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  • 5th Grade Math

Grade 5 division worksheets: Free & printable

Are you ready to become a division master? Do you want to learn how to solve any division problem quickly and confidently? Do you want to have fun while practicing your skills and preparing for your grade 5 division test? If you answered yes to these questions, this article is for you! Here, you’ll find an excellent collection of Free & printable Grade 5 division worksheets for

How to master Grade 5 division in no time: the smart way with engaging Grade 5 division worksheets

Available in this article are smart ways with engaging Grade 5 division worksheets and ideas on how to master Grade 5 division in no time . Mastering division skills is vital to students' academic success. These skills go beyond math to real-life problem solving; hence vital for 5 th graders to grasp at their fingertips.

However, to help your 5th-grade students enhance their division skills, you can download and print free Grade 5 division worksheets from Mathskills4kids , perfect for at-home learning or classroom practice.

Also, these division worksheets will offer 5 th graders the practice they need for dividing small to larger digit numbers, estimating quotients, dividing by 10, 100, etc.

Below is a guide to everything this article has prepared for us. So, stay focused and discover:

  • The importance of division in grade 5 and why it is a key skill for your future success
  • Why division is fun and easy: a quick review of the basics and how to apply them
  • How to divide like a pro: tips and tricks for solving any problem, from simple to complex
  • The power of practice: how engaging worksheets can boost your skills and confidence and make you enjoy learning
  • How to ace your grade 5 division test: a step-by-step guide to prepare for the big day and impress your teacher and classmates
  • How to help your child with division: a parent's guide to supporting learning at home and making it fun and rewarding
  • Bonus: the best resources for grade 5 division and where to find them (descriptions and pages' addresses if available)

Ready? Let's dive in!


Download free worksheets, 5th grade math topics.

  • Number sense
  • Addition and subtraction


  • Number theory
  • Add & subtract decimals
  • Multiply decimals
  • Divide decimals
  • Fractions & mixed numbers
  • Add & subtract fractions
  • Multiply fractions
  • Divide fractions
  • Mixed operations
  • Problems solving
  • Ratios and rates
  • Percentages
  • Number sequences
  • Coordinate graph
  • Variable expressions
  • Data and Graphs
  • Probability and statistics
  • Telling time
  • Unit of measurements
  • Triangles & quadrilaterals
  • Symmetry & transformations
  • Geometric measurements

Grade 5 division worksheets: Free & printable - division facts up to 12 - Division facts to 12 practice

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The importance of division in grade 5.

Division is one of the four basic operations in math, along with addition, subtraction, and multiplication. It is the process of splitting a number into equal parts or groups. For example, if you have 12 cookies and want to share them with 3 friends, you can divide 12 by 3 to determine how many cookies each person gets. The answer is 4 cookies per person.

Division is important because it helps us understand how things are distributed or arranged in the real world. For example, we can use division to:

  • Find out how many people can fit in a car, a bus, or a plane
  • Calculate how much money we need to pay for something or how much change we get back
  • Measure how long it takes to do something or how fast something is moving
  • Compare the sizes or quantities of different things
  • Simplify fractions or decimals

Also, division is important in grade 5 because it prepares 5 th graders for more advanced math topics that they will learn in later grades, such as ratios, proportions, percentages, algebra, geometry, and more. Mastering division in grade 5 will give students a solid foundation for their future math success!

Why division is fun and easy: A quick review of the basics

Most people might think division is complicated or boring, but that's not true! Division is fun and easy once we understand the basics and how to apply them. Let's review some of the key concepts and terms that you need to know:

  • A division problem has three parts : the dividend , the divisor , and the quotient . The dividend is the number being divided, the divisor is the number that divides the dividend, and the quotient is the answer. For example, in 12 ÷ 3 = 4, 12 is the dividend, 3 is the divisor, and 4 is the quotient.
  • A division problem can also have a remainder , the part of the dividend left over after dividing. For example, in 13 ÷ 4 = 3 R1, 13 is the dividend, 4 is the divisor, 3 is the quotient, and 1 is the remainder.
  • A division problem can be written in different ways : as a fraction (12/3), as a long division (12 ÷ 3), or as an inverse multiplication (12 = 3 x ?). All these ways mean the same thing: how many times does 3 go into 12?
  • A division problem can be solved using different strategies : by using repeated subtraction (12 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 = 0), using skip counting (3, 6, 9, 12), using multiplication facts (3 x ? = 12), by using partial quotients (10 ÷ 3 = 3 + (2 ÷ 3)), or by using an algorithm (the standard long division method).
  • A division problem can be checked using inverse operations: multiplying the quotient by the divisor and adding the remainder (if any) to get back the dividend. For example, to check if 13 ÷ 4 = 3 R1 is correct, we can do (3 x 4) + 1 = 13.

As you can see, division is easy and exciting after all! It's just a matter of knowing what to do and how to do it. And once you master these basics, you can move on to more challenging problems that involve larger numbers, decimals, fractions, and more!

How to divide like a pro: Tips and tricks for solving any problem

We've learned the basics of division, but now you want to take your 5 th grader’s skills to the next level. How can they divide like pros ? offers tips and tricks to help Grade 5 students solve any division problem quickly .

  • Use mental math . Sometimes, we can divide numbers in our heads without writing anything down. For example, if we want to divide 36 by 4, we can think of it as 4 times 9 or 9 times 4. So, the answer is 9. Mental math is faster and more convenient than calculators or paper and pencil. It also helps to develop our number sense and estimation skills.
  • Use shortcuts . Some tricks can help us divide faster and easier. For example, if we want to divide by 10, we can move the decimal point one place to the left. If we want to divide by 100, move the decimal point two places to the left. And so on.

Using shortcuts can save time and effort when dividing large numbers.

We can use long division to divide any two numbers, big or small. To do long division, we must know how to divide, multiply, subtract, and bring down. Here are the steps for long division:

  • Write the dividend (the number being divided) inside the long division symbol and the divisor (the number doing the dividing) outside.
  • Divide the first digit of the dividend by the divisor . Write the quotient (the answer) above the long division symbol.
  • Multiply the quotient by the divisor and write the product under the first digit of the dividend .
  • Subtract the product from the first digit of the dividend and write the difference below.
  • Bring down the next digit of the dividend and write it next to the difference.
  • Repeat steps 2 to 5 until there are no more digits to bring down or until you get a remainder (a number left over after dividing).
  • If there is a remainder, write it after a decimal point and continue dividing until you get a decimal answer or until you get a repeating pattern of digits.

Here is an example of long division:

long division example

In this example, we divided 54 by 12 using long division. We got a quotient of 4.5 and no remainder.

4.5 x 12 = 54

Since we got the same dividend as before, our answer is correct.

