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Introducing the members of this year’s Leadership Academy for Diversity in Media

These 22 journalists will learn about the power of human-centered journalism skills, from leadership to delegation to negotiations.

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ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (Aug. 26, 2024) — The Poynter Institute is pleased to announce the 22 journalists selected for its 2024 Leadership Academy for Diversity in Media, a prestigious, weeklong, in-person training seminar that connects and empowers diverse leaders.

“It’s a special honor to facilitate this group of journalists,” said Tony Elkins, Poynter faculty and co-director of the 2024 academy. “It’s one of my greatest joys to create a learning environment where diverse journalists can develop the leadership skills that will enable them to build better newsrooms and teams.”

Elkins said that this year, the faculty team is putting an emphasis on working within organizations and with each other. 

“This program is focused on how we develop human-centered skills — the ways we connect with each other through the lens of journalism — so we can empower our cohort to transform their own careers, teams and workplaces,” he said. “When people leave our campus, they will have a toolkit to help them manage projects and their time, communicate better with their employees and peers, understand the value of feedback, guide distributed teams, appreciate how important onboarding is, and so much more. And it’s not just those skills they will be taking home – members of our leadership programs foster deep connections with their peer groups they will take with them the rest of their career.” 

Those selected for this year’s training represent a cross section of the journalism industry, from legacy newspapers to mainstream network news to online startups.

“I’ve been impressed with how this year’s cohort members are already doing a lot to support new journalists in their organizations — a sign that the future will be OK,” said Kathy Lu, Poynter adjunct faculty and co-director of this year’s academy. “We have members working in newspapers and audio, nationally and internationally. I’m so grateful to their organizations for investing in these wonderful and conscientious journalists at yet another difficult moment in our industry. I look forward to seeing what we will all learn together.”

Applicants are selected with an emphasis on ensuring diversity across race and ethnicity, geography, technology platforms, organization size and skill sets. 

Congratulations and welcome to:

  • Zainab Akande , editorial manager, Yahoo
  • Leslie Allen, deputy editor, Bridge Michigan
  • Jennifer Bowman, assistant editor, inewsource
  • Xavine Bryan, senior producer, CBC News
  • Dawn Burkes, deputy editor, Los Angeles Times
  • Christiana Dillard, staff writer and editor, Lead Stories
  • Wesley Early, reporter, Alaska Public Media
  • Denise Florez, editor, CALÓ News
  • Gloria Gonzalez, deputy energy editor, POLITICO
  • Eric Goodwin; director of products, mobile apps, messaging and alerts; McClatchy
  • Nichole Green, executive producer impacting communities (EPIC), CBS News New York
  • Steve Haruch, senior producer, Nashville Banner
  • Nicole Hernandez; news editor, digital news audience and engagement team; The Associated Press
  • Vaughn Johnson, social platforms editor, Philadelphia Inquirer
  • Vidya Kauri, assistant managing editor, Law360
  • Gaetane Lewis; audience, SEO strategist; The Associated Press
  • Jessika Lewis, managing editor, WTSP/10 Tampa Bay
  • Erica Ngao, impact manager, Indiegraf
  • Kristene Quan, deputy head of social media, The Economist
  • Megan Ryan, assistant business editor, Minnesota Star Tribune
  • Angie Wang; news editor, video; The Associated Press
  • Yi Yang, director of audio, Initium Media

Every year, Poynter reviews industry trends and designs the academy based on participant needs. This year, many in the cohort said they were interested in learning more about managing emotions and stress/burnout,  both of which will be addressed throughout the week. 

The kick-off event of this year’s academy, which takes place Sept. 9-13 in St. Petersburg, Florida, will be a Q&A with Elkins and Lu about their career journeys.

Other sessions include:

  • Effective techniques for managing people across many differences, including digital language and generational styles, led by Elkins.
  • Negotiation tactics and navigating difficult but fair conversations with Lu.
  • Intentional delegation, leading with your strengths and using human-centered design to learn empathy with Elkins.
  • Ethics in journalism with Kelly McBride, senior vice president and chair of the Craig Newmark Center for Ethics and Leadership at Poynter.

