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  • TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology
  • Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Thesis and Completing your Studies in Mathematics

In order to successfully complete a Bachelor's or Master's degree program in the area of Mathematics, students must write a scientific work: the Bachelor’s thesis or Master's thesis. Here, you will find an overview of everything you need to know, from planning to submission:

General Information

Registration, when and where.

It is possible to register your thesis on the 1st and 15th of each month. 

All final theses starting from  1st February 2024 onwards in the PP Mathematics at the School of Computation, Information and Technology will be managed via the CIT portal .

Once you have found a topic and a supervising chair for your thesis, you will be registered by the supervising chair . You will receive an e-mail asking you to confirm your thesis registration. Only after you have confirmed your registration the Academic Programmes Office will be able to check the admission requirements and you will receive an email confirming your binding registration for your thesis.

For more information, see  Thesis and Completing your Studies .

Further documents?

If you have completed extracurricular activities or a stay abroad during your studies, these can be included in the Diploma Supplement. To do this, we need the  Route Card for the Diploma Supplement   by the end of your studies at the latest. Please send the completed form as a PDF or photo/scan (readable) to  bachelor(at)  or  master(at) . We recommend you to hand in the Route Card when registering your thesis or shortly afterwards. Please also note the Information on the Diploma Supplement .

For more information, see  Thesis and Completing your Studies

Note: The  Diploma Supplement  is an English-language supplement to the university diploma and describes the qualifications linked to the study program. Under the heading “Additional Information” in this document, you can request the incorporation of specific details of extracurricular activities completed within the framework of your degree course.


The thesis can be written in German or English language. The Bachelor's thesis muss be prefaced with an abstract in the other language, not the one in which it is written.

Formal considerations

Cover page and page 1

Here you indicate the topic of the work as well as your name and that of the supervisor. In addition, you indicate the date of submission (see example).

Example of a cover page

Here you make the following declaration: 

“I hereby declare that this thesis is my own work and that no other sources have been used except those clearly indicated and referenced.” (Place, date, signature either on a tablet or as a scan of your original signature).

If you do not wish to use a digital signature, you may alternatively submit a separate page with the declaration and your original signature at the Infopoint.

Change of title

Please write an e-mail containing the new thesis title to  bachelor(at)  or  master(at)  and CC your supervisor and co-supervisor.

Submisson and extension of theses starting until and including 15.01.2024

Digital submission.

The Bachelor's or Master's thesis has to be submitted digitally. Please submit the thesis as a PDF file to  bachelor(at)  or  master(at)   within the deadline . If you have to hand in code or other files, please e-mail all files collected in a zip folder. Printed copies and USB sticks will no longer be accepted.

Should the submission date fall on a weekend or a public holiday, submission on the subsequent workday is also possible. Theses can of course also be submitted prior to the planned submission date. 

In the event that you need more time to work on your thesis, you must submit an application to  bachelor(at)  or  master(at)  for an extension, at least seven days prior to the planned submission date. This application must have been signed by your thesis supervisor (or you have to send the consent of the supervisor in electronic form). In the event of a second extension, the Chair of the Examination Board must sign the application as well as the thesis supervisor.

Bachelor's Thesis: Application for an extension Master's Thesis: Application for an extension

Submisson and extension of theses starting from 01.02.2024 onwards

Theses registered from 01.02.2024 onwards are managed entirely via the CIT portal . This portal is also used for submission within the deadline (including all required files, such as codes). If necessary, you can also apply for an extension of the submission deadline.

Tools and tips

The typesetting system  LaTeX  is the standard program worldwide for the compilation of theses that contain mathematical formulas. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with LaTeX as early as possible during the course of your studies. It is a good exercise to prepare sheets for seminar presentations using LaTeX. 

You can find further information, templates and helpful advice on our  LaTeX info page .

Corporate design and use of  TUM logos

Thesis Templates for LaTeX

LaTeX-Template Bachelor / Master

The  TUM Library  does not only offer outstanding access to a wide range of books, newspapers, and electronic media, it also offers courses on, for example, bibliographical research and how to correctly cite works. 

Please also note subject-specific practices when citing works.

Further seminar papers and tools specific to mathematics

For licensing and contractual reasons, some of these databases are only accessible via domains belonging to the TUM Departments of Mathematics and/or Informatics. Please address queries where applicable to your supervisor or the TUM Library:

  • MathSciNet  – Mathematical reviews on the web
  • JADE  – Journal Articles Database
  • ERAM  – Electronic Research Archive for Mathematics
  • Online database at  Zentralblatt MATH

English theses

The  English Writing Center  offers all TUM members free one-to-one advice on writing English texts and helps you to enhance your writing skills.

Any questions?

For questions relating to the content of your Bachelor's or Master's thesis, please contact your thesis supervisor as defined in the General Academic and Examination Regulations (APSO), co-supervisor or the Student Advisory Office responsible.

Bachelor's Thesis Details

When to start.

Do you have at least 8 credits in Advanced Courses? Then it is the right moment to commence your Bachelor’s thesis. By the eighth semester of enrollment in your current degree program, at the latest, you must commence your thesis as long as there are no reasonable grounds preventing you from doing so in accordance with section 10 (6) of the  APSO .

Time frame & length

You have three months in which to complete your Bachelor’s thesis. This period begins on the date of registration. During this period, you should spend an average of at least 30 hours per week on the Bachelor's thesis – an effort equivalent to 12 credits.

The Bachelor’s thesis should not exceed 35 pages.

Choice of topic

In order to reduce the time needed to familiarize yourself with the topic, it is recommended to choose a topic for your Bachelor's thesis which corresponds to the theme of the Advanced Seminar taken.

Examiner and assessment

The Bachelor’s thesis must be evaluated by someone who is authorized to do so (thesis supervisor as defined in the APSO) at the TUM School of CIT. You will find an overview of other eligible persons outside the School of CIT in the list below. It is the written work that is assessed. The talk you give concerning the content does not affect the grading.

Persons outside the School of CIT who are authorized to examine theses

Master's Thesis Details

You have six months to complete your Master’s thesis. This period begins on the date of registration. You normally complete the Master’s thesis in the fourth semester of your Master’s program after you have fulfilled all other academic and exam requirements.

Examiners and assessment

The Master’s thesis must be approved and evaluated by someone who is authorized to do so (thesis supervisor as defined in the APSO) at the TUM School of CIT. You will find an overview of other eligible persons outside the School of CIT in the list below:

Completing your Studies

Release of final certificate.

Once you have completed all the requirements for your degree, we will contact you by email and ask for the approval to issue your diploma certificate.

Graduation documents and preliminary certificates

After you have given us the approval for the generating of your diploma certificate, your graduation documents will be generated within 4 - 6 weeks at the Graduation Office and Academic Records Campus Garching . You will be notified by post as soon as your certificate has been issued. Please make sure that your current study address in TUMonline is up to date.

If required, you can also apply to the Graduation Office and Academic Records Campus Garching for a preliminary certificate .

Transition Bachelor – Master

If you have applied for a consecutive mathematics Master's program at our school after completing your TUM mathematics Bachelor's degree, please let us know (at bachelor(at) ). It is possible to forward your Bachelor's degree to the Admissions and Enrollment Office for enrollment (not for the application!). The graduation documents are therefore not necessary for enrollment. A green checkmark will then appear in the online application portal for your degree certificate and diploma ( Application Status ). Please note that it may take a few days until the documents are updated in the portal. If you do not see these two green check marks one week before the enrollment deadline, please contact bachelor(at) as soon as possible.

Diploma Supplement

If you have completed extracurricular activities or a stay abroad during your studies, these can be included in the Diploma Supplement. To do this, we need the  Route Card for the Diploma Supplement   by the end of your studies at the latest. Please send the completed form as a PDF or photo/scan (readable) to  bachelor(at)  or  master(at) . Please also note the Information on the Diploma Supplement .

