Written Samples

10 sample letters of request for change of work schedule.

The modern workplace is in constant flux. With technological advancements, globalization, and a significant shift towards remote working, flexibility has become a crucial aspect of professional life.

For various reasons – health conditions, family commitments, or further education – employees might find themselves in a position where they need to request a change in their work schedule. Such requests are often sensitive in nature, requiring a delicate balance between asserting personal needs and acknowledging the demands of the job.

Sample Letters of Request for Change of Work Schedule

The art of crafting a compelling request lies in its ability to be both personal and professional. It’s essential to be clear about the reasons, showcase an understanding of potential challenges this might pose to the employer, and possibly suggest solutions to mitigate these issues. The following are 15 sample letters designed to assist in making this request:

Sample 1: Due to Health Conditions

Subject: Request for Change in Work Schedule due to Health Conditions

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to discuss a potential modification to my work schedule due to some ongoing health issues.

Over the past few months, I have been diagnosed with [specific condition], which requires regular treatment and a certain lifestyle adjustment. This change has made it challenging for me to maintain my current work hours.

I would like to request a shift to [desired hours], which would greatly help me manage my condition while ensuring I continue to meet my work responsibilities. I assure you that the quality and efficiency of my work will remain top-notch.

Thank you for considering my request.

[Your Name]

Sample 2: Due to Family Commitments

Subject: Request for Work Schedule Change due to Family Commitments

I trust you are doing well. I am reaching out to discuss a potential adjustment to my work hours, stemming from evolving family commitments.

Recently, there have been some changes in my family dynamics, necessitating my presence at home during certain hours. As a result, I’d like to request a shift in my work schedule to [desired hours].

I understand the importance of ensuring uninterrupted workflow, and I am more than willing to adjust my tasks and communication methods to ensure minimal disruption.

Thank you for understanding and considering my request.

Warm regards,

Sample 3: For Further Education

Subject: Request for Schedule Change to Pursue Further Education

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to request a modification in my work hours to accommodate my further educational pursuits.

I have recently been accepted into [specific course/degree], which I believe will enhance my skills and contribute significantly to my role here at [Company Name]. The classes are scheduled for [specific days and hours], and as such, I’d like to adjust my work hours to [desired hours].

I am committed to ensuring that this change does not compromise the quality of my work and will make all necessary arrangements to manage my tasks effectively.

Thank you for your consideration.

Best regards,

Sample 4: Due to Commute Issues

Subject: Request to Adjust Work Schedule due to Commuting Challenges

I hope you are well. I’d like to discuss a possible change in my work schedule due to consistent challenges I’ve been facing with my commute.

Recent changes in public transport schedules and routes have made my current work hours untenable in the long run. I kindly request a change in my work hours to [desired hours], which would help me significantly reduce commute times and related stresses.

I believe this adjustment will also improve my overall productivity and well-being. I am dedicated to ensuring a seamless transition and continuity in my duties.

Thank you for your understanding.

Best wishes,

Sample 5: Due to Financial Reasons

Subject: Request for Work Schedule Change due to Financial Necessities

I trust this letter finds you in good spirits. I am reaching out to request an alteration in my work schedule due to some financial challenges I am currently facing.

I have taken up a part-time job during the evenings to meet certain financial obligations. Consequently, I’d like to adjust my work hours at [Company Name] to [desired hours].

While this is a temporary arrangement, I want to ensure that my responsibilities here are not affected. I am committed to maintaining the high standards of work that are expected of me.

I appreciate your understanding and consideration.

Sample 6: Due to Childcare Responsibilities

Subject: Request for Change in Work Hours owing to Childcare Responsibilities

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to seek a possible adjustment to my working hours due to unforeseen childcare responsibilities.

Recently, our regular childcare provider had to discontinue their services, and alternative arrangements have compelled me to be available during certain hours of the day. As a result, I kindly request to shift my work schedule to [desired hours].

I am devoted to ensuring that my work responsibilities and performance remain unaffected. I will ensure that I manage my tasks diligently and remain accessible during core working hours.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration.

Sample 7: Temporary Change for Personal Projects

Subject: Temporary Work Schedule Change Request for Personal Project

I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to discuss a temporary adjustment in my work hours for an upcoming personal project.

Over the next [specific duration], I have been presented with a unique opportunity to work on a [brief description of the project, e.g., “book publication”]. This project requires my undivided attention during specific hours. As such, I kindly request a change in my work schedule to [desired hours] for the said duration.

I am committed to ensuring that this change does not impact my work responsibilities at [Company Name] and will take all necessary measures to manage my tasks efficiently.

Sample 8: For Mental Health Reasons

Subject: Request for Work Schedule Adjustment for Mental Well-being

I hope you are well. I am writing to request a change in my work hours to better manage my mental well-being.

Over the past few months, I have been facing some challenges that have made it necessary for me to attend regular therapy sessions and establish a routine conducive to mental healing. As a result, I would like to adjust my work hours to [desired hours].

I assure you that my dedication and commitment to my role at [Company Name] remain unwavering. This change will enable me to give my best both personally and professionally.

I appreciate your understanding and support.

Sample 9: Owing to Relocation

Subject: Work Schedule Change Request due to Relocation

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am reaching out to discuss a necessary adjustment to my work hours owing to a recent relocation.

Due to [personal reasons/family commitments/etc.], I had to move to [new location], which has affected my daily routine and commute time. To accommodate these changes, I request a shift in my work schedule to [desired hours].

I remain committed to delivering quality work and will ensure that this change does not impact my productivity or the team’s dynamics.

Sample 10: To Pursue Passion Projects

Subject: Request for Work Hours Change to Engage in Passion Projects

I trust you are doing well. I am writing to discuss a potential modification in my work hours to pursue some passion projects that are close to my heart.

Over the past year, I have been deeply involved in [specific project/activity, e.g., “community service,” “musical endeavors”], which require dedicated hours during the day. To ensure that I can commit to both my role at [Company Name] and these projects, I would like to adjust my work hours to [desired hours].

I assure you that my professional commitments will remain a priority, and I will manage my tasks effectively.

Sample 11: Due to Physical Rehabilitation

Subject: Request for Change in Work Hours for Physical Rehabilitation

I hope this note finds you well. I am reaching out to discuss a temporary adjustment to my work hours due to necessary physical rehabilitation sessions I must attend.

After a recent [injury/medical procedure], I’ve been advised to undergo regular rehabilitation sessions for the next [specific duration]. These sessions are crucial for my swift recovery and are scheduled during [specific hours]. Consequently, I would like to request a shift in my work schedule to [desired hours].

I am committed to ensuring seamless work continuity and will take all necessary steps to manage my responsibilities effectively.

Sample 12: Due to Religious Obligations

Subject: Work Schedule Change Request Owing to Religious Obligations

I trust this message finds you in good spirits. I am writing to seek a potential change in my work hours to accommodate specific religious obligations that I observe.

During [specific period or days, e.g., “the holy month of Ramadan” or “Sabbath”], my religious practices require me to engage in certain activities and observances during particular hours of the day. As such, I kindly request an adjustment in my work schedule to [desired hours] for the said duration.

I am dedicated to ensuring that my work duties remain unaffected, and I will ensure efficient task management during this period.

Thank you for your understanding and respect for my religious practices.

Sample 13: Due to Elderly Care

Subject: Request to Adjust Work Schedule for Elderly Care Responsibilities

I hope you are well. I am reaching out to discuss a necessary change in my work hours due to the increased care responsibilities I have for an elderly family member.

Given the age and health conditions of my [relation, e.g., “father”], I need to be present for certain medical appointments and assist with daily activities. Therefore, I’d like to modify my work schedule to [desired hours].

I am committed to maintaining the high standards of work expected of me and will ensure I manage my tasks and responsibilities efficiently.

Thank you for your understanding and empathy.

Sample 14: Due to Voluntary Service Commitments

Subject: Work Schedule Change Request for Voluntary Services

I trust this letter finds you well. I am writing to discuss a change in my work hours to accommodate my commitment to voluntary services that I am involved in.

Recently, I’ve taken on a more significant role at [specific voluntary organization, e.g., “Hometown Community Service”], which requires my presence during specific hours. To balance this commitment with my role at [Company Name], I am seeking to adjust my work hours to [desired hours].

I assure you of my unwavering dedication to my job, and I am proactive in ensuring this change does not affect my professional responsibilities.

Thank you for your consideration and understanding.

Sample 15: To Attend Workshops and Training

Subject: Request for Temporary Work Hours Change for Workshops and Training

I hope this message finds you in high spirits. I am reaching out to discuss a temporary change in my work schedule to attend certain workshops and training sessions relevant to my professional growth.

Over the next [specific duration], I am enrolled in a series of workshops and training sessions scheduled during [specific hours]. I believe these will significantly enhance my skills and subsequently benefit our team at [Company Name]. Therefore, I’d like to request a change in my work hours to [desired hours] for this period.

I am committed to ensuring that my regular tasks are managed efficiently and will ensure that I remain accessible and productive.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

While personal circumstances and reasons for needing a change in work schedule can be diverse, the approach remains uniform: clarity, transparency, and a demonstration of commitment to work responsibilities. Crafting a thoughtful request, as illustrated in the above samples, not only enhances the chance of approval but also fosters a supportive work environment.

  • Application For Shift Change In Office

In a dynamic workplace, there are often circumstances that necessitate a shift change to better align with personal, health, or career development needs. Whether you're seeking a shift change to achieve a healthier work-life balance, accommodate personal commitments, manage health-related issues, or pursue career advancement opportunities, it's crucial to communicate your request professionally and clearly. Below are four templates designed to help you initiate a shift change request within your office environment. These templates provide structured formats for your request, ensuring that you convey your reasons and intentions effectively while demonstrating your commitment to minimal disruption and continued productivity within the team. Feel free to adapt these templates to your specific situation, maintaining a respectful and courteous tone throughout your request.

Template Basic Shift Change Request

[Your Name] [Your Employee ID] [Your Department] [Today's Date]

[Supervisor's Name] [Supervisor's Title] [Company Name] [Company Address]

Dear [Supervisor's Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to request a shift change in my current work schedule. Due to [briefly explain your reason for requesting the shift change, such as personal commitments or health concerns], I find it necessary to modify my work hours.

Currently, I am scheduled to work from [current shift start time] to [current shift end time]. I would like to propose a shift change to [desired shift start time] to [desired shift end time]. I believe this adjustment will enable me to better manage my responsibilities both at work and outside of it.

I understand the importance of maintaining our team's productivity and ensuring that all shifts are adequately staffed. To minimize any disruption, I have already spoken with [colleague's name] from the team, who has agreed to swap shifts with me. We have ensured that this change will not affect the workflow or team performance adversely.

I kindly request your approval for this shift change, effective from [desired start date]. I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition and will make every effort to coordinate with my colleagues to ensure the team's seamless operation during this transition period.

Thank you for considering my request. I am confident that this change will positively impact my work-life balance and, ultimately, my performance at the company. I appreciate your understanding and support.

[Your Name]

Template Shift Change Request due to Personal Reasons

I hope you are doing well. I am writing to request a shift change in my current work schedule due to personal reasons. [Briefly explain your situation and why the shift change is necessary, maintaining professionalism.]

Currently, my work schedule is from [current shift start time] to [current shift end time]. I kindly request a shift change to [desired shift start time] to [desired shift end time]. This change will allow me to better manage my personal responsibilities without compromising my performance at work.

I understand the importance of maintaining operational continuity within our team. To ensure a seamless transition, I have already discussed this with [colleague's name] who has agreed to swap shifts with me. We have worked out the details to ensure a smooth handover process.

