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Free Worksheets and Printables for Kids

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Reading worksheets.

Ereading Worksheets has the best reading worksheets on the internet, and they're all free. These worksheets are skill focused and aligned to Common Core State Standards. You are free to save, edit, and print these worksheets for personal or classroom use. Many of these assignments can now be completed online. You're going to like this.

This page features a sampling of the reading worksheets on this website, organized by skills. You can find more activity by browsing the pages that are dedicated to each reading skill.

Fiction Reading Passages

Nonfiction reading passages.

  • Author's Purpose Worksheets
  • Characterization Worksheets
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Types of Conflict Worksheets

This is a preview image of "That Spot". Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.

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This is a preview image of Author's Purpose Worksheet 1. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.

More Resources on Author's Purpose?

This is a preview image of Characterization Lesson 1. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.

More Resources on Characterizations

This is a preview image of Fact and Opinion Lesson. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.

More Resources on Fact and Opinion

This is a preview image of Inferences Worksheet 1. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.

More Resources on Inferences

This is a preview image of Irony Lesson 1. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.

More Irony Worksheets

This is a preview image of Main Idea Lesson 1. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.

More Main Idea Resources

This is a preview image of "The Breakaway". Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.

More Story Structure Resources

This is a preview image of Theme Worksheet 1. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.

More Resources on Theme

This is a preview image of Types of Conflict Worksheet 1. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.

More Resources on Conflict

This is a picture of a female teacher helping a male student with his reading assignment. They appear to be finding success at this assignment.


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9 Smart Tips for Homework Success

Help kids manage their homework load with these strategies..

Even children who enjoy doing homework can lose their enthusiasm for it over the course of the school year, and find ways to stall or avoid doing it. But after-school study time is important, both for reinforcing the day’s learning and for lending structure to your child’s day.

“Homework isn’t just about academics,” says Karen Burke, SVP of Data Analysis and Academic Planning, Scholastic Education Solutions. “It can help students create routines and build responsible behaviors.”

Playing cop rarely works — micromanaging and nagging only make kids feel incapable or frustrated. Instead, think of yourself as a coach and cheerleader. 

“Generally, the idea of homework should be to help students set goals, build independence, and practice applying the knowledge they are gaining,” says Burke.

To help you get there, we asked teachers and parents to share their strategies for solving the most common homework struggles. These 10 tips will bring harmony back into your homework routine, whether your child is a kindergartner or 5th grader, perfectionist or procrastinator.

1. Do It Early

Give your child a time frame in which to get down to business. In your household, this may be before or after extracurriculars.

Work with your child to identify the time when their energy and focus are at their peak. This gives your child some control over their schedule. (Some kids need a longer break after school, and others need to start right away to keep the momentum going.) 

However, plan on 5 p.m. being the latest they can start their homework.

2. Phone a Friend

From kindergarten onward, kids should have a list of three or four classmates they can call on when they forget an assignment, or even just to ask a question. Study buddies can provide motivation for each other to get the work done. 

3. Collaborate to Build Confidence

When kids don’t understand a concept right away, they may feel like they’re not smart enough and start to shut down, says Sigrid Grace, a 2nd grade teacher in Michigan. 

Short-circuit negative thinking by sitting down with your child and figuring out the first problem in the assignment together. This should help jog their memory to complete the rest. Then, heap on the praise: “You did a great job on that one! Try the next one now.”

4. Change the Scenery

Sometimes something as simple as changing up their workspace can boost a child’s motivation and, in turn, their confidence. If your child has been working alone at a desk or designated study nook, perhaps they’d be more comfortable doing their homework in a public area, like the kitchen table while you’re preparing dinner. 

Conversely, if they’ve been working in a high-traffic part of the house, they might need a more private space in which to focus. 

5. Keep the Positive Feedback Coming

Younger kids need instant feedback, so it’s okay for parents of young grade-schoolers to correct mistakes, says Grace, the 2nd grade teacher. Follow this up with specific praise about what your child has done well.

6. Leave the Room

“Kids who drag things out are often doing so for your attention — they’re enjoying the interaction on some level,” explains Grace. “Avoid joining in.”

If you must stay in the room, have your child work in a spot that’s farther away from whatever you’re doing.

7. Beat the Clock

Sometimes procrastinators just need a jump-start. If that’s true for your child, try this: 

Set a timer for five minutes and have your child work as quickly and steadily as they can until the timer goes off. At that point, they can choose to take a short break or keep going — many kids continue.

“Racing against a timer gives kids an external sense of urgency if they don’t have an internal one,” says Ann Dolin, a former educator. 

However, a timed work session is not an excuse for sloppy work. Make sure your child reviews theirs before submitting it.

8. Plan, Plan, Plan

To get the most out of your days, include every appointment — from sports practice to meals to reading time — on a big calendar or schedule log and stick it in a central place where every member of the household can see it. 

If you know that certain nights present a conflict with your child’s homework schedule, you can ask for the week’s assignments upfront and work with your child to decide the best times to complete them, says Cathy Vatterott, a professor of education at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. 

“Teachers will often work with you on this, but most parents are afraid to ask,” she says.

9. Let ’Em Vent 

If your child is resisting doing their homework — or worse, is tearing up over it in frustration — soothe any pent-up worries by letting them complain. Listen, empathize (“Wow, that is a lot of work”), and state their feelings back to them (“You sound upset”). 

Once your child feels understood, they’ll be more likely to accept your suggestions, says Dolin — and better able to focus on what needs to be done.

You can also help by talking to your child about what they remember from class and steering them to the textbook. If they’re still lost, have them write a note to the teacher explaining that they don’t understand.

Get ready for your child to go back to school with our guide — it's full of recommended books, tips to help if your child is struggling with homework , and more resources for starting the year off right . 

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Strategies to make homework go more smoothly.

Routines and incentive systems to help kids succeed

Writer: Peg Dawson, EdD, NCSP

Clinical Expert: Peg Dawson, EdD, NCSP

Here is the best guide to helping kids do homework successfully that we’ve seen, published by the National Association of School Psychologists on their website, . Our thanks to NASP for sharing it with us.

There are two key strategies parents can draw on to reduce homework hassles. The first is to establish clear routines around homework, including when and where homework gets done and setting up daily schedules for homework. The second is to build in rewards or incentives to use with children for whom “good grades” is not a sufficient reward for doing homework.

Homework Routines

Tasks are easiest to accomplish when tied to specific routines. By establishing daily routines for homework completion, you will not only make homework go more smoothly, but you will also be fostering a sense of order your child can apply to later life, including college and work.

Step 1. Find a location in the house where homework will be done. The right location will depend on your child and the culture of your family. Some children do best at a desk in their bedroom. It is a quiet location, away from the hubbub of family noise. Other children become too distracted by the things they keep in their bedroom and do better at a place removed from those distractions, like the dining room table. Some children need to work by themselves. Others need to have parents nearby to help keep them on task and to answer questions when problems arise. Ask your child where the best place is to work. Both you and your child need to discuss pros and cons of different settings to arrive at a mutually agreed upon location.

Step 2. Set up a homework center. Once you and your child have identified a location, fix it up as a home office/homework center. Make sure there is a clear workspace large enough to set out all the materials necessary for completing assignments. Outfit the homework center with the kinds of supplies your child is most likely to need, such as pencils, pens, colored markers, rulers, scissors, a dictionary and thesaurus, graph paper, construction paper, glue and cellophane tape, lined paper, a calculator, spell checker, and, depending on the age and needs of your child, a computer or laptop. If the homework center is a place that will be used for other things (such as the dining room table), then your child can keep the supplies in a portable crate or bin. If possible, the homework center should include a bulletin board that can hold a monthly calendar on which your child can keep track of longterm assignments. Allowing children some leeway in decorating the homework center can help them feel at home there, but you should be careful that it does not become too cluttered with distracting materials.

Step 3. Establish a homework time. Your child should get in the habit of doing homework at the same time every day. The time may vary depending on the individual child. Some children need a break right after school to get some exercise and have a snack. Others need to start homework while they are still in a school mode (i.e., right after school when there is still some momentum left from getting through the day). In general, it may be best to get homework done either before dinner or as early in the evening as the child can tolerate. The later it gets, the more tired the child becomes and the more slowly the homework gets done.

Step 4. Establish a daily homework schedule. In general, at least into middle school, the homework session should begin with your sitting down with your child and drawing up a homework schedule. You should review all the assignments and make sure your child understands them and has all the necessary materials. Ask your child to estimate how long it will take to complete each assignment. Then ask when each assignment will get started. If your child needs help with any assignment , then this should be determined at the beginning so that the start times can take into account parent availability. A Daily Homework Planner is included at the end of this handout and contains a place for identifying when breaks may be taken and what rewards may be earned.

Incentive Systems

Many children who are not motivated by the enjoyment of doing homework are motivated by the high grade they hope to earn as a result of doing a quality job. Thus, the grade is an incentive, motivating the child to do homework with care and in a timely manner. For children who are not motivated by grades, parents will need to look for other rewards to help them get through their nightly chores. Incentive systems fall into two categories: simple and elaborate.

Simple incentive systems. The simplest incentive system is reminding the child of a fun activity to do when homework is done. It may be a favorite television show, a chance to spend some time with a video or computer game, talking on the telephone or instant messaging, or playing a game with a parent. This system of withholding fun things until the drudgery is over is sometimes called Grandma’s Law because grandmothers often use it quite effectively (“First take out the trash, then you can have chocolate chip cookies.”). Having something to look forward to can be a powerful incentive to get the hard work done. When parents remind children of this as they sit down at their desks they may be able to spark the engine that drives the child to stick with the work until it is done.

Elaborate incentive systems. These involve more planning and more work on the part of parents but in some cases are necessary to address more significant homework problems. More complex incentives systems might include a structure for earning points that could be used to “purchase” privileges or rewards or a system that provides greater reward for accomplishing more difficult homework tasks. These systems work best when parents and children together develop them. Giving children input gives them a sense of control and ownership, making the system more likely to succeed. We have found that children are generally realistic in setting goals and deciding on rewards and penalties when they are involved in the decision-making process.

Building in breaks. These are good for the child who cannot quite make it to the end without a small reward en route. When creating the daily homework schedule, it may be useful with these children to identify when they will take their breaks. Some children prefer to take breaks at specific time intervals (every 15 minutes), while others do better when the breaks occur after they finish an activity. If you use this approach, you should discuss with your child how long the breaks will last and what will be done during the breaks (get a snack, call a friend, play one level on a video game). The Daily Homework Planner includes sections where breaks and end-of-homework rewards can be identified.

Building in choice. This can be an effective strategy for parents to use with children who resist homework. Choice can be incorporated into both the order in which the child agrees to complete assignments and the schedule they will follow to get the work done. Building in choice not only helps motivate children but can also reduce power struggles between parents and children.

Developing Incentive Systems

Step 1. Describe the problem behaviors. Parents and children decide which behaviors are causing problems at homework time. For some children putting homework off to the last minute is the problem; for others, it is forgetting materials or neglecting to write down assignments. Still others rush through their work and make careless mistakes, while others dawdle over assignments, taking hours to complete what should take only a few minutes. It is important to be as specific as possible when describing the problem behaviors. The problem behavior should be described as behaviors that can be seen or heard; for instance, complains about h omework or rushes through homework, making many mistakes are better descriptors than has a bad attitude or is lazy.

Step 2. Set a goal. Usually the goal relates directly to the problem behavior. For instance, if not writing down assignments is the problem, the goal might be: “Joe will write down his assignments in his assignment book for every class.”

Step 3. Decide on possible rewards and penalties. Homework incentive systems work best when children have a menu of rewards to choose from, since no single reward will be attractive for long. We recommend a point system in which points can be earned for the goal behaviors and traded in for the reward the child wants to earn. The bigger the reward, the more points the child will need to earn it. The menu should include both larger, more expensive rewards that may take a week or a month to earn and smaller, inexpensive rewards that can be earned daily. It may also be necessary to build penalties into the system. This is usually the loss of a privilege (such as the chance to watch a favorite TV show or the chance to talk on the telephone to a friend).