  • Using estimation . To estimate your answer, round up or down the numbers in the problem and divide them using mental math or shortcuts. Then compare the estimated answer with the actual answer and see if they are close enough. If they are, the answer is probably correct. If not, the answer is probably wrong, and we’ll redo the problem.

For example, to estimate our previous example, we can round up 54 to 60 and round down 12 to 10, then divide them using mental math.

60 ÷ 10 = 6

Our estimated answer is 6, close enough to our actual answer of 4.5. Our answer is correct.

These tips and tricks will help you divide like a pro in no time!

The power of practice: How engaging division worksheets can boost 5 th graders' skills and confidence

You've learned some tips and tricks to help your child divide like a pro, but how can they apply them in real life? How can you help your child to remember and use them correctly? The answer is simple: they can use the power of practice , practice, practice!

Practice makes perfect, as they say. The more your 5 th graders practice dividing, the better they will get at it. Practice will help them master the skills, strategies, and division concepts. Practice will also help build their confidence and overcome any fear or anxiety about division.

But how can 5th-grade students practice dividing in a fun and effective way? One of the best ways to practice dividing is by using engaging worksheets . Worksheets are sheets of paper with problems or exercises that test a kid’s knowledge and skills on a specific topic. Mathskills4kids’ free and printable Grade 5 division worksheets can help students practice dividing in many ways, such as:

  • Mathskills4kids’ worksheets provide students with various problems to solve , from easy to challenging, simple to complex, one-digit to multi-digit, whole numbers to decimals and fractions, and so on. These worksheets can challenge learners to apply what they've learned and test their understanding of division.
  • Mathskills4kids’ worksheets give learners immediate feedback on their performance . These worksheets show learners the correct answers and the steps to solve the problems. They also show them where they made mistakes and how to fix them. Worksheets can help kids learn from their errors and improve accuracy and speed.
  • Mathskills4kid’s division worksheets can motivate you to keep practicing and learning . These worksheets make division fun and exciting using colorful graphics, themes, puzzles, games, stories, jokes, riddles, and more. They also reward students for their efforts by giving them points, stars, stickers, certificates, or other incentives. Also, they make students feel proud of their achievements and encourage them to do more.

Using Mathskills4kids engaging worksheets can boost 5 th graders’ skills and confidence in division like nothing else!

How to ace Grade 5 division Test: A step-by-step guide

You've practiced dividing like a pro using engaging worksheets with your Grade 5 students, but now they will face the ultimate challenge: the Grade 5 division test . How do they ace it? How can they show you and themselves what they've learned and how good they are at dividing? Don't worry; we've got you covered. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to ace the grade 5 division test :

Ensure that they know how to divide any numbers using any method. Give them practice on some more problems using engaging worksheets or online games. They can ask for help from you. Tell them to sleep well, eat a healthy breakfast, and relax before the test.

They can use mental math, shortcuts, or long division if necessary. Let them show all their work clearly and neatly using the correct symbols and steps.

They should also check their answer using the inverse operation or estimation. If they are unsure about an answer, they can skip it and return to it later if they have time.

They should not panic or stress out if they encounter a complex problem or make a mistake. They should stay calm and confident and do their best.

Tell them to worry less about the results until they come out. They should be proud of themselves for all the hard work and effort they’ve put into learning and practicing division.

How to Effectively use worksheets for number sense and place value practice

To make the most of Mathskilsl4kids’ worksheets for number sense and place value practice, consider the following tips:

  • Start with the basics : Begin with worksheets that cover foundational concepts and gradually progress to more complex topics.
  • Provide guidance : Offer support and guidance when necessary, ensuring that your child understands the instructions and concepts before starting the worksheet.
  • Encourage problem-solving : Encourage your child to think critically and use problem-solving strategies when tackling worksheets. Emphasize the importance of showing their work and explaining their reasoning.
  • Offer feedback : Review completed worksheets with your child, providing constructive feedback and discussing any mistakes or areas of improvement.
  • Celebrate progress : Recognize your child's effort and progress, praising their achievements and motivating them to continue their learning journey.

By implementing these strategies, you can maximize the effectiveness of Mathskills4kids’ worksheets and help your child develop a strong grasp of number sense and place value.

How to help your child with division: A parent's guide to supporting learning at home

As a parent, you want your child to succeed in math and enjoy learning. But sometimes, knowing how to help them with their homework can be challenging, especially regarding division. You might feel like you don't remember the rules, are occupied, or want to avoid confusing them with different methods. Don't worry; we've got you covered!

In this section, we'll share some tips and strategies for helping your child with division at home. You'll learn how to:

  • Make division fun and meaningful for your child

Reinforce what they learn at school and fill in any gaps

Use everyday objects and situations to practice division.

  • Encourage your child to explain their thinking and check their work

Support your child's growth mindset and confidence in math

Let's get started!

Make division fun and meaningful for your child.

One of the best ways to help your child with division is to make it fun and relevant. Children are more motivated to learn when they see the purpose and value of what they are doing. They also learn better when they are engaged and interested.

Here are some ideas for making division fun and meaningful for your child :

  • Play games that involve division, such as card games, board games, dice games, or online games . You can find some examples of division games here: .
  • Use your child's hobbies and interests as a context for division . For example, if your child likes sports, you can ask them to calculate how many players are on each team, how many points each player scored, or how many minutes each player played. If your child likes cooking, you can ask them to measure ingredients, divide recipes, or share food equally.
  • Create challenges or puzzles that require division . For example, you can ask your child to figure out how many candies are in a jar, how many stickers they can fit on a page, or how many books they can read in a month.
  • Reward your child for their efforts and achievements in division . You can use stickers, certificates, badges, or tokens that they can exchange for prizes or privileges.

Another way to help your child with division is to reinforce what they learn at school and fill in any gaps they might have. You can do this by:

  • Reviewing their homework and classwork with them. Ask them to explain what they did and why. Praise them for their work and help them correct any errors.
  • Asking their teacher about the curriculum and expectations for grade 5 division . Find out what topics and skills they are learning, what methods and strategies they are using, and what resources they are using.
  • Using the same vocabulary and notation as their teacher . For example, if their teacher uses the terms dividend, divisor, quotient, and remainder, use the same terms when discussing division. If their teacher uses the long division algorithm or the area model, use the same method when you show them how to divide.
  • Providing extra practice if needed . If your child struggles with a particular concept or skill, give them more opportunities to practice it until they master it. You can use worksheets, flashcards, online quizzes, or apps to help them practice.

Another way to help your child with division is to use everyday objects and situations to practice it. This will help them develop their number sense and problem-solving skills. It will also show them that math is everywhere and useful for many things.

