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price of freedom is high

6 Greatest Speeches of Captain America from his MCU journey

Captain America always had the best speeches in the MCU. He might not be the strongest Avenger. Neither he is a God but when he speaks, everyone listens. No matter whether they are king, Genius Billionaire, or a God, they wait for his orders.

That’s what makes Steve stand out among the rest of the powerful people. He is willing to sacrifice himself to protect others from danger. Risked everything for his Best friend, when no one else stood beside him.

Captain America against thanos army

And how can one forget the moment he stood up against a full army of Thanos with a broken shield and 3 inches deep cut on his hand. The above shot sums up pretty much everything about him.

Remember that Dialogue from ‘ John Wick2 ‘?. “ He is a man of focus, commitment, and sheer F***ing will “.

man of focus, commitment and sheer will

This quote applies perfectly to Steve. So without wasting time let’s go ahead and read the greatest Speeches Captain America gave in his MCU Journey.

1. “And Hulk… Smash” – The Avengers (2012) Speech

The Avengers Captain's strategy

The first time we saw Captain lead the Avengers in the MCU. That moment was truly emotional and something different we have never seen.

Because at first, they didn’t agree to work together, as their ideologies were much different. That conversation between Tony and Steve perfectly sums its up.

But later everything turned out to be perfectly fine as Nick fury faked the death of Agent Colsen as a motivation to bring the group of remarkable people together .

Well this one is not exactly a speech but rather a strategy from our Cap but I think it’s worthy to be on the list:

“ All right, listen up. Until we can close that portal, our priority is containment. Barton, I want you on that roof. Eyes on everything. Call out patterns and strays . Stark, you got the perimeter. Anything gets more than three blocks out, you turn it back or you turn it to ash. Thor, you got to try and bottleneck that portal. Slow them down. You got the lightning. Light the bastards up. You (Nat) and me, we stay here on the ground. We keep the fighting here. And Hulk…Smash. “

Related : Steve Rogers Inspiring quotes

2. “The Price of the Freedom is high”

The Winter Soldier Captain America Speech

Probably the best MCU movie (critics-wise). This movie was remarkably different even after the 23 movies later in the MCU it stands out.

It showed the ground reality and politics of the Marvel Universe, like how the enemies of S.H.I.E.L.D. were working right in front of their nose.

And I think this aspect of MCU should also be explored. That’s what they’re gonna do with The Falcon and The Winter Soldier.

Not to mention that Cap’s speech at the end was lit. Probably my favorite, here have a look:

“ Attention all S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, this is Steve Rogers. You’ve heard a lot about me over the last few days. Some of you were even ordered to hunt me down. But I think it’s time you know the truth. S.H.I.E.L.D. is not what we thought it was. It’s been taken over by HYDRA. Alexander Pierce is their leader. The S.T.R.I.K.E. and Insight crew are HYDRA as well. I don’t know how many more, but I know they’re in the building. They could be standing right next to you. They almost have what they want. Absolute control. They shot Nick Fury. And it won’t end there. If you launch those helicarriers today, HYDRA will be able to kill anyone that stands in their way. Unless we stop them. I know I’m asking a lot. But the price of freedom is high. It always has been. And it’s a price I’m willing to pay. And if I’m the only one, then so be it. But I’m willing to bet I’m not. “

Did he write that down first, or was it off the top of his head?

Related: T’Challa’s quotes to prove that he is the best king

3. Avengers: Age of Ultron

Age of Ultron Captain America Speech

No matter where you are fighting a corrupt HYDRA, or an entire army of aliens, or whether it’s an army of Robots.

Cap never took his enemies for granted this one yet another legendary speech just before the battle tells everything about him:

“ Ultron knows we’re coming. Odds are we’ll be riding into heavy fire. And that’s what we signed up for. But the people of Sokovia, they didn’t. So our priority is getting them out. All they want is to live their lives in peace. And that’s not gonna happen today. But we can do our best to protect them. And we can get the job done. We find out what Ultron’s been building, we find Romanoff, and we clear the field. Keep the fight between us. Ultron thinks we’re monsters. That we’re what’s wrong with the world. This isn’t just about beating him. It’s about whether he’s right. “

Related : Quotes from Iron Man that prove he’s one of us

4. “I’ll be there…” – Captain America: Civil War (2016)

steve's letter to tony Civil War

Okay, this one’s not precisely a speech but rather a letter Steve sent to Tony after Avengers broke up. This letter is so emotional and powerful it shows the connection between both of them.

No one was right or wrong in the movie. It was all about circumstances and Steve explains all that in his letter and even Tony knew it deep down.

So, even though this one’s not exactly a speech it surely deserves to be included in this list. Here’s how it goes:

“ Tony, I’m glad you’re back at the compound. I don’t like the idea of you rattling around a mansion by yourself. We all need family. The Avengers are yours, maybe more so than mine. I’ve been on my own since I was 18. I never really fit in anywhere, even in the army. My faith’s in people, I guess. Individuals. And I’m happy to say that, for the most part, they haven’t let me down. Which is why I can’t let them down either. Locks can be replaced, but maybe they shouldn’t. I know I hurt you, Tony. I guess, I thought by not telling you about your parents I was sparing you, but I can see now that I was really sparing myself, and I’m sorry. Hopefully one day you can understand. I wish we agreed on the Accords, I really do. I know you’re doing what you believe in, and that’s all any of us can do. That’s all any of us should… So, no matter what. I promise you, if you need us, if you need me, I’ll be there. “

Man the last line hits hard after watching Infinity War. Remember when Tony nearly just called Steve but didn’t. Anyways we got them back in the Endgame. Even though their arc is finished, I think that was the perfect end for both the characters.

5. “Earth just lost her best defender”: Avengers: Infinity War (2018)

earth lost her best defender

Unfortunately, as the Avengers broke up, Steve never even got a chance to lift his fellow mate’s spirit before the battle was already started.

But yes I would like to keep this on this list. Ross threatened him that the World is on fire and you think all is forgiven. But honestly, Steve couldn’t care less about him. First, have a look:

“ I’m not looking for forgiveness. And I’m way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender. So we’re here to fight. And if you wanna stand in our way…We’ll fight you, too. “

This dialogue showed even after his beef and separation with Tony, he genuinely respected him. As referred to Tony as the ‘ Earth’s best Defender ‘. Everyone in the theatre was like ‘ I understood that reference ‘.

6. “Whatever it Takes” – Avengers: Endgame (2019)

Endgame Captain America Speech

Captain yet again nailing his speeches just before they’re up for a battle. Probably the most emotional one, as at this point they’ve lost.

And it’s almost 5 years since they have had any ray of hope. But Steve doesn’t even have the slightest of doubt that they will fail this and it’s shown in his words:

“ All right. We have a plan. Six stones, three teams, one shot. Five years ago, we lost. All of us. We lost friends, We lost family, We lost a part of ourselves. Today, we have a chance to take it all back. You know your teams. You know your missions. Get the stones. Get them back. One round-trip each.No mistakes… no do-overs. Most of us are going somewhere we know. That doesn’t mean we should know what to expect. Be careful. Look out for each other. This is the fight of our lives…and we’re gonna win. Whatever it takes. Good luck. “

He is pretty good at it, right?

So, guys, that’s a wrap for this article. I think these are what I would say to be the top legendary speeches of Captain America from his MCU journey. Let me know which one is your favorite in the comment section below.

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Breaking down every Marvel Cinematic Universe movie's dialogue, by the numbers

Marvel Cinematic Universe talking

Credit: James Grebey/Marvel/SYFY WIRE

Our team of heroes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is about to be tasked with its most epic quest yet in the quickly approaching Avengers: Endgame . I, too, was recently tasked with a quest. It probably wasn’t as crazy an undertaking as trying to bring half of the universe back from being turned into ash, but it was pretty crazy all the same.

My endeavor involved re-watching all 21 films in the MCU canon. Plenty of fans are doing that, but my task didn’t end there. I tallied each one of their spoken lines, as well as fighting stats. We’ll get to the fisticuff tallies tomorrow — for now, we’re going to stick to the lines.

A few notes: All of the stats should be “approximate," in the same way the Screen Actors Guild has to approximate lines. In scenes of pure dialogue, it’s easy to count up lines, but some characters are prone to giving speeches. Should Tony Stark’s entire opening speech about legacy in Iron Man 2 count as much as a snarky "I am Groot" in the post-credits of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 ? Probably not. I counted lines according to the ebb and flow of how they were performed. If things felt like they could go either way, I erred on the side of less rather than more.

All of that out of the way, who do you think has the greatest amount of lines in the MCU? Who talks the most? Who talks the fastest? Who is a never-ending stream of quips?

Avengers dialogue


Appearing in nine films out of the assembled 21, Tony Stark runs away with everything when it comes to the line totals. He has approximately 2,788 lines in the MCU thus far, and nobody else comes close to beating him. The difference is so big here that even if you were to count lines differently than I did, we’re still dealing with him winning by well over 1,000 lines. No other character cracked 1,000, let alone 2,000. Now would be a good time to mention that villains and love interests were not counted, though in the former case villains usually only last for one film, and in the latter, only Pepper Potts would have had the smallest chance of making a dent.

Tony gives speeches. He also gives very quick retorts. His dialogue with Pepper is often so fast that they’re talking right over each other. He quips and he quips fast. Any film with him in it added another hour to the project (at least), because his lines come fast and furious, which required a lot of pausing. This happens even when he’s appearing in another character’s movie.

Case in point: Even though Captain America: Civil War is technically a Captain America movie, Tony has approximately 207 lines in it. Steve Rogers, the title character, has 173. Tony may lose the one-on-one fight with Cap at the end of the film, but he certainly talks a heck of a lot more.

To his credit, Cap comes in second in the overall tallies. He also has 9 appearances, with no other character surpassing 9. Yes, this includes things like the Cap PSAs in Spider-Man: Homecoming  and his one line at the end of Ant-Man . The Star-Spangled Man with a Plan comes in with a total line tally of 924. This makes sense for his character — Tony is a non-stop chatterbox, but Cap listens more than he speaks, and when he does speak, he gets to the point. There’s a stronger conviction to everything that he says, and he doesn’t argue with everybody as Tony does. The exception is, of course, when he argues with Tony.

Cap had his biggest growth spurt (line-wise) in Captain America: The Winter Soldier , where he racked up a line count of 234. He also has one of his largest counts of fisticuffs in that film (the elevator scene helped), but we’ll leave that to another time. Aside from Cap’s brief appearances in movies that he’s just guest-starring in, his smallest tally is in Avengers: Infinity War . While Tony gets out 131 in that movie, Cap lies pretty low, with a measly 27. This is the case with almost every hero I counted — Infinity War had so many characters and was so spread out that many verbose heroes drew small tallies. Tony still managed, as did some others.

A side note: Loki’s brief impression of Cap in Thor: The Dark World does not count as a Cap line, or a Cap appearance. We’re going by character, and not by actor — technically that was still Loki talking, so the line goes to him and not Cap. The same logic applies when Loki impersonates Odin, when Janet van Dyne takes over Scott Lang's body in Ant-Man and the Wasp , and when Skrulls impersonate both Coulson and Carol in Captain Marvel .

Nick Fury may match Tony and Steve when it comes to his number of appearances (he also has 9), but many of these pop-ins are brief — Fury’s total is 438, with his largest amount coming from Captain Marvel , followed by Marvel’s The Avengers . Though he only has 7 appearances, it is the God of Thunder, Thor, who comes in third, with 856 lines. Thor began the MCU by letting his hammer do most of the talking, but Thor: Ragnarok changed the game and gave him his biggest per-film tally with 346. His chatty changes remained with him during Infinity War .

That number doesn’t beat any of Tony’s tallies in the Iron Man films, but it’s the only one that comes close. Ragnarok also helped Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo), as he racks up 118 lines in that movie alone, second only to the 124 lines he had in The Incredible Hulk , the only MCU film fully based on him. Edward Norton's Banner broods way more than he speaks … if not for that, Hulk may have ended up higher on the list. Still, he ends up with 472 lines (in 7 appearances).

There is a character who beats both Thor and Hulk when it comes to the appearance count, but falls short in terms of lines. Natasha Romanoff has 8 appearances, yet only has a line tally of 463. Winter Soldier helps (123), and once again, Infinity War hinders (15). She also has very (very) high counts when it comes to physical fighting, but again, next time. Romanoff is the only female character who comes anywhere close to having a number that high.

If you’re curious, rounding out the original Avengers roster is Clint Barton (Jeremy Renner), who has 148 lines in 4 films.

New Avengers lines spoken

Newer Avengers

Doctor Strange (a very talky guy) makes an effort with a 3-film line tally of 383, but Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) also only appears in three films and has a tally of 606. Also with three films? Peter Quill, who quipped his way to an even 500, and Peter Parker, who ended up with 624. Most of that is thanks to a Stark-level amount of talking in his solo movie. (Parker and Lang take the fourth and fifth highest totals, respectively, followed by Quill.)

Gamora has a decent showing with 281, but even in terms of just the Guardians, Rocket beats her easily with 351. Wanda Maximoff nabs 107 in four films, which oddly enough is exactly equal to Shuri, who got the same number with only 2 movies. (This is mostly thanks to Black Panther , where T'Challa himself racked up 164, to give him an MCU total of 219.)

Where does the latest addition to the MCU stand? Carol Danvers grabbed 249 lines in her origin film. This is nothing to sneeze at, as it beats each and every "solo" film outing by Steve Rogers. She doesn’t match the New-Thor talk of Ragnarok , however, nor does she come close to any Stark totals in the Iron Man films. Stark never gets out of his own movies without talking at least 400 times, usually more.

What does all of this really tell us? Something big. Something we already knew, but now confirmed beyond a shadow of any doubt by cold, hard data, revealed fully in the bright light of day. Get ready for a shock: Equality in the MCU is a sorry state of affairs, at least in terms of spoken lines.

