
  • Neuroscience of Addictions and Their Origin Any type of addiction worsens a person’s health and leads to quicker or unexpected death, meaning that curing this disorder is paramount to saving one’s life.
  • Drug Addiction: A Disease or a Choice? Drug addiction remains a serious health concern for contemporary society. The problem of whether drug addiction can be viewed as a disease or a choice remains topical.
  • Drug Addiction: The Brain Disease Drug addiction acts similarly to neurological diseases. Substances directly affected the brain, with addiction being the most acute phase of substance use disorder.
  • Aspects of Cocaine Addiction Cocaine addiction raises and improves through the allocation of particular brain functions. Cocaine affects neurons that secrete gamma-aminobutyric acid.
  • Public Policies Related to Drug Addiction Public policies related to drug addiction need to be enforced in a compassionate manner that pays attention to the unique needs of American society.
  • Opioid Addiction Struggles and Coping Methods The present case discussion focuses on a patient’s struggles with opioid addiction, coping methods, and possible interventions to improve his adaptation.
  • Microeconomic Factors of Opioid Addiction It was distinguished that people who struggle with employment or financial difficulties often develop unhealthy coping mechanisms such as opioid addictions.
  • Drug Addiction as Moral Failure The paper shows that drug abuse cannot be viewed as a moral failure. Kuhar’s scientific examinations made him come to that conclusion.
  • Case Study on Addiction and Mental Disorder This essay will discuss the case of Gerard, including his mental health, addictions, factors affecting them, and the role of the healthcare system in the patient’s wellbeing.
  • Alcohol Addiction and Its Effects on the Body and Specific Organs The more an individual use alcohol to cope with pain and adversity, the more the body adapts to it and becomes dependent on its effects.
  • Treating Addictions from a Christian Perspective Alcoholics Anonymous and its founders formulated the 12 guidelines with the aim of helping members of different faiths to deal with different forms of addictions.
  • Fast Food Addiction: Comparison of Articles Both presented articles argue the harmfulness of fast food, but the scientific article provides evidence of the existence of healthy fast food.
  • Mindfulness as a Method of Treating Addiction When it comes to MBIs, these are among the newest additions to the addiction treatment toolkit, which can be effectively utilized by professionals.
  • The Neuroscience of Internet Addiction Technology firms play a great role in exploiting the neuroscience of internet addiction through marketing, as revealed in the article.
  • Programming: Correlates of Internet Addiction in Turkish Adolescents Variable gender respondent, labeled Q101 in the data set, is a nominal variable that measures the type of response that the researcher is recording.
  • Opioid Use and Opioid Addiction This paper is an annotated bibliography of the ten articles devoted to the topics of opioid use and opioid addiction.
  • The Integrated Approach to Studying Addiction The integrated approach to studying addiction is beneficial because it goes to the root of the problem and attempts to rectify it before its onset.
  • COVID-19 Epidemic and Alcohol and Drug Addiction The sudden life changes during the COVID-19 epidemic make it difficult for people who suffer from alcohol and drug dependence to fight their addictions.
  • Issues of Obesity and Food Addiction Obesity and food addiction have become widespread and significant problems in modern society, both health-related and social.
  • Drug Addiction and Stigmatization The horrifying nature of stigmatization is one of the perplexing factors of drug addiction, so society should understand the role of mental and physical help for such people.
  • Adolescent Addiction and Behavioral-Based Alcoholism Addiction to substances can be difficult to comprehend because, despite the progressively unfavorable consequences, addicted people take drugs and alcohol obsessively.
  • Planned Change Process in Alcohol Addiction A social worker at a high school in a midwestern state should work with four teenagers who were suspended for two weeks for drinking alcoholic beverages at school.
  • Drug Addiction: Analysis of Goeders and Guerin Research Goeders & Guerin (1994) point out that anxiety and stress may be involved in drug use and increased risk of dependency, as these are involved in the etiology of cocaine use.
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Substance Addiction Treatment The paper presents the case study of a client struggling with PTSD and substance addiction, including disposition, suggested treatment protocol, and resources for treatment.
  • Behavioral Addictions in Adolescents Gambling, video gaming, and Internet use are among the most executed activities in modern society, especially the young.
  • Trauma-Addictions and Mental Health The purpose of the assignment is to integrate key concepts about trauma, trauma-informed practice, trauma-specific services, and practice approaches as related to social work.
  • Dealing With Addiction: Harm Reduction The harm reduction program is carried out by addressing the population’s declining health quality. It is risky to take intravenous drugs in public settings.
  • Trauma and Addiction: Complex Treatment Addiction is a issue that needs to be examined but there is a lack of emphasis on the evidence that trauma and addiction are similar in terms of effects on neurochemistry.
  • Causes and Consequences of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Drug addiction is a psychological and physical disorder that affects the brain of an individual. It is caused by dependence on drugs, alcohol, and specific behaviors.
  • Substance Abuse Addiction: Guide for Colleagues in the Workplace If a colleague exhibits an addictive behavior, there is need to handle the situation properly and professionally to ensure better productivity after addressing the issue.
  • Six Stages of Change: Treatment Approaches for Drug Addiction Recovery from addiction leads to lifestyle change. Individuals whose loved ones undergo the recovery process may feel long when they have doubtful expectations.
  • Analysis of the Interview Response by an Addiction Counselor This report provides a brief summary and analysis of the interview response by an addiction counselor who works at a rehabilitation center.
  • Marijuana Addiction: A Sociological Perspective Marijuana use issues are frequently connected with reliance in which an individual feels withdrawal manifestations when not taking the medication.
  • Cause and Effect of Drug Addiction As a result of drug misuse, there are changes in the functioning of neurological pathways in the human brain, with the associated physical; and mental health deterioration.
  • Policy Memo for Opioid Addiction Among Senior Citizens The policy memo aims to communicate what needs to be done regarding opioid addiction among senior citizens and to prevent it.
  • Chemical Dependency: Crisis of Addiction This paper researches the roots of the issue of substance addiction, its degree of impact, individual and system factors that influence subjects.
  • Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment Program Successful addiction treatment is comprised of three aspects, constructing the addiction treatment: body, mind, and soul.
  • Alcohol Addiction in a 59-Year-Old Man: Case Study The case study concerns Juan, a 59-year-old commercial pilot who has come to visit a clinician at the urging of his son.
  • Addiction: Relapse Dynamics and Prevention Addiction to alcohol, nicotine, and drugs is a chronic disease. Treatment for such dependence can continue for a long time, but the possibility of relapse will still be preserved.
  • Opioid Addiction Between 1850 and 1900 in America
  • Addiction Treatment: Standards and Best Practices
  • The Problem of Adolescent Addiction
  • Addiction and 12-Step Programs
  • Pain Management in Patients with Addiction
  • Psychoactive Substance Addiction Treatment
  • “Addicts Who Survived” by David Courtwright: American Addiction to Narcotics Problem and Anti-drug Policies
