Compare and Contrast about Cats and Dogs

This essay will provide a comparative analysis of cats and dogs as pets. It will discuss the differences and similarities in their behavior, care needs, and the nature of their interactions with humans. The piece will cover aspects such as temperament, maintenance, and the suitability of each animal for different types of owners and living environments. More free essay examples are accessible at PapersOwl about Animals.

How it works

 Dogs and cats have several similarities, but even more distinctions. Both animals are easily loved by mankind and will display love and affection in return for good treatment. Some people enjoy the presence of a cat, and others are simply dog lovers. Based on the history, characteristics, and similarities of the two creatures, dogs are considered to be man’s best friend- but most likely it’s the feline who is.

Thousands of years ago, a man trapped wolves and used a selective breeding process to make canines with certain qualities.

Some of the qualities include hunting abilities, obedience, and trainability. Every dog in our modern world has the DNA of wolves, although if you look at a Yorkshire Terrier or a Teacup Chihuahua one would have their doubts. Throughout time, breeding became more selective, and more breeds were born. Humans began breeding dogs for their function. Some canines were great for hunting, while others did the best job of herding or guarding. Canines can show more human characteristics such as love, sorrow, and loyalty. Dogs are also more social than cats which is why some consider them the best companions.

Felines, on the other hand, decided on their own that they would integrate with humans. The Egyptians considered cats to be Gods, due to them protecting their homes from death and disease by killing rodents. The Egyptians thought so highly of their beloved felines that they mummified them for the journey to the next world- and even included mummified mice to accompany their pets. In the middle ages, Pope Gregory IX associated cats with Satan and witches. The accusation led to the massacre of millions of cats across Europe. After the massacre, there were no cats to kill rodents and this caused an outbreak of black rats which brought on the Black Death.

Cats are more independent than dogs and are considered loners. Felines only seek companionship from other cats when mating. They enjoy spending time away from humans and do not get lonely, whereas a dog would. All cats today still harbor the same traits as their ancestors because they were not bred into exclusivity, they were perfect just how they were. Cats are nocturnal and do the best hunting at night solitary. They have a long tail that aids in balance, and light-reflecting eyes which gives them an advantage over their prey. Cats are quick and have retracting claws for self-defense, they can jump and climb to get away from any threats. Dogs are more earthbound and not able to jump as high or climb trees such as cats. Canines hunt more efficiently when they are accompanied by their pack. While both species are carnivores, dogs can survive on plant materials if needed but cats are strict meat-eaters. All cats are considered equal and do not have ranks to determine their social status. Dogs have a particular social status, their rank is determined by how high they hold their tail. When one dog greets another and that dog holds its tail up, it means they are of higher social class. Cats only hold their tail up as a sign of content, they do not feel the need to dominate.

Aside from the numerous differences, there is also a good deal of similarities. Both canine and feline are part of the Mammalia Kingdom. Both dogs and cats birth multiple offspring at one time. The mother carries 3-12 babies in one litter. A characteristic of the female in the Mammalia Kingdom is that they have mammary glads, which allows the mothers to nurse their young. Both canines and felines are covered in fur and can carry fleas and ticks if not treated by the owner. The lifespan of these two creatures ranges an average of twelve years, and up to twenty-five for cats and eighteen for dogs. Both cats and dogs show territorial instincts that come naturally. The canine and feline alike have the ability to survive in the wild if needed, their natural hunting instinct would employ before being left to starve to death.

Some people may think more profoundly of cats due to the felines’ intelligence, while others fancy dogs for their companionship. A cat does not need your love, food, or acceptance. Felines are the ultimate hunters and voluntarily gave up their life in the wild to save man from rodent infestations and the plague, and cats know it.


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Essay on Cats Vs Dogs

Students are often asked to write an essay on Cats Vs Dogs in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Cats Vs Dogs

Introduction to cats and dogs.

Cats and dogs are two of the most loved pets around the world. They are very different in many ways. People often choose one or the other based on their personalities and lifestyles.

Personality Traits

Cats are known for being independent and calm. They usually take care of themselves. Dogs are more social and often need more attention and time from their owners.

Care and Needs

Dogs need daily walks and playtime, which makes them great for active people. Cats are more relaxed and can be happy living indoors, making them good for quieter homes.

Training and Intelligence

Dogs can be trained to do many tasks and tricks. Cats can also be trained but they tend to do things their own way.

250 Words Essay on Cats Vs Dogs

Pets like cats and dogs are loved by many people. They can be great friends and bring joy to families. Cats and dogs are different in many ways, from how they act to what they need from their owners.

