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What is English B1 Level? Writing and Essay Ideas & Examples

English Levels consist of 6 English levels in total. These levels are; A1 and A2 (Basic User), B1 and B2 (Independent User), C1 and C2 (Proficient User). This code system is created by The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR).

English level B1 is the first level in the independent user level group. It indicates that the knowledge of English is at an intermediate level . If it is explained in general terms, “as an English learning level, people who have received an average of 200 lessons in the English course and can speak English at an intermediate level” can now switch to B1 level. At this level in English you easily could be able to communicate about common topics such as culture, work, social events and leisure with the four skills of English, Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing.

With the B1 level of English, you can meet all your needs during your travels abroad, communicate on familiar topics and make new friendships. Your ability to understand English at B1 level is higher than at A2 level and you can speak at an intermediate level. Usually in speaking, you express yourself with short and repetitive sentences instead of long and complex sentences.

How Do You Know If You Are at B1 Level in English?

The best way to understand your English level is to take a test. You can measure your English level with exams such as TOEFL and IELTS.

The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) are likely the best and most commonly known English proficiency tests. They are widely accepted by American universities too.

You can also check your English level here and your test your English skills here.

essay samples b1

English B1 Level Subjects

In order to get a B1 level in English you need to learn these subjects.

present simplepresent progressive
stative verbsadverbs of frequency
past simplepast progressive
prepositions of timepresent perfect simple
present perfect progressivecomparisons
future will / going tofuture progressive
future perfectmust / have to / need
defining and non-defining relative clauseszero, 1st and 2nd conditionals
articlespast perfect simple
past perfect progressivetime linkers
had better, would rathershould + present and perfect infinitive
may,might,could,must,can’t,couldn’tpresent and perfect infinitive
clauses of concessionpassive voice 1
present participleparticiple clauses
infinitives and -ing formspassive voice 2
causativeinfinitive of purpose, for + ing form
reported speechwishes and unreal pst
clauses of result3rd conditional
wishes in the past

B1 Level Paragraph Writing Sample

Topic : What are the consequences of traffic congestion?

Suggested ideas for this topic:

-delays -stress -tiredness -frustrating time -frustrated drivers -road rage -increasing fuel consumption costs -increasing amount of CO2 emission -increasing air pollution

Paragraph Sample

There are lots of vehicles everywhere and the number of cars in big cities is increasing. This causes serious traffic congestion. Traffic congestion can have some negative effects not only on drivers but also on the people who live in cities. First of all, due to traffic jams, lots of people are late to their work. Therefore, they can’t start their work on time. For example, the people who work for big companies can be late. When people can’t finish their job on time, they have to stay in their office longer. This limits their free time so they feel unhappy. Secondly, the cars which are stuck in traffic jams cause air pollution. This air pollution has negative effects not only on nature but also on people who live in cities. Air pollution causes serious health problems. Finally, traffic congestion causes people to feel angry so some people can make dangerous things. To give an example, they can argue and fight with other drivers in traffic jams. Briefly, traffic congestion has negative effects on people’s psychology.

B1 Level Writing and Essay Ideas

Ideas for how do you write an opinion for B1 essay.

Essay 1: Social Networking Websites

Subject : These days most young people spend a lot of time on social network sites. Do you think this is a good thing or not? Write an essay about the good and bad sides of social media websites!

In your essay you should: • introduce the subject • present arguments in favour of and against using social media sites • write about your own habits concerning social networking

Your essay should be about 300 words long !

Essay 2: School and Part-Time Work

Subject : Many students work part-time while they are still at school or get a job in their summer holidays. What are the arguments for and against working and going to school at the same time?

Write an essay in which you • state the advantages and disadvantages • describe jobs you would work in if you had the opportunity • explain how working at an early age can affect your future life

Essay 3: Discrimination of Women

Subject : On Women’s Day, a famous American feminist visited your school. Your English teacher has asked you to express your opinion on today’s situation of women in an essay: “Although the position of women in society today has improved, there is still a great deal of discrimination. Do you agree?” In your essay you should:

• evaluate which disadvantages working women face • judge if a woman’s position in society has improved over the years • analyse whether discrimination is still a problem today.

Write an essay of about 300 words and give it a title.

Essay 3: Home By Ten ?

An American magazine is running an essay competition about rules teenagers have to follow. As a teenager you are used to hearing your parents say: “Be home by ten.” So, you have decided to send in an essay.

In your essay you should: • compare what you and your friends are allowed to do. • argue whether 10 p.m. is too early for teenagers to come home. • discuss the legal situation in your country. • comment on why some parents give their children strict guidelines on when to come home.

Write about 300 words and give your essay a title!

Essay 4 : Becoming Happy By Helping Others

Subject : A youth magazine is planning an essay competition on happiness. You decide to take part in the competition. It wants you to write about the following statement: “The only way to happiness is by helping other people.”

In your essay you should • analyse the reasons for helping other people. • give examples • express your opinion on why it can make you happy

Write an essay of about 250 – 300 words and give your essay a title.

Essay 5 : Immigrants In A New Country

Subject : A magazine is planning to publish a special section on immigration. It has asked readers to send in their opinions on the problems that immigrants have in their new country. You have decided to take part and send in an essay.

• why people want to leave their home country • the kind of life immigrants leave behind • the problems that they face in their new country • how long it may take them to fit in with their new environment

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essay samples b1

How to Write an Opinion Essay A2/B1

An opinion essay is a formal piece of writing in which you share your thoughts on a specific topic. You should express your opinion clearly and give reasons and examples to support your point of view.

Remember that when we write in formal style , we must not use contractions or informal words or expressions.

Parts of an opinion essay

An opinion essay must have 3 parts:

1. Introduction

In this paragraph you have to introduce the topic. You introduce the topic by restating the question or the title of the essay in your own words. Here you have to say if you agree or not with the question or the title of the essay. You can agree, disagree or partially agree.

In this section you have to support your opinion with reasons and examples. You must include at least three reasons. Break it into several paragraphs. Write one paragraph for each supporting reason. Don’t forget to include examples or facts.

3. Conclusion

Summarize your ideas and restate your opinion using different words.

Transition words and phrases

In your essay you have to organize all your ideas in a logical and coherent way. You can use different transition words or phrases to connect your ideas . Transition words and phrases help the reader understand your point of view easily.

In the table below there is a list of common transition words that you can use in your opinion essays.

essay samples b1

Essay question: A1/B2 English learners should learn how to write an opinion essay. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

essay samples b1

Here you can download a simple template that you can use to organize your ideas. You can replace the red words with other transition or linking words from the chart. You can also add more transition words to connect your ideas more clearly.

essay samples b1


Dogs are better pets than cats. Do you agree or disagree. Why?

Write your answer in the comments below.

How to Express your Opinion in English

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24 thoughts on “ How to Write an Opinion Essay A2/B1 ”

Dogs are better pets than cats.

Nowadays, many people prefer to adopt dogs or cats, but which of them are the better pets? Personally, I think that it is better to have cats as pets for the following reasons:

First of all, cats are more independent than dogs. For example, if you need to go on a trip, cats can live alone for 3 or 4 days. In addition, you only need to put enough water and food in a bowl and a sandbox so they can pee and poop when they need.

Secondly, cats are very clean and you don´t need to pay for someone to bathe them, unlike dogs, which must be bathed at least every week, because they smell bad. In my experience, I had a cat 7 years ago and only needed to bathe him 3 times during 5 years, because, he used to bathe himself.

Finally, cats are more calm and quiet than dogs. For instance, cats sleep during the day and at night they wake up. However, they are very quiet so you can sleep relaxed. In addition, cats only meow softly and do not bark loudly like dogs.

In conclusion, cats are more lovely and better pets than dogs because they are very independent, clean, and calm animals. They are beautiful and they do not need a lot of care.

Great job Camila!!!! Please read the final essay and compare it with your draft.

Nowadays most people say that dogs are better compared to cats. However, I consider that you couldn’t say who is better because just by existing they are incredible. Therefore, I do not agree that any one is better than the other for the following reasons.