Here are some examples of how you can use everyday objects and situations to practice division:

  • Use objects that can be easily counted and divided , such as coins, buttons, beads, Lego bricks, or paper clips. Ask your child to group them into equal sets or share them equally among several people or containers.
  • Use food items that can be cut or broken into equal parts , such as pizza slices, cookies, chocolate bars, or sandwiches. Ask your child to divide them equally among several people or plates.
  • Use measuring tools with units that can be divided by different numbers, such as rulers, measuring cups, scales, or clocks. Ask your child to measure lengths, volumes, weights, or times using different units and divide them by different numbers.
  • Use calendars or schedules that have days, weeks, months, or years that can be divided by different numbers. Ask your child to calculate how many days are in a certain number of weeks or months, how many weeks are in a certain number of months or years, or how many months are in a certain number of years.

Please encourage your child to explain their thinking and check their work

Another way to help your child with division is to encourage them to explain their thinking and check their work . This will help them develop their communication and reasoning skills. It will also help them catch any mistakes and improve their accuracy.

Here are some ways to encourage your child to explain their thinking and check their work:

  • Ask them to show their work and write down their steps to solve a division problem. Ask them to explain why they chose a particular method or strategy and how they knew it was correct.
  • Ask them to use different methods or strategies to solve the same division problem and compare the results. Ask them to explain why they got the same or different answers, which method or strategy they prefer, and why.
  • Ask them to use estimation or mental math to check their answers. Ask them to explain how they estimated or calculated mentally and how close their answer was to the actual answer.
  • Ask them to use inverse operations or fact families to check their answers. For example, if they solved 35 ÷ 7 = 5, ask them to multiply 5 by 7 and see if they get 35, or use the fact family 35 ÷ 7 = 5, 35 ÷ 5 = 7, 7 x 5 = 35, and 5 x 7 = 35.

The last way to help your child with division is to support their growth mindset and confidence in math . A growth mindset believes that abilities can be developed through effort and learning. A confident math learner believes in their potential and enjoys challenges.

Here are some ways to support your child's growth mindset and confidence in math:

  • Praise your child for their effort, progress, and improvement, not just their results . For example, instead of saying, "You're so smart!" say, "You worked so hard!" or "You improved so much!"
  • Help your child set realistic and specific goals for their learning . For example, instead of saying, "I want to be good at division," say, "I want to learn how to divide by two-digit numbers," or "I want to solve five division problems in a row without errors."
  • Encourage your child to embrace challenges and learn from mistakes . For example, instead of saying, "This is too hard!" say, "This is an opportunity to grow!" or "What can I learn from this?"
  • Model a positive attitude and enthusiasm for math . For example, instead of saying, "I hate math!" or "I'm bad at math!" say, "Math is fun!" or "I can do math!"

Bonus: The best resources for Grade 5 division and where to find them

If you're looking for more resources to help your child with division, here are some of the best ones we recommend:

  • Math Mammoth : This comprehensive math curriculum covers all the topics and skills for grade 5 math, including division. You can buy the books or download the worksheets from their website: .
  • Math Playground : This is a fun website that offers games, puzzles, videos, and worksheets on various math topics, including division. You can find the grade 5 division section here: .
  • IXL : This online learning platform offers personalized practice and feedback on various math topics, including division. You can sign up for a free trial or a subscription from their website: .

Thank you for sharing the links of with your loved ones. Your choice is greatly appreciated.

We hope you found this article helpful and informative. Division is an essential skill for grade 5 math, but it doesn't have to be tedious or difficult. With the right attitude, methods, strategies, practice, and support, your students can master grade 5 division in no time!

Remember that you must strive to make division fun and meaningful for your child, reinforce what they learn at school, fill in any gaps, and encourage them to use everyday objects and situations to practice division.

Also, encourage your child to explain their thinking and check their work. Above all, support your child's growth mindset and confidence in math by using the best resources for grade 5 division practice.

Happy dividing!

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Division Word Problem Worksheets

This page contains extensive division word problems replete with engaging scenarios that involve two-digit and three-digit dividends and single digit divisors; three-digit dividends and two-digit divisors; and advanced division worksheets (four-digit and five-digit dividends). Thumb through some of these worksheets for free!

Division Word Problems for Beginners

Division Word Problems for Beginners

These printable worksheets feature simple division word problems. The divisors are in the range 2 to 9. The quotients are in the range 2 to 10. These worksheets are building blocks for children.

  • Download the set

Division: Two-digit by Single-digit (without Remainder)

Division: Two-digit by Single-digit (without Remainder)

This set of word problems involves dividing a two-digit number by a single-digit number to arrive at a quotient. The division leaves no remainder. Answer key is included in each worksheet.

Division: Two-digit by Single-digit (with Remainder)

Division: Two-digit by Single-digit (with Remainder)

These word problems require the learner to divide the two-digit dividend by the single-digit divisor and write down both the quotient and the remainder. Three pdf worksheets with 15 scenarios are featured here.

Theme based Word Problems

Theme based Word Problems

Each worksheet has five word problems related to the given theme. Supermarket, School and Halloween party are the themes used here.

Three-digit by Single-digit Word Problems

Three-digit by Single-digit Word Problems

These printable worksheets involve division word problems with three-digit dividends and single digit divisors. Apply long division method to solve each problem.

Three-digit by Two-digit Word Problems

Three-digit by Two-digit Word Problems

This set of word problems will require the student to perform division operations involving three-digit numbers and two-digit numbers. Verify your answer with the answer key provided in the worksheet.

Division: Four or Five-digit by Single-digit

Division: Four or Five-digit by Single-digit

Interesting scenarios are presented in these advanced worksheet pdfs that involve four-digit and five-digit dividends and single digit divisors. Use long division method to find the quotient.

Related Worksheets

» Addition Word Problems

» Subtraction Word Problems

» Multiplication Word Problems

» Word Problems

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Year 5: Multiplication and Division

New Maths Curriculum (2014): Year 5 objectives.

Pupils should practise and extend their use of the efficient written methods of short multiplication and short division. They apply all the multiplication tables and related division facts frequently, commit them to memory and use them confidently to make larger calculations.

They should use and understand the terms factor, multiple and prime, square and cube numbers.

Pupils should interpret non-integer answers to division by expressing results in different ways according to the context, including with remainders, as fractions, as decimals or by rounding (e.g. 98 ÷ 4 = 24 r 2 = 241/2 = 24.5 ≈ 25).

Pupils use multiplication and division as inverses to support the introduction of ratio in Year 6, for example, by multiplying and dividing by powers of 10 in scale drawings or by multiplying and dividing by powers of a 1000 in converting between units such as kilometres and metres.

Identify multiples and factors, including finding all factor pairs

Solve problems involving multiplication and division where larger numbers are used by decomposing them into their factors.

