
Top 25 Qualcomm Interview Questions & Answers

Get ready for your interview at Qualcomm with a list of common questions you may encounter and how to prepare for them effectively.

qualcomm research interview questions

Qualcomm, a multinational semiconductor and telecommunications equipment company, has been at the forefront of innovation since its inception in 1985. As the pioneer of the Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) technology, Qualcomm has revolutionized the way we communicate and connect with the world. With over 41,000 patents under its belt, the company continues to make significant strides in the areas of 5G, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things. This article aims to provide an in-depth look at the interview questions that potential candidates may face when applying for a job at this cutting-edge technology giant. Get ready to dive into the world of Qualcomm and learn what it takes to become a part of this trailblazing team.

Qualcomm Hiring Process

The Qualcomm hiring process typically consists of multiple interview rounds, including phone screens, technical interviews, and face-to-face meetings with managers and team members. Questions often focus on technical skills, particularly in C++ and data structures, as well as operating systems and signal processing. Candidates may also be asked about their previous projects and experience. The interviewers are generally friendly and professional, but some candidates have reported delays in communication and feedback from HR. Overall, the process can be challenging but rewarding for those who are well-prepared and demonstrate strong technical knowledge.

Common Qualcomm Interview Questions

1. can you explain the importance of version control systems and how you have used them to manage your codebase in previous projects.

Version control systems are essential in the realm of software development, as they help manage changes to code over time. This allows teams to track progress, prevent conflicts between developers, and maintain code integrity. When hiring, companies are looking for candidates who understand and have utilized these systems, indicating not only their technical skills but also their ability to work collaboratively and maintain organization in their work.

How to Answer:

When discussing your experience with version control systems, highlight the advantages these tools provide such as track changes, collaboration and error management. Share specific examples of how you’ve utilized them in past projects for efficient codebase management. If you have experience using Git or SVN – which are popular options – be sure to mention this too. Ultimately, show understanding that version control is crucial in maintaining the integrity and reliability of software development.

Example: Version control systems are critical in software development for several reasons. Primarily, they allow multiple developers to work on a project simultaneously without overwriting each other’s changes. They also provide a historical record of code changes, which can be invaluable when trying to understand why certain decisions were made or when debugging. Moreover, version control systems enable easy rollback to previous versions if a bug is introduced.

In my previous projects, I’ve extensively used Git as the version control system. For instance, while working on a large-scale data processing application, we had a team of five developers contributing to the same codebase. We utilized feature branches to isolate changes for specific features or bugs, and then merged them back into the main branch upon completion and testing. This not only ensured that our master branch remained stable but also facilitated efficient collaboration among the team. Furthermore, we leveraged Git’s tagging feature to mark release points, which proved beneficial when we needed to revert to a stable version quickly.

2. How would you approach designing a low-power, high-performance system-on-chip (SoC) for mobile devices?

The question is designed to assess your understanding of the unique challenges associated with the design of mobile devices. These devices require high performance for smooth user experience, but also need to be power-efficient due to battery constraints. Your ability to balance these needs and create an innovative solution is critical to your success in this role.

Start by outlining your understanding of the importance of balancing power consumption and performance in mobile devices. Then, discuss your approach to chip design, such as considering application needs, choosing appropriate processors, using effective power management techniques, and leveraging advanced fabrication technologies. Include any past experiences where you successfully designed or contributed to a similar project. If new to this task, explain how you would research, learn, and collaborate with others to meet this challenge.

Example: Designing a high-performance, low-power SoC for mobile devices involves striking a balance between power efficiency and performance. This starts with selecting the right architecture that can deliver high performance while being energy efficient. For instance, ARM’s big.LITTLE architecture allows pairing of high-performance cores with energy-efficient ones to optimize power usage.

Next, I would focus on optimizing the design at both the micro-architectural level and circuit level. Techniques such as dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS), clock gating, and power gating can be used to minimize power consumption during periods of inactivity or lower computational demand. Additionally, employing FinFET technology can help reduce leakage current, further enhancing power efficiency.

Finally, software plays a crucial role in managing hardware resources efficiently. Therefore, developing an intelligent power management system that dynamically adjusts CPU/GPU load and memory use based on real-time demands is essential. This includes using machine learning algorithms to predict usage patterns and preemptively adjust system parameters.

3. Explain the process of creating and verifying an ASIC design from RTL coding to synthesis and place-and-route.

This question is a way to gauge your technical proficiency and hands-on experience in ASIC design, a critical skill for many engineering roles. By asking you to explain the entire process, the interviewer wants to see if you understand each stage, can identify potential challenges, and know how to overcome them. It also helps them assess your communication skills because, in many roles, you’ll need to be able to explain complex processes clearly to non-technical stakeholders.

When answering this question, showcase your knowledge in ASIC designing. Briefly explain each step – starting with the RTL coding where you specify the hardware functionality, to synthesis where it is converted into gate-level representation. Discuss place-and-route stage, where physical design layout is created and verified for any timing or routing issues. Finally, highlight your ability to troubleshoot any problems along this process. If applicable, refer to specific projects where you successfully completed these tasks. Remember to mention your adaptability to different tools used in each stage of ASIC development.

Example: The process of creating and verifying an ASIC design begins with RTL (Register Transfer Level) coding, where we describe the hardware functionality using a hardware description language such as VHDL or Verilog. This is followed by functional verification to ensure that the RTL code meets all the specified requirements.

Once the RTL code is verified, it moves into the synthesis phase, which transforms the RTL code into gate-level representations. Tools like Design Compiler are used for this purpose. The output from synthesis is then put through formal verification to make sure that the transformation has not introduced any errors.

Following synthesis, we move onto the place-and-route stage where physical design happens. Here, the gates are mapped onto actual cells in the target technology library and their locations on the silicon die are determined. Post Place & Route, static timing analysis is performed to verify if the design meets the required timing constraints under worst-case scenarios. Any violations identified would require iterations back to either the RTL or synthesis stages.

Finally, after successful timing closure, the design undergoes physical verification checks like DRC (Design Rule Check), LVS (Layout Versus Schematic), and ERC (Electrical Rule Check). Once these checks pass, GDSII data is generated which can be sent off for fabrication. Throughout this process, continuous validation is crucial to ensure the integrity and correctness of the design.

4. What are some key considerations when developing software for embedded systems with limited memory and processing resources?

Embedded systems often have to function within tight constraints. They might have limited memory or processing power, or they might need to consume as little energy as possible to preserve battery life. As a candidate for a role involving embedded systems, you’re being asked this question because the interviewer wants to see if you understand these constraints and have experience developing efficient software that can operate within them.

Reflect on your past experiences and the challenges you faced while developing software for embedded systems with limited resources. Discuss how you prioritized tasks, optimized code, or made trade-offs between memory usage and performance. Mention specific tools and strategies you used to manage these limitations effectively. If possible, include a successful project outcome that highlights your skills and expertise in this area.

Example: When developing software for embedded systems with limited memory and processing resources, it’s crucial to prioritize efficiency. This means writing lean code that performs tasks with minimal use of system resources. For example, you might opt for lower-level programming languages like C or C++ which provide greater control over hardware interactions.

Additionally, careful management of data structures is vital. Use compact data structures to reduce memory footprint, and consider the trade-off between time complexity and space complexity in your algorithms. It’s also important to account for real-time requirements. If your software must respond to an event within a certain timeframe, you need to ensure your code can meet these deadlines even under maximum load.

An example would be designing firmware for a low-power IoT device. Here, every byte of memory and each CPU cycle counts. You’d have to make sure your code is not only efficient but also robust enough to handle unexpected situations, ensuring the device functions reliably over extended periods without manual intervention.

5. Discuss your experience working with wireless communication protocols, such as LTE or 5G, and any challenges you’ve faced during development or testing.

The essence of this question lies in understanding your practical experience with the latest wireless communication technologies, which are integral to many tech companies. It allows them to gauge if you have hands-on experience working with these protocols and can navigate the challenges they may present. The question also helps to assess your problem-solving skills and your ability to innovate, both of which are essential in the fast-paced, ever-evolving tech industry.

Start by outlining your experience with wireless communication protocols, such as LTE or 5G. Highlight any projects where you’ve leveraged these technologies to achieve successful outcomes. Then, discuss challenges faced during development or testing phases. Emphasize how you overcame those issues using problem-solving skills and technical knowledge. Remember, the goal is not only to demonstrate your expertise but also your ability to navigate through difficulties effectively.

Example: In my experience working with LTE and 5G protocols, I’ve been involved in various stages of development, from initial design to testing. One particular project required the integration of a new 5G feature into an existing network infrastructure. This was challenging due to the complexity of ensuring backward compatibility while also meeting stringent performance requirements. We had to meticulously plan our approach to avoid any disruption to the live network during implementation.

During the testing phase, we faced challenges related to signal interference and achieving optimal coverage. To overcome these, we utilized advanced simulation tools to model different scenarios and optimize antenna placement for maximum efficiency. Furthermore, understanding the propagation characteristics of higher frequency bands used in 5G was crucial in addressing issues related to penetration loss and path fading. Despite these hurdles, we managed to successfully implement the feature, which significantly improved the network’s data throughput and latency.

6. Describe a situation where you had to optimize hardware performance by adjusting clock speed, power consumption, or other factors.

The ability to optimize hardware performance is at the heart of many tech roles. In a world where efficiency and sustainability are vital, a professional who can fine-tune hardware components to maximize performance while minimizing energy consumption is a valuable asset. This question aims to assess your technical skills and your ability to find solutions that balance performance and power consumption.

Start by discussing a specific instance where you optimized hardware performance, outlining the challenge and your solution. Talk about adjustments made to clock speed or power consumption, the reasoning behind these decisions, and how it improved overall performance. Highlight any metrics that prove the success of your actions. If you haven’t had direct experience, discuss relevant coursework or theoretical knowledge on optimizing hardware performance. Remember to emphasize your problem-solving skills and ability to make informed technical decisions.

Example: In a previous project, I was tasked with optimizing the performance of an embedded system that was experiencing overheating issues and poor battery life. The system was running on a high-performance ARM Cortex-A series processor, which was consuming too much power and generating excessive heat.

To address these issues, I first adjusted the clock speed of the CPU to reduce its power consumption. This involved underclocking the CPU to lower frequencies when it wasn’t executing demanding tasks. To further optimize power usage, I implemented Dynamic Voltage Frequency Scaling (DVFS), allowing the system to dynamically adjust its voltage and frequency based on load conditions.

Additionally, I optimized the software running on the device by profiling and identifying inefficient code sections, reducing their computational complexity where possible. These changes led to a significant reduction in power consumption and heat generation, improving both the battery life and reliability of the device.

7. How do you ensure software quality through rigorous testing and debugging methodologies?

Software quality is the bedrock of any tech company, and maintaining this quality requires rigorous testing and debugging methodologies. When hiring software engineers or developers, the interviewer wants assurance that you have a systematic approach to identifying, isolating, and fixing bugs, and that you understand the importance of thorough testing to prevent problems before deployment. Your ability to ensure software quality directly impacts product reliability, customer satisfaction, and the company’s reputation.

When answering this question, illustrate your experience with various testing and debugging methods. You could discuss specific strategies you’ve used to ensure software quality, such as unit tests, integration tests, or end-to-end tests. Highlight any unique approaches you have taken to identify bugs and resolve them effectively. If you have examples where your rigorous testing has led to significant improvements in the final product, be sure to mention those. Lastly, emphasize your commitment to continuous learning and adapting to new testing methodologies.

Example: Ensuring software quality requires a multi-faceted approach, combining various testing and debugging methodologies. For instance, I believe in the importance of using automated testing tools to handle repetitive but necessary tests for every new version of software. This not only increases efficiency, but also allows us to focus more on complex test scenarios.

Further, I advocate for the use of different types of testing based on the nature of the project and its requirements. Unit testing is crucial at an early stage to validate each piece of the software performs as designed, while integration testing ensures that these units work cohesively. Performance testing helps identify any bottlenecks, and user acceptance testing validates the product against business requirements.

In terms of debugging, it’s essential to have a good logging mechanism in place so that when issues arise, we can quickly pinpoint where they are coming from. Additionally, code reviews play a vital role in catching bugs before they even reach the testing phase. By incorporating these practices into our workflow, we can ensure the delivery of high-quality software products.

8. When dealing with large-scale distributed systems, what strategies do you use to maintain efficiency and reliability across various components?

In the quest for a seamless digital experience, efficiency and reliability are key. Your strategies for maintaining these qualities in large-scale distributed systems indicate how well you can ensure consistent performance, manage resources, and prevent system failures. As the digital world grows, so does the complexity of its systems, hence the interest in your ability to handle these challenges.

Reflect on instances where you’ve managed complex systems efficiently. Talk about your methodical approach to maintaining reliability, such as using automation tools or implementing regular checks. Highlight experiences of troubleshooting system issues and how you ensured minimal impact on service delivery. Speak about any innovative strategies you’ve used to enhance efficiency, like cloud solutions or containerization. Remember to express your willingness to learn and adapt to new technologies for continuous improvement.

Example: In dealing with large-scale distributed systems, I focus on two main strategies: partitioning and replication. Partitioning helps to distribute the load across multiple nodes, improving efficiency by ensuring that no single node becomes a bottleneck. Replication, on the other hand, enhances reliability by creating multiple copies of data, so if one node fails, another can take over without causing any disruption.

For instance, in a previous project where we were handling high-volume real-time data processing, we used consistent hashing for effective partitioning. This allowed us to add or remove servers with minimal remapping of keys, thus minimizing disruptions while scaling up or down. On the reliability front, we implemented active-passive replication with automatic failover. We also ensured idempotency in our operations to avoid inconsistencies during retries after failures. These strategies significantly improved both the efficiency and reliability of the system.

9. Explain how you would go about implementing security measures at both the hardware and software levels to protect sensitive data on a device.

This question seeks to understand your technical acumen and your approach to problem-solving in a practical, real-world scenario. Given that data security is a paramount concern in this digital age, your ability to protect sensitive information at both hardware and software levels is critical. This question not only tests your technical knowledge but also your understanding of the importance of data security in maintaining user trust and company reputation.

Start by expressing your understanding of the importance of data security, then delve into your experience or knowledge in implementing hardware and software protection measures. Mention any specific techniques you’ve used, such as encryption, firewalls, secure coding practices, or threat modeling. Highlight any successful instances where your actions have resulted in improved data security. If you’re less experienced, discuss theoretical strategies to show your grasp on the subject.

Example: At the hardware level, we can implement security measures such as secure booting and TPM (Trusted Platform Module). Secure booting ensures that only digitally signed firmware and software are loaded during the device startup. This prevents unauthorized or malicious code from running on the device. TPM is a dedicated microcontroller designed to secure hardware by integrating cryptographic keys into devices. It provides a set of security functions including system integrity checks, disk encryption, and password protection.

For software-level security, we should consider techniques like data encryption, access controls, and regular patch updates. Data encryption converts sensitive information into unreadable text, protecting it even if an attacker gains physical access to the device. Access controls ensure that only authorized users have access to specific resources, while regular patch updates fix any known vulnerabilities in the software. Additionally, using secure coding practices during development can prevent many common software vulnerabilities.

It’s important to remember that security is not a one-time task but rather an ongoing process. Regular audits and penetration testing can help identify potential weaknesses and verify the effectiveness of current security measures.

10. Share your experience working with real-time operating systems (RTOS) and their role in an embedded environment.

Real-time operating systems (RTOS) are the backbone of embedded systems, which are integral to numerous products and applications. Understanding your experience with RTOS shows your ability to work in a fast-paced, high-stakes environment where there’s little margin for error. Your experience with RTOS and embedded environments also indicates your potential to contribute to the development and improvement of systems and products within the company.

Reflect on your experience with RTOS in previous roles or projects. Highlight the specific systems you’ve worked with, and discuss how they were utilized within an embedded environment. Mention any challenges faced and how you overcame them. If you’re new to using RTOS, express eagerness to learn. Showcase your adaptability by discussing other complex software you’ve mastered quickly. Remember: honesty is key.

Example: In my experience, real-time operating systems (RTOS) play a critical role in embedded systems due to their ability to deliver deterministic and predictable responses. I’ve worked extensively with FreeRTOS on ARM Cortex-M microcontrollers for various IoT projects. One project that stands out involved developing firmware for an industrial automation system where we had stringent timing requirements.

The RTOS was instrumental in managing multiple tasks effectively, such as sensor data acquisition, communication protocols, and control algorithms. It allowed us to assign priorities to tasks based on their urgency and importance, ensuring that high-priority tasks were not delayed by lower priority ones. We also leveraged the features of inter-task communication and synchronization provided by FreeRTOS, which simplified our design and made it more robust.

Moreover, using an RTOS helped us significantly during debugging and testing phases. The predictability offered by the RTOS enabled us to reproduce issues consistently, making them easier to identify and fix. Overall, working with RTOS in this context taught me how crucial they are in achieving reliable and efficient operation in time-critical embedded applications.

11. How do you balance the trade-offs between performance, power consumption, and cost when designing a complex digital system?