I kindly request your approval for this shift change, effective from [desired start date]. I am committed to ensuring minimal disruption and will collaborate closely with my colleagues to guarantee the team's continued success during this transition period.

I appreciate your understanding and support in this matter. Your consideration of this request will greatly assist me in balancing my personal and professional obligations effectively.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Template Shift Change Request due to Health Reasons

I trust this message finds you well. I am writing to request a shift change due to health reasons. Unfortunately, my current work schedule, which runs from [current shift start time] to [current shift end time], is becoming challenging for me to maintain given my health condition.

I kindly request a shift change to [desired shift start time] to [desired shift end time], which will better accommodate my medical needs while allowing me to continue contributing effectively to the team.

I understand the critical role I play in our department's operations, and I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition. I have already discussed this with [colleague's name], who has agreed to swap shifts with me. We have developed a plan to ensure that my absence during the transition does not disrupt our workflow.

I request your approval for this shift change, effective from [desired start date]. Your support in this matter is invaluable, as it will help me manage my health condition while continuing to be a productive team member.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration.

Template Shift Change Request for Career Development

I hope this message finds you in good health. I am writing to discuss the possibility of a shift change that would align with my career development goals and allow me to contribute more effectively to our team's success.

Currently, I work from [current shift start time] to [current shift end time], which has limited my availability for [mention specific career development activities, such as training or networking]. To address this, I propose a shift change to [desired shift start time] to [desired shift end time] that would enable me to participate in these growth opportunities.

I understand the importance of maintaining our team's efficiency and workflow. To ensure a seamless transition, I have already spoken with [colleague's name], who is willing to swap shifts with me. We have devised a plan to minimize any disruption and ensure the team's continued success.

I kindly request your approval for this shift change, effective from [desired start date]. I am committed to ensuring that this transition is as smooth as possible and that my career development does not negatively impact our team's performance.

Your support in this matter will greatly contribute to my professional growth and, in turn, benefit the company as a whole. Thank you for considering my request.

We are delighted to extend our professional proofreading and writing services to cater to all your business and professional requirements, absolutely free of charge at Englishtemplates.com . Should you need any email, letter, or application templates, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at englishtemplates.com. Kindly leave a comment stating your request, and we will ensure to provide the necessary template at the earliest.

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Sample Request Letter for Change of Shift Schedule

Sometimes it is necessary to change the work shift due to external situations.

Sample Request Letter for Change of Shift Schedule

A shift change at work is a difficult thing to request from the boss, especially when it is a position where there is no room for another shift. However, asking for a shift change through a formal letter is possible.

Inconveniences are unforeseen events that arise at any time and with which we have to deal, so it is often necessary to request a shift change to the afternoon, morning, or evening, depending on the worker’s occupation and conditions for this modification to be carried out. 

What is a work schedule change?

A change of work schedule is a modification in the employee’s plan, who cannot continue working at their agreed schedule, either because it is difficult for them to get to work or because they have other obligations, such as studying or taking the children to school, for example.

The schedule change is not a change in the number of hours but in the agreed work schedule. For instance, instead of working from 9 am to 3 pm, the employee may request a change from 12 pm to 6 pm.

What are the types of schedule changes?

There are different reasons an employee may need to change their schedule, which can be for any of the following schedule changes.

Remote work

When working remotely, you can request a schedule change at the office so that you can work from home, as long as the number of working hours is respected.

Flextime means the employee can work in an office or at home at any time without strictly needing to comply with the agreed schedule. The employee is the one who decides when to sit down to work; thus, they will be able to accommodate their time according to their schedule. 

Shared schedule

This change implies that the employee works fewer hours per day but more days per week. For example, if the employee works from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 3 pm, they can request to work from 9 am to 2 pm and ask for a change from Monday to Saturday to cover the remaining overtime. 

Conversely, they may also request to work more hours to have a day off. For example, work from Monday to Thursday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Sample Letter of Request for Shift Change

What should a schedule change letter contain?

The time change request letter should be written carefully, without losing any detail, and giving concrete reasons why you need to change your working hours or days. Although there is no specific order for writing this letter, it should be simple and brief so as not to bore you with too many explanations and without going into too much detail.

The letter can be divided into two simple paragraphs .

First paragraph

Introduce yourself, and provide information about your job position, contact details, working hours, and date. Then, greet cordially and explain why you need a shift change , supporting these reasons, but you should always be concise.

Second paragraph

In the second paragraph, you can list your work achievements to let the boss know that you have always been attentive and available for whatever the company needs. If you have them, you can attach awards or recommendations that help you show that you have been a great employee in the years you have been with the company.

Remember that the letter should always have a positive narrative , looking to the future without criticizing anyone. If the schedule change is due to a bad relationship with another employee, it is best to reserve your opinions, as this could speak ill of you and it is not professional at all. 

What should I consider when requesting a schedule change?  

Before writing a letter requesting a schedule change , you should consider several aspects of your job so as not to get your hopes up. This way, you will be prepared if you get a negative response.

  • Find out about the vacancies available in your work schedule.
  • Make sure the schedule change is for the same job you have been doing.
  • Find out if you must have higher qualifications and a complete résumé to change your schedule.
  • Find out about available schedules.
  • Find out if you can opt for another alternative or more flexible work method.
  • Ask if you can change your schedule for a certain period.

Below, you can download some models of letters requesting a schedule change .  

How to request a schedule change at work?

Although there is no agreed structure, as mentioned above, you can make your letter based on your time availability and following this structure: 

  • Explain in detail and briefly what you need

Before writing the letter to your boss, you must have a solution to propose to your request, so you will avoid wasting your employer’s time. In addition, providing an explicit request makes it easier for the boss to respond to your request. For example, explain if you want to change the schedule to have more days off, or work less and for more days per week.

You should be as clear and precise as possible without beating around the bush. The letter should be brief but without leaving out any details that could help you get what you need.

  • The request must be coherent

Identify by your means the chances you can change your work schedule for another. For example, if the company works from Monday to Friday, you will not be able to request a change of fewer hours for more days since there are restrictions in this regard. The same applies to the type of work: if the company does not allow you to work from home, making this request will not make sense.

It is advisable that, before talking to your boss, you find another employee, preferably from human resources, to advise you on the company’s work schedules and flexibility. Knowing the company’s policy makes your letter requesting a schedule change as consistent and realistic as possible.

  • Schedule a meeting

After informing yourself about the possibilities of changing your work schedule, write in the letter your intention to meet with the manager at a time and place when the boss can. Once you agree to the meeting and it is time to complete, state your proposal for the schedule change.

  • State your expectations

Once the manager has accepted and the day of the meeting arrives, you should state your case and give reasons so that the boss understands the need for the schedule change and how important it is to you.

Now that you have time and are face to face with the manager, tell in detail (though be sure to avoid unnecessary comments) your expectations about the schedule change, such as shift, days, office location (if there is more than one branch of the company) and mode of work.

  • Benefits for the employer

It is great to state why your boss would benefit from this schedule change and the work team. How would changing your shift help?

  • Provide accurate expectations

After discussing the various details of the schedule change, how it would benefit the manager and the team, and why you need this change, you should state your expectations as precisely and clearly as possible. This will allow the manager to understand the need for the shift change.

If the manager approves your request and you can change your schedule, be sure to let them know that you will not fail at your job and that they will not regret giving you this opportunity. For example, you can comment on how your work will continue in the company and that you will improve your performance and productivity thanks to this change since you will have more freedom and fewer worries in the agreed schedule.

  • Be professional

If your boss approves your request for a schedule change, show them that you will fulfil all work tasks. For example, if your boss allows you to change your schedule and, instead of working from 9 am to 3 pm, you will work from 10 am to 4 pm, you must always be punctual and show your commitment and appreciation for the schedule change.

Another example could be that they allow you to work from home instead of going to the office. In this case, log on to the company’s platform a few minutes earlier or be on time, so the boss notices that you are serious about the time change.

Also, if, for example, you have to make a video call, dress accordingly and always be on time. Always act as if you are working in the office. This will allow the boss to notice your commitment to the job. 

  • “Request Letter to Boss for Shift Timing Change in Office — Sample Letters.” Sample Letters, 29 Nov. 2021, https://www.foundletters.com/miscellaneous-letters/request-letter-to-boss-for-shift-timing-change-in-office/ .
  • “How to Request a Change in Job Title | Work – Chron.Com” Work – Chron.Com, https://work.chron.com/request-change-job-title-9250.html

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3 Sample Requests for Change of Shift Schedule, Letter + Email

Do you have a family or personal problem that requires you to change your work schedule?

You're in the right place. I have three template messages to help you request your employer to change your schedule. Two of them are letter examples and one is an email sample.

Here's how to do it.

Request a change to your work schedule by letter:

  • Suggest an alternative if possible

Letter example 1:

[Your Name] [Your Address]

[Letter Date]

[Employer's Name] [Employer's Address]

Dear [Name of your manager or employer] , I am writing you to request a change to my shift schedule from [current schedule] to [desired schedule] . I underwent knee reconstruction surgery and require daily physiotherapy at the local clinic from 9 to 11 a.m. I have annexed the medical documents supporting my request.

I have worked for [Employer's Name] for [X years] and I have always been an exemplary employee, with excellent performance reviews. I'm hopeful we can come to an agreement that is beneficial for both parties.

Yours sincerely, [Your Name] [Your position/job title]

Letter example 2:

Dear [Name of your manager or employer] , I am writing this letter to ask you for a change to my shift schedule from [current schedule] to [desired schedule] . I have twins who will start school at a schedule that is incompatible with my current work schedule. I need to be home to dress them and take them to school as I am a single mother. I have annexed a copy of my children's school schedule and a copy of their school application form.

Over the last [X years] I have worked for [Employer's Name] and have always done my work to the best of my abilities, often getting raises and good performance reviews from my manager. You can be assured the work will still get done with complete dedication on my part.

Request a change to your work schedule by email:

Email example:

To: [email protected] Subject: Request to change schedule

Dear [Employer’s Name] ,

I'm [Your Name] , a [Job Title] working on [Your Department/Team] .

I would like to request a change to my schedule from [current schedule] to [desired schedule] for the next 3 months. As my mother passed away, I'm now responsible for taking care of my father until my sister moves from California. I've added my mother's certificate as well as a dependent certificate from social security.

I hope we can work together to make sure work quality and output will not be impacted by this request. I've been an employee for [X years] with good reviews, as my manager can attest.

Yours sincerely, [Your Name]

Keep your message short and simple

Don't write a long letter or email. Keep your message short and to the point. Be objective. Managers and HR departments have a lot of work to do and will hold it against you for wasting their time with fluff.

Research your company's policies beforehand

Before you send a request, research what's your company's policy for schedule changes.

Check for official rules or ask your colleagues. The more information you have, the easier it gets to write your message.

You can even refer to official company policy when making your request.

Don't criticize or threaten your employer

It's tempting to criticize your company or threaten to leave if they don't accept your request. Don't do it.

They have the upper hand and unless you have a union contract they are not forced to accept your schedule change.

Writing to them in a friendly way can make the difference between having your request accepted or ignored.

Don't apologize for your request

Apologizing puts you in a position of submission and weakens your case. It makes it seem you're doing something wrong.

Be assertive when writing your request, but not arrogant. Friendly but not submissive.

Have your company's interests at heart

When writing your request, don't make it one-sided. Make it seem like you have your company's interests at heart.

Offer alternatives and assure them the work is still going to get done on time.

Annex any supporting documents

Whether you have a medical, family, or personal problem, ‌annex any supporting documents to make your case.

Third-party validation makes it less likely that your company will accuse you of trying to take advantage of them.