  • An Overview of Drug Addiction
  • Treatment of Opioid Addiction With Buprenorphine
  • Alcohol Addiction: Assessing and Diagnosing the Client
  • Interpersonal Psychotherapy and Alcohol Addiction
  • The Problem of Alcohol Addiction in Russia
  • Neurobiology: Epigenetics in Cocaine Addiction
  • Comparison of Adolescent and Adult Addiction Treatment
  • Drug Addiction: Elimination of Incarcerations
  • “Addicts Who Survived” by David Courtwright: Crucial Work on Drug Addiction
  • Reality in Drug Addiction Research: Ethnography
  • Treatment of Opiate Addiction: A Program Evaluation
  • Misguided Perception of Drug Addiction
  • Treating Addictions: Harm Reduction in Clinical Care and Prevention
  • Social Media as a Type of Addiction
  • Drug Abuse and Addiction: Risk Factors
  • Alternative Treatment for Chronic Pain and Addiction
  • Support Services and the Case Review: Drug and Alcohol Addiction
  • Drugs in Perspective: Models of Addiction
  • Remedies for Marijuana Addiction
  • Smoking: Addiction Treatment Methods
  • Computer Use and Dangerous Computer Addiction
  • Phobias and Addictions as Manifestations of the Human Mind Weakness
  • A Medical Treatment of Addiction
  • Drug Abuse and Drug Addiction and Various Policies Related to Drugs
  • The Dangers of Addiction or at Risk Behavior
  • Alcohol Addiction and Its Adverse Effects on the Victim and Family
  • Energy and the Economy. Oil Addiction in America
  • Story Telling and America’s Reality TV Addiction
  • Drug Addiction Is a Chronic Disease
  • Alcohol Addiction Group Manual
  • Philosophical Approach to Addictions
  • Addiction and Substance Use Disorder
  • Chemical Dependency: The Crisis of Addiction
  • Gaming Addiction: Creating a Blog to Help People With Gaming Addiction
  • Preventing Opioid Abuse and Addiction
  • Black Theology and Its Impact on Drug Addiction
  • “Adolescent Alcoholism and Drug Addiction” by Choate
  • Substance Abuse Versus Addiction
  • IPhone Addiction and Health of Hispanic Adolescents
  • People with Addiction and Substance Use Disorder
  • Suboxone Treatment for Opioid Addiction in Adult Clients
  • Stimulants, Depressants, Opioids Causing Addiction
  • The Problem of Drug Use and Heroin Addiction in US
  • Healthcare Financing and Drug Addiction
  • Miami-Dade Community Needs: Alcohol and Drug Addiction
  • Alcohol Addiction: Impact on Families and Treatment Solutions
  • Understanding Drug and Non-Drug Addictions
  • Cognitive Behavioral Theory as Addiction Treatment
  • Best Practices in Addiction Treatment
  • Family Crisis Addictions in Psychology
  • Prevalence of Use, Abuse, Addiction to Crack Cocaine in African-American Children Living in Low Income Housing
  • Role of Internet in Internet Addiction
  • How Pornographic Addiction Ruins Our Lives?
  • Internet Addiction and Its Effects on Educational Succes
  • The Causes and Effects of Heroin Addiction in the United States
  • Common Signs of Alcohol Dependence, Alcoholism and Drug Addiction
  • Technology Addiction Among Youth and Its Impact
  • Addiction and Substance Abuse During Pregnancy
  • The Relationship Between Sleep Quality and Internet Addiction Among Female College Students
  • Associations Between Internet Addiction and Physical Activity Among Vietnamese Youths and Adolescents
  • Religious Treatments for Drug Addiction: An Exploratory Study in Brazil
  • General Information About Sex Addiction and Possible Treatments
  • The Physical and Social Effects of Computer Addiction
  • General Information About Youth and Internet Addiction in China
  • General Information About Alcohol Addiction Among Teenagers in New Zealand
  • Tobacco Users’ Addiction and the Effects of the Use of Tobacco
  • Characteristics of the Neurological Effects of Alcohol Dependence
  • General Information About the Alcoholic Addiction: How to Stop Drinking
  • What Factors Influence the Onset of Drug Addiction?
  • Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Methamphetamine Addiction
  • Addiction and Alcohol Consumption: Evidence From Italian Data
  • Understanding Addiction and Compulsive Behaviour: Analysis of Gambling Addiction
  • Association Between Internet Addiction and the Risk of Musculoskeletal Pain in Chinese College Freshmen a Cross-Sectional Study
  • Addiction Counseling for Children of Addicts
  • Alcohol, Drug Addiction, and Political Socialization in America
  • Gambling: The Problems and History of Addiction, Helpfulness, and Tragedy
  • Sexual Addiction and Its Devastating Effects
  • Information Shocks and Cigarette Addiction: Views From Dynamic Panels With Common Structural Changes
  • Cognitive Dysfunction, Affective States, and Vulnerability to Nicotine Addiction: A Multifactorial Perspective
  • Why Video Game Addiction Is One of the Urgent Problems Today
  • Treatment Approaches for Interoceptive Dysfunctions in Drug Addiction
  • What the Phone Addiction Is a Big Problem of 21 Century
  • Psychological Problems Associated With Mobile Phone Addiction
  • Similarities Between Romeo and Juliet’s Passion and Heroin Addiction or Heroin Withdrawal
  • Selfie Addiction and Its Psychological Effects on Adolescents
  • Impact of Mobile Phone and Social Media Addiction on Family Relationships
  • Gambling Addiction and Its Impact on the Individual and the Members of the Family
  • Risk Factors for Addiction and Their Association With Model-Based Behavioral Control
  • The Relationship Between Anxiety and Depressant Drug Addiction
  • Women and Substance Use: Are Women Less Susceptible to Addiction
  • Technology for Treating and Overcoming Social Media Addiction
  • Addiction, Social Interactions and Gender Differences in Cigarette Consumption
  • Companies Should Help Treat Their Employee’s Addiction
  • Video Game Addiction and the Emotional States: Possible Confusion Between Pleasure and Happiness?
  • Alcohol Addiction and Its Effects on the Family in the Novel a Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith
  • Children, Computer Addiction, and Problems of Social Development
  • Comparing and Contrasting Biblical and Professional Views of Addiction
  • Addiction and the Internet Provides Negatively Affected Psychosocial Factors
  • Substance Abuse and Addiction: Is There a Solution?
  • What Are the Effects of Internet Addiction of a Large Number of Youth of Today
  • Addiction Changes the Way the Brain Processes Information
  • Substance Abuse and Addiction: Choice or Disease?
  • Violence, Aggression, Addiction Equals Violent Video Games
  • The Rational Addiction, Health Information and Dynamic Demand of Energy Drinks
  • Sex Addiction and Its Effects on Children and Adult Are Facing
  • Children and Video Games – Addiction, Engagement, and Achievement
  • What Are the Disadvantages of Computer Addiction
  • How Neuroscience Can Assist With the Treatment of Addiction?
  • Correlation Between Loneliness and Internet Addiction
  • How Quit Smoking Using Patches and Say Good-Bye to Addiction?
  • General Information About Addiction Internet Overeating and Gambling
  • The Relationship Between Adolescents Stress and Internet Addiction: A Mediated-Moderation Model
  • Correlation Between Internet Addiction and Academic Assignment
  • Addicts Are Extremely Adept at Hiding Evidence of Addiction
  • Psychoanalytic, Genetic, Exposure, and Other Theories Concerning Addiction and Responsibility
  • Relationship Between Consuming Palatable Food and the Risk of Food Addiction in Children and Adolescents
  • The Characteristics and Treatment of Drug Addiction in the United States
  • Trait Emotional Intelligence Profiles of Parents With Drug Addiction and of Their Offspring
  • What Biological, Psychological, and Social Facts Underlie Addiction
  • Association Between Internet Addiction and Obesity
  • Romantic Love vs. Drug Addiction May Inspire a New Treatment for Addiction
  • Sexual Addiction Among Christians and Sexual Abuse
  • The Benefits, Health Hazards, and Addiction Concerns of E-Smoking in the United States
  • Social Networking Addiction Among Hong Kong University Students: Its Health Consequences and Relationships With Parenting Behaviors
  • Overview of Drug Rehabilitation Programs in the United States
  • Uncovering the Behavioral Implications of the Rational Addiction Assertion