The delicate balance between performance, power consumption, and cost is at the heart of all engineering projects, particularly in the realm of digital systems design. It’s essential to know how you approach these trade-offs because it gives recruiters an insight into your decision-making, prioritization, and problem-solving skills. Striking the right balance leads to efficient, cost-effective, and sustainable systems, reflecting positively on the company’s reputation and bottom line.

When answering this question, discuss your critical thinking and decision-making skills in the context of previous projects. Talk about how you evaluated different options and made decisions based on priorities, project requirements or constraints. You can also mention any strategies or methodologies that helped to achieve a balance between performance, power consumption, and cost. Conclude by emphasizing your ability to make informed decisions under complex scenarios while keeping the end-user experience in mind.

Example: Balancing trade-offs between performance, power consumption, and cost in a complex digital system is indeed a challenging task. It requires a holistic approach that considers the entire lifecycle of the product from design to deployment. For instance, during the design phase, we can leverage advanced simulation tools to model different scenarios and optimize for performance and power efficiency. This might involve selecting low-power components or designing efficient algorithms that maximize computational throughput.

However, it’s also important to consider the cost implications of these decisions. The use of premium components or sophisticated designs may lead to higher upfront costs but could result in lower operational costs due to improved energy efficiency. Therefore, it’s crucial to conduct a thorough cost-benefit analysis to ensure that the chosen strategy provides the best value over the long term. Additionally, continuous monitoring and optimization post-deployment are essential as they allow us to fine-tune the system based on real-world usage patterns, further enhancing its overall efficiency and effectiveness.

12. Describe an instance where you had to troubleshoot and resolve issues related to signal integrity or electromagnetic interference (EMI) on a PCB.

The question is designed to assess your problem-solving skills and your hands-on experience with real-world challenges in circuit design. Signal integrity and EMI are critical aspects in the performance of electronic circuits and systems. By asking this question, the company wants to gauge your understanding of these issues, your ability to diagnose and resolve them, and how you approach complex technical problems.

Begin by detailing a specific situation where you faced such issues, outlining the problem clearly. Describe your thought process in diagnosing the issue and the steps taken to rectify it. Highlight any unique or innovative troubleshooting methods used. Focus on the resolution and how it improved the overall project. If you lack direct experience, discuss your theoretical knowledge and eagerness to learn and solve problems in this area.

Example: In a previous project, we were developing a high-speed data acquisition board. After the first prototype was built, we noticed that the system wasn’t achieving its designed speed and there were frequent data losses. Upon investigation, I found out that this was due to signal integrity issues caused by improper routing of traces carrying high-speed signals.

I used an oscilloscope to observe the waveforms and noticed significant ringing and overshoots. To address this issue, I redesigned the PCB layout with controlled impedance lines, shorter trace lengths, and proper termination techniques. Additionally, I also added ground planes around critical signal paths to reduce EMI.

After these modifications, the performance improved significantly and the system was able to operate at its intended speed without any data loss. This experience taught me the importance of considering signal integrity right from the design phase in high-speed systems.

13. Can you discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using different programming languages, such as C/C++, Python, or Java, for embedded systems development?

Grasping the strengths and weaknesses of various programming languages is a fundamental skill for any developer. Especially in embedded systems development, the efficiency, processing speed, and memory usage of a language can drastically affect the performance of the final product. Moreover, understanding these factors can also impact collaboration with other teams and the future scalability of projects. Hence, interviewers are keen on gauging your technical depth and decision-making skills.

When answering, highlight your understanding and experience with each language. Discuss how C/C++ is often used in embedded systems for its performance efficiency and control, but it has a complex syntax which can lead to errors. Mention Python’s simplicity and readability, making it great for prototyping, yet it may lack the speed required for real-time applications. Java offers excellent object-oriented programming, but its garbage collection feature might cause unpredictability. Always relate back to how you’ve leveraged these languages in past projects to optimize system performance.

Example: The choice of programming language for embedded systems development is largely dependent on the specific requirements and constraints of the project. C/C++ are traditionally used in this field due to their efficiency, direct hardware access capabilities, and deterministic behavior. They allow developers to write low-level code that can interact directly with hardware, which is crucial in many embedded systems applications.

However, these languages also have a steep learning curve and lack some modern features like garbage collection or dynamic typing, which can increase development time and potentially introduce bugs. Python, on the other hand, is easier to learn and use, supports higher-level abstractions, and has a large standard library, making it suitable for rapid prototyping and less critical parts of the system. But its performance may not be sufficient for real-time or resource-constrained environments.

Java is somewhere in between: it’s more abstracted than C/C++, but still offers reasonable performance and strong type safety. It also runs on a virtual machine, which can provide platform independence. However, this could also lead to unpredictability in terms of timing and memory usage, which might be unacceptable for certain types of embedded systems.

14. What approaches do you take to ensure proper thermal management and cooling solutions for high-performance electronic devices?

This question is a litmus test to discern how well you understand the practical aspects of electronics engineering. High-performance electronic devices generate a substantial amount of heat, and improper thermal management can lead to reduced performance or even hardware failure. Your approach to ensuring proper thermal management and cooling solutions is vital to maintaining the integrity and longevity of these devices. The interviewer wants to gauge your technical knowledge, problem-solving skills, and innovative thinking.

To answer this question, focus on your proficiency in thermal management techniques. Describe specific projects where you implemented cooling solutions for high-performance electronic devices. Highlight your problem-solving skills and how they contributed to effective heat dissipation strategies. If you have experience using simulation tools for thermal analysis or designing custom thermal solutions, mention these too. Remember, it’s not just about having theoretical knowledge; it’s also about practical application.

Example: One approach I take is to incorporate thermal management considerations into the design process from the beginning. This includes selecting components with appropriate heat tolerances, designing circuit layouts that optimize airflow and minimize hotspots, and using materials with good thermal conductivity for the device casing. For instance, in a project involving an ARM-based SoC, we optimized the PCB layout to distribute heat evenly across the board and used a metal backplate as a passive heatsink.

Another key strategy involves active cooling solutions such as fans or liquid cooling systems when passive methods are insufficient. However, these need to be balanced against factors like power consumption, noise levels, and system complexity. In one high-performance server project, we implemented a closed-loop liquid cooling solution, which provided excellent heat dissipation while keeping the system quiet and energy-efficient.

Lastly, it’s crucial to validate the thermal performance through rigorous testing under various operating conditions and workloads. Using both software simulations and physical temperature measurements can help identify potential issues early on and allow for necessary adjustments in the design.

15. Explain the process of integrating sensors, actuators, or other peripherals into an embedded system and managing their interactions with the main processor.

This question is designed to assess your technical skills and your ability to manage complex, interdependent systems. In an industry like telecommunications, the successful integration and management of various components within an embedded system is essential. Understanding how to work with these systems can help prevent malfunctions and maintain the efficiency and reliability of the company’s products. Therefore, it’s important for potential hires to demonstrate their knowledge and experience in this area.

Begin by illustrating your understanding of embedded systems, then delve into the specifics. Describe previous projects where you’ve integrated peripherals like sensors and actuators, the challenges faced, and how you overcame them. Discuss any strategies used to manage interactions with the main processor effectively. If new to this, explain theoretical knowledge on how you’d approach it. This is a chance to show problem-solving skills and technical knowledge.

Example: Integrating sensors, actuators or other peripherals into an embedded system involves several steps. First, you need to understand the specifications and working principles of these components. This includes knowing their communication protocols, power requirements, and data formats. Once this is understood, you design a hardware interface that allows these devices to connect with your main processor. This could be through GPIO pins for simple digital/analog interfaces, or more complex interfaces like I2C, SPI, UART for higher level communications.

After the physical connections are established, we then develop software drivers which act as intermediaries between the main application code and the peripheral device. These drivers handle low-level tasks such as initializing the device, reading/writing data, and managing errors. For example, if we’re integrating a temperature sensor using the I2C protocol, the driver would contain functions to send start/stop conditions, read/write bytes, acknowledge/nacknowledge reception, etc., all according to the I2C standard.

Managing interactions between these peripherals and the main processor is crucial. It can be done either by polling or interrupt-based mechanisms depending on the real-time requirements of the system. Polling means the CPU regularly checks the status of the peripheral, while interrupts allow the peripheral to signal the CPU when it needs attention. The choice depends on factors such as power consumption, response time, and overall system complexity.

16. How do you stay up-to-date with the latest advancements and trends in the semiconductor industry?

Staying on top of industry trends is paramount in any tech-oriented role, and especially so in the semiconductor industry, which is always evolving. This question helps the interviewer gauge your interest and passion for the field, and assess whether you’re proactive about self-led learning and improvement. It also assists them in determining if you can bring fresh ideas to the table, keeping the company competitive in the fast-paced tech landscape.

To answer this question effectively, share your proactive strategies for staying informed about industry trends. This could include following key influencers or thought leaders on social media, subscribing to relevant industry publications, attending seminars and webinars or being part of professional networks. Highlight how keeping updated helps you in making informed decisions and contributing positively to your previous roles. If possible, mention a specific situation where your knowledge of an industry trend benefitted your team or company.

Example: I stay up-to-date with the latest advancements and trends in the semiconductor industry through a combination of professional development activities. I regularly read industry-specific publications such as Semiconductor Today and IEEE Spectrum, which provide valuable insights into new technologies and market trends. Additionally, I attend webinars, conferences, and trade shows to gain firsthand knowledge from industry leaders and innovators.

Moreover, I am part of several online forums and communities where professionals discuss recent developments, challenges, and breakthroughs in the field. These platforms allow for real-time engagement and exchange of ideas with peers worldwide. Lastly, I also take advantage of MOOCs offered by institutions like MIT and Stanford that focus on advanced semiconductor technology topics. This multifaceted approach ensures I have a comprehensive understanding of current and future trajectories in the semiconductor space.

17. Describe a situation where you had to collaborate with cross-functional teams, such as hardware and software engineers, to achieve a common project goal.

Collaboration is at the heart of any successful technology project, especially where there are cross-functional teams involved. The ability to work effectively with different specialists, such as hardware and software engineers, is critical to the timely and successful delivery of projects. Therefore, hiring managers want to understand how you navigate teamwork, manage diverse opinions, and lead a project towards its goal.

Reflect on your experience where you worked in a cross-functional team, highlighting how communication and collaboration led to the project’s success. Talk about your ability to understand different perspectives, mediate when necessary, and keep everyone focused on common goals. If you’re new to this, discuss how you’d approach such a scenario emphasizing active listening, respect for diverse skillsets, and commitment to shared objectives.

Example: In a previous project, I was tasked with leading the integration of a new machine learning algorithm into an existing hardware system. This required close collaboration between my team of software engineers and the hardware engineering team. We faced challenges due to differing technical languages and priorities; the software team focused on functionality and adaptability, while the hardware team prioritized stability and efficiency.

To bridge this gap, we established weekly cross-functional meetings where each team could present their progress and concerns. I also encouraged both teams to spend time understanding each other’s work by organizing knowledge sharing sessions. The software team learned about the constraints imposed by the hardware, and vice versa.

The result of our collaborative effort was a successful integration of the machine learning algorithm that met all performance criteria. This experience reinforced my belief in the value of cross-functional collaboration for achieving complex goals.

18. How do you approach designing and implementing error handling and fault tolerance mechanisms for critical systems?

This question is key for roles that involve designing, developing, or maintaining systems where high availability and data integrity are paramount. It’s about assessing your understanding of the principles of fault tolerance and error handling. It also provides insight into your problem-solving skills and ability to anticipate and mitigate potential system failures. It’s essential for any company whose success relies on the robustness and reliability of its technology infrastructure.

Highlight your understanding of the importance of error handling and fault tolerance in preventing system failure. Discuss how you prioritize identifying potential risks during design phase, creating robust error-handling routines, utilizing exception handling techniques, and implementing backup systems or redundancy measures. Include examples from past projects where you successfully mitigated errors or faults. Emphasize your proactive approach to learning new strategies for improving system reliability and resilience.

Example: Designing and implementing error handling and fault tolerance mechanisms for critical systems begins with a robust understanding of the system’s architecture, its dependencies, and potential points of failure. I would start by conducting a thorough risk assessment to identify these areas and then design specific error handling procedures for each identified risk. This could include implementing retries for temporary issues, fallbacks for when certain components fail, or even circuit breakers to prevent a failure from cascading through the entire system.

Fault tolerance is equally important as it ensures the system remains operational even in the event of a component failure. Techniques such as redundancy, where multiple instances of a component are run, can be used to achieve this. If one instance fails, others can take over ensuring uninterrupted service. Additionally, regular health checks and monitoring should be set up to detect failures early and trigger alerts for immediate action. It’s also crucial to have comprehensive logging in place so that any errors can be traced and debugged effectively.

Finally, all these mechanisms need to be tested rigorously using chaos engineering principles. By intentionally inducing failures in a controlled environment, we can validate our error handling and fault tolerance strategies, and refine them based on real-world observations.

19. Can you discuss the differences between various memory types (such as DRAM, SRAM, Flash) and their impact on system performance and power consumption?

The interconnected world of technology relies heavily on memory systems, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. The type of memory a system uses can significantly impact its performance and power consumption. Hence, to design and optimize systems efficiently, it’s crucial for an engineer to have a deep understanding of diverse memory types. This question is designed to assess your knowledge and comprehension of these memory types, which is a critical skill for roles in hardware design and system architecture.

Prepare for this question by researching the key differences between these memory types, including their speed, storage capacity, power consumption, and cost. Discuss your understanding of each type’s impact on system performance and energy efficiency. Use specific examples from past experiences where you had to consider these factors when making decisions or recommendations. If you haven’t dealt with this directly before, talk about how you would approach such a decision based on your technical knowledge and analytical skills.

Example: Different types of memory have varying impacts on system performance and power consumption. Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) is a type of volatile memory that needs to be refreshed periodically, which can consume significant power but provides high storage capacity at a relatively low cost per bit. It’s often used as the main memory in computing systems due to its speed.

Static Random Access Memory (SRAM), on the other hand, doesn’t require refreshing like DRAM does, leading to faster access times and lower latency. However, SRAM consumes more power when idle and is generally more expensive due to its larger cell size. This makes it ideal for cache memory where speed is crucial.

Flash memory is non-volatile, retaining data even without power. It has slower write speeds compared to DRAM or SRAM, but its ability to retain data with no power makes it suitable for long-term storage like SSDs. Flash also consumes less power than both DRAM and SRAM, making it beneficial for portable devices where battery life is important.

In terms of impact on system performance, DRAM and SRAM can deliver higher speeds, improving tasks such as multitasking and program execution. Flash, while slower, offers persistent storage, essential for booting up systems and storing files. The choice between these memories depends on balancing speed, cost, power consumption, and the specific requirements of the system.

20. Explain how you would validate and ensure compliance with industry standards, such as PCIe or USB, when developing hardware components.

This question is essential because it gauges your understanding of industry standards and their significance in hardware development. It also provides insight into your attention to detail and your commitment to quality assurance. By knowing how you approach compliance, the hiring team can ascertain if you’ll uphold the company’s reputation for delivering top-notch, reliable products.

When answering this question, emphasize your knowledge of industry standards like PCIe or USB. Discuss specific procedures you’ve followed to validate and ensure compliance in previous roles. Highlight any familiarity with tools and software used for validation testing. If you have experience developing a new process or improving an existing one to better meet these standards, share that as well. It’s important to convey your understanding of the importance of these standards in ensuring quality and interoperability.

Example: To validate and ensure compliance with industry standards like PCIe or USB in hardware development, I would first ensure a thorough understanding of the specific standard’s specifications. This involves studying the technical documentation provided by the respective standard’s organization to understand the electrical, mechanical, and protocol requirements.

For example, if we are developing a new PCIe device, we need to make sure it meets the lane configuration, signaling, power management, and other requirements as defined in the PCIe specification. Once the design is complete, validation can be performed using various methods such as simulation modeling, prototype testing, and using tools that check for conformance to these standards.

Finally, ensuring compliance often requires certification from an authorized body. For instance, a new USB device must pass tests conducted by a USB-IF certified lab. Therefore, planning for this certification process early in the product lifecycle is crucial. The key here is a proactive approach towards understanding, implementing, validating, and certifying according to the relevant industry standards.

21. Share your experience using simulation tools, such as SPICE or ModelSim, to verify the functionality of digital or analog circuits.

This question is designed to gauge your technical skills and hands-on experience with key tools in circuit design and validation. In an industry where accuracy and precision are paramount, your familiarity with these simulation tools can make a significant difference in the quality of your work. The ability to effectively use tools like SPICE or ModelSim is critical to ensure the functionality and reliability of digital or analog circuits, thus contributing to the overall success of the projects you undertake.

Start by highlighting any direct experience you have with SPICE, ModelSim or similar tools. Detail the specific projects where you utilized these simulation tools to verify circuit functionality. If you’ve applied these tools across different tasks such as design, fault finding, and result analysis, mention that too. If you’re less experienced, focus on your understanding of these tools, their importance in digital/analog circuit verification, and eagerness to learn quickly. Always connect how this technical skill can contribute to the role you are applying for.

Example: During my time working on various circuit designs, I’ve extensively used both SPICE and ModelSim for verification purposes. For instance, while designing an analog amplifier circuit, I utilized SPICE to simulate the frequency response, gain, and phase shift of the design. The tool was instrumental in identifying potential stability issues that were then corrected before physical prototyping.