Once the system is up and running, and if you find your child is earning more penalties than rewards, then the program needs to be revised so that your child can be more successful. Usually when this kind of system fails, we think of it as a design failure rather than the failure of the child to respond to rewards. It may be a good idea if you are having difficulty designing a system that works to consult a specialist, such as a school psychologist or counselor, for assistance.

Step 4. Write a homework contract. The contract should say exactly what the child agrees to do and exactly what the parents’ roles and responsibilities will be. When the contract is in place, it should reduce some of the tension parents and kids often experience around homework. For instance, if part of the contract is that the child will earn a point for not complaining about homework, then if the child does complain, this should not be cause for a battle between parent and child: the child simply does not earn that point. Parents should also be sure to praise their children for following the contract. It will be important for parents to agree to a contract they can live with; that is, avoiding penalties they are either unable or unwilling to impose (e.g., if both parents work and are not at home, they cannot monitor whether a child is beginning homework right after school, so an alternative contract may need to be written).

We have found that it is a rare incentive system that works the first time. Parents should expect to try it out and redesign it to work the kinks out. Eventually, once the child is used to doing the behaviors specified in the contract, the contract can be rewritten to work on another problem behavior. Your child over time may be willing to drop the use of an incentive system altogether. This is often a long-term goal, however, and you should be ready to write a new contract if your child slips back to bad habits once a system is dropped.

Click here to download the homework planner and incentive sheet .

Frequently Asked Questions

To help homework go more smoothly, e stablish a routine that includes a time and place where it will be done, a planner that lists each assignment, scheduled breaks when some of the work is done, and a reward system for kids who are not motivated by good grades alone.  

Set a good homework routine following these steps: Find a location in the house where homework will be done. Set up a homework center stocked with needed materials . Establish a homework time. Use a daily homework planner so that your child has everything in writing.  

One tool that can make homework go more smoothly i s a Daily Homework Planner , which lists each assignment, how long it should take to complete, and what rewards may be earned for completing each assignment.    

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If you have had times when you did not have time to help your kids practice certain concepts, and if there was no way you could hire a tutor because it takes too much time, money, and heartache; scroll through this page for resources to make your day easier.

I invite you to discover how interactive PDF worksheets can help your students or your own kids.

Easy Self Study Practice Worksheets

If you want effective ways to improve your kids' ability to read, write, and figure without complicated or high tech programs, or slanted agendas - our worksheets are for you.

Your children can practice the Pre K to 6th grade subjects easily and with minimal supervision.

We also have scores of videos and printable flash cards to make teaching your kids easy.

These practice worksheets are in PDF format so they are easy to print or to file. Discover the self study work benefits of  practice here.

1. Include Practice Worksheets In Your Elementary Lesson Plans

When you find that you need quick supplementary work for your children that you can trust, that's taught in a logical order, come to PrintNPractice.

Use the professional printables on this site as your t utor in a Download.

These phonics, grammar, and math printables give space for your children to review the basics, and they'll study the facts in learning order.

Add these digital worksheets to your lesson plans for elementary school. If they're online or in an online classroom, it's easy to link the right interactive worksheets to the right day in your lesson plan.

These worksheets are interactive , meaning that kids can answer them on the computer or on a printed sheet, whichever way you like. You yourself can leave notes or instructions.

(NOTE WELL: PrintNPractice does NOT track you or your children.)

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2. Print And Practice: Kids Get It Right the First Time

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  • This website is full of interactive and printable resources to meet your goals. See below for how to customize these interactive worksheets.
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3. What Are Interactive Worksheets?

Interactive Printable Worksheets let you customize your assignments

Interactive Printable Worksheets. PrintNPractice PDFs are created in a way that you can fill them, make notes on them, and either file them or print them.

This means that you as teacher can add notes or that your students can do their work on the computer.

Organized. Think of this page as the introduction to a book about making individualized worksheet sets for your children. Then think of these sections as the subjects and the chapters of the book.

Safe. There are no programs attached to these worksheets. They're interactive in a way that you control. There is no agenda. 'Just straight facts.

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Interactive worksheets are rare because this is a new technology. It enables you and your students to write on our PDF worksheets in your favorite fonts, colors, and sizes. Print or file.

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You can view our free printable worksheets throughout this site before you download or print.

I am so relieved when websites offer PDF downloads that you can see before you print.

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Our free worksheets are printable from the screen or from your own files whether you download them individually or buy the bundles .

NOTE: If you want to personalize and save the changes , you'll want to download them first - after you have a look. :-)

Buy Printable Homeschool Worksheets By Subject

We usually think of worksheets by their subject. The facts are the facts in school or at home, so the main printables on this website are divided by subjects and by grades.

If your focus is homeschooling, see our main homeschool worksheets page .

We have thousands of free printable worksheets on the site, yet for your convenience you can also buy them by the bundle . This way they're already organized in files.

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Author and Webmaster, Mary Fifer

Mary Fifer, BSBA is webmaster, author, and researcher at She has created elementary school practice exercises using digital interactive worksheets. Printable and perfect for today's teachers, tutors, homeschoolers, and students!

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Homework challenges and strategies

homework for elementary

By Amanda Morin

Expert reviewed by Jim Rein, MA

Homework Strategies for Struggling Students. A boy does homework with parent in background.

At a glance

Kids can struggle with homework for lots of reasons.

A common challenge is rushing through assignments.

Once you understand a homework challenge, it’s easier to find solutions.

Most kids struggle with homework from time to time. But kids who learn and think differently may struggle more than others. Understanding the homework challenges your child faces can help you reduce stress and avoid battles.

Here are some common homework challenges and tips to help.

The challenge: Rushing through homework

Kids with learning difficulties may rush because they’re trying to get through what’s hard for them as fast as possible. For kids with ADHD, trouble with focus and working memory may be the cause.

Rushing through homework can lead to messy or incorrect homework. It can also lead to kids missing key parts of the assignment. One thing to try is having your child do the easiest assignments first and then move to harder ones.

Get more tips for helping grade-schoolers and middle-schoolers slow down on homework.

The challenge: Taking notes

Note-taking isn’t an easy skill for some kids. They may struggle with the mechanical parts of writing or with organizing ideas on a page. Kids may also find it hard to read text and take notes at the same time.

Using the outline method may help. It divides notes into main ideas, subtopics, and details. 

Explore different note-taking strategies .

The challenge: Managing time and staying organized

Some kids struggle with keeping track of time and making a plan for getting all of their work done. That’s especially true of kids who have trouble with executive function.

Try creating a homework schedule and set a specific time and place for your child to get homework done. Use a timer to help your child stay on track and get a better sense of time.

Learn about trouble with planning .

The challenge: Studying effectively

Many kids need to be taught how to study effectively. But some may need concrete strategies.

One thing to try is creating a checklist of all the steps that go into studying. Have your child mark off each one. Lists can help kids monitor their work.

Explore more study strategies for grade-schoolers and teens .

The challenge: Recalling information

Some kids have trouble holding on to information so they can use it later. (This skill is called working memory. ) They may study for hours but remember nothing the next day. But there are different types of memory.

If your child has trouble with verbal memory, try using visual study aids like graphs, maps, or drawings.

Practice “muscle memory” exercises to help kids with working memory.

The challenge: Learning independently

It’s important for kids to learn how to do homework without help. Using a homework contract can help your child set realistic goals. Encourage “thinking out loud.”

Get tips for helping grade-schoolers do schoolwork on their own.

Sometimes, homework challenges don’t go away despite your best efforts. Look for signs that kids may have too much homework . And learn how to talk with teachers about concerns .

Key takeaways

Some kids have a hard time doing schoolwork on their own.

It can help to tailor homework strategies to a child’s specific challenges and strengths.

Sometimes, there’s too much homework for a child to handle. Talk to the teacher.

Explore related topics

homework for elementary

Making School Fun at Home

This article was previously published on 7/30/2019.

12 Ways to Make School Fun at Home for Students of All Ages

Back to school will look different this year as families and schools continue to navigate the uncertainty of COVID-19. Getting kids to enjoy (or even accept) doing their homework can be a struggle at any age, especially in the fall when students adjust to smaller classes, alternate schedules and a continuation of virtual learning that began in the spring.

For some families, new ways of learning are further complicated by parents’ work schedules and a lack of technology access. According to the Afterschool Alliance, 1 in 5 kids are unsupervised after the school day ends. And millions of families don’t have internet access at home.

During challenging times and busy parenting schedules, there are still ways to make learning at home fun, safe and constructive for students. Over the years, our trained youth mentors and program facilitators have developed lots of strategies and ideas to make homework more fun. Get tips on how to make virtual learning and homework fun in high school, middle school and elementary school so you can help your kid succeed at every age.

Ideas to Make Homework Fun for Elementary, Middle and High Schoolers

Many kids find homework assignments boring or simply get restless when asked to sit down and study – but that doesn’t mean they all need the same kind of motivation. Avoid a one-size-fits-all approach to homework help by using these age-appropriate tips.

Fun homework

Elementary School Homework Tips

Little kids frequently have trouble focusing on virtual learning and homework, especially when there are so many distractions and fun things to play with at home. The solution? Make learning more like playtime.   

  • Create fun focus spaces. Kids often work on homework in their rooms or wherever there’s a little spare table space – but kids’ rooms and common areas are usually filled with distractions. Before this school year starts, create a special “homework zone” in part of the home that’s more peaceful. (A “homework fort” is always a hit with young kids, as long as it’s well lit.) Stock this area with lots of colorful school supplies so there’s no reason to leave until their homework is all done.
  • Beat the clock. Young kids love racing to the finish. Make homework more like a race by setting up timed challenges. For example, count how many words they can spell correctly or math problems they can solve in the span of 5 minutes. The next day, challenge your kid to beat their own record. (A little competition can work great with siblings, too.)
  • Try learning apps. Support the subjects your kid studies in school with apps that make learning about it more fun. This tip is especially helpful for subjects that you or your kid struggle with. Some of our favorite educational apps include DragonBox for math, Spelling Stage for spelling, and DuoLingo , which offers learning-based games in Spanish, French and many other languages.
  • Team up with tunes. Just like the Alphabet Song teaches kids their ABCs, there are plenty of songs out there to help specific subjects stick. Search YouTube to find songs covering a range of subjects, including the planets in our solar system, the days of the week and months of the year, U.S. states and capitals, how to add or subtract, and pretty much any other educational topic you can imagine. If you can’t find a song on a given subject, try making one up together.


Middle School Homework Tips

In middle school, students gain more independence to work alone or with peers. Encourage their developing maturity with a little structure and loads of support.

  • Use power hours. Power hours challenge kids to focus for a certain amount of time. Once the timer goes off, they can take a quick break before diving in again. Offering little rewards after productive power hour sessions is a great incentive at this age, too.
  • Plan study dates. If your kid struggles in a certain subject or has trouble focusing in a quiet, empty room, let them invite a friend or two over to study. Just remember to follow current safety and social distancing guidelines. If another kid is too much of a distraction, set the tone by working alongside your child. While they do homework, you can pay bills, make dinner, reply to emails, or even work on a crossword puzzle or another brain game. Doing “adult homework” creates a sense of companionship without being too overbearing – and it can help kids learn that work is a part of life, not just a part of school.
  • Make a routine. Lack of routine can be stressful for kids. Setting a regular schedule for homework, or the school day for kids learning at home, can help reduce resistance and improve consistency. Beyond planning time for homework, come up with other little rituals that can help your kid focus, from putting on their current favorite album in the background to using prizes and other incentives to reward good work, like a small treat for every complete assignment.
  • Stay positive. Your attitude has a huge impact on how your kid sees the world, especially in the formative middle school years. Keep tabs on your own attitude toward your kid’s homework. If you see helping your kid with homework as a chore, your kid will probably feel that way about it, too. Instead, try to see homework help as a fun, productive time when you both can learn and hang out together.


High School Homework Tips

When students reach high school, having parents hanging around to nag them about homework doesn’t always help. Instead of implementing these homework strategies for high schoolers yourself, show this list to your teenager and help them come up with a plan they can stick to. Then, take a step back. Check in with your teen every week or so to see if their plan needs tweaking.

