What is the Case Study Method?

Simply put, the case method is a discussion of real-life situations that business executives have faced.

On average, you'll attend three to four different classes a day, for a total of about six hours of class time (schedules vary). To prepare, you'll work through problems with your peers.

How the Case Method Creates Value

Often, executives are surprised to discover that the objective of the case study is not to reach consensus, but to understand how different people use the same information to arrive at diverse conclusions. When you begin to understand the context, you can appreciate the reasons why those decisions were made. You can prepare for case discussions in several ways.

Case Discussion Preparation Details

In self-reflection.

The time you spend here is deeply introspective. You're not only working with case materials and assignments, but also taking on the role of the case protagonist—the person who's supposed to make those tough decisions. How would you react in those situations? We put people in a variety of contexts, and they start by addressing that specific problem.

In a small group setting

The discussion group is a critical component of the HBS experience. You're working in close quarters with a group of seven or eight very accomplished peers in diverse functions, industries, and geographies. Because they bring unique experience to play you begin to see that there are many different ways to wrestle with a problem—and that’s very enriching.

In the classroom

The faculty guides you in examining and resolving the issues—but the beauty here is that they don't provide you with the answers. You're interacting in the classroom with other executives—debating the issue, presenting new viewpoints, countering positions, and building on one another's ideas. And that leads to the next stage of learning.

Beyond the classroom

Once you leave the classroom, the learning continues and amplifies as you get to know people in different settings—over meals, at social gatherings, in the fitness center, or as you are walking to class. You begin to distill the takeaways that you want to bring back and apply in your organization to ensure that the decisions you make will create more value for your firm.

How Cases Unfold In the Classroom

Pioneered by HBS faculty, the case method puts you in the role of the chief decision maker as you explore the challenges facing leading companies across the globe. Learning to think fast on your feet with limited information sharpens your analytical skills and empowers you to make critical decisions in real time.

To get the most out of each case, it's important to read and reflect, and then meet with your discussion group to share your insights. You and your peers will explore the underlying issues, compare alternatives, and suggest various ways of resolving the problem.

How to Prepare for Case Discussions

There's more than one way to prepare for a case discussion, but these general guidelines can help you develop a method that works for you.

Preparation Guidelines

Read the professor's assignment or discussion questions.

The assignment and discussion questions help you focus on the key aspects of the case. Ask yourself: What are the most important issues being raised?

Read the first few paragraphs and then skim the case

Each case begins with a text description followed by exhibits. Ask yourself: What is the case generally about, and what information do I need to analyze?

Reread the case, underline text, and make margin notes

Put yourself in the shoes of the case protagonist, and own that person's problems. Ask yourself: What basic problem is this executive trying to resolve?

Note the key problems on a pad of paper and go through the case again

Sort out relevant considerations and do the quantitative or qualitative analysis. Ask yourself: What recommendations should I make based on my case data analysis?

Case Study Best Practices

The key to being an active listener and participant in case discussions—and to getting the most out of the learning experience—is thorough individual preparation.

We've set aside formal time for you to discuss the case with your group. These sessions will help you to become more confident about sharing your views in the classroom discussion.


Actively express your views and challenge others. Don't be afraid to share related "war stories" that will heighten the relevance and enrich the discussion.

If the content doesn't seem to relate to your business, don't tune out. You can learn a lot about marketing insurance from a case on marketing razor blades!

Actively apply what you're learning to your own specific management situations, both past and future. This will magnify the relevance to your business.

People with diverse backgrounds, experiences, skills, and styles will take away different things. Be sure to note what resonates with you, not your peers.

Being exposed to so many different approaches to a given situation will put you in a better position to enhance your management style.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can i expect on the first day, what happens in class if nobody talks, does everyone take part in "role-playing".

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The HBS Case Study Goes Digital with HBX

A student explores the HBX learning platform on a laptop

  • 08 Aug 2017

HBX was developed by HBS faculty as a way to bring the renowned HBS case study method to a digital platform. As one would expect, not everything can be easily translated into the digital world, but the online space does have its advantages.

As Professor Bharat Anand said, “What the case method and online education have in common is that they are both centered on each individual student.”

From that perspective, HBX found itself in familiar waters when trying to translate the HBS learning model into an online platform. Just like in an HBS classroom, there are no long faculty-led lectures or passive learning time - the courses rely heavily on peer interaction and experiential learning to help students master the topics that are discussed.

But, because of the asynchronous nature of HBX programs and the larger, more global scale, the intimate atmosphere and close connections you'd make in a more traditional HBS MBA classroom were more difficult to recreate.

Nonetheless, HBX was able to harness many of the central elements of the case method within their course structure and platform design, ensuring an active, social, and case-based learning experience.

Some of these hallmarks of the case method include:

1. Expert Insights

First, instead of reading a dossier about a company, HBX courses incorporate short, well-produced videos with actual managers and business owners from a variety of industries within nearly every lesson. These leaders provide background on their companies, discuss real business challenges that tie into the course concepts, and share valuable insights. Then, the student is asked to put themselves in the manager's shoes and explain what choices they would make in a given situation and why.