During the academy, participants will receive coaching from experienced journalists, including Poynter faculty member Doris Truong, award-winning editor Maria Carrillo and Dalia Colón, reporter and host of The Zest Podcast at WUSF.

The 2024 Leadership Academy for Diversity in Media is made possible thanks to support from the Tegna Foundation and Craig Newmark Philanthropies.

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Presentation Academy

Louisville’s original Catholic school, Presentation Academy is a college preparatory academy for young women. Made up of tomorrow’s influencers and leaders, we are a sisterhood who welcomes students from all backgrounds. With diversity at our core, inclusivity and individuality aren’t only encouraged, they’re necessary .

be a leader

Leadership skill development is an integral piece of Presentation’s curriculum, and it begins freshman year. Students lead clubs, events, retreats and service activities, as well as the Seventh and Eighth Grade Leadership Forums for area grade schoolers. Students hear from guest speakers throughout the year, and they are strongly encouraged to job shadow.

“I never understood what people meant when they asked me if it felt like home after I shadowed a new high school until I came to Pres. It instantly felt like a home – from the welcoming, strong, kind, independent girls to the amazing staff here at Presentation. Pres made it possible for me to feel like I belong, yet stand out and thrive at the same time.” – Lauren Schreck ‘25

be creative

Forget the cookie cutter. At Presentation, we are about breaking the mold. We work hard to create an atmosphere where you can be yourself and truly be creative in the classroom, art studio, dance studio, theatre, music room, Idea Space, and computer and science labs. Our Senior Independent Program gives seniors the opportunity to create their own class and explore their passions while receiving credit for it.

be prepared

Presentation students can begin their college careers early by walking next door and taking college courses at our next-door neighbor, Spalding University, or logging on to online courses through Jefferson Community and Technical College. We also offer both dual credit and Advanced Placement courses with our Pres teachers.

With the many clubs, athletic opportunities, and high-level curriculum and the city of Louisville literally at their feet, my girls have found their voice, have become well-rounded, and have flourished! The feeling of sisterhood, acceptance and family is just as strong today for them as it was 30-plus years ago for me. From the first day they walked up the front steps, to their last day when they will sign their names next mine on the Tower wall, I know that this diverse community and family setting will have molded my girls into strong, compassionate, independent women! I have no doubt that my girls will leave Pres prepared for their next level of education and success in life. We are all one sisterhood at Pres where EVERYONE belongs!” – Jennifer Potter Abell ’91 

' title=

be seen, be heard

At Presentation, we believe that every young woman matters and deserves attention that will help her be seen, heard and grow during her four years at Pres. It’s an environment where everyone knows your name and you are accepted. Our 8:1 student to teacher ratio means students who excel are further challenged and students who need extra help receive individualized attention.

be involved

From scoring the winning goal to planning a Walk-a-thon pep rally for Student Council, students are encouraged to be involved and to have a rich and fulfilling student life filled with a variety of experiences that help them grow and develop to their fullest potential. With 15 varsity-level sports, active theatre and music departments, and numerous clubs, there is more than one “something” for every Pres Girl. In fact, 65 percent of our students play at least one sport and, of those, 30 percent play two or more.

' title=

I graduated from Pres in 1966. It was a terrific school then and has continued to be a terrific school now. The teachers are always willing to help a student understand the material being taught and expect the students to give their best. Many scholarships are awarded to the students each year to many well known universities. I would not trade my experience at Pres for anything. Best experience of my life. -LS

Excellent school with a focus on social justice and building confidence in young women. Very accepting of LGBTQ students. Great extra curriculars. -Ly F.

Presentation Academy 861 S. Fourth Street, Louisville, KY 40203 |  (502)583-5935

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Find your friends and your community. Presentation welcomes and celebrates students from all backgrounds and from all over Kentuckiana. We are a community of women, a sisterhood that extends well past your four years here. As we say: Once a Pres Girl, Always a Pres Girl!

