Monica Sucely Lopez Perez

Created on May 25, 2022

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mitosis y meiosis

Es una forma de reproduccion celular, en donde una celula madre da origemn a dos celulas hijas, que son iguales a la celula madre.

crecimiento de las celulas

Reproduccion asexual

misma informacion genetica

regenerador de celulas

mismo numero de cromosomas

Proceso de division, en donde la celula experimenta, dos divisiones sucesivas dando origen a cuatro celulas.

espermatozoides y ovulos

reproduccion asexual y sexual

mitad de la informacion genetica

da origen a cuatro celulas

consta de dos estpas de division

espermozides y ovu

a formacion genetic

Es una de las etapas de la división celular, tanto en los procesos de meiosis como en los de mitosis; tiene lugar después de la cariocinesis durante el final de la telofase.


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Mastering the art of storytelling style presentations

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Anete Ezera August 30, 2024

Presentations offer an opportunity to share your ideas and inspire others. However, it can be challenging to catch your audience’s attention and keep it. While there are many different presentation styles , the storytelling style offers specific benefits when it comes to sharing your ideas while engaging your audience. By embracing the power of storytelling, you can transform your delivery into a captivating and engaging experience that leaves your audience wanting more. What really is a storytelling style presentation and what makes it so different from other presentation styles , you ask? In this article, we’ll explain everything you need to know about storytelling style presentations and show you how Prezi, a groundbreaking presentation tool, can assist you in engaging your audience. 

Male public speaker using the storytelling presentation style.

What is a storytelling style presentation?

The storytelling style presentation is the merger of the principles of storytelling with the structure of a presentation. Information isn’t just passed on in a narrative or bullet points but woven into a story. It may be a formal story that’s either the traditional arc (beginning, middle, and end) or another structure that continuously involves the audience through a series of minor stories or anecdotes leading to key points.

The core of storytelling style presentations is the ability to deliver content in a way that can be related to and remembered. There’s no doubt that by casting information into a story, presenters can evoke emotions, paint mental pictures vigorously, and strike a chord with their audience in ways that more formal styles of presentation often fail to.

Why is storytelling style presentation unique?

The reason why storytelling style presentations stand out from other formats is how well they can humanize content. It doesn’t force the audience to gulp down loads of information, facts, figures, and data points. Instead, it enables the presenters to infuse life into the content. It transforms dry data into a story wherein the audience can visualize themselves. This makes the content not only more consumable but also more impactful.

A man presenting on stage using the storytelling style presentation technique.

A key element that makes this style unique is its flexibility . Traditional presentations are bound to follow a strictly linear path; on the other hand, storytelling style presentations can be nonlinear . You have the ability to jump between different points in your narrative, allowing the story to be revealed in a way that best serves the message. This is very effective when using tools like Prezi since they allow nonlinear presentations by use of a zoomable canvas, where the presenter can glide thematically through different parts of the story visually.

When is a storytelling style presentation useful?

The storytelling style presentation can be used in a wide range of scenarios. Here are some specific instances where such a style is particularly effective:

  • Persuasive presentations : Whether making a new idea known, seeking investment, or standing up for something, telling a story can make your case more convincing. Weave what you have to say into a story and you’ll more fully convince those listening.
  • Educational settings : It’s possible for teachers and educators to apply storytelling when explaining intricate topics so that these topics become more familiar to the learners. In addition, this approach is likely to enable students to preserve information by tying new ideas back to stories they can recall.
  • Corporate communications : In the case of internal communications like sharing company visions or updates, the use of storytelling can be quite effective in aligning the team with a given message by making it more engaging and emotionally resonant.
  • Marketing and sales : Storytelling is a powerful tool in marketing and sales presentations. This is because establishing an emotional connection with the audience has the potential to create a monumental effect on decision-making.

Techniques for effective storytelling in presentations

Developing a storytelling style presentation that’ll inspire your audience involves the use of specific techniques. Let’s explore some techniques that can make your storytelling pop!

The hero’s journey

The hero’s journey is a classic storytelling presentation style where the protagonist (your product, idea or audience) is challenged, shown obstacles, and then attains some goal. This structure is known to all and gets the audience emotionally involved, hence ideal for leading your audience through a story that has a clear path.

Woman giving branding presentation.