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2. Interactive, Experiential Learning

Just like at HBS, students at HBX have to pay careful attention because their skills and knowledge can be put to the test at any moment. Throughout the courses, students encounter interactive learning exercises, polls, and “cold calls” which help them remain alert and focused on the material.

3. Social Learning and Peer-Based Discussions

Last, but not least, HBX makes sure the critical peer-learning element of the case method is still present. This is not an easy feat for an online course, especially one with students working on courses at all times of day from all over the world.

The course platform features a global map that shows where other people are currently learning from, offers a “peer help” function, allowing you to debate and ask or answer questions about the content, gives you the opportunity to read and comment on classmates’ responses to in-course exercises, and encourages you to contribute to the community.

Beyond that, HBX also offers private Facebook groups for each cohort to encourage additional conversations—many students take it upon themselves to organize study groups or social meet ups in cities around the world.

These social learning aspects of the case method allow students to engage, learn from each other, debate, and, through this process, deepen their knowledge of course concepts and broaden their viewpoints.

hbs case study format

About the Author

The Case Study Handbook: A Student's Guide

William ellet.

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Revision includes study guides and new insight for students

The business case study is a powerful learning tool. This practical guide provides students with a potent approach to:

  • Recognize case situations and apply appropriate tools to solve problems, make decisions, or develop evaluations
  • Quickly establish a base of knowledge about a case
  • Write persuasive case-based essays
  • Talk about cases effectively in class

The Case Study Handbook comes with downloadable study guides for analyzing and writing about different types of cases, whether they require a decision, an evaluation, or problem diagnosis.

Individual chapters are available in PDF for purchase or to assign in a class.


Downloadable Study Guides


About the Author

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William Ellet has worked with MBA students for over thirty years. He has taught at Harvard Business School, Brandeis University, George Washington University, and the University of Miami. He has facilitated case teaching seminars for Harvard Business Publishing and as a consultant in China, Saudi Arabia, the United States, Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, Colombia, Peru, Chile, and Brazil. His publications include an online course (Management Communication), this book, cases, and a video, all published by Harvard Business School or Harvard Business Publishing.

With cases, you need to change how you read and, ultimately, how you think. Cases are a jigsaw puzzle with the pieces arranged in a confusing pattern. You need to take the pieces and fit them into a pattern that helps you understand the main issue and think about the optimal ways to address it. You need to be comfortable with less than perfect information and an irreducible level of uncertainty. You need to be able to filter the noise of irrelevant or relatively unimportant information. You need to focus on key tasks that allow you to put pieces together in a meaningful pattern, which in turn will give you a better understanding of the main issue and put you in a position to make impactful recommendations. The Case Reading Process Read the first and last sections of the case. What do they tell you about the core scenario of the case? These sections typically give you the clues needed to identify the core scenario. Take a quick look at the other sections and the exhibits to determine what information the case contains. The purpose is to learn what information is in the case and where. Avoid reading sections slowly and trying to memorize the content. Stop! Now is the time to think rather than read. What is the core scenario of the case? What does the main character have to do? What is the major uncertainty? Identify the core scenario by asking the 2 questions. Once you are reasonably certain of the core scenario—decision, evaluation, or problem diagnosis—you can use the relevant framework to ask the questions in the next step. Those questions will give you a specific agenda for productively exploring the case. What do you need to know to accomplish what the main character has to do or to resolve the major uncertainty? List the things you need to know about the situation. Don’t worry about being wrong. This is probably the most important step of the entire process. If you don’t know what you’re looking for in the case, you won’t find it. The right core scenario framework will prompt you to list things that you need to explore. For example, for a decision scenario case, you should think about the best criteria the main character can use to make the decision. To determine criteria, think about quantitative and qualitative tools you’ve learned that can help you. Go through the case, skim sections, and mark places or takes notes about where you find information that corresponds to the list of things you need to know. You’re ready for a deep dive into the case. Carefully read and analyze the information you’ve identified that is relevant to the things you need to know. As you proceed in your analysis, ask, How does what I’m learning help me understand the main issue? The most efficient and least confusing way to read and analyze is to peel the onion—to study one issue at a time. For instance, let’s say that a decision has financial and marketing criteria. Analyzing the financial issues separately from marketing is far less confusing than trying to switch back and forth. As your analysis moves from issue to issue, you may discover gaps in your knowledge and have to add items to your list of what you need to know. Your ultimate goal is to arrive at a position or conclusion about the case’s main issue, backed by evidence from the case. Remember, there are usually no objectively right answers to a case. The best answer is the one with the strongest evidence backing it. As you learn more, ask, How does what I know help me understand the main issue? When you are preparing a case for class discussion, consider alternative positions. Finally, take some time to think about actions that support your position. What actions does your position support or require? In the real world, analysis is often followed by action. A decision obviously has to be implemented. Usually the entire point of a problem diagnosis is to target action that will solve the problem. And even evaluation has an important action component: sustaining the strengths and shoring up the weaknesses that it has revealed.