I'll give you a moment to register your lack of surprise.

Yes, the arrival of Carol Danvers is a step forward, but that was movie #21 out of 21. Romanoff may appear a lot, but it’s never been her show. Even when a character shares the title, like the Wasp (in Ant-Man and the Wasp ), things aren’t remotely close to being balanced — Hope Van Dyne takes 187 lines in that film, and Scott Lang takes 276. Wasp has a grand total of 289 for 2 films, so she actually beats Gamora.

Characters like Gamora, Nebula, and Valkyrie help even things out a little, but they are often pushed to the sidelines. If they are given something to do, it’s mostly in the realm of kicking ass, which is … something, at least. If you’re looking for scenes that feature two women speaking to each other one on one, forget it — you've got Iron Man Three (barely), Nebula and Gamora in Guardians Vol. 2 , Black Panther (where T'Challa is usually the one who is being discussed), and Captain Marvel .

Other heroes Avengers lines

Non-white characters were given a boost by Black Panther , but before that you mostly have War Machine and Falcon, throwing in the occasional bit of banter in between blowing stuff up. War Machine has a line tally of 342 for 7 films ( Iron Man 2 being the most), and Falcon sits with 173 lines in 5 showings. Black women are helped by Shuri, Okoye (2 films, 73 lines), and Valkyrie (87 lines in 1 film), but it’s not much. For your fill of Asian characters, there are four minor ones spread across three out of 21 movies. Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is in much better shape on that front, but it's not a movie.

In terms of LGBTQ+ characters? Those characters would have to exist for them to be able to talk. Post- Ragnarok chat about Valkyrie is as close as we come there.

Why did we not count the love interests? For the sake of my sanity, for one reason. For another, the assignment was Avenger-level heroes. Thirdly, it wouldn't really help things. Counting Pepper Potts or Hela might have assisted a little, but when it comes to most women of the MCU, they are relegated to the role of "girlfriend" and almost never have an arc apart from their man. They would never have been contenders.

Pepper is always all about Tony, Jane is almost always all about Thor, Betty is always all about Bruce. Even one of my favorite MCU characters of all time, Peggy Carter, doesn't get much of her own Cap-free arc until we see her in her own too-good-for-this-world TV series . Both Agent Carter and the aforementioned Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. would help the stats tremendously, but again, the mission was film, not television. If I could be celebrating Melinda May and Daisy Johnson, believe me ... I would be.

There’s another big angle to all of this, though, one that I've already alluded to a couple of times. When it comes to these heroes, is their bite as good as their bark? Do they match their words with deeds? Do some characters talk way more with their fists and weapons than they do with their mouths? Do things even out a little bit when this is taken into account? This was the other major part of the project.

Action sequences are where most characters with low line tallies (especially Bucky Barnes) get a lot more to do.

Stay tuned for a breakdown of every punch, kick, toss, weapon attack, magic attack, shield hit, shield toss, hammer hit, hammer toss, arrow shot, Hulk smash, Thor smash, Black Widow takedown, and more. To give a quick preview, I'll just say this: I'll probably never be able to enjoy the airport scene in Civil War ever again. The things we do for love.

Avengers: Endgame is ready to do whatever it takes on April 25. Will Tony continue his winning streak, or will Cap finally triumph? Will Natasha finally get her due, or will Carol Danvers blast them all into speechless spunk? Will blowing away into a cloud of dust be enough to shut Peter Quill up? I can answer the last one, I think— no, it will not be enough. He'll quip from beyond the grave if he has to.

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MCU: 10 Best Iron Man Monologues


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Iconic Iron Man Artist Has Fallen on Hard Times

2024's most embarrassing flop continues a problematic 128-year-old movie trend, 10 weak films with great endings that justify the watch.

Iron Man is one of the most successful Marvel characters in the market and one of his strongest points is his intelligence. It is no wonder why a lot of young people look up to him. Even the kids would love to be like him when they grow up. In most of Iron Man’s scenes, he is either delivering success speeches or pondering to himself.

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Either way, Iron Man has brought a lot of wisdom through his inspirational monologues . Whether he is standing in front of a large crowd of students, or motivating his Avengers teammates, Iron Man’s speeches are undoubtedly remarkable.

10 The Jericho

speeches from marvel movies

In the first scene of Iron Man , Tony Stark was on his way to deliver and present his weapons for sale. He stood in front and asked the questions, “Is it better to be feared or respected?” to which he answered his own question, “Is it too much to ask for both?”

After which, he introduced The Jericho, a missile bomb so strong it can destroy an entire city with one blow. Because of this magnificent weapon, it attracted the terrorists to which Tony was abducted for, shortly after his demonstration.

9 Stark Expo

speeches from marvel movies

After his superhero landing, Tony welcomed the audience with an inspiring speech at the Stark Expo. He said that the expo was not about him or the people. It is about legacy and what we leave for the future generations. He mentioned how people all over the world are working hand in hand to create a brighter future.

His keynote speech centered on what his father, Howard Stark , has started. He showed them what he meant about legacy by presenting an old clip of his father demonstrating his plans for the city.

8 Company Shutdown

speeches from marvel movies

After Tony escaped captivity and went back home, he told Pepper Potts that he only wants two things: an American cheese burger and a press conference. In his speech, he narrated what he witnessed inside the prison. He also shared to the public what he realized during his time as a captive.

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He shocked the audience when he announced the shutting down of Stark Industries due to its unaccountability and negligence regarding the deaths of thousands of people from the hands of the terrorists who used his firearms.

7 Order In The Court

Robert Downey Jr. in court as Iron Man.

Tony was invited to show up in court after he was allegedly accused of using a weaponized machine – the Iron Man suit. He tells the judge that he will not turn over the suit because it is like turning himself over. Then, Justin Hammer showed clips of people from all over the world trying to replicate the suit.

Tony, being the genius that he is, hacked into the screen and showed a classified video of Justin Hammer trying to reproduce the suit as well. Tony then gave a flying kiss to the judge and assured everyone that America is safe.

6 Go Break Some Eggs

speeches from marvel movies

Tony presented his little therapeutic experiment called the Binarily Augmented Retro-Framing (BARF) to the students of Massachusetts Institute of Technology to show them how this could treat people with traumatic experiences. He said that no one in their right mind would have funded the project.

Towards the end of his speech, Tony reminded them of the MIT motto and what it stands for. So, being the philanthropist that he is, he funded all of the students’ projects and approved them for implementation. He only asked of them to reframe the future starting at that very moment.

5 No More Surprises

speeches from marvel movies

In Avengers: Endgame , Tony was sitting inside the spacecraft and recording a message for Pepper. He told her everything that had happened to him in the 22 days he spent floating in space. He also promised no more surprises.

He assured her he was fine but his condition was getting worse every day with oxygen running out. Finally, Tony told her that he dreams about her every night when he sleeps.

4 Birthday Party

Robert Downey Jr as Iron Man

Tony threw a massive birthday party knowing it was going to be his last due to his illness. He got wasted and did a lot of weird things like striking a watermelon up in the air and peeing in his suit & telling Pepper she could drink it because it went through the water filtration system.

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Pepper approached him to say the party is over. An irritated Tony bid goodnight but welcomed everyone for the after-party. He asked the DJ to play his music as Tony blasted the glass windows and told everyone to leave if they were not up for it.

3 Charlie Spencer

speeches from marvel movies

After Tony’s speech at MIT, a woman approached him at the backstage and poured at him all of her grief for his son, Charlie Spencer, who was one of the victims in Sokovia. This news left Tony re-evaluating himself, so when they all met up in the Avengers headquarters, he told them Charlie’s story.

He said a lot of good things about Charlie, how he was a bright student with big dreams, and how he chose to spend his summer building houses for the poor. This was impeded when he became a collateral damage during the fight in Sokovia.

2 I Love You 3000

speeches from marvel movies

At Tony’s funeral, the family watched a hologram video of him that he recorded before the battle. It was a hopeful message that he believes everything will be back to normal, and by the time they listen to it, it would be a celebration.

He has already accepted that he may have his untimely death to which he says, “Part of the journey is the end.” He ended the message by telling his daughter Morgan Stark, “I love you 3000,” and then they sent his Iron Man mini arc reactor into the water.

1 I Am Iron Man

speeches from marvel movies

Inarguably the most popular of all Tony’s speeches, the final scene at the end of Iron Man delivered shock and excitement to the audience. Tony was about to make a testimony regarding his involvement with the recently concluded encounter, and he was handed a card to read. Knowing Tony as an unpredictable person, he managed to drop his cards.

Tony, without hesitation, disregarded his notes and finally revealed to the press that he is indeed Iron Man. The whole forum instantly went chaotic and the credits scene started rolling in.

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I need to film myself doing a monologue for my drama class, so I figured to go with what I know. The longer, the better! Thanks in advance!

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The 18 Best Inspirational Marvel Movie Quotes, Ranked


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The Marvel Cinematic Universe has given fans much more than just thrilling fight sequences, awesome superheroes in costumes, and banging background scores. While all characters have been explored in-depth and from different perspectives, fans see a plethora of the best Marvel quotes that would look great in frames on walls for their powers of motivation and relatability .

From the ingenious Captain America, tech wizard Iron Man, and powerful Thor to the always angry Hulk, immensely clever Black Widow, and conniving Loki, all the characters irrespective of being a hero or an evil villain have thoughts on how life can be and words that can get you through some tough situations.

18 "If you're nothing without this suit, then you shouldn't have it."

Tony stark / iron man, 'spider-man: homecoming' (2017).

Robert Downey Jr. and Tom Holland in 'Spider-Man: Homecoming'

Anyone familiar with Marvel knows that Robert Downey Jr. 's counterpart in the cinematic universe was a determined and headstrong personality who took great pride in his character, especially considering everything he went through. This quote in particular, which is directed to Tom Holland 's Peter Parker during a disagreement in Spider-Man: Homecoming , highlights how great of a mentor he is.

On top of being a very memorable Tony/Peter moment all around, the Homecoming bit sheds light on the importance of proving worthy of something without relying on others (in this case in particular, on Tony and his highly advanced technology). It's a great and inspirational quote that ranks high among Tony Stark's best for several reasons, but mostly for the way it reflects about duty and responsibility.

Spider-Man: Homecoming

Not available

17 "I make grave mistakes all the time. Everything seems to work out."

Thor odinson, 'thor: ragnarok' (2017).

Thor Ragnarok 2017

The rugged Thor Odinson might have been portrayed as a dim-witted manchild in the first few Thor movies , but he turned out pretty smart when it came to providing viewers with life lessons. In Ragnarok , he owns up to making mistakes and blunders but also realizes how everything works out in the end .

No matter what choices fans make or the mistakes individuals make, Thor reminds everyone that as long as they're living and breathing to fight another day, know that it will somehow work out in the end. This is seen in his especially chaotic and storied narrative within the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which has taken the beloved hero to some of the highest highs and lowest lows.

Thor: Ragnarok

16 "we never lose our demons, mordo. we only learn to live above them.", the ancient one, 'doctor strange' (2016).

tilda swinton the ancient one doctor strange marvel whitewashing

The Ancient One from Doctor Strange was a very wise and extremely intelligent character. She was resourceful and perceptive to situations. With the ability to see the bigger picture, she always advised and made suggestions that could help Strange or others in the Sanctum Sanctorum.

One of the most profound Marvel movie quotes comes from the Ancient One , and applies to everyone struggling with their identity or personal problems. It encourages viewers to find a way to accommodate them rather than battling to get rid of them. In the end, they are part of what helps shape and mold individuals after all. Despite the way her story arc ended, her words can still resonate with viewers and other characters within the MCU thanks to the wisdom and experience behind them.

Doctor Strange

15 "you seek love. it's all any of us want.", thor odinson, 'thor: love and thunder' (2022).


Thor was seen as lonely and alone in the latest movie of the franchise, Thor: Love and Thunder . With his family and friends away, he turned to philosophy to get him by. He meditates and finds inner peace in order to understand himself and what he wants. In the end, Thor comes to the realization that everyone seeks love in this universe and cannot get by alone in their lifetime. It truly hit hard for anyone who knows that finding love can sometimes be more difficult than finding all six infinity stones.

The now-famous Marvel quote is also said during a climactic moment where Thor is about to lose a huge part of his life and gain a new, potentially bigger aspect of it. Those who have seen the movie likely still remember the high stakes that came with this inspirational MCU quote.

Thor: Love and Thunder

14 "good is not a thing you are. it's a thing you do.", abdullah, 'ms. marvel' (2022).

Ms. Marvel with glowing eyes looking surprised in Ms. Marvel while activating her powers.

While Ms. Marvel series wasn't as streamed as other Disney+ Marvel shows featuring more popular characters, it certainly offered those who decided to give it a play with memorable moments and an engaging storyline. One of the most unforgettable bits is when Laith Nakli 's Abdullah, the imam of the Islamic Masjid of Jersey City, tells a conflicted Kamala that "good is not a thing you are" but instead a "thing you do."

While not exactly a groundbreaking line, Abdullah's words of wisdom are thought-provoking and beautifully said. Indeed, good comes from within and is translated into the actions of those who are well-intentioned and good-natured, which is the case of Iman Vellani 's Kamala Khan . This inspiring moment serves as a reminder that one is only as good as one's actions and the choices they make .

Watch on Disney+

13 "You are the product of all who came before you, the legacy of your family."

Ying nan, 'shang-chi and the legend of the ten rings' (2021).

Michelle Yeoh as Ying Nan in Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings

When Shang-Chi is struggling to accept his past and who his father turned out to be, a meeting with his aunt Ying Nan is precisely what he needs. She tells the troubled protagonist that "the good and the bad" are "all a part of who" he is, since he's the "product of all who came before" him, even the parts he doesn't want to acknowledge.

