
Ace Your Job Application with a Video Cover Letter

Meli Taylor Higher Education

As everyone knows, the job search process is not easy. The job market is highly competitive and it takes a lot to stand out from the competition. As such, you need to make your application unique and memorable in order to draw the attention of your recruiter or hiring manager. You need to include a video cover letter. But what exactly is a video cover letter?

Video Cover Letter Definition

A video cover letter is, quite simply, a cover letter for a job application in video format. A cover letter should accompany your resume by detailing why you’re qualified for the position and how it fits in your career goals. It’s a good space for you to expand upon what is listed in your resume and make the best case for your application. In a video cover letter, you relay this information through audio and video instead of text. A video cover letter is a recording of you speaking about the information you would otherwise have written out in a cover letter. Typically, you provide a link to your video cover letter in your email or application so that your recipient can view it online, side-by-side with your resume.

Check out this sample cover letter video to learn more:

Why Use a Video Cover Letter?

There are many good reasons to use a cover letter video. Video will make your application stand out from the rest of the pack and thus make it more memorable. Additionally, information relayed via video is more likely to be remembered than via text: according to Covideo, 95% of information is remembered in a video vs. just 10% in text. If your reviewer is digging through a lot of applications at once, sending in a video cover letter is the best way to ensure that they remember you. Furthermore, video lets you introduce yourself in a way that’s more personable. With video, you can communicate with non-verbal cues like eye contact, facial expressions, and hand gestures. Your reviewer will be able to put a face to your name after viewing your video cover letter and will have a better understanding of what kind of person and employee you are.

Finally, a video cover letter makes it easier for your reviewer to digest the information you present and connect it with the rest of your application. Your reviewer can watch your video while perusing your resume and match up your qualifications to past experiences. They can easily take notes during your video that they can bring up during an interview. Video cover letters make the experience of sorting through job applications easier and more exciting.

Video Cover Letter Best Practices

To create an effective video cover letter, you need to follow best practices. Fortunately, here at Covideo we have a lot of experience creating videos for business. Here are some things to keep in mind while recording your video cover letter:

  • Start by introducing yourself : State your name and what position you’re applying for so your reviewer instantly knows whose application they are watching.
  • Use your recipient’s name : If you know who’s going to be reviewing your application, make sure to greet them by name in your video. If you don’t know their name, still say hi and mention the name of the company.
  • Find the right lighting : Nothing is worse than recording a video and then discovering your face was washed out! Make sure that you’ve found the perfect lighting before beginning your video. If you don’t have professional lighting, don’t worry – you can place your back to the sun for some excellent natural lighting.
  • Smile : Keep the same positive attitude in your video that you would in an interview. Remember: you’re not just emphasizing your skills, you’re demonstrating what kind of person you are.
  • Make eye contact : Same as above, maintain eye contact like you would during an interview. This will make your video seem more like a personal conversation and impress your reviewer.
  • Keep it 1-2 minutes in length : If you make your video too long, your reviewer may find their attention drifting. A cover letter video should highlight your top qualifications, not provide detailed commentary about your entire professional career. Don’t let it go longer than 1-2 minutes in length.
  • Don’t worry about little mistakes : If you briefly misspeak or add in a few “ums”, you don’t have to re-record everything. Little mistakes will make you seem more human and personable. 
  • Conclude with gratitude : Sign off from your video by thanking them for the opportunity to apply for the position. You can also list your availability for an interview and any necessary contact information.

job video cover letter

Try Covideo for Cover Letters Today

To create the best video cover letter, you need access to the best tools. Covideo is the #1 platform for video messaging and personalized communication. With Covideo, you can record video messages from anywhere with the mobile apps, Chrome extension, and email add-ons. To make your videos extra professional, you can use our new teleprompter feature to stay on script without looking away from your screen. You can also add a custom video background or blur your background to keep your reviewer’s focus on you.

Once you’re done recording, you can embed your video directly into an email or text message. Covideo also generates a video link that you can copy and paste into any platform to quickly share it. When your recipient clicks on your video embed or link, they are redirected to a video landing page that you can customize in terms of size, color, and logo. You can include clickable CTAs in your video that can direct your viewer to another page such as an online resume or a calendar for scheduling an interview.

Best of all, you use Covideo analytics to track when your video is viewed. Covideo also tracks how many times the video is used as well as which sections were viewed the most. This way, you can know what part of your cover letter your reviewer was most interested in and adjust future cover letters accordingly.

If you’re ready to start using the best video cover letter tool, get Covideo Free today or schedule a demo with one of our video experts.

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9 tips for building an effective video cover letter

Have you been asked to provide a video cover letter don’t stress out or get camera-shy. here's how to put together a winning production..

More IT companies are asking candidates to provide a video cover letter in addition to traditional resume and portfolio. While in some respects you should adhere to the same rules that govern video job interviews, there are some key differences to remember when you’re planning, recording and submitting a video cover letter. Here’s how to make sure your video cover letter hits all the right notes.

“Think of a video cover letter as a ‘movie trailer,’ and your career as a movie. You want to have your trailer be engaging, inviting and interesting and give just enough information that the recruiter or hiring manager will want to know more — they’ll want to see the entire film, so to speak,” says Chris Brown, vice president of human resources at telecommunications and collaboration solutions company West Corporation.

Keep it short

For starters, most video cover letters shouldn’t exceed 60 seconds, Brown says. Think about what’s engaging to you when you watch a video on your smartphone, on the Web. Chances are, the shorter, the better, Brown says. “If it’s longer than about a minute, you’re going to lose the interest of a viewer. You need to find your ‘hook’ and discuss one tangible thing about you that will grab the viewer and make them want to interview you,” he says.

Make a listicle

Pop culture listicle site BuzzFeed is a great example of how to structure your video cover letter. Choose the top five things a recruiter or hiring manager would want to know about you, and stick to that list, Brown says. “You want to aim for three of those points being about your professional life and you can throw in an additional two that are personal — ‘I’m an animal lover and I volunteer at my local shelter,’ or ‘I skydive in my free time,'” Brown says, to add additional interest and show that you’re a well-rounded individual.

Create two versions

As the concept of video cover letters becomes increasingly popular, it makes sense to have more than one available. Create a more generic version and place it on your social media feeds for wider accessibility — on Twitter Moments, Facebook, LinkedIn and even Instagram, Brown says. Bbut also create fresh versions that are tailored to specific job opportunities that can be sent to individual hiring managers or recruiters. “It’s similar to how you’d tailor a written cover letter to each job opportunity. There’s a basic template, but you also want to throw in specifics,” he says.

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Pay attention to hosting

Consider creating a separate YouTube channel dedicated to hosting your professional videos, Brown says. The last thing you want is for your video cover letter to end up in a feed with your family home videos or that GoPro video you made last time you went skydiving. “On a public, personal YouTube channel, there’s also the chance that your friends and family will comment on your videos; do you really want your strange friend Bill making inappropriate comments on your video cover letter? That’s a recipe for disaster,” Brown says.

Create original content

Just like in a traditional, written cover letter, a video cover letter should be original content that adds a new dimension to your resume and allows you the opportunity to highlight your best self. “This is not a regurgitation of your resume. It’s an opportunity to talk about your skills, sure, but I’ve seen some of these in which people are literally just reading from their existing resume. You can touch on that, but it’s the intangibles that matter here; your energy, your personality can come through — that’s what I want to see,” Brown says.