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Case collection: Harvard Business Publishing

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About Harvard Business Publishing

Headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, Harvard Business Publishing (HBP) is the leading provider of teaching materials for management education.

HBP was founded in 1994 as a not-for-profit, wholly-owned subsidiary of Harvard University, reporting into Harvard Business School. HBP's mission is to improve the practice of management in a changing world. This mission influences how they approach what they do and what they believe is important.

With approximately 450 employees, primarily based in Boston, with offices in New York City, India, Singapore, Qatar and the United Kingdom, HBP serves as a bridge between academia and enterprises around the globe through its publications and multiple platforms for content delivery, and its reach into three markets: academic, corporate, and individual managers. HBP has a conventional governance structure comprising a  Board of Directors , an internal  Executive Committee , and Business Unit Directors.

About the collection

The Case Centre distributes a comprehensive range of materials including the complete collection of more than 7,500 Harvard Business School case studies, teaching notes, background notes, case videos, and a selection of software ancillaries.

Also included are:

  • Brief Cases that are rigorous and compact with five-eight pages and three-four exhibits
  • case studies that are popular for undergraduate-level courses
  • executive education cases that provide rich yet efficient learning for managers at every level.

Additional top quality HBP teaching materials available from The Case Centre include:

  • articles from the  Harvard Business Review  and other top management journals
  • case method books from the Harvard Business School Press
  • over 2,000  individual chapters  from popular Harvard Business School Press books
  • newsletter articles  from Harvard Management Update, Strategy & Innovation, Negotiation, and Balanced Scorecard Report
  • Core Curriculum Readings  that cover the foundational concepts, theories, and frameworks that business students must learn. Authored by faculty at Harvard Business School, each Reading includes a teaching note, related course materials, and exhibit slides. Many include test banks, practice questions, video clips, and Interactive Illustrations to enhance student comprehension of specific topics.

HBP also offer a number of free cases.  Browse here

Collection contact

For any queries related to the Harvard Business Publishing collection, please visit:

Travis Stewart e [email protected]

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Available from the case centre.

The HBP collection of over 16,000 cases, and their accompanying instructor materials, software and videos, 7,000 management articles and 2,000 individual book chapters are available from The Case Centre.

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Case Studies

Case studies are written by professors at HBS and at renowned business programs worldwide and offer slices of business life, focusing on actual problems and decisions companies face.

Case Studies

Google's Project Oxygen: Do Managers Matter?

Google's Project Oxygen: Do Managers Matter? ^ 313110

Google's Project Oxygen started with a fundamental question raised by executives in the early 2000s: do managers matter? The topic generated a multi-year research project that ultimately led to a comprehensive program, built around eight key management...

Big Hit Entertainment and Blockbuster Band BTS: K-Pop Goes Global ^ 520125

Big Hit Entertainment and Blockbuster Band BTS: K-Pop Goes Global

Bang Si-Hyuk ('Hitman Bang') is the founder and co-chief executive officer of Big Hit Entertainment, the company behind BTS, a 'K-pop' band that has found unparalleled success around the globe-a remarkable feat given that most of their songs are in...

Cirque du Soleil ^ 403006

Cirque du Soleil

Retaining talent is an issue for any company whose success relies on the creativity and excellence of its employees. This is especially true for Cirque du Soleil, the spectacularly successful "circus without animals," whose 2,100 employees include 500...

GE's Two-Decade Transformation: Jack Welch's Leadership ^ 399150

GE's Two-Decade Transformation: Jack Welch's Leadership

GE is faced with Jack Welch's impending retirement and whether anyone can sustain the blistering pace of change and growth characteristic of the Welch era. After briefly describing GE's heritage and Welch's transformation of the company's business...

Pinckney Street ^ 813182

Pinckney Street

Although inexperienced in real estate, Edward Alexander hopes in June 2013 that youthful enthusiasm and an $240,000 in savings and inheritance will help him enter the real estate business. His experience chronicles the process of finding, evaluating, and...

Army Crew Team ^ 403131

Army Crew Team

The coach of the varsity Army crew team at West Point assembled his top eight rowers into the first crew team and the second tier of rowers into the second team using objective data on individual performance. As the second boat continually beat the first...

Chase Sapphire: Creating a Millennial Cult Brand ^ 518024

Chase Sapphire: Creating a Millennial Cult Brand

The Inside the Case video that accompanies this case includes teaching tips and insight from the author (available to registered educators only). The launch of the Chase Sapphire Reserve credit card was enthusiastically received by Millennial consumers,...

Trader Joe's ^ 714419

Trader Joe's

The Inside the Case video that accompanies this case includes teaching tips and insight from the author (available to registered educators only). Based on a variety of metrics, Trader Joe's ranked as one of the most successful grocers in the United...