First of all, dogs and cats are house pets adaptable to any home. However, it depends a lot on the space where they are going to be. However, in terms of size, they can be perfectly adapted to each home.

Secondly, dogs and cats, if you educate them correctly, will have good grooming habits. So both of them are going to do the right thing and we wouldn’t say that one is better than the other.

Finally, I consider that dogs and cats are the best friends of humans in the world. They both give love unconditionally in any situation. Also, on the contrary, you can know when pets are happy, sad or have a health problem.

To conclude, dogs are not better than cats because both are excellent domestic pets and they adapt to each place and lifestyle, it only depends on us humans giving them love and care.

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Nowadays more and more pets walk into human families and become a member of them. Some people like dogs and others like cats. In my opinion cats are better pets than dogs.

First of all, you could have a cat no matter how big your family room is. Cats are smaller than most dogs so you do not need to have a big place for cats. Cats could sleep anywhere in your house and what you need to do is just prepare some food for them. However, if you have a dog, you need to prepare a big doghouse. So it is a little difficult if you live in a small apartment.

Second cats are more friendly than dogs. Most cats will not bark at people but dogs often do that to someone who is not familiar with them. It is a terrible feeling when your dogs bark at your neighbors.

Finally, the time you spend on taking care of your pets is less for cats. For instance, you do not need to take the cat out of your house every day if you are very busy after work.

In conclusion, cats are easy to take care of, for that reason I think cats are better pets than dogs.

Great job Li Yang. Please compare the final essay with your initial draft. 🙂

Dogs are better pets than cats. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

There is a dispute between those who love dogs and those who love cats. Each side believes that their pet is the best. In my opinion, every animal has pluses and minuses. However, I will say that cats are better pets than dogs.

Firstly, cats are 100 percent pets. They can sleep for hours, play, and look out the window.

Secondly, cats do not need a walk. And this means that cats do not need to wash their paws. They keep their bodies clean.

Thirdly, if cats love their owners, they like to sleep on them. Cats say mur-mur and calm their owners when they are sad or something hurts them.

Finally, cats behave calmly to guests. They can leave the room if they do not like something or someone.

Let’s sum it up. Should people buy a cat or a dog?. It is up to us. However, I will buy a cat. A cat is an ideal pet for me because I am an introvert.

Well done Olga! Please compare your first draft with the final version ☝️

Thank you very much for your help, Julietta! It’s so important to look at yourself from the outside.

Excellent material (for an otherwise dull topic)- Thanks a million from faraway Argentina!

Hi Maria! I’m happy to hear that this post was helpful. I know! Teaching/learning writing sometimes is quite challenging.

[…] factual information using a formal tone. As with other pieces of formal writing (for example, essays, formal emails, articles, etc.), there is a special format used to write reports in […]

Most people can say dogs are good pets for humans compared to cats. Personally, I think, it is not possible to say who is better because both are amazing pets. For this reason , I disagree that dogs are better than cats.

First of all, dogs and cats are perfect domestic pets. Nowadays, people live in different spaces and dogs and cats can live perfectly in this place only depending on the size of the pets. Additionally, both can adapt perfectly to a different lifestyle for families or single people.

Secondly, dogs and cats are amazing because they have facial expressions closer to humans and sometimes they are more expressive than humans. For example, you can know when pets are happy, sad or have any health problems.

Lastly, dogs and cats are humans’ best friends in the world. Both give love unconditionally to people and stay at all times (good and bad) with them . Furthermore, it is so difficult to say one love is better than the other .

That is clear, dogs are not better than cats because both are excellent domestic pets and they adapted to every place and lifestyle only depend only that humans give love and care.

Well done Karla!! ⭐

Nowadays, adopting dogs and cats is hands down the most popular option for people who want to get a pet . Personally, I consider, it is imposible to say which one is a better option because both are awsome. However, I think that cats are good pets for a number of reason s . To begin with, cats are loving. For instance, when you are upset or depressed, they always try to cheer you up with their company. Furthermore, they love sleeping with you. Secondly, cats do not need to go for a walk . And this means that you have more spare time for yourself or for playing with them. In addition, you can go out all day knowing that your cat is going to be fine all by itself . Last but not least, cats are friendlier than dogs. If they do not like something or somebody they will simply go out of the room. What is more, they sometimes enjoy playing alone. To sum up, cats are more affectionate than dogs, making then better pets than other animals.

Amazing job Gloria!!!

Nowadays dogs and cats have become part of the family, they are like people who cannot talk, but communicate through different acts, I particularly prefer dogs.

First of all, I prefer dogs because they are more friendly, affectionate and loyal. These pets have easily won anyone is heart. Their willingness to be part of the family, their enthusiasm when we come home and their ability to provide emotional support are irreplaceable qualities.

Secondly, walking with them not only helps with exercise, but is an opportunity to strengthen the bond between us and the dogs. Their playful nature and willingness to learn make living with a dog an exciting and joyful experience.

Finally, I think dogs are ideal for those looking for an active and affectionate companion, while cats are great for people who value independence and feline elegance.

In conclusion, although I love dogs more, the choice between a dog and a cat as a pet depends a lot on each person’s personal preferences and lifestyle.

In almost every home there is a pet, whether cats, dogs or other animals that become part of the family. However, everyone has their own preferences, in my opinion dogs are better than cats for the following reasons. First of all, if you have a more active lifestyle. Dogs are very active animals that like to walk, run and play to stay healthy and happy, while cats are more sedentary and prefer to sleep all day. Secondly, dogs are very obedient animals. If trained correctly, they can learn tricks and commands. In addition to being very affectionate animals. Lastly, dogs are very protective and loyal animals. If they see something they don’t like or something that could be a threat to their family, they will be willing to protect them. In conclusion, dogs are very good companions, they are affectionate, active, protective, and they are the best if you have a more active lifestyle, but I also think that it depends a lot on the person in charge, on their type of life.

Moderation in cell phone use is crucial in contemporary society for various reasons. Firstly, the abuse of mobile devices can have negative impacts on mental health, contributing to increased stress and anxiety due to constant exposure to social networks and notifications. Additionally, excessive use can affect interpersonal relationships by distracting people during face-to-face encounters.

Additionally, cell phone dependency can affect productivity and concentration in daily activities. The constant interruption by notifications and the compulsion to check the phone can undermine the quality of work and academic performance.

On the other hand, moderation in cell phone use is essential for road safety. Distracted driving due to phone use has been a major cause of traffic accidents. Implementing limits on cell phone use while driving is a necessary measure to prevent tragedies.

to conclusion, moderation in cell phone use is imperative to safeguard mental health, strengthen personal relationships, improve productivity and guarantee public safety. Setting conscious boundaries and encouraging responsible use of technology is essential for a healthy balance between digital life and reality.

Today, dogs and cats are the perfect companion in the home of the world. However, in my opinion, I prefer cats, this pet is wonderful and special partner of adventures and madness. Following, I say three reason for that cat is the best friend for human.

First, cat isn´t noisy, this pet is very quiet and calm, inside of house cat keep silence, because theirs legs are padding and when walking not make noise. In addition, meows of cats are soft and do not bark loudly like dogs.

Secondly, I considerer cats are clean because, this pet bathe with their tongue for this reason your cat not needed take shower always. For example, I bathe my cat « Mihos » every six months.

Finally, cats are more independent than dogs. In my experience, my pet go for a walk alone. For this reason, my cat not need to that stroll with me.

To conclude, cats are excellent domestic pets, they are pretty and mystics. And they will take care of your home and your heart. I always adore cats.

In Defense of Dogs: Man’s Best Friend The age-old debate of whether cats or dogs make better pets has long been a topic of discussion among animal lovers. While both animals have their merits, I firmly believe that dogs hold a special place in our lives as faithful companions. In this essay, I will present the reasons, in my opinion, why dogs are superior pets, offering unwavering loyalty, companionship, and numerous other qualities that make them man’s best friend.