Instead of running away from his fate, the quote from Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings is a reminder that while people may have no control over where they come from, they can choose what to do with their future . The moving line is more than enough to remind Shang-Chi to fight alongside his newfound family, no matter the cost.

Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings

12 "i don't judge people on their worst mistakes.", natasha romanoff / black widow, 'avengers: endgame' (2019).

Scarlett Johansson and Jeremy Renner leaning their foreheads against each other in Avengers: Endgame

Scarlett Johansson 's Natasha Romanoff and Jeremy Renner 's Clint Barton shared one of the MCU's strongest bonds given everything they underwent together. So much so that, when she sacrificed herself for everyone, she took her life especially so that Barton would not do it himself. In an emotional between the two in Avengers: Endgame , Natasha revealed that she does not judge others for their worst mistakes.

This line makes a lot of sense coming from the character, taking into consideration that Natasha has often been forced to do things she didn't really want to. This inspiring Marvel quote analyzes how people's mistakes do not sum up their worth or indicate whether they're deserving of other people's sympathy , especially when said people are working on their own character development.

Avengers: Endgame

11 “what is grief, if not love persevering”, vision, 'wandavision' (2021).

Elizabeth Olsen as Wanda and Paul Bettany as Vision in WandaVision almost kissing and smiling at each other.

WandaVision has proven to be one of the MCU's most heartbreaking projects so far, given how it sheds light on Wanda's ( Elizabeth Olsen ) grieving journey following Endgame , which had occurred merely three weeks before the show's events. Given that loss has always been a predominant theme in the series, one of the most impactful and memorable quotes, which is said by Vision ( Paul Bettany ) and directed to Wanda's suffering, had many viewers shedding a tear.

"What is grief, if not love persevering" is a moving and inspiring line because it incites audiences to look at a very painful situation in a positive light ; it rightfully argues that grief only exists because there was love before it. While this is an obvious train of thought, it is a well-delivered line by Bettany, and ultimately resulted in one of the series' most memorable bits.


10 "the hardest choices require the strongest wills.", thanos, 'avengers: infinity war' (2018).

Thanos looking intently with mountains in the background in 'Avengers: Infinity War'

Thanos did not just have the power to eliminate the entire population but also had the literary gift to proclaim quotes that were worthy of being framed. Despite having an army of followers, Thanos was very much capable of exerting his will over the planet with just a snap of the fingers.

His choices were difficult, but in his opinion, that was the best for everyone.

Among the most famous Marvel quotes, this line from one of the MCU's best villains can help fans make hard choices that they know will be in the best interest of you or your loved ones. Of course, don't follow Thanos' lead, as he was using this twisted logic to justify eliminating half of the entire universe.

Avengers: Infinity War

9 "it's not about how much we lost. it's about how much we have left.", tony stark / iron man, 'avengers: endgame' (2019).

ironman snaps fingers in endgame

The end of Phase 3 brought all the heroes together to fight off one imminent threat. The Avengers banded together to defeat Thanos one last time and get back the blipped population. Tony Stark was the unnamed leader of the gang and always mobilized them to do their best, not knowing that this would be the last battle he would experience alongside his friends.

With this rousing line that remains among the best Marvel quotes about life, he asks his fellow Marvel heroes to focus on what they have rather than dwelling over what they lost to make the best of the opportunity they have and make things right. This is even more meaningful considering it's followed by one of the saddest deaths in the MCU to date, as Stark sacrifices himself to end the fight with one last snap.

8 "Trust yourself, trust your power – that’s how you stop it."

Doctor stephen strange, 'doctor strange in the multiverse of madness' (2022).

Doctor Strange looking intently at something off camera in Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness.

While helping America Chavez in Multiverse of Madness , fans saw a protector in Doctor Strange, someone who was able to guide and help her through a difficult journey. He did not just help with his superpowers, but also used his kind words (in some of Marvel's famous dialogues) to make Chavez realize her potential.

In a heartwarming twist, instead of taking her powers like the young hero anticipated, Strange reminds Chavez that trusting herself and her abilities is always the first step toward victory . Doctor Strange knew that she had the power to control her abilities within her all along, and all it takes sometimes is a reminder from someone who can see that true potential.

Doctor Strange 2 in the Multiverse of Madness

7 "i have nothing to prove to you.", carol danvers / captain marvel, 'captain marvel' (2019).

Brie Larson as Captain Marvel standing in the desert.

Brie Larson 's Carol Danvers has proven to be a badass character since she first stepped foot on the screen in Captain Marvel . After everything she endured, Danvers did not back down until she finally unearthed more about the person she had once been, showcasing a determined, fierce, and headstrong personality throughout. And what better line to describe her than "I have nothing to prove to you," a quote she directs to the movie's main antagonist?

Self-discovery and boundary-breaking are two predominant themes in Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck 's movie, so it is not surprising that it is one of Marvel's most inspiring especially for its target audience: women. Naturally, this one specific Carol Danvers line pinpoints the importance of self-assuredness in a patriarchal society that often does not take the female gender seriously.

Captain Marvel

6 "how is never as important as why.", namor / k'uk'ulkan, 'black panther: wakanda forever' (2022).

Namor in 'Black Panther: Wakanda Forever'

Namor is the most important MCU character introduced in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever , and the villain opens up new worlds and possibilities to grieving heroes like Shuri. The first time she sees the kingdom he has built beneath the ocean, Shuri is understandably shocked by the stunning beauty of his empire – she asks how it's possible.

The antagonist's response – "how is never as important as why" – is a surprisingly profound and relatable MCU quote that highlights the importance of remembering why someone does something . Whether it's to better oneself or to help others, remembering why is the priority, and the "how" of it will follow with time and persistence. Although he's a flawed character, there's truth in his words.

Black Panther Wakanda Forever

5 "at some point, we all have to choose, between what the world wants you to be, and who you are.", natasha romanoff / black widow, 'black widow' (2021).

Black Widow stands in the sunlight against a backdrop of a smouldering, smoking wreck.

Natasha Romanoff had the mom energy in the Avengers squad. Not because she was the only woman in the gang (with one of the best MCU narratives ), but because she silently took care of everyone and helped them clean up their mess. This line about choosing what the world wants her to be and who she really is shows exactly that side of hers.

It's normal to struggle while finding one's true self and realizing one's true potential. It all comes down to a choice people often unconsciously make while deciding how they want to be perceived. Black Widow's thought-provoking words highlight how crucial it is to pave hard paths , even if it means deviating from the norm.

Black Widow

4 "just because something works, doesn’t mean it can't be improved.", shuri, 'black panther' (2018).

T'Challa and Shuri in Black Panther

Following Black Panther: Wakanda Forever 's premiere, fans have been brushing up on the timelines and their MCU knowledge. They showcased the strength of its tech and VFX improvement in the Black Panther franchise. With flying cars, heavy tech suits, and advanced labs, the movie showed immense potential and also had an interesting storyline.

Shuri, being the savvy inventor, says this quotable MCU line with a deeper meaning to her brother which shows the scope of improvement never shortens. Something might work perfectly, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be better. If Shuri's around, there's always a scientific perspective that never stops questioning how something could reach its full potential .

Black Panther

3 "the measure of a person, of a hero... is how well they succeed at being who they are.", frigga, 'avengers: endgame' (2019).

Rene Russo as Frigga

Thor is a shell of his former self in Avengers: Endgame , where the devastating effects of Thanos' snap weigh heavily on his shoulders, and the God of Thunder, once mighty and bold, would rather hide and play video games than do anything else. A few time-traveling moments later and he finds himself in front of his mother, who tells him exactly what he needs to hear.

In one of the many tear-jerking moments in the movie, the wise Frigga reminds her son that "everyone fails at who they are supposed to be" and that the true measure of a person "is how well they succeed at being who they are." It's one of those inspirational Marvel quotes that can stay with viewers for a long time , as it's applicable to real life and how individuals struggle to accept who they are.

2 "I can’t control their fear, only my own."

Wanda maximoff, 'captain america: civil war' (2016).


Wanda Maximoff is undoubtedly one of the most misunderstood and misjudged MCU characters who has some valid points . She started off as a villain, turned into a hero, and became evil once again before one last shot at redemption. Her inner struggle to find herself is evident throughout her journey in the Marvel Universe.

In an unlikely standout among Marvel's inspirational quotes, she very rightly says how she is only capable of keeping her fear in check, she cannot do anything about how others see her or fear her. Wanda has to be true to what she believes in and what she thinks is right. Thinking about what others think or perceive her as is pointless, not just for her but for everyone out there.

1 "This story has been yours all along. You just didn't know it."

Lylla, 'guardians of the galaxy vol. 3' (2023).

Rocket Raccoon (Bradley Cooper) stares into the light in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (2023)

Without spoiling most of the events in the latest (and possibly final) Guardians movie, audiences should know that there's an incredibly heart-wrenching moment towards the end of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 . When Rocket reunites with his Batch 89 friend Lylla (and gets a glimpse of Teefs and Floor in the distance), she embraces him and reminds him that his journey isn't what he thinks it is.

That the "story has been" his all along is a remarkably profound line that doesn't apply to just Rocket's arc . It's an important reminder that individuals can lose track of the importance of their role in their own stories, and how crucial it is to realize that not much else matters but what one does with that one great narrative that is their life.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3

NEXT: All MCU Movies from Worst to Best


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The greatest moments in the MCU

The flexes, the one-liners, the fights, and the tiny choices that made Marvel

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by Polygon Staff

speeches from marvel movies

The Marvel Cinematic Universe separated itself from the previous decade of superhero movies by focusing on the details. Under the supervision of Marvel Studios, bringing Iron Man, Captain America, and Thor for the big screen wasn’t just an excuse to plug famous actors into a spectacle-filled action premise — channeling the specificity and quirk of 50-plus years of comic history was key. Iron Man might skew closer to X-Men and Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man in terms of blockbuster convention, but the signs that Marvel was doing something different are there.

With the one-two punch of Avengers: Endgame and Spider-Man: Far From Home wrapping up the “Infinity Saga,” and with a definitive Marvel movie ranking cemented in the annals of history, the Polygon staff took a moment to look at its favorite MCU moments — the scenes, the quotes, and the flourishes that made the mega-franchise shine of the last 11 years.

[ Ed. note: this post contains spoilers for all of the MCU through Spider-Man: Far From Home ]

Testing the Mark II armor

Seen in: Iron Man

While the entirety of Tony’s escape from the Ten Rings compound is a origin-story triumph, we’re fond of how the original Iron Man finds a way to backtrack and still give our hero a testing-his-powers montage — and using an en vogue “found-footage” style that actually works! —Matt Patches

“I am Iron Man”

Reportedly an improvisation from Robert Downey Jr. , the line — which still gives us chills! — set the tone for both Iron Man 2 and every Marvel movie after it.

Black Widow’s hallway fight

Seen in: Iron Man 2

Iron Man 2 had the task of both introducing Scarlett Johansson’s Black Widow and proving she could hold her own a few movies from now in Avengers when she had to fight alongside her super powered comrades. While most of the movie just relegates her to being the subject of bad jokes, this one sequence of incredible martial arts and acrobatics showed us that Natasha could wallop bad guys even without a billion-dollar weapons suit. —Austen Goslin

The reveal of Thor’s hammer in the crater

Iron Man ’s Nick Fury post-credits scene gets all the love. This is the one that promises a true expansion. The dolly-down reveal of the hammer is evidence that for all the plot stuffed into the end credit moments, the ones that work are all about craft in the end. —MP

Peggy firing several rounds into an unsuspecting Steve Rogers’ new shield

Seen in: Captain America: The First Avenger

That look on Chris Evans face... —MP

Red Skull, revealed

Even after the MCU whisked us away to Asgard, the cosmic terrors of the Infinity Stones and the larger universe were never that palpable. The haunting, hellish visage of Red Skull changed that, and his pulpy reveal made the possibilities all the more terrifying. —MP

“I had a date”

Poor, Steve. Not only did he wake up in present day and find himself immediately confronted by cosmic threat, but he’ll also never find love! Hopefully he gets what he deserves in a sequel... —MP

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Thor’s Hammer

If you didn’t catch this Marvel One-Shot on the Blu-ray release of Captain America: The First Avenger , you missed out on the best Agent Coulson bit in the entire MCU. The usually mellow member of SHIELD gets to flex his combat skills in this short film, adding an expected layer of complexity to an otherwise straightforward character. It’s one of the most charming pieces filmed in the MCU, and a great example of why Agent Coulson is one of the franchise’s best characters. — Jeff Ramos

Natasha interrogating Loki

Seen in: The Avengers

Natasha is a spy, which means compared to some of her flashier, superpowered colleagues, her line of work is sneakier and more subdued. Sure, she kicks ass, but her full skill set involves a more subtle — and much scarier — touch. We got an earlier glimpse of Nat’s spy skills in action during the opening scenes of The Avengers , but her masterful play of Loki establishes her credit as a cunning manipulator. I want more spy! — Petrana Radulovic

Captain America: “Hulk ... smash.”

And Hulk did. —MP

The Shawarma Lunch Initiative

A snippet of the domestic, just-hanging-out, everyday Avengers life we crave. Give us more Shawarma Lunch AU, Marvel. —PR

The Mandarin reveal

Seen in: Iron Man 3

Beloved by those who relish in Iron Man 3 ’s anti-mythology, cursed by anyone waiting for Marvel to behold the classic villain, the truth about Ben Kingsley’s thespian goon is iconic whichever way you look at it.

