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Comment réaliser une vidéo de présentation métier efficace ?

5 min de lecture

La vidéo se prête particulièrement bien à l’exercice de la présentation métier. Vivante, spontanée, authentique, riche d’informations et d’émotions, elle révèle avec justesse les fondamentaux d’un métier et d’une entreprise . Bon nombre d’entre elles y ont d’ailleurs recours tant les bénéfices sont impactants en termes d’ attractivité , de marque employeur et de valorisation des collaborateurs . Et c’est tant mieux !

Si vous lisez cet article, vous êtes certainement déjà convaincu de l’intérêt de la vidéo métier. Mais connaissez-vous les bonnes pratiques pour une présentation métier efficace ? Le média vidéo est riche de possibilités qui lui sont propres. Suivez-nous derrière la caméra (ou plutôt derrière le mobile), nous vous livrons nos conseils pour réaliser une vidéo de présentation métier efficace.

Au sommaire

  • Check list des indispensables pour une vidéo métier efficace a. Misez sur un format court b. Créez de l'empathie c. Ne négligez pas les éléments d’ambiance et d’émotion d. Incrustez des mots-clés e. Exploitez les rushs f. Anticipez le montage
  • Les derniers indispensables pour réaliser votre vidéo 

1. Préparation de votre vidéo de présentation métier

On ne le dira jamais assez. La production de contenu ne s’improvise pas et c’est d’autant plus vrai quand il s’agit de vidéo. Vous êtes impatient de vous lancer ? Nous en sommes ravis mais n’oubliez pas pour autant de vous poser quelques questions au préalable. Une bonne préparation est la garantie d’un projet au déroulé fluide.

a. Les métiers

Quels métiers souhaitez-vous mettre en scène ? Sont-ils les plus représentatifs de votre entreprise ? Font-ils l’objet d’une priorité en matière de recrutement ? Sont-ils méconnus ? Ont-ils besoin d’être valorisés ?

Téléchargez les 25 chiffres à connaître absolument pour votre entreprise  👇


b. Le casting

Qui sont les meilleurs ambassadeurs pour en parler ? Sur quels critères identifier les collaborateurs qui prendront la parole (expérience, ancienneté, éloquence, enthousiasme, parcours…) ?

c. Le contenu 

Quel est le fil rouge de vos vidéos quelles informations attendez-vous que vos collaborateurs partagent dans quel décor (locaux de l’entreprise, sur le terrain…) pensez à définir une trame commune qui va donner de la cohérence aux différentes prises de parole. d. le brief.

Une bonne préparation prévoit un brief des participants sur les attentes, les écueils à éviter, la valorisation de leur expérience dans le témoignage, les tips pour préparer une prise de parole orale. N’hésitez pas à les rassurer et à les accompagner dans la préparation de leur discours.

e. Le choix de la solution Qu’il s’agisse de valoriser un ou plusieurs métiers, les témoignages sont le plus souvent multiples et diversifiés. D’où l’importance d’ identifier une solution qui va permettre de fluidifier et de faciliter la réalisation de ces vidéos . Et ce d’autant que les collaborateurs peuvent être géographiquement éloignés et ne sont pas tous des cinéastes avertis. Il existe des solutions disponibles sur smartphone accessibles à tous, simples d’utilisation, et pensées pour guider les utilisateurs dans leurs vidéos.

>>> Pour en savoir plus sur les solution et logiciels de montage vidéo disponibles sur le marché c'est par ici : Logiciel de montage vidéo : lequel choisir ?

Etape 1 check, on passe à l'étape 2 !

2. Check list des indispensables pour une vidéo métier efficace

S’il n’y a pas de recette universelle pour présenter ses métiers en vidéo, il y a néanmoins quelques bonnes pratiques communes à tous qui vous assureront un résultat sans faute.

  • Misez sur un format court L’attention de votre auditoire est une denrée rare. Notre conseil : allez à l’essentiel . La durée moyenne d’une vidéo métier se situe entre 1 et 2 minutes . C’est peu et à la fois suffisant pour capter un auditoire, mettre en scène la personne interviewée et obtenir un résultat rythmé et complet.

Utilisez tout le potentiel de la vidéo pour exprimer des émotions et susciter l’empathie de votre audience. Mettre en scène les hommes est sans aucun doute un moyen idéal. Pour cela, vous pouvez questionner vos collaborateurs : quels sont leurs parcours ? Pourquoi aiment-ils leur métier ? Et n’hésitez pas à orienter le discours en fonction de votre objectif.

Pour valoriser une expertise, rien de mieux que de parler technique et de poser quelques questions qui affirment votre leadership et celui de vos équipes sur un sujet. Vous préférez mettre l’accent sur la vie de l’entreprise ? Optez pour une approche plus informelle . Par exemple : quel est votre meilleur souvenir ? Quel moment de la journée préférez-vous ?

Quel que soit l’angle que vous choisirez, la fierté issue de ces témoignages rendra votre vidéo d’autant plus efficace.

  • Ne négligez pas les éléments d’ambiance et d’émotion Musiques, mouvements, focus sur un regard… autant d’éléments connexes au contenu principal mais primordiaux pour un résultat optimal. Il ne s’agit pas là d’une simple décoration mais bien d’accompagner le discours en apportant rythme et émotion et en captant la si précieuse attention d’un auditoire difficile à engager.

En support du discours, il s’agit d’un bon moyen de souligner les informations importantes et d’aider à la mémorisation . Le motion design propose des fonctionnalités de cet ordre, simples et pertinentes. Pour plus de dynamisme et de mouvement, n’hésitez pas à y associer la gestuelle de votre orateur, qui peut montrer un mot-clé de sa main afin d’en accentuer l’importance et d’accompagner son propos.

En matière de vidéo, rien ne se perd. Pour un résultat plus authentique , n’hésitez pas à intégrer des prises issues des coulisses ou de moments de préparation . Filmer un collaborateur qui s'installe avant son témoignage, un sourire ou un regard, et l’authenticité et l’attachement que cela provoque en seront décuplés.

Plus globalement, tous ces moments qui peuvent vous sembler “hors sujet” ou ces instants volés sont une matière précieuse pour un futur best of ou compilation des prises où le contenu ne sera pas forcément accès sur le métier, mais où les émotions, les rires, les regards seront au rendez-vous.

  • Anticipez le montage Vos prises de vues sont dans la boîte, vos collaborateurs ont joué le jeu, et vous vous réjouissez de l’émulation que cela a générée. Vous venez de vivre une étape clé dans la production de vos vidéos métiers, et non des moindres. Reste maintenant à produire la vidéo finale, celle que vous diffuserez avec enthousiasme et fierté.

En privilégiant des solutions qui proposent des formats de branding, vous gagnerez un temps précieux. A l’aide de fonctionnalités qui favorisent l’autonomie sans négliger la qualité, vous pourrez aisément et dans un délai maîtrisé finaliser vos vidéos métiers.

Téléchargez ce guide pour encore plus de conseils indispensables pour réaliser des vidéos efficaces et engageantes  👇


3. Les derniers indispensables pour réaliser votre vidéo 

En renard avisé, nous avons souhaité vous partager quelques astuces pour faire de votre vidéo métier un succès assuré. Après tant d’efforts de préparation et de réalisation, on ne pouvait pas en rester là. Car l’efficacité de votre vidéo métier ne repose pas sur sa seule production.

Il reste quelques éléments connexes à votre vidéo à agencer.

Pour une meilleure accessibilité et une facilité de lecture, les sous-titres , traduits ou non, sont une bonne option,

Pour une introduction qui embarque votre audience, un jingle est toujours le bienvenu,

Assurez-vous également que vous disposez bien des droits à l’image de vos collaborateurs avant de diffuser votre vidéo.

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Video Presentation Maker

Empower your people and drive results with professional-quality video presentations

Video Presentation Maker

319 reviews

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Transform your ideas into powerful video presentations

With VEED’s online professional video editor, you can create powerful video presentations that can empower your team and drive results—whether that’s for your company’s quarterly review, a marketing pitch, or a product launch. Use our online screen and webcam recorder and upload your Google Slides. Edit your recording with our full range of video editing tools. You can add annotations, images, text, and animations to make your presentation even more engaging.

Recording from your home office? You can remove clutter and noise in your background with our one-click video background remover and background noise remover . You can also add background music and sound effects; just select from our library of royalty-free stock audio and video clips. When you’re done with your video and screen recording, you can also add subtitles automatically to make your video presentation accessible to all audiences. Our video background and noise remover are available to premium subscribers. Check our pricing page for more info.

How to create a video presentation:

Upload or Record.png

Upload, record, or start with a template

Upload your video to VEED or record your screen and webcam with our online webcam recorder. You can also start with our video presentation templates.


Add annotations, text, animations, and more!

Use our full range of tools to add annotations, animated text, music, and more! You can also add your company logo and other branding assets (available in premium).


Email, share, or save as a template

You can email the VEED link of your video presentation so your team doesn’t have to download the file. Or export it at the quality and file size you prefer. You can also save your video as a template for easier business communication in the future.

Watch this walkthrough of our video presentation maker:

‘Video Presentation Maker’ Tutorial

Maximize your slides’ impact with our presentation maker

Upload your Google Slides or PowerPoint presentation inside our webcam and screen recorder, and go through your slides while recording yourself. Select from different themes, backgrounds, and layouts. When you’re done, you can edit your video presentation to make it even more engaging for your audience. Split, cut, and rearrange your clips on the timeline. Add transition effects between clips to maximize their impact.

Add your slides to your presentation

Annotate, add text, images, music, and more!

VEED lets you quickly add annotations to your presentation slides and animate them. Add drawings and text. You can animate these elements and even add music and sound effects from our stock library. Draw arrows, underline key points, and create speech bubbles to emphasize your message. Make sure that you get your message across using our full range of tools!

Add text, audio, and annotate

Save your videos as templates for business communication

Our professional video editing software lets you save your videos as templates, letting you quickly edit and repurpose your video for future business video communications. You can automatically add subtitles to your video presentations and translate them to make them accessible to people all over the world. This is great if you need to talk to your international team.

Why use our video presentation maker?

How do I make a video presentation?

Upload your video to VEED or use our webcam recorder. You can also upload your slides and present them while recording yourself. Edit your video, add all the elements you want, and share!

How can I make a free video presentation?

VEED is free to use for everyone. Some tools require a premium subscription, but even with a free account, you can use our screen and webcam recorder, upload your slides, and edit your video with our pro tools!

Which app is best for video presentations?

There are many video presentation software out there, but VEED stands out because of its smooth user interface and design. Our drag and drop functionality makes video creation quick and efficient. Plus, it’s packed with a full range of tools that you won’t find in other free video editors.

How do you make an interesting video presentation?

To ensure that you will get your audience’s interest, your presentation needs to be compelling. Don’t just share information, tell a story! You can also add music, visual elements like photos and text, use humor, and add graphics.

How do I make a video like a PowerPoint presentation?

VEED lets you edit your video to make it look like a presentation. You can split your video into clips and add transition effects in between. Animate elements like text, images, and subtitles. And much more!

How do I make a video on my laptop?

VEED works smoothly on laptops, desktops, and mobile phones. It is compatible with Windows, Mac, and Linux. And it works right from your browser!

Discover more

  • Demo Creator
  • Make Animated Presentation
  • Tutorial Video Maker
  • Webinar Video

Loved by creators.

Loved by the Fortune 500

VEED has been game-changing. It's allowed us to create gorgeous content for social promotion and ad units with ease.

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Max Alter Director of Audience Development, NBCUniversal

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I love using VEED. The subtitles are the most accurate I've seen on the market. It's helped take my content to the next level.

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Laura Haleydt Brand Marketing Manager, Carlsberg Importers

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I used Loom to record, Rev for captions, Google for storing and Youtube to get a share link. I can now do this all in one spot with VEED.

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Cedric Gustavo Ravache Enterprise Account Executive, Cloud Software Group

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VEED is my one-stop video editing shop! It's cut my editing time by around 60% , freeing me to focus on my online career coaching business.

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Nadeem L Entrepreneur and Owner,

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When it comes to amazing videos, all you need is VEED

Create a video presentation

No credit card required

More than a video presentation maker

If you have been looking for a video editor that can do it all, look no further! VEED is a professional, all-in-one video editing software that can take care of all your video editing needs—quickly and efficiently. You can resize your video for different video sharing and social media platforms, add text, images, music, and more. Whether you need to edit a video for business or personal use, VEED is the best tool you can use.

VEED app displayed on mobile,tablet and laptop

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How to Make a Video Presentation With Audio in 8 Steps

How to Make a Video Presentation With Audio in 8 Steps

Written by: Orana Velarde

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Wondering how to make a video presentation with audio?

You're in the right place.

In this guide, we’ll cover the 8 steps to creating video presentations with voiceovers, pictures and music. We've also included tips for powerful presentations to help you get maximum results.

Here’s a short selection of 8 interactive presentation templates you can edit, share and download with Visme. View more templates below:

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Jump to your desired section in the table of contents below.