  • Get organized . High school is the perfect time to start preparing for the life you want to lead after you leave home. To achieve your goals, you have to make plans and stick to them. It’s the same with homework. When you get your assignments for the week, month or semester, take some time before jumping in to sort through the deadlines and requirements. Then, come up with a schedule and a realistic plan of attack. Use a day planner, calendar app, or time management app like Asana to make to-do lists for yourself – trust us, it feels great to cross stuff off your list.
  • Reward yourself . It’s easier to work hard when you know there’s a reward at the end of it. Set a study timer, and if you’ve focused on homework until the timer goes off, reward yourself with a favorite snack, a funny video, an epic solo dance party or a little social media time.
  • Upgrade your workspace. Spruce up the place you do virtual learning and homework to fuel your productivity, imagination and problem-solving skills. Keep tools and supplies on hand to help you work through challenging assignments, like colorful pens, highlighters, sticky notes, and cool notepads or notebooks. Decorate with art and other objects that inspire you, and use calendars, whiteboards, chalkboards, corkboards, or even just paper and tape to help visualize and keep track of everything you have to do.
  • Turn up the beats. Spotify has tons of playlists dedicated to productivity, from ambient noise to instrumental hip-hop. Find a few go-to playlists that help keep you focused and put one on whenever you have to zone in. Explore movie soundtracks and other kinds of instrumental music to avoid distracting lyrics.

Homework Help from BGCA

Every day, thousands of kids and parents rely on Boys & Girls Clubs of America for homework help and out-of-school support, especially in the crucial hours after school lets out and during the summer months. Explore our website to learn more about our programs , find your nearest club or support BGCA today.


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Sample Math Worksheet

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homework for elementary

Make Homework Meaningful & Manageable with Menus

Are you looking for a new homework management solution try homework menus to motivate your students and differentiate through choice read on for tips on using homework menus plus free printables for 2nd and 3rd grade to get you started..

Looking for a new homework management solution? Try homework menus! Tips on how to organize your homework practices using menus to motivate your kids and differentiate through choice. Click for details PLUS free printables to get you started.

Teacher Homework Confession/Spoiler Alert:

I’ve never been a fan of homework – not as a child and definitely not as a teacher

Homework has been my pet project for awhile, as it’s always driven me crazy that parents, districts, and most administrators required I create and assign something that any research I’ve encountered deemed at worst detrimental or at best only mildly useful. Since I’ve rarely taught in an environment where not giving homework was an option, I’ve attempted to finagle a way to make homework as meaningful as possible for ALL of my students. No easy task, especially when there are so many other things worthy of our time and attention (literacy, math, arts instruction anyone?!)

I’ve tried: *Daily homework – everyone does the same thing, bring it back the next morning *Weekly homework folders – students complete a set schedule of assignments per week (Monday – spelling, Tuesday – math, Wednesday – reading response, etc.) *Homework packets – go home Monday, students finish in whatever order they choose, bring back Friday *Homework point sheets – students earn a specified amount of points for each homework assignment and earn a set amount of points each week

I’ve had varying amounts of success with all of the above as well as a good amount of failure.

Looking for a new homework management solution? Try homework menus! Tips on how to organize your homework practices using menus to motivate your kids and differentiate through choice. Click for details PLUS free printables to get you started.

The Research on Homework

After reading a variety of research about homework at the elementary level, I strongly believe that the most important part of homework for kids K-5 is reading a just right book. After that, the rest is – just that – the rest.

These two articles are good starting points if you are interested in an overview of the research on homework practices.

Synthesis of Research on Homework The Case For and Against Homework

Here were my takeaways from the articles (from a grade 2-3 perspective)

Homework should:  •Give students a chance to review skills they are comfortable with and can practice independently •Give them an opportunity to do what they enjoy •Give students a chance to be successful at home with academics •Help children see connections between what they do in school and the real world

Homework should not: •Require parents to teach their child something new – let parents do the wrangling, not the teaching •Frustrate kids because of the difficulty of the assignment •Be one size fits all – we don’t teach this way, so why would we assign homework this way?

Homework Menus can be a Solution!

After 14 years of facing this homework conundrum I’ve found that homework menus are the easiest way to differentiate homework in a way that’s easy for teachers to assign and grade.

Plus they give you tons of flexibility so you can include exercise, listening to music, hanging out with family, practicing math facts or mindfulness as menu options.

You are still assigning homework, but getting to choose menu options that you know are really important for kids.

Looking for a new homework management solution? Try homework menus! Tips on how to organize your homework practices using menus to motivate your kids and differentiate through choice. Click for details PLUS free printables to get you started.

Homework menus give students choice within a structure and can be easily adapted to what you have already taught in class.

You only have to create one menu a month and collect homework assignments once per week (or even per month – although I wouldn’t recommend this – too much room for procrastination).

There are a few different ways to handle turn in of assignments for students who can’t handle the Friday only turn in option.  I use homework bookmarks for 99% of  my kids and a daily homework tracker for the kiddos who need a bit more daily accountability.

Looking for a new homework management solution? Try homework menus! Tips on how to organize your homework practices using menus to motivate your kids and differentiate through choice. Click for details PLUS free printables to get you started.

Getting Homework Menus up and Running

Want to try out homework menus? Here are a few things to know about getting organized.

At the beginning of every month you will need a new homework menu. Your menu (if you choose to do a monthly one like me) should include around 25 choices. Then you just need the printables and you’re ready to go.  It’s work up front but it saves you time later.

To Do Monthly:

*Get copies of the homework menu ready for every student *Make 15-20 copies of the printable homework options you want to use *Make one set of answer keys for your homework grader (if you are lucky enough to have one) *Find a place to keep homework menu options (you can see some of mine in the pics) – I put them outside my room on plastic shelves so they’re easy to find before and after school

Looking for a new homework management solution? Try homework menus! Tips on how to organize your homework practices using menus to motivate your kids and differentiate through choice. Click for details PLUS free printables to get you started.

To Do Weekly:

*Make copies of homework bookmarks or trackers to send home *Enter homework in grade book and grade as you would like (If you don’t have a parent volunteer to help you, I say put a sticker on the homework bookmark and send that puppy home!)

Looking for a new homework management solution? Try homework menus! Tips on how to organize your homework practices using menus to motivate your kids and differentiate through choice. Click for details PLUS free printables to get you started.

To Do As Needed:

As you teach something in class, add it to your homework options folders, crate or shelves. If I have extra copies of a math or reading response assignment I always put them in the homework shelves for students to do as extra practice at home. These have been introduced to them in class and they should be able to complete them at home with minimal support. They can easily fit with the “Complete a math assignment you haven’t already done.” or “Complete a reading response/log” menu options. Even if I have something that doesn’t necessarily fit with a given option, I’ll let students know they can use it as a homework option (and let the parents know too) and write in the assignment they did instead of a number. Easy-peasy!

Looking for a new homework management solution? Try homework menus! Tips on how to organize your homework practices using menus to motivate your kids and differentiate through choice. Click for details PLUS free printables to get you started.

Homework Menus Frequently Asked Questions

Q: If homework doesn’t really matter anyway, then why even use a menu? Isn’t it just extra work that could be better spend elsewhere? A: I have always worked in schools where there was pressure either by the district, our school administration, or students’ parents to provide some sort of homework . (95% of the pressure came from parents in my experience.)  Providing homework menus with age-appropriate options is my attempt to work within these expectations, while differentiating for every student and honoring their time. This is why exercise, listening to music, practicing mindfulness, and spending time interacting with family members have always been mainstays on my homework menus.  I also like that the menu structure gives me opportunities to include math and reading review assignments that are beneficial for students, since they’re reviews of what we’ve already done in class.

Q: How do parents respond to this type of homework? A: Just like anything else you do in your classroom, some parents are 100% on board and think homework menus are the best thing ever, and others are not so easily persuaded. For the naysayers I use their questions as a jumping off point to explain what research says about homework in elementary grades and that truly my #1 concern is that their child is reading at home. For the most part parents have been very supportive of this type of homework and loved that it gave their child more freedom and less busy work. Kids are busy after school, and they loved that soccer practice and piano lessons (both great uses of after school time!) could be counted toward their weekly homework. Using menus also eliminates complaints from parents who constantly tell you their child isn’t being challenged by the work you’re sending home, since the kids are making the choices.

Q: Parents are concerned that their children aren’t old enough to make choices. What if they just want a homework packet? A: If parents want a packet, I nicely take them outside my classroom (where I keep copies of all the homework choices) with a stapler in hand, randomly take three or four assignments and staple them together. Voila! A homework packet! I don’t think this is the best way to assign homework as it takes responsibility away from the student, but I don’t believe homework is important enough to cause rifts between teachers and parents. I strongly, strongly, strongly (did I say strongly?) disagree that children aren’t able to make choices for themselves.

Q: What if students can’t handle turning in homework only once a week? A: Weekly turn in typically works for 99% of students. For the other 1% I use a Daily Homework Tracker or Bookmark. Students who use these do the same assignments, but turn in a bookmark/tracker each morning with the minutes they read the night before and the menu option they completed (or are working on) so they don’t get behind.

Q: How do you keep track of homework that has been turned in? Do students ever repeat the same assignment? A: I keep track of homework in an Excel document where I record the total minutes of reading and the numbers from the homework menu that students complete each week. At a glance I can make sure students are completing different assignments throughout the month

Q: How do you grade homework? How much time does this take when students are completing different assignments? A: Grading and entering homework into the Excel document is one of the parent volunteer jobs in my classroom. I feel my grading time is much better spent working on reader’s response notebooks or giving students comments on their writer’s workshop pieces rather than grading and entering homework assignments. I have a pack of answer keys that I include in my parent volunteer section of the room for all the monthly assignments, so a willing parent volunteer can do the grading for you. If parent volunteers are scarce, I would grade for completion only. Check! Sticker! Done!

Q: What do you do if students choose only the easiest assignments? A: Parents are usually much more concerned about this than I. Homework is something students should be able to complete independently so technically they should choose assignments that are easy (on an independent level) for them. I talk with my students throughout the year about choosing just right homework assignments and train the parents to do the same. If you can finish it in two minutes it’s too easy. If it makes you want to cry it’s too hard. Since I can’t necessarily control which assignments students pick as this is HOMEwork, I choose my battles. I would rather battle about reading just right books in the classroom than choosing just right homework assignments.

Q: Parents are telling me they have to teach their child how to do the assignment(s). What should I do? A: Remind the parent that there are a number of options for homework. Their job is to provide a calm place, time and structure for their child to work and then congratulate them when their child does their best. Train parents the same way you do students about choosing just right homework assignments (finish in 2 minutes vs. make you want to cry) and make some assignments available online if possible so parents can see what options are available.

Want to try out homework menus? 

Click HERE to download this FREE editable homework menu , homework bookmark , and 4 printables that correspond to the menu and see what you think.  I’d love to hear from you in the comments!

Need more homework menus and printables?

If you are ready to get started with homework menus for the year, homework menus with corresponding printables are ready to go for every month of the school year at the Super Teacher stores. If you’re just getting started for the year, you can check out the August Homework pack HERE and the September Homework Menu pack HERE .

You can buy them one month at a time or take the leap and get the entire year bundle which includes EVERY homework pack + extra presents for Super Pack buyers only!

homework for elementary

Have you tried out the freebie? Already using menus for homework? Let me know what you think in the comments!

homework for elementary

Need More Back to School Resources?

Looking for math ideas for the first weeks of school? These activities are perfect for kids in 2nd and 3rd grade. Includes activity ideas, free printables, and tips for implementing. Click to learn more! #math #education #2ndgrade #3rdgrade #backtoschool

3 Simple Math Ideas for the First Weeks of School 2-3

Cute back to school book and art project! Elementary teachers can use Do Unto Otters as a read aloud to set up classroom rules and expectations. Then have students create otter guided drawings with the steps given. This would make a perfect {yearlong} bulletin board display for 2nd & 3rd grade classrooms. #education #dountootters #backtoschool #2ndgrade #3rdgrade

Do Unto Otters Directed Drawing

Never forget a student's birthday with the birthday committee! A simple and creative idea to put students in charge of birthday celebrations so you can keep teaching! #education #elementaryeducation

The Birthday Committee – Manage Student Birthdays with Ease

Ready, Set, Show! Back to School Division Facts

Ready, Set, Show! Back to School Division Facts

Ready, Set, Show! Place Value Game

Ready, Set, Show! Place Value Game

Ready, Set, Show! Back to School Addition & Subtraction Facts

Ready, Set, Show! Back to School Addition & Subtraction Facts

homework for elementary

Great idea!!