Amazon.com, 2021 ^ 716402

Amazon.com, 2021

In February 2021, Amazon announced 2020 operating profits of $22,899 million, up from $2,233 million in 2015, on sales of $386 billion, up from $107 billion five years earlier (see Exhibit 1). The shareholders expressed their satisfaction (see Exhibit...

Leadership in Crisis: Ernest Shackleton and the Epic Voyage of the Endurance ^ 803127

Leadership in Crisis: Ernest Shackleton and the Epic Voyage of the Endurance

Provides an opportunity to examine leadership and entrepreneurship in the context of Ernest Shackleton's 1914 Antarctic expedition, a compelling story of crisis, survival, and triumph. Summarizes Shackleton's career as an officer in the British Merchant...

The Tulsa Massacre and the Call for Reparations ^ 221039

The Tulsa Massacre and the Call for Reparations

The Inside the Case video that accompanies this case includes teaching tips and insight from the author (available to registered educators only). How should historic social injustices be addressed? Survivors of the 1921 Tulsa Massacre and their...

Biogen and the Aduhelm Melee

Alzheimer's Disease is a devastating condition affecting millions of Americans. At this time, there is no cure. In 2021, Biogen's Aduhelm (aducanumab) received FDA approval under the accelerated approval pathway after a controversial approval process. ...

Dabur India Ltd.: Building Efficiency and Optimizing Retail Performance ^ W34741

Dabur India Ltd.: Building Efficiency and Optimizing Retail Performance

In August 2022, a senior sales executive at Dabur India Ltd. was facing mounting pressure to meet the company's sales and distribution key performance indicators. He was responsible for urban retail expansion, as well as promoting new products in a...

WayCool: Reimagining the Food Supply Chain ^ 224011

WayCool: Reimagining the Food Supply Chain

Founded in 2015, WayCool, is an Indian agri-tech start-up that built a B2B operation acquiring fruits and vegetables from product-specific agriculture companies and small-holding farmers. It sold them to business customers, such as local retail stores,...

Adventures Inc: 21st Century Brand Building ^ 424065

Adventures Inc: 21st Century Brand Building

Founded in 2020, Adventures worked with celebrities in Brazil to create and launch digitally native brands. The idea was to match the celebrity's skill in creating content and entertaining fans with Adventures' skill in consumer packaged goods marketing...

Jubilee Enterprises of Thailand: Growing through insights ^ IM1415

Jubilee Enterprises of Thailand: Growing through insights

Unyarat Pornprakit (Unya) is the youthful chief executive officer of Jubilee Enterprise PLC, a diamond jewelry retailer. Since Unya became CEO in 2008, she has expanded the chain to 128 stores and grown the revenue to $400 million. She has managed to...

Seed Stage Fund: Dispute in Venture Capital (B) - Paul Chambers ^ W37398

Seed Stage Fund: Dispute in Venture Capital (B) - Paul Chambers

This role-play exercise presents students with a realistic and complex negotiation challenge: it asks them to participate in a quantifiable negotiation between managing partners in a venture capital fund who are embroiled in a co-founder dispute. The...

Code Tenderloin: A Small Black-Led Nonprofit Tackling Tough Social Issues in San Francisco ^ W37205

Code Tenderloin: A Small Black-Led Nonprofit Tackling Tough Social Issues in San Francisco

In late 2020, Maria Judice and the other members of the senior leadership team of Code Tenderloin (CT), a Black-led, nonprofit community support organization based in San Francisco, were wrestling with several challenges, especially around hiring to...

Beirut International Model United Nations: Conference-Planning System ^ W37140

Beirut International Model United Nations: Conference-Planning System

On a day in early June 2017, Fadi Kanaan, a member of the organizing committee of the Beirut International Model United Nations (BEYMUN) conference at the American University of Beirut (AUB), sat in front of college hall feeling very excited yet worried...

Hampstead Tea: Coping with Brexit ^ W37128

Hampstead Tea: Coping with Brexit

In March 2021, the founder of Hampstead Tea, a specialty-tea processor based in London, United Kingdom, found herself at a crossroads. Since 1995, the founder had been exporting packaged tea to countries in the European Union (EU) as well as selling it...

Orange Sky: Balancing Commitment to Cause and Well-Being ^ W37089

Orange Sky: Balancing Commitment to Cause and Well-Being

Orange Sky Australia evolved as an entrepreneurial non-profit organization offering two primary services for the homeless: mobile laundering of clothes and engaging in genuine, individual, face-to-face connections through conversation. In February 2024,...

Bauer Hockey: Navigating a Sponsorship Crisis - Epilogue (B) ^ W37077

Bauer Hockey: Navigating a Sponsorship Crisis - Epilogue (B)

On October 10, 2022, Mary-Kay Messier, vice-president global marketing of Bauer Hockey (Bauer), was faced with a difficult decision on the future of Bauer's sponsorship of Hockey Canada. Hockey Canada was experiencing widespread fallout from sexual...