8 Steps to Creating a Video Presentation

What is a video presentation, what makes a good video presentation, step #1: plan and strategize, step #2: organize your content, step #3: log in to visme and choose a template, step #4: input your content into the slides, step #5: add animations and transitions, step #6: add audio to your presentation, step #7: review and edit, step #8: download and share.

A video presentation is a presentation that can be shared and viewed as a video. Technically, for a presentation to be a video presentation, it must be an MP4 or MOV file type.

A video presentation can be shared online on YouTube, Vimeo and other social media platforms . The best part of a video presentation with audio is that you can share it widely without the need of being there to present the information in person.

Even a live presentation can be improved with a video slideshow. Simply give a live introduction during your webinar or summit, and then play your video presentation to the audience.

A video presentation becomes even more valuable and high-quality when you add audio to it. For example, adding a music clip or a narrated voiceover can do wonders to help you get your message across and leave a lasting impact.

Check out this "2021 Year in Review" video presentation we created at Visme.

Made with Visme Presentation Maker

Make your own video presentation in Visme! Create Now

A good video presentation will capture your audience’s attention until the very end.

When it comes to creating a video presentation, there is no definite checklist as to what constitutes a good video presentation. But there are some things you can do to make sure that yours is good enough to keep the viewer engaged.

For example:

  • Think of your presentation as a video from the very beginning.
  • Take the time to create an outline or storyboard of your slides.
  • Make sure the information flows from one slide, or scene, to another.
  • Preview your presentation as you put it together, making sure it flows well.
  • Add animations and motion graphics only if they bring visual value.
  • Stay balanced with animations and transitions throughout the scenes.
  • Tell a story to improve content retention.

Using the tips above, you’re well on your way to creating a video presentation that is sure to make an impact.

Ready? Let’s get started with a step-by-step tutorial!

If you prefer watching over reading, here's a short video tutorial on how to create engaging presentations in Visme.

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For any successful project to be a success, including your new video presentation, you must plan and strategize. You and your team need to know the purpose of the video presentation before you even start putting together content or visuals.

Because you need to know the reason, the why, behind the project. That way, the creation process will reflect those goals and take you in the right direction faster.

For example, if you want to create an explainer video about your new product line, do you want the goal to be brand awareness or sales, or both?

If it’s sales, then the messaging and visuals must be created for that purpose. If it’s awareness, then you can take a different approach at how to portray the new product line.

If you want both, then you can do a bit of both and tell a story about the product that explains how it’s made and how it will improve your customers' lives.

Hey marketers! Need to create scroll-stopping visual content fast?

  • Transform your visual content with Visme’s easy-to-use content creation platform
  • Produce beautiful, effective marketing content quickly even without an extensive design skillset
  • Inspire your sales team to create their own content with branded templates for easy customization

Sign up. It’s free.

Hey marketers! Need to create scroll-stopping visual content fast?

Questions to ask before you create a video presentation.

Here are the most important questions to ask yourself and your team before you create a video presentation:

  • Why do you need a video presentation?
  • Who will watch this video presentation and where?
  • What are you planning to convey?
  • What story are you telling?
  • Who do you want to convince, of what?
  • How would you like the audience to feel when seeing your video presentation?
  • Will it be in-house and private or public for the world to see?
  • How can your company or brand sound like an expert in the topic?
  • Do you want the audience to engage when they are done watching?
  • Do you need a voiceover or maybe a music track will be enough?
  • Is it necessary to hire voice talent or maybe a presenter you can film?
  • Will you need to write a video script or not?

Write down a list of goals for your video presentation and make sure they are on-hand during every step of the process. Use these goal-setting worksheets and templates to get started.

Every person involved in the creation of the video needs to know about the purpose, goal and plan at all times — from stakeholders and designers to content creators, marketers and social media managers.

Here's a sample plan template you can use to keep up with your project goals, target audience, tactics and more. Share it with your team to help everyone stay on the same page.

video presentation metier

Customize this template and make it your own! Edit and Download

Now that your team is on board and you know the purpose of your video presentation, it’s time to get organized.

This is a step with more value than you can imagine. In fact, it should be an un-skippable step to every visual project you create, along with the first step of planning and strategizing.

Start by organizing all the content for the presentation into a folder on your desktop. Include all the graphics, photos, video clips, audio bites and any brand assets. Create a document with all the written content and make notes on what the audio will be.

  • For a voiceover, draft a script.
  • For music, choose the perfect track.

Altnertiavely you can work smarter by using AI voice generator for your voiceovers or use Visme AI writer to craft a script if you're pressed for time.

With the written content, draft a simple outline or storyboard. For a video presentation, in particular, you should try a storyboard.

This step is especially important if you have stakeholders invested in seeing the final product and want to see the process.

How to create a storyboard in Visme.

It's easy! Use one of the Visme storyboard templates to put one together.

Remember, storyboards don’t need to be too detailed. The purpose of making one is to give an idea of what will be created. Don’t invest too much time in trying to perfect it.

Here are some templates to get you started.

Thrift Shop Storyboard

Thrift Shop Storyboard

Tree Plantation Program Storyboard

Tree Plantation Program Storyboard

Web Development Storyboard

Web Development Storyboard

Art Therapy Storyboard

Art Therapy Storyboard

Air Pollution Storyboard

Air Pollution Storyboard

Funding Organization Marketing Storyboard

Funding Organization Marketing Storyboard

Create your storyboard View more templates

It’ll be easier to create a storyboard once you’ve already created the outline. The slide layout for a video presentation is much like the layout of a regular presentation.

For example, here is a broad outline for a regular presentation with sections:

  • Slide1: Title and Subtitle
  • Slide 2: Introduction - Table of Contents
  • Slides 3: Section 1 Title
  • Slides 4-7: Section 1 content
  • Slide 8: Section 2 Title
  • Slide 9-11: Section 2 content
  • Slide 12: Summary or Review
  • Slide 13: Conclusion and Closing

If your presentation doesn’t have defined sections to separate the content in, choose a good flow from one slide to another . For example:

  • Chronological Order
  • Problem and Solution
  • Before and After
  • Hero’s Journey progression

video presentation metier

Browse presentation templates in Visme! Create Now

Now that you have a good idea of the purpose of your video, an outline or even a storyboard, it’s time to put it all together.

Log in to your Visme account and select a starting point for your video presentation. This could be:

  • One of the four presentation themes with hundreds of slides and layouts to mix and match.
  • A full-scale pre-designed presentation template with animation effects.
  • One of our animated video templates.
  • A previously created and imported PowerPoint presentation.
  • An existing Visme slideshow without animation, video or audio.

Use your outline or storyboard to set up your slide order in the editor. Make sure you have all the slides you need to fit your content.

video presentation metier

Now, it’s time to add the content to your slides. If you are starting with a blank canvas, you can use content blocks to help you layout the content in balanced compositions.

When adding the content to your slides, remember that people don’t want to read slides on videos. Keep the text to a minimum and use more visuals instead.

If you’ll be using a voice over for the online video presentation, then you’ll need hardly any text on the slides apart from titles and section titles.

For complementary visuals like images and backgrounds, look through the library on the left side menu of your editor. It’s also likely that you have a selection of images from your company that you want to use in your slides. Upload them to your library.

Add some uniqueness to your images by placing them inside frames or cropping them to fit next to colored shapes and sections.

For backgrounds, you have lots of choices — from full colors to gradients to animated and video backgrounds. Try photographs with filters for a subtle background that doesn’t compete with the foreground elements.

You can also add videos inside your video presentation, either uploaded or with a link to YouTube, Vimeo or Wistia. We suggest you use short videos in this case so that your final project isn’t excessively long.

Do you know how to make a video presentation that is impactful and fun to watch?

Just add animations and moving elements!

Visme comes with built-in with the following animated assets:

  • Animated icons
  • Shapes and lines
  • Animated illustrations
  • Animated characters
  • Special effects
  • Animated gestures
  • Animated charts and data widgets

It’s time to bring it all to life and go from regular static presentation to video presentation.

At this point, you might already have some animated elements in your slides, maybe some animated icons or animated characters. Before you go ahead and animate anything else, review all the transitions between slides.

It’s important to understand that the animated elements, embedded or background videos, and audio you use must all match the transition between slides.

This is the magic sauce for transforming a normal presentation into a video presentation.

Let’s look at all the animation and transition options in your Visme dashboard and how you can use them to your advantage.

Animated characters, icons, illustrations and special effects.

All these elements have options to select the number of repetitions of their action and the speed. The higher number of repetitions you choose, the longer it will take to finish its action. The speed will make the action faster or slower. You can toggle both to find the perfect combination.

The completed action of any of these animated elements will override a timed transition. The transition will wait until the animation is finished to go ahead and start. You can adjust the final length of your animated elements by previewing your slide and taking note of its length.

Additionally, you can customize the poses that the characters portray and also the color of their clothes and skin. These deep customization options will help you stay on brand when creating your video presentations.

Stock videos and video backgrounds.

visme unleashed - stock video library

Videos you add from the editor or import from your computer have the option to trim to a desired length, loop or autoplay.

Alternatively, use video as a background. Stretch it to fit the entire slide and position it behind all the other content. The edit settings are the same as a regular video.

Visme offers a large selection of quality video clips to use as backgrounds or as complementary visuals. it's also easy to upload your own video to the library.

Animated backgrounds.

These loop on their own and are ruled by the transition settings. Animated backgrounds stand out so make sure you are keeping a balance with the elements in the foreground.

Manual animations.

Animations can be added to everything on your slide, including the videos and animated icons. You can tweak the settings to control when elements enter and exit the slide.

There are lots of options for these animations and you can time them using the animation settings. Try to keep animations on the same slide to a minimum so they're not distracting.

Smooth transitions.

Transitions can be added slide by slide or to the entire presentation at once. If you don’t go into the transitions menu at all, Visme will apply a staggered enter from the side that already looks great for presentations that you have to click on to continue to the next slide.

For video presentations, you’ll need to edit your transitions to happen automatically according to what is going on in your slide.

In general, you can make the transition happen after a specific number of seconds but if you have an animated element or audio clip that lasts longer, the transition won’t happen until the longest one has finished its action.

For slides with added video, make the transition happen either when the video ends or at a calculated time after the video has ended. Both are available options in the transition settings.

Transitions can be set in different styles, slide from the side top or bottom, or a simple fade or zoom. For a balanced composition, use the same style of transition throughout.

But if you want to get creative, use different transitions to design a more creative flow. Just make sure you don’t go overboard.

video presentation metier

In the section above, we already talked a little about how audio works together with the transitions for a seamless video experience.

Now, let’s take a look at how to add audio inside Visme.

As you work on your video presentation, you might feel the need to work on animations, transitions and audio at the same time so that it all fits together in the best way possible.

To add audio to your presentation in Visme, you have several options:

Adding audio in the background.

Adding audio to each slide., tweaking the audio inside video clips., adding a voice over or narration..

video presentation metier

To add a background sound clip, click on the top-left hamburger menu and select “Publish Settings”. This is where you can tweak your project's main settings. Click on the third tab "Sound."

Toggle background music on to release a dropdown that shows the options inside the editor or any .mp3 file you’ve added to your library.

Adjust the volume of this clip and choose if it will loop, fade in or fade out. You can also choose if the background audio will play at a specific point in time.

Any background audio will play under all other audio or video you add to the presentation. So make sure these are balanced and make sense together.

Inside the editor, you have the option of adding individual audio clips to each slide.

Choose from any inside the editor or upload your own. You’ll have the option to trim the length of the audio, its volume and if it loops or fades in and out.

Similar to the background audio, you can choose to start at a specific time during that slide’s progression.

When you add a video file that has audio in it, you can choose to keep the audio or turn it off. The option is inside the video settings in the “muted” tab.

You can add voiceovers to your video presentation in three different ways;

  • A track in the background
  • An imported clip to each slide
  • Recorded over every slide using the Visme voiceover recording feature

Whichever you choose, remember to calculate all the play lengths along with the transitions so that everything flows well.

video presentation metier

Now it’s time to review everything and make sure it’s perfect.

First up, do some proofreading of your text to fix any typos or grammatical issues. Make sure all the text is in the correct font and size to stay on brand and maintain a visual hierarchy.

Use the Present button and watch the entire video presentation from start to finish. Take notes along the way of things you notice that need a fix or edit.

If you want to see what the final project will look like to your audience, download a video version and watch it on your video player. Once again, take note of any necessary edits.

video presentation metier

You’re done! That was easy, wasn’t it?

It’s time to share your video presentation with its intended audience. Click on the download button and select the MP4 file option.

If your video is especially long or full of features, it will take a bit longer to download. We’ll send you an email when it’s ready so you don’t have to watch the progress bar.

Go get a coffee or take a break for a job well done!

Once downloaded, upload your video to YouTube, Facebook or any of your favorite social media platforms.

If you created the video as part of a larger Visme project, upload it back into your editor. Use your video as part of an interactive report, or for your website, landing pages or email campaigns.

Ready to Create Your Video Presentation with Audio?

Are you ready to create your video presentation with audio? Visme offers all you need to create professional-looking video presentations with audio for any purpose and industry.