The bridge scene from Winter Soldier (but set to Britney Spears’ “Toxic”)

Seen in: Captain America: The Winter Soldier

While not being a part of the MCU proper, the idea of adding one of Britney Spears’ classics to MCU fight scenes was one of the best memes to pop up around the franchise of films. We’ve covered how the song amplified many of Marvel’s best action beats , but when the track is laid out over one of The Winter Soldier ’s most important action scenes, it adds a layer of menace and tension to the moment . — JR

The elevator scene

Up until this point in the MCU, Steve Rogers is a squeaky-clean soldier who has always followed the rules. That changes when the First Avenger defies the orders of his superiors for the first time in his life. The consequences of that decision slowly dawn on Rogers as he enters and elevator that for some reason is being filled with several of SHIELD’s toughest guys. Concern grows into acceptance as Captain America realizes he’ll have to fight his way out of this elevator filled with his now-former comrades. — JR

Nat and Steve’s car ride

A little quiet and funny moment between two normally stalwart characters punctuates the action of The Winter Soldier . Natasha always had a sense of humor beneath whichever mask she puts on for the occasion and seeing it come out in this little moment — and Steve getting a little rustled, then teasing her right back — makes for a poignant exchange about life, friendship, and experience — PR

“I’m with you until the end of the line”

A line echoing through time, Steve’s promise melts the cold, programed hear of The Winter Soldier until the memories of Bucky burst through. It’s awesome. —MP

Peter Quill dances to save the day

Seen in: Guardians of the Galaxy

While the power of friendship ultimately helps Peter defeat Ronan and contain the Power Stone, his dancing goes a long way at making this a brilliant MCU moment. —MP

The Mjolnir lifting contest

Seen in: Avengers: Age of Ultron

Like a super-sized version of the Shawarma credits scene, this party was the first time the MCU seemed content to let its cast full of charisma do the literal heavy lifting. As an added bonus, it gave fans permission to engage in their most base, comic book desires and wonder aloud who the strongest Avenger really is. — AG

“I know my value”

Seen in: Agent Carter

Move over, Agents of SHIELD : Peggy’s TV spinoff is the truly great MCU small screen venture, and this moment takes the cake. —MP

Ant-Man and Yellowjacket’s final fight scene

Seen in: Ant-Man

The highlights of the MCU films often shine brightest during their massive action scenes. From the Battle of New York in The Avengers to the climactic shootout on Xandar in Guardians of the Galaxy , Marvel tends to close out its films with city-scale brawls that express the power of their heroes and villains. However, Ant-Man takes that concept and imbues it with a sense of humor that pervades the entire film. What if there were a massive action scene to cap off the film, but instead of the encounter taking place in a city, it took place on a toy train set to perfectly utilize Ant-Man’s shrinking powers and the kind of visual gags only possible in his film? — JR

Sam Wilson getting sassy with T’Challa in a cop car “So ... you like cats?”

Seen in: Captain America: Civil War

Civil War introduced us to T’Challa, and moments like this immediately made him part of the Avengers family. —MP

The Doctor Strange psychedelic trip sequence

Seen in: Doctor Strange

After the dark and dour Civil War , Doctor Strange ’s hands-filled trip into Stephen’s mind felt like it opened up a whole new, and much weirder, visual style for the MCU that would blossom in Phase 3 — AG

The eye-popping space gate jump in Guardians 2

Seen in: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

Speaking of wild visuals, James Gunn and the Guardians franchise kicked down the doors to the weirdest sectors of the MCU, and this scene, a burst of Tex Avery psychedelia, might be his wildest.

Captain America’s High School PSAs

Seen in: Spider-Man: Homecoming

Squeaky-clean Captain America is nothing particularly new, but the series of awkward, outdated school-use videos featuring moral authority Cap is a particularly hilarious leveraging of his public image. More ironic is the fact that Homecoming takes place after Captain America: Civil War , where Cap actually becomes an international fugitive. In one of the funnier one-off lines in Spider-Man: Homecoming (a high bar), Peter’s gym teacher says, “Pretty sure this guy’s a war criminal now, but whatever. I have to show these videos, it’s required by the state. Let’s do it.” — Palmer Haasch

Surprise: Vulture is Liz’s dad

The reveal that Peter Parker’s prom date is the daughter of the black market arms dealer he’s been fighting all year was a shocking and masterfully executed twist. But the ensuing car ride to school, shot in claustrophobic close-ups, is hands-down the tensest scene of 2017, a year that also saw the release of Get Out , Mother! , and It . — Emily Heller

“Team Thor”

Seen in: Thor: Ragnarok

It had been a minute since Marvel One-Shots, the featurettes that once filled in some gaps of the MCU. This isn’t it, insomuch as it isn’t some canonical side mission. But this peek into the life of Thor and Darryl was just as important on an emotional level, setting up Thor as a character that could fit perfectly in director Taika Waititi’s sense of humor, and showing Chris Hemsworth had great comedic timing. Thor Ragnarok , even in retrospect, remains a surprisingly strong reboot of Thor as a character. “Team Thor” was our first clue — and even now, it’s still great to watch. — Ross Miller

Hela breaking Thor’s hammer

This scene is like a visual acknowledgement that Thor 2 sucked, and that Cate Blanchett and Taika Waititi were here to save the series. Also Hela rules. — AG

Piss off, ghost!

Do we need to explain this? Brace for a lot of Thor: Ragnarok love, a movie just full of moments.—MP

“He knows I love snakes … and then MBLERG he stabbed me!”

Chris Hemsworth leading man status and overall handsomeness can sometimes belie that fact that dude’s got serious comedy chops. With a director like Taika Waititi, he’s able to flex his weird sense of humor in some truly silly moments, like this scene where the God of Thunder airs some boyhood grievances. Tom Hiddleston’s satisfied smirk at the memory is a perfect button. —EH

Thor getting his powers back to the sound of Led Zeppelin

Ragnaork uses Led Zepplin’s “Immigrant Song” twice for the same kind of moment. It’s a risky move that totally pays off the second time, when Thor is “worthy” once again and Ragnarok ’s visuals go full metal.

Killmonger at the museum

Seen in: Black Panther

Marvel films are filled with villains monologuing as a means to not only express their intentions, but to highlight how they think their goals are deserved. Loki, Ultron, and even Marvel’s biggest-bad, Thanos, all expound their ideas at length to prove their menace is justified. However, one of the most compelling and convincing arguments comes from Black Panther ’s Killmonger. In the above scene, the villain eyes several artifacts stolen from his homeland only to have them explained to him by a museum curator as if he were an outsider. It’s clear that his need to take back what belongs to him is supported by layers of complexity that no other MCU villain has. — JR

“Guns. So primitive.”

This is right up there with the elevator fight scene from Captain America: The Winter Soldier when it comes to the MCU’s best action sequences. Black Panther ’s Busan casino shootout is filmed in a way that keeps you right in the middle of the battle, and clearly lays out the participants and their competing interests. And its martial arts choreography grounds the action before the ensuing car chase, when T’Challa dons his sleek new Black Panther suit for the first time. That sequence is a thrilling demonstration of the suit’s powers, Shuri’s ingenuity, and Nakia and Okoye’s fearlessness — encapsulated by the indelible image of Okoye crouched atop their vibranium-armored Lexus, red dress billowing in the breeze, her face breaking into a warrior’s grin after destroying a car with a single spear. —Samit Sarkar

“Is this your king?”

Again, have you ever rooted harder for an MCU villain than you secretly did for Michael B. Jordan’s Killmonger in this moment? — AG

“For Wakanda? Without question.”

Not only does this moment have a rhino in battle armor (and, honestly, as a collective culture we should have more movies featuring rhinos in battle armor), it turns Okoye from a badass to an extremely awesome badass. Who said Lawful Good Characters can’t be interesting and fun? Also, not only is the rhino in battle armor, it’s also an adorable friend. — PR

“Uh, he’s from space, he came here to steal a necklace from a wizard”

Seen in: Avengers: Infinity War

The best moments of Infinity War came from watching characters who never shared screentime before interact for the first time. That also meant many of the disparate elements of the MCU — from Dr. Strange’s multidimensional magic to, well, a wisecracking alien raccoon — had to find a way to coexist a cohesive way. There’s a meta-awareness to bits like this, in that it shows just how expanded the MCU has become, but it’s also a punch line that took 20 films of setup for the payoff. — RM


The age old question, finally asked on screen. — MP

The Red Skull reveal on Vormir

As if Johann Schmidt’s turn in The First Avenger weren’t enough, Marvel made a point to re-reveal the villain by answering the question of his mysterious fate. Like a Dickensian ghost, he floats back into the universe at a pivotal moment.

“I’m sure you did your best”

Shuri is the smartest character in the MCU , bar none. Bringing her into contact with Bruce Banner, one of the other smartest characters in the MCU, and allowing her to absolutely eviscerate him in the middle of a crisis was nothing short of perfection. Don’t get me wrong, I like Bruce — but there’s something so refreshing about watching a teenage girl tear down one of the Big Science Guys of the universe in mere seconds. Even aside from that, the moment’s break Infinity War ’s gloomy tone and Letitia Wright’s perfectly patronizing delivery make this a smash hit. — PH

Luis literally explaining anything

Seen in: Ant-Man and the Wasp

The MCU’s funniest chapter asked the MCU’s funniest actor to do one of the MCU’s funniest bits for a second time. What could have felt like a tired rehash was a transcendent sequel moment.

When Jude Law is all like, PROVE YOURSELF and then Captain Marvel is like, bitch

Seen in: Captain Marvel

That’s it, that’s the description. — PR

Korg asks Thor to yell at a kid through Fortnite voice chat

Seen in: Avengers: Endgame

Endgame is a wall-to-wall payoff, and therefore wall-to-wall moments . Almost every scene could make this list, as MCU veterans Joe and Anthony Russo pay resects to the totality of the mega-franchise while indulging in the aforementioned quirks of each character. We’d be remiss if we didn’t include this “what if?” gamer-adjacent goof, which takes knowing Thor on a molecular level to really appreciate.

captain america fighting captain america in avengers endgame, clashing shields in a heroic pose

Cap fighting Cap: “I could do this all day.” “Yeah, I know.”

By the time we’ve reached Avengers: Endgame , Steve Rogers has lived through too much war, become an international criminal, and also grown a beard. Putting grizzled, too-old-for-this Cap in the ring with his fresh-out-of-the-ice younger self highlights just how tired Steve is — and how earnestly irritating he used to be. — PH

“So many stairs”

Endgame ’s remix of the Battle of New York takes us beyond the scope of the original, and the immediate aftermath involved a lot of men in suits — and a lot of stairs! Even in the midst of cross-dimensional heist, Tony comes through with the ultimate quip. — MP

thor is still worthy in avengers: endgame

“I’m still worthy”

Thor’s arc comes (literally) full circle in the most emotionally resonant moment of Avengers: Endgame . Five years after the Snap, Thor’s lost his family, his friends, and his homeland. And still it’s this Thor, a Thor in need of some serious self-care, that’s able to call Mjolnir. Chris Hemsworth’s delivery of the line, “I’m still worthy” is so full of relief, joy, and yearning that it makes me wish the Academy gave out Oscars for individual line readings. —EH

When the guns on Thanos’ ship turn to the clouds “What are they firing at?” and it’s motherfucking Carol Danvers

Since her MCU debut came out a few short months before Endgame , Carol got the short end of the Avengers stick in this culminating battle. In return, she gets the most epic blow in the entire movie. — MP

avengers endgame morgan stark

“Hamburgers” cry line

Tony’s death is a gut-wrenching crescendo to the final battle with Thanos. The magnitude of that self-sacrifice doesn’t really hit you until a few scenes later, when Tony’s daughter Morgan sits with Happy Hogan, thinking about the immediate future. He suggests they go get hamburgers. The subtext is he’ll always be there to get hamburgers whenever she needs him. No, you’re crying. — MP

When Steve and Peggy get their dance


The basketball team, un-blipped

Seen in: Spiderman: Far From Home

There’s some recency bias in including anything from Far From Home , but like Endgame , the movie offers a ton of payoff while standing on its own. Take the un-blipping of the Midtown School of Science and Technology marching band during a basketball game in the year 2024, hands down the greatest sight gag in Marvel history. — MP

Tom Holland and Jake Gyllenhaal shake hands as Spider-Man and Mysterio in Spider-Man: Far From Home

Mysterio’s revealing speech

Uh, spoilers! Weaponizing Jake Gyllenhaal’s charm is cruel and perfect, and the sneer he has when he says, “see, that wasn’t so hard” is the single best facial expression in the MCU. — AG

That post-credit scene

We get MJ and Peter swinging through the Manhattan skyline. We get J. Jonah Jameson. We get a giant threequel tease in Spidey’s identity disclosure. We get so much! And it’s the perfect kickoff to Phase 4 — which we can only hope will offer up a few moments worthy of the Marvel legacy. — MP

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Captain america's best (and worst) speeches in marvel history.


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Steve Rogers as CAPTAIN UNIVERSE Shows the Best Way for Chris Evans to Return for MCU's Secret Wars

I’m now convinced chris evans is returning to the mcu as captain america, 10 captain america movie quotes that aged poorly.

When it comes to inspiring others, few superheroes can make better speeches than Captain America . Whether he’s rallying an army or giving a pep talk to one friend in need, Captain America's best punches  can rarely match the impact of his words. Given that the Super Soldier Serum enhanced all of Steve Rogers’ natural abilities, it’s possible it made this patriotic kid from Brooklyn a super statesman as well as a super soldier.

Still, even great speechmakers have their off days, and Cap is no exception. Here, we’ll take a look at some of the most inspiring, admirable, and stand-up-and-cheer speeches Captain America has delivered over the years... and some even his most devoted fans wish they could forget.

Related: MCU: 5 Times Steve Rogers Was a Total Hero (& 5 He Was More Like a Villain)

10. Best: “The Price of Freedom Is High”

speeches from marvel movies

In Captain America: The Winter Soldier , Steve Rogers discovers that enemy HYDRA agents have taken over the world security organization SHIELD and are preparing to kill thousands of people with SHIELD’s own Helicarriers. Unable to get to the Helicarriers in time, Cap reaches out to those who can, broadcasting a speech that urges SHIELD agents to stand up against their corrupt orders.