Bauer Hockey: Navigating a Sponsorship Crisis (A) ^ W37075

Bauer Hockey: Navigating a Sponsorship Crisis (A)

Co-operate or Control? Credit Union Wealth Management in Canada ^ W37067

Co-operate or Control? Credit Union Wealth Management in Canada

In November 2016, the chief executive officer of Credit Union Central of Manitoba was reading the report Credit Union Wealth Management Strategic Option Assessment, which he had commissioned several months earlier. He saw the report as the best and...

Simira Diagnostics: Is Crafting the Brand Identity Enough? ^ W37007

Simira Diagnostics: Is Crafting the Brand Identity Enough?

In January 2023, the diagnostic services provider Simira Diagnostics (Simira), founded in Navi Mumbai, India, in 2017, decided to launch a company-wide rebranding project. When unveiling the new logo to the team, the co-founder emphasized the need to...

Vimto Arabia: Navigating Cultural Marketing Landscapes ^ W36996

Vimto Arabia: Navigating Cultural Marketing Landscapes

The UK brand Vimto was successfully integrated with the Ramadan season in the Persian Gulf region, which presented a compelling narrative of strategic brand adaptation and cultural sensitivity. Through a strategic partnership between the British company...

Zoho Corporation: The Tale of a Purpose-Driven Profit-Making Firm ^ W36391

Zoho Corporation: The Tale of a Purpose-Driven Profit-Making Firm

Zoho Corporation Ltd. (Zoho) was a privately held technology company that provided a suite of software applications for businesses of all sizes. The company was founded in 1996 with the aim of providing affordable, easy-to-use software applications to...

Worxogo: Nudging for High Employee Performance ^ W36254

Worxogo: Nudging for High Employee Performance

Based on their extensive consulting and advisory experience in large-scale consulting transformations for various large enterprises, Ramesh Srinivas and his colleagues at Worxogo Solutions Pvt. Ltd. (Worxogo) in Bengaluru, India, had launched an...

Norfolk Housing Association: Social Enterprise Considers Growth Opportunity ^ W36147

Norfolk Housing Association: Social Enterprise Considers Growth Opportunity

As Chief Executive Officer Maya Kambeitz sat in her Calgary office preparing for the upcoming mid-2018 board meeting, she considered a potential growth strategy for Norfolk Housing Association (Norfolk Housing) that would align with its core values: to...

ITC Limited: Diversification Strategy ^ W35227

ITC Limited: Diversification Strategy

Present-day ITC Limited (ITC) is a well-diversified company with a presence in various businesses, including fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG), hotels, agribusiness, paperboards and paper, and packaging. The 113-year-old India-based company has de-risked...

New World Development: Balancing Sustainability and Financial Stability ^ W34863

New World Development: Balancing Sustainability and Financial Stability

In January 2023, the chief executive officer of New World Development Co. Ltd. (New World Development) faced a critical decision. With travel set to resume between Hong Kong and Mainland China, opportunities and challenges emerged in the post-pandemic...

ToTrade: Optimizing Performance through the Supply Chain Finance Network ^ W34832

ToTrade: Optimizing Performance through the Supply Chain Finance Network

By early 2022, Zhongguang Yiyun Supply Chain Management Co. Ltd. had spent six years developing its supply chain management (SCM) and supply chain finance (SCF) platform, ToTrade. The platform collaborated with multiple banks and focal companies to...

Dassai: Opening a Sake Brewery in the United States ^ W34735

Dassai: Opening a Sake Brewery in the United States

The Japanese sake market witnessed a 40-year decline, fueled by shifting consumer preferences and an aging customer base. Asahi Shuzo Co. Ltd. (Asahi Shuzo), a once-struggling brewery from Yamaguchi, defied the trend with the success of its singular...

Transforming Tradition: The Ritual of the Calling of an Engineer ^ W36993

Transforming Tradition: The Ritual of the Calling of an Engineer

In their final year of studies, many engineering students in Canada eagerly anticipate reciting their obligation and receiving their "ring" as part of the century-old iron ring ceremony (i.e., the Ritual of the Calling of an Engineer). Most students are...

Silicon Valley Bank: Bargain Buy or a Bankrupt? ^ W36975

Silicon Valley Bank: Bargain Buy or a Bankrupt?

On March 8, 2023, Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) disclosed its plans to raise USD 1.75 billion to seal a hole in its balance sheet from an unsuccessful sale of a fixed-income portfolio that had reportedly resulted in substantial losses. This unexpected move...

Influencer's Image: Crafting a Strong Career and Personal Brand ^ W36973

Influencer's Image: Crafting a Strong Career and Personal Brand

In 2023, Vasudha Rai had positioned herself as a brand in the health, wellness, and beauty market in India, with a cumulative 92,000 followers across platforms. To strengthen her personal brand moving forward, she conducted a brand audit. Basedon the...