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How to make a presentation to new staff in 10 steps

Here you’ll learn how to make a presentation to new staff in a memorable way.

Starting a new job is daunting, and often you just want to start.

Before that there’s the induction, and the dreaded Powerpoint.

Here’s how to make a presentation memorable and fresh.

So new starts remember you as the one that made them feel a part of the organisation.

Simply by working on your presentation skills .

1. Make people feel excited

how to make a presentation skills training Glasgow Edinburgh

This is their first week in the job.

They’re forming impressions of the company that will last a long time.

So your job is to be the company ambassador.

Be enthusiastic.

Remove any self-deprecating humour.

Saying something like this  is energy-sapping:

“I’ve been tasked with giving you the induction”

Whereas this is energising:

“Welcome – congratulations on your appointment and I’m delighted to give you an in-depth tour of the business…”

Start as you mean to go on.

2. Tailor your presentation

As a presenter, the company PowerPoint gives us false confidence.

It’s been approved at a senior level and it covers all the bases.

Yet here’s the thing: it’s already out-of-date, and most of it’s irrelevant.

Create a fresh presentation for the individual or group.

They’ll appreciate the work you’ve put in.

3. Ditch the Powerpoint

how to make a presentation skills training Glasgow Edinburgh

People make an impression on the presenter very quickly.

If you turn to your slides and away from the audience early on, it can erode trust.

Instead, ditch the PowerPoint, at least for the first few minutes, and speak to people front-on.

Here’s more on how to make an engaging presentation .

4. Start with what’s in it for me

how to make a presentation skills training Glasgow Edinburgh

Consider why the person joined in the first place.

If it’s a Senior Manager, it could be the chance to have their own team.

If it’s a technical role, it may be to work with the best systems.

And if it’s a people-facing role, it’s to make a difference.

A sales role: to make money.

A group of interns: to get a permanent job.

Stick that in at the beginning and connect their success in achieving that goal to your presentation.

“I’m sure what you really want to know is…

How do I become the company’s first millionaire under 30?

When will I be able to appoint my own team?

When will I be handed budgetary control?”

Now you have their attention – and you can answer that question first.

5. Make the audience feel special

how to make a presentation skills training Glasgow Edinburgh

Consider how that person’s job impact the organisation.

This is your chance to create a lifelong motivation in your new colleagues.

If they understand their role in the success of the organisation, they’re far more likely to feel appreciated in the long-term.

That builds loyalty and saves time and money in recruitment.

6. Prioritise your points

how to make a presentation skills training Glasgow Edinburgh

When people consider how to make a presentation, they rarely consider audience priorities.

Tailor the rest of the presentation according to the most important information to the audience.

While you need to cover the induction plan, the IT requirement and the health and safety admin, leave them until the end.

Your new recruits are far more interested in other things.

So go there next.

Now you’ll have a list of priorities that reads from 1-10.

And trust me, health and safety is number 10.

7. Unclutter the language

how to make a presentation skills training Glasgow Edinburgh

It’s very easy to create a presentation full of jargon.

But great presentations are full of clarity.

They turn ‘BIMs and BDIMs and BRIMs’ into “the people you’ll be working with”.

They turn ‘adherence with our Health and Safety policy’ into ‘making sure you stay safe’.

Jargon often emerges in induction presentations when the presenter attempts to establish their authority and credibility.

Just remember: this presentation is about the group, rather than you.

8. Stay positive and focused

how to make a presentation skills training Glasgow Edinburgh

It’s easy to ramble in a tailored presentation, because you’re giving it for the first time.

Stay on track by creating clear structural notes.

Avoid phrases such as “that’s not really relevant to your role”.

If you’ve done the prioritising first, everything will be relevant.

9. Answer questions

how to make a presentation skills training Glasgow Edinburgh

I’ve seen plenty of presentations that finish with the last slide, before the presenter thanks the audience and leaves the room.