On the digital side, I worked with a team developing a complex FPGA-based system. We employed ModelSim for functional simulation at different abstraction levels – from gate-level up to transaction level modeling. This helped us spot timing issues early in the development cycle and ensured synchronization across multiple clock domains. Overall, these tools have been invaluable in reducing design iterations and improving the reliability of final products.

22. What methodologies do you employ to manage signal integrity and crosstalk during high-speed PCB layout design?

The question is designed to assess your technical proficiency and problem-solving skills in the context of high-speed PCB layout design. As companies strive to deliver high-performing and reliable electronic products, managing signal integrity and crosstalk becomes critically important. It’s not just about knowing the right methodologies, but also about how you apply them to ensure efficient performance and minimize errors in the system. This speaks volumes about your capability to handle complex assignments and contribute to the company’s innovative efforts.

Reflect on your experience with signal integrity and crosstalk management in high-speed PCB layout design. Mention specific methodologies you’ve used, such as impedance control, differential signaling or CAD tools. Highlight any successful projects where these methods were crucial. If you’re new to this, discuss the steps you would take to learn and apply such methodologies effectively.

Example: To manage signal integrity and crosstalk during high-speed PCB layout design, I primarily use a combination of impedance control, differential signaling, and careful routing. For instance, maintaining controlled impedance across the board helps to prevent signal reflection which can degrade signal quality. This often involves using specific trace widths and distances from ground planes based on the dielectric material and thickness.

Differential signaling is another important technique for minimizing electromagnetic interference (EMI) and improving noise immunity. By pairing two complementary signals together, common-mode noise can be effectively canceled out.

Lastly, careful routing plays an essential role in managing crosstalk. This includes keeping traces that carry high-frequency signals separated as much as possible, routing them at right angles where they must cross, and avoiding parallel runs. Additionally, it’s crucial to maintain adequate spacing between different layers of the PCB to avoid inter-layer crosstalk.

Overall, these methodologies are not mutually exclusive but rather should be used in conjunction to achieve optimal results. It’s also critical to perform post-layout simulation to verify the effectiveness of the implemented strategies before moving into production.

23. How have you utilized hardware description languages (HDL), such as VHDL or Verilog, in your past projects?

This query is designed to assess your practical knowledge and hands-on experience using hardware description languages. As an essential tool in the design and verification of digital circuits, understanding how to use VHDL or Verilog effectively is key. In asking this question, the interviewer is looking for evidence of your ability to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world situations, revealing your problem-solving skills and adaptability.

Start your response by mentioning specific projects where you’ve used VHDL or Verilog. Highlight the complexity of these projects and how using these languages helped in achieving successful outcomes. If possible, relate it back to any similar tasks or projects in the job description. Lastly, reassure them about your ability to quickly grasp new technical skills if required for the role.

Example: In one of my past projects, I used VHDL to design and implement a pipelined processor. The project involved creating the architecture for the processor, including all the necessary control units, arithmetic logic unit (ALU), registers, and memory interfaces. With VHDL, I was able to describe the hardware at a high level of abstraction, which allowed me to focus on the overall structure and behavior of the system rather than getting bogged down in low-level implementation details.

The use of VHDL also made it easier to simulate and test the design before moving on to physical implementation. By using test benches, I could verify the functionality of individual components as well as the whole system under various conditions. This helped identify and correct errors early in the development process, reducing the risk of costly rework later on. After successful simulation and testing, the VHDL code was synthesized into a gate-level description that could be implemented on an FPGA for further verification and performance evaluation.

24. Discuss your experience working with FPGAs and how they can be leveraged to prototype and test new designs before committing to ASIC development.

The question aims to gauge your technical expertise and hands-on experience with Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). FPGAs are instrumental in prototyping and testing new designs before transitioning to Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) development, saving time and resources. Your ability to effectively use FPGAs can greatly impact the design process, making this a critical skill for roles in tech-focused companies.

Begin by detailing your hands-on experience with FPGAs, mentioning specific projects and their outcomes. Highlight how you used them to prototype and test designs, emphasizing the benefits like cost-saving and risk mitigation. If you’ve utilized FPGA for ASIC development before, share that process. However, if this is new territory, express your eagerness to learn and adapt, perhaps citing a related scenario where you successfully learned a new technology or method.

Example: In my experience, FPGAs provide a flexible and efficient platform for prototyping and testing new designs before transitioning to ASIC development. For instance, in one of the projects I worked on, we used an FPGA to emulate a complex digital signal processing system. We were able to quickly iterate on our design, test different algorithms, and validate the system’s performance in real-time. This would have been very challenging with traditional simulation tools due to the complexity and high computational requirements.

Moreover, using FPGAs allowed us to identify and fix design issues early in the process, which significantly reduced the risk and cost associated with potential re-spins in the ASIC phase. The flexibility of FPGAs also enabled us to implement late-stage changes without significant delays or costs. Once we were confident in the stability and performance of our design, we then transitioned to ASIC for production, leveraging the lower unit cost and higher performance that ASICs offer. Therefore, I believe that FPGAs play a crucial role in bridging the gap between concept and product, providing a practical path towards successful ASIC development.

25. Explain the concept of hardware-software co-design and its importance when developing integrated systems.

For anyone hoping to join the ranks of a high-tech company, understanding the concept of hardware-software co-design is essential. This question tests your knowledge of how software and hardware components interact and the importance of optimizing this interaction when developing integrated systems. The interviewer is assessing your comprehension of this process and your ability to apply it effectively in real-world scenarios. It’s a key skill for anyone working in the design and development of advanced technology solutions.

To answer this question, discuss your understanding of hardware-software co-design as an approach where both the hardware and software components of a system are designed concurrently, with shared objectives. Explain how it allows for optimization of performance, power consumption, and cost by enabling collaboration between the two elements from the initial stages. Highlight any practical experience you have had in executing such projects. Remember to articulate that having this integrated design process is crucial for developing efficient, high-performance systems.

Example: Hardware-software co-design is a design methodology used in the development of digital systems where the hardware and software components are designed simultaneously. This approach allows for optimization at both system levels, leading to more efficient and cost-effective designs. The process involves partitioning a computational problem into hardware and software domains, then designing them concurrently to meet performance goals.

The importance of this concept lies in its ability to optimize system performance while reducing time-to-market. In traditional sequential design processes, changes in one component often necessitate changes in others, leading to iterative redesigns that can significantly extend product development cycles. However, with hardware-software co-design, these dependencies are considered upfront, enabling parallel development and thus faster time-to-market.

For instance, consider the development of an integrated system like a smartphone. Here, the efficiency of the device depends not only on the capabilities of the hardware (like the processor or memory) but also on how effectively the software utilizes these resources. By using hardware-software co-design, we can ensure that the software is tailored to take full advantage of the hardware’s strengths, resulting in a device that delivers superior performance and user experience.

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qualcomm research interview questions

Qualcomm: Selection and Interview process, Questions/Answers

qualcomm research interview questions

Qualcomm is a San Diego-based powerhouse in the wireless technology industry. Here’s a quick snapshot:

  • Wireless Tech Leader: Qualcomm designs and manufactures semiconductors, software, and services that are fundamental to mobile connectivity.
  • Innovation Hub: They are at the forefront of developing technologies like 5G, artificial intelligence for mobile devices, and the Internet of Things (IoT).
  • Global Reach: Qualcomm’s technologies power billions of smartphones and connected devices worldwide.

Career Opportunities:

Qualcomm offers a wide range of exciting opportunities for talented individuals, including:

  • Engineering: Qualcomm is a haven for engineers specializing in areas like electrical, computer, software, and radio frequency (RF) engineering.
  • Product Management: Developing and bringing innovative wireless technologies to market.
  • Sales and Marketing: Promoting Qualcomm’s solutions to mobile device manufacturers and other industry players.
  • Business Development: Forging strategic partnerships and driving business growth.
  • Research and Development (R&D): Scientists and engineers pushing the boundaries of wireless connectivity.

Table of Contents

What are the selection and Interview process of Qualcomm?

The selection process at Qualcomm can vary depending on the specific role, department, and location. Here’s a general overview of the potential steps:

1. Application: Submit your resume and cover letter through Qualcomm’s careers website [1]. Tailor your application materials to highlight relevant skills and experiences for the specific position you’re applying for.

2. Online Assessments (possible for some roles): You might encounter online assessments to gauge your abilities in areas like technical knowledge (engineering fundamentals for some roles), problem-solving, or situational judgment tests.

3. Phone Interview (possible for some roles): An initial conversation with a recruiter to discuss your qualifications and suitability for the role might occur.

4. In-Person Interview(s): This is a common stage and could involve one or two (or sometimes more) in-person interviews. You might meet with the hiring manager, technical experts from the department, or a combination of both. Be prepared for a mix of questions about:

5. Background Check and Drug Test: These are standard procedures for most positions at Qualcomm.

Tips to Shine During the Process:

  • Research Qualcomm: Demonstrate your knowledge of their cutting-edge technologies, focus on innovation, and their role in shaping the future of wireless communication.
  • Highlight Your Skills and Achievements: Tailor your resume and interview responses to showcase your relevant skills and achievements, emphasizing technical knowledge (for engineering and R&D roles) and prior successes in your field.
  • Problem-Solving Approach: Showcase your analytical abilities and how you approach problem-solving in a technical context.
  • Leadership Qualities (for some roles): Highlight your experience leading teams or taking initiative on projects if relevant to the position.
  • Teamwork: Qualcomm values collaboration. Showcase your ability to work effectively with others.

By understanding the potential selection process, highlighting your relevant skills and experience (especially technical skills for engineering and R&D roles), demonstrating your problem-solving abilities, communication skills, and passion for technology, you can increase your chances of landing a rewarding career at Qualcomm.

How many rounds of interview conducted in Qualcomm?

Qualcomm’s interview process for freshers typically involves around 5 rounds [1, 2]:

  • Online Test: This initial screening might involve multiple-choice questions assessing your aptitude, programming skills, and core engineering subjects relevant to the position.
  • Technical Rounds (1-3): You might have one to three technical interviews with engineers or hiring managers. These rounds will delve deeper into your technical skills and knowledge related to the specific role. Expect questions on algorithms, data structures, system design, and problem-solving abilities.
  • HR Round: A recruiter or HR representative might interview you to discuss your background, career goals, and suitability for Qualcomm’s work culture.

What is the salary for freshers in Qualcomm?

qualcomm research interview questions

Exact salary figures for freshers at Qualcomm aren’t publicly available. However, here are some resources that can help you estimate the range:

  • Job Search Websites: Search for similar Software Engineer positions at Qualcomm on Indeed or Glassdoor. You might find salary ranges or reviews with salary information from past applicants.
  • Salary Comparison Websites: Explore websites like Payscale or [removed]. They provide salary ranges based on job titles, location, and experience level (entry-level in this case).

Tips for Freshers Applying to Qualcomm:

  • Technical Skills: Revise core computer science concepts, data structures, and algorithms in preparation for the technical rounds.
  • Problem-Solving: Practice solving coding problems on platforms like LeetCode or HackerRank to strengthen your problem-solving approach.
  • Highlight Projects: Showcase any relevant projects you’ve undertaken on your resume and be prepared to discuss them during the interview.
  • Research Qualcomm: Learn about Qualcomm’s mission, products, and areas of operation (wireless technology) to demonstrate your understanding of the company.

By showcasing your technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and interest in Qualcomm, you can increase your chances of landing a job!

Top questions Asked for freshers in Qualcomm

As a fresher interviewing at Qualcomm, expect a mix of questions that assess your:

  • Basic understanding of computer science fundamentals (algorithms, data structures) for most roles. (Demonstrate foundational knowledge or eagerness to learn).
  • (For Engineering Roles): Questions related to your specific engineering discipline (Electrical, Computer, etc.). Be prepared to discuss relevant coursework projects.
  • (For Software Engineering Roles): Questions on programming languages (C++, Java, Python) and problem-solving using code.
  • Tell me about yourself and your interest in Qualcomm. (Highlight your academic background, relevant skills (communication, teamwork), and what interests you about wireless technology, semiconductors, or a specific area like mobile computing).
  • Describe a time you faced a challenge and how you overcame it (preferably a technical challenge). (Focus on problem-solving skills and resilience).
  • Explain a situation where you had to work effectively in a team on a project. (Showcase your teamwork abilities and communication skills).
  • Why do you want to work at Qualcomm? (Express your interest in the telecommunications industry, innovation in mobile technology, or how their mission aligns with your values).
  • Do you have any questions for us? (Always have thoughtful questions prepared about the role, company culture, or mentorship opportunities for freshers at Qualcomm).

How to apply for job in Qualcomm?

qualcomm research interview questions

Here’s a guide on applying for a job at Qualcomm:

  • Visit the Qualcomm Careers Website: Head over to Qualcomm career page.
  • Search for Jobs: Utilize keywords related to your field or browse job categories (e.g., Software Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Product Management, IT). Look for “Entry Level” or “Associate” positions that align with your skills and interests.
  • Find the Perfect Fit: Carefully read job descriptions and identify roles that align with your qualifications and aspirations within the telecommunications industry. Consider your strengths and if you prefer a software development role, a hardware engineering role, or something else entirely.
  • Apply Online: Submit your application electronically for the chosen position. Tailor your resume and cover letter to the specific role, highlighting relevant coursework, projects (personal or academic), and your eagerness to learn and contribute to Qualcomm’s mission of revolutionary mobile technologies.
  • Prepare for Interview: If shortlisted, research Qualcomm and the specific role further. Brush up on your technical skills relevant to the role (algorithms, data structures, programming languages). Practice answering common interview questions and prepare thoughtful questions for the interviewer. Demonstrate your passion for technology, strong work ethic, and potential to excel in a dynamic and innovative environment.
  • Qualcomm might also assess your coding skills through online coding challenges. Be prepared to solve problems efficiently and write clean code.
  • There are resources available online to help you prepare for technical interviews at Qualcomm. Websites like LeetCode offer practice problems commonly used in tech interviews.

By showcasing your relevant skills, technical knowledge, and eagerness to learn, you can increase your chances of landing a job at Qualcomm.

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Top 25 Qualcomm Interview Questions And Answers in 2024

Editorial Team

Qualcomm Interview Questions And Answers

Qualcomm is a leading American company in the semiconductor and telecommunications industries, crafting and providing innovative wireless products and services for customers worldwide. It is one of the largest chipmakers in the world, with products found in smartphones, tablets, smart cars, and other electronic devices. Qualcomm is a leader in developing 5G technology, and its Snapdragon mobile platform is used in many leading mobile devices. The company is also dedicating significant resources to researching and developing artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies.

1. Briefly Tell Us About Yourself.

My name is Kate, and I am a recent graduate from ABC University with a software degree. I am a highly motivated and hardworking individual with excellent communication and organizational skills . I am passionate about learning and seeking new challenges and growth opportunities. I am confident that the knowledge and skills acquired from my education, work experience, and other extracurricular activities will make me an asset to your organization.

2. What Are Qualcomm Mission And Values?

Qualcomm’s mission is to invent mobile technology breakthroughs that empower people, businesses, and society.

Qualcomm’s values are:

  • Integrity: We do the right thing, even when no one is looking.
  • Innovation: We deliver unique solutions to the world’s toughest problems.
  • Performance: We deliver on our commitments, exceed expectations, and take pride in our work.
  • Respect: We treat each other with trust and respect.
  • Collaboration: We work together to achieve collective success.

3. Why Do You Want To Work At Qualcomm?

I am passionate about Qualcomm’s work advancing the mobile industry and developing cutting-edge technologies. I am excited by the opportunities that Qualcomm offers to work on ambitious products that have the potential to impact millions of people. I also believe that Qualcomm is a great place to grow professionally, with its strong culture of innovation and collaboration. My technical background and knowledge of the mobile industry make me a great fit for Qualcomm, and I hope to contribute positively to the team.

4. What Is The Purpose Of Qualcomm?

Qualcomm is a global leader in mobile technology, providing innovative products and services across a broad range of markets, including wireless technology, mobile computing, consumer electronics, automotive, and more. Qualcomm’s mission is to invent and deliver breakthrough technologies that enable people, businesses, and society to thrive in a connected world.

5. What Is A Snapdragon Processor?

A Snapdragon processor is a system-on-chip (SoC) designed and manufactured by Qualcomm. It is an integrated circuit that contains multiple computing cores and is used in smartphones and tablets. Snapdragon processors are designed to deliver high performance, low power consumption, and reliable connectivity.

6. What Is 4G LTE Technology?

4G LTE (Long Term Evolution) is a wireless communication standard that supports data speeds up to 100 Mbps. It is the successor to 3G technology and is designed to provide faster data speeds and more reliable connections. Most mobile operators in the United States currently use 4G LTE networks.

7. What Is Qualcomm Quickcharge Technology?

The Qualcomm QuickCharge technology is a fast-charging solution for mobile devices that can charge up to four times faster than conventional charging methods. The technology is based on Qualcomm’s patented power management and charging technologies, which allow the device to charge quickly and efficiently.