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100 Drug Abuse Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Drug abuse is a serious issue that affects individuals, families, and communities all over the world. It has devastating consequences on physical and mental health, relationships, and society as a whole. Writing an essay on drug abuse can help raise awareness about the dangers of substance misuse and addiction. If you are struggling to come up with a topic for your essay, here are 100 drug abuse essay topic ideas and examples to inspire you:

  • The impact of drug abuse on mental health
  • The role of genetics in substance abuse
  • The relationship between poverty and drug addiction
  • The effects of drug abuse on the brain
  • The connection between drug abuse and crime
  • The role of peer pressure in drug abuse
  • The impact of drug abuse on families
  • The prevalence of prescription drug abuse
  • The dangers of synthetic drugs
  • The relationship between drug abuse and homelessness
  • The effects of drug abuse on academic performance
  • The connection between drug abuse and HIV/AIDS
  • The role of social media in promoting drug use
  • The impact of drug abuse on the LGBTQ+ community
  • The dangers of mixing drugs and alcohol
  • The relationship between drug abuse and domestic violence
  • The effects of drug abuse on pregnancy
  • The connection between drug abuse and mental illness
  • The role of trauma in substance abuse
  • The impact of drug abuse on the criminal justice system
  • The prevalence of drug abuse among teenagers
  • The dangers of vaping and e-cigarette use
  • The relationship between drug abuse and overdose deaths
  • The effects of drug abuse on liver health
  • The connection between drug abuse and risky sexual behavior
  • The role of drug abuse in human trafficking
  • The dangers of synthetic marijuana
  • The relationship between drug abuse and eating disorders
  • The effects of drug abuse on the immune system
  • The connection between drug abuse and suicide
  • The role of drug abuse in the opioid epidemic
  • The impact of drug abuse on the elderly population
  • The prevalence of drug abuse in the music industry
  • The dangers of using performance-enhancing drugs
  • The relationship between drug abuse and body image issues
  • The effects of drug abuse on the environment
  • The connection between drug abuse and human trafficking
  • The role of drug abuse in gang violence
  • The impact of drug abuse on first responders
  • The dangers of using prescription drugs recreationally
  • The relationship between drug abuse and PTSD
  • The connection between drug abuse and homelessness
  • The role of drug abuse in the entertainment industry
  • The prevalence of drug abuse in the workplace
  • The dangers of using synthetic drugs
  • The relationship between drug abuse and mental health stigma
  • The effects of drug abuse on brain development in adolescents
  • The connection between drug abuse and child abuse
  • The role of drug abuse in sex trafficking
  • The impact of drug abuse on the foster care system
  • The dangers of using drugs while pregnant
  • The relationship between drug abuse and poverty
  • The effects of drug abuse on the LGBTQ+ community
  • The connection between drug abuse and gun violence
  • The role of drug abuse in the refugee crisis
  • The impact of drug abuse on indigenous communities
  • The prevalence of drug abuse in the military
  • The dangers of using drugs at music festivals
  • The relationship between drug abuse and cyberbullying
  • The effects of drug abuse on creativity
  • The connection between drug abuse and climate change
  • The role of drug abuse in political corruption
  • The impact of drug abuse on the healthcare system
  • The dangers of using drugs at raves
  • The relationship between drug abuse and self-harm
  • The connection between drug abuse and animal cruelty
  • The role of drug abuse in child labor
  • The impact of drug abuse on the arts community
  • The prevalence of drug abuse in the fashion industry
  • The dangers of using drugs in the workplace
  • The relationship between drug abuse and celebrity culture
  • The connection between drug abuse and social media addiction
  • The role of drug abuse in gentrification
  • The impact of drug abuse on the education system
  • The dangers of using drugs at music concerts
  • The relationship between drug abuse and body dysmorphia
  • The connection

