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Candidates work closely with their supervisor who is assigned to them after a candidate has been accepted and before the commencement of their studies. The supervisor will be a specialist in the general field in which you propose to work, although they may not be an expert on your particular topic of research. Your supervisor will assist you in refining your research topic, oversee the general direction of your work, and ensure that what you are doing is up to the standard expected for the degree towards which you are working. You can expect to meet your supervisor on average once a month to report on your progress, and more frequently than this if necessary. How much you write in a given period will vary, but as a rule of thumb you will usually be expected to produce at least one substantial piece of written work each term.

Prospective PhD students should research the Faculty thoroughly before applying to ensure that there is a Faculty member with appropriate expertise to oversee the proposed project. The Faculty’s research map might be of use as a starting point here, as will the Faculty academic staff profiles .

In addition to their supervisor, PhD students are assigned an advisor, who is a member of the Faculty with expertise in the student’s field. The student has a formal advisory meeting with the supervisor and the advisor once a year. The advisor is also available for less formal consultation from the outset.

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Monitoring progress, intermission, working away, preparation of thesis, questionnaires.

Research students are expected to be in residence in Cambridge pursuing their research between terms, except during periods of holiday agreed with their supervisor, normally up to 8 weeks in a 12 month period. Students who make time to take some holidays, or a break away from their studies, tend to do better.

PhD candidates may submit their theses after nine terms (three years) of research, and MLitt candidates after six terms (two years).  The Student Registry and the Degree Committee expect a thesis to be a piece of work which can be produced by a capable, well-qualified and diligent research student, properly supervised and supported, within those times.  It is very important that you design your project with these time-limits firmly in view. It is good both for morale and for your CV to submit your thesis within the stated times – and most PhD funding runs out after three years. 

If your PhD research is suitably related to your MPhil work, you will usually be allowed to count some or all of your three MPhil terms towards the residency requirements of the PhD, if you are ready to submit your thesis before the minimum terms of study have elapsed. This means that you may submit a PhD thesis after only six more terms, if you wish. Please see the following webpage for further information:

The Student Registry and the Degree Committee recognise, however, that original research is liable to unforeseen difficulties and delays, so all PhD students are allowed 4 years in which to complete and submit their thesis (3 years for the MLitt). Unless there are extenuating circumstances, which would permit a student to apply for an extension to their submission date, candidates who do not submit by these final deadlines would be asked to withdraw from the University, until such time as they are ready to submit, and apply for reinstatement .

All students accepted for the PhD are on probation for their first year. In your third term of research, the Degree Committee will decide whether to register you as a candidate for the PhD (the registration then being backdated to your date of admission). You will have a registration interview with two Faculty assessors, other than your Supervisor. Central University information on the requirements of a registration review is here:

In some (rare) cases, your assessors may decide that you should be registered for the MLitt degree, instead of the PhD, at this stage. This registration interview cannot be delayed without good cause (e.g., illness). With your supervisors’ help, you start working out your plan of research, and the topic or topics of your written work, as soon as possible after you arrive.

Before registering you as a PhD candidate the Degree Committee must be satisfied (i) that you have a suitable plan of work and (ii) that you have begun to write about some part of it, in a sustained way, at a standard likely to get you the degree in a reasonable time. You are therefore required to email the following documents to your two assessors and the Postgraduate Administrator by the last day of Lent full term*:

  • a statement (1,000 words) of your plan of research.
  • a piece of recent written work (6,000-10,000 words) on some topic within this plan; and
  • an account of research already completed (1,000 words)

These submissions must be properly written up: rough drafts are not acceptable. The registration interview will take place shortly after the end of Lent Term, with your two assessors who will have read the submitted documents. The exact date of the review will be agreed on by the two assessors and the student. The requirements for registration are as outlined above. Students will be sent a copy of their review report once it has been approved by Degree Committee at their May meeting.

Prospective PhD candidates whose work does not show sufficient progress will be given the opportunity to submit an improved set of work by the last day of Easter full term*. A further interview will then take place with the two Faculty members writing independent reports for the Degree Committee in late June/early July*.

The Degree Committee will recommend that prospective PhD candidates whose resubmitted work is still deemed to be unsatisfactory either withdraw from the University or, less severely, be registered only as MLitt candidates. In the latter case they may later be re-registered as PhD candidates (with registration again backdated to the date of admission) if they submit sufficiently improved work at the same time in their second year (i.e. at their fifth term review).

The Degree Committee will recommend that prospective MLitt candidates whose resubmitted work is still deemed to be unsatisfactory withdraw from the University.

Monitoring progress

Your supervisor is required to report termly to the Student Registry and the Degree Committee on your progress. You will also be invited to submit self-evaluation reports on your progress on CamSIS. More information on the Feedback and progress reporting systems for postgraduate students is here:

In addition, there are the following reviews:

Fifth Term Review

This review takes place in the fifth term for a student who is registered for the PhD or MLitt.  For this review you need to email the following documents to your supervisor, advisor, and Postgraduate Secretary by the last day of Lent full term*:

  • an account of research you have already completed (1,000 words)

These submissions must be properly written up: rough drafts are not acceptable.  The review will take place shortly after the end of Lent Term, normally with the supervisor and advisor, who will report in writing to the first meeting of the Degree Committee in the Easter Term. The exact date of the review will be agreed on by the two assessors and the student. Students will then be sent a copy of their review report once it has been approved by Degree Committee at their May meeting.

In the unlikely event that your work does not show sufficient progress you will be given the opportunity to submit an improved set of work by last day of Easter full term*. A further interview will then take place with the supervisor and advisor writing independent reports for the Degree Committee in late June/early July*.

Seventh Term Review

This review takes place in the seventh term for a student who is registered for the PhD. For this review you are required to email the same three documents as are described above, again demonstrating ongoing progress, to your supervisor and advisor by the last day of Michaelmas full term*.

The review will take place shortly after the end of Michaelmas Term, normally with the supervisor and adrvisor, who will report in writing to the first meeting of the Degree Committee in the Lent Term. The exact date of the review will be agreed on by the two assessors and the student. Students will then be sent a copy of their review report once it has been approved by Degree Committee at their January meeting.

If the supervisor and advisor are not happy with a student's progress they may recommend to the Degree Committee that a student's registration be changed from PhD to MLitt. They may also recommend that candidates who are not making satisfactory progress towards completing their theses withdraw from the University. The student will be fully consulted before any such recommendation is made. Note also that students withdraw from the University for this reason (or because they have failed to submit on time), but who manage to complete their theses on their own, may apply to be reinstated in order to submit their theses for examination. Please see:

Although this monitoring may sound onerous, experience shows that most often the reviews function as useful markers of progress, and as good opportunities to take stock and to talk about useful ways forward, in a forum slightly different from that of a normal supervision.

If your work is hindered or interrupted by medical, financial or other problems you may apply for leave to intermit your research for a period of time from 2 weeks, to up to 3 terms (for full time students). Terms intermitted do not count towards the above deadlines. Consult your Supervisor and the Postgraduate Secretary if you would like to discuss this option at any point in your studies. You can also find further information here:

Working away from Cambridge

It is possible to apply for leave to work away from Cambridge for a maximum of 3 terms at a time Some PhD students find this is useful if they wish to work with a supervisor who is external to the University of Cambridge for some of their PhD study. More information on the process of how to apply for leave to work away can be found here:

To support students working away from Cambridge, it is recommended that students apply to the University for free travel insurance:

The Faculty has a small allocation of funding for fieldwork, that students can apply for via the Postgraduate Office. As part of this application process, students will also be required to complete a risk assessment:

The Faculty can provide a template risk assessment – please ask the Postgraduate Secretary for further information.

Preparation of theses

PhD (MLitt) theses in philosophy must not be more than 80,000 (60,000) words long. The word count includes appendices and footnotes but excludes bibliography. See here for further information:

The University’s regulations require that to qualify for the award of the PhD degree, a thesis has to be in English (apart from quotations and technical formulae), to be clearly written, to take due account of previously published work on the subject, and to represent a significant contribution to learning (for example through the discovery of new knowledge, the connection of previously unrelated facts, the development of new theory, or the revision of older views). The Degree Committee of Philosophy, in its advice to examiners, adds as an informal gloss on this that an acceptable thesis should contain some material of sufficient originality to merit publication and this material should be adequate to form the basis of, for example, at least two articles (together amounting to 15,000 - 20,000 words) or of a short monograph.

To qualify for the award of the MLitt degree, a thesis must be clearly written, take due account of previously published work on the subject, and represent a useful contribution to learning.

Candidates may get an idea of the standards expected of PhD and MLitt theses in philosophy by reading the copies of successful theses deposited in the University Library.

The detailed procedure for submitting PhD and MLitt theses for examination, which candidates should follow carefully, is at:

In what follows only a few salient points are picked out.

Candidates should apply for the appointment of examiners, through the Philosophy Postgraduate Secretary, when—but only when—their theses are nearly complete. (In particular, if they are going to submit their theses during the Long Vacation they should apply in good time for the late June/early July meeting of the Degree Committee*.) Together with the candidate, the supervisor should compete the form found here:

and submit this by e-mail to the Postgraduate Secretary. The candidate will also need to email the Postgraduate Secretary a one page summary of the thesis, to guide the Degree Committee in appointing suitable examiners. This abstract should be around 300 words in length – a candidate’s supervisor can provide further guidance on the expected content of the abstract.         