8. What Is The Qualcomm Hexagon DSP?

The Qualcomm Hexagon DSP is a digital signal processor (DSP) designed and manufactured by Qualcomm. It is used in smartphones and tablets to provide high-performance audio, image, and video processing. The Hexagon DSP is also used in voice recognition, digital audio, and video encoding, and machine learning applications.

9. What Is The Purpose Of The Qualcomm Snapdragon Sense ID Fingerprint Technology?

The Qualcomm Snapdragon Sense ID fingerprint technology is designed to secure mobile device authentication. It uses ultrasonic technology to capture a 3D image of a fingerprint and match it with a stored image. The technology is designed to provide a secure, accurate, and fast authentication method.

10. What Is The Qualcomm Spectra Camera ISP?

The Qualcomm Spectra camera ISP is an image signal processor (ISP) designed to improve the performance of mobile device cameras. It can capture higher-quality images and videos and is used in smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices.

11. What Is The Qualcomm Qfe2350 5g NR Test Chip?

The Qualcomm QFE2350 5G NR Test Chip is a radio frequency integrated circuit (RFIC) designed to enable the testing of 5G NR performance in wireless devices. It is the industry’s first 5G NR chip to support non-standalone (NSA) and standalone (SA) modes of 5G NR operation. This chip supports 5G mmWave and sub-6GHz spectrum bands, as well as 4G LTE and 5G NR carrier aggregation. It also supports multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technology, enabling higher data throughput and better coverage. The QFE2350 is designed to provide the highest performance and energy efficiency to support 5G NR testing and commercial product development. With its advanced features, it is expected to become the industry standard for 5G NR testing and device integration.

12. What Is The Qualcomm Computer Vision SDK?

The Qualcomm Computer Vision SDK is a set of software tools developed by Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. that provides developers with advanced computer vision capabilities. It enables developers to quickly and easily create innovative computer vision applications and solutions that can be used in various industries, such as automotive, security, industrial, augmented reality, and medical. The SDK is built on a comprehensive library of computer vision algorithms, including powerful object detection, tracking, recognition, 3D reconstruction, and image classification. It also supports advanced hardware accelerators to maximize performance. With the Qualcomm Computer Vision SDK, developers can create sophisticated applications optimized for real-time computer vision and image processing.

13. Why Should We Hire You?

I am the perfect fit for Qualcomm because I have the experience, passion, and drive necessary to excel in this role. I have a strong educational background in electrical engineering and have worked in a similar role for the past three years. My experience in the field has given me a deep understanding of the technology, and I am up to date on all the latest trends and developments in the industry. Additionally, I am a motivated self-starter with a track record of effectively collaborating with different teams to reach goals. Lastly, I am highly responsive to feedback, open to new challenges, and eager to learn more.

14. What Is The Qualcomm Snapdragon Neural Processing Engine?

The Qualcomm Snapdragon Neural Processing Engine (NPE) is a software development kit developed by Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. It is designed to enable developers to create AI-based applications for mobile devices powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon processors. The NPE can be used to implement deep learning algorithms for computer vision, natural language processing, and image processing. It provides developers with an efficient way to leverage the power of AI on mobile devices. The NPE also includes various tools and libraries to simplify the development of AI applications. It supports many popular deep learning frameworks such as TensorFlow, Caffe, PyTorch, and several open-source machine learning libraries. The NPE is designed to work with the Snapdragon processor family and is optimized for low-power mobile platforms. The NPE is an important tool for developers to create optimized AI applications for mobile devices.

15. What Is The Qualcomm Aqstic Audio Codec?

The Qualcomm Aqstic Audio Codec is a new audio codec developed by Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. It is designed to offer superior sound quality and a wide range of features for the most demanding audio applications. The Aqstic codec supports up to 24-bit/192kHz audio and is designed to reduce power consumption and improve sound quality for voice and music applications. The Aqstic audio codec provides a range of features such as low latency audio, wide dynamic range, and high signal-to-noise ratio. It also has advanced audio tuning capabilities and supports multiple audio profiles, allowing for a personalized audio experience.

Additionally, the Aqstic codec supports multiple interfaces, including USB Type-C, Bluetooth, and HDMI. The Aqstic audio codec is designed for various devices, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and headphones. It provides an exceptional audio experience for users, allowing them to enjoy their music with high-fidelity sound. The codec is also designed to be easy to integrate, with a flexible architecture and low power consumption. The Qualcomm Aqstic Audio Codec is an exciting addition to the audio industry, offering users a superior audio experience. It is perfectly designed to meet the needs of the most demanding audio applications and can deliver a wide range of features. With its advanced audio tuning capabilities and support for multiple interfaces, the codec is sure to be a great choice for many audio applications.

16. What Are Your Professional Strengths And Weaknesses (Regarding Qualcomm)?

Below are my strengths and weaknesses.

  • Experienced in working with Qualcomm products.
  • Proven track record in developing and implementing innovative solutions for customers.
  • Excellent understanding of Qualcomm’s technology, processes, and systems.
  • Strong knowledge of software development processes and technologies.
  • Ability to think analytically and work well in teams.
  • Excellent problem-solving, communication, and leadership skills .
  • Proficient in C/C++, Python, Java, and other programming languages.


  • Limited experience working with other mobile development platforms.
  • Inability to quickly adapt to new technologies.
  • Limited experience in developing and deploying software for Qualcomm products.
  • Can be overly detail-oriented at times, resulting in slower development times.

17. What Is The Qualcomm Trusted Execution Environment?

The Qualcomm Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) is a secure environment that protects sensitive information and data on mobile devices. It is designed to provide a secure environment to store and process sensitive data and to help protect against malicious attacks.

18. What Is Qualcomm All-Ways Aware Technology?

The Qualcomm All-Ways Aware technology is a sensing platform designed to enable context awareness in mobile devices. It is designed to provide real-time information about the environment, such as location, motion, and sound, and can be used to improve device performance and user experience.

19. What Is The Qualcomm 5g Ran Platform?

The Qualcomm 5G RAN Platform is a comprehensive, multi-mode 5G radio access network (RAN) solution designed to enable mobile operators to build high-performance 5G networks that deliver the highest performance and reliability.

20. What Is The Snapdragon Automotive Platform?

The Snapdragon Automotive Platform is designed to enable the development of connected car services. It is designed to provide high performance, low power consumption, and reliable connectivity for connected car services.

21. What Is The Qualcomm Snapdragon Profiler?

The Qualcomm Snapdragon Profiler is a tool designed to help developers analyze and optimize the performance of mobile applications on Qualcomm Snapdragon mobile platforms. It is designed to provide developers with insights into application performance, power consumption, and more.

22. Briefly Discuss Qualcomm Snapdragon Mobile Platform.

Qualcomm Snapdragon is a great mobile platform developed by Qualcomm Technologies Inc. The same is a combination of software, hardware, and technologies working together to provide a better mobile experience. Moreover, the platform consists of a Qualcomm Snapdragon processor, Qualcomm Hexagon processor, Qualcomm Adreno graphics processor, and Qualcomm Kryo CPU. Platform widely provides users with advanced connectivity and powerful performance. Moreover, it also provides exceptional battery life for the most demanding mobile applications. It supports various devices, including smartphones, tablets, and laptops. Features such as 5G connectivity, AI-enabled capabilities, and advanced camera and imaging capabilities enable devices to perform at their peak. Qualcomm Snapdragon is designed to deliver an immersive experience on mobile devices, allowing for faster response times and improved overall performance. It also provides improved security features, allowing for better protection of data and privacy. Qualcomm Snapdragon is a revolutionary mobile platform designed to make the mobile experience better for everyone.

23. Do You Have Any Information Regarding The Qualcomm Allplay Smart Audio Platform?

Qualcomm AllPlay is a smart audio platform that allows users to stream music, radio, and other audio content on multiple devices connected to the same network. It lets users stream music from one device to another and control audio playback with a mobile app. The platform supports multiple wireless standards, including Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and Airplay, allowing for a wide range of compatible devices. The Allplay platform also features a range of audio enhancements, such as multi-room audio, multi-channel audio, and audio processing technology. These features provide users with an immersive listening experience. Additionally, the platform is open source, allowing hardware and software developers to create compatible products. Qualcomm Allplay is an innovative platform enabling users to stream and control audio content on multiple connected devices.

24. What Is The Qualcomm Snapdragon Flight Platform?

Qualcomm Snapdragon Flight is a platform for commercial drone development. Its feature-rich platform utilizes Qualcomm’s proprietary Snapdragon Flight processor, providing users with advanced navigation, communication, and guidance capabilities. This platform also offers flight time optimization, proactive obstacle avoidance, and a comprehensive software development kit for developers. Its powerful combination of hardware and software makes it a powerful platform that can be used to develop a wide range of commercial drones.

25. Do You Have Any Questions For Us?

Yes. I have a few of them to ask.

  • How is Qualcomm leveraging 5G technology to improve user experiences?
  • What are the most significant challenges Qualcomm faces in the development of 5G products?
  • What strategies is Qualcomm using to stay ahead in the 5G market?
  • What role does artificial intelligence (AI) play in Qualcomm’s 5G strategy?
  • What are the biggest opportunities Qualcomm sees in the 5G space?

Qualcomm is a leader in the world of mobile technology and communications. The company’s products and services have revolutionized the way that people communicate, from the development of the first commercial CDMA phone to the introduction of 5G technology. Qualcomm’s commitment to innovation, excellence, and reliability has established the company as a leader in the mobile industry. With a wide range of technology solutions, Qualcomm is well-positioned to continue its success in the ever-changing world of mobile technology.

To succeed in an interview with Qualcomm, it is important to research the company and its products and any open positions. It is also important to clearly articulate your strengths and how they align with the role and prepare questions that demonstrate your interest in the company and the position. Additionally, it is helpful to practice examples of past projects or professional accomplishments to draw on during the interview. Finally, it is important to make a strong impression by maintaining a positive attitude, being professional and engaging, and demonstrating enthusiasm for the opportunity. With preparation and practice, you can be confident and successful in your interview with Qualcomm. The questions and answers mentioned above might help you in this regard. You can review them and get a quick overview of the same.

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Qualcomm interview questions.

Qualcomm is an American multinational company that was founded in Delaware and has its headquarters in San Diego, California. It makes wireless technology-related semiconductors, software, and services. It has patents that are very important to the 5G, 4G, CDMA2000, TD-SCDMA, and WCDMA standards for mobile communications.

They have been giving India the latest technological innovations and solutions in order to make mobile communication cheaper and more available to everyone. In India, there are offices that focus on digital media networking solutions, DSP and embedded applications, and wireless modem and multimedia software.

Qualcomm is a great place to work if you want to get more experience and move up in your career. This job is the most stable in its field, and it also has some nice perks. It's easy to find people who started their careers here and are almost ready for anything. While you're there, you get to meet a lot of interesting people and attend a lot of interesting events and seminars. At Qualcomm, you can learn a lot from the people you work with and the work you do. Qualcomm also offers its employees great benefits and fun ways to get to know each other, learn soft skills, give back to the community, and take care of their families.

Qualcomm Recruitment Process

1. interview rounds.

1. Online Test: Candidates are given three to four coding questions online, and the questions are of medium difficulty, mainly from arrays, strings, and matrices. To pass this round, one must be familiar with these data structures.

2. Technical Round 1: There are around 2 to 4 questions that are algorithmic in nature, ranging from arrays to trees to dynamic programming problems. You must demonstrate your algorithm and/or code in some parts of the test. Apt candidates are selected for additional rounds.

3. Technical Round 2: In technical rounds, candidates are given two to four questions about data structures such as the matrix, binary tree, BST, and Linked list. The most commonly asked DSs are the matrix, binary tree, BST, and Linked list.

4. Technical Round 3: The difficulty level is increased and more questions about trees, BST, and tries are asked in this round. It is imperative that one has a firm grasp of tree-based recursion, and the standard questions based on it are certainly required.

5. Technical + HR Round: The most difficult round of this competition is generally the technology-heavy and technically demanding round, in which you will be put to the test on a variety of technical and design issues and difficult problem-like questions. Things like "Tell me about yourself, and your family" and 'How you see yourself five years from now can be expected. Learn More .

2. Interview Process

Qualcomm requires five interview rounds to select fresh hires as Software Engineers.

  • Online Test.
  • Technical Round 1.
  • Technical Round 2.
  • Technical Round 3.

Qualcomm Technical Interview Questions: Freshers and Experienced

1. what is a mac address.

The distinct 48-bit hardware address of a LAN card is known as a MAC (Media Access Control) address, and it is typically stored in the ROM of the network adapter card. A network card's or device's MAC address is a special identification number that manufacturers provide to certain items. It is often referred to as a physical address encoded in hexadecimal numbers. Every MAC address is distinct globally and is, in principle, set for every device.

There are six pairs of numbers in each MAC address. The first three pairs aid in identifying the manufacturer, and the following three pair names with particular models. In order to connect to networks, a computer may have a variety of devices. As a result, it is typical for a computer to have a MAC address for Ethernet, a Wi-Fi address, and a Bluetooth address.

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2. find the length of the longest substring without repeated characters given a string s..

  • Input: s = "abcabcbb" Output: 3 Explanation: The answer is "abc", with a length of 3.
  • Input: s = "bbbbb"
  • Explanation: The answer is "b", with a length of 1.
  • Input: s = "pwwkew"
  • Explanation: The answer is "wke", with a length of 3.

Notice that the answer must be a substring, "pwke" is a subsequence and not a substring.

The issue in this question is determining where to choose our next substring after identifying a duplicate character. We can simply select whatever substring we wish to examine by using two pointers and a sliding window. In fact, if you realise the following point, finding the longest substring without repeated characters becomes considerably easier.

Key Observation: Once we've located a previously encountered character, we want to change the left pointer of our window to the index following the last occurrence of that character.

To show this in action, consider the following example using the input string s = "babcadba":

qualcomm research interview questions

3. Get the longest palindromic substring contained in s from a given string s.

  • Input: s = "babad"
  • Output: "bab"
  • Explanation: "aba" is also a valid answer.
  • Input: s = "cbbd"
  • Output: "bb"

General concept: compare the prior best result with the present one, loop through each letter, and determine whether its siblings are equivalent. For further information, look at the code's comments.

  • Software Dev
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4. You are provided an n-length height integer array. There are n vertical lines made using I 0) and as the two ends of the ith line (i, height[i]). Find two lines that, when joined with the x-axis, produce a container with the most water inside.

Return the most water that a container can hold. Keep in mind that you cannot tilt the container.

qualcomm research interview questions

  • Input: height = [1,8,6,2,5,4,8,3,7]
  • Explanation: The above vertical lines are represented by an array [1,8,6,2,5,4,8,3,7]. In this case, the max area of water (blue section) the container can contain is 49.
  • Input: height = [1,1]

The plan is to begin by setting a variable, fIdx = 0, at the beginning of the array and another, bIdx = height, at the rear. size() - 1.

By multiplying the difference between the two index variables' lower heights, min(height[fIdx], height[bIdx]), we may first compute the maximum area (bIdx - fIdx). Next, we determine whether the computed area exceeds maxArea and, if so, update maxArea.

The biggest discrepancy between the index variables bIdx and fIdx is present in the beginning. Now, the disparity grows less if we raise fIdx or lower bIdx. This indicates that increasing the height is the only method to obtain a greater area than the existing maxArea.

Therefore, we determine which of the two heights, height[fIdx] or height[bIdx], is smaller and then either raise fIdx++ or reduce bIdx depending on whether height[fIdx] or height[bIdx] is greater.

The next subsequent area is unquestionably smaller if height[fIdx] == height[bIdx], since the index difference bIdx - fIdx decrements by 1 and the height of the area either remains the same (if the modified index variable is now at an index with equal or bigger height) or is smaller.

5. Find three integers in the integer array nums of length n such that the total is as near to goal as possible. Give back the three integers' sum. You may suppose that there is only one possible solution for each input.

  • Input: nums = [-1,2,1,-4], target = 1
  • Explanation: The sum that is closest to the target is 2. (-1 + 2 + 1 = 2).
  • Input: nums = [0,0,0], target = 1

Finding abs(sum-target) to be as low as feasible is our major objective. In order to improve the accuracy of our searches and our ability to assess, we attempt sorting the array first. Because the left pointer or right pointer will be holding an incorrect index above that point, we now set I to range from 0 to n-3. Our left pointer is set to i+1, and our right pointer is set to nums.size()-1. While concurrently caching the maximum in the ans variable, we continuously check for the minimum abs(sum-target). Allow nums to be [-1, 2, 1, -4], and set the goal to 1. We begin the array's traversal. Sorting is what we do first.

6. Return an array of all the distinct quadruplets [nums[a], nums[b], nums[c], nums[d]] from an array nums of n integers in the following way: A, B, C, and D are distinct if 0 = a, b, c, and d. target = nums[a] + nums[b] + nums[c] + nums[d].

You can give the response in any sequence.

  • Input: nums = [1,0,-1,0,-2,2], target = 0
  • Output: [[-2,-1,1,2],[-2,0,0,2],[-1,0,0,1]]
  • Input: nums = [2,2,2,2,2], target = 8
  • Output: [[2,2,2,2]]

We'll sort the array first. Take the I j, left, and right pointers. two outer loops for i and j. We keep the final total value in the sum variable.