Send the letter by certified mail

If you are writing a letter, send it through certified mail. Some companies don't accept request letters through normal mail. If in doubt, inform yourself about your company's policies.

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Sample Application Format for Shift Change in Office

Application format for shift change in office, Shift Change Request Letter Sample

If you want to have your shift at office changed from morning to evening or vice-versa then you have to write a formal application for shift timing change in office. You can write shift change request letter due to health issues or due to some personal reasons. Application for changing shift from evening to morning in office or for any other reason has to be short and specific.

In this post, we have drafted two sample request letters for change of office time . Use these shift change request letter formats to create your own application format for shift timing change in office in a professional way.

Application Format for Shift Change in Office

Radhika Sharma 54, Hansraj Apartments, Greater Kailash, New Delhi

Date: August 5th, 2019

The Manager ICBI Technologies New Delhi

Sub: Regarding request for change in shift.

Respected Sir,

I am writing this letter to bring to your notice my health condition. From last couple of months, I have been suffering from sleep disorders and after consulting my doctor, I have been advised to have day shifts.

I request you to please change my shift timings from night to morning shift considering my health situation. From the last two years, I have been allotted night shifts and have always been punctual at work. I have always given my best at my work and have always aimed to achieve what is best for my organization.

I am extremely hopeful that you will consider my condition and will approve my request for change in shift.

Thanking in anticipation.

Radhika Sharma

2. Sample Application format for Shift Timing Change in Office

Radhika Sharma 54, Hansraj Apartments, Greater Kailash, New Delhi Date: August 2 nd , 2019

Sub: Regarding request for shift timing change.

I am writing this letter to request you to please change my shift time from morning to night because of some personal reasons. I want to bring to your notice that my grandfather has not been keeping well and therefore, I need to be around him during morning hours to take care of him.

I will assure you that I will not give you any chance to complaint and will fulfil all my responsibilities and duties to the best of my levels. I am hopeful that you will understand my situation and will approve my request for shift timing change.

Related Other Application Format

Circular About Office Timing Request Letter for Approval of Change in Office Timing Office Timings Email to Employees

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Be the first to comment - What do you think? Posted by Hrformats - August 5, 2019 at 6:57 AM

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Shift Change Request Letter

Request letter maker.

Wearable Technology

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to formally request a change in my current shift schedule due to [specific reason, e.g., family commitments, educational pursuits, health reasons]. After much consideration, I believe this change will not only help me manage my personal responsibilities more effectively but also allow me to maintain my performance and contribution to the team at [Company Name].

Currently, I am scheduled for the [current shift, e.g., night shift from 10 PM to 6 AM], which has been challenging due to [briefly explain the reason, e.g., “it conflicts with my evening classes” or “it has taken a toll on my health”]. I kindly request to be moved to the [desired shift, e.g., day shift from 8 AM to 4 PM], which I believe would be a better fit for my current situation.

I have given this request considerable thought and understand the importance of maintaining a balanced and productive team. To minimize disruption, I am more than willing to assist with the transition in any way possible, including training my replacement for the [current shift] or adjusting my start date on the [desired shift] to meet the team’s needs.

I am committed to my role at [Company Name] and am eager to continue contributing to our success. I believe this shift change will ultimately enhance my ability to perform at my best and uphold the standards of excellence we strive for.

Thank you very much for considering my request. I am open to discussing this further and finding a mutually beneficial arrangement. Please let me know if you need any additional information or if there’s a convenient time for us to discuss this in person.

Warm regards,

Gerry Rosales


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Writing a Shift Change Request Letter (Free Templates)

This guide will help you craft a compelling rebuttal letter, offering tips from my personal experience and providing three proven templates to get you started.

Key Takeaways

  • Purpose: Understand why you need to write a rebuttal letter.
  • Structure: Learn how to structure your letter effectively.
  • Tone: Discover the importance of a professional and respectful tone.
  • Evidence: Know what evidence to include to support your rebuttal.
  • Templates: Access three unique templates to guide your writing.

Why Write a Rebuttal Letter?

Writing a rebuttal letter allows you to formally respond to allegations, performance reviews, or disciplinary actions you disagree with. It’s your opportunity to present your side of the story, clarify misunderstandings, and provide evidence to support your position.

Structure of a Rebuttal Letter

A well-structured rebuttal letter is clear, concise, and respectful. Here’s a breakdown of the essential components:

  • Introduction: Briefly state the purpose of the letter.
  • Context: Provide context about the situation or incident.
  • Evidence: Present your evidence and arguments.
  • Conclusion: Summarize your main points and state your desired outcome.

Table: Structure of a Rebuttal Letter

IntroductionState the purpose of the letter.
ContextExplain the situation or incident.
EvidencePresent supporting evidence and arguments.
ConclusionSummarize your points and state your desired outcome.

Tips from Personal Experience

From my experience, the following tips can make your rebuttal letter more effective:

  • Stay Professional: Keep a calm and respectful tone, even if you feel wronged.
  • Be Specific: Address specific points or incidents rather than making general statements.
  • Use Evidence: Back up your claims with concrete evidence, such as emails, performance records, or witness statements.
  • Seek Feedback: Have someone you trust review your letter for clarity and tone before you send it.

Template 1: Rebuttal to a Performance Review


Dear [Supervisor’s Name],

I am writing to formally address the recent performance review I received on [date]. I appreciate the feedback, but I believe there are several points that need clarification and reconsideration.

In the review, it was mentioned that my project management skills need improvement. I would like to provide additional context and evidence regarding my performance over the past six months.

  • Project Success: The XYZ project I led was completed ahead of schedule and under budget, as evidenced by the project completion report dated [date].
  • Client Feedback: Attached are emails from clients praising my project management and communication skills.
  • Team Collaboration: My colleagues have consistently provided positive feedback on my collaboration and leadership, as shown in the attached peer review summaries.

I respectfully request a reevaluation of my performance review in light of this additional information. I am committed to continuous improvement and would appreciate your reconsideration.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Template 2: Rebuttal to a Disciplinary Action

I am writing to formally respond to the disciplinary action notice dated [date]. I understand the importance of maintaining high standards, and I believe there has been a misunderstanding regarding the incident in question.

The notice stated that I was responsible for a breach of protocol on [date]. I would like to provide my account of the events and the mitigating circumstances.

  • Timeline of Events: According to my records and the attached witness statements, the protocol breach occurred due to an unexpected system failure.
  • Preventive Measures: I took immediate action to mitigate the issue, as documented in the incident report submitted on [date].
  • Previous Record: I have a consistent record of adherence to protocols, which can be verified by my past performance reviews and the attached compliance reports.

I respectfully request that the disciplinary action be reconsidered in light of this evidence. I am dedicated to upholding company standards and ensuring such incidents do not recur.

Template 3: Rebuttal to a Termination Notice

I am writing to formally contest the termination notice I received on [date]. I believe the decision was based on incomplete information and does not reflect my contributions to the company.

The termination notice cited underperformance as the reason. I would like to present additional context and evidence regarding my performance and contributions.

  • Performance Metrics: Attached are performance metrics and reports demonstrating that I consistently met or exceeded targets over the past year.
  • Team Leadership: My leadership on the ABC project significantly improved team productivity, as highlighted in the attached project summary.
  • Client Testimonials: Enclosed are testimonials from clients expressing satisfaction with my work and commitment.

I respectfully request a reconsideration of the termination decision. I am confident that a review of the attached evidence will demonstrate my value to the company.

Final Thoughts

Writing a rebuttal letter can be challenging, but it’s a crucial step in addressing misunderstandings and defending your professional reputation. By following the tips and using the templates provided, you can craft a persuasive and respectful rebuttal letter.

List: Quick Tips for Rebuttal Letters

  • Stay professional and respectful.
  • Be specific and address individual points.
  • Use concrete evidence to support your claims.
  • Seek feedback from a trusted colleague or mentor.

With these guidelines and templates, you’ll be well-equipped to write an effective rebuttal letter to your employer.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: what should i include in a shift change request letter.

Answer : When writing a shift change request letter, I always include my current shift details, the requested shift change, and the reason for the request. I also mention how the change will benefit my productivity and availability.

Q: How do I address my supervisor in a shift change request letter?

Answer : In my experience, addressing my supervisor formally by name and title sets a respectful tone. I start with a polite salutation like “Dear [Supervisor’s Name],” to maintain professionalism.

Q: What is the best way to explain my reason for requesting a shift change?

Answer : I find it effective to be honest and concise about my reasons, whether it’s for personal commitments or health issues. Providing a clear explanation helps my supervisor understand my situation better.

Q: How far in advance should I submit a shift change request letter?

Answer : I typically submit my request at least two weeks in advance to give my supervisor ample time to consider and arrange the change. This shows respect for their planning and scheduling needs.

Q: Should I offer to help find a replacement in my shift change request letter?

Answer : Offering to assist in finding a replacement demonstrates my willingness to ensure a smooth transition. This proactive approach has often helped my requests be viewed more favorably.

Q: Can I request a permanent shift change, or should it be temporary?

Answer : Depending on my needs, I clearly state whether I am requesting a temporary or permanent shift change. This clarity helps my supervisor plan accordingly.

Q: How do I conclude a shift change request letter?

Answer : I always conclude my letter by expressing gratitude for considering my request and offering to discuss it further if needed. Ending on a positive note shows my appreciation and openness to communication.

Q: What tone should I use in a shift change request letter?

Answer: Maintaining a polite and professional tone throughout the letter is crucial. I focus on being respectful and courteous to create a positive impression.

Word & Excel Templates

Printable word and excel templates.

Shift Change Request Letter to Manager

Shift Change Request Letter to Manager

Some companies facilitate their workers by allowing them to work different shifts. This usually happens in big organizations. If an employee has some personal problems due to which he finds it difficult to adjust to the existing work hours, he can write a request letter to the manager and ask for a change in shift.

Remember that many people fail to get their request approved because they do not write the request letter in the right way.

Make sure that you have a sensible reason to ask for the shift change. This will increase the chances for you to get approval.

Writing a professional-looking shift change request letter is not a big deal. Follow the tips

Write a request in a formal way:

Since you are writing this letter to your boss, it is very important to remain formal. Come straight to the point and start the letter with your request.

Mention the justification of the request:

Your employer will have to bring a lot of changes to change your shift. Therefore, oftentimes he would like to know what made you make this request. So, you should be ready to give the justification for the change in shift request.

Thank the employer for the corporation:

When you apply for a change in shift, you must remember gratitude is an important part of making the request. End the letter by saying thank you to the reader for showing cooperation with you in advance.

To understand how to write a request to your employer, you can read the two sample letters given below.

Sample letter 1:

Subject: Change in shift request for [XYZ]

Respected sir,

Please consider my request for a change in my work shift. Currently, I am working the evening shift. I would like to switch to the morning shift because I have to be at home in the evening because of my mother. I need to take care of her in the evening because my wife works in the evening and there is no one at home to take care of my mother.

I am well aware of my job role, nature, and requirements and I have always tried to make sure that I don’t show negligence at work. However, the evening shift is causing serious problems in my life.

I have been working in your company for more than 10 years. I have always been a dedicated and passionate employee. I have already spoken to Mr. Pell about this matter and he has also encouraged me to make a request to you.

If you want to get further investigation about it, please call me in your office. I would be very happy to meet you and provide you with additional details. Thank you so much for your cooperation and support.

Shift Change Request Letter to Manager

MS Word 2003+ Size: 29 KB

Sample letter 2:

Please find this letter as a humble request to you to change my morning time job shift (from 8 am to 1 pm) to the evening time shift (from 4 pm to 9 pm).