Theses are examined independently by two examiners, one of whom will normally be from outside Cambridge. Candidates are required to submit their thesis initially via Moodle, the University’s Online Teaching Platform. The Postgraduate Secretary will provide further information on the process for softbound submission. As of 1 st October 2017, once their PhD has been approved, students are also required to submit an electronic copy of their PhD thesis to the University’s repository, Apollo. At the point of upload, students are given the choice of different access options, including the choice to make their thesis available Open Access immediately or to embargo access for an initial 12 months . The upload of the thesis can be done via the upload form in Symplectic Elements .

Once the award of the degree is approved, students should submit one hard bound copy to be deposited in the University Library.  More information on the submission of electronic theses can be found on the Office of Scholarly Communication website:

It is important that thesis examiners actually receive theses when they expect to do so; otherwise their other commitments may seriously delay the examination. In giving submission dates, candidates should therefore take care to be realistic, and not underestimate the time it takes to complete writing up, make final corrections, check references and proofs, and get their theses printed and bound.

What to expect from the viva

The examination is undertaken with two examiners, and may include an independent chair if the Degree Committee has deemed it appropriate.  There are no rules for its duration, but as an approximate guide, the examination will normally take at least 90 minutes and is likely to conclude within three hours at a maximum.

The oral examination should allow:

  • The defence of your dissertation and the clarification of any matters raised by the examiners
  • the examiners to probe your knowledge in the field
  • the examiners to assure themselves that the work presented is your own and to clarify matters of any collaboration
  • the examiners to come to a definite conclusion about the outcome of the examination

What to bring with you to the viva

  • You can take a (marked up) copy of the thesis in with you.  You may want to take a tablet or notepad and pen to make notes.
  • Water will be available in the room where you will be examined but you may like to take your own with you.

The default  viva  format is an in-person examination held in Cambridge, but students will have the option to choose an online  viva  if they wish.  The University has provided additional information about the online viva process, which can be found here:

Examiners write independent reports on theses for the Degree Committee, making recommendations, which may or may not be conditional on the results of the oral examination. Because it often takes a considerable time for examiners to get round to, and to complete, this assessment, candidates must expect to wait (or return) for their oral examination up to two months (but no more than four months) after submitting their theses. Examiners may allow candidates who have had to return, e.g., to America or Australasia, the option of conducting the oral examination by video conference; but they are under no obligation to do so, and candidates must not assume that they will. If a candidate would like to request adjustments to their viva on the grounds of disability, they should complete a ‘voluntary disclosure form’ and return this to the Postgraduate secretary. The form can be found here:

An examiner who thinks that a PhD or MLitt thesis fails to reach the required standard, but could do so with suitable revision, may recommend allowing the candidate to submit a revised thesis. This can only happen once; a thesis which has already been resubmitted once cannot be submitted again.

An examiner who thinks that a PhD thesis fails to reach the standard required for that degree, but does reach the standard required for the MLitt, may recommend approving the candidate for that degree. A PhD examiner who thinks both of the above may recommend giving the candidate the alternative of submitting a revised thesis or of taking the MLitt (but not both).

If the examiners’ recommendations agree, the Degree Committee will normally accept them, unless the examination has been improperly conducted in some way, in which case new examiners may have to be appointed. If the original examiners’ recommendations disagree, the Degree Committee may resolve the disagreement by appointing a third examiner.

The University’s statement on academic misconduct, including plagiarism can be found at:

We ask PhD & MLitt students to provide their feedback at regular intervals throughout their course, in the form of a questionnaire sent from the Postgraduate Office. Usually there is one questionnaire sent at the time of each review. Feedback from students is important in helping us to improve the course, and we ask that all students complete all questionnaires.

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The PhD is awarded after three to four years of full-time research (or five to seven years of part-time study) on the basis of a dissertation of 80,000 words (exclusive of footnotes, appendices and bibliography, but subject to an overall word limit of 100,000 words exclusive of bibliography, table of contents and any other preliminary matter). Examination for the PhD involves an oral examination (viva) by two examiners.

Research students who intend to undertake PhD research are in the first instance automatically registered for a one-year research training programme leading to the Certificate of Postgraduate Study (CPGS) in Legal Studies. They are assigned a supervisory team by the Degree Committee of the Faculty, ordinarily consisting of a supervisor (who is principally responsible for directing and assisting the research) and an advisor (who provides a second point of contact for academic advice). At the end of the first year, the Degree Committee decides whether students should be registered for the PhD. This decision is taken on the basis of the student’s personal progress log, first-year dissertation of 15,000 words, viva conducted by two assessors from within the Faculty, and outline of plans for the full research project. Candidates who successfully complete the requirements of the CPGS and the first-year progress review are retrospectively registered for the PhD.

All full-time PhD students are ordinarily required to be resident in Cambridge for the duration of their research (except where given leave to work away from Cambridge for academic reasons or whilst undertaking fieldwork), and during the first year in particular must attend weekly research training sessions in the Faculty.

This overview of the PhD programme must be read in conjunction with the detailed information available under the 'Courses' section (see, in particular, the Course Directory) of the Postgraduate Admissions website . Further information on postgraduate admission to research courses in the Faculty of Law is available from [email protected] or +44 (0)1223 330039.

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PhD in Computer Science

  • Undergraduate admissions
  • MPhil in Advanced Computer Science

how to do phd in cambridge university

Potential applicants should refer to the the Postgraduate Admissions Course Directory for information about the program and application requirements.

Those who are applying for one of the department's PhD studentships and RA'ships , you should use the deadline published on the individual job listing.

For those applicants who have not secured external scholarships and who wish to be considered for the various University and Cambridge Trusts' funding competitions, applications for the academic year commencing October 2025, and January 2026, open on 3 September 2024. Applicants are encouraged to apply early. The deadline for submission of complete applications is 23:59 (GMT) on  3 December 2024 . Applicants who have secured external funding may apply up to 15 May 2025.

Please note that applications submitted between 4 December 2024 and 15 May 2025 will be considered only if there is a named potential supervisor who has invited the application, if the application is complete, and if funding is readily available. Note that incomplete applications received after this date will only be considered for January 2026 admission but cannot be considered for the funding competitions (for which the deadline is 3 December 2024).

Applicants should refer to the Postgraduate Admissions page for links to the application portal , deadlines, guidance and information.

Please note the following:

  • Applications for funding support from the University and Cambridge Trusts must be submitted early: see University funding deadlines .
  • Research students are normally admitted to the probationary Certificate of Postgraduate Studies in Computer Science (see CPGS) in the first instance.
  • Applicants will also need to include a brief research abstract within the section of the application form which asks for a research topic and to indicate a potential supervisor's name .
  • Applicants should discuss their proposed research with a potential supervisor before submitting the application for admission. See Research proposal for further details about the research proposal, and Research themes for links to potential supervisors within areas of your research interests. Please confirm that you have discussed the project with the proposed supervisor, and that they have confirmed they will be content to review an application from you. You should include a statement to this effect within the research abstract section of the application form.
  • Applications are considered as they are received.

Please note that your application can only be considered by the department once it has been submitted. Your application can only be submitted if it is complete. You will be able to upload all your supporting material including a research proposal and the same time as submitting the application form. It is therefore very important to have all your supporting material, including agreement from your referees to provide you with references, your transcripts and research project proposal, ready before you start the application.

Applicants wishing to be considered for funding competitions should check their eligibility on the University-wide Sources of Funding web page.

The application portal acts as a scholarship funding application as well as an application for admission. In most cases, no further funding application form is required. There are some exceptions, however: we recommend checking the Student Funding webpage which provides information about other grants for students applying to Cambridge and their closing dates.

The current costs of a PhD are available from the Student Registry's Postgraduate Course Costs and Fee Status page . You will need sufficient funding to cover the University Tuition Fee, and at least the minimum maintenance for three years.

Once again, if you wish to apply for one of the department's PhD studentships and RA'ships , you should use the deadline published on the individual job listing.

Home students

The Department makes awards to UK students both from funds supplied, for example the EPSRC Doctoral Training Grant, and from its own funds such as the Premium Studentship  and the Hopper Studentship . In the year starting October 2023, the Department will help to fund up to three research students from its Doctoral Training Grant. These funds are limited. The Applications Panel considers all successful applicants for funding awards within its gift and submits the names of highly ranked home and international students to the Cambridge Trusts.

The Department may also have positions associated with industrial collaborations and particular research projects. Such studentships are advertised on the University's Jobs web page.

Very highly ranked international students will be considered for nomination to the Gates Cambridge Trust and Cambridge International Scholarship Scheme ( CISS ) competitions.

Please note earlier applications deadline for Gates Cambridge US scholarships for US students who are resident in the US: 11 October 2023 .

The Department will contact applicants directly about its internal awards such as the Premium Studentship .

It is worth noting that full funding must be secured before starting a course at Cambridge. Most of the scholarships will not accept applications from students who are already in residence. We strongly discourage students asserting they can self-fund a PhD in the hope that something else will turn up once you are in Cambridge.

Admission conditions

The Faculty's Degree Committee makes recommendations to offer places to successful applicants via the University's central Postgraduate Admissions Office, the only body with the authority to make an offer of a place as a postgraduate student. Offers from Postgraduate Admissions are usually conditional . A deadline will be set by which date all conditions must be met and, once met, the offer is confirmed by the Postgraduate Admissions Office.