Please find more information under  graduation .

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Tips and Tricks for the final research papers and thesis

Final research papers and theses for degrees at the TUM are as manifold as the TUM itself. They range from scientific research papers in engineering in close association with technical applications through to theoretical theses, yet they all have one thing in common: They should demonstrate that their authors have the ability to work on a chosen task independently, scientifically and methodologically within a limited period of time.

Establish a working plan

A major project, such as a thesis, should not be started without a working plan. The plan should include all phases of work on the thesis, from searching for a topic to submitting your work. It is up to you to decide how detailed your plan will be and how much time you will allot for each step. This will strongly depend on your topic and the research methods you choose. Now, we would like to give you a few tips on the working plan:

  • Do not think too detailed; otherwise, there is the danger that you will have to spend too much time readjusting your plan. This consumes precious time that you need for your work.
  • In your working plan, record the times when, for example, the lab is closed, your supervisor is on vacation, or the university is closed due to holidays.
  • Do not overtax yourself. You should plan extra time as a buffer. It is very frustrating to already fall behind your schedule on the second day.
  • Fix clear deadlines. If you tend to continuously push back deadlines, it could help if you set your deadlines in combination with an appointment to see your supervisor. In this way, you will have surely completed your quota (or the major portion of it) within the set limit. Another helpful alternative is to plan a meeting with fellow students. After all, you wouldn’t want to meet them empty-handed
  • According to experience, the greatest level of stress comes towards the end of your project. Plan as few other activities as possible around this time, so that you can meet your submission deadline.

A few words concerning collaboration with your thesis supervisor

Each supervisor is different. One may attach importance to frequently receiving progress reports; another may only want to be consulted with concrete questions. But all supervisors have one thing in common:

  • They will not be running after you. It is your responsibility to make appointments and request to meet your supervisor should any issues arise that need to be resolved.
  • Keep your scheduled appointments or, if you have an important reason for not keeping an appointment, cancel it in good time.
  • Never go unprepared to an appointment. Sketch an update on how far you have come with your work, i.e., prepare a short overview of what you are working on at the moment, intermediate results you have achieved, or points at which you may have begun to falter. Formulate any questions you would like to ask before you go to your appointment (and consider possible answers to your questions).

Searching for an appropriate topic

Finding an appropriate topic and putting it in to concrete form is the first and perhaps most difficult step in writing a thesis. Allow yourself sufficient time to find a topic that suits your level of knowledge and interest. When you are choosing a topic, remember that you will have to deal with it intensively over a period of several months. It makes sense, then, not to choose the first topic you come across. Decide on a topic which interests you personally and which fascinates you enough to evoke the necessary élan in the coming weeks and months as you work on your thesis. Another consideration for selecting a topic would be your level of knowledge. You should take time to consider how well-versed you are on the subject. Have you already attended courses dealing with this topic that have led you to your initial idea on how to tackle this problem? Another consideration in your choice of topic might be its relevance for a job or further studies you intend to pursue. In many academic departments, professors will suggest topics. Visit the departmental websites or the TUM-wide Themenbörse , where current thesis topics are posted. If you do not find anything there, you may also formulate your own thesis topic in consultation with your future supervisor. Inform yourself in advance about the research areas of the respective departments and contact the chair or a faculty member of that academic department in good time to discuss possible thesis topics or to concretize them.

When the thesis is written externally

You may also write your thesis externally, e.g., at a company, another university or a non-academic research institute. Please note that you must always have a professor at the TUM for the finalization of your choice of topic, as well as for the registration and grading of your thesis. Make sure you speak with your advising professor at the TUM in good time concerning the arrangements for collaboration with the external company or institute.

Researching literature – searching for sources

It is a good idea to get a general overview of available sources for your work while searching for the appropriate topic. At the latest, once you have chosen your topic, you should begin to research resource material. Start with introductory articles and books. If you discover certain authors have published literature relevant to your topic, or if you have identified keywords, you can search for further contributions in the library’s online-catalogues and literature data banks. Researching has a “snowball effect”. The bibliographies of your introductory sources will lead you to further sources; their bibliographies will, in turn, direct you to even more sources, and so on. Be careful not to drown in your research and get buried in mountains of sources you will never be able to deal with in the limited time you have for writing your thesis. Set a clear deadline in your working plan for completing your initial research. Every semester, the TUM university library offers courses with the title, "Fit für die Abschlussarbeit - Aufbaukurs Bibliothek" . They inform you where to find, obtain and process current, specialized sources for your thesis topic. These courses take place in the departmental libraries at all three TUM campuses.

Keeping track of your sources

Record all the sources relevant to your work from the very start. It is extremely annoying to be in the throes of composition and realize you no longer remember where you found the excellent article you want to reference. Write a short summary of the article and record page numbers of important quotations, so that you can find them again during the writing process. By using an electronic organization system for recording your sources, you can gain the best overview of the material you have read. The university library has a campus license for the sources organization programs, Citave and EndNote. These programs allow you to comfortably organize your sources (e.g., for term papers, bachelor’s or master’s theses) and assemble bibliographical information. You can find more information on this subject here .

Formulating questions and determining methods

If your topic is too general, you must consider which concrete question you would like to answer in your thesis and which methods you will apply. This is the only way you can become clear about your own project.

Creating an outline

Creating an outline may seem a cumbersome and troublesome task. But a good outline can make it much easier to write your thesis. Creating an outline forces you to consider your line of reasoning in the construction of your arguments. These thoughts should be clear, well-structured and comprehensible to the reader of your thesis. Once you have an outline, the entire thesis is divided into small, clearly arranged units, which, in turn, facilitates the writing process. Suddenly, you no longer have that huge “mountain” of work in front of you, but you can see – like on a good trail map – the individual sections of your hiking trail leading to the summit ahead of you. And: A good outline is an important foundation for good advising. On the basis of your outline, you can more readily discuss your specific questions, the structure, and length of your thesis. Tip: Create a “commented outline” for yourself and add a few keywords, sentences or recommendations for further reading which will help you develop each subsection later on. Remember that your outline is not carved out of stone. You can always revise or readjust your outline during the writing process.

Start writing!

A working plan, an outline, a mountain of reading material and, perhaps, the results of experiments, interviews or testing are of little help if you do not begin to process this information in some way, start doing something with it. This may sound easy – but often is not. Remember: You do not have to immediately produce a polished chapter on paper. For a start, it often helps to begin with a section of a chapter you find easy to deal with. In the initial phase, you may only write down keywords and incomplete sentences you will later formulate completely during the writing process.  

Cite correctly

Working scientifically means everything you write must be reliable and accurate, so that readers can check the facts. You must, therefore, properly acknowledge the source of every idea that is not your own and every fact on which you have based the argument of your thesis. That means any passage of your text that you have not developed on your own accord but have taken over from other sources, must be clearly indicated to the reader. This includes direct and indirect quotations, as well as tables or graphs

  • A direct quotation is placed in quotation marks.
  • When you paraphrase, you do not use quotation marks, but you still cite the passage to show the reader its source.
  • This also applies to graphs and tables or any figures on which your graphs and tables are based.
  • Citing correctly also means that all direct citations, graphs, or tables in your thesis must be listed as a source in your bibliography or reference list.

To avoid oversight (something that could easily happen with such a comprehensive final project), we recommend that you immediately indicate all citations and enter their sources in your bibliography or reference list as you draft your thesis. Remember, when you submit your thesis, you must declare in writing that you have written it yourself and that no sources or aids other than those listed have been used (§18 (9), APSO). The conventions of citation in scientific papers are something that must be learned. The university library offers a course, "Fit für die Abschlussarbeit - Aufbaukurs Bibliothek" , in which you can learn all about correct citation in scientific papers.