First of all, dogs are renowned for their loyalty and unwavering devotion to their owners. They form deep emotional bonds and are always there to provide comfort and support, making them invaluable companions in both good and challenging times.

Secondly, dogs thrive on social interaction and physical activity, encouraging their owners to lead a more active and healthier lifestyle. Their enthusiasm for outdoor activities and playtime fosters a strong and positive relationship between humans and their pets, promoting a sense of well-being and happiness.

Therefore, dogs come in a wide variety of breeds, each with its unique personality and traits. Whether as service animals, working dogs, or loving family pets, they display remarkable adaptability and versatility, making them suitable for a diverse range of roles and environments.

In conclusion, the qualities that dogs possess, including unwavering loyalty, companionship, and their ability to enhance our physical and emotional well-being, make them exceptional companions. Their impact on human lives is immeasurable, as they provide love, support, and joy to countless individuals and families worldwide. Therefore, I firmly believe that dogs are, without a doubt, man’s best friend and make superior pets in numerous ways.

Chat GPT diserves full marks 100%

Why are dogs better than cats? In my opinion, dogs are better than cats for many reasons. In this essay I will address various topics, such as fidelity, company, cleanliness, protection, among others, and I will try to defend man’s best friends.

First of all, dogs are man’s best friends because they are very faithful to humans. For instance, in risky situations for their owners they act as defenders and help detect risky situations. Dogs can also work in the police department as detectors of prohibited substances, and they can also serve as a company for people with mental illnesses who need support .

Second, dogs are more affectionate with their owners. They can recognize their owners after a long time. They have a super developed and very effective sense of smell. This is why in many occasions when people disappear, dogs track them alone .

Finally , dogs have a lower loss rate compared to cats. In addtion, dogs are kept in their homes, and there are many cases in which lost dogs lead people to their “wanted” files in order to return to their homes. Dogs often defend their owners even if they get hurt or, in many cases dogs die.

To sum up , dogs are better than cats due to their loyalty, their defense tactics towards their owners, and in many cases also their intelligence, which is why they are called man’s best friends.

Good effort!

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Preliminary (PET) Writing Sample Tests

Writing can be a scary thing for B1 learners, but with some training the Preliminary (PET) writing doesn’t have to make you run and hide. The important thing at B1 is to be clear, consistent and organised. You don’t need to write the next Charles Dickens novel, you just have to complete the task with good basic grammar, vocabulary, organisation and a little touch of style.

Here we’ve got some top tips for the Preliminary (PET) writing paper and two sample tests for you to use as practice at home or in the classroom. Each one could be used for PET for schools or for the regular adult exam.

writing test

What are the different types of writing for B1 Cambridge?

The first part of the Cambridge B1 writing exam is an email. You will read an email that received from an English friend or family member. Next to this email, there are notes to include in your answer. You must answer the email in 100 words, including all the information from the notes. For more about how to write the perfect B1 PET Writing Part 1, take a look at our post about emails .

The second part of the writing exam has two choices, an article or a story. Each one should be 100 words, but you only write one of them, not both. Some people prefer to practise one type of writing a lot to make it perfect, but it’s always a good idea to be comfortable with both. Sometimes the topic of one writing is strange, so you may prefer the other one. If you only know how to write one type, this becomes a problem.

Top tips for Preliminary (PET) writing

These tips will help you maximise the opportunity for points in the Cambridge writing criteria. Each writing is given a mark out of 5 in Content, Communicative Achievement, Organisation and Language.

  • Answer the question (Content) – You wouldn’t believe how many people don’t include all the necessary content in their answers. Part 1 is very controlled and has four notes along the side of each input text. In order to score points in the Content mark, you must clearly include answers to all four notes. For example, if the note say “suggest” , pointing at a comment about what restaurant you’d like to go to, suggest a restaurant. It seems obvious, but it’s the easiest way to both lose and gain points. In Part 2, you’ll have a couple of content points in the article and less in the story, but you still need to stick to the topic. For example, if the story is about a day at the beach, don’t write about a birthday party.
  • Use paragraphs (Organisation) – Another easy fix, but one that can seriously affect the Organisation mark. Even though the text is only 100 words, there should generally be 2-3 paragraphs, clearly separated using a line gap or indentation.
  • Write the correct writing (Content, Communicative Achievement) – If it’s an email, it needs to look like an email with a simple “Hi” and “See you soon!” at the beginning and end. If it’s an article, it should have a title. If it’s a story, it should have a beginning, middle and end. The tone and style of each writing is slightly different too. Look at examples and consider what style is used.
  • Punctuate (Organisation, Language) – Sometimes something as seemingly insignificant as a comma can completely change a writing. Be careful with sentences that are long, confusing and connected together with commas. Make sure you are finishing sentences when they are grammatically complete and not using incorrect punctuation.
  • Use the past (Language) – To show you know B1 grammar, it’s important to use the past. In almost every writing, you will have the opportunity to use the past to talk about something that happened to you. Don’t forget to study the irregular verbs!
  • Use some modal verbs (Language) – Another area of B1 language is modal verbs. Make a recommendation with “should” or talk about possibility with “can” or “can’t” . It’s not advanced language, but it’s something that shows you know B1 level English.
  • Use a relative clause (Language) – If you want to score top points in Language, you have to attempt some complex grammar. Using subordinate clauses like relative clauses is a good way to do this. A sentence like “My brother, who lives in Miami, is going to visit me in Spain this summer” is a great way to include more complex grammar in your writing.
  • Use basic linking words (Organisation, Language) – At B1, you don’t need to use a huge variety of linking words, but you should use “and” , “so” , “but” , “because” and possibly a few other more advanced ones like “however” , “although” and “also” . These should be used throughout all the writings.
  • Make it interesting (Communicative Achievement) – You don’t need to be an expert writer to write an interesting text. For example, there’s a big difference between a story where the school closes because of a flood (interesting) and a day you went to school and did an exam (not interesting). The same applies to articles, if you write an article about travel and you talk about going on an adventure in Hawaii, it’s more interesting than going to the local swimming pool every day.
  • Keep it simple (Everything) – Remember that it’s a B1 writing and in order to pass or even get high marks, you don’t need to make it complicated. Use the language you know to write the best possible writing within the expectations of the task. Don’t be afraid to attempt some complex things, but also make sure you do the basics well.

The materials

Here are two full Preliminary (PET) writing sample tests. These have been designed in the same format as official exams to practise and improve in preparation for the B1 writing exam. Remember that the time limit to complete both parts of the Preliminary (PET) Writing exam is 45 minutes.

PET writing 1

essay samples b1

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English Writing Exercises for B1 – An opinion essay

  • English Writing Exercises for B1


1. read the task and the essay. in which paragraph (a-d) does the writer ….

1   give his opinion?

2   introduce the topic?

3   make his proposals?

4   sum up the essay?

Some people think that the school curriculum should include subjects such as ‘leading a healthy lifestyle’. Write an essay in which you give your own opinion on this issue and propose ways in which this subject might be taught in schools.

[ A ]   If we can believe recent reports in the press, many teenagers are overweight and unfit. Some people argue that teaching children at school about a healthy lifestyle would help to solve this problem.

[ B ]   In my view , it would be very sensible to teach students how to lead a healthy lifestyle. Health problems later in life often start because people get into bad habits during their teenage years. It is sometimes said that this is the responsibility of the parent and not the school. But as I see it , everyone in society would benefit from this.

[ C ]   In order to tackle this problem , time should be set aside in the school timetable to teach children about the benefits of eating healthily and getting lots of exercise. Moreover , doctors could also play a part by coming into school and talking to students. I suggest that one or two hours a week should be spent on this topic.

[ D ]   To sum up , I agree with those people who believe that healthy living should be taught in schools. It seems to me that the students themselves and society in general would benefit from this proposal.

1 B   2 A   3 C   4 D

2. Complete the gaps with the underlined phrases from the essay.

1   Introducing your opinions

     in my opinion, 1 …………………………. 2 …………………………. 3 ………………………….

2   Introducing other people’s opinions

     It is a widely held view that

     Most people agree that

     It is a common belief that

      4 ………………………….