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Watch your language

Just as you would in a written cover letter or resume, use the same words and phrases found in the job description to highlight that you’re perfect for the role. This doesn’t have to sound forced, but it does help a hiring manager or a recruiter ensure that you’re familiar with the industry, the competitive landscape, common programs and systems that are used and the industry jargon, Brown says, “Using that language communicates that you’re an ‘insider,’ and you know the ins-and-outs of the greater landscape.”

You also can add additional comments about the company, prominent employees you’ve seen on the news, new technology they’ve created, and address how you could help contribute to their success, Brown says. This demonstrates that you know the company, its competitors and the IT industry as a whole.

To script, or not to script

Unless you’re incredibly shy or nervous in front of a camera, it’s not necessary to write out and recite a script. A few bullet points to highlight what you want to cover should do just fine, Brown says. “Definitely have a prompt in front of you so that you know what you want to talk about, but don’t script every aspect. Hiring managers and recruiters know that these will be imperfect and you want to show that part of yourself, as well. Make the video cover letter as real and human as possible — a few ‘um’s and ‘uh’s aren’t going to cost you the job,” he says.

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Nail the closing

Any job search involves a certain amount of salesmanship, and in this case, you’re selling your skills, knowledge and expertise to a company. “The Web is full of tutorials on how to do a video sales letter, or VSL, which would be focused on how to sell information products. But think of a video cover letter as a VSL for an individual — the product is you,” says Donald Burns of Executive Promotions, LLC.

Even if you’re not in sales, it’s still important to know how to close, says Brown, “A simple way to do this is to provide an active closing. Say, ‘I look forward to meeting you for an interview,’ or ‘Thank you so much for your time. I absolutely want this job,’ it shows a lot of self-confidence and can be the difference between landing the role or being passed over.”

Don’t overthink it

Finally, don’t overthink it. Human resources, hiring managers and recruiters aren’t infallible, and many times an interview’s success — whether in person or via video — can hinge on completely subjective experiences, regardless of how solid your resume is or how polished your video cover letter is, Brown says.

“Remember, in any interview, video or otherwise, you are dealing with human beings. They’re going to have existing biases based on their experiences with similar people. If they had a bad experience with Fred, and you look or act like Fred, that may not work out for you. If you happen to be like Julie, and they had a great experience with Julie, then that’s great. And sometimes, there’s nothing you can do about that,” Brown says.

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How to create an impactful video cover letter

If you are seeking a new career or looking for a fresh start with a different company, you might be surprised to learn of an emerging trend in the hiring process: video cover letters. Some businesses are asking applicants to submit these videos along with the usual documents, which can put a face with your resume, making for a more personalized hiring process. If you get asked to submit a cover letter video, here’s everything you need to know.

Understanding the format

If you’ve written a cover letter before, you are in luck, as the basic format of a video cover letter is nearly identical. Your video will need these key components:

  • Introduction: Briefly state your name and introduce yourself to the audience
  • Body: Dive into your experiences, traits, and attributes 
  • Closing: Wrap things up with a respectful and professional conclusion

Sounds easy enough, right? The basic layout is certainly straightforward. However, the key is to be genuine and authentic in your video cover letter. Hiring teams will be paying attention to everything from your tone of voice to your facial expression, demeanor, and overall vibe. 

However, don’t feel like you’ve got to hype yourself up or exaggerate your emotions. If you are a reserved or stoic person, that’s okay, so long as you demonstrate your passion and genuine interest in the position you are applying for. Perhaps most importantly, be confident in your abilities and what you bring to the table. If you are good at something, say so and back up your statement with facts or real-world stories.

Additionally, remember that a cover letter is supposed to complement your resume . The same rule applies when creating a video cover letter. If you are using resume templates , follow the same general flow in your video while minimizing overlap. 

For example, if you mention your education directly after your work experience on your resume, make sure to follow the same pattern in your video. There’s a good chance that hiring teams are going to be following along with your resume while watching your content. Therefore, you need to hit all of the key talking points.

Expert Tip:

Video cover letters provide an opportunity to make your application feel more personal. Don’t just rattle off the information on your resume. Add flair and personality to your video to make your audience believe you are someone they will love working with.

Preparing your video cover letter

Not sure what to say in a video cover letter? That’s understandable, as video cover letters are a relatively new development in the world of hiring. Fortunately, you can make the entire process much less stressful by following a few simple tips. Specifically, you need to: 

Create a script

You don’t want to “wing it” when filming a video cover letter. Create a script that outlines what points you should cover, including an introduction, relevant experiences, skills, and why you are a great fit for the company. Our cover letter templates can provide a general outline for your script. 

Use these tools and our cover letter articles to decide what to include in your script and how long to make your video. Make sure your script is long enough to hit all of the crucial points and provide a glimpse into your personality, but try not to ramble. 

Choose an environment

Hiring teams aren’t just going to be focused on you. They will notice everything that shows up on the screen, including what’s behind you in the video. Therefore, you need to choose a good background that is professional and well-lit. 

If you’ve got a home office space, use that room to film your video cover letter. If not, choose a clutter-free area of your home that has a non-distracting background. 

Alternatively, you can use a digital background. However, make sure that it isn’t distracting. Most importantly, choose somewhere quiet, as you don’t want any background noise interfering with your dialogue. 

Record and edit

What you say and how you say it will have the biggest impact on the quality of your video cover letter. Once you hit record, speak clearly and confidently. Maintain eye contact with the camera, but don’t be robotic or rigid. Imagine that you are speaking directly to your audience in a live interview. 

Be mindful of your tone and overall demeanor. While you shouldn’t embellish, make sure to show enthusiasm for the job and opportunity. If you aren’t excited about the position, why would the hiring team be excited about bringing you on board? 

Also, choose a good-quality recording device. If you have a newer smartphone with a high-resolution camera, that will suffice. Alternatively, you can use your laptop’s webcam or a dedicated blogging camera. 

Once you are satisfied with your video, don’t just hit “submit.” Edit the video to ensure it’s engaging and effectively communicates all of your main points. Make your video concise, limiting it to one to three minutes. However, don’t talk too fast. You should be easy to understand. 

If your video is too long, go back through it and eliminate any unnecessary information. Try to make each cut smooth so that it isn’t obvious. If necessary, film multiple takes. Keep in mind that this is your opportunity to set a great first impression. 

Upload and share

Carefully read the job description and application instructions. Each employer will have their own preferences regarding video uploads and submissions. 

For example, some businesses may ask you to publish the video on YouTube and provide them with a private link. This is one of the easiest options, as you can make your YouTube channel hidden, ensuring that only the link recipients can view the video.

Alternatively, the business may use a specialized Dropbox or submission tool. If they do, make sure you label the file and carefully follow their instructions. Making a mistake during your application can leave a negative first impression on your prospective boss. 

“ Be mindful of your tone and overall demeanor. While you shouldn’t embellish, make sure to show enthusiasm for the job and opportunity.”

Dos and Don’ts

Ready to create your video cover letter? Consider these dos and don’ts that can help you stand out. 