With plenty of ready-made presentation templates , you don't need video editing experience. And, since Visme is a web-based app, it doesn't matter if you use a Mac or PC computer.

Video presentations with audio are great for projects like:

  • Annual reports
  • Explainer videos
  • Sales pitches
  • E-learning courses
  • Pitch decks
  • Informational reports
  • Advertising
  • Explanations
  • School reports
  • Medical reports

If you’re still doubting if you know how to make a video presentation, just remember to follow the steps in this guide and use the tips in the first section to guide you through the process.

Don’t forget that the ultimate goal for your video presentation with audio is to leave a powerful, lasting impact on your audience.

Sign up for our presentation software and get started right away. Make simple video presentations or rich, interactive and memorable video presentations with audio, animations, characters, links, embedded content and other exclusive features.

Create beautiful presentations faster with Visme.

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Trusted by leading brands


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Create Stunning Content!

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About the Author

Orana is a multi-faceted creative. She is a content writer, artist, and designer. She travels the world with her family and is currently in Istanbul. Find out more about her work at

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  • AI Video Generator
  • Text to Video AI
  • AI Animation Generator
  • AI Logo Maker
  • AI Website Builder
  • AI Business Name Generator
  • YouTube Name Generator
  • Video Editing
  • Website tips
  • Onboarding Videos
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  • Video Tutorials

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Make Video Presentations with Outstanding Visuals

Bring new quality to your presentations and turn them into attractive and top-notch videos to enhance your storytelling.

video thumbnail

Join Millions of Users to Save Time and Succeed!

High-quality presentation video templates.

Whether it’s a whiteboard video presentation or explainer animation , we have millions of slides in different categories to cover all your design needs.

Business Presentation Pack

Business Presentation Pack

Whiteboard Animation Toolkit

Whiteboard Animation Toolkit

Informative Social Pack

Informative Social Pack

Ultimate Icon Animation Pack

Ultimate Icon Animation Pack

Modern Infographics Pack

Modern Infographics Pack

Company Presentation Toolkit

Company Presentation Toolkit

Explainer World Toolkit

Explainer World Toolkit

Dynamic Corporate Presentation

Dynamic Corporate Presentation

3D Explainer Video Toolkit

3D Explainer Video Toolkit

What kind of presentation videos can you create.


Whiteboard Explainers

Our whiteboard animation toolkit has thousands of animated whiteboard scenes which do help to bring life to your ideas and visuals.


Explainer Videos

Explainer video templates can be used to create an animated video presentation for maximum engaging results.


Footage-Based Presentations

We have an immersive library of 1M+ stock footage and images, which can be combined with your texts and turned into beautiful and informative presentation videos .


Informative Pitch Decks and Infographics

Use infographics and typography presentation templates and turn your ideas and numbers into beautiful animations, which stand out from the crowd and make you unique.

The Process of Presentation Video Creation

number 1

Pick a Video Template

Start creating your presentation by going through our rich template library and selecting your favorite one. Each template offers hundreds of scenes separated by categories. Pick and add the scenes manually, or go with the fully customizable video presets, to streamline the creation. The scenes will then be added to the editor for further personalization.

image 1

Personalize Your Video Presentation

Design a compelling presentation by customizing the scenes to match them with your project purpose. Use the flexible editing tools of video maker to modify the text, alter style and colors, upload your media, and pick a dynamic transition. Move to the 'Music' section and add a background tune or a voiceover.

image 2

Export and Share Your Presentation

Go to the “Preview” section to see the final version of your presentation video. Ensure that there are no more changes to be made in there. Once the video is final, export it in your preferred quality. Then, instantly share the video to digital platforms, or download it to your device.

image 3

See what our customers say about us


Darlan Evandro, Content Creator

“Renderforest is an amazing tool with many practical solutions for small businesses. Even without advanced knowledge in design creation, small entrepreneurs can create videos, logos, presentations and even websites to promote their products and companies. If you want to create beautiful and high quality materials without investing hours in study and production, this is definitely an excellent option for you!”

Olga B., Education Manager

“That's impressive! Amazing! Beautiful! Outstanding! The first service which helped me to create, visualize and implement my ideas, but finally I started to create my own videos, with my face and voice, but Renderforest taught me how to present my ideas into logical, laconic, beautiful, rational and clear way. It is the best tool for creating short cartoon videos I have ever used. The main thing which makes this company unique is that they help to make your videos inspiring, influential, motivational, encouraging, meaningful and valuable. Your videos matters. Renderforest is born to inspire. Just unleash your fantasy and keep moving forward.”

Kamal Balogun, Marketing Consultant

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Discover more from Renderforest

  • Video Presentation
  • Video Templates
  • Video Editor
  • Video Ad Maker
  • Video Opener

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Video Presentation Maker

Create memorable video presentations that drive your message home. Start making a video presentation with your own content or generate one with AI. 

Video Presentation Maker Screenshot

Everything you need to make a presentation you’re proud of

Start creating a video presentation without having to set up any equipment. With a screen recorder and a microphone, you can record video presentations online yourself. Or, browse the stock footage library to craft the perfect presentation video. 

Visualize your presentation with Video Generator

Easily experiment with different visual elements using the AI video generator . Spark inspiration from each generated video or choose one to edit directly.

Perfect for slideshows, reviews, video presentations

Make a video presentation your audience will remember. This video presentation maker is perfect for creating any kind of presentation from slideshows to talking head videos. 

Everything you need to make a presentation you’re proud of Screenshot

How to Make a Video Presentation

How to Make a Video Presentation

Open a new project with a blank canvas. Choose the size you want your video presentation to be; apply preset aspect ratios 9:16, 4:5, 1:1, and vice versa.

Open the “Record” tab in the left-hand side and choose your recording settings to start recording. Or, browse the stock footage library to create a presentation without recording. 

(Optional): Use the AI video generator to create a video presentation for you with subtitles, background music, and an AI voiceover. 

Trim, crop, or add subtitles to your video presentation. Apply subtle background music to fill in silences, or remove silences automatically with Smart Cut.

Export your video presentation, download a video file, and share its unique video link. Have others leave comments at specific points in your video—all in real time.

The best way to create video presentations without feeling overwhelmed

Unless your racing against the clock and coming up on a deadline (we've all been there), create video presentations online without feeling overwhelmed by a complex-looking video editor.

Kapwing's video presentation maker offers you a full creative suite of video editing tools with a user-friendly interface. Start creating video presentations without a learning curve.

Professionalize your video with AI-powered features

Use the AI voiceover generator to add an AI voice so you don't have to record narration yourself. (TIP): Apply text-to-speech for both subtitles and a voice over.

Store brand colors and logos in a shared Brand Kit

Easily access brand assets to have consistent branding across different social media platforms. Create video presentation templates and save them for your team to create the next video presentation in a breeze.

Make a video presentation in under 10 minutes

Jump directly into the editor and generate a video presentation using the slideshow generator. Edit the generated subtitles accordingly and make any additional changes to your video. Create and edit a video presentation all on one platform—no download or software installation required.

Collaborate with your team in real-time

Leave feedback at key points directly on the playback timeline. Share your video presentation with just a link. Never see a "file upload limit" notification on your screen again.

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What's different about Kapwing?


Kapwing is free to use for teams of any size. We also offer paid plans with additional features, storage, and support.

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4 idées pour réaliser votre vidéo de découverte métier

Cliple tourne et monte vos vidéos de découverte métier en une journée, partout en France et dans le monde, à des tarifs super accessibles !

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Découverte métier | RATP

Découvrez les multiples prises de paroles des collaborateurs de la RATP grâce à des interviews face cam accompagnées d’un template charté.

Chef de projet

À partir de 2120€ HT

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À partir de 1140€ HT

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Ingram Micro

À partir de 1250€ HT

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3 Brasseurs

À partir de 2100€ HT

Inspirez-vous !

Cliple vous accompagne dans tous vos besoins au quotidien.

Inspirez-vous de nos plus belles références et recevez un devis gratuitement.

Découverte métier

Recrutement, interview collaborateur, découverte entreprise, environnement de travail, présenter son équipe, présentation de locaux, ils ont choisi cliple .

À travers une grande variété de formats vidéo tels que le reportage, le portrait et la couverture d’évènements, l'équipe de chez Cliple m'aide depuis plus de deux ans à raconter avec justesse et créativité l'identité de mon organisation.

video presentation metier

Nous faisons régulièrement appel à Cliple pour tous types de projets vidéos. Ils sont très réactifs et capables de déployer aussi bien des dispositifs importants que très légers partout en France. La gestion de projet est sérieuse...

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Quel plaisir d’avoir collaboré avec Cliple pour notre première vidéo micro-trottoir ! Un projet créatif, bien ficelé et d’une grande qualité. Le tout mis en place et livré en un temps record. Encore un grand merci pour vos idées « fraîches »...

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Ciple c'est la solution facile et efficace pour répondre à nos besoins en termes de contenu audiovisuel

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Je suis super content des résultats de ma vidéo et de notre partenariat ! Un grand merci à l'équipe Cliple, une simple vidéo peut apporter énormément pour un business comme le mien et sur un domaine aussi spécifique qui mérite d'être expliqué 🙂...

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Pour aller plus loin

Pourquoi parler de votre métier en vidéo .

Avec une vidéo de découverte métier vous allez permettre à l'ensemble des collaborateurs de mieux connaître le rôle de chacun au sein d'une entreprise. Les collaborateurs convergent tous vers un objectif commun, il est primordial de savoir quelle est la valeur ajoutée de chacun pour obtenir un travail coordonné et efficace. La vidéo découverte métier touchera une audience plus large et améliora votre marque employeur.

Comment communiquer avec votre vidéo découverte métier ?

Maintenant que votre vidéo de découverte métier est faite, parlons de la méthode de diffusion. La plus simple et qui reste totalement gratuite est celle qui peut se faire par les réseaux sociaux. Mais attention il ne suffit pas de juste poster sa vidéo découverte métier. Tout d’abord, il faut que vous sachiez qu'il existe une multitude de réseaux sociaux comme Twitter, Facebook, Indeed, Linkedin, Instagram, Viadeo et Youtube qui sont totalement compatibles avec la vidéos. Avant la diffusion de votre vidéo découverte métier, il est important de garder à l'esprit que chaque réseau social attire un type d'utilisateur bien spécifique. Lors de votre post éviter les liens qui vont rediger vers votre vidéo découverte métier, poster la directement. Ne sous-estimez pas le pouvoir du hastag. Le hastag est disponible sur de nombreux réseaux sociaux tels que facebook, intagram, twitter et linkedin. #decouvertemetier

Pourquoi passer par des professionnels?

On a tendance à penser que réaliser sa propre vidéo est un gain financier ! Méfiez-vous des idées reçues. Si vous ne possédez pas déjà le matériel adéquat pour le tournage (trépied, micro-cravate, logiciel de montage), il vous faudra investir. Aussi, cela peut dépendre de l'enjeu de votre tutoriel et la stratégie, mais il est bien souvent plus rentable de passer par un professionnel de la vidéo.

Make a video presentation that turns heads

Browse our video presentation templates to get started, how to make an engaging video presentation, start with a professional template.

There’s no reason to design a presentation from scratch. Use one of Vimeo’s eye-catching templates to start creating.

Add images from our stock library

Browse our library of images and video clips to find elements to add to your presentation — or upload your own.

Customize your presentation from start to finish

Use Vimeo’s video presentation software to add text, create transitions between slides, and add narration or music to your presentation.

Save and share your presentation video

Share your creation directly from Vimeo Create to your social media channels. Or download it and present from your computer.

video presentation metier

Design a corporate video presentation that wows

Video breathes new life to presentations with audio, imagery, and interesting subjects. Vimeo Create helps you design your video presentation from start to finish, but here are a few tips to create a top-notch presentation.

Prioritize your audio

A video presentation relies on clear and reliable audio. Invest in a quality microphone that translates well through digital content. Record in a quiet space that’s void of outside noises, like wind, pets, or other environmental noises that can affect audio. Test your microphone in different spots to find its best distance from the subject for the clearest results.

Frame subjects well

Help your video subjects — even if that’s just yourself — look their best with the right framing techniques. Find an angle that’s attractive on screen, such as placing the camera slightly to the left or right of your subject.

Make it consistent

Each frame of your presentation should look like it belongs there. Try to keep a consistent theme throughout each video clip or slide. Audio and ambience should remain similar along the way, as should the video’s coloring, branding, and messaging.

Make your own video presentation for free

Learn more about virtual events, find the right plan for you..

Explore plans and see all that Vimeo can help you accomplish. Start a free trial, or get started with our free plan.

Everything you need to make, manage, and share brilliant videos

Quickly create, edit, and share content regardless of your budget or expertise.

Stream and host for hundreds of thousands of viewers at 4k, 8k HDR, and with Dolby Vision.

Customize your video player, manage security permissions, and find content quickly.

Automatically create chapters, apply your brand kit, and optimize for SEO.

Presentation video frequently asked questions

What is a video presentation used for.