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Drug Addiction - List of Essay Samples And Topic Ideas

Drug addiction is a chronic brain disease characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use, despite harmful consequences. An essay could discuss the societal impacts of drug addiction, treatment and recovery options, or the underlying psychological and physiological mechanisms. Analyzing policy measures to combat drug addiction could also be insightful. We have collected a large number of free essay examples about Drug Addiction you can find at PapersOwl Website. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

Mental Health and Drug Addiction

Drug abuse. Those two words almost seem to common to the ears these days. Drug abuse according to the National Cancer Institute is “the illegal use of prescription or over-the-counter drugs for purpose other than those for which they meant to be used, or in large amounts.” This is a very real issue in our world today and is extremely prevelant in many young child’s lives. Children are the future of America. We were all children at one point in […]

Drug Addiction and Rehabilitation

Drugs, addiction, rehab; many people at even the thought of those words think of a criminal or someone that is constantly in and out of prison. A person that suffers from an addiction has to be from a poor background with no future to look forward to. They normally do not think of the soccer mom, the CEO, the people in higher positions in our society, etc. We do not want to think that anyone has the possibility to become […]

The Key Problem of Drugs

It is very common in the general public that most people are reluctant to get involved in social projects. A few examples of those projects are community improvement programs, social movements in regards to a number of different situations, and more. I believe for the most part people are afraid to voice their opinions just to have them rebuked by the rest of their community or the general public. Not all people are going to have the same or even […]

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Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis

The opioid crisis has been taking a toll on our nation. This issue is not new and has been continuing to grown the last few decades. It is time Congress steps up to the plate and come up with a solution to decrease the epidemic. This problem will not fix itself. The reasons on why the problem has developed, alternatives to the problem, supporters, and opponents of the alternative, and my recommendation. The addiction to opioids which includes prescription painkillers, […]

Drug Addiction is a Complex Disease

Scott Adams once said “Freewill is an illusion. People always choose the perceived path of greatest pleasure.” In the article” Why People Take Drugs “ by Andrew Weil; the author discusses this when he analyzes the real reason he believes people use drugs. Drug use has always been a prevalent problem in our society. People wonder how others become addicted to drugs; some even associate drug use with a lack of morals. A lot of people fail to realize that […]

Drug Abuse and Overdosing Deaths

Drug abuse and overdosing are a grave issue that is affecting the nation. The death rate has increased intensely in recent years in United States due to Overdosing on drugs with number of deaths doubling every nine years including accidental and unintentional deaths. (Cunningham, 2018). The abuse and dependence to opioids- including heroin, fentanyl, and prescription drugs for pain relief is a serious nationwide catastrophe that disturbs communal health and as well as economical, psychological, social, and physiological welfare. The […]

Drug Addiction Amy Winehouse

Drugs are a huge problem in the world today and almost everyone is affected by them. Some of the most affected people in the world are celebrities, everyday they deal with social media, fame, and work. Sometimes it becomes too much for a celebrity to handle. Though we wish it wasn’t true lots of celebrities turn to drugs and alcohol to help take away the pain and stress of everyday life. Amy Winehouse is not exception, she was a very […]

What is Drug Addiction?