Three-act structure

This method breaks your story into three parts: the establishment, the confrontation, and the resolution. It’s how a simple presentation should be structured so that as the story is revealed, it remains interesting for the audience right up until its satisfying ending.

Conflict and resolution

Inject a problem or conflict at the beginning of your presentation and then gradually lead your audience to where the solution lies. By building tension throughout, you’ll hold the listeners’ attention as they become more invested in how it all pans out, rendering your presentation more dynamic and memorable.

Analogies and metaphors

The use of analogies and metaphors enables complex ideas to be broken down and delivered in a way that’s easily recognizable. This technique not only makes the content more engaging but also allows the audience to understand difficult ideas more easily.

A women presenting a presentation with a school presentation theme

The Story Spine

The Story Spine is a straightforward storytelling framework that helps structure your narrative clearly. It typically follows this sequence: “Once upon a time… Every day… But one day… Because of that… Until finally… And ever since that day….” This technique creates a cohesive story that flows logically and resonates emotionally with the audience.

Nested Loops

Nested Loops is a technique where you introduce multiple narratives within one another, like stories within a story. You start with a central narrative, then introduce another related story, before eventually circling back to conclude each one. This method keeps the audience intrigued and engaged as each loop is closed, leading back to the main point.

Tips for creating a storytelling style presentation

Know your audience.

Shape your story to reflect the experiences and emotions of your listeners. Knowing who they are and what they value most will enable you to weave a tale that resonates with them in a more profound way.

Start off strong

As with any good story, your presentation will have to begin with a hook. Something that immediately captures the audience. It could be a surprising fact or a thought-provoking question. Maybe even a personal anecdote. All designed to set the tone for the rest of your presentation.

Against the backdrop of a startup tech conference, a business entrepreneur takes the stage, delivering an impactful presentation. Their confident posture and charismatic delivery hold the audience's attention.

Use visuals strategically

Your visuals should complement the story , not take it over. Tools such as Prezi foster dynamic visualization that not only improves the storytelling experience by adding layers of meaning but also keeps the audience engaged throughout the presentation.

Keep It simple

While it might be tempting to include every little detail in your story, simplicity is key. Zero in on the core message and build a narrative around it. An excess of information dilutes the impact of your story; therefore, trim your content down while keeping it clear and focused.

Practice delivery

How you tell your story is as important as the story itself. Practice delivering it several times to get your pacing, tone and gestures right so that they blend well with the narrative. This enables you to connect with the audience and pass your message on effectively.

Engage the senses

In your storytelling, try to include sensory details—sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures. This’ll paint a more vivid picture and pull your readers in more intensely. When people can visualize and experience what they’re being told, the message is much more likely to hit home. 

Leveraging Prezi for storytelling presentations

Prezi is most known for creating storytelling style presentations. The nonlinear format of Prezi enables the presenter to drift along their story freely, zooming at specific points or pulling back for a broader view when needed during the narration. This freedom mimics how stories flow naturally .

Prezi AI generated template for mind map ideas

Plus, Prezi has features that make storytelling more effective through visual immersion. Users can insert videos, pictures, and animations into their stories to drive home and reiterate the main points, enabling the audience to easily follow and remain engaged.

A closer look: 6 ways Prezi scores in storytelling style presentations

Prezi stands out as a powerful tool for creating storytelling style presentations, offering unique features that enhance the narrative experience. Here are six ways Prezi is particularly useful for storytelling:

1. Nonlinear navigation

The nonlinear structure of Prezi enables you to present your story in any way you desire, transitioning freely between various parts of the narrative. It helps your story to flow naturally, and you can even go back and forth between important points, themes, or events, knowing your audience is following along with you. 

2. Zoomable canvas

The zoomable canvas in Prezi lets you focus on specific details or zoom out for a broader overview. Allowing you to control the pacing and emphasis of your story. This means you can bring out important points in your narrative, drawing the attention of your audience to exactly where you want it and then making a smooth transition to the next part of the story.

3. Dynamic visuals

What makes Prezi particularly good at storytelling is its capacity to work with dynamic visuals like images, videos, and animations. You can strategically place these multimedia elements in your presentation to support your story. This helps bring your story to life and allows your audience to visualize the message you’re delivering. 

4. Pathway customization

Using Prezi, you can fine-tune the route of your presentation so that you’re able to craft a special journey for your audience. You have the ability to adjust how information flows to fit your narrative, be it by going in a straight line or hopping around different points of the story as and when necessary.