A new resource to help teach this objective will be added soon.

Know and use the vocabulary of prime numbers, prime factors and composite (non-prime) numbers

Establish whether a number up to 100 is prime and recall prime numbers up to 19, multiply numbers up to 4 digits by a one- or two-digit number using an efficient written method, including long multiplication for two-digit numbers, multiply and divide numbers mentally drawing upon known facts, divide numbers up to 4 digits by a one-digit number using the efficient written method of short division and interpret remainders appropriately for the context, multiply and divide whole numbers and those involving decimals by 10, 100 and 1000, recognise and use square numbers and cube numbers, and the notation for squared (2) and cubed (3).

A new resource to help teach this objective will be added soon

Solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and a combination of these, including understanding the meaning of the equals sign

Solve problems involving multiplication and division, including scaling by simple fractions and problems involving simple rates.


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  • Multiply & divide
  • Missing dividend or divisor

Multiplication and Division Workbook

Download & Print Only $4.20

Missing dividend or divisor problems

Math worksheets: missing dividend or divisor problems.

Below are six versions of our grade 5 division worksheet with missing dividend or divisor problems; long division is typically required to solve the problems. These worksheets are pdf files .

division problem solving year 5

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Explore all of our division worksheets , from simple division facts to long division of large numbers.

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Find all of our multiplication worksheets , from basic multiplication facts to multiplying multi-digit whole numbers in columns.

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Year 5 Short Division Worksheets (differentiated) and Other Resources

Year 5 Short Division Worksheets (differentiated) and Other Resources

Subject: Mathematics

Age range: 7-11

Resource type: Lesson (complete)


Last updated

30 May 2022

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docx, 31.15 KB

Resources on Short Division (including remainders as fractions and as decimals) for Year 5:

  • worksheets (differentiated to 3 levels and with the answers) that can be displayed on an interactive whiteboard or printed out
  • a link to an nrich problem-solving activity involving division (note: calculators are needed for this)
  • some questions to use to model short division
  • some questions for children to complete on pupil whiteboards to assess their competency
  • 2 pages to explain how to give remainders as fractions and as decimals

There is a PDF version and an editable version of each file.

Other Year 5 Maths resources: - Numbers in Words - Place Value (Whole Numbers) - Ordering Whole Numbers - Rounding Whole Numbers – Place Value (Decimals) – Complements to 1 – Comparing Decimals and Fractions – Decimal Sequences – Rounding Decimals – Comparing and Ordering Decimals – Multiply and Divide by 10, 100 & 1,000 – Column Addition – Column Subtraction – Column Addition and Subtraction – Add and Subtract By Partitioning – Negative Numbers – Addition and Subtraction Word Problems – Short Multiplication – Square and Cubed Numbers

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Find ways to make all the numbers 1 to 21.

3. Explore factors, multiples, primes, and composite numbers

You can help your child identify   factors   and   factor pairs   using their knowledge of times tables.

You can play a factor and multiple game with your child. Ask your child to choose an even number on a   100 square   and cross it out. You then cross out a number that is either a factor or a multiple of that number. For example:

Start at 20. A factor of 20 is 4. A multiple of 4 is 40. A multiple of 40 is 80. … and so on. The game gets harder and harder as it goes on and more numbers are crossed out!

Continue to take it in turns to choose a number that is a multiple or a factor of the number that has just been crossed out by the other player. When a player cannot cross out any numbers, that player loses the game.

Your child will also need to explain why a number is prime or   composite .  Prime numbers are numbers that only have factors of 1 and itself. They can only be divided by 1 or themselves to get a whole number. 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, and 13 are all prime numbers.  Composite numbers are numbers with more than two factors. 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, and 12 are all composite numbers.

Activity: Prime number lotto

division problem solving year 5

Find out about prime numbers.

4. Explore square and cube numbers

Your child will need to use and understand square and cube numbers.

A square number is created by multiplying an integer (whole number) by itself. For example:

9 is a square number because it can be made by multiplying 3 by 3. 25 is a square number because it can be made by multiplying 5 by 5. 144 is a square number because it can be made by multiplying 12 by 12.

A square number can also be represented in the shape of a square. A square with 3cm by 3cm sides has an area of 9cm ².   Ask your child to find some objects that are all the same size, and arrange them into a square. Notice how this makes a square number.

Cube numbers are formed by multiplying an integer (whole number) by itself three times. For example:

8 is a cube number because it can be made by multiplying 2 by 2 by 2. 27 is a cube number because it can be made by multiplying 3 by 3 by 3. 125 is a cube number because it can be made by multiplying 5 by 5 by 5.
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Classroom Stars

Year 5 Solving Division Problems Worksheets | KS2 Multiplication & Division | Primary Maths

Year 5 | Solving Division Word Problems Worksheets

In these Year 5 solving division word problems worksheets , a variety of word problems are presented, challenging learners to apply their knowledge and skills in short division to find the solutions. Each problem comes with a section for pupils to show their step-by-step working.

This Year 5 solving division word problems worksheet serves as an ideal practice tool for children to hone their proficiency in the short division bus stop written method while gaining a deeper understanding of how division can be effectively employed to solve real-life word problems. Engaging with division word problems requires children to analyse the information provided, identify that division is the appropriate operation to use, and apply problem-solving strategies to arrive at a solution, fostering critical thinking and analytical skills.

Our Year 5 solving division word problems worksheets are aligned with KS2 multiplication and division on the primary national curriculum. All of our Year 5 division worksheets can be combined with your ideas for primary maths activities, learning resources, teaching material, visual aids, games, differentiation, display boards, homework, and lesson plans.

You might be interested in our Year 5 Multiples Worksheets .

Explore all of our Year 5 maths worksheets .

Access this resource and thousands more for just £9.95 per year

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Year 5 Conjunctions Worksheets | KS2 Grammar | Primary English

Year 5 | Conjunctions Challenge Worksheets

Year 5 Equivalent Fractions Worksheets | KS2 Fractions, Decimals & Percentages | Primary Maths

Year 5 | Equivalent Fractions Worksheets

Year 2 The Number Line Worksheets | KS1 Number & Place Value | Primary Maths

Year 2 | The Number Line Worksheets

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Year 5 Maths Worksheets UK Hub Page

Welcome to our Year 5 Maths Worksheets area.

Here you will find a wide range of free printable Maths Worksheets for pupils in Year 5, and Math activities for your child to enjoy.

Take a look at our decimal place value sheets, our mental math sheets, or maybe some of our equivalent fraction worksheets. Perhaps you would prefer our statistics worksheets, or how to measure angles?

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  • This page contains links to other Math webpages where you will find a range of activities and resources.
  • If you can't find what you are looking for, try searching the site using the Google search box at the top of each page.