Maersk's Sailing Routes: Reroute, Reorganize, or Relax ^ W36969

Maersk's Sailing Routes: Reroute, Reorganize, or Relax

A.P. Moller - Maersk A/S (Maersk) dominated the shipping business as the world's second-largest container shipping company in terms of fleet size and capacity of handling cargo. In December 2023, Houthi attacks on various Maersk vessels passing through...

Ben & Jerry's in Israel: A Board Pitted against the Parent ^ W36844

Ben & Jerry's in Israel: A Board Pitted against the Parent

In January 2024, Ben & Jerry's Homemade Holdings Inc. (Ben & Jerry's), a subsidiary of Unilever, was facing several critical decisions. It had been over a year since the company had been sued by its independent board about the company's decision to sell...

Chandos Construction: Bringing Humanity to Building ^ W36789

Chandos Construction: Bringing Humanity to Building

Established in 1980, Chandos Construction (Chandos), a Canadian general contractor, prioritized inclusivity, collaboration, and innovation. As the largest B Corporation-certified commercial builder in North America, Chandos aimed to create a legacy and...

UnaBiz: Advancing Aviation Sustainability through Smart Solutions ^ W36717

UnaBiz: Advancing Aviation Sustainability through Smart Solutions

In October 2021, UnaBiz Pte. Ltd., a Singapore service provider of Internet of Things technology for the aviation industry, secured US$25 million in series B funding. In April 2022, it acquired the French start-up Sigfox and later doubled its series B...

Zepto: Can It Sustain Growth through 10-Minute Delivery? ^ W36513

Zepto: Can It Sustain Growth through 10-Minute Delivery?

KiranaKart Technologies Pvt. Ltd. (Zepto) was a quick-commerce start-up founded by two 19-year-old Stanford University dropouts and operating in the Indian e-commerce market, one of the fastest growing in the world. Using a quick hyperlocal e-grocery...

Amazon North Dakota: Balancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion with Staffing Needs ^ W36483

Amazon North Dakota: Balancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion with Staffing Needs

This case examines the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) hiring- and retention-related challenges encountered by Amazon.com's FAR1 location in Fargo, North Dakota, at the end of 2021. John Sabo, FAR1's general manager and hiring team leader, had one...

BluPlanet Recycling Inc.: Pursuing Growth While Balancing Profit and Social Objectives ^ W33845

BluPlanet Recycling Inc.: Pursuing Growth While Balancing Profit and Social Objectives

BluPlanet Recycling Inc. (BluPlanet), was a successful recycling service provider based in Calgary, Alberta, that faced the challenge of maintaining its balance between social, environmental, and economic objectives amid rapid growth. Its chief executive...

Dish TV India Donate Campaign: Sustaining Transition from CSR to ESG ^ W33580

Dish TV India Donate Campaign: Sustaining Transition from CSR to ESG

Launched in 2021, the #Donate2Help campaign of Dish TV India Ltd. (DTIL) encourages its subscribers to donate their unused set-top boxes (STBs) to underprivileged people for a noble cause. Using electronic devices, users can access free satellite...

SonyLIV OTT: Fix Value Proposition or Reposition ^ W33544

SonyLIV OTT: Fix Value Proposition or Reposition

In 2023, SonyLIV, a prominent player in India's rapidly expanding over-the-top (OTT) streaming service industry, appointed Mr. Danish Khan as its new business leader. Despite prior accomplishments in revitalizing the platform and achieving notable growth...

Miravo Healthcare: Marketing Resultz ^ W33526

Miravo Healthcare: Marketing Resultz

In August 2022, two interns at Miravo Healthcare (Miravo) needed to present a comprehensive marketing plan for Miravo's over-the-counter (OTC) head lice treatment product, Resultz, to two vice-presidents of the company. Resultz had not been actively...

ZOMOZOMO: From Platform Operator to Provider ^ W31774

ZOMOZOMO: From Platform Operator to Provider

Founded in September 2016 and based in Beijing, China, ZOMOZOMO primarily conducted business through its gamified freelancers' platform, where designers' works were publicly requested, reviewed, chosen, and rewarded, eliminating some of the long-standing...

Coverfox.com: From Troubling Times to Turnaround? ^ W31497

Coverfox.com: From Troubling Times to Turnaround?

The present case examines new challenges, associated risks, and the bold decisions that start-up leaders may need to make to navigate through an environment filled with volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA). Sanjib Jha, a seasoned...

Data Centers: History and Economics ^ UV8987

Data Centers: History and Economics

Many executives are under pressure to develop successful data center strategies that work for their organization, according to industry-specific criteria. While data centers have been in use for decades and began as largely in-house centers for...

"A Wise Latina": Sonia Sotomayor's Journey to the Supreme Court (B) ^ UV8985

"A Wise Latina": Sonia Sotomayor's Journey to the Supreme Court (B)

This case set uses the example of Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) Justice Sonia Sotomayor to discuss issues of communicating identity at work and to explore possible options for impression management over the course of one's career. As a law...