As you begin writing your script and planning your content, ensure that you:

  • Stay Authentic and Personable: Show your personality and enthusiasm for the position
  • Tailor Your Message to the Company: Research the role you are applying for, and customize the video accordingly 
  • Organize Your Points Clearly : Aim for brevity and clarity and avoid rambling
  • Demonstrate Your Skills and Accomplishments: Use specific examples to showcase your skills and accomplishments relevant to the job 
  • End With a CTA: Always end by expressing your enthusiasm for the opportunity to interview

Encourage follow-up conversations, and don’t end your video on a cliffhanger. Also, make sure to review cover letters and resume examples . These resources will help you get a feel for the type of content that needs to be in your video.  


Learning what not to do is just as important as mastering the basics. There are many hidden pitfalls that can make your video cover letter less impactful and engaging. Make sure that you don’t:

  • Ramble: Avoid reciting your resume verbatim or going off-topic 
  • Use Unprofessional Language or Attire: Maintain a professional demeanor and wear business attire 
  • Neglect Technical Quality: Consider lighting, sound quality, and the background environment 
  • Overlook Editing: Never skip preparation or submit raw video footage 
  • Forget to Proofread: Proofread the script for grammatical errors, typos, and factual inaccuracies

Most of all, don’t wing it. You wouldn’t walk into a job interview unprepared. Approach your video cover letter with the same diligence. Write a script, rehearse, and choose a great location, which can increase engagement and reach. 

Use Jobseeker’s resources to craft an engaging video cover letter 

Creating a video cover letter can be a fun but stressful experience. Fortunately, Jobseeker is here to help. We offer access to great resources, including resume articles , video cover letter examples , and personalized support designed to make you stand out in job applications. 

Are you ready to learn more about Jobseeker and how we can support your career goals? Check out our expansive content library or chat with one of our team members. Let’s get you hired! 

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What’s a Video Cover Letter?

What’s a Video Cover Letter?

With the advent of smartphones and tablets, video is now routine. Baby taking his first steps? Video it. Just climbed the Eiffel Tower? Video it. A clown’s on stilts in center city? Video that, too.  Whatever moment you wish to capture, you can do so by video. You can even use apps like Glide for instant video messaging. Not to mention, you can engage in live video conversations and conferencing with Skype and other programs right on your hand-held device. It therefore stands to reason that the prevalence of video would start taking hold in the job application process. And it has.

You might think that videos would be reserved for job interviews . But video can be used in the initial stage of a job application, along with sending your resume. Whereas previously, you would send your resume with a cover letter, or a cover letter email, now you can send a video cover letter.

Here are some tips for preparing and sending a video cover letter.

  • Prepare a standard video first. As with written cover letters, you don’t need to tailor each video cover letter to match specific job applications. Use a script which will suit your general field of interest, and also demonstrates a bit about you personally. If the situation really warrants, you can create a more specialized video for a particular job – the issue is merely your time. And be sure to make the video short – less than one minute is ideal.
  • Dress the Part. For the cover letter video, dress as if you are on the job. Show them your work persona not only in dress but in speech, facial expressions, and hand gestures. In short, be as professional as you always would be.
  • Relax. Video viewers do not expect you to spend millions on your selfie video. They do expect you to show your true self though, so even if you’re nervous, relax, and act like you would on an in-person interview.
  • Judge Whether It’s the Right Time. It might be presumptuous to send a video cover letter if the application did not require it. On the other hand, you might be lauded for taking initiative if you send it, even if it was not requested. You be the judge. But there’s a better way around this question: Create a professional profile in a job search site , you can upload your cover letter video, and whoever wishes to view it can choose to do so.

Video is becoming as prevalent a form of communication as SMS. Whether live or recorded, using video allows you to represent yourself much more comprehensively than by text only. For job applications, sending a video cover letter provides an opportunity for you to show your all – much more fully than with a paper or email cover letter. By using a video cover letter, the interview process is eased for both you and the potential employer. Now, go write your less-than-one-minute script so you can suit up, smile, and press “Record.” We wish you well in getting a satisfying job, aided by your video cover letter.

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My CV Creator

Video Cover Letter

  • Career Advice


  • Posted On: 2024-08-20
  • Posted By: Shacara

What is a Video Cover Letter?

Why use a video cover letter, 1. showcase your personality, 2. demonstrate your communication skills, 3. make a memorable impression, 4. show your creativity, how to create a great video cover letter, 1. plan your script, 2. practice, practice, practice, 3. choose a professional setting, 4. dress for success, 5. use quality equipment, 6. be yourself, common mistakes to avoid, 1. being too casual, 2. overly scripted or stiff delivery, 3. ignoring technical quality, 4. making the video too long, when should you use a video cover letter, 1. creative industries, 2. customer-facing roles, 3. startups or tech companies, get ahead of the competition.

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Video Resumes (and Video Cover Letters)

Tips for video resumes, everything you wanted to know about video cover letters.

Video cover letters (sometimes called “video resumes” or even “video CV”) were pioneered by TikTok in 2021. Since then have seen more job seekers filming them, and more employers requesting the. A video cover letter can be great to put on your LinkedIn in order to help you “jump off the page” from your resume.

In this article, we address some of the top questions about them. Also check out the video featuring Eliana De La Garza from Austin Community College sharing her thoughts on video cover letters.

What are video cover letters/resumes?

Video Cover letters are short videos that showcase your core skills, your passion, your work experience, and your connection to a company. These are typically filmed and put on your LinkedIn profile or can be sent to employers as a link. Some employers will require video cover letters.

Do I need a video cover letter?

Video cover letters are mostly optional but can be a great way to stand out. Some companies may require a video cover letter as part of their application process.

Who should use video resumes?

All job seekers should be aware of what v. While this medium is not for everyone, here are a couple groups of people who can benefit from utilizing video cover letters:

  • Those seeking customer-facing roles. If you’re looking for a role where your relatability is a success factor, such as customer service or sales, video cover letters can be a great way to stand out and showcase your unique personality.
  • Those seeking to demonstrate tech-savvy. If you are struggling to overcome biases such as age-ism or you are otherwise being judged for lacking technical prowess, a video cover letter can be a great way to “prove them wrong.”
  • To stand out. Most job seekers do not take the time or don’t have the self-confidence to film and post a video resume. Thus, it’s a great way to get attention or even to get a recruiter to slow down and consider your application more carefully.
  • If really, really want to work there . If part of your pitch is your passion for the company, a video cover letter is a great way to express that passion.
  • To tell your unique story. Sometimes, we’re not always the “obvious choice” of a candidate. Recruiters and HR managers are often looking for the obvious choice so this gives you a chance to tell your unique story and why you’d be a great fit!

Where do I find a video resume editor?

You don’t need any special software for filming. Utilize a web camera and off-the-shelf consumer software such as iMovie or an application such as Zoom to film it. If you can edit the video, even better!

Drawbacks to video cover letters?

The most obvious drawback is that in can take some time to put together a video resume, especially if you haven’t edited or recorded video before.

There are also some people concerned about privacy–if this is the case, a video resume might not before you. If an application requires it but you’re concerned about privacy, you can upload it to YouTube as “unlisted” to make sure that only people with the link can view it.