Year 5 Maths Learning

Here are some of the key learning objectives for the end of Year 5:

  • know and use Place value up to 1 million
  • Compare and order numbers up to 1 million
  • Counting on and back in steps of powers of 10 from any number up to 1 million
  • Round numbers to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, 10000 or 100000.
  • Count forwards and backwards through zero with positive and negative numbers.
  • Read Roman numerals to 1000
  • add and subtract with more than 4 digits in columns
  • add or subtract larger numbers mentally
  • solve multi-step problems using addition and subtraction
  • Multiply and divide whole numbers and decimals up to 2dp by 10, 100 or 1000
  • identify multiples and factors including common factors
  • multiply up to 4-digit numbers by a 1-digit number
  • multiply up to 3-digits numbers by 2-digits
  • divide numbers up to 4-digits by a 1-digit number
  • recognise and use squared and cubed numbers
  • solve problems using multiplication and division
  • know what a prime number is and recall prime numbers up to 20
  • compare and order fractions whose denominators are multiples of the same number
  • identify, name and write equivalent fractions
  • convert between mixed numbers and improper fractions
  • add and subtract fractions with the same denominator or whose denominators are multiples of the same number
  • multiply proper fractions and mixed numbers by whole numbers
  • read and write decimal numbers as fractions.
  • Multiply and divide whole numbers and decimals by 10, 100 or 1000
  • read, write, order and compare numbers up to 2dp
  • round decimals with up to 2dp to the nearest whole
  • solve problems with numbers up to 2dp
  • understand and use the percent symbol
  • convert percentages to fractions with a denominator of 100
  • know fraction-percentage equivalence for halves, quarters, fifths and tenths
  • solve problems using simple percentages
  • measure, compare and calculate using different measures
  • find the area and perimeter of a range of rectilinear shapes
  • convert between different units of time
  • convert between different units of metric measure
  • convert between simple imperial and metric units
  • solve more complex money and measure problems
  • draw and measure angles in degrees
  • know the sum of angles at a point (360°rees;) and angles at a point along a line (180°rees;)
  • identify 3D shapes from 2D representations
  • Identify, describe and represent the position of a shape following a reflection or translation
  • find the area and perimeter of composite rectilinear shapes
  • know properties of regular and irregular shapes

Please note:

Our site is mainly based around the US Elementary school math standards.

Though the links on this page are all designed primarily for students in the US, but they are also at the correct level and standard for UK students.

The main issue is that some of the spelling is different and this site uses US spelling.

Year 5 is generally equivalent to 4th Grade in the US.

On this page you will find link to our range of math worksheets for Year 5.

Quicklinks to Year 5 ...

  • Place Value Zone
  • Mental Math Zone

Word Problems Zone

  • Fractions & Percentages Zone
  • Measurement Zone

Geometry Zone

Data analysis zone.

  • Fun Zone: games and puzzles

Coronavirus Stay At Home Support

For those parents who have found themselves unexpectedly at home with the kids and need some emergency activities for them to do, we have started to develop some Maths Grab Packs for kids in the UK.

Each pack consists of at least 10 mixed math worksheets on a variety of topics to help you keep you child occupied and learning.

The idea behind them is that they can be used out-of-the-box for some quick maths activities for your child.

They are completely FREE - take a look!

  • Free Maths Grabs Packs

Place Value & Number Sense Zone

Year 5 place value worksheets.

Using these Year 5 maths worksheets will help your child to:

  • Understand decimals;
  • Use place value notation with tenths and hundredths;
  • Know how to read and write numbers to 10 million;
  • Understand place value to 10 million.
  • Decimal Place Value Worksheets
  • Year 5 Place Value up to 6 digits
  • Comparing and Ordering Whole Numbers up to 6 Digits
  • Ordering Decimals Worksheets
  • Roman Numerals worksheets

Year 5 Number Worksheets

Using these Year 5 Maths worksheets will help your child to:

  • learn to estimate and approximate;
  • order numbers, including negative numbers and decimals;
  • learn how to place decimal numbers on a number line;
  • understand and use multiples and factors, and know what a prime number is;
  • complete the missing number to balance a math equation.
  • Factors and Multiples Worksheet
  • Rounding Decimals to the nearest whole
  • Rounding to the nearest tenth
  • Balancing Math Equations

Year 5 Counting Worksheets

Using these sheets will support you child to:

  • count on and back by multiples of 10;
  • fill in the missing numbers in sequences;
  • count on and back into negative numbers.
  • Counting on and back by tens

Year 5 Mental Maths Zone

Here you will find a range of printable Year 5 mental maths sheets for your child to enjoy.

Each quiz tests the children on a range of maths topics from number facts and mental arithmetic to geometry, fraction and measures questions.

A great way to revise topics, or use as a weekly math test or math quiz!

  • Year 5 Mental Maths Worksheet

Top of Page

Year 5 Addition Worksheets

  • add multiple numbers in columns up to 5 digits;
  • add numbers in columns, including money amounts with up to two decimal places.
  • Decimal Addition Worksheets (mental)
  • Free Addition Worksheets (randomly generated)
  • Addition Worksheets with Multi-Addends
  • Money Addition Worksheets (£ )
  • Money Worksheets (randomly generated)

Year 5 Subtraction Worksheets

  • learn to subtract numbers with up to 5 digits;
  • learn to subtract numbers involving money with decimals with up to two decimal places.
  • Free Subtraction Worksheets (randomly generated)
  • 5 Digit Subtraction Worksheets
  • Money Subtraction Worksheets UK (£ )
  • Subtracting Decimals Worksheets (mental)

Year 5 Multiplication Worksheets

Using these 4th grade math worksheets will help your child to:

  • use their multiplication table knowledge to multiply by 10s and 100s mentally
  • multiply any whole number by a single digit;
  • multiply a two or three digit number by a two digit number.
  • Times Table Worksheets Circles 1 to 12 tables
  • Times Tables Worksheets (randomly generated)
  • Multiplying Decimals by 10 and 100
  • Multiply and Divide by 10 100 (decimals)
  • Multiplying by Multiples of 10 and 100
  • Single Digit Multiplication Graded Sheets
  • Double Digit Multiplication Worksheets (Graded)
  • Single Digit Multiplication Worksheets Generator
  • Multi-Digit Multiplication Generator
  • Multiplication Word Problems

Year 5 Division Worksheets

Using these Year 5 maths worksheets will help your child learn to:

  • apply their division facts up to 10x10 to answer related questions involving 10s and 100s.
  • divide any whole number by a single digit.
  • Divding by Multiples of 10 and 100 Worksheets
  • Year 5 (4th Grade) Long Division Worksheets

These sheets involve solving a range of division problems.

