Harvard Education Press

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Harvard educational review.

Edited by Hannah Castner, Jane Choi, Moisés G. Contreras, Jen Ha, Woohee Kim, Melina Melgoza, Brien Y. Mosely, Catherine E. Pitcher, Anakaren Quintero Davalos, Elizabeth Salinas, Jesse Y. Tang

HER logo displays the letters "H", "E", and "R" in a geometric configuration within a hexagon.



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Journal Information

  • ISSN: 0017-8055
  • eISSN: 1943-5045
  • Keywords: scholarly journal, education research
  • First Issue: 1930
  • Frequency: Quarterly


The Harvard Educational Review (HER) is a scholarly journal of opinion and research in education. The Editorial Board aims to publish pieces from interdisciplinary and wide-ranging fields that advance our understanding of educational theory, equity, and practice. HER encourages submissions from established and emerging scholars, as well as from practitioners working in the field of education. Since its founding in 1930, HER has been central to elevating pieces and debates that tackle various dimensions of educational justice, with circulation to researchers, policymakers, teachers, and administrators.

Our Editorial Board is composed entirely of doctoral students from the Harvard Graduate School of Education who review all manuscripts considered for publication. For more information on the current Editorial Board, please see here.

A subscription to the Review includes access to the full-text electronic archives at our Subscribers-Only-Website .

Editorial Board

2024-2025 Harvard Educational Review Editorial Board Members  

  Hannah Castner  

Editor, 2024-2026  

Hannah Castner is a second year PhD student in the Sociology Department at Harvard University. She studies how culture shapes and reproduces inequality within education organizations. In particular, she is interested in how parents, teachers, politicians, and administrators lay claim to education curricula and systems and the consequences of these assertions. One of her ongoing areas of research investigates how teachers respond to state laws restricting discussion of race, gender, and sexuality in U.S. schools. Prior to starting her doctoral studies, Hannah taught English to middle and high school students in France. Hannah holds BAs in sociology and data science from Mount Holyoke College.  

Jane Choi  

Content Editor 2024-2025 Editor 2023-2025 [email protected] [email protected]  

Jane Choi is a third-year PhD student in Sociology with broad interests in culture, race, education, and inequality. Her research examines intra-racial and interracial boundaries in US educational contexts. She has researched legacy and first-generation students at Ivy League colleges, families served by Head Start and Early Head Start programs, and parents of pre-K and kindergarten-age children in the New York City School District. Previously, Jane worked as a Research Assistant in the Family Well-Being and Children’s Development policy area at MDRC and received a BA in Sociology from Columbia University.  

Moisés G. Contreras  

Moisés G. Contreras is a third-year PhD student in the Culture, Institutions, and Society concentration at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. He is interested in the promise and potential of liberatory and humanizing education occurring within community-based educational spaces. Moisés’s work is informed by diverse youth work experiences both locally and transnationally, having been an English teaching assistant with the Fulbright Program in Italy and a tutor and mentor in a predominantly-Latine Chicago public high school with the AmeriCorps program, City Year. Moisés holds an MA in Educational Policy Studies from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a BS in Psychology and Italian, with a minor in Latina/Latino Studies, from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.   

Content Editor 2024-2025 Editor 2023-2025 [email protected] [email protected]  

Jen Ha is a third-year PhD student in the Culture, Institutions, and Society concentration at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Her research explores how high school and undergraduate students produce personal narratives for school applications, scholarships, and professional opportunities. Prior to doctoral studies, Jen served as the Coordinator of Public Humanities at Bard Graduate Center and worked in several roles organizing academic enrichment opportunities and supporting postsecondary planning for students in New Haven and New York City. Jen holds a BA in Humanities from Yale University, where she was an Education Studies Scholar.  