Standard conditions include securing sufficient funding for three years to meet the financial conditions of the University including tuition fees and maintenance, and College membership. Additionally, applicants may be asked to achieve a certain grade in their current studies; to take or retake an English Language proficiency test ; and any other conditions the Postgraduate Admissions Office might apply.

Successful applicants who have applied online may be required to send original documents to the University's Postgraduate Admissions Office for validation. We strongly recommend the use of a reputable courier and that you obtain a tracking number .

CDT in Decision Making in Complex Systems

The AI CDT in Decision Making for Complex Systems is a programme offered in conjunction with the University of Manchester that aims to enable students to develop new fundamental AI capabilities in the context of a diversity of complex systems. Rather than working in isolation, as is usual in AI,  the students will learn to develop these in a collaborative manner tied to a specific application domain. The CDT is focused on three areas, Uncertainty in complex systems, Decision-making with humans in the loop and Decision-making for ML systems. Model interpretability and explainability will be transversal to the three topics. Decision making with AI needs  to be interpretable and explainable to facilitate interrogation of decision processes such that trust can be built by the human, and it is essential for understanding and meeting ethical and legal implications.

Like all research students admitted to read for the PhD degree, those admitted to the AI CDT in Decision Making for Complex Systems are admitted on a probationary basis. They will have successfully completed the Postgraduate Diploma in Artificial Intelligence  at the University of Manchester before being registered on a probationary basis at the University of Cambridge. During this year students may do some additional coursework and will write a research report that is likely to form the foundation of the eventual PhD thesis. Applications for admission in Michaelmas 2025 open in September 2024.

Please contact the department's Postgraduate Education Manager with any questions not answered above.

Email: Postgraduate Education Manager

Include "PhD application query" in the subject.

Department of Computer Science and Technology William Gates Building 15 JJ Thomson Avenue Cambridge CB3 0FD

Tel: +44 1223 334656 (NB may not be accessible during remote working)

Postgraduate Admissions Office Academic Division Student Services Centre Bene't Street, New Museums Site Cambridge, CB2 3PT, U.K.


Department of Computer Science and Technology University of Cambridge William Gates Building 15 JJ Thomson Avenue Cambridge CB3 0FD

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PhD in Economics

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  • MPhil in Economics and Data Science

how to do phd in cambridge university

This is the most advanced programme of graduate studies in Economics at Cambridge. Upon its completion, candidates are awarded a PhD degree for producing a thesis of high-quality, original, and publishable research over a period of four years (full-time) and seven years (part-time).

A good number of our PhD students receive full or partial funding for their studies, from a variety of funding bodies, such as the ESRC and the Gates Foundation .

Our PhD students receive high quality training on a variety of research methods and are exposed to cutting edge research conducted by our own Faculty members, as well visitors to the Faculty (via the Cambridge-INET Institute , seminars, PhD workshops, locally organised conferences, etc.). Faculty members can supervise a wide range of topics from six broadly defined research areas: microeconomic theory, macroeconomics, econometrics, applied microeconomics, economic history and alternative approaches to economics.

PhD students in Cambridge benefit from a high faculty-to-student ratio and therefore form close relationships with many Faculty members. They also forge strong links with our post-doctoral researchers, and they actively participate in the Faculty’s vibrant research life. They have access to a wide range of facilities, such as their own desk/office space in the same building as regular Faculty members, computing equipment, a variety of software and access to a wide range of databases.

PhD students are encouraged to attend academic conferences and showcase their research work in a variety of ways. Upon completions of their studies, many of our PhD students become academics, or researchers at international or government research institutions (see recent job market placements here ).

Explore here the profiles of our current PhD students.

To obtain the degree of PhD in Economics, students need to:

1. Obtain the Certificate of Postgraduate Study (CPGS) . If accepted for the PhD degree, you will be registered initially for the Certificate of Postgraduate Study (CPGS) in Economics. Students registered for the CPGS are required to:

  • Attend the 'How to do Economics' lecture course. Other postgraduate courses in research methods are organised by the Schools of Humanities and Social Sciences and the Physical Sciences, and are available to all PhD students.  
  • Undertake a minimum of four courses from PhD or MPhil Modules from at least two subject areas. You must achieve a pass mark (60%) on each component of the coursework. Students who fail any examinations will be called for a viva on the coursework.

Course Requirements

  • Write a research proposal (maximum length 10,000 words) that should include a review of the relevant literature, a research question, and outline of a research design and methods. The expectation is that this proposal will be for a piece of research that could form the basis of one chapter of a PhD dissertation. You will be given an oral examination on this piece of work and must perform to a satisfactory standard.  
  • Attend (a) one of the three research workshops (on microeconomics, macroeconomics or econometrics) at which research students present both their own work and recent papers in the literature - assessment of workshops will be arranged by course organisers; (b) attend at least one of the Faculty's general seminars in which papers are given both by outside speakers and Faculty members;  
  • To be registered for the PhD submit an acceptable piece of research (first year chapter) of not more than 20,000 words. The piece of research submitted must be of a standard that would enable it to form the basis of one-third of your eventual PhD thesis. This means that it must contain research that could be expanded upon to constitute one-third of the PhD thesis.

2. Once upgraded to PhD status, a student concentrates on her or his PhD dissertation. In general the thesis format is either in the form of a book divided into chapters, or of three or more connected articles; in either case, the Faculty has a strict limit of 60,000 words. As research progresses, there will be opportunities to present work in progress at research workshops attended by Faculty members and research students. PhD students will also be required to attend research seminars given by outside speakers and Faculty members. 


Upon completion and submission of the PhD thesis, students do an oral examination (viva) with two examiners, one internal to the University of Cambridge (not the supervisor or research advisor), and one external (from any other University in the UK or the rest of the world).

After a successful thesis defence, the examiners recommend awarding the degree of PhD.

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PhD in History

woman reading a book

The PhD is taught by individual supervision .

There are lots of opportunities on offer: you can gain instruction in specialist disciplines, such as palaeography, languages, and computing; you can undertake training in professional skills appropriate for historians; you will be able to attend research seminars and workshops, and lots more. There is also now training available in transferable skills, such as communication, self-awareness and team-building. Although you will be focusing on your own research for most of your time, we want to help you to become a well-rounded and successful PhD candidate.

  • 3-4 years full-time
  • 5-7 years part-time

If you are interested in part-time study, please visit our Part-Time PhD in History page for more information.

At a glance

Students will research and write a doctoral thesis of up to 80,000 words, representing an original contribution to knowledge.

They will be supported throughout the course by a Supervisor, an experienced Cambridge academic who will provide one-to-one advice and feedback. At the same time, the student will take part in Cambridge's vibrant research community, attending seminars, postgraduate workshops and a broad spectrum of skills training.

Students are formally assessed twice. At the end of their third term, they submit a Progress Essay (up to 10,000) words and meet formally with their Supervisor and Advisor (another academic who provides additional guidance). This meeting determines whether the student has made sufficient progress to complete their thesis on schedule.

At the end of their research project, students submit their completed thesis and take part in an oral ('viva voce') examination on its contents. The two examiners will be leading academics in the field. 

Students can expect to receive:  

  • Regular oral feedback from their supervisor, as well as termly online feedback reports;
  • Oral feedback from peers during postgraduate workshops and seminars;
  • Access to regular training sessions and relevant undergraduate lectures to develop key skills;
  • Support for fieldwork research;
  • Opportunities to teach and supervise undergraduate students in their field of research.

If you have any questions, drop us a line on  [email protected]

What are we looking for?

We see the primary purpose of the PhD being the preparation and presentation of a substantial piece of original research. From the very beginning of the PhD course, the student focuses on the writing of the doctoral dissertation. History is a broad subject which covers many areas, and we are always very excited to see the sheer range of research proposals submitted. When looking at this, we consider:

  • Whether it represents a significant contribution to learning through the discovery of new knowledge, the connection of previously unrelated facts, the development of a new theory or the revision of older views;
  • Whether it takes due account of previously published work on the subject and you are therefore well-read;
  • Whether the thesis is clearly and concisely written, without exceeding the maximum limit of 80,000 words (excluding footnotes and bibliography).

If a research proposal is likely to take significantly longer than three years to complete, we don’t tend to accept it. However, if your topic seems feasible within the time-frame then we will be very interested!

Are there any course requirements?

Please also see the ‘ Requirements ’ tab in the prospectus on Graduate Admissions page:

For full-time PhD candidates, we require that you pursue supervised research in residence in Cambridge for nine consecutive terms (three calendar years). ‘In residence’ means living within a distance of 10 miles from the centre of Cambridge.

The dissertation must be submitted by the end of the twelfth term, earlier if possible.

In terms of applicant requirements, you can see our language and academic requirements on the link provided above. Otherwise, we encourage people from all backgrounds to apply – we are a multicultural university and in your life as a PhD candidate, you will meet people from all over the world! The PhD is intellectually demanding so consider whether you have the self-motivation to pursue research at a high level of scholarship, and whether you have the enthusiasm to keep going when the going gets tough. You will not be alone in your studies, though – there are plenty of people here to help, including supervisors, administrators, college tutors, as well as many others.

PhD students are expected to begin their studies at the start of the term they choose to enter, usually October, January, or April. You will be in residence continuously throughout the year, apart from short breaks for research.