I am compelled to make this request because of some serious problems. I come to my office from a remote area daily and I have to depend on public transport for this purpose. The timings of buses have now changed and now I can find public transport convenient for me only if I travel in the evening. Therefore, it is humbly requested you please change my shift so that I can conveniently travel from the office to home and vice versa.

In case you want to know more about my situation, I am ready to provide more information. Please contact me at my official contact number. I would be so happy to hear from you to resolve my matter. I know it might cause you inconvenience but I believe that changing the shift will not affect anyone much. Thank you so much for your cooperation. I will be obliged if you accept my request.

  • Holiday Closing Messages
  • Letter Requesting Transfer to another Department
  • Letter Requesting Promotion Consideration
  • Umrah Leave Request Letter to Boss
  • Ramadan Office Schedule Announcement Letters/Emails
  • Letter to Friend Expressing Support
  • Letter to Employer Requesting Mental Health Accommodation
  • Letter Requesting Reference Check Information
  • Letter Requesting Salary Certificate
  • Letter Requesting Recommendation from Previous Employer
  • One Hour Off Permission Letter to HR
  • Payroll Apology Letter to Employee
  • Advice Letter to Subordinate on Effective Communication
  • Advice Letter to Subordinate on Time Management
  • Letter to Patient for Feedback/Responding Survey/Online Form



Your Office Partner

Request Letter for Approval of Change in Internal Office Timing

Sample Request Letter for Approval of Change in Internal Office Timing due to late sitting of office for the staff members of any department.

Application Duty Timing Change for Further Study

The manager, TRG calling center, Lahore,

Respected sir,

I would like to inform you that my vacations are over, and my classes are starting from Monday, and due to this I am not able to do day shift. I have already informed you that I am applying for MBA as I have to study further. I also cannot leave the job as I have to arrange my tuition fee for MBA. I request you to change my timing from day shift to night shift. I shall be really thankful for this favor of yours. Thanks.

Yours sincerely,

Salaam Khan,

Sales department

Request for Change in Office Timing

AHF, DHA, Lahore

Subject: Internal Office Timing Approval Request from Resource Development Staff for the Month of Ramazan

Respected Mr. Razzaq Sahib,

Due to increase in office timing for Resource Development Staff members during the month of Ramazan we were allowed to make our own schedule to stay late hours in the office. We are ensuring the availability of at least two, or more Resource Development Staff Members randomly from the first day of Ramazan (starting from 19 th June (Date)). All the staff members who are staying late hours are allowed to come late in the next morning for our own convenience, and internal departmental schedule. Sir, you are kindly requested to instruct the attendance department to avoid any deductions to the salaries of any Resource Development Staff member for the month of Ramazan. Your kind remarks are needed for final approval.

Sincerely yours,

Muhammad Hamza

Manager Resource Development

Application Letter for Approval of Change in Internal Office Schedule

Dear General Manager,

This letter is to request a change in internal office timings. Due to the cold weather there always remains dense fog at the morning. Many employees had experienced accidents of their cars, and bikes in the morning. We all request the change the opening time of the office from 8am to 9.30 am. In order to complete the daily task all the employees have assented to work some extra hours in the afternoon, or work for some extra hours in the half day. Please consider the application as soon as possible to safe employees from any sever accidents, or problems.

Marketing Department

Request Letter for Approval of Change in Internal Office Timing

Approval for the Change in Office Timings

The District Officer,

Glasgow Fire & Rescue Service.

It has come to our notice that office timings for the staff performing duties in morning shift have been changed, and new timings are 8 am to 5 pm (9 hours) whereas the evening staff works only for six hours i.e. 5 pm to 11 pm. There is a difference of three hours in duties of both shifts, and morning staff also has to bear more workload than any other shift of the day.

The workers in morning shift intend to change their duty timings; they demand you that there should be an equal distribution of working hours in both shifts.

Keeping in view the above mentioned details, you are requested that approval for the change in office timings may please be granted with your keen judgment so that entire staff of the Service could work diligently.

Your cooperation in this regard with the staff shall be highly appreciated

Thanking you,

Staff of Morning Shift,

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2 thoughts on “Request Letter for Approval of Change in Internal Office Timing”

Kindly guide the application regarding seniority list wrongly published by department. The same list actualy I am senior but list shown junior so please publish how to write application.

Kindly guide the application regarding seniority list wrongly published by department. The same list actualy I am senior but list shown junior so please advice me how to write application

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Application for shift change.

If you want to have your shift at office changed from morning to evening or vice-versa then you have to write a formal application for shift timing change in office. You can write shift change request letter due to health issues or due to some personal reasons.  Application for changing shift from evening to morning in office  or for any other reason has to be short and specific. In this post, we have drafted two sample  request letters for change of office time . Use these shift change request letter formats to create your own application format for shift timing change in office in a professional way.

Sample Application for Shift Change in University

The Dean, Department of Computer Sciences, Punjab University Lahore.

Subject: Application for Shift Change

Respected Sir, It is stated that I Uzma Yaseen  student of  BS. Computer Sciences Evening Program. I want to request you for change of my shift from evening to morning because I belong to Gujranwala and want to stay in University Hostel. University provides this facility only for morning shift students. I am still on merit in morning shift, but due to some personal circumstances I am not bale to study in morning shift.

I have also searched accommodation in any private hostel or apartment but staying there would not be less than a challenge as a female. Most of the good hostels are far away from my university and it is impossible to travel in private vehicles daily to reach university. As a female it would be another difficulty for me to stay alone outside the university hostel.

Again I humbly request you to please change my class from evening to morning. So I will be allowed to stay in university girls hostels with morning students.I shall be highly obliged in this regard.

Yours Obediently,

Uzma Yaseen. BS. Computer Sciences.

Sample Application format for Shift Timing Change in Office

Radhika Sharma 54, Hansraj Apartments, Greater Kailash, New Delhi Date: August 2 nd , 2019

The Manager ICBI Technologies New Delhi

Sub: Regarding request for shift timing change.

Respected Sir,

I am writing this letter to request you to please change my shift time from morning to night because of some personal reasons. I want to bring to your notice that my grandfather has not been keeping well and therefore, I need to be around him during morning hours to take care of him.

I will assure you that I will not give you any chance to complaint and will fulfil all my responsibilities and duties to the best of my levels. I am hopeful that you will understand my situation and will approve my request for shift timing change.

Thanking in anticipation.

Radhika Sharma

Application Format for Shift Change in Office

Radhika Sharma 54, Hansraj Apartments, Greater Kailash, New Delhi

Date: August 5th, 2019

Sub: Regarding request for change in shift.

I am writing this letter to bring to your notice my health condition. From last couple of months, I have been suffering from sleep disorders and after consulting my doctor, I have been advised to have day shifts.

I request you to please change my shift timings from night to morning shift considering my health situation. From the last two years, I have been allotted night shifts and have always been punctual at work. I have always given my best at my work and have always aimed to achieve what is best for my organization.

I am extremely hopeful that you will consider my condition and will approve my request for change in shift.

Sample Application for Shift Change in School

To, The Principal, Girls High School UP, India

Subject: Change of shift from Evening to Morning.

With due respect humbly stated that I want to change my shift from Evening to Morning because the Evening shift does not suit my health and it also costs me a lot of trouble at pack time because of its great distance from my home. My family is very disturbed due to my studies. My other siblings are schooling from the Morning shift of this school and I also want to go home with them on time. I am a good student of my class and there will be immense improvement in my educational performance if you shift me to the Morning. I am losing my eyesight degree gradually and slowly due to this shift and which causes me a sign of bad health. Kindly see to my state and change my shift. Thankyou.

Waiting your Positive Response.

Yours Obediently, Rahi Patail July 6,2015

Sample Application for Shift Change in School

Application for Shift Change in School from Parents

To, The Headmaster Boys High School UP, India

Subject: Change of shift from Morning to Evening

Humbly Requested my son Rohit Sharma is studying in your well known school in grade 7. He is brilliant student of your school. Sir, my job nature has been changed and i do night duty now.Therefore, it is requested to change school shift of my son otherwise i would suffer from pick and drop issue. I can’t afford the other transportation So, obliged my genuine problem and change my child’s school shift from morning to evening.

Yours Truely,

5 thoughts on “Application for Shift Change”


Application for change evening’s bus in school

The Principal, ABC School.

Please I want to bring in your attention with due respect that, I want to get my bus shift change i.e. from evening to morning. Mistakenly it is filled in data form or (mention the reason). Kindly, I request you for help so that I might not suffer from it. I shall be grateful.

Yours Obediently, Name Class

Application for shift changing of job due to class

Kindly visit the below given link:-


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Documents Hub Consultants

Sample Request Letter for Change of Timing

Sample Request Letter for Change of Timing

[Here briefly describe on sample Application Letter to request for changing the time of office, restaurant, shop, school etc. You can also follow these formats change of opening and closing time. You can modify these formats as your requirement.]


Name (or Job Designation),

Organization/Institute name…


Sub: Proposal for Changing the Restaurant Timings

I am writing to you because I would like to make a request. We opened last month and in that month we have got close to no business at all. I do believe that this is down to the timing of opening and closing. You see you have to know who you are serving and what time they like to eat. We are based in an area where people don’t like to go out in the night time and they are the type of people who like to go out in the morning and afternoon time.

This is why I would like to request to change the restaurant opening timings. If we open early in the morning and close late in the afternoon I am sure that we would get more customers and more money. I hope that you will listen to what I just said and I look forward to seeing what action you take.

Yours sincerely,

Your name…

Manager (Job designation)

Another format,

Employee’s Name.

Employee’s Address.

Employer’s Name

Sub: Request for Changing the Timings or shifts

Dear Employer’s Name,

I am writing this letter to request a change in my shift schedule (Or time). My current shift is from (Time to time). My son/daughter is beginning school on (Date), and I would like to change my shift or time to the morning shift (or day shift) from (Time to time). This will allow me to fix my son/daughter’s breakfast and lunch and take him/her to school. In the evenings she will stay with her grandmother until I pick her up after work. (state your actual problem and situation).

I fully understand the requirements of the job, as I have been working at this company for the past three/five years and will do my best to continue working to the standard of the company. I have spoken to my immediate superior, and s/he has encouraged me to request a change of shift.

I would be happy to meet you and give you any further information you require and answer questions or discuss alternative solutions you may suggest.

Thank you for your consideration in this matter.


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NBC New York

Romania appeals gymnast score after Jordan Chiles floor inquiry drama at 2024 Olympics

Jordan chiles' score change was enough to leapfrog both ana barbosu and sabrina maneca-voinea, who had matching scores, for the last spot on the podium, by samuel petrequin • published august 7, 2024 • updated on august 7, 2024 at 2:45 pm.

The Romanian Olympic Committee says it has appealed Sabrina Maneca-Voinea's score from the floor exercise final at the  Paris Games  after a  last-minute inquiry  on behalf of American rival Jordan Chiles prompted heartbreak and rage from the former gymnastics powerhouse.

Maneca-Voinea and Romanian teammate Ana Barbosu were left outside the medals in  Monday's floor final  after finishing with matching scores of 13.700. Barbosu thought she had won bronze over Maneca-Voinea via a tiebreaker — a higher execution score — and began celebrating with a Romanian flag.

Chiles was the last athlete to compete and initially was given a score that put her in fifth place, right behind Maneca-Voinea. Chiles' coaches called for an inquiry on her score, and after a review, judges boosted Chiles' total by 0.1. That was enough to leapfrog Barbosu and Maneca-Voinea for the last spot on the podium.