“I know I’m asking a lot,” Rogers admits. “The price of freedom is high. It always has been. It’s a price I’m willing to pay. And if I’m the only one, then so be it. But I’m willing to bet I’m not.” With these words, Cap reaffirms his commitment to liberty as well as his faith in the goodness of others. And it’s a faith that’s rewarded – upon hearing his words, a scared SHIELD tech refuses to launch the Hellicarriers even when a HYDRA agent puts a gun to his head. Now, that’s bravery!

9. Worst: “You Think This Letter on My Head Stands for France?”

speeches from marvel movies

Early Captain America comics published during World War II are littered with insults that degrade other countries. Thankfully, modern Cap has risen above such slurs. However, when Mark Millar reimagined Cap for Marvel’s Ultimate Universe , he created a boorish soldier who regularly airs his prejudices. At the climax of the Ultimates’ battle with an army of Chitauri aliens, the leader advises Cap to surrender. Furious, Ultimate Cap screams, “Surrender? You think this letter on my head stands for France?”

It’s a terrible statement that ignores everything the French Resistance did for the Allies during the war. Even Rogers admits his statement was, “Just one of those stupid things that come into your head sometimes when you’re pounding somebody” showing what a jerk this Cap is. And while his outburst isn’t a full-blown speech, the words are still influential. Both Ultimate Nick Fury and Hawkeye later tell Steve his France line was the funniest thing they’d heard (yes, they’re terrible people too).

RELATED:  The Future Captain America is [SPOILER] After Steve Rogers

8. Best: Endgame's “Whatever It Takes”

speeches from marvel movies

Avengers: Endgame is full of memorable moments – but one of the most quoted moments comes before the Avengers’ time heist when Captain America gives a speech to his teammates. Emphasizing the gravity of the mission, Cap reminds the group they’re doing this to bring back their loved ones.

“This is the fight of our lives,” Cap promises. “And we’re going to win. Whatever it takes.” Even Rocket Raccoon, who has a snide comment for everything, can only say, “He’s pretty good at this!”

7. Worst: “Sure the Baston-Karions Are Rude Jerks…”

Captain America Bad Speech Avengers Comic

When Cap makes a speech, the Avengers listen. Unfortunately, this includes all the times when he delivers a lousy one. In the all-ages Marvel Adventures Avengers #26, the arrogant Baston-Karion aliens come to Earth to insult Earthlings for being useless – and then ask the Avengers to save their world from being eaten by the planet destroyer Galactus . While the Avengers aren’t exactly thrilled to help these alien creeps, Cap delivers a rallying speech, saying:

“Sure the Baston-Karions are rude jerks… [but] I know I won’t be able to sleep knowing I didn’t do my best to keep their world from being converted to caloric energy for an ancient being.” To Cap’s credit, Janet Van Dyne (aka Giant Girl) immediately runs to the Quinjet screaming, “ Yeeeaahhh!!! ” However, Storm admits, “That really wasn’t one of his better ones.”

RELATED:  Captain America's Batroc Fight Just Got a LOT More Interesting

6. Best: “Bring Freedom Back to America!”

Captain America What If Comic Cover

Critics often view Captain America as an American propaganda figure. However, in What If…? #44, Cap shows his love for America has nothing to do with the country itself. In this alternate universe, Steve Rogers gets thawed out in 1984 and discovers a fake Captain America has been supporting an “America First” party that promotes xenophobia and censorship. Rogers defeats the faux Cap and then addresses the Americans who have been brainwashed by the fascist regime. He tells them:

Without its ideals – its commitment to the freedom of all men, America is a piece of trash! I fought Adolf Hitler not because America was great, but because it was fragile! I knew that liberty could be as easily be snuffed out here as in Nazi Germany! As a people, we were no different from them!

It’s a shocking admonishment that shows Captain America is loyal only to the ideal of America, not to its government. While the story ends with the future of his America in an ambiguous state, Cap’s encouragement to the people to bring freedom back to America, clearly has an impact.

5. Worst: Brainwashed “A White America is a Strong America!”

speeches from marvel movies

Despite his strong will, Captain America can be manipulated, at one point, falling victim to the evil Dr. Faustus who brainwashes Cap into becoming a white supremacist. Cap paints a swastika on his shield and makes a racist speech on camera, claiming “a white America is a strong America!” Fortunately, Daredevil manages to shake Cap to his senses, but not before Cap spouts some truly disgusting rhetoric. And it wouldn't be the last time Cap's relationship to fascism was used to disturb readers, more recently when Captain America became a Nazi ally in  Secret Empire .

4. Best: “Plant Yourself Like a Tree”

Chris Evans as Captain America and Emily Van Camp as Sharon Carter

During Marvel Comics’ Superhero Civil War , Spider-Man asks Cap how he can stand when the country is against him. In response, Cap tells Peter, “When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world – no, you move.”

If these lines sound familiar, it’s because they were later adapted into Peggy Carter’s speech in Captain America: Civil War , which convince MCU Cap to stand against the Sokovia Accords. Powerful words.

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3. Worst: “So… You Got Detention.”

Capotain America smiling during a PSA in Spider-Man Homecoming

Unfortunately, MCU Captain America wasn’t as inspirational to Peter Parker as his comic book counterpart. In Spider-Man: Homecoming , Cap films a series of PSA videos for Peter’s school, including one for students in detention, telling them, “Maybe you were trying to be cool. Well, take it from a guy who’s been frozen for 65 years – the only way to really be cool is to follow the rules.”  Peter immediately leaves. (Clearly, he should have listened to Cap’s other PSA on patience…)

2. Best: Captain America #250 – Turning Down the Presidency

Captain America for President Comic

With all the great speeches Captain America has delivered, it was only a matter of time he was asked to run for president. Cap turns down the offer – but he does it in a classy way. Telling his supporters that the presidency is one of the most important jobs in America , he adds an effective president must be able to compromise – something he can’t do in his own crusade for the American Dream. He reaffirms his faith in the people, however, telling them, “You need to look within yourselves to find the people you need to keep this nation strong and, God willing, to help make the dream come true!”

1. Worst: Captain America Joins The War on Drugs

Captain America launches into battle in Marvel Comics.

Back in the 1990s, Cap joined the war on drugs. Unfortunately, he accidentally inhales a large amount of methamphetamine and ends up hooked on drugs. As he grows more irrational, he strong arms a drug dealer, stating, “If you don’t care about your own health, neither do I, but I do care that you’re contributing to a subculture that thrives on violence, murder, and the poisoning of this nation’s most precious resource – its youth.” While his words might reflect the feelings of many people, his bullying tactics and the fact that he was on drugs while delivering this speech make his talk hypocritical.

At least Captain America was basically articulate while he delivered this speech – by the next issue he was so drugged out and incoherent that he started clucking like a chicken (yes, really).

Next: Theory: Captain America Became Mr. Rogers After Traveling Back in Time

  • Captain America

Most Memorable Spider-Man Quotes In The MCU

Spider-Man Civil War

Back in 2016, "Captain America: Civil War" blew the doors off the MCU with the arrival of a new version of Spider-Man. This iteration of the already popular Marvel Comics superhero was an instant fan-favorite, and audiences loved the bashful youthfulness Tom Holland brought to the character as a teenage Peter Parker.

Over the next six years, the MCU's Spider-Man was the highlight of every crossover and solo movie he appeared in. Unlike previous versions of the character, MCU Spidey was a novice hero who looked up to the Avengers as sources of inspiration in a world where powerful villains gambled with the fate of the universe itself. 

With 2021's "Spider-Man: No Way Home," the webbed wall-crawler blew the doors off the MCU once again with the full-on introduction of the Marvel Multiverse , which means fans actually got to see Holland's Peter working alongside Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield's versions of the character. It's been an incredible journey in the MCU for Spider-Man. Let's take a look at some of the best lines spoken by the character over the years.

I've got homework

Peter Parker

When Spider-Man was first introduced in the MCU, it was in his Peter Parker persona. Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) was looking for new recruits to help him bring the fight to Captain America (Chris Evans). Tony noticed that the internet was filled with tales of the exploits of a local web-swinging, wall-sticking, car-catching superhero, and came down to Queens to investigate. 

What Tony found was a fresh-faced high-school student named Peter, who did not want anyone to know he was Spider-Man. Tony, being Tony, came to Peter's house with a plan in motion already, which involved flying the teen hero to Germany to take confront Captain America's team of renegade Avengers. Naturally, Peter's reaction to Tony's plan was complete disbelief. He protested that he would not be able to go to Germany. 

When Tony asked why, all Peter could think of to respond with was, "I've got ... homework." It was the perfect introduction to the character's personality, a young kid whose biggest priorities at the time were doing well in school and helping out his neighborhood. Of course, Tony was having none of it, and he soon whisked the wide-eyed youngster off on a whirlwind journey towards becoming an Avenger.    

When you can do the things that I can ...

Peter explains his motivation

Many have pointed out, with good reason, that it was irresponsible of Tony Stark to bring a teenager to fight the most powerful beings on the planet. But the thing is, Tony had been watching videos of Peter doing incredible things in his Spider-Man persona for some time, and he knew the kid had amazing potential if given the right direction. 

A bigger question that Tony needed the answer to was whether Peter truly was a hero, and not just someone who happened to have powers. To this end, during their very first meeting, Tony asked Peter point blank why he dressed up in a mask and tights to swing around the city trying to stop crime and save people. In a traditional "Spider-Man" story, this would be the place for Uncle Ben's iconic line, "with great power comes great responsibility." 

In the absence of Ben's character, what we got was Peter explaining to Tony, "When you can do the things that I can, but you don't, and then the bad things happen, they happen because of you." It's more of a mouthful than the "great power" bit, but what really helps sell the scene is Tom Holland. Until then, his take on Peter had been acting flustered about meeting Tony. But in that moment there is no hesitation in the way Peter delivers his line, only a complete sincerity that manages to impress Tony.    

Hey everyone

Spider-Man greets everyone

If Spider-Man's first scene in the MCU perfectly encapsulated the character of Peter Parker, the first appearance of the costumed Spider-Man himself did the same for his superhero alter-ego. Iron Man arrived at an airport with his team to stop Captain America's group from stealing an aircraft and escaping. 

At first Tony, tried to talk sense to Steve. Once it became clear the latter was not in the mood to listen, Tony deployed his secret weapon with the code word, "Underoos!" The next moment, a single web line shot out to grab Captain America's shield. Before anyone could react, Spider-Man had somersaulted into the middle of the showdown, and the shield was in his possession. Despite such an epic entrance, the webbed hero immediately showed his young age and inexperience with his next words. 

From thanking Tony for the new suit, to telling Captain America he was a big fan, to awkwardly saying "Hey everyone," to the rest of the Avengers, who were moments away fighting each other, Peter expertly punctured the gravity of the moment with his naivety. He was only brought back to his senses when Iron Man personally shushed him with, "Yeah, we don't really need to start a conversation."

You have a metal arm?

Spider-Man stops Bucky

For the rest of the superheroes, the airport fight in "Captain America: Civil War" was deadly serious business where former allies were forced to square off against each other because of what they believed in. But for Spider-Man, the reasons behind the fight were mostly a mystery, and he was only there because Iron Man had personally invited him. 

So for Spidey, the top priorities were impressing Tony Stark and trying to make friends with the iconic Avengers team members, even if they were doing their best to take him out. Thanks to his "spider-sense," Peter acquitted himself very well in the battle despite harboring no ill will towards any of his opponents. The most perfect showcase for Peter's good-natured fighting style occurs when Bucky Barnes aka the Winter Soldier (Sebastian Stan) swings his vibranium arm at the wall-crawler with full force. 

It's a punch that could overturn a car, and which even Captain America could not block. Spidey not only easily catches the punch with one hand, but he even has time to pay his opponent a heartfelt compliment by saying, "You have a metal arm? That is awesome, dude!" The look of disbelief on Bucky's face is priceless. In his decades of work as an assassin, this must have been the first time one of Bucky's victims not only stopped his punch so casually, but was acting curious and excited instead of terrified in his presence.     

You have the right to remain silent

Falcon grabs Spider-Man

Unlike previous versions of the character, Tom Holland's Spider-Man had grown up with the Avengers serving as a massive source of inspiration. Even after he became a superhero, Peter never really considered himself on the same level as Captain America, Iron Man , and the other heroes who saved the planet on a regular basis. 

So when Tony Stark rolled into town asking Peter to join Iron Man's team on a secret mission, it was like a high-school football player being inducted into the NFL in a single day. Peter was overwhelmed and in way over his head, but he knew he had to try his very best to impress Tony and prove he was capable of hanging with the big boys. 

To that end, Peter's giddiness over meeting the other Avengers during the airport fight was tempered by moments where he tried to appear more serious and professional. Like when Spider-Man got blindsided by the Falcon (Anthony Mackie), and confusedly shouted out, "You have the right to remain silent!" You can imagine Peter cringing hard beneath his mask at saying such a nonsensical line, and hoping Tony didn't hear him over the communicator.    

That thing does not obey the laws of physics at all

The shield cuts into Spider-Man's web line

One major aspect of Peter Parker's personality that the movies tend to gloss over is his genius intellect. Not only is Peter a straight-A student, but he is also a prodigious inventor who came up with the tech for his web shooters in his bedroom. Even Tony Stark recognized that Peter was smart enough to handle his super-secret armory after his death. 

In that vein, we get a memorable moment during the airport battle scene when Spider-Man comes face-to-face with the living legend, Captain America himself. Despite Cap's maturity and combat experience being far greater than Spidey's, the younger hero handles himself quite well thanks to his amazing reflexes and agility. That is, until Cap's shield flies in out of nowhere and slices through Spider-Man's web on the rebound.