As the full-time PhD requires full-time study, we ask that students do not take any outside employment (even part-time employment).

How is the PhD examined?

Once you have submitted a full dissertation, it is examined by two examiners. These examiners are appointed by the Degree Committee after consultation with your supervisor. You will then have a viva voce – an oral examination – on the dissertation and the general field of your knowledge into which your dissertation falls. The University of Cambridge does not offer any qualifying grades or credits, so you will be awarded a pass or a fail – we hope it’s the former!

The below outlines, for full-time candidates, the registration and submission dates:

Minimum number of terms of research needed before submitting

  • Qualification: PhD
  • Term (1 being your first term): 9

Minimum number of terms of research which need to be in Cambridge (in order to qualify for the PhD)

  • Term (1 being your first term): 3

End of term by which your draft dissertation must be submitted to your supervisor

  • Term (1 being your first term): 10

Absolute final submission deadline

  • Term (1 being your first term): 12

Maximum number of terms for which an exemption or allowance will be made following a one-year course

For full-time PhD students their first year is a probationary year, at the end of which they undertake something called the RAE. This is the Registration Assessment Exercise, which is held between the student, the supervisor, and an Advisor (we appoint them for you). You submit work and then have a meeting to discuss what you have submitted, in order to check that you are on track and help you continue to frame your research.  This exercise should take place in the third term of study. Once registered by the Faculty Degree Committee, you are a registered PhD student; up until this point, you are a NOTAF, which means ‘not at first registered’.

The piece of work you submit for the RAE is likely to be surveying your field of research, summarising progress so far, proposing a research strategy and timetable, and indicating the original contribution to knowledge that is intended.

Although it might sound like a scary process, this is your chance to shine and show off how much work you have done during your first year and how your research is coming along! It’s also a chance to discuss any problems, issues, or worries you may have with your research in a formal setting, though you will have ample opportunity to do this with your supervisor before the third term RAE.

Often, you will be starting the PhD course with a background of suitable research training which you undertook before admission, e.g. your Masters or MPhil degree. While you are at Cambridge, you can broaden this as much as you wish with the number of different opportunities available.

You may find it useful to consult our current Postgraduate Training pages

There are also plenty of other options within the University, for example other Departments and Faculties, as well as University-wide seminars, workshops, and conferences held throughout the year. There is a fantastic Language Centre as well as a specialist training system .This is before we’ve even started on what may be offered through your particular college!

Your supervisor is an excellent resource to use in terms of asking what is available and if there is anything which would suit you. They will be happy to help.

We actively encourage all of our full-time students to complete their PhDs within three years.

Students, or their supervisor, may request that an assessment exercise take place in the third year in order to check progress towards submission. You submit a one- to two-page synopsis of your dissertation together with a timetable for completion. You then have a formal discussion with your supervisor, and sometimes the Advisor.

The major government grant-giving bodies expect all our full-time students to complete within a maximum of four years. Therefore, in order to secure future funding for its students, the Degree Committee monitors its submissions rates closely. This is why we place emphasis on your research proposal being something feasible for completion in three years, and also why we have the first and third year assessments in order to help you as much as we can.

The fourth year isn’t guaranteed, so do try to plan your topic within a three-year time span. By that time, we hope you’ll be eager to get started on your career after the training you will have received at Cambridge!

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PhD in Chemistry

Entry requirement:   2.1 Masters degree or equivalent . 

Please check international qualifications equivalence guidelines here .

Coming to Cambridge for a PhD in Chemistry means you will be joining a community of over 50 academics, 350 PhD students and more than 200 postdoctoral researchers. The research opportunities are vast and career development is second to none. 

The route to a PhD takes up to four years of full-time research, culminating in a substantial thesis of up to 60,000 words which is examined by viva. Along your journey to a PhD, you will be absorbed in the laboratory life of your chosen research group. The postgraduate chemistry lecture series we offer aims to bring everyone up to the same high-level of foundational knowledge; irrespective of prior educational background at Masters level. You will present your research at seminars and conferences as you progress. Most PhD students go to at least one international and national chemistry conference in the course of their studies.


We strongly recommend that you correspond with potential supervisors early and well in advance of submitting your application. This is also important for maintaining oversight of which project you could be working on. Prospective projects may not always reflect groups publications therefore, we encourage you to discuss this with your potential supervisors to avoid disappointment. 

For information about funding please click here .

Table of academics.









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Head of Graduate Recruitment, Department of Chemistry Graduate Admissions

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PhD in Education Programme

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  • The Cambridge Experience

student working at a computer

Course length 3-4 years Full-Time | 5-7 years Part-Time

Number of students admitted 2023     

40 Full-Time | 6 Part-Time

11 Home | 35 Overseas

Postgraduate Open Day

Each year the University holds a Postgraduate Open Day where potential applicants can ask staff their questions, find out more about the application process, and explore Cambridge virtually.

students in the library looking at books

Research Community

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ESRC Doctoral Training Centre

reading a book

PhD Programme Structure

coloured pen on text book

The PhD Dissertation

Doctoral programme, centres & networks, connect with us, our address.

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Topic description and stories

Ripples in water

Testing the water

Industry placements for PhD students can be hugely beneficial for all concerned. We hear from two former students and the companies they worked for.

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The unschooled anthropologist working with Q'eqchi' weavers

Living for ten months with Q’eqchi’ weavers in the Alta Verapaz of Guatemala, PhD student Callie Vandewiele watched and listened as the women crafted...

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Cambridge receives new funding to support PhD students in science and engineering

The University of Cambridge has received new government and industrial funding to support at least 350 PhD students over the next eight years, via...

Jerelle Joseph, PhD in computational chemistry at Churchill College (Gates Scholar)

Postgraduate Open Day 2017 - meet our postgrads

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Step inside the mind of the young Stephen Hawking as his PhD thesis goes online for first time

Stephen Hawking’s PhD thesis, ‘ Properties of expanding universes’ , has been made freely available to anyone, anywhere in the world, after being...

how to do phd in cambridge university

Astrazeneca and Cambridge announce new joint PhD and clinical research scholarships

AstraZeneca and the University of Cambridge today announced three new joint schemes to support more than 80 PhD scholarships and eight clinical...

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  • Professor of Cognitive Developmental Neuroscience, Usha Goswami FBA
  • Professor of Psychology, Melissa Hines
  • Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience, Lorraine K. Tyler
  • Professor of Experimental Psychology, Zoe Kourtzi
  • Professor of Developmental Psychology, Claire Hughes
  • Professor of Family Research and Director of the Centre for Family Research, Susan Golombok
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  • CAM2 (CAMEQ2-HF) Hearing AID fitting software
  • CDs for Diagnosis of Dead Regions in the Cochlea – TEN(HL) and TEN(ER3)
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  • Measuring psychophysical tuning curves
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  • BabyPaL Principal Investigator, Dr Rebecca Lawson is a selected performer for the Wellcome Leap, $45M 1kD program!
  • Check out the new paper on bilingualism in infants by our own Dr Hana D'Souza!
  • Dianna publishes a new paper in Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews: Infant social interactions and brain development: A systematic review!
  • Dr Ellie Smith publishes new paper in Infant Behavior and Development!
  • Dr Hana D'Souza & the Embodied Lab are moving to Cardiff University!
  • Dr Sarah Lloyd-Fox writes about "Generation COVID: pregnancy, birth and postnatal life in the pandemic".
  • Dr Sinead Rocha-Thomas presented some BabyRhythm data at a Conference!
  • Dr. Borja Blanco publishes paper on bilingual adaptations in resting state functional connectivity!
  • Ellie & Addie finish data collection for the BabyPaL-GiggleDOT Collaboration!
  • Ellie & Addie present at the Society of fNIRS Virtual Conference 2021!
  • The BabyPaL monkey-LEAP Project has begun!
  • The CNE Babylab's paper was chosen as Editor's Choice in Brain & Language!
  • The PIPKIN Project: at home!!
  • COVID-19 Changes: How are we making the Babylab safe for our Researchers & your Family to visit?
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  • How does infant social behaviour develop neurologically over the first year of life: using a wearable, baby-friendly brain imaging system? - BabyLab
  • Baby Prediction and Learning Lab - Babylab
  • How do infants' learn about their environment?
  • How has COVID-19 effected the experience of pregnancy for young families?
  • Does your Little Scientist like to move? - BabyLab
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PhD in Psychology (Course Code BLPC22)

a person on the notebook drinking a coffee

About PhD in Psychology 

The PhD degree is a minimum of three years of full-time research with an individual supervisor followed by an examination of a research thesis in an oral examination. This is the principal research degree offered in the Department of Psychology and the great majority of our students are registered for this degree.

  • At the end of their first year of study, students are required to complete a satisfactory First Year Report and Viva . A brief report (without viva) is required at the end of the second year and third year.
  • All candidates are expected to take part in the Department’s Postgraduate Education Programme and the Postgraduate School of Life Science’s Skills Training Programme .
  • Applications are usually considered in one round - for October entry. This allows applicants to compete for funding and to attend the Postgraduate Induction events held at the beginning of the academic year.
  • In some circumstances, it is possible to defer entry to Lent or Easter terms or apply for a January or April start date. However, applicants should contact the Postgraduate Administrator (email)  in advance of submitting their application to discuss whether this option would be available to them.

Eligibility and application

➤  academic requirements.