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Maneca-Voinea was given a 0.1 deduction for stepping out of bounds during her routine, but replays showed she narrowly kept her heel inbounds during the moment in question.

The Romanian Olympic Committee said its president, Mihai Covaliu, wrote a letter of protest to the International Gymnastics Federation asking it to reconsider Maneca-Voinea's score, saying an initial challenge was rejected.

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“The way in which the score was assessed and the refusal to present the full reasons/proofs for the rejection of the appeal submitted within the time limit set by the rules seriously harms the image of international gymnastics, but in particular affects the athlete, even jeopardizing their mental health,” Covaliu said.

The gymnastics federation did not immediately confirm whether Romania had indeed appealed and if it would hear that appeal. It's unclear when the Romanians made the initial challenge.

Meanwhile, the Romanian Gymnastics Federation said it has submitted requests to the Court of Arbitration for Sport. It said one of them is linked to the inquiry submitted by Chiles' coaches.

“Aware of the negative impact on Ana Maria Barbosu and Sabrina Maneca-Voinea, the Romanian Gymnastics Federation aims to correct the mistakes made by the judges and to restore the rights of our athletes,” the federation said.

More Paris Olympics gymnastics

application letter for time change

Simone Biles, Suni Lee miss the balance beam podium after falling during their routines at the Olympics

application letter for time change

Gymnast Ana Barbosu speaks out after Jordan Chiles' score change

application letter for time change

Simone Biles, Jordan Chiles bowed to Brazil's Rebeca Andrade on the podium. Here's why

The results of the floor exercise have caused an uproar in Romania.

Romanian Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said Tuesday he will  boycott the closing ceremony  because of the “scandalous situation.” Ciolacu promised Romania would honor Barbosu and Maneca-Voinea as Olympic medalists, “including in terms of the prizes.”

Romanian gymnastics great  Nadia Comaneci  also lashed out after the event, writing on X, “I can’t believe we play with athletes mental health and emotions like this.”

Barbosu was standing on the floor when she looked up and saw the scoring change on the video board following the inquiry. She brought her hands to her face and walked off in tears.

Inquiries are a standard part of gymnastics competitions, with athletes or coaches asking judges to review a routine to ensure elements are rated properly. Scores can be adjusted up or down based on an inquiry.

Romania was a longtime superpower in gymnastics, but Barbosu's initial result would have been the women's program’s first Olympic medal since the 2012 London Games.

Rebeca Andrade of Brazil won gold and Chiles' teammate, Simone Biles, took silver in the floor final, the last event of the Olympic gymnastics slate.

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application letter for time change

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H-1B Electronic Registration Process

ALERT:  As of April 1, 2024, USCIS service centers are no longer accepting Form I-129 petitions requesting H-1B or H-1B1 (HSC) classification.

We will reject H-1B or H-1B1 (HSC) petitions received at a USCIS service center on or after April 1, 2024. There will be  no grace period  provided.

As of April 1, 2024, all paper-filed Form I-129 petitions requesting H-1 or H-1B1 (HSC) classification, including those with a concurrent Form I-907, Request for Premium Processing Service, and those with concurrently filed Form I-539 and/or Form I-765, must be filed at a USCIS lockbox facility. You can find the lockbox filing addresses for paper-filed forms on our  Form I-129 Direct Filing Addresses  page.

If you are filing Form I-129 alone or with Form I-907, you may also file online. On March 25, USCIS launched online filing of Form I-129 and associated Form I-907 for non-cap H-1B petitions. On April 1, USCIS began accepting online filing for H-1B cap petitions and associated Forms I-907 for petitioners whose registrations have been selected.  To file online, visit myaccount.uscis.gov .

In addition, on Feb. 28, 2024, USCIS launched new  USCIS organizational accounts  that allow multiple people within a company and their legal representatives to collaborate and prepare H-1B registrations, online H-1B petitions, and associated online requests for premium processing.

Prospective petitioners seeking to file H-1B cap-subject petitions, including for beneficiaries eligible for the advanced degree exemption, must first electronically register and pay the associated H-1B registration fee for each prospective beneficiary. See Fee Schedule, Form G-1055 .

The electronic registration process streamlines processing by reducing paperwork and data exchange and provides overall cost savings to employers seeking to file H-1B cap-subject petitions.

Under this process, prospective petitioners (also known as registrants), and their authorized representatives, who are seeking to employ H-1B workers subject to the cap, complete a registration process that requires basic information about the prospective petitioner and each requested worker. The initial registration period is for a minimum of 14 calendar days each fiscal year. The H-1B selection process is then run on properly submitted electronic registrations. Only those with selected registrations are eligible to file H-1B cap-subject petitions.

On Jan. 30, 2024, USCIS  announced  a final rule to strengthen integrity and reduce the potential for fraud in the H-1B registration process, including by ensuring each beneficiary would have the same chance of being selected, regardless of the number of registrations submitted on their behalf. The final rule created a beneficiary-centric selection process for registrations by employers, codified start date flexibility for certain petitions subject to the congressionally mandated H-1B cap, and added more integrity measures related to the registration process.

Under the beneficiary-centric process, registrations are selected by unique beneficiary rather than by registration. The final rule went into effect on March 4, 2024, and applied to the fiscal year (FY) 2025 registration process. Starting with the FY 2025 initial registration period, USCIS is requiring registrants to provide valid passport information or valid travel document information for each beneficiary. The passport or travel document provided must be the one the beneficiary, if or when abroad, intends to use to enter the United States if issued an H-1B visa. Each beneficiary must only be registered under one passport or travel document. Only those with selected registrations are eligible to file H-1B cap-subject petitions. For additional information on the passport or valid travel document requirement, please see the Frequently Asked Questions section below.

Selections take place after the initial registration period closes, so there is no requirement to register on the day the initial registration period opens.

FY 2025 H-1B Cap Registration Process Update

As we  announced  on April 1, 2024, we received enough electronic registrations during the initial registration period to reach the fiscal year 2025 H-1B numerical allocations (H-1B cap), including the advanced degree exemption, also known as the master’s cap.

We selected 114,017 beneficiaries, resulting in 120,603 selected registrations in the initial selection for the FY 2025 H-1B cap.

We subsequently  announced that we would need to select additional registrations for unique beneficiaries to reach the FY 2025 regular cap numerical allocations. As  announced on August 5, 2024, our projections indicate we have now randomly selected a sufficient number of registrations for unique beneficiaries as needed to reach the regular cap from the remaining properly submitted FY 2025 registrations. Additionally, we have notified all prospective petitioners with selected registrations from this round of selection that they are eligible to file an H-1B cap-subject petition for the beneficiary named in the applicable selected registration. We selected 13,607 beneficiaries in the second selection for the FY 2025 H-1B regular cap, resulting in 14,534 selected registrations.

During the registration period for the FY 2025 H-1B cap, we saw a significant decrease in the total number of registrations submitted compared to FY 2024, including a decrease in the number of registrations submitted on behalf of beneficiaries with multiple registrations.

  • The number of unique beneficiaries this year for FY 2025 (approximately 442,000) was comparable to the number last year for FY 2024 (approximately 446,000).
  • The number of unique employers this year for FY 2025 (approximately 52,700) was also comparable to the number last year for FY 2024 (approximately 52,000).
  • The number of eligible registrations, however, was down dramatically for FY 2025 (470,342) compared with FY 2024 (758,994) — a 38.6% reduction.
  • Overall, we saw an average of 1.06 registrations per beneficiary this year in FY 2025, compared to 1.70 for FY 2024.   

This chart shows registration and selection numbers for fiscal years 2021-2025 (as of April 12, 2024):

Cap Fiscal YearTotal RegistrationsEligible Registrations*Eligible Registrations for Beneficiaries with No Other Eligible RegistrationsEligible Registrations for Beneficiaries with Multiple Eligible Registrations

*The count of eligible registrations excludes duplicate registrations, those deleted by the prospective employer prior to the close of the registration period, and those with failed payments.

**The number of initial selections for FY 2024 – 110, 791 – was smaller than in prior years primarily due to (a) establishing a higher anticipated petition filing rate by selected registrants based on prior years; and (b) higher projected Department of State approvals of H-1B1 visas, which count against the H-1B cap.

***The number of initial selections for FY 2025 – 120,603 – was smaller than in prior years primarily due to establishing a higher anticipated petition filing rate based on the beneficiary-centric selection process (i.e. selection by unique beneficiary). USCIS selected the number of unique beneficiaries projected as needed to reach the congressionally mandated caps and exemptions. All properly submitted registrations for those beneficiaries that were selected were set to a selected status. Accordingly, the number of selected registrations was higher than the number of selected beneficiaries and this number is not completely comparable to prior years that used a direct registration selection method.

Measures to Combat Fraud in the Registration Process

The initial data for the registration period for the FY 2025 H-1B cap indicates that there were far fewer attempts to gain an unfair advantage than in prior years, owing in large measure to our implementation of the beneficiary-centric selection process under the final rule on Improving the H-1B Registration Selection Process and Program Integrity .

We remain committed to deterring and preventing abuse of the H-1B registration process, and to ensuring that only those who follow the law are eligible to file an H-1B cap petition.

We remind the public that at the time each registration is submitted, each prospective petitioner is required to sign an attestation, under penalty of perjury, that:

  • All the information contained in the registration submission is complete, true, and correct;
  • The registrations reflect a legitimate job offer; and
  • The registrant, or the organization for whom the registration is submitted, has not worked with, or agreed to work with, another registrant, petitioner, agent, or other individual or entity to submit a registration to unfairly increase chances of selection for the beneficiary or beneficiaries in this submission.

If we find that this attestation was not true and correct, we will find the registration to not be properly submitted and the prospective petitioner would not be eligible to file a petition based on that registration. We may deny a petition, or revoke a petition approval, based on a registration that contained a false attestation and was therefore not properly submitted.

Furthermore, we may also refer the individual or entity who submitted a false attestation to appropriate federal law enforcement agencies for investigation and further action, as appropriate.

Based on evidence from the FY 2023 and FY 2024 H-1B cap seasons, we have undertaken extensive fraud investigations, denied and revoked petitions accordingly, and continue to make law enforcement referrals for criminal prosecution.  We are also reviewing the FY 2025 data for any attempts to gain an unfair advantage through the beneficiary-centric selection process. If applicable, we will deny or revoke any petitions and make law enforcement referrals for criminal prosecution accordingly.

We believe that the decreased filing rate for FY 2024 H-1B cap petitions and the decreased registration numbers for FY 2025 are indicative that these investigations and the beneficiary-centric selection process have been effective integrity measures.

The H-1B program is an essential part of our nation’s immigration system and our economy, and we are committed to implementing the law and helping meet the ever-changing needs of the U.S. labor market.

You can report suspected immigration benefit fraud and abuse to USCIS through our  online tip form .

For more information about the H-1B program, visit our  H-1B Specialty Occupations webpage.

To submit an H-1B registration, you must first create a USCIS online account .

The initial registration period for FY 2025 will open at noon Eastern on March 6 and run through noon Eastern on March 25. Both representatives and registrants must wait until March 1 to create and submit H-1B registrations.

On Feb. 28, 2024, USCIS will launch new myUSCIS organizational accounts that will allow multiple people within an organization and their legal representatives to collaborate on and prepare H-1B registrations, H-1B petitions, and any associated Form I-907, Request for Premium Processing Service.   

Prospective petitioners submitting their own registrations (U.S. employers and U.S. agents, collectively known as “registrants”) will use an “organizational” account (formerly known as a “registrant” account). Registrants will be able to create new organizational accounts beginning at noon Eastern on Feb. 28, 2024. Those who have an existing registrant account can easily upgrade to an organizational account instead of creating a new account.   