A video presentation uses visual media to show something to viewers. Marketers frequently use video presentations for product tutorials, brand awareness campaigns, or demos of digital software. Brands might also use video presentations to onboard new or train current employees.

How can I make a good video presentation?

A good video presentation holds the interest of viewers from start to finish. Inject a little humor, use real people from your company, and use different forms of media to keep things engaging. Start with a professional premade template from Vimeo for inspiration.

How do I make a video presentation?

The easiest way to make a video presentation is with Vimeo Create’s presentation video maker. Browse our templates, choose one to start with, and customize it to your liking. Then, download it to your device or share it to your website or social media channels.

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How to Make an Eye-catching Video Presentation in Minutes | InVideo

  • video presentation

video presentation metier

Video is now the undisputed king of mediums in business communication. HubSpot reports that 85% of companies use videos in their marketing efforts. From webinars to demos, from sales presentations to investor pitches, and from welcome videos to online tutorials, videos are the go-to channel. Clearly, video marketing  is on the surge.

And video presentations are among the most widely used formats for video marketing. But how exactly can you create winning video presentations, to begin with?

Simply by signing up to InVideo for business where you get tailor-made template and video editing services on demand so you can spend your time running your business. Sign up for a free demo here. 

Video Presentations Q&A

Before we get into the meat of our guide, let’s quickly answer a few commonly asked questions.

1. What is a Video Presentation?

A video presentation is a form of communicating with an audience with the aid of a video or completely using a video. The video could be made of PowerPoint slides , still images, animation, or actual video footage.

2. Why Should I use Video Presentations?

Common reasons for using videos as presentation aids include:

- Overcoming space/time limitations - Using video as a visual aide to drive your point home - Video enables you to compress a lot of information into a digestible size

3. How do I make a Video Presentation?

Thanks to the advancements in technology, making video presentations has become very easy. It has also become more affordable than it was a couple of years ago. While different video makers have different steps to take when making a video , here are the basic steps to follow:

- Come up with a concept for your presentation. - Craft an engaging script . - Decide on the visual assets (and format) you’ll use. - Use a professional video editing app to bring it all together. - Promote the video.

Pro tip: To make things even easier, you could sign up to InVideo for business and get presentations made for your brand using the editing-on-demand services.  Sign up for a free demo here . 

4. How do you begin a Presentation?

You can open your presentation in 7 ways:

1. Share an anecdote or short personal story. 2. Kick-off with a provocative statement. 3. Present a startling statistic or data. 4. Tell a good clean joke that suits the audience. 5. Ask a loaded rhetorical question. 6. Show the audience a compelling visual. 7. Hook people with a fascinating quotation.

5. How do you Make a Video Presentation with PowerPoint?

Turning a PowerPoint presentation into a video is easy. Just follow these steps:

Step 1: On the File  menu, select Save  to make sure you have saved all your recent work in PowerPoint presentation format (.pptx).

Step 2: On the File  menu, select Save As .

Step 3: Select the folder location where you want to store your PowerPoint Show file.

Step 4: In the Save as type  box, choose PowerPoint Show (*.ppsx) .

PowerPoint Show Save as Options

Step 5: Select Save . That’s it.

Now that we’ve answered a few basic questions, let’s dig deeper into why videos are so powerful.

What Makes Video Presentations so Effective?

Why do they increase the impact of your message?

Well, it’s simple, really – people are visual creatures. This means we take in more information by watching than by reading. Remember the saying, “a picture is worth a thousand words”? Besides that, here are 4 other reasons video is so effective:

1. Conveys emotions better

No other communication channel conveys emotions better than video. That’s because video caters to the brain’s visual and auditory systems, helping the viewer pick up on cues like body language, facial expressions, imagery, and music.

2. Cements information better

According to research , people remember 10% of what they hear and 20% of what they read. However, they remember a staggering 80% of what they experienced. In short, visuals are easier to remember than text or audio because they help your audience “experience” your message. It makes video an essential part of creating presentations your audience will remember for a long time.

3. Makes it easier to digest information

Especially when explaining complicated concepts, video is a great way to present information in an easy-to-understand way. Not only is the format easy to take in, but it also makes breaking down concepts easier.

4. Builds relationships fast

I’m sure you know the marketing mantra: people buy from people they know, like, and trust. Nothing beats video in making prospects or your audience know, like, and trust you…   fast. Video is an instant relationship builder. It’s the next best thing to live face-to-face communication.

A video is a great tool that has made it easier to communicate thoughts and ideas with people – not just in a room, but even across the globe.

6 Types of Video Presentations You Need to Know

Video presentations come in different flavors, depending on their purpose.

types of video presentations

1. Educational Presentations

These are mainly used in teaching and learning sets online or in a classroom setting. These make it easier for the teacher to convey information and the students to grasp the concepts.

Use this template

2. Sales Presentations

The field of sales has evolved tremendously in the past decade. With customers being savvier, sales reps must play the game well if they’re to bag sales. One way they can do that is by creating story-based sales video presentations.

Sell more with pro video presentations

Use 5000+ InVideo templates to get started

Sell more with pro video presentations

3. Investor Pitches

Need to woo an investor? One of the best ways to do that is by using a video pitch. This will help you present your business plan in a visually appealing way so they can easily grasp your business concept.

4. Promotional Videos

Whether you’re promoting an existing product or a new one, video is your best bet for getting eyeballs on your product (or cause). People relate better to what they can see, making video the best medium for presenting your promotions (like product reviews, for example).

5. Employee Training and Onboarding

Video presentations are great for conducting employee training and onboarding. One of the main reasons for this is that video helps reduce the resources spent on these 2 important aspects of employee relationship management.

6. Informational Videos

As the name suggests, the informational/how-to type of presentation serves to pass on important information. Why video in this case? Because it’s more engaging and can pack a lot of information in a short clip.

Pro tip: You can get tailor-made templates to create any kind of presentation for your brand or business using InVideo for business . Sign up for a free demo here . 

How to create killer Video Presentations – 4 Tips

Now you know why video presentations are important and which scenarios to use them in. Now to the fun part – tips on creating killer video presentations. Let’s get to it, shall we?

Tip #1 - Know your Audience

how to create a killer video presentations - know your audience

The most important aspect of creating a stellar presentation is to know and understand your audience. Even if you use the best video presentation maker , if you don’t target a specific, clearly defined audience, your presentation will flop. Understanding your audience will help you:

A. Communicate effectively

Effective communication involves knowing the language and examples that resonate with your audience.

B. Choose the right visuals

Certain visuals are more impactful when used on a particular audience. Study those that your audience will easily understand and relate to.

C. Connect on an emotional level

No matter the type of presentation, it’s crucial to connect with your audience on an emotional level. And to do that, you need to understand the emotional triggers to push in your video presentation.

Invest in adequate audience research. While it may be time-consuming (and a bit costly), it will pay off in the end.

Idea #2 - Brainstorm video content ideas

Create Killer Video Presentations - Brainstorm Video Content Ideas

Now that you have gathered enough audience data, it’s time to brainstorm some content ideas. Whether you’re creating your talk solo or as a team, 3 crucial questions will lay the foundation of your brainstorming session:

1. What do you want the video to achieve? 2. Which emotions do you want the video to evoke? 3. What will visual elements help your video achieve its goal?

The answers to these questions will help guide your ideas. They are key to creating a killer video that your audience will love.

Tip #3 - Craft engaging scripts

Craft Engaging Scripts

Audience research? Check.

Great idea? Check.

Now we get to another interesting stage of creating great video presentations  – crafting an engaging script. Whether it’s a live presentation, a webinar, or even a product review, you’ll need a great script to ensure you keep your audience engaged.

Even if you love creating impromptu videos, having a script for your video presentations is important. And no, you need not be Quentin Tarantino to produce a great video script (although it won’t hurt to learn how to become a good copywriter). Here are 3 reasons a good video script is a must:

1) Helps structure your video

To ensure your video has a smooth and progressive flow, you’ll need a good script.

2) Eliminates “dead spots”

Dead spots, or moments of inactivity, are a great turn-off in a video. They reek of unprofessionalism and can lead to your audience disengaging. The best way to eliminate dead spots is to craft a solid video script .

3) Keeps you on track

It’s very easy to get sidetracked when creating a video . However, with a script, you minimize the instances of going off-topic.

Creating scripts for your videos is a best practice that shouldn’t be overlooked. If anything, invest more in your script than the visuals as a good script can save a video with poor visuals.

Pro-tip: Once you’re confident about your script, it is time to make things even more clear. A  storyboard will allow you to break down your video visually, scene by scene, describing what is happening in it.

Tip #4 - Invest in the Right Tools

video presentations right tools - InVideo

With video, one thing you should never skimp on is the tools you use, particularly your video editing software. While there is a gazillion free video editing software on the market, it’s highly recommended that you use a professional video editor . And that means going the paid route.

Why should you spend on a video editor when there are countless free options available? Here’s why:

A. Get more (professional) features

Creating professional-looking videos requires a lot of resources and features. Most free video editors lack the features that will enable you to create professional videos.

B. Avoid branding and ads

With video editing software, free is never free. That’s because you pay through being forced to include the video editors brand in your work. In other words, you pay by advertising for them. Besides branding, some free video editors may subject you to irritating in-app ads.

If there’s one thing that’s inevitable when it comes to software, it’s that one time or another you’ll encounter glitches. This is where paid video editors have a great advantage over their free counterparts – you’ll have access to customer support.

From hardware (like cameras) to software (like video editing software), the tools you use will determine the quality of your videos. Invest in professional tools, and your presentations will sweep your audience off their feet because they’ll be more polished.

Pro tip: If you don't have the time or bandwidth to find your way around an editing tool, simply sign up to InVideo for business and get presentations created using tailor-made templates and on-demand editing services. Sign up for a free demo here . 

Tip #5 - Adopt Video Presentation Best Practices

There’s no need to reinvent the wheel when creating presentations . Most winning video presentations are based on common fundamental principles that work. Here are some you need to know:

1) Create impactful intros (and outros)

Your intro is the most important part of your presentation as it sets the tone for the rest of the talk. If you can’t engage your audience with your intro, you probably won’t get another chance to engage them.

2) Keep it short, sharp, and sweet

No matter how engaging your video is, always remember it’s not a movie. The point is to keep your audience engaged enough to pass on your information, no more no less.

3) Be professional

Don’t throw out your professional etiquette just because you’re on (or using) video. Maintain professionalism in your video presentations by, for example, using clean language and maintaining a good posture.

4) Use quality sound

Sound plays an integral part in presentations. Whether it’s music or speech, make sure it’s crisp, clear, and audible.

By following these (and other) video presentation best practices, success is inevitable. Remember, the presentation is not about you; it’s about your audience. So, ensure that your presentations provide a good user experience for your audience.

Make video presentations in minutes

With customizable InVideo templates

Make video presentations in minutes

Looking for a great Video Presentation Template? Here’s what you should consider

video presentation templates in InVideo

Templates are lifesavers. They help you create a decent presentation in a snap, even if you are a newbie.

Here are 3 simple questions to help you determine if a template is good:

1) Is it editable? – Are you able to change things like playback speed, effects, or text, so you produce something you like? Stay away from rigid templates that don’t give you the freedom to create with ease.

2) Is it customizable? – Can you design brand-specific clips using your company’s colors, fonts, and styling? Good templates give you wiggle room to include your brand’s specific needs.

3) Is it campaign-specific? – Different videos fit different scenarios. Ideally, you want templates tailored to your current campaign.  That way, you have less tweaking to do because the templates are close to what you want.

Pro Tip: Get more tailor-made templates for your video presentations by signing up to InVideo for business . Sign up for a free demo here . 

5 Awesome Video Presentation ideas to bring The House Down

Presentation is both an art and science. Get the balance right, and you have the audience eating out of the palm of your hand. Here are some ideas to help you do just that.

Idea #1 - Tickle them with humor

Humor is a powerful learning tool.

According to studies by Physiology Org humor leads to learning because of it:

- Attracts and sustains attention. - Relieves tension and produces a relaxed atmosphere. - Enhances participation. - Increases retention and motivation. - Bonds the student and the teacher.

However, to reap all these benefits, the humor must be appropriate and on-topic. So spice up your presentation with a joke or two. The result? Your audience will laugh and learn.

Idea #2 - Use Relevant Examples

Effective presenters use timely, powerful illustrations.

The word illustration comes from the Latin term ‘illustration,’ which means illumination. So practical examples are like windows of your presentation. They let light in. They help people see or understand the material better.

Here are 5 questions to ask about your illustrations:

1. Are they relevant to the topic? 2. Are they suited to the audience? 3. Are they suited to the time limit? 4. Are they enlightening? 5. Are they well told?

Grab compelling examples from books, movies, TV shows, history, children, current events, and captivating real-life incidents. Use good illustrations ram your points home.

Idea #3 - Wield Questions like a Ninja

Questions are an integral part of learning.

Sharp questions aid learning. Plus, they keep listeners highly engaged.