Caring for Cats

Cats are known for being independent. They can often take care of themselves and don’t always need people around. Cats clean themselves, don’t need to go outside to use the bathroom, and are usually quiet. They are good for people who work a lot or have a small living space.

Caring for Dogs

Dogs are more like loyal friends who need attention and love. They need to go on walks and play outside. This means they are great for active people. Dogs also need to be trained so they know how to behave well.

Playing with Pets

Cats love to play with small toys or chase a light from a laser pointer. They can play alone or with their owners. Dogs often want to play games like fetch or tug-of-war with their owners. They usually need more time and space to play than cats.

The Bond with Humans

Cats can be loving, but they might not always show it. They may sit on your lap when they want to be close. Dogs often show love by wagging their tails, licking, and staying close to their owners.

500 Words Essay on Cats Vs Dogs

When it comes to choosing a pet, cats and dogs are the most popular options. Some people prefer cats, while others are true dog lovers. Both animals make great companions but in different ways. This essay will compare cats and dogs, looking at their behavior, care needs, and how they interact with people.

Personality Differences

Cats are often seen as independent and mysterious. They usually do their own thing and might not always want attention. Cats can be playful, but they also enjoy their alone time. On the other hand, dogs are known for being friendly and loyal. They love to be around people and often want to play or go for walks. Dogs are also known to protect their homes and families.

Caring for Cats and Dogs

Dogs need more attention compared to cats. They have to be taken outside several times a day to use the bathroom and get exercise. Dogs also need to be trained so they know how to behave, and they should be bathed regularly. Like cats, dogs need to be fed and taken to the vet for check-ups and shots.

Space Needs

Cats don’t need a lot of space. They are happy living in small apartments as long as they have windows to look out of and toys to play with. Dogs, especially big ones, need more room to move around. They do best in homes with a yard or near a park where they can run and play.

Bonding with People

Cats can be trained to do simple things like use a scratching post or come when called, but they are not as interested in learning tricks as dogs. Dogs can be trained to do many things, from basic commands like sit and stay to more complex tasks like guiding the blind. Both animals are smart in their own ways, but dogs are usually more eager to please their owners.

In the end, whether a cat or a dog is the better pet depends on the person’s lifestyle and what they want in a companion. Cats are great for people who want a more low-maintenance pet that is independent. Dogs are good for those who want an active friend and have the time to train and care for them. Both cats and dogs can bring a lot of joy and love into a home. It’s important to think about what pet fits best with your life before making the choice.

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Tips for Compare and Contrast Dog and Cat Essay

dogs vs cats essay introduction


When tasked with writing a compare and contrast essay on dogs and cats, it is essential to delve into the uniqueness and intricacies of these two popular pets. In this article, we will provide you with valuable tips and insights to help you craft an impressive essay that effectively highlights the similarities and differences between dogs and cats.

Understanding the Differences

Before you begin writing your essay, it's crucial to understand the fundamental differences between dogs and cats. Dogs are known for their loyal and social nature, often seeking companionship and interaction with their owners. On the other hand, cats are known for their independent and self-sufficient behavior, displaying a more reserved and solitary demeanor.

Physical Characteristics

When comparing dogs and cats, it is important to consider their physical traits. Dogs are generally larger in size, possessing a wide variety of breeds with distinctive features such as fur length, color, and body structure. Cats, on the other hand, tend to be smaller in size with slender bodies, and their fur can vary greatly in texture and coloration.

Behavioral Traits

Another crucial aspect to explore in your essay is the behavioral differences between dogs and cats. Dogs are often seen as highly trainable and adaptable, with an innate ability to form strong bonds with their owners. Cats, on the other hand, display a more independent nature, often preferring to explore their surroundings at their own leisure and pace.

Identifying the Similarities

While dogs and cats have their unique traits, there are also several similarities that can be explored in your essay.

Companionship and Emotional Bond

Both dogs and cats have the ability to form emotional bonds with their owners. They provide companionship, love, and affection, making them popular choices for households seeking a furry friend.

Need for Care and Attention

Regardless of the differences in their behavior, both dogs and cats require proper care and attention. They need to be fed, groomed, and provided with a safe and comfortable living environment.

Health and Well-being

Ensuring their pets' health and well-being is a shared responsibility for both dog and cat owners. Regular visits to the veterinarian, vaccinations, and appropriate exercise are essential for maintaining their overall health.

Tips for Writing an Impressive Essay

1. research thoroughly.

Before you begin writing, conduct in-depth research on both dogs and cats. Understanding their history, characteristics, and unique qualities will help you provide accurate and detailed information in your essay.