Woohee Kim  

Co-Chair 2024-2025 Editor 2023-2025 [email protected]  

Woohee Kim is a PhD student studying youth activists’ civic and pedagogical practices. Shaped by her activism and research across South Korea, the US, and the UK, Woohee seeks to interrogate how educational spaces are shaped as cultural and political sites and reshaped by activists as sites of struggle. Grounded in her scholar-activist commitments to creating spaces for pedagogies of resistance and transformative possibilities, Woohee hopes to continue exploring the intersections of education, knowledge, power, and resistance.  

Melina Melgoza  

Melina Melgoza (she/her/ella) is a third-year doctoral student in the Culture, Institutions, and Society concentration at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She was born and raised in Los Angeles, California, and taught Ethnic Studies and Social Studies in Los Angeles public schools. She is enthusiastic and hopeful about advocating for and participating in liberatory Ethnic Studies practices, both within an educational setting and as an integral aspect of life. Through her research, she hopes to collaborate with various communities in Los Angeles to shed light on the power, message, and potential of Ethnic Studies praxis in educational environments. She sees Ethnic Studies as a social, political, and educational pathway for self-exploration, healing, community building, and solidarity. Prior to starting the doctoral program, she received her B.A. in History and Chicana/o Studies, and her M.Ed. and teaching credential from UCLA, specializing in Social Studies and Ethnic Studies. She also has a Master of Arts in Education from the Harvard Graduate School of Education.   

Brein Y. Mosely  

Brein Y. Mosely is a third-year doctoral student in the Education Policy and Program Evaluation concentration at HGSE. She is interested in how quantitative educational researchers use race-based deficit narratives and perpetuate injustice in academic language. She is both a PIER and Stone Inequality fellow. She is also a research assistant for Harvard’s Hutchins Center for African & African American Research Institute on Policing, Incarceration & Public Safety. Prior to their doctoral studies, Brein pursued both a MS and BS in Statistics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.   

Catherine E. Pitcher  

Development Editor 2024-2025 Editor 2023-2025 [email protected]  

Catherine E. Pitcher is a third-year doctoral student at Harvard Graduate School of Education in the Culture, Institutions, and Society program. She has over 10 years of experience in US education in roles that range from special education teacher to instructional coach to department head to educational game designer. She started working in Palestine in 2017, first teaching and then designing and implementing educational programming. Currently, she is working on research to understand how Palestinian youth think about and build their futures. She holds an Ed.M. from Harvard in International Education Policy.  

Anakaren Quintero Davalos  

Anakaren Quintero Davalos is a 3rd year PhD student at the Harvard Graduate School of Education in the Culture, Institutions, and Society concentration. Her research interests include exploring the manner in which undocumented and immigrant origin students create counterspaces in response and in spite of oppressive institutions, and their advocacy for institutional supports in higher education contexts. Advocating for immigrant rights and working toward collective liberation is the forefront of all the work that she does. She has dedicated many years to serving undocumented students in higher education institutions. She holds a BA from UC Santa Cruz and is a product of the wealth of the community college system.  

Elizabeth Salinas  

Elizabeth Salinas is a doctoral student in the Education Policy and Program Evaluation concentration at HGSE. She is interested in the intersection of higher education and the social safety net and hopes to examine policies that address basic needs insecurity among college students. Before her doctoral studies, Liz was a research director at a public policy consulting firm. There, she supported government, education, and philanthropy leaders by conducting and translating research into clear and actionable information. Previously, Liz served as a high school physics teacher in her hometown in Texas and as a STEM outreach program director at her alma mater. She currently sits on the Board of Directors at Leadership Enterprise for a Diverse America, a nonprofit organization working to diversify the leadership pipeline in the United States. Liz holds a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a master’s degree in higher education from the Harvard Graduate School of Education.  