Ask questions:

- At the beginning of your presentation to draw your audience in. - In the middle of the presentation to revive waning audience interest. - At the end of the talk, so the audience reflects on the material.

Also, allow the audience to ask questions. When your audience asks questions, they switch from passive spectators to active participants.

Idea #4 - Be Minimal

Have you ever sat through a presentation and felt:

- Dazed? - Confused? - Strained?

More than likely, the reason is the presenter drowned you in a blaze of inessential stuff. There was too much going on you couldn’t cope with.

Minimalism is removing all unnecessary material, leaving only the bare minimum needed to put your points across. It means using just enough text, visuals, scenes, or slides to make the point and no more. A minimal presentation is clean and uncluttered.

Simple yet intriguing. Plain but profound. Basic but punchy.

Most importantly, it makes learning easy and enjoyable.

Idea #5 - Connect emotionally with a story

Stories are speakers’ most powerful weapons. That’s because stories play a dual purpose –

- Engage intellectually - Connect Emotionally

And an emotional connection is key to bringing the house down with your presentation. Why?

An emotional connection:

- Endears you to your audience - Makes your presentation memorable - Inspires your audience to take action

By using a relevant story in your video presentation, you’ll ensure that your audience walks the entire journey with you from intro to outro.

6 PowerPoint Presentation tips to wow your audience

powerpoint presentation tips

No business video guide is complete without PowerPoint, the staple software for business presentations.

Here are 6 golden rules to help you nail your next PowerPoint presentation and leave your audience crying for more:

1. Keep Things Simple

Legendary artist Leonardo da Vinci once said something profound:

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication".

With the plethora of apps and templates at your disposal, you will be tempted to complicate things. Don’t. Keep things simple.

Simple design. Simple colors. Simple story.

People get swamped and confused by complicated stuff but easily absorb and appreciate straightforward material.

2. Good visual contrast

What use is your blockbuster presentation if the audience can’t see it?

You want people to enjoy your presentation, not endure it. If you use dark fonts on dark backgrounds or light fonts on light backgrounds, you’ll strain your audience’s eyes. They’ll struggle to see your lovely slides.

Classic black-on-white color contrast does just fine. You can use colors like red, blue, or yellow for headings and images. If you don’t like black and white, you can use other colors you prefer as long as the contrast of your combination is bold and strong.

3. Use a few words and animations

It’s easy to go overboard with fancy animations and a gushing stream of words. Only use as many words as it takes to get your point across and no more.

Too many words cause the audience to read rather than listen. Remember, your slides are there to compliment your talk, not substitute it. Also, a lot of words will fill up many slides that wear your audience down.

Ruthlessly cut out senseless animations that don’t add value to your talk.

4. Use excellent images

Images are to a presentation, what water is to fish. Without them, your presentation becomes bland. It lacks the needed fizz to keep your audience hooked. But only include relevant images.

Not only that. Above all, make sure all pictures are of high quality. Amateur-looking clip art causes the audience not to take you seriously.

Pro-tip: Get access to millions of stock assets and tailor-made templates with InVideo for business . Sign up for a free demo here . 

5. Smooth and fast transitions

While PowerPoint transitions can make your presentation engaging, don’t overdo them, especially the advanced ones. Not only do they quickly drain power on weaker machines, but they also distract the audience. Stick to simpler and faster transitions like wipe or slide.

6. Avoid overloading your slides

In presentations, less is more.

Having a lot going on your screen confuses and overwhelms listeners.

Cramming too much info into your slides is a big no-no. Clutter is your enemy. Strip your slides down to essential words and images. Your audience will love you for it and leave you with many takeaways.

Pro looking Video Presentations – No longer an option

With Industry 4.0 fast coming into its own, going digital is no longer an option for businesses and speakers.

And one of the most important communication mediums in the digital age is video. That’s why you can’t afford to ignore video any more. Whether you’re speaking before a live audience or seeking to disseminate information to a global audience, video presentations are the way to go.

Need a great tool to create stunning video presentations? Then make sure to schedule a demo and see just how much you can do with InVideo for business. 

Let’s create superb videos

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Vidéo métier : exemples et bonnes pratiques

De par son format immersif et dynamique, la vidéo se prête particulièrement bien à la présentation de métier. 

Que ce soit pour valoriser une marque employeur, dans le cadre d’une campagne de recrutement ou tout simplement pour montrer les coulisses de votre entreprise, la vidéo métier permet de poser des images et des mots sur des professions particulières. 

Authentiques, spontanées et riches en information, elles aident à se mettre dans la peau d’un professionnel, à mieux se projeter dans un métier et à mieux en comprendre les tenants et aboutissants. 

Dans cet article, nous vous proposons 3 exemples de vidéos métier réussies, aussi bien sur le fond que sur la forme.

Exemple n°1 : une journée avec une… présentatrice TV

Dans cette vidéo métier, qui est le premier épisode d’une longue série, le Youtubeur Ludovic B suit la présentatrice TV Jeanne Daudet tout au long d’une journée. Le format “vlog”, contraction entre “vidéo” et “blog”, offre une approche particulièrement immersive.

L’effet caméra embarqué est propice à montrer l’envers du décor de cette profession. L’enchaînement des séquences, qui suit de manière linéaire le déroulement de la journée de la journaliste, permet de se figurer clairement tous les rouages de la profession, de la préparation d’une émission au débrief post-antenne. 

La proximité entre l’intervieweur et la journaliste apporte en outre des échanges spontanés, avec des conseils avisés et des retours d’expérience intéressants.

Exemple n°2 : Le portrait d’un… responsable packaging

Notre deuxième exemple est une vidéo métier de type portrait, proposé par Welcome to the Jungle. Il s’agit d’une interview réalisée avec des questions / réponses bien définies, qui s’enchaînent rapidement. 

Les questions ne sont pas posées à l’oral, mais pour apporter du dynamisme à la vidéo, elles sont affichées à l’écran, avec une animation en motion design.

Dans cette vidéo explicative, la personne interviewée définit clairement le périmètre de ses fonctions, les compétences requises pour effectuer ce métier, les possibilités d’évolution… La vidéo est tournée en intérieur, uniquement sur le lieu de l’interview, elle ne montre donc pas concrètement la profession en action.

Exemple 3 : présentation de la profession monteur vidéo

Cette vidéo institutionnelle de Pôle Emploi présente le métier de monteur vidéo. Il s’agit d’une discussion ouverte entre un animateur, un alternant et un professionnel du montage vidéo. 

Le lieu de tournage est l’entreprise, dont on peut découvrir le matériel, les équipements, les bureaux… Le fait d’avoir le point de vue d’un alternant et d’un formateur permet de se projeter dans les possibilités d’évolution qu’offre la profession.

Les professionnels reviennent sur leur parcours, leurs expériences, leurs ambitions et les bénéfices des études en alternance notamment en termes d’insertion. Le format ludique amène un juste équilibre entre information et divertissement. 

Par exemple, l’animateur pose une série de questions en lien avec la profession à la manière du jeu TV « Qui veut gagner des millions ?”.

Réaliser une vidéo métier : nos astuces de pro

La vidéo métier est donc un format à privilégier pour présenter tout type de profession de manière attractive. Même les métiers de services, entièrement digitalisés et donc à priori très abstraits puisque la plupart du quotidien se passe devant un écran d’ordinateur, peuvent être présentés à travers une vidéo.

Pour conclure, voici notre check-list pour réussir votre vidéo de présentation métier :

  • Castez la bonne personne  : un professionnel réputé dans son domaine ne sera pas forcément à l’aise devant la caméra. L’important ici est de donner la parole à une personne légitime de par son métier et qui sera en mesure de le présenter de manière naturelle
  • Soignez votre introduction  : pour capter l’attention de votre audience dès les premières secondes, proposez une entrée en matière percutante, qui donnera envie de visionner la vidéo jusqu’au bout
  • Afin d’offrir un contenu immersif , pensez à agrémenter la vidéo de scènes de vie quotidienne. Vous pouvez par exemple enchaîner des plans d’interview avec des plans d’ambiance, où l’on suit le professionnel en train d’exécuter des tâches
  • L’ambiance sonore  apporte de la profondeur à la vidéo, elle doit mettre en valeur le message, sans brouiller le visionnage.
  • L’ajout d’une voix off  appuie en outre le message délivré par les images et peut apporter des précisions sur ce qui n’est pas explicitement montré
  • Pour une meilleure accessibilité,  intégrez des sous-titres  à votre vidéo
  • Et pour plus de visibilité , n’hésitez pas à partager la vidéo sur un maximum de canaux : votre site web, vos réseaux sociaux, Youtube…

Voir les autres articles :

  • Génération de leads grâce à l’automatisation sur vos emails et Linkedin
  • Production audiovisuelle par une agence dédiée
  • Améliorer la communication externe de votre entreprise
  • Studio d’animation pour booster votre communication
  • Agence de création de vidéos pour valoriser votre RSE
  • Agence créative spécialisée dans la réalisation de vidéos interview
  • Solution et création de vidéos pour votre entreprise

Votre devis en 30 sec.

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Ready to get started?

Create video presentations that demand attention.

Trusted by 9+ million people and over 10,000 companies

Create video presentations that demand attention with the Biteable video presentation maker. Deliver critical information with pitch-perfect video templates, one-click branding, and a seamless video creation experience for your best presentation yet.

How to make animated videos in minutes, start a free 7-day trial of biteable., pick an animated video template or build your own with pre-made animated scenes., customize your video: add or remove scenes , include animated text, upload your own pictures and video clips. you can even add a voice over, download your masterpiece or share it far and wide with a single,  trackable link ., a video presentation maker that rises above the rest, on-point templates.

Get started with brandable templates, ready-made scenes, and best-in-class animations.

Smart editing

A done-for-you editing experience takes the hard work out of the equation.

Branding made easy

Automatically apply your company colors and logo to your entire presentation.

Getting started

Mark video presentation off your to-do list with biteable.

If you can make a PowerPoint, you can make a video presentation with Biteable.

Choose from a full library of brandable templates and scenes, all designed with a professional audience in mind. Build out your video presentation with animated text, characters, and icons — all with the click of a button. Polish it off with a premium music track.

Need to add your own media? No problem. Seamlessly add video clips and pictures for a polished look in minutes. Better yet, record new footage, add a voice-over, or capture your screen without leaving the app.

Biteable’s all-in-one video presentation maker does the hard work for you. All you have to do is go be the star of the meeting.

Create videos that drive action

Activate your audience with impactful, on-brand videos. Create them simply and collaboratively with Biteable.

Make a video presentation for

Asynchronous meetings.

Create video presentations and send them to your team with a single link.

Live meetings

Whether you meet on Zoom or in person, a video presentation beats a PowerPoint any day.

Video reports

A performance report is boring, but a video presentation report is bold and memorable.

Making a video presentation: FAQs

Your answers to the most frequently asked questions about making a video presentation.

How do I make a video presentation for free?

It’s hard to make a video presentation for free, because free video makers have limited features that usually aren’t geared toward professional presentations. Your best bet is making a presentation during a free trial with a leading video presentation maker. Most people quickly realize purchasing a subscription is worth the money.

How do I make a video out of a presentation?

Not all online video makers are geared toward making a video out of a presentation, so it’s important to use one that focuses on making videos for a professional setting. Look for features like: templates and scenes geared toward the business world; video branding capabilities; an easy-to-use workflow.

How do I make a narration video presentation?

There are three ways to make a narration video presentation.

  • Record narration separately and sync it to your presentation.
  • Upload first-person video footage. Merge it with your presentation.
  • Use a video presentation maker with in-app voice-over and recording features. (This is the easiest way to make a narration video presentation.)

How do I make an animated presentation?

Making an animated presentation from scratch is difficult unless you have advanced skills. Your best bet is to find a video presentation maker with a library of animations you can add to your presentation. Look for an online video maker that offers unique animations geared toward a professional setting.


“Biteable gives us the speed and quality to create videos that allows our 3-person team to play at the level of a 60-person team.”

  • Tara Aiken, Regis Corporation

4 must-have tips for making video presentations

Creating a video presentation is easy with Biteable. And it’s even easier if you follow these best practices.

Have a goal in mind

Every great video presentation starts with a goal. What are you trying to accomplish? Maybe you want to share a new idea with your colleagues. Maybe you want to report on important company metrics. Or maybe you want to do something else entirely.

It’s incredibly difficult to make a video presentation that moves the needle until you define exactly what your presentation aims to achieve. Figure that part out and the rest becomes much easier.

Choose a proven template

Now that you know what your presentation aims to achieve you can pick a template that fits. You can create your video presentation from scratch, but using a template as a starting point gives you guide rails for tempo and pacing, plus a proven structure designed by pros.

Biteable video presentation maker has plenty of template options geared toward a professional setting, plus hundreds of extra video scenes and animations to build out your video presentation as much or as little as you like.

Use animations that underscore your message

One of the biggest advantages of video presentations over something static like a PowerPoint is the presence of motion. Without even realizing it, your audience will remember the information better simply because video is a multimedia experience that combines movement, sound, and visuals. To make the most impact, choose your animations wisely and use movement in a way that underscores your key points.