Then, if the left+right values are equal, we attempt to compute them and add all four values to the set. Because the array is sorted, if the value is less than the total, we will increase the left and decrease the right. O(n3 logn) is the time complexity.

7. Return all potential subsets for an integer array with nums unique items (the power set). There cannot be any duplicate subsets in the solution set. You can return the answers in any order.

Input: nums = [1,2,3] Output: [[],[1],[2],[1,2],[3],[1,3],[2,3],[1,2,3]]

Input: nums = [0] Output: [[],[0]]

There are two options for each element in an array if there are n elements total. Either include or exclude the member from the subgroup. Form a recursive answer to the issue using the aforementioned concept.

8. Return the number of structurally unique binary search trees (BSTs) that have exactly n nodes and unique values ranging from 1 to n, given an integer n.

qualcomm research interview questions

  • Input: n = 3
  • Input: n = 1

The aim is to utilise each integer I as a root node, followed by left and right branches that represent what is smaller and greater than I respectively. Their output is the total number of distinctive structures. Add up the product for each number as a result. To remember the visited number, use a map.

9. What are the HTTP and the HTTPS protocol?

The HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) establishes a set of guidelines and requirements for the transmission of information across the World Wide Web (WWW). It facilitates communication between web servers and browsers. Each command in this so-called "stateless protocol" is independent of the one before it. An application layer protocol based on TCP is HTTP. By default, port 80 is used.

The HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure, sometimes known as Secure HTTP It is a more sophisticated and secure variant of HTTP. SSL/TLS protocol is used to add security on top of HTTP. By encrypting the transmission, it makes transactions more safe and aids in securely identifying network servers. By default, port 443 is used.

10. Explain LAN (Local Area Network)

LANs are frequently used to link computers, laptops, and other consumer gadgets, allowing them to share resources (such printers and fax machines) and communicate. Enterprise networks are LANs that are used by businesses or organisations. There are two types of LAN networks: wired LAN and wireless LAN, which operate without the use of cables (achieved using LAN cable). These days, wireless LANs are widely used in locations where laying cable is challenging. 

11. What is a ‘frame relay’ and in which layer does it operate?

Frame Relay is a wide-area network (WAN) data transmission protocol that connects local area networks (LANs) and uses the data connection layer of digital packet switching (WANs). X.25 and Frame Relay both use part of the same fundamental technologies. It was created to transfer analogue data as voice conversations and is based on the earlier X.25 packet-switching technology. Frame Relay is a rapid packet technology, in contrast to X.25, which was created for analogue communications, hence the protocol does not make an effort to repair faults. It is frequently used to connect LANs to primary backbones, as well as in leased T-1 lines, public wide area networks, and private network settings. It is not suited for audio or video, which need a continuous stream of transmissions and require a dedicated connection during the transmission period.

12. You are given two non-empty linked lists that each represent a non-negative integer. The digits are kept in reverse order, with each node containing only one digit. Add the two numbers together and return the total as a linked list.

Except for the number 0 itself, you may presume that the two numbers do not have any leading zeros.

qualcomm research interview questions

  • Input: l1 = [2,4,3], l2 = [5,6,4]
  • Output: [7,0,8]
  • Explanation: 342 + 465 = 807.
  • Input: l1 = [0], l2 = [0]
  • Output: [0]
  • Input: l1 = [9,9,9,9,9,9,9], l2 = [9,9,9,9]
  • Output: [8,9,9,9,0,0,0,1]

The total may be used to maintain track of the carry bit; if the sum is greater than 10, sum / 10 will return 1 as two digits, and the carry bit cannot have a sum greater than 19. To construct the list, we utilise a double pointer to store the address of ListNode* next in the ListNode structure for the list's tail. We must first dereference the tail because we are using a double pointer. So, tail will point to the memory address where the next node will be added, (*tail) will be the address of the tail node (after memory has been allocated), and &(*tail)->next will be the address of the next ListNode in the tail node.

13. How does a firewall work?

This is one of the often asked topics in networking interviews. Information packets attempting to leave or enter the computer system are detected by the firewall by "listening" for them. It is possible to block traffic depending on a number of factors, including the IP address for which it is intended, the kind of port used to deliver it, or the application from which it originated. The setting of firewalls, or choosing which connections are banned and which are not, is one of the most challenging parts of using them.

qualcomm research interview questions

14. Reverse the nodes of the list from position left to position right, and then return the reversal list, given the head of a singly linked list and two numbers left and right, where left = right.

qualcomm research interview questions

  • Input: head = [1,2,3,4,5], left = 2, right = 4
  • Output: [1,4,3,2,5]
  • Input: head = [5], left = 1, right = 1
  • Output: [5]

Although it is not required, the dummy node makes the scenario when m == 1 easier to understand. Without the dummy node, we would have to reverse the list from an offset, connect the node at the offset to the head of the reversed list, and then return the original head of the list when m == 1. In the absence of the dummy node, we would have to reverse the list from the beginning like the typical reversal algorithm and return the final value of prev. These two situations converge to the latter with the fake node.

To discover the node preceding the one from which we will start to reverse, we first iterate m - 1 times. That node is required so that it may subsequently be linked to the start of the reverse list. Prev and head are used to designate the head and tail of the reversed list, respectively, at the conclusion of the second loop.

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  • DSA- Programming
  • Mock Interview

15. What is IPC communications?

An independent process is not affected by the execution of other processes while a cooperating process can be affected by other executing processes. In other words, one might think that independent processes will run fast, conveniently, and modularly, but in reality, cooperative behaviour can be used to increase computational speed, convenience, and modularity. Inter-process communication (IPC), or inter-process communication, is a mechanism that enables processes to contact each other and synchronize their actions. Cooperation between these processes is accomplished through this communication.

16. What is Stack corruption?

When stack corruption is suspected, one should look at the local variables in the called and calling functions to see if the values passed are different from the values passed by the calling function. A stack corruption has occurred when a parameter seems to have a different value than the one that was passed. When a stack corruption is detected, one should look at the local variables in the called and calling functions to see if they may have been used as a source of memory corruption.

17. Given an integer array nums, return all triplets [nums[i], nums[j], nums[k]] such that i != j, i != k, and j != k, and nums[i]+nums[j]+nums[k] == 0. Note that the solution set must not contain duplicate triplets.

  • Input: nums = [-1,0,1,2,-1,-4]
  • Output: [[-1,-1,2],[-1,0,1]]
  • Explanation:  nums[0] + nums[1] + nums[1] = (-1) + 0 + 1 = 0. nums[1] + nums[2] + nums[4] = 0 + 1 + (-1) = 0. nums[0] + nums[3] + nums[4] = (-1) + 2 + (-1) = 0.

The distinct triplets are [-1,0,1] and [-1,-1,2].

Notice that the order of the output and the order of the triplets does not matter.

  • Input: nums = [0,1,1]
  • Explanation: The only possible triplet does not sum up to 0.
  • Input: nums = [0,0,0]
  • Output: [[0,0,0]]
  • Explanation: The only possible triplet sums up to 0.

We can modify the array to improve its order. For example, if we change i to (2, 3), we can check if the array is sorted using two indices (low and high). We must ensure that duplicate values are not permitted, so we must have one check for duplicates if i is (2, 3).

18. Multiply, divide, and modulate two integers to obtain an integer. The fractional parts of an integer are truncated away to obtain an integer.

When a dividend is divided by the divisor, the quotient is obtained. 8.345 is divided by 8, and -2.7335 is modulated by -2.7.

  • Input: dividend = 10, divisor = 3
  • Explanation: 10/3 = 3.33333.. which is truncated to 3.
  • Input: dividend = 7, divisor = -3
  • Explanation: 7/-3 = -2.33333.. which is truncated to -2.

In order to subtract the divisor from the dividend, we must double the divisor, double the number of divisions, check again, and increment or decrement the count by one. We must then subtract the variable from the dividend to get the original dividend.

19. What is Race conditions

A multithreaded environment is characterized by multiple threads coexisting on the same resource or executing the same code block. A race condition occurs when threads execute code in parallel and share the same resource or outcome. In the wrong hands, this situation can cause havoc, as the output will be dependent on which threads were executed in sequence.

In this case, we utilised two variables. Assume shared is a variable that is shared. Let's assume that the bankAccount function is now invoked for use. The following order will be used to execute the statements of this function;

The shared variable's previous value will be loaded into one of the CPU's registers. The money variable's value will be put into a different register. Two registers will be used to hold the values of two variables, and the outcome will be computed. Put the outcome in the variable share now. For instance, if there are two processes, P1 and P2, both processes are open to calling the function bankAccount at the same time.

20. What is Semaphore?

Semaphore was first proposed by Dijkstra in 1965, and it is a very important technique that uses a simple integer value to manage concurrent processes. A semaphore is a simple integer variable that's shared between threads. The process synchronization problem is solved by using semaphores, and process synchronization is achieved in the multiprocessing environment.

If, for instance, there are four processes (P1, P2, P3, and P4), all of which call the wait operation on S (initialized with 4). When one of the four processes runs the signal function and the value of the semaphore turns positive, another process P5 should wait before requesting the resource.

21. To compute the product of two non-negative integers num1 and num2, string each of them.

  • Input: num1 = "2", num2 = "3"
  • Output: "6"
  • Input: num1 = "123", num2 = "456"
  • Output: "56088"

Multiply every digit pair by itself and add them. We can draw the process! From the following line, we can determine that it is performed: The sum of the indices at which `num1[i]*num2[j]` is placed is determined by `[i + j + 1], `[i + j + 1 + 1]`

qualcomm research interview questions

22. Given an integer targetSum and a binary tree representing a root-to-leaf path that adds up all the values along the path, return true if and only if the tree has a root-to-leaf path such that adding up all the values along the path equals targetSum.

qualcomm research interview questions

  • Input: root = [5,4,8,11,null,13,4,7,2,null,null,null,1], targetSum = 22
  • Output: true
  • Explanation: The root-to-leaf path with the target sum is shown.

qualcomm research interview questions

  • Input: root = [1,2,3], targetSum = 5
  • Output: false
  • Explanation: There two root-to-leaf paths in the tree: (1 --> 2): The sum is 3. (1 --> 3): The sum is 4. There is no root-to-leaf path with sum = 5.
  • Input: root = [], targetSum = 0
  • Explanation: Since the tree is empty, there are no root-to-leaf paths.

The function is calculating the sum of the current node value and the target value and then checks to see if the current node value is equal to the target value at the leaf node. If the function succeeds at the leaf node, it is self-evident that the path has a value of sum equal to targetSum.

23. What is Memory management?

Memory can be described as a collection of data in a specific format. It is used to record instructions and process data. An array or group of words or bytes, each with its own location in the memory, is the unit of memory. A computer system's primary objective is to carry out programmes. These programmes, together with the information they require, should be present in the main memory during execution. The CPU obtains instructions from memory as specified by the program counter during the execution of the programme.

24. What is Deadlock?

A deadlock is a circumstance where a group of processes are halted because they are each hanging onto resources while waiting for other processes to obtain them.

Think of a situation where there is only one track and two trains are approaching each other on it. Once they are in front of each other, none of the trains can move. When there are several processes waiting for resources owned by other processes, a similar scenario arises in operating systems (s). For instance, in the picture below, Process 1 is holding Resource 1 while Process 2 acquires Resource 2, while Process 2 is keeping Resource 1 as they both wait for Resource 2.

qualcomm research interview questions

25. To reverse only the vowels in a string s, let s be given. Only the vowels 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', and 'u' are reversed, and they may appear in any order.\

  • Input: s = "hello"
  • Output: "holle"

To reverse the entire string, just swapping the first and last characters in each pass would have done the job. For reversing only the vowels, the two pointers (i and j) are used. i points to the vowels to the left, and j to the vowels to the right, then they are swapped. O(1) auxiliary space is taken and O(n) time complexity is achieved by the in-place approach.

26. Find the largest contiguous subarray (containing at least one number) of an integer array nums and return its value. An array subrange is a contiguous portion of an array.

  • Input: nums = [-2,1,-3,4,-1,2,1,-5,4]
  • Explanation: [4,-1,2,1] has the largest sum = 6.
  • Input: nums = [1]
  • Input: nums = [5,4,-1,7,8]

To solve the problem, we need to separate it into two distinguishable parts. nums[ ] contains both positive and negative numbers. We iterate through nums[ ], and we increment nums[i] by adding nums[i] to our current variable. If the current is negative, then we discard it. If the current is positive, then we retain it. In the meantime, we must ensure that max keeps track of the maximum sum. nums[ ] only contains negative numbers. We can pick up the biggest number among them simply by choosing it.

27. A given number array nums must have unique elements in order to obtain all possible subsets (the power set). The solution set must not have duplicate subsets. Return the solution in any order.

  • Input: nums = [1,2,3]
  • Output: [[],[1],[2],[1,2],[3],[1,3],[2,3],[1,2,3]]
  • Input: nums = [0]
  • Output: [[],[0]]

A common recursive difficulty is to recognise that at every number, we can recognise that it is a subset, so we apportion it to "curr", then ask the function to do the same for the next number using "i+1" in each subsequent call. This is simply keeping "curr" growing by adding "curr" to "curr" if "curr.size()" is less than "nums.length", then removing the latest item from "curr".

28. What is Mutex?

A mutex is an object that provides mutual exclusion between threads by using operations such as a lock and unlock. It ensures that only one thread has access to a critical section or data by using operations like a lock and unlock. A thread holding the mutex can use the critical section whilst other threads must wait for the lock to be released. A binary semaphore that synchronizes access to shared resources like memory or I/O is called a mutex. It is a locking mechanism. 

29. What is Priority Inversion?

When it comes to scheduling concepts in Operating systems, one of the foremost factors is Task Scheduling. There are numerous scheduling alternatives such as First Come First Serve, Round Robin, Priority-based scheduling, etc. Each scheduling approach has its own advantages and disadvantages.

You may assume that Priority Inversion is a task-based scheduling problem because it is listed under priority-based scheduling. It is a circumstance that occurs in priority-based scheduling when higher-priority jobs interfere with lower-priority jobs when possible.

When a lower priority task (L) is running and a higher priority task (H) also needs to run, a higher priority task (H) may be preempted by a lower priority task (L) in priority-based scheduling.

Now, assume that both lower and higher-priority tasks need to share a common resource (for example, a file or device) to accomplish their respective tasks. Here, task synchronization and resource sharing are required. Several techniques for handling such scenarios may be used, for example, mutex synchronization.

A task acquires mutex before entering the critical section (CS) and releases it after exiting the critical section (CS). 

30. What is Mem leaks?

When programmers create a memory in the heap and forget to delete it, the consequences are that the computer's performance is reduced because of the reduction in available memory, that is, the amount of memory that is accessible. In the worst case, too much of the available memory might become occupied and the application may fail, or the system might slow down radically. Memory leaks are particularly problematic for programs such as Daemons and Servers, which by definition do not terminate.

31. Create a new integer array nums of 2n items, and groups them into as many as possible pairs (a1, b1), (a2, b2), ..., (an, bn) such that the largest possible sum is achieved. Return the largest possible sum.

  • Input: nums = [1, 4, 3, 2]


All possible pairings (ignoring the ordering of elements) are:

1. (1, 4), (2, 3) -> min(1, 4) + min(2, 3) = 1 + 2 = 3

2. (1, 3), (2, 4) -> min(1, 3) + min(2, 4) = 1 + 2 = 3

3. (1, 2), (3, 4) -> min(1, 2) + min(3, 4) = 1 + 3 = 4

So the maximum possible sum is 4.

It is the idea behind this approach that we must find such pairs whose min values add up to produce the greatest possible value. We are actually eliminating a greater value by adding up to get that maximum possible value and we will choose pairs of any particular kind such that their difference is the lowest. Sorting takes place and we form pairs by sorting.

32. What do you understand by Data Redundancy?

A database or data storage system can be considered to be two or more places for data redundancy. Data redundancy ensures that an enterprise can continue to operate or supply services in the event of data corruption, loss, or damage.

33. Explain Normalization and De-Normalization.

Databases must be normalized in order to structure them efficiently. It involves establishing tables and establishing connections between them based on certain rules. These rules may eliminate or reduce the amount of redundancy and dependency, making it more flexible. 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF, 4NF, and 5NF are 6 distinct normal forms. Normalization should be done to avoid data loss but not at the expense of integrity.

The procedure of denormalizing a schema is to convert it into one that has redundant information. Redundancy and keeping redundant data consistent are both beneficial. An over-normalised structure is inefficient in query processing because of its overheads.

34. A length of the longest consecutive elements sequence can be obtained from an unsorted array of integers by running the algorithm O(n) time.

  • Input: nums = [100,4,200,1,3,2]
  • Explanation: The longest consecutive elements sequence is [1, 2, 3, 4]. Therefore its length is 4.
  • Input: nums = [0,3,7,2,5,8,4,6,0,1]

A max-length sequence can be generated by considering each element to be a part of some series and searching for the largest sequence that includes that number. Copy all the elements in the set first. Count the previous consecutive element from this element and the similar next consecutive elements from this element. A max-length sequence from this element is "prevCount + nextCount + 1". It is the result of the calculations above. To find the max-length sequence, you must delete all the numbers you had visited once so that you can again try to find a sequence that already belongs to an existing sequence.