  • Division Worksheets (Grade 4) Word Problems
  • Division Facts Worksheets (randomly generated)

Year 5 Math Problems

  • apply their addition, subtraction and problem solving skills;
  • apply their knowledge of rounding and place value;
  • solve a range of 'real life' problems;
  • attempt more challenging longer problems.

Using the problems in this section will help your child develop their problem solving and reasoning skills.

These sheets involve solving one or two more challenging longer problems.

  • 4th Grade Math Problems

These sheets involve solving many 'real-life' problems involving data.

  • 4th Grade Math Word Problems

These sheets involve solving a range of multiplciation problems.

  • Division Worksheets Grade 4 Word Problems

Fractions & Percentage Zone

Quicklinks to ...

  • Year 5 Fractions Worksheets

Year 5 Percentage Worksheets

Year 5 fraction worksheets.

  • position different fractions on a number line;
  • understand equivalent fractions;
  • understand what a mixed number is;
  • compare two or more fractions;
  • begin to convert fractions to decimals and decimals to fractions.
  • Equivalent Fractions Worksheets
  • Comparing Fractions Worksheet page
  • Improper Fraction Worksheets
  • Fractions of Numbers
  • Convert Fractions to Decimal Sheets
  • Convert Decimal to Fraction Sheets
  • Free Printable Fraction Riddles (harder)

Take a look at our percentage worksheets for finding the percentage of a number or money amount.

We have a range of percentage sheets from quite a basic level to much harder.

  • Fractions Decimals Percents Worksheets
  • Percentage Word Problems

Year 5 Geometry Worksheets

Using these sheets will help you to:

  • classify angles - acute, obtuse, right, reflex, straight;
  • classify triangles - acute, obtuse, right;
  • measure angles using a protractor;
  • know that angles in a triangle add up to 180°
  • know the properties of regular and irregular shapes
  • plot and write coordinates in the first quadrant.
  • 4th Grade Geometry Worksheets
  • Symmetry Activities
  • Coordinate Worksheets (1st Quadrant)

Measurement Zone, including Time & Money

Year 5 measurement worksheets.

Using these sheets will help your child understand how to:

  • read scales in both the standard and metric systems;
  • read a scale going up in a range of fractions: halves, quarters and eighths;
  • read a scale going up in tenths, fives, tens, fifties, and hundreds.
  • 4th Grade Measurement Worksheets
  • Converting Customary Units Worksheets
  • Metric Conversion Worksheets

Area and Perimeter Worksheets

  • understand area and perimeter;
  • learn how to find the area and perimeter of rectangles and rectilinear shapes.
  • Area Worksheets
  • Perimeter Worksheets

Year 5 Time Worksheets (4th Grade)

Using the sheets in this section will help your child to:

  • tell the time to the nearest minute;
  • become familiar with both digital and analogue times;
  • add and subtract time intervals.
  • Telling Time Worksheets Grade 4 (1 minute intervals)
  • 24 Hour Clock Conversion Worksheets

On this webpage there is a selection of printable 24 hour (military time) conversion worksheets which will help you learn to convert from 24 hour clock to standard 12 hour time, and from standard time to 24 hour time.

Time Interval Worksheets

These sheets will help you learn to add and subtract hours and minutes from times as well as working out a range of time intervals.

  • Add and Subtract Time Worksheets
  • Elapsed Time Worksheets

Time Puzzles - harder

Here you will find our selection of harder time puzzles.

  • Time Word Problems Worksheets - Riddles (harder)

Using these 4th grade math worksheets will help you to:

  • draw and read bar graphs with increasingly complex numbers;
  • read, interpret and draw line graphs;
  • Year 5 Bar Graph Worksheets (4th grade)
  • Year 5 Line Graph Worksheets

Fun Zone: Puzzles, Games and Riddles

Year 5 maths games.

  • Year 5 Math Games (4th Grade)

Year 5 Maths Puzzles

The puzzles will help your child practice and apply their addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts as well as developing their thinking and reasoning skills in a fun and engaging way.

  • Year 5 Maths Puzzles (4th Grade)

Math Salamanders Year 5 Maths Games Ebook

Our Year 5 Maths Games Ebook contains all of our fun maths games, complete with instructions and resources.

This ebooklet is available in our store - use the link below to find out more!

  • Year 5 Maths Games Ebook

Other UK Maths Worksheet pages

See below for our other maths worksheets hub pages designed for children in the UK.

How to Print or Save these sheets 🖶

Need help with printing or saving? Follow these 3 steps to get your worksheets printed perfectly!

  • How to Print support

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Go to Multi-Step Word Problem Cards (Division and Multiplication) - Year 5-6 teaching resource

Multi-Step Word Problem Cards (Division and Multiplication) - Year 5-6

Go to Multiplication and Division Word Problems Task Cards (2-Digit by 1-Digit) teaching resource

Multiplication and Division Word Problems Task Cards (2-Digit by 1-Digit)

Go to What's Remaining? Division Board Game teaching resource

What's Remaining? Division Board Game

Go to Halloween Themed Division Word Problems - Task Cards teaching resource

Halloween Themed Division Word Problems - Task Cards

Go to Soccer-Themed Maths Problem Solving Worksheets teaching resource

Soccer-Themed Maths Problem Solving Worksheets

Go to Multiplication and Division Word Problems Task Cards (Facts of 2, 5 and 10) teaching resource

Multiplication and Division Word Problems Task Cards (Facts of 2, 5 and 10)

Go to Interactive Maths Review – Activities for Years 5, 6 and 7 teaching resource

Interactive Maths Review – Activities for Years 5, 6 and 7

Go to Word Problem Worksheets - Year 5 and Year 6 teaching resource

Word Problem Worksheets - Year 5 and Year 6

Go to Maths Action Words – Keyword Sign Free Printables teaching resource

Maths Action Words – Keyword Sign Free Printables

Go to Bar Model Poster Pack teaching resource

Bar Model Poster Pack

Go to Bobby's Board Games – Maths Game Challenge teaching resource

Bobby's Board Games – Maths Game Challenge

Go to Year 5 Long Division Test (No Remainders) teaching resource

Year 5 Long Division Test (No Remainders)

Go to Daily Maths Problems – Year 5 teaching resource

Daily Maths Problems – Year 5

Go to Daily Maths Word Problems - Year 5 teaching resource

Daily Maths Word Problems - Year 5

Go to Halloween Mystery Escape - Multiplication and Division for Year 5 and 6 teaching resource