It's no secret the abuse of drugs has become a widespread epidemic. Although it seems to be stereotypical for teens, this problem is rising more in the adult population. There really is no set population or genre to label as the specific drug abuser. Many people don't understand why or how other people become addicted to drugs. They may mistakenly think that those who use drugs lack moral principles or willpower and that they could stop their drug use simply […]

Exploring the Dangers of Drug Abuse: Unmasking the Perils

Drug abuse or addiction is caused by the habitual taking of addictive substances such as alcohol, marijuana, hallucinogens, and opioids. Substance use disorder is a disease-causing people to compulsively use drugs despite many consequences. (Gateway Foundation The Physical and Mental Health Effects of Drug Abuse, n.d.) Risk Factors for Drug Abuse There are many factors contributing to drug abuse, such as biological and environmental factors. Substance abuse leads to substance addiction with the development of tolerance and dependence, which can […]

Opioid and Drug Addicts

Opioids are a real epidemic spreading through the United States bring death and destruction. Many people, children through adults, are affected by these drugs and can destroy lives. Even though opioids has its benefits, a huge amount of the people who are using it use it for pleasure. Opioid abuse is very harmful and can affect everyone. Many people believe ‘safe injection sites’ help opioid and drug addicts get off their addiction, but 90% of the time, they feed their […]

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Essay on Addiction

Students are often asked to write an essay on Addiction in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Addiction

Understanding addiction.

Addiction is a strong desire to do something repeatedly, even if it’s harmful. It’s like a brain disease. People can get addicted to different things like drugs, alcohol, or even activities like gambling.

Why People Get Addicted

People can get addicted for many reasons. Some may feel good when they do something, so they repeat it. Others may want to escape from problems or stress. Sometimes, it’s because of peer pressure or trying to fit in.

Effects of Addiction

Addiction can harm a person’s health. It can lead to diseases, mental problems, and even death. It can also ruin relationships and cause problems at work or school.

Overcoming Addiction

Overcoming addiction is hard, but possible. It needs strong willpower and often help from doctors or therapists. Support from family and friends is also important. Remember, it’s okay to ask for help.

Preventing Addiction

250 words essay on addiction, what is addiction.

Addiction is when a person can’t stop doing something, even if it’s harmful. It can be about drugs, alcohol, games, or even food. The person knows it’s bad but can’t stop. It’s like a strong pull that keeps them going back.

How Does it Start?

Addiction often starts with trying something new. This could be a friend offering a cigarette, or playing a new video game. At first, it seems fun and exciting. But over time, the person starts needing it more and more. It becomes a need, not just a want.

The Impact of Addiction

Addiction can hurt a person in many ways. It can make them sick, or cause problems at school or work. It can also hurt their relationships with family and friends. They may lie or steal to keep doing what they’re addicted to. This can lead to feelings of guilt and shame.

Fighting Addiction

Fighting addiction is hard, but not impossible. It starts with admitting there’s a problem. Then, the person needs help from professionals like doctors or counselors. They can give advice, medicine, or therapy to help the person quit. Support from family and friends is also important.

Remember, it’s okay to ask for help. Everyone struggles with something at some point. With the right help and support, anyone can overcome addiction.

500 Words Essay on Addiction

Addiction is a serious issue that affects many people around the world. It is a state where a person cannot stop using a substance or engaging in a behavior, even if it is harmful. The person becomes dependent on the substance or the activity to feel good or normal.

Types of Addiction

Addiction can be of two types: substance addiction and behavioral addiction. Substance addiction involves drugs, alcohol, nicotine, or other substances. Behavioral addiction involves activities like gambling, eating, or using the internet.

Causes of Addiction

Addiction has a negative impact on a person’s health, relationships, and daily life. It can lead to physical health problems like heart disease or mental health issues like depression. Addiction can also strain relationships with family and friends and make it hard for the person to perform well at school or work.

Overcoming addiction is not easy, but it is possible with the right help and support. This can include professional treatment like therapy or medication, as well as support from loved ones. It is important for the person to learn healthy ways to cope with stress and other triggers that may lead to addictive behavior.

In conclusion, addiction is a complex issue that requires understanding, support, and prevention efforts. It is important for everyone to be aware of the signs of addiction and to seek help if they or someone they know is struggling. Remember, overcoming addiction is possible with the right help and support.

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Essay on Addiction for Students and Children

500 words essay on addiction.

As we all know that excess of anything can be very dangerous, the same way, addiction of any kind can hamper the life quality of an individual. The phrase states that addiction is a family disease as one person uses and the whole family suffers. The above statement stands true in all its essence as the addict does not merely suffer but the people around him suffer greatly too. However, that does not mean they can’t be helped. Addiction is curable and we must not give up on the person who is addicted, rather help them out for a better life.

essay on addiction

Cost of Addiction

Addiction comes at a great cost and we need to be able to recognize its harmful consequences to not let ourselves or anyone become an addict. Firstly, addiction has major health hazards. Intake of anything is bad for our body , and it does not matter what type of addiction it is, it will always impact the mental and physical health of a person.

For instance, if you are addicted to drugs or food, you will get various diseases and illnesses. Similarly, if you are addicted to video games, your mental health will also suffer along with physical health.

Moreover, people who are addicts usually face monetary issues. As they use that thing in excess, they spend loads of money on it. People become obsessed with spending all their fortunes on that one thing to satisfy their addiction. Thus, all these addictions of drugs , alcohol , gambling, and more drain the finances of a person and they usually end up in debt or even worse.

Furthermore, the personal and professional relationships of addicts suffer the most. They end up doing things or making decisions that do not work in their favor. This constraint the relationships of people and they drift apart.

Moreover, it also hampers their studies or work life. When you are spending all your money and time on your addiction, naturally your concentration levels in other things will drop. However, all this is not impossible to beat. There are many ways through which one can beat their addiction.

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Beat Your Addiction

It is best to work towards beating your addiction rather than getting beat by it. One can try many ways to do so. Firstly, recognize and identify that you have an addiction problem. That is the first step to getting cured. You need to take some time and understand the symptoms in order to treat them. Motivate yourself to do better.