Representatives can create an account at any time by using the same kind of account already available to representatives. Representatives who already have a representative account may use that account; they do not need to create a new account. They will also have the ability to upgrade to an organizational account beginning at noon Eastern on Feb. 28, 2024.

We launched our Tech Talks sessions in February to help guide organizations and legal representatives through the new process. We will also be hosting two national engagements on the registration process and online filing of Form I-129 for H-1B petitions leading up to the cap season. During the Tech Talk sessions, individuals will have the opportunity to ask questions about the organizational accounts and online filing. USCIS encourages all individuals involved in the H-1B registration and petition filing process to attend these sessions. Additional information and dates are available on the Upcoming National Engagements page.

All presentations on organizational accounts will be posted to our  Electronic Reading Room and   we have also posted helpful videos on our  USCIS YouTube channel . 

Visit our  Contact Public Engagement  page to subscribe to notifications about upcoming engagements. 

Registering online is quick and easy!

Organizational Accounts for Legal Representatives - Demonstration In this video, we present some of the new features in organizational accounts for legal representatives and show you how to use the accounts.   Link: https://youtu.be/_jcj4ak_xAk

Organizational Accounts for Companies - Demonstration In this video, we present some of the new features in organizational accounts for companies and show you how to use the accounts. Link: https://youtu.be/lkRs9-YmdD0

Tips to Avoid Common Mistakes with H-1B Electronic Registration

Based on our experience with the H-1B electronic registration period, the top two user errors are:

  • Creating the wrong type of account; and
  • Entering the same beneficiary more than once.

Make Sure You Create the Right Type of Account

There are three types of USCIS online accounts:

  • Applicant/petitioner/requestor account – Individuals use this type of account to prepare and file applications, petitions, or other benefit requests. You cannot use this account type to prepare or submit H-1B registrations.
  • Attorney/representative account – If you are an attorney or accredited representative (legal representative) submitting H-1B registrations on behalf of a prospective petitioner, select this option. You will also be able to submit Form G-28, Notice of Entry of Appearance as Attorney or Accredited Representative.
  • Organizational account (formerly registrant account) – This is the account that a prospective petitioner must create in order participate in the H-1B registration process, regardless of whether the prospective petitioner will be using an attorney or accredited representative to submit the registration.

Avoid Duplicate Entries

A prospective petitioner may only have one registration submitted per beneficiary per fiscal year. Once the initial registration period has closed, if the prospective petitioner has more than one registration submitted for the same beneficiary, we may invalidate all registrations submitted for that beneficiary by that prospective petitioner, or their authorized attorney or representative, from the selection process. This does not prevent other prospective petitioners or their representatives from submitting registrations for that same beneficiary, but they too need to ensure that each of them, as a prospective petitioner, only has one registration submitted for the beneficiary.

We have added duplicate checker functionality to the electronic registration process.  Before you submit your registration(s), you can check if the registrant/prospective petitioner named in the draft submission previously submitted a registration for any of the beneficiaries included in that draft submission for the same fiscal year. Using this check does not guarantee that you will not submit a duplicate. This check will compare the beneficiaries listed in the draft with any registrations previously submitted during this registration period. It will not check for duplicates within that draft or between drafts. Even if using this check function, the burden is still on the registrant and their authorized attorney or representative, if applicable, to ensure that no duplicate registrations are submitted. To that end, we also provide a tool to download a .csv file and search for duplicate entries. Also, we recommend that attorneys and authorized individuals who work for the same company coordinate to eliminate duplicates before submitting their registrations.

If you discover you or your representative submitted more than one registration for the same person and the initial registration period is still open (before noon Eastern on March 25, 2024), you can go into your account and delete the extra submission(s) until there is only one registration for the beneficiary. We do not refund the fee if you delete a duplicate registration.

If you discover that you or your representative submitted more than one registration for the same person and the initial registration period has closed (after noon Eastern on March 25, 2024), there is no way to correct this error. We will remove all registrations submitted for the beneficiary by, or on behalf of, that prospective petitioner from the selection process. We do not refund the fee for a removed registration.

When you submit your registration(s), you must attest, under penalty of perjury, that all of the information contained in the submission is complete, true, and correct.  The attestation that is required before submission indicates, “I further certify that this registration (or these registrations) reflects a legitimate job offer and that I, or the organization on whose behalf this registration (or these registrations) is being submitted, have not worked with, or agreed to work with, another registrant, petitioner, agent, or other individual or entity to submit a registration to unfairly increase chances of selection for the beneficiary or beneficiaries in this submission.”

If we find that this attestation was not true and correct (for example, that a company worked with another entity to submit multiple registrations for the same beneficiary to unfairly increase chances of selection for that beneficiary), we will deny or revoke the petition based on a registration with a false attestation in accordance with the regulatory language at 8 CFR 214.2(h)(10)(ii) and 8 CFR 214.2(h)(11)(iii)(A)(2). Furthermore, we may also refer the individual or entity who submitted a false attestation to appropriate federal law enforcement agencies for investigation and further action as appropriate.

For information on fees, see Fee Schedule, Form G-1055 .

Each registration is for a single beneficiary.

Registrants or their representative are required to pay the non-refundable H-1B registration fee for each beneficiary before being eligible to submit a registration for that beneficiary for the H-1B cap.

On Jan. 31, 2024, DHS published  the  Fee Schedule final rule . That rule will go into effect after the initial registration period for the FY 2025 H-1B cap. Therefore, the registration fee during the registration period starting in March 2024 will remain $10.

The U.S. Department of the Treasury has approved a temporary increase in the daily credit card transaction limit from $24,999.99 to $99,999.99 per day for H-1B registrations and petitions submitted online using one credit card for the FY 2025 H-1B cap season. This temporary increase is in response to stakeholder feedback and the volume of previous H-1B registrations that exceeded the daily credit card limit.

There is a daily transaction limit for credit cards of $24,999.99 per credit card per day for petitions that are sent by mail. Alternatively, you can:

  • Process transactions using a checking account. The checking account information (routing and account number) must be from a financial institution located in the United States; or
  • Process transactions using a debit card from a financial institution located in the United States.

H-1B Registration Process Timeline

Feb. 28: Petitioners and registrants can begin creating H-1B registrant accounts at noon Eastern.

March 6: H-1B registration period opens at noon Eastern.

March 25: H-1B registration period closes at noon Eastern.

March 31: Date by which USCIS intends to notify selected registrants.

April 1: The earliest date that FY 2025 H-1B cap-subject petitions based on the registrations selected during the initial FY 2025 selection period may be filed.

We intend to notify registrants and their representatives with selected registrations via their USCIS online accounts.

A registrant’s USCIS online account will show one of the following statuses for each registration:

  • Submitted:  The registration has been submitted and is eligible for selection. If the initial selection process has been completed, this registration remains eligible, unless subsequently invalidated, for selection in any subsequent selections for the fiscal year for which it was submitted.
  • Selected:  Selected to file an H-1B cap petition.
  • Not Selected:  Not selected – not eligible to file an H-1B cap petition based on this registration.
  • Denied:  Multiple registrations were submitted by or on behalf of the same registrant for the same beneficiary. If denied as a duplicate registration, all registrations submitted by or on behalf of the same registrant for this beneficiary for the fiscal year are invalid.
  • Invalidated-Failed Payment:  A registration was submitted but the payment method was declined, not reconciled, disputed, or otherwise invalid.

H-1B cap-subject beneficiaries, including those eligible for the advanced degree exemption, must have a valid “Selected” registration notification for that specific fiscal year in order for a registrant or representative to properly file an H-1B cap-subject petition. The status of registrations that are not selected as part of any initial random selection process, and not denied or invalidated, will remain as “Submitted.” Registrants and representatives that are not selected will not be notified until after USCIS has determined that they have reached the H-1B cap for that fiscal year.

Q. Are there any changes to the H-1B electronic registration form for FY 2025?

A. The FY 2025 H-1B electronic registration form is very similar to past years. You still only need to provide basic information about the prospective petitioner and beneficiary. 

One change this year is that we will require H-1B registrants to provide valid passport information or valid travel document information for each beneficiary. The passport or travel document provided must be the same as the beneficiary used to enter the United States; if or when they are outside the United States, it must be the document they intend to use to enter the United States if they receive an H-1B visa. Also, the passport or travel document’s validity period must be current and unexpired. Each beneficiary must be registered under only 1 passport or travel document. 

The passport or travel document must be valid at the time of registration. If the passport or travel document expires between when a registration is submitted and when the H-1B petition is filed, the petitioner should enter data from the new, currently valid passport or travel document on Page 3, Part 3 of Form I-129, Petition for Nonimmigrant Worker . In support of the H-1B petition, the petitioner should provide documentation for both passports or travel documents to establish that the passport or travel document was valid at the time of registration and an explanation as to why there was a change in identifying information.

In rare instances, such as for nationals of Venezuela, the passport or travel document may be past the expiration date listed on the document (i.e., facially expired) but may have had its validity extended by decree or automatically by the national government or issuing authority that issued the passport or travel document. In these unusual circumstances, we would consider those documents to be valid since they were extended by decree or automatically.​ Registrants should enter the expiration date of the passport or travel document based on the extension, rather than the date which appears in the passport itself. If an H-1B petition is filed based on such registration, USCIS will review the copy of the facially expired document along with any relevant information about the extension to ensure the information entered at registration was accurate.

Q. Is there an appeal process for registrations that USCIS finds are invalid duplicates?

A. Registrations that we find are duplicates will be invalid. A registrant will not be able to appeal our finding that the registrations are duplicates.

Q. If registering for the master’s cap based on the expectation that the beneficiary will earn a qualifying advanced degree and the registration is selected under the master’s cap, but the beneficiary does not obtain their qualifying advanced degree by the time of filing the cap-subject H-1B petition, is there a risk that USCIS will deny the cap-subject H-1B petition for that beneficiary?

A. If we select a registration under the advanced degree exemption (under INA 214(g)(5)(C)) because the beneficiary has earned, or will earn prior to the filing of the petition, a master’s or higher degree from a U.S. institution of higher education, the beneficiary must be eligible for the advanced degree exemption at the time of filing Form I-129, Petition for a Nonimmigrant Worker . If we select the beneficiary under the advance degree exemption and the beneficiary has not earned a qualifying master’s or higher degree from a U.S. institution of higher education at the time of filing the petition, we will deny or reject the petition.

Q. What happens if the prospective employer with a selected registration puts an address on their registration but moves before they file their I-129 petition, such that the addresses on their registration and Form I-129 don’t match?

A. In such a situation, the petitioner should include a statement with their petition, with supporting documentation, explaining why the address on the registration differs from the address on the petition. If we cannot determine that the petitioning entity is the same as the prospective petitioner identified on the selected registration, we may reject or deny the petition.

Q. What start date should petitioners with a selected registration indicate on their Form I-129?

A.  If we selected your registration, you must indicate a start date of Oct. 1 or later of the appropriate fiscal year (and 6 months or less from the receipt date of the petition) on your petition. If you do not, we will reject or deny your petition.

Q. If there is a typo on the registration in comparison to the Form I-129, will USCIS reject the Form I-129 petition?

A. Although we will not automatically reject the Form I-129 petition for typos on the selected registration in comparison with the Form I-129, the burden is on the registrant/petitioner to confirm that all registration and petition information is correct and to establish that the H-1B cap petition is based on a valid registration submitted for the beneficiary named in the petition and selected by USCIS.

Q. Will the H-1B registration system or the beneficiary-centric selection process affect how USCIS handles the prohibited filing of multiple H-1B petitions for the same beneficiary by related entities?