Halloween Mystery Escape - Multiplication and Division for Year 5 and 6

Go to Open-Ended Maths Problem Solving Cards - Upper Primary teaching resource

Open-Ended Maths Problem Solving Cards - Upper Primary

Go to NAPLAN Reading Magazine – Year 5 - PowerPoint teaching resource

NAPLAN Reading Magazine – Year 5 - PowerPoint

Go to NAPLAN-Style Reading Magazine – Year 5 teaching resource

NAPLAN-Style Reading Magazine – Year 5

Go to 10 Problem Solving Strategies Posters teaching resource

10 Problem Solving Strategies Posters

Go to Mixed Operations - Length Word Problems Worksheets teaching resource

Mixed Operations - Length Word Problems Worksheets

Go to Subtracting Like Fractions Word Problems Task Cards teaching resource

Subtracting Like Fractions Word Problems Task Cards

Go to Adding Like Fractions Word Problems Task Cards teaching resource

Adding Like Fractions Word Problems Task Cards

Go to Adding and Subtracting Like Fractions Word Problems Worksheets teaching resource

Adding and Subtracting Like Fractions Word Problems Worksheets

Go to Platypus Adaptations - Reading Passage & Questions teaching resource

Platypus Adaptations - Reading Passage & Questions

Go to 3-Act Maths Tasks - Time Word Problems teaching resource

3-Act Maths Tasks - Time Word Problems

Go to Converting Time Word Problems Worksheet teaching resource

Converting Time Word Problems Worksheet

Go to Determining Elapsed Time-Word Problems Worksheet teaching resource

Determining Elapsed Time-Word Problems Worksheet

Go to Rhetorical Questions Sorting Activity teaching resource

Rhetorical Questions Sorting Activity

Go to Rhetorical Questions Interactive Activity teaching resource

Rhetorical Questions Interactive Activity

Go to Division Dragon – Worksheet teaching resource

Division Dragon – Worksheet

Go to Mixed Perimeter Word Problems Worksheet teaching resource

Mixed Perimeter Word Problems Worksheet

Go to Perimeter with Missing Sides – Word Problems Worksheet teaching resource

Perimeter with Missing Sides – Word Problems Worksheet

Go to Area and Perimeter Word Problems teaching resource

Area and Perimeter Word Problems

Go to Perimeter Practice Problems With Visuals – Worksheet teaching resource

Perimeter Practice Problems With Visuals – Worksheet

Go to Area and Perimeter Paddock Problems – Worksheets teaching resource

Area and Perimeter Paddock Problems – Worksheets

Go to Perimeter Word Problems Worksheet teaching resource

Perimeter Word Problems Worksheet

Go to Never Have I Ever Questions for Kids ... Getting-to-Know-You Game teaching resource

Never Have I Ever Questions for Kids ... Getting-to-Know-You Game

Go to End of Year Reflection Questions- Interactive Lapbook teaching resource

End of Year Reflection Questions- Interactive Lapbook

Go to Fact Family Safari (Multiplication and Division) Interactive Resource teaching resource

Fact Family Safari (Multiplication and Division) Interactive Resource

Go to Problems in the Australian Colonies PowerPoint teaching resource

Problems in the Australian Colonies PowerPoint

Go to I Am Sorry – Poem and Discussion Questions teaching resource

I Am Sorry – Poem and Discussion Questions

Go to How to be a Good Citizen - Problem Solving Activity teaching resource

How to be a Good Citizen - Problem Solving Activity

Go to Solving Global Problems - Design an Invention Workbook teaching resource

Solving Global Problems - Design an Invention Workbook

Go to Scarecrow Division Colour by Number Worksheet teaching resource

Scarecrow Division Colour by Number Worksheet

Go to NAPLAN - Language Conventions - Spelling PowerPoint (Year 5) teaching resource

NAPLAN - Language Conventions - Spelling PowerPoint (Year 5)

Go to Numeracy Assessment Tracker - Aspect 2: Counting as a Problem Solving Process (NSW) teaching resource

Numeracy Assessment Tracker - Aspect 2: Counting as a Problem Solving Process (NSW)

Go to Halloween Division Mystery Picture - Multi-Digit teaching resource

Halloween Division Mystery Picture - Multi-Digit

Go to Hundreds Board Mystery Picture Division Task Cards teaching resource

Hundreds Board Mystery Picture Division Task Cards

Go to Eureka Stockade Fact Sheet and Comprehension Questions teaching resource

Eureka Stockade Fact Sheet and Comprehension Questions

Go to Grandparent Interview Questions - Upper Years teaching resource

Grandparent Interview Questions - Upper Years

Go to Dot Day Division Tarsia Puzzle teaching resource

Dot Day Division Tarsia Puzzle

Go to Dot Day Multiplication and Division Colour By Number teaching resource

Dot Day Multiplication and Division Colour By Number

Go to Rounding Whole Numbers Word Problem Worksheet teaching resource

Rounding Whole Numbers Word Problem Worksheet

Go to Rounding Whole Numbers Word Problem & Error Analysis Worksheet teaching resource

Rounding Whole Numbers Word Problem & Error Analysis Worksheet

Go to Colour by Number - Mixed 1 - 12 Division teaching resource

Colour by Number - Mixed 1 - 12 Division

Go to Interpreting Line Graphs Interactive Activity Grade 5 teaching resource

Interpreting Line Graphs Interactive Activity Grade 5

Go to 10 Problem Solving Strategy Cards teaching resource

10 Problem Solving Strategy Cards

Go to The Problem is Not the Problem - Motivational Poster teaching resource

The Problem is Not the Problem - Motivational Poster

Go to Maths Mazes (Multiplication and Division) teaching resource

Maths Mazes (Multiplication and Division)

Go to Polygon Puzzles - Division Worksheets teaching resource

Polygon Puzzles - Division Worksheets


  1. Division Problem Solving

    division problem solving year 5

  2. Division Word Problems—Free Worksheets for Grades 3-5

    division problem solving year 5

  3. Division facts (problem solving)

    division problem solving year 5

  4. Division, Mathematics skills online, interactive activity lessons

    division problem solving year 5

  5. Year 5

    division problem solving year 5

  6. solving word problem involving division

    division problem solving year 5


  1. PDF Year 5 Divide with Remainders Reasoning and Problem Solving

    Reasoning and Problem Solving - Divide with Remainders - Year 5 Expected. 7a.Cian and Jake have been exploring the 1-digit number that 3,455 has been divided by to get the answer 575 r5. The divisor is. 7.

  2. Grade 5 Multiplication & Division Worksheets

    Missing factor problems (solve by long division) ___ x 35 = 1,680: Word problems: Mixed 4 operations word problems: Word problems: Sample Grade 5 Division Worksheet ... Our members helped us give away millions of worksheets last year. We provide free educational materials to parents and teachers in over 100 countries. If you can, please ...

  3. Grade 5 division worksheets: Free & printable

    Help your 5th graders learn faster ways of solving long-division problems and become a pro in no time. Our Grade 5 division worksheets are Free & printable. Download and start practicing today. ... weeks, months, or years that can be divided by different numbers. Ask your child to calculate how many days are in a certain number of weeks or ...