Back up your data

Is such advice out of place at a technical university? Far from it! It cannot be repeated often enough: Back up your data! Save your data when you stop writing at the end of a day. Save your data in between, before you answer the telephone, take a break, treat yourself to a nap, clean your apartment and so on. It can be devastating to lose thoughts hard won and difficult to write down. Moreover: make back-up copies on external storage sites. All students at the TUM have free access to readily available and secure storage and project disk drives.   More

For in between: Am I still on the right path?

Sometimes, it happens that you research and read and write and write and hardly notice you have strayed from your path and lost sight of your conceptual question or hypothesis. As you write, make it a habit to check your sections and subsections regularly to see if your thoughts are accurate and on track. Is your line of reasoning correct? Is the development of your argument clear and logical? If you are not sure, confer with an outside reader. Fellow students, friends or relatives who are not familiar with the topic usually have a good sense of judgment.

Completing your thesis

All sections are completed? Congratulations!   But you are not finished yet. Now you have to make your work presentable for submission. To do this, once again, you will need a good deal of patience and care. For this step, you should allow a sufficient amount of time.

  • Proofread for grammatical accuracy and stylistic form. Or – even better – find someone who can do this for you because, as an author, you are often “routine-blinded” and no longer see your own typing, spelling and grammar mistakes. Friends, relatives or fellow students (who are currently not under the stress of writing a thesis) are perfectly suited for this job.
  • Check your table of contents, tables, lists and cross references. Ensure that all page numbers correspond to the correct page of the graphs and tables, that their headings have been correctly written and numbered, and that the bibliography is complete.  
  • Most academic departments have information on their websites regarding the format and style requirements for the thesis. Format your thesis according to these requirements.
  • Design your title page. You can also find information on this on the websites of your academic department.

Submitting your thesis

Inform yourself early on about the formalities with which you must comply when submitting your work. That is:

  • The form in which the thesis is to be submitted (in paper or electronic form)
  • The number of copies to be submitted
  • Opening hours at the administration office, etc.

More about formalities

Literature tips and links

Boeglin, Martha (2007): Wissenschaftlich arbeiten Schritt für Schritt. Gelassen und effektiv studieren. Paderborn: Fink. Mit eigenem Kapitel explizit zum Schreiben Groß, Harald (2011): Lernlust statt Paukfrust. Mit deinen Motivatoren leichter lernen in Schule, Studium und Beruf. Berlin: Schilling. Ein kurzweiliges Buch rund um das Thema (Selbst-)Motivation, was für die eigenständige Schreibarbeit wichtig ist. Grüning, Christian (2007): Visual Reading. Garantiert schneller lesen und mehr verstehen. 1. Aufl. München: Grüning Verlag. Wer schneller liest und versteht, ist klar im Vorteil; das Buch gibt eine Einführung in das „Speed-Reading“ . Rost, Friedrich (2010): Lern- und Arbeitstechniken für das Studium. 6. Aufl. Wiesbaden: VS Verl. für Sozialwiss. Ein Rundumschlag zu Lern- und Arbeitstechniken, der auch das Thema Schreiben ausführlicher beinhaltet. Seiwert, Lothar (2010): Das neue 1 x 1 des Zeitmanagement. Der Klassiker; [Zeit im Griff, Ziele in Balance; kompaktes Know-how für die Praxis]. 32. aktual. Aufl., 9. München: Gräfe und Unzer. Ein Klassiker unter den Zeitmangement-Büchern, das auch sehr gut auf den Studienkontext übertragbar ist. Schubert-Henning, Sylvia (2007): Toolbox - Lernkompetenz für erfolgreiches Studieren. 2. Aufl. Bielefeld: UVW, Webler. Eine Handreichung mit 40 Tools für das Studium, u.a. zu Schreiben (z.B. Phasen des Schreibens).

Courses for promoting competent learning

ProLehre offers all students at the TUM a comprehensive program of courses on promoting competent learning. To the course offering of ProLehre Carl von Linde-Akademie of the TUM also offers courses within the framework of its program “Success through Study” for students in the final phase of their degree program. More information: Bettina.Hafner spam prevention  

Formalities concerning your thesis

Having trouble choosing a topic for your bachelor’s or master’s thesis? Our Themenbörse posts current thesis topics from across the spectrum of TUM’s academic departments.


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Technische Universität München

  • Department of Computer Science
  • TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology
  • Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München

On this page, you can find all necessary information for writing a thesis with us.

If you are interested in one of the offered thesis topics , please proceed as follows:

Send us a one-page cover letter , in which you outline your

  • Experiences (e.g., completed courses, projects, work experience)
  • Motivation to contribute these interests and experiences to the chair
  • and potentially relevant publications .

Additionally, it is advantageous if you have already taken courses in the field and have experience with academic writing and research – please make this clear in your cover letter. Send the documents to [email protected] .

If your cover letter is informative and convincing, we will have an initial meeting to specify the thesis topic. Following this, you will complete an exposé within 4 – 6 weeks . In it, you will provide

  • Motivation (research question and relevant problems/research gaps, supported by references from academic literature)
  • Planned objectives/contributions (specific milestones and objectives)
  • Methodology and Evaluation (planned methods to answer research questions and evaluate results)
  • Risks (potential risks that may hinder the progress and success of your work).

We may request changes to the exposé, so it may go through several iterations if necessary.

Once the exposé forms a satisfactory basis for the thesis, you can register the work. We recommend conducting regular meetings with the supervisors during the working phase to address questions and uncertainties directly, ensuring a satisfactory outcome for all parties involved.

The deadline is 4 months later for the Bachelor's programs in Informatics and Information Engineering. If you are enrolled in a different program, please consult the corresponding FPSO. Typically, depending on the FPSO, the Bachelor colloquium takes place after the end of the processing period.

For formalities regarding registration, submission, etc., consult your FPSO and visit the official pages of TUM, e.g. . We would also like to explicitly point out the rules for good academic practice which you have to consider and which you can find at .

Below you will find the subject areas and specific problem statements for which you can write Bachelor's or Master's theses with our department.

Topic Areas

General topics for which we conduct thesis work include:

  • Intelligent Process Automation / Hyperautomation
  • Business Process Simulation (BPS)
  • Sustainability in BPM
  • Resource Allocation in Business Processes
  • Explaining Activity Dependencies.  

Concrete Topic Suggestions

Bachelor thesis topics, leveraging process engines for business process sustainability analyses.

The enactment of business processes can have a negative impact on the environment, meaning that environmental impacts of business processes need to be analysed. One existing framework, the SOPA framework, uses lifecycle assessments (LCA) to incorporate this impact. However, the analyses happen on a level that abstracts from real-world process executions. During run-time, process engines used to execute processes can be used to a) track run-time data and b) require user input on certain activities so that the environmental impact analyses can be made more exact. Relevant for this is an understanding of the base units used in LCA, which can be used for refinement of the analyses. Goal:  Extend a business process engine so that additional data relevant for environmental impact analyses can be put in/tracked during execution time. Evaluate this with an example.

Case Study: Documentation of a Knowledge-Intensive Process

To test and experiment with ideas and newly developed approaches in the BPM area, we need real-use case scenarios that illustrate challenges and allow the testing of developed techniques. This thesis focuses on documenting a business process, with the domain being freely chosen. In addition to creating a process model, the focus is on defining dependencies between activities and the contextual influence on the process. Furthermore, an extended event log will be generated, e.g., through simulation of the process model, containing attributes that capture the contextual information. Objective/Task : Provide a use case where all activity dependencies are specified and the contextual influence is clearly defined. A process model should be designed, and an event log generated.