A. The prohibition on an employer or related entities filing multiple H-1B cap petitions for the same beneficiary has not changed. Our handling of multiple H-1B cap petitions is consistent with 8 CFR 214.2(h)(2)(i)(G) and Matter of S- Inc., Adopted Decision 2018-02 (AAO Mar. 23, 2018).

Q. Where should a petitioner with a selected registration file their Form I-129 and supporting documentation?

A. USCIS recently announced that, on April 1, 2024, USCIS will begin accepting online filing for H-1B cap petitions and associated Forms I-907 for petitioners whose registrations have been selected. Petitioners will continue to have the option of filing a paper Form I-129 H-1B petition and any associated Form I-907 if they prefer. However, during the initial launch of organizational accounts, users will not be able to link paper-filed Forms I-129 and I-907 to their online accounts.

For paper-filed forms, petitioners must file per the instructions on the H-1B registration selection notice, which may be different from the historical Form I-129 filing jurisdictions for cap cases. Please see our  Direct Filing Addresses for Form I-129, Petition for a Nonimmigrant Worker webpage for information on the correct location at which to file your cap petition.

Q. What happens if a legal representative submits a registration but then stops representing the registrant?

A. It is up to the representative and registrant to ensure that the registrant maintains access to submissions made for them and any updates related to those submissions. If a registrant no longer wants their attorney involved, they can end the relationship with the representative, and the registrant will still be able to see all registration information in their own organizational account(s). However, the registrant will not be able to add a new attorney or representative to H-1B registrations prepared or submitted by the previous attorney.

Q. Will the system prevent the representative and the registrant from both entering the same beneficiary?

A. The system will not prevent a representative and a registrant from both registering the same beneficiary. However, we added duplicate checker functionality to the electronic registration process. Before you submit your registration(s), you can check whether the registrant named in the draft submission previously submitted a registration for any of the beneficiaries included in that draft submission for the same fiscal year. Using this check does not guarantee that you will not submit a duplicate. This check will compare the beneficiaries listed in the draft with any registrations previously submitted during this registration period. It will not check for duplicates within that draft or between drafts. Even when using this check function, the representative and the registrant still are responsible for ensuring that they do not submit duplicate registrations. To help with that, we also offer a tool to download a .csv file and search for duplicate entries. In addition, we recommend that attorneys and authorized individuals who work for the same company communicate among themselves to eliminate duplicates before submitting their registrations.

Q. I am a legal representative submitting the H-1B registration online, and the Form G-28, Notice of Entry of Appearance as Attorney or Accredited Representative , asks if I have an online account and what my account number is. How do I find it?

A. If you have paper-filed cases that are eligible to be added to your online account, your USCIS notices for those cases should include your online account number. If you do not know your account number, this will not affect your H-1B registration. You can click “No” to this question and move on to the next question.

Q. Will both the attorney and the client (prospective registrant) need to create a USCIS online account for the H-1B electronic registration process?

A. Yes. Both the client (prospective registrant) and attorney will need a USCIS online account for the H-1B electronic registration process. If you are an attorney and already have an existing legal representative account, your account will work with the H-1B electronic registration process. You do not need to create a new legal representative account unless you do not have one.

All clients (prospective registrants) will need to create an H-1B organizational account to review and approve the Form G-28 and H-1B registrations as part of the electronic registration process.

Q. As a registrant, can I delete my account?

A. See the Tips for Filing Forms Online webpage for information on how to delete your account.

Q. Does a duplicate registration in a submission batch affect all registrations in the batch or only the duplicate registration?

A. We would invalidate only the duplicate registrations. If you properly submitted other registrations for different beneficiaries, these valid registrations would remain in the system for the selection process. You have until  the initial registration period closes, to log into your account, review all of your H-1B registrations, and delete any duplicate registrations. This is also true if one of the registrations submitted in a batch contains an error. You would be able to delete the registration for the beneficiary that contained the error without affecting the rest of the batch submission.

Q. As a legal representative, how will I know that the registrant has gone into the system and approved my Form G-28 and the H-1B registrations?

A. You can log into your account to check if the registrant has approved the Form G-28 and the H-1B registrations. Our system will not separately notify you that the registrant has approved the Form G-28 and H-1B registrations.

Q. After the legal representative submits a registration, will the registrant be notified via email or by logging into their account?

A. The legal representative will need to notify the registrant that the registration and Form G-28 were entered for the registrant’s review; or the registrant can see the registrations and Form G-28 by logging into their account. Our system will not separately notify the registrant.

Q. Can an attorney represent a petitioner for an I-129 petition if the petitioner completed the H-1B electronic registration process without the help of the attorney?

A. Yes. However, to authorize their representation, the attorney would need to file a Form G-28 with the Form I-129 H-1B petition. Even if the attorney submitted a Form G-28 to represent a registrant for the registration process, they would still need to submit a new Form G-28 with the Form I-129 petition.

Q. How do I reset the password for my USCIS account or get technical support?

A. To reset your password, please visit the  Forgot Your Password  page on our website. To review the steps on how to create an online account, sign into your account, or complete an H-1B registration with USCIS, please see the “How to Register” tab above. If you need other technical support, please call the USCIS Contact Center at 800-375-5283. You may also use our  online form , but you will get faster service by calling.

Q. What is the earliest date I can start drafting registrations?

A. March 6, 2024, at noon Eastern.

Q. Will the system allow for multiple staff members to log into my account at the same time?

A. No. You must agree to the Terms of Use, which include an attestation that you are the person that holds the account and that you will not share your account with others or allow others to use your account.

However, on Feb. 28, 2024, USCIS will launch new myUSCIS organizational accounts that will allow multiple people within an organization and their legal representatives to collaborate on and prepare H-1B registrations, H-1B petitions, and any associated Form I-907. 

Q. How should a registrant with a selected registration notify USCIS if they do not intend to file a petition?

A. Since no H-1B petition will be filed, we will have no paper file that we can use to match the notification with the registration. We suggest that the employer keep documentation of the reason for not filing, so that the employer would be able to show us the documentation if we have questions.

Q. If a registration is selected and the petition is filed during the 90-day period, but it is rejected, will a petitioner be eligible to refile if they are still within the 90-day window?

A. A petitioner is eligible to refile their rejected petition as long as it is refiled within the designated 90-day filing window. The petitioner must file their petition at the correct location and must include all required fees and supporting evidence with the filing.

Q. Will USCIS invalidate registrations as duplicates if the same representative submits two registrations for the same beneficiary, but for two unrelated companies?

A. No. We would not consider such registrations duplicates. However, we will consider registrations as duplicates if the registrations are for the same prospective petitioners and the same prospective beneficiaries.

Furthermore, we would consider a registration to not be properly submitted if it contained an attestation that was not true and correct (for example, that a company worked with another entity to submit multiple registrations for the same beneficiary to unfairly increase chances of selection for that beneficiary). For more information, please see the “Unfairly Increasing Chances of Selection” tab above.

Q. If one person is the authorized signatory for two separate companies, could this person use their email with different domain names to set up a registrant account and submit registrations for the two companies?

A. Yes, they may. They will need two separate accounts, one for each company. They will also need a separate email address for each account.

Q. What happens to my registration submission if the payment fails to initially go through?

A. If your payment initially fails or is canceled before it can be processed on Pay.gov, you will see a payment failure notification on the screen and your registration will not be submitted. Your registration data will be available in your account for 30 days from the date you last worked on your registrations. You can sign-in to your account at any time before the initial registration period closes to try the payment and registration submission again. You must submit all registrations and payments successfully before the initial registration period closes for consideration in the initial registration period selection process

Q. What happens if my payment initially clears, but then fails (for example, payment is made using an electronic check that my bank then returns)?

A. It is your responsibility to submit valid payment.

When paying by check, please be sure to enter the bank routing number and bank account number accurately. While the status of the registration in the system will indicate “submitted” following completion of the Pay.gov payment process, the submission will only be valid once your payment clears. If your checking information is not accurate, your payment will be declined when presented to your financial institution. If your payment is declined, your H-1B registration will be invalidated.

If payment is completed with a credit card or debit card, the status of the registration in the system will indicate “submitted” following completion of the Pay.gov payment process. The submission, however, will only be valid once processing of the payment is completed. If the payment is later declined, not reconciled, disputed, or otherwise invalidated after submission, the registration will be invalidated.

If your payment fails, we will attempt to notify you, but the burden will be on you to determine the status of your required payment. If your registration is invalidated while the registration period is still open, you will be able to submit a new registration with a valid payment. If your registration is invalidated due to a failed payment after the registration period closes, you will not be able to submit a new registration.

Q. May an authorized signatory within the company, who is different from the authorized signatory who signed the H-1B electronic registration, sign the paper Form I-129?

A. Yes. The authorized signatory who signed the registration does not need to be the same authorized signatory who signs the Form I-129. However, the prospective petitioner (registrant) at the registration stage must match the petitioner at the Form I-129 stage.

Q. What time zone does the H-1B registration system and Form I-129 petitions submitted online use?

A. H-1B registrations and Forms I-129 that are submitted online via myUSCIS will reflect a filing time based on Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

For Form I-129 petitions submitted online, the receipt date will be based on UTC, not the local time of the submitter or the service center that will ultimately work the petition. This may result in a later receipt date than anticipated if filing late in the day. Please verify that any filings are submitted on time to ensure that there are no adverse impacts to eligibility.

Q. I indicated on a registration that a beneficiary was not eligible for the master’s cap, but their selection notice indicates they were selected in the master’s cap. Is this an error on the selection notice?

A. First, you should verify your indication on the registration regarding the beneficiary ‘s eligibility for consideration in the master’s cap.

However, even if you did not indicate the beneficiary was eligible for consideration in the master’s cap, they may still have been properly considered in the master’s cap. The beneficiary would have been entered into the master’s cap selection process if they had another registration submitted on their behalf that indicated they were eligible for consideration in the master’s cap. Because of the beneficiary-centric selection process, all registrations submitted for that beneficiary are selected if the beneficiary is selected. Accordingly, if the beneficiary was selected in the master’s cap, all registrations would indicate that selection, even if a particular registration did not indicate eligibility for the master’s cap.

Based on DHS regulations, the general cap selection is conducted first by selecting beneficiaries from among all properly submitted registrations, including those eligible for the advanced degree exemption. Then the master’s cap selection is conducted. Accordingly, any beneficiary selected in the initial master’s cap selection was not selected in the initial general cap selection.

You are still eligible to file a petition based on this selected registration during the applicable filing period. However, you would need to establish the beneficiary’s eligibility for the master’s cap as of the time of filing the Form I-129 petition.

Organizational Accounts Frequently Asked Questions

  • H-1B Registration Federal Register Notice
  • H-1B Registration Final Rule (2019)
  • H-1B Registration Final Rule (2024)

Mostly Sunny

I object to paying Vance to be a senator while he devotes all his time to campaigning

  • Published: Aug. 12, 2024, 10:19 a.m.
  • Other Voices

I’ve done a little research and find that J.D. Vance can legally run (whether it’s ethical or morally acceptable is another question) for the vice presidency and remain a Senator representing the state of Ohio.

Being a senator is a full-time job and so is campaigning for a national office.

As a taxpayer, I object to paying Vance for his job as a senator while he is devoting all his time to campaigning. He should either resign his senatorial seat or drop out of the campaign.

Robert Petkash,

Bay Village

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Britain’s Violent Riots: What We Know

Officials had braced for more unrest on Wednesday, but the night’s anti-immigration protests were smaller, with counterprotesters dominating the streets instead.

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A handful of protesters, two in masks, face a group of riot police officers with shields. In the background are a crowd, a fire and smoke in the air.