5. Collaborative features

The Prezi collaborative tools let you work with a team in developing your storytelling style presentation. More than one contributor is able to go over and perfect the narrative so that varying views and ideas can be tied into one story. It’s especially helpful in building intricate presentations that draw on the input of different stakeholders.

6. Engaging transitions

Prezi has many interesting transitions that make your story flow better. Instead of going from one slide to another like the standard progression, Prezi allows for transitions between slides that are visually appealing. With these transitions, moving from one part of your story to another feels very natural and continuous. It’s a great way to keep your audience’s attention without disruptions, such as those created by a conventional change of slides. Here’s an example of a Prezi presentation that scores in storytelling and transitions:

By using these features, Prezi doesn’t just uphold a storytelling style presentation but enriches it for a better-informed, more memorable, and effective narrative. Be it a corporate, educational, or creative situation, the tools of Prezi can really enhance your storytelling to make it more effective.

Answering common questions about storytelling in presentations

What are the four types of storytelling.

The four types of storytelling often referred to in the context of presentations are:

  • Personal stories : Sharing a personal experience to connect with the audience on a human level.
  • Anecdotes : Brief stories that illustrate a point or concept.
  • Case studies : Real-world examples that demonstrate how something works in practice.
  • Metaphorical stories : Using analogies or metaphors to explain complex ideas in a relatable way.

How to start a storytelling presentation?

To start your storytelling presentation, initiate it with a hook that captures the focus of your audience. This may be by asking an interesting question, stating a surprising statistic, or sharing a personal anecdote. The aim is to draw the audience into the story. For more ideas on how to start a presentation, read this article .

A woman performing on stage, telling a story.

How do you write a storytelling style?

In presentation storytelling, you need to structure the content like a story. First, work on an outline of the key points to be made and fit them into some kind of arc. Use the hero’s journey or three-act structure to help guide your story flow toward its conclusion, and include elements that would resonate with your audience.

Bring your next storytelling style presentation to life with Prezi

Storytelling style presentations provide an exciting way of engaging, informing, and convincing your audience. The conversion of your content into a story can render your message more memorable and powerful. Nonlinear storytelling is supported by tools like Prezi, where you’re allowed the freedom to shape a presentation that really inspires. No matter whether your goal is to educate, persuade or inspire, storytelling can take your presentation one step higher.

By mastering storytelling techniques and applying them to your presentations, you’ll be better equipped to connect with your audience, convey your message effectively, and leave a lasting impression.

Group of people applauding

Did you know that there are 5 more presentation styles to discover? To learn about other styles and their use cases, go to our must-read article on presentation styles .

prezi presentation mitosis

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    La mitosis consiste en cuatro fases básicas: FASES DE LA MITOSIS. METAFASE: Los cromosomas, unidos por sus centrómeros a los microtúbulos del huso mitótico, son arrastrados al ecuador de la célula, formando la "placa ecuatorial". PROFASE: La célula comienza a deshacer algunas estructuras y construir otras, y así prepara el escenario ...


    Es una forma de reproduccion celular, en donde una celula madre da origemn a dos celulas hijas, que son iguales a la celula madre. Proceso de division, en donde la celula experimenta, dos divisiones sucesivas dando origen a cuatro celulas. Es una de las etapas de la división celular, tanto en los procesos de meiosis como en los de mitosis ...

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    Replication of DNA. Preparation for division. Most of a cells life cycle. Chromosomes Condense. Nuclear envelope breaks down. mitotic spindle begins to form. Animal cells: centrioles divide. Chromosomes begin to migrate to cell equator. 2 complete spindles at cell poles.

  16. The Power of Storytelling Style Presentations

    Prezi AI generated presentation example. Plus, Prezi has features that make storytelling more effective through visual immersion. Users can insert videos, pictures, and animations into their stories to drive home and reiterate the main points, enabling the audience to easily follow and remain engaged.

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    Introducción a la división celular La mitosis y la meiosis son procesos esenciales de división celular en organismos multicelulares. Cada uno de estos procesos juega un papel crucial en el crecimiento, desarrollo y reproducción de los organismos. ... Mastering the art of storytelling style presentations; Aug. 29, 2024. Simple presentation ...

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