      5 ………………………….

3   Making an additional point

     What is more,      Not only that, but      Furthermore,

     6 ………………………….

4   Introducing proposals and solutions

     One solution might be to

     What I propose is that

     I would strongly recommend that

     It is vital that

     7 ………………………….  

     8 ………………………….

5   Concluding

      In conclusion,      To conclude,      9 ………………………….

1 In my view   2 as I see it   3 It seems to me that

4 Some people argue that   5 It is sometimes said that

6 Moreover   7 In order to tackle this problem

8 I suggest that   9 To sum up

Writing Guide

Many people think that teenagers spend too much time using electronic gadgets. Write an essay in which you give your own view of the problem and propose ways of solving it.

Writing Strategy

1   Divide your essay into an introduction, main body and conclusion.

2   If the task has more than one element, deal with them in different paragraphs within the main body.

3   Use formal language.

4   Support opinions with evidence or examples.

3. Read the task and the Writing Strategy above. In which paragraph (A-D) of your essay will you …

1   describe the problem?

2   introduce the topic: mention the problem (using different words from the task) and say that you will propose solutions?

3   sum up by saying that you are confident that your proposed solutions will help to solve the problem?

4   propose solutions?

1 B   2 A   3 D   4 C

4. Make notes about the headings below.

My view of the problem and its causes: …………………………….

Solutions to the problem: …………………………………….

your own answers

5. Write your essay. Follow the paragraph plan in exercise 3, and use your notes from exercise 4. Include some phrases from exercise 2.

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B1 preliminary exam format.

B1 Preliminary is made up of four papers developed to test students’ English skills. You can see exactly what’s in each paper below.

The formats below are the same for both the digital and paper-based exams.

Paper Content Marks
(% of total)

(45 minutes)


Shows you can read and understand the main points from signs, newspapers and magazines.

(45 minutes)


Shows you can use vocabulary and structure correctly.

(30 minutes, including 6 minutes’ transfer time)


You have to be able to follow and understand a range of spoken materials including announcements and discussions about everyday life.

(10-12 minutes per pair of candidates; 15-17 minutes per group of three)


Shows how good your spoken English is as you take part in conversation by asking/answering questions and talking, for example, about your likes and dislikes. Your Speaking test will be face to face with one or two other candidates and two examiners. One of the examiners (who could be online, examining remotely) talks to you and the other examiner listens. This makes your test more realistic and more reliable. Examiners may use their mobile phones for entering marks using an app.

  • openbook Reading
  • pencil Writing
  • playlist Listening
  • megaphone Speaking

openbook What’s in the Reading paper?

The B1 Preliminary Reading paper has six parts. There are different types of texts and questions.

Part 1 (Multiple choice)

What do candidates have to do? Read five real-world notices, messages and other short texts for the main message.
How many questions are there? 5
How many marks are there? One mark for each correct answer.

Part 2 (Matching)

What do candidates have to do? Match five descriptions of people to eight short texts on a particular topic, showing detailed comprehension.
How many questions are there? 5
How many marks are there? One mark for each correct answer.

Part 3 (Multiple choice)

What do candidates have to do? Read a longer text for detailed comprehension, gist, inference and global meaning, as well as writer’s attitude and opinion.
How many questions are there? 5
How many marks are there? One mark for each correct answer.

Part 4 (Gapped text)

What do candidates have to do? Read a longer text from which five sentences have been removed. Show understanding of how a coherent and well-structured text is formed.
How many questions are there? 5
How many marks are there? One mark for each correct answer.

Part 5 (Multiple choice cloze)

What do candidates have to do? Read a shorter text and choose the correct vocabulary items to complete gaps.
How many questions are there? 6
How many marks are there? One mark for each correct answer.

Part 6 (Open cloze)

What do candidates have to do? Read a shorter text and complete six gaps using one word for each gap.
How many questions are there? 6
How many marks are there? One mark for each correct answer.

pencil What’s in the Writing paper?

The B1 Preliminary paper has two parts. You have to show that you can write different types of text in English.

Part 1 (Writing an email)

What do candidates have to do? Write about 100 words, answering the email and notes provided.
How many questions are there? 1
How many marks are there? The question has a maximum of 20 marks available.

Part 2 (Choice between an article or a story)

What do candidates have to do? Write about 100 words, answering the question of their choosing.
How many questions are there? Choose one question from a choice of two.
How many marks are there? The question has a maximum of 20 marks available.

playlist What’s in the Listening paper?

The B1 Preliminary Listening paper has four parts. For each part, you have to listen to a recorded text or texts and answer some questions. You hear each recording twice.

What do candidates have to do? Identify key information in seven short monologues or dialogues and choose the correct visual.
How many questions are there? 7
How many marks are there? One mark for each correct answer.

Part 2 (Multiple choice)

What do candidates have to do? Listen to six short dialogues and understand the gist of each.
How many questions are there? 6
How many marks are there? One mark for each correct answer.

Part 3 (Gap fill)

What do candidates have to do? Listen to a monologue and complete six gaps.
How many questions are there? 6
How many marks are there? One mark for each correct answer.

Part 4 (Multiple choice)

What do candidates have to do? Listen to an interview for a detailed understanding of meaning and to identify attitudes and opinions.
How many questions are there? 6
How many marks are there? One mark for each correct answer.

megaphone What’s in the Speaking paper?

The B1 Preliminary Speaking test has four parts and you take it together with another candidate. There are two examiners. One of the examiners talks to you and the other examiner listens.

Part 1 (Interview)

What do candidates have to do? Respond to questions, giving factual or personal information.
How long do candidates have to speak? 2 minutes.

Part 2 (Extended turn)

What do candidates have to do? Describe one colour photograph, talking for about 1 minute.
How long do candidates have to speak? 3 minutes.

Part 3 (Discussion)

What do candidates have to do? Make and respond to suggestions, discuss alternatives and negotiate agreement.
How long do candidates have to speak? 4 minutes.

Part 4 (General conversation)

What do candidates have to do? Discuss likes, dislikes, experiences, opinions, habits, etc.
How long do candidates have to speak? 3 minutes.

essay samples b1

essay outline

How to Write an Essay Outline: Examples, FAQs & Tips

essay samples b1

An essay outline is a structured plan that organizes the main points and supporting details of an essay before writing. It guides the flow of ideas and ensures that each section of the essay is logically connected and coherent.

In this article, we'll walk you through the steps to build a strong essay outline. You'll discover how to define your thesis, arrange your main points, and structure your outline for clarity and effectiveness. If you're still having trouble putting your outline together after reading this, EssayService can provide expert help to make sure your essay is well-structured and persuasive!

Basic Elements of an Essay

An essay begins with an introduction, which is followed by one or more body paragraphs that expand on the points introduced. It ends with a conclusion that restates the thesis and summarizes the main ideas from the body paragraphs.

Basic Parts of an Essay


The introduction of an essay introduces the topic and engages the reader from the start. It usually starts with a hook—a statement or question that grabs attention. After the hook, some background information is given to provide context for the topic.

The introduction ends with a thesis statement, which clearly presents the main argument or purpose of the essay. This section not only introduces the topic but also outlines what the essay will cover, setting the tone for what follows.

Avoid these pitfalls:

  • Don't try to cover too much ground in your introduction.
  • Avoid vagueness. Be specific and precise in your language.

Body Paragraphs

The body of the essay is where your main ideas and arguments take shape. Each paragraph should open with a topic sentence that clearly states the main point. This is followed by supporting details like evidence, examples, and analysis that back up the topic sentence.

Smooth transitions between paragraphs are key to maintaining a logical flow throughout the essay. Together, the body paragraphs build and support the thesis by adding depth and detail to your argument.

Remember these tips for effective body paragraphs:

  • Begin each paragraph with a clear and concise topic sentence.
  • Use specific examples, facts, or quotes to support your point.
  • Explain why the evidence is important and how it relates to your argument.