Are you presenting on the massive growth your marketing team achieved? Use a graph showing upward movement to drive the point home. Do you have one key point you’re trying to make? Use animation to circle your text or arrows that point at your most important information.

(All of this is easy to do with the video scenes available in Biteable.)

Keep it short and sweet

The length of your video presentation matters. Too short and you won’t be able to convey enough information. Too long and your audience will tune out.

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to video presentation length. But in general, 1-2 minutes is the sweet spot for making a video presentation that holds attention while still getting all the important information across.

You’d be surprised how many details you can share in this amount of time. A 15-minute live presentation can easily be condensed into one or two minutes if you hone your message to focus on the key details.

Brand your video

This is probably one of the most important — and most overlooked — parts of creating a successful video presentation. You’d never create a PowerPoint with erratic, off-brand colors. Making a video presentation is no different.

It’s a subtle change, but it gives off a big signal that you are polished and professional, and that you and your video presentation mean business.

Take advantage of the unique branding feature in the Biteable video presentation maker to easily apply your colors and logo to your entire presentation.

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What is a video presentation?

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Surya - September 16, 2021 Leave your thoughts. -->

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Let’s all agree, presentations have been there for quite a period of time. Infact the first presentation program was launched way back in 1987 and was available only in Mac. Later Microsoft acquired it and rebranded it as Microsoft Powerpoint. Nowadays presentations are everywhere, be it in educational institutions, companies, organizations, and so many other places. As we evolved over the years, the importance of video also started to grow rapidly which has now lead to presentations take a new format which is Video presentations . 

In this blog, we’ll look at everything that you need to know about video presentations right from the definition to examples,presentation templates, and the best presentation video maker to create video presentations.

Here’s what we’ll be covering in this presentation video ultimate guide:

  • Why video presentations are increasingly popular and effective 
  • Video presentations stats 
  • Types of video presentations
  • What is a video presentation maker
  • Video presentation template
  • How to make a video presentation with PowerPoint
  • How to create a personalized video presentation
  • Powerpoint video presentation tips
  • Best video presentation maker/Software 

A video presentation could be defined as a video in which multiple slides are used along with audio, video narration along with animation, images to communicate certain specific information with an audience in an engaging manner. 

Even after putting a lot of effort into static presentations to make them interactive and engaging there was always a problem of static presentations are lengthy and most cases boring failing to capture the audience’s attention. To give you a perspective, 79% of the audience feel most presentations to be boring.

This particular problem is solved with the usage of video presentations as the size of the duration of a video presentation is brought down drastically. Plus video presentations are easy to consume. Viewers can watch it at their pace and it doesn’t mandate all the stakeholders to be present in a physical or virtual place at the same time. 

Presentation video statistics in 2021

  • There are over 35 million PowerPoint presentations created every day and presented to an audience of 500 million people.
  • 89% of people still use PowerPoint to create presentations out of which 43% say they don’t have an alternative.
  • 87% of marketing people use video in their marketing efforts.
  • 78% of people consume videos online in a week with 55% consuming videos every day.
  • 70% of businesses are creating more videos in 2021 compared to 2020.
  • 69% of people prefer to learn about a product through a video.
  • Most people turn out of a PowerPoint presentation after 10 minutes. 

Presentation videos are now used for various use cases across different fields. Here is a list of seven different types of video presentations.

Different types of video presentations

1. Sales presentation videos 

Sales video presentations or video prospecting involves sales folks giving a quick outline of what the company and product has to offer to their prospects. Another type of sales presentation video also includes sales enablement presentation videos done by Marketing teams to upskill sales folks for better selling. 

2. Educational presentation videos

Educational presentation videos involve lectures and courses taught by teachers in a live in-person or virtual classroom which are then converted into video lessons for anytime access. 

3. Employee training and development presentation videos 

Employee training and development presentation videos are an essential part of a new employee getting trained and used to the system in place. The training presentation being available in video form helps anyone to access them without any dependency enabling better productivity. 

4. Business planning and review presentation videos 

Business presentations are it planning, review, performance analysis could all be boring and time-consuming. Getting them done as a video version helps in getting key information to all the stakeholders involved. 

5. Fund Raising and Company Pitch presentation videos 

CEOs and founders look for VC funding to take their company to the big stage.  A great presentation video selling the core value proposition of the company and project growth in the upcoming years will help catch the eyes of the investors and land the required funding.

6. Product usage explanation and How to presentation videos

New customers generally require onboarding guidance which includes walkthroughs and how-to presentations. Videos for the same enables users to take a look at them and learn to use the product at their own pace without being overwhelmed.

7. Employee onboarding and orientation presentation videos 

Now with employee onboarding happening virtually, employee onboarding presentation videos are of much importance. Employees get to understand company culture, guidelines, roles, and responsibilities better and in a calmer manner through presentation videos. 

8. Promotional and Marketing presentation videos

Product promotion presentations are often used by Marketing teams in various fields and virtual events. A video presentation, especially an animated video presentation, comes in handy for promoting products. 

The common trend across all these different types of presentation videos is that all of them aren’t just one-time recording and usage but also could be used multiple times which brings down the resource requirements for all of the above use-cases. 

A video presentation maker or a video presentation software is an app that lets you create presentation videos by using existing presentation slides or by creating new presentation slides and then converting them into videos.

There are two types of video presentation software . One that lets you screen record existing presentations and the other one that lets you create presentations by using existing templates which users can customize by adding voice, videos, images, characters, animation, etc. 

Powerpoint is one of the presentation software with over 35 million PowerPoint presentations created every day and presented to an audience of 500 million people

Powerpoint being the most used presentation software for creating presentations we are going to look at how to make a video presentation using PowerPoint. There are multiple ways in which you can create a video out of your presentation and we have mentioned the same below. 

Different methods to save a Powerpoint presentation as a video

  • Directly saving Powerpoint file as a video presentation 
  • Using a screen recorder to record the presentation in slideshow mode
  • Using a screen recorder to record the presentation in the slideshow mode with a webcam overlay 

Method one:

How to save powerpoint presentation as a video

Microsoft enables you to directly save your PowerPoint presentation as a video. Once you’re done with your presentation you’ll have to select > File > Export > Video . You can also decide to save it at the video quality of your choice which ranges from 4K HD to 480P. But remember the videos aren’t uploaded to the cloud so the better resolution you choose, the bigger will be the video size. The default video format will be MP4 or WMV.

Few things to know while saving PowerPoint presentations using this method:

  • Users can choose the time spent on each slide. By default, the time spent on each slide will be five seconds. So if your video is 20 slides and you choose the default five seconds per slide the PowerPoint presentation video will be of 100 secs.
  • Alternatively, you can choose manual slide timing if you feel you need to narrate more/less in a few specific slides.
  • You can decide to add narrations, audio, annotate on screen, clear annotations, record webcam as well. The webcam recording is however available only in Office 365.
  • You can also upload it to Microsoft streams for quick access within your organization. 

Method two:

How to save a powerpoint presentation in powerpoint show format

Alternatively, you can save the presentation in PowerPoint Show format(.ppsx) . This directly opens the presentation in a slideshow format for viewers. 

Using a screen recorder to record the presentation in slideshow mode 

Although Powerpoint lets you record presentations with narration and even video in some versions, it’s quite a complex process that takes a lot of time and effort. This is where PowerPoint screen recording tools come in handy. The PowerPoint recorders enable you to quickly and easily record your presentation, customize them based on your expectations, and share it with others. 

Here is a list of the Best PowerPoint screen recorders for you to choose the best tool. 

One of the best PowerPoint screen recorders is Vmaker as it’s completely free to record an unlimited number of recordings, and comes without any watermarks. Let's take a look on how to record PowerPoint presentations using Vmaker.

How to save a powerpoint presentation in powerpoint show format

Here is a step by step guide on how to screen record PowerPoint presentations with audio

Step by step guide on how to screen record powerpoint presentations with audio

  • Step 1: Sign up or Sign in to Vmaker and install the chrome extension .If you’re a Mac or Windows user, you can download and install the Vmaker's Screen Recorder for Mac or Vmaker's Screen Recorder for Windows .
  • Step 2: Open the PowerPoint presentation that you want to record.
  • Step 3: Launch the Vmaker app or chrome extension.
  • Step 4: Choose screen recording mode with audio enabled and click on start recording to begin recording your presentation.
  • Step 5: Add audio through narration, annotate screen, mute/unmute microphone, pause/resume recording as you wish.
  • Step 6: Click on finish recording to complete your PowerPoint screen recording.
  • Step 7: The video gets uploaded to the cloud in a few seconds irrespective of the video size. You can then edit, fine-tune, and then share it.

Adding a live webcam video to a PowerPoint presentation is also easier through Vmaker.

The steps and flow are pretty much the same with only the mode being different.

  • Step 1: Sign up or Sign in to Vmaker and install the Mac application  
  • Step 4: Choose screen plus webcam recording mode with audio enabled and click on start recording to begin recording your presentation.
  • Step 6: Click on finish recording to complete your PowerPoint screen recording. 

Video guide on how to record PowerPoint presentation with audio and video

video presentation metier

As mentioned earlier you can also create video presentations from scratch up by using online presentation makers. Online presentation makers enable you to create stunning video presentations by adding a range of things right from the text, audio, video, background, avatars, video screen recording , animations, transitions, effects, and much more. 

Users can decide either to start with a blank presentation or choose an existing template and start personalizing it based on their needs. 

Video presentation template library on Animaker Deck ~ presentation video maker

Video presentation templates come in handy, especially for ones looking to create quick video presentations. You can choose any one of the templates based on your requirement and quickly edit the essential details to produce your video presentation.

Bonus: Screen Recording 101: Ultimate Resource Guide

Now that we have understood the importance of video presentations and learned how to create video presentations let’s take a look at some video presentation ideas and tips to create engaging video presentations.

Video presentations can further be enhanced by implementing certain ideas that will enable them to be engaging, seamless, and smooth for the audience. Here are some ideas that will help you create visually engaging video presentations.

  • Give your first slide a powerful statement that resonates with your entire presentation video 

Use characters, images, and illustrations throughout your video presentation

Ensure all slides tell a story and connect with the powerful first statement , maintain similar font size consistently throughout the presentation videos.

  • Use transitions and motion graphics to make your presentation visually appealing 

Ask Questions, polls, share quotes in between the video to keep viewers engaged

Conclude strongly proving or supporting your first statement, give a powerful statement that resonates with the video.

Give a powerful statement that resonates with the video presentation

Keep the first slide of your presentation video short concise and to the point resonating with what is the key topic being covered in the video. In the example above you could see the video is about avoiding single-use plastics and that is clearly mentioned to set the tone for the video.

Here is a gif of a plastic bag traveling being used perfectly resonating with the text on the video presentation

Using Animations, videos, images, illustrations adds value to the video presentation and helps convey the message clearly to the audience. In the above example, there is a video of a plastic bag flying to support the text given in the slide.

Ensure all slides tell a story and connect with the powerful first statement of your video presentation

Ensure that the messaging in all slides of the video presentation connects with the message in the first slide. Here in this example, you can see that the slide talks about plastic taking a long time to break down which directly connects with the why you should avoid single-use plastics message in the first slide.

Maintain similar font size consistently throughout the presentation videos

To offer a great visual experience for the viewers it is important to use fonts, colors, and text consistently in the video. Here in this sample presentation video, you could see font, text, spacing, amount of content, and color being uniform throughout offering a great visual experience for viewers.

Use transitions and motion graphics to make your presentation visually appealing

Transitions and motion graphics help while presenting the video presentation as the time in between helps the presenter prepare what to convey and also builds curiosity amongst the audience. In the example above you could see a wide range of transitions being available for usage on the video presentation. 

Ask Questions, polls, share quotes in between the video presentation to keep viewers engaged

One of the major factors that differentiate a good and great PowerPoint presentation is how engaged the audience are throughout the presentation. Usage of stats, quotes, polls, questions in a video presentation enables the viewers to be engaged throughout the presentation. For instance, in this presentation video above the creator has used stats along with the right illustration which is a great hook in keeping the audience engaged.

Conclude your video presentation strongly proving or supporting your first statement

The conclusion to a video presentation is as important as the first statement and it is important to finish the video presentation by supporting or proving what was conveyed in the first slide. In this reference, the creator has brilliantly made a powerful statement to support the need to avoid single-use plastic.

Following up on what we offered in the above section here are some tips to keep in mind while creating video presentations.

  • Define the purpose of the video

Identify the target audience for the video

  • Decide on the script, images, and illustrations for the video

Avoid using complex language and tone for the video 

Ensure you have a good video presentation maker for creating the video, avoid trying to convey too much of information in one go , make the intro and conclusion as powerful as possible, define the purpose of the presentation video.

Often ignored but the most important step in presentation video creation is the purpose definition stage. List out the key goals that you want to achieve by creating the presentation video and then pick up the most important goal that resonates with the video creation as your purpose. By defining the purpose of the video the next steps will be simplified. The purpose of the video will also automatically help in identifying the target audience of the video, brainstorming ideas for the video.