This leads Peter to loudly complain with regards to the shield, "That thing does not obey the laws of physics at all." It is a hilarious bit of meta-commentary. There's no way Cap's shield would be able to twist and turn and rebound in mid-air in the real world the way it does in the movies. But the mechanics of the shield get a pass because of how awesome it looks in action. Leave it to nerdy little Peter to be the only one to take issue with that bit of artistic license.

You ever see that really old movie?

Ant-Man chases Spider-Man

One major reason why Spider-Man felt like such a breath of fresh air in the MCU was the fact that he was decades younger than all the other heroes in the franchise at that time. The older heroes were being all tortured and conflicted as they fought each other in the airport, making dramatic proclamations about loyalty and betrayal and principles.

Meanwhile, Spidey was swinging jauntily around just happy to be included in the fight, and that too on the personal request of Tony Stark himself. Peter was too young and out-of-the-loop to get the true gravity of the situation, and he was almost treating the whole thing like a game where his job was to web everyone up before the timer ran out. 

The other Avengers got a bit of a shock when they realized just how young Spidey actually was. While fighting Ant-Man, Peter shouted to his teammates, "Hey guys, you ever see that really old movie, 'Empire Strikes Back?'" to signal a plan of attack. This prompted War Machine (Don Cheadle) to ask, "Jesus, Tony, how old is this guy?" Perhaps this exchange finally woke Tony up to the fact that he had bought a teenager to a grown-up fight, because almost immediately afterward he told Peter to stop fighting and return home. 

I'm nothing without this suit

Peter begs for his suit

"Captain America: Civil War" was a great primer on what to expect from the MCU's take on Spider-Man. But it was 2017's  "Spider-Man: Homecoming" that finally treated fans to a full-length story about Holland's wall crawler. The movie takes place a few months after Spidey helped Iron Man take on Captain America's team at the airport.

After the battle, Tony Stark sent Peter back home and allowed him to keep the new superhero suit that Stark industries had manufactured for Spider-Man. The suit greatly enhanced Peter's natural abilities, and also came with a slew of upgrades the young hero could never have dreamed of, including his own personal AI named "Karen." After a very public mishap by Peter that almost cost many innocent civilians their lives, Tony decided Peter had betrayed his trust and asked him to return the Spider-Man suit. 

This caused Peter great anguish as he declared "Please, I'm nothing without this suit!" In the end, the young hero had to go back to his homemade Spider-Man outfit to defeat his enemies and protect the city. This in turn made Peter realize the lesson Tony was trying to teach him: What ultimately makes a superhero is not fancy gadgets, but the heart of a warrior.

Come on, Spider-Man

Peter trapped under the rubble

A common complaint about MCU version of Spider-Man is that he is too reliant on Iron Man's technology and advice, instead of being an independent hero. But Peter's relationship with Tony Stark is an important part of his arc through the MCU.

Near the end of "Spider-Man: Homecoming," Peter had his super-advanced Spider-Man tech suit taken away by Tony. Meanwhile, the Vulture (Michael Keaton) was continuing with his nefarious plans. Peter, stuck with his homemade Spider-Man outfit, has no choice but to confront the villain. Having the technological advantage, the Vulture laid a trap for the young hero and succeeded in burying him under a collapsed building.

Surrounded by rubble and running out of air, Peter began to panic. In a heart-wrenching moment, the teen hero wept openly while crying out for help. Once it became clear that no help will be coming, Peter was filled with a fresh resolve. He muttered to himself, "Come on, Peter. Come on, Spider-Man," and braced himself. With a mighty effort, he succeeded in lifting the collapsed building off himself and escaping the death trap, mirroring one of the most iconic "Spider-Man" stories of all time from the comics. 

You can't be a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man if there's no neighborhood

Peter defends his decision

"Avengers: Infinity War" saw the world of the MCU in danger like never before. The Mad Titan Thanos was on a warpath to claim the power of the six Infinity Stones . Since two of those stones were located on Earth, the planet became a key target for Thanos' forces, and the Avengers became the universe's only hope for survival.

As the leader of the Avengers, it was naturally Tony Stark who got alerted about the danger heading their way first. He was able to combine forces with Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) and Spider-Man to hold off Thanos' henchmen. When Strange got abducted aboard Thanos' ship, Iron Man arrived to rescue him, and was incensed to discover Spidey had also managed to sneak on board the ship.

Tony tried to order Peter to return to Earth and go back to protecting the people of his city. Usually one to blindly obey Iron Man's every command, this time Peter stood his ground and refused. As he pointed out to Tony, "You can't be a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man if there's no neighborhood." With that single line, Peter signaled to Tony that he was no longer a fresh-faced novice whom Tony, but a selfless hero mature enough to make his own decisions.  

Mr. Stark, I don't feel so good

Peter dies

Befitting his status as the biggest big bad the MCU has ever known, the effects of Thanos' assault on the Avengers went far deeper than any other villain before him. With a single snap of his fingers, Thanos wiped out half of all life in the universe, including many of the Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy. 

Tony Stark was with Peter Parker on the planet Titan when Thanos snapped his fingers on Earth. Separated by untold light years, Tony knew something had gone horribly wrong when the heroes who had been standing next to him started to turn into dust one by one — including Star-Lord, Doctor Strange, Drax, and Mantis. And then Peter also stumbled, telling Tony, "Mr. Stark, I don't feel so good."

Maybe it was his spider-sense that warned Peter of what was to come. In any case, he did not immediately turn to dust, but lay breathing heavily on the ground. All Tony could do was look on in horror while the frightened teenager cried out repeatedly, "I don't wanna die." Finally, the prone form of Peter Parker also turned to dust, and a stricken Tony was left to wrestle with his loss and an immense sense of guilt over the demise of his young protégé.  

Activate instant kill

Peter activates instant kill

With more than a decade of movies under its belt, the MCU has mastered the art of the "callback" to previous movies. No one film in the series was more chock full of callbacks than 2019's "Avengers: Endgame," befitting its status as the epic conclusion to the Infinity saga. 

From Black Panther (Chadwick Boseman) remembering Hawkeye's real name, to Sam Wilson aka Falcon telling Steve Rogers "On your left," to Thor's excited "I knew it!" when Captain America finally lifted his hammer, fans had plenty of references to previous installments in the franchise to get excited about while watching "Endgame." One such callback for Spider-Man was the "Instant Kill" option that Peter first discovered Tony had installed in his suit in "Spider-Man: Homecoming." 

At the time, Peter was too freaked out to try out the option against his enemies. But at the end of "Endgame," being swarmed by Thanos' bloodthirsty foot-soldiers, Spidey had no choice but to shout, "Activate instant kill!" Immediately, a bunch of metal spider-legs grew out of his suit's back and started hacking and slashing away at the enemies. 

Come on, Peter Tingle

Peter relies on his tingle

One aspect of Spider-Man's powers seldom mentioned in the MCU is his famous "spider-sense," which allows the arachnid superhero to detect danger moments before it befalls him. Until the "Infinity Gems" saga, the biggest scene involving spider-sense was when the hairs on Peter's hand stood on end to indicate the arrival of Thanos' spaceship on Earth.

But in 2019's "Spider-Man: Far From Home," Peter's spider-sense was an important plot point. Only now it was called "Peter tingle." The movie starts with Peter actively trying to ignore what the "tingle" was telling him, causing his superpower to malfunction. This allowed Quentin Beck aka Mysterio (Jake Gyllenhaal) to get close to Peter and fool him repeatedly with his illusions. At the end of the movie, we get one of the best action scenes in "Spider-Man" history. 

With a passageway full of illusions, Spidey takes a deep breath, closes his eyes, and says, "Come on, Peter Tingle." He then launches himself into danger relying on nothing but his spider-sense to guide him. From being a kid who thought he couldn't win a fight without Tony Stark's technology helping him, to defeating his enemy with his eyes closed, the scene really helped illustrate how far Spidey had come on his solo superhero journey.    

The Multiverse is real

Peter with Doctor Strange

"Spider-Man: No Way Home" is the grand culmination of the story of not just one live-action Spider-Man, but three of them. And that is all thanks to an idea that the MCU has been patiently building ever since the conclusion of the Infinity saga: The idea that the MCU universe is only one in an infinity number of universes, collectively called the "Multiverse."

The multiverse was first teased in "Spider-Man: Far From Home," when Mysterio claimed to have come from a different part of the multiverse containing a separate Earth with its own heroes and villains. That story ultimately turned out to be a lie. "WandaVision" played with the same concept when it seemed like the Quicksilver (Evans Peters) of a different universe had been sucked into the MCU, only for the show to pull the rug out from under the feet of its viewers towards the end of the season.   

It was "The One Who Remains" (Jonathan Majors) from "Loki" who finally confirmed that the Multiverse is real, and more importantly, it is possible for all sorts of heroes and villains to make the jump from different universes into the MCU. Thus we come to "Spider-Man: No Way Home," where villains from past "Spider-Man" live-action movie universes have actually started invading the MCU, causing Peter Parker to utter the game-changing phrase, "The Multiverse is real!"

I was in the Avengers

The Avengers walk

Ever since the movie was first announced, fans were more excited about which characters were being rumored to show up in "Spider-Man: No Way Home" than the main characters who were actually confirmed to be in it. The excitement reached a fever pitch when fans' hopes were realized, and Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield joined Tom Holland's Spider-Man in the film. 

It meant a lot to fans to see three separate generations of live-action Spider-Man actors playing versions of the same iconic character on the big screen together. The chemistry between the three actors was electric, and through them, it was fascinating to see Peter Parker interacting with himself at different stages in his life.

As the youngest Spidey on the team, Tom Holland's Peter felt the need slightly to assert his position. To that end, he pointed out, "I have been in a team, okay? I don't wanna brag, but I will. I was in the Avengers." In any other scenario, this would be an awesome brag. But the other two Peters hilariously had no idea what Holland's character was talking about, since they were used to being lone wolves throughout their superhero careers.

Oh, my back

Tobey hurts his back

While Tom Holland is the latest Spider-Man, and Andrew Garfield is also a fan-favorite, the OG webbed wall-crawler will always be Tobey Maguire. The live-action Spider-Man movies that filmmaker Sam Raimi did with Maguire are still considered the gold standard for superhero movies — ones that combine colorful comic book fun with real-world stakes.

The Raimi-verse has spawned a host of memes. From "Bully Maguire" to Norman Osborn yelling "You know how much I've sacrificed?," Raimi's "Spider-Man" trilogy is the gift that keeps on giving more than a decade after the last film in the series came out. 

"Spider-Man: No Way Home" pays homage to that tradition by referencing one of the most popular memes — in which Maguire's Spider-Man falls from a great height, injures his back, and hobbles away wincing in pain. In "No Way Home," Maguire's Peter mentions his spinal troubles with, "Oh, my back. It's kinda stiff from all the swinging I guess." Fortunately, Garfield's Peter suffers from similar issues, and is able to lend a hand to his alternate-Earth counterpart. 

I love you guys

Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man

Critics are divided over whether "Spider-Man: No Way Home" offers too much fan service, or just enough. Whatever you might conclude, it is clear that the movie is a love letter to fans of the live-action "Spider-Man" franchise stretching all the way back to the start of the 2000s. 

It is incredibly heart-warming to see the Spider-Man actors from different generations interacting with each other in perfect harmony. It is doubly special to see that with Andrew Garfield, whose take on Spider-Man was considered a failure at the time of "The Amazing Spider-Man" movies, but who has been growing in popularity and earned new appreciation in recent years. 

Garfield himself is clearly relishing the chance to play Peter Parker again in "No Way Home." When he looks at the other two Peters before the big climactic fight and says, "I love you guys," you can feel the sincerity of the statement — not just from the character, but the actor as well, with the full weight and history of the "Spider-Man" franchise behind it. 

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Here is Robert Downey Jr.'s emotional speech from the Avengers: Infinity War premiere

Anthony is a Senior Writer for EW.

It was a sprawling, epic, and emotional roller coaster ride that had people laughing and tearing up and sometimes gasping in shock before breaking into applause — and that was just Robert Downey Jr.’s speech before Avengers: Infinity War.

The actor who helped launch the Marvel Cinematic Universe a decade ago with the original Iron Man stood onstage at the new film’s premiere Monday night before dozens of his cast mates and told the crowd of thousands: “I gotta few words. Hope you all brought a bag lunch.”

Here are some notes from the freewheeling remarks:

Downey started by paying tribute to the groundbreaking way Marvel Studios, led by president Kevin Feige, has crafted 19 (so far) interlocked movies. “This is a miracle,” Downey told the crowd. “And if any one of us took credit it would be heresy. It would be blasphemy.”

Then he curtsied. “Screw it … you’re welcome !”

As the applause died down, he referenced his own less-than-glorious history as he struggled with addiction, losing jobs because of run-ins with the law, and the recovery and escape from that life that the role of Iron Man afforded him.

“I want to talk about the past, present, and future,” Downey said. “The past for me was 30 years of dependency, depravity, and despair …. otherwise known as ‘An Actor Prepares!’”

After another round of cheers, he went on: “The present is this moment of glory for all of us. And the future…? That is always uncertain. But looking at these friends behind me,” he said, looking back at the faces of his fellow actors, “it seems like things might brighten up after all.”

He called the Marvel Cinematic Universe “an isolated incident” in the history of Hollywood. “None of us are in competition with each other. We are all competing for each other — and for you.”

As the clock ticked and Downey flipped through his notes, he said he might begin improvising. “I might go Miles Davis on you, right, Don?” he said, smiling at his War Machine costar Don Cheadle, who directed and starred in Miles Ahead , the 2015 biography of the jazz great.

“If you play a superhero in one of these movies, and it works, you become a big star!” Downey said. “And it … is … meaningless .”

“Unless,” he added, “you use that to achieve something higher. You have to take direction from peers, and your family, and occasionally even an actual director.”

Downey said directing a Marvel movie is “extremely dangerous.” “It’s like a crucible. You either come out steel or dust.”