Comparing Environmental Impacts of Supply Processes

Traditional vendors rely on intermediate distributors to sell and ship their products to customers, storing their goods in warehouses and using traditional shipping routes In contrast to this, emerging online retailers (such as Temu or Aliexpress) allow shipping goods directly to customers, usually via airplane to shorten delivery times. However, one major risk is that customs withholds or rejects these goods, either due to faulty customs declarations or missing certificates. The major question to be addressed in this thesis is in how far the environmental impact of the two types of supply process differs. Goal : Model the two supply process variants; analyse and compare their environmental impact using life cycle assessment (LCA) and the SOPA framework for sustainability-oriented process analysis. Make justified assumptions, where necessary

Preparing the Benchmarking of Resource Allocation Approaches for Business Processes

During process execution, upcoming process tasks must be allocated to internal resources, such as humans or machines. The allocation of tasks to resources is a complex decision-making problem with a high impact on the effectiveness and efficiency of business processes. A wide range of system-initiated (primarily automated) resource allocation approaches have been developed over the last decades. We have analyzed them in a structured literature review. In this, we have learned that benchmarking these approaches is still challenging. To prepare a benchmark, the identified studies of this literature review need to be further coded regarding different aspects, such as allocation goal, control-flow constraints (considered yes, no, assumptions), constraints regarding the resources, constraints regarding tasks, allocation capability, run-time/preplanning, etc. Goal : Develop a data set and a search interface to identify resource allocation studies for a benchmark.  

Resource Allocation in Business Processes with Reinforcement Learning

During process execution, upcoming process tasks must be allocated to internal resources, such as humans or machines. Allocating tasks to resources is a complex decision-making problem that has a high impact on the effectiveness and efficiency of business processes. Reinforcement learning is a promising concept to support the allocation of tasks in business processes. Multiple studies have been proposed in this field that show similarities and differences in modeling the states of the environment and the action of the agent. Goal : Identify and analyze research works using reinforcement learning and identify similarities and differences. Propose a more general approach for reinforcement learning in the resource allocation for business processes and define configuration possibilities.ign and automation of business processes.

Integrating Machine Learning for Enhanced Business Process Simulation: A Review

Organizations carry out a variety of business processes to meet the needs of their customers. These processes, which consist of coordinated activities designed to accomplish specific objectives, are collectively known as business processes. Business Process Simulation (BPS) plays a crucial role in this context by providing a powerful tool to create virtual environments for testing process modifications without actual real-world consequences. Machine learning is one of the recent technologies that are used to enhance and optimize business process simulation.  Goal : to provide an overview of recent efforts in integrating machine learning technologies to enhance business process simulation.

Bachelor or Master Thesis Topics

Proactive human interfaces for intelligent process automation.

Business process engines that are augmented by AI promise highly autonomous process orchestration. However, human process participants are still integral to the processes executed. Consequently, the human-machine interface must include functionalities for the system to proactively contact human actors, e.g., to ask for recontextualization, to escalate decisions in unknown situations, or to create awareness of abnormal situations. Goal:  Identify requirements for the human interface of intelligent process automation systems. Conceptualize how these requirements can be implemented and create a prototype.

Model-driven Multi-Source Discovery of Simulation Models

Business process simulation is a key method for predictive process improvement. The more precise a simulation model reflects (potential) reality, the more valuable insights can be derived from it. To this end, information from multiple sources, such as process mining tools, databases, and human knowledge must be considered. This presents a challenge to simulation experts, who then need to manually integrate different tools and their data formats. Visual models promise to make simulation model discovery pipelines tangible and automatable, addressing this challenge. Goal:  Develop a user-friendly mechanism to generalize the integration of different tools for the discovery and parameterization of business process simulation models. Evaluate the developed artifact.  

Incorporating Uncertainty in Process-based Environmental Impact Assessments

When analysing the environmental impact of business processes, existing works assign discrete environmental costs to activity instances of that processes, and thereby arrive at the overall assessment of environmental process costs. However, determining the costs of activity instances is very complex and difficult to confirm, and therefore connected with a degree of uncertainty. Some techniques for quantifying environmental impacts, such as life cycle assessment (LCA) explicitly include this uncertainty in their results. This information on uncertainty could be useful in enriching existing approaches with details on how certain the assessment of environmental process costs is. Goal:  Develop an approach that takes information on uncertainty into account when calculating environmental process costs, and integrate this into the existing implementation of the SOPA framework for sustainability-oriented process analysis.

Evaluate the Concept of Vitalizing Business Processes on the MIMIC-IV data set

Business process management assumes a clearly defined start and end of business processes. However, not all business processes adhere to this logic, and as a consequence, BPM analysis techniques cannot appropriately capture their behavior. In previous work, we introduced the notion of vitalizing business processes that target the lifecycle process of one or more entities. The MedEvaluate the Concept of Vitalizing Business Processes on the MIMIC-IV data setical Information Mart for Intensive Care (MIMIC)-IV database is a publicly available relational database that includes data on patient treatment in a tertiary academic medical center in Boston, USA. It provides complex care processes in a hospital from end to end. It includes many of the vitalizing business processes. Goal:  Apply the notation of vitalizing business processes and the proposed concepts to one patient group of the MIMIC-IV data set. Evaluate the completeness and usefulness of the proposed concepts.

Data Quality Issues in Business Process Simulation

Organizations execute diverse business processes to serve their customers. Business processes can be defined as a series of structured, coordinated activities aimed at achieving goals (e.g., hiring a new employee). Business Process Simulation (BPS) steps in here – a potent tool creating a virtual environment for testing process changes without real-world effects. The quality of input data is crucial for the effectiveness of business process simulation, particularly event logs, which capture real-life process executions. However, real-world event logs often suffer from various quality issues, affecting simulations' accuracy and reliability. Goal : aims to provide a comprehensive overview of data quality challenges, specifically focusing on issues that directly impact simulation outcomes. then conducting extensive practical testing on available datasets to analyze their suitability and quality for simulation purposes.

Master Thesis Topics

A comparison of modeling approaches in context of behavioral business process redesign.

Changes are omnipresent in todays world. Regulations and laws change as well as IT technologies. In order to keep pace with these changes, business processes must also be constantly modified. Business process redesign is the sub-discipline of business process management (BPM) that deals with changing business processes with the aim of making the process more efficient or implementing changes in regulations or technologies at the process level. Process models, especially BPMN process models, are used in particular for changes to process behavior, i.e. changing activity relationships. BPMN is a modeling language that is particularly suitable for static and highly structured processes. Modeling languages such as DECLARE or DCR notations are used for modeling more knowledge-intensive and flexible processes. However, every process model abstracts from the activity relationships that exist in the model making business process redesign challenging for the user. Because so far, changes are mostly done manually. The question now is to what extent the various modeling approaches are suitable for carrying out behavioral business process redesign. Specifically, this thesis will compare modeling approaches and test the manual implementation of concrete change operations on different models in order to have an overview of the strengths and weaknesses of the approaches in context of business process redesign. Goal : Provide an overview of strengths and weaknesses of modeling approaches for a set of change operations that are performed on process models created with these notations. In particular, compare BPMN, DECLARE, DCR, CMMN, and a new approach focusing on temporal and existential dependencies.

Extract an Event Log for Applying Process Mining on Clinical Studies Data

Clinical studies are well documented in central storage, especially in the USA ( ). This availability of public data on clinical studies allows process mining to be applied to this data to find new insights or to evaluate new process mining techniques on this data set. However, in preparation, the data must first be transferred into an event log. Therefore, decisions on the case notion, the selected event types, and their attributes have to be made. Experts in this field can support the process of extracting an event log. Goal : Follow the procedure of building a useful event log by Jans et al. and extract an event log with the help of experts with whom we are in contact for applying process mining techniques on the publicly available clinical study data.

Knowledge in Business Processes: A Theoretical Perspective

Knowledge is a comprehensive term but essential for various research domains. Also, in Business Process Management (BPM), process knowledge is crucial for understanding processes and dependencies between individual activities. Knowledge includes more than just execution sequences and data encoded in event logs. To make the concept of process knowledge more tangible, the theory of knowledge and knowledge management should therefore be examined more closely in this thesis. What is process knowledge? How can we classify this kind of knowledge? Are there different types of knowledge that are represented and encoded differently? How can we extract knowledge from data and use this knowledge, for example, for process redesign? Goal:  Conduct a literature review on the theory of knowledge and relate the concepts with process knowledge to support the redesign and automation of business processes.