Finally, there are some concerns about bias in the hiring process: such biases against underrepresented groups, women, and people with visible disabilities. Unfortunately, hiring managers will likely be Googling you anyway so if you have a photo posted online, they might well see you anyway. That said, refraining from posting videos and pictures of yourself can help protect you from being subject to this bias.

How do I record a video cover letter?

You can use a web camera on your computer. If you’re filming on a cell phone, make sure to hold the phone in “landscape mode.” Also make sure you’re in a quiet room, have a decent microphone, and have yourself well lit so the viewer can see your face.

You may also want to record yourself a couple of times to practice and to pick out the best segment.

Also, while you want to be personable, make sure that the video cover letter represents demonstrates your professionalism. Don’t get too casual!

What should I talk about on my video cover letter?

Some things you might want to talk about include:

  • Key accomplishments
  • Your vision/passion
  • Where you’ve worked and the kind of job you’re seeking
  • Your connection to the company (if you know someone who works there)
  • Your approach to work
  • And don’t forget to include your name and contact information!

How long should video cover letters be?

They should be short: usually about one minute in length. It can be hard to fit everything in there but remember you’re just trying to give them a sample, not tell them your whole life story.

Difference between “video resume” and “video cover letter?”

For the most part, these terms are used interchangeably. While “video cover letter” is a bit more accurate in its description, a “video resume” is more commonly used.

Austin Strategies for Job Seekers Class

While you’re here, make sure to check out Eliana De La Garza and Austin Community College’s “ Strategies for Job Seekers Class. ” Kind of like a job seeking bootcamp, this is a free class for Austin locals that can help you answer all your burning questions about job seeking and get you ready to look for work.

A new employment experience

Professional Video Producer Cover Letter Examples for 2024

Your video producer cover letter should immediately capture the attention of the hiring manager. Highlight your storytelling ability through concise, vivid language. Demonstrate your technical expertise and your knack for engaging audiences. Remember, your cover letter is a reflection of your video production skills; make every word count.

Cover Letter Guide

Video Producer Cover Letter Sample

Cover Letter Format

Cover Letter Salutation

Cover Letter Introduction

Cover Letter Body

Cover Letter Closing

No Experience Video Producer Cover Letter

Key Takeaways

Video Producer cover letter

Crafting a compelling video producer cover letter can feel daunting, especially if you've just started job hunting and realized it's a crucial requirement. This isn't just an echo of your resume; it should spotlight your proudest professional moment in a narrative form, keeping it engaging and clear of worn-out phrases. Remember, brevity is key: your story must unfold on a single page, balancing formality with a hint of personal flair to truly stand out. Let's dive into how you can achieve this.

  • Personalize your video producer cover letter and get inspired by other professionals to tell a compelling story;
  • Format and design your video producer cover letter to make an excellent first impression;
  • Introduce your best achievement in your video producer cover letter to recruiters;
  • How to make sure recruiters get in touch with you, using your video producer cover letter greeting and closing paragraphs.

What is more, did you know that Enhancv's AI can write your cover letter for you? Just upload your video producer resume and get ready to forward your job application in a flash.

If the video producer isn't exactly the one you're looking for we have a plethora of cover letter examples for jobs like this one:

  • Video Production Manager resume guide and example
  • Film Production cover letter example
  • Artistic Director cover letter example
  • Cinematographer cover letter example
  • Painter cover letter example
  • Fashion Stylist cover letter example
  • Videographer cover letter example
  • Artist cover letter example
  • Musical Theatre cover letter example
  • Musician cover letter example
  • DJ cover letter example

Video Producer cover letter example

Samuel Moore

Phoenix, Arizona


[email protected]

  • Highlighting quantifiable achievements: The cover letter mentions a "25% reduction in project turnaround times," which provides a clear and impressive metric of the applicant's impact at their previous job.
  • Relevance to the job role: The applicant emphasizes their experience in "directing a multi-talented team" and handling "expansive video campaigns across varied social platforms", directly aligning with the key responsibilities of a Senior Video Producer.
  • Showcasing soft skills: The applicant shows their "strategic vision and meticulous attention to detail," soft skills that are important for a Senior Video Producer who needs to manage both the big picture and the minutiae of video production.
  • Customization to the company: The cover letter is tailored to reflect the specific values and goals of the company it is addressed to, demonstrating the applicant's genuine interest and research into the company's ethos.

The must-have sections and format of your video producer cover letter

When writing your video producer cover letter, keep in mind that it'll only be read by the recruiters and not the Applicant Tracker System (or software used to assess your profile). That's why you should structure your content with a/an:

  • Header (apart from your contact information, include your name, the role you're applying for, and the date);
  • Personalized salutation;
  • Opening paragraph to win the recruiters over;
  • Middle paragraph with key details;
  • Closing that starts from clichés;
  • Sign off (that's not mandatory).

Industry standards dictate your paragraphs to be single-spaced and to wrap your content in a one-inch margin. Designing your video producer cover letter, refer to one of our templates , which automatically takes care of the spacing and margins.

Choose the same font for your video producer cover letter as you did for your resume : the likes of Lato and Bitter would help you to stand out in a sea of cover letters in Arial or Times New Roman.

Export your whole video producer cover letter from our builder in PDF to keep the same formatting and image quality.

The top sections on a video producer cover letter

  • Header: This section includes the video producer’s contact information, the date, and the recipient's details, ensuring the letter is directed to the proper individual for a personal touch.
  • Greeting: A tailored greeting addresses the hiring manager by name, demonstrating attention to detail and a personal investment in establishing a professional relationship.
  • Introduction: The intro briefly highlights the candidate's enthusiasm for the role and their relevant experience in video production, setting the tone for the letter and engaging the recruiter's interest.
  • Body: This section should detail the video producer’s specific skills, such as project management, storytelling, and technical proficiencies, and include examples of past work or projects that directly relate to the job's requirements.
  • Closing: The closing paragraph reinforces the candidate's passion for video production, their fit for the company culture, and includes a call to action, inviting the recruiter to review the attached portfolio and resume, and setting up an opportunity for further discussion.

Key qualities recruiters search for in a candidate’s cover letter

Proficiency in video editing software (such as Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, or Avid Media Composer): Demonstrates the technical skill necessary to produce high-quality video content.

Experience with camera operation and a good eye for composition: Indicates the ability to capture professional-grade footage that requires minimal post-production work.

Strong storytelling skills: Essential for creating engaging and compelling video content that resonates with an audience.

Ability to work under tight deadlines: Shows that the candidate can manage time efficiently and deliver quality work even under pressure.

Collaboration and communication skills: Video production is often a team effort, so being able to work well with others and communicate ideas clearly is crucial.

Knowledge of current video trends and social media platforms: Reflects an understanding of the digital landscape and the ability to produce content that is relevant and appealing to today's audiences.

How to personalize your video producer cover letter greeting

Before you start writing your video producer cover letter, take the time to find out who is recruiting for the role.

Search for the recruiter's name on LinkedIn or the corporate website to address them personally in your video producer cover letter salutation .

What if you can't find out who's recruiting for the role?

Always aim to avoid the very impersonal "Dear Sir/Madam" - instead, opt out for "Dear HR Team" or "Dear Hiring Manager" to make a better first impression.