Qualcomm Interview Preparation

1. interview preparation tips.

  • Coding: The person conducting the interview wants to see you solve a problem with code that is well-organized and effective.
  • Say what you're thinking out loud: Try saying something along the lines of "Let's try doing it this way—not sure yet if it'll work." Simply articulating what's going through your head can help you get unstuck. Spell out what might be effective. Describe what you first thought may work, as well as the reasons why it does not. This is also true for questions that are merely meant to be lighthearted small talk. In the event that you are quizzed on your knowledge of JavaScript closures, responding with "It's something to do with scope and putting something in a function" will most likely earn you 90 per cent of the possible points.
  • Just admit that you don't know anything. If you're going to make a passing reference to a fact (for example, language-specific trivia or a hairy bit of runtime analysis), avoid giving the impression that you are more knowledgeable than you actually are. Say something along the lines of "I'm not sure, but I'd suppose something because..." rather than "I don't know." The "because" could involve ruling out other possibilities by demonstrating that their implications are absurd, drawing examples from other languages or other difficulties, or any combination of these three.
  • Create pictures with a pencil. Instead of wasting time attempting to think of something in your head, try thinking about it on the board instead. Build a few unique test inputs and compare their results. Draw a diagram showing how you would achieve the target result using only manual labour. The next step is to consider how your strategy could be Implemented using code. Find a solution to the problem that is much easier to solve. You're having trouble locating the fourth largest piece in the collection, but what exactly is it? Consider the process of locating the first item in terms of its size and determine whether or not you can modify that strategy.
  • Try to Solve the Problem: First, you should draught a simplistic and ineffective answer, and then you should optimise it later. Use brute force. Put out whatever effort is necessary in order to obtain a response of some kind.
  • Hold your breath and wait for a hint. Do not stare at your interviewer expectantly but do take a brief second to "think"; your interviewer may have already decided to give you a hint and is just waiting to avoid interrupting. If you stare at your interviewer expectantly, your interviewer may have already decided to give you a hint and is just waiting to avoid interrupting.
  • Optimizations: Consider the constraints imposed by both the runtime and the available space. If you are uncertain as to whether or not your solution can be optimised, try thinking about it out loud.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. is the qualcomm interview difficult.

With such strong competition, it is challenging to pass the Qualcomm interview. Employees who are capable of producing great work are highly valued at Qualcomm. If you want to work for this retailing giant, you must be familiar with its fundamental computer science concepts.

2. Why you should join Qualcomm?

For its employees, Qualcomm offers a lot of advantages as well as social opportunities to connect with one another, develop soft skills, give back to the community, and take care of their families.

3. How hard is it to get a Qualcomm internship?

Yes, given Qualcomm's corporate position and the industry's high level of competition, getting an internship there is challenging. One of the most difficult roles to land is an internship in software engineering, product development, or marketing.

4. How do I join Qualcomm?

There are four primary ways through which you may submit your application for an employment opportunity at a company that is based off campus jobs:

  • Careers Page
  • Job Referrals
  • Hiring Challenges
  • Have a Discussion with a Recruiter

5. Does Qualcomm pay well?

As per Ambitionbox, the average salary of a Qualcomm engineer in India is Rs 15.7 lakhs for employees with less than 1 year of experience to 5 years. The salary at Qualcomm ranges between Rs 11.5 lakhs to Rs 24 lakhs per year.

6. How long is the Qualcomm Interview process?

There can be multiple interviews during the hiring process. The entire process of confirmation may take up to 2–3 weeks. Experienced professionals are hired on average 3–4 weeks after the interview.

7. What is the Eligibility Criteria at Qualcomm?

  • At least one bachelor's degree in engineering, information systems, computer science, or a related field or a proven history of experience in the technical field is required.
  • You must be able to program in C, Python, Perl, Shell scripting, and/or makefiles and toolchains. 
  • You may also possess knowledge of makefiles and toolchains.

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Qualcomm Interview Questions

Are you wondering how to crack Qualcomm IQA? Don't worry! You can find Qualcomm interview questions and answers in this blog post. MindMajix content team curated the top 25 Qualcomm interview questions and answers in this blog. In addition, you can find the Qualcomm interview process, tips to crack Qualcomm interviews, and FAQs. Yes! You can bag your dream job by reading through all the Qualcomm interview questions and answers, and other key topics.

Qualcomm is US based communication company that has been a pioneer in wireless technologies for the last few decades. The company makes products to connect all types of devices based on wireless technology – no matter the volume of the devices. They make multiple products for watches, vehicles, smartphones, etc., to connect these devices with other devices intelligently.

Qualcomm is an MNC Company with over 190 offices across all major cities worldwide. If you get hired by Qualcomm, you will get the chance to work in the latest communication technologies and work with various people working in multiple locations. When it comes to cracking the Qualcomm interview, it is not a big deal if you have prepared well.

To help candidates crack the Qualcomm interview easily, MindMajix delivers this blog where you can find the Qualcomm interview process, Qualcomm interview questions and answers, tips to crack the Qualcomm interview process, and many more.

Let’s dive in!

Qualcomm Interview Questions - Table of Contents

Qualcomm Recruitment Process


Qualcomm Leadership Principles

Top 10 Frequently Asked Qualcomm Interview Questions

  • What is a Race Condition?
  • Explain Mutex.
  • State the use of Frame Relay.
  • What do you understand by Clustered Index?
  • Define Empty Class in C++
  • List the benefits of using templates in C++.
  • How does a Firewall work?
  • Differentiate: UDP and TCP
  • Differentiate between Function and Predicate in Java?
  • How will you find the time complexity of an algorithm?

To get hired by Qualcomm, candidates must undergo online tests, a few technical rounds, and an HR interview. All the rounds will last for 45 mins to one hour.

Let’s clarify what is expected from candidates in all the rounds one by one.

Online Test

In this round, you will be asked questions about matrices, arrays, strings, etc. Mainly, you must learn data structures from A to Z to clear this round. You will be asked a few aptitude questions as well. The difficulty level of this round will be medium.

Online Coding Test

In this round, you need to answer 3 to 4 coding problems online. You must be familiar with modern programming languages such as C, Python, C++, Java, etc.

Technical Interview

You must go through at least two rounds of technical interviews. Based on your performance, the number of rounds could be increased. This interview will be conducted virtually, on-site, or over the phone.

It is one of the crucial rounds where you must answer in-depth technical questions about data structures and algorithms, memory mapping, programming languages, pointers, Operating Systems, IPC communication, and other computer fundamentals. Besides, you will be asked to code for a few dynamic programming problems.

HR Interview

This is the final but critical round. In this round, you will be shot with questions from your family and educational background, attitude, career goals, collaboration skills, extra-curricular activities, Qualcomm competitors, willingness to change location, milestones in your career, and much more.

So, if you want to crack the Qualcomm interview, you must clear all the above rounds.

Qualcomm Technical Interview Questions

As mentioned, the MindMajix content team curated this blog's top 25 Qualcomm interview questions and answers. We have split the Q&A into two sections for freshers and experienced. You can jump into the correct section directly based on your expertise level.

Qualcomm Interview Questions For Freshers

Qualcomm interview questions for experienced, 1. what is a race condition.

A Race condition is an issue that mainly occurs in multithreaded applications. It occurs when two or more processes or threads attempt to access a single shared resource. It also appears when the codes of a program are being processed in the wrong order.

Race conditions create deadlock problems while executing programs. Not only that, it makes errors while reading or writing data. Know that there are two types of race conditions: critical and non-critical.

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2. What is the use of Semaphores?

Semaphore is an integer variable that we use to synchronize concurrent processes. As a result, it helps to overcome the issues that occur because of race conditions. We also use Semaphore to solve critical section of codes problem since it acts as the signal to control processes or threads to access the critical section of codes.

Know that there are two types of semaphores: binary and counting.

3. Explain Mutex.

Mutex is the short form of MUTual EXclusion object. It is a locking mechanism as well as a special binary semaphore.

When a thread or process accesses the critical section of codes or a shared resource, it acquires the mutex of the resource and locks it. Once the mutex is locked, no other thread can access the resource, and they will be put in a queue.

Once the use of the resource is over, the thread unlocks the mutex and makes it available to other threads in the queue. In other words, the mutex is passed to other threads.

4. What do you mean by IPC Communication?

IPC stands for Inter-Process Communication. Essentially, it is a mechanism that supports processes to communicate effectively with each other. Along with that, the processes synchronize their activities in many ways. However, shared memory and message-passing methods are vital in IPC communication.

In the shared memory IPC method, processes share some variables. Any number of processes can access the variables. In the message-passing IPC method, there are no shared variables between processes.

5. State the use of Frame Relay.

It is the packet-switching data transfer method with which we can transfer data between devices in LANs as well as WANs. Frame relays avoid retransmission as well as error correction in data transfer altogether. As a result, it performs high-speed data transmission. It is essential to note that frame relays use the datalink layer of the OSI model.

6. Describe the ACID Properties of Databases.

ACID refers to Atomicity, Isolation, Consistency, and Durability.

Atomicity is the property that ensures whether a transaction is entirely executed or not. It ensures that a transaction is completed as a single unit – not in parts.

Consistency is the property that ensures data integrity in databases. If we change data in a database, it must be reflected in all the associated places. Simply put, there shouldn’t be any mismatches or errors among database data.

Isolation is the property that ensures all transactions must be performed without interruptions.

Durability is the property that ensures data is kept in databases for a long duration securely. There shouldn't be any data loss because of system malfunctions, crashes, etc.

7. What do you understand by Clustered Index?

It specifies the physical arrangement of data stored in databases. Every table in a database has a single index value. We can use one or more columns in a table for indexing. Clustered indexes support fragmentation as well as crucial lookup functionality.

8. What do you mean by Virtual Function in C++?

A virtual function is essentially a member function in a base class. We can derive virtual functions in the base class using the virtual keywords. We redefine a virtual function in a derived class to achieve runtime polymorphism.

Further, we can access virtual functions using object pointers. We use virtual functions to ensure that the proper function is called.

9. Define Empty Class in C++

An empty class is a class that has no data members. And the size of an empty class is always 1 byte. This is because an empty class requires only a minimum memory space as it has no data members. We can use an empty class as a placeholder for verifying purposes. Not just that, we can use it as an enabler for special functionalities.

10. Brief Callback Function in JavaScript?

It is the function that passes an argument into another or parent function. A callback function is executed only after the parent function is executed.

We use callback functions to ensure some functions must be executed only after a specific task is completed. Not just that, we use a callback function to prevent errors due to the non-availability of data. The non-availability condition arises when the data is being used by another function, sometimes.

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11. What do you understand by HARQ?

HARQ is the short form of Hybrid Automatic Repeat Request. It is a combination of ARQ and FEC. ARQ refers to Automatic Repeat Request, whereas FEC refers to Forward Error Correction.

In this data transfer technique, if the receiver doesn’t receive the data packet within the specified time, the data will be buffered instead of discarded. This delay happens because of the corrupted data packets. The receiver sends the NACK signal to the receiver. Then, a new packet arrives for the same data. The buffered, as well as newly-arrived data, are combined together to form a fresh data packet by removing errors in the previously received packets.

12. What do you mean by Handover Procedure in Data Transfer?

This procedure is significantly helpful when a user moves from location to location. It transfers data from a base station/sender to a destination/receiver without disconnecting the session. So this procedure ensures the session is not disconnected because of the changing base stations.

Know that there are two types of handovers: soft and hard. Soft handover provides instantaneous connections to users without any sense of interruption. Hard handover is hugely used for providing parallel connections between multiple channels.

13. List the benefits of using templates in C++.

Following are the benefits of using templates in C++.

  • We can eliminate code duplication
  • We can create powerful libraries
  • We can perform generic callbacks
  • We can use templates instead of operator overloading
  • On top of all, it boosts performance to greater heights.

[Related Article: C++ Interview Questions and Answers ]

14. How does a Firewall work?

A firewall comprises many protective filters that prevent harmful data from entering computers or networks. It decides which data must be passed and which one must be denied. So we can protect our private computers and networks from malicious activities. Also, firewalls prevent unauthorized persons from accessing computers and networks. A robust firewall can prevent cyber-attacks such as Denial of Service (DoS), macros, backdoors, spam, remote logins, and viruses.

15. Why does Stack Corruption occur?

Stack corruption occurs because of many reasons, as follows:

  • When memory locations at the stack are unnecessarily accessed. It happens because of the wrong coding.
  • Also, it appears when an undefined pointer stores a garbage stack address.
  • It also occurs when all the memory locations of a stack are entirely occupied.

16. Differentiate: UDP and TCP

UDP stands for User Datagram Protocol

TCP stands for Transmission Control Protocol

It is a connection-less protocol

It is a connection-oriented protocol

It is the best protocol for speed and efficient data transfer

It is the best protocol for highly reliable data transfers

No specific ordering is followed in UDP. Data packets in UDP are independent of each other.

TCP transfers data in a particular order

The header size of UDP is 8 bytes.

The header size of TCP is 20 bytes.

[Related Article: Socket Programming in Java - What is TCP ]

17. Write an algorithm to inverse a Singly Linked List.

18. compare: heap memory and stack memory.

Heap memory stores dynamic variables

Stack memory stores static variables

All the threads can access the data in a stack. So it is not a secure memory.

It is a secured memory since the thread storing data in a stack can only access it.

It is challenging to access heap frames.

It is easy to access stack frames

The time to access heap memory is slower than the stack memory

The time to access stack memory is faster than the heap memory

We can resize variables in heap memory

We can’t resize variables in stack memory

19. Mention the different stages a thread goes through in its lifecycle.

The following are the stages a thread goes through in its lifecycle.

It is a simple but essential note that we cannot restart a thread that has reached the dead state.

20. Differentiate between Function and Predicate in Java?

It takes one type of parameter, like the argument type

It takes two types of parameters, such as argument as well as return type

It returns objects

It returns Boolean values

It is used for transformation

It is used to implement conditional checks

It uses apply( ) method

It uses test( ) method

21. Write a code to implement the quick sort algorithm in C language.

22. list the rules that you should follow while creating immutable objects..

Here are the rules that we need to follow while creating immutable objects.

  • We shouldn’t allow any methods that change states
  • We must declare all members private and final
  • We must declare all fields and classes as final
  • We should allow subclasses to override methods
  • We need to set all the members in a static block

23. How will you find the time complexity of an algorithm?

Big O Notation is a method used to find the time complexity of an algorithm. It is essentially a mathematical property used to analyze and compare algorithms. Big O Notation tracks the asymptotic behavior of functions. This method can easily track the degree of growth and declination of a function.

Big O Notation measures the work a CPU can perform when the input size increases. Note that when the time complexity is low, the performance of the CPU is better.

24. Write a program to arrange a vector in non-increasing order.

25. what is the difference between the equals ( ) method and the == operator in java.

Equals( ) is a method used to compare the content of objects. == is the operator used to compare the memory locations of objects. We cannot override the == operator, whereas we can override the equals ( ) method. Moreover, the == operator works with primitives, but the equals ( ) method doesn't work with primitives.

Qualcomm FAQs

1. how should i prepare to clear the qualcomm interview.

You should be strong in computer fundamentals such as operating systems, DBNS, data structures and algorithms, and networks. You must be proficient in programming languages like Java , C++, and Python . Above all, you must sharpen your presentation, problem-solving, analytical thinking, etc.

2. What are the rounds of Qualcomm interviews?

There are totally four rounds – online test, online coding test, technical round, and HR round.

3. What questions would be asked in the Qualcomm interview?

In the online round, you will be asked questions with verbal, aptitude, communication, and computer fundamentals. You will be asked in-depth technical questions and coding problems in the technical round. In the HR interview, you will be asked about your family background, interests, education details, goals, and a few challenging questions to test your attitude.

4. Will Qualcomm interviews be tough?

Not at all. If you have prepared well, cracking the Qualcomm interview is very easy.

5. What are the top three mistakes that candidates make?

  • They are not confident enough to present precisely what they know
  • They don’t learn technical concepts in-depth
  • They provide either too many or fewer details in the resume and need to be more accurate with the resume details.

6. What would be the most challenging questions in a Qualcomm interview?

The questions of the technical round would be the hardest. You must be ready to solve critical coding problems. If you prepare well, there is no such thing as the most complex questions. You will have answers to all questions.    

7. How to impress interviewers?

If you answer questions confidently and precisely, interviewers will be impressed quickly. Another main thing is that your attitude must be pleasing and polite. In addition to exhibiting your technical expertise, if you follow the pointers mentioned above, you will undoubtedly ace your interview.

Qualcomm is one of the great places to work because of its highly-valued leadership principles.

Let’s discuss the leadership principles in detail below:

  • Guiding in the right way

Leaders of Qualcomm are always interested in showing their employees in the right direction. Every employee feels free to speak up and raise their concerns without hesitation. Leaders encourage this attitude of employees to remove speed breakers in the path and foster growth. Qualcomm opened up many channels, such as the human resources dept, office of compliance, HR Club, business conduct hotline, etc., for employees to take guidance and support from managers and directors. So it allows them to move forward in the right direction.