Supporting automated Redesign of Process Behavior with Simulation and ML Techniques

Due to the constantly changing environment, business processes must adapt their process behavior. This means that relations between the activities of a process are changed to make it more efficient with regard to cost, time, and quality. Business process simulation helps in testing new process scenarios safely in a computer-imitated environment and can measure the implications on performance, quality, and costs. However, not every relationship between activities can be changed. Some of them are essential for proper process termination and has to be ensured. Other relationships can be changed but are associated with certain risks and consequences. This thesis is therefore concerned with how business process simulation can be further developed for process behavior redesign so that the vulnerability of relations is taken into account. Specifically, it will be investigated to what extent machine learning approaches, in particular, can be used to develop new process scenarios that take into account the vulnerability of activity relation learnt from historical data and provided by human input. Goal:  Development of a machine learning approach which identifys and tests new process scenarios with a process simulation changing the process behavior by taking into account the vulnerability of activities.

Ongoing and Past Theses

You can find currently ongoing and past theses here .

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  • TUM School of Life Sciences
  • Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Theses & Certificates

Your studies are coming to an end and now all that's missing is your final paper.

Thesis - topic selection and registration

In order to find an interesting topic get in contact with chairs, lecturers, professors or external companies. There are often postings on bulletin boards or websites, or just have a look if you find something suitable on our  Jobs and Career  page.

As soon as you have found a good topic, your thesis needs to be registered.

How do I register my thesis?

Please register your thesis, no matter if bachelor’s or master’s thesis, digitally in the  thesis portal  of the TUM School of Life Sciences. Please note that the login is only possible via the eduVPN client (download: and instruction: ).

You can find detailed instructions including screenshots on how to register your thesis  here .

The responsible examiner has to digitally agree to your application. If this is done, the examination team will check if the requirements for the thesis are met (credit requirements, internships, WPP-registration, etc. depending on the study program) and your registration will be submitted to the examination board for approval. If all requirements are met, the registration of your thesis will be approved by the examination team.

You will then receive  a confirmation via e-mail  from the system, which you should  save for your records . In order to have enough lead time for the review and approval of your application, it should be sent to the Campus Office about  4 weeks before the planned thesis start date .

As soon as the registration has been completed, it will also be entered and displayed in  TUMonline  within the next few days. Please check your account.

Please note that you must be enrolled until the day you submit your thesis . Further information about de-registration:

Thesis Extension and Suspension

If you cannot meet your submission deadline  for reasons beyond your control , the examination board may extend the completion period by a  maximum of half of the regular processing time . If you are unable to work due to illness , the processing time will be suspended accordingly upon request.

How do I extend my thesis?

The application for an extension must be submitted to the examination board before the date of submission and your supervisor has to agree by providing his signature. Therefore, please contact your supervisor early enough if you have problems with meeting your deadline. In general, you should expect a  processing period of approx. 3 weeks  until the examination board has decided on your application and the entry is recorded in your student file. If you are  ill  and can prove   by a  medical certificate  that you are prevented from working on your thesis, the processing time is suspended for the duration of the illness stated in the certificate. Please make sure that the  medical certificate  contains all the required information, especially the beginning and (expected) end of the inability to work on your thesis, a certificate of incapacity for work is not sufficient (instructions on this can be found via ) Please send the signed application to . It will make it easier for us to process your application if you name it:  Last name_Extension.pdf . It will then be forwarded to the respective examination board and you will be informed after the examination board has decided on your application.

Thesis extension / suspension form  (English) Antrag auf Verlängerung / Ruhen der Abschlussarbeit  (German)

Title page template

The layout of the cover sheet and various specifications are usually chair-specific. Please check the website of the chair or contact the supervisor of your thesis. Various general templates can be found in the  MyTUM portal .

Thesis submission

The Bachelor's thesis must not be handed in later than three months after your thesis issue date. The Master's thesis must not be handed in later than six months after your thesis issue date. In case of part-time study programs, different deadlines apply in accordance with the respective FPSO.

  • Example Bachelor: Start issue date of the thesis May 1, latest submission date August 1.
  • Example Master: Start issue date of the thesis October 9, latest submission date April 9.

How do I submit my thesis?

After you have successfully completed your thesis, log in to the thesis portal and upload your thesis as PDF file. You can find detailed information about the upload procedure and about the required designation of your PDF file in the instructions with screenshots  here .  The digital submission does not prevent you from the obligation to hand in the printed and signed version of your thesis to your examiner.

If the upload to the portal is not possible due to technical reasons, please send your thesis to before the deadline.

Evaluation forms for examiners

Thesis evaluation form

The evaluation form is filled out by the examiner and is then sent to the Campus Office ( ) along with the title page.

Creation of certificates

After receipt of the thesis grade in the Campus Office you will receive an e-mail with all information regarding the procedure for the preparation of the certificate.

After the approval by your advisor  it can take up to 6 weeks  until your transcript is issued and signed. You will then be informed by the Central Examination Office that your transcript is ready for collection.

You can also get your certificate by mail. For this, please submit the following request for delivery of the final documents to the department of central examination matters:

If you need an early certificate of graduation, please fill out the form for the issuance of a certificate of graduation ( ) and send it to the Graduation Office and Academic Records  (Campus Weihenstephan). Please note that this is not a certificate, only an official confirmation of your degree. If you have any questions, please contact your student advisor:

Further information of the TU Munich on the topic of final theses.

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Technical University of Munich

  • Chair of Computational Modeling and Simulation
  • TUM School of Engineering and Design
  • Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Guidelines Theses

0. requirements.

Certain requirements must be met before you can write your thesis with us. Please find out in advance whether you are eligible to write your thesis in accordance with the FPSO applicable to you (see Study Wiki ). Normally, at least 120 credits (Bachelor's thesis) or 75 credits (Master's thesis) must have been achieved. In order to be admitted to the Master's thesis, you must either be enrolled in the COME degree program, ITBE degree program or have chosen the specialization "Computational Modeling and Simulation" in the Civil Engineering degree program. If you have only chosen our content in your individual specialization or for the Cross Cutting Methods in the Environmental Engineering degree program, approval from the examination board is required.

In general, it is also possible to write an "External thesis" in collaboration with an industry partner. Please note that the thesis is student work , supervised by the University. Therefore, a topic needs to be carefully selected and must fit our current research goals. This requires an early consultation with your possible supervisor. Furthermore, we expect students willing to write their thesis externally to prove the scientific research gap (e.g., by referencing recent journal or conference publications). And very important: We publish all work conducted at our chair according to good scientific practice. If the industry partner requires a non-disclosure agreement, we will not supervise the thesis.

If these requirements are met, proceed as described in the following sections:

1. Finding a topic

Please first check our Open theses section to see whether a topic of interest to you is advertised. Alternatively, if no topic matches your field of interest, you can also suggest a topic of your own.

If you propose your own topic, please provide a small Exposé (2-4 pages) for your thesis topic as described in the next section (2. Thesis registration) with your application. The Exposé should outline the topic and the most critical research questions, and your arguments should be reinforced by about 5 recent publications (not older than five years) related to your topic. Please be assured that our selection process is fair and thorough, but we cannot guarantee acceptance of your proposed topic; it must align with certain criteria and the chair's research goals, and a suitable supervisor must be available.

Next, please contact us by e-mail at [email protected] . If you follow the link, you can use the ready-made e-mail and just add your information to the blocks in square brackets. It would also be helpful for us if you could additionally attach your transcript of records so that we can check the requirements quickly. If you would like to apply to a specific supervisor, please add their e-mail address to the list of recipients.

2. Thesis registration

Once all requirements have been met and a supervisor has been found, the work needs to be registered upfront. However, it is customary at our chair for you to write an Exposé before the definitive registration. This has the advantage that it gives the topic a contextual frame, and you can familiarize yourself in advance with the planned approach and timeline.