Candidates who wish to become research students in the Department should usually have a good degree in psychology, neuroscience or in another related subject (for example, physiology, sociology, linguistics, computer science, or engineering), which may provide sufficient background for research in certain areas of psychology. Experience and/or training in psychology is not always a requirement but may be advantageous for some research projects.


graduation hat

You are normally expected to hold or to be about to achieve:

- at least a good 2.I honours degree from a UK university or an equivalent standard from an overseas university (on a 4-point GPA, we require a minimum of 3.5 out of 4)

- fluent command of the English language

- completion of any current training or education course

*You are not required to provide GRE scores.


how to do phd in cambridge university

➤  Application

Applications for postgraduate study in the Department of Psychology are made through the University's Postgraduate Admissions. Please note that the course code BLPC22

We recommend that potential applicants take the time to familiarise themselves with the useful material on the  University's Postgraduate Admissions page.

Department application procedure

List of potential phd psychology supervisors, list of available phd projects, ➤ application deadline - to start october 2025.

Applications for October 2025 will open in September 2024.

Gates Cambridge (USA) Wednesday 16 October 2024
All other funding rounds Tuesday 3 December 2024

All deadlines are 12.00 (UK time).

The Department will continue to accept applications up until Thursday 27 March 2025  for October 2025 start date. Any application submitted after 3 December 2024 will not be considered for the funding round.

Find the answers to frequently asked questions .

Current Postgraduates​ ​​​​​ ​

Introduction, open day 2024, application procedure​, mphil in psychology, phd in psychology, application deadline - to start october 2025.

Gates Cambridge (USA) Wednesday 16 October 2024
All other funding rounds Tuesday 3 December 2024

The Department will continue to accept applications up until Thursday 27 March 2025  for October 2025 start date. 

Any application submitted after 3 December 2024 will not be considered for the funding round.

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PhD in Engineering

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  • Applying for part-time study
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The PhD in Engineering is awarded to students who complete and are successfully examined on a 60,000-word thesis which makes an original contribution to knowledge. This thesis will normally be completed over three years if students study full-time, and five-seven years if they study part-time. The PhD equips students for careers in research in universities and research institutes, industry, and government, and for a wide variety of careers which value the ability to think deeply and rigorously and solve problems.

Applying for the PhD in Engineering

In Cambridge students commence preliminary work on their theses as soon as they begin their studies, so it is important that they have a well-developed proposal for a project by the time they submit their application.

We welcome applications to work on projects across the whole range of engineering sub-disciplines which build on the research being carried out here. To learn more about our research, and to see if you might want to study here, we recommend that you read the websites of the research groups in the Department, the papers our academics are publishing, and the titles of PhDs currently being completed under their supervision. This will help you identify supervisors whom you might wish to work with.

It is important to consider not only the topics a potential supervisor works on, but also their approach: a supervisor who does not have expertise in the methods you want to use, or who takes a different position to yours on the questions animating your field, will not be a good match.

Once you have identified a potential supervisor or supervisors, we strongly encourage you to contact them by e-mail to discuss the possibility of working together. You can explain why you are interested in their research and how your previous studies have prepared you for the PhD and provide a concise but cogent outline of your proposed PhD project.

Applicants are expected to name at least one supervisor on their application forms: applications which do not list a Cambridge supervisor will not be considered.

Further information on applying, including entrance requirements, can be found in the University’s course directory.

Studying for the PhD in Engineering

In order to prepare them for success in their studies, the Department requires its PhD students to complete a Researcher Development Course offered by one of its sub-disciplinary Divisions. These courses examine methodological and conceptual issues which confront researchers in engineering today and help students to become independent researchers.

Students will also select, with the advice of their supervisor, two taught modules which will support their research. An indicative list of modules can be found here:

These modules involve both lectures and practical work, and each will require approximately 80 hours of work. It is sometimes possible to replace an Engineering module with one from another Department of the University, if this is supported by your supervisor and the module co-ordinator.

Over the course of your PhD you will be an active member of the research group of which you are a part, collaborating with other PhD students, postdoctoral researchers and, most importantly, your supervisor, who is responsible for your academic progress. You will meet with your supervisor at least eight times a year, but often much more frequently.

In addition to your supervisor, you will also be assigned an advisor, who will provide additional support and guidance as needed.

The majority of your research will be conducted in laboratory facilities at the University of Cambridge, but our supervisors’ links with universities around the world, and with industry, mean that there may be opportunities to carry out research elsewhere after your first year.

At the end of your first year, you will write a 15,000 word report on your progress to date, and discuss this with two assessors. If your report is deemed satisfactory, you will be permitted to continue with the PhD.

PhD students may also have opportunities act as laboratory demonstrators for the Department, and to teach small groups of undergraduate students.

Further information, including entrance requirements and how to apply, can be found on the online  Course Directory . The Engineering Postgraduate Students website contains resources for current students and may also be of interest to applicants: .

 Academics accepting PhD Students for 2025/26 can be found via the following links;

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Requirements for research degrees

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  • Submitting your thesis
  • Word limits
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  • After the examination overview
  • Degree approval and conferment overview
  • Final thesis submission
  • Examination allowances for certain Postgraduate degrees (except PhD, MSc, MLitt and MPhil by thesis degrees)
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  • Bachelor of divinity
  • PhD under Special Regulations
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  • Submitting a thesis — information for PhD students
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Doctorate (PhD, EdD, EngD, PhD by Special Regulations)

Doctoral degrees are awarded to those who have demonstrated all of the criteria below: 

  • a significant contribution to the field of study through the creation and interpretation of new knowledge, connection of previously unrelated facts or the development of new theory or revision of older views;
  • submission of work of a quality in whole or in part of a standard to merit publication (whether or not subsequently published);
  • provides evidence of the acquisition of knowledge and a detailed understanding of applicable techniques for research and advanced academic enquiry;
  • is of a quality and quantity to reflect three years of full-time postgraduate study/five years part-time postgraduate study.

Master of Science/Master of Letters

The Master of Science or Master of Letters degrees are awarded to those who have demonstrated all of the criteria below:

  • provides evidence of a useful contribution to the field of study;
  • systematic understanding of knowledge and critical awareness of current problems and/or new insights in the field of study
  • includes critical evaluation of current methodologies and wider research in the area of study;
  • provides evidence of an understanding of applicable techniques for research and advanced academic enquiry;
  • submission of work of a quality and quantity expected for two years of full-time postgraduate research and study

Master of Philosophy

The Master of Philosophy degree is awarded to those who have demonstrated all of the criteria below:

  • understanding of knowledge and critical awareness of current problems and/or new insights in the field of study;
  • submission of work of a quality and quantity expected for one year of full-time postgraduate research and study

Form of work

All students are expected to submit a thesis.  Content of a thesis may differ by subject, but it is expected to include critical review, reworking of existing material providing the provenance of such material is clearly identified, and the results of the original investigation carried out during the course.  In some cases it may also include submission of compositions or recorded work (e.g for a degree in Music).

A thesis may contain previously published material as an integral part of the thesis. This material should be set in the context of an overall thesis (as part of a connected argument) with suitable introductory and concluding passages to link the published material to the rest of the work.   Although permissible, it is not expected that a thesis submitted for the awards of MSc, MLitt or MPhil will include published works.

The amount of previously published material to include is up to each candidate, however included publications must refer to research carried out as part of a candidate’s degree and the thesis must keep within the word limits specified by the relevant Degree Committee . 

Candidates for the PhD by Special Regulations and, with the approval of the relevant Degree Committee, candidates for the PhD (by general regulations) and the EdD may submit a thesis consisting of a number of previously published papers.  In these cases the thesis must also contain a substantial introductory summary statement summarising rationale; placing the work in the context of the wider field of study;  clarifying the extent to which works represent a consistent body of research, and the original contribution to knowledge they make; and providing clear detail on the exact contribution of the student to each included paper.  It would not be necessary for any published work to be re-written prior to inclusion in a thesis.  The amount of published material to include is up to each candidate, however with the exception of candidates for the PhD by Special Regulations the included publications must refer to research carried out as part of a candidate’s degree.  All candidates must also keep within the word limits specified by the relevant Degree Committee .

Works will be considered as ‘published’ if they are traceable in ordinary catalogue and copies are obtainable at the time of application or were at some previous time by members of the public through normal channels. 

The thesis must also be submitted in the approved  format .


The examination shall consist of submission of a thesis embodying the results of the candidate’s approved course of research, and examination on the general field of knowledge within which it falls.

Examiners will assess on the extent to which the thesis:

  • is clearly written;
  • fulfils the requirements for the degree.

  The oral examination should allow:

  • the candidate to defend his or her thesis and clarify any matters raised by the Examiners;
  • the Examiners to probe the candidate’s knowledge in the general field;
  • the Examiners to assure themselves that the work presented is the candidate’s own and to clarify matters of any collaboration; and
  • the Examiners to come to a definite conclusion about the outcome of the examination.

For MPhil programmes where the supplementary programme regulations state requirements for the examination, these shall be supplementary to the guidance detailed above.