The target audience are the group of people who’ll potentially watch your videos once you publish them. Identifying and getting to know your audience enables you to decide on what exactly you’ll convey in the video, how you’ll convey the message, and not just that but also define the length of the presentation video.

Decide on the Script, Images, and Illustrations 

Write the script keeping in mind the purpose of the video and the target audience you are creating the video. Decide on the relevant images, videos, gifs, and illustrations to support the text on the script. By doing so early allows creators the time to make any changes to text based on the creatives and vice versa.

The sole purpose of PowerPoint presentations is to convey information in a simpler and meaningful manner. Using complex language, data and tone defeats the purpose. Keep the language simple, break down, visualize data as much as possible, and use a subtle tone throughout the presentation video.

Earlier presentation videos were being made using multiple tools which included a presentation tool, video editor, video hosting platforms. But now we have all-in-one video presentation makers that lets you do everything right from creating to sharing the video presentation. Ensure that you pick up the right PowerPoint video maker based on your video creation needs.

Here is an elaborate list of the best PowerPoint presentation makers for you to choose from.

Signup for Vmaker presentation video maker and start creating presentation videos

The beauty of presentation videos is that you get to present them. So with that being the case adding too much stuff that you have to talk about as content on each slide doesn’t make any sense. Keep the content less and break down the information to be conveyed based on each slide so that you don’t end up sharing too much information in one particular slide alone.

The opening and closing slides of your video presentation hold the key to making an impact. Make the intro and conclusion as powerful as possible by interconnecting them. By doing so anyone watching the video presentation will have a takeaway from the presentation which creates a lasting impression.

Here are a few tips specifically for creating PowerPoint video presentations. The below tips are tailored to help you improve your PowerPoint video creation. 

  • Decide on the font, color, and text content in each slide 
  • Keep the content in each slide as short as possible 
  • Support your content in each slide with powerful illustrations and data

Use transitions and effects but ensure that they’re not overused

Use high-quality images that are rich .

  • Visualize charts, graphs, tables and add color to them 

Decide on the font, color, and text content in each slide

This presentation has Arial as font throughout the presentation

The minor details like font, sizing, color, and the volume of content in each slide play a key role in video presentations. Define the fonts and the size of the fonts that will be used in the presentation. Ensure that the amount of content on each slide is uniform. Making sure small details like this are looked into aids in the creation of the best PowerPoint video presentations. 

Keep the content as short as possible

Keep the content in the presentation as short as possible

Ensure that there is a lot of empty space in the slide and the content is kept minimum. This ensures a pleasant viewing experience when the presentation is converted into a video. As there will be narration in video presentations the explanation can be done over voice rather than adding texts in the PowerPoint slides.

Support your content with powerful illustrations and data

Support your content in each slide with powerful illustrations and data

Adding illustrations and highlighting key data will help in engaging your audience as they’ll be paying key attention to what is being presented. Illustrations also enable you to offer a visually engaging video presentation keeping your audience engaged and hooked.

Transitions, Motion Graphics in powerpoint video presentations

Using the built-in transitions and animations in Powerpoint is the quickest and easiest way to add an extra dimension to your presentation. Smartly ensure that you use the animations and transitions effectively so that it adds to the quality of your presentation. Also, overusing them by making excessive use of it in every slide will make the presentation look clumsy.

Use high-quality images that are rich in your presentation

It’s important to have images across the presentation and the usage of images adds immense value to the presentation. Also, it is key to use high-quality ones as the usage of not-so-great ones really brings down the quality of video presentations.

Visualize charts, graphs, tables and add color to them

Visualize charts, graphs, tables and add color to them

Using charts, tables and graphs helps the audience visualize data better. The video viewers can easily resonate with the insights shared in the narration with the visuals available on the video. Powerpoint comes with a built-in data visualization feature that enables you to create charts, graphs, tables with ease and convert them into videos.

Here is our list of the five best PowerPoint recorders for creating video presentations mainly using screen recording.  

  • Vmaker 
  • Panapto 
  • Techsmith Camtasia 
  • Ispring 

If you’re looking to create video presentations by using templates, animations, characters, transitions, voiceovers, images, etc then the best option would be Animaker Deck . Animaker deck is a free avatar-powered presentation video maker. 

This guide should have given you a comprehensive idea about presentation videos, the different types of presentation videos, and how to go about it in terms of planning, creation, and sharing. Do check out and start using Vmaker presentation video maker and create stunning presentation videos with ease. 

video presentation metier

If you enjoyed reading the above article, then here are a few more cherry-picked articles you might be interested in reading further!

The Ultimate Guide to Create an Instructional Video Without a Script

A Complete Guide On Product Videos ~ Definition, Types and Tips

Ultimate How-to Video Guide with Examples, Tips, and Ideas

Step by Step Guide: How to record Skype calls

How to screen record on Mac with audio

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3 exemples de vidéo dans l'industrie pour vous inspirer

Communication Corporate

(Mis à jour le 21-08-2024)

3 exemples de vidéo dans l'industrie pour vous inspirer

Le guide ultime pour créer vos vidéos d'entreprise

Nos conseils-clés et meilleures pratiques pour gagner du temps dans la conception de vos contenus et créer des vidéos impactantes.

Petite ou grande entreprise dans le secteur de l’industrie, il est aujourd’hui indispensable de créer des films institutionnels qui vont impacter durablement vos cibles. Pour des campagnes marketing, que cela soit sur les réseaux sociaux, en direct avec les clients et partenaires, ou bien directement sur votre site web, vous allez être amené à concevoir des films promotionnels qui seront vus et qui feront la différence dans votre image de marque .

Pour mettre en avant un savoir-faire, donner un visage humain à une société ultra-spécialisée dans l’industrie ou tout simplement pour asseoir une autorité, le film corporate va être un levier capital dans votre stratégie de storytelling.

Rappelons que 97 % des professionnels du marketing plébiscitent le format vidéo qu’ils considèrent comme un élément déterminant dans l’amélioration de l’image d’une marque ( HubSpot ). Une opinion que partagent largement Marc Zuckerberg ( CNBC ) et de nombreuses plateformes comme LinkedIn, qui a lancé LinkedIn Vidéo et qui se révèle être plutôt efficace ( Emarketer ) !

Il va donc être impossible, pour ne pas dire impensable, de passer à côté de cette tendance, tout comme il va également être impossible de se tromper dans la réalisation d’une bonne vidéo.

Impossible , surtout après avoir lu le reste de cet article qui vous décortique 3 exemples de spots corporate pour en tirer le maximum d’astuces et de bonnes pratiques , sans faire appel à une société de production audiovisuelle pour autant.

Créez une vidéo de qualité en quelques minutes

Dassault aviation : une vidéo d’entreprise dans l’industrie, corpo et ambitieuse.

Dassault Aviation est une entreprise française reconnue dans le domaine de l’industrie aéronautique. Leurs produits sont aussi bien à destination du civil que du militaire, et la société a une grande responsabilité en tant qu’ambassadeur du savoir-faire français.

Qu’a choisi de raconter Dassault au cours des 39 secondes qui composent leur vidéo ? L’essentiel, et tout à la fois !

Que dit cette vidéo ? Que Dassault est une entreprise française capable d’emmener l’Humanité vers le futur, vers ses rêves, grâce à une expertise toujours à la pointe de la technologie.

Si la création d'un montage vidéo d'entreprise vous semble être une tâche ardue, découvrez comment l'outil PlayPlay peut changer la donne. Avec PlayPlay, même les débutants peuvent réaliser des vidéos d'entreprise dignes d'un professionnel. Que vous souhaitiez illustrer le succès d'un projet industriel, communiquer sur les valeurs de votre société ou promouvoir un évènement interne, notre plateforme rend ces projets accessibles. Utilisez des templates adaptés à vos besoins, intégrez vos propres médias et ajustez le tout avec simplicité.

Comment Dassault Aviation utilise la vidéo pour transmettre son message ?

Les images, la musique, le texte et le rythme sont là pour nous raconter une histoire. Le storytelling employé ici par Dassault est simple : bienvenue à bord du futur à la Française .

Ce film d’entreprise présente à la fois les produits conçus par l’entreprise, les équipes qui y travaillent, leurs clients qui rêvent, les équipes qui se forment (à l’aide de casques de réalité virtuelle).

Ces dernières renvoient l’image d’experts utilisant des outils à la pointe de la technologie pour créer le monde de demain.

  • Des équipes d’hommes et de femmes (important pour l’image de marque paritaire),
  • Des équipes de passionnés (l’homme au début caresse la carlingue d’un avion),
  • Qui sont fières de leurs produits (certains sourient)

Le texte de fin souligne ensuite le propos : « Passion, excellence, technique, production, support… Dassault Aviation, Architecte du futur »

Un texte qui sera suivi d’une image audiovisuelle de trois avions en vol. Un avion de ligne, et deux modèles militaires, dont le dernier est si épuré qu’on le croirait presque taillé pour aller dans l’espace. C’est d’ailleurs l’image reprise par les trois pictogrammes qui surplombent la baseline « Ensemble, plus loin » montrant que civil et militaire volent vers les mêmes lendemains, avec cette idée graphique d’une progression vers l’ultra-futuriste.

Et comment Dassault dit, sans avoir à le dire, que c’est une entreprise française aux commandes ? Par la musique ajoutée en post-production ! Le son jazzy, la voix de la femme un peu feutrée qui parle d’amour et de baisers : tout renvoi au cliché national que nous avons à l’internationale. Cela rend le spot glamour.

Et qui dit glamour dit… français.

Envie d'aller plus loin ?

Nous vous partageons quelques exemples de vidéos pour booster votre marque employeur , comme Dassault Aviation.

PSA : un spot de rétrospective 2020 dynamique et performant

La crise du Covid est en train de meurtrir durablement les mentalités. Que cela soit du côté des salariés ou de certains entrepreneurs. Et, naturellement, le storytelling qui en découle a tendance à se tourner vers l’Humain en général.

La production audiovisuelle de PSA ne fait pas exception, et il aura su allier narration de proximité et réassurance commerciale et ambitieuse auprès de ses collaborateurs.

Le clip se découpe en trois grandes parties narratives :

  • Gagner ensemble (comment ils ont géré humainement la crise Covid, protégé leurs salariés, etc.)
  • Agilité (comment ils ont su adapter leur groupe à la nouvelle donne sanitaire, télétravail, etc.)
  • Efficience (leur stabilité, ainsi que leur avenir commercial déjà bien ciblé)

Le déroulé storytelling est le suivant : « Nous nous appuyons sur l’humain, avec une dose de résilience et d’agilité pour propulser PSA vers un futur innovant et stable. »

Ainsi, on rassure les collaborateurs, on rassure les investisseurs, on rassure les marchés.

Vous allez voir comment l’animation permet de dérouler et de soutenir cette narration.

L’utilisation du motion design par PSA

Dans ce spot, deux narrations se chevauchent : la capacité d’innovation et de résilience de la marque face au Covid, en gardant des valeurs humaines et son ambition pour l’avenir, malgré la pandémie.

Le film promotionnel va faire le pari audacieux de se centrer sur l’imagerie 3D et l’iconographie, plutôt que sur un montage vidéo classique.

Sans aucune voix-off, mais en déroulant pourtant du texte. Sans interview, mais en faisant intervenir ses équipes pendant le tournage. Sans vue aérienne prise par drone, mais en filmant l’intérieur de ses sites, PSA va créer un excellent exemple de clip corporate dynamique qui dit absolument tout.

Comment ? Grâce au pouvoir culturel des images.

Trois éléments sont capitaux dans leur motion design :

  • Les icônes utilisées et leur pouvoir narratif
  • Les images et vidéos d’illustration
  • Le script bien ficelé

Précédemment, vous avez vu que le clip-vidéo se découpait en trois axes narratifs. Ces derniers sont symbolisés par des icônes en 3D réalisées non pas par des traits simples, mais par un mélange de traits et de billes, créant ainsi l’illusion d’un réseau.

Ainsi, chaque élément clé est illustré par un réseau qui prend tantôt la forme d’un buste avec une coupe en guise de tête, d’un personnage en mouvement et tantôt d’un compteur de vitesse.

La vidéo présente le concept-clé, son illustration et l’animation vont ensuite faire basculer cette dernière pour ne laisser que l’impression de réseau sur lesquelles des branches pousseront pour dévoiler les photos et autres vidéos d’illustration.

C’est ce qui apporte à la fois du dynamisme et de la force à cette communication audiovisuelle : ainsi mis à l’horizontal, ce réseau dans lequel on progresse par des zooms avant, donne l’impression de regarder à la loupe la structure, l’ADN, presque, de la marque.

Nous allons au cœur du fonctionnement du groupe. Au cœur de leurs valeurs, au cœur de leur succès.

Enedis : une vidéo de présentation métier dans l’industrie parfaite

Comment mettre en avant sa marque, les valeurs de son entreprise, montrer l’aspect humain de son groupe tout en valorisant un métier ? Enedis a su répondre à cette question grâce à une vidéo de présentation de 2min39 aussi bien composée que réalisée.