List of salutations you can use

  • Dear Hiring Manager,
  • Dear [Recipient's Name],
  • Dear Mr./Ms. [Last Name],
  • Dear Search Committee,
  • Dear Talent Acquisition Team,
  • Dear Human Resources Director,

The video producer cover letter introduction: focusing on your unique value, with a creative twist

You are not the only one wondering how to start your video producer cover letter. Those first two sentences introduce your profile and should be memorable.

No pressure.

When beginning your video producer cover letter , immediately point out the unique value of working with you. In other words, what you promise to bring to the role by using your past track record of success.

Start your video producer cover letter with a creative twist by telling a joke or stating something relatable. Select this type of introduction only if it aligns with the company culture.

That one achievement in your video producer cover letter body

The lengthiest part of your video producer cover letter is the body.

Within the next three to six middle paragraphs, present yourself as the best candidate for the role .

How can you do that without retelling your whole professional resume?

Select one key achievement that covers job-crucial skills and technologies (and is memorable).

Within the body of your video producer cover letter, aim to tell the story of how you achieved your success. Also, write about how this would help out your potential team.

Thinking about the closing paragraph of your video producer cover letter

Before your signature, you have extra space to close off your video producer cover letter .

Use it to either make a promise or look to the future.

Remind recruiters how invaluable of a candidate you are by showing what you plan to achieve in the role.

Also, note your availability for a potential next meeting (in person or over the telephone).

By showing recruiters that you're thinking about the future, you'd come off as both interested in the opportunity and responsible.

What to write on your video producer cover letter, when you have zero experience

The best advice for candidates, writing their video producer cover letters with no experience , is this - be honest.

If you have no past professional roles in your portfolio, focus recruiters' attention on your strengths - like your unique, transferrable skill set (gained as a result of your whole life), backed up by one key achievement.

Or, maybe you dream big and have huge motivation to join the company. Use your video producer cover letter to describe your career ambition - that one that keeps you up at night, dreaming about your future.

Finally, always ensure you've answered why employers should hire precisely you and how your skills would benefit their organization.

Key takeaways

Within this Enhancv guide, we've provided you with plenty of advice and inspiration on writing your video producer cover letter:

  • Always make sure your video producer cover letter is tailored to the role you're applying for to make a good impression on recruiters;
  • In your video producer cover letter include a header (with your name, the role you're applying for, date, and contact details) and an introduction of up to two sentences that highlight your key accomplishment or why you'd fit the role;
  • Focus your video producer cover letter body on one sole achievement through your career and all the valuable lessons, skills, and know-how you've learned (that are relevant to the role);
  • Ensure your video producer cover letter closing statement isn't generic and includes either a call to action or a promise;
  • If you lack professional experience, shift recruiters' focus to a relevant achievement (thanks to your academic or versatile experience) or toward your dreams and goals for professional growth.

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AI cover letter writer, powered by ChatGPT

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Video Editor Cover Letter Samples & Examples That Worked in 2024

Nikoleta Kuhejda — PR & Content Manager

Is your video editor cover letter limping behind your resume? If so, you should give it the makeover it deserves! 

With our easy-to-follow guide, packed with the best writing tips, nifty templates, real-life samples and detailed examples, you'll craft a persuasive cover letter that showcases all your best skills and experience. So, without further ado, let's begin! 

Video Editor Cover Letter Sample

In this guide, we cover everything you need to know about writing a cover letter as a video editor. Keep reading to learn how to:

  • Craft the perfect video editor cover letter header & headline
  • Create a personalized greeting on your video editor cover letter
  • Write an eye-catching video editor cover letter introduction
  • Show your professional value in your cover letter body text
  • End your video editor cover letter with a strong closing statement
  • Access top resources for job-seeking video editors

Still looking for a job? These 100+ resources will tell you everything you need to get hired fast.

1. Craft the perfect video editor cover letter header & headline

When writing a cover letter as a video editor, the first elements to focus on are your cover letter header and headline.

A cover letter header is a small block of text – usually found in the upper left corner of the document – that includes all the necessary details about the company and applicant.

The cover letter headline is similar to a newspaper or magazine headline, taking the form of a short and engaging title that previews the information to come.

To help show you how to create each of these elements, check out the following examples of each:

Formatting the header

Your cover letter header can vary in format but will generally contain between 3 to 4 lines of text that include:

  • The name of the company and department you are applying to
  • Your name and professional title
  • Your professional contact information (phone number, email address, website, etc.)

When you put all this information together, it should look similar to this example

To: The Auto Dealership, Marketing Department From: John Doe , Video Editor & Automobile Photographer (123) 456-7890 | [email protected] |

Writing the headline

To format your video editor cover letter headline, you should always use a keyword related to the position, an eye-catching number or trigger word, a powerful adjective or verb, and a promise.

Here is an example of a well-written headline on a video editor’s cover letter

3 Essential Video Editing Skills that Make Me the Ideal Addition to Your Marketing Team

Trigger Word/Number : 3 Essential Skills Keyword: Video Editing Adjective/Verb: Essential, Ideal Promise: Your Marketing Team – this addition to your headline indicates that you will not only describe your key skills but also relate them directly to the company’s needs.

Create your cover letter fast with artificial intelligence.

2. create a personalized greeting on your video editor cover letter.

There are two main types of greetings to choose between for your cover letter: general or personalized .

A general greeting – such as “To Whom It May Concern” – can work in a pinch, but lacks specificity. Comparatively, a personalized greeting will directly address either a specific person or a specific company department.

The advantage to personalized greetings is that they show employers you have excellent attention to detail and have thoroughly researched the company beforehand.

If you are unable to discover the exact person who will review your cover letter, try out one of the following alternatives:

To the [Company Name] Team

To the [Company Name] Hiring Manager

3. Write an eye-catching video editor cover letter introduction

Following your header, headline, and greeting is your video editor cover letter introduction . Ideally, you'll have already grabbed the employer’s attention with your greeting and headline – to keep their attention, your introduction should include:

  • A brief overview of your professional history and goals
  • A statement on why you are enthusiastic about applying to this company
  • A mutual acquaintance (when possible)

Here is an example to help demonstrate how to write a video editor cover letter introduction

To the [Company Name] Hiring Manager,

I am a professional Video Editor with 4+ years of experience working in the wedding filmography industry. After working under contract as a freelance Video Editor for your company, your recruitment manager – Jane Smith – reached out to me about applying for this full-time position.

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4. Show your professional value in your cover letter body text

After the introduction of your cover letter come the body paragraphs, where you'll detail all of your qualifications that make you a good fit for the job.

A strong cover letter will typically contain between 2 to 4 body paragraphs that provide in-depth answers to the following questions:

  • What excites you about working at this company?
  • What do you hope to learn from working at this company?
  • What accomplishments or qualifications make you stand out as an applicant?
  • What key skills do you possess that are relevant to the position?

Including accomplishments should be a priority, as your achievements as a video editor help to show employers both your work ethic and the real-life value you can contribute to their company.

Here is an example of how to describe an accomplishment in a video editor cover letter

As a Video Editor for [Former Employer], I created a 5-video series as part of a promotional spread that appeared on many major television channels, including MTV and VH1. This video series led to a sharp 85% increase in the company’s customer engagement on both their website and social media platforms.