  • Pingback: But I Don’t Get It! The Late, Great Homework Debate | TWU New Teachers

Do you plan on making different grade levels? I would like to purchase a second grade one!

Thanks so much for your question! For 2nd grade, I recommend using menus as in-class activities rather than homework because all of the choices are a bit too overwhelming for 2nd graders. When I taught 2nd grade we used a more simple homework and it worked well, especially at the beginning of the year. However, I did still have students use menus, but as enrichment or fast finishers.

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homework for elementary


Homework Ideas for Elementary Teachers: Save Time and Make Learning More Purposeful for Students in 2024

What’s the first word you think of when I say “homework?” It’s one of those hot topics that people feel very strongly about one way or another. However, more often than not, it’s a requirement. As a result, I am here to share homework ideas that will make your life as an elementary teacher a little bit easier.

I used to send homework home nightly, but found it to add chaos to each and every day. I would spend many lunch periods copying an assignment for that night. Kids would forget to take their copy home. Parents would call or email to get clarification on what the assignment was for that night.

Then I switched to a weekly packet. The packet included all of the pages for the week along with a cover sheet that listed spelling words and assignments. This was an improvement, but still not ideal.

Last year, I started using a separate folder just for homework. This is one of the best homework ideas I have come up with. The folder includes the homework calendar and all of the printables they will need for the week. I sent home a Paragraph of the Week assignment each week. The consistency was outstanding. We really felt like we hit gold because the kids were all working on something meaningful with a purpose. The parents liked it because it was easy for them to understand and help with. I began experimenting with a monthly homework packet. And let me tell you…

It. Was. Awesome! 

We placed everything into a homework folder for the month and included an assignment calendar. The folder stayed at home and the students returned their completed work each morning in the communication folder . Learn about some of my best homework ideas for elementary teachers below!

Homework is easy with math spiral review no prep printables. Elementary teachers also love them for morning work, quizzes, RtI, bell ringers, guided math workshop warmups & assessments. Homework folders, packets, or binders make organization and management easy. They eliminate the need for test prep yet increases standardized test scores. They’re for second grade, third grade, fourth grade, & fifth grade & include answer keys, digital projectable, & data analysis. Grab the free samples.

7 Benefits of Assigning Homework

Do you question the importance of homework? Are you one of the many teachers or parents who feel homework should be banned? The idea of homework just doesn’t make sense to you. If you are part of the growing number of people questioning if the reasons homework is bad outweigh the benefits to homework, then you might find this to be helpful. 

I’m going to be honest, as a teacher (and especially as a parent), I am in the camp of not liking the idea of homework at the elementary level. However, each of the districts I have taught in has required teachers to assign nightly homework in addition to reading for 20 minutes. It often felt like a waste of time and paper.

For some teachers, the word HOMEWORK brings about pangs of dread. Others see it as a necessary evil of learning. For many, it merely represents having to fulfill a district requirement. In many districts these days, homework is not counted towards a student’s overall grade. The debate over homework has been waged for years. The question is: What’s a teacher to do?

No matter where you stand on the topic of homework, here are some ideas related to homework that will make you feel better about assigning homework. They may even make you feel good in some cases! I am hoping the 7 benefits listed below will ease the guilt some teachers feel about burdening their students and their families with tasks to complete at home.

1. Prepares Students for the Next Day’s Learning

A great way to use homework is preparation for an upcoming lesson, whether it’s doing some reading ahead of time, or looking over other assigned material, there’s no doubt that preparing for an upcoming lesson is a beneficial way to assign homework.

2. Increases Responsibility

When a student has a task that they MUST do rather than WANT to do, they learn to be responsible. Homework is the “You do” in the learning model of “I do, We do, You do.”.  It gives the learner a chance to practice what was covered in class and take responsibility for their own learning.

3. Advances Problem-Solving Skills

If the student can’t find an answer to something in their homework, (or even where to look for information to find an answer), what steps will they take to solve this problem? Will they look in a dictionary, online, ask a friend, or go to a library? Homework gives students a chance to flex their problem-solving muscles.

4. Offers Review Practice

Whether it’s a new math skill, or spelling/vocabulary words, homework that involves reviewing material covered in class will help students to remember it and is a very useful assignment.

5. Teaches Time Management

For students with an active extra-curricular life, homework teaches them how to manage their time. This helps them learn to prioritize schoolwork.

6. Strengthens Persistence and Grit

There have been many studies done recently that show a lack of persistence and grit in today’s students. Developing the fortitude to complete homework assignments also helps develop a student’s capacity for grit and persistence. These are necessary for success in many areas of life, not just academically.

7. Promotes Self-Esteem

Students will develop a sense of pride when they learn the value of a job well done and take ownership of their work. This carries over into their personal development as well. It is for this reason that homework should always be a review of skills already taught.

5 Problems with Assigning Traditional Homework

These were five of the problems I faced in my 3rd grade classroom. No matter which grade you teach I’m pretty sure you can relate. The good news is I managed to find a solution that saved me time and reduced my stress each day. Not only that, but my students’ math skills were strengthened and their families were less burdened with random assignments each night. Read on to learn about the problems I had and how I solved them.

1. Mandated to Give Homework

My school required we give homework 4 nights per week. It was a mandate, so my personal feelings made no difference. I had to send it nightly.

2. Emails and Calls from Parents

I often received emails and phone calls from confused parents. They often said they didn’t understand the homework or told me that their child said that they had “never seen this stuff before”. Let’s be honest, our time is so limited. We do not want to spend the afternoon or start the morning returning messages explaining directions or convincing someone that you did, in fact, teach it in class.

3. Wasted Class Time Every Day

I needed to spend some of our instructional time every afternoon going over the instructions because each assignment varied.

4. Drop-In Visits from Parents

I frequently had a parent and child return to my classroom because the homework never made it into the backpack. This often resulted in an unplanned conference at a time when I needed to prepare for the next day.

5. Students Forgot what was Taught

Unrelated to homework, I consistently faced a different problem. I often would teach a concept, the students would demonstrate proficiency…and then they didn’t.

How often do you have students who forget what odd and even (or a prime and composite if you teach higher grades) numbers are, not remember how to round to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000, or sit like a deer in headlights when asked to write a number in expanded form in the spring when they were rock stars of that skill in the fall when it was taught.

This is especially troublesome if you teach in a grade that takes standardized testing at the end of the year because you then need to set aside a lot of class time for review and test prep.

How to Grade Homework

Determine if correcting homework is an effective use of your time. Teachers don’t know how much assistance a child had with an assignment so it isn’t always an accurate representation of their abilities. Checking the homework for effort and general understanding may be sufficient. If you are assigning worksheets, consider selecting a few questions to go over in class.

Homework Incentive Ideas

Homework should be completed because it is an expectation and not to receive a trinket. However, some teachers do find that extrinsic rewards are motivational to their students. If you choose to make those a part of your homework procedure, here are a few easy-to-manage suggestions:

Students earn a ticket when they complete an assignment. Have them place the tickets into a container. Draw one ticket a week to win a No Homework Night Coupon.


Honor perfect homework efforts with a certificate. This could be done monthly or by marking period.

Offer a “No Homework Coupon.” These are like gold!

Ideas for Homework Consequences

First, check with your school and district to see if there is a policy in place. Next, determine a plan for how you will handle homework that is incomplete, missing, poor quality, etc. and be consistent. Be cautious about using recess as a punishment for not doing homework. Often the kids who are not doing their homework are the ones who most need recess .

10 Homework Tips for Elementary Teachers

Below are homework tips for elementary teachers to consider. You are bound to find some helpful homework ideas on this list that you can implement.

1. Assign Tasks Students can do Independently

The first tip on this list of homework ideas is to strive to find easy-to-manage, yet effective assignments. Although it is true that you shouldn’t be sending home tasks that students can’t complete on their own, you also need to be careful not to give them “busy work” either.  Having them complete an assignment for a skill they are proficient in also creates unnecessary work for the teacher. Time is a teacher’s greatest obstacle so be careful not to spend it copying, correcting, managing, chasing, etc sheets of paper that students are not gaining anything from. 

2. Keep Homework Assignments Consistent Across the Grade Level

The second tip on this list of homework ideas is to strive to be consistent with your grade level colleagues. Ideally, the assignments and policies should be identical.

3. Collaborate with Your Team

The third tip on this list of homework ideas is to save time by teaming up with the other teacher(s) at your grade level. Alternate prepping the packet for the week or designate different subjects to different teachers.

4. Communicate Expectations with Your Students’ Families

Communicate your expectations with parents from the beginning. Discuss them at open house and make a hard copy available for students who may transfer in later in the year.

5. Change the Way you See Homework

Use homework as an opportunity to teach organization and responsibility. While homework may not always be a reflection of a student’s abilities, it can be a valuable learning tool for time management and work habits.

6. Keep a Simple and Consistent Format

Design a simple and consistent format for homework. It could be reading and a math page every night or you may have students work on a different subject each night.  When I taught 2nd grade I used to do Math Monday (computation), Teacher Choice Tuesday (a spelling activity), Word Study Wednesday, Thinking Thursday (word problems).

7. Create a System for Collecting It

The seventh tip on this list of homework ideas is to create a system for collecting it. It’s important to have some sort of turn-in system and procedure so students know what to do with their homework each morning.

8. Implement an Efficient Routine for Checking Homework

Consider implementing an efficient routine for checking homework. If you are just going to check for completion and spot check the homework you could have students place it on their desk while they do morning work and you can circulate and check the pages.

9. Communicate Homework Progress with Parents

Determine how you will communicate homework progress with parents. In general, no news is good news, but I do have a homework alert that gets sent home as needed. It needs to be signed by an adult at home so the families know if they are not meeting the expectations.

10. Consider Creating a Menu of Optional Homework Activities

The last tip on this list of homework ideas is to create a menu of optional homework activities. Some parents find homework to be a burden and others want more. One way to make everyone happy is to send home a basic assignment that is required for all students and a list of optional enrichment choices for those who want additional assignments.

How I Implemented Homework in My Classroom

There are tons of homework ideas out there, but this is what worked for me.

As a public school teacher, I was required to give out nightly homework to my third graders. I found myself spending a lot of time picking out assignments, making copies, communicating directions, answering emails and phone calls from parents who did “not understand the new math” (aka the math workbook pages), distributing, collecting and correcting what essentially was just busy work sent home to meet a requirement I did not agree with. 

My biggest concern was (and continues to be) that many of the assignments from the workbook included 10-20 of the same type of problem. That meant that if a student was struggling with subtraction with regrouping and completed 20 problems incorrectly, that misconception and error became so much harder to fix. 

Parents were signing reading logs, but the kids weren’t actually reading.

I was frustrated by feeling like my time, the students’ time, and the parents’ time was being wasted. I knew there had to be a better option, so I set out to fix the problem. I’m thrilled with the results I must say.

I began creating spiral review math pages for each day for my own 3rd graders. These pages proved to be important and meaningful work. This resource is best if not one of the best homework ideas I have ever come up with.

Homework is easy with math spiral review no prep printables. Elementary teachers also love them for morning work, quizzes, RtI, bell ringers, guided math workshop warmups & assessments. Homework folders, packets, or binders make organization and management easy. They eliminate the need for test prep yet increases standardized test scores. They’re for second grade, third grade, fourth grade, & fifth grade & include answer keys, digital projectable, & data analysis. Grab the free samples.

What are the Spiral Review Math Pages?

The spiral review math pages are a tool for teachers to use to ensure students are having continued practice with previously taught skills. They are available for 1st-5th grade. The spiral review packets were designed to have 25 pages per month, which gives you the flexibility to assign them for homework every night plus have extras. The 1st grade version is set up a little differently, but still has 180 pages so you’ll be covered for the year.

Each of the spiral review pages follow the same daily format, cover skills from each area (e.g. computation, measurement, geometry, data, and word problems) and continuously spiral previously taught skills. This consistent format of 10 standards-based questions focused on topics we’d already covered provides an important spiral review of all the grade-level skills. This helped students to retain previously taught skills. The added benefit was that students who had not demonstrated proficiency earlier in the year had the opportunity to do so over time through repeated practice and instruction.