  4. Division worksheets

    Missing factor problems (solve by long division) Mixed 4 operations word problems; Grade 6 division worksheets. 1-10,000 divided by 1-digit numbers, no remainder ... Our members helped us give away millions of worksheets last year. We provide free educational materials to parents and teachers in over 100 countries. If you can, please consider ...

  5. Long Division Worksheets for 5th Grade

    This generator will generate your own worksheets including both division facts and long division from 2-digits by 1-digit to 5-digits by 2-digits. You can choose to have remainders or not, and whether to record the remainders as a whole number or fraction. Long Division Problems with Answers (randomly generated)

  6. Y5 DIM: Step 10 Efficient Division Teaching Pack

    This amazing Diving into Mastery resource has been skilfully designed to complement the Year 5 small step 'Efficient Division' from the latest version of the White Rose Maths scheme of learning. It includes activities for developing fluency, reasoning and problem-solving skills which could be tackled independently or as part of small group work. This is an invaluable time saving resource for ...

  7. Supports White Rose Maths Y5: Step 9 Divide with Remainders

    This Year 5 mastery teaching pack supports the final small step in White Rose Maths 'Divide with Remainders' and covers the national curriculum aim 'Divide numbers up to 4 digits by a one-digit number using the formal written method of short division and interpret remainders appropriately for the context'. With fluency, reasoning and problem ...

  8. Year 5 division problem solving

    Year 5 division problem solving. A lesson which focuses on division and problem solving. The lesson teaches children how to choose an appropriate method when calculating a division question. For example, whether to use mental or written methods. As well as including questions with multi-step word problems and reasoning questions.

  9. Division Word Problems Worksheets

    Apply long division method to solve each problem. Download the set; Three-digit by Two-digit Word Problems. This set of word problems will require the student to perform division operations involving three-digit numbers and two-digit numbers. Verify your answer with the answer key provided in the worksheet. ... at only $24.95/year - about 7 ...

  10. Year 5: Multiplication and Division

    Year 5: Multiplication and Division. Identify multiples and factors, including finding all factor pairs. Solve problems involving multiplication and division where larger numbers are used by decomposing them into their factors. Know and use the vocabulary of prime numbers, prime factors and composite (non-prime) numbers.

  11. Division Worksheets

    Take a look at our long division problems worksheet generators. This generator will generate your own worksheets from 2-digits by 1-digit to 5-digits by 2-digits. You can also create your own long division worksheets with money amounts from up to $10 by a single digit to up to $100,000 by 2-digits.

  12. Division Word Problems Resource Pack

    This division word problems resource pack is a must-have for teachers and children who are working on this area of Maths. Find included a variety of teaching and learning materials that will stand you in good stead for lessons on this topic. Show more. division worded problems division word problems division division word problems year 5 worded ...

  13. Grade 5 Long Division Worksheet: Missing dividend or divisor problems

    Below are six versions of our grade 5 division worksheet with missing dividend or divisor problems; long division is typically required to solve the problems. These worksheets are pdf files. Worksheet #1 Worksheet #2 Worksheet #3 Worksheet #4 Worksheet #5 Worksheet #6. 5 More. Similar:

  14. Year 5 Short Division Worksheets (differentiated) and Other Resources

    docx, 13.73 KB. Resources on Short Division (including remainders as fractions and as decimals) for Year 5: worksheets (differentiated to 3 levels and with the answers) that can be displayed on an interactive whiteboard or printed out. a link to an nrich problem-solving activity involving division (note: calculators are needed for this)

  15. Long Division Problems with Answers

    0 groups of 12 make 5, so this gives us: 0680 12 8165 72 ― 96 96 ― 05 00 ―. Subtracting 0 from 5 gives us 5. There are no more digits to bring down, so 5 is the remainder. 0680 r 5 12 8165 72 ― 96 96 ― 05 00 ― 5. Answer: 8165 ÷ 12 = 680r5. If we wanted the remainder as a fraction, we would have 8165 ÷ 12 = 680 5 12.

  16. Multiplication & division in Year 5 (age 9

    Multiplication & division in Year 5 (age 9 - 10) In Year 5, your child will learn to identify multiples and factors, including finding all factor pairs of a number, common factors of 2 numbers, and prime numbers. They will solve increasingly complex problems. The key words for this section are common factor, factor, and factor pair.

  17. Y5 DiM: Step 11 Solve Problems with Multiplication &Division

    This fantastic Diving into Mastery resource has been expertly designed to complement the Year 5 small step 11 'Solve problems with Multiplication and Division' from the latest version of the White Rose Maths scheme of learning. In this great time-saving teaching pack you will find a range of carefully planned fluency, reasoning and problem solving questions to support learning. The ...

  18. Year 5

    In these Year 5 solving division word problems worksheets, a variety of word problems are presented, challenging learners to apply their knowledge and skills in short division to find the solutions.Each problem comes with a section for pupils to show their step-by-step working. This Year 5 solving division word problems worksheet serves as an ideal practice tool for children to hone their ...

  19. Year 5 Diving into Mastery: Step 7 Short Division Teaching Pack

    This fantastic Diving into Mastery resource fully compliments the year 5 small step 7 'Short Division' from Version 3.0 of the White Rose Maths scheme of learning and will prove to be a time saver for any year 5 teacher. In this comprehensive teaching pack, you will find a range of carefully planned fluency, reasoning and problem-solving questions which use a range of visual representations to ...

  20. Year 5 Maths Worksheets

    Using these Year 5 maths worksheets will help your child learn to: apply their division facts up to 10x10 to answer related questions involving 10s and 100s. divide any whole number by a single digit. Divding by Multiples of 10 and 100 Worksheets. Year 5 (4th Grade) Long Division Worksheets.

  21. Year 5 Division Problems

    Results for ‛Year 5 Division Problems' 6,741 teaching resources Year 5 Division Problems Sort: Relevance . Year Levels Foundation Year 2176. Preschool / Kindergarten 598. Year 1 3009. Year 2 3374. ... Open-Ended Maths Problem Solving Cards - Upper Primary PDF Slide ...

  22. KS2 Division Word Problems

    This division word problems resource is jampacked full of challenge cards which vary from one-step division word problems with and without remainders, two-step division word problems and multi-step division word problems. They are excellent for using over a number of KS2 maths lessons to increase children's understanding and knowledge of ...

  23. Year 5, Multiplication and Division, Solve Problems Using ...

    The first calculation gives you answer, in which you use this to work out the missing numbers. E.g 24 x 2 makes 48. You then use this answer to work out the rest, so what do you times by 3 to get 48. This continues through the calculations.