5. End your video editor cover letter with a strong closing statement

To properly conclude your video editor cover letter, you'll need a closing statement that includes:

  • An enthusiastic sentence saying you are looking forward to hearing from them
  • An additional sentence stating you will follow up, including how you will contact them or how they can contact you
  • A formal sign-off

Here is an example of a well-written and effective closing statement from a video editor cover letter

As your Lead Video Editor, I will bring an exceptional quality of work and effective leadership to your company. I am eager to further discuss this opportunity and hope to connect directly via phone call or in-person meeting within the next week. You may best reach me at (123) 456-7890 to set up a meeting time.


[Applicant Name]

  Follow this cover letter outline for maximum success. 

6. Top resources for job-seeking video editors

Now that you know how to create a video editor cover letter that impresses even the most demanding recruiters, let’s move to the next chapter — the actual job hunt. Looking for suitable work opportunities is far from simple, but these resources can help make things a little bit easier for you:

  • Industry-specific job boards: First of all, you can visit websites that offer job postings with niche focus on video production like ProductionHUB , Mandy , or Staff Me Up . 
  • Online job search engines: Next, take a look at platforms aggregating job postings from all industries such as Indeed , LinkedIn , SimplyHired , Glassdoor , or ZipRecruiter . 
  • Creative freelance platforms: Wow potential employers with an online portfolio that puts your best work on full display. Use platforms like Fiverr , Behance , or Upwork . 
  • Professional associations: Job postings, networking opportunities, further training, access to the latest industry news and publications — all that under one roof. That's the benefit of following organizations like the British Film Editors and the American Cinema Editors .
  • Specialized publications: Media such as “ StudioDaily ,” “ CineMontage ,” or “ Post Magazine ,” keep you in the loop about the latest industry news, trends, and innovations. 
  • Continuous learning: Stay on top of your game and learn how to use new software, editing programs, and techniques with online learning platforms like Coursera , LinkedIn Learning , edX , or Udemy , which offer a wide selection of courses.

Remember, it doesn't matter how many job postings you end up applying for, you always need to custom tailor each and every cover letter you send out. Because every job opportunity is unique, and your cover letter should reflect that. Good luck!

Video Editor Cover Letter FAQ

What's the key to maintaining the right tone and style in my cover letter.

Imagine you're speaking to the hiring manager in person. Keep it professional but conversational, demonstrating your passion for your work without coming off as too casual or overly formal. Be confident, but nor arrogant. Be professional, but not too stiff. It's all about finding the right balance.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when writing a video editor cover letter?

Some of the common culprits include: typos, grammar mistakes, and spelling errors. However minor these may seem to you, they reflect badly on your attention to detail. Another sin you want to avoid is NOT customizing your cover letter to align as closely as possible with the requirements outlined in your job posting. 

Is the cover letter the right place to talk about awards or recognitions I've received for my work?

Yes, absolutely! Feel free to mention any industry-related awards or recognitions you've received. Apart from vouching for your skills, it's a tangible way of showing the level of expertise you can bring to your potential employers. It can also add credibility to your statements.

Should I talk about the company I'm applying to within my cover letter?

It's important to show that you understand and fit with the company culture. So, you should set aside some time for researching your potential employer. Then, spend a sentence or two discussing what attracts you to the company's brand or mission, and how you see your video editing skills contributing to that.

Should I include links to my work or portfolio in my cover letter?

Certainly! Providing specific examples of your work allows potential employers to see your skills in practice. Be sure to direct them to your most relevant and impressive pieces. You can add the relevant links to your cover letter header, together with your other personal information.

Nikoleta Kuhejda — PR & Content Manager

Nikoleta Kuhejda

A journalist by trade, a writer by fate. Nikoleta went from writing for media outlets to exploring the world of content creation with Kickresume and helping people get closer to the job of their dreams. Her insights and career guides have been published by The Female Lead , College Recruiter , and ISIC, among others. When she’s not writing or (enthusiastically) pestering people with questions, you can find her traveling or sipping on a cup of coffee.

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Video Editor Cover Letter Example

Cover letter examples, cover letter guidelines, how to format an video editor cover letter, cover letter header, cover letter header examples for video editor, how to make your cover letter header stand out:, cover letter greeting, cover letter greeting examples for video editor, best cover letter greetings:, cover letter introduction, cover letter intro examples for video editor, how to make your cover letter intro stand out:, cover letter body, cover letter body examples for video editor, how to make your cover letter body stand out:, cover letter closing, cover letter closing paragraph examples for video editor, how to close your cover letter in a memorable way:, pair your cover letter with a foundational resume, key cover letter faqs for video editor.

Start your Video Editor cover letter by addressing the hiring manager directly, if possible. Then, introduce yourself and briefly mention your current role or most relevant experience. For example, "Dear [Hiring Manager's Name], My name is [Your Name] and I am a professional video editor with [number of years] experience in [specific type of video editing, e.g., film, television, advertising]." This introduction is your chance to make a strong first impression, so be sure to highlight your most impressive achievements or skills. It's also beneficial to express enthusiasm for the role you're applying for, showing the employer that you're passionate about the work.

The best way for Video Editors to end a cover letter is by summarizing their skills and expressing enthusiasm for the role. They should reiterate their interest in the position, briefly recap their qualifications, and express eagerness to contribute their editing skills to the company's projects. They can say something like, "I am excited about the opportunity to bring my unique vision, technical skills, and passion for storytelling to your team. I am confident that my experience and creativity can contribute significantly to your projects." Always remember to thank the reader for their time and consideration, and express hope for further discussion. Lastly, sign off professionally with "Sincerely" or "Best regards," followed by your name.

Video Editors should include the following elements in their cover letter: 1. Contact Information: At the top of the cover letter, include your name, address, phone number, and email address. If applicable, you can also include your LinkedIn profile or professional website. 2. Salutation: Address the hiring manager directly if you know their name. If not, use a general greeting such as "Dear Hiring Manager". 3. Introduction: Start with a compelling introduction that grabs the reader's attention. Briefly mention the position you're applying for and where you found the job listing. 4. Relevant Skills and Experience: Highlight your video editing skills and experience. Mention specific software you're proficient in, like Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, or Avid Media Composer. Discuss any relevant projects you've worked on, such as commercials, films, or music videos. Be sure to mention any special techniques you're skilled in, like color grading, sound editing, or special effects. 5. Achievements: If you have any notable achievements, such as awards or recognition, be sure to include them. This could also include successful projects that had a significant impact, such as a video that drove high engagement or a film that was selected for a festival. 6. Understanding of the Company: Show that you've done your research and understand the company's style and mission. Explain why you're interested in working for them and how you can contribute to their team. 7. Soft Skills: In addition to your technical skills, mention any soft skills that make you a good fit for the role. This could include things like creativity, attention to detail, ability to work under pressure, or strong communication skills. 8. Call to Action: End your cover letter with a call to action, such as requesting an interview or a meeting. 9. Professional Closing: Close the letter professionally with "Sincerely" or "Best regards," followed by your full name. Remember, your cover letter should not just repeat your resume

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video editor cover letter

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Short Cover Letter Samples: Effective Examples for Job Applications

10 min read · Updated on September 11, 2024

Marsha Hebert

Sometimes, a short and simple cover letter is all you need.