The exposé should have approx 2-4 pages and cover the following aspects:

  • general problem description (approx 0.5 pages)
  • summary of related works (please cite 5-10 relevant journal/conference publications, approx 1 page)
  • identified research gap and preliminary hypothesis (approx. 0.5 - 1 page)
  • intended approach/ methodology to solve the identified problems (approx. 0.5 - 1 page)
  • preliminary timetable.

3. Writing the thesis

Please use our provided templates for your thesis (password for download will be provided by your supervisor):

  • Word [.dotx]
  • Latex [.zip]

The thesis can be written in German or English - please agree on the language with your supervisor upfront.

It is your duty to report the progress of your thesis to your supervisor on a regular basis.

Please use the resources provided by central services of TUM (e.g. TUM University Library for Databases, standards, ...):

  • TUM Zitierleitfaden
  • Scopus, WebOfScience, ...
  • PeriNorm Portal
  • English Writing Center

4. Submission

Please hand in one final version of your thesis as a pdf document directly to your supervisor in time. Additionally, all data, as well as your digital thesis, must be handed in via Sharepoint or Sync+Share .

  • the final version of your thesis [.pdf]
  • a redacted version of your thesis for our website (all personal data redacted) [.pdf]
  • Title in german and English (max. 200 chars) [.txt]. They are inserted in your final transcript of records.
  • Picture, depicting the content of your thesis ([.png], max. 200x200px) and abstract ([.txt], max. 200 words) for our website
  • all relevant scientific data (Code, models, ...)

5. Presentation

The date of your thesis presentation will be defined by your supervisor. It will usually be within 1-2 weeks after the thesis handover. All CMS members will attend the presentation. If you want to invite external partners/guests, please inform your supervisor upfront.

Please use the provided template for your presentation: PowerPoint , Latex .

Our presentation monitors have a 16:9 ratio. We provide standard HDMI as well as ClickShare (USB, USB-C) for your presentation.

The presentation should be held in English unless otherwise agreed.

Type of work  Duration 
 Research internship 8 min
 IDP 13 min
Bachelor's thesis 12 min
Master's thesis 15 min

Do not exceed these times!

Rule of thumb: ~ 1 slide per minute - no full sentences on slides! Make use of images supporting your statements.

You will be informed about your final grade within one week after the presentation. The grade will be announced to our faculty's grading office in meantime.

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  • TUM Graduate School
  • Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Timeline of the doctorate

As a doctoral candidate at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), you are automatically one of the more than 10,000 members of the TUM Graduate School. While individual research is and remains the core of the doctorate, the TUM Graduate School (TUM-GS) provides a structured framework to support doctoral candidates and their supervisors in the best possible way. This is based on the highest international standards. In accordance with the T UM doctoral regulations , this framework includes mandatory qualification elements and administrative steps, which we explain in more detail on this page. You can find out more about the TUM doctoral model here.  

You will find extensive information and explications in the TUM-GS Wiki!  

Timeline of the doctorate at TUM (Grafik: TUM-GS)

Supervision Agreement

The supervision agreement supports you and your supervisor in planning and carrying out your doctorate and is the basis for a trusting, constructive and transparent collaboration at the highest academic level. In the document, mutual rights and obligations are made transparent and qualification priorities and verifiable milestones are set out. The elements contained in the supervision agreement can and should be adapted and changed as the dissertation project develops. The exposé and the choice of mentor can usually be submitted up to six months after entry in the doctoral candidacy list. The supervision agreement can be found on the website of your respective Graduate Center. 

Further information on the specific contents of the supervision agreement can be found in our TUM-GS Wiki . 

Kick-Off Seminar

The three-day TUM-GS Kick-Off Seminar offers you orientation and valuable information about research and good scientific practice at TUM during the first six months of your doctorate. Part of the seminar is a transferable skills course led by professional trainers with many years of experience. There will also be plenty of room for networking through activities such as a guided walk & talk and a specially developed escape game. The TUM-GS Kick-Off Seminar takes place at the TUM Center for Study & Teaching in Raitenhaslach. Learn more about the Kick-Off Seminar. 

Feedback talk

At the latest two years after joining the TUM-GS, there will be a feedback talk about the ongoing doctoral project. In the feedback meeting, you and your supervisor will discuss the progress of your doctorate and the qualification program. The exact requirements can be found in the TUM-GS statututory regulations and the specific regulations of your Graduate Center.

Publication/Discussion in the international scientific community

Every doctoral candidate presents their own research project for discussion in the international scientific community during the doctorate phase. This usually takes the form of accepted publications and conference papers, which are subject to a peer review process. For specific regulations, please refer to the regulations of your Graduate Center. 

Subject-specific qualification

The Graduate Centers offer a wide range of subject-specific further qualifications, which ideally complement and deepen independent academic work. In relation to the entire duration of the doctorate, each doctoral candidate must attend a total of 6 semester hours per week (SWS) of subject-specific courses.  

Active participation in the academic environment of TUM

An indispensable element of the doctorate is the active participation of doctoral candidates in the academic environment of TUM. This integration can be achieved, for example, by attending classes at TUM, teaching at TUM or working in a research group at TUM. 

In addition to the supervisor, every doctoral candidate at TUM is supported by a mentor. Together, mentor and mentee can discuss topics such as subject-specific and transferable skills or personal development. As a rule, the mentor should be a person with a doctorate who is independent of the professorship or research group. 

Annual data confirmation via DocGS

Doctoral candidates and supervisors annually confirm the continuation of their doctoral projects and the timeliness of the relevant data. The data confirmation takes place via the online portal DocGS. 

Minimum 2-year membership at TUM Graduate School

You must have been a member of the TUM-GS for at least two years before submitting your dissertation.   

Submission of the dissertation

The application for submission of the dissertation must be filed via the DocGS portal. Prerequisite for the application are the fulfillment of the mandatory qualification elements, for details see the doctoral degree regulations, §8, as well as the statute of the TUM-GS, §16. The dissertation can be submitted in printed form or electronically (pdf). Additional documents include a summary of the dissertation, an sworn statement, a curriculum vitae in tabular form, a list of previous publications if applicable, additional academic degrees, a declaration of own contribution and co-authors or a declaration of consent from your supervisor.  In the TUM-GS Wiki you will find a detailed overview of the individual steps and requirements for submission. For any specific regulations, please contact your Graduate Center . 


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thesis submission tum

Our Academic Departments for finding a thesis topic

Finding a topic and supervisor for your final thesis is an essential part of your degree program. There are several ways to achieve this goal:

  • Apply for an advertised topic at a chair. To make the process easier, please find the contact information, requirements for supervising a thesis and available topics of each chair of TUM School of Management by following the links below.
  • Develop your own topic based on your interests and classes and proactively contact a potential supervisor from a chair in a related research area. For this purpose, please familiarize yourself with the requirements for supervision of the chair.
  • Pitch a work-related topic offered by a company to a potential supervisor at a chair in a related research area.
  • Plan to do your thesis abroad. 

Last, but not least, we recommend to check the provided information sheets in our Download Center and the module description of the final thesis. We wish you the best of luck!


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Technische Universität München

  • Professur für Entrepreneurial Finance
  • TUM School of Management
  • Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München

Thesis Supervision

We welcome students seeking to write their Bachelor’s or Master’s theses at the Professorship for Entrepreneurial Finance (PEF) at any point in time. Writing a final thesis at the PEF means to both theoretically and empirically address a current scientific question. The empirical requirements are higher for M.Sc. candidates than for B.Sc. candidates. A final thesis at the PEF should be written in English and edited according to the APA guidelines. The suggested length is 8,000 words (+/- 2,000) for B.Sc. candidates and 10,000 words (+/- 2,000) for M.Sc. candidates (excluding references and exhibits). 