Jesse Y. Tang  

Editor, 2024-2025  

Jesse Y. Tang is a second-year student in the Doctor of Education Leadership (EdLD) program at Harvard Graduate School of Education. A son of immigrants from Thailand and Hong Kong, Jesse was drawn to education for the powerful potential of schools to transform opportunities in each student’s life. He has two decades of experience working in PreK-8th Grade urban schools in Chicago, Boston, New York City, and Denver. Prior to his doctoral studies, Jesse served as Founding Principal for two schools, Central Queens Academy and Denver Online Elementary, as well as Turnaround Principal at Schmitt Elementary in Denver, CO. Jesse is passionate about increasing diversity within school leadership pipelines, as well as supporting, mentoring and sustaining new principals in their early years. Jesse holds a BS in Psychology from Carnegie Mellon University, an MAT in Teaching from Dominican University, and an EdM in School Leadership from Harvard Graduate School of Education.   

Submission Information

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Online access instructions will be attached to your order confirmation e-mail. If you have questions about using theIPregistry.org you may find the answers in their FAQs. Otherwise please let us know at [email protected] .

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Article Submission FAQ

Submissions, question: “what manuscripts are a good fit for her ”.

Answer: As a generalist scholarly journal, HER publishes on a wide range of topics within the field of education and related disciplines. We receive many articles that deserve publication, but due to the restrictions of print publication, we are only able to publish very few in the journal. The originality and import of the findings, as well as the accessibility of a piece to HER’s interdisciplinary, international audience which includes education practitioners, are key criteria in determining if an article will be selected for publication.

We strongly recommend that prospective authors review the current and past issues of HER to see the types of articles we have published recently. If you are unsure whether your manuscript is a good fit, please reach out to the Content Editor at [email protected] .

Question: “What makes HER a developmental journal?”

Answer: Supporting the development of high-quality education research is a key tenet of HER’s mission. HER promotes this development through offering comprehensive feedback to authors. All manuscripts that pass the first stage of our review process (see below) receive detailed feedback. For accepted manuscripts, HER also has a unique feedback process called casting whereby two editors carefully read a manuscript and offer overarching suggestions to strengthen and clarify the argument.

Question: “What is a Voices piece and how does it differ from an essay?”

Answer: Voices pieces are first-person reflections about an education-related topic rather than empirical or theoretical essays. Our strongest pieces have often come from educators and policy makers who draw on their personal experiences in the education field. Although they may not present data or generate theory, Voices pieces should still advance a cogent argument, drawing on appropriate literature to support any claims asserted. For examples of Voices pieces, please see Alvarez et al. (2021) and Snow (2021).

Question: “Does HER accept Book Note or book review submissions?”

Answer: No, all Book Notes are written internally by members of the Editorial Board.

Question: “If I want to submit a book for review consideration, who do I contact?”

Answer: Please send details about your book to the Content Editor at [email protected].

Manuscript Formatting

Question: “the submission guidelines state that manuscripts should be a maximum of 9,000 words – including abstract, appendices, and references. is this applicable only for research articles, or should the word count limit be followed for other manuscripts, such as essays”.

Answer: The 9,000-word limit is the same for all categories of manuscripts.

Question: “We are trying to figure out the best way to mask our names in the references. Is it OK if we do not cite any of our references in the reference list? Our names have been removed in the in-text citations. We just cite Author (date).”

Answer: Any references that identify the author/s in the text must be masked or made anonymous (e.g., instead of citing “Field & Bloom, 2007,” cite “Author/s, 2007”). For the reference list, place the citations alphabetically as “Author/s. (2007)” You can also indicate that details are omitted for blind review. Articles can also be blinded effectively by use of the third person in the manuscript. For example, rather than “in an earlier article, we showed that” substitute something like “as has been shown in Field & Bloom, 2007.” In this case, there is no need to mask the reference in the list. Please do not submit a title page as part of your manuscript. We will capture the contact information and any author statement about the fit and scope of the work in the submission form. Finally, please save the uploaded manuscript as the title of the manuscript and do not include the author/s name/s.


Question: “can i be invited to submit a manuscript how”.