Today's hiring managers are inundated with resumes and cover letters, making it an impossible task to read everything that comes across their desks. Because of this, you need to make a great first impression as quickly as possible. 

However, it can be a difficult task to condense years of experience, education, and career achievements into something concise. But you've come to the right place. Here, you'll find some short cover letter samples that will help you win the day. 

Less is more

A lot of job seekers fall into the trap of trying to fit everything they've ever done into their resume and cover letter under the false impression that will help them land an interview. Nothing could be further from the truth. 

The fact is, there isn't a hiring manager alive who is reading your resume and cover letter. Each document they get is quickly skimmed for pertinent information – details that prove the job seeker is the right person for the role they have open. 

This is where the concept of a short cover letter comes into play. Don't be confused, though. Short doesn't mean that it lacks value. The idea is, instead, to relay only what's most important to the hiring manager to ensure you land a coveted interview.

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Get their attention

The goal is to grab the hiring manager's attention within six seconds. Once they come across something they find interesting, they'll slow down and read what you've provided. When it comes to writing a cover letter that sings your praises in a clear and precise manner, it's best to follow an outline. 

Even in a short cover letter, structure is important as it makes it easy for the hiring manager to quickly find what they're looking for.

Start your letter with the hiring manager's name , if possible. You can use LinkedIn to try to find their name, or perhaps it's listed in the job description. If you absolutely can't find a person's name, then you can use a general greeting like “Dear Hiring Manager.” 

The opening paragraph

This is your first opportunity to hook the hiring manager into reading. State your value proposition and let them know why you feel you'd be a great fit for the role. Be specific and mention the position by name – this is part of what's called tailoring your cover letter . 

Try to avoid using redundant language. If you perform an online search for cover letter templates, it's a fair bet that most of them will start with some form of “I'm writing to express my interest in [job].” No kidding! There's no need to use “I'm writing to express my interest” because that's completely obvious.

Instead, use more impactful language like “My career is punctuated by the ability to lead companies through complex transformations to drive sustainable growth.” Here, you've immediately stated something of value that you bring to the table. 

The middle paragraph

Since your focus is on writing a short cover letter, you don't have a lot of space to go into great detail about your achievements. Therefore, you should find something in the job description the company is really keen on getting from a new hire. Match that thing with an achievement from your past and write a blurb about it. Always try to use metrics – numbers – to prove your point. 

For example, “In my previous role, I increased sales by 15% in just 6 months by building lasting relationships with executive decision-makers at client companies.” 

Alternative to using a middle paragraph

It might be easier to make your point and keep it short if you replace the middle paragraph with a series of bullet points to break down your accomplishments. Even if you do this, you still want to focus on the parts of your career history that are relevant to the job you're applying for. 

Bullet points keep things clear and readable, making it virtually impossible for a hiring manager to miss the point you're trying to make. Also, bullet points add white space which improves how easily someone can skim through what you've written. 

Case in point:

Sentence in paragraph form:  

“In my previous role as a Sales Manager, I led a team of 15 sales reps to increase revenue by 20% year over year.” 

Sentence in bullet form:

Led a team of 15  sales representatives

Increased team revenue by 20% annually

You've said the exact same thing in both instances, but you make your point way faster in the bullet format than in the paragraph form. 

The closing paragraph

Now, you express your enthusiasm for the role and the company – if you know enough about the company to be passionate about what they do. Don't forget to invite them to contact you and thank them for their time. Sign your name (or type your name) beneath this last paragraph. And, yes, it's okay to include your contact info on a line beneath your name. 

Related reading: How to Write Your Ideal Cover Letter Closing Statement

Short cover letter samples

The beauty of writing a short cover letter is that you can do so whether you're fresh out of college or have decades of experience under your belt. Though admittedly, it does get more difficult the longer your career. To give you some ideas of what yours could look like, here are some short cover letter samples for different roles and experience levels. 

Avoid copying and pasting these as your own because no two careers are alike, and your cover letter needs to be properly targeted to the job you want. But you can absolutely use them as inspiration for writing your own short cover letter. 

Entry-level short cover letter sample

First & Last Name

Bennington, NE 68007 | (123) 456-7890 | [email protected]

Marketing Assistant

Dear Mr. Richardson:

I've always been fascinated by what it takes for companies to connect with potential customers in a way that encourages sales. So, I went to school and obtained a Bachelor's degree in Marketing, where I developed a strong foundation in digital marketing, social media management, and content creation that I know will benefit [Company Name]'s team. 

One of my proudest moments came during an internship at Digital Horizons, where I partnered with the Social Media Manager to oversee campaigns and analyze audience engagement. I created a new strategy for Instagram that resulted in a 25% increase in followers within three months. This experience not only sharpened my ability to create compelling content but also taught me how to interpret analytics and adjust strategies to drive better engagement.

I may be new to the industry, but I'm ready to make an impact with [Company Name] in [insert a keyword from the job description]. Thank you for taking the time to review my candidacy. I look forward to the opportunity to further discuss how I can contribute to your team's success.

One of the reasons this short cover letter works is the conversational tone. Your cover letter doesn't have to use the same stuffy language that your resume does. When you write your cover letter like this, it feels more approachable and engaging. Other than the tone, this short cover letter instantly highlights your degree and talks about practical skills you've gained. Even though there's not a lot of experience to draw from, it's still possible to find a way to inject an achievement.  

Professional, experience-based short cover letter sample

Queen Creek, AZ 85142 | (123) 456-7890 | [email protected]


Dear Hiring Manager:

After leading HR operations across 7 locations in the Southwest and Pacific Northwest, I've developed an understanding of managing complex, multi-site HR functions while fostering a cohesive and positive work culture. My ability to drive continuous improvement in diverse environments will make me a great addition to [Company Name]'s team. 

It took me less than a year to transition from an administrative role into a leadership position in my last job, and since I'm a jump-in-with-both-feet type of person, I quickly founded and chaired a Culture Committee and led company-wide events. One such event was attended by over 300 people. In fact, it was so well-received that I earned leadership buy-in on additional programs that supported employee engagement and professional development, including a Rosetta Stone Language program. 

I am eager to bring my capabilities in motivating staff and managing change to your team, and I know that an employer/employee relationship will be a mutually beneficial endeavor. Thank you for the opportunity to discuss how my background aligns with your needs. I look forward to hearing back from you.

This short cover letter works because it gets to the point in just a few sentences. There are key accomplishments – like leading HR operations across multiple locations and founding new committees – and enough detail to make the point without overwhelming the reader. On top of that, the tone is engaging without being verbose. There's even a polite yet confident call to action at the end. 

Executive-level short cover letter sample

Orlando, FL | (123) 456-7890 | [email protected]


I would like to present 3 decades of experience in anti-money laundering and fraud prevention/management to you in response to the open [Job Title] at [Company Name].

If you're looking for someone to take the reins on innovating fraud prevention tactics and complying with the many regulations imposed on the banking industry while simultaneously leveraging transformational leadership as a member of the Board of Directors, then I'm your person. Not only have I restructured BSA and Fraud departments, but I've also implemented cutting-edge programs that automate reporting and compliance processes, saving upwards of $1.2M annually. Over the years, I've built a reputation as someone who can quickly solve complex problems, even if the answer involves building new programs. In fact, some of the programs I've built have won awards multiple years in a row. 