You can apply to write your thesis at the PEF either by applying for a suggested topic (see current offerings below) or by applying with your own project proposal. In any case, please send your complete application, including (i) a short description of your motivation, (ii) your CV, and (iii) your current transcript of record to [email protected] . If you apply with your own project, please attach a two- to three-page long project proposal, covering your research question, the state of the literature, your intended contribution, data sources, and methods.


After your successful thesis application, you are responsible for registering your thesis with the examination board (Prüfungsausschuss).


Please refer to the steps below as well as the  information sheet  in the download center on the website of TUM School of Management ( ).

  • On the day of the submission deadline, the students must send the thesis to  [email protected]  by 23:59 pm at the latest. Of course, they are allowed to submit the thesis before their deadline. If the submission date falls on a public holiday or a weekend, they may submit their thesis on the next working day. The following documents should be added to the submission:

                   o   Signature to the page Declaration of Authorship.

                   o   Filled form  Permission to View My Final Thesis .

  • The subject of the email should be Thesis Submission Name/Matriculation Number: xxxxxx. The student may choose the file names for the thesis and all the other documents.
  • Grade Management will forward the thesis to the supervisor. The student does not have to do anything else.
  • All other supplementary files (codes, excel lists, etc.) should be sent directly to the supervisor.
  • No hard copies of the final thesis are required.



Johannes N. Grubmüller: Performance of Crypto Funds, 2023.

Iva Yordanova: Theories on Fractionalization – Measuring the Impact of Fractionalization on the Value of Digital Assets, 2023.

Kodalli, Kerem: The Importance of a Football Team's Market Value to Team Success and The Impact of This Relationship on the Competitive Balance, 2023.

Jarz, Simon: The evolution of token offerings, 2023.

Tognazzo, Giacomo: The evolution of CEO quality in token offerings, 2023.

Schaaf, Johannes: The Key Determinants for Success and Mass Adoption of Tokenized Trade Receivables, 2023.

Boyko, Anton: The development of digital assets regulation and its impact on token-offering activity, 2023.

Tulendiyeva, Karlygash: Value Drivers of Web3 / Metaverse Ventures, 2023.

Abdelaal, Khaled: Value Creation in Web3 / Metaverse Startups, 2023.

Chong, Man Mani: Exploring the Impact of Industry-Level Factors on Corporate Performance: A Comparative Analysis across Multiple Industries, 2024. 

Wirtz, Jan Peter: Digitalisierung im Mittelstand: Wie Private Equity Investoren dazu beitragen können, 2024.

Koc, Hasim: Does the CEO matter for firm performance?, 2024.

Blain-Dube, Catherine: Intellectual property: Exploring the consequences of conflict for technological change, 2024.

Junker, Oliver: Transfer Fees and Competitive Balance: An Analysis of Europe`s Major Football Leagues, 2024.

Masood, Mohammad Ateeb: Development of Token Offering Sucess Factors, 2024.

Monzon Holguin, Luis: Determinants of Post-ICO Performance: an analysis of the impact on KYC on tokens' BHAR?, 2024.

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Technische Universität München

  • Lehrstuhl für Connected Mobility
  • TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology
  • Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München

Open Guided Research, BSc and MSc Thesis Topics

We are offering topics in the context of and complementing our research projects. Below is a short list of some of the open topics. Please contact us to learn more about those. And, since any list may be out of date, please also check with us about other emerging topics or your own ideas. The homepage for chair members can be  found here . 

We are primarily a systems research group, so usually expect to do some kind of real world prototype system and/or simulator code implementation and evaluation. This may include putting together hardware for testbeds or evaluation systems and sometimes user studies. In some cases, we'll look for solid mathematical modeling and analysis, likely paired with simulations.

We expect all theses to be written in  English . We further expect all parts of the theses to be written by the student and not generative AI. If you refer to existing work and other content, you need to properly cite your sources. You can find more information about citations in the comprehensive TUM Citation Guide . We will check all submitted documents with automated tools for plagiarism and AI-generated content.

Formal guidelines and information about the formatting and the submission of a thesis can be found  here .

To apply for a topic, please send an email to the respective supervisor including a  letter of motivation ,  CV , and a  transcript  of your completed courses.

Note : For the majority of the thesis topics, the candidate is required to undergo a trial period of the duration of  one month during which his/her capabilities will be assessed. Such requirement implies that the official thesis registration date will be accordingly moved. Exceptions are possible based on the advisor discretion.

List of Topics ( B achelor T hesis, M aster T hesis, G uided R esearch, A pplication P roject)

Topic Title

Keywords Type Advisor/s
5G, Simulation, Microservices, Modelling IDP/MT
Edge-Testbed Management Plane Edge, Testbed, Cloudlab, Management Plane IDP
Edgeless, Serverless, Deterministic MT, GR
Edgeless, Serverless, KVM MT, GR
Multipath RF and Optical link transmissions in LEO satellites simulation, LEO, multipath MT

Transport protocol extensions for fast (real-time) edge offloading 

transport protocols, Wi-Fi, edge offloading, AR MT
Designing a timely control plane for edge orchestration frameworks Age-of-Information, orchestration, edgeIO, edge computing BT/MT/GR
Simulator for autonomous load distribution in massively parallel edge processing simulation, edge processing,  MT/GR

emulation, simulation, TSN, IVN, CAN, EnGINE IDP/GR
video, lidar, ICN, NDN, TSN, IVN, EnGINE BT/IDP/GR
Revisiting multipath schedulers with MPQUIC in mind Rust, QUIC, Multipath BT/MT


IPv6, multicast, eBPF, Internet Emulation MT (david.guzman [at]
Internet Measurements, Internet Emulation MT

(david.guzman [at], 

Learning-based scheduler for Multipath Transport Protocol design, Machine learning MT ,
Containerize and Modularize Server Applications with WebAssembly QUIC, Linux, Rust, Go, WASM, Docker BT/MT
Transport Protocols, Congestion Control, QUIC, WebTransport BT/IDP
Transport Protocols, Congestion Control, Formal Methods IDP/GR/MT
Internet Measurements BT/IDP
Internet Measurements, Ontology Engineering IDP/MT
MASQUE and Multipath QUIC for 5G Networks Transport Protocols, Multipath, WLAN, 5G IDP/MT
Evaluating adaptive bitrate (ABR) algorithms in various video streaming use cases for Starlink network Internet Measurements, LEO, Real-time media GR/MT

Thesis Guideline

Thesis Guideline

Phase 0: finding a topic and application, phase 1: registration, phase 2: writing the thesis, phase 3: submission, phase 4: assessment and next steps.

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NMC Issues Clarification On Mandatory Requirement Of Thesis Submission

The student cannot be prevented from appearing in the examination if he has not obtained the approval of dissertation/thesis from the hod..

NMC Issues Clarification On Mandatory Requirement Of Thesis Submission

The National Medical Commission (NMC) has released a notification issuing clarification on the mandatory requirement of dissertation/ thesis submission . As per the release, regulation 5.2 (iii) of the Post Graduate Medical Education Regulations 2023 provides that all broad speciality and super speciality students will do thesis related research and would write thesis.  Similarly, relevant provision regarding dissertation/ thesis as contained in Regulation 8.4 of the Post Graduate Medical Education Regulations 2023 notes that "Five per cent of mark of total marks of Clinical/Practical and Viva Voce marks (20 marks) will be of dissertation/thesis and it will be part of clinical/practical examination marks. External examiner outside the state will evaluate dissertation/ thesis and take viva voce on it and marks will be given on quality of dissertation/thesis and performance on its viva voce. Therefore, student will submit the dissertation to the university through HoD and dean of the medical college."