Answer: If you think your manuscript is a strong fit for HER, we welcome a request for invitation. Invited manuscripts receive one round of feedback from Editors before the piece enters the formal review process. To submit information about your manuscript, please complete the Invitation Request Form . Please provide as many details as possible. The decision to invite a manuscript largely depends on the capacity of current Board members and on how closely the proposed manuscript reflects HER publication scope and criteria. Once you submit the form, We hope to update you in about 2–3 weeks, and will let you know whether there are Editors who are available to invite the manuscript.

Review Timeline

Question: “who reviews manuscripts”.

Answer: All manuscripts are reviewed by the Editorial Board composed of doctoral students at Harvard University.

Question: “What is the HER evaluation process as a student-run journal?”

Answer: HER does not utilize the traditional external peer review process and instead has an internal, two-stage review procedure.

Upon submission, every manuscript receives a preliminary assessment by the Content Editor to confirm that the formatting requirements have been carefully followed in preparation of the manuscript, and that the manuscript is in accord with the scope and aim of the journal. The manuscript then formally enters the review process.

In the first stage of review, all manuscripts are read by a minimum of two Editorial Board members. During the second stage of review, manuscripts are read by the full Editorial Board at a weekly meeting.

Question: “How long after submission can I expect a decision on my manuscript?”

Answer: It usually takes 6 to 10 weeks for a manuscript to complete the first stage of review and an additional 12 weeks for a manuscript to complete the second stage. Due to time constraints and the large volume of manuscripts received, HER only provides detailed comments on manuscripts that complete the second stage of review.

Question: “How soon are accepted pieces published?”

Answer: The date of publication depends entirely on how many manuscripts are already in the queue for an issue. Typically, however, it takes about 6 months post-acceptance for a piece to be published.

Submission Process

Question: “how do i submit a manuscript for publication in her”.

Answer: Manuscripts are submitted through HER’s Submittable platform, accessible here. All first-time submitters must create an account to access the platform. You can find details on our submission guidelines on our Submissions page.

Ghana Journal of Education: Issues and Practice Logo

Positive Education and Student Wellbeing: A Review of Relationship between Gifted and Non-Gifted Students' Wellbeing and High Achievement

  • Jophus Anamuah-Mensah University of Winneba
  • Gladys Ami Allotey 116 Street to 133 West McCarthy Hills, Accra, Ghana. Queensland University of Technology

In the pursuit of fostering creativity and technology for innovative economies, students' wellbeing has grown globally. Positive education, which emphasises nurturing strengths for wellbeing and peak performance, plays a crucial role. Yet, research on its impact in disciplines, especially STEM areas, is limited. This article reviews 57 studies limited to gifted and non-gifted students, including STEM subjects, to analyse the relationship between positive education and gifted student achievements. Examining literature from 1999 to 2023, the study highlights the significant connection between wellbeingfocused education and academic success. Findings reveal that not only individuals' character traits, constitute inward restorative defenses against mental health issues across all age groups but also the gifted, particularly gifted males, are more susceptible to mental disorders compared to their nongifted and normal or average-intelligence counterparts. The research highlights the importance of identifying gifted students early, utilising their potential for wellbeing and improved outcomes, especially in interdisciplinary fields such as STEM. Incorporating gifted education and wellbeing into preservice teacher education through holistic institutional approaches is crucial, particularly in the context of developing African nations. The study also suggests socio-emotional development for advancing academics, especially in STEM. This research suggests future exploration into the intersection of positive education and students' academic accomplishment.

How to Cite

  • Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS)

© College of Education Studies, University of Cape Coast, Ghana.

All rights reserved, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by means of electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher

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Journal of Lifelong Learning

journal of education review

Volume 70, Issue 4

The Sustainable Development Goals and the Global Governance of Education

  • William C. Smith,
  • Melanie C. M. Ehren,
  • Sotiria Grek

Global governance of education: The Sustainable Development Goals as a product and mechanism?

  • William C. Smith
  • Melanie C. M. Ehren

Soft power in complicated and complex education systems: Gender, education and global governance in organisational responses to SDG 4

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Transforming education or transforming the fourth Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 4)?