Then he jabbed the MCU for a lack of diversity behind the camera before praising it for finally beginning to change. Downey singled out filmmaking duo Anna Bowden and Ryan Fleck, who are currently directing Brie Larson in Captain Marvel , which debuts next March, the first MCU film headlined by a female hero.

“Now at least half a directing team is female,” Downey said, before calling for more women behind the camera. “Making these movies is so taxing that it is clearly a woman’s job. It’s essentially gestation. But we don’t know how to do that,” he said, waving awkwardly toward other men on stage.

“Wakanda rules the day and rightfully so,” he added, praising Black Panther for bringing the historic first black superhero to the screen in a phenomenon that has earned $1.3 billion worldwide (so far.)

“By the way, Wakanda forever!” Downey said, making the crossed-arm salute to Black Panther star Chadwick Boseman.

“I can do that as an honorary black man: Tropic Thunder , 2008!” he joked, referencing his role in that Hollywood satire as a pretentious white actor who thinks he can play an African-American soldier in a war film.

When the laughter quieted, Downey hung on the microphone like a rock star and gestured to his costars, suggesting it was time to open the door even further. “This is the MCU, right in front of you,” he said. “It’s all about fighting for equality. The whole idea is to make space for others to succeed, and exceed our expectations.”

The theater got even quieter. “[The movies] are inviting us to surrender and love and be of service,” Downey said. “They are metaphors for how our world should be — or could be one day, if we fight for it.”

He looked down at his notecards again. “My writing is getting more sketchy,” he said, before launching into praise for Gwyneth Paltrow, his costar in the original Iron Man who reprises her role as Pepper Potts in Infinity War . Downey called her “the very first First Lady of Marvel, and now there are many.”

He also shouted out to Jon Favreau, director of that original film and its sequel. “When they say the man who started it all, that is you, Jon. You brought it to life,” Downey said, after finding The Lion King and The Jungle Book director in the audience.

Then he prepared to hand the microphone to Infinity War directors Joe and Anthony Russo, whom Downey joked were recently on “an ICU drip” from exhaustion after completing the film. “They have not turned to dust yet,” the actor said.

It was getting late. The movie was long and hadn’t even started yet.

Downey squeezed his notes and explained that he began scribbling these thoughts the night before, coming back from the international tour for the film.

“I was up late. I got a tattoo — I don’t want to talk about it! It’s none of your business!” he said to laughs from the crowd. “I was up late and wrote this, and …”

He looked up. Smiled.

Then he brandished the joke ego again, more bulletproof than Iron Man’s armor.

“I think this might be the greatest speech ever written!”

More laughter. “Or maybe I’m just emo and exhausted.”

The smile widened, and he hung his head before handing off the mic.

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Top 60+ Inspirational Marvel Quotes From Across The MCU To Inspire Everyone To Be A Hero

Miniature the avenger "end game" when tony stark is dying

Epic Inspirational Marvel Cinematic Universe Quotes

Doctor strange quotes, thor: ragnarok quotes, spiderman: homecoming quotes, marvel comic quotes, tony stark quotes, the guardians of the galaxy quotes.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has had a pioneering effect on the big screen for decades now.

The contribution it has had towards creating an unbelievable cinematic experience and world-building is exceptional and a crowd favorite. Watching movies have always been a visual treat, and comics are like a gateway to another dimension.

From the 'Fantastic Four' franchise to 'The Avengers' franchise, Marvel movies have always featured a star-studded ensemble like Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Scarlett Johannsson, Elizabeth Olson, and many more.

To many, the characters of the MCU are way more than just superheroes who are trying to pluck out evil- they are their source of strength and objects of admiration.

Therefore, we have brought to you a collection of inspiring marvel quotes from across the universe to guide you in times of darkness and doubt. Enjoy!

The Marvel Superheroes have always been inspirational to many of us around the globe. Which of these epic inspirational Marvel quotes and Avengers quotes is your favorite?

And if you simply cannot choose like us, here are a bunch of Marvel quotes for you to enjoy! You will some Infinity War quotes, Iron Man quotes, Thor quotes, Endgame quotes, and Age of Ultron quotes.

1. "We all know the truth:   But in times of crisis, the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers." - T'Challa, about opening up Wakanda to the world, 'Black Panther' ,  2018.

2. "You're   ancestors called it magic, and you call it science." - 'Thor', 2011.

3. "Don't waste it. Don't waste your life." - Ho Yinsen, 'Iron Man', 2008.

4. "Whatever happens tomorrow, you must promise me one thing. That you will stay who you are, not a perfect soldier, but a good man." - Dr. Abraham Erskine, 'Captain America: The First Avenger', 2011.

5. "But a thing isn't beautiful because it lasts. It's a privilege to be among them." - Vision, 'Avengers: Age of Ultron', 2015.

6. "Wakanda forever." - Black Panther, his catchphrase, 'Infinity War', 2018.

7. "There was an idea, Stark knows this, called the Avengers Initiative." - Nick Fury, the speech, the 'Infinity War' trailer, 2018.

8. " Odin :  Do you not truly feel the gravity of your crimes? Wherever you go there is war, ruin and death!" - 'Thor: The Dark World', 2013.

9. "We are Groot." - Groot, 'Guardians of the Galaxy', 2014.

10. "I know you were only doing what you believe in, and that's all any of us can do, it's all any of us should." - Steve Rogers, 'Captain America: Civil War', 2016.

11. "The city is flying. We're fighting an army of robots. And I have a bow and arrow. None of this makes sense." - Clint Barton, 'Age of Ultron', 2015.

12. "Higher, further, faster, baby." - Carol Danvers, 'Captain Marvel', 2019.

13. "You never know. You hope for the best and make do with what you get." - Nick Fury, 'Avengers: Age of Ultron', 2015.

14. "I'm the boss. I'm the boss. I'm the boss. I'm the boss. I'm the Boss!" - hyping himself before a mission, Scott Lang, 'Captain America: Civil War', 2016.

15. "At some point, we all have to choose, between what the world wants you to be, and who you are." - Natasha Romanoff, Marvel Studios' Black Widow' trailer where Natasha Romanoff is the titular character, 2021.

16. "The world has changed and none of us can go back. All we can do is our best, and sometimes the best that we can do is to start over." - Peggy Carter, 'Captain America, The Winter Soldier', 2014.

17. "You wanna get to them? You gotta go through me." - Scott Lang, 'Captain America: Civil War', 2016.

18. "It's not about saving our world. It's about saving theirs." - Hank Pym, 'Ant-Man', 2015.

19. "Why don't you pick on someone your own size?" - Scott Lang, 'Ant Man', 2015.

20. "Compromise where you can. Where you can't, don't." - Peggy Carter; as spoken by Sharon Carter, 'Captain America: Civil War', 2016.

21. "Captain America: You got heart, kid. Where are you from?

Spider-man: Queens.

Captain America: Brooklyn."

- 'Captain America: Civil War', 2016.

22. "Odin: One son who wanted the throne too much, and others who will not take it. Is this my legacy?

Thor: Loki died with honor. I shall try to live the same. Is that not legacy enough?"

- 'Thor: The Dark World', 2013.

23. "You guys are breaking down walls, you're healing. It's important." - Scott Lang, 'Ant Man, 2015.

24. "Yon-Rogg: Turn off the light show, and prove, prove to me, you can beat me with…

Carol Danvers: [Carol uses her photon blast on him and blasts him away] I have nothing to prove to you."

- 'Captain Marvel', 2019.

25. "Just bury me in the ocean with my ancestors that jumped from the ships, because they knew death was better than bondage." - Erik Killmonger, 'Black Panther', 2018.

26. "If you want to do something right, you make a list." - Scott Lang, 'Ant Man & The Wasp', 2018.

A relatively new addition to the cinematic universe, Doctor Strange, played by the charismatic Benedict Cumberbatch, is a flawed marvel superhero- arrogant and egoistic. Here are some of the quotes from this Marvel Studios movie for you to enjoy.

27. "Mister Doctor?" - Kaecilius, a former and defected student of the Ancient One, 'Dr. Strange', 2016.

28. "Have you ever seen that before in a gift shop?" - The Ancient One, using her tricks to transport Strange's mind through dimensions, 'Dr. Strange', 2016.

29. "Dr. Stephen Strange :  I'm not ready.

The Ancient One :  No one ever is. We don't get to choose our time."

- The Ancient One, on her deathbed, 'Dr. Strange, 2016'.

30. "Dormammu, I've come to bargain." - Dr. Strange, before trapping the demon in a time loop, 'Dr. Strange', 2016.

31. "I once stood in your place. And I, too, was disrespectful. Might I offer you some advice? Forget Everything that you think you know." - Karl Mordo, 'Dr. Strange', 2016

32 . " We never lose our demons, Mordo. We only learn to live above them." - 'Dr. Strange', 2016.

33. "Ancient One: How did you get to reattach severed nerves and put a human spine back together bone by bone?

Doctor Strange: Study and practice, years of it."

- 'Dr. Strange', 2016.

34. "Dr. Stephen Strange: Life without my work…

Christine Palmer: Is still life. This isn't the end. There are other things that can give your life meaning."

35. "The Ancient One: You defended the New York Sanctum from attack. With its master gone, it needs another. Master Strange.

Dr. Stephen Strange: No. It's Doctor Strange. Not Master Strange, not Mister Strange. Doctor Strange."

Well, who does not like the celestial sibling duo of Thor and Loki? It is just not their looks but their characters too that make them stand out in their own way.

'Thor: Ragnarok' is the third movie in the 'Thor' movie franchise and it's filled with a charm of its own. Hope you enjoy the quotes from the film.

36. "Surtur: You cannot stop Ragnarok. Why fight it?

Thor: Because that's what heroes do."

- 'Thor: Ragnarok', 2017.

37. "Loki: Hello, Bruce.

Bruce Banner: Last time we saw you, you were trying to kill everyone. What are you up to these days?

Loki: It varies from moment to moment."

38. "Quinjet Computer: Voice activation required.

Bruce Banner: Banner.

Quinjet Computer: Welcome, Strongest Avenger."

39. "So much has happened since I last saw you! I lost my hammer, like yesterday, so that's still fresh. Then I went on a journey of self-discovery. Then I met you." - 'Thor: Ragnarok', 2017.

40. "I choose to run towards my problems, and not away from them. Because's that– because's that what heroes do." - Thor, 'Thor: Ragnarok', 2017.

41. "Odin :  Even when you had two eyes, you'd see only half the picture." - 'Thor: Ragnarok', 2017.

Spiderman: Homecoming is the quintessential teenage film with the lead character, Peter Parker played by Tom Holland, being just as enthusiastic and curious about the web-slinging superhero very much like everyone else. Here are some of the quotes from this Marvel movie about the youngest member of the Avengers that truly upholds the film's quirky, funny and clever essence.

42. "Stay close to the ground. Build up your game helping little people, like that lady that bought you the churro. Can't you just be a friendly... neighborhood Spider-Man?" -Tony Stark 'Spider-man: Homecoming', 2017.

43. "Peter Parker: I've been me my whole life, and I've had these powers for 6 months. I read books, I build computers... and yeah, I would love to play football, but I couldn't then so I shouldn't now.

Tony Stark: Sure. 'Cause you're different."

-' Spider-man: Homecoming', 2017.

44. "No man can win every battle, but no man should fall without a struggle." - Peter Parker, 'Spider-Man: Homecoming', 2017.

45. "If You're Nothing Without The Suit, Then You Shouldn't Have It." - Tony Stark to Peter Parker, 'Spider-man: Homecoming', 2017.

46. "Don't do anything I would do, and definitely don't do anything I wouldn't do. There's a little gray area in there, and that's where you operate." - Tony Stark to Peter Parker, 'Spiderman: Homecoming', 2017.

Marvel Comics, a subsidiary of the parent company, Marvel Entertainment, is one of the two of biggest comic publishers at present. Marvel Comics was initially known as the 'Timely Comics' and was founded in 1939.

As it rose in popularity banking on the stories of its various superhero characters, the comic was renamed 'Marvel Comics' in the early 1960s. Here is a collection of quotes from the popular Marvel Comics.

47. "The strength of this country isn't in buildings of brick and steel. It's in the hearts of those who have sworn to fight for its freedom!" – 'Captain America' comic, Stan Lee.

48. "When you decide not to be afraid, you can find friends in super unexpected places." – 'Ms. Marvel' comic, Stan Lee.

49. "With great power comes great responsibility." - Stan Lee .

50. "The world is changing. Soon there will only be the conquered and the conquerors. You are a good man, with a good heart. And it's hard for a good man to be a king." - Zuri, 'Black Panther' comic, Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.

51. "We let the fear of discovery stop us from doing what is right." - T'Challa, 'Black Panther' comic, Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.

By far, Tony Stark is the sassiest of the Avenger superheroes and one of the most relatable ones. His journey might have come to an end with the recent Marvel movie, he is still remembered. Here are a number of quotes from Tony Stark, aka our Iron Man, to make you feel better.

52. "Part of the journey is the end." - Tony Stark, 'Avengers: Endgame' trailer, 2019.

53. "If we can't protect the earth, you can be damn well sure we'll avenge it!" - Tony Stark, ' The Avengers: The Age of Ultron ', 2015.

54. "I shouldn't be alive... unless it was for a reason. I'm not crazy, Pepper( Potts). I just finally know what I have to do. And I know in my heart that it's right." - Tony Stark to Pepper Potts,  ' Iron Man', on having found the purpose of his life as Iron Man, 2008.

55. "It's good to meet you, Dr. Banner. Your work on anti-electron collisions is unparalleled. And I'm a huge fan of the way you lose control and turn into an enormous green rage monster." - Tony Stark,' The Avengers', 2012.

56. "If we can't accept limitations, then we're no better than the bad guys." - Tony Stark ,  in reference to the Sokovia Accords, 'Captain America: Civil War', 2016.