Regardless of how good your presentation is, the audience will still have questions.

In fact, the better it is, the more questions they should be willing to ask.

So stay around for 15-20 minutes afterwards. That helps build trust.

10. Show vulnerability

how to make a presentation skills training Glasgow Edinburgh

This is the first week, and you’d forgive members of the team for feeling shy or awkward.

So bring your barriers down.

Tell a story about something that went wrong in your induction, or later in your career, and how it was fixed.

Or the best moment you’ve had in your career.

Making it personal brings your presentation to life.

And if you’re looking for an e-learning course to improve your presentation skills, visit our Academy.

Andrew McFarlan  is the Managing Director of  Pink Elephant Communications  in Glasgow.

You can view his full profile  here .

Photos in How to make a presentation  by bruce mars, rawpixel.com, vjapratama; all from Pexels .

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25th July 2018 Featured in: Blog , Presentation skills training blogs , Public speaking training blogs By: Pink Elephant

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    As part of your presentation skill set, it helps catch and maintain the audience's attention, helping them remain focused while minimising passive response, ensuring the message is delivered correctly, and encouraging a call to action. Stage presence. During a presentation, projecting confidence can help keep your audience engaged.

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  3. Introducing the members of this year's Leadership Academy ...

    The kick-off event of this year's academy, which takes place Sept. 9-13 in St. Petersburg, Florida, will be a Q&A with Elkins and Lu about their career journeys. Other sessions include:

  4. Faculty & Staff

    Ms. Kelly Hartman '91 has 28 years of experience as a teacher, department chair and assistant principal at Presentation Academy. Her leadership responsibilities include administrative operations that impact students. She also oversees the Career Pathways Program, which is an outreach of the school's successful 25-plus year Leadership ...

  5. Presentation Academy

    Louisville's original Catholic school, Presentation Academy is a college preparatory academy for young women. Made up of tomorrow's influencers and leaders - and representing more than 35 zip codes - we are the central hub for inspiring individuals. ... Our faculty, staff, students, and Pres parents can't wait to meet you and share their Pres ...

  6. Athletics

    Led by coaches with more than 100 total years of experience at Presentation Academy alone, the Toppers Athletics program is full of tradition, school spirit, community and leadership. Our student-athletes play on Spalding University's Legacy Fields. Located in the heart of downtown Louisville, Legacy Fields, opened in 2019, and is the home ...

  7. About Presentation

    Our Faculty & Staff Our History Admissions 8th Grade Admission Process Class of 2028 Future Pres Girl Events ... Presentation Academy Top Hat (PATH) Theatre Co. Prezettes Service Program Sycamore. Folder: Alumnae. Back. Alumna Award Winners Alumnae Board ...

  8. Art Department

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  9. Leadership Pathways

    Presentation Academy is proud to announce a new focus to its 28-year innovative Leadership Program which will highlight six career pathways beginning in the 2023-2024 school year. The pathways available to all students will be Health Science, Engineering, Entrepreneurship, Criminal Justice, Visual/Performing Arts and Academic Exploration.

  10. Golf

    Julia Vogt '17 has been the head coach since 2022. She was a four-sport athlete at Presentation Academy, competing in golf, cross country, track, and basketball. During her time on the golf team she competed at the regional level in the 2013-2016 seasons as well as All-A State during the 2013, 2014, and 2016 seasons.

  11. Home

    Louisville's original Catholic school, Presentation Academy is a college preparatory academy for young women. Made up of tomorrow's influencers and leaders, we are a sisterhood who welcomes students from all backgrounds. With diversity at our core, inclusivity and individuality aren't only encouraged, they're necessary. SCHEDULE A ...

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  13. Presentation Academy (@presgirl) • Instagram photos and videos

    2,649 Followers, 150 Following, 4,233 Posts - Presentation Academy (@presgirl) on Instagram: "Official Instagram of Presentation Academy #PresentationAcademy" ... A special lunch included personal notes from faculty, staff, and parents, as well as a class prayer and lots of tears and hugs. And finally, the day ended with a water balloon fight ...