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  • Lira Luz Benites Lazaro

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Sneaking out the back door? Interrogating the role of governments in the global governance of SDG 4

  • Antonia Wulff

Prioritisation of indicators in SDG 4: Voluntary national reviews as a tool of soft governance

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  • Misaki Niwa

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The synchronic and diachronic evolution of key themes around SDG 4 before and after 2015: From a quantitative analysis of web-downloaded texts

  • Shoko Yamada

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The Sustainable Development Goals as mechanisms of educational governance in Africa

  • Teklu Abate Bekele

Global governance of education: The historical and contemporary entanglements of UNESCO, the OECD and the World Bank

  • Gita Steiner-Khamsi

Child migration and human rights in a global age

  • Jacqueline Żammit

Retratos da escola pública brasileira em tempos neoliberais

  • Valdenildo Pedro da Silva
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‘An unusual situation’: CCSD board weighs next steps after trustee’s resignation

In the first meeting since Katie Williams resigned, it remained unclear how the board would now handle what some have called its most consequential decision: the search for a new superintendent.

Clark County School Board member Katie Williams is seen at the Edward A. Greer Education Center ...

At its first meeting since Trustee Katie Williams resigned , it remained unclear how the Clark County School Board would now handle what some have called its most consequential decision: the search for a new superintendent of the Clark County School District.

Williams’ resignation, brought on after the district attorney’s office filed a petition to make her seat vacant because of its determination that she was no longer a resident of Nevada, comes in the middle of the board’s search for a new superintendent, a position it intends to fill by November. The board has previously received pushback for this timeline, given that as many as four trustees could be replaced in the November elections.

In Thursday’s meeting, trustees and community members alike urged further consideration toward slowing the timeline. Without Williams, who resigned despite maintaining she is a Nevada resident, District B will have no voting representative. Given the board’s voting history, in which Williams was frequently part of a 4-3 majority voting block, the board may face continued stalls from an inability to break 3-3 votes.

Kenny Belknap, the vice president of the Clark County Education Association teachers union, called the superintendent search the most important decision the board will make.

“If this process is to be trusted by the public, we must do the hard work now, and that starts with all of you doing the right thing,” Belknap said.

Calls for investigation

Williams’ resignation, he said, was the first step in building back the necessary trust between the community and the board. However, he said that it was only the first step and reiterated his call for a full investigation into what he alleged was President Evelyn Garcia Morales’ role in a “cover-up of Katie Williams’ residency,” he said, and all the votes Williams cast as part of the 4-3 decisions.

“We believe the cover-up of Katie Williams’ residency was part of a bigger inside game being played to see Brenda Larsen-Mitchell named permanent superintendent,” he said.

Garcia Morales did not address the Williams issue, nor the accusation of a cover-up. Efforts to reach her for comment Friday were unsuccessful.

Chris Giunchigliani, a former Clark County commissioner, urged the board to extend the timeline of its search.

“It’s time to slow down,” Giunchigliani said. “In the long run, this is about doing it right.”

Trustee Isaac Barron, the nonvoting trustee representing North Las Vegas, advocated for extending the timeline to make sure people in North Las Vegas, whom Williams represented, would be heard in the decision.

“We have an unusual situation right now,” Trustee Linda Cavazos said. “We want to make sure that our entire district is represented, not just six districts.”

Shawn Joseph, a representative from the firm hired to conduct the superintendent search, confirmed that it would be best practice to have all of the districts represented.

Meanwhile, Trustee Lola Brooks, one of the trustees who regularly voted alongside Williams, warned about deterring possible superintendent candidates if they slowed down the process. Joseph also affirmed this possibility, stating that many applicants had known the current timeline.

Possibility of 3-3 voting split

Trustee Ramona Esparza-Stoffregan warned of the potential for the board to be unable to appoint a new superintendent if the six remaining trustees voted in a 3-3 split.

The potential future of a 3-3 split played out in Thursday’s meeting, when the board was unable to fill the vacant seat on the auditory advising committee because of two 3-3 votes over the candidates.