After that, understand that the journey will be long but worthwhile. Identify the triggers in your life and try to stay away from them as far as possible. There is no shame in asking for professional help. Always remember that professionals can always help you get better. Enroll yourself in rehabilitation programs and try to make the most out of them.

Most importantly, do not be hesitant in talking to your loved ones. Approach them and talk it out as they care most about you. They will surely help you get on the right path and help you in beating addiction for better health and life.

Q.1 What are the consequences of addiction?

A.1 Addiction has very severe consequences. Some of them are health hazards, monetary issues, relationship problems, adverse problems on studies and work of a person. It seriously hampers the quality of life of a person.

Q.2 How can one get rid of addiction?

A.2 A little help can go a long way. One can get rid of addiction by enrolling in rehabilitation programs and opening up about their struggle. Try to take professional help and talk with your close ones to become better.

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Addiction Essay Topics & Ideas

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Persuasive Essay Topics About Addiction

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  • George Koob, an Addiction Researcher From The Scripps Research Claim four: “Marijuana causes long-term changes in the brain similar to those seen with other drugs of abuse . . .” Back in the 1970s, animal experiments led to groundless fears that marijuana blew holes in brain tissue. The experiments ….
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  • Caffeine Addiction as a Mental Disorder Report
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The Concept of Addiction Essay

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The correlation between the legal system and addiction, the involvement of laws and government agencies in lowering addiction.

Generally, addiction refers to the habitual psychological and physiologic reliance on a substance/drug that cannot be controlled. Alternatively, it may also refer to when an individual participates in a pleasurable activity of which a sustained use might be compulsive hence distorting the normal life routines.

Generally, addiction has led to broken morals, malpractices, distorted relationships, as well as significant health problems. It is notable that most addicts might not be aware of their deviant characters. Contextually, physical addiction incorporates a biological condition where an individual adjusts to the presence and continuous use of a given drug. Consequently, the body develops some tolerance.

The phenomenon involving the overreaction of a person’s brain also includes another potential physical addiction. It is argued that people abuse drugs or develop addiction to contain emotional stress. Because these psychologically-drawn addictions are never based on drug and brain impacts, this explains why individuals often assume addictive behaviours when they consume a specific or a totally distinct type of drug.

Dealing with addiction remains a complex initiative due to myriad of influences it causes in the society. This paper explains the correlation between the legal system and addiction. Additionally, it also discusses if laws and the government agencies dealing with drug control assist in lowering the incidents of addiction.

The recent developments in psychology, as well as intensive studies in the concept of addiction, has drawn considerable debates and concerns on the issue of relationships between the legal system and addiction. Historically, it is observable that the legal system has been an active agent towards the minimization of drug abuse.

Moreover, it has also stood out to be one of the sole actors in the punishment of drug perpetrators, as well as addicts. In US for instance, the justice system has always been influenced since early 1900s through attempts to totally eliminate various drugs. The setup of juvenile, as well as rehabilitation centres by the government for the youth drug addicts, remains a noble initiative catapulted by the legal systems.

Evidently, the struggle by most legal systems to curb the menace is noticed globally. For instance, the first law targeting drugs in US was termed the Harrison Act of 1914. This legislation acted against the consumption, distribution, and trade of illicit drugs within the society. Additionally, it outlawed opiates as well as cocaine. After the emergence of this act, several policies were passed. Consequently, major amendments were also put in place at diverse intervals.

However, it is critical to note that the war on drugs began later during the early 1970s. This was mainly realized after the US Congress passed the Comprehensive Drug Abuse and Control Act in 1970. The country also promoted a movement known as ‘War on Drugs’ fighting against illegal international trade and consumption of illicit drugs.

Generally, despite several loopholes that have existed within the legal system’s mandate to curb the mentioned drug menace, significant effort has been launched to bring drug use under control. Generally, there is an observation that most legal systems remain punitive on drug users. However, they have minimal consideration of the historical, hereditary or psychological factors behind such practices amongst the population, particularly the youth.

There has been much advocacy by other concerned agencies to integrate psychological as well as rehabilitative processes within the legal systems. This is proposed to assist in the rehabilitation and consequent transformation of addicts. For most legal systems, there is follow up and tracing of people engaged in the drug trafficking and selling to various distributors. Particularly, the drug barons have fallen prey of most legal systems.

Since drug use has increasingly spread amongst the youth, there has been an increasing interest to monitor the sources and terminate drug deals by various peddlers. However, the entire monitoring as well as control of the various types of drugs by the legal system have not been realized.

This is for the club drugs that are mostly associated with youth and have consequently led to high addiction rates, as well as deviant behaviours within the society. Additionally, alcohol has potentially remained highly abused even with the younger generation due to lack of proper monitoring and compliance mechanisms to the laws.

The involvement of other government agencies has also not been completely comprehensive. This is because the legal system has increasingly based its rules in the regulation of the alcohol producing industries rather than the largely affected populace. There is a limited prohibitive measure in ensuring the teenagers are not involved in drug and substance abuse.

This is particularly aggravated by the fact that most addicted parents enhance the children’s accessibility to the drugs. Evidently, most elderly persons who suffer from drug or alcohol addiction have confessed to have potentially influenced their kids into the act. Basically, this is because most legal systems have ineffectively executed principal procedures as well as systems of conducting/monitoring domestic drug use among these populations.

The involvement of the laws as well as other government agencies in minimizing cases of drug addiction has been notable for a long time. The legal and government agencies’ involvement in the fight has remained effective in the fight against the problem. It is notable that even though most governments have engaged in this fight, there still remain significant loopholes that need to be addressed comprehensively.

To begin with, it is notable that most key government agencies as well as their top leaders have fallen prey to the drug trafficking industry. The involvement of the government top leaders in drug trafficking as well as trade industry is a serious issue that has compromised total fight on drug addiction.