Rolling the Dice with Management Service Agreements ^ UV8975

Rolling the Dice with Management Service Agreements

In April 2023, Will Anderson, managing partner of SummitStone Capital, LP (SummitStone), received a copy of the management service agreement (MSA) between Artemis Capital (Artemis), a private equity firm, and Lucky Dice Casinos Inc., one of Artemis'...

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  • Harvard Business School →
  • Christensen Center →

Teaching by the Case Method

  • Preparing to Teach
  • Leading in the Classroom
  • Providing Assessment & Feedback
  • Sample Class

Case Method in Practice

Chris Christensen described case method teaching as "the art of managing uncertainty"—a process in which the instructor serves as "planner, host, moderator, devil's advocate, fellow-student, and judge," all in search of solutions to real-world problems and challenges.

Unlike lectures, case method classes unfold without a detailed script. Successful instructors simultaneously manage content and process, and they must prepare rigorously for both. Case method teachers learn to balance planning and spontaneity. In practice, they pursue opportunities and "teachable moments" that emerge throughout the discussion, and deftly guide students toward discovery and learning on multiple levels. The principles and techniques are developed, Christensen says, "through collaboration and cooperation with friends and colleagues, and through self-observation and reflection."

This section of the Christensen Center website explores the Case Method in Practice along the following dimensions:

  • Providing Assessment and Feedback

Each subsection provides perspectives and guidance through a written overview, supplemented by video commentary from experienced case method instructors. Where relevant, links are included to downloadable documents produced by the Christensen Center or Harvard Business School Publishing. References for further reading are provided as well.

An additional subsection, entitled Resources, appears at the end. It combines references from throughout the Case Method in Practice section with additional information on published materials and websites that may be of interest to prospective, new, and experienced case method instructors.

Note: We would like to thank Harvard Business School Publishing for permission to incorporate the video clips that appear in the Case Method in Practice section of our website. The clips are drawn from video excerpts included in Participant-Centered Learning and the Case Method: A DVD Case Teaching Tool (HBSP, 2003).

Christensen Center Tip Sheets

  • Characteristics of Effective Case Method Teaching
  • Elements of Effective Class Preparation
  • Guidelines for Effective Observation of Case Instructors
  • In-Class Assessment of Discussion-Based Teaching
  • Questions for Class Discussions
  • Teaching Quantitative Material
  • Strategies and Tactics for Sensitive Topics

Curriculum Innovation

The case method has evolved so students may act as decision-makers in new engaging formats:

Game Simulations

Multimedia cases, ideo: human-centered service design.

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HBS Case Method

Got into HBS in R2. However, I’m really not a huge fan of the case method, and having almost 100% of my classes in case method format seems quite daunting to me (what if I go and absolutely hate the case method, I won’t be able to escape it where as other schools you can kind of pick and choose). Would I be better off at another school that doesn’t have a huge focus on the case method? I have a few other great M7 offers to choose from (W/B/K)

Looking to go into Tech btw if that matters.

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  1. 🌈 Harvard case study template. Harvard Case Study and How Does It Work

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  2. Harvard Business Review Case Study Template

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  3. 49 Free Case Study Templates ( + Case Study Format Examples + )

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  4. Harvard Case Study Format

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  6. NextView Ventures Harvard Case Study Solution & Analysis

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  1. The HBS Case Method

    The case method prepares you to be in leadership positions where you will face time-sensitive decisions with limited information. Reflecting on each class discussion will prepare you to face these situations in your future roles. Student Perspectives. "I've been so touched by how dedicated other people have been to my learning and my ...

  2. How to Write a Great Business Case

    6 QUALITIES OF GREAT CASE WRITERS. Curiosity. Comfort with ambiguity, since cases may have more than one "right" answer. Command of the topic or subject at hand. Ability to relate to the case protagonists. Enthusiasm for the case teaching method. Capacity for finding the drama in a business situation and making it feel personal to students.

  3. Cases

    The Case Analysis Coach is an interactive tutorial on reading and analyzing a case study. The Case Study Handbook covers key skills students need to read, understand, discuss and write about cases. The Case Study Handbook is also available as individual chapters to help your students focus on specific skills.

  4. Case Development

    The average case is 15 to 20 pages long (about 7 to 12 pages of prose and 5 to 7 pages of tables and figures). The two main types of cases at the School are field cases based on onsite research, and library cases written solely from public sources. HBS also writes "armchair" cases based entirely on faculty's general knowledge and experience.

  5. The Right Way to Present Your Business Case

    The Right Way to Present Your Business Case. by. Carolyn O'Hara. July 21, 2014. Nicholas Blechman for HBR. Save. You've already put a great deal of work into preparing a solid business case ...

  6. Writing a Case as a Student at HBS

    1) Choose a topic of interest or a professor you are hoping to get to know better. If you choose a topic first, find a professor that either you know and like or that is particularly knowledgeable on or interested in the topic. As you will soon see, pretty much any topic goes! 2) Determine how you want to fit the case writing into your schedule.