By Lynsey Chutel

After days of violent rioting set off by disinformation around a deadly stabbing rampage, the authorities in Britain had been bracing for more unrest on Wednesday. But by nightfall, large-scale anti-immigration demonstrations had not materialized, and only a few arrests had been made nationwide.

Instead, streets in cities across the country were filled with thousands of antiracism protesters, including in Liverpool, where by late evening, the counterdemonstration had taken on an almost celebratory tone.

Over the weekend, the anti-immigration protests, organized by far-right groups, had devolved into violence in more than a dozen towns and cities. And with messages on social media calling for wider protests and counterprotests on Wednesday, the British authorities were on high alert.

With tensions running high, Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s cabinet held emergency meetings to discuss what has become the first crisis of his recently elected government. Some 6,000 specialist public-order police officers were mobilized nationwide to respond to any disorder, and the authorities in several cities and towns stepped up patrols.

Wednesday was not trouble-free, however.

In Bristol, the police said there was one arrest after a brick was thrown at a police vehicle and a bottle was thrown. In the southern city of Portsmouth, police officers dispersed a small group of anti-immigration protesters who had blocked a roadway. And in Belfast, Northern Ireland, where there have been at least four nights of unrest, disorder continued, and the police service said it would bring in additional officers.

But overall, many expressed relief that the fears of wide-scale violence had not been realized.

Here’s what we know about the turmoil in Britain.

Where arrests have been reported

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  • Sound Card: Windows Compatible Audio Device
  • Additional Notes: SSD Recommended. The above specifications were tested with DLSS/FSR/XeSS enabled.
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  • DirectX: Version 12
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Republicans start attacking Walz by going after his military record

Donald Trump’s presidential campaign is homing in on what advisers see as a potential liability for Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz : his departure from the Army National Guard two decades ago.

Walz, introduced Tuesday as Vice President Kamala Harris’ running mate, ended his 24-year military career to run for public office in 2005 — several months before the unit he led deployed to Iraq. 

Walz officially retired from the Minnesota National Guard in May 2005. His unit was alerted about a deployment to Iraq in July, and the unit deployed there in October. Walz filed to run for Congress in January 2005 with paperwork that was certified by the Federal Election Commission the next month.

“When Tim Walz was asked by his country to go to Iraq, do you know what he did? He dropped out of the Army and allowed his unit to go without him — a fact that he’s been criticized for aggressively by a lot of the people that he served with,” Sen. JD Vance , R-Ohio, Trump’s running mate and a Marine veteran who served in Iraq, said Wednesday at a news conference in Michigan. 

“I think it’s shameful to prepare your unit to go to Iraq, to make a promise that you’re going to follow through, and then to drop out right before you actually have to go,” Vance added.

The strategy, which Trump amplified Wednesday by calling Walz a “DISGRACE” on Truth Social, is a throwback to 2004, when Republicans attacked Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry’s record as a Navy officer in Vietnam. Chris LaCivita — who was a consultant to the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth group that helped sink Kerry’s bid — is a senior adviser to Trump’s campaign and has signaled an eagerness to reopen the playbook on Walz.

“And when his men needed him the most … as they headed into the Crucible that is combat … he deserted them … left them,” LaCivita posted Tuesday on X , shortly after Harris selected Walz to join her on the Democratic ticket. “Why? So he could run for Congress.”

Chris LaCivita.

In introducing Walz, 60, to a wider audience beyond Minnesota, the Harris campaign has emphasized his military record, as well as his experience as a football coach . Campaign officials frame his decision to leave the National Guard and pursue a career in politics as a path that offered him new and meaningful opportunities to help service members and veterans.

“After 24 years of military service, Governor Walz retired in 2005 and ran for Congress, where he chaired Veterans Affairs and was a tireless advocate for our men and women in uniform — and as Vice President he will continue to be a relentless champion for our veterans and military families,” Harris campaign spokesperson Lauren Hitt said in a statement.

Walz has faced such attacks before, including in his re-election campaign in 2022, when his GOP opponent questioned his decision to leave the service in 2005. Walz’s campaign responded with a letter signed by 50 veterans praising his record and leadership.

“Governor Walz secured additional funding for new veterans homes,” read the letter, a copy of which the Harris campaign shared Wednesday with NBC News. “In his first term, Minnesota was one of just seven states initially selected by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to participate in the ‘Governor’s Challenge’ to eliminate veteran deaths by suicide.”

Erick Erickson, a prominent conservative commentator, drew attention Tuesday to a paid letter to the editor that scrutinized Walz’s service and was published by the West Central Tribune newspaper of Willmar, Minnesota, in 2018, days before he won his first term as governor. Erickson also called for a return of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, prompting LaCivita’s initial social media post. Other posts followed.

“He deserted his men and quit before they went to combat,” LaCivita wrote of Walz in response to a complimentary post from Alyssa Farah Griffin, a co-host of the daytime talk show “The View” and a former Trump White House aide who has since denounced Trump.

LaCivita’s previous work with Swift Boat Veterans for Truth stands as one of the most aggressive and potentially consequential political attacks of the modern era. 

Kerry — who was awarded a Silver Star, a Bronze Star and, for wounds sustained in battle, three Purple Heart medals — had drawn the ire of many veterans for his advocacy against the war after he returned home. And as he sought the presidency in 2004, Swift Boat Veterans for Truth ran ads accusing him of lying about his service on 50-foot aluminum crafts that ran dangerous missions in the Mekong Delta waterways of South Vietnam. Some of the veterans featured in the ads said he had won awards under false premises.

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., who spent years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam before becoming friends with Kerry in the Senate, criticized the ads and noted that the veterans making claims against Kerry did not serve on his boat . Some of those who did supported Kerry’s accounts . The allegations, which Kerry did not immediately counter, muddied the picture he presented of himself as a war hero — which appeared to be the group’s aim from a political perspective. Swift Boat Veterans for Truth may not have proved its case, but it sowed doubt about a perceived strength of Kerry’s — his war service — and about his credibility.

FactCheck.org concluded after exhaustive research that “at this point, 35 years later and half a world away, we see no way to resolve which of these versions of reality is closer to the truth.” Kerry lost to President George W. Bush.

Walz joined the National Guard in 1981, just after his 17th birthday. After he transferred from the Nebraska National Guard in 1996, he served in the Minnesota National Guard’s 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery, said Army Lt. Col. Kristen Augé, the Minnesota Guard’s public affairs officer. Walz, Augé added, “culminated his career serving as the command sergeant major for the battalion” and “retired as a master sergeant in 2005 for benefit purposes because he did not complete additional coursework at the U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy.”

During Walz’s nearly quarter-century of service, he was part of flood fights, responded to tornadoes and spent months on active duty in Italy, according to the Harris campaign. Walz “was deployed to Italy in 2003 to protect against potential threats in Europe while active military forces were deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan,” the Minneapolis Star Tribune reported in 2022 , attributing the information to Walz in an article about the scrutiny of his military service.

Walz and Vance are the first veterans on a national ticket for either major party since McCain was the GOP presidential nominee in 2008. Vance, 40, briefly chronicled his experiences in Iraq in his 2016 memoir, “Hillbilly Elegy,” recalling his work as a public affairs Marine.

“Sometimes I’d escort civilian press, but generally I’d take photos or write short stories about individual marines or their work,” he wrote. “Early in my deployment, I attached to a civil affairs unit to do community outreach. Civil affairs missions were typically considered more dangerous, as a small number of marines would venture into unprotected Iraqi territory to meet with locals.”

In a post Tuesday on X that highlighted Walz’s hunting and military background, the Harris campaign shared undated video that featured him talking about gun control.

“We can make sure that those weapons of war, that I carried in war, is the only place where those weapons are at,” Walz says in the brief clip.

Vance alluded to the video at campaign stops Wednesday, accusing Walz of misrepresenting his military service and asserting that he never spent time in a combat zone. 

“Well, I wonder, Tim Walz, when were you ever in war? What was this weapon that you carried into war, given that you abandoned your unit right before they went to Iraq?” Vance asked at an event near Detroit. “What bothers me about Tim Walz is this stolen valor garbage. Do not pretend to be something that you’re not. ... I’d be ashamed if I was him and I lied about my military service like he did.”

Later, arriving for an event in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, Vance told reporters that he had “served in a combat zone” and “never said that I saw a firefight myself, but I’ve always told the truth about my Marine Corps service.” 

Trump spokesperson Karoline Leavitt also alluded to the video in a statement, telegraphing the campaign’s intentions to keep pressing on Walz’s military record.

“Tim Walz is a fraud who wants to ban firearms like the ones he claimed to carry in war — except Tim Walz never deployed to a combat zone and lied about his record of service in the National Guard,” Leavitt said. “If Walz won’t tell voters the truth, we will: just like Kamala Harris, Tim Walz is a dangerously liberal extremist, and the Harris-Walz California dream is every American’s nightmare.”

Asked about the video, a Harris campaign spokesperson did not deny that Walz had embellished when he spoke of carrying weapons in war.

“In his 24 years of service, the Governor carried, fired and trained others to use weapons of war innumerable times,” the spokesperson said. “Governor Walz would never insult or undermine any American’s service to this country — in fact, he thanks Senator Vance for putting his life on the line for our country. It’s the American way.”

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Henry J. Gomez is a senior national political reporter for NBC News

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Adam Edelman is a politics reporter for NBC News.

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Jonathan Allen is a senior national politics reporter for NBC News.

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Request Letter for Change of Time Schedule in School – Sample Letter of Changing Work Time Schedule

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To, The Principal, __________ (School Name), __________ (Address)

Date: __/__/____ (Date)

Subject: Request for change of time schedule

Respected Sir/ Madam,

I am _________ (Name) and I am a student of _________ (Class) of your prestigious school _________ (School Name). My roll number is _________ (Roll Number).

With utmost respect, I am writing this letter on behalf of my class. I am writing this letter to request for changing the schedule due to the reason ____________ (Weather Change/ Mention Your Reason). Current timings are _________ (Time) till _________ (Time), we request you to kindly change timings to ________ (Time) to ________ (Time) as students of class find it difficult to reach school at this time period.

Therefore, I request you to kindly look into the matter. I look forward to hearing back from you.

Thanking You,

Yours Truly, _____________ (Name), _____________ (Roll Number)

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The letter writing editor allows you to start with predefined templates for drafting your letters:

  • Choose a Template: Click one of the template buttons ("Start with Sample Template 1", "Start with Sample Template 2", or "Start with Sample Template 3").
  • Auto-Fill Textarea: The chosen template's content will automatically fill the textarea, which you can then modify or use as is.

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If you want to copy the text of your letter to the clipboard:

  • Copy to Clipboard: Click the "Copy to Clipboard" button after composing your letter.
  • Paste Anywhere: You can then paste the copied text anywhere you need, such as into another application or document.

For printing the letter directly from the browser:

  • Print Letter: Click the "Print Letter" button after composing your letter.
  • Print Preview: A new browser window will open showing your letter formatted for printing.
  • Print: Use the print dialog in the browser to complete printing.
  • A: Address the recipient as "Respected Sir/Madam" or use their appropriate title and surname if known.
  • A: The subject line should clearly state the purpose of the letter, such as "Request for Change of Time Schedule" or "Schedule Adjustment Request."
  • A: Yes, it's advisable to briefly explain the reason for the request, whether it's due to weather changes or any other relevant factor.
  • A: Yes, providing your class and roll number helps the recipient identify you and your association with the school.
  • A: You can express gratitude by thanking the recipient for considering the request and for their time and understanding.

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  • sample letter to request change of schedule
  • letter requesting change of school timing

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