2. Create an Outline

Outline the structure of your essay to ensure a coherent and logical flow of ideas. Organize your thoughts and arguments, making it easier for readers to follow your analysis and comparisons.

3. Include Specific Examples

Support your statements with precise examples to provide a comprehensive view of the topic. Whether it's highlighting a specific breed's behavior or identifying common health issues in both dogs and cats, specific examples add credibility to your essay.

4. Use Clear and Concise Language

Avoid using overly complex language or jargon that may confuse your readers. Focus on conveying your ideas clearly and concisely, ensuring your audience can easily understand your points.

5. Consider Both Sides

While comparing and contrasting, it's important to consider both the similarities and differences. Provide a balanced perspective on the topic, acknowledging the strengths and weaknesses of both dogs and cats.

6. Edit and Revise

After completing your essay, take the time to edit and revise. Ensure proper grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure. Eliminate any typos or errors that may distract the reader and hinder the overall quality of your essay.

By utilizing the tips and insights provided in this article, you are well-equipped to craft an exceptional compare and contrast essay on dogs and cats. Remember to focus on the unique characteristics, both similarities, and differences, while providing comprehensive and detailed analysis. Happy writing!

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Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats, Essay Sample

My thoughts about why dogs outshine cats in every way .

Have you ever found yourself in the middle of a heated debate about whether dogs or cats are better? Dogs and cats are the two most popular pets in the world, but when it comes to choosing between them, there is a significant divide among animal lovers. Both animals have their own unique characteristics and charm, but in this essay, I will argue that dogs are better than cats. While cats may be independent and low maintenance, dogs have qualities that make them superior pets, such as their loyalty, savvy, and active lifestyle.

This essay, which I’ve written using a custom essay service , will explore why dogs are better than cats, by examining various factors. Through a thorough analysis of several key areas, including loyalty, savvy, and intelligence, this essay will demonstrate why dogs are the better choice for those looking to add a furry companion to their lives.

Let’s dive into this age-old debate to find out why dogs make the better pets! 

Are Dogs Better than Cats: Advantages Of Dogs

Dog’s loyalty .

One of the best qualities of dogs is their loyalty. From puppyhood, they will form an attachment to their owner that will last for life — a trait that cats simply don’t possess. It’s no wonder why we refer to our canine friends as “man’s best friend!” Even if you move away from your dog, they will remember and recognize you when you return. Unlike cats, which can be aloof and independent, dogs thrive on human companionship and will do anything to please their owners. Studies have shown that dogs have the ability to form deep emotional bonds with their owners, which leads to increased feelings of love and security.


Dogs are also renowned for their intelligence. They can learn complex commands, play games with their owners, and even recognize certain words or phrases people use. Furthermore, studies have shown that dogs have an impressive ability to understand social cues from humans and respond accordingly — something that cats cannot do as quickly. To my mind, dogs are truly remarkable animals in terms of their cognitive abilities! 

Adding to their intelligence is how dogs can pick up on things fast — whether it’s understanding what we want from them or reading our facial expressions — they truly know us inside out! They’re also great problem solvers as they use trial and error tactics when trying something new; this leads us back to being able to train them efficiently, so they know how we expect them to behave around people/other animals, etc. 

On top of all that, pups seem more attentive than cats as well since they actively look at us when we’re talking instead of ignoring what we say, like felines sometimes do!   

Active Lifestyle 

Finally, one of the main reasons why dogs make great pets is because they are naturally active creatures who thrive on exercise and interaction with people. If you take your dog out for regular walks or runs, it will likely be more content than a cat who has been left alone all day in a house without any stimulation or fresh air. This means that when it comes to choosing between a dog or cat as your pet, a canine companion may be more suitable if you lead an active lifestyle yourself.  By the way, this is exactly what I paid attention to when choosing a pet.   


In a nutshell, while cats may have their own unique charm, dogs are better pets overall. Their unwavering loyalty, savvy, and active lifestyle make them the perfect addition to any family. I think by choosing to own a dog, you are not only gaining a loyal companion, but you are also improving your physical and emotional well-being.

Crafting A Convincing Argument: Tips For Essay On Dogs Are Better Than Cats

Writing an essay on this topic can be fun and engaging, but it is essential that you approach the writing process with a clear argument in mind. Nevertheless, you can ask how to write an informative essay at a remarkable resource. 

Here are some tips and tricks for crafting your argument about why dogs make better pets than cats, that we prepared for you. 

Do Your Research

Before you begin your essay, it is vital to do research on both sides of the argument. Not only will this help you build a stronger case for why dogs are objectively better than cats, but it will also give you insight into how other people have approached the same topic. 