It is vital to note that this practice has been particularly noted within the developing world where the issue of drug addiction coupled with deviant behaviours is also increasingly becoming a potential challenge. There has been potential observation of increased homicide as well as criminal activities particularly when the legal war on drugs becomes intensive and underway.

The negative effects of excess alcohol as well as tobacco remain eminent to most states. However, it is shocking that the production of alcohol as well as cigarettes have still remained legal. This condition is worsened by the fact that their distribution remains unmonitored with even the underage having access to the dangerous substances.

The legislation for club drug has particularly remained ineffective, and this continues to propel addiction and engagement in the use of other potentially harmful dugs. This is because the access and addiction to a specific type of drug potentially leads into the use of another drug, thus leading to an elongated string of substance abuse. In most legislative systems, it is observable that tobacco, its products, and alcohol remain legally approved for use with people of a particular age.

In other government agencies, there are notable efforts that have occasionally been cited to persuade persons to give up or let away smoking as well as substance abuse. However, these efforts are still rendered useless because tobacco as well as its other products still largely remain legal and accessible to most adults.

Moreover, it is also notable that even the youth and other underage children get access to these substances easily. This occurs through peer pressure, purchasing from local retailers and joints that are interested in profit making, and also through access from the stores of addicted parents.

The public endeavours to influence and prevent the use of drugs and other potentially harmful substances capable of transforming ones moods or enhancing concentration have resulted into mixed reactions and outcomes. It is important to note that the legal prohibition of these substances came to termination majorly due to a massive disobedience.

This was particularly observed in the US following a series of amendments on the drug and other substances abuse acts. In certain ways, the government agencies and the existing laws’ efforts to prohibit or manage the use of drugs as well as substances seems generally inconsistent with the direct harm that is yet to be caused.

Addiction generally refers to the habitual uncontrollable physiologic or psychological dependence on a drug or practice. It is evident that addiction emanates when an individual continuously ingests substances (capable of altering moods/behaviours) such as alcohol, bhang, cocaine, or nicotine among others.

Therefore, it is critical to enact a comprehensive program to alleviate or eradicate the practice of drug abuse and substance dependency. This requires an all rounded approach that investigates psychological implications and influences on the people’s rationale for the practice.

However, governments as well as its other agencies have failed to comprehensively address this concern. So far as observed, government’s interests rest on the ability to use force as well as deterrence through prosecution of offenders and victims to fight this deviant character. However, this approach has often led to high levels of disobedience.

The inability of the legal agencies to completely control the processing as well as the distribution of alcoholic substances within the society perhaps is one critical factor that has consciously led to increased level of drug addictions. The easy access to the youths and teenagers to bar joints propels their exposure to drugs.

Observably, this situation is worsened by the highly seductive, persuasive, and influential advertisement of some drugs in the social media. Considering this point, it is notable that the government has largely failed to control and regulate the advertisement content of the notable drugs within the social media. The situation is propelled presently, given to the increased level of technology as well as globalization.

Conclusively, the issue of drug and substance abuse remains a great public health concern and social challenge particularly in the globalized world. The involvement of legal systems and other government agencies has been critical in curtailing this behaviour. This is critical despite the widely notable limitations recorded by some governments. It is crucial to understand the concepts of addiction in order to unveil its relationships with the established government regulations.

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IvyPanda. (2019, May 14). The Concept of Addiction. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-concept-of-addiction-essay/

"The Concept of Addiction." IvyPanda , 14 May 2019, ivypanda.com/essays/the-concept-of-addiction-essay/.

IvyPanda . (2019) 'The Concept of Addiction'. 14 May.

IvyPanda . 2019. "The Concept of Addiction." May 14, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-concept-of-addiction-essay/.

1. IvyPanda . "The Concept of Addiction." May 14, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-concept-of-addiction-essay/.


IvyPanda . "The Concept of Addiction." May 14, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-concept-of-addiction-essay/.

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Addiction Essay Examples

Addiction - Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

There are many factors that are damaging today’s society. Addictions are a fast growing concern, it has branched off and caused many problems whether it be related to drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, Internet, or eating. Addictions are something society faces everyday. Although there are many reasons behind why addiction are growing, and where they stemmed from, today’s society has focused primarily on how someone with an addictions problem can seek help. Also the many Gaps and Barriers around addictions are enabling people who wish to seek help from receiving it. The increasing amounts of people with drug or alcohol addictions has increased vastly over the years especially among young teens who are still yet to be of age to buy alcohol. With addictions being a commonly known problem in society, there should be more awareness put out to people on how to help those with an addiction or more services that are equally accessible for those who wish to seek help on their addictions.

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  • Internet Addiction and Subjective Wellbeing
  • Smartphones in our lives
  • How to prevent Internet Addiction?
  • Ethical Problems of Gambling Addiction
  • Addiction Using SVNS Expert System
  • Is drug addiction a disease or a choice
  • Porn Addiction: Causes And Effects
  • Should Cigarettes Be Banned
  • Utilitarianism and Drugs
  • Annotated Bibliography Concerning Video Games Addiction
  • Art therapy
  • Biopsychosocial Model of Addiction
  • I believe that tobacco and cigarettes should be banned from the United
  • Pornography Addiction
  • Addiction and Behavior
  • Drugs and Alcohol Addiction
  • Drugs: Addiction and Quitting
  • Drug Abuse and Drug Addiction
  • Drugs -Tolerance, Dependence, Addiction and Treatment
  • Drug Addiction – Essay
  • Essay about Drug Addiction
  • The Evil of Drug Addiction
  • Facebook Addiction
  • What Do You Know about Drug Addiction?
  • Substance Abuse and Addiction: Is There a Solution?
  • Video Game Addiction
  • Psychological and social processes in the development of drug addiction
  • Technology Addiction: A Study
  • Nowadays addiction is so common that everyone is more or less addicted
  • Game Addiction
  • Smoking Cigarettes Addiction
  • Phone Addiction – Major World Problem
  • DOTA Addiction