Williams may have resigned, but she still weighed in on X, making fun of Giunchigliani, who had applied for the position.

“How’s that feel Chris G?” she posted, with three laughing emojis after. She replied to her post minutes later, writing: “And not a single governance policy to limit what I say anymore. #Freedom_From_Evil.”

Gasps and laughter erupted in the room as Giunchigliani read the post in real time during her public comment.

In addition to Giunchigliani, Thursday’s meeting closed with several community members expressing frustration over Williams’ residency and leveled accusations that Garcia Morales and other residents had covered it up.

Contact Katie Futterman at [email protected].

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CCSD is sued by a mother for photos taken of her child's genitals. (Las Vegas Review-Journal/File)

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Trustee Katie Williams speaks during a Clark County School District board meeting at CCSD&#x201 ...

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  1. Educational Review

    Educational Review is a leading research journal for generic educational scholarship. For over 75 years it has offered cutting-edge scholarly analyses of global issues in all phases of education, formal and informal, in order to rethink and shape the future of education. It publishes peer-reviewed papers from international contributors across a ...

  2. Review of Education

    Review of Education is the only journal outlet for publication of both major studies and substantial reviews in education, and comprehensive Research Syntheses (8,000 to 20,000 words). Review of Education publishes supplementary materials alongside articles, such as video abstracts and teaching resources, allowing you to maximize the impact of ...

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  4. Journal of Education: Sage Journals

    The oldest educational publication in the country, the Journal of Education's mission is to disseminate knowledge that informs practice in PK-12, higher, and professional education. A refereed publication, the Journal offers three issues each calendar year.. The Journal publishes original research reports, explications of theory, and reflections.

  5. Harvard Educational Review

    Harvard Educational Review (HER) is a quarterly journal of opinion and research in education, edited by doctoral students from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. HER publishes pieces from interdisciplinary and wide-ranging fields that advance our understanding of educational theory, equity, and practice.

  6. Review of Educational Research: Sage Journals

    The Review of Educational Research (RER) publishes critical, integrative reviews of research literature bearing on education, including conceptualizations, interpretations, and syntheses of literature and scholarly work in a field broadly relevant to education and educational research. View full journal description

  7. Oxford Review of Education

    The Oxford Review of Education is a well-established journal with an extensive international readership. It is committed to cultivating educational scholarship across a wide range of academic disciplines. The Editors welcome articles reporting significant new research as well as contributions of a more conceptual or theoretical nature.

  8. American Educational Research Journal: Sage Journals

    The American Educational Research Journal (AERJ) is the flagship journal of AERA, with articles that advance the empirical, theoretical, and methodological understanding of education and learning. It publishes original peer-reviewed analyses spanning the field of education research across all subfields and disciplines and all levels of analysis, all levels of education throughout the life span ...

  9. The Journal of Education

    Welcome to the Journal of Education. As the oldest educational publication in the country, the Journal has served many purposes in its long history. Our current mission is to disseminate knowledge that informs practice in PK-12, higher, and professional education. A refereed publication, the Journal offers three issues each calendar year.

  10. Harvard Educational Review

    The Harvard Educational Review publishes articles on education issues from various perspectives and disciplines. It is a prestigious journal with circulation to policymakers, researchers, administrators, and teachers.

  11. Cambridge Journal of Education

    Cambridge Journal of Education publishes original refereed articles on all aspects of education, with a particular emphasis on work that contributes to a shared understanding amongst academic researchers, theorists, practising teachers, policy-makers and educational administrators. The journal also welcomes the submission of systematic review articles that summarise and offer new insights into ...

  12. Comparative Education Review

    Current issues are now on the Chicago Journals website. Read the latest issue. Comparative Education Review investigates education throughout the world and the social, economic, and political forces that shape it. Founded in 1957 to advance knowledge and teaching in comparative education studies, the Review has since established itself as the most reliable source for the analysis of the place ...