Use Logical Arguments

When making your case for why dogs are better than cats, be sure to use logic as much as possible. Don’t just say, “dogs are cuter than cats” or “cats are meaner than dogs” — back up these statements with evidence from reliable sources. 

For example, cite statistics about how much time people spend walking their dog compared to how much time they spend playing with their cat or provide anecdotes from pet owners who have had both types of animals as pets over many years. These types of logical arguments will help bolster your opinion and make it more convincing for readers.  

Create An Effective Structure

When writing your essay, create an effective structure that flows logically from one point to the next. Start by introducing the topic and giving some background information about both sides of the debate (i.e., why people may think cats are better). 

Finally, conclude by tying everything together and summarizing why you believe dogs are superior to cats overall. Remember to use evidence and examples to support your argument and address any counterarguments to create a well-rounded and persuasive essay.

The debate over whether dogs or cats make better pets has been ongoing for years. While cats have their own unique qualities and appeal, there are several reasons why dogs are often considered a superior pet. Here are some of the key reasons why:

Reasons Dogs are Better than Cats Description
Loyal Companionship Dogs are famously known for their undying loyalty to their owners. They form strong emotional bonds and are always there to provide love and support.
Greater Trainability Dogs are highly trainable and eager to please, making them easier to teach good behavior and tricks. Cats, on the other hand, are notoriously difficult to train and often act on their own whims.
Provide Protection Dogs can serve as a protective presence in the home, deterring intruders and alerting their owners to potential danger. Cats, on the other hand, are not known for their protective instincts.
Encourages Exercise Dogs require regular exercises such as walks or playtime, which can encourage owners to be more active and lead healthier lifestyle. Cats, on the other hand, are more sedentary animals and don’t require as much physical activity.
Socialization Dogs can be great social companions and can help their owners meet new people and make new friends. They can also be taken to public places such as parks and outdoor cafes. Cats are more solitary creatures and typically prefer to keep to themselves.

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Home — Essay Samples — Science — Animals — Compare And Contrast Dog And Cat


Compare and Contrast Dog and Cat

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Words: 724 |

Published: Mar 18, 2021

Words: 724 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

Works Cited

  • American Kennel Club. (n.d.). Dogs 101: Facts about dog breeds.
  • ASPCA. (2022). Pet statistics.
  • Borchelt, P. L. (2020). Why cats are better than dogs: The surprising benefits of being a cat person. Skyhorse Publishing.
  • Bradshaw, J. W. S., Casey, R. A., & Brown, S. L. (2012). The behaviour of the domestic cat (2nd ed.). CABI.
  • Christensen, J. W., Piper, A. M., & Poulsen, P. H. (2016). The dog's nose: Exploring olfactory optimisation in man's best friend. Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 16, 71-77.
  • Good Housekeeping. (2019, September 25). Dogs vs. cats: Which is the better pet for you?
  • Miller, L. J., & Martens, P. (1997). The role of companion animals in the lives of older adults. Anthrozoös, 10(1), 31-42.
  • PetMD. (n.d.). Cat vs. dog: Which pet is better?
  • Pongrácz, P., Molnár, C., Miklósi, Á., & Csányi, V. (2005). Human listeners are able to classify dog (Canis familiaris) barks recorded in different situations. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 119(2), 136-144.
  • VCA Hospitals. (n.d.). Litter box training for your cat.

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Compare and Contrast Dog and Cat Essay: How to Write About Differences

By: Angelina Grin

Compare and Contrast Dog and Cat Essay: How to Write About Differences

You have been tasked to write an essay to compare and contrast between two things, and this can be a difficult task for you that you might want to ask essay writing service for help instead.

Sample of a Compare and Contrast Essay Using Cats and Dogs

Research and citations, alternating method vs block method, linking words and phrases, recommendations for writing a comparative essay.

However, it is important to also learn how to do this on your own. In this scenario, we will use cats and dogs wherein we contrast both cats and dogs as a point of comparison. Wherein, this contrast essay will help guide you on how to write your own comparative essay.

When it comes to raising a pet, an immediate thought in a potential pet owner's mind is: "should I get a cat or a dog?" given that these are the most common pets to have. According to a study by PetFood Industry , when it comes to international pet ownership, out of a survey of 27,000 people globally, 33% were dog owners while 23% were cat owners, making them the most popular pets in the world.

However, despite our four-legged friends being widely accepted and sharing a lot of similarities, these are two different animals with two very different traits. Therefore, this essay aims to look at the different personalities of your future pet and how well it may fit you. This is because, at the end of the day, it really does matter if you are a cat person or a dog person.