Using these spiral review math pages makes homework more purposeful and easier to manage. My students became much stronger in all math concepts, the parents expressed gratitude for the consistent format, and the phone calls and emails asking for assignment clarification completely stopped. It was so effective that it completely eliminated the need for any test prep in the spring. My students’ test scores were even much higher than previous years.

These worked so well for myself and the other 3rd grade teachers who were using them, that (by request) I created them for 2nd, 4th, and 5th grade too. Each was designed in consultation with and piloted by experienced teachers in those grade levels. They have since been used the past few years by thousands of teachers who have reported great success as well. I most recently added first grade.

This is one of my favorite ideas for homework of all time!

homework for elementary

What’s Included in the Spiral Review Math Resources?

The 2nd-5th grade packets all have monthly/seasonal themes. September targets many of the skills that were required at the end of the previous grade level. It was designed to be used as a review for the new year and to pinpoint important foundational skills that your students must be proficient in before moving on to new standards. The following months build in a systematic, sequential order with lots of spiral review built in so that students retain important concepts. They include the following resources:

  • 250 print and go pages (plus 10 bonus pages) that will cover you for the full school year
  • answer keys to make grading quick and easy for you
  • 2,500 review problems (plus 100 bonus problems) based on the Common Core, which will help you rest easy knowing your students are practicing the math concepts and skills they need to
  • 250 Google Forms so students can access them digitally from home or in school
  • Recording sheets for students to show their thinking
  • Item analysis data trackers to make it easy to see which students need to be pulled for small groups or if it would be beneficial to reteach the concept to the entire class
  • Projectable answer keys so students can check their own work

The first grade version is a little different. It’s format has only 5 problems to better meet the developmental needs of our younger learners. It has 180 printable pages instead. In addition, this resource does not include seasonal pages, which allows you to use them at any time of the school year.

Learn more about the spiral review math resources for your grade level below.

  • 1st grade spiral review math activities
  • 2nd grade spiral review math activities
  • 3rd grade spiral review math activities
  • 4th grade spiral review math activities
  • 5th grade spiral review math activities

Where Can I Learn More about Spiral Review Math?

You can learn more about spiral review in this post: Spiral Review Math .

The Benefits of Using Spiral Review Math Pages

There are tons of benefits to using the spiral review math pages for homework.

  • The spiral review pages provide multiple opportunities for students to become proficient in a skill instead of just teaching it and forgetting it
  • The repeated spiraling practice of foundational grade level skills ensures they were ready to build upon them when y ou introduce new skills.
  • You’ll no longer need to waste hours of valuable class time on standardized test prep in the spring because the spiral review throughout the year ensure your students are always ready for the exam.
  • It constantly shows you if there are skills you need to reteach either to the whole class or to a small group of students. 
  • Students complete them with ease because the skills and the format of the pages are familiar to them.
  • The variety of 10 different problems eliminates the risk of students cementing a misconception into their minds.

Why You’ll Love it as a Teacher

Not only will the nightly spiral review math pages provide your students with meaningful practice of important skills, increase their confidence as learners and make them stronger math students, they will also solve many of the problems you face as a teacher and make the parents’ lives easier too. It’s one of the best homework ideas I have ever come up with!

  • You’ll longer needed to scramble to find homework for each night. Instead, simply print each month’s pages at the start of the new month and copy them all at once into weekly packets for the students.
  • Your lesson planning will become much more intentional and focused because you are able to easily identify which skills your students need to work on more.
  • You will no long waste valuable time correcting busy work. Instead, you’ll go over these important skills as a class.
  • Parents will feel better about being able to help their students and became true allies and partners in their learning.
  • Students and their families will be able to better enjoy their evenings together as a family because they know what to consistently expect for homework each evening.
  • Distributing the week’s packet all at once enables students’ families to support my goal of teaching time management because they can work ahead when they know there is a busy night coming up on their calendars.
  • Homework will be easier for you and more meaningful for your students.
  • The homework assignments will be systematic and routine so parents and students will always know exactly what the expectations are and understand the instructions.
  • You will constantly review all prior skills so that your student reach mastery over time. This will prevent students from forgetting what they learned earlier in the year.

Homework is easy with math spiral review no prep printables. Elementary teachers also love them for morning work, quizzes, RtI, bell ringers, guided math workshop warmups & assessments. Homework folders, packets, or binders make organization and management easy. They eliminate the need for test prep yet increases standardized test scores. They’re for second grade, third grade, fourth grade, & fifth grade & include answer keys, digital projectable, & data analysis. Grab the free samples.

How to Implement them in Your Classroom

I used a separate folder just for homework. It included the homework calendar and all of the printables they will need for the week. We placed everything into a homework folder for the month. The folder stayed at home and the students returned their completed work each morning in the communication folder .

I assembled the homework packets for the entire year in one afternoon and didn’t have to think about it again the rest of the school year. I sent them home on Friday afternoons.

The students simply completed one page each night beginning on Monday afternoons and returned only that one page to class in the morning. The other nightly pages remained at home. 

This meant I no longer needed to take any class time to explain the directions or check to make sure the papers made it into the backpacks.

The next morning I projected the answer sheet onto my smart board and reviewed each problem with them. This daily quick review made them accountable and reinforced all of the math skills regularly. Going over it in class sent the message that the work they did outside of school was purposeful and they would be accountable for it. They no longer felt homework was a waste of time so they demonstrated increased effort.

I also created data collection sheets to use either with one specific student’s page, or to examine the class as a whole. The pages were so easy to use and let me see at a glance where I needed to focus future instruction. 

How Can I Use the Extra Spiral Review Pages in the Packet?

There are 25 pages per month in each of the spiral review resources. Since you’ll never need to use all 25 for homework purposes, consider using the extra pages in the following ways:

  • formative assessment to monitor progress
  • morning work
  • math center activity (“at your seat” activity during Guided Math Workshop )
  • Emergency sub plans  activity

Where Can I Buy the Math Spiral Review Pages?

You can purchase the math spiral review pages from my Teachers Pay Teachers store . They are also available in my Elementary Math Resource Collection and grade level math clubs, which you can find below.

What Teachers Who Used these Packets Have Said

Thousands of teachers have used this homework idea in their classroom. Read some of the reviews below!

  • “WOW! I’ve been teaching for 16 years and this has been the most useful thing I have used. My students really understand all of the skills and I loved knowing I wasn’t moving on without all my kids being proficient. The beautiful layout, structured format, and clear expectations made it so easy to make these become part of our daily routine. I highly recommend them to everyone.” (Thank you Jocelyn P.!)
  • “I started using your monthly spiral review pages in October and never looked back. Not only did they provide us with quality daily work, but I just got my end of year scores back for the district math assessments and my entire class crushed it. I attribute their success 100% to these pages combined with your guided math book that opened my eyes to a whole new way of teaching. I can’t thank you enough. My administration has taken notice. I’m so proud of what we’ve done.” (Thank you Kerri K.!)
  • My teammates and I had the opportunity to see you present about guided math and math workshop and excitedly jumped right in with your guided math format the next week! We have been using the spiral review pages as homework and in the “at your seat” station during our daily math workshop. OMG!!! We ALL agree that between the new teaching routines and the use of these pages, our students are consistently performing above average and truly understand the math. It’s not just our opinion either because we just received our test scores from last year and they were not only MUCH higher than ever before, but we outscored the district and student growth from the previous year was amazing. That was what prompted me to finally leave a review. I/we can not recommend these enough. Thank you for not only making our jobs easier, but so much more enjoyable as well. (Thank you Jessica R.!)
  • These are absolutely wonderful for my students! I use them for a variety of things including review and homework. (Thanks Tony C.!)
  • “Love the data sheets! Great way for me and my students to monitor their learning.” (Thanks Kelsey!)

In closing, we hope you found these homework ideas for teachers helpful! If you haven’t already checked out this post about spiral review math , please be sure to do so!

Homework is easy with math spiral review no prep printables. Elementary teachers also love them for morning work, quizzes, RtI, bell ringers, guided math workshop warmups & assessments. Homework folders, packets, or binders make organization and management easy. They eliminate the need for test prep yet increases standardized test scores. They’re for second grade, third grade, fourth grade, & fifth grade & include answer keys, digital projectable, & data analysis. Grab the free samples.

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Adolescent girl doing homework.

What’s the Right Amount of Homework?

Decades of research show that homework has some benefits, especially for students in middle and high school—but there are risks to assigning too much.

Many teachers and parents believe that homework helps students build study skills and review concepts learned in class. Others see homework as disruptive and unnecessary, leading to burnout and turning kids off to school. Decades of research show that the issue is more nuanced and complex than most people think: Homework is beneficial, but only to a degree. Students in high school gain the most, while younger kids benefit much less.

The National PTA and the National Education Association support the “ 10-minute homework guideline ”—a nightly 10 minutes of homework per grade level. But many teachers and parents are quick to point out that what matters is the quality of the homework assigned and how well it meets students’ needs, not the amount of time spent on it.

The guideline doesn’t account for students who may need to spend more—or less—time on assignments. In class, teachers can make adjustments to support struggling students, but at home, an assignment that takes one student 30 minutes to complete may take another twice as much time—often for reasons beyond their control. And homework can widen the achievement gap, putting students from low-income households and students with learning disabilities at a disadvantage.

However, the 10-minute guideline is useful in setting a limit: When kids spend too much time on homework, there are real consequences to consider.

Small Benefits for Elementary Students

As young children begin school, the focus should be on cultivating a love of learning, and assigning too much homework can undermine that goal. And young students often don’t have the study skills to benefit fully from homework, so it may be a poor use of time (Cooper, 1989 ; Cooper et al., 2006 ; Marzano & Pickering, 2007 ). A more effective activity may be nightly reading, especially if parents are involved. The benefits of reading are clear: If students aren’t proficient readers by the end of third grade, they’re less likely to succeed academically and graduate from high school (Fiester, 2013 ).

For second-grade teacher Jacqueline Fiorentino, the minor benefits of homework did not outweigh the potential drawback of turning young children against school at an early age, so she experimented with dropping mandatory homework. “Something surprising happened: They started doing more work at home,” Fiorentino writes . “This inspiring group of 8-year-olds used their newfound free time to explore subjects and topics of interest to them.” She encouraged her students to read at home and offered optional homework to extend classroom lessons and help them review material.

Moderate Benefits for Middle School Students

As students mature and develop the study skills necessary to delve deeply into a topic—and to retain what they learn—they also benefit more from homework. Nightly assignments can help prepare them for scholarly work, and research shows that homework can have moderate benefits for middle school students (Cooper et al., 2006 ). Recent research also shows that online math homework, which can be designed to adapt to students’ levels of understanding, can significantly boost test scores (Roschelle et al., 2016 ).

There are risks to assigning too much, however: A 2015 study found that when middle school students were assigned more than 90 to 100 minutes of daily homework, their math and science test scores began to decline (Fernández-Alonso, Suárez-Álvarez, & Muñiz, 2015 ). Crossing that upper limit can drain student motivation and focus. The researchers recommend that “homework should present a certain level of challenge or difficulty, without being so challenging that it discourages effort.” Teachers should avoid low-effort, repetitive assignments, and assign homework “with the aim of instilling work habits and promoting autonomous, self-directed learning.”

In other words, it’s the quality of homework that matters, not the quantity. Brian Sztabnik, a veteran middle and high school English teacher, suggests that teachers take a step back and ask themselves these five questions :

  • How long will it take to complete?
  • Have all learners been considered?
  • Will an assignment encourage future success?
  • Will an assignment place material in a context the classroom cannot?
  • Does an assignment offer support when a teacher is not there?

More Benefits for High School Students, but Risks as Well

By the time they reach high school, students should be well on their way to becoming independent learners, so homework does provide a boost to learning at this age, as long as it isn’t overwhelming (Cooper et al., 2006 ; Marzano & Pickering, 2007 ). When students spend too much time on homework—more than two hours each night—it takes up valuable time to rest and spend time with family and friends. A 2013 study found that high school students can experience serious mental and physical health problems, from higher stress levels to sleep deprivation, when assigned too much homework (Galloway, Conner, & Pope, 2013 ).

Homework in high school should always relate to the lesson and be doable without any assistance, and feedback should be clear and explicit.