  13. Oxford Review of Education

    The Artstor website will be retired on Aug 1st. The object of the Oxford Review of Education is to advance the study of education. It especially wishes to promote the elaboration and evaluation of a body of speculative and empirical theory, the development of which might improve educational practice. The journal publishes papers on the theory ...

  14. A Journal for Education

    Learn about the history, mission, and editorial process of the Harvard Educational Review, a scholarly journal that publishes influential voices and ideas on education issues. The journal is run by doctoral students from the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

  15. Educational Research Review

    Educational Research Review is an international journal that publishes high quality articles that review studies and theoretical papers in education at any level. The journal covers various settings, topics, and methods of education research, and invites articles that include a critical review analysis.

  16. Author Guidelines

    Author Guidelines. Introduction. Review of Education: An International Journal of Major Studies in Education (RoE) is an online journal launched by the British Educational Research Association and Wiley-Blackwell. RoE specialises in publishing reports on major studies, substantial reviews and syntheses, with a genuinely international reach and orientation.

  17. Review of Research in Education: Sage Journals

    Impact Factor: 2.4 5-Year Impact Factor: 8.6. Journal Homepage. Review of Research in Education (RRE), published annually, provides a forum for analytic research reviews on selected education topics of significance to the field. Each volume addresses a topic of broad relevance to education and learning, and … | View full journal description.

  18. Review of Education: List of Issues

    Review of Education is an official BERA journal publishing educational research from throughout the world, and papers on topics of international interest. ... 2024 - Volume 12, Review of Education. Volume 12, Issue 3. December 2024. Volume 12, Issue 2. August 2024. Volume 12, Issue 1. April 2024. Sign up for email alerts.

  19. American Journal of Education

    Ranked #563 out of 1,543 "Education" journals. The American Journal of Education seeks to bridge and integrate the intellectual, methodological, and substantive diversity of educational scholarship and to encourage a vigorous dialogue between educational scholars and policy makers. It publishes empirical research, from a wide range of ...

  20. Positive Education and Student Wellbeing: A Review of Relationship

    In the pursuit of fostering creativity and technology for innovative economies, students' wellbeing has grown globally. Positive education, which emphasises nurturing strengths for wellbeing and peak performance, plays a crucial role. Yet, research on its impact in disciplines, especially STEM areas, is limited. This article reviews 57 studies limited to gifted and non-gifted students ...

  21. Volume 70, Issue 4

    International Review of Education. Journal of Lifelong Learning. Publishing model: Hybrid. Submit your manuscript. Back to overview; Editorial board; Aims and scope; Journal updates; Search all International Review of Education articles Volume 70, Issue 4 August 2024.

  22. Submission Guidelines: Journal of Education: Sage Journals

    The Journal prioritizes publication of manuscripts related to PreK-12 education and manuscripts that focus on equity, diversity, inclusion, and access. Consistent with the Journal's mission, every manuscript accepted for review must include a discussion of implications for practice. Types of Manuscripts

  23. Overview

    Overview Aims and Scope. Review of Education is an international peer reviewed journal for the publication of major and substantial articles of interest to researchers in education.It is a growing focal point for the publication of educational research from throughout the world, and on topics of international interest.

  24. CCSD board weighs next steps after Katie Williams' resignation

    Clark County School Board members Evelyn Garcia Morales, left, and Katie Williams participate during a board meeting at the Edward A. Greer Education Center in Las Vegas on Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2022.

  25. ECNU Review of Education: Sage Journals

    ECNU Review of Education (ROE) is an international and open access scholarly journal initiated by the East China Normal University (ECNU) in Shanghai of China. This peer-reviewed journal aims to publish impactful research and innovative articles related to current educational issues in China and abroad.

  26. Development and Validation of the Family Involvement in Graduate School

    Graduate education is a stressful time during which graduate students require many forms of support. According to the National Center for Educational Statistics (2021), there is increasing enrollment in graduate education each year.On average, total graduate enrollment showed an annual increase of 1.9% between Fall 2016 and 2021.