First, let us begin with the similarities of these creatures and how to properly care for them. Both these animals have fur, thus requiring constant grooming such as regular washing and combing, especially if you do not want to deal with fleas. Fleas can cause skin allergies, prolonged scratching from all the itchiness can cause an infection, or your pet may get anemia from the loss of blood. Fleas can also possibly transmit other parasites such as tapeworms to your pet and even aggravate any respiratory illnesses or complications. And while fleas cannot live in a human's body, they can still bite you and give you the potential side effects they give your pet.

In addition to why you should groom your pet is that they shed their fur, and it gets everywhere, more so in certain seasons than others. Cleaning off their hackles is no easy feat, and getting a fur roller and air purifier can add up to a lot of costs.

Aside from this, though, the only other similarity cats and dogs bring their love and affection for their humans. In terms of differences, however, it can be a really long list. But we can look at the main differences of what makes each not necessarily a better pet than the other, but what makes each unique.

To start with, pet cats are known to be very clean. They are generally known to always clean after themselves and others through licking several times a day. Therefore, you do not really have to think about cleaning after a cat as much, you are most likely to just focus on their litter boxes. But as far as cleaning goes, you can depend on them to do it themselves. A dog will be different because they don't groom themselves. Dogs love to run around, and they can get messy in the process, but they are not built to clean up after themselves and would heavily rely on human assistance for that.

As mentioned, dogs rely on humans a lot and are not as independent as cats; this is not particular with cleaning but with their overall behavior in general. While both cats and dogs can be trained, it is a dog that usually requires more time and training than a cat, so you spend a lot of time caring for it and telling them what's wrong from right. The end result, however, reaps better benefits toward the dog than a cat. A dog will gladly come wagging its tail toward you if you call its name. Contrast cats who might just acknowledge you by moving its ears to indicate you have been heard, stare at you, or even ignore you altogether. A cat's independent nature means that they will only come toward you if and when they want to, and not because you have called them.

Moreover, dogs are social animals and have a tendency to fawn over every person they meet; they are known to be "man's best friend" after all. They are entertained by attention and people and just love playtime, going out, and having fun together. On the other hand, a cat has their own body language and will not necessarily acknowledge you or your guests in general; however, they find ways to entertain themselves; they do not mind playing on their own or with others.

Cats can also seem a little quieter as compared to dogs. While dog lovers will love their dogs unconditionally, it cannot be denied that a cat's purr and meow is nothing compared to a dog's woof.

The list can go on and on between cats and dogs, and at the end of the day, some things may not fully apply because your pet just has a personality of its own. But in general, both pets are adorable and have their own charm that makes you fall in love with them on your own. As a general rule of thumb, however, if you are a busy person, it may be better to get a cat due to their independent natures. If you have the time and want a pet that has fun with the family, a dog would be the way to go.

Analysis of Sample Comparative Essay

Now that you have read our sample comparative essay, let us take a quick look at the factors that were present within the essay and see how you can apply them on your own.

When it comes to writing a comparative essay, you will be stating a lot of facts here and there, and both need to be backed with evidence. In the sample above, to prove that dogs and cats were commonly used as pets, a source was cited in the essay. The more research you put into, the stronger the weight of your statements will be

There are two ways to write a comparative essay, the alternating method and the block method. The alternating method is the method used in the sample wherein you juxtapose clearly identified points between A and B, in this case, cats and dogs. This is usually a preferred method as it looks more integrated and analytical.

However, not all points can be directly compared because nothing closely relates to the other, or you might want to build up more points about one than the other, or perhaps you are comparing more than the usual two things. In either of these scenarios, you would use the block method wherein you enlist all the points about one and then proceed to jot down everything on the other.

When you are writing a comparative essay using words such as "similarly" and "likewise" to compare and words like "on the other hand" and "however" for contrasting statements as seen in the sample essay above can guide the reader through the relationship of each text.

Just like all other essays, the main ingredients to writing a comparative essay would be to:

  • Research: Whether it be a library or online, gathering resources to provide evidence and give you further ideas is a very critical step.
  • Brainstorm similarities and differences: Once you have researched, it is important to jot all your thoughts down, let your brain overflow with your ideas.
  • Outline how to layout the text: Once you have let your thought bubbles burst all over the place, it is now time to organize those thoughts, see what part fits where, and how you can correlate your research into each subject matter.
  • Write your essay: Every essay will include an introduction, body, and conclusion. Once you have your outline ready, it is time to write your thoughts to completion.
  • Plagiarism: Once you are done writing your essay, given that you have taken your content off of numerous pages, it is still highly important to ensure the uniqueness of your work and not something that is directly copy/pasted as it constitutes as plagiarism and can be considered a grave offense.
  • Proofread and revise into perfection: It is best to do this over and over until you feel like it is your best. However, there may be times it is better to look over your work with an expert. While these can be a teacher, parent, or friend, there are services that offer essay help and can edit and proofread in order to get an outsider's view of your work or even perhaps provide you with a free essay.