The student cannot be prevented from appearing in the examination if he has not obtained the approval of dissertation/thesis from the HoD. The dissertation now accounts for 5 per cent of the total marks in the clinical/practical and viva voce components, meaning 20 marks out of the total marks allocated for these components are reserved for the dissertation. This change in the guidelines will help in the quality of thesis related research work.  The Post Graduate Medical Education Board (PGMEB) of the National Medical Commission (NMC), through its public notice dated June 13, 2024, had previously informed all concerned medical colleges/institutions about the requirement to complete the final examination by December 31, 2024. In a meeting held on July 31, 2024 with representatives from various health universities, concerns were raised regarding the mandatory submission of the dissertation/thesis as a prerequisite for appearing in the final examination for the PG Broad Specialty batch of 2021.  

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NMC Issues Clarification On Mandatory Requirement Of Thesis Submission


  1. Theses

    Here, you will find information on the regulations governing the writing and submission of your thesis. Formalities. Please take note: These specifications apply for bachelor's and master's theses. You can find the regulations applying to the diploma thesis in the §§ of the ADPO (General Academic and Examination Regulations) and the FPSO ...

  2. Thesis Informatics

    General information on your thesis For tips on finding a topic and completing the thesis, please come to the information event Let's talk about - Final Thesis @in.tum; It is mandatory to be enrolled while writing your thesis.; For information on writing guidelines, formatting, extension, submission, and visibility of registration and submission, please see thesis in detail.

  3. Formalities

    If a student cannot meet the first submission deadline for the thesis for reasons beyond the student's control, the Examination Committee may extend the period for writing the thesis by a maximum of half that period. ... For the period in which you are working on your thesis at the TUM, from registration to submission, (+ where applicable ...

  4. Thesis & Graduation

    CIT portal. From 15 January 2024 on, all final theses in the School of Computation, Information and Technology will be managed via the CIT portal. Once you have found a topic and a supervising chair for your thesis, you will be registered by the supervising chair. You will receive an e-mail asking you to confirm your thesis registration.

  5. Thesis Mathematics

    Digital submission. The Bachelor's or Master's thesis has to be submitted digitally. Please submit the thesis as a PDF file to bachelor(at) or master(at) within the deadline. If you have to hand in code or other files, please e-mail all files collected in a zip folder. Printed copies and USB sticks will no longer be accepted. Date

  6. Theses

    More information can be found in the section Publishing Doctoral Theses. Dissertations in paper form are archived by the University Library. You can search and borrow them via the TUM Online Catalog (OPAC). In doing so, you can limit your search to dissertations if you filter the results list with the format type "Dissertation, Hochschulschrift".

  7. Tips and Tricks

    Tips and Tricks for the final research papers and thesis. Final research papers and theses for degrees at the TUM are as manifold as the TUM itself. They range from scientific research papers in engineering in close association with technical applications through to theoretical theses, yet they all have one thing in common: They should ...

  8. PDF Information guidelines on your final thesis

    the portal / GMT confirming the official submission date of your thesis after the registration has been processed. The registration and the submission dates are not dependent on the semester dates. 7. How to submit your bachelor thesis Important: You must be fully registered when you submit your thesis, so that the Grade

  9. PDF Thesis and Seminar Paper Guidelines

    work on the theoretical part of your thesis, collect, and analyse your data. Finally, yet importantly, you should plan some time for the correction phase before you submit your final thesis. Table 1. Exemplary timeline Step Time Frame Tasks 1 Approx. 4 weeks Preparation Phase: Familiarize oneself with scientific

  10. Theses

    Process If you are interested in one of the offered thesis topics, please proceed as follows:. Send us a one-page cover letter, in which you outline your. Interests; Experiences (e.g., completed courses, projects, work experience); Motivation to contribute these interests and experiences to the chair; and potentially relevant publications.; Additionally, it is advantageous if you have already ...

  11. Theses & Certificates

    The Master's thesis must not be handed in later than six months after your thesis issue date. In case of part-time study programs, different deadlines apply in accordance with the respective FPSO. Example Bachelor: Start issue date of the thesis May 1, latest submission date August 1. Example Master: Start issue date of the thesis October 9 ...

  12. Bachelor and Master theses

    Submission The submission is made by email to the Grade Management ([email protected]) and not to the supervisor. Forwarding by the Grade Management to the supervisor takes place after review and approval by the Grade Management. To be submitted: Thesis with signed Declaration of Authorship (digital signature is sufficient)

  13. PDF Information sheet Submitting your thesis at TUM School of Management

    Updated: February 2022. 3. Last check before submitting my thesis. • My cover sheet contains all the necessary information: o matriculation number o surname, first name o study program o degree (Bachelor or Master) o School: TUM School of Management - as I am a student of that school and not another one) o supervising chair o supervisor o ...

  14. Guidelines

    Guidelines Theses 0. Requirements. Certain requirements must be met before you can write your thesis with us. Please find out in advance whether you are eligible to write your thesis in accordance with the FPSO applicable to you (see Study Wiki).Normally, at least 120 credits (Bachelor's thesis) or 75 credits (Master's thesis) must have been achieved.

  15. Doctoral timeline

    The application for submission of the dissertation must be filed via the DocGS portal. Prerequisite for the application are the fulfillment of the mandatory qualification elements, for details see the doctoral degree regulations, §8, as well as the statute of the TUM-GS, §16. The dissertation can be submitted in printed form or electronically (pdf).

  16. Thesis

    There are several ways to achieve this goal: Apply for an advertised topic at a chair. To make the process easier, please find the contact information, requirements for supervising a thesis and available topics of each chair of TUM School of Management by following the links below. Develop your own topic based on your interests and classes and ...

  17. PDF Guidelines for Student Theses

    • Submit the thesis (mind the deadline!) digitally via the Koinon portal (BA/MA) or hand in a printed version (IDP/GRP). •Submit one printed version to the secretariat for the Chair's library and upload a digital version to Chairman. •Arrange a date for the final talk with your advisor. 3.5After Thesis Submission The student must:

  18. Thesis supervision

    On the day of the submission deadline, the students must send the thesis to [email protected] by 23:59 pm at the latest. Of course, they are allowed to submit the thesis before their deadline. If the submission date falls on a public holiday or a weekend, they may submit their thesis on the next working day.

  19. PDF Information guidelines on your final thesis

    submission date of your thesis after the registration has been processed. The registration and the submission dates are not dependent on the semester dates. If you collaborate with a TUM SOMex or TUMexchange partner university, your thesis could be written during a regular semester abroad. Please bear in mind the application deadlines in that case.

  20. PDF Thesis Writing Guidelines Style and Formatting

    ize your thesis into sections and subsections. Structure your work by. sing Arabic numerals, i.e. 1, 1.1, 1.1.1, etc. Within a (sub)section, paragraph breaks to indicate a new thought. The cover. Title of the thesis. Name, address, matriculation number of the author, course of study, and semester count.

  21. Open Guided Research, BSc and MSc Thesis Topics

    Thesis & Guided Research. Open Thesis Topics / Guided Research. Open Guided Research, BSc and MSc Thesis Topics. We are offering topics in the context of and complementing our research projects. Below is a short list of some of the open topics. Please contact us to learn more about those. And, since any list may be out of date, please also ...

  22. PDF Students checklist for submitting the final thesis

    Last check before submitting my thesis. of my thesis (in consultation with my supervisor)If I have written the thesis in English, t is sufficient to indicate the title in English.If, on the other hand, I have written the thesis in German, I. ed: cooperation partner (e.g. company, NGO, etc.)When it comes to the design of the cover sheet itself,

  23. Thesis Guideline

    Here, we provide you with a guideline for writing your bachelor's or master's thesis with us at the Chair for Strategy and Organization. Please always check before asking your supervisor; most (organizational) questions should be covered in the thesis guideline or this FAQ section. However, if you find something to be unclear, don't hesitate to ask.

  24. NMC Issues Clarification On Mandatory Requirement Of Thesis Submission

    New Delhi: The National Medical Commission (NMC) has released a notification issuing clarification on the mandatory requirement of dissertation/ thesis submission.As per the release, regulation 5. ...