  • Demonstrating Collaboration

No one will deny that open communication and trust are the lubricants to running businesses smoothly. That's why Qualcomm leaders are encouraging collaboration and demonstrating it. Qualcomm is a workplace where mutual respect and open communication are highly valued. Though the Qualcomm workforce is hugely diversified, they are encouraged to work with collaboration making the workplace more productive and conducive.

  • Establishing a Productive and Secure Work Environment

Qualcomm leadership always tries to establish a productive work environment. Because of this, employees can work in a safe, positive, and productive work environment. And they always feel secure and inspired and deliver their best in every task they do. Above all, the values such as equality and inclusion are highly celebrated at Qualcomm, ensuring a secure work environment.

  • Motivating Inventions

In a way, Qualcomm is an invention company that works intending to resolve everyday communication problems. The leaders of Qualcomm encourage employees to make inventions to solve day-to-day problems, mainly in communication systems, by properly mentoring them. They use various modern technologies like Artificial Intelligence and many more to achieve this.

Tips to Crack Qualcomm Interview

Here, we outline some tips to ace the Qualcomm interview smoothly.

  • Spontaneity

You must answer the questions of interviewers spontaneously. This is highly expected in Qualcomm interviews. Answering questions in no time shows you are strong in technical knowledge. Not only that, it will prove your clarity of mind. So, you must thoroughly learn data structures and algorithms, computer programming, and other vital computer topics.

  • Mock Interview

Before attending the interview, practice mock interviews online. Mock interviews will help to form a solid base to raise your confidence level and perform in interviews effectively. You can also take the help of your family members, mentors, friends, and colleagues.

  • Learn about Qualcomm

More importantly, you must do in-depth research about Qualcomm. You must accurately know Qualcomm's range of products and services, technologies, business principles, competitors, values, vision, etc. The degree of interest that you show in Qualcomm during the interview will undoubtedly increase your chances of getting hired.

  • Problem-solving

While attending the interview, you must show interviewers you are a good problem-solver. You must make one thing clear you are ready to face challenges and solve them with the support of teams and seniors. So, it impresses interviewers whenever you get the chance to brief how you have solved issues in previous companies or projects.

  • Ask Questions

The important thing is that you need to ask questions at the end of the interview. You can ask about your career growth opportunities, work culture, relocation, products, services, etc. The main thing is that the questions should arise out of curiosity about the company and related to your career and excite the interviewers to answer.

If you follow the above pointers, that will support you to nail the interview effortlessly.

It's a wrap! If we are on the same page, we hope this blog might have helped you learn Qualcomm interview questions and answers, the Qualcomm interview process, leadership principles, and much more. As you know, success does not come overnight. It demands unwavering focus, adequate preparation, and hard work from us. So, you need to make a solid preparation to ace the Qualcomm interview.

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Remy Sharp

Madhuri is a Senior Content Creator at MindMajix. She has written about a range of different topics on various technologies, which include, Splunk, Tensorflow, Selenium, and CEH. She spends most of her time researching on technology, and startups. Connect with her via LinkedIn and Twitter .

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Top 20 Qualcomm Interview Questions and Answers

Qualcomm is a world leader in wireless technology and mobile communications, and is one of the most sought-after employers in the tech industry. The company’s cutting-edge products and services have revolutionized the way people use their devices and the internet. As such, getting a job at Qualcomm is highly competitive, and the interview process is a difficult one. That’s why it’s important to be well-prepared for your Qualcomm interview.

In this article, we’ll provide you with some of the most common Qualcomm interview questions and answers. We’ll discuss some of the topics you might be asked about, such as your technical expertise, team-working skills, and problem-solving capabilities. We’ll also provide you with some tips on how to answer these questions and make a great impression during your Qualcomm interview.

job interview

Qualcomm is an innovative company, and they look for candidates who have the same kind of innovative spirit. So when you’re preparing for your interview, be sure to think of ways to show your enthusiasm and creativity. Show them that you have the skills, knowledge, and attitude to be an asset to their team.

If you’re looking to make a great impression at your Qualcomm interview, make sure you’re well-prepared. Read up on the company’s products and services, and brush up on your technical knowledge. Be sure to also practice your interview skills, so you’re ready for any curveballs that may come your way. With the right preparation, you’ll be able to confidently answer any questions the interviewer may have.

By taking the time to prepare for your Qualcomm interview, you’ll be able to make a great impression and show why you’re the perfect candidate for the job. With the help of this article, you’ll be able to go into your interview feeling prepared and

Overview of Qualcomm Interview Process

The Qualcomm interview process is highly selective and demanding, but it is also designed to be fair and rigorous. Candidates face several stages, which can vary depending on their area of expertise. The first stage is usually a phone screen, where recruiters will ask questions to assess the candidate’s qualifications and ask technical questions to gauge their level of expertise. In the second stage, the candidate moves on to the technical interview, which is typically conducted either in- person or via video conference. During this stage, the interviewer will ask more in depth questions about the candidate’s technical skills and knowledge.

The third stage is the onsite interview, which consists of either an individual or a panel of interviewers. During this step, the candidate will be asked a variety of questions involving problem solving, technical proficiency, and communication skills. The last step is the executive interview, which takes place with a senior level executive. During this stage, the candidate is expected to demonstrate their ability to think on a higher level. The questions at this stage will typically be related to the candidate’s overall career goals and how they would fit into the organization.

Overall, the Qualcomm interview process is designed to be fair and rigorous, allowing the right candidate to shine through. Candidates should be prepared to answer a variety of questions that will test the breadth and depth of their knowledge and skills. The candidate must also be prepared to show their leadership and communication skills as well as their problem- solving ability.


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1. What experience do you have in the field of wireless technology?

I have been working in the wireless technology field for the past six years. During this time, I have been actively involved in the development and implementation of various wireless technologies. I have done extensive research in the area of LTE, 5G, and Wi-Fi technology, including their relative advantages and disadvantages. I have also developed and tested various products that are based on these technologies, and I have also worked on projects related to their integration into new and existing systems.

2. How familiar are you with Qualcomm’s products and services?

I am very familiar with Qualcomm’s products and services, as I have had the opportunity to work with these technologies in both research and industry settings. I have worked extensively with their Snapdragon processors and modems, as well as their other products such as the Snapdragon Wear platform, the Qualcomm RF360 front-end solution, and their 5G NR solutions. I am also familiar with the various software solutions developed by Qualcomm, such as the Qualcomm Snapdragon All-in-One solution.

3. What experience do you have with designing and developing wireless communication systems?

I have extensive experience designing and developing wireless communication systems. I have worked on projects related to the implementation of wireless systems, such as LTE, 5G, Wi-Fi, and RFID systems. I have also designed and developed various products that utilize these technologies, including sensors, routers, gateways, and other related products. I have also been involved in the integration of these technologies into existing systems, as well as the development of new solutions based on these technologies.

4. How familiar are you with Qualcomm’s technologies?

I am very familiar with Qualcomm’s technologies, as I have had the opportunity to work with them extensively in both research and industry settings. I have worked with their Snapdragon processors, modems, and other products such as the Snapdragon Wear platform, the Qualcomm RF360 front-end solution, and their 5G NR solutions. I understand the architecture and inner workings of these technologies and am familiar with their various software solutions, such as the Qualcomm Snapdragon All-in-One solution.

5. How familiar are you with the different wireless standards?

I am very familiar with the different wireless standards, such as LTE, 5G, Wi-Fi, and RFID. I have extensive experience in the development and implementation of these standards, as well as their various advantages and disadvantages. I am also familiar with the different software solutions developed by Qualcomm and other vendors in order to facilitate the integration of these technologies into existing systems.

6. How would you go about troubleshooting a wireless communication issue?

I would first begin troubleshooting a wireless communication issue by assessing the current environment and system configuration. I would look for any discrepancies between the current configuration and the specifications of the wireless technology being used. I would also check for any recent changes that may have caused the issue. From there, I would look into the hardware and software components of the wireless system and identify any potential areas of problems. After that, I would use various debugging and testing tools to further identify and isolate the issue.

7. What experience do you have with software development?

I have extensive experience in software development, from embedded applications to desktop, web, and mobile applications. I have developed software in a variety of languages, such as Java, C++, and Python. I also have experience with various frameworks and tools, such as Java EE, Spring, and Hibernate. I understand the process of software development from conception to deployment, and I am experienced in the various stages of the software development life cycle, such as requirements gathering, design, implementation, testing, and deployment.

8. What do you know about the Internet of Things (IoT)?

I understand the concepts of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the various components that make up this technology. I understand the need for connectivity, data collection and storage, and the ability to control connected devices remotely. I also understand the concept of “smart homes,” and the need for robust networks to support these applications. I am familiar with the various protocols used to facilitate communication between devices, such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and ZigBee, as well as the various software solutions that are used to control these networks.

9. How familiar are you with the debugging process?

I am very familiar with the debugging process, as I have had the opportunity to debug various software and hardware issues in both research and industry settings. I understand the need for thorough testing and debugging in order to identify and fix any potential issues before deployment. I am experienced in using various debugging tools, such as debuggers, profilers, and memory testers, in order to quickly identify and resolve issues. Additionally, I have experience in using various debugging techniques, such as log analysis, system monitoring, and code review, in order to identify and address potential issues.

10. How would you go about developing a wireless communication system?

When developing a wireless communication system, I would first assess the requirements of the system and the environment in which it will be deployed. I would then determine the best technology to use based on the requirements, such as LTE, Wi-Fi, or RFID. After that, I would design the system architecture and components, and create a specification document outlining the requirements of the system. I would then develop the system based on the requirements and the chosen technology, and test the system to make sure it meets the requirements. Finally, I would deploy the system and perform any necessary maintenance.

11. How familiar are you with software development tools and frameworks?

I am very familiar with software development tools and frameworks, as I have had the opportunity to work with various tools and frameworks in both research and industry settings. I have extensive experience with various development environments, such as Eclipse, IntelliJ, Visual Studio, and NetBeans. I am also familiar with various frameworks such as Spring, Hibernate, and Angular. I have experience with version control systems such as Git and Mercurial, as well as build automation tools such as Maven and Gradle.

12. What experience do you have with embedded systems?

I have extensive experience with embedded systems, as I have had the opportunity to work on various projects related to their development and implementation. I have worked with various microcontrollers and their associated software, such as the Arduino platform and its related libraries. I have also worked on projects related to the hardware design of embedded systems, including the selection of components and the design of boards. I am also familiar with the various protocols used to facilitate communication between embedded systems, such as I2C, SPI, and UART.

13. How familiar are you with wireless protocols?

I am very familiar with the various wireless protocols, such as LTE, 5G, Wi-Fi, and RFID. I have extensive experience in the development and implementation of these protocols, as well as their various advantages and disadvantages. I have worked on projects related to their integration into existing systems and have also designed and developed products based on these protocols. I am also familiar with the various software solutions developed by Qualcomm and other vendors in order to facilitate the integration of these technologies into existing systems.

14. How would you go about optimizing a wireless communication system?

When optimizing a wireless communication system, I would first analyze the current system to identify any areas of improvement. I would look for any hardware or software components that can be optimized, as well as any potential issues that may be causing problems. After that, I would use various tools and techniques to further analyze the system and identify any areas of improvement. This could include using profiling tools to identify any hotspots, using stress testing tools to identify any potential issues, or using code optimization techniques to improve the performance of the system.

15. What experience do you have with automated testing?

I have extensive experience with automated testing, as I have had the opportunity to work on various projects related to this area. I have used various automated testing tools and frameworks such as Selenium and Robot Framework, in order to create automated tests for both web and mobile applications. I have also worked on projects related to the development of automated test scripts and the automated execution of these scripts. Additionally, I have experience in interpreting the test results and identifying any areas of improvement.

16. What experience do you have working with Qualcomm products?

I have been working with Qualcomm products for the past three years. I have worked on several projects involving the use of Qualcomm’s Snapdragon processors and modems. I have also developed firmware and drivers for various Qualcomm devices, including mobile phones and tablets. I have experience with the Android and Linux operating systems, and I am familiar with Qualcomm’s development tools. I am comfortable with the development process from concept to implementation and keeping up to date with the latest Qualcomm technologies and products.

17. What do you know about 5G and how does it work?

5G is the fifth generation of wireless technology, and it promises faster speeds and lower latency than currently available 4G networks. It works by using higher frequencies compared to existing 4G networks, which allows for data to be transmitted at much higher speeds. Additionally, 5G can support more users at once without overcrowding the network. It also has the potential to support new applications and services, such as Autonomous Vehicle Platforms, Immersive Virtual Reality, and Edge Computing. It is expected that 5G networks will be available in most parts of the world by 2020.

18. How would you go about troubleshooting an issue with a Qualcomm product?

In order to troubleshoot an issue with a Qualcomm product, I would first try to identify the source of the problem. To do this, I would use my knowledge of the product and the environment in which it is being used to narrow down the potential causes of the issue. Once I have identified the source of the issue, I would then look for solutions that would address the issue. This could involve researching online for potential solutions, testing different configurations of the product, or consulting the product’s user manual. Once I have identified a solution that addresses the issue, I would then test it to ensure it works as expected.

19. What do you consider to be the most important feature of a Qualcomm product?

I believe the most important feature of a Qualcomm product is reliability. Qualcomm products are designed to be reliable and durable, and they are able to withstand the rigors of daily usage without issue. Additionally, Qualcomm products are designed to be energy-efficient, which makes them an ideal choice for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Qualcomm products also have the ability to integrate seamlessly with other wireless protocols, allowing them to be used in a variety of different applications.

20. What challenges have you faced while working with Qualcomm products?

The major challenge I have faced when working with Qualcomm products has been keeping up with the rapid rate of development of their technology. Qualcomm is constantly introducing new products and features, and it can be difficult to stay on top of all the changes. Additionally, I have found it difficult to find reliable documentation and support for the products, as the documentation can be out of date or incomplete. Finally, debugging and troubleshooting issues with Qualcomm products can be time-consuming, as their products are often complex and require detailed analysis.

Tips on Preparing for a Qualcomm Interview

  • Research the company and understand its culture and values.
  • Prepare answers to commonly asked questions.
  • Know the job requirements and how you fit them.
  • Practice your responses aloud and record yourself to gauge your performance.
  • Consider how your career path aligns with the company’s technology and goals.
  • Take the time to understand technical concepts and jargon used in the role.
  • Have a portfolio of previous projects and accomplishments ready to show.
  • Ask questions during the interview to demonstrate your interest and knowledge.
  • Be prepared to explain challenges you’ve faced in the past and how you overcame them.
  • Prepare a list of questions and topics to discuss.
  • Listen carefully to the interviewer’s questions and respond with clear and concise answers.
  • Dress professionally and engage confidently with the interviewer.
  • Be prepared to demonstrate your problem- solving skills.
  • Practice presenting yourself and your skills accurately and succinctly.
  • Follow up with a thank you note after the interview.

Qualcomm interview questions and answers serve as an important guide for applicants who are interviewing for various positions at the company. The questions provide an insight into the kind of candidate the company is looking for, as well as the skills and qualities they value in potential employees. By familiarizing oneself with the questions and having a good understanding of the answers, applicants can make a great impression during the interview process. Additionally, understanding the questions can help applicants better prepare to become successful employees of Qualcomm.

  • DSA Tutorial
  • Data Structures
  • Linked List
  • Dynamic Programming
  • Binary Tree
  • Binary Search Tree
  • Divide & Conquer
  • Mathematical
  • Backtracking
  • Branch and Bound
  • Pattern Searching

Qualcomm Interview | Set 1

Company : Qualcomm Position: Summer Intern(Software)

Written Test It was an online MCQ test. Time limit was one hour. There were around 55 question. It consists of three sections: 1) Aptitude Questions Pretty simple.

2) Programming ability : Patience is required to solve the questions. They were easy. Most of them had 3 to 4 nested loops.

3) Third section had questions from OS, CA, C++, DBMS. Most of them were from OS.

Technical PI (around 1.5 hr): There was only one Technical Round 1) He asked me about my projects and made me write the pseudo code and flow chart for two projects. He wanted the perfect flow charts with the correct symbols used.

2) Priority Inversion (what, where and why)

3) Volatile Qualifier

4) Difference between static and global variable storage class

5) Questions on Storage classes

6) Toggle only second bit of a 8 bit char(both from right and left). Write one line code.

7) Coupling in C++ and Cohesion. Required combination(low/high).

8) All OOP concepts in C++. How they are implemented in C++.

9) How will you make a computer.( explanation of the components of computer).

10) Operating System uses(detailed explanation.)

11) How Application Software uses OS.

12) Drivers

13) CPU scheduling algorithms (one of my projects was on this). What and where each one of them should and shouldn’t be used. Advantages and disadvantages, if priority is considered in each one of them. If already considered how it is affecting.

14) Binary and Linear search.

15) Three switch puzzle.

16) Merge Sort and Quick Sort.

17) How will you improve any of your algorithm:discussed on space and time complexities.

This all I remember.

HR Round (30 minutes): 1) Introduction

2) She asked me about my projects, how you can enhance them, how they are useful to me.

3) Weakness, anything interesting thing about you that you can tell me.Examples for them.