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dogs vs cats essay introduction

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Dogs vs Cats Compare and Contrast Essay

Dogs vs cats comparison.

cats and dogs

Dogs used to live in a pack in the free wild, thus, they require to be with the pack in captivity, therefore they consider you and your family to be their brood. In the wild the dogs hunt in a company of their kind, and love to outnumber their prey. Dogs are usually extremely playful and want to have a job to do. Dogs love to be petted, and can sit on your lap for hours. Dogs are active during the day and sleep at nights. Dogs are extremely “communicative” and use their body language and barking to express their feelings.

Cats, on the other hand, usually hunt on their own, and do not need any company. Certainly they can live together, although they do not require to be with one another or with anyone else. Usually cats do not want to sit with you, and some of them dislike being held. Cats are active at night, and can sleep all day long. Cats can meow, but they are definitely not as noisy as dogs, and much less expressive with their body language.

Thus, both cats and dogs bring…

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Dogs and Cats: Similarities and Differences

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Dogs or Cats Persuasive Essay Writing

Dogs or cats persuasive essay

Table of contents:

  • Introduction

It’s a classic debate topic: do dogs make better pets than cats, or vice versa? So, how to write a “why dogs are better than cats” persuasive essay or alternatively, “why cats are better than dogs?”

Start with an introduction that grabs your readers’ attention. A shock fact or an emotional anecdote will often do the trick. Then move on to setting forth your thesis statement, or statement of purpose, that will explain to your audience just exactly what is the point that you want to make in this essay. Here’s a few samples for you.

Introduction examples

Pro-Dog: If you’re attacked by an angry kangaroo in the bush, your cat isn’t going to do a thing to help you out, but your dog will defend you to the death. It’s not hard to see that dogs make better pets than cats and I’m going to explain just exactly why dogs are better.

Pro-Cat: Dogs or cats? It’s quite the debate, but really it’s up to you: do you want something that drools all over you, barks in the middle of the night, has to be walked twice a day, and humps strangers, or would you like a quiet, peaceful, orderly, independent creature who only asks a bite to eat, a litterbox, and a small corner with the sun on it to lie in? Getting a dog would be a mistake, but getting a cat never is.

As you move into the body of your essay, set out each point one-by-one. It may help to make an outline laying out your evidence. Here’s your chance to explain why dogs are better, or why cats are better. You should have at least three full paragraphs to make your case, and remember, you can have anecdotes, appeals to emotion, nostalgia, or statistical evidence to back you up. If you want to talk about the friendly neighbourhood cat when you were growing up, or your family dog who saved you from drowning at the age of nine, here’s your chance.

Your conclusion is a way of summing up your points and ending with calling your reader to take some kind of action. This action could even just include thinking about dogs or cats differently. Here’s another couple of samples for you.

Conclusion examples

Pro-Dog: Dogs save lives, aid fitness, play catch, and are all-around great fun to own. They make loyal and lovable companions. Everyone should have a dog at least once, so if you’ve never had one, now’s your opportunity.

Pro-Cat: Cats aren’t the Internet’s favourite animal for nothing. They are cute, snuggly, affectionate, and adorable. They will make your heart sing when they curl up in your lap or nuzzle against you. There’s no love quite like the love of a cat. But many cats linger in shelters, and some of them even get killed because they have no home to go to. Every cat should be loved, so if you’re in need of a furry companion, go to your nearest rescue shelter and let yourself be picked out by one of them for a lifetime of love and kitty cuddles.

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Deciding Between Dogs and Cats: Cost, Time, and Attention

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Dogs Are Better Than Cats (Persuasive Essay Sample)

A time comes in life when we start to think about adopting a pet either for ourselves or our children.  At that point, we all start to think about whether we should adopt a dog or a cat as these two are the most popular pet species. Almost all of us love both of them but the problem comes when we have to choose only one. It’s time to heat this timeless debate on why one is better than the other. In this essay, I will persuade you to believe that dogs are better than cats through the arguments presented below.