The conclusion of an essay wraps up the argument and reinforces the thesis. It usually starts by restating the thesis and reflecting on the discussion and evidence presented in the body paragraphs. A brief summary of the main points follows, highlighting the key arguments made throughout the essay.

The conclusion should close with a final thought or call to action, leaving the reader with something to think about or a sense of closure. The aim is to make a lasting impression that emphasizes the importance of the essay's conclusions.

Remember these tips:

  • Briefly recap the key arguments you've made.
  • Leave the reader with a thought-provoking final sentence or a call to action.
  • Don't introduce any new ideas or arguments in your conclusion.

essay samples b1

How to Write an Essay Outline?

Now, let's dive into the heart of this article and show you how to write an essay outline in just four smart steps:

  • Determining your thesis and key arguments
  • Organizing points into sections
  • Adding supporting details
  • Drafting a rough outline

essay samples b1

Determine Your Thesis and Key Arguments

Your thesis should present a specific point of view or a central idea that your essay will support or explore. Here's how to identify your thesis:

  • Ask a question: What is the main point you want to convey?
  • Brainstorm: Jot down ideas related to your topic.
  • Refine your ideas: Narrow down your focus and develop a clear argument.

Once you have your thesis, identify the main points that support it. These points should be logical, relevant, and comprehensive.

  • Divide your thesis: Break down your thesis into its key components.
  • Create a mind map: Visually organize your ideas.
  • Ask yourself questions: What are the main reasons for your argument? What evidence supports your claims?

Group Main Ideas into Sections

The best way to organize your main points when writing an essay outline depends on the specific topic and purpose of your essay. Experiment with different arrangements to find the one that works best for you. Here are some strategies for organizing your main points:

Use this when Example
Chronological Order Your essay is about a sequence of events or a process. An essay about the history of the French Revolution could be organized chronologically, starting with the causes and ending with the aftermath.
Spatial Order Your essay is describing a physical space or object. An essay about the architecture of the Colosseum could be organized spatially, moving from the exterior to the interior.
Order of Importance Your main points vary in significance. An essay arguing for stricter gun control laws might begin with the most compelling argument and end with the least compelling.
Compare and Contrast Order Your essay examines similarities and differences between two or more things. An essay comparing the philosophies of Plato and Aristotle could be organized by alternating between points of similarity and difference.

Add Details to Each Main Idea

When working on your essay outline, remember to choose supporting details that are relevant, specific, and convincing. The more evidence you can provide, the stronger your arguments will be. Consider these tips for developing supporting details for each one.

  • Provide examples: "For example, the Great Depression led to a significant increase in homelessness and poverty."
  • Cite expert opinions: "As the renowned historian, Eric Hobsbawm, once said, 'The French Revolution was a watershed moment in European history.'"
  • Make comparisons and contrasts: "While both cats and dogs make excellent pets, cats are generally more independent, while dogs are more social."
  • Offer definitions: "A democracy is a form of government in which the people have the power to elect their leaders."

Make a Rough Outline

Once you've developed supporting details for each main point, you're ready to create a draft outline. This outline will serve as a roadmap for your essay, guiding you through the writing process.

Here's a basic outline template:

  • Background information
  • Thesis statement

Body Paragraph 1

  • Topic sentence
  • Supporting detail 1
  • Supporting detail 2
  • Supporting detail 3

Body Paragraph 2

Body Paragraph 3

  • Restate thesis
  • Summarize key points
  • Final thought

Remember to:

  • Use consistent formatting: Indent supporting details.
  • Label sections clearly: Use Roman numerals for main points and letters for supporting details.
  • Be flexible: Adjust your outline as needed to accommodate new ideas or changes in your argument.

Essay Outline Examples

Now that you have an understanding of the basic structure of an essay outline let's explore some specific examples tailored to different essay genres. Remember, these are just templates, and you should feel free to adapt each essay outline example to fit your unique needs and writing style.

Argumentative Essay Outline

I. Introduction

  • Hook: A captivating opening sentence to grab the reader's attention.
  • Background information: Relevant context to the topic.
  • Thesis statement: A clear and concise statement of your argument.

II. Body Paragraph 1

  • Topic sentence: The main point of this paragraph.
  • Supporting evidence: Facts, statistics, examples, or expert opinions to support your argument.
  • Explanation: Analysis of the evidence and its relevance to your thesis.

III. Body Paragraph 2

  • Topic sentence: The second main point of your argument.
  • Supporting evidence: Facts, statistics, examples, or expert opinions.

IV. Body Paragraph 3

  • Topic sentence: The third main point of your argument.

V. Counterargument

  • Acknowledge opposing viewpoint: Briefly mention a counterargument.
  • Refute counterargument: Provide evidence or reasoning to disprove the opposing viewpoint.

VI. Conclusion

  • Restate thesis: Reiterate your main argument.
  • Summarize key points: Briefly recap the main supporting points.
  • Final thought: Leave the reader with a memorable and impactful statement.

Expository Essay Outline

  • A. Hook: Start with an engaging statement or fact to grab the reader's attention.
  • B. Background Information: Provide context or background information necessary for understanding the topic.
  • C. Thesis Statement: Clearly state the main point or purpose of the essay.
  • A. Topic Sentence: Introduce the main idea of the paragraph.
  • B. Explanation/Detail: Provide a detailed explanation or description of the first point.
  • C. Evidence/Example: Include evidence or examples to support the explanation.
  • D. Analysis: Explain how the evidence or example supports the topic sentence.
  • B. Explanation/Detail: Provide a detailed explanation or description of the second point.
  • B. Explanation/Detail: Provide a detailed explanation or description of the third point.

V. Conclusion

  • A. Restate Thesis: Restate the thesis in a new way, summarizing the main points of the essay.
  • B. Summary of Main Points: Briefly summarize the key points discussed in the body paragraphs.
  • C. Final Thought: End with a concluding statement that reinforces the significance of the topic or provides a closing thought.

Persuasive Essays Outline

  • Background information: Provide context or history related to your topic.
  • Thesis statement: Clearly state your argument or position.
  • Main argument: Present your strongest argument in support of your thesis.
  • Supporting evidence: Use facts, statistics, examples, or expert opinions to back up your argument.
  • Counterargument: Briefly acknowledge an opposing viewpoint.
  • Rebuttal: Refute the counterargument with evidence or reasoning.
  • Main argument: Present your second strongest argument in support of your thesis.
  • Main argument: Present your third strongest argument in support of your thesis.
  • Restate thesis: Briefly rephrase your argument.
  • Summarize key points: Recap the main supporting arguments.
  • Call to action: Encourage the reader to take a specific action or adopt a particular viewpoint.

Final Words

As we sum up this article, let's recap the main steps for writing an outline:

  • Determine the main argument or purpose of your essay.
  • Break down your thesis into key ideas or arguments.
  • Group related ideas together under clear headings.
  • Include evidence, examples, and explanations for each main point.
  • Arrange everything in a logical order, ensuring a smooth flow from one section to the next.

To ensure your writing is well-structured and effective, rely on EssayService, which is here to help with any type of essay.

Frequently asked questions

  • Linford, J. (2014). Essay Planning: Outlining with a Purpose What Is an Outline? How Do I Develop an Outline? https://www.sjsu.edu/writingcenter/docs/handouts/Essay%20Planning%20-%20Outlining.pdf
  • ‌ Writing an Outline for your essay | MacOdrum Library . (n.d.). Library.carleton.ca . https://library.carleton.ca/guides/help/writing-outline-your-essay

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How to End a College Essay: Strategies and Examples

How to End a College Essay: Strategies and Examples

Writing a college essay takes skill, but making a strong college essay conclusion is often the most important part. A great ending can make a big impact on your readers and bring your main ideas together. This guide will walk you through four strategies that will help you create impactful conclusions that resonate with your audience.

1. Writing a Memorable College Essay Conclusion

The conclusion of your essay is your last chance to strengthen your main points and leave a lasting impression. A well-written ending can make your whole essay better and more memorable.