Teachers should also keep in mind that not all students have equal opportunities to finish their homework at home, so incomplete homework may not be a true reflection of their learning—it may be more a result of issues they face outside of school. They may be hindered by issues such as lack of a quiet space at home, resources such as a computer or broadband connectivity, or parental support (OECD, 2014 ). In such cases, giving low homework scores may be unfair.

Since the quantities of time discussed here are totals, teachers in middle and high school should be aware of how much homework other teachers are assigning. It may seem reasonable to assign 30 minutes of daily homework, but across six subjects, that’s three hours—far above a reasonable amount even for a high school senior. Psychologist Maurice Elias sees this as a common mistake: Individual teachers create homework policies that in aggregate can overwhelm students. He suggests that teachers work together to develop a school-wide homework policy and make it a key topic of back-to-school night and the first parent-teacher conferences of the school year.

Parents Play a Key Role

Homework can be a powerful tool to help parents become more involved in their child’s learning (Walker et al., 2004 ). It can provide insights into a child’s strengths and interests, and can also encourage conversations about a child’s life at school. If a parent has positive attitudes toward homework, their children are more likely to share those same values, promoting academic success.

But it’s also possible for parents to be overbearing, putting too much emphasis on test scores or grades, which can be disruptive for children (Madjar, Shklar, & Moshe, 2015 ). Parents should avoid being overly intrusive or controlling—students report feeling less motivated to learn when they don’t have enough space and autonomy to do their homework (Orkin, May, & Wolf, 2017 ; Patall, Cooper, & Robinson, 2008 ; Silinskas & Kikas, 2017 ). So while homework can encourage parents to be more involved with their kids, it’s important to not make it a source of conflict.

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  • Written by Cara Goodwin, Ph.D.

Homework: The Good and The Bad

Young boy sitting at a table doing homework

Homework.  A single word that for many brings up memories of childhood stress. Now that you’re a parent, you may be reminded of that feeling every time your child spills their backpack across the table. You also may be questioning how much homework is too much and wondering how you can best help your child with their schoolwork.

Here, Dr. Cara Goodwin of Parenting Translator explains what the research actually says about homework. She outlines specific ways parents can support their kids to maximize the academic benefits and develop lifelong skills in time management and persistence.

In recent years, many parents and educators have raised concerns about homework. Specifically, they have questioned how much it enhances learning and if its benefits outweigh potential costs, such as stress to the family.

So, what does the research say?

Academic benefits vs risks of homework

One of the most important questions when it comes to homework is whether it actually helps kids understand the content better. So does it? Research finds that homework is associated with higher scores on academic standardized tests for middle and high school students, but not for elementary school students (1, 2).

In other words, homework seems to have little impact on learning in elementary school students. 

Additionally, a 2012 study found that while homework is related to higher standardized test scores for high schoolers, it is not related to higher grades.

Not surprisingly, homework is more likely to be associated with improved academic performance when students and teachers find the homework to be meaningful or relevant, according to several studies (1, 3, 4). Students tend to find homework to be most engaging when it involves solving real-world problems (5).  

The impact of homework may also depend on socioeconomic status. Students from higher income families show improved academic skills with more homework and gain more knowledge from homework, according to research. On the other hand, the academic performance of more disadvantaged children seems to be unaffected by homework (6, 7). This may be because homework provides additional stress for disadvantaged children. They are less likely to get help from their parents on homework and more likely to be punished by teachers for not completing it (8).

Non-academic benefits vs risks of homework

Academic outcomes are only part of the picture. It is important to look at how homework affects kids in ways other than grades and test scores.

Homework appears to have benefits beyond improving academic skills, particularly for younger students. These benefits include building responsibility, time management skills, and persistence (1, 9, 10). In addition, homework may also increase parents’ involvement in their children’s schooling (11, 12, 13, 14).

Yet, studies show that too much homework has drawbacks. It can reduce children’s opportunities for free play, which is essential for the development of language, cognitive, self-regulation, and social-emotional skills (15). It may also interfere with physical activity, and too much homework is associated with an increased risk for being overweight (16, 17). 

In addition to homework reducing opportunities for play, it also leads to increased conflicts and stress for families. For example, research finds that children with more hours of homework experience more academic stress, physical health problems, and lack of balance in their lives (18). 

Clearly, more is not better when it comes to homework.

What is the “right” amount of homework? 

Recent reports indicate that elementary school students are assigned three times the recommended amount of homework. Even kindergarten students report an average of 25 minutes of homework per day (19).

Additionally, the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) found that homework has been increasing in recent years for younger students. Specifically, 35% of 9-year-olds reported that they did not do homework the previous night in 1984 versus 22% of 9-years-old in 2012. However, homework levels have stayed relatively stable for 13- and 17-year-olds during this same time period. 

Research suggests that homework should not exceed 1.5 to 2.5 hours per night for high school students and no more than 1 hour per night for middle school students (1). Homework for elementary school students should be minimal and assigned with the aim of building self-regulation and independent work skills. A common rule , supported by both the National Education Association (NEA) and National Parent Teacher Association (PTA), is 10-minutes of homework per grade in elementary school. Any more than this and homework may no longer have a positive impact. Importantly, the NEA and the National PTA do not endorse homework for kindergarteners.

How can parents best help with homework?

Most parents feel that they are expected to be involved in their children’s homework (20). Yet, it is often unclear exactly how to be involved in a way that helps your child to successfully complete the assignment without taking over entirely. Most studies find that parental help is important but that it matters more HOW the parent is helping rather than how OFTEN the parent is helping (21).

While this can all feel very overwhelming for parents, there are some simple guidelines you can follow to ease the homework burden and best support your child’s learning.

1. Help only when needed.

Parents should focus on providing general monitoring, guidance and encouragement. Allow children to generate answers on their own and complete their homework as independently as possible . This is important because research shows that allowing children more independence in completing homework benefits their academic skills (22, 23). In addition, too much parent involvement and being controlling with homework is associated with worse academic performance (21, 24, 25). 

What does this look like?

  • Be present when your child is completing homework to help them to understand the directions.
  • Be available to answer simple questions and to provide praise for their effort and hard work.
  • Only provide help when your child asks for it and step away whenever possible.

2. Have structure and routines.

Help your child create structure and to develop some routines. This helps children become more independent in completing their homework. Research finds that providing this type of structure and responsiveness is related to improved academic skills (25).

This structure may include:

  • A regular time and place for homework that is free from distractions.
  • Have all of the materials they need within arm’s reach.
  • Teach and encourage kids to create a checklist for their homework tasks each day.

Parents can also help their children to find ways to stay motivated. For example, developing their own reward system or creating a homework schedule with breaks for fun activities.

3. Set specific rules around homework.

Research finds that parents setting rules around homework is related to higher academic performance (26). For example, parents may require that children finish homework before screen time or may require children to stop doing homework and go to sleep at a certain hour. 

4. Emphasize learning over outcome.

Encourage your child to persist in challenging assignments and frame difficult assignments as opportunities to grow. Research finds that this attitude is associated with student success (20). Research also indicates that more challenging homework is associated with enhanced school performance (27).

Additionally, help your child to view homework as an opportunity to learn and improve skills. Parents who view homework as a learning opportunity rather than something that they must get “right” or complete successfully to obtain a higher grade are more likely to have children with the same attitudes (28). 

5. Stay calm and positive.

Yes, we know this is easier said than done, but it does have a big impact on how kids persevere when things get hard! Research shows that mothers showing positive emotions while helping with homework may improve children’s motivation in homework (29)

6. Praise hard work and effort. 

Praise focused on effort is likely to increase motivation (30). In addition, research finds that putting more effort into homework may be associated with enhanced development of conscientiousness in children (31).

7. Communicate with your child’s teacher.

Let your child’s teacher know about any problems your child has with homework and the teachers’ learning goals. Research finds that open communication about homework is associated with improved school performance (32). 

List of 7 strategies for parents to help with homework

In summary, research finds that homework provides some academic benefit for middle- and high-school students but is less beneficial for elementary school students. As a parent, how you are involved in your child’s homework really matters. By following these evidence-based tips, you can help your child to maximize the benefits of homework and make the process less painful for all involved!

For more resources, take a look at our recent posts on natural and logical consequences and simple ways to decrease challenging behaviors .

  • Cooper, H., Robinson, J. C., & Patall, E. A. (2006). Does homework improve academic achievement? A synthesis of research, 1987–2003.  Review of educational research ,  76 (1), 1-62.
  • Muhlenbruck, L., Cooper, H., Nye, B., & Lindsay, J. J. (1999). Homework and achievement: Explaining the different strengths of relation at the elementary and secondary school levels.  Social Psychology of Education ,  3 (4), 295-317.
  • Marzano, R. J., & Pickering, D. J. (2007). Special topic: The case for and against homework.  Educational leadership ,  64 (6), 74-79.
  • Trautwein, U., Lüdtke, O., Schnyder, I., & Niggli, A. (2006). Predicting homework effort: support for a domain-specific, multilevel homework model.  Journal of educational psychology ,  98 (2), 438.
  • Shernoff, D. J., Csikszentmihalyi, M., Schneider, B., & Shernoff, E. S. (2014). Student engagement in high school classrooms from the perspective of flow theory. In  Applications of flow in human development and education  (pp. 475-494). Springer, Dordrecht.
  • Daw, J. (2012). Parental income and the fruits of labor: Variability in homework efficacy in secondary school.  Research in social stratification and mobility ,  30 (3), 246-264.
  • Rønning, M. (2011). Who benefits from homework assignments?.  Economics of Education Review ,  30 (1), 55-64.
  • Calarco, J. M. (2020). Avoiding us versus them: How schools’ dependence on privileged “Helicopter” parents influences enforcement of rules.  American Sociological Review ,  85 (2), 223-246.
  • Corno, L., & Xu, J. (2004). Homework as the job of childhood.  Theory into practice ,  43 (3), 227-233.
  • Göllner, R., Damian, R. I., Rose, N., Spengler, M., Trautwein, U., Nagengast, B., & Roberts, B. W. (2017). Is doing your homework associated with becoming more conscientious?.  Journal of Research in Personality ,  71 , 1-12.
  • Balli, S. J., Demo, D. H., & Wedman, J. F. (1998). Family involvement with children’s homework: An intervention in the middle grades.  Family relations , 149-157.
  • Balli, S. J., Wedman, J. F., & Demo, D. H. (1997). Family involvement with middle-grades homework: Effects of differential prompting.  The Journal of Experimental Education ,  66 (1), 31-48.
  • Epstein, J. L., & Dauber, S. L. (1991). School programs and teacher practices of parent involvement in inner-city elementary and middle schools.  The elementary school journal ,  91 (3), 289-305.
  • Van Voorhis, F. L. (2003). Interactive homework in middle school: Effects on family involvement and science achievement.  The Journal of Educational Research ,  96 (6), 323-338.
  • Yogman, M., Garner, A., Hutchinson, J., Hirsh-Pasek, K., Golinkoff, R. M., & Committee on Psychosocial Aspects of Child and Family Health. (2018). The power of play: A pediatric role in enhancing development in young children.  Pediatrics ,  142 (3).
  • Godakanda, I., Abeysena, C., & Lokubalasooriya, A. (2018). Sedentary behavior during leisure time, physical activity and dietary habits as risk factors of overweight among school children aged 14–15 years: case control study.  BMC research notes ,  11 (1), 1-6.
  • Hadianfard, A. M., Mozaffari-Khosravi, H., Karandish, M., & Azhdari, M. (2021). Physical activity and sedentary behaviors (screen time and homework) among overweight or obese adolescents: a cross-sectional observational study in Yazd, Iran.  BMC pediatrics ,  21 (1), 1-10.
  • Galloway, M., Conner, J., & Pope, D. (2013). Nonacademic effects of homework in privileged, high-performing high schools.  The journal of experimental education ,  81 (4), 490-510.
  • Pressman, R. M., Sugarman, D. B., Nemon, M. L., Desjarlais, J., Owens, J. A., & Schettini-Evans, A. (2015). Homework and family stress: With consideration of parents’ self confidence, educational level, and cultural background.  The American Journal of Family Therapy ,  43 (4), 297-313.
  • Hoover-Dempsey, K. V., Battiato, A. C., Walker, J. M., Reed, R. P., DeJong, J. M., & Jones, K. P. (2001). Parental involvement in homework.  Educational psychologist ,  36 (3), 195-209.
  • Moroni, S., Dumont, H., Trautwein, U., Niggli, A., & Baeriswyl, F. (2015). The need to distinguish between quantity and quality in research on parental involvement: The example of parental help with homework.  The Journal of Educational Research ,  108 (5), 417-431.
  • Cooper, H., Lindsay, J. J., & Nye, B. (2000). Homework in the home: How student, family, and parenting-style differences relate to the homework process.  Contemporary educational psychology ,  25 (4), 464-487.
  • Dumont, H., Trautwein, U., Lüdtke, O., Neumann, M., Niggli, A., & Schnyder, I. (2012). Does parental homework involvement mediate the relationship between family background and educational outcomes?.  Contemporary Educational Psychology ,  37 (1), 55-69.
  • Barger, M. M., Kim, E. M., Kuncel, N. R., & Pomerantz, E. M. (2019). The relation between parents’ involvement in children’s schooling and children’s adjustment: A meta-analysis.  Psychological bulletin ,  145 (9), 855.
  • Dumont, H., Trautwein, U., Nagy, G., & Nagengast, B. (2014). Quality of parental homework involvement: predictors and reciprocal relations with academic functioning in the reading domain.  Journal of Educational Psychology ,  106 (1), 144.
  • Patall, E. A., Cooper, H., & Robinson, J. C. (2008). The effects of choice on intrinsic motivation and related outcomes: a meta-analysis of research findings.  Psychological bulletin ,  134 (2), 270.Dettmars et al., 2010
  • Madjar, Shklar, & Moshe, 2016)
  • Pomerantz, E. M., Grolnick, W. S., & Price, C. E. (2005). The Role of Parents in How Children Approach Achievement: A Dynamic Process Perspective.
  • Haimovitz, K., Wormington, S. V., & Corpus, J. H. (2011). Dangerous mindsets: How beliefs about intelligence predict motivational change.  Learning and Individual Differences ,  21 (6), 747-752.Gollner et al., 2017
  • Hill, N. E., & Tyson, D. F. (2009). Parental involvement in middle school: a meta-analytic assessment of the strategies that promote achievement.  Developmental psychology ,  45 (3), 740.