Types of Addictions

Drugs and Alcohol

Even though drugs and alcohol is widely known as bad in society, people continue to abuse it. Once on has chosen to abuse drugs or alcohol continuously they lose the ability to say “no” to another drink or ” no” to another puff of weed. Soon the person will continuously think about drinking or using drugs, and cannot wait to abuse either substance again. Generally there are two components that stem from drug addiction: physical and psychological dependencies. Physical dependency occurs when a drug has been used habitually and the body has become immune to its effects. Where as psychological dependency occurs where a drug as been used immensely and the mind has become dependant and the mind begins to become emotionally reliant on the effects. Either to feel pleasure or to relieve pain, then the mind does not feel capable of functioning without the drug.

Internet Addictions

Internet addictions not only include an over excessive amount of chat room participation, but it does not help their social or financial well being. Dysfunctional use of the Internet by children as well as adults can result in diminished participation in the family. Over thirty percent of Canada’s population has reported that they use the Internet to escape from everyday life or problems. Either by finding someone else on chat rooms with the same problems or just playing games or “surfing” the web.

Gambling Addictions

Gambling has many traumatic effects in a person’s life if it is abused the wrong way. It can cause people to loose their family; can put a person into bankruptcy, fraud, domestic abuse, theft or even homelessness. Pathological gamblers tend to be under the age of thirty. Six percent of gamblers in Canada commit suicide. The government profit from gambling in Canada is thirteen billion nationally. In Canada 340,000 people have a modern or severe case of a gambling addiction.

Eating Addictions

Food addictions affect mostly a person’s health. Food addictions lead mostly to eating disorders, such as: obesity, diabetes, bulimia and food allergies. An eating addiction is signaled the same way in our brains as an alcohol addiction. Recent studies on rats have proven that eating triggers a pleasure receptor in our brain. Ten percent of people with anorexia or bulimia are male. Eight percent of children in Canada are obese, and twenty three percent are adults.

Gaps in Services

The majority of agencies have no costs, no referrals, are wheelchair accessible and have age limited restrictions. The new internet addiction has left a gap in services, simply because it went so long before it was ” discovered“, agencies are just now figuring out ways to support this addiction. This makes it hard for someone with an Internet addiction to seek help due to the lack of support out there for the general public to use.

Barriers in Services

The majority of services are available from ages thirteen plus. Which limits “teens” under the age of thirteen with addiction problems help. With today’s society having an increasing amount of children drinking, this set’s a bit of a barrier. Since there are no programs offered for children of a young age who have already begun drinking to seek help it allows the problem to grow instead of getting to it when it is still fresh and not yet a full-blown addiction. Although many services do not offer help to those who are disabled. Addiction services are generally offered only in English, which poses a problem for those who have immigrated to Canada or simply have grown up speaking a different language. The hours for addiction centers is limited, unless it is a housing service, most programs run on the nine to five clock, enabling those who seek help after hours from getting the service that is required by them.

Local Services

Personal Development Programs:

Men’s Withdrawal Management Center

This shelter is for men going through withdrawals from drugs or alcohol. They offer a short-term residence. Also give information and education sessions for men in a safe environment. Also provide one on one counseling for individuals in purpose of defining specific needs and how to treat them. They take in men who are inebriated, who are going through withdrawals or that are at high risk of falling into old patterns. Service for this center in 7 days a week 24 hours a day, there is no fee; admission is immediate accordingly to bed availability.

Advocacy and Referral Programs

Mental Health and Addictions Services in Grey Bruce

This program also known as DART (drug and alcohol registry of treatment) is helpful for people with addictions or mental health problems locate treatment options. It also links local communities with assessment and referral programs for themselves or people that they know.

Socialization Programs

CAMH Center For Addictions and Mental Health The largest organization for addictions and mental health in Canada. Its provides research, broad-based education offerings, clinical services and health promotion activities. They provide information on the best services around, their facilities allow you to locate research resource materials, and contribute to addictions and mental health system planning. They are open Monday to Friday 8:30- 4:30, they are only partially accessible, and only provide services in English.

Rehab and Therapy Centers

This facilities helps youth with drug or alcohol based addictions. They work with clients one on one with any problems they are having. This is a private organization, and the program is only offered through referral. The program allows you to come and go as pleased, unless you are an involuntary client. The councilors help take you through the steps that got you to where you are and also the choices that you made to get you there. Located on downtown Hamilton. The hours are 8:00am to 6:00 pm. Appointments are to be made no walk inn’s are allowed.

Throughout this report, there have been examples of all types of addictions. Showing how increasingly they are on the rise, and that day-to-day a new addiction is born. Without services being available to the new born addictions they continuously grow and there is no way to receive help for them. The amount of young teens becoming addicted to things such as drugs or alcohol has grown increasingly and services are yet to be prepared for that situation. Many of the gaps and barriers within these programs or services are what prevent people from seeking the help they need and deserve.

It has been proven that not only are addictions physical they are majority psychological and require a great deal of acknowledgement from family, friends, support groups, and government funded programs, so that people can acquire the amount of treatment necessary. With language and hours of availability being a barrier many people with problems are not getting the help they deserve, Canada needs to broaden its’ options when it comes to addiction programs, allowing twenty-four hour services for people with serious or mild conditions. If the programs continue to enable people from receiving help the amount of people with addictions will continue to increase. Being aware of the problem is the first step to solving one.

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