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  • Analysis and Study of Archaeological Materials (2012)
  • Publications
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  • Cambridge Greek Lexicon overview
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Teachers and Schools

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  • Paper 3: Classical Topics and Paper 4: Literary Essay
  • Introduction to Greek language
  • Part IA overview
  • Papers 1-5: Greek and Latin Language and Classical Texts
  • Paper 6: Classical Essays
  • Papers 7-8: Translation into Greek and Latin prose and verse
  • Part IB overview
  • Schedules A-B
  • Part II overview
  • Group A: Greek and Latin Literature
  • Group B: Greek and Roman Philosophy
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PhD in Classics

  • MPhil in Classics
  • Postgraduate funding


The PhD is a three-year research degree, examined by a dissertation of up to 80,000 words. The criteria for obtaining the degree are that the dissertation represents a 'substantial contribution to knowledge', and that it also represents a realistic amount of work for three years' study.


Doctoral students spend most of their time working independently, researching their own specialist topic, but there is a wide variety of postgraduate seminars offered in the various subject areas (Greek and Latin Literature, Philosophy, History, Art and Archaeology, Philology and Linguistics, and Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Ancient World), and you will be encouraged to participate actively in one or more each term. If you need to acquire any further specialist skills, you will be entitled to attend any lectures you wish from the University's extensive undergraduate lecturing programme, in Classics or any other discipline; and the Faculty currently offers training in palaeography, epigraphy, Linear B and numismatics, and classes in a range of ancient and modern languages.

When you have submitted your thesis, it will be examined jointly by two experts in the relevant area, one of them from Cambridge, one from another university, and discussed orally at a viva with the two examiners. Many successful theses go on to become the basis for significant publications.

  Course requirements

First Degree: Most applicants will be taking, or have completed, a Master’s level degree course (MPhil, MSt, MA, or other research preparation programme), and we are looking for a first class/Distinction level of work on that course from a British university, or the equivalent from an overseas university.

Your qualification need not be entirely in classical subjects, but we normally expect some evidence of first-class/Distinction level attainments in areas directly relevant to your proposed research.

English Language: If English is not your first language, you will also need to satisfy the Faculty’s English language condition (as follows) prior to your admission being confirmed. You must achieve the minimum requirements in the same sitting, and no more than two years before the start of your course.  

  • IELTS: Overall band score of 7.5, with not less than 7.0 in individual elements.
  • CAE (Cambridge English Advanced):  A grade (plus an assessment by our language centre)
  • CPE (Cambridge English: Proficiency):  A or B grade
  • TOEFL: Overall score of 110, with not less than 25 in individual elements.

This condition is waived if you have:-

  • completed a course equivalent to a UK Bachelor's degree;
  • running for three years or more;
  • at an English-language institution;
  • in the last two years.

For full information, please refer to the University website .

Greek & Latin: The majority of research projects, with the exception of those which are strictly archaeological in character, require a high level of Latin and/or Greek. The skills which you need to strengthen during your first year can include these languages, but it is unlikely that these could reach the high linguistic standards required for the PhD if you did not arrive here with at least a good grounding in them.

Latest news

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Exhibition awarded 5 stars

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New appointment in Latin literature

15 May 2024

The Faculty is delighted to announce the appointment of Dr Elena Giusti as a new Assistant Professor of Latin literature. She will join the Faculty in the new academic year. Elena will be joining from the University of Warwick, where she is currently Associate Professor of Latin . She works broadly on Roman literature and...

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PhD in Physics

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PhD in Physics (3+ years)

The majority of postgraduate students (about 110 are accepted each year) carry out research at the Cavendish Laboratory towards a PhD degree.

For admission to the PhD, the Postgraduate Admissions Office normally requires applicants to have achieved the equivalent of a UK Masters (Pass) . Applicants should obtain the equivalent of:

  • at least a 2:i in a UK four-year "undergraduate Master's" (Honours) degree,  OR
  • at least a 2:i in a UK three-year Bachelor's (Honours) degree plus a relevant one/two -year UK Master's degree.

All applicants are assessed individually on the basis of their academic records.

Full-time students must spend at least three terms of residence in Cambridge and nine terms of research. If you are undertaking a placement or internship away from Cambridge for more than two weeks you need to apply for leave to work away.

Final examination involves the submission of a thesis of not more than 60,000 words followed by an oral examination (or viva) of the thesis and the general field of physics into which it falls.

Successful applicants are assigned to a research supervisor, a specialist in part or all of the student's chosen research field, and joins a research group which might vary in size between 4 and 80 individuals. Although the supervisor is responsible for the progress of a student's research programme, the extent to which a postgraduate student is assisted by the supervisor or by other members of the group depends almost entirely on the structure and character of the group concerned. The research field is normally determined at entry, after consideration of the student's interests and facilities available.

A list of current research projects is published and available on the  research pages  of our website, and more detailed information about specific research areas can be obtained from the relevant academic staff. The student, however, may work within a given field for a period of time before his or her personal topic is determined.

There is no requirement by the University of attendance at formal courses of lectures for the PhD. Postgraduate work is largely a matter of independent research and successful postgraduates require a high degree of self-motivation. Nevertheless, lectures and classes may be arranged, and students are expected to attend both seminars (delivered regularly by members of the University and by visiting scholars and industrialists) and external conferences. In addition, postgraduate students carry out first- and second-year physics undergraduate supervision and assist with practical work and theoretical examples classes in the Department.

Lectures within all the faculties of the University are open to any member of the University, and a physics postgraduate student has the opportunity of attending lectures not only within the undergraduate Physics and Theoretical Physics course, but also in any other subject area or faculty.

Cavendish Laboratory

19 J J Thomson Avenue

Cambridge CB3 0HE

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Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS)

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  • Annual Public Policy Lecture 2022 - video available
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  • Fieldwork and Leave to Work Away (LTWA) 
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  • CamPo: Cambridge - Sciences Po, Paris Exchange Scheme overview
  • Collaborative Research
  • Faculty Exchange
  • Doctoral Exchange
  • Interview with Louis Baktash, CamPo Visiting PhD Candidate
  • Pathways from Disorder to Order
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  • Information for supervisors
  • PhD in Politics and International Studies overview
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  • The Lisa Smirl PhD Prize
  • Fieldwork Funding
  • PhD in Development Studies
  • PhD in Latin American Studies
  • PhD in Multi-disciplinary Gender Studies
  • MSt in International Relations
  • MPhil in Politics and International Studies overview
  • What Our Students Say
  • Current MPhil in Politics and International Studies overview
  • MPhil Hardship Fund
  • MPhil in Political Thought and Intellectual History
  • MPhil in Public Policy overview

Programme Description

  • Course Structure overview
  • MPP Podcast
  • Work Placements
  • What our students say
  • MPhil in African Studies
  • MPhil in Development Studies
  • MPhil in Latin American Studies
  • MPhil in Modern South Asian Studies
  • MPhil in Multi-disciplinary Gender Studies
  • MPhil in Political Thought and Intellectual History (co-taught with History and Classics)
  • Intranet (Staff only)

Work with us

Prospective phd in politics and international studies.

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

The application and funding portal for October 2025 entry is now Open. The application deadline for this course and consideration for funding is 3rd December 2024.

Our PhD in Politics and International Studies is structured as a three-year programme. With the expectation that PhD students will submit a full draft of their thesis at the end of the third year or soon after.

This is a research degree and is completed through the submission of a thesis of up to 80,000 words. As a full-time programme, it is completed in a period of between three and four years – that is between nine and twelve university terms. 

The First Year

The first year of the PhD is spent in Cambridge, with two major activities: firstly, developing a research topic with the guidance of a supervisor and secondly, training in research methods.

The development of the topic often involves extensive reading into relevant literature, the discovery of relevant information sources (such as archives or databases), and formulating plans for primary research, such as through making plans for fieldwork. This is done in combination with your primary supervisor, who discusses your progress and reviews your written work, usually fortnightly. You are also appointed a second supervisor who can be drawn upon for additional advice.

The first year culminates in the production of a report, which serves as the basis for the registration exercise at the end of the year. This registration exercise is required to move on to official registration for the PhD degree and is conducted through a meeting with your second supervisor and an independent assessor. Its purpose is to ensure that your research project is viable, that an appropriate methodology is applied and that relevant literature is drawn upon.

The second major focus of the first year is research training. There is a weekly seminar on the methodological and philosophical questions that underpin research in the contemporary social sciences, which all first-year PhD students attend. Alongside this, PhD students choose two further courses to attend from a range of options, such as statistics, qualitative methods and languages.

As the induction process and training courses start at the beginning of October, entry to the PhD programme must also begin then. We cannot therefore accept applications to begin at other points during the academic year.

The Second and Third Years

The content of the second and third years varies considerably depending on the type of research being conducted. Many students spend a considerable portion of the second year of their PhD out of Cambridge on fieldwork, while others are resident throughout. To assist you in the development of your research, we schedule an annual meeting with your primary and secondary supervisor, for which you produce a report for discussion.

In the second year and onwards, many of our PhD students contribute to the Department's teaching programme, principally in small-group teaching of undergraduates (supervisions).

There is also the opportunity to deliver a lecture if your research interests align with the taught courses. There is no obligation to be involved in this, but many of our PhD students consider this valuable experience, particularly for those considering academic careers.

Dissertations are assessed through an oral examination with two senior academics, of whom at least one must be external.


Full-time candidates on the course are expected to devote themselves fully to their studies . Full-time students must spend at least three terms resident in Cambridge.  Part-time students are required to attend Cambridge and undergo formal supervision with their supervisor at a frequency agreed upon between the supervisor and student and determined by the nature of the research project. Generally, we would expect part-time students to be resident in Cambridge for around 45 days per year, spread throughout the year, for supervision and training.