Dogs are Better Than Cats Essay 700 Word Long Persuasive Essay

Dogs and cats are two animals commonly kept as pets at home. Dogs are considered a man’s best friend and truly so because of their special connection with humans. On the other hand, cats are also the cutest furballs that are all cozy and cuddly. Most homeowners prefer keeping dogs to cats however some also prefer cats. Dogs are stronger, smarter, and sharper as compared to cats and can fit in many roles. I am a dog person myself and do prefer dogs over cats. Through this persuasive essay, I will make sure you also become a fan of keeping a dog as a pet.

Dogs are playful and engage their owners in different activities to help them stay active. Owning a dog is like having a loyal friend to talk to, laugh with, and take short walks in the evening. It’s because dogs are more loyal and loving than cats can ever be. Furthermore, Dogs can also fulfill guard roles by protecting us within our homes. Dogs are much better house guards than burglar alarms and security cameras. Dogs are also smarter than cats, they can understand gestures through voice tone and body language. Most importantly, dogs bring real joy and share a bond of unconditional love with the owner and the whole family.

Unlike cats, dogs need to be active, they are always ready to go outside and enjoy a walk with their owners. Due to this the dog owners also have to go with them which also serves as a healthy daily exercise . Taking your dog for a walk on a daily basis means you will also achieve all your daily exercise targets. Unlike cats who don’t go out for walks and develop behavioral problems like scratching and oversleeping, dogs don’t have these problems. Taking your dog out deepens your connection with the pet and helps build a stronger bond of love.

Here Are More Benefits of Keeping a Dog as a Pet

  • Unlike cats, dogs can be easily house trained for litter. Almost all cats use the litter box and no matter how much you try to avoid bad odor you just can’t escape it.
  • Dogs don’t shed as much hair as cats. People who keep cats as pets are more likely to suffer from breathing problems.
  • You can’t play fetch, chase, or tug-of-war with your cats. Most cats only play on their own and are not nearly as fun to be around as a dog.
  • Unlike cats that dislike change, dogs make better pets because they adapt to change very easily.
  • Dogs are far more intelligent than cats and can be trained fairly easily.
  • Police dogs, rescue dogs, and service dogs can also prove to be better house pets than cats.
  • According to a study, on average a cat sleeps more but a dog sleeps less, making dogs better pets.
  • Dogs require less maintenance than cats and guide dogs can detect bombs, illegal drugs, illegal substances to save lives.

Other than all these benefits your untrained pet dog can be trained to become your service dog. Dogs as pets love to take care of all family members by promoting an active lifestyle. Dogs can also be trained to reduce anxiety, depression, encourage exercise, ease loneliness, and improve heart health. They can even detect seizures and heart attacks even 12 hours before they happen to save the life of their owner.

In conclusion, comparing cats and dogs is like comparing two different fruits. Both of these animal species are unique in their way and have their benefits. Dog lovers will love dogs and cat lovers will love cats no matter how much you convince them. This centuries-old battle doesn’t need to continue. Both cats and dogs can live together so why not get both?

Short Custom Essay About Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats

Dogs and cats as pets have become a part of our humane society and culture. Choosing between both of these lovely and irresistibly cute furballs is a very hard task. People generally assume dogs are better pets as they have acquired the title of becoming the man’s best friend. However, as a cat person, some people are crazy cat lovers. In this short persuasive essay about why pet dogs are better than pet cats, I would convince you why dogs are better.

Both cats and dogs are different animal species and obviously, both have different personalities and unique qualities. A dog is a man’s best friend but a cat is an irresistibly cute furball. Despite all this, there are so many reasons why people prefer dogs. Dogs promote a healthier lifestyle, they force their owners to engage in daily exercise through constant walks and playful activities. Dogs are much more interactive than cats. Cats can play on their own but dogs always want their owners to play with them. A dog’s love for his owner can never be compared to a cat’s love, as their loyalty is out of this world.

Unlike cats, pet dogs can understand gestures by noticing the owner’s body language and tone of voice. Service dogs can even detect seizures and heart attacks 12 hours before they happen. Unlike cats, dogs can be house trailed for litter. On the other hand, you can’t escape bad odor coming from a cat litter box no matter where you place it. Cat’s shed more hair than dogs and due to this cat owners can suffer from asthma and other breathing problems.

In conclusion, dogs are the most popular pets on the planet but cats still have their own place. Most people may rank dogs as the best pet but they can never turn a blind eye towards the beautiful little furballs. This is certainly an age-long discussion on which of these two is a better pet. However, one thing’s for sure that these two can stay together and if you like both you can keep both at the same time.

FAQ About Dogs Are Better Than Cats Essay

How to write dogs are better than cats essays.

To write a perfect essay about pets, start by introducing what you like and dislike about cats and dogs. In the body explain why you love dogs more than cats and end it with a short conclusion.

How to write a persuasive essay about pets?