4) Some points which you remember from the presentation.

5) Why Qualcomm, why you for Qualcomm?

6) What do you like more while working in a project , conceptualizing e.t.c and why?

7) Do you have any problem going out of station?

This article is compiled by Tapasweni Pathak . Many Many congratulations to Tapasweni.

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Yahoo Finance

An intrinsic calculation for qualcomm incorporated (nasdaq:qcom) suggests it's 36% undervalued, key insights.

Using the 2 Stage Free Cash Flow to Equity, QUALCOMM fair value estimate is US$267

Current share price of US$172 suggests QUALCOMM is potentially 36% undervalued

The US$219 analyst price target for QCOM is 18% less than our estimate of fair value

How far off is QUALCOMM Incorporated ( NASDAQ:QCOM ) from its intrinsic value? Using the most recent financial data, we'll take a look at whether the stock is fairly priced by projecting its future cash flows and then discounting them to today's value. We will use the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) model on this occasion. Models like these may appear beyond the comprehension of a lay person, but they're fairly easy to follow.

We would caution that there are many ways of valuing a company and, like the DCF, each technique has advantages and disadvantages in certain scenarios. Anyone interested in learning a bit more about intrinsic value should have a read of the Simply Wall St analysis model .

See our latest analysis for QUALCOMM

Step By Step Through The Calculation

We are going to use a two-stage DCF model, which, as the name states, takes into account two stages of growth. The first stage is generally a higher growth period which levels off heading towards the terminal value, captured in the second 'steady growth' period. In the first stage we need to estimate the cash flows to the business over the next ten years. Where possible we use analyst estimates, but when these aren't available we extrapolate the previous free cash flow (FCF) from the last estimate or reported value. We assume companies with shrinking free cash flow will slow their rate of shrinkage, and that companies with growing free cash flow will see their growth rate slow, over this period. We do this to reflect that growth tends to slow more in the early years than it does in later years.

Generally we assume that a dollar today is more valuable than a dollar in the future, so we need to discount the sum of these future cash flows to arrive at a present value estimate:

10-year free cash flow (FCF) forecast











Analyst x10

Analyst x8

Analyst x1

Analyst x1

Est @ 5.63%

Est @ 4.69%

Est @ 4.04%

Est @ 3.57%

Est @ 3.25%

Est @ 3.03%











("Est" = FCF growth rate estimated by Simply Wall St) Present Value of 10-year Cash Flow (PVCF) = US$117b

We now need to calculate the Terminal Value, which accounts for all the future cash flows after this ten year period. The Gordon Growth formula is used to calculate Terminal Value at a future annual growth rate equal to the 5-year average of the 10-year government bond yield of 2.5%. We discount the terminal cash flows to today's value at a cost of equity of 8.2%.

Terminal Value (TV) = FCF 2034 × (1 + g) ÷ (r – g) = US$22b× (1 + 2.5%) ÷ (8.2%– 2.5%) = US$397b

Present Value of Terminal Value (PVTV) = TV / (1 + r) 10 = US$397b÷ ( 1 + 8.2%) 10 = US$181b

The total value, or equity value, is then the sum of the present value of the future cash flows, which in this case is US$298b. In the final step we divide the equity value by the number of shares outstanding. Relative to the current share price of US$172, the company appears quite undervalued at a 36% discount to where the stock price trades currently. Remember though, that this is just an approximate valuation, and like any complex formula - garbage in, garbage out.

The Assumptions

We would point out that the most important inputs to a discounted cash flow are the discount rate and of course the actual cash flows. Part of investing is coming up with your own evaluation of a company's future performance, so try the calculation yourself and check your own assumptions. The DCF also does not consider the possible cyclicality of an industry, or a company's future capital requirements, so it does not give a full picture of a company's potential performance. Given that we are looking at QUALCOMM as potential shareholders, the cost of equity is used as the discount rate, rather than the cost of capital (or weighted average cost of capital, WACC) which accounts for debt. In this calculation we've used 8.2%, which is based on a levered beta of 1.375. Beta is a measure of a stock's volatility, compared to the market as a whole. We get our beta from the industry average beta of globally comparable companies, with an imposed limit between 0.8 and 2.0, which is a reasonable range for a stable business.

SWOT Analysis for QUALCOMM

Earnings growth over the past year exceeded the industry.

Debt is not viewed as a risk.

Dividends are covered by earnings and cash flows.

Earnings growth over the past year is below its 5-year average.

Dividend is low compared to the top 25% of dividend payers in the Semiconductor market.


Annual earnings are forecast to grow for the next 3 years.

Good value based on P/E ratio and estimated fair value.

Annual earnings are forecast to grow slower than the American market.

Whilst important, the DCF calculation ideally won't be the sole piece of analysis you scrutinize for a company. DCF models are not the be-all and end-all of investment valuation. Instead the best use for a DCF model is to test certain assumptions and theories to see if they would lead to the company being undervalued or overvalued. If a company grows at a different rate, or if its cost of equity or risk free rate changes sharply, the output can look very different. Can we work out why the company is trading at a discount to intrinsic value? For QUALCOMM, there are three fundamental aspects you should assess:

Risks : For example, we've discovered 1 warning sign for QUALCOMM that you should be aware of before investing here.

Management :Have insiders been ramping up their shares to take advantage of the market's sentiment for QCOM's future outlook? Check out our management and board analysis with insights on CEO compensation and governance factors.

Other High Quality Alternatives : Do you like a good all-rounder? Explore our interactive list of high quality stocks to get an idea of what else is out there you may be missing!

PS. Simply Wall St updates its DCF calculation for every American stock every day, so if you want to find the intrinsic value of any other stock just search here .

Have feedback on this article? Concerned about the content? Get in touch with us directly. Alternatively, email editorial-team (at) This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. We provide commentary based on historical data and analyst forecasts only using an unbiased methodology and our articles are not intended to be financial advice. It does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and does not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. We aim to bring you long-term focused analysis driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material. Simply Wall St has no position in any stocks mentioned.

qualcomm research interview questions

Qualcomm Data Scientist Interview Guide

Back to Qualcomm

Getting ready for an Data Scientist interview at Qualcomm? The Qualcomm Data Scientist interview span across 10 to 12 different question topics. In preparing for the interview:

  • Know what skills are necessary for Qualcomm Data Scientist roles.
  • Gain insights into the Data Scientist interview process at Qualcomm.
  • Practice real Qualcomm Data Scientist interview questions.

Interview Query regularly analyzes interview experience data, and we've used that data to produce this guide, with sample interview questions and an overview of the Qualcomm Data Scientist interview.

Qualcomm Data Scientist Salary

Qualcomm data scientist interview process.

Typically, interviews at Qualcomm vary by role and team, but commonly Data Scientist interviews follow a fairly standardized process across these question topics.

We've gathered this data from parsing thousands of interview experiences sourced from members.

Qualcomm Data Scientist Interview Questions

Practice for the Qualcomm Data Scientist interview with these recently asked interview questions.

Qualcomm Data Scientist Jobs

Qualcomm Is Here To Stay

Ben Short profile picture

  • Qualcomm, founded in 1985, is a leading RF chip company specializing in phone technology.
  • The company's growth is driven by its QCT and QTL business segments, focusing on RF chip design and IP licensing.
  • There are some concerns with both businesses, and a potential bear case.
  • There is speculative bull case to do with IoT.
  • Taking the 'middle-case' it looks like the company can grow earnings ~11%, and is on sale.

disassembled mobile phone and tools

Eduard Lysenko

Qualcomm ( NASDAQ: QCOM ) was founded in 1985 by a bunch of super smart engineers led by Irwin Jacobs. They had a vision for a future where people connected and communicated through handheld devices; Qualcomm sits at the heart of the technologies of the phones we use today. The name is short for 'quality communications.' The company has pioneered the cutting-edge chip technology that allows phones to connect with towers over radio frequency (RF). Their technology has allowed 3G, and 4G and is currently supporting the 5G build-out.

Due to their long history, deep research expertise, and technical capability, Qualcomm is the best RF chip company in the world. However, the phone boom is somewhat in the past; in 2000 only some people had smartphones; today everyone and their dog have one. The phone-based business of Qualcomm will continue to grow, if more gradually. I think of it as a mature-stage company paying a dividend, rather than a growth company. However, Qualcomm has its hopes set on the Internet of Things, IoT, which has the potential to power a future boom in RF sales.

Radio Frequency Technology

To enable the magic of connectingphones,s there are four necessary components to the complete infrastructure. First, there needs to be the RF chips. Second, there need to be hand sets. Third, there needs to be towers and satellites. Fourth, there needs to be a common code that the phones talk to each other on. Qualcomm has two main business segments that correspond to the first and fourth of these components, which are probably the higher-margin businesses.

Qualcomm Q3 Segment Results

Qualcomm Q3 Segment Results (Qualcomm Presentation)

Their first segment is QCT, which makes the RF chips that go into phones, cars, and other places. Like NVIDIA ( NVDA ), this is a fabless chip business. Qualcomm designs the RF chips and sends them to a chip fab. This business is the largest business, making up 86% of Q3 revenue. This business has EBT margins of 27%.

Qualcomm QCT Segment

Qualcomm QCT Segment (Qualcomm Presentation)

It is this segment that produces the System on a Chip brand Snapdragon.


Snapdragon (Qualcomm Presentation)

The second business segment is QTL, where Qualcomm owns and licenses the IP that makes phone networks work. The company's original technology was called CDMA , which is the tech that undergirded 3G; LTE was 4G, and 5G is called NR (New Radio).

When a company wants to build a phone or a tower that uses any of these protocols, they need to pay various licensing fees to Qualcomm. The business is 14% of Q3 revenues and has a 70% EBT margin.

Qualcomm continues to research future technologies, investing in its IP portfolio. They also made a major acquisition of Nuvia in 2021, largely to boost their IP pipeline.

Qualcomm has a third segment, called QSI, which is about investing in future technologies.

Qualcomm Growth

I like to look at the growth of four items to establish the long-term power of Their business: revenue, income, book value, and cash from operations.

Qualcomm Growth Numbers

Qualcomm Growth Numbers (Author)

There are a few things worth mentioning here. The revenue has had an 8.1% CAGR in the last five years. There was a phone boom around COVID that drew forward some of their revenue. Analysts estimate revenue will continue to grow 7–10%, which is reasonable given Qualcomm's past.

Qualcomm Revenue Estimates

Qualcomm Revenue Estimates (Seeking Alpha)

The income has a similar shape with a 10.5% CAGR over five years. Analysts estimate 19% growth in 2024, then ~11% going forward, which is also reasonable.

Qualcomm Income Estimates

Qualcomm Income Estimates (Seeking Alpha)

The book value took a concerning dip, back in 2018. In this year, they lost money on a few things, including the failed NXP Semiconductor ( NXP ) acquisition, as well as paying back $4 billion in debt. This means that looking at metrics like ROI is a little weird Since, 2019 Qualcomm has grown BV at 34.5% CAGR, but this has been a recovery.

Qualcomm Book Value

Qualcomm Book Value (Author)

Qualcomm has grown its cash from operations at a five-year CAGR of 9.2%, which is in line with its income growth.

Overall, this is a business that should continue to grow revenue at a rate of around 8-9% and earnings at a rate of around 10-11%.

Capital Allocation

Normally, I look at ROE and ROIC to evaluate a business's profitability, but their book value has been whacky.

Qualcomm currently has $13 billion of debt, with its debt/earnings ratio at 1.5. I'm always too happy to see this number less than three.

Qualcomm is currently paying an 85-cent quarterly dividend, which comes to $3.40, or a 1.97% annual yield at the current share price.

Qualcomm is also buying back shares. They have purchased $1.8 billion of shares, which is 0.95% of their current market cap.

Qualcomm Share Buybacks

Qualcomm Share Buybacks (YCharts)

Overall, it looks like the company is a great capital allocator.

The Bear Case

When evaluating the future of the business, we need to think about potential problems. There are three reasons to fear for the future of Qualcomm.

1. The Low End

There are various levels of RF chip quality. The newest iPhone has a more sophisticated RF chip than a cheap handset. The low end of RF chips are easier to make and are more like a commodity. A company like MediaTek can produce the low-end chips.

2. The High End

Currently, one of Qualcomm's biggest customers is Apple. However, Apple is paying large fees and is seeking to design its own RF chips. They have not been successful and recently extended their contract from the end of 2025 to the end of 2027. This is good news, but Apple may get there and cease to be a customer of Qualcomm.

Qualcomm will not go out of business: they are the best RF chip maker in the world. They still have a moat, but it seems less strong than it was ten years ago.

3. IP Problems

Qualcomm is a company beset by legal attacks. It might be that they hold a monopoly on the IP for 4G and 5G. These patents represent a high-margin, low-cost business that makes Qualcomm very profitable. Their customers are not always happy about this. Apple has tried twice to challenge the Qualcomm monopoly in the courts. This challenge has not succeeded. But there exists the possibility of future challenges succeeding and killing the fat margins.

4. China Trade Tensions

Recently, there was a ban on some IP tech between Huawei and Qualcomm. It looks like this ban is not so severe. If, however, this ban is an indicator of a political culture that has more future bans, it could really hurt Qualcomm's bottom line.

The Bull Case

Qualcomm will continue to be an amazing tech company that produces the RF chips that power our connectedness. However, the best days or growth for their handset-based business is behind us. Qualcomm is looking for a different business to power its future: the Internet-of-Things (IoT).

IoT is not a fully developed reality yet, but the basic idea is that our everyday lives will be filled with connected devices. The central example of IoT is smart cars, cars with sensors that can talk to each other. To achieve this vision will require massive amounts of RF connectivity and massive amounts of computing power. If this vision is made a reality, Qualcomm will be one of the key companies benefiting.

If there is a future for Qualcomm to exceed 10% earnings growth, it depends on IoT. My eagerness to invest in Qualcomm depends on my feeling about the future potential of IoT. My feeling about this is this question goes into the speculation bucket. The IoT certainly will happen, but I'm not sure how big it will be or how fast it will happen. I don't feel confident in an investment case that depends on the best-case scenario for an IoT future. Therefore, for my evaluation model, I will take 11% for future earnings.

I use three evaluation methods, taught by Phil Town and RuleOne Investing.

Margin of Safety

The first method is about the earning power of a business. A business with a durable competitive advantage will be able to grow its earnings over time. You need to have a sense of what their earnings growth rate has been and what it will likely be in the future, which requires understanding the business. Once you can estimate the earnings growth rate, you can grow the earnings ten years out.

Qualcomm currently has an EPS of $7.71. If we grow this for one year by 19% and then for nine years at a compounded rate of 11%, the future EPS will be $23.47 in 2035. The share would be fairly valued then at $516.33, given a PE of 22 (double the growth rate).

Discounting this by a rate of 15% today gives a 'fair value' of $127.63. Phil Town seeks a 50% margin of safety, which gives a buy price of $63.81.

Payback Time

The second method is called Payback Time. This method looks at the free cash flow growth over time. Basically, you think of yourself as owning the business. If you owned it, how much FCF would you get per year? You add up the growing FCF over the years. Town argues that eight years is considered a 'fair' amount of time to get your investment returned. If an investment can 'pay you back' in eight years in FCF, then it's a good investment.

Qualcomm currently produces $11.35 FCF/share. If we grow this by 19% in the first year and then by 11%, and add up this cash, each share will produce $161.23 in eight years, which is the 'buy price' for PBT. The fair value in this view is $322.46.

The third method is called the Ten Cap. In this lens, we imagine the business is like a rental property that we own. Each year there is cash coming off the property, which may not be growing, but is a dependable stream of income. However, we need to pay for maintenance fees. This is like Warren Buffett's concept of Owner Earnings. Phil Town does a similar calculation to FCF, but he takes cash from operations and subtracts only the maintenance Capex, which is a proxy for depreciation, and adds back to the tax benefit. This is the annual owner earnings. If a property pays 10% of its invested capital back a year, it is called a ten cap. Anything that is a ten cap or higher is a good investment.

(In billions) the operating cash flow of Qualcomm is $13.6; the depreciation is $1.3; the tax benefit is $3.1. These numbers yield owner earnings of $18.1 billion, or $16.41 per share. If you held these shares for ten years, they would throw off $164.10, which would be a 'good deal.' This evaluation implies a fair value of $328.20.

Summary of Evaluation

As the three methods do not look at the company in the same way, they do not always agree. When two agree together, this is often enough for a

The ten-cap method is often the most conservative, but this says Qualcomm is a great deal. The shares are $172, which implies an almost 100% upside; so does the PBT method. This situation makes sense as Qualcomm is a cash-generative business. These two methods together say the company is definitely on sale, down from $227.

The MOS indicates that the shares are slightly overvalued, which makes me cautious. What gives me confidence in making a buy rating is that they are also paying a dividend and making share buy-backs.

Qualcomm is a wonderful business that will be a central part of our technological future. There are some threats to their business, but I think these threats are not dire threats.

For our evaluation, we used a conservative growth rate and found that Qualcomm seems to be on sale, even if there are some bear-case concerns. If the IoT future is brighter then I think there is a lot of upside in the stock. However, I'm happy with a buy rating, even with the conservative future.

This article was written by

Ben Short profile picture

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