Que dit cette vidéo ? Que ses équipes sont composées de héros du quotidien , d’experts réactifs et sachant travailler en équipes. Que travailler pour Enedis c’est apprendre un « vrai » métier, c’est être formé et monter en compétences, qu’il y a des perspectives d’évolution. Qu’Enedis est une société qui respecte ses travailleurs et qui les valorise, que leur expertise peut être aussi utile à la société (appels pompiers, événements climatiques).

Comment Enedis a utilisé la vidéo pour mettre en valeur ses équipes ?

Intéressons-nous en premier à la musique de cette production vidéo : là aussi, c’est un sample de banque son classique, mais le son est ultra-rythmé . Il est militaire, masculin, il sonne « expert en mission ».

C’est typiquement le genre de musique qu’on imagine dans une scène d’action un peu scientifique.

Son volume va fluctuer en fonction des interviews vidéo des employés, pour se mettre régulièrement en arrière-plan, avec toujours un souci d’adéquation entre le rythme du son et celui de l’action à l’image.

Côté image, justement, Enedis fait démarrer son spot par une prise de vue de l’un des coéquipiers qui s’habille. Par la suite, on voit mentor et apprenti en intervention, le tout entrecoupé de présentations des deux protagonistes qui nous expliquent leur travail. On suit uniquement ces deux personnages, jusqu’à les voir retourner à leur camionnette après « une bonne journée », clôturant ainsi le spot.

C’est-à-dire que la vidéo reprend une structure narrative parfaite : un point de départ, deux archétypes clairement définis (le héros et son mentor), et une résolution satisfaisante après la mission bien remplie des personnages.

Régulièrement à l’écran via son logo floqué sur les véhicules, les équipements, Enedis ne se met pourtant pas en avant : le but est d’aller séduire de possibles futurs salariés qui prendront la place du héros.

C’est pour cela que c’est ce dernier qui est présenté en premier qui met l’emphase sur les aspects de formation en entreprise et de perspectives d’avenir. Un

C’est à lui que le prospect doit s’identifier dans ce véritable reportage d’entreprise à la captation maligne .

Que nous montrent ces vidéos d’entreprises phares de l’Industrie ?

Dassault nous montrait comment le choix des images et de la musique peut transmettre des idées puissantes comme l’innovation, la passion ou encore l’identité nationale d’une entreprise.

PSA de son côté, montre l’importance d’un script vidéo et comment l’imaginaire collectif peut devenir très puissant quand il est incarné par des illustrations pourtant très simples.

Enfin, Enedis montre comment en reprenant les codes pourtant simples du récit on peut transmettre des valeurs très fortes pour son entreprise, en se mettant subtilement en avant par un retrait délibéré.

Que faut-il retenir impérativement pour réaliser un bon film d’entreprise de l’Industrie ?

Ces trois études de cas mettent en lumière l’essentiel :

  • Ne négligez aucun aspect de la vidéo, tout est porteur de narration, y compris la musique
  • Définissez l’objectif de votre vidéo et son storytelling vidéo en amont pour ne pas le perdre de vue en cours de réalisation
  • Faites un script de votre vidéo !
  • Ne parlez pas de vous, ne parlez pas de vos valeurs : montrez-les et mettez en scène la force de votre entreprise
  • Pour fédérer, votre spot doit avoir des personnages auxquels s’identifier
  • La durée de votre spot ne conditionne pas l’intensité émotionnelle

Procédez par étapes, en cherchant à créer, non pas la vidéo que vous souhaiteriez voir, mais celle qui va emporter vos cibles.

Rappelez-vous que vous parlez à l’autre, pas à vous-même.

L’astuce PlayPlay en plus

La vidéo est un format performant et engageant ! Cependant, vous pouvez aussi varier les types de vidéos en créant par exemple des podcasts vidéo ou des infographies animées .

Vous êtes fin prêt à créer vos premières vidéos ? Alors testez PlayPlay pendant 7 jours ! PlayPlay est la solution de création vidéo en ligne. Action !

Voici une liste d'exemples de vidéos pour d'autres secteurs que l'industrie. Des exemples de communication pour le secteur bancaire , le secteur de l'assurance ou encore des vidéos immobilières et la promotion de votre ville . Cela pourra aussi bien vous donner de nouvelles idées !

Mélissa François

Mélissa François

Head of Global Content & Comms

Melissa est une leader marketing avec plus de dix ans d'expérience dans l'univers du SaaS. Passionnée par les récits de marque captivants, elle excelle dans l'engagement des communautés à travers un contenu percutant et engageant.

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Monteur vidéo

Niveau Scolaire

Secteur d'activité

Audiovisuel , Traitement Vidéos , Design , Cinéma , Communication , Culture , publicité

1530 € / mois à 3100 € / mois

Qu'est ce que le métier Monteur vidéo ?

Que fait un monteur vidéo , qualités pour être monteur vidéo, comment devenir monteur vidéo , combien gagne un monteur vidéo , ces métiers peuvent aussi t'intéresser.

Ministère de l'Éducation nationale et de la Jeunesse

Année scolaire 2024-2025 : dossier de présentation

Nicole Belloubet, ministre de l’Éducation nationale et de la Jeunesse a présenté les grands principes de l’année scolaire 2024-2025, mardi 27 août 2024.

Télécharger le dossier de présentation "Année scolaire 2024-2025 : l'École change la vie !"

[En vidéo] Conférence de presse de rentrée, mardi 27 août 2024

Mise à jour : août 2024

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  1. Comment réaliser une vidéo de présentation métier efficace

    Exploitez les rushs. f. Anticipez le montage. Les derniers indispensables pour réaliser votre vidéo. 1. Préparation de votre vidéo de présentation métier. On ne le dira jamais assez. La production de contenu ne s'improvise pas et c'est d'autant plus vrai quand il s'agit de vidéo.

  2. Découverte des métiers

    A France Travail, ce sont 500 familles de métiers et 10 000 métiers qui sont répertoriés dans le ROME, notre dictionnaire des métiers ! Ici nous vous présent...

  3. Accueil

    Découvrez en vidéo, des métiers, des parcours et des formations. La plate-forme de l'Onisep propose plus de 2000 films courts pour les élèves, les parents et les équipes éducatives.

  4. OnisepTV- Découvrez les métiers en 360 degrés !

    Découvrez les vidéos immersives tournées en 360 degrés afin de découvrir des métiers d'une manière innovante !L'intégralité des vidéos est disponible sur Oni...

  5. 17 video presentation ideas to wow your audience

    Here's a great example of storytelling from one of the world's top brands: Nike - Dream Crazier | #JustDoIt. 3. Use music. Music has great power to support and enhance the emotion in a video presentation, and has been proven to sustain an audience's attention and aid in information retention.

  6. Parcours Métiers

    Découvrez les métiers de demain et les formations pour y parvenir grâce aux vidéos réalisées par les jeunes

  7. Video Presentation Maker

    VEED is a professional, all-in-one video editing software that can take care of all your video editing needs—quickly and efficiently. You can resize your video for different video sharing and social media platforms, add text, images, music, and more. Whether you need to edit a video for business or personal use, VEED is the best tool you can ...

  8. How to Make a Video Presentation With Audio in 8 Steps

    A video presentation is a presentation that can be shared and viewed as a video. Technically, for a presentation to be a video presentation, it must be an MP4 or MOV file type. A video presentation can be shared online on YouTube, Vimeo and other social media platforms. The best part of a video presentation with audio is that you can share it ...

  9. Make a Video Presentation for Free

    Go to the "Preview" section to see the final version of your presentation video. Ensure that there are no more changes to be made in there. Once the video is final, export it in your preferred quality. Then, instantly share the video to digital platforms, or download it to your device. Browse Presentation Templates.

  10. Les 30 meilleures idées de vidéos de présentation

    Créez une vidéo de présentation pour votre entreprise. Essayez gratuitement. Voici donc la liste de 30 exemples inspirants pour créer une communication vidéo engageante et atteindre vos audiences. 1. Les vidéos pour présenter votre entreprise.

  11. Video Presentation Maker (Free & Online)

    How to Make a Video Presentation. Open a new project with a blank canvas. Choose the size you want your video presentation to be; apply preset aspect ratios 9:16, 4:5, 1:1, and vice versa. Open the "Record" tab in the left-hand side and choose your recording settings to start recording. Or, browse the stock footage library to create a ...

  12. 4 idées pour réaliser votre vidéo de découverte métier

    Avec une vidéo de découverte métier vous allez permettre à l'ensemble des collaborateurs de mieux connaître le rôle de chacun au sein d'une entreprise. Les collaborateurs convergent tous vers un objectif commun, il est primordial de savoir quelle est la valeur ajoutée de chacun pour obtenir un travail coordonné et efficace.

  13. Free Corporate Video Presentation Maker & Editor

    Design a corporate video presentation that wows. Video breathes new life to presentations with audio, imagery, and interesting subjects. Vimeo Create helps you design your video presentation from start to finish, but here are a few tips to create a top-notch presentation. Prioritize your audio. A video presentation relies on clear and reliable ...

  14. How to Make an Eye-catching Video Presentation in Minutes

    Step 1: On the File menu, select Save to make sure you have saved all your recent work in PowerPoint presentation format (.pptx). Step 2: On the File menu, select Save As. Step 3: Select the folder location where you want to store your PowerPoint Show file. Step 4: In the Save as type box, choose PowerPoint Show (*.ppsx).

  15. Vidéo métier : exemples et bonnes pratiques

    De par son format immersif et dynamique, la vidéo se prête particulièrement bien à la présentation de métier. Que ce soit pour valoriser une marque employeur, dans le cadre d'une campagne de recrutement ou tout simplement pour montrer les coulisses de votre entreprise, la vidéo métier permet de poser des images et des mots sur des professions particulières.

  16. Presentation Video Maker I Create Animated Videos with Biteable

    There are three ways to make a narration video presentation. Record narration separately and sync it to your presentation. Upload first-person video footage. Merge it with your presentation. Use a video presentation maker with in-app voice-over and recording features. (This is the easiest way to make a narration video presentation.)

  17. The Ultimate Guide to Video Presentations with Tips & Examples

    There are over 35 million PowerPoint presentations created every day and presented to an audience of 500 million people.; 89% of people still use PowerPoint to create presentations out of which 43% say they don't have an alternative.; 87% of marketing people use video in their marketing efforts.; 78% of people consume videos online in a week with 55% consuming videos every day.

  18. What Are Effective Presentation Skills (and How to Improve Them)

    Presentation skills are essential for a successful career in many fields. They are important for building confidence, enhancing collaboration, and developing robust critical-thinking skills. ... Powtoon: Animation software that makes video creation fast and easy. PowerPoint: Microsoft's iconic program popular for dynamic marketing and sales ...

  19. 3 exemples de vidéos d'entreprise dans l'industrie

    Enedis : une vidéo de présentation métier dans l'industrie parfaite. Comment mettre en avant sa marque, les valeurs de son entreprise, montrer l'aspect humain de son groupe tout en valorisant un métier ? Enedis a su répondre à cette question grâce à une vidéo de présentation de 2min39 aussi bien composée que réalisée.

  20. Comment présenter un métier en vidéo ?

    Vidéo réalisée avec l'outil numérique Powtoon.

  21. Realiser Un Diaporama Pour Presenter Un Metier

    LE DIAPORAMA PRECISE LES SOURCES LE DIAPORAMA ATTIRE L'OEIL Bibliographie précisant les documents utilisés (sites web, livres documentaires, revues...) Auteurs du diaporama en indiquant les noms, prénoms et classe Licence attribuée par l'auteur au diaporama ( , ) Majuscules des

  22. Monteur vidéo

    Le monteur vidéo est un metteur en scène de l'image. Il doit, à partir de nombreux documents visuels, souvent… des images, transformer le tout en un ensemble cohérent et compréhensible. Il doit donc maîtriser la technique du montage vidéo. Le monteur peut travailler dans diverses structures, dans la télévision, le cinéma, la ...

  23. Année scolaire 2024-2025 : dossier de présentation

    Présentation générale des programmes de l'école, du collège et du lycée, informations sur l'organisation, les partenaires et les actions en faveur de l'Europe et international, les actions éducatives et les examens et diplômes ... [En vidéo] Conférence de presse de rentrée, mardi 27 août 2024. Mise à jour : août 2024 ...

  24. Les Métiers En Anglais

    20 métiers en anglais avec prononciation et exemples de phrases... votre métier est-il dans la liste? Les métiers en anglais.#LearnEnglish #apprendrelanglais...

  25. Cérémonie d'ouverture des Jeux olympiques d'été de 2024

    La cérémonie d'ouverture des Jeux olympiques d'été de 2024, baptisée « La Seine olympique » [1], a lieu dans la soirée du 26 juillet 2024 sur la Seine à Paris, avec les cérémonies protocolaires au pied de la tour Eiffel et dans les jardins du Trocadéro.. Cette cérémonie d'ouverture des Jeux olympiques d'été 2024, se démarque des précédentes par sa tenue hors d'un stade, une ...