Successful Essay Ending Examples

Here are some great ways to end an essay:

  • Share a thoughtful idea that connects to your main point, giving a sense of closure and understanding.
  • Quickly go over your main points, showing them in a new way.
  • Discuss why your topic matters beyond just your essay.
  • Link back to your introduction, making your writing feel complete.


"When I started looking into how music affects the brain, I didn't know I'd find a connection to my grandmother's struggle with Alzheimer's. I learned that songs people know well can often bring back memories for patients, even when they have trouble talking. This discovery changed how I see music's power and gave me a new way to connect with my grandmother. When we hum her favorite songs together, I see hints of recognition in her eyes, reminding me that sometimes, big scientific ideas can have very personal effects."

Common Mistakes in Ending an Essay

Avoid these problems when writing your college essay conclusion:

  • Adding new ideas: Your conclusion should bring together existing points, not introduce new information.
  • Just repeating your main point: While it's important to remind readers of your main idea, simply saying it again word-for-word doesn't work well.
  • Using overused phrases: Don't use expressions like "In conclusion" or "To sum up."
  • Stopping too suddenly: Make sure your conclusion gives a feeling of completion and doesn't leave readers hanging.

Aithor's advanced language model can help you write compelling conclusions that avoid these common mistakes and enhance the overall impact of your essay.

2. Thought-Provoking Questions: A Powerful Way to End an Essay

Ending an essay with a question that makes people think can get your readers interested and encourage them to keep thinking about your topic. This approach leaves a strong impression and can make your essay more memorable.

"After looking at how social media changes how we see ourselves, we're left with an important question: Can we find a way to share our lives online while still living them fully offline? Maybe the answer isn't choosing between the online and real worlds, but learning how to connect well in both."

When using this method, make sure your question is:

  • Related to your essay's main topic
  • Open-ended, encouraging deeper thought
  • Not easy to answer with just "yes" or "no"

3. How to End Your College Essay with a Call to Action

A call to action (CTA) in your conclusion can encourage your readers to do something based on the ideas you've talked about. This works well for essays about social issues, environmental problems, or personal growth topics.

"In this essay, we've looked at the problem of plastic in our oceans. Now, it's time to help fix it. Start by replacing one single-use plastic item you use every day with something you can use again. It could be as simple as using a reusable water bottle or bringing your own bags to the store. Tell your friends and family what you're doing. By taking these small steps, we're not just making less waste; we're starting a chain reaction that can lead to cleaner oceans and a healthier planet."

When writing a CTA for your college essay conclusion, make sure it's:

  • Clear and easy to write
  • Directly related to your essay's main points
  • Something your readers can actually do

Aithor can assist you in writing perfect calls to action that connect with your readers and fit well with your essay's content.

4. Personal Anecdotes: An Engaging Essay Ending

Ending an essay with a personal story can help your readers feel connected to you and strengthen your main message. This approach makes your writing more relatable and human.

"Last summer, I helped at a local animal shelter. One day, they brought in an older, scruffy dog named Max. For weeks, people passed him by, always choosing younger, cuter puppies instead. I started spending extra time with Max, and slowly, his playful side came out. When a family finally took him home, the happiness on their faces – and Max's wagging tail – showed me how important it is to give every living thing a chance. This taught me more about patience, unfair judgments, and the power of second chances than any book ever could."

When using a personal story to end your college essay:

  • Make sure it relates to your main topic
  • Keep it short and powerful
  • Use clear language to paint a picture for your readers

Tips on How to End a College Essay

To write a strong conclusion, think about these extra tips on how to end a college essay:

  • Wrap up your main points clearly while suggesting how they might apply to other things or future ideas to keep your readers thinking.
  • Make sure your conclusion sounds like the rest of your essay for a smooth, polished finish.
  • Don't weaken your arguments by sounding unsure in your conclusion.
  • Be extra careful with grammar and punctuation in your conclusion, as it's the last thing your readers will remember.
  • Write your conclusion to connect with your specific readers, whether they're college admissions staff, teachers, or other students.
  • Write a short and powerful conclusion that drives your main points home without repeating too much or using too many words.

Remember, your conclusion is your last chance to make a strong impression. Take your time to write it carefully, making sure it ties together your main points and shows why your essay matters.

For those wondering how to end a reflection paper, Aithor can help you improve your college essay conclusion, making sure it's polished, powerful, and fits your specific needs. This top writing tool can help you refine your essay ending examples and give you guidance on how to end a reflection paper or any other type of school writing.

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essay samples b1

Essay – examples & model answers | B2 First (FCE)


FCE Essay Examples:  Topic (Environment) 

Example exam task:.

In your English class you have been talking about the environment. Write an essay using all the notes and give reasons for your point of view.

Example Answer (Grade: 3)

Example answer:.

I think that my country has problems with pollution to the environment like all other countries. This problem is normal for Russia. We have big problems with transport because there are too much cars in our country. And because of that we have problems with atmospeer, air in my city and in all Russia is really dirty and sometimes I can’t make a sigh because it smells around me and of course around that cars on the road. I’ve heard about tradition of one country. They don’t go anywhere by car one day a month or a year, they just use bycicle or their feet. I think it could be very good if we had a tradition like that.

So, what about the rivers and the seas? Yeah, there are some really good and clean rivers and seas where you can go, but there are not many of them. Once I saw the river OB in my city, it was about two years ago but I stil remember that in some places it was not blue, it was green or purple I didn’t really understand because it had different colours.

I don’t know what should we do. Maybe we should just open our eyes and look what we did. But Russian people don’t care about the world around them many people care only about themselves an that’s all.

So, the best idea is look around and try to do something good for our planet and for us and our children.


Practice, write & improve, examiners comments & grade:.

3All content is relevant to the task but the target reader is on the whole informed rather than fully informed as, the central question as to whether or not the problems can be solved has not really been addressed.

The candidate discusses the environmental impact of transport and the cleanliness of rivers, and provides one suggested solution for the problem of transport (They don’t go anywhere by car one day a month). The writer’s opinion is clear in I think it could be very good if we had a tradition like that.

No solutions are discussed for rivers and seas, and no third aspect of environmental damage is provided.

3The conventions of essay writing are used; there is an opening statement and a development of the subject matter, with a conclusion at the end.

The register is suitably neutral for the most part, although the use of a colloquial yeah is not consistent with the rest of the essay. The essay is written for the most part in an objective way, but there is use of personal, subjective examples (Once I saw the river; I can’t make a sigh), which lessen the impact of the bigger problems.

The target reader’s attention is held and straightforward ideas are communicated

3The text is generally well organised and coherent. It is separated into paragraphs and the punctuation is generally used effectively, although there are some long sentences (And because of that we have problems with atmospeer, air in my city and in all Russia is really dirty and sometimes I can’t make a sigh because it smells around me and of course around that cars on the road).

There is a variety of linking words (because; and; So; because of that) and some cohesive devices such as referencing pronouns, relative clauses and rhetorical questions to connect the ideas within the text.

3There is a range of everyday vocabulary used appropriately, and although there are errors, they do not impede communication (atmospeer; bycicle; sigh).

There is a range of simple and some more complex grammatical forms: past and present verb forms are used with a good degree of control.

Example Answer (Grade: 3-4)

To begin with pollution and damage to the environment is the most serious and difficult problem for countries of all over the world. Scientists of different countries predict a global ecocatastrophe if people won’t change their attitude to our planet.

First of all a huge damage to the environment brings a transport. People can’t imagine their living without cars, buses, trains, ships and planes. But it’s an open secret that one of disadvantage of these accustomed things is harmful exhaust. Needless to say that use of environment friendly engines helps us to save atmosphere from pollution.

In addition to this our rivers and seas are in not less danger situation. It’s a fact of common knowledge that numerous factories and plants pour off their waste to ponds. Obviously that cleaning manufacturing water helps to avoid extinction of ocean residents.

Apart from this I’m inclined to believe that every person can and must contribute to solving this important problem. Doing a little steps for protection our environment every day we will be able to save our Earth. And it’s a task of each of us.