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Elementary Students and Homework: How Much Is Too Much?

The debate over homework flared anew in the fall 2016 school year as a handful of elementary school teachers implemented drastically reduced homework policies that went viral as parents rose to applaud or condemned them.

Students in elementary school should not need more than an hour of homework per day.

But others support a more traditional approach to the role of homework in a student’s academic growth, arguing that some homework helps to solidify the day’s lesson plan.

How much homework should elementary school students do?

The furor over the quantity of homework assigned to elementary students reached a fever pitch this year amid headlines touting research finding that assigning homework to these students does not improve their academic performance. While the headlines grabbed plenty of attention, they barely scratch the surface of this complicated issue.

Historically, proponents of homework cited research urging teachers to follow the “10-minute” rule, which means assigning students 10 minutes of homework per grade level. For instance,  a first-grader might have 10 minutes of homework a night while a third-grader could have up to 30 minutes of work. In theory, the quantity and intensity of homework should rise with age.

Note there is research supporting homework as a learning tool, especially as it relates to practice and retention. Studies do show that children as young as second grade improve their skills when they study at home to supplement in-class instruction — provided it doesn’t exceed the 10-minute rule per grade level.  This research is correlational rather than causational, so it’s difficult to determine cause and effect.

Still, many researchers argue that even this small amount of homework doesn’t help students learn or retain concepts. Rather, they suggest homework at an early age helps children establish good study habits and time management skills while keeping parents current on what their kids are learning in school.

The type of homework matters — especially for young students

Research has found that homework tied to a student’s interests (such as reading for pleasure) boosts academic performance. Therefore, activities like maintaining a reading log can help to promote academic success even if it isn’t directly tied to in-class work. Other assignments might tie to students’ interests outside the classroom. For instance, teachers might ask students to complete writing assignments where they describe a hobby.

Homework that is too difficult, however, can be severely detrimental to students. If students feel easily discouraged or unable to complete assignments, they can develop negative views on school and learning.

Harris Cooper, a Duke University professor who wrote the book “The Battle over Homework,” suggests that homework assignments should be minimal, easy to complete and designed to get parents involved (though the involvement should gradually fade as students get older).

Ultimately, the debate over homework policies appears unlikely to die down. In one note to parents that went viral this fall, Brandy Young, an elementary teacher, suggested that instead of completing homework in the evenings, students should enjoy time with their families — including eating dinner, playing outside, reading and getting to bed early.

Young argued that these factors had proved to promote students’ academic success. And research supports such findings: Quality family time that includes time to play, relax and get adequate sleep are huge determinants of student achievement.  While homework might help, it should not interfere with other aspects of the child’s home life.

Caitrin Blake has a BA in English and Sociology from the University of Vermont and a master’s degree in English literature from the University of Colorado Denver. She teaches composition at Arapahoe Community College.

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Back to school: More paper homework for elementary students in Bentonville School District

August 11, 2024 at 3:17 a.m.

by Al Gaspeny

homework for elementary

BENTONVILLE -- The Bentonville School District is reintroducing some parents to the homework equation.

Parents of elementary and middle school-age children can expect more paper homework assignments aligned with math and literacy curricula, according to the district.

The School Board in June unanimously approved procedures intended to strengthen the education partnership between parents and educators.

"That's why we have made this transition back to homework, because it has to be a partner process," Superintendent Debbie Jones said then. "It can't be just the school taking over the education of the kids."

There'd been an effort over the years to try to remove parents from the homework process, Jones said. "We're at a time where that's not been very wise," she said.

The LEARNS Act is a factor in the change, Jones said. LEARNS is Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders' signature legislation that overhauled the state's education system and became law in 2023.

Parental empowerment is an integral part of LEARNS, said Kimberly Mundell, the state Department of Education's communications director.

"Parents have the right to know what their child is learning at school, and curriculum transparency is key to being informed," Mundell said.

Jones said she's seen parent comments about wanting to see paper homework to know more about what their children are doing in school.

"That's why we have made this transition back to homework, because it has to be a partner process," Jones said. "It can't be just the school taking over the education of the kids."

Upon hearing that, board member Joel Dunning clapped.

"To me, hearing a superintendent say this makes my heart go, 'Wow,'" Dunning said.

Extending the learning day can improve education, Dunning said.

"We think it's really important that, No. 1, parents read with their children, that they're involved in that process," Jones said. "No. 2, that parents are aware of what their kids are studying in school."

Jones said the district can't overwhelm students with homework, noting play is just as important at home. Schools are working on being consistent about issuing homework, Jones said.

There's no time recommendation for homework completion, Jones said. Instead, good judgment is key, with the work being guided by the curriculum and aligning with what students are learning in class, she said.

Teachers and parents have shown optimism about the plan, district Communication Director Leslee Wright said, adding the district has been tracking the homework situation for a couple of years.

The policy change will mainly affect elementary students and their families, Wright said Friday. Elementary schools are kindergarten through fourth grade in Bentonville. It had been a no-homework district on the elementary level for some time, Wright said.

High school students have always had homework and will continue to do so, she said.

Homework is an extension of the regular school day and should supplement, complement, reinforce and relate to the mastery of a subject, according to policy information provided by the district.


The policies for the Fayetteville, Rogers and Springdale districts include similar language about homework being an extension of what's learned in the classroom and used in combination with well-defined learning goals.

Fayetteville hasn't made any changes to its policy and none specific to LEARNS, according to Alan Wilbourn, the district's executive director of communications.

"That said, with the district's administration being relatively new, we are currently assessing a variety of instructional practices and engaging staff in conversations around our practices," Wilbourn said. "Curriculum, technology, grading and homework are all instructional components that we are or will be examining within our district."

Fayetteville Superintendent John Mulford took the post in July 2023.

In Rogers, there aren't plans to alter that district's homework policy at this time, said Jason Ivester, communications director.

Leah Padilla, principal at Janie Darr Elementary School in Rogers, said weekly homework encourages the practice of skills. The skills students practice at home focus on essential standards of the grade level and the individual student, she said.

"Students are working on strengthening those foundational skills and building responsibility," she said.

Padilla said research shows some keys for students' success: eating dinner as a family, reading together, playing outside and going to bed early.

"Our goal is to let children have adequate time to just be kids," she said.

There's no plan to change the homework policy in Springdale, said Trent Jones, the district's communications director. District educators always encourage students to read independently and with family at home, he said.

Homework can vary depending on the grade level, subject matter and goal, Jones said. It allows students to practice and reinforce what they're learning and can give teachers insight into how students understand concepts and can help gauge student progress.


The covid-19 pandemic helped bridge the gap between educators and parents, according to Joyce Epstein, a professor in the Johns Hopkins School of Education and co-director of the university's Center on School, Family, and Community Partnerships.

With schools closed, schools and districts learned that teachers had to work with parents, Epstein said in a January story on Johns Hopkins' Hub website.

Teachers were still teaching, but when a student learned at home, parents had a better idea of what their children were doing in school, she said.

Amid the pandemic, teachers reported developing an improved understanding of students' families, according to Epstein.

"We collected wonderfully creative examples of activities from members of the National Network of Partnership Schools," Epstein said in the story. "I'm thinking of one art activity where every child talked with a parent about something that made their family unique. Then they drew their finding on a snowflake and returned it to share in class. In math, students talked with a parent about something the family liked so much that they could represent it 100 times. Conversations about schoolwork at home was the point."


Back to school

The first day of class for some area districts:

Springdale: Monday

Bentonville: Wednesday

Rogers: Wednesday

Siloam Springs: Wednesday

Fayetteville: Aug. 20

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15 best calvin and hobbes strips about school (and homework).


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10 Hilarious Classic Comics That Just Turned 30 (Featuring Far Side, Peanuts, Calvin & Hobbes and More)

10 funniest calvin and hobbes comics starring calvin's imaginary inventions, hulk lore changes forever as marvel reveals appalling origin of new she-hulk.

  • School and homework are a pain for Calvin, with his fantasies often imagining ways to escape the daily grind.
  • Calvin's creative solutions, like sending Hobbes to school or creating duplicates of himself, highlight his imaginative nature.
  • Even though school is a drag for Calvin, he realizes that the alternative of adulthood may not be much better.

Calvin and Hobbes is a comic strip series that is rooted in the imagination and creativity of a child, which means the comic's opinion on school and homework (through the eyes of Calvin) is not a flattering one. There’s nothing that stifles a kid’s creativity more than forced learning, and while school is an essential part of growing up, it’s not usually a child’s favorite - especially one like Calvin.

While Calvin obviously still has to go to school, he usually finds ways to cope with this constant annoyance in his life. Sometimes Calvin imagines scenarios where his school is destroyed in some fantastical way, other times he tries to trick his parents to get out of going to school, and other times Calvin just skips school entirely. But no matter what, Calvin’s solutions to dealing with school are always rooted in his creative imagination - especially when there’s no other alternative but to simply endure it. Here are 15 of the funniest Calvin and Hobbes strips about school (and homework) .

Charle Brown, Calvin and Hobbes, and a character from The Far Side.

There're countless comic strips out there for readers to enjoy, but only a handful of classics, & some of them just turned 30. Here's the 10 funniest!

15 Calvin Imagines His Elementary School’s Destruction, & Wishes It was Real

Calvin and hobbes , 9-27.

Calvin and Hobbes' Calvin imagining himself flying a fighter jet and destroying his school.

Calvin is flying a fighter jet, checking his engines, counting his missiles, and preparing for an all-out assault on his designated target: his own elementary school. Calvin flies in and launches missile after missile at the building, destroying it completely and freeing himself and his classmates from ever stepping foot inside there again. And then, Calvin wakes up from his daydream, steps off the school bus, and goes to school, disappointed that his fantasy wasn't a reality - something many kids can assuredly empathize with .

14 Calvin Uses Stupendous Man’s Questionable Superhero Status to Get Out of Homework

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Calvin and Hobbes' Stupendous Man using a giant telescope to destroy Calvin's school.