  7. Executive Education


  8. The Case Study Handbook, Revised Edition: A Student's Guide

    If you're enrolled in an MBA or executive education program, you've probably encountered a powerful learning tool: the business case. But if you're like many people, you may find interpreting and writing about cases mystifying and time-consuming. In "The Case Study Handbook, Revised Edition," William Ellet presents a potent new approach for efficiently analyzing, discussing, and writing about ...

  9. The HBS Case Method Defined

    Learn what the Harvard Business School Case Method style of teaching is all about and the four-step process that it entails.Learn more: https://www.hbs.edu/m...

  10. 5 Benefits of the Case Study Method

    Through the case method, you can "try on" roles you may not have considered and feel more prepared to change or advance your career. 5. Build Your Self-Confidence. Finally, learning through the case study method can build your confidence. Each time you assume a business leader's perspective, aim to solve a new challenge, and express and ...

  11. HBS Case Selections

    HBS Case Selections. Get the perspectives and context you need to solve your toughest work problems with these immersive sets of real-world scenarios from Harvard Business School.

  12. The HBS Case Study Goes Digital with HBX

    HBX was developed by HBS faculty as a way to bring the renowned HBS case study method to a digital platform. As one would expect, not everything can be easily translated into the digital world, but the online space does have its advantages. As Professor Bharat Anand said, "What the case method and online education have in common is that they ...

  13. 8 Tips to Help You Prepare for the Case Method

    Here are eight tips that I hope will be as helpful to you as they have been to me. 1. Develop Your Viewpoint. Effective and efficient case prep is, at least for me, the most challenging part of the whole experience. You can easily spend 2-3 hours on a case if you focus on every detail and supplementary piece of reading.

  14. PDF Learning by the Case Method

    Learning by the Case Method. The case method is not only the most relevant and practical way to learn managerial skills, it's exciting and fun. But, it can also be very confusing if you don't know much about it. This brief note is designed to remove the confusion by explaining how the case method works and then to suggest how you can get ...

  15. HBP

    Revision includes study guides and new insight for students. The business case study is a powerful learning tool. This practical guide provides students with a potent approach to: Recognize case situations and apply appropriate tools to solve problems, make decisions, or develop evaluations. Quickly establish a base of knowledge about a case.

  16. 7 Favorite Business Case Studies to Teach—and Why

    1. The Army Crew Team. Emily Michelle David, Assistant Professor of Management, China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) EMILY MICHELLE DAVID Assistant Professor, CEIBS. "I love teaching The Army Crew Team case because it beautifully demonstrates how a team can be so much less than the sum of its parts.

  17. Case collection: Harvard Business Publishing

    The Case Centre distributes a comprehensive range of materials including the complete collection of more than 7,500 Harvard Business School case studies, teaching notes, background notes, case videos, and a selection of software ancillaries. Also included are: Brief Cases that are rigorous and compact with five-eight pages and three-four exhibits.

  18. How to read and prepare an HBS-style MBA Case

    Shoot to get your reading and analysis down to an hour or less per case by the end of first year. At the start, you'll probably need to give yourself something closer to 90-120 minutes. 3. Get your bearings. Before you read the case cover to cover, skim it to get your bearings. First, read the entire first page, then the first line of each ...

  19. HBR Store

    Case studies written by professors at HBS and other leading business programs worldwide, focusing on real-world problems and decisions companies face. ... Filter By Format Audio MP3 (1) ePub ... Harvard Business Publishing is an affiliate of Harvard Business School.

  20. Sample Class

    Sample Class. This section takes you behind the scenes and into the classroom with Harvard Business School Professor David Garvin as he teaches the R. R. Donnelley & Sons case in a development program for case method instructors. We feature elements of Professor Garvin's pre-class planning process and classroom video excerpts to provide a taste ...

  21. PDF Harvard Business Case Method

    SPICE Business Case Method. The output of our project - the study material - will be in the format of case-studies. The most well-known example of this format is the Harvard Business School Case Method. This paper gives a short introduction to the art of writing these kind of cases and provides many references to relevant sources.

  22. Databases, Cases & More

    Search resources at Baker Library, Harvard Library, and beyond. Our collections span databases, datasets, print collections, and our Special Collections & Archi

  23. Teaching by the Case Method

    Chris Christensen described case method teaching as "the art of managing uncertainty"—a process in which the instructor serves as "planner, host, moderator, devil's advocate, fellow-student, and judge," all in search of solutions to real-world problems and challenges. Unlike lectures, case method classes unfold without a detailed script.

  24. HBS Case Method : r/MBA

    Tech opportunities will be roughly equal from H/W/B/K, so if you know you don't like the case method go elsewhere. However, I'm a bit confused whether you don't like the case method or assume you wouldn't like it. I feel the same way OP. Going into tech (not pivoting) and highly considering HBS or another M7.