  • How to apply  
  • Fees and Funding  

Testimonials from current students

"POLIS’ unparalleled array and quality of resources have remained crucial to my growth as a researcher. Diligent research experts like my supervisor and advisor have guided me through fine tuning my academic voice, acquainting myself with my ontological outlook, and even confronting some of my political inclinations. The depth and rigor of the PhD modules around methodology and professional development have rooted my thesis design and helped me envision longer term applications for my work. Above all, navigating this PhD with my POLIS peers, alumni, faculty, and staff has fashioned an intellectual home for me, contributed to my confidence, and steadied my sense of belonging at Cambridge. Whether it’s forging through top tier research conferences, teasing out field studies in foreign countries, or navigating everyday challenges like illness or impostor syndrome, I can always count on a member of the POLIS community to see me, hear me, and stand with me. And that has almost always been the determining factor in my success."

Abii-Tah Bih -  PhD Student POLIS  (April 2022)

"A PhD at POLIS has been a fantastic choice. Graduate students have the opportunity to be connected to faculty researching across a wide range of issues and approaches. There are many opportunities to broaden intellectual horizons by attending workshops or talks, and I encourage anyone considering applying to do so!"

Say Jye Quah -  PhD Student POLIS- 2022

“A wonderful place to carry out independent research, POLIS paves the way for serendipitous and life-changing opportunities, within and beyond the world of academia. The PhD community is truly phenomenal, filled with passionate and driven students who bring a diverse range of perspectives and approaches to their study. I have found POLIS to be a rewarding research environment and have been privileged to find much support and inspiration from my peers and academic staff. “ 

Elizabeth Paradis - 2022

"Coming to the programme with a different intellectual background, I was immediately made to feel at home at POLIS by the sheer diversity of research carried out and the varied kinds of approaches people bring to the PhD programme. The openness and friendly support, the in-depth and challenging discussions, as well as the encouraging process of developing your own project in constructive exchange and collaboration with other PhD students make the programme an intellectually stimulating and deeply enriching experience."

Carl Pierer PhD Student POLIS  2021

"The structure of the PhD course, amazing staff, the events and workshops organised by the different centres at POLIS all provide a fertile ground for one to thrive. The diversity of research topics means you are always learning something different from your colleagues. I am grateful to be part of the POLIS family."

Edward Murambwa, PhD Student POLIS  - 2019

More Information

The Department of Politics and International Studies, The Alison Richard Building, 7 West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DP

Contact: [email protected]

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Harding Distinguished Postgraduate Scholars Programme

Harding Distinguished Postgraduate Scholarships provide the most talented PhD students with life-changing opportunities to research and study at the University of Cambridge. The Programme offers generous fully-funded Scholarships, which include fees at the Home or Overseas rate.

These Scholarships support PhD students from any part of the world, and in any discipline. All applicants who are assessed as being academically excellent by their Department or Faculty are eligible to be considered for an award. Students applying for '1+3' model courses are eligible for consideration.

The Harding Distinguished Postgraduate Scholars Programme (HDPSP) was established in February 2019 thanks to an extraordinarily generous donation from the David and Claudia Harding Foundation, the biggest single gift made to a university in the UK by a British philanthropist. 

Award details

A personal research allowance of up to £6,000 will be available to Scholars over the duration of their course. This allowance is for personal research expenses, for example, expenditure on textbooks, a laptop, membership fees for Academic Associations and general research-related activity such as conference attendance.

The HDPSP will cover the cost of economy travel for the purpose of bringing the Scholar from their usual place of residence to Cambridge, from within and from outside the UK, to begin the course and to return home at the end of the course.

Full-time Harding Distinguished Postgraduate Scholarship awards are usually of a tenure equivalent to the PhD course length - in most cases this is three years (pro-rated for part-time awards). However, Scholars have the opportunity to request maintenance funding for some or all of their fourth year of PhD study.

Scholars are expected to:

  • provide a profile for publication on the HDPSP website
  • complete an annual academic progress report
  • acknowledge the HDPSP's support in all research outputs


Harding Distinguished Postgraduate Scholarships can be held at the following Colleges:

  • Christ’s College
  • Churchill College
  • Clare College
  • Darwin College
  • Downing College
  • Fitzwilliam College
  • Girton College
  • Homerton College
  • Hughes Hall
  • Jesus College
  • Lucy Cavendish College
  • Magdalene College
  • Murray Edwards College
  • Newnham College
  • Pembroke College
  • Queens’ College
  • Robinson College
  • Selwyn College
  • Sidney Sussex College
  • St Catharine’s College
  • St Edmund’s College 
  • Wolfson College

A significant proportion of the Scholarships will be at St Catharine’s College. The larger group at St Catharine’s College reflects David Harding’s previous association with the College. However, the remainder will be distributed so as to guarantee excellent postgraduate students across the whole Collegiate University.

Not applied to one of the Colleges listed above?

If you haven't applied to one of the Colleges listed above, this will not preclude you from being considered for a Harding Distinguished Postgraduate Scholarship. However, please be aware that if you are offered a Scholarship, you will be asked to change to one of the Colleges above in order to take it up.

Application Process

Successful candidates will be informed in early March 2025.

Sometimes when awards are declined, we may be able to offer them to other exceptional candidates. This can happen at any stage up to July but it is not guaranteed , it is dependent on the number of offers that are declined in any given year. The HDPSP is not able to comment on the likelihood that further offers will be made after early March.

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PhD in Human-Inspired Artificial Intelligence

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This exciting PhD in Human-Inspired Artificial Intelligence will train the next generation of AI researchers, technologists, and leaders in the development of human-centred, human-compatible, responsible and socially and globally beneficial AI technologies. The course offers research training in areas such as fundamental human-level AI, social and interactive AI, cognitive AI, creative AI, health and global AI, and responsible AI. Students will be educated in an interdisciplinary environment where they can get access to expertise not only in the technical but also human, ethical, applied and industrial aspects of AI.

This programme is distinct from other PhD programmes in that it takes a strongly interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary approach to technical AI. It will be based at the Centre for Human-Inspired Artificial Intelligence (CHIA) within the Institute for Technology and Humanity (ITH) where PhD students will have access to both a large community of scholars and students tackling similar questions and to the active research events programme that constitutes a key part of CHIA’s work. The course addresses the broader need for experts equipped to develop more responsible and human-centred AI as academia, industry, government and non-profit sectors increasingly recruit AI specialists and is a logical next step for students moving through AI-related master’s programmes and wishing to specialise in human-inspired AI. The interdisciplinary nature of human-inspired AI means that the programme will involve working closely also with other units of the University, including co-supervision arrangements, access to research seminars, and access to facilities.

The PhD in Human-Inspired AI aims to equip students with the skills and knowledge to contribute critically and constructively to research in human-inspired AI. It introduces students from diverse backgrounds to research skills and specialist knowledge from a range of academic disciplines and provides them with the opportunity to carry out focused research under close supervision by domain experts at the University.

The programme will train the next generation of researchers and leaders in AI by

  • providing them with educational infrastructure and interdisciplinary research environment and world-leading training in human-inspired AI,
  • providing them with the critical tools to engage with the forefront of academic knowledge, methods and applications in this area,
  • developing the advanced skills and abilities to identify, approach and address practical interdisciplinary research challenges,
  • supporting students to develop a broad and deep understanding of the technical, ethical, applied and human aspects of AI, 
  • developing the ability and initiative to identify, address and approach relevant and complex challenges across sectors and society.

The course will benefit  

  • students wanting to engage with human-inspired AI by enabling them to hone critical, methodological and technical skills, develop new approaches and test them out, and specialise,
  • students locating themselves in other home disciplines who wish to develop advanced projects including CHIAs approaches and orientations, 
  • students entering into or returning to careers in academia, tech industry, and other sectors by giving them the advanced skills, critical perspectives, and methodological insights to pursue these pathways.

Learning Outcomes

Knowledge and Understanding

By the end of the PhD programme our graduates will demonstrate:

  • The ability to create and interpret new knowledge, through original research or other advanced scholarship of a quality to satisfy peer review, extend the forefront of the discipline, and merit publication.
  • The general ability to conceptualise, design and implement a project for the generation of new knowledge, applications or understanding at the forefront of human-inspired AI, and to adjust the project design in the light of unforeseen problems.
  • A detailed understanding of applicable techniques for cross-disciplinary research and advanced academic enquiry in the field of human-inspired AI
  • The ability to make informed judgements on complex issues in human inspired AI, often in the absence of complete data.
  • A critical perspective on the governance and ethical challenges that arise from applications of human-inspired AI and how these sit within and interact with wider society. 
  • A systematic acquisition and understanding of a substantial body of knowledge in relation to the history, methods, and applications of human-inspired AI.

Skills and other attributes

Graduates of the course will be able to:

  • Continue to undertake pure and/or applied research and development at an advanced level, contributing substantially to the development of new techniques, ideas or approaches.
  • Communicate their ideas and conclusions clearly and effectively to specialist and non-specialist audiences.
  • Contribute constructively within national, international and cross-disciplinary environments.
  • Transfer skills and qualities acquired during the programme to successfully engage in employment requiring the exercise of personal responsibility and largely autonomous initiative in complex and unpredictable situations, in professional or equivalent environments.