All of this is easily repeatable for [Company Name]'s team. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my background, skills, and achievements align with your team's needs.

Even at the executive level, this short cover letter works because it is bursting with value. It immediately zeros in on the amount of experience you have in a niche, highly regulated field and quickly talks about achievements. It also shows hiring managers that you're capable of leading both at the strategic and operational level by mentioning Board of Director experience. It may be written in a conversational tone, using phrases like “take the reins,” but it does so in a way that conveys confidence without sounding arrogant. 

Short is still impactful

As you write your short cover letter, remember the focus should be on clarity and professionalism while keeping it concise. It's easy to relay the value you can offer a new team without presenting a wall of text that is not only tedious to read but overwhelms the hiring manager into skipping your application altogether. Short doesn't mean less effective; it means more targeted. 

Did you know that TopResume can help you fine-tune your cover letter ? Since more than 50% of employers want to see a cover letter, you should think about getting one written that'll help you stand out from the crowd.

Recommended reading: 

Essential Cover Letter Elements for Job Success

The Right (and Wrong) Ways to Show Personality in Your Cover Letter

9 Cliches to Cut From Your Cover Letter Right Now

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A covering letter highlights your relevant strengths and motivation for the job and organisation you are applying to, and markets you effectively by complementing your CV.

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Preparing to write an application, CV or cover letter

Includes information on how to research the opportunity and how to reflect on how you meet the requirements.

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Writing a cover letter

Advice on how to write and structure an effective cover letter

Sample CVs and cover letters

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Virtual Open Hour at Jumpstart Refugee Talent: Ask Me Anything – Mastering Cover Letters

Ask Me Anything

Empower Your Job Search with Expert Advice on Crafting Impactful Cover Letters

As part of Jumpstart Refugee Talent’s ongoing commitment to engage with our clients and other job seekers with forced displacement experience, Jumpstart organizes monthly ‘ Ask Me Anything ‘ sessions.

This virtual event is designed to provide a platform for clients to openly discuss their career journey, seek advice, and address any challenges they may be facing. We believe in fostering a supportive community, and these sessions aim to empower clients with valuable insights and guidance in their journey to finding meaningful employment.

For our October session, we are thrilled to welcome Kerry Ross , a Certified Career Development Professional (CCDP) and career educator at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, BC. Kerry has been supporting students in arts and social sciences since 2009 and transitioned to career education in 2018. With her extensive experience in program management and student advising, Kerry will share her expertise in Mastering Cover Letters .

Kerry will cover the essentials of writing a strong cover letter, including strategies, common mistakes to avoid, and helpful tips. Using real-life scenarios, she will guide participants through the process of creating impactful cover letters. This interactive session also offers the opportunity to ask questions and receive expert advice tailored to real-world scenarios.

Please register to join us for this insightful and practical discussion!

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Critical Writing Program: Writing With AI - Fall 2024: Cover Letter Resources

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Cover Letter resources

  • Cover Letter Writing Guide - Penn Career Services  - A writing guide on cover letters prepared by Penn Career Services that covers the purpose of cover letters, cover letter etiquette,  
  • Job Search Letters - Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)  - These OWL resources will help you write job application letters, thank you and follow up letters, as well as effective acceptance and rejection letters. Also included are links to other OWL resources geared for entry-level and skilled labor positions.
  • Microsoft Office Templates - Access a wide selection of MS Word templates with formatting for various styles of resumes and cover letters. 

Cover Art

  • Skill Sumo Future Proof: How to Craft a Cover letter This video, from Academic Video, will teach you how to craft a cover letter.
  • What to Include in the Resume and Cover Letter. From Sage Video, this online tutorial provides tips for developing your resume and for writing cover letters.
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  • Last Updated: Sep 11, 2024 8:33 AM
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  21. Cover Letters

    Cover Letters. Crafting a great cover letter can set your application apart and help you get your foot in the door. But where to start? We've got tips, templates, and examples to get you going—from great opening lines to real samples that actually worked.

  22. Short Cover Letter Samples: Effective Examples for Job Applications

    Avoid copying and pasting these as your own because no two careers are alike, and your cover letter needs to be properly targeted to the job you want. But you can absolutely use them as inspiration for writing your own short cover letter. Entry-level short cover letter sample. First & Last Name. Bennington, NE 68007 | (123) 456-7890 | email ...

  23. How To Write a Video Editing Cover Letter (With Template and ...

    How to write a video editor cover letter. Follow the steps below to create an effective and personalized video editing cover letter: 1. Address it to the hiring manager. If you can find this information, address your cover letter to the hiring manager or recruiter by name. This adds a personal emphasis to your letter and shows you have ...

  24. Cover Letter Resources

    Cover Letter Writing Guide - Penn Career Services - A writing guide on cover letters prepared by Penn Career Services that covers the purpose of cover letters, cover letter etiquette, ; Job Search Letters - Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) - These OWL resources will help you write job application letters, thank you and follow up letters, as well as effective acceptance and rejection letters.

  25. AmeriCorps Compliance Administrator

    ARIZONA GOVERNOR'S OFFICE AmeriCorps Compliance Administrator *If interested, please submit a resume and cover letter to Emily Litchfield at [email protected]* Job Location: 100 North 7th Avenue Suite # 400 Phoenix, Arizona 85007 Posting Details: Annual Salary Range: $60,000 - $65,000 Grade: 01 This position will remain open until filled Job Summary: The Governor's Office of Youth, Faith and ...

  26. Cover letters

    A covering letter highlights your relevant strengths and motivation for the job and organisation you are applying to, ... CV or cover letter. Includes information on how to research the opportunity and how to reflect on how you meet the requirements. Find out more .

  27. Researching the Job Letter

    There are a number of ways to find internships and jobs. For your cover letter assignment, we recommend beginning by signing up for a Penn Handshake Account. ... Penn Career Services also provides links to GameJobHunter (for video game industry) and AdAge (for advertising industry). Select one of those databases to search for opportunities.

  28. Cover letter for Aged Care Jobs (With Template and Examples)

    Aged care cover letter examples Below, you can find several examples of cover letters for aged care careers: Cover letter for entry-level role Here, you can find an example cover letter for a candidate with minimal experience and qualification in the aged care industry: Sandra Dawson 55 Southerly Drive, Sydney, NSW 4017 +61 7 4567 0244 [email protected] Dear Ms. Haney, I am writing to express ...

  29. Virtual Open Hour at Jumpstart Refugee Talent: Ask Me Anything

    Empower Your Job Search with Expert Advice on Crafting Impactful Cover Letters. As part of Jumpstart Refugee Talent's ongoing commitment to engage with our clients and other job seekers with forced displacement experience, Jumpstart organizes monthly 'Ask Me Anything' sessions. This virtual event is designed to provide a platform for clients to openly discuss their career journey, seek ...

  30. Cover Letter Resources

    Cover Letter Writing Guide - Penn Career Services - A writing guide on cover letters prepared by Penn Career Services that covers the purpose of cover letters, cover letter etiquette, ; Job Search Letters - Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) - These OWL resources will help you write job application letters, thank you and follow up letters, as well as effective acceptance and rejection letters.