Stupendous Man is Calvin's superhero alter ego , though his superhero status is very much in question, as Stupendous Man only seems to do things that benefit Calvin without considering anyone else - and this comic is no exception. Using his Superman-like powers, Stupendous Man uses a giant telescope in space to destroy Calvin's school with the heat of the sun, and he does this just to get Calvin out of doing homework . Impressive, to be sure, but certainly not very heroic.

13 Calvin Retreats into His Imaginary World When He’s Caught Skipping School

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Calvin and Hobbes' Calvin pretending to be Spaceman Spiff while his mom disciplines him.

Skipping school is probably the worst thing a kid Calvin's age could do, and the only thing worse than doing it is getting caught - which is exactly what happened to Calvin. He tries to weave a lie about a gas leak causing early dismissal, but Calvin's mom easily fact-checks that with a simple call to the school. In short, Calvin knew he was busted, and he also knew the punishment would be severe. That's why he retreated to his imaginary world where Calvin's a cosmic hero named Spaceman Spiff , as facing evil aliens sounded better than the wrath of his mother .

12 Calvin’s Attempt to Have Hobbes Go To School in His Place Fails (for 1 Hilarious Reason)

Calvin and hobbes , 1-23.

Calvin dressing Hobbes in his clothes hoping to send him to school instead.

One morning before school, Calvin's mom notices that he's running a little bit behind, so she goes up to his room to check on him. When she gets there, she doesn't find Calvin, but Hobbes (in his stuffed animal form) wearing Calvin's clothes. Obviously, she doesn't buy it for a second, which is what Hobbes (in his anthropomorphic tiger form) tells Calvin. And Calvin knows exactly why the trickery didn't work, " You didn't put on any pants! " . Yes, Calvin, your mom didn't send a stuffed animal to school in your place because he wasn't wearing pants - spot on.

11 Hobbes’ Insatiable Appetite Makes Calvin’s Day at School Even Worse

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Hobbes eating Calvin's lunch while waiting at the bus stop with him.

It's no secret that Hobbes has an insatiable appetite (indeed, that's how the two met in the first place), but this comic shows him taking things one step too far. As Hobbes waits with Calvin at the bus stop, listening to Calvin drone on and on about how terrible school is, Hobbes is just chowing down on Calvin's lunch - something Calvin doesn't even notice until he's on the bus. Not having a lunch will make Calvin's already crappy day even worse, and it's all thanks to Hobbes ' insatiable appetite.

10 Calvin Comics Up with a Hilarious Way to Not Pay Attention in Class

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Calvin and Hobbes making fake eyeballs for Calvin to wear in class.

One of Calvin's favorite pastimes (especially during class) is daydreaming. Calvin goes on cosmic adventures, flies through time and space, and proves his mettle as a superhero during these daydreams. The only problem is, when they happen in class, his teacher can see that he's not paying attention. So, Calvin came up with a 'brilliant' solution: ping pong ball eyes! He cuts a ping pong ball in half, draws the pupil and iris, and sticks them over his real eyes to make it look like he's paying attention in class, allowing him to daydream all day long.

9 Calvin Makes a Valid Point About School Days in the Winter

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Calvin and Hobbes waiting for Calvin's school bus in the cold snow.

As Calvin is waiting at the bus stop with Hobbes in the dead of winter, snow falling all around them, Calvin complains that it's way too cold to leave the house, let alone spend all day at school. Instead, Calvin thinks a day like this calls for nothing but a warm bed, hot chocolate, and comics - which is something practically everyone can get on board with. And what's funniest about this is that that's pretty much exactly what Hobbes is going to do with his day once Calvin is gone, and he tells him that to his face.

8 Calvin Finds the Up-Side to a Transmogrifier Incident: Owls Don’t Go to School

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Calvin and Hobbes playing together after Calvin got turned into an owl.

Calvin's Transmogrifier is an imaginary device with the power to turn anyone into anything. In this case, it turns Calvin into an owl, and at first, Calvin starts freaking out about that. He tells Hobbes that he can't be an owl because he has school the next morning, and he's worried about what his classmates will think. But then, Calvin realizes that, if he's an owl, he won't have to go to school the next morning because owls don't go to school - and that turns his mood around greatly.

7 Calvin Learns the Upsetting Limitations of His Transmogrifier

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Calvin waking up one morning for school, shocked he's not an owl, while Hobbes sleeps soundly next to him.

While Calvin was thrilled that he wouldn't have to go to school so long as he was an owl, the next morning, he was shocked to wake up as a human again. This experience taught him that the Transmogrifier does have its limits: it wears off overnight . While that's good to note, it doesn't exactly help Calvin in this situation, as he now has to go to school on a day he thought he would be able to stay home because he was an owl.

6 School Day Morning from Calvin’s Mom’s Perspective is Absolutely Priceless

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Calvin's mom yelling at him to go the right way to the school bus stop.

Normally, Calvin and Hobbes comics tell little stories from Calvin's perspective, but in this case, that perspective shifts to his mom - and it's absolutely priceless. Being the mom of a boy like Calvin cannot be easy, especially when it comes to the daily struggle of sending him off to school. And this comic shows that perfectly, as Calvin's mom catches him trying to ditch school, and then yells at him while she's still in her robe, which is a hilarious depiction of what Calvin's mom goes through every day .

5 Calvin Turns Going to School into a Perilous Spaceman Spiff Adventure

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Calvin pretending he's Spaceman Spiff as his mom is trying to get him to school.

Spaceman Spiff is a cosmic adventurer, and one of Calvin's coolest alter egos, who also serves as a perfect escape for Calvin whenever he doesn't want to deal with something in the real world. In this case, that 'something' is going to school, as his mom is literally holding Calvin by the leg upside down, trying to get him out of the house. However, in Calvin's mind, he's Spaceman Spiff, floating through space trying to repair his spaceship - which is a level of disassociation Calvin's mom is probably a little jealous of right about now.

4 Calvin Finally Finds the Perfect Solution to His ‘School Problem’: Duplicates

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Calvin with 5 of his duplicates, telling them they're each responsible for 1 day of school.

While the Transmogrifier failed to get Calvin out of school, another one of his inventions might have done the trick: the Duplicator. The Duplicator creates duplicates of anyone who steps foot inside the 'machine' (aka cardboard box). In this comic, it's revealed that Calvin made 5 duplicates of himself, and he decided that each of them would be responsible for one day of school a week . And just like that, Calvin's 'school problem' has seemingly been handled.

3 Calvin is Hilariously Honest About What He’d Really Do with His School-Less Days

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Calvin admitting to Hobbes that he would sleep his day away if he didn't have school.

Every comic that deals with Calvin going to school usually depicts him either complaining about it or trying to get out of it completely, and this one is no different. However, after Calvin says that it's a shame he's being forced to go to school on a beautiful day like today, Hobbes asks what he would do with his morning instead, to which Calvin honestly replies, " Sleep right through it ". It seems Calvin answered his own question as to why he is forced to go to school, because if it was up to him, he'd just sleep his days away .

2 Calvin Finds the Perfect (Albeit Brutal) Solution to Dealing with a School Bully

Calvin asking Hobbes to eat his school bully.

One of the worst parts about school for a lot of kids is the class bully, and Calvin has his very own in Calvin and Hobbes . However, in this comic, Calvin comes up with the perfect solution to dealing with his bully: feed him to Hobbes . Calvin wants Hobbes to rip his bully to shreds, which - as a tiger - Hobbes should be more than capable of. While it's a solid (albeit brutal) plan, Hobbes isn't exactly on board with the idea, no matter how effective 'death by tiger' would be in getting rid of Calvin's bully.

1 Calvin is Faced with the Grim Reality of What Life is Like AFTER School

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Calvin's dad telling him that going to work is much worse than going to school.

While Calvin and Hobbes shows school in a negative light (from Calvin's perspective), this one allows Calvin a grim glimpse at the alternative: life as an adult. To a kid, school represents the antithesis of the freedom they think they'd have without it. However, after a conversation with his dad, Calvin realizes that he has it easy going to school every day . While this doesn't make him very optimistic about the future, it at least made school a bit more tolerable. And that's why this is one of the 10 best Calvin and Hobbes comic strips about school.

Calvin and Hobbes Poster

Calvin and Hobbes

Calvin and Hobbes was a satirical comic strip series that ran from 1985-1995, written, drawn, and colored by Bill Watterson. The series follows six-year-old Hobbes and his stuffed Tiger, Calvin, that examines their lives through a whimsical lens that tackles everyday comedic issues and real-world issues that people deal with.

Calvin and Hobbes

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Santa Clarita Valley's #1 Local News Source

Ready to go: rosedell elementary’s doors open to kick off school year, tyler wainfeld.

  • August 13, 2024

Rosedell Elementary School Principal Elizabeth Balena greets students on the first day of the 2024-25 Saugus Union School District school year on Tuesday morning. Trisha Anas/ The Signal.

Parents could be seen lining up outside Rosedell Elementary School Tuesday morning with their kids waiting to drop them off for the first day of school. 

Some were saying their final “goodbyes” at the front gate while others were taking photos in front of a sign celebrating the occasion. 

“A little anxious, excited,” said Jeremy Whitcomb, the father of a first-grader at Rosedell, on the emotions of dropping his daughter off. “She’s growing up so there’s a little bit of fear of the growing up, but definitely excited. She’s excited, and that’s what matters.” 

Children pose in front of a large sign that reads 'Welcome Back Roadrunners' on Tuesday morning for the first day of the 2024-25 school year of the Saugus Union School District at Rosedell Elementary School on Aug. 13, 2024. Trisha Anas/ The Signal.

Schools across the Saugus Union School District opened their doors on Tuesday for the 2024-25 school year to officially begin. 

Alex Banderas has a daughter starting sixth grade at Rosedell and said her child was up two hours before her parents in anticipation of the big day. 

“We cooked breakfast for her, her favorite foods, all the fun stuff,” Banderas said. “But she was up two hours before us today. She was ready to go.”

Giovanni Sanchez takes photos of his daughter on the first day of the 2024-25 Saugus Union School District school year at Rosedell Elementary School on Tuesday morning. Trisha Anas/ The Signal.

Rosedell Principal Elizabeth Balena was standing at the front gate greeting students and parents alike. She said she’s excited to break in some new carpeting and a “cosmetic remodel of the entire school.” 

“We’re just excited. It’s a fresh, new start and a good year,” Balena said. “We’re going to have a good one this year.” 

She added that after making some growth last year on the academic side, she’s looking forward to seeing what steps forward the current crop of students can take. 

“We’re really looking to make academic growth,” Balena said. “We made great academic growth here at Rosedell last year, and I think that we’re going to use that momentum to move us forward. I’m excited because of what we were able to accomplish last year, and I’m just looking forward to keeping it going this year.” 

Crossing guard Patty Pawlak stops traffic to help children cross the street on the first day of the 2024-25 Saugus Union School District school year at Rosedell Elementary School on Tuesday morning. Trisha Anas/ The Signal.

Whitcomb said his daughter will have a packed schedule this year, with basketball, soccer and jiu-jitsu in her plans on top of being in school. 

“Just trying to keep her as busy as possible,” Whitcomb said, “expose her to whatever different things you can, you know, make some friends.” 

Making friends and building relationships are what the first few days of school are all about, Balena said. 

“We know that that’s going to really make a positive impact on the entire year,” Balena said, “really focusing on building the relationship between the teacher and the student, the relationship between the students and building that community sense inside the classroom.” 

A line of children walk to their classrooms while carrying their backpacks Tuesday morning on the first day of the 2024-25 Saugus Union School District school year at Rosedell Elementary School. Trisha Anas/ The Signal.

But at the end of the day, Balena said seeing students and parents being happy and wanting to come back every day to see what’s new is what she lives for. 

“I love working with children,” she said. “I think that it’s so exciting to me to see — there’s just so much potential. And I think that’s what parents see, too. They work so hard. These are their precious little ones. They trust us with them and we want to make sure that we’re giving them the best education opportunities possible.” 

Rosedell Elementary School Principal Elizabeth Balena (left) and Superintendent Colleen Hawkins (right) speak with each other on the school yard on Tuesday morning during the first day of the 2024-25 Saugus Union School District school year. Trisha Anas/ The Signal.

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