Students of the programme will graduate with a formal qualification in the rapidly expanding area of AI. The emphasis is on human-inspired AI. The combination of specialist, technical expertise in AI and cross-disciplinary approaches involving a wide range of human-centric disciplines means that our doctoral graduates will be uniquely qualified in the sector. The PhD will, therefore, put them in a strong position to pursue careers in a variety of academic and non-academic settings, for example organisations and consultancies in diverse sectors such as tech, health, environment, education, journalism, civil service among others.

For those intending to continue into an academic career, the course will equip them with the skills, experience and qualification for applying for a postdoctoral research position.

For Cambridge students applying to continue from the MPhil to a PhD, students must achieve a pass in the MPhil by Thesis or an overall distinction in the MPhil by Advanced Study.

All applications are judged on their own merits, and students must demonstrate their suitability to undertake doctoral-level research.

The Centre for Human-Inspired Artificial Intelligence (CHIA) will hold an online webinar 9:00-9:45am on 4 November 2024.  Please see the  CHIA website  for information on how to register for this event. 

The Cambridge University Postgraduate Virtual Open Day usually takes place at the beginning of November.  It's a great opportunity to ask questions to admissions staff and academics, explore the Colleges virtually, and to find out more about courses, the application process and funding opportunities. Visit the  Postgraduate Open Day  page for more details.

See further the  Postgraduate Admissions Events  pages for other events relating to Postgraduate study, including study fairs, visits and international events.

Key Information

3-4 years full-time, 4-7 years part-time, study mode : research, doctor of philosophy, institute for technology and humanity, course - related enquiries, application - related enquiries, course on department website, dates and deadlines:, michaelmas 2025.

Some courses can close early. See the Deadlines page for guidance on when to apply.

Funding Deadlines

These deadlines apply to applications for courses starting in Michaelmas 2025, Lent 2026 and Easter 2026.

Similar Courses

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  • Future Infrastructure and Built Environment EPSRC CDT PhD
  • Conservation Leadership MPhil
  • Chemistry MPhil
  • Sensor Technologies and Applications EPSRC CDT PhD

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  1. Doctor of Philosophy

    The degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is the University's principal research degree for graduate students and is available in all faculties and departments. A Cambridge PhD is intellectually demanding and you will need to have a high level of attainment and motivation to pursue this programme of advanced study and research. In most faculties ...

  2. The PhD

    The PhD. Overview The PhD is a research degree examined by a dissertation of up to 80,000 words, usually after three or more years of research. The criteria for obtaining the degree are that the dissertation represent a 'substantial contribution to knowledge' and that it also represents a realistic amount of work for three years' study.

  3. Applying to Cambridge

    Register for the Applicant Portal. Applications to Cambridge are made through the Applicant Portal. Once you have selected your course in the Course Directory, click the 'Apply Now' button to be directed to the Applicant Portal to start your application. You can save your application at any stage and return to it later to complete.

  4. How do I apply?

    To apply to the University of Cambridge, you must submit an online application through the Applicant Portal. Watch the video above for a practical demo. Please ensure you've read the Before you apply information before you start your application. Making an application. Go to the Course Directory and find the course you wish to apply for.

  5. Higher doctorates

    An application for a Higher Doctorate can be made by: A graduate of the University of Cambridge of not less than eight years standing from admission to his/her first degree (to qualify as a graduate, a candidate must have a degree - qualifications such as diplomas and certificates are not degrees). A person who has been admitted:

  6. PhD Course Information

    The Postgraduate Secretary will provide further information on the process for softbound submission. As of 1st October 2017, once their PhD has been approved, students are also required to submit an electronic copy of their PhD thesis to the University's repository, Apollo.

  7. The PhD programme

    Further information on postgraduate admission to research courses in the Faculty of Law is available from [email protected] or +44 (0)1223 330039. Finance overview Funding How to apply The PhD is awarded after three to four years of full-time research (or five to seven years of part-time study) on the basis of a dissertation of 80,000 ...

  8. PhD in Computer Science

    Include "PhD application query" in the subject. Department of Computer Science and Technology William Gates Building 15 JJ Thomson Avenue Cambridge CB3 0FD. Tel: +44 1223 334656 (NB may not be accessible during remote working) Postgraduate Admissions Office Academic Division Student Services Centre Bene't Street, New Museums Site Cambridge, CB2 ...

  9. PhD in Economics

    To obtain the degree of PhD in Economics, students need to: 1. Obtain the Certificate of Postgraduate Study (CPGS). If accepted for the PhD degree, you will be registered initially for the Certificate of Postgraduate Study (CPGS) in Economics. Students registered for the CPGS are required to: Attend the 'How to do Economics' lecture course.

  10. PhD in History

    The PhD is taught by individual supervision. There are lots of opportunities on offer: you can gain instruction in specialist disciplines, such as palaeography, languages, and computing; you can undertake training in professional skills appropriate for historians; you will be able to attend research seminars and workshops, and lots more.

  11. PhD in Chemistry

    PhD in Chemistry. PhD Studentships. Entry requirement: 2.1 Masters degree or equivalent. Please check international qualifications equivalence guidelines here. Coming to Cambridge for a PhD in Chemistry means you will be joining a community of over 50 academics, 350 PhD students and more than 200 postdoctoral researchers.

  12. PhD in Education Programme : Faculty of Education

    We currently have over 300 full- and part-time PhD students in the Faculty of Education from more than 65 countries. They make an important contribution to the vitality of the Faculty's research culture and to its outstanding reputation internationally. The Faculty of Education in Cambridge is one of the UK's key centres for educational ...

  13. PhD

    Cambridge receives new funding to support PhD students in science and engineering 04 Feb 2019 The University of Cambridge has received new government and industrial funding to support at least 350 PhD students over the next eight years, via...

  14. Entry requirements

    Academic. Postgraduate study at the University of Cambridge is intense and very intellectually demanding, so the University has high academic entry requirements. You are normally expected to hold or to have achieved by the start of your course: minimum of a good upper second class (good 2:1) honours degree from a UK university or an equivalent ...

  15. PhD in Psychology (Course Code BLPC22)

    About PhD in Psychology. The PhD degree is a minimum of three years of full-time research with an individual supervisor followed by an examination of a research thesis in an oral examination. This is the principal research degree offered in the Department of Psychology and the great majority of our students are registered for this degree.

  16. PhD in Engineering

    PhD in Engineering The PhD in Engineering is awarded to students who complete and are successfully examined on a 60,000-word thesis which makes an original contribution to knowledge. This thesis will normally be completed over three years if students study full-time, and five-seven years if they study part-time. The PhD equips students for careers in research in universities and research ...

  17. PhD under Special Regulations

    Who can apply for a PhD under Special Regulations? An application can be made by: A graduate of the University of Cambridge, of not less than six years standing from admission to their first degree (to qualify as a graduate, a candidate must have a degree - qualifications such as diplomas and certificates are not degrees); and who. EITHER. (a ...

  18. How to get into a PhD at Cambridge (or any top university)

    In this video I give you all the tips and strategies you need to get into a PhD at the world's top universities like Cambridge, Oxford, Harvard, MIT etc... T...

  19. Postgraduate Study

    Postgraduate Newsletter. Contact us. Students discuss their experiences of applying and studying here. 4 of 4. Book your place now for the 2024 Virtual Postgraduate Open Days 1 of 4. Watch our short guide to postgraduate study at Cambridge. 2 of 4. Advice from our students and things to consider before applying. 3 of 4.

  20. Requirements for research degrees

    Requirements for research degrees. Doctorate (PhD, EdD, EngD, PhD by Special Regulations) Doctoral degrees are awarded to those who have demonstrated all of the criteria below: is of a quality and quantity to reflect three years of full-time postgraduate study/five years part-time postgraduate study. Master of Science/Master of Letters.

  21. PhD in Classics

    Greek Art & Archaeology in the Faculty of Classics. The PhD is a three-year research degree, examined by a dissertation of up to 80,000 words. The criteria for obtaining the degree are that the dissertation represents a 'substantial contribution to knowledge', and that it also represents a realistic amount of work for three years' study.

  22. PhD in Physics

    For admission to the PhD, the Postgraduate Admissions Office normally requires applicants to have achieved the equivalent of a UK Masters (Pass). Applicants should obtain the equivalent of: at least a 2:i in a UK three-year Bachelor's (Honours) degree plus a relevant one/two -year UK Master's degree. All applicants are assessed individually on ...

  23. Prospective PhD in Politics and International Studies

    Supervision. Full-time candidates on the course are expected to devote themselves fully to their studies. Full-time students must spend at least three terms resident in Cambridge. Part-time students are required to attend Cambridge and undergo formal supervision with their supervisor at a frequency agreed upon between the supervisor and student and determined by the nature of the research project.

  24. Harding Distinguished Postgraduate Scholars Programme

    Harding Distinguished Postgraduate Scholarships provide the most talented PhD students with life-changing opportunities to research and study at the University of Cambridge. The Programme offers generous fully-funded Scholarships, which include fees at the Home or Overseas rate.

  25. PhD in Human-Inspired Artificial Intelligence

    The PhD will, therefore, put them in a strong position to pursue careers in a variety of academic and non-academic settings, for example organisations and consultancies in diverse sectors such as tech, health, environment, education, journalism, civil service among others. ... The Cambridge University Postgraduate Virtual Open Day usually takes ...