4All content is relevant to the task. However, the target reader is on the whole informed, rather than being fully informed. Both numbered points (transport; rivers and seas) are referred to with some discussion of the problems caused (harmful exhaust; factories which pour off their waste to ponds) and some limited mention of solutions.

No tangible 3rd aspect of environmental damage is discussed.

While the writer does conclude with a strong statement of opinion (every person can and must) the reader is not fully informed on the solutions proposed (Doing a little steps for protection our environment every day we will be able to save our Earth)

3The essay is written in a consistently neutral register and the format is appropriate for the communicative task, using more formal language to introduce the ideas within the text (To begin with; First of all; It’s a fact of common knowledge).

There is a clear essay structure with an opening statement, topic paragraphs and a conclusion which sums up the writer’s point of view.

Straightforward ideas are communicated to the target reader but when more complex ideas are attempted these are sometimes not as successful (Obviously that cleaning manufacturing water helps to avoid extinction of ocean residents).

3The text is generally well organised and coherent, using a variety of linking words and cohesive devices, particularly to introduce the ideas throughout the text (To begin with; In addition to this; Needless to say; Apart from this).

The essay is clearly organised into paragraphs, which each deal with one idea. Occasionally the followup examples are not as clearly connected as they could be. For example, they discuss how factories pollute pond water and then offer a solution which would help ocean residents

3There is a range of everyday vocabulary used appropriately with some attempt to use more sophisticated lexis (a global ecocatastrophe; atmosphere; common knowledge; factories and plants; inclined to believe; must contribute to solving).

There is a range of simple and some more complex grammatical forms used, and although there are errors, these do not impede communication (a huge damage; People can’t imagine their living without cars; one of disadvantage; in not less danger situation).

Model Answer (Grade: 5)


If we surf the web looking for pollution and environmental catastrophes, we will find out that every country in the world suffers them. This is a natural consequence of the struggle between development and environment.

If a country decided to live isolated from the rest of the world, living on what it can naturally grow and produce, it surely wouldn’t be highly polluted. But we all want exotic food and technological items from all over the world, so we have to pay the price.

Investing on electrical transport would benefit the environment a lot. Even more if this electricity came from a natural source of energy like wind, rivers and solar boards. It’s difficult to achieve this because petrol companies will fight against these actions.

We also have to take care of our rivers and seas. We all have heard about factories throwing highly toxic substances to rivers, without minimizing their poisoning effects. A really strict law should be applied to fine these factories and make them change their policy.

But what about ourselves? We also can do a lot! If, when possible, we bought larger packs of food, we would be producing less rubbish. And this is only an example!

5All content is relevant to the task and the target reader is fully informed.

Transport is discussed with suggestions of how using different forms of transport would help the environment (Investing on electrical transport would benefit the environment a lot). The candidate then evaluates the suggestion (It’s difficult to achieve this …).

Water pollution is described and a solution is offered (A really strict law should be applied to fine these factories). The writer’s opinion is clear in the choice of modal should.

A third aspect (waste reduction) is introduced in the final paragraph with a suggestion about how to achieve this (If, when possible, we bought larger packs of food …). The writer’s opinion is expressed clearly (We also can do a lot!).

5The conventions of the essay format are used effectively to hold the target reader’s attention.

There is an introductory paragraph which outlines the issues in general terms, and the concluding paragraph sums up in more concrete terms, what we, the readers can do to help.

The register is consistently appropriate and the subject matter is dealt with in an objective manner, for example Investing on electrical transport; If a country decided.

Straightforward and complex ideas are communicated (It’s difficult to achieve this because petrol companies will fight against these actions).

4The essay is well organised and coherent, using a variety of cohesive devices.

The paragraphs are introduced in a variety of ways, using grammatical structures rather than obvious linkers (If we surf the web; If a country decided; Investing on; We also have to; But what about). More could be done to link across the paragraphs, to make them less independent, but the overall effect is of a cohesive text.

5There is a wide range of vocabulary, including less common lexis used appropriately (environmental catastrophes; highly polluted; exotic food; highly toxic substances; minimizing their poisoning effects; change their policy).

There is a range of simple and complex grammatical forms used with a good degree of control and flexibility to convey certain ideas succinctly.

There are minimal errors which do not impede communication.

FCE Essay Examples: Topic (Fashion) 

In your English class you have been talking about the fashion industry. Write an essay using all the notes and giving reasons for your point of view.

In today’s world, the fashion industry has a strong importance in people’s lives. The fashion industry say to the society what to wear and creates new types of clothes all the time.

Some people claim that the fashion industry has a bad effect on people’s lives, they say that the fashion industry creates clothes that the society has to wear. Furthermore, the clothes’ price is extremely high and people, who can’t afford it, should not be in the society.

In the other hand, the fashion industry guide the people to be in a good appearance, because, nowadays, the appearance of the person is more important than the person itself.

In my opinion, the fashion industry doesn’t has a bad influence on people’s lives. It’s something which was created to help people what to wear.

5All content is relevant and the target reader is fully informed.

The essay discusses the role of the fashion industry and expresses some negative aspects (nowadays, the appearance of the person is more important than the person itself) and also cost (the clothes’ price is extremely high).

The candidate also expresses their own idea, suggesting that the fashion industry has a lot of influence on people (say to the society what to wear).

The candidate concludes the essay with an opinion, which sums up the main points made.

2Some of the conventions of essay writing are used appropriately. The register and tone are consistently formal and there are some expressions which are appropriate for an essay (In today’s world; Some people claim; Furthermore; In my opinion). There is also an introduction and a conclusion.

Although straightforward ideas are communicated, the target reader’s attention is not always held. For example, the final paragraph attempts to sum up the main points, but the ideas are not clearly expressed.

2The text is generally well organised and coherent. There is a clear structure to the text with an introduction, main body and conclusion. Paragraphs are used for the development of ideas.

The text is connected using linking words and a limited number of cohesive devices, some of which are misused. More use of pronouns would limit the repetition of key phrases.

2There is a range of everyday, topic-specific vocabulary, which is used appropriately (creates new types of clothes; Some people claim; extremely high; is more important than).

Simple grammatical forms are used with a good degree of control, although the use of verbs in the third person is not consistent. There are attempts to express ideas using a range of grammatical forms, passives and modals for example, but these are less successful (people, who can’t afford it, should not be in the society; the fashion industry guide the people to be in a good appearance; It’s something which was created to help people what to wear).

Errors are noticeable but meaning can still be determined.

Example Answer (Grade: 4)

Fashion industry is very a discussed subject nowadays: they create and design new clothes everyday in order to satisfy some people needs.

There are many people who claim that the fashion industry is important and good for society. According to them, this industry design beautiful clothes and thanks to that every person can wear shirts, trousers or any acessory which is on today’s fashion.

On the other hand, the fashion industry in some people opinion, controls the market of clothes and because of that they can’t wear what they want to. In addition, the industry can increase the price of clothes, forcing people who don’t want to be “oldfashioned” to buy and pay a large amount of money to keep “beautiful”.

In my opinion, we can’t let the fashion industry decide what we must or musn’t wear. We shouldn’t judge people for its appearance,because that is not important. We must wear whatever we like, want and feel confortable with.

5All content is relevant to the task and the target reader is fully informed.

The candidate discusses the importance of appearance in terms of fashion (this industry design beautiful clothes and thanks to that …) and concludes that We shouldn’t judge people for its appearance.

The negative aspect of the price of clothes is mentioned and an opinion given on how this affects people’s choice (forcing people … to buy and pay a large amount of money to keep “beautiful”).

A third aspect states how choice for consumers is limited due to the fashion industry’s control over design and the market (the fashion industry in some people opinion, controls the market of clothes)

3The conventions of essay writing are used appropriately. There is an introduction, topic paragraph and a conclusion. The register is appropriate for the task, using generally neutral language to discuss both positive and negative aspects of the question.

Straightforward ideas are communicated, using some appropriate language (in order to; According to them; the industry can increase) to introduce the ideas, and to hold the target reader’s attention.

4The essay is well organised and coherent. There is a clear overall structure and the ideas are linked across sentences and paragraphs using referencing, substitution and paraphrasing to avoid repetition.