57. "It's not about how much we lost. It's about how much we have left. We're the Avengers. We gotta finish this. You trust me?" - Tony Stark, 'Avengers: Endgame' trailer, 2019.

Quoted as a movie filled with riotous laughter, fun, and tongue-in-cheek dialogues, 'The Guardians of the Galaxy' franchise is a visual wonder of its kind. It is, probably, the funniest movie made in one of the marvel comics . Enjoy these quotes with your friends and family and have a riot!

58. "Peter Quill: I look around at us and you know what I see? Losers... I mean like, folks who have lost stuff.

And we have, man, we have, all of us. Homes, and our families, normal lives. And you think life takes more than it gives, but not today. Today it's giving us something. It is giving us a chance.

Drax the Destroyer: To do what?"

- 'The Guardians of the Galaxy', 2014.

59 . " Gamora: And by the way...your ship is filthy.

Peter Quill: Filthy? She has no idea. If we had a blacklight, it would look like a Jackson Pollock painting."

-'The Guardians of the Galaxy',2014.

60 . " Rocket Raccoon: Why would you want to save the galaxy?

Peter Quill: Because I'm one of the idiots who live there!"

-'The Guardians of the Galaxy', 2014.

61. "Rocket Raccoon: We're the frickin' Guardians of the Galaxy!

Peter Quill/Star-Lord: We're them."

Main image credit: Ipini daisuke / Shutterstock.com

Second image credit: Aisyaqilumaranas / Shutterstock.com

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Bachelor of Arts specializing in Journalism and Mass Communication, Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Management

Moumita Dutta Bachelor of Arts specializing in Journalism and Mass Communication, Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Management

A content writer and editor with a passion for sports, Moumita has honed her skills in producing compelling match reports and stories about sporting heroes. She holds a degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management, Calcutta University, alongside a postgraduate diploma in Sports Management.

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10 Most Inspirational Quotes and Scenes for the Marvel Maniac

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People love watching superhero movies because of their ability to inspire greatness. No movie franchise knows how to do this better than Marvel. Everybody knows the iconic intro: the music swells and our favorite characters pop on screen. Do you need a pep talk from your favorite Avenger?  These Marvel masterpieces will motivate you to get through the semester.

Check out 10 of the most inspiring scenes and speeches from the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

1. captain america: civil war (2016).


“It is your duty to plant yourself like a tree, to look them in the eye and say, ‘no, you move’.”

Our first quote comes from Captain America: Civil War, arguably one of the best MCU films to date. This movie introduces memorable characters like Peter Parker (a.k.a. Spider-Man) and T’Challa, King of Wakanda and the Black Panther and has action and witty lines at every turn. In this scene, agent Sharon Carter speaks at her aunt’s funeral and delivers a moving and powerful speech guaranteed to inspire you. “It’s inspiring, especially as a woman at a school that is 80 percent men, to be reminded that just…because someone else thinks that I am not capable of something, doesn’t mean that ’ s true, ” said  Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University freshman Emma Bucey. “I am strong, I am worthy, and I am not going to be silent about it.” Sharon Carter reminds us to hold true to our beliefs and never budge for anyone, no matter the circumstances.

2.  Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)

 “…you will stay who you are. Not a perfect soldier, but a good man.”

A memorable moment from Cap’s first movie comes from a conversation between Dr. Erksine, the Army doctor who helped develop the super serum, and pre-serum Steve Rogers. Dr. Erksine’s words prove that true character comes from within. Sometimes a true hero isn’t the strongest or most perfect person, but rather the person who never gives up . “It’s always good to hear that there is value to the struggle of being ‘the little guy’,” University of Florida freshman Thomas Moore said. “Erksine needed someone who is good on the inside first.” Having high integrity helps boost morale, especially when a team feels low or burnt out. Self-motivation truly comes from within, making Dr. Erksine’s point about Captain America true.

3. Iron Man (2008)

“Sometimes you have to run before you can walk.”

The movie that started it all and introduced the world to Marvel superheroes has several amazing quotes. This scene comes as our hero, Tony Stark tries out his Mark I suit for the first time. Rather than playing it safe as his artificial intelligence JARVIS tells him to, Tony decides to push boundaries and see what he can do. “Life is about situations that require you to step outside of your comfort zone and try despite fear ,” University of Florida freshman Shradha Arun said. Living your life comfortably may be safe but stepping out and trying new things makes life rewarding. Without exiting your comfort zone, you could miss out on countless opportunities to do great things. Tony embodies this idea-literally-by stepping out of his comfort zone and seeing how the suit works.

4. Thor: Ragnarok (2017)


“I’m not as strong as you.”-Thor

“No…you’re stronger.”-Odin

Thor: Ragnarok, a fan favorite out of the Marvel franchise, became wildly popular for its witty jokes and relatable characters. However, one of the most overlooked moments in the movie come in this conversation between the title character Thor and his father Odin . Just when Thor wants to give in, he speaks with his father and has a touching moment when he realizes that his power lies in himself, not his hammer. “It made me realize that I am more than anything I attach myself to,” said  University of Florida freshman Cathryn Hierak. “Although I might have help from people or things along the way, it doesn’t diminish what I accomplished.” Realizing your inner strength sometimes may be all it takes to power through. We’ve all been there—it’s 10 p.m., two hours until your paper’s deadline, and you really just want to throw in the towel and take the L. However, realizing that you can achieve great things could be that last push to completing your assignment in time. Resilience lies in everybody. Tapping into your inner strength could be that final push you need to crank out that paper and get the A.

5. Black Panther (2018)


“We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us…We must find a way to look after another as if we were one singular tribe.”

Ryan Coogler’s critically acclaimed Black Panther introduced the world to T’Challa, king of the fictional African country of Wakanda. While the catchphrase “Wakanda forever!” may be the most memorable quote, T’Challa’s speech to the United Nations at during the end credits scene may be the most inspiring. He talks about coming together and relying on others to help the world, which makes a large contrast from his opinion of remaining isolated at the beginning of the movie. “T’Challa was willing to change his beliefs for the greater good .” University of Central Florida freshman Skylar Payne said. “It goes to show…that if something you believe is wrong, you can change your values and beliefs.” His growth during this speech shows that reaching out to others for help should not be seen as not a sign of weakness, but, a sign of strength.

6. Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)


“I’d rather just stay on the ground for a little while…somebody’s gotta look out for the little guy, right?”

Peter Parker swung into the MCU (and our hearts) with the 2017 release of Spider-Man: Homecoming. Throughout the movie, Peter constantly tries to prove to his mentor Tony Stark that he should be an Avenger. This scene at the end of the movie shows, however, that Peter has a change of heart after fighting The Vulture. Peter’s change of heart shows that goals can change. Growth makes us human. Changing your goals should be seen as a good thing because it shows that your adaptability to the world around you. Maybe you want to change majors because you find that you love music despite your background in science. Finding your passion and making yourself happy is what life is all about, and your goals should reflect that.

7. The Avengers (2012)

“There was an idea…to bring together a group of remarkable people, see if they could become something more.”

Nick Fury’s speech to the Avengers after the death of Phil Coulson will go down as one of the top 10 iconic moments in the MCU. This audio has been used countless times including in the Avengers: Infinity War trailer. After listening to him describe the mission of the Avengers, you want to do two things: go re-watch the entire Marvel franchise and find an idea to believe in. “Nick Fury’s words inspired me to really take a stand for something.” University of Florida freshman Emma Etzold said. Finding your purpose and having a common idea with others shows team unity and proves there ’ s strength in numbers . Having a common goal, especially during assignments like group projects shows that the team wants to succeed and will do whatever it takes to accomplish that task.

8. Tony Stark/Steve Rogers- Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)

“We’ll lose.”-Tony

“Then we’ll do that together, too.”-Steve

Age of Ultron introduced us to pivotal characters like Wanda Maximoff and Vision but also introduced us to another iconic quote spread throughout the MCU. The argument between Tony Stark and Steve Rogers causes a pivotal moment in the movie. When poised with how Steve would solve the problem, he says he would do it as a team. Despite Tony Stark pointing out they will lose, Steve stands by his words and wants to take a risk. Putting faith in your friends and team lets them know that you can trust them. Teamwork relies on trust. Without it, a team cannot function as it should.

9. Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)


“And you think life takes more than it gives, but not today. Today it’s giving us something. It is giving us a chance.”

Some of the MCU’s funniest moments come from the Guardians. Drax’s ridiculous jokes or Peter Quill’s quick wit always delight audiences everywhere. However, despite the comedy, Quill knows how to motivate his team at the end of the first movie. When faced with trying to outsmart one of the villains, Yondu, he uses a little tough love to urge his team to act. “Whether your life is good or bad isn’t determined by what life hands you but what you make of it,” University of South Alabama freshman Alyse Brassard said. “You should stand up for what you believe in even if it may seem impossible. ” Quill shows his team that just because they’re the underdogs doesn’t mean they will lose. We all face adversity in life, but Quill reminds us that our past doesn’t define who we are. By taking a risk, putting the past behind you and trusting in your team, anything can happen.

10. Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

 “The price of freedom is high…and it’s a price I’m willing to pay. If I’m the only one, so be it. But I bet I’m not.”

Captain America’s defining traits, optimism and determination, shine bright in The Winter Soldier. Throughout the course of the movie, Steve Rogers realizes things are different than they seem and he sees the organization SHIELD in a new and unfamiliar light. In order to expose SHIELD for the bad guys they really are, Captain calls others to action by telling them he’s not afraid to stand up to them. Throughout college and life, we face trying situations. Maybe your group members don’t pull their weight in a project or you see someone getting picked on in your organization. Advocating for your beliefs shows that you want to make a change in the world . The next time you’re faced with a difficult situation, remind yourself of Cap’s speech and how he stood up for justice. If Steve Rogers could take down SHIELD, you can get your group to work together for that A.

speeches from marvel movies

About Katelynn Joyner

Katelynn is a sophomore studying public relations and music performance at the University of Florida. Her interests include Netflix, coffee, good music, and all things Florida Gators.


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April 23, 2021 By Jana Leave a Comment

The Most Impactful Speech in Marvel History

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The entire season finale of “ The Falcon and the Winter Soldier ” on Disney+ was incredible in so many ways, from touching, heartfelt moments to mic drop-worthy powerful speeches—but there is one moment that stands out above them all: Sam Wilson’s speech to the Senators about doing better .

black captain america

This may be the most powerful scene on TV I’ve ever seen. Anthony Mackie had me in tears—his personal beliefs & truth in this “fictional” moment were palpable. Thank you, Anthony Mackie and Marvel Studios for making such a impactful, important statement.

Here is the text from Captain America / Sam Wilson’s speech from “The Falcon and the Winter Soldier” Episode 6 “One World, One People” season finale.

If you want to watch the clip of Sam’s powerful speech, the clip starts at about 27:20.

Captain America / Sam Wilson’s speech from “The Falcon and the Winter Soldier”

Ayla : Sam. Thanks you so much, from all of us.

Senator : Sincerely. You did your part in dealing with those terrorists, now we’ll do ours.

sam talking to senator lacont fatws e6

Sam : Are you still going forward with resetting the borders?

Senator Lacont : Our peacekeeping troops will begin relocating people soon. The terrorists only set us back a bit.

Sam : You have to stop calling them terrorists.

Senator : What else would we call them?

Sam : Your peacekeeping troops carrying weapons are forcing millions of people into settlements around the world, right? What do you think those people are going to call you? These labels, “terrorists,” “refugee,” “thug.” They’re often used to get around the question, “Why?”

Senator Lacont : Those settlements that happened 5 years ago, do you think it is fair for governments to have to support them?

Sam : Yes .

Senator : And the people who reappeared only to find someone else living in their family home, they just end up homeless? Look, I get it. But you have no idea how complicated this situation is.

sam talking to the senators

Sam : You know what? You’re right. And that’s a good thing. We finally have a common struggle now. Think about that.

For once, all the people who’ve been begging, and I mean, literally begging for you to feel how hard any given day is. Now you know. How did it feel to be helpless? Now if you could remember what it was like to be helpless and face a force so powerful it could erase half the planet, you would know that you were about to have the exact same impact. This isn’t about easy decisions, Senator.

Senator : You just don’t understand.

sam stars and stripes fatws e6

Sam : I’m a Black man, carrying the stars and stripes. What don’t I understand? Every time I pick this thing up, I know there are millions of people out there who are gonna hate me for it. Even now, here…I feel it. The stares. The judgment. And there’s nothin’ I can do to change it. Yet, I’m still here. No super serum, no blonde hair, or blue eyes. The only power I have is that I believe we can do better.

We can’t demand that people step up if we don’t meet them halfway. You control the banks. Shit, you can move borders! You can knock down a forest with an email, you can feed a million people with a phone call.

But the question is, who’s in the room with you when you make those decisions? Is it the people you’re going to impact? Or is it just more people like you?

I mean, this girl died trying to stop you, and no one has stopped for one second to ask, “Why?” You’ve got to do better, Senator. You’ve got to step up. Because if you don’t, the next Karli will. And you don’t want to see 2.0. People believed in her cause so much that they helped her defy the strongest governments in the world. Why do you think that is? Look, you people have just as much power as an insane God or a misguided teenager. The question you have to ask yourself is, “How are you going to use it?”

FATWS E6 flag smasher mask

Bucky : Sorry. I was, uh, I was  texting, and so all I heard was, um, “a Black guy in stars and stripes.” Nice job, Cap.

Sam . Thanks .

sam and bucky FATWS E6

What was your favorite part of Sam’s speech? Leave us a comment below.

Looking for more quotes check out all of our  best quotes here ., check out all of our  the falcon and the winter soldier coverage here ..

The Most Impactful Speech in Marvel History

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Jana Seitzer is a writer, traveler, podcaster, and geek. Although well-versed in many fictional universes, Star Wars & Marvel have always been her favorites.

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