  14. About 1

    About 1 — Presentation Academy. The educational program at Presentation Academy is designed to provide a solid foundation for all educational experiences beyond high school, but it is especially designed for academic success in college. Through a varied curriculum, students are challenged to function at competency levels commensurate with ...

  15. Presentation Academy in KY

    Presentation Academy is a highly rated, private, all-girls, Catholic school located in LOUISVILLE, KY. It has 220 students in grades 9-12 with a student-teacher ratio of 9 to 1. Tuition is $15,300 for the highest grade offered. After graduation, 94% of students from this school go on to attend a 4-year college. Compare Presentation Academy to ...

  16. Our History

    Presentation Academy was founded on November 21, 1831, by Mother Catherine Spalding and the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth. Providing both elementary and secondary education for students of different faiths and statuses, Presentation originally operated from the basement of St. Louis Church (now the undercroft of the Cathedral of the Assumption ...

  17. Presentation Academy in Kentucky

    The student population of Presentation Academy is 210. The school's minority student enrollment is 32.4% and the student-teacher ratio is 11:1. ... Faculty & Staff. 20. Classroom Teachers. N/A.

  18. Presentation Academy

    861 South 4th Street Louisville, KY 40203. (502) 583-5935. Facebook page. Website. School attendance zone. Homes nearby. Nearest high-performing. Nearby schools. Presentation Academy located in Louisville, Kentucky - KY.

  19. Tuition & Financial Aid

    Registration fees are non-refundable and payment is required before a student can be scheduled for classes. Tuition for the 2024-2025 school year is $15,300. However, the tuition is $14,900 if paid in full by July 1. In addition to tuition, class fees are assessed according to grade level.

  20. 8th Grade Admission Process

    Prospective families will have the opportunity to tour Presentation Academy during the school day. Parents will learn about the academic placement process, our rigorous curriculum, and the overall Pres experience. To schedule a family tour, please contact our Admissions team at (502) 583-5935 or. Come see what it means to be a Pres Girl!

  21. How to make a presentation to new staff in 10 steps

    Simply by working on your presentation skills. 1. Make people feel excited. This is their first week in the job. They're forming impressions of the company that will last a long time. So your job is to be the company ambassador. Be enthusiastic. Remove any self-deprecating humour.

  22. Transfer to Pres

    Our Faculty & Staff Our History Admissions 8th Grade Admission Process Class of 2028 Future Pres Girl Events ... Prospective families will have the opportunity to tour Presentation Academy during the school day. Parents will learn about the academic placement process, our rigorous curriculum, and the overall Pres experience. Call Admissions at ...

  23. Presentation Academy

    Presentation Academy, Louisville, Kentucky. 5,070 likes · 426 talking about this · 6,779 were here. Established in 1831, Presentation Academy is Louisville's original Catholic school for girls. We...

  24. Presentation Academy

    152 likes, 1 comments - presgirl on August 23, 2024: "Join us as we welcome our new Faculty and Staff to Presentation Academy this 24-25 school year ! On the staff side of the house, Daphne Brown joins us as our new Cafeteria Manager, Tate McCormick serves as our new Admissions Coordinator, and Rob Weikert is our new Development Director. Gisela Martinez '20 joins us on the faculty side and ...

  25. Presentation Academy

    Presentation Academy, a college-preparatory high school for young women, is located in Downtown Louisville, Kentucky, United States, just north of Old Louisville in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Louisville.Founded in 1831 by Mother Catherine Spalding, foundress of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, it is the oldest school in continuous operation in Louisville.

  26. Presentation Academy

    Presentation Academy enriches students, faculty, and the community spiritually, physically, socially, and intellectually by advancing the tradition of academic excellence and innovation in a vibrant, diverse, embracing and inclusive institution. ... We engage everyone, from the board to staff levels of the organization, in race equity work and ...