There are a variety of appropriate linking words and cohesive devices (many people who; According to them; this industry; thanks to that; On the other hand; In addition; In my opinion).

3A range of everyday, topic-specific vocabulary is used appropriately (to satisfy some people needs; good for society; controls the market; forcing people) but some errors do occur with less common lexis and expressions (on today’s fashion).

A range of simple and some complex grammatical forms is used with a good degree of control (can increase the price of clothes, forcing people who don’t want to be).

There are some repeated errors with prepositions and third person verbs, but these do not impede communication.

The society we live today is characterised by technology in constant development, fast speed processes, information travelling and getting to people at a blink of an eye and a complex web of social networking. In this context, the fashion industry is becoming increasingly important and having a more and more paramount role in our lives.

On one hand, the fashion industry is undeniably a source of profit and income. It hires millions of people all over the world and generates millions of dollars every year. Furthermore, such profitable business is also believed to be able to spread and make known the culture of a people, encouraging and enhancing a better understanding of each other.

Nevertheless, for those who are neither impressed nor motivated by numbers and figures, the fashion industry is seen as one which segregates people, isolating those who not fit their laws and commands. It is stated that people place too much importance on appearance and the material, world, sadly true, and the fashion industry just spurs on such situation. Moreover, not only are the costs of fashion item unrealistically high, it is thought to be a money better spent on more pressing issues, such as poverty and hunger.

I do believe that the fashion industry, as it is today, has a harmful effect, because it values a minority of people in detriment to the majority. However, it has such a wide reach that, it put into a good use, it can save lives.

5All content is relevant to the task and the target reader is fully informed.

The candidate presents a balanced argument, discussing their own idea first that the fashion industry is important as it provides jobs and income for a huge number of people.

The essay then discusses the negative aspect of the fashion industry in relation to appearance (the fashion industry is seen as one which segregates people; people place too much importance on appearance).

Finally, the high cost of fashion is mentioned in relation to the price of clothes and it is suggested that money could be better spent on social issues rather than on fashion.

5The conventions of essay writing are used effectively to hold the target reader’s attention. The register and tone are consistently appropriate and there is a range of suitable expressions which introduce both positive and negative aspects of the question, which are balanced throughout the essay.

Straightforward and more complex ideas are communicated, making links between the importance of fashion in consumers’ lives and how the fashion industry affects people, communities and wider society (the fashion industry is undeniably a source of profit and income. It hires millions of people all over the world; it values a minority of people in detriment to the majority).

5The essay is well organised and coherent. There is a clear overall structure and the ideas are linked effectively across paragraphs and sentences through the use of paraphrasing, substitution, ellipsis and referencing (In this context; It hires; such profitable business is also believed; Nevertheless, for those who; sadly true; such situation; not only are).

Organisational patterns are used to generally good effect, for example links are made between fashion and industry, fashion and finance and fashion and society throughout the text, making clear connections between the separate aspects.

5There is a range of vocabulary, including less common lexis which is used appropriately in most cases (is characterised by; at a blink of an eye; paramount role; undeniably; the culture of a people; enhancing; neither impressed nor motivated; segregates; isolating; in detriment to).

A range of simple and complex grammatical forms is used with control and flexibility to express more complex ideas.

Although there are some errors, these mainly occur when more ambitious language is attempted and do not impede communication.

FCE Essay Examples: Topic (Languages) 

In your English class, you have been talking about learning languages. Now your English teacher has asked you to write an essay for homework.

Write an essay using the notes and giving reasons for your point of view.

“There are more reasons to learn a foreign language than to pass a test”

Everything around us revolves around language(s), it is the most important thing in our lives. Society would just not function without it. They are It is our future and I would personaly love to learn as many as I possibly can.

Not everything in life is done because it is necessary. Learning a new language can be a lot of fun. Many people only do it as a hoby, or their knowledge is something that brings them pride and pleasure.

Secondly, we have people who do it simply to challenge themselves. Truly I believe that having a great outcome that stems from your hard work and dedication to learn something new is a wonderful way to challenge prove your ability to yourself and others. Then there is travelling. It is very important to be able to understand and have a conversation with someone abroad, unless you would like to get lost or worse.

To conclude, I think that learning a new language is an amazing thing no matter why you do it. It is always better to do things out of enjoyment, but even if you do it for a test, that knowledge will always be useful.

5All of the content is relevant to the task. The candidate has discussed pleasure, personal challenge and travel as different motivations for learning a language, so the target reader is fully informed.

5The conventions of the essay genre have been used effectively to hold the target reader’s attention. Straightforward and complex ideas have been communicated:
4The text is well organised and coherent, using a variety of linking words and cohesive devices:
4A range of vocabulary, including less common lexis, is used appropriately:

A range of simple and some complex grammatical forms has been used with control and some fexibility: 

The errors do not impede communication: …

Learning a a foreign languages is very important nowadays. English, in particular, is essential because it allows is spoken all over the world. That’s the reason why we start studying it from the age of six years old. Going abroad and being able to speak to native people is very satisfying and that’s why I want to improve my knowledge about foreign languages.

I decided to take this exam to know how high my level of English is, but also because I need this certification to go abroad next summer. I really want to come back to Cornwall, an amazing region in the South-West of England. I’ve been there twice with my family, but now I want to go alone. Only being there to England I can really improve my English comprehension and speaking skills.

Fortunately I can will have some English lessons which taught in English at university and I can’t wait for it because it will be an interesting challenge for me. Studying foreign languages is essential to live and to travel. It isn’t simple and I surely have to challenge myself everyday, but the result is so satisfying that we I can’t do without it.

3There is some minor irrelevance here, since the focus of the discussion seems to be the candidate’s personal experience and motivation, and the points about learning for pleasure and personal challenge are only incidentally addressed. The target reader is on the whole informed.

4The conventions of the essay genre have been used to hold the target reader’s attention. Straightforward and some complex ideas have been communicated:
3The text is generally well organised and coherent, using a variety of linking words and cohesive devices:
4A range of vocabulary, including less common lexis, has been used appropriately:

A range of simple and complex grammatical forms has been used with a good degree of control:

The errors do not impede communication:

FCE Essay Example: Topic (History) 

In your English class you have been talking about learning history at school. Now, your English teacher has asked you to write an essay.

Write an essay using all the notes and giving reasons for your point of view.

A very common topic that is being discussed nowadays is wether schools should teach subjects that some may consider useless later in life. A clear example is history, since it is quite difficult to learn and does not help us in day-to-day activities.

However, many people do not realize the importance of it or that it affects our lives today. For example, our political system would not be this way if it weren’t for the Ancient Greeks, numerous politicians and wars who helped shape democracy and our constitution. Yet it is still thought that it’s useless.

In addition, it is very important that we never forget about our past since we must know where we were standing years ago. Moreover, there are some things, such as World War II, that we have to remember to prevent them from happening again. We should also know where we we were standing a century ago: our origins, our identity. The more you learn about your ethnicity, the better.

All in all, I think that it is extremely important to learn about one’s own country’s history. Anyone who gets the chance to do this should not waste it, since they are very fortunate to have this opportunity

5All content is relevant to the task and the target reader is fully informed.
The first two points have been discussed together in detail and a third
point, about origins and identity, has been included.

5The conventions of essay writing have been used effectively to discuss the issues in an informed manner. Straightforward and some more complex ideas, for example the point about the Ancient Greeks and the closing statement, are communicated using an engaging tone which is suitable for a wide audience and which holds the reader’s attention throughout.
5The text is well organised and coherent and makes effective use of a variety of cohesive devices to skilfully connect ideas both within and across sentences and paragraphs. Some organisational patterns are used to good effect, for example the parallel short statements ending the third and fourth paragraphs.
5There is a range of vocabulary, including less common lexis (numerous politicians; shape democracy and our constitution; our origins, our identity; your ethnicity) used appropriately. There is a range of simple and complex grammatical forms used with control and flexibility. Errors, mainly related to less common lexis, are minimal.

What is your level of English?


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