To write a persuasive essay about pets, introduce both of the pets in the introduction. In the body paragraph, use arguments to persuade the reader why one pet is better than the other. End with a conclusion based on arguments.

Where to get Cats are better than dogs’ essay samples?

Essay Basics has the biggest database of free essay samples including cats essay dogs essays. You can also order your own free essay from Essay Basics about why cats are better than dogs.

dogs vs cats essay introduction

Cats vs. Dogs: Are You a Cat or a Dog Person? Essay

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Cats and dogs are two of the most common types of pets, and preferring one to another can arguably tell many things about a person. While the question about choosing to have a cat or a dog may seem trivial and insignificant to many people, it can actually indicate a number of important personality traits. While we often tend to argue about one of these kinds of pets being better than another, we do not ask ourselves what these preferences actually say about us. So, before labelling this question as meaningless and frivolous, you might want to ask yourself once again: “Am I a cat or dog person?”

To understand the ramifications of this question, it is first worth comparing and contrasting these two types of pets, taking several aspects into account. The first factor is the comfort and support they provide to their owners. While dogs are usually active and energetic in showing their love and devotion, cats are much more subtle and gentle. Cats may often not even be explicit in demonstrating their affection, which, for many people, creates a misconception that they are not affectionate at all. Being annoyed with the ways cats and dogs show affection can say something about one’s personality. For example, dogs’ ways of showing affection by jumping and licking a person may be considered extremely annoying by some people who are naturally calm and do not like having their personal space violated. At the same time, cats’ indifferent manner of interacting with humans may be considered cold and arrogant by some people, which can make them feel inferior; and no one likes feeling inferior to a cat.

Another aspect that could be discussed to compare and contrast cats and dogs is their usefulness. In relation to how helpful pets are for people, dogs have probably managed to beat their rivals. Commonly considered to be ‘a man’s best friend’, dogs are known for their loyalty and devotion. There are several types of service dogs, such as hearing, guide, and mobility dogs, that help people with various disabilities. Other examples include search and rescue dogs, sniffer dogs, and dogs used in pet-assisted therapy. Although it may seem more challenging to list as many ways in which cats help humans, there is still a number of important ones. For example, they can help people who have mental health problems by calming them, offering companionship, and reducing stress.

The third aspect that can be considered to compare and contrast dogs is their needs. Before getting a pet, people often ask themselves how difficult it will be to take care of it. For example, apart from their basic needs, like food and water, dogs require plenty of exercise and socialization. Owners have to walk with their dogs regularly and develop specific exercise routines. Cats, on the other hand, are often much less social than dogs, and require less attention. Consequently, the same should be reflected in their owners: calm and more introverted people may prefer cats.

It can be concluded that cats and dogs have similarities and differences. While dogs are affectionate and energetic, cats are usually calm. Both cats and dogs, however, are used in therapy and treatments. Finally, taking care of these pets also differs: dogs require more of their owners’ time to walk with them and socialize. Cats, on the other hand, are not as emotionally dependent. Thus, preferring cats or dogs can say a lot about one’s personality, such as being affectionate or reserved, extraverted or introverted, active or calm.

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IvyPanda. (2023, June 27). Cats vs. Dogs: Are You a Cat or a Dog Person?

"Cats vs. Dogs: Are You a Cat or a Dog Person?" IvyPanda , 27 June 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) 'Cats vs. Dogs: Are You a Cat or a Dog Person'. 27 June.

IvyPanda . 2023. "Cats vs. Dogs: Are You a Cat or a Dog Person?" June 27, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "Cats vs. Dogs: Are You a Cat or a Dog Person?" June 27, 2023.


IvyPanda . "Cats vs. Dogs: Are You a Cat or a Dog Person?" June 27, 2023.


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    Dogs are far more intelligent than cats and can be trained fairly easily. Police dogs, rescue dogs, and service dogs can also prove to be better house pets than cats. According to a study, on average a cat sleeps more but a dog sleeps less, making dogs better pets. Dogs require less maintenance than cats and guide dogs can detect bombs, illegal ...

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    Cats, on the other hand, are often much less social than dogs, and require less attention. Consequently, the same should be reflected in their owners: calm and more introverted people may prefer cats. It can be concluded that cats and dogs have similarities and differences. While dogs are affectionate and energetic, cats are usually calm.

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    The debate between cat lovers and dog enthusiasts has persisted for generations, each side staunchly defending the virtues of their chosen pet. As Explore the timeless debate between cats and dogs in our latest blog post. Discover the unique qualities of each pet, from the independent charm of cats to the loyal companionship of dogs. Find your perfect furry companion today!